#like seeing his team get killed by a fucking centipede
boxboysandotherwhump · 10 months
My first procreate dream animation. I even played around with sound design. So please turn on sound.
The mission was supposed to be simple. 
Protect the tech-team while they repair the security unit. A stroll to the village's border and staring into the forest with his sternest guard demeanor. It was supposed to fucking simple. The unit's malfunction had been reported within the hour, within two hours they were there. All geared up and ready to work. Nothing should've even been close to the border. Not that quickly!
But it did. 
And it was hungry.
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mmmmmmky · 3 months
response to tags time this got pretty long but if you reblogged my limbus status poll i answered here :)
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mhm lmaoooo. idk i somewhattt enjoy charge they are cool but it is kindaaaaa gets boring sometimes. i am honestly not too sure. i thinkkk i recall seeing a team built around suncliff i thinkkk it was rupture sinking but idk i havent looked at his kit. BURNNNNN real asffff burn is fun i did a silly run with them. i wish i had the liu 000 ids. ooo liu yisang sound cool. @melonisopod
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real asf! mhmhm real i love sinking, boat trio is fun.
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FUCKKK YEAHHH real asf. tremor is cool, i havent gotten the chance to use the silly tremors but i liked tremor before it was cool. idk i like the silly bursting and raising stagger is neat. "oh oh just do damageee you will stagger them faster" :( it is fun (silly). cant fucking wait to build the tremor team of my dreams when the event drops. rip charge lmaoo, it is kinda just base doesnt stand out. @gachabastard
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real as fuck i also rotate when doing md but idk i enjoy some more than others plus i cant build them all
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FUCKK YEAHHHH WOOO SINKINGGG. this is true! the linton gregor is very nice in sinking teams too but yeah that is the core. g greg and nclair is kinda silly slots lmao but real asf. @wavesofstatic07
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Real as fuckkkk. true! yeah maybe i was harsh on charge it is pretty fun and i like w ryo and don a lot. ONFGGGG i honestly cant wait for the charge renaissance (and the intervalio in general i am so curious what they are cooking)(no fucking way we go ON a w train right?). @runn1ngn0se
[this one was later but moved up bc it is relevent to above]
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mhmhm sinking is very nice i love regular skills doing 100+ dmg a coin andddd sinking deluge getting 9000. but hmhmhmhm charge tremor is big? very neat hmhmhmhm see above but rose meur hmhmhm realrealreallll. burn is also cool! mhm!
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Very fucking real sameee, got 9431 dmg just the other day. killed shock centipede in 2 turns and one turn sign of roses on mdh floor 5.
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oooo? interestinggg hmhmhm. dungeon only is fair yeah mhm. hmhmhmmmmmmmm. this is very fucking cool. i see hmhmhm. we have a chef in out midst bc you are COOKING. mhmhmmmm very neat. id personally maybe hmm actually honglu still in for tremor hmmm. maybe more tremor units for w meur? (regret faust maybe) idk i just havent heard much good things about w meur. very fucking cool @rumekfuria
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real as fuck! i love pirate greg
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real asf!!!! id count it as dps bc it doesnt have a real through line its is just what works ykyk? very real.
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lmao very real. yeahhh idk if it bc it is metaaa bc other teams totally preform better in there element i think but it is just very simple to use imo which is why. also it got fleshed out early so it has kinda dried up in recent interest. it still is very fun though and i like it it just doesnt stand out as a favorite imo. very fucking true. coolness > meta the animations are some of the coolest. beeg number :) @freiflies
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onfgggg i love poise bl is very quite good. i wish i had nelly ryo, i have more then enough to shard her but what if i pull her rolling for others! i need to wait until i spend my lunacy pile (7000). mhmhm yeah the ego gifts make any status really fun. poise pops off normally but guh with everything else on top?? mhmhmh, i regularly get core ego gifts by like floor 3 and the rest of the mdh is swept. @sveta-karelia
WHEW i think that is all of them with text. thank you everyone who responded :):):):):):)
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Headcanon that Patches is a babysitter for Adelo and Adrul
I literally can see the 2000’s style sitcom where Admin told Patches to keep an eye on them and its end up total mayhem
[Oh, I adore this.]
The Staff as babysitters
Some staff members were initially blacklisted from nanny charges, like Vinnel and Morell, but actually- Most of the team isn't half-bad at this?
Vinnel is, although sometimes a bit too violent with others in front of the princes, very entertaining! They love seeing jester man juggle random (preferably sharp but he's been whipped warned about that) things and tell dumb jokes. He's really perfect for cheering up the little lads and making sure they still see the bright side of things. Adelo's going to absorb some of his mean-spirited humor.
While most people thought Morell would get weird, maybe have some odd urge to cook a god's offspring, he's actually very protective of the kiddos, and determined to cook for them. They're not allowed to enter the kitchen at random however, as no one wants them entering and seeing fresh kills. He would like to teach them how to make animal traps. Adrul specifically loves the chef's baking and has made cakes with him before. Adelo is surprisingly the one with the bigger stomach.
Patches is a nervous, nervous man. While initially a bit awkward, if not fearful regarding his lord's children, he tries to do his best. Problem is, the pumpkin-headed man is at times a little too lenient, and allows the siblings to touch lab equipment they shouldn't while he screams inside. If nothing else, he can take them outside, to one of the nearby stables, and tickle them pink with random horse facts. It would be his pleasure to teach them to ride. Although he sometimes enters long-winded rants that have Adelo groaning and Adrul's eyes twinkling.
Grimbly* knows about as much on how to take care of kids as he knows on how to build a spaceship, which is to say he's got no fucking idea what he's doing. So he settles for buying the princes pretty things and taking them out for ice cream. Because kids like shiny things, right? And sweets? Yeah. Adelo always manages to put a dent in his wallet (now he knows how Santi feels) and Adrul mostly just enjoys it when the bat tries to doll him up, as his centipede-like body is hard to work with.
(*By this point, he has transformed into his older form.)
Santi actually just straight up vomited when he felt Adelo's presence, Adrul's makes him enter a panic... Yeah. Even if direct contact with them is off the table while they grow, the incubus does feel fondness for the princes and occasionally sends them whatever children's toy is most popular these days.
Nebul is a great monster to pair the princes with when Belo's not around. Due to his increased sensitivity to other people's emotions, the wraith can more easily detect when one of the siblings is feeling depressed or anxious. Both kiddos think he "talks funny", his monotone voice being a source of great amusement apparently. The wraith is generally witty and good at showing them interesting new things. While they may never set foot in the shop for obvious reasons, Purpur is often brought out to play with them. Adrul likes to give the tentacle ball rides on his back.
Gallon is exasperated with the amount of times Adrul and Adelo ask to drink alcoholic beverages. One of them almost got his hands on an unsupervised Willow Twister and the slime's heart nearly stopped. He makes iced tea for them and says it's whiskey. It works for now. Adelo is very amused by the way he can stretch, so the angel will sometimes just run off with a tendril and she how long he can make it before Gallon pretends he's in great pain.
Fank-e is another one the little princes like a lot. Probably because he's loud and constantly decked in shiny weird stuff. Plus, he has a seemingly limitless supply of old Internet jokes and forgotten media. It's safe to say both Adelo and Adrul leave his hands covered in stickers, with three new bracelets and maybe a little too hyper for their own good. Nobody wants to deal with two hyper and powerful monster kids.
Sybastian's got a bit of experience from handling mimiclings, unfortunately Admin and Belo don't like it all that much when he tries to put either one of the siblings in his mouth for carrying. Even if both of them seem to have a lot of fun. The mimic is not the best for conversation, and maybe he shouldn't be trusted with cooking either, but he can keep the brothers safe in the garden while they play and torment Hellion.
Ludwig is a honorable mention, because after he gets serious help and becomes functional again, Admin does want the demon to be a part of her life and will let the children have contact with him. Lud is happy for her and treats the kiddos with nothing but love. He's a decent babysitter but he does need more of a filter when it comes to swearing. Adrul and Adelo call him "uncle Ludwig", and that makes him sentimental.
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Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 25: Short Run of The Centipede Express Season 1, Episode 26: The Invisible Robeast
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Episode 25: Short Run of the Centipede Express apparently the gg are still in contact with arus because they're sending status reports of a centipede robeast blowing up asteroids in its path i'd rather not hear from the gg ever again thanks
i know this is post ep 20 now, but coran letting the team go observe that damn robeast who's literally a whole galaxy away is eating me whole, i will never forgive coran
Honestly the one thing dotu did right is showing straight up torture, like yea we know the rulers of doom are evil but seeing people forced into a gladiator ring against a robeast for refusing to work on a secret weapon and having the rest of the slaves watch is fucking despicable
Revolt! The slaves snapped after watching one of them get eaten by a robeast and are demanding freedom, sucks to suck lotor, if you kill them you won't get shit done, but if you listen you ALSO won't get shit done
Apparently planet Mora (the planet the weapon is being build on) helped Arus at some point, Hunk seems to remember it, so it must be real recent that's probably the writers way of justifying hunk and allura wanting to go down to help the people, but I think freeing them from slavery against an oppressive government is a good enough reason LMAO
Surprisingly, Keith Lance and Pidge went planet side through the lion head attack, where green literally disconnects her head and launches away, I thought they were going in green because she seems to be the smallest lion also allura wanted to go with Lance and Pidge, but Keith essentially told her to sit the fuck down because he was going instead and to keep watch with hunk LMAO
Where the fuck did pidge go, is he staying in green's head while Keith and Lance act out their spy kids dreams?
Oh god, they tried to censor some guards drinking on duty by calling it some kind of juice OINVSD It's a flask, it's so obviously a flask, though definitely would've worked on kids since they shouldn't have known what it was
ooh real talk time, this dude is swearing loyalty to lotor because he feels abandoned by Voltron, apparently his people helped arus after one of the attacks on it but when their planet own got taken over, voltron was busy elsewhere I understand where he's coming from, it's hard to ignore bad things when it's happening to you so when you actually need help and nobody comes it's devastating
The plan to destroy the secret weapon, which is a laser that's able to fry voltron, goes wrong because of that guy so keith and lance make a break for it the only reason the guy stopped the plan was because lotor was going to kill him, so i don't think he would've said shit if that didn't happen
Why is pidge still in the body of green lion?? I thought he fucking went with them! Everything is so confusing
Time to take down that laser gun, that dude is in charge of aiming it but after keiths pep talk about trusting voltron and not zarkon he ends up shooting it at the centipede express that's coming in for a landing with zarkon and haggar in it it misses, of course, but the guy ends up taking down a tower anyway
i mean i assumed the centipede express was a robeast but seeing it actually set itself up to be one was cool as fuck
Voltron was formed waaay earlier but the robeast is destroyed and the bad guys escape also keith and that one guy have a really weird and really emotionally charged stare for a bit lol
/episode end
Episode 26: The Invisible Robeast Haggar found out how to turn things invisible,,, great Lotor obvs is going to use that to kidnap Allura, sometimes I think that Zarkon isn't on his ass about being driven by his dick more than his head because taking Allura would still make voltron weak enough to destroy
Ew Nanny Pidge keeps inhaling apples, so now his favorite fruit are apples because I say so
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your honor i love them
Lance giving Pidge advice on how/where to shoot so the princess doesn't get hurt is the cutest thing, I want to see more of them just being dofuses together
"i just don't like things i can't see" - Nanny you mean like your fucking attitude, but you can definitely see that so no wonder you don't have a problem with it
Keith saves the day from a falling boulder, I know allura going back for nanny was the ethical thing to do but also LEAVE HER TO DIE YOU DON'T NEED HER EVER ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU WERE GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF HER
The boys tell allura to stay in the castle since the robeast is going after her specifically, for once I agree since for now it's good for her to keep her distance as long as she's still watching Keith and Lance bait it to the desert and watching for it to cast a shadow before all 4 let loose on the thing, smart plan
Animation error? keiths background when he's in his lion is all white and just outlined oh all their backgrounds are like that, maybe to save money
the robeast attacks the castle and lures the boys underwater to blue's launch area, turns out we get confirmation that every lion but blue sucks at being in the water also it's princess time now, she's the only one who can actually do well down there
aaand she's knocked out again, but on the bright side the boys had time to figure out how to beat up the robeast and get her back while it was distracted
Voltron's formed, robeast defeated, everyone's safe, hooray!
/episode end
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simplysummers · 3 years
Hannah and Bea watch Star Wars
A few weeks ago, my bestie @floatyteabag (Hannah) and I (Bea) watched Star Wars: Attack of the Clones together. I, being a lifelong Star Wars nerd and a lover of all things Obi-Wan, somehow managed to rope this awesome human into watching the second sequel with me, keeping in mind she had never seen them before.
This is some of our live commentary, lacking in any context, which I felt needed to be shared with you all. I’m also leaving absolutely no indication as to who said what, to make it even funnier.
“R2 rolling about, he don’t give a fuck.”
“The face of a man who was WRONG.”
“Imagine R2 but as a hoover/vacuum. Perfection”
“‘He wouldn’t assassinate anyone’ 0-0 bro anyone named Count Dooku ain’t a good bro, bro”
“I don’t trust this man.” “I won’t spoil anything but you really shouldn’t lmao.”
“Captain Tofu?”
“Ooo someone’s in trouble. It’s me, idk why I said that”
“It’s better than my croissant attempt.”
“‘She’s a politician and they’re not to be trusted’ THAT IS THE BEST QUOTE”
“Ew look at the centipedes”
“How is she asleep like that. I would’ve had cramp in my wrist after 5 minutes.”
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“Anakin is me driving.” “Obi-Wan is me in your passenger seat.”
“We’d be a menace to society but that’s their problem, not ours.”
“He fully skydived out of the car.”
“Obi-Wan is so chill. He’s just ‘>_> hate it when he does that’ like he’s done this before??? Aight”
“‘I want to go home and rethink my life’ same babes.”
“Omg Bea that is legit us, me being Anakin, the underage loser.”
“Bestie we ARE Anakin and Obi-Wan.”
“ITS BOBA FETT. No it’s not. YES IT IS. Hmmm.”
“Boba Fettacini.”
“Yoda floating around on the wii fit board.”
“Padme who let you lead a country.”
“Rocking up to space McDonalds” “I’d order a milkshake.”
“I stg if I become attached to this Cody dude.” “I’m VERY attached to the clones and it never ends well in Star Wars, so I’m dragging you down with me.”
“Look at the Pixar lamps!”
“He VIOLATED him for no reason!”
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“All I see are some cotton earbuds”
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“So there’s like 50 clones of the same person running around?” “…..much more than 50.”
“Anakin, many things are smooth on that planet and you are NOT one of them.”
“Padme was over it before it had even begun.”
“Absolute kings. They deserve their own show….wait they have their own show….they deserve MORE Then.”
“🎵 the hiiiiiiilllss are aliiiiiiiive 🎵”
“Anakin’s a communist confirmed-“
“Yes. Step on Anakin”
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“Calm down Harry Potter with your floating Pear.”
“Anakin thinks he’s Shakespeare.”
“An extract from The Prelude: by Anakin Skywalker 🌺”
“I want a jet pack.”
“Ohh kick him!”
“Love how Boba, who is like ten, is just *shooty mcshooty*”
“‘Oh not good’ BABES LET GO”
“Hmmm yes ship is flying away *activates glowstick*” “it’s for the aesthetic.”
“Hey Ani, uh I kinda sold your Mom to some rando but hey we’re still cool right??”
“Boba: hehehehehe 😄”
“‘Get him dad, get him, FIRE’ this isn’t CALL OF DUTY, BOBA.”
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“Mothman wannabe.”
“Obi-Wan: I’m an international…superspy. SUPERSPYYYYYY.”
“Why is Tom Jones there?”
“she can’t die! I’m actually crying…..never mind I started laughing at Anakin’s face.”
“Lmao I love how Obi-Wan was talking for a straight minute and R2 was like ‘I’m busy sir, the audacity.’”
“‘It’s all Obi-Wan’s fault!’ Babes Obi-Wan isnt with you.” “Anakin take a chill pill!”
“‘R2 what are you doing here’ that’s fucking rude. Let him be.”
“Poor Jar Jar he just wants to make friends.”
“Don’t speak of Qui-Gon you HOE.”
“Count Dooku, turning on his voice chair: I want you on my team, Obi-Wan.”
“Parliament would be so much better if they floated in those pods.”
“Padme: maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this.’ Anakin: *grabs glowstick*”
“‘Obtuse’ 3PO HOW DARE YOU.”
“Someone put Padme on total wipeout.”
“‘I want to go home’ ‘what did I do to deserve this’ 3PO is too relatable.”
“Padme chose the wrong day to wear white.”
“‘Obi-Wan’s gonna kill me’ priorities dude”
“‘Good job’ sass king.”
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“Obi-Wan- the king of puns.”
“How is Padme not crying.” “Legit. I bang my hip on the bed frame and it’s like almost waterworks.”
“Ahhhhh my kings they are coming.”
“Oooo a purple wand.”
“Jango doing the spiny gun thing. Show off.”
“I know he did NOT just decapitate jango.” “And his son was just 0-0 off to the side.”
“‘I am beside myself.’ I WISH I WAS THIS QUICK.”
“I care too much about the clones I swear to god.”
“Ooooo hamster wheels.”
“Anakin you pleb.”
“If he has a red glowstick you know he’s a bad guy.”
“That clone just wanted an excuse to go home”
“He just straight up lost an arm. Hope he’s not right handed.”
“Bet Yoda’s glowstick is green……BAM.”
“‘Without the clones it wouldn’t have been a victory’ too fucking right. My boys deserve recognition.”
“The clones carried this.” “The clones carry everything these losers do.”
“It’s like a Vegas wedding. ✨ spontaneous ✨”
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This was genuinely the most fun I’ve had watching a Star Wars movie with anyone. Han’ is hilarious and together we destroyed the movie while ironically loving it. We’ve watched ROTS, up next is Solo. And I actually cannot wait for that trainwreck.
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Bucci gang hc with a female team member that's always tired and sleeping but has lightning fast reflexes? Like, she's always tired and sluggish but she always manages to survive and complete missions. Every. Single. Dang. Time.
Didn't write dialogue for Abba because his HC was so long already.
Bucci gang w/ a chronically tired S/O HC
The least worried of the group, but still somewhat concerned.
He knew what you were capable of. He took you in after seeing the extent of your abilities. It didn't matter what the gang thought of you at first, they would eventually understand, was what he told you.
He's never seen someone so physically drained in his life and he'd love to believe that you may have a clinical condition that explains it.
Gets so frustrated when you don't listen to him during briefings and go to do your things on your own in missions.
It's so dangerous and he gets so scared. Even if you always succeed, sometimes without a single scratch, he still can't help but worry.
He stomps to you and when you think he's going to yell at you or slap you for being so reckless, he instead takes you in his arms, relieved.
"It's only a matter of time until something happens to you... God you scare me..."
Otherwise, he has no problems letting you lean onto him when you're feeling spent, or want to nap on him in the car.
Really? That was the new member Bucciarati trusted and brought in?
He was so pissed and frustrated whenever you laid halfway onto the table during meetings, or dozed off when someone reported for duty.
You were so lazy, undisciplined and churlish he couldn't stand it at times.
Some people, like him, worked their ASSES off to get to where they were, and you were just hunched over and drooling?
He was okay with a member feeling a bit sick or tired occasionally, especially if it was Bruno who overworked, but you were just too much!
He constantly slaps you to wake you up or get your attention and scolds you for it.
The way you handled the missions with such endeavour and skill was so contradictory to your usual slow attitude, he was so surprised.
To be honest he's terrified. How could someone be so two-faced?
But now he finally understood why you had been taken here by Bucciarati. You were indeed a valuable addition to the team, he had to recognize it.
It takes time for him to actually trust you and make sure you won't betray them, but he's still very admirative.
He wouldn't show it but he was a bit worried. About the gang but mostly about you.
He guessed that you had some vitamin defficiency or anemia maybe? That would explain it, but he was no doctor.
He likes to believe that you're not just plain lazy and careless. If Bucciarati took you in, it was for a reason, he wanted to trust you.
And he was absolutely right.
He had been stuck, alone and in the verge of death on one dreadful mission. Nobody was there, and he couldn't call out for help.
He had used Golden Experience as a desperate last resort to call for one of the members, but he had no hope of anyone coming just in time to save him.
He was beyond shocked when, barely a few minutes after his call, you bursted through the place at lightspeed and took him away, not letting anyone even find you as you brought him to safety.
How did you come in so fast? Where were all the enemies? Did you... take them out all by yourself?
"Thank you, Y/N... I... I owe you my life..."
Otherwise, he puts a bunch of flowers and leaves on your hair when you nap.
He was pretty laid-back and lazy himself sometimes too. When he sees you chilling, sleeping, looking all jaded he just chuckles and join you in.
When you join the gang at first, he doesn't doubt that you could be a great spy, or a healer, maybe you could spot enemies like Narancia?
Surely he was NOT prepared for what kind of abilities you truly hid behind your tired and deviant facade.
The way you were fighting and the speed and clarity in your movements, he couldn't even catch everything with his two eyes.
The pistols had called for you, as Mista was in a dire situation and surely enough, you were there mere minutes after. He wondered if you had teleporting abilities or if your Stand gave you some kind of hyper speed. Turns out, you were just that fast.
You told him to hang in there and took his gun to finish off the enemies. Taking them one by one.
Your tone and the energy you had in your voice sent electricity down his spine. You were so... Different than what you has used him to.
You patch him up with expertise and he can't help but stare at you like you were a Godly revelation.
"Not gonna lie Y/N, that was kinda hot..."
Pranks you all day. And I mean ALL DAY.
There's a recurring joke about how you're going to be the first one to die because of how lazy you are and how you're probably gonna fall asleep mid-fight.
Bucciarati does not like those jokes, at all.
Takes great pleasure in waking you up in the loudest and most obnoxious way possible just to see you flinch and panick.
"Giorno, put a centipede in Y/N's ear. Come on it's gonna be fun!"
How do you manage to sleep with him, Mista and Fugo fooling around next to you all the time, that was a grand mystery.
He brings you pizza, claiming 'you need vitamins'. Because everyone knows pizza have the perfect amounts of nutrients...
He's so impressed and admirative of you when you absolutely kill it during missions. It's like you're a completely different person, he doesn't recognize you.
He's your number 1 fanboy, please sign him an autograph because wow, you're so incredible he can't believe you're real.
It's incredibly funny how you immediately start to yawn and sleep in the car right after the Tom Cruise stunts you just pulled 5 minutes ago.
He thinks you're just lazy and he doesn't feel comfortable with you here at first.
Like Abbachio, he wonders what went on Bucciarati's mind to even recruit somebody like you?
But at the same time he's very curious. Did you have some kind of strange disorder he's never heard of?
Every time he saw you, you were either sleeping, slumped over, or just plain out of it.
Are you doing this on purpose to mess with him or piss him off? Because if you are, it's working.
He forces coffee, orange juice, soda, anything down your throat to keep you awake and focused on missions, and when you refuse, he starts biting his nails.
"You better stay focused on this one I swear to God...!"
He's so scared and anxious you're gonna fuck it all up and get someone, or worse even, yourself killed just because you're a careless slug.
When he sees how operational and strong you were and how incredibly fast you acted during missions, his view on you does a complete 180.
In the end, your down-toned presence was very cooling for his angry soul, and he couldn't afford to lose you so stupidly and easily...
The first time she saw you she wasn't too surprised to see you napping and being a bit slow.
You were in the mafia after all, not necessarily the calmest and chillest occupation. It was okay to feel sleepy once in a while... Or all the time.
She even believed that you weren't just tired physically, but rather maybe you were tired of them.
And honestly? She relates.
But when one day on a mission you went from dragging your feet slowly like a drunkard to swiftly grabbing her, lifting her in your arms like she weighted nothing and running like a freaking cheetah a second after hearing gunshots, she was FLABBERGASTED.
First of all, WHAT? Second of all, HOW? She is so shaken and her eyes couldn't possibly get any wider. You went from 0 to 100 REAL FAST.
She's even wondering if that's really you holding her right now or if you have been possessed or something.
When you show her a characteristic tired smirk as you run, all her doubts are wiped and she's so charmed and impressed, you litterally and figuratively sweeped her off her feet.
"You... You're amazing Y/N..."
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writerofcreativity · 3 years
I just thought if there was a greater enemy that before the tournament ended the Gods and Humans will have to fight together to stop that enemy and their armies.
I want the fallen to come back alive, so obviously this is in a au.
Lu Bu is more interested to fight Thor. The Thunder God have the same thought seeing the enemies as small fries that the big boss thinks will kill them. The two were about to fight but the enemy's soldiers are charging at them. They told them to get lost and started killing them.
Zeus will have fun to fight and crushed many enemies with his fists. He just finds crushing bones with his fists satisfying. Adam is also taking down many enemies as possible and gave Zeus a look, it made Zeus more enthusiastic with the fight if that was possible.
Kojiro is doing his part but Poseidon will try to kill him. Kojiro shouted at him that he was almost killed. Poseidon doesn't give a fuck and keeps trying to kill Kojiro who have to dodge those strikes. Some of the enemy's soldiers got killed by Poseidon.
Jack and Hercules have this sort of team work. Jack throws his knives at the hero who uses his club to hit them at the targets. It works but some hit Rasputin's back but he doesn't have much of a reaction to it. Hercules insisted that he wants to fight at close range though.
Shiva and Raiden will just have a competition to see how many enemy's soldiers they can kill.
Buddha will say something that will pissed off Zerofuku in a frenzy. Zerofuku will try to murder Buddha who is just gracefully dodges all those swings. He jumps on the enemy's soldiers heads and they got mowed down by Zerofuku.
Now down here won't have all the fighters and I'm just making guesses that they might fight each other in future rounds.
Okita and Loki are casually cutting the enemy's soldiers like they were nothing.
Simo is shooting. Apollo is firing. They have their backs against one another and decided to switch weapons at the moment. They both hit their targets at point blank and return the weapons back. They preferred their owns.
Nostradamus is just reading his book and says something cool before being surrounded but the enemy's soldiers all got killed by one shot. The weapon went back into Odin's hand. Odin says to him that he would had been killed. Nostradamus retorted that he would not have been killed because he predicted it.
Qin using martial arts to fight and shatter bones. I kinda think that he uses some type of poison to attack since he does have a centipede tattoo on him, and I'm thinking those accessories on his fingers can be used as a weapon like the claw types. He might also have a unique power involving his eyes. I mean why is he blindfolded? Is he another character who have a special eye technique? Or he is really blind? Beelzebub will fight along him.
Lastly Rasputin will use his own weapon to fight but will get hits although he is still fine. I think he will have high pain tolerance probably greater than Jack's. He will let Anubis do most of the fighting. Anubis will probably command his army of the undead to fight.
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
I am seized by a fatal need for courtroom ninja drama fic
But not serious courtroom drama. I'm talking Phoenix Wright style Nonsense.
(Some of this was provided by the folks over in @sloaners​‘ server, but the bulk of it was me spitballing nonsense at people who actually know the games, which I do not. I do paraphrase a few times to make it more feasible as a tumblr post/fic concept, rather than a rapidfire text conversation.)
Or one of those like. Reality TV paternity test things? But specifically in my mind the people involved in the actual paternity are a married couple and someone that joined them to be their third, and Clan Elders are throwing a fit about how the baby might not be the heir by blood! while the actual parents are like "I could not care less, this is our child, all three of us, please stop getting involved."
HashiMitoMada would be a VERY good option for the paternity nonsense, mostly because I can see Madara screeching at his own elders about how he already said Izuna would be his heir and he's not changing his mind!
Tobirama is just begging the paternity test to work faster off-screen because he's the only person with the machines to make it happen.
(Hashirama is just. Moping in a corner.)
"I just had to INVENT a paternity test that works before the birth! I had to figure out how to test amniotic fluid! If you assholes make me do something this stupid on such short notice again, I will be digging some shallow graves!" "...for who?" "I haven't decided yet."
Anyway, jumping back to like a Phoenix Wright-style murder investigation.
The victim was Danzo. Even the prosecution isn't actually that interested in making sure someone gets arrested, but they're legally obligated to do at least try. A bunch of people all acting really suspicious about who killed him. There is at least one shitty fake mustache-on-glasses disguise to provide a paper-thin alibi.
WAIT The other thing this gives us is ninjas in three-piece-suits but half of them wear the suits wrong. I’m talking mismatched buttons. The wrong way of tying their tie. Sewn-on-cufflinks. This is Naruto, for instance.
Tobirama would wear it properly, except he's rushing about in a lab coat, screaming at everyone to get out of his way because he's The Entire Forensics Team.
(This is the part where I have to confess that I have only seen the live-action movie of Phoenix Wright, as I don't game, so I just have the live action and tumblr osmosis.)
At this point, of course, we gotta ask: Who is the most Belligerent Witness And who is the Helpful™️ Witness that's super enthusiastic but entirely useless
I can see, say, Mito being a solid witness that both defense and prosecution are really thankful for.
Modern gen you have like... Sasuke and Neji are both incredibly belligerent witnesses. Neji at least is polite about it but pulls the "only answers with the absolute minimum of information."
Lee and Gai would have the over enthusiasm but forget to say actual vital testimony until pressed, and Naruto would love to help but might not be entirely sure what the case even is.
Shikamaru falls asleep when the lawyers consult their partners. Prosecution A consults Prosecution B for thirty-seven seconds, then turns around and the witness is asleep at the stand.
Tobi (as in Obito with mask) is an incredibly frustrating witness. They have to declare a recess just so all the lawyers can recover their blood pressure. "Can we please get someone up on the stand with this guy as a handler? I'm--I'm going to explode."
Gaara: Helpful. Polite. Answers with detail. Answers the spirit of the question as well as the letter. Includes more detail. That's too much detail. Gaara please stop telling us about the sounds that bones make.
His testimony just drags on forever.
Ninken can and will take the stand! Pakkun even enjoys it! Some ninken require translators.
There are arguments about whether or not the testimony can count since nobody else can confirm the translation except Other Aburame so how do they know the Aburame aren't part of the coverup.
"Okay, so this Danzo guy had like fifty shell companies but I think I found the route that leads back to him?" "Nah, that one goes to a guy that died eighty years ago that's still collecting pensions: his family lied and said he was still alive for the money." "Fuck!"
Also I just. I love the idea of Sasuke and Madara being the exact opposite kind of belligerent witness.
Also, Orochimaru answers with pretty much the exact kind of wording as Gaara, but where Gaara is trying to be helpful and provide detail for the sake of the case, and failing to see that it's maybe not necessary, Orochimaru just wants to see people squirm. ...similar thing happens with Sakura and Kabuto. Similar phrasing, very different energy.
I keep picturing all of Team Taka as part of Forensics and Evidence Collecting ajshakshjd
Juugo, holding up a rabbit: I found a witness.
Karin joins forensics and Tobirama nearly weeps from joy until he finds her criminal record "Shit, that was supposed to get thrown out when I turned eighteen."
Tobirama: I asked for an assistant, not a criminal. Karin: I'm on parole. Tobirama: That makes things worse. Karin: I know how to use a [concerningly advanced machine that I, a business major, cannot name]. Tobirama: ...never mind, I'm keeping you.
Karin: I know how to DNA sequence AND use LA-ICP-MS Tobirama: [weeps with joy]
Suigetsu would be great at blood splatter analysis. ...I think I read somewhere that blood spatter analysis is actually over in 'fake science that's pushed by cops and media but actually doesn't work' BUT apparently it’s in the Ace Attorney games so we’re going to ignore reality a bit. We’ve already got dogs and rabbits and centipedes as witnesses, what’s a bit of blood spatter?
He's also probably really good at cause of death stuff? Like looking at corpse and figuring out how long it took the victim to die, which blow did it, whether any damage was inflicted post-mortem, etc.
Sasuke is usually too busy playing Belligerent Witness but sometimes goes to join Taka for... uh... reasons.
Juugo: [takes the stand] Lawyer: Hey, uh, why's that Uchiha guy with him? The witness-- Judge: No, no, we need Uchiha Sasuke on hand when questioning Expert Animal Handler Juugo. Lawyer: ...why? Judge: Property damage.
(Sasuke as a work partner with Juugo, also moonlighting as a witness/suspect in Danzo's murder.)
One time they need Juugo but can't find him even though court is already in session and he said he'd be here, turns out he was lured away by Kakashi's army of dogs. Kakashi didn't notice until he turned to ask Pakkun if he could help find the missing expert.
Juugo is a decent lab assistant, I think?
Tobirama taking on Team Taka as his forensics team while Orochimaru is... hm... traveling the country to promote his new autobiography, which is outselling the newest Icha Icha to Jiraiya's ire.
Sloane suggested “a case where it's all the Sannin as suspects in a murder. They would be THE WORST, say... the murder of Hanzo.”
To which I suggested “The Sannin are all suspects but the people on trial are the Ame trio, maybe?”
Which garnered the response of “It could be a surprise upset IN COURT that the trio should be on trial.”
We love a court upset.
Suigetsu finds out that the cause of death was actually an entirely natural heart attack, but while he was determining this, the rest of the team and the lawyers found like eight conspiracies by Zetsu, three by Danzo, four by Orochimaru, and an entire network of nonsense by Sasori.
INO IS THE PSYCHIC. I know her thing in canon is reading minds but pls. Ino is Maya. The Spirit Medium.
Is the judge: 1. Hiruzen 2. Hashirama 3. Hagoromo 4. Mifune 5. The Daimyou
(Old dude with authority, optionally easily distracted/questionably competent. I'd have gone for impressive facial hair but only Mifune and Hagoromo have more than like... Hiruzen's weird soul patch.)
It's not a soul patch but I don't know what facial hair is called and I can't just call it a goat beard
Response commentary was as follows: The Daimyou would unfortunately be closer to the personality of the ace attorney judge, more blindly agreeing with things that sound good :joy: Hiruzen could be fun if only for the competing facial hair for a beard, yes xD Hagoromo would possibly be most buckwild tho WELCOME TO MOON COURT
I managed to get this far with like... NO idea who the judges were except “IDK maybe Kakashi?” but consider:
...HashiMada rival lawyers
Dropping over to Izuna vs. Touka for when Hashirama and Madara inevitably become suspects of something or other themselves and have to be witnesses.
(Tobirama's too busy running blood tests, Anija, let Touka handle it, she's better at people anyway.)
...Hashirama is like. Marginally more put-together than Madara, right? So that... makes him Edgeworth... somehow... That feels wrong but Madara as Edgeworth feels even more wrong.
Madara is very into screaming OBJECTION
ALSO consider: Friction when a doctor from a nearby hospital gets called in to provide expert testimony on something because Karin is like "no hey I should be the one doing this" and then she sees how cute Sakura is.
But also at some point Kakashi vs. Gai for a nonsense case. Their personalities are both VERY FUN for this sort of thing.
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frecklef0x · 4 years
Mass Effect 1: Playthrough Masterpost
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At last, I have finished Mass Effect 1!
I have heard some mutuals say they wish they could play it again for the first time, and you kind of can--through me! I’ve been posting little “episodes” of live-tweet-stream-of-consciousness as I play, and now I’ve compiled them into one post to make my life easier.
Anyway, here’s the first one, the rest are under the cut. :)
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode one
My ass looks great in this uniform, first of all
Impaled robo zombies, yikes
Cheap shot, Saren, smh. How will I pass my spectre test now?!
Why does he have robot eyes? Is he like, Geth-Turian? Why? Is he a robo zombie also? Was it the beacon???
Cool beacon nightmares, I'm sure this is fine
This Kaiden guy has implants? ORTEGA?!??!?
"Call me princess again and you'll be picking your teeth up off the floor" lol obliterated
The citadel elevators are very realistic, five minutes of tense silence huh
Ya girl got a PROMOTION and a DOPE SQUAD time to catch a TRAITOR
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode two
First things first, gotta go find the blue scientist to join the gang
This galaxy is HUGE! How many of these places will I actually be able to go?!
Only two friends at a time????? D:
Ah, a distress signal, let's see wha--A DESERT CENTIPEDE NOPE ABORT ABORT
Robo aliens? In MY Theronian mining facility? Its more likely than you think
Running over dudes in my Mako is extremely satisfying tbh
*runs over geth troopers* *runs over geth armature* *runs over geth colossus* ... *backs over geth colossus*
Working elevators in the ancient ruins ✔
Oooooooh man hope this nerd is gay
Wrex, a friend of yours? Nope, not a friend, too murdery
"ShAaaAame about the ruins Shep, sOooOo much collatoral damage, SHEP" stfu Council, "ruthless" was in the resume when you promoted us, 10/10 would shoot lasers through archeological digs again
When Kaiden calls us "ma'am" I am, uh, into it
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode three
Time to talk to the gang! Gotta meet the fam proper
Oh dear seems we got a shmee of racism on board, compatriots
Wow Raina, good foot-in-mouth moment with Wrex there huh...sorry about the eventual extinction of your race, lost this round of Pain Olympics
“hi I’m Kaiden wanna hear about my last crush ;)” “hi I’m Liara wanna hear about Asari mating rituals? ;)))” damn we really slidin right into the DMs no chill
Garrus: fuck rules and red tape amiright Raina: oh u right ;)
Guess I’ll actually do a mission now LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO
Honestly rolling out with Tali and Liara is a mood, squad goals
Raina @ every corporation on Noveria: I would sell you to satan for one(1) corn chip
This reactivation puzzle is some shit
I see some Mistakes were made
We already killing moms at this stage damn BioWare
fuck fuck fuck god damn it gotta shoot a bunch of deranged baby bug people again god DAMN IT
Okay we killed Liara’s mom in front of her hope that’s fine
And we let mama bug go free because after talking to Wrex, Raina’s like “this galaxy is a little trigger happy with the genocide, good luck out there bug mama ❤️ be cool please”
I have literally watched the scientist in the hot labs get killed three times now
So far the debreifs with the council have not gone very well
“You let bug mama go?! How many generations until they take over everything???” “My money’s on two :D Place your bets now assholes or stfu :DDD”
Asked Liara if she was okay and she seems pretty Cool With It
I hope to one day return to Noveria and Death Star it into oblivion
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode four
Talked with Tali and this situation with the Geth and the Quarians is giving me an existential crisis
You “inspect” my beautiful ship? You got somethin’ to say about my crew??? Talk shit get hit, bitch I will kill you
Yoooo my old earth gang, yeah what the hell, I’ll help ou—oh nope nvm he’s a xenophobe, you hang him and I’ll shoot his friend in the face, thx for your time
Went to the citadel to finish some assignments, left tasked with twice as many
“dOn’T cUt CoRneRs” fear not dear Kaiden, I have a permit: this piece of paper that says I do what I want
Still with the elevators, I really cannot with this
“You make it all sound so...dangerous...” ;) ;))))))
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode five
Headin’ to Virmire to rendezvous with the Salarian team
A cure for the genophase?!?!?! :D
Oh wait oh no are we for real gonna talk about destroying the cure like Wrex isn’t standing right here omg
Phew for a conversation that basically started with guns drawn, it went pretty well... “What Saren has isn’t even a proper cure, he’s just fucking with the Krogans at this point. Are we gonna stand for that? Or are we gonna murder?” “Damn Shep, you right, we gon’ murder”
Okay Ashley, go join the aliens, try not to die
Shadow Team!🎵 tearing through the base 🎶 disabling all the     defenses 🎵 (you gotta sing it to the tune of the Trogdor song)
We free the prisoners!!! :)
We shoot the prisoners??? :(
“Raina? How can you shoot them where they stand?” So it’s more merciful to let them explode? NAH FAM
This scientist is responsible for the mind control stuff? For Benezia? Fine     I’ll let her go but I hope she explodes
We did not learn our lesson concerning beacons I see
Wait if even Saren is worried about his mind control ship does that mean there are larger forces involved here?
Oh. Oh fuck
(so we really never found any info about that genophase cure huh? disappointing)
Oh Seren, you dumb dumb. You absolute fool. Clown man.
When Raina slings Kaiden over her shoulder to carry him to the ship—mmmmmmmmwoooow I am very bisexual
Bruh Raina takes every council call and she disconnects pissed off every time
WAIT I literally just hung up with the council, ASHLEY is DEAD, and Kaiden needs a DTR RIGHT NOW?!?!? Boy, NO, READ THE ROOM
This has been a stressful day
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode six
Shepard will avoid her feelings and go to Faros instead
Seeing Ashley’s figure greyed out and her locker inaccessible makes me sad
Wrex and Garrus, let’s go shoot some geth 💪 
A mind controlling planet—of course!
Shep gets all her renegade points shooting capitalists
Saved, uh, about half the colonists
If I have one more bad acid trip I stg
Oh nope here’s another one
Shep needs a nap
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode seven
Ah, the council. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.
At least Liara is good at pep talks ;)
Joker, you cockblock
Haha DUDE we airborne, you THOUGHT
Now that I am exiled from the Citadel, guess I’ll run some galactic errands:
o   Killed corporate scientists who though we would rescue them lol
o   Destroyed a bunch of geth camps helping Tali on her pilgrimage
o   Disabled a nuke and killed some pirates
o   Shut down some evil Cerberus experiments
o   And illegally traded information!
Okay time to get back on track
So we may or may not be flying to our doom
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode eight
You know what I love? Being murdered by geth armatures
All these Ilos ruins be looking the same
Security panel is only kinda helpful
Oh, luckily I know Prothean now!
“CANNOT BE STOPPED” wow very encouraging, thanks
After that super motivating message and disabling security, its time to go down, down to goblin town
Vigil? Oh word?
My girlfriend is GEEKING out
I knew something what wrong with that fucking Citadel
Vigil: information is power. Also Vigil: What does it matter why they do what they do? All that matters is you stop them
“non-essential” personnel die first, huh? GROSS, VIGIL (gotta be honest that hits different in 2020)
Garrus gets it, I knew we liked that guy
Okay, find conduit, save galaxy, break millennium-old genocide cyle, nbd
Ugh Mako you gotta do me dirty one last time I see, I hate this thing
The citadel robot says we’re doomed : )
This shootout is SO fun, seriously
Saren get it toGETHER
Renegade Raina can kill with a conversation apparently, well done then
Concentrate on the Sovereign—why am I gonna save a council that hates my guts, sorry, but I have a JOB to DO that you ACTIVELY HINDERED
Great, zombie husk Saren, just what I needed as I mull over the possible consequences of my galaxy-altering decision
Humanity-only council seems…questionable. Raina didn’t love the council but this sits wrong. Couldn’t we just appoint a more diverse council, including a human?
Anderson seems like a good enough dude, so…we’ll see.
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bibatbrat · 3 years
Vox Machina Episode 7
Scanlan just wants to murder these two random guards so bad lmao
Everyone being pissed at Vax for off-roading sdjalkdjaskldj just wait ten episodes guys it gets worse
Vax, Vex, and Percy going *bonk* *bonk* *bonk* (murderous) to protect Trinket bc baby bear is not stealthy
Percy has a +1 to strength???  This is deep lore
“They’re bad guys!” says Pike as she casually slits an unconscious person’s throat 😇
Percy said can we PLEASE hide the bodies you fucking amateurs
I love it when Grog and Keyleth are the Stronk Buddies 😤
Thus begins the Saga of Scanlan Shitting In Random Places
Aww Matt not letting Pike shit on the bed… this is Cleric oppression
Team Outside Posse
“In the darkness, I say fuck.”
God I forgot the context for that line is “Vax, Vex, and Percy get catfished by a shiny light that they think might be Loot but turns out to be Trap”
God, Vax lighting up the Flame Dagger just in time to see the mind flayer coming at him is SUCH a good visual
Poor Percy just fucking standing there in the dark not being able to do anything lmaooo tell orthrax to give you some darkvision goggles bitch 🕶
Okay real talk though it makes me very 🥺 when some of the party is in trouble and Grog’s not with them and he just loses his shit from being so worried about them
The mindflayer seeing Vax’s tiny peabrain and then getting stabbed in the eyeball is just like “fuck wrong twin”
getting stabbed in BOTH eyeballs**
Also Percy and Scanlan having been in the trap room the entire fucking time and neither taking any damage or doing any attacks is so fucking funny
Keyleth seeing the fucky dwarf sacrifice in the temple and taking the ACTUAL HUMAN HEART over to Vax is very their brand of fucked-up cuteness lol 💜
Vex being incredibly badass by being like “talk fast before I fucking kill you” followed by Vex being incredibly dumbass (walking directly into the same trap she just saw Scalan walk into)
“I should have been so smart but I didn’t”
The hilarity of Vax successfully stealthing his way into a room to avoid traps and then rolling a 1 perception to find anything followed by Percy just fucking sprinting into the room to help look only to immediately trigger a trap and getting electrocuted…. Absolute clowns
Kima torturing a dude: say that paladins are nerds one more time
DMs giving their parties viscous yellow liquids in vials as a trap… make a piss joke and take 10d10 psychic damage
Matt, in serious “please god do not disappoint me” DM voice: what is your intent?
Scanlan: ….to win? 😅
Clarota doing a mental cat *hiss* at Kima is so funny my god
“Some of the dueregar were scared of the chimera, human centipede thing… we could be one of those” - top ten most horrifying statements from the campaign taken out of context
Percy like “imagine god…. on a giant scorpion”
Kima and Clarota united by being like, Damn These Bitches Stupid
They get so excited when they do cool shit I love them
Team Vicious Mockery Kill
I love that they bust into the room and Matt just slowly begins piling mini-figures onto the map lmao
Vax: I want that mindflayer (derogatory)
The dueregar just watching the throwdown between the king and Tiberius/Keyleth
Vax specifically going for the eyeballs on the same mindflayer that he stabbed in the eyeballs twice already lmaoo
King Murgal using a fucking BA so that he can beat the shit out of Scanlan… small on small violence
Vex taking out like 5 guards w Conjure Barrage…. so hot… so good…
Lady Kima in the one battle she’s been with the team for has done more than Clarota in all the battles he’s been in combined… and they still like him better 😭
Scanlan: I’ll give Pike some inspiration bc she’s my awesome sweetheart
Pike: Hey, thanks man! ☺️
Scanlan failing to Dominate the king into doing a handstand and it makes him so mad that he just murders him in front of everybody
I forgot Queen Ulara was a sorcerer that’s so sexy
Keyleth saving Trinket from the lava…. maybe love is real….
First time Grog beats the shit out of Vax while Dominated, aww….
Scanlan getting the HDYWTDT on King Murgal…. poetic justice
Queen Ulara kidnapping Grog specifically to punish the party for killing her husband, almost killing her, and ruining her fucking Emberhold is such good villain shit
Percy and Vax somehow managing to get high enough athletics check to carry frozen Tiberius out of the room…. the power of friendship strengthening the twinks 😤
Oh god, the poor gnomes not having the same speed and getting burned 💀
🔥 Vax 🔥 fire 🔥 damage 🔥 trauma 🔥
Also Matt specifically saying that he gets hit bc he stays back pushing everyone else out before him is harmful
Pike and Trinket fucking saving his lifeeeee
I love Matt’s sum up at the end of the session where everyone’s like “we did so good we all lived!!!” and he’s like “you did!!!  but also you didn’t find the loot or kima’s stuff, two of your party have been turned into stone, the barbarian with all your stuff has been kidnapped, and everyone who made it out knows your names and they’re pissed”
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pocketsedition · 4 years
aftg TV show
I know there's the one of Neil's actor not knowing shit but just bear w me
I want the actors to have like... the accurate heights... pls... no 5'6" playing the twinyards thanks
okay but imagine a clip on the red carpet at like the Oscars or something I dunno and there's one of the taller ones like Matt or Kevin holding the smol ones over their shoulders
"And here's [Kevin] carrying [Andrew] and [Neil]"
and then Aaron's actor is just trailing behind because these fucking idiots are going to kill themselves one day istg-
but it shows how close the cast is it's so sweet
I want trans actors like idc who but that'd just be sweet and it'd be good rep
the twins who play Aaron and Andrew being actually close irl there's so clips of them just vibing it's amazing
phelps twins vibes
i will sue someone if Noah Centipede gets cast as Kevin or someone so help me that won't end well
now more on the individual children
Neilz actor gets along great with the cast and the fans we love him
he's still a fucking idiot though
he and the actor who plays Andrew have so many crack videos and bloopers though
especially when Andrew has to like... hold a knife up to Neil's neck he just breaks down laughing
takes a solid hour to film a two minute clip
just can't help it smh
the actor who plays Andrew does an amazing job with Andrews character and portrays him PERFECTLY and everyone just falls back in love with him
but the actor is the complete opposite
he is a fluff ball he is a bean he cuddles with anyone and everyone
there's a video somewhere of him hugging a refrigerator
I feel like Andrews actor would sneak food onto the set tuough
like its an exy game scene and the cameras focused on Neil's actor but if you pay attention in the background Andrews actor is just sitting there holding a gallon size Ziploc bag of pretzels and just. eating them.
or it's a scene on the roof and Andrew and Neils actor are like "I'm not a hallucination" "you're a pipe dream" and it's supposed to be serious but Andrews actor just takes out a whole fucking tub of a ice cream
and a spoon or two
and just eats
Kevin's actor is more reserved just how he vibes but he loves them all the same
he's also a crackhead but on tv he's just :)
there's a clip of him beating everyone else up with pillows after someone stole his loom bracelets
I dunno what you're talking abt he doesn't collect rainbow loom
there's also a video of him putting all his rainbow loom on or trying to
it goes all the way up to his shoulders and there's still more left
Kevin's actor also has the prettiest autograph
that's not relevant but it is
but what IF Nicky was actually played by a gay actor like IMAGINE
and him and Erik's actor are actually together like they auditioned together like WHAT IF
this motherfucker also records everything no debate
he posts all the drunk cast videos and anonymously posts them
but everyone knows it's him
there are videos out there of him and they're the best
he knows it and he bathes in it coz he knows they're amazingg
actress who plays Renee is probably the most calm but only on tv
she's close with everyone and is the emotional support team member
and she definitely wears suits to red carpets
the actress who plays Allison definitely once made everyone take place in one of those eating competitions and she definitely won
everyone's watching her like :O
dans actress is also a fucking chaos bean but when the others need to stop she tries knows how to get them under control
all the boys have the undying love for the girls and hang onto their every word
if they tell you to murder someone, you'll do it
the actors who play Aaron and seth are fucking ICONS they may be more minor character but everyone still loves them
rip Seth btw
they do interviews together a lot of the time and they make fun of everyone else even though they often join the chaos as if they didn't start it but shh
the actor who plays Aaron is a bit shy but he loves the fans
they're all so beautiful I'm fine I promise
Seth is a crackhead
his character may be an asshole most of the time but everyone was sad to see the actor go
he definitely comes back to set to say hi to everyone he's so sweet
Matt's actor definitely cries when other people win awards
like those are his children up there those are his fucking children
and when he wins one he just radiates happy vibes
there's a clip of him handing everyone coffee at like 5am when they have to get up early and everyone's exhausted
Wymacks actor is definitely still the dad for sure
everyone loves him
he may not pull as much stupid shit the rest do but he fucking loves them
first sight he just adopted them
he's also like a producer of the movie or something that's random but it's true
part 2  
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warsmith-38 · 3 years
How I would do RWBY pt. 7
War Arc.
Season Seven.
The Cabal is standing room only and Salem is enraged at recent turn of events.
Complains loudly to Myrmidon.
Myrmidon assures Salem that the current plan is not only progressing smoothly but Ozpin still has no idea what it is.
Salem calms down and her mind turns to Cinder. Particularly the fact that Ozpin has captured Cinder.
Salem wonders if she ever told Cinder about the current plan.
She realizes that, yes, yes she did.
Salem is once again angry.
RWBY and JN(P)R are enjoying relative peace as next moves are planned.
Neo is the most cooperative with authorities out of team CEMN.
Due to being, more or less, just hired help she isn’t all that helpful.
Emerald and Mercury are in a similar situation due to being Cinder’s direct underlings and not Salem’s.
All they know is what Cinder told them, which was only just enough to keep them compliant.
Cinder is the one that would have information but is quite tightlipped about things that aren’t insults.
Ozpin wants answers but Ironwood draws the line at out and out torturing a teenager.
Cinder is just waiting in her cell with one arm cuffed to a chair.
WBY and JN(P)R all have a go at trying to make her talk. (Ruby isn’t allowed near her)
Blake tries empathizing with her situation, formerly being one of the bad guys herself.
Cinder says that Blake was an easily swayed idiot who didn’t know what she was actually doing.
Ren and Nora try good cop bad cop.
Cinder calls both of them morons.                                                                  
Weiss tries bribing her with money and medical help for her missing bits.
Cinder tells her to eat shit.
Jaune tries a ‘you’re a deranged psychopath, prove me wrong’ approach.
Cinder taunts him by talking about killing Pyrrha.
Not only does Jaune have to be pulled out of there, Ren and Nora have to be talked down from cutting the cameras and shank-rushing her.
Ironwood offers her a plea bargain. Spill on Salem and don’t get hanged for heinous war crimes.
Cinder rebukes all of it to varying degrees of profanity.
Penny’s turn.
Penny doesn’t ask her any questions or try anything.
All she says is that she forgives Cinder, that someone should even if no one else ever would.
Cinder is a little unnerved but remains uncooperative.
Everyone calls it quits for the day.
Ruby sneaks into Cinder’s cell when no one is looking.
Cinder almost has a heart attack out of fear of what Ruby will do to her.
Gives her an emotional speech on how Cinder and Salem ruined her life and the worst part is that it was her new best friend that did it.
Ruby is found and escorted out of the cell.
Cinder, having slightly awakened her long ignored heart, says that she did consider Ruby a sort of friend.
Ruby tells her to go to hell.
Yang notices that Cinder’s veneer is peeling.
Decides to take her shot.
Yang surmises that Salem was involved, to a degree, in raising Cinder.
Cinder confirms but also is insulting.
Yang talks about how she knows a little something about parental figures who don’t give a crap.
Cinder gets angry, says that she knows that Salem cares about her.
Yang says that if Salem cared then why did Cinder have to go to Atlas to try and get her attention again?
Cinder starts flinging insults about unloving mother figures.
Yang flings back better ones.
Cinder brags that they’re all dead anyway.
Says that Salem’s big plan is to set off a special bomb-like grimm that will turn another chunk of the planet into grimm land just like the territory around her sanctum.
Ensuring a lack of stability that will force the rest of the world to adapt and evolve.
She doesn’t know where Salem is planning to set it off though.
Everything across the previous seasons was trying to maximize chances of it going off without a hitch.
Weakening potential target areas, providing distractions, eliminating threats, things like that.
That or it was just another attempt to kill Ozpin. Sometimes both. Mostly both.
That’s when she realizes that she just told Salem’s master plan directly to her greatest opposition.
Says that her talking won’t matter and will enjoy watching Salem kill all of them.
Yang tells her to stop being such a chuunibyou.
Ozpin’s Council (Him, Ironwood, Glynda, Qrow, Winter, RWBY, JN(P)R, Ciel, mad scientist) start trying to deduce where Salem will set off the grimm nuke.
Atlas is too militarized, even with the troubles there. Vacuo is too close and wouldn’t provide much strategically. Menagerie and Mistral are both too out of the way to be of use.
The target is Vale. A centralized zone that still has yet to completely recover from the events of the school arc and will further fragment the free peoples of the world.
Not to mention that it’s Ozpin’s personal favorite kingdom. Just another insult on a very long list.
Everyone packs up and heads to Vale for a very somber return home.
Emerald, Neo, and Mercury offer to properly switch sides on the grounds that they had no idea about the whole ‘fuck over the world’ thing.
They only signed on to cause a little trouble and get paid.
They want to help stop Salem now, especially if they’re probably considered expendable collateral.
Offer is appreciated but the handcuffs stay on.
Upon arrival in Vale, Ruby and Yang are immediately accosted by Tai.
Tai is upset with Ruby for running off and not doing so much as ever calling him and he’s upset with Yang just for not calling ever.
He’s proud of his girls for doing so much to help the world, but still.
Raven is there too and offers Ruby a hug from her new stepmother.
Tai and Raven reveal their wedding rings, showing that they have in fact tied the knot (Tai’d the knot).
Yang BSODs for a moment.
Raven has a moment with Yang and Ruby, saying that she took the scolding to heart and realized that, yes, she was a piece of shit.
Came back to Tai to try and start making up for things.
It took a little work but Tai is no longer a depressed, overprotective, neglectful, sad sack of crap, so maybe it’s not the worst thing that she’s back.
She’s also given all the intel she acquired while part of the Cabal.
R+Y are skeptical but intend to burn that bridge when they cross it later.
Cinder sneaks out of her cell.
Tries to bust EMN out too.
They rebuke her, saying that they would rather not help permanently fuck over a continent and by extension the world for no real reason beyond ‘because you said so’.
They would rather live in the world, not destroy it.
Cinder leaves them to rot, finds her gear, and steals a new robo-arm for her trouble, doing everything she can to stay under the radar while she thinks of what to do next.
RWBY + JN(P)R have trips down memory lane as they walk through the ruins or the rebuilt versions of their old haunts.
Remembering the good times and the bad.
The trials and tribulations as well as the warm memories that they keep dreaming about returning to.
Then they get to work.
They scour the recovering city of Vale first for any sign of anything grimm or Salem related.
Team CRDL, who stayed in Vale as volunteer workers and security, say that aside from a few more grimm raids, nothing special has happened in months.
CRDL assist as much as a team of jobber jabronis can.
Surprisingly, they don’t act like cunts.
Ozpin realizes that the only places that haven’t been searched were the places he’s kept secret.
Reveals his illuminati style cave with monitoring equipment that has tabs all over the world.
It has cameras and stuff in places that Ozpin has absolutely no right or need to know about.
Low and behold, grimm have tunneled into it.
Myrmidon is in there, checking up on things.
She introduces herself to the main characters and then cheeses it, leaving a distraction force of grimm.
After they’re dealt with, they turn their attention to the big fucking elephant in the room.
Massive, bulbous, monster of a centipede grimm is right in the center of the chamber. The grimm nuke.
They’ve found it, sure, but now what do they do?
The Council has a brainstorming session to try and come up with a solution.
Can’t just kill it, it’ll go off.
Raven’s portals only go to people she’s bonded with in some way and it would still fuck up wherever it was teleported to.
It’s a living thing so disarming it like a conventional bomb is not exactly possible.
EMN are questioned on what they might know about it but aren’t able to help much.
This is when they realize that Cinder is gone.
Search effort begins to stop her from fucking everything up.
Yang and Jaune eventually find Cinder.
Keep up the browbeating even as they fight her.
Cinder says that even if she wanted to help, Salem would kill her if she did.
Yang calls Salem a bitch.
She says that Salem’s about to kill her anyway when the thing goes boom.
Cinder relents and says that she’s not sure but Ruby’s white fire is probably the key.
Salem had Summer killed out of fear of her semblance potentially interfering with this exact plan.
Cinder about to am-scray while Yang and Jaune are distracted by putting plan together.
Jaune stops her.
Punches her in the face, hitting the side that can see.
Says that that was for Pyrrha.
Cinder runs off rubbing her jaw.
Begin white fire surgery.
They cut small, precise, holes in the grimm and Ruby burns the resulting goo deluge.
Plan is working shockingly well. Grimm is losing explosive fuel by the truckload.
Takes some time, but eventually all that is left is the monster itself and the explosive trigger.
Trigger goes off in a pathetically emaciated whiff.
Everyone celebrates.
Then they realize that they still have a massive centipede grimm monster that is in the top ten largest ever recorded grimm underneath Vale.
Said massive centipede grimm turns on default mode. Default mode being rushing towards the nearest living thing and killing it.
Said grimm bursts into downtown Vale with more grimm coming behind it.
Right when they had just finished cleaning it up.
Season final boss time.
RWBY, JN(P)R, CRDL, EMN, and the living elements of STRQ fight the grimm.
Professors of Beacon are also helping as well as The Council in general.
Cinder, in her attempt to get out of there, gets caught in the fighting too.
Fuck it. CFVY and SSSN show up from Mistral on Ozpin’s request for backup.
All. The. Warriors.
EVERYONE gets a hit or two in on the grimm.
Big final hit with everyone involved.
Grimm is dead.
Salem is back in her sanctum watching this on a crystal ball or whatever.
Her own rage and frustration at what happened spawns a whole new horde of grimm.
Screams loud enough to break all the glass in her sanctum.
Ruby and Cinder have stare-down after grimm is dead.
Both silently decide that there are bigger fish to fry and go their separate ways.
Big celebration party. World saw RWBY kick absolute ass.
Cinder is out of options so she is now on her way back to Salem.
Myrmidon is sharpening her spear/sword/rifle.
She can’t wait.
Season seven done.
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kumicho-izuku-asks · 4 years
@somechick842 is providing good chaotic Kumicho conent for the soul guys. Somechick you have also been elevated to my dude my guy status btw.
Fair warning this is long and rambley and possibly spoilers but eh...?
So they left this here comment:
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And as I'm sure you guys have inferred by now, I think Izuku would be a chaotic bastard towards Sir Nighteye (not character shade I think he's an interesting character and can be written so many different ways which is just my niche y'know?) but this comment just summarises my thought process.
Because nobody outside of UA knows that Izuku was the villain team leader, when in Deku mode he exudes kicked puppy must protect vibes, nobody suspects him of actually being a 'criminal' mastermind.
Like somechick pointed out, he's been found out, and Izuku is perfectly alright with that. In fact he's happy because he's accepted!
But as we've already addressed in the fic 'Deku' is his safety net.
And when approaching Sir Nighteye who he has been informed isn't happy with him as the successor of OFA and only knows the guy told All Might he was gonna die then abandoned him? Yeah Izuku is gonna want that safety net HARD.
But it's also a fact in the series that Nighteye is aware that Izuku is supposedly related to AFO so Nighteye is going to be constantly on guard bc 'the man who nearly killed All Might has a great grandson who now has OFA how does nobody else see this as the conspiracy long game take down it clearly is??'
You add that with the fact Izuku knows Nighteye doesnt like him, you get this:
Midoriya 'I don't have an issue with authority I have an issue with arrogant authority and people in positions of power fucking me over' Izuku meeting Sir 'You aren't worthy and I'm only taking you on due to the teen I think is the right choice for a quirk that isn't mine as well as respect for my old mentor' Nighteye meeting.
Now sit there and tell me Izuku isn't going to sit there and see EVERY. SINGLE. ADULT. WHO:
fucked him over.
Every teacher who looked at him and told him he wouldn't amount to anything.
Every single bully who picked at the one thing he couldn't defend or hide from the world and told him death would be a better alternative to himself.
You can't, end of story.
So yeah, Deku is gonna come out.
It's his safety net and in all honesty Izuku wouldn't feel SAFE in Nighteye's office for the simple reason he knows this adult in a position of power doesnt like him and every other time this has happened its backfired.
So he would be happy and smiley and offering to get Bubble Girl and Centipede coffee whenever he could because this is what these people want to see, if Nighteye tries to paint him as some horrible failure these people will defend the sweet kid with the large smile that goes out of his way to get them coffee and greet them with an abundance of cheer every day.
But as soon as Nighteye and him are alone? As soon as Nighteye says 'I dont trust you you're related to AFO why would you want to be a hero?' He'd immediately just go "Well the gloves are fucking off I guess."
Because unlike with Bakugou in childhood being the only one who knew (which originally Izuku Izuku wasn't aware of) Sir is different. Sir cant do SHIT because nobody will ever believe him.
These are adults, certified pro heroes who are good judges of character! They wouldn't be tricked by a cutesy sixteen year old, really Sir you're just getting paranoid.
But back to the original point, the Deku smile is going to be used in full force and it will be Izuku's new life mission to simultaneously make Sir tear his hair out while convincing literally everyone else in the agency that he's the sweetest thing ever.
Because Izuku has been powerless to adults in positions of power too many times:
- Teachers
- Care takers (aka nursery and stuff)
- Hero Commision
-Media outlets
And this is the first real time he has a chance to fight back.
Thanks for coming to my ramble have a nice week.
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vynnyal · 5 years
dumping my random thoughts, comic ideas, and wildly misinformed theories abt hk onto my victims: part 2!!! p clear what I was doing in some of these, lmao
btw if you have any input im very, super interested please feel free 2 share
"So who's the mother?" Grimm: "Mother? No, there was no mother." "Then how--?" grimm: "Mitosis, obviously." Cut to two panels of the person dissociating over what they imagine the process to be.
Hornet yelling shaw instead of yeet or koby.
Hornet yelling git gud at inappropriate times in place of like... Actual Advice. Alt: jdghghf or when she gets nervous, as a distraction.
Her thinking of something cool to say while waiting outside the black egg temple. alt: her thinking so hard she almost misses her cue, making her flub; aka the reason she says somn more like "geddun" in-game. alt alt: thk and ghost sharing a blank look (mid-battle) and thinking "she flubbed" in disbelief.
Hornet and something with the "spidersilk paper" lemm mentioned, maybe using it to """document""" her day when she has time to spare. She insists it's not a diary, so don't even try.
Hornet grieving the little weavers.
(speedrun) "You wanna fight? Huh? Huh? Well I dont, bye"
Zote "I only saved you for the money" joke.
Quirrel pretending not to understand modern slang.
Quirrel... Dad jokes... Holy shit
conifer appearing in increasingly absurd locations.
Quirrel playfully commenting on the uh... "information"... The tablets display. alt: he can actually read it just fine, but is coy abt telling ghost what it says.
rather than just appearing, Quirrel and ghost walk through the archives together, the mood bittersweet.
Hollow knight passing the time in the black egg lightheartedly.
Wyrm and root trying to argue but the height difference just makes them both laugh.
ghost appearing before Root, expectant, only for them to slowly realize she doesn't actually... care about them. or any of the vessels, really. she expects them to do their duty, her claims of shame apparently not deterring her away from the fate they were created for. alt: she acts like that not out of any kind of malevolence, but out of pure ignorance. It doesn't occur to her how much it costs the little vessels... Or that they even have anything to lose, at all.
Cut to the future after the bad end, as yet another fragile vessel appears before the queen, far too late to save anyone now.
Godmaster traitor lord battle, ghost walks in looking very nervous. Traitor looks smug, asking if they're afraid (of him), only for the next panel to show ghost sweating profusely as they have Fragile Flower Flashbacks. alt, they're imagining/being pressured by the ghost girlfriends glaring at them/wailing "WAIIII" in tendem.
Ghost asks how thk got so big, only for them to reveal their body is still the same size, and they're just controlling a big suit of armor like false knight. Jdbfjfgjr
its been pointed out the bee knight doesnt... actually have any wings to buzz with. the noises are entirely vocalized. The reason buzzy baby makes buzz noises is because he felt left out when he was a kid; the queen, seeking to comfort him, explains how he can create his very own buzz sounds using an alternative method, instead. Despite his battle prowess, his mind never matured, continuing up to his very last moments to make the habitual noises of his childhood.
(godmaster) having soul left over and fuckin SCREAMING in the faces of the nail masters just before the bench.
Defeating bee boy by one mask, relaxing for a sec, before realizing the bees are stILL COMING ACTUALLY,,,,
The aftermath of the sheo fight, ghost just DRIPPING with rainbow-colored paint.
ze'mer and her lover meeting in their dreams.
flower lesbos hanging out with the thorn husbos (nailmaster/sheo hfshh)
Team cherry hid the gays behind some of the hardest missions because, let's be honest, no homophobe would put that much effort into anything.
Quirrel saying "I've only had ghost for a day, but if anything happened to them I'd -" Cuts to ghost, shade over their body Quirrel: "..."
Messing with the hot springs... geysers? Idk 3 heads things. whats in there? How were they made? By the ancient civilization, maybe pale king? alt: finding quirrel relaxing casually inside one of the eyesockets instead of in the spring, lmao.
"I'd sure like to be a shade, like heck- they can fly, they can do that weird teleport thing, and they have-", turns to it, "- ALL MY MONEY!!!"
Ngl I still don't fully understand the relationship between ghost, their shell, and their shade, and should prolly read up before blabbing, but what is it that separates ghost's body from their shade? Or their shade from ghost, themself? We see in the dnm ending they can very much "control" their shade, as they voluntarily rip off their shell to release it. Or... Oh shit am I dumb? Did ghost kill themselves right then? Oh fuck did ghost die to let their shade kill the radience. Please tell me I'm wrong I'm really upset now yfjfihrufhgi
Gonna be honest the previous one was me trying to contextualize the concept of ghost being able to fly like shades do but now I'm just thinking abt ghost, fuck. Still. Imagine ghost n thk just, like, hovering towards people with their funky tentacle legs. Or better, no tentacles, they can just Do That. Establish your dominance, little vessels.
Ghost doing the superman "ripping off your shirt to shift into super-mode" thing except they just tear apart their shell. Alt: hornet: "that looks painful"
Broken vessel was stuck. Out of all the dead vessels we see- the one in greenpath, those hung in nosk's den, the floor of the abyss, even ghost themself- not one retained their body after death. Except, that is, for broken vessel. Something, somehow, was anchoring their shade to their shattered shell and keeping it there, unable to seep away and reunite with their siblings below. They weren't just another corpse. That was ghost's sibling.
Just what is a vessel's coak? From what I've seen of the sprites, it's clearly attached to their shells; some in nosk's den are even hung from them, with their shells dangling below it. It seems biological- by which I mean, not some sort of clothing or ambiguously god-based substance- which makes its selective decay rather odd. On one hand, in greenpath, nosk's den, and some specific corpses within the abyss, their cloaks have stayed firmly attached. On the other, we have countless shells left naked all over the place- even ghost's shell is like this. Of course we have to keep in mind ari prolly just didn't wanna animate that, but that's no fun. I don't really have a prompt or theory here, as nothing I come up with quite fits the bill... Just more of a thinkpiece, I suppose.
Nyooming past quirrel at blue lake, freeze frame of ghost and q sharing a startled look.
Ghost distracting sheo by making him gush over his artwork. alt, "winning" the battle by showing him something they made, and/or just having a paint-off. Ghost wins no matter what, obviously.
Ohhh... Ghost learning to express themselves through art...
Lurien secretly has multiple eyes, fit neatly in the one socket.
Appreciating the genius of the mimic grub room (the real grub's location is hard-coded. im still mad)
Hearing Hornet say "get down" instead of "git gud" and the connotations of that. alt: hearing "git gud" when she's actually saying "get down", being offended or otherwise reacting to that, before being promptly smacked in the face by whatever she was warning them abt.
Hornet doing weird, obscure spider things.
Ghost: WHAT is THAT?? uumuu: uumuu emoji face
Where does the shade get its sword? Is it a void-sword? Did they scavange it? Did they make it???
The actual guttural horror of falling into the centipedes in deepnest.
The irony of feeling incredibly sad and hurt at thk's pain, but absolute bloodlust for pure knight.
What was written upon the journal found with the corpse in ash at hollownest’s edge. Alt: h. how did ash even get up there.
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gottahaveguts · 5 years
The next season of the OPM anime.
I am going over what the first few episodes likely will be. Naturally there are spoilers. (And no season 3 is not confirmed yet, I’m just doing this for fun)
Episode 1. Is it because I’m Caped Baldy?
  Begins with a big meeting with the hero association executives after the aftermath of the Elder Centipede incident. Credit of his defeat is given to King, naturally. We get a little info on Blast. Narinki (the fat big lipped executive of the Hero association) barges in. He is upset at the hero association as he is one of their biggest donors and his son was taken on their watch. Then we meet Sekingar who reassures him he will handle it. Some of the S class heroes begin to show up and are filled in about the monster association and Drive Knight’s disappearance. Child Emperor tries to get Metal Knight to join the strike team. We get some insight into Metal Knight’s character and start to sow the seeds of Child Emperor’s doubt in the ability of the adults to get things done. The Saitama group is hanging out at Saitama’s place when Fubuki barges in and basically tells everyone what they already know. Saitama hears that the hero hunter was on the scene and thinks he was ignored because he’s Caped Baldy. So he suits up and leaves to hunt the hero hunter himself. Narinki being impatient with the pacing of the plan hires his own private mercenary group to invade the monster association.
Mostly exposition, probably not a hugely exciting way to start the season but these first couple episodes will be build up.
Episode 2. Hideout. 
Garou wakes up in the Monster Association base after his near death encounter with his master and the other heroes. He hears commotion outside of the room he is sleeping in. We meet an new character named Machine God G5, a mechanical samurai that has swiftly defeated and captured Narinki’s squad and delivered them to Gyoro Gyoro. The monster bystanders begin to grow impatient and want the mercenaries executed but another new character Royal Ripper (he was the monster Garou thought was cool in Tareo’s guidebook) tears the other monster to shreds. Garou thinks to himself how can the Monster Association even control all these vicious and bloodthirsty monsters and remembers even Elder Centipede obeyed them. Do-S stops Ripper from rampaging further and takes the mercenaries under her control. Garou walks out and talks to the big wigs. The Monster King Orochi tasks Garou with a heavy job. To prove his loyalty to them, go out and bring back the head of a hero, any hero. Doing do will grant him the rank of executive or cadre depending on the translation. Many monsters object to this seeming favoritism of Garou.
Mostly more build up, we see what happens to Garou after the cliffhanger in Season 2.
Episode 3. Dine and Dash
 Garou leaves out for his mission and Gyoro Gyoro tasks the two demon level monsters Royal Ripper and Bug God to follow him and make sure he actually carries it out. Garou lamenting his current position finds himself at a diner and ends up dining and dashing. Saitama happens to be at the same diner and realizes he doesn’t have his wallet, Fubuki also happens to be there. Saitama runs after Garou after leaving the bill for Fubuki. He comes across Tareo again being bullied and yells at them to knock it off. Tareo apologizes for running away from Garou the previous day. Saitama finds Garou and then he gets one punched (again).  Saitama runs away from the scene thinking he’s a wanted man because he also dined and dashed. The two monsters that were also tailing him are disappointed that Garou not only was taken out by an unknown low rank hero, but was also showing kindness to a human child. Royal Ripper orders Garou to kill Tareo, Garou then takes a defensive stance and yells at Tareo to run away, even calling him by name. Royal Ripper lunges at Tareo and Garou deflects his attack. Saying their focus should be on him.
This will be a more comedic episode, the calm before the storm. We get to see just how soft Garou really is inside.
Episode 4. Limiter
Garou starts his fight with Royal Ripper and Bug God. It then cuts to Phoenix Man asking Gyoro Gyoro why he sent the most bloodthirsty member of the association to watch over Garou and what his general plan for Garou is. Gyoro Gyoro only responds by asking him where he thinks Orochi came from. Phoenix Man isn’t sure. Gyoro Gyoro tells him that he made Orochi, through countless sacrifices and failures. He implies pushing Garou to his limit may put him in a position to overtake Orochi’s position as the monster King. We see Zombieman stalking his prey on a building, he hops down and busts in telling the House Evolution their time is up. He is greeted by Armored Gorilla who remarks the House of Evolution was already defeated. We learn Zombieman was an escaped experiment of Dr. Genus. Zombieman asks him why he’s giving up on his experiments, noting there’s nothing stopping him from continuing his research. Dr Genus then explains the concept of the limiter and how it is the secret to Saitama’s power. As he narrates we are shown Garou fighting the two monsters to parallel his own growth to Saitama’s. As Garou collects himself after analyzing their moves he come to the realization that he can win and spits out one of his teeth. As he prepares for the next round of their fight Sludge Jellyfish (the monster Garou stopped from trying to kidnap Metal Bat’s sister) has captured Tareo because he has a grudge against Garou and was looking for an opportunity to fuck him over. Garou turns his back to the two monsters and he yells at the sludge monster to put Tareo down but he is slashed from behind multiple times by Royal Ripper. Bug God stops Ripper too late, as they weren’t supposed to kill him. They leave Garou for dead and take Tareo to the monster association base.
Tons of exposition on monsterization, Saitama’s own power, and Garou’s most important fight yet.
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canumoveurseatup-no · 6 years
Underestimated  Butterfly(Natasha x Afro-Asian)
Summary: one thing you hate is being underestimated and you’re put to the test when your dead past comes back to life
Pairing: Natasha x Afro-Asian!Reader
Warnings: This is a slow burn, choppy ending, detailed fighting and injuries, mentions of death, blood, uuuh ANGST
A/N: I’m not fluent in Japanese yet so I’m sorry if the Romanization is really bad/ not absolutely accurate. 
A/N: y’all are killing it with being active and it honestly makes me happy! Please comment, reboot and like. Depending on how fast this gets to 100 the faster you guys get Myself pt.2!!!!!
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“Go ahead and underestimate me. It’s okay. You’re not the first and you sure as hell won’t me the last. But you will be wrong”
You went through your own version of the Red Room, but back home in Japan it was completely different. The process was much more extensive, the punishments were much more... gruesome. Everyone here underestimated you and stuck you in the quinjet as pilot in case they all needed a fast escape out of a messy situation. This is not what you signed up for.
You’ve caused an uproar to Steve about it, but he wasn’t listening. His excuse was, “the more people out in the field, the higher the risk for casualties,” what a crock of shit, you could hold your own, but they didn’t see that. 
You sat on your mat in a seiza posture in the gym listening to your kigaku instrumental music as you meditated. You knew they had an issue with how you trained it wasn’t like theirs. You meditated. You used your knowledge from Chō No Niwa. But they never saw what you could really do and it was a pity because you felt like all you’ve suffered from was for nothing. 
You heard the door to the fitness area creak open, you squinted one eye open to see Natasha, someone you adored from afar but could never really get with her closed off attitude. You knew she had a reason, but that’s not something you felt like you could handle while trying to pursue a relationship. Though you really wanted to, she just had a habit of pushing you away.
The music continued and you felt the notes of the koto run through you like a river. You stretched your legs out and reached now the middle humming along a with soft notes of the song. Natasha started playing her pumped up music on the other side of the gym and it completely threw you of kilter. 
“Could you maybe... put your headphones in or hold off for a few more minutes I’m almost done with my zazen. I just need to focus for a little bit longer,”
“This has always been my scheduled time and during that scheduled time I like to listen to music that pumps me up so I can get in the kick ass mood,” she sent a smirk your way and you wanted to wipe it right off her face.
“You know,” you just stared at her, “maybe if you guys had some faith in me, I could be out there kicking ass with you too,” 
She scoffed at your words, “We don’t know much about you Y/N. We’re just raiding the terrain. You have no backstory, no files. Almost as if you don’t exist and then Fury just brings you out of nowhere saying you’d be a perfect asset. Why is that?,” 
You hated that they didn’t trust you. You’ve been here for almost a year now and all you’ve done is steer that damn quinjet.
“Have you thought they maybe not everything is meant for you to know?,” you snatched up your mat, rolling it up and grabbing your radio.
You stormed out the gym and rushed to your room. You hated this. You didn’t spend years of your childhood into your early adulthood suffering to be treated like this. You threw your mat on the ground once you entered your room. 
You took a breath in, holding it so you didn’t lose your cool. You did Zazen so you could stay calm in situations like this, where people pissed you off.
You showered in peace. You music playing low in the background.
“Watashi wa kashō hyōka sareteimasuga, watashi wa yowaide wa arimasen” - I am underrated, but I am not weak, you mumbled to yourself over and over again until you believed in yourself enough.
You wiped over your face in the mirror. You stared dead into your own eyes, stoic as could be.
“Sore wa karera ga sugu ni mitsukeru toiu jijitsudesu,” - That is a fact that they will find soon. 
Once again, sitting on your mat in the gym, you made sure you picked a slot that Natasha didn’t have scheduled. 
Raising your arms above your head you slowly exhaled bringing them back down. Humming along with your music once again as you find your center of gravity. The music flowing through you like a river.
It fuels you, when it flows through you, you know you’re adrenalized. Each pluck of the koto vibrating each cell within you, it awakened you, brought you to life and you had no way to release it. With no way to fight, no way to get it out, your abilities were useless. You couldn’t overcharge like this. You remember your instructor’s words.
“Ka jūden denshi wa sonshō o hikiokoshi, seinō o teika semasu” - An overcharged battery causes damage and reduces performance. 
No good could come out of you if you just sat here charging yourself up with no way to release and charge up again. It’s pointless to keep charging something that isn’t even being used, something that has a percentage that doesn’t decrease from usage.
“Takahashi.” Natasha called from the door, “Quinjet, lets go,”
You quietly groaned to yourself. You didn’t even pack your stuff up, you just turned your radio off and ran behind her carrying everything with you. Once you were on the quinjet you didn’t change into your suit. What was the point? You weren’t going out to fight anyway. You spoke to no one as you sat in your pilot seat. This thing had friggin’ autopilot, why were you even here? 
Tony told you to coordinates and you knew those coordinates from anywhere- from your years back in Japan.
“Why are we heading to Japan?,” a pit settled in your stomach.
“For vacation,” Sam’s facetious tone rang through your ears.
You snapped your head towards him and scowled, “Now is not the time,”
“We have word that there is a facility training some of the world’s top assassins. It’s known by the name-,”
“-Chō No Niwa,” the words rolled of your tongue in distaste.
Steve frowned at you, you hadn’t even read the file, how did you know?,”
“Exactly... H-how, how did you know?,” 
You just stared at him for a bit before putting in the coordinates, “Maybe read closer on my file next time and notice what my nationality is,”
You turned around and flicked on all the switches, “Sit down and buckle up,” 
You turned the quinjet on autopilot and listened as Steve briefed everyone on a video that leaked into the media of the assassins. 
“They are ruthless!,” Wanda commented.
Of course we are, you thought, we wouldn’t be who we are if we weren’t.
“Their instructor goes by the name E-Ein,” Tony stuggled with the name.
“Einosuke Gen’ichirō,” you corrected.
“It looks like they’re doing some type of dance as they fight, it’s amazing,” Bucky leaned in closer to the video.
“It’s called Yosakoi,” you stated, “It’s not so amazing if you’re on the receiving end of one of those fans or katanas,” you chuckled.
“How do you know so much about them? Have you dealt with them before?,” Clint questions.
You spun in your chair and just stared, questioning if you’ve said too much. You’ve done all you could to erase the past and what you’ve gone through. But they already don’t trust you, keeping quiet or spilling everything could result in them not trusting you even more. You can’t seem to win for losing.
“Takahashi, we asked you a question,” Nat waves her hand.
You were caught in a flashback
You were all kneeling on the floor, waiting for your turn to perform for the Puraimu No Mono. You watched as your sister’s arms gracefully waved in the air, legs swooping, fan waving. 
She was doing amazing until she caught sight of the second head Prime. She got nervous and tripped on herself. Instant tears flew to your eyes. You knew what that meant. There was no excuse for a mess up, especially not in front of the other Primes that come all this way to see our progress. The small drum rang and she knelt down beside you, her breathing was heavy but no tears came to her eyes, how can she not be crying in this moment?
The head Prime, our instructor, knelt before her with a katana in his hand, unsheathing it and handing it to her. She looked at you with the most saddening smirk before saying 
“Anata ga tatakaitsuzukeru yō ni watashiwa hokori ni naru. Hana wa futabi watashitachi no tame ni sakimasu.” - I will be proud that you keep on fighting. The flowers will bloom for us again.
Her yukata became stained instantly, but you couldn’t scream or cry out or else you’d suffer the same punishment. You’re here today because of her, because you kept fighting.
“Earth to Y/N Takahashi, helloooo,” Sam waved a hand in your face.
“They’ll kill me if they see me,” you swallowed the lump in your throat.
“What? Why?,” Thor asks.
“We’re called Batafurai Samurai. Butterfly Samarai in translation,” You quickly blinked your eyes from spilling tears. You haven’t cried in years and you sure as hell wouldn’t now, not in front of a team that underestimated you so much, “Chō No Niwa is our home. The Butterfly Garden in English,” 
Everyone’s face was twisted in confusion or interest.
“Just know, they do not do well with trying to be stopped. What they do, you guys have never seen before. They can disarm and kill super soldiers like they’re centipedes,” you eyed Bucky and Steve.
“We’re so fast your arrows and bullets are nothing compared to us. We’ll injure you before even a spark of lightening can be struck. We’re so fast with the katanas that your thighs of death don’t stand a damn chance,” you spat out the words like poison and glared at Natasha.
“We’re contortionists, aerialists, marksman. We know every single form of fighting and defense there is from kenpo to fucking street fighting. We know how to hide in plain sight. We’re enhanced with the best biotechnology to keep us young, strong, fast. We know how to make it so we pretty much don’t exist. We know damn near every language under God’s blue sky. We’re worked day and night. That’s how we got so good. It’s so much more different than any other assassin facility you have come in contact with.” you tried to find your center of gravity so you didn’t get overwhelmed.
You pointed to the radio beside Sam and told him to hit the on and play button. Beautiful plucks of the koto rang through the speakers and you instantly calmed.
“You didn’t think to tell us this?,” Steve’s expression was unreadable.
“I never planned on going back home. Let alone be on a trip with you guys to shut it down,” your voice barely above a whisper, “With obviously being nothing more than your fucking pilot I didn’t think I had a say in anything but... this is my level of expertise so I guess I’d speak up,”  You turned back to the dash of the quinjet, you can feel their eyes burning holes through the chair.
“You’re going to face children out there,” you mention, “Don’t hold back, remember they’re trained assassins,” 
“You’re not just our pilot. We’re just trying to get a feel for you,” Bruce tried to lower the tension.
“By making me fly a metal boomerang for ten months?,” you looked over your shoulder. You caught sight of your suit trunk, in it was the very katana that killed your sister. As dark as it might sound it was your lucky charm when fighting or practicing alone in your own living area, it was like she was still there with you. 
“Our moves are hypnotizing, do not let them distract you,” you warned.
“Why don’t you come and fight with us?,” Steve asks.
You turn around your stare bores into his soul.
“Is that a joke?,” you clenched your jaw, “I’ve been on this team for ten months and now you want me to fight? Would you have asked me if this was just some normal facility you’re used to? It’s because you’re scared,” you hit the nail right on the head. No one else outside the team knows this but they do in fact get scared when they’re met with forces they’re unfamiliar with. Whether they admit it or not you always knew.
“I’m asking you to fight because you clearly know this territory better than anyone. I just want everyone to go back home safe and alive, Y/N,” 
You wondered if it was even worth it. What if you’re caught and that was the end of the line for you? You hadn’t fought another batafurai in years, what if you lost your touch? But then you remembered you had so much charge in you, you could be undefeated. This was your chance.
You stood up from your seat and got the key from your necklace to unlock the trunk. Your suit lied there, untouched and beautiful. You undressed right in front of them, not caring about their eyes on you. You wrapped your yukata around yourself, tying a tight knot in the back. Your sleeves big a flowy like wings, butterfly wings. The black and white floral yukata reached to right above your knee. You slicked your legs with oil and wrapped your feet and knees up in bandage before slipping on and strapping up your tabi boots. 
You tightened your katana sheath across your shoulders, swiftly taking the katana and placing it on your back. You do your best to tighten your hair up in a tight bun with the clips that were in the bottom of your trunk. Taking your fan of blades, you place it in your hair and you’re done. You take a deep breath in and you feel your heart beating, the rhythm like whooshing wings. 
Raising your hands above your head, you exhale and bring them down.
“Watashi ni tōshi shita chikara de, watashi no tsubasa noshita ni kaze ga nagareru yō no shitekudasai.” - Please let the wind blow under my wings with the power invested in me.
You landed right out in the filed in front of the training facility. Not much has changed. They did however brighten the place up, it looked less dull.
“This is my old home. This is the place I ran away from,”
The gates opened and there you saw the head Prime standing there with his army of butterflies. When it’s put like that it doesn’t sound so vicious, but once they start moving it’s like Armageddon in a beautiful way. They were expecting you guys.
“Tabun watashitachi wa anata ga ikiru yo ni naru, ima sugu shuppatsu sureba.” Words fast, a child in the front said. 
“W-what was that?,” Rhodey questioned.
“They’ll spare us if we leave,”
“Not unless you stop what you’re doing here,” Steve said.
You rolled your eyes at him. You stepped forward 
“Kore o teishi shi, wareware wa nokoshimasu,”
The same child pointed at you, their face blank, “Niwa e no uragirimono,”
“What did she say that time?,” Tony’s voice echoes from his suit.
“I am a traitor to the garden,” 
“While I’d like stand here a little longer and gaze at the beautiful palace, we have a job to do,” Natasha sent a smirk to the team. 
“This is a dangerous game we’re about to play, Natalia,” you grimaced at her and she seemed taken aback that you used her real name.
“If we’re gonna run in there like a herd of cattle be smart,” you gritted your teeth.
“You don’t just fight them, you flow with them, you dance, you fly,” 
They didn’t seem to understand me.
“Stand back for a few and just watch me,”
“I’m sorry but I don’t think you can take on a whole court of samarais by yourself,” Bucky scoffed.
You stared straight ahead and removed your katana from your sheathe.
“Go ahead and underestimate me. It’s okay. You’re not the first and you sure as hell won’t me the last. But you will be wrong,”
You looked across the court, eyeing the different colors of everyone’s yukatas.
“The ones wearing yellow are the weakest ones but they’re still strong. Go for any pressure point in the neck. Those wearing purple are up in the tier, you’ll have to get close enough to get them right in the glabella. It’s weird but it’ll weaken them, it’s a weak spot, pressure point. Orange, they’re fast, too fast for any of you, even from up above,” You look at Tony and Rhodey.
“Those wearing black like me.. we’re the strongest. We’re almost unstoppable. You have to pull a move that’s hard to perfect. The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique. You powerfully jab your fingertips into five different pressure points around their heart. They take five steps and their hearts explode. It’s a hard technique to perfect. Only the best of the best can properly execute it,”
“Are you the best of the best?,” Natasha taunts
Not for a second do you take your eyes off the butterflies.
“We’ll all have to wait and see,”
“We don’t want to kill anyone Y/N,” Steve shook his head warily.
“Then you don’t want to stop them,” You smirk at his words, “Once Einosuke gives them the go they don’t stop until we’re dead,”
The whole court had their eyes on you, they all wanted to get the chance to kill the traitor of the garden, they’d earn the most highest praise and would get the opportunity to become a Prime.
Gen’ichirō smiled at you and you knew you’d have to fight for your life. You always knew you’d have to once you were actually out in the field, though this is not the fight you’d expected.
He raised his hand and pointed to you speaking the simple words, “Watashi ni kanojo o motarasu,”  Bring her to me.
You spare your team a quick glance, “Stand down until you see how I move against them, no questions,”
An orange batafurai runs towards you screaming, “Niwa no tame ni!,” For the garden! 
You charge towards her and she swings her sword first which was a big mistake on her part. With her arm extended out, you jump up in the air, the wind flowing beneath the sleeves of your yukata. With pointed toes you stepped on her forearm sending your sword down and through her. Your feet gracefully land on the ground and you feel her blood running down your sword and onto your hand.
You look up at Gen’ichiro smirking, “Tobimashō.” Let’s fly.
The entire court starts to head for you, but he doesn’t send any black butterflies, he sends the younger ones. He’s preserving his prized possessions. 
The yellow batafurais attack first. Their legs swooping, wings flowing. To the others on the team it was mesmorizing. 
“Guys, Y/N said don’t get distracted,” Thor mentions. This snaps them out of their hypnosis and they get ready to fight on your go.
They hear all the whooshing and clank of your katanas but they could not tear their eyes off of you. You are as graceful as could be, and yet they kept you on the side lines for this long?
It was like you were dancing on air, the ground wasn’t even a thing to you. 
“Now!,” you called out to everyone.
You begin to hear the gun shots but they’re not coming in contact with anyone. You literally just told them bullets didn’t phase them.
You were doing aerials and tumbles all along the court. The others were pretty much just stalling, they could’ve stayed on the quinjet for all of this.
There were so many bodies lying around you. Bucky was still going at it with an orange batafurai, you just wanted this to end. You heard him grunting and trying his best to fight her off but he was cutting it close. Taking your fan, you ran towards them, sliding on your knees, you slice the batafurai’s Achilles and she called out screaming, dropping to her knees, you stand up and swiftly swipe your fan against her neck. She instantly fell over choking and that was that. 
You stood in front of the steps, staring and analyzing the girls that would have been your sisters had you stayed. There’s only four of them and they were wearing masks, meaning these were his strongest samurais. 
“Anata no gijutsu wa zusanna eteimasu,” Gen’ichirō laughs at you.
You turned to the others and shake your head with a shameful smirk, “Sore wa machigainai shikashi, kono chō wa shibaraku no ma, kēji ni tojikomerareta. Anata wa nani o kitai shimashita ka?,”
“What is being said right now?,” Steve asks.
“He said my skills are sloppy and I told him I’ve been cooped up in a cage for a while so what did he expect,” you shrugged your shoulders.
“Anata wa niwa no saikō no Takahashideshita. Dono yōna muda,” he shakes his head as he stepped back and let the four batafurai come forward, “Sore wa kazoku no naka ni nakerebanarimasen. Anatano imōto o mite,” 
“FRIDAY, what was that?,” you heard Tony asking the AI to finally translate,. 
“He told Y/N she was the best in the garden but she is now a waste. It must be in the family. Look at her sister for example,” you heard her voice.
“Don’t you ever mention Azumi again in your life,” you clenched your jaw. No one knew you had a sister and the very person who had her execute herself had the nerve to bring her up.
“Did I strike a nerve little butterfly?,” his laugh sickened you. 
Without thinking you sent your katana flying across the steps and right into his stomach.
He fell to the ground choking, holding the handle in pain.
“Hurts doesn’t it? The same one you had Azumi use. How poetic,” your voice trembled, “Go ahead then. Take it out!,”
Watching him was like watching your sister all over again.
“You can’t stop us,” Einosuke sputtered, blood coating his lips and teeth.
“Keep underestimating me,” You picked up one of the dead batafurai’s katanas and gripped it tight, this will do until you could get your other one back, “It only fuels me more. You of all people should know that,” 
His body fell over and the four batafurai took their masks off. You scanned them and once you got to the last one your soul left your body.
“Azumi,” you gasp.
“I no longer go by Azumi. You will address me as Sunako,” 
You watched her die. You fucking watched her die! How is she standing in front of you?
“I watched you die, Azumi,” 
She sent her fan flying toward you, the blades cutting your face. She caught the fan back in her head.
“Einosuke gave me another chance once the other Primes left that day. He saved me, made me reborn. I was healing but you were a coward and ran. You were weak. We don’t spare cowards, no matter the relations.”
“Az- Sunako you can end this!,” You pleaded.
“I have a job to finish, Y/N. As did you but unlike you, I’m strong enough to finish it,” 
Her voice was so monotone, robotic almost. 
“We don’t really have time for a family reunion, Y/N. If you don’t snap out of it she’s gonna kill us,”
“Natasha, for one got damn second!,” you snapped, “Just one fucking second will you SHUT UP!,”
There had to be a way for you to get to her.
“We would cry together,” You whispered, “We would cry together and talk about how we would get out of here because they were making us into monsters,”
“Those were childish plans, Y/N. They’re making us strong. They’re building us to survive, to be better. To be worth something!,” 
“And you’re worth something by killing people?,”
“You just slaughtered the whole school of batafurai, sister,” She tilted her head and smirked at you, “You can wear the mask of an Avenger but you still have the blood of a batafurai, you can’t unlearn all they’ve taught us. Without that, you’d be the one lying lifeless amongst us,” 
“Alright, I’ve had enough. I’m bored,” Tony sighs.
“Tony, No!-” 
He sent a blast to one of the other batafurai and with her katana, she countered his attack, sending the blast right back, sending Tony across the court.
“Oh my God,” you slapped your hand over your mouth.
“We’ve got incoming. We should be able to take them right? There’s only four,” Clint nervously chuckled.
Gripping the hand of the katana harder, your sister came towards you with the black wing katana. The most famous katana in the history of the Batafurai Samurai. 
“Azumi, stop!,” You brought your katana up, fighting against someone who you thought was dead. It’d been 11 years and you’d silently mourn her in flashbacks and nightmares.
Her katana cut through your yukata and got your arm pretty good
“Fuck!,” you screamed, the cut burning deep.
Everyone else was being tag teamed. You told them how good they were. There’s how many of you guys and you’re getting your asses handed to you by four samurais.
With each swing from you she dodge it perfectly, she was slicing you up like vegetables and you were finding it hard to keep fighting. 
“Azumi, it’s me, Y/N, your sister,” your yukata was becoming damp but you weren’t giving up, not yet.
“I only know you as a traitor to the garden,” she hissed.
You saw an opening and swooped your leg under her, knocking her down. You flipped over her to help take care of the others. 
“Steve!,” Him and Bucky were fighting against a batafurai that was kicking their ass with hair chopsticks from her buns, he took a second to look at you and you tossed him your fan.
He easily caught it and swung it, slicing the girls arm, she cried out and Bucky kicked her on her back as you came up through his legs driving the katana into her chest.
Hulk, Thor, Clint and Sam were somehow getting their asses kicked by a single person. She was a blur of color to them, too fast, too agile, too smart.
Running up and jumping on Hulk, you used his back as a ramp, running up and jumping in mid air, doing almost a full scorpion to avoid her katana, you used your position to decapitate her from behind and you fell to the ground, rolling to a stop. You see Natasha, Tony, Wanda and Rhodey trying to stop your sister and the last batafurai.
You join them and try to take on your sister again. She’s so much stronger, she’s right, it’s like she was reborn.
“You can’t beat me, Y/N,” she smiled, “I’m not who you knew,” 
She cut your hand and you cried out, the katana flying out of your hand. You had no form of defense, as the one other batafurai was taking on the rest of the team and wounding them pretty good. You dodged every swipe of the katana but that wasn’t enough. You weren’t tired but you sure were injured pretty badly and that slowed you down. You had an idea though.
You calculated the batafurai’s moves and backed your way to her while you tried to not have your sister kill you.
You counted to eight and right at eight the other batafurai landed in front of you, right when your sister swung her katana, cutting her in half right at the waist. 
Your sister stopped and stood wide eyed. Tears welled up in her eyes and she screamed out.
“My sisters!, you killed my sisters!,” She blamed you,
“I am your sister, Azumi! Please, the flowers were supposed to bloom for us again!,” you pleaded.
“Those flowered are dead, as are you,” 
Her katana swung and got you right on your inner thigh, you screamed out in pain, she definitely got the main artery. She stepped closer and the team ran after her but you stopped them.
“STOP!,” your bloodied hand up at them, their yelling didn’t phase you as you stared in her eyes. She had broken you down, she’s gotten you weak enough to take you out for good.
“Please, see me. See me,”
She swung her katana up but not before mumbling the words, “Anata wa idaina koto ni natteita. Anata wa hana no fīrudo no naka de utsukushī chōdatta. Kon go tsubasa wa haikyo tona soshite hana wa kareteiru. Anata wa sore o tsukuru no ni jūbun tsuyokunakatta,”
You were supposed to be great. You were a beautiful butterfly in the field of flowers. Now the wings are ruined and the flowers are wilting. You were not strong enough to make it.
 You mustered up all the strength you could. Once she was close enough, before should swing her katana down on you, you took your fingers, jabbing them into her chest and twisting, you looked at her pained (reference Wanda’s face when she had to kill Vision in IW), you didn’t want to do the final point, but she wasn’t gonna stop until you were dead. With a pained expression, you send the fifth and final jab right into her chest and she immediately coughs up blood. 
“I-I can’t even do that, h-how?,” she choked.
“Because I am strong enough,” you cried.
She took one step back, then two, the three, four... she didn’t take the fifth.
“Anata ga tatakaitsuzukeru yō ni watashi wa hokori ni naru,”
You choked out a sob at the fact she used the same words the first time she was supposed to have died. I will be proud that you keep fighting.
“I think you’re ready to go,” you sniffled, “You’re only prolonging it,”
She took her final step and her body fell out, you had no more strength within you to keep yourself up. You looked down and saw you were bleeding out.
“I’m going cold,” you muttered. Natasha ran over to you to add pressure to your inner thigh.
“Y/N, stay with me!,”
“Nat, I’m going cold. I can feel it,”
She added more pressure, “You’re not! Do not slip on me, I will kill you myself. Just hold on!,” 
Thor rushed to your side and started swinging his hammer, “I can get her there faster,” he mentioned. 
“Take me with you,” Natasha begged, she never begs.
“No, I’m going. Thor, lets go,”
Natasha tried to fight him on it but Steve shut her down and brought Bruce as well.
Everyone rushed to the quinjet and Tony notified whoever needed to be notified that the mission was done and there would need to be clean up but not before Nat grabbed your initial katana and the black wing katana.
Natasha sat with her head against the wall and her eyes closed.
“She’s gonna be okay, ya know,” Clint sat down beside her as they flew in the air.
“Everything that we thought she couldn’t do she showed us she could. She’s obviously a fighter. She’s gonna be okay,”
“Yeah, I hope so,”
Back at compound, doctors and nurses were rushing everywhere, they weren’t sure if they could fix this bad of an injury, especially to an artery. 
“What you used on Clint! Could that work?,” Steve asked Dr. Cho.
“Yes but it would take so much more time because it’s not just one area she’s bleeding out from,”
“If it’s possible then lets get to it,”
In your head you were flying, you weren’t human, you were a beautiful butterfly, your wings pumping faster than ever. The colors so vibrant as you smiled. The further you flew the slower your wings were beating. You heard it deep in your ear drum, your wings pumped to the beat of a pulse almost. You noticed the colors becoming more dull as the time went on until they were completely black and white and you weren’t flying anymore.
The team finally made it back and rushed inside. Steve and Bruce wouldn’t tell them how you were doing because they didn’t know themselves. They just played the waiting game as you lied comatose in the cradle.
“She’s going to make it, she’s got to,” Natasha told herself. She paced and paced and paced in her room. It’d been days and still no news on you. She tried sneaking into see you but Cho’s nurses weren’t having it.
A knock came from her door and there stood Clint.
“Told you we underestimated her. She’s awake,”
Natasha never ran so fast in her life as she slid to a stop in front of the infirmary door, she swung it open and saw you eating a pudding cup, bandages all over your arms and face.
“Glad to see you’re awake,”
“Didn’t expect to see you in here,” you said cautiously. 
“Why wouldn’t I?,” 
“You’re raiding the terrain, you don’t know much about me. Figured you didn’t visit people you didn’t know,”
“Y/N, I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just always looking over my shoulder and suspicious of people. It’s nothing against you,”
“Well I’m not dead. So you can go,” You sharp tone caught her off guard.
“I- I was thinking I could stay in here for a bit. W-we could talk and I brought your katana back and... hers-,”
“So what?,: you laughed bitterly, “I almost died and it sparked some feelings in you and now you want me to just accept that?,”
Natasha’s jaw was slack as she tried to find the words to say.
“My life shouldn’t be some wake up call for you. I don’t work like that,”
“It’s not a wake up call and you’re right I did come to lay my feelings out there. It’s just, I’m not used to admitting when I like someone and it’s stupid but yeah Y/N, I like you and I should’ve said so sooner,”
“It’s not that easy. You don’t get to be mean or treat someone badly just because you don’t know how to express your feelings!,”
“I know, I know,” she nodded.
She sat down with you and you felt overwhelmed with all you were feeling. 
“We were orphans,” you blurt out.
“You want to know a backstory.. well here it is,” you swirling the pudding with the spoon.
“Me and my sister were orphans. Our parents gave us up when she was 1 and I was a new born. They dropped us out front of the training facility and Einosuke took us in. From the day he took us in, well until I could walk, ‘til the day I left, we trained day and night. We danced, learned, fought and studied. Our brains were put in a blender,”  You set the cup of pudding down, now finding your bandages more interesting.
“They were merciless. We were starved so we could train to be perfect. We danced on hot coals, beds of razors, anything that taught us light and graceful, it was a messy experience. Every month we would perform in front of the other Prime ones so they could see our progress and see if we were ready to go out and be a real batafurai,” you rolled your eyes at the words.
Natasha sat there, listening to every syllable that came out of your mouth.
“One day my sister was performing. She passed the ‘Butterfly Trial’ which is a bunch of tests that ranged from differently styles of fighting with different weapons to having an extensive conversation with all the languages we learned, but now it was really time for her to perform. Time for her to fly. She looked so beautiful. She was floating on air, her dance resonated within everyone and you could tell just by looking around the room . But she made eye contact with the second head Prime and she got nervous which caused her to slip up and in the Cho No Niwa, there are no slip ups... We... they don’t take slip ups lightly,”
You cleared your throat and took a quick glance at Natasha, she stared at you with intensity, wrinkles in her forehead, “I immediately started to tear up but I couldn’t cry out or else I’d suffer too. Azumi didn’t cry at all, she just knelt down beside me as Einosuke handed her the katana. She placed the blade toward her and she told me that she’ll be proud that I keep fighting and the flowers will bloom for us again. Then.. then,” 
Your eyes became blurred, it was such a foreign feelings to cry, especially after almost eleven years, 
“Then she was forced to commit seppuku,” you swallowed thickly, “A suicide ritual by stabbing yourself in the abdomen. In recent years others were forced to complete the ritual by disemboweling themselves but our generation of batafurai changed that. Azumi’s name meant ‘safe space’ and she was that for me, she was all I had, she was my protector,”
You wiped your face and shook your head, “I watched her die, Nat. I don’t know how he did it but I watched my sister fucking die. Then I see her standing there alive, telling me she goes by the name Sunako which means ’dark side’, I saw her fucking die that day” you sobbed and sniffled your nose, you tasted the salt from your tears, “Then I had to watch it again... for good and I’m the one who did it,”
You were so upset at the universe. Natasha rested her hand on yours. 
“She died when I was thirteen and that same night I ran away. I was doing alI could to survive then Fury found me at 17. He had me in a safe house and had another agent train me until he thought I was ready to join you guys. I wasn’t ready until 6 years later and then I get here and you all stick me in a cage and underestimate me,”
“W-we didn’t mean to, Y/N. We’re just worried because of the influx of enhanced beings and-,”
“It’s okay,” you cut her off, “I think I’ve shown you guys enough to regret doing that,” you half smile.
“You are correct,”
“There’s no files on me because I have none. I literally don’t exist to the outside world. I’m legally here because of  my dual citizenship. But other than that I’m a ghost,”
“I’m sorry for everything, Y/N,”
You weren’t sure if she meant it, she says a lot of things.
“I mean it, I like you and I know it’s going to take a while to build some trust up but I’m willing to do that,”
“Don’t lie to me,”
“I’m not lying. We all know that we need to do better to make you feel safe and a part of the team and we’re all willing to work on that. I’m willing to work on that and us,”
“Who said there’s an us?,”
“No one. But I’m willing to be there for you in every way so we can build it into existence,”
*The End*
Lmao that didn’t turn out how I wanted but I’m posting it anyway!
PLEASE leave feedback, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated (likes are too but I like y’alls encourage words.
Depending on how fast this gets to 100 notes the faster you guys get Myself part 2!!
Tags- @sideeffectsofyou @chonisberonica @majikmelanin​
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