#like the one with the possible canon x canon ship still bothers me
candyheartedchy · 1 year
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I keep trying to get back into drawing my self ships but I still feel empty and conflicted about shipping with certain characters now.
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starryeyedstray · 7 days
my thoughts on dbh as someone entering the fandom in 2024
so just got into the dbh fandom like in aug 2024. i have watched too much gameplay, read the wiki extensively, read an obscene amount of fanfics on ao3, and am in the process of writing my own. here are some of my thoughts (that no one has asked for):
every fanfic writer who started in 2018 and is still updating their works in 2024 are literal saints and some of the best damn writers i ever did saw and the dedication is fucking unreal. one fic had almost 2 million words??????? like BRUH. some are still ongoing and updated this year?? the dbh fandom in ao3 is not thriving as much as it was in 2018 (i say this purely as someone who's looking at the hits/kudos/comment ratios on older v. new works) but they are still alive!!!!
i am puzzled with the obsession with gavin reed. there are like a million fics that feature him and rk900. i am confused bc he did not seem like a redeeming character at all in my opinion and idk, i think he's just an asshole. i like the redemption arcs some ppl write for him but i just can't with him. i mean you ship who you wanna ship but i am not a reed fan and i am confused how he became so popular when all he did was bully our poor boi connor.
i personally don't ship hank x connor bc they give strong father-son vibes in the canon. however, i am obsessed with how jolli_bean writes the pairing on ao3 since its usually a canon divergence or an AU so the pair meet later in life. there are some fics that follow the canon and do a pretty good job with the pairing, but i just tend to keep it familial between them in my head. (but like i said, ship who you want to ship)
i am glad there's a vague consensus that we all wished alice stayed a human bc i feel like that lends itself to a more interesting narrative post-game. tho i guess her being an android is fine bc now kara, luthor, and alice can live as one happy family in canada forvever lol
i am literally obsessed with bryan dechart's acting as connor. like if you haven't seen him play connor in real life for the interactive #detroit2038 premiere event, then you gotta watch some of the live stream. like he doesn't break character the whole time and his physicality just screams connor and i just really appreciate how much effort he put in as an actor to really embody the character. just so impressive and i wish there was more bts of him acting as connor bc its just so nuanced and ugh *chef's kiss* if they ever made a live action dbh it would be impossible for anyone else to play connor
i love the 28 stab wounds meme. when i watched that scene for the first time it was so jarring lmao
i also love how everyone is like yes, we all know connor likes dogs but he also likes fish bc of that one fish you can save in the very first minute of gameplay hahahah. (his name is dewey and it is vitally important you save him). i also appreciate how the "i like dogs" line will undoubtedly find it's way into every fic possible lol
i think the love for simon is very good and well and amazing but i think josh deserves more love in fics too
it bothers me that when north tells markus "i love you" at the church, MARKUS DOESN'T SAY IT BACK??? LIKE BITCH SAY YOU LOVE HER BACK DAMMIT DON'T JUST WALK AWAY
i love how the fandom just latched onto rk900 and rk800-60 and fleshed out their personalities and i love reading ppl's interpretation of these characters and how they incorporate them into their stories. it's funny they only show up like one time and ppl just ran with it and it's so fun and creative and i love it.
i love the hc that chloe deviated when connor chose not to shoot her. that's the best hc. like it's canon in my heart idc
bless all the fic writers who have mastered the art of explaining how androids mind and bodies work bc there are so many gaps and possibilities left open in the lore and it's incredible to see what ppl come up with or interpret based off the canon. (i still feel 50/50 about when they make deviants feel pain cause like androids not feeling pain is such a big part of the canon and yeah i'll give it a pass if the fic does it for the whumps and the angst but i prefer when a fic finds a canon-compliant reason for deviants to feel pain, even if its just like they got a chip or software installed that makes them feel pain or something)
every pairing that i find in this fandom, i tend to be like... "yeah i can see that." (with the exception of hank x connor for reasons i stated in #3). i'm still like ehhh on reed900 or even gavin x connor bc i just don't think it makes sense in the canon but if it's written well i just shrug and say yeah i guess i could see that. some rarepairs i ended up absolutely adoring were chloe x north and rk900 x north (i realize they're both north but she has such good potential for character dynamics)
idk if it's just me bc i specifically look for fics centered around connor, but i feel like there's not a lot of love for kara at least fic-wise. ig it's cause she kinda just leaves so it's easy to not include her. tbh, i am quite well-versed in markus' and connor's stories but i haven't really explored a lot of kara's. i plan on playing dbh with my partner when i see them again in a couple months and i wanted us to take turn playing different characters and i wanted to play kara's storyline so i've been avoiding it for the most part so i can be surprised with my options. plus, in my wip fic, kara is in canada so she's not really relevant to my story which is why i have in depth knowledge about markus and connor and less on kara.
the music in this game fucking SLAPS. 10/10 kara's theme makes me wanna cry.
okay, there is a common trope in the dbh fanfics where connor loses his memory and that shit gets me everytime. i'm always bawling and anxiously waiting for him to fucking REMEMBER and i hate and love it and eat it up every. single. time. usually, the memory loss happens early in the fic and it's pretty expected but sometimes i get blindsided and i'm like FUCK not this shit again but i can't stop reading it and the angst is so palpable.
i think it's so interesting how ra9 is just like this mystery in the lore that never gets entirely explained in the game. it's like something you can totally kinda ignore but it does have interesting lore implications if you decide to really think about it.
i adore all the characters in dbh equally except for connor who is the certified best boi and my absolute favorite (no one is shocked by this declaration). and the characters on my shit list are zlatko, todd, and sometimes reed.
this is an obnoxiously long post and i apologies. i haven't been on tumblr in years and i just had so many thoughts about dbh and i have no friends to talk to so i decided to dump it all here. i still have more thoughts but those are the ones that come to the forefront of my mind.
tldr: i love dbh and its fandom and i have many specific thoughts about it and you should just really read my post if you care about any of it
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bubbleddisasters · 4 months
So I saw a cool ship edit with Cater and Che’nya, and that has given me the confidence to talk about my favorite crackship/Rare pair!
(This is pretty long, sorry!)
Che’nya and Idia!
It originally started out as a joke like “Over Powered Cat Boy x Cat Loving Gamer Boy”, but then I realized how actually good they could be for eachother.
Although they never technically talk in canon, they do meet in Glorious Masquerade for like 6 seconds, but I shipped them prior lol.
Basically, Che’nya would be extremely good for Idia in many ways, I hope its not a bother, but I’ll just list my personal ideas!
(Keep in mind that in Alice in Wonderland, Its stated in “Through the Looking Glass” the Cheshire Cat is the second most powerful being, next to the personification of Time, So I envision Che’nya is pretty op, and theres some evidence to prove that but i’m not going to get in to that right now)
Starting off from Idias side:
One: Lets say Idia refuses to eat or care for himself, Che’nya could teleport away his consoles until he does, or teleport the food to him.
Like : “You won’t shower? Gee I wonder where your routers went.” “Won’t sleep? I opened a portal on your gaming chair that teleports you to your bed” “Won’t drink water? Damn, that figurine near the edge of the table looking real pushable right now.”
We also know that Idia has a huge soft spot for cats. Che’nya is most definitely the most cat like person in the cast. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a cat form. So thats definitely some sway there.
Also, if he does or even if he doesn’t have a cat form, he has a big and floofy tail, and if he does have a cat form, I imagine it to be Mainecoon like (since Che’nya is pretty tall and lanky) so free floof to pet/brush when Idias stressed (also A Whisker Away AU?)
Another thing is Che’nyas invisibility: He can be a comfort for Idia without being seen, so Idias less judged for his anxiousness. Like if Idias in a stressful meeting or something in STYX, He can be there to comfort or calm him without anyones notice. Also, If Idias in a stressful social situation, Che’nya can teleport him or them both away, or make them or just him invisible.
Plus, judging from the most definitely self made artwork on Che’nyas pants, I think its safe to say he’s probably an artist of some sort, and I think he’d be more than willing to indulge/read/play/watch Idias recommendations, and maybe draw something for him. (The requirements are either cuddles or Solving Che’nyas riddles three)
Finally, judging by the fact Che’nya casually waltzes through NRCs magic barrier, which took SEVERAL HIGH TECH STYX STRIKES TO CRACK, often enough for Riddle to be able to say “The Intruder” and everyone just knows its Che’nya.
Also, RSA is THE ENTIRE ISLAND AWAY AND ON A GIANT FUCKING MOUNTAIN, so this means Che’nya is very casually teleporting across the equivalent of atleast a small country without producing jack shit in terms of blot, while (from what we can see on his design) not wearing a mage stone.
He’s also been detaching his own body parts, flying, going invisible, etc since age 5, and from Rollos story we know that amount of magic use would indefinitely kill 80% of people, especially a kid, so knowing that, I’m pretty sure its somewhat safe to say if Che’nya got into S.T.Y.X atleast once so he knows where it is, he’d be able to teleport back in and out (the security team fucking hates him and the blot research team wants to experiment on him.)
With that, Idia wouldn’t feel as if he’s trapping Che’nya down there if they were to tie the knot, and gives the possibility of being able to teleport out to shore for in town dates.
On Che’nyas side, Idia is someone who’s very fun once he sort of lets himself go, and god forbid if those two team up on April Fools.
He’s also someone that is already pretty lonely by nature and I find it extremely plausible Che’nya feels slightly replaced by Cater, and although he definitely still cherishes Riddle and Trey, its nice to have someone that you don’t fear might find a replacement.
Also, at RSA, we know he’s good friends with Neige, but because of Neiges fame, that must be hella stressful when you’re trying to hang out and get jumped by fans or paparazzi.
Not to mention Neige is likely very very busy due to the same factor. I’d also wager most people at RSA are not as much fun to him, considering it’s mentioned they always seem to be perfect and pristine at events.
That cycle of semi- perfect paradise like school days would probably bore him, along with the very bland or stereotypical reactions I can imagine his pranks getting.
So we have on one side the stress of being friends with someone in the limelight at all times, and the stress being chased around when you go to visit your childhood friends + being lowkey replaced.
So someone you can pretty much always count on to be available and a dorm that won’t chase you out (probably too anti-social and/or Socially anxious to do so) and is somewhat willing to indulge in your chaos from time to time, or just play games with.
I could also see Che’nya and Ortho getting along very well too, with Ortho being the most aggressive wingman for Idia. Also, if Che’nya gets Ortho in on pranking Idia, it’s going to turn into a prank WAR.
Also, fun idea, Lilia, Cater and Trey being Che’nyas Wingmen.
I like to imagine Che’nya and Lilia are extremely good friends (They call themselves the Pink Bats and Purple Cats Jumpscarers) and since from what we know, Che’nya only has his grandfather, Lilia emotionally adopted him after Che’nya unintentionally fell asleep in his Cat form in the woods and Lilia told Silver to bring him back because “he was concerned about the high magic levels he sensed” and basically did the equivalent of
Silver: “Father, It might not be a stray-“
Lilia, fully aware its a fae beastman : “Finders Keepers :) “
Basically this snowballs into Che’nya getting invited into the dungeon runs with Idia, and yea.
Trey’s wingmanning is 40% trying to make sure Riddle doesn’t catch Che’nya, 20% trying to make sure he doesn’t blow up the kitchen trying to make something for Idia, and 40% being the sane consultant of date ideas, making sure Cater doesn’t go overboard with ship posts, and the preventive measurer to the date ideas recommended by Lilia.
“Please do not have a sword duel for a date.”
“Nya? I’d be fun!”
“I don’t see why not. I did that with my lovers back in the day. Melanor in her training uniform was quite a sight to behold, Ravaene also looked fine, I suppose. Poor him was always too easy for us to take out however-“
“Lilia, thats uh, not the point. I don’t trust either of them with weapons.”
“Hm? Silver got his first sword when he was 10 or so. Baul and I refereed Sebek and Silvers first real duel when they were…12, methinks? For all Bauls bragging about his grandson, it was my son who won in the end-“
*Camera pans to a very concerned Riddle in the doorway.*
“What kind of a discussion is going on here?!”
Yea, thats pretty much it!
(If you recognize some of the beginning spiel from a comment section on tiktok yes I wrote that and I got mildly lazy and thought past me explained it pretty well so I copy and pasted a few pieces)
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trelinha9 · 6 months
Every time I see a Friede x Amethio post, ten of my neurons die. I know these posts come from new fans who only watched the episodes released on Netflix (which goes up to 13 if I'm not mistaken), and he's only appeared in 6 episodes at this point (which is a crime against my mental health. What the hell is he doing in that time offscream? I WANT ANSWERS!!!) I remember in the first episodes of Horizontes, that Tumblr and AO3 were full of posts and fics about Friede x Amethio, and they disappeared over time as the episodes went on.
It's funny, because nowadays, almost a year after Horizons officially started, fans who watch the subtitled episodes are all worried about the mental health of this teenager and wondering why the heck they are in Exploradores, while the new fans are in the same boat as most of the old ones were and abandoned, shipping the poor guy with Friede.
I personally never shipped them because:
1: Amethio is, canonically, and confirmed by his original voice actor, a teenager (on bulbapedia it said he was between 13 and 19, but now they removed that part and only added the fact that he is a teenager, without mentioning a possible age) I headcanon him as 16, because, for me, it's the age that makes the most sense for his behavior and mannerisms, but that's just me. You can imagine him as 18 or 19 if that makes you feel more comfortable shipping him with Friede, but it doesn't change the fact that he's still a young and emotionally immature person, with no apparent emotional support base other than his Pokémon and his subordinates (Zir and Conia will get there someday, I know they will), while Friede is a fully grown adult, and clearly more mature than Amethio (there's even a line about it in episode 25). Friede had already been a Pokémon teacher for probably a reasonable amount of time when Liko was around 5 to 7 years old (we find out about this in episode 18), and honestly, Amethio doesn't look that much older than Liko. The clear age difference between them makes me uncomfortable. There are a lot of adults in the Horizons cast to be shipped with Friede, leave the traumatized teenager alone.
2: The way Friede, especially in the first arc, keeps teasing Amethio, even though he's clearly irritated and on edge, makes me want to punch him. I love Friede. But the way he interacts with Amethio, one minute he's having a good time taking care of Liko and Roy, and the next he's ready to annoy the shit out of a teenager make me so angry. I love this idea that Friede is a complete social disaster who doesn't really know how to pick up cues (scareing a deaf girl, for example, is definitely something he would do by accident 👀), but there's no way he can't see how negatively his actions and words affect Amethio. Amethio wants to prove himself. He wants to fulfill the mission ordered to him, and this idiot adult, in addition to getting in the way, bothers him every chance he gets (ep 5, ep 22 and ep 25 are the best examples). I'm amazed at how Friede either doesn't really realize the harm his actions cause to Amethio, or he does and simply decides to keep doing it.
This post may make it seem like I don't like Friede, which isn't true. I love Friede. I think he's a very funny character, but he also has a lot of flaws, and bullying a teenager is one of them.
I don't want to start fights about ships, because I'm not in Horizontes for the ships, but for the story and the characters. The only ship I really like is Friede with a certain Explorer who erased a child's memory (because for the love of god, they couldn't have made their battle in the last episode any less gay, could they) I don't want to offend anyone who ships Friede and Amethio, I just wanted to give my opinion on the matter and why I, with my interpretation of the story and characters, hate this ship. (Hate is a strong word, but I feel uncomfortable whenever I see this ship somewhere)
I'm really sorry if I offended anyone at any point in this post, I just don't like seeing a teenager and an adult being shiped.
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no-psi-nan · 7 months
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Ok @fluffydice, sorry for the lateness on this one but as anyone following this blog for over 5 minutes probably knows, I think Aiura x Saiki x Akechi makes so much sense and it is insanely compelling to me. I've posted so much fanfic about it already and that's only like 20% of the Thoughts™ I've had about them tbh.
But when you're doing an analysis of a triad, you have to breakdown 3 different ships and also how they would work simultaneously, so I needed time to write it all up. Buckle in!
Let's talk about Saiki x Aiura first since they had the most screen time together and they're the most "canon". I was genuinely shocked to see how rare this pairing is in fandom when they're literally canonically soulmates and also actually prove it on their every interaction.
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From their very first meeting, Aiura and Saiki work together flawlessly to save Yumehara's life many times in a row + the life of the truck driver. Aiura then figures out how to hang out with Saiki without having to deal with his tsundere rejection, which he can leave at any time (unlike with Teruhashi) because she knows about his powers and won't stir up trouble if he leaves. Saiki keeps allowing her to schedule 1:1 dates and is basically like "don't bother asking me, you know I'll go" about the dessert buffet date lol.
Even when they disagree and neither of them will back down, they still work wonderfully together and they both end up learning and growing from it. Saiki trusts Aiura to help him, and Aiura always agrees to help him just because she cares. That's HUGE considering how hard it is for Saiki to ask for literally anything!!
Aiura also respects Saiki's boundaries more than anyone else imo. She only joins him when he's out in public, she tries her usual heavy-handed flirting at first but quickly adjusts when she realizes he's not into it, she puts her clothes back on immediately after realizing that she misunderstood the situation, she starts asking him out instead of just joining him, she asks for a kiss and respects his "no", and she hugs him anyways because they both really need it after the stress of the day.
And Saiki responds to that, opening up more with Aiura than he has with anyone else in way less time. Aiura had under 2 years with Saiki while Saiki's core friend group had like 6 years, and yeah, she benefited some from his character growth over the past 4 years. But still, the way he banters with her shows how comfortable he is– he's more open with her than with anybody else, and not just with his annoyance like he is with Toritsuka lmao.
Also, come ON, there's just no one more deserving of an epic husband/wife local god with transformation powers than Aiura. She works so hard with her powers to help everyone and convinces Saiki to help others more and she helps him get the best outcomes for everyone. Let her get her hands on her soulmate who can make her bi dreams come true, who can give her third eye a break from constantly seeing auras and death marks, who can grow big fluffy wings to hug her with, etc etc etc!!!!! LET HER HAVE SOME FUN FFS!!
There's wayyyy more people forcing Aiura into the platonic bucket with Saiki than I've seen with Teruhashi (even though Aiura has way better chemistry with Saiki), which forces me to wonder whether it's because Aiura is more overtly sexual and "lowbrow" than Teruhashi, showing more cleavage, getting bad grades, putting stickers on her face because they're cute, showing pride in her sexual escapades. None of those make her a bad person, but a lot of people seem to think it does.
Some people more reasonably point out that if Saiki is very asexual and Aiura has a high libido then that could cause trouble for them. Well, first of all, while Saiki is pretty much obviously somewhere in the asexual and aromantic spectrum, his belief that boyfriend is the next level after best friend shows that demiromantic / demisexual is a strong possibility for him. And honestly I'd argue that whatever he has going on with Satou is at least partially sexual, though I'm not going to get into that in this already long-ass post lol.
But basically, I think there's a lot of room for a demiromantic and graysexual interpretation of Saiki and considering that Aiura has apparently stopped going out with other men for at least 2 years with no ill effects that we can see, it's quite possible that they'll be very compatible in bed after all. And if not, that's where consensual non-monogamy comes in lol. But genuinely I think that the fact that they're soulmates means that there probably aren't any major incompatibilities between them, otherwise the term would be meaningless.
So yeah, makes sense and really compelling because there's so much room for stories on how they actually got together, how they work together as their powers continue growing, and what their future looks like!
OKAY, now it's time for the Saikechi essay lol.
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Actually, I don't think Saikechi needs a ton of justification, because it's kinda standard extrovert x introvert childhood friends to lovers lol. Saikechi only isn't more popular because Akechi appears for like 5 whole minutes in the undubbed second season of the anime and he was annoying for 90% of that time hsfjdlshfks rip.
But yeah, Akechi and Saiki are quite perfect together, as shown by the horse gambling episode. Akechi can see right through Saiki's tsundere facade and Akechi is extremely open about his wants and needs, which is important since Saiki can't properly understand his thoughts most of the time and is very bad at figuring that stuff out even with telepathy.
They're both some flavor of ace. Akechi offu's at Teruhashi and comments that she's the most beautiful women he's ever seen, but does not express wanting to date her, which is big ace vibes, plus he's one of the few characters that doesn't have anything to say about Aiura's boobs lol (even Teruhashi can't shut up about them). They're also similar flavors of highly intelligent + neurodivergent. Consider Akechi's analysis skills vs Saiki's ability to come up with dozens, if not hundreds of plans in extremely short notice.
Akechi is also great at making accommodations for Saiki's powers, even without knowing about all of them, and coming up with activities they can do together that will be equally fun and challenging for both of them! And I still love that it was Akechi showing Saiki what a fun low-stakes game can be like that basically repaired Kusuo's relationship with his brother (see: manga, as this was cut from the anime 😩).
It's a very nice and straightforward ship that still leaves a lot of room for fun stories. I've been dying to write a Saikechi frogboil (plotted but needs writing) just because Akechi would be so perfect at it and he would be very likely to approach Saiki that way to get around all the tsundere bullshit lol.
OKAY, now for the third leg of the triangle lol, Aiura and Akechi!!
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(couldn't find an anime gif of this moment which is SO SAD)
Let's be real, Akechi and Aiura only share 5 moments on screen: the intro with all the chibis, when Aiura checks out his aura, when Aiura & Toritsuka kidnap him, the competition to find Saiki's hanky, and Akechi pestering Aiura about dress code violations in the every-character-appears episode. And 3 of those scenes are from the same chapter lmao.
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Actually I think this ⬆️ scene is kinda cute because Akechi's teasing Aiura lol, I think he's being friendly in his little freak way <3
HOWEVER, if shipping was only about what we saw on screen, then it would be way more boring. So let's think about it!
Aiura and Akechi actually share a lot of similarities: they're both extroverts, they're both incomprehensible, they are both almost immune to lies, they have both have a drive to help other people including strangers, and they're both seeking someone who will love and understand them as they are.
They would just make a really great fit! Akechi could help with Aiura's fortune-telling by prompting better questions for her to ask, and Aiura might actually make Akechi's mystery-solving TOO easy, so she probably holds back on that one lol. Akechi would throw himself wholeheartedly into working against a death mark on a stranger.
They're so fun to think about too because neither of them is embarrassed easily at all and they're both completely in touch with their own feelings so they are going to be SO lovey-dovey, no matter how cringe it seems on the outside lmao.
Akechi seems like he'd love doing traditional courtship if given half the chance, and Aiura seems like she's mostly had one-night-stand kind of situations until now, so what a perfect opportunity to indulge! What a change for Aiura to date someone who respects her and isn't just after her body! What a change for Akechi to date someone who actually wants to hear what he has to say and isn't put off by his frankness around taboo topics!
They'd pick up phrases from each other and develop so many ridiculous in-jokes that become their own sort of language, which makes them both even more incomprehensible.
We do also run into the allosexual x asexual problem here but Akechi is so unbothered by bodily functions and so quick to find compromises and enrichment that I genuinely think he'd kind of turn that into a game lmao.
And I think Akechi would be down to start a family and give his kid(s) the kind of loving home he never really got to enjoy with his parents' ongoing domestic turmoil. And their kid(s) would be sooooooooo incomprehensible, bless. 🙏🏾 Raised by 1.5 psychic parents and sprinkling both terminally online lingo and academia-level terminology into their speech from day 1. Imagine...
So Aikechi definitely gets the A+ on making sense and being compelling here!
Which FINALLY brings us back around to the main question... Does Aiura x Saiki x Akechi make sense, and is it compelling?
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Well, obviously I think so, since I've posted so much about it lol.
I think the main question for the viability of this ship is whether Saiki would be comfortable with polyamory, since Aiura and Akechi are unconcerned enough with social norms that they'd probably have no problem with it.
After some time getting used to the thought that he will never have the veneer of normal he's always wanted to project and that the pleasures of living authentically far outweigh the pains of being different, I think Saiki would actually love having his best friends as lovers and not having to choose only one person.
After all, most of his struggle is about lack of connection and his alienation from humanity. Well, here are Akechi and Aiura, who respectively mirror his lonely childhood and growing up with uncontrollable powers. They're both clever enough to see through his tsundere bullshit, they're both happy and able to help him with his powers & duties to save others, and they will both stand up to him if he's wrong or letting something slide to avoid conflict.
They're both perfect for him! And Akechi and Aiura would be much happier sharing him than trying to make him choose between them since they also get along so well. And let's be real, Saiki definitely deserves to be loved by the two people who know him the best. 💜
There's also a lot of story potential for how this ends up happening. In Extra Love Stories of Psychics, Saikechi and Saiura are basically happening in parallel and the Aikechi will close in the loop in a few chapters. But in Didn't see this one coming, I wanted to focus on Aikechi, so they get together and are basically ready for Saiki to finish his character growth and join whenever lmao.
You could also have them as like a hero team of lovers if you want more action-y plots, though tbh it's really hard to come up with situations they wouldn't immediately solve lol rip.
Another nice thing about Aiura, Akechi and Saiki being together is that Aiura and Akechi get a chance to help each other overcome some of Saiki's limitations, and the stuff they can't work around, Akechi and Aiura can do together.
An easy example is hand-holding. Changing Saiki's gloves to another texture is all well and good but sometimes you want to touch skin to skin, and it's much more overwhelming than calming for Saiki to do that. Akechi and Aiura can hold each other's hands without gloves though, and while it's not the same as holding Saiki's, it helps a lot to fulfill that desire.
Also, it's almost impossible for Aiura to surprise Saiki because he can read her thoughts, but while Akechi can probably figure out that she's planning something in general, she would have a much easier time surprising him. And similarly, since Saiki can't properly read Akechi's mind and doesn't have too much emotional intelligence, Akechi has to openly communicate his needs with Saiki all the time, which isn't a problem for him. But it's really nice when Aiura can tell from his aura or from her own emotional intelligence what Akechi wants/needs without having to explain himself. And even if Saiki can literally hear Aiura's thoughts, Akechi is still better at responding to her feelings because he's not tsundere and he actually understands feelings and what to do about them.
Additionally, Aiura has said she wants to be a mother, and while Saiki's affection for kids indicates to me that he wouldn't mind having kids, I think that he would be VERY opposed to passing on his genes due to how much trouble his powers have caused him. And Aiura's genes also are probably loaded with psychic powers! But if Akechi is there, then he can knock up Aiura no problem since he doesn't seem to have any psychic powers, and then the three of them can have their own family <3 Plus all the shenanigans that comes with having 2.5 psychics (and maybe more!) under one roof!
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In conclusion, they're perfect, your honor!!
Also I probably should've been writing more fic of them instead of writing this novel XD XD
Thanks for the ask!!
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
Heya, it's me again! Sorry for bothering you 🥹 can i request the 2nd part with Nai of the Vash!Sister reader?
Yes! I was hoping someone would ask for this! I know the first part was more canon compliant this will not be! Because I take canon and do what I want lol just because things are happening so quickly in the show, and I need to shoehorn in a reunion lol I don't think it's as good as the other one but it's something! Part 2 to ‘Oh if the sky comes falling down’ also spoilers just in case!
‘Do you still believe in one another?’
Nai x Sister!Reader
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You know you shouldn’t be eavesdropping, it’s not like you meant to in the first place. You’d had been spending as much time with Vash as possible, but he had his traveling companions that also wanted to spend time with him. And well you were still so awkward with humans, so you let them have their own time with him.  
Just wanting to visit you heard him talking with the others, you were going to leave, but then they started talking about Nai and well you wanted to hear about it.
It was still a little hard to wrap your head around everything, that Nai had become this cruel person this Millions Knives because that was nothing like the older brother you knew. Who while he liked to tease you, made sure you felt safe and protected, who taught you how to play piano, who cared so much for you and Vash. You just couldn’t understand, but then again it had been 150 years.
July that’s where Nai was, maybe the decision was rash but you felt like you needed to do something, to understand to see for yourself. You’d leave Vash a note, and then you’d be back. You had just found Vash and you weren’t going to disappear, but you needed to tie loose ends.
Writing the note quickly, and explaining briefly what you were doing and going, signing it was a promise. You left it in your room, figuring once you were gone Vash would come looking for you, he would start here. 
Not wanting to lose your resolve you left, trying not to think your actions through. But you couldn’t let doubts set in, forcing your mind to be blank your borrowed one of the Thomas’s and headed to July using the map you had also borrowed.
The trek was boring, but you were good at shutting down your mind forcing yourself to just keep going and survive, it’s worked this long. The city was like nothing you’d seen before, you tried to avoid humans it’s not that you hated them, but you didn’t hold much love for them either. Rem would probably be the only human you’d ever truly love, and she was gone. 
You kept low while in the city, you had made sure to listen in on Vash’s conversation to get as many details as you could, but it wasn’t many. You wonder briefly if you should just start shouting in the streets, but that would be unwanted attention. Then you thought about what Vash said, Nai had been collecting a lot of Plants surly if you tried you would be able to feel all of them. 
Taking a deep breath, you blocked all the noise, sometimes you would feel the surge of your ‘sisters’ powers, their cries of pain, but you were selfish and ignored them you didn't even know how to help them in the first place, and that hurt more than anything. Shaking your head you forced the thoughts from your head, you could feel it the pulse of something. So many plants in one place it was hard to ignore really. You opened your eyes, not knowing you even closed them in the first place, but you found it, the source. 
Sneaking your way through the city, and towards the source. You couldn't just walk through the front door, so underground it was. Sneaking through the sewers wasn't pleasant but you ignored it, upon entering the pristine building your heart began to race, was this even a good idea? No, it really wasn't, you didn't even know where you should be going. 
You don't know how long you walked through the halls until you heard it, the familiar keys of a piano. It brought you back instantly to your youth, the ship, Rem, and your brothers. You could feel tears begging to form as you raced ahead. Entering the room you skidded to a stop, and the person at the piano instantly stopped playing.
“Nai.” you voiced, your tone was nervous and unsure, the figure turned and your eyes meet so familiar you were crying now, so many emotional moments in these past couple of days. “You shouldn't be here.”  You are snapped out of your crying at his tone, it's cold. You walked forward and he didn't move, you stood right before him, Nai, your oldest brother. 
“I thought you were dead, and that’s all you have to say?” your angry, how could you not be? You had lost everything, you thought you lost your family for good and well it wasn’t the truth your brothers were alive both of them and you just wanted them back. And the longer you stood here the more you feared that was impossible. 
Knives sighed pulling his hood down and reaching out a hand he touched your face gently, “What did you expect by coming here.” his voice wasn’t as cold, he looked so much older so different but you could still see in his eyes that slight gentleness. “I don't know.” you answer honestly, voice quiet. You feel like a little girl again, so unsure looking to Nai and Vash for guidance and reassurance, but you’re not finding any now. 
He laughs and removes his hand, “Come here.” he says moving back to the piano bench to sit down, you join him sitting down beside him looking over the keys. “Do you remember how to play?” he asked softly, of course you do. You nod reaching for the keys and starting the song slowly you’re a little rusty but the tune plays. Nai joins in, he doesn’t look at you but you can’t help but smile at him all the same. 
The song continues, you get better the keys coming to mind quicker and quicker. The song ends, your hands rest on the keys. “I am glad your here.” you startled, “But things can never be the same.” you reply sadly, Nai laughs and answers “No, but things can be better than before,” 
You’re unsure by what he means by this, and for a split second your worried you don't think Nai would hurt you, but you don't know him anymore. “I'm glad you’re alive, you and Vash I can’t believe I found you two again-” Nai stands suddenly grabbing your wrist and forcing you up alongside him. You meet his gaze, it's cold and his grip on your wrist tightens. It's a sudden change and you’re on guard your whole nervous system lights up. 
“Enough of that.” his tone his sharp, but before you can say anything he continues speaking, “Vash you’ve talked to him, does he know your here?” You feel you should lie, but you can’t you never could not to Nai, he always knew how you were feeling your true emotions. “Maybe, I left a note.” 
“Which means he’ll come for you; you’ve just made this easier.” Your blood goes cold, you have no idea what Nai is planning maybe you should have listened to Vash, but it's too late now. “You’re scaring me, Nai.” you say it quietly, he scoffs as he meets your tearful gaze. But his gaze falters for a moment, “Stop.” he demands, but you can’t stop the tears. “Don't tell me after all this time you’re still such a crybaby. I don't have time for this.”
He begins to move, pulling you along down the hallways you try to protest the movement but his grip is too strong on you. He reaches a doorway opening and tossing you inside, you land hard on your side. You scramble to stand as the door closes, getting to your feet you begin to pound on the door, it won’t open. “Nai let me out!” you yell. 
“This is for your own good, I can keep you safe here I can do what needs to be done.” You don't know what he means by that, and you’re afraid to know the truth. You just keep yelling for him to open the door, but it doesn’t let up. You drop to your knees, Nai needed Vash for something and now because of you, he was going to walk right into a trap. How could you be so stupid, all for a childish dream? 
Clenching your fist you force yourself to calm down, you are not a little girl anymore you have survived for 150 years on the planet you will continue to survive. Standing you take deep breathes, you don’t know what Nai is planning, but you can’t just let Vash walk right into a trap. You don’t want to be rescued anymore, you can save yourself you just need to figure out how. Then you’ll try to save Vash, your mind wanders to Nai again is there any hope for him? Can you have both your brothers back? You don’t know and it scares you.
You had to get out here, you just didn’t know how. You needed to save yourself, and you knew you could. You’ve been living on this planet for 150 years, without Vash and Nai by your side. With some resolve, you made a promise to yourself you would get out of here and you would not let Nai hurt Vash. If you could only save one of them so, be it. But first, it was time you save yourself.
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mxstellatayte · 3 months
metal, nuts, bolts, and a hell of a lot blaster residue (chapter 2.)
din djarin x female mechanic reader.
chapter 2 word count: 6.0k
warnings/tags: graphic depictions of violence, reader is a mechanic, found family, din djarin speaks mando'a, din and reader are both very touch starved, i don't know how fictional money works, din djarin is a bottom, smut written and proofread by an asexual, din and reader have ptsd, canon is dead and i killed it, no use of y/n
You wake, your eyes crusted over with sleep as your alarm beeps loudly at you. Your face is mashed into your pillow, your left cheek making your lips jut out awkwardly as your right arm and foot hang off of your small bed, sleeping on your stomach. It’s a marvel it’s even considered an adult-sized bed- your feet hang off of the end of the bed more often than not and your shoulders barely fit onto the narrow mattress without hanging off of the edge. Your right arm reaches up lazily as you prop yourself up, sphynx-style, on your left, blinking groggily at the bright sun already shining brightly through your window. It takes you a few minutes of sitting there on your bed, readjusting to the waking world, for you to recall the current ship in your hangar in desperate need of repairs. 
“That blasted Crest is going to be the death of me,” you mutter as you grab a pair of overalls, a dark green t-shirt and undergarments before hauling it to your bathroom and peeing. After washing your hands, you don’t bother inspecting your appearance in the shitty mirror, opting to simply start your ‘fresher. Having warm water in your ‘fresher is a luxury you allow yourself once a week, and today is that kind of day. The steam slowly floats from behind the curtain, and you step in, having stripped your pajamas while you were waiting for it to heat up. It runs over your body and through your hair, slowly saturating your body, and you sigh, finally being able to rinse most of the encrusted grease, oil and soot from your body after the day before. 
After allowing yourself a few moments of bliss, simply relishing in the warm patter of water on your skin, you add soap to your hair, then a whipped oil treatment you use to remove the tangles. It is, like many other things in your life, a routine you’ve grown accustomed to. After finishing rinsing out your hair and washing your body, you turn off the nozzle and grab your towel, wrapping it around your body and trying to drip as little water on your floor as possible. You dry your hair off as much as you can and dress yourself, clipping your bra on and sliding a dark green t-shirt over your body before pulling on your underwear and the denim overalls over your legs, clasping them at your shoulders, and wiggling your feet into a pair of socks. As usual, you stuff the small fabric pouch sitting on the edge of your windowsill in your right front pocket, the feeling of its presence comforting and familiar. It may be strange to others, but it’s something you can’t leave your house without and you’ve never quite known why. 
You open your cooler and sigh; you need to go grocery shopping, likely using credits from your payment yesterday. Why must adulting on your own be so difficult? That is one thing you miss about being a part of the Empire, hate to admit it as you may. You never had to go shopping for clothes or worry about finances- in exchange for your services, they offered you a bed to sleep in, a roof over your head, uniforms, and food, all without you having to fret over your remaining credits in your budget or whether you’d paid this month’s rent. Pulling a nutrient-rich packet of food out, you stuff it in your pocket and loop your holster, blaster still inside from the night before, through the loops on your overalls. Your feet slide into their boots, your hands tying the laces tight, double-knotting them as you always do. After ensuring your keycard is safely in the left pocket of your pants, you unlock your door and step out into the bright light, locking it behind you.
08:25, your watch reads. Late. 
There’s a very distinct way people walk when they’re late, you’ve noticed. Torso slightly forward, feet landing heavy with authority and a get-the-fuck-out-of-my-way aura about them. Arms swinging but rigid, face determined, and a slight bounce in their step. That walk is the very walk you’re using right now, your blaster bouncing slightly on your hip. You slide deftly through the growing crowd in the city’s streets, even this early in the morning. Children run to school, parents bidding goodbyes quickly, then calling their kids back quickly- they forgot their lunch. A young Devaronian girl accidentally runs into your leg, stumbling back a few paces before falling backwards. “Hey, kiddo. Didn’t see you there. Let’s get you up from there, yeah?” You halt your rapid pace, leaning down and offering your hand out for her to get back up. She hesitates for a moment, lifting her hand before pulling it back, looking between your face and your hand. You wear what you hope to look like a friendly smile, your heart beating loudly in your ears as you pause. After a few moments, she reaches out, taking your hand and hauling herself to her feet with your help. “You okay?”
“Yeah, thank you.” She pauses, biting her lower lip as she scans your face. “Are you the mechanic my daddy says works magic? The one on the outside of the city near the north gates?”
An excited feeling bubbles up in your throat. That’s where you recognized her from. Her father, one of your most loyal (and best paying) customers, frequented your services, often needing repairs for his speeder and, on one rare occurrence, a ship he was taking off-world and needed an inspection and light fuel for. “Yeah, I am! You must be Dendo’s kid, then? Salwa?”
She beams with pride, nodding brightly. “Yeah! He’s going to help us beat the Empire!” You smile at her, still bent over and resting your hands on your knees to get at her eye level. 
“That’s awesome. We’re going to need all the fighters we can get.” The schoolteacher rings a large bell behind you, signaling the two-minute call to the beginning of the school day. “Off you go, then. And tell your father I say hi!” 
“Yeah, of course!” She waves over her shoulder as she runs up the steps into the building, bowing slightly to the teacher as she enters. Kapp Dendo, one of Nevarro’s prominent Rebel leaders, had been a customer of yours from the start, claiming that “no man I’ve ever met could hold a candle to female mechanics,” the statement making you nearly cry with pride. Your hard work had paid off, and now you had at least one loyal customer, and an influential one, no less. You stand in your spot in the city square for just a moment before you remember your task at hand: opening up shop. You swivel on your heel, speeding down the roads and weaving between the throngs of people preparing to open their stalls in the city market for the day. You wave hello to a few of your customers, seeing all sorts of people- humans, Twi’leks, a group of three evidently hungover Ugnaughts, a shockingly large ensemble of Ithorians, and even a Kaleesh. The diversity among Nevarro’s populace is nothing new to you, and before you know it, your feet have carried you to the door to your hangar. With a swipe of your keycard and a quick type of your keycode, the familiar dark metal doors open with a hiss of air, and you step through, leaving them open for customers to come and go as they please. 
Sitting down at your desk, you shuffle together papers from an old job and slide them into your incinerator, a small puff of ash rising from the small slit on the side of your desk. This desk, in comparison to the rest of your hangar, is organized, every paper, pen and notebook with scribbled notes having a place on top or in a drawer. You scribble some notes for yourself to take care of later in the day- charge bills go out today which will need to be mailed out, you need to place a new order for rations to be delivered to your house, and a note with your name on it has been scribbled in swooping handwriting, folded into thirds and left sitting on top of the pile of papers you’ve begun to inspect.
I went out to get a new radio and get something fixed in my armor. Be back by 13:00. 
Oh, also, the kid says hi. He’s in the ship if you want to watch him. His name is Grogu.
You pay the rest of the note no mind, only squealing with glee at the prospect of the small child being under your care for the day. Dropping all that you’re doing, you shove away from your desk, any papers or bills left aside for later in the day, when the sun is high in the sky and you’re sweating so much your eyes sting. Rushing into the hangar, you try not to run up the ramp of the ship, noticing the crate with the parts inside still lingering by your workbench. The child- Grogu- sits eagerly in his small pod, his large dark eyes lighting with joy and babbling as he holds out his hands excitedly when he sees you come up the ramp. 
“Hey, Grogu!” You say, leaning over and picking him up out of his nest of metal and soft blankets. “You ready to see something cool?” He giggles in joy and wraps a small, three-fingered hand around your own index finger, clearly excited. “I’ll take that as a yes. Can you control your little egg?” He nods, and you gently set him back inside, the pod whirring quietly as you step back, following you just as it did Mando. “You’re going to be safe in there, right?” Another nod and gurgle, and you grin. “Come on, then! I’ve got a lot of stuff to fix on your dad’s ship, and it isn’t going to fix itself.” 
Before you even begin welding, you ensure that Grogu is thoroughly protected, wrapping a sturdy leather blanket around his body and covering his large ears with the cap you wear on colder days. “Comfy?” He nods, looking around curiously. “Hey, you wanna make a friend?” Your foot clicks Squeaks’ pedal, stirring it awake, and Grogu giggles, the sound making you smile. After twisting your hair up, tying it back and sliding your hat over it all, you stuff all of your tools into your rucksack and shove your tablet in your back pocket. Something crinkles in your pocket and you realize you never ate your breakfast. Breaking open the packet, you opt for tipping the granola directly into your mouth rather than picking it out with your fingers, favoring efficiency over dignity. 
The majority of the repairs go smoothly, only a small hiccup when you realize that the shield system requires a manual override from the ship’s owner, and it’s currently registered to the Mandalorian’s chain code. When he returns, he inputs the override, and the shield reboot runs smoothly. The final task, which you leave for the next day, is the radio replacement. Mando successfully found a completely new radio system, and you get the impression that you probably shouldn’t ask where or how he got it. That’s how it goes with a lot of things on Nevarro: someone does something convenient for you, it seems a little bit weird how someone would come across such a thing, and you don’t ask any questions. Interestingly enough, it was almost the same way under the Empire: accept the gesture, don’t ask questions. It’s how things go and no one asks about how the system got set into place or why it’s there. It just is. 
“Everything else went well?” You’re perched on your workbench, spine bent like an Ossuan banana and feet dangling off the side as you sit on the edge, looking over the last of the documents on your clipboard before you send out the bills for credit accounts. You look up from your papers, your eyebrows releasing the crease between them when you see the Mandalorian walking up to you. Grogu walks next to him, and you find a small appreciation in yourself for how fast the kid can move. For barely reaching your knees, he can hustle when he’s keeping up with his dad. 
“Yeah, mostly. The patch in the hull ended up needing the whole panel replaced, but other than that, everything else went well. Grogu is a wonderful work companion, by the way,” you say, grinning down at the small creature. A slightly cold breeze flows through your hangar and you straighten up, shivering and stimming involuntarily, the cold setting your nerves on edge. You pull the small fabric pouch out of your pocket and begin fidgeting with it, not removing the contents (a small handful of stones from your homeworld,) but rather pushing the stones around inside the worn fabric. “You did make sure the radio’s compatible with the ship, right?”
“Yeah, I did. I left it in the crate, but it’s in its own box.” He stops a few feet from where you sit, but Grogu continues up to the workbench, then, turning to Mando, points up to you and gurgles again, seemingly asking to get up on top with you. “Come on, kid, we’ve got someone to say hi to. An old friend.” Grogu babbles something sad-sounding, and you think a little part of you dies inside, but you need to catch up on sleep and the sun is rapidly sinking, the hot day having drained every ounce of energy your limited amount of sleep the night before had earned you. 
You bid your customers goodbye, leaving them with the guest entry keycode you change with each moon cycle for security so they can re-enter after you leave, and close up shop early for the day. Your rigorous day, combined with your limited amount of food, lack of sleep, and the blistering volcanic heat, has served as a reminder that you are still very much human, and require some form of treatment to keep going day by day. On your way home, you remember to drop off your bills at the postal and stop at the grocer to order a week’s worth of food, hoping that it’ll be delivered by the time you return home the next day.
Delivered by the time the Mandalorian leaves.
You try to ignore the tightness in your chest you felt, to stifle it and shove it down. But it only results in a sinking feeling, an ick simmering in your stomach that you can’t quite smother on your own.
Revnog. Why not? You have ten extra credits sitting in your pocket, remnants from your grocery run and decide that a drink or two couldn’t hurt. Besides, you can’t remember the last time you treated yourself to a drink at the bar down the street from your home. You spot the neon bright sign out of the corner of your eye, the sign that never goes out anytime before 1:30 each night and illuminates your street in a 30 foot radius, marking one of the few establishments on Nevarro that still had an alcohol permit after Karga’s changes in government. Your feet make their way to the door and you push it open, the strangely pleasant clamor of music, chatter and clinking glasses hitting your ears and the familiar smell of alcohol- both droid and biotic- hitting your nose. The establishment is dark, but each booth, many of which are taken, are illuminated by a hanging light over the table. Instead of bothering to find a booth, you slide onto a stool at the bar and order a glass of revnog. “Bespinian, if you have it.” You flash the last four digits of your chain code, proving your age to drink, and the bartender nods with a smile and pulls a bottle off of the shelf behind her. A small part of you warms to know that she has your favorite kind as the bottle’s familiar shape pours the opaque white liquid into a glass, the slight light blue tint swirling in the glass as she slides it across the metal surface. She pulls out a small bowl of Bespinian citrus commonly used to chase the thick burn that comes with the alcohol. “Thank you,” you say, passing her five credits. 
You slouch in your seat, taking a sip of the drink and giving up the put-together look. The burn as it flows down your throat tickles and you relish in the feeling, opting to leave the feeling rather than chase it with the fruit. “I ain’t no coward,” you’d say to Mir-Le over drinks before she went off to Sorgan to live with a woman that, based on what you’d heard about her, would make her happy day in and day out. She was the first friend you had on Nevarro, one of the few people you trusted. Sure, you had friends now, the regular customers you’d become close with, but none as close as Mir-Le. Another sip down, the tangy yet sweet flavor burning down your throat. Sips continue slowly, slowly warming you up from the inside, and you let your mind go blank as you stare emptily into the swirling liquid.
“Rough day?” 
You look up with a start, the voice so close suddenly startling you out of your dissociative blur. The bartender, a kind-eyed Twi’lek with beautiful dark blue skin, dries glasses as she looks at you with a knowing smile. “You could say that, yeah,” you sigh, not quite knowing how to start. “You okay if I ask for some advice?”
“I feel like I signed up for giving advice when I took the job, as bullshitted as the advice may be. Hit me.” She sets the glass down and folds her arms, leaning onto the counter. You’re not sure if it’s the drink, the proximity, the intoxicating smell of her skin or your dry spell of not getting laid, but you can’t help but feel a stir deep in your stomach, trying not to breathe through your nose and inhale the sweet smell of her perfume, trying to figure out how to explain your current dilemma. 
You’re about to begin your vent before you realize that you never introduced yourself to her. “Shit, I never introduced myself.” You offer your name and your hand, and she takes it with a firm handshake.
“Call me Frey.”
“Hi, Frey. Okay. So you might think I’m crazy, but I think… I think I might be attracted to someone whose name I don’t even know, much less what he looks like.”
“You met him online?” She cocks a brow at you, a motherlike look on her face.
“No, he’s a customer. I’ve met him, I just don’t know his name or what he looks like. He’s a Mandalorian- one of the ones that never takes off his helmet. And he has this little kid that he brings almost everywhere he goes, and the way he treats the kid makes me want kids. I physically can’t have them, thank Maker, but I feel like if I could, I would want to have kids with him. It’s really strange and I should probably be a little bit worried about it, but I’m not, for some reason. How should I go about this? Because I don’t even know if it’s just me not getting laid in months or having very few close friends, but I just feel a kind of pull to him.”
“That is… a lot. Okay. Give me a second,” she replies, and you nod, taking a sip of your drink as she contemplates an answer. “I’m going to preface this by saying that I’m not going to sugarcoat my answer. In my experience and observations, people tend to fall faster for someone when they’re in a dry spell. That influence, that desire, often leads my customers to do something stupid and reckless, like having sex with someone they’ll regret fucking in the morning. Of course, that means more listening to them complain, but the tips are worth it.” You snort out a laugh, and she smiles. “Granted, I’m not telling you to go hook up with someone to end your suffering, but if that’s what you think will work, then go for it. What I’m hearing, though, is that your attraction to this mysterious man in armor is more romantic than sexual?”
You grimace as you take another sip, shaking your head. “God, no. Yes, he’s adorable when he talks to the kid and would clearly burn down the universe for him, but I can tell you with absolute confidence that I would not mind if he fucked me into next cycle.” You don’t bother lowering your voice any more than you already have, the bar having mostly emptied by this point. You spare a glance at your watch: 01:03. It’s late, much later than you’re normally awake, but you can’t help yourself when you lean slightly closer to Frey. She laughs quietly, her smile contagious. 
“In that case, I would offer to bring you home and treat you the way you deserve.” Your stomach drops, heat pooling between your hipbones. Without an answer, you down the rest of your drink and nod, and she laughs, pushing back from the bar. “I’ll take that as a yes, then. Give me three minutes to kick these guys out and clean up real quick, yeah?” You offer a nod in response, and before you know it, you’re running back to your house, Frey’s hand clutched in yours as the two of you laugh when you stumble slightly drunkenly, like a pair of horny teenagers. 
Your fingers fumble with the lock, and before the door closes behind you, you’re getting kissed by Frey, her lips soft against yours as her hands settle on your hips. “You gonna be good for me and let me take care of you?” You blush, your stomach flipping in loops, and nod sheepishly. “Let me hear you.” 
“Yes. I’ll be good.”
“That’s my girl.”
You groan as your alarm beeps annoyingly at you, the headache from your hangover evident. As you wipe the sleep from your eyes, you remember the night before and smile in bliss. “Morning to you,” Frey’s voice calls, and you open your eyes slowly, eyes dilating against the bright light. Once adjusted, you see her dressing herself, tucking her t-shirt into her pants before fastening the zipper and button. 
“Morning,” you groan, your voice scratchy with sleep. “Thank you for last night.”
“Of course. It was fun.” She leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead and leaning back. “I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah. I know where to find you.” You hesitate for a moment, realizing the potential strangeness in your choice of words. “At work, I mean. Not in a creepy ‘I’ve been stalking you and know where you live’ kind of way.” Frey smiles again, a light laugh escaping her lips. 
“I know what you mean, gorgeous. Good luck with the Mandalorian.” She steps out of your room, moving to leave your house. You hesitate for a moment, then realize the absurdity of staying in bed. You launch the covers off and hurry after her, catching her in your front room.
“Wait, Frey-” She turns and immediately attempts to hide a laugh, and it’s in that moment that you realize you’re still completely naked. Your front room doesn’t have many street or alley facing windows, and the ones that are present are shuttered, thank Maker. “Take care of yourself? Watch out for the shitty people out there. Nevarro has plenty- I would know.”
Frey smiles one more time, approaching you and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “I will. Don’t worry.” With that, she turns around the corner and you hear the door hiss, opening and closing, and you’re suddenly left in your front room on a Friday morning after a hookup, butt-ass naked and in need of food. Dressing yourself in a pair of overalls and a t-shirt, nearly identical to your clothes the day before, you remember to eat something while you’re still at home before setting out to work, ensuring that you’re on time today. 
By the time you arrive, you’ve already mentally planned how you’re going to replace the radio in the Crest. It’s going to be tricky, but nothing will beat the wire connection you had to repair last night. It had taken you far too long and you regretted promising no droids- a mechanic droid would have that done in thirty seconds when it took you thirty minutes. 
You slip your headphones on as you enter your hangar, Mando having left another note on your desk, with the same scrawled handwriting, this time in red marker on unlined paper. 
Gone to Karga’s for a deal. Back by 12:00. Feel free to start working on the ship. Kid’s yours today, too.
You slide off one of the earpieces of your headphones as you walk up the ramp and see Grogu sitting in the pod, looking excitedly at you as you enter the ship. “Come on, Grogu. Let’s look at this radio.” Upon inspection, you grin knowing how easy the repair will be- likely less than three hours plus some calibration time, which Mando will have to be present for so you can get it connected to his helmet’s audio processing unit. Grabbing your rucksack of tools and your blowtorch, you begin unscrewing the current communication system from the dashboard, wiggling it free once the panel is disconnected. It’s a mess of wires, connections and unmarked cables, but the radio unit has the different wires labeled, and you begin wrapping paper tape around them and labeling them in accordance to their function, then clamping them to the dash so they don’t fall into the abyss of the ship’s inner workings. Grogu sits on the top of the dash, fiddling with a small necklace around his neck, and you notice that it’s a signet of the Mythosaur. Mando probably gave it to him, you realize, and your heart swells with endearment before you stifle the feeling once more. 
A certain song begins playing through your headphones, and you can’t help but yank the second earpiece back on, squeal and dance excitedly when you hear the first words of your all-time favorite song.
My inner child needs a bulletproof vest
And a phone that can’t text
And twenty years’ rest.
Build a bomb shelter
Bite a belt for the stress
Never know what’s next.
You sing along, the lyrics so familiar you could recite them without the background music. Your knee bounces to the heavy bass, and when the chorus hits, you lean back and close your eyes, spinning in the pilot's seat and belting out the high notes with everything in your body. When you spin back towards the front of the ship, Grogu is watching with a wide smile, waving his hands excitedly. You hold your screwdriver as if it was a microphone, singing to Grogu as if he was an audience. When you’re done with the chorus, you return to bouncing joyfully in your seat, all work set aside for the brief period of the song. As it concludes, you smile and set your tools back to work, pushing your left earpiece back so you can hear Grogu if he needs something. 
After two more hours of fiddling with wires, soldering irons, buttons, and screwdrivers, you smile victoriously as the radio connects with your test module- you didn’t fuck up any part of the annoyingly tedious process. 
You asked me if I want to get a tattoo
Dude, I fuckin’ barely even know you
Probably never ever gonna call you
But you make me wanna die
Yeah, your outfit is a crime
And I need an exit line
“You make me sick, you make me sick! I’m sick of it!” You drum your fingers on the dash before standing up when the chorus hits, jumping with a shriek as you see the Mandalorian standing there. How did he sneak up on you? You had one earpiece off and that armor looks ridiculously heavy and loud. “Maker, you scared me.” You pull both of your headphones off and let them rest around your neck, the music continuing before you press a button on the side and it pauses. 
“How did the repairs go? The radio works?” Damn, not even an apology? Cold. You shrug it off, however, hoping that he’ll pay you and get off this ridiculously hot planet and out of your mind so you won’t end up with your emotions in a twist anymore. 
“Yeah, it just needs a calibration to your helmet’s audio processing system and then you’re all good. Repairs are done.” He looks down at you, his helmet tilted in a way that makes your insides stir. “What?”
“That was fast. I thought you’d be needing to work into the afternoon, but clearly not.” His voice sounds slightly condescending, and you frown. 
“I thought Karga put in a good word for me,” you say, crossing your arms. “That hurts.” The Mandalorian remains silent, and you realize it’s time to move on from the topic. “Anyway, if you want to set your helmet to connect to the ship, I can make sure it connects and send you on your way.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.” He taps a few buttons on his gauntlet and a small light illuminates, and you press a button on the radio to connect it to his helmet. A few seconds later, the light on the radio switches to blue, and his gauntlet beeps, signifying the secured connection. 
“Hang on, I’m going to double check it works two ways.” You grab your test radio and climb down the ladder to exit the ship, scurrying down the ramp. Once you’re out of earshot of the comm system, you press the button on the side of your test radio, raising it to just a few inches from your lips. “Can you hear me? Testing, check. Out.”
“I read you,” you hear through your radio, the Mandalorian’s voice clear as day. “You hear me?”
“Yeah,” you say, exhaling a sigh of relief. Nothing had been royally fucked up. “I hear you.” 
Twenty minutes later, you’ve been paid and his ship has left the hangar. 
Forty minutes later, you can’t focus on cleaning up, your thoughts constantly floating towards the Mandalorian- some thoughts socially acceptable, some very much not.
An hour later, you’re mindlessly doodling shapes onto the sheets of paper that litter your desk, mentally searching for a project and hoping for a customer. 
Five hours later, you’re cleaning off your desk, wiping away countless old bills and sheets of notes and to-do lists before you subconsciously tuck the notes Mando had left on your desk, hurried scribbly handwriting in red and blue pens, into the pocket of your overalls. 
Two days later, you can’t stop thinking about the wall of Beskar and how much he clearly cared about that weird little kid.
A week later, you’ve decided to stop eagerly throwing the covers off of your bed and scurrying to your hangar, decided to stop hoping to see the battered old ship landed in your domain each day.
A month later, despite your best efforts to forget the Mandalorian’s kindness and generosity to get his ship fixed (and his really cute kid,) you can’t help but let your shoulders sink a little bit more each morning when that hunk of metal isn’t sitting where you hope it’ll be. 
Two weeks after you go to Frey’s again in another fit of desperation, you slide open your doors awaiting an empty hangar once again, but there it is: the Crest you’ve been eagerly awaiting for months, a familiar and much welcomed sight to your eyes. 
What’s better, however, is how before the ramp is even fully descended after Mando sees you through the cockpit window and holds Grogu up, the small child waving eagerly at you before looking at his dad and pointing at you, the kid is running down the ramp and hopping off the end when it’s about a foot off of the ground, then beelining it straight for you. You dump your rucksack on your workbench and kneel down, picking up the small child and hugging him gently, smiling broadly. “Hey, Grogu! I missed you!” He laughs, a bright sound you immediately adore. Mando approaches the two of you and you hold out the kid, but he waves you off.
“I'll let you hold on to him for a while. He missed you,” says the gruff voice you've waited for what feels like eons to hear. “Think you can fix up the Crest again? You worked some magic on her last time because she's been running better than ever since you did your tinkering last time.” You grin, pride swelling in your chest. 
“Yeah, I can. What seems to need some love?” So he shows you, leading you in and around the ship, pointing out small repairs and wiring that needed handling, remaining by your side the whole thing as Grogu clutched to one of your fingers in his tiny hand. 
You agree to a price, he provides the parts, and you provide the expertise and labor. It's finished quicker than he expects, and before he knows it, he's flying back off of Nevarro, a slight tightness in his heart that he won't be hearing your voice or seeing your smile for who knows how long.
So every time he can, he returns to see you, making up some bullshit excuse about how his ship didn’t sound right, just needed a refuel, something needed recalibration- anything so he could see you. It isn’t something that goes unnoticed by you, but you wave it off as friendliness, even as you bite the collar of your sleep shirt to muffle your moans as you desperately try to get yourself off on your fingers each night after he leaves, curiosity about what the tall, brooding wall of walking Beskar was like sexually left to the confines of your bedroom under the cover of darkness. 
This routine, him making up an excuse and you fixing the nonexistent flaws in his ship, becomes something familiar, about six months passing of him visiting you every two weeks or so before it happened.
You open the door to your hangar and step through glancing at the Crest sitting in its usual place, taking off your blaster and setting it on your workbench. Mistake number one. You’d walked to the hangar with your headphones on in your own little world, having slept like shit and the kaffae you’d grabbed along the way hadn’t kicked in yet. Mistake number two. You close your eyes and let your head fall back on your shoulders, exhaling deeply, and letting yourself relax, even if for just a moment. Mistake number three. If Nevarro has taught you one thing, it’s that you should never let your guard down, even if you’re with someone you’d trust with your life. It’s only between songs that you hear the quiet beeping you think must be a trick of your ears. But when you look back to Squeaks, still sitting in its charging port, you see it: explosives. With a countdown timer reading three seconds.
Two seconds. Your eyes widen in panic as you try to run away from it as fast as you can, turning heel and running. 
One second. Your feet slam into the ground, heels burning as your arms pump and your throat burns in panic. Your stomach drops as you hear the final beep, and your eyes squeeze shut as you just take one more step, get that much farther away…
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first-only · 4 months
Can I say something that might possibly be a 'hot take'?
I really don't like the rise of the whole 'He would not fucking say that' meme (and a lot of its variations). I know it's probably a joke (I'm too autistic to tell how serious people are with it lol.), and I can understand being annoyed when someone writes a character OOC, but OOC-ness is not really that big of a deal. Don't like, don't read, you know
I feel like it's also going to cause a lot of paranoia in fanwork creators, and I don't like that. And I should know, it's caused some paranoia in me (even though I've always been of the opinion that OOC-ness doesn't matter, in fact I celebrate it, just let people have fun. Despite all this, the meme still affects me and makes me worry)
I feel like the only time that OOC-ness can be a problem is when an indivisual/a fandom has a fanon that they like and they don't let anyone disagree with or write differently then that fanon. But I feel like that's not even an issue with OOC-ness, it's an issue with people (usually BNFs) being jerks and trying to get other people to conform to what they want
I don't know, maybe this whole thing is just a communal joke and I'm worrying over nothing. I'm not trying to ruin anyone's fun, have fun with your memes and all that, I just wanted to vent
(This ask is not directed at you FO, I know you're not the type to care about OOC-ness)
hard agreed actually, it's annoying as fuck
i honestly dont think it's that much of a joke to be honest, what with people making posts being all high par Make A Fucking OC and shit like??? who tf are u to tell me what to do lmao. if i want john winchester in a flower dress imma damn well make it, dont give a single fuck how Not Canon Compliant тм it is
thats the fucking point of fandom ya know? literally who cares. this whole thing reeks of the new-wave "it will never be canon so why ship it". like. its fandom material, none of it will be canon, the point is to have fun.
that and that one gross post "theres too much fluff of X" bitch?? i like fluff about X. you dont get to say what everyone creates, you dont have to like all of it. just pick the stuff you like, it isnt difficult.
AND those posts that keep popping up in "proshipper" spaces that go 'i know it's just fiction but guys. content about X chara being Y is /actually/ really bad;///'... it's like people completely forget their fundamental ideology about fiction when their own specific identity happens to be the thing that's bothering them this time. so is content that makes people uncomfortable 'allowed' or not? make up your mind, no doublebacksies. and who tf are you to not allow it in the first place but i guess there's enough people who for some reason get anxious over randos' opinions on the internet to feel bad about it so...
anyway, yeah. personal tastes do not dictate people's politics. this relates to yet another popular discourse lately:)
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clementine-kesh · 1 year
It's such a struggle to be a Phlox fucker, I'm not even kidding. It's not the lack of hot Phlox appreciation or the other people thinking it's a bit or even the hypocrisy of Quark and Garak being treated as sex symbols (I mean yes they're hot too but you know what I mean) while Phlox is just treated as some funny guy. All of that sucks but it's not what's hardest for me. No, it's the shipping.
I have been trying really hard to find someone to consistently pair him up with in my mind - I have already given up on finding a ship there's actually considerable content for, if you go to Phlox' ao3 tag and go to filter by relationship literally none of the options even involve him which is fucked up if you ask me - but there's always some kind of snag.
(Note from future me when I was finishing writing the rest of this message: I don't touch on every possibility, only ones I think could evolve into any kind of relationship rather than a quick one off shag (thinking of Trip here) so there's not even that many but I wrote way too much, especially on candidate #3)
The first I saw suggested was Archer which, fair enough I guess, but at that point I had not yet met Shran or knew about Shrancher and now that I do it's not like I stopped with the Phlox x Archer but it's just no longer a priority. And yes, you can totally make Archer having two alien boyfriends work, especially since both Denobulans and Andorians are poly by default, but while I haven't seen Shran and Phlox interact yet (and thus could be totally off) I just don't feel like they'd vibe enough to even hang out casually tbh. Again, I do still ship this but pretty low key.
The next option I wanna talk about is T'Pol and I think that at least initially, she's the most "realistic" option and if the show had been twice as long they probably would've been at least teased at some point (in part ofc since it was the 00s and so heterosexuality was the only option but y'know) and the whole "only two non-human crew members" thing adds something that vibes with me, too, but there's just no way you could ever make them work in the long run because Vulcans are just PAINFULLY monogamous and I simply don't think she's willing to break with that. Phlox would off-handedly mention one of his wives and T'Pol would be absolutely seething. This is not a long term ship.
Then possibly my favourite so far is Tobin Dax. Technically it's only beta canon that Tobin was around during Ent (in the alpha timeline Lela died in 2226 (thus presumably when Tobin was joined) which is over 60 years after the end of Ent and there's no alpha info on what he was doing before but in the beta timeline Tobin was definitely already joined by the 2160s and probably quite a bit before) so unless you wanna go with unjoined Tobin (whom we have zero alpha info and as far as I can tell little to no beta info on) you gotta go beta timeline which I know so little about that it's hard for me to daydream about. But at least Phlox and Tobin are said to have met in beta canon tho I don't know if there's scenes of their interactions. I can probably forget about any non me made content too since beta Tobin is already "commonly" (considering it's all beta) shipped with Iloja of Prim who, fun fact, is actually given as Jadzia's favourite Cardassian writer in alpha canon. Anyway, point is I just don't know enough about (beta) Tobin or beta canon in general to generate anything here.
(And I would consider other Dax hosts as well but unless you count the (alpha timeline) three years between Lela's joining and Ent ending there's not much opportunity for this without time travel. I should mention two things here, one: I don't think Lela is one of the Daxes that I'd ship with Phlox and two: I am not strictly opposed to time travel for the sole purpose of PhloxDax and I can defo imagine him with Jadzia, Curzon, maybe Torias and possibly Emony, but it's an extra level of complication that I frankly can't be bothered with if I'm the only one doing it.)
(Also, just for completeness' sake: in the beta timeline we know Phlox was alive at least until the 2260s which would put him parallel with Dax until at least Audrid tho it's very feasible he made it until after her death in 2284, the two subsequent hosts (who as you know didn't make it long) and Curzon's 2285 (again, beta timeline, it's '86 in alpha) joining. There's different lifespans given for Denobulans (about 300y in beta tho, according to memory beta) but even by the shortest I found (which said 170 to 280) it's very much possible since Phlox was born in the 2080s (beta)/generally sometime late 21st century (alpha). But that's just additional info.)
In summary, I may have to read Uncertain Logic (last Rise of the Federation novel to feature Tobin and the one that, based on my research, is most likely to show him interact with Phlox) but it would be difficult as I can no longer read long texts after getting off my ADD meds (which mess with my antidepressants) and thus literally haven't finished even half of a book in about a decade. As I said, the struggle is real. I swear to you I don't set out with the intention of writing a dissertation in your askbox each time, it just happens. I'm sorry.
Oh, also, if you have more suggestions (or better yet: content) for Phlox ships I'd be very eager to listen! Thank you so much for your time!
i respect the grindset so much more people should be phloxfuckers tbh. he’s got that jovial mad scientist vibe and is in an open marriage with his three wives like?? the best phlox ship i have for you is ages ago i made a post that included a joke about neelix using a temporal anomaly to moonlight as the chef on the nx-01 and beginning a torrid love affair with phlox which i still stand by. it happened to me. also i know next to nothing about beta canon but conceptually the idea of pairing phlox with one of the dax hosts is very fun
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bcbdrums · 3 months
I hope you feel better soon.
For Soul Eater - 🎀🖤🗝️
thank you, thank you! today especially was nice; finally got me some sleep and it's been a good summer so far!
🎀 a ship others like but you don’t?
I can think of three off the top of my head, but I've gotta go with Crona x Maka. I just don't see it. Crona doesn't need romance, Crona needs a loving and stable environment (and Maka too, frankly). Teen romance isn't gonna fix all that Crona suffered and it bothers me when I see that insisted upon... It's been argued so hard in fandom to the point that people quote child psychology books out of context to defend the ship. And as a teacher....yeah, no. That sort of thing in the fandom killed any possibility of my liking the ship, but mostly also because in canon....I just don't see it. You wanna do right by Crona... Let Spirit adopt him, and then Stein and Marie can just kinda be there all the time and Crona can have a loving chaotic home with those three. There I fixed it.
🖤 a character others like but you don’t?
Hmmm.... 🤔 Ahhh... I guess I don't care too much for Jackie? Because of manga-verse... So, spoilers vaguely maybe. Here's why. In the manga she seems to exist only to simp after Kim. One could argue she's just being a good weapon, but...the romantic undertones are present and I don't feel they've any backbone. To be frank, I think the author wanted to do teen girl romance cuz of his own...interests...and so there you have it. And since this seemed to be the focus, I felt Jackie was diminished as a character and her potential wasn't utilized... One might argue the same of Harvar for Ox, except it just didn't hit the same way... For me that relationship hit correctly and while I wish we'd gotten way more Harvar, I didn't think his character was diminished to a simp who forgets their brain like how it feels for Jackie.
🗝️ favorite antagonist?
I answered this in a prior ask (Medusa heheh) but I'll toss in a second. I didn't care for Giriko in the anime (eventually changed my mind), but the manga changed my mind. He's far more crude (see: downright horrific, disgusting, needs a life-sentence just for his mouth) but his motives are also clearer, and boy oh boy is he evil... And he is present for an incredibly important arc for Soul and Maka's character development, and he's just...downright evil. Despite that you find a way to feel a shred of sympathy for him, which is incredible. Just a shred, but...still. Wow. But yeah he is dreadful and a great villain even if he's not the big bad, you know?
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mathlann · 3 months
Idira for the Send Me a Character Post!
How I feel about this character
Idira breaks my heart and I wish we had more content with her. On the one hand she is genuinely the funniest character in the game and I don't do plot-important quests without her just because I don't want to miss what she has to say. On the other hand as I've been going over her dialogue again, the way she is just..."but Doctor, I am Pagliacci." Like the ways she's just moved from "cruel and exploitative circumstances" to "the same, but more materially comfortable" so she clings to Theodora and Theodora's memory but Theodora never cared for her. And she's proud of being a psyker, but also it's the cause of her woes and the way she just wants someone to care about her, and if she can't have that, then let her be a tool, so long as the voices are quiet and like....Idira, I've rarely wanted to hug a fictional character more.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Idira x Vigdis
Idira x Jae
Idira x A beautiful paradise world where nobody bothers her
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Idira and Jae
Idira and Abelard, I wish we got more dialogue with them together about realizing what Theodora did to them.
Idira and Marazhai. Not in the way that they are friends but something in the way she is, by nature kind of anathema to him (she makes Slaanesh stronger cuz of her walking Warp Magnet energy) and the fact that she has just so much shit going on in her life he doesn't even register as a top 10 scary. Fuck off stick bug, she's got 9 demons in her ear at any one time and a ton of self-loathing, there's nothing he can possibly do to mentally or emotionally harm her more than she harms herself. The fact that she bullies him for even trying to feed off her....and it works...Brava 👑.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Less an unpopular opinion and more a massive bitch but the way the fandom treats Idira is so dehumanizing which is incredibly ironic considering her whole arc as a character. Like, the way Idira was and still is villainized by the fandom for the Demondora incident and the way there were waves of people on the subreddit joking about how the best choice was killing her because it doesn't matter that she was grieving, she was a danger to the whole ship and stupid for having human emotions? In the same fandom where Cassia "my emotions can make people kill themselves due to the stolen Xenotech in my chest" Orsellio is wifey, and Heinrix "becomes a one-man Warp Incursion in the chambers of the Rogue Trader because he got too conflicted about his emotions" van Calox is Mr. Darcy? The Warp isn't suddenly less bad because the person fucking it up is also fucking the Rogue Trader, be serious and forreal. And give Idira one million dollars for every post talking bad on her.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
So much of her story is tied up in Theodora but I would've loved to get a better view of Leira as a planet outside Imperium influence. Or maybe not even Leira but just, her perspective as someone born outside the Imperium because the game doesn't hone in on that as much.
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pebiejeebies · 10 months
Where I got info ^^^^^^
Four exhibits very surreal mannerisms, one of them is the screech to stun them.
I screech earbleedingly aswell, screaming and screeching is my middle name lmfao
Although Four seems to be calm most of the time, they do get angry in many episodes, but he does have good manners every now and then, plus they have a mysterious, sadistic and narcicist personality where they use their powers to harm the contestants just for their own fun.
I have that issue aswell, I’m very sadistic and narcissistic when it comes to my ocs.. sadly I enjoy tormenting them (mentally is my favorite way <33) and in the past when I was younger, I used to abuse my sisters for my own pleasure, since I thought I was the best out of all of them..
Four was shown to want a sense of dominance in the show
Me to my sisters.. the feeling of being under someone is so unbearable, I have to deal with that is school everyday, so being dominant towards my sisters is bound to happen..
When provoked, Four would show no mercy and would even do things such as dissemble close friends out of anger, even lacking remorse in the process. In "Four Goes Too Far", Four mistook Nickel's response to calling David and Roboty "the only two non-objects on the team" criticism (which they could not tolerate very well). Four threatens to zap Nickel, with A Better Name Than That's plan being the only thing stopping the attack.
Sooo if disassemble was like unfriend/block, and the criticism being taken personally is very relatable, in fact, when my sister ever tells me any constructive criticism I always see it as an insult to my hard work, which sucks.. And for the “disassembling” part, I can be very close to a friend but if they piss me off/trigger me just once in a bad way, it would definitely make me ignore/block them, plus if disassemble counted as hitting, In the past I used to really abuse my sisters which I guess fits
In "Enter the Exit", Four seems to be a lot calmer, friendlier, and humbler, most likely because the contestants recovered them. They were noticeably less violent than before. After their return, they didn't screech anyone until "Return of the Rocket Ship", adding onto how friendly they became, but still will not hesitate to zap those who bother them.
The change in hostile behavior is something that I really went through, and the fact that four still hurts when someone irritates them is something I still do (as I’m typing this I literally hit my sister because she said my XO board was drawn wrong lmfao,,)
Then this shows Four's personality in more depth as well as their possible motivations: they seem to be childish. They act like a control freak because they want everyone to stay with him forever, explaining their narcissism and cruelty when hosting the show. Four throws tantrums when things don't go their way and strongly dislikes being abandoned (possibly due to them losing their playthings) to the point where they cry and refuse to let X console them since they think that X will abandon them too. After the split, Four seems to be nicer to the contestants and shows more personality. Toward the end of the episode, after the split took place and Two took nearly all of the contestants, Taco tells Four that they lost over half of the contestants. Instead of being angry or sad, Four makes light of the situation by saying BFB has "advanced" to its final 14 contestants.
This whole thing is just me, specifically when something huge bad happens like the split, I end up just trying to see the good side of everything, specifically the fact that I’m a bit obsessed with the fact of being some sort of host for something 
In "Uprooting Everything", when it comes to Purple Face asking if he could be a co-host, Four immediately declines, stating they have a better co-host. Four was down about the last four contestants complimenting X's position and saying they were a "good host" than not recuperating the same to Four.
If purple face was my younger sister and my middle sister was the better co-host,, this would definitely fit, then the growing jealousy from the better co-host because of how much they’re liked irl is way too fucking relatable
In "Chapter Complete", it is shown that they have an insecure side. They become upset that the contestants do not want him as their host, and instead chooses to leave them forever. 
This ^^^^
However, Gelatin told him that they indeed like him, but it was just that they did not like being hurt and tortured for his own benefit. Hearing this, he has a change of heart. He starts apologizing to everyone and becomes nicer to them.
After I started to change this is what I did, I specifically apologized to my sisters, since they were the ones I hurt the most
In "The Great Goikian Bake-Off", Four reverts back to his pre split personality and acts chaotically again. This is most likely because he is still mad at the old contestants, or he is just doing his job to protect the hotel's food.
Mad at old friends or protecting my room, iPad or literally anything that’s mine
Wow I guess that just makes me the silly billy—
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kicharges · 4 months
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🐉 18+ Only Dragon Ball Multimuse, as told by Mami
🐉 Tracks the tag, kicharges
🐉 Crossover friendly, multi ship friendly, OC friendly
🐉 Semi-selective
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NOTE: I enjoy TFS as much as the next person, but I won’t be making any of the TFS HC’s a part of my roleplays anytime soon. Truth be told, I think people who take TFS at face value are kind of annoying. If you have a problem with me giving Piccolo a dick, then please don’t spam me with “but Namekians don’t have dicks.” Remember—this is RP and anything is possible. If Mami says Piccolo fucks, then he damn well will.
WIP: I am also currently playing through Xenoverse 2 and am halfway done with completing FighterZ. Anime wise, I am re-watching Dragon Ball Z and will continue on through the other iterations of the series. (GT, Super, etc.)
Please don’t ask me to write the following ships with you: Piccolo x Pan, Piccolo x Gohan, Goku x Pan, Trunks x Mai, Android 17 x 18, Android 17 x 16 or 18, Cell x Android 18 or 17. Basically, if it’s a ship that involves incest or literal adults x children, then keep it to yourselves…? 🙏🏽 PROSHIPPERS DNI!
Please don’t talk to me about real life events/politics: For the most sort, I simply don’t care. I do care about the genocide happening in Palestine however and that’s as much as I’m saying on the topic, but I prefer to keep my political opinions and worldviews to myself. And I’d rather avoid bad blood between me and anyone else, I’m here to have fun, not make enemies.
This page is 18+ only, as the mun has a preference for writing with older muns. This is in no way made to offend anyone, I just prefer writing with others around my own age group.
Yes, I am the same one who runs @mamismulti and @theultimateandroid both of which will still function, you can go give those a follow at your own leisure. My time on here won’t always be consistent, so if you need me, you can find me on either one of these pages.
Mun doesn’t equal muse, and yes this also applies to my Dragon Ball Xenoverse OC. (Coming soon)
This is a no drama zone, I’ve put up with so much drama already with old friends, please don’t pull me in on any ongoing drama please? And whatever you do, don’t ask me to take your side. Learned my lesson about taking sides in drama before, plus your drama is really none of my business.
No god modding unless we’ve discussed things before hand, and no power playing either unless we’ve also discussed things. Either than that, I would like to be informed before you decide to go and suddenly take away my muses abilities or decide to weaken or handicap them.
OC’s are welcome, as well as OC x Canon and OC x OC. I’ll ask you to send me your muses bio if you don’t have one readily available on your page for me to access.
This page is crossover and multi ship friendly, so don’t be shy to approach me on any ideas you may have. 😊
Remember, role play isn’t just about fun, but it’s also about communication and letting each other know where our boundaries lie. For example, I won’t write themes involving incest, cheating, child exploitation, or threads featuring the exploitation of animals. (Ie. animal or child 🍇)
Dark themes such as racism, genocide and overall violence will be present on this page. And yes, these subjects will be tagged for your black listing pleasures. (But also be aware that I don’t excuse or stand for what my villainous muses do or say)
No, I will not be discussing power levels with you or getting into arguments over whether or not Pinkie Pie could blast a hole through Gohan or Beerus. My honest opinion is: I don’t really care enough about it, so if you think Pinkie Pie could solo the entire DBZ Universe, then live your truth.
I don’t usually like to utilize the block function but I will if you’re giving me grief or if you’re displaying any problematic behaviour. I’m just a fellow human passing through, I just wanna have a good time and don’t wanna bother with difficult to get along with people. Not my cup of tea.
Think we may have an issue? Then please come to me and speak with me about it, I’ve had to deal with old friends vague posting in the past and chickening out when I approach them on it, so, simple solution is to just tell me out right. Unlike Kami, I’m not a mind reader so please don’t tip-toe around the subject or try hinting at things I may be unaware of.
Does your muse have a pre-established relationship with one of my muses? Let me know and I’ll gladly work with what I’m given. The only exception with this rule is that I won’t magically change my character interpretation, I like to keep them as close to canon as I can.
I won’t dull down any of my villain portrayals. If you’re uncomfortable with violence, death, violence against your muse, death threats/murder attempts, your muse being subjected to torment, etc. then try another muse.
I won’t kill or grievously injure your muse unless you give me the green light to do so, considering that this is the Dragon Ball Universe we’re playing with, it’s not entirely impossible for your muse to survive an attack from one of my muses or be brought back to life with the Dragon Balls, etc. Honestly this is roleplay, so creative liberty is always at our disposal.
Smut or any other violence or distressing content will be placed under a read more line, I don’t expect you to turn around and do the same because I don’t run your page, so do whatever the heck you feel like. But for myself, I’ll always prefer to keep my smut or triggering content under a read more for the sake of my mutuals comfort.
I do head canon most of my muses to be pansexual, so gays, they’s and them’s, feel free to flirt with any of my characters. However, not everyone will be as reciprocating, so don’t be surprised if your muses attempts fall flat on their faces. And if your muse persists with their advances, then don’t be surprised if they’re removed with force. (Ex. Punched, thrown, ki-blasted, kicked, etc.) This will usually only happen if they’ve been continuously warned.
You can feel free to mention me in posts such as: dash comms. tag games, etc. but please be sure to forward me any dash comms. you might’ve mentioned me in as I may not see them. I follow a lot of blogs already and there’s a slim chance I might actually see a dash comm. which was intended for me. (I would rather avoid making anyone feel as if I’m ignoring them on purpose)
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Cell (all forms included)
Chichi (adult Chichi only)
Mrs. Brief/Bulma’s mom
Princess Snake
Future Trunks
Gogeta (be sure to specify if it’s Gogeta Blue or SSJ4)
Mercenary Tao
Android 17
Super Android 17
Android 18
Android 21
King Cold
Ginyu Force: Ginyu, Jeice, Burter, Recoome, Dodoria, and Guldo
Broly (preferably from DBS)
Lord Beerus
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fluffysymphony · 6 months
Hello! Just wanted to say I LOVED your drawing for Earl x Timekeeper and tbh i was kinda shocked I wasnt the only person in existence who shipped the two of em HAHAUHEUHAHB- (To be fair, I managed to convinced my friends that “TEATIME IS CANON U GUYS”)(I call the ship teatime bc yk, tea, earl, time, timekeeper)(I’ll see myself out now-) anyway I checked out your blog and your stuffs pretty cool! I will watch you with great interest 👀 With that outta the way, I was wondering if you had any hcs/ideas for the family dynamic between Earl, TK and Chess Choco would be?
Would you believe it if I also heard Earl Grey x Timekeper from someone else? So yeah! Two more people actually ship this ship!
Also TeaTime is a wonderful ship name for them! I already have a ship that is also called tea time so- rats- Glad you like my blog!!
Aight! So some head canons, because I have a good handful of these ideas! For clarification, TK = Time Keeper, and will be using primarily She/Her pronouns for the sake of clarification! Just pronouns getting scrambled together is confusing.
-Time keeper definitely takes Earl Grey to other timelines/alternate universe's for dates! Like the ones that appear in her skill? Yeah, that is absolutely a spot for dates.
-For their primary dynamic: I like to think TK is absolutely lunatic, total nutcase, absolutely fun and wild constantly. With Earl grey being calm and collected, dunno! Their dynamic fits together nicely in my head.
-Tall TK, absolutely towers over Earl Grey, A silly head canon I have is that TK will occasionally scoop up Earl Grey and spin him around while holding hims bridal style, with him giggling and cleaning his fogged up glasses saying, "Oh goodness" over and over while they both laugh because they're ADORABLE!
-With the Chess Choco twins, I can see TK allowing them to run amok in the TBD, the both of them are decently well behaved and clearly are polite if not a bit cheeky. They often bother TK the most with Earl Grey helped some of the other departments with management and organization.
-They challenge TK to a chess match all the time, often losing against the time legendary. Earl Grey had to convince her to loosen up a bit, TK did it once and the kids were smiling and rubbing it in for a good week. TK still beats them for the most part, but does enjoy seeing them happy.
-Bit chaotic as one whole family unit, even more wild from an outsiders perspective looking in. A sort of acceptance I have for them is that Earl Grey and the Chess Choco twins just sort of accept TK is an all powerful being of possibly chaos if they felt like it. So when people ask they just nod and go yeah, "Yeah, that's Time keeper alright!" And then just go back to eating their ice cream from their day out.
-Final one for the road! Tk is primarily made out machinery, having most of their limbs made up of cogs and gears, Earl Grey is somewhat experienced with the maintenance and upkeep of her kind of assembly so he fixes up the cogs for her occasionally. They always talk about their respective days when this happens, just calming and serene and nice!
Hope you liked these head canons of mine, and glad to see someone else who ships the same Rarepair as me!!!
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bihansthot · 1 year
Someone in the apartment complex burnt their popcorn or dinner or something and the smell is just lingering in my bedroom. Ugh. I’m tired and want more Syzoth content, we need head canons and fluff and fun! There are lots of wonderful fanarts though and that’s fantastic, I know I’m a basic bitch jumping on the Reptile hype train but I don’t care. I also want to answer more headcanons and asks and stuff so feel free to send me any questions you have. I’m still not quite up to doing fic requests yet but pretty much anything else is fair game.
I’m happy to do content for all of the Lin Kuei (except Frost, sorry I don’t like writing for women) Rain, Reiko and Reptile! Other kharacters might open up in the future and I’m happy to answer questions about any kharacter. Please don’t be shy! Ns/fw is totally fine as long as it’s not a full blown fic request. Please note though I default to an AFAB reader, I am happy to change that if you request it though, it’s just my go to because that’s what I am and I identify as female. Also please note that I don’t do ships, I only do canon x reader I might throw in some Bi-Han x Syzoth here and there though because I enjoy them together. I also won’t do canon x oc, unless I’m asked about my OCs Hallvard or Ice I just do not know my moots or readers OCs well enough to write them. I’m sorry! (If I decide to do requests again I might do canon x oc in exchange for art or a return fic.) Other nos are incest or underage or gore, silly for MK I know but I don’t want to write about organs lol I’m iffy about child requests, I don’t mind talking about my fictional kids but I can physically have children myself so it’s sometimes a touchy subject for me. So, I guess I’ll say kid asks are at my discretion. Oh full on non con is a no but dub con and yandere are ok I guess? I don’t love writing yandere if I’m being totally honest. If any of these subjects bother you though please let me know if you need a specific tag so you don’t see it by mistake.
So, yeah asks are open I guess? I will try and sprinkle in more smut fics here and there too because smut is life, but like I said I’m more than happy to write ns/fw headcanons and stuff. I just can’t handle the commitment of a full blown fic request right now, but small things are good and keep me active in the kommunity. Also as always please feel free to talk to me at me whatever I’m always down to talk about MK :) I can also always be found on discord the server is 18+ but very chill and self ship friendly, but also ship friendly we have different roles to make everyone as happy as possible. Ok lovelies I think that’s everything, I’m going to spend the rest of my night trying to smell something other than burnt food.
Oh one last thing! Please specify what timeline your ask is for! I won’t write for Hanzo Scorpion but I guess I will try for Kuai Liang Scorpion. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I just need to know what Kuai Liang I’m working with if he’s involved.
I lied one more thing self ship and OC asks are always appreciated but not expected but I would love to talk about both if anyone is interested 👉👈
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shih-coulda-had-it · 1 year
If I may ask what is the original context for afohiko? I am still making my way through the manga so I definitely may not have gotten to a pertinent part yet so I preemptively apologize if that is the case. Is it based on an interaction they have, or was it spurred more from you imagining how they would interact and enjoying the way their personalities fit together? Either way your content of it is very enjoyable and very interesting. :] I also like how expressive your art style is! I hope you are having a nice day.
Aw, thanks :DDD
tl;dr (but I’m not putting it under a read more because I’m feeling obnoxious): the original context for afohiko is that I want Prime Torino to be popular, and if I have to bait people onto my blog with hot AfO, then I’ll fucking do it. It’s still honest work!
Okay. So, for context, what you need to know first is that I am a strong promoter of Prime Torino. I love him, he’s hot and miserable and devoted to lost (well, debatable) causes. And I want other people to love him too, but this is a thankless task because Prime Torino is very notably a traumatizing jackass.
I still want people to love him. So I scheme, quite constantly, for ways to slot Prime Torino into AUs and ships.
Around two years ago, April 2021, @pocketramblr made a Google Poll for cursed ships. GranAfO got 1%. This is pretty unremarkable, except for the fact that I could refer to it a month later, and assign the genesis of All for One x Gran Torino onto her when some anon (possibly frustrated that I kept dodging Nana x AFO questions) asked me about it.
And at first I was like, ‘Oh, ew. AFO is a jackass.’ And then I started drawing it, and I ended up with one of those standard kabedon poses with Prime Torino against the wall. Which got me these kind of reactions:
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What could I conclude? That by drawing an attractive All for One with Prime Torino, I could bait people into thinking twice about Prime Torino. (MY AGENDAAAA)
DfO Week was then announced; between my own afohiko art and the few asks Pocket fronted for an dfohiko thought experiment, I was inspired to start writing the first of many branches of dfohiko verse. I like to ground my fics with a bit of basis in canon, but you gotta understand--this is a crackship. I’m shooting blind here except for a few key references/facts:
1. Gran Torino survived the initial retreat with Toshinori in tow, even though AFO certainly must have seen them fleeing the scene. Sorahiko then survived the following decades AND Kamino Ward despite evidence of AFO’s insane scorched earth policies.
2. The Ultra Analysis book has this for a quick 101 of Gran Torino’s perspectives of a few characters:
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For a character assigned as ‘nuisance’, AFO sure doesn’t bother swatting him into a hole six feet deep. And for name-calling AFO a ‘monster’ + having an infamous stance on killing to save, Sorahiko is incapable of dealing damage. (Undoubtedly because he knows he would get squashed like a bug. But I digress. This post is for reading too deep into the unspoken bits.)
3. Gran Torino in his fight with Kurogiri ends up saying, “If you’ve got a preference for a date, then I’ll go with you wherever you want.” (Crunchyroll subtitles, E78). This is obviously one of those one-off lines, and not even canon to manga, but I like referring back to it as an indicator of Gran Torino’s Bad Taste in Men.
All this to say… afohiko is hilarious to me, and I can draw/write them as hot disasters, in both ways oblivious to the red flags at the start and end of their relationships. Emphasis on hot. You think Prime Torino’s hot, right? Did I succeed in my agenda?
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