#like we r literally learning the basics over again
pulling an all nighter not out of choice but out of necessity
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arysbruv · 7 months
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You were a relatively newer student. You normally kept to yourself but you always dreamt of being friends with the main trio, especially with the infamous Suguru Geto. Yet, he always seemed to hate you, even when you openly showed you felt the opposite.
pairings: suguru geto x f!reader
warnings and whatnots: ITS GOJOVERR ‼️‼️ Reconciliation, fluff after angst because I feel bad. End of series!!
Chapter 1 : are we still friends? Chapter 2 : can we be friends? Chapter 3 : Sorry, not sorry. Chapter 4 : Green looks good on you. Chapter 5 : Runaway. Chapter 6 : [CURRENTLY READING]
shoko 🚬 : y/n where are you?
shoko 🚬: y/n???
shoko 🚬: what happened r u okay?
shoko 🚬: why is suguru crying
suguru 💔: I’m sorry.
You glance at the notification, sniffling. You sat croucee on the toilet seat of a random cafe, eyes red from the hours crying. A knock on the door pulls you from your thoughts.
“Taken..” You croak out, voice hoarse from the crying.
“y/n, it’s me, Shoko…”
The soft and caring voice wills your legs to move and opens the door. Shoko stands in front of you, concern evident in your eyes. She scans your body, a small sigh leaving her as she hugs you. You melt in her embrace.
“She ran away?!” Satoru asks incredulously, watching his friend pace around the hotel room. Suguru moved about, wiping his eyes that stung from the harsh rejection he just earned.
How stupid! He was an idiot to think that the girl he was mean to for months would suddenly accept his love confession. What was this; An enemies to lovers book?
“Why? Oh god why did I say that?” Suguru mumbles to himself, finally sitting down on the bed beside Satoru, head in his hands.
the OGS
shoko 🚬: we’re in the hotel room
shoko 🚬: y/n’s a mess.
shoko 🚬: Good news, y/n likes you! bad news, she’s scared to admit it because she accidentally rejected you.
Suguru reread the message, over and over again, the phone in his hand almost breaking from the strength of his grip. Satoru takes his phone, reading the message so it properly processes in Suguru’s head.
“Congrats, she likes you!” Satoru says, tilting his head, waving the message in Suguru’s face.
Suguru didn’t know what to say. He grabs the phone from Satoru, earning a scowl from him.
“What do I do? She didn’t ruin anything!” Suguru says almost loudly, shocked eyes trained on Satoru.
Satoru’s eyes glimmered, a plan formulating in his mind. A smirk gathered upon the white haired boy’s face. He stands up, grabbing the car keys from the bedside table, he walks to the door, peering over his shoulder to see Suguru still sat on the bed. He sighs, giving a smile to the long haired boy.
“Come on, let’s go shopping.”
“Where are we going?” You ask Shoko as she brings you down the cold street. You shiver.
Shoko doesn’t answer you, her steps getting faster as she rounds the corner. You frown. Was she leading you to a bar? Was she suggesting for you to drink your problems away? Wouldn’t be that much of a surprise since she drowns out her own issues with smokes. Maybe you did need a drink, just to get away from everything and everyone.
After the whole fiasco pertaining to Suguru Geto, you quite literally wanted to run away and never face him again. If it meant going to learn with Nanami and Haibara in the class below you, that would be what you would do. At least they wouldn’t shame you for something like falling in love. A part of you longed to be with him yet you were weary fo his intentions. Did he truly love you?
Suguru watched from inside the cafe as you came closer. Flowers in hand. Roses, plain but he thought maybe you would like something plain and basic in the world of chaos and unknowns. Yet, just to be sure he also put a few of your favourite flowers in the bouquet. He heard you mention it to Shoko once as you all walked past a flower garden when you first came to Jujutsu High. He wiped his hands on his pants, glancing at Satoru who sat at the side, giving him a small thumbs up.
He hoped this work. He didn’t understand why he was trying so hard to win your affection but what he knew was that he wanted you and wanted to be yours. If it wasn’t him, he didn’t want it to be anyone else.
You rounded the corner, trailing behind Shoko like a lost puppy. He tilts his hand. Even after crying for seemingly hours, you were still gorgeous.
He gulps. What if you were too good for him?
”Suguru?” You say as you enter the empty cafe, Shoko quickly bee-lining to Satoru who sat at the side. The cafe was void of noise, you could hear the crickets from outside. It was cozy and small, only one worker behind the counter. You recognised them. Nanami?
Your eyes finally properly land on him, taking in his full appearance. His outfit was different from the one this morning, it looked cleaner and more formal. A black button up shirt tucked into straight cut black pants. His hair neatly combed back. He looked so handsome. A tint of red starts forming on your face as you stare at him, failing to notice the flowers in his hands.
Embarrassment runs through you. Crap. Was he here to talk about the whole rejection thing? Truth be told, you didn’t know why you ran. You wanted to say that you liked him too but you couldn’t help but feel that maybe he was just joking around or prancing you. Yet, he looked so… genuine.
”y/n.” The sound of your name in his golden voice snaps you back to reality. You look to see he has gotten closer to you, close enough that you could notice his breathing pattern. Close enough that you could see the flowers in his hand tremble and shake slightly.
Your eyes glance over them. Roses, mixed in with a few of your favourites. How had he known your favourite. Did Shoko tell him? No, she had been with you for the whole time. You bet Satoru didn’t even try to remember what your favourite were so how did he know?
“y/n, I am here to lay down my heart to you and hope you accept it.” Suguru randomly says, bringing your attention to his face. He cringes at his own words.
His eyes slightly widen upon eye contact. Suguru’s neck starts heating up as his eyes meets you. Why was this so hard? He practiced this with Satoru.
“For the past few months, we have never been on the best of terms. It is true that I found you to be annoying and too clingy at times. Yet as I began to become closer to you, I realise that there was no one else I’d like to annoy me and cling to me,” He trails off, averting his eyes. He inhales, taking in a breath.
“You are as the Sun, something one truly cannot appreciate until they are gone and unfortunately, I have seen you gone before.” His eyes finally come back to yours, softening as he sees your eyes that were laced with confusion.
“Thus, again, I ask you, to please consider going on a date with me.” Suguru hands you to bouquet of flower, a rush of blood hitting his face.
You stare at him then at the flowers. Slowly, you will your hands to take it. Your face felt hot as you grabbed onto the stems of the flowers, covering your face slightly with the buds. You look back at Suguru.
He had just confessed to you, for the second time.
“Suguru, I-…” You started, unsure of what to say. Suguru smiles softly at you, the most soft and caring expression strung upon his face. It hit you like a truck.
He liked you.
You liked him.
“I’d love to go on a date with you.” You whisper quietly, looking to the side. You cringe, realising he might have not heard you as he remained silent. You slowly bring your eyes back to him, only to see him try and suppress a giant grin from forming on his face. He moves closer to you, hands on your shoulder.
“Thank you, love.” He says slowly, whispering in your ear. Your blood rushed. He moves back, smirking at you. You stare at him expectantly.
“So… are we done yet?” Satoru finally asks, breaking the silence, earning him a shove from Shoko. He stands up, glaring at her and stretching. Suguru rolls his eyes at Satoru. He would scold him but after the immense help from him, he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
“Yes Satoru, we are done,” You say sweetly to him, a small smile coaxed on your face.
You look back at Suguru, who smiles at you as he watches Shoko and Satoru walk out the cafe. He moves towards you, grabbing your free hand. His fingers intertwining with yours.
“Thank you for giving me a chance.”
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fungusgnat444 · 2 months
König tropes I want to burn with hell fire
sorry for this unprompted rant but some of you guys are starting to ruin my favourite comfort character (CW mentions of noncon/r*pe, mentions of xenophobia, mentions of n*zis, general problematic behaviour, mentions of bad disability/mental health representation)
-1. Casual xenophobia- I’ve lost count of the amount of content that depicts König as a n*zi and I kinda feel like I shouldn’t have to tell you why that’s not ok. These things should not be fetishised and doing this is overall just super ignorant. That’s probably the worst instance of this kind of things but there are a ton of examples. Like a lot of people seem to think that every German speaking country is exactly the same. And to codify him as a German speaker everyone seems to think they can just slap on whatever offensive stereotype they want. As someone who has visited German speaking countries multiple times and knows native German speakers personally, believe it or not not all German men are rude, humourless, cruel, alcoholic perverts who treat women like shit and have a bunch of super fucked up kinks and no understanding of consent. If any of you had ever met someone from this part of the world you’d know that in general they are very polite and friendly people. If you want to use a stereotype there are plenty that aren’t offensive and ignorant that could be fun character quirks (eg. Germans always having to have the windows open, having a sweet tooth, having three different drinks with breakfast (water for hydration, coffee for energy, juice for nutrition. Trust me it’s a whole thing lol), being obsessed with always being on time (also works because he’s in the military) etc.). Like please at least try to be a little respectful. And if you’re going to show him speaking German at least learn the basics. Duolingo is free lol.
2 mental health/disabilities- as someone who actually has autism I think it’s kinda cool that some people have written him as autistic or having adhd etc. but if you’re going to do this can you please just do a little research so you get the symptoms right and not over generalise. Like autistic people can in fact understand humour and sarcasm most of the time we’re not robots. It’s 2024 like can we stop this trope please. A lot of people write him having anxiety or ptsd, which again I think is super cool but it’s often used as an excuse for him being aggressive/violent. Like this isn’t cute, if someone is treating you like this regardless of if they struggle with mental health or not there’s never an excuse for violence.
3 r*pe/non con- this point is kinda about fanfic in general but I see it a lot with könig especially. People need to understand the difference between a cnc kink and just plain assault. Cnc is a consensual agreement with safe words and boundaries and aftercare and mutual enjoyment. What most of these fics say is cnc is literally just him being a sexual predator. For a lot of people this is super triggering and romanticising r*pe is just disgusting.
again sorry for the rant guys but I really just needed to get this off my chest. Like this stuff has gotten in the way of my own writing and is really starting to ruin the appeal of his character. Like I beg of you can someone please write something where he’s just a sweet anxious Austrian guy who’s kind and respectful despite his reputation? Like I really don’t think I’m asking for much.
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crabcollectorskykid · 2 years
" What's behind that mask? "
Request: Hello if your starting request- I'll like to put, could you make where moth!reader has been living with the sully, Jake and neytiri are comfortable with moth!r so they let moth!r play around them, like chase their tails, help around{but they could only pick a few small sticks}, maybe when they eat, moth!r only eats alone because I think under the mask they wear, they have very sharp teeth!!
Sully family x moth!reader
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff
Pronouns: they/then
Whoops, accidentally posted this one so I had to hurriedly remake it..but the story will mainly focus on them trying to figure out what the moth will look like behind the mask or atleast trying to take off the mask
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Jake giggled a bit once he felt hands playing the tip of his tail, he didn't have to turn around to know who was playing with his tail. The very small hands already gave it away, it's been a few months since the moth started to live with them; needless to say the family started to enjoy the little one's company especially Tuk since she found a new playmate. Day by day the moth started to adapt habits that the family are curious about.
For example, they are more affectionate. Giving hugs and high fives. Their cape started to have more stars, they also constantly avoid rain and will sulk if there's rain. But one habit of the moth made the family really curious about is that, when eating the moth either turns their back when eating or go somewhere far away from them. The family knows their boundaries however they can't help but wonder what's behind that mask?
Soon after the sully kids went out to get some fire wood and carried the little moth with them much to the parent's demise, Jake and neytiri wanted to learn more about the moth but let the kids be since they also need bonding with the little moth. Neteyam was carrying (___) on his shoulders while the little moth looked around, eye gazing the gorgeous plants they had never seen before. They usually weren't aloud to go out because of their fragileness, they are very weak compared to the na'vis. They were like a porcelain doll to the sully and the fact the forest has alot of predators makes the sully family worried whenever the moth goes out.
"(___), are you okay up there?" Neteyam asked the little moth and they responded with a honk, the action made him giggle since he always find it funny that (___) can't talk and can only let out squeeks or honks. "We need to stop being so overprotective over them and toughened them up." Lo'ak complained, he had always try to toughened up the little moth but ended up getting scolded at the end, "Lo'ak they literally almost died because of the rain, if they are fragile with rain then I honestly don't wanna imagine if they ever get hurt badly." Neteyam answered.
"I agree with neteyam but it would be nice if we can atleast teach them some basic self defense" Kiri said taking the moth from neteyam and make them climb up to her shoulders so she can carry them, this action made neteyam act hurt saying how hurt he was for being betrayed like that and lo'ak just laughing his ass off. "Heyy, when is it my turn to carry them." Tuk complained, they have never carried (___) before and wanted to try but the older siblings always said that they might be too heavy for her.
"When you grow up big and strong, Tuk" Kiri said patting tuk's head to which Tuk giggled at. "Alright I think we gathered enough fire wood, we should hurry up before dad scold us again." Neteyam said him and lo'ak carrying the bag of fire wood on their backs "Wowww, thanks for your help kiri" lo'ak said sarcastically while kiri smiled and said a small you're welcome to which he scoffed at.
On their way to walk home they were talking about doing stuff on their freetime and exchanging embarassing stories to which they laughed at, (___) fell asleep on kiri's head and she giggled and cooed at them. "Awhh, look how cute they are when sleeping." She said, lo'ak observed the moth and said "I wonder if we could use them as a flashlight" he muttered but loud enough for the two to hear, "I doubt they can light enough, they glow but doesn't glow that much" while the two were arguing about it kiri observed the little moth who was now sleeping on her arms and not on her head.
"Don't you guys ever wonder what's behind their mask, I mean their eyes glow behind it. I've always wondered what their eyes or face looked like without it." Kiri said touching the mask lightly. The sully kids muttered in agreement about their curiosity, soon after lo'ak started getting closer "One little peek wouldn't hurt, right?"
He muttered his hand reaching towards the mask but neteyam's hand stopped him "no way bro, mom and dad will scold us for invading their privacy" he said telling them to hurry up walking so they can go back.
"...what are the kids doing.." Jake whispered to neytiri who was also watching the kids huddle in a group muttering "should we ask them?" Jake asked then neytiri agreeing with his statement "hey kiddos, uhm what are you guys doing?" He asked with curiosity hoping they aren't planning something mischievous "we're trying to figure what (___) looks like without a mask" Tuk said pointing (___) in the corner who was sleeping "shhh! Not so loud Tuk they might hear us." Lo'ak said shushing Tuk to which Tuk stuck out her tounge at him and lo'ak doing the same.
"lo'ak is doing a horrible job at illustrating" kiri said handing out the paper lo'ak drew an illustration on what he thought they look like, both the adults laughed at the picture while lo'ak tried to justify that it's a masterpiece "there's no way they have a third eye lo'ak and there is no way they won't have eyeballs" kiri said "then how come only white shows in their mask and what does the shape mean on the forehead of the mask?" He asked "it's probably just the design."
Neteyam said "what if they have no face." Neteyam said. The family was discussing on what they might look like when (___) was about to wake up because of the noise, Jake and neytiri shushed them before the discussion gets out of control.
Tuk crawled towards (___) hugging tightly and the moth returning the favor "how's your nap, kid?" Jake asked only to be answered with a honk, "neteyam come, help me make the food" neytiri said standing up, neteyam following after.Lo'ak and kiri quitely arguing.
The family watched as the little moth took their food and walked their way out the door, "...should we go?" Lo'ak asked, neteyam looking at Jake waiting for his approval to which Jake nodded. All of the kids went out of the door and chased after the moth, the parents sighing in relief "Finally peace." Jake said.
The kids watched the moth sat near a lake taking of their mask off and picking up their food to eat "see I told you, how can they eat if they don't have a face" kiri said to neteyam who was sheepish scratching his head, Tuk started to walk towards the moth while the teens were arguing soon after they noticed Tuk was gone and saw her approaching (___), they were whisper yelling to come back and to not blow their cover but she didn't listen instead she tapped (___) shoulder.
The teens covered their eyes out of instinct, silence passed by but was now interrupted by tuk saying wow and giggling. All three of them uncovered their eyes and was in awe also, (___) had a beautiful shade of bright yellow/(insert color) eyes and had white lashes, they also noticed how sharp their teeth were it was almost as if they were made to bite people.
(___) looked over at the teen who were hiding terribly behind a tree and waved over them patting the ground beside them, they hesitated but went to sit beside them anyways. Lo'ak was the first to break the silence "You have two eyes?-" lo'ak asked but was interrupted when neteyam hit his head hard "of course they do you idiot, how can they see if they don't have one?" Neteyam said dumbfounded nyyhus brothers question "well sorry I just wanted to ask them!" He shouted rubbing his head while (___) giggled but no sound came out of their mouth.
"i didn't know you had sharp teeth" kiri said looking at them with curiosity (___) opened their mouth so they can get a better view "you have tusks too" Tuk said excitedly "I don't get it, how can something looks so innocent but have horrifyingly sharp teeths" lo'ak said in disbelief. "How come you didn't show us your face before, you look pretty cool and great!" Neteyam complimented them (___) shrugged they honestly also don't know why.
"C'mon let's go back, you don't need to be afraid of showing us your face anymore. Besides it's more fun with you there eating with us" neteyam said, (___) smiled and hugged neteyam the other kids following suit.
"interesting." Jake said observing (___)'s teeth, neytiri smacked his arm "Jake stop that is rude to do" she said while Jake realised his actions and apologize, (___) smiled showing that it was okay "well then, (___) why don't you join us for dinner here with us from now on. Wouldn't want a family member eat alone now would we" he said, (___) nodded excitedly.
Let's say (___)'s bond with them grew stronger and stronger.
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braxiations · 8 months
Hylics - The PoolWayne Theory
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So, I’ve never really seen many Hylics theories be shared online. Most of what I’ve found is limited to discord servers like the Hylemxylem. So, I thought I might put my foot into the ring and share one of my own!
Now, this theory is pretty out there. I’ve done quite a lot of examining of both Hylics 1 and 2 and to my knowledge nothing contradicts my theory. I believe my idea explains quite a lot of things pretty well and adds some fun subtext to a lot of plot beats and history. However, it’s not the pure result of thorough evidence and 100% rational thinking. It’s basically a fun idea that explains some things and, in my opinion, is interesting.
The Wayne-poolman connection
To start, I’d like to point out an odd association between poolmen and Waynes. This is first seen before we even know what poolmen are: back at the Waynehouse. Here, we see Waynes slapping poolmen dummies as training. 
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Now, it’s likely that this is because poolmen are Gibby’s  main infantry, and this is a point I’ll return to soon. Secondly, is Gibby Redivivus’ design. Atop his head is a Wayne head… or is it? While this is also called a warpo head by some, in actuality it’s literally just the poolman model’s head colored yellow. 
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Poolmen’s heads are crescent shaped, so this makes sense. My thought upon learning this was “ha, are Waynes basically just yellow poolmen?” Well… Looking at the chibi sprites for both Wayne (or Sat-Wayne as I’ll call him) and poolmen do reveal a pretty clear similarity. While poolmen’s heads flop around so much in battle it’s hard to notice them as crescents, whenever shown as static or simplified they generally are shaped as such. 
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Now, all of this is to establish that I believe poolmen and Waynes to be mirrors or counterparts to one another in some way. Personally, I think this was actually intended by Mason himself. As you’ve probably noticed though, this post is far from over.
Why does Gibby look like that?
Specifically, why does Gibby R wear a Wayne/warpo/poolman-dipped-in-yellow-paint head anyway? As many know, Gibby’s design in Hylics 2 differs from his design in H1 because it originally belonged to a (probably) different character, Fuller. In-universe, however, Gibby’s body is referred to as a “vessel.” His remains were likely put into or molded into this form by Odozeir and his followers. So, why on Fingerhead’s beige Earth would he endow him with THE FACE OF THE GUY WHO MURDERED HIS BOSS? Well, it seems that Gibby has been repping this symbol since longgg before his reconstitution, just not as a face. 
In the platforming mini-games, we get our only look at the world before the Accretion. This confirms a few interesting points: 
There was at least 1 other Wayne pre-Accretion, being Sat-Wayne himself. (Likely a Waynehouse too.)
A Hylemxylem (likely the one that became the Moon) existed pre-Accretion. (Seen in the bg.)
Gibby and Odozeir were allied before the Accretion. (Their faces are on flags together.)
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This last note about the flags is important as the Gibby face used is his Redivivus design. As this was being used on flags way back when, it stands to reason that Odozeir fashioned Gibby’s vessel after the symbol itself. Likewise, this would also mean that the Waynehead was being used as part of Gibby’s iconography back then too… which is strange.
Waynes as an army
The nature of Waynes is a question that dances around the edges of Hylics 2, but it never really addresses it outright. Here’s what we know:
Waynes have a huge grudge against Gibby. They seemingly spend much of their time training in the event he becomes a problem again.
They’re all equipped for combat, seemingly naturally. They do have to train and they spend much of their time doing so.
They’re seemingly all clones of one another or something analogous. They can have some differences (some are more well-trained, at least one is either fem or trans (if Decres is canon), etc,) but most are identical. 
Waynes are kind of a problem, at least in the Hylics 2 zone. Chuck, when speaking of his writing process for An Endless Cycle, stated that he wanted to invoke this feeling. With the seemingly mutant Waynes we’ve seen in the New Hylics teasers, Waynes might be growing out of control, taking a role similar to that of invasive species. Tl;dr: they probably aren’t a part of the local natural order.
Perhaps Waynes are entirely natural, eusocial organisms like ants and their soldier-like training simply comes from the fact that they’re sapient. Their contentious placement in the Hylics 2 ecosystem could merely be them being invasive. Their single-minded grudge against Gibby could be explained in a few ways. If H1-Wayne is indeed the Old Wayne from H2, perhaps he dedicated his… children(?) to keep Gibby at bay because it was his most notable accomplishment. Where this explanation might falter is the Wayne head symbol used by Gibby, which is still left entirely unexplained. 
So… what if the symbol came first?
The theory What we know of the Wayne species’ nature, as listed in the previous section, is highly reminiscent of sci-fi ideas of modified super soldiers. In the Star Wars prequels, for example, literal clones meant only for combat are a prevalent plot point. While Waynes as ant-soldiers sufficiently explains many of these traits, the idea that Gibby’s yellow crescent predates the Waynes could only leave an artificial origin as an option. Now, of course, this point that Gibby’s symbol is older than Waynes themselves can’t be proven for certain. The oldest point in the timeline we have access to shows Sat-Wayne coexisting with the symbol. If one was older than the other we’d have no idea. What strikes me as odd, though, is why Gibby would ever associate himself with Waynes. While we don’t know if they’ve always had an antagonistic relationship, Sat-Wayne (who is again, the first Wayne we know of,) spends much of his time attacking Gibby and Odozeir’s forces. The conflict between the two groups has been ongoing, and it seems odd Gibby would choose to honor a species that has constantly attacked him for so many years without strong reason.
With this in mind, I will propose my theory: Waynes are not a naturally occurring species. Rather, they are the descendents of poolmen fashioned into super-soldiers by none other than the forces of Gibby. As such, they were changed to resemble the yellow crescent used as a symbol of Gibby for so long. Now, the manner through which this was done isn’t super important. I like to think they were selectively bred, but it’s just as possible they were genetically modified or given some of Gibby’s royal goop. It’s really just speculation.
As we have established, poolmen may be some of the primary infantry used in Gibby’s armies, especially pre-Accretion. (I would like to suggest that poolmen are the koopas of Gibby’s army, and tyros are the goombas.) With their strong resemblance to Waynes, it stands to reason that Gibby, looking for more capable soldiers, would use the poolmen as a basis. While poolmen are capable of speech, they’re generally represented as animalistic. Their only gestures used are lambaste and multiply, as well as the ability allotrope. As lambaste is literally just hitting someone, multiply is clearly their reproduction, and allotrope is a reflex, it stands to reason they aren’t capable of the hand movements required to use actual complex gestures. (They don’t even seem to have hands.) Other enemies such as the noncomfornist clearly show this ability. Thus, it stands to reason that Gibby would seek soldiers capable of doing such things. In fact stronger, modified poolmen are clearly seen in the form of poolmagnes, but they still don’t achieve these heights.
Many stories of advanced combat technology involve betrayal or an uprising from the technology itself. Thus, we may be able to explain why Waynes hate Gibby so much anyways. Created as sapient soldiers, Waynes would effectively be slaves. They would have no choice but to fight and participate in the tyrant’s cruelty. It seems likely that they would have rebelled, and Gibby may have retaliated harshly.
Sat-Wayne is alone in the Waynehouse he emerges from. H1-Wayne is clearly the only member of his species in the Hylics 1 zone. Many have noticed that the redesign of the Ghost enemies bear a strong resemblance to the skulls of Waynes. Further elaboration falls into pure speculation, so I’ll let you come to your own conclusions here.
Ultimately, we’re left with the following timeline:
Gibby employed poolmen for war.
Wanting stronger soldiers, he ordered his forces to create a more powerful breed of poolman, capable of complex reasoning and the use of gestures.
These Waynes proved too intelligent and rebelled.
Gibby reacted harshly, wiping out nearly all of them.
This begs the question of why Gibby still, by the time of Hylics 2, choses to use the yellow crescent symbol. I think this could be explained as a form of denial. If he casts aside a symbol that was always his simply because rebels used it, he would essentially be admitting defeat. Besides, an NPC in New Muldul talks about wretched anarchists who overthrew Gibby, not realizing who he’s talking to. The fact that a Wayne was responsible for killing Gibby might not be common knowledge. Gibby can simply ignore the uprising and continue to use it.
Other notes and convenient ties
One of my favorite parts of this theory is that it retroactively explains some other oddities in the games. For example, Wayne heads notoriously occur throughout the world or even on jars. If the crescent is a symbol of Gibby, who we know has influence throughout much of the world, this is rather easily explained. 
It gives us an association between Gibby and the Waynes. Many have pointed out that both have names in reference to the moon: gibbous moons and waning moons. Gibby is notoriously prideful and arrogant, so perhaps he intended the Waynes to be made in his image, giving them a similarly lunar name. 
It could explain the moon soldiers and their weakness. Many have noticed their resemblance to Waynes. Perhaps, after the rebellion of the Waynes, Gibby still desired more powerful soldiers. Moon soldiers could easily just be another artificial variety of poolmen, making them basically the cousins of Waynes. Their intense weakness could be attributed to avoiding the pitfall of making soldiers that are too powerful again. Maybe he hoped someone would see the Moon covered in soldiers and simply decide to back off. (It’s worth noting that moon soldiers might not be nearly as weak as we see them. Rather, the joke might be that at this point in the game Wayne and crew have become so strong that they’re killed in an instant.)
The fighting instinct of Waynes could explain the depression, purposelessness, and exhaustion of H2-Wayne that we see explored in Absent Moon. With this theory, Waynes would literally only exist to fight. Having defeated his greatest enemy, Wayne no longer has a purpose in life. Perhaps this lack of purpose has caused unrest in the Waynehouse, and will lead into the events of the New Hylics game that features monstrous, creature-like Waynes. 
Old Wayne remarks on the “forecasts” of the stars, apparently able to glean meaning from them. Perhaps an ability to read celestial bodies is a holdover from their days as Gibby’s soldiers. While the Hylemxylem had not yet developed into the false moon of Hylics 1, this may have been planned. Perhaps the Moon could have sent or shone signals for the Old Wayne to interpret and relay to the Waynes under their command. 
Warpos could essentially be reverted to an older, primal state by their consumption of poolwine. This doesn’t make much sense biologically but whatever.
Random biology notes
Poolmen probably contain hard, spiny components akin to the spicules found within sponges. These spicules would be poked out of their bodies in their allotrope attack. Perhaps this developed into the skeletons of Waynes. The way Wayne’s flesh and muscles melt off of him upon death is similar to how poolmen melt upon their own deaths.
Poolmen multiply and reproduce asexually, likely meaning they’re all more or less genetically identical to one another (there would be errors of course.) Wayne reproduction is more or less elusive, but their status as clones and low genetic diversity could be a remnant of their poolman ancestors.
I have a theory that the “egg pods” we see in the Waynehouse basement might be the Wayne equivalent of the hylethems that produce poolmen. However the connection between poolmen, hylethems, and hylem as a whole is a story for another time.
Summary and conclusion
I believe that Waynes are a sort of poolmen. They were either genetically modified or selectively bred from normal poolmen, as Gibby wanted to employ them as soldiers capable of complex thinking and use of gestures. These Waynes proved too powerful and intelligent, rising up against their creator. He had many of them slaughtered, creating a grudge that would last countless years and influence the Wayne species for the rest of time. 
That’s basically it. Thanks for reading! If you have any thoughts, counterpoints, or additional ideas please feel free to share! I’d really like to discuss this with people!.
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
Thicc!R getting hit on by a hung g!p fuccboi!Carol
Smutty and a bit funny
Not like the others
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Pairings: g!p Carol Danvers x reader
Summary: Carol wanted you more than any other boring hook up of hers, so she took matter into her own hands, quite literally
Word count: 1,816
Warnings: smut, cunnilingus, fingering, hand jobs, small dirty talk, praising, degrading, think that’s it
“Please! I promise I’ll make you feel good.” She’s been begging over and over again for the past hour, it was starting to get annoying. She grabbed your ass in her hands and turned you to face her, you saw clear desperation on her face.
You sighed and responded to her for what felt like the ten thousandth time. “For the last time Carol, no. I’m not going to be one of your stupid hook ups that you dump onto the street once you’re needs are fulfilled.” As much as you’d love to have Carol rail you into oblivion you didn’t want to get hurt, you’ve heard too many stories of how she’d tell women to get lost after making them fall in love with her.
The other girl looked down and nodded, you thought she was finally going to back off but she insisted on taking you home tonight. “Fine. But can we just dance? I really like this song and I don’t have anyone else that I can do that with.”
“Don’t you have at least twenty women lined up that would just beg to dance with you ms. Danvers?” You asked, knowing she was just trying to get into your pants still. “Yeah but none of them are you.” She said with a smirk, trying to get you flustered which she learned was not easy. She hung out her hand and waited for you to grab it and run onto the dance floor with her.
You gave a tight lipped smile and slapped down your hand onto her awaiting one. “Fine. But only one song.” She smiled in victory and took you over to the jock filled room where music blasted in the background. It started off simple, until she turned you around and made you grind your large bottom on her crotch.
You played along, starting to fall into her trap and let her take you. Her pants did a terrible job at confining her hard on, it was basically screaming to be let out and to finally be inside you. Carol often dreamed of the day where you’d finally give in, even picturing you when she fucked other women which may have resulted in being thrown out when she accidentally moaned your name. She’d stare at you in lectures and picture what it would be like to have your mouth filled with her cock while you looked up at her with doe eyes. Or how tight and wet your pussy would be, she’d end up walking out trying to cover her erection.
Feeling you grind onto her made the woman almost burst, reaching around she manhandled your breasts as if there weren’t hundreds of other people here.
“You like my hands on you baby? I told you you’d love it, feeling my hard cock all up against your ass, that’s all from you sweetheart.” Came a whisper into your ear, she lightly sucked on the lobe before lowering her face into your neck. She left traces of her all over your exposed areas, wanting to show everyone that she owned you.
When she couldn’t take it anymore she grabbed your hand and was about to lead you into one of the bedrooms when you suddenly stopped her. “Fuck me when you’re less drunk Carol.” You said as you walked out of the house with her following behind. She promised you that she didn’t have that many drinks but her light stutter proved you were right. That night she didn’t even want to take a girl home, she just wanted you. But for now all she got to do was jerk off thinking about you, having to use her imagination once again.
The next day came and you sat in your regular seat, this time Carol stole the chair next to you instead of letting that jock who’s clearly in love with you sit there. Over the whole lesson she’d occasionally grace her hand on your thigh, slowly going higher until your breath hitched.
“You know I think you were very unfair last night, leaving me high and dry like that, I think I deserve an apology don’t you?” You snorted at her words, going to whisper out a response. “Maybe it’s what you deserved.” You finished speaking only to be dismissed from the class and have Carol trailing behind you like a lost puppy.
“Please Y/N, what do I have to do to finally sleep with you? Why won’t you just let me fuck you, I promise I’m good, I’ll even pull out or wear a condom if you want.” You were starting to feel bad with how much begging she was doing.
“Because I don’t want you to throw me out after like some dog on the street. Trust me I know what it feels like and it doesn’t feel good.” She stared at you with slight shock in her eyes, who would ever throw someone like you away? Before she could speak you were walking away again, she tried getting to you but she lost track of where you went.
The next day she was standing in front of your dorm with flowers in hand. Knocking on the door she quickly got herself ready but dropped the item in hand, resulting in her getting onto her knees to pick it up quickly. When you opened the door you found the woman on her knees right in front of you. She quickly pulled herself together and stood up, leaning her hand on the wall to try and seduce you only to end up almost falling once again. You stifled a laugh as she looked down in embarrassment.
“Well, uh, can I come in?” You sighed and gave a small smile, opening the door further so she could walk in. She awkwardly handed you the flowers and sat on your bed, swinging her legs back and forth like a little kid. You sat down next to her as you both looked around trying to find anything to talk about.
“So.” You started.
“So, uhm, about the other night, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to kind of force you to sleep with me, I'm not like that.” You nodded and forced a tight lipped smile.
“It’s fine, if I’m being honest I probably made a mistake rejecting you that night.” Hearing your words her head shot up, looking at you in shock.
“Oh! Well uh. if you want, I mean we could do that sometime you know.” Carol didn’t know what to say, she’s usually so confident but it’s like you turn her to mush. You finally agreed with a bit of hesitation, Carol’s face lit up but she remained calm, wanting to give you the best time. You both slowly leaned in, giving one another time in case one of you wants to pull away. When neither of you leaned back your lips connected, Carol controlled the kiss as her hands went to feel you up, playing with your pantie line.
The kiss slowly progressed as she pushed you to lay down on the bed and went on top of you. You took off her football jacket and threw it to the side where your shirt was, it’s a good thing your roommate isn’t home.
She swiftly pulled off your pants and then your bra, taking a moment to admire your breasts.
She moved her body down now facing your pantie covered cunt. She gave a long lick through the clothing, grabbing your thick thighs and placing them around her head. She teased her finger over your center and lightly pushed down on your clit. The wet spot that was left behind from all of her teasing turned her on, she loved the thought of getting you so horny for her.
“Carol please! Just- do something I’m begging you!” She chuckled and finally gave in, pulling your underwear down and finally giving kitten licks up your folds. She ran a finger over your hole, asking permission to enter. She slowly pushed her digit inside of you, letting you get used to the feeling as she sucked your clit. Your moans were all the approval she needed as she started to thrust in and out of you.
“You’re so tight, can barely fit my finger in you.” She muffled out before going back to your swollen bud.
“Yes! Fuck your mouth is so, good.” She kept one arm wrapped around your leg and her other hand was busy adding a second finger to your pussy. You already felt so full, it’s been a long time since you’ve had someone finger you like this. You tried finding something to hold onto or to pull but ended up using her soft hair. Trying to relieve herself she used your leg to slowly hump herself on, her hard on hitting the right spot each movement. She moaned into your pussy, the vibration getting you closer to the edge.
You started to play with your breasts, putting on a show for the other woman. You soon Felt a third digit teasing you asking to be let into your already filled hole. “Taking my fingers so well princess, can’t wait to fill you with my cock.” You could already picture it, her length sliding in and out of you at a fast speed, her load shooting into you as she collapses on top of you. Her three fingers went in and out of you at a fast pace, fucking you like no man ever has.
“Carol! I’m gonna-” “Shh, it’s alright. Cum all over my fingers baby, I know you want to.” It was true. You wanted nothing more than to finish all over her long fingers and have her lick the rest of you up. Carol was getting closer to her own release as she continued to hump you for some sort of relief. You soon came over her hands from her encouraging words, trying to silent your screams you used your hand to bite.
“That’s it, such a good girl for me aren’t you?” You nodded as best as you could as you came down from your high, her fingers still inside you waiting to be licked off from her mouth. She brought herself up to look at your face, admiring the blissed out look you gave her. Slowly unbuttoning her pants she pulled out her hard length dripping with pre-cum. Wrapping her hand around it she slowly jerked herself off in front of you, watching how you eyed her cock with pure hunger and need. Gathering up the courage you leaned forward, replacing her hand with your own and placing kisses around her tip. Making her lie down as you previously did you licked around her base and fondled her balls in your other hand. She looked so needy then, the big dominant woman now whimpering underneath you.
“Let me repay you now.”
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lbulldesigns · 5 months
My little sister assaulted me but I'm somehow the bad guy because she ran away from home rather than face the consequences of her actions.
Posted 24th of May, 2021
I (20M) was recently assaulted by my (18F) sister, and rather than face the consequences of her actions decided to run away from home. And now I'm being treated as the bad because I said that it would be better if she never returned.
For context, me and my twin brother Big C were raised by our father (40?M) after our mother gave up her parental rights after giving birth to us. I have never met my mother, and this is fine because who needs someone that flakey in their lives.
Up until we were about eight it was just my dad, brother, and me. Until one month or so after our eighth birthday, our dad decided to adopt two girls. V (23F) and Jinx (a fitting name, trust me).
At first I was confused but after learning that V was biologically my sister, I got excited. At the time I mistakingly thought that Jinx must have been my biological sister also, but it turned out she had a different father. I remember asking why we were taking her in if she wasn't actually related to us and my dad growled at me to never say anything like that again, it was the first time he ever growled at me and over an innocent question no doubt.
I knew better than to ever say something like that again, I tried to be welcoming to her and although V was engaging and friendly, Jinx would not speak to anyone. She always stayed quiet and whenever our dad would go near her she would cower away and get teary eyed.
I hated how she acted like my dad would hurt her, and fully believe that this is why her therapist thought that my dad was abusive. The poor woman ended up losing her job because of Jinx's dramatics.
The sad thing is that I seem to be the only person who truly sees Jinx for what she is. Trouble.
For a while, I thought everyone else was starting to see also but nothing was ever really done about her behavior. Except to send her off to her rich uncle (maternal) who would shower her with praises for her art and grades, and give her gifts. This only made her spoilt.
I tried to counter this by reminding her that she wasn't special so that she wouldn't get a big head and all she would do was start crying and then lock herself in her room and I would be the one getting chewed out.
well, you basically get the idea.
Coming to the true crux of this post.
A few days ago, I was at home minding my own business, and trying to enjoy my gap year. When Jinx comes in and is crying, yet again.
Maybe I let my annoyance get the better of me and called her a crybaby. She stops and just stares at me, and then her face contorts into this really ugly way and she screams loudly, before launching herself on me and starts beating me up.
I was taken completely off guard and tried to defend myself as much as possible, but she is surprisingly strong despite being a skinny ass.
And she just keeps saying "I hate you, I hate you" as she beats me.
My dad came in and pulled her off of me, whilst I cradle my bloody nose (literally bloody) and I catch dad telling her to get out and I felt elated for a minuet because I thought that he FINALLY saw sense.
But after she bolts from the house my dad drives me to the hospital to make sure nothing is broken (nothing was broken thank Janna), and as we are driving home I ask if we are going to the Enforcer station. Dad looks confused and asks why, and I say to press charges. My dad states that I will not be pressing charges because an ass whooping was long overdue.
I felt shocked and betrayed and got angry, I kept asking why he's always going so easy on her.
She wasn't his daughter, not really
She was constantly causing problems with her outbursts and "trauma"
She emasculated him by getting her uncle to pay for her studies
And, she just assualted your flesh and blood.
My dad stayed silent, and I thought this meant that I won the argument. But as soon as we got home, he kills the engine and turns to me. Looks me in the eyes and tells me in no uncertain terms.
"I have tried being patient with you OP. I have explained to you again and again that your little sister is not this monster you make her out to be. Her trauma is real, she watched her parents die in front of her, and that's enough to affect a grown man let alone a small five-year-old girl who didn't know the concept of death. She experienced some shit in the foster system before finding her way to us. And I have done everything I can to help her the way she needs, whilst raising the rest of you kids. I tried to be understanding of you when you were a kid because you didn't know better, I tried to be patient with you when you were a teenager because Gods know I was a real shithead when I was younger. But you are an adult now, my patience is extremely thin. You need to start figuring your shit out because your sister doesn't, and never did, deserve the hate you throw at her"
I won't lie, this hurts. Despite how Jinx is, I do love her I just feel like I'm the only person trying to set her straight.
I pointed at my face and stated that I wasn't the one who hated her, on the other hand she saw no problem with hating me.
Dad asks why she attacked me, I said I didn't know (I didn't want him to twist my words around on me) he just looks at me and says "You're sister wouldn't just attack you without reason".
At this point, I tried to get out of the car, but my dad grabbed my arm, held me in place, and demanded again what I did.
I finally relented and said I called her a crybaby and he groans at me, I said "see she completely blew everything out of proportion". He says that Jinx shouldn't have attacked me, but then asks why I felt the need to insult her.
I lost it and said that she's always crying.
I can't walk past her room without hearing her cry, SHE IS A CRYBABY.
Dad just looked at me, and disappointment was written all over his face. Not at Jinx, but at me.
He takes a deep breath and says to me that I had two options.
I agree to go to family and individual therapy because I am an adult now, and this "petulant child" and "victim complex" is not healthy for anyone.
I continue to act the way I am, but I need to move out and start standing on my own two feet and learn what actual struggle feels like because I've had it pretty easy with life, and hopefully gain some empathy in the process.
Either way, I was never, ever going to bully Jinx again.
I spent the rest of the night in my room stewing over everything, I ignored V when she started banging on my door demanding what I did to "her little sister" before C-Man convinced her to leave me alone. But afterward, he asked me, through the door, when I was going to grow up before leaving himself.
At some point the three of them, Dad, V, and C-Man. left the house to work at the family bar. I refused to leave my room and Dad told me to take the night off to 'lick my wounds'. I fell asleep at some point and woke up briefly because I thought I heard someone walking past my door but just chalked it up to one of the others and went back to sleep.
I didn't leave my room the next morning, out of protest, but saw Dad leaving to go over to Jinx's BBF's house no doubt to continue coddling her.
However she wasn't there, and after searching the whole day, didn't seem to be anywhere.
It's been several days now, Enforcer's can't go looking for Jinx because it was proven that she left voluntarily. Apparently, that person I heard that night was Jinx scurrying off with her belongings and paperwork.
Honestly, I'm glad she's gone. But my dad is still holding up the ultimatum, he says that when she returns I will have my shit together and that he's disappointed in how unaffected I'm acting.
So long story short. My little sister beats me up, and somehow, I get in trouble instead, she runs away from the consequences BUT DAD'S ULTIMATIUM IS STILL IN EFFECT.
It's completely unfair. I'm the victim here.
Honestly, I'm considering going no contact with everyone because I'm done with JINX getting all the support.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
This is a fan fic, please read tags
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Any galra!Keith x (normal/paladin) Lance headcannons ??
I v e b e e n w a i t i n g f o r t h i s m o m e n t
Okay, so basically, here's how it went down.
Lance, Pidge, Hunk and Shiro had all gone to space and found Allura, however this time, they found the blue lion with the alien signal tracking thing that Pidge was using in the beginning of episode one. They went to Arus, met Allura and set off to save the universe.
Allura becomes the initial red paladin in this one, following her father's footsteps.
During one of the Paladins' raids on a Galra base, Lance finds Keith in a cell.
In this AU, Keith went with his mom to space and joined BOM when he turned 14, though of course he's still mostly human, besides from furry ears, purple skin and yellow eyes (and of course fangs but we don't need to get into that).
Anyways, Lance frees him and leads him back to the blue lion. As soon as everyone sees him, they immediately start saying things like, "Lance, why did you bring a Galran with you!?" "Why would you lead them straight to Voltron" "The Galra killed my entire species!" all that fun junk, and Lance looks them dead in the eyes, and with his whole heart goes, "Because when I found him, he looked more human than anyone I've ever met."
Of course, Lance meant the way Keith had looked at him. He saw pure humanity in his eyes, he just knew Keith was good, he'd never been more sure of anything in his life. "He was alone, in a cell. The Galra don't do that to their allies."
anyways, time passes, Keith becomes the Red Paladin, and they all grow and learn to trust each other n stuff, you know the basics.
But, Keith and Lance grow especially close, seeing as Lance had been the one who saved him, the one that had defended him and stuck by him through everything despite him being Galran.
One day, they got caught in a crossfire between a Galra fleet and a planet involved in the coalition, and Lance gets hit. Though, Lance, being Lance, doesn't say anything and just keeps fighting. When the battle concludes, the Paladins go back to the Castle of Lions.
As soon as he thinks he's alone, Lance collapses and removes his armor. Because of how careless he'd been during the fight, the initially small wound had torn and become much larger, meaning that Lance was losing quite a bit of blood. If he had to guess, he'd lost about a fourth of a liter. It wasn't enough to make him dizzy, but it hurt like hell.
As we all know, I enjoy making them suffer a little, so naturally, Keith finds him on the floor by his bedroom door, and his gaze falls on the gaping slash on Lance's side. He immediately drops down and starts scolding Lance.
"Why didn't you say you were hurt!? When did this happen?! How much blood have you lost?!" He presses his hands over the wound in hopes of stopping the bleeding, he knows it isn't bad enough to be fatal, but simply the sight of Lances blood on his hands sends him spiraling with panic. It's an image that will be forever burned into his memory.
Lance can't find the words he needs to say, all that escapes him his a small, quiet "I'm sorry".
Keith picks Lance up and takes him to his room, where he lays him down and gets the first aid kit from his bathroom.
He stops the bleeding and patches the wound. It was something he'd had to learn early on when he joined the Blade of Marmora. He helps Lance sit up and then plops down beside him.
"I could have handled it on my own, you know.. I'm not helpless.."
"First of all, you were bleeding out on the floor! If you really had it handled, i think you would have already had yourself patched up! And second, being helped doesn't make you helpless, it makes you human-"
"What would you know about being human?"
There's a long moment of quiet between them. Keith is the first to speak again.
"You're right.. I don't know the first thing about being human.. But I do know you. And I know that you're strong, and brave, and you'll do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of those around you. But I also know that sometimes you can't do things by yourself, and that's fine, Lance. There's nothing wrong with needing help..."
"I'm sorry" he says, turning to look Keith in the eyes, "I shouldn't have said that. If anything, you're more human than any of us. I don't know how, or why, but you are. And I think-"
There's another silence, Lance debates whether or not now is the right time to be saying any of this, but this is Lance we're talking about. He's the king of bad timing.
"You think what?"
Lance takes his hands, his heart is about ready to break his ribs with how hard it's pounding. "I think... I think that's why I love you!"
They stare at each other for what seems like an eternity, Keith's eyes move back and forth between their hands and Lance. Neither knows what to say.
Eventually, Lance tries to let go, taking the silence as a rejection, but Keith then grips tighter and pulls him into a hug.
"I love you, too, idiot..."
"Wait seriously? Like, you aren't messing with me, right?"
"Yes seriously! And if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I'm gonna kill you myself, got it?"
"Yeah, I got it"
They sit there with each other for probably an hour before Pidge bursts through the door and shouts, "AHA! I KNEW IT!!" They turn their head and yell into the hallway, "HUNK, YOU OWE ME FIFTY BUCKS!!!"
I have so many more but i think this post is long enough as is, so i'll stop here for now. If you want more of these please please please ask, i love getting requests so much.
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annamatix · 7 months
episode 1 of the jenny-anna taylor jurdan collab series YIPPEE (that's a mouthful we'll need to find a better name)
@viivdle did cardan's pov in two parts (linked at the bottom of this post) and i did jude's here
today’s topic: dancing with our hands tied (jurdan’s version)
“i, i loved you in secret” = jude didn’t tell a single soul that she had feelings for cardan
“first sight, yeah we love without reason” = after their first kiss she was super confused and didn’t understand why she was growing feeling for him, hence the ‘without reason’
“oh, 25 years old” = they weren’t 25, but they were very young so this could mean how literally the fate of the land fae was thrust into the hands of ‘kids’ (18?? 19??)
“oh, how were you to know, my love had been frozen. deep blue but you painted me golden” = in tcp jude clearly states that she is not interested in marrying or has feelings for anyone, but cardan kickstarted those feelings, clearly
“oh, and you held me close” = she was around cardan a lot, he kept her close to stead as seneschal and whatnot
“i could’ve spent forever with your hands in my pockets” = this could refer to the way cardan was slowly becoming more spy-like, learning from the roach (‘hands in my pockets’ = him stealing stuff, like her heart)
“picture of your face in an invisible locket” = 1) this is elfhame, so invisible lockets are totally normal, and 2) this could also mean how cardan was always on jude’s mind, like when he turned into a serpent she still imagined him sitting there, giving her pointers in his own sarcastic way
“you said there was nothing in the world that could stop it, i had a bad feeling” = the way when jude was seneschal, cardan would always say things like ‘what a shame not one of them knows who their real ruler is’ and jude always feeling like this power could slip out of her grasp soon
“and darling, you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis” = smirk (sorry) basically this could be about when jude and cardan did something together and agreed on it, it was a rare moment, making it 'sacred'
“people starting talking putting us through our paces” = there’s lots of whispering in courts like elfhame’s and jurdan was definitely affected by them
“i knew there was no one in the world who could take it, i had a bad feeling” = jude crowned cardan against his will, and she had to bear so many responsibilities, so again she felt like the power could fall from her anytime soon
“but we were dancing, dancing with our hands tied, hands tied” = even though she was seneschal, jude felt powerless in many ways, frustrated that she couldn’t control cardan, hence the ‘hands tied’
“yeah we were dancing, like it was the first time, first time” = jude and cardan kept repressing their feelings for each other, and then whenever they felt something/did something, they were always surprised (‘like it was the first time’ = signaling even though they did it before, they were still shocked, like the first time they did it)
(skipping the rest of the chorus, it’s basically a repeat)
“i, i loved you in spite of, deep fears that the world would divide us” = painfully obvious, a mortal and a faerie?? jude duarte and the beloved high king of elfhame?? not even in your wildest dreams, right?
“so baby can we dance, through an avalanche” = jurdan has been through a LOT together, this somewhat symbolizes that
“and say, say that we got it, i’m a mess but i'm the mess that you wanted” = do i even have to say it? jude i-poison-myself-every-day-and-made-a-deal-with-prince-dain-who-made-me-stab-clean-through-my-hand-plus-i-did-a-shit-ton-of-other-insane-things duarte, and cardan is head over heels for this woman
“oh, cause it’s gravity, keeping you with me” = its so hard to keep cardan under her thumb, and also unbelievable he would do it on his own accord. this could also work romantically, its crazy to her that cardan actually loves her
(skipping the chorus cuz i already did it above)
“i’d kiss you as the lights went out, swaying as the room burned down. i’d hold you as the water rushes in, if i could dance with you again” = symbolizes the time when cardan was a serpent, jude didn’t care which type of cardan he would be, what would happen, or anything else, she just wanted him next to her again. girlie was highkey desperate
(the rest of the song is basically the chorus)
wow thank you for reading until here *bows*
sorry if its shallow jenny is the better analyzer between us two 🙏
cardan's pov part 1
cardan's pov part 2
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kairunatic · 8 months
As promised Casino Billford CG
Lesson learned never hype anyone in this game cause you'll legit end up being disappointed
Cause that's exactly what happened to me idk what to feel about this lmao
Habbit literally showed Billford worst side
Cause he Legit R*pe someone and twice!!!
So yeah heads up
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So we start with Billford taking a break from the Casino. Hoping he could relax a bit one of the security personal got an alert there is something happening in the backrooms
You'll get two options to either go with Bonvoy or Marion
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For Bonvoy he was dealing with a Spoiled rich kid who was in debt and can't pay up. He tried telling the two that his dad will pay him up but it seems he can't(Yeah you don't have to tell me this guy is literally Rook but a furry)
With no money to pay as per rule of the Casino he has to pay with his body.
So Billford literally fucked the rich kid. And took pics of it since that's part of the Casino rules
Even though the rich kid "DIDN'T WANT TO IN THE FIRST PLACE"
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After fucking him the rich kid cried and he promised to never do it again. Billford suddenly developed a conscience felt bad for the rich kid
So what he did is he deleted the pics he took of him and will do something about his debt as long as he doesn't come back here. To the casino
Bonvoy ask if what they did was alright and Bill said its fine since what they did is pretty bad and they don't have to stoop that low to get money
(Well bad news cause the 2nd option is probably the most fucked up)
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If you choose Marion
This time they are already dealing with someone who lost all there money and can't pay debt but the only difference is this dude destroyed several machines in the process
And as usual Billford fucked the guy and took pics
But what's fucked up about this is the dude is not gay yes he's a straight guy. And he literally begs Bill not to fuck him cause he's not gay(and he's a Homophobe btw)
What's worst is This dude passed out from being fucked so hard cause He insulted him that his dick is tiny and took it personally
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After that they left the guy there while Billford goes see Bonvoy. And Marion trying to get a copy of the video he took
Sooo yeah that's basically what happened in Casino Billford CG
And you can tell I'm legit not happy with this lmao
Imagine saving half a year for 1k only to be given a R*pe CG of your favourite character....
This event literally made billford Dirty😭
Ugh idk what to say hahaha like yeah I know its AE and pretty much majority of the CG here are always questionable but seriously come on This is just WTF
But oh well rant over lol
I may need a break from Bill for a few moments hahhaha
And again Yes I know Bill did something awful but pls don't ever fucking blame Gamma C for this, I don't wanna see another Posporo corca incident
If you have a problem with how they did with Billford just keep it to yourself and don't ever bother the Artist
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alwaysahiccupandastrid · 10 months
“autistic luna” this, “autistic luna” that, can we talk about how hermione was autistic coded pls?
I mean... yes? It's definitely something I've thought about but I haven't really talked about it because I'm aware of my habit of making headcanons that all of my favourite characters are autistic (Dano!Riddler, Robin from ST etc), but yes, I've definitely considered that Hermione is autistic-coded.
Let me just be clear from the beginning: Do I think that R*wling intentionally wrote Hermione as autistic or autistic-coded? Absolutely fucking not. That woman can't write autism for shit, as she's proven with her Strike books; she didn't write Newt as autistic intentionally, nor did she write Luna as autistic intentionally, and I'm not giving that nightmare the credit for any autistic-coded characters in her works because she doesn't deserve it.
With that out of the way, let me discuss autistic!hermione.
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One of most obvious things we all know about Hermione is her love of studying; it very much seems that upon finding out she was a witch, she threw herself into that world and learned all that she could about it. By the time she was on the train to Hogwarts for her first year, she had literally read all of the assigned text books and even knew a few basic spells. This is in part due to the fact she wanted to fit in with the Wizarding World - it's implied that she didn't really have any muggle friends pre-Hogwarts, she was probably ostracised for being such a "know-it-all", and it's clear that she wanted to fit in at Hogwarts, to find a place where she belonged, hence why she threw herself into it (and also because of her love of learning of course). You can see that she was desperate not only to learn as much as possible but also to make friends; if she didn't care about being accepted and making friends, Ron's comment about "no wonder she hasn't got any friends" wouldn't have hurt her nearly as much.
While a love of studying certain topics and a desire to fit in aren't solely autistic traits, they are ones that autistic people do seem to experience, myself included. Speaking from experience, I want to fit in and make friends because I feel lonely, and I see that everyone else around me seems comfortable/to have found people they can be around and trust, and I wish I had that. I find friendships very difficult to build and maintain, because I don't know how to talk to people or how to get them to like me, and I feel deficient in that area. Again, that's probably an experience non-autistic people can relate to as well, but from what I can tell it seems to be very common among us.
Another reason I think Hermione could be autistic-coded is that she seems to display a lack of empathy for others at times; a prime example of this is when Lavender's rabbit, Binky, died. Lavender was - quite understandably - sobbing about it, especially given that Binky was only a baby and that he was killed by a fox. Instead of offering any kind of sympathy or empathy, Hermione instead lectured her (and everyone else) about how Trelawney wasn't actually a seer, analysing how Trelawney didn't predict the bunny's death - she was more interested in proving that Divination sucked because it was her worst subject, like she had to have some kind of win over Trelawney/Divination. And while I understand her logic, she was sort of right, choosing that very moment - when one of her dorm-mates was sobbing over her dead pet - was not the best time to voice it. There's also her utter disregard for Ron's feelings over "Scabbers"; she had this "he's never really cared that much about Scabbers anyway" "he's an old rat anyway" kind of mentality that just displayed no kind of attempt to understand his feelings. The fact that Hermione became a pet owner herself just a few months before all of this also goes to show her lack of empathy/sympathy, the fact that despite owning an animal now she still was unable to do the socially acceptable thing and show empathy/sympathy instead of logic. Hermione is certainly not emotionless by any means, but there are definitely times where she seems so absorbed by her own ideas and thoughts/feelings that she's oblivious to other people's.
Not all autistic people are like this, of course, and not all people who display a lack of empathy or sympathy are necessarily autistic, but it's another thing to consider. While I like to think of myself as being a bit too empathetic, there are many times where I've appeared selfish and too caught up in my own head/feelings to regard other people's feelings or how best to approach being there for them. It's not because I don't care for them, it's just that I'm so caught up in my own thoughts and how I'm feeling that I often don't think twice about how someone else must be doing - and I'd say it's the same for Hermione, because while she doesn't seem to feel particularly strongly either way about Lavender in PoA, we know she definitely cares for Ron because he's one of her best friends (and love interest but if anything it was probably more a crush than anything else in third year)
Some more things that I'm too exhausted to discuss properly because I'm suffering severe burnout right now:
Hermione is very blunt and to the point, she doesn't sugarcoat things or mince words at all
It's mentioned that she talks very fast, to the point where during their first interaction Harry's like "did she even breathe during that speech?!?!", which is usually what I do when I infodump on people because I want to get all of my words out before I'm interrupted or forget them
An extremely good memory, she remembers so much of what she reads in books; the only reason I don't think it's photographic is because she read about Flamel and then later didn't remember it immediately when the trio were searching for information on him until Harry found him mentioned on the back of Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card.
It's worth mentioning that she panics in dangerous situations and seems to forget things; "oh we don't have any wood to build a fire", for example, and then Ron had to remind her that she's a witch and can literally just use magic - something you'd think she'd remember given that she not only set Snape on fire that year but also created flames to put in jars during the winter
Hermione seems to be brilliant at spells and magic that require precision, but then she struggles with spells/magic that require some creativity and imagination like the Patronus charm - she's a logical thinker and so struggles with emotional charms
This links to what I said above about a lack of sympathy/empathy and her struggle making friends, but she definitely lacks social awareness; she constantly butts into other people's conversations and business, speaks her mind abrasively, and critically
Hermione taking on way too many classes in PoA, struggling to keep on top of it all, and snapping at anyone who came near her; struggling to manage things is is commonly found among many of us with autism since we can often only handle a certain amount of sensory input before we get overwhelmed.
Her reluctance to even consider other people's views/beliefs, eg. Luna's belief in strange or bizarre sounding creatures. She may have technically been right, but she was rude to Luna about it and didn't even want to consider why someone may have an opposing view. Hermione is so set in what she believes in, and what she believes in is logic and hard evidence.
I also recently found out that Emma Watson was apparently diagnosed with combined/hyperactive type ADHD as a child; while autism and ADHD are two different things, sometimes there's an overlap and sometimes people have both, so it's not outside the realm of possibility that any autistic/neurodivergent traits in movie!Hermione are partly down to this.
I'd be interested to hear other people's thoughts and if people want to add onto this post because it's been a long time since I read the books properly, and its also 1:30am here so I'm going to bed to try and get a few hours sleep!
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thank you user cookies-over-yonder for the analysis on my dood post I didn’t even think of it that way oh my god that just made me cry I love Taylor so.much
I want all the teens to be so happy ooohh my heaaart…
you r welcome i literally have so many thoughts about how taylor saw himself just as he is right now in dood. to the point where i made my own little comic that i never finished.
but like man. everyone saw their deepest insecurities and taylor just saw himself. i'm a firm believer that taylor was bullied and we already know that he was a loner for years after his best friend moved away when he was younger. and he has abandonment issues galore which explains why he glued himself to the other teens so quickly. deep down he is so, so, so, so lonely and i don't know. i think he spent so long trying to convince himself that he was licherally the best to the point where it started to work and he started to feel a little better and then he started comparing himself to an anime protagonist and delving deeper and deeper into that escapist fantasy to the point where it became his soul purpose
in my comic that maybe i'll finish one day i basically just wrote and drew about this. taylor over the years getting bullied and being alone and learning to enjoy being alone and then finding friends again and being a total stranger to insecurity until he looks at dood and sees the reflection of himself slap him in the face because not only is it himself as he is right now but it's the depths of his soul reflected back at him showing every broken insecure aspect of his being
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Hiiii!!! this is for the match up thingy :3
im fixated on um. oh god. weight in gold - gallant, literally every hozier song ever and if im being honest - dodie. i really like the backing music and lyrics of all these songs and obviously i cant just choose one :3
ok i have no idea what this means but from highest? to lowest it’s apparently 6, 4, 3, 2, 8, 1, 5, 9 and 7
I ABSOLUTELY DO. i love learning so much,, i dont have a favourite but video games or historic events or horror are my favourite genre :3
i dont remember my childhood friends much but i conjured them up because everyone else had one and i felt left out. purely out of spite. but i loved them lots :3
ok. i sleep on my side with my leg out and switch between that and just on my stomach, suffocating in my pillow. and i never sleep in the silence. like i always have headphones on with music or asmr playing
i changed my name!!! i hated my birthname and the one i chose is much better. it also is the name of my sibling which i knew nothing about so i am basically a psychic
oh god. i reallt like gavins recent studying one annnnd ashers cookies one. and the damn bowling one. im gonna stop before i name 100 of them but i love them because they are so comforting and make me overflow in happiness :3 i love them
sam. sorry.. his videos r so boring to me BUT they make good sleep aids :3
princess and the frog, criminal minds and community. its a problem.
HUXLEY!!! oh my god i need to be his best friend and make him pottery SO bad. need to protect him with my life. oh my god. my beloved.
i talk a LOT about space and dinosaurs and the sea :3 i fucking love learning so i have a lot of lil facts from reading encyclopaedias and watching documentaries :3
oh god it changes every fucking time im in there but recently any flavoured milk and red doritos
amazing world of gumball. and uhh any other kids animation shows. reliving my childhood multiple years later smileyfaceemoji
other important stuff is probably my love language? main one is quality time and also gift giving in the sense that i WILL spend 17 hours straight on something if you merely mention it once. do not tempt me. i am the middle child of 5 but the eldest daughter and basically raised my younger siblings haha somoene help. um my MBTI is ISFP, ihave autism and adhd and have horribly high standards for myself!!! haha c: idk what else to say. i quite literallt am always chewing something and its either something that is definitely not edible and needs to be removed or strawberry gum. i also love fruit. so much. and lovingly bullying people is my love language. AND i apparently exude ‘ginger cat’ energy according to literally everyone i have the pleasure of knowing. so loved.
thank u so much for doing this, this was a mountain of an ask omgim sos sorry bff
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You are such a dear- there was so much fun information in your ask for me to work with. Everything you gave me just makes me so sure and brings me such delight to talk about how perfect you would be with David!
One, ginger cat energy combined with big German shepherd energy? Cute as fuck, a match made in heaven. Two, an eldest daughter pairs perfectly with him and his only child/eldest brother in the pack vibes. It’s a lot of responsibility and obligation, I know from personal experience, and being able to chill out with that and just rely on him would be just what you need. Three, David is totally autistic, and we love an A4A couple.
Y’all would generally be just so cute and be exactly what you need in each other’s lives. Type Sixes are characterized as wanting security and support in their lives and relationships, and he heads a security companyyy (/j). Meanwhile you’d bring a joie de vivre and nurturing energy to his home and the pack that would be so appreciated. He’s not the only one who’d love to be around you; it’d be all the Shaws.
Feeling alive all over again/ As deep as the sky that's under my skin/ "Like being in love, " she says, "For the first time"/ Well, maybe I'm wrong, I'm feeling right/ Where I belong with you tonight/ Like being in love, to feel for the first time
My favorite David headcanon is that a lot of his music taste comes from rock/grunge music Gabe and Juliet (my hc name for his mom) used to play. That is exactly how I know this song, so I think it’s perfect for him. Plus, David seems like the type of guy where that first love is it. He imprints like a duck, mates for life like a penguin; he has you for his first and only love.
Vincent would be a cute runner up because he also has ginger cat energy once he dropped that flirty, Lestat-esque facade, so you’d make a fun, chaotic pair. Elliott, I like because I think you’d like a lot of the same things. He strikes me as the type of guy who would love a good Criminal Minds binge.
note: you’ve got great taste in movies and tv Community is one of my favorite shows 💕 also, thank you for being my fiftieth matchup 💌
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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starrbitez · 4 months
Hi I like your Mind Melters fic. As a big believer that there has to be some consequences for how willy-nilly Rick used the damn thing was sad basically no fics ever explore it.
Curious what you think about the idea in general. Is it healthy for Morty when he does it to himself (or more often Rick does/did it for himself)? Do you hope we'll see it again in future and see Morty choose to stop "needing" it.
I think at some point or another we’ve all wanted something erased from our minds, but obviously we cant. There’s also the psychological trauma response of being unable to remember an event, which I feel ties into this idea even though its not explicitly related.
I think that Morty having his memory erased so frequently is a clear representation of the sheer amount of trauma he’s been thru, and i think that even without the memory gun. He would have trouble remembering some of it.
From Rick’s POV, i think Rick believes that his brain is more developed, so he can handle the thousands of traumatic memories, while Morty’s mind is small and underdeveloped, and this many traumatic memories would probably kill him. While canon Rick’s intentions were likely not all good, it’s implied that the first erased memory is Moonspiracy, and that was one Morty asked to have erased. I think there’s a mix of Rick being an asshole, wanting to help, and Morty asking for it.
I do not think erasing their memories themselves was healthy, even if it was by choice. (Slightly personal—>) as someone who has experienced multiple traumatic events, i have literally begged and prayed for them to be removed, but obviously science doesnt rlly work like that rn LMAO . While these memories suck ass, erasing them would leave us with gaps in our minds, erase learned experience and lessons related to memories, and likely set back or prevent brain development entirely, especially when a child’s memories are erased.
When Rick erased his own memories, i think he knew on some level it was reversible. He’s a full grown adult, and his knowledge is more ingrained in his actual mind rather than just based on memories. Morty, however, doesn’t have that ability, and can;t regulate his emotions the way an adult can (not that rick can regulate his emotions lmao)
I think on some level canon Rick would feel guilt if faced with Morty erasing his own memories, and Rick would think of his own influence on Morty. I think Rick genuinely did mean well t times, and erased traumatic memories or fuck ups that would ruin Morty’s mind, because you can’t process trauma in a healthy way when you’re 14 unless you’re super emotionally mature, and while Morty is fairly emotionally mature, he’s just a kid, and Rick wouldn’t want Morty to turn out like him.
On the other hand, Rick is an asshole, and it makes complete sense that he erased memories of Morty winning, or being better than Rick, of feeling confident. Morty’s mindblowers being in season 3 is showing their abusive dynamic and the power Rick needs to have over Morty in order for their early dynamic to function. I DONT think that in season 7, or even in season 6, that Rick was actively erasing good moments with Morty, because their dynamic has shifted. Rick definitely doesnt see Morty as an equal, but he cares more, and I believe he’s more willing to let Morty have wins, and I think he believes that Morty is stronger than he thought and can handle things better now.
These r just some thoughts and theories, I really think that the majority of memories are bad. If blue is what Morty asked to be removed, the purple is his family’s, and Rick’s are red, there is an overwhelming surplus of blue in the room, meaning most of them were likely requested by Morty. (There’s also a few YELLOW vials, which im curious about and have a few theories of!)
Anyway thats all!!q thank u for this ask i love sharing my silly thoughts and theories <3
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sopefulheart · 8 months
marriage in 'gilmore girls' (pt. 2)
here in part 2, i’m gonna talk about dean getting married when he knows he's still in love with rory and go off on a small tangent about dean.
there are extremely mixed opinions when it comes to old deany boy. mine is no. i don’t like dean. the first time around, my first ever watch of this show in late 2021, i did like him. i loved him, admittedly.
it was only when i watched a video essay on “why everyone hates dean forester” on youtube, i came to start disliking him and thank god i opened up my eyes because that boy was a walking red flag.
but we’re not necessarily here to talk about dean today, we’re here to talk about one of the most crappy decisions he ever made: getting married to lindsay at 19 while he was still in love with rory.
he and lindsay’s relationship when they were dating seemed great from where rory was standing. we only ever get to see from her perspective when they’re dating, since there are little to no scenes of dean and lindsay alone of course.
there’s then that scene where he tells rory he’s getting married and she says “why not date? dating’s fun.” then he gets all offended as if this isn’t the worst decision ever.
like yes, rory did dump you for jess about two years ago. TWO YEARS.
but i digress.
simply what is the rush? you’ve already got the girl. stay dating and FIGURE YOUR FUTURE OUT BEFORE YOU MAKE A LIFELONG COMMITMENT AT 19.
19. technically, you are still a teenager. nineTEEN.
and here lorelai was thinking that dean is so responsible, dean is this, dean is that… i guess you can’t predict everything that’s gonna happen, now can you.
he wasn’t even mature enough to get married.
literally right before the affair, dean swore he had done everything he possibly could to try to save his marriage.
then he blows up at lindsay for answering his phone after. she should’ve been fighting back as far as i’m concerned, i believe dean treated her so poorly for that two months they were married.
it reminds me of when jess told him “you’re gonna make some woman a fine doormat one day.”
he wasn’t wrong…
nevertheless, she’s calm, she’s not yelling, she’s trying to keep the peace. she’s the one trying hard to save her marriage, not dean. he already knew it was over after the affair.
T H E P A R A L L E L S.
it’s like the ‘that damn donna reed’ episode all over again but in real life. that was the first red flag.
lindsay stays at home learning how to cook roast beef for dean. dean works all hours of the night and day trying to save money for them to get a bigger place and a car and basically a LIFE without being college-educated.
he just wanted it to be a housewife situation at the end of the day. he didn’t want anything for lindsay, he never did. he wanted to come home to a huge meal and a wife that cooked and cleaned for him. that was the other reason his marriage didn’t work other than the fact he barely spent time with his wife because he was OUT MEETING RORY.
but that’s dean. that’s what he wanted from the start and i’m glad rory didn’t get caught in that trap at the end.
i actually have so much more to say about marriage in this show but i may stop here. in the future, there will be many more posts about the characters but for now…
see ya <3
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woodsfae · 2 years
Babylon 5 s01e15: Grail First Previous
Never gonna be over how ridiculously soothing it is to see these dated graphics.
MINBARI AND DELENN HOORAY. Who is this human they venerate so highly?
Jinxo! What a great name. Deuce, suits this blackmailing dick.
Deuce has a Centauri Murder Accomplice? Or is the trauma literally being touched by their Tummy Sex Tentacles?
Wtf, Kosh ALSO has tummy tentacles that look exactly like Centauri Tummy Tentacles and helps lowlifes keep their thumb on their blackmailees? That’s a … choice.
lmao I love this beleaguered judge trying to rule on century-old alien abductions on earthlings.
Aldous Gajic is the personage Lennier and Delenn are so honored to meet. And he knows he’s a bit of a personage, too. Seeking the Holy Grail! There is so much mysticism in Babylon 5 and it always sideswipes me a bit when it crops up without notice. What else is real? The shroud of christ? Is the tree that Buddha gained enlightenment underneath in some alien’s arboretum? edit: I am now re-aware of the fact that the Bodhi tree Siddhartha sat beneath is still alive! The exact same tree, or at least one that's old enough and in the right spot to be the exact tree. Trees be ANCIENT!
“How sad. He is a holy man. A true seeker. Among my people, a true seeker is treated with the utmost reverence and respect. It doesn’t matter that his Grail may or may not exist. What matters is that he strives for the perfection of his soul and the salvation of his race. And that he has never wavered or lost faith.”
This reminds me very much of the Creepy Murderous Shak Tot speech from s01e02:
“Not all. Only the special ones. Leaders, thinkers, poets, dreamers, blessed lunatics. [...] We enshrine them, we worship them, talk to them, listen to them. We learn.”
No wonder the Shak Tot are drawn to the Minbari. They cultivate and celebrate dreamers, blessed lunatics, etc.
Interesting exchange between Delenn and Sinclair. Again. All their exchanges are so laden with double meaning and hidden meaning and intrigue that I suspect Delenn is on the show so relatively little compared to Londo/G’Kar to preserve the impact she always has.
Sinclair: “I wish [Aldous Gajic] luck. He’s probably the only true seeker we have.” Delenn: “Then perhaps you do not know yourself as well as you think.”
The fondness in their eyes when they look at each other is unbearable! If I didn’t suspect from seeing gifsets that Delenn ends up with someone not-yet-on-the-show (John Sheridan, I believe. Been waiting for him to appear) I’d be frothing at the mouth at their clear, deep affection for each other.
Nothing says I can’t froth over it regardless, but it does put a damper on parts of my foaming.
Ah, Mirriam Runningdear (a fantastic name) is only mindwiped, not dead. Kosh has mindwiping abilities. Yikes. And the Vorlon are freaked out about telepaths? What in the fuck.
Perhaps Talia could reprogram Mirriam with basic knowledge and human functions instead of going the long way ‘round by painstakingly teaching her absolutely everything starting with muscle control?!
Michael Garibaldi. Why do you have to keep being such a damn cop? Violently cleaning out the slums isn’t in any way conducive to solving poverty, crime, or ending the human drive to migrate in search of a better life.
Probably safer for Jinxo’s (Thomas Jordan) health and safety to leave, but he’s frantic to stay, for unknown reasons. He’s a highly skilled space station builder and worked on all 5 Babylons. What does he know? What safety function is he providing or think that he’s providing? (he has lovely green eyes)
Desmond Muzychenko. Much better name than Deuce, really.
Jinxo firmly believes that if leaves Babylon 5, it’ll be destroyed like all the other Babylons.
“I don’t have the curse, I am the curse.”
dun dun dunn!!! I typo’ed ‘fun’ four times trying to write ‘dun,’ and I think it deserves to be written if it tried so hard to be immortalized. Fun!
Babylon 1 was destroyed by sabotage right after he took a leave. Same for Babylon 2. B3 blew up after he took leave, hence the nickname Jinxo. B4, he didn’t take leave. Left once it was done, and he watched the station wrinkle “twisted like putty, then just disappeared. The minute I left.”
Aldous: “I’d say that you have the wrong nickname. They should have called you “Lucky.” […] To have escaped the worst each time - that’s a blessing. You’re a very lucky man. Perhaps each time you were exactly where you were meant to be.” Jinxo: “I never thought of it like that.” Aldous: “We never do.”
He seems to be a very kind man.
Na’ka’leen feeder is a critter the Centauri discovered during their colonization empire stage that can mindwipe people. Is Kosh (or a mystery Vorlon, I guess) running around with a highly illegal Crime Pet? What does this mean for Centauri Tummy Tentacles?
Londo seems seriously and genuinely disturbed about one perhaps being on Babylon 5.
The Minbari are so intense about helping a Seeker. Well, the religious half of them. When the warriors agree with the religious “it is a terrible thing, a terrible power, as recent events have shown us. Let us hope it never again happens in our lifetime.”
Well that’s unnerving. And now I expect it to happen again at least once a season.
Written words cannot express how freaky the non-Kosh voice coming out of this Vorlon-esque encounter suit is. I’m guessing it is a na’ka’leen and they’re highly predatory, and unfortunately sentient.
Where did Deuce get a Vorlon encounter suit??
Why WHY are there so many tentacles lately. Did tentacle porn spike in popularity in 1994? Don’t answer that.
Third pronunciation of Gajic so far. I have a lot of sympathy for this guy. I get about the same rate of novel pronunciations per introduction ratio for my name.
Vir is one-upping the Minbari is what he’s doing. Londo would care more if he was one-upping G’Kar, of course.
Panaceas and mystical methods of healing are a big theme in this season so far. Going to be interesting to see if/when they have a breakthrough that sticks.
Aldous is a fantastic staff fighter. And so earnest about cultivating Thomas “Jinxo” Jordan as a Seeker and blessed lunatic the Shak Tot would risk their lives to collect.
That didn’t really sound like Kosh. Feeder?
Tazer to the back > staff skillz
It really must be terrifying, thinking there’s a rogue Vorlon doing the bidding of the rising Boss Thug of the underworld.
Aldous is probably the most mystical thing to happen in the show so far. Ordering a bizarre, brain sucking Dalek-alike around successfully!
Aaaand it’s escaping. Bad news for sentients everywhere. idk if it’s going to eat Aldous, or die in his arms but I’d bet on one of the two.
hm, neither. But a Holy Mission being passed on to Thomas Jordan as Aldous dies is both fitting and spooky.
“[Aldous] found what he was looking for. What we’re all looking for: a reason. […] [a reason for] Everything, Commander. Everything.”
I do hope Garibaldi loses some sleep over the Curse, though.
[Thomas’ ship jumps away] Garibaldi: “No boom?” Sinclair: “No boom.” Ivanova: “No boom today, boom tomorrow. There’s always a boom tomorrow…what? Look, someone’s got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later,”
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Please can I have some Talia/Susan content. Just a touch. Even a glance! I'm dying, I'm starving!
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