#like yeah be lifelong friends and fall in love
cocteaucherry · 8 months
trials and tribulations
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summary- falling in love with your sworn enemy was not something you planned.
cws- p&p au/ bridgerton au, inaccurate use of regency language, 18+, misogyny, talk of pregnancy, foul language, future smut in later chapters, slow slow burn, LENGTHY descriptions
(a/n- the first chapter was running into 2k words so I split it up and edited it <33 I hope you enjoy
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”
“So it's true that they're rather wealthy?”
“Well ONE of them are rather wealthy, the other not so much.”
“Doesn’t matter if they're both handsome.
“Ugh shoko don't say that”
You sat on the uncomfortable couch stopping your knitting to take part in the conversation, Shoko and Utahime, your lifelong friends sat across from you rather giddy about the wealthy newcomers
“What? It's true.” Shoko grinned her brown hair only reaching past her chin, “Makes the whole ‘being bound’ for life thing much easier.”
Utahime nodded, standing to walk across the small parlor, she sat on the small stool of the pianoforte playing a single note. “That, if men are gonna set the standard we might as well use it to our advantage.”
You rolled your eyes setting your needle and thread to the side, “So by finding an attractive wealthy man is taking advantage?”
“Yeah” they said in unison before giggling.
“Come on Y/n! Who really wants to be married with many children before twenty-five, some women may but not me! I'd like my twenties to amount to more than just my womb.” utahime exclaimed before tightly shutting her mouth when your mother walked in.
While she looked like a term cold woman she was really the best caring mother you could wish for in these times, “Good evening ladies,” your mother nodded with a curt smile, “I'm guessing you all have heard the news?”
“The well-off lads with handsome faces coming to town? No we haven't,” you smirked standing up before your mother’s hands were immediately attached to your shoulders, “This is your time my dear! For you to make your mark and to finally marry!”
Utahime and Shoko had to stifle their laughter.
You looked back with an annoyed grimace on your face as your mother moved to grip your hands, “My dear, you know why I worry, I worry for all of you like my own children.. As you all approach spinster age we mothers grow worried.”
Shoko and Utahime groaned in comparison their mothers had given them the same speech, “Now, I want the both of you to get on home and prepare for their welcoming ball-”
“WE WERE INVITED-” all of your voices rose in a confused squeal before your mother hushed them.
“Invitations were sent out this afternoon-”
“Mother you didn't tell me?!” you whispered yelled as you rushed over to utahime.
“I was going to-”
“Utahime can I please borrow your ribbons?” you pleaded.
“But that's my favorite!”
“Come onnnn pleaseee”
“So his name is Satoru Gojo?” you and Shoko stared at the invitation, very impressed by the amount of time and possibly money spent into the thick piece of paper.
“Yeah, I've never seen him but I've heard things. Like how he's conceited and doesn't exactly rub people the right way.” Utahime scoffed at the frill on her delicate dress.
“Oh so your ideal husband?” you grinned jokingly as you felt Shoko flick your forehead, “Ow!” you hissed in pain, whining , rubbing your forehead.
“Thank you Shoko, how far are we?” Utahime peeked out the carriage window to immediately be star struck, “look look!” she pointed, and you a shoko to foot to look out.
You all had passed by the manor countless times, nothing was particularly jaw-dropping about its size but that was it, looking at it from a new angle it was glorious. The overgrown fauna had been trimmed and lights took over all the dark areas, different flowers had overtaken the walls and it was truly breathtaking.
“This is..”
“Amazing, yeah,” you said breathtakingly as the carriage came to an abrupt stop, you heard the voice of your mother and father ahead of you (the adults had opted for a separate carriage) the door to the carriage opened as she quietly ushered you out, “Come come!”
Once you all had approached the entrance you were hit with the strong smell of flowers and expensive perfume, your nose scrunched as you all stepped through the wide open doors. marble statues and flowers hung everywhere, “Think they have enough flowers?” you whispered to Shoko with a grin as you tried your best to not bump into any of the guests.
“We just arrived and I'm already overstimulated.” Utahime groaned before getting stopped by your mother, “Before you leave remember you are here to make a marvelous impression, don't disappoint me.” she stuck a finger out before placing a kiss on your cheek and disappearing into the crowd of people.
“Well, ladies.” Shoko hummed with a grin, “I say we go dance,” she grinned wrapping an arm around Utahime’s neck, “Actually, I'm going to find the wine, you two have fun.” she quickly walked away leaving Shoko to scoff and immediately grab your hand, “C’monnn y/n.. Please..”
“Fine! Fine! Let's go!” you giggled,
As the band played loudly you and Shoko continuously danced, eventually forgetting the whole reason you had come, “Shokoo, how are you not tiredd?” you panted continuing to spin around your dance partner, “goodness you're too weak.” she grinned at you spinning around her own dance partner.
The music had halted and Shoko immediately fell to your side, “And I'm weak?” you laughed smirking as you gripped onto the brunette's arm.
The room suddenly went quiet, hushed mummers filled the room as the guests around you stepped back. “He’s here he’s here!” Shoko whispered quietly tugging on your hand to strap back, “Gojo?-“ you were shushed immediately as your attention was bought to the wide opened door.
A tall slender frame, a beautifully dark blue tailored suit was complimented by his snow white locks, his bright blue eyes scanned the room as a small smile appeared on his face. Accompanying him was a person who you hadn’t seen before, long jet black black hair tied into a bun, his jet black suit offsetting his amber eyes.
“Who’s that?” You whispered to Shoko keeping your eyes on the men as they began to walk towards the cleared aisle everyone had made, “One with the white hair obviously Satoru Gojo, the one next to him I’m guessing is his trusted friend Suguru Geto.”
You nodded confusingly as people bowed next to you, you and Shoko bowed in tandem as they walked by, Geto spared a small glance to you before hurriedly looking away the same stoic look taking place on his face.
“Hm-“ you sighed quietly taking your hands off the fabric of your dress as the two men made their way down the walkway, once they reached the end the music resumed and the breath you didn't know you were holding came out. Were you that nervous?
As you were lost in thought you were quickly bought out by the hands of your mother gripping your soldier, “Did you see how handsome he was? We must introduce you immediately!” your mother pleaded, grabbing your hand, you turned to Shoko with pleading eyes and a smile appeared in her face, “Yeah come on!”
Oh this woman-
before you could release a string of insults you were being pulled away by Shoko, your mother following suit. “Shoko! Please please please-” you shut your mouth as you stood in front of the infamous man known as Satoru Gojo and his friend.
You felt your palms begin to sweat as you were placed upon the beautiful man, your nervousness only skyrocketed as you felt the suffocating glare of Suguru Geto cast over you.
“Mr Gojo and Mr Geto.” your mother bowed with a smile, “My daughter y/n l/n and her friend Shoko Ieiri.” as you and Shoko began to bow you were met with a laugh coming from the white-haired man.
“Please, there's no need for bowing.. I'm not that formal,”
“Satoru..” his black-haired friend began as Gojo quickly shushed him.
“So Miss Shoko and Y/N.. Oh I almost forgot about my wet blanket here, Mr. Suguru Geto, careful he doesn't care for lively things.”
A vein appeared above Geto’s eyebrow as he clenched his jaw. “I'm the one with actual sense.” he quickly retorted which caused Gojo to frown.
“Well I'll leave you both to it,” your mother interrupted, placing a kiss on your cheek before whispering, “Don't mess this up.” she plastered on a smile before walking away into the crowd of people.
Shoko cleared her throat before looking at the two men, “So, how are you two settling into the town?”
Gojo looked over annoyingly at his friend flicking his arm, “What he means is-”
“No no, please enlighten me Mr. Geto” his body tensed at you saying his name, “What is so horrible about this town?” you questioned a sickly sweet smile taking over your features.
“For one, the architecture is overly simplified-”
“Oh, what a surprise a small town doesn't fit Mr. Geto’s standard.”
Gojo grinned a small laugh leaving his mouth, “Well, you both sound lovely with a great sense of humor.”
“Well thank you, I think it’s time me and my friend get going.. we enjoyed talking with both of you.” Shoko curtsied as you did too, you turned and left Shoko following after.
Once you were out of earshot Gojo looked towards his friend with a grin, “they’re both rather cute aren't they?”
Geto scoffed, shaking his head, “Miss. Ieiri seems a rather pleasant Miss. L/N I’m not so sure.”
The white haired male laughed, placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder, “Maybe I’ll try my luck with her then?”
A vein appeared in Geto’s neck as his fist tightened and Gojo pointed it out, “Got you, you’re too easy to read my dear friend..” he smirked, walking away into the crowd.
Suguru shook his accusation off his eyes searching for your hair but couldn’t be found, he DIDNT want anything to do with you.
At least that’s what he told himself.
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chiliger · 9 months
*stands with hands on hips, staring at the floor* Look, I know we love to have the Command Batch be close brothers in art and fics. I am a staunch lover of the trope myself.
But what about, like in real life, where the people we grew up with or went to school with, they just fall out of contact. The friends made in high school don't always remain lifelong friends.
Yeah, they can say "we'll call each other and message everyday," or "we should hang out when our leaves overlap." But the war gets in the way of everything, like it tends to do. Slowly but surely the messages in the group chat peter out. There are too many things to do, and duty takes first priority over keeping contact with the people they knew as kids.
It's not for wont of trying, the commanders would still send little messages to each other, but it could be hours, days or weeks before there's a reply because of conflicting zones, lack of signal, or other messages pushing the chat further down the list.
There's also just the fact that the commanders find their people. Meaning, through time and shared experiences with their battalions, other clones click right into place, possibly even deeper than their batchmates. The camaraderie in surviving a massacre with only two of your men surviving is different than the experience of constant dehumanization on Coruscant.
It comes to a point where the Command Batch become, for lack of thinking of a better word, almost strangers to each other. They still keeps tabs on one another, just to make sure they're still alive, but that's pretty much as far as it goes now. Maybe they'll chitchat when their battalions work together, but the mission has to come first, so most of the talking is planning and strategizing. Even when their leaves do overlap, the thought of messaging for a meet-up might feel like a nuisance, because surely your batchmates are exhausted and don't want to be bothered.
So it goes, the commanders may have been close once, but that connection has been stretched and warped by war and time. They still have love for each other and it won't ever be forgotten, because how can anyone forget the people you grew up with. They were the right people they needed back then, but they're no longer the right people now.
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chloe-skywalker · 3 months
Be Safe - Bucky Barnes
Bucky x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mention of Bucky losing his arm
Word count: 1,138
Summary: 1940’s - What if they found Bucky after the fall? What if HYDRA never took him?
Authors Note: Neat little idea I had and I LOVE it!
Avengers Masterlist
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“You promise that you’ll both be safe?” Y/n was worried about her boys. Y/n and Peggy were very similar in the way they fought alongside the men. But they weren’t allowed to go on every mission. When they couldn’t be there it made the two women more anxious. Peggy worried about Steve, and Y/n worried for her friend Steve, but mostly for her husband Bucky. Jame Buchanan Barnes. The love of her life.
“We’ll try.” Steve smiled at his lifelong friend.
“We’ll come back, doll.” Bucky stated reassuringly. He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. “Promise.”
“You can’t promise that.” Y/n wished she could just believe him but that's not how war works.
“I’ll come back to you, doll. I promise and I’ll bring this punk back with me.” Bucky rested his forehead to her’s, not a worry in his eyes. He truly believed the words he was telling her.
“We gotta go back.” Steve spoke up standing next to Peggy. Steve smiled at Y/n as the couple pulled apart. “Bye, y/n/n. We’ll be back soon.”
Peggy and Y/n stood next to each other as the two women watched their men leave. Y/n couldn’t help the feeling that something was gonna happen.
^     ^     ^
Y/n tired to keep busy, keep her mind off the fact that Bucky was in danger.
Luckily they came back before nightfall of the next day. Peggy and Y/n smiled as they saw Steve, knowing Bucky wouldn’t be far behind. But when Y/n saw him on a stretcher that's when her heart rate picked up drastically.
“Bucky?” Y/n said out loud in shock at his state before her eyes. “Oh my God.” she covered her mouth at the site of him missing his arm.
“He’s stable, okay? They're gonna help him.” Steve pulled y/n into him, comforting her the best he could. Steve held her tight hoping to calm her, knowing how scared she must be. Bucky was covered in blood and missing his arm.
“What happened Steve?” Y/n asked pulling back some to look up at the blonde. Peggy rested a comforting hand on Y/n’s shoulder. Y/n was trying to keep her emotions in check. Be strong but it was getting increasingly harder.
“He got shot out of a train. I-I couldn't grab him in time and he fell.” Steve stuttered as he explained, telling it just made it feel more real. Scarlier.
“It’s not your fault.” Y/n reached out to hold Steve’s hands tightly, trying to comfort him. Knowing Steve he was taking all the blame for Bucky being hurt.
“It feels like it.” Steve dropped into a nearby chair, putting his head into his hands.
Y/n sat beside him worried for Bucky as well, but also staying strong for Steve.
^    ^    ^
“Y/n?” Bucky said in a rough voice but loud enough for her to hear.
“Right here Bucky.” Y/n spoke up scooting closer to his bed. Bucky had been out of it for a couple days. They had transferred him to a hospital in the city back in brooklyn the morning after they got back to base. Y/n hadn’t left his side since.
“Where’s Steve?” Bucky asked, turning his head to look at his wife.
“He’s right outside.” She told him lifting his hand to her lips.
“He’s blaming himself isn’t he?” Bucky grimaced, feeling more pain the more he woke up.
“Yeah.” Y/n nodded sadly knowing Bucky doesn’t even blame him for what happened. But Steve doesn’t want to believe it.
“What do you remember?” Y/n questioned him, secretly hoping he didn’t remember to much of the traumatic accident.
“I remember being shot at and hanging off the side of the train. Then nothing.” He told her with a shake of his head and watery eyes.
Y/n explained to him what  Steve had to her in the last couple days of what exactly happened. There were lots of tears shed. Y/n had Steve come in when Bucky was ready. The two talked and Bucky tried to assure Steve there was nothing he could have done.
Bucky had to say in the hospital for a couple weeks but once he left Bucky and Y/n had gotten a call from Howard to come to his lab. So the couple headed to Stark’s  lab to find out that Howard had been hard at work making a bunch of different prosthetic arms for Bucky that were incredibly advanced. He wanted Bucky to be able to have finger control, and to possibly have feeling from the arm, so he could feel hot and cold and touch almost as if it had nerves.
“How’s it feel?” Howard asks, biting his thumb anxiously.
“Good. I can feel heat, cold, touch, just like you said.” Bucky nodded honestly, he was really impressed and immensely grateful. Grateful for everyone's support, and all their hard work to help him.
“Great! That was the goal.” Howard clapped with a huge smile. He felt relieved it had taken a lot of tries and hours to work it all out. But he wanted to give Bucky so normalcy back.
Howard walked away to give Bucky a moment.
Y/n walked closer to Bucky. “You okay?”
Y/n noticed Bucky’s demeanor had dropped once Howard walked away.
“Hmmmhmm.” He hummed not looking at her but at the metal arm now attached to him.
“Bucky I don’t want to push but you have to talk to me.” Y/n pleaded talking lowly so no one would hear her.
“Its not the same.” Bucky mumbled, sadness evident in his voice. He honestly didn’t expect it to be like his real arm, but still it was odd to feel things but feel them in a new way.
“It’ll never be the same. But at least it’s something and Howard is doing everything possible for it to be as much like your real arm as it possibly can be.” Y/n felt bad for him but knew he didn’t need pity. He needed support and someone to tell him the truth in a kind way.
“I know.” Bucky nodded knowing she was right. The arm was made out of the same metal as Steve’s shield, and it had a lot of features that wouldn’t be around for many many decades.
“I still love you. Arm or not my love for you will never change.” Y/n smiled, leaning up to kiss his lips lovingly, hoping to ease some of his insecurities that he is not used to having.
“I love you too. Thank you for sticking with me.” Bucky smiled at her, grateful to have her with him. Staying by his side through everything.
“Always.” Y/n promised. Nothing would separate them. Nothing.
@gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
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aidaronan · 5 months
Impulse Control
For @steddiemicrofic's May prompt "top" and for Monsterfucker May || 510 words || Rated E || Tags & Warnings: Possession, demons, demon!steve, monsterfucking "I think I met something in Chicago, Eds. Or something met me, but I... It's..."
"Show me."
The room is dim, the only light filtering in from evening sun. It paints Steve in yellow-gold as he peels his top off, revealing that same hairy chest Eddie has loved for years, that he lusts after even in dreams.
No, not the same. Inky black crawls up Steve's body, just under his skin. When Eddie places a tentative touch on his belly, the black concentrates around the warmth of his hand and pulses beneath it. Steve moans, and Eddie jerks away.
"That hurt?"
"No, it…" Trembling, forehead shining with sweat, Steve hesitantly pushes down his joggers. Black extends even there, crisscrossing his cock like climbing vines, undulating. Steve's hard as a rock, pre-come coming out so fast—too fast—that it drips onto the floor like a broken faucet. Eddie slides his hand slowly down Steve's body just to watch the ink react.
"Oh fuck." Steve's knees give, and he half-falls against the wall, hips bucking into nothing. His eyes flutter shut as Eddie's hand glides across his hip, and when he opens them again, there's only blackness there, a moonless night on the deep ocean.
"We want you," Steve says, and his voice is legion, punctuated only by a soft rhythmic drip, drip, drip onto the hardwood.
Eddie should say no. If he had any fucking sense of self-preservation, or if Steve wasn't always a huge blind spot for him in terms of being sensible, he'd say no. He'd call in their friends, and they'd try to figure out what this was.
But Eddie doesn't have those things.
What he has is impulse control about as strong as uncooked spaghetti plus a lifelong love and rampant horniness for Steve Harrington that has all manifested in a gold band on his ring finger and a body that screams yes.
So what Eddie says instead is, "How?"
Steve reaches for Eddie's other hand and puts that on him too. Eddie holds his waist, petting his sides. Groaning, Steve nearly knocks him unconscious when he lets his forehead fall against his, breath heating the air as Eddie stares cross-eyed into the dark, watches it fade into hazel-brown, watches it go black again.
"Sorry," Steve says. "I'm being rude." And he gets a hand on him, jerking Eddie hot and fast inside his pajamas.
Everything falls away, dissolving into familiar pants and moans. Into unfamiliar Other tones leeching into Steve's voice. The ink crawls from Steve's hand into Eddie's skin, and Eddie can feel it too, something bone-deep and clawing and so fucking good that he feels like the universe just before the big bang.
"I'm…" Steve's voice pitches high, free hand finding its way into Eddie's hair.
"Yeah," Eddie rasps. Because he is too, and he does. And so does Steve, but not before massive wings unfurl, dripping black down the wall as milky white paints Eddie's skin.
Fuck, Eddie should call someone. He really should.
Instead he hugs Steve close and watches the ink run.
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penkura · 4 months
Fever Dream [2/2]
Note: Hi! This is part 2 of the request from the lovely @xxchaosjojoxx for Penguin x Reader! :) I finally got it done, I really hope you guys will like it as much as the first part! It may have gotten away from me, sometimes I don't know how to stop myself and just add more parts, that's probably why the WCI chapter of 'knowing' was almost 8k words. :')
Oh well, again, hope you all enjoy!
Part 1 here!
@bby-deerling | @xxchaosjojoxx
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Penguin doesn’t think anything is wrong the next day, not at first anyway. He’s finally over his fever with strict orders from Law to take it easy and let others help him out, which he promises to do with the threat of toilet cleaning duty over his head, the thought of asking you or Shachi more than anyone else, especially when he goes to greet you that morning before breakfast.
Only, you give him a wide-eyed look before shouting your own ‘good morning’ and quickly walking past him, saying you’re starving and want to get breakfast right away, when Ikkaku asks what’s wrong. When your best friend sees Penguin is the reason you’ve run to the kitchen faster than she’s ever seen, Ikkaku just smiles a bit, laughing slightly.
“Oh it’s you, Penguin. Morning, happy to see you’re better!”
“Ha, thanks, Ikkaku,” before she gets past him to kitchen, Penguin grabs her wrist to stop her, “Is [Y/N] okay…? She’s never run away from me before.”
“Mm,” nodding, Ikkaku keeps grinning like a devil before Penguin lets her wrist go and she pats him on the shoulder, “She’s doing great, thanks to you.”
Ikkaku doesn’t tell him anything else, not even when Penguin tilts his head in confusion and tries to ask what she means, she just continues on to the kitchen. He follows suit shortly after, catching your eye again and giving you a smile, but it falters when you look away quickly, turning to Jean Bart and asking him something. That’s not normal for you, anytime Penguin speaks to you or gives you a smile, you always reciprocate, you have from the very beginning. When you joined the Heart Pirates you seemed so nervous about everything, Penguin made it his job to help you get comfortable, he didn’t really expect to fall in love with you over that time. He seriously thought you felt the same, that he’d be able to ask you out soon and start courting you.
But now he has to wonder what he did to make you be like this around him. A few of your crewmates notice the difference, shaking their heads at Penguin or snickering over it, especially when you finish your breakfast and take off before he can stop you. It starts to frustrate him, to the point Penguin looks at everyone still around with a frown, though some of them don’t meet his eye (granted they can’t even see his eyes but still).
“…what the hell happened?”
You don’t stay around Penguin for very long that day, if you can help it. Law paired you both up briefly to wash the dishes, Penguin being surprised when you put your headphones on and ignore him this time. Whenever you do any task together, the two of you would have a blast, chatting or swapping jokes or book recommendations, time flying by and you both feeling like you’ve gotten closer. You’ve been a Heart Pirate for five years now, there’s still so much Penguin has to learn about you he feels like, but if you won’t even talk to him now, it feels like your growing relationship, still a friendship, is starting to backslide.
And he doesn’t know why. You were fine two days ago, what happened yesterday?
“Shachi…” Penguin’s whining pulls Shachi’s focus from his task of checking supplies, Law wanting one more run to the island before you all take off. He barely looks at his lifelong friend before going back to making notes on what the ship could use extra of, since the next potential stop is weeks away from the current one.
“What’s up, Pen?”
“[Y/N]’s been ignoring or running from me all day!”
“Oh yeah?” He snickers a bit, knowing exactly why, Ikkaku had told him and Shachi may have let it slip to a few people who knew how smitten you two were with each other. He really did hope this was the push you both needed to get your relationship going.
“I can’t figure out why, and everyone keeps shaking their heads at me! Did I do something??”
“…wait, you don’t remember?” Shachi stops writing to finally look at Penguin, who shakes his head with a pout.
“No! And if someone says that one more time, I’m going to—”
“Dude, you told her you love her.”
Penguin stops ranting and rambling when Shachi says that, his eyes widening as he barely manages to get a quiet ‘huh’ out before his friend nods.
“Ikkaku said that [Y/N] told her you thought she was Ikka, and were asking how to tell her that you love her—”
“I don’t—” Penguin feels his face turning red and starts to pull his hat down over his face.
“—and then you kissed her before passing out from your fever. That’s the basic gist of it, man.”
Shachi is somewhat amused seeing Penguin fully cover his face with his hat, a bright red blush showing through what’s visible. Twenty-eight and still nervous as hell when it came to romance, no matter how times he’s flirted with other women in the past, it stopped the second he met you when you joined them. It was like a flip switched in Penguin’s brain that told him ‘she’s the one!’ and he’s been enamored with you ever since.
Not like you didn’t feel the same, he’d heard it from Ikkaku constantly. She tells him everything about what you say regarding Penguin, how much you like him back and wish you could make a move but you didn’t want to ruin your friendship in the process. A fair reason, though if you’d only known sooner how in love Penguin was, you probably wouldn’t be running from him all day. Penguin probably wouldn’t be going through such mental anguish and feeling like he’s done a terrible thing by kissing you like that.
He keeps muttering about how that was so wrong, he messed up, you must hate him now. How could you not? He probably just stole your first kiss! And without even asking if he could kiss you! That wasn’t fair to you, he just feels awful about it.
Letting him have a few minutes, Shachi eventually pats Penguin on the shoulder, giving him a smile.
“You should go sit down and talk to her. You guys need to work this out, but I doubt she’s mad at you.”
“She’s probably more embarrassed than anything, based on what Ikka told me. So just go give it your best shot, Pen.”
Law pairs you up again that day to work on the crew’s laundry, something that shouldn’t take long or cause Penguin enough stress to make his fever come back. The only thing really stressing him out is the fact you still haven’t really spoken to him, except when you tell him you’re taking clothes to their respective owners. The few times you leave to do so, he tries to hype himself up and convince himself to just talk to you, see if you’re mad or if you’re willing to work things out with him.
When you come back the last time, no headphones in sight, he feels like he has a chance.
“Captain wants me to help him with something, can you finish here?”
His shoulders slump and he’s about to say that he’ll be fine, but instead Penguin shakes his head.
“No, uh, I mean, yeah I can, but…can we talk?”
You bite your lip a bit, Penguin not looking at you, and you shake your head slightly.
“What’s there to talk about? You were sick, it wasn’t on purpose.”
“But what I did was wrong, even if it was because of my fever.”
The way he sounds when he speaks almost sets you off, you almost start telling him that no it wasn’t a big deal, you have the same feelings for him. You were just shocked he returned them! Okay maybe a little embarrassed still, but that was all on you, he’s the first person you’ve ever kissed, you don’t know how to handle it yet.
“I,” you want to tell Penguin he really didn’t do anything wrong, but even though you can’t see his eyes for that hat, you feel like he’s giving you puppy dog eyes and you’re going to absolutely break down and try to kiss him if this keeps up, “I need to go!”
“No, wait, please!!” Penguin grabs your arm, nearly begging you to stay, “I…I’m sorry for kissing you! But I…I love you! So please…stop running away from me.”
You’re both silent for several minutes, you still don’t look at Penguin and it makes him so much more anxious. He needed to apologize, right? That would fix it, it would fix everything. He was delusional and didn’t think that fever dream was reality, he made a mistake and kissed you without permission or knowing he was even doing it. He felt so bad about it, that’s not how it should’ve gone!
“This wasn’t…how I wanted to tell you…”
“…how did you want to tell me?”
“I…I wanted to take you on a date,” he quietly speaks, while you turn around and watch him, Penguin doesn’t lift his head to look at you, “I was going to take you out yesterday but, well, you know…”
“Yeah, I know,” the laugh you give when you respond makes Penguin finally look back to you, he’s almost shocked to see the blush on your face as you slip your hand into his and lace your fingers together, “I would’ve said yes, if you asked.”
Nodding, you let Penguin pull you closer to himself, slipping his other arm around your shoulders in a hug that you return. He’s honestly glad to hear that you’d agree to a date with him, finally deciding to ask you today.
“So…will you go out with me tomorrow? Before we leave the island.”
“I’d like nothing more, Penguin.”
“And,” he takes a breath and sets his forehead against your own, giving you a better look at his pretty blue eyes and the blush across his own face while you smile, “Can I kiss you…for real this time?”
You giggle a but and nod, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“To your heart’s content.”
You’ll probably have to talk about things more later, but the grin Penguin gives you before properly kissing you makes you forget about anything else you wanted to say.
At least until Law comes looking for you and has to break you apart before you two take things too far, deciding that he’s not going to be pairing you up for tasks again anytime soon. You and Penguin making out isn’t what he meant by taking it easy.
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arielburrow · 1 year
Joe being nervous of you meeting his family
Pumpkin Pie
nothing like a Thanksgiving fic in June 🤭
Fall in Ohio was definitely your favorite time of the year. The leaves changing always signaled to you mentally that football season was in full swing and the holidays were around the corner.
You take in the scenery for a moment before continuing to your boyfriends front door. “Joe!” you call out, entering his home.
“Hey you!” he welcomes you with a warm hug after being away from each other for a week. You traveled to Pennsylvania to visit family and attend an event with other NFL photographers that the league hosted annually.
“How was your trip? How’s your mom doing?” he questions as you both take a seat on the couch.
“Shes doing good, I saw my sister, it was really nice to be home for a bit and see everyone before they leave.” Your mom was traveling to Europe with her lifelong best friend, which you were a little concerned about at her age, but she insisted it had to be checked off the bucket list. Your sister was also heading to Florida to stay with her husband’s family for Thanksgiving, so your mom wanted everyone to be together since you’d be apart for the holiday.
“That’s good to hear, but i’m glad your back, I missed you a lot.” He smirks pulling you to his chest.
“I know Joe I missed you too, you know it’s funny we’ve only been officially dating for a month and I don’t even like being apart from you for a week.” You giggle into his chest.
“Yep. Joe Burrow effect.” He innocently shrugs receiving a nudge from you causing him to laugh.
“Hey I have a question….” he leads on. You look up to him with a bit of concern.
“Can you…I mean….do you by any chance like pumpkin pie?”
You laugh at his demeanor, he seemed almost scared for your response. “ I love pumpkin pie Joe, why do you ask?”
“oh thank GOD.” he looks almost relieved as he stands from the couch and walks to the fridge. You watch as he pulls a Costco pumpkin pie from the fridge, this of course being the only thing in the fridge besides a bottle of ketchup. He grabs two forks and heads back to you, placing the pie between you two and handing you a fork.
“Here.” he smiles and reaches for the remote to find a movie.
“Plates?” you ask.
“Nope, we don’t need them.” he insists.
“alright then.”
After a long night of Joe showing you how much he missed you, you got up early for a workout with your best friend.
She catches you up on her guy drama and you fill her in on Joe.
“Oh so you’re going to Thanksgiving with Joe’s family? That’ll be fun!” She responds to you’re blurb about you being home for the holiday.
You whip your head towards her as you both push through the stairmaster.
“Um what?” You respond in complete shock at your assumption.
“Well yeah…I mean, what is Joe gonna do, drive to Athens and leave you here for Thanksgiving? No way, he’s gonna want you to go with him.”
“I’ve never met his family before though, he makes them sound so sweet but that’s like a huge thing.” You respond between huffs, wiping your hand of the sweat along your forehead.
The two of you go back in forth on the conversation as you finish your workout. Leaving the gym you couldn’t help but to overthink the situation. Was Joe assuming you would just go with him? He might not even be considering it?
After showering and ordering takeout, you finally have time to wind down in your own apartment. You were finishing up some editing when Joe texted.
Joe❤️- dinner tmr night, I’m cooking
you- you mean your chef is cooking?
The next day you spend at the facility and finishing up more editing. Heading to Joe’s house the question rings through your head again. Does he want me to meet his parents?
You can immediately smell the fajitas Joe requests weekly as you walk into his house. You greet his chef and make your way upstairs do find him on the phone with someone. You walk into his room quietly and plop down next to him, soon able to put together that he must be talking to his mother. As he hangs up he turns back to face you, pulling you into him. “You hungry?” he questions. “Starving” you respond pulling him up from the bed to go back downstairs.
You both take a seat at the table as the chef brings over the food; both expressing your gratitude for the meal, after all, neither of you could cook. Without Joe’s chef, takeout would be the only option. You both make small talk throughout dinner and go over each others days.
“I heard you talking to your mom, how is she doing?” you ask picking up the glass of water. “She’s good, she was just checking in on things, asking me about Thanksgiving and stuff. I’m on pumpkin pie duty because she knows i’m picky about where the pie is from.” He babbles on, you laugh at the pie comment. “You know i’ve know you for almost a year and was given no insight into the punpkin pie fanatic that you are.” he gives you a surprised look. “Umm, what do you mean? Friendsgiving last year? At Jamarr’s? The pie that everyone was raving about…the one that I brought.” He goes on bragging about this situation which you have zero memory of, but give him the credit any way.
“So, since your family’s all out of town, what are you going to do for the holiday?” he looks up to you with seemingly hopeful eyes. “Um I don’t really know honestly, maybe i’ll just hang around here or go to Anna’s place?” you responded taking both of your plates to the sink.
“Why don’t you come with me?” he asks. “To Athens for the night, we won’t stay long cause of practice and everything but it would be nice for you to meet my family” he picks up the dishes to clean as you seat yourself in a barstool across from him.
“You’re ready for me to meet them?” you ask watching him load the dishwasher. “Yeah, I mean i’ve been wanting you guys to meet for a long time and they never get to see you at games cause your always on the field.” he says.
You think for a moment, then smile. “Yeah i’ll go with you.” He smiles in return, walking over to you and sitting with you on the couch. “Can you stay tonight?” He asks pushing a strand of hair from your face. “I have to go to the office early tomorrow, like earlier then you go for practice,” you say to him. “That’s fine, I have to meet with Brian anyway.” he returns. “Okay then, im staying,” you respond shifting yourself to lay in his lap as he finds a show to watch. “My moms going to be so happy your coming,” you smile as you hear him say it before dozing off.
A week later your packing a bag for Joe’s house. You were heading over there tonight, and leaving tomorrow morning for his parents house. You had him on FaceTime at the moment as you got everything together. “I hope you like them, I mean i know they’ll love you, but I hope you like them and-”
“Joe” you cut him off laughing. “They’re you’re parents, i’m going to love them, don’t you worry. I’m the one whose supposed to be nervous not you!” you giggle. “I know, I know, it’s just really important to me you know? I love you and I want you to feel like you’re apart of the family.” You smile at what he says. You and Joe confessed your love for one an other a while ago, but it still made you blush hearing him say the phrase. “I love you too Joe, and I promise i’m so excited to become apart of your family.” You pick up the phone to see his face. You and Joe had a funny dynamic. Technically you had only been together for a month, but you fell for him way before that. The day you were hired by the Bengals you knew there would be a professional problem because you became addicted to him. His looks, his jokes, just being around him was like a drug for you and you knew there was no escaping. You were definitely a little nervous about meeting his parents, but you were excited that this was happening. It made this whole dream feel a little more real.
The next morning you wake up in Joes arms. The two of you spend the morning getting ready and Joe expressing his little worries to you which you insisted he stoped talking about. “You know they’re going to drown you with questions right?” He asks you getting in the car. “Joe, that’s okay, all you need to worry about is your pumpkin pie.” You console him cupping his cheeks as you lean over to kiss them. He glances to the backseat to ensure it’s there, making you laugh.
The drive to Athens is quiet and relaxing, you let Joe have aux for about 15 minutes before you steal the cord. Pulling into his parents driveway, you take in the old red brick home that seems to be gushing with childhood memories. Joe’s parents appear and you meet them with a warm hug and hello. Robin hugs Joe tightly after not seeing him for a few weeks. Walking into the house you’re immediate hit with the sweet smell of cinnamon spice and you can’t help but smile. The four of you take a seat on the couch and Robin explains that others will be joining soon. She asks about your job and how you like working with the organization. “It’s honestly amazing, I worked in Seattle for a while, but it doesn’t even compare to this organization, and it’s nice to be able to work back in my home state,” you say. “It’s definitely something special, they really care.” Jimmy chimes in with a smile. After some more small talk Joe and his dad talk football while Robin gathers photo albums. She sits with you as she shows you baby Joe and gives you a backstory on the pictures. You die over each picture which Joe rolls his eyes at. “I was three!” he yells over your reaction to the picture of him running bare naked in the street with a football in his hand.
You could immediately tell Joes parents were something special, they are a big part of the man he is today and you were so happy you got to join the Burrows.
Others arrive soon after, and the house fills with chatter. You make your way around meeting the others and saying hi to Joes friends who also joined dinner, who you have met before.
You help Robin and Joes aunts in the kitchen for a while, the four of you chattering for hours before Joe pulls you aside.
“So?” he asks. “So what Joey? You want a rating on your family? I love them, I love all of this, I promise. Stop overthinking this and go sit with your friends.” You reach up to kiss him on the cheek and he smiles and nods.
You finish helping with dinner and setting the table with Joe. You all finally sit down together, the table beaming with chatter and laughter. “Thank you all for being with us, those of you who were on time, and those who showed up five minutes ago.” Jimmy says glancing towards Joes brothers, causing everyone to laugh. “I’m just kidding, but really it’s nice to have everyone under the same roof for the holiday.” “we love you all, now please eat!” Robin adds with a smile. You make small talk with different relatives at the table and with Joe. After dinner, you sit with Robin and Joe’s aunts, while the guys do the dishes.
“So y/n, you and Joe are absolutely adorable, really I know that boy and how he is with girls and he is really in love with you.” His mom’s sister comments with a smile. You return the smile and you can’t lie that you felt a blush from that comment. You loved that she picked up on that. “Do you see your family often?” the other sister asks. “Sometimes, most of them are in Pennsylvania so they come to games some times and I just went up there last week to visit.” you respond. Everyone joins in the living room as Joe serves the pumpkin pie. Robin puts on a Christmas movie, insisting that it was now Christmas season, which you couldn’t argue with.
Joe takes a seat next to you and you rest your head on his shoulder. The rest of the night is filled with reminiscing on childhoods and lots of football. You hug everyone goodbye and Robin pulls you in tight. “Thank you y/n” she whispers “he really needs you” she smiles and moves to hug Joe goodbye. The drive home is again a comfortable silence that you happily doze off to, knowing you’re family just expanded tremendously.
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Hello hello! Shifting from the romance for a moment would be neat I think — how about full HCs for what the M6 are like as friends for the MC? Like when the MC is in a relationship with one of them/someone else, but is friends with others. Who stays at their place until 3 am sharing Tea? Who's the protective friend? Who's the "hi I'm outside let's go do something" friend? etc.
The Arcana HCs: M6 as friends
~ @nabesima this is such a fresh idea, thank you for sending it to me friend!! hope you enjoy - brainrot ~
He falls into an older brother dynamic so quickly with you it's almost scary
Which means that, as he is with his younger sister, he is quite protective of you to the point of sometimes being a killjoy
But that's only when he's able to see a bad idea as a bad idea. If it's a bad idea that promises to be a good story, he's all on board
Absolutely the kind of person to keep you company if you ever feel lonely. Is your lover out of town? Let him take you out for the evening for some friendly fun!
The best person to gossip with. You'd think it'd be Portia, but no, Portia's social filter is intact. Julian, on the other hand, will tell you whatever you want to know about and spare no details
Speaking of Portia, it's not uncommon for him to invite her along as well since you fit in with their dynamic so easily. Now you have an honorary brother and an honorary sister!
And oh boy, do you three get into so much trouble together
If you're in a sticky situation and unsure of yourself, call him. He might not have all the answers but that won't stop him from getting involved and suffering through it with you
The kind of lifelong friend who loves you unconditionally
Has 0 concept of "late." Is it 8 PM? 10 PM? 4 AM? Yeah they're free, what's up? Did you want to hang out? Did you want to process or rant about something? They'll bring tea if you bring snacks
So non-judgemental it's almost concerning sometimes, you could straight up admit to killing someone and he'd just summon a shovel and ask you where the body is without missing a beat
Wherever they're currently residing you are always welcome. No matter the hour or circumstance, if you need a place to crash or just want a change of scenery it's open to you
Of course he won't hesitate to randomly show up at your door to crash at your place either, this goes both ways
Somehow, wherever the two of you might end up hanging out, Asra will 7 times out of 10 find a body of water and suggest swimming in it
Will accidentally forget to tell you when they go out of town and then reappear three weeks later and be genuinely surprised when you're relieved to see them in once piece (they're working on that)
Nadia is a jaw-dropping combination of insanely busy and scarily available. After learning what it's like to be lonely once before, she's not doing that again and prioritizes you along with her other friends
For starters, she has a set weekly time for the two of you to meet that she almost never misses and fiercely protects
And that's just the base standard. The palace is permanently open to you, whenever you want to drop by, whether that be to see her or just to enjoy the gardens for a bit
It's a no brainer that she's the best person to ask for fashion advice
There is one thing to bear in mind though - and that is that she is a fixer. She likes to either fix things or come to the conclusion that the issue cannot be currently resolved and then leave it alone
If want someone to verbally process to, you're going to have to let her know that you don't want answers right now, just a listener
That said, if you do want answers, she has them. She has them and she will share them with you and she will help you work through whatever it is that needs your attention
Sends you invitations for every palace event with 0 pressure
Muriel has had 1 friend. Now he has 2 and a few acquaintances
So to say that he would move heaven and earth to help you is an understatement. If you need him he's there
Of course, he'd never say that out loud. He still prefers to stay out in the woods, with his chickens and Inanna, and you'll generally have to reach out first if you want to hang out with him
Yes, he will grumble about being forced to be social. Bear with him
Will pretend that he doesn't care about whatever plans or events are going on in your life right now and then stop by a few days later with the most thoughtful, tailored gift to help you perfectly
Which of course he claims he found lying around on the forest floor and just happened to be in town for his monthly errands ... as one does
You won't find this out until the first time you really need a break from chaos, but Muriel extends the special privilege to you of being free to stay at the hut for a day or two if you ever need the solitude
But he'll spend the whole time slowly nudging you into settling what you need to so you can return to your beloved and your normal life
The bestest bestie you could ever ask for
She is fiercely loyal and down for anything and everything. Sitting side by side in silence? She'll bring a book. Becoming local legends in the Red Market? Sign her up!
You are always welcome at her cottage. If you need to crash, vent, or eat, she's got you covered
And if you're bored and looking for something fun to do? She has a whole list of vaguely reckless ideas to try out
Any of your "bad" ideas is just a good idea in disguise. She will hop on whatever crazy bandwagon you've found and suffer whatever consequences come your way with you (or put them on Ilya)
One of the best confidantes you could ask for. She's a great listener and knows intuitively if it's advice you need or a strong drink and stolen sheet cake
Speaking of advice, she gives the best as far as relationships go
She gives the shovel talk to whichever LI you end up with. That's her bestie, bitch
Will notice when it's been a while since she's heard from you and stop by with a baked treat and a smile. If it's because you've been busy, she'll happily help you with work while you two catch up
This is the guy who you'll barely hear from for a week and then stop by your house every few hours for several days in a row
Messages you every time he has a drink to chronicle his party time adventures, which leaves you with some of the most unhinged receipts you've ever had
Never checks ahead of time if you're free, he'll just show up because he felt like doing something fun and wants you to join him so it'll be ten times better
Will act surprised if you're busy
The friend who will jump at any excuse to go out. He is occasionally down for a deeper conversation but he prefers to live in the moment and focus on the good things instead of thinking too much
He develops a strong commitment to being completely honest with you. You're the first one he goes to when he makes an "oopsie" and he will answer any direct question as truthfully as he can
Which is how you also know that his feelings for you walk a fine line between platonic and something more
Don't get him wrong, he respects your decision and supports you! But if you ever find yourself single again, he is right here and ready to be as much as you'll let him
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1dfanficbookclub · 3 months
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Pride Month Fic Recs!
We hope you guys had a wonderful Pride Month this year! Here is a selection of pride fics recommended to us by our lovely members and the lovely people of tumblr and twitter.
Coloured text used to show the reasons that people submitted these fics. We also gave them the option to add their names and usernames if they wanted.
~ Our Post On Twitter ~
✩ Submitted by our lovely members ✩
California Sold by isthatyoularry / @isthatyoularry Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Mature | 123k | Fake/Pretend Relationship, Friends to Lovers
Notoriously closeted boyband member Harry Styles is famous on a global scale, meanwhile Louis, as his best friend, is back home in Manchester, living the typical life of a 24 year old. When Harry needs Louis with him in LA, a publicity stunt gone wrong changes their friendship forever. A fake-relationship AU between two lifelong best friends. Demisexuality Representation Fic Post
love is a word (you gave it a name) by CuckooTrooke / @larrydoinglaundry Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Explicit | 158.8k | Internalized Homophobia, Closeted Louis Tomlinson, Genderfluid Harry Styles, Gender Euphoria, Age Difference
After two decades in brutal show business, Louis Tomlinson is trying to restore his tranquility of mind in the peace of Northern Europe where the sun barely sets, Maria's bar is always open, and young Harry has an irresistible spark in his eyes. I love how it explores both Louis' journey with his sexuality and Harry's journey with his gender identity. It made me comforted to hear the journey that Harry had in terms of gender and it made me feel more comfortable in my own journey with my gender - Ash
✩ Submitted by the lovely people of tumblr and twitter ✩
Wouldn't It Be Nice by pinkskies Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Mature | 36.6k | Trans Harry, Asexual Louis, College AU
Louis goes to pride for the first time and meets a trans girl named Harry, who goes a little too hard and crashes on Louis' sofa for the night. When he wakes up, she's gone, and Louis doesn't expect to ever see her again. Except he does. Alternatively: Louis gets a job at a diner to pay for college, doesn't have a clue how to tell his parents that he's asexual, and is almost positive Harry keeps accidentally running into him on purpose. It's a very cute story, I really like how Harry and Louis are portrayed and I feel it really centers around the idea of pride. Both explicitly taking place at a pride event to start and implicitly just through the characters' relationships with their identities.
The Thinker of Tender Thoughts by SpeakingWithInk Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Not Rated | 13.2k | Asexual characters, cute meeting, strangers to lovers
Louis sits on his hands to stop them from shaking as he adds, 'and I'm ace.' If only he had glitter, he thinks. Coming out deserves a bit of sparkle. There's both Louis and Harry being ace, and it's a cute fic - Nevecath
you came into my life by disgruntledkittenface / @disgruntledkittenface Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Mature | 57.1k | American AU, Queer Eye AU, firefighters, coming out, implied homophobia, coworkers to lovers
When the Queer Eye cast and crew sweep into Louis' small town and fire station to make over his best friend and coworked Liam, Louis' carefully constructed walls start to fall down and he has to face his fears - and the only guy he's ever been able to see a future with. It's a wonderful exploration of becoming comfortable with yourself and being supported as you do. Fantastic characterization and so much joy and comfort. Fic Post
Take the Middle Path by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright Zayn Malik/Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Explicit | 2.5k | established poly relationship, identity exploration, sexual exploration, Dom/sub, light angst
Harry's desires are plentiful and complicated in a way that's always worried and confused him. Being with Louis and Zayn helps him explore the seemingly disparate aspects of who he is and what he wants, and to realize he doesn't have to choose just one. I just really love Harry's exploration of his desires and his identity and the way his beautifully supportive polyamorous relationship helps him find joy in his complicated self. Fic Post
Fics from the 1D Pride Fest! Submitted by @beyondxmeasure
Paint a Rainbow Inside My Heart by cyantific Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Teen and Up Audiences | 22.4k 5+1, solo artist and actor Harry, my policeman, gender identity, questioning gender with both good and bad sides of it, closested harry, coming out
A story about hiding in plain sight and the journey to revealing your truth, told in six acts. Or, the five times Harry queer coded with actions, behaviours or clothing and the one time he was too proud to hide anymore. A 5+1 fic.
somewhere in between and not at all by me_her_themoon | @greeneyesfriedrice Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Explicit | 24.5k | Gender Identity, Trans Character, Genderfluid Character, Gender Exploration, Supportive Relationship
He's always known that he's some sort of queer. There's no doubt about it. When he was younger, he loved the feeling of his sister's pantyhose on his legs, and loved to play dress up whenever he could. But it never went any further than that, and as he got older, he hid that part from himself. There were more homophobes than not in his school, and he couldn't risk anything getting out. While he was hoping that he would become more involved in the gay scene, he wasn't expecting it to happen so immediately. He's barely been in NYC for two days, and he's now surrounded by all different types of men and...others? God, he isn't even sure what to call them. He really doesn't know much. (or, Harry is new to NYC and discovers something about himself, and Louis is there for him. Always.) Fic Post
you made my heart stop by dragmedown / @itsnothesameasitwas Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | General Audiences | 6.1k | Inspired by Heartstopper, High School Coming Out, Homophobic Language
Don't you ever feel like your life has been perfectly composed until one day it wasn't, that everything seemed more than fine but it was not, because sometimes as simple as it might sound or look, it could change your life? OR a Heartstopper AU, but in HarryandLouis Universe. Fic Post
Inner Crisis by Neondiamond / @neondiamond Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | General Audiences | 5.5k | Asexuality, Asexual Harry Styles, Asexual Louis Tomlinson, Hotline Operator Harry Styles
Louis calls an LGBTQ+ crisis hotline after coming out as asexual to his friends and family doesn't quite go as well as he'd hoped. Harry answers his call. Fic Post
Ask Him by LinksLipsSinkShips Lewis Capaldi/Niall Horan | Teen and Up Audiences | 2.2k | Secret Relationship, Coming Out
When Lewis Capaldi gets pressed for information on who he's dating, he admits it... he's been seeing Niall Horan. The only problem? He jokes so much that no one believes him.
The Magnificent Ms. Malik: A Brand New Era Starts Here by PigSlay Niall Horan & Zayn Malik | General Audiences | 2.1k | Trans Female Character, Transitioning, Self-Discovery, Friendship
In 2013, 1D records the Best Song Ever music video and Zayn feels different after he puts on his Veronica outfit. He doesn't know what to do with these feelings or what they mean; luckily Niall is there to help and gives Zayn a new word that opens up a world of previously unimagined possibilities. Ten years later, in 2023, she calls Niall up again to tell him her knew name.
Hold Me Tight (Or Don't) by @hellolovers13 Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | Explicit | 13.6k | Trans Harry Styles, Famous Louis Tomlinson, Misunderstandings
Falling in love with Louis is easy enough. Separating Louis from the singer persona Harry has been a fan of for years, however, is not. But she's not the only one making assumptions. Fic Post
Thanks to everyone who submitted fics for our masterpost! Happy reading!
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Adding to the “Velvette is the glue of the Vees” convo (and possible slightly out of character interpretation)
I feel like Vox and Valentino definitely need somebody to confide in other than a fuck-buddy y’know?
Like just a (somewhat) stable friend or business partner no sex involved
…Who they’ll sometimes cuddle on the couch with and bitch about their day to each other
I hc Velvette in all her independent girlboss glory can grow clingy towards those she’s attached herself to - that being Vox and Valentino
Say Vox and Val have an argument Velvette wasn’t around for, so they’re both pissed at each other - Velvette comes to their little shared common space, completely drained from work and drapes herself over whoever is there
Valentino; will immediately start bitching to her but also scoop her up and plop on the couch, maybe get some snacks and drinks as they both recharge
Vox; stays quiet - doesn’t like talking after an argument but will do something similar, maybe go into his office instead to stalk someone while having Velvette in his lap. Velvette is just there doom scrolling on her phone or taking a nap while Vox rubs her back
Whoever Velvette runs into first - she can sense the argument happened. So once she’s recharged and taken care of herself - she’ll text them something stupid like “Can’t sleep. Come here. Now.” without telling Vox or Valentino that the other one will be there - both of them go in her room and are - pissed lol
(Think of that Spongebob episode where Squidward tries to make Patrick and SpongeBob be friends again 💀)
But yeah uhmmm Velvette’s gonna 1. Address the issue directly 2. Force both Vox and Valentino to sleep with her bc she’s too tired to deal with them but will force them into the awkward situation cause she wants the entertainment
If scenario 2 happens Velvette is obviously sandwiched in between Vox and Valentino while they stare at each other angrily. Whoever speaks way too loud first gets punched by Velvette (happens multiple times) so they’re forced to quietly “discuss their issues” while Velvette is playing dumb and pretending to sleep - eventually things do work out and they all fall asleep
I don’t even know where I was going with this it’s incredibly disorganized I just like ranting about the Vees help - love silly Velvette headcanons where she’s the one who’s in control I guess lol
I totally agree with like half of what you've written - with the part taht Vox and Valentino both need someone to confide with. None of them has a lot of opportunities to be just comfortable with another person. Sure they have each other but romantic relatisohips are often more "loaded" than frienships and while they can grant deeper connection, they also generate greater tension. That's why lifelong frienships are way more common than lifelong romances.
But I don't find the idea of Velvette's infantilization appealing, sorry. She strikes me as a person who craves to be feared and respected, to the level that it feels almost like overcompesating for her young age (compared to other Overlords) and non-threatening form. I don't see why would she allow anyone, even her friends to treat her like a plushie. Especially when those friends are power hungry maniacs who nutoriously prey on people they see as weaker.
That doesn't mean I think your headcanon is wrong or bad. It just doesn't allign with my own interpretation. Which is perfectly fine, they can't even be compared in their accuracy in relation to canon because we barely have any canon. So please, don't take it personally - I love you have fun with your ideas, that's the most important part of fandom <3
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keiththecat · 1 year
Trading Hurts
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female Reader (You)
Summary: You're a lifelong hunter, and you help out the Winchester brothers, saving Sam's life and risking your own. Your fast feelings for Sam scare you and you run away. What will happen when you run into the brothers again?
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: 18+, series typical violence and monsters, weapons, hurt/comfort, medical procedures, cursing
Author's Note: Hello friends! Second ever fic here. Had to show some love for the other Winchester brother too! As always, Y/N is your name, and feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading <3
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any of the related characters. The Supernatural series is created by Eric Kripke and owned by The CW Network. This work of fan fiction is for entertainment only. I am not making a profit of any kind from this story. All rights of the original Supernatural series belong to The CW Network.
AO3 link here
“Sam! Look out!” Dean yells as he sinks his silver blade into the heart of the werewolf he’s been wrestling.
Sam is standing over a werewolf he just killed. He turns around to see why Dean yelled, feeling claws tear the flesh on his left side as he turns. His right hand goes to the wound, his knife falls from his left hand, and he makes eye contact with the wolf as it roars. The roar quickly turns into a look of confusion and hurt before the wolf collapses in front of Sam. Behind the wolf, you are left standing in front of Sam, smirk on your face and blood-covered knife in hand, “Hi, I’m Y/N. Looked like you could use some help.”
“Yeah. Thanks. I’m Sam.” Sam says, still holding his side. Damn, she’s gorgeous, he thinks to himself.
“Not a probl-“ you’re cut off by a werewolf suddenly behind you, grabbing you by the neck and throwing you into a nearby tree. Everything goes black. 
The next thing you know, your eyes snap open in the back of a car. Your head is propped up by something warm and you feel like you can’t breathe. Your body is in so much pain, it feels like you’re on fire. You start to panic, willing your body to move to find a way out.
“Hey, no, you’re okay,” Sam’s face comes into view above you. You realize your head is propped up on his lap and he’s trying to hold your arms down so you don’t flail around. “I need you to look at me and take a second, Y/N.”
You try to calm down. You look into his hazel eyes and your mind tries to catch up. Well, you think, if this is how I go, at least I get to look into a touch of Heaven first. 
You try to remember how you got here. “Right,” you start, voice raspy, “werewolves. Winchesters.”
Sam’s eyebrows furrow, “You know who we are?”
You nod and then wince when it causes a jolt of pain like lightning through you. 
“Sorry, right, not important right now,” his voice continues, “you’re injured pretty badly. We’re on our way to the hospital to get-”
“No!” You cut him off. “Please, no hospitals.”
“Okay, okay,” Sam takes your hand in his, then makes eye contact with his brother who’s driving. “No hospital.” He looks back at you, “Can we at least take you to our bunker to-“
“Sammy,” Dean warns. “We don’t even know her, you want to take her to the bunker?”
“What other option do we have, Dean? Cas is busy and not answering. She’s injured because she saved me!”
“Uh, hello? I’m right here.” You interject awkwardly. “You can just drop me at my motel room, I’m sure I’ve dealt with worse alone before.”
“No, we’re taking you to our bunker and doing what we can to fix you up. It’s the least we can do.” Sam leaves no room for argument. Dean grumbles under his breath in the front seat but keeps driving.
You try to mentally take stock of your injuries. Hm, you think, definitely a few broken or at least bruised ribs. Probably a concussion. I feel wet and sticky so I’m sure I’m bleeding somewhere but must not be too bad since I’m still alive. For now, at least, I guess.
Sam continues holding your hand and mindlessly running his fingers through your hair until the car eventually stops and is shut off. Dean gets out of the car first, “I’ll get stuff set up in the infirmary.”
Sam eases himself out from under your head, then turns back toward you. “Can I, um-“ he reaches his arms toward you.
“Carry me? I can probably walk.” You start to sit up, but you’re hit with a tidal wave of nausea and fall back to the seat. You take as deep a breath as you can manage, pushing the nausea away as best you can, “Okay, maybe not. Would you mind?”
“No, no, not at all,” he insists. Suddenly you’re in his arms, he’s walking, and you’re wondering what kind of muscles he has hidden under all that plaid. He laughs under his breath a little, cheeks and ears turning red. You realize you must have wondered out loud. “Sorry,” you say, turning to hide your face against his shoulder.
“It’s okay,” he says. “Probably the best compliment I’ve had in a while.”
He makes his way to what you assume is the infirmary. Dean is setting out supplies for bandages, stitches, and wound cleaning next to an old cot. Sam gently places you down on the cot. “Are you okay with me checking out your wounds and cleaning you up some?”
You respond in the affirmative. Dean is standing a few feet away, leaning against another cot, staring at you. “So how long have you been a hunter? What’s your deal?”
“Dean,” Sam says, and fixes him with a look. “Can’t this wait?”
“It’s fine, Sam,” you touch his arm. You lean forward, reach over, grab shears and hand them to Sam. “Start with my back, it hurts the worst.”
Sam looks at you for a moment, then gets to work cutting your shirt open from behind. He sucks in a breath through his teeth. “How’s the damage back there, Sam?” You ask.
“Well, you’re definitely gonna hurt for a while. I’ll have to stitch a few wounds back here, and you’re already bruising.” He prods his way down your back on each side, “Feels like a few broken ribs, too.”
You realize you’ve had your eyes closed, relaxing to his voice even as he delivers the news. “I figured. Just do what you can please.”
Sam starts cleaning and stitching what he can. You explain that you’ve been a hunter since birth, your mother dying in childbirth and your now deceased father raising you in the hunting life until he died when you were barely a teen. Then you tell them how Bobby Singer has treated you like his own. 
“How come we’ve never ran into you before then? We’re at Bobby’s all the time.” Dean asks, still seeming skeptical.
“I haven’t been back there in years. Even when I was there, I stayed for a few hours max. I keep busy,” you explain, “I didn’t grow up in one place, so it always felt weird to stay stagnant. Felt dangerous.”
“Like things could catch up to you if you stopped moving,” Sam says quietly from behind you, his large but gentle hands continuing to sew a large gash down your back from the tree. You nod as best you can without making the pain worse.
“Alright,” Dean says, “you can stay as long as you want. At least stay until you’re healed. The place is warded, you’ll be safe here. You got this, Sammy?”
“Yeah, we’ll be good.”
“Alright, I’m gonna go clean the blood out of Baby and hit the hay.” Dean leaves, throwing a wave over his shoulder.
“Baby? I assume that’s his car?” You ask.
Sam laughs lightly, “yeah.”
Silence passes between you two, but it doesn’t feel awkward. Sam finishes with your back, and then you feel him gently place something over your back, his hand lingering on your shoulder for a moment. You’re hit with a wave of his smell, and you realize he placed his plaid shirt on you. He comes around in front of you, now in a short sleeve black V neck that lets you see exactly how ripped he is. Holy muscles, you think, so that’s how he carried me so easily.
“I’m pretty sure you have a concussion too. You seem to be okay mentally so far, but let’s keep it that way, yeah?”
You laugh a little, looking away shyly to break your stare, “yeah, sounds good to me. Thanks, Sam.”
“No, thank you for saving me.”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, do you need stitched up too? He scratched you before I got him, didn’t he?” You reach for his side, mentally smacking yourself for forgetting.
“No, no, I’m okay. Not deep enough to need stitches, I don’t think.” He brushes you off, glancing down at his side where the shirt is torn, long but thin scratches peeking out underneath. 
“If you say so. But seriously, thank you. You definitely saved me back there.” You say, slowly getting yourself up. He reaches out to place a hand under your elbow, helping to steady you once you’re on your feet. Your hand falls to his bicep, and you bring your other hand to rest on his chest. “Damn, you’re built like a tree. Is that a Winchester thing?”
Sam bursts into laughter, his adorable dimples bracketing the most gorgeous smile you think you’ve ever seen. His cheeks and ears are turning red again. “Aw, is Samuel blushing?” You tease.
This was the start of your crush. Except you couldn’t even call it a crush, you were instantly head over heels in love with the taller Winchester. It hit you like a hurricane. So sweet, attentive, selfless, and that’s not even mentioning his smoking hot body. Silky chestnut hair, deep hazel eyes full of emotion. But instead of giving in to the temptation and telling him how you feel, you left just two days later. You couldn’t bear the thought of being rejected by him, or of being so close to him but so distant at the same time. So you asked Dean to drive you while Sam was out on a run, not wanting to have to say goodbye to him. Dean took you back to your motel and your belongings, leaving you with nothing more than a “call if you need anything” and his number. You’ve kept in contact with Dean, mostly sending memes and jokes to each other, and doing your best to not ask about his brother. Turns out Dean has a knack for dad jokes, sending you at least one a day, more if he thought you were having a bad day. You’d consider him your best friend, even though he’s really the only person you talk to anymore besides Bobby on occasion. Dean has come a long way from his skepticism when you burst into their lives, considering you like the sister he never had.
Now, four months later, you have run into the brothers again. You’re in a small town in Missouri hunting some vampires, when you spot the Winchesters walking into a diner.
“Hey, tall and taller, got room at your table for one more?” You call out.
The brothers turn around, confused. Dean’s eyes lock onto you first, and he opens his arms for a hug. “Hey, loser, what are you doing here?” He asks. 
You jog a few steps, falling into his arms for a few seconds. “Hunting some suckers. Guessing you’re here for the same?”
“Actually yeah, wanna save little Sammy’s ass again like last time?” Dean jokes, his eyes lit up in mirth.
Sam shakes his head, lips pressed together, rolling his eyes. “That was one time, it won’t happen again. And since when are you guys close? You disappeared months ago, Y/N. We haven’t heard from you.”
“Yeah, sorry, I, uh, got called away for something,” you lie, hoping Sam won’t notice and Dean won’t call you out. “Dean and I have kept in touch though.” You playfully hit Dean on the shoulder.
Sam tries not to feel hurt that you have talked to his brother all this time but not him. And you’ve clearly talked enough to get close, Dean doesn’t hug just anyone.
“Well, come on,” Dean says, throwing an arm around your shoulders, “I’m starved.”
You all make your way inside, sitting at a booth. The boys sit on opposite sides, and you debate who to sit next to for a moment too long, then you slide in next to Dean. Sam notices your hesitation, but buries his face in the menu.
You all order and eat your meal, sharing stories about all the hunts you’ve had in the last few months. 
“No wonder we’ve had it easier recently, Dean. You didn’t tell me Y/N was taking care of so much,” Sam says.
“Didn’t think it mattered,” Dean says, mouth full of pie. “Asshats got ganked, people got saved.”
“Yeah but we could have helped out more.”
“I was fine, Sam. I like keeping busy, remember?” You say, then turn to Dean, “Speaking of, do you know yet where we’re looking here?”
Sam speaks up before Dean can, “actually yeah. We’ve narrowed it down to two warehouses on the outskirts. We’re planning to go check them out after we get a room.”
“Perfect,” you state, looking at Sam. “You boys wanna ride together from the motel since we’re all going to the same place?”
“Sounds good,” Dean says.
You all get up and leave, piling into your cars and going down the street to a motel. The boys get a double room to share like always, you get a neighboring single. You go into your respective rooms to gear up for the hunt.
“What the hell, dude?” Sam says as soon as the door is closed behind Dean. 
“Y/N is who you’ve been texting all the time? Why didn’t you tell me?” Sam asks, clearly hurt.
Dean looks at Sam for a moment before understanding crosses his face. “Oh, you’ve got it bad, huh? Here, you want her number?” He pulls out his phone to pull up her contact and passes it to Sam.
“No, that’s- well, yes, but-“ Sam stumbles over his words.
“Look, it’s not like that with us, Sammy. We’re friends. That’s it.”
“Oh.” Sam lets that sink in and runs his hands through his hair.
“Yeah. So relax, she’s all yours. At least, she hasn’t mentioned being with anyone. I’d doubt she had time for it with the constant hunts she’s had. She’s worse than either of us have ever been with needing to keep moving.”
“Yeah, I noticed,” Sam says, saving her number in his phone and giving Dean’s back to him. 
“Well?” Dean asks.
“Text her. Say it’s in case we get split up or something. Make up an excuse. Give her your number or I will.” Dean insists.
“Okay, okay, get off my back about it then, yeah?” Sam says. Dean throws his hands up in surrender, turning away to rummage through his duffel.
[Sam 5:55PM : Hey, it’s Sam. Dean gave me your number. Wanted you to have mine just in case]
A full minute passes, and Sam wonders if she will even respond. Then his phone dings with a notification.
[Y/N 5:56PM : Got it. Good thinking. You boys ready?]
[Sam 5:56PM : Yup, meet you at the Impala?]
[Y/N 5:57PM : Sure thing, Sammy Boy ;)]
Well, Sam thinks, I guess the winky face is a good sign? Maybe she does like me?
“You ready, Dean?” Sam asks, heading for the door.
“Let’s do this,” Dean says, grabbing Baby’s keys.
Half an hour later, you’re all sitting in the Impala outside the second warehouse. The first was empty except for rats and dust, no signs of bloodsuckers ever having been there. 
“Safe to assume this is it then, huh?” You ask, leaning forward between the boys and looking out the windshield. 
“Yeah. We all ready?” Sam asks.
You and Dean respond “yeah.” You all get out of the car, grabbing your machetes and forming a plan. There are three entrances to the building, you will all split up and take one. You’ll meet in the middle, and then go to the upper floors together. You nod at each of the brothers, and you all go your separate ways to enter.
The front door creaks open, and you slowly make your way inside. The day’s last light is filtering in through the windows. You have a flashlight in your back pocket but you’re trying to draw as little attention as possible. You make your way down the hallway, which opens into a large center room. As you come through the doorway, you hear grunts and sounds of fighting from the hallway to your right. That’s the door Sam came in, you think and your heart drops into your stomach when the noises stop but Sam doesn’t emerge. You start toward that hallway, and you’re met with five vamps carrying Sam’s unconscious body. They notice you, drop him, and advance on you before you can move any further.
“Dean!” You yell, starting to fight them off. You can’t keep track of where they all are, you just know that they are surrounding you and landing more hits than you are. Your back, arms, sides, and stomach are all taking hits and you struggle to get the upper hand. You manage to block a few hits and decapitate two of the vamps in quick succession, as you hear Dean’s footsteps thundering closer. That’s when you notice a large vampire standing over Sam. 
You fight even harder now, desperate to help the brothers and save Sam. You manage to shove one against a metal pole before cutting its head off in one swing. You kick one in the abdomen, surprising it and knocking it over. You drop to your knees, straddling the vampire’s chest, and swing your machete down on its neck. An arm from the other vamp you’re fighting snakes around your neck, choking you and pulling up into the air. With your body weightless and hanging in the air, you swing an elbow into its sternum and a heel into its knee. It lets go long enough for you to drop, turning as you go to swing out and cut its head off.
With these five dead, you can turn to help the Winchesters. As you run over, the vamp throws Dean a few feet, with Dean landing on his back and sliding across the floor. Jesus, you think, he looks even taller than Sam. You run and launch yourself at the vamp, knocking it back a few steps but not knocking it down. Glancing around the vamp, you can see Sam starting to come back around to consciousness. The vamp manages to grab you by your throat, lifting you into the air. You try slashing into its arm with your machete, but the grip it has on your throat doesn’t let up and you’re starting to see spots.
“Dean,” you manage to rasp out, your machete falling from your hand as you grow weaker,” get Sam and get out of here.”
Suddenly the vamp’s hand goes slack, its head rolling down and onto the floor. You fall to the floor, gasping and coughing for air, your hand on your neck. Sam is standing over the dead vamp, machete in hand.
“You okay, Y/N?” Dean comes up behind you.
You nod, still coughing.
“Sam?” Dean asks.
“I’ll be fine, it was just a good hit on the head.” He kneels in front of you. “You sure you’re okay?”
You nod again, “Guess we’re even now, huh, Sammy Boy?” 
The boys help you up and out to the car. You all ride back to the motel in silence. Dean is first out of the car and heading toward the rooms, leaving you and Sam behind in the Impala.
“You’ve got some blood on the back of your head,” you say.
Sam’s hand goes to the back of his head, coming back red. “Oh. Huh.”
Another moment passes, then you get out of the car and head to your door. As you’re unlocking it, you realize Sam is standing behind you. You glance over your shoulder at him. “You okay?”
“Would you mind helping me clean it? The blood on my head, I mean. I’m sure you’ll be more gentle than Dean would.”
“Sure, Sam. Come on in.” You open the door and head in. He follows and closes and locks the door behind him, checking the salt lines.
“Have a seat wherever, I’ll grab some supplies,” you say, heading into the bathroom for some warm water and a washcloth.
When you re-enter the bedroom, Sam is sitting on the edge of your bed, looking out of place. You crawl onto the bed behind him on your knees and start cleaning the blood from his hair as gently as you can.
“So, um,” Sam starts, “why did you stay in touch with Dean?”
“Oh, um, I don’t know. I just texted him one day and we hit it off. He’s pretty funny.”
Sam’s hums in response. You furrow your brow, “should I not have?"
"No, it's fine, I mean-," Sam stutters, "I just- um, maybe we can keep in touch this time?"
You’re taken aback, and you’re glad you're still behind Sam because you’re opening and closing your mouth like a fish for a moment. “Uh, yeah, Sam. I’d like that.”
“Can I, uh, ask you a question?”
“Of course, Sam.”
“Did I do something to upset you last time? At the bunker?” When you don’t immediately answer, he continues, “Because I thought we were getting along and hitting it off and then I came back one morning and you were just gone.”
“No, Sam,” you say, putting a hand on his shoulder and moving around so you’re in front of him. “You did nothing wrong. I got called away for something.”
“Okay,” he say, but he looks like he doesn’t believe you. Really, he looks like a kicked puppy and you can’t stand it. Fuck it, you think, I can’t have him thinking he did something wrong and looking at me like this. “Okay, I wasn’t called away. I, um,” you sigh. “Ilikeyouanditscaresme,” you rush out, avoiding eye contact.
A moment passes where nothing is said. You’re still looking away and you bring your thumb to your mouth to chew on the nail. He brings one hand up to pull your hand away from your face, and his other hand rests on your cheek. “Look at me, Y/N.”
You follow his command, meeting those hazel eyes, your heart feeling like it’s going to beat out of your chest. “I like you too,” he says, voice barely above a whisper. 
You put your hand on top of his on your cheek. “Really?”
He nods, smiling and giving you a glimpse at those adorable dimples. He brings his other hand to your cheek, his large hands now framing your face, and he’s looking into your eyes for permission. You nod, and then his lips are on yours. You feel like your brain has short-circuited, and it takes a moment for your lips to move to match his. His tongue licks your lower lip, again asking for permission, and you gladly open up to let him inside. Wow, you think, this is earthshattering. 
You both pull away, keeping your foreheads together.
“You’ll have to teach me how to do this,” you say.
He opens his eyes, confused.
“This ‘feelings’ thing,” you explain, “I’ve never really done this before.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll always have your back.”
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If You Love Her
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 Summary: Rooster gives Hangman dating advice with a twist. Reader explains her relationship with Hangman to Phoenix. Heavily based on the Forest Blakk song “If You Love Her” ft Meghan Trainor.
Warnings: Angsty, bad writing(?), super cheesy, moments of reader’s self-doubt (I’m sure I’m missing some warnings here)
Pairing(S):  Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader// Hangman x Rooster!Friend // Reader x Phoenix!Friend // Rooster x Phoenix – mentions of past Hangman x Phoenix and past Rooster x Reader
Characters: Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace, mentions of the rest of Dagger Squad
Word Count: 1807
A/N: This was a whole new style of writing for me. Thank you to Forest Blakk for basically writing this for me. Some how this song just ended up on loop for me at work one day and the scene between Rooster and Hangman just made itself crystal clear in my mind.
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(Reader POV)
The Hard Deck was packed tonight. There was no special occasion or event, just another Friday night. All of Dagger Squad was there. Bob and Coyote were currently killing Payback and Fanboy in a game of pool, Rooster and Hangman were throwing darts, and Phoenix sat at the bar catching up with you.
You weren’t sure what happened on the mission; ever since they came home, they all seemed to be getting along like they were lifelong best friends. But you knew better. You’d been around since the beginning – through all of their cadet times at Top Gun and since they came back again. Natasha Trace was one of your best friends, and Jake Seresin was your boyfriend of six months.
“Wanna go for a walk on the beach?” Nat asked you.
“Sure!” Thankful for the idea of taking a break from the noise and a chance to speak to her privately. “Let me just tell Jake really quick.”
“I’ll meet you out back.” She agreed.
You pulled yourself from the bar and found your way toward the boys playing darts. Rooster was focused on the board, and Jake seemed lost in thought. When he noticed you approaching, he broke into a cheek-splitting grin.
“Hey babe,” He greeted you with open arms.
6 months and you still felt like the rest of the world melted away when he looked at you like that.
“Hi,” You beamed back, leaning into his chest. He kissed the top of your head.
Rooster cleared his throat.
“Hey Bradley,” You greeted.
“Hey,” He smiled back, the smile not quite reaching his eyes. “Y’all want a few minutes?”
“No,” You shook your head. “Just came to tell you that Nat and I are going for a walk on the beach.”
“Everything okay?” Jake asked, concerned.
“Yeah, just want an escape from the noise for a few minutes.”
“Okay,” Jake nodded, “Just be safe.”
“I promise to not fall into the ocean,” You chuckled, leaning up on your tiptoes to kiss him.
You pulled away, a smile still on your face; Jake winked at you and made your way toward the back deck. As soon as you closed the door behind you was an instant relief – the sea breeze on your face and the sound fading away. Natasha smiled back at you and wrapped her arm in yours.
“You know that I love you, right?” Nat spoke, not waiting for a response. “But, can we chat?”
 (Hangman POV- 3rd Person) 
“Can we talk?” Rooster said, leaning against a chair.
“This doesn’t sound good,” Jake responded.
“It’s just that I know you, and” Rooster hesitated for a second. “I want to give you some advice.”
“Unsolicited advice is always great,” Jake laughed. 
“Just listen, okay?”
Jake nodded, realizing that Rooster was serious. 
“If she gives you her heart, which she clearly has, don’t you break it.”
Rooster closed his eyes for the briefest moment, Jake noticed something was off. 
“Let your arms be a place she feels safe in.” Rooster continued. “She always has trouble falling asleep, and she likes to cuddle under the sheets. She loves pop songs, dancing, and bad trash TV.” He paused for another moment to make sure that Jake was still listening. “There are still a few other things. She loves love notes, babies, and giving gifts. She has a hard time accepting compliments. She loves her whole family and all of her friends.” He took another deep breath, “Most importantly, on days when it feels like the whole world might cave in, stand side by side, and you’ll make it. She’s the best thing that you’ll ever have. She’ll love you if you love her like that.”
A quiet moment passed between them. Jake’s mind was thrown in a hundred different directions. Not sure which questions to ask and what conclusions to draw without any specifics. How much of the back story really mattered? Everything Rooster was saying was true. Jake loved her in a way he never knew possible. 
 (Readers POV)
You and Natasha had stopped at the edge of the soft sand, and stretched out in front of you was the dimly lit ocean and the sound of crashing waves nearly drowning out the nagging thoughts in the back of your mind. 
“The phrase can we chat is awful,” You tried to joke. 
Natasha laughed, “Sorry, and I’m practically dragging this out.”
“Come on, it can’t be that bad. What’s going on?” You asked.
“It’s about Hangman,” She grimaced, “It’s just, I just,” her stutter was concerning you. 
“What about him?” 
“Well, I know you, and I know him. But I see the two of you together,” She hesitated with a smile, “I don’t know how else to say it besides that you are obnoxiously in love.”
You laughed, “Is that such a bad thing?”
“No,” she shrugged, “At least until he breaks your heart. And we both know it’s only a matter of time until that happens. 
“Maybe, maybe not?” You shrugged. “Let me try to explain,”
Nat nodded, willing to hear you out.
“His arms are where I feel the safest; he never says no to cuddling under the sheets or gets upset with my obnoxious music and terrible dance moves.”
Nat laughed, “They can be pretty awful,”
“Hey!” You smacked her playfully. “He understands my deep love for my family and friends and accepts that sometimes they will be my priority. He keeps all the ridiculous love notes I leave him and leaves his own for me.” You hesitated before going on. “And you know me, I’ve rarely felt comfortable in my own skin, and no matter how much self-doubt I let in, he always says, ‘You’re perfect to me.”
“Cheesy,” Nat chuckled,
“On the worst days, the days that feel like the whole world might cave in when we stand side by side, it actually feels like we’ll make it.” You paused for a moment smiling to yourself; in vocalizing all these things, you realized how much you truly loved him. “Honestly, he’s more than my best friend, forever and then some. No matter what, I’ll choose him over and over again.” 
Natasha squeezed your arm reassuringly. “He never made me feel that way,” She spoke softly. 
The comment didn’t take you by surprise. None of you had outright spoken the words, but you knew Natasha and Jake had a history. But you were a firm believer of ‘what’s in the past is past. “But Rooster does,” You mentioned with a smile.
She nodded, “Yeah,” she smiled, “Yes, he does.” 
“He never did with me.”
“Wait, what?” She exclaimed. “I mean, I always suspected, but I.”
“It was a long time ago,” You stated, cutting her off, “We’re both past it. But it just goes to show you that the right person makes a world of difference.” 
 (Hangman POV- 3rd Person)
“How do you know all of this?” Jake finally asked, “This all seems a little too specific to be general advice.”
Rooster closed his eyes, “Because I didn’t do these things,” He opened them and looked Jake right in the eye, “and it cost me everything I ever thought I loved, including her.”
“What?” Jake’s jaw dropped in shock. He thought it was possible that you and Bradley had some kind of past, but it was never an issue, so he never pried. If it was important, he trusted you to bring it up. 
“It was a long time ago; we’re both past it.” Rooster stated, almost emotionless. “I grew up a lot after our relationship. Mave made sure that I knew full well that I blew it. But it just goes to show you that the right person makes a world of difference.”
Jake took a moment to try and collect his thoughts, choosing his next words carefully. “Whether you believe me or not, I will not break her heart.” He gripped his pool cue, almost as if it gave him the confidence to finish the conversation. “She is more than my best friend, forever and then some. No matter what, I’ll choose her over and over again.”
“That’s all I could ever hope for both of you,” Rooster smiled.
 (Reader Person)
“Does Bagman know about you and Rooster?” Natasha asked.
You laughed at the name; she only ever used it if she was trying to lighten a situation, “It’s never been a secret, but we’ve never talked about it either.”
“We should probably go back inside and check on them then.” She turned the two of you to start walking.
“Oh lord, what is Rooster doing?” You rolled your eyes. 
“Eh, I can only guess how he went about it; but he basically intended to make sure that Jake knew not to break your heart.”
You rolled your eyes. “Great,” you huffed.
The relationship between you and Bradley didn’t end with you hating each other. It was one of the mythical mutual breakups. You weren’t what he needed at that point, and he couldn’t give you what you wanted emotionally. You never stopped considering him a friend, and he frequently stepped up in an older brother kind of role in the last few months, but this was a whole new level. 
 (Hangman POV- 3rd Person)
The creek of the back deck door opening stole Jake’s attention. Without a thought, he silently handed his pool cue off to Rooster and walked straight toward her. Even in a packed bar, his determination propelled him quickly through the bar. 
She caught his movement in the corner of her eye and turned towards him, smiling at him like he had hung the stars in the sky. It had only been a few minutes since the last time they saw each other, but in that short time, through deep conversations, they saw each other in a new light. 
When he was within arms reach, he wrapped an arm tightly around her waist, pulling her impossibly close, and her hands settled in the small of his back. His lips crashed into hers, and he kissed her breathlessly.  
He pulled back just enough to look at her and cradle her face in one of his hands. She closed her eyes, leaning into it and kissing his hand’s palm.
“I love you.” Jake confessed, “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.”
She knew; of course, she did. But this time, she saw something different when she looked up into his emerald green eyes. Unadulterated love and devotion.
“I know,” She smirked, trying not to inflate his ego too much. “I love you too.”
He kissed her again, and the crowd in the bar cheered. 
She pulled away laughing, embarrassed by the attention.
“Guess I forgot we were surrounded by people.” Jake laughed.
“Just another night at The Hard Deck.” Coyote joked. 
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  A/N: If you’ve made it this far - thank you so so so much for reading! My Masterlist can be found here. All work is also available on AO3  
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
It's a whole thing the Pjo fandom just,dosen't want to Percy to actually be neurodivergent representation.There's the obvious worst part they won't even let him be autistic despite objectively being the most autistic-coded character in the whole franchise but there's also just as glaringly they have never let him defy neurodivergent stereotypes
He's smarter than Annabeth by virtue of being more emotionally mature and making better plans way quicker and unlike her this was in no way an inherentence so he could qualify as a legit ex-child genius but he's constantly getting called stupid for not fitting society's idea of what intellengence is due to sucking at school as a result of his symptoms and he's said he hates it many many MANY times in his narration and only dosen't speak out against it as per irl trauma like his he's been forced into believing he deserves it and given strong ass Impostor Syndrome and the fandom falls for it hook line and sinker cause Annabeth forcing herself into the role of Percy's girlfriend without his consent and even a moment of verbal rejection to her FACE that she spit back at him('I am never going to make things easy for you' is a fucking awful thing to say to an autistic person and that's why you'll never convince me book!Annabeth is autistic like Leahbeth,being a nerdy jerk with ego problems is NOT more autistic than EVERYTHING Percy's got going on right down to his character concept)and proceeding to treat him the same as ever but with corny kissing and promises of a future nuclear family cisheterosexual marriage living in a place that directly goes against Percy's lifelong wish for ANNABETH'S is proof his self-hatred is accurate as if she knows or likes him as a person on any level and vice versa seeing how he talks about her and never returns her romantic effort
There's no 'smart himbos' or 'not dumb but a dumbass',if y'all are such Annabeth stans then expend your vocabulary so you can be even bigger nerds that don't have to be nice to make friends cause that's what privilege is for and you get to speak over 'slow' autistics thanks to that too irl.Percy's also meant to defy 'neurodivergent people are total losers','neurodivergent people think and act like little kids no matter how old they are' and 'neurodivergent people only act rebellious for attention and to look good' by being the coolest character and this was backed up in dialogues and actions by Percy himself without even trying almost ever,he's a Team Parent to younger minorities but especially Nico and Hazel as a way of breaking the cycle of abuse and out of a mix of found eldest sibling and pseudo-parental love for them and to heal his inner child and he's pessimistic and highkey mean and ruthless but is an anarchist with awareness to what corruption is and how to fight it and DOES it unlike Luke's pedo propagandist poser ass and 'rebel' is NOT Percy,Percy is a PUNK,i.e,a minority who was radicalized by their experiences growing up in a system that hates them for being one and takes direct action and does activism and always stays noncomforming instead of selling out
So y'all deny his off the charts swag like it's gonna effect you negatively to appreciate him for it,mock his special interests(blue,the sea and pg media)because they're not trains or neo-liberalism filled fantasy books or whatever the fuck and don't let him have the canon ones you'd obsses over in an allistic character(alt music and childcare)and straight up call him mentally a little kid as mockery with Annabeth as his mommy gf and Jason as whatever the male equivalent is i ain't googling that shit and you can just drop that r slur you're holding back because that would somehow be LESS ableist and you won't even let him hate authority figures despite your 'the only authority he respects is his mom XD' corn as if any of you actually care about Sally,you ship her with fucking POSEIDON over Paul,because yeah,Luke WAS authority as the Titans Army leader and The Gods are literally the highest authority you can get in general,not just within Pjo,Percy dosen't need to look for older men to 'satisfy him'(this is a CHILDREN'S BOOKS SERIES,go APOLOGIZE TO YOUR YOUNGER SIBLINGS)because he has 1.a backbone,2.rizz and 3.a life,the him being upset Nico for not being 'his type' and hassling him over it is literally sexual harrassment by an adult towards a minor and Hazel's more of a part of him AND her own character than any minor white character that TRANSCENDS THEIR SOURCE MATERIAL
Just say it:You want Percy to be a gag instead of rep and you're so set on it rather than having standards in mentally abled people you're ready to start harrassing other people on different ends of the spectrum for saying Percy is afrolatino-an ACTUAL afrolatino,not y'all's lightskin slightly big nose no lips with vague cultural roots you didn't research copout,or saying he's transfem-coded based off actual real life transfemininity,or even just that they hate Percabeth since book!Annabeth is a white pick me bully.'MY friends' insults and hitting eachother is our way of showing affection!!!Have you never had a friend before?!'I have a lot of years long friends and keep making more and one of them's now my trans girlfriend that's adhd and agrees Percabeth is super bad because Annabeth is too mean to Percy and that Percy's a tgirl and her and the rest of them shower me in praise and defend me when people treat me badly and the latter goes for my own little brother like i always did and still do him and i treat my friends the same way they do me and my girlfriend gets extra.Rip to your self-hating selfves but i'm different and so's Percy
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andreal831 · 6 months
the subtle racism portrayed by Julie Plec and TVDU (especially Klaroline fans) fans as well towards Michael Trevino (Tyler Lockwood) is something that will always irk my soul. Both the actor and the character were done SO BADLYYYYYY. I know that since Tyler is written as a white character, technically his writing wasn’t “racist”, but I have reason to believe that Julie may have written him the way she did due to her issues with Michael Trevino.
What do you think about Tyler Lockwood? I think he definitely is one of the characters with the most potential besides Bonnie, etc. Most of the POC in the show (actors/characters) had the most potential and were sidelined.
IN FACT, I can say the same about Enzo! Yeah, Enzo St John is a canonically white character, but Michael Malarkey is a mixed race man (Italian/Palestinian-Lebanese), and we know how Julie is towards POC.
Like I’m not trying to blame all the bad writing on racism and discrimination, but all the POC actors/characters have shitty storylines and a lot of them are racist.
Lucy, Sarah Salvatore (the black Salvatore), Enzo, Tyler, Marcel, Vincent, Bonnie, Qetsiyah, etc.
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Whenever I discuss race, I do want to preface it by saying, I am white so I am speaking from that point of view. If you disagree or have another perspective, I would love to hear it.
That being said, I don't even think we can call what happened on the set and in the show "subtle" racism. There was such overt racism throughout the show that it is hard to discuss the show in any way without discussing racism. Just because Julie Plec doesn't view her actions as blatantly racist, it doesn't mean they are not.
Just the fact that they had two actors who are ethically not white but were portrayed as white is telling. Both Michael Trevino and Michael Malarkey were made to appear white in the show when there really wasn't a necessity for it. Tyler being Mexican could have added to the history of the wolves or it could have even come from his mom's side, allowing them to cast a Latina woman. For Malarkey, his race isn't really discussed but it would have been so easy to show him making Bonnie a nice Lebanese meal when they were staying at the cabin (cause lord knows the zionists running the show wouldn't allow him to be Palestinian). I also personally just like Tyler and Enzo more than Damon. I would have been fine with killing Damon off earlier to allow more screen time for them.
A year or so ago, my friend began watching the show for the first time and by the time we got to The Originals, as soon as Sabine walked on screen, she said "Does she get killed this episode?" People of color, especially women of color, were treated as disposable by the network. To the point that Tyler and Enzo likely only survived as long as they did because they were "white" characters. But it is also still obvious how much worse they were treated than any other side characters. Tyler and Enzo are both killed in such nonsensical ways and then they have no justice or even mourning. Tyler was a lifelong friend of the Mystic Falls gang and yet Damon isn't even sternly lectured for killing him for zero reason. Tyler had escaped the supernatural world. What was the point of dragging him back on the show just to kill him and have Damon suffer no consequences. He was Caroline's first epic love and she just forgives Damon for it? And what was the point of Enzo's death? Just to make Bonnie suffer more? Just to make her attend the wedding of his murderer? I know Stefan had his humanity off, but that doesn't change the fact that Enzo was dead and Bonnie was still grieving.
Moving on to how the fandom treats them. There is honestly so much hate in this fandom sometimes, and you're right, there is definitely a racial element to it. The way Tyler is treated by the fandom is so telling. I don't know if a lot of the fandom even knows Michael Trevino's ethnicity, but he is clearly seen as "other" or "less than" by the fandom. We also have to acknowledge how his "angry outbursts" are seen as unacceptable but when Klaus does it, it is because he is just so "passionate." The scene where Caroline keeps pushing Tyler to forgive her for sleeping with his mother's killer comes to mind. He snaps but he makes no move to touch her, and this is after repeatedly telling her to leave and her pushing his boundaries. I have seen the fandom call him "disgusting" and an "abuser" because of this, celebrating the fact that Stefan punches him. Stefan uses physical violence against Tyler's words, yet Tyler is the abuser? Then we have, Klaus, who runs her through with a coat hanger and bites her because she said something slightly rude to him and he is praised for "saving her life." It's hard to believe there isn't a racial element here. I often say Klaus gets pretty privilege, but why isn't that awarded to Tyler? Because we can't deny that Michael Trevino is attractive (I'd say more attractive than Joseph Morgan but y'all will come for me).
There was so much left of Tyler's story. The fact that they even had the Lockwoods as the protectors of Inadu's bones in TO would have been a perfect way to bring him back. Can you imagine Hayley or Klaus having to go beg him for help? It would have been such an amazing moment. But no, instead they bring Matt Davis onto the show to make sure he could infect every single spinoff.
You mention all of these characters and that's just in TVD. TO was no better. One of my mutuals recently got into a Twitter 'discussion' with one of the writers and the writer attempted to claim that the Mikaelsons were white supremacists and that was the point of TO, to show it was bad. Yet, when did they do that? How did they show being a white supremacist is bad? The Mikaelsons were at the top of the food chain the entire time. Yes, they constantly had people coming for them, yet they always won and the writing was always done in a way to make the audience root for them to win. How many POC characters were sacrificed in order to prop up the main characters throughout the shows?
Whenever we talk about racism in the show, we have to talk about Bonnie. Bonnie was constantly having to sacrifice her own wants and happiness in order for her white friends, and even enemies, to get what they want. Often when she set a boundary, the fandom villainized her. According to the writing and the fandom, her entire purpose was to serve the white characters. That is blatant racism.
But it's not just Bonnie. It's her entire ancestry. The fandom seems to believe Emily is Katherine's friend in the flashbacks, but she is clearly either being enslaved or at least some type of servant to Katherine. We can go all the way back to Ayana who Esther stole her spell to create the vampires. Or to Qetsiyah who was cheated on and used in order to aid the white doppelgangers. These things separately may not raise any flags, but the fact that we see it happen repeatedly throughout the show tells us it's more than just a coincidence.
Let's not forget Damon was not a confederate solider in the books. Julie added that. And yes I know he deserted but he says it is basically because he was missing Katherine, not because he morally opposed what he was fighting for. They added the founding families and yet didn't make the Bennetts apart of it even though they had been there longer than anyone. They were actively celebrating slave owners. Tyler's mom makes a passing comment of why they have the chains in the cellars and everyone just moves on. They chose to have the Mikaelsons live on a plantation in New Orleans. They chose to hire a very white cast and make it even whiter by white washing and killing off POCs.
Sure TVD is set in Virginia, but Virginia is only 65% white. So why was the cast 99% white? Then they create a whole show in New Orleans where 59% of the population is black, yet we still have a majority white cast? And when they introduce POCs it is usually to serve the white cast. Both Vincent and Eva were brought on so there bodies could literally be used by the white characters. Eva and Vincent's trauma were completely neglected and Eva was even killed off to allow Rebekah to use her body as she pleased whenever Claire Holt wasn't available to be on set. I've already discussed the difference in how Aurora is treated versus Celeste by the show and the fandom. You can read that here. Marcel is constantly belittled and sidelined, even after he is upgraded. There are so many witches of color in New Orleans, yet Davina is the most powerful? Why couldn't she have been played by a POC?
The show repeatedly dehumanizes people of color, especially the women. It's not a coincidence. It is pure racism. And because the show does it, the fandom does it. I am not taking responsibility away from the fandom. Each individual person should know better. But media is supposed to influence society. If we grow up with media that glorifies and celebrates different races, cultures, ethnicities, the fandom will begin to as well. Julie had no desire to do that. All she cared about was ratings and her own racist viewpoint of the world. She could have done more research, or hell, even just listened to her cast, but she chose not to. The writing of the show suffered because of it, but even worse the actors and even fans suffer because of it.
There are so many great creators in this fandom who are POCs and I highly suggest following them. They are able to give better insight in the discussion of racism in the show. But please keep in mind, they do not owe you their time or energy. It is up to each of us to do our own research and learn.
Thank you for the ask! I hope I answered it. Sorry it was so long.
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justhere4kpop · 11 months
Werewolf Yunho
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Pair: Jeong Yunho x Reader
Genre: Headcannons, Fluff, Smut, Werewolf!
W/C: 1021
a/n: Hi! I had planned a whole thing for October....and then had a breakdown....like a bad one. So I've been writing this for a while. I hope you guys like it, feel free to reblog it with feedback, comment on it, and reblog in general. Or don't I can't stop ya. MINORS DNI.
You met at a 7/11 getting ice cream late at night
He thought you smelled like fresh laundry and pine. His two favorite scents
You thought you could see his tail wag when you pulled out a spiderman phone case
You both reach for the same flavor, you’re mostly just checking it out in search of a new one to try.
He asks for your number and pays for your ice cream because his mom always taught him to be a good boy. She actually said gentleman but….
Your first date is to the Han River because he read somewhere it was a good place to go for first dates
He bumps hands with you a few times and he can hear your heart rate increase so he ends up holding onto it, probably lacing your fingers together too.
You get ramen and sit out by the river under the fairy lights.
You share a bowl hoping to be romantic
His spice tolerance is crazy high
You end up in tears from how spicy it is
You’re also a little crazy and end up loving the pain so you’re laughing and crying
He’s concerned until you smile, your lips are probably red and maybe swollen.
He thinks you look best with a smile
Wolf by EXO
He loves howling, he’s scary good at it you think
Does he know how to tell you he’s a werewolf? No
Does part of you expect it? Yeah…look at him…he’s an absolute dog.
He gets nervous since he likes you.
Hands sweaty
Voice crack
He might faint since he probably didn’t eat since he was rehearsing what to say to you
When he wakes up and you’re over him worried….. he’ll be bright red ears first then his whole face
Of course, you wouldn’t be sure what dating a werewolf is like.
What can’t he hear?
Does he smell if you’re nervous?
How many of your inner thoughts can he hear?
Can he throw you around? Mmmhmm
You do research to make sure if you have him over nothing can hurt him. 
Look up sigils
Maybe get into a little Magick…
Yunho falls fast. Maybe it’s his nature but he can’t help but fall for you instantly.
He’s scared to see you during full moons, usually, he can’t because of clan matters.
He usually comes back to your place when he’s stressed, he likes being surrounded by you.
He comes back and smells another dog. Immediately on guard.
Oh it’s an actual dog
One Golden Boi meets another
Nuri (dog) is on guard at all times.
Yunho and him have a standoff the first few times they meet. 
Nuri doesn’t understand this man who smells like a dog
Yunho doesn’t like the way he’s looking at him
“Okay you two enough with the standoff.” you say exasperated by the pair
“He started it.” Yunho says
“No, I didn’t!” Yunho defends to the dog
Yes he can “speak dog”
Are they best friends the second Yunho takes Nuri on a run? Yeah.
Nuri gets a long run with “Dad” in the morning and an evening walk with “Mom and Dad” at night.
Yunho became Dad quickly.
Especially if you can’t work from home so he needs to be good while you’re gone.
“Yunho you don’t have to also tug the toy in your mouth.”
“Nuri says this is how you do it.”
Buy. New. Dog Toys.
Yunho wants to introduce you to the pack, especially since he sees forever with you.
He has to petition them and get at least a majority vote to bring you into their circle.
If the pack approves then he can ask you to move in, and you can be with him, he won’t be worried about you walking at night or anything.
If the pack approves he can also pursue you as his lifelong partner. Silly wolf traditions.
Your first clan meeting is nerve-wracking
No Shoes Allowed, you must be one with nature.
You stay with the other partners and some of the new mothers while the boys go out hunting.
“Promise you’ll be safe?” you ask and put your forehead to his, a ritual you had seen in a wolf documentary. Research.
“I promise.” he smiles and kisses your forehead and you hand him a little charm you made
Good luck charm…made from nature.
Picked out all the herbs that would keep him safe.
He puts it around his neck.
After the first meeting they had decided they liked you, but they had to play the part so they didn’t tell Yunho until after the fourth meeting that they accepted you.
This man wouldn’t be able to keep his hands paws off you
Sure you’ve hooked up and slept together but this is different
This is his claim on you.
You’re his and He’s yours
He was yours the second you reached for the same ice cream
His mark on you was that spot between your neck and shoulder, he always put his nose there before you let him mark you.
He won’t keep his hands off you for at least a week.
You’re not leaving the bedroom for at least 3 days.
If he’s coming up on a full moon… POSSESSIVE YUYU
He’s growled at Nuri before for distracting you. (no Yuyu he needs to go outside.)
Usually, he’s soft and sweet with you, not if he’s in a rut. 
Hope you like it rough your hips are gonna be sore as hell
Prepare to not walk the next day
Anniversary?= Camping in the woods so he can fuck you outside close to nature.
Probably breeding kink
His hands are so big and strong
When he’s soft, he won’t stop kissing you, telling you he loves you
“I’d kiss you after you ate garlic.”
“Good because I just ate some kimchijeon from the fridge.”
“No wonder you smell like home.”
Big Soft Boi
Tail Wag 
He’s in Love.
“Don’t ever leave.” he says tracing your hips.
“Wasn’t planning on it big guy.” you chuckle and throw your legs over him again.
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 5 months
My happiness
Over the years, shichiro has seen many happy couples get married. A lot of his peers finding their lifelong partners. Sometimes, he wonders if he'll ever have happiness like that.
♧Deep down, I won't say it out loud, there's a part of me I cover up with. "I don't cares." But my friends I introduced in college, they're walking down the aisle.♧
He can't help but feel a little envious. Watching such joy pass him by. But he's also terrified. What if he never finds this?
♧While I'm just standing there and I'm scared. That I'll be in the wedding, but never have my own. Yeah I could be the best man, but still end up alone.♧
What if nobody loved him? What if he would be alone forever? Just known as the creepy demon who mumbles to himself and constantly touches others.
♧And I've convinced myself that I'll never fall in love, but I hope someday, somebody makes me say. I was wrong!♧
He'll just stick to his books. Keeping to himself. He's too scary for anyone. Too large, too intimidating. Not to mention self-conscious of his scared face.
Who could ever be comfortable with a demon like him? He'll just focus on his work and studies. Romance just isn't in the cards.
♧Wrong to think I'd never find someone. Who looks at me and knows that I'm the one. Get a house, start a family, get a dog and get married. Whatever we want. Cause I was wrong!♧
Sometimes, he daydreamed of what it would be like. To wake up besides someone in the morning. To eat together and fall asleep against each other.
♧Mom stopped asking me if I was ever gonna bring somebody home or if she'll ever have a grandkid.♧
It was no doubt he constantly worried his mother. Shichiro didn't make raising him easy. Not with his irregular strength or his habit of bringing random creatures home.
She had ended up crying from joy when she met Opera-sempai and Kalego-kun. Just happy he had companions at school. After being alone for so long...
♧But I'm use to giving her the excuse, "That I'm so much better on my own." But what she doesn't understand is, I've convinced myself that my issues are too much, but I hope someday, somebody makes me say. I was wrong!♧
That was until he met you. You who seemed to accept him as he was. You someone who looked past any of his flaws.
You who enjoyed his excessive petting or his constant questions. His height not intimidating you at all. You were like a blessing.
Always welcoming him with warm smiles and open arms. The doting looks and loving words. Somehow, he was lucky enough to find such a creature.
Someone who understood his commitment to the school and its students. Who enjoyed speaking with his colleagues. A partner that he adored entirely.
♧Wrong to think I'd never find someone who looks at me and knows that I'm the one. Get a house, start a family, get a dog, and get married. Whatever we want. Cause I was wrong!♧
It was strange. Standing nervously under an arch and waiting for you. But... when he saw you walking towards him on the arm of a balling Sullivan, he felt the air leave his lungs.
Kalego played the piano in time to your steps. Opera stood beside him as a demon of honor for you both. The staff and students all in attendance.
The jigokuchō, (hell butterflies) flutter around the room. His mother is in tears as his father holds her close. Yet... none of that matters.
♧Cause I was wrong!♧
All that mattered was you. So pretty. Dazzling in white. The flowers woven in your hair. That bright grin. Pure joy radiating off of you.
Only a few feet away now. Suddenly, you let go of Sullivan and throw yourself at Shichiro. He catches you. Holding you close. Petals in his hair, his eyes shining.
♧Wrong to think I'd never find someone who looks at me and knows that I'm the one!♧
The whole ceremony is a blur really. All he can focus on is the perfect creature in his arms. Looking deeply into your eyes. And his heart races.
When you say, "With all my heart." Instead of "I do." He knows it's true. And when it's his turn he almost misses it because he's so overwhelmed with emotions.
"More than anything." He strokes your cheek. You beam, a smile brighter than the diamonds Sullivan has decorated you in. You gently slide off his mask, pulling him down to your height.
♧Got the house, got married, grew old and became happy. We did what we want.♧
The kiss felt like a lifetime. Pouring all his emotions into it as he held you closer. Your fingers tugging on his long hair.
It was almost as if you couldn't stop kissing him. The whole day was spent with blissful pecks and smiles. Shichiro had never been more happy to be wrong in his entire life.
He was worth loving. It had to be true since you said it to his entire family, and not a single one detected a lie. Thank whatever diety who sent you to him.
♧cause I was wrong.♧
Watching their families and friends drink and dance in celebration as he spins you carefully around the floor. The laughter and congratulations from others. He was on cloud nine.
♧Hope I'm wrong♧
He looks down at you. You lean up and kiss his marred face affectionately. What a perfect day for a wedding. It was a wonderful day to spend eternity with you.
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jerzwriter · 9 months
Falling for You
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Book: Open Heart (Book 3 Timeline) Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey) Rating: Teen Words: 1,100 Summary: Ice skating has always been a big part of Casey's life, and for the eight months they had been together, she kept saying how much she was looking forward to doing it with Tobias. He tried to put it off as long as he could, but the day of reckoning was upon him... and panic set in. Could a quick call to his best friend, Kerry, calm his nerves? Or is Tobias about to fall flat. A/N: First and foremost, thank you to @weetlebeetle for this adorable commission of my little lovebirds. This is so precious, and I just adore it! Those of you familiar with some of my older fics may remember Kerry, Tobias's lifelong friend. Information about her and other OCs in my Tobias x Casey HC can be found here. She was instrumental in helping him and Casey get together, and she thought her work was done. Well... maybe not. lol
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His fingers tapped against the coffee table, the dull thud echoing throughout his empty home. But it wasn't enough to release the nervous energy he was feeling, and before long, he was on his feet, pacing the length of the room.    
“Come on, come on! I know you’re off... answer!”
To the shock of many, Tobias Carrick had proven he could be a patient man, and it had paid off dearly, playing a big part in how he was happily coupled with the love of his life today. Casey. The mere thought of her usually brought a smile, but right now, it only amplified the fear coursing through his veins. He needed someone to help him through, and his best friend was the only one he trusted with the job. But his patience was wearing thin as he tried to reach her. About to disconnect the call, he finally heard her voice.
“T?” Kerry answered breathlessly. “What’s going on? You OK?”
“Thank God!” He exclaimed. “Where have you been?”
“At Brenda’s soccer game. I told you she was playing today.”
“Ah! That’s right,” he said, smacking his head. “I forgot; why don’t you get back to her.”
“Because after ten missed calls and as many texts saying ‘CALL ME,’ I assume you have something important going on. So, spill.”
Tobias fell back onto the couch with a sigh.  
“I have a big problem... I... I have a date tonight.”
“A date?” Kerry asked quizzically. “What’s so terrible about...” her face fell as she went silent, fearing the worst. “Tobias Charles Carrick... please tell me your date isn’t with someone other than Casey, because if it is, I swear to God I’m going to drive to Boston and kick your ass.”  
“What!” He gasped. “No! Don’t be ridiculous! Of course my date’s with Casey.”
“Good!” she said with relief. “But then what’s the drama? You have a date with your girlfriend, so?”
“Yeah, well... it’s an ice skating date.”
The line went silent again, then Kerry burst into a full belly laugh... not exactly the support or sympathy Tobias was seeking.
“That’s nice! Laugh it up! You won’t be laughing when I make a total ass out of myself, and she dumps me. I’m not stupid. I know you like her better than me.”
“Well, that goes without saying,” Kerry teased while wiping a tear from her eye. “She’s far more likable than you. But what the hell possessed you to go on a skating date?”
He ran his hand down his face with another weary sigh. “Obviously, it wasn’t my idea. But Casey loves skating, and she’s good, really good. Like almost did it competitively when she was younger, good. And I’m....”
“Far more suited for a basketball court. Not gonna lie, T, you suck at ice skating.”
“Thank you.”
“What? I’m just stating facts. The time we went skating on Mr. Belmont’s pond remains one of my most horrifying childhood memories. I thought for sure we were going to lose you that day; little did I know you’d end up sending your brother to the emergency room instead.”
“Hey! In my defense, if that idiot hadn’t been trying to make me fall, he wouldn’t have ended up with my skate blade in his thigh.”
“Jordan can’t help being obnoxious," Kerry laughed. "It’s a Carrick family trait.”
“All well and good, but the last thing I want to do is impale Casey tonight."
"Really?" Kerry chided. "And here I thought that was usually your goal?"
"Very funny, Ker. I'm being serious here! I don’t want her realizing the error of her ways and kicking me to the curb.”
“For the love of God, Tobias... do you hear yourself? Do you think you may be exaggerating just a little? It’s ice skating. Take a deep breath, and just go and have fun.”
“But what if I fall on my face?”
“So what if you do? That’s part of what makes it fun. Just relax and enjoy the time together. Knowing Casey, she’d probably find you falling all over the ice endearing.”
“You think so?”
“YES! As hard as it is to believe, she loves you for you... not your ability to qualify for the 2026 Winter Olympics.”
“You’re right,” he surrendered, his heart feeling lighter.
“I usually am. Now, just go and have fun. Let me know how it went later.”
Buoyed by Kerry’s words, Tobias set off for his date, and just hours later, they sat at the side of a beautiful rink just outside of Boston. Casey grinned from ear to ear as she laced up her skates, oblivious to her boyfriend’s inner turmoil.
“I’m so excited,” she beamed. “I’ve been waiting to do this with you since we started dating! I love sharing the things I love with you."
“Yeah,” he chuckled nervously. “I do, too.”   He pulled the laces tightly around his ankle, hoping against hope that a skate malfunction would spare him, but when he realized that wasn’t to be, he took her hand to confess. “Case... I’ve gotta tell you something.”
“Sure,” she smiled. “What’s up?”
“I... I kind of suck at this. I haven’t gone skating since I was twelve years old, and that time, I sent Jordan to the ER.”
Casey’s eyes widened, "You did?" she asked, her melodious laugh filled the air. She placed her gloved hands on his frigid cheeks and pulled him in for a tender kiss.
“Tobias, skating skills really aren’t high up on my list of traits I find desirable in my partner. Let’s just go and have fun, baby. That’s all I want to do.”
They took to the ice hand-in-hand, and while Tobias stumbled and fell throughout the afternoon, he wasn’t embarrassed. Instead, they laughed, teased, and shared a whole lot of kisses. He felt foolish for worrying so much, and the date served as a reminder that the best memories are those made when we let go of fears and enjoy time with the ones we love.
Hours later, they were toasty warm in his car as they headed back to Boston. Smiling as she recalled the day, Casey rested her head on his shoulder.
“That wasn’t so bad after all, was it?” she smiled.
“No, it wasn’t.”
“Still, I don’t think it’s something you’ll want to do too often,” she grinned.
“But you love skating,” he replied. “And if you love it, then I’ll love going with you.”
“You don’t have to,” she assured. “There are plenty of other things I love doing with you. I got you on skates once; that's all that matters.”
As she said that, a little lightbulb went off Tobias’s head, and a tiny grin came to his lips. “Yeah.  At least we got to do it once.”
A/N 2: Tobias recalls that he knows someone else who skates really well... and right now, his wheels are spinning. More to come! :)
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @choicesholidays (solely because it's winter-themed! :)
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