#like yes someone will probably set me on fire at some point but i have a better idea of how to deal with that
fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
The way I had to TA a class full of STEM bros on international women’s day 😭
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doctor who but i've never watched it
and so it begins again. the people asked for it. the people got it. i will ensure the people regret it.
i have never watched this show, or seen an edit, but i am a thorough researcher and i feel that i've got the essence of it.
this is what i have gathered. academicians worldwide take note.
Firstly, so I don't anger anyone, I accept and acknowledge that the tardis is blue and not yellow. My misinformation was from a Drarry fanfiction, and I had hitherto regarded Drarry fanfiction as the absolute truth.
There are doctors, and there are at least fifteen of them. At least two of them are David Tennant, which I can respect.
I'm not sure why the doctors are doctors, because I can find no trace of any medical procedure except for one doctor who licks things, which he learned from the previous doctor. If this is sufficient reason, I apologise for doubting their credentials.
On the other hand, if they are doctors thanks to a postdoctoral degree, this is also fine, though I have never seen anyone study anything. There is however a doctor, and there were people upset about her, but the fandom pointed out she set the tardis on fire, which is apparently a very doctor thing to do. Setting things on fire is absolutely something any research scholar would love, so again, apologies for doubting their credentials.
At least one doctor is gay. It is probably one of the David doctors, which checks out. He says someone, I think a dentist, is hot. I envy the maybe-dentist.
A t least one doctor is trans. I was unable to find them. But they exist. Oh yes, the fandom assures me they exist.
David Tennant as well as Ncuti Gatwa were fanboys, first of the show, and second of David Tennant, and thus they got into acting. Just a fun tidbit from me, since I am now the authority on this fandom.
There are time machines with which the doctors have sex by piloting them, which is questionable because the time machines are only partially sentient. I am not sure if the time machines are the tardis. But the tardis is blue, and not yellow, of that I am certain.
There was a stage play. Or maybe that was a metaphor for the production budget of the early seasons. I am not sure, but toddler David Tennant watched it. I assume no one took a 3 year old to a stage play, so through scientific deduction, it must have been a metaphor.
At some point, Death is an agony aunt and they have to spill secrets to it, or drown in a lake of human skulls. Who is this they? It's so obvious that the fandom sees no need to explain it, and neither do I. I do know it though. Of that you may remain certain.
A David doctor has a niece and she likes being his niece.
A David doctor has a best friend named Donna. He kisses her head. She supports his fruitiness. It is wholesome. It killed him when he lost her.
Slight tangent, but younger David doctor looks like Andrew Garfield. Current David in photos does give Ben Barnes energy. Any Wolfstar shippers, I believe you've found the Wolfstar kid. It is David Tennant.
A lot of people are David Tennant. A reliable Pinterest post on Doctor Who, clearly well researched, gave me the statistic that 15% of Doctor Who is David Tennant. From the amount of David Tennant that I ran across in my research, I don't understand it but I don't doubt it, either.
Speaking of Andrew Garfield, he in involved in this somehow. I am not sure how, but you cannot escape Andrew Garfield. He is even a part of fandoms he never acted in.
There is an individual named Catherine, I think she is the actress, but she could be a character. She seems to have much less knowledge about Doctor Who lore than I do. David Tennant finds it funny. Maybe he would find me funny, too.
The doctors installed some things in the tardis, from a wheelchair ramp to a jukebox. I don't know why a jukebox was needed. If I'm honest I don't know what a jukebox is. I don't know what the tardis is. But it is blue, and not yellow.
There is a French catchphrase.
Something happens in Wales. I don't know what it is, but something always seems to be happening in Wales in these fandoms, so I don't doubt it.
There is an old Doctor Who in a wheelchair, and he is happy to see a David doctor.
They go around in space, and do things. Who is this they? You and I both know the answer, so we needn't talk about it.
The show intro is "doo wee doo".
There is an alien who is not a mouse, the alien is The Meep, and uses the definite article as pronouns. David doctor is supportive of this, which is very good.
I found baby Yoda in the show, but apparently they call it a 'goblin' there, and someone doesn't like it.
There is a lot to do with time. There is a time hole, and things happen, and people die and are resurrected. There is danger, but it is fun.
They have CGI, and it is not good, which is the best thing about it. Who is they? Please stop asking me. It is rather obvious and something I definitely know.
Someone's boyfriend dies and the boyfriend is then resurrected but then gets lost with his boyfriend but then is reincarnated as a girl who would still call herself the someone's boyfriend but then she is replaced by the boyfriend but he's different now. I apologise for any errors that have crept it, but the tardis is blue and not yellow.
Someone named Martha is a doctor, and someone is very proud of her for it.
The eleventh and twelfth doctors like bow ties.
David Tennant wants to be ginger. David Tennant always gets what he wants. Who can refuse David Tennant? David Tennant is then ginger.
A David doctor gets a happy ending.
Someone yelled at Neil Gaiman about this. It was a mistake. He said that since it had already been done, he wouldn't want to give David's character a happy ending in S3, that would be a trifle unoriginal.
A lesson to be learned, Good Omens fandom, just a bit of advice from your son, do not yell at Neil Gaiman, it does not go well. Rumour has it he murdered the people who complained about him always wearing black. Of course, there is the fact that he doesn't exist, but that doesn't seem to have stopped him.
The doctors manifest in the previous doctor's clothes, which is apparently so last season. The tardis also manifests. I don't know where, or how. But it is blue, and not yellow.
I know, there was a lot of lore, so many of you thought I wouldn't be able to gather it all. But look how much research I did! I've got it better than maybe-actress-maybe-character Catherine, I'm sure :"]
Anyway, all the major plot points are covered above, so anyone who hasn't watched Doctor Who, feel free to refer to this and impress your Whovian friends with your knowledge! [not to be judgemental, but what a dreadfully Dr Seuss name, I rather like it]
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mobblespsycho100 · 2 months
which one’s toshiro and whys he autistic?
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[ID: full body colored illustration of toshiro from the dungeon meshi manga. /End ID]
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[ID: anonymous tumblr ask: "would def love to hear ur autistic shuro thoughts". /End ID]
awesome. rant under the cut because it will be long
So before we understand why Toshiro is the way he is we must first understand two things abt him:
1. his household situation is a very traditional clan of warriors type situation. his father is very strict and he left his homeland to go to the Island and explore the dungeon to train and become a warrior to be someone suited as the family head
2. Eastern and Western cultures of respect/propriety are different, and Ryoko Kui highlights it well even in her fantasy world.
With that in mind, heres some bullet point rapid fire thoughts that consume my current state of dunmeshi brain:
Toshiro has an avoidant personality. He fears upsetting others due to his upbringing, and rarely tells others how he feels not because he thinks they would simply understand him but because he doesn't want to seem rude and imposing / cause offense to others especially since he's not in his own homeland / hes a foreigner that should respect the land's customs, not his own wishes.
Setting boundaries is hard for everyone, but especially autistic (and some other ND, like those with Avoidant Personality Disorder) people. Those with ASD, at least in my experience, don't want to be isolated from others. So they mask.
They mask what? their desires. their true selves. their opinions. their discomfort. all for the sake of pleasing others (who are often neurotypical)
With that in mind, suddenly, what Maizuru said abt him as a child makes sense. Due to his strict upbringing, Toshiro had to more or less hide his preferences and force himself to adapt to the rigid constraints of his culture and the pressure to be the next family head, this responsibility is his burden to bear and he cannot be someone who expresses his selfish desires instead of focusing on being a strong warrior and leader
"Why did he say he hate Laios and that it should've been obvious that he disliked/found Laios' treatment of him uncomfortable??" BECAUSE IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS. I'm not going to write off Laios' autism/autistic coding, but its baffling (note: definitely racism and bias for white autistic ppl) to me that a lot of ppl don't see Toshiro's perspective and straight up ignores it. This is a lack of wanting to be rude by speaking up that is based on culture difference on Toshiro's part, and straight up ignorant of his microagressions/racism and lack of self awareness on Laios' end. They were both right, they were both wrong too. This is a complicated conflict that cannot be boiled down to simple ableist/the NT vs ND divide. There's something called . intersectionality. Which brings me to the next point
Toshiro never actually hated Laios. He found him uncomfortable, yes. But he didn't /hate/ him, he was speaking out because he's had enough!!! he's done tolerating Laios' racist bullshit, and he's done following the arbitrary Eastern rules of respecting others and not being rude!!! He. Wants. Laios. To Understand. What. He. Was. Feeling. Because he just had enough!!!!! alright!!! he's at his limit hes at his breaking point, the one he loves is now probably beyond saving, and this is a good time as any to break the news to Laios that he thinks that Laios is impulsive and doesn't fully understand how his actions have consequences!!! Hes right abt this. His feelings on this is valid, just as valid as Laios'
General autistic traits I find from Toshiro: his admiration of Falin's indifference towards insects ("woah shes so brave and gentle!! just like me, fr!!!"), His lack of regard for his own needs and wants (needing to sleep and eat and drink) because he was super focused on saving Falin, His lack of like drastic expression changes, his discomfort with physical touch when it's initiated without consent (see: Laios hugging ppl extra bonus art by Ryoko Kui), his manner of like speaking short and concise, people pleasing tendencies, his like quick way of combat, rule upholder/routine following enjoyer, he seems distant from others even those he consider family not cuz of like any terrible reason but hes just. someone who enjoys his own time alone like. yeah
aannnnndd. thats abt it? i think.
Big part of this is definitely me relating to Shiro as an Asian (specifically chinese indonesian) person who is probably Autistic lmao. I hope this brings more insight on why Toshiro is actually one of the silliest and epiccest dunmeshi characters ever I love him
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
Forced proximity
Prompt: forced to take shelter together from various environmental hazards, how will they handle being so close to you?
Characters: Shenhe, Diluc, Chevreuse, Dehya, Kaeya, Zhongli
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“My musket is waterproof, so we won’t be stopped with the rain.” She said as you ran with her to find shelter. You two had been trying to set up a trap for local criminals using you, a newbie as bait with her in the shadows. Normally you would be against this but you had actually used this before and you didn’t end up with even a scratch from it. As long as Chevreuse was the one you were working with, it was fine.
“I’m more worried about the hypothermia personally.” You complained. Your dainty dress was by no means waterproof. Infact it acted like a sponge, you would be warmer snuggling with cryo slimes than in this getup.
“Over there! There’s a ship wreck, that could offer some shelter if we’re lucky.” She said. The shipwreck seemed recent, probably from the flood of fontaine which displaced many. It seemed this one was relatively in good condition, rust only starting to form on its metal exterior. You ran in with her as you two quickly sought to remove your wet exterior clothes. “We’ll have to remove your dress, sorry if that’s uncomfortable but its just too drenched.” You were a bit surprised but understood.
“Yes I know, just give me sometime.” You said. It wasn’t easy but you knew it had to be done. What made it more difficult was how it clung to you. Hiding behind a broken wall, you undressed to your underwear. You looked to see if she was watching but she had her back turned, trying to get a fire started. You began to squeeze the water out, trying to not get it on you in the process. Next time you should ask for a jacket when she approaches you with the disguise.
“Are you done yet.”
“Almost.. there’s alot of water in this.” You groaned. You noticed she had successfully started a fire. Making sure to isolate it from any flammable objects. You were so cold at that point you just draped your wet dress over your self and sat a bit away from her.
“that bad huh. I’ll just keep my eyes elsewhere then.” She said. “I didn’t think it’d rain today, especially considering how warm it was a second ago.”
“That dastardly hydro dragon. Someone should give them emotional support animal at this rate.” you cursed under your breath.
“It’s probably that one ongoing trial with the serial killer. He’s go a bastard of a lawyer who’s really good at loopholes. Supposedly the final trial is today.”
“They’re not letting that pyscho back out surely?!” You jolted.
“Relax, all it takes is one slip up and he’s got no defense then. Besides, Neuvillette will definitely not let him go if he still considers him guilty.”
“You’re right but considering I fit the bill for his primary victims i can’t exactly sleep soundly until his head is off or he’s imprisoned! I wish Furina was still in the courts, she would’ve never let that man get this far.”
“I’m sure she has her own reasons, but considering how much help you’ve been I’m not going to let you go unguarded. I’ll schedule patrols by your district more and by your areas.”
“You would do that for me? I’m impressed. I didn’t know I did such a good job at being a damsel for hire.” You snickered.
“I mean it. Oh and by the way, your clothes look dry now.” She said. You almost forgot about that.
“Oh, give me a second.”you went back behind your wall to redress yourself, this time leaving the hoop skirt out of it.
“If you’re still cold we should huddle together. That way we can share body heat.” She said as you approached her once more. “My body is warmer than usual because of my vision after all”
“I’ll take you up on that offer then.” You smiled sitting much closer to her than she might’ve expected. “Do you mind a bit of cuddling?”
“With you? No.” She said, her arm wrapped around you almost on instinct. “You’re a bit more special than other people to me.”
“Do you tell that to every damsel you hire?” You tease.
“Oh god of course not! What do you think I am?” She cackled. “You make it sound like you’re some.. prostitute!”
“I am selling my body technically.” You added, jokingly, your head resting on her shoulders almost by instinct.
“Why did you take up that offer anyways? You have a good job, enough to live on the surface anyways.”
“Because I wanted to get stuck in the rain with you obviously! But in seriousness.. i uhh.. had a loan i had to pay and i spent a good majority on my paycheck already. So i needed fast cash and i saw the paper and i took it.” You explained.
“Huh, you sure you weren’t trying to hit on me? Because you were eyeing me during that little training session.” She adds.
“If that’s what you would like it be then yes I was hitting on you.” You said, your eyes trailed to her cheeks to catch a glimpse of her blushing face.
“Hm… I guess you were then.. lets get some rest.. the rain should let up by then.”
You couldn’t help feeling delightful that you finally broke her cold exterior. And with your body so close to hers, you truly felt victorious.
“There. Its not much but it should offer some shelter in the meantime.” He said pointing to a old caravan. The roof of it was intact. You two quickly hid under there. Quickly finding your bodies pressed against each other.
“S-sorry.. i can’t move over any more.” You said nervously. But In reality, you didn’t want to move from his warm body at all. It felt like laying on a warm patch of sunlight.
“Its fine. I’ve been told I’m warm enough already. Here.” He took off his jacket, wrapping it across you.
“Thank you… and thank you for saving me from those hilichurls earlier too.” Your heart was racing, it sounded like his was too.
“Its nothing. Those knights, they were supposed to clear the area for merchants.” He scowled.
“Well, it was my fault for making the delivery without a jacket. I should’ve taken Sara’s advice and gone the long way. Its a good thing I still have it.” You managed to pull out the food in question, it was just a simple chicken skewers.
“I suppose you won’t be able to deliver it now, there’s no harm in having it if you’re hungry.” He said. But you offered it to him.
“Have one, you must be hungry. I can’t imagine its easy wielding a claymore on a empty stomach.. besides, there’s already one for myself”
“Why did they order chicken skewers, its the most simple dish to make?” He said almost judge-mentally.
“Well its a special one, we used a marinade for the chicken, try it.” You again offered it to him. He took it. You watched his eyes light up. “Good right? It would be better if it was warm.”
“I’m sure could try it while stopping by.”
“That sounds nice… you’re really warm by the way..” you blurt out. He looks surprised.
“I hope so. Are you warm too?” He asked. You nod.
“We should wait out the storm. I’m sure it shouldn’t be too long.” He said, you realized his face has been red this whole time.
“Although.. My winery isn’t too far from here.. but you said your foot hurt right?”
“I did earlier yes. I might’ve sprained it.” You sigh. “It feels fine now.”
“Hmm… that’s no good. Lets wait until it lightens up then. I can’t risk you injuring yourself further now.”
“I-if you want you could go ahead. It might be better so you’re not stuck out here too.” You say. He seems upset at the idea.
“Absolutely not. You could freeze to death. Lets stay here where I can keep you safe.” His words stuck out to you. Is it possible that he meant that in a more romantic context? Are you just overthinking it?
“I-I’m getting rather tired though.. I almost just want to sleep..” you said. Your eyelids felt a bit heavy, he was just… so warm, his body pressed up against you.. his arms around you… you hoped you would feel this again.
“I’ll keep watch. Just rest a little bit.” He said. As you drifted off to sleep you noticed a light kiss on your head.
“Cute.” He mumbled to himself.
“Ugh! I’m so sick of the sand.” You and Dehya were taking shelter inside a cave, you were a professor at the Akademiya, you came out to the desert to study the giant ruin machines so you could do a lesson on them only to get caught in a sandstorm. Lucky for you, Dehya who you had hired, was well versed in the desert.
“Well that’s what you get. Lucky that you hired me, I’m certain you would have never found this cave.” She grinned proudly.
“I’m certain i’d be dead with that stupid wenut poking around. Ugh, what do those things even eat?!” You shook your clothes to get the sand out.
“Idk I’m not the scholar here so.” Dehya grinned.
“Hey my expertise is in machinery.. not oversized worms with no business of existing!” You fussed over your hair, to your shame, it hadn’t survived well. The hair tie you wore must’ve broken while you were busy trying to block the sand out of your eyes. “Ugh.. so much sand in my hair too… this is so unbecoming of me.”
“Unbecoming? You’re a scholar not a model.” Dehya said.
“Thanks.” You said sarcastically. “But I need to look professional and well put together. I’m not the prettiest sure but I should at least look like I am a scholar and not some rat drowing in sand!” You found your hair had also knotted together in what you horrifically realized was a huge mess. Not even your hairbrush could save you.. “oh god…” you winced as you got your hairbrush out, it felt painful to brush it out.
“Yikes.. let me help you there.” Dehya said. You turned to her.
“How is your hair fine!” You felt ashamed.
“I dunno, I wasn’t trying to fight the wind back there, but its really not that bad. Here just sit infront of me and I’ll help.”
“Well.. i guess you’re the expert on desert stuff.. do you encounter this problem alot?” You asked, obliging by her request.
“Oh definitely. Alot of eremite gals use praids or tie their hair up in some way. I could put yours in one if you like?”
“If any of it is salvageable that would be nice. You’re actually rather smart yourself.. you would do well in the ak-“
“Why? I’m not trying to insult your job, especially right now, but I really think you could do alot more in your life!”
“Then who would you hire for all your little adventures then?” She said.
“Well.. there’s dozens of eremites, i could find another. I just think you have potential that you can’t explore in this position.” You sighed.
“I know you mean well but honestly I like it. There’s no way I’d give up the thrill of adventure and fighting for studying some stupid class like.. calculus.” Her voice carried a confidence you envied. But you noticed her hands were quite skilled, you didn’t feel any pain as she brushed out your knots.
“I’ll give you that, math isn’t the most interesting. But even just like reading some books might do you good! I’m not asking you to become my student I just think maybe investing in a library card could be useful!” You felt at ease strangely. You had been a regular of Dehya’s. Mostly because she was the most trustworthy by review, and also she was a woman. You didn’t exactly want to travel alone with just a man you didn’t know. And also she was rather pretty to look at.
“That is actually a interesting suggestion. I might take you up on that sometime.” She smiled. “Say, how come you always pick me? I heard from the other Eremites that you even canceled a whole trip you had planned because I wasn’t available.”
“W-well..” you blushed. “I just trust you the most. These conditions aren’t exactly easy for me and I’d rather traverse dangerous terrain with someone I trust and someone I know. Besides it gives me the opportunity to not rely on my colleagues’ decisions. I’m not as social as you might think.”
“You sure that’s it? You’re willing to sacrifice papers and lessons just because you don’t trust the other eremites? You know we didn’t start off besties here, what made you pick me in the first place? And it not like its just because I’m a girl, there’s plenty of female eremites out there well versed in combat like myself. I could recommend them to you.”
“I- just.. have a preference for you. Nothing wrong about that is there? Its more mora in your pocket so why should you care?” You pouted. She chuckled behind you.
“Easy now. I didn’t mean to sound like I was complaining. Its nice seeing how loyal you are to me.” You just feel her cocky smirk from behind. But your ego was quickly forgotten as she finished brushing out your knots, now starting to braid them. “If it does any good, you are my favorite customer. That and the traveler but its not like they hire me or anything. I’ve rather enjoyed our adventures. Maybe you should join the eremites~”
“Absolutely not! If i could handle it on my own then i would. Y-you do realize that- oh.. I see what you’re doing.” You sigh.
“See, its not fun when people question your career choices. Much less trying to push their own onto you. This is my dream job, I don’t need to take a class to perfect it.”
“Well to be honest I just would like to see you more that’s all.” You blurted out. Dehya realized you had been blushing this whole time. She seemed a bit surprised. “Those other scholars at the Akademiya are most old geezers with flies in their head reiterating the same sentiments with little flexibility. I much rather talk to you even if you don’t understand those concepts. I just… like to be around you that’s all.”
“Woah. That makes scholarly life alot less appealing you know?”
“I’m not trying to recruit you here! I just.. wanted a excuse to see you around more.” Silence fell between you two. You worried if you had been too open then, letting her know how you felt… “Y-you know there’s talk from Faruzan about opening a school or class in the desert. I think you could help with that.”
“That’s actually rather interesting. Whats her plan?”
“Oh just literacy. Its so they can read more complex topics. Oh and Kaveh was working on a library for the Aaru village too. I wanted to ask what books you think would appeal to the desert kids?” You added.
“Maybe if you have some textbooks that’d be easy or-“
“I mean like fiction. What did you want to learn about as a kid?” You said looking at her. You were a bit surprised to see such a fond look in her eyes. It made your heart thump ad your confidence wavered.
“Well.. I wanted to- hey.. the storms over.” Dehya said looking out at the entrance. You almost forgot about the storm.
“Oh.. maybe we should spend the night here just in case.” You said.
“You just want to keep talking don’t you.” Dehya smiled.
“Well yes. But also my feet are killing me still.”
“Its getting cold out, we need to seek shelter immediately.” Shenhe said. But it was only a light downpour. You felt a little whimsical.
“Oh its such a pretty sight. Rain in the snow.. oh I love it.” You quickly got out your camera to take a few photos. “There will be more icicles soon. Ooh it would make fo such a go- OH?” You quickly were picked up by Shenhe as she located a nearby hilichurl camp.
“Wait but what about- wait why is it empty.” You noted how old it looked. Dust collecting, various masks strewn about, broken. Shenhe set you down letting you looked around.
“I use this camp as my training grounds. Unfortunately they stopped trying to claim this area. But we should be aboe to take shelter in here.” She said. You were surprised by how nice it looked. Hay bedding, animal skins. You could easily make a bed with this. The roof did leak but it would do.
“I still think we could find somewhere better. The rain isn’t so ba-“ you were startled back into her arms as lightning struck not too far away. “Okay lets go inside..” you started to bunch up the hay together into a nest almost. Shenhe watched with curiosity.
“What is that for?” She asked.
“I’m making a bed. You can join if you would like. Its good to keep warm.” You said, bringing the animal skins to use as blankets. She joined you as you two cuddled in the makeshift bed.
“It is quite warm actually. You’ve done well.” Shenhe’s praise had you beaming with pride.
“Ah thank you… you don’t have to be so close you know?” You said.
“Do you want me to move away?” She seemed confused.
“Actually its fine. I don’t mind it.” You said.
“I’m getting rather tired.. you’re quite warm actually.” Shenhe pulled you in closer catching you off guard.
“O-oh. That’s good. I think we can take a rest. So long as No hilicurls come by.”
“They won’t. I laid out those masks to warn them not to come back. Its been months since any have returned.” She mumbled. “I should move them then. They make for good practice.”
“Lets not talk about murdering hilichurls right now please?” You asked.
“Right… so.. do you sleep outside often? You seem to know what to do.”
“No but I know that the barn cats use the hay in my family’s cellar for their bedding. I figured it must be comfortable.”
“You were right. This is quite nice.. I can imagine this bed would make many cat’s comfortable.” She said. You smiled at her imagination.
“Thank you.. I think… i may rest my eyes for a bit.. the sound of the rain outside is luring me to sleep, but im still nervous.”
“I’ll keep watch then. You get some rest.” She said. You smiled resting your head on her chest.
You were traveling with Zhongli, a funeral consultant on your way to Chenyu valley. But you two ran into a problem…
“I didn’t know it could rain like that here!” You felt spooked as you clung to the much taller male. “I just hope it doesn’t start to thunder ei-“ on cue lighting struck the bridge right infront of you.
“Lets find shelter then. Stay close to me. We don’t want to get separated here of all places.” His eyes scanning across the landscape. He spotted a cave and immediately pointed. “There. We should find some shelter there.”
You two quickly retreated into the cave, you silently thanked rex lapis that caves were abundant in this area.
“Lucky for us, there isn’t anyone else here.” He said as you two came in deeper. Finding it empty and relatively dry.
“I-its a shame we can’t make a fire. There isn’t any wood in here..” you lament. “I’m cold.”
“There seems to be a bit of a coal deposit here actually.” He said, poking at what just looked like a splot on the wall. “Here, I’ll retrieve it.” Using his Geo abilities he was able to crack some out of the wall. Putting it in s pile as you watched with fascination.
“You’re very well versed in rocks for a funeral director. Is it your geo vision or just your knowledge.” You asked.
“A mix of both, I’m quite well versed in the topic yes, but my vision does help.” He said. “Now we can use two rocks to make a spark.. we should be careful as coal leaves alot of smoke.” You took two stones and rubbed them against each other, looking to make a spark. It worked and a small flame started to grow.
“Excellent. We’ll stay here until the weather dies down.” You said, instinctively sitting next to him, leaning on him. He seemed a bit surprised. “O-oh sorry i didn’t mean to-“
“Oh it’s quite alright. It might help to cuddle for warmth. I hope you don’t mind.” He said politely.
“I-i don’t mind.” You said. His hand wrapped around you, not too tight but not to loose either. It felt rather nice like this. Your cheeks were tinted with red as he pressed himself against you.
“Are you comfortable right now?” He asked. You nodded. Maybe you should consider traveling with him a little more.
“You do know you’ll need more firewood than that.” Kaeya teased as you attempted to start a fire. You sighed.
“Then get some. Don’t just sit here and look pretty.” You grumbled as you rubbed the sticks together. He chuckled.
“Right right. And it was you who insisted they didn’t need a second jacket.” He smiled, you wore his cloak as he had offered it earlier.
“Well I didn’t expect us to stay the night here.”
“You should know a trip to dragonspine isn’t a one day venture. But with that out of the way, I’ll get some firewood.” He said leaving briefly. Just as he left you got the fire going. You smiled.
“See! I told you i could- oh right.” You said. Feeling his absence quickly. You huddled by the fire as you waited for him to come back.
It felt like he was gone forever when he finally came back. Arms full of firewood.
“Miss me?” He said as he noticed the frozen tears on your cheeks.
“No.. just come over here… you’re probably cold..” you said. Patting the ground besides you.
“Oh now you want to cuddle.” He smiled as he took your offer. Setting the firewood aside.
“You scared me you know..” you said.
“Well I just wanted to gather as much wood as possible. That way we can make it through the blizzard. These blizzards can last very long you know?” He snickered as you jolted.
“Don’t scare me like that!” You grumbled.
“I’m not trying to scare you. Just preparing you for the worst. Don’t worry, we have plenty of rations. And this fire is quite strong. You did a good job.” He smiled drawing his hand across your shoulder.
“Thanks..”you grumbled. You scooted closer to him as you felt a chill run down your spine. “I can’t wait to get out of here.”
“You’re cute when you’re grumpy like this. But you do realize we still haven’t made it halfway to Albedo’s office right?” He said. You stared at him with a look of defeat.
“Ugh! I’m never going to make it!” You whined.
“Oh you’ll live.” He chuckled. “I’m here afterall. I’ll drag you up that mountain if I have to.”
“Well… I guess its good I have you then. I’d probably be dead by now if I went by myself.”
“Oh please, Jean would never send a new night here alone. But your gratitude is appreciated.” He smiled.
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arjudy224 · 5 months
Three Times the Batfamily has been disgusted by your love life...
Dating is hard... but dating in Gotham... Oh Brother... Here are all the times the Batfamily has been involved in your love life.
1st time: Valentines Day
I've really gotta stop going for nerdy guys. This never ends the way I want it to.
"You know Eddie. You could have bought me dinner..." I call out to the rambling rogue behind me, "Scratch that... I can list off a hundred different date ideas.... That DO NOT INVOLVE THE BATMAN."
I can hear a swift crack followed by a muffled cry.
"I like flowers... I'm sure there was a way you could incorporate a riddle with those."
Footsteps draw nearer.
"I honestly don't even think you are trying. What does a child make, but never see? Come on dude... Work on on yourself. Restraints are fun, but this is ridiculous."
Suddenly, my restraints loosen. Stumbling to my feet, I swiftly turn around to see Batman's foreboding gaze. Eddie lies face down passed out 3 feet away.
"Are you alright?" Batman questions carefully noting my lacy heart pj's on top my push up bra. My diamond question mark necklace glitters in the darkness.
"Uh... yeah... Guess I should probably find an apartment where the Riddler doesn't live next door."
Batman sighs before patting me on the back. I am weirdly comforted by the paternal look in his eyes.
"That would be for the best."
2nd time:
Nightwing raises a pointed eyebrow before covering Robin’s eyes. Robin smacks his gloved hand away.
“Come on…. Y/N…” Nightwing trails off.
I interrupt him before this can get anymore humiliating. Being left to be eaten by a man sized Venus Flytrap after a date is not how I imagined my night to go.
“I do not need a life lesson; I have work tomorrow.”
Robin dutifully unties my restraints. He carefully looks anywhere else except my green lingerie.
Nightwing clears his throat. Rummaging through fallen leaves, he asks
“Do you know where she might have left your clothes?”
I shake my head before I start searching the drawers to the nightstand. My sweaty palms create some difficulty turning the knobs.
“You know…” Nightwing continues leaning against the wall, “If you ever wanted to go on a date with someone who wasn’t going to be sent to Arkham… I’ve got this brother.”
My heart starts pounding. This is not happening. Robin’s jaw drops in disbelief.
“Are you seriously trying to set up Red Hood right now?” He gasps incredulously.
Both vigilantes listen to something being said into their ear pieces.
“Well, Jaybird. She’s prettier than anyone you’ve been talking to lately.”
My mouth gasps silently like a fish. Robin finally looks me up and down. He nods before agreeing. This child did not just....
Trying to ignore the hot waves of embarrassment, I finally force words to come out.
“GET OUT! I’ll find them myself!”
3rd time:
“Okay… but this time was not my fault.” I explain raising my hands in surrender. “How was I supposed to know that Two Faces favorite song would be ‘22’? I have to make a living somehow!”
Batgirl tries to keep a straight face, but when she glances back at Red Robin… they both burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry….” She says trying to be professional, “This isn’t funny.”
“Uh huh…” I respond narrowing my eyes at them.
Realizing my mortification, their laughter slowly dies down. The teenage vigilantes grow as serious as possible.
“So, Two Face took you captive after you dedicated 22 by Taylor Swift to him?” Robin questions analyzing the crime boss’s de office.
“Yes, I work at the iceberg lounge as a singer.”
“Where you ever an associate of Harvey Dent before his accident?”
My face goes red. This is not how I wanted today to go. I hate adding fuel to their fire.
“Something like that. I made some mistakes early in college.”
Batgirl bites her quivering lip to avoid laughing again. She checks her clip board left by Gordon.
“We’ll make sure GCPD gets back your… 2 themed underwear that went missing?”
I fantasize about those birds that slam their head underground to avoid conflict.
“I just want my computer. He can… keep the rest. I’m sure he’d like wearing it more than me.” I awkwardly trail off wrapping the robe tighter around my body.
Red Robin nods before muttering something into his ear piece.
“Okay, we’ll be on the search for that. I’m sure Red Hood can drop it off when he raids the lair tonight."
I start laughing before taking a step back. Putting my hands up, I interrupt.
“I can pick it up at Gordon’s office tomorrow. There’s… no need for… any of that.”
The two teens share a glance.
“Are you sure?” Batgirl inquires with a knowing smile in my direction.
I raise an eyebrow.
“Leave me out of this. I do not need to end up dead in crime alley because you guys thought it would be a good idea to set me up with your brother.”
Laughter can be heard in their comms. I vaguely make out “She’s got a point” in Nightwing’s voice.
With a reluctant grin, Batgirl shrugs. Before the vigilante duo leave, Red Robin flashes me an ornery grin.
“See you later.”
I respectfully flip them both off. Laughter echoes down the hallway as they leave.
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athenaswrath · 5 months
Until I Found You - Chapter 2
Quinn Hughes x Reader
Word Count: 851
Chapter 1 >Chapter 2< Chapter 3 Chapter 4
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When you arrived at the lake house Quinn wasn't there yet, so they decided he was the one crashing on the couch since there were only three rooms and the rest of you were going to sleep in pairs, so it was Trevor and Jamie, Jack and Luke and you with Holtz
While they played football outside, you decided to take a shower to calm your nerves, knowing that I was going to be with them off work for months felt so different, plus Quinn is going to be here any minute, you've heard a lot about him and while Luke and Jack have said that he's so protective over them and he worries a lot they've said that he's quite grumpy, something Nico, Trevor and Cole have confirmed. So you wanted to make a good impression and hopefully your awkwardness was going to allow it just this one time...
"Fuck" you said after you knocked into someone making them spill their beer all over them. Fan-fucking-tastic, there goes your opportunity to get on the good side of the oldest Hughes. "I'm so incredibly sorry, really let me... I can wash your clothes, and grab another beer for you, I wasn't really looking..."
"It's okay, I was going to take a shower now anyways, is nice to meet you" and right after he said that he left and closed the door of the room you just left. To say you were panicking was an understandment the least thing you wanted to do was to make things awkward, he was probably going to complain about you to Jack and Luke, I mean you were the only girl and they were already going to hold some things back because of that...
you don't know how long you've been standing on the corridor when Holtzy grabbed your face "Belle you okay? did you see Huggy?"
"yes... yeah he's.. he said he was going to take a shower" I said pointing at the door while looking down at the wet floor, he followed my sight and I saw understandment flashing on his face "go help the boys downstairs before they set the house on fire I'll clean this... nope, I'll do it" he said before I could interrupt him
When I entered the kitchen the boys were emptying the fridge (Ellen so kindly stored beforehand) trying to find something to defrost. So I sent them to set the table while I prepared something, Jamie being his usual self (a sweetheart that is) came to help me, we've only met a couple of times and for a very short time but he was so easy to get along with. This was the first time he tagged along too, only cause him and Trevor missed each other with Jamie being on the Flyers now. Almost an hour later we took everything to the table where four giant whiny babies were waiting for the food.
We were starting to eat when I heard Quinn running downstairs "Too late, food's gone Huggy Bear" Jack said when he came into view, "This is y/n by the way be nice, I actually like her"
"Wow didn't know you were capable of liking other than yourself" Trevor told him but Jack answered "oh please as if you were any better, you can't even act as if you cared for others" and obviously Trevor's sassiness attacked "because I don't" Jamie, Holtzy and I just looked at each other and smiled.
"Since you won the cup you're less talkative, are you too much for us now Cap?" Trevor told the oldest Hughes while smirking, he knew what he was doing, Jack always tells me that Zegras' favorite pastime is getting on Quinn's nerves "I've always been too much for you Zegras but I'm glad you finally accept it".
They kept throwing snarky comments and while I was glad Quinn didn't mention anything about our encounter, I was still worried that he was upset, so while everyone was getting ready to go to bed, I went downstairs to find Quinn.
"Hey" I said softly "you should go upstairs and sleep there, I mean is your room after all. Holtzy is there but I'm sure Jack or Lu wouldn't mind switching" when he didn't answer I looked at him and he had a small frown while looking intensely at me.
You were caught off guard by the momentary awkwardness that seemed to radiate from him, not used to seeing a Hughes in any other way than the confident and playful boys.
"Thank you, but it's okay if you sleep there. And... I'm sorry, I... What happened earlier was my fault, so you don't have to blame yourself for it, it is nice to finally meet the girl which my brothers feel so close to" he gave me a small smile and headed upstairs where Luke was yelling for him.
With my heart beating slightly faster than usual (which was fast enough already) I slept that night besides a snuggling Holtz, feeling hopeful about having a good time with everyone and a non-uncomfortable interaction with Quinn.
Note: didn't love this chapter but now that Quinny finally met the reader I'll have more inspiration. Also there's going to be dual POV in the next chapters.
If you have suggestions or you see a mistake (english is not my main language) please let me know!
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belovedmusings · 3 months
Heaven knows I ain't getting over you.
Choso Kamo x You x Suguru Geto
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Explicit Themes 18+ (🚫Minors DNI🚫)
Part seven of the 'Two + One' story. Click for story masterlist.
Guitarist! Choso Kamo is your boyfriend, and he finally notices that his bandmate, Suguru may feel some type of way about you. Now, it's up to you to decide whether you want to come clean about your own feelings for Suguru, and your subconscious may just decide for you.
Relevant tags: sexual tension, thoughts of infidelity, characters with questionable morals, Suguru is hot, Suguru has piercings and tattoos amen, Choso is sweet and loyal, slow burn, no "y/n" for immersion, 2nd POV, reader has no defining characteristics, explicit smut, missionary, nipple play (fem receiving)
Recommended songs to listen to while reading: Just Pretend (Bad Omens), Is There Someone Else (The Weekend), Undisclosed Desires (Muse)
A/N: I'm starting to think Bad Omens ghostwrote this fic the way that entire album fits this story perfectly. Also, just for clarification, the italic texts are yours, and the bolded texts are Suguru's! The drama is getting real and it will continue to build. Enjoy ;)
Read on Ao3 if you prefer!
Or read below cut:
Things return to a semblance of normalcy. 
Choso continues to work with Curse Manipulator.
Suguru doesn’t text or call you, despite having gotten your number, and you sort of let it be.
You greet Choso when he comes home, and you’re both happy to see each other.
The two of you even have a better sex life than you’ve ever had now that he’s become bolder with you.
But it feels like you’re walking on thin ice. Microcracks are undulating beneath the weight of your steps, the frigid void of water beneath beginning to seep through. There are no indications. You just feel like something is off.
He isn’t acting like anything is wrong…but it’s almost as if things are too quiet.
This purgatory drags on for about a month until one night, when you’re home alone and you get a text from Suguru.
He noticed.
You pause as soon as you read it. He noticed? What does Suguru mean by that?
I’ve been asking about you more, he asked me what was up.
Then I told him the truth.
Your heart full-on drops into the pit of your stomach.
What did you say?
I said I think you’re attractive.
Was that all?
Well, I also said I have no intention of usurping you. That I respect him and your relationship.
But I wanted to tell you because he’s probably going to bring it up.
So be prepared.
The way he’s talking, it sounds like the two of you have to cover something up. It’s like it’s a late-stage affair rather than just the metaphorical dance-around-the-fire the two of you have been engaging in.
Is it still bad? Yes. Is this text conversation proof of that? Yes, again.
Thanks for the heads up.
I’ve been wanting to text you but I wasn’t sure what to say.
Anything is incriminating, right?
Not necessarily…you could ask me how my day was or…I don’t know, bring up a new movie or song or…
Maybe it just feels that way because of how I feel about you.
And how I know you feel about me.
It’s not innocent.
You have to set the phone down for a minute to gather your bearings. What game is he playing? You haven’t heard from him in a month and now he does this?
Your hand picks your phone back up and you type out a reply.
When you talk like that, of course it’s not.
How can I see what your face looks like right now without you being here?
What do you see?
Your eyes are heavy. There’s a weight in them. You’re probably holding my hand again.
I wish I was.
Good god, you can’t catch a break.
Should you really be flirting with me after you told my boyfriend you were attracted to me?
He just thinks it’s one-sided.
He doesn’t know you feel the same.
So now I have to pretend like it is?
You have a choice to make. Tell him you’re attracted to me or just act surprised.
You mean, lie to him either way?
What other option do you have that won’t end in disaster?
He has a point. You can’t say it’s more than attraction, then he’d catch Suguru in a lie also. He’d realize it goes deeper than how he made it seem. So what?
Be half-honest, or lie completely?
Anyways…how was your day?
The abruptness of the text has you laughing aloud in the silence of your living room. 
It was fine. How was yours?
Just worked. We’re getting close to finalizing the album, then the next steps will come.
What are the next steps?
A music video for the title track, press run, and a tour. It’s going to be our biggest album yet.
As you read it, the gravity of it all hits you. 
Choso is part of a successful band. And it’s on the trajectory to get bigger and bigger. All of the proper groundwork has been laid—they’re local stars, and with a music video and the team Suguru has secured to help with promotion, their music will find new fans all over the place. With that comes touring, traveling all over the country and even the world…it’s huge.
I can’t believe this is all happening.
It sounds like a lot, doesn’t it?
Well, yeah. You’re going to be proper rock stars.
You’ll be along for the ride.
Choso’s going to want you there. And I will too.
You’ll see everything we do.
That sounds fun and intimidating.
It does, right?
But it’s exciting. Choso is exactly what we were missing. With him we’re going to make it.
I feel proud.
You should. 
A question pops into your mind.
Was it always your goal to have fame?
Haha, well, I admit I am a bit of a show-off.
I just think everything happened to put me in this position.
That makes sense. I feel special, getting to know you guys before you get big. I’m your first groupie.
Haha, come on, you’re more than that. So much more.
I know. But I really am a fan. Your music is all I play recently.
Yeah? What song is your favorite?
Strange. You wrote it about your life, right?
I did. It’s sort of an autobiography. I’m surprised that’s your favorite, it’s one of the only songs of ours that’s really personal.
Why are you surprised? I remember when you told me about that stuff. Hearing it in a song was beautiful.
You sound so open and honest when you’re singing.
Oh, I see…
Was I not when I told you?
No, I meant I could feel your emotions because of how you sang it.
It’s breathtaking.
When you compliment me like that, it goes straight to my head.
Coming from you, that means the world.
I’ll make more meaningful songs in the future.
You don’t have to just because it’s what I like.
No, I want to.
I have some things I want to say.
You know, you’ve inspired me a lot.
You groan out loud, laying back on the couch and rubbing at your face in frustration. What are you supposed to do with that? This doesn’t sound like ‘no intentions of usurping’. 
Luckily (or unluckily) the lock in your front door turns, indicating the return of your boyfriend. 
You close out of the messaging app and lock your phone, hoping to ignore that text the rest of the night. With that you pretend to have been watching whatever show is on television as he walks in.
Immediately, his smile is tight as he greets you. “Hey.”
Oh god, here we go.
“Hey, baby,” you reply, giving him a smile as he moves to sit beside you after removing his shoes. He gives you a kiss on the cheek, arms winding around your waist. “How was it today?”
“It was okay,” he begins, his eyes meeting yours for a moment before they flit away. “I had an interesting conversation with Suguru.”
You steel yourself. “Interesting how?”
“Well,” he hesitates, pulling away and resituating himself on the cushion beside you, fiddling with his hands for a moment. “Lately, he’s been asking a lot…about you. At first, I didn’t think much of it. But then Larue randomly said today ‘you should bring her by again, Suguru won’t shut up about her.’ I didn’t realize he spoke about you when I wasn’t around. It got me thinking…why would he be talking about you like that? Then he mentioned you again, how you haven’t been around, and then I decided to just ask him what it was about once the other two guys left.”
You take a breath. “Um, okay…and?”
“And he told me he was attracted to you. Like, straight-up. I mean, he reassured me he wasn’t going to do anything about it, but I…I don’t know. I mean, he’s Suguru. He could probably have whoever he wants. If he went after you…”
Moment of truth. Who will you be? 
“Um…” You begin, heart pounding as you find your words, “well, that’s…”
Choso’s eyes flit back to yours, waiting to hear what you have to say.
“Well, I…thought maybe he did…”
“You did?” Choso asks, “You thought he was interested in you? Since when?”
“I don’t know, I just had a feeling.” Okay, so now you are a liar. Guilt starts fortifying deep in your gut. “I-I mean, I didn’t know for sure.”
“Oh,” Choso frowns, “So…I mean…what do you think about it?”
The correct answer is to tell him there’s no chance in hell. But hell is where you currently are, and you’ve entertained Suguru enough already, so what does that do for anyone?
You sigh heavily. “To…to be honest…I mean, he is an attractive guy, but I would never leave you for him, not in a million years, Chos’.”
Choso’s face is unreadable for a second, and you immediately begin regretting what you just said.
“So…” He breathes out, brows furrowing slightly. “What I’m…hearing is that you two are attracted to each other?”
Back pedal, back pedal, back pedal.
“I meant that he’s just a good-looking guy. You know? And he’s nice, but that doesn’t compare to what you and I have. We have history and intimacy, baby, I would never let him disrupt that.”
Haven’t you already, though? Liar.
“But what if it was different? If you met him first, and then me? If you had the history and intimacy with him? Would you still want me the same?”
Can he see right through you? This has potential to blow up in your face. You need to put this fire out now. 
“It’s not that serious,” you shake your head, taking his hands, “I’m in love with you, Chos’, and there are tons of good-looking guys out there, that doesn’t mean that I like them or want to be with them!”
“So you don’t like Suguru like that? It’s just that you think he’s good-looking?”
“Right.” Wrong.
Choso sucks in a deep breath, reaching up and taking his hair out of their ties to rub at his head. “Well…I…I trust you, obviously, it’s just weird.”
“Y-yeah, that’s understandable.” 
You’re lying to the man you love. This who you are now, isn’t it? A bad person. 
“I don’t need to worry, do I?”
“No,” you say in a rush, “baby, I’m yours, okay? I love you so much. You are the best. And nothing will take me away from you.”
He looks at you for a moment before moving closer, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you. “I’m just so afraid you’ll fall out of love with me. You’re my world and it’s unhealthy how much I love you. I’d sooner let you walk all over my heart than leave me.”
Each word twists the dagger he’s lodged in your heart harder and harder. 
All you can say is, “I love you,” like an apology, squeezing him tightly in your arms. 
“I love you,” he replies, tightening his own hold on you, and despite all of the words you exchanged, it doesn’t feel like you’ve reached a resolution at all.
You’ve just dug yourself a deeper hole.
“I want to keep going,” Suguru stares up at you, his mouth at the line of your shirt, dangerously near the top of your breast. You’ve seen this before—you two are in your living room all alone. Choso’s at his brother’s house. This is the part where Suguru pulls away and says he won’t go further.
Except, he doesn’t do that. He pulls you onto the couch. You wind up beneath him quickly, and he doesn’t stop. His greedy hands tug your shirt down, exposing you to his eyes, and his pierced lips wrap around a nipple, large palms on your hips, gripping them like you’ll float away if he doesn’t hold you down.
You feel the bead of his tongue piercing on your stiff peak, and can’t stop the gasp of his name.
He smiles up at you, that infuriating crooked grin, his hands working expertly to get you naked. His mouth kisses, tastes, and marks any expanse of skin he can touch, and before you know it, you can’t even remember if either of you had been wearing clothes in the first place. All you feel is his hot skin on yours everywhere.
He hovers his face over yours, molten sunset eyes locked with yours.
“I’m gonna kiss you.”
“You shouldn’t.”
“Don’t care.”
His mouth devours yours as a parched traveler attacks an oasis, and you moan at the taste of his mouth, the warmth of his tongue on yours, and you just let go. Your hands thread into his beautiful black tresses, cupping his face, kissing him with all of the desire in the world. 
Then, he’s inside of you.
It knocks the wind out of you, dislodging the kiss so you can cry out another, “Suguru!”
He groans, and then he’s moving, thrusts coming quick and hard, like an animal mauling its prey, carnal and so so delicious, your hands find his chest, his neck, his abdomen, his arms, his hips—you want to grab onto any and every part of him but nowhere you touch is enough, you want to become one with him. 
He goes harder and you can’t stop saying his name. It’s an incantation, evoking a side of you that you’ve never known, that you’re afraid of, that you vy for.
“Suguru…” it tumbles freely, “Suguru, Suguru!”
He takes you to heights you’ve never been to before, and you feel light as air yet far away like you’re at the bottom of the ocean. He fills your lungs, it’s impossible to breathe when it’s this hot—
Your eyes snap open. A hand is on your shoulder. Eyes are on yours. 
But they don’t belong to Suguru.
You’re in bed with Choso, and your blood suddenly runs cold. 
You were dreaming. 
The resignation in his eyes says it all.
“You…were saying his name in your sleep.”
A/N: evil cliffhanger oopsies...hope you enjoyed!! Also, I changed the cover art for the story 'cause it looked a little too cringe. This one is still cringe but tastefully so. Okay, d out!
Please don't copy or repost, but feel free to reblog and share!
Taglist (comment here or my masterlist if you want to be added): @jaegerstan222 , @cosmicstarlatte , @dabisdolly , @moonriseoverkyoto , @propheticfire , @bontensbabygirl , @crlyhairedwxtch , @alittlebirdahgaselx , @okkovtsu , @notbellasstuff , @uchihabbynic , @polaroidnana , @childofilluvatar , @shadowfoxy , @jordan-network , @dreamtravelersade , @unmatchxd , @lucyrocks86 , @spineyy , @k3lbade , @xxbuckpoppi , @naughtygobbo , @slammynics , @roseambers , @luvingyouwasreallyhard , @hinachaaan , @redladyrae-blog , @spiteless-xo , @slutforaz , @bellaabee082 , @thedorklingqueen , @delayedrage , @poopwons , @pandisastergod , @username23345 , @sleazymac-n-cheesy , @forest-haven , @midnaamethyste , @bihanspookies , @mysteriouskiller1 , @liyahthings , @makingtimemine
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didishawn · 1 year
Vogue (Pedri x Model! Reader)
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Warnings: basically you showing off your home to Vogue, a bit of Spanish here and there
You do the simulation of opening the door as if the cameraman has caught you by surprise, ample smile on your face as you greet the future viewers.
"Hello Vogue, I am y/n s/n and today I am giving you all an inside look into my home"
The video starts in the living room, modern furniture, a bit impersonal at first if you will, the true essence lays in the small details.
"So, this might be disappointing for some, to hear out furniture doesn't have a deep meaning behind, but it is the truth. When my boyfriend and I were looking to fill up the house, we honestly just wanted everything to fulfill their duties, a coach to be a coach and a desk to be a desk. The only real thought we put into it were the color coordinations really, but not even that as you will see in some parts"
The camera follows you as you direct yourself to the chimney, watching it with a special glint in your eye "The one thing I really wanted the house to have was this, all my life I have dreamed of the typical scene, you know? The cuddling in front of the fire with your loved one and a good book"
The camera zooms in to the decorations on top of the chimney. Photos of you and Pedri, his family, your own, your friends, the lens of the camera stops in a photo of Pedri and you, waiting for you to explain yourself about it "This was back in Qatar for the World Cup when he had a free day from training and we just went around the city. Unfortunately, this was the only photo decent enough to set up here, but we have probably hundreds of that day" the photo shows the two of you on a date back in the day, bright smiles and the sun setting on the background.
The camera then follows you into the kitchen, much more colorful than the living room and not matching at all. There are plant decorations all over the roof, and cooking robots that not even you are sure what they are for.
"For the kitchen I must confess we did have some help from Pinterest, and by that I mean there is probably another kitchen somewhere in the world that looks exactly like this"
You walk to the counter "Of course we have lots of Canarian bananas, I wonder why, and then, I am more of a sweets as a snack type of girl, I know, not the healthiest but I promise I don't abuse them either" you open one of the closets and show them all your snacks "and here we have every kid's dream, you all better believe that our house is ready for whenever one of our friends needs someone on babysitter duties"
"Now, I must confess neither Pedri or I are the best cooks, we won't burn the kitchen down but someone might get sick after eating. And while Pedri has lunch on the club, I most of the time eat out too because of work. But we are pretty lucky that Fer, Pedri's brother, is quite the culinary and comes lots of times to eat with us and cooks us something too"
"We have heard Pedri's mother is a pretty good chef" the cameraman says and you nod.
"Yes, she totally is, I have asked her to teach me a thing or two, but a few lessons in and I think she has learned that I am a total disaster, but don't worry Rosy, I promise I will get better and won't kill your son with my food"
You leave the kitchen and they follow you through a long hallway decorated with pictures of you in the front pages of the most famous magazines in one side "This decoration was Pedri's idea, I hate it but he doesn't let me take them down" on the other there are photos of Pedri with both the Barça shirt and the National Team's, as well as some shirts of other players -Messi, Mbappe, Agüero... - and his own all signed "And my revenge were this pictures"
You walk them into your office "This is where I lock myself up to work if I ever need it" the room is filled up with books, some photos with friends and fashion magazines "as a model you always have to keep up with fashion trends, or even study to create your own" you point to the projector hanging from the roof and the screen "I also study old catwalks to see what I can improve"
You walk them closer to you bookshelf, and show off your precious collection "As some of you may know, I am a huge bookworm, most of my freetime I am buried into the pages of one"
"Any recommendations?"
You think for a moment "Well, it depends, for younger ages my absolute favorite is the Percy Jackson saga, probably my favourite too as you never grow too old to read them" you point to the books, in the center of them all for everyone to see "Now, for older ages I do like very much Daisy Jones and the Six, The Song of Achilles or maybe The Secret History. They are all typical really, but a good way for new readers to start or if you simply want someone to comment books with, its easy to find people who have read these"
You now direct them to see the photos "Now, this is for sure one of my favorites areas of the house, there are photos with friends..." photos with Gavi, Ansu, Ferran and then also with your own friends "Pedri..." photos of you two kissing, one with his parents and another with his brother "my family..." a big family photo, then single ones with each member "and now onto the big part, celebrities..." photos with Messi, Neymar, Bella Hadid, Ariana Grande, Dua Lipa - anyone you can name, really.
"Which is your favorite one?"
You think for a moment, then answer "I really like this one with Pedri and Messi when Pedri won the Golden Boy, it was a good night, I almost cried when Messi said my name"
You leave your office and next is the gym "Mostly Pedri uses it really, I am more of a run around the city type of girl, but yeah, we have everythung he needs to stay in his top form"
Next are the guest rooms "Mostly Pedri's family uses them really"
"Does your family not come around?"
"Oh they do, just not as much as his. His family adore each other so much, my own knows we better not spend that much time together or we will probably end up killing each other"
You direct them through a door and lead them into your dressing room, the thing is full with yours and Pedri's clothes, mostly yours though.
"My favorite part here is definitely this one" you say and lead them to a zone full of sweatshirts that are definitely not yours "I must confess I am a steal-your-clothes type of girlfriend"
You show them your shoes, pointing to your favorite pair, the same with other types of clothing's before showing off the famous mirror you take selfies in that everyone is in love with and leave the room.
The bathroom comes next, big enough for two people to be inside at the same time "There is a side for Pedri and one for me" you say in front of the two sinks "He says things are not proportionate, though" and it is true, as you open you own closet the thing is full of everything you own, on his there are a couple of things that are his, the basics, and on the lower part he too keeps some of your stuff "I don't see what he says, everything is good in my opinion"
As you leave the bathroom, you hear the door open on the background, and are quick on your feet to greet your boyfriend, the crew almost struggling to keep up with you and film the kiss you two share.
"Perdón, se me olvidaba hoy tenías esto, me puedo ir si quieres" (sorry, I forgot this was today, I can go if you want me to)
You turn to look at the crew, they all sake their heads "Noo, quédate, igual solo me queda por mostrar el patio" (noo, stay, only the backyard is the one thing left)
"¿Mostraste la habitación?" (you showed the bedroom?)
You shake your head "Claro que no, no se van a morir por no ver una cama" (of course not, it's not like they will die if they don't see a bed)
"No lo sé, algunos de tus fans son muy intensos" (I don't know, some of your fans are pretty intense)
"Hablo él que tiene a las niñas de 12 años peleándose por él en tiktok" (says the one who has the twelve-year-olds fighting for him on tiktok)
You are followed by your boyfriend and crew outside to see the big pool, the goal, the basket full of balls, a barbecue and the seats you use to tan.
"I must confess it's Pedri who spends most of the time here, I mostly only come out during the summer to keep myself tan"
"¿Les estás diciendo que no usas nuestra piscina?" (are you telling them how you don't use our pool?)
"Más o menos, ¿por qué no presentas tú nuestro gran jardín?" (more or less, why don't you present our great garden?)
"Seguro lo haré mejor que tú" he clears his throat and puts on the same face he does on Barça videos "Espera, ¿tengo que hacerlo en inglés?" (I most definitely will do it better than you do. Wait, do I have to do it in English?)
The crew shakes his head "We will make sure to translate it later"
"Menos mal. Bueno, acá tenemos una gran piscina que la señorita no usa más que para postureo, se habrá metido cuatro veces contadas" (thanks god. Well, here we have a great pool that the young lady only uses for photos, she will have been in it about four times)
"¡No le digas eso!" (don't tell them that!)
"Silencio, que estoy en mi entrevista con Vogue. Bueno, también tenemos esta portería, así para practicar un poco, aunque la portera s/n no es muy buena que digamos" (silent, I am in my Vogue interview. Well, here we have a goal to practice a bit, even though goalkeeper s/n is not very good)
You roll your eyes and he sticks his tongue out at you.
"Las tumbonas para que la señorita se ponga morena y una barbacoa que ninguno tocamos porque nos la cargamos" (the chairs so the lady can tan and a barbecue that neither of us touch because we would break it)
"Well guys, that is all our house, we hope you liked the video, thanks so much to Vogue for coming all the way to Barcelona. ¿Quieres decir algo?" (you want to say something?)
"Ehhh, give a like? Subscribirse y... ya está, ¿no?" (subscribe and... that's it, right?)
"Yeah, that's it, lots of kisses and I will be seeing you next time"
The camera takes one last shot of you two mustering out your best smiles and the video is over.
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jenevawashere · 2 months
This was originally a reblog on one of @phoebeejeebies posts but I'm still internally screaming about it so you can now suffer with us! (if you want more context go read theirs first)
Phoebe takes the chess set with her, knowing no one will be there because it's night time. She does all of this as if it is a routine she does once a week. It doesn't feel like a spur of the moment decision. This is something she has done multiple times since moving to New York.
Now we do need to mention, she is a fifteen year old alone in New York City at night in a park. That is a really stupid thing to do alone in any city at night no matter your age. The repetitive nature with which she does this suggests to me that she isn't worried about this because she knows that she isn't alone.
I have yet to listen to the soundtrack for GFE, but I have an ear for music cues and reprises (Infinity War and Endgame were music goldmines for me and I remember losing my mind at the music choices in the theater, so much so that my silent nerding out annoyed my dad). Somehow, without knowing that the reused the first bit of Chess, I recognized what the tune implied along with Phoebe's actions.
I don't remember who plays first, but when the other chess piece moves, she looks around as if she's looking for someone. Again! Keep in mind, this is a weekly occurrence. She isn't confused because she's playing chess with a ghost, she's confused because Egon has yet to materialize.
When Melody materializes, Phoebe is disappointed that it isn't him. You can see it in her face. This is something sacred that she does with her grandfather once a week. Something her family doesn't know about. Ok, maybe Trevor knows.
If Egon did/does actually come back to visit, you can't tell me he only spent time with Phoebe. He literally helped Trevor fix the Ecto in GA, he was supervising Trev the entire time. There's even a small moment when the Ecto is going through the field that you can see the silhouette of another person in the car through the back windshield. I highly doubt Egon would let his grandson do something so reckless unsupervised. (Yes this was probably a camera man or a member of the stunt crew or something, but if it were, wouldn't they have removed it?)
After being benched, Phoebe needs someone to talk to, someone who will understand, and he isn't there. Instead, there's this ghost of some girl that's on fire and, oh, she's kinda cute...
NOW! IF this is something Phoebe and Egon do regularly (as is implied), why isn't he there?
I think, he heard about Garraka down some spiritual grape vine and knows that the ice age personified can control other spirits, or maybe he read something about it during self imposed watch duty in Summerville. The only reason Melody isn't being controlled like a puppet is because she made a deal with Garraka. Egon would know how dangerous being around the orb is.
These are his friends we're talking about. This is his family! He left to protect them by standing on the front line when no one else would. They are his world at this point. If his being there even as a ghost is what will put them in danger, then he is going to stay the fuck away if it will keep them safe.
The night after everything has thawed, I'd like to think that Phoebe went out at night and went back to the park without the chess set. He was waiting for here there, ready to comfort her in the way he couldn't a few days before.
*takes a deep breath, then screams* AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thatgoblin · 5 months
If I'm There
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Summary: You hadn't seen or spoken to him in over a year, but now you have to track down your ex-husband over unpaid parking tickets. It was supposed to be easy, but seeing him with his new partner made it anything but.
Soulmates AU, Simon/Johnny/Reader
Warnings: so much angst, past child death, alcoholism, divorce, heavy stuff, but happy ending.
A/N: I'm not completely pleased with it, I don't feel very strong with Simon and Johnny’s characters in this, but posting anyways. It's part of a series I had written a while ago, but it works as a one shot too. Song is 'If I'm There' by Bad Omens.
“Riley! I got a job for you!” 
I looked up from the paperwork I had been doing, bored out of my mind before stuffing it into the file it had come in. 
“Yes! Farah, love of my life, light of my heart, tell me it’s a good one,” I said, walking over to get a look from her. 
“Seems you’re on the hunt for a blast from your past,” the dark haired woman said, handing me a file. “12 unpaid parking tickets and has not shown up to court.” I opened the file, wanting to throw it away immediately, but seeing the large bounty on it, I kept it. It wasn’t often that amount was put out on people for nonviolent crimes and I wasn’t about to pass up something so easy. “Also a second one. 4 unpaid speeding tickets, 3 failure to signal tickets, and 1 ticket for having a pet off leash. . . An emu.” Farah handed me another file and the bounty was just as much. 
“And a partridge in a pear tree,” I said with a snort. “Merry Christmas to me.”
“It’s April,” Farah said evenly before turning back to the computer. 
“Well, it’ll feel like Christmas when I turn these two idiots in,” I said, taking their addresses to shove into my back pocket in case my first plan didn’t work. “With a nice bonus for you too.”
“Oh happy days,” Farah said dryly. 
“You know, you could be a bit more cheery about life,” I said, folding the legal paperwork I needed before putting it into my jacket pocket. 
“I could, but then we’d be friends and we can’t have that,” Farah said, not looking back.
“Of course, we wouldn’t want that,” I said, grabbing my phone from my desk. “Alright, I’m off. Hold down the fort and don’t set it on fire. Again.”
“I make no promises,” Farah said as I walked out the door. Walking over to my car, I pulled out my phone to dial a number I had deleted from my phone over a year ago. As I sat in the car, a little voice in the back of my head told me to ignore this job. That it was inviting chaos and discourse back into my life after I had struggled to get some sort of peace. I had to see him at some point and it was probably easier to do it this way rather than during an awkward grocery store run in. Tapping the numbers was second nature and I didn’t even hesitate on a single digit. I held the phone to my ear as I coached myself to stay cool.
“Hello?” A man’s voice came over the line. I hadn’t heard it in nearly a year, but it still sounded the same. “Hello?”
“Hey. . . It’s me,” I said, swallowing back every urge that wanted to throw the phone into the street and speed away. “I really need to talk to someone. Are you free right now?” There was a sigh then silence. I thought he’d hung up on me, but a jostling noise told me he was still there.
“Sure, where do you want to meet?” He asked, his tone flat.
“Joe’s Coffee Shop? Half an hour?” I asked. I felt a little bad about tricking him, but then again I had bills to pay and he clearly was already done with me. So I didn’t feel too bad. 
“Okay, see you there,” he said before hanging up. 
There are scars that'll never ever show themselves
You get when you're left alone too long in Hell
The drive to the coffee shop was short thankfully and I was able to get a good parking spot to wrangle my targets into it. Hereford had its ups and downs, but the ups were that it really wasn’t as big as everyone thought. My ex and I had lived there for most of our adult lives before we split. Going our separate ways had meant chaos and disarray at first, but then I got my current job after a few months and it was something I could throw myself into. 
We stayed in this area because while it was on the west coast, it was also a close knit community of sorts. People knew each other, local places were more abundant than chains, it just felt like back home. At Joe’s, I pulled up to park on the street before getting out of my black sedan. 
Joe’s Coffee Shop was a local favorite with an outdoor patio. It was April and a sunny day so there were lots of people there sunbathing while sipping on iced coffees. Going in, I ordered one myself before picking a spot outside. Lazily sipping my drink, I pulled out my phone to check the time. I was never patient and even when I was early and he was on time, it had always got on my nerves. 
I looked up to see him standing there with that blank look he always had. Mostly hidden by his black face mask. It was the same one I made him that had the lower half of a skull printed onto it. He always wore a balaclava with a similar print, but walking around with that got him into trouble a lot. So, I made a face mask for him. I had taken the time to learn to sew and make patterns when I was not a crafty person. Seeing him still wearing it, I was thrown off my game.
“Hey Simon,” I said, standing up. Did I hug him? Shake hands? High five? Regret was filling my stomach as he stood there. We’d divorced over a year ago and hadn’t talked to each other since, but now his stupid unpaid parking tickets brought him back into my life.
We were supposed to be soulmates. We had the marks that everyone was born with. Everyone had a soulmate, people even had more than one at a time. It was supposed to mean we were going to spend the rest of our lives together, like some magical fairy tale that adults tell children. 
If you found your soulmate you would feel more deeply, be more in tune with the other, have this special bond that no one else could have with you. Simon and I had had that bond. 
But then we didn’t. 
Things changed and we lost the bond or it broke or something and we couldn’t hack it. So, we divorced. I covered my mark on my hand with a small black bar tattoo, but Simon didn’t. I hated that he still had it. Just three simple arrows in a row on his forearm. We were meant to be together, so say the powers that be, but we proved them wrong. Life wasn’t a fairy tale. 
“Everythin’ okay?” He asked, sitting across from me, shaking me from my thoughts.
“Yeah, just. . . Got lost for a second,” I said, sitting down as well. 
“Are you seein’ that counselor still?” He asked. I nodded, taking a deep breath. I wasn’t there to catch up, I was there to collect a bounty. “Good,” he said.
“The reason I called you to talk in person is that I have a question,” I said, pulling out the legal paperwork. 
“About what?” Simon asked with a frown.
“12 unpaid parking tickets? You have 12 unpaid parking tickets?” I asked as I shook my head at him, holding up the warrant.
“What about them?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at the papers. “How do you know about that?” 
“Because you’ve got a warrant out for your arrest,” I said. “And I’m here to take you in.”
“Jesus,” Simon groaned, rolling his eyes as he shook his head. “You’re a bounty hunter now?”
“Yup. I was going to turn yours down, but the money was too good to give to someone else,” I said with a snort. Simon pinched his nose as he stayed sitting.
“This is a joke, isn’t it? It’s a really bad joke,” he said, looking at me. “Just tell me it’s a joke.”
“Not a joke,” I said, showing my badge and permit. “You never paid the tickets or showed up to court.” 
“Fuck me,” Simon hissed. 
“Everythin’ okay, Simon?” A Scottish brogue said.
I turned to see another man with a mohawk and the brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen walk over with a pair of coffees in hand. Wait a second. 
“Don’t tell me, you’re Johnny MacTavish?” I asked, looking up at him. 
“Uh, I am,” the man said, frowning as he looked at me.
“Oh wow, this has got to be the luckiest break ever!” I said, laughing as I stood up. 
“Simon?” Johnny said, frowning.
“Easiest job I’ve ever had,” I said, pulling out the handcuffs from my belt.
“You’re not actually goin’ to take me in,” Simon said, tilting his head to look up at me. “This is just a heads up, right?”
“Oh no. I’m for real arresting you both right now,” I said. “Unpaid parking tickets, jay walking and traffic tickets, no shows in court, and a fucking emu? This is truly an April Christmas miracle.” 
“I’m still confused, Simon?” Johnny said, looking at the other man. 
“Wait, how do you two know each other?” I asked, realizing they had shown up together.
“Johnny, this my ex-wife,” Simon said as he stood up. “And this is my boyfriend, Johnny.”
I did not expect to feel that pang in my chest hit so hard. Of course he moved on. Why wouldn’t he? He had been the more grounded of us after the dust settled. I had no right to feel jealous or hurt by it. If he hadn’t been in trouble then I would have had no idea anyways. 
“Wait, so she’s the one-” Johnny started.
“Yes, she is the one,” Simon nodded. “Now, when you’re done havin’ a laugh, I have to go. We have plans. Can’t believe after almost a year of not talkin’ and avoidin’ each other this is how you choose to show up again.”
“Oh, uh, it was nice to meet you,” Johnny said, tentatively holding out his hand for me to take after setting his drinks down. Fuck this. I slapped a cuff onto Johnny who cried out in confusion as I easily turned him to get his other hand. 
“I wasn’t kidding,” I grunted as I handled Johnny, directing him to my car.
“Are you fucking’ kiddin’ me right now!?” Simon snapped. 
“Like I said, I have arrest warrants for both of you. You’re lucky I even told you that,” I snapped back at him. Opening the car door, I put Johnny in the back before shutting the door. Simon didn’t seem to think it was going to go far, instead choosing to get on the phone with someone. 
“Yes, hello?” He said before I ripped his phone from him to hang up. “What the hell!?”
“Simon, just let me cuff you so we can get this over with and we can move on with our lives,” I said. 
“What is wrong with you? Normal ex’s don’t arrest each other,” he said, as I was able to get the cuffs on him just as easily.
“Yeah, well, we’re not normal ex’s,” I said with a sigh, putting the cuffs extra tight on his wrists. “Now shut up and get in the car.” Dragging him to the other side, I pushed him in next to Johnny before getting in myself. 
“Are we being kidnapped?” Johnny asked as I pulled out onto the road.
“You’ve both have warrants out for your arrest because you two dumbasses didn’t pay tickets on time or show up to court,” I said. “5 years we were together and you never learned to pay the damn tickets.”
“I was goin’ to pay them,” Simon said with a huff. “I’ve been busy.”
“Uh huh,” I said, rolling my eyes at him. Johnny seemed to just be in a constant state of confusion, but kept quiet at least. The drive to the police station was shorand usually if there was more than one to book I would have other people with me, but given that those two weren’t going to really give me trouble, I didn’t worry too much. With both of them in cuffs and compliant, I was able to get them booked easily enough. 
“Hey, Riley,” the officer at the desk, Roach, called as Simon and Johnny were being taken to be processed. I paused in my get away, ready to run as far and fast as I could.
They tried to keep in the secrets that you wouldn't tell
But they just stripped you for parts you had to sell
“Yeah?” I said, walking back over. I could see Simon staring at me hard from the cubicle he was in with Johnny that was just a couple of meters away. No doubt he heard the officer call me back over, still using his last name.
“Just need you to sign a few things for us,” Roach said. 
“Alright fine, but it better be quick, I got a lunch date with a Blood Mary,” I said with a huff. 
“You never changed your name,” Simon said, looking at me with a frown. 
“Uh… No, no I did not,” I said, keeping my eyes on the papers in front of me. 
“Why didn’t you change your name?” He asked.
“Because it’s a bitch to file paperwork and I’ve already been writing it for nearly 5 years. I made it a habit,” I said, glancing at him.
“No, no, you were filin’ for divorce before you even brought it up to me. You filed everythin’ before sayin’ a word,” Simon pushed. “Why didn’t you change your name?”
“I swear to god, Simon,” I hissed, slamming the pen on the counter. The small police station should have been buzzing about with noise, but as Simon kept demanding, everything and everyone went quiet. 
“Just tell me why you didn’t change your last name,” he pushed. 
“Because I still love you, okay?!” I snapped, whirling to glare at him. “I still love you, but we are not good together and it’s one piece of us that I can have without trouble. So there, there’s your answer, in front of your new boyfriend, too.”
“Love,” Simon said with a sigh. 
“Don’t,” I said, cutting him off. “Anything else for me to sign?” I asked, turning back to glare at Roach. 
“Uh, no that’s it,” Roach said. I hadn’t meant to crumble so easily. I thought I was stronger than that, but seeing him again, with someone else. . . What was I supposed to do? We used to be so good together, but then everything happened and shit hit the fan. I couldn’t be as soft as I once was and I couldn’t let him back in. It wasn’t fair to him. Not after the shit I put him through. 
“Thanks,” I said, turning on my heel. Thankfully no one called after me again, letting me get to my car and drive home in peace. Getting home, I walked in to shut the door behind me. It was barely 2pm but there I was going right for the vodka in my freezer. I’d been sober almost four months, but seeing Simon. . . I couldn’t. It was supposed to be an easy grab and go, he’d get pissed and grouchy while I hauled his ass to jail. 
Then it turned into a sudden confession at the police station in front of everyone and their dog to see and hear. I hoped that was the last I’d seen of him for a while. If ever. 
Well, if I'm there to catch you when you fall
You'll have a friend down in Hell after all
Pulling a glass from my cupboard, I put a handful of ice in it before filling it with the liquor. I brought the glass to my lips, but paused. On the fridge was a magnet with a purple heart on it and the name ‘Dierdre’ in cursive letters. Staring at it, I held onto the drink as that ache brought back by Simon deepened. Like a scab reopening to become infected. The burning smell of the vodka was enough to pull me from scratching that open wound. Slowly, I set the glass down. That job was a mistake and I knew it the whole time. I thought maybe the money would soften any damage done or any hurt feelings, but it hadn’t done a damn thing.
Taking a deep breath as my mind threatened to unravel any second, I reached out to grab the bottle of vodka. Unscrewing the cap, I let it drop to the counter. The feel of the icy bottle in my hand helped pull me up from the warmth of depression that was pulling me into its arms. I tipped the bottle to watch the clear liquid pour into the sink, splashing and running down the drain. When the bottle was empty, I did the same to the drink I had made. 
Standing in silence, I let out a sigh before moving to my living room, leaving the empty bottle on the counter.
And if you're there to catch me when I fall
Then maybe Hell ain't so bad after all
I pulled off my boots and jacket, texting Farah that I had everything signed and turned in and that I was done for the day. Shutting my phone off, I moved to flop onto the couch after peeling off my tight jeans. My bra went flying behind me, letting me settle in the warm weather with my windows open. The apartment was modest as Simon had kept almost everything in the divorce. I didn’t want it, so I left the house and anything I didn’t readily need with him. It was for the best. I didn’t need much and it made for less stuff when I moved. 
Flipping on the TV, I turned it to good ol’ golf. I could put golf on at any time and it would put me in a dreamless sleep. That was what I needed. No dreams, no thoughts, no worries or wonders. Just the comfortable void that I could exist in without overwhelming feelings of any kind. In minutes I was passed out on the couch. 
Until someone pounded on my front door. 
Groggily, I looked around, confused as the sun had set and I was chilly in my underwear and tank top. Another loud knock came that had me glaring at the offending door. 
“I’m coming!” I yelled, going to the door. Beside it in a small side table, I hid a Glock for when unsolicited callers came to the door. It was registered and everything, but wasn’t kept completely legal considering it wasn’t locked up with the ammo separated. My previous job and being a bounty hunter didn’t exactly make for the safest of conditions and the bad guys wouldn’t wait for me to put in my combination to my safe. “Who is it?” I asked, hand on the gun hidden under the table top. 
“It’s Simon.” Quiet a moment, I scrunched my face in frustration while holding back the urge to tell him to fuck off.
“What do you want?” I asked, not letting him in or taking my hand off the gun. 
“I want to talk to you,” he said. I heard him shifting around, waiting for me to answer. The thought of climbing out my window crossed my mind, but he’d just follow right behind me. Sighing heavily, I took my hand from the gun before I unlocked the door to open it. “Thank. . . You,” he said, his eyes trailing down my body. “Well then.”
“I was napping,” I grumbled, stepping aside. “Besides you’ve seen more of that.” I pushed the door to shut it, but it stopped when Johnny popped in. “Excuse me?” I said, looking between the two. 
“We need to talk about earlier,” Simon said as Johnny walked in. “All three of us.”
“I don’t understand,” I groaned, scrubbing my face. “Why are both of you here?”
“Do you wanna put some pants on? We can turn around,” Johnny offered. I stared at him before looking to Simon. 
“Just go have a seat on the couch, Darlin’,” Simon said with a soft sigh, rubbing Johnny’s arm. My eye twitched at the gesture and nickname, but I stayed quiet. 
“I’ll be right back,” I said, going to the bedroom which was technically part of the living room. It had a partition set up to kind of offer a sense of it being a different room, but I didn’t try that hard. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and hoodie to pull on before I rejoined the two men. Johnny sat on the couch, watching some show on TV that had come on during my nap while Simon was in the kitchen, holding the empty liquor bottle. 
I didn't want to believe how much you needed help
And I just left you to be all by yourself
“I thought you said you were goin’ to counselin’,” he said softly. 
“I am,” I said, taking the bottle from him to put in the recycling. “It was in the freezer from almost 6 months ago. I poured it out.”
“Are you bein’ honest with me?” Simon asked, looking at me. His dark eyes looked scared, worried, unsure. It was more than he gave me earlier that day at the coffee shop.
“I am,” I said. “Promise.”
“Good,” Simon said with a nod before motioning to the couch.
“So, what was it you two wanted to talk about?” I asked, pulling over a chair from my table as Simon sat next to Johnny. 
“Aren’t you curious how we found ye?” Johnny asked as I turned off the TV. 
“Not really. I know how you found me,” I said. “One of two options. Either you tracked me back through my phone records or you talked to my office manager, Farah. Who honestly should know better than to give my address out, but I assumed you pestered her enough that she caved.”
“Wow, she is good Simon,” Johnny said with a smile. 
“I told you,” Simon said with a chuckle. I felt a hint of heat in my cheeks. Simon told Johnny about me? About how I was good at seeing things others didn’t? “Sorry, I told him you used to be a private investigator and he thinks it’s the greatest thing.”
“I love all those detective movies where the police don’t believe the evidence, but that rogue investigator finds it all out and cracks the case!” Johnny said excitedly. It was almost annoying, but it was also sweet. I hadn’t felt excited, truly excited, like that in a long time and didn’t know if I ever could again.
“It was mostly catching people cheating on each other,” I said, rubbing my face. “Hate to break the dream for ya.”
“That’s not what Simon said,” Johnny said. It was Simon’s turn to get a bit red in the cheeks. 
“Oh really? What did he say?” I asked, crossing my legs as I leaned forward.
“Not why we’re here,” Simon said, covering Johnny’s mouth with his hand. 
“Then why are you here?” I asked, turning my attention to him. 
“We’re here to talk about us,” Simon said, motioning between me and him. 
“What’s there to talk about?” I asked, sitting back up to cross my arms over my chest. “We’re divorced. We gave it a shot and it didn’t work out.”
“No, we gave it a shot and you called it quits. I was willin’ to work it out,” Simon said with a sigh.
“Obviously you don’t want to anymore, you brought your boyfriend over,” I said, motioning to Johnny.
“Johnny, go ahead and show her,” Simon said, looking to the other. 
“Show me what?” I asked. Johnny glanced from me to Simon before he pulled up his shirt and pulled his pants down a bit. On his right hip was his soulmate mark. I swallowed hard, looking at it as tears pricked my eyes. It was the same as me and Simon’s. Three small arrows. “Well, good for you, you found a soulmate after I covered my mark,” I said. “You wanted to let me know you’d moved on completely and that I shouldn’t contact you again.”
“No, that’s not it,” Simon said as Johnny sat back down.
“Then what is it, Simon?” I snapped. “What do you want? I filed for divorce, I left you, I moved away from you, and the first time I called you in nearly a year is to arrest you, so you think that means anything?”
And now I wish I had seen that you weren't doing well
But I just came back to see how hard you fell
“You said at the station that you were still in love with me,” Simon said.
“No, I said I still loved you. There’s a difference. I’m not in love with you,” I said. It was mean and cruel, but I couldn’t let him think there was a chance we’d have a happily ever after. I was too much of a mess and barely managed to keep myself going most days as a functioning adult. 
“But you could be,” Johnny said. I narrowed my eyes at him, snarling almost, but he didn’t flinch. “You could fall back in love with him.”
“I. . . I am not the person I used to be, Simon,” I said, trying to swallow back tears. “I’m not the girl you fell in love with and I probably won’t ever be her again. I’m not who you want or need.” 
“Maybe Johnny’s right,” Simon said, scooting closer to me. “We’re both different people, but we could fall in love again.”
“It has been over a year, Simon,” I said. “You moved on with Johnny and I moved on. What is the point of us getting back together? We’re not good together.”
“No, we were,” Simon said. “We just lost each other when we lost Dierdre.”
“Don’t,” I snapped, close to losing it. “Don’t bring her into this.” 
Well, if I'm there to catch you when you fall
You'll have a friend down in Hell after all
“You shut down so hard and pushed me so far away when we lost her, Love,” Simon said, reaching out to touch my knee. I pulled away instantly like his touch burned me. I sat rigid in my seat as I refused to look at him. “We made mistakes and we fucked up. I fucked up. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there when you needed me.” His voice was catching, making it hard to steel myself, to keep myself in my self appointed isolation. “It’s not your fault and I don’t blame you for anythin’. The drinkin’, the lyin’, the fights, I don’t blame you. Neither of us were in the right. I. . . I never stopped lovin’ you. Even when I met Johnny, I still loved you just as much as I did before. I still do.”
I shook my head, feeling my shell crack as tears slid down my face. 
“You had a miscarriage, Love. We lost our baby girl and I thought I lost you too,” Simon choked out. We didn’t talk like this after we got home from the hospital. I had been seven months pregnant when something happened. There were sharp pains that I shouldn’t have had. Before we knew it I was in the hospital bleeding, hemorrhaging. The sac she was in didn’t develop right and it burst. By the time I was in delivery she was already gone. I barely made it out alive. 
“You’re not just one event in your Simon’s life,” Johnny said suddenly, making me flinch. “A loss of a child is one of the hardest emotional pains to endure and a lot of couples do divorce afterwards because it seems like the world has come down upon you. It’s okay to feel those feelings and work through them, but it seems that you didn’t want to or didn’t have the capacity at the time to work through it with Simon. These things take time and that may be what was needed. Time.”
“Johnny was my counselor for a while,” Simon said with a soft chuckle. I looked at him, seeing the tears running down his cheeks, his mask off. It was the first time I had seen his face since before the hospital visit. “Then for obvious reasons I started seein’ a different counselor.”
And if you're there to catch me when I fall
Then maybe Hell ain't so bad after all
“The heart wants what it wants,” Johnny said with a soft smile and a shrug. “All that aside, with everything Simon has told me, I couldn’t deny him of seeing you. He loves you too much and I love him. I want us to be happy and even if that means we have separate relationships with Simon or if you just want to be friends again, I am all for it. Being married and together for so long, as well as soulmates, makes for an intense relationship, but also one you can’t just forget and burn a bridge to with something like you guys. All I ask is that you consider it and we’ll work through it together.”
“I don’t know,” I said softly. “I don’t think I’m ready or ever will be ready.”
“Love,” Simon said, reaching out to grasp my hand that had gripped my knee tightly. “We don’t have to pick up where we left off. I just. . . I need you in my life. Please.” 
God, the feel of his hand around mine made me want to curl into a ball in his lap, let him rock me and hold me. It was so hard to keep myself in check. 
“So, this is about making yourself feel better?” I said, trying to make a wedge between us. He needed to leave and move on with Johnny. They could be happy together, adopt, get a dog. I was too broken and missing pieces. There was no way that I could go back to him, not because he had been the cause, but because I was certain I would only hurt him again when he saw how badly I was cracked. “I told you, Simon. I am not who I was when we met, let alone when we got married. This version of me is not someone who is the loving and caring partner that is soft and a safe place to land.”
Build me up or tear me down, I will never make a sound
Build me up or tear me down
“How about a reset?” Johnny said. I looked at him confused, unsure what he was getting at. “You wipe the slate clean, you start over. That means, you start out as friends again, move on from there. I find it helps couples that feel they can’t get over certain bumps in the road to have an imaginary reset button. It’s been a year since you two have been around each other, you’re obviously in different places in your lives, and you have changed. A reset would probably be the best thing for you two if you want to be around one another again.”
“So what, we just pretend nothing happened before now?” I asked with a scoff.
“No, you definitely don’t do that,” Johnny said. “You start fresh. You acknowledge that you both have a past, but you don’t work around it. You work with it.” 
“I’m on board for whatever you want,” Simon said. I took a deep breath, holding Simon’s hand without realizing it. 
Run a dagger through my chest, I believe it's for the best
Build me up or tear me down
“I can’t,” I said, pulling my hand away from him. “I just can’t.” That sucking pit in my chest that had snuck up on me was gasping to get more of me. 
“You don’t have to punish yourself for losing a child,” Johnny said. He had gone to his knees in front of me, making me see his face as he looked up at me. His words were spoken softly, but a force to pull me back from that place I was comfortable with. Where it was dark and lonely and it made sense to feel guilt. “You did everything you could to keep her safe and loved her so much. You were a good mum. It’s not your fault.”
All I could do was stare at him as he nodded, taking my shaky, clammy hands in his large, rough ones. I had manhandled him into cuffs earlier without hesitation, moving on instinct, and now I was in his calm, grounding grasp. “But-”
“It will never be your fault. There is no need to punish you for something that was not your doing. You deserve to be loved and have someone be there for you. This was not a failure on your part and never will be. You can let go of that weight. You’re not alone anymore and don’t have to be again.”
There are scars that'll never ever show themselves
You get when you're left alone too long in Hell
“Okay,” I choked out. “I. . . I want to try the reset thing.”
“We’ll go slow and easy,” Simon said. 
“I want to start as friends, with both you and Johnny,” I said looking from Simon to Johnny.
“That’s the most I would ask for,” Johnny said, a smile on his face. 
“Give me some time right now. I’ll text you later and we’ll go from there, okay?” I said, needing to remember to breathe.
They tried to keep in the secrets that you wouldn't tell
But they just stripped you for parts you had to sell
“Sounds good,” Simon said, a smile spreading across his face as well. Even though we got what we all wanted apparently, why was I the only one not smiling? Why did it feel like I wasn’t going to get what was promised? The only person dangling the carrot in front of me was myself and I knew the bitch would never let me have it if someone didn’t make her.
“I’m gonna give you two a minute, I’ll be out in the car,” Johnny said, getting up. He dropped a kiss to Simon’s head and waved to me before letting himself out. 
“What?” I said, looking at Simon as he stared me down.
“Do you really want to do this? To reset?” He asked. 
“If I didn’t, would I have said yes to it?” I asked, rolling my eyes, unable to keep from putting up my guards.
“No, but that doesn’t mean you’re lettin’ it all out there,” he said. 
“I just. . . I don’t know. I feel like I let two strangers into my apartment to emotionally bully me into a relationship that I am terrified of,” I said with a sigh. “I don’t know how to be or to act around you anymore.”
“It’s okay,” Simon said, taking my hand in his. It was warm and rough, just like always. “We’ll figure it out. I’ll give you all the time and space you want.”
“What if I don’t want space?” I blurted out. I had shut down after Dierdre, pushed everyone away, and made myself alone. Like Johnny had figured out, I was punishing myself for my daughter’s death. I did that to myself because it felt like the right thing to do at the time, but I didn’t want it anymore. Not when Simon wanted me back, but. . . 
“What do you mean?” Simon asked.
“I mean. . . I am so tired of being alone and I am so tired of pushing people away. I don’t care about the sex or kissing, I just don’t want to be alone again,” I said, managing to get it out before I broke down into sobs. 
And if you're there to catch me when I fall
Then maybe Hell ain't so bad after all
Simon didn’t let go of me. Slowly, he pulled me from my chair to set me in his lap. His long arms wrapped around me, holding me tight as I sobbed against him. 
It had been so long since I’d had that simple comfort that I didn’t want to let go. I didn’t want to go slow and stay home by myself. I wanted to go with Simon and Johnny and just stop being fucking alone. It was as if Simon was reading my mind as the back of my hand began to itch under my tattoo. 
“Why don’t you come home with us for a while?” Simon asked. “Don’t worry about anythin’, I’ll help you pack a bag and when you feel up to it, we’ll come back.”
Build me up or tear me down, I will never make a sound
Build me up or tear me down
“Okay,” I nodded, hiccuping from crying so hard. There was no fight left in me as he continued to hold me, only taking out his phone to text Johnny. A few more minutes and I walked with him like a child holding their parents hand to their bedroom where the monsters were. We packed a basic bag before I slid on shoes then grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet. With my place locked up, Simon led me out to the car where Johnny was waiting in the driver’s seat. He didn’t say a word or make any fuss as Simon got in the back with me to hold me as we drove back to their house. 
I knew Simon had sold our old house six months ago, getting another one down the street from it. It was a blessing because I would not be able to go back into that house. Brief flashes of how we had worked to make it ours, the decorations, furniture, the nursery ran through my mind. But instead of breaking down and having a drink, I nuzzled against Simon’s chest as his heavy arm kept me close.
Run a dagger through my chest, I believe it's for the best
Build me up or tear me down
Once there, I walked in holding Simon’s hand. Johnny didn’t seem surprised at all by any of it. In fact it was almost like he was expecting it. “Here’s some water and ibuprofen, you probably have a headache and are dehydrated,” he said as he handed me both items.
“Thanks,” I said, taking them. 
“If you’re hungry we can order something or you’re more than welcome to lay down or even take a shower, whatever you’d like,” Johnny said as he took my bag for me. Going down the hall and straight to their room. I knew it was their room because it had a huge bed I could see from the front. 
“I can sleep on the couch or the guest room,” I said, trying to back peddle from something I didn’t even realize was taking off so quickly.
“Don’t worry about,” Johnny said. “You’re probably touch starved and your soulmates haven’t been around in a year. It’ll create a tension of sorts, make you irritable, cause mood swings, depression, anxiety, general mental disarray. The best thing to do for it, if you can, is to be with your soulmates. That means you share the bed with us.”
“Us?” I said, my voice cracking.
If I'm there to catch you when you fall
You'll have a friend down in Hell after all
“Simon will sleep in the middle, don’t worry,” Johnny said as he walked to the closet to grab extra pillows and blankets. 
“I think I’ve just been bamboozled,” I mumbled. That little shit knew all along that I’d end up coming home with them. He probably knew about the tickets! Knew that I was a bounty hunter! I was going to have to keep my eye on him. 
“Probably,” Simon said with a chuckle. “He’s shifty like that. But, he is right. You’re probably touch starved, so you’re stayin’ in the same bed as us. Do you want to shower or anythin’?” 
“I just want to lay down. My head is killing me and I’m a bit overwhelmed,” I said.
“Fair enough, keep drinkin’ the water though,” Simon said as he led me to the bedroom. 
“Yes, Sir,” I said with a snort before taking a drink of the water.
“Oh, yeah, Simon is definitely, Sir,” Johnny said as he put the pillows and blankets on the bed for me. I couldn’t help but choke on my water. “Oh, too soon?”
And if you're there to catch me when I fall
Then maybe Hell ain't so bad after all
“I think she just needs to rest,” Simon said, patting me on the back. 
“Okay,” Johnny said with a shrug. “Here’s a wet cloth for ye too.” He handed me one for my eyes before walking out. 
“Here, you get settled,” Simon said, helping me get into the large, California King sized bed. “Need anything else?” 
If I'm there to catch you when you fall
You'll have a friend down in Hell after all
“No, I think I’m good,” I said, letting him drape the wet cloth over my forehead. 
“Alright. I’m gonna go take a shower then I’ll be in to lay down with you, okay?” He said.
“Okay,” I mumbled, already falling asleep. It didn’t take long for me to do just that, but I woke up later as Simon was sliding into bed. All the noises were gone from the usual household that was awake, telling me everyone was going to bed. I felt Simon lay on his back, making it easy for me to move to lay with my arm over his belly. What I didn’t expect was another arm to lay over mine. At first I wanted to pull away, but the longer I let it stay, the more it felt right.
And if you're there to catch me when I fall
Then maybe Hell ain't so bad after all
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90 @neothewitch @shadofireshinobi @sadslasher13 @0alk0msan @xaestheticalien
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muffinlance · 2 years
Fellow Prisoner Li, Part 4: Zuko Goes to the Time-Out Thinking Corner
Previous || Read from the beginning  || Read all chapters on AO3
The prison was there. And worse than Sokka could have imagined, which was a pretty high bar, but the Fire Nation really dedicated itself to exceeding his expectations. At least it explained why Li had been acting so weird. What with his trying to scout ahead while they were still outside. And trying to get them to wait inside that empty cell while he went ahead. And then they’d found the prisoners, and… yeah. Yeah, maybe Sokka shouldn’t have let his little sister and a twelve-year-old see that. Maybe, just maybe, Li had been on to something. 
Since the twelve-year-old was a fellow genocide survivor—and wow, that applied to three-fourths of their team, Sokka had never really realized that before—and. And since he was the Avatar, well. There had been glowing. And then there was a convenient hole in the ceiling for Appa to enter by. 
There hadn’t been many prisoners left. Still should have been too many for one flying bison. But their added weight was not large enough to cause an issue. 
It should have been. The Fire Nation was— 
Sokka did not have words. He just. He didn’t. 
* * *
They landed in some forest at night, somewhere outside anywhere major. 
And got jump-scared by some old lady who appeared out of the trees with the creepiest grin and then promptly lost it.
“Amka? Ikiaq?” creepy lady said.
“Hama?” whispered one of their rescuees. Her smile creased her face, like leather going against its grain. “You did it. You really did. We never knew if they caught you, they told us they did but there was no body—”
And now they were at an inn. Sokka collapsed into bed, and resolved not to question the convenience of this all until morning. 
* * *
He woke up too early, and yawned his way down the stairs.
“Why didn’t you go home?” someone was asking, from the kitchen.
There was a clink of cups being set down. Maybe bowls. Hama had insisted on bone broth and nothing but for last night’s dinner. To be fair, that had been all Sokka’s stomach could handle, too.
“And give them an excuse to raid again?” the innkeeper quietly scoffed. “No. I do what I can from here. Our tribe is safer without me.”
Sokka went back upstairs.
* * *
Hama offered to train Katara. 
“Yes,” Katara said. And, after the hugging was done, and after a small guilty time delay to remember their mission: “Will you train Aang, too?”
“He’s a waterbender?” the last healthy southern master said, with a glance at the airbender’s tattoos.
“He’s the Avatar.”
“Yes,” Hama said.
* * *
Sokka sat down next to Li on the steps outside. The firebender looked like he was having a moment. His face had been stuck like that since mid-escape, though, so. Probably time to talk to him. 
“Hey, Fellow Prisoner,” Sokka said. “Sure makes you realize how good we had it, huh?”
At which point Li opened his mouth and said words, but there was no way Sokka had heard them right.
“Sorry,” he said. “Didn’t catch that. Say again?”
“...The Fire Lord doesn’t know. There’s no way he… he wouldn’t have allowed that. I need to tell—”
“I am,” Sokka said, “going to stop you there. Li. Buddy. Fellow Prison Pal. I am aware that it is apparently a shock, that the people who burned half your face off as a kid, then beat you and threw you in Commander Muttonchop's fun-time ship prison basement for more beatings as a slightly older kid, are not the best people—”
“But…” Li interrupted, and then stopped talking, because apparently he didn’t know where he was going with that, either. 
“—And it is important to me that you know I don’t blame you for this. But it’s also important that you understand that that prison wasn’t built in secret, and it wasn’t staffed by uniquely evil people. It’s… it’s been there for decades. And people just… just went to work there, and got paid for it, and it was a normal job to them, and…” Sokka took a deep breath and let it out. “...And that is what the Fire Nation is. What it does. If you weren’t on our side from the start, I would have hated you and your bending on sight, because that’s what the Fire Nation does. And I really can’t be the one consoling you through this, because it is actually a little offensive to me that there are peaceful little villages like this a day’s travel from places like that, and decent people like you who knew the place existed but you… what? Think it’s just mismanagement? How should they have locked up generations of my elders, Li?”
Katara was right. He really, really shouldn’t be the one to have these conversations with the guy. Something something he’s got a good heart and yelling at him doesn’t help with the de-eviling.  
“Listen,” Sokka said, standing up. “Why don’t you… think about it. Some more. And maybe about your place on the team, okay? Because we want you here. And we trust you. But our goal isn’t to sit the Fire Lord down and enlighten him about all the things his country is doing. Our goal is to get rid of him. If that’s not for you, that’s…”
That would be a choice. But one Li could make. And Sokka would rather have him make it now than have a breakdown during some future fight.
“I’m going to go help Kirima take her walk,” Sokka said, and went back inside. The elders’ walks were all in done inside. Because it wasn’t safe for the prisoners to show their faces outside, and it wasn’t like she could walk far enough to enjoy the sunshine, anyway. 
Li was still sitting there, when he closed the door. 
* * *
“You,” said the innkeeper, “have been sitting here all day. I’ve always found an evening walk to lift my spirits. Help an old woman find her way in the dark? Besides, I know a better spot for thinking.”
“I… okay.”
Under the full moon, Zuko followed.
770 notes · View notes
kazutora-kurokawa · 4 months
It Wasn't Me! (A fic about Mikey's dorayaki getting stolen while some of Toman's founders are hanging out)
♡ SFW, use of nicknames, cursing, mentions of arson, false accusations/Mikey blaming everyone for stealing, set in an au where Shinichiro survives Kazutora hitting him and everything is peachy keen between the founders, just a random idea that popped in my head ♡
Characters: Mikey, Draken, Kazutora, Mitsuya, Takemichi
Mentions of: Pah-Chin, Baji, and Shinichiro
Mitsuya sat on the couch in the corner of Toman's hideout, scribbling away in his design journal before noticing something strange. "Draken?" Draken looked up from the book he was reading. "Yea Suya? What is it?" "Isn't it oddly quiet?" "You know what, now that you mention it, it is-" "WHO TOOK IT?" Mikey's voice reverberated throughout the hideout, interrupting Draken mid-sentence.
"I knew it was too good to be true." Mitsuya closed his journal and placed it on the couch before getting up to go with Draken to investigate Mikey's sudden outburst. "What's wrong now Mikey?" "I'll tell you what's wrong! There's a thief in our midst!" "What got stolen?" The boys turned around, surprised by Kazutora's sudden appearance. "What the fuck Tora, you scared the hell outta us! Where did you even come from?
"I was just out riding around on my bike, I needed to clear my head. So...is anybody gonna say what got stolen or is it a guessing game?" Draken and Mitsuya turned back to face Mikey, awaiting his response. "What got stolen is my dorayaki. Some scoundrel came in here and got their dirty hands on it!" "Are you fucking serious right now? I'm sitting back down, this is just ridiculous." "That's what you were yelling about? I promise you it's not that serious." "Yes it is! Takemitchy-kun brought it for me earlier and I was planning on eating it right now, but I obviously can't cause it's gone!" "It's not like you're gonna die without it, just relax."
"What do you mean relax? I can't relax with a thief running around!" "Well who do you think stole it?" "Pah hasn't been here, so you can rule him out." Draken yelled from the couch. "You know what? It was probably Baji, he does illegal stuff all the time." "Mikey you can't just go around accusing people who aren't here to defend themselves." "Exactly, you're basically just slandering him." "He literally lights cars on fire, can you really blame me for suspecting someone with a criminal record?" "I hate to admit it, but he's got a point."
"Oh shut up Draken!" "Okay let's calm it down a bit. Mikey, I think you're placing the blame on Baji because you're too lazy to actually do any detective work." Mikey crossed his arms and stared sheepishly at the ground. Mitsuya was right, no matter how much Mikey wished he wasn't. "Okay fine, I admit that I'm lazy. I guess Baji didn't do it." As the words left his mouth, Mikey looked up in sudden realization. "If it wasn't him, then it must've been one of you!"
"Oh that's just fantastic, are we gonna be playing the blame game all day? Why the hell would we steal your dorayaki? "I don't know, maybe to piss me off." "Well I don't have any reason to wanna piss you off and I was enjoying the peace and quiet, so I definitely wouldn't steal anything from you knowing you'd have an outburst." "I'm with Suya on this one, nobody wants to hear your damn mouth while they're trying to read."
Mikey turned his attention towards Kazutora, loading up his accusation. "Then it must've been you Kazutora!" "I literally just got here like 10 minutes ago dumbass, how could I steal it?" "I don't know, but I need someone to blame!" "Hey guys, what's up?" Takemichi wandered through the door of the hideout, oblivious to the situation plaguing his friends. "And the plot thickens." "Nothing much Takemichi, just Mikey blaming everyone for stealing his dorayaki." "I haven't blamed everyone, just you guys." "You say that as if it makes it any better." "Dorayaki? You mean the one I brought for you?" "Yes and someone snatched it up!"
Takemichi just stood there and laughed awkwardly, giving the boys a chance to notice the bag he held in his hand. "Takemichi, that wouldn't happen to be Mikey's dorayaki in that bag would it?" "Yeah it is, he forgot to grab it before he left." "Wow, so he really just accused everyone for no reason. That's crazy." "Mikey you owe all of us an apology."
Feeling guilty and embarrassed at his own behavior, Mikey shuffled his way over to Takemichi, taking the bag out of his hand. "Thanks Takemitchy." Mikey turned around and faced the guys, who were actively expecting an apology. "Guys..." Mikey took a long pause before continuing. "I'm not sorry." He walked out the door, too stubborn to admit he was wrong.
"I wish I would've hit him with those bolt cutters instead of Shinichiro."
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkitkats @happy-trenchcoated-impala @rindousbabyg
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hmspogue · 1 year
Outer Banks Season 3 Shot by Shot Trailer Rundown
I do not own any clips or screenshots, all rights to Netflix and the creators.
To say I'm still reeling would be the understatement of the century, let's get into it.
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John B: "From the very beginning, it was always Kooks..."
Even though they're set on us prying this orange filter from their cold dead fingers, these first two shots are actually stunning?
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"...and Pogues"
Holy hell, we know we have all the ohter Pogues reuniting with their parents after they get back home, so JJ being all alone at this house is actually so heartbreaking.
Jiara nation rise, it looks like Bracelet Touch™ takes place at the empty Maybank house I'm not well.
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"Some people with everything..."
Why are season 3's always everyones haircut season in shows like what is the source of this phenomenon?
But Rafe and Barry with the key
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This hiding job is on par with JJ throwing pew pillows over it in the church.
Although, kind of think this is them getting ready to try and melt the cross down (which makes me so beyond furious), because off to the side you see the lighter fluid and the muffin tins, then later there's shots of gold.
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"...and some with nothing."
The DIVIDE. I actually love the dynamic of Kooks vs Pogues heating up and the two cultures that try and exist on a very small island together. Especially since this season seems to be Kiara centric, her whole identity being called into question about where she falls I NEED IT.
I cannot even begin to express how sad I am that we're probably going to get approximately 3 seconds of them hanging out on Poguelandia because look at them!!! Let them be happy!!!
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"That's the way it's always been."
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Pope and Cleo making a signal fire together. Looks like that scene from the teaser of them walking in the field was probably them trying to scout out a good spot for it.
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Jarah B looking fine as hell John B I know that bandana is your father's but i cannot even begin to imagine how disgusting it is at this point I'm sorry-
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I feel like both this shot and the previous one are them being saved by the plane that lands.
(@whitetrashjj the mullet truther, your time has come).
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"Until now."
This may be my favorite John B set up narration so far.
Also, like I said, them getting rescued by the plane. Kiara looks almost hesitant? Could be the same shot as above where her and JJ aren't too sure about this plane or the people on it.
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MMMMMMMM VERY concerning JJ bike crash. Pope and Cleo (or maybe Kie?) in the back of the truck with a crate.
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Okay this is SO intereting to me because Ward with blood all over himself (whatelse is new?), Rafe, and Sarah helping him? I can't tell what's in his hand. But the family dynamics this season are goign to be somehow even messier, I can feel it.
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Kiara getting kidnapped and taken to wilderness camp, I'm so not ready for this like. It's for sure the Carrera house in the back, the two shirts say Kitty Hawk Adventure.
For a long time, we all thought this was going to be something they ended the season on, but now it seems like it'll be a plot point in the middle. Thanks to @sun-undone and her unhinged costuming documents, we know that this yellow halter top is after the Carrera anniversary party we got BTS from (with the Jiara gate fight and John B rocking Topper's shit and Mike's "see, this is what I'm talking about, JJ"). We know Kie is seen later witht he Pogues, so Blue Ridge may be a quick, one episode plot mid season.
If they've been holding Blue Ridge over her head the whole season, then John B beating the shit out of Topper at the party is sort of the last straw, I cannot een begin to imagine the fight that he and JJ will have about it????
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JJ and Kiara INSIDE the Chateau and a fire being lit OUTSIDE? If someone's trying to burn the house down witht hem trapped inside there will be heLL TO PAY.
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I know that Cline talked about having to mentally take Sarah to some very dark places this season and this shot just confirms my theory that I seriously think Sarah's going to kill someone and deal with the emotional consequences of that.
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I want this to be feral JJ so badly after Kiara's taken, but, sadly, he's not in the right outfit. Not the first time we've seen machete!JJ though.
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We saw this shot in the teaser, but looks like they're climbing up an abandoned elevator shaft. They're in their clothes they have on get reunited with Kie. I think it's from the same abandoned hotel the Pogues (minus Kiara, probably because they're going to save her) are in front of in a different shot.
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Andd here it is: the new plot of the season and confirmation they're going after fucking EL DORADO NEXT LIKE.
Important to note this is shot on a plane as well.
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Oh the Twinkie, how I missed you.
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Kiara's relationship with her parents is so askjhfailsuh COMPLICATED because I think they really do love her. And she wants more than anything for them to understand her and they just keep missing each other.
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"My father and me..."
This shot is very aesthetically pleasing to me. That's all I have to say about it.
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If they only do baby Sarah and Baby John B I will do something so drastic-
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"...the treasure was our way out."
The way he's looking at his father? Like the pride in his eyes? I know this relationship is going to sting so badly with the way the Pates have talked about John B having to reconcile the idealized version of his father in his head with the one that left him for gold.
This is a kid that hasn't been hurt by the world or his father yet and I wanna hug him.
(post will be continues apparently i can only up load 30 images at once)
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vaguely-concerned · 7 months
I’m on a Star Wars books roll so here we go with my — unhinged thanks for asking! — thoughts on Dooku: Jedi Lost, specifically the audio play. Short version: I fucking loved this one! For maximum emotional devastation, pair with Master and Apprentice and Padawan the way my stupid ass did and then be sad about it forever I guess that's what I’m going to have to do.
 Long (LONG oopsie) version:
- So. First of all, let’s get the most important thing out of the way on this here old man yaoi website. We all agree dooku and sifo dyas explored each other’s bodies right. Or at least definitely would have if not for the laws of this order etc., potentially. That’s not just me. Good. Thank you. We can now move on 
- Secondly. Well. Guess I’m just going to be inconsolable about Sifo-Dyas forever now. I miss the days in which he was just a throwaway line in AotC spawned by a random misspelling to me, rather than an eternal raw aching wound in my heart
- poor poor ventress just reading through all the proof that dooku absolutely does have it in him to be a good dad I mean master and just — idk got tired of that and went the force lightning route with her. I love the move of having her dead master hang out with her all that time as well (having her slip up and refer to ‘us’ did something to me, god this is so sad. Is he actually there in spirit or is it just her grief dreaming him up because dooku is awful and cold as a cliff  wall and she needs some kind of attachment figure even if she’ll have to reinvent him herself, rebuild him word for word, gesture by gesture. Pain. sorry about your terrible track record with father figures asajj) 
- Lene: (About Averross): He hasn’t changed. 
Dooku: (In the warmest fondest voice you ever heard) And I hope he never does
Another strong showing for Rael in general, btw. He’s so warm and charming as a presence even though he’s also a little chaos gremlin. (He’s quite similar to how Sifo-Dyas was when he was young in some ways, I can definitely start to see what Dooku responds warmly to in terms of character traits.) 
- the fact that good ol’ sheev showed an interest in rael, dooku and anakin… interesting huh! He’s just got a soft spot for the disaster lineage I suppose, maybe there’s an element there of luring yoda’s most direct lineage into the dirt with him without yoda even noticing for the longest time. Also cackling at the idea that he looked at qui-gon ‘too fucking stubborn and insufferable to fall to the dark side out of sheer spite’ jinn and went ‘...not that one tho’ fhdskjfa. And obi-wan is more like ‘that one blorbo all my little guys seem wild about but I just don’t get it guys’ 
IF rael’s refusal to join dooku at the end of ‘master and apprentice’ is the last word (which I am not convinced of ;___; be safe cowboy jedi we never see in mainline canon so far), then he’s the only one who has dodged palpatine’s attentions. Wonderful if true love that for him
ALSO rael is one of the few people we know to be on (or at least to consider himself on despite what palps might think lol) first name basis with palpatine. Hilarious. I concur with dooku never change rael 
- Sifo-Dyas: That’s insane. 
Dooku, deadpan: Yes.
Sifo-Dyas: The worst plan I’ve ever heard.
Dooku, somehow even more deadpan: Most probably. 
Sifo-Dyas: I’m in. 
Crying… weeping and dying………… what if someone could have helped sifo with his unfortunate prophecy propensity and they hadn’t drifted apart. Clone Wars averted methinks if dooku still ended up leaving the order he would have been too busy having tender gay sex with the love of his life (and only person who can call him out on his shit and have him actually listen) to be a war criminal (I am being extremely facetious of course this is very much a ‘time traveler killing baby hitler’ situation where the underlying forces causing this point in history are way too powerful to avert the catastrophe in one move. but at least palps would probably have had to pick someone else to wreck the galaxy through and sifo-dyas would be kissed & held instead of going slowly mad. A net plus some (I, me) would say) 
- I just wanted to applaud both the writing and the voice acting for the characterization of Dooku in this, from his young self trying so hard to be haughty and self-possessed but also being like, y’know, twelve and a dweeb and easy for Sifo-Dyas to pull into trouble, to the dry wit and warmth he shows with Rael and Qui-Gon or his sister later. It took me a little while to get into the voice acting specifically (the actor makes no attempt at going the full Christopher Lee, which in hindsight was probably wise), but now I love it. It gets a bit goofy in places but you know what, I am a long time lover of audio plays, that’s part of the charm 
- “Master, have I done something wrong?”
My heart is clenching… do you think… that master yoda’s deal with leaving his student to try fucking everything to have some kind of relationship with him until he just breaks down in tears of despair… is the kind of thing that maybe started a little bit of a generational trauma cartwheel through the ages. The point that bb!dooku is arrogant isn’t without merit and he strikes out incredibly ungracefully about it (in fact I would be a lot more worried than yoda seems to be that he decides to try to kill a tree about it, ‘I felt like destroying something beautiful’-style)  but I just don’t think a… fourteen year old? A teen anyway, Is going to learn what you think he learns from this. I simply don’t believe that silent treatmenting kids will teach them emotional intelligence I guess especially if they already struggle with that naturally lol 
(It is exactly the same mistake (in my opinion) that Qui-Gon makes with Obi-Wan, too, just leaving the kid completely alone and forcing them to come to you every which way for comfort or guidance instead of meeting them or reaching out to them. Especially once you see that really Dooku’s prime emotion/big core wound right from the beginning is loneliness. And that doesn’t only come from a feeling of superiority (which to be sure is also a big factor), because he has no idea where he comes from until he meets his sister. I don’t think the jedi as a whole were unsalvageable by any stretch of the imagination, but Yoda specifically… you are on such very thin ice with me at this point you little green fuck. You’re very funny and moving in yoda dark rendezvous and that’s all that’s keeping you in my somewhat good graces.)
- Okay, coming back a bit later I think I’ve found the right words to say this. more precisely dooku has two big issues which you can later see haunting all the way down his lineage — loneliness and control. (and not incidentally the intersecting elements of the two haha.) We see from his relationship to sifo-dyas that he’s not incapable of having close mutual relationships with an equal, but that kind of crashed and burned for reasons neither of them could really help and after that it seems quite telling that he has the easiest time with deeper connection in a teacher-student sort of form. I think his affection is unconditional and real, but you can’t get away from the fact that he also has the most control in that relationship structure by default, he gets to dictate what form it takes to a big extent. He doesn’t trust other people — the underlying idea ‘Only I can do this’ that eventually leads him down the Separatist path is there the whole way. It speaks both to a sense of superiority and an utter lack of faith that other people can or will help him. And then that echoes down through the master-padawan line: 
Qui-Gon with his self-righteousness and utter refusal to compromise leaving him isolated among the jedi (only he is right. Yeah the Force told him so. Don’t worry I’ve got a permit *insert parks and rec I can do whatever I want meme here*), Obi-Wan with his anxiety and perfectionism and incredible sense of shame and responsibility that he should be able to carry the whole world on his shoulders alone and beating himself up for failing, all feeding into not knowing what to do with Anakin and his complete lack of control of himself and his desperation to gain and maintain connection and love (which earns him the title of ‘Dooku’s least favorite family member’ fhdsa his immediate disdain for him is so funny and so in character. Repress and go slowly mad like a normal person anakin the way you’re carrying on is just undignified and that is much worse than being evil)… 
- Rael gently telling Dooku to take on another padawan soon… so sweet, so sad, local cowboy jedi looking out for his dad. Also highlights something about Dooku I think is true: that he does much better and seems to have an easier time holding to the light when he’s responsible for someone else. Again, I do feel like Dooku’s core problem is loneliness, but it seems like raising kids is the one point where that relaxes somewhat. Maybe if Sifo-Dyas had stayed in a better mental place and they kept in touch it could have been different.
- Lene Kostana is SUCH a character! Charismatic and deeply fucked up, when it’s revealed how her and Sifo-Dyas’ relationship remains long after his padawan stage is done I felt a little bit sick, to my surprise. Because that could just be kindness on her part, of course, it’s good that he has someone he trusts to look after him when he can’t himself, but also there’s something… queasy about the way it keeps him continually young, in a way. (Notably he still calls her ‘master’ even as an adult, when they’re working together. Not uncommon in Star Wars, of course, but together with everything else going on vibes-wise… hm.) The inherent unreliable narration of this story really worked for me in this regard especially — do we know that young Dooku was entirely wrong when he sensed the dark side in her? She certainly is willing to go to lengths that are… worrying! in her fascination with sith shit, she tempted children into a dangerous place they didn’t understand and couldn’t know the consequences of and she continually puts sifo-dyas in situations that are implied to be a risk to worsening his condition. Run of the mill incredibly irresponsible at best, sincerely sinister at worst. Did she choose Sifo over Dooku because he’s more vulnerable and shapeable? There is an undercurrent of something icky and emotionally incest-y going on with how she relates to Dooku and Sifo-Dyas in general (right down to the ‘NO, no one can know about this’ intensity after the… evil moss cave. I can’t believe I’m this emotional about a book with an evil moss cave). I don’t think she’s a proper sith in any way and I also believe there is real affection there on all sides, but idk something about the whole thing makes me deeply uneasy. Yoda where the fuck are you your son is out there with his irresponsible mom again they’re looking for dirty needles in haystacks and they’re not even wearing any gloves
- dooku telling sifo-dyas he can come back to haunt him if he likes as a joke… well well well I’m sure that doesn’t ring with some dramatic irony at some point down the line lmao
- honestly looking back at master and apprentice after reading jedi lost makes qui-gon's apparent lack of reaction to dooku leaving seem — let's call it highly suspect haha. rael asks him if he's spoken to dooku after and qui-gon is like 'no. why would I. it's literally fine. anyway this topic is done now'. (and rael seems to just go ‘*older brotherly knowing* uh-huh’) meanwhile he's thinking about dooku *all the time* trying to figure out his role as master to obi-wan, thinking about being a padawan himself, the parts of his life he shared with both dooku and rael. The jedi doth protest too much methinks  
ALSO how much of qui-gon thinking the council was too lenient with rael after he had to kill his padawan is about that actual situation, and how much is a ‘our family still likes my older brother more than me even though he Fucked Up so bad and breaks just as many rules as I do’ sort of deal mixed with his own neuroses about how he’s failing obi-wan (to which rael’s situation symbolizes the worst possible outcome, i.e. the kid dies and it’s basically your fault). Many thoughts. 
- moment of silence for jenza of house serenno. Girl your only sin was being surrounded by asshole male family members and I’m so sorry I think you did all you could with what you had to work with here.
Not… entirely sure how dooku’s claim to the title supersedes hers — is he a year older than her? (she’s eleven when they first meet, he might be twelve or older at that point I don’t remember haha) Does she just give up her place in the inheritance order? Are primogeniture and male heir preference factors in Serenno inheritance law? Not the most important thing honestly it works anyway thematically but could have been clarified quickly!
- interesting to see that the council’s restrictive policy against engaging with prophecies had a surprisingly big impact on how things went down. Kostana has a lot of responsibility in Sifo’s fate for insisting he keep it secret, but there is genuine fear for what might become of him if the rest of the order finds out he’s got 24/7 futurevision hovering over him threateningly… listen it’s not like the poor guy can help getting the future constantly pumped into his brain at nightmare resolutions, I think maybe if there had been more willingness to at least engage curiously with the concept of prophecy and how it works, even if you don’t put your faith in the particulars of what the prophecies say, this wouldn’t have had to be such a shitty isolated secretive life for him. hearing him slowly fall apart over the years considering how bright and lovely he started out... oof is all I can say 
- when dooku was a good jedi he was such a good jedi!!! The scene where they’re saving the kids from the collapsing hospital, every time he teaches his students anything…the impulse of someone has to do something about this! that made him so good at saving lives turning dark with the tarnish of frustration and rage over the years… nooooooooo problematic grandpa why did it have to be like this :(
- …do you think infant jedi can sense what’s going on around them in the Force. Because it makes a very sad kind of sense if dooku on some level remembers bodily or in the Force that he was not only abandoned but rejected in disgust as one of the first things he discovered in the world. Oh boy. With all the ways attachment relationships can go wonky in the first few years in real life I don’t even want to consider how much more wrong it can go when the baby is fucking psychic lol
- vaguely related: the way dooku seems to find the very idea of being truly reliant on anyone, emotionally or otherwise, personally offensive, terrifying and humiliating lol. Yoda saves him from being crushed by rubble and he is outraged because that means he can’t save himself (and his newfound sister) without anyone’s help like he thought for one glorious moment he could. The fantasy of perfect emotional self-sufficiency, doing away with all the messiness and risk of interpersonal relationships and cutting off the possibility of really being abandoned again. It’ll get ya every time. This is also a thing you see reflected in his lineage — they’re all quite inward-turning that way until you get to anakin, to different extents and with varying presentations but it is there I think. Qui-Gon turns to the Force, Obi-Wan to perfectionism and shame and rumination, Rael to the bottle and depression and hedonistic apathy, but they all struggle hugely with letting anyone in to help them. Dooku’s line are all much more comfortable being the helpers rather than the helpees, as it were.  
- “Thank you for everything, Lene. Tell Rael and Qui-Gon — tell them… tell them the Force will be with them, always”
Emotional terrorism against me specifically and personally. You asshole you just excused yourself from the non-attachment rules there’s literally nothing in the world except you to stop you from reaching out and telling your children you love them yOURSELF why are you like this
- the recurring theme of dooku seeing something beautiful (the tree in the temple, the tirra’taka as a child and an adult) and ending up lashing out to destroy it… but the tree was old and mighty and he was young and new and couldn’t truly harm it, so he was saved from his own impulsivity. And then when he sees the tirra’taka as an adult he loves it immediately. And in the end he still mangles and destroys it. He didn’t mean to, but he did. He woke it up and hurt it just by existing as a child and then he had to kill it as a mercy because he was too powerful at that point for anything to buffer his mistakes. The parallel with the bird he loved that he also couldn’t protect. He starts out with an aching loneliness somewhere at the core of him through no real fault of his own but by the end it is entirely his own fault that it’s worse, because he starts wrecking everything he loves in an almost absent-minded but definitely intentional way, like it’s a nightmare he’s listening to through the door as it happens in the next room over. He really IS the ‘I just felt like destroying something beautiful’ central of the jedi.
at the end qui-gon is dead and through dooku’s own influence, however indirectly. Rael has had to turn away from him. Sifo-Dyas is dead on Dooku’s own orders and so is his sister, he might as well have done it with his own hands. (though I think it’s very interesting that in each case he didn’t do it with his own hands, he consistently uses a middleman.) He lives within the coldness of his sterile empty castle and horrifically mistreats the one person he might have found something like connection with the way he did with his students before (Ventress), deliberately trapping her in a similar state of utter desolate isolation and telling her, essentially, ‘We’re like this as people and nothing can be done to change it. We can’t escape, we’re already doomed, stop trying, it’s too late. You are just like me (and if you aren't already I'll make you like me)’. And that’s the closest thing he gets to love anymore. When he accused Ky of using her ‘as a salve for his own loneliness’ and you’re like well well well mr projection man how’s that working out for you. He is completely, shatteringly alone and he is so entirely as a consequence of his own actions and he's too far gone to understand or care. I’m howling you useless fucking FOOL dooku  
- dooku 🤝 john gaius
“Hm. I have observed that there are in fact many flaws in our society and the government is deeply corrupt. So if I kill a few billion people here and there in order to fix it, is that not basically okay when you really think about it” 
Dooku making salient points about the political and ethical failures of the Republic and then, just when you think he’s onto something, he goes and makes The wildest fucking decisions about what to do about it. Sure. dark magic and genocide are probably the only ways out of this you’re so right bro. If we make enough minuses to add together surely we’ll end up in plus sooner or later
- *head in my hands once more* I can’t believe I am genuinely emotionally invested in someone called Count Dooku with the looks of a knockoff dracula and ultimate moral character to match right now this is terrible. hey. hey dooks. what you have to go and fuck everything up so bad for huh I’m so incredibly sad now
there is something to be said about how getting to see glimpses of what dooku looked like in the light makes it so much more heartwrenching that he never came back. he could have, a thousand times. and every time he chose not to.
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angelsanarchy · 6 months
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Tangerine Skies: Possum x Y/N Series CH 9 -> END
Tagging: @svgarcaine @icarus-star @romanroyapoligist @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp @liquidsmoothdomme @auggiethecreator @ethical-cain-vinnel @blacksoul-27 @tempt-ress
Possum had finally taken his tent down and packed up his travel stuff. Y/n told him there was no point in him having it still set up out there when he was spending every night in the RV with her. They fell into a comfortable day to day of waking up, fucking eachothers brains out, having meals, fucking eachothers brains out some more, smoking some weed before falling back into bed for a little more fucking.
"I think this is the most exercise I've ever gotten. My 7th grade gym teacher would be amazed." Possum said as he took a drag from the blunt, opening the window for the smoke to roll out of it.
"I didn't even attend gym class. I hated sweating at school." Y/n took the blunt from his hands and pulled on it. Possum looked at her and smiled.
"You barely sweat when we fuck...wait...am I not doing it right?" Possum asked making Y/n laugh out loud.
"No no you're doing everything right..perfect even. Best sex I've ever had." Possum's face lit up.
"Yeah?" He asked as he turned his body towards her wanting to go for another round.
"Yes, I wouldn't lie to you." She let him cop a feel before holding the blunt out of the way so he didn't light them both on fire.
"I like that about you. Everyone stays so caught up in trying to fool one another. No one lives in their truth anymore." Possum sat up and started to pull on his sweatpants without underwear, like he had every morning.
"You want to know what I like about you?" Y/n teased with a smirk.
"If you say my huge cock, I will only be slightly disappointed." Possum said from the bathroom. She could hear him peeing and laughed.
"That's top 3 but I like how different you are. You are truly the most uniquely free person I've ever met." Possum turned the water on and washed his hands before returning to the bed.
"Most people just think I'm weird...or high...mostly high but a lot of the time just plain weird. Do you think I'm weird?" Possum asked tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"I think when you say weird you mean it in a bad way. When I think of you as weird I think of it as fun and exciting. You aren't boring and you're smart as hell. I could honestly just listen to you talk about governmental evil doing and extraterrestrial theories for hours." Possum smiled at her.
Y/n let Possum drive her car to the grocery store. They drove past the diner and the window she had blown out was covered with ply wood and the manager with yelling at someone on the phone out in the parking lot. The made a quick stop at the convenience store that Possum frequented and the manager looked thrilled to see him.
"I thought you died! We haven't seen you in so long! How you eat?" He asked Possum turned and pointed to Y/n who waved.
"She feeds me many times a day." Y/n hit him in the side and he rolled his eyes at her.
"We miss you. We're sorry we banned you for being stinky. We're glad you aren't stinky anymore." The manager said.
"Trust me, that makes two of us." Y/n ribbed.
"I just wanted to stop by and let you know I was taking off and probably wouldn't be back. I wanted to thank you for putting up with me for all this time." Possum held out his hand to shake and she could see he had at least $300 in his gloved hand. The manager's eyes lit up and he hugged Possum. Y/n thought it was the sweetest exchange between two acquainted strangers. She watched Possum carefully the rest of the day. How he treated strangers, how polite and present he was with people no matter how they looked at him.
Possum was such a genuinely sweet person in such a chaotic world. The two of them sat by the fire, eating dinner, playing with his little brother and talking about random places that they've both traveled to.
"You really ready to take off soon?" Y/n asked making Possum look up.
"Well I'm certainly done in this town. I think it's time I head back East. I know my mom is worried about me...I miss her." Possum explained. She nodded at his response. She had no doubts about him being a momma's boy.
"What about you? Ever been to the East coast?" Possum asked curiously.
"I've been to a few places on the East coast but never really stayed long enough to enjoy it." Y/n watched Possum's face drop.
"Oh you should come and see me when I get to my mom's! She would love you! Plus she can cook way better eggs than me." Possum said with excitement.
"You want me to meet your mom?" Y/n asked surprised.
"Of course! Two of my favorite women should know eachother." Possum said like it was so casual. Y/n didn't know she was consider in such high regard in Possum's book.
"I mean you'll have to wait like two months. I think it's going to take me a bit longer to get back there with the train and bus tickets." Possum explained.
"Or I could just take you...there's nothing keeping me here now that I quit my job. I hadn't really picked my next destination so-"
"Wait...you want me to like...live in the RV with you? Me and little one?" He held up his little brother and she laughed.
"Why not? We're living together in here now anyway. I like having you with me and I love hearing little ones little snores." She reached out and ruffled behind his ears and Possum sat him down carefully in his bag.
"Y/n...are you being serious right now? You really want us to come with you?" Possum plopped down next to her and took her hands into his own.
"Why does that surprise you so much?" She laughed and he licked his lips.
"No one has ever wanted to be with me like that." Possum's confession made Y/n lean forward and kiss him. He sighed into the kiss and placed a hand on her throat.
"Have you ever been in love before?" Possum pulled out of the kiss and asked bluntly.
"Um...maybe? Why do you ask?" She chuckled.
"I'm just trying to put a name on this feeling I have and I just think that's what it is. I've never been in love before so I just thought-" Y/n cut him off with another kiss, deepening it this time and allowing her hands to get tangled in the back of his hair.
"Maybe you're just higher than usual?" She joked but he nodded.
"Oh I'm absolutely out of this world high but I'm also pretty in love with you." Possum smiled resuming the kiss and running his tongue along hers. She felt him put his hands on her tits and squeeze.
"Yeah definitely love." Possum mumbled letting Y/n push him onto his back right next to the camp fire. They fucked like animals in the dirt and made sure to mark the coordinates of where they met for an eventual trip back. This would be their spot. It would be where they fell in love while getting high and watching the tangerine skies turn into tomorrows.
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topguncortez · 2 years
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The Professor | Chapter 5
previous part | masterlist | next part
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synopsis: Derek confronts you about what he saw in Professor Seresin's office. Jake invites you over for an important dinner.
word count: 3.7k
warnings: age gap, mentions of smut, mentions of parental death, mentions of a house fire, power imbalance, blackmail, excessive drinking, phone sex, mutual masturbation.
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In the three years you’ve known Derek McAndrew, you never knew him to be this quiet. He was always trying to talk to you, saying anything and everything that would come to his mind. You thought maybe he was really focused on the poem that Jake had assigned for the class to read. But then you looked up from your own document and found him staring you down that you knew the silence wasn’t because he was deep in thought. 
“Okay, what is it?” You asked, setting down your document, “What’s with the silence?” 
“What silence? I am reading,” Derek shrugged. 
“Alright, now that’s bullshit because you’re not reading, you’ve been staring me down. So. . . what is with the silence?” You asked again. 
Derek sighed and sat back in his chair and looked around the study room. Lucy had left nearly half an hour ago to go get coffee and snacks for all three of you, knowing that tonight was probably going to be a long night. Derek had the image of you sitting on Professor Seresin’s lap ingrained in his mind all weekend. At first, he didn’t think what he saw was correct. There was no way that someone as dignified as yourself would stoop so low as to fucking your professor. Derek thought maybe it was some other girl who had long beautiful hair and was wearing a ratty gray longhorn sweatshirt and mom jeans. But then Derek thought, who else would wear longhorn apparel in Chestnut Hill, besides Jake Seresin. 
You raised your eyebrows and held your hand out for Derek to spill whatever it is he was holding on to. 
“Are you fucking our professor?” 
Your heart was beating in your ears. You had strict instructions when it came to hooking up with Jake. There was not to be any sort of fornication on campus. Even though his office was on the fourth floor of the English building and his windows were dark, you still didn’t want to take the chance. But you had given in, slightly, last week, allowing a heavy make out session to break out in his office. You sat on his lap, as you ran your fingers through his blonde locks, as his hands roamed your body. It felt nice to sit there, feel his strong arms around you as the two of you would take a small break for him to check an email or you a text, and then went back to tongues clashing. 
“That’s fucking crazy. You’ve lost your damn-” 
“So it’s true!” Derek shouted and you looked around at the study room you were in. You gave an apologetic smile to a group who was nearby studying. You stood up and walked out the door, slamming it closed, and drawing the blind, before facing Derek. 
“Look, I don’t know what the hell it is you think you saw but-” 
“You only curse like this when you’re lying,” Derek pointed out, “You’re also clenching your fists, another thing you do when you’re lying.” 
You were shaking and crossed your arms over your chest. He was right, those were things you did when you were lying. You hated that Derek knew you like this. Suddenly, you were praying for Lucy or someone to come bursting through the door. 
“It’s not what you-” 
“It’s not what I think?” Derek scoffed, “You’re going to tell me that it’s not what I fucking think?! I caught you making out with our fucking professor in his office. I have every right to report him and you!” 
“Me?!” You exclaimed. 
“Yes, you!” Derek yelled and pushed himself up from his seat, “You are cheating! You are using him to get ahead! It’s fucking academic dishonesty! I could report you to Dean Simpson and have your ass kicked out of the fucking program by noon tomorrow!”
You flinched as he yelled, your throat starting to constrict with tears. You hadn’t ever thought what would happen if you got caught. You knew it wouldn’t be good, and there would be rumors and probably an investigation, but you didn’t know that it could go as far as you getting kicked out.
“And how fucking stupid does Seresin have to be to throw away a fucking career for you," Derek spat.
“What do you want?” You said through clenched teeth. 
“Not fucking happening,” You scoffed, “You think I would want to be with you after what the fuck you just said!” 
Derek smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, “You like him, don’t you.” 
“I don’t fucking like him,” You muttered, “He’s a fucking sadistic dick who gets off on making his students miserable. I’m his fucking teaching assistant for intro to English.” 
“And you suck his dick.” 
“You’re just mad that I won’t suck yours.” 
“No,” Derek scoffed, “I am mad that you are getting all the fucking insight in how to pass his fucking class. I need this Y/N, I need to pass this fucking class. I can’t have a bad grade, it’ll tank my opportunity for the Berkeley program.” 
“And what do you think would happen to me if I fail this class?” 
“You don’t have to worry. Your fucking personal essay will save your ass. Just talk about how your parents went up in. . .” Derek stopped talking as he saw the tears starting to run down your face. 
“Say it,” You sneered. 
“Flames,” He said softly, “Y/N, I-” Derek moved to take a step towards you, but you held your hand up to stop him. He sighed and closed his eyes. 
“What do you want? Last fucking time I’m asking,” You said. 
“C average, that’s what I need on the last projects and exams to be able to get a C in the class. You do that for me. . . and I won’t tell Dean Simpson about you and Seresin.” 
You wanted to vomit. It took everything in you to stop you from running over and slapping the fuck out of Derek McAndrew. But instead you nodded, “You got a deal.” 
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Jake let out a loud groan as he heard the incessant buzzing of his cell phone from his dresser. One of his sleep methods, which ensured that he got his full eight hours, was to place his phone across the room from himself. It also prevented himself from falling back asleep when his alarm rang. The first time his phone went off, he ignored it, but now it was ringing again, and Jake was pissed. He pushed back the covers and shuffled his way over to his dresser. 
“Hello?” He asked, not bothering to look at the caller ID. 
“Jacob!” You slurred over the receiver. Jake furrowed his eyebrows and pulled the phone back, double checking that it was in fact you calling him this late. 
“Do you know what time it is?” He grumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“I know what time it is.” 
“Then why. . . Can you hear me?” He furrowed his eyebrows at the sound of loud music in the background, “Are you drunk?” 
“If I was, does that mean you’re going to punish me?”  You giggled and Jake rolled his eyes. 
“Where are you?” 
“You didn’t answer the question.” 
“And you didn’t answer mine. Now, address.” 
“Sips,” You sighed and leaned against the brick building. You closed your eyes to try and stop the spinning, “Everything is spinning.” 
“Don’t move. I’ll be there in five.” 
Jake hung up, and quickly slipped on a quarter zip sweatshirt and slid on his tennis shoes. His hair was a mess and he had his glasses on, but he could care less about his appearance right now. The only thing on his mind was getting to you. He knew something had to be wrong if you were calling him drunk on a Tuesday night. Jake was privy to the drinking night shenanigans at the local bars on campus. Tuesday wasn’t usually a night where students went out and got shitfaced. He knew where Sips bar was because it was down the street from Bradley’s. 
His green eyes looked up and down the street, looking for you, and frowned as he spotted you sitting on the curb. Your head was buried in your hands and your elbows were resting on your knees. Jake put the car in park and quickly got out, going to your side. You lifted your head up at the sound of footsteps and shot Jake a smile, which quickly disappeared noticing his pissed off expression. 
“Hi,” You said to him. 
“Let’s go,” Jake said, and held his hand out to you. 
“I’m not going with you,” You shook your head, which increased the pounding behind your eyes, “Oh shit.” 
“I’m not having this argument with you,” Jake sighed, “It’s nearly 2AM, you’re intoxicated, it's cold and you don’t have anything on your arms,” You looked down at the short sleeves you were wearing, “Y/N please, let me take you home.” You looked up at him and saw the pleading look in his green eyes. You placed your hand in his, and he carefully pulled you up from the curb. 
“Whoa,” You stumbled on your feet, but Jake quickly steadied you. He kept an arm around his waist as he walked you to his range rover, opening the door and helping you up. You heard him let out a sharp sigh as he shut the door, and ran a hand through his hair as he walked around to the drivers side. You looked away from him as he climbed in, and started up the car. Jake looked over at you, and furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Are you crying?” 
“No,” You said and shook your head, then sniffled. 
“Y/N. . . “ 
“I’m not crying! Just drive!” You snapped and Jake raised his hands in surrender. He started the drive back to your house, as you leaned your head against the window. Jake listened to the soft sobs and sniffles that you let out. 
“Why are you crying?” He asked again, this time a bit softer. 
“‘Cause you’re mad at me,” You whimpered. Jake let out a soft chuckle at how childlike you sounded at this moment. He glanced over at you, and noticed the glossy, tired look in your eyes. 
“I’m not mad,” Jake said, “I’m really not. I’m glad you called me and didn’t try to drive or find your way home. I am, however, upset that you put yourself in such a vulnerable position.” 
“God, you sound like my dad.” Jake’s breath caught in his throat at the mention of your late father. He blamed it on the alcohol in your system, stopping you from thinking clearly. “I don’t think he’d like you very much.” 
“Because I’m old?” 
“Nah. . . longhorn fan,” You looked over at him and scrunched your nose. Jake shook his head with a laugh. The car settled in silence as Jake continued down the streets of Chestnut Hill, going off the memory of the night he took you home. He frowned as he pulled into your driveway, and found the house completely dark. He then looked over at you, and found you asleep. Jake smiled to himself, and didn’t have the heart to wake you up. 
Instead, he put the car in park and turned off the ignition. He quietly got out of his side, and walked over to your side. Jake unbuckled you and then easily picked you up in his arms. You stirred for a second, and then settled against his chest, nuzzling your head into his neck. 
“Where are your keys?” Jake whispered to you as he walked up to the front door. 
“Don’t use them,” You grumbled and Jake rolled his eyes. He opened the door and kicked it closed with his foot, “Second room, on right.” 
Jake nodded, even though you couldn’t see him, and walked down to what he assumed was your bedroom. He took in the sight of the various band posters, shoes kicked around, and records laying around the small bedroom. It smelled just like you, the scent of vanilla and a hint of rose petals. Jake laid you down gently on one side of your bed, and pulled the covers back on the other. He took off the converse on your feet and set them at the foot of the bed. 
“Are you comfortable?” Jake asked you. 
“Pants,” You mumbled and Jake nodded. He carefully took the sweatpants off your legs and tossed them into the overflowing hamper in the corner of the room. He then picked up your body and laid you down on the side with the pulled back covers. Jake made sure to put you on your side, and tucked the blankets in around you. 
“Good ni-” 
“Stay,” You asked, and grabbed his wrist, “Please?” 
“What about your rules?” Jake smiled softly. 
“Hall pass. One time,” You shrugged and Jake nodded, “Morning sex cures hangovers.” 
“I believe the only real cure for hangovers is time,” Jake kicked off his shoes, and climbed into bed next to you. He laid on top of the covers and you shuffled over to him, laying your head on his chest. 
“Thank you,” You whispered. 
“No problem,” Jake tucked a hand behind his head. He couldn’t help but pull you in close, and place a kiss on the crown of your head, “Good night, sweetheart.” 
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The sunlight was bright as it shone through the open blinds of your room. You always made sure that the curtain was drawn, having an eastern facing window. You cursed, and rolled over on your other side, facing the door. It took you a moment as you pushed yourself up on your hands and realized that you were in fact, in your own bed. Then the memories of the fight with Derek and leaving the library in near tears to go out for a drink, which turned into much more than one, filled your mind. 
“Oh fuck,” You groaned and looked over at your alarm clock. It was 12 in the afternoon, and you had already missed Jake’s lecture. Jake. He must be the reason you are home. You rubbed your eyes as you climbed out of bed, your feet hitting the cold hard wood as you walked down to the bathroom. Turning the light on, you noticed a pink sticky note on the mirror. 
‘Got too drunk last night and needed a ride. P.S. you talk in your sleep. - J’ 
You rolled your eyes, taking the note down. You did your morning routine, even though it was slightly delayed by the hangover. You took the note back to your room, setting it down on a stack of books on your desk. Your phone had been placed on the charger, probably Jake’s doing and you picked it up, seeing a full screen of notifications, most of which were from Derek. 
‘I’m so sorry for what I said last night Y/N’ 
‘I didn’t mean to bring up your parents, but you have to understand that it’s not fair what you are doing’ 
‘Please answer me’ 
‘Where did you go last night? Are you okay?’ 
‘Well he’s fucking pissed today, so I guess you didn’t suck his dick this morning’ 
You rolled your eyes and deleted the rest of the messages from Derek. You even contemplated going as far as blocking his phone number, but refrained. His words still played in your mind like an endless loop. You had to be careful with what you do or say around Derek, knowing that he knows about your deal with Professor Seresin.
The next set of messages were from Lucy, promptly freaking out as to why there was an expensive car with a longhorns sticker on the back windshield in your driveway. You made a mental note of making sure you had a conversation with Lucy about everything next. You trust that she won’t have the same reaction as Derek did. But the last message was what shocked you more than Lucy’s. 
‘Jake: Text me when you get up so I know you didn’t die of alcohol poisoning’
You smiled and messaged him back, ‘I’m awake. And I don’t talk in my sleep.’ 
Jake was sitting at his desk looking over Bob’s dissertation about space dust when his phone buzzed. He sighed in relief, thankful to have a break from the reading. He didn’t know shit about space dust, nor did he care, but he knew that Bob wasn’t a gifted writer as Jake was. So, Jake was doing Bob a solid and looked over the paper for him. Jake smiled at his phone as he read your message and replied. 
‘Jake: I beg to differ. Started reciting I sing the body electric.’ 
‘You: What can I say? Good piece of poetry.’ You bit your lip as you leaned against the counter, waiting for your toast to pop up. 
‘Then I suggest Desire by Langston Huges as your next read,’ Jake shifted himself at his desk, feeling the growing hard on press against his black boxers. 
‘Only if you read it to me’ You squeezed your thighs together as you took a bite of your buttered toast. You watched your screen for a moment seeing the three dots dance for several moments then stop. The time stamp under your message looked back at you like a sore thumb. You quickly started typing an apology to him, when a voice message appeared in your inbox. 
Your eyes widened and you looked around the kitchen then pressed play on the message. 
“Desire to us-” 
“Holy fuck,” You stopped the recording, the sound of his voice was low, thick and deep with his accent and it sent a shiver straight through your core. You quickly ran upstairs, abandoning your toast on the counter and straight to your room. You climbed on your bed, resting your back against the headboard, and slipped your headphones in. 
You pressed play, and Jake’s deep voice sounded in your ears. 
He took a breath, “Desire to us was like a double death. . . , swift dying of our mingled breath. . ., evaporation of an unknown strange perfume between us quickly. . . in a naked room.” 
You felt your pussy clenching around nothing as you listened back to his words of the poem. You weren’t sure why the sound of his voice was turning you on like this. Maybe it was the thought of him sitting in his office alone, wearing some expensive suit, his messy hair and glasses on, cock straining to get out of his trousers. You licked your lips, and let out a strained breath as you clicked on his contact and rang him. 
“You’re awake,” His voice flooded through your ears again. 
“I am,” You said back. Jake shifted again, his pants had become uncomfortable and he knew you were probably struggling too, “That poem. . . it’s interesting.” 
“It is. It’s one of Langston’s most popular. Captures the essence of love making beautifully.” 
“Love making, huh? What’s the difference between fucking and love making?” 
“The passion,” Jake’s voice sounded breathy as he spoke. You couldn’t help but drift your hand down your body, to your clothed cunt feeling that your panties were soaked, “The slow, languid thrusts. Pushing your bodies into one another in hopes to become one. The feeling of being in your purest form, not a single ounce of embarrassment as you bury yourself deep into the body of your partner.” Jake’s hand ran over the zipper of his trousers, feeling the hardness of his cock. 
“Do you prefer love making over fucking?” 
“Don’t you?” 
“Can’t say I have made love, professor,” Your fingers found themselves dragging your panties down your thighs, leaving you bare from the waist down. You spread your legs and drew slow circles over your clit. 
“Then you haven’t been fucked properly,” Jake groaned, and unzipped his trousers. He pulled them down enough to pull his hard cock out, “Then again, it was easy enough to satisfy you, so that tells me that whoever came before me, wasn’t getting you off.” 
“Don’t flatter yourself,” You sighed, you dipped your index finger into your center. 
“Are you touching yourself?” 
“Are you?” 
“Yes,” Jake answered and tilted his head back as he squeezed himself, running his hand up and down his shaft. 
“Langston Hughes gets you this turned on?” You teased, and added another finger to your cunt, curling them up to touch against the spongy part of your insides. 
“Could say the same for you, little one,” Jake’s voice dropped an octave, “Tell me how it feels. I want to know what you do when I’m not around to stuff your little hole with my cock.” 
“Feels good,” You grunted, moving your fingers rapidly. You were thankful for putting in your headphones and had your phone sitting next to you. Your other hand came down to circle your clit, which caused a loud moan to leave your lips, “But not enough. My fingers. . . yours are bigger, fill me up more.” 
“Fucking Christ,” 
“Not quite,” You smirked, remembering the small comeback he had said to you one night. 
“Shut up, or I’ll tell you to stop,” Jake’s hand moved faster up his shaft, “Fuck, I wish you were here. I’d have you doing this for me. Better yet, I’d rather be in you, feeling your pussy clench around me. God, you always feel so fucking amazing around me.” 
“Jake,” You felt that familiar burning in your stomach as you closed your eyes shut, “Please.” 
“You close? I bet you are,” Jake smirked, “So pathetic. Literally get off at the simplest things.” 
“Says the man jerking off in his office right now,” You breathed out, but was followed by a moan, “Please, Jake, I need to cum. Can I please?” 
“Fuck, yes, cum for me. Let me hear you,” Jake clenched his jaw as he worked himself quicker, hearing your beautiful moans through the receiver. He wasn’t far behind, cumming into his hand, making sure none dripped on to his suit. He held his cock in his hand for a moment, letting himself catch his breath, before reaching for a kleenex. 
You laid on your bed, completely spent and feeling the stickiness of your cum between your thighs. It was silent for just a moment, the only sounds heard were the sounds of your spent breathing. Jake had cleaned himself and put his pants back on properly. 
“I need to see you,” Jake said, breaking the silence, “Tomorrow night, preferably.” 
“Can’t get enough of me can you?” You smirked. 
Jake smiled and shook his head, “I guess you can say that but it’s uh. . . for dinner.” 
“Yeah, dinner. . . with my mother.”
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taglist: @zetasaturno99 @tallrock35 @bioodforbiood @mak-32 @cherrycola27 @drunkangels @fuckyeahhangman @the-winter-marvel33 @oldnatgwenaccount @cm27078 @xoxabs88xox @paige-alexandra-may @ereardon @marantha @inkysun @bradleybeachbabe @manunitedgotbruno @mulletmcghee @moonvr @nagygreta @cherryobx @callsign-joyride @blue-aconite @books-for-summer @violyn20 @lilylilyyyyyy @p1nkbarbi3 @princessofglitterland @hallway5 @thedroneranger @chaoticweirdogeek @abaker74 @auroraboreallisfine @materialgirl01 @fandom-princess-forevermore @averyhotchner @thedaredevilsgirl @shelbycillian @currentlybradshaw @mavesiceroo @emptyloverofmine @lovingjakeseresin @thegoddessc @techni-coloured @shawnsblue @captainmarvels-blog
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