#like young Wally or something like I’m you’re best friend and ally and all that but really dude
tokenducks · 5 months
FTM Dick Grayson will always be real to me because it makes it canon that Dick is the funniest character of all time for picking his name.
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 7
So, who’s ready for Gotham ft. Thana and friends? Also, Uncles Ed and John show up at the end so, look out for that.
Jason woke up early that next day, and he decided he was just going to have a little bit of a lie in. He smiled and pulled Damian closer, shushing him when he made a noise in protest. “I’m pretty sure the girls are going to join us in a little bit, and then Tim a little while after that.”
Just like he expected, Steph and Cass joined them in the bed not too long after he said it, and then Tim joined in a few minutes after the girls. The five of them laid in bed, everyone finding comfort in each other. No words were passed between the family, they didn’t feel the need to speak.
That’s where Dick and Wally, and their kids, found them about an hour later.
“Why weren’t we called to join the cuddle pile?” Dick pouted and crossed his arms over his chest, while Mar’i, Jay, and Iris ducked around their fathers and climbed into the bed. They, like Damian, chose a Wayne and clung to them. Mar’i clung to Tim, Iris clung to Steph and Jai clung to Cass.
“There’s a nine-year-old practically asleep on my chest. My phone is on my nightstand. None of them brought their phones to my bed.” Jason whispered and carded his fingers through Damian’s hair.
Dick shot a look at Wally, Wally simply shrugged as though to say “when in Rome” before he too got into the bed.
“C’mon Dickiebird. We don’t have anything to do today. We don’t start guiding or protecting them till tomorrow.” Jason’s words were slightly slurred in his comfortable state.
Dick huffed good-naturedly before climbing into the bed with his family and the Wests.
Tim’s phone blared from the room he’d claimed, stirring the almost completely asleep cuddle pile into wakefulness.
Jason frowned and shifted Damian from his chest to Steph’s other side. “I’ll be right back. Imma go answer Timber’s phone.” Jason slowly got out of the bed, being careful to not displace the other kids, and quietly left the room. He made his way into Tim’s room, grabbed his phone off of the night stand, and, without looking at the caller ID, answered the phone. “Timothy Jackson Drake’s phone, Jason speaking.”
“Why do you have his phone?” Bruce’s irritated voice came over the line.
“Because Tim’s in my bed asleep with most of my family and he left his phone on the nightstand next to the bed he sleeps in.” Jason’s voice didn’t change despite a grin forming on his face. “If something’s gone wrong at Wayne Enterprises, then shouldn’t you as the CEO be stepping up to solve it? And not your seventeen year old son.”
“You have no-” Bruce growled.
“I have no what? Room to care about my little brother? Right to care that my brothers and sisters would perish in your care?” Jason’s tone took on a deadly edge. “I have killed for less. I have killed to keep my son safe. I am not above maiming in the defense of those I love.” Jason hung up the phone and put it back down on the nightstand with a weighted sigh. He turned and the only indication he was surprised by Cass’s appearance was a slight widening to his eyes. “Hey Cass.”
Cass simply walked towards her brother and let herself slump against his chest. She wrapped her arms around him in her own display of thanks.
Jason simply rubbed circles into the older girl’s back. “I will not let him hurt any of you ever again. Harvey and I will fight tooth and nail if we have to, he has already given up his parental rights to Damian. You and Steph and Tim are just as much my siblings as you are my kids, well, you not so much a kid but you know what I mean.”
Cass shook with silent laughter and nodded. She patted Jason’s back and pulled back. She flashed him a smile before pulling him back to the rest of the family. 
Jason smiled as Damian ran around the park with Mar’i, Jai and Iris. Damian hadn’t had many opportunities to open up to children his age, as there hadn’t been any in the league, and despite the fact that he was older than the other three the four of them got along fairly well. Jason watched as Dick fretted over the three younger kids, Wally stood beside him with a small affectionate grin on his face. Tim was riding a skateboard around the park, Bart keeping pace beside him. Cass sat with Kon while Steph, Cassie and Cissie chatted a few paces away from the other two.
Damian, Mar’i, Jai and Iris ran around the park, weaving around other patrons and laughing. Damian looked over his shoulder at the other three when he ran into someone.
“Are you okay? Oh I’m so sorry.” A girl, who was with the person Damian ran into, spoke with a French accent. She was significantly taller than her companion with long black hair, the bangs and tips of which were dyed purple, and copper coloured eyes. She fretted over both Damian and her friend, who Damian was finally taking in. Her friend was short, just a head or two taller than Damian, with blue eyes and short pink hair, part of which was pulled back into a spiky ponytail.
Damian nodded. “I’m fine.”
Mar’i, Jai and Iris, upon seeing Damian standing, turned and ran to get their fathers.
The taller girl nervously flicked her bangs out of her face before frowning. “Are you sure you’re okay? Alix doesn’t always look where she’s skating.”
The other girl, apparently named Alix, looked ready to comment when Dick and Wally approached.
“Are you okay Damian?” Dick’s tone was filled with concern while Wally hung back with the three other kids.
“I’m fine Uncle Dick.” Damian frowned, “where’s Baba?”
“He’s gathering the other three, then they’ll be over here.” Dick reassured his young brother/nephew.
Jason ran to his son and scooped him up. “Oh Kutlat Saghira. Are you okay?” He turned to look at the French teens and smiled. “Thank you for stopping to make sure he was fine.”
Alix’s eyes widened before nodding. “Yeah, uh, no problem.”
Juleka gave a shy smile and nodded. “It was the least we could do.”
Thana stared at her friends, the three who had always had her back and the two newest additions to their ranks. She took a moment to thank Plagg and Tikki, without whom she may never have met her closest friends and allies. She took in her friends and the way that all of their outfits seemed to go together without being obnoxiously matchy-matchy.
Alix seemed to be vibrating in her shoes, which were custom made turtle shell patterned Heelys. She wore dark gray distressed jeans with a dark forest green racerback tank top. She had a black and red men’s flannel over her tank with a red beanie perched on the top of her head. She had a dark green turtle themed shoulder bag strapped across her back.
Nino, standing next to Alix, had similar shoes done in snake skin instead of turtle shell. He wore loose-fitting blue denim jeans with several snake related patches around the side seems, he had a gray collared shirt under a red sweatshirt. He had a black shoulder bag across his back, on the opposite side Alix’s was. He had his normal headphones around his head while he had a pair of black headphones atop his head.
Adrien wore black and white checkered vans with white socks. His pants were salmon with baby pink criss-crossing stripes covering them. He wore a baby pink sweater with a light gray fanny pack.
Chloé wore a layered yellow skirt with a pair of foxes chasing each other around her hem, her skirt was made up of a solid layer of yellow silk under two or three layers of tulle. She had a white crop top tank under a red knit cardigan. She had an orange coloured baguette purse at her side. She had black converse with black socks to finish off her outfit.
Kim wore a pair of black running shoes, with gray sweatpants and a white shirt. He had a red zippered hoodie on top of that. He had a tiny gray ox with a smaller black cat curled up on its back on the hem of his shirt.
Thana had a pair of black running shoes, with gray leggings and a white tank top. She had a red crop top hoodie made of the hoodie she’d received from Jason all those years ago with a few added panels. Her tank top had little depictions of the Vietnamese zodiac animals on her chest.
Alix smiled brighty. “So, Kiti, you’ll never guess who I ran into, almost literally, yesterday.”
Thana hummed in acknowledgement as she led the group to the elevator. “Who’d you run into Rùa?”
“Oh, just, your brother, his brother, and an assortment of children.” Alix grinned as Thana froze and turned to look at her.
“What?” Thana’s voice was almost too quiet to hear, prompting Kim to drape his arm across her shoulders while Nino settled his normal headphones around Thana’s neck.
Chloé stared at Adrien, her blue eyes seeming to stare into Adrien’s soul.
“Hey, Al, that maybe wasn’t the best thing to say when we’re trying to get to the lobby to go on a tour with the rest of our class.” Adrien attempted to gently tell her off, but it backfired.
“Whatever.” Alix slunk ahead of them into the elevator.
Adrien looked at Alix forlornly as Alix chatted with Juleka. He knew he’d have to apologize eventually, he may have one fear as Monsieur Punaise (which was his partner) but he had two fears as Adrien Agreste, and they were disappointing his father and an angry Chloé Bourgeois. He shook his head and looked back at Chloé, who had a frown on her face as her eyes continued to scan the streets.
Nino fiddled with his phone as he kept pace a step behind Chloé but a step ahead of Thana and Kim. He looked to be fully absorbed in his phone but he was quick to pull Chloé away from the street a few moments before a car came whizzing past.
Their tour guide, a pleasant man who’d introduced himself as Richard, despite the fact that the bodyguard had snorted in response before neglecting to introduce himself, led them around Gotham. He pointed out all of the touristy destinations, while Thana mumbled what could be considered sad facts about each place.
Thana kept flicking her eyes to the bodyguard, there was only one Gothamite with the exact same build as their bodyguard with the same scars littering his cheeks and jaw. She was worrying the cuffs of her jacket sleeves when she heard the distinctive tap of her Uncle Ed’s cane. She whipped around to attempt to locate him, before seeing him and his tacky suit and her Uncle John and his equally as tacky suit approaching from behind Kim. She broke away from the group, causing the rest of her class (as well as the tour guide and bodyguard) to turn to stare at her as she threw herself into her Uncle Ed’s arms.
“Little Hood. It’s good to see you.” Her Uncle Ed held her close while Uncle John finally reached the duo.
“Hey Mini Todd.” Her Uncle John ruffled her hair before settling an arm around Ed’s shoulders.
The three reunited for a moment under the watchful eyes of the class’ bodyguard, Thana’s friends, and Marinette’s class. Kim pulled out his phone to take a picture to send to his Mẹ, because she had asked for any updates on Thana’s family situation. Nino took a picture to send to Thana, because he knew she’d want to have photographic evidence of when she reunited with her two of her uncles.
“I missed you two so much.” Thana whispered into Ed’s neck while John settled his hand on the back of Thana’s head.
“We missed you too.” John assured their niece, he knew that she’d had doubts about whether or not they had actually missed her as much as she’d missed them, and he hated her father for giving her that complex every day.
Lila let out a blood-curdling scream before appearing to tremble as she pointed at the trio. “Marinette is hugging The Riddler and Scarecrow!” Lila then proceeded to pretend to faint, luckily for her Alya was right there to catch her, unluckily for her everyone else was focused on their classmate and that fact that she appeared to have tears streaming down her cheeks.
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitch @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @lilkymilky @susiej1118  @bluesimani @thatonecroc
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wisdom-walks-alone · 4 years
we’ve got mistletoe and firelight
a christmas fic for my friend @queerbutstillhere! this was originally for the @damijonsecretsanta but i didn’t finish it in time fhnusihf sorry it’s a bit late korey but you know me DHFUSHYFSL
read it on ao3 The first Christmas was spent in Hamilton County, at Jon and his family’s house. It was snowing. Jon was just about to lose hope for a white Christmas, but mother nature seemed to pull through.
There was excitement in the air, as there always was during this time of year, and Jon was watching as the snow fell lazily outside the window.
"Down, boy," his mom chided, chuckling and putting a hand on his back as he realized he was hovering.
"Sorry, Mom." Jon lowered himself back onto the couch, a sheepish smile on his face.
Mom shook her head, smiling herself. "It's fine, Jon. You know powers are fine in the house, I just don't want you getting in the habit of using them without realizing."
"I know, Mom, I'll be careful," Jon assured her. She ruffled his hair, was met with his protests, then disappeared back into the kitchen to check on dinner.
Just then, Dad walked out of the kitchen, a steaming mug in each hand. He handed the one piled high with whipped cream to Jon, who thanked him avidly. "I would say it's hot and to be careful, but I'm not sure that really matters anymore," Dad commented, and Jon took a tentative sip of his hot chocolate to test it.
It felt fine to him, so he shrugged. "Don't think so. Tastes good, though."
Dad smiled. "You got a little something on your lip there." He pointed and Jon went cross-eyed for a second, then licked the whipped cream off his lips. "You're a bit too young to be shaving, still."
Jon rolled his eyes. "Daaad, you're not nearly as funny as you think you are sometimes."
"It's Christmas, Jon, humor me."
Jon stuck his tongue out and took another sip of hot chocolate.
When the doorbell rang, Jon was the first one up, at the door in a split second, mug left forgotten on the coffee table. “Damian!”
Damian stood in the door, wearing a long coat and a nice shirt and tie, contrasting Jon and his family’s matching sweaters. His dad stood behind him, dressed similarly.
It was a little surreal to have Batman over for Christmas Eve dinner, but then Jon was starting to get used to surreal.
“Bruce, Damian, thank you for joining us!” Jon’s dad came up behind him, placing a hand on Jon’s shoulder. 
“Thank you for having us, Clark,” Mr. Wayne replied, stepping inside and reaching to shake his hand.
“Hello, Corncob.” Damian brushed snow off of his shoulder before shrugging his coat off, handing it to his father when he held out a hand for it.
“You can hang those right here.” Dad gestured to the coat rack. “Dinner’s almost ready. And Lois made pie!”
“Can’t wait. It’s been too long since I’ve had Lois’s pie,” Mr. Wayne said.
“Me, too,” Dad agreed.
“Mom made pie last week,” Jon commented, looking at his dad quizzically.
“Exactly,” Dad replied solemnly.
Damian shakes his head. “Tt.”
Dinner went by without much fanfare. And Mom's pie was delicious, as always. Dad had three slices and Damian's dad had two. Luckily, Mom had thought ahead and made two pies. Always one for preparedness.
Once they were all full and done, Damian wiped his mouth and stood. "Now that dinner is finished, I believe it is time for the main event…" He paused, looking around at all of them. Drama queen. "Presents."
"Yes!" Jon leapt out of his seat and made a beeline for the tree.
"Just one, Jon!" Mom called after him. "It's only Christmas Eve!"
Damian met him by the tree, picking up a box that Jon knew wasn't there before. "Here, open mine."
Jon took the box slowly, looking at Damian. "Really? For me?"
Damian scoffed and turned away. "Yes, Jonathan, for you. Who else would it be for?"
Jon smiled widely. "So we are friends,” he said, smile turning devilish.
“Tt. Don't push your luck.”
“You loooove me,” Jon taunted, floating over Damian’s head. “Can’t get enough of me!”
“Just open your present, Hayseed.”
Jon laughed, landing cross-legged on the floor. He started tearing open the wrapping paper, eyes widening when he saw what was inside.
"Monk-E-Monsters! I've wanted this game for months! How did you know?"
Damian shrugged, a knowing smirk on his face. "I'm Robin," he said simply.
"But I thought it was all sold out until after the Christmas season," Jon remembered, looking at him quizzically.
Damian shrugged again. "I'm also Damian Wayne. I pulled a few strings."
Jon grinned and threw himself at his friend (they were friends, whether Damian liked it or not). "Thanks, Damian."
Damian froze for a second, then relaxed. "Of course," he replied, patting Jon on the back. "Merry Christmas, Jon."
Wayne Manor was always cold this time of year. It was an unbelievably old house, and unbelievably big. But gathered in one of the smaller living rooms by a roaring fireplace, it wasn't so bad.
Decorations covered so many of the rooms that Jon would have thought it impossible if he didn’t know who lived here. Even then, the bats must have really had to pull together for something like this—probably all under Alfred’s watchful eye, of course.
A good amount of the caped community was here for one big Christmas party. Jon and Damian's dads were talking with some other members of the League. Dick and his friends were testing how many ornaments he could juggle before dropping one. From his vantage point, Jon guessed they were up to eight or so. He could see some more of Batman's allies in the hallway, Kate and Duke sitting on the stairs chatting, Harper, Cass, and Steph giggling over something on their phones. Conner was hanging out with Tim and the rest of their Titans team, while Jon and Damian sat on the couch with their own Titans playing Super Smash Bros.
"Again?" Gar whined, throwing his hands up.
"Man, you gotta let someone else win every once in a while," Wally added, already resigned. He and Gar sat on the floor, Damian on the couch with Emiko on one side and Jon on the other. Raven sat on Jon's other side, her controller floating in front of her, most of her attention taken up by her drink and her book.
Damian shrugged. "Emiko wins sometimes. So does Raven, when she's paying attention."
"We mean you should let one of us win for once!" Gar wailed.
"You'd win if you were good at the game."
"You little sh—"
"Hey, hey, hey." Jon put a hand on Gar's shoulder to keep him from lunging at Damian. "We are not having a brawl on Christmas."
"But it would be so entertaining," Emiko said disappointedly.
"He is kinda right, though," Raven piped up, not taking her eyes off of her book. "Just get better at the game and maybe you'll win."
"Et tu, RaeRae?" Gar looked up at her, looking like a sad puppy. Literally. He had turned into a little green puppy and was staring up at her pathetically.
Raven wasn't even phased, just turned a page in her book. Jon snorted.
Gar turned back, but the pout remained.
Just then, somebody wolf whistled, and everyone in the room turned to the culprit: Tim. And once everybody saw who it was, they followed his line of sight, right over to Jon and Damian. Jon suddenly felt very vulnerable, which was ironic in of itself, shrinking in on himself a bit while he tried to figure out why everybody was staring at him.
"Hey, Rob." Gar grinned toothily, staring at the space above their heads. Damian's face turned beet red, and Jon looked up to see Kon floating over them, dangling what was unmistakably mistletoe over their heads.
Damian crossed his arms haughtily, pulling a leg closer to his body, clearly trying to downplay his embarrassment. "Tt. As if anyone would partake in your childish holiday games."
Jon couldn't help but laugh. He leaned over, pressing a quick peck to Damian's cheek. "Merry Christmas, Damian." Somehow, Damian's face had managed to turn a deeper shade of red, and he looked away as he pulled his other leg onto the couch.
"Tt. Whatever." Then, when the room had once again filled with chatter and they were about to start another round of Smash, Jon heard Damian mutter a quiet, "Merry Christmas, Jon."
Their first Christmas in their new apartment wasn't looking too shabby, if you asked Jon. He was quite satisfied with the way everything was decorated, by the lights laid out on the TV stand, the tree in the corner letting off a soft glow. Of course, Damian was a perfectionist, so obviously everything would look perfect.
Damian walked out of the kitchen with a mug of hot chocolate, sweater sleeves pulled over his hands, and plopped on the couch next to Jon. He pulled the blanket over his bare legs and tucked himself under Jon’s arm, turning his attention to the Hallmark movie Jon had put on. Jon still didn’t understand the point of wearing shorts with a sweater, and when asked, Damian would just shrug.
He leaned his head on Damian’s, nursing his own mug of hot chocolate. “This is nice,” he said, squeezing Damian a bit tighter.
“Arguable. This movie is maybe mediocre at best,” Daman replied, a smirk audible in his voice.
Jon rolled his eyes. “I don’t mean the movie and you know it.” Damian snorted. “I mean this. You. Me. Us. It’s nice.”
“You’re such a sap,” Damian said, turning his face further into Jon’s chest. “But I agree with the sentiment. I must admit, this is nice.” He played idly with the hem of Jon’s shirt, and Jon pressed a kiss to his head as the movie continued to play.
As the credits rolled, Jon stood up, earning him a whine, with grabby hands following after him as Damian flopped the rest of the way onto the couch. Jon chuckled, walking over to the tree and picking up a small box. He brought it back over to the couch, and Damian’s eyebrows scrunched. “It’s only Christmas Eve,” he pointed out.
“Yeah,” Jon agreed, “but I think you deserve to open one tonight. I hope you like it.” He smiled, holding the box out to his boyfriend.
Damian took the box gingerly, undoing the ribbon carefully and lifting the lid. He pulled out a silver charm bracelet, laying it out on his palm so that he could look at the charms. They were small, nothing fancy, just disks with their initials and a pair of green and blue jewels. “Like I said before, you’re a sap,” Damian told him, but he was smiling. “I love it, thank you.”
He pulled Jon in for a kiss, hand on the back of his neck, fingers tangling in his hair. When they pulled away, Jon gestured to the bracelet, and Damian held out his hand as Jon did the clasp.
Damian smiled. “It’s beautiful. Thank you again.”
“You’re welcome,” Jon said, taking his hands. “Merry Christmas, Damian.”
“Merry Christmas, Jon.”
Damian's never been one for mornings. So when sunlight spills in through the window, all he does is roll over and push his face into the pillow. It smells like lemon scented shampoo.
The bed dips behind him, and strong arms wrap around his waist, pulling him close to a warm body. Damian relaxes into it.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Jon mumbles into his skin, nuzzling into his neck.
Damian pulls Jon’s arms tighter around him, and he feels Jon press a kiss into his shoulder. “Morning, love,” he replies drowsily, his voice still thick with sleep. He twists and rolls over in Jon’s arms to face him, reaching up to brush a lock of hair from Jon’s face. Jon hums, pulling him in for a kiss.
“Daddy! Baba!” a little voice screeches from down the hallway. “Santa was here, Santa was here! Wake up, wake up, Santa was here!”
Damian groans, turning his face back into the pillows. Jon just chuckles. “Your son is calling.”
“Before 8 AM, he’s your son.”
“Was that a Lion King reference? Color me impressed.”
“Ari! Ari, Santa came!”
Damian sits up at that, Jon’s arms falling to his lap. “Sebastian Phillip Wayne-Kent, do not wake your sister up this early in the morning!”
Jon sits up next to him and drags a hand down his face. “It’s too late, she’s awake.”
An excited shriek sounds from Aria’s bedroom, and Damian sighs into his hands. “You heard her, Hayseed. I’m going back to sleep.”
“You can’t go back to sleep, you have to see what Santa brought you,” Jon teases. Damian flops back onto the bed.
“Nope, it’s too early for this, goodnight.”
Too quick for him to process, Damian is standing in Aria’s room, the excited and very awake toddler standing up in her crib, jumping and bouncing. “That’s cheating!” he calls out the door. Jon just cackles from down the hall.
“Ba!” Aria smacks him on the chest.
“Alright, alright, let’s go, you little terror. Santa came last night.” Damian lifts her out of the crib and settles her on his hip, making his way downstairs, the smell of pancakes, eggs, toast, and coffee flooding his nose. Of course Jon already made breakfast. He continues to the living room, where Jon is just barely managing to restrain Bash from opening anything too soon.
When he sees Damian he finally lets go, and Bash zooms over to the tree, floating around as he looks for which gifts are for him. Seeing Bash’s excitement and wanting to follow suit, Aria wriggles free from Damian’s arms and Jon has to use his superspeed to catch her before she hits the floor.
Damian sighs and drops onto the couch beside Jon, watching Aria toddle after Bash, trying to keep up.
“Look, Ari, this one’s for you!” Bash holds out a large box that’s almost as big as Aria. Damian knows there’s a doll in that one.
“Yay!” Aria sits down on the floor with it and starts ripping it open, and Bash finds one to tear open for himself.
“Hey.” Jon gets his attention and holds out a small box, a dopey smile on his face. Damian takes the box gingerly, taking off the lid. It’s a new ID tag clip for his scrubs, with a rubber cartoon cat. He laughs.
“Thank you, habibi, it’s perfect.” Jon clears his throat and glances up for a second, and Damian follows his gaze to where Jon is dangling a piece of mistletoe above their heads. Jon looks at him expectantly, and Damian laughs as he leans in.
“Eeewww,” Bash cuts in, making a disgusted face at them.
“Eeww!” Aria echoes happily, scrunching her nose in an attempt to copy her brother.
Jon rests their foreheads together as they laugh. He looks up at Damian through his lashes and says, “Merry Christmas, Damian.”
Damian smiles. “Merry Christmas, Jon.”
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aeligsido · 3 years
🌗 💕 🌍 🎤 for the ask <3 <3
🌗 fluff or angst?
why it is always fluff or angst but never hurt/comfort????? i want my hurt/comfort guys that's all i ask,
💕 favorite ship to write?
iorhfui honestly i don't think I have a favorite ship to write?? like, in general i like writing ship and i find them all interesting to write odifh it depends how much i like this particular ship i guess????
🌍fave type of au to write?
uuuuuh... any au? no but really, they all can be interesting as long as i have the ideas to go with it odfih
BUT in general i like modern au/no capes au (depending on the fandom), i also like fantasy au veeery much. I recently discovered my love for some fairy tales au (wait, not so recently actually now that i think about that)... like all of that is so much fun to write. AND!!! the worldbuilding!!! i love the worldbuilding!!
so, yeah. i'm staying with these one!
... except if canon divergence works..... i do like writing about it....
🎤fave line in a fic you wrote?
oh seriously i had to go find a fic and a line odufhu
“So,” said Ashley, swallowing hardly on her breath. “You have two moms, and a dad. It's nice.” Not what she expected, but not unheard of.
“Five,” corrected Lian.
“... Five?”
“Yes. Five dads.”
I just really like this one bc it's very funny to me. It's from one of my WIP called "titans' babies vs the world", and in this one you have Lian talking about her parents lmao. Talking about that, here's Bobby talking about their parents as well:
“Yeah. The one who was with dad before, the dad who's Mar'i's dad dad and kind of mom's twin – or, well, they tell everyone they are even if they aren't really, I don't know, it's complicated – and now mom is with mom and they love each other very much. Like dad love mom and mom but in another way, you know?”
If it's extra confusing, it's the point LMAO. I just love these kids so much.
Stephanie flourishes on the road, cheeks reds from the wind and smiling, hands calloused under the work, her bag still light on her hips. This curse is turning into a blessing, even if she doesn’t say it out loud, even if she barely allow herself the thought.
But, for the first time since her mother’s death and what she feels is forever, Stephanie is truly happy.
This one is from another WIP!! A Fairy Tale AU with Steph as the main character :D idk, i just really like the way it flows, maybe it's just me lmao
Dick led the way toward the gardens, keeping Kori’s hand in his. The moon reflected on Kori’s hair in a bright, eerie way. He loved it.
It wasn’t too warm outside despite the summer night; a light breeze was creeping around and chilling the air in a pleasant way. The stars were shining.
Dick still had a ring in his pocket.
listen i'm a romantic at heart... i just really like this part. AND YES it's also for another one of my WIP. Well technically not WIP since it's finished but on its way to be betaed lmao
The last time Tim had seen him was years ago, when Jason was still Robin and Tim a stalker following the Batman and his allies. In his death, he somehow managed to grow up to be tall and bulky, towering close to Bruce’s height - and weight. All in all, Jason was terrifying, extremely competent, and there was no way for Tim to beat him in a fight.
After all, Tim knew that fighting wasn’t his strong suit, despite - or in spite - of all the training he had been put through. But, well, everyone said he had one thing for himself, and it was his brain. Or making wonderful plans on the spot, just like Kon told him two hours ago during their tag game. (That they won, for the record.)
Now was the perfect time to discover if Tim Drake could outsmart Jason Todd.
i just love it because it screams that Tim is about to do something very stupid lmao. AND!! this one is actually from a published fic, aka Checkmate :fingerguns:
“Because you’re Robin.” [...] “And Robin was me. My family colors. My name. I created it to honor my family - and by putting on this costume, you became a part of my family. You became mine, Jase. Not Bruce’s. Not anyone else’s. And you still are, will always be. Robins are a family, and Bruce has no say in that.”
Jason - Jason’s heart was breaking and healing at the same time, full of tiny shards of glass and soft bandages.
Jason never realized the consequences of being Robin, but this - being part of Dick’s family - was probably the best of all. It was worth it - worth everything else.
listen i'm extremely emotional about Jason and Dick and especially this fic. Anyway, it's from A Nest of Love and Robins, this one is posted too!
Wally missed it, sometimes. Missed the thrill of being Kid Flash, of being a Titan, of fighting and having movie nights with his best friends. When he looked at Bart, at Conner, at Cassie, at Cissie, at Tim – Wally wondered whose legacy they're carrying on. Of course, people automatically thought it was the Justice League's ; but Wally watched them and remembered and thought, 'Maybe they got it from us, maybe they're our legacy'. And that was a weird thought – because the Titans had never been about having a legacy or being one, but always been about being a group of friends and becoming a family in between two punches and a slice of pizza.
this one make me emotional too. I honestly don't have anything better to say, i just... really love the whole things. It comes from Watch Your Past!
Okay now last one but i'm really in love with this whole fic and yes i know i'm the one who wrote it and????
But- It was nice, too, in it's own way. They grew up together, faced death and life together. They knew each other so much they couldn't really hide anything, and sometimes it felt like they were an extension of his own soul.
He had thought, once upon a time, that maybe he was a tiny bit in love with his best friends. He loved them more than anything, after all; that didn't really change, he just added more people to this category. Their children. His siblings.
It hadn't been true, though – not entirely. Because if his interest in them wasn't romantic, it didn't mean he couldn't be in love with them. There are a lot of ways to be in love with people. Maybe it was just another one.
It didn't really matter, in the end, as long as they could stay together – in this life and the next.
They laughed, loud and clear – like all those years ago in Titans Tower or in the middle of a fight or standing proud against their enemies, mentors, whoever would try to go against them. They laughed, freely and with not a care for the world around them, like they still owned it after all these years. They laughed like they were young and innocent, ancient and tired, alive and free.
They laughed, loud and clear, in the same heartbeat and soul.
(Maybe they were all a little tiny bit in love, in the end.)
idk it's kind of poetic and full of feelz for me, so, yeah. It's from the fic home is where the heart settle, about the Fab Five!
AND THAT'S IT. Thanks again for the ask, ask list here!
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raywritesthings · 5 years
What Have They Lost? 4/?
My Writing Fandom: Arrow, The Flash Characters: Laurel Lance, Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, Barbara Gordon, Barry Allen, Wally West, Bruce Wayne, Tommy Merlyn Pairings: Barry Allen/Iris West, Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel Summary: “I can definitely tell you that there’s a way we’re going to bring [Laurel] back and she’s going to be alive and well. And Flashpoint might have a little bit to do with that.“ -Wendy Mericle AKA: The AU where that wasn’t a blatant lie, and Flashpoint has bigger repercussions for Barry’s friends and allies than he first realized. *Can be read on my AO3, link is in my bio*
After the weird encounter with a man named Barry and seeing Dinah from Birds of Prey in one night, Mia’s life had gone back to depressingly normal. How was that fair?
She’d thought about sharing the discovery she’d made about Larry online, but then who would really believe her? And pop stars had to have lawyers and stuff looking out for their image. She really couldn’t afford getting sued.
A part of her still didn’t believe it anyway. How could someone so cool like Dinah have such a schlub for a father? But then again, nobody knew her past.
Mia has always kind of assumed — or maybe hoped — that her idol was a kid from the system, like her. No parents, no roots, free to do as they pleased for good or ill. More ill in her case, as it had turned out so far.
It was another long night of pouring shots and drying glasses. The nights all seemed to blur together after a while, unless something extraordinary happened.
And then something did. “I’m gonna take my fifteen,” she called out, not really waiting for a response. Mia tossed her apron aside and walked to the door, only vaguely noticing the guy who stood from one of the two-seater booths to do so as well.
She did notice when he followed her around the corner. “Hey, buddy, this is kind of the unofficial employee-only section, so if you could—” The rest of her words died in her throat once she’d turned towards him.
Because it was Oliver Queen.
“Yeah, sorry,” he was saying, his eyes jumping all over her appearance. “I just wanted to ask you when your shift ends.”
Mia raised both eyebrows. She’d heard he was some kind of player back in the day, but seriously? “Don’t you think I’m a little young for you?”
His jaw dropped. “No! No, that’s not what I — I promise, this is not a come-on. I just...we need to talk, about something important.”
This was so weird. That Barry guy had asked her what she knew about Oliver Queen, and less than a week out he turned up looking for her?
“I’m here for another four,” she said, breaking every rule of how to interact with male customers, but this one was famous so it wasn’t like he could get away with too much.
“Okay,” he said. There was a spark in his eye, like the prospect of getting to talk to her more was something to be happy about. He was about the only one who’d ever thought so.
“Yeah, so can you let me have the last of my break?”
“Right. Yeah, I can do that.” He retreated back inside.
Mia shook her head. What was even going on anymore?
Four hours later, he was still at his booth. She sighed, throwing herself down into the empty seat across from him.
“Okay, what’s this about?”
“Did you want to talk here? We could go somewhere else.”
“I’m not going somewhere with you. Stranger danger and all that.”
“Right,” he said with a wince. “That’s good. That’s smart.” He scrubbed at his goatee. “So that’s probably where we should start. Uh, recently I learned that you and I — we’re not exactly strangers.”
“Aren’t we?”
“Well, in a way. The thing is...I’m your half-brother,” he told her.
Now it was her turn for her jaw to drop.
“On my mother’s side,” he added, like he thought that was helpful.
Thea placed her head in her hands. “Okay, really, what’s the joke? Is it the last names thing? Cause that guy was in earlier—”
“What guy? Barry?”
“Wait, you know him?”
“He’s my friend. He’s the one who told me.”
Mia sat back. “What do you mean? Why would he know?”
“That’s kind of complicated. But we can talk about that, too. I...gosh, there’s so much to talk about.” He said gosh. Who even said gosh anymore?
Her shock was starting to give way, however, and Mia found herself narrowing her eyes. “Why?”
“Why do we have anything to talk about? For over twenty years, you couldn’t be bothered to even notice my existence. Now because some guy says we’re related, you’re suddenly interested?”
He was stunned speechless for a few moments. “Mia, I- I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“Right, because our mom — your mom — didn’t tell you. Because she didn’t want me.”
“I’m not sure why she sent you to the orphanage. But she kept an eye on you, made payments—”
“Oh, because that makes everything better?” Mia said with a nasty laugh. A couple people glanced over their way, but she paid them little mind. “Trust a Queen to think that money solves all problems!”
“That’s not what I meant. I’m still trying to figure everything out, I just wanted—”
“Screw what you want, alright? I’ve survived my whole life without a family. I don’t need you swooping in to force me to be yours.” Mia stood and stormed out of the bar.
“Mia!” He called after her, but she didn’t stop and he didn’t follow.
What did he expect? That she’d move in with him and his bastard kid, they could forget everything that had come before and sing kumbaya? If what he said was true, she’d had parents, and they’d willingly given her away. Not out of some kind of necessity, not because they couldn’t afford it, but because they hadn’t wanted her. She’d long ago given up wondering what her family might have been like, but the reality was worse than anything she’d ever imagined.
Mia stopped and let herself lean against a wall, willing her eyes to just stop stinging already. She’d promised to stop feeling sorry for herself.
“Well, that wasn’t very nice of him.”
Mia stiffened at the unfamiliar voice and looked up. Standing across from her was a man with dark hair and a beard. He looked about the same age as Oliver Queen and even richer in his expensive suit. Mia sighed. She so did not want to deal with this.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help noticing what was going on back there. It was Mia, right?”
“What do you want?” She huffed. “You about to tell me you’re my secret brother, too?”
He smiled, but there was something off about it. It didn’t reach his eyes.
“Funny you should mention that.”
Dinah looked at the street down below and gulped. “Why’d I let you guys talk me into this?”
“Hey, you’ll be fine. Think of it like stage-diving.” She was used to earpieces on stage, but it usually wasn’t Babs’ voice in her ear. It hadn’t surprised her in the least Ted had a working pair of comm links, though.
“I am not jumping from this high. Not without a wire, at least. Just...getting a feel for things. Lay of the land.” It sounded unconvincing to her own ears. Dinah scowled at herself and reached to tug on the material resting around her eyes.
“Stop picking at the mask.”
“What makes you think I’m doing that?”
“Because I can see you through the security cam mounted on the high rise across from you.”
Dinah made a face in the high rise’s direction.
“I try. Look, Babs—”
“No names on the comm. We use code.”
She rolled her eyes. “Alright, Bat-ling.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Well, what do you want to be called? Lady Bat? Batgirl?”
“I’m kind of thinking of making up my own thing. You know, since this is just us.”
Dinah felt herself smile. “Alright. Just let me know once you have something.”
“Sure thing. You start thinking about one, too.”
“Yeah,” Dinah sighed. It wasn’t like she wasn’t used to rebranding. From Laurel to Dinah, after all.
She’d been hearing the name she’d gone by in childhood a lot, recently. Visits to her dad tended to do that, but she could’ve sworn that one camera guy from the Central City publication had nearly called her it the other week. Maybe she’d imagined it, or maybe it had just been a herald of the strange turn her life was about to take.
Her eyes caught shapes moving down on the street below, and she quickly went to the fire escape and slid down the railing partway.
A few young men were giving chase to another of their group, yelling epithets as they went.
“You’re a dead man!”
“You think you can walk away? You think it’s that easy, huh?”
“Maybe not a damsel in distress situation, but one less murder’s always a good thing,” Dinah muttered to herself. She continued down to the ground level, doing her best to blend in with the shadows as she tracked the men to an alley.
“There’s nowhere to run!”
“Come on, guys, I don’t want a part of this anymore! I gave you my cut!”
“We said at the start, all in. That was the deal. And you gave us barely half!”
“I had bills, man! I can get you the rest later!”
Dinah cleared her throat. She’d heard plenty to get the gist. “Boys?”
The ones cornering their former friend turned, looking her up and down in clear confusion. Aside from the mask, she supposed she didn’t look much like a vigilante; Ted was working on getting something a little more durable made for her, but for now Dinah was in her jacket, a navy tank top and a set of her workout leggings. She was working on a limited wardrobe here since she didn’t exactly want anyone recognizing her outfit. Instagram was terrible for going unnoticed.
These guys were probably also expecting a big man in green, she reflected on a moment later.
“Who the hell are you?”
Damn, she hadn’t expected to need a name already. Was she supposed to tell people her codename? How did that even work?
“A concerned citizen?”
They scoffed at her. Dinah hadn’t had anyone scoff to her face in a long time, outside of the band anyway. It was kind of refreshing.
“We’re just settling a score here, lady. Nothing to get ‘concerned’ about.”
“Settling it physically?”
“What exactly is your plan here?” Babs asked in her ear. Dinah ignored her, mostly since she didn’t feel like looking crazy talking to the air.
One of the men looked about fed up. “Yeah, physically.”
“Okay, just wanted to confirm.” They’d admitted to trying to commit a crime, right? That gave her due cause or something. She stepped forward and grabbed the arm of the man closest to her, whirling him around and throwing him towards a dumpster behind her.
“What the fuck?”
“Get her!”
She ducked a fist that came careening at her and tripped the guy it was attached to. With her planted foot, she pivoted to send a kick to his rear end.
A third man grabbed her elbow, and Dinah pushed instead of pulled, jabbing him in the chest and sending him sprawling into his back.
They weren’t exactly hardened thugs, it turned out. Dinah glanced around at the three of them groaning on the ground. Her blood was pumping and she was fully in the zone, but here they were just...lying there. “Figures. No stamina,” she grumbled under her breath.
Dinah started to leave when the young man she’d been defending called out, “Um, thank you.”
“Some free advice? Turn yourself over to the cops. They can get you protection I’m not able to provide 24/7.” Dinah turned, marching over the fallen man in her path. “What did you think?”
“Couldn’t see much,” Barbara told her. “But not bad. Want to take on something a bit more challenging?”
“Why not? Night’s still young.” And she doubted this was the only crime or almost-crime happening in the whole city. Though that caused a thought. “So where do you think Green Arrow is?”
“Who knows? Why, you want to meet him?”
“I dunno. We’re in the same neighborhood and all, he might get nervous I’m on his turf.”
“And you’re worried about that?”
Dinah smirked. “Worried? No, that’s the fun part.”
Barbara’s laughter filled her ear, and Dinah picked up her step.
Bruce was a very busy man. Even if he didn’t have a secret night job, he would likely be considered a busy man. A ridiculous notion; CEOs tended to delegate more than anything. Nevertheless, running Wayne Enterprises was only one in a very long list of tasks he had to complete each day to ensure his city stayed afloat. 
Which was why he didn’t appreciate when others came asking for his help in their own cities unannounced. Particularly when said others bypassed all his security measures.
Alfred tsked whenever he wore the cowl in the cave, but it was necessary for times such as these when two speedsters zipped right into being.
“Woah,” the older of the two said, looking around the cavernous space.
Bruce hit a button on the console which locked the door to the upstairs from the inside to ensure Alfred didn’t accidentally arrive in the middle of whatever this was.
The younger one nudged his mentor, who gave a start. “Oh, right! Uh, Batman.”
“We wanted to ask if you could run a background check for a case we’re working?” Allen probably didn’t realize how much his easy parlance with law enforcement terminology gave away about his identity, but Bruce wasn’t going to point it out to him.
Especially when he could tell the man was hiding something. “What’s this really about?”
“What do you mean?” Flash asked, as if a desperate attempt at casual was going to smooth everything over.
“You’re acting like you’ve never seen this place or me before.”
“That’s...because I haven’t.”
Bruce worked to keep any surprise off his face. If Flash was out of step with the rest of their reality, there was only one logical explanation. “Time travel.”
The speedster gaped. “How did you—”
His sidekick, West under the mask, raised both hands. “Don’t look at me. We’ve never told him about the time travel.”
Bruce rolled his eyes. “You both are capable of reaching speeds that break the sound barrier and beyond. It’s a logical assumption that should you achieve a velocity higher than the speed of light, it would allow you to transcend the normal barriers of linear time as well.” Not that he liked it, but that was a discussion for another day.
“Okay. Well, yes, there was time travel involved. It’s better for the universe if I don’t say much more.”
“Then why did you come here?”
Flash blinked. It seemed he was once again unused to Bruce’s gruffness. “Well, Kid Flash said you call yourself a detective?”
Bruce frowned. “Others do.”
“I need your help finding out information about a woman. She’s a meta, potentially dangerous or potentially not. I need to know more about her.”
“What do you already have? A name?”
“Dinah Laurel Lance, born um...1985!” Said Flash, as though he’d just recalled it.
Bruce turned to his computer and started to type. He could sense the speedsters shifting restlessly on their feet behind him as he did so but pushed that minor irritation to the back of his mind.
“Dinah Laurel Lance, as you say, born in 1985. Her father gained sole custody of her when she was about seven years old but lost it in another year due to his alcoholism making him an unfit parent. She was sent into the foster care system. No record of adoption.”
“Oh man,” West murmured. Sympathy, likely from his own history with a parent embroiled in addiction.
“Any, uh, criminal record?” Allen asked, his nerves plain even behind the mask.
Bruce narrowed his eyes but scanned through the documents.
“Some records indicate a tendency to get into fights, but nothing beyond juvenile censure. What was she doing when you came across her?”
“That’s the thing, I really don’t know. She might have been helping a woman, but then she might have been trying to hurt some guys just for the heck of it. It’s...she’s complicated. But she was definitely born here?”
“She was born in Starling City.”
Allen shook his head. “Right, never mind.”
Bruce grit his teeth. He wasn’t being told something still.
“Thanks for the help.” The speedsters were both gone in an eye blink, leaving him alone once more.
Bruce frowned as he looked over the information. He could see why Flash had needed help; her records for the most part seemed to stop several years ago. But then, if he was right…
Dinah, the singer. They were the same woman. And Barbara Gordon was involved with this woman, a member of her band after leaving Gotham. A metahuman with powers he still didn’t know what were capable of doing.
If this Dinah was dangerous like Flash was fearing, and Barbara thought this was her in to the sort of life he’d tried to shield her from for Jim’s sake…
He was going to have to keep his eyes on this one.
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noradarhkpalmer · 6 years
well versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice
Title: well versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer aka Darhkatom
Warnings: Some pretty anti-arrow feels are in this one, sorry y’all.
Summary/Notes: Ray and the rest of the Legends are invited to another wedding of their allies. After the Nazi invasion from Earth X, Ray is hesitant to go. Nora encourages him only to find out that Team Arrow will be there and Nora is not sure she can be held responsible for what would happen if she were left unsupervised near Oliver Queen
Day nine of 25 days of Darhkatom! Feel free to click the through my blog to see the others! Basically, I will be posted all loosely related (unless stated otherwise) fics for 25 days straight!
Thank you so much to @timetravelingpalmer for encouraging me to publish this.
Ray honestly wasn’t sure whether or not he’d attend another wedding of someone in their general circle of allies after what happened the last time. Nazis. Losing a Legend. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
And yet he and the rest of the Legends were all agreeing to RSVP for the wedding of Wally West and Linda Park. He liked Wally, he’d been a part of the Legends for a short while and had saved him from being kidnapped in Berlin and had helped defeat Mallus. Wally was a cool guy and Ray couldn’t be more happy for him.
“Wally feels too young to be getting married. Isn’t he like 15?” Nora asked as they walked back to their room.
“No, I think that’s how old you technically are right now.”
Nora smacked his chest playfully. “So, who’s going to be your hot wedding date?”
Ray shook his head. “You, of course. Though I could always take Zari, she’s not the one with the history that may complicate the jolly festivities…”
Nora arched a brow. “And what’s THAT supposed to mean?”
“Well, Team Arrow is invited and you, for good reason, don’t like them.”
“Yeah cause Oliver Queen killed my dad.”
“Well Oliver Queen is probably going.”
Nora thought for a minute. Really thought if she could be civil and be in the same room as the man that killed her father. She understood from the day that she was free of Mallus that her father was not a good man, not even a good father, but he was still her father and he had sacrificed himself at the very end to give her a second chance. Knots formed in Nora’s stomach. She wanted to be there, with Ray, do something that made her feel normal. Normal people were their boyfriend’s plus ones to weddings.
“As long as I don’t have to talk to him I’ll probably be fine.”
“I’ll make sure we stay clear on the other side of the room of him at all times.”
Much like Barry and Iris, Wally and Linda held a party the night before after the wedding rehearsal at Jitters. Ray and Nora were thrilled to be back in the place they had their first date in. The space was a lot smaller than they had remembered and it definitely felt small when Nora spotted Oliver Queen walk in with a pretty blonde on his arm.
Nora tightened her grip on Ray’s arm and he looked down at her.
“What’s up?” Ray asked.
“He’s here.”
Ray followed her gaze to where Oliver and Felicity stood. He saw the ring on Felicity’s finger shine brightly in the fairy lights decorating the room and swallowed. He knew that when he and Felicity ended things she went to be with Oliver but he had no idea they had gotten married after the Nazi’s from Earth X had invaded.
“If you feel like you can’t do this, we can go. Wally and Linda won’t be upset. We’ll just say goodnight and see them at the wedding tomorrow.”
“No I need to do this. I’ve been able to grow so much mostly thanks to your help. I need to be able to at least stand in the same room as him. It was a long time ago for me, I can handle it. I’ll let you know if I can’t. So thank you.” She leaned up and pecked his lips.
They continued to mingle with the others, mostly keeping in groups with the other Legends, occasionally talking with members of Team Flash, congratulating Wally and Linda until two blondes made their way towards them.
Nora tightened her grip again on Ray’s arm. “Relax, I’ll handle it.”
“Ray!” Felicity held out her arms for a hug. “How are you? I’m sorry about Professor Stein, he was a good man.”
Ray nodded. “Thanks, Felicity, I think that there will always be a missing piece of the Legends because of his absence.”
“Yeah. We all saw how many lives he touched at the funeral…” realizing the conversation was dying she turned her attentions towards the brunette with Ray. “Who’s your date?”
Ray pretended to not try and deflect the conversation onto something other than Nora and facepalmed himself. “Of course, you guys haven’t met. Felicity, this is my girlfriend, Nora. Nora, this is Felicity and Oliver Queen.”
Felicity pulled Nora into a hug, which was probably the last thing Nora ever wanted, and thankfully Oliver was standoffish as usual and didn’t even offer a handshake.
“It’s… nice… to meet you guys.” Nora tried to regulate her breathing. She was just a girl, meeting old friends of her boyfriend’s.
Felicity crinkled her nose. “Wow, we have so many Nora’s floating around lately, now another, how fun.”
“Yeah… exhilarating.” Nora deadpanned.
“And your eyes are so pretty, they’re absolutely striking.”
“Thanks, I got them from my dad.”
Nora watched as the comment made Oliver almost visibly flinch. She tried her hardest to hide the smirk. If he had figured it out, watching him squirm at her kindness was going to be almost as fun as all of the things she used to plan to do him if she ever got the chance to see him again.
“Well they’re gorgeous. So are you a Legend?”
“I am. Have been for about three months now.”
“That’s awesome they’re a good group of people.”
“Especially Ray.” Nora leaned her head onto his bicep. “He’s made me a better person.”
“Ray sees the best in people.”
“That he does.” Nora replied in a sickenly sweet but almost ominous tone.
Oliver coughed. “Felicity let’s go get a drink. It’s was nice seeing you again Ray, and meeting you Nora. We’ll talk later.”
Nora watched them walk away and smirked.
“See that wasn’t so bad.” Ray grinned optimistically.
“No, you know, it wasn’t.
“Hey, we have drinks back at our table, why did you drag me away like you couldn’t me out of there fast enough? Don’t tell me you’re like jealous of Ray or something.”
Oliver made a face. “No. Something, something’s just off about what just happened.”
“What? The fact that Ray has a girlfriend? I’m really happy for him and Nora seems nice, a little on the dark side, but nice.”
It clicked. If Oliver were in a cartoon, a lightbulb would be turning on.
“Say that again.”
“She’s nice, a little dark but nice.”
“Yes. The absence of light but also when people act a little mysterious.”
“No. Darhk.”
“Still not following you.”
“I think that’s Damien Darhk’s daughter: Nora.”
Felicity laughed. “That’s not possible. Nora Darhk is about sixteen years old. That can’t be her, that woman is in her thirties.”
“Ray spends his days traveling through time. I don’t know how or why, but I’m telling you, that woman over there is Nora Darhk and she’s dangerous.”
“Oliver, come on. That’s not her. You’re being ridiculous and paranoid. Now can we go back to the party, to celebrate Wally and Linda. Fashion a smile, Mr. Grumpypus.” She pretended to pinch his cheek.
“Fine. But I’m telling you I’m right.”
“Sure.” Felicity patted his chest to appease him.
“Felicity… why does that name sound familiar?” Nora asked she stirred her drink while at a bar top table with a few of the other Legends. Ray had left to go talk with Cisco about something on the other side of the room and Nora didn’t trust herself to be left unsupervised.
“Like Felicity Smoak? That’s cause she’s Ray’s ex.” Zari explained and popped an olive in her mouth.
Nora almost choked on her drink. “What?”
“And you didn’t know that. Right well I’m going to exit the conversation now.”
Nora grabbed Zari’s arm. “What do you know about his relationship with her?”
“Brief cause now she hangs on Oliver Queen’s arm. It was right after he bought Queen Consolidated. I’m trying to remember other concrete details but honestly I only know this much cause Amaya and I got Ray super drunk one night and he kept crying about wanting to find love.”
Nora sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay. Do you know if they’re still on good terms?”
“Oh yeah, they broke up amicably. Felicity knew her heart was with Oliver and Ray was being a little too Ray about the whole thing. That’s all. Can you let go of my arm now?”
Nora realized she still had it in a tight grip and released it. “Sorry.” She returned to stirring her drink. Oliver had hurt her. Felicity had hurt Ray. She needed Ray to come back before she did something really stupid.
Ray finally returned to her side and she kissed him softly.
“Hey, miss me?”
“Always.” She felt him drape an arm around her shoulders and smiled up at him. She was ready to grill his ass.
“Why didn’t you tell me Felicity was your ex-girlfriend?”
“Because we broke up amicably and it didn’t seem relevant and I didn’t want to add to the stress of you being in the same room with the man that killed your dad.”
Nora glared at him. “Your ex married the man that killed my father. It’s definitely relevant, babe.”
“Sorry… I’ll make sure to tell you the next time I run into an ex of mine.”
“How many exes do you have!?”
“Just two others and one died.” Ray squeezed his eyes shut, ready for Nora to hex him.
Nora took in deep breaths to calm herself back down. “Okay. Oliver and Felicity don’t know who I am. We are going to keep it that way because I will not be held responsible for what happens if he confronts me and knows I’m Damien Darhk’s daughter.”
“Don’t worry, I have it all under control.” Ray said and totally lied through his teeth, he did not have it all under control.
Oliver caught Sara’s arm and she batted him off. 
“Can I help you with something, Mr. Queen?”
“Sara, I’m going to ask you this once and you better tell me the truth. Who is that.” Oliver pointed over to Nora as she and Ray chatted with Wally and Linda.
“That’s Nora, she joined the team three months ago and has been dating Ray for about as long.”
“And she’s really great, she makes really good baked chicken soup and makes Ray really happy.”
Oliver sighed, exasperated. “You know exactly why I’m asking you who she is. Sara, she’s the daughter of the man that killed your sister.”
“And you’re the man that murdered that man in front of her when she was twelve! She’s not dangerous if that’s what you’re wondering. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a hot date to return to.” Sara caught Ava’s eyes from across the room and winked at her.
Oliver shook his head. “She’s dangerous. She’s a Darhk. She’s probably killed tons of people.”
“So have you and so have I. We’re already a team of misfits and felons, why not add another?”
“Because you guys have reformed.”
“You don’t know that she hasn’t. Look at her, really look at her. Remember the little girl you made watch as you killed her father. She’s only just now getting back to being the person she was before you did that. Ray makes her really happy and Ray has really really sad puppy eyes when she’s not around. Leave her alone, Oliver. I mean it.”
“I’m surprised to hear you defending Damien Darhk’s daughter but fine. If she causes trouble...”
“I’ll kill her myself.” Sara replied to appease him.
“Nora Darhk, you’re causing quite the stir.” Sara saddled up next to Nora and Ray.
Nora laughed. “Are you talking about Oliver Queen? Did you tell him who I was?”
“I did and I told him to leave you alone and that if you actually started causing trouble that I would kill you. Now that of course, makes him think I’m on his side when in reality I lied through my teeth and will cheer you on if something ends up happening.”
Nora choked on a laugh. “Thanks for the moral support?”
“Anytime.” Sara clapped Nora on the back and went in search of Ava.
Felicity hurried up to them as soon as Sara left. “Okay so Oliver just told me that Sara confirmed what he was thinking and I just have to say that…”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, blondie.” Nora held up a hand. “I might be Damien Darhk’s daughter but I think I am the first person in line ready to bury every atrocity with my father. Also. I stopped you because your opinion is pretty invalid given how terrible your taste is. You left Ray, a true gift to this world, for Oliver...  oh what could be said about Oliver? Oliver, a man who thought it would be perfectly okay to murder a twelve year old girl’s father in front of her. That is why your opinion is invalid and I really don’t want to continue talking to you anymore.”
Felicity sputtered out words that weren’t actually words and turned on her heel, leaving the conversation.
Ray was shocked, turned on, and proud of Nora. He couldn’t decide which more he was but she could.
“What do you say we ditch this party early and head back to the Waverider since we’ll be the only ones on board?” She winked and pressed her back into his front further, feeling his need for her.
“I… yeah, that sounds like an excellent idea.”
Nora turned a little and grabbed him by his tie. She kissed him square on the mouth and when she pulled away, glanced over at Oliver Queen with a smirk and then led Ray to the door, ready to spend the rest of her night with the man she loved.
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racingwest · 6 years
The entire fucking alphabet But if you really wanna be picking then R A C I N G W E S T
this is so late and so long i’m sorry!!!
Rain. I love the smell afterwards, the way it makes all the trees look even greener, the way the sun comes in from behind the clouds just before it stops pouring and everything looks beautiful. Roses, especially the deep, crimson red ones that remind me of love. Reading, any time, anywhere, anything. Books of all different shapes and sizes with a blanket and the corner of my couch and just hours alone. Roleplaying, because I like turning into someone else, walking in their shoes, even just for a few minutes. Representation in the media of all different types of people, more than just straight, white, neurotypical, cis men. And Rainbows, because they’re a symbol of pride for a community that matters a lot to me.
Autumn. It’s by far the best season; I love the sun coupled with wind and cold air, and the way all the leaves change colors so beautifully, and I love that it’s a time for things to change. Annabeth Chase. She influenced me so much as I was growing up, and I looked up to her fire and her brains and her bravery more than I can put into words. I still do. All Time Low, my favorite band who writes all of my favorite songs, whose lyrics I know by heart. Apples, because they’re delicious. And Artemis, goddess of the moon, the hunt, and maidenhood.
Chocolate. What more is there to say? It’s chocolate. Carter Holt, an OC of mine who I love to pieces. Cartoons, like Young Justice and Voltron and Miraculous Ladybug, because I love the animation and everything about them. Car rides that last for hours, especially over scenic views, even though my legs may be stiff, because I have my best thoughts there.
Indigo, because it’s a dazzling color. And also because I couldn’t choose between blue and purple (what can I say? I’m bisexual). I.M., better known as @queeninbrown, because you’re an amazing friend and being around you makes me so happy. Intersectional feminism, because it is so, so important. And Iron Man, because he was one of the first superheroes I ever loved and Tony Stark is such a wonderful, complex, well-made character.
Nighttime. Especially very late, when everyone else is asleep and I’m the only one awake, when the stars are shining and the moon is out and everything is so quiet and it seems a hundred times more magical. Nice, France. I’ve been there once, and it’s a beautiful, charming place, filled with beaches and art and villages. Nightwing, because Dick Grayson is an amazing, inspiring hero and I love him and all that he stands for. 
Grassy fields. Running through them, rolling down hills, everything. Girl Meets World, because this show never ceases to inspire and amaze me with it’s messages and it’s maturity. Gun Control, because we need more of it. Enough said. Girls! Because wow!! Galaxies, galaxy aesthetics, galaxy-colored things. The universe is so vast and beautiful and they’re just a snapshot of the most amazing parts. My girl @glitterfilledballoons. Gay pride. 
Writing. It’s at the top of the list for obvious reasons. It’s become such an immensely important part of my entire being, like when I’m writing I feel like I’m exactly the person I’m supposed to be. I can’t explain how much it means to me and the impact it’s had on my life. Winter, the second best season. I love snow, especially on the very first day when everything is pristine and white and it all seems to hold a sort of magic. Wally West. He’s one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, ever. I have this connection with him, somehow; there’s something about his sense of humor, his cockiness and desire to prove himself and his reckless bravery that really gets to me. I will always, always love Wally with all of my heart. The Weasleys. All of them. Every single one, because they are perfect. Amazing. Brilliant. And Wakanda, because of the beautiful and fantastic Black Panther and the impact it’s had on society.
Elephants. They’re beautiful, they’re majestic, what more can be said? Eggplant, the way my mom cooks it, which is really random but it tastes so unbelievably amazing. E.T., a stunning film that made me cry. 
Stars. I don’t know what it is about the stars that make me love them so much. Maybe because they’re so far away and so beautiful that they seem to have some kind of otherworldly, unknown magic to them. Maybe it’s because of the beautiful patterns they make in the sky. Maybe it’s because, even now, I’m still wishing on them. Superheroes, of every kind. They represent the best parts of humanity, they stand for all the things I want to see the world become. There’s something about the masks and the capes and the saving-lives that speaks to me on an entirely new level, and I love them. Summer nights, because of the warmth and the breezes and the stars, and catching fireflies in cupped hands and the freedom of it all. School, as much as I hate it and complain about it, it’s taught me so, so much about the world and about myself, and I’m exceptionally lucky to be able to have it. Saffron, because the smell will always remind me of home. Sara Lance, a badass, bisexual captain. She was the person who made me question my sexuality. And having her to look up to as I figured out I was bisexual made all the difference. Spider-man, one of the greatest heroes of all time. He’s just wholeheartedly good; he does everything he does because he’s the most selfless person I think I’ve ever seen depicted. He’s inspiring, constantly, and I love him. Shuri, because she’s smart and hilarious and the MCU needed an intelligent, female POC queen like her. Sirius Black. Enough said. Space, Springtime. Sarcasm, because I have too much of it. And Speaking out for what you believe in.
Teenage years. I like being a teenager. As difficult and angst-filled as it is, there’s a sort of reckless freedom with a bit of urgency to it. Something I can’t quite explain. Traveling, because I love to explore the world, see every little corner and everything it has to offer. It has so much to offer. There are a million different cultures and places and people to see, and I want to see them all. Tea, green, black, iced, hot, always very, very sweet. Telling stories, and hearing them. I love learning about everything that people have done. And Thinking, when I’m alone and it’s quiet, and my thoughts can just go to so many different places.
sorry this was so damn long, i had a lot to say. thanks for the ask!!!
send me some letters and i’ll respond with things that i love.
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keywords-r-us-blog · 8 years
Social Identity 
Social identity is the way in which individuals present/express themselves to the public, predominantly via social media. A person’s social identity is usually warped in some way to appear more acceptable to society. This is due to the standardised factors such as gender, socioeconomic status, nationality and fear of judgement from others. Below I have collated several entries from individuals via social media and asked them to describe themselves briefly based on what they believe to be their social identity. I gave minimal guidelines and asked for a small about of information to pressure individuals to be concise. The results are evidently varied, and represent the varying identities people can present on social media. 
Lachlan Baker: Male, 20 white Australian,  party animal, friends and family means everything, adventuring, life is a beach ride the wave of life, stay positive go forward never go back. 
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Jean Cameron: Almost 50 years old (April 3) Carer  One beautiful son ☺ Married 2 cheeky dogs Favorite movie is Labyrinth with David Bowie  Favorite musician is Bruce Springsteen  Favorite colour is orange 
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Dylan sky:18 years old, male, Australian, the wheres wally books
Angela Callaghan: 50 years old, Love my kids unconditionally, I commit to what i feel is important, And My priorities are family first then work, I love the honest relationship I have with my kids and cherish them every day. 
Jennifer Dias: 44 | female | Australian / Brasilian heritage | Employed as a youth events development worker. I am passionate about all art forms, cultural diversity and in developing networks and providing opportunities for young people & 50+ers | in MyTime I'm a volunteer/an artist/a photographer/ a tone deaf singer/ songwriter and an off key guitarist/ an interpretive dancer/ an observer/ a mother/a grandmother aka Vovo / and a friend | I absolutely love love love my family unit in all its complexities and moments of joy and appreciate the lessons I learn along the way that assist me in my own personal growth. 
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Stacey Harrell: The Indispensable Man (by Saxon White Kessinger) Sometime when you're feeling important; Sometime when your ego 's in bloom; Sometime when you take it for granted, You're the best qualified in the room: Sometime when you feel that your going, Would leave an unfillable hole, Just follow these simple instructions, And see how they humble your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it up to the wrist, Pull it out and the hole that's remaining, Is a measure of how much you'll be missed. You can splash all you wish when you enter, You may stir up the water galore, But stop, and you'll find that in no time, It looks quite the same as before. The moral of this quaint example, Is to do just the best that you can, Be proud of yourself but remember, There's no indispensable man.
Britney:  20yrs, female, Australian. Favourite bible verse: Philippians 4:13 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. I like to take photos of stuff, im a 3rd Year Nursing Student and I like spongebob memes.Also, I am super normal and quiet when people first meet me and then when I get comfortable  i get real weird.
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Caley Cameron:19 Years Old, Male, Australian 
Nicola Turner: I'm 18 going on 81  my favourite food is toast, I love my pet rabbit and second hand clothes. I can't add up in my head, I'm more of an english person. I like to think I'm independent but I'm a sucker for other people's company.
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May Louise Bouchet: 28 Australian Profession- teacher Heritage- French/Mauritian, Italian and Polish Favourite music- anything popular I enjoy cooking, renovating, shopping, travelling, eating and playing sport. I like to be busy but also enjoy downtime and most days I feel mentally drained. If I could start my life over I would become a historian and work in a museum. I value family, friends, history and a good education. I'm also a feminist.
Denham Callanan: artist, friend, dreamer, romantic, procrastinator. 19 Male Love, family, philosophy, history, comedy, sarcasm, animals, nature. "He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt" -Joseph Heller, Catch 22 "Everyone you meet you start to fall in love with, what separates your enemies from your friends, and your lovers from your soul mate is at which point you stop"  -Me 
Sarah Bloggs: 35 your cousin from England :-) xx
Holly Schwebel: Female, 17, and I attached a picture of a poem that has resonated with me for as long as I've known of it. Let me know if you need anything more.
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Sophia Blackwell: 19, and gender: female :--) I like the words captivate, kind, lovely, brilliant and fun. And those are things I'd like to surround myself with. I'd describe myself as a pretty easy going person and I care a lot. I'm pretty sensitive but not in all areas, definitely not when it comes to romance hahaha. Uhm, when it comes to an occupation I'd love to pursue something creative like cinematography. I'm learning Danish at the moment. I'd like to become stronger when it comes to speaking with confidence especially when I don't agree with something. I love doggos, well all animals and wholesome healthy foods and most certainly taking photos of both. I really like the outdoors because it makes me feel good inside and alongside that taking photos on old cameras.
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Elizabeth, Renae, Anderson, Wisely: age- 18 gender: dinosaur (jk) I'm female nationality: Australian I like cats a lot and food. I'm obsessed with Alice in wonderland.  um I really love history and wish to pursue a career in it. I'm an introvert. I like to read and rarely watch movies or tv.
Hayley Watt: Age:18 Gender: Female "A rose grows best in a pile of shit" Music: welcome to your life by Grouplove I think of myself as a positive person and I believe everything happens for a reason, or at least I tell myself that to prevent deeper questioning about the meaning of life.
Anonymous: Age: 24, Male Came from a rough family background that leaves me drifting through experiences. I socialise while holding up endless walls. Everyone likes me, but no one gets close. Song that best describes me would be Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. There's a constant nagging in my mind that I'm being judged severely for whatever reason. It's maddening. My interaction with the real world is to deal with people without them ever figuring out that I'm a 'fraud', whatever that means. I feel dishonest, even when I explicitly don't mean to be. I am sustained by my Catholic faith, and its instrumental to my being and keeps my cynicism in check. I wish it could be socially acceptable to talk openly about it, it feels limiting otherwise. My favourite quote is "Sometimes you have to walk past the good to get to the best." - Susan Calloway
Coby Borg: Well im me. Im half maltese. Born in straya. Lover of music. Pretty much any genre. Struggling to keep on top of work as we all are... 
Katie Hall: Gender: female Age: 19 Nationality: let's say I'm a "bitzer", no clue on where my parents come from, so I'm just a bit of everything A hole bunch of random stuff: Live by Disney's world famous Nanny's quote, "Anything can happen if you let it". I love dancing but not as much as I love my sister and I'm deadly afraid of elephant seals. Here is a picture of an adorable puppy!
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Tahlia Gill: 18, Australian My fav quote is Shakespeare (I'm original I know ) “Cut him out into little stars And he shall make the face of heaven so fine That all would be in love with the night And none would worship the garish sun.” My fav songs are zombie by the cranberries, american pie by don McLean and anything by Hudson Taylor Another quote by William Blake: a truth that's told with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent Love Harry Potter, lotr, avatar and soppy rom coms haha
Amber Walker: 18, British Adventures, outdoors, camping, hiking, explorer, Hippie, coffee, animals, love a bit of ed sheeran and Adele I'd live out of a backpack if it meant i got to truly see the world.
Genevieve Blenkin: 19, female, ginger, "you always miss the shots you don't take". The picture is of the country because its such a big part of my identity.
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Stefano Rankin:20, Male, Australian, quote: victory stands on the back of sacrifice.
Mat Percival: 20, Aussie. Love a good beer and laugh with my mates and love any fiddly past times I can afford. Creative design and cars play a big role in my life, and I guess my goal is to produce works/products and a service (whatever it be) that people are amazed by and are impressed enough to tell their friends. Love a good burger as well and Hotwheels are my fav.
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Allie Cook: 21, American, favourite quote: "And in this moment I swear we are infinite." -- Charlie, Perks of Being a Wallflower. This is my life outlook to always live life like I am infinite. 
Stephanie Hirsh: I like ball park music and I make cakes
Cameron Raymond Rawstron: Age 20, Quote: “That’s a bit how ya going”, I love Amity Affliction (anchors, Don’t lean on me), What do I do: Learn about computers, occasionally exercise, try to be socially accepted, hide my pan behind a smile, am brutally honest/too real. What I wanna do: re rich, be happy, be meaningful, listen to Amity Affliction, achieve happiness. Such memes, very wow. 
Taylah Zanardi: 18, female, chronic sick kid, "there is no magic to achievement. It's really about hard work, choices and persistence", I like to present myself as someone very put together and who knows where they're going in life, citity
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