#link is to a Really good song i think fits him so well
paradimeart · 5 months
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and you too shall fall!
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So I sat down the other day and went through the crane wives albums and some other songs to assign to Ninjago characters and I've finally sat down and decided to write the post out. The content are going to be under cut because this post will certainly be too long. I'm going to go album by album here starting with Coyote Stories and ending Here I Am: From The Listening Room.
(any and all "(X)" are simply links to the songs <3)
okay, here we go!
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Coyote Stories
Keep You Safe: in some ways, I like to interpret part of this song as relating to Nya's perfectionism, especially within Possession. The bridge especially and lines "What if the steps I take turn out to be mistakes? How can someone like me learn to say "come what may"?" (X)
Allies or Enemies: this is Jay and Cole to me from Rebooted to ToE. Specifically, from Cole's perspective. The song has a lot of regret and bitterness in it that I just think fits so well. The first verse and second verse ("you owe me ears from dropping eaves"), and the bridge are all so clear to me. The bridge, "what happens now? do we have another go (oh) do we bow out and take our separate roads, I'll admit I've had my doubts (oh) but I want to be let in not out (oh) I want to be let in now out", reads to me like Cole's sudden giving in and desperation in their match in ToE. (X)
Hard Sell: this one's a little loser but it reminds me of Lloyd struggles to keep himself strong and straight with everything that gets thrown at him, all the stress. To be The Green Ninja (X).
Little Soldiers: Young Garmadon and Wu, I think. It's their doomed brotherhood, the way they loved each other clearly as impulsive youth ("on the broken backs of all the words we spared, like little soldiers in the trenches, it was a march we made through ruin and despair but we held hands all the while") but ultimately Wu couldn't keep his brother. The bridge reminds me of the war. (X)
Metaphor: Harumi, obviously. There's really no debate, it's her fake mask as the Jade Princess, it's her relationship to Lloyd even. "I've gotten good at leaning on metaphors, I've gotten good at leaning on someone else's page, I cut my teeth on second hand sentiments, you can't trust a single thing I say" -> princess era. It's a sweetly bitter song, chalk full of implications of trauma. The line "but I always dig up bones in your sympathy, I can't trust a single thing you say" is relevant to her relationship with Lloyd, I feel. (X)
Of Everlong: This is a lovely and very soulful song, short and sweet. It's reminiscent of Pixane, to me, specifically from Pixal's perspective. There's a certain connectiveness in being in someone's head. "and if my lover will not hear it take my voice and take my spirit leave weakened and dig my hole only my lover not I can keep my soul" vs "I do not know if there is anything after this life for beings such as you or I, but if there is, I will find you there. Goodbye my Zane." (X)
New Discovery: Fairly simple and not to deep, but this is a Misako song. Adventurer and explorer, and all (X).
The Moon Will Sing: I want to preface two things, A) this interpretation is very much looser and a little less connected t the full original meaning of the song and a little more based in reworking it to fit the characters and B) Wu haters will be stabbed by my mighty and large sword. This is Morro and Wu, on a level. "I shine only with the light you gave me", the light here i the green ninja prophecy,something Morro latched onto to prove his wroth, who is, who is to Wu. The entire song as an air of bitter grief I think fit's Morro and Wu's story. Morro could've grown up and been something more than a half baked angry ghost chasing a dream from 40 years ago, but he wasn't, "I could've been anyone, anyone." (X) (X) (<- an extra link to the demo of the song!! I find it rather lovely)
(Extra note on The Moon Will Sing, I could also see this being a song about Zane/The Ice Emperor and Vex.)
Rockslide: this is about to be very unsurprising, I associate this with Cole! There's obviously the title but generally I think the energy of the song is very Cole-like, in the fun sense. There's also the lines about feeling the "quakin honey I feel it deep" which is rather self explanatory. (X)
The Hand That Feeds: I'm shaky on this one simply because I don't remember or know her character very well, but Akita. Has a lot of mention of wolves and is a very angry song against systemic oppression (though, in the song it's anti-capitalism lol). (X)
Sleeping Giants: another Cole song, mostly based on the presence of mountains, and the 'calling' aspect of the song. I also tend to associate songs with strong drums like in this with Cole (like Drumming Song by Florence and the machine) (X).
Never Love An Anchor: I've seen this song go around actually, mostly with Misako. Which, I agree with! However, I consider it a dual song with her and Garmadon. Specifically, their season one selves. It's Misako leaving Lloyd at that boarding school, it's Garmadon being so absent even though he so clearly loves his son (and despite his evilness, he doesn't seem to wish Lloyd to follow in his footsteps). The first verse really resonates with me as being Misako, clumsy hands and trying her best, and all. The last verse however, is Garmadon ("I am selfish I am broken I am cruel") and so is the line "With this heart of mine that's guilty not remorseful." If you haven't heard this song, I truly, truly recommend it, it's gut wrenching imo. (X)
Okay! We've reached the end of Coyote Stories. That's 11/12 songs out of the albums, the best ratio we have on this listing I believe. Moving onto Foxlore now!
Nothing At All: when I was looking at this song, trying to decide who to apply it to, I ended up getting kind of emotional. It's Zane, post Ice Emperor specifically. In his self-dehumanization. I'm just going to list out the lyrics that made me incredibly sad lol. "Happy is the man who wants for nothing happy is the lair happiness itself is desire", "heart broken men long to feel nothing to free themselves from strife handle pain, pain doesn't define a man it sure lends an hand getting measured in the sweeter parts of life". (X)
Down The River: Lloyd, post Garmadon revival and Crystallized. All his bitter feeling towards his father, and the angry abandonment issues. The first verse ("I've been wishig that you'd prove me wrong, that you'd come clean and rue the damage done, restore my faith in you, but you've got no reaosn to") and fifth ("Now, tell me, when you start again where will you house your skeletons? Or will they stay behind? Your settlement in kind?") especially. (X)
Can't Go Back: Zane, post Ice Emperor, again. It's that guilt man, I don't really have more to explain but know it makes me Sad. (X)
Turn Out The Lights: Jay, this is mostly about an anxiety head-canon lol, considering the song is about a racing mind. (X)
Ribs: this song is so Nya it hurts. It pretty strongly connects to her arc over the seasons about self independence, identity, and misogyny. It's her finding her place as who she is, and taking back things as her own ("It is mine, it is mine). Verse three I like to connect to her element being of Wojira's and how that is so symbolic of her place in the team (and why she reflect Morro so well in a lot of ways but I won't get into that), "time has changed the metaphor, now, dust is not the orgin of bone, little girl don't let them sell you any armor all your ribs are still your own". There's also the main chorus, which, god I got sad when I looked at it from the angle of Seabound. "The dark doesn't frighten me I chose to close my eyes, it is mine, it is mine, the night doesn't frighten me I chose to let it thrive, it is mine, it is mine." (X)
Not The Ghost: perhaps a little literal but, Cole in his Day Of The Departed era. Though, it connects to his feelings at the time more than his literal ghost-hood. It pretty strongly captures the depression, low self esteem, and growing urgency (around the Latter half of the song). You could also read some of the lyrics as paralleling the events of DOTD itself. (X)
And that's it for Foxlore, that is...6/10 I think, so not the worst either. Fun fact, this next section is my favorite album as a whole :)!
The Fool In Her Wedding Gown:
Icarus: now who else would this be about if not the doomed siblings of the series? Of course it's Wu and Garmadon. I think of this pretty strongly as paralleling their 'adventures' as young children, and then the war. "Oh my brother, oh my brother, oh my brother, who have you become in the wake of all that's happened here", yeah. The entire energy of the song has that weird sad, yet hopeful regret Wu seems to carry around with him in regards to Garmadon, it's a very loving song. (X)
Fangs: Nya, the entire song carries the desperate anger she has, the longing for independence and strength. It's bitter too, in a way that reminds me of her from Rebooted to Skybound. "I am not your highness, a damsel left helpless by fright, I am a lioness, fierce as I walk through the night", "a man will never know his bride"...and well, she was a bride once, wasn't she? (X)
That's it for TFIHWG actually, I know, sad sad ratio but I am also not suprised because a lot of the songs on this album are rather specific.
Safe Ship, Harbored:
New Colors: this one is really simple, Lloyd, and only because it reminds me about how consistently stressed he is lol. (X)
The Crooked, The Cradle: This is a Morro song, to me. The idea of were you doomed from the start (the cradle), or was this purely because of the choices you made? The line "can anyone hear me? The crooked are smiling, they know me the best" strongly reminds me of him and the Preeminent. (X)
(Additionally, this came to me as i was writing this section but I could also see this song being Garmadon coded.)
Caleb Trask: Oni Lloyd! The entire song is about the concept of having 'bad in your blood' and how you simply have to embrace it. That you cannot let it chain you, that love will bring you back. Reminds me of him. (X)
I Ain't Done: if you look at this from a purely conceptual level and energy wise, this song is very Morro. It's got his vengeful, jealous and vicious return from the dead to wreck havoc vibes lol, the lyrics in a literaly sense, however, do not fit. (X)
We're nearing the end now! kind of! 4/12 ratio.
Here I Am: Live From The Listening Room:
High Horse: Jaya, actually. From Rebooted to Skybound, from Nya's pov. Mostly, I connect it to that weird, unhealthy desperation Jay had for Nya and Nya's desire to be free of it, her own self. "You're a sweet heart, you're a curse, you're a passing grade on a low, low bar, you've got your eyes open, I know your worth, but I've got so many things in my hungry, hungry heart", sums it up pretty well. (X)
Here I Am: This one's Cole, but it's a bit of a mixture on why. First up, it's again DOTD era Cole with all his being forgotten angst and anxiety. Secondly, and maybe more painfully, it really reminds me of his and Lou's relationship early on. Neglected child core, and all that ("I promised myself I'd learn to be the one who leaves, with no more roots to tie me down, it's just a different kind of lonely"). The last verse is strongly reminiscent of his pure stubbornness, too. (X)
Queen Of Nothing: Solidly Harumi, a lot on vibes and mood. It's got a dark, sort of unsatisfied sound to it. The chorus screams her , "Isn't this what you wanted? Time sure feels like it's running out, just finish what you started, queen of nothing wearing such a heavy crown." (X)
Sowing Seeds: this one's a bit more general, it reminds me of Possession, the season. It's also a very moody song, having a tired, haunted sort of energy. It also fits nicely into the theme of consequences in Possession. The first verse ("still as a lake long after the wind is gone, in the face of a thief mashing ground to mud, still as a street long after the work is done, as he gnashes his teeth, as he cuts it up, cuts it up") heavily reminds me of Morro. (X)
Hollow Moon: fairly simple, Hollow Moon reminds me of Cole's fear on DOTD. It's got that spooky and paranoid sort of energy. (X)
The Wolf: this both a Harumi and Morro, bearing that bitter, self destructive energy. (X)
Now, that concludes all the albums thus far, and I know I sad we'd leave off on HIA:LFTLR, however, I am a lair. There's a couple songs that aren't on albums that's be a shame not to mention.
Margaret: this is Misako, in her loss of her husband, and her trails to find a way to fix things. "She's breaking her knuckles on truths that keep her awake, and she's tired but her jaw is set, she won't lose any more of the heart she still has left, so she says a prayer pulls the covers near and waits, Margaret won't sleep tonight." Lovely song. (X)
Scars: this is a newly released song! I believe it connects back to Never Love An Anchor, and as such, it fits Lloyd very well. Specifically in relation to Garmadon, post revival. It so so fits all that anger in him at his dad ("cause I was born with a whole in my heart, yeah, we were fucked from the start, tell me it's inevitable I'd end up with scars from falling down, down, we were always meant to fall apart"). (X) (X) (<- the second is a live audio recording that is personally my favorite!)
Okay, no we're done! Anyways, if you read all the way down here I hope any of this made sense. This is a little bit of a love letter to The Crane Wives and Ninjago, I spent hours doing this lol. If you haven't heard any or some of these songs, please do listen to them!! Every song mentioned should have an accompanying link. Anyways, time to end this stupidly long post, please share if you have any thoughts or connect songs differently!!!!!!!!
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w2sarcher · 6 months
golden hour | harry lewis
summary: singer!y/n releases an album and all songs are dedicated to harry <333
face claim: dua lipa
a/n: had so much fun making these edits, hope you all enjoy!!!
rest of my work hereeee : masterlist
y/n_username posted a photo!
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liked by ksi and 450,201 others! y/n_username working on something special 🎤💘 ...
taliamar wonder what it could be🤭 ↳ y/n_username you tell me miss mar
faithlouiseak you're so cute ↳ y/n_username you're the cutest???
ynfan53 sTOP are we getting a new album ?????
w2slover3 when y/n is in the studio you know we're about to be fed
ksi goat ↳ y/n_username 🫡
sidemenfan i'm so ready for my spotify wrapped to be dedicated to y/n
y/n_username posted a photo!
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liked by wroetoshaw and 450,249 others! y/n_username GOLDEN HOUR with my boy 🤍 tagged : wroetoshaw
wroetoshaw moments before you fell and landed in the water ↳ y/n_username don't bait me out harry y/nfan2 did she mean to type in caps lol
sidemenlover5 why is y/n shouting in the caption
taliamar nice caption ↳ y/n_username really good isn't it
y/n_username posted an instagram story!
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y/n_username posted a photo!
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liked by wroetoshaw and 530,293 others! y/n_username so the news is out! my new album ‘golden hour’ is out november 24th!!! i’m so excited for you all to hear this, i’m so incredibly proud of it 🤍☀️pre order now. link in bio!!! tagged: taliamar, y/nmusic
ksi legend
faithlouiseak omg can’t wait to hear it
taliamar i love you 🤍😭
wroetoshaw so proud my girl
y/nfan200 omg it’s coming out on harry’s bday
w2sfanpage omg every song is gonna be dedicated to harry i can’t even
sidemenw2s4 no way 🥺🥺🥺🥺
ynfanpage does this mean we’re getting a tour?? 🤯
taliamar posted an instagram story! wroetoshaw posted an instagram story!
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y/n posted a photo!
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liked by wroetoshaw and 490,249 others! y/n_username celebrating the new album with my forever muse 🤍
tagged: wroetoshaw
wroetoshaw cheers for posting one with me posing
ynfan2 harry being y/n’s biggest fan 🥺
w2sfanpage trained harry so well to take pics
freyanightingale you are glowing 😍
gkbarry gorgeous girl
bambinobecky 🔥🔥🔥
y/n_username posted a photo!
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liked by wroetoshaw & 432,029 others! y/n_username first night performing the new album 'golden hour'! just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported me and to everyone who came to watch last night, i love you all. most importantly a big thank you to my muse, harry, love you forever, you are the best supporter ever <3
taliamar best night ever!!!
freyanightingale this outfit omg
wroetoshaw 😍
r0sielewis you gorgeous girl
faithlouiseak so proud
geenelly so fit 🔥🔥🔥
sidemanxfan i need to get tour tickets!!!
harryxlewisfan my fave song is greedy <333
miaxmon unreal outfit
w2slover her muse being harry melts my heart
2 months before november 24th - the album release After months of honing her craft, Y/N had finally finished recording her second music album. The album was a culmination of her dreams. Each song was like a labor of love, a piece of her heart poured out for everyone to hear. And the album was about something very special. Someone who Y/N spent every breathing moment thinking about. Someone who she loved so dearly. Her Harry. She was sure nearly all the songs on the album were dedicated to him and she had been hiding them away from him, waiting for the right moment to show him what she’d been working on.
One evening, a few weeks before November 24th (Harry’s birthday & the release date for her album), Y/N had returned home with excitement in her heart. She finally had a copy of her new album in her hands. Stepping through the front door she was greeted by the familiar scent of Harry's favourite candle mingling with the aroma of something delicious cooking in the kitchen. The smell of home met her at the door everyday and it was something she'd never get tired of.
She kicked off her shoes and padded through the hallway, anticipation bubbling in her chest. Into the sitting room she went to find Harry lying on their navy sofa, his phone in his hand, scrolling on tiktok. His eyes flicked up at the sound of her pattering across the floor in her socks. Putting his phone on the arm of the sofa, he got up to greet her with a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
This was a daily routine for Y/N and Harry - either one of them coming through the day later than the other and just immediately embracing each other. The feeling of comfort was unmatched.
“You’re finally home,” he said, wrapping his hands around her frame “-i’ve missed you.”
“Missed you too H.” Y/n replied slightly muffled as her head was resting against his chest.
As she pulled away slightly from their hug, Harry could feel some sort of hard plastic digging into his side. With furrowed brows, he looked down at the item in her hands and then back up at Y/N, still as confused as he had been originally.
“What have you wasted your money on today?” he joked, remembering every silly little thing Y/N had bought ranging from outfits for the dog to matching toothbrush holders - she had an obsession with buying the most random, useless stuff and most of it was left for Harry to store away in the spare room once she realized it was no use to her anymore.
“Nothing,” she laughed, gently hitting him in the chest. “Here, come sit back down, I’ve something to show you.”
Leading him back to his original seat on the coach, Y/N walked just a few steps behind the sofa, placing the CD into a blue stereo sat on a small table. Harry watched as she put the CD in, curiosity overwhelming him, his eyes following her as she sat back down next to him, crossing her legs, eyes beaming with excitement and her stomach full of butterflies.
“Just listen,” she said.
As the first notes filled the room, Harry listened intently, his heart swelling with pride as he recognised Y/N’s unmistakable voice.
With the album progressing as each song ended and a new one began, Harry’s eyes grew larger and he felt his hands reaching out to hold Y/N’s. Each song seemed to speak directly to him, capturing moments from their relationship with clarity and emotion. He listened in awe as Y/N poured her heart and soul into every lyric, baring the deepest thoughts and feelings for the world to heart. Whilst Harry wasn’t the biggest fan of public displays of affection, this album was the completely opposite, he was so proud of her.
By the time the last song faded away, Y/N was sat with a big grin on her face and Harry had one to match her on his . A feeling of love and gratitude was overflowing in his heart - to be fair he always had that feeling around Y/N but something about these songs and her face smiling up at him made his heart want to explode.
“Every song…it’s about us, isn’t it?” he whispered.
Y/N nodded, her eyes shining with love. “Yes, H. Every lyric in every song, all for you,”
''You soppy bastard,'' he grinned, laughing as she rolled her eyes.
''What do you think of it?'' Y/N asked, eyebrows furrowed, ''is it too soppy?''
''Not at all,'' Harry paused, ''I love it - honestly.''
''Really?'' Y/N smiled. She knew Harry was never one to lie to her so him expressing that he actually liked the album was a great feeling for her - he truly meant it.
''Yes, really'' Harry confirmed. ''I mean, it's no KSI but I'd definitely give it a listen on Spotify.''
He received a light swat on the back of the head ''Oh shut up.''
Echoes of his laugh filled the sitting room as he held onto Y/N's hands, eyes meeting hers. ''Being serious now, it's the best thing I've heard in a while, m' so proud of you my girl.'' And with a kiss of her forehead, Y/N relaxed, content she had her boy's approval.
a/n: hope you all enjoyed! been in my drafts so thought i'd finally post <3333
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laluv-469 · 6 months
"The Other Woman"
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synopsis: its a mean one. gojo is cheating on his girlfriend with you and the guilt of sadness of it all is starting to hit you. practically a flashback and a psychological breakthrough contemplating why you tolerate his shit. but whether you continue to is an entirely more difficult question.
content: smut, jjk x reader, cheating gojo satoru x reader, vaginal sex, rough, hair pulling, unprotected, gojo on top, angry sex, dom, angst, asshole gojo, etc idk i dont write smut often lmao
for clarification; gojo would NEVER cheat, at least that's what I think. uh I just had this really neat, angsty idea linked to this song, and I know how to write gojo better than any other character. granted, toji or most definitely sukuna would fit better, but again, don't know how to write those characters as well. i also think this is a very poor interpretation of gojo and his personality, but it cruely exposes his flaws related to being a little boasty f-boy. hope it doesn't disappoint too much, i am not an experienced writer <3
deepest apologies for any typos and grammatical errors. literally editing this at 1 am ♡
word count: 1,526
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As much as you hated thinking about it, you were undeniably the other woman. You were the woman Gojo would sneak out of the room to text once his girlfriend fell asleep. You were the woman he would call when he got lonely and sad. You were the woman he would take out on secret dates across town. And, of course, you were the woman Gojo would ruthlessly fuck at the local motel. 
“Fuckkk” Gojo would greedily groan as he slid his thick member in and out of your squelching hole. “You're nothing like her…” He chuckled to himself in awe as his grip on your hips tightened. 
“So- fuckin’ tight~!” He bared through gritted teeth.
You shifted your weight slightly, burying your head down into the sheets with furrowed brows. Your long locks of hair fell loosely over your shoulders, draping down over your forehead. You only hum lazily in response, a bored expression on your face as he pounded into your little pussy. 
God, he felt painfully good, but you hated when he compared you to her. You hated the way it made you think too much. And for awfully too long. Your eyes drifted off into long, angry thought. Gojo noticed this, and he also hated when you weren't receptive to him.
He had you bent over on your stomach,  breasts smushed against the sheets as his hips rolled against your ass. The man lowered himself to your head, his warm breath tickling your neck. In a swift motion, he moved his hands toward your stomach and pressed firmly, pushing himself deeper inside you. His thrusts soon became rough and intentional… like he was testing your limits. 
He managed to get a whimper out of you, your face contorting slightly with his change in pace. “Nngh~”
You tried to remain nonchalant though, turning your face away from him, not letting him see your arousal. 
With the hand that wasn't clenching your stomach, he pulled a large chunk of your hair to the left, forcing you to meet his piercing eyes. They were narrow and.. almost dark with deep passion.. anger.. whatever it was your actions made him feel. 
“Not feelin’ it hon?” He questioned with only slight irritation in his voice. 
"Am I doing a crap job, hm?” He asks in a low voice, humor and frustration swirling into one. 
Both of your heads were bobbing up and down with the intensity of his thrusts, heavy pants accompanying that. Still, he managed to stare into your soul as awaited your response. The room was filled with nothing but the sound of skin slapping and the reserved whimpers you let out through tight lips. 
You avoided his eyes, closing them while trying to endure the pain. Each thrust sent him further inside you, his hips barely moving away from yours. It's like he was nearly locked in place with you, his hips bucking back and forth, keeping a small distance between your bodies. His grip on your body was tight, holding onto your hair and waist like his life fucking depended on it.
He scoffed at your silence, yanking at your hair again, harder this time, causing your head to whip back. You finally broke, your mouth was open and now loud. He seemed to have reached your core, repeatedly hitting that sweet spot. Each time, you swore you saw stars. It's like he was becoming one with you, his entire size stuffing you grossly. 
“Ah, ah ah!! S-Satoru-nn!!” You pleaded, your voice loud and squeaky, yet barely coherent.
“Don't- fucking ignore me…” He spoke in a low growl, his voice breaking in a similar manner to yours. 
He placed his temple against yours, your foreheads now pressed against each other as his movements grew more sloppy and erratic. His grip on your hair was still tight, practically using it for support as his body moved restlessly against you. Your scalp wss being stressed, strands sure to fall out after it's next brush.
“What's wrong, hm? Before.. I-” He stopped, struggling to speak and fuck you at the same time, “Before I pull out.. tell.. me” He panted heavily in an ugly rhythm with your moans, a lewd melody of slaps and grunts filling the air. 
He was close, you felt him throb inside you, and you were too. Your walls began to enclose, almost trapping him inside your hole. “Tight fuckin’ cunt…” He grunted lowly, chuckling to himself once again at the marvel that was your pretty little pussy. 
You shut your eyes tight as your orgasm neared, mouth gaped open, trying to find the right words. What could you possibly utter to him? You hated that he was in this secret “relationship” with you.. yet you let it fly. Why, though? Speak up, tell him! And so you did.
In broken words and whimpers, “Break.. up with her..” You regretted the words as soon as they escaped your lips, biting your entire lower lip in immediate guilt.
Gojo's hips stuttered a bit, your words clearly catching him by surprise. But you were too lost in the rhythm to stop. You felt a rising sensation in your stomach, a hungry desire to completely let loose everywhere. It was strong, so very strong, and you just needed this orgasm so badly. Your pussy was puffy and throbbing, his large member surely leaving you sore. He fucked and fucked and fucked, that lovely spot being tapped and played with till it went off. Shortly after, you came all over his cock, juices spilling out and dripping onto the bed. He fucked your cunt still, helping you ride out your orgasm as he neared his. Your eyes rolled back, the feeling of being emptied and filled all over again overstimulating you immensely, yet satisfying your desire so beautifully.
He followed shortly after, shooting his load inside you accompanied by the release of your hair, relief washing over the both of you. Letting out a heavy, slutty breath into your ear, he slowed down significantly, gently fucking the mixture of cum inside of you. Your head was soon back on the bed, red from shame and regret at what you said before. However the man simply pulled out and collapsed beside you, both of you simply laying on your stomachs, backs rising and falling with the aftermaths of an intense session. He raised his hand to your head, caressing your scalp in a comforting manner, as to apologize for the pulling and yanking.
He sighed, a worrisome look on his pretty fuck-boy face. “Break up with her?” He whispered.. sounding sad… Sad? 
This asshole, what did he have to be sad about? You were the one crying yourself to sleep every night and eating alone more often than not. And imagine how his girlfriend would feel if she knew? This entitled, pretty asshole.
Your eyebrows furrowed angrily, turning your head to face the white-haired man. “Yes. She doesn't deserve to be cheated on for one, now you're just leading her on. Are you that dense or what?”
His head pulled back slightly in a contorted facial expression, seemingly offended by your comment. But he knew you were right, his eyes drifting away in thought. “You're right… Just.. let's sleep on it.” He sighed, his eyes fluttering shut.
Yeah, he sure did have a habit of putting this off. He'd always find an excuse not to think about it or talk about it.
You huffed, pulling away from his touch and rolling out of the trashy motel mattress. “No, that's your decision.” 
He pissed you off, his eyes fluttering open again and stupidly following you with the dumb puppy face. You ignored him though, limping your way to the bathroom with a change of clothes. 
Took a piss, showered, and changed within the next 20 minutes, you stepped out fully clean and refreshed. You dried up your hair a few feet away from the bed, Gojo watching your every move. Your face was scrunched up and angry, hating the fact that he was looking at you so desperately right now. Why'd you even let him fuck you? 
“I'm going home,” You grabbed your bag and phone, heading for the door.
Without even realizing, Gojo was rushing out of bed, quickly stumbling toward you, “Fuck do you mean? I'm not driving you back over right now..” He leaned against the door frame butt naked, dick hanging loose and head tilted sideways.
You pushed his chest lightly, “Put some clothes on, get some sleep. I'll take a bus or something.” Again, you turn away from him, heading for the door knob.
Gojo's hand grabbed your arm, tugging you softly. “Why are you mad… baby… you know how this goes..” He practically pleaded, a tired and worn out expression on his stupid face.
“Cut it out, please I'm done Satoru I'm tired of feeling like shit every day.” You threw your head back, sadness and anger finally broke through. 
“I'll cut her off, okay?” He spoke quickly and firmly, almost as if just to shut you up. After that, it was all a blur.
That day though, you fell for the facade, running right back into his arms, climbing right back into that bed, and continuing to be just the other woman.
Why you still do it? For the thrill? For the love? You sat for hours thinking about it, writing about it, crying about it. You almost told his girlfriend a couple of times. You have countless pages saved in your notes explaining everything to her, yes everything. But your heart and soul know you won't ever tell her, better yet jeopardize the “relationship” you have right now. 
“Hey love…” He would greet you, caressing your cheek and brushing through your hair with his pale slender fingers. “You're so beautiful baby… I don't deserve you.” He smiled warmly at you, love genuinely radiating from his body.
Was any of that real? He was right though. A cheater doesn't deserve you. But you weren't any fucking better that's for sure. You're not sure when this will end, but damn you hope it ends with you finally being content and happy. No longer, the other woman.
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hi dove!!! i love your new event, the vibe is so fun and relaxing (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ could i request floyd with no.8? for backups maybe leona with no.9 or jamil with no.2? thanks!! as always don't overwork yourself ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
side note: pls no angst the pain from last time is still here(⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
Fairytale Scene; Leona Kingscholar
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, some really soft Leona
Word Count; 650+
Author's Note; Had to use your first backup, as Floyd got snatched up, but I hope you enjoy this fluffy scene and soft lion! [Damn, those eels go fast]
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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An old vinyl was playing slowly on the record player, a slow jazz ensemble letting out low notes. It was pleasant, the calm music mixing with the gentle crashing of the waves coming onto shore, and the filtered sunlight coming through the linen curtains and warming up your skin. There was no rushing, no tasks that needed to be urgently done, and no one to boss you around. You could definitely get used to this. 
“You’re looking right at home there,” a soft chuckle broke you from your relaxed spell. Leona was standing in front of you, giving you a curious look. “Like a house cat sunbathing.”
You rolled your eyes, “Fitting coming from you.” You stretched out, and rolled off of the chaise you were lounging on. 
Leona sighed in mock annoyance, but he could get used to seeing you without the weight of all your responsibilities resting on your shoulders. You looked — and by all the lounging you had been doing since you had both arrived — and felt lighter as well. And in the golden sunlight? Leona swore that you were glowing.
You lazily walked over to him, placing your arms around his neck. “Is something bothering you?”
Bothering me? “No, nothing at the moment,” he said quietly. What was there to be bothered by? The two of you were together, and there was no one around to annoy the both of you. “And you?”
You hummed along to the song playing, “Nope!~” You let out a breathy chuckle and started to gently sway back and forth to the music. “Would you care to join me for this dance… your majesty?~” 
Leona groaned at the nickname; you only brought it out when you were feeling teasing. He didn’t mind though, since it didn’t hold the weight it did at the palace, or the mocking tone that others sometimes used. You just were being a teasing menace and a cute one at that.
Letting out a showy sigh he adjusted your hands so that he was holding one and the other was placed on his waist. “I suppose I can spare one for you,” he said lowly, voice barely above a grumble. 
The two of you swayed gently together to the soft music, gentle swaying, and long, slow, looping circles around the room. You were still humming the non-existent lyrics to the song, and Leona hummed softly from time to time as well, adding to the melody. Never did he think that he would end up in such a scene; dancing with someone he loved so dearly in something that he could only explain as a fairytale scene. It was soft, domestic, tender, and filled with such innocent love. All things that Leona had convinced himself that he didn’t want. But then you came into his life. You threw a wrench into his life, but what a lovely wrench it turned out to be.
The song came to an end far too soon, and the two of you came to a slow standstill, still in each other’s loose embrace. Neither of you made a move to let go, instead you both just stood there, hand in hand, your hand on his waist, and his on yours.
“You make for a good dance partner,” you chuckle.
Leona raised a brow, “And are you surprised by that?”
You bring his hand to your lips, placing a kiss on the inside of his wrist while looking at him through your lashes. “No, it’s just endearing is all.”
Leona had received kisses from you before, both soft and passionate, but this one actually made his heart flutter. He didn’t know how to feel about it, but he did know that the way you looked at him just then… he wanted you to look at him with such adoration again and again and again. It was addictive.
He brought your hand to his lips, and returned the kiss, letting it linger so he could feel your steady pulse. Perhaps the two of you should come out here more often if this was what happened… Leona could spend the rest of his life with you in this picturesque moment.
Tags: @eynnwwyjth, @inkybloom-luv, @leonistic, @savanaclaw1996, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months
ENG SUB: JokerOutSubs x RADIOaktivno collab: Joker Out – Šta bih ja
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Audio + CC link here
We want to thank once again Boštjan Najžar from RADIOaktivno podcast (Facebook, YouTube), for collaborating with us for a third time. We’ve previously worked with him on the English subtitles for the 'Umazane misli' album presentation and 'Demoni' album presentation. Please check them out, if you haven’t seen them yet.
We’d also like to extend our sincere gratitude for the shout out during the interview! Acknowledgements of our hard work and positive comments like this keep us going, and the whole team was so pleasantly surprised! It is very much appreciated!
Credits: Transcript and translation by @kurooscoffee and an anonymous member of JokerOutSubs, proof read by IG GBoleyn123, captions by @kurooscoffee and X pastellibianchi.
Transcript below the cut👇
Host: Bojan from Joker Out is with me. Hi.
Bojan: Hi, hi!
New songs are slowly trickling towards completion, or not?
Bojan: Let's say 'slowly trickling', is a very good expression, yes.
So is the creative process also slower because of all your other occupations or not?
Bojan: Yeah, these concerts are a bit of a distraction, the heat outside certainly doesn't have the best effect on working before four or five in the afternoon, so the pace isn't the fastest, but I still think that it's the right one for this moment.
And if you also look at last year, would you say it was a great year?
Bojan: Yeah, that year was… Really, to say dreamlike would be an understatement, because even when we were dreaming, we couldn't have imagined that, so, truly unbelievable.
After all, 'Carpe Diem' was the most played Slovenian song?
Bojan: Yeah, yeah. It's true.
And then there's the golden record in Finland.
Bojan: Yeah, we never imagined that we'd get a golden record in Finland before we got it in Slovenia, but here you go, anything can happen.
And you have also literally taken Slovene around the world.
Bojan: We have, yes. Which is a very interesting phenomenon, that can't be fully grasped either by the locals in the places that we visit, nor by us, but it's beautiful and very magical to come to a new place every time and to hear the people, whom you actually can't differentiate, while they're in the crowd, from the Slovenian audience, in terms of singing.
The 'See You Soon' tour is also behind you. That was an actual, real, tour. How did you experience all this?
Bojan: Yeah, now we've actually experienced this, let's say, a tour as we imagined it from music documentaries and films from abroad and I have to say that it was a really good mixture of intensity and pleasure. We went into all of it, I'd say, quite maturely and professionally, so that we could make it through all the concerts healthy, and get one hundred percent out of ourselves at each location. So it'll forever be one of those very, very, very beautiful memories.
I guess it all requires quite a bit of physical fitness as well?
Bojan: Yeah, which, honestly, I'll speak for myself, I don't have, but cardio at concerts somehow meets at least the basic needs.
But it looks different on stage. You're always in good shape there, when I see the various clips online.
Bojan: Yes, exactly! I'm somewhat in shape on stage, but offstage, (laughs) unfortunately, not so much.
You've already played new songs on the tour and one of them has now become a single. It's the song 'Šta bih ja'.
Bojan: Mhm.
This time in Serbian.
Bojan: Yeah. 'Šta bih ja' was basically the first song that we did in London, when we went to make music for the third studio album and somehow, already in the rehearsal space, it suited the band the most. And the first time we played it live, it was apparently also very well… it had a very good response from the audience and we stuck to the song and we recorded it in the studio as the first one and released it as the first single, because it was kind of expected by the fans.
Considering the activities that you all have in the band, or that you have yourself, then you don't have either a house or an address?
Bojan: Unfortunately, no. (laughs)
In that case, maybe you prefer to offer or give out hotel addresses to everyone?
Bojan: Yeah, yeah. You could find a lot of hotel addresses because we've tried out plenty this year.
There's also an animated video that accompanies the song?
Bojan: Yes, the music video is… actually the work of one of our fans. On his Instagram profile, for each of our songs, he posted 15- to 20-second video animations which we always thought were, I'd say, original, different, and we decided that we wanted to do something different for this one and something that we haven't tried before, so we contacted our friend and asked him if he could make a music video. Fortunately, he responded with a positive answer, so we are very satisfied with how this came out. And again, involving the fans in our work somehow completes the picture and gives it an overall conclusion.
You mentioned earlier, Bojan, that you're preparing a new album, when can we expect it?
Bojan: You can expect it, let's say, by the end of October at the latest, I hope, and if not, certainly by the end of the year.
Will you be switching between languages on the album as well, Serbian, Slovenian, English?
Bojan: Absolutely, yeah. All three languages. will be present on the album.
When will there be a song from you in Finnish? Considering the fact that you did pretty well with Finnish?
Bojan: Oh! It's not in the plans as of yet, but I'd say that if things continue developing the way they are at the moment, something like that could happen very quickly, yes.
Because Käärijä's latest single is also a collab, or rather, a 'featuring', if I remember correctly. It was released not long ago.
Bojan: Yeah, yeah, yeah! He recorded the latest collab with Joost Klein, a Dutch musician, so, I don't know, well, maybe, like I'm saying, there may be some kind of a collaboration, or even an independent Finnish project in the future.
We'll say more when the album comes out, so we don't break the tradition.
Bojan: Right
By the way, the two interviews that we've done (T/N: 'Umazane misli' & 'Demoni' album presentations), have already been translated into English by a team that also works for you, or rather supports you.
Bojan: That's right, JokerOutSubs, who diligently review the materials about us on a daily basis, as they come out, and translate them into English and many other languages, so one huge huge hello to them, and a big thank you.
As I said, the song 'Šta bih ja' is now released. When is 'Bluza' coming?
Bojan: 'Bluza' is coming in the near future, but to be completely honest, I have no idea when we're planning to release it.
But now, on the air, we'll hear the recent one, 'Šta bih ja'. Bojan, šta bih ja radio? ('Bojan, what would I do?')
Bojan: Šta bih ja u ovoj crnoj noći bez tebe radio? ('What would I do in this black night without you?')
Everyone: We are Joker Out!
Bojan: And you're listening to RADIOaktivno.
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k-tarotz · 9 months
Could you please make a post on how sunghoon would act around his crush??💖💖💖💖💖
Thank you for your request lovely, Also thank you for your patience it was quite busy around Christmas and new years but now I have energy to continue the "how does x act around their crush" series! 🩵
Temperance, 6 of wands, 2 of cups
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How Sunghoon would act around his crush:
First of all loyal! Like you know how some people are like "it's just a crush, I can still look at other people or even go on dates with others" that's like the exact opposite from sunghoon- (nothing against those people though!) Like this boy is committed even to his crush, without his crush even knowing that hoon has a crush on them, it's just in his nature. There is also high potential that Sunghoon didn't had many crushes yet, since he was pretty busy already since his childhood pretty much. But yes he is the kind of boy to have eyes only for his crush and no one else, his mind being with his crush the whole time too. Daily thoughts of his crush is nothing new to him, it might be a bit frustrating even
Jelly! He sees his crush linking arms with someone? (even if it's just a friend) boy would be incredibly jelly and sad and annoyed like a small little roller-coaster of bad emotions would go on. He would try to hide it the best way possible though, he doesn't want his crush to know and especially not to find out through his jealousy. But he would be quite often jealous, even little things like his crush eating dinner with someone else or even calling with a friend on their phone - he might subconsciously even pout and think "it should be me! I can treat them better!" (Shawn Mendes has such a song I think, this fits sunghoon so well lmao-)
Clingy! Yet try not to be, or at least hold it back if he doesn't know this person for long yet. But things like trying to read his crush's messages while they are texting on their phone next to him. Trying to spend more time with his crush of course! If he has his crush's number he would text nearly everyday - and expect an answer the same day of course, checking up on his crush is a must. He would physically be Clingy too but only if his crush is close to him, like if they never hugged before yet he won't just hug them out of nowhere, but if they already know each other well and already had (Innocent) physical contact then he would try to do more or at least for longer. Definitely holding hands, hugging and an arm around them. Maybe secretly smelling his crush's hair also! Sunghoon is definitely into physical affection, just with the right person, probably isn't into pda though
Insecure/Anxious unfortunately he would have self doubts about himself (even though he is literally such a nice person and handsome) like "maybe I'm not handsome enough for them" or get Insecure about simple things like a small pimple or an angle that could possibly make him look bad ect but also things like "wait hold up do I have something between my teeth?" Like he would quickly check up on things like that with a mirror before going to his crush and talking to them
Shy! He can try to hide it but would he success? Not really! If you pay close attention to him you can see him slightly blushing at times, he also giggles/laughs when he gets shy. He will get shy quite easily around his crush like they stroke their hair behind their ear while laughing at Sunghoon's joke? Boy would blush and giggle and be over the moon! Like legit it doesn't take him much to get shy!
Proud! Now Sunghoon is someone who will feel proud and acknowledged if he gets praised for things! By things I don't mean his looks, because that's not really something he did you know? He would get Proud if he gets praised for example for singing nicely, or for dancing good, or if he for example builds up something all by himself, if he cooks/bakes! He would genuinely feel so warm and loved by that, could subconsciously make his crush bigger
Feeling safe! Since sunghoon had quite a lot of responsibilities to carry on his shoulders for a looong time he would love it if he can just feel safe around his crush with no responsibilities tied to it, he could possibly prefer someone older than him by a few years because he seems to have the mentality of "Oh if they are younger than me then I have to take care of them" like you know? Especially since he is a big brother he is used to that feeling, so there is just thar potential of this preference. Aside from wanting to feel safe like that, he would love to make his crush feel safe around him too! Which brings us to the next chapter...
Trustworthy! Sunghoon is genuinely someone very trustworthy like you tell him a secret and he won't tell anyone else! He will keep everything private that should stay private! His friends, family and crush can trust him if he says something he will do it and stick to it. He is also not someone who would play with anyone's feelings at all, you can trust him with your heart and everything, he will also stick to all his promises!
Honest! You know those people who like.. sometimes lie or exaggerate stories that they tell to their crush or even friends to impress them? That's also the opposite of Sunghoon, he is humble and honest he will try to impress his crush for example by telling how many medals he won but its not to brag but literally yelling his story and hoping it's enough to impress. Of course he would be very honest in general with his crush! He would want the same honesty back as that and being loyal is very important to him
Humble! So as already mentioned he would be humble, like he already is but around his crush even more! Especially if his crush isn't in the same industry as him like if they aren't a public person at all, he would never say anything like "I'm an idol and you are just (..)" at all. He would always look at his crush as equal even if they don't have the same job at all. He would never put his crush down on purpose, not for anything in this world
Caring! If he notices that it's getting colder he would give his crush those small heatpacks that you can carry in your pockets, he would tell them to not catch a cold and he would even go out of his way and buy a scarf for his crush, gently wrapping it around their neck. He would be caring in many many more ways, this was just one example! He would genuinely care about his crush, their health, their feelings and more, always watching out for his crush
Secret Admirer! Alright so this one would especially happen if his crush and him aren't that close yet, but also some of those still after they are close. He would definitely watch his crush sometimes without speaking because he might be too shy or anxious at the moment, regardless watching his crush would make him happy. He would be the type to buy small presents and leave them at his crush's thingy wherever they can have access to it, but no no no not just random or simple presents like flowers or chocolate no! You know how you once mentioned months ago that you liked this one perfume and try to save up for it? Guess what he got... yes that perfume! Sunghoon is someone who pays attention to his beloved ones and he has a good memory, so he will remember such things and get them when the time is right (example: his crush's birthday, valentines day or any other important holiday but it can also be on a random day just not too close after they told him so it's not too obvious it's from him) and ge genuinely enjoys spoiling his beloved ones. He would possibly leave small sweet notes with them like "you are amazing "
Playful! Especially with jokes like he would try his best to make his crush laugh, especially with puns! He would feel so proud and good about himself if he succeeds and he would enjoy making his crush laugh! He would try not to overdue it with his jokes but also remember the ones that made his crush laugh so he can say similar ones. Laughing together with his crush would be the perfect bonding!
Nicknames! Sunghoon is someone who is quite into Nicknames so he would love to be called nicknames from his crush. His favorite nicknames are "Hyung, baby, oppa" (jay is older than sunghoon but sunghoon made him call him hyung and genuinely enjoyed that, so he might also like it if his crush calls him hyung/oppa even/especially in case they are older than sunghoon, it depends on his mood though) like he often says "I'm not a baby" but secretly he likes it, especially when his feminine side is out more - in one of his current lives he also said "you can call me whatever you want if you say I'm cute, cool or sexy.. I like it either way" so it all really depends on his mood a bit but in general he really loves nicknames and is fine with multiple ones, different kinds - especially if his crush is close to him!
Respectful! You know how some people just can't accept a no and especially not a rejection? Opposite from sunghoon again. If sunghoon ever decides to confess to his crush, it could take months or longer because he is someone with lots anxiety, and his crush rejects him then of course he will be sad and heartbroken but he would accept it and not try any further. Sunghoon is one of the most respectful idols we ever saw and on top of that we don't think ge would try to chase after anyone, especially if they make it clear that they have no feelings for him at all. He would still think about his crush, but regardless try his best to move on, not trying to make any moves on them at all. He might avoid his crush until enough time has passed because he would need time to heal
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Thank you everyone for reading this, possibly liking, commenting or reblogging this! ♡ it takes time and energy to write those kinda readings as I try to be quite detailed with those so it might take a bit until I answer the next request of this series - regardless its also very fun to do so feel free to request this with whoever you want and I will answer once I recharged my energy! Thank you everyone!
- Hun
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mylonelydreaming · 4 months
For me, Link being "unhealthily obsessed with Zelda and finding her to the point Ganondorf is a footnote" isn't something that I think is "bad" at all, but precisely what makes this version of him remotely interesting (to me) when Nintendo is otherwise so adamant about keeping him a stoic knight most of the time.
It adds a different layer to him, turns him from this perfect, bland stoic boy into someone who only outwardly appears that way, appears like he has everything together, but is in fact flawed inside and a little broken from what has happened to him. A little off. That makes him much more interesting to me. It gives him a major character flaw that can be exploited by his enemies, and what do you know, Ganondorf and the Yiga Clan do exactly that (they even remark on what good bait she makes).
I also find it interesting to think about when he became this way. Was it the years he spent with her in-between games? Was it well before that, when he was aimlessly chasing that "beautiful voice" even before he remembered who he was? Was it some point before the Calamity? Did he become a knight in the first place not merely to follow his father's footsteps, but to one day protect her? I find this compelling to think about. Is making a specific person your life's purpose unhealthy in real life? Yes. It's also very interesting in a story.
And also on that note, isn't him becoming at least a little too obsessed with her a completely natural thing to happen?
For me, if you take away Link's (yes, I'll admit, unhealthy although I kind of like that), obsession with Zelda, then all that is left is the exact ways that people who hate not only zelink but Link himself describe him as all the time: A robot who feels nothing but duty.
And sorry, but I just find that very boring. Dull. Unexciting. I also, then, can't see why on earth Zelda would have feelings for Link if she's just a duty to him and her acts of affection, like sewing him a new tunic, are never returned. Frankly, I think she deserves a lot better than that, to have her feelings reciprocated and a happy ending after all that she's been through.
And to be honest, why would any writer make her feelings unreciprocated when she's basically the main focus of these two games? How does that make any sense? I also doubt any professional game dev working on a deadline would waste precious time writing and coding dialogue about it into the games if it supposedly wasn't meant to mean anything? I honestly rather dislike people brushing off things like Kass's song, because it ignores that it was purposefully written by the game's creators to tell the player something. It not only feels disrespectful to whoever wrote it, but ignores an extremely common convention of video games. I don't think it's really very fair to call it "bad writing" simply because it delivers the information like a video game and not like other visual mediums would have. Video games have always demanded the player to read things, investigate and read between the lines. Especially so when they are more focused on gameplay, which is exactly where Nintendo's focus lies.
And when it comes to "it should have been more obviously shown", well, look how people complain even when it's subtle? If you're someone who hates it, why complain about the romance not being overly blatant? Isn't that good? I mean, clearly an even bigger fit about it would have been thrown if they had been even more obvious, so personally, I think that the way Nintendo went about it was perfectly fine.
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lehguru · 10 months
latino songs i relate to one piece characters and why!
info: not proofread as always, put spotify links in all of them, open to suggestions if yall want this to b a lil series or sum lol, mentions of stabbing (?)
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PORTGAS D.ACE : SOU MUSA DO VERÃO - marshmello, luísa sonza
there's something about this song that makes me think of ace in the most... unhinged way. the main chorus is the thing that really stands out to me, because not only he would look gorgeous in a edit with that, it have the same hot energy that ace exhales. he is the kind of man we would see shirtless and imagine things that become a concern to feminism; and that song is exactly what we all, ace simps, want to say to him.
NAMI : ASSANHADINHA - pocah, mc durrony
nami gives the vibes of someone that does not care, period. she just does what she wants and is not afraid to own it too. i can definitely see this song on her playlist too, not only because of the way she relates to the lyrics, but also the beat itself. another big reason is simply: my girl likes to throw it back, and this is a great song to do it without problem.
NICO ROBIN : PILOTO - flora matos
i put piloto as robin's song, because 1. i ship her with franky; 2. she would totally be the type of person (the 'pilot') that is described in the song. careful? caring? loving? a good person? a scholar? pays attention? courageous? a mate? truthful? a armor bearer? if you need, dangerous? she is all of those things and much more. and that's why she will be forever the woman that holds my heart and she should hold yours too.
SABO : EU VOU COM CARINHO ELA QUER COM FORÇA - mc don juan, mc g15, mc davi
this one i will keep short and simple. a loooong time ago i saw a tiktok that had this song as a "sabo sounds like this" and i couldn't unhear it since (i cant find it again, im sorry); plus the lyrics match very very well. thats it. i cant elaborate further.
USOPP : PAPIN - mc kevin o chris, mc caja
the lyrics say everything i need to say: "fell for my talk, it's over". it's proven over and over again that usopp can lie to people easily, when he wants to. and, after the live action, i can't stop thinking about usopp trying to win you over with a sweet talk, his eyes and voice tone nervous, but so sweet it wins you over. plus, the song weirdly fits his vibe.
SANJI : RITA - tierry
i kinda refuse to explain this one, because it's almost a joke for myself, but i shall translate some of the lyrics (think that he's singing it to you): "oh love, come back. come back, love, and i will forgive the stabbing. oh, love, don't leave me alone, come back and i will pull out the charges."
DRACULE MIHAWK : ME RECLAMA - mambo kingz, dj luian, luigi 21 plus, ozuna
THIS SONG IS SO MIHAWK CODED, IT MAKES ME SICK. he knows he's the best, he always goes to you when you call him and he's not afraid to tell others that it's "not his fault he is the one you call for". his entire persona with this song in the background makes me shake, he would look extremely ethereal with his hand on your waist, pulling you closer, and his head tilted – all while his lips are whispering sweet spanish into your ear.
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2023 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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wolfscarr · 5 months
Helluva Broken Narrative 2. The Wasted Family.
Alright here I am with...I guess Part 2 of this Broken Narrative thing...for part 1, see the link below.
I again didn't really wanna post, but it's just been nagging at the back of my head for some time now.
DISCLAIMER: Not saying you can't enjoy the show. Enjoy it all you want, this again is just a rant about a lack of cohesive narrative.
So much like Season 2 retroactively making the whole deal between Blitz and Stolas pointless, it also has made a whole Family completely wasted to the show.
It not only made Stolas a retroactively useless character, but it has also made both Stella and Octavia wasted characters. They are now just characters....who are there, to make Stolas either look good(Octavia) or make you feel 'sorry' for(Stella) and that's...basically it.
It also ruined and yes I'm saying ruined, Stolas and Stella's relationship and what it was hinted to be at. Now you might be wondering...
"Wait...what do you mean?"
Well here it is. It seems that the episode Loo Loo Land, the one fans seem to give all this praise for and most notably the song that Stolas sings to Octavia when she had a nightmare. Except at the same time....people miss the lyrics, that basically confirm that Stolas and Stella had some sort of relationship and they are as follow.
"I use to think that I was bold. I used to think love would be fun."
There is zero way he is meaning anything or anyone else other than his relationship with Stella, but let us break down this set of lyrics.
"I used to think that I was bold."
What is the definition of Bold?
Bold= Showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous. Courageous, confident, and fearless.
This right here, basically says that Stolas was the one to approach Stella, that he was the one to take this risk of marrying her, that he was the one who wanted to be with her, that he held no fear of being married.
Next set of Lyrics..
"I used to think love would be fun."
This right here, basically says that Stolas and Stella had some kind of relationship with getting married, he wanted to see if they could be together, to have a family, to see how things would go.
Stolas took a bold risk, by popping the question to Stella, diving right on in with his confidence and marrying her to see if it all would work out.
IT WAS STOLAS who got married.
IT WAS STOLAS who wanted Stella.
There was no 3rd Party involved at all, nor even hinted as being there with regards to their marriage. Stolas was the one, he was using
It was all HIM!
Then Season 2 happens and shows.....the complete opposite of what these lyrics just flat out told us in that song.
Season 2 shows Stolas as a scared, crying and sniveling child who....has no desire to get married and doesn't want to get married. That the marriage between him and Stella was FORCED UPON THEM and not something by their own volition. So according to Season 2, Stolas couldn't have been bold, nor could he have even wanted to find out if love would be fun...because it was NEVER his choice to begin with and he never liked Stella from the start!
It was his Father, who FORCED him to be married so that they could produce a cautionary heir. Even though I feel that's also pretty pointless when you think about it, but that's another discussion entirely.
Oh but people might say "Well she was throwing stuff at him and screaming at him, yada, yada!"
....No shit? She just found out she got cheated on, what reaction was she suppose to have? Was she just suppose to brush it off? Smile and be happy? NO.
Was it extreme to be throwing things? Obviously, but you know...when someone's pissed enough, they will throw things around and throw a bitch fit because something huge just happened to them.
Also tell me something, if the whole cheating thing didn't imply hurt as per Stolas' words in Season 2....then why was Stella even throwing a bitch fit to begin with? Why did she say...
"I can't stand another moment, looking at your imp sucking face!"
"I want that cheating prick, dead!"
...But then in S2, we find out that they never got along, they never even liked eachother....so what is the dialogue even for? This dialogue means absolutely nothing. Also you can't argue for something as status or whatever, because Stella doesn't even seem to care about that, she just wants Stolas dead now.
She specifically used the words "Cheating Prick"....this suggests that...yes, she was hurt by what had happened.
Also before saying anything with regards to Stolas' words to Octavia at Loo Loo Land?
None of those statements were conclusive
2. Even if they were, this wouldn't negate that potentially Stolas and Stella didn't have good times together, that they couldn't have made fond memories. Just that in the end....Stolas realized, he didn't love her.
None of what he said, would have to point to = An arranged/loveless marriage. This is just boring by a narrative standpoint, when you could do a WHOLE LOT BETTER. Especially when the song that Stolas sings, implies there was SOME KIND of relationship that they had.
Oh but here's the real kicker in all of this folks. I'm not the only one who thought the pair had something more to them than what we got in Season 2, because as it turns out BOTH VAs for Stolas and Stella....were thinking the same damn thing.
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Oh look at that, Stella's VA liking the fact that Stella may not have been evil, that she's just broken hearted and doesn't think straight as per S1. Oh and it adds up to what's above!
Oh but it gets better, because the VAs for the characters did an Insta Reel sometime back, discussing their characters.
The video is unfortunately gone(probably taken down because of S2...), but I just put up the link to show I'm not fibbing, though if it's somehow able to be recovered, be appreciated!
But in it, Stolas' VA says "There's a lot of pain inside of her." << Regarding Stella.
It says something that their VAs put more time and thought in thinking about their characters and what their relationship was, how it affected them than the actual writers.
So it seems to me, that both of their VAs were expecting something deeper to their characters relationship, than what we got. Because what we got now is bland and boring, frankly all of what's going on now in this 'plotline' is incredibly boring, why do people even like this?
Stolas already kicked her out, Stolas already stood up to her. The only thing left is....what? Oh the divorce trial? The trial that is no doubt going to be similar to the Johnny and Amber one, because...topical and then what? Nothing, this whole thing is just not needed.
Oh and then there's Octavia, I won't go too much on this seeing as everyone else is already doing so. But girl? I'm sorry that the show seems to have made you blind and apparently unable to put 2 and 2 together, that your parents never got along.....even though straight from the horse's mouth, an eye witness being YOURSELF says that they weren't always fighting.
So there it is folks, this show has completely wasted Octavia and Stella, turning them nothing more into Good and Bad props for Stolas, so that the audience 'feels' something for him. This in turn has completely wasted any potential interesting Family interaction, regarding with what happened and thus made S1 even more pointless than it already is.
^ For part 3.
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escxelle · 2 months
bg3 astarion's sleep token song
(astarion spoilers and kinda nsfw)
hello sleep token and astarion community, i know yall are very horny but why did you assign the summoning as the astarion song when sugar literally exists? when these are the lyrics? i may only be on act 1 of my astarion romance playthrough but i Know some things about his story sooo. let me convince you with the lyrics of the song (under the cut)
[Verse 1] And you play a twisted little game But I know in a way You need to complicate Believe that though we never eat We still know how to feed We still know how to bleed (Oh) <- he's literally a vampire, come on, this is clearly his song
[Chorus] Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now <- thinking back to his first spicy scene in the camp in act 1? yeah, he mentions being tasted right?? you see the link!!?? Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
[Verse 2] My arms keep you in the room Barely let you move Show me what you do (Oh) Tonight, we're second-guessed again Let me wrap the chains Addicted to the pain <- pain of being bit?!!
[Chorus] Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now
[Bridge] Do you wanna see how far it goes? <- i've seen plenty analysis of astarion that he wanted to seduce you at first to grant himself safety in the party so you wouldn't turn on him and that he wasn't meant to fall in love!!! Do you wanna test me now, my love? <- yeah because astarion doesn't totally call you my love, darling, beautiful, my dear at every given moment.... /s You must be crazy if you think that I will give in so easily Things we buried low Comin' to the surface now, my love You must be crazy if you think that I will give up the game
[Chorus] (Oh, whoa) Sugar, I've got a taste for you now Sugar, I've got a taste for you now Sugar, I've got a taste for you now Sugar, I've got a taste for you now Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now (Do you wanna see how far it goes?) Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now (Do you wanna test me now, my love?) Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now (You must be crazy if you think that I will give in so easily) Sugar, I've developed a taste for you now (Things we buried low, comin' to the surface now, my love) (You must be crazy if you think that I will give up the game)
i haven't analysed every verse and line but it should be obvious that sugar is astarion's song.
the summoning is a great song too, don't get me wrong and it does fit well but sugar fits like a glove. and i know people only really edit him to the last bridge and refrain but here are the lyrics to the summoning to convince yall.
the summoning
[Refrain] I've got a river running right into you I've got a blood trail, red in the blue Something you say or something you do The taste of the divine
[Pre-Chorus] You've got my body, flesh, and bone, yeah The sky above, the Earth below
[Chorus] Raise me up again Take me past the edge I want to see the other side See the other side
[Pre-Chorus] You've got my body, flesh, and bone The sky above, the Earth below
[Guitar Solo]
[Chorus] Raise me up again Takе me past the edgе I want to see the other side Won't you show me what it's like? Won't you show me what it's like?
[Bridge] - astarion edits start here Oh, and my love Did I mistake you for a sign from God Or are you really here to cast me off? Or maybe just to turn me on 'Cause these days I would be lying if I told you that I didn't wish that I could be your man Or maybe make a good girl bad
[Refrain] I've got a river running right into you I've got a blood trail, red in the blue Something you say or something you do The taste of the divine You've got my body, flesh, and bone The sky above, the Earth below Nothing to say and nowhere to go The taste of the divine
i would even say that give is a worthy song choice too
[Verse 1] You take the dark and carve me out a home I picture you when you are all alone I know how we got here I know how we got here I am the shadow, you're a passenger I am the intake of breath so sharp and I know you better Just wanna know you better
[Chorus] If you wanna give Then give me all that you can give All your darkest impulses And if you wanna give me anything, then give Give in again
[Verse 2] I'll tear the fibre from the filament I'll be the limit of your light again I wanna taste you better I wanna taste you better I will be watching for your enemies To let them know that they contend with me I wanna know you're out there I wanna know you're out there
[Chorus] If you wanna give Then give me all that you can give All your darkest impulses and If you wanna give me anything Then give, give in again I just wanna give Wanna give you all that I can give All my darkest impulses And if you wanna give me anything, then give Give in again
[Bridge] In this open warfare I won't fight fair No, I won't fight fair And in your waking moments I will be there I will be there
[Chorus] If you wanna give Then give me all that you can give All your darkest impulses And if you wanna give me anything, then give Give in again I just wanna give Wanna give you all that I can give All my darkest impulses And if you wanna give me anything, then give Give in again
i'm sure there are other sleep token songs that go very well too so feel free to add them!! sugar and give were just the first two that came to mind
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plutoccult · 9 months
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pairing: sugawara koushi x female reader
description: it’s the holidays, and that means it’s time for the annual office christmas party where everyone participates in secret santa. much to sugawara’s delight, he has picked your name for secret santa this year and plans to make it count.
word count: 5.6k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: hello and happy holidays! i will admit i’ve been struggling to stay motivated with this series, but i have to remind myself that i’m mainly writing this for MY enjoyment at the end of the day. i’m the ultimate sugawara warrior and it shall stay that way. anyway, it’s christmastime, so of course i’m writing a christmas episode! i strayed away from parts of the episode quite a bit. this definitely has more focus on sugawara than the reader this time around, but i’m not mad about it. it’s nice to see an angsty, pining suga 🤭 i almost thought this would have to be split into two parts, but i’d rather keep it as one. i also made a playlist for sugawara and the reader a good bit ago, so here’s the link here (i am very much open to song suggestions)! i’m so excited to get closer to my favorite episode ever, and i hope you guys enjoy!
tags: @toorubobatea @cowgirlikets @dragon-slayer5 (ily ty for hyping me up) @femme-lune @kazuchaos @bakagun1312 @beingbrokenfitsus @mumblepingu @daedaep69 @darthferbert @intheewrld @msbyomimi @sukxma @akari-fujikawa
taglist form here
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christmas was always the best time of year for the office. the holiday spirit was at its peak, everyone loved being a part of it, especially your boss, ukai. he took christmas more seriously than everyone else, even kiyoko who primarily handled planning the annual office christmas party each year. ukai took it so seriously that he chopped his own tree and brought it to the office building, dragging tanaka along in his shenanigans towards festive greatness.
tanaka huffed and puffed as he let go of the bottom half of the tree, ukai holding the top half. “ukai, i don’t think it’s gonna fit.”
“that’s what she said.” ukai joked, resisting the urge to snicker. it was like he was a child in a grown man’s body. plus, that joke aged like milk. only he found it funny.
“no, like, it’s really not gonna fit.” tanaka said.
“again, that’s what she—”
“WE CAN’T FIT THE GODDAMN TREE THROUGH THE DOOR, UKAI!” he yelled at the top of his lungs, completely frustrated with his boss. you could hear tanaka from your desk inside the office, but it came out muffled, so you couldn’t quite make out what was being said. you assumed it was idiotic activities as always.
“i’ll make it fit.” ukai insisted, the spirit of christmas granting him all the determination he needed.
“lemme guess, you’re gonna say that’s what she said, right?” tanaka let out a sigh.
“don’t make me fire you, tanaka.” ukai threatened.
“should’ve just got a fake tree.” tanaka rolled his eyes. yeah, that definitely would’ve worked just fine, but this was ukai here. the man was crazy. he would never do anything the normal way.
“i guess that would’ve worked…” ukai said as he pondered over how he would get this tree through the door, quickly thinking of his idea of the best way to do it. “alright, on three, we’re gonna shove this through and hope for the best. got it?”
“i guess?” no. tanaka didn’t get it, but he had no choice.
“too bad. one… two… THREE!”
with one big push, ukai and tanaka burst through the doors of the office. the tree toppled to the floor, bringing them along with it. the sound startled just about everyone, having been doing their typical duties. to you, it just felt like any other day, and you didn’t bother to help the two men.
tanaka fell face first into the pile of pine, aggressively coughing as he wiped any pine needles off his face. “i think i swallowed a pine needle.”
“well, merry fucking christmas.” ukai said enthusiastically. he seriously needed to be scolded over his cursing.
in the first time in, well, ever, suga was actually excited to be doing an interview for the documentary crew. why? because of this year’s secret santa.
“so this year, for the first time ever, i got finally y/n for secret santa. i’m pretty excited about it, and i really wanted to do something special for her, so i got her this teapot. as much coffee as she drinks here, y/n is way more of a tea person—i would know—so with this she can make tea at her desk.” suga said excitedly, showing off your gift for the camera.
“but i also stuffed it with some inside jokes, that’s what makes it so special, you know.” he continued, carefully digging through the teapot to show off said inside jokes. “like, this is my high school volleyball photo. she saw it fall out of my wallet on my first day here, and it really made her laugh. not sure why, but i’m letting her have it now.”
with the biggest grin on his face, suga dug through the teapot for more, pulling out a wasabi packet, but it wasn’t just any ordinary packet of wasabi. this had a story behind it, one that had meaning for suga.
“ooh. this is a wasabi packet. she put this on a hot dog a couple years ago because she thought it was relish.” he explained. “i thought it was really funny, so i kept the other two.”
after telling the wasabi story, suga held up a mini toy of a chili pepper with a kawaii face, but made a squeaking noise when someone squished it. poor sound guy jumped when it almost blasted his eardrums.
“this is actually a toy for dogs or babies or something, i don’t know.” suga shrugged. “but i saw it, it was cute, and it reminded me of awards night, so i thought; why not?”
but the most important gift of all—one that outsold everything in that teapot—was a card suga wrote just for you, detailing his feelings towards you all on paper. “and then, uh, this is a special card i wrote for y/n… because christmas is the time to tell people how you feel.”
oh, the documentary crew was going to eat this up.
kiyoko and yachi were put up with the task of decorating for the party, forcing many of their coworkers to partake. they also had to deal with ukai’s hack job of a christmas tree. the two girls tried their best to salvage it, throwing as many ornaments and tinsel on it as possible, but it was a losing battle. it was just going to be an ugly tree, so they put the rest of their effort into decorating the conference room.
when it seemed like they were done with everything, kiyoko made her rounds, examining each decoration, but by the end, she wasn’t a fan. “i don’t like it.”
“you… don’t?” yachi questioned.
honestly, it was the perfect scene; red and green decorations perfectly put together, all strategically placed, but if kiyoko didn’t like it, then it simply meant that more work needed to be done.
“we need more lights.” kiyoko said. “i need someone tall.”
“count me out.” tsukishima, who sat down while drinking a soda, spoke up. he had been put through enough, he was tired of decorating.
“i wasn’t asking you, tsukki.” kiyoko rolled her eyes.
“only yamaguchi is allowed to call me that.” tsukishima said.
“whatever.” she scoffed. “uh, who’s super tall and buff…?”
kiyoko and yachi share a look. they instantly knew exactly who to find.
“asahi.” they say in unison.
not only were the two girls on the same page, they knew exactly how to rope asahi into this mess, and it was all up to yachi to get the job done. “asahi, help! i’m dying!”
“dying?! who’s dying?!” asahi bolted into the conference room, only to find no one was actually in trouble.
“i’m dying… for you to hang up these lights for us.” yachi said with a grin as she held up a roll of christmas lights.
he didn’t have much choice, so asahi let out a sigh before ultimately giving in. “okay…”
“i found that asahi will do pretty much anything for me because he’s afraid i’ll be a scaredy cat around him again.” yachi spoke confidently to the camera while the party preparations were happening behind her. “he’d probably commit murder for me, who knows?”
asahi, who overheard her, yelled out in defense for himself. “that is NOT true!”
“keep hanging up those lights!” she yelled at asahi, who immediately went back to work, further solidifying her point. “see? he totally would. he’s the best.”
right before the party was about to start, ukai exited his office dressed like santa. you immediately laugh and try to mask it with a cough, but ukai caught you anyways. “something funny, y/n?”
“yeah, you look ridiculous.” you snort, covering your mouth to muffle out your laughter.
“that’s the point. this party is supposed to be fun.” ukai said sassily. “i want everyone to let loose. i want this party to be reminiscent of my frat boy days.”
“you were in a frat? what was it called?” you ask him, intrigued to hear his answer.
“beta schmeta—” yeah, he wasn’t actually in a frat. “whatever. all i’m trying to say is i want everyone to get lit!”
you cringe at ukai’s use of outdated slang. “that is so seven years ago…”
“yeah, and i want it to happen anyway.” he said.
“your way of getting lit is drinking, and we’re not allowed to have liquor in the office, so...” you reply. you were always one to follow rules. well, for the most part, at least. it was hard to have any sort of structure at an office ran by someone like ukai.
“don’t… don’t remind me, dammit.” ukai cursed. “stupid corporate losers. like booze ever killed anybody.”
you always found your boss was painfully stupid at times, and this was definitely one of those times. but even so, you tried to combat it every time, always failing no matter what.
“but booze has killed—” you began to say.
“anyway!” he cut you off, tired of this conversation and ready to party. ukai then waved tanaka over to him so they could get the party started. “tanaka, let’s get this show on the road! announcement, everybody! listen to tanaka because he’s a better at yelling than me, as shown earlier when he yelled in my face!”
“yes, everybody listen up!” tanaka yelled out. “you better have your presents wrapped up and ready to go under the tree because we will not wait for you and you will be disqualified from secret santa! don’t be that guy! nobody likes to be that guy, so don’t be him!”
you let out a groan as you grab your present for secret santa from under your desk, eyeing the camera on your way to put it under the tree.
“please, don’t let this party suck ass.” you whisper to yourself. you hear tsukishima snicker behind you, an “ow!” soon following, assuming it was yamaguchi smacking him on the back of his head.
“i love christmas. christmas is fun. it’s the best time of the year besides my birthday.” ukai said, still dressed like santa, knowing this would be seen on television one day. “why do i love christmas, you may ask? because i get free stuff, and who doesn’t love free stuff?”
everyone gathered around the tree, placing their presents underneath. one could compare it to christmas morning with your family. some may argue that this office is like a family, while some may think otherwise, but regardless, it was nice for everyone to be together in harmony.
after daichi and tanaka argued over who would light up the tree—mainly because daichi didn’t trust him with outlets—tanaka was finally given the rein, or, well, extension cord.
“everybody ready?” he asked, a mix of nods and “uh-huh” in response.
“okay, and…” the tree is lit up, but it’s quite dim. “yikes.”
silence plagued the room. no one expected the lighting of the tree to be so anti-climatic, especially since the office makes such a big deal out of christmas every year. kiyoko practically wanted to die of embarrassment given she was responsible for the decorations, even if yachi was the one who brought in the lights from her apartment.
while no one said a word, you were the one to speak up, praising the tree for kiyoko and yachi’s sake. “well, i think the tree looks quite nice.”
“thanks, y/n, but you don’t have to lie.” yachi frowned.
“no, it’s a lovely tree.” ukai insisted. “let’s do secret santa now, okay? tanaka, pick who gets the first present.”
tanaka walked over to the tree and picked up a random present, reading who its intended for. “and it’s… tsukishima.”
“oh?” once handed the gift, tsukishima ripped away the wrapping paper to unveil a dinosaur plushie. much to everyone’s surprise, he was delighted by the gift. “aw, this is actually really nice.”
“oh, thank god.” nishinoya let out the biggest sigh of relief one could take. “that was from me.”
“wow, thanks, nishinoya.” tsukishima said with a smile. someone may as well pass out from shock now. christmas truly brought all types of miracles.
“that is literally the nicest thing tsukishima will ever say to me!” nishinoya exclaimed. “i’m serious! i’ve officially peaked at life!”
secret santa rolled along smoothly so far. suga ended up getting a card, which contained a twenty dollar bill inside, the limit for this year’s secret santa. kageyama claimed he didn’t know what to get, but suga wasn’t all too phased by it. who doesn’t like free money? besides, he was too eager for it to be your turn. luckily for him, it was happening right now.
“y/n, you’re next.” suga perked up once he heard your name, knowing your present would be from him.
you take the box from tanaka with a grin before opening up your gift. inside was the teapot suga spoke of to the documentary crew earlier, although you weren’t aware of its secret contents inside just yet, especially the card. you show off the teapot to your coworkers, and suga was notably the only one excited to see it in your hands. it made you wonder who your secret santa happened to be…
“wow, thank you very much, santa.” you say slyly. “whoever you are, you did good.”
“there’s a little more to it.” suga leaned over and said to you quietly.
oh. so your inkling of a suspicion was right, after all. now you were itching to see what was inside, but the office had to keep the show rolling, which completely distracted you from the anticipation.
“alright, next. asahi.” tanaka threw the present to asahi, which made ukai freak out.
“jesus, tanaka!” he yelled out. such a reaction instantly gave away that ukai was the one to get a gift for asahi. “easy, easy!”
moving on from ukai’s sudden outburst, asahi unwrapped his gift, shocked to see what was inside. “an ipad?”
yeah, ukai got asahi an ipad. asahi was just as shocked as everyone else, and he was the one to receive such a gift. clearly ukai felt he could bend the rules, but no one was happy about it, and it would surely be known soon enough.
“woah. wow. jeez. somebody really got carried away with the spirit of christmas...” ukai said, acting all nonchalant before he revealed himself as asahi’s secret santa, but everyone figures it out anyway. “that was me, i got a little carried away.”
“i don’t even know what to do with this…” asahi said to himself.
“ukai, you got way more than carried away.” you scolded your boss. “you spent god knows what on that thing! we had a limit!”
“okay, well, who cares?” ukai shrugged. “it doesn't matter what i spent. what matters is that christmas is fun, right?”
“it’s kind of unfair.” you cross your arms, but ukai could care less about your irritation, although everyone else was in agreement with you.
“whatever.” he rolled his eyes. “who’s next?”
“you are, ukai.” tanaka said.
“i am? great.” ukai was handed a small bag, opening it up and finding mittens inside, which he wasn’t happy about whatsoever. “really?”
“i knitted them myself…” yachi said shyly. she knew she should’ve knitted a scarf instead.
“mittens? pft, okay.” ukai then proceeded to walk out, confusing everyone.
“uh… did he just leave?”
“these mittens? pathetic. i gave asahi an ipad for christ’s sake. i spent my hard earned money while yachi just did some fucking knitting.” ukai complained, unbothered by his cursing for the umpteenth time. “censor me, i don’t care!”
left to their own devices, the employees of japan pulp and paper weren’t sure if they should continue secret santa without their boss. thankfully, ukai returned with a solution, although not a great one.
“i got it!” he burst through the office doors as if nothing happened. “we are going to turn secret santa into yankee swap.”
“what’s yankee swap?” suga questioned.
“one person chooses a gift, then the next person can either choose a gift or steal that person's gift. if your gift gets stolen, then you can steal somebody else's gift or choose a new gift.” ukai explained. it was confusing coming out of his mouth, but you were just going to roll with it anyway.
“yuck, why are we doing this?” tsukishima questioned, wanting absolutely no parts of ukai’s typical nonsense.
“because it's better, more special.” ukai replied. “duh.”
tsukishima wasn’t the only one who didn’t like this idea. kiyoko was practically fuming about it, especially since it spawned from ukai’s strong dislike towards yachi’s gift. “it’s mean, ukai. that’s what it is.”
“it’s not mean.” he said. kiyoko couldn’t believe how much of an ass he was being right now.
“yes, it is.” she argued. “you’re only doing this because you hate your present and you’re bitter yachi didn’t ball out for you like you did for asahi, which no one asked you to do, by the way.”
“no, it’s not.” ukai argued back. “just give it a shot.”
“i’d rather not, actually. i’ll be taking my present, which is…” kiyoko picked up a card with her name on it and opened it up. “a gift card for coffee. thanks, takeda. and whoever doesn’t want any part of this nonsense can take their gifts and hang with me in the conference room. yachi and i made sugar cookies and they’re very delicious.”
as kiyoko and yachi went to the conference for some real fun, suga followed, much to ukai’s surprise, including yours, although your boss was more vocal about it. “really, suga?”
“yeah, you guys have fun.” suga said before disappearing into the conference room.
“i’m coming too.” tsukishima stood up, clutching onto his new plushie. he couldn’t believe he and suga were on the same page for once. “for the sugar cookies, obviously.”
“yeah, okay.” suga snickered. well, not totally on the same page.
“shut up, sugawara.” tsukishima scoffed before dragging yamaguchi with him to the conference room.
as you watched suga leave with the others, part of you felt guilty. you wanted to follow him, but at the same time, you didn’t want to seem like a little puppy dog following its owner. besides, you were itching to get that ipad too. the teapot is just a teapot, right? you didn’t think there could be anything that special about it, but you couldn’t be more wrong right now.
“why didn’t you opt out of yankee swap?” one of the crew members asked you, stirring the pot—or teapot—for the sake of the drama with suga.
“i don’t know. i thought it’d be fun.” you lie with a little shrug before revealing the whole truth. “plus, i kind of want to get the ipad. i can binge watch my shows with it while ryo hogs up the tv.”
this was totally ruining the crew’s spicy plans right now.
while ukai’s yankee swap commenced, suga obsessively watched the events unravel from the conference room. he didn’t even try one of kiyoko and yachi’s sugar cookies yet. the man was a mess, hoping and praying that teapot wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands. it was meant for you and only you, why would you chance giving it up? suga knew it had to be the ipad. he never hated ukai more than he did right now for buying that stupid thing.
the others sat around quietly playing christmas music, snacking on cookies and chatting in the midst of suga’s lovelorn crisis. kiyoko decided to go talk to him and figure out what was up with him, but she had to do a bit of warming up first.
“hey, suga.” she said, forcing him out of his trance. “who did you get for secret santa?”
“oh, um, i got y/n.” suga replied.
to be honest, kiyoko was shocked that suga was capable was picking out something so sweet, but then again, this was suga. of course he would do that. “aw, cute. i really like that teapot.”
“i put little inside jokes inside the teapot.” he added. “plus, um, a really personal card.”
“saying…?” she raised an eyebrow.
“nothing. it’s not important.” suga shook his head. such a terrible lie.
“i think it is, sugawara.” kiyoko said.
suga hated how kiyoko was catching up to him. why did he have to mention that the card was really personal? it was more than just personal, the poor sap poured his feelings out to you in that card. he read it over a dozen times, making sure there were no spelling or grammar mistakes whatsoever. his brain felt like mush by the time he felt the card had reached its best version. this gift had to be perfect, but it never stood a chance at being that way, it seemed.
he had to get the attention off his back before kiyoko fully got the picture of the gift’s important, and thankfully, he knew exactly where to push her buttons. as suga once said, manipulation at its finest.
“shouldn’t you be worried about tanaka giving up the gift you got him?” he questioned. yeah, he heard a little bit from the grapevine about that.
“how did you know?” kiyoko gasped. she knew someone had to snitch. “yachi, was it you?!”
“no, never!” yachi exclaimed.
“actually, daichi told me.” suga smirked.
“that bitch.” kiyoko cursed. it was one more reason to want to slap the shit out of daichi. “whatever. i don’t care what he does with my gift anyway…”
suga let out a chuckle knowing kiyoko was playing off her crush on tanaka—one that was much more innocent than how he felt about you, an engaged woman—but his laughter quickly faded when he looked back at what was going on outside. “oh no.”
“oh no, what?” kiyoko questioned.
“hinata has the teapot.” suga replied. he then let out a loud groan, one that caught the attention of tsukishima who was trying to figure out why suga was acting more of a weirdo than usual.
“oh god, he’ll break it.” yachi said with a quiet gasp.
“i can’t watch.” suga turned away, covering his face with his hands. this was too painful for him to bear.
“y/n took the ipad.” kiyoko spoke up. as if hearing that made this any better.
“please don’t commentate like it’s a football game, kiyoko.” suga whined.
tsukishima furrowed his eyebrows as he watched suga wail in agony, then gave a look to the camera. he had a weird feeling about this.
“i’m just going to throw a theory out there.” tsukishima said plainly. “you don’t have to say anything, but i can read your faces. sugawara has feelings for y/n, doesn’t he?”
the documentary crew was unsure how to respond, but tsukishima guessed it right instantly. they knew, one by one, slowly but surely, the whole office would figure it out.
“that’s what i thought.”
yankee swap continued, and it only got worse from there. your teapot was passed around like a hot potato, and it was torturous for suga to watch it all unfold. the sparkling cider kiyoko brought just wasn’t sparkling enough for him to dull this soul-sucking ache in his heart.
“i have to get that teapot back.” suga said. “if y/n doesn’t want it, then no one else should have it…”
it’s true. not even because of the card, but because it was specifically catered for you. outside it was just a teapot, but inside was a plethora of memories from your years of friendship. suga may be hopelessly in love with you, but your friendship meant the world to him at the end of the day.
“that’s…” yamaguchi paused. there was only one way to describe this. “really depressing.”
“it’s cause he has feelings for her.” tsukishima blurted out. everyone turned and looked at him in shock. did he really just say that right now?
“do not!” suga protested.
this was suga’s worst nightmare. was it always obvious? did anyone else know? did you know already? the questions swirled in his head a mile a minute. he was absolutely freaking out. from you giving up the teapot to this fiasco, the holidays simply couldn’t get any worse for suga. he just couldn’t catch a break, it seemed.
“ha, you so do! i figured you out, sugawara. you’re in love with y/n.” tsukishima smirked, almost finding joy in his suffering. actually, he found joy in everyone’s suffering, so this wasn’t much different, but since it was suga, he found it much more thrilling.
“what do you want? money?” suga asked desperately. it was the only solution he could think of so this secret wouldn’t spill anywhere else.
and since he mentioned it, tsukishima wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity. “yeah, gimme that twenty kageyama gave you.”
“suga, wait.” kiyoko stopped him. “do you really have feelings for y/n?”
ignoring her question, suga quickly handed the money to tsukishima. kiyoko couldn’t believe it. he really did have feelings for you, and now everyone in the room knew it. “oh my god…”
“this secret doesn’t leave this room.” suga demanded. he bought tsukishima’s silence, but luckily for him, everyone else didn’t need to be convinced with money. at least he hoped so...
now that he got that out of the way, suga checked in to see what was going on at the party, and it seemed like yankee swap had ended. worst of all, your teapot was nowhere in his sight. “wait, they’re dispersing. why are they dispersing?”
“ukai probably did something stupid and ruined the party even more.” tsukishima scoffed.
“who has the teapot? who has it?!” suga asked frantically like a madman.
“i think i see tanaka with it.” yachi said, pointing to him with what seemed like the teapot in his possession. it was worse than hinata having it, honestly, and suga needed it back now.
suga bolted out of the conference room, scanning the office floor to find tanaka. however, you walk up to him, holding the ipad in your hands. “hey! ukai left to get booze. he said screw the rules, i guess.”
“oh, really?” he asked. “great. i’ll need it.”
“yankee swap was kinda chaotic, but look who came out on top?” you say excitedly, showing him your new gift.
“that’s nice.” suga said quickly so he could get back to his mission. “uh, where’s tanaka?”
“break room.” you reply.
“great, thanks.” suga swiftly walked past you, abruptly ending your conversation. you found it a little odd, but ended up shrugging it off and heading back to your desk.
in a flash, suga walked into the break room, finding tanaka right where he needed him. “hey, tanaka. i need to talk to you. it’s about the teapot.”
“nuh-uh.” tanaka shook his head. he knew exactly what suga was up to, but he didn’t quite know the reason why, he just knew suga wanted that teapot. “don’t even, suga. this is mine.”
“really?” suga sighed. he had to get it back, someway, somehow. “look, it has sentimental value, tanaka. can i buy it from you? i’m willing to pay a lot.”
“no. i want it. i'm going to use it.” tanaka held it close to his chest like it was a baby.
“you don't even drink tea.” suga said.
“true.” tanaka shrugged. “but it lowkey looks like i could make a bong out of it.”
oh god. this was definitely way worse than hinata having the teapot.
“to think that my gift for y/n will be used for that…” suga began to say, taking a deep breath, almost overcome with emotion. “it’s just too much for me.”
suga walked out of the break room, absolutely defeated he couldn’t get the teapot back. even worse, he found you showing off your new gift to ryo, crushing him even more. despite the pang in his heart, suga couldn’t help but overhear your conversation.
“this is awesome.” he heard ryo say.
“i know.” you reply. “look at the quality on this thing. i can watch stuff in 4k on this.”
“yeah, i was gonna get you one of these for christmas, but now i don't have to since you got one for free.” he said happily, thrilled at the thought of not having to spend that much money on you. it made suga want to barf. “i'm gonna save a ton of money.”
“so what are you going to get me instead?” you ask him.
“i don't know. probably like, an ugly sweater or something.” ryo shrugged.
you look to the camera in disgust before their attention turned to ukai coming back to the office with bottles of alcohol. as if you needed more of that in your life after what happened last time you drank.
“ho, ho, ho!” ukai greeted everyone, on theme with his silly outfit. “santa has come with spirits, as in booze.”
“we’re really not supposed to serve alcohol, ukai…” takeda said, trying to keep his job by the end of the day.
“no one cares, specs.” ukai scoffed, typical when it came to talking to takeda. “it’s a party and it’s christmas! if i can't throw a good party for my employees, then i’m the worst boss ever, and that contradicts with my world’s best boss awards! so, who wants a drink?”
practically everyone raised their hands instantly.
“if i’ve learned anything from my time at japan pulp and paper, it’s that alcohol solves all your problems.” ukai grinned. what terrible advice, the crew thought. “everyone’s having a good time, and why is that? alcohol. i’m such a good influence!”
despite the whole secret santa fiasco, everyone seemed to be having a good time. at least now you could all have fun, even if it was with the help of alcohol. well, plus the food too. that too always helped.
while christmas music blared and many of your coworkers danced on the office floor, suga found you sitting behind your desk, wondering why you weren’t partaking in the festive shenanigans.
“you know, you don't have to answer calls during a party.” he said cheekily. “just thought you should know.”
“oh, i know.” you say, revealing the teapot to suga, showing that it was now yours once again. “i was just checking out my new teapot here.”
“what?” suga gasped. “but how?”
“well, it ended up with nishinoya after tanaka traded it for kiyoko’s gift, so i didn’t have to do much convincing to get it back.” you explained to him. “i figured, you know, letting it go was really stupid of me because what should matter most is that the gift is from you, so i went to get it back. i hope you’re not mad at me...”
it was a christmas miracle for suga, even if you simply just made a trade with nishinoya. of course he would give it up for the ipad. thank god he did, and thank god you were willing to let go of such a lucrative gift for one made with love instead. words couldn’t describe the relief suga felt right now.
“i’m glad, actually. and not to be totally biased right now, but this is an amazing gift because it comes with bonus gifts.” suga said. “look inside.”
suga’s reassurance put you at ease, and as directed, you look inside the teapot, pulling out his infamous volleyball photo. you had never been so happy to have that teapot. if only you knew before. “oh my god. no way.”
you proudly hold up your teapot for the documentary crew, a huge grin on your face, one that only suga could bring out of you. “yeah, i think i made the right choice.”
you looked through the rest of the contents in the teapot, and while you weren’t looking, suga stole the card he wrote back and shoved it in his pocket. he just couldn’t bring himself to let you read it. maybe someday, but not today. the timing is just wrong.
“is this a chili pepper?” you ask as you hold up the toy.
“yeah, cause you’re banned from chili’s. look, it makes noises.” suga squeezed the chili pepper, accidentally ghosting his fingers over yours, and you jump from the squeaking sound coming out of the chili pepper toy. totally not from his soft touch either.
you felt like an idiot for giving this up before. it helped you learn to not judge a book by its cover. you knew that’s something you learn as a kid, but sometimes you have to learn something all over again as an adult. at least you came to your senses. there was still so much for you to figure out.
“you’ve outdone yourself, suga.” you smile and look into suga’s eyes.
“it’s about time i got you for secret santa.” suga replied. god, why did you have to be so beautiful?
“yeah, it really has.“ you say, holding your gaze before gulping when you think you’ve been staring at him for too long. little did you know, he wouldn’t have minded looking into your eyes a little longer. “merry christmas, suga.”
if suga has learned anything about christmas, it’s that it’s definitely not the time to tell people how you feel. he knew that now, no matter how much it hurt. in his eyes, if you had to take some time to come around to fully accepting the teapot, then you had to take your time accepting a life without ryo, potentially in favor for a life with him instead. the only question now was when? it was only a matter of time before suga will grow impatient.
sometimes suga felt like he was better off shoving his feelings down his throat, and you felt the same way. what you have is beautifully complicated, but suga swore that one day he’d tell you how he felt. it just had to be the perfect time.
“merry christmas, y/n.”
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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onceuponapuffin · 4 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 12!!!
This post features the way I think renting cars works. I'm very sure it doesn't actually work this way, and I could have researched it, but the image is in my head and I thought it was funny having cars on shelves with little description tags like some kind of Automobile Costco Warehouse.
Also, I'm gonna link my playlist because I feel like you all might be interested to see the list of songs I'm working from lol.
Fun fact, the playlist used to be called List of Holding and was meant to be a small collection of songs that I wanted to hear REALLY often. But, um...well, I've since had to change the name :P
This is All Good Omens Now Who Am I Kidding
And yes, I'm very VERY picky about my Queen songs.
OKAY here we go.
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In the end, it was surprisingly easy to find a rental company willing to loan you all a car (considering that three out of the four of you have no identification, documents, credit score, valid driver’s licenses, etc.). Deciding on a car, on the other hand, was a bit more complicated.
“I don’t understand why I can’t just miracle the Bentley over,” Crowley whines as the four of you wander the aisles of cars.
“Well for starters, the steering wheel is on the wrong side,” Anathema reasons.
“The wheel’s not on the wrong side! All of these have steering wheels on the wrong side! They drive on the wrong side of the road here too! Americans!” He shoves his hands in his pockets, practically spitting the last word like it’s some kind of curse. Anathema raises an eyebrow at him, but otherwise says nothing.
“Ooh!” Aziraphale calls from further ahead, “Look at this one! The description says that it’s very good for the environment. I mean, aesthetically speaking it isn’t anything extraordinary, but I do like all of these things written on the tag.”
“What kind of car is it?” Anathema asks.
“I believe it says it’s a...Tesla?”
You snort a laugh. “I am NOT getting into one of those things,” You say between giggles.
“Why not?” Aziraphale’s confusion is genuine – you can see it in his face.
“Well,” You begin counting on your fingers, “It farts, it can see ghosts, and it may or may not explode while we’re in it, SO!” You see Crowley’s face light up.
“Sounds like my kind of car!” He says, making his way towards the car that Aziraphale is inspecting.
“No,” Anathema sounds like she’s talking to a child. Or maybe a dog. “No, we are not riding in a Tesla. I’m with you on this one,” she says in your direction.
“I have a suggestion,” You pipe up, raising your hand.
“Oh-ho!” Crowley calls. He leaned slightly to the left, and took off between the aisles. All three of you have to jog to keep up with him. He’s stopped in front of an enormous Hummer. “Now THIS is a CAR!”
Anathema is shaking her head.
“No, wait, listen, I have it,” You say, and everyone turns to look at you expectantly. “It’s the only logical option here. It fits the vintage vibe that you two like, and it’s the most reliable car I know of aside from Bentley.”
“Well go on,” encourages Anathema, “Don’t keep us in suspense.”
“What we need is a 1967 Chevy Impala!”
And THAT, dear Reader, is how you find out that none of them have seen Supernatural. Or heard of it, even. Criminal, really. You resolve to make them watch it next chance you get. In the end, Anathema suggests a very practical SUV and well, you’ve all learned not to argue with her by now.
Honestly the woman needs a cake for putting up with the three of you.
Also, as it turns out, one of the perks of having a current car model is that you can sync up your playlist to the bluetooth. So guess who ends up in charge of the music.
“And THIS one,” You say, flicking through your playlist, “Is a song that was suggested for the Season 3 playlist by Neil Gaiman himself!” And you press play on The Book of Love. And you watch their faces. You want to see their reaction when it gets to the part about wedding rings.
“Are all of your songs for us love songs?” Aziraphale asks. He stopped complaining about your taste in music an hour ago. Crowley is driving, and Anathema has been zoned out for a while now.
“Uuuummm, the ones that aren’t breakup songs you mean? Pretty much yeah.”
Crowley groans.
“Except for like, Queen and Hozier.”
Crowley groans again.
“I thought you liked Queen,” You are shocked and alarmed. Crowley rolls his whole head (probably because you wouldn’t see him roll his eyes behind his sunglasses).
“Go on then,” he says, “Which Queen songs do you have on that playlist of yours?” He glares at you through the rearview mirror. Suddenly, you hesitate.
“Um...Somebody to Love, and Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy,” You finish meekly. Crowley nearly crashes the car. Whether it was on purpose or not doesn’t matter. Anathema takes the wheel and he gets demoted to the back seat. Next to you. As a peace offering, you hand him your phone with your spotify open, and let him take charge of the music. You feel that you might not survive the ride otherwise.
Google Maps pegs the estimated driving time from NYC to New Orleans at 19 hours. Splitting the driving between a demon and a responsible human woman, the four of you manage a respectable 12 hours including a number of breaks to: use the washroom, get coffee, get food, look at the view, poke around a used bookshop, pick some apples, eat the apples, and buy some fudge. Crowley refuses to admit that he may or may not have stopped time once or twice, and Aziraphale refuses to account for your sudden bursts of energy from time to time (conveniently and suspiciously whenever there was a stop he was interested in).
So, having made excellent time, all four of you arrive in New Orleans. Crowley is back at the wheel now, and he pulls the car into the parking lot of The Ritz. Because of course it’s The Ritz again. Anathema doesn’t even comment this time. You figure she was probably expecting it. Learning fast, that one. You check in, and aren’t all that surprised to find that you’ve been booked into the fanciest suite in the place once again. According to the pamphlet at the front desk, this suite is supposed to only be two rooms, but when you arrive, you find that it actually contains 3. Why? Supernatural beings who influence their surroundings.
“You really do have some expensive taste,” You say casually to Aziraphale as you place your bag on the floor.
“It was Crowley who booked this one,” the angel replies, inspecting the knick-knacks on a shelf to his left.
“Crowley? Trying to impress you, no doubt.”
“Pft!” Comes Crowley’s response from behind you, “Right, and not at all because to get up here you need a special passkey, which keeps unexpected guests few, far between, and easy to notice.” He gives you a pointed look over his sunglasses. “We’ve been lucky so far that we’ve been left alone since Heathrow. But don’t think for a minute that he won’t be back.”
“That’s...fair.” You pause and think for a minute. “Then we should probably limit going out too. Unless we really need to.”
“That would be best, yes,” Anathema agrees, “But please, leave the hotel staff alone.”
Well, honestly she could only expect that request to go so far once Aziraphale found the room service menu.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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gunilslaugh · 10 months
How would xdh react to catching you watching edits of them
I hope you enjoy reading your request! :)
All members o_o
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction when they catch you watching edits of him.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil and you were just chilling, each doing your own things while also enjoying the presence of one another. You sat on the couch scrolling through your phone when you came across an edit of Gunil, who was conveniently away in the bathroom. You slipped in your headphones and hit play on the edit, watching the clips of your boyfriends flash on your screen. Being too immersed in the edit to hear Gunil come back from the bathroom. Upon arriving back Gunil saw you smiling brightly at your phone and naturally grew curious as to what was making you smile like that, so he walked up behind you to take a peep at your phone. He became simultaneously smug and shy, discovering the reason behind your smile. 
“Wow what a handsome guy,” Gunil spoke, startling you into dropping your phone. Your cheeks flamed pink with embarrassment. 
“I didn’t hear you come back,” you muttered out awkwardly. 
“You were a bit busy.” He nodded his head in the direction of your phone that landed in your lap. Another wave of embarrassment hit you, but this time you shook it off.
“Yeah you left me alone, so I was left with nothing better to do then watch edits of a handsome guy,” you say. Now Gunil’s cheeks are flaming pink,but he won’t let his shyness defeat his smugness. 
“Well now a handsome guy is right in front of you.” He leaned closer to you, putting his face right in front of yours. The two of you hold eye contact before bursting out into a fit of giggles. Later he asks you to send the edit to him. Not because he wants to watch it himself, but because it reminds him of the smile you had while watching it.
Shoulders and legs were ghosting against each other as you and Jungsu sat side by side on his bed, leaning against the wall. Either of your attentions were captured by your phones, but your free hands were captured by each others. Sitting linked in between the two of you, occasionally letting go for whatever reason, then returning back. Flashing from your phone screen caught Jungsu’s attention, making his eyes shift to your screen. He becomes shocked to find he is illuminating your phone screen. 
“Are you really watching an edit of me when I’m right beside you?” You look over at Jungsu to see his surprised and slightly bashful face and let out a chuckle. 
“I didn’t think that you would notice,” you admitted. “It’s not like I was actively watching edits of you. I just happened to scroll across this one,” you defended. 
“Still you didn’t think it was weird when I was right here beside you?” he prompted. 
“Like I said I didn’t think that you would notice.” You begin to feel a bit of heat creeping up your neck. “But look, it's a really cool edit, you look really charismatic.” you held up your phone to show Jungsu the edit of himself. To which Jungsu puts his hand over your phone pushing it down.
“Stop, it's embarrassing!” he whined.
“How so?” you laughed lightly. 
“It’s weird watching myself,” he explained. 
“Still you look really good,” you say. Now Jungsu is the one with heat creeping up his neck. He’s the one who caught you watching the edit, but somehow he feels like the one who is being teased.
“You like me so much that you even watch edits of me?” Jiseok said with a sing-song tone. Your gut slightly wretched as you turned around to be greeted by a very tauntingly prideful Jiseok. You internally sighed, knowing that Jiseok was about to have a ball teasing you about this. 
“I watch edits of your members too.” This was a lie, but you were trying to get out of being teased by a menace, a menace who you love deeply, but did not feel like dealing with right now. Your lie seemed to work by the dejected look that took over Jiseok’s face. 
“You do?” he asked, trying not to sound hurt. It made you feel bad. You didn’t think that he would feel hurt over you “watching” edits of his members.
“...no” you came clean. Jiseok’s eyes quickly lit back up. He slings one of arms around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. 
“Of course you don’t. They’re not your amazing boyfriend who you like so much,” he spoke as if you weren't upset mere moments ago.
“What if I did though?” you questioned. Jiseok’s face deadpanned. 
“No.” he stated firmly, causing you to laugh. “You can only watch edits of me, your boyfriend who you like so much. Only me got it?” He pointed his finger at you. You smiled and wrapped your pointer finger around his outstretched one. 
“Yes sir,” you nodded. Jiseok smiled brightly. 
“So do you often watch edits of me? Do you save them to watch when you miss me?” he wiggled his eyebrows at you. Just like that your teasing boyfriend was back.
The sun had set long ago, trading places with the moon. Seungmin and you were winding down for the night. Clad in pajamas, nestled under the covers, have one last scroll through your phones before calling it a night. You scrolled across a video that you thought Seungmin would like, so you sent it to him. You waited anticipatingly for Seungmin to say something.
“Did you just send me a video of myself?” Your eyes widened. That’s definitely not what you were expecting to hear. Pulling up the chat you realized that you sent him the wrong video. Instead of sending him the video you intended you accidentally sent him an edit of himself that you were watching earlier. 
Letting out a half laugh you said “I sent the wrong one.” You then proceeded to send him the video you originally intended to send. “There.” Seungmin sets his phone down and moves to drape himself across you, setting your phone aside as he did so. 
“You watch edits of me?” he prompted, looking at you from where his head laid on your chest. 
“Sometimes. Whenever I happen to scroll across one,” you told him, a bit timid. Seungmin smiled happily and snuggled closer to you, murmuring out a cute.
“Do you have a favorite one?” he poked a bit of fun.
“Maybe,” you replied coyly. 
“Send it to me,” he chuckled. 
“You want me to send you an edit of yourself?” You mimicked the tone he used earlier when he first asked you about the video. 
“Yes, in fact you can send me every edit you watch of me,” he stated, causing you to feel a bit puzzled. Seungmin notices your puzzled face. “Cause I’ll know you’re thinking about me,” he added cheekily.
The second Hyeongjun saw you watching an edit of him he became very flustered. He couldn’t even make his presence known. That’s how flustered it made him. He never expected that he would catch you watching an edit of him. He never even thought that you would watch edits of him. Hyeongjun knew that fans made them of course. He has even stumbled across a few of them himself. They made him feel bashful too. The thought of someone taking the time to edit him, brings out a certain shyness within him.
 Hyeongjun quietly walks back out of the room. This time when he re-enters the room he calls out your name.
“Y/n,” he called as if it was the first time he entered. He spots you quickly switching videos. It makes him smile knowing that the situation made you a bit shy too.
“What were you watching?” he asks just cause he’s curious to see how you’ll respond. 
“Just scrolling,” you played off. Hyeongjun simply nodded, deciding to let it be. That was until a few days later. 
“I saw you watching that edit of me the other day,” he revealed. Your eyes opened wide before you looked down in embarrassment. 
“How come you didn’t say anything then?” you questioned. 
“I was too flustered.” A familiar pink made its way onto his cheeks. 
“Looks like you’re still a bit flustered,” you pointed out his cheeks, which only made their pink shade deepen. 
“I just never thought you would watch edits of me,” he explained. 
“Why not? You deserve to be edited by Hyeonjun. You’re so cool, handsome-”
“Ah stop it. I regret bringing it up.” Hyeongjun flopped his head down onto his arms, but he secretly liked receiving the praise from you.
Jooyeon and you were lounging around on the couch. You were sitting up, leaning against the armrest while Jooyeon laid across your lower body. One of your hands was absentmindedly running through his hair and the other held your phone. Jooyeon was occupied by a show playing on the t.v. that he liked, but didn’t particularly pique your interest. During a commercial break Jooyeon playfully popped up closer to you, allowing him to see your phone screen.
“You’re watching an edit of me!” he shouted. 
“I-I just happened to scroll across it,” you quickly defended yourself.
“Still you decided to watch it. You could have just kept scrolling,’ he teased you. 
“As if you wouldn’t be offended if I just scrolled by it,” you sassed him. 
“That’s true it would be a crime to just scroll past my handsome face.” He turned his head from side to side to show off his handsomeness.
“Maybe I should have just skipped it. You didn’t need this to fill your ego,” you stated. 
“How dare you?” Jooyeon pinched your sides, causing you to squirm.
“Ah stop it!” You tried to move away, but since he was laying on top of you there was nowhere for you to go. “Ok! Ok! I’m sorry!” you pleaded. Jooyeon’s fingers stop their assault on your sides. His head made its way back down to your lap, where it originally was.
“Do you watch my edits often?” he questioned. 
“When I come across them…or when I miss you..sometimes.” You felt Jooyeon’s head pop up again. “Don’t say anything,” you warned him. Jooyeon rested his head back down. He’ll tease you about it later.
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namig42 · 2 months
Was chatting with my lovely mutual @mortalasystem about my Wyllstarion fic Just One Yesterday and some of the inspo that got me started on it, and I thought why not share those things with people who might be looking for good recs? With that, here are some of the biggest inspirations for my super involved story!
Friday Nights by @sadinasaphrite
So the first and probably most prominent inspiration for a modern au is this wonderful Bloodweave fic called Friday Nights over on ao3. I really loved the chemistry between Gale and Astarion in this one, and Gale's perspective was very interesting, especially with the mix of magic still in this au. Wonderfully written, very considerate of Astarion's circumstances as a sex worker, and a happy ending to wrap it all up nicely!
Read it on Ao3
Sex worker/Charity worker Halstarion AU by @malacandrax
This comic has nine parts as of now that are all little snippets of Halsin being a concerned social worker and Astarion as a sex worker in a 70s/80s UK setting. OP really took a lot of consideration writing this one and portraying realistic steps that someone in Astarion's situation could take, and I love how they really captured both characters so well. The progression between the Astarion and Halsin is really nicely done, even in such small snippets. 11/10, definitely recommend.
Link to Part 1 here
Perfect Slaughter by @imagineitdearies
This is a Tavstarion fic that honestly captivated me so much from beginning to end. It's a long form fic that is incredibly compelling and is an alternate au prequel to the events of BG3. Tyrus, the protagonist, is a very compelling original character, and his relationship with Astarion in the hell that is Cazador's palace was so well crafted. This was the story that had me wanting to explore more relationships with Astarion in my own writing, focus on dark topics and give them the respect they deserve such as trauma, abuse, and torture, and try my own hand at writing something long form. It's gotten a great deal of praise, all of which is well deserved, and I cannot recommend it enough.
Read it on Ao3
The funny thing about my Wyllstarion thing was that there was actually very little Wyllstarion inspiration. I saw some good art here and there on tumblr, but not very much at the time. My dash was mostly bloodweave if anything. Still, there was just enough of an inkling in my head of Wyll and Astarion, and then a dumbass idea came to me one day.
I wrote it in the first chapter's notes on Ao3, but the thing that kicked this multi chapter obsession into gear was...
Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy
A song off a ten year old album. That's what did it. Specifically the lyrics:
Anything you say can and will be held against you,
So only say my name. It will be held against you.
Those two lines had my brain swimming with a one-shot smut fic of a police officer Wyll and a sex worker Astarion, but a one shot wasn't enough for the romantic that is Wyll. I couldn't write him having a first meeting kind of fling. I wrote out the original one shot idea, let it sit for a couple months, and then suddenly, something clicked in my brain and the whole thing took off from there.
Still, without this lyric, the story wouldn't exist at all. Honestly, going back and listening to the whole song after everything I've written so far, I think it's a fitting title and song in its own way. Highly recommend giving it a listen if you aren't familiar!
That's all the big ones. If other things come to mind that I missed, I'll reblog this and add onto it. In the meantime, I highly recommend checking these things out and showing the artists some love! Thanks for taking the time to read, and I hope you found something new to enjoy!
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goldentlme · 8 months
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i’m searching for you in my fading memories .
alternate versions .
whooh . WHOOH !!!!! good GOD !!!!
listen to the song linked while looking I think it really adds . look up a translation too if you want ! listen to the entire lies of p ost in fact . its fucking fantastic .
in april 2022 , i drew a fanmade book cover for the danganronpa x reader fic Sleep Awake . in december of 2023 i redesigned my reader for that story for the third time and thought it appropriate to redraw that old cover with their new design . and yesterday , january 13th 2024 , i finished that bitch . View the fruits of my labour .
in my last Notes section i talked about nerfing the lighting . well um . i nerfed it again . i dont know if it was fate or if i just . idk . didnt want to but i axed both original concepts - the yellow overhead light ( mostly) , and the light blue under light - and just Winged the fuck outta it . that ' mostly ' means that the light source is Still overhead but i just took the colour out to make it more neutral .
another thing i brought up were the shelves and how i wanted to add more items to them . I did it this time , but not to the extent that i really wanted to . i'd hoped for more Clutter and ultimately couldnt think of anymore than a few items . SAID ITEMS BEING !!!!
the pills . self explanatory , since they haunted the majority of cases 2 and 3 .
chess pieces . cute little reference to the chess scene ! even if the scene itself didnt feature real chess pieces , the imagery wouldnt work if i didnt use real pieces .
the letter opener . dont need to explain this one . but i Did originally plan to have it in shin's hand ( explaining why that one is balled like that , because there was originally a Thing in there ) but i couldnt figure out how to draw it and make it look Good . i only added it back when i was colouring the trinkets on the shelves and realised that i Forgot to put it back into the drawing .
the joker card in the bottom corner . also shouldnt have to explain this one .
THE HANDS !!!!!!!!! i decided at the very last second to make them vaguely see through . and theyre all a persons ! amami and shinguji are the obvious ones , but the two holding at the top are supposed to be ouma ( on the scarf ) and akamatsu ( on the rope ) . i would have included tojo's as well but i couldnt fit it in the composition without it looking awkward and out of place and i thought there were already enough references to case 3 as is .
and you literally cant even see it but if you look REALLY closely at oumas hand . his skin is a little grey and you can see the veins through the skin . wonder what happened there . Guess we'll never know !
THE BOOKS !! did the same thing as last time with a Little More . purple books are ouma , green are both amami and tojo , blue is both kiibo and chabashira , pink is akamatsu , and red is phys themselves . i know phys's canonical colour association is olive green but consider : shin is red . look at him . hes Red . that ones for me specifically .
with that . i did all of those books by hand . i drew about 9 variations of books and copy pasted them sure but i Shaded and Coloured them all individually . youll never guess how fucking LONG that took . so yeah . no one book has the exact same shading . goodie !
THE JOKER !!! yes i know i talked about it in the previous section but i WILL talk about the card itself . because i unironically am so in love with how that drawing came out . the little guy featured there is my Lies of P oc scaramouche or scaramuccia ( i use them interchangeably ) . hes a silly jester :3 . the depiction on the card is of him in his prime , before . All Of That Happened . story-wise he's a super famous circus performer known as " The One Man Show " because all of his acts are done alone and are absolutely insane . hes very good at what he does which is Why he doesnt have a crew . and the only reason hes so good is because he't not even human , just pretending to be !
additionally , i originally planned for that joker card to be a Real Life Joker . because a little known fun fact about me is that i collect playing card decks ! but i looked and literally NONE of the ones i currently own would have fit the piece . so . yeah . i just ended up drawing darling scaramuccia . heres the full image im so chuffed
i think thats all i got for the drawing itself . i initially started this back in early december but got stuck and picked it back up a couple days ago , so its been marinating for a bit . hope we all like it ! i think its Better than the original . THE SERIOUS STUFF .
its so fucking insane to think that its been almost 2 years . not only have i truly rediscovered my love of reader insert fanfiction after so many years unable to even think about it without feeling a little sick to my stomach , but ive made so many good friends and core memories through this fic . i even got back into writing . literally never thought id write again after my 11th grade english class and my 10th grade creative writing class . and im having FUN with it . wild .
anyways , this one goes out to vee @chihirolovebot for writing one of The Fics of all time , putting up with my insane ramblings about idol these past months ( READ SWINGING RIGHT NEOWWWW ) , and for letting me help design their dnd characters . godspeed .
it goes out to nex @nexuswrites for beating better genshin character builds into me , giving great fic recommendations , creating thief of detectives quandary fame . READ DQ ( THREAT ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , and being a fellow p5 and pokemon lover . i miss the coordinator and justice
and of COURSE !!!! rei @berry-creates . the gay the myth the legend . a fellow oc haver and lover , a fantastic writer , and an overall lovely person . this one goes out to u for sharing oc playlists , playing splatoon with me , and for creating maddie . theyre a little freak and i want to study them . i love seeing u go insane over them its like enrichment for me bc i too am also a little mentally ill about them im just really good at hiding it .
theres a whole lot more i could say and more people i could talk about but this is long enough , isnt it ?
thanks for a beautiful 2 years of physouma yaoi . heres to the upcoming sleep awake case 6 , epilogue , all the future additions to the one shot book , the entire rest of dq , tfp , and sams , and more blorbos to put in the smoothie maker . this took a whole two hours to write .
cheers , boys .
song of the post .
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