#literally ignore this i just need somewhere to type
jjkamochoso · 7 months
How JJK Characters React to You Describing Them as Your Type When Todo Asks
Warnings: none
A/N: pretend you’re in a huge group with all of the students present when this question was asked :) also, I went with the anime adaptation of the characters rather than the manga, just fyi!
There’s a part 2 here! in which you react to them describing you as their type :)
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
“Yeah y/n, we wanna know!” Yuji said, excitedly. You figured there was no harm in sharing, Todo and the group were just looking for fun to distract them for a little bit.
“Okay, well I like guys that are average height, not too tall or short. Super strong, of course, with a cute, goofy smile. Oh, and colored hair is always fun too!”
“Oh man, he sounds so cool! If I find any guys that look like that, don’t worry, I’ll send them your way!” Shaking your head and laughing, you got into a conversation with Megumi while Nobara yanked Yuji out of your earshot.
“Yuji! Don’t you realize what y/n said?!”
He rested his chin in his fingers, deep in thought for a few moments before he answered.
“No? Should I have?”
Nobara didn’t hesitate to whack him on the top of the head.
“They literally described you, idiot! Don’t you own a mirror?!” Yuji’s mouth opened in a big smile. This was great news since he had a big crush on you!
“Y/n! I have to talk to you!”
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You sighed. You didn’t want to join Todo’s antics but you had no choice.
“You don’t have to answer him. It’s a stupid question anyway.”
Megumi’s voice came unexpectedly from behind you. You smiled inwardly at his protectiveness.
“I appreciate that Fushiguro, but I might as well. Let’s see. I like moody boys on the lankier side with dark black hair and dark blue eyes. He has to love animals too.”
You looked at Megumi to see if it registered that you were talking about him. All of a sudden, he sported a deep blush and excused himself from the group. Todo gave you a hearty smack on the back for your response.
“I’m proud of you for baring your soul like that to the one you love,” he said, tears rolling down his face. “Y/n, go get your man!”
You turned to look at your friends who all just shrugged their shoulders. Looks like you’re off to find Megumi then!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You had no hesitation answering this question, you loved to talk about things like this, gossip and crushes and the sort. Besides, it was time Nobara knew how you felt!
“I thought you’d never ask! I really like short girls with short hair. If it’s a vibrant color, that’s a plus. Spunky personalities are the best and I need someone who’ll keep up with me when I go shopping.”
Looking over at Nobara, you saw her jaw drop and you knew she understood what you were getting at.
“Y/n! You liked me and you never told me?! This whole time?!” she shouted, running towards you. You didn’t know whether she was going to hit or kiss you so you took off running as well. Gotta love the feisty girls!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
“This stupid question again?” grumbled Maki. You were a bit nervous to reply to Todo. You had a huge crush on Maki but she was, well, intimidating, to say the least. To be fair, so was Todo, and you heard what happened to Fushiguro so you went with the safest bet.
“I like girls who are on the taller side and insanely strong. Light eyes, dark hair. Straight to the point, always. And uh… glasses.”
Maki hadn’t moved a muscle and you cringed, fearing the worst. Best case scenario, she would ignore you ever said that. Worst case, she’d beat you up. When she came over and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, you gulped.
“Y/n. We’re talking about this somewhere else.”
(Spoiler alert: when you were somewhere else, you kissed🤭)
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
Todo was on your last nerve. Sure, he seemed nice enough, but why should you be expected to tell everyone your personal business like this? In front of both schools’ students, no less! When you were filled in on what happens when you don’t answer truthfully, you resigned to the fact that you were exposing your true feelings to everyone today, whether you liked it or not.
“I like shorter men, preferably with medium length blonde hair, and bright purple eyes. He doesn’t talk much but more than makes up for it with his top tier sense of humor.” You noticed that Inumaki never broke his gaze from you as you spoke. You shuffled over to where he was sitting to explain yourself, but this time it was you who couldn’t find the right words.
“Mustard leaf?” Inumaki broke the silence first, basically asking you what was wrong since you marched over there and hadn’t said a thing.
“Look, Toge, I’m sorry if I—”
He tugged on your sleeve, stopping you. In his hands was a note that read, “I like you too” with a little smiley face at the end.
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You weren’t sure how to answer Todo. On one hand, you didn’t want to expose your crush on Yuta. On the other, would be it so bad for the truth to be out there? He was a kind person that wouldn’t drop your friendship if he didn’t feel the same way.
“I really like average height guys with longer dark hair and big, dark blue eyes. Personality wise he has to be extremely loyal and caring. Oh, and good with a sword.”
“Sooo… Yuta?” questioned Panda, and you nodded in agreement, your face warming with a blush.
“Wait, me? Really?” Yuta’s eyes lit up as he broke out into a hopeful smile. You nodded again.
“Oh man, that’s great!” he exclaimed, and then sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve liked you for awhile too and I just thought maybe you didn’t feel the same but you do! Which is amazing!” You laughed softly at his rambling. This school year just got a whole lot better!
“Y/L/N sensei! What kind of man is your type?”
“Todo, isn’t that wildly inappropriate to ask your superior?” you answered, a joking tone present.
“Maybe, but we’re curious! Please, sensei?”
“Yeah, sensei! It’s just for fun” Yuji chimed in.
“And it’s a team building exercise to know something so personal! You’re always saying we need to communicate better,” added Nobara. You rolled your eyes playfully.
“I meant that to be an exercise among you children, not me. But I will entertain this for only a moment, so listen carefully,” you told the group and they cheered like their favorite baseball player hit a home run. As you were about to spill your secret, you spotted Satoru leaning against a wall, clearly interested in the secret you were about to spill.
“I like super tall men who are lean but extremely strong. He has to be very funny and goofy but with a kind heart. White hair and striking blue eyes are also a must.”
Maki’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets as she exclaimed, “You like that blindfolded idiot?!”
As the kids clamored at the newfound information, Gojo took that time to approach you and the students.
“Excuse me everyone, but me and my new lover must depart,” he announced, taking your hand dramatically while leading you away to laugh at what just happened.
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
You groaned. You really didn’t want Noritoshi to know about your infatuation with him. It was no secret that he had more important things to deal with than schoolyard crushes so you were afraid to confess in case it made him uncomfortable—or worse, dislike you!
“You don’t have to answer the immature question, y/n,” Noritoshi spoke up when he noticed your discomfort. You were grateful for him but you wanted to keep the peace among your classmates and judging by the death glare Todo sent to you two, you’d better start talking.
“Thank you Kamo, but I value harmony among friends so I will answer this for Todo’s amusement only. I like tall men with a bit longer dark hair and gray eyes. Having an honorable character and being good with a bow is the way to my heart.” You felt Noritoshi tense up next to you and you refused to look at him out of fear of rejection. He took you by surprise when he leaned over ever so slightly to whisper to you.
“I was caught off guard by your confession but I can’t say I don’t feel the same. Can we discuss this later?”
“Y/n! What kind of man is your type?”
Your eyes went wide when Todo’s booming voice reached your ears. You were super into him but no one knew. You knew you couldn’t fool him with a fake answer, though, and if you were going to feel his hand for the first time, you’d rather it be from holding it with your own than having it curled in a fist and connecting with your face.
“Um… I like men that are extremely tall and buff. Dark hair, tan skin. And passionate, of course.”
“Hm! That’s a great answer! He sounds hot,” replied Todo, smirking, “but unfortunately for that perfect fake man, I’m taking you on a date first because you’re my type!”
You definitely weren’t expecting this!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You rolled your eyes. This big oaf is going to jeopardize your friendship for sure. You really liked Mai but you figured she wasn’t into dating and all the lovey dovey stuff.
“Do I have to answer?” you asked, praying Todo had a change of heart.
“No, y/n, we all wanna know. What’s your type?” Mai chimed in, a sly grin on her face. You gulped.
“I… like women that have short, dark hair and dark eyes. If she’s taller than average that’s cool, and I love a snarky personality.”
“No way!” exclaimed Momo when she realized who you were talking about. You refused to look anyone in the eyes out of embarrassment and fear. What you weren’t expecting was Mai grabbing your hand and leading you somewhere else. Hopefully it was to talk and not get beat up!
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
You huffed in annoyance. There were always some sort of antics with this guy! You had liked Momo for awhile now but she was like an enigma to you. You could never get a good read on her so maybe telling her how you felt outright would be a good thing?
“I really like girls with blonde hair and blue eyes, and short, too. Having a cute personality is a plus as well,” you answered, hoping that was straightforward enough.
“Wait a minute, that sounds exactly like me!” Momo exclaimed, blushing slightly. You sheepishly nodded your head.
“Because it is. I have a crush you.”
The whole group erupted in a chorus of “aww’s” and “how adorable.” You were nervous that you had accidentally made her uncomfortable but your fears disappeared as she came over to sit next to you. When the students were distracted by another topic, you felt Momo’s hand rest over so slightly on top your own and you knew you made the right decision to confess.
“Y/n! What kind of woman is your type?”
Before you spoke, you met eyes with Miwa. It almost seemed as if she was anxious to hear what you had to say!
“Girls with dark blue eyes and are average height are my type. I also really like girls with kind hearts and are down to earth. Blue hair isn’t too bad, either,” you finished, smiling nervously. Both of you were blushing messes while Mai scoffed “Get a room!” Your classmates were just happy that the secret was out in the open—they were tired of you two dancing around your feelings for each other!
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princessbrunette · 7 months
Mid argument with rafe and you tell him “Fine, i don’t care anyway, cause you’re not invited to my birthday party.” even though he’s literally funding the whole thing, and he’s just like “i really don’t give a fuck.” and now you’re crying cs wdym you don’t care about my birthday party ?!?? - 🍄
you’re hot, overstimulated, pissed off — there’s clothes all over your bedroom floor as you rifle through them — looking for that one specific top and rafe has the audacity to just stand there, being so rude and then checking his phone mid argument whilst you talk to him.
“sorry was i meant to ignore the text from my dad just to stand here n’listen to you whining?” he drawls, gum smacking as he chews— fingers typing away at his screen. you sigh, heat rising in your chest from your own anger.
“you’re just being so mean and so unhelpful!” you yell, half turning around to look at him.
“so mean and so unhelpful!” he whisper yells mockingly albeit distractedly, fingers still not quitting their incessant typing. his attention is finally regained when a balled up pair of socks just miss him from your poor throw. he snorts, glancing up at you. “oh we’re throwing shit now? okay.” he nods in faux understanding, lips turned down.
you scramble to your feet, panting — clearly enraged. your brain rifled for the most hurtful thing you could think of in that moment, to try and get a reaction.
“you’re not coming to my birthday party anymore!” you explode, eyes wide and fists clenched at his sides. he stares blankly at you for a moment, still chewing but he doesn’t even seem fully there, brain somewhere else.
“the… the party that i’m paying for?” he raises his eyebrows.
“you’re not. coming. uninvited.” you spit, begging for some kind of emotional reaction. the final straw is when he continues to type, shrugging a shoulder.
“yeah uh, i think i’ll survive.”
devastated, you burst into tears. he really seemed to not care for your outburst — and the one time rafe wasn’t having an emotional reaction was the time you were trying to press for one. you were disappointed in yourself, but over everything just tired and overwhelmed. surprisingly, you hear him sigh and he steps through the mess of clothes scattered around you in piles.
“jesus.” he mutters before squatting down to your side. “hey, what— what is this? what are you crying for huh?” he dips his head, trying to catch your eye.
“you’re mean! and you don’t even care about my birthday party.” you sniffle into your hands, undoubtably a snotty mess. he presses his lips together, shuffling to a more comfortable spot before pulling you against his side.
“i do… i do. just figured i’d let you have your little tantrum. not tryna be the bad guy here, a’ight?” he exasperated, finally catching side of your damp cheek and wiping at it lazily with his thumb. “you don’t need to be doin’ any of this shit right now.” he gestures around you. “what you need, is to go lie down n’have a nap. you’re tired.”
“what i need is for you to be nice to me for once.” you sulk, sparing him a glance through wet spiky eyelashes.
“i’m being nice… okay? i’ll — i’ll come with you. just… chill. yeah?” he gives you a friendly little jostle with his hand on your waist and you sniff, not totally hating the idea of a nap with rafe. “alright. c’mon.” he stands up, and pulls you up by the hand before instantly lifting you beneath your arms to carry you on his hip. “s’like looking after a toddler sometimes. jesus.”
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gravity-barbie · 1 month
The Hargreeves' reactions to you getting catcalled
A/N: Sorry, I think I accidentally deleted the original request for this, because I could not find it anywhere
Luther Hargreeves
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-Luther is shocked and outraged, getting up in the perpetrator’s face immediately, and probably scaring the crap out of them with that stature of his
-As much as he thinks the person deserves a good beating, they’re already pretty much at his mercy so instead he just demands an apology for you
-He’s so soft and considerate to you afterwards, triple checking that you’re okay and questioning if there’s anything else he can do, literally anything
-The incident makes him more protective, he’s always volunteering to accompany you when you go out, and pretty much insists if he thinks the area you’re headed seems shady
Diego Hargreeves
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-Diego already hates catcalling but the fact that it’s directed at you just makes him extra pissed, slightly unhinged even, he advances on them while yelling insults, fully ready to get violent
-Even if you want and are able to drag him away, he’s probably already hatching a plan to come back for some vigilante justice later
-He’s pretty heated, but he does recognise that you must feel way worse than him and that he should prioritise your feelings, checking if you’re alright, and even if you brush it off he’s perceptive enough to get a read on how you really feel
-If you’re very upset, despite his anger he gets a hold of himself and turns into the sweetest marshmallow while trying to comfort you
Allison Hargreeves
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-Allison tenses up, checking your reaction first and foremost, if you want to ignore it and get out of there she’ll just put a protective hand on you and usher you forward
-But if not, or if the catcaller is being persistent, she is more than willing to confront them and make them regret ever opening their disgusting mouth
-Depending on her relationship with her power at the time she’d be quick to rumour them, probably not physically hurt them (depending on how graphic they were being) but at the very least put the fear of god in them
-She’s had a lot of experience with things like this, so she comforts you with a lot of understanding and empathy, pretty accurately predicting your feelings and needs
Klaus Hargreeves
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-Klaus’ policy has always been to brush off stuff like this with a sassy remark and move on, he wishes he was the type of person that could easily defend you but he just isn’t
-He does have the urge to talk shit back to them, even to his own detriment, and if he was alone he might, but you’re here and he’s not going to risk any further trouble for you by causing a scene
-He asks if you’re okay but otherwise tries to change the topic and lighten the atmosphere pretty quickly, he does care of course, he just thinks the best thing he can do is cheer you up
-Maybe later when you’re less shaken he’ll bring it up again, just to see if you’re really okay, let you vent if you need to or see if there’s anything he can do
Five Hargreeves
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-Five is caught somewhere between wanting to ignore it and wanting to pull out those assassin skills of his
-It depends on how you react, if you just huff and keep walking he’ll ask if you’re alright but drop it when you do, if you seem shaken up though, there’s no way he’s letting it go
-Internally he’s livid, but he acts more cocky than anything else as he gives them both a physical and verbal beating, finishing it off with a warning that they better not harass anyone again
-He isn’t good at comfort, he’ll never bring this up again if you don’t, but if you do want to talk he’s there for you, trying his best to offer the kindness you need
Viktor Hargreeves
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-On pure instinct Viktor confronts them, not before manoeuvring you protectively behind him though
-His exterior is icy, and way more dangerous than this person realises, if they don’t back down he won’t hesitate to pull his powers out to back up his warning, after all he’s had a bad experience with this kind of thing before
-Though if you try to pull him away, for your sake he’ll go, since your comfort and sense of safety is more important than his righteous anger, the fear alone will teach them a lesson anyway
-He’s very sweet and attentive afterwards, and whether you need silence, to vent or to be distracted he's got you covered
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writingmeraki · 5 months
be there when I wake up — k.mg drabble.
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❝ in which you love mingyu in all states of your mind, whether sober or drunk out of your limit.
( or it seems even when you're drunk you don't recognise him but you still love him with your whole heart. )
pairing : secret agent! husband mingyu x secret agent! spouse reader. warnings : mentions of alcohol and being drunk, hangovers, reader almost has a breakdown (?). genre : fluff, romance. a/n : more of them, I can't get enough I have too much to write on them😔 let me know what you think of this 💌!! not proofread (this was very random pls I am absolutely NOT procrastinating my other wips, ignore errors pls it's lit 5am 😴 )
word count : 1.3k
part of this au !
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It felt like you were on cloud nine, feet light as you walked and head filled with nothing.
Being drunk tends to do that to you at least.
Today, when Mingyu and you got your well deserved day off, he decided it was time for you to be the one to let yourself loose.
Not that he never did let you but usually you were the one who assigned yourself as the designated driver whenever it was just you two. Though being as thoughtful as he was, he made sure to never be too hectic for you to handle if he could do it himself.
And even then, he'd still do his best to stabilise himself albeit the attempts were always hilarious but the thought counted.
He held you tightly by your waist to his side, making sure you didn't fall or wander off somewhere because see while he was the type to be the clingy drunk, not leaving your side, you were the carefree one, wanting to fly away, perhaps even quite literally.
As your husband and more importantly lover, he did not want to entertain the idea of you hurting yourself by accident. Luckily, all the gym hours he’d spend building his muscles to impress his one and only lifetime crush (read:you) paid off, because you used him completely as a support to walk, leaning all your weight on him.
Your cheeks were warm, eyes half lidded, now the pain in your cheeks was prominent from smiling so much, it seemed you smiled more when drunk than sober in a few months. It wasn’t because you were emotionless but rather only smiled to those who deserve it, which was only a handful of people. Your husband is on the top of course.
Speaking of your husband, you suddenly paused in your steps, remembering him. Realising you were clinging onto someone, you pushed yourself away, smile dropping and being replaced by a frown while you glared.
Mingyu blinked once, twice, a little startled from being pushed away and even more when he saw your glare.
“You shouldn’t hold some stranger like that, mister.” You could make out the silhouette in front of you, but the face was a blur. The classic case of drunken forgetfulness.
“BABE? Are you crazy? Only my husband can call me that! Which by the way.” You put out your left hand, pointing towards the shiny ring. The shiny ring he got you. “See!I’m married!”
“And-and I am very happy with my Gyu, I don’t need you- or or anyone courting me- I am very happy with my relationship sir.”
Fuck. Why did you have to say it like that?
He couldn’t stop the grin on his face, there was no way he could even if he tried to. Only you could make him feel like the first time he'd ever have a crush on someone. His heart raced, almost too fast. He swears he can feel his chest fill with even more love.
“Okay, okay how about I get you to your car?”
“No mister! I re-refuse I don't want to go with you, where's Mingyu? Where's Gyu???”
You were whining at this point, finding your legs too tired so you ended up just sitting. Right in the middle of the pavement.
Mingyu’s eyes widened when you sat down but even more in panic, the smile dropping as he saw you bring your hands to your face.
You were crying.
“Where's Gyu? Did he leave me?” A hiccup came after the sentence, as your vision got more blurry with the tears flowing even more freely.
He rushed towards you squatting beside you, pulling you into his side.
“Honey, I'm here. Shh. I'm here.”
You looked up from your position, making sure to blink to clear out the tears and there he was. Your husband.
“Gyuuu” Your words slurred and choked up as you threw yourself at him. Him immediately wrapping his hands around you, still in the sitting position.
Your arms looped yourself around his neck as you put your head in the crook of his neck, still crying.
“I thought you le-left.”
“I'd never. I would never leave you.”
“Please don't.”
Slowly, he got up, pulling you gently up as well, still holding onto you and your entire weight now leaned on him.
“Come on, you wanna head home?” You pulled your face away from the nook, looking up at him as your sobs stopped turning to sniffles.
He moved one hand to hold your face as he caressed your cheek, pushing your stray hair strands behind your ears with delicate touches.
Your eyes began to droop, the side effects of being drunk slowly overcoming you. You just simply nodded as you put your head back to his comfy shoulder.
Sighing, he shook his head as he noticed your breathing slowing down, coming out in slow exhales, meaning you just passed out drunk.
He softly smiled as his hand still caressed your hair. He wouldn't have it any other way.
[ bonus cut : the following morning ]
You were sure this was your karma catching up to you because the way your head was splitting was surely due to your supposed horrible past deeds. There was no other reason.
“Good morning sunshine~”
“Zip. Shut. Shh. Not a word.”
Mingyu frowned, pouting at your harsh reply, but a small pity formed as he saw you wake up while holding your head in pain.
“That's mean.”
“Not mean enough, I will actually kill you.”
Being the ever so doting husband he was, he'd gotten up from your shared bed, made breakfast, your favourite food by the way, and even gotten ready for the day.
“Have this, you'll feel better so that maybe you can plan my murder better hm?”
And now there he sat down beside you on your bed, a painkiller in one hand with a glass of water.
You grabbed the water like you had never touched it in your existence, gulping it down along with the pill,even if it ended up spilling onto your clothes. You frankly don't care.
Mingyu gazed at you with the same adoration he always had. He loved you at all times, anytime. He just knew that he loves you. He didn't think he said it enough.
“I love you.” You almost choked on the water, gulping it down before it sprayed out. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Can I not say I love you to my spouse?” He honestly felt offended at the suspicious look on your face.
Now it was his turn to squint at you in question, as if waiting for something.
“I guess I love you too.” You were pulling his leg, you loved to see that look on his face where it seemed as though someone had stepped on his tail. Like a puppy who’s tail had been stepped on by mistake
“I don't even want to talk to you. Bye.” He snatched the empty glass, glaring at you now, you knew it was not with any sort of malice, you knew him. He turned around, purposefully stomping and then you couldn't stop the laughter.
You burst out in giggles, clutching your stomach, the headache subsiding.
You threw off the blanket and rushed after him, hugging him from behind, hands barely wrapping around his large frame but it did stop him. You placed your face sideways on his back.
“I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I love you. Like surely. One hundred percent.” You said still chuckling, the grin on your face not faltering.
He wasn't even upset in the first place, because the moment he heard your laugh, his own grin formed widely on his face.
“You mean it?”
“I do. Always did. And will.”
And perhaps this was what it meant to be loved. And to love.
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for my dearest @etherealyoungk ; THIS IS A VERY VERY LATE BIRTHDAY GIFT TO MY WIFE 🫂 ( blame that on the fact that this was totally not what I planned to write for ur birthday 😔) I love you so much and I can't believe we got close this soon <3 I wish I could have known you before because it feels like I know you since so long, you're literally my soulmate like??? i hope you have an amazing year ahead soo here is ur fave couple as a present mwahh (mine too lowkey)
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perm. taglist ( open ! ) : @mansaaay ; @gyuguys
( if you want to be added just send an ask/reply to this !)
all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2024
feedback is always appreciated 💌 !
links : main navi ! | svt masterlist ! | info !
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sweetbans29 · 5 months
Eyes On You - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You catch Caitlin's eye during a game (based off of THIS request)
Warnings: fluff, flirting, ever so slightly suggestive
Word Count: 3.2k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Okay but tell me you haven't gone somewhere and actually imagined this happened because you would be lying...
It is a Tuesday afternoon when your friends practically beg you to go to the women's basketball game.
"Come on, it will be fun," one of your friends says. You shake your head no without looking up from your biology paper.
"I need to finish this paper, it is due Friday and I am nowhere near close to done," you say, typing a sentence only to delete it immediately after. For some reason, this research paper is just not coming together.
"We already got you a ticket, you are going." Your roommate states knowing the real reason you don't want to go and it has nothing to do with your paper.
The truth is there is a girl on the team who you have been crushing on for a while now. The two of you are in the same business marketing class. She caught your eye pretty early on. The two of you ended up sitting next to each other and would make small talk whenever you got to class. It was never anything major but it was always the highlight of your day. You would get back to your room and immediately tell your roommate about your little conversation with the star athlete.
That was the thing, when you were in class she wasn't the superstar, she was just Caitlin. She would make you laugh with some silly little comment and you would talk to her like she wasn't the biggest person at the school. She made you feel seen and you made her feel heard.
You close your laptop and give your roommate the death stare. She knew you would say no but got you a ticket anyway - knowing you would never go to the game without being forced. This is your roommate's push to finally show your interest outside of your small talk in class. If you were to ask her, she was sick of hearing you always talk about Caitlin and never taking action to show her you actually liked her.
You give in, knowing your roommate isn't going to budge and will literally drag you there with her bare hands.
The group of you head back to your apartment and get ready. You opt for a simple look - jeans and a Hawkeye hoodie. Your friends on the other hand were dressed to impress. You check yourself out in the mirror and question if you should change. You decided against changing and instead grabbed a Hawkeye ballcap, hoping to blend in with the crowd and not be seen by your favorite player.
All of you decided to walk to the game, it wasn't more than 20 minutes away from your apartment. The closer you got to the stadium, the more nervous you felt. You have no idea why you are nervous, it is not like she is going to see you.
When you get there, you follow behind your group of friends. It is all kind of overwhelming - the crowd and how many people are here and how decked out in gear they are.
You are too caught up in the scene to realize that your group is being ushered to your seats. This is your first Iowa women's basketball game and you didn't realize how crazy your school went for this team. You know that there has been a lot of traction around Caitlin Clark and how she is changing the game for women. But what you are seeing, is truly amazing the effect she is having on people.
When you all get to your seats, you are mortified. At no point did your roommate or any of your other friends mention that you were sitting courtside. Having the perfect view of the court is nice when it comes to watching the game but not when it comes to hiding from your marketing crush.
You sit and glare at your roommate, who ignores you quite easily as she is in conversation with one of the guys you came with.
You pull your ball cap down and wish you could sink through your chair. This will be fine. You will be fine. There is no way she is going to notice you when she is focused on the game. You keep telling yourself this.
The team makes its way onto the court - the crowd goes wild. You watch as they come jogging out, starting to warm up. Your eyes scan the crowd for no.22. You see a few other girls that are familiar from classes and make a mental note to cheer them on. When you finally find Caitlin, your heart skips a beat.
She looks so good. This is 100% her in her element. The once so laid-back girl, now locked in and ready for what the next 2 hours hold. You are mesmerized by how calm she looks - like the thousands of fans here shouting her name are nonexistent.
Your eyes remain on her while they warm up. When their warm-ups come off and they take the court for the beginning of the game, something shifts in her.
You turn over to ask one of your friends a question about the team, missing the first glance that Caitlin gets of you sitting courtside for her game. She turns over to Kate, who is standing right next to her.
"That's her," is all Caitlin says and gives a little point to you. Kate follows her point to a girl who looks like she doesn't want to be seen. That's hard to do when you are literally sitting on the court.
Your attention goes back to the game as the girls go up for the tip-off. When the Hawkeyes take it, you feel yourself getting into the game. No one really knew you grew up playing in middle school and high school. You were never good enough to play in college but you enjoyed the sport. You left that part of you when you left high school.
It's not even 2 minutes into the game when you feel eyes on you. You turn to see your friends staring at you. You look back at them confused. Your roommate uses her head to signal to something on the court. You look and are surprised to see Caitlin looking right at you.
You feel a heat creep into your cheeks as you just stare at her. See it would have been a good idea to smile or nod. Hell, even wave but you just sat there staring at her with a blank expression.
She just smiles and lets out a little chuckle as she turns back to the game. She gets the ball and shoots a logo three no more than 10 seconds after you made a fool of yourself. When she turns to the crowd to celebrate, she points directly at you and then holds up a three with her other hand. Your roommate elbows your side as you hide your face.
This was everything you were terrified of, being seen.
"It looks like she has someone to play for," one of your friends gives you a little nudge.
"Guys there is no need to make this bigger than it is, she could be pointing to anyone over here, it isn't a big deal," you say in hopes that you will also believe your lies.
Your roommate scoffs. "You keep telling that to yourself sweetheart, she knows, we know and by the looks of it, the team also knows," she says as she nods over to the girls on the court.
All of your heads turn to see Caitlin, pointing to you again but this time talking to more girls on her team. They all look at you with smiles then break from their huddle and head back to their spots on the court.
Caitlin is running straight in your direction.
"Watch," you say referring to how you are not the center of attention to anyone.
Caitlin doesn't stop where she is supposed to be posted but rather runs straight to you with her hand out. Your hand comes out to give her a high five.
"Glad you could finally make it to one of my games," she says with a little smirk. "Only halfway through the season, better late than never." She gives you a wink before heading back to her post.
You feel like you could pass out. There is no way she just came up to you, mid-game, to be a little flirt.
"Looks like your girl Caitlin now has someone to dedicate her plays to," one of your friends teases you.
"Oh shut up," you say but that doesn't take away from the butterflies that build in the pit of your stomach.
Everyone turns back to the game and as you watch your team fight to keep the lead.
It seems like in every other play, Caitlin is turning her head to give you a smile or a smirk. You want time to stop so you can walk up to her and tell her to get her head in the game. There is no way she should be this distracted when the score is as close as it is.
The next play has a girl from the other team, pushing Caitlin causing her to fall on her backside right in front of you. You lean down to stop her from rolling into the chairs, your hand coming to her lower back and right arm as she slides right into you. When your hand touches her skin, you accidentally shock her - sending a little electrical current running through both of you.
One of her teammates comes to help her up and a foul is called. Before she goes to throw her free throws she turns to you, saying, "Thanks, babe."
Your friends, yet again, turn to look at you and you just wave them off.
The buzzer goes off as halftime commences. You are scrolling on your phone when someone approaches you.
"Hi, I was asked to come give this to you," the woman says as she hands you jersey. You give her a confused look, not taking it, but rather just looking at the article of clothing she is holding.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about," you say, genuinely confused.
"I was told by one of the players to give this to you to wear for the rest of the game," she says, signaling you to take the jersey. It is your roommate who takes it from the woman and lets her know you will put it on. The woman walks away and your roommate full-on turns to face you.
"You are putting on this jersey," she says, throwing it at you. You hear her mumble, "Just letting the poor woman stand there when she has better things to do. All you had to do was take the jersey." She seems annoyed at how naive you are being.
You look at the jersey that was just given to you - Clark 22 printed on the back. You slip it over your hoodie and slip your hat back on. You aren't going to deny the feeling you get when you first slip it on. And it is not like you are the only one wearing the number 22, there is a stand full of fans sporting the number as your marketing crush is the school's star.
When the team heads back out at the end of halftime, Caitlin's eyes go straight to you, making sure you got her little gift. She is pleased to see you wearing it.
As the third quarter begins, the team comes out hot, putting up 2 threes in the first minute. You are cheering them on louder than before.
After the next play, Caitlin comes your way.
"Much better," is all she says as she gives you another wink. You just smile at her, bringing your bottom lip in between your teeth. Caitlin's eyes go from yours, down to your lips. The smile she once wore, was now replaced with something between annoyance and longing. Every fiber of her being is telling her to walk up to you and pull that pretty little lip of yours out from your teeth and tell you that your lips are only for her to bite.
She finally looks away, realizing how much you are distracting her from the game. Kate runs up to Caitlin and whispers something into her ear, Caitlin nods and heads to grab water from the bench as the other team calls a time-out.
By the time the fourth quarter rolls around, you feel like you belong courtside. Your friends are still giving you a hard time whenever Caitlin looks your way or comes over to make a little comment to you. The game is nearing its end when Caitlin comes over to pass in the ball after a foul. She is standing right in front of you, so close you could touch her if you wanted.
She takes a small step back, her leg brushing up against yours. She steps up to the line and leans forward just enough to stick her ass out in your direction. This whole time, she has been the one in control. All that control went out the window when you bit your lip causing the super start to internally lose it. Her standing where she was, right in front of you, was no accident - she wanted you in the palm of her hand, not the other way around.
And boy did she have you. You sit there and just admire her body. Checking out her legs and how they are perfectly shaped. How her arms are beautifully toned and how she looks all around is incredible.
The game ends and the Hawkeyes take the win. The team rushes onto the court and begins celebrating with those who finished out the quarter.
You and your friends stand, stretching your legs. You had no intention of staying to see Caitlin after the game, thinking the team would go out to celebrate. You plan on giving Cait back her jersey the next class you two have together.
Your back is facing the court as you are waiting for your friends to grab their stuff when you feel a tug on your arm. You spin around and come face to face with none other than Miss Caitlin Clark.
She has a smile on her face and without warning, she grabs your waist and kisses you. Time stops and all the people in the background fade away. Your hands come up to her face as they cup her cheeks. You feel her bring your body closer to hers as she deepens the kiss. She gives your bottom lip a little bite as you break apart.
You stand there speechless. Dreaming of this kiss since the beginning of the semester, never in a million years imagined it would happen like this.
The most radiant smile is on her face. She leans in closer to you.
"My number is on the inside of this jersey. Call me, will you?" She asks as she looks at you for a response.
"Of course," is all you can say, still in shock about what has just happened.
"Good," she says. "I'll be waiting." She lets you go and gives your friends a wave before heading back to the team.
The whole walk home your friends can't stop talking about what had just unfolded before them. Some of them are as shocked as you are, while others are already planning your wedding.
When you get back to your room, you shoot Caitlin a text so she has your number.
[CC: I'm glad you didn't take long to shoot me a message}
{CC: Are you busy tomorrow? Want to work on our marketing paper if you haven't finished it yet?]
[You: That sounds great, I am quite behind 🤣]
[CC: Well I don't know if I will be much help, but I would rather do it with you than alone]
[You: I'm for it, meet at noon?]
She sends you her address. You like it and put your phone down to head to bed. Before you do, you hear your phone go off one more time. Grabbing it, you see one last message from Caitlin.
[CC: Sleep tight babe]
The next morning you wake up and go for a run. You needed to do something to help with the nerves that began to build just thinking about seeing Caitlin today.
You get back, shower, then get ready to meet her at her place. You make sure to stick her jersey in your bag to return to her and head out the door.
It only takes you about 15 minutes to walk to her apartment. When you get there you knock on the door.
She opens it with a huge smile, "Hi."
She lets you, opening her arms for a hug which you gladly shuffle into. It surpassed the length that friends would hug. As you pull away you decide to give her cheek a little peck.
After doing so is the first time you see her blush. You smile at her and continue to walk into her apartment.
The two of you decide to work on her couch - both struggling to get through this paper. You took frequent breaks talking about when you both started liking each other and more about your lives outside of marketing.
As you take another break, you grab your phone and decide to look her up only to find edits of you and her from the night before.
Your cheeks heat up immediately as you hide your face in your hands.
"What?" She says trying to look over at your screen. You hand her your phone and she laughs a little, followed by an 'awww'.
"I can't believe there are people out there who are making full-on edits of us." You say with a little groan - the spotlight is not your thing.
"They are cute," she says as she keeps scrolling through your phone. "Look at this one!"
You lean into her and look at what she is talking about. It is a clip of you before halftime, wearing your Hawkeye sweatshirt then jumps to after halftime when you are wearing Caitlin's jersey.
"I am sure glad I gave you my jersey," she says with a little smirk.
"That reminds me, I brought it back for you," you say, moving to grab it from your bag. She grabs your arm and brings you back into her.
"That one is for you to wear to the rest of my games," she says like it is a known fact. You decide to tease her a bit.
"And what makes you think I want to go watch you play again?" You ask.
She gives you a little pout - which literally melts you.
"Because you are my new good luck charm," she says and leans in closer to you. Your breathing becomes uneasy.
"But you don't need luck," you say just above a whisper. Your eyes going in between hers and her lips.
"You're right..." she says, also looking at your lips. Her eyes make their way back to yours. "I don't need luck, but I need you."
She leans in and kisses you. This kiss is much more reserved than the one she planted on you last night. There was no rush or urgency in this kiss, it was quite pleasant.
You inhale and bring your forehead to hers.
"I am all yours."
AN: I really like how this came out! Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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gyupinkys · 1 year
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Choi Seuncheol x fem reader
Seungcheol is not a nice man. How could he be? To run a mafia you need to be ruthless and you are no exception to that behavior. No matter how many times he fucks you and tells you he owns you, he will never mean it. Thats until he see's you being a little to friendly with Shownu.
part 2
WC: 3.6K
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, degradation, humiliation, exhibitionism, chocking, impact play, spanking, ruined orgasms, squirting, overstimulation, possessiveness, arranged marriage, knife play if you squint, basically cheol being petty and fucking you in front his friends.
There's nothing in this world you didn’t have. You grew up spoiled out of your mind. Anything you ask for daddy would run and buy. He treasured his one and only daughter, making sure she knew how much he loved her. Despite being the leader of the largest mafia in the continent he never once ignored your needs or neglected you. Your father was always there for you and would do anything for you, you loved him endlessly. But there was one thing he couldn’t give you and that was Choi Seungcheol. 
Now, you pride yourself in being a strong woman. So there's no way in hell you would ever long after a man. What do you look like being caught up, sad, and upset over a… man? Just the thought makes you shudder. You didn’t love Seungcheol, not by any means. Sure, you loved the orgasms and the way he filled you up perfectly, but you didn’t love him. He’s far from your type, he’s a womanizer whereas you love pathetic men who do anything you say. You want the treatment you received growing up to carry on into your adult life and Seungcheol is not the man to give you that. But just the thought of not having him grovel over you… beg to be in your presence irks you… 
You’re the full package so why doesn’t he want you? You try not to be too caught up on this, busying yourself with your other boy toys, but it’s always eating away at you. Who the fuck does he think he is? Does he think you’re undeserving of him? He’ll fuck you, but not want to date you? Now you’re getting worked up. This is why you cut him off, it’s not worth the stress; it’s been four months without him and you’re (going crazy) fine. You take a sip of your bloody mary and sigh. Looking around you see the man himself enter the club with his stupid posse… god, you despised him. You ignore him, “don’t let men get the best of you.” you whisper to yourself.
“Why is my dumpling so worked up?”
You immediately know who it is and smile. You love this guy.
“Hi, Shownu.” you say smiling up at him. He’s so fucking fine. You haven’t seen him in a few weeks, he just returned from overseas business.
“Are you here alone?” he ask, wrapping his hands around your waist. 
“No, Yuqi is around here somewhere.”
“Why is she always leaving you?” 
“Maybe so a tall, handsome grandpa could come and flirt with me.”
He clutches his chest. “I’m not old,” he says pouting.
“Don’t worry, you know I love an older man, and who else do I get to call daddy?” you smirk.
He groans, clutching your waist harder. “If you keep talking like this I’m gonna drag you out of here.”
You giggle.
On the other side of the club Seungcheol is fuming. His “I don’t care about you” act is backfiring. He has no claim over you and it’s his fault. He needs to maintain his big bad mafia boss act but he so badly wants to start pouting. Jeonghan senses it and nudges him. 
“Dude get it together.”
“But do you see her?” he whines. “She’s practically eye fucking him.” 
“You’re literally whining! People are gonna start looking.”
“Jeonghan you don’t get it! I literally fucked her brains out and then she cut me off!  And look at her she doesn’t even care.” he says as the whining increases. He’s two seconds away from actually stomping his foot.
“I don’t know how people buy this “alpha” act, you're actually just a little bitch.” Jeonghan says and rolls his eyes.
Seungcheol dramatically gasps. “Why would you say that to me?” 
“Why don’t you go talk to her?”
“And say what?”
“Cheol. I can’t tell you how to live your life. What will you do when I die?”
“I’ll just die with you.” he says seriously.
Jeonghan just groans and pushes Cheol towards you. 
“Keep it cool, keep it cool, keep it cool” he whispers to himself as he walks over to you.
He slides in the empty space behind you and orders a bourbon at the bar. You and Shownu turn to look at him. 
“Y/N. Shownu” he nods at both of you. 
“Hello, Seungcheol” you say with a small smile and Shownu just nods in return. You can sense an ego off about to happen and quickly make your exit. 
“Shownu, I’ll text you.” you say and get up only for Cheol to grab your shoulder. 
“And what about me?”
“What about you, Cheol?”
He doesn’t want to sound pathetic and beg. 
“You suck my dick  and say I’m yours and suddenly you’re acting like you don’t want to see me?” Nice one Seungcheol, way to fuck it up.
You raise your eyebrows at him and scoff. “Shownu will get a text because I don’t have to fake orgasms with him. He actually makes me cum.” you say with an innocent smile making Cheol scoff. 
You pat Shownu on the shoulder and walk off.
“Nice one man, maybe if you try respecting her she’ll fuck you.”
“I don’t need advice from you.” 
“You sure? 'Cause I'm the one who's gonna be deep in that pussy tonight” Shownu shrugs, walking away leaving Cheol pouting at the bar. 
“Dude, that was really bad.” Joshua says sliding next to him, making Cheol glare at him.
You didn’t end up texting Shownu. You heard about his arranged marriage thats being planned through the grapevine and one thing you don’t do is fuck married men. You stuck to your trusty vibrator to get you through the night. As you’re about to get out of bed you get a phone call from Yuqi. You know she’s gonna be recounting her entire experience last night in full detail. With a sigh you answer.
“Y/N. What did you do to Seungcheol last night?”
“When you left the bar he started pouting and whining to that friend of his; The American one. Look, I even caught it on camera.”
You rush to open your messages to see a video of Cheol sitting at the bar with a huge pout on his face. You can’t hear what they’re saying but his friend is just sitting there laughing. You start to laugh too, he looks so pathetic. 
“I’m gonna call him. I’ll call you back.”
“Tell me what he says!”
You scroll through your contacts until you find his phone number. You never bothered to give him a contact, he’s just a quick fuck after all (no he’s not). You call him and after a few rings he answers.
“Hi, Chollie.”
“Finally decided you want me?”
“I don’t know about all that. But, I think someone wants me more than they’re letting on.”
“I heard this guy was practically crying over the fact I turned him down. He was pouting and whining like a baby.”
“Oh, I didn’t hear anything about that.”
“Oh, I bet Cheollie.”
“Y/n. Did you just call me to try to make fun of me?”
“Me? Make fun of you? I would never. I’m just shocked that more people don’t know the “scary big bad alpha leader” is secretly a little bitch.”
“Y/N, the next time I see you, you’re really in for it.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine and you’ll leave crying.”
“We shall see, Bunny.”
The next time you saw him you were indeed not in for it. You attended a Gala with your father which, to you, ensured Cheol would do nothing out of line. To say he was scared of your father was an understatement. To be fair everyone is scared of your father, except you. After tagging along with your dad to meet “potential husbands” you tell him you’ve had enough and would rather be shot than get married to which he rolls his eyes.
“Dad, Have you seen Choi SeungCheol?”
“Why? Do you have a crush on him? He’s a very dedicated young man I approve.”
You roll your eyes. “More like he has a crush on me.”
“Good to know. He’s probably upstairs.”
“Thanks. Text me when you’re ready to go.”
You head upstairs trying to not look like you’re searching for him. There's no sign of him or any of his rat friends which is weird. You walk to the bar trying to be mysterious but probably just looking lost and confused.
“Y/N, You look lovely.”
You turn around to see Yuta leaning against a pillar looking as dashing as ever.
“Hi, Yuta.” you say walking up to him and giving him a genuine smile.
“Are you looking for someone?”
“Well from the stare I feel boring into my head I can assume he’s behind me.”
You giggle, a little over exaggerated if you're honest but you just want to piss Cheol off if he’s actually behind him.You’re too nervous to look behind Yuta so you keep your eyes on him.
“He’s so dramatic.”
“Are you two dating?”
“Yuta. Look at who you're talking to. I don’t date.”
“You’re right, my bad. But why are you trying to make him jealous?”
“I’m doing no such thing.”
“You can’t fool me Y/N.” he says and pulls you into his chest.
“Might as well make your lies good.” he smirks and places a kiss on your jaw making you smile.
“Thanks.” you say as you peek over Yuta’s shoulder and see Cheol get up and walk away with Jeonghan at his side.
“My work here is done” Yuta says and winks as he walks away leaving you to your own accord on the bar. 
About an hour later you receive a text from your dad telling you to meet him downstairs. To your utter shock, standing at the door is your father, Seungcheol, and Jeonghan; laughing and chatting like they’ve been friends for years. What the fuck? You rush down the stairs as they wrap up their conversation. 
“Oh, Y/N, let's go, I have some paperwork to draft.” he says, winking at Cheol.
Did they make a deal or something? Jeonghan is just smiling mischievously at you, making you more concerned. 
“I’ll be seeing you real soon, Y/N” Cheol says with a smirk as he leaves.
“Fiancé?” You feel like fainting. You feel like killing someone, anyone, you feel like killing Seungcheol.
“What do you mean we're getting married?” you say feeling your temper rise. So this is what they were talking about at the gala? A fucking arranged marriage? God, you feel like crying. 
You look at your dad with tears in your eyes. “Dad?”
He sighs. “Y/N, You know I love you, but you need to settle down. And Cheol said you two have been dating for months. Am I so wrong to want to see my daughter marry the man she loves?” 
“What are you talking about?” you spit enraged. “I don’t even like Cheol. He’s so fucking annoying and I don’t want to settle down! Especially with him.”
Cheol walks up to you with a smooth smile. “Baby, Don’t be like that. It really hurts when you act like you don’t want me.”
You feel like killing him. Matter of fact, you will kill him. You run over to the living room center table and take out one of the many guns stashed there. Your dad quickly grabs you, probably anticipating your actions. 
“Dad I don’t want to marry him” you say as you start to cry, throwing yourself on the floor.
“Y/N. I’ve spoiled you for too long. It’s time for you to face the real world.” your dad says as he pats your shoulder. “Cheol, I’ll see you around. Take Y/N to your house, let her see her new home.”
You feel like your world is falling apart. You did wish for this, but now that you have it, it doesn't taste as sweet.
You glare at Cheol from across the dining room table. He looks so fucking smug as he eats with his 12 fucking gremlins. God, You want to fucking break something. Why does he get to do this to you? He’s taking it too fucking far. You’re being forced to “meet his friends” like you give a fuck about any of them, but come to think of it, maybe you could use them to your advantage. 
You turn to the man on your left who has barely spoken a word to anyone but Jeonghan this entire time. “Joshua, Right?”
“That's me,” he says with a sweet smile. You see straight through him though, he’s probably awful. 
“Maybe if I met you first I wouldn’t be here. You are much cuter than Cheol.” you pout. His smile just widens and he shakes his head. “It’s a little too late unfortunately, maybe in another life.”
“I don’t see why not in this life.” you say as you run your finger across his hand resting on the table.
He looks at your hand and back at you. “Do you want him to murder me?”
“I’d rather he murder me at this point.” you sigh.
“Y/N.” Cheol growls out making you sigh more dramatically. 
“Yes, Cheollie?” you say sarcastically as ever.
“Why are you flirting with Joshua?”
“I was just wondering if he could actually make me cum. I’d love to have one last orgasm before I marry you and be bound to a life of awful sex.”
The room becomes eerily silent. You doubt anyone is even breathing. Joshua is looking like he wants to murder you but you're having the time of your life.
“Come here.” 
Your eyes widen at his tone. Woah. He’s not fucking around anymore. You get your ass up and walk around the table feeling all eyes on you. As you round the edge you gulp. 
“Take a seat.” 
You need to take a deep breath. You feel like all the air in the room is being sucked out. You sit in his lap and look in his eyes. 
“Any other request, Daddy?” you say with a smirk.
Making someone behind you choke on his drink and another clear his throat. 
Cheol’s hand flys to your throat and pulls your face towards him, forcing the little air in it out. “Don’t fucking play with me.” he spits into your ear.
“And what are you gonna do about it? Not make me cum?” you smile as his hand tightens. You can tell he’s embarrassed, not only are you embarrassing him but you're embarrassing him in front of his friends.
“Y/N. If I do remember correctly, the last time we fucked, you were crying and begging me to stop, clearly your the one who can’t handle some good dick. Two orgasms and you tap out?”
“I’ve always been told I’m a great actor.”
“Well let me refresh your memory.”
He pushes everything in front of him off the table and lays you flat on your back.
“Y/N, I try so hard. I try to be kind, to be sweet, to be the man you would want.” he says as he takes his steak knife and cuts through your top. “But it seems that's not the man you deserve. You deserve someone who will treat you like the fucking bitch you are, you just want someone to fuck you like a whore huh? You go around giving this pussy up to everyone, about time I make it mine.” 
You try to defend yourself but his hand on your throat only tightens. “Josh, Hold her hands down for me won’t you?”
Cheol looks down at you. “Since this is a community pussy, I’m sure you won’t mind if I use some help.” he smiles down at you. 
He pulls your pants off your body leaving you in just your bra and panties.
“My beautiful, Fiancé”
“Cheol Stop.” you say as you push your hips into him. You don’t even know what you want. You want to get up and stab him but you want to feel him stretch you open as his friends look. Actually you just want to piss him off. 
“Stop? I don’t think I want to.” 
“Joshua, take a good look. This is what you’re gonna get next.” you say smiling at Joshua.
One second you're smirking at Joshua and the next your cheek is on fire. Did this motherfucker just slap you? 
“Don’t look so shocked baby. You don't remember being on your knees, begging me to slap that pretty face?”
Your cheeks heat up. God, he’s humiliating you. 
“Cat got your tongue?”
He begins to harshly rub your clit over your panties, just the way you like it.. “I don’t think you want me to stop anyways. This pussy is dripping for me.”
“Are you sure it's dripping for you?”
He just chuckles. “You’re not gonna be able to fucking move tommorrow.”
 He pulls your panties off and throws them to the center of the table. “A treat for one of you.” He plays with your clit some more, pinching it and rolling it making you get closer and closer to the edge.
“I would stretch you out, but I doubt I need to. I’m sure sluts like you keep themselves nice and stretched.” You don’t even know when he unzipped his pants, let alone pulled out his dick. He rubs his tip through your folds making your eyes roll back. Youre already so fucking overstimulated, all the eyes on you, his degrading words, and the fact that you haven’t fucked anyone in weeks is killing you. 
“Beg.” he says looking into your eyes.
“Suit yourself.” he says and tucks himself back into his pants. “And none of them are going to fuck you.”
Your eyes widen at this. Fuck. What do you want more? Your pride or dick? Ugh, and he already has you so close to an orgasm.
“Please.” you whisper.
“Did you say something?”
“Please.” you say a little louder.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me.”
“Please fuck me Cheol!”
“Louder” he smirks, making you groan. 
“Please fuck me Cheol, I need it so fucking bad.” you frustratedly yell out
“There we go.” he says and he slides in bottoming out. He doesn’t give you a chance to adjust, immediately setting a beyond brutal pace.You have a feeling he wants it to hurt. It feels like he’s in your guts, you can barely breathe. Every thrust is sending you further up the table. You can’t even grip onto anything due to Joshua’s harsh grip.
“God.” you moan out.
“Don’t call for God, he can’t help you.” he grunts as he somehow fucks you harder causing the skin on your thighs to begin to sting. “Cheol, Please.”
“Please what, Baby?”
“Please let me cum.”
“Oh, Now I can make you cum? What happened to all that talk from before?”
“Cheol, I need it so bad.”
“I don’t care. Don’t cum.”
You hate this motherfucker. Tears begin to flow from your eyes from frustration and pleasure. “Cheol Please.”
You were never one to listen anyways. You let go and cum all over him making him stop thrusting. “You’re real bold, baby.”
A harsh slap lands directly on your clit making your back arch. He hits you again and again, ruining your post orgasm bliss. “You know what? You want to cum? Then cum.” He begins thrusting again, rubbing your clit in the way he knows you like. Moments like this you wish he didn’t know your body like the back of his hand. He thrusts straight into your g-spot making you moan loudly, coming out more as a scream. “Feel good, baby?” he smirks as you begin to cry more. 
“It feels so good.” you moan.
“Cum for me.” 
After a few more thrust you cum turning your face and looking straight into Jeonghan’s eyes. You can’t believe he’s letting all his friends watch this. Just the thought makes you cum even harder, to the point where you start squirting over his chest, making his white button down turn clear.
“Oh look at you, baby. Squirting all over me.”
How is this man still going? You feel like you’re going to pass out and you know you’re not close to done. 
“Cheol I can’t.”
“You can’t what?”
“I can’t take it anymore.” you breathe out. 
He just laughs at you. “I don’t care.” he says looking you dead in the eye.
He keeps up his brutal pace making you groan. “Cheol please.”
“Shut the fuck up and take it.”
You start squirming and trying to break out of Joshua’s hold.
“Don’t run, baby. Take what I give you.”
Fuck. That was hot. You clench on him, making him groan. “You like that? You like having to sit here and take it? Not having a choice but to be my personal sex toy?”
This is why you wanted him so bad. He knows how to fuck you, he knows what to say, he knows how to treat you, break you, put you in your place.
“Cheol, I’m cumming.”
He pulls out right before you tip over. Cumming over your stomach and chest. Joshua lets go of your hands and you shoot up with wide eyes. “What the fuck?”
He pulls you in for a kiss and whispers against your lips. “Next time you want to be a brat, remember this feeling.” He winks and tucks himself into his slacks. 
“I’ll see you baby, I have work to do.”
With that everyone gets up and leaves, trying to hide their hard ons and pretend they aren’t phased. When you look around for your panties you see theyre gone. You look at the guys and see your pretty pink panties sticking out of Joshua's pocket.
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candiid-caniine · 8 months
slutpuppy tip of the day ✨
look ppl I've never been good at humping. idk if it's my anatomy or my lack of hip mobility or what, but humping the way I see in porn gifs has never worked for me, and it's always made me rly sad bc humping is just soooo puppy 😭
until now!!
if ur like me, and humping is difficult for you, and you want a way to make yourself look even more pathetic while edging, read on ✨
you will need:
(probably) a cunt - may work with a penis but I don't have one so idk!
pillows for support
a wand vibrator (others will prob work as long as they're sturdy/securable)
some way to keep it upright
here's what you're gonna do:
find a comfy position in some combination of chest down, ass up. get creative w pillows :)
secure your vibe upright below your spread legs ;) I did this by literally moving my arm under me and holding it in position, but I got a crick in my shoulder for it, so won't be doing that again ✌️ lol
you want it to be somewhere you can easily rub your clit/cock against it by moving ur hips up and down.
once it's there...get humping :3 think rly hard about how pathetically needy you must look, with your legs spread humping like a lil puppy dog 💕
this is a great (read: terrible!! mean!!!) exercise in self control. u have to either physically drop the vibe when ur at the edge, or move your hips away if it's secured some other way.
the problem ofc is that being in humpy drooly puppy mode makes this rlly hard >:c can't think.. can't rebmemer 😭
so I ruined before I was planning to. and let me fucking tell u. something about being in that position, both being so spread open and also being hella humiliated, made my ruin so. fucking. meannnn. I whined into my pillow and humped the air like a dumb slut 💕
given that this had me such a drooly puppy mess, I'll probably be made to edge like this for the foreseeable future 😭
possible variations:
if ur a dom and u make ur sub do this while ur passively ignoring them n throwing out little mean comments once in awhile as they put their ass into it just to get ur attention?? ur so mean 😭 ur so hot I'm begging u to DM me lol
securing the vibe independently and putting the sub in bondage that only juuuust allows them to hump properly is. hh.. (obviously do this safely af, esp if doing it solo)
u could experiment with the position of the vibe, then put constraints on your bodily positioning, to essentially make it doubly hard to get enough stimulation to hit the edge 🥺 juust add to the frustration and the desperation 💕
would be great in combo with other toys...puppy tail plug? labia spreader? dildo gag??
or even...some kind of spiky thing, also secured in the area, that would mean every time u rut against the vibrator, somethin painful is digging into ur ass or labia or w/e 💕💕
combine it w hypno. combine it w a humiliating mantra. combine it w figging. this could work with so many types of scenes :3
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tonyboneysblog · 3 months
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
wordcount: 2.8k
warnings: none!
summary: you, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
Truthfully, hawks was having an amazing day.
He could feel the peep in his step, and when he woke up he almost thought some upbeat pep song start playing because he felt like he was in a damn movie.
He almost skips over to Mirko when he sees her, big smile on his face.
Mirko looks over at him skeptically, “what’s got you in such a good mood?”
Hawks hums, “oh nothing, I was only kissed by a beautiful maiden last night around…I don’t know 12:47?”
Mirko smile suddenly drops as she looks towards hawks slowly.
Then she suddenly catches him in the most disgustingly tight hug, “you dirty dog- why didn’t you tell me immediately?!”
“It was spur of the moment?”
Mirko squeezes tighter, “I know for a fact you didn’t make the first move.”
Hawks chuckles and try’s to raise his hand in surrender.
“You know me, full of surprises”
Mirko drops his, “Alright since you won’t tell me the truth I’m going to his you terrible news”
Hawks raises his brows in curiosity, “and that is?”
Mirko sighs, “HPSC decided to call me since you apparently been AWOL all night…”
Hawks rolls his eyes, “what do they want with you, you don’t even work for them.”
“They wanted me to tell you that they needed your excellence immediately- something important apparently.” Mirko crossed her arms looking away from hawks.
Hawks hums, Mirko seems to be in deep thought but he doubts it about the “important” business that the HPSC wants with him.
Mirko pats hawks back, “you sure it was just a kiss last night, birdie?”
Hawks whips his head towards her, “w-what?! Of course I’m sure!”
“I mean- gone all night?” Mirko giggles- “was she really that-“
Hawks cuts Mirko off, “Stop talking.”
It’s not hawks fault he decided to have a good night sleep with his phone turned off.
And maybe on a different day then events would honestly even more romantic than you made.
But your son was also literally attacked by villains- hawks wouldn’t go all, “come on baby” after that.
Speaking of you and Fumikage, the two of your were in the same spot as yesterday.
U.A. had cancelled school for the week after the kids got attacked- even if they didn’t cancel you still wouldn’t allow Fumikage to go back.
You couldn’t tell if Fumikage was okay or messed up in the head. You’d assume they’d go over some type of mental check before they let Fumikage go frolic with hawks somewhere but it also U.A.
Sure it’s the best hero school- but maybe you should’ve made Fumikage go to Shiketesu instead.
Shiketesu kids don’t get attacked by villains almost everyday.
Fumikage was still sleeping next to you when you woke up on the couch, you were slowly hit with all the memories that happened the night before.
like kissing a pro hero.
moment of weakness? perchance.
You check your messages yet they aren’t any from him, he’s probably working anyways.
You called off for at least two days so you were able to keep an eye on Fumikage so you really don’t have an excuse to ignore a text from hawks if he sends one.
Well you’re a grown woman, face your “mistakes” Y/N!
pretty lady
good morning.
maybe it wasn’t a good idea to text hawks on the job- you don’t wanna distract-
bird boy
we’ll nevermind.
pretty lady
so about last night, I’m
sorry for yknow.
bird boy
kissing me?
bird boy
do it again.
bird boy
bird boy
shit how do I unsend messages
you start to giggle, well at least he doesn’t regret it? thought he doesn’t know how to use iMessage.
pretty lady
haha. It okay keep it there
bird boy
yes ma’am
bird boy
I’m abt to be in some meeting. ttyl?
pretty lady
bird boy
bird boy
sorry forgot you were a fossil
not funny, not even Fumikage calls you a fossil.
Aside from spending more time with Fumikage, your day has been quite boring.
and technically you haven’t been spending time with Fumikage because he’s been asleep the whole time.
Your heart aches with worry, Fumikage never really told you about the events yesterday- just that shadow took control.
You didn’t watch too much either, nor call U.A. Because you could already tell the media was ripping them apart just from looking at your timeline.
you know deep down that Fumikage will return to U.A. no matter how worried or how much you hate it. It is his dream school, he worked hard to get in.
You feel as if there’s something deeper affecting Fumikage- deep down in your bones.
And yeah maybe you’re slightly worried for the boy who was kidnapped.
Yeah, no way U.A. is surviving this.
But all you could really do now is focus on Fumikage and his feelings.
the following days were calm, hawks texted you at night mostly about random things or just his small thoughts.
One time he’s asked you if the moon were a rock or planet, he said he got in an argument with Mirko about it.
sadly he didn’t win it.
Fumikage was lounging on the couch, he would be out training but you begged him to rest.
even better news is that the boy who got kidnapped was found, saw the whole thing on the news too.
All might fought the big bad, and he won.
You never had the best opinion on All might but it’s also the number one hero so you can hate him too much.
You personally like best jeanist the most but you’d never tell poor hawks that.
Fumikage suddenly jumps when there’s a knock of the door, you pat his head in an attempt to console him then go to answer the door.
Imagine your surprise when you see the former number one and Fumikages homeroom teacher standing there.
All might smiles slightly, “Evening Ms. Tokoyami.”
you send a smile back, “evening, what bring you two here?”
All Might fiddles with a loose stand on his arm sling, “we came to discuss a matter with you, about Fumikage.”
“Please, come in then.” You open the door more to allow them into your home.
Fumikage perks up at seeing his teacher, “Mr. Aizawa?”
It was weird to see his homeroom teacher look so…clean?
All might and Aizawa sit on the couch infront of you a Fumikage.
“So, what is it that you need to speak about?” You say calmly.
Aizawa speaks up first, explaining on how they wanted to put the hero course students into dorms as some type of better protection.
it made your blood boil.
“So, will you allow Fumikage to-“
“No, I will not.” You reply curtly.
You can hear All Might whisper a small, “well that’s a first.” to Aizawa.
The silence is akward to say the least.
Alll scratches the back of his head, “is there a specific reason?”
“Would you like me to say it allowed, or put it in an email.”
“Preferably aloud?”
You breathe in deeply, “I don’t even know if I want my son in your school anymore. You’ve destroyed all my trust in this school- and if you think your protecting the students then your just plan wrong because the villains have infiltrated the school not once, but twice. Honestly I can’t even comprehend other parents agreeing to this.”
Fumikage messes with his hands anxiously, slightly embarrassed.
“Ma’am, we understand-“
You cut him off, “I seriously doubt that you under my perspective, you’re not a woman nor are you a parent- let only a parent on your own.”
Again the room falls into a tense silence.
until Fumikage speaks up, quietly.
“I think I would enjoy the dorms…”
You look over to Fumikage, surprise evident on your face.
Fumikage doesn’t look at you, “and I like U.A. too- all my friends are there.”
“Alright, then you can go.” You stay with a small smile directed at Fumikage.
“W-what? But you said-“
You grab Fumikages hand softly, “I can’t control what you want or what you do Fumikage. I’m not gonna force you stay here, you are your own person Fumi.”
All might sighs in relief, until you start talking again.
“But I’m not gonna retract anything I said, your school sucks in my opinion.” You sigh.
All might chuckles, “understood.”
You stand up and open the door for them, signifying that you wouldn’t really like them there anymore.
“Have a good rest of your day, Ms. Tokoyami.” Aizawa says as they leave.
When you shut the door you could almost hear all might a Aizawa sighing, almost like they just encountered a near death experience.
Maybe you could’ve been slightly kinder?
No, no, they deserved it.
Suddenly your phone dings with a text, from hawks more specifically.
bird boy
could I come over?
pretty lady
sure, something wrong?
He never replied though, hawks doesn’t actually ever ask to come over though.
Fumikage and hawks seems to be on alright terms as well, you noticed they both got the same drink when hawks dropped him off.
maybe they’re bonding?
Fumikage starts to tug at your shirt, something he never grew out of, holding his phone to you.
It was open to a text thread, someone named shoji.
“Can I go hang out with him?”
You hum, “yes- but come home early, you know I worry more cause of these villains.”
Fumikage pecks your cheek then runs out the house quickly.
well he’s sure excited to hang out with someone.
About ten minutes after you hear hawks knocking at your door, and when you open he looks…tired? exhausted?
“Hey mama bird.” His voice calls tiredly.
You usher him in and close the door, “everything okay?”
Hawks melts into the couch with sigh, “yeah, just a rough day- where’s Fumikage?”
You sit next to him, “He went out with a friend, did you wanna see him?”
“Nah, better he isn’t.” He chuckles softly.
Should you be worried about that?
You rest your head onto the back of the couch, looking at hawks.
“Why’s that?”
“cause I wanted to see just you.” He closes his eyes, he look tireder by the minute.
You giggle, “You can’t see me, your eyes are closed.”
“Close enough.”
You admire hawks features softly, you notice small bumps and nicks in his skin which are always edited out in the magazine.
Your eyes linger on the small marks near his eyes, you’ve always wondered if it were makeup.
So you check.
Your thumb runs over the marks, making hawks eyes squint softly before opening them.
“What’re you doing?”, He says with a mischievous manner.
“Just checking if they’re real.”
“Did I disappoint?”
you smile fondly, “no, never.”
Hawks analyzes every detail your face holds, every mark.
His smile fades, his eyes look heavy.
He grabs your wrist softly, moving them away from his face.
He looks at you as if you hung the stars.
He leans in, you can feel his breath ghost over your lips.
He hands ,which were ungloved prior, intertwine with your as he leans in.
His lips capture your own, his slightly chapped most likely due to always being in the sky.
He leans in farther, like he needs your kiss to breath, to live.
He needs the comfort of your lips to feel better, he needs to remember the taste, the feel, the smell of you.
The way your lips perfectly mold together like clay.
He feels like he’s flying, no cares in the world expect for you.
Hawks can feel your warm hands slip near his torso, his stomach flutters with butterflies.
You hold onto him, lovingly.
hawks places his free hand into your hair, pushing you closer to his lips.
You can hear a small coo coming from hawks, wonder if he chirps.
He loves the sensation, the feeling you give him.
He wants to stay in your warmth forever, he doesn’t wanna go back to the HPSC, he doesn’t want to do this new mission,
He doesn’t want to sneak into the league.
he just wants you.
Hawks hold you closer, like you’ll disappear until you have to come up for air.
The two of you breathe heavily, slowly coming back down from your little kissing high.
“date me.” He says breathlessly.
You cup his face with your hand, “y-
“What the fuck.”
You and hawks looks towards to door quickly.
“is that the number three hero..?”
only to find your poor son Fumikage and another boy.
mortifying is the only way to describe this situation.
Fumikage turns around to the boy, covering his eyes in what seems to be disappoint.
In return, hawks covers his eyes and retreats into you, covering himself with his wings.
You start laughing, so hard that you can feel your very own six pack growing in.
The boy, which you assume is shoji, starts laughing with you, “hey Fumikage, I didn’t know your stepdad was the number three.”
You laugh even harder, while hawks and Fumikage retreat further.
Later, when the embarrassment and laughter cleared, the four of you sat down at the dining table.
“I didn’t think you’d come home so early Fumi?”
shoji looks at Fumikage, “Fumi?”
“Well mother. I had to come back because I forgot my wallet- I did t know I’d come back and see some…some- some harlot sucking face with my mom!” Fumikages voice grows in pitch with each word.
Hawks gasps, “h-harlot?! And it wasn’t sucking face we didn’t even use tongue!”
Suddenly the table erupts as you sit back and watch.
“Disgusting- you’re illiterate and you can’t keep your hands off my mother!”
“I thought we were bonding Fumikage- remember when you gave me that drink?”
“I wasn’t even on the brink of dehydration?!” Hawks says confused.
The small spat continues as you look over towards shoji with an apologetic face.
It was the first time this kid met you and he saw you on a quite personal time…
Shoji throws you a small thumbs up, great kid already.
You can almost hear Fumikage start cawing at hawks.
You try to break up the fight, “Alright— calm down…”
Fumikage sits down and crosses his arms as hawks deflates back into the chair.
“Fumikage..I apologize for kissing on the couch…I’ll take it to my room next time.”
Fumikage squawks, “mom!”
You can see hawks ears go red, his wings puffing.
Fumikage points at him accusatorially, “I know what you’re thinking you…you- you womanizer!”
Hawks gasps dramatically, “I-I’m no womanizer- I happen to like your momma!”
“Point at him too dark shadow!” Dark shadow comes out chanting “womanizer” while pointing at hawks.
Shoji decides to join in as-well…and maybe you too.
hawks sighs in defeat, Fumikage cheers victoriously with shadow.
You expect him to start jumping up and down with shadow as well.
“Shoji- remove the criminal from my home!”
Shoji chuckles, “not doing that..”
You stand up and lead hawks out of the house, you can hear Fumikage and Shoji laughing.
Hawks sits down on the stairs, you sit with.
Hawks sighs, “Not a womanizer.”
You giggle softly, patting his head.
Hawks stays quiet for a minutes wu til speaking up, “so, what’s your answer?”
“To what?”
His ears turn pink, “…d-dating me.”
“I’m surprised that’s even a question.”
“Is that a yes?”
You nod softly, smiling at hawks.
Hawks smiles with you, “can I kiss you again?”
“I’m afraid you won’t be able to stop.”
Hawks wraps his arms around you, “maybe, is that such a problem?”
Hawks leans in to kiss you softly, but you pull away.
“Why were you so upset when you came over?” You say while starting to rub soft circles on his hips.
“Not upset anymore.”
You sigh, “You don’t wanna tell me?”
“It’s not that…I just can’t tell you.” Hawks rests his head on your shoulder.
“Jus’ stressed out.”
You crane your head to kiss his temple, “would you like to spend the night?”
Hawks lets out a small laugh, “Fumikage wouldn’t like that.”
“He’ll get over it.” You push away from hawks slowly.
He laughs and follows you in the house, you point towards your bedroom then leave hawks to see Fumikage.
Hawks wanders into your room, it’s nice he thinks.
He removes most of his hero clothes until he realizes he doesn’t have another pair.
You won’t mind if he stole some of your wardrobe, right?
After done telling Fumikage goodnight, who was about to leave to walk Shoji home, you walk into your room to find hawks in your clothes.
how cute?
You make your way to the bed, welcoming its new found comfort.
Hawks seems to be sleeping until he snuggles into your neck, wrapping his arms and wings around you.
Looks like you won’t need a blanket at least?
hawks tries to sleep quickly, big day tomorrow.
infiltrating and gathering information on the league.
he hopes to god you don’t get hurt somehow.
would you be mad at what he’s doing? Or would you clean the blood of his hands.
would you spit on his face or kiss him until he couldn’t breath.
he’s scared for the answer.
Yet he continues to fall farther into you.
@lost-in-horrorland @boopjuice @validveenus @qardasngan @arminsarlerts @star-the-rabid-dog @bunni-teeth81 @lightsgore @portgasdbruh @camejlo-35 @marsbars09 @tharae514 @yoongiwantsme @kimahrii @pink-jello-fish @l1vvvvv @miy-svz @bumblebeebutter @lacunaanonymoused @emmmeoo
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sammiesallow · 2 years
Sebastian Sallow headcanons
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summary- dating headcanons with Sebastian. a/n- all my personal opinion! cw's- mentions of violence/blood, use of crucio, angry Sebastian
the jealous type. we all know this.
he gets so jealous when you spend time with Garreth, but then you reassure him it's ok :)
"I could never replace you with anyone else seb, you're my pretty boy"
melts at that btw.
nicknames galore!! he wants to call you everything and he expects it back from you too
'angel, darling, honey, sweetheart, pretty boy.
"you think I'm pretty? really?" "of course I do, Seb."
he gives you the most blinding smile you have ever seen. absolutely adorable
y'all are so loving?? he is definitely a lover of pda, doesn't mind holding hands, a hand on the thigh(not in an intimate way, just for some physical touch :D), a kiss on the cheek, etc.
Sebastian is always touch-starved and craves attention from you. even a look in his direction or a "Hi Darling!" as you're passing him in the hallway will have him smiling like an idiot for the rest of the day
more intimate moments are shared in private, however, like in the undercroft.
Merlin knows those paintings, gargoyles, suits of armor, even the floo flames lady will eavesdrop on y'all and tattletale to a professor if you do anything more than share a kiss on the cheek.
Sebastian loves you with all his heart. he couldn't bear the thought of you getting hurt or worse
every time you leave the castle, please send him an owl. it lets him know where you're going and it tells him you're safe.
he's worried sick if you come back with even the slightest scratch.
"Merlin's beard! darling, are you alright? are you hurt anywhere? do you want me to kiss it better???" he says as you come into the undercroft with one scratch on your face LOLL
it's all fun and games until someone hurts you. let's say you're on a quest together, somewhere in a cave and you two get ambushed. it would probably go like this:
"Diffindo!" an Ashwinder threw out the spell in your direction, hitting your abdomen and leaving a large gash in its wake. Sebastian yelped, not having noticed your state, and threw a quick "arresto momentum!" in the enemy's way to stall their time. "merlin! are you alright-" Sebastian stopped all movement when he saw you- you were hunched over in pain, groaning as you tried to stop the bleeding coming from the gash on your side. At that moment, he felt nothing but pure and unbridled rage. "you BASTARD!" Sebastian turned to the Ashwinder, (who was quite literally about to cast Avada kedavra on him) and cast crucio. nobody touches his girlfriend.
that's definitely one of his red flags.. he has anger issues, and won't hesitate to hurt someone if they hurt you. it's kinda endearing though
speaking of red flags- I'm not gonna ignore them? we all love him but he does have negative traits that will show through in y'alls relationship.
He's overly possessive and gets super upset when another boy tries to flirt with you. if you don't say something to the guy- sebastian will; and i dont think you want that.
he's not very in-touch with his emotions. he has a hard time expressing his feelings because of a) his insecurities and b) his ego.
but on a more positive note, you help him through these things!
meeting ominis and becoming friends with him gave you the opportunity to ask another person about sebastians troubles, and you can confide in him for advice when you need it!
you're sebastian's sunshine- quite literally. you help him through his tough times, and on a regular day, you brighten his mood imensely.
if he's tired he becomes 100% more affectionate- which means cuddles in the undercroft, his head on your shoulder in class, a hand on your under the table at dinner, etc.
Sebastian isn't the brightest, but if he has a class with you, he'll listen to anything you have to say.
he adores your smarts- whether or not you're actually smart is up to you, but it's not like he'll care. you could be the dumbest mf in the world and he'll still be proud of you!
he's your cheerleader! in crossed wands, the broom race against imelda, summoner's court, even an arm wrestling contest, he's there to cheer you on
it's because he never had someone to do that for him- losing his parents at such a young age, he didnt have cheerleaders to be proud of him through his achievments, so he does it for you!
in return, you take him on cute little dates!
little picnics in the vivarium are his favorite. he loves the feeling of laying of the grass and cloudgazing with you.
you know he needs to relax- so it becomes a regular thing for you two to sneak off to the room of requirement.
the undercroft is still a regular hang-out, usually used for absolute tomfoolery.
i mean, you sebastian and ominis will have stupid competitions all the time.
"let's see who can cast confringo the farthest!!" "Sebastian no!!" "Sebastian yes!"
chaos trio.
more importantly, chaos duo.
you enable his stupid ideas and make sure that he does them safely.
unless it's something stupidly unsafe- then you'll have to lure him back to the undercroft with cuddles and kisses. <3
A/N- MY REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!!! pls send me ideas!! :)
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missashketchum · 6 months
Dorm Leaders with Ash's Pokemon!
It's time for Dorm Leaders with Ash's Pokemon headcanons!
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Riddle- Bulbasaur
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Bulbasaur is the ringleader of Ash's Pokemon, and Riddle respects it a lot
to be able to keep 50+ chaotic Pokemon in line, despite many of them having the ability to toss Bulbasaur around like a salad
Bulbasaur also has none of the Adeuce shenanigans and is constantly using his vines to stop them
Riddle and Bulbasaur have very peaceful teatime with each other
and by peaceful, I mean the two relax at a table drinking tea and eating cookies
while Ace, Deuce, Grim and Ash goof around
they need the "parental supervision" a Riddle put it
ignoring the fact that Ash has raised Pokemon from eggs like they were her own kids lol
all in all, Riddle and Bulbasaur are actually the most peaceful duo in this entire thing
Leona- Rowlet
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ever since Rowlet arrived in TWST, Leona has been waking up with it sleeping somewhere near him
next to him
on his lap
on his shoulder
it was in his hair once
and every single time when he woke up, he would either scare Rowlet awake so it would fly away, or he'd just throw it
but last time he threw Rowlet, Ash threw him, so no more throwing Rowlet
as time went on, he sorta just learned to accept the fact that Rowlet was now his sleeping buddy
and no matter where he hid, he would always be found
no one brings it up to him either, because who wants to tell leona kingscholar that he's getting friendly with a fricking owl
that's right, no one
except Ash, of course >:)
Azul- Dracovish
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Azul thoughts Dracovish was kinda derpy (tbh, he kinda still does)
but when he sees Dracovish's Fishious Rend practically obliterate the practice dummies
he suddenly glad that Ash didn't use Dracovish on him when he Overblot...
she did, he just doesn't remember :/
Dracovish was relentless btw
Dracovish loves being petted, and once jumped into the Octavinelle water tank just to make Azul get out of his office
then, once Azul gets out of the office, Dracovish pops out and asks for pets
at this point, Azul caught onto it, but doesn't have the heart to stop it
he won't admit it, but he does like Dracovish
Kalim- Totodile
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Kalim and Totodile meet for the first time
then Ash has trouble getting Totodile to go back to Ramshackle with her
the two are immediately glued together and dancing and playing around in the water
jamil is tired
they're literally best friends when the day ends
Kalim and Totodile are hugging each other, huge crocodile tears in their eyes as Jamil and Ash have to physically separate them because it is past curfew, dammit Kalim
Kalim is actually one of the very very few that a majority of Ash's Pokemon like
Totodile especially
did I mention that they're best friends now?
cause they are
it's fun loving Water UM/Type solidarity
Vil- Unfezant
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ahhh Unfezant
so agile, so graceful
done so dirty in all of her battles, she deserves better
Vil first meets Unezant as she's flying around with Ash's other Flying-types, and he's never seen a bird do as many elegant aerial tricks as her
is intrigued with how well maintained she is
meanwhile, Unfezant is wondering who the hell this boy is and why he's looking at her like that
is, ironically, unsettled by Vil at first because all he does when he sees her is analyze her, which makes her very uncomfortable
retaliates by sending string gusts of wind to mess up his hair
and Ash has to proceed to tell a very irate Vil that he's making Unfezant very uncomfy and the wind thing was her way of making him stop
guess Rook rubbed off on him more than he's like to admit...
slowly, Vil begins to actually talk to Unfezant, especially complimenting her flying prowess, and Unfezant starts to kind of like him a bit
now messes his hair up as a sign of appreciation :)
Idia- Pikachu
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literally who else could I pick?
the biggest lil shit there is >:)
despite being a cat guy, Idia was immediately interested in Ash's only Electric-type
"kinda like a marketable plushie..."
was almost zapped for that comment
but he WAS zapped for picking Pikachu up to look at him
Ash tried to warn him, even went to grab Pikachu back from him
cue Pikachu zapping BOTH of them
cue Ash having to explain that Pikachu does that with people he doesn't like
also cue Ash having to explain that she's used to it because Pikachu literally electrocutes her as a sign of affection
Idia is mildly concerned, but seeing as she isn't hurt he lets it slide
tries to keep making friends with Grim and Pikachu and the two are not having a good time :/
keep the crazy cat boy away from the electric mouse pls
Malleus- Charizard
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“ah, what a fearsome yet protective dragon you have”
“but… Charizard’s not a dragon…?”
cue blue screen
he even has Ash pull it up on one of her Pokédex’s
sure enough, not a dragon
at this point, with what happened with iris, Ash is used to people mistaking Charizard for a dragon
Charizard, however, is a bit ofended (cuz that's just how he is 😅)
so he tries to flame Malleus
doesn't work on him, but Ash gets caught in the crossfire and gets covered in soot
cue malleus being genuinely concerned for the human
cue ash having to explain she's used to it and it's a sign of affection
rather impressed with Charizard's display of moves
"dragon tail?"
"he's not a dragon >:T"
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kerubimcrepin · 12 days
LIVEBLOG: Wakfu Season 4, Episode 1
I'm awful at emotional speeches, but I just wanted to say... I'm very happy that I got to run this blog for such a long time. And I hope that there is still a lot of fun ahead of us. It feels very triumphant, to finally get to season 4 together with you all :)
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"Let's kill Tot with Hammers" moment #1: This is an image Bonta of Dofus era, reused in Wakfu Season 4 to save money. Usually, Wakfu era Bonta is not white colored, and it does not have the same architecture that it had in Dofus era.
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I do not know why they didn't just reuse images of Bonta from the OVAS, which are accurate to the Wakfu MMO and Wakfu Season 1 vision of Bonta.
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"Let's kill Tot with Hammers" moment #2: Once again, this is just reusing the movie assets...
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Also, the house has shifted positions. Did Kerubim, Atcham, and Joris move...? (I ask this despite knowing that the answer is "Ankama really dropped the ball with some of the animation and the sheer amount of asset reusage with this season, for some unknowable reason")
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I am going to cry, he's so fucking funny... Save me. Shelter me.
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This is Clown Olympics. I love you, Atcham and Kerubim. You are so right.
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Literally they do not give a fuck. Is he implying Joris should go to the grocery store instead of staring at the evil, ominous eyes in the sky. Is he implying they should all eat dinner first and think about whatever the fuck is happening later.
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I will be honest, I'm pretty sure they're like that because if they weren't, Joris would have a stress-induced heart attack. Joris can do all the worrying for the team. They don't need to feed into the worries of the guy who, at 7 years of age, convinced himself that Astrub was about to be overrun by zombies and nearly cried over a bottle-opener because of that.
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Kerubim and Atcham really don't give a shit about little Jojo's opinions, huh.
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He says something and the response is almost always "I'm not arguing with someone who is 70–90 years younger than me. Whatever u say gorgeous" and then go back to ignoring it. Insane.
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[drooling at the thought of whatever Yugo does in the manga starting the Waven era and killing millions of people, which leads to Joris's (as well as Kerubim and Atcham's) military dictatorship in Bonta, and the way it truly underpins the character parallels between Joris and Yugo in a "child hero to antichrist type figure of ruin and death pipeline" way and the way they both demonstrate that road to hell is paved with good intentions] w-whaatever u say gorgeous. 🥴🤤
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When I saw this the first time, I audibly groaned, and messaged my friends saying "I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING TRANSLATE THIS FONT AGAIN!! FUCK!!!!!"
...this says "Coqueline"
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This is the Lorem Ipsum filler text. No cool easter eggs here.
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This moment really touched me when I watched this season. Even with Joris, who is only six centuries old, you can see The Entropy begin to set in. Seeing cities built and rebuilt and destroyed and rebuilt. Seeing thousands of friends die, be born. Lose your entire family to time. And watch it be so eroded away by time that there is basically no proof of those loved ones, and the places you went to together, even existing.
I think it would be beautiful for someone immortal to know that somewhere out there, there's tangible and irrefutable proof of everything they have ever seen and experienced, including every single thing they love that is no more.
Oooor maybe I'm getting Ronik'y into it. I'm insane about immortality.
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You get what you FUCKING DESERVE. ✌
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stayevildarling · 4 months
Hey there I just wanted to request a Mina x reader where Mina figures out that reader it really scared of thunderstorms and how she would go about conforming reader. I’ve always been really afraid of them and there’s been a ton of them in my area recently. Please feel free to ignore this if you’re busy. Thank you so much :)
Wilhemina Venable x Reader- Safe and Sound
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A/N: I am so sorry this took so long 🫶🏻 this request is literally perfect, thank you so much for sending it.
warnings: mention of thunder storms, anxiety, mild panic attack, bit of angst, fluff
word count: 4.5k
@lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay, @whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson, @isle-of-earle, @paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime, @ohrwurm26, @wastdstime
The clock on the wall in Wilhemina's office had ticked past midnight a little while ago, however the deadlines loomed over her shoulders, demanding her full attention. The ambient is warm, the glow from her desk lamp illuminating her office further, over her open laptop and the scattered papers on her desk. The office around her was deadly quiet, as everyone had left hours ago, including her idiot bosses who have been piling new projects and tasks on her already busy shoulders the entire week. However, her meticulous nature didn't allow any room for any details or deadlines to go missed.
Outside, the weather had taken a turn within seconds, thunder rumbled in the distance, a low growl that quickly grew louder. The redhead glances up from her screen, her eyes narrowing as she notices the first flicker of lighting through the tall windows of her office. She could tell a storm was approaching, and with it, a sense of urgency gnaws at her focus. She straightens her spine, her back aching from the long hours at the office. A particularly bright flash of lighting lights up the room, followed almost immediately by a loud crack of thunder. For a moment her concentration wavers, as she finally glances at the time, realising she had stayed much longer than intended and unfortunately much longer than she had promised you. Guilt instantly gnaws at her insides, as she glances at her phone, realising the missed text from you two hours ago. ,,Hi Mina, when are you coming home?'' it reads and her eyes close for a moment, feeling terrible for how much she had been away this week.
Her fingers hover over the keyboard again, the screen in front of her filled with data and notes that needed her approval. The redhead finishes the sentence she had been typing before the thunder got her attention, before saving her work. She knows she couldn't call it a day yet with the projects piling up, however she also knew that she had to get back to work within the next five hours, knowing the lack of sleep was going to catch up with her eventually. And the Wilhemina from several months ago, would have easily stayed in the office until the next day, always having a set of clean clothes stacked somewhere, but since meeting you, she had learnt that she needed to take breaks and look after herself.
However, as she closes her computer, reaching for her things before heading into the parking garage, her main focus was you and how you had probably waited with dinner for her, how she had sent you another text explaining it would be a long one. How you would either sit on the sofa with a book, trying hard to keep your eyes open or how you would have fallen asleep in her armchair, snuggling up to one of her knitted blankets. As the redhead begins her drive towards home, her thoughts are filled with you and whether she was doing this any justice. Wilhemina had never been one to commit and it took her a long time to agree to this, to enter a relationship with you, despite her heart undeniably fluttering and beating for and because of you.
She had doubted though, whether she could do this any justice with her demanding career and despite you equally working and caring about your own career, the two of you had very different working hours, you often finishing hours before the redhead and leaving much later most of the days. It worked fine in the beginning, Wilhemina often making sure to take Wednesday afternoons off as they were also yours and you would spent the day together. She would always take the weekends off and if her bosses called, she would remind them of her already illegal amount of over-hours. But lately she had been slipping, getting so used to having you in her home and her life that she slipped right back into her old habits and routines.
Her thoughts are interrupted as she finally pushes the front door open, and as she steps inside, she finds the usual scene in the kitchen and dining room. The apartment was neat and tidy, blankets and pillows neatly folded on the sofa, the clean washing piled neatly in a basket. A meal was waiting for her on the dining table, as well as some water and her nighttime medication and she knew if she was to step in the bathroom, there would be her pyjamas waiting for her as you always did in order to prepare for her arrival. Opening the fridge, to put the food inside as she didn't feel hungry anymore considering the time, she finds a lunchbox ready for the following day with a note. As she picks up the note, her heart breaks a little reading the words ,,Have a good day, remember to take care of yourself- love Y/N''.
Her heart breaks a little in her chest for how thoughtful you are and if it wasn't for the thunderstorm and lighting rippling through the apartment, the storm quite literally having followed her home, she would have probably stared at the note for an eternity, another reminder that she truly didn't deserve you and all of your kindness. Her eyebrows furrow with concern as she realises you aren't in your usual spot and she worries then, never once having found you in bed before when she returned, many times this being after midnight or even later than today. Before stepping into the bathroom, to wash away the worries and stress from work, she peaks her head inside the bedroom, finding no sign of you either and this is when the concern settles on her features, causing for her grip on her cane to tighten.
She checks the bathroom and her office, and after finding no sign of you either, she steps into the bedroom once again, turning on the lights, only to see your shape underneath the blanket. A sigh escapes her lips with relief before she disappears into the bathroom for a moment, quickly finishing before joining you in bed. As she lifts the covers, she finds you asleep already, however to her surprise you are wearing some headphones and with a smile and gentle hands, she slips them off you, setting them aside on your night table next to your phone. After settling into the space next to you, she finds herself relaxing a little, despite her back pain getting the better of her, another reminder she really needed to take it easier with work. After getting into a comfortable position, her arm wraps around you before she closes her eyes, eventually after some more thinking, sleep finally catching up with the hard working woman.
It's about 4am when you wake next, having eventually fallen asleep the night prior, only due to your headphones drawing away the noises from thunder and the blanket over your head shutting out lightening. A loud bang ripples through your bedroom and as your eyes shoot open, you realise that the storm was either back or had never left in the first place. With shaky hands you reach for your phone, quickly opening the weather app and checking the prognosis, only to realise the entire week was pretty much filled with rain and storms and your heart beats a little faster as you had always hated thunderstorms, ever since being a child. Despite Wilhemina's arm still wrapped around you, you feel uneasy, glad to have her beside you but also knowing she was due to get up within the next hour and leave you again and as this was your day off, it only seems to make the whole thing worse.
For a while you debate whether to get up and make Wilhemina some breakfast, despite her never eating breakfast at home as it was too early but you desperately wanting to see her and spend some time with her, having missed her this week due to her busy schedule. However, the fear keeps you in bed, almost clutching onto your girlfriend as you watch over her sleeping form. And despite the soft snores escaping her and watching her chest rise and fall slowly, seeing her asleep being the most adorable thing, you still can't seem to relax, let alone find some more asleep as the storm keeps terrorising you, each bright lighting causing for you to flinch, each thunder causing for your heart rate to increase. You had debated whether to wake your Mina, tell her about your fear but at the same time you knew how busy she had been lately and you felt like you couldn't bother her with something silly as this, especially given the burden she lived with each day and her own troubles on her tired shoulders.
It's about an hour later when Wilhemina's alarm begins blaring through the bedroom and despite the gentle tone of the ringing that she had chosen, never putting the volume all the way up as she never wanted to wake you, she feels you shivering and shaking beside her. ,,Little one?'' she whispers, her voice still hoarse form sleep as she turns to you. Despite your eyes being closed as you had drifted back to sleep a while ago, the storm still has left you shivering and shaking even in your sleep. The redhead brushes it off as a nightmare, after turning her alarm off, quickly finding you relaxing and before she rises from bed, she presses a gentle kiss to your forehead before whispering ,,I love you little one''. Before the redhead leaves home, after collecting her things, including the lunch box you had made for her, she checks on you one more time, finding you asleep safe and sound before leaving for work, wishing for nothing more than to stay with you a little longer and hold you close as she had missed you.
It's about lunchtime when the sound of your phone startles you. So far you hadn't moved, despite knowing you had things to do, should have a shower, needing to do some errands but the fear of the storm had paralysed you, causing you to not want to move and go out there where it would be so much louder, so much scarier than hidden underneath the blankets. As you reach for your phone, still hidden underneath the covers of safety, you glance at the screen, finding both your girlfriends name and photo due to an incoming call. You quickly answer it, as Wilhemina wasn't one to usually call unannounced but then again you hadn't looked at your phone all day either, unaware that she had texted you a couple of times throughout her busy day already. ,,Hi Mina'' you say, trying to muster up your best self and hide your voice still hoarse from a mixture of fear and sleep. ,,Hello little one'' she speaks softly before asking ,,Are you alright?'' and you could hear the concern in her voice through the speaker.
,,Fine Mina'' you lie, not wanting to add anything to her busy plate. ,,What have you been up to today? I texted you'' she explains and you feel bad immediately before seeing the texts of her trying to check in with you hours ago. ,,Just doing some errands'' you lie, not wanting her to know that you hadn't done much other than waste away today while she had probably moved mountains at work already. ,,Are you stopping by the pharmacy by chance?'' she asks and you could hear that she was tense from the sound of her voice. ,,I can yeah, is something wrong?'' you ask, concern instantly filling your features. ,,Fine darling, I just have a prescription that needs picking up and I'm not sure if I can make it today'' she announces with a sigh and instantly your heart sinks as you knew this meant she wouldn't be home early again tonight. ,,Sure Mina, no problem'' you announce before you hear her work phone beginning to ring. ,,I'm sorry little one, I gotta go'' she announces with a sigh and you mumble a quick ,,I love you Mina'' before ending the call.
Despite everything, you manage to get yourself dressed and showered, reaching for your things before leaving the house. At first everything worked fine, you managed to pick up your girlfriends medication, along with some ingredients for dinner. It's not until you walk out of the store when the storm begins emerging again, causing you to get caught in the midst of rain and the loud roaring from the approaching storm. With shaky legs you run towards the car, quickly abandoning all your things in the trunk before getting inside, your chest rising and falling quickly as panic begins to settle inside your chest and bones. You hated this, especially driving in storms and for a moment you debate whether to simply stay in the parking lot, waiting for the storm to pass. However, as you check your old friend the weather app again you quickly realise you'd have to stay in your car for days and after a while you begin driving, blasting the music loudly to draw out the noises from outside, before eventually making it home safe and sound, other than getting soaked a little.
Wilhemina had been determined to finish her deadlines and projects today in order to return home with you at an appropriate time. She had felt bad and guilty for how long she had worked this week and wanting nothing more than to actual have a conversation with you other than quick phone call and some messages. And so after working hard throughout the day, she had managed to finish everything that her bosses had piled up on her, planning to surprise you as she never usually would be home anywhere before dinner time. However, as she had returned half an hour ago she couldn't find you or the car and it had confused her as she thought you had already finished the errands as the call was a few hours ago. Concern gnawed at her insides, which quickly vanished when the front door opened. Almost excitedly she walks towards the hallway, her cane echoing, matching the storm outside as she lays eyes upon you.
In your state you had failed to notice her car in the driveway or her coat neatly on the rack in the hallway. All you can do as soon as you step inside, is lean against the front door, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, glad to be home but still shaken by the fear of this never ending storm. Wilhemina watches before approaching a little closer, frowning as she sees your wet state. ,,Poor darling, did you get caught in the storm?'' she speaks softly and you jump upon hearing her words, dropping the bags as your eyes shoot open, not having in the least expected her home by now. ,,Mina'' you breathe out and she chuckles a little seeing you so jumpy. ,,Sorry little one, didn't mean to scare you'' she coos, before approaching and pressing a kiss to your cheek. ,,You're soaked'' she remarks, quickly taking the bags and abandoning them on the kitchen island.
,,Why are you home?'' you ask confused before taking your shoes and coat off. ,,I-I missed you'' she states as she begins unpacking the bags. ,,I missed you too'' you admit shily before she smiles warmly at you. ,,Go and dry yourself off darling'' she instructs as she glances at your soaked state again. ,,But I need to-'' you begin to protest but your girlfriend is having none of that. ,,I've got it little one'' she reassures, knowing you were going to protest about unpacking the bags and wanting to prepare dinner. And so you do as you are told, abandoning your wet clothing in the washing before stepping into the shower quickly, drying your hair afterwards and getting into some pyjamas as you had no intention of stepping outside again today. As you return, you find that Wilhemina had already unpacked all the groceries, dinner simmering on the stove and a warm cup of tea waiting for you as she sits by the kitchen table, reading her usual newspaper. The sight causes your heart to swell as you had missed your Mina so much and feeling so grateful that she had finished early for you today.
,,Better?'' she asks softly as she sees you so comfortable in clean clothes and dried off now. ,,Yes thank you'' you admit, almost a little shy before taking a seat beside her. Wrapping your hands around the warm mug, you soak in the warmth, listening to Wilhemina tell you about work a little, the projects she had managed to finish and how she was sure her bosses would swamp her with more tomorrow for taking the afternoon off. ,,Thank you for the sweet note and lunch by the way'' she thanks you and again you find yourself blushing and shily glancing at your girlfriend. ,,Are you hungry little one, dinner should be ready any minute?'' she asks and you nod, after you had forgotten to eat all day. ,,Let me'' you offer, feeling bad that she took care of it as usually you would do these things for her. She allows it, as you grab two plates, setting it on the table neatly, before getting some water for the two of you.
With practiced ease you serve the two of you and set the plates neatly on the table. Before sitting down, you realise that you had forgotten to get cutlery and so you quickly walk over to the draws. Your heart seems to stop as another loud thunder ripples through the apartment, causing you to drop the cutlery in fear. Wilhemina's head snaps towards you, watching you stand frozen for a moment. ,,Oh dear, you're quite jumpy today'' she remarks before you snap out of it and pick it up, wiping it before returning to the table. You try to begin eating, focus on the meal before Wilhemina watches you a little closer, her eyebrows knitted. ,,Are you okay little one?'' she asks, her voice tinged with concern and you quickly nod, trying to muster up your best smile.
As the meal progresses, Wilhemina keeps a close eye on you and she can't help but notice how fidgety you are, your leg bounding up and down underneath the table, a habit she hated and one you never usually show. How you barely touch your food and mostly push it from one side of your plate to the other, how you seem both anxious and lost in your thoughts. ,,Little one?'' she tries softly but she doesn't get a response as you stare into nothingness, the sound of thunder still grumbling in the distance, the lightening having passed by now. It concerns her further as she doesn't get a response and so she tries again, a little firmer this time ,,Y/N''. This time she manages to shake you from your thoughts, causing your whole body to tense as your scared eyes meet her concerned brown ones. ,,Whatever is the matter little one?'' she asks, the concern now evident in her voice, as well as a tone of impatience as she didn't like you keeping things from her, she didn't like watching you suffer and not being able to help.
,,Sorry'' you quickly apologise, trying to focus on your meal and focus on the presence of your girlfriend. ,,What were you saying?'' you ask, pretending like the last five minutes of you blanking out didn't happen. Wilhemina accepts it, brushing it off for now as you clearly didn't want this adressed, before continuing the conversation from before, you actually concentrating this time and engaging with her, almost forgetting about the storm in the distance. After dinner, Wilhemina watches carefully as you clean the dishes, you having insisted on doing them, and after stepping out of the bath and walking back into the living room, she seems to figure it out. The way that you jumped yet again but this time in connection to the storm outside. Suddenly it all makes sense, you hiding underneath the covers the night prior, how jumpy you had been, how scared you had seemed. And for a moment her heart shatters, realising how many storms there had been in your area this week and how she mostly wasn't there for any of it.
Your girlfriend feels the urge to simply hold you close to her chest, to tell you that it's okay but something holds her back. Wilhemina was many things but definitely not one to simply approach you and talk to you about this. After cleaning the dishes, you smile at her, excusing yourself to the bathroom for a moment and the redhead uses this as her chance, quickly fetching some things before sitting down on the sofa. As you return, you find the apartment mostly dark, the only light source the soft glow from the lamp in the corner, as well as a candle on the sofa table. As you step into the room further, you find a tub of ice cream and two spoons, Wilhemina sitting on the sofa, one of her knitted blankets in the space next to her where you usually sit, your favourite movie on tv paused and ready to be turned on whenever you returned.
As you glance at Wilhemina, her eyes are filled with compassion and kindness and your eyebrows furrow in confusion, not understanding what you had done to deserve any of this. ,,Mina?'' you ask in confusion before she remains silent, simply patting the space next to her. ,,Come here'' she instructs and you walk over before she wraps you into the blanket. ,,Why didn't you tell me?'' she asks, her voice turning a little serious with her statement. Your gaze averts hers, thinking about her question and feeling bad for the state you had been in and that it must have been so bad that she had noticed. Insecurity fills you as the whole thing was ridiculous in a way and your girlfriend can tell. Her finger gently travels to your chin, turning it slightly so your eyes meet hers. ,,Tell me little one'' she encourages and you sigh before speaking.
,,I- I don't know'' you sigh, unsure how to find the right words. ,,Because it's stupid'' you mumble into yourself but your girlfriend is having none of that. ,,Hey it's not stupid'' she tells you and you can't help but scoff, the ever serious Wilhemina Venable telling you that your irrational fear of thunderstorms isn't stupid. ,,I mean it'' she tells you truthfully and then suddenly your eyes swell with tears at her kindness. The redhead frowns, seeing you so vulnerable ,,What's wrong little one?'' she asks, her features filled with concern as her hand softly wipes your tears. ,,I'm sorry, I just have always hated thunderstorms'' you admit as she listens intently. And then it kinda bursts out of you as you tell her about your fears as a child, that you had struggled to sleep this week, that you feel bad and didn't tell her because of everything she continues to do and how fearlessly she walks through life. At the later statement she can't help but chuckle sarcastically before she speaks ,,Little one'' she begins, encouraging you to meet her eyes again.
,,Just because I seem tough doesn't mean I'm not scared of things'' she admits and you knew when meeting Wilhemina at the start she would have never admitted anything like this as her walls had been up high before meeting you and remained that way with anyone but you as she trusted you fully. ,,Wait-'' you speak ,,Are you scared of storms too?'' you ask and she can't help but smirk. ,,Yes a little darling but we all have our fears'' she tells you and you can't help but notice the seriousness in her tone and the honesty in her eyes and that she means every single word. ,,And it's okay, it's not stupid or silly'' she tells you and you can't help but shush the voices in your head telling you the opposite. ,,Now come here, I have missed holding you this week'' she tells you before pulling you into her arms as you rest your head gently on her chest. The room fills with silence as your girlfriend holds you in her arms and you find yourself relaxing, the noises from outside drawing out as you listen to her steady heartbeat. ,,Thank you Mina'' you mumble into her chest. She smiles warmly at you ,,Anytime my sweet girl'' she tells you.
After a moment she looks at you before speaking again ,,Now how would you feel about some ice cream and we watch your favourite?'' and you can't help but feel excited about her offer. ,,Yeah'' you mumble shily before she reaches for the remote, starting to play your favourite movie. ,,I found a tub of your favourite'' she smiles warmly before passing you a spoon and gently leading it to your mouth. And in that moment, watching tv with your Mina and her gently feeding you with ice cream, causing you to giggle as she pretends the spoon to be an airplane, you for the first time ignore the lighting and thunder still raging outside as all you can focus on is her beautiful features, her wide smile and how your heart beats just for her, your stomach now filled with both ice cream and butterflies.
,,Little one?'' the redhead asks a few hours later, after the two of you had now long finished the movie and tub of ice cream, as you lay gently and safely in her arms. ,,Hm?'' you hum a little, feeling so comfortable and relaxed in her embrace. ,,I want you to tell me next time'' she speaks softly, despite her statement leaving no room for any arguing. ,,If something is bothering you, if something scares you, you tell me'' and you glance up to meet her brown eyes only to see the seriousness in them. ,,Okay'' you mumble, almost feeling a little shy again. ,,I want to be there for you, just like you are always there for me'' she whispers into your forehead as she presses another kiss to it. All you do is nod into her, wrapping your arms closer around her before mumbling ,,I love you'' against her body. She smiles into you ,,I love you too little one''. And despite the storm outside, you feel safe and sound in the arms of your lover and you know with your Mina by your side, you maybe wouldn't feel as scared in the future, especially not with her right by your side and in your arms.
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insidefernweh · 2 years
Well, hello.
A couple months ago one silly woman (me) decided that it’s time for creativity to take a hold of her and let something cool into this world.
And that’s how I decided to give birth to…a The Amazing Devil blanket. Or I might have dreamed it whilst being feverish. Who knows.
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It’s been three months of stitching, embroidering, sewing, unmaking the mistakes, cursing, saying ‘waahheeey’ at the end of the complete step, cursing again and enjoying the hell out of the process of something being made into the realness. 
It is literally the embodiment of me. I love it and hate it equally. It has got my favourite quotes from the songs. Yes, that’s me — your favourite girl with maelstrom of lyrics instead of a brain. It also has got some of my blood somewhere along the stitches (did i do it on purpose to please the fae gods aka Joey and Madeleine? you’ll never know. hashtag blood magic.) I wanted to get it done for the Ruin Appreciation Week (though it contains lyrics from all albums) so that was me last week because it was very FAR from being done:
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I’m posting the bigger picture + close ups of smaller details and songs’ lyrics. Please feel free to reach out if you want to see a better close up or just to pat me on the head.
I’m posting a video too. It’s silly so enjoey. (ha! see what I did here. that was a typing accident. it’s 1am now. forgive me my jokes.)
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warning: the video include some probably offensive actions to the professional seamstresses. i’m only a humble ignorant person who decided to sew for the first time in her life. i do hope you’ll like it.
references used:
the central embroidery: TAD’s old picture from some posters back in the love run era + some sage and forget-me-nots
top right and left bottom corners: pictures of joey and madeleine
songs: secret worlds, the calling, inkpot gods, drinking song for the socially anxious, chords, farewell wanderlust, not yet/love run (reprise), that unwanted animal, battle cries, elsa’s song, wild blue yonder
UPD: A few of you have been asking about the quotes I used on my blanket/quilt and why I chose them so here I am:
If you ask me for my fire, just watch me burn — you know what, I recently started to interpret this line in a positive way? It was a recent thing I understood about myself. I always thought I was good at working/doing things well in the long run, when you have to do it patiently and for years but in my journey of self-discovery I realized that in reality I’m much better as a sprinter — someone who does an incredible job while being under the vast amount of pressure and when you need to do it in a restricted period of time; I will give all of myself to this project/work, every bit of passion I have, every bit of patience. So yeah. If you ask me for my fire — just watch me burn. But then I’ll hibernate for a month. 
Can’t you hear it howling? — OKAY HANDS DOWN PROBABLY MY FAVOURITE LYRICS/MELODY SECTION FROM THE WHOLE RUIN ALBUM. Even not the part that is sung by Madeleine, but the back voices Joey’s harmonies sing in the final chorus at 4:28 and till the end. OOOOH WHY SO GOOD.
If I don’t make it back from where i’ve gone just know I loved you all along — this is such a beautiful closing of the song. also such a tormenting thought. i love it.
Such endless blue — I’ve always been drawn to the dark blue colours, especially when I paint. I always run out of the blue watercolour because contrary to this song, it’s not endless :D I’m manifesting an abyss of blue watercolour for myself here lol
You say the words so often but I barely know the meaning — okay so Elsa’ Song is primarily pretty heartbreaking right? The more heartbreaking part being that it is sung as a lullaby. Who didn’t have that moment when the meaning of the words you’re saying slips through your fingers just because you said them too often? Who didn’t have that sad awakening moment of losing trust in a person just because they always promised something and never did it?
After summers of fasting I feel hunger at last — I’ve been thinking about tattooing this quote for quite a while now. It reminds me of my depressive state which very often returned to me in summer and every time it slowly creeped away, I felt the hunger for life in the early autumn.  Every time felt like an eternity. 
Is nought but fumble-falls and guns and tumbleweeds, love, run — my favourite quote from the superior use of the English language that is that section in Love Run. I am in love with it. All the phonetic twirls makes me shiver sometimes.
Well, hello my hollow Holofernes — ALLITERATION SUPREMACY!!  
I’ll sing silence and ask my glass of wine for guidance — i love to sit at home alone and stare into my glass. it doesn’t answer though. what about it. and again — to sing silence? OXYMORONS GIVE ME THEM
Go tell me how we fucked you up and oh my god, it’s so unfair — ah. the hardship of parenting/teaching. I was there, I remember it all too well. 
Let’s us waltz for the dead — the oxymoronic style of this line IS JUST A CHEF’S KISS. WALTZ? VERY SOPHISTICATED THING? FOR THE DEAD? NOT THAT PLEASANT TYPE OF A THING? mister batey let me boop you affectionately on the nose you are so clever.
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heartsforhavik · 5 months
hi hi! i saw you mention that you love doing hcs & i LOVE them, so i thought i would send in a request
i wondering if you could do hcs of what it’s like to be mike munroe’s gf (or partner if you prefer to keep it neutral!) like how he is w them, his flaws, etc.
mike munroe x (gn! reader) relationship hcs
✰ warnings: gender neutral reader, poc friendly, all hcs are sfw
✰ there is nothing i love more than doing hcs, tysm for requesting some!! i had a ton of fun writing this, so if you would like a part two, i'll do it! (i literally saw this req and immediately got up to write it) also i mentioned some poc things in here cuz i'm latino, soooo if anyone wants me to write any character x poc! reader, i am SO down.
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mike is a very secure, confident partner. he's perfectly fine with you having male friends or spending alone-time with a guy.
but when another guy is clearly flirting with you?
oh boy.
he would go up to you and casually sling an arm around your shoulder, subtly hinting to the other guy that you are taken. if the guy doesn't take the hint, mike would butt in the conversation and would keep referring to you as his "love" or "beloved" until the guy leaves.
he isn't afraid of confrontation or anything, he just doesn’t want to waste time on someone like that.
if mike were to meet your parents, he would be confident and casual. he'd obviously hold back on the pda and profanity, but overall he wouldn't be too stressed about it. mike is very confident that he could win the approval of your parents. because of how calm he is, he'd probably treat your parents like old friends.
but if you're a person of color, he'd try a little harder. mike would present himself a bit neater, would constantly mention his successes, intelligence, job, etc. he'd even put in the effort to follow your family's customs. like if you eat with your hands, he has no issue doing so. or if you have a larger family, especially if they don't speak english, he would probably try to learn the language and get along with them all. he really wants to gain their approval.
these hcs make him sound like a saint... but the number one issue in your relationship with mike is that he tends to be a bit ignorant when it comes to your feelings.
for example, if you were at a party and you told mike you were uncomfortable and wanted to leave, he would be like: "what? why? this party's great! just go and talk to people, it isn't that hard."
he's nice about it, he just doesn't understand. he may even tease you about it.
"what? are you scared of social interaction? oh no, a conversation! the scariest of all weapons!"
but he shuts up immediately when he actually sees how uncomfortable you are, then he'd help you out. he's a nice boyfriend, just not the most understanding sometimes.
when you are genuinely in distress (emotionally), he would drop everything to help you and get rid of whatever is troubling you. if there's a chore you are too stressed to get done, he's helping you with it. if someone's messing with you, he'll have a... 'chat' with them. even though mike isn't too good with emotions, he hates seeing you stressed or sad. even if you're in denial or claim that you "don't need help" he isn't having it. he's stubborn, and he WILL help you.
mike's love language is probably either physical touch or quality time. if you're taller than him, he'd probably rest his arm around your waist. if you're shorter, he'd like to tease you sometimes by having his arm on top of your head, but mainly around your shoulders. he isn't afraid of showing off his partner to others, so he likes holding you at all times in some kind of way.
he also loves quality time. doesn't matter how. whether you're out at dinner somewhere, or just sitting in the same room scrolling through your phones in silence. he isn't picky, he just likes being around you.
mike strikes me as the type of boyfriend to always offer to drive you places, even if you're a better driver than him. you'd be in the passenger seat and you get to choose what music to listen to, while mike has one hand on the wheel, and his other hand resting on your thigh.
when you're spending time with mike, you laugh a lot and mess around like kids, but after 3-4 hours of hanging out, you're suddenly talking about the meaning of life and your biggest fears and covering them up with jokes. he's versatile!😻
overall, he's a nice, funny boyfriend. even if he isn't extremely good with emotions, he tries his best with you.
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jester-lover · 1 year
Hiya! Saw that you had three request slots open so I thought I'd give it a go (if they aren't open anymore or you already got other requests ignore this)
I was wondering if I could request a twisted wonderland fic where the characters see the reader in traditional desi clothes for the first time, I'm not sure if you have a specific character limit so I'll just ask for Idia, Azul and Malleus. Ignore this if this goes against anything, thank you! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ♡
I couldn't find the shirt for my favorite Lehenga, so I accepted this request to cheer me up, also, my character limit is 5-10 depending on the size and detail of the request. I'll do all the characters here bc I like this request.
contains- fem! reader, fluff, mentions of insecurity
Dorm Leaders Seeing Their S/O in Traditional Desi Clothes for the First Time
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Riddle is such a blushy boy whenever he sees you in your traditional clothing
His first instinct is to put his red face in his hands and tell you how pretty you look, even though his vision is horrifically obscured
His favorite on you is definitely something red and gold, a lehenga would destroy this man
After he’s done freaking out, he’s literally so honored to be standing next to you, he’s so proud to have a pretty girl on his side
Carries around several safety pins, to keep you looking (and feeling)  your best
“You’ve blown away all my expectations, just- just give me a second to um, recuperate.”
You just look so powerful in traditional clothing, and he loves powerful women
If you ever get up to dance, he’s definitely in the back, holding your purse bc he's respectful like that
Leona is happy no matter what you're wearing, but golden or saffron toned clothes just make him smile
Will you see that smile? Probably not.
“Do you need me to hold anything? I've got pockets.”
He has the most shy deposition around you whenever you're dressed up!
Cannot look you in the eyes
If you're wearing SILVER?? Just put him in a coffin already because he’s GONE
Will be holding your hand for the entire party, refuses to admit he’s jealous
Honestly who wouldn't be, you look perfect!!
Definitely the type to wear a kurta alongside you (if you feel like dressing him up)
Azul cannot dance for the life of him, he will be at all the family functions eating all the pakoras
“Look, we match! Now nobody will think I’m single!”
He has the sweetest smile on his face
(Aladdin is a mishmash of so many cultures, and desi cultures are one of them, so I assume he’s seen traditional clothing before)
Something about you in your sweet, flowing traditional clothing opens a domestic hole in his heart
He already wants you as a wife, but seeing you in clothing he’s used to seeing on the women back home is probably the final curtain
You own his heart, everything that is his is yours
(politely ask him to wait a couple years before popping the question)
“Would you prefer an evening wedding or a morning one?”
For once in his life, he genuinely can't find anything to complain about
Vil is so giddy at the thought of doing your makeup, or draping your dupatta, but you will never see that on his face
You will look so good with this man istg
Makeup? Matching the clothes. The clothes? Impeccable.
You will catch him reaching for more traditional clothing if you ever ask him for fashion suggestions
“The lipstick needs to be berry toned to match the rest of your clothing, and perhaps, to match mine.”
Man is resetting
He’s doing the people equivalent of blue screening
THIS MAN CANNOT LOOK YOU IN THE EYES (because of how pretty you look!!)
He’s highkey questioning how tf you wanted him in the first place, you have to remind him he’s a cutie too!
He’s definitely not going to whatever event you've gotten all dolled up for, but he’s hyped in your behalf
He's like super rich, so he’s definitely getting you more clothes, tailor made and all
“You, you look, uh, really nice..”  
Oh he’s def thinking about locking you up in a tower somewhere as we speak
JK!!!! (probably)
My boy is so obsessed with you, he’s tailing behind you at whatever event you're at (assuming for once he's invited) just staring at how pretty you look
This is the dramatic boy who would carry you if you got tired dragging along all that heavy clothing
Also holding on to you, making sure you don’t trip by accident
“Please wear this again, you look radiant.”
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antmightpost · 6 months
A Character Analysis on Megumi Fushiguro from a Jungian perspective- The Shadow
"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify all that is impure"
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Megumi has been consistently portrayed as someone who really struggles with his self worth or his sense of self but there have been instances when he starts behaving in a really confident and assertive manner.
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In order to better understand Megumi we need to look at his background. He was basically raised by Tsumiki with Gojo acting as his guardian at times. At a time when a child's personality develops, he had to make a deal with Gojo to work as a Sorcerer in exchange for Tsumiki's safety.
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As a child, he had to come to terms with the idea that his father is somewhere out there but he has been abandoned by him when we know this wasn't the case. Toji did his best to look out for Megumi but he couldn't be close to him because he was fearful of the type of influence he would be on Megumi.
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When Gojo tried to tell Megumi about his father, he himself stopped Gojo, acting as if it doesn't matter but that's a literal child, why wouldn't it matter, yet he refrained from trying to know the truth about Toji out of fear. Fear of what if the truth is even worse than being abandoned by his own father.
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What did the most damage to Megumi was hearing from Gojo that Toji kept him hidden from the zenins to use him as a trump card against them as if he was just a commodity with value , who he is , is just about what is the value of his technique. His own potential crushed him, in a sense took his childhood away from him and halted his personal development.
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Even Gojo mostly interacted with him in a manner where it looked like he is more worried about Megumi not being strong enough than trying to understand and talk to him about who Megumi is and who he wants to be which isn't because Gojo didn't want to , he just didn't knew how to. Gojo met Megumi at a time when he himself lost all sense of his identity and didn't knew how to relate and understand others on a deep personal level.
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THIS led to the creation of the biggest divide between the persona (ego) and the unconscious (shadow) in Megumi's psyche. The mask that Megumi wears to face the society stored all the aspects of his personality that he doesn't deem good or worthy in his shadow, including his 'Potential' and feelings which is why Megumi looks so emotionally detached from everything . He has locked up his emotions in his shadow, he tries to rationalize everything without accounting for the feeling behind it and thats why his "instincts" are dull.
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Megumi's persona Megumi's shadow It's because he felt like an empty vessel with a technique that he objectified the only person he looked up to, Tsumiki. He viewed her more as someone whose goodness and purity needs to be protected than as an individual, he didn't let her reach him, himself acknowledged how immature he was, all a result of the deeply traumatized 'inner child'.
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It's interesting how inner child was also used for a character who was introduced during Megumi's colony fight, Takaba. Both Megumi and Takaba ignored the "inner child" within them, except with Megumi, his ignorance is the result of an absence of childhood.
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Megumi's fixation on saving Tsumiki got to a point where his own shadow took Tsumiki's form or this could actually be Tsumiki's own shadow that is connected to Megumi. The Shadow that influences him yet he isn't aware of its existence.
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What Megumi is going through is described as "Dark night of the soul" in philosophical terms. It is the longest and darkest night of the soul where the soul is at its lowest, the will to exist ceases, however it is also the moment where divine light shines above oneself to guide them out of their suffering (How Gege depicted Megumi's condition). I think it's important that Megumi's birthday is on 22nd Dec ( winter solstice) the longest night of the year which in Japanese is called 'Toji' . Perhaps some intentionality on Gege's part to show how Toji is the core of Megumi's trauma.
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Dark night of the soul But what lies ahead ? I believe the process of 'Individuation' , theorized by Carl Jung it's the process by which a person achieves psychic wholeness, recognizing his innermost uniqueness and he identified this process with becoming one's own self Or Self realization. It's the merging of the Persona and the Shadow
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A personal "Merger" of sorts in Jjk's context and i believe Megumi's arc had already been foreshadowed in chap 47 through the introduction of 'Totality'. The 2 divine dogs represent the dual aspects of Megumi's Self. The White Divine dog is the Ego or Persona, first the ego dies but it doesn't disappear , it dissolves into the existing shadow (Black Divine dog), merging with it to create the 'whole' of SELF 'with no boundaries' between the Ego and his Shadow (Fate)
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Totality (Individuation or merger of Persona and Shadow)
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Ego death The shadow self In order to find his life , Megumi first needs to lose it. He needs to bring forth his Deepest shadows and stop suppressing them because the True self is not Black and White, it's a hint of Grey. It's not just Tsumiki or Yuji who are good and pure , His own shadow that he deems evil has purity as well This personal merger is the route to 'Love' , Love of the self. To stop ignoring the inner child and his own shadow that Megumi has suppressed constantly . To stop looking for Logic behind everything as he is a human, we value our feelings, they are our fuel.
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The dormant feelings that need to be realized and this is where Yuji comes in. When he says he wants to save Megumi , it's not because of Megumi's value or his technique, it's because he genuinely cares about who Megumi is and wants him to grow out this personal nightmare.
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This can lead to Megumi conversing with his shadow and realizing that people do care about him and he needs to show the same care to his shadow and let it invoke the feeling within him Ultimately Megumi is a product of this 'cycle of curses', being the son of Toji who was himself deeply traumatized and Gojo being his guardian who himself was never whole. Gege always tries to explore the Self, the person that was Satoru Gojo, the person that is Megumi Fushiguro, not "the Strongest" or "The wasted potential"
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This is why I think Gege has masterfully constructed Megumi's character in a real subtle manner. He never really talks about himself or how he feels and that leads to a big chunk of the fanbase paying no attention to who he is as a character and only focusing on his potential which is Megumi's EXACT problem. What's interesting is that i always thought of this sort of individual merger for Megumi's arc but now he holds the keys to the completion of the merger between Tengen and Non Sorcerers in Japan as well . Gege always knows what he's doing !!
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