#literally never cry to my friends but bawled my eyes out on a
pinkslaystation · 15 days
His name is Ghost.
Toxic!Ghost and ...not you
You're friend wants you to meet a special someone, and he happens to be closer to you than you think. Literally. Word Count: 4.3k
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"Yeah he's great, you should come meet him! Although I dunno, he said he wanted to keep 'us' a secret..."
You look up from your laptop at your best friend Michaela, who has blabbering about her new fling for an hour now. You hum in acknowledgment, but come on ... you're not really listening.
"And he has a sick motorcycle, but he's never let me on it..." She drones on.
"Uh huh."
"And he said I would look prettier with longer hair! Which I think means he finds me already a little pretty...?"
"Wow, I agree..."
You shut your laptop and focus wholly on her. "Mickey I love you, but this is the eighth guy you've loved this year. Whose to say this is gonna work out?"
Mickey sulks into your bed as you lecture her, finally being able to pour out your emotions.
"The last guy, who you planned a wedding for, you ended up dumping 'cos he reminded you of wet ketchup." You complain, moving your hands around over-dramatically. "And the dick before that, couldn't even pronounce your name correctly-"
"To be fair, Mickey is quite a hard name-" She butts in.
"It's a fucking Disney character, for Christs sake, who the fucks Missy? Listen, Mick, I'm happy for you, but you keep on dating douches, and then a month later, you come back crying to me about it. This isn't good for you or for me, you know how busy I am on this thesis."
Mickey's face contorts to a look of displeasure and betrayal, her eyes squinting as if she's trying to restraint the tears that look like they're about to burst in a moment.
She looks away before recollecting her thoughts, "I- I just thought you'd be happy for me-"
"I am Mickey! I really am! But it's like you search up 'world's most toxic asshat' and decide to bone the dude. They never treat you well Mick...come on, even a blind guy can see that..."
Your friend looks down, playing with the hem of her jumper, as if she's carefully considering your words, but you know her enough to know that she doesn't care for her advice. 4 weeks from now, and shes going to be sitting on your bed bawling her eyes out over another prick.
"You really are the worst, you know that?" She mumbles almost inaudibly, before getting up and heading towards the door of your dingy flat. You call out her name, telling her to come back, but give it a month, she'll come back trying over a different person.
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It's a dark stormy Friday night, not even a week since your last contact with her, and there's already a brash pattern of knocks bombarding at your door. You look up from your laptop, almost a quarter into your thesis.
I swear if it's my fucking landlord again... You think as you grab a bat to protect yourself with, Mickey always complains about how dangerous your neighbourhood is.
You sigh out of relief when you peer through the peephole, it's Michaela...but she looks hysterical.
"Mickey...hey listen, I didn't mean what I said..." You start when you open the door to her furrowed eyebrows and hiccuped sobs.
"H- He- He keeps ghosting me-" She tries.
"Mickey, what's going on, who-"
She digs her face into the nook of your right shoulder, and your sharp nose detected the slight smell of booze, "Saw him at the grocery store, b-but he ignored me."
"Michaela honey, sit down. Okay what's going on." You bring her to your bed.
And so she tells you all about it. About the new guy that she's been seeing for 2 weeks now, how she met him at a new bar opening in your area, about how he sweet talked her into buying her a few drinks, and how he drove her home like a real gentleman. Your face scrunches when she accidentally spills about the part how rough he pounded her in her bedroom, with both her wrists tightly gripped and bound by one of his large callous hands, as he bent her over her desk.
The skillful way in which he dug his hips into her ass, 'thrusting into her like God told him to' as she put it. You mumble a little blasphemous when you hear that part.
A few more, 'Oh the dick was so good, I can't, I'm obsessed' and 'He fucked me like my future husband would', and she finally stops, her train of tears coming to a halt and she blankly stares at your ceiling, laying on your bed.
You nod dimly, not knowing whether to use the pep talk that you'd used for the last guy.
"What's this guy's name again?" You question her.
She shrugs, without energy, and the idea of injecting with a tranquiliser faintly disappears from your mind.
You look at her with amusement. "What do you mean-" you shrug, mocking her actions, "Does he have an ugly name like the other guy...what was...oh, Lester?"
Mickey snorts, looking up at you, "Lester didn't know how to eat me out, like he did."
"You don't need to bring up every sexual detail, Mick..."
"Sorry virgin..." She huffs.
You cringe at her, "Okay, so what's his name, it can't be as bad as Lester." She doesn't respond, her eyes tearing up again, "Um, okay, Imma say some names, tell me if I get it. James, John, Joseph, Jeremy, Jeremia-"
"Why are they all J names?" She mutters.
"Uh hello, you barged into my flat at 11 P.M. and you're drunk, considering how toxic this guy is, it's gotta be a J name. Jerome, Jude, Javon, Julius, Jason-"
"G." She stops you.
"G? Jason with a G...what the...Gason? Yeah, girl, if his name was that ugly, I'd be crying just as hard at you-"
"NO UH." She shouts so loudly, dragging her words, that even the gust of wind stops in fright. "His name starts with G...I think it does at least. He wouldn't tell me his real name...just a nickname."
You nod, as if in agreement, but you stop yourself because you've never been in a similar situation. As much as you love Michaela, you despise almost everything she does.
Like how in 2nd year of university, she missed an exam just so she could go on a date with a guy she was seeing. And she wonders why she had to retake that module over the summer.
There was also the time at your 20th birthday dinner, where she uninvitingly decided to bring her fling for the month, and no, you couldn't the food given the amount of time they decided to share saliva right in front of you.
"Wow Mick, your standards be dropping like this economy." You kid, although some part of you really questions how much truth lied behind that, "So, hit me. Who's this guy you've been seeing. Tell me about him."
"You for real?" She smiles sweetly at you, and for a second, every bone of hate towards her actions wash away. At the end of the day, she still is your best friend, and you should support her decision no matter what. That's what friends do, no?
"Yeah. I'm sorry. What's his name...or nickname? What do you call him?" You hold her hands, rubbing above her thumbs.
She sniffs a bit, but her smile doesn't falter, and her cheek blushes at the mere thought of him.
"His name is Ghost."
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It's official. This was the worst guy Mickey has dated.
You've made a list of all people she's been with, ranking them with how well they'd treated her.
Okay so, Derek was a pass, he cheated on her with the Philosophy professor...literally worst degree ever. What kinda dumb career can you even go into with that.
Then there's Jonah, reaaaal bad boy, but he screamed like a girl and was way too deep into feminism. Pass, how do you manage to mansplain feminism??
Marc, aspiring footballer. You know what, smash, he was fine, I'll give her that. But then he left to play for Spain and never texted back... But he had dimples, so I'd forgive him.
Oh how did I forget Oliver. Auditioned to be a k-pop idol but lied about being Korean the entire time...pass for sure.
GAAH! There all so trash!
And yet there's another member on this list. Nameless, faceless 'Ghost'.
"What does he look like?" You begin your interrogation.
"Dunno." Mickey shrugs.
"How old is he?"
"Dunno as in you don't know, or dunno as in this freak's unemployed?" You rub your temples in frustration.
Mickey sighs seeing how annoyed you are, she begged and dragged you out of your flat into the bright lights and atmosphere of a cafe.
"I think he's loaded, he-"
You sigh, "You said that about the last guy, and that was just because you couldn't see the minus sign on his online banking app."
"Can you not get annoyed at me for a second? This is my potential husband for all I know." She says exasperatingly.
"Ah yes! Your husband is a nameless, faceless, jobless knobhead who you've had sex with once, talked to...ONCE. Remind me why you're so hooked on this guy? Here's a challenge, don't mention his dick."
An elderly lady sitting on the table besides you two, grumbles and leaves after hearing that.
"...Can I have a sip of your frappe?"
"Oh would you look at that! Princess Mickey DOES know how to ask a question! You couldn't just, I don't know....ASK for his name? Don't act like this was the hardest thing you've done, remember when you considered proposing TO A MAN-"
"The only hard thing about Ghost...was his penis."
The cafe goes silent when she blurts that out.
You sigh for what felt like the 100th time that hour, and you lean in to whisper to Mickey, "Mick, it's been just over a week since you've last seen him- whose to say you'll see him again?"
She rests her head in her hands, clenching her eyes shut at the thought. "I thought I'd run into him again, I don't know...Am I stupid for wanting him so bad?"
Yes, yes you are. You want to say. But you bite your tongue.
"nOoOoO, oF cOuRsE nOt, gah, why'd you say tha- yes. Yes, you are." So much for trying, "You don't even remember what he looks like, are you sure we're not stuck looking for a character out of one of your sex dreams?"
Mickey leans in so close to you, that you can smell the coffee breath.
"I know I was drunk, but I swear, I woke up and there was hickeys all over my neck-"
"But you said he was wearing a mask-" You're interrupting her and you can tell it irritates her, with her eyebrow twitching.
"Yes, but I don't remember-"
"What colour was the mask?"
"Uh, black."
"Was it a surgical mask or a balaclava?"
"Um, a baklava."
"Bitch, that's a pastry dish."
"I CAN'T! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" Mickey screams, standing up so abruptly, everyone in the cafe stops and turns.
You gasp, purposely loud so everyone can hear, "Are you breaking up with me...because I'm homeless?" All of the cafe goers murmur to each other at the scene in front of them.
"We were at your flat an hour ago, you fool- come on we're going." Mickey hisses, dragging you out the cafe, uncomfortably smiling at all the people that looked at you with sympathy, "No, don't feel bad, apparently a thesis is more to important than my future husband."
The walk home was pleasant, with Mickey hooking her arms around of yours, onlookers may have assumed that you two were a couple. But overall, it was nice being in her presence without the mention of any men.
"Hey look, the room next to yours is vacant. Maybe I should move in!" Mickey points out, when both of you have made it down the stairs of your building.
"I don't want you that often, jeez." You joke.
And for a while, your days do seem to be getting better.
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It's been a month since your little cafe date, and you're still stuck at home grovelling through your tedious thesis.
The good news is, you're about 3 quarters in, the bad news is, your new neighbour has no apparent spatial awareness, having blasted his rock music through the floor. Unlucky for you, there's only 3 apartments on the floor of your building: you, Mr Feldman (who you're sure is deaf considering he hasn't made any complaint from the noise) and you're new neighbour, whom you've never met but already hate.
"TURN DOWN YOUR MUSIC DUMBASS." You bang on the door of your neighbour.
Yet no one opens the door and apologises.
In the evening, the noises get worse. Instead of rock, it's a combination of Weeknd songs and the loud female moans and bed shaking next door. Once you'd heard voices that had belonged to 2 women, so you deduced that you lived next to a sex-crazed lesbian.
"Mr Feldman, how are you okay with it?!" You complain. You've had enough of the noise, especially the headboard banging since it seems your neighbours bedroom is just a wall away from yours.
"Okay with what, sweetheart?" The elderly gentleman croaks out, standing at his doorstep.
"The noise! You don't hear the loud ass music?" You groan, having being repeating yourself for a 2nd time.
"Yes, the music is ass, but it isn't loud." Mr Feldman says, his finger tapping at his chin, comically pondering with his jurassic-age brain.
You roll your eyes, walking away and towards your own room, "How- I feel forgetting how old you truly are...."
"I heard that."
"I really doubt you did." You shut the door on him.
This is a real issue, not like the ones Mickey has with men, you can't focus on your thesis, this could seriously jeopardise your education.
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: have u talked to ur landlord
ᵇʳᵒˢᶦᶜᵏˡᵉˢ: duh i unleashed my inner karen, but he isnt doing anything cos this dick offered to pay almost double the rent for his flat
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: damn he loaded
ᵇʳᵒˢᶦᶜᵏˡᵉˢ: yet he cant afford earphones apparently
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: why dont u get him some
ᵇʳᵒˢᶦᶜᵏˡᵉˢ: wat
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: as a joke
ᵇʳᵒˢᶦᶜᵏˡᵉˢ: hm thats funny mickey
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: thanks who am i talking to again
So you did just that, you placed a pair of pink wired earphones in his mailbox... which happened to be right next to yours. And you waited.
And waited.
And a week later, and no response.
Your neighbour definitely doesn't know that he has a mailbox does he? A week since you're little prank, and yet you can still hear the music through the walls so loud, you think you've developed tinnitus. The throbbing in your ears is so painful, sometimes you feel phantom drips of blood running down your ear.
"Asshole doesn't even turn down the music. Come on, play some Beyonce at least."
Mickey snickers, she's on your bed texting other people.
"You're not even listening, are you?" You throw a pillow at her playfully to get her attention.
"Babe, it's 1 in the afternoon and I can't hear any music now, let's not start the day like this. Say, there's a lil get together in that bar down the road, you there?" She says, but you're not even sure she's talking to you as she hadn't looked up to you since saying that.
You crack your neck from exhaustion, "Nah I'll pass, need to finish a draft of my thesis and sen-"
"Blah blah blah, all I hear are excuses, thesis this thesis that." She rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, well you would have failed high school and university if not for me. So you paying with cash or card?" You boast.
Mickey gets up, dusting herself, "Listen I gotta dash, but I better see you there- it starts at 11."
"Woah, wait, which bar, who's going, what's the dress code- Okay you're gone."
And for a first time in a while, you're stuck in your room alone, without the loud obnoxious music and without anyone constantly whining at you. Peace and silence-
Hold on, what's that?
You press your ear against your bedroom wall, which is funny considering you usually complain about the noise. It's not music, it's more sultry and sexual. Deep and gruff moans escaping someone, and this time it's actually enjoyable to listen to. Nothing like those pornstar like squeals you were used to, no. This was more raw.
The way his voice broke at certain points combined with the lazy irregular slick noises, which you imagined to be his dick slipping through his tight, cocooned fist.
"Fuck, mhm."
That voice.
If this was the voice of your neighbour, you would have never complained about the commotion. Was this why Mr Feldman has no issue with the noise? Was he blessed with the intimidating whimpers next door?
You press further, ignoring the growing wetness pooling at your underwear. You could tell he started thrusting faster, his voice increasing in volume just a little bit.
You could tell he's close.
But some part of you wanted to deny him of this pleasure.
So instead of touching yourself with your neighbour, you're standing right in front of his door, banging against the door frame with all the might you can muster, you fear you might break it down.
The door opens.
And you're face to face with your neighbour.
And a minute the warmth between your legs actually makes sense. Because you're neighbour isn't a sex crazed lesbian...you're neighbour is a-
"Sex God,"
"Excuse me?" His voice is deeper when he's talking.
"... I said, oh God. Can you keep the music down?" You reroute your words, drinking in the appearance of this beast in front of you.
He's tall, maybe a few inches taller than 6 foot, with short dusty blonde hair, and a prominent scar running through his thin but well moisturised lips. And his jawline, wow, the Gods above must have spent eons perfecting his jaw structure-
"'m sorry. But uh, hey thanks for the earphones." He pulls out one of the hot pink earbud from his ear.
You blush, he had seen his gift, "Uh huh, how'd you know it's from me?"
"Y' think old man Feldman's gonna buy a bloke hello kitty earphones?" He kids.
"Maybe, it's 2024. Live and let live. Don't be shocked if you see Feldman walking around in a skirt." And you're surprised he laughs your joke, admiring the crease lines by his mouth when he smiles, almost forgetting that you had an imagine in your head that he was the worst possible neighbour alive...
"Cute." He comments, looking down at you.
"Me...? Or are you visualising Feldman....." You drag your words, until he laughs again, leaning onto his door frame and just then you understand why Mickey would chase guys the way she does.
"No, please, he's not my type. I lean towards um...cute, short neighbours."
"You're literally just describing Feldman, dude,"
"That's on me," he smiles widely at you, "If I had known it was you banging on my door, I'd 'ave opened it a while back." He flirts.
You blink at him, no ones ever flirted with you. What would Mickey do? No, she'd just snog him this very moment. I mean, what's stopping you?
"If I'd known you were my neighbour, I'd be banging you a while back. Wait."
There's a pause in the conversation and you're too scared to correct yourself. "I-"
But he cuts you off, letting out the loudest laughs at that you'd ever heard, almost as if he was cursed not to laugh and it had finally been broken. The type where he hand gently grabs your shoulder and you could almost feel the vibrations from his broad chest.
What a sight.
"You know what I meant." You giggle, wait, when did you start giggling?
His laugh ends in a fit of small coughs, "Didn't catch your name, dove."
You introduce yourself, opting not to sticking your hand out like you're in a job interview.
But he does it for you, placing one large callous hand in front of you, for you to shake.
"Simon." He says as he kisses the back of your hand.
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You thought when you met Simon, that you two had bonded, like he was about to ask you out bonded, but alas you were wrong.
You laid in bed the rest of the day, intending to complete a draft for your thesis, yet instead you found yourself on Sims creating a family for you and your beloved Simon. And a short nap later, you wait up to over 20 notifications from your friend.
4 missed calls from ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: yoooo wru??? its 11:30
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: HOEEEE WAKE UP
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: fuck ur thesis come hereee im drunk
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: BABE THE GHOST GUY IS HERE NO JOKE
5 missed calls from ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: you better be dead
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: oml he saw me
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: black baklava btw
2 missed calls from ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: hehehehe im going back to his place
ᴹᶦᶜᵏᵉʸᴹᵒᵘˢᵉᶜˡᵘᵇʰᵒᵘˢᵉ: if i die yk where im at yh
Oh shit. It's past midnight, you try calling Mickey but her phone goes straight to voicemail, curse her and her DND.
You start looking for your keys, there's no way you're attending the party, you're just going to pick her up from whomever's place she's at and take her home.
"Mhm, doll, jus' like that."
You pause in your step. Mickey's safe right? A quick listen wont hurt anyone.
"'lil deeper pretty girl, yeah, like that."
Some part of you wishes it was porn Simon was watching, and that God was playing a cruel joke on you, introducing you to the prettiest guy you've seen, and now suddenly you're stuck hearing him fuck someone else? Yeah, you've heard it before but...this time it made you feel uneasy.
This time you knew who was behind the voice, you knew who was moaning. And forgive me, but you thought you had a connection, no? That talk earlier today...did it mean nothing?
And when did he suddenly become so vocal? What was so special about this girl than the others?
You stand still, with your ear pressed so tightly against the wall, you've probably left a mark against it. And his moans never stop.
And hers start. For a second you feel like you recognise the female voice, but through the slurs and hand-covered whimpers (you presume), you can't figure out if it was familiar to you or not.
You flinch when the head boards banging, and you feel yourself throwing every romantic thought you've had of this man when you hear his degrading tone towards her.
"C’mon, make yourself cum on my cock, dove."
You gulp hearing him use the nickname he gave you on someone else.
30 minutes of torture.
You stood against that wall, with your ear so firmly pressed, someone might have thought it was glued on. The only sounds you were focused on was his whimpers and you caught the way his voice broke when he spoke, and your infrequent breathes.
When the noises stopped, you stepped back in embarrassment. You felt so shameful practically peering into a man's sex life. How disgusting are you truly?
You reach into your pockets, feeling for your keys and your phone, suddenly remembering Mickey's whereabouts.
ᵇʳᵒˢᶦᶜᵏˡᵉˢ: just woke up
You lied. You couldn't ever tell someone of today.
ᵇʳᵒˢᶦᶜᵏˡᵉˢ: omw wru
You open your door, feeling the abrupt urge to surround yourself within nature after doing something so distasteful. And if it couldn't get any worse...
Simon's door opens.
One part of you wants to turn and see which lucky girl had the opportunity to getting plowed by him, and yet the other part knew you'd immediately crumble at the thought of it not being you.
"Oh my god! That's why this place looks so familiar....!"
You widen your eyes, your breathe getting caught once again.
"Mickey...?" You whisper, not even turning your head to look at the horror next door.
"Yes, it's me silly. Come here, want you to meet someon- oh can't walk, fuck." She giggles, barely conscious.
You turn your head towards her slowly, like a movie character.
It's Mickey in the flesh, wearing jeans and a black tube top that had been worn so sloppily, you were almost scared you were going to get flashed. She smiles innocently at you were half lidded eyes.
A figure walks out, dressed in a blue-gray 3/4 sweater and a hood, and you swear you feel yourself sinking into the ground. Could this get any worse.
And your wishes were answered. Mickey turns back to press a vulgar, almost cringe-worthy kiss against his clothed jaw, and you shift your eyes down... to see his dark jeans... and the zip undone. You turn your head around, almost debating to ignore the couple and lock yourself into your bedroom until death overcomes you. Your darting eyes rest on his face, begging for him to say something to remove the awkwardness.
Yet, something about Simon was different...
His eyes bore deeply into your soul as if trying to read you, his once kind face contorted into a look of pure disgust, like he were looking into the eyes of a killer. This didn't look like the man you talked to this morning...
His eyes drag down over your crooked frame, a raised eyebrow twitching almost in mock sympathy. To make it worse, he had his arms crossed so tightly around him, he looked like the human epitome of a 'side eye'.
You pray to God it's the effects of alcohol. Or maybe you're the drunk one! Maybe you're sleeping and this is all just a dream, or nightmare...
You put your hands on the doorknob, wanting to resign yourself from this situation when your eyes drift back to Mickey, who seems to have taken the liberty of speaking.
"I want you meet the guy I was talking to you about. His name is Ghost."
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First of all, thank you all for 6200 likes and 300 followers?!!!! THE BEST <3 Also, my writing schedule is so poor, I'll try to update as much as possible!! tags -> @lilliumrorum , @kxtz3 , @poohkie90, @rainlovesyou12 , @restrictionsapply-blog , @lunamoonbby , @nigthmar3moon , @thychuvaluswife , @itsnourm , @bubusi11, @chessecakelover , @owkittie, @cheomain , @corvusmorte , @k4es , @mandythemint , @copiasratscheese , @yyiikes , @funkyysho3es, @delta98-idk , @spankmydepression , @yourfavbabigirl
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jihyoruri · 10 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 SANTA DOESN’T KNOW YOU LIKE I DO idol ahn yujin x idol reader
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❆warnings: yn is apart of new jeans, yn is a dork, wrote this while listening to santa doesn’t know you like I do by sabrina carpenter
this has got to be the fifth time yujin has bawled her eyes out all day. going through a big break up during the holiday season isn’t the ideal thing
the girl blew her nose into her tissue before she buried her face into her pillow, she’s about to start crying again until a soft voice interrupts her session of wallowing in self pity.
“yujin unnie?”
she knew exactly who’s voice it was.
to ahn yujin, yn was a nightmare, having one of your younger members best friends have a crush on you, isn’t the ideal thing for most people.
and it definitely isn’t the ideal thing for yujin.
new jeans is the new big thing, the six girls are completely untouchable with the success that they’ve been gaining since debut, so imagine the ive members reactions when rei brought one of the members to the dorm introducing the girl as her best friend.
yn was one of the most known members of the group, she was known for her charisma and talents and extroverted personality that has a way of wrapping everyone around her small finger
she also has the biggest crush on the leader of ive and the bane of yujin’s existence.
she just couldn’t stop taking her shots at the older girl, even when she was in a relationship, she’d say things like “hey unnie, when are gonna dump that chick?”, “rei told me that she was late again, couldn’t be me..”, “did you know I wrote super shy and attention about you? what songs has she written about you again?”
yujin groans and covers her face with her hands, “what?”
the door opens to reveal the younger girl with an adorable smile on her face, she had a white fuzzy beret on her head with a matching fuzzy white sweater and leg warmers, along with a hello kitty shaped polaroid around her neck.
“did you know it’s snowing outside?” yn asks as she walks into the room and closes the door behind her causing yujin to groan again.
“oh, well it is.” she says before sitting beside yujin on her bed, “I heard about the break up…”
“yeah…” the older girl replies, “you’re probably happy about it.” she says before taking a peek at the younger girl only to see that she had genuine pity on her face.
“well… I can’t say I didn’t crack a smile when rei told me…” she says causing yujin to let out a laugh, “you’re the worst oh my-”
“but!” yn shouts over yujin waving her hands, “I am really sorry, I knew how much you liked her, even though she was hot trash.”
“gee, thanks yn.”yujin sniffs rubbing her nose. “she wasn’t that bad…” she adds making it yn’s turn to groan.
“oh come on!” the girl yells, throwing her head back, “she was the absolute worst, remember when she said ditto wasn’t even good when my members and I literally put our heart and souls into that comeback?”
“she also treated you horribly and you know that, I mean just look at the way she just left you.” yn says firmly causing yujin to nod her head defeatedly, “ I just know for sure that I could treat you better.”
“here we go again.” yujin says rolling her eyes, every time…
“no! I’m serious, she didn’t and never grew to know you like I do.” yn says grabbing yujin’s hand, “I know all your favourite songs… and even though I say the most stupid shit I definitely know how to make you laugh.” the younger girl adds causing yujin to let out a small laugh.
“see! when was the last time she genuinely made you laugh?”
“I don’t know…” yujin trails off and before she knows it, the tears are starting back up again, “gosh, I’m so stupid.”
yn immediately panics and pulls yujin closer to her, “no, you’re not! you’re the smartest, you’re hard working, dedicated and so talented and prettiest person I know, that asshole was just to stupid to see it.”
yujin looks deep into yn’s eyes and feels her face heat up slightly at the compliment, this is the first time the younger girls words have actually affected her and for some reason that makes her eyes water again.
“oh, how I wish I would kiss your tears away.” yn says before slapping her hand over mouth in shock, “there’s no way I just said that.”
yujin laughs again and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, “maybe you can do that after the fifth date.”
“yeah…” yn trails of her face heated with embarrassment, “wait- what did you just say.”
“you heard me.”
“holy shit…” the younger girl says to herself, “wait does that mean there’s chance that you might go out with me after you’re healed from your relationship and stuff?”
“maybe” yujin shrugs.
“oh my gosh.” she says getting up from yujin’s bed, “oh my-! I gotta go tell rei!” she says before rushing out of yujin’s room.
yujin laughs at the younger girls antics but is shock when yn runs back into the room and places a kiss on the older girls cheek before running back out the room.
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lovebvni · 8 months
i just realized how fucking real this shit is
idk why i didn’t process this but i can get hurt n scared and fucking bawl my eyes out in my dr.
like i knew about it, i thought of times i would cry, and what i would do to suck it up
but i never thought that my sister has a mother fucking near death experience (bc i scripted she didn’t die bc i can’t do that) and im so oh my god
i literally js ranted to my friend abt it bc i came do this u guys i’m abt to cry.
please realize what ur getting into before u shift. it’s going to be hard and it is as real, if not even worse sometimes.
love u guys xx
this isn’t supposed to b demotivating, i js want u guys to know how real this is
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servethelight · 5 months
Shit I’ve noticed during my clone wars rewatch and my interpretation (very Obi-Wan focused because he’s my favorite character lmao):
(Includes spoilers obviously)
+ I love this show to bits, but it has horrible issues with consistency. Every other episode there is a new weapon or something introduced and we’ll never see it again. This is very prevalent in especially the first seasons.
+ Obi-Wan is such a fucking enabler. Like he tells Anakin his plans are stupid at least twice during the Malevolence episodes, but then joins him on all of those. It’s literally like: “Anakin this plan is reckless and won’t work, anyways what’s my part in your plan?”
+ Rex running into that metal pipe. I forgot about that and laughed for 20 minutes straight.
+ Anakin pulls a “Are ya winning son?” on Obi-Wan about Ahsoka.
+ I once saw a post that it isn’t confirmed that Obi-Wan and Cody are friends, but you have Obi-Wan literally marveling on how competent the commander is and Cody always going the extra mile to save his general’s ass. To me that’s pretty much a friendship.
+ The Jedi are in general very gentle, but quite touchy. They might not go for hugs, but there is always someone touching someone’s shoulder or waist. And they’re just so fucking kind. I don’t think I ever noticed that as a kid, but they’re so respectful about life and culture and always helping someone. I just love them so much.
+ And I love the understanding and kindness the clones have. They’re soldiers and programmed to kill, but they’re also good people in most cases. I just wanna hug most of them.
+ My mother told me I cried as a child during the episodes with the Zillo beast. Well, I didn’t cry again, but I’m still so fucking mad at Palpatine for putting that poor creature in that position. If he just had listened to Mace Windu (more of the characters should actually, just saying) that poor animal wouldn’t have killed people and found its end like that.
+ Mortis is quite hated by the fandom but for me it’s a defining showcase of Obi-Wan’s, Anakin’s and Ahsoka’s relationship. I’ve seen people in the fandom saying that Anakin would’ve turned out differently if Obi-Wan would’ve told him he’s proud and took care of his feelings. This episodes literally show that he does exactly that and Anakin still doesn’t give a shit.
+ Anakin tells the son in his dream, that he’ll never come to the dark side willingly. Only to walk over to the literal manifestation of the dark side like 10 minutes later to save Ashoka. I came to the conclusion that the only way to tempt him was by promising to save his loved ones. I still think it was a really awful and greedy thing to become Vader for that, but I must admit it’s a noble character trait to put others first.
+ Kit Fisto doesn’t have nipples. Therefore I’ve concluded he’s isn’t a mammal and hatched from an egg like Nemo the clownfish. (And no, that isn’t a animation thing, Rex does have nipples when his shirt is off).
+ The discussion with my gf about Kit Fisto nipples and Star Wars biology also touched the topic of “how does Maul use the bathroom”. My conclusion is: he has a stoma, because the lower abdomen, where that would be, is always covered.
+ Hardcase mentions he is hyperactive. I now see him as my favorite ADHD clone, because having ADHD myself I can fucking relate.
+ I forgot Waxer died on Umbara and bawled my eyes out. Waxer is one my favorite clones and when he cried while dying I just couldn’t take it.
+ My friend spent the entire Umbara arc just simping for the clones (mostly Jesse), while I was suffering. So maybe they look hot or something for people attracted to men in this episodes.
+ In the episode after the Umbara the duo usually consisting of Waxer and Boil is sent out, but this time it’s just Boil and I was about to bawl again.
+ For being called “the negotiator” Obi-Wan gets his ass beat quite a lot after his “negotiations” (aggressive flirting).
+ While I’ll never forgive Obi-Wan for doing that Raako Hardeen shit, I nearly pissed myself when the Ziro the Hutt’s ex gf is flirting with not one but two women there. Like I didn’t expect her to be the fucking gay rep in clone wars.
+ I’m seriously never forgiving Obi-Wan for that. I can’t get over Ahsoka’s tear filled eyes while she’s holding his corpse. Also she doesn’t seem angry like Anakin just massively sad and disappointed after it is revealed that he’s still alive. Personally I believe she’s starting to doubt the order here.
+ Point three on hating on my favorite character for that shit, I feel like Anakin becomes quieter and less playful after that disaster.
+ Maul is me. He’s obsessed with Obi-Wan and mentions that he has massive problems what is going on inside his head. As a mentally ill person, that makes me feel really seen lmao.
+ The underwater episodes and the ones with Ventress on that train were just the most beautiful worlds I’ve ever seen. Like the planets in general are so beautifully designed in clone wars, I’m so in love.
+ Motherfucking “I said fuck the council and became a child soldier for a rebellion at 13” Obi-Wan Kenobi seems very reluctant on doing it again. There are two entire arcs of him disagreeing on helping rebels. First I didn’t understand, because like dude you literally did this before, but since he talks about his worries about bringing the separatists in or worsen the situation, I think the poor man is just a little bit traumatized.
+ After the events of Onderon I’m pretty sure Ashoka is already filled with doubts about the order, the republic and the war. I also feel like she’s feeling massively led down by Obi-Wan again, which broke my heart because I love their relationship.
+ I just realized he fails Ahsoka a third time, when she is captured by Hondo and Obi-Wan is supposed to help her. Instead he gets attacked by Grievous and is forced to postpone the helping them until they help themselves. I mean it’s not his fault but in Ahsoka’s place that wouldn’t feel good to me.
+ This particular fight with Grievous ignited my love for Obi-Wan again. Before he attacks Grievous he helps an injured clone and when he goes into the fight, Grievous directly kills a clone. Instead of his usual witty remarks, he just goes: “you’re gonna regret that” and jumps Grievous. He just loves his clones as much as I do.
+ One of the most beautiful shots in the entire series for me is in the episode before the droids find Gregor. This WAC droid looks into the desert and it reflects in his eye. Because of the cracks in the desert ground it looks almost like a retina. Beautiful metaphor of combining something artificial and metallic with an organic and almost human part. This was such a fucking raw shot for me, it took my breath away.
+ Tarkin is an asshole, but he’s climbed the asshole latter so hard after he has been mean to Plo Koon.
+ Shotout to Obi-Wan for convincing the order to let Anakin go after Ahsoka. Additionally the whole time he acts in her support only to be shut down by the council. I didn’t remember him doing that so I was surprised.
+ Fives tells the plot with the inhibitor chips to a cab driver. Do you think the cap driver ever thinks back after the war and is like: “Fuuuuuuck”?
+ I kid you not, the clone bar has gender neutral bathrooms (and no, it’s not bc the clones are all male, in the bar are also women). The bathroom are just decided by humans, hutts and a third species I cannot quite recognize.
+ I forgot Teckla gets shot, NOOOOOOO
+ I always say clone wars anakin is better, but Jesus stop acting like a jealous bitch. Padmè deserves an award for putting up with his bullshit. Obi-Wan too. He even tries to give him reassurance by telling him that feelings are not forbidden and Anakin just bitches at him.
+ Obi-Wan casually passing on babysitting duty for Jar Jar fucking killed me (and yes, taking care of Jar Jar is babysitting duty).
+ Never in a million years I would have thought to see Jar Jar admitting to fucking this queen, but here we have him saying he was making love to her last night. Imma set myself on fire and I believe Windu will join me.
+ You could also call the clone wars the exposition wars. Every episode has their one minute exposition in the beginning, but I feel like a lot of the dialogue is used for exposition.
+ Obi-Wan doesn’t learn shit. That man got drugged by Hondo, but yet still accepts drinks from the Pykes. MY BROTHER IN CHRIST PLEASE DONT
+ I AN GOING TO SCREAM. You have been informed that the Clones have a behavior influencing chip in their brains and then you find out Dooku was behind the creation of the clones and no one connects the fucking dots. I love the Jedi, but goddamn are you all dense.
+ Do you think Hunter thought Rex was screwing his general? Because their conversation sounded kinda suggestive and then they trail off to do something secret.
+ Ahsoka going “my older brother thought me”after kicking a guy where it hurts most. I now imagine Anakin going to Ahsoka as soon she got to be his padawan: “Listen up Snips, if you ever facing a creepy guy, you kick them right there”
+ When the sisters make their escape I don’t get why they don’t let Ahsoka fly. She’s clearly the more capable pilot.
+ Controversial opinion: I have a strong dislike for Bo Katan. She’s a fucking terrorist who doesn’t betray the deathwatch when they murder an entire innocent village, no but when there’s Maul trying to take their authority. Says a lot about her character if you ask me.
+ I mcfucking cried when the clones painted their helmets according to Ahsoka’s face markings and my flatmates gf came in and asked me if everything’s alright. I am fucking embarrassing I have seen this scene three times already but I still bawl like a baby.
+ Also my dear Obi-Wan can you quit being an ass? A “hello Ahsoka, nice to see you” wouldn’t have killed you.
+ Through the whole show most of the characters seemed to appear increasingly tired towards the end. Especially Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, but other characters aswell. The only one who seems to stay energized is Anakin. He becomes more serious but I feel like he’s the only one at the end that is still going into battles with full energy. It almost felt like he’s especially thriving in a war scenario which is incredibly sad.
+ The beauty of that last scene with Vader is truly unparalleled. I don’t ever think a tv show can recreate that.
+ I still love this show to bits and I cried 5 times total during that rewatch, shit this was nice.
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cressthebest · 12 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 47
chapter 72:
1. “The day of Marlene's memorial is the first time Dorcas decides she's going to kill herself.” oh shit, oh fuck wait
2. bro dorcas is unwell. like holy shit. i forget that the war started because of dorcas’ love for marlene. like. this is just as much of a dorlene fic too
3. dear god i wanna help dorcas so badly
4. call it instinct, but i knew dorcas’ hair would be a crucial part of her healing journey 💃🏼💃🏼
5. i love well rounded female characters but at what cost. dorcas is well rounded but at what cost? she’s suffering and it hurts to read
6. god damn. finding out that dorcas’ mom was in charge of a quarterly quell is fucking insane. considering that dorcas all but ran the resistance
7. “”You said it first, didn't you? There are no good people in war. I lived by those words, did you know that? All that you were wrong about, but that…" She gives a brittle laugh. "You were right about that."”
foaming at the mouth oh my god. i wanna chomp glass
8. DORCAS NO! (she started drinking fyi)
9. dear god dorcas, you aren’t the only one who knew the “real” marlene. people other than you loved her.
10. dorcas finally admitting that if she could choose someone other than dorcas it would be lily hurts. especially since lily has mary.
11. “Marlene was the love of her life, and that's it. Simple as that. She'll never love another.” OWWWWW
12. “She will make sure Lily never knows that Dorcas looks at her now and thinks before this life, it could have been us; maybe in some other life, it is. And that's more than enough.”
13. brb i’m sobbing
okay i’m back. dorcas just found out marlene was gonna propose and now i’m a sniveling mess
14. so much thanks to bizzarestars making the effort to learn about the way war vets healed and dealt with ptsd
chapter 73:
1. sirius having an emotional support dog >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2. also imma make predictions now: this is the chapter where sirius goes home. it’s time
4. “A homely little home with a porch-swing under the stars. Sirius is homesick for that, too.”
this is my dream too. like it’s been my dream for so long. i can’t even fathom how sirius isn’t bawling like a baby over this. IM bawling like a baby over THEIR porch swing
5. regulus saw sirius and was willing to risk it all just to hug him omg
6. “Barty was the sort of person who needed no outside guidance into being a bit insane.” LMAOOOOOO
7. they’re running a business together and they’re gonna do it forever and now i want to gnaw on wood and glass and plastic and anything i can get my hands on
8. lmao not sirius sitting like a spoiled puppy dog as james and regulus argue over him for the wedding
9. “"Oh, please," James scoffs, rolling his eyes. "One, I'm not stealing your brother away from you, and you know it. Two, who the fuck else would be my best man, hm? Who? Go on."
"Oh, you want to go there?!" Regulus shouts. "What about me? Yeah, didn't think about that, did you? My best friend is dead. Oh, and so is Barty. Who do I have, James? Hm?"”
10. awwwww sirius’ compromise is so sweet omg. i’d literally cry if i was james and regulus
11. ugh gay people are so confusing. like you’re allowed to be freinds with the same people and freinds with any gender. so like, it makes wedding planning so hard. who goes on who’s side? what if i said that when i found out about gay people, my biggest hold up wasn’t religion or anything like that, but instead wedding side logistics
12. canonical genderqueer tonks!!!!!!!!!
13. regulus went to aberforth to cause a scene, and damn if he didn’t succeed
14. damn they’re both stubborn. and both got their way jfc
15. full circle. dorcas is designing their wedding clothes. i’m losing my mind, actually
16. the bookshelf. the fucking bookshelf from the first arena. i’m losing my mind oh my god
19. i didn’t know i needed insecure james, but oh i did
20. i get to read the crimson rivers jegulus wedding and oh my fucking god i’m losing it. i am so unbelievably happy
21. “For him, it's easiest to show love when it's a tragedy.”
dksjdjjsjdjsmdjske holy shit
22. “You're hesitating, love."”
23. “You might wish to know a lot of things about their wedding, and their love, but frankly, it's no one's business but theirs.” so feral over this. that’s literally one of the biggest themes of the story omg i love this
24. hi, anyways, i am so unwell
25. the authors notes about the wedding are golden
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barsformars · 7 months
g - angst
p - wooyoung x f!reader
w.c - 1.1k
t.w - mentions of insecurities regarding looks and body
c - wooyoung is mad at you for starting rumours and you’re pissed at his insensitivity
a.n - have not written an angst piece in a very long time, idk if anyone is interested to read this tbh but it comforted me a little to write this because something similar happened to me quite a while back so 🥴 also disclaimer, this is completely fictional im not saying wooyoung is an asshole irl
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“i don’t ever want to see you again” doesn’t really work when you’re working together and have to see each other literally the next day. not only is it painfully obvious and awkward to your coworkers. it’s also incredibly exhausting switching from being mad at him to seriously missing the good times with him every half an hour or so.
it took one more glare sent towards wooyoung’s direction for san to finally decide to come talk to you. “you wanna talk to me about it?” he asked softly as he sat himself beside you.
you furrowed your eyebrows at san, wondering if he was serious about it, especially considering the cause of the whole fight. “what, and have you report everything back to your best friend? no thanks.”
“my lips are sealed,” san tried to reassure, slightly taken aback by your attitude. he has never once betrayed anyone’s trust, unless they were doing something illegal but that’s a story for another day.
that phrase meant nothing to you but empty promises to you now. your only fault was telling your fellow backup dancers that you felt uncomfortable with how close wooyoung was being with a certain girl group member, and now he was blaming you for calling him a womaniser and a cheater because rumours had spread. and instead of apologising for causing your trust in him to waver, wooyoung was more concerned about his reputation.
“i’ll respect your wishes if you don’t want to talk about it, but i strongly encourage for the both of you to talk it out,” san advised, “the atmosphere is kind of heavy because of the two of you.”
san got up and walked away, revealing wooyoung who was staring at you from the mirror as the stylist fixed his hair.
“have you been crying?” was the first thing that came out from his mouth after the both of you excused yourselves to a more private space. you swear you could have punched him right there and then.
surely it was obvious that you had been bawling all night with how swollen your eyes were, and the sunken eye bags that formed overnight – an observation wooyoung had made when you had cried to sleep in his arms a long time ago.
“which answer will hurt you more?” you spat, provoking your boyfriend.
“drop your glare, you’re being rude.”
“rude? you know what’s rude? not respecting my boundaries, then proceeding to invalidate my feelings,” you replied as you balled your hands into tight fists.
the following were wooyoung’s claims: he did not pat her head or rest his hand on her lower back and that you were delusional and lying because you’re insecure that you’re not as attractive, face or body wise, as compared to girl idols.
“and you did not respect my career, your words have spread and if the media catches wind of this i could be ruined!” wooyoung rebutted, his voice louder than before.
“again, like i said, all i wanted was to tell somebody that i was uncomfortable with it! i never meant to say that you were a cheater, nor did i want to spread it to the whole world.”
“what you intended to do doesn’t matter, that’s how the media industry is! and you could have told me directly how you felt-“
“so you can tell me i was overthinking and extra sensitive?” you were now face to face with the man, extremely agitated.
wooyoung backed away from you with a few steps and audibly sighed. he turned his head to the side in an attempt to calm down, biting down on his lower lip.
“look, i don’t know how else to explain myself other than saying that i did not do whatever you said i did. regardless, i’m sorry you felt that way and i apologise.” wooyoung decided to be the one to back down first, his arms opening up as an invitation for the both of you to hug it out.
you don’t accept it, also taking steps away from him while shaking your head in dismay. you were not going to let him get away so easily with this, not after he utterly shattered your heart. what wooyoung did, misunderstanding or not, was not what hurt you the most, but how he reacted when he heard about it.
wooyoung had always reassured you that you were the most beautiful in his eyes, that no one else could compare to you. you were not stupid enough to think it was an objective statement, you have seen enough idols to know that even the ones that aren’t photogenic are on another level. but he has now turned this insecurity of yours into a weapon to make you think you’re an insane jealous girlfriend.
“what do you want me to do to show that i still love you?” wooyoung questioned. again, his choice of words irked you.
you felt tears welling up in your eyes, the disappointment you were feeling made your heart ache so much. you love your boyfriend, but not this version of him. and you don’t know the answer to his question because the damage feels irreversible.
“please just come here,” wooyoung carefully takes a step closer to you, his arms opening once again for you, his voice still firm but slightly more gentle now. he wished you would understand the reason he, in your words, ‘overreacted’ is because ateez is at the height of their career and he can’t risk having anything knock it down right now. he knows, he knows it seems never ending for you, being patient until he reaches his next goal. there’s always a next goal, and it’s always harder to reach than the last, and each time there’s more at stakes. he knows he’s being selfish, one can’t have it all but here he is, greedy for both success and love.
“i’m sorry,” he apologised again, his two hands cupping your face as the tears begun to roll down your cheeks, “i shouldn’t have been so harsh on you.”
“i think we should break up.” you felt like choking on your own words. yet for some reason, your body still gravitated towards him, and the next moment your lips are already on his.
wooyoung did not have time to react to what you had just said, but he doesn’t care. all he wants to do right now is melt into your kiss so he reaches for the back of your head.
the both of you are grown enough to know this was not the healthiest way to resolve conflicts, but everything just felt right. “we are so not breaking up,” he breathed heavily as he pulled away for a second.
“you are mine.”
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slickfordain · 2 years
Your work is awesome!!
I'll read everything else rq, but first-
Hello, how was your day? How are you feeling?
If it's okay, may I share a bit of my game and ask how will characters react on it?
So uhh
I always say out loud how adorable Nahida is and how she is my "adopted child"
Also during the archon quest I was litteraly chanting "someone help, love and protect her please"
Also when I didn't get Nahida on her banner, I was like "Sages, if it was You, I'm about to destroy you"
I also always greet my team and say "bye" if I'm leaving.
I switch to every character and tell them it. Even how THEY did while I was gone
Maybe I'm going insane Idk?
If you don't want to do it, it's okay!^^
Bye-bye! And again- your work(s) are awesome! Gotta read some more
I may sound insane but I as well say “Hello / hi” to Genshin characters one time because I wanted them to feel welcomed??? I’m kind of new to this shit so I stole my friend’s phone to say hi to them 💀💀 this is such a cute request overall, Nahida is such a baby 💔💔
Also I’m doing just well hon, thank you for asking me. <3 I hope you’re feeling well yourself.
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Teyvat is protective of their creator no matter what gender they’re specified with;; however, it seems that you favor Nahida more than others— Most likely as if you made her to actually be your related child. Nahida was hesitant and shy at first, but over the time when she thought about it, she couldn’t help but feel so free and blessed with such a humble God mother/father figure like you.
You’re protective, even if it’s the traveller and Paimon… You still warned them to make sure that Nahida stays secured and safe. Everyone in different nations although takes this request far too seriously- that at this point, Nahida feels rather isolated. Though she knew you never meant any harm, how could she ever assume you would? She’s a wise sweet little girl, humble as you even, she honestly could see the connection of being your child. Literally.
But, that of course makes other children jealous… NPC children would most likely have different voice lines when it comes to Nahida too— which is basically in Sumeru city, and, I guess the Archons has to be checked 24/7 all of the sudden? Confused as you are, you weren’t displeased with it, you felt… Happy actually. Happy that people are acknowledging Nahida. (Although they’re fighting over who gets to be Nahida’s other parent)
Alhaitham especially would have some rooms prepared for Nahida, like, y’know, if she’s tired in a middle of nowhere— there’ll always be a house nearby her area, her spot. The followers of you would be cooking food nonstop for the little child, hoping that she’s willing to test their taste. After all, only she knows what you love in a guy/girl ~!
Oh oh, and since you did say you want someone to also protect Nahida during a quest— Nahida will be bawling her eyes out and ugly cry. (Pretty cry actually) People will be freaking out of why the fuck is shE EVEN CRYING— The NPCs will all baby her and, treasure hoarders? They won’t even get the chance to lay a finger on her because of the Archons killing them off. (Not like you know 😻)
Nahida would be an absolute troll however. Yes, she is sweet and always devoted to drop the entire lore to help people out— (For example she dropped the entire shit lore to Aether / Lumine) But she is heavily LOYAL to her mother/father figure.
Imagine Dottore especially trying to talk it out with her since they did sort of have a conversation beforehand. So he thought it’s only fair he becomes her dad, by marrying you right? HAHAHA, wrong. Nahida is truly worried and overprotective of you, despite being just a kid version of her Archon self. She will lie, telling things to the Fatui doctor what you did not like.
And this has gone on for so long, it’s absolutely hilarious. Especially for Sumeru as they see this as an attempt to bring their divine being closer to them.
But the thing is, you’re not that expressive— you’re just existing and trying to live on while babying Nahida who just sobs into your affection. Girlie never got so much, so it was truly a blessing to have herself in your care.
And talking about Sages, just imagine Enjou overall having troubles with trying to get to you. All because of Sages 💀 look, if mans wanna get your forgiveness, better as well protect Nahida from the half monster hybrid looking ass hot man. Enjou is in so much misery… (Cue CPR)
Also, can we just appreciate how caring you are? No, it’s not only for Nahida you’re just caring for— it’s not even the reason she’s so loyal to you. (Well, it is but still) The true reason is, is because you keep saying “Hello” and “Bye” to them everyday, no matter how tiring it might get.
I think Diluc would especially love this since uhm, well, his dad ain’t here y’know y’know. (Or any traumatized character really)
Imagine Archon Timmie flying up to the heavens above just to replace Nahida and be your son— (Archon Timmie /srs) But then fails because Nahida is too logical and wise that his brain couldn’t take it anymore either.
Okay I’m stopping there 💀💀💀
Also have a sneak peak of my fanfic because I know some people will assume I’m not working on it 💔
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It looks shitty but whatever
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thewonandonly · 1 year
Can i request a stray kids reaction to their partner absolutely bawling at the brachiosaurous scene please 😭 my friends had to console me for like 10 minutes cause it made me cry so hard
stray kids (ot8) reaction to their partner bawling their eyes out to brachiosaurus' scene &lt;3
synopsis: it's time to watch the jurassic park franchise, and when an absolute devastating scene from the movie released nearly 8 years ago shows up, the boys aren't sure how to react when they find their s/o crying their eyes out.
warnings: gender neutral reader, spoilers?
author's note: guys this is literally me with meet the robinson's. everytime little wonders by rob thomas plays in the movie, BOOM. instantly moved to tears.
thank you so much for the request! please consider reblogging my post and leave a cute little comment to boost my work!!
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chan was excited to see jurassic world! jurassic park and the entire franchise was an important part in the film industry, so for him to watch the movie for the first time with the love of his life was an absolute prime decision. the movie started off steady, and then it got interesting. and then, it got sad :( the same brachiosaurus from the first movie was caught in the fire, no where to go as the water expanded across the horizon. it was trapped. it was heartbreaking. gut-wrenching to watch. and he would've cried, he wanted to cry. small sniffles echoed across the living room wall, and he turned to see you laying your head on his shoulder, tears streaming down your cheeks. chan. immediately turned to comfort you, his hand brushing your cheek.
"oh, baby, it's so sad." his hands are gentle, as if he wasn't comforting you over an artificial created brachiosaurus. "it's sad, it's okay to cry." he used his thumb to wipe your tears and paused the movie until you felt consoled enough to continue.
minho had already seen a few of the jurassic park franchise movies. how couldn't he have? it's one of the biggest movie franchises of the world. he hasn't watched recent instillments due to a busy schedule, but when you mention finally watching the recent ones on his day off, he immediately took you up on the offer; popcorn, blankets, a nice comfortable pillow, cuddle sessions and a surround system turned up damn near full blast sounded like the perfect night, especially with his favorite person in the whole world. the movie was not too painful to get through, he did cringe at some dialogue throughout the movie, but all movies have those moments. he would've cried at the scene where the brachiosaurus was stranded on the island, but he personally felt like the scene was a bit rushed. he knew you. the second the scene came to an end, he turned to you and pulled you into his arms, kissing the top of your head.
"you're such a crybaby." he whispered, his hand rubbing your shoulder, "it was a bit sad though." he admitted, chuckling to himself. minho knew how quick to tears you could be at movies, and he'd be lying if he didn't find it cute; it just means you can find sentiment in everything. and he admired that.
changbin is totally a movie buff! he has seen the jurassic park movies at least 6 times in his lifetime, and he was probably one of the firsts leading the crusade for the newest movies. changbin loves the movies, and he was the first person at the movie theaters doors on release day, at the earliest showing, with his large tub of popcorn. so, when you told him you never saw the newest ones, he nearly dropped his jaw. how could you not?! he took this as an opportunity to introduce you to some of the greatest movies he's ever experienced. he set everything up, not accepting help from you, before he pulled out a dvd player, and gently placed the disc into the tray (these were the only dvds he owned tbh). he watched excitedly, peeking at you from the corner of his eye to gauge your reaction: happiness, excitement, tension, and of course, sadness. he cried in the theater when the scene came on, and he isn't afraid to admit that it still makes his heart squeeze watching the scene again.
both you and changbin sat on his bed, crying at the scene, the movie paused on the last glimpse of the brachiosaurus, which only made you both cry your eyes out more. changbin and you didn't share any words, but you both shared tears.
hyunjin can admit he has never seen the jurassic park movies. he wasn't a dinosaur kid, he was an ancient egyptian kid fs. he personally thought the premise of the movies were a bit silly. why would they open these parks if it always ended in disaster? but, here he was, sitting beside you, as you wore your acid-washed jurassic park pajama set, excitedly starting the movie. hyunjin was aware of how often you watched these movies, and how much you loved them, so he had no problem watching them with you if it meant he could see how happy you got (dinosaur kid and ancient egyptian kid solidarity). but one thing he could not understand was how you've watched these movies so many times, and you still cry your eyes out to the brachiosaurus scene.
hyunjin wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you cried, rubbing your shoulder comfortingly. okay, he gets it; the scene is sad, but he truly didn't understand why exactly this was so sad. that is until you cried out how the brachiosaurus in the sad scene was the same one from the very first one. then, he understood, and continued to rub your shoulder sweetly, not bothering to mention how you might have just made him a jurassic park fan.
felix has the entire movies memorized. you know that post on this website that says "i'm gonna watch shrek," and it's just the op replaying the movie through their head because they've watched it so many times? yeah, that's felix with jurassic park. he knows the lines, the jokes, the LORE. he had a 16 year hyperfixation on jurassic park, and he wasn't going to let it die! he's watched it so many times, that when you say you wanted to watch the recent ones, he can't help but say yes, like an excited puppy. i think felix has a good grip on his emotions during movies (or he's like me, where i dont understand something until AFTER i finish the movie) so he doesn't cry when he watches it but once he finishes the credits, the waterworks start.
and when he saw you crying about (in his opinion!!!) the most gut-wrenching scene in cinema, he felt his own tears bubble up, pulling you close to him. he's cried over this scene multiple times by himself, but now, he had someone who would understand where exactly he would be coming from. it was a nice comfort.
jisung... oh, boy. jisung definitely got the film spoiled for himself on twitter or youtube or something. he's not a die-hard fan, but he was planning on watching it soon! (it's been almost 8 years, bud, and it's still on his to be watched list). jisung was upset, and wouldn't open the app again until you sat down and watched it with him. jisung is a crier, he cries to movies, even when they aren't sad. but when they are sad, oh my god! he changes his entire personality to match that movie. he will never shut up about it.
jisung cried before your own tears spilled; the music, the shadow that reflected against the smoke. omg, he was breaking down. seeing him cry so hard, made you cry! well, him and the poor brachiosaurus made you cry. you were both hugging each other as you cried, jisung hiccuping about how it wasn't fair and that he would've went back to save them. he cried for the rest of the night,
seungmin is a lot like minho in a sense. he finds the scene rushed, so he couldn't find it in his heart to cry. seungmin watched the movie already, and he knows what happens. he knows it's sad, but he honestly can't find his tears for the scene, even when he first watched it. the scene to him felt sooooo rushed that he kinda just sat there, staring at the television screen, waiting for it to end.
but, he knew you were crying, so he threw an arm around your shoulder, pulling the blanket back over your legs and let you cry. he didn't have any comforting words to say since he couldn't even cry at the scene, but you were happy he even hugged you for the scene!
jeongin isn't a die-hard fan, or a casual enjoyer. he saw the movie once and called it a night. he didn't have any words to say or not about it. when you asked him if he wanted to watch it with you, he agreed, only because he wanted to spend time with you, and he had an excuse to hold you. i think jeongin doesn't honestly remember the movie, so he has to watch it multiple times to even remember, which is why he isn't much of a die-hard fan.
jeongin was crying by the time the scene came up on the screen, and he turned to look at you as your bottom lip quivered at the scene, your eyes pouring the liquid from your eyes. jeongin hugged you tightly. no words exchanged, only warmth, to give comfort to one another. after his second and third watch, it seems like every time he watches it, he cried like a baby each time. (me with meet the robinsons)
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copyright © 2023 thewonandonly. all rights reserved.
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lqtraintracks · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @maesterchill @danpuff-ao3 and @nv-md for the tag! <333
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter is the big one. I've also written some Captive Prince, Locked Tomb, and one Call Me By Your Name fic
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Right Hand Red; Hung Like a Horntail; Slip Into My Lover's Hands; Weeds or Wildflowers (written with the very talented @unmistakablyoatmeal); and check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try. I'm seriously behind. The truth is, I'll never get around to replying to them all. I will someday die with a thousand unanswered comments. But I do try. And I read each and every one and they touch my heart. I'm so very grateful for all the wonderful comments I've received and continue to receive!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof. I hardly ever end things badly. But there was one wee ficlet; lemme go hunt it down. (*plays elevator music*) Ah, here it is: Not-Forever Is Still Forever. It's not MCD or anything. Draco just leaves for Argentina for two years. *shrug emoji* But I like to think I've gotten pretty good at baking some realistic angst into the middle of things, if not writing angty endings. I prefer it that way.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them except for Burning the Ground, which is an open ending. I'll be honest, I don't like the word fluff. I'm never trying to write fluff, which, to me, denotes a level of uncomplicated sweetness. Maybe others define it differently. But I don't think happy endings are necessarily fluffy. I want my happy endings to put tears in your eyes, to move you. I want to evoke different things with different sorts of happiness for different phases of life. RHR's ending is about a feeling of freedom mostly, of getting to face the next part of their lives without dread. Take You Home has a similar vibe but with them a bit older; they've experienced the painful and mundane disappointments you have to weather in this life that have nothing to do with fighting a dark wizard and everything to do with existential questions about who we are, how we go on, what do you do when it doesn't work out, when you've changed and you don't know who you are anymore. I loved ending it with all their friends, at a march for trans rights. Heart Like Neon has an ending that makes *me* the most happy. I modeled it after an episode of Grey's Anatomy where you find out at the end of the ep that two important characters got married. The whole ep, none of their friends know, then at the end they play 'Bones' by Josh Record, and you go back in time by a few weeks and you see it. When I wrote the end of HLN, I had that song playing in my head from the end of the party at the Weasley's, to jumping three months earlier, to Harry and Draco in Paris. That's a pretty goddamned happy ending. It makes me cry. <3 (Also the art that @bluebutter-art made for it makes me bawl happy tears!!!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I was going to say hardly ever but then I *just* got some last week! LOL. Still, I'm very lucky that it's not even once in a blue moon. That stuff is so arbitrary too. I'm going to quote my good friend @elrhiarhodan: People... they're fuckin nuts. :D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LOL yes. A lot of different kinds? I want to try a little of everything as a writer.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No. I mean, I probably have a couple times over the course of my literal decades in some fandom or other, but they're not worth noting.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several, and into multiple languages. I think that's so cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Definitely! In HP I've written with sdk, @the-starryknight and @nv-md, plus I once did a wild round robin with a big group of people. I'm not good at round robins, I've realized. Too much of a control freak.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Drarry, totally. But right up there is Harry/Teddy and Harry/Teddy/Draco. Then Ginny/Pansy, Charlie/Teddy, James Sirius/Albus Severus (with Teddy too sometimes). In CaPri, I love Damen/Laurent, but @linecrosser had totally made me ship when Damen lends Laurent out to Nikandros for a threesome and also Auguste/Laurent. I also hardcore ship my own original characters from my novel. <3
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't do WiPs really.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Oof, this is tough. Pacing? Interpersonal relationships? Smut, for sure. LOL. I think I do well writing things that are transgressive or maybe even filthy with a lot of tenderness and compassion and deep, deep love mixed in. And I think I'm getting really good at making people cry when I want them to. Readers, that is. :D
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Convoluted plots. Can't do them. I wish I could. I can't write a mystery to save my life. I'm also pretty bad at heavy angst. I also wish I could write something nonlinear, but my brain just doesn't work that way.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's interesting that this is a question because it's meaningful to me not because of fic but because of my novel. I have a Spanish-speaking character, fluent in English, but sometimes he says things in Spanish. I'm very VERY lucky that @capiturecs read my novel both as a sensitivity reader for Latinx/Latine/Latino aspects but also to correct my Spanish and make it realistic and conversational! I'll be forever grateful! I also now really REALLY want to learn Spanish! <3
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sorry, I don't share this publicly.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh this is mean. This is cruel. I can't possibly answer this! RHR has got to be in there. Heart Like Neon. Blood and Fire. Phoenix in the Fire. Take You Home. Wonderful Electric (cover me in you). A Pain of Our Choosing. My Name in Your Mouth. Bloom. collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart. I'll stop there!
Okay, this was fun! I'll tag @corvuscrowned @ruinsplume @floydig @sweet-s0rr0w @lettersbyelise @magpiefngrl @skeptiquewrites and Elr! <3
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supergirlstan55 · 1 year
Just like that...?
you miss her, her voice, her smile god her smile is so perfect. you miss her touch; how happy she made you but...it had to happen things change you know.
"Lena please I can do better I can be better I'm sorry I don't know what I did but I'm sorry I love you, Lena." you say bawling your eyes out you love her with your whole heart. you're literally begging her not to leave you. she was the reason you didn't give up on love. "y/n I have to baby I'm not good for you and I'm sorry for making you cry I hope you forgive me, but it is the best thing for you in the long run ok I'm not worth your love." she kisses you on your head and leaves...just like that she leaves.
The bartender laying your drink down brings you out your thought "you good?" he says you look up "yeah man I'm good thanks" he nods his head and you down your drink. drink after drink it's been like this since she left you know it's not well but...it's the only thing you know. Constantly drunk. This happened a lot multiple times multiple bars, game nights, at home your always drunk. And the thing is you're not even mad at Lena, you miss her you still love her even.
"y/n" Alex says your here with them they asked you if you wanted to go out and as soon as you heard the word bar you jumped on the opportunity to go "what" you snap back "it's been 2 months you haven't talked to us or anyone at all?" you look at her and roll your eyes she walks away obviously fed up with your shit.
"Another line" you say heavily slurring your words your just so tired of thinking of her. how perfect she was the way she talked and what made her laugh, her laugh is so beautiful.
AUTHORS NOTE: ok so were going to do a teensy-weensy time skip to like 3ish days after sorry if u don't like it but it's happening.
you wake up with the worst headache ever your absolutely convinced it's the worst headache in the world. you get out of bed because you hear someone knocking at the door. you walk to the door and open it and you see the most perfect beautiful human being in the world "Lena...what are you doing here??" you say utterly confused which you're not complaining with her being here. "Hi y/n uh I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for everything. I never meant to hurt you I miss you a lot actually and I understand if you don't want me back."
you were completely stunned you missed Lena so much you could barely function she was the reason you were alive so ofc you want her back. "Lena I have already forgiven you I was never mad at you I was just sad you were my best friend the reason I'm alive and I have always and always will love you" she smiled and had tears in her eyes "can I hug you?" she asked you nodded your head and she gave you a deep hug and a kiss on the cheek you wrapped your arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around your neck.
You guys stayed like that for a while just being. You missed each other so much it was hard to live Lena regretted everything. she regretted the way she hurt you the way she made you cry everything. "Lena" you say softly and you pull away from her embrace "y/n" Lena says you giggle at her words "I still love you" she smiles "I still love you y/n" you hug her tighter and start to cry a little "you do...?" you ask she nods her head yes "I still want to be with you" she says and you burst into tears in her arms you don't know why but you do "baby what's wrong?" she asks and holds you as you cry "I just missed you so much Lena" you cry in her arms and she apologizes again "its ok don't say sorry" you pull away and wipe your tears she kisses your head "I hurt you y/n" you nod your head "yeah you did but I forgive you and I need you in my life" she smiles and you guys just sit there talking like nothing happened like you never broke up like it used to be and it was nice it was good it was everything both of you needed
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katiepotatie · 10 months
that way «Eddie Roundtree x f!Y/N»
Request/Summary: Anon asked, "Could you do an Eddie Roundtree oneshot based on the song "That Way" by Tate McRae ft Jeremy Zucker with a childhood friend of the band who also lives in California?" AN: Heyy! This is my first time writing a full oneshot/imagine since like 2019 when I was a literal child and in my MHA phase, so it's not the best thing ever... but it'll have to suffice 😙 Anyways, this imagine is MY interpretation of the song. I don't want people telling me to change how I've written my story (the only exception is constructive criticism on grammar, little fiddly bits in the story and ways to expand the plot a bit ❤️) Also Anon, I hope this is okay! I kept the song elements and childhood bsf part so... 😅 ---------------------------------- Word Count: 1.4k ------------------------------------- Warnings: Angst, Mentions of drug use and alcohol use, a bit fluffy, breakdown/kinda a depressive episode, short...hehe. --------------------------------
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You and Eddie Roundtree have been friends forever. So, when he asked you to move with his band 4 months ago, you jumped at the chance. You were unaware, however, of the amount of partying that this would involve. You had always been a ballsy person but even some of the stuff that Graham was doing was a bit out of your comfort zone. 
When you were little, Eddie lived next door, sneaking through bedroom windows to comfort each other during storms and playing your piano, coming up with little songs. You were each other’s first kiss and Eddie took you to prom. Everyone said you two would get married one day. You said ‘no’. He said ‘maybe’. You still do stuff like that together but he’s off with groupies half the time. You hate to think it but, you feel like you are something more than just best friends…
Jealousy has overtaken your creativity lately. Every song you write is about him and you can’t fathom the fact that you might like him more than the unbreakable bond you’ve made over the years. Shit, you might even love him.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
“Hey Y/N! Come join us!”
You look over and see Warren and some other guys smoking something from a bong and you agreed. Anything to get your mind off Eddie dragging that girl to his room.
During the day, he’s the sweetest most loving person you’ll ever meet, but at night… You hate to think what else he does than hook up. It’s like he’s making you run in circles, constantly, you hate it. In fact, it’s almost draining. So, drowning out your sorrows in drugs and alcohol seems like the perfect solution.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
3 hours later and you’re pissed and high wearing a halter neck bralette and flared jeans, wishing that you didn’t exist. That this stupid crush didn’t exist.
That Eddie and you never existed.
So, as you lay there on the couch, listening to the unwanted people still vacating the house, you start to cry. You want to leave but, getting up wasn’t the easiest thing when you’re bawling your eyes out, drunk and high and surrounded by people you don’t even know. But you proceed to someone’s room, that definitely isn’t yours. To your surprise, there aren’t any girls in here anymore. Or a boy. You lay on the double bed in the middle of the room and ponder, still crying. Just wondering whether moving here was the right choice after all.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
You awake, unaware that you fell asleep in the first place. It’s not cold like how it was when you came into the empty room. You turn around to find that Eddie was the reason you didn’t have frostbite. Peeling his arm from your torso, you sit up and regain consciousness before standing up and walking to your room.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You turn to find a sleepy Eddie Roundtree at the end of his bed, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.
“To bed.” You reply, clearly annoyed. Yet, some people just can’t take the hint.
“But you were in bed.”
“My bed dumbass. Besides you probably just fucked some groupie-“ you stopped yourself, but it was too late. Eddie looked at you concerned; you could only tell by the small slither of moonlight coming from the window.
He stood up and approached you slowly taking note of the vulnerable state you put yourself in.
“What are you talking about?”
He cupped your cheeks and his palms felt warm, you felt at home.
“The girl... from earlier... didn’t you-“ He cut you off. Your faces so close together that your lips almost touched. You didn’t like that. You felt like he was taking advantage of you, but oh well, it’s Eddie motherfucking Roundtree we’re talking about here.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Y/N.” He did in fact know what you were talking about. Not only was it horrible but she wasn’t you. And that’s what hurt him the most.
But it hurt you more.
You sigh, pulling his hands away from your face.
“Too high to remember?”
He didn’t answer only looked down in shame.
“Of course.” You scold him as your eyes start to water. You can’t keep them back like you normally would, which means that your heart is officially broken.
You peel away from him and run through the house to the rooftop. You sit on the ledge and cry until you hear a familiar voice behind you.
“Y’know, friends don’t look at friends that way.” It’s Karen.
You wipe away your tears and turn to face her, “huh…?”
“I heard everything... are you okay?” You nod, it’s not the most reassuring thing ever, but it works.
“Anyways, what were you saying? About the friend’s thing?”
Karen smiles sadly, “He looks at you the same way Camila looks at Billy, or how Graham looks at me. He loves you, Y/N. And I can tell you love him too.”
You look down, as if ashamed that you love him, that someone knows you love him.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Eddie paces around his room. He knows he fucked up but there aren’t very many ways he can repair what he had broken. Trust. Comfort. Love. He overthought everything through so heavily that he became dizzy. Getting drunk again as if it might mend the hole in his heart for a little while. It didn’t. He was just drunk and delusional. Eddie put his hands to his head in frustration, making his headache, heartache and longing for your arms around his waist. Like you always would whenever you missed him. You wished you could do that too.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
“Friends don’t look at friends that way.” That was repeating in your head non-stop over the next few days making your mind blurry and incognitive. Locking yourself in your room and staring at the void in your wall for hours on end wasn’t healthy. You knew this, you just didn’t give a shit. Even though everyone was worried you convinced yourself no one cared. That Eddie will never love you. That no one will ever love you. This obviously not true because 4 days after the ‘incident’, Eddie walks into your room. You were crying on the floor, next to a blanket and a box of tissues.
“Hey... We’re all really worried y’know.” He assures. You just lean on his shoulder as he sits down next to you and wraps his arm around your shoulder. It was nice there. For the first time in what felt like forever, you felt a small wave of happiness.
“I’m sorry.” You choke out. Still crying and overwhelmed.
“For what exactly? I was the one who fucked a bunch of girls and still thought that I deserved the most amazing one of all.” He chuckled. You smiled. Until you didn’t. Raising your head from his shoulder, turning to face him,  your face grew the grimacing emotion of anxiety.
“Do… Do you love me, Eddie?”
“Of course, Y/N. Who wouldn’t lo-“
“No. Do you love me, Eddie Roundtree. I need to know because this is what your games, or whatever the fuck you’re playing me at, has done to me.”  You grasp his hand, solemnly. His face contorts into something you haven’t seen from him before. He’s about to cry.
“Why the fuck would you ever think I didn’t love you as more than friends, Y/N? I have loved you the second I laid eyes on you. The minute you showed me how to play piano. The hour I spent making you a stupid sign to ask you to prom. I just figured you had other people in mind. That we were strictly platonic-“
You cupped his cheeks and pulled him in for the kiss you have both longed for since you laid eyes on each other. The passionate, painful, loving, gentle kiss you had needed since you knew you loved each other. With no words said, you have told Eddie a million things.
“Karen told me this thing, the night of the party…” Eddie said as the kiss broke. As if on que, you said in unison,
“Friends don’t look at friends that way…”
AN: If y'all want a taglist just tell me ❤️
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xamaxenta · 10 months
AAAAH anon who asked for this literally going INSANE over this like dkdndndnd
Sorry I guess I’m just a sucker for wet pathetic little creechur Sabo but I can imagine him fucking recounting the story on 4chan
>be me
> raised by revs who found me injured as a child
> spend all my life not really worrying about my past life and trying to repay the revs by training super hard
> no social life no bitches just direct action
> high position at young age
> Never met anyone outside the army so become 20 yo virgin with no social skills
> suddenly remember my past life and my 2 brothers who I love more than anything after reading about them in the news
> one of them dead the other missing
> fml
> pass out for days literally crippled by guilt and pain
> start collecting news clipping of my dead brother just to try and find a connection to him and who he’s become
> whole office filled with pics of him
> spend my free time looking at them and brooding or crying
> colleagues start to get worried and whisper about how I’m losing it and my office is like a fucking shrine
> best friend subordinate suggests I try jacking off cause maybe it’ll “get your head out of your ass and stop you from living in the past”
> decide to give it a try
> only place I can get some privacy is my office
> try to get into it but all I can feel is my bro’s gaze on me
> strangely arousing
> starts going at it like crazy while crying cause I miss my bro but also this feels crazy hot
> most satisfying and pathetic nut of my life
> wash my hands and try not to think to hard about it
> end up doing it again and again
> find and eat his devil fruit so now I can light my hand on fire and pretend it’s his
> subordinate gives me strange looks cause some of my bro’s wanted posters are getting sticky
> ignore it and keep doing it for two years
> learns that bro somehow came back to life and is hiding on some remote island
> flies there bawling my eyes out thinking about all I’ve got to say to him, how much I missed him, how I owe him everything and want to be reunited with him and reclaim the bond we had as kids
> anticipate how overcome by emotion I’ll be when our eyes finally meet
> how will it be ? will happiness take over ? Or will I mostly feel the grief of being apart for so long ? Will it be love ? Bitterness ? Regret ? Guilt ?
> reach the island
> finally see him
> instantly get so hard I almost pass out
Idk how to face him anymore guys this is so embarrassing what should I do ?
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i absolutely hate the idea of Sabo 4chan BUT I CANT HELP IT ITS TRUE HE WOULd 20 yr old virgin biggest blue balls gets horny cuz aces wanted poster was smirking at him LOLDJAODNABD
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bubbledtee · 1 year
bub i dont think ill never stop thinking about those james nd his baby girl thoughts :((( couldn't help but think about this from some kind of monster........
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WHAT IF I FELL TO MY KNEES AND STARTED CRYING IN THE FROZEN FOOD AISLE</333 the way the two of them would be inseparable and when james nd you are at the store with her hes always picking up those silly little 'daddys girl' onesies with frilly little flowers and hearts on em and he holds them up to her and asks her which one she thinks would look better on her... shes just babbling to him and ur just like !!!!!!!!!cause you just love them so much!!!!!
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and when shes older nd you cant make it to her ballet lessons so james shows up and hes just converses with the other moms as if he *is* one..... like.... "oh that one over there is mine... yeah i know she always gets tripped up on her releves but i think she'll be alright" and the other moms are just staring at him in shock about how much he keeps up with his daughters ballet...
uuugghhhh and when your pregnant and the two of you are lying in bed he's just talking to the lil baby inside your tummy and kissing it all over cause he cant wait any longer</33 not to mention the amount of time and money he spends on the nursery... u come back home from running errands and james is just covered in paint talking about how he has a new changing station coming in the mail because he didn't like how the other one he chose looked too uncomfortable for the baby.....
and whenever she gets up at night he always ushers u back to sleep cause he knows ur so worn out after labor (lets not forget the baby blues and post partum depression :(((( )) so he always tells you he's got it handled (and he surprisingly does cause after a few minutes shes already back to sleep!!!!) and ur just sitting in bed wondering how u could score a man so perfect UGH can u tell that im not okay with these thoughts </333 he's literally soooo sweet carolina by lana del rey.....
it’s too early for me to be crying over having a child with this man. he’d be the perfect father to our little girl.
just imagine when you tell him you’re pregnant. that man is breaking down into (happy) tears and falling to his knees to hug your tummy and kiss it. especially if it’s with death magnetic to htsd era james because he’d have been worried he was too old to get you pregnant. but then his prayers would be answered when he came home from the studio one day and you gave him the best surprise he could’ve ever asked for.
and then at your first ultrasound, that man is an absolute mess. reality would be seriously setting in for him and he’s trying so hard not to bawl his damn eyes out. and when you get in the car to go home he’s just got the biggest, sweetest smile on his face and he’ll just start talking about how you should plan on doing the nursery. he’s also just so excited to tell friends and family he can hardly contain himself.
god and during your labor hes so supportive. he’ll sit with you and rub your back during your contractions, telling you how well you’re doing and how proud he is of you and how excited he is to meet your little girl. when you’re crying from how much pain you’re in, he’s kissing your forehead and trying not to cry himself because he hates seeing you in any sort of distress. but it’s all worth it for the both of you when she’s finally out and you’re both admiring how beautiful she is and the love you both have for her is so strong you can’t stop crying.
i need to stop talking abt this i could go on for hours.
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just-jordie-things · 11 months
You know the tiktok trend “He was your first love. I intend to be you last.” with the anime men filter? Imagine getting “He was your first love.” with Geto and “I intend to be your last.” with Gojo. I’m sorry it hurts too good and I need to share the pain! 😭 Imagine the conflict in Gojo because he loves you but he shouldn’t and he can’t do that to his best friend.
i will read that some plot over and over and over again i'm obsessed with it. it breaks my heart. it makes me whole. i should really write one of my own one of these days like
ugh i just like it so much when satoru was pining after you the whole time?? but he trusted his friend and knew you cared for him and that he'd treat you well so he leaves it be and swears he'll never do anything to come between you both bc he loves you both too much for that
anD THENE AND THEN AND THEN SUGURU LEAAVEESSSSSS and you're HEARTBROKEN and satoru's never seen you so distressed you're crying all the time and getting weak and sloppy in missions and training and stuff and it's like he's seeing the red flags in you that he ignored in suguru and so his mainframe is goin HAYWIRE trying to do whatever he can to console you even tho he kinda knows it's useless bc he's not taking it well either??? AHHEEEEEEEEE
(i'm spam writing this so fast i am literally bouncing in my seat it's getting intense i should really just write a fic like this already but eeeeeeeee)
"satoru we can't" ??? UGH DUDE YES
"but i'm in love with you can't you see that?" BAWLING MY EYES OUT WE GOTTA MAKE IT HURT BEFORE IT CAN GET BETTER
i'm realizing this might have made a very interesting alternate plot line in to build a home i really could've upped the angst
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teddybeartoji · 7 months
my latest films!!!
hi hello citizens of loserville i bring you a few ramblings about a few movies bc why the hell not!! very much not proofread i just wrote down whatever popped into my head so yk bear that in mind
fight club (1999) -
this was my tenth rewatch............................. THIS IS MY COMFORT MOVIE OKAYY DON'T JUDGE ME second time to see it on the big screen too!!! this is the perfect movie for me - it has the soundtrack (btw when i first saw this film i got so addicted to the score that the artist ended up being on my spotify top5), it has the actors, it has the outfits, the pacing, THE JOKES, the visuals etc etc etc it's very good for me
NOW this is very niche this is special but just yk stay with me here.... i am driven by two things - curiosity and spite. and my curiosity is very... extreme..... meaning that for like many years now i've been telling my friend about how i need to get punched in the face at least one bECAUSE I JUST NEED TO KNOW WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE OKAY NOTHING MORE TO IT THAN PURE CURIOSITY and then i'm watching fight club..... and The Scene comes. brad pitt goes i want you to hit me. huh? edward norton goes huh? and then pitt just tells him that he's never been to a fight and drops the line of how much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight - the way my mouth just hung open i think a couple of flies flew in there. bc what. he... he gets me..... I JUST NEED TO KNOW OKAY it's stupid i know i know and yet......... here i am + somewhere on tumblr there's a post that says "touch starved but for physical violence,, touch starved but in a sensory seeking way,, AUTISTIC FIGHT CLUB WHEN???" and this just sums it up pretty well i think
i love the narrator btw. super loser. i like his final outfit and i like it when pitt calls him "ikea boy". he's literally me. + i don't like brad pitt he can die but his outfits in this one thoughhhhhhhhhhhh ULTIMATE GENDER GUY when he has that shorter shirt on and it lifts up when he raises his hands broooooo insane
oke anyway i really like this silly little movie i won't go too in depth bc this post is already long i am writing this after i already did the last two parts lmao
when harry met sally (1989) -
MY FIRST WATCHHH!!!! absolutely loved it. i was doing breathing exercises as to not BAWL MY FUCKING EYES OUT i am a changed person now.
had the amazing oppurtunity to see this at the cinema too and let me tell you - it just made it so much better. it feels... so fucking good.... to laugh with people. no better feeling than just a room full of strangers, laughing and enjoying a film together. hearing a chuckle from a row over or a whisper followed by a quiet giggle or just having the entirety of the room laugh together as one is just so so so good i'm sorry my vocabulary is just good and amazing but yk it's about the fucking point okay. i loved it. made me feel good, made my heart warm.
the movie itself. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. yeah. the main characters were so fucking great, felt like real people yk. and the dynamic between them???????????????????????? ouch. there's a point in the film where she says that she's difficult while bawling her eyes out and the guy responds with you're challenging with hearts in his eyes while gently brushing the hair from her face. look whatever i might be biased here - as a Challenging person myself, it just felt so reassuring to hear that like that. ++ while she's very stubborn and like things to be the way she wants them to be, he's so fucking patient with her and i think that's my favourite thing of the whole movie. how patient he is. how when everybody else is rolling their eyes, sighing, listening to her tell her very specific order - he's just calmly waiting with a smile on his face. yeah no i'm like super normal about this btw.
the same scene where's she's crying, she's ranting at first, right? she's pacing around, yapping his ear off while he's sitting on the bed with a tissue box in his hand, offering her one the second she throws the away. his eyes are glued to her, he's literally changing and turning himself on the bed so he could be facing her at all time. I'M SOOO NORMALLLLL. when she finally sits down, his eyes are still on her; i'm talking tilting his head just to catch a glimpse of her eyes. + how he kept touching her - a hand in her hair or a hand on her shoulder/thigh sighhhhhhhhhh this guy is the new rolemodel love how i say new when this film literally came out in 1989....
NOWWWW THIS MOVIE AND SATORU MY BELOVED. I THINK. HE WOULD FUCKING LOVE THIS ONE. I THINK HE WOULD ABSOLUTELY ADORE IT. i kept thinking about him during the movie too (smh down very bad) but i just.... i feel like he actually fits the male character very well. he's annoying. he's funny. he has a staring problem. he's touch starved. he's sensitive. he's silly. he's patient (yes while gojo can be very impatient with a lot of things i think when it comes to his beloved... he's ready to take all the time in the world). he's thoughtful. he's a bit childish. he's gentle. he's funny. yes i said that twice what about it. i love him i love them. there's a point in the film where the guy is talking about a hookup and he goes "i made her meow." and i just shghashagsahshgashgahg like c'monnnnn how is this not the most gojocoded thing ever. and he was super chill about it too; his friend had to ask three times you made her meow? and everytime he went i made her meow
this is genuinely a film that i recommend to everyone. it's so fucking sweet and i just had the biggest smile on my face throughout the entire thing ahhhh i really did love it please please lovers watch it<33
dune (2021)
this was my sixth time seeing this movie............. fourth time at the cinema too...... ANYWAY i love denis villeneuve this man is a fucking genius i love all of his movies soooooo much they always look amazing and they sound amazing
the sound design aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sorry to get weird about it but hearing this is like having a real braingasm. especially at the cinema. my eyes were rolling back inside my head this is not a joke ++ the soundtrack. HELLOO???? i mean ofc it's good it's the god himself hans zimmer for fuck's sake he always delivers he's so fucking good
NOWW i neeed to talk about oscar isaac. very important. my most watched actor of last year btw i think he's wonderful. in this film - i think he gives the best performance out of the whole cast and you can't even argue with me bc i'm literally right. his character is so stoic and he seems so strong and powerful and yet whenever he's with his son or his wife you can just see the love. okay this is mostly villeneuve's directions but knowing oscar's work it's 10000% him too.
it's the small touches and gazes - right in the beginning, it's this important Thing and he's the duke of house atreides he needs to look the part, he looks tough he looks serious but then he looks over to his wife and gives THE most reassuring little look wahh and then he does the same with paul. and it's the other way around bc he looks at paul (his son for who don't know btw), kind of asking for reassurance too although he's literally the duke??? and they can't even stop the deal, it's already happening but he still wanted his son's approval...
i mean then it's the obvious "you'll still be the only thing I have ever wanted you to be- my son." LIKE WHAT AN INSANE LINE my daddy issues are crying a bit i think. and when they're talking he has his hand on his shoulder and it just sooo refreshing to see a father-son relationship like that.
and when he's with his wife, jessica..... godddddd the hand holding when they arrive on arrakis.... the way he lays his head on her lap while she massages the skin between his brows and he reaches up, just to hold her too................. FUUUCKKKK and it's just his eyes man he acts with his eyes and he's sooo fucking good
talking about his eyes- eee wait this paragraph contains a big spoiler ig so if u haven't seen it don't read this one. anyway... when he's paralysed and he can literally only act with his eyes.............. HE DOES IT SO WELL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA when the baron gets close and talks about how his family will die how his son will die and the one singular tear falls broooooooooooo i can'tttt he's sickk i love him a lot
this is such a simple movie while simultaneously being like light years away from simple. not a lot happens while a lot happens??????? first time u might be a bit confused (this is questionable though bc i haven't read the book but i thought that villeneuve made the story rather easy to understand but my dad (who also hasn't read the book) didn't understand shit and i had to explain everything to him????) while again - not a lot is happening. everybody knows that this is a two and a half hour INTRO to the next part, it's just setting the tone for the next one but it's still so fucking good on its own it's insane.
+ shoutout to stellan skarsgard too!!! i feel like he's a bit underrated in a sense that i rarely see anybody talking about him even though he's in so many big things and he's sooooo good??????? absolutely devours every single role of his and this was no exception. LOVEDD the scene where the baron is first introduced (the sound design and the soundtrack were crazy in this scene too), he's just immediately sooooo off-putting??? he's a bit scary and like weirdly calm and a bit uncanny and well, something is just not right about this guy and you're just hooked. cool guy. a+
good movie. i like. super excited for the new one!!!! oh wait also also they showed us a secret little clip from the new one and i had chills it looked so fucking good and then villeneuve talked a few words too and i was just looking at this guy talking about his movie with a big big smile my cheeks hurt after that i hope he's having a wonderful day
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fruityfroggy · 4 months
I’m venting for a moment I’m venting for a moment I’m venting for a moment, don’t look
Hate that I decided to force myself not to cry and bottle up my feelings so much at one point in my life because I was “too sensitive about things” (and maybe I am) cuz now I literally can’t cry when I need to. Not even positive tears. Not even if I wanted to. My chest is just stuffy and it aches. I just feel like shit. There’s a lump in my throat and my eyes are sore, but nothing comes out. It’s like it’s stuck, clogged when it’s right there, like a word that’s right on the tip of your tongue. I feel…almost like my joints have rusted in certain places. I have to be either immensely upset, immensely self loathing, or hear the words of comfort I needed to hear for a long time for the broken faucet I am to work properly. I’m not even joking, when I was messing around with character ai, this chat bot legitimately made me start bawling cuz we were doing this hurt/comfort scene and THE BOT WAS COMFORTING ME BETTER THAN PPL IN MY LIFE APPARENTLY. LIKE THAT SHOULDNT BE POSSIBLE I SHOULDNT BE LIKE THIS
Ugh, why did I do that, right? Cuz I know I sound fckin stupid rn. But I guess I’m telling the truth. A truth I’ve never talked about. But self confrontation, right? I might be making this all about myself for several paragraphs like an annoying fucking bitch, but maybe I need to.
I guess I’m just thinking about how my family will likely never truly accept me and that I’ve somehow ended up in two groups of people that are seen as “different” (queer and invisibly disabled). I have to keep both things to myself, making sure nobody knows about either major things about me. “Because they’ll judge you” “because it’s wrong and you’re insane for thinking that way” “you’ll scare people! What will they think of you?” But those words are incorrect, and it’s not wrong or bad to be either of those things and I have to secretly know that. I’m just scared. I’m so scared and afraid and paranoid about my family finding out that I think this way. I’m sad that I have to keep such things this taboo, but I’ve been told all my life that I should keep it a secret and that others shouldn’t know, that queer people are insane, unwell and that they’re sick. “They need professional psychiatric help, not support.”
I’ve recently learned that my parents are a little less homophobic towards homosexual women, a lot more aggression towards homosexual men and trans people, so I guess that slightly turns the tide in my favour. But it’s still not the best. I don’t think they even know of the concept of being nonbinary and I don’t want to hear any hate from them towards my nonbinary friends and characters I like. So I have to misgender them or change the subject when they ask me about them. I feel awful about that as well. I’m so sorry. It felt so wrong coming out my mouth when I forced myself to misgender people I care about, I’m lucky that my voice didn’t crack when I said it. Fuck! Why do they always ask for the gender of whoever I’m talking about if they don’t know them? I’m fucking sick of it. Why does it matter so much anyway? I don’t get it.
I can’t believe that a platform online is my only safe space now. This is my safe space, the only place I feel like I can be open, or at least, this is the only place I can truly be open about being queer (the disability thing I’m still scared to talk about that much, but I think I can share a bit of my experiences if someone asks with good intentions). I’ve vaguely spoken about how it feels to deal with a disability like mine in a reply, and people took it well, so who knows, right? As long as my parents don’t find out that I’m spilling the beans, I’ll probably be fine.
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