#little Navajo falls
williammarksommer · 1 year
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All The Time In The World
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Ektar 100iso
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 8 months
not specific to one piece, and i know i've only been back for a little bit now, but honestly if there's anything i'd really like people to take away from my blog it's that every language and culture has the level of complexity that could lead a person to spend thousands of blog posts talking about the details of its translation.
i think english-speaking anime/manga fans can fall into the trap of attributing a unique level of complexity to japanese as a language, you know? which obviously isn't to say that there's anything wrong with thinking the japanese language is really cool or beautiful or interesting- it is all of those things! but, like, a story originally written in japanese doesn't lose more in translation than a story originally conceived in arabic or euskara or thai or navajo.
in every story you consume in translation, there are linguistic details that will be lost, that will not be neatly translatable, clever wordplay and subtle implications that translation just can't communicate.
and my point here isn't to be discouraging at all! i love reading poetry in translation! i love subtitled films! the proliferation of art is always to be encouraged! but if there's any language or any particular foreign-language work you've ever been curious about... hey, consider studying it! why not? the world is huge and beautiful and with every new word you learn you'll expand your own understanding of the range of human experience!
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Ben 10 rewrite-fix-selfship thangs by me and my little sister @mayameanderings we did agesssss ago but am only posting now since my friend @franollie is re-entering the fandom!
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My s/i's name is Solana Cristalina!!!He's half Petrosapien,half (afro-dominican) human,transmasc genderfluid and bigender,audhd,super bubbly,chaotic,physically incapable of not running his mouth,a pastel punk femme,a mom friend and has a mean streak that's mostly funny but sometimes angsty or played for coolness against villains!His design is meant to look like a half white black person because that's what i am but since he's made of crystals,his colors reflect the primary light of whatever scene he's in(Hobie Brown moment).His eyes glow in the dark and he's strange looking but not enough to not pass as human!
His dad,Diarius,raised him on Petropia for the first 5 years of his life but decided Earth was safer for him and so he started being raised by his mom,Mariana.He had his own special debut episode in Classic called 'Crystal up,Sunshine' and Mariana is a Bruja who mentored Lucky Girl!Gwen on her and her son and daughter's summer jewel collection travels after Solana had his adventure with Ben and Gwen and became basically like siblings with them even though he was only in a few episodes for that run.Him and Kevin met the same year but at their school where Solana was a Special ED kid and Kevin was in a club/support group for troubled kids.He sat in front of Kevin and he was like 'This shiny kid is gonna blind me' which led to them talking and Solana was like 'His edge is going to cut me' /irony.They befriended eachother nonetheless before Kevin dropped out as he's implied to be homeless in canon and Solana was upset since he was his only friend but they reunite in the show itself with the exact quote 'Holy shit,edgy kid!!!' and 'Holy smokes,shiny kid!!!' but it dosen't end well just yet since Kevin was an antagonist at the time
Kevin is black monoracial but mixed etchnicity-His mom is mexican and Devin's american.He was taught to seperate his blackness from his latinohood and he grew up disconnected to his blackness due to almost no other black people around and becoming best friends with Solana was the start of healing journey og embracing his afrolatino identity.He participates in both black latino and black american culture since he's half both!!He used to feel guilty about falling under stereotypes but now sticks it to racists by being way better than them and loves himself for who he is!He has fang grills by Omniverse and his redemption arc in Alien Force isn't relient on romance despite Kelana being a big part of it
The Tennysons are white latinos with Abuelo Max being an argentinian inmigrant based purely on vibes and Verdona was latina too(poc swag transcends solar systems.Next question‼️).Gwen is a lesbian and dating Kai,Julie,Ester and Charmcaster and the last one was her first love and there was so much unnecessary gay drama that could've easily been avoided if Gwen wasn't such a loser when it comes to romance and her and Ben's character development sticks instead of keeping them static characters for the sake of unfunny comedy.Ben and Rook's obviously a thing as a plot that's not really a plot twist since their dynamic is the same as in canon but intentionally romantic
Kai is recurring in Alien Force and respectfully written as navajo instead of only existing for Ben and having a fucking feather in her hair and is an official member of Team 10,as is Julie who's also not a Ben love interest but a girlgeek that has a sibling-like relathionship with him and has Ship pre-debut as she gets her own special like Solana that dives into her backstory.Ester's way more prominent too and yet another member and has quiet bpd due to childhood trauma but is helped with it by her friends and girlfriends
The last additions to complete Team 10 to make it fit it's namesake are Charmcaster,Albedo and Alan.Hope is still technically a villain but a dear friend to everyone on the gang who regularly spends time with them and helps on missions,Albedo got a fullon redemption arc and Alan was pretty much adopted/taken in by everyone since he dosen't have parents
They're also all trans and autistic
Solana and Ben are a 'i'm mean to you because i love you' typa beat,Solana and Gwen are soul sisters who bond over everything and on the same level to eachother as him and Kevin are and Kelana in Classic was Kevin actively trying to make Solana worse but Solana is such a nice person that it dosen't work,in Alien Force they get to be proper longterm friends with crushes undertones and in Omniverse they basically act like they're dating already but are still complete oblivious.They develop all throught the franchise and don't get together until the final series:Ben 10 Forever
Ben 10 Forever takes place in Ben's young adult years and is a darker,more complex story to reflect it.This includes Solana dying when he saved Diarus' life in a battle in episode 1 but being ressurected with Petrosapien resources and having trauma from it and Diarus has survivor's guilt.He was always afraid something would happen because he just dosen't trust most human's and blames himself moreso because he feels he should've been there full time,even though he wasn't neglectful and visited all the time with him and Mariana just being long distance
Kevin having mimic powers and Solana being crystalline=They're a reflection of eachother
Mr Smoothie is Team 10's hangout and Solana has a job at a thrift store and convinced Ben to be hired alongside him
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s2 episode 25 thoughts
OKAY S2 finale!!!!! make some noiiiiiise!!!! this is big, this is huge!!!
i remember the s1 finale like it was yesterday. because it was a little over a month ago. man, how time flies. but a season a month isn't a bad pace, and means i still have lots and lots of fun agent time to go. wowowow we sure did go a lot of places this season! in every sort of meaning.
the episode description refers to "an encrypted computer disk” and i'm thinking, girl it’s a virus… watch out! (hint: it was not a virus, but taking proper safety precautions is always advisable)
(while the beginning of the episode was loading i sighed wistfully and said “i miss you deep throat” out loud and then burst into laughter at the sheer absurdity of that sentence. i'm always saying weird stuff and so glad no one is listening. can you imagine hearing someone say that. in absolutely any of the contexts to which "deep throat" can refer. man. need to find a way to work that phrase into ordinary life)
anyway. we are at a Navajo reservation in new mexico. an earthquake is going on. be careful, young man whom we open upon, do not let the cacti on the shelves above your head fall on you! he somehow dodges the spiny falling objects, and we learn his name is eric.
eric is riding on his cool little bike up into the cliffs. someone in his family- who we later learn is referred to as albert, so i shall refer to him as albert starting now- told him to leave the snakes alone. which raises the question: are we interating with snakes on such a regular basis in this town that leaving them alone needs to be pointed out…? that has always sort of been implied in my life. but different lives we lead.
eric sees something white in the ground… and a crowd has gathered? eric, what have you brought to the door of your home like a cat with a bird it shouldn't have? OHHHH... an ALIEN BODY. it has seen better days, very old and looking mummified (which i'm sure would actually please many historians). albert says to return it because they will be coming- i'm torn on the meaning of the "they" here, is he referring to aliens coming to fetch their lost comrade, or the government coming to bury the evidence? either way, he has been commanded: put that thing back where it came from or so help me.
(sidenote: why did we decide aliens look like That. they could look like ANYTHING. i'm sure there is a reason and i could look it up with ease but i just think that we could exercise some creativity here. like we're coming up with an entirely new species of intelligent creature and we make it... vaguely humanoid? like god in our own image? but creepier? hmm. no. go all out on that)
new character alert! he is hacking Something. i would guess this to be the mysterious records referred to in the episode description that prove aliens are real
and it looks like he succeeded, because we hear that someone has broken into the “MJ” documents. this is causing a stir in the UN! Italy, Germany, and Japan are involved. suspicious selection of countries….
germany man is on the phone w cigarette guy. cigarette guy speaks german?????? i'm impressed. he hangs up and says “gentleman, that was the phone call I never wanted to get” okay so who are we talking to here...
(i was worried calling him a slut wouldn't bode well with the established x files fans, but i'm glad that everyone has so far been in agreement that this is an appropriate way to describe him) 
he doesn’t feel well :( the lone gunmen are here but he doesn’t feel well… have we ever seen him not feel well? beyond the boat. if we have ever seen him under the weather before, i don't recall it. so this has got to be plot relevant.
news from the lone gunmen: someone named kenneth “the thinker” hacked into the defense department database. and the thinker left a time and a meeting place asking SPECIFICALLY for mulder!!! let him have his aspirin in peace y'all
(for an organization that is supposed to thrive on secrecy, mulder sure is well known in the community of conspiracy theorists... i fear this may come to bite him someday)
but the thinker might already be dead…. (spoiler he was not!)
down the hall someone just SHOT her husband? slutty tank top investigator on the scene. he finds nothing. i knew this was too weird to NOT be a chekov's gun moment but everyone was acting pretty causal about an old lady killing her husband in the apartment. it was an interesting tone choice. but of course, detective tank top still feels very ill, so there are bigger fish to fry.
he is now waiting in the botanical gardens. “i don’t want you to use my real name, I don’t think it’s important that you know”, says the thinker, to which mulder replies “sounds like a line I used in a bar once” <- LMAO??? slut confirmed?
(it's so hard to know with him because he'll say anything he thinks will make him sound clever. but i'm trying to imagine him at a bar and the image isn't really loading mentally. this is a man who is probably at the library in his nonexistent free time)
the thinker claims to have the original UFO files from the defense department. big if true!
what do you want from me? “I want you to promise that those rat bastards answer to the people” <- guy who is saying words in precisely the correct order to get mulder involved in some sort of Scheme. mulder takes the file and the dude leaves and i find everything suspicious! how does he know there isn’t a tracker in there?
LMAO he puts the damn thing in right at work i'm cryingggg he does not give a damn. whilst clocked in!
“you familiar with the Ten Commandments, Scully?” WHY DOES HE ASK WEIRD AND OFF PUTTING QUESTIONS IN THIS MANNER. you kept her cross necklace in your pocket for like a looong time you weird rhetorical man. you know she was Raised Catholic ofc she knows them.
he is showing her the files labeled “TOP SECRET” and there is panic in her eyes and tbh I’m feeling it too!! like damn i never want to be burdened with the forbidden knowledge
he sees it is written in what he calls "gibberish" (i’m suspicious… looks like phonetic pronunciation to me) and he starts THROWING STUFF!!! scary angry man
(i realize now the impulsive throwing and putting of the top secret cassette in while at the work place are the effects of being drugged but at the time he was scaring me a lil. calm down, i was thinking. men who throw things are not my friends generally!)
scully notices the writing looks like it is in Navajo!!! YESSSSSS MY QUEEN OF REALIZING THINGS. her father told her about it and she remembered awww :,)
“only a handful of people can decipher it” she points out “well find one of them” he says <- BITCH??? do it yourself??? you take for granted her presence in this manner again and i will have words with you. i am thinking to myself, he is NOT acting like the man who stayed by her comatose bedside. suspicious.
she asks if he’s okay and he is not looking very okay but he says he is because he is a scoundrel and a liar. and then he goes to see skinner. he says he hasn’t been sleeping. that’s weird. 
he denied knowing anything about the files and then PUNCHED SKINNER IN THE FACE??? WHAT THE HECK. okay, so whatever is going on that made that old lady snap is clearly getting to him too because WHAT.
(i had faith that my boy would not truly do such awful things as throw hands with skinner and be mean to scully out of his own volition. sometimes he can be a bit of a jerk but never in such raw quantities)
skinner got him in a headlock and asks if they’re finished HUH??? what is going ON?
(skinner handled that quite well all things considered. i wonder if this has ever been a problem in the past)
scully called skinner's his office with a bunch of other people present. looking scared. nooo they’re gonna ask about the top secret files she was burdened with knowing exist! but right now they are asking about mulder's behavior. 
ohhh “weren’t you brought on to debunk his work” says some smarmy guy in the back... well things change??? get with the program
they say that if she hides anything from them she could get fired but she gets up and leaves and does not mention the files LMAOOO. that is what it means to be a ride or die. even after the bestie punched boss in the face and was acting rude as fuck she is gonna cover his top secret rule breaking. because she's the last real one on this planet.
also, skinner has an awful bruise on his face. it makes me sad.
cutscene to the vineyard: MULDER WENT HOME???? it's a long drive to Massachusetts. BUT NO!! it is not mulder at the door! but cigarette man!!! mulder’s dad answers. and he looks like they know each other??? 
“no one was supposed to know”, one of the men says to the other. okay so they DO know each other because they worked together??? tea... this is juicy.
unrelated really, but cigarette man has a very soothing voice. too bad he chooses to use it for evil when audio book narration could have been a viable career.
the files from the defense department have mulder's dad’s NAME on them??? WHAT DOES HE KNOW??? what has he been hiding from his son?!!!
cig man claims the file thief came forward but i'm doubting that... the thinker seemed very committed. this seems like a classic case of “claim something and see if the accused goes along” 
“you wouldn’t… harm him?” asks mr. mulder. “I’ve protected him this long, haven’t I?” <- HUH??? YOU NEARLY KILLED SCULLY YOU CANCER PUMPING RAT?? NOTHING about you makes anyone feel safe.
mulder’s dad’s name is “Bill”. this has no real relevance, but i find it interesting. and cigarette man says to deny any involvement: "deny everything" like the words on the opening screen from the s1 finale!
(is anyone getting a homoerotic undertone here or is it just me? the whole cig man and bill scene went down so quickly it was hard to tell. but the hand on the shoulder lingering and the "you look well"... hmm)
mulder on da couch. he is sleeping. seriously we need to get him a mattress. scully is here!!! he nearly shoots her but luckily this does not happen.
(it was lowkey funny to see her just standing there watching him sleep lmaooo. like was she gonna wake him up or just observe and try to figure out what exactly was wrong with him. i guess we'll never know)
she needs assurance that she’s doing the right thing (and i love this. i love a character that Needs to do the morally right thing) and he is being snappy about "just getting that code" and i feel that something larger is going on here. he looks very sick. he puts the X in the window. ohhhhh no, getting x involved, that is just asking for trouble
“why did you attack skinner?” “i honestly can’t say” <- yeah there has to be some sort of brainwashing going on here. she looks freaked tf out. and I would be too!
despite him being the way that he is, scully goes to the office of the Navajo nation, bringing the coded files. it’s still encoded but she recognizes a few words.
(they didn't just transmit their message in the Navajo language; the words translated into Navajo had their own coded meaning. which i think might be a common misconception. so translated into Navajo, the words would still look like random nonsense, unless you got someone who had been trained in the code from ww2. which i think is so cool)
mulder's father calls in the middle of the night saying something is very important and he needs to see him right now. he seems quite ill for making that journey.
scully is still at his apartment. then someone FIRED AT SCULLY THROUGH THE WINDOW ?? they hit her head. girl what the hell!!! they nearly killed her!!!
(is his dad getting him out of the house so that he won’t be there when the agents go to shoot him?!? i don't actually think this is what happened but i had a bit of hope)
mulder is sitting on his dad’s couch looking like he’s about to die. and his dad is mumbling vague things about his work. “you’re taking about your work in the state department” <- okay so he KNEW his dad worked at the state department. i'm guessing he just didn't know in which capacity.
“you’ll come to understand the words… the merchandise” <- ohhh that was one of the words the woman at the Navajo nation could understand from the code!
dad is acting strangely and says he needs some medicine. GUY IN THE SHOWER WHEN HIS DAD WENT TO THE BATHROOM???? WITH A GUN? is that krychek or another random white man.
now both agents have dead dads. this is SOOOOO evil.
and mulder is gently laying his body on the couch. ohhhh my heart.
calling scully. it is a very painful conversation, and he sounds crazed and deeply ill. she is telling him not to leave the scene whatsoever because everything points back to him- his weird behavior lately, him being the only known person in the house at the time of his death, his access to firearms. and while she is yelling trying to get him to understand, she tells him that someone shot HER!!!!
cutscene to him stumbling into a room and falling into her arms OUGHHH I will eat that up a million times over. so clearly he did not listen to the "stay put" advice as she guides him through her place. is he laying down in her BED covered in his father's blood???? wow. her devotion to him is truly endless.
“we’ve got to find out who killed my father” “right now you need to rest" OHHH CRADLING HIS HEAD and putting a cold compress on it. the gentle murmuring of "it's okay". OHHH I could die. be still my whump addicted, rapidly beating heart. it's so gentle.
he wakes up mostly naked on her bed. she took his gun!!! and she took it to be compared with the one that killed his dad!!!! she is trying to clear him of wrongdoing. but it LOOKS like she suspects him.
he calls her to ask about taking the gun… “what, were you afraid I was going to shoot you, too?” <- OH I paused right there to copy down that line and her eyes look SOOO scared. my heart is breaking. she must be wondering what has gotten into him and why he can't trust her.
“you’ve been making reports on me since the beginning, scully, taking your little NOTES” <- this is SICK. SICK!!!!!! i wonder how much of this is whatever evil has gotten into him talking and how much of it is him really believing deep down that he Cannot trust her. or anyone. oh i just know that must have felt like a knife to the gut after everything she has done for him.
“you have my files, and you have my gun. don’t ask me for my trust” he hangs up after saying this. okay wow like i get he’s sick here and something is afoot but damn. after all they've been through.......
she takes the bullet from his wall. and notices someone is bringing a tank of stuff out. gas?? gas that makes you crazy?? is that what has gotten into him??? and the lady who shot her husband?
it's actually water! someone has been messing with the water on mulder's floor. we see the fellow who did this leaving in a van.
mulder takes a cab… back to his place? and sees someone running around the corner…. is that fucking Krychek. they are closing in on each other. 
and yes!!! it is him!! good to know even sick mulder can still kick krychek’s ass!!!!!!
now scully is on the scene!!!! AND SHE SHOT MULDER right in his shoulder!!! and krychek ran away!!! what is going on!!! what ratlike activities has krychek been up to!!
mulder wakes up in a bed in the house of the man from the very beginning who warned about snakes. albert!
“your shoulder is gonna be fine, the round when through nice and clean” she says, very gently, sitting next to him. YEAHHH MEDICAL PRECISION BABY!!
(in the whiniest, angriest voice imaginable) “you shot me >:(“ “yes, I did” <- LMAOOOO she is being so gentle with him
“if you killed krychek with that weapon, there would have been no way to prove that you didn’t kill your father” OKAYYYY queen of logic and facts!!! she is so smart. saved him by shooting him.
oh tea… they were putting what scully assumes to be LSD in his water. to make him distrust everyone he knows. and she still loves him after all of that. AUGH.
she drove his comatose ass TWO DAYS to New Mexico… like can love be any stronger??? it’s debatable.
“you’re lucky she’s a good shot”, says albert and YEAHHH THAT IS MY GIRL!!!! a good shot!!! :,)
pause. just gotta say here. scully is remarkable. mulder had been acting very Weird and yelling and screaming and his dad was shot and it looked like he did it. and despite all the evidence pointing to him killing his father, she never believed it fully. and he found this guy holding krychek at gunpoint, about to make himself appear guilty for his father’s murder. so she shoots him with enough accuracy to knock him down, gets him bandaged up, finds the LSD in his water, knocks his ass out, and drives him two days to New Mexico to find one of the very few people that can understand this code he is breaking a million rules to try and understand. like are you joking. is she not top ten characters of all time??? take a moment to acknowledge how amazing this is.
okay, so Albert says that evidence of a secret agreement is buried not far from where they are. 
he groans and gets up and asks “what about you” OHHH :( she missed her meeting with skinner for this and now she will have to Atone. he will be on his own for this one. this is probably for the best. she needs to stay employed and also explain to skinner that the punching thing was not actually his fault.
“thank you for taking care of me” OUGHHHH <- moaned by a girl who is in emotional pain. he thanked her. i mean, it's the least he could do; i'd say buying her dinner for a year and also bankrolling the animal shelter of her choice would be more appropriate, but this is a good starting place. for him to acknowledge his vulnerability. how out of his mind he was. chef's kiss.
OH her NAME is in those files?? with duane barry’s?? AND IT MENTIONS A TEST??? “i want you to find out, Mulder. i need you too” NOOOOO WHAT DID THEY DO TO HER?? she deserves NONE of this. i can only imagine how horrific it is to know you were taken and you don't know What Happened. again with the complicated medical history thing. mulder PLEASE find out for her. she deserves a lot more than that.
despite being shot, mulder is back behind the wheel, driving somewhere. albert says a people called the Anasazi disappeared 600 years ago and historians say they don’t know why because they won’t “sacrifice themselves to the truth”, and that "nothing disappears without a trace". i know a lot of historians so i can try and check and get back to you on this.
albert says "they still visit"... i wonder what the aliens like about this place? they make it to where they wanted to go: to eric! 
mulder is riding on the back of eric’s motorcycle. it is a bit of a funny sight. shoutout to eric for real. he shows mulder the big white thing from the start of the episode. and why do I feel that this episode will end before answers are obtained...
cigarette man calls!!! he says he needs to talk to mulder NOW. Re: his father: “he was never an opponent of the project. in fact, he authorized it. he couldn’t live with it” girl he doesn’t even know his dad was ON the project yet so. let's take it one step at a time. 
“no, he couldn’t live with it because you had him killed” being killed does generally stop living. but seriously mulder there are more pressing matters at hand!!!
“listen to me you black lunged son of a bitch, I’m going to expose you and your project” banger line but. WHY are you answering your phone rn mulder like they could be tracking you and you have BIG discoveries to be making!!
“expose anything and you only expose your father” <- ooo that is interesting... how much will that weigh in on his decision making process? i bet it's more his mom dealing with the fall out he's worried about
AND THEY DID GET A COORDINATE ON HIM DURING THAT CALL!!!!! WHY WHY WHY DID YOU ANSWER, MULDER! the minute you heard his voice you should have hung upppp ohh i'm gonna YELL 
he’s digging in the dirt and it says something about a railroad… it’s a refrigeration car…. thank you eric for showing the way. you are a hero. and he is IN THE CAR calling scully. he describes that it is filled with bodies. she asks, “what happened to them”, further revealing that she is the queen of asking grounding questions for those experiencing extreme distress
she knows some of what was in the files: it mentions that Axis powers scientists conducted studies after the war… so the alliance of earlier countries was NOT an accident!
in the railroad car, we see shriveled bodies, alien bodies, a foot. all visible as I type all this. she mentioned tests on humans referred to as “merchandise” but they aren’t humans, he insists!! they’re aliens and they’re scary… is he gonna see his sister… (thank god this did not happen)
he sees one with a vaccination scar. that is a terribly human thing to have. what did they DO to these people??
eric shuts him in the box car because the helicopter is arriving. 
eric refuses to talk to the government (king of knowing his rights) and mulder is gone. “nothing vanishes without a trace”, says cigarette man. okayyyy repeated motif. maybe mulder hid in all of the alien bodies in the car? that would be my guess.
ohhh, cig man is saying to burn it… and they do, in fact, blow that shit up. WHERE IS MULDER THOUGH??
sigh. The AGONY contemporary viewers must have felt seeing this……. i feel for you, i really do. and all i have to do is just click the next button. but unfortunately i have too many rules to do such a thing and must first post my thoughts on this episode, and then my favorite moments from each character this season, and then my favorite moments of them together, and then the things we learned about them, and only THEN can i allow myself to watch the next episode.
but omg this was goooood though… last time i made a list of some fave episodes and this has definitely joined their ranks. the drama! the angst!! mulder being sick!! the fear of being unable to trust each other- if they cannot trust each other, does trust exist at all? my least favorite rat bitch krychek returning,,, and while I don’t care for him, it is an interesting development. also. mulder’s dad KNEW Cigarette Guy? and not just KNEW him casually, but was somehow involved in their alien fuckery? and we also learned today that, if we had any doubts, they have been squashed: scully is one of THE characters ever. she can shoot you so clean!!
I’m glad he was the damsel in distress. like i said, i demand gender quality in saving each other.
and the plot!!! the aliens!!! alien bodies with vaccines… so humans that TURNED into aliens, somehow? and we see them!! we so rarely get to see the aliens. and what if we get to learn what they did to scully!!
but where will this go from here!! will scully be in trouble with skinner? I feel like skinner will believe “mulder was being drugged part”, but I’m not sure if he can dig them out of the hole of having secret encoded files. 
and scully. she just wants to do the right thing. i love so desperately a character who wants to do the right thing, make the moral call, even if it’s hard, even if it means lying, putting it all on the line, it just has to be the right and ethical thing to do and then it’s okay. 
and mulder… losing his father… who he clearly didn’t have the greatest relationship with… his haunted voice on the line when he called scully… the way her first thought was to protect him, even if he couldn’t see the bigger picture, the way she SHOT him so he wouldn’t be accused of his father’s murder…
and krychek… i thought that was him in the shower but it was hard to tell because it was such a brief scene… but it was!!! what have they been doing to the rat man!!! he has been in the sewers rehearsing his ratty deeds!!!
a very good episode. i am hooked. i wish to jump right into the next one, but i shall not. i felt the same way at the end of last season, but i have to do my duty and blog. and to think, so much has happened in one month! both in the show and in my own life. wow.
it’s funny, i usually don’t care about the aliens at all. like I watch this show for mulder and scully time and not the spooky. but here, i'm kinda hooked. i want to know what happened and what they are hiding and what the bigger picture is between this and the stuff we learned in s1. you know it’s good when the girl that’s only here for the steady undertones of two people exhibiting extreme devotion to each other is actually tuned in to the extraterrestrials. who we think look like this: 👽 
i’m pleased! i’m pleased, and i’m intrigued, and i want more.
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mutant-distraction · 10 months
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Little Navajo Falls In Arizona
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lilblossom5294 · 3 months
< Introduction >
Hoi hoi , I am Lil Blossom and this is my Agere Blog !
Name : Lil Blossom / Mama Blossom
Role : Caregiver / Mommy & Little / Middle
Big Age : 20
Little Age Range : 5 - 8
Middle Age Range : 9 - 15
Favorite Color(s) : Purple & Pastels of aaall colors !
Favorite Animal(s) : Cats , Dogs , Lizards , and Cows
Favorite Bug(s) : Butterflies & Moths and Ladybugs
Favorite Book(s) : Micheal Vey ( series ) , The Velveteen Rabbit , The Hate U Give , Falling In Love With Where You Are , Diary of a Wimpy Kid ( Series ) , Dork Diaries ( Series ) , Tales From A Fishing Village
Favorite Movie(s) : Thumbelina , The Little Mermaid , How High , The Land Before Time , Scurf , Cars , White Girls , Barbie As The Island Princess
Favorite TV Series : Lucifer , Bluey , Adventure Time , Bobs Burgers , Rick And Morty
Favorite Plant(s) : Cherry Blossoms , Lavender , Cedar Trees , Lilacs , Amethyst Orchids , and Dandelions
Favorite Time Of Day : Sunset & Night
Favorite Food(s) : Navajo Tacos , Fried Rice / White Rice , Chicken , Apples / Apple Sauce , and Peaches
Favorite Beverage(s) : Water , Coffee , Apple Juice , Fruit Punch , Dr Pepper , Sprite , Pepsi / Pepsi Cherry , Chocolate Milk
Favorite Hobby(ies) : Coloring / Drawing , Writing / Journaling , Watching YouTube , Listening To Music , Cooking / Baking , Being In Nature , Playing On The Playground ( I like the swings ! ) , Reading , and Researching My Favorite Topics
Favorite Passion(s) : World / Character Development , Rain , Psychology / Sociology , Law and Justice , Butterflies , Storytelling , Cultures , And The Human Condition
Favorite Genre(s) - Books : Mystery , Thriller , Action , Adventure , Fantasy , Sci-Fi , Romance
Favorite Genre(s) - Movies : Action , Comedy , Drama , Fantasy , Sci-Fi , Horror
Favorite Season : Spring & Fall
Favorite Agere Activities : Coloring , Playing With Stuffies , Nap Time , Playing With My CG , Dressing Up , Tea Parties , Listening To Smol Music / Watching Smol Content
That’s Just A Lil Bit About Me ! I Look Forward To Meeting New Friends And Potential Community Groups !
Stay Hydrated And Have A Lovely Time ! 🦋
~ Lil Blossom
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natures-moments · 2 years
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Little Navajo Falls, Supai, Arizona, USA
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louissatturi · 11 months
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"Guys cellbo's discord is solving the book in navajo is..."
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languagehealing · 1 year
Navajo Phonology: Vowels
Requested by @okaylinguist | Part 1/2
This does not cover every possible way of expressing sounds, as regional varieties are very diverse, this is just a general guide based on my experiences with my family's language.
Simple Vowels
There are 4 core vowels in Navajo:
A = [ɑ] - Similar to father
E = [ɛ] - Similar to pet
I = [ɪ] - Similar to lip
O = [o] - Similar to boat
These vowels can be modified in three different ways: lengthening, shifting to a high tone, and/or nasalization.
Lengthening is indicated with double letters (aa, ee, ii, oo). The core sound listed in IPA above is maintained for all lengthened/double vowels except for ii, which turns to [i] instead of [ɪ].
A high tone is indicated with an upper accent mark (á, é, í, ó). When applied to a long vowel, it can either affect the whole lengthened sound (áá), or show a rising (aá) or falling (áa) tone.
Nasalization is indicated with a "hook" under the vowel (ą, ę, į, ǫ). Some nasal vowels are not written with the hook (for instance, after the letter 'n' typically). Nasal markings can be combined with the high tone mark (ą́, ę́, į́, ǫ́), and obviously also can apply to lengthened vowels. Though unlike the high tones, which can be over the first letter but not the second and vice versa, nasalization always affects the whole lengthened sequence
Constant tone + nasalization: ą́ą́, ę́ę́, į́į́, ǫ́ǫ́
Rising tone + nasalization: ąą́, ęę́, įį́, ǫǫ́
Falling tone + nasalization: ą́ą, ę́ę, į́į, ǫ́ǫ
The 4 main diphthongs are:
ai = [aɪ] - Similar to bike
ei = [eɪ] - Similar to wait
ao = [aʊ] - Similar to how
oi = [ʊɪ̯] - Similar to bouy
Similar to the simple vowels, they can also be modified.
When lengthening them, typically the second letter is what is repeated (aii, eii, aoo) however for oi, I mostly only ever see ooi written. Another semi-irregular one is aai - some people I know pronounce it as long [aɪ], while others separate the long aa from the i sound more so. This is a case where the regional variety plays a greater role in my experience, as well as some words just preferring one to the other on a case by case basis, so I recommend just following what your teachers/resources tell you.
Miscellaneous Notes
Some people include subtle little "pauses" in their long vowels - not fully stopping and separating it into two vowels, but having a little dip in their tone, as if bridging a gap between the two vowels, especially if it is in the high tone register.
Did you enjoy this post? Do you want to help protect the Navajo language? Consider donating to my tribes' COVID-19 relief fund. The language cannot survive if Diné elders and youth alike are dying.
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qwertyu858 · 10 months
The funny thing of american-ish race issue currently being exported to mexico its that its impossible to make an actual race division and create hyerarchies here, bc basically everyone is mixed and marry other mixed people, so in most families, everyone looks a little different and its not rare to have full siblings in a same family with nicknames as "la güera" or "el negro" o "la china".
So now you have white (by our standards ofc) people online, talking about how they are 100% aztec (and its always aztec bc its fake. Kinda like how every spicy american is navajo lololol) and screaming about the evil whites that have opressed them all their lives, while people in the comments tell them to see themself in a mirror.
Or you have brown people, talking about their white kids are totally not white and thus, they shouldnt be blamed for "whitexican" privilege (yeah, it sounds cringe as shit in spanish too) but the other white mexicans with brown parents and siblings are free game.
Or you have literally full siblings accusing each either of being white or not being white, and thus, who is more privileged, even when they share the exact same blood.
Or the whitest person that you can imagine, getting scholarships for being both native and afro-mexican (yeah, we also started to give race scholarships and affirmation action stuff), bc there is no way to prove it wrong, when the only "official" race thing is 100% self-determinated
Like its currently just a new problem in terminal online videos and just irl in very big cities or big colleges that have a philosofy or other useless degree department, with the rest of the country still normal but like, I know it will sooner or later come to the rest of the country.
Like in america, at least you actually have the races divided. And a relative small mixed population. But here? Its both hilarious and sad.
Like wtf are we even doing. I know its the goverment pushing this to create racial division but like, we have actual murder and crime issues, how is people even falling for this.
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cecilysass · 1 year
Pause (7/11)
Read on AO3 | Tagging @today-in-fic
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Chapter 7: Security
She watches him sleep for a moment in the morning light before she attempts to wake him. “Mulder.”
It’s a heart-tuggingly familiar sight, him asleep on the couch, tangled in his Navajo blanket. His mouth slightly open, his limbs akimbo, a single beam of light falling over his chest from the window.
This is time for neither nostalgia nor blatant admiration. She stands over him, determined to have no mercy. “Mulder, wake up.”
He stirs under the blanket, but offers no other response. In frustration she nudges him with the back of her hand. His eyes crack open, and through blinks, there is a soft and dreamy look of recognition. That expression burns away quickly, turning into something wary, sharp.
“Yes. It’s me,” she says to him. “Back from the dead. Boo.”
Brow furrowed, he places his hands defensively over his face. “Not ready to joke about that yet,” he mumbles.
“When it comes to my death, I get to decide when to make the jokes. Get up and get dressed, Mulder. We’re supposed to go talk to the rental car employees.”
“What time is it?” he says blearily, trying to look past her to see the time on his VCR.
“Time to get up and going,” she replies. “The day is wasting.”
“Are you already showered and dressed?” he asks, squinting at her. “Why are you so energetic?”
“Slept like the dead, I guess,” she quips, walking over to raise his blinds.
He groans, either in reaction to her joke or the abrupt blast of daylight.
“I’ll start some coffee,” she says. “You go take a shower. Don’t dawdle.”
“All right, all right,” he says helplessly, sitting up.
“You’ve obviously been allowed to keep your own undisciplined nocturnal hours for too long.”
He throws her a hard look, shifting his legs off the side of the couch. “Yeah. Your demise was hell on my schedule.”
“Luckily I’m back.” She stops walking halfway across the living room, turning to reconsider him more gently. “You’ll feel better after you’re showered and caffeinated,” she says. “Just get moving, Mulder.”
Scully had dressed that morning as professionally she could: in a pair of jeans and a white tee shirt, plus a light blue cardigan that apparently used to be hers.
As they walk towards Mulder’s car, she plucks at her too-tight jeans in agitation. The outfit is just much too casual for interviewing witnesses. It’s something she would wear to run errands on the weekend, and then only if she wasn’t stopping by the Hoover building, which she almost always was. She looks resentfully at Mulder, sporting his expensive tie and coat, as always. The awareness of being underdressed—of looking like she doesn’t fit next to him—is almost unbearable to her. She wonders what happened to all of her carefully curated black suits.
Still, as she climbs into the passenger seat of Mulder’s car, she can’t help but feel a little giddy, too. It’s hard not to be excited by an expedition out into the world, into the bright sunshine of the twenty-first century. And an expedition with Mulder, as his partner, in practice if not in any official sense.
They’ve both brought coffee in to-go mugs. Mulder is gulping his down eagerly, but she’s sipping hers more cautiously. She hasn’t felt truly poorly yet this morning, but her stomach doesn’t feel entirely settled regardless. They each place their cups in their traditional places in the cup holders without even discussing it, and those familiar actions make her inexplicably happy, as though she is back where she belongs.
“Forty-five minutes to the Lariat in Annapolis,” Mulder announces, turning to the mirror to adjust his sunglasses as she fastens her seat belt.
“Probably at least an hour in rush hour,” Scully says. “Unless rush hour has been eliminated in the twenty-first century?”
“Alas, no. Do you want to listen to your teen tunes, or are we going to make conversation?”
“Conversation,” she says carefully.
“Okay,” Mulder says, starting the ignition. “How about those Yankees?”
“Actually, I’ve been wanting to ask you about something.”
Mulder clears his throat, adjusting the mirror back. That spot on his jaw clenches again. “Yeah?”
“Have you developed any working theory about this, Mulder?” She watches as he starts the car, then she takes a tiny, precise sip of her coffee. “About what is happening with me?”
“Hmm,” he says, a faint crease between his eyes. He begins backing out of the parking spot. “Not really.”
She waits a moment while he straightens the wheel, and then she tries again. It’s not like Mulder not to have any ideas. “I know you have your doubts. But let’s suppose for a moment I really am who I seem to be. Can you think of any reason why someone would want to fake my death? And why someone would want to return me as though no time had elapsed?”
His eyes dart towards her and then back to the road, as he maneuvers the car into a turn on to a bigger road.
There is a pause.
“I’ve given this some thought, obviously,” he says, his voice low and serious. “It seems like something various players in the Syndicate could be capable of, but they’re… reduced in numbers these days. And why would they do this? What would be the purpose of putting you on pause?”
“It would have to be in someone’s best interests. Was I working on anything that might be relevant? Were we?”
He shakes his head slowly. “I can’t think of anything specific. I mean, any of our work could be relevant.”
“It could be to make sure I wasn’t around for a certain frame of time,” Scully says softly. “It could be to make sure you were distracted. But … why keep me in some kind of preserved state? And why return me? Why not just kill me?”
Mulder changes lanes in silence, guiding the wheel until the car glides to the right. He slowly shakes his head. “I don’t know. It doesn’t make much sense.”
She studies his impassive face. Which is why you doubt it’s really me, don’t you, Mulder? You don’t think Scully is alive.
“Well,” she says, “maybe we can start to get some of the missing pieces at the Lariat.”
Mulder nods, keeping his eyes diligently on the road. “Yeah,” he says. “Maybe.”
When they pull into the Lariat parking lot, Scully realizes that she isn’t the only one looking forward to doing some work in the field. Mulder seems to grow more energetic as they walk into the building, speeding up the pace of his stride, holding the door for Scully as they walk in, even giving her a tiny smile.
Although it is still early morning, the store is teeming with customers, waiting in a winding line and sitting in most available seats. Mulder walks confidently past the line of impatient travelers and businesspeople to the front counter, flashing his badge and speaking winningly to an assistant manager whose name tag reads Lew.
“Dana… Scully, yeah.” The young man nods his head, looking down at the computer. “That’s the name on the reservation. It was reserved three weeks ago. Medium sedan.”
Lew is no older than early twenties, pale, round-faced, a little whiff of a mustache growing over his lip. He vaguely reminds Scully of unbaked dough, a thought she immediately dismisses as unkind.
“We’re going to need to talk to anyone who was working here the evening she came in to pick up the car,” Mulder says, a beseeching smile.
Lew gestures to a uniformed girl with a pierced nose and pigtails working the register. “That’d be Jess. She’s worked every day this week.” Jess turns her head and nods mournfully.
“Great,” Mulder says. “We’ll talk to Jess. And if you have any lot or front door security footage, we’d like to see that as well.”
Lew looks up from the computer screen in disbelief. “There are hours of tapes. It will take forever to find.”
“Thank you, Lew,” Scully says, trying her own version of a warm peacemaking smile. It seems to have a better effect than Mulder’s; Lew seems to freeze in awe. “We appreciate your hard work. Let us know when you’re able to find it.”
Lew gapes at her and turns away, walking off towards the back. Watching him, Mulder leans into her, a wry expression on his face. “There’s that generation you’re so hopeful about, Scully.”
“I bet he was born in the 1980s.”
“He’s going to help us with no warrant, Mulder. Which is nice of him—they’re obviously very busy with the holiday weekend coming up.”
“Ask him what music he listens to. Maybe you can get some recommendations.”
“Lew likes Eminem,” Jess offers, overhearing as she approaches them. She turns around to speak to another young employee with a high ponytail and hoop earrings. “Karla, can you handle the front alone for a sec?”
Karla gestures indignantly towards the long line of customers, but then, taking in Mulder and Scully more carefully, nods reluctantly, turning to speak to the first customer in the line.
Jess tosses her head as an indication for Mulder and Scully to follow her, leading them back through a rear door into a dingy break room in the back. Its walls are covered with Lariat company memos and employee notices, and it smells like air freshener and burned microwave popcorn. Scully’s stomach lurches again unexpectedly.
“We can sit here,” Jess says, pointing to a battered table. “If you want.”
Mulder inclines his head in agreement, and they sit.
“So you have questions for me?” Jess says, crossing her arms. She lowers her voice. “Is this place under investigation?”
“Did you want to ask me about Lew’s musical tastes? He makes us listen to that one song again and again. The one about the obsessive guy who, like, kidnaps his pregnant girlfriend and puts her in the trunk of a car? Can you arrest him for musical harassment? Because it’s fucking creepy.”
“There’s a song about a man who abducts a woman and puts her in the trunk of a car?” Mulder says, stunned.
“Yeah,” Jess says. “That Eminem song. You live under a rock?”
“That’s not what we’re here to talk to you about,” Scully says firmly. “It’s about what you remember about someone who rented a car here this week.”
“That’s a whole fuckload of people,” Jess points out. “This is the beginning of our busy season.”
“My first question will sound … strange,” Scully says. “But do I look familiar to you at all? Do you remember someone who looks like me coming in to pick up a car?”
“You?” Jess squints at her. “No. Not that I remember.” She makes a face. “Wouldn’t you know if you did that?”
Mulder’s jaw muscle tenses. “This would have been the day before yesterday. A medium sedan for Dana Scully. According to the records we can access, it was picked up about four in the afternoon.”
Jess shakes her head. “Sorry. Not familiar.”
“Do you remember anything strange that afternoon at all? Anything out of the norm?” Mulder asks.
Jess chews on her lip for a minute. “Most everyone who comes in is pretty boring. Business types. Families on vacation for the holiday weekend.” She wrinkles her brow. “This is just a little thing. I don’t remember the exact time or her name, but it was that afternoon some lady came in a wig. It was kind of weird.”
Mulder glances at Scully. “Wig?”
“Yeah,” Jess nods. “I mean, normally I wouldn’t notice something like that, and who cares if someone wears a fucking wig? But she was a business type and it seemed, like, out of place. I didn’t realize it was a wig until it slipped a little. And I thought fuck, is she a spy who is in like, disguise? Or maybe she just has cancer or something.”
Mulder nods impassively.
“What color wig?” Scully asks.
Jess’s face lights up. “You know what? It was like yours, actually. Red and short. A bob. Shit, that’s important, isn’t it?”
Scully and Mulder exchange a look. “Possibly,” Mulder says. “Thank you. This is helpful, Jess. We’re going to look at the tapes to see, too.”
“Is she a spy? Or a murderer on the run or something?”
“We can’t talk too much about it, I’m afraid,” Mulder says. “Active investigation.”
Scully taps her fingers on the table. We don’t know who she is, Scully thinks. Other than that she was apparently not me.
Lew sets them up to view the tape in an airless utility closet that contains an ancient TV / VCR combo used for the Lariat’s security footage. It feels like it’s cut off from the air conditioning of the rest of the building.
“Can we prop the door open?” Mulder asks, as Lew is leaving. “It feels a little stuffy in here.”
“You can try,” Lew says with a shrug.
While Mulder engages in some kind of unsuccessful battle trying to prop the door with various found objects in the closet, Scully decides to go ahead and press play on the tape. The time stamp shows 2 pm Wednesday, and the person they’re looking for is likely in the four o’clock hour. She presses fast forward, tapping her foot impatiently.
“It won’t stay,” sighs Mulder, letting go of the door in irritation. “I give up.”
The door slams shut, and the closet immediately feels too warm and too intimate. Scully is intently aware of Mulder standing inches behind her, breathing through his nostrils in frustration.
She presses play on the VCR again and keeps her eyes trained only on the screen. It shows the exterior of the Lariat store, both the front entrance and the gate to the lot where customers walk to pick up their rental cars. It would be impossible to enter or leave the store without being seen on the camera, which is good. Still, they’re looking for something that seems difficult to spot: a woman wearing a wig of a color that will not be visible in the black and white footage.
“That’s 3:45,” Mulder says. His finger reaches over her to point at the time stamp on the screen. “Maybe we should let it play from there.”
Scully nods her assent, and Mulder reaches for a metal folding chair sitting against the closet wall.
“Want to sit?” he asks her, unfolding it and extending a hand gallantly.
“I’m fine,” she says. “You go ahead.”
“You sure? Feels wrong to sit while you stand, Scully.”
“You’re almost in your forties now, Mulder,” she says. “You should take it easy. And I don’t mind standing.”
He glances at her as he sits down. “You were making those kinds of jokes before you died, too.”
They watch the screen as an endless stream of people enter and exit the Lariat building, and it’s as dull as this kind of surveillance ever is. After a few minutes, Scully gives up her resolve to stand and finds a plastic crate to sit on. Most people entering the store alone appear to be men, wearing business attire, so it is easy to rule them out. Whenever a woman appears, they pause the screen and look more closely.
“Not a bob,” Mulder says, studying a woman walking in at 4:10. “I’m not an expert, but that woman has a braid, right?”
Scully nods and they press play. She steals a look at Mulder, who has loosened his tie in the warm closet, and now better matches her in informality. His face looks slightly damp in the heat of the closet, but his attention is engaged completely on the screen, his eyes intent and laser focused. She feels comforted by this, to see that he is still capable of being motivated by work. Maybe he is not as changed as he seems.
As she’s surreptitiously watching him, his expression abruptly changes—his face seems suddenly to go slack and lose color. “Hold on. Press pause.”
She turns back to the screen to see what has affected him.
A tall woman, in a bob, entering the store in a sleek tailored coat. Her head is turned so that her face is visible.
Mulder stands up and silently steps closer to the screen, saying nothing.
“Do you know her?” Scully asks, all at once again keenly aware of the room’s airlessness.
He turns around to face her. “Do you?”
Walking past him, closer to the screen herself, she peers intently at the woman’s face.
Yes, she realizes, her breath catching. She has seen her before. Not with this bob in a lighter shade, but with long dark hair.
“Agent Fowley.” Scully breathes. “It looks like her, doesn’t it?”
“It’s her.”
“How sure are you?”
“Very, very sure.”
Scully doesn’t like the confidence of his answer. She didn’t like anything about their previous interaction with Agent Fowley, and she is at a disadvantage not knowing what other interactions they’ve had since. What interactions he has had since. With his beautiful ex with whom he seemed to have so much in common. She steels herself for his answers to her next questions.
“Is she still in Washington? Do you … keep in touch with her? Can we call her to ask about this?”
“I don’t keep in touch,” Mulder says slowly, sitting back down in the chair, “for many reasons. The most important being that she’s dead.”
Scully’s eyes grow round, still staring at the woman on the screen.
Mulder snorts. “Apparently being dead just isn’t what it used to be, huh?”
“How did she die?” Scully says. Her voice sounds too high.
“Murdered as a consequence of saving my life,” Mulder says. “God, two years ago now? I think that’s right.”
Scully turns and sits down on the crate again, too, folding her hands on her lap. So many other questions, but she has to tread carefully here.
“Was she… someone we trusted, Mulder?”
Mulder closes his eyes as if in pain. “She was someone I trusted.” Scully tries not to imagine what that means and tries to shut down the interpretations running through her mind. He opens his eyes again. “But you—no, you never did. And… you were right. She was dirty, working with the Syndicate. Playing me for months.”
“I’m sorry,” Scully says softly and quickly.
He shrugs. “I thought she had redeemed herself a little before she died. But this—” he gestures to the screen, “suggests she is still in the game, and still willing to carry out orders that she knows will hurt us. It means she never stopped playing me.”
Scully stands back up to look at the screen and bites her lip thoughtfully. “Possibly,” she says.
“Possibly?” Mulder says incredulously. “What possible other reason could there be for her impersonating you, picking up your rental car?”
“I don’t know for sure, Mulder,” she says. “I just know we’re only seeing a very small part of the whole picture here.”
“I don’t see why you aren’t furious.” Mulder shakes his head, standing up to look at the screen, too. “You weren’t exactly her biggest fan.”
“It’s just … what we’re seeing isn’t actually evidence of her abducting me. Or faking my death.”
“Oh yeah? What’s it evidence of, then?”
“It’s evidence of her returning me.”
Mulder’s eyes lock suddenly on hers, and Scully realizes just how close he is standing. She could easily lean forward, ever so slightly, and her lips could lightly press against his. She has a dangerous urge to do it.
His mouth twitches as he stares back at her, and she wonders what it is he sees in her face. He takes a careful half step back.
“It’s evidence of her returning someone who looks like Dana Scully,” he corrects quietly. “And someone who believes she is Dana Scully.”
She can’t hide her reaction to that. It’s like a sharp slap. Her cheeks go hot, and her eyes begin to sting.
“I don’t say that to hurt you,” he adds quickly. “We just have to keep it in mind. We have to be alert to the possibility.”
She nods rapidly, looking down, not trusting herself to continue the conversation. “We should ask Lew for a copy of the tape,” she murmurs.
“Diana wasn’t on our side,” he continues, and she hates that it is his let-me-convince-you Mulder voice, the one she loves and associates with their early partnership. “You would always have said not to trust anything she did. You would never have wanted me to take her actions at face value.”
“Of course,” she says tightly. “Let’s go, Mulder.”
He looks bothered. “Scully—”
“No. You’re right,” she says. She just can’t bear to listen to him talk any more. “We have to keep the possibility in mind. I may not be who I think I am. It’s important. Now let’s just go.”
Does she sound sarcastic? she wonders, as they walk out of the closet into a chilly blast of air conditioning. She doesn’t mean to, really. She’s always known that to him the truth is always, always the most important thing. She’s foolish to keep hoping any other priority, any human emotion, might eclipse that.
On the drive home, they are mostly silent. Scully finds herself looking out the window, starting to imagine a life in San Diego.
She thinks she might like to live somewhere where she could go for walks on the beach, feel the sun on her face, enjoy being alive and free. Far from this car. Far from him.
It’s about noon when they return to Mulder’s apartment. In stony silence Scully walks straight into his kitchen and slices herself another generous piece of lasagna, which she heats up without further discussion.
She’s eating it at his kitchen table when he walks in the room and drops a piece of paper with a scribbled name and number in front of her plate.
“The medical examiner,” he says, not meeting her eyes. “For you to call.”
She nods shortly as he walks out of the room, disappearing into the bedroom. After some thumping around in the back of the apartment, she hears the shower start. Apparently he is ready to wash away their failed attempt at field work.
When she’s through with her lunch, she sits at the table and takes a deep breath, then dials the man’s number. It requires a little psychological prep. Scully has hardened to many experiences over the years, but it’s not everyday you hear a postmortem report of your own body.
The phone rings and rings, eventually going to voicemail: “You’ve reached the office of the D.C. Medical Examiner…” She can’t come up with a convincing enough story to leave in the moment, so she hangs up. She’ll just try again later.
Sitting there at the table with the phone, nausea hits her again all at once. This time, it is a powerful, overwhelming wave.
Scully stands in a panic. Mulder is in the shower, so she can’t get into the bathroom. Something else, quickly. She has to scramble to find a garbage bag in his cabinet, and once she does … it’s unpleasant.
She ends up on her knees on the floor of Mulder’s kitchen, holding the bag and trembling all over. Her heart is thumping so hard she feels it vibrating through her limbs.
For a moment she seriously considers calling her mother. Or calling out for Mulder, asking him for help. But she just can’t do those things. Her mother would be consumed with worry, and Mulder’s reaction would be something awful, would just hurt her.
Maybe, she thinks, she should go see a doctor. She has some friends from medical school she could call and see on short notice, and if they had somehow heard word of her death, she could tell them some far-fetched story about going deep undercover.
Still, she knows perfectly well what she would tell a patient who came in with her symptoms: You likely have a stomach bug. Drink fluids and rest. Come back in a few days if it persists. No doctor would test for the effects of being a laboratory created replication, or for exotic illnesses created by the government.
Now she’s starting to feel a headache creep up deep behind her eyes, maybe from the force of throwing up. She stands up from the floor, feeling a little unsteady again, and discreetly disposes of the garbage bag.
Maybe some ibuprofen and a nap, she thinks. It’s not as though there is anything to stay awake for anyway.
Her mother has probably included some ibuprofen in her very-thorough supply of toiletries. Scully doesn’t want to interrupt Mulder if he is getting out of the shower soon, so she walks quickly into the bedroom and picks up the plastic bag, carrying it out to the living room with her and sitting on the couch to sort through it.
The toiletry bag is crammed with far more than Scully would ever use—moisturizers of all sorts, chapstick, curling iron, mouthwash, cold medicine, a box of intensive hair conditioning treatment. Scully smiles a little to think of her mother going to Target and buying all of this for her. She must have walked down every aisle. Maggie’s caretaking instincts were in endearing overdrive.
Surely there must be a bottle of ibuprofen in here, she thinks. Scully’s hand is still reaching down inside when she becomes curious about a larger box poking her at the bottom. She pulls it out to examine it more closely.
She has to read it several times to fully let it sink in.
Home pregnancy test. 99% Accurate. Results in minutes.
For thirty seconds the box sits there in Scully’s hands. She stares at it.
This box that her mother bought. This box that she put in her daughter’s bag. Her daughter whom she knows is infertile.
Somewhere in the apartment is the sharp sudden sound of Mulder turning off the shower.
Like a ghost, Scully stands up.
She takes the box and holds it under her arm, crosses the room, and steals Mulder’s keys from the entry table.
Without a sound she leaves the apartment.
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Blog This is mainly a personal account, but occasionally I'll post about my writing, how to better yours, or just anything with writing! I also might post about Halo (the books, the series/movies, or the game itself), or anything I like! Feel free to tag me! DM if you want to become moots <3
Blogger I'm Zaynab <3! I'm Northern African, Muslim, female, aro-ace, and I'm a writer! I love, love writing romance, thriller, horror and fanfics! I am open to any asks or dms! a few hobbies I have, are writing, playing a video game, watching movies/series and skateboarding!
Stories These don't have names yet, so I'll call them 1 and 2. 1 is about a seventeen-year-old boy named Roman who falls in love with 22-year-old Isa. Roman can't be with her (even though she doesn't like him like that) because of the age issue. When he becomes 18, he does something irrational. And for 2, I'm still figuring out the plot, so I'll update when I'm finished!
Interests I'll be honest, I have too many. Some include Halo, Phantom Forces, TMNT (2012), Carmen Sandiego, Ninjago, Monster (Anime), Parasite In Love (Anime), Berserk (Anime), Throne of Vengeance, Search For The Legendaries, Colleen Hoover...
Characters Roman Tsinajinnie, Navajo, 17, male. Isa Atkinson, British, 22, female. Aspen Kerr, Norwegian, 18, male (I'll update)
I'll usually update this, but just having this little bit about me is good, for now. Thanks!
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icaruskeyartist · 7 months
I know you're sick right now so feel free to not answer or wait to answer but you were one of the first people I saw actually critiquing Serano and a podcast I really like, It Could Happen Here, just released an episode that has her on as a guest and like... I mean it's great to give trans women a platform to speak on and she's talking about the latest edition of her book (according to the summary) but I also don't think I can bring myself to listen to it because I'm going to be afraid about how they talk about trans mascs the entire time
Like that podcast has a couple trans hosts and neither are trans masc which is fine, but then the vast majority of their trans focused episodes don't have trans masc guests and disheartening to see this as a pattern in a podcast I otherwise enjoy (I mean I don't listen to every ep because they release every weekday and that's So Much but I love the ones I listen to)
So yeah little vent to your blog I guess
I've been actually meaning to scroll through their trans episodes and check out the guests and see how many trans mascs they've actually had on (not that they only have trans guests on trans episodes but that's the easiest place to look)
I hate complaining about trans mascs being invisible every time they have a trans fem on because there shouldn't be *fewer* trans fem guests just *more* trans masc guests
I think I made myself sick from eating decent food for once :') So I should be okay in the long run, just. WTF body I thought you wanted probiotics and vegetables.
I still am just :/ on Serano. I'm glad people are pushing back against the talk around transandrophobia not being necessary as a word by citing her own writing, but from reading her current writings online it feels like she hasn't substantially changed on her underlying feelings about trans masculine people that I've seen thus far in Whipping Girl.
This still isn't touching on her racism. I'm still baffled she used a text written by a white man to talk about Navajo/Diné gender identities.
It's okay to feel uncomfortable, and I get the frustration of masc, nonbinary, intersex, and nonwhite voices remaining off the table. I don't want to say erased so much as not platformed? There's a but somewhere. Needing to understand and keep from falling into an echo chamber and try to see the good and/or humanity
idk this went downhill fast. I'm probably gonna give it a listen when I have brain cells again. So... post graduation? :''''
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✨✨DAY THREE!✨✨  
Check out the amazing works and de sure to leave kudos and comments for our lovely, awesome participants! 🎁🎉
1. Discovered for a_posteriori [Fic - Gift, Explicit, Major Character Death]
Relationships:  Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Eddie Bloomberg/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd/Rose Wilson, Roman Sionis/Jason Todd
Tags:   Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Civilian Jason Todd, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Unrequited Lust, Trans Jason Todd, American Regency, Alternate Universe - Regency, Regency Romance, Hurt Jason Todd, Angst with a Happy Ending, Transphobia, Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Roman Sionis Dies, Jason Todd Lives, Opium, Navajo Roy Harper
Summary:  Jason finds himself planted right in the middle of the country side at a boarding school at the end of the 1810's. With a plethora of people to meet and subjects in which to fall in love with, Jason faces a dilemma of identity.
2. We all need some loving for safelycapricious [Fic - Gift, Mature, Creator Chose Not To Warn, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Jason Todd, Natasha Romanov (Marvel)/Jason Todd, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov
Tags:  Hurt/Comfort, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Jason Todd Deserves Better, Protective Bucky Barnes, Protective Natasha Romanov (Marvel)Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Damian Wayne is Robin, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, Natasha Romanov Is Not A Robot, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, sweats and hoodies are a super hero best friend, very comfy, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent
Summary:   Jason and Gotham don't always mix, luckily he's got two people he can rely on after all is said and done.
3. In Virtue for itsmeyaboi_redacted1 [Fic - Gift, Mature, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death]
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Tags:  Implied/Referenced Torture, Blood and Injury, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Good Sibling Dick Grayson
Summary:    ‘For a long moment Dick just stands there, gun pointed at what’s left of the Joker’s face, chest heaving, soot-blackened features twisted with fury.’For the prompt ‘Red Hood succeeds in killing the Joker, although he did not expect Nightwing to be such a team player.’
4. Today in Space Adventures for CaptainDeadShips [Fic - Gift, Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships: Roy Harper & Koriand’r & Jason Todd
Tags:  Minor Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Minor Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd, Angst, Arguing, Friendship, Space Pirates, Outer Space, Mutant Trafficking, Missions Gone Wrong, Tim Drake is a Menace, Brothers, Collars, Restraints, Aliens, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Mentioned Lian Harper, Off-World
Summary: An Off World Investigation goes horribly wrong when Starfire crashes into a moon.
5. in the presence of absolute evil when you only have a juice box in your arsenal for the_grande_dame [Fic - Gift, Teen, No Archive Warnings Apply]
Relationships: Batfamily Members & Jason Todd
Tags: All-Blades (DCU), Humor, Chemical Soup - Freeform, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Stephanie Brown & Cassandra Cain are The Batgirls, juice boxes as weapons, Batfamily (DCU)
Summary: Soon-to-be-publicly-resurrected Jason Todd has a trick (glowing copper blades that are on fire and do his crime lord intimidation for him) up his sleeve. Also, isn't it a little too strong to call a wannabe Black Mask "absolute evil"?
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bratty-telepath · 2 years
*I'm back with more thoughts, this time about my Lovely(GN), Sam and their responses to trauma as I've personally put it around in my head (also a reason for me to talk about how I've written Lovely).
So there's no denying that Sam and Lovely have very similar parallels and contrasts involving their respective turning and I think there is room for an interesting thought experiment in the idea of how people internalise and externalise their trauma especially those with trauma of similar happenings(because no one responds to trauma–even if similar trauma–the same way).
In Sam's case, we know how he has adressed his trauma, he has cut off all interactions with Alexis(his former sneaky link) and has chosen to pretty much exist in defiance of and within the limits of his circumstances. Basically, he views his turning as a bad thing due to the loss of his abilities' innate potential as well as the circumstances surrounding the turning (ie. Alexis turning him regardless of his denial).
Tldr; Sam has repressed and unresolved trauma from that night
Lovely on the othe hand is an interesting case because we are made to project onto Lovely how they feel about being turned as they don't present negative feelings about visibly. While this has brought us a lot of angst, I wanna introduce a concept:
Lovely isn't as upset as Sam is about their turning.
Hear me out and remember this is just my variation of things, you don't have to agree with it, but I am personally interested in the dynamic this presents. To better illustrate my point, I'll set the stage and use Sam and my Lovely, Logan Varney.
*To get you up to speed, Logan is a Navajo ex-foster kid and college dropout that pretty much was going around getting odd jobs in Dahlia before wandering into Wonderworld and meeting Vincent which leads us into the current canon of things.
Now imagine with me if you will, a scenario in which Sam approaches Logan and attempts to talk to them of his own volition, about their turning and how he presumes they must feel about it, however he comes to learn that Logan isn't as upset about it as he had initially assumed. Instead, Logan views it in the same light of a videogame's reset function–sure, they have to start over with their progress in electro magic and may never get the same results they once did in their previous try at their life but they still have a chance to go about learning magic even if it looks different for them as a vampire
Now, we cannot deny that there are two very different backgrounds to consider in this little clash of trauma responses. Sam is coming at their turning from the perspective of an assumably magic-born freelancer background with the mindset that Lovely is experiencing a major loss after working incredibly hard, whilst Logan is taking it from the perspective of a latent electro energeric who is so used to turbulent change that this is simply just another step back that they can overcome. They also have never had the length of experience they do with their magic that Sam has and as such have chosen to view it otherwise as they don't see loss but an alternative route. One also can't deny that Lovely sees a therapist whilst Sam does not (to our knowledge anyways).
This also opens for me to talk about the mental process I've basically theorised in Sam's approach to his view of trauma, in which it mirrors Stephen Strange from the MCU. When I say that, I should be specific and say that it falls under the idea of a "fall from grace". Both Sam and Stephen are at the height of their prime before tragedy strikes (coincidentally a car crash) and leaves them both unable to perform as they're accustomed to. Additionally, they mourn the incident in a way that moreso derives sadness from the percieved outlook of the loss of their former capabilities (Sam being coded as a disabled man really coming in clutch here). Meaning that the biggest gripe they have in their shared view of their circumstances is that they will both never be the same (which is valid).
Where am I going with this?
Well, welcome to my agenda of "Everyone with similar traumas to Sam is going to be a narrative parallel that will make him face an aspect of his trauma" aka "Sam gets therapy"; Logan's role in that is the facet of accepting the lingering effects of said trauma.
Here, lovely challenges the notion that Sam hasn't addressed how he views the outcome of that night. They've had support and chances to understand how the inversion has affected them which has allowed them to comprehend their feelings about their turning and their circumstances so they know what they're specifically sad about and how they've come to counteract that sadness by seeing their vampirism not as a curse but as a different way they now have to live.
Sam has not done that. Thus, this is a foreign concept because he's held in almost three decades of resentment for the way he now lives, meanwhile Lovely is vibing and processing their experience.
The most important part of it, is that Lovely's reaction now places Sam in the position to recognize that he's unwittingly projected his feelings about his turning onto them, seeking validation from them through someone who doesn't feel that. There's of course nothing wrong with that and I intend to emphasize that people do that regardless of intention to or not, but the absolute best part of this perspective I wish to explore in my current WIP is that Lovely takes it so casually that Sam now has to understand that despite their similar circumstances, Logan doesn't feel the same about their turning and its effects which now makes him consider the way he addresses his trauma*.
*As is normal for people, we challenge our own thoughts and ideas when we get new information, in some cases that means we change our mind about previous subjects and in other cases, we don't. Depends
Frankly I'm excited to finally get done with this WIP especially since this is Logan's first proper fic that I'm doing for them but it's also just interesting to explore how they feel about their turning outside of the normal view of it.
Anyways, laters ✌️
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moki-dokie · 2 years
Jess lore
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Meet Jess! Or, as he'd most likely tell you to call him, "Bull" - a silly nickname that just sort of stuck around until he grew fond enough of it to use it himself (But if you're lucky enough to be someone he considers close, "Jess" is what he'll go by). Most think that name comes from his imposing size. He's 6'9" and built like he lifts whole ass buildings as a pass time. And he's more than happy to let you think that. The longer it takes a person to figure out the actual reason, the funnier it is. Generally, once he hands over his business card with his full name on it, the light bulb moment happens. Jesse Oliver Malarkey. A natural-born werewolf. Currently, he's 177 years old - roughly the human equivalent of 30s. He looks much closer to mid-40s, extreme stress and trauma taking their toll. He's the sole owner and employee of his landscaping business, although he has started to bring his boyfriend along to help out and train. Even outside of work, gardening is his favorite hobby.
Jess was born in Ireland during the famine. Without a pack for support and the island simply too dangerous for wolves - especially wolves with an infant - and the English driving the human population to starvation, his parents joined the thousands fleeing overseas with hopes for a better life. They followed many pioneers into the wilds of the western frontier, perfect territory for wolves.
In what is now New Mexico, nestled in the safety of the canyon valley of the Chama river, they were surprised to come upon an established pack. According to the áni (First One, Leader, Chief, Alpha. A wolf-specific word, even more specific to packs of the southwest. Stems from both Diné and Nahuatl words for "leader".), Mateo, the pack had been there for thousands of years, for almost as long as there had been people. Said to be established by the first wolves of the Diné people, but soon attracted wolves from the southern desert scrublands, followed by wolves of the plains to the east. Over the centuries, cultures have mixed and blended together but several of the foundational traditions remain.
Their territory bordered the Navajo tribe and later their reservation*, friends and allies of one another. They were amongst the only humans to know of their existence and guarded their secret well. To the tribe, the pack was its own unique but adopted clan, known as The People of Two Skins.**
The pack was peaceful, their goal to be a sanctuary and family, to live in harmony with the world and the many different peoples within it.
Mateo himself was amongst the last surviving Mēxihcah people, Aztecs as we know them. After the fall of his people's empire and subsequent genocide, he and quite a number of other supes (slang for supernatural creatures) scattered to the winds. Eventually, he found his way to the pack and after some time, earned his position as its leader. By the time Jess's parents arrived, Mat was considered ancient by wolf standards, but advanced age didn't mean weakness. Besides being highly respected and extremely wise, he was a force to be reckoned with. Many a young wolf in their prime had challenged his position, and each one failed.
Mat accepted them with open arms, all too happy to provide the better life for their pup they'd been seeking.
Part 2 >>
*The current Navajo reservation does not extend to the Chama river, rather the Apache reservation does. But in this world, it's a little rearranged with the Apache nation further to the east. **If I have any Diné people/speakers reading this, I would adore a proper translation. I could look up individual words to throw together but I don't want to do it that way lol.
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