#liveblog: x
the-keroscenic-route · 2 months
People who skip the silver age are missing out. Issue five of the x-men has one of the supervillain plans of all time.
Magneto must find the x-men's headquarters and, of course, brilliant foe that he is, comes up with a foolproof scheme.
Step 1: Procure Toad a mask from the local Spirit Halloween.
Step 2: Enter Toad in a televised athletic competition that apparently has absolutely no admission criteria whatsoever.
Step 3: Have Toad leap and jump through every event, flagrantly displaying his mutant ability and incurring the wrath of the audience.
Step 4: The X-Men, watching the must-see programming of mid-afternoon amateur track and field, will undoubtedly come to his aid and bring him to their secret headquarters.
Step 5: Profit.
Unfortunately, this genius is plot thwarted by one Hank McCoy, who possesses an abundance of both smarts and agility, but no manners whatsoever. He apparently feels it is totally acceptable to just remove another person's apparel and yanks Toad's mask off scooby doo style.
Really this issue has everything: comics code acceptable torture, xavier pretending to lose his powers to test his child soldiers, and toad becoming so depressed at magneto leaving him behind that the x-men are able to follow him to magneto's base without him even acknowledging the yellow spandex clad chatterboxes two feet behind him.
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fabian is such a sweetie and he will not convince me otherwise. genuinely there’s no reason for him to make up with gertie bc the rest of them have enough good standing with her to work with her, he fully did that for kristen. the way he approached it too, wasn’t like “oh im gonna get her off my back so we can deal with the honey thing” no it was pure good soul lou wilson shining through fabian going “hey if there’s even a BUMP on this road to love for my friend because of me? i’m repaving the entire fucking street lets go”
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amelieofgreengables · 1 month
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Travis specifically said “draw it”
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morgumint · 1 month
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devotedtodestiel · 13 days
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Day 5 of posting pride themed supernatural memes until June is over.
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thelreads · 1 year
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Pfft- Yeah, the three least qualified adults to tell the kid that lying is wrong, and neither of them has any idea about the other two.
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strawlessandbraless · 11 days
I would have watched 911 sooner if I knew they introduced a half naked Eddie Diaz in slo-mo while ‘Whatta Man’ plays and Buck seethes
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The reactions from the crew are killing me
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Chimney: now that’s a beautiful man
Hen: where’s the lie, and I like girls
Buck: who the hell is that
Bobby: that’s Eddie Diaz, new recruit and top of his class
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Bobby looking at buck waiting for the explosion
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poraphia · 5 months
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bougiebutchbitch · 1 year
:screeches like a banshee:
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Wilson really like: yeah I’d have fucked you in a heartbeat if you just asked nicely five weeks ago
House really like: .... damn missed my shot
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brilarsn · 1 year
“shouting is roy’s love language” trent crimm, the independent informing us that roy loves jamie
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lovecatsys · 19 days
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the-keroscenic-route · 2 months
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zoetekohana · 9 months
Ruby deserved better.
She deserved proper closure from Otis. She so very obviously still loved him, and was heartbroken when he ignored her texts because of Maeve. It's like Eric said, "When Maeve is involved, Otis doesn't care about anyone else anymore."
I kept waiting for Otis to go up and have a genuine talk with her, sincerely apologizing to her, but it never happened. The only thing was, "Want to be friends?" I'm so happy she turned that offer down because girl deserved better.
(I was rooting for them, though, ngl. I just really love their chemistry and interaction.)
I wish she would have had more interaction with the rest of the cast. Maybe her and Eric discussing how awful it feels when they're being neglected by Otis because of Maeve.
I wish she would have had a little more growth shown, actually on screen, where she acknowledged that her having been heavily bullied made her a bully herself as a means to protect herself. Just a bit more than just that little speech she gave at the end of wanting to become better. I mean, it was all implied very well, but I wanted her to have more screentime to have fleshed that out more. But good for her for saying condolences to Maeve about the latter having lost her mom, and not defending herself when Maeve brushed her off because Maeve had every right to do that.
Also, there should have been a mention that she's such a political powerhouse (she got Connor elected for therapist in two or so weeks, while the other two candidates have been therapists for years) and she would want to pursue a career in that. I could easily see her become a softer version of Jen Barkley from Parks & Rec.
Honestly, Ruby really deserved better.
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mamirhodessxox · 3 months
One request. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Angry black suit cody. 😍😍😍
That's all.🙃🙃🙃
Ask and you shall recieve shnookum 🤓☝️
Settle Down
Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader
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Desc: Cody fires himself up during his Monday Night Raw promo which results into Y/N having to help calm him down backstage.
Contents: Fluff, Cussing, Y/N being a sweetie, angry cody 🤗‼️ (No smut in this one since next oneshot will include smut)
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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“The Rock, took to instagram last week following up with a very entertaining rock concert, too bad he didn’t wanna be here tonight..” the crowd booed “Rock referred to himself as our favorite heel..?” Cody’s voice echoed throughout the arena talking & saying “The nature boy rick flair was a heel. Rock..I don’t think you’re a heel I think you’re an asshole..” Cody scowled directly into the Camera while standing inside the ring as if you two were making eye contact despite the fact you were backstage watching this all go down on the tv that laid against the wall of his dressing room.
“Haven’t you been crying behind the scenes this whole time? I mean once that hashtag came out once they started chanting something else, you went and CRIED to your buddies on the TKO board ‘HEY HEY! This is gonna be some good pr for the rock I need to save wwe’ god knows look at thise house we sure needed saving right?! He said it’s gonna be this great pr for the rock until it wasn’t..” Cody ranted while circling around staring directly at the live camera & you immediately noticed that he was beginning to fire himself up the more he spoke.
“Rock, the TKO folks said to you oh my gosh yes rock yes put on your gucci shirt your muscles will look so big YES YES YES YES! The reason they said it is because they are YES people they are enablers they don’t tell you like it is, so I’m going to.” Cody scoffed as he went on another tangent on how he could admit many things on the Rock but then he pissed himself off so much to the point where he started becoming more verbally agressive “Rock you are also a terrible Salesman a carny succubus and for those who don’t know what that means..Your a whiney BITCH.” He snapped.
Y/N sat in the dressing room staring directly into the fury of his eyes right through the television screen, all this talk about the rock had genuinely started becoming angering to him & bothersome that he somehow managed to upset himself the more he spoke. “You haven’t been in the ring in real time action in YEARS! And April 6th the BELL is gonna ring! What happens rock when it rings? Are you gonna have all that Big Dwayne Energy or LDS?! Little. DICK. Syndrome!” He shouted while all of the fans within the arena started Chanting, Cheering, Shouting waving around their signs while even the announcers chuckled to themselves.
For the rest of his promo he continued ranting, shouting & even going as far as making a sudden deal with The Wiseman Paul Heyman, threatening to pull a Homelander & rip out his throat if he didn’t get to the point which left Paul a little shocked. Once his promo for the night was finished You immediately left the dressing room just as he rushed his way backstage huffing and puffing mumbling with Jey & then approaching you hut you held up your hands that lightly knocked against his chest about to speak but you shook your head
“Cody I can tell you’re pissed off, You upset your own self just by talking about Dwayne alone & before You do anything like take off the suit, get comfortable, go to the bus I need you to grab some water & take a breath.” You spoke softly as you noticed his hands were shaking in irritation and inner rage before he took a deep breath & exhaled while nodding.
“Good. Now let’s get you out of that suit & into the bus before Pharaoh looses his mind..” you pat his shoulder while you two went to the dressing room. You helped him get undressed and for a moment he just legit stood there with boxers on ranting his heart out “Had the nerve on him to mention MY mother y/n and complain about me shedding ONE tear ONE SINGULAR TEAR but this entire time he’s bitching and WHINING to TKO” he started shouting a bit while you folded his suit & packed it away. You turned around & started shushing him softly and pat his chest “Baby your yelling, Settle down okay? I know your pissed hell I would be do if someone talked about my parents like that. But I need you to lower your voice, your throats gonna go raw. Like Monday.”
Cody chuckled at the corny joke you had made to help cheer him up while pulling him into a warm hug as you practiced deep breathes with him “Thank you sweetheart I don’t know what i’d do without you.” You smiled shrugging “I don’t know either.” He snorted and pressed a kiss against your lips “alright now pipe down a bit.” You laughed before giving him one more kiss.
Cody was not an easily angered man, until things like his parents or loved ones getting mentioned but when he had You around? He was going to go a long way when you knew how to calm down in the right ways.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
oh i just opened stream. oh joe and skizz are trying to fight a wither together. oh this is going to go TERRIBLY,
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devotedtodestiel · 5 days
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Beginning and end
No meme today. I decided to post some pride themed oil paintings instead.
Hope you like them!
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