#lol quinn
sketchyallstar · 1 year
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Star Guardians doodles, with my League OC added in for fun
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lamespin · 1 year
Heres a High Noon Quinn warm-up I did a while ago
I really like this concept but I don’t have any plans on cleaning it up so I thought I might as-well post my sketch.
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 years
League of Legends Incorrect Quotes
I haven't played the game, but I like the characters, so I hope y'all enjoy this!
Darius: Why isn't the statue smirking at me?
Annie: It isn't smirking at anyone, they're all just imagining it.
Darius: Three of us saw it, Annie. How do you explain that?
Annie: points at Jarvan IV Sleep deprivation. points at Rell Paranoia. points at Draven Delusional personality disorder.
Darius: You kidnapped Annie? That's illegal!
Rell: But Darius, what's more illegal? Briefly inconveniencing Annie, or destroying our dreams?
Darius: Kidnapping Annie, Rell!
Jarvan IV: Darius, listen, whatever I may think of you right now - these guys are counting on you to inspire them!
Darius: What, to kidnap people?!
Jarvan IV: To work together!
Draven: Darius, we all agreed a celebrity is not a people.
Darius: What's something you guys are better than Annie at?
Rell: Mario Kart.
Draven: Yeah, video games.
Jarvan IV: Emotional vulnerability.
Darius: We've been conducting an ongoing study to see what Rell will and will not eat.
Annie: Grass? Yes!
Darius: Moss? Yes.
Annie: Leaves? Oh yes!
Darius: Shoelaces? Strange, but true.
Annie: Worms? Sometimes!
Darius: Rocks? Usually no.
Annie: Twigs? Usually!
Darius: Draven's cooking? Inconclusive.
Jarvan IV: How did you...test this?
Darius: You just hand her stuff and say "eat this", and if she eats it, she eats it.
Jarvan IV: ...I don't how to feel about this.
Darius: Are we really going to let Annie keep Rell?
Jarvan IV: We kept Draven.
Darius: Nothing in life is free.
Annie: Love is free!
Rell: Adventure is free.
Jarvan IV: Knowledge is free.
Draven: Everything is free if you take it without paying.
Garen: We need a distraction.
Quinn: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Taric, whispering: My time has come.
Garen: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness.
Quinn: Next time you're working out, do 15 push-ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex's house down. You can do it. I believe in you.
Taric: There were so many mixed messages in that, I can't -
Garen: Taric, can I talk to you for a second?
Taric: Yeah, what's up? Lemme guess. You and Quinn are having problems, and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Garen: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I've read books.
(To the Katarina x Garen fans out there, I'm sorry, but I ship Garen x Quinn. Just my personal preference.)
The group is getting into the car
Garen: I'm driving.
Quinn, out of sight: Shotgun!
Taric, turning to face Quinn: Aww, but you had it on the way here -
Everyone except Quinn: WOAH -
Quinn, holding a shotgun: No, I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat. pumps gun
Garen: Quinn and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us.
Taric, sighing: What did Quinn do?
Garen: She chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and -
Quinn: Who wants a steering wheel?
And that's all for now. I'm planning on a separate one for Vi and Jayce, who are an OTP of mine. A small ship, I know, but there are plenty of other blogs that have a Leaguer's preferred significant other for Vi, so if you're not interested in my future Incorrect Quotes, feel free to pass me over for others, okay?
Bye everyone, and take care!
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league-of-skins · 1 year
Quinn, Demacia’s Wings
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HC an actual real forensic psychologist interviews Joker, and realizes he does not meet the legal requirements for being mentally unfit to stand trial (TRUE), and the jury finds he does not meet the requirements for criminal insanity (TRUE) and he is sentenced to death and just like actually successfully executed by Belle Reve Penitentiary.
Batman's official statement "I do not kill. However, I do not give formal statements in political issues, such as the death penalty. If Joker escapes, I will send him back to Belle Reve, regardless of whatever sentencing he receives. I am a Vanguard. I am not a New Jersey Apex Court Justice. Sentencing is outside my jurisdiction or personal interests. Thank you."
Orphan's statement is "I believe wholeheartedly in the sanctity of life. However, I am not opposed to euthanasia."
Red Hood gets hired as a literal Seasonal Summer Worker for Belle Reve, and stands guard.
Barbara Gordon gets hired as Belle Reve Archivist.
Duke Thomas speaks publicly about the Justice System's constant ignorance of the realities of Mental Illness, and the pathologization of acts of violence as mental illness, as well as how white men are frequently given passes for violence by the justice system.
The Joker is executed on April 1st. He is cremated, and his ashes are used in compost alongside goat and pig manure.
Dr. Harleen Quinzel is tried as well, and actually found criminally insane, and after 1 year in psychiatric hospital, and triweekly therapy, she has shown proof of improvement and rehabilitation, 2 years after that, her licensure is reinstated. Instead of going into patient practice, she does psychiatric research, and publishes several papers on the interactions of PTSD and psychotic disorders, as well as developing counseling treatments for domestic abuse and cult survivors.
"Jokes on You Day" becomes a national holiday.
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theerurishipper · 1 month
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First <- Part 19 <- Part 20 -> Part 21
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incognitonio · 20 days
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She's trying her best, Bruce. Cut her some slack.
Based off of that Dungeon Meshi fanart meme by artist @sweepswoop on Twitter/X
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dailydccomics · 4 months
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Jason Todd (alive) shows up to do absolutely nothing in Poison Ivy #23 by G. Willow Wilson and Haining
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runningupthatvecna · 3 months
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same schnitzel, same
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stevenrogered · 7 months
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capquinn · 2 months
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Couldn’t Tell | Q. Hughes
summary: The relationship between you and Quinn is difficult to define. Friends and something more but you can’t be sure. Sidestepping the issue only prolongs the loop where the potential for something real stays just out of reach until one of you addresses it head on. pairing: fem!reader x quinn hughes content: nothing crazy, just a lil situationalship angst word count: 1.6k ↪ masterlist
It’s not like you had come to the party as dates, but he had asked if you were going so you had been hoping you’d find each other and spend the night getting tipsy in a dimly lit corner of the bar. That expectation made the disappointment hurt all the more.
There is no way that he can’t see that she’s flirting with him, right?
Your eyes drift back to your friend, tuning back into the conversation you had only been half-listening to, trying to appear indifferent.
“So there I was, sitting in this meeting, with all these big wigs, and suddenly the CEO turns to me and asks for my opinion. Can you believe it?”
You nod absently, stirring your drink with the straw, gaze flickering back across the bar where Quinn is standing. He’s still engrossed in conversation with a brunette, his laugh ringing out through the room, mingling with the ambient party noise. She flicks her hair and lolls her head to the side, commanding his full attention. His smile widens, and he stares back at her like an idiot.
“I was so nervous but I just went for it. Told him all my ideas about improving the marketing strategy, and he loved it! They all did. They might even implement some of my suggestions for next quarter,” your friend continues, unaware of your distraction, voice a bright thread in the background.
Over her shoulder, you exchange glances with Quinn and it’s like a jolt of electricity, snapping you back to reality. “That’s amazing,” you murmur, focussing back on your friend. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks!” She beams. “It has been such a whirlwind. And the perks… Free coffee, flexible hours, and we even have an office dog called Max.”
“Oh, a dog. That’s so cute,” you say, trying to muster genuine enthusiasm, but now, the brunette is touching Quinn’s arm and he isn’t flinching away from her touch. He throws his head back with another bout of laughter, and a surge of jealousy washes over you, your heart crashing with heavy thuds in your chest. Is he serious? Your eyes meet again, and it’s a sharp reminder of just how out of sync you feel.
Each shared glance feels like a lifeline, as if he’s going to offer a smile and make his way towards you, but then he looks away and the chasm between you grows.
It’s not like you had come to the party as dates, but he had asked if you were going so you had been hoping you’d find each other and spend the night getting tipsy in a dimly lit corner of the bar. That expectation made the disappointment of seeing him with someone else hurt all the more.
“Anyway,” your friend says, leaning in, tone dropping conspiratorially, “enough about me. How are things with you and Quinn? I’ve seen you making eyes at each other all night,” she giggles, throwing a glance over her shoulder in Quinn’s direction. If she notices the other girl, she doesn’t mention it.
You force a laugh, bringing your glass to your lips, buying some time to think of an answer other than, ‘well, he’s over there with someone else and I’m pretty sure they’re flirting with each other and there isn’t anything I can do about it because I’m not actually sure where we stand and it’s driving me insane.’
You had hoped tonight would provide a renewed sense of clarity. A glimpse into whether or not the connection that shimmered between you both was more than a fleeting moment. Instead, his easy laughter with someone else highlights the lingering ambiguity and you wonder if you had been read the signals wrong all along. Are you merely a casual acquaintance, just a friend of a friend, rather than someone he genuinely cares about? Are your feelings misplaced or have you been expecting more than he’s willing to give? Perhaps you’ll always be on the periphery of his affections rather than at the centre.
But once you swallow around your racing thoughts, you settle with, “it’s complicated.”
“Complicated?” She raises an eyebrow. “What’s the deal?” The question hangs in the air, but your attention is already elsewhere.
What you had been dreading all night long finally happens. A cruel twist of fate.
The brunette glides closer to Quinn with deliberate grace, her hand trailing lightly over his arm, lingering just a moment too long to be casual. She leans in and her lips hover tantalisingly close to his ear, brushing against his skin. Intimate and unmistakable. Your heart twists in knots as the space between them charges with a private electricity, and it puts so much distance between you and Quinn that you don’t think you’ll ever be able to bridge the gap now.
And then there is a change in his demeanour that’s jarring. Quinn’s initial surprise morphs into a subtle discomfort. Body tensing and eyes widening slightly as the closeness of her whisper registers. The easy laughter falters, replaced with a hesitant smile. He shifts, creating a noticeable distance between them, gently moving away from her touch. In a swift move, his gaze sweeps across the room and lock on yours through the crowded space, his eyes a mix of concern and something that looks like an apology.
A ball of anxiety sits heavy in your chest as he looks directly at you, realising that he saw you witness the entire exchange. The weight of it feels like a direct confrontation to all your insecurities. The uncertainty of your relationship with Quinn has always been a hidden wound, but now it’s exposed and raw.
You turn back to your friend. “Sorry, I just need to…” you trail off, straining a smile as you collect your belongings. Unwilling to sit here a moment longer and bear witness to any further turmoil. “I think I need some fresh air. It’s getting crowded in here,” you excuse yourself, sliding on your coat.
She watches you fumble with your bag. “Do you want me to come with you?”
“No, it’s okay. I’ll be back soon. Save me a drink,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady.
When you reach the exit, the cool night air is a welcome contrast to the oppressive heat inside the bar. You take a deep breath, trying to shake off the tension of the evening. Just as you step outside, you sense a presence behind you, and then Quinn is suddenly in front of you, blocking your path.
“Hey,” he says softly, his voice almost a whisper against the backdrop of the quiet street. “I’m sorry—”
“You don’t need to apologize,” you cut him short, your voice thick with exhaustion.
His brows furrow, a look of genuine confusion on his face. “I feel like I do,” he presses earnestly.
“It’s fine, Quinn.”
“It’s not fine,” he insists, his voice low and regretful. “I didn’t realize what was going on until it was too late. I’m sorry.”
“You really don’t need to apologize for being oblivious,” you start, your voice faltering slightly despite your best efforts to appear indifferent. “We’re not together so it’s not a big deal,” you hesitate, chuckling nervously, bracing yourself as you teeter on the brink of blowing this whole thing wide open.
You’re tired of the ambiguity that hangs between you, the way your conversations dance around the core of what you both really want. To be together or to go your seperate ways — you really couldn’t tell the difference anymore. The fear of pushing too hard and making things awkward has kept both of you on edge, leading to a pattern where everything remains in flux. It’s as if every time you think you’re getting closer to an answer, the goalposts shift, and you’re left grappling with even more questions than before.
But there’s a simmering resolve that builds with each passing moment. Continuing to sidestep the issue will only prolong the loop where the potential for something real is always just out of reach.
Gathering your strength, you take a deep breath and steel yourself. “It caught me by surprise because I thought you liked me back and that this was leading to something more. It made me realise that I don’t really know where we stand. Am I misreading the signals?”
Quinn’s eyes twinkle with a mix of amusement and warmth. “Am I doing this all wrong?” he asks, his smile playful.
You look at him, puzzled and twinging with frustration. Is this a joke to you? “What do you mean?”
He chuckles, a soft, disbelieving laugh that makes his eyes crinkle at the corners. “Seriously. Am I not being obvious? I’m out here trying to apologise and explain so that you don’t get the wrong idea,” he pauses, gauging your reaction. “I’m interested in you, and I should have made that clear, not just to her but to you too.”
Your breath catches as his words sink in. “Oh,” you whisper. You take a moment, processing the shift in the conversation. “But tonight you were—,”
“I honestly didn’t even realize she was crossing lines,” Quinn interrupts, his tone apologetic. “Hand over heart. I thought she was just being friendly,” he laughs, scratching the back of his neck, a flush creeping over his cheeks. “I mean, I should have noticed.”
The haze is beginning to clear.
“So, you’re saying…what exactly?”
A smile grows as he steps towards you, eyes locked on yours. “I’m saying that I like you and I want us to be more than whatever this is,” Quinn affirms, his gaze steady and sincere, fingers intertwining with yours.
You squeeze his hand, relieved. “I want that too,” you confess barely above a whisper, acutely aware of how your heart is racing as your bodies inch closer.
His smile widens, his eyes locked on yours. His hand gently cups your cheek, breaths mingling as he leans in closer, your noses nearly touching.
In that moment, the world narrows to just the two of you. You push up onto your tiptoes, closing the gap between you and pressing your lips to his. The kiss is brief but filled with a depth of feeling that words can’t quite capture.
As you pull back, the world around you settles into a new rhythm and the boundaries of your relationship are redrawn. What were once blurred lines are clearly defined; all is made explicit.
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broresteia · 4 months
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games 2 and 3 memes
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justmeinadaze · 2 months
Thinking about Eddie while doing my yoga stretches❤🧘‍♀️
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Just picturing him either being a cute perv.
"Eddie!", you giggle.
"Sweetheart, you cant just put your ass in the air like that and not expect me to spank it."
"Op sorry, babe. Just... trying to grab my...cigarettes here.", he playfully strains his voice as his body folds over yours and he presses his jean covered bulge against your legging covered ass.
And/ or he'd genuinely try poses with you but because hes Eddie he has to make jokes the entire time.
"They named this pose after me ya know? It's called 'Sexy Dungeon Master Pose.'", he smirks as he lifts his hips and blows a kiss your way.
"Princess, I don't want to alarm you but... I'm 99% positive I'm stuck. I may need your help untangling me."
"Oh you're stuck huh? So that means you cant stop me from going in your room and playing with your guitar?"
"How dare you take advantage of me in this vulnerable position!", he exaggeratedly gasps before easily unfolding to chase you to the bedroom.
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friendamedes · 5 months
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original by @punkitt-is-here
inspired by Angus McDonald and the Forever Weed by @merrygejelh <3
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plistommy · 6 months
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hugheses · 4 months
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at metlife last night to see chris stapleton
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