#look him up :) wizard pig
dark-and-kawaii · 15 days
Tiefling bachelors reacting to someone smacking or coping a feel of his partner's butt in passing? What does he do?
˖⁺‧₊˚✦ Don't Touch ✦˚₊‧⁺˖
✦ Awhhh I loved doing this one!!! We love us some protective tiefling bachelors!!! I hope you enjoy these *nervous laughter* xoxo
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ I feel like Zevlor is a man that pays close attention to his surroundings, so you can count on him when it comes to those who wish to pass on by and cop a feel.
It was such a lovely day in Baldurs Gate, the air was filled with the scents of exotic spices and the colorful sights of stalls brimming with goods from across the realms as you and Zevlor walked through Baldurs Gate. Zevlor, ever watchful, stayed close by your side, his sharp eyes scanning the crowd, “You never know what could happen in a place like this,” Zevlor murmured. His presence always making you feel protected in the sea of faces.
“Oooh look at this one!” you paused to admire a stall with shimmering fabrics,. Out of the corner of Zevlor’s eyes, he noticed a man weaving through the crowd towards you, his intentions clear. Just as the stranger's hand stretched out towards you, Zevlor acted swiftly.
Without hesitation, like the seasoned soldier he was, Zevlor grabbed the man's wrist, stopping him in his tracks, “I’d Mind your hands, if I were you.” His voice was calm but carried a deadly warning. His grip tightening just enough to make the man wince, his face contorting in pain.
The man, realizing his mistake, tried to pull away, but Zevlor's hold was unyielding, “Think before you act, for you never know whom you might run into,” Zevlor added, his tone stern. After a moment, he pushed the man back into the crowd, his eyes never leaving the stranger until he disappeared into the crowd of people.
You looked up at Zevlor, “And here I was going to say you worry too much.” gratitude filled your eyes and you gently kissed his cheek, “always my steadfast shield.”
With a soft smile, his arm finding its way around your waist, he pulled you close, “let’s not allowed that to run our day.”
For the rest of the day, Zevlor kept you close to his side, his tail gently coiled around your thigh, a silent promise of safety. His hand resting at your side, while you continued to explore the market.
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ After everything happened with Lorroakan, Rolan was no longer afraid to get handsy with those that mistreated him or others, especially if it involved you.
Today Rolan found himself walking alongside you, Cal, and Lia through the city during a festival. The wizard would’ve preferred to stay in his tower but you all had insisted that he come with. Cal being the one to convince him, ‘she could get into trouble and need her fancy wizard to come to her rescue for once.’ Is what he had said. Crossing his arms annoyed, Rolan continued walking.
Laughing, you nudged him gently with your elbow. “Come on, Rolan. Even you can't deny it's nice to take a break from your books and potions.” Rolan's lips twitched into a rare, fleeting smile, “Perhaps. But only because the three children are enjoying it,” he said referring to you three.
As you absorbed the joy and laughter around you, a sudden jolt disrupted the harmony. You felt a sharp smack on your rear followed by a leering voice slurring, “Hey, sweetheart, how about a kiss for the brave festival hero?”
Instantly, Rolan's demeanor shifted as he spun around to face the pig of a man. Rolan’s tail quickly brought you behind him, “Stay behind me,” he murmured, his voice low and controlled, but with an unmistakable edge of anger.
The man laughed mockingly, stepping closer. “What's this? The little devil's got a temper, eh?”
Without breaking eye contact, Rolan raised his hand, fingers weaving through the air, chanting under his breath. The air around the man's feet began to shimmer, and suddenly, he yelped as his feet were bound by glowing ethereal chains, rooting him to the spot. Rolan's gaze was icy as he stepped towards the bound man, “I would choose your next words very carefully if I were you," he warned, his voice steady.
Lia and Call watched on the sidelines in awe, proud that their brother got to finally be your protector for once.
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Dammon has a gentle heart, is soft spoken, and usually always tries to help someone in need. Confrontation? Nah, not really his jam. He had always been more at home among his anvils and hammers than dealing with confrontation. However, today something snapped, perhaps it was because it involved you.
As his hammer came down, shaping a new blade from glowing steel, a commotion- your voice, had broken his focus. Whipping around, he caught sight of a passerby hastily retreating his hand from your backside with a smirk, leaving you flustered and upset. Dammon's usual calm demeanor went out the window and was replaced quickly with anger and protection.
For a moment, he hesitated, his large, calloused hands tightening around the hilt of the sword. Then, with a swift motion, Dammon pulled the sword from the forge. The metal steaming as it was removed with an orange glow.
He walked over to the man, his heart pounding from the adrenaline of stepping so far out of his comfort zone. Dammon's approach was silent but swift, and as he reached the offender, he held the hot blade just inches from the man’s face. The heat from the steel was evident, a clear threat that no words could match.
"Never touch anyone without their consent, understood?" Dammon said, his voice uncharacteristically commanding, his brows furrowed. The man's eyes widened and he nodded. Pleased with this, Dammon flicked the blade in your direction, “Good. Now apologize.”
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auras-moonstone · 8 months
Can you write one about Jack or Ethan where it’s based on the song speak now by Taylor swift where the reader is gonna get married but then something dramatic happens or something like that 😭
speak now — ethan landry
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word count: 2,057
pairing: slytherin!ethan landry x slytherin!fem!reader
summary: y/n is forced to marry another man, but ethan was around when the preacher said "speak now."
author’s note: was it necessary for this to be a harry potter au? nope. but arranged marriages are common in the wizarding world so i said why not 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Y/N Y/L/N CAME FROM A PRESTIGIOUS FAMILY OF PURE-BLOOD WIZARDS. And like most pure bloods, her family shared traditional and archaic ideas that pushed her down the rabbit hole she was now trapped in.
It had been the cruelest of summers. She had found out that she was getting married to one of the most disgusting boys she had ever met. Enzo was a Slytherin, just like her, and was constantly strutting around the castle, with his chin held high like he was better than everyone, and constantly bullying those who weren't pure bloods—Ethan Landry being his constant punch ball. Hence why Y/N hated Enzo so much.
Ethan was Y/N's best friend. He was also a Slytherin, but unlike most of the students in there, he was a muggleborn. Their connection had been instant, and Y/N had surprised Ethan with her open mind and kind heart despite her backgrounds. She was his only friend, due to the rest of the house looking at him as if he were dust under their shoes, but he didn't care—Y/N was all he needed. He had become so accustomed to being by her side that on summers he felt empty, and spent all those months counting the days until they were back at Hogwarts.
When he found her on an empty wagon, his smile couldn't have been wider. Y/N's mood lifted up a bit, but her smile wasn't as lively as usual. Ethan noticed she was paler, she had dark bags under her eyes and her gaze had flickers of sadness.
"Hey... what's wrong, love?" Ethan wrapped her in his arms.
"I missed you, E. This summer has been hell, and it's only going to get worse." Y/N said, trying to hold back the tears, but her voice gave her away.
"What happened?" he asked worried.
"I'm getting married. My dad arranged it. I'm going to be Enzo's wife in a month."
Ethan's world stopped. His body grew still, his surroundings froze and his joy turned into ashes. The idea of her with another boy made him want to throw up, but the thought of her being forced to marry someone she didn't want? It made him furious, made him want to scream and avakedavra everyone but her.
"What happens if you say no?" Ethan managed to ask.
"They will disown me, probably kick me out of the house"
"That is not so bad, isn't it? I mean, it is bad, but worse than being married to that pig?"
"Eth... I have no one else, nowhere to go. And yeah, marry Enzo is not ideal but that doesn't mean I have to... do romantic stuff, right? I won't kiss him, or even share a room with him." she said hopeful.
"For now, Y/N/N. Now it's only marriage, but soon it'll be about expanding the bloodline, you know that."
"Yes, I know." and that's the moment she started to sob. "I have no choice, Eth."
"Live with me." he blurted, making her look at him in shock. "I'll talk to my dad. We are three siblings, but we can share a bed, or I'll take the couch and you can sleep on my bed. We'll see, but please Y/N you can't marry him."
"Eth, that's so nice but I can't accept that offer. I'll be completely cut off, so I won't be able to pay for the food or the rent, or the stuff for school. And I sure as hell won't let your dad pay for me, even if he says yes."
Y/N cut him off "That is my final word, Eth. Please, I don't want to keep talking about it. I just want to be with you and forget about everything else. Tell me about your summer."
"It was okay. I missed you like crazy, though. I kept expecting to hear your voice and your contagious laugh" he said. Their eyes met, and the room got thick with tension. There was a big elephant in the room, and he was determined to address it. "Been thinking all summer about what happened at King's Cross at the end of the year."
"I shouldn't have done that." Y/N shook her head.
"You regret it?" his voice came out in a whisper because the words she said had cut him deep.
"I didn't, until my father told me he basically sold me to Enzo." she said. "That kiss was all I ever wanted. You are everything I ever wanted, and for a few days, I thought I could have. Now, you're everything I ever wanted but can't have."
"Says who?"
"Um, my father? Enzo? Enzo's family?"
"Who gives a fuck about them?" he said bluntly. Before she could open her mouth, he continued. "Do you want to be with me?"
"Ethan of course I want to be with you, but-"
"Then be my girlfriend, I want to be with you, too." he grabbed her hands.
"I can't be your girlfriend only for a month, Ethan. That's not fair to you."
"Who says it should only be for a month?"
"You're not making sense right now. I'm getting married."
"Yeah, and I'll still be your boyfriend. No one has to know what we do."
"That's bloody crazy, Landry. What happens when I have to... get pregnant, form a family." God, the thought disgusted her but it was the truth. That was women's purpose in the pure blood community—to marry and have children.
Ethan's jaw clenched. "Don't say that."
"You said it yourself minutes ago. No matter how much we hate it, it's the truth. That is my future."
"Then let's be together until the day of the wedding" he said defeated. The word ‘wedding’ made his stomach turn. "I don't want to be left wondering what we could've been together. Let's enjoy the time we have, let yourself enjoy the freedom you have left."
Ethan was right. She was not going to let those devils ruin the last few days of happiness she had left. She could see the end even as it began. But he was standing there, so tall and handsome as hell, and he made her so happy that she couldn't refuse. "Okay."
"Yeah?" he said surprised.
Y/N smiled and nodded. "Yes. Let's do it. I want to be with you."
"Can I kiss you now? I've been waiting the whole summer."
"God, yes."
The couple exited the train with swollen lips, messy hair, wrinkled clothes and sparks flying around them.
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THIRTY DAYS LATER, IT WAS TIME TO CAGE THOSE SPARKS AND LOCK THEM FOREVER. Both teenagers spent their last night tangled up together, with Ethan's hands in her hair and clothes on the floor of the room of requirements.
The memory of Ethan sleeping so peacefully on her shoulder was a memory that would follow Y/N around forever. It was going to haunt her and break her heart every single time because she would never get to see it again. He wasn't the one he was going to wake up next to, and the realization took her down. Once she was out of that door, her life of eternal sadness would begin.
"Good morning, love." his familiar voice whispered on her ear.
"Hi, handsome." she smiled sadly. "How is it that you look this gorgeous even first thing in the morning?"
"I don't know, I should ask you that." he kissed her collarbone.
They spent a few minutes in silence, holding each other. But Y/N knew it was time to go. In a few hours, she would have the weight of a ring on her finger. "Eth..."
"Just a few more seconds, please." his voice was thin, and his eyes were shut trying not to let the tears fall.
"I don't know if this is going to make things worse, but I need you to know. Eth, you are the love of my life."
"You are the love of my life, too. Knew it since the first time we met, when you jinxed that asshole who called me a mudblood."
"I'm the knight in shinning armour to your damsel in distress" Y/N joked.
"I love you" Ethan said grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles, never taking his eyes off hers.
"I love you, too." but I have to go, were the words that she didn't say but floated in the air. Ethan nodded, and she got up put her clothes on and dragged her feet towards the door, her steps as heavy as the pain in her heart. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and left, leaving her happiness behind.
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ETHAN'S INVITATION HAD BEEN WITHDRAWN BY THE LOVELY BROOM-TO-BE. Yet, he was not going to let Y/N feel alone in that awful day, so he sneaked inside the church and hid in the curtains. He had a good view of the whole scene—the guests, Enzo’s snotty little family, who had chosen an awful pastel theme, Enzo standing straight in his light grey suit and the preacher behind him.
Then an organ started to play a song that sounded like a death march. Seconds later, the wide tall wooden doors opened and Y/N entered in her flowy lilac dress. Scanning the room, her eyes caught sight of Ethan and after the shock disappeared, she had to bit back a smile. She knew this was hard for him too, so the fact that he still went to support her made her love him even more.
His eyes followed her figure until she stopped in front of Enzo. On the outside, they looked great. Her dress had little grey details that matched his suit and they both were extremely good-looking. But it didn't matter how handsome Enzo was, Ethan knew Y/N wished the one standing beside her at the altar was him.
Once the attention of the people was at the front of the room, Ethan sat on the last row alone. His focus was on the beautiful bride, who was trying to mask her sadness with a fake and tense smile. He frowned in discontent. He couldn't let her become her signature, he couldn't let her live an unhappy life.
And then, he heard the preacher say, "Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
The complete silence that embraced the room after those words was interrupted by the screeching sound of the wooden bench. It wasn't until he felt eyes on him that Ethan realized he had stood up, and then his senses came back at once. His hands were shaky and sweaty, his mouth was completely dry and his breath got caught in his throat. He could feel the horrified looks of everyone in the room, but he was only looking at her.
"I don't know what I'm doing, to be completely honest. I never thought I would ever barge in on a white veil occasion, but I can't let you do it, Y/N/N. You shouldn't be marrying the wrong boy. Please, don't say yes."
Enzo was practically killing him with his eyes, and if there weren't so many people around, he may have thrown the killing curse at him. But right now, Ethan would take every curse and jinx if it meant Y/N's life wouldn't become a hellhole.
"Ethan..." it was the only thing that came out of her mouth. Her head was spinning like a tornado.
"No, you need to hear me out" he begged. "It's going to be difficult, but we're going to get through it together. You are the love of my life, and I'm yours. Please don't marry him. Let's ran away now. I love you"
"Y/N stop this nonsense. Someone guide the mudblood out."
Before Y/N knew it, her clenched fist impacted with Enzo’s face and gasps echoed in the room. "Don't you ever insult my boyfriend again. Don't test me, Enzo. I know more dark curses than you could ever imagine, and I'd love to try them on you."
She took her heels off and ran down the aisle and into Ethan's arms. "Holy shit, that was so hot. I love you." he yelled as they sprinted out of the church hand in hand.
Y/N laughed. She felt happy, free and completely fearless. "I love you too. I'm so glad you were around when they said speak now."
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gewhanaa · 7 months
Gale Did Nothing Wrong
I am a firm Gale apologist and Mystra hater. He is so obviously groomed and manipulated by a literal goddess and blames himself, all before aforementioned goddess demands he blow himself up.
Gale rant below the cut. TLDR; mystra absolutely knew Gale was seeking out the orb. She wanted him to find it, even, so he could he the guinea pig.
Thinking about how it's clearly established by Gale and Elminster that Mystra is is borderline omniscient when it comes to the weave and her chosen. Even discarded and abandoned, it's alluded she knows immediately when he disobeys her. It's hinted at that she is aware any time he calls on the weave to use a spell.
All that in mind, there's no fucking way she didn't know Gale was seeking out the orb. Probably months of planning and study, and she just happened to miss her chosen/lover looking for and finding an ancient possibly god-power-level artifact? I call bullshit.
My current headcanon is that she absolutely did want the power of the orb, but was unsure what the effects of it would be. As soon as she discovers the crown, she wants it. She wants power and more importantly wants to keep it from everyone else.
So what's better than her infatuated chosen? He's extremely adept, yet wonderfully loyal and obedient. Desperate enough to ignore the danger if it means he has a chance to impress her.
It's a win-win for her. If it's exceedingly dangerous and kills him, then she has her answer. If it's safe enough to aquire, he will surely bring it to her. Just as he brings her the crown at the end of the game.
When it doesn't kill him and instead drains his power and creates a new problem for her, she's infuriated. She casts him aside; she has no use for a subpar wizard.
In summary, I fucking hate Mystra and it's absolutely on sight. She's manipulative and groomed Gale literally to the point that he's totally convinced everything is HIS fault for "not respecting her boundaries".
All the details we get depict an incredibly abusive and inescapable narrative. Gale never stood a chance.
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drpeppertummy · 26 days
[banging a bunch of vcrs together] werewoof tummy story who wants werewoof tummy story
[hunger, stuffing, context/setup involves medical stuff but nothing graphic]
Teddy's belly rumbled loudly, and he dropped his head back against the pillow with a groan. He'd eaten an enormous breakfast not that long ago and a snack after that, but it didn't matter; his stomach was starving yet again. Hugo had warned him that hunger was a common side effect, but he had no idea it would be this bad.
Teddy had finally had the opportunity to get top surgery, but there had been one obstacle--he couldn't exactly care for his incisions if he was transforming into a giant wolf every month. This issue had kept him from pursuing the procedure at all for years; he'd just sort of accepted that it would never work. Until, that is, Stelian--Luna's vampire friend--introduced him to a friend of a friend. Hugo, a sweet old wizard who ran a magic shop selling everything from card tricks to interdimensional elements, was able to set Teddy up with a few doses of werewolf transformation blockers. Not enough to be dangerous--it wasn't safe to take them for more than a few months, he'd told him--but just enough to get him through the healing process safely.
Of course, the blockers weren't without side effects. Hugo had run him through everything: He'd likely feel uncomfortable and restless for about a week after the full moon, as he typically would the week before, the next transformation after he stopped taking them could be unusually aggressive, nothing that couldn't be guessed. And, of course, a markedly increased appetite. Teddy's appetite was always stronger during the week approaching the full moon, but now, on the blockers, it was twice as strong the week after as well. He was astonished at how hungry he'd been for the past couple weeks. He was a small man, and his stomach seemed to want more food than he could possibly fit into himself.
He hugged his belly, feeling frustrated and hoping to muffle the growls. He knew his housemates understood; they'd figured out the werewolf business long before he ever told them about it, and they knew all about the transformation blockers and their side effects. He felt lucky to have such caring friends looking after him. Still, he couldn't help feeling self conscious about his endlessly hungry belly. He wasn't typically shy about his appetite, but this was a different ballgame. He felt self conscious about how noisy it was, and how much of their food he was putting away, and the fact that his friends had to help him get said food, and the fact that he was almost certainly going to put on a good heap of weight since there was no transformation to burn off everything he was eating. He felt like a burden and a pig, and, of course, he felt agonizingly hungry on top of it.
His stomach yowled sharply, then let out a long, low whine. He couldn't fathom how it was still hungry; he still felt a little bloated from the big breakfast Bruce had made him. Bruce was an absolute saint. He loved cooking and he was great at it, and he was more than happy to make Teddy the biggest portions he could put together. Ordinarily, his tall stacks of waffles would leave the little werewolf feeling absolutely stuffed silly for the rest of the day. Today, they didn't hold him over for two hours.
"You're hungry." Stelian's quiet voice nearly startled Teddy right out of his seat.
"Oh, gosh, I didn't even know you were here," he exclaimed, holding his chest. The vampire was hard to read, but Teddy thought he could detect the tiniest hint of amusement on his lean face. Silently, he passed him a bowl of pot roast.
"Aw, I'm alright, Stelian, really," he said, feeling guilty. "I just ate a little while ago, I can wait a little longer--"
"You're healing. Your body is asking for food. You need it," Stelian said matter-of-factly. Teddy's stomach growled eagerly in agreement.
"I guess so," he sighed, accepting the meat. He looked up at him, smiling meekly. "Thanks, Stelian." Stelian retreated to his hiding space without a word. He was far from the sweet, warm, caring type that Bruce was, or the silly, playful, friendly type like Luna, but Teddy liked him regardless. He was caring in his own way, quietly protective and viciously loyal, and Teddy admired and appreciated him.
Alone again--or, at least, pretty sure he was--Teddy dug into the pot roast. It was a big serving, and the tender, flavorful meat satisfied his carnivorous cravings in a way that waffles couldn't. He tried to eat slowly and enjoy it, but he couldn't help wolfing it down, at least at first. He was absolutely ravenous. Gradually, though, his stomach settled as it filled up, and he was able to slow his pace, taking the time to savor his food.
It wasn't until he was mostly through the bowl that Teddy really began to feel full. He slowly went from satisfied to full to comfortably stuffed, and then he began to push it, his belly growing tight around the big meal as he went at the last few bites. The heavy meat and bulky vegetables pushed out against the walls of his stomach, and he found himself struggling to finish. In fact, he nearly gave up, but, wanting to hold off his insatiable hunger for as long as possible, he forced down the last little bit, his belly aching as it strained to make space. He swallowed it down with a heavy sigh and let his head fall back against the pillow, resting a hand on his full tummy. It let out a soft little gurgle of contentment, appeased for now.
Teddy tried to set the bowl down on the coffee table, but it was just a hair farther than he could comfortably reach. He was just about to get up when a slender hand swooped in and took it.
"Oh, gosh, Stelian!" Teddy looked up to see the vampire looming quietly behind him. He set the bowl down and disappeared, and a sleek black cat hopped silently up onto Teddy's lap. He gave him an unreadable look in the eye, then curled up against his round belly. Teddy reached out, hesitated for a moment, then cautiously stroked his back. Stelian remained in place, and, feeling more at ease, Teddy went on petting him.
Teddy and Stelian were both fast asleep when Bruce and Luna came home with plenty of takeout to go around, and they took about a hundred pictures of the two of them all snuggled up together. Judging by the size of Teddy's round little belly, they determined that he'd already eaten, and they stuck some food in the fridge for later before sitting down with their own. It wouldn't be long before they'd be getting it back out, though--they were amused to hear that, even in his sleep, his tummy was already rumbling again.
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lulublack90 · 17 days
Prompt 23 - Desk
@jegulus-microfic May 23, Word count 773
Previous part First part
Regulus had spent so much time in Gryffindor Tower this last month and a bit, that he might as well swap his green and silver tie for a red and gold one. He clamped down on that thought. James could almost read his mind and if he even caught a whiff that the thought had flashed through his mind, James wouldn’t let him leave the dorm room without one of his ties around his neck. It had been bad enough last night when James had suggested to the others that they should make Regulus a marauder after helping with the prank. 
The common room was eerily quiet, even with a handful of Gryffindors milling around. No one batted an eye at Regulus appearing at the bottom of the spiral staircase. Another sign that he was spending too much time there. Strangely, no one in Slytherin had said anything. He was finding it hard to believe that no one had mentioned it around the school. Something like this should have spread like fiend fire.
Sirius finally joined them in the common room, and they headed towards the portrait hole. 
Regulus’s hands instantly snapped up to cover his ears as the fat lady’s portrait swung open. People were shouting and screaming in the corridor. But when Regulus looked out there was no one there. He blinked and looked again. There must have been at least twenty invisible people there. Something clicked as the fat lady’s portrait closed behind them. She’d disappeared, but there were three of Sirius’s pigs rutting up the grass in the garden behind where she usually stood.
The five of them walked forward. Remus passed around fluffy earmuffs he’d conjured and Sirius immediately snatched the pink ones from Remus's hands. The first portrait they got to was a landscape of a Scottish farm house. The farmer and his wife were outside with their giant scraggly dog herding six of the pigs into a large pen. The farmer and his wife were shouting at each other loudly. 
“Hamish, they need to go to the left.” The wife told her husband as the pigs went the wrong way. The scraggy dog was having the time of his life by the looks of it. 
They moved on to the next painting. Seven astronomers brandished their wands at the pig blocking the staircase out of their tower. The pig seemed quite happy where it was sleeping and for some reason their spells had no effect on it. The wizards yelled and threw their telescopes in annoyance.
In the next painting, they watched as a knight on a squat pony raced across the grounds of a ruin with about fifteen of the pigs charging after them. 
“Back, back you mangy curs!”
The grand staircase was even more chaotic. There were hundreds of paintings hung there. Regulus and the others hand to press the earmuffs into there ears to block out the deafening sounds of the pig squealing. 
The great hall was blissfully quiet, there were no paintings or portraits there. For once, the doors were kept closed for the whole of breakfast. Regulus had had to wait for a few moments before he followed the marauders in and had pulled off his earmuffs as they were all still sporting theirs, and he didn’t want any of his fellow Slytherins to make the connection. 
“It’s nuts out there,” Avery grumbled as he ripped a bite from his toast. 
“My money's on Potter and his disciples,” Snape sneered in their direction. Regulus had to work hard to keep his face blank at how spot on Snape was. He tucked into his porridge and checked he had everything for the day ahead. 
He had Charms first, so at least he wouldn’t have far to go, but he couldn’t deny the thrill he felt at the chaos that had taken over the entire castle that no one would ever think or believe that he’d been a part of it. 
He sat at a desk at the back of the Charms classroom. Silencing charms had been put on the door so they could learn in peace. It wasn’t long into the lesson when a piece of parchment appeared on Professor Flitwick’s desk. 
“Ah, yes.” The tiny professor exclaimed as he scanned the note. “Right students, Professor Dumbledore has cancelled classes for the day, you are all to go back to your common rooms and wait there until your head of house gives you further instructions.” Regulus couldn’t hide the grin that spread across his face. His first prank had been a complete success. He headed up to Gryffindor Tower without even thinking. 
Next part
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baxndaid · 1 year
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1999/lmk sun wukong x reader
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ! tbh this can be read as both 1999 or lmk OR literally anything else since this is taking place during the jttw !! SORRY FOR LONG ABSENCE </3
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- you were a witch that was ordered to aid the pilgrim named Tripitaka on his quest to find the ancient scriptures
- you didn’t really know he’d have company though, even with your powers you could’ve never predicted that he’d be travelling with a monkey, a pig, and a sea wizard (not to mention their dragon horse)
- at first it was pretty rocky considering that when you revealed yourself to the group, the monkey (who was conveniently named monkey) attacked you with no hesitation
- in battle, you tried to show him the letter you received from the goddess Guan Yin, but it fell on deaf ears and he continued his attacks while calling you a liar
- he stopped as soon as the monk ordered for him to halt, with a bit of encouragement from the headband of course 😋
- you both floated down to your master
- you bowed and introduced yourself as y/n, and the group introduced themselves to you too
- pigsy took a liking to you (obviously)
- monkey did not
- sandy was neutral
- tripitaka was just glad he had another semi-sane individual in his group
- and so, you and your new companions continued with your journey to the west
- ANYWAY that brings you to where you are now 🗣️🗣️
the journey
♡ wukong didnt trust you much, even after a few months of traveling together
♡ he would allow you to do the same things he and his fellow companions did of course, but he would never let you stay and watch his master alone
♡ you did notice, but you didnt care, babysitting the monk wasnt exactly something you were dying to do as much as you respected him
♡ he did appreciate you for your skills, though
♡ Tripitaka managed to get kidnapped 4 times a week instead of 9 with you around 🥳
♡ for that, he warmed up to you
♡ just a smidge tho💔💔
♡ during the whole white bone demon/crimson witch saga; you defended monkey from the accusations of him killing a not so innocent young women
♡ you didnt feel as if he had a reason to lie, and even if you definitely werent his favourite person of the group, you still didnt want him to get punished for something that he did to protect his friends
♡ didnt work tho LMFAOO 😩
♡ he was soon banished from the group and went back to his home in flower fruit mountain in a sour mood
♡ you kinda felt bad but you kinda liked it like lmfaoo deserved 💔💔
♡ after the young monk got in trouble again, it was up to you to find monkey and get him to help you again
♡ you still don’t know why the hell pigsy made you do it, you just assumed he was being lazy and just wanted you to do all the heavy lifting
♡ you’d bully him later for compensation
♡ but for now your goal was to find monkey which was surprisingly easy considering his island was supposed to be incredibly difficult to find
♡ your task was easy, go to the island, get wukong, and come back
♡ it wasn’t easy 💯
♡ you ended up getting ambushed by a bunch of monkeys which you couldn’t take seriously since they were just so cute!
♡ they beat your ass
♡ they brought you to a stone throne with your ex-companion sitting on top of it, a dismissive look on his face and his head leaning on his hand
♡ they pushed you on your knees as the monkey king began to speak
♡ “state your name and your business here”
♡ “oh be quiet, unless you hit your head i expect you to remember me, it’s been like 2 days you dramatic ape”
♡ immediately you regret insulting him as his subjects hold you tighter and audibly chitter and gasp at your words
♡ you grunt “fine, i’m here to take you back to Tripitaka, he’s… in a tight spot” you look up at him to see his expression
♡ “why should i help him? he threw me away without a second thought!”
♡ you groaned, he had the right to be angry but you just wanted to get this over with, so you negotiated with him for a while
♡ a very long while
♡ he sighed, “fine” he got up from his throne “monkey subjects! your king is going on an important mission, you’ll have to do without me for a while” he said dramatically
♡ you playfully rolled his eyes as you watched him comfort the female monkeys, them clearly not wanting him to leave so soon
♡ after like 20 minutes you got bored, you took his hand and led him to your master, you were surprised he let you hold him for so long, he normally shoves pigsy off whenever he flings his arms around him after battle
♡ the rest of your friends rejoiced when they saw a certain monkey flying behind you, hand in hand
♡ pigsy had questions about why the two of you came back with hands intertwined and his mind immediately went straight into the gutter, and naturally, he got jealous
♡ he refused to talk to monkey for a week because of his assumption 😞
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lego monkie kid masterlist
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jiubilant · 30 days
4.E. 170
They unload the young Ervine at the Vetring docks along with twelve tuns of wine—which she counts as they bob down the wharf on the dockers’ backs, two by two—and four thin, shivering pigs. She’s not sure where to go. She’s standing dazed with sunlight on the loading-plank, flanked by squealing livestock and the rank, seasick steam of their breath, when two youths hurrying down the boardwalk smile and wave: a lanky young mage, his cloak dyed adept’s blue, and a boy her age with a skeletal face.
“For the Kynesdag feast in town,” says the mage in breathless introduction, divesting her of books and bundles both. He means the pigs, she realizes. He darts a look over his shoulder, another at the ship, then gives her a gentle shake: half-friendly, half-impatient. “We were told to meet you. What’s your name?”
She frowns at him, suspecting a joke at her expense, then recalls how far she is from Betony and her father’s rotting lands. He’s never cursed an Ervine, this mage with busy eyes.
“Mirabelle,” she says, her voice salt-hoarse. She’s eaten nothing but hardtack for two months.
He doesn’t even ask for the rest of it—just glances behind him again and marches her down the frost-chewed wharf. Wizards, of course, always have somewhere else to be.
“Falion of Conjuration,” he replies with a hasty grin, pulling her out of the way of some rickety gibbet for fish. The cod dangling from it like gallows-fruit watch her pass with baleful eyes, as does the woman stringing them up. “That’s Phinis, also of Conjuration. Phin,” he says to the boy, who’s casting nervous looks about him like wards, “you’ll have to get used to it.”
Phinis pulls a death’s-head face. “I don’t want to get used to it—”
One of the pigs blunders with a shriek into their path. The biggest of the men dragging it down the docks stumbles, swearing in some Nordic tongue—then, with a snarling glance at Mirabelle and her companions, spits at them.
“Happy Kynesdag,” croaks Phinis, cringing sideways. Falion, with an inscrutable look, lays a steadying hand on his shoulder.
“You’ll have to get used to it, too,” he says to Mirabelle, who stares at him. He clears his throat and, with a playful flourish of his cloak, raises his voice like a mummer on the stage. “Pay the ignorant masses no mind. You are now a student of Mystery”—he grips her shoulder with jovial force, steering her away—“a novitiate of the Secret Fire!”
“A witch,” says Mirabelle, her voice steady and soft.
Falion’s grin, swift as a warning, bounds again across his face. “A scholar!”
Mirabelle glances behind her. The man with the pig, staring after them, shivers and looks away.
* * *
“They hate us in the village,” Phinis confides in her over supper: a bowl of pale and wobbly fish, glistening like glue in the sheen of the wandering lights. “Falion says they’re afraid of what they don’t understand, and that we should be”—he makes a grim little face at his bowl—“understanding.”
“Oh,” says Mirabelle through a mouthful of fishpaste. It tastes like jellied steam. She’s discovered, in her ravenous journey to the bottom of the bowl, that she can swallow it without chewing. “Why?”
Phinis scowls. “That’s what I want to know—”
“No.” Mirabelle, in the spirit of scholarly inquiry, wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. No one snaps at her for it. She dares a quick, gleeful lick at the back of her spoon. “Why are they afraid?”
“Falion says—” A pallid light kindles in Phinis’s eyes. “No. I’ll show you.”
They slip out of the refectory, accompanied by a bobbing light and a few incurious looks from the adepts’ table. Their footsteps echo in the corridor like cracking ice. Mirabelle, in her scratchy new College robes that smell of mothballs and musty spells, resists an unthinkable urge to dance up and down the hall until it resounds with noise. It would be unscholarly, she thinks. She hugs herself hard instead.
“If you think this is cold,” says Phinis sagely, misunderstanding her, “wait until end-of-term. Falion says we’ll have to crack the ice in our basins every morning.”
The giddiness, despite her best efforts to restrain it, wriggles up from her toes to her face. “What else does Falion say?”
Phinis gives her a wounded look. “You’re making fun.”
The rush of warmth she feels for the little cadaver—and for the supper-sludge, the itchy clothes, Falion who knows so much—threatens to knock her over. “I’m not.”
“It’s all right,” he says, his face funereal. She has to bite down on a laugh. “I’m used to it. We’ll go up those stairs to the ramparts.”
They wrestle with the door at the stairtop, which is frozen or rusted shut; it bangs open at last, and they tumble out into a blast of wind that nearly blows them over the parapet. Mirabelle, with a delighted shriek, grabs Phinis—poor bag of bones, he all but rattles—and staggers with him away from the crenellated wall.
The wind whips his scandalized yell past her ears. “Are you laughing?”
She is. Something in her has come unstuck. “Have you ever been up here before, or did Falion tell you about it?”
“You’re making fun!” He stomps ineffectually on her foot. “The wind comes and goes, you’ll see—”
“I’m not making fun!”
By the time they struggle arm-in-arm to the far parapet, the wind’s died down. They sag against the wall. Phinis, breathing hard, glowers so peevishly at Mirabelle that she bursts into laughter again—which makes his lips twitch, and his eyes gleam, and something almost like life flush in his face.
“What are you so happy about?” he demands, fighting a smile. Mirabelle can tell by the way he’s twisting his mouth. “Here we are at the frozen edge of the world—”
“I didn’t think they’d let me come,” Mirabelle gasps, rubbing her eyes. The tears in them sting like grains of salt. “What—what’d you want to show me?”
“Oh.” Phinis tugs her up, then points over the parapet. “Out there.”
What he had wanted to show her, Mirabelle realizes after a long, staring moment, is the sea. Gulls circle and cry over the gray mirror of the water. Glaciers—smaller, now, than they’ll be in midwinter—slouch in the shallows. The sun on the horizon breaks the surface like a drowned face.
It’s nothing that she hadn’t seen from the deck of the ship. She looks sidelong at Phinis.
“It wasn’t always a village,” he says.
A gull dips in the sky. The water shimmers, changeless and cold, over the roofs of the city of the dead.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Hi Clan! I haven't been around in a while the autism took me for a few months sorry. Would you do some headcanons for Miles and/or Gwen meeting a Mutant!Spider-Person reader? Like an X-Men type mutant. They never got bit but were instead born with the spider powers (including the webs) and 4 arms. Because they're a mutant they aren't really trusted as a hero by the people of their city (or the cops) but they still try their best because "If I gave up because a few people didn't like me, I wouldn't be very good at my job"
-Forgetful Anon
Gwen Stacy
While visiting Spider Society HQ for the first time, she noticed you sitting at a nearby table, having an arm-wrestling match against Ben Riley.
He insisted you used all four of your arms to "challenge" him....and yet he sulks when he ultimately loses, and you just laugh in victory before patting him on the back.
Once he leaves, you spot this new Spiderwoman and wave her over to your table, insisting on having a match.
It's just your way of breaking the ice for new Spiderpeople. You loved getting to know them and testing their strength. Winning or losing doesn't matter to you.
"Don't worry, I'll go easy on ya." You tease, only to be surprised as Gwen wins with little effort, her smug grin present.
"You went a little "too" easy on me, I think."
"Haha...jeez, I guess so."
And so you both talk for a little while about different things: what she thought of Spider Society, how long she's been Spiderwoman, etc.
When she turns the questions on you, however, you're....a bit hesitant to share.
Unlike most of the Spiderpeople here, you didn't get your powers in the "traditional" sense. No spider has ever bitten you.
Seeing Gwen's curiosity, though, you eventually tell her you're actually a mutant, a human born with the X-gene that made you into a spider hybrid.
You mentioned a league of mutant superheroes in your dimension.....but you ride solo, as most Spiderpeople do, not wanting to be tied down to any specific group (ironic as you're part of Spider Society, but that's besides the point).
She imagines the people there feel pretty safe, though you shake your head. "Nah, some see us as the bigger threat just because we look like this and have all these crazy powers. I've fought aliens and wizards, but...there's some battles that you just can't punch or shoot webs at, y'know?"
Her expression changes to a slightly solemn one, nodding her head in sympathy. "You're fighting for basic respect."
"We just want fair treatment...and it's like we're asking them for the world. All I wanna do is protect my city, but it's hard when half the population hates us and thinks we brought the trouble to them."
"I can't imagine.." She frowns. "If I might ask..what keeps you going? Why bother if nobody even thanks you or sees you as a hero? What's the point?"
"...sorry, was that too deep-?"
"No, no..you're good, kid." You chuckle, feeling more relaxed. "All my life I've dealt with that stuff, and it still sometimes hurts, but if I gave up just because some people didn't like me, well...I'd be terrible at my job as a Spiderperson."
Gwen's impressed by your words, not expecting to have such a deep conversation about your "origin story" at the first meeting.
But she's glad she could talk to you, needing this distraction from the incident with her dad while she was questioning her own self-worth as Spiderwoman.
You reassure her she can come to you for advice anytime.
Miles Morales (E-1610)
You first met Miles after getting thrown into his dimension thanks to the collider explosion, taking comfort in knowing you're not the most "unusual" spiderperson around.
There's a pig and an anime girl with a psychic link to her spider, for crying out loud.
Anyways, you had faith that he could help you get back to your dimension, never doubting him unlike the other spiderpeople who firmly believed he wasn't ready for this task.
You followed him after he left May's basement to talk one-on-one, sympathizing with his struggles.
"Trust me, kid..I've been in your shoes once. I never felt like a Spiderman in my life..even now."
He stares at you in disbelief. "Really? You? But...you got all your powers at birth! I mean yeah, you weren't bitten, but....but you're already better at this than I am! I bet people really admire you-"
"I've had my fair share of doubters, Miles. All of us have, but I got it...particularly bad in my world. And not just because I'm a "masked vigilante putting myself about the law"."
He's still a bit lost, so you tell him about the unfair treatment of mutantkind in your dimension, speaking of how some people hated you so much...they sought to "cure" your X-genes.
It stings to know that they will shun you instead of seeing you as a hero, though you didn't wanna ramble on for too long and depress Miles further, seeing his frown growing.
"You say all of this, and yet...you think I can help you get back there. Why would you ever wanna go back to a world that hates you just for being yourself? For just trying to do the right thing even if everyone's telling you no?"
"Well..besides dying if I stay in this dimension--" You begin, painfully glitching for a moment as if to prove that point. "--ouch...look, I just can't abandon the people who need me. The ones who do see me as a hero. It's my duty, and...if I gave up trying to be Spiderman just because I get a few stares or snide comments...well then I'm not really Spiderman, am I?"
Miles doesn't know what to say...but he does feel incredibly inspired by your words.
He only wishes the others trusted him like you did.
Patting his shoulder, you remove your mask and smile at him. "Don't their words bring you down, kid. You got potential...they'll realize it soon enough."
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lanafofana · 23 days
The chronic pain do be chronic-ing today so have some edible induced ranting :) 
I hate when you’re on the dock and Gale’s like I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna give the crown to Mystra. And tav/durge is like and then you’ll be Mystra’s chosen again! 
What? What? What?! 
I understand that his character growth is about trusting in the goddess to understand how the crown should be handled and following through with his oath in a bid for redemption. 
I get that, in surrendering the crown, he is finally accepting that who he is is enough, not only for his lover but also, for himself. 
But, larian, I have spent an entire [redacted] talking my companions down from the precipice and severing their blind devotion to their deities so why the FUCK am I suddenly like yaaas embrace the chosen status! Fuck agency! 
(Remember how Gale accepted/understood that Elminster had no choice but to charge him with self detonation because he was bound by the duty of being Mystra’s chosen??) 
Especially as someone who romanced him and saw him up close and personal at his absolute lowest when he was damn near willing to jump out any window he came across because he thought fatal penance was the only redeeming path open to him.  
And to be clear I’m not in the Mystra hate camp, I get why you would be but I think she acted in typical ‘nothing matters more than The Balance’ god fashion. If anything, I kinda headcanon that Gale had an intrinsic touch of fate/destiny about him that probably drew her attention. She may not have known or understood exactly what the nature of that fate/destiny was and, eventually realizing the danger the Absolute posed to gods as well as mortals, simply misinterpreted it. She, as well as everyone, was making decisions based on the information available as well as the wisdom of past experience (cough Karsus). 
Something I don’t see talked about much, and maybe it’s because I’m usually too deeply entrenched in my Halsin brainrot to look for, is how power hungry Gale is. When he’s convincing you that he should be allowed to pursue godhood he tries to convince you that, morally, he’s going to be so much better than the other gods. There’s an option to say something like Morality? Who cares about morality? Think of the power! And Gale’s response? Could not be more chuffed. He’s like OMG YOU GET ME. 
And…like, his pursuit of power is not just based in thinking he’s not good enough. Before he was knocked down several pegs by the orb sucking away the majority of his powers, he very much considered himself good enough. He desired power, lusted after it so much, he was willing to ignore the wisdom of the goddess of magic herself. True he was pursing it out of a misplaced devotion to the diety he loved but he was still pig headed enough to pursue it. The man had confidence coming out of his ears. I 100% believe if he had understood the nature of the Karsite weave and had knowledge of the Crown’s existence he could have been the Big Bad of Baldur’s Gate 3 instead of the Dead Three. 
Anyways, what was I saying? Uhhhh yeah! So his path to redemption is very much about relinquishing that lust for power. Power for its own sake, as well as power as a balm for his crippling self doubt. Self doubt he only acquired because he was one of the most powerful and gifted wizards of his time and had the majority of his powers stripped from him for reasons he didn’t fully understand. 
And telling him how great that he can finally return to being Mystra’s chosen feels like erasing that agency he’s finally found for himself. 
Anyway, I hate it. Fuck being chosen. 
I need a nap.
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jellyghostspace · 6 months
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Taking a look through my library of unplayed D&D characters and using them for character design practice. Unfortunately, this has only given me more ideas for characters I want to play, and thus the cycle continues. Character bios down down down \/
ULRICH, REND OF THE SKY (High elven soldier, Bladesong Wizard LV4, Fighter LV1) Terribly burnt after being struck by lightning on the battlefield, through sheer willpower he rose and continued to fight, static jolting through his muscles and down his spear. Lurching through the enemy's formation, Ulrich pierced the heart of the enemy captain, burning into his final moments the vision of bulging eyes glaring beyond smoking flesh.
GRAINNE (Drow haunted one, Assassin Rogue 3, Hexblade Warlock 1) Grainne delights in her status as a myth, something to keep children away from the sewer grates and out of dark alleys, but more so in the terror she strikes into local authority. She hates at their excess, poisons her blade with their own money, that it might hurt all the more as she bleeds the pigs that walk the streets - her streets, like cocky birds. She toys with them, she is the thing that the house is meant to protect against in the stillness of night, when anything could be beside your bed and you'd be none the wiser. You may have locks and guards and dogs, but she knows the inner workings of these things. She betrays the trust the home lends, gives reason for paranoia, lets them know she's watching, seething.
MARLOWE GRIS (Reflavored triton sailor, Oath of the Open Sea Paladin 3) A hundred feet under the water, barely lucid enough to grasp the chain of his anchor and pull himself back up, Marlowe's face is lit by a raging fire spreading across the surface above him, silhouetting the St. Augustine and the corpses of its crew as they sink around him. The sea shows him grace this day, as she comes to him in his final moments of consciousness, and fills his lungs with a kiss. She'd been watching him as he crossed her sea, had fallen in love with the way he treated his crew and the seabirds, had to protect him. Twenty years to the day, Marlowe loved the sea more than anything, and it loved him just the same. Harborfolk rumor him married to a sea witch, the way he speaks of her, and how he seems to disappear between the waves after a day's work. Some say he straps an anchor to his back when he leaves town, the last remnant of his St. Augustine and the first memory of his fateful meeting with the powers that be.
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sailtomarina · 10 months
HBD, Harry!
Maybe if he pretended today was like any other day, nobody would remember that it was Harry Potter’s birthday.
Once upon a time, nothing would have made him happier than acknowledgement of his day of birth, much less these several past years of celebration. It had all started with Hagrid’s cake and a curly pig tail, and now? Now, Harry was well into his 30s. The time for rejoicing in turning one year older was over. 
Just this past month he’d finished training the next line of aurors, kids straight out of their N.E.W.T.s and over eager to catch the baddies and get their names in the limelight. He’d put them through their paces, made them almost wish they’d never been born. He could still run laps around young adults twenty years his junior. They only wished they could land a single hex on the Head Auror. 
That still didn’t stop him from realizing that it had been years since he last beat his personal bests. He could glare at his Nimbus 5000 all he wanted—the broom still couldn’t catch his decade-old record. Harry had carved the downward turn of his graph of marathon times into his heart. There was no question about it.
He was getting old.
So forget about the cake, forget about the candles and sparklers. Forget about a special dinner. He’d take Ginny out the next weekend, somewhere poncy, somewhere she’d get to wear some sinful, body-hugging excuse of a dress.
He should’ve known better than to expect her to forget. He should’ve stolen one of Hermione’s latest Time Turners, or maybe jumped straight from bed into his invisibility cloak.
The second he walked into the kitchen for his morning coffee before work, Ginny pounced.
“Hey there, birthday boy.” She snagged him in her arms and shoved him against the counter.
“Ginny, wait—”
Any protests were silenced by a swift yank on his tie, another hand in his still unruly hair—thank goodness he’d never have to worry about balding—and the complete ownership of his lips by one Mrs. Potter.
How could he do anything but submit? Of course he’d wrap his arms around her and her still fit form.
“I made reservations for Tito’s,” she bit out breathlessly, hands now yanking at the buttons of his shirt. 
“Love, I’d rather stay home—” He choked as she twisted a nipple and grinned up at him.
“We can come home after and stay in bed for however long you’d like.” She peppered his chest with kisses, moving steadily downward.
“It’s not that, it’s just…Gin!”
He yanked her up the moment she reached for his belt, and nearly laughed at the look on her face, a mixture of someone having stolen the last pudding and the sight of an open shot to the goalpost.
“Can we not celebrate my getting older this year? We can go to Tito’s this weekend instead and celebrate, I dunno, your next big scoop.”
Oh, he did not like the smirk on her lips.
“Are you…having a midlife crisis?”
“Because Harry, you know witches and wizards live a lot longer than muggles, right? We’re not even middle aged.”
“I know that.”
“Then why the sudden hesitation?”
He could barely think with the way her fingers brushed up and down his torso. “I’m not old, but I’m not young. I haven’t beaten my own times in years. We have three kids now. I sit behind a desk more than go out into the field.”
Ginny snorted before running her eyes down his body, licking her lips at the sight. “Babe, do you even realize why you’re not getting faster?”
“Why?” He dared her to say it. That he was fat, that he was slow. As ridiculous as the desire was for her to state the ugly truths, he needed someone else to point them out.
She lay her hands flat against his stomach with a predatory smile. “You didn’t have these when you were a seeker, not even in the first few years as an auror.” She pressed down on his abs, making him flex in reaction.
That did make sense. He was several stone heavier now than he was as a new recruit, so of course he’d be slower. He wasn’t a bodybuilder, or anything like that, but there was a weight to his movements now, one that he’d unconsciously adapted to in combat and mock quidditch matches.
“So no more of this birthday-less nonsense, okay? I want to celebrate my husband’s special day…starting right now.”
She resumed her descent and there were no further protests. Harry’s mind blissed out over the next couple of hours, and nobody batted an eyelash when he waltzed into the Auror Department late. It was his birthday, after all.
WC 797 Might this be my first ever Hinny? I think it is, other than when I've referred to them in Dramione pieces. Either way, happy birthday, Harry!
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ilovethenumber31bus · 11 days
more things im obsessed with cause idk
general things:
HATSUNE MIKU (one of my walls is just 20 posters of her aswell as 3 figures,a mug,a ramune bottle,a chocolate bar,a cosplay ,an ita bag with miku pins on it,6 t-shirts and a jumper) (IMA SHOW U GUYS TMMRW)
percy pig :p (most of my room is him)
anime/tv shows/movies:
kamikaze girls
extraordinary attorney woo
true beauty
cowboy bebop ( my ex made me watch it but I ended up enjoying it lmao)(hate him tho)(you guys will probs hear abt that sometime)(tumblr is the perfect place to overshare)
cyberpunk edgerunners
kaguya sama love is war
bee and puppycat (my beloved)
characters idk :
airi momoi-project sekai
wizard howl- Howls moving castle (book and film lmao) (my only anime crush cause he literally just looks like Christian bale who is rlly fit and is his va)
han-true beauty (HE IS BETTER THAN SOO-HO)
ame-Needy streamer overload
anyone from saiki k (exept Toritsuka cause he sucks)
if u like any of thse things aswell as the stuff I put in my intro pls yap with me I need ppl to yap with lol :3
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alleksistrash · 5 days
The Stone On The Wall
Chapter 3 of (?)
TW: Description of seizure
Previous Chapter:
Bilbo had collapsed again, but this time Thorin had managed to wrap his arms around the small hobbit before he could hit the ground. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he went to lay Bilbo down on the ground until he started convulsing and foaming at the mouth. Panic tore through Thorin like a knife, and he could hear Fili and Kili yelling in Khuzdul. He shot his head up at Gandalf as the wizard spoke, “We must get him to the elfs, they are better prepared than we are!” Protests broke out from the dwarves, until Gandalf silenced them, “Would you rather Bilbo get the help he needs, or watch him die in Thorins arms?” Thorin lifted the burglar into his arms, before turning to Dain. “I will need your pig to reach Dale faster, go to the others and inform them what has happened.” Dain gave a stiff nod before helping Thorin lift the hobbit up onto his war pig, holding him in place until Thorin was able to mount as well. Bilbo’s mouth was no longer covered in foam, but he was still convulsing slightly. Thorin looked down at his kin, “I will stay with Bilbo until he can return to the mountain.” With that he took off towards Dale, praying to Durin that the elfs could help.
Kili turned back from watching his uncle ride off with Bilbo, facing Balin. “Do you think Master Boggins will be alright? I mean, he has to be, right? He survived a dragon, what could a small dart do at this point?” The prince chuckled nervously, trying to help lighten the mood. Balin just looked at him with a sad expression, a mix of pity and concern behind his eyes. Fili threw his arm around his younger brother’s shoulders, shaking him slightly as if to help reassure him. “He’ll be alright Kee, like you said he survived a dragon! I’m sure the elfs will find some magical nonsense to help him. Let’s get back to the others and let uncle worry about Bilbo.” With that the five dwarrows and Gandalf set off to the mountain. As they passed by Dain’s army, he informed them to stand guard in case of any more surprise attacks. 
Once they were back inside the mountain, they were met with the rest of the company. All at once, they started asking a million questions. Where were Thorin and Bilbo? What did those pesky elfs want? What happened out there? Balin stepped forward, putting his hands up in front of him to quiet the others. He looked at the dwarves in front of him before sighing and rubbing a hand through his beard. “Thorin agreed to help the people of Dale with rebuilding, and give them what they were promised for helping us. He also agreed to..” he paused before continuing, bracing himself for the anger he knew would come, “He also agreed to giving Thranduil the gems of Lasgalen, as King Thror had promised.” As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the dwarves were in an uproar. Even Dain had joined them, as he did not know of the agreements made. The older dwarf pinched the bridge of his nose, grumbling about dwarrow stubbornness. Once the group had settled back down, he continued. “Once Lord Dain arrived to our little group, some.. Not so kind words were exchanged between him and Bilbo.” Some of the company turned to glare at Dain, including Bofur and Ori. “Bilbo started to act odd, and it seemed as though the lad was struggling to control himself. He collapsed again and began to seize, so Thorin took him to Dale to see if the elfs could help. Tharkun assured us that they would be better equipped to help than we would be, considering we still aren’t sure what little medicine we have is still good.” Oin grunted at this, upset with himself that he might have done more harm than good to their burglar.
The dwarves began to mutter between themselves, causing Gandalf to raise his eyebrow in confusion. When they seemed to have reached a consensus, they turned to Gandalf before Ori spoke up. “We’d like to go visit Master Baggins, to help make sure he’s not alone. We can all take turns sitting with him, and maybe help Thorin keep his cool around the elfs!” Ori rubbed the back of his neck as he finished, knowing as well as everyone that Thorin did not take kindly to being surrounded by elfs. If going by how uneasy Thorin was with the elfs at Rivendell, and being locked in the dungeons in Mirkwood, it would not be a fun time for anyone involved while he was in Dale. Gandalf chuckled at this and ran his hand through his beard, as if thinking over the matter. “I suppose it would be a good idea to go visit our dear burglar. It would also be wise to start the discussions that Thorin must have between the men of Dale and the Mirkwood elfs, so someone may watch over Bilbo while he is busy.” He had a mischievous twinkle in his eye and a smirk as he spoke, as if he was the only one in on a secret. If the dwarves took notice, they didn’t mention it as they were more busy trying to come up with a rotation on who’d be with Bilbo and when, and what the others would be doing while trying to help with Dale.
Dain spoke up with a gruff voice, “I suppose I can return to my men, and we can keep watch over the mountain while you lot take care of Thorin and Bilbo. Will ya let him know I am dreadfully sorry for what I said? It’d be much appreciated.” Balin patted him on his shoulder, reassuring him that he would talk to Bilbo once the hobbit was awake. Dain turned and left to return to the army outside, leaving the company to their planning. Ori began scribbling down the plan for watching over Bilbo, and any areas the dwarves could focus on to help start rebuilding Dale. It was agreed that Balin would spend most of the time with Thorin, making sure he didn’t try to kill Thranduil. Fili and Kili called dibs on being the first two, and it was settled that Nori and Bofur would swap out with them after. They decided to stay in pairs, making sure one was by Bilbo’s side while the other helped with the elfs if need be, or getting him anything he needed once he was awake. They were debating over how long each group would stay, until it was settled they’d each spend an hour with their dear hobbit. This allowed the groups that weren’t with Bilbo to get more work done with the men, and explore the city when they took breaks.
Next Chapter:
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vikenticomeshome · 2 months
Cyberchase - Zorgon the Evil Wizard
Let's talk about the Zorgon The Evil Wizard. This was a Cyberchase villain who was only featured in the singular chapter book, "The Search for the Power Orb". We've seen wizards and witches in Cyberchase before, such as Stumblesnore, Melvin (brother of Merlin), and Wicked.
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So, we know what to expect, right?
Before we get to see Zorgon, we already know that this is going to be very bad. He lives on a Cybersite called Mount Doom, so he's a clear reference to Sauron from Lord of the Rings. Digit is terrified of him and horrified at the idea of going to Mount Doom. Zorgon is presented as the second most feared being in all of Cyberspace, just behind The Hacker. This was a comparison to The Hacker from 2003 as well, before his villain decay.
We get to hear about some of his exploits. I'll block the picture for now, since I have a higher-resolution one coming up.
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Once, he turned all the inhabitants of Solaria into pigs. Then, he held hostage all of the water from Shangri-la in a small test tube until he was paid off in cybergold.
The Solaria one is pretty cruel since pigs can get sunburned. The Shangri-la one is something truly special though. The implication here is that he went up against Master Pi and his soldiers and won. I know that The Hacker took over the site once, but it seems like Master Pi allowed it to happen because he wanted to give Buzz and Delete the golden drop test (Keep the jar sealed for peace, or take out the golden drop for infinitely doubling wealth). The idea of Master Pi paying someone off is unthinkable.
Anyway, what does he look like?
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Where do we even start? I've never seen a wizard with a double-pointed hat. That has to be an attempt to imply demonic horns. He's also just so tall. I'm going to assume that Digit is about 2-3 feet tall. Let me try something.
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Ah, so, if we count the hat (and we should, since I think he may actually have horns under there), Zorgon is between 8 and 12 feet tall. There is a point later on where he shrinks them down to the size of mice, but it takes place after this picture. How is this guy second to Hacker in any contest?
But what does Zorgon do when he discovers the kids have slipped into his house?
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He proceeds to trap them with a spell and then test out a new potion he just made up on them. It shrinks them down to the size of mice. He does not take them seriously as a threat in the slightest. This is one of the few times that the kids have been affected by magic/potions from Cyberspace as well. Recall that they were unaffected by Wicked's "Spell of the Mean Green", and they were immune to magnetite poisoning.
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And then he sends his Cybercat Zird to eat the children.
Thankfully, Zorgon has not been keeping his equipment maintained. They find a potion that turns anything it touches to stone, and they use it to turn Zird to stone, so we know that Zorgon can do that.
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The kids desperately search for a leaking barrel containing a potion that will let them grow big again.
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We have a potion that causes anything, metal included, to burst into flames and disappear. We have a potion that causes any object to sprout brown hair all of the place. I don't want to know what he intended to use those for.
The kids find a potion to get big again. However..
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I couldn't find these words anywhere, so I suspect they are gibberish. Given an earlier line about how no one who has entered Zorgon's cave has ever returned, I assume he was going to kill the kids here.
The kids defeat Zorgon when Izzy dumps a random potion on him. It could have been a death potion for all he knew.
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Yeah, Zorgon had a brainwashing potion so powerful that it worked against him. How was this guy second to The Hacker again?
As far as I know, Zorgon has never appeared beyond this point. Presumably he's still out there, brainwashed into being nice. I guess he's not really a villain anymore, but what does he do?
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ask-the-tf2-mercs · 9 months
So snipes scout(we got to get you a cool nickname bud) and engi, Has the whole “being a robot thing” been fixed yet, if not, how are you dealing with it. also, how’s your team dealing with this
Engineer: I'm workin' on it. I've.. almost got it figure out, I think. It shouldn't take too much longer.
Sniper: Mate, you've sent us through respawn about a dozen times each, can we just call the bloody wizard?!
Engineer: Hell no! [pauses, and then looks at him, eye-lights dimming partially as if he's squinting up at him] And we ain't callin' that intern either!
Sniper: And I ain't goin' through respawn again until you've got this fixed, I'm done bein' yer guinea pig!
Scout: ..what do you mean I need a cool nickname..?
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acceleracers-baby · 4 months
What dnd class would each character play as? I can just see Monkey telling the rest of the MM that they can't all be barbarians when they played for the first time 🤣
What D&D Class are the Metal Maniacs?
Firstly, thank you for asking because after the game night post I low key was having brain rot about this lmao!!
Secondly, you are so right. The way that Tork was 100% the first one to be like “I’ll play a barbarian” and then everyone just jumps on the rage bandwagon until a very exasperated Monkey is like YOU CANT ALL BE BARBARIANS!!! That being said- here’s what I think everyone else would play as!
Taro Kitano - I feel like for obvious reasons Taro would want to play a Samurai Fighter. He already follows Bushidō in real life, so being able to play as a Samurai would be the easiest thing to get into character for him. After like two or three sessions, Taro actually gets absurdly attached to his character too. He’d never show it, but Monkey 100% has fudged a roll or two to keep his Samurai alive if Taro starts rolling bad.
Tork Maddox - Like I mentioned before, Tork claimed Barbarian first so he’s the only one who actually gets to play the class. Specifically, he would be a Path of the Giant Barbarian. He basically just makes his character a giant ass beating machine so that he can protect the rest of the party. An evil wizard can’t cast spells if he’s too busy choking down a knuckle sandwich.
Monkey McClurg - Monkey, despite being the forever DM of this group, would play a Battle Smith Artificer if he had the chance. I mean come on! He’s basically one already! Look at Sparky!!! He loves to tinker and that what artificers are all about baby! He settles for making his theoretical character an NPC in a shop the part passes through until he can actually play them.
Porkchop Riggs - Circle of the Shepherd Druid. It’s a great support class, AND HE GETS TO SHAPE SHIFT INTO A BEAR??? Uh yeah sign him up for that!!! It also gives him an excuse to have a pig companion. Plus, with Porkchop having the Speech of the Woods feat, it makes it way easier for Monkey to sneak exposition and plot hooks into the game play just by having Porkchop’s Druid overhear woodland creatures gossiping.
Mark Wylde - I see Mark as an Oath of Vengeance Paladin. Especially, if it’s before he makes amends with Kurt. Monkey would help him write him a ‘terrible and nondescript sibling character’ into his characters back story that he could have fictional beef with to work through some of that trauma. Cause that what D&D is all about folks. Catharsis. After him and Kurt start talking things out though, I think it might be fun for him to possibly develop into an Oath of Devotion Paladin - his devotion being to keep his party safe.
——— Thanks for Reading! ———
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