imaginesmai · 1 year
Once upon a fairy tale - Ubbe Ragnarson (4)
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Other parts: Once Upon A Fairy Tale Masterlist  
Plot: The soldiers’ attitude forces your father to make a decision, and you finally see an end to your engagement. Only that, when presented with the chance, you’re not so sure.
Warnings: mentions of the last chapter harrasment, death and blood.
Thankfully, his brothers weren’t far.
They never were when it was necessary, and that time wasn’t different. Ubbe was getting more worked up with each step, watching you try to get away from him. You didn’t listen, you never did. And that was something he hated about you. Because even if it felt nice to listen to other opinions, and you were kind of funny sometimes, it led to situations like that.
He had seen every look they gave you, had heard every word they said. Judging by how you looked down and said nothing, he guessed it wasn’t the first time. Ubbe knew you could outrun him anytime, and even put up a good fight against any of those men. But they were too many and it was too crowded, so he ended up catching you.
He watched as a nameless soldier tore your skirt, as he gripped your hair. He watched proudly as you kicked him in the face and tried to move on. And before he could develop more any of the feelings bubbling in his blood, he reached your side just in time to watch the soldier try and hit you.
That punch came from the bottom of his heart, where he kept locked any feelings towards the weeding, you and your presence. He knocked the man to the ground while his brothers took you between them.
When the rest of the soldiers noticed Ubbe, they all stopped cheering and became quiet.
Only the sound of bones hitting flesh could be heard.
“Ubbe” Hvitserk was on him suddenly, as the prince knelt in front of the unconscious soldier. “Ubbe, stop. It’s enough. It’s over”
He couldn’t stop, because if he did, he would have to face the situation. That his soldiers, the army he had raised in battle, where willing to do that to a woman. To you. He didn’t know what to feel apart from anger and disappointment, so he punched him once more.
“Ubbe. She’s fine”
When Sigurd put an arm on his shoulder, he finally stopped, looking at his brother. Blinking, he saw himself reflected in those blue eyes, that they all shared.
Hvitserk helped him get up and dragged him away from the unconscious soldier. No one helped him, not even the ones who were cheering with him moments ago. If he was lucky, he would be dead by then. If not, only a worse fate waited for him.
Ubbe turned around and saw you, with your ripped dress and stained cheeks, looking at him already. There was no disgust on your face, not fear, just a deep sadness that had you chocking back sobs.
Covering your mouth and nose with a shaky hand, you looked to the ground, your whole body shaking with silent cries. He guessed the soldier was dead, as no one would meet his eyes. Ubbe felt his split knuckles, the blood on his naked chest and face. Rubbing a tired hand across his face, he took a step towards you and nodded to Hvitserk. Without saying anything, the prince disappeared into the crowd to call for a servant.
They would clean the mess, they always did. And after hearing a few complaints from her mother, it would all end.
Thinking about her only made him angrier, so he tried to avoid it. Of course, she would try to something like that. Maybe not to the extent of you getting hurt or someone getting killed, but to make Ubbe realize others looked at you. Saw you.
“Come on” he spoke through gritted teeth, turning you away from the crowd.
That time, there were no inappropriate names or comments, no spits on the ground or laughs. Ubbe grabbed both of your shoulders and turned you around, away from the people. Everyone moved to let you through, and for some reason, he kept one of hands on you shoulder.
He hated how the peaceful, relaxed training had been stopped, but he couldn’t blame you. Not when he knew that it was his mother’s doing, when he knew it was her way of paying him back for not being at the port the previous day.
For the past year, he had been a witness of her mother’s low patience. She didn’t like you or your father more than Ubbe himself, but the longer he was unmarried, the less control she had on the castle. With Ragnar slowly drifting away and Ubbe taking more responsibilities, she had been relegated to a back-up plan. He was old enough to rule on his own, with or without a bride, and his mother hadn’t made an effort to fall on his good side during the years.
So, her last resource was controlling you and having access into your marriage. Or, at least, rushing the wedding and making sure she still had influence to control it.
“I can take it from here” you broke him out of his thoughts once you went back into the gardens, moving away from his hand. “Thank you”
“I’m not leaving you alone”
He could, and he should. A king’s value was built on respect, and he needed his army to understand that Ubbe didn’t tolerate that type of behavior. Not against any woman, especially if that woman were you. He had to deal with them and could only rely so much on his brothers, but he didn’t want you.
And the fact that you wanted him to leave only made him want to stay.
“I’m perfectly capable of – “you stopped to take a deep breath, blinking fast to stop the tears. “Of taking care of myself. You can go”
“Not so capable, it seems” he scoffed. “Why didn’t you listen to me? All of this could have been avoided if you waited”
“Waited for what? For my betrothed to walk me back to my chambers, because I can’t even do that much alone? That much I can still do on my own”
“And look at how well it ended”
You didn’t say anything else, just bit your inner lip to stop another sob. He watched you try and hold it together, and felt bad because he had no idea how to comfort you. Ubbe had caused you more tears than anyone else, and for each one you shed, he had cried two. Because that was your relationship.
Not you crying because something he hadn’t done.
Without saying anything else, you turned back and made your way to the chambers. Yours, his, or whoever they belonged now.
He followed you trying not to look at your ruined dress and with his arms crossed, so he didn’t feel the temptation of fixing your hair.
 “It is unacceptable, Ragnar! Unacceptable! You thank your son that – that blockhead is dead because if he wasn’t you’ll have my army knocking on your door by night time!”
Your bad luck proved to be abiding when, before you reached your rooms, your father found you. He had been looking for you apparently, as he felt responsible for the previous night argument, where you begged once more to go back home. Instead of finding you asleep or doing needle work, like you were expected to, he found you crying openly with your dress torn, a shirtless Ubbe behind you.
It was easy to forget that you were the daughter of a powerful king, when you spent nights taking care of him and were treated like a rag doll in Mercia. But you were, and in moments like that, your father proved his worth.
After taking his sword out in front of Ubbe and a rushed explanation, he had demanded an urgent meeting with Ragnar. By midday, you found yourself sitting in a velvet chair, in a room you hadn’t seen yet – the king’s personal chambers – with a new dress. Ubbe had changed too, and was standing next to his own father, in silence.
“I’ve been over indulgent with you, and you know it. Not showing up until now, turning away from the comments of other kingdoms. I was even willing to let the chambers situation pass” Ecbert pointed an angry finger at Ragnar. “But I will not stand here and watch my daughter be assaulted in your goddamn house! Where we are supposed to be estimated guest, not common peasants!”
“My friend, she couldn’t be – “
“Give a good reason not to go back to Wessex and call everything off” he ignored Aslaug, who was standing in a corner. “I’ve been more than patience, but I will not allow anything like this happen again”
The room was silent as both kings stared at each other. Even if your father was older, Ragnar looked worse. He had shaved all his hair, grown an untamed, long beard and had all but given up on appearance. Two kings that used to be big but now were withering away in their own way.
You looked down, because that was what you had always wanted. For something to happen that forced any of the parts to break the agreement. You had tried, both Ubbe and you had, but it just didn’t work.
Ragnar got up leaning against the table, and walked towards your father. They started at each other in silence, trying to come up with a solution. Because while Mercia only faced the indiscipline of a soldier, Wessex had been attacked. Back home, your dignity and integrity were worth wars, and what had happened that morning called for retaliation.
The only possible solution was breaking the engagement and go back to Wessex, or reach a peaceful agreement. You looked at Ubbe, who didn’t meet your eyes.
Part of you was glad he had reacted the way he did, but you knew the burden of guilt was on his shoulders. Maybe he didn’t know the man, maybe he did. Either way, he would have died sooner or later. And if he was still alive, your kingdom would be responsible and owner of his fate.
You were glad, because at least it had been quick.
“I’m sorry, Ecbert. I really am. What happened today is unacceptable and denigrate. My wife shouldn’t have left Y/N alone, and she will apologize, I can promise you that” Ragnar said. His voice echoed the room and Aslaug looked away, not expecting the blame on her. “But I beg you, for all our years of friendship, not to jump to a decision. Let us talk about this. There will be a hunting raid soon – “
“We have been humiliated and degraded since we came here. Why weren’t you at the port, Ragnar? What was so important that you couldn’t spare a morning to meet an old friend?”
“It’s been difficult times. I will tell you about them. Wait a week, until the hunting raid” Ragnar placed a hand on your father’s shoulder, and instantly his body relaxed. “Please”
Then, Ragnar looked at you, and you felt frozen in your seat.
Your relationship with Ragnar had changed through the years. At the beginning, he had humored your witty and attitude, winking at you when your father scolded you. When you were left in your rooms to think, he would casually walk by with a new book you had never seen. And when Ubbe and you got into a bad fight, he only laughed and ruffled your hair.
The good memories disappeared and he was gone. He didn’t accompany his family the last time they went to Wessex, and in Mercia, he was never around. When he was, it was in the company of a younger woman or around the edges, never talking to you.
As he walked closer, you were suddenly aware of how much time had gone by. How many years had passed since the original arrangement, how patient both kings had been with you and Ubbe.
Calloused, cold fingers cupped your cheeks and made you look up. His eyes, always blue, were then lighter than before, red-rimmed. The eyes of a sick man, you thought, that had seen too much. However unpleasant his face was, you found yourself returning the smile.
“I apologize, Y/N, for my wife and my people. They do not represent the country we are, and certainly not the country one day, if you want, will rule” he said, and everyone in the room looked at you. “I ask you too to wait a week. Let me undo the harm that has been done, think about it. And I promise, if by then you haven’t changed your mind, I will escort you myself back to Mercia and you will never hear from us again. As a king and friend, I promise”
Everyone waited for you to answer, and you realized that was what you had always wanted.
For your opinion to matter, for your rights to be recognized. You could say no and you were sure your father would pack your things before the sun went down. You would be home in time to see your own flowers grow, and you would be free to consider other options in marriage.
It was your call, to stay or go. And you had the chance to finally leave Mercia and Ubbe behind, what you had wanted since you met him.
You looked at Ubbe, who was looking at you. There was no way of knowing what he thought. You guessed he would be happy, finally free from a marriage he didn’t want, but he just started, no sign of emotion on his face. Then, you looked at your father, the opposite. He wore every emotion on his eyes.
He had done so much for you, and he was willing to enter a war against his only friend. His relationship with Ragnar was complicated, deeper than friendship, and you only wished you could find something like that in your life.
For him, and for everything he had given up in the last sixteen years, you were willing to wait another week.
“We can stay until the hunting raid”
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
𝑨 = 𝑨𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Ragnar is very affectionate. He’s like a dog - he likes to nuzzle his face in your neck or stomach. He loves when you play with his hair, or run your nails over his skin. Ragnar is a very touchy person. 
𝑩 = 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 (What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?)
That you can put him in his place. When you lean your head against his shoulder. The colour of your eyes. Ragnar sees a lot of beauty in you. Some days you have to remind him that the sun doesn’t actually shine out of your ass. 
𝑪 = 𝑪𝒖𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆𝒔 (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
HE LOVES TO CUDDLE. The most cuddly. But a very ... forgetful cuddler? Many times he’s forgotten that you’re in his arms and he’ll wake from a nightmare and accidentally throw you off the bed. 
𝑫 = 𝑫𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒄 (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’s a King, he doesn’t do his own cleaning, and doesn’t expect you to either. There’s no chance of Ragnar settling down, he does want kids. But he doesn’t want to stay in one place too long. It’s the adventurer in him. It’s his destiny to seek out the world. But there comes a time when all he wants to do is go home. 
𝑬 = 𝑬𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 (When something is bothering them, how do they act around you?)
Ragnar always tries to hide whatever is bothering him. He doesn’t want to weigh you down with the information. But you’ve spoken to him about keeping things hidden. You want to be involved in decisions and that means knowing the whole truth. Whenever he’s upset, or worried, his goofy nature dials back. 
𝑭 = 𝑭𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒆 (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Ragnar would be quick in wanting to be married. Although he doesn’t want to settle down in one place, he does want a wife (or many ... wives?) and have as many kids as possible. 
𝑮 = 𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒆 (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Ragnar is gentle with you. Not so much other people, his flimsy nature can put others in the firing line. But with you, he’s always gentle. Some days he forgets that words can hurt, and he may go too far. But so does everyone, he does apologise for it though. 
𝑯 = 𝑯𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏 (Do they tell you about their childhood? Their trauma? The sides of themself that they keep hidden from the world.)
Ragnar says he’s an open book but getting the past out of him is difficult. Either he doesn’t like the way he’s acted in the past, or he has so much in his head that he forgets. Either way, you’ve had to nearly pull the information out of him. He’s very touchy about his mother though, and Rollo won’t even bring her up. 
𝑰 = 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Very fast. Probably the third time he saw you in a romantic setting. He falls in love very quickly. 
𝑱 = 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚 (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Yes he does get jealous, but from afar. He won’t show you he’s jealous, especially if another man is showing you attention. But will act like you have another lover:
    “Oh, sorry. I thought you were busy tonight. With your new husband...”
𝑲 = 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔 (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Breathtaking. Overwhelming. Sudden. When he kisses you, you aren’t able to think of anything else. No other thoughts can enter your mind when Ragnar is kissing you. 
Ragnar likes to kiss your lips, but more so your neck. Sometimes it can be innocent, but more often than not it leads to something more. 
𝑳 = 𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔 (How are they around children?)
Ragnar is great with children, as he has a childish side. The crazy stories that kids come up with never faze Ragnar, and he usually indulges them. 
“Ragnar! My mother turned into a giant this morning!” 
     “I know, I saw her hanging out the washing.” 
𝑴 = 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 (How are mornings spent with them?)
Ragnar hates getting up. He’s always groaning about wanting five more minutes. But that usually turns into ten and then fifteen. You’ve tried pulling the blankets from him, but he fell asleep anyway. You’ve also tried pushing him out of bed but he just sleeps on the floor. You’re next experiment is pouring cold water on his head. 
𝑵 = 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 (How are nights spent with them?)
The nights are usually for feasting, and then he wants to sit in front of the fire and have you tell him about your day. He doesn’t like not being involved in your life. 
𝑶 = 𝑶𝒑𝒆𝒏 (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
You’re still finding things out about Ragnar. It was very hard to separate fact from fiction, because the townspeople like to create stories about him and pass them off as truth. But you know Ragnar, and you told him that you will believe nothing until he tells you directly. 
𝑷 = 𝑷𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 (How easily angered are they?)
Ragnar is only quick to anger when he’s insulted or someone has insulted you. Otherwise, he’s as cool as a fish in winter. Oh, or if he’s been mentally bested by an opponent. 
𝑸 = 𝑸𝒖𝒊𝒛𝒛𝒆𝒔 (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
You thought Ragnar forgot about many things. And sometimes he does, but he remembers the colour of your eyes, especially after a long time apart, and he remembers the first day you met. He remembers your birthday ... but only your birthday. Sometimes he forgets his own, and definitely forgets Rollo’s. 
𝑹 = 𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you got mad at him. You had picked up one of his shoes and threatened to throw it at him. He dared you. So you did. It was that moment that he was sure you could handle him. And he completely fell in love. 
𝑺 = 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚 (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Ragnar is very protective over you, but he knows you can handle yourself. He won’t be by your side all the time, but will keep an eye on you during battles. And if someone makes you uncomfortable, he’ll go up to them, wrap an arm around their shoulders and whisper in their eye to fuck off. 
𝑻 = 𝑻𝒓𝒚 (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He doesn’t remember anniversaries, and I don’t think you do either. But he does go out of his way to make certain nights special. To make sure it’s only the two of you together, sitting in front of the fire, or out in the woods in the summertime. He does like to take you to these ethereal, almost magical places in nature. 
𝑼 = 𝑼𝒈𝒍𝒚 (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Will fart and burp without hesitation. And will go take a piss wherever he feels like it. Sometimes you think he may be part animal, maybe a dog. 
𝑽 = 𝑽𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Historically speaking, Vikings were actually really hygenic. Much more than the Englishmen, or alternatively known as the Anglo-Saxons. Fiction writes that England was the progressive and most knowledgable society. But Vikings bathed way more often, brushed and washed their hair and ... generally cleaned themselves. 
So Ragnar follows those customs - his hair washed and braided, he always cleaned himself up, especially after battle. But in terms of vanity - when caring about how attractive he looks ... he doesn’t really care. He knows that he’s a good-looking man, but doesn’t spend his days looking in the mirror and preening over himself. 
𝑾 = 𝑾𝒉𝒚 (Reasons why they love each other)
Ragnar loves you because not only do you encourage him, but you’re by his side, wanting to experience everything with him. Ragnar adores your creativity and open-mind. You’re just as much of a dreamer as he is. 
𝑿 = 𝑿𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆 (What’s their song)
Eris Steals The Book by Harry Gregson-Williams
𝒀 = 𝒀𝒖𝒄𝒌 (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone close-minded, who couldn’t or refused to think out of the box. Or someone who held him back, who didn’t believe in him and his dreams. 
𝒁 = 𝒁𝒛𝒛 (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)    
Talks in his sleep. Will have actual, long conversations while in slumber. At first, it would freak you out, but after a while, you got used to it. 
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pap-het · 1 year
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We are now just a few days away from the end of the submission period for the Hot Medieval and Fantasy Men Melee, and our Entrants stand numbered at 250!!!
Submissions will close on the 27th of June, so if you have a hot medieval/medieval fantasy guy (or multiple of them) you'd like to see compete, send them in!
Here is a list of our Noble and Worthy Contenders so far.
If your man isn't here, that means he has not been submitted.
The Contenders
So Far…
Adhemar, Count of Anjou [Rufus Sewell], A Knight's Tale (2001)
Prince Aemond Targaryen [Ewan Mitchell], House of the Dragon (2022-)
Alessandro Farnese [Diarmuid Noyes], Borgia: Faith and Fear (2011-2014)
King Alfred the Great [David Dawson], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan [Antonio Banderas], The 13th Warrior (1999)
Antonius Block [Max von Sydow], The Seventh Seal (1957)
Aragorn, Son of Arathorn [Viggo Mortensen], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
King Arthur Pendragon [Alexandre Astier], Kaamelott (2004-2009)
King Arthur Pendragon [Bradley James], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Athelstan [George Blagden], Vikings (2013-2020)
Ash Williams [Bruce Campbell], Army of Darkness (1992)
Brian de Bois-Guilbert [Ciaran Hinds], Ivanhoe (1997)
 Brother Cadfael [Derek Jacobi], Cadfael (1994-1998)
Carlos I [Álvaro Cervantes], Carlos Rey Emperador (2015-2016)
Prince Caspian [Ben Barnes], The Chronicles of Narnia (2010)
Cesare Borgia [Mark Ryder], Borgia: Faith and Fear (2011-2014)
Cesare Borgia [Francois Arnaud], The Borgias (2011-2013)
Prince Chauncley [Daniel Radcliffe], Miracle Workers: The Dark Ages (2020)
Prince Daemon Targaryen [Matt Smith], House of the Dragon (2022-)
Khal Drogo [Jason Momoa], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Lord Eddard Stark [Sean Bean], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Edgin [Chris Pine], Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves (2023)
Éomer, Son of Éomund [Karl Urban], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Étienne de Navarre [Rutger Hauer], Ladyhawke (1985)
Faramir, Son of Denethor [David Wenham], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Finan [Mark Rowley], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Sir Galahad [Michael Palin], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Galavant [Joshua Sasse], Galavant (2015-2016)
Gawain [Dev Patel], The Green Knight (2021)
Geralt z Rivii [Michał Żebrowski], The Witcher (2002)
Geralt of Rivia [Henry Cavill], The Witcher (2019-)
Sir Guy of Gisborne [Basil Rathbone], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Sir Guy of Gisborne [Richard Armitage], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Prince Hamlet [Laurence Olivier], Hamlet (1948)
Hubert Hawkins [Danny Kaye], The Court Jester (1955)
King Henry II Plantagenet [Peter O’Toole], The Lion in Winter (1968)
King Henry V Plantagenet [Tom Hiddleston], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016)
Prince Henry [Dougray Scott], Ever After (1998)
Hugh Beringar [Sean Pertwee], Cadfael (1994-1998)
Inigo Montoya [Mandy Patinkin], The Princess Bride (1987)
Jareth [David Bowie], the Goblin King, Labyrinth (1986)
Jaskier [Joey Batey], The Witcher (2019-)
Prince John Plantagenet [Claude Rains], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Lancelot [Santiago Cabrera], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Legolas Greenleaf [Orlando Bloom], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Madmartigan [Val Kilmer], Willow (1988)
King Mark of Cornwall [Rufus Sewell], Tristan and Isolde (2006)
Mikoláš Kozlík [František Velecký], Marketa Lazarová (1967)
Merlin [Colin Morgan], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Niccolo Machiavelli [Thibaut Evrard], Borgia: Faith and Fear (2011-2014)
Prince Oberyn Martell [Pedro Pascal], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Peregrin “Pippin” Took [Billy Boyd], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Pero Tovar [Pedro Pascal], The Great Wall (2016)
Ragnar Lothbrook [Travis Fimmel], Vikings (2013-2020)
Ravenhurst [Basil Rathbone], The Court Jester (1955)
Richard Cypher [Craig Horner], Legend of the Seeker (2008-2010)
King Richard [Timothy Omundson], Galavant (2015-2016)
Richard III Plantagenet [Aneurin Barnard], The White Queen (2013)
Robin Hood [Errol Flynn], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Robin Hood [Michael Praed], Robin of Sherwood (1984)
Robin Hood [Cary Elwes], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Robin Hood [Tom Riley], Doctor Who: “The Robot of Sherwood” (2014)
Rodrigo Borgia [Jeremy Irons], The Borgias (2011-2013)
Rollo [Clive Standen], Vikings (2013-2020)
Samwise Gamgee [Sean Astin], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Sandor Clegane [Rory McCann], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Sid [Luke Youngblood], Galavant (2015-2016)
Sihtric Kjartansson [Arnas Fedaravicius], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Thorin Oakenshield [Richard Armitage], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014)
Tom Builder [Rufus Sewell], The Pillars of the Earth (2010)
Mr. Tumnus [James McAvoy], The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)
Vlad III Dracula [Luke Evans], Dracula Untold (2014)
Westley [Cary Elwes], The Princess Bride (1987)
William Thatcher [Heath Ledger], A Knight’s Tale (2001)
Will Scarlet O’Hara [Matthew Porretta], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Will Scarlett [Patrick Knowles], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Will Scarlett [Christian Slater], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
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vintagerpg · 4 months
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Oh hey, Fantastic Treasures II (1985)! I didn’t see that coming (I totally saw that coming).
This one runs from M to Z. The layout seems slightly more spacious and the art throughout (by Teanna Lee Byerts) is way more consistent and of higher quality than the previous volume, which is a little jarring. Also jarring is the shade of pinkish/peach that stat boxes and design accents are printed in. It is just slightly uncomfortable to my eye. That’s probably a nitpick though.
As for the treasures themselves, it’s once again a collection of items from myth and legend. This set seems routinely more interesting (I say “seems” because I have an irrational bias for the latter half of the alphabet and will usually read a book arranged alphabetically backwards, starting from Z, because of this). I didn’t expect to see Rumplestiltskin’s spinning wheel or Ragnar Lothbrook’s armor in the mix.
Still, no real surprises; the biggest mystery for me is whether that is supposed to be Red Sonja on the cover.
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15-lizards · 8 months
hey, don't know if your asks are open or if you already done a request like this but... could you do a Iron Islands-focused version of what you think they would wear?
Also, could you please do what you think Theon Greyjoy would wear, given his whole identity crises of whether the north or the iron islands is his home? He's just my ultimate pathetic boy failure bbg, sorry, thank you for your attention ❤️
I’m like 80% sure I’ve done this before but we can do a re-up
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Iron Islands have always been Viking/Nordic clothing to me, but not the cool gritty hardass axe swinging “Vikings” but the real ones who weee like. Farmers n shit. No Ragnar Lothbrooks only Victarion is allowed to look like that. And maybe Euron sometimes
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Theon tries to be Not like other boys when he’s growing up in Winterfell. He doesn’t really dress like a northerner or and islander, instead dressing mostly in leather and black, with less wools and heavy fabrics than the starks bc he’s a cool guy and cool guys don’t get cold
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changingplumbob · 4 months
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The Coven is now complete...
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Thank you to all the cc creators, pose creators and creators of the various EA packs I used. Thank you to @justlittleguysims @pralinesims @simmerbeans @deardiaryts4 and @marcishaun for helping me with the last names, and a few first names near the end.
I had fun, this was such a nice mini project. Thank you for creating and sharing it @bashfulcookies. If you want to make your own coven check out the original challenge post here. I didn't think I'd be able to make 13 or 14 original sims (do the twins count as one or two? Hmm, they use the exact same base) but somehow I did. Tinkering away with them has given me more confidence making sims, I'd recommend a similar challenge to anyone who wants to better their sim making skills.
All these spellcasters are available on simfileshare. For specific cc links see the individual character posts. So, from left to right
Back Row: Phoebus Stone, Marisol Michaels, Henri Hart, Koko Hallet, Gillian Sharma, Drusilla Lombardi, Ophelia Ramon, Elise Annabella, Glenn Sutherland Front Row: Harmony Lothbrooke, Carmine Elliot, Jackson and Coleman Davis, Miranda Salem
I think it's safe to say I'm proud of myself. We each fight our own battles and while I haven't been in a warzone, my mind hasn't been the easiest place to be the last few weeks. Thank you for reading and showing love for me and my pixels. With love and care, Kirsty
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polijakefim · 30 days
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Travis Fimmel isn’t your typical movie star
IGET THE SENSE that Travis Fimmel would prefer not to do this interview. Not because he’s rude or uncooperative – as I’ll learn from those close to him, when it comes to causes he cares about, he’s nothing but generous with his time. He would prefer not to do this interview because he doesn’t like talking about himself, or, he doesn’t like talking about himself as ‘Travis Fimmel, the famous Australian actor’. No doubt, he’d much prefer to be known by a small community of country folk as a cattle farmer from the tiny town of Lockington in northern Victoria who runs a beer brand with 25 of his mates.
Unfortunately for Fimmel, we have to talk about acting. It’s because he’s a renowned Australian actor that he’s on the cover of this magazine. He’s in Europe when I reach him, for a friend’s wedding and a “small work thing”. Our phone connection is patchy, and I strain to hear what he says, the potency of his ocker accent not helping. In the background, I can hear the hustle and bustle of a day in the city unfolding – car horns, people talking, the ticking of a pedestrian crossing at traffic lights. He tells me that while filming the upcoming Dune: Prophecy, in which he plays a charismatic soldier with a mysterious past, he stayed in the heart of Budapest for seven months.
“It was a very nice place, but I was stuck in a little apartment in the city, so it wasn’t my cup of tea.” He feels the same way about the busy streetscape I find him in today. “Yeah, I’d rather just be home the whole time,” he says of the property he currently leases, just outside of Echuca, a 25-minute drive from the farm he grew up on. “People have the same mentality there; we all grew up the same. But . . . unfortunately, there’s a lot of work overseas. You know, there’s only 26 million people in Australia. You have to work overseas so you have a name. If you have a name, foreigners are more likely to buy Australian productions because of your name. But yeah, I’d rather be at home.”
Fimmel was the face of the show, and, ultimately, the reason for its runaway success – Vikings ran for six long seasons, with spinoff series, Vikings: Valhalla, now in its third season on Netflix (it was recently announced it won’t be renewed for a fourth). 
“When we started casting for Vikings, I was very sure I didn’t want the clichéd version: the big, loud, brutish, hairy fighter that had existed for a long time in folk memory,” explains the series creator, British screenwriter Michael Hirst. “We got pretty close to the date of production when we received a self-tape from Travis, [recorded] from his farm in Australia. He didn’t bother to put on any viking gear, and he didn’t shout. He was pretty quiet. He hesitated often in delivering the lines, as if he was really thinking about them.” It was his air of thoughtfulness – and his piercing blue eyes – that landed Fimmel the starring role. “He absolutely inhabited that role. He did not ‘play’ a viking; he was a viking,” adds Hirst. “Travis was one big reason why the show grew as big as it did. He was our lead. He was our poster boy. He was our signature. He redefined for a modern audience what a viking was. He smashed the old clichés forever.”
‘Smashed’ is an understatement. If, before Vikings, your impression of Norsemen aligned with the folk memory Hirst describes, Fimmel’s Ragnar Lothbrok probably blew your mind. In addition to being a devoted parent and husband with a soft and curious side, Ragnar Lothbrook was hot. But his hotness didn’t just stem from his physical assets – which, glimpsed in steamy sex scenes soundtracked by primal grunts, didn’t leave much to the imagination. It came through in the intellect and depth Fimmel brought to the character.
“My goal was always to make the character a family man who would do anything for his kids. You know, a lot of tough love, but it comes from doing what he thinks is right for his family,” Fimmel explains. “I think the character had a lot of flaws, so sometimes he didn’t necessarily see straight. But everyone’s got flaws; it’s just about not letting your flaws beat you.”
When I ask Hirst about how Fimmel approached his role, the writer gives a frank response. “Travis wasn’t always easy to work with. He had – or he developed – his own ideas about his character, and we started a dialogue which continued until Ragnar’s death,” he says. “I believe that we respected each other, and our meetings – which we both often dreaded – nearly always turned out to be positive and productive.” Hirst recalls one crucial moment towards the end of the series’ fourth season, when Fimmel believed Ragnar shouldn’t say a word for an entire episode. “He told me that he was sure Ragnar could communicate his desires and responses just by looking, just by ‘being’. So I reread the script. I noted that other characters in the scenes could indeed convey the information that was needed. And it was also true that I had come to realise how much meaning and emotion Travis could convey simply by ‘looking’. It’s a gift that very good actors have.
“I agreed to Travis’ request but swore him to secrecy,” Hirst admits. “Our American paymasters could never know, because they would never have agreed.”
THE CATEGORY OF FAME that comes with being the handsome star of a niche historical drama, especially one with fantastical elements, can be intense (Game of Thrones star Kit Harington once referred to feeling so objectified by fans and critics, it was “demeaning”). And certainly, there are fans out there who follow Fimmel for his good looks first, and his acting second. To those who line up for his autograph at Comic-Con conventions – teenagers in cosplay, men who larp on a Tuesday night and middle-aged mums that turn to speculative fiction as an escape from reality – Fimmel is the perfect man. Or, rather, Ragnar Lothbrok is. But in their minds, there is no difference.
On the Travis Fimmel Facebook fan page, which has over 65,000 followers and admin that upload photos and updates daily, posts attract comments like “handsome man”, “him so cute” and “be still my beating heart”. “If I get to go fishing with him, I don’t think we would be doing much fishing,” writes one fan beneath a photo of Travis holding a fishing rod, accompanied by a few tongue-out emojis. Fimmel’s personal Instagram – he has three million followers on the platform, while only really posting about Travla – is also flooded with declarations of love and admiration.
Fimmel isn’t in it for these reasons. To him, fame is something he’d rather go without, while recognising it’s a necessary evil – you can’t make money in Hollywood when no one knows your name. “Too many awards and attention in that industry. I’m not that interested in that,” he deflects. “We’re not saving the world or anything. I don’t get too deep into it. As long as it makes money, I’m happy.” I seek to clarify that although he enjoys acting, unlike method actors and tortured-artist types, for him, it’s just not that deep. “I’ve never once enjoyed it, not once,” he says, without the slightest hesitation. “I mean, it’s deep work-wise – you have to be deep to continue working. But I don’t get bogged down in it. Like I said, it’s just a job.” Delicately, I ask why he continues to do something he doesn’t enjoy and never has. “Well, I haven’t made enough money to retire yet. As soon as I do, I’ll move home for good . . . I don’t know what else I’m going to do. What keeps a guy working in the mines? What keeps a carpenter working all the time? What keeps anyone getting up in the morning and going to work? What keeps us doing it? I’m very happy for people who love their job – jealous and happy. But it doesn’t do it for me. I’m not driven by it.
“What am I driven by?” he says, repeating my next question. “That’s a good question. I’m not very driven anymore.” I can hear him chuckle. “Nah, I guess it’s just trying to do good at what you’re doing. Trying to always be better than you were the last time.”
He’s got the X FACTOR, and people want that . . . Sorry, Travis, but you’re a MOVIE star – whether you like it or NOT.”
Those who’ve worked with Fimmel aren’t so convinced he dislikes acting. As Bjorn Lothbrok, Ragnar’s firstborn son, Canadian actor Alexander Ludwig saw firsthand the care and thoughtfulness Fimmel brought to his Vikings character.
“He’s one of the most talented and hardworking people I’ve ever worked with. I’ve seen how much time and dedication he puts into what he does. It’s the same kind of time and dedication he puts into his farm. He does everything like a farmer would. It’s very meticulous. He plants these seeds and he focuses, and he’s always prepared,” says Ludwig over the phone from LA. “But he will be the first person to tell you he’s not passionate about his craft. If you were to talk to him about the business, you would never believe that he’s someone who loves what he does. And I will literally die on this hill,” quips Ludwig with a laugh. “He’s too good. And he stuck around too long not to have loved it. I mean, he should have won awards for that show.”
“Travis is arguably one of the most beautiful men in the world, and he does everything he can not to be. I think that says a lot. Because . . . I mean, he’s got the talent. He could so easily have gone down that route to be one of, you know, one of ‘the guys’. I think that’s what makes him so real, is that he just genuinely doesn’t care about that. He’s just not about any of the bullshit that comes with what we do.”
Kriv Stenders, who directed Fimmel in 2019’s Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan, is more receptive to the idea of Fimmel not enjoying what he does. He recalls one day on set, when the cast and crew had an hour to nail a particularly complex scene. “It was a hard day, and Travis was having trouble with the scene. He was in this wet kit, it was pissing down with fake rain and when I went over to talk to him, I looked back and saw what he was looking at, which was literally six cameras, cranes, all this machinery,” recalls the Aussie director. “And I went, ‘Oh, fuck’. That’s what he sees. That’s what he has to deal with every day – the pressure to be like, Everyone’s here, we’ve got an hour to make this brilliant and it’s all up to me. Now. Go. And that’s hard.
“But at the same time, Travis is cursed with a gift. He’s one of those people, when you look at them in reality, you go, ‘Okay, wow, good-looking guy’. But the minute you put the lens on him – and it’s very rare in this business – you look through the viewfinder and get blinded. The charisma that he has is just astronomical. He’s got the X factor, and people want that.” Stenders lets out a laugh. “Sorry, Travis, but you’re a movie star – whether you like it or not.”
Throughout our time chatting, Fimmel is most animated when talking about the beer. When I ask what project he’s proudest of (referring to his acting work), he says it’s “the beer brand”. He muses about his desire to make a beer that supports Australian farmers by using Australian ingredients and keeping the profits in the country. “I want to support the way I grew up and the people I know. We have a beautiful country and hardworking people, and I think sometimes city people can forget that. But those [country] people – they’re not trying to be anyone else. That’s where the heart of Australia is.”
“He said, ‘All I’ve got is me and my time. So, please, what can I do for you?’” says Jason Law, the CEO of Farm Angels, the charity that puts on Flanno for a Farmer, which supports farmers impacted by natural disasters, mental-wellbeing issues and the rising costs of primary production. “He gets that one of the key things that causes things like depression in farmers is that they feel a bit forgotten. They feel taken for granted and like no one cares. He wants to show farmers that we can get people to care.
“He hates interviews,” adds Law with a laugh. “He thinks he’s bad at them, and I don’t think he likes opening up. We never want to push him to do anything, but he always says, ‘If you need me to do something like that, I’ll do it’.”
Dune: Prophecy premieres on Binge in November. 
Black Snow season two is coming soon, only on Stan.
Editor-in-Chief: Christopher Riley
Words: Amy Campbell
Photography: John Russo
Styling: Chloe Takayanagi
Grooming: Kristin Heitkotter 
Producer: Kenneth Waller.
Find out where to buy the issue here.
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voros-kiralyno · 6 months
Ace Day!!
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In honor of Ace day I just want to give a shout out to the characters in my book as spotlight who are Ace or on the ace spectrum!
Lillian Lothbrooke- Grey ace
Celeste - Ace sex repulsed
Ericka - Ace sex indifferent
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
Did Aemond love his daughter more than his son in Dragons Mistress? As he did make that comment about her being the apple of his eye and his son being scared of him??
My take on this, not only in the Dragon's Mistress but in general... is this...
Look, this is the most incredible and heartbreaking scene I have ever seen, in it, Ragnar Lothbrook from the show Vikings speaks about his daughter who passes while he was away, and says his goodbyes to her... and says something that really stuck to me
"A father can grow jealous of his sons, and his daughter can always be the light of his life" and I think its true, specially when it is regarding relation in medieval stories, when the son, firstborn, always is the most important one, and the one who is expected to grow to everyone's expectation, specially the ones of a King or High lord..
So to Aemond, (and any King or important Lord), his son is to live up to his expectations, be strong, wise, intelligent, must hunt, have ability with the sword, by studious, study history and philosophy, he has to be ALL, and he grew anger when his son came up to be "skimpy and skinny", I didn't wrote it, but I hinted that he was gentle, and shy, and skinny... clearly didn't live to his expectation. So his son was scared of him and how he roughly tried to make him live up to his expectation
On the contrary, if his son, grew up to be stronger, smarter, kinder, more intelligent than him, and accomplish things he couldn't he would be "jealous" of him... (i mean some men can be, not all of them of course, but regarding of what Ragnar said too)
But his daughter was kind, and gentle, beautiful, and always was happy to see him, and she, as a daughter in his eye, didn't have to inherit the iron Throne, so he expected nothing of her and yet she gave him love and care... so that's why he loved her "more", she was his light...
I should have gone deeper on this in the Dragon's Mistress, sorry for that!
Anyways, sorry for the long text, but that is my take on it
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sanchezcolors · 1 year
⚔️Bem vindos ao céu de Valhalla⚔️
Não perca seu tempo olhando para traz, não é pra lá que você vai!
Ragnar Lothbrook - Vikings
Minhas cores na Ilustração de @fairytalehues
#vikingwoman #vikingsvalhalla #maped #goldfaber
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ravensguys75 · 1 year
"Don't look back, your not going that way" -Ragnar lothbrook
(I didn't spell that right did I?)
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Submissions are closed but many of our noble and worthy Contenders still need Propaganda to aid them...
Of our 294 Entrants, the following 27 have had no text propaganda submitted
Amarendra Baahubali [Prabhas], Baahubali Series (2015-2017)
Arondir [Ismael Cruz Córdova], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Asbjörn [Tom Hopper], Northmen: A Viking Saga (2014)
Balian de Ibelin [Orlando Bloom], Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
Bjørn Ironside [Alexander Ludwig], Vikings (2013-2020)
Sir Bowen [Dennis Quaid], Dragonheart (1996)
Elrond Half-elven [Robert Aramayo], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Geoffrey Chaucer [Pier Paolo Pasolini], The Canterbury Tales (1972)
King Henry VIII [Ray Winstone], Henry VIII (2003)
Isildur, Son of Elendil [Maxim Baldry], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Prince Jingim [Remy Hii], Marco Polo (2014)
Kai [Michael Gothard], Arthur of the Britons (1972, 1973)
Sir Lancelot [Richard Gere], First Knight (1995)
Merlin [Nicol Williamson], Excalibur (1981)
“The Mute” [John Bernthal], Pilgrimage (2017)
“One-Eye” [Mads Mikkelsen], Valhalla Rising (2009)
Sir Percival [Tom Hopper], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Pero Tovar [Pedro Pascal], The Great Wall (2016)
Ragnar Lothbrook [Travis Fimmel], Vikings (2013-2020)
Richard III [Benedict Cumberbatch], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016)
Robin Hood [Tom Riley], Doctor Who: “The Robot of Sherwood” (2014)
“The Sherriff of Nottingham” [Alan Wheatley], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955-1959)
“The Sherriff of Nottingham” [Peter Cushing], The Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960)
Syrio Forel [Miltos Yerolemou], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Tormund Giantsbane [Kristofer Hivju], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Ubbe [Jordan Patrick Smith], Vikings (2013-2020)
Wil Ohmsford [Austin Butler], Shannara Chronicles (2016)
The following 63 DO have text propaganda, but only consisting of a single sentence, (or propaganda that contains spoilers) and could use a bit more...
Aguilar de Nerha [Michael Fassbender], Assassin's Creed (2016)
Allan-A-Dale [Joe Armstrong], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Sultan Alauddin [Ranver Singh], Padmavaat (2018)
Amleth [Alexander Skarsgård], The Northman (2022)
Arman [Matevy Lykov], I Am Dragon (2015)
King Arthur [Graham Chapman], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Asneez [Isaac Hayes], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Ash Williams [Bruce Campbell], Army of Darkness (1992)
Azog the Defiler [Manu Bennett], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014)
Ser Barristan Selmy [Ian McIlhinney], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert [Sam Neill], Ivanhoe (1982)
Carlos I [Álvaro Cervantes], Carlos Rey Emperador (2015-2016)
Cesare Borgia [Mark Ryder], Borgia: Faith and Fear (2011-2014)
Charles Brandon [Henry Cavill], The Tudors (2007-2010)
Chu Hun [Peter Ho], Double World (2020)
Connor MacLeod [Christopher Lambert], Highlander (1986)
Prince Dastan [Jake Gyllenhaal], Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Dong Yilong [Henry Lau], Double World (2020)
Eamon Valda [Abdul Salis], The Wheel of Time (2021-)
Sir Elyan [Adetomiwa Edun], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Forge Fitzwilliam [Hugh Grant], Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)
Galavant [Joshua Sasse], Galavant (2015-2016)
Galessin, Duke of Orkney [Alexis Hénon], Kaamelott (2004-2009)
Gandalf [Ian McKellan], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Geralt z Rivii [Michał Żebrowski], The Witcher (2002)
Gimli, Son of Gloin [John Rhys-Davies], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Prince Hamlet [Christopher Plummer], Hamlet at Elsinore (1964)
King Henry V Plantagenet [Kenneth Branagh], Henry V (1989)
Prince Humperdink [Chris Sarandon], The Princess Bride (1987)
Ivanhoe [Anthony Andrews], Ivanhoe (1982)
Jack [Tom Cruise], Legend (1985)
Ser Jaime Lannister [Nikolaj Coster-Waldau], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Jaskier [Joey Batey], The Witcher (2019-)
Little John [Eric Allan Kramer], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Prince John [Richard Lewis], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Sir Lancelot [Luc Simon], Lancelot du Lac (1974)
Sir Lancelot [Santiago Cabrera], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Loial [Hammed Animashaun], The Wheel of Time (2022-)
Matrim “Mat” Cauthon [Donal Finn], The Wheel of Time (2022)
Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck [Dominic Monaghan], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Mikoláš Kozlík [František Velecký], Marketa Lazarová (1967)
Murtagh Morzansson [Garrett Hedlund], Eragon (2002)
Niankoro [Issiaka Kane], Yeelen (1987)
Niccolo Machiavelli [Thibaut Evrard], Borgia: Faith and Fear (2011-2014)
Phillippe Gaston [Matthew Broderick], Ladyhawke (1985)
“The Player” [Richard Dreyfuss], Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1990)
Rand al’Thor [Josha Stradowski], The Wheel of Time (2022-)
Richard II Plantagenet [Ben Whishaw], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016)
Robin Hood [Kevin Costner], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Robin Hood [Jonas Armstrong], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Rodrigo Borgia [Jeremy Irons], The Borgias (2011-2013)
Rollo [Clive Standen], Vikings (2013-2020)
Roose Bolton [Michael McElhatton], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Saruman [Christopher Lee], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Sid [Luke Youngblood], Galavant (2015-2016)
“Taunting French Guard” [John Cleese], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
King Theoden, Son of Thengel [Bernard Hill], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Thierry of Janville [Jean-Claude Drouot], Thierry la Fronde (1963-1966)
Sir Thomas Grey [Nigel Terry], Covington Cross (1992)
Trumpkin [Peter Dinklage], The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)
Vlad III Dracula [Luke Evans], Dracula Untold (2014)
Wat [Alan Tudyk], A Knight’s Tale (2001)
Wen Kexing [Gong Jun], Word of Honor (2021
And the following 57 have had fewer than 3 pictures submitted as visual propaganda
Prince Aemond Targaryen [Ewan Mitchell], House of the Dragon (2022-)
Ahmad [Mahesh Jadu], Marco Polo (2014)
Shah Ala ad Daula [Olivier Martinez], The Physician (2013)
Alessandro Farnese [Diarmuid Noyes], Borgia (2011-2014)
Amarendra Baahubali [Prabhas], Baahubali (2015-2017)
Amleth [Alexander Skarsgård], The Northman (2022)
Arman [Matvey Lykov], I Am Dragon (2015)
Arthur Pendragon [Oliver Tobias], Arthur of the Britons (1972-1973)
King Arthur [Sean Connery], First Knight (1995)
Sir Bowen [Dennis Quaid], Dragonheart (1996)
Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert [Sam Neill], Ivanhoe (1982)
Carlos I [Álvaro Cervantes], Carlos Rey Emperador (2015-2016)
King Caspian X [Samuel West], BBC’s Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989)
Cesare Borgia [Mark Ryder], Borgia (2011-2014)
Prince Charmont [Hugh Dancy], Ella Enchanted (2004)
Chu Hun [Peter Ho], Double World (2020)
Connor MacLeod [Christopher Lambert], Highlander (1986)
Dong Yilong [Henry Lau], Double World (2020)
Fjölnir [Claes Bang], The Northman (2022)
Francesco de Pazzi [Matteo Martari], Medici (2016-2019)
Geoffrey Chaucer [Pier Paolo Pasolini], The Canterbury Tales (1972)
Gest [Jakob Þór Einarsson], Hrafninn flýgur (1984)
Gimli, Son of Gloin [John Rhys-Davies], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
King Henry II [Peter O’Toole], The Lion in Winter (1968)
Hugh Beringar [Sean Pertwee], Cadfael (1994-1998)
Prince Jingim [Remy Hii], Marco Polo (2014)
Little John [Nicol Williamson], Robin and Marian (1976)
Kai [Michael Gothard], Arthur of the Britons (1972, 1973)
Sir Lancelot [Richard Gere], First Knight (1995)
Lurtz [Lawrence Makoare], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck [Dominic Monaghan], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Merlin [Nicol Williamson], Excalibur (1981)
Much [Sam Troughton], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Murtagh Morzansson [Garrett Hedlund], Eragon (2002)
Niankoro [Issiaka Kane], Yeelen (1987)
Niccolo Machiavelli [Thibaut Evrard], Borgia: Faith and Fear (2011-2014)
“The Player” [Richard Dreyfuss], Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1990)
Podrick Payne [Daniel Portman], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Rilk [Jesse Lee Keeter] JourneyQuest (2010)
Robert the Bruce [Chris Pine], Outlaw King (2018)
Robin Longstride [Russell Crowe], Robin Hood (2010)
Saburo Naotora Ichimonji [Ryu Daisuke], Ran (1985)
Sid [Luke Youngblood], Galavant (2015-2016)
Sihtric Kjartansson [Arnas Fedaravicius], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Syrio Forel [Miltos Yerolemou], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
“Taunting French Guard” [John Cleese], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Thierry of Janville [Jean-Claude Drouot], Thierry la Fronde (1963-1966)
Sir Thomas Grey [Nigel Terry], Covington Cross (1992)
Thraxus Boorman [Amar Chadha-Patel], Willow (2022]
Sir Tristan [Kingsley Ben-Adir], King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017)
Uglúk [Nathaniel Lees], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
“Unnamed Elf Escort” (Alias: “Figwit”), The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Wen Kexing [Gong Jun], Word of Honor (2021
Wil Ohmsford [Austin Butler], The Shannara Chronicles (2016)
Will Scarlett [Patrick Knowles], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Will Scarlett [Christian Slater], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Willow Ufgood [Warwick Davis], Willow (1988, 2022)
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feelingcomplet · 3 years
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Eu nunca parei de amar você, Sam. Mesmo - e especialmente - quando você menos merecia meu amor.
( The Monster )
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simptonius · 5 years
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  Lagertha holding your hand under the table at a feast, smiling gently at you.
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changingplumbob · 4 months
Elemental: Harmony Lothbrooke
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Lucky 13 Witches’ Challenge
@bashfulcookies prompts from their Silver Moon Coven post. CC list and download with everyday/formal outfits below cut.
When fire meets water.
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DOWNLOAD from SimFileShare - This does NOT contain the cc as per general creator terms of use. Everyday and Formal are styled. Other outfits are base game.
Skin default: Agave V2 by @nesurii Eyes: Waterdrop by @pralinesims
@pralinesims: Skin detail lashes Temza, Eyeliner Butterfly's temptation, Lipstick Americano, Eyeshadow Butterfly's dance, Necklace Synthesia
@dissiasims: Witch Hat
@bluecravingcc: Everyday bracelets, Formal bracelets
EA Content
Growing Together: Freckles
Laundry Day: Shirt
Discover University: Leggings
Movie Hangout: Shoes
Get Famous: Formal dress, Formal shoes
Nifty Knitting: Hair
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