#lots of physical affection between them too btw
quietwingsinthesky · 2 years
fuck u *queerplatonics your samifer*
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live-laugh-legolas · 17 days
I really love your headcannons! Thanks for them! what do you think it's like to cuddle with a fellowship and how tactile they are in general, I would be grateful if it was in a romantic way, but if it's not difficult (if possible, then Gandalf should be too)
Cuddling with the fellowship
-He often has his hands on you in some way
-Either in your shoulder, waist, back, or holding your hand
-But he isn’t the biggest cuddler despite being a touchy guy
-I think he worries he won’t be able to get up fast enough to protect you
-However he does sleep best when you are wrapped up in his arms
-He likes to lay his head in your lap
-Or with your head on his chest
-He subconsciously gives little massages while cuddling
-Does the thumb rub thing
-Once he figures out cuddling and physical affection he will always initiate it
-He will always come up and hug you from behind
-He finds comfort in it that he didn’t expect since elves aren’t really physically affectionate
-He likes to be big spoon and will hold your hand while you are wrapped safely in his arms
-He burrows his face into your hair or between your shoulder blades
-Sometimes he so close that he snores because his nose is pressed against your back (listen Ik elves don’t really sleep or whatever but let me have this)
-He will give you top of the head kisses randomly while you lay on his chest
-Just in general he does this; walking past you, you get a head kiss
-Pippin asks for one too; he says he feels left out
-Big time cuddler
-Dwarves are pretty big on physical touch
-Maybe cuddling isn’t necessary seen as platonic to dwarves; but wanting to be close in general can be
-However with a significant other this man is the biggest teddy bear
-He likes to face you when cuddling so he can see your pretty face
-Your very own personal heater/fur blanket
-Side note but maybe this is why Legolas likes him so much. I mean Legolas is kinda cat like and cats gravitate towards the warmest people to lay on
-He gets “grumpy” if you won’t cuddle with him
-Will pout until you give in despite being absolutely covered in dirt and you wanted to shower first
-He’s a little awkward about physical touch at first
-He’s a bit touch starved
-I can’t help but picture him as Arthur from the show Merlin in this scene
-It’s not so much that he doesn’t understand gentle physical touch; he is a gentle man; but he doesn’t experience it much so it’s a little foreign to him
-But once he is comfortable with you he will branch out and try initiating cuddles
-Will copy the way you initiate cuddles or any physical touch
-This man is lovely to cuddle btw
-You always feel very safe with him and he makes for a good pillow
-I headcanon that he has great tits; perfect chest to bury your face in
-He also talks a lot while cuddling; like he is just so happy to be with you that his giddiness comes out in random rambles
-He’s a nuzzler
-He does the little head rub on whatever he is using as a pillow when he first settles down
-Kinda like a dog spinning in circles before laying down
-If you fall asleep cuddled up just know that you will not wake up that way
-Someone is on the floor or you’ve swapped sides of the bed
-It looks like you guys were catapulted into the bed and that’s just how you landed
-Nose kisses
-He loves to have “cuddle talks”
-Telling you about his day while you fiddle with his hair
-He’s a very intimate cuddler; likes to look into your eyes and profess his love as if it’s the first time even though he just did it yesterday too
-Not big on PDA though
-Cuddles are personal and private
-He’s not embarrassed or anything; it just feels like something too intimate for public eyes
-He likes cuddling but in moderation
-I imagine he could get a bit claustrophobic
-Not that he doesn’t enjoy your cuddles; he just gets overwhelmed with smothering ones sometimes
-Doesn’t like being little spoon for this reason (same tho)
-I think one of his favorite positions to cuddle is with one of you sitting with your back against the others chest
-He does not care if he can’t see past you, he’s your backrest and he takes that job very seriously
-The biggest cuddle bug
-He is always touching someone; bumping shoulders, invading personal space, etc
-He finds comfort in being close to others and he’s not afraid to let it be known
-Spontaneous cuddle attacks
-Lots of giggles and nose boops
-If you are in bed he will “Dutch oven” you
-Gross ik
-However when his energy is worn for the day and he has gotten his playful cuddles out of the way he is the perfect teddy bear
-I mean seriously hobbits are the perfect little spoon size
-In those moments he does just enjoy the quiet and listening to your breathing as you fall asleep
-Not big on cuddling
-More of the type to sit/lay where you are touching in some way but not engulfed with each other
-Maybe sitting across from eachother with your legs intertwined
-He does give the best hugs though
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velnna · 1 month
The more I learn about your comic... The more I fall in love with it. Especially your bugs! Like can you explain more about them? I'm really curious about them (from the full bugs to the hybrids and anything else that comes to mind).
Anyway your art is wonderful and I adore seeing it on my dash. And you can info-dump too. If you want ofc.
Thank you!
The worldbuilding is a work in progress (as it always is, but the first chunk of the comic itself is pretty self-contained so we've been slowly tinkering at the rest of the world and creatures as we go without affecting it much), so we mostly have loose rules and ideas for the bugs as a species. Or anything in between for that matter.
For all intended purposes, bug people are all the same species and can usually cross-breed within mechanical constraints, as well as mix with the elves we threw into the mix. Genetics? Don't know her. We operate on Sims logic here.
A full bug has roughly a human lifespan, with some variation depending on the type of bug it's closer to and some type-specific quirks. The one we've explorer the most, as it pertains to Ashton and the latest batch out of the oven, is the ability that some types might have to undergo metamorphosis, usually at the expense of lifespan. This is Ashton btw
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And this is Ashton pre-metamorphosis:
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Something like this isn't super common tho! So despite me drawing a bunch of butterfly or moth people they generally don't get to that point and stay looking more like funky lizards with many arms
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Bugs can have many arms or legs or eyes, funky colours, exoskeletal bits, antennae, or look pretty close to your average human/elf with hidden bug features. Dahlia for instance is a vaguely spidery bug but can easily hide a bunch of her eyes and secretes venom thru hidden glandes so you could mistake her for an elf
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Meanwhile it'd be very hard to mistake someone like this guy for anything other than a horned bug
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If u catch my drift.
Some bugs are small! Some are huge. Some are out there committing atrocities
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Some dont look like bugs at all
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They're generally not as physically strong as the average elf but more resilient in a cockroach kinda way. They can have a chaotic range of circulatory systems and internal organs that sometimes just make them really hard to kill and its also pretty hard to keep track of every variation of the species and their quirks.
That being said in a lot of places they're super common and coexist with elves just fine, mix up and it's also not super uncommon to have half breeds like our man Staeve (the ThUG edition). The closer you get to elf the longer you live and less "non human" traits you have. There's also a bunch of different types of regular ass elf and it all falls under the elf category unless we decide to name them something else down the line.
Then you've got a smaller category of super elves that have been isolated for so long they never blended with anything else, are more attuned to magic and in general have a sort of mythical status amongst everyone else. They also have the longest lifespan at around 250 ish years.
That's sort of the TL;DR for now! Ollie and I have started to put all the info we've got into a single repository and do want to start sharing it (probably as patreon posts for now) because comics are slow and the scope might not encompass that much of what we want to explore of this world. And the chaotic idea machine never stops
Here's a metamorphosis meme for ya
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slvtforfiction · 8 months
Hiii!! Since you made a NSFW of Johnnie guilbert could you do a SFW of him? Btw I love your work sm!!❤️
Sfw Alphabet
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☆ I’m assuming you mean a sfw alphabet?
☆ If not please request again :)
☆ Johnnie Guilbert X Reader
☆ Fluff
☆ If you are going to request: please check at the pinned post if requests are open,otherwise I will delete your requests which I have already been doing
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
Masterlist | Pinned Post
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A = Affection
(How do they show affection)
His love language is definitely gift giving,if you mention once that you like a bracelet,he’s got it.
Christmas and birthdays are the best with him considering he notices every minor detail about what you like and don’t like.
B = Best friend
(What would they be like as a friend before the relationship)
Before the relationship Johnnie is a little awkward,he fell first and you fell harder. He’s still the same except he showers you in gifts,is a little more physical with you and more awkward than he is when he gets into the relationship.
Everyone but you can notice that he also has a crush on you,you regularly spoke to Jake about it who always replied with “Ask him out,he likes you.” In different variations.
C = Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves cuddles,in fact he loves for them. He would definitely cuddle you with your legs over his,your chest on his head.
He lives for cuddles with you,after filming or simply just living all he wants to do is cuddle up with you and watch something in the background.
D = Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He definitely wants to settle down with you eventually,has obsessively thought about proposing to you after a year in the relationship.
He is immediately very domestic in the relationship and enjoys little things with you. He immediately treats you like his wife with princess treatment.
E = Entrance
(How are they like at the beginning of the relationship)
He’s still slightly awkward but he’s a lot less awkward with you than he was,you’d have to be more dominant in the relationship until he gets more comfortable with you.
F = Fiance(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s very comfortable with committed relationships and would honestly think about proposing to you,he wouldn’t propose until you had been together for at least 5+ years.
He does talk to you about it quite a bit though and often comments about it just to test the waters and see how you feel about it.
G = Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He would never even think about hurting you,physically or emotionally. It hurts a part of himself too,to even think about laying a hand on you or saying cruel words to/about you.
H = Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs,the same as he does cuddles. He loves hugs and he lives for hugs with you. Usually he hugs you throughout the day as a way of showing his affection whilst also not wanting to create any tension between who he/you’re with at the time.
I = I love you
(How fast do they say the L-word?)
He definitely wants to say it immediately. It always in the back of his mind and the tip of his tongue but he never said it until you were dating for around 2 months. He didn’t want to scare you off and therefore waited longer than he wanted.
J = Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesn’t get jealous per se but he does stare daggers into the person who thought it was a good idea to talk to you.
He doesn’t get jealous per se but he does need the random-guy-chatting-you-up-at-the-bar to know that you belong to him.
He doesn’t get jealous per se,but he’s extremely jealous. He rarely shows it but will make it entirely known once it’s just you two alone.
K = Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses,whether short or long,is passion filled as well as love filled. His kisses describe the way he feels about you and he makes it a point to express his feelings through kisses when he can’t express them through words.
He loves kissing you on your forehead/lips because he thinks it’s more affectionate than anywhere else. This also says the same about his preferences,loves forehead kisses and small pecks on the lips.
L = Little ones
(How are they around children?)
Although he says he hates children,children are drawn to him and it may show a bit of his softer side :).
He’s honestly one of the best person with kids,even though he swears by hating them. He knows how to talk to them,he knows what to say and what not to.
M = Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
You wake up to find Johnnie splayed out on your chest most mornings,he’s a big cuddler and will find any excuse to have his arms around you.
Sometimes (at least once a week) he’ll get up early to make you breakfast in bed which you pay back by making him breakfast in bed later in the week :).
N = Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
Big cuddler,he loves to have his arms wrapped around you or vis versa. He definitely barely takes up any of the bed,he makes himself small on purpose to give you more room (even though he ends up cuddled up to you).
O = Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He will casually mention really random things about himself throughout the relationship,I mean you’ll be cuddled up and watching a movie and he’ll just say something like “You know once in middle school-“
P = Patience
(How easily angered are they?)
He has all the patience for you,he never wants to hurt you emotionally or physically by yelling at you and so he would have a lot of patience.
If he begins to lose his patience he would ask for sometime alone so he doesn’t shout etc.
But no matter what he wouldn’t physically harm you intentionally,he wouldn’t hit you etc.
Q = Quizzes
(How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything you tell him,even in passing. Your favourite colour is purple? He knows. How? You told him while you were half asleep,cuddled up to his chest on one week after you got together.
He remembers almost anything you tell him,he tries his hardest to remember anything you tell him,even if he has to write it down somewhere just in case.
R = Remember
(What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Definitely a cuddler,so his favourite moment between you two would be cuddling up on the couch and watching a movie together. He’s ordered your favourite food and drinks and you two are more than likely to fall asleep together on the sofa.
S = Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He would protect you as much as he can but let’s be honest,he’s a skinny boy with little jealousy. He would definitely protect you from random creeps at a bar,random men in the street and if you were alone he’d come and pick you up but I don’t think he’d ever get in a physical fight.
T = Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Every single anniversary,date,gift or even everyday tasks is thoughtful and planned. He would never disappoint you and he would make sure all occasions are memorable and special to the both of you.
He tries his hardest in your relationship no matter what the situation were to be and he’s always making sure that your happy :).
U = Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Definitely picks his fingers,like picks the corners of his cuticles etc. You make sure to stop him when you can and he rarely does it again.
He doesn’t pick up quickly on social cues,you would have to basically spell it out for him for him to understand and even then he wouldn’t really understand.
V = Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)
He doesn’t care what other people think,he rarely cares what you think if he’s honest.
If you don’t like a shirt he has he will still wear it but he will note down that it’s not your favourite thing he owns and will not wear it as often.
W = Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He and his friends note how his actions are a lot different without you there,as if he feels lost without you to guide him. He feels incomplete without you,as if he had forgotten something at home.
X = Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)
He definitely will come home with an animal one day that he’s adopted without your full permission (he didn’t even ask you.) bonus points if it’s a cat.
Y = Yuck
(What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn’t want their partner to be unhygienic so if you have mental health problems that stop you from being hygienic he will fully support that and help you.
There’s nothing that he sees as an immediate dealbreaker as long as he can help you through it he will.
Z = Zzz
(What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He definitely starfishes like his whole body across the mattress type of thing. He’s not particularly experienced in relationships so he wouldn’t have to deal with sharing a bed often and therefore his sleep habits haven’t changed since he’s been a kid.
Therefore he will try his hardest to only take up his half of the bed but don’t count on it.
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museofthepyre · 9 months
Thinking abt Elijah and Jedidiah again, I’ve said a lot of it before, but I’m expanding here (finale spoilers btw):
I think Jeddie and Elijah were intentionally written to represent the opposing extremes of unhealthy love/ affection. It’s a symbolic parallel, they’re complete opposites in terms of attachment style… but they’re united in the fact that they’re both hurting Sydney (the subject of their feelings).
Jedidiah embodies cold, distant, withdrawn and purely behind the scenes love-
And Elijah embodies obsessive, love-bombing, all consuming and suffocating love.
Through this lens,
They both saw Sydney suffering and without consulting him (WITHOUT GIVING HIM A SAY!!!) took it upon themselves to help- but their fucked up perceptions of love lead their solutions to being… naturally… fucked up.
There’s even symbolism in the WAY they both tried to help (…had Sydney die).
Jedidiah wanted to end Sydney’s suffering. He would have Sydney die a lonely, cold, quiet death in the sterile environment of a hospital- then he’d bring him back in body, hoping that he’d return healthy again (the rose tinted memory of the old friend he loves)
Elijah wanted to end Sydney’s suffering. He would have Sydney die in a passionate roaring flame, surrounded by a crowd of feverous celebration- then he’d bring him back in spirit, hoping it’d bring him eternal peace and rest (the mirage of the deity-like figure he loves)
That is like the most blatant metaphorical representation of this whole thing imo. The mode of death represents their destructive love, and how it’s killing Sydney. Like, literally. But when it happens, they both wholeheartedly believe they’re doing this FOR Sydney, to “help” him.
I’ve always interpreted Elijah as being entirely, legitimately convinced of everything he said. Like, through the lens of his own incredibly warped and distorted perception of “love”, he genuinely thought he was doing what was best for/ “helping” Sydney.
He had it in his head that he loved Sydney, none of that was a knowing lie, it was real to him— but his reality was… again, distorted.
And it’s written in a way which highlights how HORRIBLY UNHEALTHY that warped perception is. It mirrors how Jedidiah’s starkly contrasting ways are showcased as unhealthy, despite him too thinking that he was doing what was best for Sydney. Neither go excused, or sugar coated, the point being: to show how neither extreme is good.
Beyond their skewed actions,
They both wanted to resurrect a Sydney that didn’t exist. The Sydney Jedidiah wanted back had withered away,, Sydney’s sickness was more than physical, it had roots in his mind and memories. Jedidiah had left him feeling abandoned for so long that it’d take more than a simple reset to heal their rift. But he didn’t know how to do that, he didn’t know how to be close, and he was too wrapped up in his self- flagellation to actually break down the walls he’d built.
And Elijah’s version of Sydney was a total idolization. He was never self aware enough to realize he was a large contributor to Sydney’s suffering in the first place. He was too wrapped up in the thrall of his own delusions to realize how scary and confusing this all would be for Sydney. (I say delusions bc I think… they were/gen. Coming from someone who’s BPD-spawned delusions get similarly obsessive and convincing… I have a whole other tangent on this for another day)
This isn’t an Elijah apologist message btw, nor is it a Jedidiah apologist message— I just think this depth is an important part of the overall message- you can love someone and hurt them every second of it, if there’s no balance- a line between the two extremes!! I think we are seeing Jedidiah starting to find that line- he was actually listening to Sydney by the end of it all. Elijah… is still stuck in his head.
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truly-a-snitch · 10 months
Hi! Hi! I just discovered your blog and I have a request. So can I request Ranpo, Sigma and Dazai with a s/o who is like really calm and reserved in public but when they're alone together you can't separate them. Like a clingy, touchy, overprotective s/o who is reserved in public or at work. BUT if anyone hurts their partner they will go to war!! THEN afterwards come home and cuddle with them.
🍬 - Idk if you do the emoji things but I'm signing off with this one.
(You can just ignore this if you want, NO PRESSURE)
this is actually so cute. me and who
this sorta turned into just ways they show affection sorry i got carried away. jn my defense i love these three
warnings: none !! this is fluff but only sort of partially answers the prompt oopsies
Ranpo, Sigma, and Dazai with a reserved but affectionate S/O
ranpo is very affectionate no matter where you go so you two could not be more different in that regard
like. at home ? hes never not in your lap. shopping ? your arms Will be linked together (so he doesnt lose you, in his own words). at work ? he sidles up next to you and slings his legs over yours while he begrudgingly does his paperwork
he doesnt mind that youre more reserved when it comes to pda !! he knows how to tone it down when he gets to be too much
he just has a lot of love to give ok :-(
ranpo is 100% the type to just like. after a long day he will very dramatically splay himself across your lap and be like "ughhh im dying of boredom..... blehhhhh........."
his favorite activity is laying on top of you and demanding that you entertain him (any means possible) (especially reading to him)
he BITES !! leaves hickies on accident sometimes (he says hes sorry but like. is he really) and he encourages you to bite him right back fr. hes so silly i love him
admittedly he is a little upset he cant be as affectionate w you in public but he loves u enough that its ok and he makes up for it by not letting go of you from the moment you get home to the moment you go to bed
has fallen asleep in your lap before. also has fallen asleep on top of you on the couch before. haha good luck getting up you cant youd disturb him
congrats on the cat boyfriend btw
silly... as somebody who runs a casino (yes he still runs the casino in my head. canon can get bent) he is very very busy, so he understands that there simply may not be time or energy to dedicate to him during working hours
affection shared between him is often that tired sort if only because after a full day the last thing he wants is something high energy
seeing as he spent a lot of time around fyodor, public physical contact of any kind is probably still a taboo hes deconstructing, so hes very much grateful that you arent really big on pda yourself (if only because he doesnt feel ready for all that at this point in time)
he likes to just lay against you, or hold your hand while he does his paperwork :3
big on forehead kisses. he loves them okay. the inherent tenderness of it makes him forget how to speak for a little bit he gets So flustered its actually the cutest thing ever
sigmas also a big big fan of massages (he runs on energy drinks, stress, and pure unfettered anxiety okay. i bet his muscles are Stiff)
and if you give him coffee...? doesnt matter if u made it or not. you are Getting Kissed
sleeping next to each other,, sleepy kissing,,, naps together,,,, top tier
sigma likes to just sit on the couch and watch tv with you. lay on him right now do it. diy weighted blanket
he treats you with fancy schmancy meals from the casino kitchens. you guys get to have date night where its just you watching tv and eating good food and drinking wine (hes a white wine guy you cant tell me otherwise)
dazai isnt super affectionate in public, hes sorta similar to you in that regard, but he still has to be touching you almost all the time
HES SO ANNOYING ABOUT IT TOO his love language is annoying you so he will find the most inconvenient ways to Just Barely Touch You so that you have to talk to him and tell him to stop
getting home tho you get to literally watch the mask melt away. you sit down on the couch and he immediately just relaxes into you, he is ALL over u
(pspsps play with his hair. and like gently run ur nails over his scalp a lil bit. he gets so so sleepy when you do that)
dazai is so NEEDY w affection but he knows how to act like he doesnt want/need it in front of other ppl
if ur in private and ur not actively giving him attention. he will stare at u for a bit before practically tackling you. bro sprawls
hes not like AGAINST pda btw i forgot to touch on that its just that he prefers to be more private with his genuine romantic endeavors :3 like hell annoy you on purpose in public but behind closed doors hes a softie fr
dazai also bites as a love language like ranpo does but dazai is always careful not to accidentally bite too hard (ranpo may not give a fuck but dazai certainly does)
he rly likes laying on top of you. fair tbh laying on ur s/o is better than therapy
anyway overall hes very much like. purposely annoying or embarrassing in public but hes much more romantic behind closed doors
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crazyfor-toby · 11 months
hi!! First of all happy belated birthday no idea when you’ll see this but 🥳 I just wanted to see if you could just do some general kinda fluff for Toby and any other of your choosing during like the crush stage
also you are an amazing writer and incredibly creative whoever the douchebag who stood you up is doesn’t deserve you so get yourself a better man bc if anyone deserves it it’s you<3
so yeah that’s the end of my little rant and feel free to just ignore this ask, put yourself first!
-A ❤️
Summary :: Toby during the crush stage
Notes :: thank you so much!🤭 You are too sweet! btw I didn't know which Toby you wanted so I js did High school Toby but I can always change it if you want and make another one for him💟 I'm prob going to add Jeff later but I js wanted to get this out as soon as possible
Warnings :: none that I can think of except for the usual cursing
Readers gender :: None assigned, gender neutral
This guy is so fucking mean for no reason but hates whenever anyone else is mean to you
He bullies you because he doesn't know how to respond to his own emotions and he has absolutely 0 experience. Plus, he thinks you're only talking to him to mess with him at first
I can see him falling for someone because they were nice to him or because he found them physically attractive as bad as it may sound to some people. But, he does know when someone is only being nice because they feel bad or they are just trying to mess with his feelings he just wants to be treated like a normal human being not get made fun of or have people be overly nice to him because of his disorders but we can get more into those emotions another time.
Even though he can most of the time tell the difference between genuine kindness and people feeling bad, sometimes he may think that people are messing with him when they actually are being genuinely nice because he overthinks everything and lets his bad thoughts take over a lot of the time.
Would definitely zone out while staring at you as he bites his nails and hands... Gets so many side eyes and weird stares because of it too
thinks about you 24/7 to the point it affects his daily life and his mother and sister get worried
He would probably mistake his romantic feelings for platonic at first but when he realizes the only thing that changes is how mean he is to you and I don't mean he gets nicer 😃 your #1 hater and #1 supporter
He's honestly confusing, one minute he'll be thinking you hate him and he doesn't have a chance to thinking he does have a chance and that you have the same feelings for him as he does for you.
Meaning that there's like a 30% he will make a first move on you because you have to catch him in the right mood, at the right time, on the right day which is pretty hard because you'll never know what mood he'll be in and he
He literally just acts like he hates you and if you asked him out or made a move he'd turn it down but then out of no where months later he will ask you out
he's honestly such an attention whore and he only craves your attention now so good luck
the only time he can really talk to you in person outside of school is if you happen to be friends with his sister or you guys meet up somewhere like a park or a cafe which isn't that often because of his parents so he makes up for it by texting you all day
Reminder though that he isn't some soft and shy bundle of joy who is just hurt, he is crazy and is slowly going under the control of Slenderman. He can have major mood swings and will most likely make you end up not liking him for the way he treats you at first, he doesn't mean it tho he's just a lil delulu 😊
Overall, your experience is gonna be a rough 5/10 unless you don't mind his harsh words then it'd be like a 6.5 - 7.5
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siffrin-enthusiast · 28 days
my disability post is blowing up again so let me tell you the funniest things that have happened to me while being disabled or using various mobility aids. feel free to add your own btw
when getting discharged from the hospital for surgery, i was "taught" how to use crutches for less than three minutes. i checked the timestamps between discord messages. it cost hundreds of dollars btw
my high school's one and only wheelchair ramp into the auditorium was too steep to be used by a wheelchair even with the help of a handrail. instead of doing anything about this, the staff made it a point of personal pride to wheel me up despite me asking them not to for every. single. assembly. disability inclusion <3
getting recognized as a regular by the receptionists at the hospital was. a little embarrassing.
shoutout to one physical therapist in particular who realized i had a tremor and then decided to exacerbate it for. uhhhh. she didn't even say why. she just wanted to see why. anyway it set me back like four months
some sidewalks were just UNUSABLE (bumpiness, width, debris). like it was literally safer to be in the ROAD in my wheelchair then some fucking sidewalks.
after i had just gotten out of said wheelchair and used the elevator, i took too long going through the elevator doors and the doors decided to crush me. thank you elevator, very cool!
i was seen by several doctors who did not know what my condition was despite me putting it on every single patient form and sending pdfs of my diagnoses and symptoms in advance of every appointment
remember that surgery i mentioned? so it turns out there was not a problem with the affected joint. it was just hypermobile. that is a twenty minute test. they did not think to test me for hypermobility. before doing surgery on me. anyway i have generalized hypermobility and that ankle is now the worst joint in my entire body
almost got sent to truancy court despite every absence having an excuse note from an ER clinic or a neurologist checking me for. like. literal actual brain cancer. STAT orders and all.
speaking of my high school, it took seven minutes to get between two of my classes in high school because there was one elevator, located in the center of the building, and these classes were right on the left end of the building. when i was able to walk the route, it took under two minutes. this happened a lot, actually.
doctors: you needs this medication. if you want to stay out of the er you are going to take it. some guy named frank in insurance who hasnt even looked at the file: nah u really dont :/
also thing that seems obvious but you don't realize it until you're in that situation: if the elevator is broken and you cannot walk stairs or if the disabled door will not open with the button press and you can't open it yourself, you are just Stuck there. enjoy!
waited a year for a specialist appointment that lasted twenty minutes and got told nobody had done the research into what i had even though this doctor had seen dozens of cases exactly like mine. boo womp
remember that hypermobility i mentioned? it was actually picked up by a physical therapist in our first session. she did not mention it until i asked her about the possibility of being hypermobile four months later. she "thought i knew already".
"maybe it's just school anxiety," says the doctor while looking at my sitting heart rate of 150 bpm, "are you anxious about going to school?"
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atechnobladeapologist · 5 months
Paralels between Emerald duo and Codebreakers (canons and headcanons).
First of all they are my favorites character, I cannot even put in words how much I like them, my brain is gonna rot.
Personally I dont like to see the relationship that Phil have with them as something pathernal, but more as something close to the idea of the Moiral quadrant that we had on homestuck.
For you who saved your ass and stayed farrr away from this webcomic (just joking dont take that part too serious), Moirail basicly are besties that has a strings and specials bond, Moirail it’s that person who you feel safe to open up and talk about problems and feelings. That’s it if I dont mistaken me, omg my memorie is so poor, but look if Im wrong this is still the concept that Im looking for okay :c
Based on it, we should normalize kiss your best- COF COF, I mean, normalize writing an open love letter to your best friend in a pretty platonic way (Im not being ironic).
In short, they are best friends, bros, buddys.
Yeh I talk too much, too much, lesgo then.
The totem thing. I like to think Philza is pretty concerned with the boys, because Techno and Elotes are almost two ambulant suicidals just because of the totens, yet Phil is just like omggg sit down and stay quiet just for two entire minutes. I imagine Phil have constantly to bandage and sew up their wounds, SPECIALLY with Etoiles, that French Beast thing and his way of looking at thing intensifies this a lot.
I have a really strong headcanon that in both codebreakers and emerald duo Techno and Etoiles have a very strong relationship with Mumza because of the times they almost died (a pretty fun relationship btw, I bet she gives advices and philosophizes about life with them), at the point they know her even BEFORE know Philza or as long as they know him, and all this often without Philza even knowing, and when he descovers he goes like: WHAT?!
Even though Philza doesnt look physically as strong as them (I like to think he is, for real) the two still admire the man as if he were a super cool older friend, and besides none of them show it to Phil or tell him, they both are like: LOOK that cool guy is MY FRIEND, how cool, isnt it?
Headcanon, the warriors already cried in front him.
I know that Techno is pretty concerned about his reputation in a certain way but I really like to pass this to Etoiles too, Imagine a moment where they are showing friendly affection for eachother with a hug or something, and out of nowhere they break up and Etoiles says, “man, I’m enjoying this but it hurts my reputation”, even when theres NO ONE close to see it, they’re just so out of touch they have ashamed of it, in the most fluffy way you can imagine that, it’s pretty funny imagine beasts, unshakable warriors that just cant deal with a hug of their best friend.
Techno hear voices, Etoiles get the paranoid <3
They have wavy and curly hair and sometimes Phil helps them to finish their hair, for techno he usually braid his all hair and for Etoiles he do a tiny terere on the side. Philza encourage both to take more care of their hair because he likes the curls and waves.
Techno and Etoiles have completly unexpected hobbies, I like to think that tech know how to sew and he have a whole sketchbook just for crosquis and Etoiles constantly draw and makes small wood sculptures, cute things because he usually gives to Pomme. We can invert this too btw, I think it matchs with both!
Despite Phil’s warnings they simply refuse to have a healthy sleep schedule.
If it was necessary they would sacrifice themselfs for keep the oldman safe.
I didn’t talk much about Phil :c but I was trying to do something more focused on Tecchnoblade and Etoiles in the relationship with him ya know? Maybe another time I’ll do something for our blondie girlie pop.
I truly like how those duos are simillary with eachother even when one of them are different people. Btw codebreakers should be more contrast on the fandom hihi.
Just to remember English is not my mother language so sorry for the poor words choose.
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husbandohunter · 1 year
YOOO hello!! first of all, I hope you are doing well Nya ^^ remember to take care of yourself, stay healthy, and drink lots of water, mkay? good good :) (ur writing is astounding btw i love it sm)
second, may i request a childe angsty (not much tho, just missing him- does that count as angst lmao) + fluffy scenario (or the uh dot hcs thing?? with lil scenario after it?? idk how to call it 💀 but yeah you can choose :D) with a timid, reserved s/o? like... you're feeling a bit down and miss him, waiting for him to return- and when he does, you just- dash into his arms, while he sits there paralyzed, since you don't generally initiate the affection. too shy to do so- however when u do he softens at ur cuteness,, (regretting your decision afterwards cause he makes you blush while praising you- way too easily- and he admires you more while u bashfully avoid his gaze-)
and while cuddling he asks as to why you did that, if something occurred... noticing you were sniffling instead of talking, he halted to take a look at your face, freezing once he saw your profile, crystal clear tears painting it. wiping them away, he cupped your cheeks with his greater hands and before he could utter another word, you answered him, his worried expression transforming into a surprised one unimaginably fast.
"I just... love you so much Ajax. I love you..."
repeating that over and over while delicately holding his hands close to you, a soft smile decorating your lips as you leaned into his palms. and he just. smiles too completely melting-
aand that's all i can think of-- i hope that gave you enough fuel to think of the scene hh- obv take your time with it pls don't feel rushed okay? ik you're busy and have many requests already hh ^^ take a break if you must! farewell!!
Sweetness [Childe x Reader]
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Synopsis: Childe can expect all kinds of ambushes but not the one that attacks him in the heart!
Genre: gender neutral reader, mild angst to fluffy fluff
(A/n): First off you’re so sweet anon. I don’t mean to take this long but I do think about the blog and you guys every once in a while. I hope this was to your liking, though got self-indulgent with the last part xD Childe is either badass or an absolute clown🤡 there’s no in between
• Childe had been sent away on a mission in Snezhnaya two months ago. He wrote letters to you in his absence. Until the weekly letters became nonexistent. It was due to the fact been busy over the course.
• But you didn't know that. Demands of being the 11th Harbinger had made things difficult for him to even sit down and relax.
• And when he finally got the chance to pick up his inkset, the man falters yet again over another crumpled sheet tossed into the waste basket.
• How on Teyvat should he begin after weeks going cold? Since when was the last time the two of you properly talked? Were you so furious that you didn't write back?
He felt as if he was being physically beaten by these incessant questions, plagued by scenarios that don't exist.
Childe blankly stares at the ceiling of his hotel suite. It was deathly quiet. The candle burns alight, confined in the glassjar designed by Snezhnayan antiques, and he swore he could even hear wax dripping down the sides.
The Harbinger slaps a hand over his face and groans, "Haaaa, I can't believe I'm actually losing my mind over this."
Hopefully no one sees him in his current state. Their Fatui leader fussing with love letters akin to a teenage boy's first crush. Earlier the evening Childe announced to his assistant that no one shall disturb him while he is issuing an important message to overseas, otherwise they meet a harsh punishment under his command. That was an excuse. A very silly excuse. There was no diplomacy to be made overseas, just one man missing his lover.
The picture of your most recent expression shows up and Childe meticulously carves it out of his imagination. While you were not the type to be vocal about your affections, reserved and somewhat aloof, somehow that itself was a charm of yours. Perhaps he likes a good challenge, perhaps the spark between you two ignited when he kissed you on a fluke. And when you couldn't form the words to your clouded thoughts, actions alone were more than enough for the man to be satisfied.
"Let's see where this goes, yeah?"
Then one meeting turns to another, three dates turn to four, and before he knew it, Childe has been looking forward to spending time with you ever since. A part of him waiting for answers yet to be said. Do you like him the way he likes you? Even though everything he does appears to be whimsical and reckless? This long distance makes him think they were almost not real drives him mad.
What if you were seeing someone else?
A pause, the information too great for him to process. Childe spasms in his seat and slaps both palms flat on the surface table, sounds resonating through the room, enough for his assistant outside to hear.
Nah, who am I kidding? The man waves off the idea like an impractical joke. There's just no way. Sure you were attractive and alluring with mystique, Childe is certain that he had no competition. After all he was a Fatui Harbinger for Archon's sake. Crafty, handsome, strong with a good sense of humor, he's your ideal man. No one's got a shot at this other than him.
Except all those statements existed only in his head.
How the hell should he know what you're thinking about?! The man rests his face on a propped up palm, tapping the desk with the other as he thought deeply. No, a love letter won't work anymore. He needs a new way, preferably something enough to encapsulate his charms as he sweeps you off your feet and makes your heart race at the idea of him. He needs a strategy.
Should I invite them for a fancy dinner?
Childe has already done that a few times, something fresh would be more preferable. Oh, he could pull off the classy tactic of buying a bouquet of flowers and surprising you with it. But that's so cliche. Ugh, he cringes, what if you think he's lame?!
The assistant guarding outside knocks on the door, "Sir, is everything alright?"
"Yes," Childe replies back, rather annoyed, "I thought I told you not to bother me."
"M-My apologies," he hears the assistant scurry away in quick steps.
Finally, some peace. The Harbinger checks the time. It was half past sunset. All the soldiers should be assigned to their pre-booked rooms since was going to be their last departure.
"Fuck...." Childe breathly mutters. This is taking longer than it should. He already had you guessing over his actions, for a month in fact. At this rate, he'd have to show up without a pre-warning explanation of why he wasn't answering your calls.
The snowstorm outside ceases to relent like a reflection of his own. What he feels right now, what he's doing, the Harbinger knows well enough this wasn't some fluke. Childe sinks into his arms and looks at the flickering candle, focusing on it's small flame, wondering, if you're thinking of him the same way.
• Sitting by the windowsill, watching the view that leads to your front yard, visualizing a cheerful man with ginger hair and waving from the trees.
• Ajax. You missed him but wasn't sure how to say it. Papers and envelopes were tucked away in a corner where you could easily reach, savored and impatient for his return.
• They were mostly filled with stories about his homeland, places that he wanted to take you, and sometimes mentioning how his work got the better of him. You figured his silence must be the fact he was busy. At least, that's what you convinced yourself to believe.
• What could he be doing right now?
Ajax's name hasn't appeared in your mailbox for quite a while.
The splash of water runs when you release the tap, absentmindedly scrubbing away remains of leftovers and takeout from last night's dish. Two months ago he appeared at your doorstep in his usual brazen entrance. And it was the same day he had to announce his departure.
"Borsche," you said with a smile. Ajax mentioned how he'd personally bring ingredients from Snezhnaya, bringing as in sneaking, so you could be his first ever foreign taste tester. Of course you'd like anything he'd cook regardless, but he was joyful talking about his family from home that you wanted to explore a little more of this new side of his.
You thought you wouldn't mind the long distance communication, however, it seems you've severely overestimated yourself. After the final meal at your house, Ajax walks towards the exit, the both of you knowing how agonizingly slow it was. You recall looking at him in that deep ocean gaze, trying to say what wanted to be said. Him waiting with anticipation.
"Good luck with your mission!"
• What a mistake, that was the perfect chance and you just couldn't muster up the courage to tell him. You know he was expecting something, you know he's been patient with you, and you're tired of guessing.
• There were days where a part of you doubts if he still feels the same. Days when you felt that all of this might be one sided and you were just another fling in his eyes. Days when you think he actually wouldn't return.
• Eventually, you couldn't help but truly believe he left you for someone else, finally fed up with you beating around the bush.
Despite all the obvious signs from Ajax's lack of communication, you wanted to try one last time.
Yesterday was the day he said he would be coming back to Liyue. The sky looked as if it were about to rain any moment. People crowded under the nearest roof they could find. Their bustling noise drowned out to mere background noise as you stayed, keeping an eye out for that cheerful man of yours all the way till the last ship parked beside the Harbor. 
It was empty. By the time the other families went home with their loved ones, you stood there alone, holding a single umbrella.
"Excuse me!"
No news or a forewarning. You had no idea what must have happened. Regardless, you wanted to try again.
Running across the pavement, you tried to catch up with the sailor keeping watch of the seas, "I want to ask if you've seen a tall man with orange hair leave just now?"
He takes out the cigarette chewed between his teeth and takes his time to answer, "Ah you're the person from yesterday," the sailor comments, "Sorry kiddo, but the merchant shipments will be the only ones dropping by this hour."
Your stomach makes an uncomfortable churn as your heart denies what must be accepted, "Ah, I guess that makes sense."
There was no point in being optimistic about it anymore. The seldom appearance of letters, the disappointment evident on his face when you didn't tell him what he wanted to hear, the chilliness of the rain when it hits your skin, hand trembling by the obvious cold. Everything was so much clearer.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," you quickly added while wiping your eyes, unable to contain your sadness, "I'm just missing someone. That's all."
The sailor spares you a look of pity, assuming what story it went on with the clues you gave him. He mutters words of consolation but it felt deaf to your ears.
Why couldn't you just say it? Why did you have to be such a coward in the end when all he was trying to do was making this relationship work? Biting your lip, you kept your eyes casted down to not be blinded by the sun, otherwise you might actually cry. You should've known better to not hold back. And now, he's gone forever.
• Childe watches you turn over your shoulder, hesitant as ever and time seems to have halted in the small pocket of this instance.
• Damn.
• You were as beautiful as the day he last saw you. Though of course nothing about your appearance changed at all. Only his feelings, they grew and more apparent during the days he wasn't by your side.
• Yeah, I'm way over the crush phase, aren't I? He could only imagine what kind of expression he was making.
Tension fills the gap between the two of you as neither made an initiative to close it. Childe examines you, unreadable and without his default grin. Your eyes blown wide under the deep furrow of your eyebrows, mouth turned downward.
Welp he deserved the silent treatment. What nerve does the guy have when he shows up to his lover empty handed and a day behind his promised schedule? Minus all the Fatui fiasco he had to deal back in Snezhnaya and no explanation whatsoever.
"So uuuhhh," Childe glances at you tentatively. Ah shit they're mad probably. He was unsure how te begin. It was almost as if you were strangers and that pained him a little, "So how have you been?"
Slap. He mentally facepalms. That was so stupid.
Well fix it you idiot! A million suggestions run simultaneously that reduces his brain into a pile of mush. He had it all planned out earlier, the flowers, the dinner, the play to sweap you off your feet and make you fall for him again. Seems that his reliable swagger had betrayed him entirely. No fancy entrance. No funny remarks to distract the awkwardness. Right now he was just Childe the lovesick man.
"Look, I know I haven't replied to you," Childe rubs the back of his neck and avoids eye contact, "And I understand if you're pissed about it. We went through a lot back in Snezhnaya which is why don't have any ingredients I promised," he pinches the bridge of his nose, "Ah, I guess I should probably apologize for that too."
This isn't going well. He knew he was trying way too hard to play it cool and most likely makes him look as if here were creating excuses. Screw it, just go straight for the heart, "What I'm trying to say is-"
You threw yourself around him in an instant and buried your face in his chest. Childe nearly stumbles backward, completely off guard for once. He can instinctively expect and attack but not this kind of attack.
Almost gave him a heart attack.
"[Name]...?" He finally whispers out, his sleeve covered arms crawling to return your embrace. The man was trying to feel, to make sure if this was real. Did you just...hug him?
Then it occured to him that your voice was breaking. The tightening of your hold and the point of your nose against him, he could sense the faint quivering of your shoulders. Childe surrenders all intentions to fulfill his previous agenda as the matters in front of him were much more important.
"Hey, what's on your mind?" he gently hushes, cradling your head with one hand and the other on your back, "I'm listening."
Yes, that's what you needed right now and he'll gladly give it to you, as much as you want. If you allow him that is. Childe knows he can be a bit selfish sometimes and maybe he's jumping to conclusions, but holding you like this is a moment he wants to indulge in. Just cherishing you like he should have.
"I just..." you began, breathly, "love you so much, Ajax. I love you..."
Childe is sure he just felt what it's like to float on cloud nine. As cheesy as it sounded. He's somewhat glad your face is buried in his coat right now so you wouldn't be able to witness the goofy smile he's shamelessly wearing. Looks like he had nothing to worry about. Man, did it feel good to know you felt the same way all this time.
He releases you, though not enough to be fully apart because why would he? Your nose was tinged with red and eyes watery, the man swore his heart must have been hit with a pyro reaction. What a cutie pie.
"I've got you, don't worry," he reassures while cupping your face. He leans down to peck the corner of your lips before properly placing a chaste one. The action was so sudden that you weren't mentally prepared for it. He laughs, the same boyish charming manner, "Sorry, couldn't help it. You're too irresistable."
"Y-You're," shades of crimson layers across your cheeks that he's glad he has the privilege for a closeup, "Irresistable..."
Hooooooolddd up.
Childe pulls to a mental stop for a double take. Was that a compliment just now? No, it was a confession. He wasn't used to being praised like this. You may not be the type to vocally speak your true feelings but you were also the type to wear them on your sleeves. A smug smile makes it's way to his face and he tilts his body ever so slightly so you were dipped backwards in a mid-tango pose.
Childe's mouth was mere inches away from yours as he drinks up the image of your vulnerable look, underneath him and no one else to intrude.
"Ajax?!" You stuttered.
"I don't think I heard you clearly. Mind saying that again?" Yes he was being indulgent right now but the opportunity was hard to come by. Also those two months made it so agonizing to bear he needs a remedy to soothe all that drama.
You're pouting now and Childe tips down to kiss you on the cheek, "Don't tease me. Not here in public," you whisper-yelled well trying to push him away similar to a smothering puppy.
"Oh? Now you're going to reject me? I thought you said I was irresistable?" Childe's words muffles against your skin and the vibration spreads across like wildfire.
"Fine, fine," he chuckles heartedly, not letting you go. Instead, he repositions his arm until it was swung around your shoulder, pulling you close to his side, "By the way I wanted to say that I shouldn't have left you hanging. The mission got real messy last minute and I didn't wanna half-ass a letter to you."
You shook your head, "It's not your fault. I know you were busy. Just that..." you breathed out, somewhat relieved and anxious at the same time, "I thought you were angry that I wasn't being honest with you. I was afraid for some reason. But now, it's a lot easier than I thought."
"Huh? What do you mean?" He asks.
"I thought you left me for someone else."
A moment where his brain short circuits and Childe lets out a howling laugh. You looked at him with awe. What was so funny all of a sudden?
"Gotta say that I'm being tossed left and right with these surprises," he mused, "Guess that even if we're apart, we're still that close, eh?"
You quirked an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean?"
Childe slides his hand up your shoulder bone to pinch your cheek, "Nothing, sweetness."
• You chased after him demanding for answers but Childe doesn't budge. The only thing you could tell that he was in an extremely good mood after that.
• Oh well, all is well, ends well does it?
"Since I don't have anything to cook the Borsche I mentioned to you before, we'll have to settle for something else I'm afraid," Childe shrugs, "Anything in mind you wanna do?"
You sighed, fondly at least, "I already said I don't mind as long as you're cooking."
"S'that so? Well then," Childe moves renewed with energy, extending his hold in a beckoning manner and you laughed at his antics, "Shall we go, my snowflake?"
You take it and squeezed it, "I'd love to."
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bylertruth3r · 6 months
Hiii, what were the signs in the first 3 seasons that will liked mike? When I watched it back in 2019 I thought Will was gay but I when I saw other people say that Will liked mike I wasn’t really convinced, obviously those people were super right, so if you want, can you tell me what were the signs? And are there signs that mike likes Will back? Thank you! 💕💕💕
thanks for asking :)) @palumboompje
1 in s1 Will was able to lie to everyone except Mike and told him that he rolled a 7 during the dnd campaign even though Lucas told Will to lie to Mike (Will was able to lie to Mike in s4 because he was lying for Mike and even there he wasn't able to look at him in the eyes when he told Mike that El commissioned the painting
2 in the Snowballl script it says that Will was looking at Mike who was dancing with El instead of looking at the girl he was dancing with
3 he was really jealous about Mike dating El and spending time with her and it was really evident during the rain fight
4 you can see him staring at Mike's lips in s2 when Mike was arguing with Seth about Nancy and in s3 at the cinema (and Mike was staring at Will's lips too)
and yes there are a lot of signs that Mike loves Will back and i have a pinned post about it but i'm gonna list a few
1 Mike keeps staring at Will's lips
2 his relationship with Willl has always been something more than platonic and you can tell by how much physical touch with Will he initiated and even the bullies know there's something more between them because when they were being homophobic to Will they said those things to Mike's face
3 Mike was the one more affected by Will's disappearance and even Hopper could tell because he was the first one he interrogated in s1
4 in the previous seasons he had no problem hugging Will and being more physical with him but after s3 things started getting awkward between them because of Mike and he hugged Will in that weird way (he doesn't know Will is gay) he took what Will said "and us?" at rink o mania romantically and felt the need to clarify that they're friends twice even though he views Will as straight and then "in the closet (at rink o mania) started playing while the camera was on Mike and he started talking again
5 Mike is the one who starts most of Byler's interaction and he has a soft voice he only uses for Will (his Will voice)
6 he got really jealous in s2 when Will agreed to let Max join them for Halloween because he thought Will also liked Max like Dustin and Lucas did, at the snowball he pushed Will into dancing with that girl and then he regretted it a few seconds after that and moped about it next to Dustin who was moping about Max dancing with Lucas, in s4 he got jealous and thought Will made a painting for a girl (Angela) but then when in the van he realized Will loves him back and that the painting was for him he got really happy about it
7 Mike wasn't able to say "i love you" to El because he's in love with Will just like Nancy wasn't able to say it to Steve in s2 because she's in love with Jonathan
8 he said that his friends are great but they're not Will and that Hawkins wasn't the same without Will "you know Max, Lucas and Dustin they're great, they're great it's just.. it's Hawkins it's not the same without you" and he asked Will to be a team which parallels Hopper saying "we make a great team" to Joyce in s3
9 he said asking Will to be his friend was the best thing he's ever done (he already knew El in s2 btw)
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wooahaes · 1 year
of your choosing
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pairing: non-idol!vernon x fem!bisexual!reader [ft. coworker!scoups]
genre: slight hurt/comfort. established relationship.
word count: ~1.4k
warnings: reader's friend accidentally making a biphobic joke at reader's expense (she apologizes immediately). food mentions. vernon being a sweetie (+ cheol too). literally no proofreading btw.
daisy's notes: no taglist for this one purely bc its very self indulgent (like i entirely wrote this for me lol) + its a lil expansion of a fic i wrote on nonranghaes.
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Most people in your life now were the kind of people you trusted. While you’d never been ashamed of your sexuality (your support system while questioning had been too strong and there for you every step of the way)... Sometimes you felt as though people had grown a little too comfortable.
Not Vernon. Never Vernon: you came out to him a few months into dating him once you felt sure that he wouldn’t judge you, and he didn’t. He’d embraced your bisexuality with open arms, merely remarking a laid back “cool—how do you want me to respond? With a hug? I’m down for whatever,” and then his thanks that you trusted him enough to come out. Seungcheol knew, too, because the two of you had gone out for drinks after work and you’d drunkenly came out to him on the walk to your bus stop. His response had been a little different in the moment (it wasn’t judgmental in the slightest, but a “that’s not an excuse for not holding onto me—you’re going to fall!”) and he’d met you for breakfast the next morning to ask if he’d heard you correctly. Hell, Seungcheol was the reason you came out to Vernon: he’d set the two of you up, and you’d asked if Vernon was the kind of person to judge you for that.
He’d stared at you and answered with “Would I have introduced you if he wasn’t?” 
(You suddenly grew to appreciate Seungcheol a lot more than just being your ‘big brother’ figure at work.)
Regardless, most people in your life were trustworthy. Therefore, everyone knew that you were bisexual. Simple. Anyone who judged you for being a bisexual woman in a relationship with a man was cut out of your life if they weren’t willing to learn. 
Anyhow, that was how pretty much everyone at this party knew you and knew of your bisexuality. Not everyone in the room was straight (a slight reassurance—you didn’t feel like a spectacle in any way), and you’d noted those people because several of them were your friends. One of your friends was drunk at this point in the night, sitting cross-legged on the couch. Vernon was whispering something into your ear, fingers grazing over your bare shoulder and playing with the strap of your dress. He’d drank a little, too, and it was enough to loosen him up to initiate physical affection like this.
To be honest… You weren’t sure what brought you to the moment. All you knew was that the friend on the couch, Jia, had laughed and said something about how you “were bisexual, so obviously you weren’t going to decide,” and it’d hurt.
See, that was the thing: Jia was not bisexual (she was an out and proud lesbian, actually). You could make jokes about being bisexual and not making decisions, because you were poking fun at yourself, not just your sexuality. It was hard to explain to people, sure, but there was a difference between you making a joke over yourself and someone else doing it at your expense. The sting of Jia’s words were evident on your face, and she immediately realized what she’d hurt you.
“Oh my god,” she said, “I’m so sorry—”
“No, it’s fine,” you said, waving it off. “It’s fine.” 
“No, I mean it, I didn’t—I didn’t mean that,” she said. “Really—”
You’d pushed Vernon’s hand off of your shoulder. “It’s fine! Don’t worry about it. I get it.” 
Although Jia had settled back into the conversation, Vernon could see it on your face that it wasn’t fine. It was never fine. His attention fell back to Jia, who had changed the subject entirely, and then to Seungcheol, who seemed to be silently steaming in his seat. He could see the way you avoided Seungcheol’s gaze for a moment, and then quietly excused yourself to get a drink. Except you didn’t go toward the kitchen—Vernon watched you make your way to the front door. A second later, he heard Seungcheol speaking up, saying something to Jia about coming to grab a drink with him (which meant Seungcheol was definitely about to defend you). Which meant Vernon needed to do his part: Seungcheol would talk to Jia, Vernon needed to talk to you. 
He found you easily enough. When he finally made it outside, there you were, standing underneath a streetlight and hugging yourself. You weren’t crying, but leaning against the base of it, rubbing your arms for warmth. 
“Hey.” He made his way over to you, thankful you weren’t crying. He’d feel like a shitty boyfriend if you were crying: he should have moved immediately to follow you. If you needed the space, you would have said it outright. He, in your own words, was safe for that kind of talk. “You alright?”
You nodded, looking back out at the street. “Just… Didn’t feel like staying any longer.”
“For what it’s worth,” he stepped into the space next to you. “I think she’s genuinely sorry.”
“I know,” you nod. “I can tell. If she wasn’t, she wouldn’t have pushed back and insisted so hard. You know how she is.” 
He watched the way you rubbed your arms again. You’d worn this sleeveless dress because it was one of your faves, and because it’d been warmer earlier. Vernon liked it, too: he thought the confident way you carried yourself was always your prettiest look. Yet the temperature had dropped lower than either of you had expected, but Vernon came prepared. He knew how to take care of his girl. If that meant stripping off his jacket and pushing it onto your shoulders, then so be it: he could handle the cooler weather.
“Thanks,” you pulled it closer to you. “I dunno. I mean, she immediately apologized, but it still kinda stings.”
“I get it.” He wrapped an arm around you. “Like… You can make those jokes because it’s you.”
“Right.” You leaned into him. “I dunno, I think it was the alcohol. I just…” With a deep breath, you shut your eyes. “I can’t help but feel like some people are expecting me to choose a side rather than a person.”
“I don’t. Cheol doesn’t, either. I don’t think anyone up there does,” he said. “But I know that doesn’t really matter.”
“It does, actually,” you said, opening your eyes again so you could meet his gaze. “I’m glad I have you guys. I just… I dunno. I’ve seen people say that kind of stuff before. I’ve cut people out because their opinion of me changed when I went from saying that I’m bisexual to saying that I have a boyfriend.” Shifting your weight from leg to leg, you let out a sigh. “I just—Can’t I just exist? I’m not ‘picking a side’ by being with you, I’m picking a person that I love. That doesn’t make me any more or less bisexual than I was before.” 
“I know.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss against your temple. “For what it’s worth… I’m kinda glad you chose me.” 
Your gaze met his again, a little teasing. “Kinda?”
He chuckled, warm as ever, and planted another quick kiss—only this time he’d pressed it against the corner of your mouth, ever the tease. He changed the topic with ease, fingers brushing against your arm again as he pulled you in closer. “You hungry?”
You looked back at the building behind you, “What about—”
“It’s boring,” he said; a complete lie, but one you were grateful for. “Besides… Cheol’s talking to Jia. He’s got your back.” 
It earned a smile from you. Seungcheol always seemed glad to watch out for anyone he cared for: whether it was you and politely acknowledging the fact some male coworkers were disrespecting you, or picking up his friends when it was late and they needed the ride. He cared about people with his entire heart. You would have to thank him later, maybe bringing him his favorite coffee when you went into work next. 
“I was thinking… Maybe we could find an Italian place?” Vernon pulled you along with him, arm resting around you. “Or tacos—Babe, I could murder some tacos right now.” 
All you could do was smile, giggling a little as you fell into step with him. At least you had Vernon by your side: the person you chose to have there.
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Zeno info dump
If this is confusing I am SO sorry
Ok I'ma bit this in bit and pieces since I have NO idea on how to explain it....
As a kiddo he was very chaotic, this led to him getting into a LOT of trouble. One day while messing around with a lighter this is when he was ten btw he decided to start burning blankets, but it went farther than blankets MUCH farther. He accidentally burnt down the house! The incident killed both of his parents leaving him to have between home to home. Eventually he ended up in a house in a small Italian town, it was in this town that he met Peppino's mom! He ended being VERY good friends with her, she was actually his first friend. I'm only stating this cus I needed to explain a little something that happens in @chatting-with-peppino :]
Ok now there's a little gap in the story that I'm working to fill, so I'ma go ahead and hop forward around 15 years.
One day while roaming the streets he found a poster, the poster was a help wanted poster to help build a tower.... Zeno, or as a human, Zaarib decided "know what? Let's do it! It's not like anybody else wants to give me a job...." It's at this job that he met PizzaHead! They ended up becoming best friends, Zaarib worked as the mechanic for PizzaHead, or as Zaarib called him, Totino! When working on Blood Sauce Dungeons Zaarib accidentally fell into one of the spaghetti sauce pools, and since this was a early build of the stage the sauce was EXTREMELY hot, skin melting, bone BURNING level hot. It was here that he died.... He ended up in hell because he did drugs and was an alcoholic as a human......
And now we are at the present! Where Zeno now spends his time with Peppino and Marhia. His death was around 30 years prior btw he's 50 years old in the present
Design traits
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- he is a goat! When angry his horns will properly grow out and wrap around his ears
- he has a cape on
- he wears gloves to hide his hove'ed hands
- one of his purple are square shaped and the other is a oval
- he also has hove'ed feet, he wears shoes to hide them tho
- he has a swirl on his bowtie
- he usually floats above the ground Cain likes as in tadc style
- he can't stop smiling like Alastor from Hazben Hotel
He is VERY chaotic, but not in the usual Noisy style, no it's the "stealing candy from babys" style, it's also really similar to Blitzø from Helva Boss
He doesn't really understand his emotions so he ends up resting to everything with anger or chaos. Surprisingly he regrets EVERYTHING that he does, he HATES being mean to others but it's all that he knows, he can't NOT be mean.
Ok I explained that like absolute shit, hears a better explanation of it
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He a lot like Blitzø in a many ways
His voice claim is Meowth from Pokemon
Since he knows ZERO social skills his way of showing affection is just aggressively staring and or getting into others personal bubbles. When he does this it's his way of saying "hi, I trust you and you're my friend now!" He's like a really weird cat to be honest lafmo
His literal only friend is Marhia. The only reason that he was able to become friends with her is because she is not fazed by ANY of his dumb shenanigans, also cus she is actually able to physically knock him out if he's doing something bad lafmo
He will purr aggressively when happy
He can shape shift! Altho he can only turn into a Fox, Goat, Deer, and Dog
He fukin LOVES pizza. Unfortunately he's always too scared/prideful to ask for any. Marhia usually ends up giving it to him anyways since Zeno usually just stares at her while she's eating
His personality is basically if you mixed Jax (tadc), Blitzø (Helva Boss), and Bill Cypher (gravity Falls)
Marhia generally really really likes him as a friend! Her main goal is to help redeem him! This is going by Hazben Hotel logic btw
I made. A playlist for him btw :3
@mrfellsans @cutechan555 @luigigirl12
Gah this took me so long to do 😵‍💫
Also hears a video do y'all have an idea of what he sounds like
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soaps-mohawk · 6 months
can you explain bonding a bit more please? like are the bonding different between the alpha and beta bs alpha and omega. since betas don’t have heats for the bonds go as “deep” as they would between alpha and omega??? love your writing btw 💕
Sure!!!! I can do that!!
I just want to say first off that bonding is different than claiming so keep that in mind 👀
So, bonding is something that just kind of happens. It's not something you can force (despite people trying) and it's something that can happen quickly or it might take a lot of time. It plays an important role in pack dynamics and pack formation. Everyone bonds differently, and the closest thing I could compare it to is like how any relationships form. After time you start to develop meaning and feelings platonic or romantic towards the people in your life.
It runs a little bit deeper in the fic's universe since there's those instincts that come into play. The brain chemistry changes and their instincts begin to recognize this other person as important and safe and part of the pack. Bonded members of packs will feel a deeper need to protect those they've bonded with, and they have a deeper connection with each other that kind of transcends understanding. Bonded pack members have an easier time picking up on each other's emotions and have an easier time calming other bonded members.
I'd say the bonds are pretty even in how they form between alphas, betas, and omegas. I think out of the three, omegas are the most affected by bonds, and they feel them the strongest. If someone were to leave the pack or if something happened in the pack, they're going to be the most deeply affected. Omegas are just naturally affectionate and caring, so they bond easily, and its hard to break those bonds (hence why institutes really discourage and do everything they can to prevent bonds between omegas).
Alphas and betas feel bonds pretty evenly, alphas more in a "protect the pack" kind of way, and betas more in the caretaker kind of way. As far as the bonds between alpha and beta, alpha and omega, and everything in between, they aren't all that different. Obviously, the instincts recognize the difference between them and the difference in needs. Omegas might need more emotional fulfillment and support, where alphas might need more physical affection and support, and betas need proof of pack contentment and harmony.
Bonds are one of those things that kind of transcends understanding, even in the universe where the fic exists. It's something that just exists and happens, and no one really can explain it fully. People can form bonds outside of packs, though they're not usually as strong as those within packs. I would say the reader and Dr. Keller have a bond between them forming as doctor and patient. Its not uncommon for those sorts of bonds to form with omega specialists since they act not only as a sort of physician for omegas but also as a therapist. Sort of an all-around expert doctor that is trained in many areas so they can best help and support omegas. There's trust there that has to be built and in that a bond can form. Close friends will form platonic bonds, and those can form in packs too, especially in really large packs.
Think of it as just a really close friendship. Pretty much every bond kind of feels that way, even if those in that bond do move beyond friendship and develop more romantic and sexual relationships. That sort of deep connection won't change or leave because of that.
Hope that makes sense.
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thewhumpcaretaker · 3 months
HIII <333
This is something that came back to my mind when you asked me about omega Santino x omega Vincent
What about omega Santino x omega John? How would they act, considering how Santino is, we all know that, how would omega John handle him? What would they even do when they go into heats? Especially if it happens at the same time LMAOO
I think John would be really caring and would understand Santino's frustrations since he also goes through the same, but he handles it a bit differently
What do you think about that? :]
Hiiiiii! 💙🖤💙🖤
Oh boy this is gonna be really explicit HAHA!
They are absolutely going into heats at the same time, because their scents will trigger each other immediately. So that’s…a challenge!
The way I see it, when you’re both omegas, you have to plan ahead for heats. Basically it’s like knowing that they’ll both be incapacitated for a few days, so they have to stock up on supplies in advance and get to somewhere safe as soon as they realize what’s happening. And they’re definitely doing cycle tracking and things like that to be better prepared. They’d also need the help of bodyguards they really trust, like Ares, to keep them safe during that time. Essentially, everything an alpha would do, they do for themselves in advance.
Santino’s fixation on proper scheduling helps a lot with this stuff.
I also think, like most Santino and John content, this ends with them running away from the High Table together to a place where they can be safer, at John’s insistence.
As far as the moodiness goes, even if they’re both that way at the same time, it works out pretty well because John is emotionally intelligent enough to read Santino’s irritation as discomfort. So even if he’s spaced out at the time, he doesn’t get mad back. He just gets really sweet and weepy and starts nuzzling and massaging Santino. Full puddle mode. “I don’t want you to be hurting…” That turns any irritation into affection pretty quickly.
Occasionally they do argue but again, it turns to affection quickly…this time as hot make-up sex!
They are super cuddly and needy with each other. Just laying together in a pile of blankets trying to get as much physical contact as possible between them. If you’re standing outside the door, you hear nothing but inarticulate, adoring whining for SO LONG
Nonverbal safewords like tapping three times, to help them communicate when they’re too spaced out to speak (this is good to know for any readers who do BDSM with gags, btw)!!!
When they both have chills, it feels so good to hold each other and keep each other warm.
To actually deal with the horniness itself, they use um…toys. Santino thinks it’s better than actual alpha could ever be - he’s always suggesting freaky new types of toys to try and John is a little shocked at first but pretty quickly he realizes he wants to experiment too and they gradually learn what they like together!
And uhhhhh yeah I think I’ve gotten sufficiently wild in this ask now 0.0 Thanks Blue, I had so much fun writing these steamy sillies together!!
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sleepynegress · 1 year
HELLO! I'm sorry you've been getting idiotic anonymous people being rude about Uhura. I saw your lovely post about her and it made me happy to see that people appreciate her! She is so much more than lots of fandom pretends. Also I high-key agree that Karl Urban absolutely nailed his performance of Bones. It was so dead on!!! Zoe's Uhura was lovely too but as you say, sharper around the edges, and personally I felt her relationship with Spock was very sweet but difficult initially for me because I really get stressed when one person doesn't get the emotional needs of another. So their really gentle scenes made me SO happy when they finally happened. The warmth and gentleness shone through and won me over entirely. Zoe played sharp with just enough warmth. But I still love Nichelle's too. Uhura is great! Anyway didnt have a huge point here just happy that you also love her and call people out LOL
The main issue is the misogynoir and perhaps TERF leanings against the most recent player in the part, Celia Rose Gooding. She is non-binary and goes by she/they pronouns. She also has a short close-cropped style which beautifully frames her face. The troll is hyper-fixated on attacking that, disparaging her presentation of femininity using coded language to imply aggression or masculinity. This is extra backward because, of the three players who took on Uhura, she has the darkest skin tone, has the fullest lips and a wide nose bridge, and her hair is the only one not in a straightened or processed style (which is fine for an option BTW). All of these things together are rare aesthetics for a Black woman, and appropriate, especially for an sub-Saharan African woman's character presentation, especially in a futuristic sci-fi mainstream iconic franchise, like Star Trek and so important for young people to see as normalized femininity. I think of Lupita Nyong'o talking about the effect Alek Wek had on her...just being there as this South Sudanese supermodel, with very dark skin and short natural hair...
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Celia Rose is the particular target this troll has framed as their "fanhood", with thinly veiled insults and backhanded "compliments" that keep dogwhistling in their posts with various account names.
As for Zoe's Uhura, that professionalism and sharpness, when it came to her abilities and focus on her studies was an obvious intentional writing choice to stave off the very criticisms *she still got* because of the misogynoir of that era...
People were accusing her of coercing Spock into her ship assignment and even assaulting him(!).
That mess never makes sense, but hating Black women for existing or having what we are perceived as not "deserving" is sadly an old tradition (see those who make a hobby out of hating Megan Markle). And now, I see people praising the OG Uhura, Nichelle, for aspects of her character that were actually forms of limitations on her because of production bigotry...i.e. the forced interracial kiss, that people constantly cite as some forward thing w/o the context that it was forced because the implication was that no one in her crew would willingly kiss a Black person. IOW, aliens assaulting them for their entertainment was the lesser evil and more palatable to white audiences than someone choosing to love on Uhura (and I would add *especially* someone white, because even showing Black affection and love in that time was a rare thing, and her episode showing some yearning towards an old love showed no physical affection between them either). Anyway, all that to bring it right back around to ALL the Uhuras are great. And the weird microaggressions, macroaggressions, hatred, and attempts to shove them into a particular box are misogynoir; a microcosm of the kind of bullshit too many Black women go through on the regular just for existing.
Celia is a Rose and I hope she shines, gets loved on, has friends (including some Black ones) who are genuinely concerned for her well-being and actually help her when she's in need.
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P.S. I missed this reading way too fast before but this bit is sus IMO Zoe's Uhura was lovely too but as you say, sharper around the edges, and personally I felt her relationship with Spock was very sweet but difficult initially for me because I really get stressed when one person doesn't get the emotional needs of another. If you meant Spock not reading Uhura? Then yeah, I agree. If you mean Uhura not reading Spock?? I can't walk with you there because Spock literally almost hindered Uhura's career and got her on an exploded ship(!) because of his emotional bias and almost killed Kirk on the bridge because he was not managing his emotions well. Meanwhile Uhura read him well enough to provide some comfort after the loss of his mother.
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