#love during navratri
mochinomnoms · 9 months
Hiii! For the Hanahaki event can I request Vil (romantic) with prompt #7? A gender neutral reader would be appreciated, thanks!!
Also if youre up for it maybe prompt #12 with Ace (Platonic) with the reader’s object of affection still being Vil? This prompt with Ace is too funny for me to ignore I just HAVE to sneak him in 😭😭
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vil schoenheit, platonic!ace trappola x gn!reader [tags] – fluff, humor, semi enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, sickenly sweet [wc} – 3,458 prompt 7: “I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but wearing petals in your hair is a whole new level of fashion statement.” prompt 12: "No, I haven't been growing marigolds out of my ass. Why would you even ask that?!” note - writing this was surprisingly hard. but i got it and i think it's very cute, i just hope Vil is mostly in character :skull: also i don't know german so idk if the nickname is an accurate translation! comments loved and appreciated! a floral inconvenience
Marigold: often used during festivals like Diwali and Navratri, marigolds symbolize purity, auspiciousness, and the divine.
You were going to murder him. 
“Heyyyyyy Prefect!” Ace gave you a cheeky grin as he held your glass bottle of very expensive salicylic acid serum, balancing it precariously between his fingers. “What about this? Can I take this—whoops!”
You shrieked as the bottle slipped from his fingers, only to be caught by his other hand, an infuriating grin still on his hand. 
“Hehe, relax! I’m just messing around—oh shit!” The bottle slipped again from his fingers as a now panicked Ace scrambled to capture it. “Oop. Got it. It’s fine.”
“Oh my gooooooooood, Ace, I’m going to fucking kill you, give that back!” You snatched the bottle from his hands, giving him a good kick behind the knees as you walked past him. 
“Owwwww, Prefect, why are you so mean to me?” Ace pouted as you put your serum back on your desk with the rest of the skincare Vil had gifted everyone at the start of the SDC training. Ace continued whining as he packed his bags to go back to Heartslabyul, being left behind by Deuce who went to get snacks from Sam’s with Epel. 
He felt bad that all the food you had was cursed by Vil at the beginning. 
“It’s almost like you want me out of your dorm, kinda rude, you know.”
“You know what’s rude?” You smacked down the pillow Ace threw your way as you huffed, “Your face. Ugly ass, you know you had a room next door, how’d all your stuff end up in my room?”
Ace shrugged as he shoved his wrapped up sweater into the now bulky backpack he’d brought over, throwing himself onto your bed and grunting as he bounced on the squeaky frame. 
“I don’t know, how’d you burn the Queen of Hearts’s statue—”
“That was you—”
“—the world will never know.” 
You rolled you eyes as you laid on your stomach next to him, hugging a spare pillow to your face. Closing your eyes, you sighed as the events of the last few weeks replayed in your head. Between acting as manager for the SDC group, to barely keeping up with classes, to Vil’s overblot, you were utterly exhausted. Speaking of Vil…
“Ah, that’s right, I should check on Vil before he leaves. I wonder if he’s doing okay?”
“With you at his beck and call? Perfectly fine, I guarantee you.” Ace yelped as you smacked his side, giving him a red-faced glare. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Ace turned on his side with a teasing smirk. The kind of smirk he gave you whenever he wanted to fluster and embarrass you in front of your friends and teachers. 
“It means whatever you want it to mean. Maybe someone should consider not acting like a little kid with a crush whenever they’re around Vil—owowowowowow—stop hitting me!”
You pounded your fists onto Ace’s sides and back as he tried to roll away from your reach, arms cradling his head in meek protection. He managed to roll off the bed, turning over to look at you briefly to stick his tongue out and politely flip you off. Ace let out a small shriek as you launched off the bed after him, running out of the room into the hall and turning into a goosechase. You could practically hear the yakety sax song playing in your head as the two of you pushed past Jamil and Kalim, the former crying out at you in annoyance. 
“Watch it!”
Ace practically threw himself down the stairs, jumping past four whole steps, using the banister to whip him around into the main hallway where he ran into the living room. Finally catching up to him, Ace positioned the coffee table between you two as he continued egging you on. 
“Ayeeeeeee, embarrassed Prefect? Gonna throw a fit?” Ace let out a low cackle as you both shifted around the table. 
“Gonna throw your ass into the fucking sun, little bitch ass! You got something to say then fucking say it!” 
Ace snorted as he pointed behind you. “You’re one to talk, you wanna talk about the marigolds coming from behind you? It’s like you’re growing a garden out of your ass, wanna talk about that?”
“The fuck? I haven't been growing marigolds out of my ass. The hell you’re talking about,” You turned your head to look behind you, still growling at him now with confusion. “Why would you even ask that—WHAT THE FUCK!?”
You hissed as you jumped backwards into the table, the edges jamming into your skin. Behind you had been a long trail of beautiful, shimmering orange flowers. Upon closer inspection, you were pretty sure they were marigolds. 
“...Ace, this is your fault.” 
“What! Nuh-uh, I’m not the only with flower sickness—”
“The fuck is flower sickness?”
“You know, hanahaki? The love disease? How do you not know what flower sickness is, it’s like basic 8th grade bio—”
“I didn’t go to school here, dumbass!”
Ace’s mouth formed an ‘oh’ shape as he remembered. “Oooooh yeah, I forgot.”
“Forgot what? You little potatoes are acting awfully rowdy so early in the morning.”
You looked up to see Vil standing in the hallway, a bemused Rook behind him inspecting the flowers on the ground. Vil briefly made eye contact with you, both of your sharing a small smile before an irritating, itchy feeling made its way in your throat. 
You felt a hand pack your back as you started roughly coughing up several bunches of marigolds into your hands as Ace grimaced. 
“I forgot that they’re not from here, so they got no clue about hanahaki…or any other illness…huh it’s kinda a miracle they haven’t gotten sick from something else yet.” Ace hummed, as he leaned down to look at your face. 
You made eye contact with your peripheral vision, motioning Ace to lean closer into you and horasely whispered, “Come… closer…”
Confused, Ace obliged, ear up to your lips, giving you the perfect opportunity to sock him straight in the gut. Your dear, beloved friend gagged from the pressure, hands cradling his stomach as he fell to his knees, groaning in pain. 
“Y/N…” Vil sighed in exasperation, walking over to give you a gentle flick in your forehead as he chastised you. 
“It’s unbecoming of a friend of mine to be so belligerent, do you really have to be so crass with all your friends?”
You clicked your tongue, licking the spit from your lips. “I’m not with you, besides Ace deserves it, you know how he is.”
“Mm-hmm, and how long have you been coughing out the flowers, meine Süße?”
A pleasant warmth flooded your cheeks at the nickname. You choose to ignore the tickling sensation of marigolds growing from the tops of your head, which instead formed into sneezing fits. 
“I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but wearing petals in your hair is a whole new level of fashion statement.” He remarked, leaning down to observe the blooms. “Now, answer my question, meine Süße.”
“Achooo! Ugh,” You sniffled as you replied, “Um, not that long—achoo!—ago, ugh. Just today—”
“Ah! The little trickster started expelling the belles fleurs approximately a month and a half ago!” Rook chirped, a little too happily for your tastes. “Two weeks after we began training for the SDC.” 
Vil let out another sigh as you whipped your head to glare at Rook, hissing out, “What. The. Fuck.”
“Excuse me?! Language Y/N!” Vil barked at you, making you flinch and burst into another coughing fit. Noticing this, he softened his voice, though the blonde still sounded angry.
“That’s nearly two months with the flower sickness, have you been taking potions to help with the symptoms?” 
You shook your head, clearing your throat. “Ahem, no, uh. I didn’t know that there was medicine for this kinda thing, haaaaa I just figured I was being pranked by someone.”
You heard a snort behind you as Ace stood back up, grumbling, “Of course you would, dumbass.” 
“I will actually kill you—”
“You will actually not.” Vil placed a gentle hand on your upper back, guiding you to the front door. “Rook, ensure everyone packs up and cleans their mess by the time we get back, I believe Kalim may still need help packing up.”
“Oui! How kind of you Vil to escort our lovely Trickster to get them a remedy for their affliction!” 
Rolling your eyes, you let Vil guide you out of the dorm, calling out to Ace, “Don’t forget to grab the rest of your stuff, it’s still in my room!” 
With that, the door shut behind you two as you began a pleasant walk over to what you assumed would be Sam’s shop. A pregnant silence fell over you two as you walked down the pathway leading to main street, having to maneuver past the alchemy building and botanical gardens. You were hyper conscious about his hand that remained on your back, which is when you started another coughing fit. 
“Oh you poor dear, did you really have no clue what was going on all this time?” Vil spoke to you in that soft tone that he’d been reserving for you since you first became friends, a few months ago. You’d gone into the Film Research Club interested in working as a stagehand, plus you had a good working knowledge costume design and general clothes repair, which was sorely needed. 
It’d been an incredibly rocky acquaintanceship at first, as Vil made subtle, snide remarks on your disheveled appearance, while you shot back with loud, brass comments on his ‘Regina George wannabe’ act. Now, he didn’t know who Regina George was back then, but took offense that a ‘dirty, lumpy potato would have the audacity to insult him’. 
He only kept you on in the club because no one ever willingly signed up for backstage work, and you only requested free access to spare cloth and sewing materials to fix your clothes. Vil was also more than happy to point out how scruffy the patches all over your uniforms made you look: 
“You certainly fix the part of the ramshackle Prefect, now don’t you?”
Though, looking back on it now, you’re pretty sure he wasn’t aware that everything of yours was either found in Ramshackle’s attic or bought with the meager allowance Crowley gave you. Shortly before finals, Vil found you crying in an isolated part of backstage because another first-year permanently bleached your only jacket during a botched potions class.
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“What’s going on back here, practice your scenes upfront with the rest of us, I don’t care how ugly you look crying—Prefect?”
You jumped, scrambling to get back up from the dusty corner you’d shoved yourself into. You awkwardly wiped the tears from your face, wrapping your arms around yourself as you gave Vil a feeble glare.
“What do you want Vil, I already told the others that their costumes wouldn’t be ready yet, if you want me to get stuff done, you gotta stop annoying me—”
“You’ve been crying.” His simple statement shut you up, as he approached you with a firm look on his face.
“…Yeah, stating the obvious much?” you muttered back, finding the scuff marks on the ground very interesting. Vil let out a sigh, reaching into his jacket to take out an off-white, embroidered handkerchief.
“I’m trying to be sympathetic. Ugh, you’re all red and puffy, let me see.” Vil tipped your chin up with his fingertips, gently patting at the tear streaks on your cheeks. “You look worse than normal…is the red bleach stain on your uniform meant to be a fashion statement?”
Pausing at the stuttering breath you took, sniffling, you answered, “No, some dumba—”
“—Some jerk,” you drawled, “from my last class messed up his potion, and it got all over me. Stained my only jacket, right when it starts snowing, too.”
Vil raised a brow at you, leaning back once he was satisfied with your dried cheek.
“Only one? Even Ruggie has a few spare uniform jackets from Leona, did you seriously not think ahead to purchase a spare?”
You half-laughed, half-scoffed at his statement.
“You think Crowley gives me enough money to buy another jacket for his bougie ass—I mean, fancy, school? I barely have enough to feed myself and Grim between the roof caving in and the water pipes breaking. The bathroom flooded again last week.”
You sighed, rubbing your temples as you felt a migraine coming in, unaware of Vil’s growing horror.
“I was lucky enough to find my uniform in the attic, it waaay too big and makes me look homeless, but at least it keeps me warm…now it just looks even more like shit.”
You finally looked up at the blonde, expecting him to lecture you on your foul language. Instead, you were surprised to see Vil’s horrified expression.
“What do you mean, you barely have enough for food?”
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It was then that you discovered that no one outside your group of friends were really aware that you were stuck on campus, victim to Crowley’s whims and needs. You know the others in Heartslabyul were faintly aware of your predicament, being from another world and stuck until Crowley found you a way home. Ace and Deuce did their best to help repair things around the dorm, but could only do so much. Savanaclaw and Octavinelle knew of the disarray of your dorm, but based on comments from Leona and Floyd, weren’t aware of just how much you were struggling just to eat and sleep. 
Ruggie definitely was, seeing as he occasionally slipped you a spare meat bun or snack that he happened to buy extra of when running errands for Leona. Ruggie was a real one, as long as you didn’t point it out. 
Since that day, Vil had sort of taken you under his wing, along with Epel who you hadn’t met yet at the time. You had to give him credit, he wasn’t the villain you’d made him out to be in your head. And Vil admitted, he enjoyed that you were quick on your feet and enjoyed your banter, as long as it was unique to him. 
He spared you his previous uniforms that he’d grown out of his freshman and sophomore year, minus the band and vest, watching as you mended the waist and ends to fix your stature. More often than not, especially after hearing that you’d be stuck by yourself during winter break, Vil was sending you care packages with personal hygiene products from brand deals he never took. He’d send fabrics and sewing supplies with sewing patterns. Vil even started buying you breakfast and lunch once back to school, though you refrained from joining him for dinner in Pomefiore. 
In exchange, you managed to replicate, with his help, some of the scripts for the more famous musicals from your world. You even told him who Regina George was! He still wasn't fond of the comparison, but did find the musical intriguing. Vil was fascinated by the works of art your world produced, and just slightly enamored in the way you described them with glee and fondness. Still, the exchanges still felt a bit uneven.
You’d once made the joke that he was practically a sugar daddy, just without the sugar. He snapped back, “Well, I’m not stopping you, now am I? I’ve never had a sweet tooth, but you’re more than welcome to give me thanks, meine Süße.” 
(You spent that night screaming into your pillow with a red-hot blush while Grim looked on with concern.)
Truly, you two had developed an unlikely friendship, one where you both spoke your minds to the other with no hesitation or fear. Which is why the lack of conversation at the moment was slowly driving you insane. 
You sneaked a peek at Vil, taking a sharp breath as your eyes met his own. It seemed that he was watching you with his very lovely, sharp purple eyes. The thought sent a hot flash through you as you sneezed a flurry of petals and pollen. 
“Ooof, ugh, this is gonna make my allergies go haywire.”
“Sam will have some potions that will help with the symptoms, though you will have to confront the root of the cause.” Vil slid his hand down to rest in your mid-back, rubbing his thumb against you in a soothing motion, though it cause you to shiver and flush. 
“Yeah, okay.” you managed to squeak out, groaning as you felt the tickle of glowing marigolds pop up on your skin and in your hair. “Ummmm, so how do you get rid of, uh, Ace called it hanahaki?”
Vil nodded and opened his mouth to speak before being interrupted by the faint screaming of your name. Both of you looked down the path, where you saw Deuce running over to you two, followed by a confused Epel chasing after him. 
Yelping as Deuce skidded to a half and grabbed you by your arms, shaking you with intense concern, you managed to reply a stuttered, “W-w-what?” 
Deuce paused his shaking to give you a concerned lecture, “You didn’t tell us you had the flower sickness!? Why didn’t you say something, you’ve been running around for SDC all this time—”
“You too—”
“But I’m not sick!” Deuce dug through the paperbag you’d just notice he was holding and shoved a pale pink potion in your hands. “Here! Take this!”
Before you could even touch the bottle, Vil plucked it from a confused Deuce’s hands, studying it with scrutiny. 
“Hmm…This is an average allergy relief potion for hay fever, did you actually ask Sam for a hanahaki symptom relief potion, or did you just grab the first thing you saw off the shelf?”
Deuce visibly deflated, opening his mouth to sheepishly reply before Epel interrupted him with a harsh, “I told him to ask, but he got all riled up and started yammerin’—I mean, uh, talking about getting the Prefect help immediately.”
Vil sighed, handing Deuce the potion back and shooed the two away with a wave of his hand. 
“Just go back, I’ll handle it, just make sure your messes are all cleaned up before we get back.”
The two replied, “Yes sir!” and continued on their path, waving goodbye to you. Though you could hear Epel mumble to Deuce, “Those are marigolds, right? I think Vil’s favorite flowers are those, you don’t think…”
You slowed down to ponder Epel’s words, remembering what Ace initially called the illness. 
“Vil…Ace called it a love sickness…would these flowers related toooo, I don’t know, a hypothetical crush somehow?” 
Vil briefly opened his mouth, closing it as he hesitated to speak. You think you could make out a soft blush on his cheeks. 
“Yes. Your hypothetical crush must favor marigolds. Can’t say I blame him, I’m fond of them myself…” 
The two of you made eye contact, a knowing look in his eye and tone making your heart skip a beat and you look down in embarrassment. 
“Oh…I see…” You coughed awkwardly, a few petals flying from your mouth. “So you said there was a way to get to the root cause?”
Vil hummed, stopping at the entrance of Sam’s shop to turn to you with an unreadable expression. 
“Yes, as an illness based on love, appropriately the cure is to confess your feelings to the one you’ve found yourself fancying.”
A cold flash went through your body as your stomach dropped. Again. “Oh.” The thought of confessing to Vil made you sick, like you could puke at a drop of a coin at any moment.
“I wish you’d mentioned something sooner, I could’ve helped you…ease into it.” Vil murmured,  his hand moving to cradle your cheek. He squished your cheek with a fond look in his eye. 
“I know it’s a daunting task…I won’t rush you into it.” Vil moved his hand to brush your hair away, leaning down to place a soft kiss on your forehead. “When you’re ready to say something, just let me know.”
Leaning back, VIl covered his mouth to hide his amused smirk. Your face was a blazing red as the marigolds grew a trail down your neck and chest. He motioned for you to follow him into the shop, holding the door open as he held a hand out to you. At the moment, you’re having a hard time imagining why he’d only ever been typecast in villain roles, he looked more like an enchanting love interest catered for you specifically. 
“For now, I’ll be by your side. I will wait for you, meine Süße.”
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mentallyadinonugget · 5 months
all decided that james is desi but i NEED to know which state he’s from. I want to know which ipl team he loves and I want to know what’s his favourite dish. I want to know if he likes Holi or Diwali more. i want to know if he was ever pissed at Effie and fleamont during navratris because he couldn’t eat non veg. I want to know if he called his friends bkl or bc whenever they were arguing playfully. I want to know if he made fun of the marauders for not handling spice. I want to know which god/goddess is his favourite one. I want to know which bollywood film is his favourite and which is the first one he introduced to the marauders+ girls. I want to know if he distributed prasad to all his friends and teachers whenever Effie sent him some. I want to know if he made a small mandir in his dorm jaha par saare marauders maatha tekte the. I want to know which god he prayed to before a quidditch match. I want to know if he drank his ru afza with milk or water. I want to know if he skips the “all Indians are my brothers and sisters” part of the pledge if he finds an Indian person attractive. I want to know how good or bad he is with matras (punctuation) while writing hindi. I want to know if he breaks down in Hindi love songs out of nowhere. I want to know if he wrote letters to regulus in hindi because he didn’t want him to understand what he was saying. I want to know if he feeds Sirius the first bite of his birthday cake and then remus and then peter whenever he’s celebrating it in Hogwarts because Indian ppl feed the first piece of cake to their most beloved family member or friend. I want to know if he wore kurtas or sherwanis at functions. does he prefer parle g or good day biscuits. I WANT TO KNOW OKAY.
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5694
Jalsa, Mumbai Sept 19, 2023 Tue 9:50 pm
Message from Ef :
Sir, I feel sad to inform you that Ms SATINDER BORAYA, very old member of EF from DELHI-NCR is no more. She was always part of Delhi EF meets.
Her daughter informed over phone in the fotenoon today that Satinder ji passed away on Sunday Morning due to age related complications and ailments.
Prayers and condolences for the noble soul.
we express our prayers and deepest condolences to her family .. i had very memorable meetings with her in Delhi during my visits .. 🙏
It is most difficult to continue to express normalcy after a grief .. but life is strange and continues regardless .. each day brings a different hemisphere of life's bearings, and we learn each moment the immense givings of its value to us al living and non living beings ..
We pray for normalcy for all, we desire that each one of us never has to go through the trials that life throws upon us and we hope that it remains just and happy for us ..
It is the season of festivity .. of Navratri .. of celebration .. of bringing together the variety of our 'sanskaar' संस्कार of our age old traditions and beliefs .. and in keeping with the diversity but in its unity .. we design the KBC with the different traditional wear from each part of the country ..
and for me the 'veshti' the traditional wear of Kerala .. a moment of pride and joy ..
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may there be peace and love and all the goodness to prevail on this celebratory day of the ganapati sthapana ..
May HE keep us under his care , keep us protected ever .. and bless us all
Love and wishes ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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rambhakt-1 · 7 months
My bhakti discoveries
Kaise ho bhai??
You know this year i have a determination too.. to go to the temple each day and read Hanuman chalisa, okay so as usual i was in the mandir yesterday and there's this small shelf there FILLED WITH BOOKS and its so badly maintained because koi hai nahi and there's almost all the scriptures, anyways so i thought ki roz mein hi aata hu yaha pe, mein hi use karta hu Hanuman chalisa padhne ke liye toh kyu na thoda sa acche se saaf kardu aur books jama du, right and while doing that I found so many great books but all of them are in such bad shape 😭 it hurts my heart so much to see our scriptures in so bad form and they are almost lost completely there's this very old and damaged book called RAM.RAKSHA.STROTAM which is a huge set of mantras to be done at brahmamuhurat during navratri for (i made a pdf of it I'll share if you want) anyways, i also found Shrimadbhagavat gita in literally all shapes and size.... Bro i am not joking there's one which is only 33 pages!!!??
Like ik it will be a very small version but can you imagine!!
I think it reflects the beauty of our culture we have something that fits everyone. Also it also says so much about the history of our religion we have been invaded so so many times ki we have our scriptures in a billion different format.
I love you bhai🙏
Dhyan rakho apna
And i wish you the best in everything you do ❤️‍🔥
Thank you so much Bhai for sharing 🙏🙏, and yes! I totally agree. The history of our religion and culture runs so deep that we don't even know how far it goes, and its sad to see these scriptures not being maintained properly. Aap Jo kar Rahe ho wo bohot acha hai, keep going 💪
Jai Shree Ram 🙏❤️
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desi-lgbt-fest · 1 year
Day 25: Saptiya? (Did you eat?)
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Hey @desi-lgbt-fest! Here's my another prompt to be posted 😊
As someone who is a mixed Indian, I was raised in a Tamil household where I would hear my mother talk to her parents in Tamil, watch cooking shows in Tamil, and mingle with others in Tamil during Navratri.
Unfortunately, I can't communicate the language really well. However, being steeped in that culture, I could guess what people are talking about and pick up some of the words that I sometimes use when I talk.
When I got older, I understood when my maternal grandparents and mom said, "saptiya?" on Skype. To me, it is a love language.
I remember when things went sideways after coming out to my parents in 2020. They were pretty furious that I "changed" and "got corrupted" and other demeaning things said out of anger. Yet, I still asked, "Did you eat?", "Was there enough?", "Did you drink water?". I wasn't pretending to care, but because I still loved them and silently hoped that they would have a change of heart.
You see, I still love my parents, and I have always been the same loving person since the day I was born.
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istoleherheart-3008 · 11 months
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Navratri Day 6:✨✨✨✨
Sorry for missing out yesterday, wasn't feeling well.. I honestly can't believe its been 6 days already and only 3 days are left till navmi😭😭 I am waiting for the next navratri abhi se hi..
I have so many stories, memories of each of these days.. i feel bad for never finding the words to articulate all my feelings and never able to express my thoughts, even during the prayers and even in front of you, but I love you maa. Its not much, but I hope it suffices.
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saganssorcery · 4 months
Durga ( ma amba, thats what we call in my sect ) is my family goddess. I love navratri and specially playing the garba. U should visit gujurat during this festival. It's a a different feel. India and astrology has a long relation. We also have birth charts.
I want to understand, if tarot is based on energy and it keeps changing, how can It predict long term relationship. Like in relation to my question
That is a beautiful suggestion and I would love to ✨🙏✨ Absolutely on my bucket list. Durga is a beautiful family goddess to have.
I have looked into Vedic Astrology in the past, as a Westerner I know a lot more about the Western system, but when I have experimented with Vedic I resonated with it strongly, if not as strongly as I do with the Western system. I swap paradigms a lot and found the results I got with Vedic were incredibly accurate. I'd argue that Vedic is actually more in depth than the Western system and I will end up studying it further in the future.
In regards to the mystery of tarot. Tarot in the west is based off the Qabbalistic Tree of Life:
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Image found on Etsy by AstroQabalah
I learnt to read Tarot with Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot. This depiction of the Tree of Life corresponds to his system. This is the system I will explain as there are differences in the Thoth Tarot system compared to Rider-Waite Tarot, though both use the tree as a base to their systems. The original tarot, for example the Marseille Tarot, wasn't actually based on the tree of life at all.
Each Major Arcana card is based on a different path linking the Sefirot (spheres) on the Tree of Life. These are listed in the picture above.
The Minor Arcana are based on the Sefirot themselves, for example; all the Aces correspond to Kether, the first Sefirot, all the twos to Chokmah, the second, all the threes to Binah, the third, ect, all the way down the tree until you reach Malkuth, the tenth. Each element/suit of the Minor Arcana represents one of the four worlds within that Sefirot and correspond to its element: Atziluth corresponds to Fire/Wands. Briah to Water/Cups. Yetzirah to Air/Swords. Assiah to Earth/Disks.
The court cards are somewhat different. All the Knights (in the Thoth system) correspond to Chokmah, all the Queens to Binah, all the Princes to Tiphareth, and all the Princesses to Malkuth.
In terms of how Tarot works it is somewhat of a mystery. I am inclined to believe that it connects you to the collective subconscious somehow. The Tarot is never set in stone, it seems to predict from the point in time when the question is asked. While I personally believe it can predict future events, factors or decisions can be made which alter the course of the energy and thus the reality.
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phsycodesi · 5 months
Oppression of Love (Can I fight for my freedom?)
Keerti’s father gripped her hand tightly, as if scared she’d run away (Where would she run to?). The wedding drums sounded like funeral music. The blessings, like knives, stabbed her heart. She felt like she was a boat floating in a foggy sea; lost and alone.
Her father sat her down on a chair, and after a while she stared into the potted water and the face of her groom. He was handsome, but nothing could compare to Varali. Her only love. Her greatest regret.
Keeri remembered the day they met like it was yesterday. How they bumped into each other on navratri, how she danced and swayed in the band’s music, how the kind hand that she accepted was so, so soft. They were created to heal, to protect.
Arjun’s hand was rough, filled with scars and built to hurt. When they held hands around the fire, Arjun pulling her along as she stared at the tied cloth connecting them like a chain around her hands.
When Varali had never pulled her, only held her hand as Keerti led her through the market stalls, wary of any white officers guarding the edges of the place. Her lover would whisper to her dreams of a free Bharat, a whole Bharat, where they could live freely, without the oppression of the White Men of the West. Where they could love each other freely, without fear of death.
But it was still a time of revolt and oppression and blood and death. If Keerti couldn’t find the courage to fight against her own marriage, how could she hope to fight for her country’s freedom?
She took the garland in hand and placed it around her husband’s neck, imagining her lover in his place for just a second. The illusion vanished when he placed the garland around her neck. It felt like a noose, cutting off her breathing. Keerti wonders if this is how Varali felt in her final moments.
The carriage ride to the mansion was agonisingly long. Her ‘husband’ gripped her hand tight. She stared into the the distance, imagining her late lover’s eyes as they landed on her standing among the crowd. Her face covered by cloth, and her final cry of “Jai Hind!”.
Keerti was pulled back into reality by someone shaking her shoulders. She was there at the doorframe of the house, the tamba of rice in front of her, waiting.
So she put her right foot forward, and toppled the tamba-
And toppled off the roof.
White Rice spilled onto the floor-
Red blood soaked the grass.
Arjun smiled at her face.
She could see Varali’s eyes.
She was finally home.
She was finally free.
{Would you believe me if I told you I made this for a school assignment from my IT teacher?
It was a proxy period and she told us to make stories and tell them in class. I told her I could make her a story but I’d need time. That night I watched ‘Ae Watan” and got inspired. It wasn’t even supposed to be angst.
She has never bothered me when I sleep during class till date. I should totally do this to all my teachers.}
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mansipatel5 · 9 months
Exploring the Rich Cultural Tapestry of Gujarat: A Journey Through Tradition and Diversity
Gujarat, a western state in India, is a captivating tapestry woven with threads of tradition, diversity, and rich cultural heritage. From vibrant festivals to historical monuments, Gujarat offers a kaleidoscope of experiences for those eager to immerse themselves in the essence of Indian culture. One of the jewels in Gujarat's crown is the city of Bhuj, located in the Kutch district, where tradition and history come alive in a mesmerizing blend.
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Cultural Diversity in Gujarat:
Gujarat reflects the diversity of India, with its vibrant tapestry visible in every nook and cranny of the state. The state calendar is adorned with a plethora of festivals, like Navratri, Diwali, and Uttarayan, which vividly display the enthusiasm and zest of its people. The state is also home to several traditional art forms, like the Garba dance, which comes alive during Navratri, and the intricate craft of Patola weaving.
As you traverse the cities and villages of Gujarat, the architectural marvels narrate tales of a bygone era. The stepwells of Adalaj, the intricately carved temples of Palitana, and the historic Sabarmati Ashram, where Mahatma Gandhi spent a significant part of his life, are testaments to the rich history that Gujarat holds.
Homestays in Gujarat:
To truly understand and appreciate the cultural nuances of Gujarat, consider staying in a homestay. These accommodations provide an immersive experience, allowing visitors to truly connect with their way of life. In cities such as Ahmedabad and Vadodara, you can find homestays that offer a friendly atmosphere and are often managed by enthusiastic families who share their traditions and stories.
When exploring the cultural kaleidoscope of Gujarat, a visit to Bhuj is a must. Bhuj, the capital of the Kutch district, is a treasure trove of cultural experiences. The city has embraced the concept of homestays, offering travelers a unique opportunity to reside with local families. This not only provides a comfortable stay but also an insider's perspective on the customs and traditions of the region.
Whether you're interested in the intricate art of Kutch embroidery or the age-old tie-and-dye techniques, staying in a homestay in Bhuj allows you to witness these crafts firsthand. The warmth of the host families ensures that your stay is not just about accommodation but a cultural exchange that leaves a lasting impression.
Kutchh Courtyard:
For an unparalleled experience, consider staying in The Kutchh Courtyard homestay. These homestays were created to give guests a peek into the region's architecture. The courtyard, an element of these houses, acts as a gathering place for families to celebrate, exchange stories, and engage in routines.
The Kutchh Courtyard Homestays often feature intricately carved wooden architecture, vibrant interiors, and a warm ambiance that reflects the hospitality of the region. Your hosts may regale you with stories of the cultural significance behind every design element, giving you a deeper understanding of the local way of life.
Experiencing local cuisine:
No exploration of culture is complete without savoring the local cuisine. Gujarat's culinary landscape is as diverse as its cultural tapestry. From the spicy and flavorful street food of Ahmedabad to the sumptuous thalis of Surat, each region boasts its unique culinary delights.
Homestays often offer guests the chance to relish homemade Gujarati meals, prepared with love and authenticity. Visitors have the opportunity to discover the spices and cooking methods that distinguish Gujarati cuisine. This knit dining experience encourages a sense of connection with the delicious food and the individuals who generously impart their rich culinary heritage.
Festivals and celebrations:
If your visit coincides with one of Gujarat's many festivals, you're in for a treat. The joyous atmosphere during Navratri, with its lively Garba dances and colorful attire, is infectious. Diwali, the festival of lights, transforms the cities into a twinkling spectacle, with families coming together to celebrate and share sweets.
Participating in these festivals while staying in a homestay provides a deeper understanding of the cultural and religious significance behind the celebrations. Your hosts might extend an invitation for you to partake in the celebrations, offering you a chance to create lasting memories that surpass the tourist encounters.
The cultural fabric of Gujarat is a reflection of the vibrant essence that characterizes India as a whole. Exploring the state, from the bustling cities to the tranquil villages, offers a journey through time and tradition. To truly immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, consider the intimate experience of a homestay in Gujarat or Bhuj, where the warmth of the people and the authenticity of the surroundings will make your stay memorable. Whether you choose a homestay in the heart of Bhuj or opt for the charm of a traditional Kutchh Courtyard Homestay, your cultural exploration of Gujarat will be an enriching and unforgettable adventure.
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prabhushriram · 1 year
Difference between Chaitra Navratri and Sharad Navratri
Reading time- 5 mins
India, a land of diverse cultures and traditions, celebrates Navratri not once, but twice a year with great enthusiasm and devotion. Navratri, meaning 'nine nights,' is a Hindu festival dedicated to Goddess Durga and her various forms. These two celebrations, Chaitra Navratri and Sharad Navratri, hold unique significance and are observed at different times of the year. In this blog, we'll explore why Navratri is celebrated twice in India and delve into the captivating mythological stories behind the divine forms of Maa Durga.
Chaitra Navratri: Welcoming Spring
Chaitra Navratri falls in the Chaitra month of the Hindu calendar, typically in March or April. This festival marks the beginning of spring when nature awakens, and new life blossoms. During these nine days, devotees pay homage to Goddess Durga and seek her blessings for prosperity and good fortune.
Chaitra Navratri is believed to commemorate the day when Lord Rama, accompanied by his brother Lakshmana and devotee Hanuman, worshiped Goddess Durga to seek her blessings before embarking on his epic journey to rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon king Ravana. It symbolizes the victory of good over evil and the triumph of righteousness. The culmination of Chaitra Navratri is celebrated as Ram Navami.
Sharad Navratri: Celebration of the Harvest
Sharad Navratri, also known as Maha Navratri, is the more widely celebrated of the two. It falls in the lunar month of Ashwin, usually in September or October when the monsoon season ends and the country gears up for the harvest season. This grand festival celebrates the divine feminine and the goddess's prowess in defeating the buffalo demon, Mahishasura.
According to Hindu mythology, Mahishasura was a formidable demon who terrorized the gods. He received a boon from Lord Agni, according to which a woman would only kill him. Unable to defeat him, the gods created Goddess Durga, a symbol of ultimate feminine power. Durga fought Mahishasura for nine days and nights, ultimately slaying him on the tenth day, known as Vijayadashami or Dussehra. Sharad Navratri symbolizes the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and light over darkness. It is the ultimate celebration of divine female energies.
Young girls all over India are worshipped as devotees who believe that the Devi resides in little girls.
Maa Durga is depicted in 9 various forms, each with its own significance and attributes, to defeat the shape-shifting demon: Mahishasura. During Navratri, these forms are celebrated on specific days, known as 'Navadurga.' Let's explore some of the most renowned forms:
Shailaputri: The first form of Durga, she is the daughter of the Himalayas and represents the purity and innocence of nature.
Brahmacharini: She symbolizes the pursuit of knowledge and is often depicted holding a rosary and a water pot.
Chandraghanta: This form represents bravery and courage, as she adorns a crescent moon-shaped ornament on her forehead.
Kushmanda: The creator of the universe, Kushmanda signifies the source of all energy and vitality.
Skandamata: As the mother of Lord Kartikeya, she stands for the power of a mother's love and protection.
Katyayani: This fierce form of Durga is worshiped for her ability to destroy evil forces and protect her devotees.
Kalratri: Depicting the dark side of life, she is a symbol of destruction and liberation from ignorance.
Mahagauri: This form represents purity and is often depicted in white attire, symbolizing peace and serenity.
Siddhidatri: The final form of Durga, Siddhidatri is believed to grant devotees spiritual powers and enlightenment.
Navratri is a spiritually enriching festival that honors the divine feminine. Whether it's the arrival of spring during Chaitra Navratri or the harvest season of Sharad Navratri, both celebrations remind us of the importance of faith, perseverance, and the victory of good over evil. The diverse forms of Maa Durga teach us valuable life lessons and inspire us to live virtuously.
Gujratis celebrate Navratri through vibrant Garba and Dandiya Raas dances, while in Bengal, this festival is celebrated as Durga Puja, which involves worshiping the goddess Durga with grand processions and cultural events. So, they celebrate Navratri, but how it's celebrated varies.
This Navaratri, bring home the divine presence of Goddess Durga with the Navaratri-Durga Puja Kit from Prabhu Shriram- Incense with a Story.
This pack contains-
Mata Vaishno Devi Agarbatti                                    
Upasana Dhoop
Sambrani Cups
Havan Samagri
Divya Jyot
Mauli Dhaga
Guggal Loban
Pavitra Ganga Sand Soil
Red Cloth
Mata Chunri
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mohifashion · 1 year
Navratri 2023 Colors: A Guide to the Significance of 9 Days of Sharad Navratri Attire
Navratri, the nine-night festival dedicated to the worship of Goddess Durga, is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion in India, especially in states like Maharashtra and Gujarat. One of the captivating traditions during Navratri is the daily choice of colors to wear, each associated with a different form of the goddess. This practice holds deep significance in Hindu culture, symbolizing purity. Let's take a closer look at the Navratri colors to be followed this year and the gods and goddesses they represent.
Day 1: Pratipada - Shailputri
On the first day of Navratri, Goddess Shailputri is venerated, also known as Parvati, the daughter of the Himalaya mountains. The color for this day is Orange, symbolizing energy and enthusiasm.
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Adorn yourself in an elegant Orange and red Ikkat Pure Pochampally Handloom Saree to honor the goddess's strength and grace.
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Day 2: Dwitiya - Brahmacharini
Mata Brahmacharini, the goddess celebrated on the second day, signifies eternal peace. White, the color of serenity, is the choice for Day 2.
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Image Courtesy: Online live daily news
A Pearl White Color Mirror Work Viscose Rayon Navaratri Lehenga Choli reflects the goddess's tranquil and pure nature.
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Day 3: Tritiya - Chandraghanta
On Tritiya, we worship Mata Chandraghanta, who rides a lion and is believed to vanquish evil forces. Red, the color of health, courage, and love, is the color of choice. 
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 Embrace this vibrant hue with a Red saree cutdana work  to channel your inner strength.
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Day 4: Chaturthi - Kushmanda
The fourth day celebrates Mata Kushmanda, who is said to have created the cosmic egg with her smile, bringing light to the universe. Royal Blue, representing elegance and royalty, is the color for this day. 
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Grace the occasion with a splendid Navratri Chaniya Choli in this mesmerizing shade of Blue.
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Day 5: Panchami - SkandMata
Mata Skandmata, honored on the fifth day, is associated with good health. This day is dedicated to Green, symbolizing nature and prosperity. 
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Wear this beautiful green saree to align with the goddess's blessings.
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Day 6: Shashthi - Katyayani
Mata Katyayani, the sixth form of Mata Durga, is the granter of health and happiness. Grey, a vibrant and versatile color, is chosen for this day's celebrations.
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Grace the occasion with a Grey Anarkali Dress
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Day 7: Saptami - Kaalratri
Maa Kaalratri, worshipped on the seventh day, protects against evil forces. Orange is the color for Saptami, reflecting the fervor of Navratri celebrations.
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Day 8: Ashtami - Mahagauri
Maa Mahagauri, associated with peace and intelligence, is revered on the eighth day. 
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Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Adorn yourself in Peacock Green indian saree, a sublime shade that complements the goddess's virtues.
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Day 9: Navami - Siddhidatri
On the ninth and final day, we honor Maa Siddhidatri, the granter of divine blessings. Pink, a combination of the energy of red and the stability of blue, is chosen. This color symbolizes opulence and richness as we seek the goddess's supreme blessings.
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Image Courtesy: Pinterest
During Navratri, people wear different colors each day to show that they are all together and devoted. It's like a colorful journey through different forms of the Goddess Durga, who is very special. When you celebrate Navratri, make sure to wear colors that show how much you love and respect the divine. 
Explore the exquisite collection of Navratri attire at Mohi Fashion, featuring enchanting Chaniya Choli, Navratri Ghagra Choli, Anarkali suit, sarees, and stylish sharara suit, all available online. We proudly offer worldwide shipping, catering to fashion enthusiasts in the USA, Australia, UK, Canada, India, and beyond. Join us in celebrating the spirit of Navratri with elegance and style.
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ginazmemeoir · 2 years
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Shailputri : Daughter of the Mountains
One of the nine aspects of Durga worshipped during Navratri, Shailputri represents the goddess as an innocent girl, and relates to the story of Goddess Sati immolating herself after hearing her father hurl insults at her and her husband Lord Shiva, thus being reborn to the loving Lord Himavan as she had wanted.
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Yantras – A Lost Science
Yantras are integral to astrology. 'Yan' means ‘to control’, ‘curb’ or ‘influence’. 'Tra’ means ‘tool’. Yantras are tools or diagrams that illustrate a sacred geometrical arrangement in a symmetrical design. Supposedly, it emits positive energies, curbs negative energies, and also releases spiritual vibrations.
 The Devi Bhagawatam says, 'Archabhave Tatha Yantram'. This means that the Yantra symbolizes divine power, and so people worship it as a deity. Yantras are three-dimensional in nature. But they are two-dimensional when drawn.
 The complex geometrical arrangement is rich in meaning. For instance, a Swastika denotes prosperity, fortune, and spirituality, and a lotus flower petal symbolizes 'vritti' or the psychic quality of a chakra. An upward triangle of shatkona represents masculinity (Shiva) and action. A downward triangle represents Shakti and introversion.
 Yantras have been in use since 3300 B.C. They were found among the Harappan ruins. There are temples in south India that are in the shape of Yantras. Yantras are often prescribed as astrological remedies for various planetary afflictions.
 Yantras have associations with certain gods, planets, etc., and people use them to gain some specific benefits. It is achieved through meditation or by installing it at a particular place.
 Uses of Yantras
 In a horoscope, planets occupy different houses, which represent the different aspects of life, like health, wealth, education, career, love life, etc. Some planets have positive effects, while others have negative effects. Some alter their nature as per the house they occupy. The constant movement of the planets in the houses of the birth chart can affect one in a good or bad manner. Astrologers prescribe Yantras to pacify malefic planets and reduce their adverse effects on one’s life.
 People use Yantras during a special Pooja to attract positivity. They are also used for regular worship. The Yantras in temples are often energized with Mantras which are written on them. Yantras used to manifest desires are made of special materials like rice paste, flowers, ashes, etc.
 Once a Yantra is energized, it acquires life. To make it work better, one should chant Mantras relating to the Yantra daily. Respect it, keep it in a clean place, and offer ghee lamps, flowers, fruits, etc. But it also needs your unalloyed faith and devotion. An energized Yantra is like a car, while meditation is like fuel. Both are necessary to reach your goal. Also, get the yantras re-energized once a year, at least, during occasions like Diwali, Holi, Navratri, or other auspicious times.
 Copper, Silver, Gold, Bhojpatra, Panchdhatu, and Ashtadhatu are more auspicious for making Yantras. Some Gurus make customized yantras for their followers on cloth, which also have a good effect.
 Some Dos and Don’ts Regarding Yantras
 Don’t touch the Yantra with dirty hands. Do not let outsiders touch the Yantra. Women should keep their distance from the Yantra or remove them (if worn) during their menstrual period. Do not drink liquor or eat non-vegetarian food. Do not make love while wearing the Yantra. Keep the Yantra in the Pooja room or a clean place. Don't keep the Yantra in the bedroom. Do not take it into the toilet.
 Significance of Yantras
 Yantras can enhance the intensity of our prayers by helping us focus on them. It helps to achieve resonance and boost the flow of energy and vibration. It attracts positive energy and eliminates negative energy. Yantras can reduce mental clutter.
 Structure of Yantras
 Yantras come in many shapes – circle, triangle, hexagon, octagon, or lotus petals. It may be drawn on paper or engraved on metal. Specific colors are used to make Yantras. The colors represent specific ideas or purposes for which the Yantra will be used. It helps one to connect with the conscious. The center point of the Yantra is the Bindu which represents the main deity associated with it.
 Types of Yantras
 Many types of Yantras are available, both offline and online. They are customized for specific needs, like success in career, prosperity, good health, etc. One should always see a good astrologer to find out which Yantra you need based on the planetary positions in your birth chart.
 The most popular Yantras are as follows:
 Shree Yantra to boost one’s name, fame, and personality.
 Kuber Yantra to boost one’s wealth.
 Ganesha Yantra to accomplish life goals and attract luck.
 Navagraha Yantra to pacify all the 9 planets and enjoy a smooth life.
 Dhanvantri Yantra for good health and relief from ailments.
 Pratyangira Yantra and Sudarshan Yantra for protection from evil spells, black magic, etc.
 Benefits of Yantras
 It can reduce the adverse effects of malefic planets.
 It attracts good luck, success, and prosperity.
 It spreads positive energy.
 It can bring profits in business.
 It protects one from black magic, evil spells, witchcraft, etc.
 It creates inner harmony and peace.
 It gives us better focus in life.
 It can rectify Vastu Dosha.
 It boosts the positive effects of the Lagna (Ascendant). Surya Yantra, for example, can intensify the Sun’s energy in your birth chart and zodiac.
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maa-durga-chalisa · 1 year
Pain Reliever Maa Durga Chalisa
Maa Durga is a Hindu goddess who is worshiped as the embodiment of divine feminine energy and power. She is known by many names, including Mahishasuramardini, which means the slayer of the demon Mahishasura.
According to Hindu mythology, Maa Durga was created by the gods to defeat the demon Mahishasura, who had become invincible due to a boon granted to him by Lord Brahma. Maa Durga is depicted as riding a lion, carrying weapons in her multiple arms and wearing a red saree. She is also known with various other forms like Kali, Bhagvati, Amba, Chandika and many more.
The festival of Durga Puja is celebrated every year in the month of October or November, depending on the lunar calendar. This festival is widely celebrated in India, especially in West Bengal, where it is considered the biggest festival of the year. During the festival, people decorate their homes with lights and flowers and set up pandals (temporary structures) where beautifully crafted idols of Maa Durga and her children are worshiped. The festival concludes with the immersion of the idols in a nearby river or lake, symbolizing the departure of Maa Durga and her children to their heavenly abode.
Maa Durga is believed to represent the triumph of good over evil, and her worship is said to bring prosperity, happiness, and good fortune. She is also considered the mother of the universe, and her devotees pray to her for guidance, protection, and blessings. The legend of Maa Durga and her victory over Mahishasura is a powerful reminder of the importance of courage, determination, and faith in overcoming obstacles and achieving success in life.
Maa Durga Chalisa
Maa Durga Chalisa is a devotional hymn dedicated to Goddess Durga, composed of forty verses (chaupai) in Hindi. The chalisa is recited by devotees to seek blessings and express their devotion to the goddess.
Each verse of the chalisa describes a different aspect of Maa Durga, her divine qualities and her accomplishments. The chalisa starts with an invocation to Maa Durga, asking for her blessings and protection. It then goes on to describe her form, beauty and strength. The verses also describe the various weapons and attributes of the goddess like her trident, sword and bow.
The chalisa narrates the story of Maa Durga's victory over the demon Mahishasura and how she destroyed various other demons who threatened the gods and the universe. The verses also describe the different forms of the goddess such as Kali, Bhavani and Ambika.
The chalisa concludes with a plea to Maa Durga to bless the devotee with her love and protection and to remove all obstacles and difficulties from their lives. The devotee also seeks forgiveness for any mistakes they may have made in their devotion to the goddess. 
Reciting the Maa Durga Chalisa with devotion and faith is believed to bring blessings and good fortune to the devotee. It is often chanted during the auspicious occasion of Navratri, a nine day festival dedicated to the worship of Maa Durga and her various forms.
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i-wanna-b-yours · 2 years
love when non bengali hindus lose their minds at me eating non vegetarian stuff during navratri.
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fridayiminlcve · 2 years
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