#man's literally makes a mockery of him every time they meet
sugarlywhispers · 5 months
b.katsuki + reader!Quirk similar to him
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Your first year at UA was going amazingly. Not only because it meant it was one step closer to your dream of being a hero, it also brought new challenges and new people into your life. You have made two new best friends: Gouna, a tall girl with an elastic type of Quirk, and Zynu, an exchange student from Greece, who had a fast Quirk. Literally, she was freaking fast.
The first semester of school consisted in getting to know each of the classmates and oneself. Training, studying, physical tests in groups. Also boring tests like Maths and English.
But it has been magnificent so far.
Until the training camp. Pushing one's Quirk to the limit had literally brought you to tears. Being a cold type of quirk yourself, you never thought you would be able to do what you were doing. But you gave your all, like always. You were focused. Witty and ready. Ready to fight for that number one spot in the rankings at every moment of your life. And very loud about it too.
"She reminds me of someone…" Kan-sensei once commented to Aizawa-sensei, smiling amused.
Your black haired teacher rolled his eyes, "Please, no…"
You didn't know who they were talking about at the time, but whomever they were, you decided you would be fucking better.
That camp had been one hell of a test for everyone. 
Or so that's what all of you thought until the day to meet the Big Three came.
Despite other previous years, these Class 1s, A and B, hadn't met them until closer to the end of their first year. Apparently, they had been on a mission in another country.
"Can you believe it??? They haven't even graduated yet and they already go on missions!!" Zynu exclaims, giving little fast jumps as the whole classes 1-A and B awaits for the Big Three to arrive at Gym Gamma.
"Well, our little Y/N has nothing to envy them, right?" Gouna lays her forearm on one of your shoulders, making you smile.
"Ughh, I still can't believe Hawks himself asked you for help…" Zyna smiles so happy for you, her hand grabbing yours and shaking it way too fast in excitement. Gouna laughs at the way your one fast and joyful friend pulls you.
"She was only called because Hero Shoto wasn't around to help."
The annoying voice behind you makes you groan.
"Don't you have anything else to do than to prove how very in love you're with my friend here?" Gouna's words make you snort before turning around.
Hamata Aiko, the one guy that always has an opinion about you –a bad one, if you may add– stands there, all bulky, full of himself and annoyingly looking down at you like you're scum, with hands closed in fists.
"All of you are going to be in love with me once I take down all three of the Golden Trio…" He declares, flexing his arm so his bicep pops out even more. Disgusting.
The look you share with your two best friends, followed by a cackle of loud laugh, brings the attention of most students around.
"I'll bring tissues for when you cry like a baby after being embarrassingly defeated. But that was a great joke, Aiko-chan," you can hear the grit of his teeth at your mockery.
A huge shadow with red eyes suddenly appears behind Hamata. "A joke indeed," the low voice that came from the shadow makes this same boy jump away like a scaredy cat.
You back away a few steps just so you don't get stepped on. Light then clears everyone’s vision and you see this man– this mountain of a man, with red eyes and blond hair, a few steps in front of you. You can’t help but think he’s insanely huge, more than anything you could have ever imagined. And the other two guys that also appear on each side of this blond mountain are just as big. Maybe not in muscles and height, but each of them has a powerful energy and stance that immediately makes you succumb to their glorious presence.
Like… fuck. Like fucking heroes! The biggest ones you have ever seen. Ever been in front of.
And you want that. You want that majestic power. That strength that makes everybody believe and trust that they are the best.
"Hello, everyone! It's very nice to meet you finally!" The green haired one greets enthusiastically as the blond mountain rounds him to let him stand in the middle. You also noticed how the blond one and the duo colored haired one stand two steps behind, giving this greenie one space, giving him the lead. "We are very sorry it took us this long to meet, but we hope to make the best of our time together!"
"He's too much of a sunshine," Gouna whispers at you and Zyna, the latter smiling and nodding. You somehow doubt it. Something tells you he is as deadly as his two companions look.
"My name is Midoriya Izuku, hero name: Deku," lots of whispers and gasps from the students are heard as he turns to his right, where the blond mountain stands with his arms crossed over his big chest, a frown deep in his face, "this is Bakugou Katsuki, hero name: Dynamight," some grunts and groans are heard. You even hear a kid say "this is going to fucking hurt", and you definitely feel that. Especially when you see the satisfying smirk on the blond mountain's face. "And, this is Todoroki Shouto, hero name: Shoto."
More whispers and grunts. Some look excited, others are already lamenting getting to class today. But most of the students are terrified. These Big Three look nothing like third year students. They look fucking Pro, and that shit’s scary. Not even your first day as an intern in Gang Orca’s agency made you this uneasy. (And it’s Gang Orca we are talking about!)
"It's Endeavor's kid," Gouna whispers, eyes open wide in excitement looking at Todoroki Shouto. Her biggest dream is to be part of the fire hero agency, but she had told you how that was a mere dream considering how Hero Endeavor only took fire type Quirks in. You feel sad for her, but still encourage her to at least try it. The “NO” was already a given; what harm could be to try for the “YES”?
Of course, you all have heard about the rumors circling the Big Three and their achievements. You are a liar if you say that, even if they are supposedly rumors, their stories don't ignite a spark of hope and admiration over them. However, being in their actual presence is a whole different feeling.
"So today, we are fighting," Midoriya Izuku smiles, but surprisingly enough for everyone except you, the kindness doesn't reach his eyes. His eyes change demeanor and look challenging, a bit scary even. (Ha! You knew it! He isn't as sunshinie as he looks.)
"We did this exact same exercise with the current Big Three of our first year, but this time we decided to give you all a bit of advantage, uniting both classes for the exercise, so you can have the upper hand." The shiny smile doesn't leave his face, and while most around you sigh in relief, you know right then and there is a fake sense of security. It's a trap.
And by the way some unnoticed snorts are heard from behind greenie, it's more than obvious.
This will definitely hurt.
You realize then, as Midoriya Izuku takes his bow and school jacket off and steps back closer to his own classmates, how his other two companions are getting ready. Todoroki Shoto hasn't his jacket nor his school shirt on already, but a sport kind of shirt that accentuates his defined chest, where the sleeves only cover a bit of his shoulders, arms on display. This is definitely strategic for his own quirk, half hot and half cold. You wonder if the material is actually made to bear and endure the changes of temperature in his body, like the ones you wear. Bakugou Katsuki, on the other hand… Holy. Mother. Of. All Might. He now stands with his whole school shirt unbuttoned, chest and muscles and freaking abs on display, sleeves rolled up his forearms, jacket lost somewhere. You haven't actually had time to admire any type of physics in boys since the year started, being completely focused on your goals and dreams. Now, this hot mountain of a man makes you feel things you haven't before. Is that the feeling of butterflies on your stomach as the tingles travel through your body? Fuck, it’s distracting. (Very much so.)
You have to mentally slap yourself to focus. This is not the time to drool over an upperclassmen.
"This is your moment to try your moves and Quirks, they will gladly take them and give you feedback. But remember, this is a sparring, nothing to seek real harm. Have fun, children," Aizawa-sensei speaks as he walks towards the entrance door of the gym and stands there, away from the bloodbath that is about to happen. (If you had to define what betrayal looked like, Aizawa-sensei’s smirk as he stands there looking should be it.)
You, in a very calculated and dissimulated way, grab both of your friends' wrists and pull them back slowly, away from where the Big Three stand. They don't say anything and follow you. After so many group tests passed, you three have learned to work together very well. And with one look, all three of you understood. If you wanted to at least hit one of them, you would have to be a team. No solo fight could win them. And even then, there was no guaranteed win over them. They look, and you're pretty sure they are, very strong.
All three of them crouch a bit, showing they are ready, evil smiles plastered in their faces like they enjoy each and every little sound that showed how scared the two classes were. 
How sadistic. You love it.
You so want to fight at least one of them, one on one. But you know you don't have a chance to win moving on your own. Yet.
"Should we go first?" Deku suggests, seeing how no young student is brave enough to approach.
It's not that you are not brave. You're not stupid enough to volunteer for death first.
Dynamight and Shoto look at each other for a moment before looking back to the front, both smirking, and then the blond mountain yells, "FUCKING DIE, EXTRAS!"
A blast clouds everyone's sight for a moment, before you have to jump to the side as Shoto slides with his ice way too close to you. And then it's chaos. Quirks and fights are seen and heard around. And fuck, you have to dodge Shouto's ice three more times. Not to mention his fucking fire.
Your best friends and you remain as far from the Big Three as you can. Gouna got caught by a little piece of ice from Todoroki on her right cheek, cutting it a bit. Zyna, on the other hand, in these kinds of environments gets anxious, moving rapidly on her spot, needing release to do something in her fastness tempo. You… you get calculating and observing. Everyone around is losing against the Big Three. They are too strong, too big. Students are falling to the ground like levees, no matter how strong some of their Quirks are. These three professionals know what they are doing and how to do it.
It's going to take more than just guts to confront them.
Then you see it. Shoto is standing close to Dynamight. And if he moves, he comes back closer to the blond as fast as he can. Oh. Are they guarding each other's backs? Your eyes travel around the gym until you find Deku on the other side of the gym, fighting at least a dozen of the students, who are trying to get their one on one sparring. Of course, none of them win, other than detailed observations from the one third of the Big Three and a punch that knocks them out. 
An idea then surges in your head. The one creating way too much chaos is Bakugou Katsuki. Maybe, just maybe, if there's a way to distract Todoroki Shouto, you could have a chance to at least try to take Dynamight out.
Alright, maybe not completely out, but at least a punch or two. That would be satisfying enough.
Your eyes travel to your two best friends, and somehow –even though none of you have any telepathic Quirk– you all know what to do.
You three high five together before running to different parts of the gym. You run towards the build up rocks behind and explode some to create more small and medium ones. While doing this, Zyna is smartly distracting both third year students. Running, flying around them to just annoy them as they try to attack her with their Quirks, which is impossible to target her for how fast she is. Once you're done, Gouna is right there, arm expanding to create like a catapult to throw the rocks in their direction.
"Hey!" Deku yells, but he's been held back by his own fights to do anything. It's enough though to grab his other two classmates' attention.
It's your turn to smirk now at their surprised expression, excitement driving your whole system.
Bakugou's eyes find yours as you say, "Now you fucking die."
The rocks fly their way faster than they expect. Both of them fire at them to disintegrate the rocks into ash. And that's exactly what you wanted to happen. The ash creates a wall of smoke that won't let them see either of you.
Zyna helps Gouna to run fast towards Todoroki Shouto so she could evolve him with her elastic arms and legs, putting him out of the fight. One down.
And you… Fucking. Damned. Shit. Why do you always pick the hardest and most difficult fights? You don't know. But you always win. So, could you win against this big mountain?
Only one way to know…
The smoke helps you disguise yourself in it, but you can feel his careful and ready at all times stance. So you play. A spark of explosion from your ice here, and he answers with another of his own fire one. Creating more smoke. Funny. Another spark of your ice there, and he answers again, groaning in annoyance and pain when a sudden spark of your ice finds his left forearm.
You chuckle maliciously from behind him, right at the moment your ice explosions hit the back of his knees. You're not stupid to even think that you'll be able to win a one on one. You need the advantage in height at least.
How's the saying goes? If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain… Or well, in this case, you'll make Bakugou Katsuki, a.k.a. Hero Dynamight come to you.
Before Bakugou inevitably falls after that cold blast against the back of his knees that unbalanced him, he tries turning around and shooting whomever it's being a pain in his ass. He doesn't count with the knowledge of how small you are compared to him that you fit perfectly in between his stretched arms that are ready to shoot.
As he falls back, your crazed smile is the last thing he sees before an explosion of white and cold happens just in his goddamn face.
A hard and strong thud is heard as the smoke around finally dissipates, giving one impressive image that leaves everyone around stoic and in silence.
Bakugou Katsuki is laying on the floor. You're kneeling on his big chest, hands with spreading cold smoke, like snow, right at his face. His expression is one of complete taken aback and surprised. Like, he can not believe what just happened, as the smirk it's still on your face.
"Who's the fucking extra now?"
You're both inhaling rapidly, trying to bring your breathing back to normal. Your eyes won't leave his, completely enraptured in his deep ruby color, filled with so much fire it feels like he's trying to melt you. (And you would, if these were other circumstances.)
You then stand up and step back from him, smiling. You fucking won! And against this enormous and angry mountain! Fuck yeah!
He’s still lying on the floor, looking very surprised, so you laugh as you stretch a hand to help him up. Bakugou Katsuki takes it, a little side smile finally appearing as he shakes his head and stands. Now you definitely have to look up at him. Jesus, he’s way taller now up this close.
Before any of you says something, the annoying voice of Hamata Aiko says, "You're still an idiot," and he punches you on the side, making you literally fly meters away and hit your head with the wall.
The roaring scream of "HEY!" from several people is the last thing you hear before passing out.
When you next wake up, you encounter the kind smile of Recovery Girl.
"Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling? You took one hell of a punch…"
You groan. "Ugh, don't remind me… I'm going to fucking…"
"Language, dear."
"...kill him to pieces!"
She chuckles amused. "Alright, but first, you should rest. Then kick his butt." Her wink makes you smile in content as you relax in the infirmary bed.
"There are people outside waiting for me to report to them. Want them to get in, or should I tell them to come later?"
"It's okay, they can come in," you nod delicately, not wanting a new headache to deal with.
When Recovery Girl said they, you were expecting your two best friends. Not the Big Three entering the room in a hurry, especially the first one, the blond mountain who enters and walks directly at your side.
"How are you, Coldie?" Bakugou Katsuki asks, his big and calloused hand landing over your small one laying on the bed. You pull up an eyebrow at his nickname for you, but don't comment on it.
"I'm fine, Mountain. My left side still hurts a bit, but I have had it worse."
Bakugou Katsuki growls. Literally, like an angry dog.
“That kid was completely out of line,” protests Todoroki Shouto.
You sigh. “It’s Hamata Aiko. He needs to be the center of attention or he snaps.”
“I’ll snap him in two, give me a minute…” You don’t know if Bakugou it’s being serious or not, but the idea makes you snort as Midoriya Izuku exclaims, “Kacchan!” Todoroki just shakes his head and a small curve of a smile in his face.
“He’s being talked down to by Nezu-sensei. What he did… It's not okay at all. I hope he reconsiders his actions.” Midoriya says, in a stern but worried tone.
“What you and your friends did, on the other hand, was pretty impressive,” Todoroki says as both of his classmates nod, Midoriya more enthusiastically.
“I have never seen Kacchan so taken aback!”
“Shut up, nerd!”
“You were smart and fast and careful with all your moves. You took into consideration how different Kacchan was physically compared to you and you brought that to your own advantage! It was the true thinking of a hero in a dare situation! We were all impressed!” Midoriya rambles, his eyes shining now in true awe.
“Not to mention how in sync you and your friends were. I never expected being gripped like that by arms and legs functioning like ropes. It was funny, and smart,” Todoroki also comments while Midoriya nods in agreement.
You feel the tears in your eyes itchy, so you look down in shyness and smile.
“I… I just looked. Midoriya-senpai was on the other side of the gym, being held back by students so I knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything,” you look elsewhere but them, which is the window next to your bed, “and then I looked how Todoroki-senpai and Bakugou-senpai kept being close to each other, clearly looking for each others back, so I thought that the best option was to try and separate them. By looking at Todoroki-senpai using his quirk, I knew he was avoiding close contact combat, so I guessed that was his weakness. At least if you take him by surprise. So, I knew my friends were gonna be able to catch him. Me, on the other hand, I didn’t know what I was gonna do. I just knew I was gonna give my all to win.”
You finish shrugging, taking a deep breath to finally get the courage to look in the way the Big Three are standing.
They all look at you in complete amazement, pleased smiles on their faces.
“Another nerd alert,” Bakugou comments and Todoroki laughs.
Midoriya looks in reprimand in Bakugou’s direction, arms crossed over his chest. “Well, that nerd took you down very easily, without counting the times I also took you down…”
Todoroki then passes an arm around Midoriya’s shoulder in clear partnership as he prepares to pester Bakugou.
“There’s the fact that she is younger than you, Kacchan…” You think Hero Shoto has a death wish.
“I will blow both of your heads off,” Bakugou responds in a growl, pops already sounding from his hands. Both of his classmates snort in amusement.
Oh, yep, they all have a death wish.
“Oh! That reminds me…” Midoriya suddenly changes the subject, “Your Quirk.”
His eyes open wide and look at you in expectation. You tilt your head to the side a bit confused as you put your palm up and then make sparks of blue and white pop as the temperature around you gets colder.
“It’s a lot like yours, Kacchan, but…”
“Cold. Your explosions are cold.” Todoroki says, directing his hand from his cold side closer to your palm so he can feel the sparks.
“Did they discover how it’s produced?” Bakugou asks, looking very serious in your direction. But he isn’t angry, he’s just observing.
You shake your head. “They said it’s a composition of two or more chemicals, but they still can’t find which ones create this type of reaction.”
“That is a very important thing to know. I would investigate a bit if I were you. Knowing your Quirk to the fullest, even the small things, helps you be aware of the possible weaknesses and advantages you can have. That way you can be prepared at all times.” The professional tone in Bakugou’s voice leaves you mesmerized. He is… good. What he’s saying is so true, you haven’t actually thought about it.
“But, the doctors…”
“Doctors sometimes know shit.”
Midoriya physically slaps his own forehead while saying, “Kacchan..”
“He can’t help it. He’s an ass.” Todoroki snorts.
Bakugou decides to ignore them, not before stabbing them with his glare.
“What I’m fucking trying to fucking say,” you laugh at his foul mouth. He smiles a bit in your direction, “is that go beyond. You take the initiative to learn. Don’t wait for the teachers or doctors to tell you who you are.”
You can’t believe the Bakugou Katsuki is actually being nice and giving advice to you.
“You know who you are… Fucking number one, ain’t ya?” You nod smiling as he extends his hand closed in a fist so you can bump yours with his.
Midoriya’s big and proud smile makes you shy. And it's funny when he exclaims, “Plus ultra!”
Everyone laughs.
And, boy… Did you go plus ultra.
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a.n; this will have a part two. 😉💥♥️❄️
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
Okay I was thinking about this the other day but how do we feel about a tamlin redemption arc? I personally think sjm has so much potential with him as a character but I also know what he did was messed up so it’s just something I think about a lot and always want other people’s inputs
what he did was messed up yeah but my guy was also fucking traumatised himself after 50 years of being responsible for literally every single person in prythian. HE was the one who was supposed to break that curse. EVERYONE was waiting for him. HE was the one who spent 50 years sending his friends to die and trying to fall in love with their killers to save everyone.
he didn’t handle it well, but like, who could he expected to? honestly like yeah it was wrong but it was a trauma response, all he ever wanted was to keep feyre safe and alive and protect her.
my real beef is the fact that for personal revenge feyre destroyed an entire court because someone gave her a panic attack. babygirl we’ve all been pushed to the point of panic attacks but we don’t actually ruin the lives of thousands of innocent people as a result.
like the people of the spring court? who just wanted to rebuild their homes and recover from the poverty? and she ruined every chance they had. she destroyed their economy and infrastructure and reputation for what? she left them vulnerable to attack and conquer for what? ridiculous behaviour. far more villainous than anything tamlin ever did.
and that nonsense about the tithe? like yeah okay it’s a shitty old tradition that needs changing. but hello where was rhys changing shitty traditions when he kept Velaris a secret from the majority of people in the night court who might’ve needed it? “the people from hewn city are savages though” right but did Mor not come from there? and we’re just gonna overlook entirely the fact that she’s supposedly the only acceptable one with absolutely no explanation for that? alright. and the Illyrians are brutes. but we’re just gonna overlook cassian and azriel and emerie and barth because it’s convenient? like all I’m saying is that these reputations are obviously generalisations and he’s in the wrong too.
if I’m being so for real right now, and I say this as somebody who fucking loves rhys, he’s not even top three best high lords.
helion, thesan and tarquin. no fucking cap these three genuinely wanted what was best for the continent at any given time. thesan hosted the high lords meeting and was pulling up ready to share technology and antidotes?? he fixed luciens eye after he saw what happened and I’ve never seen even a speck of debt for that.
tarquin really got manipulated and robbed when he would’ve been willing to help had they just asked and been honest and willing to trust, and still he didn’t declare war or march across borders which he was entitled to, he sent blood rubies. it was basically a text that said ‘hands on sight if i see u again bro’ and called it a day. he fr didn’t want beef. he opened his home to spring court people instantly after feyre had her petty revenge moment.
helion lives for the vibes and i stand by it the man was ready to fight ready to help ready to show up and show out. perfection. an angel. i see where lucien gets it. an unbothered king.
so like, tamlin. yeah. I think he got done dirty for what happened. all in all what did he really do? accidentally played a role in killing rhys’ family by spilling a location detail? alright but rhys and his father intentionally killed tamlin’s family.
locked feyre up? yeah after being abused for 50 years himself those 5 months he didn’t handle his trauma right, damn yeah he really got what he deserved 🙄
that comment at the high lord’s meeting? he was a man wounded and scarred and embarrassed and tbh it wasn’t even that bad. rhys and feyre fr overracted. azriels lil comment was quite enough. they wonder why he keeps acting up like they don’t keep making a mockery of him??? like??? I KNOW we’ve all said and done mean/petty things like that when we’re hurt, don’t deny. I’ve never brought an entire kingdom to its knees but pop off ig.
so yeah. I still love all the characters. feyre is still great. I still adore rhys. I still like tamlin.
I just think tamlin gets the most insane amount of hate compared to the actions of the other characters. he deserves his redemption arc massively.
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danwhobrowses · 7 months
One Piece Chapter 1107 - Initial Thoughts
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And we're back from another break
A break of a lot of implications; Gear Fifth is back, Bonney controls all Pacifista, and Giants! Things are feeling like they're hitting a threshold, but still not enough to call an incident, so there must be more to unfold
let's unwrap it then!
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
A Law and Bepo cover page now, Law's sleeping on another animal so Bepo's already got the bat out
The giants are on the move, and not just our Little Garden duo but our Enies Lobby duo of Oimo and Kashii
Gonna be kinda awkward when the Giant Warrior Pirates meet Grand Fleet members the New Giant Warrior Pirates, unless they merge into a super Giant Warrior Pirates crew
Usopp catches sight of the giants and is elated to see them again
Also a panel to recap Little Garden for those faint of memory
Edison makes a point that their arrival is likely from Media Coverage, and that the crew is likely being painted in a bad light
Usopp though knows the giants aren't here to fight, they are here to help, and is thus compelled to make it go smoothly
Every time Lilith hits Brook's head I feel like it makes a bobblehead noise
Lilith though is still concerned about stopping the ship, before it burns up on the barrier
Jinbe also laments that they can't afford to dilly dally
Disappointingly, Zoro is still fighting Lucci
It's not just a Zoro-fan thing, you can't go from beating King - a Lunarian and a Yonko commander - to still fighting Lucci, a government assassin Luffy's beaten twice
Also 'I'm in a hurry' is not a good excuse, both men feel like they're in control of the fight
Lucci thinking Zoro is anything like dead weight is folly anyway, the man has met the grim reaper
Back on the coast, 30 ships have been sunk by Pacifista
Vice Admiral Nine-Chins (TCB called him Red King) takes helm on strategy and leads with battleships, lamenting having to attack their own weapons
Back to Luffy though and he wants to know why Bonney is crying
Bonney asks him why he didn't tell her he's Nika, which Luffy doesn't know the name
Also reminder that Bonney still hasn't told Luffy about her time with Sabo at the Reverie
He also roasts Bonney about her Nika punch, so Bonney asks him to show her how it's done
Social Media went mad about Luffy laughing while Vegapunk got stabbed but he literally just didn't notice, now he has he's shocked
Yeah the holier than thou shtick doesn't work on Luffy
And apparently so doesn't the Eye-Shot thing
A Dawn Gatling rocks Saturn and it doesn't get old seeing him get smacked
The Bonney Retrieval Squad use this as a chance to get out of dodge
Vegapunk however believes his number's up, and asks them to leave him
Kizaru, dude, like, let it go
Sanji this time blocks a direct blast, only took like half a year for Sanji fans to get to this fight
Though I daren't go on twitter right now given how Sanji fans will compare this to Zoro still fighting Lucci (even though Raid Suit Sanji could barely fight King)
We could've done more with Franky too, rather than make him a reaction guy
'Light doesn't hold a candle to love' - dude she's 12, simmer
Kizaru laments the expectation that they'll have to bring more heads now, but Sanji's lighting his cigarette so you know he's down for action
Well there's our Blackbeard answer; Devon and Van Augur only
She taps Saturn on the leg after some mockery and that's 'mission accomplished', all that build up just to touch a leg
Jokes aside though this can be big, Teach wanted an in with the WG and now his Kitsune crewmember can transform into one at will, that's some carte blanche there
Saturn notes how Devon wasn't one to be a subordinate, but when Devon notes that Teach is special, Saturn makes a note about his lineage
Possibly another Buccaneer? Or something more? Something Devon is at least privy to as well
Classic evil plan though, they want the whole damn world
Before Saturn can spike them though they warp out, but not off the island, Augur still has limits
Caribou No!
The guy goes full sycophant on the duo, claiming hero worship and a desire to be on Blackbeard's crew, man just wants off the island
I would laugh like hell if Blackbeard also shoved him in a barrel though XD
Well a lot more is happening, including some more battle lines being drawn.
It was a good day for Sanji stans, they are finally gonna get Sanji vs Kizaru while Zoro still deals with Lucci. I'm still disappointed that there's no real reason for his delay, but Oda's never about power scaling, Zoro's delayed because the plot demands he be delayed, much like how the plot demands that Brook doesn't just make an ice pillar, the plot demands that Nami could just use Zeus to carry the crew and the Sunny out of Egghead or the plot demands that Atlas doesn't give Franky the light punching tech foreshadowed at the start of the arc.
In a way it is annoying and a tad lazy (much like off-screening the Seraphim whose value dips every chapter and York's capture - who has been ominously missing) but we do have to remember that Oda is still somehow human. I like Sanji and it'll be a good fight, but I do prefer there to be parity and logic, like just give them both a strong opponent? Let Usopp fight Lucci like he challenged in Enies Lobby to will Luffy to fight.
The Blackbeard stuff does feel underwhelming in the moment, but it's definitely a long term thing, disappointed in Caribou too because he showed slight semblance of a heart but now he's gonna spill all about the Ancient Weapons to Blackbeard and endanger more of our allies, should've left him in Wano and brought Carrot instead... Still notable absences for Stussy and Kaku though, Robin is healing up but still wanna see her well. We're still a question mark over Law, Bepo, Perona, Moria, Drake and most of SWORD & Tashigi too. And the sleeping giant is slowly continuing its awakening.
Things continue to happen at a rumble, but something big has to burst forth as a result.
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licorice-and-rum · 2 months
All Angels From Heaven Above - Chapter 2
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Summary - find more chapters, read the synopsis, and trigger warnings here!
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The address Damian Kolasi gave her was public and known enough so no one would find it strange seeing them together. On the other hand, it was also dangerously close to her coven’s headquarters, where witches gathered every time they could, which could mean that, if she decided to go, she’d have to explain herself to some curious wizards and witches. 
All those thoughts swirled in Adra’s mind while she closed the store and walked through the cobblestone street without a hurry, positioning her keys between her fingers. She wasn’t especially worried that someone could try to attack her — she had her powers to defend herself — but it was always good to be alert.
As if in mockery of Adra’s lack of fear, a thick fog filled Agraés, making her steps a mystery that should reveal itself in each corner while the old and imposing buildings loomed before her like ancient giants. She liked the city, despite the constant gloomy weather and the silent streets, full of danger waiting for her in every block.
Damian Kolasi’s deal, vastly different from the path she was taking because of the posteriors letter she had received, was intriguing and mysterious enough to make her suspicious. Adra didn’t like to be in that position, mainly because the demon knew her curiosity would be louder than her caution. He knew Adra would meet him even before she made her decision and that was utterly annoying.
Even so, that was a unique opportunity. Lethe Academy for Demonic Arts — a name she’d rather change — was quite literally the best school in all Nikaés, teaching demons from all over the world for dozens, if not hundreds, of generations. 
It didn’t even have a foundation date because no one knew how old was the school. It had five different libraries for each main subject of teaching, plus one for recreation, more than fifty classrooms, and a faculty with the best of the best teachers: the Academy was the most wonderful and intriguing place Adra had ever seen in her life.
And there she was, on the edge of getting in, if only she could dare to be the first witch to do so. Even if it hurt, even if it was going to be difficult as hell, even if she had to crawl her way onwards, that would be her only chance to get in.
Deciding she’d think about it, Adra sighed and hurried, in haste to get to the Coven. 
She heard footsteps behind her and tensed, unable to avoid them, even knowing that whoever it was would probably go away once they noticed she was a witch. And indeed it didn’t take long for that to happen, letting her relax again.
The city where Adra had grown up, Agraés, was in the south of Níkaes and it boiled down to a set of old-structured buildings, almost all of them beige or grayish, narrow streets and silent alleys between buildings, with a central river called Thanatos, which divided the city in two. Quite often, that was the description of tourists and uninterested visitors whose final destination was the capital, Mávros.
But to the residents and the Academy’s students who were brave enough, Agraés had its own magic inside its ancient structure and its alleys that would only wake up at dawn. At the main avenues, like the one where Kia and Adra’s apartment and store were located, the nights were monotonous and quiet, like no living soul lived there, but one just had to walk a couple of blocks to see the first evidence that Agraés wasn’t like any other city.
Adra turned at the familiar alley three blocks up from her apartment and smiled when she saw the awnings of the little underground pubs with their golden round lights spread through their metallic structures. 
As she crossed the alley, Adra saw young demons — probably local children, as the Academy didn’t allow its younger students to go out of its walls — walking through the place, amazed as a young human man did magic tricks that in reality had no magic at all, but were impressive enough so that they could cheat and delight others.
It took some minutes more and several other alleys for Adra to finally reach the Coven. Unlike other passages, the place where wizards and witches gathered didn’t look especially cozy or inviting. With a simple used wooden door, the only sign that there was some kind of life inside the cold gray building was the soft light pouring through the crescent moon-shaped hole in the door, which led to the underground saloon of peeled-off walls and hard capable of conserving a corpse — something Adra had already witnessed happening there.
The letter she’d received — sent through the Shadows — had been adamant that her presence at the Coven that night was required, something that intrigued Adra. Therefore, she entered the underground building, climbing down quickly the few steps that led to the door.
As soon as Adra entered, every other witch — and the few wizards that existed in the city — looked at her, none of them happy to see her. Adra just smirked, sarcastic: she wasn’t exactly happy to be summoned to attend the meeting tonight. But the Coven did what its matron witch determined and, as a witch, Adra owed obedience to her. 
Not that she respected Eupraxia Skourleti, the matron witch of her coven, very often. Adra just knew which fights to choose. Most of the time, at least.
Some witches smiled at Adra, not for affection, but purely for politeness. They never tried to make any conversation, however. 
To most, their coven was a refuge from a world that wasn’t made for them and didn’t make any effort to understand them. A world that was dominated by demons that believed themselves to be superior to any other species and whose oppressed — the humans — were too bitter and suspicious of any demonic thing to embrace them, considering that witches were the offspring of demons with humans. So, to the witches, their coven was the family most of them didn’t have and a refuge from the cruelty all of them endured.
But Adra was different and all of them knew that. Some few people didn’t resent what she had, but most hated her for having something they could only dream of: parents who were in love with each other. Most witches were born because of a meaningless seduction of human women by demons who would abandon them without hesitation with a bastard child in their arms.
Or worse.
Adra’s parents’ union wasn’t usual — in fact, she could easily affirm she was the only legitimate daughter of a demon and a human in all Nikaés.
That should include the Nephilim, children of angels and humans, and the ouralasi, children of angels and demons: they were too few, considering the country didn’t allow the entry of angels into its territory.
Like the witches, however, they had a lot of power: while the witches could control the Darkness, the Nephilim had a powerful affinity with at least one of the natural elements, and the ouralasi had ways to transform the matter if needed.
��Adra,” the known voice called her from one of the corners of the room. The shadows of that dreary place, however full, carried the call for her alone to hear. 
The voice had the shy tone that Adra knew very well and she turned to Thalassa Stathi at the other side of the room, sustaining the relieved look of her friend and ex-girlfriend. 
Well, Adra thought while walking towards her, maybe she was a friend. The things between them were complicated since Thassie had broken up with her months ago, but the relief was undeniable, and the gratitude both of them to see a familiar face in the crowd.
Adra looked at Thalassa’s black skin, which shone under the soft, golden light of the saloon, making her a queen of gold and shadows while she leaned in the gray stone wall.
“I’m surprised you came,” said Thassie before Adra could think of something to start a small talk. “You hate all of this.”
Adra tried not to sigh when she heard the slight accusation underlying the casualty of her tone. It wasn’t her fault that the Coven wasn’t exactly welcoming.
“Oh, you know, I have to make an appearance from time to time so that they remember I exist,” she said trying to sound excited despite the insistent looks from those who couldn’t tolerate her cutting her back without remorse. Thalassa snorted. “Actually, Eupraxia called me here today. Do you have any idea of what’s going to happen?”
“Well, she called all of us, but she doesn’t seem happy to see you,” said Thalassa, pointing her head in the direction of the Coven’s matron witch. “I guess she thought you’d disobey her again.”
Fearless, Adra turned to stare at Eupraxia Skourleti. The witch, who had curly voluminous hair and emerald green eyes, was one of the oldest witches of the coven and she simply hated Adra with all her might. The feeling was surely mutual. Their motives, however, were always unknown by all, including the two of them.
But behind that obvious rivalry, Eupraxia was a talented witch, powerful and full of ambition, something that made her dangerous and admirable in the same measure. If she had said that something big would happen, it was probably true.
When their eyes met, the witch showed her teeth, deeply displeased with Adra’s presence at the Coven that night, which was ironic, considering that it was Eupraxia who had sent the letter that called her, to begin with.
The dim golden lights of the saloon flickered when Adra smiled at her, the shadows fighting to fill the place like they did when Adra was mad at Damian Kolasi just a couple of hours ago. This time, however, the anger came from Eupraxia to Adra, who became immediately alert to any possible attack. 
But Eupraxia could control herself with as much ease as it escaped her and the witch went back to her always sober expression to murmur what was probably an excuse to the older witches that stood around her and walked towards Adra and Thassie, who straightened up in her place, locking her hands behind her back in a sign of respect for the matron witch.
Adra didn’t bother to do the same.
“Hello, Mrs. Skourleti,” greeted Thassie with a nervous half smile, receiving a polite and professorial nod in exchange.
“Miss Stathi,” said Eupraxia in a murmur before turning to Adra, the emerald green in her irises shining with hatred when the girl raised her chin. “Miss Anoixi, it’s a surprise to see you here.”
Adra smiled with the displeasure she found in the matron’s voice, perfectly delighted with that.
“Well, it’s your letter's fault, ma’am,” said Adra, just to see her squirm with anger. “It sounded important to be here tonight.”
“Yes, well...” Eupraxia looked like she sucked the sourest lemon, but didn’t have the chance to answer, because one of her apprentices, a girl with an innocent complexion and reverent eyes at her tutor, whispered in her ear. “I hope you enjoy the night, ladies. It’s about to begin.”
With that mysterious declaration, Eupraxia slipped to the other side of the saloon, leaving Thassie and Adra alone again. Adra frowned, resisting the curious desire to follow the woman and discover what the hell was happening under all of that secrecy.
“You shouldn’t treat her like this, Adra,” said Thalassa when they were sure they couldn’t be overheard by the matron, frowning in frustration when her blue-ice eyes went back to Adra. “It’ll come a day when you’ll need her and, with this kind of behavior, she’ll deny you.”
“She’s the adult here,” Adra retorted, looking at the place where Eupraxia had gone. “I’m eighteen, and she’s the one who should overlook my bad behavior.”
“And this was one of the reasons why I broke up with you.”
Thalassa took a deep breath, annoyed, and Adra felt a pang of guilt. She knew that she was a hard person to deal with, but that didn’t take away the merit of her point.
“It doesn’t matter,” Adra decided quickly, brushing off the subject by pressing Thalassa’s arm to catch the girl’s attention. “I need to tell you something.”
And just like that, with a preoccupied nod from Thassie, she told her about what had happened at the store that afternoon: Damian Kolasi, his proposal, and the meeting next week. At Adra’s every word, the girl looked even more preoccupied.
“You aren’t really thinking of going, are you?” she asked immediately when Adra finished and widened her eyes when she saw her hesitating. “Adra!”
“Shh,” Adra hissed, recoiling while the looks turned to them again. Both of them got silent for a couple of seconds. “And yes, I’m thinking of going. It’s a unique chance, Thassie. I could be the first witch to study at Lethe’s. The chances I could have...”
“Of getting yourself killed?” Thassie filled in sharply. “Adra, of all the crazy, dangerous things you did in your life, to think of believing that demon...”
But she never got to finish what she had to say, because powerful knocks sounded throughout the saloon, making all of them turn to the frail wooden door which looked ready to give in. Eupraxia appeared to shine while bouncing towards the door and opening it, allowing a big group of demons dressed in graffiti black to enter the saloon, as disciplined as an army.
The first reaction was a complete stupor of shock and incredulity, which spread through all of them like storm clouds. The Royal Guard of Agraés was there, in a weekly meeting of witches at the saloon of a decrepit building that was falling apart.
“My brothers and sisters,” Eupraxia’s voice sounded louder. Adra perceived she was using the darkness to spread her voice to all corners of the room. “Don’t be disturbed by our current company. The Royal Guard is here because we have something to do.”
Tempers flared — as was to be expected — while the witches looked around with suspicion. None of them trusted the Royal Guard at all. Authorities were full of self-importance and thought they could do anything and not be held accountable, especially when it came to witches.
The worst thing about, it was that they were right: they could easily escape from any harm done to any of them.
Adra frowned when the Guard’s lead detective entered at last, his black hair shining in the soft lighting and his lips pressed tight together in dissatisfaction. She looked away, however, when his eyes scanned the room, analyzing it with his violet irises.
Whatever it was the motive of the Royal Guard’s officers at the Coven at that moment, Adra knew that it was going to end badly: a lot of demons, with their sense of superiority, against the witches and wizard, who were feeling defensive, ready to strike like trapped animals and feeling like their safe harbor was being invaded. It was the perfect combination for chaos.
“Explain why you brought the Royal Guard, Eupraxia,” ordered Spiridon Louganis, one of the few wizards who were part of the coven for more years than Adra had spent on Earth, his guttural voice impossible to ignore. 
Eupraxia didn’t seem bothered by the veiled reprimand in Spiridon’s words and smiled at her brother.
“The Royal Guard of Agraés asked for our help in the mystery of Aglie Kalliergei’s death, the girl who died at Lethe Academy a couple of weeks ago.”
Eupraxia didn’t seem sorrowful for the death of a young woman while smiling to the group in front of her, all those wizards and witches surrounded by officers that would kill them all without thinking twice over it for the slightest sign — made up or real, it didn’t matter — of a threat in their part. None of them dared to breathe too heavily and Adra felt Thalassa squeezing her hand tightly enough to hurt.
“And what can we do?” asked Spiridon, hesitant, but directed his questions to the leading detective instead of Eupraxia. Adra and the others were even more careful and the climate around them was so tense that even that cold underground room was starting to feel stuffy.
“We want to know if the young woman was really murdered like our centers of investigation and criminalistics seem to indicate, or if it was an accident,” said the detective with an unaltered voice, looking the wizard in the eyes without any expression, be it disgust or respect. Damian Kolasi’s words echoed in Adra’s memories. A stab wound in the middle of her ribs. It couldn't be an accident, not if Damian was telling the truth. And, judging by the underlying tension on the detective’s shoulders, he was.
Go to Chapter 3
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yourstruelyxo · 1 year
First fic ever on here and first post, omg accomplishment this was requested on my wattpad so 😍
paring: Rita Castillo x Reader
TW: Mild homophobia maybe idk, tell me if theres any pls 🫶😍
Dating the Rita Castillo is amazing. well not really dating, fooling around? yes, but still amazing. She was truly a wonderful woman. Always making sure I am perfectly fine and i'm living comfortably, but going behind her husbands back and constantly sneaking around was getting tiresome. I love her, but it feels like she doesn't love me as much. It's exhausting hearing her go on about how she'll leave her husband and that we're going to be properly together soon. Yet she never leaves him and she refuses to be seen with me in public. "Rita, you know i love you right?" I asked her, "of course i do love, why would I need to speculate about how much you love me?" she says like she'd been surprised. "It just that i feel like you don't love me and i know you do but, you don't want to see me out in public and you've not left that absolute bastard of a man yet, so i feel as though you love me less then i love you" i say with fear in my voice. " I love you, My dearest Y/N, I swear to you that I love you and will forever love you, but I still need time okay. I need more time" she says frustratedly. "Is three years not enough time, I can't keep doing this, Rita I want all of you, I want you to be mine, I don't want to have to share you with anyone else, i want you to want me like that, to get angered when i am to close to another person and want to show them i am yours" i say with indignation. "Well you won't have that, i'm fine sneaking around with you, that way i'll neve have to worry about someone else, that way your all mine and i know it" She said rising out of her seat and walking over to the mirror. "Oh look at the time, I best be going, but you won't care, because well your just fine with me going off to someone else, right? because i'm not going to be the only single women in the god awful town" I say while walking to the door. "wh-what NO Y/N, are you truly upset by this? What do you want me to do, Shout it from the rooftops, Scream that I am yours and you are mine, because i will not do such a thing, i love you but i will not" She said, i could her the anger in her voice, even if she was trying to hide it. "Well i'll be leaving" and with that I walked out. Refusing to acknowledge the shouting of my name as I left, saying goodbye to to Isabel and walking straight out the front door not looking back. I got to my apartment and broke down. I am in love with Rita and she can't even see me.
Rita's POV
I haven't talked to Y/N since our fight, if you can call it that. I feel horrible, i haven't been able to sleep since last week and every time I go to her apartment, she doesn't answer the door. I feel guilty for how I acted and I want her to know that i love her, but in this world it's hard, people stare, people will make a mockery out of me, but oh how I love her. So i'm going to meet the women for the garden club today and tell them the truth.
*time skip cause i quite literally have no idea what to put xx*
"Hello Ladies, How are you all?" I say, a series of i'm fines and i'm alright rung around the room. "This meeting is very important for me and someone else, but first of all i'd like to make it known that I have ended my marriage, but we all know it had ended years ago", in unison all the women nodded their heads knowingly, "I am in love with someone else." Gasps and whispers started among the women as i told them this information "Well who is it Rita?" I heard Joan ask from the back. "Well, please keep in mind that we are all human and we deserve love, happiness and yaddy yadda, so please keep an open mind when I tell you this information." i say, all of the women nodded "I am in love with Y/N Y/L/N", suddenly all the women erupted into a fit of laughter. "You're so very funny Rita, we all know that Y/N is, well you know different, but you seriously think we believe that you are, this has to be some kind of joke" one of the women said in the crowd. their laughter continued. "This is no joke, i am very much in love with this women and yes i am older and i know that i am also a women, but i love her ever so dearly, and i need her to know i would put everything on the line for her" i stated. That was it, some of the ladies looked as though i had punched them in the stomach others had pure disgust written on their faces. "I think it's best you leave Rita, we'll until you come to your sense about this" someone shouted. So I left, I got up and left, and i went and found my girl.
I was lying in bed, having not gone anywhere at all really during the past week, just in case i had seen her. When i heard loud banging against my door. "My love, please answer the door, please come out i need to see you" Rita's voice ran through my small apartment. God i missed her, but she had hurt me and i couldn't do this anymore. I swung the door open, "Rita i don't want to see you anymore, how can you not understand.." i stopped mid sentence, seeing her glassy brown eyes and disheveled makeup, my heart tore apart "Rita, what, what happened, are you okay?" I pulled her into my apartment, she grabbed my face and kissed me, our lips met and I melted, i had missed how her lips felt on mine, how i became putty in her hand when she touched me. she pulled away from me and said "I told them, the women at the garden club, I told them I loved you and well their probably telling their husbands and neighbours, i'll be the laughing stock of the town, but I did it for you, for us" the words came out of her mouth in a hurry "Rita, my dear Rita, you shouldn't have it's your reputation, everything you've built, i'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you choose" I say. "No, I did this because i want you and i want all of you, better yet i want to be yours, all yours, i'm filling for divorce and I'll be yours forever, I don't care what anyone in this town says, as long as I have you, that's all I need." She says before she kisses me again. Now I know she loves me, she gave up everything for me, she wants me and I want her.
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Man, fuck Darkseid 😒. Do you have any idea how much it's going to cost Bruce to fix the Daily Planet 😠!?!
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fuckyeahisawthat · 2 years
Some OFMD episode 9 and 10 things that really hit but I’d kinda forgotten because they’re not the Big Ones:
- “I’m a strong reader/writer, so both, double threat.” I crack the fuck up every time. Lucius 18th century theater kid 4 lyfe
- Lucius reading so proudly and confidently and bravely from Stede’s journal...the journal that’s been a running joke this whole time...the journal they were trying so hard to throw overboard...the journal that damns Stede in one moment and saves him in another. Especially in relation to this post about the role of journals and diaries and personal correspondence in charting queer history...I will never not love that moment.
- Stede’s FACE when they’re all like “like a crew!”
- When they’re in line at the privateering academy and Stede says “so what’s the plan?” Oh my heart hurt. Because on some level Stede still expects The Legendary Blackbeard to be there with a plan for immediate escape. But Ed’s sick of making plans! (“So we make a plan and then we execute the plan and then we make another plan...”) He wants so desperately to stop!! (And yet he jumps right back into doing it again once it involves running away with Stede.)
- Stede reacting to Ed having shaved and folding socks. At this point we’re very used to seeing the narrative through Stede’s POV, but this really should have been a clue that something had gone seriously off the rails with the way Stede was thinking about this situation. Not only because Ed himself seems completely at peace with it, but because the narrative itself would never suggest that there’s something off or bad or wrong with a man presenting himself in a less traditionally masculine way and doing domestic, feminine tasks like folding clothes. Stede himself argues against that logic when they’re sewing the flags! It’s antithetical to everything the show is saying!
- All of this adding up to: Stede still doesn’t quite see how much being Blackbeard was weighing on Ed. We the audience are really the only ones who get the full picture. Would Ed ever have signed the Act of Grace if not for Stede? Probably not, because The Legendary Blackbeard doesn’t just surrender, and certainly not to the British of all people. But we see from the very beginning that Ed is desperately looking for a way to stop being Blackbeard, and the two options he’s come up with before now are (1) literal death and (2) stealing someone’s identity and living under a different mask for the rest of his life. Not bloody optimal! And...this is a way out. No, he probably would never have taken it on his own, but in doing it for Stede, he is able to do it for himself as well. (That’s the thing he likes about Stede, right? That Stede allows him to be a version of himself that he can’t be, that it’s not safe to be, around anyone else.) And when they’re at the privateering academy...he is so so fucking relieved. Not to have to maintain the persona, not to be in command, not to be responsible for a bunch of lives in constant high-stakes situations, to be able to think only about what makes Ed happy right now. He looks more relaxed and at peace and happy in episode 9 than at any other point in the show.
- When Stede arrives back at his house he’s not wearing shoes. Like yes I think he was having misgivings ever since they signed the Act of Grace and that’s why Chauncey’s speech was able to affect him the way it did, and I think he did make a choice not to go meet Ed at the dock...but also yeah he really did walk straight home overnight while in shock.
- How earnestly the talent show bit is played. Yes it looks ridiculous in contrast to how the episode ends but that whole scene is like...it would have been so easy to slide into a mockery or parody of the kind of atmosphere Stede cultivated on the ship but it’s played so sincerely and that’s very important.
- Izzy correcting the crew on Ed’s name and Ed saying “No, Izzy. Actually, I do want to be called Edward from now on.” (Also, asserting that when he’s in a supportive environment with the crew, then backpedaling to “Well, I am still Blackbeard” when he’s alone with Izzy.) I’d completely forgotten this line, but knowing how the episode ends, wow it made me flinch. We’ve talked about Ed putting the Blackbeard persona back on as a sort of symbolic forced detransition/going back in the closet, but what a way to put a fine point on it here. Also fUCK FUCK FUCK HE WAS SO FUCKING CLOSE HE ALMOST MADE IT OUT OKAY!!!!
- Stede’s big realization at the end: I still think he’s only got it figured out halfway. He’s figured out oh I’m in love with him. But I really think he still has no clue how much Ed loves him back, and thus how much he hurt him by leaving. He really thought he was leaving Ed for Ed’s own good, that he’d ruined him. And likewise I think he sees going to find Ed as something he’s doing for his own, Stede’s, happiness. Which it is! But he still has the self-worth of a wet paper towel. He doesn’t value himself at all, and so he can’t imagine being so important to another person that his absence would devastate them like that.
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sie-rui · 3 years
hii I absolutely love your blog! may I please request some mitsuya boyfriend headcanons thank you <3
❀ MITSUYA AS YOUR BOYFRIEND | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 mitsuya takashi 💿 gender neutral, second pov (you/your), fluff, boyfriend headcanon 📅 june 03, 2021 🔗 main
mitsuya takashi being the perfect gentleman boyfriend headcanon because we all deserve love
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☆ Mitsuya Takashi is the kind of boyfriend that your parents and siblings like. He gets along with your mom and would treat your siblings as if they were his own.
☆ Mitsuya isn’t materialistic so he doesn’t always gift you with presents. On your first date, he probably bought you flowers though along with a close-eyed smile which is a whole lot more beautiful than the flowers.
☆ He compliments you all the time and is an advocate of self-love.
☆ Mitsuya literally looks at you with stars in his eyes. His smile is soft and it’s as if he’s seeing you for the first time each and every time.
☆ He loves teaching you different things he knows well, from cooking, cleaning, and even knitting. You baked cookies once. You planned on putting icing on it but instead of ending on the cookies, the icing ended up sticking on your face and on the kitchen after a little ruffle.
☆ He'll cook for you. If he has extra time on his hands, he'll knit you gloves for the winter as well. You do the same.
☆ You would be close with his sisters, Mana and Luna. He loves you and he loves them as well. All he wants is to see the three of you get along together. If you have siblings then know that he’ll try to get them to get along with his sisters as well.
☆ Sometimes, Mitsuya wonders if he’d be overthrown from his “Best Sibling” throne since Mana and Luna is starting to get attached to you a tad too much.
☆ His mom is usually busy so you don’t meet her too much but she doesn’t quite mind you. In fact, she’s happy that Mitsuya has a life, has someone, outside his home-life and the Tokyo Manji.
☆ Speaking of Toman, Mitsuya prefers you to stay away from it. He acknowledges and he loves you but he really doesn’t want you close to anything close to illegal. It’s not that Toman is dangerous compared to other gangs but gangs are frowned upon and he wants you to live a happy and safe life.
☆ If anyone tries to attack you because of your relationship with him, Mitsuya will have it settled immediately.
☆ If anyone flirts with you or tries to ask you out, Mitsuya would make sure to kiss you in front of them or call you endearing nicknames to show that you’re taken. He would smile at the person but it’s not completely kind (more of a mixture of pity, pride, and mockery, not that he would admit it).
☆ Mitsuya cares for you and he shows it a lot. He pampers you but makes sure that he’s not being overbearing and is not suffocating you with love.
☆ He supports you but he also respects you so much to stand back and let you do what you want to do without his guidance since he knows that you’re capable enough to do it on your own.
☆ Escape room dates where he'll comfort you when you start getting anxious and frustrated.
☆ Anywhere is good for him as long as it makes you smile. He never wants to see sad tears from you because of him.
☆ Also, sharing ice cream !! He lets you pick the flavor. He has never been picky and he goes along with whatever you pick.
☆ Also study dates !!
☆ Mitsuya balances his home-life, school-life, Toman, and you well. It’s amazing really. This man has a perfect schedule and control of his life. So you’ll never feel left out :)
☆ He walks you home from classes, dates, or when you stay over at his place to watch over his sisters. It doesn’t matter that it’s late or he has somewhere to be, he. will. walk. you. home.
☆ You stayed over at his place before because of exhaustion in taking care of his sisters. Man lent you his clothes, tucked you into his bed and slept on the couch.
☆ Asks for permission to kiss you. Every. Single. Time.
☆ His kisses are soft and gentle and he loves holding your face while doing it.
☆ Has this adorable smile whenever you talk about something you’re passionate about. He’ll even go as far as educate himself about this so he can understand the terms you’re using.
☆ Mitsuya will love you and make you happy.
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softmafia · 3 years
Hisoka falls in love with Gon's sister reader whenever he saw her with gon going shopping at some mall.
I always love those fanfictions where Hisoka falls in love with somebody related to Gon. One of my favorite tropes. It’s like Gon’s sister starts dating somebody who literally wants to kill him and now every time he’s with his sister Hisoka is just there.
Gon’s Sister
(Stacy’s mom)
Warnings: Fem y/n, Hisoka being Hisoka, NSFW themes
For the sake of this oneshot, Ging will be around 42 because in Hunter x Hunter, Ging is 32(at least from my knowledge) so if we’re going by that logic, Ging would’ve been at least 14 when he had the Y/n in this fic; which is pretty weird. So even though Ging isn’t written in, I have to change his age so it makes sense.
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“Are you sure this is the place you buy your clothes at?” Y/n wondered, mockery evident in her tone, “These clothes seem a little too... big for you.” She says as her and her little brother stood in one of the kid’s stores. Gon fumed at the ears, his face reddening in embarrassment as he heard some of the employees of the store giggle behind them. “Y/n quit it!! Why can’t you just let me shop by myself!!”
Y/n threw her hands up and shrugged, “I would love too but what kind of sister would I be if I abandoned my baby brother?” She teased, relishing in her poor brother’s embarrassment. Killua is going to be here any minute!! Gon fretted, I have to get Y/n away or she’ll definitely humiliate me!! He could handle Killua’s banters, but both Y/n and Killua poking at him would be his death day.
Gon shifted his gaze to the mall’s fountain, which wasn’t far from the store they were currently in, there he saw his semi-acquaintance, Hisoka. Gon gulped, yes, this was going to be risky, but he knew his sister was strong enough to protect herself if anything happened. “Hey, Y/n!! Look!!” Gon grabbed her wrist and started dragging her, “I want you to meet somebody I met at the Hunter Exam!!” Y/n scoffed, thinking it was just going to be some other snot-nosed nerdy kid.
“Awww another one of your kindergarten friends-Oh! Hello~!!” Y/n was about to tease him until she was met with a broad chest and a perfectly chiseled and muscular body. Gon sighed in relief, knowing how his sister was, he could finally have some peace and spend time with Killua, who was just making his way around a far corner. Gon waved his hand as he ran away from Y/n and Hisoka, “I’ll see you later, goodbye!!” He called. Hisoka giggled as he watched Gon run off, his eyes quickly fixated on his sister, amazed by how gorgeous she was.
Y/n was eyeing up Hisoka hungrily, which made the taller man smirk, “Wow~ So you know my brother~?” Y/n said, her arms wrapped behind her back and her hips cocked to one side, enhancing her curves with her stance. Hisoka’s brows raised, “Oh~? Gon is your brother~? I never knew he had a sister~” Hisoka observed her, and her body, he couldn’t help but lick his lips as his eyes feasted on this delicious piece of eye candy. “Honestly I never knew I had a brother either! We met each other at Heaven’s Arena when the announcer introduced us with the same last name!” Y/n giggled, finally looking up at Hisoka’s face to admire his handsome features.
The aura that radiated off of Y/n was so intense, and it made Hisoka want to shiver in arousal, Gon had potential, but his sister was just immaculate, nothing he had ever experienced before. He knew in those few seconds she was to become a new toy for him, though having no desire to kill, he had so many urges to want to break her. “I’m actually a champion at the arena~ you should come and see me some time~” Hisoka flirted, engaging in the conversation. Y/n smiled and batted her eyes cheekily, “I just might~!”
“Might I say your arms are amazing~!” Hisoka noticed as his eyes glossed over her beautifully muscled, yet petite arms. Y/n blushed and flexed playfully, “Thank you~! I’ve beat up so many people with these~!” They both shared a laugh. I want her to show me her legs.. mm, not now Hisoka. The man chewed on his bottom lip eagerly as he examined Y/n even further, This fruit is ripe and ready to pluck~ I just have to wait for the perfect moment~. “So you took the Hunter Exam? That makes you a Hunter right?” Y/n pressed, then gave him a coy smirk, “Or were you not good enough, and got kicked out~?” She squinted. Fierce, she has a quick tongue, it’ll be fun to make her submit~ Hisoka grinned and raised an eyebrow, “Audacious aren’t we~?” He laughed, then closed his eyes gently, “Ah but I did pass~ I wasn’t so lucky last year though, I almost killed somebody~”
Y/n’s eyes lit up, this man had dangerous written all over him right down to the soul, and she loved that, “Oh wow!” She couldn’t hide the blush that was oh so evident on her dainty cheeks, “They must’ve been really lucky~” she winked at him, biting her bottom lip playfully. Hisoka couldn’t help but let out an aroused sigh, which he smoothly hid by forcing out a breathy laugh, “Hm~ I wouldn’t be so sure~” he stepped closer to her. Y/n smiled at first, but his bloodlust hit her, giving her a small sense of dread. Hisoka saw her shift of attitude in her eyes, which excited him even more, he gave her a devious grin.
Y/n gulped, “Uh.. I should probably go check on my brother and his friend, they must need money or something, I’ll uh.. talk to you later?” As soon as Y/n began to walk away she felt a cold hand grab her forearm and pull her back. She gasped as her back was pressed against Hisoka’s impressive chest, “Aw~ leaving so soon~? I never got the chance to properly introduce myself~” Y/n was shaking, her breaths were panicked and labored as she felt the magician’s breath trail from her temple, down to her earlobe, his teeth ever so slightly grazing against her skin.
“I’m the king of diamonds~ and every king needs his queen~”
Y/n’s eyes shift to her chest, her face flushed with fear as she saw Hisoka’s fingers delicately dragging a card against her cleavage,
the queen of hearts.
I want you all to take a shot every time one of my fics ends with a suspenseful sentence in italic font.🤠
Anyways I hope you enjoyed!! Kudos to the anon who requested!!
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Time And Time Again
Dream x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Romance, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Basically a rundown of some of the most recent cute moments brought to you by the most adorable will-they-won��t-they couple: Y/N and Dream.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your wonderful request, it really made my day when I received it! I hope I captured what you wanted and what you had in mind in the fic and I hope you enjoy the read! This is my first time writing for Dream so I hope I don’t mess it up hehe. Love, Vy ❤
“I don’t wanna go in the cave!“ Y/N squeals in terror when she realizes that in order to make progress in the game and continue moving onward with the story, she has to walk Blake through the dark, dingy and danger-ridden cave in Outlast 2. The gang’s all there with her on a Discord call to keep her company, knowing she’s a scaredy cat underneath that tough girl exterior. And being the scaredy cat she is while also having a preference for horror games has made Friday nights very interesting for her and her friends: her, Clay, George and Sapnap sit on a Discord server while she streams whatever horror game she had planned for the evening to her close to her thousands of viewers. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N! I’ll come with you, imma hold your hand the whole time.“ Clay volunteers wholeheartedly without a second to waste.
Much to his disappointment, however, Y/N’s reply to that is: “Not until you go wash off all that cheeto dust that’s all over your fingers.“
Clay gasps dramatically, “How DARE you? I offer you help and comfort and this is the thanks I get? I hope one of those heretics in teaches you a lesson!”
While the pair are now in a full-on ‘heated’ dispute on their manners and politeness, bringing back things they did wrong as far back as three years ago, George and Sapnap are just connecting the dots silently.
“Wait, Y/N...“ George is the one to finally speak up, “How’d you know he’s eating cheetos?”
Taking a momentary break from the bickering, Y/N reassumes her more sweet tone of voice as he addresses him, “He freaking raided my cabinets and has eaten all my snacks already! He’s only been here for two hours, damn it!”
“Don’t make it sound like I inhaled a mountain of snacks in two hours! You literally had only two bags of snacks - meant for one person, mind you!“ Clay argues back, neither him nor Y/N realizing that this accidental outing will send their fandoms in a fit.
Of course, people hang out at their friends’ all the time, nothing weird there. This wouldn’t have been such a big deal to anyone if Sapnap didn’t say:
“How come Clay has the privilege of coming over to place and George and I don’t?“
Oh boy...
                                                             *  *  *
“Hi everyone! I know you guys couldn’t care less for an intro so Imma get right into it...“ Y/N says, all seemingly in one breath, “You see this masked man next to me? This tree of a man right here? Yes? Good, well judging by that poorly made cardboard mask he’s wearing - curtsey of yours truly - you probably already know who he is. If not, meet Dream, aka Clay, aka the raincloud above my parade.“
That specific laugh echoes throughout the room as the said tree-of-a-man wraps an arm around the significantly smaller girl’s shoulders, pulling her closer till their sides collide, “She loves me, trust me, she does.”
“Only when you bring me food though.“ She corrects him, wiggling his shoulders to see if she could set herself free from his grip but relaxing in his embrace when she realizes she won’t be going anywhere unless he willingly lets her go.
Clay tilts his head to the side to look at her through the holes poked into the mask before lifting his free arm to reveal the plastic bag he’s been holding all this time. “Oh, well then I wonder what I’ve got over here...”
“Oh my God, Panda Express! You’re the best, Clay.“ She squeals, grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie and pulling him down while she simultaneously pushes up on her toes to place a kiss on his cheek which is a tiny bit exposed to her between the mask and the hood he’s got over his head.
Before the man could even recover, he finds himself empty handed, having lost the girl and having lost the bag of food to the girl.
That kiss was worth it though.
                                                             *  *  *
“Ok, so I’ve seen this ‘my girlfriend does my makeup’ challenge going around and since I’m single as all hell, I got my best friend Y/N here to do my makeup.“ Clay points to Y/N who’s holding a makeup bag in one hand and is giving him a very disappointed look, “Judging by the look on her face, she’s not at all impressed but I promise to make her a bit more excited to be here in editing.“
“Of course I’m unimpressed, this is the troll video of troll videos!“ She complains, throwing her arms up, “Sure I’ll do your makeup and get a kick out of it myself but none of them will see it!“ She points to the camera, “None of them will know what amazing makeup artist skills I’ve got.“
This leaves Clay speechless for a moment, uncertain of how to reply to her statement before just deciding to say: “Well, at least you’ll be getting a kick out of it, that’s all that matters to me.”
“Aww...“ Y/N bats her eyelashes at the camera as her bottom lip forms an emotional pout, “Please don’t be so sweet to me after I just verbally kicked your ass. You always do that and make me feel like the meanest person in the world.“
“Aww Y/N, I’m so sorry.“ He says, sounding genuinely apologetic as he wraps his arms around the girl that’s tiny in comparison to him, bringing her closer to him with his tight hug.
                                                             *  *  *
“Hey Clay, I bought lunch on the way so I hope you’re-” Walking into her friend’s recording room abruptly, Y/N finds herself face to face with his webcam, the light next to which is glowing, suggesting the device is on and she’s currently on the screens of the thousands of people watching Dream’s stream. His mask is on - the one she made for him - of course, but she can still feel the aura of him smiling, relieving her of the worry that he’ll be irritated by her walking in like that - unannounced and without knocking. To be fair, they never announced to one another when they’d be stopping by and by this point in their friendship they have also stopped knocking too. “You’re streaming, huh?”
“Yup!“ The word is said in such a teasing manner she almost allows herself to blush, “What you got there tho?“
“Chipotle.“ She answers shortly, “And I’m starving so can we please turn your stream into a Mukbang?“ She furrows her brows as she inspects what’s on his computer screen, looking at a comment section instead of the usual screen of a game she’s used to seeing. “What are you doing, anyway?“
Looking back at his screen for a brief moment before turning back to her, Clay replies, “Oh, just reading mean comments, as one does to boost their self-esteem.”
The flash of anger he sees on Y/N’s face is most certainly not what he was inspecting to see. Mockery, yes. Humor, yes. Faux sympathy followed by some mean comments of her own, definitely. But he anger he did not see coming at all.
“Who’s talking shit about you? I’ll end them!“ Putting the plastic bag of delicious food aside, forgetting all about it in the process, Y/N grabs a chair and drags it over next to Clay’s so she too can look at his screen.
And that boy has never felt so much adoration for his best friend. Their fans - and especially their shippers - would’ve lost it if they had been able to see the look he was giving her.
                                                             *  *  *
(back to the ‘girlfriend/best friend does my makeup vid’)
“Ok, so what kind of look do you want me to give you?“ Y/N asks as she sits down on the stool in front of Clay, her makeup products placed on the dining table which is to her right.
“You ask me as though I know what I want.“ Clay laughs, the sticker of his mask floating above his face, following his movements as to keep his features hidden, “Just do the look you do on yourself everyday. It looks really cute on you, who knows, I might be able to pull it off too.“
“Sure thing.“ She smiles at her friend’s compliment, “Just stand still, ok?“
“Yes, ma’am.“
                                                            *  *  *
“Y/N, no! Stop!“ Clay warns her via the Discord call while the two are streaming Minecraft together alone for once, “Not another word!“
“But I really do feel bad!“ Y/N whines in response, “Why don’t you allow me to apologize?“
“Because there’s nothing to apologize for!“ He says, clearly done with the conversation, “I willingly gave you my jacket, you didn’t ask for it.“
“And now you’ve got a cold because of it!“ She continues arguing her case, “The least I can do is come over to take care of you.“
“I don’t need a pity nurse, thank you very much.“ Clay bites back, “But your company would be nice. Though I don’t want you to catch whatever cold I have.“
“I’d catch any cold for you, Clay.“ She replies teasingly - with a ton of honesty underneath that teasing.
Honesty both her and Clay are aware of. As well as the mob of people watching their streams right now.
                                                             ~  ~  ~ And so the snowball effect continues with little moments sprinkled throughout their online presences that make the snowball of shipping get bigger and bigger. Every now and then, both Y/N and Clay let little bits of their true adoration and admiration for the other slip through. And time and time again do those moments send their fans in a frenzy. 
Rightfully so.
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docockbrainrot · 3 years
i think i want you (to leave)
Summary: We’re all running from something. Sometimes, metaphorically. Sometimes, literally. Literally running, from the very strangely hypnotizing supervillain that seems hellbent on ruining every bit of your life he can get all eight of his limbs on.
Pairing: Doc Ock X Reader/ Otto Octavius X Reader
Content: Slow Burn, NSFW eventually, 18+
AO3 link here.
Previous Chapter
Chapter 5
anathema// former vandal
The next several days are an uneventful blur. You barely leave your apartment, except for brief dog walks and grabbing food from the bodega across the street.
It’s 9 pm on Saturday and you’re fresh out of the shower, tucked away in a very fuzzy robe, lounging on the couch and watching YouTube on your television. You almost miss the subtle taptaptaptap sound coming from your window, you're so engrossed in the cooking show you’ve been binging. Gotta fill the void somehow, right?
You can’t see anything outside from where you’re sitting. The lights are on and make it impossible to peer through the reflections on the glass. Maybe it’s a bird. Or a branch is caught on the fire escape. Either way, you certainly can’t be assed to check it out and you take another sip of your chamomile tea- you’ve been trying everything under the sun, just about short of literally snorting lines of melatonin, to try to sleep better at night. Nothing’s been working. But you have been making a very valiant effort.
A few moments go by and you forget all about the window disturbance until,
It’s jarring. It’s loud. Above all else, it’s annoying. Chekov spares you a look, like you’re the one making a racket. Effectively exasperated, you make an effort to set, not slam, down your mug, feeling decidedly not Calm and Relaxed as the tea promised. Suppose it’s not miracle shit though, is it? You would not be a good candidate for a horror movie because you fearlessly storm over to the window and throw it open (it wasn’t locked in the first place; you’re quite terrible at remembering to). You stick your head out and glower at whatever irritating mischief is happening out here, ready to rip the fire escape off the side of the brick building.
You’re greeted by something cold and hard (and indubiously metal, judging by how it felt against your sternum) shoving you back into your apartment, sending you sprawling unceremoniously to the hardwood floor. A string of profanities ready to leave your tongue, you sit up and adjust your robe in an attempt to preserve a modicum of your modesty. The rant dies in your throat as red eyed claws grip the threshold of your pre-war window and it’s almost comical the way He maneuvers himself in, far too large to be making these sorts of entrances. Standing up to his full height before you while you’re still sitting dumbfounded on the floor reminds you of just how impressively built he is. You manage to pick your jaw up, but your ass remains firmly planted on the wood.
“Uh… you could have just used the buzzer, dude. I have a front door, you know,” you sputter out, brain blitzing in pretty much every way possible. Your thoughts are racing and eventually they settle on the most important thing you can think to ask in that moment: “... Why aren’t you wearing a shirt.” You can't help the way your eyes are drawn to his broad chest, gaze lingering on the vast scarring that spills out from the metal contraption clamped around his midsection.
Otto very graciously closes the window behind himself. Or at least his little robot accomplices do it for him. You still aren’t sure what’s going on with that- the whole AI thing. Not even a blip on your radar of concerns at this point. “Didn’t want anyone to see me come in. Your building has a camera on the front, facing the street.”
“That’s why you’re shirtless?” You ask dumbly. Interesting method of camouflage. “What? No- what? It doesn’t matter- listen to me. I need you to do something for me. A small favor.”
He doesn’t seem to notice the compromised position he put you in. Typical. Gathering up your broken pride, you get up and tighten the tie of your robe a bit. It isn’t until then that he has the decency to look a smidge embarrassed and you hope you didn't just give him a free show on your way to getting to your feet. “You literally just broke into my apartment and now you’re asking for a favor? We barely know each other!”
“Less complicated when there's nothing personal involved yet, plus- you let me in,” he corrects you. You wish he would stop doing that. You wish he would stop meeting with you like this, under weird and mysterious circumstances. Even though it's only been like twice. You're already over it.
“You threw me across the room!”
Otto does not apologize and you did not sincerely expect him to. The look on his face reads more like the cat that got the canary than regretful. You feel as though you’ve come to recognize that expression on his face and you also feel as though you don’t much like the fact that you’ve enough encounters with this man that you can recognize a damn thing about him. “What… could you possibly need me to do for you? I am not robbing a bank.” You just want to get that out into the open as soon as possible.
“I don’t need your help robbing a bank,” he snorts as if the idea is preposterous and you take a moment to feel insulted. Wow. Okay. You could totally rob a bank if you wanted to. Deciding to not comment on your wounded ego, you let him get to the point. Otto pulls something out of his inner coat pocket. It's some kind of rolled up paper and you think at first maybe it's a newspaper or magazine. He unfurls it onto the coffee table and holds it open with two metal claws on either side so it doesn't ravel itself back up.
You realize it's a blueprint. "This is… Oscorp," you point out stupidly, brow furrowing in confusion. There's levels to what's happening here. Layers upon layers, melding together with rot and decay and you can all but smell it. But there's something missing, something that would tie all of the wackjob shit that's been happening to you and around you together. It feels like when you have a very particular thought and then walking into another room makes it dissolve from your head. You're trying to grasp for it, to fit the puzzle pieces together, but it's just out of reach.
"Yes. It is. I have a small task I need you to do," Otto starts off, metal phalanges pushing his glasses up onto the top of his head as he looks over at you. For the first time, you can see his eyes in the light. The warm amber feels like a mockery- you have seen his cruelty in action.
"Where did you get this?"
"Does it matter?" Of course he'd say that.
Your fingertips brush against the metaphorical wayward chain link. It's right there. You just have to grab it and pull it back to you, like the anchor of a ship before it can set sail.
He's talking. You aren't listening. He's tracing a finger over the schematics. You don't see it. Realization washes over you in a heart-dropping tsunami. The voicemail you got from Oscorp plays like a broken record in your mind. 'Hello, Y/N. We're calling in regards to your employment status here at Oscorp. Unfortunately, due to a breach of security, we are having to make staffing cuts and are going to have to let you go. We appreciate your time and effort and wish you the best of luck in your next endeavor.' It didn't make sense at the time. A lot of things didn't. You replay the scene of poor David, desperately pleading for his life at the hands of the man hunched over here, just in your living room. You mentally re-run it over and over like bad 80s sitcoms on late night television.
"Lab Coat Guy…"
You don't realize you whispered it out loud until Otto goes silent.
You slowly look at him and take a single step backwards, shaking your head. The company embroidered on David's lab coat hadn't been clear to you in the moment- but it's crystal in hindsight. Oscorp. "You got me fired." Your tone is flat, until anger flashes through you, like a streak of lightning through a dark, moonless sky, illuminating all of things that didn’t make sense before.
"It doesn't matter. What I need you to do-" He's so nonchalant, so blasé that it only stokes the embers of frustration until there's a roaring blaze burning beneath your skin. It's all about him, what he needs, what he wants. He has the nerve, the audacity, to keep traipsing into your life, kicking you while you're down and then ask for favors? You want to say all of that to him but unfortunately for you, you're an angry crier. Your outburst of bravery at him the last time you saw each other had surprised even you- but now there's so much more emotion roiling around inside you.
"No. No, no. Fuck you. You got me fired! I can't- I can't not have a job, I have to pay rent! You could get me arrested for just talking to you!" Oscorp had you canned to tie up any potential loose ends before anymore Davids could slip through the cracks. You think about how scared the poor dude must have been, threatened into stealing blueprints from the biggest corporation in the city, for one of the most infamous criminals. You don't know how they found out you were even remotely involved and you don't want to know.
Tears are streaming down your cheeks and once the floodgates have opened you're very familiar with how long it's going to take to close them again. After all you've been bottling this up since you found out, too disappointed to even tell any of your friends or family.
Otto appears taken aback, to say the least. He even looks like he's at a loss for words; that's a first. You know he could kill you where you stand in the blink of an eye, but in that moment you don’t even care. You’ve been trying so hard for so long to get on your feet, to do things for yourself and get away from the past. You moved across the country, you left everything behind, you got a damn dog. It seems like every time you manage to take a step forward in life, you’re knocked flat on your ass, apparently literally sometimes. It isn’t fair. Things don’t come easily to you, you’ve always had to work for them. You aren’t wealthy, you aren’t a supergenius, you’re just… you. The job at Oscorp was good money and you really felt like you were getting your shit together for a while.
“They’re not who you think they are,” he says finally, so calmly, with such carefulness about his words, that you sniffle pathetically and look up at him. He doesn’t look nearly as pleased with himself as you thought he might. And here you’ve been, under the impression that he gets off on hurting people. “Oscorp. I’m not… I’m not just doing this for me. You have to understand that.”
The schematics are furled up and tucked away. You make the mistake of meeting his eyes. Maybe it’s just the tears that blur your vision, but you swear you see a softness there before they’re hidden away again by his glasses.
He lingers at the window.
“I hope you’ll reconsider.” And then he was making his exit, even taking care to gently close the window on the way out. But he raps on the glass with his knuckles from where he stands on the fire escape and you know the look of confusion on your tear-streaked face speaks for itself. Otto points to the latches on the window. ‘Lock it.’ He mouths before he’s gone, presumably to wreak havoc and harass other unsuspecting young women that don’t want anything to do with him.
You thought everything had come together- but the more sense you make of it, the less you seem sure of the bigger picture. You aren't even sure exactly what he wanted you to do.
You’re left with an endless bounty of questions, and not enough answers to satisfy any of them.
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reluctanx · 3 years
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𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙍𝘼𝘾𝙏𝙀𝙍𝙎 𝙄𝙉𝘾𝙇𝙐𝘿𝙀𝘿: neito monoma, itsuka kendo, sen kaibara, ibara shiozaki, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, reiko yanagi, setsuna tokage
𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂 (𝙎) : n/a [?]
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-Neito Monoma
!! 🧺 | he’s actually very sweet, just a bit playful with you
!! 🧺 | he cracks joke just to make you laugh because your smile means EVERYTHING to him
!! 🧺 | i’m pretty sure he’s a nerd at color theory and would ALWAYS point out how beautiful your eyes are. even if it has a darker shade, he just knows that it’s a beautiful color that he loves so much
!! 🧺 | he doesn’t let other people touch his bunnies besides kendo, you may also be the exception
!! 🧺 | overly dramatic because he knows you can’t possibly, truly handle his bullshit
!! 🧺 | his teenager crush on you is so adorable, because he’s always in denial. or refuses to admit he have a crush on you
!! 🧺 | seeing that you’re not comparing him to a villain because of his quirk, wether it’s a joke or not. you automatically gain a part of his trust and respect. deadass
!! 🧺 | he bullies people for a reason, and you better deal with that
!! 🧺 | very argumentative, trying to fight with him with controversial topics is useless
!! 🧺 | LET. HIM. TOUCH. YO. HAIR………. pls
!! 🧺 | even if he tries, he can’t keep up late at night. HE WILL fall asleep, so sometimes you’ll be left on read accidentally-
!! 🧺 | when texting… he’s a total different person omg
!! 🧺 | no because if your seat is next to his, he will pass you the answers for the math exam.. (don’t lie, i know you’re a total dogshit at this subject. )
!! 🧺 | he’s a real big fan of Vlad king so you better be prepared seeing some of his merch in his closet
!! 🧺 | seeing you in his clothes makes him feel weird. he’ll try to make fun of you but he’s just really flustered to look at cha’ i swear
!! 🧺 | it’s rare to see him swear, so when he do so.. dear god..
!! 🧺 | “you love me o’ sooo much it makes you look stupid.”
!! 🧺 | “don’t tell kendo about this, but i like you. for real.”
!! 🧺 | pronouns first with this man, pronouns = priority, pronouns respected. period.
!! 🧺 | he would be such a simp for you..
!! 🧺 | not obsessive or possesive, per se just jealous in a healthy way
!! 🧺 | “i’m literally a low quality version of bakugo.”
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-Itsuka Kendo
!! 🧸 | she acts like your big sister sometimes.
!! 🧸 | she’s so shy and intimidated when she gets to date you bro..
!! 🧸 | your hero name? your hero costume? gives no shit, she find everything about you AMAZING.
!! 🧸 | you’re the little spoon, don’t prove me wrong, you’re the little spoon
!! 🧸 | she finds you so cute (especially if you have chubby cheeks, cause like uuuUhhh…)
!! 🧸 | she dresses you up when ya’ll get a girl days
!! 🧸 | she doesn’t know how to cook, depending on your cooking skills; either you get to cook or ya’ll order sum shit idk
!! 🧸 | she have a whole romantic cottagecore playlist dedicated for you whenever she thinks about you i swear.
!! 🧸 | you participates in her activity of : “knocking-down-neito-whenever-hes-been-an-ass”
!! 🧸 | can’t even afford to scold you the first time ya’ll meet, you’re so beautiful *sob sob*
!! 🧸 | if you’re in a social group space, you’re her favourite person, ya’ll are the duo of the friend group
!! 🧸 | “can’t sleep? that’s okay me too.”
!! 🧸 | picky, very picky eater. ya’ll may have trouble ordering something.
!! 🧸 | you’re the ticklish person, she’s the tickler. if you’re not, she’ll helplessly try to tickle you..-
!! 🧸 | “SPIDER, SPIDER!!”
!! 🧸 | your luck booster, i stg
!! 🧸 | she likes seeing you with fake cat ears, you look so adorable in her perspective
!! 🧸 | fast typer when texting.
!! 🧸 | you’re her angel, you are.
!! 🧸 | wants to be a make-up artist somedays.. so you better be ready and prepare to be a mannequin.
!! 🧸 | “you’re so weird *faces you* you’re so weird.”
!! 🧸 | she wants to be a princess, your princess
!! 🧸 | “why are you so pretty 🥺’
!! 🧸 | cottagecore lesbians :)
!! 🧸 | holding your hands + kisses + pecks on the lips, physical affection <<<<<<<<
!! 🧸 | gives you her stuffies, trust me she have LOADS of stuffies
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Sen Kaibara
!! 📢 | you don’t understand, the amount of love he holds for you is HUGE!
!! 📢 | fairly confident when he’s fighting by your side, you give him confidence..
!! 📢 | bad habits to compare your beauty with his
!! 📢 | trying to make him blush? oh honey, you don’t have to try once you have a relationship with him..
!! 📢 | his smile <<<<<<<<<<<<<
!! 📢 | usually quiet but tends to be talkative ONLY to you
!! 📢 | his heart beats faster and faster when you get close to him, but his face says 😐
!! 📢 | “kiss me already, dummy”
!! 📢 | really likes anime actually, ya’ll watch animes or read mangas sometimes :)
!! 📢 | *strokes strokes, scrubs scrubs your hair gently*
!! 📢 | thinks you look so cute in his clothes but doesn’t mention it
!! 📢 | secretly tries to get one of the things you crave for (an item, celebrity’s autograph idk sum shit)
!! 📢 | mockery against you? not on his watch.
!! 📢 | his love language is physical touch *sobs sobs*
!! 📢 | rubs your hand gently to calm you down when you feel anxious
!! 📢 | old times french love songs of edith piaf is his jam..
!! 📢 | hopeless romantic :c
!! 📢 | insecure? not on his watch,
!! 📢 | gives you his juice box to you and only to you
!! 📢 | you’re his first kiss
!! 📢 | the type to put your hair behind your ears
!! 📢 | “you’re my everything..”
!! 📢 | loves to feel euphoric, you make him euphoric
!! 📢 | you get the blower during summer lmao
!! 📢 | buys you loads of icecreams during summer
!! 📢 | go to the heater side during winter, right now, right here.
!! 📢 | everything you ask somethinh, he’ll answer instantly
!! 📢 | want something? dont worry, sen gotchu’
!! 📢 | SIMP
!! 📢 | wants to be someone truly meaningful to you
!! 📢 | you make him feel special for doing literally nothing
!! 📢 | he loves you, so so much.
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Ibara Shiozaki
!! 🌱| literally the momo yaoyorazu of class 1-b but more theatrical
!! 🌱| you kinda just already knew that she have a preference for girls
!! 🌱| “mo- mother nature? what kind of silly things are you spouting out of that mouth of yours…”
!! 🌱| you are literally babied by her
!! 🌱| good baker and easily make your favorite dish/dessert
!! 🌱| you’re her top priority, and she carefully pays attention to you. deadass, she’s the type to wipe your mouth with her favorite tissue while she’s talking about a serious matter with her teamates bro
!! 🌱| she’s such a nerd in the rom-com industry, and gets pretty shy when you proceed to do something that is similar to a scene about one of her few rom-com movies. (ex: kadebon)
!! 🌱| she laughs so easily..
!! 🌱| “you’re so precious.”
!! 🌱| she showed all the symptoms of “crushing” back then, and you already knew that.
!! 🌱| everytime you hype her up, she smiles widely
!! 🌱| she’s so gift giving, she can’t leave you without giving you a gift first
!! 🌱| all the gifts you gave her stays safe and sound in her room
!! 🌱| “i might never be your hero, but i’ll be the winner of your heart.”
!! 🌱| she wants you to wear her clothes so ya’ll can match :)
!! 🌱| she’s quite wealthy, so she buys you some expensive gifts that reminds her of you
!! 🌱| always wrap her arms around you everywhere
!! 🌱| teases you but a lot
!! 🌱| she likes to do gardening stuff with you
!! 🌱| full knowledge on plants, every flowers she offers you was because of a characteristic that reminds her of you
!! 🌱| her efforts to be committed in your relationship is so visible
!! 🌱| always slips a little ‘I love you” everydays
!! 🌱| your love, affection and attention is enough to repay her for her consistent efforts.
!! 🌱| gets easily jealous but tries to hide it, but you obviously can tell due to her uncontrollable blush
!! 🌱| as she is so gift giving, you’ll try to argue with her saying she doesn’t need to give her this much gifts
!! 🌱| she gets overwhelmed when you make out of an exam/mission
!! 🌱| loves to give you a head massage while reading a book
!! 🌱| come and stargaze with her >:|
!! 🌱| kisses the back of your hand
!! 🌱| show you off when she have the chance to
!! 🌱| compared to what you may have assumed, she puts a lot of trust in her words when showin’ you off.
!! 🌱| “everyday and everynight, you make me happy just by thinking of your silly little face.”
!! 🌱| she felt insecure about her hair, so the fact that you had he audacity to pet her head made her fall inlove with you.
!! 🌱| gets genuinely confused when you laugh at her dramatic behavior
!! 🌱| her humor is kinda bad, so she may laugh at the stupidest thing ever
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Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
!! 🦈| oh boy, everything would be so wild with him
!! 🦈| you cannot leave the room without giving him a hug first
!! 🦈| awkward, like really
!! 🦈| “you’re the most coolest— beautifulest—…uuh.. person!”
!! 🦈| doesn’t academically succeed a lot, but puts a lot of efforts in his works. every praises you give him makes him smile
!! 🦈| makes you laugh without him knowing
!! 🦈| please, he probably starts to laugh when you start talking too fast because he doesn’t understand-
!! 🦈| in summer, he turns his arms into steel so you can grip against it (since steel is usually cold)
!! 🦈| probably have adhd
!! 🦈| loves to caress your cheeks
!! 🦈| sometimes kisses your little fingers for fun
!! 🦈| buddies to lover trope :D
!! 🦈| uses kaomoji than emojis
!! 🦈| his favorite song is teenage dirtbag
!! 🦈| he requires a good listener as his s/o, because he is a very talkative person and bring numerous topics and persons at the same time when talking to him
!! 🦈| “you’re extra-beautiful..”
!! 🦈| offers a fish related plushie
!! 🦈| shows off his abs for you
!! 🦈| two dumb hoes doing shit trope
!! 🦈| “you kinda remind me of an otter..?
!! 🦈| “wanna be a teenage dirtbag with me?”
!! 🦈| he calls you the popular girl of the school for a reason.. 😭
!! 🦈| calls you tetsutetsu junior when you wear his clothes
!! 🦈| openly admit that ya’ll are in a relationship to everyone
!! 🦈| is actually ticklish himself-
!! 🦈| loves to kiss your forehead
!! 🦈| loves to point out how cute you are
!! 🦈| definitely introduces you to fatgum and kirishima
!! 🦈| he can’t really came up with a petname.. so he’ll give you stupid ones
!! 🦈| as you can tell, he’s clearly not experienced but he tries, for you :)
!! 🦈| okay but power couple
!! 🦈| “if you steal the blankets, i am about to put my cold feets on you.”
!! 🦈| gets out of hands when he’s too excited
!! 🦈| gives you back hugs when you’re not feeling well
!! 🦈| best caregiver 🥺
!! 🦈| adores you
!! 🦈| play games with you :)
!! 🦈| sends you stupid note under the door whenever you’re taking a shit-
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Reiko Yanagi
!! 👻|| you managed to get on her soft side when you told her that she wasn’t weird in any ways
!! 👻|| very quiet and patient with you
!! 👻|| really doesn’t wish to disturb or scare you, but she can’t let go of you — you were so nice
!! 👻|| when you tease her.. she’s a blushing mess
!! 👻|| you’re the only person she hangs most of her time with
!! 👻||she thinks that you’re so, so cool.
!! 👻|| doesn’t know how to react to all of your compliments, just knows how to cuddle
!! 👻|| she makes you listen to her favorite genre of music
!! 👻|| she tries her best to make your relationship with her dynamic as possible!
!! 👻|| with that say, praising is one of her top quality
!! 👻|| as much as she doesn’t know how to handle your praise, she can slap you back with her
!! 👻||”hey.. how abour we kiss? uh- um.. if- if you want to.”
!! 👻|| is actually a good kisser-
!! 👻|| her only way to calm you down was to kiss you when you get overwhelmed
!! 👻|| reiko is a really good listener and would literally listen to your 5 hours long story as she stare at you the whole time
!! 👻|| when you mention that her bags were really cool… good job bro, now she loves you
!! 👻|| unexpectedly good in video games
!! 👻|| “w-whoa.. i didn’t expected you to wear my clothes..you look adorable..”
!! 👻|| gets truly passionate when talking about paranormal facts
!! 👻|| she loves to play with the strands of your hair
!! 👻|| quality time <<<<<<<<
!! 👻|| would always remind you how beautiful you are
!! 👻|| once you have her sweater wrapped around your body, it’s officially yours now because she says so
!! 👻|| soft spokesperson with you bro..
!! 👻|| seems more confident when texting
!! 👻|| she loves taking pictures of you
!! 👻|| she probably wanted to make you visit the beach during the sunset
!! 👻|| she’s so proud of you..
!! 👻|| “oh, you deserve all of the praises of the world.”
!! 👻|| can’t even look at you in the eyes,, you’re so CUTE!!
!! 👻|| never leave you alone, never will or would
!! 👻|| always grips on your shirt so that you don’t get to be lost in a mission
!! 👻|| regularly checks up on you
!! 👻|| gives you LOADS of snacks during lunch
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Setsuna Tokage
!! 🐊| literally takes you out everywhere on ya’ll date
!! 🐊| don’t be shy, skateboard with her
!! 🐊| literally asks to be partnered up with you during the sport festivals
!! 🐊| will do everything for you
!! 🐊| have a reptile pet, you’re the only person knowing about that
!! 🐊| “my sweet sweet pumpkin pie!”
!! 🐊| “let me kiss you until you can’t handle me anymore, darling.”
!! 🐊| she loves snuggling to your neck and leave soft kisses
!! 🐊| eyes contact is important
!! 🐊| you’re her favourite person
!! 🐊| ya’ll be ruining your sleep schedule for each other
!! 🐊| you guys always wear something that matches with the other (a hat, item, shirt.. etc.)
!! 🐊| setsuna announces her relationship with you to the class as if she proposed to you in a mariage
aight ya’ll, bye!
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124 notes · View notes
cher-writes · 4 years
Silver Screen / Silver Pole | Robert Sheehan x Reader (18+)
Summary: A night of celebration in a LA strip club takes an interesting and unexpected turn when a contrarian actor winds up offending the wrong stripper. But night is long and the possibilities are endless, where will it take them?
Word Count: 7.3k
CW: Mention of sexual harassment, Consensual slapping, NSFW smut
A/N: This one is surprisingly not bloody at all and the smut isn't wild either so like most everyone can read it. Although it's emotionally very heavy. So, get ready to feel some shit. Hopefully you'll enjoy.
Special thanks to @crisis-of-joy for being there for me the whole month I took to complete this emotionally taxing fic and also for being my kind beta reader & editor.
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Burning on it’s way down, the third glass of whiskey finally gave her some life she desperately needed. Deafening music throbbed throughout her veins, drowning the club in the background. She wanted to drown with it too but she couldn’t, she was there to work and rent for the month was already due. The fourth glass was on the verge of meeting with her bitter mouth when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t drink so much, you’ll trip on the stage,” Coco practically shouted in her ear. Coco was the only friend she had in that goddamn place and It wasn’t a very rare occurrence that Coco had to drag her blackout drunk body out of the club. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say she had a problem. Considering that she was already on her third strike of the month and the third drink of the night, Coco knew better than to let her get drunk this early.
 “I can’t stay here and be sober at the same time,” she shouted back at Coco, “especially after...nevermind,” but decided against talking about it and instead focused her energy on finishing the fourth glass, which was gone just as quickly as the words stopped coming out of her mouth.
 She could read the concern on Coco's face and sense the questions brewing behind it as Coco spoke up, “I want to know what the fuck is up with you but I have to go now, Caleb came home from school hours ago, it’s pretty late and I have to cook him dinner.”
“What happened to Larry? Can’t he take care of the kid? He’s fucking jobless anyway.”
“He got in a bad fight again. I can barely afford Caleb’s school fees and now the medical bills.”
“If only you had divorced him, you wouldn’t need to worry about it.”
“And if only you had been less violent towards customers, you wouldn’t be on the verge of getting fired. But, here we are.”
She furrowed her brows at this sudden sharp stab of truth by Coco and dealt with it the only way she knew how to, by ordering another drink. Coco crossed her arms letting out a deep sigh and said, “Look, I'm only trying to help you, (y/n). Sam wanted me to go up. You see that group seating in the fifth VIP booth? Up there. They are celebs and celebrating something so, ya know, good money. I said no cause, as I said I gotta go home, but I convinced him to let you go up there. It was hard given your recent less-than-favorable behavior, but I managed to.” Coco snatched the already empty glass from her hand and continued, “So stop drinking, go up there and get that money. And for the love of God, behave yourself or this might be your last night here.”
Giving her hand a quick but tight squeeze, Coco got up then soon after disappeared into the crowd. She thought to herself about how a last night there wouldn’t be so bad if she could afford it, and wanted another drink immediately to kill that thought, but Coco's words haunted her ears. She looked over her shoulder to see three men sitting in the booth, laughing.
Her head was in a violent swirl, vision blurry. She was way too drunk to be spinning around the pole, but she had an audience to entertain and had no one but herself to blame.
When you walked around your house wearin' my sky blue Lacoste, the song was thudding against her skull. Pulling herself together, she counted every second, waiting for the song to end. She could feel the eyes on her, sticking to every bit of her, just as invasive as it was the very first day yet, she couldn’t care less. She had to live through it if she wanted the money and she needed the money if she wanted to live. The room was dancing circles around her as the tips came flying in, she kept counting the seconds, sliding down the pole, and your knee socks.
She was swaying dangerously on her way down from the stage. If the song didn’t end when it did, she would have thrown up without a shadow of a doubt. At that point, she didn’t even know how or what she danced, only the awful sickness in her stomach let her know that it was more than she could take.
She needed to chat up the men, try and convince them to buy a champagne room before the next song came on, which she feared was way too soon for her liking. Nevertheless she tried to steady herself but the big glass platforms messed with her earnest efforts, nausea kicking her in the stomach once again, letting her know of her limits. 
She didn’t ever really look at the men who sat in front of her, leering at her, they all looked the same, smelt the same and talked the same. So she followed the same old routine, bending down just enough to give them a view up her tits. Pressing her arms closer, she slurred, “What are we celebrating, gentlemen?”
 She absolutely hated how she sounded pandering to men, two pitches higher. “My friend over here landed a role in a Spielberg film!” the middle one spoke up and pointed to the one sitting on the right side. The one in question grinned in response and repulsion licked the back of her neck at the sight of that. Yet she needed to please him, “That’s amazing! I’m sure I’ll be seeing your face on the billboards everyday now while driving,” she said and fantasized about having enough money to burn down all the billboards in LA and maybe LA with it too.
 “Hell yeah you will!” the one in the middle spoke up and broke her reverie so she pretended he was supporting her fantasy instead. “Oh please! Speak for yourself!” the one on the right perked up in his seat and continued, “He’s literally working with Fincher AND he got engaged!”. The one in the middle gave a revolting smirk at the very humble revelation of his accomplishment and it was enough to turn her stomach or maybe it was the alcohol, she couldn’t really decipher.
 “Oh really?” she looked at the man, tilted her head and said, “And you came to a stripclub to celebrate your engagement?”, her face deadpan. Notes of contempt stuck out like thorns from her voice, making her sound way more intense than she intended to.
 He tensed up visibly at her sudden razor-edged tone and, even though she didn't want to, she had to ease the situation. I can’t piss off these bastards again, she kept repeating to herself like a mantra. “Boys will be boys!” she said, not being able to think of something better that wasn’t inherently insulting, and laughed the most disgusting laugh of her life. If she could she would pour gasoline down her throat just for uttering those words.
 She couldn’t bear to linger at that conversation point anymore so she turned her attention to the man sitting on the far left. He looked distant and foreign, staring but not really looking at her. There was a peculiar absence behind his distinct green eyes, which she would even call beautiful under different circumstances. And that, something about that absence, made her want to zero in on him.
“And what about you? Did you win an Oscar or something?” mockery ringed clear in her voice, which brought his attention back to the presence. Startled slightly, he straightened his posture while saying, “No, not really... not yet at least,” he smiled sheepishly and continued, “I’m just here with them”.
“Come to think about it, I’ve never really seen you anywhere,” she said without thinking too much. In fact, she didn’t really pay enough attention to how he looked to recognize him even if she did. 
Something intense flashed his eyes for a brief second. She couldn’t quite put her fingers on what it was but she could feel the energy shift very quickly between them.
“Oh I’ve been in things but I’d be surprised if you did see any of them,” his voice now stripped of the delicacy it previously held. She could feel the air between them getting unusually heavy, his words penetrating through her skin a bit too effortlessly, a bit too swiftly that it was unsettling.   
“And why exactly would you be surprised?”
“You know...cause people like you don’t usually watch the kind of films I do.”
“What do you mean by ‘people like me?’”
“You know...people of your...stature,” he trailed off. Blood rushed the back of her neck as soon as the words hit her ears. She could feel her vision burning, a hot wave washed the crown of her skull, something unruly building at the base of her being. Clenching her jaw so as not to let it take over her, she said, “Stature huh? Fancy! I reckon from your accent that, wherever the hell you’re from, people get a kick out of looking down on others with such wispy language.”
 She could sense the same unruly substance dancing behind his chest, but he was far better at keeping it on a leash.
“I wasn’t looking down upon you. What I was merely getting at is that some people aren’t cut for apprehending particular types of films,” he sounded snarky but calm, the type of calm that’s tainted with scorn, which only sent ripples of rage down her ribs.
  “Oh so you think just because I’m a stripper by profession that I wouldn’t understand your low-budget dumb indie movies?” she was getting visibly worked up now. Traces of her seductive posture vanished long ago but there was a new hostile energy flowing through her stance.
“I didn’t say that -”
“No, of course you didn’t say that, you only meant that. You meant what you think and every one of you think that we aren’t people with brains and emotions. No, no, we’re just sacks of meat to ogle at in exchange of money, and then grope when you can’t keep it in your pants.”
“I think you're trying to put words in my mouth, this is -”
“God! you think you’re fucking better than me, don’t you? You contrarian little shit!” she could feel it in her bones. She knew what was coming. There were people behind, or maybe beside, her, trying to talk to her, probably. She could hear no one, not even the previously unbearable blaring music. She had tunnel vision and it was fixed on him. The air she breathed chafed her nose. Her nerves thumped as her heart leapt at irregular rapid intervals.
  “Excuse me! but i neve -” he said as his body went alert. Posture anticipating something violent, flight or fight.
  “You think you're better than me because I'm a stripper and you got enough money to buy me?” her voice was icy as she spoke, “You LA people are all the fucking same. You get a little money in your pockets and you think you own the world and anyone who isn’t jerking off to your pretentious bullshit isn’t worthy enough to deserve basic fucking decency. Huh is that it?” she quickly jumped on top of him, straddling him.
He was frozen under her as she leaned in and murmured, “Well then allow me to show you”, she pulled away, her left hand clutching his shoulder as right fist rose the air, “HOW FUCKING BETTER THAN ME YOU ARE!” then her fist crashed on the side of his mouth with all the force she could muster, releasing a knot built in her chest since she checked in with the manager in the evening. Hot, sweltering adrenaline was coursing through her veins.
 The impact resulted in him burying his face in his right shoulder so she grabbed a fistful of his hair and forced him to face her. His lips were starting to swell up so she decided to help it. His eyes went blank as her fist met his face once more.
 Involuntarily, her hand was raising in the air again when she felt a strong pull from behind. The security guard, twice her size, yanked her away from him. People gathered around them staring at her, the music stopped to her relief. The guard twisted her arms behind her back, enough to leave bruises that’ll sting for days to come. She couldn't move, her sight went hazy yet she felt this strange cool serenity soothe her tensed muscles. His friends were crowding him, probably consoling him. She could neither hear them nor make out their faces from her almost closed eyelids. She was pretty sure she was falling asleep in the guard’s painful hold until she heard a certain voice and the hair at the back of her neck stood up. 
“What the fuck! She’s at it AGAIN? Sir, I'm so sorry -” Sam, the manager’s voice pierced her ears as he rushed into the booth. As he was talking to them, commotion rose in the background. She could feel blind rage beating with every thump of her heart. If it wasn’t for the guard holding her in place, she would have skinned him alive by now. She was struggling to free herself when Sam turned to her and said, “You! That’s it!” pointing his left index at her. “I’ve had just about enough of your drunkass assaulting fine gentlemen. You’re fired. Get out right now! And be grateful we’re not reporting you to the police.”
Suddenly everything went quiet in her head. She smiled, nothing behind her gaze. Grinning ear to ear like a maniac, she said, “I’m fired? Aww what’s gonna happen to you now Sam?”. She cooed, ''Whose tits and ass are you gonna grab from now on? Stella? I wonder if she’ll compare to me though.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Sam almost hissed at her.
“Ohhh right! Of course, you don’t know what I’m talking about,” she said while still tussling with whatever little strength she had left to loosen herself from the guard’s excruciating grip. “You don’t know anything about how you sexually harassed me day after day, how your disgusting, slimy little hands grabbed my body against my will at every chance that you got. You knew how much I need the money from this job and you used that against me to keep me silent, threatening to fire me every time I made even a sound. But guess what fucker? I’m fired now! And I’m gonna tell everyone about HOW YOU TRIED TO -”
“Take her to the staff room!” Sam cut her off, “NOW!” And, as soon as the words left Sam's mouth, the guard put his palm over her mouth and started dragging her back. The hand over her mouth muffled her screams and she glanced at the man, now with swollen lips, looking at her with eyes filled with, what looked like, concern.
As she was getting dragged, she finally managed to sink her teeth into the guard’s palm resulting in him withdrawing his hand just enough to give her a small window of time to scream at Sam: “YOU MOTHERFUCKER I’LL BE BACK AND I’LL PEEL THE SKIN OFF OF YOUR SCALP FUCKING SON OF A BITCH I’LL -” Before she could finish, her voice got cut off again and she faded into the dimly lit passageway at the back of the floor.
The cherry of her fifth cigarette shone brightly in the shivering cold as the smoke drifted up in the air and sluggishly faded away. Mouth agape, her eyes meticulously followed the faint trails left after their disappearance. She wondered where they went, where she’ll go. If it wasn’t this late, and the water wasn’t so cold, maybe she could have gone for a swim in the ocean. If the water wasn’t so cold maybe she would have let it swallow her even. She was calculating the probable temperature of the hypothetical water she’d marry someday when the sound of slow approaching footsteps entered her field of perception. She would have preferred to ignore it but the, somehow already familiar, voice spoke up, “Hey erm...” and left her no choice but to look. And there he was, the foreign man with the swollen lip, looking culpable. There were distinct imprints of guilt in his voice as he continued, “I saw you across the parking lot…um I was actually just leaving with my friends,” he pointed at a black Mercedes parked at the far end of the lot. “They’re waiting in the car anyway so I decided -”
“So you decided now that she’s fired from being a stripper, she's probably a hooker! Lemme go ask the price she’s selling at,” her gestures and voice was comical, “you know, dude if you’ve got a kink of getting beaten up non-consensually then you’re really good at getting it cause I might just be up for round two.”
He stared at her for a good few seconds with a perplexed face, as if trying to process her stream of logic. When he started speaking, he sounded genuinely hurt, “No! Jesus Christ I came to apologize. Can you just not be defensive for one second? I’m not a monster ya know!”
His sincerity caught her off guard. She had about five thousand ways of dealing with assholes prepared and ready to go but an actually decent person? Now that was rocky territory for her.
“Well, uh, that’s a first. Go ahead I guess?” she shrugged her shoulders.
“I apologize for saying what I said back in the club. I shouldn’t have insinuated that you aren’t intelligent enough to understand my films just because of your choice of profession. It was really shitty of me to say that, and nothing can justify it either. And I feel like I caused you to be fired, that’s also weighing heavily on my soul and I don't know how to make it up to you. Just, I hope that you can forgive me and, again, I apologize, earnestly. Please tell me how I can make it up to you,” he said and looked at her with a rueful expression.
She was at a loss of words. It had been years since anyone apologized to her, let alone that sincerely. After a considerable amount of silence, she gathered her fragmented thoughts and spoke up, “Whoa, whoa man, chill. You didn’t murder my family or anything so calm down,” she held up her open palms, the cigarette almost at it’s end. “Apology accepted, okay? And don’t feel bad, I would have been fired sooner or later given my questionable behavior ever since I joined, so it’s not on your conscience. And I’m sorry too,” her index and middle finger holding the cigarette gestured at his lips, “for, um, punching you so let’s call it an even.”
“Okay,” he nodded, “yeah okay,” sounding clearly more relaxed than before.
“You know it’s a miracle how long it took for me to get fired,” she mused, “oh no it wasn’t a miracle it was sexual harassment, ah I see now. Wonder what Sam saw in me though that was worth not firing me for this long even though I pulled so much shit,” she took a long drag of her weary cigarette. “Maybe I've got a talent for getting harassed or something...who knows?”
His face tensed up again as he said, “That’s...not right,” eyes pooling with the same worried look as before.
“I was joking, chill. Humor is an excellent way to deal with most everything really, especially trauma.”
“I am sorry for what you had to go through, it’s gut-wrenching. Can’t you lodge a complaint to the police?”
“Going to the pigs? As a sex worker? Who just got fired for being drunk and punching a man in front of many eye witnesses? Now that was humor, you’re quite good at it actually.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Besides, that’s like one of the first things you gotta learn to put up with if you’re working in this business. As unfair and grim as it is, men, no actually, people don’t see sex workers as human beings and I’m just too obstinate to accept that simple fact, or maybe too much of a pussy, depending on where one’s priorities lie.”
“I…don’t know what to say.”
“There is nothing to say.”
 It was just setting in for her how beautiful he actually was. His crestfallen face was graced by two stunning green eyes, lush unruly curls sticking to his forehead, sharp jawline kissed with a  scruffy goatee and the swollen lip throwing off the symmetry just right to make him look captivating, to say the least. In the chilly December ambience his face was a soothing sight to her eyes, his sweet voice kind to her drudging ears, his presence warm to her existence. And she wanted to hold onto the warmth, just for a bit longer.
   “You said you wanted to make it up to me, right?” she said as the cigarette fell on the ground then died out under the crushing embrace of her cruel heels.                         
“Well I'm Ro -” he said leaning against the passenger seat window, sitting half facing her.
“If you’re trying to say your name then don’t,” she cut him off quickly without averting her gaze from the road.
“Why?” he asked, staring at her intently yet without any emotion in particular.
“‘Cause it doesn’t matter. It’s better if we don’t know each other’s name. Names individualize people and that’s not necessary for tonight,” she answered nonchalantly as the neon lights of a passing by road sign illuminated her face and then faded into the past just as nonchalantly. 
She could feel his eyes on her, but it didn’t bother her, it wasn’t tainted. There was this unusual tranquility in the atmosphere of the car, this obscure but consistent serene rhythm. She felt a bizarre comfort in his presence and she could drive like this forever, on a never-ending road spiraling towards heaven or winding down pandemonium or just dissolving into the ether, with him sitting lazily on the side.
    ��Do you ever feel like that?” he spoke up absentmindedly, breaking into her almost fever dream.
“The song, I feel like that often.”
She didn’t realize the radio was on, playing at quite a significant volume. She wondered if he had turned it on at some point and how long she was driving for without being present mentally.
This place will be the end of me. Take me out, LA. Take me out of LA, the voice from the radio filled the car to the brim.
 “I don’t feel like that, I know that. I know I'll die here, kinda intrinsically...do you hate this place?”
“No, not hate. I just feel like I don't fit in here. It’s the way of life, it’s quite significantly different to what I was used to. The people and the city, it all feels hollow sometimes and every now and then i catch myself yearning for what I left behind me.”
“I see. Beautiful people and their beautiful problems.”
    Silence fell in the car again. Except for the voice through the radio, Well this place is never what it seems.
 “You don’t have to make small talk, you know. I'm fine with silence,” she said, finally looking at him for a brief second.
“Oh I know,” he was looking right into her eyes, unruffled. “I wasn’t making small talk, I just wanted to talk to you. That’s all.”
The bleak fluorescent tube above buzzed in solidarity as the fatigued clock on the chipped convenience store wall dragged its hands and finally managed to tick at 2 am. The attendant was leaning on the counter, trying not to fall asleep when her voice echoed in the store: “$20 on pump 2.”
“I’ll pay”, he cut in, reaching for his wallet. “Okayyy...” she replied, narrowing her eyes at his benevolence and looked around the store which was significantly emptier that other nights. She closed her eyes for a second and the memories flashed behind her lids. She used to come here frequently, around this time, with someone when everything in her world was right, just right enough for her to not to seek out falling stars every night and wish for death over and over again. When she opened her eyes a shiny pack of Parliaments caught her gaze and she quickly gestured behind the counter, “Since you’re paying, can I get a pack of those also?”
“I remember surviving on those alone while writing my thesis papers,” she said wistfully, “good times.”
“You went to college?”
“University actually, but yeah.”
“Good lord.”
“But I had to drop out so I couldn’t complete my Master’s in Biochemistry.”
“I flunked out my first year of college so you did way more than I did in that regard.”
“Welp, look where that got me.”
“Don’t say that!”
“What?” she scoffed.
“Anything else?” the attendant interjected, visibly tired and clearly annoyed at their conversation.
She swiftly grabbed a lighter, “Can I get this too?”
“Yeah, absolutely.”
“That’ll be all,” she tossed the lighter towards the attendant and continued, “You’re clearly doing way better than me in life.”
“Are you being sarcastic?” he replied, raising an eyebrow.
“No. I meant that seriously. I’m the one who fucked up my life and that’s a fact. Say, how did you know what you wanted to do?”
“That’ll be $30”, the attendant interjected again.
“I don’t know. I started acting as a kid and it just seemed right. It’s all I've known really and I can't see myself as anything else,” he said as he passed the money to the attendant.
“I envy that.”
“I do sometimes ponder what I would have been if not an actor.”
“Wondering too much isn’t good,” she grabbed the goods and shoved them in her coat pocket, “It might make someone into me.”
She stopped right before the glass door, pulled the lighter out and flicked it on, “I’ll use it later,” she leaned in close to him with a frivolous smirk and whispered, “to burn this city down.”
He chuckled at her sudden gaiety, “I’d gladly assist.”
Pushing the door open, she continued as he followed behind her, “Did you see the way that dude rolled his eyes to you? He definitely thought you were with a blabbering hooker and to be honest, my make up probably didn’t help either. Oh well it's not like -” her voice slowly evaporated into the gloomy gas-station lights. 
“So beautiful,” he said with awe looking over the vast and apparently endless ocean which the full, eternal moon bathed with its silver glory.
She clutched at her coat sleeves as the chilly wind sent shivers down her body and said, “I know right? I’ve always found the sea to be peaceful during this time of the night.”
“It’s lovely, I’ve never been to this beach before.”
“It’s my favorite spot actually, I used to come here pretty often,” melancholia dripping from her voice. She paused for a little while as if going over a mental checklist and said, “let’s go sit down there,” and pointed towards a vague place in the distance. 
They walked down the beach for a bit side by side, knuckles occasionally brushing against each other’s, making them want to hold hands, feel the warmth of another being. But the hesitance of the yet to be known, the uncertainty of a nameless stranger clouded their minds and prevented them from reaching out.
She stopped, sat down and gestured to him to do the same by tapping the cold sand beside her. He sat a bit too far for her liking so she huddled up closer to him saying, “You blaze right?”
“Cool,” she said, taking out a small bag from an inside pocket of her coat, “keep an eye out for me while I roll it.”
They sat in silence as she rolled a joint meticulously. The waves kept crashing on the shore as if fulfilling some ancient duty. Wind rustled through the empty beach. Sand glimmered sporadically under the warm light of the moon, creating a transcendental atmosphere.
He sighed and thought out loud, interrupting the intoxicating stillness of the night, “Where do we go from here?”
“Other than plotting the murder of Sam, I don’t know about me,” she replied without looking up from the task at hand, “Don’t really wanna think about it tonight. That’s why I took you along with me. I wanted someone to keep me distracted from my thoughts and I had no one to go to...then you came to apologize, like my knight in shining armor.”
He smiled wryly and said, “I see.”
“What about you? What are you gonna do about your not fitting in or what was it?”
“I don’t know either. I just miss my people. I’m not meant for here, I think.”
“So can’t you go back there? To your home I assume?”
“I can...”
“Then go. Why the fuck would you stick around if you had the option to go back?”
“Huh! I wish I had a home to go back to too.”
She could see him from the corner of her eyes, clenching his knees tight with his fingers at her words, bringing them closer to his chest. She looked up to see him staring at her with his big, beautiful, hurt-puppy eyes.
“Did that make you sad or something?” she asked, almost amused. 
“Yeah...yeah it did.”
His apparent empathy for a literal stranger who also punched him not so long ago struck her as odd and oddly enticing. He looked unreal to her in the strange moonlight, as if a remote but vivid memory. She felt as though if she reached out and touched him, he’d turn to dust and drift off with the wind. Those intense eyes and his fey beauty were getting too much for her to bear so she averted her gaze towards the ocean and said, “There’s no use for your or anyone’s sadness. You see, sadness changes nothing. Unless you can start a capital R revolution tomorrow, everything will be the same. It’ll be the same day with slight variations over and over again, things will repeat and go on and on and on until one day humanity just goes poof somehow and then the universe will go on as if we never even happened. There’s no significance of our lives, there’s no point in feeling sad about anything in this set up. One must always imagine Sisyphus happy.”
“That’s quite pessimistic, isn’t it?”
“Kinda absurdist actually, but It’s hard not to be pessimistic or defensive, when you have to lead a life like mine.”
“I understand.”
“Oh, I’m sure you do, “Glamour Boy,’” she said, licking the rolling paper.
He put his hand over his chest and feigned being hurt which made her laugh; a clear, hearty laughter. The beach echoed with a faint sound of the laughter of two stray souls as he joined in.
The joint hanged from her lips, sensual and reckless like an erotic magazine model, burning bright as she took a long drawn-out drag.
“Say, do you think the water is cold?” she said, passing the joint to him.
He took in a drag, inhaling some of her used up smoke with it too, tasting her cheap but obscenely sweet fruity lip gloss at the filter tip, “Yeah...very much so”.
She huddled up even closer to feel the heat of his body as he passed the joint back to her. Taking in another drag, she leisurely put her head on his shoulder.
The sedating smoke sank into their lungs as the sand anchored them from floating off in the elating static of the enveloping darkness.
“Is this it?” she said, pulling up to a posh apartment complex, something she wouldn’t be able to afford even after paying off her debts. 
“Yeah, that’s me,” he replied absently and unbuckled his seatbelt. 
She was looking ahead at the road, expecting him to get out of the car, but he sat in silence. She looked at him and saw him laid back on the seat as if being consumed by it, tracing the edge of the left air vent softly with his fingers. He sighed and said, still looking at his busy fingers: “I feel strange and fucking awful.”
“It happens sometimes after coming down a high.”
“It’ll be a pain in the arse going to bed feeling like this.”
“I know,” her eyes travelled down the flow of his posture, giving birth to an urge of some aboriginal origin in her loins, “but you don’t have to.” 
He turned his head towards her slowly, lethargy clear in his slow breathing pattern, “What do you mean?”
“Push your seat back.”
“Just do it.”
He furrowed his brows, alarmed by her sudden gratuitous command. He looked at her; motionless as if not even breathing awaiting his compliance and her eyes glinted with expectancy. He pushed his seat back, as far as it could go then parted his lips to say something but before the words could get out, she virtually jumped on top then sat astride him.
 A deathly stillness engrossed the car as her previous bellicose energy returned to the atmosphere, only this time rather ardent in nature. His heart, instantaneously racing, almost audible to her. 
“You know,” she said taking off her top, “dopamine is a hormone and neurotransmitter that’s an important part of your brain’s reward system, and it can elevate your mood and make you feel really good.��
Eyes wide with surprise, he struggled to keep his gaze fixed on her face as she unbuttoned his shirt. Her fingertips snaked up and down his smooth chest as if caressing a sumptuous painting one is not allowed to touch. She felt his taut muscle tighten at her touch, veins kindled with a hot rush pulsing under. Burying her face in the hollow of his neck, she felt the heat of his body as she pressed her chest against his. His breathing picked up it’s pace even more at the contact with her flushed skin.
“Do you ever get lonely?” she spoke up letting her lips skim over his bare shoulder.
“Terribly,” his voice breathy as he placed his hands on her hips hesitantly, not possessively, but affectionately.
“I do too.”
“What do we do about it?”
“Maybe we don’t do anything.”
“Maybe.” he said resting his right cheek against her head, “or maybe we keep each other company.”
“But for how long?”
“However long we need to.”
A mirthless laugh rippled from her lips then through his skin. She pulled back to look him in the eyes, curious green mixed with an unfamiliar kind of sorrow, a sorrow too costly for her. “Lust and attraction shut off the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which includes rational behavior,” she said, knocking softly on his temple.
“Makes sense.”
Cupping his face, she stroked his swollen lips with her rough thumbs, making him wince in response. The purple bruise steadily forming on the side of his mouth marred his flawless complexion yet his allure only enhanced. Her thumb rubbed on the bruise with reckless abandon, his flinches testifying to that. Withdrawing her hands from his face, she left a light peck on the bruise and said, “Slap me.”
“Slap me, come on, I'm giving you a chance to get back at me for earlier.”
“Hey! I just don’t want to hurt you, especially not as revenge or what not,” he sounded genuinely offended.
She leaned in, “But I want to get hurt, silly,” her lips ghosting over his as she whispered, “Endorphins are our body’s natural pain reducer and it so happens to increase when we engage in reward-producing activities, such as eating, working out, or having sex.” She pulled away and continued, “So hit me. Hard.” His adam’s apple bobbed up then down as he searched at her face, as if trying to find some sort of sign. His fingers dug in her hips, indicating the upcoming crude impact. Her palms laid flat against his chest as his left hand rose then crashed against her face. Her fingers curled in response as she gasped weakly, eyes shut closed but the tensity clear in the lines on her eyelids and forehead. 
“Ah... that was good,” she said as if talking to herself, caressing her cheek. When she opened her eyes, she found him staring with uncertain eyes, the doubt readable in the way he bit his lips. 
“Just like that, once more,” her firm voice ringed in the vehicle. His hand cruelly collided once again with her face, leaving her face warm and red. 
“Good boy,” she cooed as the sharp sting eddied on her cheek and then through her whole body, easing her off some unknown yet intrinsic discomfort. Her chest pounded in sync to his as she spoke up, “Do it for me once again, won’t you?”
Pressing his teeth even deeper into his lips, he struck her once again, with as much strength as he had. A white light flashed before her eyes, her ears ringed as she sat in silence for a bit. When her vision became clear, she held his face between her palms. Leaning closer, she rested her temple against his and murmured, “Such a good boy.”
Sweat dripped down as her nose grazed up the side of his neck, she could feel him growing hard through his pants. She buried her face in his curls and breathed in. He smelt sugary, sweet to the extent of almost making her nauseous. She whispered against his ear, “You’ve got a boner...it turned you on this much to hurt me?”
“It’s, um, n-not really that part it’s the -” he stammered in embarrassment.
 “Ugh men,” she cut him off and rolled her eyes playfully. “But since we’ve got a situation at hand, and you’ve been so good to me, I think you deserve some relief for yourself,” she said, tugging at his waistband. To which he responded eagerly, elevating his hips just enough so she could slip his pants off as much as possible. His head sank back into the headrest as her hands wrapped around his cock. Her hand gilded up and down his length as her other hand ran through his hair, pulling lightly. Resting his forehead on her shoulder, he quivered and moaned softly as she lovingly yet mercilessly worked on him. His breath hitched sharply as she stroked the tip of his cock with her thumb, making him groan and twitch under her touch. She was about to pick up the pace when he grabbed her wrist abruptly. “Wait!” he rasped, “I wanna...feel you.”
He panted, trying to catch his breath and said, “Let’s take this inside, there might be people around.”
“Why? Are you afraid of getting photographed with a hooker by the paparazzi, Mr. Actor?"
“No”, he answered, the same hurt as earlier could be heard in his voice, the type of hurt when one is misunderstood by someone they love, “I just - I just want it to be nice.”
“Let’s not make it too nice lest you fall in love with me,” she said sternly. “Besides, you should be more concerned about getting STDs. There should be some condoms in the glove box and also tissues for later.”
He brought his face closer to hers, looked at her lips and said, “You’ve got such a mean mouth, you know that?”
“And you like it?”
“Perhaps”, he replied then kissed her, deeply. Holding her face in his head, he bit her lips which made her moan in his mouth. After running out of breath she pulled away, still tasting his saliva on her tongue as he reached behind her and rifled through the glove compartment. Having found what he wanted, he turned on the radio then returned his focus to her; she was hiking up her dress and awkwardly slipping off her panties in the short space.
Heavy bass filled the car, I wanna be your vacuum cleaner breathing in your dust, as the sky started to light up with shades of azure and tangerine. Her tongue blended with his as she took his cock in her. Their bodies pressed and flushed against each other as a steady rhythm flowed through them. Her nails scratched his nape, as he kissed her neck, nibbling at her collarbone. Her head shot back as he thrust up into her, frantic and keen. His groans muffled in her chest, her moans melting into his hair as their hips clashed against one another.
Maybe I just wanna be yours.
I wanna be yours.
The sparkling rays of the breaking dawn illuminated his face as he cleaned himself off and got dressed. She marveled from the driver’s seat at the magnificence of the sight of him in afterglow. There was something in him, something innate, that made him stand out from anyone she ever came across. He was made for the screen, he was made to shine, and she wondered whether or not he’ll remember her afterwards. It was for the better if he didn’t, she thought to herself, as this was probably one of the lowest points in his life, while that night was most definitely one of the highlights of hers. The sheer dichotomy was glaring at her soul when he spoke up, bringing her attention back to the present, “I was wondering if you’d like to -”
“Look if you want my name or number, then that’s just not gonna happen,” she said with a sigh, “It’s the oxytocin flooding your brain. Increased levels of oxytocin facilitate attachment and bonding and shit so, like, don’t be fooled.”
“But it’s not that, I feel a connection between us...something I haven’t felt with anyone here before.”
He averted his eyes from her and looked out the window. His hand lingered on the door handle for a second before he stepped out of the car. Turning his back towards the car, he walked into the apartment complex, without saying anything further. Her foot pressed on the accelerator, as the car drove past the buildings. A Parliament washed out the leftover taste of him in her mouth as she rolled down the window to let the nauseously sweet scent dissipate into the cold morning air. 
“It is that. Believe me, I know. There is nothing between us. Whatever connection you feel is your hormones doing bullshit things.”
“You’re just evading me”
“I’m not. I do actually know. Okay, for instance you feel really tired and sleepy right now, right?”
“That’s the parasympathetic nervous system down-regulating your body and a shit load of vasopressin coursing through you”
“But that could also be because we stayed up all night and got high and just had sex”
“Why don’t you understand? It’s all chemicals, everything! There is nothing called love and whatever the fuck people feel is just their chemicals doing somersaults. There is nothing between us, we don’t know each other. There can be nothing either, look at the circumstances. People like you shouldn’t have to do anything with people like me unless it requires a monetary transaction.”
“But i can help, with whatever you’re dealing with”, he said reaching to place his hand over hers, “we can help each other”
“and what exactly do you think i’m dealing with?, she asked, withdrawing her hand, eyes narrowed at him.
“I don’t know yet”
“Exactly. You don’t know anything. I’m not some sad little girl who went to college then got depressed but in a sexy way so maybe she did drugs or whatever and dropped out and now strips for fucking aesthetic reasons probably. No honey, I’m involved with shit that can drag you down faster than a meth withdrawal and my life is a living testimony of that, take my word for it. So, go get some rest. Sleep out your saviour complex and live out your promising life when you wake up.”
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imaginedhaven · 4 years
At the Rendezvous
a smutty Rowaelin oneshot
Link to Hot Professors Collection Masterlist
Summary: The end of the semester means the psychology department’s end of semester party, and Aelin knows exactly how she’d like to celebrate.
Rating: E for Explicit- not intended for readers under 18!
Contents/Warnings: College Professors AU, Enemies with Benefits, Semi-Public Sex
As always, while the collection is linked above this is intended to be able to stand alone. I hope you enjoy!
Aelin smiled to herself as she slipped into her uncle’s house without knocking and hung her coat in the closet rather than whatever room Gavriel had devoted to housing the rest of the department’s coats. She did her best to treat him as her boss rather than as family while they were on campus, of course, but this was the end-of-semester party and she felt she was entitled to take a few small liberties in this informal setting.
“Well, look who decided to come after all!” A warm arm slid around her shoulders, and Aelin fought the urge to jump at the sudden contact. A glance to her left revealed it was Fenrys, and she relaxed with a smile.
“Only because I knew you would bully me relentlessly, Fen.” It was partially true; she had originally decided to skip the party and relax on her own, but in addition to her youngest colleague’s mockery she knew she would have someone else to answer to.
Assuming Whitethorn even showed his stupid, smirking face. She figured it was just as likely that he would avoid any unnecessary social interaction. Still, it was best to at least pretend to be the bigger person, and so she had changed her mind at the last minute.
If she had shown up wearing a short red dress and black lace panties, well, that was her own business. It had nothing to do with anyone else.
Belatedly, she realized Fenrys was still talking and tuned back into his words. “And you didn’t even bring anything! What will your dear uncle say?”
Aelin smirked. “Considering that he’s the one who begged me not to subject the department to my poor attempts at cooking, I think he’ll thank me.”
“It’s true,” came a voice from the kitchen. “It’s absolutely terrible.”
“Aedion, you’re not supposed to agree with me!” she shouted as she rushed into the kitchen to defend her honor. “What are you even doing here, anyway? You’re not part of the department.”
He tousled her hair in retaliation, ignoring her growl. “Did you forget that I live here? Plus, someone has to pick up your slack when it comes to food.”
As she rolled her eyes, Fenrys glanced around the room. “That’s everyone except Rowan, now.”
“Does he even come to things like this?” she asked, pretending for all the world that she didn’t care in the slightest about the answer.
Fenrys nodded, a wicked gleam in his onyx eyes. “I may or may not have convinced him that it looks better when he’s being reviewed for tenure if he actually participates in department events. He didn’t before then.”
Aelin laughed despite herself. “Devious of you.”
“Isn’t it?” He continued to ramble on about it, but Aelin couldn’t pay attention to save her life, not when the door opened to reveal the man she’d both hoped and feared would show up.
Rowan Whitethorn had been a pain in her ass from the moment she’d joined the psychology department at Doranelle University. A stupidly attractive pain in her ass, no less. Ever since her very first day they’d been at each other’s throats, to the extent that they had each been formally reprimanded by her uncle and removed from authority over decisions regarding the other’s tenure within two months of the start of the semester. After that, they had largely stopped sniping at each other in meetings, but the animosity between the two was still well-known to the rest of the professors.
Less well-known was the fact that they had also been fucking the entire semester. She wondered if she should feel guiltier about that, but she couldn’t quite bring herself to stop whatever game they were playing.
For what it was worth, despite his obvious dislike of her as a person Whitethorn seemed equally unable or unwilling to be the one who brought them both to their senses about the whole thing, and so their frequent arguments in each other’s offices led to equally-frequent tearing off of clothes and desecration of desks. He was also unfairly good at what he did, to the point that she had more than once initiated an argument just to feel him pressing her into his desk. She was reasonably certain he had done the same to her.
Fuck, in the time she had been thinking about him he had crossed the distance between the front door and the kitchen, and now he was close enough to touch. Even worse, he had rolled up the sleeves of his ever-present button-up shirt once he’d removed his coat, exposing both his forearms and the tantalizing swirls of the tattoo she’d only caught the occasional glimpse of.
This had been a bad plan. She had proven nothing, and he was already smirking at her attire.
He took advantage of her shocked silence to greet both of them. “Fenrys. Galathynius.”
Aelin couldn’t stop herself from bristling. Even in this informal setting, and even after all they had done, she didn’t merit the courtesy of being called by her first name by this man? “Whitethorn,” she replied coolly.
It didn’t take an idiot to read the tension in the room, and despite the affable persona Fenrys liked to adopt she knew he was far smarter than he let on. With a quick excuse he was across the room, and she was alone with her rival.
Rather than say anything to him, she glanced around and then jerked her head in the direction of the hallway and walked away. She’d seen the way his gaze had lingered on her bare legs; he would follow.
Sure enough, a few minutes later he joined her in the deserted hallway, and she opened the door to Gavriel’s linen closet and tugged him inside. He glanced around at their surroundings before she closed the door and threw the space into darkness. “A linen closet? Really?”
“I don’t see you coming up with anything better,” she retorted, already irritated.
“I can think of far more convenient locations than a closet in your uncle’s—”
She didn’t give Whitethorn a chance to finish his sentence. Instead, she tugged him close and crushed her lips to his to silence him.
They hadn’t kissed like this in a long time—not since their very first time, if Aelin recalled correctly. It was every bit as overwhelming now as it had been then, the pine scent he was perpetually tinged with flooding her nose and heat slamming into her as he bit her lip. It was a good thing Aedion had already mussed her hair, for his fingers found their way into it and tugged somewhat gently.
Aelin gasped in response, and his lips and teeth began to travel down her neck. Gods, they didn’t have long, a few minutes at most, but it didn’t even matter with the way he was already working her up.
His hand slid out of her hair and down her front, cupping her breast briefly before sliding down and under the short skirt of her dress. Rather than shoving her panties aside like she expected him to, though, he caressed her over the fabric with the lightest pressure possible. She hissed in response. “We don’t have time for teasing. Get on with it.”
“And whose fault is that?” Gods, was he slowing down? She was going to kill him.
Then his fingertips finally, finally brushed over her clit and she decided he could live for now.
She bit her lip to muffle the moan that threatened to escape her, knowing that any noise could lead to their discovery. Instead, she reached for him and began to work his belt open, grinning when her fingers finally reached their destination and brushed his already-hardened cock.
He hissed in reply and finally sank two of his fingers into her, causing her to arch into the touch with a gasp. It wasn’t enough, though; it couldn’t possibly be enough, not when what she really needed was quite literally within her grasp.
Aelin let go of him in order to brace herself against his shoulder and wrap one leg around his hip. When he seemed to support them well enough, she carefully raised the other as well, hooking her ankles together behind him as he pulled his fingers out of her in order to brace himself better. Task complete, she moved to seat herself on his cock, only to hiss in irritation when it brushed along her instead. A second attempt yielded no better results, and when she tried for a third his hands settled at her waist to still her.
He then had the audacity to laugh at her, though she was somewhat gratified to hear how strained the sound was. “I told you I could think of far better places,” he reminded her.
“Shut up and help me figure this out,” she snarled, as quietly as she could.
“Hop down.”
“You heard me. Get off of me and I’ll help you.”
“How does getting off of you get me off?” she demanded.
He sighed. “Just shut up and do it.”
She glared at him, trying to read his face for any signs he was being less than honest with her, but she could barely even make out the outline of him in the darkened closet. Scowling, she slid herself back down him until both of her feet were on the ground, only to gasp as his hands found her waist again and roughly turned her around.
He lifted her hips and she carefully balanced herself on the balls of her feet to aid him, hands gripping the nearest shelf for additional support. A few moments later she felt him press against her, and she sighed in relief as she finally got exactly what she’d been looking for when she’d put this outfit on what felt like forever ago.
His hands roughly grabbed her hips again as he immediately started to move, and as he slammed into her again and again he leaned forward until his lips were by her ear. “Touch yourself,” he hissed.
She obediently let her hand fall from the shelf and slid it down between her legs, gasping as she brushed over her clit. Gods, this wasn’t going to take long at all. It was probably for the best, though; surely it would only be a minute or two at most more before someone started to wonder where they had gone.
She came only moments later, gritting her teeth and fighting against the urge to press her thighs together in a move that would only serve to destabilize her already-precarious balance. She nearly did fall over, though, when he pulled away from her entirely.
As she stumbled and turned, she heard the sound of the zipper of his pants and the buckle of his belt, and she frowned. “I didn’t think you finished.”
“I didn’t.”
“Then why—?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, Aelin, we’re out of time. You want more, you can find me after.”
She barely had time to straighten her skirt before he threw the door open and stalked away, and she blinked against the sudden light. Knowing she would need a minute for the heat in her cheeks and the wobbliness in her knees to dissipate, she slid down to sit on the closet floor and took a deep breath.
Suddenly, she went still as cold shock overtook her. He had said her name, her first name. He’d only ever done it once before, and she’d demanded he do so that time. What…?
Aelin shook her head. She didn’t have time to figure out whatever game he was playing now. She had a party to get back to, and if she played her cards right she might even get a second round out of it.
She would only be lying to herself if she said she didn’t want that, and she couldn’t bring herself to do so. Not right now. Not when there was still so much heat lingering between them.
@ireallyshouldsleeprn @queen-of-glass @fangirlprincess09 @sassys-world @morganofthewildfire @superspiritfestival @perseusannabeth @sis-it-dont-add-up @jlinez @julemmaes @emilyoftheshadows @thegoddessofyou @mymultiversee @swankii-art-teacher @rowansfirebringer @livsdriverslicense @courtofjurdan @danibutterr @woollycat22 @rowaelinismyotp @sleeping-and-books @acciowests @stardelia @anidealiveson
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elmidol · 3 years
Propane Nightmares [NSFW]
Pairing: Tyki x Reader x Earl
Warnings: Noncon; dubcon; loss of virginity; aphrodisiacs; canon-typical religious elements; fingering; double-penetration; oral; potentially other elements?; some verbal humiliation; probably some blasphemy
Notes: Originally Written April 25, 2011. Titled after “Propane Nightmares” by Pendulum. word count is a little over 8k.
reposting for @maskedjoker because I saw that tag on my Earl and Tyki thirst post~
Propane Nightmares
 Originally, you had been appointed the task of gathering more information on the Noah after rumor had circulated regarding formal meetings between them and the folks of high society. Such was your job as a finder. No one had bothered the divulge, however, that the Noah had been tipped off on the Order’s intentions; there had been no cancellations on your orders, and, subsequently, no means for your knowing that your drink would be laced with drugs. It had been a sleeping drug, which had caused you to wander off from the other guests prior to passing out. When you had awoken, you had found yourself chained to a chair, your feet snug against the legs of the chair, and hands bound behind your back. Tyki Mikk sat in front of you, straddling a second chair, whose back was facing you. You watched his lips twist upwards upon his noticing you had awoken.
 Your eyes wandered around the room, taking in all of your surroundings. It was a study of some sort, from what you could tell; a few bookshelves, a desk on the far wall, and an assortment of chairs. Upon returning your gaze to the Noah, you released a small gasp and your eyes widened—a second man stood behind Tyki. This gentleman you had previously believed to be one of the Earl’s many brokers. His current presence, however, allowed you to realize that he had a more intimate connection with the Family Noah. I wonder what his powers are, you thought to yourself; the Order already possessed information regarding Tyki Mikk’s abilities. Due to this fact, you jumped half an inch in your seat when Tyki leaned forward.
 “Don’t be scared, girl~” Tyki said calmly, his smile a mockery of innocence. You shuddered at how well he pulled off the nice-guy façade. “We just want to ask you some questions.”
 You swallowed hard, stiffened, and then took a deep breath. “I…I’ll die before I tell you…anything.” Despite the stutter and hesitance, your tone held true to the courage you were feeling—you were willing to die before handing over any sort of information to these men; no, they were monsters.
 Tyki reached past the back of the chair and placed his hand on your knee. His fingers gently rolled the muscles surrounding your kneecap, the actions reminiscent of a massage. “The Order has made sure you won’t talk even when pressured by torture, right?” You narrowed your eyes slightly, your teeth gritting together behind your frown. Tyki’s voice dropped in volume, growing husky. “That’s why I’m here~”
 “So what, you’ll remove my organs one by one?” you ground out, jerking your knee away. Your joint hardly slipped out of the Noah’s hands before the chain prevented you from venturing further.
 Tyki smirked, swung his leg over the side of the chair, and stood in a fluid, graceful movement that left you blinking. You shrank into your seat a little. He, on the other hand, closed to distance between the two of you and there knelt. His eyes locked with yours; you held his gaze with eyelids half-closed. Your heart beat faster in your chest as you fully expected him to reach within you—his hand slid closer, fingers travelling up your leg—and you were waiting for him to go for a kidney. Without removing your clothes, his flesh met yours—in a much different manner than what you had expected.
 You released a loud gasp prior to biting down on your bottom lip and averting your gaze; his fingers danced along your inner-thigh, travelling upward until just their tips met with your lower lips. You shifted your hips away from his touch. Tyki, an amused grin spreading at your retreat, only thrust his hand forward, and slipped his middle finger into your depths. Your eyes widened, and your legs began to shake.
 “St-stop.” Tyki only stuck his tongue out at you. You stared at the organ, a deep flush settling on your face as he waggled it suggestively. He started thrusting the single digit in and out. He cupped your entire pussy in his hand, rubbing your outer lips while continuously withdrawing and plunging his finger inside of you. You squeezed your eyes shut and attempted to cross your legs. The chains prevented you from accomplishing this task; all you had managed to do was trap Tyki’s arm between your thighs. Your breathing grew labored, and you flinched when a second finger was added.
 The Noah gripped your legs with his free hand and spread them once again. He pushed his torso closer to you, making sure you would be unable to shift too much for his liking.
 The Millennium Earl, meanwhile, had shifted position in the room; he stood so where he was able to better see what Tyki was doing to you. At the same time, he made certain he was able to view your face. His lips twitched upward upon seeing you begin to rotate your hips in time with the Noah’s sinful fingers.
 Just as your body was beginning to grow warm, just as you could feel the tingling waves of pleasure coursing through yourself, Tyki’s fingers retreated. Your eyes snapped open. You continued to pant, unable to tear your gaze away from the sight of Tyki’s tongue lapping against the digits that had previously been inside of you.
 “How many days have you been here?” the Noah asked, cocking his head to the side. Through with speaking, he sucked his fingers into his mouth and released a husky moan that sent fire shooting through your loins.
 You only shook your head in response.
 Tyki sighed, seemingly disappointed, before straightening himself up. He stood in front of you at that point, his hands working at the front of his pants. You swallowed twice as saliva gathered in your mouth, your breathing growing heavier by the minute. This sensation was foreign to you; having been recruited by the Order at a young age, you had been discouraged from participating in any act remotely sexual. In fact, education on sexual manners had been so censored that your eyes grew wide as saucers the moment Tyki tugged his pants halfway down his hips. The sight of his penis enthralled, disgusted, and repelled you at once.
 You could not tear your eyes away even as he reached forward with on hand, gripped the back of your chair, and with the second hand took hold of his cock.
 “That was an easy one too,” Tyki said with a laugh, his breathing growing rigid as he began to pump himself. He watched you, and was overly amused by the fact that your eyes were glued to his growing erection. “Ah, that’s right. You were probably raised by the Order, huh? You’ve never seen a dick?” He shifted his fingers to allow you a better view.
 You bit down harder on your bottom lip and forced yourself to look away; fascinated though you might have been, you were still convinced of the Order’s teachings that premarital sexual activities were wrong—sinful.
 The second male moved into your line of sight. You stared at him, still unsure of his abilities as a Noah. His presence also made you highly uncomfortable knowing that he was watching every dirty deed Tyki had performed—and would likely perform—with you. Tyki’s hand stopped mid-stroke and he muttered out ‘Duke’ when the man stepped between you and the Noah of Pleasure. Your eyes widened considerably at the revelation—the Millennium Earl had a human form, and said form was currently standing before you. He removed the hat from his head, set it off to the side, and stood erect once again. Your eyes were locked with his as he repeated Tyki’s previous question: how many days had you been there?
 “You…you can go suck a dick!” you said with a hiss.
 The Earl and Tyki both laughed a single, baritone chuckle and locked gazes with one another. Tyki’s hand ran up his length while the Earl motioned towards the Noah of Pleasure’s erection. “That one?” They both watched your face; the expression of pure and utter shock, of morbid curiosity and disgust as it crossed your features. Your eyes flickered between the Earl’s motioning hand and Tyki’s shaft.
 Before you could finish your sentence, the Earl interrupted you, supplying an ending, “A sin?”
 “A handful of sins!”
 He cocked his head to the side, suddenly interested. “Oh? Not just the homosexual aspect, I see. Has the church taught you that oral sex is a sin? Then…if I were to…” With each word he moved closer to you, knelt between your legs, and had you literally trembling as his hands reached into the hem of your pants. He tugged them down, your panties in tow, and blew lightly on your exposed pussy. The warm air had you gasping and closing your eyes tightly. “…do this…” He pushed his face into you, his tongue wiggling out of his mouth and lapping at you. Your mind swam with a multitude of emotions as the sensation of immense pleasure filled you. His tongue retreated long enough for him to finish, “…are we sinning together?”
 Your bottom lip slipped out from between your teeth, a chunk of shaky breaths erupting from your mouth. The Earl, meanwhile, began nibbling your inner lips, his tongue flicking along and tracing the entrance of your vagina prior to slinking in. You looked away from the Earl, trying to force the sight of him eating you out from your mind—the feeling alone was enough to boggle your brain. This, however, only resulted in you catching a glimpse and thus becoming entranced by Tyki’s hands pleasuring himself. One hand rolled his balls around, the other running up and down his shaft, fingers caressing the head.
 You spread your legs wider just slightly without realizing what you were doing, and the Earl grinned at the obvious invitation. He left you disappointed; though amused and pleased with the fact that your body was responding so nicely to his ministrations, he drew back. Tyki, likewise, stopped masturbating, and your gaze fell away from him to the Earl’s face. You stared at the head of the Noah clan, your face flushed with arousal, embarrassment and anger, and your breathing coming out in deep pants.
 “How many days have you been here?” You shook your head. Your mind, though blurred with pleasure, served just as well to remind you that you were not to divulge anything to the enemy. To this, the Earl only shook his head. He leaned forward, gave your pussy a single lick, and withdrew his tongue once again. You gasped, your hips bucking to meet the organ. “Was it one?” You bit your bottom lip yet again.
 Tyki’s eyes were focused on your face, searching for any hints. “No.” The Earl nodded, leaned forward, and thrust his tongue into you deeply.  You threw your head back, moaning, the sound muffled by your closed mouth. A whimper then escaped you—the Earl had pulled away. “Not quite,” Tyki commented. Again did the tongue assault you, that time trailing from your lower belly into your folds. You shook your head, and the Earl repeated the action in reverse.
 “Oh God, yes!” You hated yourself for saying it, despised the fact that the Noah were laughing at you.
 “Four days,” they said in unison. The Earl looked up at your face from his position between your legs. “Is that right? Four days?” You could not meet his gaze. “Or was it more? I could keep going.” You felt yourself growing wetter with his words. His mouth returned to your pussy, and he began suckling. You could no longer hold back the moans; a single finger had joined the Earl’s tongue—Tyki’s finger. The Noah of Pleasure knelt beside the other male, both intent on driving you over the edge it seemed.
 Simultaneously, they pulled out. “It was four, right?” Tyki asked you. Before your mind, so filled and blinded by pleasure, could function correctly, you found yourself nodding. Then you stiffened, realizing what you had done. You bowed your head in shame, tears forming in the corners of your eyes. “Don’t cry~” Tyki and the Earl spread your legs apart as far as they could go while bound. You winced slightly at the pain this caused you, and stared at the two men through watery eyes. “We’ll make you feel better~”
 Your jaw dropped, and you could not even fathom what to think when the two Noahs’ tongues met—they failed to kiss one another fully, instead opting to not only rub their organs along one another’s, but also inside of your wet pussy. You gasped, swallowed, and fought for breath at the sensation of the two tongues battling for dominance against one another while still buried in your folds. Tyki’s was the first to retreat, and he blew lightly against your entrance, which was still being fucked by the Earl’s tongue. The Earl then moved away, having felt your walls tighten around his organ in a sure sign you were close to orgasm.
 “Doesn’t this feel nice? The three of us sinning together.” Tyki chuckled off to the side, running a hand through his hair to push back his bangs.  The Earl made light, small circles on your ankle as he spoke.
 Swallowing the saliva gathered in your mouth to keep yourself from drooling, you forced yourself to take a single, shaky breath. You were doing all that you could to calm yourself, to bring your body under your mind’s command. Regaining most of your normal composure, you were able to once more glare at the Millennium Earl and Tyki Mikk with pure defiance in your eyes. Seeing the challenge this posed for gaining future information from you, the Earl grinned widely. You barely managed to fight off the shudder that threatened to run down your entire frame. This was a battle of wills, and you refused to allow yourself to be defeated, especially by the likes of the two present Noah.
 The Earl stood before you and then walked behind your back. You felt his fingers dancing along your wrists, tapping against the chains that bound you. You turned your head to see what he was doing, however your attention returned immediately to Tyki when he raised himself as well. His dick stood painfully erect before you, and you eyed the organ warily while listening to the Earl’s next question.
 “Did you recognize anyone to be Noah here?”
 Inhaling deeply, you allowed your eyelids to drift close and outright refused to answer the question. To this, the Earl only gripped the chain one your wrists, tugging lightly so where the metal bit into your flesh. Used to this sort of pain from your training, you made no noise of complaint. Your heartbeat was beginning to return to its normal rate as well, your body completely unperturbed by the metal slicing through several layers of skin. The Earl shifted to where his mouth was directly beside your ear. Again did your heartbeat increase its rhythm; the feeling of his breath on your ear reminded you of the sensation below, of how skilled his tongue had been. You clenched your hands into fists and fought for control over yourself, almost winning when he asked:
 “They water-board you as part of your training, correct?” You stiffened slightly. It was true that you were no stranger to being water boarded, however that in no way indicated that you enjoyed it. You twisted your torso a fraction of an inch to look up at his face. The Earl peered down at you, his expression one of pure indifference. “Does drowning scare you?” You blinked once. “What about choking—did they shove anything into your mouth, hmm?” Your eyebrows furrowed, and the Earl smiled in self-congratulations.
 He moved to where he stood in front of you and motioned to Tyki. The Noah of Pleasure took up the position the Earl had previously held, his hands then seizing the restraints. You tensed your legs upon feeling your hands pulled back, and you knew full well the moment he used his power to push your hands and the chains past the back of the chair.
 “Do you know what we’re doing?” You were too absorbed in what Tyki was doing to make note of who asked the question. The Noah of Pleasure released your hands, once more returning to the Earl’s side.  The two men shared a look prior to the Millennium Earl grabbing you by the shoulder and literally tossing you onto the ground. He caught the chair before it was able to follow suit and collapse onto you. You winced as your shoulder then face smacked into the floor. A small whimper escaped from you, however you fought back any other noises.
 You groaned as the Earl rolled you onto your back then sat on the chair, staring down at you. He placed his feet on your legs, which were twisted slightly due to the position you were currently in. You shifted, attempting to alleviate some of the strain, and were stopped by both the restraints around your ankles, and the Earl pressed down on you. He asked again if you knew what was going on, and that time you shook your head.
 The Earl nodded, his eyes drifted towards Tyki, who recognized the signal immediately. The Noah of Pleasure straddled your chest, the tip of his erection touching your lips. Catching onto what they were planning, you swung your head to face the far wall. Your eyes were widened in horror, your heart beating loudly and quickly in your chest. You were certain Tyki was able to feel your pulse.
 “Don’t even think about biting,” Tyki said. He then looked skyward, rubbing his chin. “Not that you really could.” The Earl and Tyki laughed at your expense. At the same time, Tyki gripped you by the hair and forced you to face him. He shifted his hips forward, the head of his penis flush against your lips. You could smell his musk, could feel the precum dripping onto you. All you had to do was keep your mouth shut, you told yourself. That’s all you had to do. Tyki grinned down at you, his teeth and eyes reminding you of a monster—you trembled at the sight of the trademark Noah-grin. You remembered at that exact moment that it did not matter if you opened your mouth or not—his ability made you completely vulnerable even should you successfully keep your mouth shut.
 But that was not what he wanted, and you realized this upon feeling the Earl’s foot stomp down hard on your ankle. You whimpered and gasped, feeling the bone break, and instantly regretted it as Tyki thrust his hips forward, his penis entering your mouth. He did not stop there; the Noah made certain that his dick hit the back of your throat, and you gagged around the organ. Tyki slowly withdrew then rolled his hips again. You felt tears forming in your eyes, rolling down your cheeks, as the sensation and thoughts of dying from asphyxiation clouded your mind. Above you, Tyki moaned. His fingers tangled themselves in your hair, and he forced your head to bob up and down his length while he fucked your mouth.
 After thrusting into your throat several times, he withdrew from your mouth. Still seated on the seat behind Tyki and above you, the Earl repeated his previous question: Did you recognize anyone to be Noah here?
 You, however, were busy coughing and gagging. Fighting to catch your breath, you sobbed. All the while, Tyki continued to run his hand through your hair, rocking his hips, ever ready to resume. It seemed to them that you took too long; you screamed around Tyki’s erection as it entered your mouth and once more hit against the back of your throat. The vibrations of your scream caused Tyki to groan loudly in pleasure. You attempted to jerk your head away from him, but were unable to due to the fact that Tyki still held captive your hair. He did, however, relent slightly; the Noah no longer pressed himself to where he hit your throat, but instead ran the head of his penis against your tongue. You tasted the precum, at the same time your nostrils were filled with the scent of his musk. For a second time, Tyki withdrew from your mouth without cumming. He stared down at you while, for a third time, the Earl asked the question.
 “J…just…” More tears spilled down your cheeks; you did not want to betray the Order, but it did not count if the information was harmless, did it? No, you told yourself. It wasn’t betrayal if it didn’t hurt the Order. “…I only…I only recognized the ones…that the Order…” You swallowed hard, your throat sore. “Only the ones that the Order already knows of…”
 The Earl nodded, but you barely saw the action past Tyki’s body. The patriarch of the Noah family shifted in his seat, his own pants becoming unbearably tight. In his next question, you heard his voice deepen, grow husky: “What Noah do the Order know about?”
 Your legs were growing numb, and you attempted to move them to get the blood flowing once more. The Earl allowed this, and even aided you just a little by pushing against your shins. Your gaze flickered to Tyki, then darted to the Earl, and finally settled on the Noah of Pleasure’s face. He was staring down at you lovingly—it was all about lust, you well knew.
 “I…I don’t know,” you said quickly, hoping this would satisfy the two. Tyki only sighed, gripped your head, and ignored your protests as he entered your mouth against. This time, his moan was loud. It echoed in your head as his hips rolled forward, the head of his dick sliding against the roof of your mouth. It tickled somewhat, and you shuddered in response.  He moved, alternating between running the upperside of his shaft against the roof of your mouth, and the underside along your tongue. Your throat constricted the moment he ventured to move in that deeply. You hardly heard his hiss of ‘Oh, fuck yes’, your vision growing blurred from the lack of oxygen. You attempted several times to breathe through your nose, however were assaulted and overwhelmed by his scent.
 His thrusting grew more frantic. You felt his hand hit against your chin, and your brow furrowed before you realized that he was cupping his sac while he continued to rape your mouth. You shut your eyes tightly, knowing what was coming—knowing that he was about to cum. You hoped and prayed that he would go ahead and thrust once more into the back of your throat so that you would not have to taste him. Those prayers remained unanswered; Tyki made certain his seed spilled on your tongue and filled your mouth. Upon pulling out, he slammed a hand over your lips, preventing you from spitting out the semen.
 You swallowed several times, fought off the urge to gag, and sobbed pathetically when Tyki removed his hand. A handful of tears slipped down your cheeks; you were completely and utterly disgusted with yourself, were sure that you were going to Hell for what you had been forced to do—that’s what the Order had told you would happen. Tyki moved off your chest, and both Noah watched you cry. The younger Noah ran a thumb up and down your cheek in a semi-comforting manner. You could only shake your head in response.
 “But…but I really…I really don’t know that,” you said, sobbing loudly and voice breaking several times during that short sentence. “I just…only ….the list…”
 The Earl hummed in response; it was a bit late for him to be agreeing with you, to be accepting that answer, you thought. Tyki had already had his way with you.
 Standing, the Noah patriarch took out a piece of paper from his pocket. You recognized it immediately as the list you had mentioned. If he already knew about the list….then why would they do that…? You sobbed yet again. He then knelt between your legs, reaching backwards and snapping the chains off with a brief summoning of dark power. You yanked your limbs away from him, curling in on yourself in an attempt to hide your lower half from his wandering eyes. Tyki watched with vague interest as the Earl seized your hips and pulled you into his lap. You cried into his chest, his hands crossed behind your back and unlocking the shackles on your wrists.
 Your arms, sore and tender from the position they had been trapped in for so long, flopped lamely to your sides for a minute. Blood pulsed through your limbs in an aching speed that had you tensing and hissing in discomfort. At the same time, you were not oblivious to the Earl’s own growing discomfort, to the erection pressing against you from under his clothing. His hands were lecherous, venturing to touch and rub first your arms, then your hips, and finally your chest. He squeezed your breasts, causing you to gasp and attempt to retreat. Pulling away, you landed on your back against, only to have the Earl roll on top of you. One hand remained on your chest, pinching a nipple through your shirt and bra, and the other rested beside your face in order to prop himself up.
 You grit your teeth together, shutting your eyes and gasping as he rolled the nipple between finger and thumb. His hips pressed into yours, his erection pressing tightly against your wet pussy. You whimpered beneath him, and felt tears running down your cheeks yet again. He began licking up the salty-water that fell from your eyes, his lips pressing gently against your eyelids after following the trail.
 “Were you able to gather any new information on the Noah?” he asked, the hand abandoning your breast to trail between your two bodies—down, down, running over your abdomen, next your pelvic bone, and finally a knuckle slipping between your folds as he gripped the zipper of his pants. You heard him tug the metal down, and felt his hand move against you as he undid the button as well.
 You opened your eyes and stared at him, horrorstruck as he pulled himself out of his pants. His hips shifted lightly, however he made no mood to penetrate you. “I….I…” He ran his tongue over his lips, and you stared, hypnotized by the pink organ. He slipped his hand back up your body, first cupping your thigh and slowly massaging up. You were growing wetter the higher he went, panting as his thumb hooked for just a moment into your pussy, massaging your clit prior to venturing higher. Subconsciously, you spread your legs further for the Earl and he rewarded you by pressing forward. Your body tensed upon feeling the head of the Earl’s erection brush against your lower lips. “Please…d-don’t.”
 “Just answer the question,” he told you, although he obliged in the slightest by shifting to where his penis was not so snug against you.
 “Y-y-yes.” You looked away from his face, staring instead at one of the bookcases in the room. This was getting to the point of betrayal, you told yourself. Anything further and you would be damned if you answered their questions. At the same time, you told yourself that you were damned if the Earl or Tyki had their way with you; premarital sex was immoral! You sniffled, chest heaving with yet another sob. “Just pl-please don’t.” You pulled your hips away from his, your hands moving to cover yourself. The Earl watched this with fascination, and Tyki also observed your actions with growing interest.
 “You’ve already told the Order the information?” the Millennium Earl asked, placing both hands on either side of your head and moving to where he was on all fours over you. You sobbed in response to his interrogation. That was enough of an answer for him. “What information did you give to them?”
 “I…I can’t…I can’t…” You felt as though you were suffocating; the feeling of weight on your chest, of air not able to get into your lungs was worse than when Tyki had fucked your mouth. Your throat was still sore from the abuse, and every ragged breath you took only made things worse. You gulped in a mouthful of air, fear clenching your heart as the Earl started to undo the buttons on his shirt. You shook your head, hands flying up to grab his, to stop his actions. He paused for only a moment as your fingers curled around his hand, and stared down at you. His erection throbbed painfully at the sight of you sputtering out nonsensical words, of you begging him to please wait. Then he resumed undressing himself, that time with more fervor, his eyes half-lidded with lust.
 You pulled yourself out from underneath his body successfully just as he was shrugging his shirt off of his shoulders. However, you had completely forgotten about Tyki’s presence, and were startled when the second Noah’s arms wrapped around your waist to stop your escape. While the Earl finished pulling off his pants, and while you tried to tear yourself from Tyki’s grasp, the Noah of pleasure peeled your shirt from your body with his ability. You covered your chest, which was then covered only by your bra, and thus left yourself open to Tyki’s hands removing your pants and panties completely from your body.
 Crossing your legs, you turned your body halfway away from the two men, trying to hide yourself. The Earl sighed in contentment at the sight, and Tyki made quick work of removing his own clothes. He used only one hand, the second squeezing between your thighs, two fingers rubbing against and then into your vagina. You gasped, yours hips initially jerked away from the contact before Tyki began curling and uncurling the digits. At that point, you could not stop your body from responding to the touch. It did not help either when the Noah of pleasure tugged you closer, your back against his torso, or when the Earl moved to where he had better access to you. His hands gripped you, forced your legs apart, and he thrust two more fingers into your depth. You released a small scream at the pain that flooded through your mind, unused to such stretching and pressure in the lower regions of your body.
 “Stop! That hurts!”
 “Oh~?” Tyki peered down at your pussy from over your shoulder, watching as his and the Earl’s fingers thrust in and out of you. A few drops of red and pink came out as he jerked his fingers away for a moment. “You really are a virgin.” The fingers returned, and you jumped at the intrusion, bouncing against Tyki, accidentally causing the fingers to thrust into you harder. The Noah of Pleasure kissed the top of your head, his lips and kisses trailing down the side of your face, until he arrived at your neck. He nibbled at your flesh, tongue flicking out and teasing.
 You were starting to moan as the fingers wiggled and danced within you, as Tyki’s tongue lapped at your neck, as the Earl’s free hand squeezed and tormented your breasts. You threw your head back, sobbing and moaning at the same time. It was getting hard to breathe, it was getting—so fucking hot. You felt sweat running down your body as you moved your hips in time with the fingers. Tyki’s hand joined the Earl’s and started to play with your other breast.  The Earl, likewise, moved forward and started to lick the other side of your neck. You felt several times their tongues meet as they licked every inch of your neck. Tyki’s erection pressed into your back and you gasped, your tongue lolling in your mouth.
  The Earl withdrew his fingers first, running them along your body and trailing upwards until he was able to lick both your neck and your juices at the same time. He then shifted and ran his tongue down your body, over the line he had previously smeared on you. Your tears seemed to have dried up, and you could only manage a shaky breath and a weak sob as the Earl’s mouth engulfed you. He sucked at your wet pussy, his tongue running along Tyki’s fingers and your inner walls.
 Tyki withdrew his fingers, caressing the Earl’s face for a moment before moving both hands to your hips. You watched the action, confused. “Duke, we’re still going to ask her, right?” Tyki asked, pressing closer to you. The Millennium Earl kissed back up your body until his face was above your head and he looked Tyki directly in the eyes. You looked up to watch the pair, your mind and body still coming down from the high that the two Noah had given to you. You leaned your head against Tyki’s shoulder, and continued to pant. The pair of men gazed down at you, watching you watch them.
 “That’s correct.”  Your teeth clamped down on your bottom lip as he moved to where his forehead rested against yours. “What information were you able to give the Order?”
 You shook your head, closing your eyes tightly as you released your lip in order to say, “I’m not…not allowed…I won’t…”
 The Earl seized your hips, his hands directly above Tyki’s. Both Noah forced your hips forward, and you scrambled against the feeling of the Earl’s erection against your entrance. He slammed his hips up, burying himself in you immediately. A scream ripped from your throat at the sudden intrusion. You jerked your body, attempting to remove yourself. The Earl, meanwhile, groaned loudly and whispered a multitude of words regarding how tight you felt.
 “Oh, God!” you whimpered. “You…I’m…”
 “Were you saving it for your husband~?” Tyki cooed, nuzzling you while dropping his hands from your hips to your ass. You stiffened as he began to knead your flesh, and you stared at the Earl, who had yet to move since he first entered you. “We’re very good at destroying innocence~” The two Noah laughed, and you shuddered.
 “Are you going to answer the question?” the Earl asked, lifting his hips further into yours. You wiggled against him, unable to remove yourself from him as his hands held you in place. Tyki continued to massage your butt, his fingers  running over your cheeks and seeking a different entrance. You tensed upon realizing what he was doing, your head whipping around to look at him. He smirked at you in response. “You have five seconds….four…” With wide eyes, you looked at the Earl. Tyki’s fingers wiggled into you, causing you to buck your hips. This resulted in your gasping and the Earl moaning lowly in his throat. “…three…”
 “Wait, wait…”
 “…two…” Tyki positioned himself, the tip of his erection pressing tightly against your anus.  You opened your mouth then closed it. “…one…” Eyes impossibly wide and mouth hanging open as you prepared to beg once more for him to wait, you felt the wind get knocked out of you as Tyki thrust forward. A handful of screams tore from you, and once more you found yourself sobbing as your mind was filled with a searing pain.
 “I hell need going stop trouble,” you said. The two men looked at your face, both blinking as you sputtered nonsense. The Earl was the first to laugh, and Tyki followed this by a chuckle. Both shifted their hips, attempting to establish a rhythm. You grit your teeth and hissed in pain.
 Tyki looked at the Earl past your shoulder and suggested, “Maybe you should lay down?” The Millennium Earl obliged, shifting to where he was on his back and you were on top of him. Tyki moved forward at the same time, making sure he did not slip from your tightness. The new position did help to alleviate some of the pain you were experiencing.
 You placed your hands on the Earl’s chest when you felt as though you were about to collapse from the slight discomfort that remained. The Earl and Tyki rotated their hips another time, and you shifted as a hint of pleasure washed over your body. Not again, I can’t be enjoying this—not again, you screamed at yourself in your mind. All the same, you could not prevent the ‘mmm’ from escaping you. You ran your tongue over your lips, the room suddenly feeling hot beyond all reason. You felt the heat start to center around your belly before it shifted lower.
 The first time you rocked your hips in time with Tyki and the Earl’s thrusting, your mind hardly registered it. The second time, you cursed yourself. On the third occasion, however, you were growing so hot that you hardly cared. The phrase ‘I’m going to hell’ repeated itself in your mind over and over, and still you continued to ride the two Noah. You ran your hands up and down the Earl’s bare chest, trailing your fingers by the tips only down the Earl’s abs. They shuddered under your touch, and the Earl gave an appreciative moan, jerking his hips into you. You rolled your hips against his in return, making sure to wiggle against Tyki, who started suckling at your neck in response.
 Suddenly the two paused, and it was you alone who was riding the pair. They both fought the urge to resume, seeing how eager you were growing. Tyki and the Earl steadied your hips with firm grips. You stared down at the Earl questioningly, mind in a boggle from the pleasure you were receiving. Your teeth started to saw through your bottom lip—it was so hot in the room! There was so much pressure in the lower half of your body, pressure that demanded you move against the dicks that were buried within you.
 “What information did you tell the Order?” the Earl asked. You groaned in response, your hands shoving against the limbs that were holding you in place. Below you, the Earl rotated his hips a second before Tyki also swiveled himself. You moaned as a result, eyelids fluttering closed. “Did it involve our abilities?” This time, Tyki thrust forward, forcing the Earl deeper into you.
 “Oh…mmm…” You were breathing unevenly, your hands running along your own body. One hand cupped a single breast. You pinched and rolled a single nipple, kneading the breast as your other hand wormed its way to way you were able to thrust a single finger into yourself. You moved it up and down the Earl’s shaft before focusing on pleasuring yourself.
 Tyki pulled out of you right before the Earl flipped you onto your back, his hips withdrawing until his dick left you with a slick sound. Then he slammed himself forward, reentering you. You wrapped your legs tightly around his waist, bucking your hips into his. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he started to fuck you from his kneeling position. You removed your finger from yourself and grasped at the Earl’s balls, rolling them and touching them. All too soon, the Earl reached behind himself, unhooked your legs, and pulled out; you cursed as he regained control of the situation.
 “That’s a pretty strong aphrodisiac you put in her drink,” you heard Tyki say as your focus swam. “How much did you give her anyway?”
 You were unable to hear the Earl’s response. You had once more buried your finger into yourself, adding a second as you started to scissor yourself. The two Noah watched you for a minute as you brought yourself to the pique of pleasure—and then the Earl seized your hands , securing them behind your back. He forced you backwards into his lap. You wiggled against him, trying to position yourself over his erection before noticing that Tyki had moved in front of you.
 “I shouldn’t have given her that much,” the Earl muttered as you spread your legs for Tyki. The two Noah smirked; you threw your head back as Tyki entered you. Your hips were immediately moving against his, your legs wrapped around the man in order to force him closer, deeper. You were panting heavily by then. Tyki chuckled, moving in and out of you with skill. “Hmm.”
 The Earl pushed you into Tyki’s arms, releasing your hands. You grasped the Noah of Pleasure’s shoulders, still riding him even as the Earl thrust into your anus. You groaned out an ‘oh yes’ and shifted to where you could enjoy them both in full.
 Tyki’s hands were on your thighs, and the Earl’s on your chest.  You had your legs wrapped around Tyki’s torso and arms draped behind you around the Earl’s neck. You pulled him closer, pressing your lips against his in such haste that your teeth collided. The Earl growled in response, his tongue forcing its way into your mouth. Simultaneously, Tyki started to nibble once again at your neck. Your lips left the Earl’s and you seized Tyki’s, your tongue running along his. Not allowing you much of a chance to get away, the Earl leaned further into you, his mouth joining. The three of your tongues fought for dominance, slipping on occasion into someone’s mouth, although you were never quite sure whose.
 For a second time, both men pulled away and out of you. You whimpered; they had grabbed your limbs and stretched you out to keep you from pleasuring yourself.
 “Did it have anything to do with…” The Earl paused, breathing heavily. “Did the information regard the Noah’s abilities?”
 “Oh fuck…” You could feel that you were so close to cumming. Your body was screaming for the two men to enter you, while your mind battled with the effects of the aphrodisiac and the knowledge that you should not reveal anything to the two men. You swallowed hard, eyes wandering over Tyki and the Earl’s naked bodies. The sight of their erections alone was about enough to make you cum. “It was…how…the looks…”
 The Millennium Earl whipped you onto his lap, where you immediately wrapped your legs securely in place; while he thrust inside, you pushed yourself onto him. The Earl reached past you, gripping Tyki’s hips and forcing the Noah of Pleasure against you. Tyki obliged without complaint, moving to where he was able to reenter you. He gripped your hair and harshly yanked your head back, literally shoving his tongue towards the back of your throat. You whimpered then moaned in response, moving your hips in time with theirs.
 Your hands were running up and down the Earl’s chest, until you found his abs again. Releasing your hair, Tyki reached in front of you, his hands gripping harshly at your chest. You shuddered in slight pain and noticed that his rhythm was increasing, that he was getting close. You continued to kiss him, your hands seizing the Earl’s wrists and bringing them to your chest as well. The Earl groaned lowly, leaving one hand on your right breast while the other grabbed you by the back of your neck. He jerked you forward and claimed your mouth. You felt yourself tighten around him as he thrust his tongue in and out of your mouth, mimicking what was going on below. You came for a second time, and this caused the Earl to cum only a few seconds following. Tyki continued to thrust into you even after the Earl pulled out.
 He then paused, realizing what had happened, and forced you onto all fours while pulling out. He positioned himself at the entrance of your vagina and then thrust forward. He had one hand on your back, keeping you in place while he fucked you as though you were an animal. Not that you minded in the least at that point—you were rocking your hips back into his.
 You reached forward with a single hand, gripping the Earl’s shaft as it softened, and leaned until you were able to lap up the semen and juices that had stuck to him.
 “Fuck, that’s hot,” you heard Tyki say. He pulled all the way out and then thrust forward, forcing your face further into the Earl’s lap. A moment later, Tyki came with a loud groan. He continued to thrust into you until his shaft had fully softened.
 At that point, you were so hot once more that you rolled onto your back and, not caring who was watching, started to fuck yourself with your fingers. Tyki licked his lips, an action that the Earl mimicked.  Both of them spread your legs and buried their tongues within your depths. “Oh, fuck yes,” you hissed jerked your hips into their faces.  Tyki licked a trail from your pussy up to your neck then back down again, while the Earl forced your finger away and started to roll your clit between his teeth. When you felt Tyki slip his tongue into you again, you moaned. You felt your walls tighten around their tongues, almost sobbed in pure ecstasy as they continued lapping at you even as you came. You were left gasping for air when they moved away from you. Tyki wiped his chin with an arm, all the while licking his lips.
 “Still can’t believe the Order was dumb enough to send a girl~” You blinked at him, your mind not fully registering what the Noah was saying.
 The Earl took a deep breath, stared down at you, and made a noise of agreement; in the back of his mind, he wondered if the Order had expected this, but then dismissed the thought immediately upon reflecting on all the information he was able to gain from you. He then pushed himself into a standing position and crossed the room, where he retrieved a cup of water. The Millennium Earl sat beside you, helped you into his lap, and pressed the rim of the cup against your mouth. You greedily started to drink the water, whimpering as he would pull the glass away then replace it. He seemed to be purposely spilling some of the water on your chest.
 Again he took the cup away from you. That time he did not give it back, instead taking a sip himself. You reached for it, but were unable to retrieve it as Tyki took the water and sucked down what little remained.
 “Do we kill her?” the Noah of Pleasure asked, rubbing a hand down your back. He stroked you as though you were a house pet. You stiffened at his question, looking between him and the Earl. “She might tell the Order what you look like.”
 The Earl brushed back some of your hair. “I’m not worried about that.” He captured your bottom lip between his teeth, caressing the area of flesh with his tongue. He released you, looking at Tyki. The Earl then shifted his gaze to you. “I wonder—what is the Order going to do to once they find out everything?” You shuddered at the thought; even if they did not put you to death for your acts of heresy, you were certain you would not be welcome amongst your comrades. “I suppose we’ll just have to return her.” You did not like the way he grinned as he said that. Your mind screamed as he once more moved atop you, as your body, under the influences of the aphrodisiac, responded to his sinful, lecherous hands.
 You crossed your arms over your chest as you stared at your superiors. The way quite a few of them were eyeballing you left a wave of chills running through you; quite a few of them were leering at you in the same manner both the Earl and Tyki had. This fact alone made you wish that you had been able to leave out the information regarding your debauchery, however the Order had made it clear that they would tolerate no editing or omitting to your tale. There was a mutual agreement amongst your superiors that your body would need to be cleansed; at that, you shuddered. All the while, they admitted that they were thoroughly pleased with the information you had provided—especially that regarding the Millennium Earl’s human appearance. Really, he shouldn’t have allowed you to live.
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ultraimaginez · 4 years
What’s In a Name - [Diavolo x Reader]
Fandom: Obey Me!
Character: Diavolo
A/N: This is honestly more of a character study of Diavolo being soft than anything else. I just love one (1) future demon king who just wants to be included god damn it. Please someone let Diavolo be a part of the gang. Anyway this has now inspired me to write more Diavolo content so send an ask if you have suggestions lol
An honorific can be such a powerful and yet profoundly lonely thing.
It’s been a long time since anyone has addressed Diavolo without putting the word “Lord” before his name. His lordship is just as much a part of who he is now as any other bit of him. Even his two closest friends address him as “Lord Diavolo” -- and before the exchange program that truly didn’t feel all that odd. It was simply the way things were.
And then you arrived...
Diavolo does his best to be diplomatic and levelheaded in his day to day interactions, but he’s just as much a demon prone to his vices as any other. Watching the way you so casually interact with the brothers of House Lamentation stirs envy in his gut and reminds him of his own isolation in a way he hasn’t felt for a very long time.
He’s always wanted what Lucifer had with his brothers-- that closeness with another person. An intimacy greater than lust, one built on a casual closeness and unspoken understanding that you seem to fall into so naturally. 
He notices it in little ways. 
It’s the way Levi embraces your physical proximity in a way he’s never seen him do with any other person in all the centuries he’s known him. It’s the way Asmodeus, who has purposely never invited him to one of his parties, makes a point to involve you in every single thing he does. It’s the way Mammon goes out of his way to give to you after a lifetime in the devildom of withholding everything he can get his hands on.
If Diavolo is being honest he can’t really tell who he’s actually jealous of. It’s difficult to pinpoint whether he’s envious of you, who has formed a connection with these boys in less than a year when he hasn’t been able to in literally millennia. Or maybe he’s envious of them, who have developed this casual  closeness with you he could never have.
Well, at least he thinks he could never have that.
But you don’t seem to be privy to the unspoken rules that surround Lord Diavolo, and if you are then you certainly don’t seem to care. 
The first time you call him by a nickname he’s almost positive Lucifer is about to fly into his demon form and murder you.
You walk into his office where he’s been chatting with Lucifer and make yourself at home in one of the seats across from his desk. “Hey! What’s good, D-man? Do you have a sec? I’ve got a question.”
He has to physically throw up a hand into Lucifer’s chest to stop him from ruining what might be the first taste he’s had of the sort of relaxed friendliness Lucifer gets to see every day.
The eldest brother is still snarling as he seems to barely register Lord Diavolo’s hand. “MC. I’ve told you. It’s L-”
Diavolo cuts Lucifer off with a look and the black haired demon just stares at him with a look of equal parts confusion and irritation.
“For you? I’ve got several seconds.” He beams at you and then move to lean across the desk. “What seems to be the problem?” He asks, completely ignoring his friend who he can now tell has gone from seething, to confused, to something altogether unreadable. He doesn’t think about it too long though as all of his attention turns to you.
And he assumes that this will (unfortunately) be a one off incident since there’s no way Lucifer did not freak out on you the second the two of you were back home.
He is pleasantly surprised to find that it is not.
At first it feels strange to hear himself referred to anything other as Lord Diavolo but as time goes on you seem to make a game of coming up with as many absurd names as possible. D, D-man, Diav, DD, Volvo, Volvo XC90, Volvo S60... (at some point they just sort of devolve into you trying to name as many makes and models of Volvo cars as you can.) And it makes Lucifer furious which is honestly half the fun. Because for once he’s a part of the inside joke. He knows how it must feel to be one of the brothers. He is a part of the inner world of the House Lamentation instead of being the source of conflict within it.
And he knows that if it were anybody else that this would be an attempt at mockery-- and he wouldn’t hesitate to strike them down. Everyone in the Devildom knows what he’s capable of, even you despite the fact that you willfully ignore it. 
But there is a profound difference when you call him a nickname because it’s never at his expense. He can tell you’re trying to make him smile-- and it works. 
You are so genuine, so authentic, it’s almost hard for him to take. He has been so used to bureaucracy for so long and his goals of unity have overshadowed the importance of genuine connection for himself. You remind him why is dream is worth achieving...
His dream is worth it for the moments like the one he’s having now, where you sit across from him in his office and rattle on about your classes. These “meetings” had started as an excuse for him to “get a better idea of how you were integrating into the school” but now they happen every single day and there’s no way he can continue to operate under the pretext that they’re for the exchange program when he literally does not do this with anybody else.
 “-and then in potions class I was working on my assignment and you’ll never guess what Mammon did! He literally just-” you spastically flail your arms simulating your earlier experience “freaks out because he was checking his phone and realized he lost a shit ton of money on some stupid sports gambling app and knocks ALL my ingredients into the cauldron at once so then KABOOM! It goes everywhere! ........ hey.... are you even listening to me?? Yo! Earth to Diavolo? Come in, Diavolo...”
He shakes himself out of his own inner monologue and smiles at you, laughing and trying to make his brain and heart and everything else catch up on the same page again. “Sounds like classic Mammon.” He says and he watches as your skeptical glance in his direction softens again.
“Well you’re NEVER going to guess what happened next-”
He wonders if you’re aware of the impact you’ve had on everyone around you or if you’re just naively altering their world without much thought about it at all. He guesses it’s the latter. You don’t seem to see the effect you have on him or the brothers. 
Maybe that’s for the best. 
He’s not sure he could put his gratitude for the small moments you share into words. In part because he does not have the words to do so, and in part because he could never bring himself to be that vulnerable. But he knows that Barbatos and Lucifer can see it. They don’t say anything-- probably because they care too deeply for him to see him struggle through articulating what’s on his mind-- but it’s clear to everyone but you. 
You’ve managed to give the Future King of the Devildom a reprieve from his isolation when no one else could.
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