#matcha vs green tea
acalatea0786 · 1 year
Best White Tea: Unveiling the Epitome of Elegance
Elevate your tea journey with the Best White Tea. Crafted from delicate young tea leaves and buds, this exquisite brew embodies elegance and subtlety. Savor the soft floral notes and discover why it's cherished by tea aficionados worldwide.
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(Day 1/13)
Green shadow / Matcha Boba
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anielskaaniela · 15 days
Is Matcha Japanese or Chinese? Unveiling True Origins
In this post, you’ll discover whether matcha originates from Japan or China. In my shop, you will find original, top-quality Japanese teas, directly from Japan. These are true gems among teas that will provide you with an authentic taste experience straight from the Land of the Rising Sun. Matcha is a vibrant green tea powder that has gained immense popularity worldwide for its unique flavor,…
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recurring-polynya · 11 days
I have been thinking about Minazuki lately for a variety of reasons. One interesting fact about Minazuki is that, while that's the name of both their shikai and bankai, it's spelled differently. Shikai Minazuki is 肉雫唼 (Flesh-Drops' Gorge, per the Bleach Wiki). The Bankai version is 皆尽, All Things' End. (For more translation notes, see this excellent Name Games post from @littleeyesofpallas). However, there is another homonym for Minazuki: 水無月, month of water, aka the old-fashioned name for June. Additionally, there is a wagashi called minazuki wagashi, a triangular rice cake topped with red bean. It is traditionally eaten in June, and according to this Kyoto regional cuisine website, it is used in a Shinto ritual at the end of June "to purify the 'sins and impurities' of the six months from January to June."
What makes this interesting to me is that in Bleach, shinigami are a mixed bag insofar as how open they are about the names and abilities of their zanpakutou, but I think that Unohana's would be among the more commonly known since it's used for healing. But is the spelling common knowledge? It's not like she's going to stand in front of the blackboard on the first day of class and spell it for everyone. (I assume this is how Aizen's obligatory shikai-reveal goes).
Furthermore, the assumption that her zanpakutou uses a slightly archaic/poetic name for a late spring month goes right along with Unohana's whole paragon-of-traditional-womanhood deal. It also would be yet another example of Kubo's love of hiding things in plain sight.
I want to get back to the wagashi, tho! For starters, the idea of "wiping away sins from the first part of the year" to me goes along with both the whole idea of Unohana "turning over a new leaf", so to speak, and maybe also with some of the morning vs. night shift change stuff mentioned in the Name Games post above. Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but Minazuki's shikai even bears a superficial resemblance to a minazuki, in the sense that Minazuki is a) vaguely triangular, and b) darker colored on top and lighter on the bottom. (This recipe post suggests you can dust your minazuki with matcha powder, if you wanted to make it green).
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Unohana already has some associations with tea ceremony, and she publishes a guide to sweet shops in the Seireitei Communication. I guess I just think it would be really funny if everyone thought her zanpakutou was named after a dessert--like if you met some nice, mild-mannered lady with a cute little purse dog named "Cookie", but then, several years later, you find that "Cookie" is short for "Cook My Enemies in the Scorching Hot Oil of Vengeance."
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angels-tears-world · 1 month
Guys I’ve been researching and it seems like matcha is really good for weight loss- like green tea but with more nutrients.
Just keep in mind that if you use milk it will be a bit more calories, but you can use water.
I’m going to post later a post about Matcha vs Green Tea, as well as an update drinking matcha.
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stuckinapril · 7 months
if you find u dont like matcha vs green tea, it probably either lies in the caffeine content (matcha has higher caffeine levels) or the fact there are different Grades of matcha, and some are more obviously for baking (lower quality, more bitter, but you can buy it in way bigger quantities for less) and dont make great teas, while others are strictly for being made into tea, which i find have a like. higher and lighter taste, idk how to describe it lol
anon I have nothing but love for u. I will try this. but I just wanted you to know this is matcha think piece #6896 in my inbox
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allsadnshit · 7 months
Do you have any advice on how to get better at making matcha? My little handheld milk frother does a decent job, but I just can't seem to get the hang of the bamboo whisk (even with thorough sifting and a bunch of whisking I still seem to get some clumps at the bottom...) and I would love to be better at making it the proper way. Also, your cookbook is amazing and I can't wait to see what else you make! Wishing you all the best :)
definitely start with investing in high quality matcha, because the tools can only do their own job but can never make up for the actual tea itself. I personally buy from ippodo tea, but in general just make sure your matcha is sourced in Japan only, and I'd focus on brands that don't have any additives (grocery store matcha often has other things for shelf stability etc), it should always JUST be the green tea milled and nothing more. beyond that, having a proper sift to make sure you don't have clumps even before you start whisking is important, soaking your matcha whisk in warm water for a minute before using it, having a well shaped bowl (whisking in a regular bowl doesn't match a true matcha bowl in my opinion, I HATED using whatever cheap bowls my old work would provide vs the nice bowl I have at home) and whisking should only take about 15 seconds, fast but gentle back and forth, not circles.
I recommend investing in this set, it's the one I use:
it's cheaper in the long run to have a nice kit at home for the best quality drinks rather than getting matcha out anyways. most shops carry Rishi (worst matcha!!!!!) and don't even sift let alone make it right and will still charge you $8 a cup! having a full kit at home and making it yourself is such a beautiful ritual, and I even use my matcha kit to make oolong lattes too with the milled oolong powder I enjoy
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betterthanu333 · 3 months
⭐️ diary June/27/24
Day 4:
Officially ended my fast of 93 hours because I ate 1 scrambled egg (no butter or oil) with seaweed and had petite baby carrots with tzatziki dip. Kinda mad at myself but my mom was on my head 24/7 today but I gained her trust tonight bc I had proof that I ate so I don’t think she’s gonna ask my about what I eat anymore. She’s been telling me that I’m gonna die if I keep starving myself (I tell her that I’m not but i am kinda 😊) and that I look deathly and my eyes and face show how I’m so thin and that why do I want to be skinner than I am, that I already am as skinny as a twig. WHICH I’m not guys istg I’m 174cm and I’m about I think 63kg or 62kg. I had kinda thick thighs (no thigh gap 💔🙏🏽) and I do have a kinda flat stomach with the most beefiest and loose fattiest upper arms. I’m tryna have that vs or at least Pilates build body.
Anyways I had a cup of green tea so flush this shit outta my body and then I’m gonna pop a melatonin to get enough sleep to wake up tmrw at sunrise to go walk/jog. Oh and today I went for only 1 walk💔 but it was like an incline and then so many fucking steep stairs I almost fainted bro wait actually that might be my fucking asthma but fuck it. Omg this hot boy in like college I think he had a beard was walking with his dad. My brother and I passed then with the incline up( the walking and stairs lead to the beach but we were leaving) and his father stopped to talk to a security man while his hot ass son was waiting AND I FEEL LIKE THAT MF SAW ME FROM AFAR & WAS LIKE HOLD ON LEMME WAIT.
So I passed him and his father was still talking with the security about how they’ve been living here for 15 years, keep in mind this place is on the hills and has an ocean view and the houses are fucking amaze balls ( rich rich bby ) anyways I passed by and I cursed at life bc we had to tackle the 1000 STAIRS, bro when I tell u I was fucking heaving, it was so embarrassing I hand to grip onto the handles and take a minute while they fricking passed me. Keep in mind my younger brother did not give 2 shits about me and I kept telling him to wait up.
Sadly I do not have the endurance nor stamina I thought I had with inclines and stairs which I need to BUILD STAMINA FOR BC THATS THE SHIT THAT TONES U AND MAKES U LOSE WEIGHT BUT I DONT KNOW HOW TO BE READY FIR THAT WHEN I EAT ZERO shit so for the love of god if u annies have any tips on how to control ur fucking breathing or at least have energy before a workout, Which I thought I had since I ate carrots and drank half of a WTR MLN WTR drink that has electrolytes and I walked out the door thinking I was swell IH FCK I JUST REMEBERED I HAD A MATCHA WITH VANILLA SYRUP TODAY BC I WENT TO A CAFE WITH MY MOM AND SISTER but I didn’t drink it all ohhhhh myyy gooodddddd guys I fucking hate myself today I ruined my diet and for what. I’m not gonna binge though bc I built the self control for that and I need to pushed off the deep end more than this in order for me to binge.
I burned 1,745 cals today. I need to get back on my 2,000+ grind like day 2 but I walked/cardio 2 times that day which I plan on doing tmrw. I did do a blogilates and workout (the one where she wears a turquoise set) but I only burned 83 cals which isn’t much but ugh anyways.
This was an especially long diary check in so pls tell me if I need to shut the fuck a bit more and summarize my day better… also emojis are fucking cringe but I use them so u guys understand my tone 👅
Goodnight annies
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Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 1 Poll TT
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(Thistles and 'matcha' green tea leaves)
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jentwt · 1 day
omg thank u so much @joonary for checking in 🥹 miss you so bad!!!!
favorite color | sage green! rn also lavender!
last song | "poison" by nct dream (post-concert depression is hitting me bad.)
current read | i am so sorry to 14 year old bookworm me but i am not reading anything other than work emails these days ��
current watch | rewatching business proposal to feel something
current craving | chocolate pretzels mmm
coffee vs tea | matcha!
no tags (bc i know no one outside of the handful of people i usually interact with on here) but whoever sees this and wants to do it go for it 🙂‍↕️
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oceandiagonale · 6 months
This is something I thought of in terms of how Youkou would possibly greet Gene should she meet him, and that's with a freshly steeped cup of hōjicha. She'd be overwhelmingly polite & modest and honestly very nervous and trying to not trip over her words and not come across as too much because, how often do you meet someone who is the champion of multiple regions? That is like, the greatest honor!
This has the unfortunate side-effect of making her come across as incredibly stilted as a way of maintaining a calm appearance.
I'd imagine that Gene would pick up on this and gently tell her that they're both equals; to not fret over it, and to not think of him as some sort of celebrity but as just A Guy, and she'd calm down substantially and apologize. (he'd probably tell her to not worry about it and then she'd have to bite back apologizing about apologizing. She's better about this after knowing Fukakai for some years and she loosens up quite a bit and isn't so formal, but it's still a hard habit to break. She's making progress, though) She'd be much more naturally friendly to him and not be so worried about making a flawless first impression. (especially so if he catches sight of her Alcremie and remarks on its uniqueness to which her anxiety would dissipate and she'd happily gush about it and how much she adores her precious Kanbi)
Though she offers him hōjicha, she'd certainly also offer one of her homemade confections that would be best paired with it. ("Some flavors that pair beautifully with hojicha are maple syrup, chocolate, matcha, black sesame, sweet potato, fig, caramel, and vanilla.")
She'd make specifically hōjicha for him because she'd learn of his love for coffee and not know how exactly he feels about tea, so she'd go a safer route by making a tea that tastes and smells reminiscent of coffee which also has the plus of being the most luxurious of the tea she sells. (again, first impressions— but also wanting to provide him with a gift of something very nice to enjoy)
(Gene would like hōjicha, right? I had a thought he possibly would given what's stated in this [https://www.goldenmoontea.com/blogs/tea/106690311-hojicha-the-perfect-tea-for-the-coffee-drinker] and this [https://hojicha.co/pages/hojicha-vs-matcha#:~:text=Hojicha%20is%20made%20by%20slowly,stems%2C%20stalks%2C%20or%20twigs.] I am not concise so I give the links themselves for viewing. Anyway, I thought this, and your answer as to Gene's taste in coffee further left me with the feeling he'd like it, but I'm curious to know how he'd react to a tea that smells similar to coffee and tastes somewhat like it)
(context for fukakai, context for youkou)
(link 1; link 2)
(Honestly that tea looks so delicious I'm tempted to buy some myself to try it... My sister makes matcha all the time and I'm a huge fan of jasmine green tea and my mom can't drink coffee, so it would be a big hit in our household 😳😳😳)
Absolutely, Gene would jump at a chance to have a decaf tea that still has the taste of coffee,,, I originally planned to have him cut back on the caffeine over time and start drinking more tea once Team Ultra Flare got defeated, but (gestures at Lysandre and the others who are still working as usual)
More importantly, Youkou is so sweet,,,, her character design and personality are so well implemented, and Gene would love to hear about her Alcremie 🥺🥺🥺
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cozywriter · 25 days
🥮 ~ Cozy Corner’s Grand Menu ~ 🥮
🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮🧋🥮 You were walking down the cobblestone pathway of your town, adjusting the strap of your bag as the hustle and bustle of the street puts you on edge. Sure, there were the everyday pickpockets and thieves, but you couldn’t be too careful nowadays. Every street you turned down, it seemed to get busier and busier, which meant more people. And more people meant the increasing inevitability of trouble. Not wanting to get swept up by the crowd — or worse, stuck in it — you quickly spotted a little café. It was tucked away in its own little corner along the road and from the looks of it, no one else was in there. Deciding to wait for the masses to pass before making your way back home, you quickly made your way through what little space the people left for others to pass by and started shuffling hurriedly towards the café’s doors.
Upon entering its threshold, a soft chime rang through the empty establishment. The scent of fresh bread and coffee wafting through the air. You look around and quickly realize no one is here. Not one customer, barista or baker in sight. You step further into the shop, only to realize you don’t hear the busy clamor of the outside world. No honking cars, no muffled speech from passersby behind the door. Not even shadows crossing the color tainted glass windows. You decide to book it before some psycho pops out from behind the counter, but just as you turn on your heels to run for the door, all you see is white.
In a panic, you stumble backwards, only for the next thing you see to be the mahogany ceiling, a stinging pain making from your bum making itself known. Groaning softly, you sit up, trying to rub the pain away, cussing out some choice words. Slowly rising to your feet, you’re met with a small circular coffee table that seats one, your bag already propped on top of it and leaning against the dirty green walls. Utterly confused and a tad perturbed, you whip your head around, still finding the cafe empty. Hesitantly, you look back and blink twice as you find a leather bound menu, conveniently placed so that the establishment’s brand faces you. 
Figuring that one peak couldn’t hurt, you hesitantly sit down on the wooden stool that had been previously pushed in before opening the menu, reading it over…
🥮 ~ Legend ~ 🥮
🎂Made to Order = Commissioned Requests
🍡Manager’s Pick = Self Commissioned 
🍓Spicy = Smut
🍨Sweet = Fluff
🍹Strong = Angst
🥮 ~ Appetizers and Soups ~ 🥮
Green Tea Ochazuke (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Ciorba de Burta (Castlevania)
Beef Wantons (Lego Monkie Kid)
🥮 ~ Main Dishes ~ 🥮 Moussaka (EPIC: The Musical)  Fish and Chips (Moriarty the Patriot) Boeuf Bourguignon (The Case Study of Vanitas) Traditional Pepperoni Pizza (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Deep Fried Arctic Char (Fate/Grand Order)
🥮 ~ Drinks ~ 🥮
Matcha and Cherry Fizzy Soda (Seraph of the End: Vampire Reign)
Bloody Mary Cocktail (Blood Blockade Battlefront)
Red Mystic Liquor (Bastard Warrior)
🥮 ~ Desserts ~ 🥮
Jelly filled Donuts (Trigun: Stampede)
Dark Chocolate Pie (Bastards VS Zombies)
🥮 ~ Manager’s Notes ~ 🥮
~ The Staff have the right to turn down any dish if it makes them uncomfortable to make.  ~ Kindly keep any and all orders relating to politics and religion out of this establishment. This is meant to be a safe space you can unwind and have fun. ~ Other than that, please enjoy your meal!
Although the cafe’s food choices were… random, at least they had variety, right…? I guess now, all that’s left to do is place an order…
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amethystsoda · 2 years
(thanks for the tag @milkpowderbun!!!)
* favourite colour(s): pink, blue, and purple! (but I love all colors in different measures)
* favourite flavour(s): sweet!!!! taro and ube flavor, sweet green tea/matcha, brown sugar, vanilla, honey, all the warm sweet notes.
* favourite genre(s): science fiction, fantasy, adventure. Anything with a strong story, deep exploration of relationships/characters, and a satisfying ending (doesn't have to be happy necessarily, but it has to make sense)
* favourite music: indie/alternative and electronic!! (If I list individual we will be here a while)
* favourite movie(s): The Fifth Element, Belle (Studio Chizu), Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar, Ex Machina, Kiki's Delivery Service, What We Do in the Shadows, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Blade Runner, Little Shop of Horrors, Knives Out, Austenland, Dan in Real Life, Last Holiday, Everything Everywhere All At Once, Pacific Rim, Promare, Howl's Moving Castle, Jennifer's Body
* favourite series: Bee and Puppycat + Lazy in Space, Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall, The Owl House, Star vs the Forces of Evil, The Sandman, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun 98, Mob Psycho 100, Space Patrol Luluco, Jujutsu Kaisen, Bob's Burgers, Tuca and Bertie, The Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Zombie Land Saga, Spy x Family, Space Dandy, Blue Period, The Case Study of Vanitas, Kekkai Sensen, FMA: Brotherhood (and probably more I'm forgetting)
* last song: (I think the intro poem would be really cool to use for a Vash edit!)
* last movie: Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust with my bestie Jenna last night!!
* currently reading: Delicious in Dungeon (Dunmeshi) volume 9, TriMax, and Dorohedoro
* currently watching: Aggretsuko season 5
* currently working on: figuring out a chibi/cute art style so I can make pins/stickers/badges!
Tagging: @dongiovannaswife @lostinthe-jojos @wurm-food @lela-ri @giogio-gucci-gangstar @mapesandoval @shaylistic @leefi @tonitart @eruhatesu @bonesandsunflowers @meownotgood @ctrlwave @sluggybunny @strawberrystepmom @shirohyorin @rozentias @pensivespecter and anyone else who wants to join!
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Is Matcha Stronger Than Caffeine?
Is Matcha Stronger Than Caffeine?
As caffeine remains a vital ingredient in coffee, tea, energy drinks, and many other beverages worldwide, it's no surprise that it's also a top ingredient in matcha. However, while caffeine in coffee and tea has been widely researched and understood, matcha is a relatively new entrant in the game. In this article, we will take a closer look at matcha and caffeine, and the question on everyone's mind: is matcha stronger than caffeine?
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Table of Contents
What is Matcha?
The Origin of Matcha
Matcha vs. Caffeine: The Basics
Matcha and Caffeine in the Body
Matcha's L-Theanine Content
How Does L-Theanine Affect Caffeine?
The Benefits of Matcha
The Downsides of Caffeine
The Downsides of Matcha
Matcha vs. Coffee: Which is Better?
Who Should Drink Matcha Instead of Coffee?
How to Brew Matcha
The Best Time to Drink Matcha
How Much Matcha Should You Drink?
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1. What is Matcha?
Matcha is a type of Japanese green tea that has gained massive popularity in recent years due to its health benefits and unique taste. It is made by finely grinding shade-grown green tea leaves into a bright green powder, which is then whisked with hot water to create a frothy, delicious beverage.
2. The Origin of Matcha
The history of matcha can be traced back to ancient China, where it was first used as a medicinal herb. Later, Buddhist monks brought it to Japan, where it became a staple in traditional tea ceremonies. Today, Japan is the world's leading producer of matcha, and it's consumed worldwide.
3. Matcha vs. Caffeine: The Basics
Matcha contains caffeine, just like coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages. However, the amount of caffeine in matcha is generally lower than in coffee but higher than in traditional green tea. A typical serving of matcha contains about 70 mg of caffeine, while a cup of coffee contains 95 mg.
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4. Matcha and Caffeine in the Body
When you drink matcha, the caffeine in it is absorbed into your bloodstream and travels to your brain, where it blocks the action of adenosine, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep and suppresses arousal. This is why caffeine makes you feel alert and awake.
5. Matcha's L-Theanine Content
Matcha contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which is not found in coffee. L-theanine has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.
6. How Does L-Theanine Affect Caffeine?
When you consume L-theanine with caffeine, it enhances the cognitive effects of caffeine, such as alertness, focus, and attention, while reducing the jitteriness and anxiety often associated with caffeine. This is why many people feel more relaxed and focused after drinking matcha than after drinking coffee.
7. The Benefits of Matcha
Matcha has been associated with numerous health benefits, including:
Improved focus and cognitive function
Increased energy and endurance
Reduced stress and anxiety
Boosted metabolism and weight loss
Lowered cholesterol and blood sugar levels
Improved heart health
Enhanced immune function
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8. The Downsides of Caffeine
While caffeine has many benefits, it can also have some negative effects, such as:
Jitters and nervousness
Insomnia and
9. The Downsides of Matcha
While matcha has many benefits, it also has some potential downsides, such as:
Lead contamination: Since matcha comes from the entire tea leaf, it may contain higher levels of lead than regular tea. To avoid this, it's best to purchase high-quality matcha from a reputable source.
Caffeine sensitivity: Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, and may experience side effects such as jitters, nervousness, and insomnia when consuming matcha.
Expense: High-quality matcha can be expensive, and may not be affordable for everyone.
10. Matcha vs. Coffee: Which is Better?
Whether matcha or coffee is better for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. Matcha contains less caffeine than coffee but has more L-theanine, which can help reduce caffeine jitters and promote relaxation. Coffee, on the other hand, may provide a stronger caffeine boost, but without the potential relaxation benefits of L-theanine.
11. Who Should Drink Matcha Instead of Coffee?
Matcha may be a better choice for people who are sensitive to caffeine, as well as those who want a more sustained energy boost without the crash that often comes with coffee. Matcha may also be a good choice for people who want to reap the potential relaxation benefits of L-theanine.
12. How to Brew Matcha
Brewing matcha is simple. Here's how to do it:
Boil water and let it cool to around 175°F.
Sift 1-2 teaspoons of matcha powder into a bowl.
Add a small amount of hot water to the bowl and whisk the matcha in a "W" shape until it becomes frothy.
Add the remaining hot water to the bowl and whisk again until the matcha is fully dissolved and frothy.
13. The Best Time to Drink Matcha
The best time to drink matcha is in the morning or early afternoon, as it can provide an energy boost without disrupting sleep. However, some people may prefer to drink matcha later in the day as a substitute for coffee or other caffeinated beverages.
14. How Much Matcha Should You Drink?
The recommended daily dose of matcha is 1-2 teaspoons or about 2-4 grams. However, it's essential to listen to your body and adjust your intake based on your individual needs and sensitivity to caffeine.
courtesy of zen matcha tea
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15. Conclusion
So, is matcha stronger than caffeine? The answer is yes and no. Matcha contains less caffeine than coffee but has more L-theanine, which can enhance the cognitive effects of caffeine while reducing the jitters and anxiety often associated with it. Ultimately, whether matcha or coffee is better for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you're looking for a more sustained energy boost without the crash, or if you're sensitive to caffeine, matcha may be a better choice for you.
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mrnoital · 10 months
Uncle Iroh vs Alfred in Matters ofTea
English breakfast with milk and sugar
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Ginseng or green tea with a hint of matcha
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With lemon, honey, and a shot of whiskey
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angels-tears-world · 1 month
Both matcha and green tea come from the same plant, *Camellia sinensis*, but they are processed differently, leading to distinct benefits. When it comes to weight loss and calorie content, here's how they compare:
1. Nutrient Density
Matcha: Matcha is made by grinding whole green tea leaves into a fine powder. This means you're consuming the entire leaf, which gives you a higher concentration of nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. One of the key antioxidants in matcha is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which is known for boosting metabolism and aiding in fat burning.
Green Tea: Green tea is typically steeped, so you only consume the water-soluble components of the leaves. While green tea still contains EGCG and other beneficial compounds, the concentrations are lower than in matcha.
2. Calorie Content
(Of course make sure to take into consideration everything you use)
Matcha: A serving of matcha (about 1 gram) has roughly 3 calories. However, because matcha is more concentrated, you might consume more per serving, depending on how it’s prepared.
Green Tea: Plain brewed green tea is almost calorie-free, with less than 2 calories per cup.
3. Caffeine Content
Matcha: Matcha contains more caffeine than green tea, roughly 35 mg per gram of matcha, compared to 20-30 mg per cup of green tea. The higher caffeine content can contribute to a slight increase in calorie burn, especially when combined with physical activity.
Green Tea: With lower caffeine content, green tea is less likely to give you the energy boost matcha provides, but it can still contribute to weight loss over time with regular consumption.
4. Impact on Weight Loss
Matcha: Due to its higher concentration of EGCG and caffeine, matcha is often considered more effective for weight loss. The combination of these compounds may enhance thermogenesis (the body’s process of burning calories to produce heat) and fat oxidation.
Green Tea: Green tea still supports weight loss, but at a potentially slower pace compared to matcha. Its lower concentration of active compounds means you might need to drink more green tea to achieve similar effects.
5. Satiety and Appetite Control
Matcha: Because matcha is consumed as a whole powder mixed in water or milk, it might help you feel fuller for longer, which can be beneficial for appetite control and weight management.
Green Tea: Green tea might not have the same effect on satiety since it’s consumed as a liquid without the fiber content found in matcha powder.
If your primary focus is on weight loss, matcha may offer more potent benefits due to its higher concentration of antioxidants, caffeine, and other nutrients.
However, green tea is still an excellent option for those looking to lose weight and enjoy a low-calorie, antioxidant-rich beverage.
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