#maverique history
themaveriqueagenda · 4 months
a brief timeline of maverique history
31st may 2014: a first draft of a coining post was published.
15th june 2014: the maverique flag was created.
21st june 2014: a finalised version of the coining post was published.
28th june 2014: a discussion about gendered terms and honorifics for maveriques was started.
february 2017: some gender symbols for maveriques were proposed.
1st june 2022: the 31st may was declared maverique visibility day.
a more detailed timeline of maverique history with sources will be posted soon too!
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samijami · 9 months
Nonbinary people don't owe you androgyny
Transgender men don't owe you masculinity
Transgender women don't owe you feminity
Transgender people don't owe you gender-aligning pronouns
Genderqueer people don't owe you gender fuckery
Genderfucks don't owe you a 'weirdcore gender'
Xenogenders don't owe you perfect explanations
Genderfluid people don't owe you just one gender
Gay men don't owe you a 'James Charles personality'
Lesbians don't owe you acceptance of your catcalls
Bisexuals don't owe you the denial of their legitimacy
Pansexuals don't owe you to identify as anything other than what they want
Pomosexuals don't owe you a label
Spectrumsensuals don't owe you acknowledgement
Abrosexuals don't owe you just one sexuality
Sapphics don't owe you their history
Androsexuals don't owe you to 'just be gay/straight'
Gynosexuals don't owe you to 'just be lesbian/straight'
Asexuals don't owe you to 'grow out of it'
Aromantics don't owe you affection
Skoliosexuals don't owe you acceptance of your harassment
The legitimate definition for dreamsexual doesn't owe you to be silenced by the weirdo who made the cringe definition
Aegosexuals don't owe you their fine line
Polyamorous people don't owe you how their relationship works
Ambiamorous people don't owe you any excuses
Maveriques don't owe you 'just being nonbinary'
Agender people don't owe you a gender
Paragender people don't owe you a binary gender
Demigender people don't owe you anything but themselves
LGBTQ+ people in every way, don't owe you jackshit.
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feartheantking · 6 months
Welcome to our blog!
Welcome, we’re The Ones Who See! We’re working on a Dungeons and Dragons campaign and maybe a comic or something of the sort.
DNI if you are
A Pedophile or Zoophile
Or just a general dickhead!
We’ll be using #Antkingcampaign as the main Ant King tag, we’ll use the tags #Antkingart, #Antkinglore, #Antkingcharacters, #Antkingmemes, and #Antkingdidsomethingstudpid as secondary tags.
Meet the Mods
Mod Fantail
Hello! I’m Fantail, I go by they/he/it pronouns, and I’m Maverique. I have some severe anxiety issues, so please be patient with me. I’m into classic literature, fashion (specifically costumes), theatre and history. I really like pigeons if you can’t tell, I will ramble if enabled. I’m a part time goth, and own a powdered wig!
Mod Hen
Hiya! I'm Hen (cue biggest bird theme), i go by he/him pronouns. some things i enjoy are FOOD, sound design (yes yall will hear some sounds from our campaign in the making), film, cooking, writing , video games, D&D. i'm a big yapper/ rambler and am always open for conversation! Thats my mouthful, this is Hen over and out
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Dr. Emery Lavinia "Janus" Jonaitis Profile
Name: Dr. Janus Jonaitis
Aliases: That Bitch
Gender: Non Binary, Maverique, Amalgagender
Pronouns: Any, prefers mixing it up
Orientation: Queer Asexual, vehemently disinterested
Role: Chemist for the Resistance
Birth Date: August 13, 19--
Janus has graying dark brown hair with bangs swept slightly to the side. She usually pulls it back in a chignon to keep it out of the way, but when it is down, it reaches their shoulder blades. Their eyes are asymmetric, their right eye is a large human eye with a deep brown iris, their left eye, which is usually left covered, is the same shape as their left but resembles a vortigaunt's eye, with a red sclera and yellow in the center.
He stands at 6'5" and has a fair bit of lean muscle built up from working out in his free time, making him somewhat imposing, despite not necessarily trying to be. Thon has perfect posture at almost all times.
Clothing wise, it prefers red suits and a lab coat, though won't balk at other options. Xe often wears hastily applied, brightly colored makeup, though it is clear xe knows what xe's doing.
Most would describe Janus as abrasive and acerbic. Co is harsh in word choice and keeps everyone at as much of a distance as is possible. Hu will help anyone who needs it, certainly, but hu'll complain the entire time, and make the entire experience unpleasant. Various things are known to get a harsher than usual reaction, and a handful are known to evoke more mellow or even melancholic reactions, but what those are is kept close to the chest.
Those who have known Jonaitis for a long time will attest that this was not always their demeanor. Once upon a time, they were quite pleasant, if a bit of a people pleaser, occasionally, this trait will rise to the surface only to be corrected for with vehemence.
Prior to the Resonance Cascade and subsequent invasion, Emery Jonaitis was a chemist in research and development for pharmaceuticals. They were generally well liked among their peers, but were notably very shy and rarely reached out to anyone they did not directly work with.
After they survived everything, they worked to establish positive relations between humans and the alien species who could communicate, notably the Vortigaunts. They established a close bond with one who would later be known as Elephant, due to the effects of an accident they unintentionally caused.
This accident rendered Elephant unable to see the future or communicate with her brethren on the same level as she used to, and rendered Jonaitis with the ability to visually perceive future states of anything with their left eye. Neither of them were thrilled with this. Jonaitis isolated out of guilt, refusing to get close to anyone on any meaningful level.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
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sunkern-plus · 8 months
i feel very alienated by a lot of lgbt history blogs that seemingly only divide their histories into "transfem history" and "transmasc history" and then broadly into "trans history" but never take into account people who are neither transfem or transmasc but nevertheless are trans
it almost feels like...people like us straight up didn't exist, people like us who (in my case) identified WITH binary genders (as in identifying WITH masculinity and femininity in my case) but don't identify AS binary genders and mostly identify as a person of an indeterminate shape or a person who has characteristics of both men and women but is neither or a person who has a defined gender but it's not male or female
like...is there anyone like us in history prior to the coining of maverique on tumblr or the popularization of "neutrois" meaning "neutral gender" or...
like i'm the kind of person who identifies as a pandrogyne not as in a more popular "pangender androgyne" meaning but as genesis p-orrige coined it more as a third gendered sort of feeling. like. yeah.
and then the fact i identify with mlm and wlw but i don't want to be gendered as a man or a woman, but more "my experiences can be GENDERED as a gay/bi/pan/etc man and GENDERED as a gay/bi/pan/etc woman but not AS a woman or man who is gay/bi/pan/etc specifically" and it makes me feel alienated from the wlw + mlm people who identify HEAVILY with both female and male genders
just another thing that makes me feel really alienated from the trans community and nonbinary community as a whole i guess
and that's not even getting into the whole xenogender/neurogender/kingender umbrella stuff with me
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punknicodiangelo · 8 months
I think I need an intro so here's that
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My name is Leo, short for Leonidas but no one calls me that. I'm 17 and a white Jew.
I'm ace, arofog, gay, and genderfluid (between nonbinary, agender, and maverique). I mostly use neutral pronouns but moots can use he/him. I'm fine being referred to with most gendered terms, but ma'am, sir, lady, thinks like that make me uncomfortable, and so does being called just boy or girl. Probably no one will use honorifics here but I hate honorifics.
I have AuDHD and OCD. My special interests are PJO, TOH, BNHA, history, and mythology! Other fandoms I'm in are OurGoodShadows, OHSHC, Hades Supergiant, Spiderverse and MLP.
DNI if you think patrilinial Jews, self-disgnosed, and xenogenders are invalid. Also if your account is NSFW centric, you ship Sol//angelo, Perc//ico, or Jas//ico, you like H@rry Potter, or you post about Str@nger Th!ngs (the last is just personally don't like it)
Also I'm a selfshipper!
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luaitl · 2 years
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In english:
Disgustingender is a gender identity for trans people under the non-binary and othergender umbrella.
This gender is defined as an identity that cannot be understood by humans. Disgusted (noun given to people of the gender disgusting) cannot, most of the time, categorize their identity into objectively existing things.
This gender cannot be classified as non-gender, an aporine/maverique/aliagenero/alyagenero, masculine, feminine, neutral, androgynous identity and any other concept understandable by humanity.
“disgusting” comes from the English language and this word was chosen as a prefix because it is the perfect analogy of what most people would feel when knowing this definition.
Term creation
This is the first post on the subject, the definition above is the original and should not be distorted or this post lost. This post dates from a Saturday (10/29/2022).
The sequence and order of coloring was based on the aitherogender flag and the shades on the xenogender flag. I used them as inspiration because these 3 terms have similar definitions.
Feel free to interpret the meaning of each stripe/color as you wish.
Em português
Disgustingender é uma identidade de gênero para pessoas trans sob o guarda-chuva não-binário e de outrogêneros.
Esse gênero é definido como uma identidade que não pode ser compreendida pelos humanos. “Repugnosos” (substantivo dado a pessoas do gênero nojento) não conseguem, na maioria das vezes, categorizar sua identidade em coisas objetivamente existentes.
Este gênero não pode ser classificado pela ausencia de gênero, uma identidade aporina/maverique/aliagenero/alyagenero, masculina, feminina, neutra, andrógina ou qualquer outro conceito compreensível pela humanidade.
“disgusting” vem da língua inglesa e essa palavra foi escolhida como prefixo porque é a analogia perfeita do que a maioria das pessoas sentiria ao conhecer essa definição.
Criação do termo
Esta é a primeira postagem sobre o assunto, a definição a cima é a original e nãp deve ser distoricida ou esta postagem perdida. Este post data de um sabado (29/10/2022).
A sequência e a ordem de coloração basearam-se na bandeira aiterogenero e nas tonalidades da bandeira xenogenero. Usei-os como inspiração porque esses 3 termos têm definições semelhantes.
Sintam-se à vontade para interpretar o significado de cada faixa/cor como desejar.
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o5-10 · 10 months
O5-10 “Janus” Character Profile
Name: O5-10
Aliases: Janus, Ten, Emery Lavinia Jonaitis [pre-Overseer name], Salt Newport (née Mine) [former legal alias], Lee Henson [current legal alias]
Gender: Non Binary, Maverique, Amalgagender
Pronouns: Any, it/its only when it is in a bad way
Orientation: Queer Asexual, accepts the labels bi and pan but feels no strong draw to them
Departments: Recordkeeping, Petty Affairs, Internal Public Relations
Birth Date: August 13, 1874
Promotion Date: July 2, 1936
Site of Residence: Site 2513, occasionally Site 01
Ten has long, dark hair, with a greenish tinge and a not insignificant amount of graying. Their hair is typically pulled back in a chignon or bun, sometimes with shorter pieces in front. Their eyes are large, and deep brown, though the left is yellowed and bloodshot, and is typically covered with a gauze patch, or a heavier eye patch, depending on the situation. Standing at 6'5", they are already quite tall, but they add to this by wearing 5" heels. They are fairly muscular and generally imposing. They also consistently wear immaculate, though colorful, suits, and have perfectly done, equally colorful, makeup and manicures.
Ten is generally quite aloof, and detached. They often go out of their way to maintain this detachment, even to the detriment of others. They can be quite severe, harsh, even, when they deem it necessary, and aren't known for being the most forgiving. Despite this, they make an effort to be approachable enough when someone needs to make a request. They are fairly responsive to such. When dealing with coworkers, in particular, they are quite petty, or at least can be. The Accountant is the main target of their petty digs, but he isn't unique in this at all. Ten has many strange ideas of what they "should" be, and try to abide by them flawlessly. They can't, as the standards they self-impose are unrealistic. Due to this, and workaholic tendencies, they're also prone to lashing out when put under too much stress.
Ten had been a researcher in chemistry, before [REDACTED], which prompted many changes, one of which was their drive to climb the ranks. They had been head of their department, when Command took notice of them, and they were promoted much higher than they had ever anticipated. From there, they were tasked with a variety of things, most of them to serve as the other half of Twelve's duties. They keep record logs of events, personnel files, and SCP files. They handle much of the scheduling and delegating of tasks to upper level staff. They also tend to monitor public chats. Unfortunately, despite working closely with him, they are in competition with Twelve. At some point, they invoked the ire of One, in particular, due to [REDACTED], a fact which only the two involved are aware of. This shook them deeply, and reinforced their drive to achieve perfection, and see their goals through. Some time after this, Ten decided to act as the face of O5, when necessary, and take the fall for mistakes made, despite not being asked to do so. This leads to an undue amount of stress, but they refuse to fold on this. They also founded the Petty Affairs department.
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madscientist008 · 11 months
What is LGBTQ+ and why does it matter?
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LGBTQ+ is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual, and more. These terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Sexual orientation is about who you are attracted to romantically, sexually, or emotionally. Gender identity is about how you feel and express your gender.
LGBTQ+ people are part of the diversity of human experience. They have existed throughout history and across cultures. They have contributed to the arts, sciences, politics, sports, and every other field of human endeavor. They are our friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, and classmates.
However, LGBTQ+ people also face discrimination, violence, and stigma because of their identities. They are often denied their basic rights and freedoms, such as the right to marry, adopt children, access health care, or serve in the military. They are also subjected to harassment, bullying, hate crimes, conversion therapy, and other forms of abuse. In some countries, being LGBTQ+ is still illegal and punishable by death.
That is why it matters to support and celebrate LGBTQ+ people and their communities. It matters to educate ourselves and others about the issues they face and the diversity they represent. It matters to advocate for their rights and dignity. It matters to respect their choices and expressions. It matters to love them for who they are.
LGBTQ+ people are not a monolith. They have different backgrounds, experiences, opinions, and preferences. They may use different terms to describe themselves or none at all. They may identify with more than one label or change their labels over time. They may be out or closeted or somewhere in between. They may be single or in relationships or in polyamorous arrangements. They may be cisgender or transgender or nonbinary or genderfluid or genderqueer or agender or bigender or pangender or trigender or demigender or neutrois or maverique or aporagender or novigender or any other gender identity that exists5. They may be heterosexual or homosexual or bisexual or pansexual or omnisexual or polysexual or asexual or graysexual or demisexual or lithsexual or akiosexual or fraysexual or recipsexual or any other sexual orientation that exists6.
The point is: LGBTQ+ people are people. They deserve recognition, acceptance, and inclusion. They deserve to live in a world where they can be themselves without fear or shame. They deserve to be happy.
This blog is dedicated to all the LGBTQ+ people out there who are brave enough to be themselves. You are valid. You are beautiful. You are loved.
Happy Pride Month! 🌈
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themaveriqueagenda · 5 months
it has come to my attention that someone has been receiving some harassment over supposedly stealing the maverique symbol and claiming it as their own idea for a general nonbinary symbol.
this is not true. the post in question was from 2015, where someone suggested the comet symbol as a symbol for nonbinary people. the comet was suggested as a maverique symbol after that, and even then it was already noted that the comet has been suggested as a general nonbinary symbol.
the only reason the comet may now be more associated with maveriques specifically is because it never caught on as a nonbinary symbol, but no one stole anything.
furthermore there is no such thing as "the" maverique symbol. different maveriques prefer different symbols!
i have no idea if the people who harassed this person for something they wrote 8 years ago(!) as a teen(!) are following me, but i urge you to not go after people based on misinformation.
if anything, maveriques took the comet symbol idea and made it our own because it's not used as a nonbinary symbol.
maybe i should make a brief timeline of maverique history or something.
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tastethea-bow · 2 months
General Tags
___ art ("drawings") ___ aesthetic (edits/moodboards/widgets) ___ pride (for Pride Month/Days/Weeks/June posts) ___ flag (redesigns/alts) ___ culture (symbols/memes/history - orientation interaction stances under aspec/aro/ace/etc culture; neopronouns under genderqueer culture; QPR/relationship anarchy under aro culture; HRT/transitioning under trans culture) ___ spec (ie mspec/aspec/pomospec/casspec/etc etc) queer / genderqueer (these apply to a grouping of different orientations/identities) queer media (any and all LGBT+ media) queer merch (items being sold that are associated with the LGBT+)
Umbrella Tags
bi / pan / omni / ply (in place of bisexual/biromantic/etc etc) ace / aro / etc (in place of arospec/acespec/etc & asexual/aromantic/etc) aby (in place of abinary; ie neutrois/stellarian/maverique/aporagender/etc) enm (ie polyamory/ambiamory/etc etc) genderless (ie agender/gendervoid/singularian/etc) galactian (in place of galactian alignment system/galactian system/galactian alignment/etc)
Personal Tags
i-am-a-rich-man (non queer SJW stuff) ribb-it (discussion/real talk regarding queer issues; generally involves queerphobia but also positivity posts so CW) gender-not-found (non SJW stuff ie advice/life lessons/etc etc) chemicals-turned-me-gay (funny stuff) a-speculation (my posts) fuck radqueers (anything about radqueers/radqueer culture)
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lawofcollage · 4 years
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Maverique is defined as an identity that is not the absence of gender, or an apathy towards gender, but a present feeling of gender. This feeling of gender is completely independent from male, female, neutral, or anything derived from any of them. However, maveriques can be multigender with their other genders being related to maleness, femaleness, or neutrality. 
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gray-ace-space · 2 years
tag system
for some reason tumblr won't let me add new links to this, so the tags added recently are not clickable, sorry.
general categories
og post - posts posted by this blog or my main
aes (aesthetic)
insp (inspiration)
aphobia - aphobia is discussed or argued with, but not directly present
internalized aphobia
grayphobia - same principle
anti exclus
signal boost
heart to heart - a specific series of posts i make exploring my own feelings about my gray asexuality and experiences with it (heads up for possible negativity)
this acespec thinks x is hot
glitter text
acespec identities
gray ace
acespec - blanket tag for all acespec identities minus gray ace
demi ace
ace men
ace women
non sam
oriented aroace
angled aroace
lith / akoi 
graydemi / demigray
aegoaceflux / aegoflux
graycupio / cupiogray
sex favorable
sex repulsed / apothi
sex averse
sex indifferent
sex ambivalent
other lgbtq identities
ply (polysexual)
omni (omnisexual)
abro (considered aspec also)
wlw / sapphic
nblw / wlnb
nblm / mlnb
mspec lesbian + bi lesbian
mspec gay + bi gay
bambi lesbian
gray aro
two spirit
sex work
body positivity
dates and events
pride month (june)
wrath month / disability pride month (july)
aro week (week after VD)
international women's day (march 8)
trans visibility day (march 31)
lesbian visibility week (april 26 and surrounding week)
pan visibility day (may 24)
mspec lesbian week (may 26 and surrounding week)
international lesbian day (oct 8)
trans awareness week (week before nov 20)
trans day of remembrance / tdor (nov 20)
pan week (december 6-12)
(no separate tags for acespec events bc it is ace day every day here)
fandom things
alastor - (from hazbin hotel, i posted enough about him that he merited his own tag
good omens
content warnings - blacklist as needed
tw aphobia - aphobia directly present and sometimes quite intense
tw grayphobia - same principle
tw transphobia
tw nbphobia
tw terfs
tw homophobia
tw biphobia
tw intersexism / tw perisexism
tw misogyny
tw fatphobia
tw abuse
tw conversion therapy
tw sexual harassment
tw sexual assault
tw medical abuse
tw violence
tw guns
tw drugs
tw suicide mention
tw self harm
tw religion
tw christianity
tw periods
tw discourse
tw negativity
tw insects
tw body horror
tw blood
tw periods
tw nazis
tw genocide
long post
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gendercensus · 3 years
I saw that you removed third gender because of the anthropological definition- that's not the definition most people use for it. Third gender relates mainly to the western binary and means a gender that's neither a man nor a woman but something else. It's now known as maverique, which has a flag and is more popular, but people who had the gender identity before the word was established used third gender instead because it was the easiest to explain. I just wanted to clarify this because seeing someone call one of my genders a scientific term was super weird and kind of offensive. As much as I care about the safety and comfort of poc in the nb community, we already replaced the term while acknowledging that none of us meant the one that is incredibly transphobic and racist to begin with they just co-evolved separately and with nothing to do with one another. If possible, a note that the history of third gender as a nb identity and as a term within anthropology would be really appreciated. Our community is very small and I'd hate for young nbs to feel as though the term they relate to isn't a gender they can identify with without being bigoted, especially when we've done the work necessary to establish community elsewhere where there are less problems for everyone.
For context, this ask is a reference to this part of the 2020 worldwide report:
Last year I decided that I would remove terms from the checkbox list that were chosen by under 3% of participants in both the over-30s and under-30s group and that didn’t correspond with other more popular terms on the list. This year one term met the criteria: third gender. I looked into the phrase a little more last year, and found that it’s essentially a term used by white anthropologists to describe non-straight-non-cis people in non-Western societies. That could include LGB people and binary trans people, in addition to people whose genders are not described by the M/F binary. On the basis of racism alone I am very happy to finally remove this term from the checkbox list next year.
There is a lot going on in my head in response to your ask, so I’m putting it into bullet points to tidy it up!
I would really love to see some sources to back up the claim that maverique has the exact same meaning as third gender and that one has replaced the other. Something about this claim feels very off to me and I can’t quite articulate why.
I can definitely see how third gender as an identity term could have evolved separately alongside the use of third gender in an anthropological context. “So if you’re not a man or a woman but you still have a gender, what are you?” “Oh you know, some third gender, I guess?” It’s very intuitive, and the definition is right there in the term itself.
I agree that the way I talked about the term third gender in the 2020 report doesn’t take into account the people who started claiming and using it independently of the anthropology context. My tone was pretty insensitive, so I’d like to go back and edit the report to correct that.
My understanding is there are several words that mean “a specific and whole gender identity entirely distinct from female/woman/feminine and male/man/masculine”. To claim that one particular word has entirely replaced another with the exact same meaning, with the implication that this was an intentional community decision by consensus, seems very bold to me - there is certainly no mention of it on the Nonbinary Wiki pages for third gender or maverique - so if that truly has happened I would like to read more about it.
Edit: Also, just spotted this:
I saw that you removed third gender because of the anthropological definition
That isn’t true. I removed it because it was chosen as a checkbox option by under 3% of respondents in both the over-30 and under-30 age groups. With some exceptions, anything that is chosen or typed in often enough will be on the checkbox list, regardless of whether or not I personally like it.
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dumbassesdottungl · 6 years
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Hi! Speaking for myself, not all the mods, but I can actually answer this one as a panromantic and a person interested in queer etymology (the real thing, not… yanno, the MOGAI nonsense).
You’re right, historically- but not the way it’s used now. Bisexual used to mean “liking the two binary genders,” and pansexual was initially coined as an alternative that included enbies.
Nowadays, the meaning of “bisexual” has shifted to “liking people both of you gender and not” (so M, F, NB) and “pansexual” has kind of stuck around as a relic of back when bisexual wasn’t an inclusive term.
The terms are largely interchangeable in meaning nowadays.
Some people ID as pansexual because they ID’ed as pansexual before the bisexual shift for inclusivity, and don’t see a reason to be made to drop their label.
Some people ID as bisexual either because they think that the term ‘pansexual’ is no longer relevant.
Others call for the erasure of one or the other term because “they mean the same thing! Use MINE not YOURS” when, really, it’s mostly harmless.
TL;DR nowadays they’re 99.999% equivalent and the main difference lies in the history of each word.
(This is also I don’t make fun of gender identities of presentations like maverique, which predate the terms ‘GNC’ and ‘nonbinary’ and an NB/GNC person might want to identify with the label due to its history even if they acknowledge that it’s not a brand new and Special ™ label.)
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