#maybe I’ll take it if the character was believed to be an only child but again im very picky about this trope
hello could i pls have a continuation of the octopus child who’s scared of octavinelle with Leona and 2 random characters (you pick ofc) thank you⭐️
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Octopus Merchild Reader Scared of Octavinelle (2) | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
“I’ll stay with someone else! I don’t want them eating me in my sleep!”
Crowley is taken off guard when you duck under his legs and escape through a loose board 
He thought because of your cephalapod heritage you’d be thrilled to be taken care of by those in Octavinelle 
Also if you don’t go to live with him certain students were going to release some…darning photos
You’ll take his confusion and his general disgust of the place to run back to the school
Squeezing through tiny crevices until you’re in the mirror room and jumping through the one you’re sure can stand their ground against those creepy twins
“Oi what are you doing here kid?”
Leona, exactly who you’re looking for, finds you immediately
Walking through his training dorm members right to you
“I gotta hide here! The bad guys are gonna take me!”
He already knows who you’re talking about
You both have had conversations about them before
He’ll sigh look around and quickly lead you to his room
“Keep training, if I hear any of you skipped a lap I’m beating you into the next season.”
He’ll set you down with the intentions of putting you down for a nap
But you’re  far too worked up now that you’ve made an intense realization
“Wait if they fight you…”
“But there’s two of them and only one of you…”
“What, you don’t think I’m strong enough to take them both?”
“No way! They’ll make you into fried catfish!”
So after no z’s were being had he pulls a trump card 
or maybe two
“Hishishi you hiding out with us, little cub?”
“Ruggie-senpai please don’t make light of their fear.”
“Ruggie! Jack!”
Immediately all the fear you seem to have had is all gone
Now that Jack and Ruggie+ were here
“Feeling better, brat?” 
“Of course! With Jack’s big muscles there’s no way they could beat you guys.”
“Hehe you mean alongside him right?”
“Hmm not really…Jack can turn into a big wolf so..yeah.”
“Don’t look at me like I was the one who said that.”
Eventually after a game or two you’ll doze off
Cozying up to Leona as he rests his eyes while Ruggie and Jack lay out the situation
They seem to get on the same page 
That is until something comes to mind
“Wait has anyone seen that cat?”
“Yeah…isn’t he like always with (Y/n)?”
Suddenly the phone rings
“I believe we have something that belongs to a friend of yours. Mind putting them on the phone?”
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saltandburnheathens · 6 months
Good morning Miss Winnie.
Part II
Pairing: Dean Winchester X Reader.
Rating: Gen.
You've just given birth to Dean's baby and are a enjoying a quiet family moment in the days afterwards.
Notes: Non-canon, no time line. And I don't ever want kids. But I just became an aunt and I sort of need to get this out of my system! Short and I'm not promising that I won't continue this. Who knows really. Finally this was written after I'd taken my usual nightly gummy.
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The bunker was quiet first thing in the morning except for the usual hum of the circulation fans. You’d been there so long that they barely registered anymore, and you were extremely thankful that the consistent noise wasn’t a problem for the baby. That would have been a horror show. Trying to navigate parenthood with a baby awoken by the simplest of sounds. 
You shuddered at the thought. 
Life was always loud when you lived with Dean Winchester and his posse of colour characters. Between unexpected visitors and the brothers coming and going at odd hours, there was something new every day and often that new wasn’t good. 
But in that moment things were perfect. The monsters outside didn’t exist and you were a regular mom with a new baby and a husband who loved you. His bother Sam and best friend Castiel were an added bonus, the former serving as an unexpected asset when both you and Dean needed some rest.  
You crept carefully out of bed, your body still feeling weak, and quietly crossed to the crib by the wall. A set of hazel eyes stared up at you and your heart melted. 
“Good morning Miss Winnie.” You cooed, “Let’s get you up and at ‘em before you wake daddy.” 
You heard a small scoff followed by the shuffling of blankets. 
“Winnie?” Dean asked with a sleep-laden voice, “We ain’t calling her Winnie, sweetheart. I’ll accept those new-agey-hippy-names like Kendell and Kloe with a K before I’ll take Winnie.” 
“I’m just calling her that until we choose a name.” You laughed, lifting the little girl up into your arms, her head coming to rest on your chest, “And Winnie is short for Winchester in case you hadn’t pieced that together.” 
“I don’t care if it’s short for ‘daddy’s-little-angel’, it ain’t happening.” 
“I’ll cross that off my list then shall I?” You sat back on the bed, Dean coming up to nest beside you and his eyes immediately going to the baby in your arms. 
He smiled, creases forming at the corners of his eyes. 
“You’re not a Winnie, are ya’ princess?” In that voice he seemed to only have adapted five days ago after the birth of your daughter; that voice reserved for her. 
“Maybe not. What about Meghan?” You suggest. 
“Oh nope. No can do. Knew a Meg once. Demon.” 
You nodded knowingly. No one wanted to name their child after a monster. 
“Stevie?” Dean carried on, his eyes still fixed on the baby.
“Like Stevie Nicks?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“I’m not seeing it. Samatha?”
“Already got one Sam in this bunker and that’s more than enough. Alice?”
“Can’t do it. All I’ll keep hearing is ‘who the fuck is Alice’, and I don’t want my kid to be subjected to that for the rest of their life.” 
You both laughed, interrupted only by the whine building in the little one’s chest. You quickly jumped to action and proceeded to the morning routine you’d been adjusting to since getting back home. Dean followed you, rubbing at his eyes. 
“I don’t think I’ve had hangovers that made me feel quite as bad as waking up five times at night.” He yawned. 
You handed him a dirty diaper and smiled as he grimaced. 
“You can go back to bed if you want. I can manage by myself.” 
“Sweetheart, you just damn near broke your pelvis giving birth to my kid a few days ago. I’m in this from start to finish, and if that means running on caffeine and a prayer, then I’m game. Even for the diapers.” 
Dean rummaged through the first drawer of their dresser and pulled out a small onesie covered in colourful dinosaurs. He held it up in front of him and smiled. 
“It’s hard to believe how small she is, huh?”
“She didn’t feel so small coming out of me.” You quipped, taking the clothing from him to finally cover the squirming child on the changer, “I’m pretty sure my vagina will never be the same.” 
“That’s blasphemy.” Dean gasped playfully, “But seriously, baby, the doctor said that it’ll take a few weeks before you start to feel normal.” 
“Normal is subjective when you’re postpartum.” 
Holding his baby tight to his chest, Dean lent down and kissed you softly on the lips. His green eyes fluttered up to meet yours. 
“Let’s face it, ain’t nothing normal about either of us in the first place.” 
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We'll heal together: Chapter Six
Seven Taylor Swift
Sirius Black x Reader (Past) / Severus Snape x Reader (Platonic-Past)
Summary: The reader reminisces on some old friends of hers. Harry starts seeing a curious fox.
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, Mean Snape, Slut shaming, Curses, Avery and Mulciber, Fights, mentions of child abuse, toxic friendships (please reach out if I missed something}
Wc- 5462
A/n: This is mostly more filler for the characters relationships
You only stopped when you reached the road. Looking all around, you allowed yourself to transform back. You truly hoped that you already passed the hardest part of your escape plan. You knew you had to get to king's landing, there were other trains to take you to and from Hogwarts Valley, as to how to get there…
You wondered, slowly raising your wand to the street and took a deep breath. Here goes it. “Lumos.”
You gave it a few minutes before you grew anxious and began to look around the street. It felt like an hour had passed, maybe more, but the moon hadn't even shifted in the sky. “Heyy! Witch in distress here!” You wiggled your arms about. “Lost and uhm.. stranded and all!” You shouted and put your hands on your hips. Tapping your foot, you clicked your tongue and began to wonder if the Knight Bus was even a thing anymore.
As if to spite your skepticism you suddenly heard the rowdy bus. Eyes snapping up to it with a bright smile. That's more like it.
You could have sworn the Knight Bus drove more responsibly in your younger years. Maybe you were just used to the humdrum of muggle life, the slow and easy. Regardless, you managed to get to kings crossing in one piece. Shifting into a fox and hiding in one of the upper compartments in the near empty train was simpler then you thought it would be. 
So much nostalgia rushed through you as you passed the magical barrier to the platform. You walked and skittered past people, hiding in their luggage and hopping from cart to cart to get inside the train. You walked down the mostly empty train car, beady eyes taking in the familiar interior. It felt like it was from another lifetime. A lifetime that was so cruelly ripped from you.
“Excuse me!” You heard a high pitched feminine voice call out to you. Turning your head, you saw a young girl. She had long red hair that reached her back, bright green eyes and a stern determined look. Pulled together with a slight pout, she looked ages wiser than her baby cheeks would lead you to believe.
“Uhm.. Hello?” You called back, turning to look at her fully. You weren't used to people coming up to you without your parents present, most who were forced to be meek and reserved, respectful with you as if you were the superior. At least, that's what your father always told you and everyone else around. As if the memory reminded you, you straightened your back and tried to put on a sour expression of indifference that your mother taught you to do. She was the  master of it after all. “How can I assist you?” You asked in a much more mature and collected tone.
The red head seemed physically thrown for a loop at your sudden change in demeanor. She waved it off as she looked back at her father who was hovering around her sobbing sister, Petunia having an absolute fit and sobbing louder whenever their parents even glanced where you two stood. You winced and turned up your lip. 
Lily’s look turned apologetic, before she looked around quickly and waved her parents off.
“I found someone, mum, da! I’ll be fine!” She called back as you looked around her form to get a better look at the three family members. They looked… Well, a lot like your family’s friends. Snobbish and thick headed. Who you assumed was her father called over.
“Good! Good! Don't be late!” He dismissed her, not looking up as he offered Petunia a stuffed doll and her mom didn't even acknowledge her as she tried to appease the little terror they created. They looked relieved as they left their little girl in the middle of the train station alone. At least your parents knew you were meeting the Potters. Well, you were, if your parents' poor planning didn't end up with you missing your meeting time.
“Was that your sister?” You asked with a gawk, and Lily slowly nodded.
“Unfortunately. I actually was coming to ask you, did you uhm.. Get summoned by a letter too?” Lily leaned closer to you and you purse your lips. What an odd way to phrase it, but you didn't think about it for too long.
“You’re looking for platform nine and three quarters, yeah? Here.” You took her hand without thinking. She was nice, she was like the sun and it brought you a bit of a gooey feeling. Watching that unfold gave you an unexplainable protective feeling of the red head, so you pulled her along. Lining up your carts.. You gestured to the wall and she gave you a scandalized look. “What?”
“The wall. You run at it.” You implored and the girl scoffed. “I may be new to this, but I'm not an utter fool.”
“Like to make a wager?” You mused, allowing yourself to be more playful, she reminded you of the safety James brought you, she was such a soothing presence, you slipped into yourself easily. “Ten Galleons says I walk straight through that wall.”
“What on earth are Galleons?” Lily asked in a bemused tone and your eyes shot open wide at the question.
That's how you met Lily Evans. Your best friend for the next ten years of your life. 
You two eventually made it to the train, walking down the train car corridor, laughing at some stupid mistake Lily had made, leading to a domino line of luggage falling over and crashing open. You two ran as fast as you could to the train before you were spotted. 
“Merlin, we are lucky the Blacks didn't notice that!” You giggled, and Lily gave an easily bright but confused smile. “Blacks?”
You tilted your head at her, your smile remaining but turning confused. What a strange girl. She didn't want to talk about Hogwarts out loud? Now she expects you to believe she hasn't heard of the Black family? It was like she was completely foreign,
“Blacks, the pureblood family?” You pushed and before she could respond a voice called out to her from down the corridor. You both looked up and saw a boy, slightly taller than you both, with an annoyed look as he gestured for her to follow him to his compartment. Lily looked at you and gestured over. 
“Lily?” You asked as you made it to the door and slipped in. you raised your luggage above your head as the black haired boy lifted up Lily’s and put it away for her.
“Oh! Right! My name is Lily, Lily Evans.” She lit up and held out her hand. You mirrored her look and took her hand in your own. 
“{Y/N}! {Y/N} {L/N}.” You introduced and she nodded, mouthing your name as if to get used to the feel on her tongue. You began to shift and make faces at her, trying to copy her, until she noticed and playfully shoved you.
You fell on your seat in a fit of giggles and looked across from you, seeing the quiet boy was already staring at you. You tilted your head and leaned forward, feet kicking out from under your seat. “Hello! Nice to meet you! I’m-”
“{Y/N} {L/N}. The {L/N} family is quite famous.” He snarked back in a sarcastic tone and your face fell, slowly leaning back into your seat. Right. Being around Lily had you forgetting who you were. She was a dangerous kind of fun.
“Yeah...” You mumbled and the boy sneered.
“You are aware Lily Evan’s is muggle born, yeah?” he challenged and your jaw went slack. Oh Merlin, you didn't even think about that. Your father would have your head if he knew you were running around with Mudb- Muggle borns. But Lily was nothing like how your father described, she was quite fun and smart, at least to your twelve year old brain. 
“Is that true?” You asked Lily in a low whisper and Lily pursed her lips. Seems this wasn't the first time she was asked this.
“.. I am.” She answered cautiously and Snape watched you like a hawk as you pouted and deflated. “My dad would be so mad if I told him I was friends with a Muggle born. I am already pushing it with the company I keep, he says.”
Lily pouted and she looked like a kicked puppy, her eyes big and pout heart breaking. You three sat in silence for a moment before Lily spoke up again.
“Do you have to tell him?” She asked and your head snapped over to her. “What? Of course I do.” You mumbled and she narrowed her eyes.
“W-well he's my father, and I can't lie to him.” You argued and she tilted her head.
“But why?”
That stunned you for a moment. When you were younger, the fear of lying was debilitating. Your father could always look into your mind and sort anything out for himself, so the more truth you told the less you would have to deal with the pain. He was cruel and your younger mind has made him out to be an all seeing eye, just daring you to slip up so he could show you just why people feared him. Just why you should fear him too.
“He wont find out, I won't tell a soul, would you Severus?” 
The raven haired boy, Severus, seemed stunned by the question. Of course, he caved, and muttered a ‘no.’
Lily had that effect on people. One look in her eyes and you would do anything you were asked of, she had you and Severus wrapped around the very pinkie finger she used to promise you her silence since day one.
Little did you know, a few more months to come, and she would be much the same with you. Lily, Severus, and {Y/N}, would be names that would find themselves in each other's company for years to come. Their names and the tragedy that would follow.
It was morning by the time the train stopped at the Hogsmeade station. You huffed and dragged yourself to your paws. Once you scampered off the train it was much easier to follow the trail. Students were in their classes, and truly, no adult seemed to give a damn about you. You were just another woodland creature. If you did manage to catch someone’s eye, it wasn't hard to lose it in the edges of the forbidden forest.
You chose to stalk deeper into the forest, eventually being able to follow the river up stream, the one that ran straight from the Black Lake. Once you made it out and stumbled across the field. A feeling settled in your stomach you remembered all too well. Regret, hurt, pain, your ears pinned back,you remembered the day so clearly, as you stared at the tree that used to represent your little trio’s friendship. It was hard, being both Severus Snape and James Potter’s friends. When Lily told James around year 3 that if he wanted to impress her to lay off of Snape, you two thought it would be the end of their stupid fights.
That lasted exactly two years.
It has been days since you got your acceptance letter. The weekend that followed you had been a whirlwind of meeting the most remarkable people to ever work as Aurors, working alongside heroes everyday.. Well, from the inside of your cubicle. Your relationship with Alastor moody was shaky at best, but you went in with an impression to make. You weren't just there because your father, or your family, the very two things that did everything in their power to try and stop you from getting in. You came back to school Monday on cloud 9, you felt remarkable for the first time in your life and not because you were told you were.
Not from some suck up, or from your blood status obsessed family. You were remarkable because you worked to get to that point on your own. You had to remember to thank Slughorn for introducing you to the people who ran the program at his Slug club.
There was one person you had not been able to talk to since you got your letter. Severus. Being in the same house you would figure that you two saw a lot of each other. However, he had made some new friends. Friends you didn't exactly like. Avery, for example. He had been trying to get in your good graces since you met him, you knew why, it was painfully clear he wanted the connection to your father and you refused to be a vessel for that. He also spent more time with Mulciber as well.
That boy was a piece of work. You had made your feelings on him known to Snape early on in their twisted little friendship. He had done horrid things to the muggle borns, not to mention how he seemed to get some sick gratification from targeting the weaker women of the school. He had a passion for making any witch with what he called a ‘loud mouth’ his personal target. You had managed to avoid him, aside from a few crude comments here and there about your blood status and making himself known to your father as a potential suitor.
They were vile and whenever you mentioned the behavior to Snape he would simply scoff and go on rants about how you and Lily were never around because you two seemed to worship the ground the boys who tormented him for years walked on. You would always counter by saying he wasn't exactly innocent in their interactions, but it would always dissolve into stupid and petty fights. He would go for blood every chance he got, making sure you knew he prioritized Lily in every interaction. 
Maybe that was when your friendship started to crumble. You knew what he said was to hurt you, that he would never truly mean it. Just like his accusations that you cared more about Potter than him, the length of your friendship meant nothing, and you knew he cared for you more than he cared for most.
And you him.
It got exhausting, however, taking his hurt for yourself. Putting it all on your shoulders as he lashed out for any evidence you cared for him still. It hurt to grow up, clinging to people you knew were bad for you. Severus Snape was bad for you. Saying that out loud broke your heart, because you were still young, and you would still always care for him, you didn't know a thing he could do or say to you that would push you away. Not for long. Because he was someone you knew, someone not many people got to know. 
Severus Snape, the boy who would nag you for not bringing your cloak to Quidditch games but allow you to use his. Snape was the one who would nag you for your grades and give you his study notes. The boy who would absolutely ruin your confidence in potions after a simple mistake, and bring you candy from Honeydukes as an apology. Maybe that was it. He never said it. All the times you told him you cared for him like the rain cares for the breeze, Like how kindling cares for fire. You cared so much you made something dangerous, and it destroyed you.
Still, you held onto that hope that maybe, maybe. He would come around and put down his pride just,,, set it aside for you. It never happened. It did happen for Lily, but she never had to try for him. She didn’t know the times you had to pick up the pieces of him she shattered. It wasn't her fault, not her fault he refused to say it. He would let you know when you hurt him, never that he cared. He would let Lily know he cared, but never when she pushed him too far.
Yet you were the one to destroy it. You always took the blame. You let it happen, as what you had was turning fragile, and you weren't ready to give up on him just yet.
So here you were, walking down the halls to go and tell Snape the news, Because he was your friend, and because he never had to guess if you cared or not. This was his chance. He just needed to show he cared.
You made it to the dungeons but paused as you heard familiar voices fill the halls. You quickly froze and slipped behind a pillar to hide away. Bloody hell, what's your luck? He’s with the two nimrods.
“You know, even if she's a bit of a harlot.” You heard Avery quip and you rolled your eyes. You prayed  for whatever poor soul the boys were talking about.
“She's always around those boys, heard she's doing Remus. A half blood? Go figure,” You heard the snake that was Mulciber speak up next. Your face turned sour and you narrowed your eyes. No.. He wouldn't let them talk about you like that, right? You bit your cheek and continued to listen.
“I wouldn't be surprised if she's doing all of them. That Potter boy and her have been friends since they were kids, can't say I'd keep a witch around that long if she didn't help me out once and a while.” Avery snickered and Mulciber chuckled.
‘True, and that Peter kid is like her pouch pooch. Maybe that's why Sirius hates her so much, shiny new toy and he doesn't have all the boys attention anymore.”
You took some even breaths and steadied your hands that shook with this sudden shock of nausea. Come on Snape. Say something.
“Talking about friends, Snape, you're close to her yeah? Ever had a go?” 
Snape continued to look at his book with a bored expression, “I wouldn't touch her if she paid me.”
Your heart broke. Your eyes closed tight and you clenched your chest. You should of just walked away.
“Why's that? Too busy day dreaming about Evans? Cant say ive ever had a Mudblood before.” Mulciber snarked and Snape's book slammed closed.
“Don't call her that. Don't talk about her like that.” 
That was your last straw. You turned sharply on your heel and walked past them. Dashing right up the stairs, You did not spare them a glance. If you had, you would have seen the look of shock and guilt all over Snape’s face. 
You didn't remember running, or what you were thinking. But there you were, at the Fat Lady, trying to hide your tears in your sleeve as you knocked. You tried to mutter acknowledgement to the painting as she cooed and tried to comfort you as you waited, but nothing but a sob came out.
The door opened and you faced Marlene. The girl gasped and didn't even think before she pulled you in and closed the painting.
Next thing you knew, you were wrapped up in a warm blanket you knew to be Peter’s, a cup of warm brown liquid you used for steam to clear your nose enough to breathe. You knew this mug. It was Remus’s. You tried to stifle another onslaught of tears, as Marlene robbed your back from where you laid on her lap.
Peter was helping to take off your shoes and talking about his day to you. He knew you weren't listening, but giving you something to fill the silence. Remus had gone to get James, and Lily was rushing down the stairs when she heard you were in tears. Mary and Alice were not far behind.
When everyone was there you begrudgingly told them what happened. You watched their expressions. Your heart melted a bit, at how they seemed to react to the news. They were repulsed, not just for Lily, but for you. You had never seen James so calm, so careful with his words despite his clear anger.
You set the drink down and slowly melted into the comfort you friends offered, not even noticing as James dragged the boys aside to talk about something. You just let yourself be coddled as you did your best to forget Snape’s words.
The next day was better. You had Remus escort you back to the Prefect dorms, your walk was quiet but you felt safer then you had that entire day. He made an excuse to Slughorn as to why you weren’t there for your duties. He was even there early to your dorm in the morning to make sure you got out of bed on time and got ready. Honestly, you felt guilty, enjoying his presence so much. 
You went through most of the day like that, until your free period. You were shocked to see Remus wasn't waiting for you, instead, Lily was. You smiled and you both linked arms to walk down to the field. You were still mad at Severus, so you hoped he wasn't there. On some degree, you have to admit, you wanted to yell at him, shout and tear him apart like he did to you.
But you couldn't. Because he was your friend, and because he never had to guess with you. He knew. That hurt worse.
As you both made it down to the Black Lake, you and Lily froze at the sight laid out in front of you.
Snape, dangled upside down by his ankle as James and Sirius threw taunts his way.
“James Potter!” Lily shouted and ran down the hill, you weren't really thinking before you shouted a spell at James, “Expelliarmus!”
His wand was smacked out of his hand, and next came Lily’s palm across his face. Sirius gave a low whistle at the contact. You ran down and slowed Snapes fall, “Severus! Are you okay?” You asked and tried to help him up. 
“Get off of me!” He snapped at you. You flinched away with wide eyes and he snarled at you. “Always to the rescue, huh, {L/N}? Compensating for your name sake?” 
He shouted out in anger and you let him. Again, letting him tear you apart. But this was different. He didn’t stop. He didn't calm down. His words just got sharper. You waited, this was the first time he berated you in front of a crowd.
“You see what they've done to me for years and you still pick them! You still hang around them! I don't need your pity! I don't need your help!” He snapped and Lily walked over cautiously, knowing your choice to handle Snape’s temper was always to let it pass. She didn't want to aggravate you. “Severus-”
“Not now you worthless Mudblood!” He shouted, eyes still narrowed on you. That gave you the perfect view of his eyes going as wide as an owl as he realized what had left his lips. He turned on his heel and stared at Lily whose jaw was slack and eyes turning glossy. She turned sharply and began to run off, and you let your face fall into your palms.
Remus was by your side in a second, wrapping his arms around you and ignoring Snape as his mouth opened and closed like a fish, muttering pathetic apologies. 
“Let’s go.” Remus muttered, you could feel how he was tensing, holding himself back, You simply listened. Everything had happened so fast. You just remember how he looked at you when you glanced back. Pathetic. He looked like he was going to fall to his knees. If he did, Remus didn't let you see it. Last thing you saw was James running after Lily towards the castle. As Remus leads you off to docks, away from everyone's eyes.
You winced at the memory, eyes slowly lidding as you carefully stalked around the place it all happened, eyes locked on it, like it would come running after you. Once you had made enough distance you dashed off to the school. Slipping passed the gate with practiced ease, your eyes trailed up and your mawl dropped open in shock. Dementors? What in Merlin's sweet name were they doing here?
You pushed the thought aside, you didn't want to think about it. The great thing about having them as guards, however, not a single one noticed you as you made it to the school grounds.
You looked around before hurrying off and around the field. You stopped as you noticed the Quidditch court, with red ribboned boys flying around. It took you exactly three seconds to ponder if James Potter’s son would be in Gryffindor, and on their team.
If a fox could click their tongue, you would. Hurrying out further across the bridge, you snuck your way under the large tarps that covered the scaffolding. Slipping your way up and over, you managed to get a viewpoint from between the benches. 
You didn't have to look long. As if on instinct, your eyes found him. A seeker too, you wondered if he was as cocky as James in the field. Slowly, your little tail began to shuffle around in excitement. He looked so much like James, but you could also see the boy you held all those years ago. 
He was running his heart out, you watched his eyes follow after something you couldn't see, before he launched himself forward with a brilliant smile. Oh that smile.
“{Y/N}! Sirius! Come in!” You heard Lily's voice call from the living room. You and him were holding gifts, you had brought an empty photo album and several of your enchanted photos from Hogwarts, ready to sit down with Lily and make a time capsule of sorts for Harry when he went. Something with a cheesy ‘now it's your turn’ at half way for him to finish off.
Sirius had brought some dishes he made with your help, so Lily and James didn't have to cook for the next few months while Harry was still small.
“Where is my nephew?!” Sirius demanded in a playful rawr, walking into the living room, shoving the dishes onto James who sighed and waxed on about being forgotten for a tot. As he passed you to get to the kitchen you got on your toes and kissed his cheek, that seemed to satisfy the attention quota of his.
You walked deeper in and lit up at the sight of Lily, handing over the little bundle to Sirius. He looked so happy holding Harry, it made your heart flutter. You bit your lip and tried to fend off the baby fever.
Setting down the book and photos you walked over to Lily. She held the couch to stand and when you opened your arms she practically collapsed into yours. You giggled and pressed your nose to her cheek and she gave a sigh of approval. “Missed you.” She mumbled and you nodded. “Missed you too.”
You broke away from each other with a quick peck on the cheek, and you turned to meet the wrap of blankets in your fiancés arms.
“Oh, look at you.” You cooed and Sirius smiled at you. “Cute one, ain't he?” 
“Very.” You agreed and reached over to let him grab your finger. He lit up in a smile and you mimicked it, sticking out your tongue and gave a delighted gasp when it made him giggle. Sirius chuckled. 
“I've never been good with kids.” You admitted sheepishly. 
“Neither of us. Guess we have our exception.” He teased and you rolled your eyes fondly at him. “For now.” You whispered against his sleeve and Sirius's smile twitched before James returned and spoke up. 
“Now that you're here, we wanted to talk to you about something before Remus gets here.” He mused in a serious tone, arm wrapping around Lily's waist as she leaned into him. You felt your heart swell with how love struck Lily looked at James. 
“Oh?” Sirius mused and rested Harry in your arms. You looked down at him and smiled, he again, returned it with a fit of giggles. Oh he was just precious. Oh wow, James Potter, the kid you wouldn't have trusted to watch your owl for a weekend had a small human. One he needed to make sure stayed fed. And breathing. 
“Good luck little guy.” You mumbled to him, in your own little world. “You're gonna need it. Call Auntie {Y/N} whenever you need me.” You gushed.
James fell silent for a moment as he watched you coddle his son. Lily smiled brighter as she looked at Sirius, no other word to describe him but love sick. Absolutely destroyed with what he was seeing. 
“About that.” James cut in and you looked over at James with a pout. He laughed before you could even snap at him. “Before you kill me.”
“We were looking into a godparent for little Hars.” Lily whispered and your eyes widened, looking at Sirius. 
“I wanted Sirius, Lily wanted you.” James continued and you gave the most offended expression you've ever made. “How dare you! I've known you since diapers!”
“Exactly what I told Lily when I tried to argue what a horrible idea it was.” James snickered and Lily hit him with her elbow. 
“So, we compromised. A godmother and godfather.” Lily finished and your jaw went slack, you looked at Sirius with wide hopeful eyes and he returned the look. 
“Y-yes! Yes of course!” You declared quickly and Sirius nodded vigorously before he pulled James into a tight hug. “I'll keep him safe.”
You walk up closer to Lily and she leans her chin on your shoulder. “And I'll make sure he's a proper bloke.” You quipped and Sirius playfully scoffed. “Define proper bloke.”
“Not you.” You teased and he wet his lips with a bright smirk. You turned to Lily and James, tucking Harry on your shoulder. “You two should get some rest. We'll watch Harry for the rest of the day.” You mused and Sirius didn't complain. Taking Harry from you.
“Oh, {Y/N}, you really don't-”
“Go go! Begone! It's godparent bonding time!” You scolded and James laughed, nudging Lily. “I'll run you a bath.” He muttered into her hair and she sighed blissfully. “Sounds like heaven.”
Oh they were love.
You and Sirius stayed that whole night. Cleaning up around the place, taking care of Harry, and keeping the volume low.  Remus came over and you and him worked to distract Harry and Sirius took a nap. That really only consisted of him staring at the muggle tv and flicking through channels. When the actual parents returned you and Sirius went home.
You went home and had one of the most vicious fights you had ever had. 
You shook the thought from your head as you watched Harry land. Slipping through the benches and squeezing your body onto the platform you watched from above before you hurried down the stars behind a fluffy haired girl. She ran on the court, joined by a very familiar redhead. 
You stopped just outside the pitch in the grass, watching as everyone packed up and Harry talked to his friends with such life in his eyes. Your own eyes trailed up to his scar before you tilted your head. You still had a lot of questions on your mind. But now, now was time for observing. His smile, it reminded you so much of your days within these walls. The days you spent with James and Lily, running down the halls and making fools of yourself. You hoped he was having a similar childhood.
You watched him for a few minutes, before he seemed to register your presence. His eyes flicked over to you and you two shared eye contact.
Harry could have sworn to Merlin that the look you gave him, he'd seen before. Just like that, in the meer moments you were there, you were gone. Slithering your way into the forest and into a small den. You scratched your neck out, shaking your fur vigorously, a sign of stress as you tried to figure out what to do next. You didn't want to leave Harry, you didn't want him out of your sight ever again, but you also didn't want Moody sending an Auror strike to find you. Eventually, you relented. You'd go back, practice your apperation again and again until you were able to make it from Wesley's to the forest. You knew you could do it, you'd done it from farther away. You took a deep breath and transformed back.
Time to unrust some wheels.
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raeofsunrise · 9 months
skate to me
pairing: clapton davis x gn!reader
summary: !BASED OFF A REQUEST I FORGOT TO ATTACH THIS TO! clapton was absolutely astonished when he saw that the person who skated right by him in the hallway was right here, next to him, in his science class.
warnings: light cursing, i think?? i’m not fucking sure at this point
word count: 1.0k
author’s note: so sorry it took me like a whole month to get back! 😭this has been crazy ass couple of months, and i just couldn’t get anything out if i tried. i honestly think that i might take a break on writing for clapton and characters like mike, simply because i don’t think i have any motivation to write for them. i don’t wanna let you guys down, but i also don’t wanna write crappy fics, either. i’ll say on a separate post who i’ll be writing for. thanks so much for your guys support! and with that, enjoy ☆
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clapton thought he was the only one who skated through the hallways of grizzly lake highschool. it wasn’t like he gatekeeped it or anything, but it was his thing. and everyone knew that.
so when he felt you brush against him in the hallway this morning, he barely got a glimpse of your shoes and purple hoodie before you skated away. it frustrated him—
wait, skated?
he thought he was crazy. he had to have hallucinated those rollerskates. but the sound when you rushed by him, those had to have been rollerskates. but nobody else but him did that. that was his thing. besides his ego being a bit affected, he was more excited than anything. maybe he could make a new friend. he’d never met anyone else who skated, especially at school. but where did you go? no, more importantly, what class were you in? clapton was not famous for being patient, so this would be difficult.
he begrudgingly made his way to science class, upset that he might not see you until passing period, where the hallway would be filled with what felt like thousands upon thousands of people. no way he was gonna see you during that. and if he tried to find you during lunch? he’d definitely look like a total creep. so this was a lose lose situation. he’d never be able to talk to the stranger with the skates.
this made clapton’s walk to class even more frustrating. throughout the whole day, all he could hope for was to hear your skates against the ground. but he didn’t. not once. it was the end of the day, and he was heading to his last class. clapton was just about done with everything when he saw a pair of skates next to a desk. and just above that desk was a purple hoodie. and even more above that was probably the most gorgeous person he’d ever seen.
he was practically just standing and staring in the doorway. of course you weren’t staring back at him, he thought. you were busy listening to music and getting ready for class, getting your notebooks and everything.
clapton didn’t move until another student shoved him out of the way so they couldd get through, muttering something under their breath in the process. clapton couldn’t care less, though. because there was an open seat next to you and what perfect timing was it that he was the only person who hadn’t sat down yet? this coincidence made him believe that maybe there was a god. maybe it was you.
his mood an entire 180 from how it was less than 2 minutes ago, he sat down right next to you, waiting for you to notice him like an excited child.
not noticing someone had sat next to you, you weren’t expecting someone to be right next to you. normally, as far as first days go, people liked to haze the new kid. so someone looking eager to talk to you was not a good sign.
“hi,” you say slowly, going to look at him.
“hey there, gorgeous.” he said. as soon as that came out of his mouth he knew that was a big yikes. (ayo?? 😟)
your eyes widened. what the hell was his problem?
“woah, coming off a little strong there, aren’t we?” you ask.
how could he save this already trainwreck of a conversation? if he could even call it that.
“sorry, don’t know why i said that. i just, uh,”
shit, shit, shit! think of something clapton!
“you skate, right? that’s pretty cool. i do, too.” he held up his skate board.
still suspicious and not at all buying this “no ill-intentions” act, you pull your skates closer to your desk.
“yeah, i do.”
he continues, “well i just thought that since we both skate we could—“
but he was cut off, as class had apparently started while you two were conversing and your teacher was not happy with either of you.
clapton heard the teacher say both of your last names, followed by a very stern “detention!”
this wasn’t anything surprising to him, but one look at you told him that this was not how you were expecting your first day to go.
you rolled your eyes and shot him a dirty look.
“thanks a lot, davis.”
so instead of a trainwreck, his attempt to talk to you was a total and complete fuck-up.
the end of class came painstakingly slow, and he saw you hurrying to head out so you didn’t have to walk to detention with him. i mean, could he blame you. he practically screwed over your entire day.
clapton always took himself as an optimist, so maybe he could still save this. right?
as you put on your skates, unaware that this might land you in even more trouble, you felt someone tap you on your shoulder.
there was nobody else left in the classroom besides you and the person who you did not wanna see. so you turn around, and with no surprise, there was the douche who landed you in detention.
“oh, are you here to get me suspended, too?” you ask.
he couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
“yeah, i deserve that. sorry about all…this, by the way. i really didn’t mean for you to get in trouble.” he said.
damn, you thought. he’s not a bad actor.
you smiled a not-so-friendly smile back at him. “sure, you didn’t.”
you try to skate away and out of the classroom, but he catches up to you on his skateboard.
“no, seriously! i just wanted to talk to you. i’ve never met anyone who also skates, and i just thought you were really cool and pretty and—“
you stopped skating ahead of him a while ago, but he didn’t notice that, so he kept skateboarding right into an open locker’s door.
you let out a laugh that definitely let every teacher in the vicinity know you weren’t where you were supposed to be right now, but you couldn’t help it.
clapton got up, rubbing the side of his face.
you walk up to him and pat him on the cheek.
“okay, i believe you.” you say, crossing your arms afterwards.
he lets out a smile that you’re pretty sure you’re gonna have to get used to.
“anything i can do to make it up to you?” he asks.
you take off your backpack and shove it in his arms.
“carry this for me?” you say.
“that’s the least i can do.”
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heart to heart
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cw. selfship-coded, childhood friend au, pre-canon, pre-relationship, slight angst, fluff, one piece spoilers
pairing. portgas d. ace x reader
notes. apparently it isn't enough for me to brainrot in private about a character i've been obsessed with for a decade, you guys have to be subjected to it as well. whoops🤪
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It is not hyperbole to say that early mornings are the only time of day when the Dadan Family base is peaceful.
The sun has barely risen, the morning birds have barely begun their song and most everyone is still snoring away in their cots. Early mornings and late evenings have become Dadan’s favorite time of day, citing them as the only times she is ever allowed a moment of peace.
That peace is stalled whenever Garp visits.
“You sure you don’t wanna come with us,” you ask Ace a final time before you leave for your hometown.
Ace shakes his head with a small smile, “they’re more your friends than mine.” A true sentiment, in your six years of knowing each other, there is still a distinction between your friends in Windmill Village and your friends living among bandits on Mt. Corvo. “Tell ‘em I said ‘congrats’ though. We might end up seeing them later down the road.”
“As marines!” Garp calls over his shoulder gruffly, not waiting for you to catch up. He has one more year to change his grandson’s mind about becoming a marine before the two of you left Dawn Island for saltier pastures. If he knew that fact, however, you’re sure the marine would grab you both by the back of your shirts and drag you to the port in Windmill Village this second. “You should take after those boys!”
The boys in question are Demarius and Stacey.
They’ve adored Garp since before you knew Ace was his grandchild, constantly pleading for him to take them to a naval base. He promised to do so once they turned 16. The least you could do was bid your friends farewell before they lived out their naval dreams.
Ace rolls his eyes, “Pirate!”
“It’s too early in the morning for you two to start that old fight again,” Dadan grumbles, turning around to head back inside. This was enough kissing Garp's butt for her, tucking away her handkerchief. “I get nothing but headaches when Garp comes around.”
You snicker at the grouchy woman’s exit, looking over her shoulder. The door to the room you share is shut close but you can easily picture Luffy stretched out and snoring, limbs all over the place wildly. He’ll be adding to Dadan’s headache soon enough. “Alright, well, I’ll be back later,” you tell Ace unnecessarily.
“You should spend the night in town,” Ace’s disgruntled expression shifts into something warm. You remember a time when he seldom smiled and could only offer you scowls. It’s hard to believe how much he smiles now, your lips quirking instinctively at the sight. “You haven’t been in town for a while. Everyone probably misses you.”
You lean forward, wiggling your eyebrows, “aww, trying to get rid of me now? You’re just trying to get more of a cut at dinner.”
“Maybe,” Ace’s grin widens and you share a laugh before Garp calls after you, further away than he was last.
Damn for an old man he moves fast. “See you,” you nudge your freckled friend before turning on your feet, nearly tripping as you stumble after his grandfather. “I’m okay,” you call over your shoulder.
Garp is grumbling to himself as you approach him. You don’t need to hear his words clearly to know he is thinking about his pirate obsessed grandsons. “Those dolts,” he mutters. “You used to play marines all the time with those kids in town. Now they’ve got you talking about being a pirate. You’ll all be marines, mark my words!”
“I really only ever wanted to just sail on the seas,” you tell Garp truthfully. Even as a child when Demarius demanded you play marines because he always wanted to play marines, you never played because you aspired to be one. It didn’t have to be the marines, it didn’t have to be pirates, you just wanted to set sail on the ocean blue. Pirate merely became the subsequent medium you vowed to pursue. “The marines kinda seem,” you mull over your next words carefully. “Strict. I just wanna see the world, not be told what to do.”
“Discipline is a good thing,” is his rebuttal. He certainly was very strict in the training you unwittingly got pulled into once he discovered your true intentions.
Silence falls between you both but it isn’t comfortable, not like the silences you’re used to.
Silence in Dadan’s home is accompanied by snores or the movement of someone heading to the bath. Luffy mumbling in his sleep about the many adventures he and his dream crew are on causing you and Ace to share a look and chuckle quietly under your breaths.
It’s when you tell yourself ‘Today’s the day I actually do it’ and you count away in your head the number of Ace’s freckles until you inevitably mess up the count and have to start all over again.
It’s when it’s raining and you, Ace and Luffy sleep in an empty hollow of a tree, the croak of the frogs singing to the drops.
Silence with Garp is suffocating and the jungle is too quiet and your brain too full of anxiety-ridden hypotheticals to even think about your childhood friends you’d be bidding farewell to. Instead, the ones you wouldn’t be saying goodbye to were at the forefront of your mind.
Another minute of silence follows before you’re unable to stop the words from falling from your lips, “Mr. Garp?”
Garp hums gruffly, bark worse than his bite, “what is it?”
“Let’s say that, hypothetically speaking of course, Ace and Luffy do become pirates,” you begin nervously, wincing at how the older man’s eyes sharpened at the word. “Hypothetically!” You’ve been a recipient of many of the marine’s Fists of Love, despite not belonging to his family, you don’t fancy receiving another. “They hypothetically become pirates and end up getting taken in,” you lick your lips as you try to imagine the scenario.
To your discomfort, it is terrifyingly easy to imagine Ace and Luffy in shackles.
The spectacle the World Government would make of it all. The grand executions of the sons of Gol D. Roger and Monkey D. Dragon.
The vitriol of the onlookers spewing words of hatred and damnation. No one would know who they are, not the onlookers in the crowds or the marines holding the weapons that would end their lives. Devils, they would be called. 
There would be one marine who knew them, however. Who truly knew them and not what they represented. It only breaks your heart that in your many years of knowing the older man that you don’t know what end of the spectrum he falls on. No, that’s an incorrect assessment. What breaks your heart is that it has always been too easy suspecting precisely where Monkey D. Garp would fall.
In spite of your suspicions, you still part your lips and ask, “would you help them?” Uncharacteristically, you fiddle with your fingers, the index finger of your right hand being nestled by the thumb and index finger of your left. Clad in a tacky red button up with white roosters, the stocky man’s back seems broader than usual.
It’s the long pause between your question and his answer that sinks in your chest like a knife. “They,” Garp begins but you cut the man off with a laugh.
“Don’t be so serious,” you laugh so convincingly you almost believe you’re unbothered. “I was just messing around. I’m up in the air on the pirate thing but for all we know, Luffy’ll start talking about being the Marine King the next time you see him.”
The elderly marine laughs at the absurdity of your thought, “a king among marines, that’ll be the day.”
“Your shadows not with you for once?” Stacey jokes lightheartedly as he leans his head over in mock surprise at the lack of people accompanying you.
“I’m pretty sure Mr. Garp would drag them onto that boat if they did,” anything to make those two follow in their grandfather’s footsteps. “Ace sends his congratulations anyways.”
“I’m still convinced that guy was replaced by aliens,” Demarius murmurs, squinting at the mountain’s peaks with narrowed eyes. You snort at the absurdity. You, along with your village-bound friends, had met Ace when he was more angry at the world and nearly all of the people inhabiting it. To say they’d been shocked when, the next time they met him, Ace was polite and all smiles is an understatement. Demarius’ suspicious glance lasts a beat longer before he turns his dark eyes to you, shoulders set back. “You can still come with us, you know.”
You remember being 10, running down these dirt roads playing marines with your friends as a rowdy quintet.
The battles you pretended to have against whatever made-up opponents Demarius decided you’d be fighting against. He’d always been the leader of the five of you ー him, Stacy, Pierre, Lisa Lisa and you ー would find yourselves on the tempestuous seas of the Grand Line, all odds against you.
“This is not a good day for battle but it is a glorious day to die,” you remember resolutely saying, words too heavy for someone who hadn’t been in a real fight her entire life until that point.
Real fights came after you met Ace and Sabo. When you began running amok in the capital and Gray Terminal. Real battle came when their angering the Bluejam pirates caught up with them. You couldn’t say you felt glorious fighting the Bluejam pirates in the flames of their hideout. Nor could you say Sabo’s horrifying end was glorious either. There is no glory in fighting but you will do what you have to to protect who you have left.
Pulling yourself from the memories, you shake your head, “you’ll see me at sea next year,” you vow with a grin. You lower your voice so the cantankerous marine behind you cannot hear what you say next. “It’ll just be in a way that pisses off the old man.”
There’s simply one more year to go.
You, alongside the other locals, wave the boys down until they become nothing but a speck on the horizon. Well, off their asses go. You sit on the porch step of what used to be the house that belonged to you and your grandfather. I think the last time I came here it was like, you purse your lips thoughtfully. Shiiieet, 3 months ago? You seldom spend time in the empty shack now. It is only good for your occasional visits and when you’re too lazy to head back up to Dadan’s. That is where home is now.
It’s wherever Ace and Luffy are.
Ace and Luffy who you know Garp loves but will always choose work first. He always has and he always will, so you will always choose them instead.
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fuckitupfelix · 30 days
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONGG AHHH :(((( I TRIED MY BEST >_< !!!! i was originally gonna do oikawa but i'll jus write that one later :>
atsumu x male reader
word count: 0.5k
he should be happy his boyfriend won, right?
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(name) had moved away to from hyogo to miyagi halfway into his first year of highschool, but he quickly adjusted to his new school. sure, going from a school that frequented nationals to a former powerhouse is a large change of pace, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle! especially when the first years seemed full of potential.
so when his team finally got a chance to go to nationals, you can bet that the first person (name) told was his boyfriend, atsumu. several misspelled messages were sent in all caps, only prompting a reply of ‘???’, to which (name) responded back with ‘WPN GAME. GO NATONALS.’
atsumu understood that at least. and honestly? he was ecstatic. he gets to see his boyfriend play? and maybe even play against him? he was teeming with excitement at the thought. and the idea of beating (name) sounded pretty appealing.
but that was before their match together. that was before the ball had narrowly escaped his teammates fingertips. that was before inarizaki had lost the game.
(name’s) eyes were glued to the ball as he watched his friend fail to get it up. the ball hit the floor. the team erupted into cheers. (name) latched onto the closest player to him— which happened to be tanaka— shaking him by the shoulders vigorously. they won. he couldn't keep the grin off of his face.
seeing how he hadn't had a chance to see atsumu until their match, (name) had split off from the rest karasuno to find him. eventually, (name) found him by a vending machine.
“‘tsumu! hey!” (name) called, running over. atsumu glanced up.
“hey, love.”
atsumu was engulfed in a hug, his boyfriend's arms wrapped snug around his neck. he faltered for a moment, before returning the hug.
“can't believe we won, ‘tsumu! it's freakin’ crazy! gosh, i knew hinata was a lil’ freak, but he really stepped up this game. did’ya see ‘im receive aran-kun’s spike? that was incredible!” (name) rambled on and on, not noticing the bitter look on atsumu's face.
“yeah, it was pretty cool,” he huffed. “congrats, (name).”
maybe it was because (name) wouldn't shut up about how great his teammates were, or how he was so overjoyed with his win, but something about it made atsumu’s stomach churn. there was a bitter feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“‘tsumu? you okay?” (name) asked, eyebrows furrowed. apparently his response sounded more sarcastic than genuine.
“yeah. why wouldn't i be? m’team jus' lost at nationals.” atsumu scoffed, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“. . .okay, sorry. could ya at least not be all pissy ‘bout it if your boyfriend won?” (name) said.
“i’ll jus' leave, then, if you're really gonna take it personally,” he scoffed.
“maybe ya should.” atsumu retorted. god, he was acting like a child.
(name) stared at atsumu for a moment, before turning around. “. . .fuckin' hell, ‘tsumu.” he groaned quietly, walking off to rejoin his team.
atsumu watched as his boyfriend walked off. ‘shit.’ he kicks the vending machine, a loose can rattling down. he picked it up through the slot.
it was (name's) favorite flavor.
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can you guys tell I don't know how to write angst 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
divider by @/plutism !!
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nerdy-frog98 · 4 months
Okay I’ve had several days to think about it, and I’m not upset about Eddie’s cheating storyline anymore.
Nobody asked, but HERE’S why.
Eddie is an incredibly traumatized character. The military experiences (+ his dead friends), losing his wife so suddenly & without closure, and a couple near death experiences will do that to you! Add that to parents trying to take his child away ON TOP OF feeling like he needs to give Christopher a mother at any and all costs…? Maybe a little bit of Catholic guilt sprinkled in there too.
Season 5 was not my favorite for a myriad of reasons, but one thing I did like about it was Eddie’s complete mental breakdown. It felt like a long time coming... BUT. His mental breakdown didn’t even really scratch the surface of his issues, and there are still a lot of things he needs to face before he can truly be at peace. One of those things is Shannon.
The effect that Shannon’s loss had on Eddie has, in my opinion, never been explored properly. We got a little of it in season 3 with the illegal fighting, and then hints of it again when he was with Ana, but it never felt like closure to me. It felt like season 6 tried to give him closure (through Marisol), but it wasn’t satisfying because it was more or less a duller version of what happened with Ana. “Moving on” for his sake, but with no real emotional repercussions. Maybe this is just a personal opinion, but his story has felt like a ticking time bomb to me since the moment he broke up with Ana. His breakdown in s5 wasn’t the real bomb though.
Now imagine being Eddie, a guy with a lot of unresolved guilt and feelings for a woman who died right in front of him. Imagine you see a woman with that dead wife’s exact face. I can honestly say I have no fucking clue what I would do in his position. What he did- erasing Marisol in his first conversation with this lookalike Kim, then later lying to Buck to meet up with Kim- is morally not okay. Sure. Would any of us act in a rational way though?
I’m not meaning to justify cheating, but I do genuinely believe this is one of the only ways that stubborn ass was going to figure out his issues in a way that might actually help him move on. He’s being delusional with Kim, and once the ball drops, I believe there’s a great big breakdown waiting for him on the other end.
People often accuse Eddie of being the most boring of the 118, and I hate that assessment so goddamn much. Eddie is probably one of theee most complex characters (besides Buck) in the entire show. He’s self-destructive, kind, loyal, patient and impatient- he’s a good father and a good friend, and he’s FLAWED. That is why I love him so much.
My initial disappointment with him partially stems from me wanting him to have a singular season of PEACE, which…I realized wasn’t possible without blowing up the bomb first (would’ve preferred to disarm the bomb but I’ll take what I can get).
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steviewashere · 5 months
Love, Rest Your Head
Rating: Teen and Up CW: Canon Typical Injuries Tags: Pre-Season 4, Aftermath of Starcourt Mall, Aftermath of Torture, Season 4, Canon Divergence, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Steve Harrington, Major Character Injury, Established Relationship, Eddie Munson Takes Care of Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Has Head Trauma, Mentions of Vomiting, Self Sacrificing Steve Harrington, Mentions of Major Character Death (In Reference to Hopper), Foreshadowing, Ambiguous Ending
💕—————💕 The news was pure devastation. Overhead shots of the Starcourt Mall burning. Flames engulfing the building on all sides, swallowing it up until it sat a collapsed, ashen mess. There was no structure. No semblance to any kind of store that was inside. Just dust. Blackened walls. Melted floor tiles.
Eddie sat on the edge of the couch cushion, left hand tucked harshly under his thigh, chomping down on his right hand’s fingernails. There was a metallic tang on his tongue, but he couldn’t get himself to stop. Not even when the raw, exposed parts of his skin bared themself as a tender ache in his mouth’s warmth. Nothing could stop him. In between bites, there were moments where he was holding his breath. Gasping for it when push eventually came to shove. At least it was air he was choking on, not bile.
His uncle was stoic in his recliner in the corner. Until, with the quietest and gruffest voice Eddie’s ever heard, Wayne said, “Your boy. He’s in the parking lot. Has to be.”
“What if he isn’t?” Eddie barely mustered. “What if—What if he’s not there in the parking lot with all those ambulances? What if Steve’s stuck in the debris and he can’t get out and nobody can hear him and then he doesn’t come home and I never—“ He was back to choking on his breath. Sipping at the smallest pockets of air he could manage.
Wayne didn’t answer. The promises that could be made in this moment, every single one of them could be a fallacy.
Then, the news reporter read out those who suffered in the fire. That crisped with the building. Ones that couldn’t be recovered. Ones that were found, yet only identifiable by the licenses in their pockets.
Jenna Kinling Parker Smith Tony Roberts Billy Hargrove…
Eddie bit his fingers harder at that last name. Maybe they didn’t run in the same circles or maybe they weren’t friends. But Billy was still a young dude. He had a life ahead of him. They had classes together. What if…What if…What if, rings loudly in Eddie’s head.
Except, Steve isn’t listed. Neither is his new friend, Robin. They aren’t…They weren’t found in the rubble. They weren’t believed to be in it either. And, as if on cue, the trailer’s phone begins to ring. Eddie is up and out of his seat before he has a chance to miss a single ring.
“Munson residence, Eddie speaking,” he answers hastily.
On the other end is the wet, nasally, raspy breathing of another person. The deeper the breaths, the more he can make out it’s somebody masculine. Their intakes are interrupted by small sniffles. Short bursting whimpers that come from sure pain, not pleasure.
“Hello?” Eddie speaks quietly.
The person gasps. Sobbing around the words, “Eddie…Eddie, I need help.” Steve.
“I’ll help, sweetheart,” he promises immediately. “What do you need? I—Uncle Wayne is here, too. We can help. We can—“
“‘M at the mall. And it’s all charred and…and gone. And I think I—I left your birthday present in Scoops and I’m sorry that I—My head hurts, Eds. It hurts and I’m bleeding and the paramed—they think…Billy’s dead and I watched him die and it scared me and—I don’t like him, I don’t like him at all but he looked sad and he looked…He’s dead, Eddie. I watched somebody die, Eddie,” Steve rambles. His words are heavily slurred. Barely breaking by his breath. Almost swirled by puke. 
Before Eddie has the chance to interrupt, Steve is continuing. “I protected Robin from getting hurt,” he says seriously, gravely. But his next words are tiny, as if Eddie was listening to a child, not his eighteen year old boyfriend. “You’re going to be mad at me.”
“Why?” He asks. Shakes his head though, and asks instead, “Where should I pick you up? Does Robin have a ride home?”
“I got beat up again,” Steve barrels on. “’T’s really bad, Eds. Everything is ringing. Makin’ me nauseous.” His breaths grow heavier as if he’s ready to retch on his sneakers.
Eddie prepares himself to hear it all, because he knows it’ll happen. Knows it like the back of his hand, unfortunately. From how many other times Steve’s been concussed. Yet, he doesn’t care, saying, “I’ll take care of you here at home, but I need you to tell me where I need to pick you up. Does Robin need a ride?”
Steve mumbles, “She already left. Hugged her and everythin’. Rob—Robin’s safe. I protected her from getting hurt. They were going to hurt her, Eds. It would’ve been my fault for getting her involved.”
The words crawl under Eddie’s skin like spiders. He wants to scratch at himself, get them out of his head. Get away from how small each word is that comes from Steve’s mouth. He wants to find out who ‘They’ are and kill them. Wants to rip this world apart for making Steve sound so…horrified. But he just calmly asks, “Where are you, Steve? Where at the mall are you?”
“Front,” Steve mutters, “at the payphone. The one with all the gum on the back. It’s gross, Eds. I feel gross. Smell like—I’m sorry.”
Eddie just swallows harshly. Doesn’t know why Steve’s apologizing. But he’s scared shitless, that’s for sure. He grabs for his car keys on the dining table. “I’m going to hang up, Stevie. I’ll be there soon, okay?”
The last thing he hears is Steve coughing and retching up his lungs. Spiders work their way into his veins.
——— Sure enough, Steve’s by the payphone. Sitting with his knees up to his chest. Leaning against the thin pole of the phone. Inches away from whatever lunch he had last. Doesn’t look like much. Eddie just thought Steve was busy with work and relaxing at home. Though…Eddie’s starting to piece together that maybe Steve never left work. Like he’s been here way too long.
Steve shivers where he grasps to himself and Eddie approaches with great caution.
He crouches down to Steve’s level, keeps his hands to himself, and speaks softly. “Steve, it’s Eddie. I brought you a jacket. And some water. I’ve got crackers. You ready to go home?”
With his one good eye, Steve looks to him. Blood caked around his nose and mouth and chin. Eyebrow split, though covered with a butterfly bandage. His left eye is swollen shut and a deep, concerning purple. A part of Eddie almost wants to ask who left Steve here like this. To sit by himself and hold to his elbows. But, a stronger part of him cares too much about making sure Steve gets home.
Slowly, Steve reaches out his right hand and grasps at Eddie’s left wrist. Thumb harsh over his pulse point. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs. Without any fanfare or warning, Steve’s eyes fill with tears. Streaming down his face in sluggish lines. “I was stupid and got in trouble again and now I’m all…I’m all broken and ugly and I smell really bad and you’re gonna have to stay awake with me because I’m not allowed to sleep and I—“
“Baby,” Eddie whispers lowly, “Steve, I’m just glad that you’re alive. I’d rather look after you all beaten up and bloody than…Well, y’know.”
“Why aren’t you mad at me?” Steve meekly asks.
“Do you want me to be mad at you?”
With great force, Steve shakes his head. Hissing and hiccuping at the pain that surges through him. “It hurts so bad,” he whimpers. “I just—They were going to hurt Robin and—and the kids. I couldn’t let them do that and now I—“
Eddie gently shushes him. “You don’t need to explain yourself right now, okay, sweetheart? We’ll talk about it when you’re better.”
“What if I never talk about it?”
He shrugs. Wraps his free hand over Steve’s where it still grips him. “Then you don’t talk about it,” he whispers. “Let me take you home, though? Give you the food and water I brought. Warm you up and change your clothes. Can clean your face,” Eddie lists. He cups the injured side of Steve’s face with a tentative hand, barely touching his swollen skin. “Clean this all up and brush your hair. Let you sleep.”
“I can’t sleep for long,” Steve reminds him.
“Wake you up every few hours, that’s fine. I don’t have school tomorrow, we’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“‘M’kay,” Steve agrees quietly. He’s drooping in Eddie’s hold. Exhaustion quickly swamping him. “Sorry if I throw up in the car.”
Eddie gently hefts them up off the ground, leads them towards the van, and gets Steve situated in his passenger seat. He murmurs, as he buckles Steve in, “I can clean up. But I’ll leave the window rolled down. I’ll drive slow. Do you want the jacket?”
Steve shakes his head softly. His eyes are closed and the rest of him is very still to his seat. As if moving anything physically pains him. It probably does, based on what Eddie’s able to see. “I don’t want to be reminded of the heat,” he state quietly.
“Okay,” Eddie whispers. He leans up into Steve’s space, presses a short kiss to his temple, and cranks the passenger window down. “Just lean towards the window a little. Rest. I’ve got you, baby.”
The car ride is incredibly slow, it makes Eddie antsy. But out of the corner of his eye, he notices Steve tensing at every gradual rumble and deep pothole. It makes Eddie want to just get out and push the van. He slides a hand off of the steering wheel and goes to grab Steve’s left wrist, but he jolts away. Head colliding solidly with the window frame.
“Don’t,” Steve bites. “Don’t touch me there,” he whispers.
Eddie swallows down the sudden rise of bile in his throat. “Okay, Steve,” he murmurs right back. “Do you…you need me to pull off for a second? Give you a break from the bumpy road?” Steve gives a slow and tentative nod.
He pulls to the shoulder, parks in silence, and just sits in the driver’s seat. Face forward, eyeing beyond the windshield. He’d turn on the radio, try to fill the gap between their bodies, but knows that the noise would be too much. Instead, he listens in on Steve’s audible deep breaths. Like he’s trying to ground himself to the carseat or maybe veer away from puking out the window. Eddie wants to touch and soothe, like he normally would during Steve’s concussions. But…he can’t. There are tears percolating in the corners of his eyes.
“You need water?” Eddie quietly asks.
“Please,” Steve mutters lowly. His voice is crackling and snotty wet.
Eddie moves slowly between the front seats, grabs an unopened bottle of water, and uncaps it. He leans across the center console to find a straw in the glove box. Plops it in the bottle and offers it up for Steve to take. “Slow sips,” Eddie states, “don’t need to make yourself sicker.” Steve angles his body away from the window, leans forward slightly, and takes the straw between his lips. Each swallow of water looks like he’s trying to consume rocks. His tongue working slowly, hesitantly against the straw. Testing it. “You’re doing a good job,” Eddie can only praise.
When Steve pops off the straw, it’s with a gasping breath. Catching and falling and catching again. He lolls his head on the seat, looking over to Eddie. Chest moving up and down with shallow, croaking shakes of air. “We can go,” he rasps, “I wanna sleep.”
The water bottle goes to the cup holders. And Eddie does what he’s told. Crawling slowly back home. Taking small pauses to check in with Steve, help him drink water, nibble on some crackers, rub his back when he hurls out the car window.
But when they make it back home, they move in complete and utter silence. Through the front door and to the couch. Wayne ogles the two of them, fear present in his eyes. His mouth hangs open, suckled dry of all words he could ever think to say. Eddie makes him grab a bowl of warm water and a rag.
And they just exist in silence.
In fear, Eddie now realizes, of whatever happened to Steve.
Because they’re not stupid. This wasn’t a fire. There was something else. Something more…disastrous. Dastardly. But Eddie places the bowl on the coffee table, sits on Steve’s right on the cushions, and turns them towards each other.
“Alright, I’ve gotta clean the blood off of your face, Stevie,” he encroaches their silence. “I’m going to be really careful. I’ll go slow. But I need you to tell me when you need a break, okay?” Steve blinks groggily at him. His eyes are dilated beyond belief. Eddie’s nauseous just looking at them. These aren’t the eyes he fell in love with.
These eyes are like terror in existential form.
Steve nods, though. He places a shaking hand on Eddie’s left knee. Doesn’t tighten it, doesn’t pet the fabric under his hand, just rests it there. As if he’s searching for an anchor.
Eddie wets the wash rag with the warm water. Raises it to Steve’s chin. “If this hurts, you need to tell me. Here we go.” The rag stains pink and crimson as soon as it touches Steve’s skin. He hates how hard he has to press just to work the blood off, but it’s dried to him. It’s coming off in flakes, Eddie sees the particles fall to Steve’s dirtied uniform. As he works the rag over Steve’s face, he can’t help but notice how stained and red the uniform is, too.
It used to be something Eddie could tease Steve about. Be flirtatious and saucy about it. Talk about stupid things with. Make dumb fantasies and see if Steve will play into them. But looking at it now only makes Eddie’s chest hurt. Makes his stomach turn uneasily. Shrivels something inside of him that will never live again. But he’ll get Steve into his clothes. Get him comfortable. Maybe he’ll burn the uniform when Steve isn’t looking. Rid of it like a demon needing to be expelled.
The last bit of the blood finally comes away, flaking from Steve’s nostrils to the washcloth. Eddie places it back in the pink tinted water. And then he looks back. At Steve’s child like eyes. And his split lip. The plum like bruise around his left eye.
Eddie’s never had homicidal thoughts, but today might just be the eye opener for him.
But he continues to be gentle. Offering, “Let’s get you some of my clothes. I’ll wash your hair in the bathroom sink. Then, you can rest.” Steve just nods, allows Eddie to pull him along to the bedroom, and change him out of his clothes. Ignores the slight bruising on his ribs, where he most likely struggled or fell. Tries to not think about the red, twisting lines across Steve’s chest, arms, and wrists from where he’d been tied. Just covers Steve back up in reds and blacks and soft things. And, while Steve is looking away, throws the Scoops uniform away in a nearby waste basket.
Washing his hair is no struggle. Steve goes listless and quiet when Eddie scrubs at his scalp, carefully detangles knots that were glued together by sticky blood. He barely blinks as he watches Eddie move and go through his hair washing routine. Doesn’t protest any of what Eddie chooses to do—even when he puts too much conditioner in the ends of his hair or doesn’t do two wash throughs with the shampoo, even if he uses a hair dryer instead of a towel. Allows him, which Eddie finds a little odd. He has an inkling, though, that it may just be the gentle touch that Steve doesn’t want to mitigate.
When they’re back in bed, Eddie lays flat on the mattress. Putting space between their two bodies. His alarm is set for three hours from now, where he’ll wake Steve up and make sure his concussion symptoms either are stagnant or lessening. But for now, he just stays put. Eyes up at his ceiling, stomach turning and knotting at whatever happened today.
Whatever happened almost doesn’t matter, knowing Steve made it out alive.
But there’s a haunting to him that Eddie can’t ignore.
Right when he thinks Steve is asleep and goes to close his own eyes, does he hear the smallest of statements.
“Hopper died, too,” Steve murmurs.
Steve nods sagely against his pillow. “Heard about it through some of the kids I babysit. Guess he…Guess I wasn’t the only one to make a sacrifice.” Eddie hears him shift, coming closer. His body warmth radiating and tight against his rigid body. There’s a hesitant palm that slithers and sits on Eddie’s chest. Where his heart beats rabidly. “Could…Could’a been me.”
Eddie places his own hand over the back of Steve’s. Presses them together firmly. His chest caving with the push. “Don’t say that,” he harshly whispers. “Don’t…Steve, I thought it was going to be you. Please don’t say that.”
“Sorry,” he mutters. “I just…That’s the only thing I could think of before you got me. How I—I almost didn’t get to see you again.”
“At least you’re with me now, right? I’m just glad that you’re alive.”
“Yeah,” Steve croaks. “I just wish I could bring myself to tell you what happened.”
“Don’t need to do that, Steve. Just rest up and get better for me, alright?”
Steve shuffles closer. His head resting on Eddie’s shoulder. He nods. “Thank you. I love you,” he sleepily murmurs.
Eddie wraps an arm around his back and squeezes him tightly. “I love you, too, love bug. Get some sleep and I’ll check on you in a bit.”
The snores are a comfort after tonight.
——— And when he looks Steve in the eyes, mere seconds before he leaves for Vecna, Eddie understands the harrowing sacrificial fear. He’ll be the one to protect Steve now. “Make him pay,” he says. But he knows, reflected in Steve’s eyes, that there is finality in his stare. His stomach turns and his hands shake, but damnit, he’ll make sure that Steve won’t be the one drowning in blood this time.
He hopes to hear snores against his shoulder tomorrow night.
If night comes.
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myladysapphire · 1 year
His Sapphire Princess (IV)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,327
CW: violence
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen (can be read as x reader)
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his  except for my OC
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Her brothers woke her in a panic, pulling her out of bed and dragging her through the halls of Driftmark, claiming Vhagar had been stolen.
“You can’t steal a dragon” she yawned, wiping at her eyes, confused as to what they meant.
“but she was mine to claim, someone stole my right!” Rhaena whined. of course, cloaking him, she hoped it was Aemond, though she would admit Rhaena should have been able to attempt to claim her, but if it was Aemond that truly claimed her she could find no fault in it.
“dragons aren’t inherited Rhaena, anyone could claim Vhagar, not just you” Visenya spoke, her tone harsher than she meant “I’m going back to bed” she went to turn back but luke jumped in front of her, his best puppy eyes on display
“Senya, please, what if it’s a bad guy, we need your help” Luke begged.
“fine” she sighed in defeat, she had her dagger she supposed if someone had  actually taken Vhagar she could defend them, though she saw no point of this escapade.
Vhagar roared as she landed, her new rider, a beacon of silver in the night sky, climbing down her rope.
“it’s him” spoke Jace.
it was Aemond, just as she hoped. His face was smug, his walk confident. he was like a whole new person. 
“Aemond?” she questioned softly, rubbing up to him, “you claimed her?”  
his eyes glimmered as he looked at her, a true smile gracing his lips. He wasn’t a new person, he was still her Aemond.
“Vhagar is my mother's dragon” Rhaena stated.
“your mothers dead” he replied, scowling. “and Vhagar has a new rider now.”
“Aemond” she chined, elbowing him softly. 
“she was mine to claim” Rhaena declared.
“Vhagar choose her rider, if Aemond weren’t meant to claim her then she wouldn’t have allowed him to claim her” Visneya reasoned, trying to calm the group, though it was all for nought as shouts of protest were heard from the twins.
Aemond moved forward,  placing her behind him “Then you should've claimed her!” he looked at Jace and Luke then back to Rhaena, “ Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride… It would suit you.”
Baela launched herself at Aemond, before being pushed off. “come at me again, and I’ll feed you to Dragon”
The next few moments were filled with yells and screams as her brothers and cousins attacked Aemond.
“stop!” Visenya demanded, moving to pull Baela off of Aemond, only to be elbowed and pushed against a rock. 
“Senya!” Aemond and Jace screamed, the attack coming to a halt. 
“it’s ok,” she tried to reassure, rubbing her head as she sat up “just stop fighting, it will not give Rhaena a dragon, nor will it take Aemonds away from him!” 
“he stole Vhagar, she was mine to claim!” Rhaena once again insisted.
“yeah, yeah we get it ok! just stop this fighting!… please” 
Baela turned to look at her, sighing as if ready to coincide before looking at Aemond. his hand rested behind Visenya's back, his face still smug.
she charged at him again, pushing him away from Visneya and to the ground. Jace followed punching him in the face before shoving them away.
she wasn’t sure what would happend next, her head pushing too hard, liquid filling her ears. the words flame and bastard sounded, her brother Jace in Aemonds hold, a rock to his head.
“no stop!” she screamed, crawling over, unable to find balance, her dagger falling from her pocket as she pulled Jace away. 
Luke grabbed her dagger and dived at Aemond, Visneya despite the fact her blurred vision, she managed to jump in front of Aemond, the dagger driving through his eye and the side of her neck.
After that, it all went black.
The hall was tense as a maester worked with Aemond and Visneya. 
No one dared to speak.
Several maesters cared for Visenya, her neck seeping in blood, her body still unconscious, and her brothers crying beside her. Luke begging for her to be alright. 
Aemond had insisted on being as close to her as possible, refusing to let go of her hand, and only doing so when it became apparent it was interfering with the maesters work. 
“How could you allow such as thing to happen?” Viserys demanded, furious “I will have answers”
“The princes and princess were supposed to be abed, my king” Ser Harold spoke
“Who had to watch” Viserys demanded
“The young prince was attacked by his cousins, your grace, and the princess by her brothers,” Ser Criston remarked
Outraged with these responses Viserys shouted “you swore oaths to protect and defend my blood”
“I’m very sorry, your grace,” Ser Harrold told him
“The king's guard has never had to defend princes from princes, your grace” Ser Criston spoke
The hall was quiet, the fury of the king growing. His granddaughter lay on the table, unconscious as blood seeped out of her neck, the Maesters still trying to locate the bleeding. 
“That is no answer!” Viserys spat
“It will heal, will it not maester?” Alicent asked she knew that the eye would be lost, but she still had hoped the seven would be merciful.
Solemnly the maester replied “the flesh will heal, but the eye is lost, your grace”
Nodding, a tear falling from her eye, she looked towards Visenya “what of the princess maester?”
Giving a small sad smile the lead maester working on Visenya stepped back to look at the king and queen, “we cannot tell yet your grace, we cannot seem to locate the bleeding and until we do, we cannot say”
Letting out an anguished cry Alicent moved to Aegon slapping him “where were you?”
Recoiling away Aegon spoke “me? Ow! What was that for?” he complained, almost ashamed. He had been getting drunk whilst his brother and niece suffered, that was enough to sober him. He worried the sight would make him burst in tears.
Alicent sneered “that was nothing compared to the abuse your brother and niece suffered while you were drowning in your cups” looking down ashamed, all Aegon could do was whisper a small as sorry.
“Where is Rhaenyra, her daughter has suffered a grave injury at the hands of her sons… where is Rhaenyra!” Alicent demanded to the room. The people equally confused as to where the princess was, remained silent.
Lord Corlys and princess Rhaenys entered the hall, demanding what had happened “what is the meaning of this”
Princess Rhaenys quickly went to her granddaughters, before catching sight of Visneay on the table, a small cry leaving her lips “what has happened?” she demanded. “What has happened to my granddaughter” the silence once more filled the room, as no one could answer.
Rhaenyra and Daemon were the last to enter the room, Daemon smug and nonchalant, Rhaenyra confused and guilty. She was quick to tun to her sons, not even bothering to look for her daughter. “what happened? Jace, Luke? Show me, show me!” taking Luke’s face in her hands she asked, “where is your sister?” both boys looked down before pointing to the table surrounded by maesters.
“Oh, my sweet girl” Rhaenyra cried taking Rhaenys place next to her daughter, as Rheanys moved to her Beala and Rheana.
“They attacked us!” Aemond spat, causing the other children to being shouting contrasting statements.
“He attacked Baela”
“He broke Luke’s nose!”
“He stole my mother’s dragon!”
“ENOUGH” Viserys demanded, his confusion only increasing at the children's ranting, 
“He was going to kill Jace!” Luke shouted
“I didn’t do anything! And you’re the one who attacked Visenya!” Aemond shot back, furious, she was defending him from their attack, they were to blame not him. He had lost his eye, his Visenya was wounded and unconscious. 
“Enough!” Viserys demanded, once again. 
Rhaenyra had made her way back to her sons, allowing the Maesters their space to work, as they finally located the bleeding.
“It should be my son telling the tale” Alicent demanded.
Luke whispered what was said to his mother “he called us bastards”
Hitting his cane on the ground Viserys demanded once again “silence” moving to look at Aemond he demanded the truth “Aemond, I will have the truth of what happened, now!”
“What else is there to hear? Your son and granddaughter maimed…Her son is responsible”
“It was a regrettable accident” Rhaenyra spoke, she didn’t want to believe what Luke had done, let alone to his sister. 
“The prince Lucerys brought a blade to an ambush. He meant to kill my son, he might yet have killed your daughter” Alicent spoke viciously, how could Rhaenyra defend her sons after what they did to her daughter, to Aemond?
“It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves… Vile insults were levied against them” Rhaenyra declared
“What insults?” Viserys asked
Hesitating, knowing it was the unspoken truth, Rhaenyra replied “the legitimacy of my son’s birth was put loudly to the question”
Speaking up, Luke has a tremor in his voice as he casts a look at his sister, guilt filling his body “he called us bastards”
“My sons are in line to inherit the iron throne, your grace. This is the highest of treasons…. Prince Aemond must be Sharpley questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders” Rhaenyra spoke
In disbelief at Rhaenyra’s audacity, Alicent spoke “over an insult? My son has lost an eye! What of your daughter what is your sons’ excuses for her!?” she demanded, looking over to Visenya, the Maesters had finally stopped the bleeding, but she was yet to wake. 
“You tell me boy, where did you hear this lie?” Viserys demanded, he knew the truth, he was not blind, he knew they were not Laenor’s and guilt filled him that he did not give his daughter a husband who could give her more than one child, even that he doubted, that she had to look elsewhere.
Worried, everyone knew it was Alicent who spread the rumours “this insult was training yard bluster, it was nothing”
Ignoring his wife, Viserys asked again “Aemond, I asked you a question!”
Interrupting again Alicent asked “where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The children’s father? Perhaps he might have something to say on the matter.”
“Yes, where is Ser Laenor?”
Rhaenyra admitted, “I do not know, your grace, I could not find sleep, I had gone on a walk.”
Alicent rolled her eyes and muttered “entertaining his young squires, I would venture”
Asking again, Viserys spoke “Aemond, look at me. Your king demands answer. Who spoke these lies to you?”
Aemond shifted his gaze to his mother, “It was Aegon” he answered. He would not sell out his mother, even if they all knew it was really her.
“Me?” Aegon asked confused, he did not care nor ever mention if they were bastards. He was rather fond of Luke and Jace, they often had fun together. He could care less about their parentage.
“And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies?” Viserys spat “Aegon! Tell me the truth of it!”
Giving up, with a sigh Aegon spoke “We know, father. Everyone knows. Just look at them”
“This interminable infighting must cease! All of you! We are family! Now make your apologies and show goodwill to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your king demands it.” Viserys spoke.
“That is insufficient. Aemond has been damaged, permanently, Visenya who knows if she will wake. ‘Good will’ cannot make Aemond whole” Alicent spat
“I know Alicent, but I cannot restore an eye,” Viserys said with a deep sigh, he looked to Visenya. Her face was terribly pale, her neck was being wrapped and her head stitched.
“No, because it’s been taken!” 
“What would you have me do?”
“There is a debt to be paid. I shall have one of her son’s eyes in return” Alicent declared, gasps filling the hall.
“My dear wife-”
Her eyes watered, her son, their sons’ eye had been taken and he does not seem to care “he is your son, Viserys. Your blood”
“Do not allow your temper to guide your judgment” Viserys warned
“If the king will not seek justice, the queen will. Ser Criston… Bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon.” Alicent ordered.
Luke let out a nervous shout for his mother, moving to hide behind her. 
“he can choose which eye to keep, a privilege he did not grant my son” Alicent spoke, Ser Criston stared down at her, unsure of what to do.
Speaking to Criston Viserys demanded “you will do no such thing… Stay your hand”
“no, you are sworn to me!” she shouted at Ser Criston, as he stood unsurely “As your protector, my queen.”
“This matter is finished, do you understand?” Viserys spoke to Alicent, moving away before declaring “and let it be known, anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons should have it removed!”
“Thank you, father” Rhaenyra spoke, Alicent enraged moved towards Viserys grabbing his dagger and charging at Rhaenyra and her sons.
Shouts filled the hall, trying to get Alicent to stop, but she continued.
“you’ve gone too far” Rhaneyra spoke, grabbing Alicents arm, preventing the dagger from diving into her son's eye.
“i? what have I done but what expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law. While you flout all to do as you, please” Alicent spat in reply. “Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? And now you take my son's eye, and to that event, you feel entitled”
“Exhausting, wasn’t it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness” Rhaenyra replied, seeing Alicent face drop and her grip on the blade began to loosen. “But now they see you as you truly are,” she said lowly, the dagger slipped from Alicent’s hand, down Rhaenyra's arm, blood dripping to the ground.
“This proceeding is at an end” Viserys declared.
next chapter
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msrubble · 5 months
Summary: mammon has a one night stand with a human and has a daughter, asks Lucifer for help.
May be a multiple part.
Warning: minor character death, terrible writing.
Words: 1,085
Mammon, a demon that’s lived for millions of years, angel turned demon, one of the seven demon lords and the Avatar of Greed, is at a loss.
He was only in the Human World for a year. And it should have been only a one night stand. How did this happen? How could he make such a mistake?
Looking down at the living child in his hand as he watched the mother, sadly pass away, he could do nothing but grieve, it’s his fault all this was happening. He knew that if she had his child she would die. He desperately wanted her to not have the little girl. But she did and now an innocent human's blood is on his hand. Oh how Mammon regretted going to the Human World that day. Mammon never believed in fate, but now he cursed it.
Mammon could only feel guilty as he cradled the baby in his arms, the baby unaware of all around her. His little girl.
How will Lucifer react to this? Surely he will be upset, but he’s also a family man, so maybe he’ll help? Mammon was scared, scared of the future for the first time in centuries.
Looking one more time at the woman he barely knew and the baby in his arms. Who he has named Evelyn. He looks over to the doctor. “When can she be released?” He asks, quietly. The doctor looks up at him from his clipboard.
“Ahh, well, the baby is healthy.” He writes something down, probably something that has to do with the mother. “She should be released in two days, maybe even tomorrow.”
Mammon only hums in acknowledgment.
Mammon then sits on the couch and sighs. His mind feels like it's been going at a million thoughts per second.
Mammon watches as the doctors and other hospital workers move the deceased woman out of the room. Mammon didn’t usually feel bad for others, but this woman’s death was Mammon’s fault, the least he could do for her was raise their child the best he could.
“Evelyn, I promise I’ll take care of ya. M’sorry…” He whispers, listening to the baby’s soft breathing.
He pulls out his D.D.D and hovers his thumb over Lucifer’s number, hesitating on if he wants to inform him or not. He wasn’t even sure if Lucifer actually knew.
Clicking on Lucifer’s number, he listens to it ring a few times before his elder brother picks up.
“Hello?” A raspy voice answers, unaware of who called.
“Hey Lucifer..” Mammon greets, staring into his daughter's eyes.
“Mammon, where are you?” Lucifer asks, Mammon could hear papers and writing in the background of the phone call.
“The hospital in the human world.” He replied, he breathed in a deep breath. Then says before Lucifer could reply “Yeah, and uhm, I need your help.” He says nervously, fearing he may be punished.
Lucifer was quiet for a moment before speaking.
“What did you do?” Lucifer asked. Well more like demanded answers.
“I can explain.” Mammon replied, “But, I really need your help right now. Can ya help, please.” He pleaded.
Lucifer groans, placing his pen down. “I’m on my way, don’t do anything stupid.” He says before ending the call.
Mammon listens to the beeping of the call before placing his phone down and looking back down at Evelyn in his arms. “Your uncle is on his way. Be good, k?” He says to the baby, trying to figure out a way to convince Lucifer.
20 minutes later, Lucifer walks through the door of the room.
“I’m here, what did you need that you had to stop all my work for?” Lucifer asks, crossing his arms.
Mammon looks up at Lucifer, “Hey.. uhm, I want to introduce you to someone.” Mammon says, lifting Evelyn into Lucifer’s view.
“What is this?” He asks, staring at the baby.
“Her names Evelyn. She’s a baby.” Mammon answers.
Lucifer gives Mammon a deadpanned look. “I know what a baby is, Mammon.” He says, pinching the bridge of his nose. “What I want to know is why you’re holding one.”
Mammon shuffles in his spot, looking around the room trying to think of a way to word this.
“Well?” Lucifer asks.
“She’s my daughter..” Mammon replied in a whisp tone. Shuffling Evelyn in his hold.
Lucifer’s eyes widened in shock. “What?” He asks.
“I.. Yeah. Her name’s Evelyn.” Mammon Mentioned. Lucifer looks down at the baby, noticing the similarities to Mammon. The baby had dark tanned skin, he didn’t know the color of her eyes but the one thing he noticed that was different was the grass colored hair.
“Where is the mother?” He asked, no, he demanded an answer. No way Mammon created the baby on his own. And if he was in a human hospital, that means the mother was a human.
“She’s no longer around..” Mammon mentions, placing Evelyn in the baby cradle.
“She’s dead?” Lucifer asks, watching Mammon, still finding most of this unbelievable.
Mammon nods, feeling guilty all over again.
“I see, and you called me for help.” He asks, placing a hand on his hip. Mammon nods again, not looking Lucifer in the eyes. Lucifer sighs, trying to think of a solution. “I’ll help you. I will speak to Lord Diavolo, but she’s your responsibility. Don’t expect me or the others to help you with everything.”
Mammon looks at Lucifer and lets out a shaky breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Thanks Lucifer, I knew you’d help!” He grins at him, letting out a laugh. Lucifer rolls his eyes at that, but he smiles a little at the pure happiness in Mammons smile.
“Can I hold her?” Lucifer asks, looking down at the sleeping baby.
”Sure!” Mammon lifts Evelyn back into his arms, and gently puts her in Lucifer’s arms. Lucifer stares at the sleeping baby wrapped up in the swaddle blanket.
All irritation in Lucifer’s body felt as if it melted away. Babies have always been ugly creatures, Lucifer never really liked them. They make too much noise and they need far too much attention. But this baby was his niece, the daughter of his younger brother. The brother that can’t keep himself out of debt. They needed help and as the oldest he was going to.
And that’s the end of a maybe multiple series, but idk sense my motivation is at like rock bottom.
I saw another person do this here on tumblr, I made a father mammon fanfic like a few months ago in Ao3 but the story was so bad that I dropped it. That tumblr user motivated me to redo it all.
I apologize if you read through this and thought it was bad. I tried my best, barely scrapping out any good words out of my brain.
I made this while waiting for a game to download.
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sooo I have this idea, for Sam Winchester where (gn) reader does something stupid (up 2 u) and Sam gets rlly mad and they don’t talk for a while, but Dean and them are still in contact and go on hunt together every once in a while. Sam finds out (reader gets srsly injured) and you can end it how you see fit!
.⋆。Risks and Rewards。⋆.
Sam Winchester x plus size reader
You take risks on hunts, it’s what you do but this time, the risk was greater than the reward
Warnings: gn reader, injuries, angst, arguments, hunt gone wrong, bleeding out, reader is called beautiful, mutual pining, deathbed confessions, major character death, still a happy ending tho (you’ll see)
WC: 2k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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“I can’t believe you!” Sam’s voice partially shook the very foundation of the safe house you had just barely made it back to. “I can’t believe you would do something so fucking stupid!” His hair is sticking up in a million different directions as a combination of dried blood and utter frustration.
“If it wasn’t for what I did, you both would be dead by now!” You shouted back but winced as you pulled at the hastily done stitches on your side. Dean’s arm, which was the only thing keeping you upright, tightened around your waist.
“Can we save this for later, maybe when we’re not all exhausted and hurt?”
“No!” You and Sam retorted at the same time. 
“There were way too many fucking vamps for you to handle alone, it was easy pickings for them!” Dean attempted to guide you to the single bedroom at the back of the cabin but you shook him off with a glare. “I did what either one of you would have done in that situation.”
Sam breathed heavily through his nose, the vein in his forehead bulging with anger. “You turned yourself into bait! You had no plan, no weapons, and no backup. You’re lucky that Dean got to his machete in time.” 
“I had it handled!” Pain ricocheted through your body as you tried to stay standing without any support and you felt the hot trickle of blood leak down onto your hip. 
“You were impaled!” 
“I was fine! I had them right where I wanted them.”
“So you wanted three vamps to be practically dogpiled on top of you while you bled out?” The question was rhetorical but you answered anyway.
“Yes! Three vamps on me meant that you both only had to deal with one each. It’s basic fucking math Samuel.” 
“You fucking-“
“Alright that’s enough!” Dean finally interjected. “It’s been a long hard day and we’re all a bit wound up. We can have a more rational conversation in the morning once we’ve all gotten some rest. So Sam, go clean yourself up and I’ll get some food ready. And you-“ He turned to you with a harsh look. “-You go sit down cause it looks like you’re about to pass out.”
Sam’s jaw clenched and his eyes flicked to you but he quickly looked away. “Fine.” He grumbled and stomped off to the bathroom, his duffle bag in hand. You flinched when the door slammed shut. Dean gingerly cupped your face like a father would to their child and wiped away a tear you hadn’t noticed rolling down your cheek.
“He didn’t mean it, he just got scared.” You scoffed.
“Go make your food Dean.” You knew you were being unnecessarily harsh to your friend but you were still too angry and hurt to act rationally. He sighed and stepped back.
He pointed to the couch. “Sit, I’ll take a look at those stitches when I’m done.” But as Dean turned away to the kitchen, you didn’t go to the couch, instead you grabbed your car keys from the side table and quietly hobbled out the door.
When Sam had finally finished his shower and redressed in clean clothes, he was considerably calmer. He knew you were right, that they needed a distraction to kill all those vamps but when he saw you- metal pipe through your side with three huge vampires trying to get a bite at you, his heart stopped. 
Sighing, he looked at his reflection in the small mirror above the sink. Your blood that had covered his hands was washed away but he could still feel it staining his skin. He had been on the edge of tears as he stitched you up in the back seat of his brother’s car but those tears had evaporated into anger when you doubled down on your actions.
You were reckless and stupid and gone.
Sam stepped back into the main room of the cabin and immediately noticed there was one less person. The wide open door to the bedroom showed that it was empty and with Dean in the kitchen, there was nowhere else you could be. “Dean, where are they?”
His brother immediately froze, gaze darting to the couch before looking out the window and seeing that your car was conveniently gone. “Son of a bitch.”
It was the silence that was killing you. You could hear everything, the few animals that scurried around in the forest that surrounded you, the wind rustling the leaves in the branches overhead, the sound of your blood as it poured from the huge slash in your abdomen.
You knew no help was coming because you were alone.
You couldn’t feel the pain anymore and you supposed you were grateful for that. “At least it’s a clear night.” You murmured to yourself as you turned your gaze upwards to look at the stars. It was dumb to go hunt a wendigo alone but you were still mad and you had a point to prove. Although, since you hadn’t talked to him in nearly three months, Sam wouldn’t actually know that you won the argument but it was enough for you to prove him wrong without him knowing.
But now, now you want to be wrong. You would give anything to hear his voice just one more time, even if it was because he was yelling at you. 
It took all of your remaining strength to reach into your pocket for your phone, praying that it wasn’t cracked as you switched it back on. The bright screen illuminated your face. There was a text from Dean and one from Garth that obscured the photo in the background, the photo of you and your boys at the Grand Canyon.
With trembling fingers, you scrolled to Sam’s contact, his name surrounded by childish hearts like you were a middle schooler with a crush. His photo was one you took in secret, a candid shot of him reading a massive book. He was hunched over and his brown hair uncombed but his eyes shone in the dim light of the Bunker’s library. You hesitated over the call button.
The ringing of your phone overpowered all other sounds in the forest and you were grateful for the reprieve from the quiet. “Sam’s phone.” Dean’s voice echoed through the small clearing, slightly broken and muffled because of the poor cell service.
“Hey Dee.” You smiled, biting back a whimper of pain as you spoke. 
“Hey kid! It’s been a minute, you ok?” There was a brief pause as you summoned up the courage to lie to one of your closest friends.
“Yeah- yeah I’m good. Do you think you could get Sam for me? I wanted to talk to him.” 
“Course. Hey Sammy, phone for you!” Dean shouted and you could vaguely hear Sam yelling back at him ‘stop answering my phone jerk!’. There was a brief scuffle and then a new voice, one that immediately soothed the burn of your injuries and set your soul at ease.
“Hi.” He said as Dean retorted with a fond ‘bitch’. There was a thud and then the line went quiet for a second. “Sorry, you know how Dean is.”
You chuckled and blood dripped down from the corner of your lips. “Yeah I do.” There was a beat, an awkward silence falling over you. “Hey Sam-“
“I’m sorry.” He interrupted you. “You were right, and I’m sorry for yelling at you, you just really scared me. I don’t want to lose you, I lo-,” his voice became thick and he cleared his throat, “You’re important to me and I want to keep you safe.”
Your eyelids fluttered as tears began to build along your waterline. “I’m sorry too, I was being reckless, I just thought it was our best bet.” You tried to readjust your body on the cold ground but hissed as pain exploded through your stomach.
“Are you- fuck are you hurt?” The panic in Sam’s voice was like being doused in cold water. Suddenly the blissful fog you were floating in, that was undoubtedly shock, drifted away and everything crashed back into you.
“No no I’m fine.” You attempted to calmly reply but it came out as more of a sob. 
“Where are you?” You could hear the jingling of keys and thundering footsteps. You laughed tearfully.
“Nowhere you could get to in time. Just talk to me please, I want to hear your voice one more time.” The sounds stopped but he didn’t speak again. “Please Sam, do this one last thing for me.” 
He took in a shuddery breath. “Don’t do this. Tell me where you are.” His voice wavered and you knew he was close to tears.
“Tell me.” 
“You fucker.” You huffed. “Montana, Custer National Park. Don’t know my exact coordinates.” Your legs were cold, far colder than they should have been considering it was August.
“Keep talking to me.” He spoke into the phone and then turned and yelled into the Bunker, calling for his brother and Cas. “C’mon let me hear your beautiful voice.”
“You think my voice is beautiful?” Your heart jumped even as you felt it slowing down.
“I think all of you is beautiful.” Tears rolled down your temples, wetting the dirt beneath your head. You sniffled and clutched your phone even tighter.
“You’re beautiful too. Most beautiful man 've ever met.” Your words started to slur together but you kept talking, just like he asked. You would do anything he asked. “Got those big hazel eyes nd nice hair. Never told you but you made me nervous when we first met. You were so big and you were frowning but then you smiled and I knew.”
“What did you know?” You smiled.
“I knew that I was gonna fall in love with you. And I did. Sam-“
“No. No.” He cut you off again. “You don’t get to tell me that, not now. Not when I’m not there with you to tell you that I feel the same. You can say it when we get you home safe.”
“Sam, I’m not gonna last that long.”
“You will.” He firmly replied. “You have to.”
“Ok, then I won’t tell you how meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me and I also won’t say that you became my home.” Blackness curled around the end of your vision, and the stars slowly began to disappear. “Why can’t I see the stars anymore?”
“Don’t you dare close your eyes!” Sam screamed but his voice began to fade away as the darkness settled over you.
“I’m sorry Sam.” Your eyes shut as a bright light appeared before you.
The first thing Sam was aware of was the smell of pine. It was so achingly nostalgic, he couldn’t help but smile. The raging river beneath his feet provided just enough ambient sound to disguise the familiar purr of an engine.
“You certainly took your time getting here Winchester.”
You looked just like he remembered you, from your hair down to the smallest details on your skin. Dean stood next to you, arm thrown over your shoulder as he laughed.
“He was always the slow one.” Sam just smiled and embraced his older brother, holding him as tightly as he could. Dean cupped the back of his head before letting him go with a teary smile. “You did it Sammy.”
They pulled away from each other and Dean gestured to you. “Go on, they’ve been waiting for a long time.” 
Sam approached you slowly, his smile growing wider with each step. You looked away bashfully. “I know we didn’t end off on a great note and my death was ever so slightly dramatic so you can be mad at me all you want.”
His big hands cupped your wide hips, pulling your attention back to him. “Tell me.” Your eyes sparkled under the setting sun.
“I love you Sam.” And as he kissed you for the first time, everything clicked into place and you both realised that maybe the risk of hunting was definitely worth the reward.
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b4b3tte · 1 year
hello!! i love ur writing, and was wanting to give a request!! I would love a rocky balboa x reader, with a reader that is very shy. just a soft little moment between them. super fluffy!! maybe reader sees some flowers she loves so he gets a bouquet for reader? tysm and of course u don't have to do this if u don't want!!
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — All Rocky does is try to win your heart, but your shyness makes it 10 times harder, he decides he’ll show you his love by observing your likes and dislikes
Pairing — Rocky!Balboa X Fem!Reader
Contains of — Fluff, mentions of self-doubt, Boxing Matches, holding hands, unintentionally watching reader in secret,
Babettes note — AA ANON I LOVE THIS SM AND YOU ARE THE SWEETEST!! I love this idea and I hope I was able to fulfill your desires with this scenario!! I didn’t know the flowers you liked so I picked some random ones I hope that’s okay!! If there is anything you don’t like you can tell me and I’ll be happy to fix it, don’t be afraid to request more things! Not proofread so sorry for any mistakes
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You’ve always been a shy character, it was something you couldn’t help, you had friends growing up but you just liked your own company so you avoided social interaction during your years of transitioning to a teenager to an adult
It didn’t take you long to realize that it bit you in the ass, you became even more shy than you were as a child, and social interaction was more scarier then ever.
you only had one friend from childhood, Fiona, she certainly was a snarky character but she helped you move to Pennsylvania, she got you a job at the pet shop but she didn’t mention that you’d have a dog following you around everywhere
That dog was a Local Fighter Rocky Balboa, yeah he was attractive ( like extremely attractive ) but you never received male attention ever, it was a shock to you that someone so extroverted, loud and energetic liked your type of personality
You didn’t mind the attention he gave you it’s just you didn’t know how to respond, and what’s crazy is that he never stopped his chances with talking to you, or asking you to come to one of his fights
You felt like you were in a point of your life was to keep working and getting out of the poor side of Philadelphia, you thought you weren’t able to get a partner in this stage ( it’s your shyness stop the cap ) but on the other hand rocky was in awe of you
He likes the drastic differences in your guys personalities he definitely believes in “ opposites attract “ and not to mention the fact he found you insanely pretty, he just had to have a chance with you, but it seems like no matter what he does you always brush him off
He knows you don’t do it purposely but it still sorta bugged him, but he only viewed it as a sign to keep proving to you until you guys went on a date together so that’s exactly what he did on your Saturday off work
But it was unintentional, none of you guys knew you both liked to go to the fancy rich downtown side of Philadelphia, you liked the stores, the lights, the way the sun shined down it and the atmosphere, meanwhile rocky just walked around to clear his mind, two different reasons but it works!
While rocky walked down the sidewalk of the fancy town bouncing the blue toy ball he looks up at this flower shop, he noticed a lady staring at a certain bouquet of flowers, a mesmerizing combination of white lilacs and red dahlias. He couldn't quite explain why he was fixated on this seemingly random lady, but an inexplicable familiarity drew him in. So, he patiently waited for this lady to turn around.
When “ this lady “ was you and you did turn around, Rocky's face lit up with joy, and a warm smile graced his features. He intended to approach you, but just as he was about to, you turned on your heel and walked away. A frown crept onto his face, but he decided to visit the flower shop's window instead. There, he inquired about the price of the lilac and dahlia bouquet.
Back in Rocky's apartment, he grabbed a couple of ice cubes from the freezer and placed them on his forehead. His love for you drove him to want to provide everything you needed and deserved, but he faced financial constraints, struggling even to take care of himself. Determined, he knew he had to find his next fight to secure the money for that special bouquet.
Night fell, and Rocky continued his routine of stopping by at the pet shop. Each morning and evening, he'd pop in to check on the animals and share his daily joke with you. However, this time, he didn't show up. Worried that he might have given up on you, you asked Fiona about his whereabouts, trying not to arouse suspicion.
"Hey Fiona! Do you happen…to know where Rocky is?..by any means?.." You nervously inquired.
Fiona glanced up from her magazine, still somewhat engrossed in it. "Hmm, no, hun, I don't. I think Paulie mentioned something about a fight earlier at the bar," she replied casually.
You oddly forget that he fights for a living, It was one thing to enjoy watching others in the ring, but the thought of him enduring punches and blows for a paycheck weighed heavily on your mind more than it should if your being honest
Sweating and panting, Rocky waited in the locker room with an ice pack on his forehead, eagerly anticipating his earnings as the victorious fighter. The sum was $200, but after deductions for showers and towels, he was left with $100.
“ hey rocky, here’s your share for tonight ah, so 200 dollars but with shower, towel, etc fee that’s a hundred dollars less, but with you being the winner I’m living you with 100 “
Either way His excitement soared, not because he was thinking of paying his rent, but because he finally had enough to buy you the bouquet you deserved.
The next day, he returned to the flower shop, joyfully paid for the flowers, although the cashier might’ve thought he was too excited because after she said the price he slammed a 20 dollar bill on the counter with an eager smile
( AUTHORS NOTE!!! 20 dollars might not seem ALOT but I tried doing some research of prices back then and now, and the economy has changed alot, so back than 20 dollars would have the modern value of 120 dollars so it was extremely expensive back then )
and brought them back to his apartment, placing them in a vase. He patiently waited until your shift ended, timing his arrival perfectly. As you locked up the store and waved goodbye to the puppies in the window, he hid the bouquet behind his back.
"Yo, Y/n!" he called out, surprising you with his presence at this hour.
Startled yet delighted at his voice, you turned around to see Rocky's beaming face and noticed his concealed hands. "Oh, hi, Rocky. Um, what are you doing out here so late?" You asked hesitantly, eager to engage in conversation for the first time.
Rocky chuckled warmly and replied, "You think I can't protect myself? Well, I got you something. I hope you like them; I think they're really special."
In an instant, you was presented with a dazzling bouquet of lilacs and dahlias, exactly the one you had admired in the downtown shop. Your smile radiated happiness as you gratefully accepted the flowers. This thoughtful gesture made you see Rocky in a whole new light.
"Wow! These are absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much!" You exclaimed, overflowing with joy. You hugged him tightly, prompting him to shift the bouquet to his opposite hand, laughter bubbling up at your unexpected reaction.
Unable to contain your gratitude, you continued, "I can't possibly thank you enough. You didn't have to, and how did you even know I loved these?"
Rocky, slightly bashful, replied, "Well, you see, I can be very focused on things, and I thought you'd like 'em you know and uh they are just for you. " He offered to walk you home, and you accepted. As you guys strolled down the sidewalk, you subtly inched your pinky closer to his hand, a silent invitation from your shy nature. He smiled and, taking the hint, gently held your hand.
"You tryna hold my hand now, babe?" he teased. You chuckled and warned, "I can stomp on these, you know." He bent down to leave a kiss on top of your head, and together, you guys continued walking, talking about his fight the previous night and forging a deeper connec
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Thank you so much for reading this!!! I really hope it gives you rocky vibes and fills your scenario desires!! Sorry if this took longer than you expect I was focusing on my YouTube channel for awhile!! I appreciate the love and the support and feel free to request anything any time you want<3 bye guys ❤️‼️
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f10werfae · 2 years
Eyes Wide Open
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pairing: Ari Levinson x Reader / Ex!Chris x Reader
Summary: After Chris cheated on Y/n, she falls into the arms of the local grumpy beefy mechanic, her new man Ari Levinson (Part 2 to blinded by lust)
Requests are open💌/likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist form
It’d been 4 months since Y/n had seen Chris, having asked her friends to collect her things from his house, he was already out of sight out of mind. In fact sweet sweet Y/n had caught the eyes of another man, the town’s leading mechanic, Ari Levinson.
It was not known around the town what happened to Chris and Y/n, but they all definitely knew it was over when they saw Y/n spending all of her free time with her grump of a boyfriend, who only seemed to show any grain of happiness around her. She had him wrapped round her pretty finger.
“Sugar how are ya so perfect?” Ari said looking at his girl who was sitting on a hood of a car he was fixing, his harms on either side caging her in. His eyes trained on her reddish lips as she wiped the sweat and grease off his forehead. “Hmm I dunno, why are you so goddamn handsome?”
Thankfully with her left leg now fully recovered Y/n was able to go any and everywhere with Ari. You best believe before that he carried her everywhere, needing his little support bunny with him. “Why ain’t you sharing bun? C’mon and give me a taste”
Dressed in a white tank top and work trousers, the bigger beefier man opened his mouth, watching as Y/n shyly took her lollipop out of her mouth and put it in his. When Y/n first told Ari why she was single in the first place, that man saw red and not the pretty kind. How could someone absolutely break his woman? She was so delicate and fragile at the time that it broke his heart too.
“Does it taste good?” Y/n asked, her eyes twinkling at the strong sunlight from the open top roof, not complaining when she saw how her boyfriend was now getting a very luscious tan. “Yeah baby, tastes like you” He winked bending back down with his wrench to continue what he was doing.
“Excuse me, any service here?” A strong Bostonian voice said, one that Y/n could remember for the rest of her life. Not for the good reasons either “fuck I missed this” “Your pussy feels so good” Things she heard him say to another woman
“What’s up pal?” Ari said not even looking at who it was and wiping his hand onto his cargo trousers, his eyes sharpening when he finally realised who he was talking to. Chris stood there all smug, the breakup didn’t break his heart but it definitely broke his character. Around town everyone knew that he now tended to carry an attitude with him, feeling full of himself once he realised he was being shipped back off to Hollywood anyway.
“what do you want?” Ari spat out more harshly, Chris lifted up his hands in defeat,
“Jus wanted to speak to Y/n here, one last offer baby”
“What do you need with My woman” Ari said standing in front of Chris’ view of Y/n, who was still sitting on the hood of the car shocked to the roots.
“I’m off to film another series, and i’ll be gone this time, for a year or two. N’ I just need to know if this is us over, for real? If not I have an extra ticket here waiting for you, I can supply you with everything you want, unlike some people-“
“What’s that supposed to fucking mean big shot, just because-“ Ari lunged forward, only for a pair of arms to wrap around his chest to pull him back into her body.
“It’s over Chris, you can shove that ticket up your ass and leave, make sure you don’t accidentally give it to some other girl on the way out though” Y/n said passive aggressively, looking the other man up and down, a sense of disgust taking over her.
“Whatever you were an easy fuck to keep around for a while anyway, goodluck with that one Levinson, she wouldn’t even wanna settle down with me and we were together for ages. She doesn’t know what a man needs and wants in life, who knows maybe she can’t even have child-“
And that was it, Ari had lunged successfully this time, throwing one hell of a punch onto Chris’ face knocking him down onto the ground instantly. “You don’t talk about my woman, or any woman like that. Didn’t ya mother teach you any respect? Guess not. Now fuck off to wherever the fuck you’re going to”
Ari said turning around and heading back over to Y/n who was just staring at Chris who had now walked out of the mechanic shop, holding his hand to his definitely broken nose.
“You okay sugar? When you said he was a dick I didn’t realise how much a one”
“Are you okay? Your heart is pounding Ari, calm down you know i’m only yours, I’m not going anywhere. His words mean nothing”
“I know that sweet pea, but Jesus when he started talking about you like that I near killed him” Ari breathed out leaning his head onto her shoulder, her fingers running through the back of his hair to calm him down. His lips pressing multiple small kisses to her neck, causing her to laugh out of tickles,
“Ari stop it you big bear, you’re gonna make my stomach hurt”
“hmm n’ we can’t have that can we?”
2 Years since Chris had set foot back in town, and don’t get me wrong he was as successful as ever, but that didn’t change people’s opinions of him already. Walking into the local park to walk Dodger, Chris swears he near chokes on his coffee when he sees Y/n.
Not alone.
He’s surprised to see her with Ari’s arm around her waist, with him whispering into her ear, making her giggle and place a kiss onto his lips. A baby sitting against her hip, a baby boy, he thought wrong about her settling down.
Ari’s hand slips down to support Y/n’s clearly enlarged stomach, before bending down to kiss his son’s head, when his eyes suddenly meet Chris’. Both men nodded at each other without another word, Chris went on with his walk with a pang in his heart.
He was the one that wanted all that with Y/n and now she was the one that had it, and he still had no one. Heading back to the coffee shop, his friend Luke behind the counter looks at him confused, “Dude what the hell happened, you was in here ten minutes ago”
“I-I saw Y/n”
“Glowin ain’t she? Archie is the absolute cutest lil thing, did ya see she’s pregnant again? Swear Ari always says he can’t keep his hands off his wife-“
“Wife? They got married? When?” Chris asked furrowing his brows
“Man it was like a year and a half ago? Tell ya what match made in heaven-“ Before he could even finish his words Chris stormed out of the coffee shop,
“Dude you know he’s still into Y/n” Another worker said handing Luke dried glasses,
“I know but he fucked up, doesn’t mean I can’t talk about how happy I am for her” Luke said watching his friend storm down the street, back to his lonely home where no one was longer waiting for him.
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birdiescanfly · 2 months
Jake Seresin: Self-Esteem
I've been thinking about Hangman lately, and I can't get the thought of him as being a bit insecure and traumatized by his childhood out of my head. So obviously I need to flesh it out more, but I’m thinking Jake grew up poor. In my experience, this can lead to a very disorderly life which is why he likes to keep things so perfect and clean (His styled hair, his crisp uniform). Being dirty all the time as a kid, living in a dirty place, or even just not having nice clothes is something that like really effects Jake and that’s why he tries so hard to present himself in a certain way. Not only that, but growing up being called trashy and dumb kind gives you a complex so I think Jake would likely push for a different view of himself, even if its asshole perfectionist. Thus the creation of ‘Hangman.’ People see him as uppity and/or finicky, a clean freak, and a loner who only thinks of himself but like, it all comes from a desire to NOT feel like he did as a child. To prove himself.
I imagine him growing up Deep South, Bible belt all the way. A trailer park kind of life. I think that the reason he leans so far away from his old life is because he got a lot of backlash during his academy days maybe?  His commanding officers and peers probably had preconceived notions about him, especially if his parents were laborers with no higher education. (Neither of my parents graduated high school, and you wouldn’t believe how many professors I’ve had that find out I’m a first generation college student, and immediately treat my like an idiot.) I think, for Jake, it would be made even worse if he had a really thick accent. Maybe Jake even tries to hide some of natural drawl and slang. I often see him proud of his accent in stories, but I bet that during those first academy years, he just wanted to fit in. He wanted to prove that he belonged with people outside of the hicks he grew up around. (Up for interpretation, maybe he adored his family but he leans away from them to distance himself from that life cause he doesn’t feel like he fits in anymore, or maybe his parents were shit stains, up to you), but nonetheless, there is a divide between Jake and them now. It’s a very much “you chose them” mentality. Makes him feel in between worlds and that he’s always trying to prove that he belongs to his two spheres of life.
So yeah, Jake hides his accent because people think he’s dumb when he uses southern phrases or slides words together. So Jake hates dirt and disorganization, and he cleans and clean and cleans, he takes two showers a day and maybe even still feels a little filthy.  Maybe he still feels like he’s not smart enough, or good enough. And yeah, Jake grew up trailer trash, he’s got to prove himself a little more, he’s got to push a little harder than everyone else.  He’s got to be number one, or he’s nothing, right?  But he’s got Hangman for that.  Hangman can be number one, he can be the perfect pilot and he can be clean, and he can prove that he’s worth more than anyone ever thought.
I am in fact projecting, but what are comfort characters for, right? And also, I just love reading about everyone’s theories about why Jake is such a loner who leaves people behind, and I adore even more the stories that dive into Jake’s self-esteem issues and childhood.
I’ve got more to this idea, (Hangster all the way), but this is too long as it is so I’ll just make another post.
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daeneryseastar · 8 months
Nobody cared that Rhaenyra was a woman. They cared that she was a violent narcissist who married an even more violent narcissist (and undermining the only reason she was even named heir to begin with), who would have gladly killed Alicent's children for existing.
see, imma stop you right there, “nobody cared rhaenyra was a woman.” so you’re saying that if rhaenyra was a man this situation would still have occurred? that alicent and her ilk would have had the support they needed to usurp the king’s first born son?
or! i’ll even do you one better, why is it that when aegon ‘won’ the war he named his opponents son his heir over his only surviving child? was it, mayhaps, because…she’s a girl? and that that would have defeated the entire purpose of the war? because women cannot inherit, right? according to team green, at least.
the lords of the realm who fought for the greens did not do so to protect alicent’s kids. if you believe that for one second you’re incapable of critical thinking and need to go back to elementary school. they did it because if a woman came into power (especially over the king’s first born son) their own power was at risk. it would’ve directly changed the status quo and led to women being seen as viable options for inheritance, and not just as a last resort.
personalities are not important to a feudal monarchy and make no difference on whether someone is going to become the reigning monarch. aegon ii (you know, the guy who was described as a drunk serial sexual harasser at best, and a child diddler at worst?) and aegon iv would be an example of that. this is also a history book, written by green-leaning maester’s over a hundred years after these events took place. you and i don’t actually know rhaenyra’s or daemon’s personality, but suffice to say that the majority of westeros didn’t care (53 houses supported rhaenyra to aegon’s 28), and that’s not how everyone interprets her character anyway (and goes to show you have no idea what narcissism really intails). you’re letting your personal bias affect the way you analyze this story. not a great way to start or win an argument.
i’m going to use quotes from the book so that maybe your pea-sized brain will actually understand it.
as for my half-brothers and my sweet sister, helaena, they have been led astray by the counsel of evil men. let them come to dragonstone, bend the knee, and ask my forgiveness, and i shall gladly spare their lives and take them back into my heart, for they are of my own blood, and no man or woman is as accursed as the kinslayer.
which refutes your claims that rhaenyra would have put alicent and her children to the sword had she ascended the throne peacefully or even before aemond murdered luke. mind you, she had custody of alicent and helaena when she took kingslanding and still didn’t kill them, despite you saying all of them were in danger. also adding that kinslaying is considered to be one of the greatest abominations one can commit in westeros. the faith of the seven, the old gods, and the drowned gods are all said to look down upon and curse those who would commit such an egregious act. there are also plenty of different ways for alicent’s children to renounce their claim to the throne (kingsguard, night’s watch, maester’s vows, etc.) that would protect them and not lead to bloodshed.
here’s a proper lesson for you anon: if you want to refute someone's claims you need to use facts and evidence, not personal feelings. so in short, you're half-assed 'gotcha' moment is just that. you added nothing to the conversation and made it quite easy for me to shut down. thanks for that.
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ser3nityst4r · 2 months
Vil’s Backstory
The scent of lavender and chamomile hung in the air, a sharp contrast to the bitter taste of disappointment that settled in Vil's throat. He slumped against the worn velvet curtains, the stage lights casting long shadows on his face. He had done it again. Another audition, another villain role. Vil, the boy who dreamt of standing under the spotlight for longer than anyone else, was perpetually confined to the shadows.
His father, a man of gentle wisdom and calm demeanor, had always reassured him. "Vil," he'd said, "a villain is a special role that requires a particular kind of brilliance. It takes a certain je ne sais quoi to embody the darkness." But even his father's words couldn't assuage the sting of rejection.
Vil had dedicated his entire life to perfection - a perfection that was defined by beauty. From the tender age of five, he had endured grueling training regimens, enduring painful treatments to achieve the ideal appearance. He had sacrificed his childhood, his carefree days spent honing his skills, chasing the illusion of a flawless visage.
But despite his relentless efforts, he was always relegated to the antagonists. He had been a bullying prince, a jealous witch, a manipulative mastermind. Each time, he had poured his heart and soul into his performance, capturing the essence of the villain with such chilling realism that even children on the streets recognized him.
"Look over there! That guy was the bully in the drama I watched yesterday!" a young boy had pointed at him, fear in his wide eyes. Another child had shouted, "He must have a really bad personality if he can make it look that convincing!"
There was a strange irony in it all. Vil, the boy who yearned for acceptance, was perceived only in the distorted lens of his villainous portrayals. He was admired for his ability to convey darkness, his chilling demeanor, but never for himself, for the vulnerable heart that beat beneath the perfectly sculpted exterior.
One day, after another grueling audition, Vil found himself the target of a group of children who had mistaken him for the villain he had played in a recent movie. "He doesn’t look pretty strong," one whispered, "Let’s get revenge for the hero!" Just as the group began to advance, a boy with wild, unruly hair burst through the crowd.
"HEEEEYYY!!! Stop ganging up on one kid, you idiots!!!" The boy, Jack, stood in front of Vil, his stance unwavering despite being outnumbered. The children scattered, leaving Vil and Jack alone.
"You recently moved in around here, right? Are you okay?" Jack asked, his voice trembling slightly.
"I am quite skilled in boxing and fencing," Vil responded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I could have made it home safely even without your help."
"I-is that so? Sorry for doing something so unnecessary," Jack stammered, his face flushed.
"It’s nothing to apologize for. Thank you," Vil said, his gaze softening for the first time that day. "I find it hard to believe that those children couldn’t separate fiction from reality… They must be quite daft."
"I don’t really watch TV a lot, so I don’t understand what they’re going on about…" Jack confessed. "But doesn’t this mean that your acting was super realistic?"
"Maybe so," Vil chuckled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "I promise to play the main character’s role next time. I’ll make them cry their hearts out."
As he walked away, Vil couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that his pursuit of perfection had somehow led him astray. He had become a prisoner of his own creation, trapped in a cycle of playing villains, his dreams of being a protagonist fading further with each passing day.
He wished he could escape the shadows, to step into the light, to be seen for who he truly was, not just the reflection of his dramatic roles. But as the weight of his ambition pressed down on him, he couldn't help but wonder: Was the hero's journey truly meant for him? Or was he destined to be forever the villain, the one who watched the happy endings from the sidelines?
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