#maybe it's just because I'm not a ship or fanfic enjoyer
angiestown · 5 months
idk if people on the engaging with fandom spaces website can relate to this but do you ever watch or play something so good by yourself and then you're like. shit I have to deal with having watched/played that by myself. I have nobody to share this with who would appreciate it
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allastoredeer · 7 months
Alastor really be the asexual ideal of a fandom bicycle. So many ships. He has such effortless rizz.
Unrelated, but I love the image of Alastor and Rosie getting the chance to wow everyone with a proper dance number. Just, deciding to cut a rug at a party at the hotel. Alastor genuinely laughing and having the time of his afterlife.
Most of the cast are impressed.
Lucifer is entertained and trying not to foster feelings.
Vox is apoplectic from jealousy.
Rosie fully planned for all of this, but the dance was fun too.
Hahaha he really is XD It's that charisma. It's too alluring.
I'm such an Alastor multishipper, I see almost any relationship he's in and derive some enjoyment from it. (Current crackship that I'm a little obsessed over is AlastorXAdam, akak AngelicRadio - mostly driven by this lovely artists work Mawdam on Twitter. I eat up everything they draw.)
GAAAH I love anything involving Alastor and Rosie. Bad Besties for life, indeed. And them cutting a rug together, genuinely having a good time, the both of them feeling so easy and comfortable in each other's presence😭 I love i!
And it's made even better by Lucifer, who's never seen this side of Alastor - this fun, happy side that humanizes him so much--that he can't help but catch feelings.
Anything involving Alastor and Vox is an immediate yes from me. God, Vox wishes that were him. I bet he fantasizes about dancing with Alastor in a such a fun, care free way. (Depending on his backstory, maybe he HAS and he misses it extremely).
There was actually a fanfic I read that kind of had this premise. It's a StaticRadio fic with a scene where they're at a club or event (something like that), and Alastor and Rosie are at the piano, drunk, singing, and having the best time. Vox is watching (because he's always watching Alastor), and just about malfunctions when Alastor takes off his tie and unclips a few buttons on his shirt, revealing a - GASP - collarbone.
This scene genuinely lives rent free in my head, I think about it all the time and I love it. I love Alastor having fun and cutting loose, and people being absolutely SHOOK by it. Him taking off his tie and unclipping the top button of his shirt is the equivalent of him stripping down to his underwear and dancing on the tables.
It's unheard of. And I love characters seeing this more relaxed, human side of him, and not knowing how to handle it. I'm obsessed with it.
Here's the fic mentioned above if anyone is interested: Deer Hunting by Quoth_the_raven_Nevermore
Mind the tags! It is a smut fic. The scene in specific is near the beginning for those who may not want to read the smut part, but would like to consume this fantastic, delightful little scene.
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dragonfire2lm · 2 months
Elden Ring Headcanon: Messmer Edition
Spoilers below, these headcanons are based on item descriptions, and thanks to some helpful people in the discord I'm in for clarifying some lore that completely flew over my head.
Ok, so, just as a disclaimer: I do not care who you ship Messmer with, or how you view him, the following headcanon is just my interpretation, that does not mean that everyone should share said interpretation. If you do, awesome! if not, just continue on with your day, the following headcanon has no bearing on your enjoyment of the character, the game, or what you do to express your love of Elden Ring.
Messmer seems very aromantic coded to me. He has friends among the knights that serve him, cared about them to the point he listened to them when they wanted knowledge preserved, and mourned the loss of a friend when two of knights rebelled against him because of Messmer's serpentine nature. He also has a lot of love for his family, with how he was an older brother figure to Radahn and had a brotherly bond with Gaius, not to mention how he's turned himself into a symbol of fear and uses his fire (which he has tried to get rid of multiple times) all on his mother's orders.
Yet he has no interest in romantic relationships (R.I.P Rellana), and I just, think it'd be neat if I headcanon him as aromantic (Note: that does not mean he's also asexual, I am specifically focusing on aromanticism here) based on the fact that he cares a lot about his knights and his family, but had no interest in Rellana in a romantic way.
Plus, its all in good fun, and aromantic rep is sorely lacking in media, so what's stopping me from reading certain characters as being aro-coded? Fandom often interpret characters as gay, bi, trans and so on for their headcanons and fanfics, so what does it matter if I pick a character to write as being aromantic?
This is, after all, a hobby, its for fun, and if you personally don't agree with this, that's ok. Whatever ideas you have, and whatever ideas I have can coexist in the same fandom space.
Now, here's a headcanon that's a lot less...controversial.
Messmer sees via his serpents, his remainnig eye, as seen in his phase two transition, is a glass one, a prosthetic eye. He probably can't see out of it. Granted, there is a lot of blodd on his fingers after removing it, so maybe it is a magical functioning eye or something, but it could go either way. But given that when we enter his boss room for the first time, we see one of his snake friends before we see him, so I feel like that opening cutscene hints at the fact that he uses his snakes to see.
I like Messmer, he's very friend-shaped.
I just think he's neat.
Edit: The lengthy disclaimer at the start of this post is just me covering my bases, I've gotten guilt-tripped and generally felt unwelcome in a couple of other fandoms for simply having an aromantic spectrum headcanon, or you know, being an asexual fan of a game and its characters when most of the player base is clearly not asexual. (A different game, not Elden Ring, the elden ring community has been very accepting, but the Doubt Still Remains because of my previous experiences)
Thank you for reading.
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Mmmm forte swap au brain rot upon ye!
I've already completed designs for everyone at the NDA but I wanna space out the posts a bit cuz I don't think I'd be able to say all I'd want to in just one post!
Ramble about character info below; (+spoilers for all of mdarc)
Obviously this is based on my silly doodles for rain code ship week but I've actually started putting a lot of thought in to this now! (I've had waaaaaaay too much free time recently and I'm blessed with the ability to come up with lore/world building very quickly given enough motivation!)
So first off: Why Storm Cypher? Well cuz it's a protagonist swap! Desuhiko's now the amnesiac trainee being haunted by Shinigami so it made sense in my opinion to make this au's name reflectant of his last name, Thunderbolt. So that's where the 'Storm' comes from. 'Cypher' because it's a form of code and... well I just think it sounds nice basically! I do what I do for my own enjoyment, I don't always need to have a reason - no matter what my teachers say.
Also I decided to change some (Not all) character's last name's to better reflect their newly assigned fortes.
Anyway- It's character info dumping time!!!
Desuhiko, like og Yuma, has absolutely no memory of his past. While his personality remains fairly intact, he boards the Amaterasu Express hoping to figure out who he is along the way. While nobody there knows who he is, he instead finds he have a knack for word-play, puns and pick up lines, leading to accusations of secretly being a circus clown as opposed to a detective. This attitude is only solidified more upon meeting Shinigami, the death god with just as many innuendos to make as he does. They get along almost dangerously well, even more so when he learns she has a humanoid form. After completing the first mystery labyrinth, he decides that being a detective HAS to be his true calling, since solving the case was pretty fun all things considered, and receives his hoodie from The Chief to help keep him dry once arriving in Kanai Ward.
Yuma on the other hand, takes the place of co-star of chapter 2. At first he comes off as cool and charismatic but he breaks down almost immediately at the slightest hint of conflict. He's been a very famous musician for years prior to becoming a master detective, though he finds it hard to fully express himself through anything other then his appearance and music. The anxiety induced from an excess of fans, attention, and not knowing who to trust anymore thanks to his own popularity, he was ecstatic to be scouted by the WDO for his talents in disguises. Once it blossomed into a fully fledged forte and he was allowed to work as a detective properly though... they started regretting hiring him. Chaotic, anti-authoritatian and impossible to track down, he's more of a vigilante then a real detective. He was selected to go to Kanai Ward due to it's predicted high mortality rate, the higher ups hoping to dispose of the troublemaker without being too obvious about it. What does APAB mean you ask? All Peacekeepers Are Bastards!!! The Chief wasn't very happy to see him wearing it but permanent marker is permanent.
I haven't decided if I'll change Shinigami's humanoid design yet. If I do though, it'll probably just be more remenicent of her beta design. I haven't decided if I'll swap the Amaterasu Express detectives either though but... maybe I will. Since its forte swap though, the peacekeepers will all remain the same.
I'm hoping to write a fanfic for this, as opposed to like... a comic. But I'm partial to the idea of maybe doing an ask blog as well? I don't know yet. Either way, I'll probably post more for this tomorrow! <3
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i've been feeling horrendous about my writing for months now after finding someone writing the same pairing as i was and everyone just... likes her so much better than me. people are drawing fanart of her works and she's gotten so popular and i know i'm not entitled to fanart - that's not what this is about. i feel like a complete failure compared to her and i'm consumed. it feels like everything i ever wrote about that pairing is pointless and that i should just delete it all because honestly, who would care anyway? i don't like writing anymore
I think you will find fandom experience a lot more enjoyable if, instead of looking at it as a competition where there must be a winner and a runner up, you try looking at it as a community where people who share the same interests come together to talk and post about their shared interests.
personally, I like having lots of people write about my comfort ship, because that means I can enjoy more content about my blorbos. I’ve briefly talked about how hits and kudos aren’t everything when it comes to writing fanfics, so maybe you could check that out and see if it can help you feel at least a little better?
but if seeing that person’s work become popular still bothers you, maybe you can mute or block them for the sake of your mental health?
again, fandoms should be about joy and fun, not competition or anxiety. if what you’re doing costs you your mental health, maybe it’s for the best you step away for a while and see if you feel better? I’m sorry to hear you’ve lost interest in writing. but I will not advise anybody to force themself to keep writing if writing comes at the expense of their mental health. fanfics, just like fandom, should be about joy and fun and it should be your getaway. not a job or a competition. so maybe some time off could benefit you. and you can always come back anytime you’re ready.
my advice, though, is that you write for yourself because you love your comfort characters (and the act of getting to write about them alone makes you happy), not for strangers’ approval.
your mental health should always be the priority. I wish you all the best, anon.
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi I just have a question and I mean to ask it as respectfully as possible
When did people start head cannoning Regulus as trans? I just dont understand how people came to that conclusion?
I’m also just very uneducated on the trans community and I know that and just don’t really know where to get reliable information about the whole community and the people in it.
Idk in my opinion I just almost feel like people made Regulus trans to meet a diversity quota. I also feel like it kind of takes away from the fact that James could be genuinely attracted to biological males? Like maybe people are still so attached to Jily that they can’t truly let go of it even in his other ship?
Sorry I just really would like to see the point of view from someone who is part of the trans community (correct me if I’m wrong on that please) and also enjoys and writes trans Regulus. It really just makes me sad that I don’t read so many fanfics that I’m sure are absolutely beautiful just because I’m a little put off by Regulus (or even Remus) being trans.
Anyway I’d love to hear the reasoning you have and I’m so sorry if any of this came off as offensive or rude🫶
Okay, so to answer your first question, the first fic in ao3 tagged with trans! Regulus Black is dated in March 2016, so 8 years ago. (I see a Jegulus fic tagged in 2005, for comparison).
As far as people coming to the conclusion of reg being trans, I think it's just people seeing themselves in the character, or enjoying the headcanon. It's not like...deciding it IS canon. If that makes sense?
For information on the community, I'm not sure what you mean. Like information in being trans? If you have questions on that, I'm more than willing to answer them! I can point you to reliable websites or try to give you my own experience.
I don't think it's 'meeting a diversity quota.' I think it's that Harry Potter is genuinely super NOT diverse. Canonically, most characters are straight, cis, and white. And fanfiction writers like to write what they want and what they relate to. Many fanfic writers know trans people/are trans, so it's natural to include trans people in their works. It's not meeting a quota, it's just emulating their lives.
And as far as James's attraction..sure, he can be attracted to people with any genitals. But I think you're missing the point that trans Regulus IS a boy. Your body doesn't equal your gender. So when James is attracted to him, he is attracted to a boy. He is, therefore, gay (or at least queer) by being attracted to Regulus. Very gently, seeing trans Regulus as a substitution for Lily because they might have similar bodies is a bit transphobic. Though body parts can be important to some people, putting Regulus and Lily on the same plane is a bit off. (Also, many people headcanon James as pansexual, meaning he can be attracted to any gender, so he doesn't care what gender people are.) You ARE right in saying that some people probably do think this way though. But it's not okay.
As far as not liking the headcanon of trans!Regulus or trans!Remus or whoever...I don't think that's a bad thing IN THEORY. For example, I don't see Harry as trans. There are some Drarry fics which have trans!Harry and I don't read them, because that's not my headcanon. Fanfics are for your enjoyment, and you don't have to force yourself to read them if they don't share your specific headcanons. I would just think about WHY you're not reading these fics. If you just see these characters as cis, then that's fine! But if it's because you might need more education of transness and what it means to be trans, then maybe take the time to educate yourself and go from there, you know?
I hope that helps!
(Also if anyone wants to chime in in the comments, you're welcome to, but please be respectful, this was a genuine question)
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kalinara · 3 months
There is no position that gives me a headache more than anti-anti fans.
Look, I get that "anti-fandoms" are annoying.
It is ANNOYING to post things about ships and characters and have people make assumptions about you based on your feelings about fictional characters.
I've had it happen to me. Hilariously, it wasn't even about one of my actual problematic ships, but because I had a "meh" reaction to the idea of pairing characters from the Umbrella Academy of all things.
But, I'll disclaim right now, I have plenty of ships that an "anti" could confront me about. There's a reason I don't always stay logged in when I peruse AO3. No one needs to review my fic reading history, including me.
So yeah, I get that it's annoying. And some folks take it too far. There's no excuse for threats or insults. Personally, I don't think this behavior is limited to antis, but as mentioned, I've seen some do it.
But I will always have a knee jerk disgust toward people who act like the very act of criticizing a ship or the reception of a character is the same damn thing.
There's some Bat-shipping post going around that equates people being disgusted by Bat-shipping to homophobia and real world oppression. And no, sorry. That's not the same thing.
I think you can definitely make the argument that moral panic can lead to some terrible decisions, particularly legislatively. Frederic Wortham decided that Batman and Robin were in a pedophiliac relationship, after all, and eventually we all got saddled with the comic code.
But, you know, we can still point out that IF Batman and Robin were in a relationship, while Robin was canonically 12 years old, in a comic book intended for children, that would have been categorically NOT OKAY.
Fans love to try to sidestep any criticism by equating their critics with some kind of censorship boogeyman. As though the average fandom critic has any kind of ability to legislate a form of media. Heck, disgusted fans can't even get AO3 to set limits on blatant extreme underage shit.*
(* Disclaimer: I respect AO3's very consistent position on content bans and censorship. I may not personally agree with every decision that they make, but I respect that it's their right to make it. My point is that the average "anti" has no real influence or power here.)
Here's the thing. If you ship something gross. More power to you. I do too. But you also have to deal with the fact that someone out there is going to say "Hey, that's gross." They may not be talking to you directly. Common fandom etiquette means that they probably shouldn't (unless you're invading the anti-tags, in which case, you're asking for it). But they're allowed to have opinions and say them. Free speech works both ways.
The older I get, the more protective I find myself of the right of people to be negative about things. "Don't yuck someone's yum?" I can yuck if I damn well want. I just need to remember that it's not your problem.
My own position is that fandom goes too far to protect the enjoyment of their largest groups, to the point where anything that could possibly cast a pall on said enjoyment is quickly shushed. We can't point out that a ship involves abusive tropes, because this is fiction. We can't grimace at the thought of an incestuous relationship, because that's judgmental. We can't point out hopefully-unconscious examples of racism and sexism because that would make someone feel bad and discourage them from writing.
I still remember how slash fanfic writers started bemoaning about how they can't possibly write FinnPoe anymore because they keep getting called out for racist tropes. The idea of actually making an effort to IMPROVE somehow never seemed to make it into the discussion.
Here's the thing. If I don't like a pairing, I'm going to say so. If I don't like a character (or maybe more accurately, fandom's treatment of said character), I'm going to say so. If I don't like a trope, for whatever reason, I'm going to say so. It's not my job to muzzle my own opinions to make random people on the internet feel better about how they get their rocks off. Why do you care what I think anyway?
Again, harassment's bad. But I think a lot of "anti-antis" are quick to equate "having a negative opinion that makes me feel bad" with an attack. Not the same thing and we all might be a lot happier if we kept that in mind.
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nejishadow · 16 days
Kenjikoto / Makokenji half-drabbles and ideas I have no energy to do anything with, because I haven't written fanfic in years, that I don't want to sit in the queue for weeks so it's getting posted now
Feel free (please do!) to expand / finish / take inspo from these for this ship, and please tag me / message me / something if you do because I crave content and exploration between these two. Unhinged tags and comments about how I inspired something/anything give me the biggest amount of fuel to keep creating art!!
Do you wanna see me ramble in real time about these weirdos / pos?? Join @bakafurai 's Kenji Enjoyer Club Discord (in their pinned)!
Some get real long so it's all going below a cut!
((These are all ideas and things written as stream of consciousness to just get my ideas out in a discord channel, so don't expect the best dialogue, formatting, or anything else, I haven't finished a full piece of writing and/or fanfic in years, ha))
Seeing these screenshots my first thought - and a tag I immediately added - was 'you heard the man, Yuki, give him a piggyback ride!'
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But I kept thinking like. Makoto's strong. He could? He should??
Makoto kneeling down, telling Kenji to get on then, he'll take him home
Kenji chuckle or laugh, assumes he's joking or being silly like usual, sure Yuki, you can totally do that
Makoto getting serious, if you don't pick in the next couple seconds I'm leaving you behind. Kenji panicks at that and gets on without thinking and is surprised when Makoto stands up and carries him no problem (insert "I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me")
too shocked that Makoto can even do this to be embarrassed, maybe asks Makoto why he's doing this, Kenji could've just sucked it up. Answer something like "because I wanted to", Yuki doesn't elaborate much on those things.
Gives Kenji some time to do stuff he usually wouldn't, like study Makoto's hair, hear the music spilling out the headphones etc. I like the idea he just gets so relaxed on the way home he falls asleep but Makoto keeps carrying him
It's totally just a Best Bros privilege thing, could mean nothing more!! Simply don't think about how it made you feel ever again
Bonus of
Kenji talking to Makoto in the classroom, Junpei coming up making some joke about how people saw them, asking if Makoto can do that for him too (laugh, joke, being friend.)
And Makoto boils it down to: no
That makes Kenji real happy, that he's special like that. But he does stuff only for Yuki too so it's normal!!
"So we've all thought about how pretty Yuki is, right, like the guy catches everyone's eye when he walks in, how couldn't we? Even with his bad fashion sense he just grabs your attention"
Kaz makes the most sense to respond, they are friends just "… I have never thought that. Are you sure you're not goin' through something?"
slaps a pic of Yosuke and Kenji These bad boys can fit so much comphet and denial in 'em!
Another idea I remembered, less fleshed but a strong visual I wanted to draw
Kenji waiting at track practice for Makoto to be done. Kenji had never seen him run so decided to wait outside for once
Of course he's impressed. Makoto seems to take his time walking everywhere, at least when they go places, but man, he can run!
Makoto flopping next to him when he's done, after everyone else disperses, small talk about how hes surprised Kenji waited out here, doesn't seem interested in sports. Kenji some speech about how he wanted to see how badly Yuki beat everyone else
it's pretty hot, and Makoto's tired, flops over into Kenji's lap. 'Let me nap here a few minutes and we can go, you're cooler than the bench'
Kenji tenses a bit, but breathes, Yuki just wants to rest, chill!… but he can't help but eventually card his hand through Makoto's bangs, pushing them up and outta the way.
Makoto opens his eyes and just looks at him, not judgemental or questioning, just observing. But oh no - Kenji had never stared at both his eyes so close oh this is a problem
quickly he removes his hand, apologizes, some comment about how Yuki just looked sweaty and he was trying to move the hair off
Makoto closes his eyes again… 'I don't mind. I am in your space, I guess…'
after a bit, Kenji relaxes and starts running his hands through the hair again, silky and feathery. He can think about how this makes him feel LATER (never), for now he just wants to enjoy this thing he likely won't get again
Tho Makoto better hope Yuko doesn't see this or she's gonna tease him about his boyfriend / biggest fan until the end of time
Pics I drew made me think of kenjikoto train ride(s):
Makoto tired, either tucks into Kenji's shoulder or leans on his head for a quick nap
Kenji doesn't mind, knows Makoto doesn't sleep the best, even if he doesn't know why
Anytime the train jostles or moves he instinctually holds Makoto's head so it doesn't shake or fall, wants him to be comfortable
it's not until they reach the destination and Makoto separates from him that Kenji thinks… oh, that was actually nice. I wish the ride could've been just a little bit longer
a bonus if Makoto senses his change in mood and gives him a shoulder bump, trying to cheer him up. Maybe offering to hang out awhile longer at the dorm or something
Aka there is no way Kenji isn't touch starved, as are all the protags and a third of the cast pft
About Makoto being a frequent napper: Asks Kenji to eat on the roof with him almost exclusively so he can take a nap, because he's just a lil bit silly like that. Gives Kenji time to just talk to him, ramble, hard to do that when you're out eating food.
Girl Advice made me think of a rough conversation
"Everyone assumes you're cold, man. No wonder you dont have a girlfriend! Even if they talked to you, a few words outta your mouth and they'd turn tail and leave."
"Why's it so important to have a girlfriend, anyway?" Eats some of his lunch bread
"You're such a good guy, you deserve one, man!" A shoulder tap. "If they knew the real you, they'd be falling over themselves to get your attention, I know it."
Makoto a head tilt or a look, confused by the use of 'deserve'. Kenji deciphers it
"… well a girlfriend makes guys happy, right? I want to see you happy all the time!" Putting both his hands on Makoto's shoulders and shaking him a smidge. "Doesnt it sound fun? Double dates, man, we can hang out all the time!"
Makoto blinks in a thoughtful way, meeting Kenji's eyes. "But I'm already happy, hanging out with you like this. Isn't that enough? We do things together all the time… why do we need anyone else?"
Kenji blinks a bit in surprise. Yeah, he'd never thought of that. He's also really happy around Yuki… is that… ok? For two guys to always hang out alone? Yuki never seems to think it's odd…
Makoto slowly grabs Kenji's hands off of his shoulder, Kenji swears he feels Yuki squeeze them for just a second before a wrapped sandwich is pushed into them.
"Eat, almost time for class. You can't live off ramen forever."
Kenji just nods, unwrapping it and adjusting himself before taking a bite. If Makoto feels just a bit more of their sides touching, he doesn't comment on it
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bonk9999 · 27 days
Ok, i just want to vent about this bc i can't search for fanfictions TF2 related in AO3, i keep finding those gross content about loli/shotacon!mercs...i know it looks simple when they say "you dont like it? Just ignore it" but nah💀
I find it funny how "creative" these sick people are, because when I got deeper into the fandom I knew I could accidentally find the infamous spyscout lurking around fanfic platforms. But I wasn't expecting lolicon content because, come on, it's TF2... there are no underage characters (at least not ones that are part of the main cast)
I opened these stories to regain my faith in humanity (ignoring the horrible reading and going to the comments) I didn't find any hate, yeah, one or another comment along the lines of "seek help" but there were like two(? Idk
I also wanted to know if any of my followers might be donating kudos there, because these idiots loli enjoyers don't even bother to change their usernames on tumblr.
The comment I remember the most because it made me kinda paranoid was one that said something like "my friend blocked me after finding out my tastes :c, I'm going to make revenge p*rn of their OC"
I like to think that most of them are just edgy kids doing some dumb shit on the internet for attention, but they're pretty sure that what they're doing is wrong and sick, and they still show it off with pride...
the stupidest thing? i found one of those people here on tumblr and their bio says they don't ship minor characters *sigh* but man, they love commenting on how excited they are when they read loli/shotacon.
I know this won't stop sick people like this from continuing to write, there are people online who do much worse things, I know, I know, I just wanted to vent about this, because maybe it will help some of you to check your follower list.
I simply do not understand how these people can speak to their families... I hope they discover the shit they write, I'm sure their families would be very disappointed and depressed... I don't know, disgusting
I also hope they never hurt anyone, that's what disturbs me the most...
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wrongcaitlyn · 2 months
So someone out there in the tyt/tgol universe must be writing at least some fanfiction right?? I don’t know what it would be about but probably a lot of the standard y/n and x reader fics mixed with some stuff about the lunchtable group. However, someone must be writing the pollen and piper x shell fics. And then there’s also Naomi x Apollo, Percabeth, and just the fact that it would be real person fiction for them also makes me so envious lmaoo 😭😭 But back to the point of my ask, are the characters reading it? Because I’d like to believe that they would, they may even write some themselves (cough cough Kayla cough cough) but I just don’t think some of them would be able to resist the urge to go on Ao3 like the rest of us. Like even if it was just pure curiosity and not for casual enjoyment. And then imagine their shipping culture and their tumblr and they (the fans) must be having so much fun knowing that a ship being canon means it’s like real life and oh my god THE MEET AND GREETS. I usually don’t care too much for celebrities and are fine with just appreciating their art but I’d actually feel previously unknown levels of excitement if I could meet legit anyone from the main cast of tyt. And like I’m totally yapping right now, but it reminds me of when my mom was like “yk I would’ve gotten you eras tour tickets if you told me about it sooner right?” And I was like “huh 😀” So yeah if I could get the equivalent but make it a Nico concert that mistake would’ve never made made on my watch. But this must be what the bts fanfiction authors kinda feel like except we’re all forced to watch from afar and the people in the actual universe get to have all the fun, and they get to have all of our celebrities too so they get extra but at least we get your fics so they’re at a significant loss too so ig that’s how we even the playing field.
ohh they definitely are. i don't know if there'd be much pollen fics, because they weren't very popular at the time- maybe more *now* after, like, pictures of them with kayla at archery competitions and stuff. shel/piper would be more like piper/reader or piper/oc, seeing as shel isn't publicly dating her, and people don't really know who she is- though i'm sure that some people would come up with oc's that are relatively close to herjkfsd
percabeth and naomi/apollo DEF have a few fics, and now i'm just thinking of someone writing an au where naomi lives and they get back together after many years... it wouldn't happen, ofc, but i think someone would definitely write it. there's a lot of au potential with them, at least from an outside perspective, if someone sees them as a right person wrong time sort of romance (it isn't, in my head, not in this au, but it could be seen that way)
solangelo and valdangelo are probably the most popular, just nico has,,, sort of, maybe nearly, surpassed jason and piper in fame at this point? maybe not jason, but seeing as piper took a step back over the recent years, he's definitely growing further. so jasico would prob also be popular, though i think the more... crazed fans would like the childhood friends to lovers trope more with will and leo! prob even some will/leo/nico with how codependent they all are LMAO
i think KAYLA would 100% read silly fics as a laugh, just so that she could quote them to her friends, bc she'd think it's hilarious. there may even be like one nico/kayla fic (which, ew) and she's just sitting there CACKLING over it bc nico's character couldn't be so wrong. neither could hers, for that matter.
other than that, i think i wrote before that shel has def written fanfic, and so has lou ellen, though i think lou ellen wrote more, like, fictional stories fanfic, not real people. and shel might've too- as a rule, i tend to stay away from writing real people into fanfics unless it's like, mentioning an actor/singer in passing
but you are literally SO REAL FOR THIS god i wish i could see a nico di angelo concert live. like fr all my problems would be solved it'd just be so nice. im srsly so jealous of the people in the tyt universe for just getting them as real life celebrities😭
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the-heartlines · 11 months
This Helaemonds are mostly team black folks who ship it only to make the greens look bad is simply BS made up by antis lmao. In my fandom experience most TB stans hate Aemond and don't like this ship either??? In fact they dislike most Aemond ships for that matter except for maybe Lucemond. So why would they spend most of their time pushing Helaemond 24/7, coming up with theories about them and content for the ship? IDK but thinking shippers only ship it for team color wars purposes and not because they simply like the pairing itself and its dynamics is insane. Do they think people wrote Helaemond fanfics and made fan art of them to piss off others too? If they truly bothered to interact with most shippers and the content they produced instead of lashing out they would've probably realized most of them aren't team black (not that it should matter if they are but most simply aren't!!) but either team green fans, greencest enjoyers or people who simply love characters from both teams and don't necessarily care about this teams stuff
"most tb stans hate aemond" !!! exactly !!! the majority of helaemonds i know are neutral and don't give a fuck about the color wars (just the female characters fr)
it's completely FINE to "hate" (lol i can't imagine actually hating one fkljalsdkj because i'm such a mulitshipper LMAO) a ship, but don't be an asshole, dumb, or hypocrite about it! it's just baffling how helaemond is like the TAMEST ship ever and so many have an issue with it??? like idgaf if aemond didn't canonically bone his sister in f&b. i want him to in hotd the SHOW!!!
anyways helaemond is sexy. helaegon is sexy. alysmond is sexy. and any combo of these 3 is VERY SEXY. let's have fun with our blorbos and barbie dolls and make them fuck each other!
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00belle00lovely00 · 7 months
ok uhmm... This is a bit akward🥲 but can you make Bobby x Picky headcanons? Plss I need more content of them😭😭😭 Im starving😭😭😭😭
The chef x the mfer who is putting love potions inside the food.
Lovey-dovey and sucker for romance pansexual x "that's my lady right there you'll, can't get better than this you guys" lesbian and food enjoyer
Alright, hear me out on this one you guys. Bobby + chocolates + giving them to picky = INSTANT GIRLFRIEND!
Live laugh love country Picky. We all want a home girl to have an Applejack kind of accent. And as for Bobby?... HMMMM... I KINDA WANT HER TO BE FRENCH. IT WOULD MAKE SENSE, RIGHT? (pls, don't go after me in the comments I'm Hispanic-french myself.)
let's all just agree that picky GOTTA snort when she laughs.
I always like to think that Picky is an in-denial hypocrite, especially when it comes to eating. She's the one in the group always scolding everyone for not eating healthy as it is, yet SHE is the one that sneaks on 3 AM in the middle of the night to each last week's cake from Kickin's party. And yet... rather coincidentally and out of pure chances, Bobby is a sucker for sweets too. So they just work each other out in helping each other with eating problems AND/OR trying to make an excuse to eat dessert before dinner.
PDA?... is that even a question with Bobby around?
Once again, I bestow before you one of my favourite headcanons; Bobby has separation anxiety. And BECAUSE of that she would be messaging/spamming on Picky phone about where she was, if she would come over, if she wanted HER to come over, if they wanted to hang out, etc. What was Picky doing meanwhile? The simple answer passed out on the floor after thinking it was a good idea to try to mix all fast foods known to man into a single meal.
they're both dumb but they don't know it/know it.
Picky would be so proud of pulling up Cupid herself lmao.
I think Bobby would treat this relationship like they were in some romantic novel.
@11sugarplum11 (since you ALSO asked for it! Dw didn't forget about you!)
That's it you guys, maybe I'll be answering a few 4 or less but I'm REALLY stressed about catching up to all the commissions. I hope im not breaking anybody's hopes for all of their headcanons to be answered.
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bladesmercy · 6 months
001 for sfkr and clerith!
oomf u know me so well. thank you for letting me yap >:-)
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
sefikura 🐍♡☁️
when I started shipping it if I did:
there's actually a funny story to this one. > be me. > guilelessly playing kingdom hearts 2 in 2019. > "what the hell is these dudes' deal. i wonder if people ship them at all" > open ao3 thinking there might be a handful of fics > "oh there's a couple more than a few, huh" > life ruined.
my thoughts:
my favorite little guys in anything ever. they surgically removed my personality to make room for more sefikura. truly i have never loved a ship as much as this one. literal otp of all time.
What makes me happy about them:
everything? they're so funny and silly to me. extremely pathetic creatures. two absolute losers. i think of them and i always smile. i love the fact that each of them have independently made their personality revolve around each other at different points in time, it's so funny.
What makes me sad about them:
EVERYTHING. the fact they will never have a happy ending. the fact they will be enemies in every (canon) universe. the fact they are two extremely broken people who are uniquely equipped to understand each other and that won't be enough to save them.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
tbh i'm so picky with what i like and don't like about how both these guys often end up characterized, but i also think all interpretations are valuable in their own way. i can't think of any huge annoyances, except that i have very Specific feelings/headcanons about sephiroth in crisis core era, and usually won't read things that veer too far away from that.
things I look for in fanfic:
i love any and all fics where the author makes it obvious that sephiroth is just. completely besotted. and i think cloud feeds off of that, even if he won't admit it. i'll read just about anything with these two, but i especially love stories where authors can articulate the crux of their dysfunction really well. yes, these two have have immense amounts of hate, and blood, and pain between them, but (especially on sephiroth's end) there is also an Intense desire for intimacy, of any kind. these two things juxtaposed well is just magical to me.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
no one. i say that as a joke but it's pretty much true. for cloud i do also ship him hardcore with aerith (somewhat against my own will XD), but outside of that i don't really multiship these two anymore. i used to be a Hardcore multishipper, and while i still appreciate things like some polyshipping (other cleriseph enjoyers where are you, i need food of that ot3 so bad), i honestly can't enjoy the thought of them being with anyone else. i miss being a multishipper, because these days pretty much every single other ship with them (outside of clerith) has become a notp for me. ;w;
My happily ever after for them:
in canon? haha. the closest i could see them in canon ffvii (and the closest i think part 3 of remake would get to giving them a 'happy' ending) is having a moment of resolution similar to what kuja and zidane get in ffix. i would be satisfied with that for canon. BUT if we're taking all the stops off, i want to see the dramatic epic pining slowburn post-AC where they eventually figure out how to lead semi-normal lives alongside each other. this is making me want to write that now....maybe that will be my next fic project.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
there's an obvious answer here with consideration to builds and hair lengths, i think. i like to think cloud has accepted his fate to have this 7 foot tall piece of brick clinging to him like an octopus.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
this is another obvious one, and i'm tempted to say 'fighting', but i'm not sure that clears the bar of non-sexual for them. my second choice is that i think they would just genuinely enjoy being around each other in silence. they're both such introverts, and i like to think of them just recharging quietly with each other.
clerith ☁️♡🌎
when I started shipping it if I did:
let me preface this by saying that when remake came out in 2020, i had less than zero interest in vii's infamous love triangle. i wanted no piece of it in my heart or my home. then the game came out and cloud and aerith gripped me by the throat and violently dragged me into falling in love with them by being so damn charming and heartfelt and perfect for each other.
my thoughts:
i love these two so damn much. i really Really loved them in remake, and rebirth intensified this to a level i could Not have anticipated and is currently ruining my life. i love them. i love that they are soulmates, romantic, platonic, or something in-between. i love that their bond and chemistry is near-instantaneous, i love that cloud blooms into letting himself experience softness around her, i love that aerith finally has someone who cares about making her happy and standing by her so damn much.
What makes me happy about them:
so much. their love is so pure and tentative. their vibes to me run parallel to how i see and experience the early 20s as a queer person, essentially the second teenage-hood where you're still feeling yourself out as a person, and you have no idea what you're doing. you feel like you're missing out on a lot of the fundamental experiences that 'normal' people have already had, and i feel like both cloud and aerith mirror that emotion, thanks to the fucked up circumstances of both their lives. aerith is cloud's first real friend after nibelheim (and potentially ever, depending on how close you think he was with zack. to me, i hc cloud and zack were pretty friendly, but not especially close prior to the nibelheim incident.) and cloud is also one of aerith's first friends. they've both suffered such acute loneliness and isolation in their lives, and the fact they find healing for that in each other is so so special to me. the fact that aerith is the person most able to reach through to the person cloud Really is, even under everything he's got going on, makes me so deranged.
What makes me sad about them:
well. there is a very obvious answer. so there is definitely That. that's kind of a big deal.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
honestly i feel like i don't have many specific fanfic annoyances in general, because if a fic annoys me i just stop reading it, and then my adhd makes me forget i read it to begin with.
things I look for in fanfic:
i really love everything with these two, i love all the cute fluff happy ever afters they don't get to have in canon, but i also love the angst and the drama and the trauma. usually i just gravitate towards any fics that i feel understands the characters well or has interesting ideas, the exact plot or type of scenario is less important to me.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
in my heart, cloud's endgame ship is always sephiroth. as for aerith, i'm also a Huge zerith shipper (yes i am in constant emotional pain, how did you know), but aeriseph also firmly has a place in my heart.
My happily ever after for them:
any. any of them. i want the most tooth-rotting fluffy ending for these two. (admittedly, their iconic tragedy is a part of why i love them so bad. without it, my emotional investment would be Nowhere near as high.) i've been reading a lot of wedding/alternate future fics with these two lately and they all make me ;w;
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
i genuinely think it goes both ways, but if i had to say i think cloud is doomed to be a little spoon in any lifetime.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
oooh tough one!! i think aerith would love teaching cloud to garden....though i'm not sure he would be any good at it. but i have faith in him to learn.
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eraserisms · 26 days
Your portrayal sticks out because it represents the only time I've ever fallen in love with a fandom just because of 1 RPer, never mind that I agreed to RP with you on this account despite my usual apprehensions about interacting with fandoms I don't know. I trusted you & I'm glad I did. You're so patient yet passionate when it comes to summarizing scenes of the show & relationships between characters--but that's over IMs, OOC. (Yes, everyone, the mun is kind & funny, in addition to be being a great RPer.) ANYWAY!
Shota's 1 of my favorite characters to interact with on here. I don't have it in me to go read or watch all of MHA, but I'm always finding myself asking questions about Shota or wondering what he'd do in ___ situation. & you know his voice, so you know the answer. & then there's all the work you put into developing parts of him that aren't canonically talked about. This is what the writing part of fandom is meant for. I don't know if you write fanfics, but they'd be enjoyable as fuck. I love reading your metas & HCs for Shota, no matter how long, because I CRAVE THE INFORMATION!! Also he's my dad (lol).
TL;DR - you're my only Shota & I love the effort you put into your portrayal. Thanks for introducing Kylie to his first boyfriend.
In reference to this post
You're so sweet. I am so glad that you gave me and Shota a chance! I have to say though, I feel the same way about the characters that you write. I honestly had forgotten how much I enjoyed X-men and Marvel things and didn't plan on doing too much interaction with those fandoms despite BNHA being a superhero based fandom. Thank you for reminding me, truly.
Also I am always ecstatic to answer any questions that you have about the fandom and storyline-esque things. Your active interest in something that you are unfamiliar with is really flattering within itself. I feel that you've also been so incredibly patient with me as far as explaining things goes because I have forgotten so much about those fandoms. Also the only comics I've ever really read as far as Marvel goes have been The Incredible Hulk, Captain America & Hawkeye. So, you filling me in on stuff I don't know about has been incredibly helpful especially considering that so many other Marvel RPers have reached out to me here.
I haven't written any MHA fanfictions yet but maybe sometime in the future. If I were to do anything like that , it would likely be some sort of one shot because I'm terrible at writing them to be honest. I think that's why I end up writing a lot of long-winded headcanons/metas here instead. & Shota is more than willing to 'dad' you any day of the week, being a dad is one of his many talents.
P.S. - I do a lot of shippy things with the person who introduced me to Shota who also plays All-Might. I actually made this blog with the intention of building familial/platonic & student/teacher relationships with Shota. Also given Shota's asocial nature, I didn't think that I'd be writing too many romantic relationships for him. But, given that we had written with each other in the past I was more open to the idea of shipping with you in general. & I have to say; I am happy to have started shipping Kylie with Shota. I feel that they compliment each other so well.
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bogkeep · 2 years
i saw titanic (1997) for the first time yesterday (on a big screen, in 3d) and i found the big boat movie very enjoyable actually. yes i'm very late to the party, but i also think i am now at Peak Appreciation Capability, my timeline being this:
- too young to watch it
- ugh they made a movie about this huge tragedy and it's a ROMANCE? UGH (on one hand my teenage argument about 'people will only care about events if there's a romantic plot apparently' is in pretty bad faith and i rescind that statement, on the other hand it was impossible to go see a movie without a romantic subplot and most of them felt deeply unnecessary and tacked on)
- titanic is just a meme movie and so called classics are overrated
- wait maybe titanic is good actually. maybe i can appreciate a period piece and a tragedy and well crafted storytelling now. maybe i will watch it
- the boat is so big and so pretty
- the people are also very pretty
- i love the "creator got a hyperfixation and wrote a fanfic that's mostly an excuse to impose their rabbit hole findings and feelings upon an unsuspecting audience" energy
- molly is there. movie good
- i'm SO easy to win over with a folk music dance scene
- the fact that the swedish cinema showing didn't put subtitles on the swedes amused me
- actually really enjoyed all the small details and tiny stories hidden away in Everything Is Sinking And Breaking part of the movie. is that a weird thing to say
- actually really liked that it depicted so many layers and sections of the ship
- i fell asleep reading titanic trivia because i want to know how much of the movie is accurate to events
- i'm now listening to a titanic podcast at school while i work
- who could have predicted this
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“And that’s it,” Vio says, closing the journal. “For tonight, anyway. I think I’ve had just about enough.”
Shadow nods. “Sucks about the mirror, and what happened with Midna. They seemed to really get along. Do you think they ever saw each other again?”
“Probably not,” Vio admits. “Not everyone is willing to perform dark rituals to recover a loved one from a different realm.”
Wanna tell us more about this passage? Maybe even TP in the context of it? Your thoughts on TP?
oh HELL yes i do!!
okay so botw is technically my favorite zelda game because it's my favorite game ever, BUT twilight princess is a really close second. i love twilight princess so much it's unreal. i actually read the tp manga long before picking up four swords! and it is NOT lost on me that himekawa made midlink kiss on the mouth and paired off ilia with shad so she'd be out of the picture as a love interest. they like their ships and i like that for them :) and re-reading the tp manga, there are quite a few minor parallels between their vio&shadow and their midlink, just in terms of how himekawa does an antagonistically flirty dynamic.
the excerpt you sent is from a piece that originally was a lot more about the parallels between vio&shadow and link&midna. i shelved the draft for months and then kinda stripped the majority of that stuff away in favor of fluff. but i do believe i was trying to expand on the ways that vio, as the hero, was meant to have a tragic ending separated from someone he loves, just as tp link is separated from midna due to circumstance. and in the manga, he literally is separated from shadow--like, they have a tragic ending. but in the fic, and the greater fanon of four swords enjoyers, that tends not to be true. v&s constantly live in defiance of everything when i write them--god, fate, the narrative itself.
tp link is a lot more conventionally heroic than vio, but he doesn't choose for midna to break the mirror. she's the one who makes that decision, and i'm still kind of confused as to why? both given the setup of the story and her characterization? idk, it's just really hard to sell me on a resolution where characters willingly give up their attachments out of obligation and it's portrayed by the narrative as good. twilight princess works because it is framed as decidedly bittersweet, maybe even just sad. four swords, however, is in this weird in-between space where it's saying the ending is good, but i don't really buy it? hence the obsession and so so so much fanfic.
in the original fic, vio reads a bunch of emo journal entries by link post-canon asking some of those questions himself. he is very sad about losing midna. this makes vio think about his happy life with shadow, and how hard they fought for it.
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i then had shadow be like, "but you don't know, maybe he did find her," and vio kinda just chooses to believe it. shadow has a moment to himself and reveals to the reader that he doesn't really think that's the case. i then started on the ending section, but ended up dropping it, bc it was getting a little too thematically muddy and i wanted to just do soup fluff:
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