#me: how do i make omega realize she's having her emotions controlled?
curemoonliite · 2 years
Not gonna lie, I really wanna write one of those scenes where the magical girl forgets her transformation device on her dresser in my magical girl WIP, except it turns out one of the bad guys put a mind control spell on it a while back and the protag sees the villain in public without her device and she's just like "wait, why have I been so nice to her lately when she's tried to kill me before" and this window just appears in the MC's brain as the realization dawns on her:
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lexirosewrites · 11 days
I started watching too many videos abt human pregnancy & pets... & this thought wouldn't leave me
Steve & Eddie aren't mated yet, but they're living together, plan to mate, r already engaged, planning to maybe have a wedding or elope depending on how much a wedding would cost, when they adopt a dog (specifically a scottish deerhound bc I dream abt owning this breed in my wildest fantasy & what is fanfic if not wish fulfillment) after moving into a house they bought with the hush money
They love this dog, they did a lot of research into ethical breeders & how best to care for her breed, they've trained her in basics before moving onto more complicated commands & finally going thru a process to train her in the basics of emotional support (bc both of them have nightmares)
her full name is Gandalf the Gray Munson but they've both ended up just calling her Gray, for the most part Gray likes both of her owners equally she'll sit w Eddie as he paints minis or writes, she'll follow Steve around the kitchen or go with him on his morning run, & she'll sit w her owners as they watch something or try to dance w them when they listen to music, she even guards the door to their bedroom when either of them goes into heat/rut & will only move when a human she trusts comes to pick her up so they can take care of her without her owners worrying
Steddie finally elope & have a party w their closest family & friends afterwards, they exchange mating bites & have a short honeymoon, Gray is ecstatic when they get back to say the least, then a week or 2 after they get back Gray starts acting differently... she'll almost exclusively follow Steve around, she sniffs him more often, she cuddles him A LOT & then... Steve's period doesn't arrive so he takes several tests & every single one is positive!!
From there Gray's behavior starts to change more dramatically as the happy couple prepare to welcome their sweet baby into the world, as Steve progresses & his belly starts showing Gray needs to be near Steve like never before, she's purposefully slow on their morning jaunt tht has gone from a run to a walk, when they're out & she's w them & ppl decide to treat Steve's belly like it's public property she'll actually growl & even once jumped at a particularly insistent woman, she begins guarding Steve against pretty much everyone especially Eddie, the only exception to this is Aunty Robin the 3 of them often have cuddle puddles as Steve gets bigger & Eddie is very jealous, Gray especially loves lying w steve in a way tht allows her head to rest on his belly & as the baby grows she feels the baby kick more than once quickly loving the connection w her younger human sibling
when the day of the birth gets near she is glued to Steve & when his belly drops she's climbing into bed w steve & comforts him as the discomfort of pregnancy makes itself known even more
(This part is partially inspired by my mom's experience when she went into labour w me)
Steve gets up late at night because he thinks he needs to pee, Gray follows him into the bathroom as she's done all these 40 weeks, when he pees he realizes right away it isn't actually pee & gray obviously knows it as well
While steve slowly stands & processes tht his water just broke, she does something they never trained her to do: she runs & wakes up Eddie as Steve grips the sink when a contraction hits practicing the breathing he's learned, Eddie is literally dragged into the bathroom by Gray bc she's got his shirt in her mouth, he realizes what's happening & it's controlled chaos as he runs around grabbing Steve's shoes, a pair of clean sweat pants for his omega, & the maternity shirt Eddie’s been scenting every day for the last 40 weeks, he's got the hospital bag over his shoulder, car keys, he's actively calling Robin to come to their house & watch Gray while he's helping steve to the car, as they're driving to the hospital he's on the phone w their doctor telling her to meet them at the hospital they all planned to be at,
after they get to the hospital it all goes relatively smoothly: steve gives birth to a healthy baby boy, Eddie is a helpful presence in the birthing room, neither baby boy or steve have health complications, but it still takes close to 10 hours of active labor to meet their son, after its done steve demands Eddie get him a cheeseburger, strawberry milkshake, & French fries from their favorite diner that's literally open by the time steve is in his hospital room recuperating and their son is back from a short bath & the usual medical procedures tht hospitals follow after the birth of a baby
When Steve & the baby come home a few days later Gray is ecstatic to see Steve again & so so curious & loving of her new human brother 💖
(I'm so sorry if there's any inaccurate medicine happening here, please tell me what I missed or even messed up)
i’ve always said that Steve and Eddie need an emotional support dog to help them with their trauma after everything they’ve been through, but Gray goes above and beyond for his little family🥺😭💕
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suzukiblu · 5 months
WIP excerpt for tabetharasa behind the cut; alpha Jazz, a dark alley, and a very pretty omega. ( + non-chrono link for mobile users )
Jazz has no idea why Red Hood thinks he smells anything but delicious, but there’s a very reckless and dubiously-ethical part of her that would be willing to prove it to him. Not that she would, obviously, because that would be, again, incredibly unethical and highly inappropriate and also a total dick move. 
She just could, that’s all. Just if it came up or whatever. 
“Well, it’s not,” she says, mildly put out by whatever’s going on here, and Red Hood growls. His scent blockers continue to be useless. Just–absolutely useless, yes. 
Ancients, he smells so good. What is she even supposed to do about how good this omega smells? 
Maybe offer to walk him home, or at least offer him her jacket so he has enough alpha scent on him that no one bothers him on his way back to his den. Although he’s a crime lord–or a vigilante? one or the other, whatever–who’s built like a truck, so that probably isn’t really a concern, she supposes. 
Then again, some people seriously do have no sense of decorum. 
Or survival instincts. 
“Shut the fuck up!” Red Hood snaps. Jazz frowns. That seems like a disproportionate amount of anger in his tone. Maybe he's sensitive about his pheromones. Well, if people have been telling him he smells like death . . . 
Though “death” doesn't necessarily smell bad, in Jazz's opinion. 
Admittedly, that's a liminal's opinion and besides the point anyway. But still. 
“Alright,” she says. “But can you get to your den safely? Or . . . somewhere you can den down, anyway, I don't know. I assume you have a headquarters or a safehouse or two, something like that. Or at least can afford a heat hotel or know a decent clinic.” 
Red Hood hisses at her. It crackles through his modulator, but the sound of it still makes her jeans a little . . . uncomfortable, she'll just say. Sue her, she likes omegas with a bite to them. Johnny 13 definitely didn't win her over by being the sweet and polite type; he won her over by being a blunt asshole in a leather jacket who'd convinced her that he was a sincere and straight-up person. 
She wonders how “sincere” the average Gotham crime boss really is, but it’s a little difficult to concentrate on that question with the scent of old books and burning cedar filling up her nose. And also that note of lilac. That note of lilac is a problem. 
A serious problem. 
“I realize heat drop is probably imminent and you must be uncomfortable, but it’s a valid concern on my part, given your condition,” she says, which normally she’d make sound politely disapproving but really can’t make sound any kind of disapproving right now. Again: the lilac. “So can you?” 
“Fuck makes you think I'd let you anywhere near my den?” Red Hood snarls. Jazz blinks; tilts her head. 
“Nothing,” she says. “What makes you think I was asking to go anywhere near it?” 
Red Hood–stalls, briefly. Jazz tries to be polite about how incredibly obvious a tell that statement was. 
Flattering, but incredibly obvious. 
“I mean, I'd be happy to escort you if you’d like,” she says. “Or lend you my scent, if you need it. But I'm not trying to presume anything.” 
“Fuck off,” Red Hood snarls. “Nobody escorts an omega like me.” 
“Do you think maybe you have some self-esteem issues?” Jazz asks. Heat is almost definitely making him a bit more volatile and emotional than normal, considering the kinds of things he’s been saying to her, but it still seems like a valid question. Being on their cycle doesn’t make people different people; just makes it a bit harder for them to censor and control themselves. 
Or a lot harder, sometimes. 
Judging by how strong Red Hood’s pheromones smell right now . . . 
Well, he might be having a harder time than he’s used to having, so far as “controlling himself” goes. 
Jazz certainly is, all inappropriate knotheaded puns aside. 
Do Poison Ivy’s pollens make cycles hit harder, actually? Or does the suddenness of the effect disorient or throw people off, maybe? 
Well, that’s a worrying thought, since Red Hood seems to be out here alone. 
“‘Self-esteem issues’?” Red Hood repeats incredulously, his pheromones briefly sparking with bewilderment. Jazz decides not to press it, since he might be feeling a little vulnerable right now. 
“Yes,” she says. “Is there someone you can call, if you don’t want an escort or to borrow my scent? I could wait with you until they show. No offense, just Park Row’s not a very nice neighborhood.” 
Red Hood laughs. 
“No fucking shit!” he says, spreading his arms. “It’s Crime Alley!” 
“I know, sorry, I just keep accidentally calling it ‘Park Row’ in my head. Still new in town,” Jazz apologizes. She assumes a crime lord would prefer his territory be correctly referred to, anyway. Seems like a thing. She knows standard humans don’t actually have haunts–even most liminal ones don’t, including her–but sometimes she does . . . well, not forget, exactly, but just . . . expect them to anyway, she supposes? 
She spent way too long in Amity, yes. 
Even without Crime Alley being Red Hood’s actual haunt, though, it’s still disrespectful to call it the wrong name. It’s still his territory either way, and she imagines someone on their cycle especially wouldn’t appreciate the mistake. 
“What is your damage?” Red Hood snarls, his voice modulator crackling threateningly as he visibly bristles, and Jazz catches notes of that electric and unexpected edge in his pheromones again. Still vaguely familiar, but still not quite what it seems like it should be. Just . . . 
Really, if she didn’t know better . . . well, she’d think he was liminal. But that seems like a very unlikely coincidence for her first week in Gotham, so . . . 
Then again, her life is her life. 
It’s not really the time to be asking Red Hood about his levels of ecto exposure, though, and she’s pretty sure they’ve both got more important priorities right now. 
“We don’t really have time to unpack all that, to be honest. You really do need to get home,” she says. “Or at least call someone to pick you up. If you go into heat drop alone in Crime Alley, I can’t imagine it’s going to end well.” 
Red Hood hisses. That might’ve sounded like a threat, Jazz realizes belatedly. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” she says, apologetic again. “But it’s not safe, is it?” 
“If anyone I don’t want near my ass tries to touch me, I’ll put a bullet up theirs,” Red Hood growls, low and crackling. 
“That seems like a lot of trouble when you’re on your cycle, though,” Jazz says. He’d have a body to deal with, and maybe someone would call the cops–well, she supposes it is Crime Alley, so maybe not . . .? But it’d be self-defense anyway, and if he is a crime lord, maybe he has people for that. 
She really needs to get familiar with this area as soon as possible, yeah. And just Gotham in general, really. Every city has its own idiosyncrasies, but Gotham is its idiosyncrasies. 
Well, so is Amity Park, of course. 
“I think you belong in Arkham, lady,” Red Hood says. Jazz feels like a Gothamite should be more understanding of someone taking supervillain attack side effects and hostile heated-up crime lords in stride, but apparently not. 
“Technically, you’re not wrong,” she says with a wry smile. She’d offer him a handshake, but that’s not really appropriate for an alpha to offer to an omega in heat. Especially not an unmated alpha, which Jazz very definitely is. “I start Monday. Jazz Fenton, psychiatric intern. At your service.”
Red Hood manages to very clearly stare at her without actually taking off the helmet. It's actually an impressive amount of expressiveness to get across, under the circumstances. 
Or there could be a touch of liminal empathy happening, admittedly. That's possible too. Especially with another liminal involved. 
Jazz briefly considers what knotting a liminal omega might actually be like if an empathy loop got established somewhere in the process, which is a lie, because what she’s actually imagining is picking up this liminal omega and showing him exactly how delicious she thinks he smells. 
Definitely inappropriate. 
“They will literally eat you alive,” Red Hood says. 
“I mean, there’s a risk of it,” Jazz allows, because nothing is a perfect guarantee. It’s just not a very large risk. Comparatively, she means. 
“You applied to Arkham on purpose, lady?” Red Hood says disbelievingly. 
“Oh, no,” Jazz says, shaking her head. “They made me an offer. Somebody read my thesis and liked it, apparently.” 
Well . . . “thought we should interview you for either a position or to have your file established for whenever the convictions start rolling in”, whichever. The interviewing psychiatrists had a range of reactions during her interview, she supposes is the best way to put it. 
Jazz really doesn’t think it’s fair to classify her parents as actual supervillains, but an increasingly long list of professionals has, admittedly, not agreed with that assessment. 
She can’t imagine what they would’ve thought if she’d told them about Danny, considering. 
Well, it’s not her problem if someone else is going to be close-minded about things like that. 
“I’m sorry, I’m really not trying to be pushy here, but are you sure you don’t want to call anyone? Or want my scent. Or . . . literally anything,” she says, gesturing a little awkwardly with her shopping bags. “I do get told my pheromones are pretty discouraging to unwanted attention, if that helps?” 
“Sure they are,” Red Hood snorts. Jazz tries not to look disapproving, given his compromised state. That kind of thing can bother omegas in heat, she knows. 
“That’s what people tell me,” is all she says. Obviously it’s not just the default parts of her scent that make it a strong deterrent, but as for the force of the emotions and claim she can put into it . . . 
Well. She just hears it’s “discouraging” to other alphas pretty regularly, that’s all. And also some betas, depending on their sexuality. And, um . . . well, a little closer to “catnip”, for omegas, but . . . 
“I’ll believe it when I smell it, knothead,” Red Hood snorts again. “Prove it.” 
Jazz isn’t sure that’s a good idea, considering–again–his compromised state, but, well . . . he’s clearly a strong omega himself, and maybe she’s a little miffed by him just assuming she’s lying about something like that, that’s all. She knows plenty of alphas do lie about their pheromones or even lay on fake ones, but . . . well, it’s hard not to wonder if he just thinks she’s a lesser alpha because she’s female, or because of how she’s dressed or looks or speaks, or just because. 
Her inner alpha doesn’t love the experience of one of the most gorgeous-smelling omegas she’s ever scented sneering at her worth as an alpha without even giving her a shot to prove it, either way. 
“Are you sure?” she asks.
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thatshadowcomic · 29 days
Relationship Dynamics/timeline
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I will probably make little comics about this stuff eventually.
Pre Doom: Shadow x rouge failure
Rouge's positive influence on Shadow can't be understated, but Rouge digs too deep, even manipulating and attempting to use GUN methods on shadow to help him. This triggers the memory of Maria's shooting. This gruesome image creates confusion and the lack of certainty makes him suspicious of Rouge, given her job and connection to GUN. It was a GUN solider in his memory. It causes him to close off from her, and he becomes directionless. Shadow wonders aimlessly, in an attempt to find something familiar. Rouge, trying to maintain their connection, becomes more of an enabler than a partner, coddling him as he continues inward. Eventually they realize their dynamic is turning them into the worst part of themselves, and they return to being friends in an attempt to rebuild what was lost. Rouge offers shadow a place at GUN, maybe an agent under the Govt, or a bed at her new home. Shadow denies them, still unsure who to trust. This feeling is familiar and he longs for a connection, a purpose...
Doom: manipulation and self resolve
Click "Shadow's story" for shadow's canon lore Click "prologue" for my headcanon lore, post "shadow the hedgehog" (2006). Black Doom's return starts nov, 2005 and concludes march, 2006. The Toll takes place 1 year later, late feb 2007.
Post Doom: Fight with Sonic
Shadow joins GUN, much to Sonic's disappointment. He claims Shadow needs freedom and time to rediscover himself and should join team sonic. This ends in an argument, with Shadow deciding to be firm: "Are you joining because you want to, or because you think you have to? I just don't want you to be stuck under another hive mind's control and lose sight of yourself, because you're scared to face the world. You're not alone, by the way, you got friends, you got me--I think what you need--" "ENOUGH! We are not friends and you do not get to tell me what I need. Thank you for saving me, sonic, but I don't owe you anything, but I do owe the world... my debt will be paid through doing good with GUN, and that is my choice. When next we meet, it will be business or for the sake of the world. Goodbye." Sonic takes this very seriously and seems to spend a long time alone from everyone. Neither discuss the argument with anyone. Shadow often visits Amy's cafe because Sonic avoids it. She gradually wears him down and they become surprisingly close, like siblings. He begins to mull over the sonic situation with her, asking her advice and generally obsessing with sonic.
Nearly 1 year later: Fear of the public.
Shadow works for GUN, but the public views him as a fraud, a ticking time bomb and a weapon. GUN has him under media/social lock down, with his travels and events planned to better his report with the public. Shadow requires GUN's permission for most events. After being denied or having the permissions be granted AFTER the event, Shadow stops asking. He becomes withdrawn and restless, even to Amy. Shadow begins memory hypnosis and general trauma therapy to truly move on, but this only intensifies his unrest as November comes around... Rouge is unsure how to help him. She's fearful he will become defensive again and shut her out for good. (Omega doesn't understand these complicated emotions well enough to assist beyond offering his own views on his own experiences.) --------------------------------------
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gremlinbabe · 2 years
Things I would’ve liked seeing in the teen wolf movie:
-Laura being the birth mom of Eli & the story of how Derek ended up adopting his nephew
- Scott as a veterinarian following deatons steps but he decided to relinquish his true alpha powers to Derek when he realized he really isn’t cut out to be alpha because he never wanted to be a werewolf but with therapy realized he wouldn’t mind being a beta because it’s much calmer and if he stayed in the area wouldn’t become an omega. Making Scott happier maybe he finds himself a gf/bf
-Alpha Derek encouraging his pack by leading by example became a mechanic and a consultant (also show more mechanic Derek 😭😭)
-Grown fbi emissary stiles with little magics & werewolf strength. Happy & dating Derek with a newly fixed jeep
-Stiles and Lydia reestablishing a good friendship after the break up and the whole thing with the Jeep
- CEO & fashion icon Lydia using banshee powers to find out when corporate Headhonchos die to bet on stocks that will increase pack funds a little but not make it suspicious. still being on top of her game ceo wise excluding her powers
-Seeing more of Lydia’s powers.
-Jackson and Lydia sass offs (but with Margo/Elliot from the magicians dynamics and not whatever they did in the movie)
-Jackson and Ethan wedding👀 or at least cute domestic life
-Liam in meditation classes & a financial analyst, in charge of pack finances (+Liam and Hayden together and maybe have a kid)
-If Liam has a kid Mason to be the godfather
-Peter as a stockbroker so Lydia doesn’t have to dirty her name & maybe some art galleries around the world for when he needs to step away from stocks to not be suspicious.
-Issac happy with a French husband who treats him amazing back in beacon hills & neighbors with Derek & regularly does community bbqs. i’d like to think that Isaac would become an amazing social worker for how badly social workers handled his case.(Maybe a little bit of father figure Chris cuz he took care of him and grieved with him after Allison)
-Chris argent allowed at pack bbqs and functions because he’s proved himself over and over and the pack is the only ppl who can also understand the lost of his daughter
-Peter and Chris regularly attend therapy and grief counseling and sometimes together
-Peter and the sheriff do lunch sometimes and we get stories about all the on goings of become hills cuz they like to gossip like old ladies
-Malia back in beacon hills after traveling the world and has become a pilot and constantly brings gifts for the pack ( maybe she introduces 2 poly partners)
-Kira back from the dessert with a mastery of her powers and maybe a journalist now
-Jordan retires as a cop to get his powers under control & becomes a fitness instructor to keep active but have a more chill pace job. I’d like to think that he recommended meditation classes to Liam.
-Erica and Boyd alive well and happy with some kids(let me be delusional)
-The hale house remodeled to fit all the pack when they visit
- I liked John & Mason as sheriff & deputy. ITs Mason following stiles steps in his own way
-Mason get a cute bf
-Deaton left town to go work with his sister but stays as a hale pack ally /mentor of emissary! stiles
-Cora being a cool aunt, ufc fighter 👀
-Discount kira can stay but she’s just introduced as a part of Satomi‘s pack and not as discount Kira and maybe kira occasionally mentors her
-Eli is adorable as is, maybe give him some friends and show his interactions with his pack and how they spoil him to death 
-Some low-key Chris, Peter, and Melissa dates
-Give the sheriff a girlfriend
-Show the sheriff being a grandpa
-Derek regularly cooking and bringing lunch to the sheriff for stiles
-Kira and Scott getting back together would’ve been cute
-Would’ve rather Allison stay dead for storyline consistency and the emotional development and growth of all the characters. But if she’s sticking around then I would’ve liked for Scott to fill her in and they be friends. She gets to visit Isaac and we get to see that reunions reaction and they’re both happy for each other. we get to see her and her dad reuniting and him fumbling over explaining his current relationship with Peter & Melissa. And maybe she leaves Beacon Hills with Malia to learn more about herself & the world. And when she’s ready to come back she becomes a self-defense teacher. NO HER AND SCOTT DATING HATED THAT.
-For Malia and Parrish to have not been a thing because why🤢
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eriexplosion · 8 months
Cut and Run time
Early intro to Hunter and Echo's co-leading style where Hunter makes the calls but Echo tends to be the one he uses as a soundboard. No wonder he absolutely cannot function even more than before when Echo leaves.
I swear the Omega Discovers Dirt scene was just to flex with the dirt cloud animations.
I REALLY want to know how the batch met Cut. But also, Tech's SMILE and very very slight laughter undertone when saying "Why not? We're all deserters now." is giving me life. As is Echo's FACE OF REALIZATION here.
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"Ma'am" Echo is the most polite and CUTEST PERSON ALIVE.
Okay I can never get over Cut's face falling into worried and then asking about Crosshair and he is SO sincere about it. The quiet subtle way that this informs Aftermath, even if you didn't see him in TCW it DOES tell you that Crosshair wasn't Always like that, and that Cut at least has a positive enough relationship with him to be concerned about him.
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Also he absolutely is worried at first that Crosshair has been killed, you know he is, like, that is always going to be a risk with clones. Hearing that it's complicated and getting into mind control discussions isn't like GREAT but at least it's better than him having been killed during the war right
Omega though, just. Casually. OH HE MUST MEAN THE INHIBITOR CHIP :D She's so chipper about it. Like it was just a thing surely everyone knew. And then Tech backing her up with HOW ELSE DID YOU THINK IT WORKED? Ridiculous squad.
Honestly the expressions in this episode are fucking gold because the knowing smiles when Hunter nods for Omega to go ahead outside and Hunter's bewildered double take. He is not a parent. He swears.
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He JUST MET THAT KID he's NOT a parent.
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Anyway Cut's onto his bullshit.
OMEGA NOT KNOWING WHAT FUN IS THOUGH. BABY GIRL. Learning about dirt AND fun in one day.
Cut's single grey streak in his hair is gorgeous too, what a handsome man. He also looks like he's got a bit of dad bod going too.
Rampart is doing his very best customer service voice about chain codes. But even a glimpse at his face has me going BOO HISS BOO.
Now Omega gets to learn about mortal danger, it's a very busy day for this child. Cut's soft dadding has me Emotional. He's SO GENTLE.
"Tech do you think you can forge some chain codes?" "I only learned of them moments ago, but yes!" The way I adore him your honor.
The moment with Omega taking off her headpiece is so underrated, like despite how much she wants to be with the batch, Kamino was her home and this was a piece of her life that she already knows doesn't fit anymore. But even if it doesn't fit, it's still a lot to take it off and officially leave that behind her.
It's SENDING ME that Tech doesn't even actually say they should impound the ship he just sideways implies it and Echo picks it up IMMEDIATELY and then goes 'yeah okay' like we say that Echo carries the brain cell but when put into range of Tech that brain cell goes pinging off into the fucking distance like it was set next to an opposite charged magnet.
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Full Of Rage
I love the Tech & Echo dynamic so fucking much, honestly, Tech being so chill and then Echo just. WE CAN'T GET CAUGHT AT ALL WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??????
Like Echo, bby, you knew exactly what you were doing when you went along with this plan.
"Found her." The pointing really sells it.
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"Well... We didn't let her go!" Followed up by Tech and Echo squabbling over removing the boot is so funny, this episode is SO fucking funny and I feel like we don't talk about how hilarious it is enough.
I admit part of why I want season 3 to have a portion where Echo and Tech are on their own together is because I adore the squabbling they're so fucking funny. When Echo asks if he wants to give it a try apparently he did because he was already outside to stun the guy that catches them.
Wrecker is so sweet and gentle with Omega I'm <3 The Boy.
Okay though the fact that Hunter literally did not tell Omega anything at all, just straight up said Nothing because it was going to be a hard conversation and Hunter will physically leap off a building before willingly having a hard conversation. And they do this to her REPEATEDLY because they didn't tell her about Echo leaving either in season two. No need to have hard discussions when you can just spring something on the child with no warning, right? Anyway, his avoidance is established so early and there's no way he gets through the whole of season 3 without being forced to confront it and willingly undertake a Difficult Thing without being forced into it.
THE FACT THAT HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THIS CONVERSATION WITH WRECKER presumably because Wrecker would have tried to talk him out of it because he's the first one that engages with Omega as an Individual and not like, the vague concept of a child.
Hoist your local Gonky for enrichment purposes
This is just such a sweet and sincere episode that also happens to be hilarious, I just really adore it.
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heyclickadee · 2 years
Okay! Thoughts on “Retrieval.” This was so much easier to get through.
1. Oh hey! It’s not a big heavy emotional episode that speaks to my soul THANK GOD
2. Seriously, it was kind of nice to get a break. This season seems to be following the same general pattern of season one where episodes 7, 8, and 9 are heavy hitters, while episode 10 serves as a bit of a breather.
3. That said…this…is probably my least favorite episode of the season. I don’t dislike it, I don’t even think it’s a bad episode, but I personally found it a little clumsy, and every other episode of the season has been so good that this one falls a little flat by comparison. Especially on the heels of the last three. Now, that said, there are so many little moments in this I adore, even if I think the whole is a little clunky.
4. *don’t check tbbtwitter DON’t check tbbtwitter don’t do it don’t check tbbtwitter don’t oh shoot why did I check tbbtwitter WhhHhhYyyyyYyyyyyyyyyy*
5. Okay, I get the frustration that things aren’t moving fast enough more than I usually do. I don’t one-hundred percent agree, but I get it. I get wanting more Crosshair, wanting more for Hunter and Wrecker, and wondering where, exactly, the season is going. But I also have a general rule of not criticizing a show until for not doing something I want it to do until the show is completely done, because nine times out of ten the show either ends up doing it OR ends up doing something other than what I expected that ends up being better anyways. Now, that’s my rule, and it doesn’t have to be anyone else’s, but I’m going to sit over here and wait to see what happens. And enjoy what we’re getting now in the meantime. Because whatever criticisms I have, and I do have some, there’s some good stuff here.
6. I loved the fact that the gang isn’t just waiting for Cid to come get them. It shows that they don’t trust her enough to expect that she will help them out, and they’re taking proactive measures to get themselves out of this situation now while they’re all still pretty able and not actively starving to death instead of waiting for her to inevitably not come through for them and having to figure something out then.
7. Wrecker really said it was his turn to be extra testy towards everyone this time around, didn’t he?
8. Really, though, Wrecker’s not having a good time here. He’s missing Echo and Crosshair and the marauder got stolen and they’re stranded and on top of everything else it’s hot and he’s hungry and you know what? Be as irritated as you want, my guy. And you know things are bad when he starts saying things like, “Don’t get your hopes up, kid,” to Omega.
9. Wrecker watching that piece fall off the bike, staring at it, and then Giving Up because Woe Be Upon Him was a Mood.
10. There’s the parallel between Rampart interrupted Crosshair every time he tries to eat and Mokko using food as a way to control the kids in the mine, yes, but there’s also an uncomfortable semi-parallel between that and Cid NOT sending immediate help when she knew the gang didn’t have enough food to last even a few days. It’s that whole “gotta way to live, gotta work to eat, gotta put yourself in abusive and exploitative situations to work” trap.
11. Wrecker really rolled for intimidation on a fifteen year old. He actually rolled a 5, but he’s got a +30 modifier, so it doesn’t matter. (I will admit that I don’t know how modifiers work).
12. Actually, Wrecker going around growling at everything in general and Benni in particular because he’s hangry, agitated, and just trying to move things along as fast as possible made me realize that Wrecker actually doesn’t capitalize on how physically intimidating he is all that often. Yeah, he’s big, loud, and over the top, but he almost never throws his weight around to make himself seem scary. If anything he spends a lot of the time doing the exact opposite.
13. Gonky, coming in at the clutch!
14. “That’s our defective power droid.” I love how protective they are of Gonky! He’s like the beloved family dog who really just kind of sleeps all the time, but everyone loves him all the same.
15. Hunter: *dives face first into the void*
Somewhere in the back of my mind, as though from a great distance: HE’S SO HOOOOOT!! AND RESPECTFUUUULLLL!!!
16. Seriously, who gave him the right—
17. I really liked Omega seeing first hand how bad things for those kids were, and how Mokko pitted them against each other. Omega pointing out that the way Mokko treated them all was wrong was probably the first time Benni ever really heard something like that. It’s hard to see how abusive a situation is from the inside. *cough cough Cid cough cough the Empire*
18. This was actually a really good episode for Omega in general. She’s seeing more of the galaxy outside Kamino, seeing how the galaxy isn’t divided into “The Empire” and “Everyone Else,” bonding with people outside the batch, learning about other people’s perspectives and concepts of home, and trying to make things better with small acts of kindness. Like giving Benni her ration bar. She doesn’t know how soon it is before she’s going to eat next because who knows if they will, in fact, get out of there, but she still hands it over completely unprompted, because she knows this kid is starving. And even though getting access to Mokko’s profit records wasn’t her goal, she does take the time to look through them and point out that the math definitely isn’t mathing with how poor the mine is supposed to be.
19. I was a little bit annoyed that Hunter didn’t immediately step in and help those kids, but that, “We’re not engaging. These kids have it bad enough as it is,” does a lot to explain why. He doesn’t have all the information that Omega ends up having about the mine’s profits at this point, so he thinks the mind really is poor. He doesn’t have the means to take care of all of these kids if he, for example, tried to shuttle them off-world or anywhere to take them if he did—the kids would still be stuck with nothing. And it’s not as though the team can’t really use their normal skill set to, say, overthrow Mokko. One missed shot from anyone would destroy the entire mine and leave the minor miners with even less at best, and kill everyone inside at worst. He’s not backing away from helping because he doesn’t care, he’s backing away because he doesn’t want to make things worse. It’s not handled as deftly as the bad batch usually handles things like this, but I do appreciate that it’s there.
20. Season two has been focusing on Omega’s relationship with Echo and Tech more than it’s been focusing on her relationship with Hunter, but, even though I do miss their talks, there’s absolutely been growth here. The guys have equipped Omega to be able to handle herself and Hunter has complete faith in her to do so. Can you imagine season one Hunter watching Omega throw herself off the end of a walkway and into a pit of fiery death without screaming at her to stop and having all the heart attacks at once? Or early season two Hunter? No. But here, he knows she’s going to be able to make the leap and she knows that he’ll catch her. They don’t even have to talk that plan out, they’re that in sync.
21. Oh hey, look at the way Tech is checking on Omega and talking things out with her since their heart to heart last episode! I love the growth in their relationship!
22. All right, I know Tech’s line about how there are others like them in the galaxy and how that’s something is getting ripped apart in some circle somewhere, but…while I do think the line is a little clumsy in this particular context, since the batch didn’t go in with the intention of freeing the kids in this mine, I think it’s being misunderstood. I don’t think Tech is saying that they’re big damn heroes or anything like that. I think he’s saying that they’re helpers. Because for a group of people that really just wants to lay low and live a bit selfishly, they go out of their way to help out. A lot.
They’re not battling it out with the empire, they’re not taking on that big fight, but they do just a little bit of good almost everywhere they go. Hunter wasn’t able to save Caleb, for example, but doing what he could did Caleb the chance to get away. They don’t follow orders on Onderon, which allows Saw to get away and fight another day, too. Echo gets a bunch of droids away from what seems to be another abusive work environment, they go to Saleucami looking for a place to lay low and end up helping the Lawquanes escape, they intentionally flub a job for Cid to hand important intel over to people they know will use it to fight the empire, they save Hera’s parents, they save Gregor, Tech helps one of the few surviving Serennian’s get access to his people’s history, they help Cid out of real mafia level trouble more than once for no other reason than that it’s the right thing to do (and to keep Omega from being sad), the immediately drop a job when they realize a kid is being trafficked and then help defend that kid’s home, they take a huge risk to help Rex with an important mission (this did backfire but it wasn’t on them), and, no, they didn’t come to this mine with the intention to help the kids out but the still did give those kids the means and information to help themselves (tightening this episode up a bit could have made that more clear and made that line feel less off, but it is absolutely there).
That’s what Tech’s saying; they help people out, and at the least try their best to not make things worse, and they’re not alone. And in a galaxy full of Ramparts and Mokko’s, that does count for something.
23. Tech and Wrecker could’ve shot those droids on the bridge at any time. They didn’t, however, because taking out the droids before the kids all turned on Makko would have meant probably having to stun the kids, too. And normally they’d probably okay with that, but they are standing over a molten chasm of death, and it wasn’t worth taking the risk of a kid falling.
24. *flashbacks to exactly this time in season one when half of tbbtwitter got pissed at the Raxus episode for almost the same reasons and declared they were giving up on the show because it wasn’t moving fast enough I get it I do but I swear to god*
25. Makko’s death was underwhelming; I’m glad Tech pointed out the parallel between how Makko controlled the miners and how the Empire controls everything, even though I’m not sure how he knew what Makko was doing unless Benni just casually told them what was happening thinking that it’s totally normal in a scene I would have liked to have seen; and there was something just a little it clunky about how the batch ended up helping out here. Those are my criticisms. But it’s not a bad episode by any stretch.
26. This is still my least favorite episode of the season, but I’ve talked myself into liking it more.
27. I think this technically counts as a successful mission. They got what they came for (the ipsium) and they’re headed back in one piece. Reeaaaaal curious how the next time they see Cid is going to go, though. I sort of have a theory that she maybe wanted them to get stranded. I don’t think Cid is evil, and she does have a genuine soft spot for Omega, but I could see Cid selling them out because she got herself in way too over her head and needed a way out.
28. Wrecker and Lula!! 🥺
29. Was…that Crosshair’s weapons kit on the cart at the end? I need to go rewatch “Replacements.”
30. Yeah, so we’re, like…definitely getting a season three, aren’t we? That’s not exactly a question—I really mean that episodes like this that make the story take it’s time to go places really makes it feel like at least three seasons are in the bag.
31. I forgot to mention that I liked the fact that both Tech and Wrecker were fixing the bike and the ship. It’s low key, but I always love seeing more of Wrecker’s mechanical/technical skill.
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
alpha!sam hc’s??
😁😁😁 I'm so happy you asked for this, anon.
General Alpha!Sam LaRusso Headcanons
I love this idea so much honestly. I don't know if these headcanons are any good, though 🙈 I'm still new to a/b/o dynamics, so let me know what you think please. Hope you enjoy!
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When Sam first presented as an alpha, it came as a shock to her family because of her height, but it made sense after some thought. It really shined through with how fierce and stubborn she can be. Those bursts of attitude and anger were explained, but as she got older she became a little more sensible and didn't let those emotions get the better of her (for a little while at least).
Alpha!Sam has a tendency to push her way into any situation if she thinks she can help. Especially if omegas are involved. She can't help it. Her inner alpha tells her to protect the omegas and she thinks the best way to do that is to get involved. Deescalation is a thought for about half a second and then she's musking and bowing up to whoever caused the problem.
Her scent is rich and earthy with a semi sweet undertone. Many omegas love it and flock to it, surrounding themselves with a nice alpha scent without having to worry about big scary alphas.
She gets along with omegas really well. She has more omega friends than alpha friends because they just attract each other naturally and she's interested in a lot of typical omega activities.
Most people don't realize she's an alpha until they get a few feet away from her. She doesn't musk heavily and has pretty good control over it unless she's emotional (*cough* angry *cough*). She's mistaken for an omega many times for many reasons, mostly her size and the fact that she hangs out with omegas a lot.
Sometimes her natural scent is covered up by omega scents because she loves to cuddle with omegas - like omega!Moon and omega!Yasmine. It makes other alphas jealous because "how the fuck is she getting all the omegas?" I don't know, Kyler, maybe it's because she doesn't act up and do stupid shit to try impressing omegas 🙄
I don't know why I'm focused on her scent so much, but it's kind of fun.
Her ruts are rough. After her first rut, her mom had to replace her sheets because she'd been so frustrated that she tore them up. And threw shit. And broke some stuff. It was a lot and she still struggles through them, so she likes to be left alone during her ruts unless she has a mate.
The expectations put on her just for being an alpha is a lot and she hates it. She gets laughed at for being a "half pint alpha" and most comments like that end up with her kicking another alpha's ass. She takes it very seriously when someone insults her because it's a blow to her self esteem. She just wants to do everything right and when She makes a mistake, it haunts her for a while until she can understand that mistakes happen.
She just wants to make her parents and pack proud of her. She wants to be the best alpha she can be, of course, but she feels like she has more to prove because she's not like a typical alpha. Her pack always assures her that she's a great alpha, much better than most of the cocky asshole alphas they know. She never talks about her doubts, so when they encourage her and assure her, she feels so thankful.
She's big on pack outings. She loves taking her friends out and doing stuff together. Whether it's to the mall or the arcade or wherever. It's great. Sometimes, though, she'll only take the omegas out and treat them to a spa day or a special lunch. No one knows how she sees herself as a bad or undeserving alpha.
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sofreddie · 2 years
Resigned 3
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Summary: Y/N's becoming more comfortable as Jensen's Omega. But Jensen is only beginning to understand just how bad it really is for her.
Characters: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader, Unnamed Male Alpha
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Omegas are second-class citizens/treated badly, Angst, Rut, Mentions of Noncon, DUBCON, Smut (Unprotected Sex, Knotting), Injury to Reader, Aggression, Asshole Alpha, Prejudice, Derogatory Language
WC: 2352
A/N: There are, and will continue to be, difficult themes in this story. I am doing my best to encompass those warnings appropriately. Please heed them!
Resigned Masterlist
My Masterlist
Part 2
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Y/N knew he was right and despite her justified anger, she felt guilty and a little sad for him too. She accused her Alpha of assault and she could see how much it hurt him. She couldn’t change or undo anything, and even if she could she’d need her Alpha’s help and permission to do so. She also didn’t forget the fact that she could be in an Omega Correctional Facility right then if he had wanted, being punished and molded into a proper Omega.
She looked to her Alpha again, truly looking at him as something other than a beast. He was handsome, but his eyes were like a window, swirling with a mix of emotions that she could slowly pick out and feel. Though his rut clearly had him in a horrid state by this point, he was doing his best to remain calm and patient. To wait for her.
“You need me,” Y/N stated, and though Jensen knew it wasn’t a question he nodded anyway.
His Alpha was ready to grab her and take what he needed, but he didn’t want a repeat of before. He wanted her to want him too. Though if he couldn’t keep a hold of his Alpha, and if she continued to be stubborn, he was afraid it might not matter.
So when Y/N slowly stood, holding his gaze, he was pleasantly surprised. She took him by the hand and he could feel the tremble in her fingers as she pulled him towards her bedroom. She was still sore and terrified, but she knew -as his Omega- he’d have her either way. She hoped that if she went willingly and didn’t fight him this time that maybe he’d be more gentle.
Jensen watched as Y/N silently and bashfully removed her clothes, letting them drop to the floor. She crawled onto the surface of the bed, lowering her head and hands in a perfect presentation. A low growl of approval came from him as he removed his clothes and slowly crawled on the bed behind her. Y/N took a deep breath as she waited, feeling her Alpha’s hands roaming and appreciating her hips and backside.
The breath was suddenly punched from her in surprise as she was flipped onto her back, Jensen settling between her thighs. He leaned down and kissed her lips sweetly, continuing to kiss along her jaw and neck. She tried to make herself relax, his kisses so featherlight and pleasant. When he licked over her claim she involuntarily flinched, feeling her panic from the first time returning.
“Don’t be afraid, Omega,” Jensen pleaded as he continued kissing and soothing her.
He adjusted his hips and slid within her easily, settling with a groan. She really felt so perfect, made just for him. Her wetness made his movements smooth, his strokes long and deep. She turned her head as he reached her mark, licking over it again and again. Her mind was trying to retreat again, leave her Omega in control, but Jensen wasn’t having it.
“Stay with me,” he begged, cupping her face with one hand as the other held one of her legs for a deeper angle, “Be here with me, Y/N.”
His voice, followed by a deep thrust, made her moan and grip tight to his shoulders. Jensen groaned at her touch, her fingers digging into his flesh urging him on. He increased his pace, his thrusts becoming harder. His hands wound around her back and hips, holding her tight.
Y/N winced and hissed, squirming against his strengthening hold that was bruising her skin and exacerbating the ones she already had. Realizing it, Jensen forced himself to stop, his grip loosening and holding her gently once more. Each huffed breath carried a gentle growl as he pinched his eyes shut and fought an internal battle that she watched flash across his face.
“Sorry,” he grumbled, kissing her skin in apology as he started again, slow and measured.
She was more than surprised at Jensen’s response and his obvious attempt to control himself. He was trying to be less rough, though she supposed his rut would only allow that so far. She figured maybe her willingness made it easier, maybe it was partly because he was mated now. Either way, she was grateful.
It was still a bit rough, Jensen fighting with his Alpha for control while he tried to connect with his Omega. When he hurt her, he stopped and soothed her before starting again. It happened a few times, but each time she called out to him and each time he calmed and slowed, kissing all over her to reassure her.
She also tried to recede into herself a few times, when it started to become too much, but Jensen gently brought her back to him, making sure they were connected and in it together. He wouldn’t let it be like the first time. Never again.
When her orgasm crashed into her, it surprised them both. Y/N clung to him tightly as Jensen increased his pace, pumping a few more times before his knot popped and locked them together. He opened his mouth and sucked on her claim, careful not to give in to the urge to bite. It drew out her experience, her walls milking him for his seed.
He felt lightheaded and blissed out, her satisfaction coursing through his veins along with his own. He looked down at her, brushing her hair back with one hand. He chuckled lightly, seeing the dopey grin on her face as he looked down at her.
“You okay?” he asked, dazed by how beautiful she was. He didn’t get to remember or enjoy all this the first time.
“Yes, Alpha,” she smiled at him. It was better, and she did feel more connected to him. While she was still wary, she wished that the first encounter had been a little more like this. Maybe then she wouldn’t feel the way she did about them.
The suppressants and blockers to which she'd become accustomed had long since been worked out of her system. Her emotions and urges were raw and exposed, intense and unfamiliar. Yet her connection to him seemed to ground her, the need to fight dwindling away. In an instant, she grew concerned and remorseful, mourning the loss of her freedom and shameful for giving in to her more submissive side. 
She was becoming exactly what he wanted, and exactly what she never wanted to be.
When she broke eye contact, turning her head to the side, Jensen sighed but allowed her a small escape from the moment. He licked over her offered claim once more until his knot receded enough for him to withdraw. He moved to spoon her, her eyes already fluttering closed as she gave in to the post-coital exhaustion.
Jensen held her close, hoping things would get better. If he could just get her to his home, her new home, then they could relax and spend time working on their bond and life.
He was sure of it.
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“So, what’s the plan?” Y/N asked, watching Jensen gather all of their packed bags into a pile near the door. They still hadn't talked much, about anything. Jensen's intense rut and wonky cycle making mating a priority.
To be honest, she was grateful it seemed to be over, though his need to touch and hold her remained. She wasn't sure she could handle it anymore. Just the thought of taking his knot again had her whimpering in pain, her core throbbing in protest. He did try to be gentle, but his Alpha was still hard to manage. As soon as she would begin to feel comfortable, he'd flip on a dime, having her quaking with trepidation once more.
Now with both of their cycles sated, there was a peace and calm that settled between them, however awkward it may still be.
“Well, we’ll fly home to Texas for our Mate Leave,” Jensen explained, taking another lap around the apartment to ensure he’d remembered to pack everything. She didn’t have much and what little she did keep he managed to pack into their suitcases. “Then you’ll come with me while I film, I think,” he finished with a smile. Now that his rut seemed to be under control, it was the best time to travel.
Jensen tried his damndest to keep a smile on his face for her, keeping such a tight rein on his emotions he felt like he might snap. But it was worth it to see his Omega relax just a little, to be able to talk to him and give herself to him willingly when he needed it.
The tight and short leash he had on his Alpha was hard to maintain as they made the trip from her apartment to their seats on the plane. He was careful to try and disguise them, dressed in plain clothes, ball caps and glasses, doing their best to blend in as just a newly mated couple.
Y/N had suggested maybe using blockers for the trip, but Jensen scowled at the idea. He didn’t want her blocked from him, he didn’t want anything between them. Using a blocker, no matter how convenient, was a step backward to him and he couldn’t do it. It didn’t matter anyway, he figured, since it was just as common for people to not use them. He was proud of finding his mate and of their bond. He wasn’t about to let anything come between that.
Y/N squirmed and fidgeted with her collar the whole time. Jensen refrained from commenting, knowing how uncomfortable she must have been. He didn’t want to put the damn thing on her, but he had no choice. It was the law. As soon as it snapped closed around her neck, she winced, her claim having been reopened a few times, her neck littered with love bites and hickeys of varying colors. He’d claimed her thoroughly, of which he was proud. But he whined like a kicked puppy at her discomfort, at having to collar her in the first place.
He just needed to get her home.
As they found and settled into their seats on the smaller plane, Jensen let out a breath he wasn’t aware he had been holding. He slid in the seat by the window, used to sitting there and being without a companion to care for on his flights. Y/N quietly took the seat beside him, her eyes wandering and taking in her surroundings. She had told him she’d been on a plane before, but she’d only ever been in coach. He hoped she enjoyed that he was able to provide much more comfortable arrangements for their short trip. 
Though he decided to leave out the part about having to call multiple companies before he found one willing to let his Omega sit in a first-class seat beside him, as well as the extra fees to make it happen.
He was desperate to get home, his Alpha going insane over instinctually trying to protect his Omega. It was exhausting when it seemed the entire world was built against her. He knew things were bad for Omegas. He was progressive, listened to the argument, and tried to raise awareness. 
But knowing and experiencing are two very different things. 
There was already so much more to it than he had ever known, or had to know, being an Alpha. He didn’t understand how Alphas could make such laws against Omegas when all his Alpha wanted to do was protect and love the woman beside him.
As soon as they were in the air and the light clicked on that they could move around, Jensen let out a long and slow breath. He smiled tightly at Y/N as he unbuckled his seatbelt, silently encouraging her to do the same. She followed his movements, stretching out a little and feeling slightly more comfortable. Jensen was about to start talking to her, about home and his hopeful plans, but a slightly sour scent and male voice caught both of their attention.
“Jensen Ackles!” The man laughed, grinning. “Oh man, I’m such a big fan!” A quick whiff and Jensen could tell the man was an Alpha which suddenly made his rational mind take a back seat as his Alpha responded to the presence of a potential threat.
The man’s eyes drifted over Y/N and she squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze. “You must be so proud,” the man continued, either oblivious or uncaring of Jensen’s growing Alpha ire. “She looks like a hell of a breeder. Give you lots of pups.”
Jensen stood, a snarl on his lips and growl in his throat. He was ready to rip this Alpha to shreds for even talking about his Omega like that. Not to mention calling her a fucking Breeder. Y/N's head dropped in shame at the derogatory term. The man continued to laugh as he continued wherever he had been going before. Jensen's body lurched, ready to attack the other Alpha but Y/N quickly reached out a hand, placing it firmly on his chest.
“Dont,” she urged as she stood, “Please.” 
She didn’t want a scene, and she certainly didn’t want him to lose control of his Alpha. She could feel how angry he was, and she was actually really happy that he was ready to protect and defend her against that horrible Alpha. But right now she was more concerned about getting Mr. Hyde to turn back into Dr. Jekyll.
Jensen closed his eyes, her touch warming and calming to him and his Alpha. Opening his eyes once more, he shuffled with her, forcing her down into the seat by the window before he lowered himself into the aisle seat she had just occupied. He spent the rest of the flight on edge, his attention sharp and focused as the Alpha took charge, glaring at anyone who came close or even looked in their direction. 
Y/N relented with a sigh, turning her attention out the window and to the vast clouds and shining sun outside, daydreaming of a better life. A life where it didn’t matter that she was an Omega. A life where her Alpha didn’t have to stand at constant watch for threats. A life where she and her Alpha could be happy and simply be.
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thememerman · 3 years
Can we just,.,.accept that both Crosshair and Hunter had their reasons for doing what they did?? And honestly neither of them really did anything wrong??
Hunter left Crosshair because he tried to kill them. He didn’t understand anything about the chip, he really thought Crosshair had just lost his mind. And as soon as he learned about it and how to fix it, we immediately jumped to episode 8 where Crosshair tried to incinerate them with a jet engine. He tried to communicate that the chip was affecting him, and Crosshair didn’t care. Hunter couldn’t even get himself or Omega out of that situation unharmed. He had no way to snag Crosshair from his squadron of stormtroopers out for murder. After Bracca, Hunter was focused on getting Omega back because she’s just a kid; she isn’t with the empire, she hasn’t been chasing them down and almost killing them. From Hunter’s POV, the possibility of getting Crosshair to come with them willingly or even at all is looking bleak and even though he knows it’s not Crosshair’s fault, he’s been so overwhelmed with trying to keep the people relying on him safe and right now he doesn’t think Crosshair is relying on him. And honestly, how were they even supposed to know where Crosshair was half the time? He wasn’t on Kamino 24/7 and the Batch isn’t exactly swimming in imperial informants. But that aside, of course he was thinking about Crosshair; Hunter is loyal to a fault and you can just see the emotional pain that flashes across his face whenever Crosshair is mentioned because that’s his little brother and he couldn’t save him and he feels like he failed. Hunter never was and I don’t think ever can be indifferent when it comes to the people he loves. Whether you like it or not, Hunter was trying his best to keep everyone safe and stop running suicide missions because the galaxy was changing and he was trying to change too. He did nothing wrong.
Now Crosshair.
To all of you calling him a Nazi and saying that the animators and writers intentionally lightened his skin just to make a racist show of dominance, stop it. He was referring to their genetic enhancements being superior. That’s it. He’s always hated regs because let’s be fair the regs were never exactly good to him either (AFTERMATH). Now let’s just take a look at how the chip works shall we!! We know from Rex and Wrecker that clones know what they’re doing while under control of the chip and they’re powerless to stop themselves. So we know in Aftermath that the chip was strengthened to an insane degree, and Crosshair could still see himself taking head shots on his brothers and trying to murder them and he couldn’t stop no matter how badly he wanted to. He was powerless. And then the Batch left; at this point he probably understands that his brothers had to go. They’d regroup. They’d know this wasn’t his fault and they’d come back.
Months pass. Crosshair doesn’t know about the solemn looks the Batch exchange when he’s mentioned. Crosshair doesn’t know that they can barely get food for themselves. Crosshair doesn’t know that Wrecker has flat out said he misses him. Crosshair doesn’t know how Tech said “it doesn’t appear he’ll be needing it” with a twinge of sadness in his voice while giving Omega his comm. Crosshair doesn’t know how much Hunter hates himself for leaving and that Hunter was always planning on going back to him someday because someday he’d have the perfect plan and he could save everyone this time. How could Crosshair know?
More time passes. Crosshair probably still has his chip on but he’s still in there, watching himself become more and more important to the Empire. No rescue attempts. Not one. How awful does he have to feel?? They went to get Echo out of Skako with no backup and they didn’t even know Echo and they can’t go back for him? And here’s the Empire, giving him power and some semblance of control. Things are changing fast and now he has nobody but himself to adjust with, and besides, he’s always had an egotistical side so maybe being a commander and putting the regs in their place isn’t so bad to him after all. He’s alone. He adapts or he dies, that’s the job and that’s all he has now.
Onto Bracca!! If Crosshair is telling the truth about getting his chip out, I firmly believe it had to have been after the events of Reunion. It wouldn’t make sense otherwise; “if I wanted you dead, you would be” sweetheart giving the order to have them incinerated and starting to walk away really seems like you wanted them dead and then going from ordering Omega to be executed to telling Hunter that if he cares about her he should let her go and be safe away from them??? You can’t tell me that Bracca!Crosshair wouldn’t have dragged Omega back into the training room and killed her right there just to keep them from choosing her over him. So let’s just assume for now that Crosshair wasn’t lied to and his chip is out (I’m still holding onto a scrap of hope to the contrary because A. there’s no scar B. HE’S STILL HOLDING HIS HEAD and C. my boy isn’t making any SENSE he just killed off a bunch of Imperial stormtroopers to convince the Batch to join his Empire that he cares so much about??) it had to have happened after Bracca I said what I said idc. If the chip is out, I’m sure his head is still an absolute foggy mess because lord only knows what cranking those chips up to full strength several times will do to you, but suddenly he’s realizing that he’s still angry with them. He’s still hurt. He’s still very much alone. Maybe they never cared about him at all.
And don’t get me started on any “if he did any of this willingly he is irredeemable” garbage. How many times did Kallus almost kill the Ghost crew?? I’m sorry, was it not Kallus who ordered the Lasat genocide?? Don’t take this the wrong way, I adore Kallus and his redemption arc was one of the most beautiful things about Rebels but the point is if he can do all of those horrible things for the Empire for years and is still allowed a redemption stemming from realizing everything he thought he was fighting for was a fiction, THEN SO IS CROSSHAIR. With that side note out of the way let’s think about how alone and betrayed Crosshair feels by the Batch and let’s realize that after they left Ryloth, after they left him again, what does he want?? He wants them. He doesn’t want to kill them, he doesn’t want them imprisoned and he doesn’t want to make them pay. He wants to fight side by side with them again, he wants his brothers back. And even though he’s so beyond hope that they still care about him, heck he literally said “don’t make the same mistake twice; don’t make me your enemy” he thinks they were enemies and he still cares about them so freaking much that he went through an entire elaborate scheme to get the whole Batch on Kamino and set up the stormtroopers’ deaths to prove his loyalty that they could have if they just gave him some of their loyalty too. “Loyalty means everything to the clones” is starting to get a really bitter taste innit??
The point of this longwinded rant my friends is to beg y’all to stop being so black and white about these two. They’re both human, they both have made mistakes and have regrets, they’re both trying their best to survive in a galaxy flipped upside down. Things played out how they had to and they’re both victims of the real villain of Star Wars, who has always been Palpatine. The fact that there is so much to unpack with these two characters shows how flipping amazing the writers are!! They’re so layered and complex it’s literally like they’re real!! So please. Stop hating on them so freaking loudly. They’re my boys and they both deserve a warm hug and a nap after the season they’ve had
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
OKAY so on the topic of Star Wars takes wrt “character ends up in an A/B/O universe where they’re an omega, but they were previously a cis male in their canon”
@atagotiak and I had some Thoughts on discord
So, obviously, Anakin would make a good omega and he’s also incredibly murdery. Foregone conclusion that we're using him for this.
There is no preexisting Anakin in the Omegaverse. He shows up JUST as the war is starting. Canon timeline is in the third year of the war (he’s 22), but whatever dumped him into omegaverse also tossed him back a few years. No de-aging, just a bit of mismatched timeline stuff.
He's... really good at war, and clearly a Jedi, so the Temple just kind of goes "WELL OKAY THEN, SURE, YOU'RE IN, EVERYONE PRETEND HE'S BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME." The Jedi, by and large, don't care about omegaverse dynamics beyond 'what do you need, medically, to be happy and healthy' and 'what do you need to be aware of so you can be prepared for biases you encounter in the field?’
None of the civilian natborns (mainly politicians) want to put him on the field because of those biases. Anakin, being Anakin, is VERY blatantly an omega in scent, has never been on suppressants (because it wasn't a thing he fucking NEEDED), is incredibly emotional as a person, loves kids, etc.
Like, nobody wants an omega fighting a war anyway, but THIS one is like PINNACLE omega, and those awful Jedi are making him FIGHT just because he's good at stab!
The Jedi: Actually, it's because he's got several years of war experience that we don't, and he's a good tactician that works well with the clones-- Coruscant: You MONSTERS The Jedi: Look, we gave him the option to not stab and he looked absolutely devastated. Anakin, several days earlier: You don’t want me? I’m not good enough??? Jedi: Also he can beat up at least half the temple.
He doesn't know a damn thing about dynamics, but he DOES know that sometimes he's so horny he wants to stab HARDER. The clones are largely disinterested in their generals' dynamics because between mostly-Mando* trainers and no-dynamic Kaminoans, they only really care if a person can shoot.
* Mandalore approves of Fighty Omegas. As far as (traditional) Mandalore is concerned, you want an omega that will kill the threats to your children as well as you do.
Anakin: You know more about being an omega than I do. Rex: ...I'm an alpha. Anakin: Yeah. Let that one sink in a bit.
We have two options for Obi-Wan!
Omegaverse local Obi-Wan (beta) has never met this man before, and is very unnerved that the immediate default reaction Anakin has to his presence is releasing Family pheromones as if Obi-Wan is his DAD and like. This strange, too-tall man from another dimension has got absolutely NO control over what he projects in the Force OR in his dynamic.
Obi-Wan was ALSO transplanted from canon to omegaverse, and is also an omega, for contrast reasons. He is nice and friendly and and likes poetry and that sort of thing... but also he has the highest dismemberment count in the movies. Also he doesn’t prioritize romance.
We went with the second one because it's hilarious.
Someone watching them spar: Wow, omegas from that universe are terrifying.
As previously mentioned, now with some tweaking to account for both: Obi-Wan and Anakin just straight up don't exist until they drop headfirst into the council room, already covered in blood. (It's mostly not theirs.)
Nobody realizes either one is an omega until they "naturalize" to this dimension and Anakin goes into heat... and doesn't realize it, actually, because his primary symptom is heightened protectiveness and aggression. Everyone else with the right nose realizes, because the man has no control over his pheromone production, but Anakin? No. He just stabs. He’s angry and horny and he will cut someone.
Ahsoka has no reaction to human pheromones but basically everyone smells Anakin's "my child!" reaction to her, so... Cool. Have a padawan, we guess.
Anakin ends up sparring a lot with Aayla and Ahsoka, because only humans and near humans have dynamics, so these two don't REACT to the pheromones situation.
(Palpatine is a Kindly Old Beta who tries to treat Anakin the way he EXPECTS Anakin wants to be treated, which is. Not. Accurate.)
(Anakin hates it.)
I'm just so in love with "An omega can't fight." "You wanna fuckin' bet?"
There are plenty of omega Jedi, by the way, it's just... most of them can keep it relatively low-key instead of Anakin's jet-engine broadcast. Some, if they're known to be omega, probably take advantage of being underestimated, like Obi-Wan probably (and especially a version of Obi-Wan that was always an omega, unlike this version). They have a very different way of presenting themselves than Anakin, who's not subtle about being an omega and also not subtle about being all aggressive and stabby.
At one point, Anakin has to protect some Very Traditional Individuals who get all "Stay back, Omega, it's not safe!" and he's just... so tired of this shit. “You are squishy civilians and I'm a trained Jedi Knight and accomplished GAR General who's killed more people in one sitting than there are in this entire palace. Sit the fuck down and let me do my job.”
It starts making the rounds that Anakin insisted on fighting in person, and the rumors shift from "how dare the Jedi force an omega to fight" and over into things that are deeply hurtful in-universe in the vein of "broken omega" and some people try to say it to his face but like...
He didn't grow up here.
He doesn't care.
Say that to one of his friends and he's going to rip out your spleen, probably, but say it to him and he's just staring at you flatly and asking if that's a negative on getting away from the encroaching battle droids, sir?
"You're rather unpleasant for an omega, aren't you?" [deeply offensive] "I literally could not give less of a fuck about your opinion. Move."
It's not that there aren't omegas that act like Anakin, either, it's just that most of them aren't, you know, Jedi who regularly interact with the upper crust, or capable of his level of destruction. Unbeknownst to Anakin, everyone clocks him as Outer Rim based on his behavior, well before his accent gives him away, and certainly before he mentions he's from Tatooine, because Core Omegas Don't Act Like That.
Someone they meet in a more diplomatic setting says something decently passive-aggressive about how at least Obi-Wan acts more like how an Omega should. Then a battle breaks out for some reason, and... well. Anakin and Obi-Wan cause such a scandal by keeping score of kills in a battle, don’t you know?
Turns out sending Anakin to fight Ventress is great because she keeps expecting him to react a certain way but NO he's here to STAB.
I like the idea that Obi-Wan's favorite opponent these days is Grievous because the cyborg doesn't have a nose, and thus gives zero fucks about dynamics or heats. Dooku is a rich old man who has opinions heavily influenced by Sith Juice Making Him More of a Dick, and the Dathomiri can smell dynamics even if they don't have them, and so they have biases about those things. Meanwhile, Grievous is just there to Kill, and Obi-Wan genuinely appreciates the lack of commentary on his dynamic.
Dooku’s probably an alpha, or a beta who's used the whole "we are more level-headed" thing as one of several angles to keep himself the public face and supreme commander of the CIS.
On to more fluffy things that have less to do with political biases.
There's a lot of "I'm upset that my loved ones don't know me," but also please understand the appeal of Obi-Wan marching up to Quinlan like "Yes, hello, I understand you've been read in on the full situation behind myself and my former padawan. I was close friends with your alternate universe self, which I feel is necessary disclosure before I propose the following: Would you like to join me for my upcoming heat, as I have minimal experience with the dynamics situation and even fewer people I actually trust, and I believe I can put my faith in you to treat it as casually as necessary while still having control and respect for my person."
(The Team is in a fairly safe place to process stuff, but having sudden unexpected changes to your biology has gotta be a little traumatizing, on top of ending up in a universe where none of your friends know you and people have a whole host of unfamiliar forms of sexism to point at you.)
Obi-Wan, who wasn't quite touch-averse but was much more easily overwhelmed by physical contact than Anakin (who craved it), suddenly finds his body switching gears and insisting on cuddles with Trusted Loved Ones, which is.... mostly Anakin, on account of nobody else really knowing him yet. Also Ahsoka, who is aware that she's something of a replacement for her alt-universe self, but Anakin explained it as "I love you so much no matter which dimension I'm in or what you're like, and I'd like to get to know you the way I got know her."
(It's rather eloquent for Anakin. He got Obi-Wan to help him draft up the script for when he pitched taking on omegaverse Ahsoka as a padawan.)
Anakin gets a more intensely sexual heat than 'usual' at one point for Reasons (IDK it could be as innocuous as 'we got better food than the usual rations and my body is reacting to the higher fat content with the belief that it's safer to have a baby now'), which nobody takes a whole lot of notice of because they're in a WAR, and also this is only his fourth one so it's not like he's got a lot to compare it to... except then the predominantly alpha clones can't stop themselves from reacting to the pheromones, mostly by wandering past his door and asking if he needs anything, offering up alpha-scented blankets and stuff for the nest to soothe the hormones, bringing snacks and electrolyte drinks, and like, Anakin is flattered, really, but fuck off please.
(He got a warning from medical a few hours before it hit that it would be different, so he actually does have alpha-scented fabrics to help him out. Apparently that's a thing you can just ask friends for, so he asked Rex if he had anything on hand that he could spare. He now has one of Rex’s recently-used sheets and a bodyglove in the nest.)
(Anakin has no idea how to feel about the nesting instinct, but at least it’s warm.)
Tia asked "Oh hey, who has the scared and horny reaction to his carnage?" and like.
Listen. I'm not saying I've been low-key imagining this as Rex being a very subby alpha who's really into Anakin's whole Thing but...
At one point Anakin gets injured in a way that requires painkillers and he ends up whining to the point of almost crying about the fact that nobody is cuddling him right now in medbay and Kix just gives up and comms Ahsoka to come hug her weird older brother.
And Then There Is Purring.
That’s a Thing Now.
Rex ends up in the pile somehow. He came over to check on Things and ended up yanked in by half-asleep, half-high Anakin, who has a grip like an octopus and no impulse control and is purring like a pod motor while NUZZLING HIM.
There’s a lot of blackmail photos featuring Rex’s very intense blush as he’s cuddled by his commander (giggling at him) and general (clinging like a tooka and rubbing himself all over).
Anakin is deeply offended that ANYONE thinks he'd want to get pregnant by just any old person, NO he needs to fall in LOVE there needs to be EMOTIONAL DRAMA and if Padme won't have him (apparently she's in a relationship and no he's not BITTER) then he'll find someone else to have a whirlwind romance with!
People think Anakin's a slut because he can't control his pheromone production (he has NO practice and for health reasons he can't go on suppressants) so he always smells open and ready for flirtations, which Obi-Wan also has to a somewhat lesser degree (he's older so his body just naturally produces less), and then someone tries to cross a boundary and grabs his ass and ANYWAY Anakin has to now fill out an incident report for breaking a civilian's arm.
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nightcolorz · 3 years
Poorly describing my versions of the Gotham rogues:
Joker: “yolo” in its most dangerous form, def is writing a slow burn enemies to loves fic about him and Batman. Gay and homophobic 💯 The other rogues don’t invite him to pride celebrations anymore cause he’ll keep calling people slurs “as a joke”. Him and Edward have longterm beef, like schoolgirl levels of petty drama.
Harley Quinn: would describe herself as a “girlboss” unironically while committing heinous crimes. tweeted “clowns aren’t funny” after breaking up with Joker (ended up causing a huge scandal). The OG “I can fix him” girl. Is sort of the rogues free underground therapist (god knows they need it) cause they can’t get professional help without being sent to Arkham.
Poison Ivy: Breaking News: Cottagecore lesbian commits mass murder cause her plant wilted. She’s what republicans think environmentalists are. Would get in a fist fight with that vegan teacher cause “plants have feelings too”. Has beef with most of the male rogues, supports ‘kill all men’ without realizing it’s a joke (she prefers ‘kill all humans’ but figured she had to downgrade because the Gotham city sirens are humans technically).
Cat Woman: “OH NO! It appears I’ve gotten stuck backwards in the bank vault step-Bat 😏😏😏😏😏😏, looks like I’m not stealing any more diamonds today 😰😩”. Mad respect for Selina, she just wants diamonds and bat dick, no tragic backstory or complex motivations needed. I personally like to headcanon her as wearing a straight up cat costume (ears and a tail like a true furry) cause it’s way funnier to imagine a sophisticated rich woman dressing up as a cat to steal shit than whatever bullshit DCs up to these days. Trans catgirl supremacy 💎👍
Scarecrow: That one guy who gets angry at people because “Halloween costumes are meant to be scary 🤬😡😑😒”. Doesn’t even attempt to express emotions, is the human embodiement of this emoji: 😐. His presence is more jarring than threatening, his intimidation levels are somehow underwhelming and overwhelming at the same time. The other rogues have collectively decided that he’s asexual under no assumption other than that they don’t want to imagine Jonathan having sex. Overtime Jonathan has become basically fearless (he smokes his own fear gas like vape just to feel something). Jonathan and Harley became good friends when they both worked in Arkham, their dynamic is surprisingly wholesome.
The Riddler: Didn’t get hugged enough as a child and is now making it everyone’s problem. Would hold a bank hostage to show Batman his third grade spelling bee medal. Is the only autistic rogue that gets accommodations in Arkham because he won’t stop bugging the guards. FTM trans ofc (his names Edward Nygma for Christ's sake). He ran away from home at seventeen and faked his own death (his deadname is legally dead lmao). Uses the terms “alpha, beta, and omega male” unironically.
Two Face: “Yeah, I mean, I didn’t wanna blow up the orphanage either, but Y’know the coin said-” The other rogues talk to Harvey as if he’s constantly at his breaking point, which is half true. Harv is a stone cold mf, he’s the rock that’s holding Two Face together tbh. Edward calls Harvey and Harv Jekyll and Hyde cause he’s that original. All the rogues have at least a sneaking suspicion that Bruce Wayne is batman and use Harvey as their little primary source (being ex besties and everything), until they find out Selina and Bruce are a thing of course. No matter how much evidence he’s faced with Harvey will never accept Bruce Wayne is batmam, he’s not ready to consider that one of the only positive people in his life has been duking it out with him this whole time.
Penguin: He’s the rest of the rogues chill gay gangster uncle I don’t make the rules. The iceberg lounge is like the Batman villain equivalent of The Central Perk from friends (aka: its their default place to hangout). Oswald always makes a fuss about them not making reservations ahead of them but at this point it’s just performative. Everyone’s 99% sure Oswald and Edward fucked at some point (Edward always makes a show of flustering Oswald when he needs a loan). Ossie always takes care of the others belongings when they’re in Arkham (he has a special place in his heart for Jonathan‘s crows).
The Mad Hatter: I love Jervis lmao he just really likes Alice in Wonderland and that’s a valid ass villain motivation 👍. One of the smartest rogues but doesn’t get enough credit because of how childish he is. He dresses in kids clothes, not just because he wants to but because he’s small af and can’t fit in shit. In public while the rogues are undercover Jervis usually wears a beanie or a baseball cap (he’d get spotted instantly if he wore his usual, but on bad days Jervis can’t bear to be without a hat). Jonathan and Jervis play chess a lot together in Arkham, and frequently engage in intellectual discussion, Edward tends to be a piss baby when Jon encourages him to do the same, he’s not ready to accept the reality that Jervis can match his intelligence.
Killer Croc: Waylon has a surprising amount in common with Jonathan, they share southern solidarity. He doesn’t travel out of the sewer often so the rogues will occasionally come to visit Waylon there (Edward always makes sure to complain loudly about the smell). Will show immense affection and loyalty to anyone who treats him as human (poor guy just needs a friend ☹️).
Mr Freeze: Literally just dead inside, someone give this poor bastard a hug. Victor stands as the most awkward rogue, he‘s sorta like the odd one out. The other rogues don’t interact with him that often because he’s sort of a party pooper. He’s the straight friend on thin ice, haha get it. Mr Freeze is my sisters favorite Batman villain because she thought the ice puns were funny in Batman in Robin, little does she know I’m embarrassing myself on tumblr in her glory.
Music Meister: So many of the Gotham rogues have horrible childhood trauma and Music Meister is just like “people bullied me for being a theater kid 😩😭💔😔”. In all honesty he’s iconic, in my au universe thingy I have him join the dork squad latter on and he sticks out like a sore thumb for a bit. I feel like him and Jervis would really hit it off though (mind control buddies, ha), although Jervis would always get him to sing Alice in Wonderland songs. In Arkham they have him wear a dog collar thingy and zap him when he sings, he gets bullied for that lol. anyways I’m sure I could make more of these, but it’s 2:20 am and my mind went blank. If y’all liked this I could always put more au headcanons out (I have A LOT)
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Finding You #8 - Frank Adler, Ransom Drysdale smut
The one where Ransom watches reader and Frank having sex
When you end up being transformed into an omega without any understanding of what it entails, five Alphas find themselves responsible for your well-being. Guess it’s only expected you’d take care of them too, huh?
For general warnings and author’s notes, please go to the fic’s masterlist.
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Ransom’s P.O.V.
It was already dark when I approached the cabin. After spending most of the day running around, trying to distract myself from the overwhelming urge to pounce on the pretty omega back home, to say I was tired would be the understatement of the century.
Exhaustion had another side-effect, one I hadn’t anticipated and that brought me even more anxiety: it had my control slipping, the tight grip in which I held back from my desires was slowly escaping my fists and I knew it was only a matter of time.
I was close to snapping, anyone could tell that. I found myself lingering around the room whenever she was near, eyes focused on her until she turned around to meet my gaze. Only after the electric current had gone down my body I would turn around and make a run for it, letting the adrenaline from those few seconds power me throughout the day.
The fuel was becoming insufficient earlier and earlier. By now, the second I left the house - left her presence - I was already exhausted, desperate to come back and fall directly in her arms, bury myself in her and never ever leave.
But I was too stubborn to admit defeat. Or at least, I couldn’t bring myself to do it just yet. An annoying voice in the back of my mind was still barking loudly about Steve’s authoritative behavior and utter selfishness, and it was just enough to drown out the desire I felt for her, or the guilt that was starting to eat at me for making her suffer for something that was clearly not her fault.
I wasn’t someone who knew how to process those emotions, particularly the guilt. I never had to put someone else over my own needs and that’s what terrified me. I never learned how to be vulnerable, how to open up. It was the main reason why having an omega never interested me, or at least why I never allowed myself to entertain the thought of having one.
To find someone that all of my brothers could agree on had always seemed like a challenge - until she came along. Everything felt together so perfectly with her, and it only left me more on the edge.
What if I screwed everything up as her alpha and she hated me? But what If she already did? I wasn’t making the best of impressions on her, running away and leaving her to feel unwanted, when that was as far from the truth as it could be.
Worse, what if she came to love me and I still fail as an Alpha, not being there to protect her and keep her satisfied?
Those were concerns I couldn’t quite focus on because they left a heavy weight on my chest, making it difficult for me to breathe. It was easier to turn my attention to the place of convergence of all of my feelings of helplessness, and allow it the mix of emotions to become one I could swallow: anger.
Even if rationally I knew she wasn’t to blame. For now, just for now, I allowed myself to see her as the enemy, because that was the only way I could envision to keep holding back from her and not fail us both.
It was all her fault anyway. If she wasn’t so damn enticing, maybe Steve would have been able to resist her. But no, not only was I being forced to deal with the emotions she elicited and work through all of them, I also had to do it all alone. Because she had managed to bewitch all of my brothers, and while they rejoiced in her company, I was empty out here.
I was so lost in my own mind that I only realized what I had stumbled upon when it was too late. Although they hadn’t yet seen me, too occupied fumbling through taking off their clothes, their giggles easily reached my ears, and the sight of her naked body was too much for me to take in my current state of vulnerability.
So I just stayed in the shadows, watching like a creep as Frank bent her over the outdoor picnic table and slid home into her pussy.
I already knew she felt delicious. I had no doubt about it, both because I knew how perfect for their alphas omegas were made to be, but also because I’d seen her. She was too fucking hot and I knew - I just knew - her pussy would be my undoing.
She was drooling when Frank buried his fingers on her lips, trying to quieten her mewls so she wouldn’t wake up the others, and shit - what a fucking sight. My mouth instantly watered, cock throbbing in my pants. She looked like she was having the time of her life as he pounded the shit out of her and against all of my rational desires, this was fucking getting to me.
I wanted to touch her. I wanted it to be me inside of her, fucking her silly, destroying her pretty pussy as I made her cum again and again until she was crying, begging me to stop. But of course, I wouldn’t.
It was yet another reason to fear the way she got to me. I knew once I had a taste of her, I would never be able to stop. I’d want her all of the time, anywhere and everywhere. I wouldn’t behave much differently from how my older brother was acting right now - taking in every little opportunity to have her, regardless of when and where.
But I guess even without me taking her body, she’d taken over my mind. So why was it that I was still fighting so hard to resist her?
Suddenly, her eyes met mine and she became distracted from the kisses Frank was trying to lay on her lips, so he settled for her cheek, instead. An electric current took over my body as the connection between us was established. It was the longest we’d looked each other in the eye since she arrived.
I leaned closer to her instinctively, ready to pounce. The instinct to breed almost took over me, but then she let out a whiny whimper, eyes closing momentarily from a particular thrust Frank gave her and all I could feel was anger.
Fuck them for trying to force my hand like this.
I wouldn’t give into it. I wouldn’t bow down to anything or anyone.
Not even my own desires.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
We’ve Got Your Back (Alpha!Christen x Reader)
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Request: Alpha christen press fic😍 and does it make me a horrible person cuz I want to see what christen would do to Hinkle? (Not to mention broon, uncle, ash....) 
Pt. 1
Author’s Note: So this turned out a touch different than i had planned. Let me know what you think! 
It was strange being back here. Back in the city, the stadium, that had almost been the sight of your demise. At least they had stuck the team in the visitor’s locker room. You didn’t know if you could have handled being back in that room. 
You rolled your shoulders and tapped the ball back towards Lindsey, sending the alpha a tight smile and trying to drown out the sea of unpleasant emotions threatening to pull you under. 
It was a stupid idea for Us soccer to have the team face off against the NWSL Allstars. You were part of the NWSL for goodness sake, it wasn’t like you didn’t play against these people already. It also meant you had to play against Her in the stadium she tortured you in. 
“How you holding up?” Christen asked, suddenly coming up behind you. She grabbed your clenched hand, coaxing your fingers open and intertwining them with her own. She let out a wave of her calming scent, trying to soothe you as much as she could with minimal contact. 
Though the two of you had… consummated your matting, and despite your normal cocky flirting, the two of you really weren’t into public displays of affection and there were thousands of eyes on you right now. 
You hadn’t even realized you were digging your fingernails into your palms. 
“Great now that you’re here hot stuff,” You tried to smile convincingly back at your mate, squeezing her hand tightly. She let out another wave of her calming scent, her eyes flickering around your face. 
One of the first lessons she had learned from Rose was that you never said when you were uncomfortable, but your tells always gave you away. 
“Always the charmer,” Christen said, a light blush covering her cheeks. 
You smirked at the alpha, shrugging. “It’s hard not to be when you always come out here looking like that”
She rolled her eyes at you, entirely used to your flirting. It hadn’t taken her long to realize that it was a coping mechanism for you. Whenever you were stressed or uncomfortable, your flirting intensified. 
It was a way for you to avoid your true emotions. 
“I’m literally wearing the same outfit as the rest of the team,”
You pulled your blushing alpha closer to you by your connected hands. You ran your nose over her cheek  “Hmm, but the rest of the team doesn’t have the-,”
The comment died on your lips when you caught sight of a certain alpha. You tensed even though she was stuck on her half of the field, separated from you by nearly the entire squad and the team of “Allstars”. But none of that had mattered last time. It hadn’t mattered that you were in a room full of people (nearly half of which were your national team teammates) or that the coaching staff knew what she was doing. 
Christen’s eyes followed yours, and she couldn’t suppress her growl (both for the other player being included in this game and the unpleasant emotions fluttering through your bond). 
“Vlatko swapped us, so you can stay on the left today. I’ll take the right and Alex will stay center,”
“You guys don’t need to do that. I can handle it,” You mumbled, suddenly finding the way your cleats ran through the grass incredibly interesting. 
Christen sighed, running a finger under your chin, grazing your scent gland as she tilted your chin up. “We know you can, just let us be a little protective over you, alright?”
You nodded biting your lip. You weren’t a weak omega, and you knew that the second you hit the field whatever grand plan they had was going to go right out the window. 
Well, part of it at least. You were sure that a certain alpha’s very white uniform was about to be stained very very green. 
You launched yourself across the pitch towards your mate, barely stopping to watch as your shot sailed past Jane Campbells outstretched fingers. You were having a blast skirting past the all-star defender, and fielding through passes and crosses from the Mewis’ and The great Horan. 
“Good goal baby,” Christen said, smiling wildly as she scooped you up in her arms and pressed a kiss to your neck, just above your mating mark. 
You pulled back, smiling at the alpha and flicking her lightly on the nose. “Good? That was fucking amazing! Did you see me put Stanton on her ass?”
Christen nodded, setting you back on your feet with a wide smile. “Yeah, and Kling. But I think I’ve seen Tobin do the same footwork before. I call plagiarism,”
You pouted, flicking the side of your alphas head again. “That’s not fair, I deserve a reward,” 
Christen grabbed your wrist as it migrated down her waist with an eye roll. “Behave little one,” 
She growled playful at you, about to lean up and nip your neck again, but the presence behind her stopped her. You whined loudly, displeased that she had stopped. 
“Get your omega under control Press,” You tensed at the alpha’s voice, burying your face in Christen’s neck, afraid that even the scent of Hinkle would make you lose your composure altogether. 
Christen's growl turned low and dangerous and was echoed by several of the teammates beginning to crowd around you. When your alpha promised the team would have your back, she meant it. 
“Come on Y/n,” Mal said, cautiously breaking from the group to approach you. Her hand carefully touched your back, avoiding any skin. No one wanted to test your alpha's control any more than the asshat on the field was. 
Christen made eye contact with the omega inching towards you, tearing her gaze from Hinkle. She nodded at Mal, coaxing you out of her neck and kissing your cheek. “go babydoll,” raising her eyebrow when you wined, but still pushing you towards Mal. You poured as Mal dragged you across the field, away from the brewing storm. 
You didn’t need to be in the middle of an alpha battle. You wouldn’t tell anyone, but you were fragile and she didn’t want you to have to feel her dominance when she put Hinkle in her place. 
She didn’t want to risk accidentally forcing you to submit. She would die before she did that. 
“that one needs a firmer hand,” Hinkle scoffed, as Christen walked back towards her position, waiting for Sheridan to put the ball back into play. 
“Why don’t you mind your own business?” Christen growled lowly, her eyes following you as you grossed the field with Mal. Lindsey sent her a stiff not. The entire team was behind you. 
“Just saying that I could give you some pointers if you wanted them,” Hinkle shrugged as though she didn’t feel the insane tension on the pitch. Christen scoffed catching her arm, spinning the alpha to look at her. She didn’t need any advice on how to deal with you. You were a handful, but you were her handful, and she was glad you were comfortable enough with her to show her your playful side. 
“Don’t waste your breath,” Christen said, letting out her dominant scent. 
The Women’s national team was known for its impeccable control. With so many strong alphas in one place, it was imperative for the team's functionality and their commitment to equality.
But tonight that control was nowhere to be found, and it wasn’t just the alphas that were going a little crazy. The pitch was total chaos and at the epicenter was Hinkle. 
From the crazy tackles Lindsey, Becky, and Christen herself were committing, to the lengths Rose, Mal, and Alex all went to keep you as far from the Alpha as possible while still letting you put balls on goal. Vlatko’s tactics had gone out the window and the team was operating like a disaster (a very successful disaster as you had already scored 4 times against the all-stars, but a disaster nonetheless). All teeth and growls. 
You were just thankful that the game was over, and that you could finally escape the place with so many bad memories. And the mix of dominant pheromones that hung in the air, putting you even more on edge. 
You headed back towards the tunnel, uncharacteristically ignoring the opposing team trying to approach you for handshakes, and the fans screaming for your attention. It was unnerving to have your typically dosel alpha acting so aggressive. 
It pulled your inner omega so close to the surface, and you weren’t sure how you felt about that. 
“You know it’s wrong to ignore your superiors little omega,” The voice stopped you in your tracks. Your shoulders hunched and you seemed to almost fold in on yourself. 
An arm wrapped around your waist, shielding you from Hinkle. You relaxed a little at the scent of your best friend's mate. “Just ignore her,” Mal said softly, pulling you into her. 
Hinkle snarled at the two of you, rushing forwards to stand right in your path. You took in a sharp breath, your nose twitching at the press of Hinkle’s pheromones. You fought the urge to submit, the urge she had drilled into your skull from the time you joined the Courage to the time you finally made your escape. 
“What, your alpha didn’t teach you any manners either,” 
Mal tensed around you. You squeezed your eyes shut tight, waiting for the next blast of her potent scent. The one that would bring both of you to your knees. The one from your memories. 
“You need to back the fuck off,” Ashlyn’s protective growls were suddenly separating you from Hinkle, shortly joined by Becky, Alex, Rose, and Lindsey. 
“Or what?” She challenged, stepping up so she was eye to eye with the much taller alpha. 
“Come on girlies, let’s get you to the back, they can handle this,” Ali said softly, trying to pull you and Mal around the wall of alphas and the dominant cloud of pheromones beginning to form. You let her pull you around the alphas, trying to keep your head down. 
“No, she stays,” Hinkle sneered, catching your wrist as you passed. 
The reaction of the team was instant, but none was more prominent than your own alpha’s (who had been caught up singing posters with Tobin). It was a big No-no to touch someone else’s mate. 
“Take your hand off of her. NOW,” Christen growled, sending a wave of very dominant and very terrifying pheromones directly towards Hinkle. Even the little edge that caught you made you freeze and sent a shiver down your spine. The alpha immediately released you and whimpered as she fell to her knees. 
Christen smirked viciously (her typical kind-hearted ness nowhere to be found). She was the stronger alpha, and she wanted Hinkle to know how it felt to be forced to submit. She wanted her to feel the humiliation of being surrounded by people who wouldn’t help her. She wanted her to know what she put you through. 
Mal and Ali both tucked you into them and started directing you towards the locker room. Emily stepped in behind you, shielding you from where your alpha was towering over the shaking Hinkle. 
They were right, you didn’t need to see this. 
The walk back to the locker room was short, but it felt like forever. The omegas spent it emitting their soothing scents, trying to calm your frayed nerves (which were only amplified by the emotions fluttering down your bond with Christen). 
If the little edges of Christen's dominant pheromones were that strong, you could only imagine what it felt like to be caught in a full blast. That thought alone terrified you. She was always so careful with you, but what if she lost control. 
“Shh, kid you’re ok,” An arm wrapped around you and gentle hands guided your shaking form to sit on the bench. 
You shook your head rapidly. You were a lot of things right now, but ok wasn’t one of them. 
You opened and closed your mouth several times, but no sound would come out. What if you upset your alpha and made her lose control? You loved to push her buttons. 
“Hey, You gotta breath y/n,” Mal said, suddenly appearing crouched in front of you. She grabbed your hands, flattening out your palms to prevent your nails from digging further into your arms. She bit her lips at the stressful pheromones pouting off of you, she had only seen you like this once. A very long time ago (ironically in the same place you were now). 
“Em, go get Rose,” She said, not taking her eyes off of you. Your best friend was probably the only person who could help you. 
Emily’s eyes widened. There was a reason why most of the team’s omegas were in the locker room instead of hanging out in the field with their mates. It was one thing to put an arrogant alpha in their place, and another to risk accidentally forcing an omega to submit. 
The team was insanely protective, and going out there while their instincts were on edge wasn’t a good idea. 
“I think she’s got her-...” Emily started softly, lightly touching Mal’s shoulder. 
“Wasn’t a question,” Mal growled, cutting her off, and finally taking her eyes off of you. You whimpered at the tone, your head tilting slightly and Emily nodded rapidly. 
“Right, I’ll go right now,”  
She exited the room at a near run. She didn’t quite understand what was wrong, but she knew you desperately needed someone. 
Emily wasn’t sure what she expected when she exited the tunnel, but it wasn’t Rose and Christen standing over a shaking Hinkle (she would have pegged Ashlyn and Becky as way more likely to get themselves into this situation). 
As she approached the group (and the insane cloud of pheromones, seriously they were going to need to fumigate the place)she caught the tail end of Christen's deep rumble. “That’s a despicable excuse for-...”
“I’m sorry to interrupt this-...” Emily said slowly coming up behind her alpha. She kept her eyes down and her hands out, very careful not to provoke the angry hoard any further. 
Lindsey whipped around, gulping to try and restrain her instincts. She lightly grabbed her omega’s wrist to prevent her from getting closer to the scene. All hell would break loose if one of the omega’s accidentally got hurt. “Go back to the locker room. We’ll be there after we finish,”
Emily shook her head, finally looking into her alphas eyes. “No. You don’t-“ 
Lindsey’s eyes hardened as she cut her omega off. “I’m serious Em,”
Emily glared at her alpha, ripping her arm from her grasp. “So am I. I need Rose or Chris because y/n is like having a panic attack,” She practically spat. 
She hadn’t known you for as long as Mal had, but she still felt the omega bond with you. The overwhelming urge to protect one of their own when they were in distress. If they needed an alpha to help you, then an alpha she would get, come hell or high water. 
Christen and Rose both looked up at the mention of your name, as did the alpha on her knees.  The alphas seemed to blink back to themselves, letting up on their emission of pheromones. 
“Pathetic,” the woman on the ground mumbled.
The answering growl from the group was instant, low, and very dangerous. “Don’t you start,” Ashlyn said, her voice deadly soft before looking back up at the two struggling alphas. “Go, we can finish this,” 
Rose and Christen nodded, sending one last snarl towards Hinkle before following Emily down the tunnel. 
Christen took in a sharp breath at your distinct scent, freezing in the doorway. The locker room air was saturated with stressed and terrified pheromones. Any remaining anger she may have felt for the asshole out on the field disappeared and was replaced by worry for you. 
Rose moved first, pushing past your frozen mate and joining her omega on the floor in front of you, crouching down to your level. If you noticed newcomers to the room, you didn’t show it. You were stiffly sitting on the bench in the corner, staring off into space. 
Rose gently rubbed your knee, trying to bring you back to yourself. “Hey Kitkat, what’s going on?”
You blinked down at the alpha, your head tilting automatically. “Nothing. I’m fine,” you said robotically and Rose’s eyebrows furrowed. 
She had only seen you like this once, and that was after-... it was too horrible to even consider. 
“Yeah, no one believes that,” She mumbled, using a finger to stop you from showing off your neck. 
“I -...” you started, but the words got stuck in your throat, caught between an answer and a sob. 
“Did all the pheromones bring back bad memories?” Christen asked, finally taking a step inside the room. She had gotten very good at reading you since you had mated and she knew you better than you knew yourself sometimes. 
You nodded, finally looking up at the alpha. Your alpha. You took her in, how she seemed more relaxed (minus the worried lines in her forehead) and her scent was its usual cinnamon and spice. 
The heavy dominance was gone. It wasn’t the terrifying figure that had confronted a monster from your past, no this was your Chris. 
She took another few slow steps towards you. Rose and Mal moved out of the way to give your alpha room in front of you. 
“You’re just so strong. What happens if I push too far?” You asked quietly. 
And finally, the pieces clicked in everyone’s heads. Christen shook her head and took your hands. “I would never baby. What you saw-. It’s different with other alphas,” 
It was embedded in the fabric of the team (and the countries) culture. You never ever forced an omega to submit, but submission had a different effect on alphas. It wasn’t uncommon for them to assert dominance over each other, and forcing full submission was a way to show an errant alpha bow off base they were. Alphas didn’t experience the emotional distress that came with full-blown submission. 
“Promise?” You asked, your voice small. 
“With everything I am. You can poke and prod and make me blush, but I will never do what she did to you,” Christen said, kissing the back of your hand and looking you in the eyes to show you just how serious she was. 
She waited for your shoulders to relax before releasing a wave of her soothing scent and pulling you into her. You trusted her, and you felt comfortable that she would keep her promise. 
If she didn’t you knew about 22 people who would have your back. 
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eriexplosion · 2 years
Omega, Crosshair, aaaand free space of the 501st clone you have the strongest emotions about!
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SHE'S CUTE AND A SWEETHEART and I only want the best for her (Very excited for where season 2 will take her) but also a lot of my more in depth Blorbo Feelings are shut off because I don't want to put the small child through a blender like I do my other faves.
Fandom is mean to her sometimes though, the side that REALLY hates young girls in their media, you know the side. Also I almost hit everyone is wrong about her but me only because I have slowly realized that huge portions of fandom think she's a cis girl and I call Shenanigans on that. Omega is an adorable trans girl, no arguments allowed.
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Crosshair my blorbo beloved.... he was made to make me feral specifically. The terrible bitch energy of him. The dealing with trauma that is absolutely there by continuously pushing people away. Ongoing questions of how much control he actually has. Glares alternating with kicked puppy faces. I want to put him in a jar and shake him until he's pinging off the glass at high speed.
Also since I already brought up trans Omega let me just say that trans Croshair should also be more of a thing, because he is my favorite and he deserves it.
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So I picked Fives because I'm probably the most Unwell about him and his entire plotline. The fact that he can get me feral in both the Umbara arc AND the whole chip arc. Exquisite. What a perfect man. It's so great that he's fine and nothing bad happened to him (let me live in this perfect world where Fives is fine and he can be with Echo, pleasepleaseplease.)
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princess-of-riviaa · 3 years
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Erin Quincy (1st person POV)
Summary: You experience your first heat as a brand new shifter. Walter, being the good alpha he is, helps out his struggling omega.
Warning(s): depictions of animal attack, age gap (Erin is 25, Walter is 38), alcohol use, a bit of angsty Walter, dirty talk, possessiveness
Author’s note: This is my first piece of work I made for the ABO Universe. I hope you guys like it!
Word count: 3,931
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Two weeks ago, I’d been on a camping trip with my two step-brothers, Scott and Chris, when my life had forever changed. One second, the hiking trail had been clear and safe; the next, some kind of animal was jumping out of the brush and fighting my breakfast sausage out of my hands. I later learned that the animal had been a wolf, but that realization only came when I had my first Shift three days later.
Though the night had escaped my memories, when I woke up in an unfamiliar mansion to an unfamiliar group of faces the next day, they filled me in on the details. The man in front—tall, with deep brown curls that were almost as distracting as his thick, muscular shape—had told me that I had Shifted the night before and ended up on their doorstep. And yes, Shifters—not werewolves, as most fantasy books called them—were real, Walter informed me during my surprised silence.
Walter Marshall—that was the stunning stranger’s name. He was an Alpha of one of the two packs that lived in this mansion, and I was more than welcome to join them. I couldn’t quite wrap my mind around what had become of myself—and I knew better than to hope that my family would understand—so I accepted the generous offer.
I had been with the pack for three weeks now. Winnie Marshall, Walter’s twin sister, was the Alpha for the mansion’s other pack. Walter had found me first—he had actually been the one to stop me from giving into my animalistic instincts on the night he found me, and had been the one to bring me in from the pouring rain—and technically had claim to me. But, because I hadn’t officially been claimed by him, Winnie argued that she had as much right to me as her brother did. So she took me under her wing. She’d explained everything to me, been there in my moments of panic and embarrassment to assure me that everyone goes through this, and it’s not going to last forever.
The only other two people in the house that were my age were two betas. One of them, a young man named Mike (though everyone called him Mikey), was the center of attention at the mansion, though he surprisingly had his eyes set on the quiet girl who loved books. Her name—I met her last, simply because she’d locked herself in the library for a week-long reading challenge—was Amber Connelly. As the only other beta under the age of thirty, she had an… interesting relationship with Mikey. And by that I mean they were both head over heels for each other, though they only ever bickered, and neither of them seemed aware of the others’ feelings. But they never acted on their feelings, and no one ever expected them to, simply because Mikey was Walter’s Beta, and Amber was Winnie’s, and packs didn’t mix, especially if their was a chance of a Claiming.
Claiming—that was the part of all of this that had intrigued me the most. It started with a bite. One person had to bite their partner directly over the heart, hard enough to leave a scar that would be there forever. In another sense, one wolf had to mark their partner as their territory. It was possessive in every sense of the word, and I couldn’t deny that deep down inside of me, I wanted to share that intimate, lifelong promise with Walter.
It was insane for a number of reasons. Not only had I met the Alpha just a few weeks ago, but I wasn’t even officially in his pack, and a Claiming with an Alpha would make me second-in-command. There were a few steps I would be skipping if that happened. Not to mention that Walter Marshall was the only unclaimed Alpha over the age of thirty-five in the entire city, and there was a reason for that. I didn’t know the details, but I knew it had something to do with his past. Our age was another factor. He was almost 40, while I had just turned 25.
And yet, here I was, wanting his mark anyways. He was quiet and reserved enough to make him mysterious, and that only pulled me in more. In the first week I was there, I found any way I could to talk to him, mainly to thank him for giving me a safe place for this new season of life. But he had disappeared with Andy and Charles Barber—two Beta brothers—for an entire week. Winnie had only said that they were taking care of business on the other side of the city, but when the three men came back, there was a darkness to all of them that told me whatever they had been doing… It hadn’t been fun.
Walter was harder to reach in the days that followed. When I would knock on his office door and ask him if he was able to train me today—something both he and Winnie insisted on their packs doing in their daily routine—he would snap and order me to leave, the sound of his growl following me out the door. He apologized for his behavior three days later, and bought takeout from my favorite restaurant to make it up to me, but I still couldn’t forget that side of him. The side of him that turned his soft blue eyes completely black. The part of him that was all animal, only selfishness and cold edges.
And yet, even after all of that, I still wanted him. I’d lost count of the number of times I’d woken up panting in the middle of the night, rising out of a dream of those blue eyes looking down at me as he fucked my throat, making me gag and cry around his cock. The sound of my own moans had forced me awake before dawn this morning. The memory of Walter’s intense gaze holding my reflection’s as he fucked me in the bathroom had followed me all day.
I was still wound up as I made my way to the game room. The smell of alcohol was strong throughout the house. The packs were celebrating Walter and Winnie’s thirty-eighth birthday tonight, and everyone, it seemed, was intent on getting blackout drunk. There were three kegs in the living room. It took Shifters a lot longer to get drunk, so I wasn’t surprised to find that the kegs were already halfway empty by the time I filled a cup for myself.
But I was surprised to find Walter perched on the roof when I made my way up to my regular hiding spot. He didn’t look over at me when I climbed onto the roof, but he didn’t seem startled when I took a seat beside him, and I knew his Shifter senses had probably heard me before I’d even climbed up the stairs that led up here.
“I see you stole my hiding spot,” I remarked as I took a sip of my beer.
“This way my hiding spot first, actually.” There’s amusement in his eyes as he looks at me out of the corner of his eye, but the amusement is only a cover. I note the darker emotion hiding beneath, and I recognize it instantly. It’s the same thing I’ve been feeling since my first Shift.
“So technically you stole it from me,” Walter continued, giving me a ghost of a smile.
Though the air was light between us for once, I couldn’t stop myself from asking, “Why are you hiding on your birthday?”
He sighed and looked out at the valley below us. The city lights reflected in his eyes, making the blue in them sparkle. He chugged back the rest of his beer before answering, “I’m thirty-eight tonight.”
“So I’ve heard.” The light tone was clearly forced, but I continued anyways. “Congratulations.”
His long fingers parted thick curls before he clutched the roots of his hair and squeezed, looking frustrated and… defeated. “I’m thirty-eight—and I still don’t have a goddamn mate.”
I didn’t know what to do. Part of me was more than ready to say, Take me. Claim me. I’ll be your mate. But I knew that was overstepping. I didn’t know how to comfort him.
“Walter—” I began.
He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t burden you with this. I think I’ve had a few too many drinks.”
We both knew that was a lie. He was too collected to be drunk. Everything—save for his brutal honesty—screamed completely sober.
“I just…” He went on, then stopped himself.
I put a hand on his arm and had to physically force myself not to lean into the warmth of his body heat. When his blue eyes met mine, I nearly lost control. God, I wanted him. I wanted to ran my hands through his hair; wanted to know the way his moans sounded as he filled me up; wanted to feel his mouth on me—
I shook my head in an attempt to clear my mind. “It’s okay,” I told him. “You can tell me.”
He hesitated.
“You’ve been there for me since I got here,” I pointed out. “It’s only fair that I do the same for you.”
His eyes scanned my face, and I got the feeling that he could see into my soul. It unnerved me as much as it made me want to bear myself to him. He finally said, “You don’t owe me anything, Erin. I was being a good Alpha.”
“You let a stranger into your home,” I argued. “That qualifies as more than simply being a good Alpha. There’s other packs in the city, yet you were the only one who opened your door to me. And you’ve let me stay here when you could have just as easily sent me away. You’re not just a good Alpha, Walter, you’re…” I almost said, you’re everything, but I caught myself.
But the way he looked at me… I had a feeling that he heard what I didn’t say.
“And maybe you think I don’t owe you,” I went on, “but I want to be there for you. I want to give you whatever you need.”
His eyes left my face to stare at the hand I placed on his arm. He reached for it, and at first I thought he was going to push me away, but he simply held my hand between his own. He opened my fingers and stared at my palm as if he was going to tell me my future. A thick, calloused finger traced across the lines on my palm. The touch was simple and gentle, but it made me shiver nonetheless.
“I’m the only Alpha in the city without a mate,” he finally admitted. “That fact has never bothered me before. I always liked being on my old. I thought I was better that way. It was enough always having to keep an eye on Winnie; I never had a want for someone else to look out for.”
“But now…?” I guessed there was a “but” in that sentence.
His focus was locked on his fingers as he traced the outline of my hand. Something about the way his rough skin felt against mine… It made heat stir in the pit of my stomach. I didn’t realize I had started to lean into him until there was just a few inches of space left between us.
“But now,” he finally said, and sighed. “Now I find myself wanting something I don’t know if I can have.”
“A mate?” Why couldn’t he have that?
“You.” He finally met my gaze, just as the words clicked in my mind.
Heat made my cheeks burn bright red as I repeated his words. “M-me? What do you mean?”
“I mean I want you.” His gaze was unapologetic, yet the twist of his mouth… I could tell he was fighting some internal battle. “When I first saw you in that back alley, hiding under that shed from the rain…”
I was silent as he spoke, simply because I’d never heard all the details of what had happened that night, and Walter was the only one with that memory.
“I had Shifted too,” he admitted. “The pack Shifts together on full moons. The Omegas and some of the Betas are less overwhelmed by it if we’re all together. But something had drawn me away from the pack, like some string had pulled me out onto the streets…”
Only once he said something did I realize that I did remember a part of that night. It wasn’t a memory of what had happened, but rather… a feeling I had gotten. Like someone had been calling my name and I had gone in search of them.
“I’d never experienced anything like that before,” Walter continued. “And when I found you, shaking from fear and the cold… I knew I had to do something. The urge to protect you was overbearing. So I brought you home. I told myself it just from the intensity of the Shift that I felt like that, but when you Shifted back the next morning… I knew I couldn’t just let you walk away. So I told you to stay, and I knew that if you had said no, I would have done anything to change your mind.”
“Walter…” My voice was a quiet whisper as my thoughts began to race. “Do you think… That feeling… I felt it too. Is that what…”
“What having a mate feels like?” he guessed.
All I could do was nod. Somehow I already knew the answer, but I needed to hear him say it.
“Maybe.” When his gaze met mine, I realized he looked as lost as I felt. “I couldn’t say one way or another; I’ve never had a mate. But if it is…” He finally dropped my hand, only to cup my face and pull me towards him. “Listen to me, Erin. Even if…” He paused, as if he was struggling to say it out loud, too. “Even if we’re mates, that doesn’t mean you have to choose me. You can walk away. Hell, you can even…” He practically flinched at these words, as if saying them was a physical blow—“You can even choose someone else. Another man. I’m not going to force you into anything.”
I didn’t know what to say. “I think I want another drink.”
Disappointment flashed in his eyes, but it was gone in a blink. He rose to his feet, insisting that he get it for me. I watched him walk away. He took four steps—and froze. His entire back went rigid, too stiff for a human. His Shifter instincts had picked up on something.
I froze, wondering what was happening, what he had picked up on.
But he merely turned to face me again. Slowly. “Erin.”
I tried to sense his source of distress, but I couldn’t pick up on anything. The only thing I picked up on was how that look in his eyes sent heat straight to my core. “What is it, Walter?” I was on my feet and closing the distance between us in a matter of seconds.
“Don’t move!” he practically yelled.
I paused, almost jumping at his volume.
His eyes were wild, frantic, looking like an animal caught in a trap.
“What’s wrong?” I asked again, resisting the urge to reach out to him.
“Do you know what’s happening to you?” Every muscle in his body was taut as he asked the question.
I frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He simply said, “You’re going through heat.”
Winnie had explained that to me on one of my first days here. She’d said it happens to every female Shifter. Her hormones—particularly the horny ones—exploded, and every male Shifter around her could sense it. Apparently, it drove the males as crazy as the females, though it was dangerous to be an Omega—specifically an unclaimedOmega—around any Alphas while in heat.
That’s why Walter wasn’t moving, wasn’t even breathing: he was trying not to pounce on me and take what he wanted. What we both needed.
All those dreams about him… They finally made sense. I was preparing for my first heat.
Only once he brought it to my attention did I realize just how hot I was. My heart was hammering in my chest, flames boiling beneath my skin, and—god, when had I gotten so wet?
“Walter…” My voice was a high-pitched whine.
“You’ll be okay.” He didn’t sound convincing in the slightest. The look in his eyes matched the relentless ferocity rising in my core.
God, I needed him. “Please…”
He squeezed his eyes shut. “I can’t, Erin. We’re both unclaimed. I won’t be able to control myself—”
I took a step towards him—and practically cried out. The burning in my core—between my legs—it was unbearable. I needed to ease the ache inside of me. My hand moved of its own accord towards my legs, and before I knew it I was touching myself over my jeans.
Walter’s eyes were locked on my hand. “Erin… you’re killing me.”
“Please, Walter,” I begged, my body no longer under my control. “I need you. I can’t breathe—”
That was when he kissed me. He wasn’t the first person I had kissed, but he felt like the first person who mattered. Our mouths molded together and I moved against him in a way that said, I’m choosing this. I’m choosing you.
“God, I can smell you,” he breathed into my neck, his low voice nothing more than a moan. “You’re already wet for me, baby.”
All I could do was moan as he pressed me against his erection. His mouth trailed down my neck, over my clavicle, and stopped over my heart.
“I want you,” I cried out as I ran my hands through his hair. “Mark me, Walter. Please.”
He brought his mouth to my chest, but he didn’t bite me like I expected him to. Instead, he brushed a soft kiss against my skin. I whined as he pulled away and moved me from his lap.
“Did I do something wrong?” I panicked, feeling like an idiot—
“No,” he assured me. “You’re… god, you’re perfect. But I’m not about to fuck you on the roof. I doubt you’ll want the entire neighborhood to hear you moaning for me.”
My face flushed instantly, but I didn’t say anything as he rose to his feet and pulled me inside, not stopping until we were in his room. An Alpha’s room was a place very few people ever saw. It was more intimate than a regular bedroom; it was stepping into his territory, walking onto his turf, and I knew that something had permanently changed between us as I crossed the threshold into the room.
The room was rather simple. A king-sized bed was pressed against the left wall. The crimson sheets were the only color in the room. The right side of the wall had a desk covered in files and papers. Newspaper clippings hung above it, stamped into the wall with thumb tacks. I didn’t have a moment to read what all the papers were about before Walter distracted me.
He arms wrapped around me as he lifted me up in the air. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. I clung to his shoulders, but he held me easily, as if I weighed no more than a few pounds. The show of pure strength did nothing to help the wet mess between my legs.
Walter walked us to the bed and lied me down on my back. He hovered over me but didn’t move to touch me. The longing and lust in his eyes was so vibrant, so undeniable, that I writher beneath him.
But his tone was calm as he said, “I need to ask you again. Is this what you want, Erin?”
“So much,” I breathed before pulling him against me.
His thigh moved between my legs, and he deepened the kiss as his leg pressed tightly against my core, applying pressure where I needed it most. Though our hands ran along each other’s bodies in a hungry frenzy, he kissed me differently than he had on the roof. It wasn’t rushed or desperate this time, but rather deep and slow and just as sensual. My toes curled.
I cried out as his mouth moved to my ear. He nipped at my earlobe—an action that sent shivers through my body—before whispering, “What is it, baby girl? What do you want? My fingers?”
I writhed against him.
“My mouth?”
Oh, fuck.
A wanton moan escaped me before I could stop it.
“Or are you already too desperate? That’s what it smells like to me. My little omega’s falling apart and I haven’t even touched you yet. You’re already desperate for me to fill your aching cunt, aren’t you, baby girl?”
His tone was different than I’d ever heard it. He spoke in a low, husky voice, and his tone was teasing but demanding at the same time. It made me dizzy.
“Already forgotten your words, omega? Has the heat gotten to your brain?” He buried his face in the crook of my neck and rubbed his nose along the skin below my ear. He was scenting me. “Or is it your Alpha who’s gotten to you?”
Instead of answering, I clawed at his clothes desperately, trying to undress him in my lustful haze. He allowed me to take his shirt off, though he undid his pants himself. His body… how was he even more impressive naked? I took one look at those sculpted muscles, at the dark swirls of hair that covered his chest and stomach, and knew that that was the kind of body that put the gods to shame. His cock bounced against his stomach as he stepped out of his underwear. It was thick and long, and as I watched the red, aching tip release pre-cum, I wondered how I could possibly fit his girth inside of me.
“My turn,” he breathed before moving to hover over me again.
One minute I was clad in my shorts and t-shirt, and the neck my clothes were in shreds on the floor. Walter’s hungry gaze made note of every inch of skin I beared for him, and I was too fucked out to feel self-conscious.
“Fuck me, Alpha,” I begged. “I need you inside of me!”
He growled before spreading my legs and pressing his length against my core. Our lips met just as he pushed inside me, and my nails dug into his shoulder at the burst of pleasure that ripped from me. His mouth was on my chest a second later, and as he kneaded my breasts in his hands, his teeth cut into the skin over my heart.
Claiming me.
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