#meet the new magic makers
thetaterdragon · 1 year
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Mickey Mouse Club rollcall!
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ohrevienssoleil · 2 months
I understand why it wasn't possible, but it's such a shame we couldn't get Jenny back for The Wish. She and Giles fighting a losing battle side by side and being hardened from it, but remaining each other's solace. Them piecing together the puzzle Cordelia presents to them and having faith in a world better than this, only for Anyanka to try and throw them by hinting at Jenny's death should they return. Giles faltering at the thought of losing her and Jenny, once again, sacrificing herself and destroying the necklace. The way she sees it: she'll either be dead by The Master's hand or by her own, and only one of those inevitabilities gives the man she loves a chance of survival. She kisses him as she plunges herself into the abyss, wanting the last thing she experiences to be his love.
Giles waking up the following morning, the pang in his heart he always feels whenever he remembers Jenny accompanied by a newfound feeling of emptiness, and he's not quite sure why.
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evilminji · 1 year
Okay, you know how City Spirits are a thing?
And Superheros both Die, Un-Die, Re-Die, Dimensionally Sorta Maybe Die But Then Don't, and also never Died in the first place? And probably do at least a portion of that in Medical? While ALSO hanging out, quantumly maybe Dead, maybe alive, in their Super Cool Clubhouse?
Which is ALSO exposed to space rays, the entirety of The Magic Club, weird alien Technology, aaaaand whatever they decide to store on it??
I'm just SAYING...
For as long as dwellings Of Significance have existed, there have been house spirits. They are the IDEA of the house. The SIGNIFICANCE of it. What makes it HOME. The weight of the halls that turn into Halls. And The Watchtower? Is KNOWN to enough people, to have SIGNIFICANCE.
It's a HALL where Heros Live. A Place Of Safety. It GAURDS.
It is also inanimate. Steeped heavily in every sort of energy, be it magic or science, and multidimensional fuckery imaginable. But? Not SENTIENT. Yet.
Until of course... this new fangled Anti-Ghost Shield comes out. By the new and recently no-longer on the run (from the Goverment they're at war with) Dr.'s Fenton! Why were they are war? Don't worry about it!
They Won.
Unrelated! Never threaten their kids. They WILL find you. Not a threat, just informing!
:) :)
The security guy they sent to the expo was from Gotham, unfortunately. So he found the couple to be completely normal. They? Should not have sent Thomas. He was hired BECAUSE his parents were Mad Scientists in the making. Batman was steering him away from a life of crime. Thomas could judge "normal" from "deeply unhinged" if it belly danced infront of him, in the seduction dance of a thousand, deep fried, mackerel.
It's his version of face blindness. Great with technology though! And the shield worked a treat. Even promised to be both ethical AND programmable! Not harming the ghosts it pushed out unless they try to force entry AND allowing them to program in exceptions. Allowing Heros such as Deadman to freely enter!
Is it a little janky looking? Yeah. But if it works, it works. They add it to the systems and flip it on.
One small and immediate problem. There is now a small knight shaped child in the engine room. She was NOT there a second ago. She has controlo of the ENTIRE Watchtower, claims to BE the Watchtower, and knows all their names. Knows a disturbing level of information about every employee on the Tower.
Oh and apparently "No one is leaving."
No one panic! Just unplug the... she has swallowed the ghost shielding unit into a wall. Slightly panic.
Panic lite.
Luckily, no one is willing to throw the first punch at what appears to be a small child. So the JLA Dark have a chance to literally run over.
They demand to know who's bright idea it was to add... "ectoplasm"? Was THAT the energy source? Oooh. Their departments probably in trouble. Later though, the hero's are trying to negotiate with a small child. Who is apparently a ghost.
It's not SAFE, she's insisting. Everyone has to stay HERE where she can protect them. From the nebulous threat of Bad Guys. They LEAVE and come back HURT. She is UPSET and everyone is going to STAY! Forever!
Not good.
Then Thomas pipes up, like the oblivious asshole he is, that he should PROBABLY call the engines makers. They did mention something a long these lines might happen.
You think, Thomas? Might be a good idea, maybe? Just a bit? YES FUCKING CALL THEM!
(All right, all right! No need to YELL! *ring ring* 'Ello? Maddie? Sorry to catch you at dinner-)
So now? There is a glowing college student, who was escorted here by a WEREWOLF, who just? Tore open reality? To some green, swirling hellscape? And popped through like "sup, sorry I'm late. Was in a council meeting!" And judging by the ficking CROWN and the various quietly panicking magic users, he probably didn't mean student council, and just?
Guess he's hear to talk to their newly sentient Tower.
Question! Asks Thomas, of the fucking Ghost King because of course he does, are they Dads now? Or if they already have kids, Dads AGAIN? Do they have to come up with a baby name?
.......oh dear lord, the Ghost King looks like he has to think about it.
What are we gonna tell our SPOUSES!? "Hey honey, guess what I got at work today! A NEW CHILD. They're a space station!"
@hdgnj @nerdpoe @ailithnight @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation
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LOTR/ The Hobbit Preference: How You Met (3/4)
(1) (2) (4)
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Aragorn and you met when you were a guest in Rivendell. You were reading in the library and once he spotted you he couldn’t help but introduce himself.
Getting lost in the tale of the large book in your lap, you didn’t notice someone approaching your comfortable spot on the fancy elvish lounge.
“Hello.” You heard a gentle voice announce.
Startled, your legs jumped down from the couch and were quickly placed on the ground below, book thrown beside you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you. My names Aragorn.”
“It’s alright, in a world of my own. My names y/n, it’s lovely to meet you.” You smile up at the handsome man before you.
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Bard and you met one evening at a lavish elvish ball in Mirkwood. Bard felt very out of place at such a fancy party, but you managed to remedy his anxieties.
“Are you alright?” Bard heard from beside him. Turning he notice a lovely elf standing beside him.
“I’m sorry?” He asked, not fully catching what you had said.
You can’t help but giggle at the handsome mortal man’s confusion.
“I was just asking if you were alright, you seem a little nervous.”
“Oh, hah, yeh. I’m just not used to such lavish parties.” He responded nervously.
“I understand, they can be a little intimidating sometimes. Would you care for some company, we don’t have to dance but it might help to have a friend. I’m y/n, it’s lovely to meet you.”
“A friend sounds nice. I’m Bard, nice to meet you.”
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Boromir found you one afternoon on a snowy day in Gondor, taking your horse for a walk. Being new to Gondor you’d decided to get to know the land and become familiar with your new home.
Petting the dark brown mane of your horse, you turn as you heard the crunching of the snow.
“Oh, hello.” You turn to see the handsome man before you.
“Hello, my lady. Are you alright out here?” He asked, concern lacing his voice.
“Im alright, just going for a walk. I thought I’d get to know the town. I’m y/n, I just moved here last week.” You introduced.
“I’m glad you’re alright, my lady. Such a cold and snowy day, I didn’t want you getting harmed. I’m Boromir, a pleasure to meet you.” He smiles sweetly, talking your hand and giving it a light kiss.
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Eomer and you first met at the battle of helms deep. He knew immediately that you were a witch when he laid eyes on you and immediately was filled with distrust. It wasn’t until you healed his sister that he let his guard down.
“Aragorn, let me assist.” You announced as you walked over to the two men and the young woman on the cot.
“You leave us be, witch, we don’t need your kind of help.” Eomer sneered.
“Eomer, let her help. I know how magic has affected you and your family but y/n is a very powerful healer and I give you my word that she means you no harm.” Aragorn defended you.
His attitude was changed as he saw his sister awaken, life returning to her eyes. Walking away, you let the siblings have their moment together.
“Y/n!” You heard Eomer shout.
Turning you see him standing before you.
“I apologise for how I’ve behaved toward you and I thank you for helping my sister and fighting beside us.” He spoke softly.
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Faramir met you the first time he came to The Shire after the war. You had been sitting in a field making daisy chains and flower crowns with the young hobbits.
Your laugh filled his ears like sweet bells. Turning he saw you sitting in the lush field, surrounded by flowers and smiling little hobbits.
“You should go and talk to her.” Aragorn smiled at the blushing man.
“Her names y/n. Shes a friend of Rosie’s, comes into town every now and then to help with the children and sell her jam.” Samwise smirked at Faramir at his other side.
“Y/n.” He smiled with wonder in his eyes
Walking over his smile grew the closer he got.
“Hello, my lady. I heard you were the one to go to if I wanted to become an expert flower crown maker.” He smirks down at your seated position in the grass.
“Well you heard right. I’m y/n.” You beamed up at the handsome man.
“Faramir.” He politely bowed.
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amonsstuff · 2 months
Chapter 358: King's Maker
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....poor guy, welp good luck with iruma! Mwehehehe
Context spoiler:
So (I won't say his name), the Kings maker can be reborn again and again, and damnnn I pity the dud cuz he was sent to find the next demon king between the 2 strong forces that time but he ended up meeting Selkirk and thought "he's perfect" but delkira ended up declining cuz he's delkira, and now that he's gone I guess he's in search for a new one to replace him, which brings back to iruma who is giving magic 101 lessons
RIP bro.
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rapunzelbro · 7 months
A Sacrifice For a Friend Angel Dust x Reader 3
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Sorry for the long delay. I had a new cowriter help me with this. Enjoy! Tysm Cresent!
Masterlist Taglist
1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 Statement
Darkness, followed by light, before darkness again. It all happened so fast.
When a demon dies, they're not supposed to come back, so why did you go from being drawn in by the light, back down to where you started? Darkness. All the memories that once filled you with joy, or even sorrow, disappeared without a second thought when you saw that light.
When you arose from darkness, a moth-like man sat in the room you were in, a lit cigarette that blew red smoke in one hand, a phone in another.
He had an amused look on his face when he noticed your arrival. Standing up he slowly walked towards you. A translucent colored chain appeared in the man's empty hand, you realized it was connected to a collar around your neck. “You thought you’d be magically saved by heaven after sacrificing yourself? For fuck sakes you’re naive aren’t you?” Sharply pulling the chain you struggle as you’re jerked towards him, losing your balance, you land on your knees in front of him.
He just smirks as he looks down at your pathetic state, as you look up at him, a confused look in your eyes. “You and I made a deal, Y/n. Your ass is stuck, you got that right? You sold your soul to me!” He yelled before narrowing his eyes at you “We might as well put that pretty little face of yours to work, since your ass got rid of my money maker.” He crouched down to get a good look at you.
You had no clue who he was, or what the hell he was talking about. How did you even end up here? Who was Y/n? Your arms were covered by small, glowing pink cracks that seemed to link together with the chains that surrounded your neck. “W-Who.. who are you? Who is Y/n?” your voice wavered, as you hesitated in front of that taller man.
You tense up, thinking he would be annoyed, mad, or shocked if anything, but he just stood silent for a moment as if he was trying to figure out what to say, before giving a smile observing your features “Oh Pequeño, I’m just someone who is trying to help.” He stood up again, allowing you to finally get to your feet before taking your hand, kissing your knuckles. “My name is Valentino, Vixie my Estimado~”
That was your name, according to Valentino, but why did Y/n sound…right?
“But who is Y/n?” You repeat yourself, desperate for an answer to that question.
Valentino rolled his eyes clearly annoyed by your desperate pleas, as he took a drag of his still lit cigarette, narrowing his eyes as he blew a heart shaped smoke towards you “Just someone who will no longer be a problem for you and I. Now how about you forget about that name?” You cough as you inhale the smoke, your mind once again going blank as the sweet but sharply acidic scented smoke fills your senses.
A few weeks went by after your first meeting with Valentino, within those weeks, he wasn’t lying about ‘putting your pretty face to use’. You quickly had to get used to the smell of strawberry lube, cigarettes and sex, that lingered in the studio. Your film was scheduled to be released in a couple hours, to say you were anxious was an understatement. You were terrified. You never had any experience with anything of the sorts, and even if you did, you wouldn’t have remembered anyways. You were sitting in your dressing room, face flushed from your previous shoot you had just a few minutes ago, when your phone, given to you by Valentino, buzzed. ‘New video from Porn Studios: VixieStick’s First Time’ “The fuck? It dropped early?” You muttered, clicking on the video curiously.
The video was roaring in views almost instantly, as well as the prude comments from the videos. It was going viral. After reading a few you had to stop yourself, it was becoming all too much. A knock comes from your door soon after placing your phone down. “Come in” you responded, too tired from the shoot to stand up on your own. The door practically swung open at your response as Valentino stood in the door frame walking inside towards you, with a smirk on his face
“How does it feel to be a Star, Pequeño?”
Pequeño= Little one
Estimado= Dear
Angel Dust tag list: @vendetta-ari @brithedemonspawn @satansmanager @storydays @saturnhas82moons @zamadness @fizziepopangel @saitisfied @the--rebel--fae @mcueveryday @rainbowbunny15
Series tag @apollobean @kaoyamamegami
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kekaki-cupcakes · 3 months
I just saw a tiktok that said Percy "I hate bullies" Jackson soo can I ask for a fic where the reader is new at the camp and is harassed by an ares kid or an aphrodite kid and Percy help them ?
Not necessarily a romantic story, I just thought it would be sweet
you may have broken me out of my writing slump lol. thanks for the platonic ask <3 <3 <3 I miss those lol. enjoy!
Percy defends reader from the camp menace
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You walked up the grassy path, bag over one shoulder. The rich green strawberry field stretched out to your right, filling the valley with the smell of summer and fruit. The air was warm too, and you’d like to fall asleep in the flower rings after the stress of the day.
Clouds drifted like fairy floss. You had a bandage over one arm where the feral ‘harpy’ had got you, but other than that, and a healthy dose of fear, you were unharmed. 
A good outcome for a monster attack, according to the blonde boy who’d wrapped up your wound before sending you along to a purple haired girl called Lou Ellen, who dragged you around the dangerous summer camp, pointing out where all the death traps and instant coffee makers were located.
And now you were here, standing outside the little wooden shack by the Infirmary where you’d started, with a handful of massive golden coins the horse man had given you, that matched the sun in the sky. Hopefully they sold sunscreen in the camp store. 
You pushed aside the beaded curtain and peeked around, sneakers squeaking on the floor. You were going to have to duct tape the sole of your shoe back on as well, since that feathered little bitch tried to swallow it hole.
You shivered at the thought, and stepped though. 
The first thing you noticed was the wind chimes and sparkly glass dream catcher looking decorations hanging by the windows and from the roof. A few racks of orange shirts and hoodies were lined up on the far wall, past the ice-cream fridges and boxes of toiletries. 
The scratched up bag you had with you, filled with lip balms and headphones and snacks and one hoodie, wasn’t enough. So you picked out a spiderman toothbrush and a stick of deodorant, opting to not get any gum in case it was magical, after reading the price tags to discover the currency was called drachmae’s. 
Why did the ancient Greeks have to make everything so complicated? Couldn’t they have just chilled out?
Empty necklace strings hung off hooks nailed into the wall. You brushed them aside to get to the shirts. Lou had said you needed a few, considering how often things tended to get incinerated. The shop had your size, thankfully in English, so you took two. A boy with a pink bow in his hair and a name tag reading Mitchell walked past with a stack of jars. 
You approached the bench with your arms full of supplies, and dumped them. “...Uh excuse me?”
Someone bumped around behind the bench and after a few crashes, a brown haired boy popped up. There was a bandaid over his nose, and he held a hand out. “Pleased to meet you.”
You squinted at him for a moment, and then shook his hand. “Hi.”
Something else crashed on the other side of the shop. A winged horse trotted behind you, opened the ice-cream freezer with its teeth, took out a Callipo, shut the glass door with a hoof, and then left. You turned back to the cashier. “Just these please.”
He took all your things and ripped the little white paper tags off them, folding up your shirts really badly. Then he started counting the white tags. Really slowly. He mucked up, somehow, and then started again. “Two, five… wait, no, four…”
The windchimes bumped against each other as your annoyance grew. You stuck your hands in your pockets. He kept counting. You only had four things! You were glad you hadn’t added a packet of gum to the pile. 
You picked at the bandage on your arm. It was still hurting a little.
Mitchel finished putting the jars on their shelf, and turned back to the staff only door. “Oi! Jackson! Where’d all the incense go?”
“Seven… eight and a half…” The cashier guy finally finished, and punched the numbers into the cash register. Finally. He grinned. “Cash or card?”
There was no eftpos machine. What was his problem? All you wanted to do was eat dinner with your new family, find a bed, and go to sleep. And get some painkillers. And wash all the monster blood off your hands. You bit back a sigh, and reached for the bag of coins in your pocket. 
It was gone. 
You felt your face heat up as you checked the rest of your pockets and then your bag you knew definitely didn’t have a hole in the bottom. Your eyes prickled, and you told them off silently.
The boy behind the bench just stared at you with a smile.
The staff only door banged open. The boy in the doorway glared at the cashier with alarmingly bright green eyes. There were a lot of people in this camp. You really needed to learn names. “Oi! Connor! Stop fucking with people!”
“Fine,” the cashier, Connor, huffed, and tossed your bag of coins back at you.
You caught them, glared at him, and then dug through it for the right amount to give to him. Eight and a half, how were you supposed to give him half a coin? 
Green eyes stomped around the umbrella and also nunchucks stand, reading the cash register. He read it about three times. 
Why could these people not count?
“Connor you fuckwit,” green eyes scoffed, tapping at the buttons. He searched through the tags again and then took seven of your coins, all while you stood there and wished the ground would open up beneath you and swallow you whole.
His tag read Percy. He handed you your things, and then a lemonade icey-pole from under the bench. You took it cautiously, and watched as he grabbed Connor’s ear, and dragged him out of the camp store.
You were left alone in there for a second, so you zipped up your bag and left quickly. 
“Please no! Not the toilets!” Connor screeched, as he was shoved back down the path quickly. 
Percy cupped his mouth as he yelled. “Clarisse! Come beat up Connor!”
You opened your icey-pole. 
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The Cory Doctorow Humble Bundle
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then San Francisco (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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It's been 21 years and 29 days since Tor Books published my first novel, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. In the years since, Tor has published every one of my novels, sending me around the USA and Canada to talk about them. Now, they've teamed up with Humble Bundle to sell 18 of my ebooks on a name-your-price basis, with part of the proceeds going to benefit EFF:
I've been associated with EFF even longer than I've been published by Tor! My first novel came out while I was working EFF's first-ever booth at CES. I split my time between the booth and my motel room, where I paid $0.25/call to dial up to Earthlink's local number and manage the launch-day publicity. Over the years, I've benefited immensely from Tor's editorial and publicity departments, working with brilliant publishing people like Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Patty Garcia, Dot Lin, Laura Etzkorn, Elena Stokes, Sarah Reidy, Lucille Rettino, and of course, Tor founder Tom Doherty.
But I like to think that it was a two-way street. Tor and I have come a long way together on ebooks: most visibly, they allowed me to publish several novels under Creative Commons licenses (my first book was the first ever CC book, coming out just weeks after the licenses themselves launched). As my editor Patrick Nielsen Hayden said at the time, "Ebooks have the worst hours-in-meeting-to-dollars-in-revenue ratio of anything in my publishing career. Why not?"
Just as important – but less visible – was Tor's willingness to let me insist that all my books be published without DRM, meaning that anything you buy on say, Amazon, can be moved to any reader program if you decide to start getting your ebooks elsewhere. This worked so well that in 2012, Tor became the first major publisher in the world to ban DRM on all its ebooks, flying me, John Scalzi and Charlie Stross to New York City to announce it this at a big, splashy event at Book Expo America:
Tor's unique status as the sole major DRM-free publisher in the world was well timed! That same year, I curated the very first Humble Ebook Bundle, which was very top-heavy with Tor titles, and raised more than $1,000,000 for the writers, publishers and charities associated with it:
That opened the floodgates to a series of Humble Bundles, tempting other major publishers to dabble with DRM-free, including Simon and Schuster:
And Harpercollins:
Now, 12 years after that inaugural Humble Ebook Bundle, I find myself honored by being the subject of a bundle of my own (it helps that I've written a hell of a lot of books in the intervening years). Included in the bundle are (nearly) all of my Tor novels and novellas: The Lost Cause; "The Canadian Miracle" (a Lost Cause story); Red Team Blues; Radicalized; Walkaway; "Party Discipline" (a Walkaway story); Pirate Cinema; Rapture of the Nerds (with Charlie Stross); For The Win; Makers; Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town; Eastern Standard Tribe, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Little Brother, Homeland, Attack Surface, and "Lawful Interception" (a Little Brother story).
(The sole exclusion is The Bezzle, which came out two weeks ago and is already a USA Today national bestseller!)
Also included in the bundle is Poesy the Monster Slayer, my 2020 picture book for the littlies:
All these books are delivered as DRM-free epub files. The Bundle runs for the next three weeks, and the minimum buy-in is $18 – that's just $1/book (full retail value is $187). Of course, you can name a higher price, and, as with all Humble Bundles, you can adjust the final split to share out the money between me, EFF, and the Humble folks.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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missmists · 6 months
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First bookbinding project a success. I think that my cat approves because he would not stay out of my photos. Five months in the making, but I couldn't be more pleased with the results.
I started with @armoredsuperheavy's amazing fanbinding tutorial to create a typeset of each work in @erisenyo's Burning Bright AU published on Ao3. Then had to reread the works in the new format and edit as I went to make sure everything was formatted correctly, (combined word count somewhere around 1.3 million) that took over a month all by itself.
I picked up a copy of Introduction to Bookbinding & Custom Cases by Tom and Cindy Hollander from my local library, to look at some detailed how to images and get multiple perspectives on construction methods. Excellent book, I do recommend.
My hunt for materials included a trip to Detroit with a side stop at Blick to look at decorative papers in person. Blick and the fine people at Hollander’s ended up having everything I needed to make covers. So between my brother kindly 3d printing me a punch cradle, making a DIY sewing frame of my own invention (courtesy of scrap lumber and a trip to the Lowe's hardware department), and three reams of late night printing, I managed to amass all my supplies.
Folding three reams of paper into signatures (the little bundles you sew together) takes about five days if you don't want to lose your mind or your place, and longer if you discover you need to fix things because that definitely happened. Then you get to unfold them to stab holes in them which is as terrifying at first and therapeutic by the end as it sounds.
Next came weeks of sewing books together, a magical process. I learned three new knots, repeatedly stabbed myself (because all forms of creation forcibly demand blood sacrifice) , and felt like I was roleplaying a monastic librarian from the time of Gutenburg. That's 600 years ago, 24ish generations, over 8million ancestors since then (by geometric progression, which excludes the possibility that any of my peasant ancestry is from small towns which is you know likely but I digress) and here I sat sewing pages together in a basement because story is the most sacred of human arts as it binds communities together and shapes perceptions of the self and our brethren, of outsiders allies and enemies, of the world as we know it and as it may come to be. Did I mention sewing books felt magical.
Then came the glue. So much glue. Multiple types of glue. All sticky. all stuck to me. I smeared glue with my fingers like a child.
At last it was time for the covers. Choosing combinations of the decorative papers and bookcloth and making sure I could get enough out of each material for what I needed. Precise cutting so many thanks to the architecture school professors who showed me how to properly cut chipboard. Then measuring and gluing, and more measuring, and more gluing. At last press a little groove by the spine and repeat eleven times.
Then I get to impress all my people with my latest and possibly coolest maker skill unlock, I am a book binder.
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Bottom to top in the stack or left to right at the bottom are: These Things Written  These Things Unsaid with Without Consent These Things Known with A Third Chance (or a First) Oh, The Way Your Makeup Stains My Pillowcase That Love You've Been Looking For  All I Need Is To Be Struck (By Your Electric Love) To Open Every Door to Night, To Meet Each Rising Sun (my favorite) Love Is In the Hair (fanart of this one originally lead me to read the series, thanks @ash-and-starlight) Lessons in Proper Asset Management Tangled Up With You  To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved)
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 3 months
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 17
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Revelations In Tønsberg | Loki x Reader
Thor accompanies you and Loki back to Tønsberg and a warm welcome from the Asgardian court. A far cry from the golden luxury of the The Golden Palace of the gods, but certainly more homey. The villagers get to know you better and secrets are revealed.
Warnings: 18+ for language & sexual content. Dirty talk, prince/princess kink? (is that a thing?), p in v to make up for the parental issues I'm exorcising in this fic. Rated D for Daddy issues and C for cosy.
A/N: what do you mean it's summer? No I obviously didn't slip on my timeline for posting by like 6 months I don't know what you're talking about.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics , @reveriesources and me.
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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Your second journey by Bifrost was no more bearable than the first, leaving your head swimming and your stomach roiling as you came to a stop. 
Thor laughed heartily and slapped Loki on the back, exchanging jovial words about your trist at the Golden Palace, no doubt. The god seemed to have no filter and no qualms about discussing your private life, even in the open square of Tønsberg. 
With a gentle hand on your back, Loki led you forwards, your eyes still on the cobblestones while you attempted to get your bearings without being sick. 
“Welcome back!” Brunnhilde’s voice carried across the harbour and you finally took the opportunity to take in your surroundings. In your haste to get away from the Avengers you had forgotten what had happened the last time you walked along the sea front of Tønsberg and suddenly it all came swimming back. The queasy feeling in your stomach intensified. “I worried we’d never see you hear again,” she strode across the sea soaked front, her arms wide and welcoming, “but we are happy to welcome you back.” 
Thor opened his arms in return, beaming and ready to embrace the King of Asgard, but she bypassed him entirely and wrapped her arms around your middle, pulling you away from Loki and lifting your toes off the ground with the ferocity of her embrace. 
“It’s good to see you as well, Brunnhilde.” The panic that had begun to rise ebbed away, and then there was another pressure at your back and Thor enveloped you in a bear hug, squeezing you into Brunnhilde. 
“Loki’s little trouble maker, back in Tønsberg, I am so happy.” He thrilled, resting his cheek on top of your head and rubbing your arms. “I always wanted a sister-” he paused, “well, a sister that didn’t want to destroy everything -” You both went still as you remembered the prophecy left by Frigga. Thor floundered for words. “Anyway, we shall feast and drink and celebrate your return, I am sure. You are most welcome.”
“That’s quite enough,” Loki coughed, finding your hand again and guiding you, now slightly ruffled, back to his side. You stood on your tip toes and placed a wet kiss on his cheek, nuzzling him with your nose. 
“Don’t be jealous,” you teased, and his arm around you tightened. 
“Jealous? I am not jealous, I am concerned. I left you here once and -” 
You allowed the thought to float to him and watched as his eyes darkened. 
I am not jealous of that oaf, merely protective. Surely that is allowed after two kidnapping attempts. 
Brunnhilde’s eyes drifted from Loki to your face, watching as it dropped and your shoulders tensed, “-let’s not concern ourselves with the past. Let’s look to the future, come inside we just finished a council meeting so the hall is empty.” She turned and led the way towards the long hall, pulling her suit jacket tight around her middle against the biting wind whipping from the sea. While it’d been cold in America, here it was icy, but before you could shiver you felt the ring of Loki’s magic and a navy blue peacoat engulfed you, the inside already warm. You looked over at Loki, surprised that he wouldn’t put you in his own colours, and he merely smiled, looking out on the sea and pretending he hadn’t noticed your new attire, but you couldn’t help but notice the twinkle of emerald green in each shining button. 
You looked out too, seeing the waves on the horizon cresting and falling, the gulls circling the frothing water and steadied yourself to take in Tønsberg with fresh eyes. 
At your first visit, you’d visited Brunnhilde’s cottage, tucked away two streets back from the harbour, inconspicuous and modest. Now she was leading you towards the long, low building that stood in the centre of the main thoroughfare opposite the harbour. Above the door there was a symbol, tall lines forming a pyramid in a strangely familiar way. 
Asgard’s Palace 
Loki looked up too, taking your hand, this is the new symbol of Asgard and our rebuilt court. Welcome, Princess. 
Princess. You hadn’t considered your role here either, that you weren’t just a visitor, but a royal visitor, at the pleasure of the Royal court, small as it was, modest as the Long Hall appeared. And your heart swelled with pride and belonging. Loki squeezed your hand again, the same pride reflected in his eyes. 
You looked around again, viewing the village with fresh eyes. 
Behind the village itself, building work had started on further homes and the dock, which on your previous visit only held a few fishing boats, was full of tourist vessels bobbing next to wooden row boats. 
Thor opened the door of the long building, waving his arm for you to enter.
“Welcome to the Asgardian Court, Princess Estrid.” Thor bowed as you passed and you heard the unmistakable sound of Loki smacking him playfully on the back of the head as he followed. 
Inside the hall was reassuringly simple and looked very much like the village halls you had seen once or twice during your time in London. The noticeboard was full of flyers for music lessons, hobby groups and items for sale, a few images of a village fete and a sign up list for organising events had a few scrawled names, but no contact details. You sighed in relief, half expecting to be thrown back into the excess of the Golden Palace alongside its rules and regulations. But life in the Long Hall seemed much more relaxed and familiar.  
A few people were moving chairs around, stacking them at the edges of the room, calling to each other as they worked. The smell of brewing tea and freshly baked biscuits wafted from the open hatch to the kitchen where a group of older Asgardians carefully placed doilies on trays and arranged mugs. 
The only out of place item was a blue and gold velvet curtain that decorated a dais at one end of the room. Even in the winter light the floor to ceiling windows let in enough light to make the gold brocade shine. 
“Sorry, it’s - King stuff, you know?” Brunnhilde shrugged, almost embarrassed by the pdecadence of the set u[, and waved to another Asgardian in the kitchen, holding her hand up and mouthing drinking, a chorus of ‘just a minute’ responded and before you knew it there was a table set in the middle of the hall, drinks and food covering the surface. 
“By Loki’s face I’m assuming this is more than a social call,” Brunnhilde asked, pouring a large cup of tea into a pint sized mug with Authentic Asgardian Mead printed on the side. 
“Wise as ever,” Loki smiled, “we have come to ask you more questions about Estrid.” Under the table he took your hand, twining your fingers together. “We met another god, claiming to know her, he attempted to kidnap her and - we heard a prophecy.” 
Brunnhilde lent into her chair, rocking it on its legs while Loki described your encounter during the Avenger’s mission and raising an eyebrow at his admission that a prophecy was involved. 
“Well, you’ve certainly been busy, I thought she’d keep you out of trouble, not get you into more of it.” She grinned and Thor laughed, shaking his brother’s shoulder. 
“She surely is Trouble,” Thor smiled indulgently, ruffling the top of your head. 
“But Loki says he couldn’t see him, he was tall, he had this spear -” suddenly it all bubbled to the surface and you had to get it out, everything you’d seen, what had happened. Between sips of the tea that appeared in front of you, you told Brunnhilde everything. 
“Lugh,” Brunnhilde said, thoughtfully, “it was a five pointed spear, correct?” 
You both nodded and Brunnhilde rocked her chair again, “definitely Lugh, and he knew your mother? And that you should go with him?” She raised an eyebrow again before looking away thoughtfully. 
“He said it over and over, he wanted me to go with him, and said it wasn’t safe for me.” The legs of her chair hit the floor with a thump. 
“And now tell me about the prophecy.” 
Loki took the marble from his pocket and placed the halves together again, releasing the voice of his mother into the room. The Asgardians fell silent, those still tidying from the council meeting stopped and bowed their heads at the memory of their fallen Queen. 
“I saw a vision of a flock in chaos, a singular lamb frolicked in its midst, a lamb with a fiery fleece. It has burnt the farm. But from the ashes rises lush land, strong crops and healthy babes. I have told this vision to my husband, and Lugh, he does not believe me when I say she is no threat, he believes this to be a prophecy of Ragnarok, he cannot see the verdant land beyond the fire. You must hide the girl, my friend, I can protect her no longer.” 
“Frigga,” Brunnhilde whispered, “she had many visions but, I can’t understand why you think this pertains to you?” She turned to you, studying your face. “We have no idea why Frigga sent this to Lugh, if you are the lamb mentioned or the girl. I do not see why he should be involved or concerned with you at all.”
“They were friends, were they not?” One of the villagers said from the kitchen, leaning through the hatch, “Lugh and Brigid, they were firm friends, often talking at the events. Frigga knew Lugh by associate as well. Perhaps that’s why?” 
“Yes, yes,” another agreed. “He was always chatting to the women folk, a kind, gentle man, never married himself mind.” Another dropped off a plate of kanelbulle, the deep scent of cinnamon wafting down the table. 
“Perhaps it’s time the girl heard all,” the time roughened voice came from behind you this time but there were many nods and noises of agreement throughout the room. 
Brunnhilde looked uncomfortable, but settled in her chair nonetheless. “Your mother was married to a man called Bres, a god of sorts who joined with your mother’s pantheon, he even became King, for a time. He was a Midgardian god as Odin was, residing in a place called the Otherworld. He was deeply unpopular, I didn’t want to upset you, when you visited before, you and Loki looked so happy I - I’m sorry. I should have told you, he was not a well liked God, but I wanted to spare you. Your mother though,” a ripple of happy sighs and murmers fluttered around the room and you were instantly self conscious. “She was very well liked, she visited Asgard many times.” 
“So… why did she marry this Bres? Is he my father?”  
“They didn’t love each other did they?” Tears welled in your eyes, for all your fears that you’d be sold into a loveless, political marriage, it had never occured to you that this fate had already befallen your mother. 
“No, I’m sorry, I believe that your mother, Brigid, loved another. Though I’m not sure who. But Bres is not your father, your mother was already pregnant, you see, when the marriage was arranged and you were born just before the ceremony. Your mother was a free spirit, she liked to travel and make friends, she brought back floral and fauna, stories and trinkets, art, crafts and, after a longer journey. You.” 
The four of you sat in silence for a few moments, contemplating what Brunnhilde had said. Bres really should have been your father and, officially, he was. But your mother didn’t love him and they weren’t married when you were born - your head swam with new information. 
“I remember.” A voice coughed behind you, stuttering through the passages of time, the stooped Asgardian shuffled around the table. Thor stood and offered her his seat, sliding the chair back into place and standing regally behind it. 
“Please,” you reached your free hand across the table towards the woman, considering Loki was easily two thousand years old, the woman must have been ancient, her face creased with memories, her skin paper thin. “I remember you,” and the memory lit up her eyes, “Estrid, Brigidsdotter, you brought so much joy to the palace, small one. And your mother loved you very much, so much that she brought you many times to spare you from Bres.” At his name the woman looked angry, her lips pursing. 
“She did?” Your eyes welled with tears, you had wondered why you were left on Asgard so much, how you’d come to know the Princes so well if your mother had loved you. 
“My dear small one, you are young, you will learn, sometimes loss is its own kind of affection, she took that burden for you, to protect you.” She paused to cough and you offered her a cup of tea from the pot. “Thank you, always so kind - He was not kind though, he came to you once and there was such shouting as you have never heard, the palace rocked with the sound of it - and in the morning,” she coughed again, “you were gone, small one, the boys, they had forgotten it all.” She reached a hand up and Thor took it between his palms as gently as if he held a small bird. 
“We forgot?” He asked.
“You all forgot, she made you, the Queen, it was for the best for you to forget, so that it would not hurt you to be separated. Especially you, Prince of Mischief.” He eyes twinkled as she smiled at Loki. “I assumed it was to hide you from Bres again, but then Odin sent out a party to search for you.” She hummed, eyes closing a second longer than necessary when she blinked.
“He wanted her back? Safe?” Loki asked.
“He wanted to imprison you I suppose.” She coughed and brought a handkerchief from the sleeve of her cardigan. “You,who had brought so much joy and so much trouble to his doorstep, he was afraid of you.” She laughed but it turned into another wet, painful, cough.
Loki shook his head, “how can that be, the Allfather, afraid of a girl -” he turned to you quickly, “no offence meant, my Darling,” he brought your hand to his lips and kissed your fingers. 
“No, of course, he is, was, the Allfather, how could he have feared me.” Confusion crossed your face and the old lady patted your hand. 
“Small one, full of power, so much power you could not comprehend. The prophecy, it was about you and he feared you would bring Ragnarok if you stayed, you would burn the city with your magic and dance in the flames.” She shrugged, her cardigan sliding on her thin shoulders, and then took a draught of her tea, smacking her lips and reaching for a biscuit when she was done. 
“But Ragnarok happened already, that’s why we’re here,” Loki scrunched his brow, “and it was Hela, it was nothing to do with Estrid.” 
“Well maybe it was wrong, what do I know.” She patted Thor’s hand. “But I do know,” her eyes twinkled and if you didn’t know better, you’d say it was the same spark of mischief that Loki possessed, “I do know that Lugh,” she said his name like a sigh, one hand over her heart, “he was a kind man to all, and he loved your mother, so very much, that he would protect you, even now. He didn’t know how, of course, but he visited you once and Bres - well - as I say, it shook the palace.” 
Tears were threatening again, you couldn’t help it, it was all too much, should you have gone with him? Trusted him? Had he kidnapped you or was it another? Your mind raced.  
“I’m sorry, small one, I grow very weary, I am not as spritely as I once was.” 
“Thank you, thank you so much.” You reached across the table to hug her, your senses filling with an instant calm, a forgotten memory of the Asgardian nursery, the school rooms billowing with chalk dust and the grey teacher who watched over your work. “Thank you.” 
“Oh small one, it is my pleasure to see you so well again.” She smiled back, but tears didn’t come, instead her eyes looked milky and unfocussed, “I - Princess Estrid, what in the Nine Realms are you wearing - and Prince Loki, do unhand the young girl - I was - I was - look at the board -” she made a half turn, stumbling into Thor’s arms, “I must -” 
Thor tucked her tiny arm in his and kept her upright, “I shall escort her home, I know the way.” He nodded at you all, “I trust we shall discuss this later?” 
“Yes, of course brother, later.” Loki touched his elbow as he passed while you stared at the noticeboard again, silent tears spilling down your cheeks. 
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When you’d helped to tidy away the table and the other Asgardian ladies had fussed over you awhile, Loki decided it was time to retire and discuss all that had been revealed to you. He had watched you working, leaning against Brunnhilde’s throne, while they spoke in hushed voices about the prophecy.
Outside of the tall windows the night had drawn in quickly, the sun already below the horizon despite the fact it was only mid-afternoon. In the lamplight you could see thick flakes of snow passing in and out of the light. 
“My darling,” Loki cooed, arms curling around your waist and his chin on your shoulder, “you work with my people is much appreciated, but I believe we should leave now, we have much to discuss.” 
You nodded in agreement and said goodbye to your new Asgardian friends. They were friendly, happy people, relaxing into their new life as much as they could with the weight of their loss still hanging heavy over them. You remembered snippets of life in Asgard, but the sheltered palace and walled grounds were a world away from the casual court of this new land, and you had to admit you enjoyed it.
At the door of the long hall Loki waved his hand, alongside your coat, a matching hat and gloves appeared. His own fell around his knees, accentuating the long lines of his body, and he lifted the collar against the chill breeze shifting the airy snow across the doorstep. 
Naturally, you fell into step next to each other, your arms linked and shoulders bumping together. You passed the turning for Brunnhilde’s road and suddenly your heart hammered, you had made it this far last time. You had walked from Brunnhilde’s home to the harbour’s edge, you’d watched the boats, far fewer boats then, bobbing in the waves, and now you were watching them creak against the crisp wind, snow icing their edges. 
“You have nothing to fear, Asynja,” Loki assured, putting his arm around your waist instead. You had to walk slower, but you did feel safer this close to his body. 
“I know -” you took a deep breath, watching it mist in the air as you exhaled, “I was alone before.” 
“Though I’m truly sorry, beyond any words, that I was not here to escort you before, that isn’t what I meant.” He stopped you then and your heart beat wildly. The cottages were lit up in the darkness and you longed to be safe inside. “You have nothing to fear, anything out here stalking you now -” you hitched a breath, “- not that there is,” he cupped your cheeks, tipping your chin up. “There is nothing out here that your power cannot match, nothing that you cannot beat, you have no reason to fear, they should be afraid of you.” His eyes were ablaze, firm and proud. 
“I don’t know about that, Loki, I-”
“Darling, you are Princess Estrid, daughter of Brigid, this is a magnificent lineage all of its own. I’ve seen what you can do, what your raw magic can create, you have nothing to fear.” 
“Okay,” you weren’t entirely convinced, but Loki’s surety made you feel as if you could take on the world anyway, just as long as he was by your side. 
“It seems I need to prove it to you further,” he stepped away from you, taking the coat he’d conjured with him and a chill ran up your spine, the flare of magic was as natural as the shiver itself, a heavy cloak and fur collar fell about you, fluffing up behind your neck to protect you from any further cold. 
Loki smiled, the predatory smile he employed when he had been proved right, “without thought, my darling, you look truly regal, as you deserve to be.” He approached you again, holding his hand out and, as it touched yours, he allowed himself to exchange his modern peacoat for a matching robe. 
“Do you believe me now, Princess?” He teased the question against your lips, pulling back when you leaned into him. 
“Yes, I believe you.” You sighed, rolling your eyes playfully. 
“Good,” Loki’s cold lips met yours, as all consuming as his belief in you, you tipped your head, deepening the kiss until your tongues slid together, noses brushing and the snow falling like glitter around you. 
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You stumbled over the threshold of Loki’s Tønsberg home intending to take in the details of his cottage, to learn more about him, to talk over the new information revealed at the long hall. But his lips on your neck, pushing the heavy fabric to the floor where it billowed into glittering magic at your feet, the overwhelming scent of him as he slammed the door behind you both and pressed you into the wall. You were incapable of thinking of anything else, of this god before you, a Prince, and you felt every inch the Princess he believed you could be. That sensation alone filled you with a burning desire. 
“Loki,” you moaned and he groaned against your lips. 
“Say my name,” he growled, “say it again.”
“Only if -” you panted, pulling away to drag your sweater over your head, “only if you call me Princess again.” 
Loki’s eyes darkened, his smile feral as he loomed over you, one hand braced against the wall, his body hovering over yours, barely touching, the other traced your ear, down your cheek, to your lips. “You like when I call you Princess?” he purred, dragging your bottom lip with his thumb and you latched onto it, drawing the digit into your mouth and nodding. “Then who am I to deny you, Princess.”
“Ugh, Loki,” you sagged against the wall, reaching for his lapels and drawing him back into your kisses.
“That’s a good girl,” he swept you up in his kiss, lifting you into his arms and carrying you up the narrow stairs to his bedroom. Candles flickered as you passed, illuminating the room in a golden glow. 
Loki’s bed was huge, taking up a large portion of the room with its posts and swathes of emerald velvet. He’d placed you on an equally luxurious blanket, but you could feel the cold slick of silk behind you. 
He prowled towards you, crowding you backwards into the pillows and crushing your lips together again. Your hands sought the hard planes of his chest, ripping the buttons from his shirt and revealing the dips of his muscles to your hungry eyes. 
“I need you so badly, fuck -” you dug your hands into his hair, needing something, anything, to ground you. 
“Darling,” his chest rumbled with each breath, his kisses deep and languid. 
You weren’t sure whose magic removed the rest of your clothes, but you knew when you could feel the hard length of him against your thigh that this was exactly where you needed to be, where you had always belonged. You canted your hips against him, trying to gain any friction to quell the aching between your legs. 
“My Princess,” he looked down at you, his eyes full of emotion and lust, blurred together into an intoxicating cocktail, you shivered again, your own slick mixing with the precum leaking onto your leg. “Are you going to keep being a good girl for me?” He asked, nosing at the sensitive spot on your neck, licking over the pulse. 
“Do you want me to be good?” You teased back, wrapping your legs around his hips.
It took him a moment to answer while he took in your prone form, spread below him in the candlelight, sparking with magic, before he met your eyes again, notching the head of his cock at your entrance. 
“No, I don’t,” he grinned. “I want you to be bad, I want you to be naughty, my Goddess, my Asynja, I want you to be wicked and cruel and ruthless. I want you to take exactly what you want from me." 
You clawed at his back, leaving red tracks on his porcelain skin while he snarled with lust, sheathing himself inside of you. 
He was animalistic, growling as he set a punishing pace, his forehead pressed to yours. 
You gripped his hips, using them to pull yourself closer, rolling your body to meet his with every thrust. 
“Loki - ugh - My Prince!” You cried out, your stomach tightened, clenching around his hard length. 
That feral smile returned and he slowed his movements, rolling onto his back and dragging you with him until you were seated in his lap, his cock, so deep, you could swear you could see the outline of him. His hands found your waist again, urging you to begin moving. 
“My Prince,” you panted, squeezing your eyes closed at the sheer bliss of being so close to him, so connected you could feel his heartbeat inside of you. 
“My Princess,” Loki sat up to kiss you, his muscles flexing, sweat dipping into each rivulet, “I want you to take your pleasure, my darling, let me be your throne, tell your court your wicked desires.” 
With a moan you kissed the smile from his face, devouring him, his words like a match to tinder in your veins. And you moved. So slowly it was almost painful, teasing the length of him from your body, feeling the drag of each deliciously, thick inch against your fluttering walls, before lowering yourself again, hands on his chest, head tipped back in sheer ecstasy. 
“That’s it, use my body for your pleasure, sit upon your throne.” He cried as he came hard inside you to the feel of your pulsing walls and tightening fingers. 
As he rolled you over again you were sure you could get used to being a Princess. 
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<<Chapter 16
Chapter 18 >>
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teriri-sayes · 11 months
Reactions to Deal Maker's Chapter 199
TL;DR - Sima Pyeong and Jegal Mi Ryeo figure out that Cale was an otherworlder. HD having a drink date with CH. Cale returns to Roan and gets greeted by a very polite Alberu and 6 dragons.
The Good and Evil Factions Today's the last chapter of the murim arc, so we get our final scenes with the key figures of the two factions. Apparently, news of the emperor arriving in Hainan Island reached the murim people's ears, so everyone was behaving well. The murim people were scared of the emperor because he was kind to the civilians but harsh on the murim people.
However, we didn't get more scenes of the emperor. The first half was about Sima Pyeong and the Good Faction's meeting. The smart ones of the two factions - Sima Pyeong and Jegal Mi Ryeo, figured out that Cale was an otherworlder. Sima Pyeong's clue was the magic Raon taught him, and the Good Faction's clue was Cale's power in stopping the tsunami.
Both factions also realized that Cale was leaving soon, and began to prepare gifts to their benefactor. And Jegal Mi Ryeo also decided to carry out some reforms to the Good Faction because of their realization that they had been arrogant.
And that was it for these two factions. No mention of what happened to Toonka who was still probably hanging out with the Evil Faction people. 😂
A Drink Under the Moonlight Our cheater HD was having a drink with CH in the garden under the moonlight. BUT. It was actually CH who asked to meet HD, even getting Cale's permission to do so. What? CH making the first move? He even refilled HD's cup? 😂
Anyway, CH wanted to meet HD because he wanted to learn how to remove the dead mana from one's body. HD went on to say that he had actually not completely removed the dead mana from his body as the human body had hundreds of miniscule blood vessels, so a complete removal would take time.
And when HD said that the method only worked if you had dead mana in your body, CH clarified that it was not for him but for two people - Hannah and Clopeh. Yes, a Clopeh mention! 🥳
But it was quite funny when CH was thinking that it would be good for Clopeh to remove the dead mana in his body, and then frowned when he realized that he actually thought/cared about that crazy guy... 🤣🤣🤣
Why did Cale even agree in CH meeting HD? Because he wanted CH to pass to HD a map of the Absolute God of War's tomb location (that he ripped off from Jungwon) and have HD learn the martial arts of that man in order to become stronger. I think this man was mentioned earlier in the murim arc, though I forgot how EAP translated the name.
Ah, why do I see a parallel here to Alberu? Cale once gave Alberu the dead mana of a dragon to make Alberu stronger, and now he's doing the same to HD for the same reason?
However, HD refused it, saying that he wanted to follow his own path (of martial arts), and even asked CH to spar with him next time. CH agreed but also made himself as the goal that HD should catch up to.
We also get CH praising HD for being amazing (because HD had gotten this far at his young age), and HD replying that it was CH who was amazing. Wait, our last scene of HD is him bonding with CH and not Cale? 😂
Moving on, HD was excited to learn that Cale could summon him in Cale's future fights. Or was he more excited to spar with CH? I dunno. I didn't expect HD to be friendly with CH. Then again, I didn't expect to have a scene of CH calmly drinking with someone else, or CH missing his hometown in Roan.
Traitor Alberu Cale had been really careful about the Aipotu stuff because he was worried about the young Raon handling all of that heavy stuff. But when Alberu heard all about it from Cale, Alberu went on and told about it to the dragons.
So when Cale finally arrived back in Roan, his welcoming party was a very nervous Alberu (who was acting politely) surrounded by 6 dragons (if you count the half-blood dragon as a dragon). There was Eruhaben, Rasheel, Dodori, and Mila. Sheritt and the half-blood dragon were seen in the video communication device Alberu was holding.
Given how serious all the dragons looked, Cale realized that Alberu had tattled on the Raon stuff to the dragons. And he glared at Alberu who avoided his gaze... 😂 For the first time in his life, Cale felt betrayed by Alberu. 🤣🤣🤣 Maybe he even regrets wanting to work under Alberu than become a god? 😂
Ending Remarks FINALLY, THE MURIM ARC IS OVER!!! It took us around 119 chapters for this arc alone. My suffering from reading confusing MTL because of murim terms finally ends! 🥳Next up is a brief interlude in Roan before the Aipotu arc. Will we finally get Cale's conversation with the Molans? And what happened to CJS? Why was there no mention of him today? Did he break up with Cale's group? Or did he go with them? What about the Orsena sisters? Where is Karin? So many questions still left unanswered.
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hyperspacereverie · 2 years
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This is HYPERSPACE REVERIE!!!!! It is an RPG Maker 2003 passion project about a dysfunctional group of evil girls facing magical beasts, space empires and threats to the entire galaxy, mostly for their own benefit. You will be tasked with guiding Jester, a Wizard who is having a really bad day and really wants to kill her boss, and who will soon meet Captain the Starborne and Fiend the Drake. The three of them shall band together, and go on a fun adventure full of killing and looting and bickering with each other.
The game will have a big focus on modernizing the Active Time Battle system used in games like Chrono Trigger and several Final Fantasy games such as FF7, bringing many new features exploring just how deep and engaging the system can be, as well as changing and bringing new features to the classic RPG formula as a whole, such as getting rid of level and experience progression entirely in exchange for more interesting and meaningful progression methods, and the introduction of out of battle actions such as jumping for more engaging ways to interact with the world and enemies, as well as explore and solve puzzles.
The game is currently on very early development and lacks any major visuals, other than a few early sprites, so there isn't much to show just yet, but I hope that I can use this blog to keep you all informed on my thoughts and plans and to keep myself motivated to keep working!
The game is being developed entirely by @r0zeclawz, and if you want to support this project consider subscribing to my Patreon or supporting me on Ko-fi!
Okay that's all for now, here *hands you some Jesters*
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crepesuzette2023 · 6 months
Hi, lovely Crepesuzette! Thanks a lot of your inspiring blog, your fics and always helpfull #fic recs! And can I ask any recs for good fics where John in the end understend the shit he did for Paul? All of this HDYS, Melody Maker, Rolling Stone etc, which not only hurted Paul but they ruined his self-esteem and creative reputation, you know. Thanks again! Love you and want you be happy everyday like you do it for me :)
Hello there, thank you for the ask—and for your kind words. Very welcome, esp. since real life has been low grade shit these past few days.
So...your ask make me think of stories where things are not only better than they were in this (clears throat) reality as we know it: there's also a focus on mutual understanding, peace-making, forgiveness. Yes?
These came to my mind...and making this list made me realize I'm really in the mood to re-read some of them! In the 70's:
stuck inside these four walls (@monkberries). Lost Weekend. John and Paul get locked up until they resolve their shit.
i can only speak my mind (@revollver). 70's. Paul reads John's 'secret' diaries that have been leaked to the press, and understands him—and himself—better.
forth and back (@monkberries). 70's—80's. Paul and John talk through songs.
A Toot and a Snore (@glowing-gold). Lost Weekend in LA. That jam session is on the page in real time, as is their slow and hot reconciliation. Will never forget the description of moustache-Paul and his nipples, *fans self*
They Say it's Your Birthday (@ohjohnnysblog). 1979. A personal favorite. Warm, nostalgic phone sex in the spirit of peace and friendship.
Down on the Farm (RosalindBeatrice), 1974. John is exposed to Wings, Paul's family, and Paul's hotness, and realizes it's all meant to lure him back...
You Will, You Will, You Will (@eveepe). John and Paul and Linda take the plunge. Excellent tension...over the phone and in person.
February in New Orleans (@eveepe). 1975. John and May visit Paul and Linda in New Orleans. Resentment is desire's favorite costume. Everyone has a good time, 2/4 have a hard-on (I am sorry).
Adventures in Total Honesty (@merseydreams). 1975. Paul and John meet backstage, and have it out. A+ banter, and so many things I wish Paul had said. Also: sex.
The lights go down (they're back in town) (@backbenttulips). 1977. Paul and John are trapped in an elevator at the Dakota. The power goes out. John comes back to live.
Something Borrowed Something New (@inspiteallthedanger). 1979. The former Beatles meet at Pattie & Eric's wedding. Paul and John face some truths.
six hours in august (@stonedlennon). 1979. A chance meeting in NYC. The love is still there.
I Still Miss Someone/ I Know That I Miss you, but I Don't Know Where I Stand/ Close the Door Lightly When You Go (RosalindBeatrice). 1976-1979. Paul and John become lovers, but their lives have changed. John feels guilty about the past, Paul has a family...Mutual empathy is needed, and accordingly grows. But it doesn't come easy.
1980 and Onwards:
The Birthday Party (@merseydreams). John and Paul meet at Ringo's Birthday Party. Paul has had therapy, and John wears denim shorts. There is only one bed.
Free Man in Paris (@backbenttulips). John and Paul get married in Paris in '61, and get a divorce seven years later. But it's not the end.
Memory Lane (@ohjohnnysblog). Old, married John and Paul leaf through a photo album and reminisce about the past, including past lovers.
and when broken bodies are washed ashore (who am i to ask for more) (wardo_wedidit): John and Paul. Now and Then.
Bermuda (@scurator): John and Paul are grown-ups and know what they want (each other, to start with).
Take A Sad Song and Make it Better (@javelinbk). 1980. John visits Paul in 1980, and they revisit the past, including their love. But their families don't magically disappear. Also by @javelinbk: Our Version of Events (Part 1, Part 2 (in progress)). 1971. Reading fan fiction helps John and Paul realize what's happening, and what's been happening in the past.
Going Nowhere (@inspiteallthedanger). 1980; John survives the shooting and returns to England. I think of this one as 'they talk about it' fic.
Comprehensive Fix-Its:
The Contract (JP). The story of John and Paul, with a happier (though bizarre) ending, and a lot of sex (good).
i was a younger man then (now) (post hoc) (@fingersfallingupwards). The story of John and Paul à la The Time Traveller's Wife. It takes them a long time—but in the end they do understand and forgive each other.
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Mischievous Matching
☆ Pairing: Loki x Mutant!Reader
☆ Synopsis: Loki is a trouble maker, always one to cause trouble, but he meets a mortal that is even worse than him and he finds himself absolutely powerless and victim of your stupid outdated pranks, but he finds himself to be putty in your hands.
☆ Word Count: 7,656 (good thing I didn't know what to do with this prompt, eh? This is just the second longest fic I've done.)
☆ Notes: My first request! Yay! 🥳Loki is a smitten little lee. I'm really bad at doing pranks so I did the worst and oldest pranks I remembered, because it's funny Loki not growing up on earth wouldn't know any of them. Also, it's not said outright, but in case of doubt the reader's mutation is super-elasticity because guess who started watching One Piece 👒🏴‍☠️.
☆ Warnings: Very bad and outdated pranks, other than that it's just pure fluff and flirting.
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Loki thought he was smug. He had always been the smart brother, growing up constantly tricking an entire realm of Gods and Goddesses, he was very little used to people being smarter than him. Of course, he knew a couple of them existed, his mother was one he could never lie to. Odin more often than others saw through his deception and caught him playing pranks on Thor. But when you grow up in a Realm that values more your physical strength and at most your ability to come with war strategies… You come to believe you’re bound to become complacent, and it becomes a matter until… well, what always happens.
Loki would’ve never expected his match would come from Earth. Quite frankly, he had expected humans would always stay the same, kind of like Asgardians did. But they didn’t. Humans (for the most part at least) didn’t have magic or supernatural skills, so they chose to be inventive, they created modern civilizations purely thanks to the fact that humans chose to play smarter.
He wouldn’t admit it, now that Asgard settled on Midgard, and he got to see what humans did with technology… it was sort of admirable how much they had made purely with ingenuity. Only a bit.
There was Stark, who had made a technological empire and entire armies just with just machines, humans like the sanctuary where Strange lived or the Maximoff girl that had learned magic despite their incompatibility with it, or the bug hero’s mentor that figured a way to alter the size of matter itself. Not to mention the Avengers had managed to take him down, a God his ancestors used to venerate without question.
Perhaps some humans were in fact, formidable.
Still Loki could get away with a ridiculous number of things simply because a lot of humans were just that gullible. His illusions had already started wreaking havoc in small towns where his illusions had turned into rumors of what he learned humans called UFOs… although, to be completely fair, he was, by definition, an alien.
But the true meaning of formidable he found in you.
He met you one night he was allowed to visit New York and he decided to mess with passerby Midgardians. He simply sat on a bench of the park casted the illusion of a Ratatoskr and let humans do their thing. Truth to be told, while the creature wasn’t necessarily scary, it was gonna be interesting when the young ones noticed a talking squirrel and he saw some children excitedly trying to catch it, which may or may not have been actually endearing. But the real fun came when the parents became hysterical. Chaos ensued and Loki couldn’t hide a smile.
“That’s yours, isn’t it?” a voice asked, and you sat beside him.
He looked at you perplexed.
“It’s just… it kinda sticks out that you seem even more amused than the actual children playing with that. It’s supposed to be Ratatoskr, right?”
He didn’t expect anyone to notice, he had sat at enough distance that he couldn’t be related to what was going on, and he had a book on his hands so no one would relate his amusement to what’s going on.
The illusion vanished as he lost focus, surprised that you noticed him. He couldn’t hold back a soft laugh through his breath when a woman in her middle age let out a screech threatening to call the cops on an invisible talking squirrel. And to his surprise you laughed too.
“Man, I enjoy seeing your everyday soccer mom lose her marbles at whatever, but actively seeking their wrath takes courage.” You laughed.
You stretched out your hand and introduced yourself with a firm handshake which Loki surprised himself returning and giving away his actual name.
“W-Wait… like the Loki, Thor’s little brother… The Asgardian that… you know… over a decade ago did… you know?” you asked perplexed, not daring to say the actual thing.
Loki tense up, not knowing how you’d act next. For all he knows maybe the police force would end up showing up after all.
“Damn, so what they say is true” you shrugged. “You are a softie now.”
“What they say?” Loki gasped out indignant.
“Yeah, it was over the news a bit after the second snap, Ironman and your brother gave a press conference to explain you were in peace with Earth and it was Thanos’ brainwash.” You explained as a cheeky grin formed on your face. “Ergo, you are a softie.”
Loki was speechless. You knew who he was, you knew what he had done to New York, and yet you were poking the bear with a stick without an ounce of fear in your expression.
“Listen well, mortal, I–” Loki huffed.
“Pfft! I didn’t know Gods blushed.” You laughed heartedly.
“Hang on just a minute!” Loki protested as he became aware of the heat on his cheeks “I am–”
“Surprisingly fun to be around.”
He opened his mouth and closed it again as he found himself with no witty retort for your teasing.
“Thank you, I suppose” was all he could say, with less spite than he usually had when he spoke with mortals.
“I was gonna go grab a bite, wanna join? It’s a bit boring eating alone” you offered.
His stomach growled and he took the offer, partly because he was very hungry and both you had caught his curiosity. You were an odd one, that was for sure.
“So…” you wondered. “Is it true you’re staying with the Avengers?”
“Why do you wanna know?” he asked back.
“Curiosity” you smiled.
A question like that could’ve easily triggered an alarm, but for some reason it didn’t. And you didn’t lie.
“Yes, my brother decided to join the quarters to live with his friends and he took me with him” Loki admitted.
“Took you with him? Like an updog?” you arched an eyebrow in a way that made him feel slightly sheepish.
“Excuse me? What’s that?”
“What’s what?”
“What about it?”
“What is updog?”
“Not much, what’s up with you?” you wheezed before letting out a dorky laugh.
Despite the fact that the All-Speak did not allow him to understand a place’s lingo he understood he had fallen for a stupid Midgardian joke.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I had to try, oh… oh god, I hadn’t met a anyone who didn’t know that one yet, but I had to try. I like you already.”
Now he was convinced, you were definitely an odd one. Not only did you not fear him, but you were bold enough to pull practical jokes on him and teased him for falling for it. It got on his nerves.
But he couldn’t help but follow you around. You kept teasing him the entire trip to a sandwich shop.
“What do you want to eat?” you smiled.
Loki stared awkwardly at the menu, he recognized some of the ingredients, but he had never been to a place like this. And he wasn’t used enough to human food to make an informed choice.
So, you stepped up and asked him a couple of questions about the food he liked and made a choice for him.
“You can punch me in the arm if it’s not good” you winked at him.
Loki surprised himself smiling at you.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
But it was really good. It wasn’t anywhere near as refined as what he was used to eat, but it was surprisingly good. And you even paid for his food, which spared him the uncomfortable conversation over why he had no money despite leaving in a millionaire’s house.
“Hey, I live a bit far away, do you mind accompanying me home?”
Loki wasn’t sure why he accepted, but he found himself following you around, risking getting lost in New York City since he didn’t really know the area that well just yet. But he got on the bus with you and followed you home.
Which to his surprise… was the compound he himself lived in.
“Wait… D-Did you…?”
Loki felt betrayed. Of course. He should have known Stark would send an agent to find him, no one really trusted him, and they had to assign him a nanny to make sure he–
“I’m glad I ran into you” You spoke, interrupting his train of thought. “I still feel anxious coming so far out of the city alone, sorry if I cut your trip short.”
That caught him off guard. Were you not follow him? He didn’t sense a lie, but perhaps he was still a bit distracted.
“You mean you found me by accident?” Loki asked.
“Yeah, I’m not used to the headquarters being a home, so I need to get out to stretch my legs every once in a while. Otherwise, I feel… I don’t know.”
“Imprisoned.” You finished, as Loki’s lips let out the exact same word in almost a perfect synchronization.
Again, no lie.
“Hah… yeah” you smiled. “Sorry, I probably sound like a brat, complaining about living in such a big place.”
“No, I understand perfectly.” Loki found himself say in soft tone.
Loki walked with you inside and accompanied to your room. The sight when you opened the door was rather dismal. Just a small bed, a desk. But the bed was interesting, or more like what was on top of it. A stuffed little bear with a green bow on its neck, and a travel bag. He assumed they did go with Director Fury’s intention of having the trainees educated like soldiers until they completed their training.
After that day he felt more interested on helping with the training of newer recruits, thing he crushingly refused to do before meeting you. But it was his excuse to see you more. And as he imagined, you were among the best recruits. You weren’t the strongest, nor the fastest, and definitely not the tallest given some mutants came to be even taller than him. But you were agile and flexible, and you worked harder than anyone else to make up for any shortcomings you could have.
And you were smart, the smartest in the group. Loki had seen Stark give tests to the recruits and your results always came among the best, and more often than not, you were on top of those results.
“You did it again” Loki would congratulate you.
“It’s just a number on a paper” you always replied back, “that doesn’t mean I am going to be good on the world out there.”
“And yet your leg is bouncing with excitement” Loki pointed out.
You laughed and placed a hand to your knee to make it stop.
“The ego boost is still appreciated” you replied, a bit sheepish.
You were his favorite of all the recruits. Not that it was a title most competed for, a lot just gave him wary looks when it was his turn to train recruits, after all who wanted to have the man who once terrorized Earth as the class teacher. But you always helped to control the group, willingly volunteering for sparring with him for demonstrations and even while everyone else got a partner you chose him, even when that meant it’d be ten times more difficult than picking another mutant.
But once again, that allowed him to get closer to you.
“I’m telling you, it’s magic!” you assured him pointing to the water bottle as you sat next to him.
“Sure, it is.”
He knew you had no magic. He had read your files –for purely professional reasons, like personalizing– and knew of your abilities. But he also had no clue how you had shoved a coin bigger than the bottles neck all the way to the bottom.
But he didn’t like that playful giggle of yours, it always meant trouble.
“Look inside if you don’t believe me.” You said placing your eye on the bottle orifice to get a better look at the coin.
He sighed and mimicked what you had done, pressing his eye to the bottle’s finish to get a better look and see if he could figure something to get it out.
“I don’t see–”
In a second you had squeezed the bottle and splash him in the face. Which was noticed by a few recruits that let out quiet laughs, unlike you who were giggling shamelessly at his expense.
“You! You... traitorous, cheeky, despicable, insolent–” Loki huffed as he latched onto your ribs and squeezed them repeatedly making you double over in laughter.
You batted his hand gently after about a minute as you regained his composure.
“Oh god, you’re my favorite thing ever, it’s been years since these pranks stooped working on everyone else” you laughed.
Loki huffed. “I wasn’t living here years ago.”
“Oh, I know that’s what makes it funnier” you laughed and patted his shoulder.
Other trainees were looking at him amused, but he noticed they seemed a lot less tense now. As if some of that fear they had was gone. It was… weirdly nice. So, he just sighed and rubbed his face with sleeve to dry himself off.
“You cannot expect me to go easy on you after your little stunt” he asked as he stood up.
“Mm, it’s already, I like rough treatment anyway” you winked at him.
That made some other people in the room as Loki’s cheeks heated up lightly. But he still smirked.
“We’ll see about that in a few minutes, won’t we?”
You were also what humans called, the class clown. And your favorite thing was to prank him. It was all harmless stuff, like when you started a game the entire class to start a game every time, he used Asgardian or just outdated expressions like “Norns” or “Heavens.” Or that time you taped giant googly eyes to your chest, so he had a hard time giving a lecture as he got the urge to laugh every time he glanced at you, and even had the audacity to tell him, “Hey, my eyes are up here!” as you bounced, making the googly eyes bounce all over the place. That time where you filled his locker with confetti and balloons.
It was embarrassing because despite he’s nature, he had no way to get back at you. His illusions didn’t faze you one bit, and the concept of pranks for a god weren’t particularly safe for humans, your style was weirdly benign, and he couldn’t match it. And everything he tried repeating from your pranks wasn’t really surprising.
He used to think nothing could ever bother you at all… Until he was wrong.
He found you one night by the roof, sitting with your legs hanging on the edge, but the little border made a secure railing that kept you safe. You had been gone for hours, even skipping training, and he saw a half empty bottle of Vodka behind you.
“What are you doing here?” he asked as he sat beside you.
“Wasting time, and Tony’s reserves” you joked bitterly. “Watching the forest.”
“It is a lovely night” Loki admitted. “But you were missed at today’s sparring. It is obvious I’m not nearly as tolerable without you around.”
“Just relax, they’ve already warmed up to you” you sighed. “No one likes a stiff teacher.”
It was true hay whenever you made him laugh everyone else seemed to ease up as well. He always attributed to your natural charm and that you relished embarrassing him. But… people were a lot less wary around him lately.
“What made you skip?” he asked.
“It’s the 13th anniversary since my mutation manifested” you sighed and you reached your arm into the sky, it stretched for a few meters before it regained its normal shape.
“I thought people here celebrated that” Loki inquired. “You act as if a partner abandoned you.”
“I don’t know, I think I miss being normal… well, more normal” you chuckled humorlessly. “Not feeling like an actual monster.”
Loki could relate to that, realizing that you are different means you will never wake up with the same concept of yourself, because as it turns out, you are a mistake, a cosmic improbability and turns out, you’ve never been like anyone else around you.
“You are not monster, you’re a–”
“Oh right, because mutant sounds so much nicer.”
“Does it upset you?” Loki asked. “Being the way you are?”
“Yes. No. A little? I don’t know, it’s like a dream living in the Avengers home.” You sighed. “But… don’t you ever get the feeling that rather than wanting to have you around they’re just don’t want you to go rogue? I mean, I get it, with all that’s happening with the Banshee black market…”
Loki couldn’t help but laugh at that. If anyone understood what you felt, that was him. You were a mutant, which granted was becoming much more transcendental these days. More with the mutation enhancing drugs circulating, SHIELD and other organizations were putting a lot of energy to make sure less mutants went on a rampage. But none of you actually had major lists of crimes on their backs, unlike Loki. If anyone was being monitored that was Loki.
Even if he was technically an official Avenger already, it always felt like it was all because of his connection with Thor and at most that he was already highly trained, better than most other Avengers.
“I assure you that they do not think that of you.” Loki spoke reassuringly. “The Incorporations of Mutants Program is simply to remove mutants from a dangerous environment.”
“Yeah, free of Banshee and even add some mutant soldiers to their ranks, it’s a win-win situation” you spoke bitterly.
A part of him felt weirdly nostalgic. His mind took him back to the treasure vault of Asgard, his words reverberating on the walls: «So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up, here until you might have use of me?» And now, more than a decade later, he found himself defending his father. This was just the same, you weren’t necessarily wrong… but it only a piece of the picture, the hurtful bit of a picture.
“You’re right to feel that way.” Loki spoke reassuringly. “But know that these people care about you… even if their original intentions aren’t as selfless. Trust me, I would know.”
“That’s surprisingly mature for a prince that’s technically younger than me.”
He felt his cheeks warming up to your comment and scoffed out a laugh. Of course, even in a vulnerable moment you wouldn’t let the chance pass to tease him.
“What can I say? I am not just devilishly handsome, charming, and tremendously intelligent,” he smiled, “there’s gotta be some wisdom to balance it all out.”
That made you laugh in that way that made his heart flutter in his chest. And before he knew it, you had rested your head on his shoulder. He felt his cheeks heat up and a smile make its way to his face. Had it always been so difficult concealing his excitement?
“You forgot humble and down to earth” you chuckled and rolled your eyes.
“What can I say, darling?” he smiled, “I’m a perfect man, I am completely irresistible.”
“And you still can’t get a date” you smile nudging his side.
“Not my fault there” Loki chuckled, “I’m quite particular when choosing a lover.”
“Right, and you being insufferable has nothing to do with it” you smiled as you grabbed his side and gave him a few squeezes.
The feeling made him jolt and let out a strangled gasp. Of course, you little brat always took advantage of this silly weakness of him ever since you found out.
He remembered the day you found out, quite vividly.
It was a holiday, so most recruits were out for a couple of days with either family, friends, or a new fling. Even some of the Avengers with friends out of the compound left for a few days. So, it was the super soldiers, the Maximoff twins, Vision, Thor, Loki, and you.
Your family had left for a trip, so you had no reason to leave the compound. Loki was thrilled that he would have you practically to himself. He felt those butterflies deep within his chest every time he saw you alone in a room. Of course, he kept his cool as best he could, still being the same mischievous charmer he’s always been, despite feeling like a giddy kid at the sight of you.
Even the most ordinary of mornings were blissful with you around. Even things like breakfast you could always make a monotone activities fun. Like right now, making Thor and the Maximoff twins laugh and sing around with you while you were whipping pancake mix on a bowl. It was some sort of little dance party while you cooked.
Loki couldn’t help but stare and chuckle softly.
“Loki, good morning” you smiled as poured some mix on a frying pan. “Wanna join us for breakfast?”
“Is it required for me to squirm around like a possessed worm like you’re doing?” he joked.
“Yes, it is imperative that you do, otherwise the pancakes will come flat” you quipped back with a cheeky smile.
“Come on brother, I know Midgard dancing is very different from what we used to see at home,” Thor intervened, “But it is quite fun, give it a try!”
“That’s the attitude, Thor-nderstorm” you grinned as you continued to dance.
“In that case I think I’ll just do with some coffee” he cleared his throat as he spoke.
“Come on, brother” Thor insisted, shameless —or rather, clueless— as usual. “It’s fun!”
“Hey, no shame if he can’t do it” you said, “Not everyone can dance.”
Loki laughed.
“If you call that «dancing», I’ll let you know I am actually a great dancer” he stated, just so you knew.
“Loki, if someone has to inform me of their traits, I have learned not to believe that.” You challenged him.
He looked away, focusing on the black liquid dripping into the coffee pot, trying to think of anything else that wasn’t you. Just the coffee, dark, bitter, that he had to keep himself from drinking before bed or it’d deprive him of sleep... Just the way you…
“ACK—!” he was brought back by the squeeze on his sides that made him jump and hold back a yelp.
He was ready to yell at Thor, when he saw the outstretched arms and you looking at him from the other side of the kitchen, the hands returned to your hips. Everyone was looking at him.
“Oh, you’re back” you saw his rosy cheeks a bit confused. “Honey?”
“Excuse me?”
“What do you want your pancakes with? Honey?”
“Uh- I… I- no… Um, I didn’t— I…” he couldn’t even look at you.
But you gave him a reassuring smile.
“I recall you like them with honey” you smiled, “It’s Thor that likes them with maple syrup.”
“That’s correct” Thor beamed happily.
“Don’t finish it all you hoarder” Pietro quipped as he wrestled with the blond for the bottle of syrup.
He sighed quietly, thankful that they had moved onto the next subject. He served himself his cup of coffee and just when he was going to turn around, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and that gently traveled all the way down his side and caused him to shiver.
He looked at you with daggers in his eyes before checking on the rest that were focused on eating and didn’t notice anything, thankfully. You just look at him and chuckled, before handing him a plate with neatly piled up pancakes with honey and some a small mix of berries you knew he liked.
“I didn’t know all Gods were so ticklish, I thought it was a Thor thing” you whispered. “…Good to know.”
You might as well have buried him alive after that. But, to his surprise you didn’t tell anyone. No one brought it up, not even Thor, who was already painfully aware of how cripplingly sensitive Loki was. No, and the anticipation killed him for the next day or two.
You didn’t bring it up once until one night you had the entire compound to yourselves. The doctor Foster had invited Thor over to «watch movies», not that anyone bought that for a second, the Scarlet Witch had gone on a date with the Vision, Barnes and Rogers were out on a party thing and had taken the Maximoff brother with him to further introduce him as part of the team. So, it was you and Loki completely alone.
You were reading on the couch on the weirdest positions, with your head upside down and the book inelegantly hanging on the air as you red upside down with your back arched as it seemed you’d fall out of the couch any second.
He grinned. It was the perfect chance to get you back. He made sure to be very quiet as he approached you and moved very slowly so you wouldn’t notice him —human earbuds were a blessing for his mischief, but they were not infallible— and right when he was towering over you. He squeezed both your sides.
“AAAAAAHHH!” you screeched as you fell off the couch.
Loki looked over to where you were laying on the floor where you had a hand over your heart.
“Loki! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” You scolded him.
What? No blush, no squeaky voice, no stuttering, no nervous shifting or even a giggle? No nothing? Were you that good at playing dumb? No way.
“What was that for?”
“I am sorry, I simply can’t resist when someone is vulnerable like that” Loki shrugged it off and sat on the couch, hoping you wouldn’t ask him to elaborate. “What are you reading?”
You sat back up next to him and showed him the baby blue book with pink letters and a couple kissing on the cover. One of those romance novels you liked.
“Is that the one you told me about?” Loki asked.
“It’s the one” you grinned and noticed the book beside him. “What are you reading?”
“Just old Asgardian poetry” he said, showing you the book, despite knowing you don’t speak Asgardian. He noticed the look you gave him, with an arched eyebrow and a smug grin, “It’s old even for me. Just old love poems.”
Your eyes sparkled like absolute diamonds, and you scooted closer to him, your face just inches from his. “Can you read one to me?”
He felt his cheeks flush at your excitement, and the clumsiness. But he cleared his throat and opened it on the poem he was reading. But he decided to be smug and read it just like it showed, in old Norse.
“Oh, so funny.” You growled and jabbed his sides.
Loki nearly jumped out of his skin and barked out a laugh. A laugh that didn’t go unnoticed given you quickly followed that same movement that had made him squirm. He very did a very poor job at concealing his reaction.
His brain quickly felt fuzzy, he could feel his restrained laughter echoing in his chest, and even still a few snickers were slipping out. His arms felt like worms just clumsily trying to find your hands to push you away. His face was impossibly hot and surely a dark shade of red at this point. His mind was on its knees begging for him to succumb and allow his body to laugh. And that’s exactly what he did when your hands sneaked past his arms and gently wiggled against the skin on his armpits.
“Wahahait! Stohohohop that!” he laughed.
“So that’s what your laugh sounds like” you teased him. “Hm… it’s actually kinda cute.”
“Stohohop this or ehehehehelse!” he latched his hands to your forearms but found that he didn’t even have the strength in himself to push you away.
Maybe it was that subliminal fear that he knew how fragile humans were. Maybe he was just that stupidly ticklish. Or… maybe your fingers were warm, and soft… and you had never given him this much attention.
He had fallen back on the couch, and you sat on his waist, straddling him with your legs on each side, and your hands were now exploring every bit of his torso to see what got him to laugh the hardest, your eyes were looking for every reaction, and your words were dedicated solely to tease him. He truly had you all for himself right now.
And it was driving him crazy.
“Mohohohortal! Cease this ahahahahat once!” he cackled. “It’s ahahahahan ordeheher!”
“Oh?” you smiled in a made that made his insides tingle, “I don’t think you’re in any position to make that call~”
Your thumbs dug into his hipbones that made him arch his back as he let out a loud screech and followed by a stream of guffaws. You laughed along with him, and it almost made this torture worth it.
Worth it, not more bearable.
“Plehehehease, no more! I surrender!” he laughed as he clumsily slapped your forearm in what he had learned was a sign of giving up.
“Wait, seriously” you asked, a bit surprised that you had actually gotten to him.
“Yehehehes, please, I yieheheheld!”
And thank gods it worked. You immediately stopped tickling him and helped him sit back up.
“You okay there?” you smiled at him, and his only response was tackling you to try getting some well-deserve revenge.
Ever since that night you had tormented every once in a while, by tickling him silly whenever you felt like it. But somehow you always had the decency to make it behind closed doors, where no one could see him laughing like an idiot at the mercy of a mortal simply tickling him. And… laying on your bed at late hours was very much worth it, the books he brought to read for you could always wait.
Loki and you chatted for a few hours and soon you sober up enough which relaxed Loki enough, but he noticed your conversation turned more melancholic, contrasting with your grumpy drunk rant earlier. You talked about your family, old jobs, and a department you owned before moving in on the compound.
“Can I tell you something funny?” you smiled sadly, and he nodded. “I miss being ticklish.”
“Well darling, I think that’s been enough alcohol for you.” Loki said as he grabbed the bottle and made it vanish away from you.
“I mean it!” you laughed.
“You’re insane.”
“It’s… I used to laugh so easy… Now every poke, every squeeze, every jab…” you poked your side and your finger sunk in your skin. “It’s… I don’t know… absorbed? I don’t feel anything like I used to.”
He remembered, the time you tickled him silly, how he attempted to get revenge, and how poorly it ended for him.
He latched his hands to your sides and squeezed you thoroughly. He crawled his hands over your belly, he pinched your ribs, and skittering his fingers under your arms. He experimented on every inch of your body.
But at most you gave him a soft breathy laugh, more amused than ticklish induced.
“Sorry Loki, I’m not that ticklish” you smiled trying to be apologetic, but you seemed more amused.
Your armed stretched and wrapped in circles around his bicep to pin his arm upward and still stretched enough to reach and tickle under his arm.
Needless to say, this time he didn’t get a break so easily.
“I doubt there is any actual downside to being the way you are” Loki encouraged you, “I’d give anything to not be… you know…”
“Cripplingly ticklish?” you smiled and elbowed his side making his face flush.
Norns, where had the days gone when he used to be a charming silver-tongued flirt? He used to be swooning men, women, and mythical beings alike, but your silly teasing for some reason had him blushing like a young boy.
“I-It’s… not how I would have phrased that…”
“I would” you cut him off with a giggle and poked his ribs, making him jump and barely hold back a squeak. A squeak.
“Right… Nowhere near the point I was trying to make” he sighs.
“I know… I just miss that intimacy” you sighed.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, tickling was fun when I was little, it’s a nice way of being close to others” you sighed as you rested your head against his shoulder. “And I wish I could have that. Usually I get «no, it’s unfair since you’re not ticklish» and well… No more fun for me.”
Close to others.
He gulped at the warmth of your body as you leaned on him. His heart was racing, his hands were sweaty, his face was burning, he felt a knot in his throat and his breath was hitching.
“Tickle me then.”
“What did you say?!”
What did he say?!
Loki had been through the toughest training regimes growing up, he’d been deadly injured in battle countless time before he even turned 1000 years old, he’d withstand the most merciless tortures, and had been clinically dead more than once. But ever since he was little the one thing he couldn’t stand, was getting tickled. It was so bad to the point where the only people who could tickle him were his parents and Thor… who also had the advantage of being about three times stronger than Loki.
He remembered vividly the last time he was tickled past his limit he had lost control of his magic and unintentionally sent Thor to the healing room for two days (although he had been too proud to admit it had been an accident). The fact that you had left your last encounter tickling him unscathed was a miracle.
“Are you serious?” you asked him, looking at him suspiciously.
Truthfully, he didn’t know if he was. He was so convinced he hated being tickled, that he couldn’t understand why the idea actually felt… Exciting? Appealing? He tried convincing himself it was just the idea of having your hands on him.
“Yes, how bad can it really be?” Loki nearly wanted to die when he felt his voice crack in nervousness, and he had to clear his throat. “You’re just a human, after all.”
“Oh, is that so?” you chuckle. “Mm, I might take you on that offer then.”
You squeezed his side and his breath hitched.
“W-Wait, don’t!” he gasped and grabbed your hand.
“Oh, here better?” you grinned and used your other hand to squeeze above his knee, which made him jolt and grab your other hand by reflex.
“Gods, you do not make this easy” he chuckled softly.
“We don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable” you smiled genuinely. “I still appreciate the intention.”
The disappointed look on your face was all the motivation he needed, he pulled you towards him and sat facing you, guiding your hands to his sides as he felt his face burning. How terminally insane had he gone?
“Do it before I change my mind” he said firmly.
“Pfft!” you giggled, “You’re crazy.”
“It would seem so” he smiled. “Let’s get this over with…”
You chuckled and you started skittering your fingernails along his sides. Loki’s jaw tensed immediately as he felt his lips started twitching upward.
“Aww… you’re so ticklish, Loki” you smiled as you kept tracing your fingers up and down his sides, from his hips to his upper ribs. “It’s so charming.”
He cursed his choice of wardrobe today, and Midgardian fashion in general, he could have used a good layer of his Asgardian leather armors. Now a cotton shirt and black jeans served him very little as your finger tormented his sides.
And he was starting to giggle already.
“Yohohohou’re such a pehehehehest!”
“C’mon… it is pretty cute how you laugh,” you smiled, “your voice is so deep but your giggles are so light.”
“I’m nohohohot cute! Hehehe- Hey! Dohohohn’t touch thehehehere!” he giggled when your hands wiggled towards the sides of his belly.
“Oh, your pwetty tummy is so ticklish, isn’t it?” you cooed doing bloody baby talk, “You so cute~”
“Stohohohohop!” he guffawed. “Do nohohot patronize mehehehe!”
He hated how well you had learned how sensitive his stomach was. You had tickled him about three times total prior to this peak of insanity, but the weak spot that was his entire abdomen didn’t go unnoticed from the first time.
“I’m sorry, it’s so hard not to tease you when you have such a cute way of laughing.”
“I’m nohohohohot! Stop sahahaying that!” he protested between laughs.
“You should see yourself” you smiled at him. “The way you scrunch up your nose and stick your tongue out ever so slightly is so endearing!”
“Shuhuhuhut up!” he laughed as he bent over to try protecting his belly from your fingers.
You were being so gentle to him, simply skittering your fingers over his shirt. Being anyone else, that might have just gotten a few giggles out, but he was so ridiculously ticklish, especially there. That this delicate taunt to the skin had him hysterical.
“No mohohohore!” he pleaded, “Not thehehehere!”
“Not where?” you asked innocently. “Here?”
And you poked gently over the patch of skin right below his navel.
“Cuhuhut it out! Gehehet away from my stomahahahach!” he cackled, “I’m behehegging you!”
For some reason you decided to listen and move from his gut, moving to poke and knead his ribs, even doing those unbearable ticklish pinches around him.
You had a hellish ability to have him in stitches.
It kept going for a while, you would explore a spot, have him giggling like a child and then move onto the next to start over, not giving him a chance to get used to any sensation or spot.
“Dahahahahahahahaharling, plehehease!” he laughed, “thahahat’s so bahahahad!”
Seemingly that phrased worked and it stopped you giving him the chance to catch his breath, he placed a hand over his chest, feeling it rise and fall as he tried refilling his lungs with air.
“You little imp!” Loki panted “I was being so nice to you!”
“So was I” you smiled, “I’ve tickled you before, you know how bad it can be.”
Surely you were right, but the way you said it, almost like a promise, made Loki’s cheeks flare up, not that it would’ve been noticeable given how his face was flushed from laughing.
“You’re a menace” he chuckled, as he ruffled your hair “How come I’ve grown so fond of a little nuisance like yourself?”
“What can I say? I’m irresistible like that” you laughed as you rested your head against his arm.
He chuckled as he felt a lingering warmth spreading from where you were resting against his arm to his chest.
“Maybe you are” he sighed with a smile. If only you knew.
“Loki… can I ask you something?” you looked up at him.
“What is it?”
“Are you happy… living here?” you asked. “Or… have you never thought of running away?”
His face darkened. It made sense, but the idea of you thinking of him as a potential traitor stung worse than every awful thing said to or by him in stupid fights with Thor or his parents when the arguments got heated.
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, you lived in a castle, with luxury, prestige, fame and power” you spoke, “isn’t this too little for you? Don’t you feel trapped?”
Now that reasoning he didn’t expect. He smiled at you fondly.
“You make me sound like a spoiled brat” he chuckled.
“Aren’t you?” you chuckled.
“Of course not, I am the epitome of humility” he claimed, making you laugh. “But… answering to your question… I used to feel trapped, every day I’d be plotting my escape, how to make my great escape.”
“And we won't hear a word they say…” you chuckled.
“What?” he smiled.
“Nothing, The Great Escape is a song, continue” you smiled.
“And trust me… at first… I tried, they didn’t take long to catch me analyzing their security systems and patrolling schedules in a chance to sneak out. I was given so many last warnings and caused Thor so much trouble. Until… eventually I realized… I had nowhere to run to” Loki spoke sadly, “And eventually I stopped trying, this was all I had, and I had to make the best of it. At least my brother was around…”
“Aw, so you do care about Thor” you smiled as you nudge his side.
“I did not say that, and you are not to tell him that” Loki spoke in a fake seriousness. “His ego is big enough as it is.”
“Oh, you’re criticizing him about his big ego.” You laughed, and Loki’s heart fluttered, “You should tell him, he would be very happy that his little brother loves him.”
“Perhaps I will one day” Loki smiled, resting his cheek on the top of your head. “Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…”
“Diva” you muttered under your breath, making Loki chuckle.
“…Eventually I resigned to living here,” he continued. “And one day, the Incorporation of Mutant Program was introduced.”
“I’m still not over the fact that we were named the IMPs” you laughed, making Loki snicker.
“Are you kidding? That was the only thing I considered salvageable of you all at the time.” Loki joked, earning a poke on the ribs from you, “…Among the other Avengers I was requested to instruct the recruits. Which I refused to do.”
“And then you met me” you smiled.
“And then I met you.” Loki agreed. “Which made it all more bearable, you at least provided me with some challenge and entertainment.”
“That’s a really twisted way to say you like me” you chuckled.
If you only knew…
“Would you believe me if I said I did?”
“That’s fair.”
The triggered something in him, a moment of bravado that made him want to risk everything and tell you.
“Are you sure of that?” he asked, as he gently placed a finger under your chin, and pulled for you to look at him. “Even if I said you drive me completely crazy?”
Oh, the look of shock that adorned your now blushing features was delicious.
“Even if I said that I think about you on every waking moment, and that just for the sake of that smile of yours I’d withstand the most barbarous tortures… That for the longest time now you’ve had my heartstrings wrapped around your fingers, playing me like a puppet at your will just for the sake of you one day maybe looking at me the way I look at you.”
“What…? Wh— L-Loki… I— you—!” you stuttered.
Your face was red, but you didn’t seem repelled by his confession. Thank goodness. He thought maybe giving you some time to organize your words was the best thing he could do.
“Why me?” you finally asked.
“Why not?”
“I’m not particularly strong, powerful or attractive” you stated. “Even among just the other recruits.”
“I beg to differ, it takes a lot to render a god helpless like you did earlier.”
“Because you allowed me to” you retorted.
“Because I am crazy about you” Loki said gently.
“You’re stubborn, you get on my nerves all the time, you question and defy my authority every chance you have, and you have no fear of the consequences of crossing a god, especially one with my history.” Loki chuckled. “That takes a lot of courage.”
You smiled at him shyly, and oh gods, the amount of self-control it took not to tackled you and kiss the daylights out of you was ridiculous.
“You are funny, and witty, you have these innocent eyes that make me want to blindly believe you every time you pull one of your stupid pranks on me.”
“And you fall every time” you smiled as the pink shade returned to your cheeks.
“I fall every time” he whispered with a gentle nod. “I fall every time you smile, every time you laugh and every time you look at me as if I was someone interesting and worth getting to know better.”
“You are worth getting to know better… Hell, you’re worth risking a friendship for…”
“Risking a friendship— Mmph?!”
Before he could process what you had done he was already melting against your lips that were sweetly pressed against his.
He felt your fingers sneaking behind him, brushing gently against his neck, which made him laugh softly against the kiss before they continued their journey to his head, where they started playing with his hair in a way that caused him to swoon. In return he placed his hands on the small of your back, brushing his thumbs against you.
And you let out a giggle.
“What was that?” he asked amused.
“W-Wait, do it again!” You smiled brightly.
Loki smiled and brushed his fingers gently across your back and you let out a little giggle.
“It tickled!” You exclaimed.
“Oh did it…?” he smiled and experimented by gently scratching your sides and belly, just soft caresses with his blunt nails over your skin.
And you were giggling like a happy kid.
“Would you look at that…” Loki taunted you. “The little springy mortal is ticklish after all.”
You just rested against his chest as he tickled you, not protesting or squirming at all, just happy giggles. He supposed it made sense, pokes, squeezes, and jabs did nothing, but your skin was still sensitive enough to react to caresses, and it turned out it was all he needed. He took his sweet time exploring every little spot on your body that made you giggle.
Perhaps tickling was fun after all.
| Masterpost |
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squiddy-god · 1 month
Mmmmmm more twst x hsr thoughts but this time
Twst mc/yuu getting transported into hsr
Imagine it's after graduation, Crowley after years finally finds the best solution for everyone! You can travel back and forth between your world and twisted wonderland, amazing right? Wrong because the moment you step through the mirror your tumbling face first onto the floor of... A train? Huh? And staring back at you is 5- no 6 very confused faces a tall older man with brow hair that seems to be starting to grey, a beautiful woman with red hair, a cute girl with pink hair- a guy with black hair and another person with grey hair- and of course the most adorable bunny thing you have ever seen
The older man- welt- is immediately asking your business and where you came from- cane and black hole at the ready
You try to quickly explain that you came from the mirror- now mysteriously in the corner of the astral express lobby. And that you were just trying to get to your home world- rather home universe
You are confirmed not a threat and allowed to stay on the astral express, therefore becoming a nameless
When you aren't helping with trailblazing you travel back to twisted wonderland, telling the others about your adventures in this new world (deja vu anyone?)
The shenanigans are crazy, trying to explain that you went from a modern world, to medieval wizard BS, to the future is a harrowing experience already
Even funnier if you end up getting some kind of elemental ability/blessings from a aeon because now you finally have a leg to stand on
Whether or not the blessings work in twst is up to you
Some funny things I can see happening :
Welt being truly horrified at Crowley and his negligence
You/yuu managing to drink himekos coffee because you have suffered lilia's... Everything tbh
Showing March your magic camera (I feel like the camera isn't talked about enough in the twst fandom) and all the pictures you have taken
Grimm being jealous of the cat cakes because every time you come back you smell like them and also have pictures with them
Grim getting jealous of pompom (vise versa)
Being unfazed by the stellaron much to everyone's shock and dismay ("grim would probably try to eat it")
Being unfazed by boss fights and explaining that at least 8 people have tried to kill you and that's being on the low side
Seeing silver-wolf and thinking "ah shit not again" because it reminds you of idia
Being on the loufu and meeting Jin Yuan like "if I had a nickel for every :3 general I met with a sword son I'd have two nickels"
Seeing dang heng in his IL form and immediately blurting out "HORNTON?!" because Obviously
Telling malleus you met two new dragon
This interaction :
Twst!nameless : *completely unfazed by entering the dreamscape, honestly a little on edge*
Sunday : you seem on edge despite also seemingly being unfazed by entering the dreamscape for the first time, is something perhaps bothering you?
Twst! Nameless : well I've been in a dreamscape before- long story with a dragon- and the last time I was in one I fought in a war-
Sunday : WHAT????
Alternatively twst! Nameless being suspicious of Sunday for the entire time and once he reveals everything its just "see! Never trust a traumatised religious man with grey hair!" Rollo flash backs are real
Or twst! Nameless going "the last time I attended a important singing event/competition with a beautiful singer someone turned into a monster and everyone almost got poisoned and died, the whole place was wrecked... Thankfully we had a dragon to help but-" *the entire penacony quest happens* "I spoke to soon and cursed us"
Just another chaos maker on the astral express
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Apparently this is what we're doing now? Making blogs? Or something. And I don't wanna be left out! So here I am!!!
I'm Isabeau (he/him), ex-defender from Jouvente, currently traveling with the Saviors of Vaugarde. Nice to meet you!
(Could you call this an Isablog....? Hehehe.)
{Rules/Info Below Cut}
the only reason i'm not sharing who i am is because i'm a coy bastard. iykyk !! ::] (mod uses they/ze/he pronouns mostly. dubbed "mundie" by noah/miramod)
indeterminate amount of years of rp experience, although its definitely more than you think, if that even matters to anyone. probably over a decade? who knows. most of it was oc stuff though so this is a fresh new challenge for me (yippie!!)
isabeau rp blog, currently set in act 1.
heads up for full game spoilers!! seriously!!!!
majority of assets (as well as the game itself) used on this blog are directly from isat and thus made by insertdisc5 unless otherwise stated. things like sprites and portraits may be edited as i see fit.
instances of textboxes are put together in the ISAT Dialogue Maker.
Anon: On and will remain so as long as you lot behave.
Magic!Anon: Currently not allowed, several stashed in inbox.
Interactions: Allowed and welcome! I may not get to every one, for a rainbow variety of reasons I won't get into. I will simply do my best! (Note: You don't have to be in the "group" listed below to interact! Come n hang!)
Plot: Follows the general shenanigans/story of @a-traveling-star, @housemaiden-of-change, @studies-of-nothing, @snacksleader, and @loopadoop ! {hi folks}
No sexual content. Try to keep it PG-13 in that regard. Everything else follows the general standards of the actual game-- things may get heavy, so please take care!
No harassment. I feel like this won't exactly discourage any potential attempts, but its good to set boundaries. If I deem your ask legitimately hurtful I'm just gonna delete/ignore it.
Try to stay on topic! Goofs are welcome, but try not to derail during plot/story heavy moments.
Spoilers and potentially triggering content will be tagged as such. If you have something you need tagged, shoot me an ask and I'll do my best to cover it.
Joke asks are fine as long as you behave. Me n Isabeau both have thick skin, but try not to push it.
You can talk to the mod/mun, but I may not always respond. If something is surrounded by {} <- these brackets, that's probably me speaking. Remember to address me if you want to actually, like, talk to me.
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