#mention of drug abuse
permettez-moi · 9 months
I think Halt was addicted to some sort of drug at a point in his life
Either while he was at dun kilty, or right after
Idk why my sleepy brain just made that up and the puzzle clicked for some reason.
His worn out look, how he is described as quite old looking, but also, he went through a shit ton of trauma and horrible stuff, and going with the autistic! Halt idea, that would make him more likely(? - not sure if that's the right wording?) To have stuff like depression and burn out, which goes hand in hand with addiction
Sleep nice and for more than 6 hours beloveds
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trustmeimadoctor · 2 years
TW/CW: Brief mention of drug abuse.
Animal realizes that he is officially the new host.
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styllwaters · 4 months
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At last this monster of a ref is finished. Introducing the first canon Knight character for Vivere 44!
351 is a mountain Knight from Ferhaht, though their host is part Fejga; hence the brown fur and stocky build. They act as the secondary antagonist in parts 1 and 2 of the story. In part 3, the final 'season', they feature as a protagonist. 351 starts out as a ruthless, aggressive soldier working for Genizix, intent on completing the mission assigned to them. Under the direction of their officer, 909, 351 has been dispatched to quickly and efficiently eliminate targets who threaten to expose the company's activities in the Zhagaviit galaxy.
Eventually they come to realise that they are being manipulated by both the weapons company and their abusive superior, and in part 2 351 challenges 909. Their fight results in 351 gaining an array of scars and a terrifying near-death experience, and though they survive, they are permanently mentally separated. Unable to go into the Trance which binds the consciousnesses of the Helmet and the Host, they must learn how to work together as two people again. 351 escapes to their homeplanet of Ettera, surviving in the wild as they race against time to deliver an important message and rediscover who they are. During part 3, they discard their identification number and take on a new name, Gazi-miah.
More in-depth lore, facts, and extra art below the cut!
[cw: abuse, drug use, general dark themes]
351 was always told that they were born in Genizix like 909, though this is not the case at all. 351 had a life before they were turned into a killing machine, living on the Ihmna Stretch with their Ferhahti order. Their life was upturned on the day of their scouting Expedition, a journey that all Knight squires must take on before they can become full soldiers (More on Knight social structure here). They were tasked to deliver a message to an allied order along with two other temporary scouts. Upon arrival, however, instead of friendly greetings they were met with a chilling scene - the order was being attacked by another, the two groups set against each other in a fearsome battle. The fight was secretly orchestrated by Genizix in a plot to evaluate the strongest soldiers to recruit to their cause, unbeknownst to anyone but them. Feeling that it was necessary to aid their allies, 351 and their peers rushed into battle. They fought fiercely, but the young Knights were up against fully-fledged soldiers and 351's companions perished. 351 themselves was severely injured, and in the aftermath, blacked out - but not before catching a glimpse of strange figures.
When they awoke, they were not on Ettera any more; rather an unfamiliar place with black walls and machines. They could barely remember anything from the night before; and slowly the rest of their memories on their homeplanet receded as Genizix toxins that they were injected with took effect. Later, 351 would be introduced to 909, an experienced Knight officer with an extensive history of working for Genizix, and placed in their unit. They were assigned a number for a name and moulded into the perfect killing machine. 909 fed 351 a constant stream of lies about where they came from, and like all soldiers recruited into the system, promised that in fighting for the company they had a chance to participate in something greater than themselves; to see the real universe outside of Zhagaviit. But 351 was driven more by fear than the potential for glory. They had seen what happened to those who disobeyed the higher-ups, and what could happen to them if they did not complete the missions.
909 stripped 351 of their individuality and left nothing but brute force and a desire to please. What the agent feared more even than Genizix was invoking 909's anger, so they pushed themselves to do any dirty work asked of them. The organisation became their whole world, their 'family', and 909 made sure they could never leave their clutches - manipulating them, threatening them and twisting their worldview. The process was sped up by specialised toxins designed by Genizix intended to distort perception and slow brain activity, inducing a dreamlike state. On Knights, this had the effect of triggering and enhancing the Trance, making it incredibly difficult for one to mentally separate the helmet from the host. With time 351 came to believe that they were one person, and they had no reason to think otherwise as their exposure to information was carefully controlled. 351 was conditioned to see their targets as non-sophont and they were rewarded for using cruel tactics. The more time they spent with 909, the more they began to lose their sense of self entirely until they were nothing but a weapon. Such is the fate of most soldiers who have wound up working for Genizix.
Despite the deep emotional (and physical) scarring and conditioning, during the events of Vivere 44 seeds of doubt are planted in 351's minds. These would only germinate further as they gain more clarity of their situation. Standing up to 909 was the first step they took towards breaking free of their chains, although it came with a cost. 351's host was physically Separated from their helmet in the fight, an injury which in most cases is lethal. They were repaired by a scientist who stitched them back together and managed to salvage a sliver of the bond which connected their minds. 351 could never enter the Trance again, though the helmet and host could still exchange thoughts between each other. As they were two separate entities now, the helmet guides the blind host with directions.
Instructed by the scientist (an Arrow named Nimbus, who will be introduced later) 351 left the facility on a new mission - to deliver an urgent message to Jes-ren, a Kaata Plains Knight living on a Ranch on Ettera. They traversed the land they once called home, now unfamiliar to them, relearning how to work together as a pair that might as well be complete strangers to each other. They recover their memories; or at the very least parts of it, as they cannot remember their original name. However, they gain a new one; Gazitkaar-Miahlad [meaning: lost messenger / returned to us].
The road is long and tremendously difficult; Gazi-miah struggles to unlearn years of aggression, addiction and lies, all the while carrying immense trauma. They eventually find peace, and settle down with Jes-ren in Kaat following the climax.
During their time at Genizix, agent 351 picked up on a lot of nasty habits and traits from 909 who brought out their worst attributes. They became merciless, taught to discard feelings and remorse. 351 was not afraid to make a show of their strength, and at times was needlessly cruel and taunting. The toxins affecting their nervous system tended to spur on their host's prey drive to a concerning degree, and a part of them enjoyed the power trip they got from hunting down targets. Though everything they did, they did for 909's approval - and to avoid getting disposed of by Genizix.
When their host and helmet were Separated, and the effects of the toxins wore off, gradually their aggressive attributes took a backseat as they grappled with their new situation. With great effort they gain an understanding of both the horrors they went through and the atrocities they committed for the sake of a corrupted system.
Once they escape Genizix's hold, it becomes clear that 351 is incredibly socially inept and any interaction that isn't violence or taking orders is new territory for them. Freedom and agency are difficult concepts for them to grasp, but with the aid of others around them they begin to adjust to their new life.
The helmet, Miahlad (my-a-lad) is the more practical of the two. He has one goal in mind; keeping the both of them safe. Miah is resourceful and smart, though when it comes to social interaction he's just as clueless as his host. This doesn't stop him from offering advice via their mind-link. He is firm, distrustful, and judgemental, but cares deeply for Gazitkaar even if he won't say it. At first he is reluctant to uncover the truth in fear that it will harm them both, preferring to stick to familiar ground. Despite his realistic worldview, more than once he considers going back to Genizix due to the simple fact that it's all they've ever known - even if it hurt them. As a helmet he cannot speak out loud but relearns sign language to communicate with other knights.
The host, Gazitkaar (gaz-it-car) is constantly questioning everything. She is less focused on the personal safety and wellbeing of the Knight body and more concerned with the wider truth, always seeking to know more. Gazi is not one to back down from a challenge, whether it be traversing dangerous territory or mastering a new skill. But like Miah, she is averse to touch, and will bite if boundaries are pushed far enough. She is more open to listening than her helmet, and is a fast learner. Though she is more adaptable than Miah, her curiosity can sometimes go unchecked and lead them into trouble.
They are 37 years old and tower over everyone, including other Knights. Their prescence could fill a whole room.
The engraved bone necklace was given to them by a Polar Knight commander from Ehtte Thannoeh where they first landed on Ettera. The carving depicts an Aikka deity whose horn always points northwards, and is said to watch over lost travelers from the northern lights.
Gazi-miah's piercings were put in by the scientist Nimbus, intended to firmly fix the helmet to the host.
As a Genizix agent their build is very toned and muscular due to their intense training and strength-enhancing substances which also speed up wound recovery. Such a lifestyle was placing immense stress on their body, and as they spent more time on Ettera they gained more weight and adopted a healthier diet.
Their build and design is inspired by bulls and rottweilers.
Their fur is spiky due to chemicals and unnatural cleaning products resulting in an unpleasant, rough texture. In the future it becomes softer thanks to proper grooming.
Here's some of the first concept art I have of them (and also showcases their pelt colours better)
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Aaand a simplified version of the ref without all the notes for your viewing pleasure.
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I'll stop here before this post gets insanely long but if you have any questions I shall be delighted to answer!! ;] Thanks for listening to my tedtalk
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moistrodent · 3 months
I love how Hazbin Hotel brushed over Angel Dust’s drug use, because in the eyes of the show drug use isn’t something very traumatic, leads to much more vulnerable to human and sex trafficking, SA, and abusive relationships. Drug use is very complicated but in Hazbin Hotel Angel Dust’s drug problem is mentioned like…four times and one of those three times was a fucking joke. Drug use is often very misrepresented in media, also being an addict doesn’t make you a bad person, drug use shouldn't be criminalised (it makes it much harder to seek help), and rehab shouldn’t expensive as fuck. And also Angel Dust’s name? Weird as shit. That’s like naming your OC crack. It’s treating Angel Dust like he’s only his addiction wich is really horrible representation for obvious reasons. Vivziepop does not know how to represent serious topics, she either uses it for fetish bait or an actual literal joke. Also his name? Doesn’t make any sense. The effects of PCP were discovered over ten years after Angel Dust canonically died. It’s so clear Vivzepop didn’t do any research on the topic she’s trying to represent, it takes five seconds to google this shit.
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merp-blerp · 5 months
I know it's late to say, but I hope that Hbomb's video will encourage people to not only cite their sources but also have a good source to begin with. Don't tell me Snow White is 14 years old and then show a screenshot of a featured snippet from Google that leads back to Screenrant.com. Don't tell me Judy Garland was forced to take drugs and smoke 80 cigarettes a day by MGM and have your source be social osmosis or "Hundreds of other videos say so!" Where's that info from? Does it's source truly make sense as a source? Are there more reliable routes for sources to take outside of looking online, like reading books about the subject from people involved or seasoned/trusted in the topic? I know "Google is free", but that doesn't mean it's always good for research. Try Google Scholar at least...
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starysky1289 · 6 months
I need more Toxic!Dark!Sorority Vanessa!!
That fic was just.. Chefs kiss. You write so well. 🥹
Thank you for the compliment it means so much. 😭😭🥺I took dark off it because to me toxic is just way more extreme dark.
Toxic!Soroity!Vanessa X Reader. The argument.
TW: DubCon, toxic relationship, drug mention, Pet play if you REALLY squint, slight abuse.
“ Vanessa please. Just sit down and study, you need to pass this test. “
“ I’ll be fine. My father will just throw some more cash at the teacher if I fail. I can’t belive I’m dating a fucking nerd…”
You sat on Vanessa bed, holding your rather expensive book on your lap, watching as Vanessa did her makeup in the mirror.
“ listen. Just do a little with me. If you do, I’ll go down to the frats party with you “
You got up and put your chin on Vanessa’s, as she pushed you off, mumbling to herself.
“ I’m not taking you out anywhere until you cut that hair. You know I hate it long. But fine, give me the fucking book…”
You sighed, and gently placed the book on her vanity, she flipped it open and read some random page, before closing it, going back to her makeup.
“ there, I’m done. Now leave me alone, I gotta finish getting ready for this party. “
You shrank into your skin, you looked at her through the mirror, your eyes starting to water.
“ your..your still going to the party without me? “
“ yeah? Who else is bringing the drugs. “
“ but..I can’t come? “
Vanessa groaned, standing up and heading towards her closest, looking through her multiple revealing outfits.
“ I said you’re not going out till your hair gets cut. And maybe if you loose a few pounds too. “
Your legs trembled, you hated when she brought up your weight, you had been working hard to try and loose some for her, but it was never enough.
“ b..but I’ll be alone in my dorm nessa…”
“ listen. You’re lucky we’re dateing, stop crying and get your shit together, I’ll drive you to your place. “
You grabbed your bag, shoving the papers and books you’d brought try and get her to study with you, it never worked. You froze, your hands trembling as you stared at the bright pink scrunchie around your wrist.
She froze, staring at you in disbelief. You pulled the scrunchie off you wrist, holding it tightly in you hand.
“ I can’t take this abuse! I can’t take how you treat me like an accessory, I’m more than that! I’m sorry your father never loved you enough to give you a good life, but that doesn’t mean you can ruin mine. IM DONE. “
You throw the scrunchie in her small trash, grabbing your bag and storming towards the door. As you reached for the door handle, your wrists were quickly grabbed, and Vanessa shoved you against the wall, her eyes blazing with rage.
“ how dare you. You’d be nothing without me. NOTHING. “
She snarled in your face, her grip around your wrist tightened, you could feel her acrylics digging into your skin. She smirked, her eyes still starring into yours.
“ you wanna go to that party so bad? Fine. We’ll go, and we’ll make sure everyone knows your mine. “
She let go of you, and turned to her closet, throwing you an outfit. You watched as she changed her shirt skirt, tossing it back into the closet and going over to her vanity draws, before glaring at you.
“ don’t just stand there. Change. And if I fucking hear your complaining your dead. “
You quickly began to change, you had faced away from Vanessa, trying not to make much more eye contact with her. She had given you a pink tank top and a white short skirt, that barely covered your ass.
“ take the panties off. “
“ b-but nessa- “
“ do it. “
She growled at you from across the room, you reluctantly stripped them off, tossing them into the corner. You finally faced Vanessa. She wore a white crop top with a pink faux fir jacket, and a pair of tight black joggers shorts. You couldn’t help but notice the bulge in them, your lips quivering, you knew exactly what she was going to do with you.
“ now, let’s give you the last few changes~ “
She pulled your hair up with the pink scrunchie you threw out, putting it in a low ponytail. She fished around another cabinet and strapped a cold peice of leather around your neck. Looking in the mirror, you could see it was a pastel pink collar, you touched it gently, before Vanessa grabbed your wrists again, dragging you downstairs, and eventually out of the Soroity house.
“ your gonna listen to me. And if anyone comes up to you you’re gonna come find me, I don’t need another repeat of last time, do we? “
“ n..no nessa…”
She got into her car, you sitting in the passenger side, as she began to drive out.
“ one more thing. Im Mistress tonight, so if you need me, you’ll ask your Mistress, you got that? “
“ y-yes v-van-….yes mistress…”
Tears swelled in your eyes, as embarrassment flooded through your body. Vanessa glanced at you and scoffed.
“ again with the tears. Stop being such a crybaby, people don’t like it, I don’t like it. “
You wipped your face, and stayed quiet. Your heart raced at the thought of what she’d do to you. Eventually, you pulled up to a large red house, you could hear the music blaring from inside already. Vanessa stepped out and you followed her, she knocked on the door, and a tall, blonde guy welcomed her in, eyeing you down like meat as you followed her in.
People seemed to cheer as Vanessa came in and quickly sat herself down, emptying her purse, she had filled it to the brim with multiple baggies with white powder in them.
“ Y/N. You get the special job of counting my money. And if you do good I’ll reward you~ “
You only nodded, sitting next to Vanessa. You felt her fiddle with the collar, but you didn’t look.
“ alright fuckers, line up. Give the pretty girl your money. “
Dozens of people immediately lined up, digging through the pockets for wads of cash. You’d take it, count how much, and tell Vanessa, who’d hand them a bag worth the money. You couldn’t help but notice the glares you were getting, people eyeing you up and down. Even when they came up to get there shit they’d talk to Vanessa about.
“ pretty thing you’ve got there Nessa, what made ya bring her. “
“ she wanted you to throw a fit before i was gonna go, so i brought her along to help. Don’t worry, she’s got something coming. “
You stayed quiet when the line slowed down, and eventually everyone had gotten something. Vanessa pulled you into her, playing with something in her hand.
“ god…keeping you in a leash has been the best idea I’ve had. It really makes sure you know who you belong to~ “
You had finally noticed it, the black braided leash Vanessa had attached to your collar. You blushed and turned away, Vanessa only chuckled and pulled you in by it, holding you chin.
“ don’t be embarrassed. I think you got me a lot more money than I would off. I think that deserves a reward baby~ “
“ n-Nessa- “
“ mistress. “
“ mistress. Y-yess. I-I don’t wanna do anything in public like this..”
She chuckled again, spreading her legs, messing with her shorts and letting the pink strap pop out.
“ well, keep your mouth on it and no one sees. Easy as that. “
You stared at you, hesitantly moving down to sit between her legs. She held onto your ponytail, pushing your face against the strap.
“ pretty little thing…cmon. Get to work. “
You looked up at her once again, before slowly taking it in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head on it. She kept a good grip on your hair, you watched her look around the room, like she was making sure no one saw, but everyone could.
“ hey, Sarah, Bailey! No im not busy, get me a seltzer and join me. “
You flushed, those were the names of her closest friends. You tried to pull back, but she kept your head down, you reluctantly continued to suck on the pink silicone dick.
The girls sat on each side of her, you could see them looking at you, snickering behind their hands.
“ how’d she get in this predicament~? “
“ she wanted to run her mouth. And I couldn’t just let her get away with that. She threatened to leave me, Bailey, could you believe that. “
Vanessa finally let go of your head, you slowly pulled off, laying your head on her thighs. Sarah petted your head like you were a dog, snickering to herself.
“ can she do any tricks Vanessa~? “
“ mm..not tricks, but she’s a fantastic listener, arnt you baby~? “
“ yes..yes mistress…”
The girls all laughed, you burried your head in Vanessa thighs, you longed to go to your dorm and just sleep, but you had to run your mouth.
“ hey, baby. “
You lifted your head,Vanessa pulled the leash slightly, signaling you to sit on her lap. You felt so out of place there, the strap pressed against your pelvis, Vanessa’s arms around your waist.
“ you do one more thing for me and I’ll take you to ya dorm. “
“ w-what do you want…”
“ ride me. “
You burried your head into her shoulder, the girls giggled as Vanessa kissed your neck.
“ cmon baby, it’s just like at home. Only difference is we’re out. “
“ b-but I don’t like people watching..”
“ this isn’t a option, Y/N. You’ll do this, I take you home, I come back and get wasted. Maybe I should have let you walk out, you could have gotten kidnapped and raped on the way to your dorm. Then I wouldn’t have to deal with you. “
You quickly hugged her, tears forming in your eyes, before you pulled your face out of her shoulder and stared at her.
“ n-no please..d-don’t let me get hurt..”
“ then you gonna do it? “
You held her shoulders, taking a deep breath, before lowering yourself onto the toy, moaning softly. The tears slowly began to roll down your face as Vanessa gripped your waist, helping your ride the strap at a steady pace.
“ that’s it…my girl always comes back around to me, don’t you~? “
“ y-yes mistress, i do. I-I’m your girl..”
All threes of the girls laughed again. Vanessa would slam you down onto the strap, making your moans grow louder every moment.
“ m-mistress please- I-I’m gonna cum please~!! “
You felt the toy spread you, like it could rip you if it was any bigger. You slammed yourself down faster, trying to please her, trying to please yourself.
“ aww..dirty girl. Go ahead, cum…but your walking out of here by yourself, I’m not holding your hand~ “
You where to intoxicated by the pleasure to care, letting Vanessa thrust into your, before you let out one last defeated moan. Your walls clenched around the toy, as you let out heavy breaths. The music was still blaring around you, no one seemed to notice what had just happened besides the two girls and maybe one or two bystanders.
“ such a good girl..what do you say~? “
“..thank you…thank you mistress…I love you..”
Vanessa, for the first time, gently held his ur waist and helped pull you off, as she stuffed the soaked strap back into her shorts, letting you walk out toward the door.
“ I’ll be back in like fifteen, save my seat. “
Vanessa called to her friends, before you walked into the passenger seat, Vanessa pulled you into her, kissing you deeply.
“ oh i love you too…oh how lucky you are that your mine~ “
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teaboot · 1 year
you mentioned you worked security and now i’m in emotional pain because i feel deprived of feel-good security anecdotes (this was a not so subtle request for some if you have the time and/or energy, please and thank you). hope you’re having a wonderful day today!!
It's mostly confidential but if I'm vague and change details for privacy I can give a few examples of times I really enjoyed my job!
Got a vague call that someone someone "having a freakout". Arrived to find someone having a panic attack. Cleared a place for us to sit down and stayed with them. Once they calmed down they told me they'd just found out a family member had passed away. Exchanged some old stories and got to see them smile a bit before their friend arrived to drive them home.
Someone I'd removed from a place before recognized me on the street. Thought they were gonna kick my ass. We wound up talking instead- turns out they were homeless and had some addiction issues they were working through. I split my lunch with them and hung out till we went different ways.
Concerned passersby reported someone sitting under a service dog, ha people freaking out bit. Got to verify they were okay and make sure they weren't disturbed till they were ready to move on. It was nice to make sure someone could do what they needed and continue about their business without it being a big deal.
Found someone unconscious and unresponsive. Got them paramedics, paramedics took them to the hospital.
A very small child very politely informed me that they were lost, and asked if I could please help them find their mother thank you very much. Absolutely delightful kiddo, got them sorted out.
Saw a kid being absolutely reamed out by their parent for doing nothing particularly odd or rude or out of the ordinary. Asked if everything was good, and parent exhausted informed me that "Oh, sorry, they're Autistic". Looked to the kid and went, "Eyy, Twinzies!" And flashed the jazz hands. Parent looked horrified, couldn't believe I was "allowed to work there". Kid lit up like it was christmas. Spent the next few minutes making faces with the kid back and forth behind their parent's back. Hope they're doing okay.
Person I talked to fairly often, who was homeless and regularly camping around behind the property, approached me after two months away with clear skin and clean hands and informed me that they were four months clean. I don't see them around anymore. Last I heard they were moving into a new apartment.
Someone who was breaking it off with an abuser told me they'd seen them in the parking lot and asked for an escort to their car. We arranged it so I could walk with them when they left whenever they went home. Super nice person, too.
At one outdoor property with regular patrols, I'd regularly come across dead birds who'd hit the windows and fallen. Boss said to toss them in the dumpster but instead I'd take em out to the woods. Doesn't feel right to put a thing that breathed in the trash. Wasn't part of the job, but... I dunno. Brought some peace.
Dude was ripping me a new one one day, going on about my "tough guy" attitude, accusing me of harassing him, saying I'd never be a man so I should check myself. Told him "I'm sorry for your bad experience with me today. Here is my employee identification. If you'd like to place a complaint, please feel free to contact my district manager", and handed him my boss's business card. Reported the incident to my boss afterwards. He never received any calls. Felt fucking stellar
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daydreamerwonderkid · 8 months
The idea that Bruce would actually drug Jason to "condition him" into "not being a murderer" by making him feel terror at his own heartbeat elevating is such a disgusting and absolutely abhorrent thought that I just flat out refuse to accept it as canon.
I'm not even coming at this from a Good Dad!Bruce angle. I just genuinely cannot accept the idea that Bruce would do something so fucking disgusting to any of his children. Especially to the child he is most estranged from who also btw has a traumatic history related to drug addiction and abuse that Bruce is fully aware of and has been aware of since when he first met Jason.
Bruce has never been a perfect father, and I am absolutely down for him even being a bad one. I love complicated and messy relationships in fiction and Bruce being a messy bitch is definitely up there in one of my fave chatacter portrayals of all time.
But my fucking god. Idk what they are going for with this, but I am personally hoping alongside everyone else that this is Zur and not Bruce.
Because if it is Bruce ... holy fucking shit, my guy.
DC canon is already a joke, but dude this is not my Bruce. This is a fucked up imposter wearing Bruce's skin and DC is making a parade out of dragging his corpse around like the world's sickest show pony.
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anyways, meet Kiv, Vic's clone in one of the sci-fi aus. He's got all the baggage that comes with the position:
- has literally never felt a kind touch
- is full of a need to control but doesn't have the memories that make exerting his own power satisfying so he lives in a constant state of frustration
- physically and functionally in his early thirties but only has two years of actual memories and experience (all negative)
- has no real rights because he's a clone
- kind of an asshole so he has no friends
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max13l · 3 months
So, a Maxiel AU brainrot thing inspired by these specific versions of them from this and this, where Daniel is a rock singer who used to be very successful, but now he's 34 and his career has been dwindling. He's spiraling and can't write anything good anymore making his label desperate and having his long-time manager quit on him. His label decides to give him one more chance if he manages to put out an album by a specific deadline, and they also hire Max as Daniel's new manager who is tasked with getting him put together promising him a large amount of money in return. Oh, and Max needs the money badly because he is a struggling single dad.
Max is told Daniel has been struggling with drug use and that he sleeps around a lot and barely ever takes his job seriously anymore, so when Max meets him for the first time the last thing he expects is to instantly be crushing on him. I mean, Daniel is hot. His curls are messy and he looks like he hasn't shaved in months, but he's hot.
Daniel would realize Max is into him from the beginning because he's super bad at not being totally obvious about it. And, of course, he would be a bitch about it and try to use it to his advantage, being a massive tease and trying to get Max in trouble. Max tries his hardest to remain professional but his dick often betrays him, which Daniel loves to point out every single time. It never actually goes anywhere, but Max does take more cold showers than ever before.
For a while, Daniel would pretend he's only fucking with Max to get what he wants, but in reality, he's actually hardcore falling for him without even realizing it. And, suddenly he... starts having inspiration to write songs again?
They would get closer with time and banter a lot, with Max finding out Daniel likes country music and joking around that he should've just been a country singer, maybe he'd be less of a mess then.
Daniel also gets to meet Max's daughter, with Max being a single dad sometimes he doesn't have a choice but to ask to bring her along with him when he runs out of people to leave her with, much to his dismay as he would much rather do anything else, his daughter tending to not like new people much (and Daniel having maybe mentioned he doesn't like kids before). When she meets Daniel though, she ends up warming up to him much quicker than Max expects because she thinks he's funny. Daniel subconsciously fools around more and says ridiculous (kid-appropriate, mostly) stuff just to make her laugh. And getting to see Max being a dad is what makes Daniel realize he might really, really like him.
One time, something urgent comes up for Max and no one is available to look after his daughter, so he ends up having to leave her alone with Daniel. Daniel is pretty much scared shitless because he doesn't want to fuck up, but he has no clue what he's doing. Max reassures him it will be okay (as always Max makes Daniel braver) and this experience ends up being what ultimately shows Daniel just how much he actually wants to be with Max, and in a sense become a dad even though he's terrified. It also makes him want to get his shit together to show Max he could be a good dad too.
The first time Daniel looks after Max's daughter goes well enough somehow, so when something comes up again Daniel offers to help again. While they play, she falls and gets a little scratch on one of her knees and even though it's not actually a big deal and she gets over it quickly, Daniel totally freaks out. He calls Max the moment he sees a little blood, shaking and thinking he fucked everything up. Max thinks something serious happened so he rushes back only to find his daughter, with a barely noticeable knee scrape and a look of confusion on her face ("I just fell, why is he crying?"), trying to comfort a shaken up Daniel. Max puts her to bed and tells her everything is alright, before going to take care of Daniel. He ends up crying in Max's arms, telling him about his fears that he can't do anything right anymore and he only makes anything he touches worse, thinking he messed up real bad once again. Max soothes him by telling him how wonderful he is and that being scared isn't a bad thing, and that even trying to make the effort to change is already a show of Daniel's actual character. Max also tries to cheer him up by joking, "I asked you to take care of her but maybe I was wrong and she should be the one taking care of you." To which Daniel promises he will do better next time and Max reassures that he already did more than well enough.
When the next time actually comes around, Max finds Daniel asleep with his daughter in his arms and a bunch of papers filled with enough lyrics to fill an album next to them. His heart swells and he kisses both their foreheads before putting them all to bed. He also whispers to Daniel that he did so good and that he loves him.
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kaspermoon · 1 month
This is my month for sure
Skinny me here I come 😜
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bookishbrewer · 1 month
⚠️ CW: Suicide, Toxic relationships, depression, mention of self-harm
Why I believe that House's story ends with tragedy post season 8 - an opinion piece:
Hello everyone, this is a remake of a post I did a couple years ago on an older blog. If you find it familiar, I'm sorry if this one is a bit messier than the original. It's been longer since my last rewatch.
So, let's recap the finale of House MD: Treating a drug addict patient results in House examining his life, his future and confronting his own personal demons.
As we know, House ends up faking his death in this episode, after going on a 2 day drug fuelled bender with his drug addicted patient. The patient ends up overdosing & dying, and House remains to confront his 8 seasons worth of demons. At the end he escapes the firery scene & fakes his death by switching his medical records. After all of that, he runs away with Wilson to spend his remaining 5 months to live.
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Before House replies to what Wilson is saying, he thinks for a moment. I want try & piece together what was going through his head at that moment evaluating his life:
1. Every romantic relationship with House ends in heartbreak
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Season 2, Episode 11
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Season 3, Episode 8
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Season 5, Episode 23-24
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Season 5, Episode 6 // Season 7, Episode 23
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Season 8, Episode 13 // Season 8, Episode 18
Every single one of these relationship was ended because House either deliberately behaved in a way that would push the love interest away or by breaking their trust. House was never actively malicious towards his partners, but he was not a very good partner. He was self centered, self loathing, very much focused on himself (even when trying to be as supportive & caring as possible) but at the end of every relationship, the women understood that they could not remain in a Healthy relationship with House. Either because he refused to tackle his addiction, his psychological distress & trauma or be honest with them and respect them as equal to him in their relationship.
2. House's relationship with his family
House was severely abused by his father, a military man, both physically & emotionally. His mother did not protect him from said abuse (probably because of feeling deeply guilty about her affair that gave birth to Gregory), which lead to him growing in an abusive houshold that was built on lies, dysfunction & distance (which partially explains his behavior in the show, especially his approach to human nature: "Everybody Lies"). House was never really close with his parents, so it would make sense that he would not rely on them for support in any way, not even in a life or death situation such as him feeling at his lowest in every aspect of his life. In addition to that, he may even doubt how much his loss would effect his parents if something were to happen to him.
3. House's suicidal ideation
House is shown numerous times in the show to not reject the option of ending his life. He actively tries to commit suicide twice during the show (Merry Little Christmas, season 3 episode 11 // Simple Explanation, season 5 episode 20), ponders it in the season finale (Everybody Dies, season 8 episode 22) but decides against it, choosing to fake his death instead.
In addition to that, he also indulges in self-harm in the form of cutting himself (also "Merry Little Christmas" & "Nobody's Fault"), intentionally hurting his limbs (leg - "Under My Skin", hand - "After Hours").
Like Wilson said, House cannot go back from that decision (similarly to how you can never come back from suicide). He can never have access his addictions: puzzles (medicine) & escapism (Vicodin & other drugs). We know how House gets without his meds, he becomes... A shadow of himself. Sometimes it's a violent dark figure, sometimes it's an apathetic & silent husk, sometimes it's a dark creature screaming in agony, sometimes it's just House, but something is off. Without constant puzzles, dissecting human nature & feeding his ego & emotional needs, he's lost.
Unlike other characters, like Dexter Morgan from the Showtime series "Dexter" House never treats suicide like it is somehow "beneath him":
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Dexter speaks to Sg. Doakes, Season 2 Episode 11
Compare & contrast that to House's reaction to Taub pleading with House to try & understand Wilson's decision to discontinue his cancer treatment & to die with dignity:
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Season 8, Episode 21
Just the thought of Wilson passing away before his time triggers House's suicidal thoughts. He disregards the patients & visitors in the background, the colleagues that may hear, Taub himself, everyone. This, in my opinion was the start of the "nothing else matters anymore" mindset. House was already at the end of his rope, and losing the person he loves more than anything else in the world was just... Too much.
4. House doesn't see a future without Wilson
In season 6, Episode 10, House refuses to be present during Wilson's surgery at first:
Wilson: I want you to be there
House, after thinking: No.
Wilson: Why?
House: Because if you die, I'm alone.
House cannot fathom the possibility of witnessing Wilson die. He cannot even consider for a moment to stand before Wilson's lifeless body & realizing that this is it, he is completely & utterly alone in this world.
We see multiple times that House not only cares deeply about Wilson, he is also dependant on him, to the point of the relationship often becoming toxic for both of them (hurting other relationships, sabotaging new ones, need for validation of both the relationship itself & both of them of each other individually, indulging unhealthy behaviors towards others etc).
But we all remember how that situation concluded:
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House watching over Wilson as a big bright light washes over him as he loses consciousness. To me, this seems like foreshadowing for what's to come after the season finale, after those last 5 months.
Another thing that caught my eye was him stating "I can live without Kyle" (season 8, episode 20) when referring to a guy that stole Wilson's prom date when he was in highschool. He wanted to immitate said 'Kyle' for the entire episode, trying his best to act uncaring, aloof, "alpha". Essentially, to act out of character. But numerous times in said episode, Wilson still displayed the very same characteristics that both House and the audience love so much about him. So House affirms that he cannot live in a world without Wilson, just the way he is.
5. House is willing to preform a "mercy kill" for his close friends
In the episode "The Dig" (Season 7, Episode 18), House assures Thirteen, who's diagnosed with Huntington's, that he is willing to euthanize her when her Huntington symptoms worsen (this happens after Thirteen confides in House, telling him about how she killed her own brother after his Huntington symptoms worsened. House's reaction left Thirteen shocked, hurt & disappointed, as it seemed like he did not care at all. But we know he did, very deeply).
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House gets a positive reaction from Thirteen, which is later also approved to the audience & the people in House's funeral when she states in her eulogy: "He was willing to kill me". Wilson, as we know, is also in the audience. He then knows that House is willing to preform a "mercy kill" on a loved one. He also mentions it in the finale:
Wilson: When the cancer starts getting really bad-
House, putting a halmet on: Cancer's boring.
I want us to return to the "I'm dead, Wilson" scene:
House is at a point in which he feels like he has nothing left to lose. He has no close friends that give him meaning besides Wilson, no family to rely on, no romantic relationship seems to last, he feels powerless when it comes to his addiction to drugs, he is facing jail time after accidently breaking an MRI machine with Foreman's ticket gift which he flushed down the hospital's toilet (which may as well cause him to be fired & lose his job and/or license to practice medicine, in addition to the fact he faked his own death).
We already know that House is prone to depression, self harm & suicidal ideation (including attempts), we've covered that he is willing to end a loved ones life if there is no medical solution to their health related state, we know that Wilson is not (to our knowledge up to the last episode) willing to go through any other treatment & we know that House cannot live without Wilson.
Adding all of this up & remembering the foreshadowing of Wilson's health related issue & House's course of action (watching over him as a bright light covers the screen as he loses consciousness) I believe that after those 5 months, when the cancer gets really bad, House will take Wilson's life... And then, his own.
This is essentially the end of the post, but I would like to add a few things:
Disclaimer: this post is not meant in any way to promote, encourage or agree with anything that supports one taking their own life, self harming or any other kind of self inflicted damage. This is just a theory based on how I've precieved House's character.
I am considering writing a short fic based on this post, and would like to know if anyone is interested in reading it.
Thank you very much for reading, have a good day 🙏🏼
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doe-eyed-fool · 2 months
Fallen {Chapter Twenty Two}
Alastor x (fem)Reader
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Warning(s): Mentions Of Past Abuse, Abusive Ex, Confrontation, Drug Overdose Mention
Knocking at my door caused me to stir out of my sleep, I groan and sit up in bed. "Yes?" I call. "Morning, Y/n! Hurry can get dress please. We have a new guest staying at the hotel!" I could hear Charlie from the other side of my door, voice filled with excitement.
I raise an eyebrow. A new guest? Huh...Well, alright. I tell her I'll be down in a second before getting dressed. I leave my room and make my way through the halls. Angel had caught up with me, and joined me on the way down.
"What do you think of the new guest?" I ask him as we step into the elevator. He shrugs. "No idea, haven't met em' yet. But, I hope it's a new hottie." He says with a smirk, I laugh lightly.
We get out of the elevator after a few seconds and walk into the lobby. Everyone was gather to greet the new sinner looking for redemption. I didn't get a good look at them, as they were being blocked by Charlie. Who, by the way, was over the moon to see them.
"Alright, who's the new guy?" Angel asks, crossing his arms. Charlie looks back at us with a wide smile. "Guys, I want you to meet Liam, our newest addition to the hotel! Yay!" She cheers as she steps aside, given us a better view of him.
Liam was a average sized wolf demon, his jet black fur looked an almost deep blue under the lights of the hotel, his red eyes scanned the room, ears flicking slightly. When his eyes landed on me, he grinned. But, for some reason...
His grin was not a friendly one.
I furrow my eyes in confusion, and then, he spoke.
"Thanks for having me. It's a pleasure to be here."
My heart sank into the pit of my stomach.
That voice...I may have lost a bit of my memory, but I could never forget that voice. The voice that one minute, would be so loud it'd send me into a frozen shock.
Then the next, be so soothing and loving, that it'd make me forgive everything he's done for a while. I could never forget. Never ever forget that voice, his voice.
Angel seemed to be the only one who noticed my distress, he placed a hand on my shoulder. Only to take it away when I flinched under his touch. "Y/n?" He says quietly, voice filled with concern. I open my mouth to speak, but I couldn't find the words.
There was nothing I could say, even if I wanted to. My mind raced, everything became so loud so fast. My heart was beating like crazy, and I felt sick. "Y/n-" Angel didn't get my name out before I took off back to my room.
He watched me for a second before turning back to look at Liam, eyes narrowing in suspicion. 'Something ain't right...' He thought.
And he wasn't the only one who thought it. Alastor had thought anyone who'd come to this hotel for redemption, wasn't all the way there in the head. But...Liam seemed to be a whole new case. But, he kept his false welcoming persona as he spoke to Liam.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, my good man. But, I have important matters to attend to, so, you'll have to excuse me." Alastor says to him. Liam nods. "Sure thing." Alastor excuses himself from the group and walks away. Angel said nothing as he passed him by, but secretly hoped Alastor could help...
I paced in my room, arms clutched and wrapped around my body in a weak attempt of comfort. What the hell was going on!? Why was he here!? I mean, I'm not surprised he went to hell, but. Why here of all places!? Tears pooled in my eyes, my heart beating so fast it hurt. What am I going to do now?
I let out a sharp gasp as my door was open, I quickly turned to see Alastor. A wave a of relief washed over me at the sigh of him. "Alastor..." My voice cracked.
Alastor shut the door behind him and approached me, he didn't touch me right away, which I was grateful for. For now at least. "I take it, that was your ex?" He asked gently. I nod my head, tears streaming down my face. "W-What is he doing here? How the fuck did he find me?" I sob.
"I'm wondering the same thing." Alastor muttered. "Y/n, just give me the word, I'll go down there right now and have him taken care of."
"No!" I quickly say. "N-No...I...I don't want anyone to know by drawing attention."
"I can do it discreetly, it'll look like a bloody accident." Alastor tells me. "But...Charlie was so happy that there's someone new." I sigh. "Does that matter? Out there in that lobby is the reason your life was misery and why it was cut short." Said Alastor, almost in disbelief that I wouldn't let him get rid of that man.
"It doesn't...But, I think..." I exhale shakily. "I think I need to say my peace before I agree to anything." Alastor raises an eyebrow. "You want to speak to him?" He asks.
I nod my head. "There is so much I want to say to him...I want him to answer for all the pain he's caused me." Alastor was silent for a moment before speaking. "If that's what you want." He says softly. "Would you like me to come with you?"
"I think I should do this on my own. I might not get the answers I want, if it's not just the two of us." I tell him. "If you insist...But, the moment you feel that you're unsafe, just call for me. I will hear you." Alastor says firmly. "Understand?"
"I will, I promise."
Hours later, after Liam had gotten accustomed to the hotel, and when I was sure he'd be alone, was when I decided to finally speak with him. Wave after wave of anxiety washed over me, though I tried to stay calm. It would do me no good to run away. I've endured so much of his shit for so long, he will answer for it.
I will say what needs to be said, what should have been said a very long time ago. I found him right outside of the hotel, cigarette in hand. A puff of smoke left his lips, along with a deep exhale. His ears flickered towards my direction as I closed the hotel doors behind me.
He turned, and another rush of anxiety shot through me. "Hey there." He greets me. "Liam, can we speak?" Liam stares at me for a moment. "Do I know you?" He asks with a grin. "You do." I mutter. "I may not look like I use to, but I'm still the same. And I know it's you under that new form as well. Let's not pretend."
Liam's grin remained the same. "Yeah. I figured it was you, based on your reaction when you first saw me." He says before taking another drag.
He exhaled the smoke and casually asks me. "How have you been?" I clench my fists tightly at my side. "I'm surprised to see you here." He continues. "You were always so nice. What did you do? Hm? You do some terrible things I didn't know about or something?"
"Why did you do it?" I ask, ignoring his questions. "Hm? Do what?" He asks. "Don't act like you don't know! Why!? How could you do that to me!?" My emotions began to take over. And his stupid fucking grin was only upsetting me further.
Liam flicks the cigarette away before taking a step towards me. "I was good to you." I kept on. "I tried to be a good girlfriend, a good fiancé. I would have been a good wife. But you...all you've ever done was hurt me. You never appreciated me, you lied to me, you made me feel like less than a person. And for what? I would blame myself, but I've done nothing wrong. I stayed with you because it meant so much to my family, as well as yours. I did it for their sake, but most of all, I did it for you."
I continue. "I know how your family was. They were so insistent that we marry, or else you'd get the shit end of the stick for it. And I loved you...so why wouldn't I agree?"
"Why Liam? Just why?" Tears filled my eyes. "Why did you kill me?"
Liam was but a step away from me. "I didn't want to kill you." He starts. "You know how much shit, I went through because you died? My parents had to pull so many strings, get through to the right people, just to make sure no one found out. They hated me for it...Said I was a fucking disappointment. Didn't want me to get the shit end of the stick, huh? If only you didn't fucking mouth off to me that day. Maybe I wouldn't have gotten so angry. But you always had to test me, even now...you don't know when to quit."
"You have no one to blame but yourself Liam." I said firmly. "I didn't make you push me down those stairs. God, I feel so stupid. I don't know why I couldn't see it sooner. You were a bad person then, and I see nothing has changed now. Liam, I wanted to stay with you because I really did love you. At one point I did. I wish things could have been different, but, I see now that we were doomed from the start. I can't help you, I don't know how to, and I can't suffer by trying. I wish I were brave enough to say all this while I was still alive. But better late than never, I guess."
I turn to leave. "That's all I wanted to say. I don't think you're serious about this hotel, so I don't expect you to stay long. But while you're here...I hope you'll stay away from me. Because, I want nothing to do with you ever again."
"I don't think you really understand, Y/n."
I stop walking. "You ruined my life when you died. My parents pretty much disowned me. Cut me off, and I was left on my own. I struggled to keep employment, I turned to drugs, and I eventually died trying to forget that fucking night when you died. It's your fault you died, it's your fault I became an addict, and it's your fault I died. I'm suffering, and I will continue to suffer forever, because of you!"
I couldn't believe what he was saying. I was right, he really isn't capable of change. I turn to give him a piece of my mind, but it was then in that moment, he lunged at me...
And everything went dark...
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starysky1289 · 5 months
Toxic!Sorority!Vanessa X Reader. Breakup pt2
Part two to This FIC.
TW: Toxic relationship, manipulation, Abuse, Drug mention, Alcohol mention,Angst
It had been only a week sense you broke up with Vanessa, and you’d hadn’t seen her. But it felt like she was everywhere. She never showed up to any of the classes you shared, she was never around campus, she was never in the student building, but her presence felt heavy everywhere.
You spent most your time in your Dorm, when you weren’t in classes or getting food. Your Dorm was the only place you felt real safty. You had finally stood up to her, you weren’t taking her shit anymore, but you longed for her. You longed for her to hold your arm, her to call you pretty pet names and call you hers. You knew it was wrong, you knew she was bad, but something about it made you miss her.
There was a gentle knock on the door, before your roommate Stacie entered. She always had this calming aura about her that helped your relax. But this time she looked distressed, you could see it in her eyes. You quickly got up, holding her up, looked like she seen a ghost. You closed the door behind her, sitting her down on her bed.
“ Stacie, Stacie what’s wrong? “
“ I-I was..jumped…when I was leaving my class…three girls just started beating me, saying that it was from…h-her…”
You knew immediately what she meant, you only held her closer, keeping her head close to your chest. There was another knock on the door, this time it was more of a banging, with mixed laughter behind it.
“ Cmon Stacie! We’re not done yet! Get back out here! “
You quickly wrapped Stacie in a nearby blanket, pressing her forehead against yours to keep her distracted.
“ did you hear that girls? She’s in there, hissing away from Nessas eyes. Let’s go tell her the news, she’ll be pleased to hear you haven’t killed your self yet. We’ll be back later Y/N!! “
Your heart raced. You close every window in the dorm, and turned off every light, the only one left was two small LED lights that hung at the edge of your beds, not bright enough to be noticed. This is what Vanessa ment, You’d never sleep in peace again, you were stuck. You could either live and cower in fear for your life, and give in and let Vanessa love you.
“ are you sure you don’t want me to come get you after your class Stacie? “
“ I’m positive, the last thing you need is Vanessa to find you. Hurry and get to your philosophy class, I’ll be safe. “
Stacie’s bruised were slightly better, she knew she had to keep going or else she’d fail. You hugged her gently, before making your way out of the dorm, making your way to your classroom. You settled into your seat, pulling out your note book and work. The professor started his lesson, and you’d go and write notes, answer questions excitedly, and doodle when you were listening. You revived a sudden notification from Stacie, she must of changed her mind. God you wish it was that.
You were sent a photo from her phone, all you saw was an ambulance, and a disturbing message.
“ you can come and meet with Vanessa before the end of the day, or when your little roomie comes back there won’t be anything left for the docs to save “
You panicked, shoving your stuff into your bag, immediately leaving the room.
“ Ms L/N! Where are you going! “
“ I’m sorry professor, but there’s an emergency! “
You ran out of the building, and only focused on getting to the frats neighborhood where the sorority was. You were running back to a trap, you knew it. But Stacie’s life was more important than anything else, even your own life. You skidded in front of the pink house, quickly knocking on the door. And low behold, Vanessa opened the door, her eyes staring down at you.
“ there’s my girl…”
“ all i did was what I had to. To get your attention. Come inside, let’s chat. “
You reluctantly followed her in, a few other girls sat in the living room, watching you go by. She sat you down at the kitchen island. She slid you over a High noon, before sitting across from you.
“ I’m not in the mood to drink. “
“ I know. But that’s the first thing you drank in this house. Same exact flavor too. I Remember these things about you y/n. “
She was right, it was the same size, drink, and flavor. You held it in your hand, sighing before looking back at her.
“ I also know how you’ve said you’d do anything for people you love. Rember when yiu got high off my stuff and you didn’t tell the campus police I was carrying anything? You could have told and we’d all be hauled away to jail, but you didn’t. You told me you loved me “
“ yeah….and..? “
“ don’t you love Stacie? You’d do anything for her? “
Small tears formed on your eyes and you nodded, you knew where she was going with this, and you couldn’t stop her. You wouldn’t even try.
“ then let’s make a deal y/n. If you come back to me, love me, be my girl again, I’ll never have Stacie hurt again. I won’t even have her removed as your roomate. And, after some well earned punishment, I’ll treat you better. “
She held your hand, and you silently cried, holding it tightly. You loved Stacie, you both thought you’d have a chance now, but you knew you couldn’t. You knew deep down Vanessa loved you, you had seen it. And you loved her. You had to do it.
“ y-you promise nessy…? “
“ I promise dove. Do I ever lie to you about things like this? “
You shook your head and she smirked, standing up to go comfort you. Leaning against your back and kissing your neck.
“ do we have a deal hun? “
“ y-yes….yes Vanessa. I love you…I-i do..I’m sorry I tried to leave you “
She clicked her tongue, you knew she was smiling like a hyena, but you didn’t wanna look. She kissed you gently, hugging you tighter.
“ oh…my poor girl..why don’t you stay the night hun…I’ll clean up all those tears..”
She lead you upstairs, pass the giggling girls. She let you go sit on the bed, as she closed and locked the door. She gave you the look you knew, she wasn’t going to let you go for hours.
A few days after the whole ordeal, Stacie was in a stable enough condition for you to visit her in the hospital. She was heavily bruised, and had stitches across her face. Vanessa let you go alone, she said it was part of her being nice.
“ y/n…”
“ Stacie….i went back to her, I’m so sorry. “
You wanted to sob, you wanted to crawl up with her and sob. But you’d give something away to the doctors. Stacie wasn’t disappointed, she was mad or anything.
“ I’m sorry. “
“ it’s not your fault..you really loved me..you had to let me go to keep me safe…”
“ she says she’ll still keep us roomates, and we can still hangout “
She held your hand, giving it a gentle kiss. You let only a few tears fall before wipping them away.
“ I love you Stacie. I’ll be back to see you tomorrow, ok? “
“ I love you too y/n…be safe..”
You left the room and the hospital, Vanessa was in her black SUV waiting for you. You sat in the passenger seat besides her and kissed her cheek before she drove off.
“ how is she? “
“ stable, and healing. She’ll be out in a few weeks. “
“ good! Im so happy your friend is ok. I love you y/n. “
You looked down at your wrist, the pink scrunchie lay on it again. You only smile and look back up at her. She was being better to you. Maybe this would be the change.
“ I-i love you too Vanessa “
“ good girl. Now let’s go get you something pretty for the party this weekend. “
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capfalcon · 5 months
cw: explicit mention of taking drugs, and harming someone
people love to say sherlock from elementary is crazy but like. have we considered joan watson? sherlock goes out and buys heroin from this guy after like 4 days of not sleeping and then being kidnapped and hospitalized, and then he tells joan that he wants to DOSE micheal with HEROIN and the first thing that joan says is "well he would taste it in most liquids, so we could grind it in his food" LIKE THE WOMAN IS INSANE. she was a surgeon. god help us all
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
My grandma as most could safely assume, is an old woman.
One whos always struggled with mental health. And listening to her talk is heartbreaking for real.
Imagine with me:
Tw/cw: drugs, mental health
A woman who loves a man and gets hitched in Vegas. She is already fucked up and abused enough that when he tells her he went to jail for murder she says "well that's your past." She proceeds to be gaslit by this man for decades. She calls the cops and the predictably are no fucking help. There is no Google or TikTok she can use to learn about mental health. All she knows is people that should help her are Not helping. Doctors say she just has anxiety and write her off. The man? Gives her meth and starts an addiction then turns and tells everyone about it. Suddenly she's literally unbelievable to boot.
Am I shocked that a woman married to a guy like that with bad mental health and a society that doesn't give a shit about her developed paranoid schizophrenia?
Like???? How fucked up is it that I have to sit on the phone with her and say "I don't believe the world is out to get you specifically. I think cops and doctors just don't do their fucking jobs."
Like it sounds fucking unreal that how our country treats women and women with mental illness so fucking awful that it makes her paranoia WORSE.
My grandma truly believes that nobody is helping her because my grandpa is paying everyone off and seeking to make her worse. That this is all his plot against her specifically.
How do I even begin to get her to understand that no. The world isn't out to get her, it's just That Our Reality is THAT Fucking Awful?
And is that reeeeeally any better? How is that helpful?
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