#mine: ace reporter
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Copia: *wondering into the ghoul common room, holding Biscuit the rat* hey guys! Who’s ready for game nig-*looks up to see every single ghoul minus Aether and Cumulus either on top of various furniture pieces or clinging to the ceiling* ………….. should I ask?
Sunshine: *hanging off the light* GIANT SPIDER SAVE YOURSELF!
Copia: *immediately leaping onto the coffee table* FUCK THAT WHERE IS IT?!
Mountain: *on top of the kitchen table* ITS BY THE TV* points to an UNNATURALLY LARGE SPIDER making its way in front of the tv* I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO CLOSE THE WINDOW CIRRUS
Cirrus: *perched on the open door into the kitchen* IT WAS HOT I SAID I WAS SORRY! RAIN HOWS THAT NET COMING?!
Swiss: it’s coming closer ITS COMING CLOSER
Copia: *screams*
Biscuit the rat: *having been gently placed onto the surface of the coffee table by Copia to make sure he wasn’t crushed* squeak? *carefully scurries down the table leg and bounds up to the spider*
Biscuit:* proceeds to eat the spider, stuffing each creepy leg into his little rat mouth before licking his lips and beginning to clean himself*
~A few Moments Later~
Aether and Cumulus: *entering the common room carrying pizza and several large bottles of vodka* Guys we’re ba-
*in the middle of the common room Copia stands, holding Biscuit up in pride of place. Biscuit is now munching on a piece of apple and having the time of his little rat life. All the ghouls are dancing around them and chanting * ALL! HAIL! BISCUIT! ALL! HAIL! BISCUIT!!
Aether: we were gone for TEN MINUTES…actually kinda impressed and this looks fun * hops into the circle, dragging a giggling Cumulus with him * ALL! HAIL! BISCUIT!!
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pie-bean · 2 years
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Small man spotted in town
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violenteconomics · 1 month
as a prank, ace and epel start referring to their upperclassmen as members of their family rather than by name — when they're not actually talking to their upperclassmen, of course — just to see how long it will take them to notice. and after a while, the other freshmen start doing it, too.
ace is the first one to come up with this idea. he think it's a harmless little thing, a prank that'll cause plenty of mayhem but won't get him in any serious trouble. so he starts referring to cater and trey as his dad and mom respectively, and riddle as his uptight, no-nonsense older brother.
("one time i saw my brother try to put one of mom's tart into like a ziplock bag to save it for later, and when he took it out like two days afterwards, it fell apart immediately and he started bawling, ha ha! my dad got the whole thing on camera and shared it with me — i can show you if you want.")
he ropes epel in on the plan. epel is a little more hesitant, but seeing this as a way to get back at vil, even in a small way, he agrees to it. vil is now "ma" and rook is now "pa". people do start to wonder why he still uses he/him pronouns to refer to his supposed mother, but they decide not to question it too much.
("a few months ago, my pa told me a story about how one time my ma was trying to comb his hair, only for his comb to get stuck. so he got another comb to get the first one out, and that ended up getting stuck, too. five combs later, and peepaw had to rush him to the barber for an emergency haircut. it was pretty funny, but now i'm left wondering how pa even knew that story... hold on, i need to check my bathroom mirror for cameras, excuse me.")
surprisingly, deuce catches on pretty quickly, and he starts thinking maybe it's a new dorm policy. he doesn't know why, or why nobody else seems to be doing it, but ace seems pretty sure of himself, so he starts doing it, too, if a bit awkwardly.
("my brother always gets on my case for my bad grades. it's a little frustrating, but he only does it because he cares. my dad tutors me whenever he can, but he's not very good at studying, either. but whenever i do get good grades on my report card, my mom makes me egg tarts!")
yuu starts after they ask ace about it, and thinking it's a good prank, they decide to join in on a little mischief. so they start referring to all the teachers as their "dad". it makes people really confused, because they assume they only have one dad, two at most, but "dad" seems to change personalities every single time they talk about him.
("i was helping my dad do paperwork the other day, except we didn't get anything done and spent the entire evening playing solitaire and making dog puns."
"i was filling my dad's basketballs for him for his next game, whilst simultaneously helping him rework his pick-up lines that he's going to use on rsa's 'hot librarian' — his words, not mine. it was... a weird experience."
"i was feeding my dad's cat a couple of days ago, but i guess i fed him too much, because he's just a ball with limbs now. it's fine, though — it's not like my dad actually goes anywhere. too old for that, y'know?")
ortho is up next. idia's already ortho's brother, so he can't really do anything with that, but he really wants in on the average teenage experience of pranking your peers. so he starts referring to literally every upperclassmen he knows as his "brother". this is when everyone starts to realize that something's wrong, because some of things ortho says can not apply to idia in any reality.
("my brother is so talented! he's so good at talking to people, and making them sign contracts with him, and convincing them to invest in his restaurant... gosh, i wish i could be as good at communicating as him!")
jack is, unsurprisingly, very unamused when he figures out what the others are doing, but he doesn't try to stop them. but after a few weeks of exposure, and jack starts unconsciously doing it, too, which the others don't point out to him because they think it's absolutely hilarious.
("my brother didn't show up to morning practice, again, so my other brother and i went lookin' for him, and we ended up findin' him in a tree. obviously, my brother and i can't climb as well as my eldest bro can, so my brother just... threw a spelldrive disk at him. to get him out of the tree. and then we had to rush him to the infirmary because now he had a concussion. i don't... i don't know why he thought that would work.")
sebek is the last hold-over. not only is he unamused by this prank — and frankly very aghast when he realizes that jack has also been infected by it — but he's also really repressed and will do literally whatever it takes to not sully his image in the eyes of diasomnia. of course, with enough wear and tear, this doesn't last very long.
("ugh. my brother fell asleep on the road AGAIN! i swear, so many people have tripped over him, i'll be surprised if he hasn't broken any ribs yet.")
ace and epel think all of this is extremely funny, so they all keep trucking along with it with nobody noticing for a couple of weeks. it's all fine and dandy until the first-years are out on the town during the weekend, and deuce gets involved in a really bad carriage crash.
at the hospital, deuce starts deliriously asking for his older brother to take him home. but when the receptionist checks his familial records, they're really confused because deuce never even had a brother.
unfortunately, ace knows exactly who deuce is talking about, and awkwardly spends the next 30 minutes trying to get a hold of riddle over the phone.
the awkwardness doesn't end as riddle actually gets to the hospital, and the doctor smiles and says, "you must be mr spade's big brother."
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obsessive-evie · 9 months
you’re pretty is all
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pairing: Kate Martin + fem!oc
word count: 3.2k
warnings: smut, explicit language
“I-, I can’t, please, I can’t, you can’t keep doing this to me,” Kate pants into my mouth, a blushing smile on her face, clearly embarrassed at the needy tone her own voice took on.
You see, we have recently discovered that Kate cannot handle praise. At. All.
It happened one day on accident, I was just going to one of her games like normal, a pretty rough game against South Carolina I must admit, but Iowa pulled through, Kate being the highest scorer instead of Caitlin for once. She had jogged over to where I was leaning against the walls of the stadium bleachers, a wide smile on her face the moment she noticed where I was. She had barely finished talking to the media, still dodging reporters with cameras on her way over to me.
I immediately wrapped my arms around her head of course, standing on my tiptoes to kiss the side of her head. Her head was buried in my neck, her heavy breathing and warm body pressed against my own. “You did so good baby, oh my god,” I said in her ear before pulling away, my hands still on her neck. Her face now held a different kind of look in her eye. What once was pink from the exertion of the game was now speckled darker with with red, her eyes holding a look of almost uncertainty in them. She opens her mouth like she’s going to speak, but nothing comes out.
She looks bashful, almost shocked, as she keeps trying to form words through her smile. A few laughs escape instead, so she breaks eye contact, and pulls me back into her arms, hiding her face in my neck.
I don’t bring it up until later, taking it as she was just overwhelmed in the post-win high.
But the more I thought about it, the more my brain needed to know why she looked so, flustered? Now I had had my theories about her liking praise, the few times I was more in control featuring a heavy adoration note, and less than a possessive or rough route, but I wanted to test my theory.
“I’m serious i’m so proud of you Kate, you played so well,” I say in the passenger seat of her car as she drives us back to her apartment, her hand in mine on the center console. We’re stopped at a long red, the large Iowa intersections taking far too long in any other circumstance, but i’m thankful for it now as I get to watch her head duck down in an attempt at hiding while a large smile plays on her face, one she’s clearly trying to hide. Her face flushes red again, and that’s when I knew I was on the right track.
Throughout the course of the next few days, I continued to shower my girlfriend with excess praise and compliments, relishing in every blush, smile, giggle, and hidden face. Everything from playing with her freshly washed hair while we talked about the game later that night, making her shift herself from laying on my chest to her kissing my neck to hide her red face when I started to delve into her high score. Not just that, but when she aced a math test a few days later, I went above and beyond in telling her how proud I was (she ended up telling me to shut up with a red face and half hidden smile, her large hand coming to cover half of her face).
The first time I called her pretty girl, I knew damn well what I was doing.
I was sitting on the bathroom counter as she curled her hair, just admiring her beauty and features. She was focused on not burning herself, but when she put the iron down and caught my eyes, she smiled, a puzzled look on her face. “What?” she asked while moving closer, her hands coming to my thighs, rubbing up and down my leggings as she laughed slightly. I shook my head, not wanting to admit anything yet, so naturally she moved closer, leaning into my personal space.
I shake my head while laughing, moving myself to kiss her lips with smiles on our faces. I break the gentle kiss to say, “My pretty girl.” Her reaction is immediate, her face flushes pink high on her cheekbones and ears, she tries to hold back an even larger smile which causes her nose to twitch slightly too. My hands cradle her jaw on each side before she plants her forehead on my chest, me sitting on the counter being one of the few positions she can do so.
I can feel her breathing slightly pick up, making me laugh again. She shakes her head in my chest with a small groan before picking it up, and moving back over to where she was standing, holding back a smile and a red face.
So it does work.
My plan was to see how long it would take for her to crack, or melt, either one worked for me. So when the day came where I was fed up with her being so stupidly strong willed, I decided to bombard her all day long.
I kissed every inch of her face when we woke up that morning, telling her how beautiful she is, even throwing in a my beautiful girl before getting out of bed to shower (she asked to join, but I don’t think I could handle seeing her naked and not get on my knees, which would ruin my whole plan).
I even hyped her up a little more the usual when we got ready to go out to dinner. When I would usually just call her my hot girlfriend and poke her biceps or abs, I made show of saying how good she looked, even throwing in a wolf whistle for good measure to get that pretty blush I adored. Now don’t get me wrong, she did look damn good, but it was a little exaggerated when she walked out in a gray tank and jeans, her hair up in a high ponytail with a dusting of makeup on her face highlighting her natural features.
I got the blush that I wanted, as well as an eye roll as she deflected by kissing me on the lips.
It was only after we had a few drinks at a nice italian restaurant that she even acknowledged my praises.
I had called her “so fuckin pretty” after taking some photos of her at our secluded table, to which she responded, “I can’t with you, you know that?” with an eye roll. “I just love my incredibly hot girlfriend, and I wanna tell her, what’s so wrong with that?” I replied. She just shook her head and said, “You’re so down bad for me.” Of course I nodded my head enthusiastically and took more photos.
By the time we were home on the couch, still in our going out clothes and makeup, I was determined to make her crack.
I was seated straddling her lap, her hands unbashfully on my ass and hips (a personal fav of hers as she put it), while mine were moving between her jaw and neck, not deciding which one I liked better. My tongue was in her mouth when my hand just barely squeezed her neck, not choking or anything, but enough for her to moan out in surprise. She pulled away for air, her face flushed and lips bitten a dark shade of pink. God she really was pretty.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I whispered before going back in for more kisses. Her hands now gripped my hips harder, pulling me down onto her thigh, causing pleasure to shoot up into me. She did it again at the same time she pushed her thigh up, the thought of the strong muscle beneath me only adding to my pleasure. This time i’m the one that pulls away to say, “God you’re so good to me, you’re so fucking pretty baby,” while smiling. Hopefully this is the fatal blow that will make her crack.
I’m right.
“I-, I can’t, please, I can’t, you can’t keep doing this to me,” Kate pants into my mouth, a blushing smile on her face, clearly embarrassed at the needy tone her own voice took on. Her bright blue-green eyes plead up at me, coercing my body and soul into her. I stay quiet, hoping to urge her to fill the silence. “I mean it, you have no idea what that does to me I-,” she pauses, taking a deep breath, breaking our eye contact, “I can’t, just-“ I cut her desperate words off with a kiss, needing to feel those pretty lips on mine again. She kisses me back with fervor, gripping my ass and hip impossibly tighter, her hands almost painfully doing so.
Our lips continue to move with a melting passion, each of us letting out occasional moans as we move closer and closer to the fires burning bright in our cores. I break the kiss and a string of warm spit still keeps us connected. I move to kiss her cheek gently, the restraint and stark contrast from the aggressive kissing almost making me shake. Kissing softly down her jawline, stopping just above her ear to whisper, “My pretty baby,” the hand that was resting on her neck squeezing slightly.
Now being possessive wasn’t particularly new for us, Kate liked to show me off and I the same, but we were never directly possessive. So i I guess it caught her off guard when I accentuated the my part.
“Oh my god,” she half says half whines as I smirk, continuing my pursuit of kisses down her neck and onto her exposed collarbones. I manage to get her tank top off, so of course she had to even the score and get me out of my shirt (it was bunched up around my bra anyways). Kissing down her chest, removing the clasp of her bra one handed, pulling her ripped jeans down, those were all easy. But resisting the urge to abandon my teasing and fuck her senseless once I got her in just her underwear was not easy. At all.
I too was stripped down to my shorts and lacy black bralette, my mouth still slowly trailing down her body, gently kissing and biting. My hands explored her hips and thighs the lower I got, the sucking on her chest and nipples making the strong muscles twitch slightly. Every time I pulled away from her warm body to breathe or look at her, I let out a string of praises or minor possessiveness.
The lower I got, the more she squirmed at my words. What would’ve probably only made her blush before this is now making her pant. For example, “God you’re so good baby,” made her let out a particularly desperate moan, her hand coming to the back of my head as I sucked on her nipple.
Something I did know about Kate however, is that she got particularly embarrassed when I went down on her. She had a habit of covering her face with her hands, a pillow, or biting her lips to hold back the moans that only urged me on. She also had a habit of closing her eyes or looking away, especially the more orgasms I gave her, because she had a tendency to cry.
The first time I made her cry in bed, I panicked, thinking something was wrong. It was after a particularly hard loss, a tiring and brutal game against LSU, and I decided she could use an orgasm or two after that. By the time I was getting her closer and closer to her third, I thought that I was crazy when I caught a glimpse of shiny eyes before she covered them with the crook of her elbow again. Amping her up for her fourth however, was when I was for sure that her moans were turning into almost sobs. My heart dropped, thinking I had taken it too far. Of course I immediately removed my head from her pussy and cradled her face with my hands, trying to remove her own from her face.
All I had received in return was a rushed out explanation, “No, no, please don’t stop I’m fine I swear just-“ she had said before I cut her off. “Baby you’re crying you’re clearly not fine what’s wrong was it too much? I’m sorry love I-“ this time it was my turn to be cut off.
“No, no this just happens ok I’m fine just I swear to god if you don’t make me cum these tears will be for real,” she choked out, the waterworks of frustration starting back up again. I had kissed her salty lips quickly before giving her a fourth orgasm, watching as the tears flowed freely once I had held her hand down on her hip. Back then I had watched in awe as her pretty face was streaked with tear tracks, trying to test my luck with a fifth orgasm right after her fourth. Unfortunately her sobs became mumbled words of, “No I can’t i c-can’t too much I can’t please I can’t,” while pushing my head away from her dripping cunt.
Now I’m determined to see those rare tears again.
Hopefully my teasing combined with her newfound appreciation for praise would be enough.
I stand corrected.
After sucking on her thighs for too long, Kate had relented and quietly asked me to touch her. I had removed her soaked panties slowly, kissing every inch of her legs they went down. This is when she would typically look away or look for a pillow to hide in, but thanks to our position on our barren couch, she had no choice but to look at me as I made contact with her wet pussy.
I started out slow by circling her clit and pushing a single finger into her, crooking it slightly. “Keep your eyes on me pretty girl,” I said, making her move her hand from shaking by her thigh to holding the back of my head, keeping my tongue on her as she whines.
Throwing out other praises and you’re so pretty darling, or, you look so fucking good like this, so wet baby made Kate only moan and whine louder, her hand coming to cover her mouth. I get minutes into pumping two fingers into her before I notice she’s gone muffled, so I take her hand away from her mouth by her wrist, and hold it onto the couch with my thumb on her pulse point gently.
“C’mon baby let me hear you, I know you can do it,” I say, watching as she tries to keep quiet by biting her lip, tears beginning to form in her eyes. I decide to push her further.
At the same time I curl my fingers up into her g spot, I suck on her clit hard, all while simultaneously pushing on her lower stomach. This makes her let out a loud and whiny moan, stirring things inside me when she tightens her hold on my hair. The tears begin to flow now, almost making me let up on my assault. Almost.
I keep alternating between sucking on her clit and pushing on her stomach, my fingers keeping pace inside her. “Oh my god,” she panted out, the telltale signs of my girlfriend’s incoming orgasm starting as her breathing picks up. I keep going, never relenting, even when her strong hips try to lift up off the couch, forcing me to wrap my arms around her hips and thighs, pinning her in place.
I take a small breather to say, “you’re close baby, I know it, why don’t you cum for me yeah? god you’re doing so well love.” She throws her head back and whines, a high and needy thing that makes me speed up my hand, even though my wrist is starting to cramp.
Her breathing deepens, sobs worsen, thick hot tears rolling down her cheeks as her strong thighs clamp around my head. Pushing on her lower stomach always seems to do the trick, something about external g spot stimulation? Either way, she’s coming on my tongue with my name in her mouth, combined with many other things I can’t hear because of her thighs over my ears.
Her whole body shakes and twitches, her hips lifting in an arch, her hand holds my hair almost painfully tight to her cunt, not like I was leaving anyways. Her heavy breathing doesn’t slow as I push through what I think is the longest orgasm I’ve ever given her. And trust me, giving head was considered one of my special skills. Wonder if I could put THAT on a job resume?
I slow my fingers inside of her, as well as the lapping of my tongue when I think i’ve stretched that out as long as I could. Her eyes are closed now, breathing slowing, her thighs loosened around my head, allowing me to pull away for air. I slowly remove my fingers from her cunt, causing her hips to twitch again, making me laugh. I suck her excess slick off my fingers, relishing in the way she tastes. Maybe I’m smug, but the fucked out look on my girlfriend’s face as she opens her eyes is totally deserving of a mini victory lap.
I stand up from my position on the floor, my knees cracking on the way up from the way I was kneeling. I kiss my way up her hips and stomach gently, small pecks up her warm body, making my way to her face. The tear stained face I kiss every inch of, something I had started after the first time she cried, a mix of guilt and tenderness I felt for her compelling me to do so. When I finally reach her lips, I swipe my thumb under her eyes, cleaning off any more salty tears or cum. Unfortunately for Kate, going from eating pussy to kissing cheeks means mixing of bodily fluids.
A self confident smile on my face, I kiss my girl on the lips finally, her once limp mouth curving up into a small smile. I pull away, taking in her disbelieving expression. “Where the hell did that come from?” she asks, shaking her head slightly against my lips. “You’re pretty,” is all I say in response.
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grandlinedreams · 11 months
Ace really wants to kiss you. 
He’s wanted to for a while today, but he swears that there are forces at work against him – every time he manages to find you, you’re busy. First it was finishing up a report (you’re more diligent about those, he’ll be the first to admit that), then it was helping in the kitchen, then helping Marco with something – never staying still for too long, flitting from one task to the next. Normally Ace admires how willing you are to lend a hand to anyone who needs it – but right now he needs you, and you’re ignoring him. (Not really, but playing the victim makes him feel a little better.)
So he settles for sulking until he drifts into one of his many afternoon naps, figuring that if nothing else, you’ll come find him when you’re (finally) not busy. He’s right, because when he finally rouses, his head is in your lap and one of your hands is busy stroking through his hair, the other propping open a book for you to read. 
Noticing his movement, you glance down at him. “Finally awake?”
“Kind of,” he yawns. “Ready to stop ignoring me?”
You resist the urge to roll your eyes at his dramatics. “I have not been ignoring you, you just have horrible timing to want attention from me.” 
Ace stares back, cheeks puffing in defiance. “Same thing.” He reaches up, tugging at a stray lock of hair. “Don’t you love me?” 
Despite his tone, there’s an undercurrent of uncertainty that longs for reassurance – that you aren’t tired of him, that he won’t push his limits too far and push you away.
Your expression softens. “Of course I do,” you answer, sending his heart stuttering in his chest. It’s moments like these that make him wonder if he really deserves you, with the way you look at him – like he alone hung the stars for you. “What did you need earlier? Must’ve been important.”
You’re teasing him – if it’d been of real, true importance, he’d have made sure that you were told, regardless of company or current task. But it’s still important, and he grins, tugging at your hair again. “Oh yeah, super important.”
You huff a soft laugh, setting your book aside. “Care to tell me now?”
“Nah.” His tone is lower, eyes flicking to the soft plush of your lips as he rolls over and pushes up, leaning so that you’re the one forced to lean back until you’re beneath him. “I’d rather show you.” 
You look so pretty like this, cheeks pink as you stare up at him, your own gaze flicking to his lips and back. “Don’t stare at me like that,” you protest, and he snickers.
“I’m not staring, I’m admiring,” he says, lowering himself so that he’s just a hair’s breadth from your face with his own, the tip of his nose brushing yours. “There’s a difference, you know.”
This time you do roll your eyes, the action ruined by the traitorous darkening of your cheeks and it sends his heartbeat stuttering in his chest before he remembers exactly what he’s been wanting to do for the better part of the day. He leans down as your head tips up expectantly, eyes sliding shut –
Only for your forehead to collide roughly with his as there’s the sharp rap of knuckles on the door, followed by a call of your name. Hand now clapped to your forehead, you fight to keep your voice from sounding pained. “Yeah?”
“When you’ve got a minute, Pops wants to talk to you, yoi.” 
“Got it,” you answer, “be out in a minute.”
If he weren’t also trying to nurse the blow to his forehead, Ace would tell Marco what to relay to Pops in lieu of your presence – but he keeps his mouth shut and listens to footsteps fade before he lowers his hand from his forehead and watches you do the same. 
“How bad is it?” you ask, and his eyes flick to survey the damage. 
“You might have a bruise,” he tells you as he reaches to rub at the red mark gently. “Is mine the same?” You nod, and he sighs. “Gonna have to come up with an excuse for it.” He hesitates, then moves to get off of you. “Guess you’ve gotta go.”
“Hold it.” You reach up, hand snagging at the back of his neck to pull him back down. “You were going to show me what you wanted earlier.”
“But Pops–”
You huff, rolling your eyes. “Ace, do you want to kiss me or not?” He does, very much so – and when he nods, you raise an eyebrow in prompting. “Well?”
He grins, eyes wildfire bright. “As you wish.”
And after a day full of distractions, Ace finally gets to kiss you.
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notsosweetchan · 8 months
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˚ʚ♡ɞ After Hours With The CEO ˚ʚ♡ɞ
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Warning: Twitter prn link-Smut
Paring: | Minho x Reader |
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Imagine: The meeting had been long and grueling, lasting well into the evening hours. The CEO, Minho, had been particularly tough on you, grilling you about recent numbers and demanding explanations for any discrepancies.
Your heart raced as he finally dismissed the rest of his staff, leaving only you behind. You knew what was coming next, and your body responded with a mix of terror and arousal that made your panties wet.
Minho shut the door behind him, locking it with a heavy click that echoed in the otherwise silent room. He towered above you, his tall frame blocking out most of the light from the overhead fluorescent lamps.
You couldn't help but stare at the bulge in his pants, growing more pronounced with each step he took towards you. He was not wearing his usual suit jacket - he must have taken it off during the meeting - revealing a muscular physique honed by countless hours in the gym. You bit your bottom lip nervously as he approached.
His broad hands gripped your face gently but firmly, pulling you closer for a hungry kiss that left you breathless and wanting more. His mouth tasted of coffee and expensive whiskey as he nipped at your lips before moving down to your neck, sucking hard enough to leave marks on your delicate skin.
His fingers tangled in your hair, tugging just enough to let you know who was in control here."You look so fucking sexy when you're nervous," he murmured against your neck before lifting his head to meet your eyes. "I've wanted this all day."
Minho pushed you forcefully against the wall beside his desk, pinning you there with his body heat. One of his thick thighs slid between yours, parting them and forcing your pussy to rub against the rough fabric of his pants.
Your mind spun as he leaned in to whisper dirty, deliciously filthy things in your ear. You could feel his erection straining against his slacks, and it sent shivers down your spine.
His voice was like velvet as he whispered, "You're going to be so fucking good for me tonight." His free hand slid down to cup your ass and squeeze, pulling you even harder against his throbbing member.
Your dress hiked up slightly, exposing your lace-covered bottoms to his touch. The cool air from the AC unit brushed across your heated skin, making you shiver. Minho took this as an invitation and began trailing soft kisses along your jawline while teasingly biting the lobe of your earlobe.
His other hand snaked beneath your dress and brushed against the bare skin of your thighs, sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through you. He pushed you further into the wall and ground his hips against yours, making direct contact with his hardness.
He pulled away from the kiss just enough to speak again, his breath hot on your neck again, "You want this, don't you?" He purred. "You want me to fuck you against the my desk? To take what's rightfully mine? Just admit it."
You moaned, arching your back even more into his touch, desperate for him to take control. "Yes..." You panted, unable to hide your arousal any longer.
His touch was electric, making your whole body tingle with anticipation. You could feel yourself growing wet between your legs as he ground against you, teasing you mercilessly.
His scent of expensive cologne and musk filled your nostrils, making you lightheaded with desire. The contrast between the cold air conditioning and the heat of his body made you shudder in pleasure.Minho smirked against your neck, his teeth nipping lightly.
"Good girl," he whispered before he picked you up placing you on his desk. You gasped as Minho picked you up and placed you gently on his desk, a desk that was strewn with papers and files and reports from the long meeting.
He stood over you, his towering form casting a shadow over your body as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants with quick, precise movements.
His cock sprung free, already hardened and leaking pre-cum, presenting itself to you like a shiny sword. It was thick and long, and looked even bigger now that it was free from its confines.
The CEO stepped forward until the tip of his cock was pressing against your wet entrance, teasing you mercilessly as he leaned down to capture your lips in another hungry kiss. His tongue plundered your mouth as he ground himself against you, making you moan into his mouth.
His musky scent enveloped you, mixing with the chemical smell of the air freshener in the room. You were overwhelmed with the taste of him as he devoured your lips, your tongue tangling with his and exploring every inch of his mouth.
Minho's hands roamed over your body possessively as he kissed you and ground against you harder. He tore at your panties roughly, ripping them off with a triumphant growl before tossing them aside.
The air conditioning turned the room colder than before, but it didn't dampen your arousal for him one bit.
"So fucking eager," he murmured against your lips as he thrust his hips forward, pushing himself inside you in one hard stroke that made you gasp at the unexpected intrusion.
Your body welcomed him eagerly, exhaling a soft moan of relief as he began to move inside you with rough, powerful strokes that pushed you back against the cool desk. Each thrust causing a sinful friction that made your toes curl and your walls clench around his cock.
The sound of fabric tearing filled the room as he tore off his dress shirt, revealing his well-toned chest dusted with soft hairs. The sounds of their bodies colliding filled the room; skin slapping against skin, fabric rustling underneath them, and rhythmic grunts of pleasure.
Minho pounded into you without mercy, taking what he believed was his due with every brute force of his hips. The slap of skin against skin echoed in the silence of the office, filling it with the rawness of their primal lust.
His hands roamed over your body possessively, cupping your breasts and pinching your nipples hard enough to make you groan into his mouth.
You arched your back, meeting each of his harsh thrusts with a moan as he fucked you hard against the cool desk, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist to pull him deeper inside you.
His rough hands skimmed down your body, tracing patterns up and down your thighs, sending sparks of pleasure through you with every touch. The taste of him was intoxicating; his lips on yours were softer than his stern demeanor led you to believe they would be.
Minho growled into your ear, "You're mine to fuck, aren't you?" He pulled back slightly to watch your face, his eyes burning with lust."Yes," You gasped between breaths, feeling the climax building inside you with each plunge of his cock.
The smell of his cologne mixed with musk and sex filled the room as he picked up speed, slamming into you harder and harder, like he couldn't get enough.
Your walls clenched around him at the brink of orgasm - but he held off, milking you for all he was worth before finally letting go with a throaty groan and emptying himself inside you.
As he came, Minho's hips bucked wildly, lifting you completely off the desk as he found his release in your tight heat one final time.He let out a primal roar that shook the room, filling you with his seed as he shuddered against you.
Sweat slicked and breathless, he pulled out of you and leaned heavily on the desk, still holding onto your hips.He chuckled darkly before pulling a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
The room was silent except for their ragged breathing and the occasional slap of their bodies. He looked down at you with hooded eyes, "You're perfect," he hissed before zipping up his pants with a smirk.
"Get dressed and meet me in my office tomorrow morning." With that, he left the room, leaving you panting and sore but more than satisfied.
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joelswritingmistress · 6 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 54
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible. 
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader 
Dr. Miller’s castle - my home. It felt like a fortress away from the rest of the world. Neither of us had unpacked. We didn't sit or turn on the television or even a light. We just stood there in this lost, new world we were unwillingly thrust into.
My mind and body, alike, were tired. I didn't think I could accurately answer another question after the time I had spent with the police and investigators, and even a few stray reporters. I knew law enforcement needed every detail to assure Will would remain behind bars for the rest of his days, but I was spent; done.
Word had hit our area. The Lady Killer had been caught. The only thing that made me smile was the mention of James’s name. He had been the catalyst that led to Will’s reveal. We at least had backup from the local police surrounding Woodbridge, and it had to mean something for our testimonies.
“What's going to happen?” I asked quietly. I knew the question was vague, but I meant it in every single sense. Would Carol be okay? Would Chas’s injuries leave him with lingering health issues? Would Dr. Miller and I grow stronger from this or would we drift apart?
Dr. Miller walked up to me and touched my face in the way he always did. Without a word he left a single, gentle kiss on my lips.
“We take it day by day.”
I nodded and looked down. “I don't know what to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“How do we move forward from this? How do we ever get back to normal? Poor Carol..” I shook my head and allowed him to pull me into an embrace.
“Things are broken,” he spoke quietly near my ear. “We have to try to mend them - together.” Dr. Miller hesitated before pulling back and looking me in the eyes.
He appeared as if he was going to speak and then took a deep breath and flicked on a small lantern lamp beside his decanter of bourbon.
“Do you, uh..” Dr. Miller motioned to the liquor but I shook my head and sat down in a chair in the formal living room - the one where we shared our first glass of champagne together on my first night in the castle. I hadn't spent much time in here since.
He poured himself a small glass and sat across from me in an oversized, leather chair. Dr. Miller took another deep breath and leaned forward, swirling the bourbon around in circles in the glass. He took a sip and drew a hand across mouth before looking back up to meet my gaze.
“I killed Ace Deerfield.”
Deep down I knew that. I felt it from the second he had begun talking about his relationship with the dying, old man; but hearing him say it out loud was weighted differently. It made it real.
“Lou asked me to and then took the fall for it. He left me all of this in exchange for it.”
My eyes never left Dr. Miller’s; his never left mine. I responded honestly. “I know.” 
“You know?”
“The possibility crossed my mind,” I admitted with a nod as tears welded up in my eyes. They sat comfortably there for a few seconds before falling. “I was never going to ask.”
“That's what my ex-wife was talking about. She kept my secrets but she couldn't handle being around me because of them.” His Adam's apple leaped in his throat and then settled back in place.
“Can you answer a question for me?” My voice never cracked.
Dr. Miller gave a solemn nod.
“I need to know,” I said quietly with an accompanied deep breath. “Where did you go that one night? The time when we slept in the bedroom with the glass ceiling and I got locked in? You were gone half the night and I had seen someone pull up in a car. They gave you an envelope-”
Dr. Miller glanced down and back up. “Someone paid me to kill Alec Pryor.”
“Alec Pryor..” It took me a second but the light bulb went off. “The original suspect in the Lady Killer case? But he’s alive.” I added, glancing away for just a second before catching his gaze again. “Right?”
Dr. Miller nodded. “I was all set to do it, too. I was sure it was him. I read the details of his sex crimes and it made me extra angry. So, I took the money. I left that night and I was sitting outside of his house. And then I thought of you. And us. I couldn't do it. I did it once for Lou. I had so many conversations with him and I was forced to type out every single word from that case. Ace was a bad man and not only did he rub it in that he got off for his crimes, but he was going to kill again.”
He took another sip of bourbon and went on.
“You don't have to stay with me,” Dr. Miller said, bowing his head. My bottom lip quivered when I saw tears fall from his eyes to the floor. “You deserve better than this; than me. But just know in this short time, you've made me a better man. Alec Pryor might be the scum of the earth but he didn't kill all those girls.. and he's alive because of you.”
I was speechless. I had nothing to offer back, but I realized this wasn't a conversation. It was a confession.
Dr. Miller couldn't look at me. He looked at the shadows on the wall behind the lantern and then the ceiling and the floor. He swirled the bourbon in his glass and swigged from it again with a huff of a breath.
After a lengthy period of silence, I rose to my feet. The faint squeak of the leather caused Dr. Miller to glance up for the first time in several minutes. I paced the short distance across the room to him and kneeled down before him. He appeared as though he was waiting for me to say something - anything; but I didn't have the words. For the first time in my life I didn't know what I was supposed to feel.
Supposed to feel? I questioned my own thought process and quietly asked myself: What do you feel?
I rested my head on his knees, using my folded arms as a pillow and a tear journeyed silently down my cheek. When Dr. Miller’s hand rested on the top of my head, my eyes closed and more tears fell.
I let out a deep exhale and laid there for a while, until my legs began to ache from the position that I sat. Still, I endured the discomfort. It was nothing in comparison to the internal agony I felt.
What was to come, I didn't know. But in that moment, this is all we could do. As the room grew darker with the fade of the overcast evening, I wasn’t surprised to hear the beginning of a steady rain rapping at the rooftops.
How dreadfully poetic.
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds @cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandojojo @shotgun-shelby @itscatrodriguez-thepearl @macaroni676 @smolbeanzzz@bandluvr97
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
26 askss!! ✨💖🐻💖✨
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XD actually, Bibi never minded being the shortest. Because Jangles and I never made fun of him for it. But he's probably happy that there's now 2 people short enough to give him proper hugs 🥺
And to be honest, I haven't thought too much out about character facts :0 other than Cici is a smarty pants and can be a lil sassy at times XD But in a harmless/charming way.
Also oh yeah, Gerald loves puns. XDD Although he hasn't had any cake before.. so idk what his favorite could be. What ever is the funniest flavor I suppose XDD
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD Happy holidays!! :}}
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Oh you're new to Tumblr? Ahhh word of advice then- If I may? It might be a good idea to change your profile picture. Tumblr has a big bot problem. And a lot of the bots have default profile pictures just like yours. A lot of people might see your account in their feed and just block/report on sight. Not fun.. also I suggest you do the same though, if someone with default profile picture, banner, no bio, no posts follows you... that's probaaaaably a bot and should be blocked--
ANYWAYS! So for the Captain Barnacles/Crab comic. I don't plan on finishing it. And the reason why I abandoned it was because the way I had written the comic had everyone acting out of character. The blood was over the top, it was too dramatic,, ugh.. I got tired of my own comic half way through making it. <XD
The comic was gonna end with the rest of the crew showing up, they take the Captain to the octopod, and Peso cries because "I was too scared to help the Captain.." Which is just stupid <XD
Peso would not cower in fear in this situation. Even if Captain Barnacles turned like that and became very scary. Peso has had an extended history of getting it together and braving through anything to help creatures in need. And if his own Captain/friend was hurt? Nothing would stop him. Nothing could scare him away.
In the perfect re-write, Peso would ace this situation. He would approach Barnacles perfectly and calm him down. He would patch the wound, guide him to the gups. Guide him into the octopod and into the med-bay. Expertly deal with the wound and clean up all the blood.
Sure maybe after everything was done he would cry a bit out of the stress of it all. But originally everyone else did everything for Peso because he was too scared to help the scARy CapTAIN OOOO!!
Nah, that dumb. Peso is way stronger than that. #justiceforpeso
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I made one yeeeaaarrs ago when I was into Sonic. But it centered around a Sonic OC of mine. <XD I don't tend to do much insert OC stuff anymore..
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I imagine Bonnie would just sigh and try to get through it on his own. And not go to Foxy for help.. Worse case scenario he gets overwhelmed and shuts down on stage and ruins the show. Which is fine by him. He'd think, "Serves them right for puttin me on that stage. Faz-bear entertainment deserves to have their show flop for how they've treated me.. for how they've treated us."
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XDD Hey! That's Veggietales isn't it?
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XD That's what I was thinkin! That, and they were basically fully fleshed out characters but their bodies just didn't exist yet. Since their future existence was so set in stone Jangles was able to connect to their minds..?? XD I guess??
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Thank you so much!! :DD Also CAPTAIN BARNACALES FTWWW!! ✨💖🐻💖✨
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XD New friend indeed! Cici is technically an old friend, she's existed longer than Jangles and Gerald! XD
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Also thank you! I'm glad you've stuck around and like what you see! :DDD
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1: AAAA I'm glad it fooled you! When I drew it in I knew that anyone with a different Tumblr theme wouldn't be fooled.. but I'm glad I got at least 2 people! XDD
2: Also aww.. even if they were happy tears, sorry for making you cry! <XD
ALSO WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD Also also don't worry, I'm taking a nap and drinking water at the same time as we speak! XD
(Also also also that heart shattering might come sooner than you think..👀)
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Nahh, my gnome is built different. All he needs to thrive is a steady supply of pepperoni pizza and a very large 3 inch deep puddle XD
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Maybe! :0 At the very least I imagine they'd get along. My Seam is soft spoken, polite, mellow.. he's probably a nice person to share a cup of tea with! :}
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@coolkoaladeer @thesweetishfish
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Its hard to say, I didn't ever like.. try to replicate an art style and draw something unrelated. Like- if I was drawing in the gravity falls art style, I was drawing gravity falls stuff. I wouldn't draw in the gravity falls art style and draw random ocs and stuff. If that makes sense-
But maybe one style was easier to draw hands in than another. So I.. might have adopted some stuff..?? I guess??
I guess that would mean my art style developed off of the different franchises I made fanart from? If that's the case it was likely Gravity Falls, Sonic x, and Steven Universe..? Mostly?? XD Sorry this answer is all over the place-
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Many actually! Its just unfortunate because all of them are giant comic ideas but I'm too wiped out from my 20k celebration to really draw any of themmmm... 😩sighhhh
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XDDD I'm glad you like them! And I can imagine that they might be shy to hug new people- but Gerald probably wouldn't mind! XD
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Since that statement I have re-written the timeline.. So who's to say any of that still stuck and what her motives were/are now..? 👀
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<XD I've never played the paper mario games so that's why I've never drawn them.. it sounds really cute though! :D
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Taking the quilt off does nothing, the quilt doesn't bring them to life either! Remember that Bibi could talk when he was a still picture and was brought to "life" without the use of a quilt or even any glowy effects. Also Jangles had a quilt as a drawing and was "brought to life" using a pen!
The point I'm getting at is, Pen? Quilt? It doesn't matter. None of these methods actually give the characters life. I do. All these fancy ways I seem to bring them to life are just for show <XD
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XD The first thing that came to mind was Freddy telling Fredbear about Gregory.
Freddy: "I'm keeping a child hidden in the basement.."
Fredbear: "...you're keeping a CHILD in the BASEMENT??"
Also thank you! :DD
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Naahhh he'll be fine 😉
And yay! Cici and Gerald!!! XDD
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To put it simply, fanart makes me feel bad. And Comments make me feel good. So I prefer comments to fanart. 👌
To complicate it a bit, when I post artwork I'm just sitting there all giddy waiting for the first "AKSJKASAU WAAAAA 😭😭😭" comment to pop up. When I get fanart I immediately get frustrated and uncomfortable. Fanart feels like stealing and usually invokes a negative reaction from me. So if people want to show their appreciation for my work, leaving comments is 100% more effective and preferred. 👍
Also thank you! :DD
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XD These are great match ups!
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diasomnia, 1 — 19
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***Spoilers ahead!!!***
Note: this is just a general summary of what has happened so far and my initial reactions to those major events. I focused my comments on whatever interests me the most (ie lore and funny character interactions), so there are definitely details that were overlooked and lines that were simplified to make a joke; please do not rely on this as a translation.
Big thanks to @shuuenmei and @curekibouka-writing for clarifying the more confusing tracks of the story (some parts were difficult to follow the sequence of events for) and the details of the✨ deep lore ✨ It was fun screaming with the both of you—
Ah yes, Yuu’s Sleeping Beauty dream right on cue. Finally starting to put together the puzzle pieces, huh (Yuu goes to check on the Great Seven statues to confirm they saw the Fairy of Thorns in their dreams)? About time—
As expected, Sebek loses his mind and tells Yuu to not abuse Malleus’s kindness. He’s also super pissed that Malleus and Yuu act familiar with each other (and over the nickname). Yup, that interaction went about as well as we all predicted…
Not Lilia being the “I’m an anime boy late for anime school (the internship meeting)!” trope 😂 All he needs is some toast in his mouth!
Crowley talks about boring things how the internships will work and we hear more about the areas of interest for the third years.
Lore ✨ Each internship “semester” is 3 months and you can only take certain internships if you qualify for them via your grades, credits, and electives. You can choose to do 3 separate internships (again, 3 months each) or do 1 internship (for all 9 months). A B or higher is needed on two of the “semesters” to graduate. Students must also submit reports each semester. Some places additionally require interviews and/or special tests to be passed before a student is accepted as an intern. Placements are not first-come, first-serve; you need to earn that spot.
Trey says he wants to do something related to pastries or agriculture; basically, things close to food production 🌾 He wants to take advantage of his opportunities as an NRC student while he still can!! Trey said he wants to work right after school rather than go to university.
Cater is interested in the entertainment industry; he mentions magazines and videos?? It seems he isn’t interested in higher education.
HELP they randomly mention that Ace’s older brother interned in the entertainment industry too (it gets brought up when Cater was considering a theme park for his own internship)??? TRAPPOLA NII ALSO CURRENTLY WORKS IN ENTERTAINMENT????? When do we get to meet him, Ace—
Vil is continuing to advance his own career in film. He already picked out a studio to apply for, and expresses an interest in magical pharmaceuticals (though he doesn’t intend on going to college). Very fitting specialties for everyone, I must say!
Rook is interested in archeology so he can learn more about the world! After learning about S.T.Y.X., he realizes there’s so much more he doesn’t yet know. According to Trey, Rook does appear to intend to pursue college/higher level studies.
LMAO at Trey constantly having to translate Rook-isms for everyone 😂 Classic Science Club…
Unca Weona is cwanky cuz the talking is disturbing his nappy—
Leona’s going to a mining and energy facility in his home country. It’s an option offered only to those with high grades. Leona wants to be a lazy ass 🦁 “They won’t fail their prince, lmao”
Idia is doing an software engineering internship at Olympus Corp (ie TWST Google) 👀 This is huge because back at the end of episode 5 (ie the episode 6 preview), Idia was actively rejecting offers from Olympus Corp, claiming that he wasn’t welcome anywhere. Character growth… Idia isn’t welcome back at S.T.Y.X. because of the Overblotting and how it nearly exposed the organization to the public eye LOL 😂 Absentee Shroud parents upset with him cksbskwbkcnfke
Malleus doesn’t seem to be interested in picking an internship; he says that, to him, 3 months is too short a time to really learn anything (temporal dissonance strikes again). In the end, he is going to research historical ruins?? He can hang out with the Gargoyles 😎 and Rollo/j
BRO WHAT ???? Lilia is dropping out of NRC??? THE FUQ,,,,!.’sveksbskebkzvczbvvv?$$$&85inmw I had to hard stop at this scene because it caught me by surprise.
The first years are talking about Mickey (like if there are certain conditions to get him to appear??). Oh god, they're planning a Mickey Mouse stakeout????? AND ORTHO IS INCLUDED IN THE GROUP AWWWW 🥺 He searches his databases and uses his cool robot tech to look for more information about Mickey but finds nothing.
GRIM MAKES A SUS COMMENT ABOUT HOW ORTHO IS MORE HELPFUL WITH THIS (Mickey and Yuu's worlds perhaps being tied or related to one another) THAN CROWLEY IS.
They overhear Sebek shouting in the cafeteria; he’s in disbelief that Lilia is dropping out of school.
So anyway, Lilia’s magic has, in fact, weakened significantly (he was almost late for the internship meeting because he woke up and found that he couldn't teleport). He plans on retiring in the Land of the Crimson Dragon (Mushu???? IS THAT YOU).
Interesting??? It seems that Lilia has been progressively losing his powers since even before Sebek and Silver were born… It’s not a super recent occurrence.
Sebek and Silver are understandably upset and mention that while it would be easy for either of them to visit Lilia, it would be almost impossible for Malleus because he will be so inundated with his royal duties after graduation. Malleus is distraught as well, but he insists that they respect Lilia's decision. AND HE’S LEAVING IN LIKE A WEEK? That’s barely enough time to mourn or to emotionally prepare for the fallout…
Malleus pitches an idea to talk to his grandma to not overwork Lilia (vice dorm leaders being overworked? What? In this game? Nooooooo/s).
Malleus's grandma is name-dropped (Maleficia)??? Is everyone in the Draconia family just Mal-something????
LOTS OF OMINOUS DIALOGUE ("Time is running out", "Fate cannot be defied", etc.)
After that whole conversation it’s clear that something isn’t right (despite Malleus maintaining his calm in front of Diasomnia). As soon as he’s away from them, the weather instantly turns stormy AND we see Malleus's blot accumulating as early as 7-13 in what I assume will be a very meaty episode.
Sebek and Silver help Lilia pack; Silver finds this tin in Lilia’s room. There is an old bracelet of acorns and thread inside.
Lilia shows up and says that it’s the most precious item he’s ever been gifted??? But it’s not clear who it’s from.
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There's another item in the tin (the ring on a chain)! It has a weird effect on Silver?? I think it makes him sleepy???
The gem in the ring is the same color as Silver’s eyes; Lilia thinks its because his parents wanted his eyes to be forever unclouded and pure 🤨 That’s cute and all, but it makes me really suspicious that something super bad will happen later and I’m living for that—
This ring was tied to baby Silver when Lilia found him. He planned on gifting it to Silver when he's finally an adult... and now is that time 😭 Ain’t no way they’re giving us these heartfelt moments only to not tear it down later with something devastating… And?? With the ring being so fancy, there’s no way Silver isn’t descended from some rich family (or even royalty/nobility) himself??? Prince Silver real????/j cuz that ring sure does look like Princess Aurora’s crown…
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Sebek pulls up with THIS fucking monstrosity?? It’s a weapon (axe???) Lilia used from back in the day (like, in war). However, nowadays he uses it to chop regular shit like wood. The weapon looks very similar to one that Maleficent’s minions use.
It's made out of a special magical ore! It’s called Mystium, and it changes shape according to the wielder’s magic.
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Back to Yuu and co. staking out Mickey! Grim is finally realizing that if Yuu goes home, he’ll be alone 😔 Noooo, fur baby… Don’t be sad..
They wait for a while but get sleepy because Mickey is taking forever to appear. When Yuu wakes up, they see Malleus’s green lights and they go outside to find it’s snowing (again, because of his weird mood). He apologizes and makes the snow vanish, then confides in Yuu about his insecurities.
Malleus tells a story about how he froze the castle and some people when he was a little kid (omg Elsa core???) because because his grandma had promised to eat with him and was late or didn’t show up due to her royal duties keeping her busy. It sounds like even the palace servants were afraid of his power because of incidents like this. Like. It’s kind of implied Malleus almost killed them (Lilia says Malleus almost “lost” those people) with his magic.
Lilia was the only one who came for Malleus to check on him when he was upset, dried his tears, and tried to understand him. He comes over and frees the people that Malleus froze, then everyone starts preparing and eating shaved ice made from the ice encasing the castle (not randomly, I think it was Lilia’s suggestion).
Malleus gets jealous because he saw everyone enjoying food without him and/or he thought Lilia was angry at him. (This is the point when Lilia tells him he has great power so he has to be careful how he uses it, ie the “you almost lost the people that you’re now happily eating with at the hands of your own magic” talk.)
Lilia uses his weapon to make some shaved ice for Malleus and invited him to join in (I think this may be the same weapon Sebek finds in his room in the present???); this helped Malleus “connect” with other people, or at least invited him to join and do the same thing the others were) It’s because of Lilia that Malleus is okay with eating cold things. UM???? HELLO???? Is that why Malleus’s favorite food is ice-cream??? Or at least a part of it?
BTW LONG HAir PONYtAIL LILiA CANON yes I’m way more excited about this than I was about that entire ice story
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Yuu calls Malleus lonely 💀 and Malleus is shocked because he’s so used to being alone that the thought never occurred to him…
Oh no, Malleus learned that Yuu has “found a way home” (ie Rickey Rat hunting) 🙃 he’s like. “You are leaving me as well?” AND RIGHT AFTER HE JUST LEARNED ABOUT LILIA GOING… Lilia, who has been with Malleus ever since he hatched from his egg…
Friends, family… everything and everyone he cherishes is leaving Malleus. “Even if I have great power, I have nothing. I gain nothing, I always lose. No one will invite me, not anymore.” No Lilia, No Yuu 😞 Malleus, your abandonment issues are showing—
NAUUUR not more ominous shit 😭 Not the “man, I sure do wish everyone wouldn’t go :(((( if only there was a way for me to have everything I want…” coming from the mouth of a super insanely powerful magician…
NOOOOO not Yuu unintentionally enabling Malleus… He asks if there was a way to be with your loved ones forever, would Yuu take it?????? YUU DOnT SAy YES YOU FUQQinG IDIOT… ENABLER Yuu didn’t learn from Trey/j
MaLLEUS MY duDE 😔 DOn’T PULL ANY STUPID ShIT PLEASE (ie we all know he probably will)
Aaaand that’s all for now, folks!! Lots of sketchy lines and lore centering around grandpappy Lilia 🤡
Overall, I like the direction episode 7 is going so far! I was really worried that it would focus too much on Yuu and Malleus’s relationship rather than elaborating on Malleus’s relationships with the rest of Diasomnia, but I’m glad that the main story actually touches upon how integral Lilia is to his found family—and to Malleus, of course. A lot of interesting plot points have been set up (especially surrounding Mickey and Lilia), and I’m really looking forward to seeing how those conclude 👀 I feel like we also got spoiled with character lore; I love that time is a Real Thing in TWST and the the boys are aging and thinking hard about their futures. Can’t wait for the angst to hit me full force like a truck 💕
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 years
jisung coworker headcanons <3
a/n: when i tell you thinking of coworker!skz fills me with joy and peace, i am not lying <3 i'm so endeared by jisung as he is a silly little guy and i hope in a different universe i am in fact his coworker :,-) pics not mine !!
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none! | pairing: coworker!jisung x gn!reader | requests: open
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you meet him because you're having a strange problem with the main program you use at work
and one of your coworkers sends you his way because "jisung can fix anything"
you were like okay don't know why you emphasized "anything" but i can't finish my project like this so i'll go see the ~mystical jisung~
your coworker was right because 1) jisung fixed your issue within 5 minutes 2) you watched him fix problems for 3 other people WHILE he was helping you
he's the office ace
which is how you get to know him because you have a week where all of your technology, equipment, etc are cursed
jisung's just like "damn if you wanted to get to know me you could've just bought me a coffee" he actually says that to you
he doesn't expect you to buy him a coffee though
when you do, he gets the widest eyes and a huge smile on his face <333 suddenly he's so shy and thanks you softly <333
after that, he says "good morning !!" every day and will say "hi :-)" whenever he passes you in the office :,-) he still feels a lil shy after you were so nice to him, but he wants to show his appreciation by being kind to you in return <3
next thing you know though, he's talking a million miles an hour every time he sees you because he wants to be official coworker besties !
y'all end up having SO much to talk about
whenever something exciting, funny, or ridiculous happens, you are the first person he tells and vice versa
he also constantly suggests to you and asks for your recommendations on movies and shows
he wants to debrief with you every time both of you have watched something and he'll do impressions to make you laugh
sometimes he gets you in trouble because of how much he talks to you during the workday
but you don't care because it's SO refreshing to get so much serotonin from one person
outside of fun chats, he's actually a really helpful coworker
not just with fixing tech/program issues, though
if you're having a hard time putting together a workflow for a project, choosing a template for a document, or simply writing an email, jisung is by your side helping you out (and encouraging you!!)
you're also the only person in the entire company he'll go to for help
he trusts you so much actually !!! because you're the one person who doesn't put him on a pedestal for his skills. you tell him all the time how he's so talented at literally everything he does, but you like him for so many other reasons that he doesn't feel uncomfortable being himself around you
which is why, if he knows you two are the only ones in a certain area of the office, he WILL break out into song off-key
you're getting a full performance every time you are in the break room together
he especially does this when you two have to stay late because "we need to stay energized, y/n!!! where's your team spirit?"
he will become an absolute mess of laughter on the floor if you do a ridiculous performance
probably has to take a break after because he laughed so hard his stomach hurts
he'll also use you as an excuse to get out of things LOL
if someone he isn't fond of wants to meet with him to finish a report or something when they could just do it online, he'll say "oh, sorry, i'm working with y/n on a big project, so my calendar is pretty stacked. i'll review it and leave comments for you though!"
he's obviously a cool and adorable guy, so people ask him to after-work hangs a LOT. he's not mad at it, but, he isn't the biggest fan of awkward small talk with some coworkers
so he'll hit them with "ah, i wish i could, but y/n and i are going to the movies tonight, so i'll have to do a raincheck!"
he runs up to your desk and panic whispers things like "if anyone asks we're going wine tasting on friday night !!!!!"
and you're like ???? wine tasting ???
one of y'all's coworkers walks by so instead of explaining, jisung loudly says, "yeah, i heard they're suuuuuuuuuper famous for their red blend too. should be fun to see how it compares to the rest of their wine repertoire!"
you're holding back laughter at his commitment to the bit
this happens so many times you stop questioning it and play along, much to jisung's delight !!
he always assures you that you don't have to actually go anywhere with him, but you often do because it's so fun to hang out together
jisung's antics also include pranking you
like say your office does a gift exchange for the holidays. jisung begs on his KNEES to get your name
when you are handed your gift, you immediately know it's from jisung
because he's giggling and making comments like oooOOoOoOOooOOoooOoohhh let's see what you got, y/n!! open your present first!!!
he's such a silly guy he can't hide his excitement :,-)
once you open it you're both laughing your asses off because he managed to get you a rubber chicken that has a customized squeak so it's actually audio of jisung imitating a rubber chicken
for as much as you're doubled over in laughter, he is in total hysterics because he loves his own joke so much <3
jisung is legitimately the best coworker buddy you could ever ask for, and he has no clue how he survived so long at work without you
if you make any joke about quitting he'll always say "yeah if you quit i'm coming with you. you're never getting rid of me >:-)"
and he really means it <3333
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evita-shelby · 1 month
Strings of Fate
Thanks @justrainandcoffee for having the dream that inspired Forbidden and this happier au and happy birthday 🎂 🥳
Cw: smut, infertility, Tommy’s canon fertility issues, cheating
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Rose Coldwell needed a husband to escape Lawerence Evertt and the Shelbys could use someone to help Polly and Ada with Finn and John’s now motherless children.
His marriage was one of convenience and no matter what they did, it just didn’t work.
“I cannot have children,” his wife had admitted when they held Ada’s baby and Tommy wondered if they could try and have some happiness of their own.
The Romani Gangster had never held that against her, he was fond of her and cared for her like he cares for all his family, and when he realized the place Alfie Solomons had in her heart, Tom supposed it was a blessing in disguise.
He didn’t stop her; it wasn’t as if he hadn’t resumed his visits to Lizzie nor dallied with Grace in hopes of filling that hollowness in his chest. The least he could do for her is to ignore her visits to Camden Town and believe her lies.
Once business is done, he will broach the topic of a divorce. Tommy would use his own affairs to place the blame squarely on his shoulders and make sure her reputation remains spotless.
He needs Camden Town, Alfie Solomons would have no choice but to ally with him and help him take London or he’d never set her free. It is the only reason he is taking on Sabini now that both Kimber and Evertt are dead and gone.
Alfie’s no fool, his own wife was a Smith whose grandmother lived in Small Heath. If Tommy wanted, he could hurt her, but he wouldn’t. He’s not like that.
She’s a beauty, he’s seen her in the neighborhood enough times to know Mr. Solomons is a lucky man. She’s friends with Ada, on good terms with Polly and Finn adores her. Had he met her sooner perhaps, Eva Solomons would be Eva Shelby.
“If my husband were a jealous man, you would be pushing daisies, Mr. Shelby.” The witch says in Rromani as she looks at the wares in the shop that makes his suits.
“Something you must thank my wife for, I suppose.” His words hit their mark as she stills for a moment before regaining composure. They speak of the matter in their shared tongue, and no one here would report anything but mere speculation to his aunt, Chester Campbell and Sabini.
She and Rose are friends, even if dear Rosie thinks Eva isn’t aware of her relationship with her husband. What her reasons are for feigning ignorance about their affair is something Tommy intends to find out.
“He goes his way, I go mine.” The woman answered his unspoken question and refuses to turn and look at him. “Same agreement you have with Rose.”
“Can’t fill the emptiness either, Mrs. Solomons.” Even the name feels wrong, just as Rose Shelby does.
Tommy looks at a bolt of fine black lace and suggests it to her with a calculated look on his face to sell the lie. As far as Polly will know, he is merely convincing Eva Solomons to convince her husband to free Arthur and claim Billy Kitchen’s death as his doing.
“If you wish to seduce me, Shelby, you should try harder. I like to be wooed.” The witch dismissed his words and before she could ring up the shopkeeper to buy it, he orders the man at the counter to put in on his tab.
He pays for his suits now. Never leaves a debt unpaid and tips generously, he even vets his whores after Grace took advantage of his weakness in the name of the Law.
Tommy Shelby should remember how that hurt him and his family as he courts the Witch of Camden Town.
But he cannot help it, there is something pulling him to her that he hasn’t felt since Greta. Like an invisible string connecting his rotten soul to hers.
“Your cousin, Wag, said your husband refused your tickets to Chaplin's party after what he did to my brother and my men at his Seder.” The Gangster wanted revenge, he had an ace up his sleeve to get Alfie Solomons to have the police sergeant in his pocket release Arthur and his men.
This was more than just a play against Eva’s husband and Rose’s lover, this was Tommy Shelby being led by his stupid broken heart to see where that string of fate leads him to. Not his cock this time, though the woman beside him ignited all sorts of want with that feel of magic about her.
“I want you to wear that lace for me and after that, we will go to my sister’s place in London, and we will fuck until we forget what our spouses are doing in that property they think we don’t know about.” He comes close enough to breathe in the soft rose water and vanilla and that touch of myrrh and frankincense left over from incense to enhance her supernatural abilities.
Tommy Shelby doesn’t know what he’ll do is she says no.
“Tell Ada to leave the lights on and the front door unlocked, I will be arriving there before you to keep Sabini off my tail.” Eva turns and looks at him over her shoulder with an enigmatic smile.
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She doesn’t wear black lace.
She wears a jet beaded dress with a satin slip underneath with her dark hair curled and lips painted with the lipstick Rose will find on his collar tomorrow.
He shouldn’t want her, her husband could kill his brother for this, but Tommy Shelby cannot help himself.
He hardly remembers the party as the heady smell of witchcraft and roses stirred a fire within him he hasn’t felt in almost a decade. Grace had been there with her husband, but he had paid her no mind as he came to know the bewitching woman on his arm.
“You behave as if you were a man starved for love.” Her eyes are dark with want and her quiet laugh betrays how mutual this burning he feels is.
“As starved as you are, love.” Tommy cannot even bother to check the coast was clear as he kisses her hungrily at Ada’s doorstep.
Despite the need to sate the hunger they feel, they take their time, stumbling to the couch where they don’t bother removing their clothes. Any attempt to strip her of her fine clothes is met with a wicked grin, as he ran is hands up her silky skin and felt the lace he had paid for as she sank down on his hand.
“You said I had to wear the lace, you never said how.” The witch said against his mouth before kissing like a high-end whore.
“I need you.” He groans against the column of her neck as he kisses every freckle Solomons takes for granted and matches the slow pace she’s set. “Evie, I need you.”
Sex with Rose was good, a bit tame, but enough to scratch the itch. This was different, as if he’d known the witch before, as if he hadn’t been meant for anyone else except her.
“You don’t even know me, Tommy.” She pulled him back to her mouth as she rid him of his vest, gun holster and every item between her long black nails and his bare chest.
She could tear out his heart from his chest and he’d let her, just to fill that hollowness inside him.
They don’t stay in the couch, neither wanted the night to end and in silence decided they’d greet the dawn clad only in sin. The bed would be where they fuck in earnest, where he will take advantage of his own lack of fertility to ensure Solomons stays none the wiser.
Tommy takes his time peeling off the lingerie she wore only for him, kissing every inch of her and letting the sense of déjà vu guide and reward him with sounds he bets Alfie cannot string from her.
God was always cruel to him, to give him a soulmate and give her to a man who doesn’t worship her like she deserves. He tells her so when after feasts on her cunt like a man starved.
“Then show your goddess how a true believer should worship her.” She pulled him up and tasted herself in his tongue as he made love to her until she wept from the ecstasy.
Dawn paints her skin golden, and her eyes turn the color of his favorite whiskey, he wished he could wake every morning like this.
“Who knew Mr. Shelby was a poet?” the witch reads his thoughts and hears him use poetry to describe the naked goddess he's still inside of.
“Who knew soulmates were real?” their hands interlock as they lay together basking in the afterglow, pretending they don’t have cages to return to.
Tommy Shelby knows he must make her part of the deal: he will set Rose free only if Alfie does the same with Eva.
He can’t let her go, even if he’s only known her for a day or two, he knows he can’t live without her.
They all return home; Rose smells of Alfie and he smells of Eva. It is the first of many, they know it when Rose takes Ada’s old bedroom and Tommy’s in his own bed and both dream of their lovers.
Neither feel hurt as they did before when the guilt ate at Rose even if he’s never been loyal to her, the callous too thick to let them feel their sins burning against their conscious and damning them to hell once more.
“I hadn’t planned to tell you this until the Derby ended, but I will set you free. Our deal has been honored and you no longer need my protection in the form of a wedding ring and my last name.” It sounds cold and cruel to everyone but them.
Rose cries in relief and joy as she hugs him in gratitude. He’s set up the date with their lawyer, paid extra to have it done faster and even sought the Rabbi in Rose’s Temple to ask whether he needs a Get so his soon-to-be ex-wife can marry his lover’s husband.
Even if he does die today, he will die as Eva’s fiancé and not Rose’s husband.
“Rose and I declared our marriage over, and unless you do the same, I will blow your fine establishment up to marry your wife. The choice is yours, Solomons.” The gangster fears death and yet fears nothing today, but he trusts his witch. His witch who told him the grave he will dig is meant to show him how expendable he is to his new master.
Everything would fall into place and all would be right in the world…for them at least.
That night, still reeking of graveyard dirt and a man’s blood, he spends it in Eva’s arms in the sprawling house she will rule over as its rightful queen.
“How soon can we marry?” she holds on tightly to him as if they may wake up from this dream any moment.
“Before you start showing, I hope.” Tommy answers guessing why she’d even ask in the first place.
And so, they marry, in the last days of summer with a special license as their former spouses do the same in Margate.
Whether Charles Absalom Shelby is named for his uncle or Charlie Chaplin, is something only the new couple will know.
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sweetestpopcorn · 5 months
Hi, how are you doing? 😊
I would like to apologise in advance if you have already answered this type of question, I can only scroll so far on my phone before Tumblr completely refreshes🙈
A good friend of mine has been trying to convince me that Daenerys of Dorne and Daemon Blackfyre were clearly in love and wanted to get married (which is why he rebelled (years after her marriage)) and I just don't see it.
What do you think of the relationship between Daenerys and Daemon? Or, what do you think their relationship was like? Friendly? In love?
Because I am genuinely curious if I misread/didn't read this section🫣
Hi there ☺️
I hope you are well too. No problem at all and no I have not answered this question 😊
So, beginning first about Daemon and Daenaerys the sources do tell us that they loved each other, though they are more detailed about his feelings for her than her feelings for him. Importantly, while it was said that Daemon rebelled because Daenerys was denied to him (by "evil" Daeron II 🙄) I am a bit unsure of how that happened. You see, Daemon had already been married for three years to Rohanne of Tyrosh when Daenerys actually married Maron Martell - i.e., Daemon married Rohanne in 184 AC when he was 14, a marriage arranged by Aegon IV, and Daenerys married Maron in 187 at 16.
The marriage between Daenerys and Maron was also arranged in 185 AC, so actually while Daemon was already married.
Furthermore, in 184 AC when Daemon Blackfyre married, Daenerys was actually only 12 to Daemon's 14.
While I do think it is entirely possible given how handsome and gifted Daemon was that Daenerys might have feelings for him, and him for her, I have some doubts as to how deep they ran, and how far their relationship actually got. Yes, it was possible that maybe they continued to foster deep feelings for each other, and that even married to Rohanne, Daemon still loved Daenerys and maybe the two were lovers. It does not explain however how Daemon would blame Daeron II for denying him Daenerys when... he was already married and such a marriage had been arranged not by Daeron II but by Aegon IV.
Further, let's compare them to other couples who were in love but apart because of their circumstances and not their will.
We have Daemon and Rhaenyra of course and by several accounts, he wanted to marry her and she petitioned her father to let her marry Daemon (one step ahead of Daenerys as far as we are told) - given what happened between them afterwards and their story this was clearly truth. Like Daemon B, Daemon was married at this time BUT unlike Daemon B, Daemon, our Rogue Prince, asked Viserys to set his marriage aside, something he had asked prior as well. Daemon B never once asked for his marriage to Rohanne to be set aside. Unlike Daemon B's marriage, Daemon's marriage was a failure and his discontent was well reported. Daemon B on the other hand seemed fairly happy with Rohanne, or at least the marriage was definitely fruitful since in the same year he married, his firstborn son Aegon was born (along with his twin Aemon).
Now, we do know that Aegon IV promised Daemon B he could have more than one wife, however, Daemon B for all his ambitions does not strike me as naive enough to believe that and to think that Daeron II would have their father's lack of senses and agree to this. Moreover, Daenerys herself would likely not be too happy over this arrangement.
It is very important to mention that when Jaehaerys struck a deal with the Faith to keep incest he had to relinquish polygamy - which the Faith had more issues with - and all Targaryens since were in monogamous marriages offering no complain. I don't think Daemon B - again for all of his ambitions - would expect or think reasonable that Daeron II would go to war with the Faith to have Daenerys become his second wife. Maybe at 14 Aegon's lie was enough to convince him, but as he grew older it would not strike me as believable that Daemon would continue to believe this and blame Daeron II for it.
Also worthy of note is the fact that Rhaenyra was forced to marry Laenor against her will - while Daemon was away and exiled and could do nothing to prevent it under penalty of death. Nothing of the sort is said about Daenerys, and no record exists of her having to be forced by Daeron II to marry Maron - Daemon B was at her wedding and he did nothing nor showed any sign of distress. Rhaenyra's marriage to Laenor was also a failure and at this time she had an affair with Harwin - with Daemon away. Daenerys's marriage with Maron on the other hand seemed like a success and one of genuine love, at least of Maron to her.
Let's look at yet another Targaryen couple who were kept apart, Naerys and Aemon. During her bedding to Aegon, Naerys was said to have wept, and Aemon quarrelled with Aegon during the feast. Both showed signs of their displeasure, though we could argue if this was because of genuine passionate love for each other, or just sibling love and the shared knowledge of what a pig their brother was and how miserable he was about to make Naerys. Regardless of this, and yes I do think their relationship might have been exaggerated by the singers (and Aegon IV) to tarnish Naerys's reputation, both showed signs of displeasure when Naerys married someone else. With Daemon B and Daenerys, however, we have none of that. Only thing we know of Daemon B during his half-sister's wedding was that he was defeated by Baelor Targaryen, Daeron II's eldest son. Also, Naerys's marriage was miserable, which again is not true of Daenerys's marriage or Daemon B's marriage.
Then we have what you very well point out, the time skip between Daenerys getting married and Daemon B starting his rebellion - a full eight years. And I am not buying it at all at this point.
Am I supposed to believe that Daemon B was so distraught that he attended Naerys's marriage, did nothing, and a full eight years after remembered she was the love of his life?! Oh hi Matt!
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A last point I wish to make about this is Daenerys's reaction to Daemon B's death, better yet the lack of reaction which speaks volumes. Against this we can go back to Daemon and Rhaenyra, especially Rhaenyra who never forget Daemon, got close to him again when he returned to Westeros despite him being married to another woman, and as soon as Laena dropped dead and Laenor was murdered (not by Daemon's orders *wink wink* Daemon Jesus Christ Targaryen would never do such a thing to a friend - who was more an associate but let me keep my fanfiction *wink wink*) she immediately got back with him. Under suspicions of him having betrayed her, she was still willing to forgive him and wanted him back and according to "Rise of the Dragon" she went as far as to blame Lord Mooton by Daemon's death - though how accurate this is we can debate since that was not directly written by George and there's no mention in Fire and Blood that she ever learned what happened to Daemon.
Now, am I denying at some point Daenerys and Daemon B had feelings for each other? Not at all. I think it is entirely possible given how close in age the two were and the fact that they were young and attractive people who lived together. But I do think the singers like to make it more than what it was like they do with so much more.
Well because Daemon B has a sort of hero aura about him that the singers liked and fed. He was someone with every quality of a king, but who had been born a bastard. He was beloved by the smallfolk, of the nobles as well, and much easier to love than someone like Daeron II who although was a good ruler and administrator was not as handsome, and did not possess the military qualities of a warrior - we know how the singers' panties dropped for knights - lacked the charisma as well. So it's easy to paint Daemon B in this bright light and to rather make this about love than about what it actually was: ambition.
It's funny that in a sense he was much more ambitious than our original Daemon, that he actually did pick up arms against his brother and started a war, and that the singers call him "in love" and only see Daemon as ambitious refusing to actually talk of love between Rhaenyra and himself. But then again Daemon was not very popular at court, and Rhaenyra, unlike Daenerys, was not a meek woman just living her traditional life. While she was very feminine she was given a very male role - maybe it's even worse that she was so feminine - so she does not make the stuff of a love story.
Just something to ponder about.
Now all of this being said and if the people want to believe it was love, there are much worse ideas out there and being spread by this fandom. If they want to ship two hot dragon people, all the power to them, but I personally don't because from everything written, it's not what that's about.
I would say that I hope Fire & Blood vol. 2 answers these questions but thinking that we are ever getting that book would make as delusional as people writing metas where Daemon gave two wet sh:ts about Harwin ☺️
All the love to you! Hope this was helpful.
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foxglovepng · 4 months
Random Headcannons 3 🌼🥀
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Requested: naw
Characters: Scarabia + Pomefiore
A/N: I'm getting back into the writing mood yay I'll probably take requests in the future because I am slowly getting over writer's block. I looked up a word in Arabic and if the word is incorrectly translated incorrectly feel free to correct me.
If you liked reblogs and likes are appreciative <3
Knock knock who's there? Autism br br br where the hoes at? not here
I love my Autistic headcanon for Kalim. I also saw a headcanon he has ADHD too. (I forgot the word for ADHD and Autism combined help)
When he's unmedicated Jamil is that one meme of Shinji his stress levels are high. He's practically lived with Kalim so he knows he can get hyper although he pushes through it being used to it.
I headcanon Kalim has sensory issues that mainly have to do with touch. (Mine are sound and taste :skull:)
Since he likes parties and is extremely sociable I feel like sometimes he can get overwhelmed he chills in his sensory swing. I also feel like since he plays the drums he does have backup headphones on hand in case it's too loud.
Jamil tends to calm him down with essential oils (Don't ask me what kind he likes I only know Rosemary, and Cherry blossom)
Jamil drop the hair routine or I'll break your ankles Sangwoo style so you can't dance anymore. I will even report your music-listening account so you are no longer allowed to play hip hop DROP THE ROUTINE RN JAMIL
This is my no 2 pookie bear I love him sm ANYWAYS
I feel like in his alone time Jamil has his own hobbies he hides from Kalim and will go above and beyond just to have them to himself. One of those I feel like is reading romance books (Not the feral ones booktok gooners read) romance is one of the genres he reads I feel like he also reads fantasy. (He has read Pride and Prejudice)
He'd probably also go to art conventions on his spare time. He has a sketchbook and draws on occasion (I think he draws similar to Hyunjin's style)
Him and Kalim speak Arabic and English although I feel like when Jamil wants to cuss someone out or insult someone he will bring the Arabic out.
*Ace messes up a play*
Ace: so um great play
Jamil: اهبل (Google says this means stupid/idiot)
Ace: HUH?
*Throws my genderqueer headcannon at you Eminem style*
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Gender queer Icon Vil.
If I am correct he is referred to as Queen by Rook?? so I believe Vil doesn't really care for pronouns and just simply exists. So Vil would use any pronouns interchangeably.
Also random headcannon but Vil's father is like..famous right? So I feel like he gets insulted and called a Nepo baby.
Peep Epel and Vil get into a fight and Epel calls him a Nepo baby. Oh all hell is breaking loose.
(I also headcannon he'd make an appearance in Eurovision)
I need Frenchie to become a slur so I can shout FRENCHIE at Rook 24/7
This man either has a really good memory or a diary in which he keeps info of students. (Their height, weight, UM, etc) its freaky ngl. AND NOT A GOOD FREAKY WAY.
I saw some art of him and Floyd in the bathroom and he was peeking over the urinal. BRO KEEP YA EYES ON YA JUNK.
I can imagine certain NRC students have a group chat dedicated to slandering Rook.
He probably knows about it :Skull:
Guys this my son <3
I am a firm believer he is an Amish hater.
"I hate the way you talk the way you walk" ahh beat.
From a farmer's perspective I don't think he's 100% vegan, but if you bribe him with bbq he will start foaming at the mouth.
Bro probably listens to Dixon Dallas good looking-
He's also a Dolly Parton and Carrie Underwood fan.
I feel like with people he's close with especially the first years he lets his country accent loose and it will get even looser if someone (or Yuu) has a country accent as well. The rest of the first years will be like "They are speaking in tongues"
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In the switch to "greener" energy sources, the demand for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is surging. However, their cathodes typically contain cobalt -- a metal whose extraction has high environmental and societal costs. Now, researchers in ACS Central Science report evaluating an earth-abundant, carbon-based cathode material that could replace cobalt and other scarce and toxic metals without sacrificing lithium-ion battery performance. Today, lithium-ion batteries power everything from cell phones to laptops to electric vehicles. One of the limiting factors for realizing a global shift to energy produced by renewable sources -- particularly for the transition from gasoline-powered cars to electric vehicles -- is the scarcity and mining difficulty of the metals, such as cobalt, nickel and magnesium, used in rechargeable battery cathode manufacturing. Previous researchers have developed cathodes from more abundant and lower cost carbon-containing materials, including organosulfur and carbonyl compounds, but those prototypes couldn't match the energy output and stability of traditional lithium-ion batteries.
Read more.
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Warning: Steve and Nancy do NOT get together. It's just closure with Aromantic Nancy. It's definitely Steddie. There is some flirting.
The kids, Eddie and Robin were sitting in the living room watching the movie. Meanwhile, Steve and Nancy were cleaning up in the kitchen. They kept glancing at one another when the other wasn't looking. The air needed to be cleared. Steve and Nancy stopped what they were doing at the exact same time.
"I need to talk to you," they said in unison, and they laughed.
"Badass, shotgun wielding ladies should go first," Steve laughed.
"I broke up with Jonathan," Nancy said.
Steve stilled. Shit. They hadn't talked about that moment in the Upside Down where Steve told her about the feelings he had thought he felt at the time.
"Nance," Steve started.
"Wait, let me finish," Nancy said. "I broke up with Jonathan because it was something I needed to do. We've been over for a long time. In fact, we never should have gotten together in the first place. We started off really badly, and we never apologized to you for that."
"Nancy, you don't have -"
"Steve Harrington, let me finish! It wasn't okay what we did. Even though I was so blinded by my grief, I ended up hurting you, and that was not okay. Just because I was hurting doesn't excuse me for hurting you, and I'm really sorry," Nancy said. "And for the record, you were never a shitty boyfriend. You were right to be worried about the consequences. We were reckless. It was definitely me who was the shitty girlfriend."
"I mean, yeah, it wasn't okay that you did that, but I know how hard it is to be honest with yourself," Steve said. "Let alone with the people around you, especially after everything that happened. And come on, you weren't that bad."
"You were blinded by love," Nancy scoffed. "I'm not sure that I will ever be good at romantic relationships. Honestly, I'm not sure if it's something that I will ever want."
"Hey, that's okay!" Steve said, clutching her shoulders. "If that's something you don't want, that's more than okay. So, this isn't you trying to get back together with me?"
"I'm sorry, what?!" Eddie exclaimed, walking into the kitchen.
He crossed his arms, his features struggling to contain his obvious jealousy.
"What?! No, no! I swear. Eddie, I swear I'm not trying to get back together with him," Nancy said.
"Okay, that's good to know. Cool," Eddie said casually, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God! I did not want to pretend to fight a woman, nor do I actually want to fight a woman, especially Nancy Wheeler, because there is no way in hell that I can take you. Nope! Nope! Was I being obvious?"
"You were both very obvious to me," Nancy laughed.
"I told you she'd figure it out," Steve said.
Eddie wrapped his arms around him from behind and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"So, about what I told you. . .you don't think I'm like a freak? Because I feel like it's something that I should want," Nancy said.
"Look, Nance, you are a freak," Steve said. "But so is everyone here, and I think it's really okay to be one, to not conform to everyone's ideas of what they think life should be like. You can like whatever the hell you want to, dislike whatever you want, as long as we're all able to come together. More importantly, it's alright not to be good at something. You're not perfect, Nancy. You're a freak!"
"I'm gonna fucking cry!" Eddie said.
"And if it is something that you do want one day, then it's up to you. Your choice. No matter what, though, you're going to go out there, and you're going to be a brilliant investigative reporter whose partner is definitely a dog with a little fedora. Nancy and Ace Wheeler. You know, like ace reporter? They'll make comic books about you," Steve said.
"I would read the shit out of those," Eddie said.
"And just because you don't want a romantic relationship, it doesn't mean that you're alone. You've got friends and family who love you. We're going to save every single one of your stories, and we'll make scrapbooks out of them because that's what family does," Steve said. "And they forgive. You forgave me, and I have long since forgiven you."
Nancy smiled tearfully at him and threw her arms around his neck.
"Group hug!" Eddie yelled and wrapped his arm around her.
It was a bit awkward, but Eddie and Nancy had sandwiched Steve into a tight hug.
"Okay, if you guys are going to have a threesome can you guys at least wait until we leave?" Robin asked.
"I'm down for it if they are," Eddie said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Can you at least let the closure set in first?" Nancy laughed.
"Yeah, sure," Eddie said and paused. "Has it sunk in yet?"
"Why am I with you?" Steve laughed.
"Maybe because you're sexually attracted to nerds with big hair and doe eyes," Robin quipped.
"Gasp!" Eddie exclaimed. "You have a type."
"Honestly, I didn't even notice that until now," Steve said. "You should know, though, that once I realized that I was in love with you, any romantic feelings for her were officially gone. You're it for me, Eddie."
Eddie pressed a hard kiss to his lips.
"Wait, does that mean you have sexual feelings for her?" Eddie asked.
"You know, maybe when I get done with my first semester at college, we can celebrate," Nancy said, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Steve, mark your calendar!" Eddie said, slapping his chest.
"Hey, horn dogs! You're blocking the fridge!" Robin exclaimed and opened it once they moved. "What the hell did I come in here for?"
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