#mir screams
mayday505 · 7 months
This may be controversial but I Genuinely wish people would stop being all arrogant and patronising Abt organ donation.
Like people talking abt organ donation to me is the equivalent of those virtue signalling posts on tiktok that’s like “if you don’t do this you’re a shit human being and don’t deserve genuine love or care” cuz yeah organ donation is important but so is respecting people’s wishes who don’t feel comfortable doing it. For example if your religion doesn’t allow it. Me personally I’m not opposed to organ donation but I don’t want to sign up (I live in a country where I’m automatically assumed an organ donor unless I opt out anyways) because I have such bad anxiety if I think about it I will have a panic attack. And I struggle rlly bad w intrusive thoughts and one occurring one is Abt having my organs removed so I just hate thinking about it bc it’s genuinely really distressing for me. Like the thought of having my organs taken is just so panic inducing and awful for me to think about because it reminds me of how I’m going to die one day and I’m actually terrified of that so xxxxx and whenever I try to explain this to people when I say I’m not an organ donor (haven’t got a card that u get when u sign up) it’s like “WHY NOT??!?!?!?” “YOULL BE DEAD YOU WONT NEED THEM!!!” “WHY ARE YOU SUCH A SHIT PERSON DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT OTHERS IN NEED????” Like no. Just let me explain for two secs and stop being an asshole !!! I just think that it’s stupid cuz I think that even if it’s not for religious reasons we should still respect the wishes of the dead. If I say I don’t want to donate I don’t want to and I have a valid reason and that should be respected. I get that organ donation is struggling bc of aging population but you don’t have to make me feel guilty about my genuine fears and anxieties because you want to make yourself look better. Cuz these people don’t care they just wanna make themselves seem better than you most of the time. And they just scream at you and it’s really upsetting.
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post-it-notes7 · 4 months
So, is that Falspar's first time getting flashbanged? How's that going for him?
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It's not the first, though it's been a while. DMK picked up that trick from someone else.
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nomoreessays · 6 months
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dithschi · 1 month
Spatort Playlists für jede Gelegenheit
Heute: Ein dunkler Ort. Okay, hear me out. It's actually worse than it sounds.
Ich gebe zu, von dieser Playlist kriege ich hier wahrscheinlich die wenigsten überzeugt, aber ich hab jetzt dazu committed im Sommerloch alle zu posten die ich hab und diese gehört halt dazu.
Hintergrund ist: Ich habe nach 10 Jahren mal wieder Cry of Fear gespielt (es war somehow schlimmer als mit 13), dann eine gruselige Youtube Spiral gemacht, musste dann ein Wochenende Licht in der Wohnung anlassen und habe DANN beschlossen eine Bunker-Horror-Fic zu schreiben. Und bevor ich irgendwas schreibe muss ich immer erst eine Playlist erstellen, damit ich in den x Jahren die ich brauche, um was fertig zu machen, den Vibe nicht vergesse.
Nun, das sollte der Vibe sein. Schlimme Sachen sollten passieren. Echt fieser Scheiß, Adam was going to go throughhh itttt. Ich schwöre ich habe sogar ein angefangenes Google Doc. Jetzt höre ich die Playlist aber hauptsächlich zum Lesen oder wenn ich mich nachts beim nachhause gehen noch ein bisschen (viel) unwohler fühlen will. It does the job.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2009 Australian Grand Prix - Jenson Button(ft. Rubens Barrichello & Jarno Trulli)
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stardustinthesky · 2 years
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♡ I love her your honor ♡ ⤻ Delenn of Mir
A moment of rage. I have spent the last ten years of my life trying to make up for it.
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l0stinmyth0ugths · 4 months
I need to escape from those thoughts..!
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the-authoress-writes · 11 months
Is my writing being blessed by my Spotify?…
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“Hold My Hand” AND “The Flame”??!
The TG:M Love Theme AND the inspiration for “Wherever You Go”??!!
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hibiscera · 2 years
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Moth Behavior. 🥺💖
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I will love you as long as the sun burns in the sky, as long as the moon shines its light into the dark night, until the raging blue oceans become calm and run dry, I will love you until the end of time. - "Until the End of Time" by Christy Ann Martine
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mayday505 · 2 months
I totally DIDNT lie when I said I would get I will not run in circles chapter 3 up in two weeks HOWEVER. my laptop got stolen LOL. goodbye all of my drafts ever you will be missed. Especially the Horse Named Cold air chapter i had in there that was like 90% done after almost a year of not updating and now. It’s all gone!!!! Wooo!!! Love life!!! So uhhh will be awhile I am still trying to get over this I am very emotional. However it happened literal days before my warranty ran out ans my laptop was fried anyways so really the guy did me a favour. Unfortunately all my fanfics are gone! Which sucks!
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unoffi-ciel · 2 years
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ruby-static · 2 years
Other Legendary Pokemon: Powerful beings and forces of nature. Their capture is an event of importance that is only achievable through challenge and the most advanced equipment technology has to offer.
Miraidon/Koraidon: Mmmm sandwich :)
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gulliesforever · 1 year
amir says hes never been on an airplane before and hes very scared of them in florida pt II… SO THE FIRST TIME HE BOARDS A PLANE IS BECAUSE AND FOR JAKE,,,,,,, SORROW AND DESPAIR
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white-tale-tea · 2 years
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It's only FP1 it's only FP1...
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abba-enthusiast · 2 years
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I’m expecting the very worst
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