#mobile media studio
customairstream · 5 months
This Custom Airstream mobile TV recording studio has been commissioned for the United States Presidential election. To know more about our projects, visit our website!
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steakout-05 · 4 months
the long-cancelled GBA prototype game developed by Halfbrick in 2003 called "Fuzz & Rocket" was released and put onto the Internet Archive recently!!!
(and here's the tweet that brought this to my attention!!)
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according to this archive, it's a build from January of 2005, a few months before its very last appearance at E3 2005. the amount of cool lost media that's getting found recently is insane and Fuzz & Rocket getting found certainly wasn't on my bingo card for 2024! very cool!!
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jewishbarbies · 10 months
goyim and uneducated jews are no longer allowed to talk about political zionism and how it functions until they learn how to NOT play into “jews control the media”
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justaboutsnapped · 4 months
Why you shouldn’t support the upcoming game Black Myth: Wukong
Simply put, the creators behind Black Myth: Wukong are raging misogynists.
Founders and creatives of the studio have:
Joked about former female employees hypothetically doing prostitution
Used suggestive/objectifying/derogatory imagery & phrasing in their hiring flyers (under the cut), e.g. “In addition to hookup buddies, we promise to provide more thoughtful services” , “fatties fuck off”, etc.
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Written entire think pieces on how video games don’t need female players or developers, how women are biologically inclined towards “softer” modes of gaming than men (there’s also a bit of homophobia mixed in through language such as “fuck sissies”), how some things should just be made for men, etc. “Fuck sissies, fuck tragic love stories, fuck moon-lit peach blossoms and flute-playing scholars! You don't need the reverse motivation of female players, you don't need to take care of those worms who just want to date chicks. Some things are just for men, their depression, their anger, their pain...”
Made numerous sexually explicit (& honestly incel-like) comments including ones about a female character in Black Myth: Wukong, e.g. “once you get used to this [character design] you can jerk off to it”, etc.
Boasted about how they’re losing followers, who must be women
To no one’s surprise, when people criticise the studio online, they’re met with vitriol about how they’re hypersensitive feminists, too politically correct, etc.
Chinese women have been YELLING non-stop on social media about how bad it is so it’s pretty depressing to see that a lot of non-Chinese gamers, even after reading an IGN article covering the situation, are apathetic. I get that a lot of people are excited about the novelty of a soulslike game based on Chinese mythology, but do you really want to support a studio that actively contributes towards and benefits from misogynistic gaming culture?
Talking about separating the artist from their art is bullshit if you're financially supporting them. Boycott! Pirate!
Here are some sources if you want to see detailed translations, learn more about the situation as well as the misogynistic gaming culture at large China:
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maguro13-2 · 8 months
Shattered Hero ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Episode Maka Pt.6
[The Hunt ~ End of Planets - Kenichi Tokoi]
Hotaru/Saturn : Father! Please, snap out of it! You're already dead! You don't have to do this!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Sorry, Hotaru. But he ain't your daddy anymore! It's a giant heartless jerk!
Rei/Mars : Now he's one of the darksides! He became Heartless Tomoe!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Alrigh guys! Get ready to take this sucker--
Usagi/Sailor Moon : ...Down?
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : (groans in pain) Who blasted at me!?
Duo Maxwell : Hey, f*ckface!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : What do you think you're doing in my way of killing the Sailor Scouts! (sees Deathscythe standing in front of him, holding out with it's scythe)
Duo Maxwell : Mr. Tomoe, I have one thing to say to you. Like man, you're a bad father! Time to give you the proper meaning of having better parenting! This will be your last!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : I won't back down from a coward! I'll send you to hell, immediately!
Duo Maxwell : Then find another place besides Hell! You devil!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Unbelievable! That giant robot just him in one punch!
Duo Maxwell : Now, girls! Now's your chance! Use your magical superheroes to attack him!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Right! This should be a piece of cake!
(the sailor scouts use their magical superpowers to attack Darkside)
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Let's see if he likes magical girl power! Talk about a superhero cliche moment!
Minako/Venus : Uhh, guys? I don't think our superpowers is working, maybe!
Ami/Mercury : What is this guy made of!?
Makoto/Jupiter : He's too black and too strong!
Scouts : Excuse me!?
Makoto/Jupiter : You know the coffee thing from Malcom X, I basically heard from final boss level on that DS game they played! You know the song from that game, It came from civil rights movement speech! Totally rush style!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Can't you think a better joke than that?
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : Foolish, Sailor Scouts! Can't you see that this is a perfect body that I needed. This body is made from Pureblood heartless and I am immune to magical girl powers that don't work on darksides! I was born to be flawless against you!
Duo Maxwell : Oh crap! that's right! Magical Girl powers are useless against heartless like Darkside! Unless...*DING!* I figured it out! The weapon that goes against the heartless is a Keyblade! It only works on Video Game logic!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : A keyblade! Pffft! You must be crazy! There's no way that I ever pulled a--(summons a Keyblade) Oh, wow! I gotta have one of these babies before!
Hotaru/Saturn : Usagi! That thing in your hand! Is that...
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Oh this? I found out that a kid named Sora has the ability to summon this from his heart. It only works on video game logic.
Makoto/Jupiter : Logic? That can't be right. It will never work for us! (summons a keyblade and as well for the scouts)
Rei/Mars : Woah! This thing came out of my hand!
Minako/Venus : So this is what the powers of a Keyblade look like! That is video game logic!
Duo Maxwell : Hurry, use it now!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Got it! Okay, scouts! Is everyone!
Scouts : Yeah!
Usagi/Sailor : Okay! Here goes (charges Keyblade) Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto! Together!
Scouts : [in unison] IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, WE'LL PUNISH YOU!!!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : (yells in pain) The light! But why! It only works on me!? That's not possible! How can the Sailor Scouts uses the power of light!? I can't be defeated by a bunch of vixens in superhero clothing!
Duo Maxwell : And now...You're out of the question!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : Hotaru. This world, you and I, have a special purpose for what it means to have a heart for us. Humans will over come their fear one day and get a chance step out of shadows and into the light itself. I was designated to complete my research of what your heart says and I dedicated it. Hotaru, please, spare me. Spare me and I will let you and all of your friends go. I needed you, you needed me!
Usagi/Sailor Moon : Can it, professor! This is the real world that we all live and we can do it for ourselves to make a one big future and that makes the Sailor Scouts one big family! You got yourself a deal with your problems to worry about! That's on you, Mr. Tomoe!
Hotaru/Saturn : Sorry that I mean to bother you and it pains me to tell you something before I even let you go. Professor Tomoe, listen to my words, the Sailor Scouts are my family now and I have opened my heart to come clean and to tell you one last for you, the reason why I chose their side to be with them because...[determined] YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER ANYMORE!!! GO TO HELL, YOU HEARTLESS DEVIL!
Darkside (Professor Tomoe) : But, Hotaru! I...I don't derseve to die like this! Please, give me to say--
Duo Maxwell : --onara! So, beat it!
*DBZ/One Piece : SLASH!*
Duo Maxwell : Finally it's over!
[Mission Accomplished - Kenichi Tokoi]
Usagi/Sailor Moon : (laughs triumphantly) We won again, guys! Evil never wins! Justice has been prevailed!
Minako/Venus : Thank god that insane father of a sailor scout is gone! The keyblades sure do come in handy! That's video game logic for ya!
Makoto/Jupiter : We're finally free from that evil scientist!
Rei/Mars : At last, the nightmare is over!
Hotaru/Saturn : I...I did it! I finally did it to avenge you, mom. I am no longer bounded by our cursed pasts, we've begun to walk towards the future. It's time for me to move on and live life the fullest.
"later at Sailor Senshi Headquaters..."
Luna : Excellent work, sailor scouts! You did a fine job on taking down the enemy intrustion. Thanks to you, Usagi. You show your friends the courage you needed another threat.
Usagi : Heh! No problem! It was all part of my plan! We finally saved Tokyo, but they might come back to the city, we're still figuring out that why would a 14-year old girl would attack the city and the American Public. Hmmm...I believe it has something to do with a queen that looks alike her twin, another twin from around 70 years ago. Let's just put that in the book for sure. I bet a look alike of that 14-year old girl is behind all of that. Well, at least we saved the city from harm.
Luna : Correct, Celestial 9 is very proud on you completing your task, I will look into the reports on whether they made the mission a success, that is all I ever wanted to hear. Remember, we must look on the threats on all inter-related crimes and the people of this here planet needs the cases to be solved. We Sailor Senshis are a taskforce to defend the human race from the forces of evil, and it is out job to keep Earth safe from ever being harmed. Alright, Senshis, you're all dismissed.
Usagi : Yeah, no probs.
(scene cuts)
Usagi : Man, what a rough battle. Too bad that it's sorrowful that we had to take down your "crazy" father back there. Yeah, I know, my archenemies or rivals from the past are much kind of a jerk nowadays. Thanks for keeping my friends from a ever going corrupted into supervillains, that would've real messed but how did you get the Sailor Scouts back to their humanity?
Hotaru : Easy. "Nanomachines, son!" That's how sci-fi works, they harden in response to the shapes of physical trauma. I'm aware that line will ever be foreshadowed as a meme by the year 2013. You probably know that Nanomachines might be in our friends' bodies, but, they have been removed thanks to the powers of medical science. Our medical research team had to extract their bodies Since Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were saved from their archenemies and so does the bad men in the streets of Tokyo.
Usagi : I'm glad you got that right. No men in any country would harm a superhero like me,would they? They wanna harm superheroes, they messed with the wrong girl! I am Sailor Moon and that will forerver be my superhero secret. So it's cool, that I would indeed come back to see mom again.
Ikuko/Usagi's Mom : Yowza! Usagi, what are you doing here at a place like this? And haven't you forgot that you got school tomorrow?
[Comedy - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Usagi : M...Mom!? Wait a sec! What are you doing here?
Hotaru : Relax, Mrs Tsukino. I'm her friend and this is the new Sailor Senshi Headquarters.
Ikuko Tsukino : The new what? Oh you mean, you are her friend from that other school? Well, it is a pleasure to meet you on your daily basis, I'm Usagi's mother nice to meet you being, umm, is it me or does it look you not wearing any...
Hotaru : It's cool being here, isn't it? But we don't wear our Senshi uniforms at HQ, we only work here without any clothes. We are simply allowed in our birthday suit or in our optional clothing such bare skin. But I guess you became the first person to see HQ fully clothed.
Ikuko Tsukino : Well then, my apologies, young ma'am. I'm so sorry for my eavesdropping. Usagi-chan, you might be a hero to keep your secrets, but you're still my daughter and you have school tomorrow.
Usagi : Yeah, mom. So I like it here as a secret, I got work as a Superhero, but do I really have school like now? How long has it been. Wait, if this is the year 2006, then why is pluto considered to be a planet? Hotaru, How many years have we've been sleeping for over a year and a decade from the past?
Hotaru : Umm, according to my calculations, our friends in 1999, but I believe it's about, umm, like seven years since the Dead Busters we're killed!
Usagi :Wait, you're telling me that I've been asleep at the place for...Seven years!? How long since our old tv show was debuted?
Hotaru : After Naoko and Togashi's marriage, before that, let's just say that our tv show have debuted around...14 years. No we originally debuted about....15 years. (Usagi tilts and then collapses)
Hotaru : Don't worry, you'll get use to it.
Mrs Tsukino : Well, at least she's got school Tomorrow.
[What a Pity! - Kenta Nagata]
[Iris shot]
Usagi : Wow! This is going to be lucky day for me, isn't me!? I missed the 90s.
[iris out]
~ Act 5 : Family of Heroes ~
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podcastgemist · 1 year
#133 - JACK&JOZEF - Experiment met 2 camera's
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thestrawberrygirly · 7 months
150 things to do when you're bored 🧸🍰🍓
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make a journal and write down about your dreams.
try baking a cake.
draw sanrio characters.
learn choreo of the song 'war of hormones' by bts.
stream bts songs or your favorite band's songs.
clean your room.
play any cute mobile games like Purrfect Tale, Resonance of Ocean, Resortopia, Sumikkogurashi Farm, Rhythm Hive, HelloKittyWorld2 Sanrio Kawaii and more. (these are available on android)
plant some trees.
watch any ghibli studio movie.
declutter your phone.
watch some aesthetic japan vlogs.
read a book.
do some skincare.
make a playlist on spotify about the songs you would like to play if you owned a cute café.
write a book about your dream world.
do pilates.
try coquette aesthetic makeup.
start crocheting.
go for a bicycle ride.
have picnic with friends or alone.
watch youtube videos.
go stargazing.
try skateboarding.
go for a walk and observe the beautiful nature and then journal about it.
try cooking with your partner or friends
make a youtube channel.
start a side hustle.
start blogging.
read your favorite blogs.
listen a podcast.
write a song about your favorite person.
make music on bandlab.
write down goals you want to achieve.
learn new language.
re-organise your closet.
take a day off from social media.
take a nap.
organise your pinterest boards.
write a poem.
write a letter to yourself.
make a cute diy necklace.
invent a cute game to play with your friends.
learn to count in another language.
look through a cookbook and try something new.
water the plants.
try meditating for 5 minutes.
read my blogs :) <3
draw cute doodles.
make cute things out of air dry clay.
create cute diy stickers.
bake cookies in cute fun shapes.
build a blanket fort and read a book inside while eating snacks.
create a scrapbook of favorite memories.
paint rocks with colorful cute designs.
make cute bracelets for your bestfriend.
write a cute story about fairies.
make homemade popsicles with fruit juice.
watch the sunset or sunrise and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature.
go for a nature walk and collect interesting leaves or stones.
have a movie marathon with your favorite films.
have a fashion show with clothes from your closet.
design and decorate your own phone case.
create a memory jar filled with notes of happy moments.
design and paint your own ceramic plant pots.
learn about law of attraction.
do research about the history of something of your interest like 'how it was invented?', 'who started it?'.
create your own font.
play an old online game.
try a coloring app.
work on your wish list.
paint your nails.
take a bubble bath.
start a garden.
make your own short movie with your phone.
complete a puzzle.
write about the most beautiful dream you have ever saw.
organize your house.
make a smoothie.
put an appreciation message on a balloon and let it go.
complete a challenge like 30 day self care challenge, 30 day writing challenge and more.
visit a local art gallery.
watch a lecture or TED talk.
read a self-help book.
read a book on astronomy.
click aesthetic pictures of nature.
make your phone look aesthetic.
give your bedroom a makeover on ghibli studio aesthetic.
create a toothpick tower.
practice writing from your non dominate hand.
write about what a day in your dream life looks like.
take out your pet for a walk.
make something wearable for your pet.
learn about how to beat procrastination.
make a little plushie out of your old socks.
learn a new skill.
make a cute website in carrd.co.
write down 10 things you're grateful for.
sit by a river.
visit a local bakery.
walk around a lake.
scroll on pinterest about nature.
walk in the rain.
watch classic films.
watch fashion shows on youtube.
get a haircut.
drink water, take care of yourself <3
read some beauty tips.
watch ballet videos.
write a quote on moon.
say yes to everything for a day.
read some interesting articles.
watch your comfort movie.
write a fiction story.
make your own calendar.
have an indoor picnic with your partner.
write a list of things you will do with your bestie.
crochet something for your loved one or yourself.
learn graphic designing.
write 10 beautiful things about yourself.
make paper stars.
explore interesting websites.
explore your neighborhood.
make a yummy snack.
make hwachae.
try origami.
write a list of your favorite songs explaining why you love it.
watch run bts.
read some manga.
make strawberry cake.
watch conan gray's old vlogs <3
watch onegai my melody :D
design and launch a cute social media challenge to spread positivity and creativity online.
host a themed dinner party with your friends where everyone dresses up and brings a dish from a different culture.
have a spa day at home complete with homemade facemasks, bath bombs, and soothing music.
design a pretty jewellery.
draw your dream house.
try out guided meditation videos (you will find in youtube).
learn about a new culture.
make homemade jam.
do a random act of kindness.
research and plan a future trip.
try a new type of workout video.
research and practice self-defense techniques.
try a new type of creative writing (screenwriting, playwriting, etc.).
try a new type of DIY beauty product (lip balm, body scrub, etc.).
watch a documentary.
learn about constellations and stargaze.
practice calligraphy.
do a riddle.
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hawkatana · 4 months
So, given everything that's happened in recent hours, I thought I might give people who don't know about Gundam some stuff to learn about. Hopefully I can give a balanced and not-racist take like some people.
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What is Gundam?
Created by Yoshiyuki Tomino with help by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko and animated by the studio Sunrise (currently Bandai Namco Animation, though I refuse to call them that), the original Mobile Suit Gundam released in 1979 to initially-limited success, though would gain popularity through a combination of fujoshis shipping the characters, the sale of plastic model kits referred to as "Gunpla" and a recut of the series into three compilation movies throughout the early 80's. And as of 2024 is the 66th highest-grossing media franchise of all time, beating out Scooby Doo, Minecraft and the Simpsons.
Also, I'm pretty sure it's what sparked Japanese sci-fi's obsession with O'Neill Cylinders.
The original anime takes place in the year 0079 of the Universal Century, where the Principality of Zeon: a nation composed of orbital space colonies declares a war of independence against the Earth Federation. This "One Year War" has already claimed half the human population by series start and is waged through the use of "Mobile Suits": bipedal mecha powered by a fusion reactor capable of effectively fighting out in the reaches of space.
Main character Amuro Ray is the son of a Federation engineer who lives in an out-of-the-way space colony, though soon finds his home under attack by a Zeon infiltration. After finding the secret Mobile Suit project his father was working on: the RX-78-2 Gundam, he fights off the Zeon invaders, though finds himself and a bunch of other kids conscripted by the Federation to fight the forces of Zeon aboard the ship the White Base. Throughout his journey, Amuro and the Gundam fight many battles against Zeon, including against their mysterious masked ace pilot Char Aznable.
The series was responsible for the codification (but not creation, people get this wrong all the time) of the "Real Robot" subgenre of mecha, where the robots were relatively more realistic and used as weapons of war as opposed to the more fantastical "Super Robot" subgenre pioneered by Mazinger Z and Getter Robo.
A major theme of the show, and the franchise as a whole is "War is bad", as demonstrated through this meme:
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Yes, this is the original version of this meme format.
Anyway, Tomino, a renowned pacifist who grew up in the shadow of Japan's involvement in WW2 tried to use his platform as an anime director to try and tell a story that would get people to realise war's futility and brutality.
So I hear you asking, "That's nice and all, but what about the space lesbians who beat Destiel on their home turf?" Well, let's get into that.
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What is the Witch From Mercury?
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, or "G-Witch" for short is one of the more recent entries in the Gundam Franchise and a (very) loose adaptation of William Shakespeare's The Tempest. Set in the year 122 Ad Stella, the solar system is under the de facto control of the Benerit Group: a megacorporation with borderline-medieval internal politics that maintains a system of capitalism that benefits Spacians at the expense of those who live on Earth.
Main heroine Suletta Mercury enrolls at Asticassia School of Technology owned by the Benrit Group at the behest of her mother: CEO Prospera Mercury of the Mercury-based Shin Sei Development Corporation, and wins a Mobile Suit duel against a bully in her own MS: the Gundam Aerial. This however means she has now won the hand in marriage of daughter of the Benerit Group CEO: Miorine Rembran, beginning a series of consequences that shape the very political landscape of the solar system.
G-Witch was a massive hit, both critically and commercially. The first episode: the Witch and the Bride attracting record numbers for the studio and the Gunpla kit for the Aerial is currently the best-selling Gunpla kit ever.
Contrary to popular belief, G-Witch is not the first piece of Gundam media to feature a female protagonist. That honour would go to the 2002 Japan-only manga École du Ciel, nor would it have the first queer main character, which goes to 1999's Turn-A Gundam (and if you were to ask any fan of the series, they'd so it goes back to the very beginning). But it became notable for its lesbian representation in anime (in spite of Sunrise's attempts to downplay it, to the anger of the director, writer, producer, artists, animators, cast, fans and even their own parent company Bandai Namco who forced them to back off).
One thing I need to clarify: You don't need to have watched the original series to enjoy G-Witch. They're not even in the same continuity.
So if you're interested in the series and you've only watched G-Witch, I'll give out three recommendations for you all to enjoy:
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Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Gundam 00 takes place in the year 2307 (the only series to use our own calendar), where the world is divided between three global superpowers: The Union of Free & Solar Nations (The Americas, Australia, New Zealand and Japan), the Human Reform League (China, South, East, Southeast and Central Asia) and the Advanced European Union (all of Europe, including all of Russia west of the Urals) who each control a space elevator near the equator and wage proxy-wars in Africa and the Middle-East over Earth's dwindling resources. This eventually culminates in the emergence of Celestial Being: a terrorist group consisting of Setsuna F. Seiei, Lockon Stratos, Allelujah Haptism and Tierria Erde, all of whom use powerful "Gundam" Mobile Suits and try to forcefully impose global peace on the Earth.
00 is pretty slow-paced and is more about the world than the individual characters, but said characters are really well-written, especially the characters from the three power blocs who are the de facto protagonists as they try to stop what are in their eyes a bunch of crazed terrorists preaching a hypocritical and incoherent ideology of "peace through force".
And to address the elephant in the room, this series is VERY post-9/11. Constant talks about terrorism, proxy-conflicts in the global south (especially the Middle-East), religious extremism, dwindling resources and the wars fought over them. While the franchise has always been political and of-its-time, you can just tell 00 was made in the mid-2000's. Again, it's good. But just something to keep in mind.
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Turn-A Gundam
Turn-A Gundam is one of the weirder elements of the franchise for a myriad of reasons. Not the least of which being its unique setting taking inspiration from the famous sci-fi novel War of the Worlds.
In the Year 2345 of the Correct Century, human civilisation is at a level of technology reminiscent of the late-19th/early 20th centuries, save for the Moonrace on... well, the moon. As part of their queen Diana Soreil's plan to reintegrate both Lunar and Terran societies, several scouts are sent to the planet to set up their return to the planet. One such scout: Loran Cehack integrates into Terran society as a driver for the wealthy Heim family, though at a coming of age ceremony for the family's second daughter, a member of the Moonrace attacks the technologically-inferior Terrans. However, a mysterious mustached statue breaks apart to reveal a "White Doll": the Turn-A Gundam, allowing Loran to fend off the invaders. rest of the series becomes more of a mystery to how the supposedly-peace loving Moonrace could allow of such brutality.
The setting of the Correct Century timeline alone is one of the draws of Turn-A, though its excellent characters and compelling mystery also help a lot.
I do however have two warnings for people interested in watching it. The first is that this series was never dubbed. While it did receive an official sub in 2015, there still isn't a dub for the series. So if that bothers you, there's your warning.
The other is that there's a pretty big twist in the latter part of the series that while I will not spoil it here, it's such a big deal that I can't not mention it. It doesn't make any sense, and it actively detracts from not just the series, but the whole franchise. You'll know it when you see it. It doesn't ruin my enjoyment, but a lot of people don't like Turn-A for that alone.
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Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Favourite entry. Don't care. It's peak.
In the Year 60 of the Future Century, war has been abandoned by the nations of humanity in favour of the Gundam fight: a quad-annual fighting tournament between Gundams representative of the countries of the world where the winner rules space until the next Gundam fight, all while leaving the Earth ecologically devastated in the fighting. Neo-Japan's Gundam Fighter: Domon Kasshu arrives on Earth seeking information on his older brother Kyoji, who killed their mother and led to their father's arrest before stealing the experimental Devil Gundam to Earth, beating up every Gundam Fighter in his way. However, he eventually learns of far more dangerous revelations about the incident.
G Gundam is to put it bluntly: bat-shit insane. And I love it. It basically took a look at the then-stagnating franchise in the wake of the wet fart that was Victory Gundam and said "I know what can save this franchise, Bruce Lee movies!" And it somehow worked.
Word of advice: watch it dubbed. Mark Gatha absolutely kills it as Domon every time, and puts just the right amount of ham into every line.
So yeah, that's some stuff on Gundam. This was a long post to write out. I'm gonna take a break now.
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chrollogy · 2 months
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miya atsumu x f!reader
── next: i. Mystery man in Paris | series masterlist
synopsis: During a press conference with MSBY Black Jackals, Atsumu admits something rather brazenly.
content warning: suggestive themes, atsumu may be an idiot
word count: 567
notes: ok ok i couldn’t help but write a lil teaser for this upcoming series hehe divider: cafekitsune.
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The continuous bright, flashing lights from cameras pointed to his face made Atsumu’s eyes a tad dry. Currently sat before a heap of journalists, photographers, and reporters, the blonde eagerly bounced his leg beneath the table—sure, media sessions were occasionally enjoyable but most of the time, it was boring; Atsumu held back his yawn a couple of times or else he wouldn’t hear the end of it from the media.
Low chatter, and audible shutter sounds from cameras filled the room, most questions were directed to Meian, which Atsumu had no complaints about—he’d rather be sitting there getting his candid photos taken than answer the same old recycled questions from journalists. It was always about strategies, routines, and team mindsets.
Atsumu would be lying to himself if he didn’t admit to his mind cheekily wandering over to you. He was more than curious about your day—were you cooped up in your little studio writing lyrics? Were you getting you hair done at some high end salon? Or were you also stuck in a monotonous promotional activity? Nonetheless, Atsumu hoped you were holding up better than he was. Clearly, he’d trade this for your presence right now.
“This question is actually for Miya Atsumu,” At that, his ears perked up, back straightening as the attention of the room shifted over to the team’s setter. “Seeing as you’re given ample time just before the Olympics, do you also train outside of your regular schedule during off season? What does that routine look like for you?”
Atsumu subtly shifted in his seat, briefly scanning the crowd to find the journalist before leaning to speak into the microphone situated atop the table, “Oh, yeah definitely. Even though the off season gives me enough time ta reconnect, and relax, I also like ta challenge myself a bit mostly with strength, and mobility trainin’—all that sorta stuff.”
“What about cardio? I know endurance plays a crucial role for volleyball players.” “Cardio? Yeah I do alotta that too. All sorts of it, ya’ll just have ta ask my girlfriend about it.”
Atsumu shot a cheeky wink to the ENG camera at the back of the room before leaning into his seat, a smug smile painted over his handsome face. His suggestive response caused a small commotion from his teammates, and the audience—hushed whispers, and shocked expressions were exchanged amongst journalists whereas his fellow teammates could only side eye, and nudge him.
God, Atsumu hoped you were watching the live broadcast, he could already imagine how your pretty face would look all flustered at his idiotic response—the thought made him chuckle.
And you were.
You were merely using it as white noise while testing out instrumental tracks, not really paying attention to any of the athlete’s answers until Atsumu’s dulcet voice spilled from the speakers of your phone. A small smile crept up your lips at his casual answer but that was until that idiotic response of his. All sorts of cardio? Ask my girlfriend? What the fuck was running through his mind? Your cheeks warmed at his bold reply but you also didn’t hesitate to shoot him a lengthy message about how foolish his words were.
Great. You could already see yours, and Atsumu’s name headlined in the entertainment news about how he uses sex as a form of cardio workout—as if your names plastered side by side haven’t been in the limelight enough.
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affiliated with @houseofsolisoccasum !
© chrollogy 2024 | don’t plagiarise, repost or steal my gif.
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chaos-in-deepspace · 3 months
L&DS Rafayel: Pouty Portraits | Drabble
So @la-spooky ended up inspiring me to make this little drabble of the fish on accident. You know, when inspiration hits, you go with it. Now personally I can't draw at all, my artistic talents ends at being able to string words into pretty stories, but I hope you artists out there enjoy this. Even if you don't consider yourself an artist and just doodle, this is for you.
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Pairing: Rafayel x Reader Warning: N/A Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
Blog Information | Masterlist
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Art was something of a guilty pleasure. You wouldn’t say you were an expert at it, especially not when compared to your boyfriend, Rafayel, but you certainly weren’t bad at it by any means. It was just something you couldn’t do often; you had your career to think about, which would always come first. It was something you had to sacrifice in order to stay focused on your mission, even if it was painful.
Still, as you relaxed in the studio, bored out of your mind, you couldn’t help but want to go back to those days where you’d laze about your room with a sketchpad and some music to keep you company. You looked over at your boyfriend who was promptly passed out on the couch after having pulled another all nighter. He had invited you over for a date, but by the time you arrived exhaustion had already taken him.
You hadn’t the heart to wake him up, so you did your best to entertain yourself until he woke up. Originally you had taken to playing on your phone, a few mobile apps and social media was enough to catch your attention for a while. The longer you sat around though, the more tempted you had gotten.
Rafayel had his studio littered with sketchbooks in every corner so he’d never have to worry about looking for one when inspiration hit. You were certain he wouldn’t notice a few pages going missing after you ripped them out.
With that in mind, you grabbed hold of one of the sketchbooks that had been teasing you, and some pencils to sketch with. You flipped open the pages, your heart blooming with affection at the gorgeous sketches that were in the book. You finally found a blank page and sighed. It almost felt like you were committing a crime, drawing in a sketchbook like this. His artwork was flawless, and you…well you could draw at least.
You sighed and grabbed your phone, popping in some headphones and listening to music. You took one more glance at your sleeping boyfriend before deciding to just draw him. So you did, mainly just several headshots to help you get into the groove of making art.
You didn’t even know how much time had passed as you moved to the third page, ready to draw your sleeping boyfriend since he was right there. Your eyes went upwards to where he was…or had been. You blinked in confusion, noticing Rafayel was noticeably not on the couch anymore.
Your head swiveled for a moment before suddenly you were staring directly into those sunset eyes. Your own widened in surprise and your brain buffered before you let out a shrill scream. You clutched the book close to your chest as you backed up. You could hear Rafayel's jovial laughing through your headphones, which you promptly ripped out to scold him.
“Raf, what the fuck, when did you wake up?” You said, glaring at him. Amusement swam in those beautiful eyes of his as he reached over and took the sketchbook out of your hands.
“Were you drawing me?” He said, looking at the pages of headshot sketches you had done. You felt a small blush creeping up your cheeks as you tried to be stern with him.
“Answering my question with a totally off topic question isn’t what I wanted, you know.” You huffed, going to take the book back, but he pulled it closer to him.
“These are really good, you captured my essence perfectly…why didn’t you ever tell me you could draw?” Rafayel said, never looking up from the sketches. You groaned and looked away, feeling bashful as a true, recognized artist looked at your crude warm up pieces.
“It’s just an old pastime of mine, nothing more.” You said, “Sorry I used your stuff, I should’ve asked.” You admitted.
“What’s mine is yours.” He said offhandedly, “Still, can I keep these? I really like them.” He said and you looked confused for a moment before nodding.
“If you really want to, I guess you can. They’re in your sketchbook after all.” You shrugged, “Why would you want them anyway? You could do a way better self portrait.”
“I don’t want a self portrait made by me…although I have to ask why did you draw this expression on me?” He said, pointing at all of your sketches having a similar theme.
“Your pouting face was…inspiring.” You settled on; Rafayel didn’t look amused by this, in turn showing you that adorable pout. He looked away for a moment before getting an idea. A smile gracing his pretty face.
“Well how about you do a proper drawing of me.” He started, leaning close with a sly grin, “You can draw me from reference. I’ll sit however you want, just make sure to get my good angle…wait never mind, that would be all my angles.”
You bit the inside of your cheek as you fought your inner emotional turmoil, “Okay, but it won’t look good, you know?” You pointed out. Rafayel's eyes furrowed in a confused expression, his hand cupping your chin to make you look at him.
“Anything you make is breathtaking.” He said, “I wouldn’t ask anyone to draw me. I’m very selective. Consider yourself lucky.”
“Cocky bastard.” You said, but didn’t bother to slap his hand away, “But fine…I’ll sketch you but on one condition.”
Rafayel smirked, “And what would that be?”
“Later you…need to give me a drawing lesson or two.” You said and his eyes widened in surprise before taking a soft turn.
“Sure, but why are you suddenly so interested in drawing when you said it was just a pastime…unless you deceived me earlier.” He said, trying to lighten the mood. He could see the unsure expression on your face as you stared off to the side.
“Because drawing like this again reminded me how much I enjoyed it.” Even though you knew you needed to focus on being a good hunter and a steller bodyguard…perhaps you can give yourself some enjoyment in your life again. Art was freeing and you had dearly missed it.
Rafayel's hand was still on your chin as he forced your eyes back on him. He pressed his forehead against your own and stared into your eyes, “Anytime you want to relax and draw, just let me know.” He said, clearly realizing just how stressed you had been.
You smiled, relaxing into his touch, “Fine…shall we get started? Things are getting a bit too depressing in here.” You joked. Rafayel's grin seemed to spread once more.
“Sure…so did you want to do a nude sketch ooooor?”
“Oh my god Raf, just lay on the damn couch…clothes on.”
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Hope y'all enjoyed this one! It was fun to write, and honestly I think formatting this took longer than the actual writing lol.
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bobacupcake · 1 year
anyways heres my twitter exodus social media rankings as someone whos income is tied directly to my following so i am stuck in this hell loop until i get paid enough to hire a socialmedia manager for our game studio
tumblr - i mean come on guys. ive been here for 11 years. i met th love of my life and became her friend via tumblr ask memes here. whats more to say. theres obviously things i would change but out of all of them this one is the one i feel most comfortable using. you guys always have my back 7/10
twitter - awful. awful. awful. i hate you. you took everything from me. we used to have cotweets. i was going to collab with my friends and post them as a cotweet. you bastard. 0/10
cohost - favorite out of all the new sites. in terms of functionality i dont have too much reason to use it because its ux is super similar to tumblr but the community and vibes are great. its run by actually cool people. you can put css in posts. i have seen so many cool posts. 10/10
bluesky - honestly not too bad from the usability angle. big thing keeping it down is its another VC funded thing so it will eventually become awful but for now its decent. its basically twitter but before it got bought out by musk and also you can pick the algorithm your feed runs on kind of like tumblr (so like you can make your default a completely linear timeline of only the people you follow. or a completely linear timeline of only your mutuals). if any of them become the proper "twitter successor" i want to believe it will be this one . not that i Hope its this one but i feel like if it isnt this one its going to be threads and i dont want it to be threads. 5/10
hive - it was mobile only and i needed to update my phone to use it so i never did. i dont know if people still use this one i dont think they do ?/10
mastodon - idk why i cant get into mastodon i have tried so many times i am just not feeling it. 4/10 for me but 8/10 objectively
threads - bad. bad. meta product. privacy violations so bad its banned in the eu. algorithm driven feed with 50 million celebrities i dont know and dont care about. mobile only. pleae dont let this be the one. please i dont want to use threads. i dont want to have to use threads. please. please. please you guys
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srbachchan · 3 months
DAY 5969
Jalsa, Mumbai June 21/22, 2024 Fri/Sat 3:41 AM
🪔 ,
June 21 .. Ef Rajeev Sharma .. please confirm if birthday date is on June 21 or June 17 ?? .. love ..
June 22 .. birthday greetings to .. Ef Ashwini from Sydney - Australia 🇦🇺 .. and Ef Asmaa Ghansar from Ryad - KSA 🇸🇦 .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
day before yesterday's Blog was written at work yesterday and today am writing yesterday's Blog .. and life is still as confused as it was yesterday by the today of the DAY ..
make sense .. ?
probably not .. it is coming on to 3:49 at night or rather 3:49 AM of the 22nd June .. and generally by this time matters do NOT make sense ..
so apologies and my regrets for troubling them that are still within time to read it now almost live .. er .. from the Western hemisphere !!
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.. and what do you think of this .. at work .. lights and production effects and all .. ??
I am actually asking about the hoodie ..!!
🤣 🤣
YES YES YES .. the hoodie .. designed by moi .. me , I .. seriously !!
It's from the work place I work at .. and its
Macmerise.com .. !
Pick up the phone .. go there .. you shall get an order form, or such .. fill in the PROJECT portion .. the style you may imagine .. put it in for a hoodie, or t shirt, or mug or bag or phone cover .. for hoodie put in the size .. like S, M, L , XL, XXL .. your name , address , mobile and on , and within seconds the site will give you several designs of what you thought of .. pick one .. put it in the form .. and within a phataphat number of time it shall be delivered at your doorstep !!
I thought of 'a Tiger, with flowers' and here we are ..
Yaaaa ..
it's Macmerise.com ..
super is it not .. !
I did mine myself .. and you can do yours too ..
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looooovvvvvvvvv eeee it baby .. !!!
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do not worry about the green tabs on the Hoodie .. they could be the design you want ..
OR .. they are the markings for the VFX to put in on the Hoodie the design you have thought of ..
COOL na .. !!??
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... the studio camera light .. gentle small does not affect the eyes and delivers more than what we were exposed to in my time .. big huge BRUTS they were called .. hot as hell and bright .. wow .. had problem opening the eyes ..
but we did it .. managed somehow ..
and still trying to manage ..
with all the costume heavy and the prosthetics .. and make up for hours and hours for KALKI .. the trailer of which has been released today ..
and yes the Hindi version - the song sung by moi .. tough for a non singer, but recordists today do unbelievable magic with their electronic equipment .. and ,, BADUMMBAAA , a song comes out ..
it's on YouTube .. and on my social media .. Twitter and FB and Insta ..
A learning today from one of the this generation ..
make a call on mobile , hear the bell ringing, but if it saying on the top 'calling' .. the call is not going through .. if it is saying 'ringing' then it is ..
Never knew about this at all .. gosh I am such a dodo .. know nothing at all ..
the learning graph is spiraling downwards .. 😳
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the dark glasses .. to hide the eyes from the glare ...
to hide the wrinkles around the eye .. HA HA HA ..
at 82 yrs , what do you expect ???!!!
its CONFESTIONAL time at this hour .. 😂
alright dearies .. and the loved Ef ..
shubh raatri .. GN 😴
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Amitabh Bachchan
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steakout-05 · 3 months
fun fact: Halfbrick as a company has been around since at least 2001, and they have some archives of their old website from that year as well! it holds some very obscure and interesting information about the company's history, including some lost media. some of their earliest known games that were made independently of other companies, such as Defiant, Farma Llamma and Turbelence, were either cancelled, seemingly never went past the drawing board or are lost.
something i find very amusing about this site is this blog post from the 22nd of March 2001, where they remark that the orange colour from their site has been banished. this implies that there is a much older version of the website that was coated in orange rather than this dark blue and silver, but that has since been lost to time. imagining a universe where Halfbrick never used their iconic orange colour is really weird...
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(here is a link to the archive on the Wayback Machine.)
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remidiy · 5 months
We Don't Gatekeep Art Resources | A Comprehensive List
Here's a list of some of the tools/sites I currently use or have used previously for works/studies. I'll separate it into Software/Utility, Reference, and 'Other' which will be just general things that could help you map out things for your experience with art. **[Free highlighted in pink, paid highlighted in green. Blue is variable/both. Prices Listed in USD]**
Krita Painting app (PC) (my main digital art software on PC for 5+ yrs)
Clip Studio Paint [PC] [CSP 2.0+ allows for 3d modelling within the painting app and a lot of other cool features] [apparently allows up to 6 months free trial]
Procreate (12.99) [iPad/iPad Pro] (the GOAT)
Artstudio Pro [iPad/iPad Pro] (An alternative to Procreate if you enjoy the more traditional art app layout) -- I find this app handy when Procreate is lacking a feature I need, or vice versa. (you can easily transfer files between the two, but keep in mind Procreate's layer limit)
2D "Collaborative Painting/Drawing apps"
Magma Studio
Discord Whiteboard
Gartic Phone (Pretty decent for 2d animation practice, but has a hard limit on frames)
Blender [3D Modelling, Sculpting + Layout] (PC)
Sculptris [PC] (it's an old unsupported version of Zbrush, but can help to get ideas out, and functions better than browser sculpting apps
Nomad Sculpt [iPad/iPad Pro] ($20) Works pretty well if you prefer a mobile setup, but it is a bit intense on the battery life and takes some getting used to
References + Study
Magic Poser [ PC and Mobile ] Has both free and paid versions, I've made do with just the lite version before
Artpose ($9.99) [Iphone + Steam]
Head Model Studio [IPhone] A 3D head, with both a basic blockout version for angles, and a paid version with more detail
Cubebrush [simply search "[keyword] pose reference pack"], they usually have good results + they frequently have sales!
Line of Action [Good for Gesture practice + daily sketching], also has other resources built in.
Quickposes Similar to Line of action, more geared toward anatomy
Drawabox | Perspective Fundamentals Improvement modules (Suggested by @taffingspy )
Sketchfab, this skull in particular is useful, but there is other models that can help you study anatomy as well.
Pinterest can be good, you just have to be careful, usually you're better off just finding reference pack if you have the money, sometimes certain creators have freebies as well
Artstation Marketplace can be decent [make sure to turn on the Aye-Eye filter so it doesn't feed you trash], a colleague of mine recommended this head model for practicing facial blocking, there is also this free version without lighting.
Local Art Museums [Unironically good for studying old "master work" if you're into that, or even just getting some inspiration]
Brushes + Other Useful software:
I personally have used both of these brush packs before making my own
(I actually don't know how to share my daily brush set because I frequently switch between Krita, Procreate, and ASP, but once I figure that out I'll be sure to do that lol)
Marc Brunet's Starter brush pack [Technically free but supporting him for this if you like it is ideal, there's some good brushes]
Dave Greco Brush Pack [$3]
Gumroad in general is a good place to find brushes and art resources. *Note; for Krita specifically, brush packs are a bit weird, so it may require you to find different packs, or import them in a particular way
PureRef [PC] - Reference Compiler/Moodboarding
VizRef ($3.99) [iPad] - Moodboarding/Reference Compiler
Artist Youtubers/Creators that helped me improve/guide me along as a self-taught artist from when I first started digital art to where I am today:
Marco Bucci
Sinix Design
Hardy Fowler
Lighting Mentor
Winged Canvas
Marc Brunet (YTartschool)
+ Observing a lot of speedpaint art by people whose work I enjoy on social media/youtube, trying to dissect their processes
If you've gotten this far, first of all, congrats, you can read a lot, and second of all, thank you for reading and I hope this helps! I'll continue to come back and update this if I find any new resources in the future, or if my processes change :)
Much Love,
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xenosagaepisodeone · 1 year
imageboard culture in the 2010s was very mobilized against what was perceived as "mainstream nerd culture" , but ironically the reverence towards utter dogshit media that could be used to filter 'normalfags' likely contributed to the expanding commercialization of their respective hobbies (not that they weren't commercial to begin with). building a defined culture with regimented behaviors around media consumption is the exact opposite of what you want to do to keep something obscure. you think the studio licensed to produce an anime tie-in for Hyperdimension Neptunia: Beach Volleyball Gakuen-hen is going to minimize advertising and shy away from branding opportunities after a bunch of people buy blu-rays? people were out here thinking that they could outsmart capitalist expansion via strategic consumption. and the end result was marketing departments adopting the term 'waifu'.
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crooked-wasteland · 1 year
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This is what happens when all criticism is bad faith.
You have a bad show that no one sticks around for. Something tells me she really thought Fizzarolli was going to bring people back. And the thing is, I legitimately think it did. But you have just pushed so many of your most loyal fans away, and a lot of them feel that the story they wanted to know is already finished. They know what happened with Fizzarolli and Blitz's family. They can tell whatever story they want now, and it'll make them far less frustrated or disappointed than waiting for you to stop plugging your ears.
If you would rather spend money for something like this, you could save so much more by just reaching out to your critics and actually listening. Then again, there is the possibility that you've just isolated people too far from you to give you a second chance even if you did. You don't handle yourself maturely on Twitter any more than you did here, and the Lackadaisy situation was the last straw for a lot of people to drop you and your show. All because you had to be petty and post the email online and encourage the harassment.
Bad faith would be conflating the fact you would pay for a puff article with questioning if you were involved with the news articles covering the Lackadaisy team and associating the studio and the show with "transphobia". I don't think anyone can truly claim that they know for sure, but this proves Medrano and her team are willing to mobilize outside media to try and prop themselves up.
Youtube videos make the most views in the first 3 days of a video's life. We are hitting that 3 day mark, meaning she is going to see a sharp decline in views from here on out. I think this video may reach about 12-15 million, but that's admittedly being generous and Medrano knows this.
I genuinely do think she thought more people would come back for this story than who actually did. It's not something I am necessarily happy in either. I thought and still think there are some really good ideas and inspiration for this show. But Medrano lacks the eye of a showrunner. If she had a better grasp on what it took to make a successful series, she would have known and budgeted for season 2 to be all about the Fizzarolli and Blitz relationship with Stolas and Blitz being the B plot and have IMP being the C plot. Have it run through the entire season to really immerse the audience and tell her story well. And I think that could have happened if she had only listened to criticism.
This is where she has found herself, however. Spending more money promoting her underperforming series instead of using those funds to make a good show. If she hired a writer's room instead of a press release, I think we would all be much happier.
I'm sorry, but I lose all respect for a show when the creator is paying money for a promotion piece because their views aren't maintaining like they thought they would, due to their own mismanagement of funds and public relations.
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