#molecular melts
issarisa-27 · 1 year
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haechvn · 2 years
Dating Shuri Udaku Headcanons
Pairing: Shuri x F!Reader
Warning: Fluff, Angst and Smutteroni
Summary/Request: pls do something that has to do with how it’s like to date shuri ! it can include fluff, angst, smut ( if you’re comfortable w that ), etc. with fem!reader <3 thank u for doing gods work !!!
Word Count: 0.87k
Author’s Note: Thank you for the request Anon! Working on multiple request simultaneously so here's one that's short and sweet. I want Shuri to be my girlfriend ong
Taglist :  @melodykissess, @blackhottie25, @tonakings, @coalmistyy, @szalipcombo, @prettyluhlaiiii, @yelenabelovasgff, @callmeoncette, @clqrosmgc
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Constantly staring in your eyes as a way to let you know that she is always there and present with you. 
whenever you walk into a room, she’ll grab your hands and kiss all of your knuckles will she stares into your eyes 
Never lets anyone talk to you in a disrespectful manner
Puts you before anything and anybody bc you are all that she has left. You have been with her through thick and thin and she feels like her owns you all the best parts of herself
Names science experiment after you and your name nicknames she gives you
Speaking of, she loves to call you princess, my love and lover
melts when you call her kitten, i wonder why
Devote as much time as she can reminding you of your gorgeous looks on a daily basis because “Bast, how did I get so lucky with such a beauty like you. I just wanna eat you up!” Then she does. 
She enjoys kissing you more than breathing no cap.
Loves tickling you from behind so she can kiss your neck and feel that ass on her–
Always flying you out when you feel upset or down or just because.
five star hotels, exquisite cuisine from all around the world and anything designer is yours
Shuri may be a Princess but she is definitely you sugar mommy holyshit
if you cry for any reason at all, sends $200k and spends the rest of the day with you so you can feel better
Treats you with the utmost respect and loyalty.
never has wandering eye, not that anyone else could ever get her attention
Lets you in on who she is fully and trusts you with every fiber of her being
Never puts you in harm’s way and is always by your side when you need it.
She is very precious and gentle with you. Her love feel like a warm cup of tea honestly
Dating Shuri is so fun and it’s like hanging out with your best friend all the time
Constantly having to have conversations with Shuri about how she can’t live her life in her lab if she truly values your companionship.
“Babe, I get that you need to figure out the molecular level of whatever you just said but if you miss one more date with me, you’ll have to miss me.”
which follow with her trying to argue back before realizing her faults and preceding to shower you in gift, money and that DI-
Tends to close herself when she thinks about her family for too long
Buries herself in work whenever she questions her scientific skills to try and proves herself wrong 
usually leads to her forgetting to contact you to let you know how she’s doing or what she may be up to. 
Punches herself if she makes you upset but she has learned a lot recently about dealing with other and has formed more mature and effective forms of communication so it’s not a big issues for the two of you
Overall pretty healthy relationship so there aren’t any actual problems that you don’t talk through
Shuri is a scientist. Which means she is always building sex toys for the two of you from scratch
She made you your own black panther suit bc she’s a horny fuck and thinks the suit would look so sexy on you.
Fucks your face with her pretty kitty until she has cum at least twice
likes making you eat her out on places that make you nervous so she can watch you freak out while your face is stuffed between her legs
She also love fucking you in her black panther suit
the same way her helmet can disappear, so does the part of her suit that hides her pussy and something about tribbing you in her suit drives her crazy
she can also sync the vibranium strap to her suit and fuck you that way if she wants as well
Off rip, the two of you would make such a sexy couple so there’s do denying that you won’t be able to keep your hands off of each other.
I feel like during sex is when she tends to use a lot of her leadership skills on you
She looking to see you shake and quiver under her just by the slightest touch
She could eat your pussy 24/7 everyday in the week. And she definitely tries to 
HAS A KINK FOR YOU CALLING HER QUEEN/HIGHNESS (that’s why she gives off daddy vibes yall!)
Would be drilling your pussy from the side almost every morning before sunrise since it is a part of her morning “Queenly duties”.
Shoves her soaking panties in your mouth if you are being too loud and she doesn't want people to come by to wake her up early
Loves spitting in your ass/pussy before devouring you then spitting it back in your mouth so you can taste the reason why she’s in love with you
Adores fucking you outside on her bedroom balcony at 3 am because it’s just you, her and the stars
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Could you please do a headcanon for the street fighter girls Chun-Li, Juri and Cammy with Male Reader and them reacting to him just giving their abs a kiss out of nowhere
I'll admit, I didn't really know how to go about this, so I went about it as best I could.
Now! Your wish is my command!
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She was absolutely flabbergasted by your actions.
Especially when you kept kissing them.
Quick pecks.
Tender smooches.
Nibbling bites.
All across her abs, marking them with your mouth.
With every kiss, and nibble and bite, her core warmed and heated as the worship continued.
Eventually, she placed her hands in your hair, running them through it.
After a moment, quiet moans rang out, Chun-Li’s impressive self control finally failing her.
Needless to say, things escalated quickly after that.
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Juri’s reaction to your action was… very receptive.
Juri was always quite vocal when it came to the things that brought her pleasure.
And right now?
You, worshiping her body.
She was alight with pleasure and shaking in ecstasy with each kiss, nip, and bite.
And she was loving it like nothing else.
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She was melting under you like wax.
She had no idea why she felt like she was in this moment.
But with every kiss, wildfire spread across her body.
She grasped at the sheets, shaking and gasping with each spark of contact.
She was burning up inside.
She felt like she was about to explode.
Like she was about to break apart at the molecular level.
And she absolutely loved it.
She was going to need you to do this more often.
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foodshowxyz · 2 months
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Crepes Suzette with Maple Syrup and Orange Pearls
For the Crepes:
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 large eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp melted butter
For the Sauce:
1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
Zest of 1 orange
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup Grand Marnier or Cointreau (optional)
1/2 cup maple syrup
For Garnish:
Powdered sugar
Orange pearls (molecular gastronomy caviar or use orange zest for a simpler option)
Prepare the Crepes:
In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and eggs. Gradually add in the milk and water, stirring to combine. Add the salt and melted butter, and beat until smooth.
Heat a lightly oiled non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the skillet, using approximately 1/4 cup for each crepe. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly.
Cook the crepe for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is light brown. Loosen with a spatula, turn and cook the other side. Repeat with the remaining batter.
Prepare the Sauce:
In a large skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the sugar and cook until it starts to dissolve.
Add the orange juice and zest, and cook until the mixture thickens slightly.
If using, add the Grand Marnier or Cointreau, and continue to cook for another minute.
Finally, stir in the maple syrup and cook for another minute until well combined and warm.
Assemble the Dish:
Fold the crepes into quarters and place them in the skillet with the sauce, allowing them to soak up the delicious syrup.
Spoon the sauce over the crepes to ensure they are well coated.
Garnish and Serve:
Transfer the crepes to serving plates.
Drizzle any remaining sauce from the skillet over the crepes.
Dust with powdered sugar and garnish with orange pearls (or zest).
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zephyra-in-the-house · 8 months
How does swk’s immortality’s work? Like if I stabbed him with a knife would it break against his skin or would he get “injured” from i?
That's a good question! I'm so glad you asked cause this is one of my favorite topics~
(CW// slightly graphic descriptions)
So, Wukong is canonically immortal several times over. However, in the notes for one of the early chapters, I defined immortality by two different types. The first type of immortality is ageless immortality (forever young) and the second is deathless immortality (forever unkillable). Wukong has both in the story.
However, while Wukong is unkillable, he isn't invulnerable. Meaning that, if he were stabbed, he would get injured and he would bleed. He just wouldn't die from it. Even if he's stabbed in the heart or in the head, he won't die. He can bleed out of course and end up passing out if he loses too much blood but- no matter how much he loses- it won't kill him.
In one of the chapters I think Macaque said something along the lines of:
"Cut off his arms and he still fights. Cut off his legs and he still runs. Cut off his head and he'll grin at you from afar."
In this sense, he's like a mix between Prometheus and Deadpool. He can survive without his vital organs and he can grow them back if need be. The only difference between him and them is that he can move his severed limbs at will and reattach them with relative ease. He can survive basically anything. There isn't a single weapon, person, or flame that could kill him.
Even if he's melted down on a molecular basis and his body is destroyed (*cough cough* the furnace 👀), he will still regenerate.
In his younger days, Wukong used this ability to his advantage. Whenever they got into a fight, he would often use his body as a battering ram/shield because he knew he couldn't be killed no matter how many injuries he sustained.
While this ability was pretty handy when fighting against gods, there is a downside to it. Which is:
Wukong can still feel the pain.
Minor injuries won't affect him. In fact, he has a habit of getting papercuts or stepping on sharp objects and not noticing because he doesn't feel the pain. This is because he's developed a pretty high pain tolerance over the years.
Even so, he still feels it if he gets stabbed or shot or anything like that.
In summary, Wukong can be injured and can feel pain but he can't be killed.
Thank you for reading!
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issarisa-27 · 1 year
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silversoulstardust · 10 months
Definitely not thinking about Loki getting frustrated trying to learn physics on his own during those century long time frame so he timeslipped to the present time a little bit earlier before the temporal loom blew up just to pull Mobius aside from everyone to vent incoherent scientific nonsense pacing back and forth while Mobius just watched him.
"Are you done?" asked Mobius after Loki finally stopped pacing, heaving a deep sigh.
Loki glared dagger, but Mobius easily shrugged it off. "Why yes, yes I am," he snapped, arms crossed over his chest. He picked on the dull brown fabric of his jacket and second guessed his choice to vent to Mobius instead of OB.
"I don't even know why am I even talking to you about this, clearly you have zero idea about what I'm taking about," Loki was losing steam, and his tone came out whinier than he'd like it to. It reminded him a lot of the time he sulked over Thor looking confused when Loki showed him his art when they were kids, not understanding his artistic choice.
"Not that I'm blaming you for not knowing about it, I too would be annoyed if someone were to word vomit about electromagnetism and relativistic physics while trying to make sense out of the quantum ones. Magic is so much easier than this, you know? I could just -- I don't know -- snap my fingers, or, or wave my hands and things just happen instead of getting down to the molecular level of shit trying to unders-"
A pair of strong arms wrapping itself around Loki's shoulders stopped him in his track. It was Mobius reaching out and hugging him, but they hugged in an awkward position, because Loki was taller than Mobius and had his arms crossed over his chest. It didn't stop Mobius at all. He continued to run his fingers through Loki's hair, gently pushing Loki's head against his shoulder. "There, there."
And instead of retaliating, Loki allowed himself to be held.
"What are you doing, Mobius?" said Loki, unfolding his arms. His hands were clenching and unclenching by his sides as he hesitated to reciprocate the hug. He was still a little bit mad because Mobius broke his train of thoughts and not getting him at all, though that was slowly melting away as moments passed. Being held felt nice.
"I'm a Loki expert. I don't know jack shit about physics and all the things that just came out of your mouth, but I do know you're frustrated," whispered Mobius in his soothing voice, his hand moved down the center of Loki's back as he rubbed comforting circles. "So we're going to stay this way until you feel better. Got it?"
All the fight left Loki's body. Whatever that confused him during his quest to understand physics was simply forgotten now, and for the love of Odin he couldn't remember why it even bothered him so much. Slowly he wrapped his arms around Mobius' waist and buried his face on the crook of the older man's neck, inhaling deeply the scent of sandalwood cologne and coffee for breakfast they had together close to a century ago, still fresh on the fabric of his clothes.
Once again, Loki was reminded of why he was doing this.
"Got it."
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macfrog · 3 months
clm was my first dbf fic and lemmie just say…. i never turned back after that. LOVE CLM JOEL SO MUCH that man makes me melt into a puddle on the floor
dbf changes you on a molecular level. in some ways, he was created to be dbfed. it’s who he is. it’s who we deserve.
thank ya so much for reading, preciate yooouuu 🧡
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chaosticbraindo · 3 months
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just now realizing I forgot to upload my FanGoji design here 💀
Chaos Gojira 🦖 🌫️
with the creation and detonation of the first D-bomb, a tear in the fabric of reality was created, and from that tear emerged monsters.
Known as Kaijus, these monsters posses supernatural abilities that defy human logic and even the laws of this very universe… their very existence destabilize the world.
from all the kaijus that has arisen across the years, the first, and one of the most devastating, was named Gojira.
while slow and docile until approached or irritated, Gojira remains one of the most destructive kaijus ever recorded. this is due to its unique ability to emits a constant eroding fog around itself. the fog, while is not yet completely understood, was discovered to destabilize matters at a molecular level, causing both objects and living things caught inside it to melt and change over time, heating up and burn from the inside out before melting and merging with surrounding objects.
with the fog being approximately 8-10 kilometers wide, any region crossed by Gojira is almost guaranteed to becomes a waste land after the beast pass. with weirdly bent objects peppered by random scorch marks being fused into the floor, the walls, and other objects around it. the worst though, are images of those too unfortunate to escape… with them being burned from the inside while also melting and suffocating by inhaling the fog, their exhausted bodies would be slowly fused into the ground and whatever objects they just so happens to be making contacted with. leaving only a half melted corpse left for their relatives to later collects.
with how dangerous Gojira is, efforts have been made to get rid of the beast to no avail. this is due to it’s absurd regenerative ability. it was found out the beast possesses the ability to rebuild its own body to its original shape of a bipedal reptilian after an encounter with another kaiju which put Gojira’s regeneration on full display. couple that with its resilient and the kaiju effectively out heal anything humanity can ever throws at it.
and that is leaving out Gojira’s active rage when aggravated. in cases where it was pushed far enough, Gojira shows it true combat capabilities where even when it remains sluggish in comparison to its kaiju peers, it is some how much more powerful with each hit it lands strong and heavy enough to blow even larger kaijus off the ground. this is due to its weight as the body of Gojira consists of an unknown unnaturally dense and heavy material.
outside of impressive strength and power, Gojira can emits a concentrated steam of super heated fog from its mouth, which causes similar effects from the fog around its body but cranked up to eleven, dissolving then vaporizing things in a matter of seconds- and when pushed to desperation Gojira can even condense this breath to a level of strength that should be physically impossible to achieve even by the standard of other kaijus…
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risingoftime · 1 year
𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖒𝖊 | 𝖘𝖍𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖔 𝖋𝖊𝖒!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
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a/n: thank you anon for the request! I appreciate ya'll for being patient with me cause I am inconsistent with this shit. I hope I made it worth your while babes xo! Click the title for a song rec.
synopsis: Shuri is frustrated from being unable to keep her mind off of you, and you don't make it any easier. Amidst being long-distance and the bickering, you're unsure how to fix things between you. Then, a surprise visit forces Shuri to choose between the lab and love.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: alternate universe, university student!shuri, model!reader, SMUT, smut with no plot, oral, finger sucking, tribbing/scissoring, masturbation, fingering, light dom!shuri, edging, sex toy (vibrator), overstimulation, makeup sex.
18+ | minors do not interact
➴ feel free to send me more thots
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I adjusted my camera tripod so that it faced me. The natural sunlight lit up my hotel room as I fumbled with the toy vibrating in my hand. Laying back on the freshly cleaned white sheets, I placed them between my legs, already slick from my arousal. I couldn’t stop my wandering mind from imagining it was Shuri’s fingers stroking me instead. Foreheads pressed against each other, watching her move her hand to push two fingers in and out of my pussy. I let out a breathy moan as I felt my walls tighten around her. I didn’t want to let her go. I could practically feel her presence against me. The vibrator increased its speed, circling my clit. I envisioned Shuri watching me as I got close to cumming. Observing how my back arches, I angle my body to get better access to the pulsating device. I deeply yearned for her touch, feeling sensitive and in need. I’ve never been this wet before, and It’s been so long since Shuri and I were able to be intimate.
“Shuri,” I moaned. 
It became more difficult to hold back. Finally, I gave myself over to the overwhelming pleasure that had grown inside my abdomen and no longer silenced the sounds that escaped my mouth. I threw my head back and rolled my hips forward, urging and pleading for Shuri to touch me instead. A heavy wave of lust passed through me as I rode to orgasm. My limbs began to relax, and I felt like I could melt into the hotel bed. Except she wasn’t there with me, and I was alone. Unhinging the iPhone from the tripod, I scrolled through our messages and hit send. 
Come and see me. @ Sonder 907 Main room 303.
As soon as I saw the video delivered, I felt my anxiety rise, waiting for her response. Shuri would spend hours and hours away from her phone when she was in the lab. It’s one of the main reasons why we’ve been fighting. At times I felt like my attention wasn’t enough for her. Something was constantly popping up at her internship, and I’ve tried to be understanding, but I’m rarely a priority. Shuri has always been a big dreamer, convinced she would cure cancer and otherworldly diseases, and I believe her. She’s almost completed her joint major in computer science and molecular biology, but I don't know if we’d last to see her cross the stage with her degree.
I can't resist the desire during the hours I’m alone without her. Booking a hotel near Shuri's campus may have been impulsive, but long-distance has never done me well. Especially with the break between modelling jobs after New York fashion week, this is the only time I’d have to spend with Shuri. I set down my phone and cleaned myself up in the shower. Once I finished, I wasn’t sure how much time had passed as I got ready for her arrival, whenever that would be. Slipping on my black robe, I checked my phone to see numerous missed calls from Shuri. It had only been less than an hour, and she should’ve been in the laboratory now. I would've sent a video sooner if I knew it was this easy to get her attention. I jumped from the knock on my door and peeked through the peephole to see Shuri. I took a deep breath and opened the door. 
“What are you doing here? I told you that I needed space.” Shuri’s face was set in stone and unmoving, not giving away the dormant emotions. A coping mechanism. But her eyes softened when she saw the short silk robe that barely hid the lacy lingerie underneath. 
“And I came so we could work it out like we always do.” Her straight facial expression slipped away, and she laughed at my double innuendo before stepping closer in my direction and closed the hotel door behind her. “No, you came to frustrate and finish me off.”
“Hi to you too, by the way. It looks like the video did its job; I finally got you out of the lab.” I rolled my eyes and moved away from Shuri. Her footsteps followed me to the main bedroom until her chest was against my back. I could feel her heavy breathing as if she was trying to calm herself. “Be honest. You’re not mad at me for dropping out of MIT. You’re upset I left. But I saw an opportunity and took it! Just like you did with your internship. The difference is that I make time for you,” I struggled to get the words out without raising my voice. I tried not to sound accusatory, but each sentence had more conviction than the last. I was wrong if I thought that Shuri would react to my anger. Instead, she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer until nothing else mattered. 
“I never left, baby. You are the first and last person I speak to every day, I may not respond right away, and I’m sorry okay? I’m sorry.” Shuri’s lips hovered over my ear as her hands slowly unravelled the tie around my robe. I felt her long fingers trace over the hem of my lace panties, and my breath hitched at the possibility of her dipping further. 
“You think it’s just that easy? So that’ll forgive you just like that?” I sighed. She always left me in a trance just by her touch, and now, with her sucking on my neck, I felt my knees begin to give out. I’ve been craving this for so long, longing for us. But I wasn’t going to give in. My hand hovered over Shuri’s before I removed it and turned to face her. I had to go on my tippy toes to be face to face. It took all of my self-restraint not to act upon my lust. 
“What can I do to make it right? I’ll get on my knees for you. When you moaned my name on that tape, I practically fell to the ground.” Shuri’s voice had a certain raspiness when she got turned on. The way she looked at me, it was clear that her control was slowly slipping. 
“Tell me how bad you need me.”
“I need you like the air I breathe.”
Shuri responded without missing a beat, and the silence between us afterwards stretched out as we stood still, staring into each other's eyes and anticipating the other’s next act. It only took one move, and it was Shuri that took action. Her hands caressed and groped my ass before lowering her head to bring her lips to mine. The kiss was feverish and all-consuming. I hadn’t noticed that we reached the bed until the back of my legs hit the edge of the mattress, causing me to fall on top of the duvet. 
“I’m going to fuck you until you can’t walk properly,” Shuri purrs. Her hands rubbed down along my waist, unabashedly greedy, until she reached the delicate fabric that hardly covered my pussy. Wasting no time, she practically ripped the lace discarding it to the side of the room. This is a side of her that I had not experienced. There was something feral about how she looked at me, like I was her prey for the taking. Shuri’s fingers stroked me, teasing my entrance without entering further. Simultaneously leaving love marks across my neck and breasts, without care about who might see them the next day. 
“Stop playing with me,” I begged. 
“Always so needy. You interrupted my work, and now I’m taking my time with you.” 
I let out a shallow whimper while pushing myself desperately against Shuri’s hands, searching for an inch she hadn’t put inside me. Instead, she spent another few minutes slowly worshipping my body, making my bare skin undeniably hot and sensitive. 
“Fuck Shuri”  I already felt pent-up from how long it’s been since we’ve had sex. I couldn’t stop thinking how much I wanted Shuri. 
“Shut up” Not an ounce of patience in her voice. She swore under her breath as she inserted her two fingers inside of me harder than anticipated. “Shit, you’re so tight,” she sighed into the crook of my neck. Shuri moved in a steady, punishing rhythm. I gasped and trembled against her body. My nails dug into her skin underneath her t-shirt, clinging to her as she mercilessly drilled inside me. With each thrust, she got deeper and deeper until the pads of her fingers brushed against my G-spot. 
"Oh, God, yes, I’m gonna cum” I cried. 
“Shh… just a little more.” 
I was unsure how much further I could hold back the bliss threatening to spill onto the sheets. Shuri was now acutely aware of my throbbing center and quivering thighs, my skin on display below, consumed by pulsating pleasure. Her mouth was slightly agape between sloppy kisses, pausing when our lips barely touched and breathing each other's air. Her eyes shut as her eyebrow furrowed in concentration as if trying to envision what she felt, the sensations she caused to run through my body. All that could be heard in the room was our deep breathing and the bed rocking. 
“Shuri, please, don’t stop. I’m so close.” 
Suddenly, Shuri forcefully pinned my wrists above my head with one hand and watched as I struggled to keep my composure while her thumb massaged my slit. “You sound so good, begging for it.” I don’t know if I was easy to decipher or if Shuri knew my body well. Yet, as my begging got louder and staggered, her pace became faster and harder until my climax came over me with a rush that caused my eyes to roll back. “Shit, you have such a tight hold on me,” Shuri whispered. I felt the wet spot beneath form in response. The tension that had a hold on my muscles relaxed against her. Finally, she removed herself from inside of me agonizingly slow to suck on her fingers before putting her mouth over mine. I could taste myself on her while she swirled her tongue around mine. It was all-consuming and hard to decipher what was to come next. Shuri was everywhere. 
Shuri parted from me to remove her shirt and reveal her toned dark skin, alluding to the late-night gym sessions she snuck in when she had time away from work and school. Her arms flexed when she groped my thighs to slide my body down to get closer to her. She left wet kisses on my chest, licking my sternum to my abdomen. Shuri paused there momentarily, leaving me in anticipation for her to move lower. Instead, she made eye contact with me while her tongue parted my folds, gliding up the wetness dripping. My hands played with the tips of her curls, tugging slightly when the tip got close to my overly sensitive clit. I couldn’t resist pushing my waist upwards, urging her to lick harder and take all of me in her mouth. Her eyes never left mine, not for a second. The noise I let out would’ve made me ashamed if I had heard it back, but Shuri encapsulated me.
“You like messing with my head, don’t you?” I asked. She’s been edging me with each lick and stroke, and- “fuck I’m all yours.” I would be hers, Shuri’s one and only. All my brain could think about was inching myself near. My hands were tangled in her hair, keeping her head still while I rubbed my pussy against Shuri’s face. Her nose bumped against my clit as her tongue delved deeper inside. “you drive me insane, and you don’t even know.” She mumbled against my clit in between licks. With each second, the waves of sensation became impossible to stay in one place. Just when I thought it could get any worse, Shuri began sucking on my clit with sensuous desperation. I could hear myself panting, my pussy throbbing as she began ramping up the intensity. “Yes, give it to me, all of it.” As if on her command, my muscles began spasming and just when I had felt like I was on the verge of exploding, I had let it all out, soaking Shuri’s lips and chin. 
“I- I never knew I could do that,” I whispered. I never knew that my body could release that much all at once. 
“Shit, I didn’t either.” Shuri laughed to herself as she wiped her chin and bottom lip with the palm of her hand. She pushed herself off the bed to unzip her pants and discard the rest of her clothes. I analyzed her body as she stripped before pulling herself over me, aligning her core with mine until she settled on me. The feeling of her warm wetness gliding against mine made me moan. 
“Tell me how I feel.” 
“Feels so good.” Shuri mumbled, looking blissed-out and high as fuck, with her eyes barely open. 
I couldn’t get enough of the way Shuri rocked back down against me, making hot, needy noises as she felt her body’s movement sync with mine. She tried to take her time and move slowly, but she ran out of patience. Shuri groaned, “Don’t stop,” a raspy noise compared to mine. I lifted my hips slightly as Shuri thrust, making the bed creak and hit the wall. Our cries got louder and louder.
“Tell me you want more.” 
“Baby, you got me addicted- I don’t want to stop.” Her breasts bounced while she moaned and cursed under her breath. She held my thigh to get the right angle to increase the hot friction between our legs. Another hand slightly pressed down on my abdomen as she chanted “yes” repeatedly like a prayer. Shuri’s breath hitched, needy and fragile, but still ready for more. “Yeah,” she says, her voice hoarse. “I want to see you cum for me. Cum in me.” 
“Oh God, Shuri”
“Ride it,” Shuri demanded. It was all the consent needed to grip Shuri’s hips as she heavily descended on me. It felt like I’d been split open and filled full of her, and Shuri didn’t stop until she was fully seated on me without an escape option. “You look so beautiful underneath me like this.” I knew that my hair which was perfectly pressed was now dishevelled against the sheets. Yet, she didn’t stop. Her hands kept roaming my breast and torso. Shuri wanted to feel me lose it and come apart under her command while I rolled my hips roughly into her. “A-aah, I’m coming,” Shuri gasped when she felt the warm spill of her orgasm drip on my skin. I trembled in euphoric pleasure till I lost all rhythm and felt Shuri collapse onto me in exhaustion. Our chests heaved up and down while we tried to catch our breath. I felt slightly lightheaded as I searched for the words to speak after it all.
“I think the only way to get you out of my head is to have you like this instead.” The way that Shuri muttered the words seemed as if she was saying it more to herself than to me. 
“Then why don’t you do it more often?” I smiled when she brushed my hair to the side with her hands to get a better view of my face. Her gaze was trained on me with a look in her eye that I couldn’t quite decipher. 
“Because if I do, I’ll never want to leave.”
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memorycycle · 7 months
Backup Reboot list of Powers and Abilities
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Accuracy - Can strike the smallest target at a great distance or in any environment or condition.
Adaptation - Instantly adapts to take maximum advantage of any condition or situation.
Anger - Has the power to turn anyone against one another in anger
Chain Lightning - Controlled devastating bolts of chain lightning that leaps between multiple targets.
Chameleon - Has the ability to become completely invisible in any environment.
Confusion - Extended proximity could reduce anyone to mindless babbling.
Cyclone - Has the power to create and control powerful cyclones at will.
Density Control - Complete control over own density and that of any object in physical contact
Disintegration - Has the power to reduce anything to dust.
Dodge - Impossible to physically strike, no matter how swiftly or powerful.
Elasticity - Can stretch incredible lengths in the blink of an eye.
Electricity - Powerful electrical field can be controlled to surround or stun distant objects or creatures
Fear - Has the power to bring fear to the hearts of anyone.
Gravity - Uses gravity control to crush any object in visual range
Heat Vision - Powerful long-range heat vision that can ignite any object within sight
Hunger - Has enough strength to drain the energy of anyone
Illusion - Can create and control multiple realistic illusions anywhere within sight.
Intangibility - Can go in and out of a ghost form.
Invulnerability - Absolutely invulnerable to physical harm of any kind.
Laser Vision - Fires powerful eye-beams that can burn through anything.
Mind Reading - Powerful enough to invade the mind of anyone.
Molecular Disruption - Has the power to utterly disintegrate any inorganic object with a touch.
Plant Control - Had total control over any plants in the area.
Plasma - Has the power to instantly melt any object into vapor.
Poison - Dangerously toxic to anything.
Power Scream - Can shatter stone and could be heard all across the universe.
Quick Healing - Almost indestructible;can be used to heal the injuries of others.
Sleep - Has the power to instantly put an entire population into deep sleep.
Sonics - Blasts distant objects with powerful waves of sonic force.
Stasis Field - Has the power to freeze a creature in near-permanent stasis through eye contact.
Teleportation - Has the power to teleport itself through any wall or other structure.
Vacuum - Has the power to create gale-force winds or instantly reverse their flow.
Weather Control - Can manifest powerful, dangerous thunderstorms and blizzards at will.
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Would A Vaporeon Be A Good Pet?
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Like many water-type pokémon, vaporeons would make a good pet for those who live near or enjoy spending time around water. In the wild, vaporeons prefer to live near the coast (Silver). Vaporeons like to spend time in the water, where, given their water-like molecular makeup, they can melt away and become invisible (Yellow). If you were to have a pet vaporeon, it would be very important to let them play in the water often!
Wild vaporeons like to hunt fish pokémon (Moon), so it would be important to provide them with opportunities to use their predatory instincts in safe ways and to maintain their marine diet.
Vaporeons aren't capable of very many dangerous moves, except for (as has become predictable for water-types) those that could flood the home with water. They can use a handful of healing moves, and can even heal themselves of certain ailments in the rain, which is a great benefit for any pokémon pet. They can even predict when it is going to rain (Gold).
As long as you have safe access to water, it would be rather easy to have a vaporeon as a pet.
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ariel-seagull-wings · 4 months
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@knivxsanddespair @a-roguish-gambit
PARENTS: Anna Marie Lebeau (Rogue) and Remy Etienne Lebeau (Gambit)
PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: MUIR ISLAND, October 25th of the year 2000
When Rogue and Gambit learned that they had conceived a child, to avoid the same medical discrimination that Madelyne Pryor suffered during the birth of Nathan Summers, they decided to have the baby be born in the hospital for mutants in Muir Island, with the help of Doctor Amelia Voght.
After little Désirée was finally born, the Lebeau family soon rejoined their X-Men comrades in Australia, which became the team's new home where, they got citizenship.
Molecular Acceleration:  Désirée has the power to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy thus “charging” that item with explosive results, combined withkinetic absorption and redirection, giving them enhanced strength.
Deconstruction: They can also cause objects to pull themselves apart instead of exploding violently making them harmlessly melt down to nothing.
Enhanced Conditioning: Her ability to tap energy also grants her increased speed, strength, reflexes and reactions, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance as a side effect. As well as giving her the ability to fly at incredible speeds.
Accelerating Regeneration: They can enhance her own recovery rate by stimulating her own cellular activity. Also, they are very resistant to heat manipulation of any kind 
Enhancement: She can supercharge the energy both converted and accelerated to get more of a bang out of even the smallest objects as well as giving them greater concussive or stopping power.
Vibration Emission: Due to her excellent control over kinetic-based energies, she has demonstrated the ability to generate and project very powerful shock-waves of pure concussive and explosive force.
Electrokinesis: Désirée can generate and manipulate electricity
Geokenisis: They have the mutant power to control and manipulate the earth or more specifically stone.
Désirée grew up learning the french martial Savate from her father Gambit, showing the same finesse and style in fighting as her father, and has great level headed-ness and leadership ability in the face of certain danger. 
Electric Escrima Sticks: To use in short distance combat and charge her electrokinesis.
Crossbow and Arrows: To use in long distance combat and shot arrows charged with her kinetic energy powers.
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pudgy-planets · 6 days
TOP 5 moons
Ugggghhhhh Meep. That’s like choosing kids aldnsjsjsj
I can’t give a definitive top 5, but I can give you 5 that stand out the most to me personally.
With pictures of course!
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Titan. The largest moon of Saturn. Slightly smaller than Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon and larger than Mercury in diameter! But only around 40% the mass due to Mercury being a world of rock, iron, and silicates compared to Triton which is mostly ice.
Titan is significant because it is the only moon in the solar system to have a significant atmosphere. Comparison of mostly nitrogen and methane, Titan has a geologically young surface with minimal impact craters. Combined with lakes of liquid methane and ethane adorning its surface. In fact, it mimics Earth’s water cycle with methane as methane is the triple point substance of the moon. It has dunes, lakes, ponds, rivers, and an atmosphere that obscures its surface. It is a simply magnificent world.
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Europa. Jupiter’s smallest, but most significant moon to astronomers and geophysicists alike. Europa is a frigid satellite covered in a thick sheet of ice for a crust. Beneath its geologically young surface belays a global subsurface of salty, liquid water. Salt is an important building block, making it’s a key study for extraterrestrial life.
The reason Europa is capable of housing an ocean is due to the tidal heating caused by Jupiter’s powerful gravity, producing a heating effect. The cracks, ridges, and the reddish brown color of its surface back up these claims of flowing water AND salts and/or sulfur compounds. Which of course, oxidize.
Europa is a special world, one of the cornerstones of the belief that water, is not as uncommon in the universe as it may seem.
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Io. Another one of Jupiter’s moons and the closest to the planet of the big four Galilean moons. It is the single most geologically and volcanically active body in the Solar System. This volcanism is due to the combined efforts of Jupiter’s magnetic field and the sheer bombardment of radiation due to the radiation belt it presides in.
The friction melts rock creating lakes of molten silicate and resurfacing the moon every couple of thousand years in the process. Compared to other bodies orbiting the planets, Io is not only the densest moon, but has the strongest gravity despite being so small on account of its metallic nature granting an iron core.
The intense radiation combined with its heat, means Io has the single lowest water to atomic ratio of any object in the solar system. It’s this proximity to Jupiter that prevents any ices from forming anything significant of its mass.
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Enceladus. One of the smaller moons of Saturn, its surface is covered in clean ice, making it one of the most highly reflective surfaces in the solar system. Despite its small size of 500 kilometers, it’s a significant world with its features.
It had a thin atmosphere comprised of mostly water vapor. Its southern pole houses a plethora of cryovolcanoes that blast geysers of water vapor, molecular hydrogen, and other volatiles (volatiles being substances and compounds that would evaporate at normal temperatures and therefore only persist in the extreme.). Some of the molecules fall back to the planet, while others contributes to Saturn’s E ring’s composition.
It is a geologically active world with its surface showing signs of reshaping due to escaping internal heat and a subsurface ocean of liquid water. It’s generally colder than most of Saturn’s moons, but it too shows signs of conditions that would be favorable to simple organic life.
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And finally, Triton. The largest of Neptune’s moons and the only one with enough mass to be rounded out into a spherical shape. It harbors a thin, but sturdy atmosphere and like Enceladus and Io, is geologically active.
It is the largest moon in relation to its parent planet (if we were to go off every celestial body, then it would be Pluto and Charon.), furthermore it is larger than all of the known dwarf planets in our solar system. Being 1.7 times bigger in diameter than Pluto and Eris. Triton is the only moon in the solar system to have a retrograde rotation, meaning it orbits the opposite way compared to the planet’s rotation. In addition, Triton is tidally locked to Neptune, always displaying the same face no matter what.
Due to its composition, properties, and retrograde orbit, Triton is thought to have originally been a dwarf planet that was ensnared by Neptune’s gravity from the Kuiper Belt. However, due to the laws of conservation of momentum, Triton is slowly getting closer to the planet and will eventually reach the Roche Limit. By which it will succumb to Neptune’s gravity and crumble, forming a new beautiful ring system.
Triton is unique. It is a differentiated (meaning that heavier particles sink inwards and lighter particles remain outwards.) world with ices on the surface, and a liquid ocean below it and a rocky, metallic core. It’s covered in cryovolcanoes, has a surface of frozen nitrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, and minimal impact craters. Its atmosphere pressure is capable of increasing and supports thin clouds and a haze.
A wondrous world indeed.
These are my “Top 5” Moons. I hope this answers your question.
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heyyy this is me flaying myself open as i experience violent visions about queer (2024) don’t mind me
i think what is fucking me up on a molecular level about queer is that it allows us to see the ugliest most shameful parts of desire. the desperate longing, the awkward embarrassment that makes you want to kill yourself. the way queer love can be so complicated and layered and split in so many different directions that pull you left and right. those who hate being queer, those who don’t even see themselves as queer. allerton experiments on lee like he’s a bug but there’s glimpses of an endless amounts of what ifs that flicker in his eyes every once in a while even when he’s repulsed by lee. and lee with his gross, sweaty, obsessive desire of being liked, being loved, being understood. his hatred for being who he is so much so that he tries to forget it in his endless addictions (to drugs, to booze, to sex, and then to allerton). yet being queer is so fundamentally in him, in his awkwardness, in his being an alien even within the queer community of expats who surround him. it genuinely makes me want to throw up— this desire he has to melt into allerton’s body, to feel complete. he’s pathetic and constantly begging and crying and it’s not a pretty or aesthetically pleasing picture perfect queer love. this is the nitty & gritty. the endless embryo possibilities of what it never was, of what it almost was, of what it never will be. and the movie doesn’t even end. not really. because sometimes things don’t in life. they happen and then they stop happening and there’s no resolution. it fucks me up so bad because i see myself so clearly in all the gross and pathetic aspects of this that i really feel like when i finally see it on a screen it is going to rearrange my guts.
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dipperscavern · 26 days
YOU'RE 4'11????
(Excuse the all caps, I am in disbelief. All the dots are connecting in my head. I can see the structure of the universe)
IM SORRY ANYTHING ABOVE 5’6 TO ME IS BASICALLY TALL. (my size kink is coming to light this is so embarrassing) AND ILL CALL CREGAN TALL TILL TH DAY I DIE. all the dots connect they fall in a line the universe is only bound by time…. paradox paradox quantum physics molecular calculations
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