#mom hold me i'm dissolving
pretty-sparkle-bomb · 1 month
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Butterflies tap-danced in your stomach as you stood outside the humongous traditional-styled mansion that Bakugo called his house.
Today was the day you'd finally meet Katsuki Bakugo's mom, Mitsuki. You'd been dating Bakugo for a few months now, and while things were undeniable between you, there were a few slip-ups here and there.
He hadn't exactly gushed about his family life, so you weren't sure what to expect.
Taking a deep breath, you smoothed down your skirt and rang the doorbell. The wait felt like an eternity before the door swung open, revealing a woman with spiky blonde hair that mirrored Bakugo's. Her bromine eyes were tired, a different shade from Katsuki's carmine ones.
You couldn't help but wonder if that was where his own eyes would end up after years of wear and tear – perhaps after you'd settled down and raised little explosions together.
"You must be Y/n! Katsuki told me you'd be coming," she laughed, her voice surprisingly gentle. "Come in, come in! Don't just stand there like a shy little flower."
You smiled, relieved by the lack of hostility. Stepping inside, you were greeted by an unsurprisingly tidy living room. Photos of a younger Bakugo, with a much wider smile than he ever showed you, adorned the walls.
"Would you like some tea, dear?" Mitsuki asked, bustling around the kitchen. "Bakugo always preferred coffee, that stubborn boy."
You chuckled, "Tea sounds lovely, thank you, Mrs. Bakugo."
"Please, call me Mitsuki," she said, handing you a steaming cup. "So, when are yall thinking of giving me grandbabies?"
Y/n almost choked on the liquid she was sipping. "I-I'm sorry?"
"Don't be so formal, haha!" Mitsuki held the h/c-ette's hand before patting it lightly. "I was joking, dear."
You took a hesitant sip of tea before smiling. "He's...definitely a challenge," you admitted. "But I see a promising future with him. He's incredibly loyal and brutally honest."
Mitsuki's face softened. "I'm glad. He hides it well, but he cares deeply. Just like his father."
You raised an eyebrow, surprised. Bakugo rarely spoke of his father, and you knew their relationship was strained. "He does?"
Mitsuki giggled. "Masaru's a quiet man, but he instilled a strong sense of justice in Katsuki. He wants to be a hero who makes a difference, just like All Might. But sometimes, that fire burns a little too bright."
The door slammed open with a bang, startling you both. Bakugo stormed in, a scowl etched on his face. "Oi, woman, I-" He stopped short, his crimson eyes widening at the sight of you. "Y/n? Didn't expect ya t'be here. 'S early."
Before he could say anything else, Mitsuki walked over and playfully headlocked him, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Y/n is here for dinner. Isn't that right, dear?"
Bakugo sputtered, his cheeks flushing a faint pink, the scowl fading instantly. You couldn't help but grin, the awkwardness dissolving into amusement. "Oi, get off of me, hag!" he grumbled, though there was no heat behind the words.
You gasped, feigning offense. "Katsuki Bakugo! Don't speak to your mother like that!"
Mitsuki, still holding him in a headlock, was about to make a snarky retort when Bakugo simply muttered, "Tch, whatever," and escaped his mother's grasp.
As the family settled down for dinner, Mitsuki smiled and extended her hands out to say grace. Masaru, a quiet man with a warm presence, held his wife's hand lovingly. To your surprise, Bakugo, with a barely perceptible blush, reached out and held yours too. The gesture sent a jolt of warmth through you, a silent promise amidst the family ritual.
After dinner, you offered to help with the dishes, a subtle way to spend more time with Mitsuki. You found yourself enjoying her company, gossiping about everything from hero gossip to the latest fashion trends. With a twinkle in her eye, Mitsuki seemed to approve of your company.
When it was finally time to leave, Katsuki walked you to his door, his face unusually flushed. He fumbled in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a crumpled envelope.
"Want ya to read this," he mumbled, shoving it in your hand with a scowl that didn't quite reach his crimson eyes. "The old hag slapped me upside the head before stuffing this in my pocket."
You knew from his tone there was more to the story than he was letting on. Carefully, you tore open the envelope, bracing yourself for who knows what.
Inside, nestled amongst a few tissues, were not one, not two, but three bright pink condoms. A handwritten note on a scrap of paper accompanied them. It read in bold, loopy handwriting:
"A little heads up because 1+1=3 if you don't use protection. We don't want that now, do we? Love, Mom. P.S. Don't forget to thank Y/n for helping with the dishes!"
You couldn't help but burst out laughing, the absurdity of the situation hitting you all at once. Katsuki, on the other hand, seemed to be on the verge of exploding. His face and neck were now a vibrant shade of crimson, rivalling the colour of his eyes.
"See," he hissed, his voice barely above a whisper, "I told you she's a hag!"
You couldn't help but tease him a little. "Well, 'Suki," you said, a playful smile on your face, "looks like your mom's a bigger shipper than you are."
Katsuki grumbled something incoherent, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
He wouldn't mind having a baby with you.
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nansheonearth · 1 year
In your opinion, what are the top 5 problems within feminism that hold the movement back? (I'm sending it to others users here too because I want to see different perspectives).
The fear of interacting with other women. Women are legit scared of each other. Scared of being judged, doxxed, not included, underwhelmed, etc by other women. The biggest barrier to hosting meetups for me wasn't keeping misogynists away, it was convincing women to sit in a cafe near another woman who might have a different opinion on separatism.
Waiting for the feminist activist or the organizing group to start that feminist project in your head. There's a lack of responsibility and agency. If there's something you think is needed for female liberation, you need to do it. Other women don't have that idea, most don't have much more resources or connections than you. You have to get offline and do it yourself. No one else is going to do it quite like you.
Reinventing the wheel. Everything has been done already. Research a bit or ask around and you can learn from other women what works and what doesn't. I feel this most with the current wave of discords. At one point I was probably in 50+ radfem related facebook groups for every topic. But women would start these groups, lose steam after a couple of months, and then the group would eventually dissolve. These discords are starting to do that as well. (Hint; the groups that stuck around have irl connections)
Forgetting women's history and ignoring women's culture. Especially women's culture from global majority women's perspective. Women are insanely ignorant of our own culture and history. What little we do know if often told from a male/patriarchal perspective. Women are creating and keeping women's culture right now that you can support and engage with. Women can benefit from letting go of male produced media/art/education for a change. And white women are not doing enough to support global majority women's culture and history.
There's a constant desire by many women to spend energy on men. Every man has a mom, most men have female spouses, siblings, children, men interact with women everyday. If they don't get it by now, they don't care. It's a waste of energy trying to convince a guy who's been watching 'teen gangbang' on a regular basis since high school that you deserve rights.
This is in no particular order and just off the top of my head. I kind of want to expand on some of these later. I also want to see other women's top 5s.
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tizniz · 1 month
Inspiration Saturday ✨
Tagged for this day by @hippolotamus & @cal-daisies-and-briars And tagged by so many lovely people over the week :)
I'm back!!! Despite being sick for most of my trip, I had an amazing time. I did absolutely no writing or thinking about anything except being in the moment and enjoying myself. Okay, there were a few things I shared with Al, Hippo, and Caroline that screamed Buddie but they didnt' expand into anything. I simply lived in the moment. I am so ready to dive back into writing. Well, after I sleep a little more (still sick. I have spent majority of the last 24 hours asleep). But I did want to share this little moment that popped into my head before the trip and once again on the flight home.
Enjoy a moodboard of Buddie at Disneyland and a little something something under the cut ;)
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Eddie lifts his eyes from where he'd been swiping his thumb along the screen, checking the wait times, "Want to do Indiana again or—Buck?” He looks around, only spotting strangers. Pocketing his phone, Eddie forces himself to not panic, because it’s not that busy today, and Buck couldn’t have gone that far, right?
And just before he can start to actually panic, Eddie spots his missing best friend. He’s standing there with a bag of cotton candy in his hand and grinning over at Eddie.
“I thought I told you to not wander off.” Eddie half snaps as comes to a stop in front of Buck, having dodged a mom on a mission with her stroller plowing through the people walking casually.
“I went like…three feet.” Buck says, pulling away some of the spun sugar to pop into his mouth. A few strands catch on his lips, and Eddie definitely doesn’t watch as Buck’s tongue darts out to lick at them, dissolving the sugar quickly. “I wanted cotton candy.”
Eddie snaps his eyes up, “How did you even get through that line so quick?”
Shrugging, Buck pops more cotton candy in his mouth, “I got lucky. No one was there.”
“And you didn’t think to go ‘hey Eddie, I’ll be right back’?”
“You found me.”
“You’re a little shit.”
“You love me.”
“Why did I agree to come here again?”
“Because it’s fun.” Buck grins, “Come on, you’re loving this. Admit it.”
Eddie had been skeptical at first, because a day at Disneyland with just Buck? They’re adults. It seemed weird. But Buck had told him how many adults go on their own, and how fun it would be, and wouldn't the little boy in Eddie love this?
So that’s how Eddie had found himself spending the day with his best friend. Admittedly, having a great time.
Avoiding answering, Eddie looks at the bag in Buck’s hand, shaking his head, “You opened that like an animal.”
Buck also looks down at the bag, where he’d obviously torn into it and completely avoided the simple knot that would need to be untied to get access to the sweet treat. He looks back up at Eddie, “I wanted cotton candy.”
“You said that.” Eddie snorts, reaching for some, only to have the bag pulled away. “Hey!”
“Get your own.”
“I only want a little.”
“You just got mad at me for getting it!”
“I was mad at you for disappearing on me.” Eddie fires back, grabbing hold of Buck’s wrist, the spun sugary treat held between Buck’s thumb and index finger. “I’m not mad about the cotton candy.”
“You can’t have it. It’s mine.” Buck retorts, trying to pull his wrist away, but Eddie keeps his grip firm. And then, because apparently he’s not thinking rationally today, Eddie ducks his head down and is eating the cotton candy that is between Buck’s fingers. His teeth graze the pad of Buck’s thumb, tongue licking the last bit of sugar from Buck’s index finger, and then Eddie’s straightening up, staring into Buck’s wide blue eyes.
Eddie’s mind reboots and he stares back, heart hammering in his chest. The sugar is dissolving on his tongue and tastes so sweet, but he swears he can taste Buck’s skin amongst it all.
“Pirates!” Eddie blurts out, releasing Buck’s wrist and spinning on his heel, marching through the crowd, cheeks burning.
What the fuck did he just do?
Tagging for sharing since it's so late on Saturday!
@actualalligator, @actuallyitsellie, @perfectlysunny02, @bidisasterevankinard, @spotsandsocks, @fortheloveofbuddie, @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove, @theotherbuckley, @daffi-990, @exhuastedpigeon, @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming, @monsterrae1, @epicbuddieficrecs, @elvensorceress, @eddiebuckley-diaz, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @wildlife4life, @devirnis, @loveyouanyway, @smilingbuckley, @watchyourbuck, @loserdiaz, @excuseme-greentea, @wikiangela, @dangerpronebuddie, @kitteneddiediaz, @underwaterninja13, @bigfootsmom🩵
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lostinvasileios · 3 months
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I never had a good relationship with my mother. She had me too young, never healed or even thought she needed it. Since I'm a transgender in this vessel, she only pushed me out more. Grew close to despising me. And... I despised her too. For a very long time. I cried the most tears over her, out of the fear, anger, and pure sorrow that she smashed into me.
I don't like to address her as my mother, to be quite honest. I never really did. She never felt like such to me.
For so long, I felt very alone. I had no mother, and whatever father figures I had were just as, if not more horrible. My family didn't feel like family. Nobody approved of me and my identity or life styles. I lived in such constant fear of everything and everyone, I developed many problems.
But, then... Hekate happened.
I had little hints of her being around for a long while, but I was afraid to accept her calls. I was afraid, since I had heard she didn't like her sons. That she treated her daughters more lovingly than she would her male soul children. Multiple people had hammered such a perspective that I was simply ignoring her out of fear of her shaming me, hating me, or pushing me into things I wasn't ready for.
Oh, god. I was so wrong.
Hekate, mother Hekate... She's so gentle. She's so soft and loving to me. Her cold hands tenderly swipe away my tears and she pats down my wet face with moon tissues.
Draping my hair in stars and tucking me in with a blanket full of the cosmos. Holding me in her arms as if I were the most precious boy in forever to her. Deeming me so beautiful and irreplaceable, she takes such time with mending my motherly issues, with mending my perspectives on myself...
She dips me into a sea of peace, never have I felt such - safety with someone in this way. I've never said "I miss my mother" until I allowed Hekate into my life. I've never felt comfortable regarding to anybody as "mama" until I felt her touch. The love of the moon rushing through my veins and making me feel so - ethereal.
She embraces me as her son, she cradles all of my wounds and soothes them until the pain ceases. She... Makes me feel loved. In a way I never thought I'd even be comfortable with thinking of. With the thought of having... A mom.
Such dark beauty of the night, a queen of the moon and stars lets me rest my head upon her chest and feel as if all of my trauma regarding maternal love has dissolved... Thank you, mother Hekate.
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luveline · 2 years
baby! i love all your au’s so much!! maybe u wanna do something for kbd universe?
like maybe the whole family is sick and it’s just steve and reader trying to get through taking care of the girls and themselves? i thought maybe it would be cute but it’s all up to u <33 hope you’re having a good day jade!
hello! i made it so steve and beth aren’t sick yet I hope that’s still alright, thank you for requesting! thanks so much, i hope you are too <3 kisses before dinner au <3 dad!steve x mom!reader 2k words cw throwing up
Steve worries it's going to be a bad day when Dove throws up in the morning. He knows it's going to be a bad day when Avery throws up a little later, and then it's all but cemented when you chuck up in the sink.
You're a big girl and you can clean it up yourself but Steve would go lie in a busy highway if he thought that would make you smile, and so he has no qualms about sending you to the quarantine zone and cleaning it himself. It's a very unfortunate place to chuck up, all things considered, and Steve has to wash the dishes in the basin three times before he trusts they're clean.
Beth clears her throat from the kitchen doorway.
"Oh, hey, baby," he says sweetly, peeling out of his rubber gloves and throwing them eagerly into the trash. "How's my girl?"
Beth is three and a half years old. She loves Steve more than anybody on this entire planet, loves his attention, his hugs. She's a clinger, and he's more than happy for her to be so. She's also rather quiet— Steve worries she wouldn't talk at all if it weren't for Avery, her six year old sister. Ave is a smarty pants who talks Beth's ear off every chance she gets.
Beth, predictably, doesn't answer, holding her arms up in the universal sign for pick me up.
He wipes his hands on a tea towel haphazardly and pulls her up into his chest, hand spread over her back. Steve's constantly reminded of how soft and pretty his girls are, and he wouldn't ever say this aloud but Beth is the prettiest of the three because she looks so much like you. She dips her head, the line of her jaw softening with the movement. Steve ducks down to meet her eyes, offering up a loving smile.
"What, you aren't talking to me today?"
"I'm tired," she says quietly.
Steve licks his lips and pulls her closer in one arm so he can hold the other up and read the face of his watch.
"It's not bed time for a while. Should we sit down for a nap?”
"Yeah," she agrees, rubbing her face against his collar.
Steve shifts her in his arms to prop her up with one and hug her with the other.
They head upstairs and cross the landing to his and your bedroom, where you, Ave, and Dove are all sequestered in bed with a sick bowl.
Dove sleeps like a log on your chest where he's propped you up with pillows. Ave lies in Steve's spot, arm across the mattress to hold hands with you.
"Hello," he says, hesitant at the threshold. You're gonna be in a tough spot if Steve gets sick too. "How are you feeling?"
He directs his question at both you and Ave, but Ave answers first.
"I feel sick," she says morosely.
"That doesn't surprise me, baby, you are sick. How about you, mom?"
"I'm fine," you say. Your other hand rubs up and down the length of Dove's back and shoulders steadily, an absent-minded gesture no doubt. "What about you, my lovely girl? You and daddy had to clean up my mess, huh? I'm sorry."
The apology is entirely for him. He doesn't need it or even want it.
"It's okay," Beth says.
"You took the words straight outta my mouth," he praises her.
Beth all but dissolves into his chest. You read her mood, and his oncoming question quickly.
“You gonna go nap?” you ask.
“Would that be okay? You’ll be okay? I can put her down and come right back.”
You give him your most loving, darling smile, the kind of smile he fell in love with; the kind of smile that had him looking at you, twenty years old and lonely, and knowing he wasn’t going to be lonely much longer.
“We’ll be okay,” you say. “Love you, miss you.”
“I love you.” He waves at Avery. “Love you, baby. Try and get some sleep.”
He wakes up to his name being called severely. It’s a pretty terrifying sound to wake up to when you have a family, your wife calling to you with little room for affection.
“Steve? Steve, I need you right now.”
He startles hard and wakes Beth where she’s lying on his chest.
“Daddy?” she mumbles.
He slides her off of him as carefully as he’s able, which in his panic is nowhere as carefully as he wants to. “It’s okay, babe. Go back to sleep.”
He hears the unfortunate sound of retching. You’re sitting in the middle of the bed with a hand on Avery's back as she chucks up into the bowl, and Avery isn’t the problem, it’s Dove, who’s throwing up all over your shoulder and screaming between heaves.
“Sorry, I’m sorry, but they won’t stop. I think they’re setting each other off and-“ You inhale sharply. “I don’t want to-“
“Hey, okay,” he says easily, much less panicked than you. He understands exactly why you’re so scared — to have them both so forcefully ill is terrifying, and worse, you’re by yourself and sick too.
“Avery, are you alright, sweetheart?” he asks.
Avery is understandably in tears. She heaves and nothing comes out but spit, so he sits down heavily next to her and wraps an arm over her trembling shoulders. “Deep breath,” he says, “super deep breath. You’re okay.”
He works Avery through the last of her throw up. He can hear you placating the baby, your voice shaky.
“Let’s go get in the bath,” he says quietly, “should we?”
It’s dangerous to leave Avery in the bath alone, so he puts a towel on top of the toilet lid and sits her down.
“I’m gonna get Dove and you’ll both have a bath.” He rubs her back, heart broken by her little downcast face, her cheeks shiny with tears. “I’m gonna make it all better, baby, I promise,” he says slowly, offering his pinky to her.
She holds up her own, so much smaller, and they shake on it.
He doubles back for Dove and, unfortunately, the worst has happened. You’ve chucked up, mostly in the bowl, but enough on the sheets to need changing, and there are tears bumping down your cheeks. Dove is screaming like she’s in agony. It’s awful.
“Pass her over to me,” he says.
Your lips part.
“It’s okay, babe, just pass her to me,” he murmurs, hands replacing yours under her armpits. “You want to strip off and come in the bathroom too? The smell…”
“I’m sorry for shouting, I probably gave you a heart attack- I don’t know, I was being silly,” you say.
“You were not.” He pats Doves lower back until she’s calmed down enough to hear himself think. He can’t stay in here with you as much as he wants to, worried about Avery, and a little about Beth. “Come on, you can have a bath next.”
Steve gets Avery and Dove in a warm bath and it calms everybody down. You sit on the toilet seat in your underwear looking miserable and embarrassed and tired and he takes what time he can to squeeze your naked calf.
“You’re wet,” you faux-complain, mouth full of toothpaste and your toothbrush.
“I’m damp at best. So dramatic.”
He washes the sick out of Avery’s hair and Dove entertains herself with a rubber duck. Avery enjoys having her hair washed, eyes slipping closed as Steve massages her little head.
“How are you feeling, Dovey?” you ask, reaching across the lip of the tub to smooth back her wet hair.
“Duckie,” she cheers, brandishing her yellow friend at you.
Your smile is soft. “Duckie,” you repeat. “Does he have any water in his tummy?”
She squirts it at you. Point proven.
He gets Avery out and wraps her up in a towel that’s yards too big for her. Beth ventures into the room with tired eyes, and she looks unhappy to be missing out on bath time. She loves playing with her mermaid dolls.
“You want one with mommy?” you ask.
Beth smiles so wide that Steve wants to take a picture.
When he’s wrangled both sicky girls into new pyjamas, he asks Avery if she’ll entertain Dove for a little bit. It’s more of a hope than a true request. Avery nods seriously and grabs one of her picture books, sitting by her baby sister on the pillows decorating her bedroom floor.
He changes the ruined sheets in your bedroom, throws them in the laundry, pushes open the bedroom window to circulate some clean air and then makes his way to the bathroom with the sick bowl to pour the contents down the toilet. You and Beth sit across from each other in the bath. Even though you’re sick, Steve thinks this might be one of the most important moments of Beth’s life. Carving alone time with you, your hands rubbing soap over her little shoulders while you murmur praises at her, it’s incredibly sweet. He’s sorry to ruin it.
“You’re squeaky clean, baby, I barely gotta scrub you, such a clean girl. My Beth’s always been neat, huh?”
Steve washes his hands. Beth, bubbles up to her neck, says, “Hi, daddy. You’re coming in?”
“Not me. I don’t think you can fit me. And mom does the best job, anyways, she gets rid of all the stink.”
“Stink!” you deny. You have to clear your throat after. Your smile doesn’t wane. “She does not ever stink because she’s a princess, thank you very much, daddy.”
Back to Avery's room. So much of being a parent is retracing your steps, walking the same distance over and over and over. He encourages the girls into the bathroom and helps them brush their teeth, which Avery thinks is, “Weird as heck. You’re s’posed to brush your teeth after dinner.”
“But you’ve been sick,” he reminds her, kneeling with one knee in a puddle, Dove’s chin pinched between his finger and thumb as he brushes her tiny pearls gently.
“But we’ll have to brush them again,” she whines.
“I brushed my teeth too,” you say now wrapped in a towel, rubbing Beth’s hair with the hood of her bath-poncho.
“You’re a grown up.”
“So?” Steve asks, genuinely laughing. “What’s that got to do with anything?”
“Mom does stuff she hates all of the time!”
“Like what?”
“Like kissing you,” Avery declares.
You burst into laughter, which does not help his case. Avery laughs because you’ve laughed. Beth and Dove are easily infected, leaving Steve one against four and feeling bullied. You apologise profusely when you see his theatrical heartbreak and offer him a kiss to prove you don’t mind it. You won’t actually give him one when he puckers up.
“If you get sick too, we’re screwed.”
He leads his girls down the stairs in a freshly made procession and insists they all sit at the dinner table, you included. From there, he doles out Pepto Kids, crackers, watered down apple juice and forehead kisses. Beth doesn’t need any Pepto, and she gets some secret peanut butter on her crackers. He worries anything too rich will prompt a third upheaval for the rest.
You get regular old Pepto, and you hate it. “I’m having flashbacks,” you mumble. Pepto is a great anti-nausea medication, and you’d reaped its benefits heavily during pregnancy three.
Maybe he’s biassed on who needs more kisses. He lays them thick from one end of your forehead to the other and then, finally, sits down in the chair next to Dove with a tired groan.
Her hand reaches across the gap for his. She holds his finger with one hand, offers a cracker with another. “Dad,” she says warmly.
He takes it. If he gets sick, he gets sick. There isn’t a world that exists where he has the power to say no to her.
requests are open for more of this au <3 pls consider a reblog if u enjoyed cos im an attention seeker and they make me happy, thanks for reading!!! <3
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angelofd3athandd0gs · 2 months
The Marauders As Things My Friends/Family And I Have Said Part 2:
Sirius: I wanna start a gang war
James: DO IT
Remus: DO IT
Sirius: Annoying over powerful
James: *standing in a corner* I have a cramp. So I have to fix it
Remus: It looks like you're trying to dissolve into the wall
Sirius: Holding up the house?
Peter: I thought they were peeing...
Remus: *on his tenth caffeine source of the day*
Regulus: Your immune system has gotta be screaming for help
James: It's been doing that since they were 5
Remus: It try to kill me first
Reggie: TRUE
Lily: *talking about Snape* He's nice.
James: stops walking He's what?
Remus: Why'd you go boom boom and then yay???
Barty:Repeated "no hibbity dibbity"
Evan: Beetlejuice BEETLEJUICE
James: FORTHELOVEOFGODLETUSTHROUGH gangnam style to intimidate
Sirius: screams "ring" into a doorway
Remus *after catching Jegulus in the commons* : What do you know about the guy your best friend was found with?
James: What do you know about the guy you're running around with? Remus: TOO MUCH
Barty *during a shared trial with Sirius*: For someone who's son is dead, you don't seem-
Regulus: I thought I just had a touch of the tism. But NOPE. Depression
Sirius: Is there a trojan horse inside my kneecap? Is there like spartans tryna stab their way out?
Remus: Wow. Almost every word of that was wrong
Snape: falls asleep
James: Put a stick in it
Remus: Y'know, that's a delicacy in france
Barty: Damn, looks like we're all down with the sickness.
Evan: Oh aa-aaa-aa FUCK
Remus: Do you actually need something or are you just being stupid?
Sirius: are those the only two options?
Remus: ....Yes
James: chokes Jesus-
Sirius: I feel like I'm high
James: i wish I was high
Sirius: you wanna get high?
James: we could get high?
Sirius: we can get high
James: Bet
Regulus: I should probably eat something
Pandora: Yeah, but you won't
Regulus: I- How would you know?
James: How long has it been since you ate anything of substantial value?
Regulus: like…… A week maybe a week and a half…. Okay point made-
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intercal · 3 months
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OK full hat collection because I love my hats since they are almost all gifts. you get a long post about my hats because it's MY blog, after all. I feel like I'm still missing one or two, but this is at least my regular rotation.
top (left to right):
very dark green (looks black in this light) is one of my oldest that I've had, idk when my mom made it, like 2015 or 2016? I've worn this one a lot since I've had it for so long, it stretches out a lot when I wear it enough and then it shrinks back down when it's washed.
light blue alpaca wool hat that my grandma got for me in 2021. I've worn this one pretty casually but it's in the rotation. It's comfy and keeps me warm, that's all you need baby
blue and white striped hat, knitted by my mom a long time ago too, maybe 2018. one of my faves because it's a thinner hat so I can wear it when it's warm.
deep blue hat, the only hat that I've purchased myself, I got it a long time ago and recently unearthed it because I prefer my mom's hats.
gray/black dissolve, made by my mom I think in 2019 or 2020 I think. another one of my favorites that I wear out a lot. it's also thin, so I wear it when the weather gets warmer.
light gray, made by my mom last year! It's soft and I like it a lot, very warm and keeps the slouch that I like my hats to have.
blue/white/brown/green stripey, also made by my mom last year, I believe. this is a freakin HAT. it keeps you warm and it's got an awesome design and colors and I love it a lot. I got a lot of mileage out of this hat this past year, it's awesome and one of my favorites.
gray worm hat, this was made by my mom in maybe 2017? this is one of the hats that I don't really wear that often, it was more of a "eh this is weird, let's try it" and I don't think I like the design that much. my mom knows, and that's how things go sometimes. I wore it out a few days ago and it looked kinda like a rasta hat and I don't really like that style. oh well, my mom still made it, so I will hold on to it!
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rou-luxe · 3 months
babe wake up tragic yaoi dropped *THIS ACCOUNT DOES NOT USUALLY POST ALNST FANTHEORIES. IF THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT THIS IS NOT THE PLACE. theories / commentary / spoilers under the cut
I don't know 100% ALNST lore... most of this is speculation I think some people have commented on this already but apparently the one in the couple who wears white dies (Sua, Ivan) Following this pattern, Hyuna x Luka's relationship is complicated but if we go by that Luka is dying next round... But the next round is Till vs Luka, which would be different from the pattern (Sua vs Mizi, Ivan vs Till)... so maybe to complete the pattern Hyuna puts herself in instead of Till. mom pick me up I'm scared On top of that, Ivan wore black before, but switched to white. Does this have to do with something... (Was Till supposed to die instead...) Luka and Hyuna evidently have VERY different singing styles though so that would be interesting def Also the characters look older (not only the haircut man... they're taller) so I wonder... how much time has passed in ALNST??? and is it proportional to irl time (probably not) Not sure about the other videos I need to check but this time there are human spectators amongst the aliens in the crowd for the first time??? is alnst so powerful that they want to watch the showdown too??? Till sounds like he's about to break poor bb Till's lyrics in the beginning start off hopeless, asking someone to hurt him. To dissolve and drown in someone, to become one with them. Definitely Mizi. When Till's master shoves his face towards the newspaper, he's probably telling him to snap out of it, sing properly and let go of Mizi??? Then Till gets his ahh beat and he reaches for Mizi, his one hope in the darkness "Icy lips" - he already thinks Mizi is dead??? Ivan's eyes look empty. interruption from mizisua sponsor /j Even though the MIZISUA video is more of a backstory video, it also suits Round 1. I think it might suit Ivantill as well hold on When Mizi and Sua found each other (refer to MIZISUA video), Sua has lost hope already, but Mizi's love gives her some hope in the dark. Then they are torn apart, but still want to be together. The one who lives (Mizi) is in grief. Ivan's empty eyes look like he has lost hope, just like Sua. Till gave him a reason to keep going (see: Black Sorrow, their relationship shown in Cure <- this video)
Back to the video Till laying there by himself, Ivan moves the (muzzle?) restriction, maybe to help him breathe Ivan's verse reflects Till's but it's different in multiple ways "Cold words" - Referring to Till? (well... till has always been naturally sassy...) Similar to Till's statement in the first part, Ivan is saying that Till can break him apart and build him back again (mend) I guess they fought and became friends 💀 "I'll drown in you" as well. Till would sacrifice himself for Mizi, Ivan would sacrifice himself for Till (CRIES) Ivan feels "seen" by Till, Till wants to dissolve in Mizi's gaze Why does he reach for the back of Till's neck? Till unawares (sleeping)? Are the two somewhat related? Ivan reaches for Till (love) but Till unaware (once again 💀) Consume me + licking the blood from Till's wound. they really want to become one person don't they 2:46 Ivan turns away from the camera is he giving Till a kiss on the cheek or is he whispering something to Till in his sleep we'll never know
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"We shall dance", with "our story". TOGETHER. THEY WANT TO BE TOGET- *gets shot* PLEASE LET THEM BE YAOI AGGHGH everlasting memory this moment will last forever THE KISS SCENE I WAS SO HAPPY AT FIRST AND THEN WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED I rewatched this video too many times the animation just too pretty man 😭 Till pushes him away I noticed this in a lot of promo arts and stuff because yk Mizi
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okay back to the video Ivan's expression when he chokes Till kind of looks like him looking down at the camera like he did at the end of Black Sorrow am I reading too into this Till gives up. He doesn't even fight the choking. Normally this would be uncharacteristic but yk Mizi 😭😭 I'm confused how Ivan gets hit??? I think it's bullets but who knows maybe the rain is possessed or maybe Ivan did it himself Like in Till's song (it's been confirmed by the creators that Till killed his enemy to win apparently), if the enemy is killed then you win. Ivan sacrificed himself so Till could win, so Till could live There was also a theory I read that Luka was pissing off Mizi so she would fight back, so she would continue living BUT LUKA IS A WHOLE OTHER STORY THIS ISN'T ABOUT LUKA WE'RE TALKING ABOUT IVANTILL At the end of MIZISUA video, Mizi wakes up crying in the rain. Till stands in the rain staring at Ivan's corpse (but we don't see the body) The light is focused on Ivan, not Till. The light of Ivan's life has been snuffed out, but it also leaves Till in darkness I was expecting Till to make some sort of movement once the lights turned off but nope omg Luka vs Till... Till is gonna kill his ahh for disrespecting Mizi 💀 THE OTHER YAOI DUO!! WHAT HAPPENED TO HYUNA BRO IS MAMA GONNA DIE WHO INTRUDED imagine if the intruder was luka that would be so funny also there is a heavy heartbeat motif in the kick drums for the song omg there is no heartbeat during the music when - Kid Ivan stares deadly at the camera (it stops there) - Ivan enters stage - They build the heartbeat motif again slowly during the backstory part - back to life. Starts with a single kick then double - Ivan is falling insert ivantill my god my universe memes again, Till is literally Ivan's reason for living
thank you for reading my nonsense ramblings it's 3:30 am Ivantill is worth staying up any day THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD I am CRYING 🔥🔥 WE COPE GOOD NIGHT might draw ivantill fanart... doubt I have time though
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d1g1tald1saster · 11 months
A lot of QSMP incorrect quotes
prepare yourself
Slimecicle: I would never say that my wife is a bitch and I don’t don’t like them. That’s not true… My wife is a bitch and I like them so much!
Foolish: Yum, thanks! 
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it. 
Etoiles: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun. 
Jaiden: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people. 
Bad: Underestimate me. That'll be fun. 
Slimecicle: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you? 
Philza: My knee just cracked so loudly that I half expect it to glow in the dark tonight. 
Forever: *slowly pushes a cannon into a 17th century bank* Okay everyone, be cool. This is a robbery. 
Roier: My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look. 
Cellbit: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously. 
Jaiden: My aesthetic is "would be suspected of witchcraft by small town citizens." 
Slimecicle: Operation no more distractions is a go! 
*not even 10 seconds later* 
Slimecicle: Oh, look! A butterfly! 
Roier: Drink your school, stay in drugs, and get 8 hours of drugs. 
Bagherra: The only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable... ...and also assault with a deadly weapon. 
Quackity after the show: I have been tricked, I have been backstabbed, and I have quite possibly been bamboozled. 
Bagherra: What, I can’t be in a bad mood? It’s like people think, “Oh, Bagherra is such a nice person, Bagherra is so happy-go-lucky! Bagherra can’t be in a bad mood!” Well, you know what? Bagherra CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Bagherra IS be in a bad mood. 
Forever: If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank you" is all I need. 
Forever: Not all this "how did you get into my house" business. 
Badboyhalo: My expectations were low but holy fudge. 
Quackity: When I see initials carved into a tree with a heart I think it’s so romantic. Two lovers on a date... one of them carrying a knife for some reason. 
Quackity: Assert your dominance over your friends by kicking them in the face, and then giving them a little smooch on the forehead! 
Slimecicle: The waiter at Olive Garden has been grating my cheese for 6 hours now, waiting for me to say when. Customers are screaming. Three people have died. 
Slimecicle: I will not yield. 
Badboyhalo: I just learned a way to get furniture cheap. Steal it! 
El Mariana: I love saying 'fuck me' because it can either be sexual or self-loathing and those are two things that describe me perfectly. 
Etoiles: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat. 
Badboyhalo: I'd roast you, but my mom says you can't burn trash. 
Badboyhalo: *slow-mo walks out of the room* 
Roier: I can't believe there's a cat somewhere in my house. Amazing feeling. Love cats. And he's here, in my house! Somewhere! And I may encounter him! What a treat. 
Etoiles: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude. 
Jaiden: I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally. 
Foolish: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches. 
Roier: Why are you on fire?  Badboyhalo: This is just how my day is going.
Slimecicle: Murder literally doesn’t hurt anyone! 
Wilbur: What are you talking about? Of course— 
Etoiles, holding out a hand to shut Wilbur up: No, no, they have a point— 
Badboyhalo: Well, Forever and I finally did it! 
The rest of the squad: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.* 
Badboyhalo: That's right... We held hands! 
Roier: To everyone who has treated me poorly; I am sexier than you. 
Roier: Wait, if baby oil dissolves condoms, what does it do to babies? 
Cellbit: Believe it or not, babies and condoms are made of different materials. 
Jaiden: It’s like rock paper scissors. Baby oil defeats condom, baby defeats baby oil, condom defeats baby. 
Bagherra from across the room: Rock also defeats baby!
Philza, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea? 
Forever: Tea, please~
Philza: Wrong. It's coffee. 
Slimecicle: I’m gonna die alone. 
Wilbur: Slimecicle, you’re not gonna die alone. 
Slimecicle: Mariana, was my safety net, okay? We got divorced and now I have to get a snake. 
Quackity: Uh-huh. Why is that? 
Slimecicle: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face. 
Slimecicle: So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Man With A Snake”, you know? Crazy snake man. 
Slimecicle: Then I’ll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE MAN! 
Forever I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship. 
Badboyhalo: These are handcuffs. 
Forever: Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime! 
Badboyhalo: I want to be like a caterpillar. 
Forever: Explain?
Badboyhalo: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful. 
Forever: You know they have a lifespan of a week, right? 
Badboyhalo: That's just another highlight! 
Bagherra: My stomach growled super loud in French. 
Bagherra: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during a meet up with the French creators. 
Badboyhalo: Bonjour. 
Cellbit: Le growl. 
Forever: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette. 
Foolish: *sucking on a popsicle* 
Roier: Pfft, you practicing for when Vegetta gets here? 
Foolish: *takes a huge ass bite out of the popsicle* 
Roier: *Concern* 
Badboyhalo: Hey, if you type in your password, it'll show in stars. 
Badboyhalo: ********* see! 
Foolish: hunter2 
Foolish: Doesn't look like stars to me. 
Badboyhalo: Foolish: ******* 
Badboyhalo: That's what I see. 
Foolish: Oh, really? 
Badboyhalo: Absolutely. 
Foolish: You can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2. 
Foolish: Haha, does that look funny to you? 
Badboyhalo: Lol, yes. See when YOU type hunter2, it shows it to us as ******* 
Foolish: That's cool. I didn't know this site did that. 
Badboyhalo: Yup. No matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as ******* 
Foolish: Awesome. 
Foolish: Wait, how do you know my password? 
Badboyhalo: Er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause it's your password. 
Foolish: Oh, ok. 
Etoiles: Slash gamemode creative. 
Bagherra: Dude, this isn't Min- 
Etoiles: *starts levitating* 
Jaiden: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Max and Quackity's convo? 
Badboyhalo: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. 
Jaiden: I'm in the washing machine. 
Foolish: I'm in the closet. 
Badboyhalo: We accept you Roier. <3
Foolish: No I'm literally in the closet. 
Badboyhalo: Love is love. <3 
Badboyhalo: I've connected the two dots. 
Foolish: You didn't connect shit. 
Badboyhalo: I've connected them. 
Bagherra: Bagherra! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover. 
Forever: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii 
Philza: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this? 
Badboyhalo: You sound like the start of a Batman villain. 
Philza: So, Wilbur is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night. 
Chayanne: Why? 
Philza: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row. 
Wilbur, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass. 
Roier: We need a diversion. I say Cellbit gets naked. 
Cellbit: No. 
Roier: I could get naked. 
Everyone: NO!!! 
Badboyhalo: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. 
Badboyhalo: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time. 
Slimecicle: Hello, McDonald's, I would like to purchase 130 chicken nuggets. Prepare yourselves. 
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
LOL Sev snitched on Rynn to Fixer 😂 But it’s cause they love her so I’m sure she’ll forgive them
Fixer has mom vibes sometimes, lol. Poor Rynn just didn't want to worry anyone.
"Can't believe you used superglue," Fixer grumbles as he carefully applies the gel that will dissolves the superglue holding her side together, "What were you thinking?" Rynn's lower lip juts out in a pout, "I was thinking that I didn't want to bleed to death." Fixer's fingers twitch against her side, "You said that the mission wasn't that dangerous. That's what you said when you came back." "It wasn't dangerous. I was just careless." He prods a bruise, one of the ones that Sev hadn't been able to treat, and then he applies some bacta to the sore spot. There's a frown on his face. Rynn stares at him, and then wilts slightly, "You're mad." "I'm not." "You are. I can tell." He scowls at her, "Using the Force is cheating, Rynn." "I'm not using the Force, I can tell by the look on your face." Fixer pulls away slightly, "I don't like it when you get hurt. In fact, I hate it. We all do. And yet, you insist on going out and getting hurt anyway. What's worse, you won't tell us how this happened." She frowns at him, "I'm not keeping it a secret to hurt you, Fixer. It's really not that important." He leans against the bed, "If it isn't that important, then tell me." "The speeder I was on crashed." Rynn replies honestly, "I was standing on it, trying to make it stop, and it crashed." "...you're joking." "I'm not." Fixer's one of the few people actually able to tell. He sighs, "Fine. Just...be more careful, alright?"
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thebreadvansstuff · 6 months
Harry is addicted to candy canes, which never mattered before his boyfriend was a dentist.
Related to my Dentist Fic
Holiday season has always been Harry's favourite time of the year.
It's about the presents, the festive decorations, the hopefulness it brings. And, obviously, it's about the food.
He's always anticipated his mom's coffee pudding at the end of Christmas dinner, or his aunt's trifle and yule log.
While he's away from home, though, he tames his cravings with candy canes. Anywhere he can, he adds them; hot cocoa, peppermint cookies, even cupcakes.
It's his favourite thing, along with wearing ugly sweaters and forcing his boyfriend to watch animated Christmas movies with him.
It's a miracle that Louis, older and more mature than Harry (as it seems), hasn't complained about watching The Grinch twice already - ten whole days before Christmas.
So it comes as a surprise when he complains about the candy canes.
They're on the couch, watching The Polar Express (as per Harry's insistence), bowl of candy canes in front of them on the coffee table.
Harry has to jostle Louis a little in order to grab one from the bowl, and Louis sighs when Harry repositions himself in Louis' arms, snuggling close again.
He pulls the blanket up to their chins, and rips the plastic wrapper with his teeth, twisting it off and setting it aside.
He starts sucking on his treat, feeling the sugar dissolve on his tongue and lapping it up happily. He hums like the cat that got the cream and then takes the stick off his mouth with a pop.
"D'you want some?" he asks Louis, angling it towards him.
Louis eyes him incredulously, like even Harry's offer is scandalous.
"You're no fun," Harry huffs jokingly, sucking the candy back into his mouth.
"Cavities are no fun," Louis grumbles beside him.
Harry scoffs. "As if I could ever get one. You won't let me go to bed without brushing my teeth, even when you've fucked me into oblivion!"
Louis shuffles in his seat, shaking Harry's arm off of his lap. "You think sleeping with my spunk in your mouth is a good idea?"
Harry clicks his tongue, sticking the candy cane back in his mouth. Pushing it with his tongue to the side of his mouth, he mumbles "'S not that big a deal."
Out of nowhere, Louis' hand appears in front of Harry's face, and he pulls the candy cane out of his mouth.
"No, Harry. You eat too much sugar!"
Harry sits back on the couch with a frown and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
"Lou, you're not my dentist. You're my boyfriend right now, so act like it."
Louis exhales deeply before he gives the candy cane back. "Okay. I'm sorry."
Harry wraps his lips around it as a smile slowly spreads across his face.
"I know I can be too much sometimes. I only do it because I care," Louis admits.
Harry presses a sticky kiss to Louis' cheek, whispers, "I know."
"Don't eat any more of these, though, okay?" Louis adds, poking Harry's nose with his forefinger.
Instead of giving an answer, Harry distracts Louis with a sugary kiss.
Louis wraps his arm around Harry's shoulders again, snuggling in close. He pets Harry's hair while he finishes his treat.
But then. He craves more.
He focuses on the movie again, bites his lip to distract himself somehow. He grows restless all too soon, finds his fingers tingling to reach for the bowl.
"Need to go to the loo," Louis announces at some point. He pecks Harry's cheek and walks off, leaving Harry all to tempted to go for one more candy cane.
It's only one more. How bad could it be?
Fuck it.
He quickly unwraps one and sticks it in his mouth before Louis has time to return and stop him.
He licks up its length like a treasured treat, humming happily. That is, until there's a tap on his shoulder.
Harry tilts his head back in slow motion, seeing Louis' face upside down, though the clench of his jaw is unmistakable.
"Let me explain?" Harry squeaks.
"Give me that," Louis snarls, holding Harry's jaw still and pulling out the candy cane.
Harry pouts. "C'mon! I need to keep my mouth occupied..."
"Find something else, then! You're not eating that!"
Harry huffs as Louis sits down again. He stares down at his hands on his lap and settles on biting his nails.
Louis slaps his hand away from his mouth. "What are you doing?" he scolds. "You have an oral fixation, you know that?"
Harry looks away guiltily.
Louis' voice softens this time, and he caresses Harry's arm. "We need to find a healthy way to redirect you," he says.
Harry bites his lip. "Any ideas?"
Louis seems to think about it for a moment. And then he smirks. "I think I may have one."
Harry spends the rest of the night on his knees.
At least, he keeps his mouth occupied.
Send me a line, and I'll write a snippet - X-MAS edition!
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tailoredshirt · 5 months
Lily's bloodwork came back and she has hyperthyroidism, so she has to take meds twice a day now. She notices when I chop/crush the pill and hide it in pureed cat treat, and I'm 98% certain she won't eat those pill pockets, which is what I used for my old cat Annie. Bless her, she was on so many meds and would usually eat whatever. Anyway, I've been crushing up the pills and dissolving them in water with a bit of the pureed cat treat for flavor, then giving her the liquid via syringe. (The pills are temporary until I can pick up the liquid version tomorrow.) But there is nothing I hate worse than holding down my cat and forcing liquid down her throat so fast that she has to choke on it. (If I do it too slowly she wiggles free and we have to do it all over again.) I feel like the worst cat mom. She's so sweet about it, but I don't want her to hate me. :( She starts moving away if I approach her after giving her the med.
I don't give her treats since she's always been a bit overweight, but maybe I'll start, as a reward.
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Omega strikers incorrect quotes (part 3!!)
(yes I’m going to make a new one each time a new strikers shows)
Finii: Watcha doin? Vyce: Stealing my neighbour’s cat. Finii: Scandalous. Finii: Can I help?
Luna: Don’t stay up all night, Atlas! Last time you got sleep derived you tried to eat your own shirt!
Juno: You have to apologize to Asher! Luna: Fine! Luna: Unfuck you, or whatever!
Estelle: So, are you two dating now? Kai & Era: Yes. Estelle: Why? Kai: I happen to find Era very appealing. Estelle: Yeah, I can understand that. I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with Era.
Era: Today at 7 am, X poured a Monster energy drink in his coffee, said "I'm going to die" and drank the whole thing. Kai: I watched X brew his coffee with Monster instead of water. Three cups in two hours. I think he’s ascended into the astral realm. Rasmus: The survivability of the human race never fails to amaze me. 💌🎀☁️🌈✨🌛⭐️🌜✨🌈☁️🎀💌
Era: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Kai a little bit. AiMi, holding Era's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation. Era: No, that's our joint tombstone. AiMi: My mistake. 💌🎀☁️🌈✨🌛⭐️🌜✨🌈☁️🎀💌
Zentaro, watching power lines fall down: AiMi, Finii! The town is exploding and it's very pretty!
Vyce : Wait, if baby oil dissolves condoms, what does it do to babies? Octavia: Believe it or not, babies and condoms are made of different materials. Asher: It’s like rock paper scissors. Baby oil defeats condom, baby defeats baby oil, condom defeats baby. Atlas: Rock also defeats baby.
Kai, about Rasmus: I could fix him, but honestly whatever the hell is wrong with him is way funnier. Rune: That's what any god probably thinks about me.
Drek’ar : :) Rune: >:( Drek’ar : Turn that frown upside down! Rune: ):< Drek’ar : Not sure what I was expecting…
Store Worker: Would a “Estelle” please come to the front desk? Estelle, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker, pointing to Juliette and Dubu: I believe they belong to you? Juliette and Dubu, simultaneously: We got lost. Estelle: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me—
Finii: My heart is guarded but like… very poorly. The kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an R rated movie.
Rune: And now for a gay update with Estelle and Asher . Estelle: Getting gayer. Rune: Thank you, Estelle.
Rasmus: Hey Estelle. Estelle: *punches Rasmus in the stomach* Rasmus: What the fuck? Estelle: You are one of my very best friends. And I cannot stand by and watch you throw away your life like this. You're too young... YOU'RE TOO BEAUTIFUL! Rasmus: What the fuck are you talking about? Kai: hey guy- Estelle: I'm talking about the baby that's growing inside of your belly right now. Kai: See ya! *leaves * Rasmus: I'm not pregnant! Estelle: Well, not after that punch you're not. I've been taking muay thai classes. Rasmus: I was never pregnant, Estelle! Estelle: Are... you sure? Rasmus: Yes I'm fucking sure! Rasmus’s mom: I'm sorry, but why the fuck is everybody yelling over here? Estelle: Oh, I found this positive pregnancy test and - Rasmus’s mom: *punches Rasmus in the stomach* Rasmus: AW, MOTHERFU-
Juliette: Can I have a private talk with you? Asher: Okay, as long as it’s not about tampons because I just don’t understand them.
Asher: I literally cannot believe I let you talk me into this. X: I literally said “I have an idea,” and you just went along with it without question.
Zentaro: Whoa, Luna, what’s up with that angry face? Luna: Finii won’t stop talking about how “Ancient Egyptians were furries”. Finii : But they were! Just looks at all their gods- Luna: Oh my god, SHUT UP!
Finii : Tell Octavia off, Juno! Assert yourself! Juno: That's my ice cream! Finii : Good! Now let her have it!! Juno, handing Octavia the ice cream: Here, you can have it!
Everyone is playing a board game together AiMi: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'. Zentaro : I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'. Luna: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'. Atlas: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'. Luna: *flips the board*
Vyce : Dumbest scar stories, go! Dubu: Dubu! (I burned my tongue once drinking tea.) Juliette: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and it burned. Luna: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade. Asher: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it in my hand and I got a really bad burn. Zentaro: I have emotional scars.
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
It's always so funny to me when people say Billy wouldn't be extremely dramatic over literally any scenario. They always assume he'd be stoic and disinterested, but I disagree.
Like, c'mon, have y'all seen this man? He screams Drama Queen, will bite if too excited!!
Steve would tell Billy they couldn't hangout that day because his parents need help around the house, and Billy just absolutely starts bawling his eyes out. He's not particularly hurt, he knows that Steve would rather spend the day with him, but the thought of not seeing Steve for 24 hours has Billy's bottom lip wobbling. Steve would panic, immediately throwing out suggestions to the boy, asking if he'd like to come over and help out? His parents adore Billy, because what sane person didn't fall in love with his stormy blue eyes, and sweet smiles? Billy worked so hard to be able to wear that smile, and gods, was it the most beautiful thing Steve has ever seen.
Billy would immediately stop crying at the offer, his eyes lighting up as he scrambles to crawl into Steve's lap, "do you think your mom will let me fix that fucking lamp now?" At that, Steve let out a laugh. It had been a recurring argument between his mother and boyfriend.
One morning Billy had been over, as he always was, he was making him and Steve breakfast when the front door slammed shut, the noise muffled by the various sounds of him cooking and soft music filtering out the speaker on the counter.
He hadn't heard the Harringtons come in, and had only been privy to their presence when Mr. Harrington let out a rather high pitch scream, Billy following suit with a loud shout of his own, but unlike him, Mr. Harrington had flung himself out the room, promptly running into one of Mrs. Harrington's favorite lamps, a lamp she hadn't been able to find in years.
All the yelling had Steve barreling down the stairs and skidding to a halt, "Billy, why are you yelling now?!" Billy for his part let out an indignant gasp, the spatula clutched in his hand waving wildly in the direction of Steve's mother. Because how dare he assume Billy was yelling without real reason.
He hadn't seen her, in all honesty. He rarely saw anyone around him if Billy happened to be there.
"Oh, hey mom! Where's dad?" At that question, a very guilty looking Richard Harrington took his place beside Elena, the lamp in his hands cracked down the middle, with it's wires exposed.
To say that had been an interesting meeting for Billy and Steve's parents, would be an understatement.
Since that day, Billy has tried to get Elena to let him fix it, but she was stubborn and insists she can fix the lamp on her own.
Billy knew he was was free to be emotional with Steve, he never judged him when he got worked up over virtually nothing. If Billy quite literally cried over spilled milk, Steve would scoop him into his arms and coo softly before offering to clean up the mess.
Steve has caught Billy full on sobbing while watching sad movies, I'm talking snot dripping out his nose, chest heaving as the characters he was rooting for met an untimely demise.
Steve still remembers the first time Billy dissolved into tears in front of him, it was after their third date and Steve had called Billy his Tiny Baby upon seeing the boy almost swimming in his borrowed hoodie. Obviously, Steve panicked, immediately apologizing for having upset Billy before the boy was clinging to him and sobbing into his chest.
When his tears ran dry, Billy assured Steve that he was just overwhelmed by the name, but it wasn't a bad overwhelmed. It filled him with a warmth, he hadn't known since the day his mother turned tail and never returned.
He hadn't known what the warmth meant, but over time he learned it was a good feeling. One he would always lean into so long as Steve was there to hold him up.
Soon enough, Steve was being bombarded with a different, softer side to his boyfriend. Each time Billy cried with no shame in front of Steve, or he giggled over some mundane thing, Steve knew another wall had been knocked down and he was that much closer to knowing Billy on a level nobody had never been allowed before.
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catholicdaredevil · 2 years
not if it's you || part six
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eddie munson x gender neutral reader
summary: eddie sneaks in your window and finally the two of you admit to things
words: 1.1k (this is the shortest one)
warnings: readers parents lecturing them, mentions of their dad yelling and doors slamming, first kiss, no gendered pronouns or description, and obviously the poem? quote? thing is not mine
ao3 link
series masterlist
gif credit: @winterswake
so this is the last part of this series and it has been a crazy ride and i'm so thankful for every one reading and caring and letting me know their thoughts i hope this ending is sweet and soft enough for you all and i love you so much 'til next time!!!! [also his smile is so pretty in this gif i'll die]
“You know, we thought you were going to do more than this once you graduated,” Your dad speaks around the food in his mouth, looking towards your mom who nods along with him. The message is the same every time he speaks, that you’re doing nothing with your life, that you’re wasting all of what they gave you, their disappointment in you goes on and on. You’ll take this to yelling, to screaming, but it sours your appetite nonetheless. Your bitterness chokes up your throat, overflowing before you can stop it.
“I think if I didn’t know before, you guys reminding me every single day would make sure that I know now.” Your eyes are glued to the table, too scared to see the reaction to your words. You can hear the rough clink of silverware hitting a dish, your chair screeching in its movement as you stand suddenly. “I’m not hungry anymore.”
Long strides carry you across the house towards the stairs, gaze on your feet, unwilling to meet your mom’s horrified look or see the red creep its way into your dad’s face until he explodes. You’re halfway up the stairs before either one of your parents can respond, stomping on the carpeted path to your room. Your throat is tight and you can feel the impending tears threatening to spill, the familiar weight that carves into your chest. The door swings open under your rough shove but the tears that have welled in your eyes stop the moment you see what’s in your room. Or rather who.
Eddie is laid out on his side, one knee in the air, and hand holding up his head with a grin plastered to his face. A watery laugh works its way out of you and the relief at even just the sight of him is visceral. Eddie sits up and whips a backpack off your floor, pulling out his lunch box full of weed and a walkman with two sets of headphones. You can hear the clatter of tape cassettes filling the bag, shifting as he tugs things out.
“What are you doing here?” You sigh, crossing the room until you can collapse onto the bed next to him, pushing your shoulder into his chest. The weight on your chest dissolves away in his company, nothing but the soft haze of his incorrigible happiness left behind.
“I broke in through your window. Thought you might need a break from all that down there, turns out my timing was pretty good.” Eddie winks, arm wrapping around your torso to pull you further into him. He waves towards your door, rolling his eyes as your dad starts yelling downstairs. For a moment you’re concerned he’ll make his way upstairs but you hear the slam of the basement door instead, and you know he won’t be seen again until tomorrow.
Eddie pulls you back from your worries, with a tight squeeze of his arm around you. He croons, leaning down over your face to make eye contact with you.  “Plus, it’s my job to take care of you, I’m a workin’ man haven’t you heard?” 
His hair hangs over you tickling the skin of your jaw and for a moment you think about moving up, connecting your lips with his smiling mouth and kissing every ounce of love you have into him. But he moves, digging through his bag for the right tape and the moment passes. 
“That sounds like rotten work.” You complain, letting your head fall into his lap and laying your legs out across the bed in front of you. Eddie pauses to look back at you, tape clutched in his hand and his eyes are so intense you’re worried you must have said something to upset him. 
“Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
His words are barely more than a whisper and yet the conviction in them could move mountains as easily as they move you to tears. There’s a quiet sniffle in the silence as you tuck your head into his shirt, no longer able to handle the emotion in his stare. Eddie’s hand moves to cup the back of your head while you cry, not shushing you or rushing you through it. Just comfort. 
When you finally pull back there’s a soft smile on his face and he’s holding up the walkman, having already popped the tape in while you weren’t paying attention. Eddie gently shifts your head out of his lap, crawling around on your bed until he can lay next to you before placing one set of headphones over your ears. He dons the other set and presses play, settling down with his hand just barely touching yours. 
You bridge the gap without hesitation, grabbing his hand into yours and lifting it until the silver rings glint in the last remaining light of sunset that pools into your room through the still open window. You twist and turn his rings as the music plays, so thankful for his apparent and unending knowledge of when you need him most. Eddie flexes his fingers as you go, hand otherwise limp as you move it back and forth relishing in the warmth of his touch. 
Turning to look at him you find that Eddie’s already looking at you, studying your face. It’s all too much, the wave is back and this time it finally drags him under, water filling his lungs and he can’t breathe without you, can’t think without you. The decision is made for him when your mouth ticks up into a smile in reaction to his eyes widening as you catch him staring. Blush dusts across his cheeks but before you can open your mouth to speak he pulls his hand from yours and grips the back of your neck firmly, surging forward to kiss you. 
It’s perfect. 
The cool breeze floating through your room, the quiet music of a new tape Eddie’s made for you, and his soft lips on yours. It’s passionate and dizzying and everything you could have ever dreamed of, all those nights in his bed at a newly shared home. All those mornings that you’d tortured yourself over ‘what if’s’, bending your memories to fit your hopes in a way you weren’t too sure aligned with reality. His love for you pours out of him with every passing second until you’re both gasping for air, foreheads still pressed together. Eddie laughs softly, too much joy inside him to keep it all under wraps.
“I love you,” you breathe, hand resting on his chest, feeling his heart thump erratically. A drumline to your favorite song, a sound that’s tattooed across your chest just over where your own heart is. 
Eddie beams, hand cradling yours to him. He leans in closer, lips brushing against yours as he responds. “Hey, that’s my line.”
fics get reblogged to @h-llfirelibrary!!!!!
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ravenclawwitchc · 2 months
*Kudo Shinichi and Edogawa Conan are brothers AU
*Edogawa Conan is fostered at Ran's place
*Edogawa Conan×Mouri Ran
Bgm: my little airport - 詩歌舞街
The clamorous music, crashing waves, and scent of spirits intermingled with a riot of sounds and lights.
The final chord dissolved into the sudden torrential downpour. Tents sprang up in the camping grounds, footsteps shuffling against each other, and though I refused to admit it, the swell of the crowd momentarily lifted my shoulders, providing a fleeting solace amid the chaos.
"Have a little fun."
It was her farewell when we stumbled upon each other by the tent.
My vision blurred as I recall the moment—was she facing me or turned away? For an instant, I saw her smile, the star-like glints beneath her eyelids, and the ivory nape of her neck as her ponytail swayed. No, the third act happened long ago, when she departed with her luggage, carrying away the summer heat in her wake.
Leaving meant rendering everything null and void; embraces, nestled within her warm embrace, or when she wept within mine, knowing he would never return. Hand-holding and praise, “Don’t run away, Conan, you’re a good boy.” I had to stretch my arm to reach her hand dangling by her side, cold as ice. "Conan is comforting me too," she said. No, comfort doesn't mean I want you to hide away when you cry.
"Hey, hey, Edogawa, are you okay?"
Is there a clear boundary between good and bad? Dizziness engulfs me. Last time I felt this lightheaded, someone was there to take care of me, our foreheads pressed together, her voice transmitting like the delicate flutter of butterfly wings, growing into a turbulent storm within my mind, throat, and scorched heart.
As she rose to fetch medicine, I held her back with little force, and she softened, her tender lips overlapping my cheek. It felt like a kiss—her kiss, tattooed upon me, permanently radiating pain. She no longer uttered those repulsive words, "Conan, that's not how it works," and I no longer had to feign ignorance or exercise those little brother privileges.
"I'm an adult now," I told her.
"Ah? I know, you just had a drink, didn't you?"
The strength that supported me in the crowd paused for a moment.
And then everything just went downhill.
First, it's Shinichi Kudo's return. Second, her boyfriend's return. Third, unfortunately, these two are the same person. Fourth... what was it again? I'm not sure. "Failed deduction" crashed down upon me, mocking my premature sense of victory. I demanded an appeal—I had been misled, given false leads. Mom, Dad, whose side are you on? Why am I the only one on trial?
And her. Ah, yes, she's part of it too.
But it's okay—I would help her escape the courtroom. If she's willing, that is.
At that moment, a car approached, its headlights flickering as if the damp road had frozen over. A slow-motion frame captured light caressing her pale cheek. He stood three steps away, lifting her luggage, then his hand rested on her shoulder—an act so natural it seemed rehearsed countless times. It was time for the curtain to fall on this perfect drama. I found my name listed under the 'cameo role' column, but no one paid me for my role.
When it came to payment, that person did say "thank you" to me, "Thank you for protecting my girlfriend." Truly childhood friends, annoying in exactly the same ways. "Conan, thank you for protecting me," she said, as the spotlight dimmed and rain poured down. Offstage, who held the umbrella at my side?
Her appearance and disappearance were equally abrupt. When she vanished, she bid farewell—“Goodbye, Conan, have fun,”—while her arrival was met with silence. Or was it simply inaudible to me? Inching closer, I realized my error—too close, dampening her clothes with my proximity. Gleaming starry glints, warm breath, her gaze locked onto mine, and a sobering verdict: “Conan, you're drunk.”
A downpour drenched the street in inky darkness, I looked up, the deep blue umbrella was the night sky untouched by rain, her lips were so close. I must be dreaming, how else could it only not rain here? I wanted to kiss her, like I used to, watching her sleeping face on some late night, wondering, were you awake then? I could hear your sudden, shallow breaths. Yet her footsteps glided away, like a startled bird taking flight, and I struggled to hold onto the umbrella, its canopy tilting.
And once again, the rain enveloped me.
Then we began to stroll. The crowd gradually thinned out, finding their tents, finding their cars, finding their friends.
"Where are you?"
I smiled shyly, "Studying at your university."
During her college years, she opted for off-campus housing, with a cozy, warm-hued sofa. I was nine? Or ten? Her friends would pinch my cheeks, calling me cute, and then receiving her comforting ice cream. Her room was our secret hideout, for the girl with a boyfriend abroad and the boy with parents abroad. We were family, chosen by each other.
The kitchen, the balcony, her college campus—the seat where she diligently took notes, the memory of her wiping away my ice cream stains with a napkin.
"How's it going over there?"
That question was a bit difficult to answer. Raindrops splattered on the ground, light spots dancing. For a moment, a certain word was poised on the tip of my tongue, but the ambiguous boundary took effect. I shifted the answer slightly to the right, telling her I was doing fine, Edogawa was becoming a bit of a celebrity at school, breaking cases that would eventually break someone else's records—sooner or later.
She fell silent. Her silence always made me uneasy. I glanced at her, seeing her answer the phone, the sea cucumber on her phone shaking incessantly. Someone else was listening in.
"Sorry, what were you saying just now?"
She turned her head, and I wondered if I should tell her that the rain had smudged her eye makeup. It was like an imprint of scars or tears trampling over her. Tears—they always fell on the rabbit cushion or on me, damp and warm, until I grew too tall to be her pillow.
Does she still cry like she used to?
She changed the subject, trying to spare me the awkwardness, even in my less-than-sober state. How could I tell her that from the moment I begged her to stay, I had cast aside any embarrassment, shame, or pain, or whatever else?
My friend nudged me, “Hey, hey, Edogawa, stop spooking me."
Someone nearby commented, "Who let him drink so much tonight—was it after he met that woman that he started acting up? Do you guys know who she is?"
Who is she?
I pondered, my head aching, throat sore, the tattoo on my cheeks also throbbing faintly. Were they referring to the caring person who held me close late at night, or the despicable one who left without looking back?
Rain is a synonym for mercy, an antonym for flame. Flame had once forced itself upon us, so close and suffocating, so I told them, "She held me and we jumped off the building."
They thought I was joking, and they all burst into laughter.
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