#monster Camp morty
I’ve been replaying the Monster Prom games recently, and I’ve been trying to decipher why I find the meta-humor in those games funny, even charming. Normally meta-humor is one of the biggest turn-offs for a show or game for me. It’s one of the main reasons I stopped watching Rick and Morty after season 3. But, after some thought, I think I’ve finally figured it out.
With the Monster Prom games, the Meta-Humor never seems to come off as the characters hating their genre. Rather, they revel in it. Polly cracks jokes about you having to choose between two equally insane options instead of doing what any rational being would do in that situation. Aaravi gleefully enjoys being an RPG Protagonist in a Dating Sim. You can romance the fucking Narrator. And all of this is enjoyable because, while the characters are aware of the fact that they’re in a video-game, they act in good-humor and enjoy their lives all the same.
Most meta-humor seems to come from the characters resenting the genre they’re in. They joke about how much they hate the dumb story and how contrived it is. It’s always an eye-roll at the camera and it just gets tiresome. Rick and Morty feels like a slog to get through because the characters hate the story itself as well as each other. It just gets fucking tiring.
Deadpool makes jokes about how silly a superhero universe is, but he’s also giddy when he sees Juggernaut and eagerly points out superhero tropes that he enjoys. West of Loathing’s meta-jokes and arguments between player and narrator are charming and part of the fun. Because they all come from a place of genuinely enjoying the genre they’re a part of.
I dunno, just something I wanted to talk about. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go date Vera again.
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red-rover-au · 1 year
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If the ROTTMNT staff gets to frame Baronjitsu yaoi hands in their office, then i get to post Draxum/Morty crackship on my blog
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migeo-art · 1 year
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the other day i played monster roadtrip with friends and uuuuuuhhhhhhh Morty
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wheelie-butch · 4 months
Morty/The Wolfpack is a really funny ship that makes sense in my mind but unfortuantely I think despite Morty's best efforts it would be really difficult to actually get anywhere with it because I think Morty being a hot cool buff sporty guy would activate the Wolfpack's insecurity/competitiveness instincts and they'd like be too hung up on 'WE NEED TO BEAT THIS GUY AS A SPORTS RIVAL' and then be too proud to consider accepting Morty's constant attempts to bang them. It would be a kind of "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" type situation possibly.
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Calculester: How do you cope with mortality?
Damien: Violent outbursts.
Morty: General sluttiness.
Milo: Pretty sure I can’t die.
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ofcourseitsafurry · 2 years
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trashcornertully · 7 months
other fandoms and interests i froth besides monster prom
so I post a lot about the Monster xyz series on this blog because it's been one of my Brain Problems since my wife and I got into playing it mid-lateish last year. however I feel like posting some other stuff I'm into in a fannish capacity so people can Learn About Tully™️
Read more under the cut!
I'm into lots of experimental or 'culty' musicians, composers and bands. I'm also generally into jazz, funk, prog, and jazz-influenced/adjacent styles of all kinds a huge amount
my IRL job is in linguistics and I enjoy learning about languages and grammar, sociology etc. a whole lot. I speak a handful of languages to varying degrees of proficiency
I draw furry art as well even though I haven't really posted it here, and have a roster of OCs and a fursona of sorts. my online domains don't overlap much but maybe they should!!
I don't necessarily know if I'm a part of the 'Adventure Time fandom' but I do quite like the show and have occasionally drawn and written fanworks of it (though I haven't published much online yet and none on my AO3). I'm not gonna crap on people who don't like it, of course (even if some of the things certain people hate about it are things I like, or vice versa).
I'm very much into tabletop games! I'm currently getting into a new game of DnD with some of the folks I played my first campaign with, and occasionally guest in a long-running Pathfinder campaign. I have a ruleset and shared universe I'm working on with the working title of Half Eldritch. I'm still trying to come up with a rule system that feels fresh and fun but isn't overly complicated, but I've been playtesting it every so often with wife and friends.
In a more general sense, I really love monster-type characters and terato stuff, which is probably why Monster Prom was such a big brain activator for me in the first place. I'm really fond of Undertale and Deltarune since way back. I got that ol' Undyne spear of justice in my heart still.
I used to be semi-active drawing OFF fanart when I was a wee lass. I intend to re-play it some time soon, most likely on stream! I'm going to link to my Twitch soon. I have a PNGtuber who's a dino lady named Cindy, lovingly illustrated by my friend Pooks [18+ please!].
Also, Tully isn't my real name, but a pseudonym that I feel comfortable going by in online circles. I actually have a "pseudo-full name" which I intend to publish original fantasy and sci-fi works under one day: Tully Kenneth Wynrad.
Some also know me as Frozen since I've gone by the alias FrozenFruit. This is a name from several years back, and is mostly associated with my furry and video game-related NSFW art. I tend to think of Frozen as my "furry name" and Tully as my "fandom name".
If you want to know more, just send me an ask!
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
Refreshing my vampire lore and, ohhh boy, I'd forgotten about this (which as far as I know has not been explicitly retconned by 5e...):
"Spawn in turn have the same ability to create children in their own image, and they command these children as they are in turn commanded by their creator." - Libris Mortis: Book of Undead (3.5e)
"A [vampire spawn] may create and enslave spawn of its own." - Monster Manual (3.5e)
I laughed. I mean I knew they had that ability in 2e, but to be fair vampire spawn as a different category to vampire didn't quite exist at that point.
They might not be able to do this any more, because 5e nerfed the hell out of vampire spawn, and Larian's taken that at face value, but at the same time, again, there's nothing in the 5e Monster Manual vampire entry to explicitly say spawn can't still do this. It says vampires can and has nothing to say on spawn not being able to. Which yes, technically means they can't, but as it doesn't actually say that and considering that they've always been able to until now...
If you somehow died of complications before meeting the requirements, then you wouldn't have turned. And back in BG2 they could make their own spawn, and I think BG3 should be held to its predecessor's standards... Look, let me have this; the concept that the only reason you didn't have a very awkward morning after talk if he kills you is because Astarion, purely by chance, didn't kill you in a specific way is sending me. Especially because he clearly wouldn't have known that was even a possibility (Cazador's misinformation campaign continues!). Can you imagine how awkward it would be at camp that morning?
The "how do you think our travelling companions taste" conversation would take on a whole new layer too.
Edit: actually thinking on it, the tadpole is canonically repressing some of his vampiric abilities, so if we ignore the 5e retcon then that also might also explain things.
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About Me: Favorite TV Shows
I'm gonna be honest with all of you: I'm not much of a TV show guy. I'm just typically not one who likes sinking a lot of time into something unless it's a video game with a lot to do in it. This is why I review movies; they're typically the perfect length for my easily-distracted ass to take in.
But still, there are plenty of shows that have broken that rule and managed to keep me engaged and coming back for more. Some of these are favorites from my childhood, while some of these are more recent shows I finally decided to watch. It's a nice mix, but the main thing here is that all of these shows are something truly special to me considering I took the time to watch them all.
There's a few honorable mentions to go over. The four biggest ones are The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, and Rick & Morty. I love all four of these shows... for the most part. My issue with all of them is that despite having stretches that are some of the greatest ever in TV history, they also have huge chunks of absolute dogshit to the point it is debated to this day at which point the shows fell off, or if they even managed to get back on. And sure, every show has bad stretches, but with most of these shows being long running programs and all of them being massive cultural phenomena, it sticks out a lot more. Rick & Morty in particular was hit really bad by this. The reason these shows don't get on while I have other long runners with bad stretches on the list is simple: When these shows are bad, they're offensively bad. Like the middle seasons of SpongeBob are bad, but at least they don't have his giant sperms come to life and impregnate his sister's egg to create a giant incest baby or have an overly long sequence in which he vomits after finding out he fucked a trans woman.
Other honorable mentions include: Batman Beyond, Chowder, Catscratch, Codename: Kids Next Door, Fraggle Rock, Good Omens, Malcolm in the Middle, Heroes, Cardcaptor Sakura, Invader Zim, Ben 10, Gargoyles, and The Mandalorian.
30. Captain Planet and the Planeteers
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I had to find a way to squeeze one "so bad it's good" show on the list, but how? Making a show that's pure camp is more difficult than making a movie like that... but they somehow found a way by giving us the adventures of racially diverse eco-warriors fighting against pollution with the held of an absolutely ripped planetary avatar with a green mullet who spouts an endless stream of cheesy puns and one-liners that would make even Schwarzenegger's Mr. Freeze take pause. Every time this show is on, you bet your ass I'm sitting down and watching; it's the most beautiful cheese there is.
29. Bluey
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My wife and I caught this on TV during a Disney vacation and we ended up loving it! This turned out to be a blessing, because a while later we had our first kid and she's obsessed with the show (she's going as Bingo for Halloween this year). It's such a cute, charming children's show with relatable messages for both kids and parents, as well as a shockingly good score. It genuinely is one of the best pieces of children's media out there, much better than shlock like Cailou or Peppa Pig (are those shows even still on?).
28. Jackie Chan Adventures
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Cartoons based on celebrities tend to suck balls, but maybe they were picking the wrong celebrities the whole time. Maybe instead of MC Hammer, they should have picked everyone's favorite homophobic, PETA-supporting Chinese nationalist action star, Jackie Chan! This show is literally the Saturday morning cartoon. It really had it all: Wild animated action, mystical artifacts acquired through Indiana Jones-esque adventures. all sorts of crazy monsters and supernatural entities, and memorable characters like my man Tohru, who walked so Prince Zuko could run.
27. Sailor Moon
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I think everyone remembers their first anime, and this was mine. My mom loved the show, so I ended up watching it a lot back when it was airing on the early iterations of Toonami, and it has made me a lifelong magical girl fan. Maybe Cardcaptor Sakura and PPMM did that whole thing better, but neither show had Sailor Mars, my first anime crush. All that aside, the cheesiness and the sheer earnest power of love and friendship that managed to solve every problem is just peak fiction... I just wish it was nearly as good as the manga.
26. Green Eggs and Ham
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If you told me way back when that someday there would be an adaptation of the Dr. Seuss book famous for containing a very limited number of words that expanded on the story, added drama, and threw in a villain who is a blatant spoof of former president and eternal idiot Donald Trump, I think I might have stared at you in utter confusion. And if you told me this show would actually be good, I'd be doubly confused. Thankfully, the show is really damn good, with an impressive cast and good humor that manages to capture the whimsy of the wubbulous world of Dr. Seuss perfectly.
25. Inhumanoids
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I think everyone has a soft spot for an 80s toy commercial, but where most would pick Transformers, My Little Pony, or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, my favorite of the lot was this obscure gem of a show. It's such a fun introduction of horror and Lovecraftian abominations to a young audience, and a lot of it is still unsettling and dark to this day. D'Compose will eternally haunt my nightmares between that raspy voice and the gruesome transformations he inflicts on his victims. Good shit!
24. Danny Phantom
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Forget that stupid fairy show, this right here is the best thing Butch Hartman ever put his name on. It's a loving tribute to comic book superheroes in the same way Ben 10 was, but I think this show is ever-so-slightly better due to its blend of supernatural and sci-fi working really well (and also it doesn't retcon all magic as being alien energy or whatever the fuck they did with Gwen in the sequel series). The only thing holding it back from a higher spot is how hilariously bad the finale is and the rather scattershot quality of the final season in general. Too many loose plot threads hanging for my taste.
23. The Boys
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Seth Rogen has seemingly made it his mission in life to adapt all of Garth Ennis' work in a way that makes it not suck ass, and boy am I here for it. Adapting one of Garthy-boy's most repulsive and spiteful works and turning it into a genuinely great superhero show that satirizes celebrity culture instead of just taking a huge shit all over comic book superheroes was really the way to go, and watching Anthony Starr and Karl Urban command the screen every time they take center stage is a blast. Sure, it's still gory and lowbrow, but it's done in a way where it's honestly appealing as opposed to whatever the fuck Ennis was doing.
22. Mystery Science Theater 3000
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I mean, it should be pretty obvious that I love this series, right? If you ever had the misfortune of watching a movie at home with me, you'd know I just do not shut the fuck up and spend a lot of the runtime either pointing out trivia or cracking jokes, and it's mostly because of being inspired by this show. It's also partly because I'm annoying, but that's neither here nor there.
21. Batman: The Animated Series
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No fucking duh this is on the list. This is pretty much the definitive portrayal of Batman for a lot of people, one that truly encapsulates everything the character is all about. Kevin Conroy truly owned the titular role, as did his costar Mark Hamill when it came to the Joker, and as if that wasn't enough this is the show that spawned one of my favorite comic characters, Harley Quinn. There's no denying the impact this show has had on Batman as a franchise, but even beyond that it's just a damn good show with really good writing. I sure am glad one of the guys who made it never went and flushed all the good will he garnered from creating this by constantly having Bruce Wayne lust after one of his teenage proteges!
20. Courage the Cowardly Dog
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This show is pretty well-regarded for how it showcased some truly weird and fucked up imagery, but I don’t think any of that would be as resonant without the moments of tenderness and heartfelt emotion, the genuinely amusing slapstick, or the often clever writing. When it comes to episodic shows, variety is king, and this show has that in spades.
19. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
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This show seems to be an answer to a question no one asked: What if they made Family Guy for kids? The black comedy, the negative continuity, the numerous pop culture references, the grossout humor, the musical numbers… it probably wasn’t intentional, but it sure adds up. The biggest difference is that this show is way more consistent in quality and has Jeff the spider, making it the superior show by a mile.
18. Digimon Tamers
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What do you get when you cross the silly monster battles of Digimon with the writing of the man who brought us Serial Experiments Lain and a heaping helping of Lovecraft? You get this show, of course! It’s darker and more psychological than the goofier seasons before it, and while normally I’d balk at a series shifting tone like this, since this was my first ever Digimon cartoon I watched from start to finish I embraced it with open arms. Hell, this show is probably where my love of psychological and allegorical horror came from. And of course the show gave me yet another childhood crush, and if you’ve read the Rhine City stories I co-author you’ll know exactly which character it was.
17. The Twilight Zone
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The brilliance of this anthology series is just the incredibly wide range it has with the supernatural and sci-fi stories. Sometimes you’ll get a resonant and hard-hitting allegory on a social issue, and sometimes you’ll just get a cool, fucked up horror story where some evil little kid can warp reality and holds an entire town hostage to his maniacal whims. I’ve enjoyed every revival they’ve done over the years, but the Rod Serling original just can’t be beat.
16. Stranger Things
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I’ll admit that it’s really the first and fourth seasons carrying this show to #16; seasons 2 and 3 are wildly uneven, with 3 in particular veering close to the shark-jumping ramp with its cartoonish Red Scare stereotypes. But even in the show’s weakest moments, the characters and how they interact with each other have managed to keep me invested. How can I be too mad at season 3 when it gave my boy Steve (the best character) a new BFF, Robin (the other best character)?
15. Elfen Lied
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I think it’s easy to write this show off as overly gratuitous because, well, it is. Everything here is turned up to 11, from the gore and nudity to the drama and tragedy. I kind of feel the same way about this show as I do for V for Vendetta, where if they cut the crucial tragic backstory it would make the work as problematic as the haters say. But with Lucy’s heartbreaking backstory left intact, it definitely elevates the story into something greater. The manga is still (mostly) better, but I have to give the show credit for introducing it to me, and also cutting out the character who constantly pisses herself.
14. Smiling Friends
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Sure, the wacky shitpost humor and the black comedy are great, but can we just stop and marvel at how uncynical the show is? The core concept is a cheerful optimist and a bitter realist work together in a business that helps people be happy, and despite all the hijinks they get into they typically end up succeeding in one way or another. In a world where so many adult animated shows seem to revel in pessimistic nihilism (cough Rick & Morty cough), it’s nice to see a comedy with similar humor but a more optimistic outlook.
13. Ed, Edd n Eddy
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This is one of the absolute funniest shows ever, making great use of the cartoon world to pull off the most wacky slapstick you'll ever see. But I think what truly pushes this series this high is the absolutely fantastic sound effects and music it utilizes. Like, holy shit this show is on another level. It all goes a long way towards making up for the living sexual assault joke that is the Kanker sisters.
12. SpongeBob SqaurePants
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This show dropped almost nothing but bangers for three seasons, gave us one of the best show-to-film adaptations of all time, generated a near endless supply of memes, and was generally just really fucking funny. And sure, it dipped in quality a bit in its middle seasons, but I think the first three to three four seasons are good enough that they can fuck up as much as they want.
11. Invincible
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Gee Amazon, how come you get to have two of the best superhero shows around? Where The Boys is more of a straight deconstruction of superhero tropes, Invincible feels like something of a reconstruction. We still have an evil Superman and morally dubious good guys, but Invincible himself is utterly unyielding in his desire to be good to the point he manages to break down his evil father’s emotional walls and save the world (for the moment) simply by being a loving son. Unwavering goodness even in the face of genuine horror is badass as all hell.
10. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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Not to be a stereotypical weeb, but this show is simply a masterpiece. Now I will admit, the first half of the show was honestly done way better in the original series, and that one also had some interesting takes on some of the characters once it started diverging from the manga. But this series has a much better finale with way better character moments, with stuff like Envy's final fate hitting harder than anything the original show could muster. There's a reason anime fans suck this show's dick so much; it genuinely is that good.
9. A Series of Unfortunate Events
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I’m sure I wasn’t the only one disappointed that the original movie never got a sequel, so my hopes were high going into the Netflix series. Needless to say, I ended up extremely impressed; considering how they managed to incorporate the VFD plotline from the very start instead of throwing it in later in the series, I might even go as far as to call it an improvement on the books. I think the most surprising thing here is that despite expecting NPH as Count Olaf to steal the show, it’s actually Patrick Warburton’s portrayal of Lemony Snicket himself that brings the whole show together.
8. Peacemaker
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I think this one speaks for itself.
7. Futurama
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I love all of Matt Groening's shows, from the loose family sitcom shenanigans of The Simpsons to the great overarching plotline of Disenchanted. But it's really not surprising that the middle ground between tightly-plotted continuity and great humor is my favorite of his works. The best part of the show is no matter how many times it ends, it always comes back and finds new ways to bust your gut and tug at your heartstrings.
6. Gravity Falls
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Disney has had many great TV shows in their time, but quite frankly nothing compares to this animated supernatural mystery series about a pair of twins having their summer vacation at a shitty scam shack. The episodes are mainly episodic with hints at the bigger lore, and it doesn't really ever feel like it's dragging its feet. It also didn't overstay its welcome, telling a fantastic story over the course of two seasons before gracefully bowing out while on top. Very few shows can say they ended in top form.
5. Jane the Virgin
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One fine day I came home from work to find my wife watching this on Netflix. Curious, I sat down and watched it, not expecting much... and then proceeded to become so emotionally invested in the show I spent the rest of the series shouting at the screen as if the characters could hear me. It's sweet, funny, and absolutely ridiculous, a loving tribute to the telenovelas that inspired it, and a blessing unto this world for giving us the gift of Rogelio.
4. Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Yeah, real bold and daring of me to say this is probably the best Western animated series ever, but it’s hard to deny that it’s true. With a rich world, excellent characters, and a strong story it’s to the point where the worst episode would be perfectly fine in any other show, and the best episode doesn’t even feature the titular Airbender at all. It’s just that good.
3. Breaking Bad
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You know me, I love character studies of awful people, and few fictional villains are as awful as the egotistical meth manufacturer Walter White. Watching his rise and fall, the numerous moments where he goes further beyond the pale than before, is endlessly gripping, and the fantastic cast of characters helps keep things just as good even if we aren’t following Walt. Mike, Jesse, Gus, Skyler, the Salamancas, Hank, Saul… all of them are fantastic in their own right and could easily carry their own show. Speaking of which, about that last guy...
2. Better Call Saul
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As much as I think Breaking Bad is objectively the greatest show ever, I prefer Better Call Saul. In hindsight, you can kind of tell Walter was bad from the start, but Jimmy “Saul Goodman” McGill? We watch him go from a morally dubious but ultimately well-intentioned man into the sleazy bastard he was in the original show, and it is genuinely heartbreaking. This show makes you truly dread the moment Jimmy fully becomes Saul, and considering how beloved the funny lawyer man was that is no small feat. The story of a good man falling from grace only to ultimately claw his way back to ultimately reclaim his humanity in the end… it’s beautiful.
1. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
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I don’t think I could possibly overstate the influence this series has had on me and my writing. The personalized superpowers, the meaningful names, the numerous musical references, the unashamed embracement of even the most ludicrous elements of the stories… If you read the Rhine City stuff you can clearly see where I’ve let the JJBA influence seep in. But even outside the influence, it’s just a damn good action/adventure series, with no part being truly bad (4 - 6 are my favorites, though). It’s never a dull moment watching what sort of insane feats the Joestar family and their allies will pull off against the increasingly deadly forces of evil; here’s hoping we get to see Steel Ball Run sooner than later.
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jaysgirlx · 4 months
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hi i'm kleo aka ayo!! i'm a woc, my pronouns are she/her, i identify as pansexual, my personality type is entp, i'm a sagittarius and i'm lawyer in the making.
relationship status: single & heavily confused.
current obsession: a 3ds that i bought since my parents wouldn't let me have one growing up. it's even light pink!!
YES !! anything red, riting, legal studies, comics, animanga, lipgloss, cooking, bell-bottoms, winter, fast replies to texts, late nights, cuddling, over ear headphones, classic literature, legos, mini skirts, videogames, drinks with caffeine, attention, affection, hot pretzels, skateboarding, motorcycles, criminal justice, and always listening to music.
NO !! liars, entitled men, bugs, country music, my insomnia, bad wifi, bad hair days, double standards, pick mes, arriving late to functions, slow walkers, any form of discrimination and being broke.
FAVE SHOWS !! degrassi, suits, carmen sandiego, the bear, criminal minds, abbott elementary, the boys, camp camp, you, bridgerton, inside job, young & hungry, rwby, business proposal, cyberpunk: edgerunners, boy meets world, rick and morty, violet evergarden, atla/lok, and gilmore girls.
FAVE MOVIES !! 10 things i hate about you, atsv, a silent voice, black panther, clueless, httyd & trolls trilogy, now you see me, the princess and the frog, the batman, og monster high, the truman show, barbie, ocean's 8, bullet train, legally blonde, pretty woman and (500) days of summer.
FAVE ARTISTS !! arctic monkeys, bruno mars, megan thee stallion, twice, beyoncé, lady gaga, aepsa, burna boy, mitski, lay bankz, sabrina carpenter, flo milli, jungkook, laufey, sza, the neighborhood, metro booming, the weekend, stray kids, kendrick lamar, davido, willow, doja cat and the strokes.
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Morty from monster camp and monster roadtrip that is all
Hmm... he's wearing too much if you ask me ( ಠ◡ಠ ) like him tho. He looks slutty and I respect that
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wheelie-butch · 5 months
New theory: The Wolfpack are at Camp, but they're at Camp Rival Camp. They tried to come to Camp Spooky with Scott but missed the bus and made their own way, accidentally ending up at Camp Rival Camp and not realising the difference. They only find this out after like 2 weeks in when they go to the Dome at Camp Spooky for inter-camp games and see Scott like 'where the hell have you been man??' but by this point they're too busy sucking and fucking with Morty settled into Camp Rival Camp to leave so stay the rest of the summer.
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renlyslittlerose · 8 months
37 and 43 for the fic writer game perhaps?
You also sent me 7 and 12! So I will answer them all right here~
For this ask game~
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Of Good Men and Monsters blended a lot of Star Wars lore and characters into the world of Buffy, and I am very proud of how I managed to fit everything together. A lot of the characters just lended themselves very well to the universe of Buffy - Dooku and Ventress are already super 'vampire' coded, Ahsoka is a slayer through and through, Obi-Wan gives off such bookish but still brutal Watcher vibes.
But more than that, I also tried to weave Star Wars lore into the story itself, such as using the sarlacc alien as an apocalyptic demon, or an ancient seer named Yoda having visions of wars where men with the same face fought in a war. Sith lended themselves well to a demon death cult that wanted to destroy the veil between the mortal realm and Mortis, and where demons could exist as they believed they ~truly should.
And there are other examples I could use, but they're also spoilers!
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Already answered!
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Fairest Chain of Love, for sure. I'm still posting it, so I understand that a lot of people won't read until something is complete, but it's still not getting quite the response I'd hoped it would, if I am being entirely honest. It's a Fantasy AU (obkin of course), filled with lush romance, a knight and king relationship, political coups and assassins in the night!
Hopefully people will give it a shot! I had a lot of fun writing it, and I don't entirely hate it when I re-read it so I count that as a win haha
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written?
I recently took a love confession in the bitter cold prompt from @gretchenzellerbarnes that I had a lot of fun writing. I also really liked Pushin' on the Floor which was a fill I did for the subanakinfest a few months back!
And, of course, your delicious prompt of obikin camping!!!
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
Hey so....id thought I'd show you the entire list of our rp...so far..
1.Camp camp
2.Hazbin hotel
3.Helluva boss
4.Beetlejuice (the musical)
6.Friday night funkin
7.Deadmen don't do radio plays
9.The owl house
10.Resident evil 8 
11. Luca
15.My hero academia
17.Five nights at Freddy's
18.Star vs the forces of evil
20.F is for family
22.Poppy playtime
23.Learning with pibby
24.Inside job
25.Invader zim
26.We bare bears
27.Don't hug me I'm scared
28.Tell tale heart
29.The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
30.Yandere simulator
31.Smiling friends
33.Gravity falls
36.The marvelous misadventures of flapjack
37.The league of extraordinary gentlemen
39.Baldis basics
41.Turning red
42.Mystery skulls
43.Total drama
44.She ra
45.Demon slayer
47.Rick and morty
48.Scp foundation
49.Bendy and the ink machine
51.The arcana
52.Johnny the homicidal maniac
53.John Doe
54.Your boyfriend
55.Somethings wrong with sunny day jack
57.Team fortress 2
58.The bad guys
59.Metal family
60.The ghost and Molly mcgee
61.House hunted
62.My dear hatchet man
63.Stranger things
64.Lucky and wild
65.Honey I'm home (ghost and pals)
66.Bob's burgers
67.Suction cup man
68.Dead end paranormal park
69.The black phone
70.Popee the performer
71.Umbrella Academy
72.Sonic the hedgehog
73.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
75.My singing monsters
78.Harley Quinn
79.Monkie kid
81.The Addams family
82.Beavis and butthead
83.Take my muffin
84.Wtf 101
85.Lofi girl
86.Mandela catalogue
87.Little nightmares
88.The batfamily
90.Chibi tiny tales
91.Tim and Eric awesome show great job
94.Mad god
95.The fast food mafia
96.Family guy
97.Sesame Street
98.dogs in space
101.genshin impact
103.housing complex C
104.breaking bad
105.the office
106.Wendell and wild
109.spooky month
110.steven universe
111.a Christmas Carol
112.the nightmare before Christmas
113.rise of the guardians
115.be more chill
116.white Christmas
117.epithet erased
118.tokyo red hood
119.the Grinch
120.bust a groove
123.the loud house
124.sally face
125.talking Juan
127.moral orel
128.detroit become human
With many more to come
So like can you guys make a book of this cause I wanna see how all these characters interact.
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List of shows I like:
Girl Meets World
Lab Rats
Lab Rats: Elite Force
Mighty Med
Power Rangers
Grey's Anatomy (not after S14)
Andi Mack
Legend of Korra
The Last Airbender
My Hero Academia
Bob's Burgers
Gravity Falls
Liv and Maddie
Austin & Ally
Every Witch Way
The Lodge
Kickin' it
The Thundermans
Big Time Rush
Rick and Morty
Ever After High
H2O: Just Add Water
Zoey 101
Criminal Minds (haven't the last season or Evolution)
Hawaii Five-0
Demon Slayer
The Promised Neverland
911: Lone Star
Movies I like:
The Kissing Booth (only the first one, have not seen the sequels)
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf
The Perfection
Zombies 3
Descendants 3
High School Musical (all three movies, but the last one is my favorite)
Cloud 9
Girl vs. Monster
Now You See it
Another Cinderella Story
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure
Lemonade Mouth
Avalon High
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam
He's All That
A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish
Books I like:
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Lockwood and Co
Other things I like:
Sabrina Carpenter
Ariana Grande
Little Mix
Romantic Dramas
Romantic Comedies
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blacklightsystem · 2 years
They/It/One, OSDD, ADHD, Autism
We are a traumagenic system (trauma is none of your business) and have been since late 2019 we believe, but it's likely to be even earlier than that (2018, when we had our first memorable 'identity crisis' is what we called it)
We hate DNI's so lets get this out of the way:
DNI // Antis, MAP/AAM, ALM/blue stripe, pro-life, pro-landlord/bootlickers, capitalist scum lol
This is a multi-fandom blog, as well as whatever we want to reblog cos it's funny. Our fandoms/interests include (but are not limited to) ; FNAF, Breaking Bad, Arcane, UT, Rick & Morty, Monster Prom/Camp/Etc, Danganronpa, Junji Ito, general horror works, Nintendo, Marvel, Scream, SCP, and just.. so much more.
If you want to message us, our DMs are open, and so are our asks! We are also willing to make commissions, which you can DM us for information about (if enough people contact, we'll make a post about it)
0 notes