#more of the oblivious type yk
worm-jpeg · 1 year
"im sensing a little bit of tension amongst the crew"
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ros3kill3r · 3 months
Marauders Era characters as Teachers
Professor (James) Potter - P.E. Teacher
Is definitely the type of PE teacher who pushes the boys to their limits and goes gentle with the girls.
This is until Regulus tells him to stop this habit and treat them the same way bc it isn’t fair.
The girls + Sirius, Barty, and Remus all voice their opinions on this and tell James he’s being an idiot and he’s being sexist and this seems to snap him back into reality.
He’s so gullible and it’s so easy for everyone to lie to him. If it’s time to run, you can approach him and say that you’re on your period and he’d immediately allow you to sit down.
He’d offer you pads, comfort, heating blanket, etc. (he has these things for Regulus). It’s kind of funny because you can literally be a man and still use a period as an excuse and he would still believe you because he’d think you’re trans or smth.
When he’s walking through the halls, he’s usually always accompanied by one of his friends, or Regulus. Students find him hot bc of his figure since he is a PE teacher.
Professor (Sirius) Lupin - Foreign Language (French) Teacher
He likes teaching this because he’s fluent in French and it means he doesn’t have to do shit he just lounges around all day in his desk, calling Professor Lupin whenever he pleases.
Is the type of teacher to start talking, realize no one is listening, and sit down on top of a desk and cross his arms like, “Alright! I’ll wait!”
When he speaks French he sounds hot so the girls (and some boys) in the class start giggling amongst themselves.
Will ignore students he doesn’t like if they raise their hand. Will also always welcome teachers in to his classroom on the daily; Remus, Lily, Regulus, James, etc. shit, even barty and evan.
Wears rings and jewelry, shows off his tattoos, and wears very seductive clothes like see-through shirts with a scratchy material, yk? Students giggle often times bc Remus usually spits out his coffee when Mr. Sirius Lupin enters his classroom oh-so suddenly.
Professor (Remus) Lupin - The Science Teacher
This man teaches physics, biology, chemistry, botany, physical science, geology, you name it.
Students flirt with him and he's just fucking oblivious and thinks they're just being kind. Sirius witnesses this one time and he death glares at the child, who then starts crying.
The type of teacher that offers tutoring after school even though Sirius planned a date with him. Sometimes it feels like he values teaching more than Siri and instead of being upset about it, it just makes Sirius love him more.
He has a slim figure and veiny yet also big hands and people ogle at him without shame in the halls. Sirius growls at them so they look away and Remus just thinks he’s acting weird like always.
The type of teacher to take away your phone if he sees you using it during class. Sirius doesn’t do this cause he’s chill, and James wants to do it but he’s scared to do it, lmao.
Professor Pettigrew - Home Economics Teacher
He’s the short, chubby and single home ec teacher and it’s just perfect.
He’s amazing at cooking and his class is usually a class for queer people and making people who are ‘different’ feel like they belong there.
Some students (usually those who aren’t in home ec) don’t like him and make fun of him because of his weight and him being single and always left out, and it always gets to his head and he starts lashing out and distancing himself from his friends because of it.
Will not take away anyone’s phone, nor will he tell them to put it away. This is home economics, there are no rules! (Other than reading instructions obviously..)
When walking in the halls, he catches the eyes of many students that either love him or hate him, no in-between. Some students wonder why any one of the teachers hangs out with him and it affects him really badly.
Professor (Lily) Macdonald - World/Popular Literature (English) Teacher
Her and Regulus are best buds. They always make their classes do projects together just so they hang out.
Has a section of the room that has things kids might not have at home like pads, tampons, deodorant, socks, etc.
She runs the library alongside Pandora, and occasionally Remus + Regulus.
Some students ship her and James together. That is until they find out Regulus is actually married to James and Lily’s last name is actually Evans before she married Mary.
She’s the teacher that students approach during passing period just to talk to her cause she’s badass and cool. She’s kind of like the counselor of the school, she’s always there for free therapy.
Professor (Mary) Macdonald - Business Law/Management Teacher
Idk she just seems like she’d be a smart ass abt the topic.
Would feel like she’s Einstein and she’s teaching kids smth amazing but none of them give a shit or they’re just crying silently in the corner bc wtf.
Always wears suits to school so she seems very formal and modest and Lily is on her knees every damn time.
The type of teacher to take your phone away and send it to the principles office on the first warning.
Always visits Lily’s classroom to give her her lunch so she eats and isn’t tired and pale by the end of the day.
When seen in the halls, students admire her bc they want to be like her or bc she’s drop dead beautiful.
Professor (Marlene) Meadows - (Computer Science) Animation & Video Game Development Teacher
I feel like she’d just enjoy the fact that it has games included in the job, and bc it’s technology.
She would act like she’s teaching but she’s actually bullying little kids on Roblox.
Every single student knows that Dorcas is married to her bc they aren’t ashamed to show their love for each other. The students actually look up to their love and value their worth so much to the point where they don’t fall for horrible people (I think some of us need that).
She doesn’t take phones away and if she does, she always gives it back and gives them a second chance.
When seen in the hallways, she usually receives high-fives and fist bumps from the students. She thinks it’s because she’s an amazing teacher but it’s actually bc she’s so absorbed in her video games during class that she doesn’t notice the kids on their phones and AirPods.
Professor (Dorcas) Meadows - She actually teaches two different types of classes: all types of Visual Arts, and multiple types of Vocational Education
She has so much knowledge about art and wood making and design so you know for a fact that her outfits devour every damn day.
The ‘cool’ and ‘chill’ teacher.
Gives the best advice to students, alongside Pandora ofc.
Explains everything strictly yet with a matching side of fun, and the students either enjoy her classes or don’t mind it bc it’s easily taught and it’s not hard to understand.
When seen in the halls or around school, the students usually ask her for advice on smth or abt class and she’s always there to help. She’s usually always followed around by Marlene at these times so it’s quite cute to see.
Professor Black - The Performing Arts (Music Theory & Piano) teacher, accompanied by The Math (Statistics & Calculus) Teacher
This suits so perfectly omg wait I’m having a fangirling moment-
Whenever he teaches the piano he sometimes gets carried away and starts inventing his own music?? Many students always tell him to write his own songs and he always bashfully declines.
Him being the math teacher can sometimes be overwhelming but if he notices that you are struggling pretty badly to the point where you might have a mental breakdown, he’ll give you some tutoring or some advice that really helps.
Always brings snacks to school for James since he forgets to eat.
Is always around Professors Barty and Evan. Is never seen without one of those two.
Students don’t really approach him in the halls since they’re kind of intimidated?..but some of them wave and say hi! One brave soul gave Reg a fist bump and he didn’t react at all to it so people began doing it to him 😭.
Professor (Barty) Rosier - The Dance Teacher & sometimes joins Professor James during PE..
Oh lord..💀
This man teaches any and every dance. Ballet? Yes! Hip-hop? Of course! Latin? Sure! (He also has a side job of a stripper! Evan both loves this and hates it.)
When he assists James during PE, it’s always just him flirting with the fellow Professor and James just being an embarrassed and flustered dude.
Evan sometimes watches Barty dance and teach students because he looks so passionate and free when doing so, and it’s really the only time he ever shows affection to other kids (other than their own)
When girls see him in the halls they faint, and when boys see them in the halls they’re filled with awe.
Professor (Evan) Rosier - Teaches AP classes + English (Poetry & World Literature)
He’s just a smartass. Being a smartass is his (and regulus’) favorite thing.
He’s the only teacher who teaches AP classes in the whole marauders era.
Him and Pandora are VERY intelligent and capable of going SO far.
When teaching AP, he is serious and strict. When teaching English, he is humorous and playful.
Always visits Barty in passing periods/free periods and just admires him if he has class (when students see this they always melt from the affection), or walks with him around the garden the school has.
The kids usually give him fist bumps and high-fives, some of them ask for hugs. He’s not a big fan of hugs but ever since having kids and being friends with the marauders, things have…changed.
Professor (Pandora) Lovegood - Teaches Chemistry & Social Studies (Psychology, Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, and Women’s Studies).
She’s so amazing. I love her.
The chemistry one is obvious I mean it’s literally her cause of death.
She teaches Social Studies bc she claims it’s the other half of Evan since he teaches English and it just..works.
Their classrooms are right next to each other so the door between both is always open and they always teach both classes together, it’s so fun. Evan effortlessly continues Pandora’s Social Studies/Chemistry lesson if she’s using the bathroom and vice versa.
She always gives out crystals and spiritual items to her students (if they’re okay with it), usually when she senses bad energy or negative vibes.
Also the type of teacher that students approach during passing period and stuff bc she’s so nice and adorable and the best to talk to.
She runs the library with Lily, and occasionally Reg + Remus. She also gets mixed up quite often with her twin brother. The only thing different between them being Evan’s short hair, and Pandora’s motherly voice.
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verspia · 21 days
Hi!! I would like to request a Kenan × jealous reader. The story can be however you like with whatever genre as long as they have a happy ending <333
( pairing ) kenan yıldız x reader
i’m so sorry i’ve been pretty inactive recently but college has been rlly busy atm! i’ll get to all your requests and write them as soon as i can!
this is literally the perfect request because i’ve been listening to the boy is mine nonstop and it fits the vibe yk?
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If there’s one thing about you that’s commonly broadcast, it’s that you are the jealous type. Not jealous in the sense that you envy what others have, but rather it drives you up the wall when something that is yours is toyed with by another person.
The more accurate term would be possessive, and there’s no denying that you tend to get… territorial when it comes to Kenan.
Truly you can’t be faulted for your avaricious behaviour because Kenan is the sort of individual that can’t help but draw everyone’s eyes to him, and along with it, the desire of a plethora of girls.
It fuels you with an ugly sort of pride that you have what other girls can only dream off, a sharp glint of emotion that is slightly cruel and substantially domineering.
Another part of you feels enraged at the thought of anyone else besides you thinking of Kenan in ways that only you, in your opinion, should be capable of.
It’s not that you aren’t secure in your relationship, rather Kenan makes you feel as if you’re the only girl in the world. He goes out of his way to make you feel special, cherished even, and there’s more than enough clarity that proves, to Kenan, you are the only girl in the universe.
He always has you on his mind, in interviews he manages to mention you in some way or another, and even his celebrations are often dedicated to you. His online persona itself shows this, with you being the only girl in his following, and him being the first to comment and like your posts. Although you two aren’t very public, he has managed to get the point across that he’s yours, and some even say that he seems to orbit around you.
Nonetheless, there are consequences that happen when you’re in a relationship with a famous footballer who’s not only massively talented but also incredibly handsome.
This means that more often than not, some girl will be deluded enough to think she can rub her grubby hands on your boyfriend and blink her abnormally large eyelashes at him and have him wrapped around her nasty little finger.
You’re being harsh, but the green monster inside of you called envy is vicious, and well, Kenan is yours.
You watch with thinly veiled rage as the supposed interviewer brushes Kenan’s arms for the umpteenth time, giggling as she shuffles closer to him, and the next action makes your blood boil, pressing herself on to him.
It’s clear to anyone, in fact even a blind man would be able to tell that your boyfriend is uncomfortable. Kenan’s face is contorted into a permanent grimace that this interviewer seems oblivious to, and from where you’re seated, you can tell that even the camera man has grown to notice the awkwardness that permeates him.
Yet no one does anything, and you feel yourself begin to frown, you can’t help but think, “Is this not workplace harassment?”
Her movements carry a subtle confidence that makes you scoff, but it is evident that she’s clearly unbothered by the lackluster response from Kenan, and seems to show no intention of backing off despite the younger man’s obvious discomfort.
You remain seated, even though you desperately want to run up across the field and rip that interviewer into shreds.
You don’t want to cause a scene, but your patience snaps when she brushes away a strand of hair on Kenan’s face, who’s grimace has now turned into a scowl. Her gaze on him is predatory and you know if it was directed at you from a man, it would make you shiver in disgust.
You stand up, marching down the bleachers and across the freshly cut grass with determination, having had enough of this absurd behaviour.
As you make your way to them, the interviewer makes eye contact with you and you notice a glimmer of smugness flash behind her eyes, but underneath it, her expression bubbles with an annoyance that infuriates you.
Her intentions are clearly anything but innocent but the smile she flashes your way seems to mimic it with expertise. It’s so evidently fake, the sweetness on her face is overpowering and a far cry from the sultry tone she’s had the entirety of this interview, from what you’ve observed.
You have never felt more inclined to slap a person than now, but you keep yourself in check, if this girls wants to get bitchy? Well, you’ll show her bitchy.
Kenan’s expression, on the other hand, brightens at your presence, but his eyes widen a little when he spots the aggression behind in your eyes. The smile on your face is as ingenuine as it gets but before he can say anything to appease you the interviewer opens her mouth.
“Hey… We were just talking about you.” Her voice floats out and it drips with sugar, in a way that makes you want to vomit, your ears cringe as if you’re hearing nails on a chalkboard.
“Oh were you now?”
“Yeah I was just telling Kenan how nice it must be to have a girlfriend who doesn’t seem to care about what the public thinks!”
The backhanded compliment is abrupt and strange, and you’re confused, is that really the best she could come up with?
You almost want to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
One moment this girl is boldly rubbing herself on your boyfriend and the best she can say to you is this?
You’re about to retaliate with a response but then smirk as an idea crosses your mind.
You don’t leave Kenan even a moment to blink or process the situation, even the interviewer and the Camera Man are stunned, as well as the millions of viewers watching the live stream.
Your hand reaches out to grab the collar of Kenan’s jersey, your actions reckless and abrupt, as you grab him closer and pull his head down to yours.
A gasp escapes his mouth as he stumbles a little, surprised and taken aback at your actions, but responds in kind when your lips meet his.
Kenan’s reaction makes it seem like he forgets the events that lead to this moment entirely, melting into you as you cradle his head.
It seems as if you two are lost in another world, just the two of you as everything around begins to blur. You press closer to Kenan, softly kissing him as he responds to your actions just as gently, both of you exhibiting emotion that spells love.
You move your mouth against his, trying to show your adoration to the man in front of you, forgetting the purpose of your actions in the first place as you feel his arms wrap around you.
You begin to lose yourself in his touch, his kisses have your mind feeling hazy and stars cloud your eyes as you sigh into the kiss.
Your whole form begins to turn into puddle, and your mind only seems to echo the singular thought that crosses your mind primary when he’s touching you.
Kenan. Kenan. Kenan. Kenan. Kenan. Kenan.
Like a mantra.
All you can focus on his touch, his hands, his lips, only him.
The same effect seems to reflect on him, as Kenan seems equally as dazed, kissing you fervently like a starved man, as if you’re the first drop of water in an isolated desert.
Kenan drinks you up eagerly, holding you tightly.
You only break apart at the purposeful cough from the interviewer, and you realise where you are.
It takes you a moment to gather yourself and remember what your original motives were, and then a smirk graces your swollen lips.
“Is that right Kenan? Your girlfriend doesn’t care about the public eye” Your voice is smug and sarcastic, filled with pride and the interviewer seems embarrassed, put off by your very public display of affection and the clear response to her supposed insult.
It’s comical to see the snobbish expression on her face be replaced by a look of mortification.
“Huh” is the only reply he offers, and you can only smile at the boy who still seems to be processing the aftermath of your very steamy kiss.
His cheeks are flushed red and his hair is tousled. The look on his face extinguishes all your previous agitation at the moment the interviewer had touched it.
You beam at him, and it’s more than clear to perhaps the whole world now that Kenan is yours, and only you can make him feel and look like this.
You turn back to the interviewer, “Oh! I must’ve gotten distracted, I just came here to say… wait! what’s your name? oh nevermind, I just wanted to say I admire your confidence, walking around like that! Now is the interview done? I’d like to… speak to my boyfriend about something private.”
The interviewer looks even more flustered than you’d have thought possible, and if you were a nicer person, you’d have felt the tiniest bit of sympathy, or atleast pity, for her, but all you feel is a surge of self satisfaction as you watch her mutter something about wrapping up and squaddle away from the two of you.
Once she’s finally disappeared from your sight, you turn to Kenan, who still seems a little astonished, and you can’t help the fondness in your eyes as you run your eyes over him.
He catches the look and his cheeks grow warmer, but he reaches out to cradle your hand, concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?”
Confusion rises in your eyes as you look at him, “Me? I should be asking you that, someone from a mile away could tell how uncomfortable she made you.”
Kenan shook his head, “Don’t worry about me, I can handle myself, I’m a big boy you know” His voice is teasing and you chuckle at him.
“Seriously though, she just wouldn’t take a hint and I didn’t want to be impolite.”
You shake your head at him, tugging his hand a little as the both of you begin to walk out, “I could tell, but I guess we gave her a little show”
Kenan smiled at you, pulling you close as one of his arms comes to rest at your waist.
“Oh you gave her a show alright,” He whispers affectionately, “But i’m glad you did, I don’t mind letting the world know i’m yours.”
You can’t help but blush at his words, your heart flutters wildly in your chest and it’s insane how despite being together for so long, Kenan still has this effect on you.
“Mhm I don’t mind either” Your voice takes on a coquettish edge, as you lean over, your face only inches away from his.
Kenan’s hands wrap around your hips as he grins at you.
“Trust me I know.”
“I should just post a picture of you and I and caption it the boy is mine.”
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liked by kenanyildiz_official and others
ynusername - the boy is mine.
kenanyildiz_official - only yours 🤍
user09 - that kiss on live television wasn’t enough girl
↪️ user86 - nah she’s letting yall know that’s HER man
user12 - nah tbf i would’ve done the same if my bf looked like that
user3 - yooo we get it bro
user96 - the second slide??? bro calm down ain’t nobody gonna take her from you
user916 - plss you ended that interviewer with the “what’s your name”
↪️ user1 - lmaooo i would never show my face again
↪️ user123 - i just know she’s crying seeing this post
user - WHATS 4 + 4
user22 - damn.
user0 - yall need a third? pls pls pls 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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ushys · 1 year
⸻ miles morales as your boyfriend (earth 1610)
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a/n: omfg the chokehold this gif has on me- anyway you guys do not understand how much love i have for this sweet boy 🥹 deserves the world idc idc.
- fluff, no nsfw bc he is a minor, afab reader (lmk if you guys want gn, male)
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MILES LOVES drawing you. you’re perfect in his eyes and he could draw only you for all of eternity and he wouldn’t complain at all. everything about you was beautiful to him and he made sure he captured every beautiful detail you have on to his drawings.
MILES is the type to send you cute (your favorite animal) videos on tiktok because he knows how much you love em and all he wants to do is to make you happy.
WILL introduce you to his family and is happy when he finds out how easily you and his parents got along. you got along with his mom so well that sometimes you’d visit their house and mostly talk ‘chisme’ with her the entire time (he gets jealous-)
AFTER an argument, he stops by your window and drops you off flowers with a little cute note apologizing. he doesn’t know if you would want to see him at that moment so he gives you time to cool off and give you some space. he replies immediately if you were to call or text him ready to talk again due to how much he hates wasting time not talking to you.
HE likes showing you off to anyone. his friends? yes. his family? yes. strangers on the street? yes. he can’t help it if he’s madly in love.
WHEN he revealed to you that he was spider-man, he was scared that you were going to be mad at him for keeping this a secret from him for a very long time. he thought that you were going to think that he didn’t “trust” you but when you were actually ecstatic finding out instead of upset, his worries all vanished as he smiled and hugged you.
WILL have a whole playlist dedicated to you. he likes to listen to that playlist when you aren’t with him, yk so he could daydream.
IS completely oblivious when you’re jealous. if you catch him talking to another girl who is clearly into him, you’d be upset in which miles would ask you about but you would just mumble “it’s nothing”. hearing this, miles thinks back to the entire morning wondering if he did something to make you upset. when you finally tell him, he quickly reassures you and says “i don’t feel anything towards any other girl who isn’t you. i love you and only you ma.”
IF it’s late at night and you can’t fall asleep, miles would come over with his spider-man suit on and picks you up, and swings to different buildings. then, you guys would land on a rooftop with a clear and beautiful view of the city at night and by the edge you guys would sit down, while miles pulls you in close to him, head on his shoulder, admiring the sight of the skyline. “it’s so pretty” you say. “not as pretty as you cariño”
MILES used to think that pet names were lowk cringey, but when he started dating you, everything changed. now, he calls you “mi amor” “baby” “my love” “cariño” “preciosa” “babe”
HE can not flirt if he wanted to flirt on purpose. he gets awkward and shy like 🫣🫣 this one time before you guys started dating, he wanted to make a move on you by saying “hey y/n, a-are you fr-from tennessee? cause you’re the 1 f-for me- wait no that’s not right, wait what was it again? i u-uh never mind.” and he scurried off before you could even say anything. “the fuck-“
WHEN you guys go on the train, he would pull out his airpods and give you one of them while you guys listen to one of his playlists (ahem the playlist he made for you but shh you don’t know that.)
IF you don’t do graffiti art, miles will take you to one of his secret locations and teach you how to draw certain things and praises you for trying your best. once you get better at it, you guys start going to his secret location more often and you guys just spend hours spray painting.
LOVES LOVES LOVES cuddling with you. literally one of his favorite things to do with you. he loves just having you in his arms knowing you are safe and sound with him. your soft and warm skin making him wanting to fall asleep because of how comforting it feels to just have you there with him. what he loves the most is having your arms around him holding him close while his head lays on your chest, listening in to your heartbeat knowing you really are there with him and that you are his and he is yours.
TAKES random and silly pictures of you just to send them later to you after you guys hung out and texts you saying “this one is my favorite.”
HAS a picture of you on his lock screen and his home screen.
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that’s all for today, im tired and imma go and day dream about this boy :p
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kisses4kaia · 1 year
Charlie walker x reader smut where he’s very subby and unexpirienced
thank you 🧎🏻‍♀️
a/n; omgomg absolutely r u kidding me rn ? fem reader. obvi 17+ and intended for mature audiences .
movie night 💿 - c, walker ,,
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it's crazy what an innocent movie night at kirby's can end up as.
you and charlie sat in opposite corners of the spacious living room, watching stab III (per charlie's insistence). it had just started and you were already bored. the movie wasn't bad, per se, you had just seen it so many times before.
and well, you had always found charlie walker more interesting.
you'd always thought of him as attractive, having spent many a night with your fingers deep inside of you, imagining they were his, imagining what he would sound like, whimpering for you and your touch.
you knew he felt the same, if not, similar, about you. from the way he insisted on walking up the stairs after you (iykyk), to the untrackable count of times you've caught him eyeing you up and down, as though he was praying he would be gifted by the gods with x-ray vision.
but every time you got too close, he'd shut it down with a friendly remark. every. damn. time.
"that's actually really nice of you, thanks y/n,"
"haha, you don't mean that. funny, though."
"i think you look pretty nice, too,"
it drove you crazy, just how oblivious he was to your advances. the way the tv screen lit up his blown pupils, fascinated as he watched one of his favorite movies for probably the 1,000th time, made you bite your lip to contain the anything-but-holy thoughts ravaging your mind.
you were tired of sitting around, doing nothing about this ever-growing crush.
whilst everybody had their eyes glued to the screen, watching some girl get chased through her home, you pulled out your small iphone and clicked on charlie's contact. you had to do something he couldn't ignore, something he couldn't look over.
you clicked on the option to attach a photo to the text message. you scrolled through your camera roll until you found it.
the photo was of you, in your bedroom, in your mirror, seemingly trying on lacy, dark purple, lingerie. there was no shot he was taking this with friendly intentions.
you to charlieee <33 : *(1) attachment*
you waited a few moments before texting him again
you to charlieee <33 : oops, wrong person . sry. 😊
you watched as he reached for his back pocket at the sound of a notification.
and how his face, once painted with curiosity, twisted into shock, sights forced on the device. you had to bite back a smirk as he looked up at you.
you pretended that you were watching the movie and gave no attention to the boy whose pants were getting tighter by the second.
he cleared his throat before settling back on the couch, typing out a reply.
charlie to y/n🤩 : it's okay haha
charlie to y/n🤩 : do you mind me asking who that was meant for?
you to charlieee <33 : why does that matter 2 u?
charlie to y/n🤩 : i just want to know if you're seeing someone, or if it was for jill or kirby, yk?
charlie to y/n🤩 : not that i care if you're seeing someone!! that's really one of my business, forget i said anything
you to charlieee <33 : lmao but char, its ok if u do
charlie to y/n🤩 : what do you mean by that?
you to charlieee <33 : follow me and find out ;)
you casually got up and exited the living room, successfully not turning any heads. you found the guest bathroom and entered.
it was actually very nice, the lights were bright and luminescent, and the shower, sink, and toilet were spotless.
you waited a few minutes, sitting on the sink counter, before the door opened, revealing the one and only.
"what took you so long?" you teased flashing a smile. "i was debating whether or not i actually wanted this, well i do want this, very much so, but i was just-" he was rambling.
"well, you're here now, aren't you, charlie?" you slightly whispered before pulling him towards you by his shirt, settling in between your legs.
he was stiff as a board, he didn't know what he could do. you noticed this and grabbed his hands from his sides and placed them lowly on your waist.
you placed your arms around his neck very lazily. "you want this?" you looked into his eyes, which were dazed and hazy, seemingly drowning in dopamine.
he nodded. "mhm, yeah," he was breathless, becoming so impatient, needing to feel your lips on his.
you chuckled softly to yourself before finally giving the boy what he wanted. the kiss started out slow but heated up quickly as you started to tangle your fingers in his hair.
you swiped your tongue along his bottom lip and his mouth fell open easily, allowing it in.
charlie gripped your hips tightly. "easy, tiger. i'm not going anywhere," you pulled away slightly to say. this did not make him let up. there were surely going to be bruises in the place of his hands by tomorrow.
you began kissing down his jaw and neck, exploring and searching for a sweet spot. he whimpered particularly needily at one area on his collarbone and you attacked it.
he began running his hands up and down your sides, underneath your shirt. you translated his wandering hands and helped throw your top off. he tried, truly, to keep his eyes on your face and not on your chest but how could he? <33
"so, so, so beautiful," he whispered, leaning down slightly to knead your covered breasts. "too many clothes, baby. take 'em off for me, hm?" you more told him than asked.
like the good boy he wanted to be for you, charlie was quick to remove every garment on his body, save for his boxers.
you pulled your miniskirt off and were left in a laced, pale pinky-shade of matching bra and panties.
he took a small step back and stared at you intensely, like he wanted to say something. "spit it out, char." you almost scolded him.
"i-it's just, um, i've n-never done anything like this... before..." he looked down as though it was a shameful thing.
you smiled at his tenderness. "c'mere, love," you quietly uttered before pulling him in between your legs once again. you felt his hard length pressed against your middle but ignored the euphoria to focus on what mattered.
"look at me, char. that does not make me want you any less, it's actually kinda cute. listen, i'll guide you through it, if you wish to continue, that is. if you don't, we can get dressed and leave like nothing happened. what do you want to do, baby?" you reassured him as he stared into your eyes thoughtfully.
"i wanna keep going," he breathed out. "good," you hummed, drawing his lips to yours again. you hopped off of the counter, forcing your lips apart by the sheer height difference between you two.
you pushed him against the bathroom door and lowered yourself onto your knees in front of him. "w-what are you doing?!" he panicked slightly. "i'm gonna take real good care of you, m'kay, love? now, be a good boy for me and relax," you purred, rubbing your hands up and down his thighs.
the pet name turned his stomach and made him slip a small whimper. he unfroze his muscles and relaxed, per your request.
you kept your doe eyes on the flushed boy's face as your pulled his boxers down, making his dick spring out, hitting his stomach.
you tore your eyes from his face and focused your attention on his member.
he was big, huge. his slit crying with precum and veins ran up and down the length of it. your wide eyes softened when you heard a needy whine coming from the man above you.
you decided he's waited long enough, so you ran your tongue along the underside of his cock. the moan/groan he let out, made you smile, and lock eyes with charlie once again.
"fuck, feels good," he said through half-lidded eyes as you began to suck on his angry, red, tip.
"so vulgar. bad boy," you teased with a grin. the sight of you beneath him, on your knees, a smile bigger than the whole sky plastered across your face as his dick leaned against your chin, could've caused him to release a load on your pretty face right there.
but he didn't. he wanted, needed, to be your good, good, boy <3.
"mmm, no. i'm good, i'm so good, only for you. just for you, mommy," the name merely slipped out, he swore, but it caused you to moan whilst his dick was down your throat, causing a very pleasurable vibration around his cock, causing him to involuntarily cum down your throat.
"sh-shit, 'm sorry," he was quick to apologize for cumming so quickly as you pull your jaw off of him. "say that again," you demanded with a scratchy voice, but needier undertones were detected. "w-what, i'm sorry?"
"no, before that,"
"m-mommy?" charlie squeaked.
from the cold tiles biting at the skin of your knees to shimmying off your panties and sitting back down on the counter, you knew you needed him, all of him. right here, right now.
this time, you didn't have to pull him toward you, he naturally gravitated to the comfort of the in-between of your plush thighs. "wanna fuck me? huh?" you asked, grabbing his cock and sliding the tip up and down your folds.
"more than anything, mommy," he whimpered, dreamily. "fuck, baby," you whined as you guided him inside of you.
the stretch was almost impossible. you both moan in synchrony. the tightness of your walls was far better than charlie could've ever imagined when he pumped his fist up and down his length on lonely nights.
"oh my god, momma. i've dreamed and dreamed about this," he whispered in your ear after you gave him the go-ahead to move. his thrusts started out slow and tame but sped up quickly.
the hold he had on your thighs was mighty as he chased his high. "gimme your hand," you managed to speak through the ecstasy. "w-why?" he slowed down, only slightly.
"just- just give it to me," you gasped as his tip pushed against your g-spot. he lifted his left hand and put it in your right.
you shaped it into a 'thumbs up' stance and moved in down onto your clit. "draw circles," you told him. he picked it up quickly and continued fucking you.
your nailed fingers tugged and pulled at his hair, making him into a moaning, whimpering, mess. "shit, fuck! i can't go for much longer. can i please do it inside? please, please, please, mommy?" he begged and you nodded. "i'm on the pill, doll. go ahead, fill me up." you couldn't say no to his beautiful, fucked out, face.
a few more sloppy thrusts into your cunt and soon, he had you loaded. he stared down at his cock going in and out of you, lubed by his sperm, and he could've came again at the sight.
it wasn't too long after that you felt your own earth-shattering release, clinging onto the broad shoulders of the man above you. it rippled through you like an ocean current.
you stayed intertwined with each other for a few more moments, catching your breath, before charlie spoke.
"if my calculations are correct, roman bridgers should be getting revealed as ghostface right now."
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melodic-haze · 5 months
YK HOW CLORINDES BUTTON IS FIGHTING FOR ITS LIFE ON HER UNIFORM RIGHT. Then imagine reader noticing it and just tearing it apart and suck her tits. That’s a need fr 🤤
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Clorinde x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Nipple obsession 🫶, she gets kinda perved on a lil bit but that's just people looking at her and her whoreass fit like!!! What!!!!!!!, idk what else ngl
☆ — NOTES: Dude how the fuck do her clothes even work. Like I've been staring at it for a while now like what. How???? Anyway it's 1 am sorry if it isn't coherent
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Clorinde's buttons are fighting for their lives and so am I
"Appropriate uniform" my nonexistent left NUT how the HELL!!! Is that allowed!!!!!!!
No but seriously it must be such a struggle to watch her walk around like that. Like what. What why what
You couldn't help but stare at your lover's chest—more specifically, her button-up that was practically struggling to hold on.
She lifts her head to look at you with a light smile on her face, temporarily pausing her movement to put on her shoes, "Yes, my dear?"
You cleared your throat as you leaned on the wall, looking at your eyes still locked onto that same spot, "Do you not get.. you know, a clothing violation or something?"
"Why?" She tilted her head in what is indesputably, undeniably real confusion, "I do not see why I would."
She probably feels it though. Or at least you'd assume so, with how tight her clothes seem to be on her.
"..Nothing. Just, um," you scratched the nape of your neck sheepishly before shaking your head and forcing your eyes on her own, "good luck at work today."
She nods and says her goodbyes before leaving out the door.
When you're outside, for some reason you can't help but notice that people are staring at her awfully lot!! It could be because like she's the Champion Duellist so obvs they'd be in awe.........but it doesn't seem like they're in awe for that reason, with the way they look at her restricted chest when they're close enough. Is it just today that they're noticing this?? Or is it just today that YOU'RE noticing them looking at her??????
Whatever it is, it's pissing you off a little (a lot)!!! She has the audacity to say she doesn't know what you're on about when she's being gawked at bc of the same reason YOU were gawking at her for
By the time the day ends you're about to lose it (I would personally 🫶) so you're waiting in your room for her before she comes back, all oblivious to the MANY stares she's had and the. Wardrobe malfunction that was going on there. The moment she gets back, dude POUNCE HER because I fuckin would 😭😭😭
Don't give her time to even think of anything—not like she'll need the time, she'd abandon all trains of thought for once the moment you're both in the mood. Kiss her HARD, she'll happily let you and your tongue lead like a familiar dance between the two of you
What ISN'T familiar, though, is when you grasp onto the opening part of her button-up and tug on it. And not tug on it normally like you would to suggest that she takes her clothes off, nonononono I mean FORCING IT TO SPLIT
She breaks the kiss to ask you what you're doing and that you're putting a LOT of force into-- OH SHIT IT POPPED OPEN!!!! The buttons didn't really need any encouraging by that point but with your help it popped off to god knows where 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ but colour her SURPRISED she did NOT expect you to do that
Or did she
Anyway she's quite literally about to complain to you, saying that that was her clothes you JUST ripped open what the heck!!!! But then you kinda easily shut her up the moment you tug her bra down and start paying attention to her tits
Bite em hard, suck em real nice and leave a VERY obvious mark on them so that she thinks twice about wearing things that will DEFINITELY expose her at any given minute. Play with her nipples too, and don't forget to give attention to the neglected side❗️❗️
She'll shut up real quick if you pay SOOO much attention to them, pulling you in even further via holding your head closer to you. She'll even comb your hair too, if you have any :3 though she might accidentally tug on them if you do smth that particularly gives her a shock lol
Atp rip her tights for access too, she won't even care anymore now that you've ripped her shirt open 🤷‍♀️ she says she has more anyway what's one loss gonna do?? Rip it and massage her clit as you don't stop spoiling her breasts, sucking them as if something's gonna come out if you persevere hard enough, and I promise she'll be breathing so fucking heavily as she begs you for more. More of what? She can't even clarify, the ever so composed Duellist is at an utter loss!!!!!
Plunge your fingers in and you can feel how wet she is, how Easily your fingers just slip into her and move in and out, how her folds practically flutter around your digits from every lick and suck of her nipples like a bitch starved AND possessed
If you curl your fingers a certain way and suck on her tits at the same time too???? Oh FUCK you're ripping out SUCH a huge orgasm from her that has her bucking her hips and grinding them into your palm and you need to fuck her through it!!!! Fuck her through her high and bring her down......and even after that she kinda don't gaf if she's absolutely dirtied her attire atp or made a mess as she drags you off for more, hat probably on the ground and forgotten
She'd care when you're like DONE done though, with her sighing in such a way that you do feel like you should probably help bc you DID still rip her shit apart 😭
But yeah dude everyone can stare all they want but only YOU get the privilege of going feral and tearing her clothes apart just to touch her and taste her in any way you can. Mark her up so that underneath her clothing, as embarrassing as they are, are all the proof that everything under the fabric?? That's all for you babe 🙏🙏
It was the day after, and you were looking at her and her clothing once again.. along with everyone else's looks on her, once again more filled with a mix of filtered lust and quite a bit of jealousy from some of the women due to how form-fitting her attire was.
She did say that she'll make a note to buy some looser versions of her outfit, but...
At the end of the day, it was Clorinde's decision to wear what she wants to wear. And it's not like it's ever hindered her work before—if anything, the fact that it's the way it is probably helps with her mobility somehow, especially when such a chest is sure to be a nuisance when she moves around so much.
..You can't really help but feel a bit jealous of your girlfriend, though. Or maybe possessive?maybe, but such a word feels like you want her all to yourself.
(You do, but still.)
But then you realise that maybe such worries are unfounded after all, especially when you overhear someone speaking of a dark mark on her neck, which she describes as a nasty bite on patrol.
You know it wasn't some random bite though, and it seems that she knows full well she's lying, especially when she sees you and gives you a small smile before pretending to scratch her neck to reveal that dark mark you had inflicted.
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but its also on sum miraculous lady bug type time and they like go to school tg n shit🙏🏽
i been trying to write this since i got the request but i got fucking croup and my voice is gone . 😐
hope u like pookie 🤭🫶🏽
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prowl miles x black cat reader! black reader if u squint. warnings: I CNAT WRITE DIALOUG LMAO, cursing, use of n word, suggestive joke. a/n: YURRRR WHEA THE HOESSS AT YEAYUHHH welcome back to my channel w another slammer!! yo hair white weather it b braids, locs, straight curly idgaf but it’s white ! IMAGINE MILES MASK IS LIKE CAT NOIRS MASK OKAY?? heavily unedited so don’t b tryna crack a funny yk what i be tryna say. i can’t write dialogue.
you’re standing on the glass roof looking in the window at the auction below you, eyeing the very expensive pair of emerald earrings your mother would appreciate for her birthday you see another figure walk up next to you, “hey kitty. what u see in there?” and u glance on your right to see your competition, who was also your partner in crime, who was also one of your school friends but you didn’t know that yet. “the diamonds, a lil sum nice for my moms birthday” you said signaling at the worker who was holding them under a silver platter, miles hummed in response. “what about you pretty boy? i didn’t think you were into jewelry” miles chuckled dryly “i’m not usually, only if it’s for somebody special” he glanced over to you as you smiled to yourself while looking down, not oblivious to his tone of voice, “dude over there?” he pointed to a man who was shaking as he walked to the back door. “mhm” “he’s got some oxy, gunna give it to the hospital.” you looked at man miles was talking about almost forgetting your own plans “damn, i lost her.” “naw, she went inna kitchen.” you scanned the area for her sighing in relief when you found her. “what would i do without pumpkin?” miles looked at you while you crawled over to the other side of the roof, following you. you used your clawed finger to crack a hole big enough to fit you through it on the glass tile. miles stared daggers into you. “you coming?” you asked carefully picking up the glass circle and putting it next to the hole. as you put your hood on so your hair dangling wouldn’t be noticeable you entered the hole crawling on top of the ceiling slowly but surely, miles was right behind you and you both crawled all the way to the back hallway where nobody was looking. you both dropped down on your feet and when you saw a server walk into the bathroom you realized your all black leather suit wasn’t for the occasion. “i’m gonna go change into something less noticeable, you should too” you said tugging on his collar and miles looked u up and down one more time and you parted ways.
“hey kitty. u ready?”miles said as he walked up to you with a suit that looked identical to yours but he still has his mask on, you put your hand on his neck and leaned into his ear, “depends on what you’re talking about pretty boy.” “oh you could never be ready for that kitty” “what you think i can’t take it” miles huffed and you both went to the kitchen to grab a plate or something, miles saw the man he was looking for and followed him and you went to the main room to find those diamonds . after people starting realizing the diamonds and medicine were gone the alarm system went off and people were chasing you and miles, you climbed onto the roof and miles grabbed your waist to carry you as he swung from building to building with his ropes. “you found what you were looking for?” miles as and you flashed him a smiling dangling the earrings in front of his face. “that’s my girl” he said smiling as you swung onto a building where they wouldn’t find y’all. he landed on the edge letting you go and you almost stumbled off of it, he caught you wrapping his arm around your waist and kissed you, after you broke it you still stayed like for a moment catching your breath. “didn’t know you were such a good kisser” ”it’s a lot you don’t know kitty.” the moment ruined by the sound of a police siren signaling it was your time to go. you swiftly stole one of his gadgets without him noticing to give him a reason to see you again and you kissed his cheek. “this was fun pumpkin, come see me soon yea? later mr prowler” “see you kitty.” he said as he swung off to wherever he was going and you went back home thinking about him the whole way there. the next morning you were in school, you had prowlers little silver hook in your backpack in case you saw him again that day. as you walked in to your 4th period you sat next to miles. you were in the same friend group but hardly ever talked. you always thought he was fine asfc tho. “hey miles” you smiled as were looking for any excuse to not look at had to not look at him because he made u fold by js being there, you bent down to grab a notebook out of your backpack. “hey (name), how yo morning goin?” he said his voice coated with the light syrup of his accent, the one that made your cheeks hurt with how much you were smiling . “good, u?” you and miles talked the whole class and as you were walking out the door pushing past people you tripped and miles caught you, just like how prowler did last night. could he..? no. that’s crazy he couldn’t be. you thought as you looked into his eyes and thanked him, as the both of you walked in the hall he spoke up breaking the slightly awkward silence . “you wanna get lunch together? off campus maybe” “yea!” you nodded vigorously jumping at the chance to hang out with miles. as you were sitting down outside eating lunch with miles there was suddenly a smoke bomb being set off in the bank across the street and everyone started yelling and running and chaos was everywhere. you got up and looked into the bank, you turned around and miles was gone. you took this as your chance to suit up and investigate, when you got back you saw ur prowler and strolled up to him fondling the hook you took from him in your hands.
“hey kitty, can i have that back?” “mmm only if you say pretty please” you said moving dangerously close to him almost forgetting why you were here in the first place, he grabbed the hand you were holding the hook in harshly as he looked deeply into your eyes, his gaze flickered down from your eyes to your lips before trying to picking the hook up with his free hand but you quickly moved your entire arm back, unintentionally pushing your body closer to his, y’all quickly back away from each other after what felt like a lifetime pressed against him, as he turned around to walk you realized you no longer had the hook and found it in his hand. you smirked to yourself as you followed him into the bank and picked up the smoke bomb before showing it to miles, “what u think this is made of? vibranium maybe?” miles shrugged as he looking around the empty bank, nothing was taken but the vault door was wide open. maybe they backed out he thought as he walked into the vault looking around it. you could tell something was on his mind, like he was rushing to get out of here.“you okay pooh?, you’re acting really weird, almost like you don’t wanna be here no mo” you asked with playful lilt trying to not make it seem to obvious how nervous you were that the latter was true, moving up behind him looking around the vault swiping one or 2 bands . he just hummed “yea i’m fine it’s just- yo whoever did this is weird asfc. they ain’t even take nun.” he laughed as he closed the vault hoping you didn’t detect the obvious avoiding of her questions and walked into the alleyway so he wouldn’t be seen by the public. “so you know i was wondering, will you ever show me who u are?” you said walking behind him messing with the things on the back of his suit. “maybe one day, only if you say pretty please” referencing the conversation you had earlier,you both smile at each other “i gotta go kitty cat, see you later” he turned the corner and left before you couldn’t even say bye “bye…” and the reason miles was he was rushing the whole ‘mission’ was so he could get back to you, but you didn’t know that.
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chaostroberry1 · 4 months
Headcanons If they were on tiktok/social media PART.1
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- posts family vlogs
- or atleast mini videos about his family
- maybe also posts vids about fun things that happened between him and eve.
- I see him as the type to have like 0 haters, anyone who hates on him will get dragged and bashed 💀
- one of the best out of everyone here
- his kids would also have their own accounts, or even a shared account. posting abt the pranks on each other they pulled, or celebrations, and over all just fine.
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- bro I know he'd be the type to post rant videos, tagging Poseidon and sometimes all his brothers cus he wanna bitch abt stuff.
- but yeah most of it would be towards poseidon
- bro his face whenever poseidon just replies to his videos with the most no-fucks-given comment is so funny
- he'd also be the type to reply to all offensive (or what he thinks is offensive but actually isn't) comments in the comments section
- believe me, bro would stare straight at the camera with so much hate, but in a funny way, before screaming
- last thing the video ends with is his scream that's cut out halfway.
- his content? Reaction videos.
- maybe also pranking videos, like
"pranking my baby brother"
- Poseidon is the baby brother he refers to btw🙂
- the pranks always fail and he just uses the excuse that it wasn't finished yet.
- not too bad ig
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- she probably posts those eerily addicting videos of herself on vacations or out shopping
- incredibly chill
- her pretty privilege has both genders on the ground for her to step on
- probably also reacts to comments too. Just imagine bro.
"please step on me", or, "mommy 🛐🛐"
- she doesn't really mind it, she likes the attention
- whenever there's a hater, she calls them out so politely but also destroying the person's ego with the most humble but ego breaking comment
- but she only rathers to post pictures of herself and all, instead of videos.
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- Bro has so many fans
- he'd post tease videos of his body to just rile people up and have them begging for more
- zesty af
- most men in his comments section would literally be like "don't let me get behind bro"
- yk what he responds with?
"come behind me"
- also posts about his shopping trips, and maybe parts of his body that has jewelry, like his legs for example.
- he'd Deffo make thirst traps I just know it.
- I also feel like he'd post sexy photos of himself, but act oblivious about it.
- like just imagine scrolling and then seeing some hot looking baddie of a guy in a mouthwatering outfit, with his bear ass out. And all he'd say is-
"does the color suit me?"
- always incredibly teasing when his fans ask him to oil up
⚠️Slight nsfw⚠️
-so yeah he oils up. ON only fans
- he would be famous online for his looks
- and if looks are what we speak of here, he would definitely have an only fans account
- he wouldn't go as far as being a 🌽 star though, he thinks it isn't very like him.
- but he will please his fans, and people pay lots just to get him to do more. But sometimes leaves them hanging with a strip tease or smth. Only the worthy are allowed to lay their eyes on his perfect body.
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- leave the poor man alone
- many people tag him in thirst traps (MOSTLY APOLLO'S THIRST TRAPS)
- he just stares wide eyed in the camera, mouth agape in horror when APOLLO'S literally thrusting into his phone
- pukes afterwards
- apollo makes things worse by tagging him in his own posts, just to mess with him
- I feel like he'd post vids of ranting about people that are mistreating animals
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- he only got into social media cus of his friends
- he's not always online, but he has a big fan base consisting of girls cus he's a hot emo boy
- posts vids of his life, like maybe rants, or photos of his food here and there
- he doesn't always show his face, but he never dissapoints when he does.
-maybe posts lip sync vids too, the songs would be basic teenage depressed shi ykyk
- he wouldn't get hate though, cus like I said, his face was too gorgeous and cute to get mad at.
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- posts vids of his snacks
- kinda like apollo when it comes to teasing and riling people up with his body. But he doesn't go as far as only fans, or thirst traps
- I think maybe he'd just lift his shirt a little, show his abs a few times, or his muscles. And then looking at the camera with a teasful look and calling the watcher out
"you staring at these things? Ya like that~?"
(I nearly cried writing that)
- it sounds cringe, but many people are into it. I mean, c'mon, it's Buddha.
- also likes to post vids of him trying out the food from different fast food places, and just making people drool at his food, and face.
- probs also likes to do collabs with zerofuko, like going to the arcade and all. Incredibly cute bonding.
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sugawhaaa · 4 months
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Under your spell
{Brithday special Chapter 1/2}
‼️WARNINGS:: suggestive, talk of sexual abuse/assault
💄Pairing::Idol!Yeosang x stripper!fem!reader
👠Genre:: lap dance, flirting, stripping (duh) I think that's it but please notify me if I missed anything :)
💋A/N:: This chapter is one of two. The second chapter will be erm yk actually doing it but this chapter is the layout of the story and where u are etc etc so if you just want to read the smut you can go to chapter 2. Chapter 2 will be posted on Yeosangs birthday because this is a birthday special!!!
There was no doubt that Yeosang's friends were somewhat more sexually active, we'll put it. Yeosang isn't oblivious to sex and he isn't a virgin but when it comes to super kinky things he is still testing the waters. His friends on the other hand were already swallowed by the waters. They've been to many clubs including strip clubs, they've been to sex hotels, sex stores, etc. When Yeosang's birthday rolled around they decided to give him a big surprise, perhaps the biggest you can give a man.
They booked out a personal room in a strip club, picking a specific girl that perfectly matched Yeosang's type of woman. They picked Yeosang up at his house and drove him to the location of his "birthday party" where more of his friends were waiting. Eventually, everyone gathered outside the strip club and Yeosang's face burned red.
"This…this is where my party is at?" He asked in disbelief. San nodded with a smile before hugging him, squeezing him hard.
"You're officially the big 25!" He said as he squeezed the life out of his hyung. He let go of him and smiled.
"Y-Yeah," Yeosang couldn't shake the fact they were at a strip club. His heart was racing. His hyungs led him inside and took him to the front desk. Yeosang pulled at the collar of his shirt, trying to get some air. Seonghwa gave the receptionist the information for their reservation and some staff led them to the private room.
On the way there Yeosang couldn't help but notice the main area of the club. Big groups of guys gathered around a girl on a stage. She barely wore anything except massive heels and he felt the need to look away from the way her body moved.
Finally they were all led to the private room. Soft music played with drinks were placed in a bowl of ice on the side tables. Yeosang didn't know where to go first or what to expect. He just stared at the small stage in the center of the room with a long metal pole, a circular couch around the stage. He bit his lip and one of his hyungs put an arm around his shoulders.
"I know it's a lot at first," hongjoong smiled before taking a sip of his wine. "But trust me you'll love it," he nodded before patting Yeosangs back for reassurance.
"So how does this work exactly?" Yeosang looked up at Hongjoong who definitely had experience at these places.
"There's not much to it. We basically just sit around the woman and watch her dance," Hongjoong shrugs. "It's a little stiff at first but once we start getting into the vibe it's amazing," he smiles at the birthday boy. Yeosang chuckles nervously and runs his hand through his hair.
"Right…" he looks back at the stage.
"C'mon let's go sit, she'll be here soon," Hongjoong takes his hand and leads him to the couch. The two of them sit together and have just a few drinks when you finally make your entrance. You come through the main door and shut it behind yourself. Deep down you're a little nervous, you've never had so many people in a private room with you. Most of your colleagues say the more the merrier, it's more fun when there's multiple people all having a good time but now that you're seeing all these people you're questioning them.
Hongjoong turns back to look at you and he waves kindly. You smile and walk over to him, bending down to his level from behind the couch. Yeosang stiffly turns to look at you as well but as soon as you bend over he can see basically all of your breasts. He instantly flushes and looks back at your face.
"You're the one who was booking this room right?" You ask, trying to be louder than the music without yelling. Hongjoong nods.
"That's me," he smiles before putting a hand on Yeosang's shoulder. "This here is the birthday boy though," Hongjoong chuckles as he pats his shoulder. Your attention is drawn to him and he instantly freezes up. His heart caught in his throat enabling him to speak.
"Oh~ I'll keep that in mind," you smirk and Yeosang chuckles nervously. "What's your name cutie?" You smile as you rest your forearms on the head of the couch.
"Yeosang," he blushes as he looks you up and down again.
"Yeosang," you smile. "Well I hope you enjoy tonight~" you extend your hand out to him and his body shuts down, freezing in place. You stroke some stray hairs out of his face and tuck them behind his ear. The feeling of your fingers on the back of his ear is enough to make his blood rush. You then notice the birthmark under his eye. Your eyes linger on it for a moment. "Is that a scar?" You ask, genuinely curious. Yeosang is still stuck in your trance but once his hyung hits his shoulder he comes to, realizing you asked him a question.
"I-Its a birthmark," he nods with a shy smile. You rub your thumb over the red mark.
"It's so pretty," you smile before coming back down to earth. "Well I suppose you're not here for idle chit chat are ya?" You chuckle and stand up again. You walk over to the stage and instantly all the attention is drawn to you.
You begin your little performance, starting with a little warm up to loosen up your muscles. There were a lot of people at the party so naturally not everyone's eyes were on you which was kind of a nice feeling. But as your dance got more intense and more erotic people started sitting around the stage, cheering and even throwing a bit of cash. You kept an eye on Yeosang. knowing that this was his party, You wanted him to have a good time. He seemed to loosen up a bit throughout the show which was a good start. You decided to turn things up a notch and step away from the poke for a while. You went around to the edge of the stage and interacted with some of the guests. Nothing major but little seductive movements and gently touching them on their shoulders or cheek.
It got the guests quite excited and you could see how much fun they were having now. Finally you got around to Yeosang's side of the stage and you laid down on the stage, making eye contact with him. You swing your legs around and hop off the stage. You stand in front of him before leaning down, rubbing your hands up his thighs.
At first he was star struck from the attention but as you continued to feel him up he started getting into it. You then turned to sit on his lap, grinding your hips against him to the rhythm of the song. You could feel his erection straining against his pants press into your ass. Yeosang tossed his head back and finally put his hands on you. He hesitantly lifted one of his hands up to caress your waist. You turned your head to look at him, he looked purely under your spell as you gazed into each other's eyes. You caress his jawline, guiding his face closer to yours before standing back up again.
You went to the stage and continued your dance. As the end of the party drew near some of the guests began losing interest in your dancing which was honestly okay with you. You can't expect everyone to be constantly drawn to only you, but there was one person who couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Yeosang stayed on the couch the entire time, subtly moving the fabric of his pants to rub on his boner.
Then the lights changed color in the room. The entire time they'd been here the lights were purple and red and now they're green, meaning their time is up. Everyone started packing up and getting ready to leave. Yeosang bit his lip hard before standing up, turning his back to you. You stopped dancing and watch as his band mates come over to talk to him.
"How was that Yeosang!" Mingi wrapped an arm around Yeosang with a bottle of wine in his other hand.
"It was fun," Yeosang smiled softly at Mingi. Mingi's ears were bright red and he looked like he was about to pass out from the amount of alcohol he just drank in the past 2 hours.
"She was so hot," Jongho sighed as he gathered up some of the alcohol they brought. "You're one lucky guy Yeosang," he smiles. Jongho's eyes were also glowing red but he acted far more sober than Mingi. By far the most wasted though was San. His eyes were hazy, his face was pure red, and he kept swaying as he was standing next to Seonghwa and Wooyoung.
"Seriously San you need to be careful," Seonghwa said as he cleaned up his face with a napkin. You notice the state of San and walk over to the three men.
"Is he okay? Do you want a glass of water?" You ask as you place a hand on his shoulder. San let's out a groan as he nods his head. You go back to the stage quickly and retrieve a plastic water bottle from underneath it. You also grab a robe while you're at it. You hurry back over and open the water bottle for San. Wooyoung takes it before helping San take a drink out of it.
You throw your robe on while Seonghwa thanks you.
"Thank you so much," Seonghwa says with a bow.
"Don't worry about it," you chuckle and swish your hand as if to brush off the gratitude from him.
"I think I'm gonna hurl," San mutters out when Wooyoung takes the bottle from his mouth. Wooyoung panics and looks around for a bucket or something. You overhear his words and get a garbage bin from the corner of the room before handing it to him. You turn to look away from San as he vomits into the bin. Seonghwa and Wooyoung join San in the corner comforting him.
"So sorry about that," Hongjoong apologizes with a worried expression.
"Don't worry about it. This happens all the time," you explain as you try to tune out the sound of San puking in the background. Hongjoong keeps apologizing but you keep telling him it's alright. While your talking with Hongjoong Yeosang can't help but stare at you. He keeps looking you up and down, admiring every inch of your body as you talk. "Does he have a safe ride home?" You ask genuinely concerned for all of their health due to the amount of alcohol they all chugged in the past 2 hours.
"Yeah, were waiting for our manager to arrive," hongjoong chuckles embarrassed. "Apparently there's some traffic so we might be here a while," Hongjoong says with an apologetic expression.
"Don't worry about it. Make yourselves comfortable," you smile before heading back over to the couch. "This was my last shift so I'm packing up myself," you explain and the members follow you like ducklings. They're all eager to hang out with a hot stripper after hours. They sit on the couch and go on their phones and talk amongst themselves, except for one member. Yeosang. He's just stuck in a daze and you decide to go up to him. "Is everything alright Yeosang?" You ask warmly and sit next to him on the far side of the couch.
"Y-Yeah, I'm good," he blushes and avoids making eye contact.
"Did my dance earlier bother you? Ever since I did that I've noticed you've been acting differently. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable," you apologize sincerely with a bow. Yeosang instantly shakes his head and waves his hands around.
"No, no! It was amazing! It's just…" he pauses and looks down. You look at him eager to hear his response. You hold his shaking hand to comfort him.
"What's up?" You ask softly.
The two of you then get interrupted by Hongjoong.
"Alright guys, the vans parked out front,"
Yeosang looks upset as he turns to Hongjoong. You can both sense the chemistry in the air. Yeosang doesn't want to leave and you don't want him to leave either.
"I'll stay back," Yeosang blurts out without thinking. Hongjoong raises an eyebrow at him before seeing him sitting right next to you, your hands interlocked. Hongjoong nods with a wink before rounding up the members. You look into Yeosangs eyes as you hear the members all leave the room, the door slamming shut leaving the two of you alone.
"You were going to say something?" You look at him with alluring eyes. His lips part to speak but nothing comes out. He looks down at his knees. You rub his thigh gently to comfort him. His eyes follow your hands movements, looking at your long slender fingers filled with strength due to your dancing talent.
"I just wanted to say, tonight was an eye opening experience," he starts. His words are cautiously spoken as he takes deep breaths. "I've never been to a place like this. I was honestly a little afraid but," he looks up into your eyes with determination. "I've never felt so connected with a woman before. I-I just want to hang out with you," he admits with red cheeks. "I know it sounds crazy, but I…I feel like I'll regret it if I leave you," he holds your hand tightly. You tilt your head before lifting your hand from his leg, stroking back his hair.
"Honestly, I was going to say the same thing," you smile and he looks at you surprised. "Most men that come in here are rich middle aged men who think they're entitled to everything," you explain as you hold his hand. You can feel Yeosang relax as his breaths slow down. "When someone like you walked in I was so intrigued. You were shy, and respectful. You seemed to truly love me, not just my body," you smiled and his heart skipped about a thousand beats. His face flushes, the compliments circling in his head. "I just needed to learn more about you,"
Yeosangs eyes brighten as he looks at you. He wants to make a move. Pull you close, kiss you, touch you, feel you, anything. He didn't know what to do. He started to speak but he only stuttered over his words. He didn't know what to say.
He felt like he was under your spell.
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hii wifey!!! okay it's currently super late where i am right now and i can't sleep 😭 but ever since my post on @dirty-little-mind33 i- i haven't been able to stop thinking of dbf!tangerine 😫
it's giving your dad's hired hitman and they're friends or whatever (don't ask for the specifics, I'm half asleep) and he takes a liking to you and he treats you like a princess FR
keeps you in check so you stay out of trouble, little touches, "love", "princess", "sweetness", "SWEET GIRL" ANRJRNENDN like it's giving the same vibes as bodyguard!tan.
can just imagine him sitting in an armchair of your living room, legs spread bc he's a man and it's sometimes super hot (don't sue me), and he asks you for a lighter and so you hand him one and he blows smoke in your face as he thanks you and calls you his good girl 🥵
okay sorryyyyyyyyyy this is so long i just needed to share and hear your thoughts 🫶
on another note, dbf!logan is also sooo hot but that's for another ask 💖
my wife!! hi wifey! so this will be like im talking to you directly, like im typing everything my brain is thinking in real time. it makes it personal and intimate, I love it. enjoy 💞💞💞💞(also sorry only just got round to this)
no bc you’re so onto something EURRRGGHHHH!!!!
and like okay right so! he’s been working for your dad for a few years and bc it’s only been a few years he’s not known you long (meaning he didn’t see you grow up etc bc that’ll be😃🤮) and like when you visit ur parents or idk you live with them (pick what you fancy) you see him at the dining table with your dad and got all the papers out and laptops etc and they’re chatting about work stuff/ plan
idea time. you go past them and into the kitchen and your dad is none the wiser looking at the papers and maybe questioning the prices but tans looking at you in the kitchen. and tans like “do us a couple teas would ya darling” (ew tan, why would you say that? have you no respect? no shame?) and he’s being all cheeky bc of the darling. but your dad doesn’t think anything of it, like it’s a common petname kinda thing. and it makes your ears prick and turn to look at him and he’s all smug????? and nodding at you????
this is really getting away from me but im not done, you’ve got me going 😭😭😭
tan definitely tests the waters, pushes the boat out LOADS. like he’s so teasing and cheeky in how he does it. def touches your back when ur dads in the same room, looks at you during dinners, sits opposite you during said dinners and touches you with his foot (but not in an gross way bc feet are disgusting) or sits beside you during said dinners and spreads his legs so his thigh bumps yours AND AHHAAHHAGAHA OMG THIS IS KILLING ME has his elbows wide on the table so he takes up more space and feels your arm up with his
and if you’re in the garden after dinner getting some air bc of what happened at the table. he’d come out and join you. but not properly. you might be at the end of the garden sitting at the patio table or something and he’s on the steps by the back door having a fag. like he’s keeping an eye on you but not making it obvious for your family inside
he’s also always offering lifts! so like if you don’t have a car or it’s in the shop or idk blah blah you ask your dad for a lift and tans there and he offers to drive you. and you’re like “no it’s fine” bc sitting in a car with him will make you like idk but like yk GO CRAZY. and tans all like “it’s no fuss. gotta pick something up that way anyway” and your dad is still oblivious so he’s agreeing to it like “tan’ll take you” and tan grabs his keys and he’s nodding you along like (okay don’t hate me for this. I don’t have a daddy kink but this idea is sending me and I need to say it) he’s all like “what daddy said goes” 😫😃😫😀🫠👍😉😔😖😱😰🫣🤭🤔AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAHHHH!!! and it has a double meaning!!!!!!!!!!!! bc he means your dad but also him!!!!!!! and the ‘take you’ bit!!!!! he also means that he’ll take you. like fuck you. so it’s all a huge double entendre
GOD THIS IS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!! making me wanna do something with dbf tan now
but he’s such a gentleman about it. like he’s teasing and smug and cocky but he’s still very charming and charismatic about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and when he drops you off he’s looking at your ass getting out and then opens the window to talk to you through the car and he’s like “call me if you need me”
and you’re like “why would I call you?” like shouldn’t he be saying to call your dad????
and he’s all like “you know why”
and you’re like “huh?” looking at him all weird
AND YHEN HE SAYS “he don’t pay attention to you like I do” GOOD DUCKING GOD SJJABSJDBS
im gonna have to stop there bc I know I never will. plus I have rice cooking and the timer went off 5 mins ago so I really gotta run😭😭😭😭
but you’re so right about him being the same as bodyguard tangerine!!!
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gowonders · 1 year
go you girl ♥ ot5 + you!
aka.. y/n getting princess treatment from her members and having the best relationship with them
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notes : hiiii! this is one of my favorite things to write i am absolutely in love with sixth member reader.. anyways this could be seen as romantic or platonic!! definitely written with best friends to lvrs in mind but that’s because that’s my fav trope.. gulp
warnings: fem reader, not proofread, lowkey tension in yeonjun nothing bad though, serious mutual pining in beomgyus, size difference with reader and hyuka.. (tell me if i missed any!)
yeonjun :
y’all definitely have sibling-type relationship..
BUT NOT IN A GOOD WAY. on camera y’all act like you 100% hate eachother.
maybe the best fans are getting is a forced hug
maybe a shared slam on one of your other members..
but behind closed doors? you’re actually best friends.
laying in his arms as he plays with your hair as you watch a corny movie, painting his nails, helping him pick out outfits, maybe even doing his makeup is some of your favorite things to do together…
maybeee you have some tension after that one “challenge for acting!” on m2…? (PLEASE KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.)
maybeeeeee he actually kissed you when you get back to the dorms!! we’ll never know! 🫣
onto princess treatment.. you definitely get it from this man.
remember the whole sibling thing? yeah.
”don’t you want something from the store?”
”yn, do you want me to buy you this?”
”i’ll get it for you. oh my god.”
rumor has it, if you complain about not having something long enough it’ll appear in your room along with your favorite snack~ yeonjun swears it’s the hybe santa..
soobin :
you guys are an UNSTOPPABLE DUO.
sometimes it feels like you’re the only two with sense in that group ….
you two have bonded over the fact that maybe you’re the only sensible ones in there!
he hasn’t told you.. but he definitely likes spending alone time with you.. so he lies and says you’re definitely better than everyone in the group (you’re not. you’re literally worse than huening kai..)
”no no no no yn!! you’re so responsible!” you spent 200 on albums for a group you fangirled for the other night.
he also loves giving you nicknames!! maybe it’s the leader in him, but he’s almost like your father figure?? (it literally doesn’t matter how old you are, he’s like your second dad.)
”silly, mini-me, *something based on your animal*” it is never ending!!!
you being the only girl doesn’t help how he practically acts like your dad…
”ynnnnnnnn.. when did you go to sleep last night..”
“um!!! 9:00!”
“then why did i hear the door close at 11:00? huh??”
“i was practicing….”
he gives you THAT look. you know the one your parents give you when they’re upset?
”im not mad. just disappointed.”
”okay daddddd..” new nickname am i right?
this man is the king of princess treatment.
opening your water for you.. you didn’t ask?
“i knew you would…” he says, handing your the bottle with a shrug.
beomgyu :
well well well if it isn’t my favorite man to write for mutual pining!
like.. you two have been best friends since you were trainees..
and you too were so obvious with the flirting…
beomgyu would always hug you from behind at practice, pretending to be interested in what you were looking at..
he really just likes hugging you..
but i feel like your relationship would just be very touchy yk??
likeeee.. let’s say you’ve been going to the gym more, the second you wear even a shorter top..
he is poking those abs ‼️
”i dunno yn.. might be getting better than taehyun!”
OR HES ALSO LIKE YEONJUN. he loves having you in his arms, telling jokes and random gossip as his fingers ghost over the neck he’s “jokingly” marked when you were both drunk..
his favorite thing to say to you is “i’ll do it!”
”i got it!” “let me do it yn!!”
this man will never let you do anything yourself..
he’s grabbing things from a cabinet you could totally reach, buying you things you can most definitely afford, even doing your hair for you sometimes (which he’s surprisingly good at ??)
he’s also very very very protective
like he’ll get you a blanket if you’re wearing a skirt, or he’ll stand behind you on tour to make sure nobody is being a weirdoooo <3
(can y’all tell i gushed on his..)
taehyun :
you two are the embodiment of sunshine protector x sunshine!!!
in “ to-do “ you could literally be jumping around and giggling in one side of the frame and taehyun could just be like
it’s like a perfect combo , like one of you do too much one of y’all do little!!!
he loves hugging you.. and you love it too!!
the way his arms wrap around you tightly, the way he picks you up a little, and the way his fingers linger around the hem of your shirt before he pulls away..
his cute little thing he does is he always takes your recommendations..
like i 100% see him adding the song you recommended to his playlist or the drink you always drink sitting on the desk in his room
”what do you have there, tyunnie?” you ask as you peer into his room. “the snack you always make me get at the store.. wanted to see the hype!” he smiles sheepishly.
he loves buying you things too
but he’s less shameless about it :3
‘I was at the store and I saw that album you wanted, can I get it for you?’ he texts you while he’s out and about !!
he just loves getting you stuff it’s insaneee
he’s also like beomgyu in the way he will do everything for you
”nah nah nah let me get it.”
king of princess treatment tbh
huening kai :
you two are always caught together
“have you seen huening kai?” “umm probably with yn but that’s just a guess!”
he loves sharing things with you too
like snacks or drinks, indirect kissing?? who cares (huening kai.. his cheeks are always pink when you take a sip from his can >_<)
he loves laying in your lap
(but this might be because i will forever head canon hyuka as a thigh/tummy man…)
he literally just loves laying on you
but you don’t care 👍👍
extremely obsessed with matching items
you guys have matching plushies and keychains just to match a few!
he literally started to look for things that reminded him of you to buy you
like he bought you a plushie of your rep animal just because
“you literally did so well ynieeeee!”
gives excellent hugs too
i feel like he’d also be really helpful if you had a wardrobe malfunction (+funny..)
wide eyes as he lowkey messes up the choreo to help fix whatever was wrong with your outfit :>
fans say y’all are basically siblings too
im just saying i headcannon YOU TWO as the best duo 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
༘⋆🍊💿💭 ⋆˙
i hope you liked theseeee! if you want i would love to hear any feedbackkk! have a nice day ♥ ♥
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
2023 Bill Kaulitz x reader whos a member of Tokio Hotel
•yall probably had a super duper sweet childhood friends to lovers type relationship
•he loved you ever since you joined the band but both of you were too young and awkward to realize 😭
•as you grew up, neither of you could hold back your feelings anymore and eventually got together. Everyone was so relieved that you guys FINALLY got together, they were so sick of your obliviousness 💀
•going on tour with him is SO GREAT
•obviously Bill is very fun and energetic, so hanging out with him is always a good time
•he makes you make tiktoks with him😭 also makes you take SO many instagram pictures for him. He also takes a ton of you but you never need to ask him to do it, he already takes them without you asking him
•and ofc you guys share hotel rooms and also share a bed on the tour bus
•everyone likes to joke about how you guys are never seen without each other and both of you always deny it. Butttt literally every time the paparazzi takes pictures of you, he is standing right there too. And you are almost always in every picture he posts
•and he wears his big ass platforms so he gets you some too so that the height difference isnt too much💀
•one time you almost tripped and ate shit while on stage and he laughed for about 5 minutes straight. Like yall had to take a break so that he could get himself together 😭 you were just rolling your eyes the whole time while trying to be mad at him, but it was so funny that you couldn’t help but laugh too
•gives you a kiss between every song🤭 he just gets so excited and filled with adrenaline that he cant help but give you a couple of smooches 😇
•post concert sex is 100% a frequent thing for you two
•and the rest of the band complains the next day because they can hear you through the hotel walls, and yall go on for hours😭
•he loved spending that alone time with you in such a beautiful place. And he definitely whines when its time to go home because he was having so much fun with you and he didn’t want it to end
•overall yall have such a cute and healthy relationship and hes the best bf ever
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killakalx · 4 months
So there’s experienced reader, but what about virgin? Would Dick be more possessive or egoistic because he’s the only one she slept with. Would he just take advantage of her lack of experience to tease her & stuff? Like if she tries to make him jealous (or annoys him in any other way) he could easily put her in place. Or if they’re arguing over something & she usually argues back, but since they’ve started a friends w benefits thing he can just make her go dumb if yk what I mean.
Im sorry if this doesn’t make any sense 💀 I’m insanely sleep deprived rn
i think dick would take advantage of you but in a “no harm done” kinda way. he’s not lying to you about anything or using you, but he definitely has you thinking sex is always as intimate as it is with him. once the fwb relationship is rolling everyone’s certain you two are dating and he loves it. it definitely goes to his head that he’s the only person you’ve slept with, and he cherishes that fact a lot. and the excuse to be touchy whenever he wants??? he damn near abuses it.
i like experienced reader with dick bc her teasing leaves a lot more room for him to get a little possessive over her. with an inexperienced reader, she plays the oblivious game a little too well. she’s inexperienced but she isn’t stupid, so she can get away with all types of incidents of feeding into the little corruption kink i firmly believe every man has. complaining about all the things you don’t know or never have done before, just so he can get that giddy feeling from being the one to teach you.
i would also like to apologize if this doesn’t make sense bc i am also sleep deprived rn <3
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blue-thief · 6 months
do you perhaps have some headcanons about mr. isagi? <3
OFC!! <3333
on top of having 2.0 vision (and well, metavision) his VVIQ score is a perfect 5
this helps him a lot with art and he's actually pretty good at it even though he's not as passionate about it as he is with football/soccer
he started drawing through doodling his favourite manga characters and he's able to recreate art styles almost perfectly
he's actually pretty careless when it comes to his schoolwork (esp for STEM) so sometimes he'll hand in incomplete work bc it looks like he's already filled in certain questions
like no. you doodled an eye instead of solving for "x"
he canonically hates science, but if he had to choose one branch as his favourite, it would be chemistry (not boring & derivative memorization like bio but not absolutely insane like physics)
something might contradict this in canon but i hc his handwriting is pretty shitty lmao
since so many sports anime characters look like him (nanase haruka, kageyama tobio, etc) i like to pretend they're all cousins and they meet up at family reunions to compete to see who's better at their respective sport
so yeah despite having no siblings he has a shit ton of cousins who he's really close to
he was conceived by accident 💀 his parents love and coddle him despite this
despite showing the exact opposite of the typical symptoms (great spacial awareness, scarily good empathy, etc) i still say he's got autism lmao. he just has a really unique type yk
his hobby is canonically walking, but i wanna expand on this a little bit
he somehow doesn't listen to music on his walks
(in fact, he doesn't listen to much music at all. that's why his fav song is from a commercial 💀)
furthermore, he rarely ever brings his phone out on walks at all. he likes being at one with his surroundings and he doesn't want his phone to distract him
which is understandable. unless we're talking about how he'll sometimes walk 2+ hours to go to a friends house AND HE DOESN'T HAVE IT?? NO GPS??? NO MAP NOTHING
he's just spent so much time walking around saitama he has a map of most of it installed in his mind
he really doesn't use his phone much at all. he has a few accounts in case he wants to check something out, but he doesn't post anything + barely follows anyone + even has a blank pfp on everything
he apparently received 0 valentine's chocolates in the previous year, but a few ppl from school had a crush on him
he's not popular or anything but some ppl over the years thought he was a genuinely sweet guy and quietly observed him from a distance
he's completely oblivious to this
his school friends all have way more romantic experience than him and they all tease him for this
he gets really frustrated about this and tries to convince himself he likes certain ppl in hopes of something sticking
when he genuinely likes someone he's oblivious to this too lmaoo
he's the type of guy to take dodgeball in PE wayyy too seriously
the first time he swore was when he was eight and got mad at his teammates for slacking off
he got in trouble for this and never swore in front of an adult ever again
(the lack of any physical adults in blue lock made him fall back on his foul mouth)
his fav class is PE in canon but i think i remember something about isagi hating baseball? that might have just been someone else's hc but yeah
he enjoys basketball and badminton, but he thinks volleyball is mid
the one time his school tried floor hockey he enjoyed it well enough
american football is just way too confusing for him
he had no backup plans in case football/soccer didn't work out, but he'd be fantastic in psychology and/or politics
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laundrypause · 2 days
AU where loscar are in high school, Oscar's quite popular and Logan is not as popular but just as much as well-liked. One thing about Logan is he is the most oblivious human to ever exist in the entirety of mankind. People flirting with him? Nah, they're just being nice. Getting chocolates for Valentine's? They must feel bad that he doesn't have one. Notes with hearts attached to phone numbers mysteriously finding their way into his locker? Must be the people he's been partnered with for their midterms. At first, Logan's secret admirers thought he was trying to reject them without outwardly saying no to their advances. And if that really was the case, they'd back off cause yk common decency. But then they find out he actually doesn't realise that these advances are essentially what they are. Advances. So they do what seemed like a perfectly reasonable solution and asked one of Logan's best friends to help them out because maybe their flirtations were too general. Too normal. They needed an insider who knew what Logan liked other than fishing and cars. Things that made his heart flutter, his cheeks blush. They wanted him to know that they were interested in him, not just being friendly. So who else to ask none other than Oscar to help them out.
Oscar wouldn't say he was Logan's bestest best closest friend who knew everything about him down to a T. That position was occupied. But Oscar thinks he knows Logan enough to try and be a Cupid-associate per say and help these poor souls who decided to fall for Oblivious Man™. He doesn't know what the tightening of his chest or the flood of fire trickling through his body means but it's probably the odd gloop of greens the cafeteria calls lunch he ate. Not for any other reason at all.
For about 2 weeks straight, Oscar's the designated Loge(Love) Guru, attempting to inconspicuously ask Logan questions and relaying pieces of said information to the admirers that fit the list of questions they'd emailed him. Yes, emailed him like social media didn't exist and this was the early 2000s or something. The list of questions include:
What's Logan's favourite color?
Is he a steak kinda guy?
His ideal type in 3 words?
Coach or Gucci?
And other questions Oscar deemed.... he'd rather not ask (let's leave it at that).
Logan's a little confused about the sudden influx of questions hurled at him by Oscar but deigns it harmless enough. If it meant he'd get to spend more time with Oscar, he'd take it. Who's there to judge him? Exactly. No one.
It's been weeks ever since the admirers have asked Oscar for help and still...no dice. It seemed like after they'd requested Oscar's expertise, Logan's become even more detached to their pursuits, which should definitely be impossible but it's Logan. He always somehow manages to defy the odds. But maybe this is a sign of some sort, that Logan will never manage to see through the fog and accept that it's possible for people to experience attraction towards him.
When they say this to Oscar, however, he's weirdly defensive. Saying how could they just give up that easily, if they're actually serious about Logan why are they not doing anything more, that actually they were asking the wrong questions. That did they not realize that Logan wasn't that much of a materialist? Their actions need to have meaning, their gifts need to convey a message. They can't just throw a designer watch at him expecting him to know their intentions. Hell, he wouldn't even accept the damn gift because oh why would you spend so much on me? I can't accept this.
Nor can they can't just give him flowers all willy-nilly, just grabbing them off a shelf because it's the most expensive. Purple so obviously clashes with him and didn't they remember when Oscar said Logan liked yellow? They should've gotten him a yellow bouquet with greens and blues complimenting it, yellow because he was as bright as the sun, always exuding warmth and blues and greens because they were the colors of his eyes and wrapped with delicate pink crêpe paper because that's the color of his cheeks whenever he flushes and-
Oh my God, they were dumbasses. Idiots, fools, blockheads. Of course Oscar's 'advice' didn't work. It didn't work because he liked him. He liked Logan. Shit, it was all starting to make sense now, why none of the help Oscar lent truly...helped. Because he didn't want to help them. Because he liked Logan and didn't want them to- God how were they so dumb? It's so obvious now, so clear. The way Oscar's eyes always managed to soften when Logan was in his radar, the immediate hardening of his body, muscles taut whenever someone says something less than friendly to the American, ready to jump into a fight like an aggravated cat or even the way he always seemed to be the first person in line to lend Logan a shoulder when he's tired out of his mind, staving off sleep just to do one more calc question.
Always the one forcing him to take care of himself whenever Logan forgets to. God, they were complaining about Logan being the oblivious one but how about them? Being completely blind to the obvious lovesick simp that was still going on about how the direction of the quirk of Logan's mouth could clearly tell you about the mood he's in.
Oscar, the most discreetly obvious about his feelings. So discreet, he managed to go unnoticed by the admirers until now. So discreet, he himself doesn't realize the extent of what he's feeling for Logan isn't just platonic.
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multifariousqueer · 3 months
Yandere Jake Peralta x Reader Headcanons
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A/n: heyyyy guys. So ik it's been a minute but... I'm back I think. Anyways, I hope yall enjoy this.
Warnings: Yandere behaviors, Stockholm Syndrome, brief mentions of bl00d, stalkerish behavior, i think thats it
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I feel like he would be the delusional/stalkerish yandere, yk? Like I don't think Jake would intentionally hurt you just maybe gaslight you.
At first, everything felt so natural that you wouldn't even know that anything was wrong. He would be very sweet, and attentive, but he would know things about you that you had never told him.
Would absolutely have a binder on you, your family, blood type, rarity, and everything else(assisted by Amy ofc).
He would bring things up from the binder and you would be so confused
"So yeah I went to give blood yesterday..." "Oh, the one on 7th street right?" "Uhhh yeah, how did you know?" "Well, they always use the butterfly needles on you and they're always kind there, so."
You become a bit more suspicious of Jake after this and he senses that so he does a better job of hiding his obsession.
Everyone always writes him off as being oblivious and airheaded but he's a literal cop.
Would have 24/7 surveillance on you either from Boyle/Rosa making sure you were safe, or from cameras around the city.
When you try to leave, he would bring up how you hardly spend time together.
"Y/n all I'm saying is that you were all I could think about while I was in Florida and I missed you so bad. Can't you just see your parents another day?" "Okay, baby. I missed you too."
Gives you puppy dog eyes and you immediately cave.
Keeps photos of you in his wallet and plastered around his apartment.
When he was undercover, he would kiss pictures of you that he kept and watch surveillance cameras to make sure that you were still going about your routine.
Because Jake is a cop, he would do everything to make sure that you were safe and I do mean everything.
Jake is so concerned about your safety, that you wake up in a random glass box in a basement with Jake standing outside of it.
"Hey Babe!" "Jake??? What is going on?" "Oh right the box thingy. Look I know what it looks like and I can assure you it's for your own good."
Whenever he comes to visit you, he would have his gun and badge showing intentionally so you know that you couldn't leave. Even if you tried, he had connections that could bring you back.
He slides you bagels and coffee through a hole in the glass box and watches Die Hard with you
To not arouse suspicion, he brings your case to the precinct and has everyone try to find you.
He really could be an actor the way he acts like you're really missing when in reality, you're chained up in a glass box somewhere in Manhattan.
Jake would drive every day to see you and kiss you through the box.
"Hey, Y/n. So because you've been so good, I'm gonna let you go..." "REALLY???" "Go out of the box for a bit and walk around, God I should've led with that." "Oh. okay" "I know right, yayyyyyy!!"
Tries hard to boost your morale but I mean, he kidnapped you for Christ's Sake!
Despite all of this, he is still charming and you start to develop Stockholm syndrome.
Jake decides that he wants to marry you so he gets ordained online and proposes to you and you say yes.
It was a crappy ceremony but cute.
He begins to let you sleep in his apartment(windows and everything boarded up) and Jake becomes "the perfect husband"
Eventually, you give up and succumb to him and your case goes cold.
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