#mouse virus au
ninjastormhawkkat · 5 months
Wordgirl Infection Au: Mouse Virus
(So I have been looking at different infections aus from different fandoms and decided, hey why not try a version of my own. This idea stems from a mouse zombie apocalypse that I came up with and discussed with friends on discord. I am changing some things from the original idea such as with the virus its not fast acting in the infection au unlike the zombie idea. The cause for it is still the same as well as those who can be infected and those who can be immune.) VIRAL OUTBREAK REPORT: ENTRY 1 NAME: Professor Steven Dr. Two Brains SUBJECT: 01-OMEGA BIO INFECTION "aka" Mouse Virus CLASSIFICATION TYPE: Viral Infection ORIGIN OF OUTBREAK: Fair City Somewhere TIME OF OUTBREAK: April 10th, 2015 RATE OF INFECTION: 2 to 72 hours NUMBER OF INFECTED: 2,734 and growing NUMBER OF SURVIVORS:...less than 400 maybe even less than that SIGNS OF POSSIBLE IMMUNIZATION: Myself Only animals show 100% immunity to the infection SIGNS OF INFECTED: Scratches and bite marks SYMPTOMS: Discussed in another entry. TIMELINE OF INFECTION: Discussed in another entry STAGES: Recorded data in another entry from Beck an infected subject. PATIENT ZERO: UNKNOWN CURE:..Still in testing phase CAUSE: IT'S NOT MY FAULT! IT'S NOT MY FAULT! I DON'T KNOW WHY THE BLAME ME FOR THIS! I NEVER WANTED SOMETHING LIKE THIS I JUST WANTED CHEESE! THE DEVICE SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS! SOMEONE TAMPERED WITH IT! I'm sorry Becky, I'm so sorry! CAUSE: Rodent mind reading device.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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Hhhhnnnfnng what if,, fuzzbear au but everyone gets infected by some kind of Virus(tm)? 🤔
(and Eclipse also has the virus but at first glance he, kind of like Sun, seems to be almost normal, but when u get down to it he, like Sun, is affected in a way that doesn’t automatically take form of ‘kill the Reader bc violence is what peepaw Willy demands of me’ but (unlike Sun) more like ‘mine <3 this one is mine :3 and if someone try to touch them? No more hands for them <3 <3 my littol star. My tiny X3c they r my favorite and they must b held and protecc. If they r apart from me I will do anything to drag them back 😌❤️’)
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alterworldstudios · 23 days
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Hi guys *throws virus au at you*
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themightyhumanbroom · 8 months
Shadow tells everyone the Metal Virus is back, but not everyone is shocked.
Chapter 3 is up! This one got away from me so now this fic is gonna be 6 chapters lol.
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antsday · 2 months
in the palm of your hand
[i was re-reading @habken's incredible scammers to lovers au and wrote this short fic. I really love their work and couldn't help myself lmaoo. anyways i hope you all enjoy!!!]
“Hi! Can I help you with- oh,” says the angel from the IT department, spinny chair swiveling to a stop. “It’s you again.”
The first week Katsuki had come in, Deku had been relatively understanding and chipper- bright and sunny and shit. More personal than the strained smile and forced cheer that most customer service workers spoke with- of course I’ll fix your laptop, no problem, just leave it to me. 
Now, about three weeks later he looks at Katsuki like he’s just bitten into a lemon. As in, like Katsuki had come into the IT department, looked Deku in the eye, bit into a lemon, and then made a puckered up face and writhed in discomfort and then showed up with another lemon the next day, rinse and repeat for nearly a month. A complicated mix of intrigue and confusion and mild horror at this endless display of masochism.
Which is fair; there really is no other way to look at a top ten Pro Hero who repeatedly comes in to have his laptop fixed and won’t admit under penalty of death that it was because he clicked a pop-up in hopes of having a proper conversation with a dreamy IT guy. Not that Dreamy IT guy in question knows about all of that, but whatever. If Katsuki was in Deku’s position, he would also be worried about the fact that the safety and integrity of the public was left in the hands of guys who can’t stop getting scammed by obvious pop-up ads. 
“Your laptop’s broken again?” Deku says incredulously, as if reading Katsuki’s mind. His voice is really nice, even when he sounds confused as shit. Smooth and soft like- like a satin pillowcase. Or something. Whatever. It’s not like they pay him to be good with words. 
Then again, it’s not like they pay him to (unsuccessfully) flirt with the guy he’s normally supposed to see once a month max, but here he was. 
“Yeah,” says Katsuki, like he said two days ago, and then three days before that, and for the past month. It’s easier to say than I got a pop-up ad for a BL manga and I am ninety percent sure the twink on the cover was just a recolor of Sasuke Uchiha and I clicked it because I’m a fucking dumbass and I needed an excuse to keep coming in here and gazing into your dreamy-ass eyes. If you even care. 
He’s surprised Deku’s even asking. He’s been consistently coming in here for exactly the same reason: his laptop ‘mysteriously’ got a virus and now he needs it fixed. He’ll be back to pick it up soon, no, he’s not getting a new laptop, no, he’s not sure what happened, no, he’s not going to install some fancy-ass ad-blocker because he doesn’t want to (and it would get rid of his excuse), and Deku’s never asked this but yes, he would love to go get dinner sometime, he’s free today and tomorrow and the day after that and the rest of his life, forever, actually- 
“...Did you,” Deku begins, like he’s searching for the right words. “Uh. Do you have any idea what could have happened? Any idea at all?” 
I gazed into the dead-eyed stare of poorly-recolored Sasuke’s green eyes and thought of you because your eyes are also green, and less unnerving to look at, and the more I thought about that the more my mouse moved away from the ‘x’ button and the next thing I know, I have a virus and my desire to carnally hold your hand has overpowered any other logical thought. That’s what happened. 
“No,” Katsuki says belatedly. “Fuck. Look, can you fix it or not?” 
“Of course,” says Deku. He’s still got that little furrow in his brow. Katsuki wants to bite at it like taffy- which, is a weird fucking thing to think, scratch that- “Just- give it over, and I’ll be sure to have it ready for you in a little while.”
“Cool.” He holds out his laptop. It’s reminiscent of when he was four and showing off the cool rhinoceros beetle he caught to his mom. He’s internally beaming with pride at his success so far, and Deku’s got that same baffled, borderline horrified expression that his mom did. 
Although, that particular interaction ended with the thing flying out of his hands and into his mom’s cardigan and with him getting yelled at, so, maybe it’s not the ideal scenario to compare this to.
 But this encounter will end differently. He’s got a grip on the rhinoceros beetle, now. He just has to play his cards right. 
“So,” he says, shoving his hands into the pockets of his slacks so Deku won’t see how fucking sweaty they are. “You’ll have it ready by lunch tomorrow?” 
Deku takes the laptop and tilts his head. “Uh. Yeah, I will. In fact, I can get it to you earlier than that-”
“I’ll be busy for the rest of the day,” Katsuki lies. All his incident reports are done, and he’s got the night shift on patrol tomorrow. “You’re done by 2 tomorrow, right?”
“Great. Look, I have to stop at that fucking- crepe place, down the street, right,” he says, praying to every God there is that he looks cool and casual and not like a ‘Deranged Goblin Man’, as the Hero Times described him a few months ago. “So. When you get off work you should meet me there. At the crepe place. Tomorrow. At two pm.”
He doesn’t know what’s worse- the fact that he’s really doing this, being reduced to the same sort of emotional sap he would have made fun of only five years ago; or the fact that Present Mic’s lessons on subtlety and hidden meanings in text were actually good for something. 
Look at him, effortlessly weaving together words to create sentences with underlying motives. He’s like a modern-day Shakespeare. He’s golden. He’s killing it. Bakugou Katsuki, master of words. He’s on cloud-fucking-nine. He’s-
…aaaaand Deku isn’t responding. 
Deku blinks. He opens his mouth. Closes it. He sets the laptop down, staring up at Katsuki intently, and Katsuki starts to sweat. 
You are Bakugou Katsuki, he reminds himself. You might be down bad, but you’re not weak. It will not kill you if he rejects you. Well, it’ll kill you a little. But not that much. 
“At the crepe pla- to give you the laptop, right?” says Deku slowly. His face is turning bright red. Katsuki goes a little weak in the knees. 
“Sure, yeah,” Katsuki says half-heartedly. “Look, if you want, I could. I dunno. Fucking- buy you a crepe or something. As payment.” 
He’s so smooth. Eat your fucking heart out, Dunce Face. ‘Zero game’, his ass. 
“Sure,” Deku says, scratching the back of his neck, smile just a tad bit shy. His face is still mildly flushed. Katsuki swoons (and does his best to not let it show on his face). “I- uh. I’d like that. I guess.” 
“Cool,” says Katsuki. “Cool. Great. Okay, bye. Be there or else. Bye. See you.”
He turns on his heel and power walks out of the room, not once looking back, even when Pigtails nearly crashes into him or when Deku makes a noise suspiciously like he’s slamming his head against the desk. He walks out of the room, into the hallway, back to his own office.
The door slams shut behind him. He takes a deep breath. Squeezes his eyes shut. A breathlessly excited grin forces his way onto his face, and he pumps his fists, victorious. 
He's got a date.
part one/part two
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lovedrruunk · 5 months
How these overwatch characters would be in a zombie apocalypse :3
Twdg brainrot rn ily zombie games
Junkrat, his ass is getting mistaken for a zombie and SHOT ON SIGHT….
Moira, she’s rich enough to not have to worry about it too much but also she’d love it because all the stupid people are finally dying which means humanity can now evolve as a species. Being a geneticist she’s definitely having the time of her life running experiments and tests and being crazy she’s definitely hiding the cure. She thinks being killed by a zombie is really embarrassing so she simply wouldn’t be. “Are you bitten or have you always been this braindead ?”
Venture, has seen every My Little Pony infection AU TikTok ever and is fully prepared. But no lol srsly i think zombie media would be their fav!!! Like especially old zombie movies! Has definitely had like a zombie paranoia phase so they’re already stocked up. Dug a “secret underground base” (it’s just a room in the earth with a single can of beans and a mouse). Would sadly die in a really dumb way early on … (sorz! Sorrows sorrows)
Cassidy, all his STDs make him immune, his body can take it
Junker Queen, this bitch is patient 0. The virus DEFINITELY originated in New Junk City… But no if she hadn’t already been a zombie I think she would go on a rampage accusing everyone of being bitten and enforcing some crazyass rules bc of how paranoid she’d be and then her citizens would form a coup
Hanzo, he smells like shit so zombies can’t tell if he’s human or not. Safe.
Brigette, she’s too nice for an apocalypse!!!! Def dying sacrificing herself…
Junkrat pt 2, if zombie media has taught me anything it’s that the living r scarier than the zombies themselves and he’s proof. The type to literally cause problems and rob OTHER SURVIVORS…. Will bag all your supplies, take a dumb on your bed, then tell you to have a nice day. People tend to forget him and hog r literally famous criminals, like he will steal all your food not because he needs it but because it’s his favorite brand
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bakawitch · 4 months
Okay, so, announcement time!
I am looking for more OCs to add to Miraculous Mortality because 1, I am running out of characters to assign parasites, and 2, this is already a pretty self-indulgent OC stuffed crossover-esc au and I feel like a few extra OCs wouldn't matter all that much at this point XD
So! If you have an OC you're interested in seeing in Miraculous Mortality, feel free to submit them!
Here are the kwamis up for grabs and a few guidelines to follow if you decide to submit an OC:
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Hare of Speculation
Kwami: Forss
Tool: playing cards
Theming: Casino
Power: Flutter Bet - The power to make deals and bets and reward the winner and punish the loser. The bets can be one-sided as long as they don't apply to others. If a bet is made between more than one consenting people, the winner will be rewarded by a prize of their choice within reason, and the loser will face a penalty chosen by the winner. The prize and the punishment are usually short-term, but if the user channels a significant amount of energy into one, it can be long term or even permanent.
Moodboard used:
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Snake of Liquidation
Kwami: Laata
Tool: gel gun
Theming: Desserts
Power: Jelly Shot - The power to generate a jelly like substance with healing properties. The jelly is safe to consume and is very elastic. It's also strong enough to hold multiple people up, depending on the surface shot out. The activation of the power is not necessary for small shots.
Moodboard used:
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Mouse of Exhilaration
Kwami: Scurra
Tool: hat
Theming: Circus
Power: Hijinks - The power to apply cartoon physics to the world. The user's body innately follows cartoon logic, and they are capable of summoning a tool from their hat depending on their preference that's able to apply cartoon physics to other people and their immediate surroundings.
Moodboard used:
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Platypus of Isolation
Kwami: Excuub
Tool: eku (wooden paddle)
Theming: Prison
Power: Oubliette - The power to trap objects and individuals in chained energy cells. The cells are inescapable, and only the user can destroy them. The user has the ability to completely control the cells.
Moodboard used:
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Lice of Contagion
Kwami: Vennen
Tool: rope dart
Theming: Computer Virus
Power: Mar - The power to infect organisms with a small parasite that lets the user see and hear from the contaminated individuals' eyes and ears. The user can activate this by piercing a target with the rope dart.
Moodboard used:
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So! If you are interested in an OC of yours being included with one of these parasites, please send me a quick bio of them! It could be just a random character you made up on the spot or a special little blorbo you wrote novels about. Obviously, credit will be given to those who don't submit anonymously. Heads up that it's first come, first served, so I'll assign kwamis to the first submissions/asks. I'll keep updating the master post here about what kwamis are still available. (Look for TBS)
What to include:
Chosen Kwami:
Hero Name:
Bio: (could be anything from nationality to likes and dislikes or tragic backstories)
Physical description and/or reference: (you could use picrew for this! Could be hero/villain form too)
You could also include whatever existing materials there are of them so I can portray them more accurately!
No familial relations to canon characters.
Also. PLEASE PLEASE let me know if you want me to give your oc immunity, because if you do, I will make sure that no serious permanent harm comes to them and that they will be alive by the end of the story. Miraculous Mortality might get a little dark, and I do not want to put someone's oc through things that make them uncomfortable!
Amd with all that out of the way, I eagerly await submissions! If non-anon askers want, I'm also open to consulting about oc and parasite claims through private messages :)
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digital-matchmake · 11 months
*#!& it, Au time
*it's been a decade since the company C&A has declared bankruptcy and shut down, suspiciously just in time as several missing report cases became public. Searches went cold and they were declared dead, obviously many suspects the company and it's higher ups of any involvement but with no proof, the case was closed and forgotten and the company's assets were sold away to those interested in them*
*After unfortunately getting a promotion from the company you work for, you were given an odd USB that was collecting dust in the storage bin instead of the usual celebration because you qoute from them "Things are getting more expensive here" Yeah right and so they decided to give you this old piece of junk but when they explained that the USB belongs to the C&A company before their bankruptcy you were curious on its contents*
*What could be inside this USB? Some kind of company secret? a file containing sensitive info? Some video of worker's training? At this point you aren't sure as all you know is that the company used to air some weird 3d shows that no one seems to remember. Maybe you should plug it in to see or maybe you can just sell the damn thing again but who the hell would want an old USB? Collectors maybe?*
*It would take you another week and a half to finally get curious enough to actually plug in the darn thing to your PC, when you did it prompt a request to download and wanting to know what contains in the damn thing, You click accept as it started downloading. it took a while and after it finishes downloading, An app icon appear on your desktop, it says "The amazing DIGITAL CIRCUS", hovering your mouse over it, you double click and... it opened to a blank screen, confuse, you click anything in the screen, nothing, you pressed Esc and it merely brought you back to your Monitor, is that it? what a rip off*
*Well you sure hope it isn't any kind of virus, you lean over to your pc to pull out the USB , Ready to throw it back at your boss for some actual money for your promotion when you suddenly hear a warped noise, almost sounding like a liquid being plunged through by something or someone, you turn back to your monitor and felt your heart jump to your throat as you see a gloved red hand sticking through your monitor, reaching out to you*
In this au, after being trapped in the digital world for at least 20 years, the performers were finally given the means of exit but not in the way that they thought, being in the digital world for so long their bodies were basically turned into digital overtime and their human bodies and memories are lost. So now basically think of them as like the gems from steven universe in the real world now.
They live with the reader after making a bit of deal with them and after calming them down (Cuz u would get scared too if you see this giant grinning rabbit man in yo living room)
They can use any devices with screens as like portals to the real world and to the digital world but also to get from one place to another, their size changes depending on which device they come out from, they can be small like around 4-6 inches when coming out of an apple watch for example, normalish (but still bigger than human) when coming out of a 55 inch tv screen and just flat out giant when coming out of a digital billboard, thankfully they can only go into a device in which the reader has access on so no giant Jax terrorizing some poor city.
They also cannot go too far from the reader, if they are very far like around 10 feet apart, they are instantly teleported next to the reader (kinda like a minecraft dog lmao)
Since they are technically in digital bodies, they do not need to eat nor drink BUT they do get tired now as they aren't constantly being fed electricity like in their digital world, they can recharge by either A. Napping (Not reccomended as it would take a day to fully recharge), B. Going into any devices and just staying there until their battery is full (Alright) or C. They can literally just place a plugged in charger in their mouth and they will recharge (They charge fast this way but with the reader's limited chargers they just tend to do the second option)
Reader was traumatized from their first encounter and literally barricaded themselves in their bathroom with all their devices turned off after learning they can use them as portals, Stayed there for about a day and a half before Ragatha managed to talk through them.
They tend to be small when they are out, mostly because the reader always brings their phone everywhere and thats how they usually be with the reader.
You all know those shimeji companion that you can download into your phone and you can pick them up and stuff? Well the reader can do that while they are in her phone but they also can mess with the reader's apps and stuff.
Caine is there but since he is an ai through and through, he just enjoys his retirement in the reader's pc and cannot get out into the real world.
Pomni thinks that she owes the reader big time for saving her from the digital hell.
The name of this Au is "Digital Circus is out!" (May change soon)
Edit- The name is changed to Digital Roommates!
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
This Is For Haunted Hoedown Day 4! | My Haunted Hoedown Master-List | Bucky Barnes & Characters Master-List
artificial intelligence au + "do you like it when I touch you like this, I can keep going if you want me to".
Synopsis: Your "Bucky Bots" are acting odd, and you're determined to fix the malfunction.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: (it was so difficult to come up with something for this ngl) robots behaving in a sexual way? slight dub!con. robot!buckybarnes x f reader. fingering.
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You have been at this for days, trying desperately to pinpoint what caused the A.I.R. to malfunction. You fiddle with his backside, wires, and switches fill his compartment, waiting to be cut, analyzed, or messed with.
A.I.R was your own intelligence company. Standing for, (Artificially Intelligent Robots). It took you years to be where your feet stand now, in your own private lab, with enough money to donate to countless charities, and still have some left to retire on.
Recently, your MBBs, (Male Barnes Bots) have been acting strangely. You’ve often found them nearing you when you're not looking, even if their power switches are off. One of them even wrapped a metal hand around your waist, attempting to pull you to its metal frame.
You screamed, prying off the robot’s hand and reaching around to pull its connector wire. It powered down immediately, and you couldn’t lie it had shaken you a bit. Working with AI can be scary, especially with malicious people on the internet. But putting that intelligence inside a vessel, it’s even spookier.
Anything can go wrong.
Even as you tear at one of the Barnes Bots wires, you huff, wiping the sweat from your forehead and placing the tool down on the lab table. The bot lies lifeless on the table as you switch to look into its program.
You turn the monitor to face you, the screen reflecting in your glasses. Hunching over the desk to toy with the mouse, you start clicking the files, rummaging through its code. Most are just random data commands, the Barnes Bots were originally made to help with everyday activities.
Cooking, Cleaning, and Shopping.
Like a Roomba, but better.
Way better.
Due to this… problem, the bots release date has been called off, and now you are stuck in the lab trying to figure out the problem. You were the only one who could, this was your technology. You click on the only file you have left to sort through, scrunching at the harshness of the computer screen light.
It’s raining outside, and it’s almost completely pitch black.
How long have you been at the lab? Hours must have passed by. The file opens to rays of codes, and almost immediately you spot it. The inputs and outputs have been messed with. You pull away from the screen, nervously glancing at the Barnes Bot.
A virus is in his system, someone must have downloaded it, or the files might have been corrupted. You gasp, feeling a metal hand wrap around your hip, molding your hoodie to your small body. Anxiety seeps into your bones as you catch the reflection of your captor. The broken-down bot is still on the table, but behind you, is one of the many hundreds you created.
“A.I.R! Power down Barnes Bot 34” Your AI system doesn’t respond, and the Barnes Bot still has his metal fingers wrapped around your waist. You are scared now, this stuff only happens in movies, the whole “Watch out, your creations might turn on you" has never been more real at this moment.
You flip around, facing the bot. It’s one of the realistic versions. “Bucky” is what you had called this model. You had to admit, the face you created for the bot was gorgeous. His metal fingers were wrapped in the mold as well, making his artificial fingers feel like flesh.
Everything about this bot looked human, the way he moved, the way he talked. “Let go!” You scratch, trying to pry off his fingers. The bot smiles in an odd way, almost seductively…
You feel his other hand reach down your pants, as he keeps you in place. You kick, aiming for its legs, but it won't let up. “Power down!” The bot’s fingers dip into your panties waistline, a shiver coursing through your back. If you could just get to his connecter-
“Fuck.” An illicit moan echoes you, feeling its faux flesh fingers graze against your folds. You're stuck against the desk, unable to stop ‘Bucky’.
“Need to please you.” The bot says, his voice sounding as smooth as a human's, with no gaps or pauses like you hear in normal ai. Right then and there, you’ve figured it out. There’s a virus all right, and it’s causing the bots to act in a sexual manner.
You reach around his head, but the bot pulls away quickly, dodging your fingers. His own appendages circle your clit as you buck against him, begging for the torture to stop but for the pleasure to continue. This isn’t right, you shouldn’t be this wet from an A.I.R M.B.B.
“Do you like it when I touch you like this? I can keep going if you want me to.” The bot says smoothly. Its faux eyes lock with yours, his fingers bruising your hip as his hand finds your entrance.
This can’t be real. The words that come out of your mouth are feral and-
“Answer me, human.”
That response should concern you. Barnes Bots should not be acting like this, but when those fleshy fingers slide against you, their body pressing down on you, pushing you further into the desk, you don’t seem to care.
“Yes, Bucky!” You cry, bucking your hips into the metal framework of ‘Bucky’. It’s late, you're probably hallucinating from the lack of water you’ve had all day.
“Doing so good, human.”
“Good girl.” The bot somehow purrs, working his fingers in and out of you. You close your eyes, your fingers holding onto the edge of the desk. Heat rises in your cheeks, being praised by a robot…
Your robot, for that matter, Shouldn’t make you wet. But it does a large enough amount that the bot notices, hearing his metal framework slide in and out of your wet heat.
“Come for me, my little human. Make a mess on my fingers.” The Barnes Bot drones on, pumping his fingers in a curling motion. You didn’t program them to do that. Something is seriously messed up in the code, but right now, it doesn’t matter.
Not even a little bit.
A few more cruel thrust has you coming against the bot’s fingers, feeling his cool digits slide out with crude noises. You open your eyes, the orgasm still wracking waves against your small body. You lock eyes with the ‘Bucky’ Bot, his faux stare boring into your fingered-out frame. His metal fingers are covered in your desire.
Thank god they're waterproof.
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therealmofamorus · 4 months
Original Male Stud AU: Fusion AU: Cyberpunk AU + Barbarian AU: Warlord AU/Chosen One AU, Fusion AU: Cyberpunk AU + Medieval AU, Brothel AU, Stolen Hearts AU, Fusion AU - Super AU + Celebrity AU, Bimbo Maker AU, Future AU, Married AU, Stepford AU, Fusion AU: Horror AU + Breeding Stud AU, Yandere AU, Law and Crime AU - Officer AU: Detective AU
Alpha Male Stud AU: Fusion AU - Horror AU + Breeding Stud AU, Yandere AU, Law and Crime AU - Officer AU: Detective AU, Fusion AU: Medieval AU + Barbarian AU, Fusion AU - Celebrity AU: Youtuber AU + Cyberpunk AU, Stolen Hearts AU, Fusion AU: Celebrity AU: Social Media AU + Law and Crime AU: Criminal AU: Mafia AU, Lust Virus AU, Fusion AU: Celebrity AU + Slavery AU: Sex Slave AU, Beach AU: Lewd AU, Fusion AU: Alien AU + Slavery AU: Slave Master AU, RWBY AU: Faunus AU
General Moods: Master/Slave, Genderswap, Slutty, Public Sex, legal Slavery, Happy Pride Month, Degradation, Pet Play, Dom/Sub, Crossover Smut, Breast Play, Worship Kink
Main Muses: Jessica Rabbit, Holli Would, Chel, Lisa Yadōmaru, Kasumi Tendo, Shermie, Ibara Shiozaki, Asajj Ventress, Fem!Jaune Arc, Fem!Ace Portgas, Loona Buckzo, Utahime Iori, Handsome Jack, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Incredible Hulk/Bruce Banner, Luke Castellan, Ganondorf Dragmire, Ike, Male!Pyrrha Nikos, Hashirama Senju, Roger Rabbit, Ddraig, Nekomaru Nidai, Mickey Mouse
Main Male Muses: Muse List
Main Female Female: Muse List
Meme: Magical Sex Doll, Breeding an Heir, Hate Fuck, Pregancy Test, Mortal Kombat Intro, If They Had a Kid, Pornhub Meme, Toliet Cumdump, Revenge NTR, Mating Season, Exhibiting Excitement, Comparing Size, Glorius Fun, Porn Title & Tags, Snap Finger Hypnosis, Naked Dogeza, ( • )( • ), Free Use Slut
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primatechnosynthpop · 8 months
Was seized by the supernatural urge to redraw some of my old nkotr art (mostly based on my own fics/aus because that's uhh pretty much the only time I drew them in an interesting way heheh)
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[ID: two versions of an alternate cover image for Your Computer has a Virus, and it's Killing Your Online Friends. The new kids are in their jumpsuits from Computer Fighters. Neil is holding a floppy disk labeled "virus" and looking over his shoulder with a scared expression as multicoloured glitch effects surround and overtake him. Below this, Kevin grits his teeth and makes a fist while Ryan sadly puts a hand on his shoulder.
The colours in the new piece are more saturated and the glitch effects are done differently, and there's shading. Neil has his helmet, which was missing from the original, Kevin is visibly sweating and his fist is on the other side, and Ryan looks more resigned whereas in the original he has his mouth open. End ID]
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[ID: two versions of a piece featuring fantasy versions of the new kids standing in front of a colourful roulette wheel marked with ominous symbols. Kevin is a human fighter, Neil is an elf bard, and Ryan is a tiefling warlock. The dark purple background is lit up with hot pink at the top and bright orange, purple, and green behind each of the guys to contrast their respective colour coding.
The old piece was done in an attempt at a realistic style, while the new version is in the artist's usual more cartoony style. The new kids' poses, expressions, and outfits are all changed to varying degrees; most notably, Neil's elf ears are bigger and Ryan's skin is red rather than a human skin tone. Ryan also has a cape instead of a jacket this time. In the original, they all look rather apprehensive, while in the new version they look more excited. Text has been added above them reading "The Only Lich Lair... With A Wheel!!" End ID]
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[ID: two versions of a piece where Neil and Ryan are catboys and Kevin is a dogboy. Neil is in a cutesy pose with his hands raised like paws, Ryan is sitting or crouching with a dead mouse in his mouth, and Kevin is holding a football with scuff marks on it. In addition to the regular clothes they're wearing, Neil and Kevin have collars; Neil's has a bell in the shape of the lemon demon logo.
The colours in the original are washed out and there's a little dog logo on Kevin's football which is missing in the newer version. The colours of Neil's outfit are different and his leg is bent more, Ryan now has a box to sit on and has cat pupils while the others still have human eyes, and Kevin is now wearing a baseball cap. A gradiented blue background has been added along with yellow text at the top reading "Guar-NYAN-teed Video", with a paw print in place of the G*V logo's asterisk. End ID]
+ a couple bonuses:
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[ID: a follow-up to the "Only Lich Lair" piece. The new kids are now injured and look miserable. Kevin has grown a beard and lost his hair, and is wearing a blindfold over where his eyes would be. He's also lost his armour. Neil's hair is frazzled and he's covered in singe marks, and he's lost a hand and got a chunk taken out of one ear. His instrument is also missing. Ryan has an eyepatch, has the tip of one horn taken off, and is frozen. He's also lost his wizard hat and the clasp for his cape. The bright lights in the background are gone save for the pink at the top, which drips down like blood; the text is also removed. End ID]
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[ID: a sketch of Kevin wearing a sweater and scarf, holding half a broken sword shouting angrily, based on a scene from I'm Gonna be the Anti-Hero. An old version of this doodle is shrunken down in the upper left corner. Colour has been added to the new version, as well as blood spatter on Kevin and tears in his eyes. End ID]
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jjaydazo · 2 years
Before I ask a question, I want to warn you about bad English. I hope the essence of my message will be clear.. x_)
So, I wanted to ask a question! Of course, it may not be very relevant, but it's terribly interesting to me. I've seen your art with Hacker!Frisk, and your Hacker is completely different from those Hacker!Frisk what I know. (I mean the Frisk created by Radsee (I hope I wrote it correctly) ) So I want to find out what kind of Hacker in your art. I'm not insulting her in any way, I'm just terribly interested!! I would be grateful if you answer 👀
Thank you in advance!
This is the first time i have someone ask about my Hacker Frisk. And I'm very welcomed to answer it!
I think the OG hacker frisk Is just more playful and kinda prankster too. Mine has a few resemblance of that, though i keep that brat act too, they're more at least docile, cause while they used to be a wanderer who just makes fun and take advantage on au's they now have a role on keeping under surveillance on au's keeping track on any destroying activity.
This Is Core! Frisk, Hacker! Frisk and Anti-Virus Sans's role as part of the role as helping the Guardians. They are called "Watchers" (in my Omegaverse version, there's this whole system of roles for stranded characters who lost their aus. Guardian- "A fighter who saves au's" Watcher- "The one who monitors the au's" Wanderer- "A character who wonders around au's, can or cannot be threat. Civilian- Stays on the omega verse who has no ability or no attention on traveling au's )
My version of Hacker Frisk have been redesigned a few times.
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So at most i even gave them names like "Alpha Hacker! Frisk" or "Delta Hacker Frisk". or just slap a 2.0 ver of them so far I have been sticking to the same redesign of this one (still can't believe I was able to draw the first one with a mouse as a young teen)
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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Eclipse: has abandonment issues
The Afton Virus (fuzzbear edition): It’s free real estate
(A continuation of this lil tidbit I did a while back I guess?? With added lore(???): the Afton Virus, in this au, takes preexisting feelings and amplifies them and twists how one perceives situations into the worst scenario they could possibly be! Basically kinda like catastrophizing! So, basically, if u had to go to the store to get bread? You are Abandoning them, cruel, heartless, and do not care about how much they love you! Ain’t that just adorable!)
(Also if u r seeing parallels to Miette and being kicked like th football then u r right and that is, in fact, the vibe this thought process gives to anyone that Isn’t Infected lol ejdhdjdhdjs)
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I haven't used Tumblr in forever but, can you do themed names and pronouns based on computers and/or retro/early technology?
of course! I'm sorry they arent the best!!
I hope you like it! <3
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neppy-34 · 4 months
Hi again!! I'm you said I could bombard your ask box lol, but I won't go overboard!!
I was just thinking about the toyhouse au, and I remembered you said in a post that AM was ticklish, and it got me wondering, has anyone of the four survivors (since I'm pretty sure nimdok isnt in the au) tried to tickle him before??
I mean it'd be interesting, but I'm sure AM would a master of revenge at the same time😭😭
Omg hi mouse!
Oh yes they definitely have. Actually the first time they even tickled him (at least on purpose, AM has horribly sensitive wires) was as a group!!
They were getting a bit sick of AMs relentless tickling and teasing, always doting and bothering them. After a relatively intense game of hide and seek, and a thorough round of tickling that befell the survivors through AMs avatar. They all congregated to discuss how to get the AI to let up a bit. A taste of his own medicine perhaps?
They talk for a while, giving him a virus? No thats too brutal, messing up the furniture? No AM would simply fix it and tickle them as punishment. The silent treatment? No AM would just bug them till they spoke again.
They continue with seemingly no end in sight, until one of them relents that they wished they could just tickle AM back…
It’s as if a lightbulb goes off, the answer was right there all along!! Of course they would just tickle him back, of course AM is ticklish right? When Ellen plays with his wires he smiles wider, and titters. They all thought it was AM being AM but now..
So they call upon him, ted being the one to actually call out AMs name. While the others duck behind couches and furniture. AM appears almost instantly, and ted (very reluctantly) asks AM for a small hug. (AM changed teds sweater to be very comfortable and soft, and usually hugs ted without asking, cause he sees ted as a big teddy bear now)
Of course AM gleefully complies and throws his avatars arms around ted, snuggling into his sweater. That is until ted knocks AM off his balance, sweeping his feet off the floor. Sending them careening down to the floor as ted attempts to keep AM still as the others emerge from their hiding places.
AM is already giggling, laughing at the absurdity of everything happening, hes already very aware of what theyre about to do, and makes no effort to strain against benny raising his hands above his head.
As they all get their due revenge, AM keeps up his coos and taunts still patronizing them through his incessant giggling. Which of course only makes their tickling more fervent (especially ted and Gorrister)
After all is said and done, they all lay together on the floor, and AM holds the survivor thats closest to him, and pushes his back up against the closest one on his other side.
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princessmisery666 · 2 years
PM666Reads - Fic Recs - September 2022
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Please heed all the warnings on the individual fics. I am not responsible for what you choose to read.
To the authors - thank you for putting in the work 💕no one gets enough recognition so thank you for taking the time to write and being brave enough to share it with us 💟
📖Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Monday To Friday - @wildbornsiren - It’s just a crush– on one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever met in your life. There’s no way he would ever return your feelings right?
You're No Bun - @writercole -Rooster tries to get a drunk you to bed.
Don't Think, Just Do - @evansrogerskitten - Rooster has a crush. 
📖Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts - @seresinhangmanjake - You and Jake had a history of flirting and occasionally kissing if too much time was spent at the bar, but it never went any further than that. One night, after showing up at your house and passing out on your couch, Jake wakes up the next morning only to learn he had drunkenly confessed his feelings for you.
Magic Jake - @evansrogerskitten - Your boyfriend has a secret - once upon a time, Hangman was a stripper. 
Country Boy - @princessphilly - music soulmate AU
Rebel, Rebel - @therebeccaw - Sufficed to say, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin wasn’t the pilot you were looking for.
📖Rhett Abbott
Proving A Point - @writercole - Rhett sees a guy trying to hit on his girl. She brushes him off but the guy just doesn’t want to take the hint.
I Can Still Make Cheyenne - @writercole - Rhett Abbot isn’t an easy man to love but when he’s about to lose everything, his head is finally clear.
📖Sam Winchester
Without a Stitch - @raidens-realm - While Dean’s on a hunt, Sam stays behind with a cold. The Bunker seems bent on ridding him of far more than a virus and only when he gets the situation under control does he begin to glean it’s true intent.
Butter Knife - @fictional-affairs - Sam, thinking that Dean and the reader have been sneaking around as a couple, locks the two in the bathroom so that they’ll establish their relationship. But Dean and the reader know the truth- and the reader has to choose between using the bathroom in the presence of Dean, or admitting her feelings to Sam.
A Little Trip - @mariekoukie6661 -Sam doesn’t sleep well.
The Best and Worse Plans - @girl-next-door-writes - gif drabble
The Almost Kiss - @myinconnelly1 - fluffy drabble
"I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified" - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Torture - @girl-next-door-writes - gif drabble#
“I’ll give you $200 if you don’t bring it up again.” - @mrswhozeewhatsis
Tight - @kittenofdoomage - A few hundred words about Sam's humungous cock
📖Dean Winchester
Feast - @talesmaniac89 - Dean has grown tired of your game of cat and mouse. He’s ready to show you he’s a hunter. And tonight, you’re his prey.
Big Brother - @girl-next-door-writes - gif drabble
Lavender Skies - @talesmaniac89 - A relationship ends under lavender skies…
📖Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
Falcon? - @writercole - In which the Daggers find Fanboy’s doppelganger.
📖James 'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes
Treacherous - @scrumptious-delusion - you’re asking yourself why he keeps coming back, he’s asking himself why you keep letting him in. it’s a treacherous slope but neither of you can turn back now.
📖Jensen Ackles
Remind Me - @pink-sparkly-witch - Jensen and Y/N have been drifting apart since he went to film The Boys. When a song on the radio makes him realise just how bad things are, he’s determined to fix it. Problem is, he doesn’t know if Y/N wants to fix it or if it’s over between them.
📖Robert 'Bob' Floyd
Enlightened - @writercole - The heart wants what the heart wants. But sometimes, it needs a push to figure it out.
📖Steve Rogers
Would I Lie To You - @cockslutpadalecki - steve catches a hydra operative- she’s low level, maybe a receptionist, a medical assistant, not given enough information to be important, not given enough to really know who she’s working for. but steve thinks she knows more than she lets on. what interrogation tactics is he using on poor reader?
📖Ransom Drysdale
The Hunt - @navybrat817 - Ransom likes the hunt, especially when you turn him down.
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