#my baby is 159
shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
DC Comics Incorrect Quotes Pt 159
[Duke making a tiktok with Bruce]
Duke: Teaching my white dad how to dance.
Duke: *dancing in demonstration* Sway, just sway-
Bruce: *dancing*
Duke: No, put your elbows down.
Bruce: *dancing*
Duke: What are you doing? Just- no!
Duke: This next-
Bruce: *dancing badly behind him*
Duke: No! Why are you- Bruce, stop doing that!
Bruce: *dancing harder*
Duke: I am genuinely getting upset right now. You look like a divorced lawyer.
Bruce, dancing: That just won custody, baby!
Duke: You don't deserve custody of your children, or any children for that matter.
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tumb1rprincess · 1 month
Random Thoughts About the Magnus Archives
I feel like something's being said about your personality depending on which avatars you like and which ones you want to drop dead, I just don't know what. Like, anytime Peter showed up, I'd be like "You're a bitch ass, go away." But anytime distortion Michael made an appearance, I'd be like "That's my baby boy!" And there are a few that are kind of in between. Like with Nikola, I was like "You freak me the fuck out, but you're funny, so I guess that evens it out."
I think it's so interesting how despite a lot of the characters not getting any physical descriptions, a lot of artists in the fandom draw them the same way. Like, Melanie almost always has colorful hair, usually blue. Jon's hair gets longer with every season. Helen is almost always wearing purple. I just wonder how everyone unanimously agreed on some of this stuff.
I thought the Leitner rant was a canon thing, so I avoided anything about it 'cause I wanted to be surprised. I think near the end of the series though I finally looked it up and I was like "What!? This was a fan thing?" Totally hilarious though, I kind of felt the same way about Leitner.
The inside jokes are fucking hilarious, like the "homophobic vase." Or we have classics like "I just listened to the episode where the guy has sex with a bug." "Oh, which one?" and "Peter and Elias are definitely divorced."
Seeing what episodes scared people and which ones had people going "Actually, that sounds kind of nice" was very interesting. Like, episode 57 where the guy was stuck all alone in space? Emotionally destroyed me. But then others would be like "Yo, being able to be all alone in space with no one to bother me? Sign me up."
Also interesting to see which Fears scared people the most and which ones they think they would end up serving. I think the Buried scared me the most. Episodes 15, 132, and 195 freaking terrified me. I'd probably end up serving the Lonely, I remember thinking "Oh, that's me," with a lot of episodes, particularly episodes 159, 170, 186. It was a weird combination of "I'm in this statement and I don't like it" and "I actually feel seen." Like a weird mix of being called out and also kind of validated because I felt like my thoughts and feelings were finally being put into words and that meant somebody else had gone through the same thing.
What were some popular fan theories that ended up not coming true? I think I saw somewhere that a lot of people were theorizing that Martin would join the Web before he ended up serving the Lonely instead. People often say Gravity Falls fans grew up to be Magnus Archives fans and I remember Gravity Falls fans going crazy with some of the theories. And even if some of them ended up not happening, they're still really interesting.
I love how a lot of the characters do shitty things, but you completely understand why. Like, Melanie's wrong for blaming Jon for a lot of things that go wrong, but you understand that she feels trapped like an animal in a cage, so she's just lashing out. Or Tim is kind of an asshole in season 3, but you understand because he went through a lot of the same trauma that Jon did, he's just reacting with anger instead of paranoia.
I've been watching a lot of fan animations for this show and a lot of the comments are like "I checked out the Magnus Archives because of this video!" And the same thing happened to me too. Did you guys see any fan animations that made you decide to give this show a go?
When people draw Jon with long hair, they draw him like he’s the prettiest man alive and I love it. That or ends up looking like Jesus or Bruno Madrigal
I see every day things like a spiral shaped object or a spider and I jokingly think “Is that a Magnus Archives reference?” Or I’ll be listening to a song and think “Hmm, that could go in a Lonely playlist” or “Ooo, that so fits with the Vast.”
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angrycheesegirl · 3 months
Would you all like to know my headcanons for the appearances and body types of the Half-Life Protagonists? No? Too bad. Gordon Freeman: 6'2", 170 pounds (188cm, 77kg.) Lanky as all hell, with little to no visible muscle definition. Incredibly baby-faced for his age, grew the beard to look older and more dignified. Used to have a full mullet in College, slowly cut down to a close-cropped style. High waist and low muscle-mass means clothing stores never have his pant size. Adrian Shephard: 5'10", 159 pounds (178cm, 72kg.) Stocky for his height, with broad shoulders. Solidly defined muscle mass, concentrated in his core. Short, but unkempt curly brown hair with chin goatee to match; used to have a very full head of hair before boot camp. Only selected for the PCV testing group because he took a 12-gauge to the chest and didn't get bowled over. Colette Green: 5'8, 164 pounds (175cm, 74kg.) Broader hips, above-average chest; really strong legs and core, upper body strength is eh. Brown hair with college-induced grey streaks; shoulder-length but very poofy, gives the impression that her hair is thicker than it actually is. Has visible stretch marks along her thighs and breasts, developing a little of a tummy but we don't judge here. Jawline is squarer than she would've liked as a kid, but owns it like an absolute champion. Alyx Vance: 5'8", 139 pounds (175cm, 63kg.) Lithe as all hell. Little to no body fat due to Combine rationing, so her already solid muscle definition is on full display at all times. Near-shoulder length black hair, but you'd never know with how dependent she is on her headband. Resembles her mother to a striking degree, even though she acts much more like her father. Barney Calhoun: 5'5", 148 pounds (168cm, 67kg.) Shorter, stockier. Has very defined upper body strength, less so core and legs. Shorter, slightly wavy black hair, with permanent 5 o'clock shadow. Developing a bit of a dad bod already at 25, with the transformation being complete in HL2. Has pecs large enough to be defined through any shirt he wears, eventually embraces it. Gina Cross: 5'4", 126 pounds (163cm, 57kg.) Slight build, smaller chest, hips slightly narrower than her shoulders. Decently toned, with a stronger core and visible arm muscles. Very thick, loosely curled ginger hair; would absolutely fall to her shoulder blades if she didn't wear it up. Very round face, absolutely covered in freckles on her face, arms, and chest.
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Jonah Rant
Someone on Youtube reminded me that I rage-typed an essay-length tirade about Jonah Magnus and his status as a certified Bastard Man right after the finale. They asked if there was a chance they could see it, which was a good question because did I even still have it? Turns out: Yes! It’s evidently been chilling in Onedrive for ~2 years. So for those who wish, my thoughts regarding that awful little man are below.
Spoilers for The Magnus Archives.
I went into the finale fully ready to not hear from Jonah again. I thought ‘oh, cosmic horror, as important as he thinks he is, he’s inconsequential and John just zaps him with eye lasers or something’. I didn’t want it per se, but I thought it was plausible.
But no. Oh no. Jonah Magnus speaks again, and he hasn’t been around for all of season 5. We heard him on a recording and we heard him chanting in the background and also all distorted in a job interview flashback, but there has been no actual uncompelled words being spoken by Jonah Magnus in real time since 159.
Yes he wrote the incantation but, rather crucially, he did not read it.
I binged TMA right as it got up to the season 4 finale. I got through season 1 in one day, and season 2 the next, and then got through three and four in the days after that. I caught up just in time for 160 to drop.
So I, foolish, naïve baby that I was, had over a year to forget what this character actually sounded like, and just how much of a slimy, insufferable fucker Jonah Magnus is. Was. Bitch.
I’ve gone into this elsewhere so I won’t belabor it but one of the reasons I’m so viscerally miffed by him is because of every human character in this podcast, he is the only one that is never shown sympathetically. I’m not counting Nikola Orsinov, or NotThems, or other manifestations of the Entities. I mean of the human, or avatar-human characters he is the least grey. Morality in this show is complex and tough to think about in my brain and one of the great ways it does this is through having really layered characters with motivations that are, at least a little, understandable. Jude Perry was a violent, sadistic lady...she was also devoted to Agnes and in some ways I think you could argue they were each other’s only links to humanity until what’s-his-name came along. Coffee shop Himbo guy. Peter Lukas is a misanthrope to the max who will send people into a nether realm if they so much as look at him wrong – which is to say, look at him at all. He was also raised to know nothing but loneliness, and pursuing it was kind of the only way he ever got some sort of approval. Which also manifested as more distance.
We get these little nuggets of what brought a villain where they are now, and we certainly don’t have to excuse them, but we have some context. We have some understanding that there is humanity in there, and that understanding makes them all the more unsettling.
Not fuckin’ Jonah.
What do we know about him? He’s a couple centuries old. Great. He found out about the powers, was drawn to the eye, and decided to start body-hopping to cheat death. He’s been doing this for ages. He tried a ritual and it failed. He took his time then, plotting and planning, and being smug, and finally arriving at a hypothesis that had a lot of credence to it. Everything fell into place, he was right, its all or nothing with the entities but the Eye rules because it opened the door (or WHATEVER).
So his big motivator is he doesn’t want to die.
And you know what, this is super understandable. We don’t know what his childhood was like (Jesus, can you imagine him in a little powder wig, climbing a tree to get a high vantage point to spy on people and get blackmail on them?), but fear of death is almost universal.
And of all the billions of people on this planet, I cannot help but notice that we are not thwarting narcissistic necromancers every fifteen minutes. Because the world would have fucking exploded a long, long time ago if we had more Jonahs in it. i.e. the people who would make aggressive selfishness a full-time occupation.
There’s a sort of cocktail of shit that makes him a memorable baddie not the least of which is that he never even attempts to justify his abhorrent actions. He’s not lying to himself, or anyone else, he’s not serving a cult, or a bunch of worms. He’s in it for himself, and if he has to stack the corpses of every living thing on the planet to reach immortality he’ll fucking do it without hesitation. Couple that with his manipulations, his merciless psychological torture, and a low, smooth voice that is always so infuriatingly composed and you have a Hell of a villain.
(I maintain that one of the reasons he’s so effective is that he enunciates so carefully. He doesn’t run words together, or mumble, he never really raises his voice, he is always in control, and everything is a flex right down to the articulation. I feel like we associate crisp, clear speech with formality, presidential addresses, or theater, things like that. Where you know what you are going to say and so the recitation is more confident. We hear this happen in statements, to a certain extent, but there’s still a lot of emotional range. For 199 episodes we never heard Jonah lose this pointed, smarmy tone. People don’t talk so formally in life, or when they’re talking on the podcast. There is something unsettling and intimidating about hearing such clear and confident speech all the time. It sounds like he knows exactly what to say in any situation. It sounds like he is utterly confident in every word that leaves his mouth. It sounds like he’s in a scene and no one else got the script but him. Because that is kinda what’s going on. At the very least, he thinks that’s what’s going on)
When he drops from wherever he’s suspended in the panopticon, he, you know, sort of makes a noise because that’s gotta be jarring. And we for once, for once, for fucking ONCE hear him even vaguely uncertain. And stupido io, I thought he was finally brought low and we might get a tantrum or something.
But no. Jonah Magnus has a lot of lost time to make up for, it’s been 20 eps since he’s been able to serenade everyone with his unique brand of horny arrogance. This motherfucker has exactly a millisecond of confusion and grogginess before “I was having the most...wonderful dream”. You can hear him edging.
And he’s kiiiiind of surprised to see John by himself with a knife, but still, so blasé, so, ‘oh, is that all?’ He’s a liiiiitle regretful to hear it’s over, but immediately heads into waxing rhapsodic about seeing a thousand lifetimes and the rapture of infinite sight and suffering and other Hellraiser shit when John speaks for all of us and tells him to shut up. Yet another reason to respect him.
And John has a lovely little catharsis where he gets to tell this orchestrator of his despair that Jonah has failed because the Things that Jonah is so devoted to will die a slow death. How long has he been waiting to say that, do you think? I mean at this point there’s nothing that could do what he’s probably feeling justice but he says it himself he gets some satisfaction from “knowing that I’ll be leaving these things that you serve trapped and starving in their own private hell.”
And all Jonah has to say is: “That we serve.” To the bitter, bitter end he is determined to just...okay I was gonna say twist the knife but that seems a bit tasteless now...determined to cause even more hurt. He cannot resist, it’s kind of all he knows. He is at the edge of a cliff and taunting the person that’s about to push him off of it.
And if you ever need a posterchild for ‘hubris’ just pull up a sound clip of Jonah Magnus. He tries to play the old ‘alright, playtime’s over,’ card, brushing the dust and what-the-fuck-ever else off his suit and manipulate John again. He has the...not even audacity, he’s looped back around from being semi-omniscient, to being so confident in that omniscience he thinks he knows everything and therefore acts way more stupidly than someone without that surety. He is enough of a dipshit to try and say to John “we both know you don’t have it in you”.
Motherfucker, what have you been doing for this entire season? What have you been doing this entire show? You have purposefully created someone who has withstood the brunt of every entity and come out more or less intact. You purposefully guided him into honing his powers, and put him in a position where he has nothing to lose. Well, Martin, but Jonah can’t do anything about that. Not anymore. Because the one person who can protect Martin is coincidentally the same person who can, will, and reeeeeally wants to Kill Jonah.
“King of a ruined world and I shall never die” my ass. King? Really? You were a placeholder, my dude. The Eye didn’t give a fuck that you were at the top of the panopticon and it didn’t give a fuck when John pulled you out of it. You said it yourself, dipshit. You might have started the archives, but John IS the archives. He is the only person more powerful than Jonah and Jonah, of all people, should know this. Especially considering you could presumably see John cutting through the domains, dishing out biblical vengeance, on a warpath for your tower.
So of course, he decides to antagonize John even more if that is even possible by telling him they both know he can’t do it.
And John fucking punches him and it’s great. Extended sounds of brutal ass whooping, please and thank you.
And then we get one of two lines that sums up Jonah Magnus for me.
“P-please John, I don’t want to die”.
This guy. Who dedicated his several lives to ruling the world and feeding on everyone else’s pain. Who has committed atrocities that numerous to count and too horrible to name. Who is being confronted by the direct target of his machinations and who, I think it’s safe to say, hates him more than anyone or anything else in existence. Has the absolute fucking nerve to go “but I’m scared :(”
When he went ‘I don’t want to die’ I actually said to literally no one because I was alone in my room “HA, Fuck you.”
John puts it a bit more eloquently. “Neither did they”. Beautiful. And then he’s gutted like the repulsive little fish he is.
The second line that sums up this insufferable megalomaniac is a little earlier. It’s casual, neither of them makes a point of it. Maybe because it’s a little redundant. “Empathy only holds you back in the end”.
I don’t want to die, and Empathy only holds you back in the end.
I mean, that’s the thesis statement of the shit-eating essay that is Jonah Magnus.
He’s so far beyond regret, or anything that isn’t 100% self-motivated he cannot perceive that perhaps John will have maybe, I don’t know, changed a bit. Gotten used to horror. Killed. He cannot fathom anything outside the tower as more than a food source. He is so used to seeing people as pawns he dies not actually understanding why John killed him. “Good luck” are his last lines.
First of all, the direction is ‘wetly’ and on the one hand I know what that means, but on the other, I cannot think of a more fitting adjective to end on with this guy.
Second of all, the ambiguity of how sincere he is or isn’t being is enraging, and so classic and I hate him, which is to say fucking excellent job of writing and acting both.
He goes to his grave thinking John’s making a power grab. He cannot conceive of any other reason for John doing what he’s doing. They’re opposite ends of the spectrum. One who can think of no one but himself, and one who will sacrifice himself because he’s thinking of everyone else. You know how matter can’t be created or destroyed? I think guilt might be the same way. And Jonah found a handy receptacle for all the guilt he doesn’t have time for and that receptacle is named Jonathan Sims head Archivist of The Magnus Institute.
What a good villain. What an infuriatingly mellifluous bitch. The thinks he’s King of the World, he thinks he’s going to get such special treatment, he thinks consequences apply to everyone but him, he thinks this is a game he can win when he doesn’t even know what the fuck he’s playing.
As much as he looked at John and went “perfect, an insecure idiot”, the Web looked at him and went “perfect, a pompous ass”. He wanted to live forever, but now he’s dead. And he doesn’t even get to live on in memory. No one knew he was up there. No one remembered Elias, let alone Jonah. You think Georgie, Melanie, Rosie, and Basira are going to tell the world about him? What would be the point?
Congratulations, Jonah. You tried to ensure your immortality and ended up ensuring that you died both literally and figuratively. Before it got yeeted into another dimension The End must have had a fucking Field Day the second his heart stopped beating.
What a bastard. What an unfathomable bastard. Like he really thought this would all work out for him, that he was the most Important Thing in the world when, at best, at best he was a glorified fucking contact lens.
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songofstrawhats · 9 months
Yes, hello, I am a youngest sibling and I am having a lot of feelings about these siblings and this arc
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I am not sure why this specific panel from ch 534 has me so emotional about this but like-
Luffy is charging in to rescue his big brother.
Luffy knows that Ace wouldn't want Luffy to come rescue him.... But he's thinking of it as being because Ace has his own pride and his own adventures
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This is from ch 490, right after they learn about vivre cards and see that Ace's is burning.
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And again in 522 when Luffy hears about the scheduled execution.
Luffy trusts his big brother to manage on his own. His brother is strong, and capable, and doesn't need Luffy worrying about him.
It isn't until Luffy hears about the execution that he decides he needs to intervene.
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(from ch 522)
And in all this, it doesn't even seem to OCCUR to Luffy that the reason Ace wouldn't want Luffy trying to rescue him is because Ace doesn't want him getting hurt.
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(from ch 532)
For some contrast here is Ace, the first time we meet him all the way back in chapter 157. Looking for his baby brother.
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Ace jumps in front of a punch that would have hit Luffy, deals with the guy doing the punching, thanks the crew for taking care of Luffy, invites Luffy and his crew to join the Whitebeard Pirates (even though he knows Luffy will say no), and gives Luffy his vivre card- with zero explanations about what it is!!! But he trusts that Luffy will keep it safe until he needs it! (And Luffy does!!)
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(from ch 159)
Ace is looking out for his kid brother in every way he possibly can!!!
AND THEN!!!!! ACE SAYS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(from ch 159- and echoed in Luffy's POV in that panel from ch 522!!!)
I am the baby in my family. My older siblings worry about me in ways I never learned to worry about them.
I will never forget the look on my older sister's face when we finally met up again after we got separated while running to catch a train. I realized that she didn't know if I'd even made it on, and worried about me the whole time, and was so relieved to see me safe.
Meanwhile, I had been pleased to make it on the train, and it hadn't even occurred to me to worry about her. She was my big sister, of course she'd be fine!!
It was jarring to realize that my big sister had been looking out for me so seriously this whole time, and that maybe now we were grown up it was also my job??? To look after her?????
Luffy has these same younger sibling vibes all over him- Zoro agrees.
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(from ch 159)
I'm reading this arc for the first time and I only know a little about what's what's coming but this relationship is already so incredibly real and so incredibly heartbreaking. I'm not ready.
In conclusion, this panel from chapter 522 is filled with so much love, and I'm entirely fine about it!!!!!!!
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stabbyfoxandrew · 5 months
Hey Aerie and happy Wipwednesday! Today was a very tough decision. I really wanna know more about MerRoadtrip but I also love your older babies so much! I finally decided to ask about Arsonist Neil and I just hope that other people will ask for MerRoadtrip... (But if you have less MerRoadtrip than Arsonist Neil take this for the Mers!!) Ily and have a good week!
WIP Wednesday (5/1) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 159)
“Yeah, it’s been almost two months since I got here,” 10 sighs out. Andrew thinks he’s overshooting, but he counts back the weeks on his fingers and finds that 10 is only off by a couple weeks. That old restaurant that 10 had torched, that was in late September. 10 must’ve been around a while before he got to wreaking havoc on Andrew’s work life— and emotions.
“Two months and you hadn’t unpacked…” Andrew starts, rolling onto his stomach and propping up on his elbows. 
“I’ve never unpacked before. Well, not since I was a kid anyway.”
“Why is that?”
“It was too dangerous,” 10 begins. “If things were scattered, we sometimes had to leave them behind. I didn’t like having to do that, so I stopped unpacking anything I wanted to keep. Then I stopped unpacking at all and just living out of my bag. It’s easier to grab it and go, you know?”
Andrew doesn’t know, not really. He honestly hasn’t got a clue what 10 is getting at. But he hums. “Who is we?”
“You said ‘we’ had to leave things behind.” Andrew informs him. “That generally indicates more than one person, unless you’re using the royal we. Which would make you incredibly eccentric for a man in his early twenties.”
“Oh. I meant me and my mom.”
“And the two of you were running from something.” Andrew guesses.
“Someone,” 10 corrects him. “My FBI-Most-Wanted-List father, to be exact.”
“Are you going to tell me why you were running from him?”
“I suppose I can,” 10 pauses. “He wanted to kill us.”
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allthatmay · 3 months
sometimes i giggle when remembering ace was going around telling people hed make whitebeard the pirate king (twice in canon; first when meeting luffy at arabasta, second when fighting blackbeard at banaro island) while said man was on a wheelchair. parental love so overwhelming it made him go delulu.
AH, I know, it's so cute. What's funnier is that I don't think he actually ever thinks Whitebeard will be the king. He's not dumb; he knows Whitebeard is very ill and old. I think a part of him simply doesn't want to acknowledge it as he's only just gained Whitebeard as a father and doesn't want to think about losing him.
There's this really great post about the Ace novels (here, which is where I've borrowed the quotes from) that basically sums them up. A big take-away is that, in joining the Whitebeards, Ace realises he doesn't actually know what he wants.
P. 159: [Thatch asks him] “You want your reputation to surpass that of the Pirate King, but you’re not interested in the One Piece. You don’t want to break the code either. What the hell does your flag even represent?” [And Ace answers] “I don’t know. Honestly, I thought I did, but not anymore.”
Sweet baby boy Ace realises he doesn't want the title nor the OP, so he simply redirects those desires onto his "new dad." In fact, Ace has known all along that he didn't actually want to be Pirate King, but he felt like he had to become it in order to shuck his father's identity and gain his own, good or bad. That's partly why he was so reluctant to join the Whitebeards in the first place: replacing one father figure with another would hardly help matters.
P. 224-225: “Whitebeard inviting him to be his son had seemed to him like another ‘father’ attempting to take control of his life. But […] now he understood the word ‘son’ a little differently.”
When he actually thinks about it, I'm sure Ace wants nothing more than to see Luffy be king. But he's so overwhelmed by all the love he's getting from his new family and old friends—he's only just started to accept that it is love—that he's like, "What am I supposed to do with this?" So he returns to what he knows, and decides that the best way to show his gratitude is to make Whitebeard the Pirate King. It gives Ace a means of being useful while eclipsing the persona of Pirate King Gold Roger with Pirate King Edward Newgate, which is good for Ace, who simply wants to get out of Roger's shadow.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Ace hates Roger at all, just the public image of him. (Okay, maybe there's a little bit of hate because of what happened with Rouge, but that's simply misdirection—Ace blames himself for that.) If they were ever to meet (perhaps through some time travel shenanigans), I could see Ace having all the manners of a feral house cat: desperate to be let in, but hissing and biting at every move Roger makes.
Anyway, wow, I've gone off on one. Point is, YES, it is VERY cute. It has the same vibes as, "LOOK! This is my brother Luffy! He's a menace! His bounty's the highest in the East Blue!"
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transsongtaewon · 10 days
If only I'd been a little stronger. If I'd been as old as our actual parents, if I'd been a bit more mature. Then could I have let him go, saying that the time had come, without feeling like he was abandoning me? Without refusing to accept reality and struggling pointlessly. Without being worn out by suffering, with resentment and hatred as my shield. I wouldn't know. Because I was still holding on. To my baby brother, who I'd never let go of.
chapter 159
Chewing on drywall thinking about the Han brothers.
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yuseirra · 14 days
ch 160...
I...I didn't want it to happen, I really wish I hadn't been spoiled, I'm so confused about this comic right now. I thought I'd be able to decide if I can drop it or continue reading it the moment the next chapter gets updated, but it's making me feel really confused and lost while still being curious about what in the world is going on. On that aspect, I feel the writer is really very skilled on having people intrigued.
But I really would have had gotten a better idea if I saw these with the drawings, probably.
I can't draw anything at the moment with the plot going like this and I feel like I need another chapter or two to get a clearer idea. 159 didn't stop me, but 160 did, it's just... there are still no answers yet. Maybe they'll keep dragging this on till the anime ends. If this anime's going to get a third season, they better wrap this well, I do care about the hikaai ship and I want Ai to be happy but what I'd like the most to happen is to have the story MAKE SENSE in some way. The author knows what's going on, as for me, I need at least 2-5 more chapters of development regarding just what this chapter is supposed to discuss
so below: here's what I picked up for now, I just.. really can't go on without leaving my thoughts about what I encountered.
So everything I've been thinking about Hikaru's been right...according to his words.
>Nino says the only thing Kamiki's ever done (in a physical sense) about Ai's case is that he "talked" about her to Nino and Ryosuke, and that caused them to break for some reason?
>Nino and Ryosuke approached him first and he had no idea they were obsessed with Ai, so he considered them as his friends.
>Kamiki did not kill Gorou, it was Nino and Ryosuke who went and did it and he didn't go to the hospital because he was concerned that Ai didn't want to meet him. Nino and Ryosuke heads to the hospital and kills Gorou and hides his body. Kamiki did tell them about the hospital Ai was admitted though.
>He REALLY did just want to send a bouquet to Ai and he asked Ryosuke to do it for him (I can't even recall just how many times I said that should be it)
GOODNESS, THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I THOUGHT THINGS WOULD BE. I made a few analyses in the past and let me bring them again:
the texts include the links to the respective theories/analyses posts I've made, so you can read them if you're curious!
If Ryosuke, Nino, and Kamiki are connected in some way,
the one most likely to be acquainted with Ryosuke is Nino.
Ryosuke is a big fan of B-Komachi and Ai and even personally handed over stardust sand at a handshake event. If Ai remembered him as a fan, he must have been either extremely enthusiastic in his activities or conspicuous in some other way. Given Nino’s interest in and jealousy of Ai, it’s highly likely she took notice of Ryosuke.
If Nino found out that Ai planned to have babies, she might see it as an obstacle to Ai’s career as the perfect idol. So, she could have coaxed Ryosuke by revealing this information and formed some kind of collaboration. < this turned out to be 90% true, Nino and Ryosuke knew each other and were even far as dating....
Actually, the idea that he deliberately revealed Ai’s address to have Ryosuke kill her<—there are so many strange things about this if you examine it. It seems more like he carelessly let the address slip while drunk. If it’s true that he revealed the address, that is. When he was feeling down after being rejected, Ryosuke might have said he would go congratulate her on Kamiki's behalf, so Kamiki could have told him the address then (Yes, this speculation sounds stupid... I also think it’s unlikely...he can't be that dumb but). Even if they met for the first time at the hospital, they could have been friends for about four years and he might have been too drunk to judge the situation.
No matter what, he probably didn’t want to kill Ai. < Kamiki says he only prepared the bouquet for Ai.
>As he says this, he's probably a bit agitated, towards Aqua, saying oh? Don't accuse me for what's happened! what DID I do? I did nothing at all! I didn't kill Ai! They did whatever they wanted on their own!!
I need to see what expressions he makes as he says this, that would matter tbh because if Kamiki feels he's being wrongly accused by his own son, I feel like that'd show at least a little bit through his expressions because MAN... that sounds like suffering. but if he's composed, he's still an actor.
>Aqua's reaction towards this is like: Oh, but you want to kill Ruby right? She's your own daughter!!
>Upon hearing this, Kamiki's face turns really creepy and weird (I got a photo that goes with it.. it actually does remind me of the time where Ai told she wants to break up with him with the mouth deforming a little, but it's SUPER CREEPY) while he says: "You're just like me now."
>Aqua says Kamiki manipulates people into killing people while his hands remain clean
>Kamiki says something like: You have those same eyes as I do, it makes you have your way with people and lets you get what you want. You're also guilty of instigating them to do things.
>Aqua says "Yeah, you and I are the same, but Ruby's different. She has eyes that speak of love and she's light. I need you gone for her sake" and draws out a knife.
What I get from this is that, Kamiki does have some sort of power that can make people act out - but I feel like it's unpredictable..
and that power has to do with the star eyes. They finally mention the eyes in this one. Ruby's eyes(white star) is related to love = the god who loves people, the black star should be the one that's irrational and unpredictable, really powerful but disastrous. I feel Kamiki's been possessed by that for a very long time.
Um, here's a theory I had way back in July:
it's really interesting if you start to take kamiki as a god of some sort, because that'd explain how he's unintentionally caused others to grow insane by the things he's said. He told Uehara about Airi and he ends up killing her. He told Ryosuke about Ai and he stalks and murders her. Maybe he's been subconsciously using his divinity of a god making people to take action but it ended up all twisted and it doesn't work out the way he originally intends for it to be. With the case of Yura, what he's said about her ends up coming true too, maybe she really didn't watch her steps on the mountains but that was because of his powers of a god that's caused it?
This would explain why the police never found him suspicious after Goro and Yura's death and the other murders (if he's really caused any/and more of it), there's no way to prove he's the one that'd done it because he really didn't do it in a physical sense.
So Ai, who's returned to being a god now, could be trying to stop him through her children? And Tsukuyomi is getting involved in this because Kamiki's going out of line as his duties as a god(although he doesn't know if he's one) too?
Can't this be it?
Would this guy.. really have wanted Gorou and Ai to die? For what reason exactly?? I can't really think of any good reason he'd have felt the need to do so, if everything he's said himself is true.
This whole idea of Kamiki never having played a part in anything in a physical sense makes perfect sense. I feel like the important thing here is whether he wanted to cause it or not.
I don't know about everything else but WHY would he want to hurt Ai who's having his children? He literally states he loves her, and he still brings bouquets to her grave? The stuff he says to have done fits the way I view his character and how he's used to be when he was young. He really didn't do anything. Yet things go horribly wrong and people keep dying around him. So I feel like he wouldn't have manipulated Nino and Ryosuke into murdering her. His life would suffer less without her death, don't you think?;
So if this is true, then all my theories since July about this guy are totally correct and he's a really unfortunate guy who really does love Ai(we STILL don't know what he's done after her death and that could make him irredeemable)
But I wonder how Aqua is so convinced Kamiki's manipulated people into causing murder cases. Did Tsukuyomi tell Aqua something?;; How can he make that claim? What is the basis? Is he talking about how Kamiki's acted after Ai's died?
In that case, maybe yes. He could have been using these powers he have that he's found to bring Ai back. Here's an idea I had of it sometime back: I just brought the entire post for this one
I think Kamiki may be trying to find something precious enough to trade with Ai's life, may it be his own or someone else's???
Coming to think of it, he met Ruby at the shrine (ch147) and something about a "wish" came up. The way he speaks with ruby, it seemed like he also had his own wish that he's put a lot of thoughts into and came to accept
Mephisto and Fatal both mention about wishes and wishing.
And those wishes have to do with wishing Ai back, are they not??
I'm sorry, I've been repeating the same idea in several posts now but I JUST remembered about that chapter. He's the one that brings the idea of gods back onto the table may it be brief. He talks like he knows about their nature, so he probably is aware of gods or their significance at least, that they actually ARE capable of doing supernatural things. However, Fatal and Mephisto also mention about wishes having failed to come true. That ALSO aligns with kamiki's attitude in that particular chapter saying that gods don't really give out answers and you have to come up with your own. Whatever he's up to, the gods might not have accepted it, or are even against it.
perhaps he's wished to bring Ai back but had been failing miserably, so he's becoming more and more reckless about it.
what he says there makes me wrap my head a little, it sounds like he's been where ruby's been. He might be talking about himself and trying to convince himself of his own resolve
He says he doesn't mind rotting away himself, but there's still something he has to do before that happens. I think that'd have to do with about a wish, he has a goal to fulfill.
I found the full lyric for Fatal(the new op) and it had lyrics like
I can't live without you
I want you to light up my body with your dazzling glare
I still lack your love
I want to get closer to the one and only Ai.
Aqua wants to get Ai's "revenge", he'd want to see Ai once more, yeah, but that isn't his goal, he doesn't work to meet her again. He plans to fulfill what Ai's really wanted by listening to what she's wanted to say
but the person in Mephisto (who is HUNGRY for Ai's affection) and Fatal actually WANTS to see Ai again, present tense.
あらゆる望のぞみの総すべてを叶かなえたら ああ果はたせたら
If I could fulfill all my hopes, all my wishes, all my dreams, if I could make it all come true
I wish I could see you
But how IS this person going to make that happen?
I feel like finding someone that outshines Ai would have something to do with it, coming from how his reactions when he saw ruby having a chance to outshine Ai-
He feels happy about her possibility of her life having even more value than her.
He could just be being a proud dad there (I'm not taking that out of the possibility).. but you see where I'm trying to get at, right? He probably needs someone like that in order to fulfill his wish. Likely their life.
I think those lyrics from mephisto and fatal were there for a reason, those two songs are WAY too similar to each other in terms of the theme and the vibes they're giving. This speaker hasn't given up on the possibility of having Ai back, they talk like that is a thing that CAN happen, they keep.. talking towards them, even when the one they're talking to's already passed long ago. Look at me, You gave me time, Let me hear your voice.. stuff like that. That kind of attitude is more like Kamiki than Aqua. Kamiki talks about rotting away, he's never moved on from Ai's death, has he? It's like she's still alive for him?
So maybe?? Kamiki's trying to trade Ruby's life for Ai's or take her life for that cause because Ruby outshines her and is a good enough tribute to make that sort of exchange? I think that's what Aqua could be getting at,
Kamiki's reactions upon hearing those words seem...very strong.
If he's being falsely accused by his own son as a person who's capable of killing their own daughter for their mother, there is no way he can be so calm about that, right? So that really creepy expression he has could be him displaying his utter despair towards the situation. The words "You're just like me now" can mean a few different things, he could just be taunting Aqua, I'm not taking that out of the picture, but he could also be thinking, 'he's also become the same way I am, crossing lines and despairing while he's at it.'
I'd have to actually look at the way he talks to Aqua in that chapter, the tone of voice…
but I think there are two possibilities.
Either things really never work out the way Kamiki's wanted them to, and so he's lamenting to his son saying that, "strange things keep happening around him (when the black star eyes are turned on) and that Aqua should know what he's talking about because he's been there too"
Or maybe he's just mocking him and saying, "aren't you just like me?"
maybe both if he's been trying to revive Ai no matter the cost. Then that'd mean he's willing to (Yeah, I'm still not giving up in the idea that he does want to bring Ai back)
this chapter is wild.
Isn't there a possibility that Kamiki, could really have been a pure victim and is suffering from these insanity??
What exactly is the "mission" that's been assigned to the twins by the gods? 'If this person becomes an evil god, take them down'? LOL.
Wow, how would Ai think watching everything from heaven and see her son trying to kill his father? I don't think she'd have wanted this to happen, right?
If that sword had purification powers and when you stab someone, it goes 'away with you, evil spirits!' and the toxic energy of the black star dissipates, that would be really funny.
It can't be that everything about the past was a lie, right? Kamiki's past with Ai should still be true. They had this bond.
If none of the disastrous events he's been involved in were intentional, then Kamiki is honestly really pitiful (though, this might not apply to the events after Ai's death). And this ACTUALLY fits the direction I predicted, in a perfect sense.
If it was intentional, I don't get why. There's been no explanation about why he's doing these things, not in the previous chapter or in this one. If it was intentional, then the claim that he didn’t want to hurt Ai must also be a lie. Because at that time, he would have had to manipulate both Nino and Ryosuke, right? But that doesn't seem likely? What's the benefit of doing all that... If this character is truly the avatar of that black star god, it would make sense, but isn't he suffering way too much for that? Even if I give a hundred concessions, it seems like the past up to the point where he parted with Ai is still the truth. In that case... The actions this character is said to have took are consistent with the story he himself testified to. So as soon as I saw that part, I thought, 'Yep... This makes sense.' It fits too well with what I had in mind.
I’ll choose to believe in Ai's judgment and the songs~~~"
You see why I brought back the whole post about Kamiki being Sarutahiko and there's some kind of being that's trying to get back at him??
Please read this post if you haven't, honestly, I feel like this'd be the best explanation for this situation if Kamiki is someone that's "supposed to be saved."
In short, if Ai is related to Ame-no-Uzume, this guy should be related to her husband and he deals with land, guidance, and the balance of the world. Having him despair, corrupt and act out would definitely be concerning to the gods, and it could have led Tsukuyomi to assigning the twins to bring him back to the right path- this is exactly what Ai wanted to happen too?? she wanted to help him if he's still lost.
But Aqua might be thinking Kamiki's been doing all these things on purpose and he wants him gone for good since he's too corrupt at this point.
It IS about time they start discussing these elements being thrown out there so I enjoy it, but I'm still really confused. I do think Kamiki is speaking the truth about Ai...;;
I thought I’d decide whether to continue reading or drop this series after the next chapter... but the fact that the next chapter also pulls me in shows that this author has solid skills. It’s really something.
As I mentioned before, I don’t think blaming all the evil and cause on a single crazy mastermind would make for a good story in terms of the theme of this manga.
For one, I don't believe Ai's death can ever be solely because of Kamiki.(and it doesn't seem like it is but we ain't still sure? Can we be safe about this now?)
Just to add, I'm a 'prophet-type,' you know? An INFJ-
Uh...I feel like I might be able to predict quite a few things. Hahah I do get a lot of things right in the end.
As for making more fan creations... it's kind of tough right now because the story is so unpredictable; it’s hard to draw anything new when I can’t get a grasp on things. I think I need to take a little break for now. And it just so happens that Persona 3's DLC is coming out this week, so I’ll be playing that instead.
But if the story unfolds the way I predicted, it will explain why Ai asked to help Kamiki if he's lost or struggling.
And in my opinion, everything in this manga should ultimately unfold according to Ai’s wishes. A story where Ai ends up looking foolish by falling for some strange person wouldn’t fit, in my view.
Anyway, Kamiki does make the story more interesting whenever he shows up. What kind of character is this guy, seriously?
His son doesn’t trust him, pointing a sword at him, his girlfriend is dead, and while it seems like he’s done a lot, I still think it could only have been for Ai’s sake. If this is all a misunderstanding, then that’s really unfortunate for him. Anyhow he gets into the weirdest and most tragic situations.. even if he has a great appearance, I really wouldn't want to trade my life with his. Even if he's a bad guy, having your own son point a knife at you, being accused to try attempt murder of your own daughter, have the love of your life die by someone who you considered as a friend SEEMS TERRIBLE. Really?? would he have asked for all this to happen? I think he's cursed. He is indeed cursed.
If he's not a bad person, then Ai, save your boyfriend. What a life he has. If he isn't.. well.. then I drop this series because I have no idea what the story will be or maybe I won't, I'll just cross my arms and see just where this manga would end up in the end. But Ai wants him saved. That's the most important thing there is about this guy in terms of future plot deveopment I think?
So, till the next chapter drops! I'll maybe be able to make more analysis when the actual chapter drops and I see the images.
if what kamiki claims is true, then I DID get everything right and it's so funny. I wrote all that and it's really real.
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tumb1rprincess · 2 months
Oh boy, episode 159. This was another one I had heard snippets of while first checking out the fandom, so I was excited for this one. And boy, did it deliver.
Jon’s voice in this episode, dear God. There are just so many lines where he’s practically snarling the words like a predator. I remember commenting a while back that he’s a minnow among sharks, but that’s certainly not the case anymore. He’s one of the sharks now. But then his voice gets so soft when he’s talking to Martin. That little “I thought you might be lost” just melted my heart. He’s been hardened from everything he’s been through, but with Martin, he’s so soft and gentle, agh, it just kills me. Also, that line about being lost reminded me of episode 13, when Naomi’s pastor expressed the same thing about her. Being lonely, being depressed, it is like being lost. You’re trapped in this mental fog or a horrible pain that feels like it’s going to last forever.
And Martin, Martin, baby, god, I saw so much of myself in what he was saying. The Lonely being a metaphor for depression is in full force this episode. Like, him just believing that being alone is really what’s best for him and everyone else, how many of us have thought that? And the Lonely this time around isn’t this crushing weight that makes you so sad that your chest aches, although it certainly has been in the past. Here, it just makes you numb, and depression has made me feel that way a lot.
Jon just listing off his friends who have died or left him, ugh, that was a punch to the gut. It just reminds you of how much he’s gone through and you can feel the Lonely drawing him in for a moment. And Lukas, the bastard, his voice is surprisingly soft and quiet during this bit, like he’s luring you in.
So I guess there is a bit of tragedy with Lukas. Like, he was pretty much raised from the get-go to be part of the Lonely, he didn’t have much of a choice. But hearing him describe that apartment complex and how every little detail and every vulnerable person chosen was to make it as lonely as possible, that had me seething. It all just felt horribly cruel.
Literally went “GET FUCKED PETER LUKAS!” when he…exploded I guess? Is that what happens to people now if they resist answering Jon’s questions for too long? They just explode? I don’t know, it’s what it sounded like. And we still don’t know what Elias won with this wager. That worries me a little.
The last part, oh the last part. Jon admitting that being alone is probably safer, but he still tells Martin he needs him anyway, cause he still loves and cares for him so much. And just how quick Martin was to reply “No you don’t.” Like, OUCH. Martin has probably never had anyone tell him that in his life. And how many of us have thought that during our low moments? Or how many times have we had people tell us that, but we can’t bring ourselves to believe them? And then Jon saying “I don’t just want to survive!” made me think of that infamous line from Wall-E “I don’t want to survive. I want to live.” Like, Jon is pretty much saying “I want to live my life and I want to live it with you.” And then we get the most tender lines ever with “Look at me and tell me what you see” and “I see you, John.” I was like
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It’s not even an “I love you” it’s an “I see you” but it still holds so much weight. Jon is feeling like a monster, Martin is alone in the world, but they still see each other and love each other and that’s what brings Martin back. Because when we’re feeling depressed and alone, isn’t that what we want the most? Just for someone to say “I see you, I know you exist, you haven’t been forgotten.” I remember seeing fanart and animations of this moment everywhere when I was poking around the fandom and I can see why. Top tier JonMartin moment.
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rosietrace · 1 month
Dorian Judith
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“Well, I'll tell ya one thing… I'm definitely not home anymore.”
— Dorian Judith, the girl from the country
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General Information
Full Name — Dorian Ellie Judith
↳ Dorian: Of Greek origin, meaning, “descendant of Doris” or “gift”. Additionally, the name Doris means, “From the sea”.
↳ Ellie: A variation of the Greek names Helen and/or Ellen, Ellie means, “Light”. Can also be a shortened form of the Old German name Alice, meaning “noble”.
↳ Judith: A feminine given name derived from the Hebrew name Yəhūdīt (יְהוּדִית), meaning “praised” or more literally, “Woman of Judea”.
Japanese ver. — ドリアン エリー ジュディス
Romaji ver. — Dorian Erī Jyudisu
Twisted from: Dorothy Gale
❐ — Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz, 1939)
V/A(日本語): Ayane Sakura (佐倉 綾音)
↳ voices Fiona Frost, Spy X Family
V/A(英語/EN): Jonquil Goede
↳ voices Apple White, Ever After High
Age: 15
Birthday: June 10th
Horoscope: Gemini ♊
Species: Human
Height: 159 cm
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Baby Blue
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
Sexuality: Demiromantic
Dominant hand: Right
Extra Information
Homeland: Kansas (Former), Gale town (Current)
『 Family:
Em Sinclair — Aunt 』
Dormitory: TBA
School Year: 1st Year
Class: 1-A (seat no. 1)
Club: None
Best class(es): Morality, Charms
Worst class(es): Practical Magic
Like(s): Volunteer work, apple picking, long walks, humming songs while working, singing, her dog, reading, picnics
Dislike(s): Marjorie Gulch, getting in trouble, confrontation, being overestimated, making mistakes, talking trees, having to navigate RSA
Hobbies: Farm Work at home, general volunteer work/community service, tutoring, dog walking, reading under a tree, apple picking
Talent(s): Multilingual, ambidextrous, “farm” strength, communication
Flaw(s): Underestimates herself, paranoid, socially anxious, too trusting of others, over-emotional, grew up somewhat old fashioned, lacks self confidence
Dorian is a sweet, sweet soul. No one really knows where she really came from — or even how she got into RSA, due to her age — but everyone all in all has positive feelings towards her!
She's such… an empathetic little lady; and despite her age, she shows a great deal of emotional intelligence and knows how to convey her words to other people in need of advice.
You're more likely to find little Dorian wandering RSA trying to familiarize the layout— she's not really good with directions in large areas, so it'd be nice if you could lend her a hand!
Other times, Dorian's usually out and about doing ‘volunteer work’. Yuuta calls it errands, but Dorian always wants to see the best in everything (including the people around her), and that includes wanting to work really really hard for more the people around her than for herself.
She's not the most self-confident person in the world. In fact, a lot of the time, Dorian constantly questions every little decision she makes, and has the unhealthy habit of… well, underestimating herself all. The. Time.
Ruby shoes: No place like Home (家程良いところはない)
👠 Less of a magical ability from the user, and more an ability manifested from the user’s footwear.
When one clicks the ruby slippers three times, they are put into a dream-like state; allowing them to envision their definitions of “home” through their memories.
Those who've worn these shoes are known to have an excellent memory of events, however they also seems to suffer from delusions of remembering a series of events that never actually happened; or belonged to another person.
The reason behind this is relatively unknown.
Thoughts on them
“She reminds me too much of myself, back in my prime… I had it all, back then.. Until Oscar took it all away. I can only hope Dorian never finds an ‘Oscar’ of her own.”
— Em Sinclair, Dorian's Aunt
“She’s a real cutie! A little naive, sure, but a cutie! Honestly, it's so rare to meet genuinely nice people nowadays… Dorian's a breath of fresh air because of that, I guess.”
— Camilla Marigold, Dorian's upperclassman
“Oh. Her? I've met Dori a few times during joint events between our two schools, and honestly? It's an almost relieving feeling whenever I meet an also-magicless person in this world. Dorian just happens to be one of the genuinely nice ones.”
— Sumeragi Yuuta, Dorian's friend from Night Raven College
Additional Trivia
✑ Main Theme: Somewhere over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz
✑ Backstory: 『 No place like Home 』
✑ OC Playlist: 『 Little pretty farm girl 』
༝ㅤ・ㅤ˚ㅤ。ㅤ. ! ・ ↛ ༝ ° ㅤ꒷꒦꒷꒦ 『👠』
👠 The shoes Dorian always wears — red like a ruby and sparkles like one — technically goes against RSA footwear dress code; but for whatever reason, Ambrose allows it.
↳ They were her Auntie Em's back in the day, and what’dya know, they fit like a glove!
👠 Dorian has a pet dog that she recently got for her birthday! She and her Auntie Em call him, “Toto”.
👠 She's had a fear of hurricanes, typhoons, twisters, and so on since… forever. When she was little, and there was a storm outside, Dorian would usually hide under her bed and cover her ears. Though, it usually depended on how strong the storm/twister was.
👠 Loves volunteer work! Practically signs up for anything that involved anything she was familiar with, especially in the farmwork variety!
👠 No one really knows how she got a accepted into RSA! Dorian's magicless, and usually that crosses her out as a potential student, but somehow she still got in!
👠 Professor Elodie and Eve are particularly doting towards Dorian. Why that is the case is up for debate since they're vague towards students willing to ask, but in truth— Dorian reminds them of an old friend of theirs. And maybe that's why they're so sweet to her.
↳ Elodie and Eve belong to @starry-night-rose and @jasdiary !
Dorian's tags
#dorian judith • #『 dorian 👠 』
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K concept~ Grimm human version
Ok let's forget about Grimm (sorry Grimm here tuna can) it was in my draft queue..... Let's put all our concentration on the new event!!
As the frenchie I am "Je veux des croissants et toutes ces cartes SSR!!" Trust me I'm at my limit hn of going to Paris to pray at "Notre Dame" to get the SSR.....xD
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Yana-sensei you are killing us....(Sobbing about Malleus like a drama bunny desperate...)
Anyway here little Grim(m) cute compact tiny brat with killer Stiletto heels because(Yana you know the deal)!
Twisted wonderland and Grimm belongs to Yana Toboso
Grimm cutie baby brat 159 cm with heels concept made by me
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hart-on-my-sleeve · 2 months
I clipped out the best portions of the commentary for 3 16, but it was also hard not to clip every time Jimmy speaks so um. Welcome to Jimmy being abused by Gorilla for 5 minutes and thirty seconds. :'D
Transcript below:
Gorilla: You wrote the longest title in the history of country western music.  Jimmy: What was that, Gorilla? Gorilla: I Got Hair On My Ears And My Glasses Are Slipping Down But I Can Still See Through You, Baby. Jimmy: Cute, real cute.  Gorilla: Was that one of yours? Jimmy: Of course it wasn’t one of my records, man!
Gorilla: Unlike some of your fellows, they look for openings like that.  Jimmy: You better believe it. Kick ‘em when they’re up, kick ‘em when they’re down, baby. That’s the Hart Foundations’ motto. 
Jimmy: You have got an open invitation, Gorilla, always to come to Memphis Tennessee - My hometown, Honky Tonk’s home town because everybody knows right now Honky Land USA is going up by the seconds that we talk, baby. They’re building a big monument for Honky Tonk Man. I’ll even send our special plane - The Honky Tonk Marie - to pick you up, baby.  Gorilla: How about Peggy Sue? Can you send her to pick me up? Jimmy: WELL. Well. Peggy Sue has got a lot of things to do down there. We’ve got the Honky Land USA restaurant that we’re having Honky Burgers.  Gorilla: Oh Please -  Jimmy: Yanno a lot of kids too, they scream at Honky man and say he uh, wears grill(?) cream. It’s not grill cream, we use Honky Cream on his hair. 
Jimmy: Well I’ll tell ya, he might be one for one when this match is over with cuz it looks like ol’ SD is in a lotta trouble tonight, baby! Gorilla: It would have to be one for two. He’s O’ for one now.  Jimmy: If he’s O’ for one now, that would be one for one wouldn't it? Wouldn’t he win one and lose one, Gorilla? Gorilla: No.  Jimmy: Whaddaya mean no?! Gorilla: It’d be one win for two matches. One for two.  Jimmy: SEE!! angy noises  Gorilla: How do they count down there in Memphis anyway? Jimmy: *in the most dejected tone* ………………we count by honky numbers…. Gorilla: I guess so…
Gorilla: Talkin’ about guys that are overweight, the Anvil seems to be resemble that- Jimmy: *high pitched screm* OOOuhggH! There you go again!!! You better get off the Anvil’s case! Ima tell you somethin’ Gorilla, you’re gonna be in a lot of trouble cuz Ima tell ya, Ima tell the Anvil when I see him again- Gorilla: How can I be in trouble? 
Jimmy: That first punch that SD threw was below the Mason Dixon line, baby, that was a little bit below the belt, Gorilla.  (A/N: Oh so the Mason Dixon line thing is actually a thing he says. HM. Unfortunately the only other place I’ve heard him say this so far is uh… well not WWF lol.)
Gorilla: How about the bird man, Koko? He dances. Jimmy: Hah, come ON! Come on man, the bird man - He’s a square, he’s a nerd, man. 
Gorilla: Just a minute ago you said the referee was doing a great job - now you’re on his case. Jimmy: Now waitaminute - you’re the one who’s saying he’s doing a great job. I didn't say he was doing a great job. 
Jimmy: That’s right, you can call me the Colonel, you can call me the Mouth of the South, Gorilla, as long as ya call me somethin’, baby.  (A/N: WhAT?!?!)
Jimmy: I can be anything I wanna be! What do you mean what right do I have to be a Colonel? Gorilla: I tell ya, you could never be a big guy, i tell ya that.  Jimmy: Well maybe not that either. I only weigh 159 pounds, Gorilla. But yanno, like i said before, I’m a little bit tougher than you think I am, Gorilla. 
Jimmy: Well yanno, that’s your opinion. Gorilla: No, that’s the opinion of a lotta people!
Jimmy: Well, you know what, I knew that you’d probably grab the thing and try to run off with it and take it away from me that’s why I didn’t bring it out here.  Gorilla: I wouldn’t have run off with it.  Jimmy: I know, you’dda probably try to break it. >:I Gorilla: Youdda been wearin’ it! Jimmy: *angry laugh* Cute, real cute, Gorilla. 
Jimmy: This karate, this kung fu, this jujitsu- whatever it is, it’s illegal in wrestling.  Gorilla: Why? Because none of your guys do it? Jimmy: *high pitched squeaking* We can do it if we wanna do it, Gorilla.
Gorilla: Certainly would make an interesting combo. Jimmy: Yeah, the Laurel and Hardy of professional wrestling. (A/N: The way he says Laurel was just cute... stfu.)
Gorilla: How long has it been, Mouth? Jimmy: Well yanno, time flies by when you’re having fun- Gorilla: Couple of years now? 2 3 4 years? Jimmy: It's been about 2 and a half years, Gorilla.  Gorilla: About 2 years too long I think.  Jimmy: CUTE CUTE. REAL CUTE. 
Gorilla: Kicked right where the ramus of the mandible articulates with the mandibula fossil of the temporal bone.  Jimmy: -_- Can you repeat that one time? Gorilla: Well you get kicked right behind the ears is where it happens.  Jimmy: thank you. 
Gorilla: Got some tattoos on him as well, McDonald does. Mightta been in the Navy perhaps? Merchant marines? Or just seemed like a good idea some Saturday Night? Jimmy: Well maybe it’s a little of both- Gorilla: You got any tattoos? Jimmy: Of course I don’t have any tattoos. It’s too painful to get a tattoo put on ya. You think I’m that crazy?!
Jimmy: He’s telling the referee right now, the guy pulled his trunks - which he did. Now tell me you didn’t see it. Gorilla: I did not see it.  Jimmy: I knew you were gonna say that! Gorilla: Well you told me to say I did not see it. Didn’t you say ‘tell me I did not see that’? Jimmy: You know Gorilla, you’re getting me so confused out here. It’s no wonder why I’m eatin’ my fingernails down to my elbows, man. 
Jimmy: *laughs giddily* I love it, I love it!! 
Gorilla: Who was it that said that “Man has to know his capabilities?” Jimmy: I think I heard it somewhere, I don’t know who said it.  Gorilla: It was Clint Eastwood. (Drop kick, he nailed him with it!)  Jimmy: You mean Dirty Harry himself, huh.  Gorilla: Yes. The mayor, no less.  Jimmy: *mocking, not impressed* Ooh. 
Jimmy: Telephone, telegraph, and tele-Gorilla Monsoon. You think I’m actually gonna tell you? Gorilla: You don’t know, do you. Jimmy: NO whaddaya mean- maybe I do know!! Maybe I don’t know! But I’m not gonna tell you either way, Gorilla!!
Jimmy: But it’s also illegal, iddinit Gorilla? Gorilla: No it isn’t. You have a 5 count after you make the tag to get outta there. Jimmy: But he had a 7 count or 8 count on it, man!  Gorilla: Oh you have a stopwatch? Jimmy: I coulda gone out and got a pizza!
Jimmy: Yanno, Spivey is a pretty big boi.  Gorilla: He certainly is. Hate to have to pay for his groceries.  Jimmy: *giggles*
Jimmy: 5-6- 7- see 7 count right there!  Gorilla: You started at 5! Jimmy: WhaDAYA mean I started at 5, Gorilla! Gorilla: You’re supposed to start at 1! Jimmy: I did start at one!!! See you’re just not listening to me, man.  Gorilla: You’re right there, I’m trying not to.  Jimmy: Yanno you’re gonna be sorry one day, Gorilla, you’ve insulted me for the last time. baby.  Gorilla: No, you’re mistaken, I’ve got a lot more insults comin’ at your- directed your way. 
Gorilla: 5- 6- 7- 8- 9-10-11! Look at that! Almost a 20 count for him to get outta the ring! Jimmy: *sassy* But you started on 10. Gorilla: I started on 5 like you did. 
Jimmy: Yanno, it’s not my fault that I wasn’t big enough to be a professional wrassler.  Gorilla: You coulda been one of the great midget wrestlers.  Jimmy: Whaddaya mean midget wrestlers!!!
Jimmy: Yanno Gorilla, you're talking about wrestling though - I’ll tell you what I would like to do one day really. I would like to challenge Moolah for the Woman’s Heavyweight Championship belt.  Gorilla: She’d clean your clock for you, for sure.  Jimmy: There is no way. The only thing holding her up is her varicose veins. You know, I know it, and the people know it, baby.
Jimmy: Well see that shows how stupid Spivey really is, man. No wonder he can’t get a partner. No one wants to be with somebody that dumb.  (This is just after Mike leaves too… hm.)
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torturedpoetskywalker · 2 months
TWRP Character of the Month: Kira Yukimura Masterlist
for @teenwolfrarepairevents
a thing for new girls (Lydia/Kira)
Kira had heard she has a thing for new girls. She didn't want to be her new prey. Also posted on Tumblr.
all because of the color red (Lydia/Kira)
Her life is finally changing. All because of the color red. 134 wc.
anything and everything (Stiles/Kira)
Kira didn't know until now how much she missed this. Also posted on Tumblr.
I bite my tongue it's a bad habit (Stiles/Kira, Lydia/Stiles)
Kira tries so hard not to get heartbroken when her best friend, who she's been in love with for years, talks about how he finally got the most popular girl in school to go on a date with him. 159 wc.
baby, you're like lightning in a bottle (Lydia/Kira)
Kira kisses Lydia to get back on Stiles, but now she knows why he spent years being obsessed about her. 100 wc.
beautiful girls all over the world got nothing on you (Cora/Kira)
"I think you'll be the prettiest girl in the party."
"Prettier than Lydia?"
"Babe, to me there's no one more beautiful than you." 100 wc.
I need you like electricity (Erica/Kira)
Kira has certainly thought about kissing a girl before... just not THIS girl. Not THE Erica Reyes. Also posted on Tumblr.
fuck it, I love you (Cora/Kira)
There's blood on her hands, but Kira doesn't mind because there's a smile on her girlfriend's face. 111 wc.
I let you in, I let you win (Allison & Kira)
A ghost posseses Kira's body and she lets it. She lets because that's the ghost of a girl she used to know and now feels responsible for her death. 260 wc.
Erica's Girl (Erica/Kira)
Kira has heard rumors... That she's just a girl Erica bangs. But she can't help it. She falls every single time. Maybe Kira does like to be Erica's girl. 130 wc.
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baby-blue-ana · 2 months
Omg heyyyyy new blog intro, here we go again, love to see it 😘🥰
⚠️TW!!⚠️ so sorry, but this IS an eating disorder based blog. I post with an understanding that community can help those who are already suffering, but please don't seek it out/continue on if you are not. Just block my page, feel free to block the tags I use as well, and I truly hope you have a good rest of your day.
hey besties, it's been a minute, but I'm thriving once again 🤭 new motives, new goals, new hobbies, new vibes, you know the drill. I also don't usually start a new episode mid-summer, so we'll see how this goes considering we've got the holidays coming up
you can call me Blue
afab genderfluid (He/She/It)
19 y/o
POTS (chronic illness)
bipolar 1
mixed hispanic/white
my blog is minor friendly, I just won't respond to private DMs or follow back bc, as of rn, I'm almost 20!
stats <3
Height: 5'3" (159 cm)
HW: 142lbs
SW: 135lbs
CW: 98lbs
GW1: 95lbs
UGW: 90lbs
measurements (I'll add later, I keep forgetting to take them when I weigh myself)
(edited: sept. 11, 2024 from here down. I'll set a reminder for the measurements next week, I swear 😅🙏)
recently been doing moodboards, as well as organizing my ed-no-sheeran photos, so requests are welcome (& encouraged) so I actually have incentive to post!
fav mealspo/recipes
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fav thinspo
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I love the coquette aesthetic, but I have cool toned skin & prefer baby blue to the more common pink
also currently into grunge and post-punk music; dressing generally alt, very Tomura Shigaraki coded due to lack of clothing. been looking at the v-ke! (visual ke!) style for the last week, might thrift for that in a couple weeks.
v-ke! m@lespø:
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I also love V!ctor!a's Secret, but don't actually support them morally 💀 fr watching the 2003 show on YT rn, I'm just an anorexic fashion junkie & they're all gorgeous
Also love Stranger Things & mildly in love w/ 3ddie Munsøn. Not in the annoying like Stedd!e ao3 takeover way or anything, but I did live in a trailer when I was younger before moving in w/ other family, and the thought of being older & a trailer park princess in ST wearing baby blue and being small and platinum blonde and having him do things for me is just... AGH!!&$&">×]$ not to mention he has good music taste 😌 He also reminds me of S!r!us Bl@ck, my first love <33
still agree, the Munsøn trailer would be a fuckin vibe and a half, but I'm on an anime kick rn. Tømur@ Sh!garak!, M3llø, B@n, T3ndø S@tor!, Øik@w@ Tøru, etc. are my boys. They keep me thin & they keep me sane.
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I'm also just in a silly goofy girly mood rn, but I DO also post malespo!! I'm genderfluid, so it really depends mostly on how I feel that day + a bit on what my socials feed me that morning.
^^ This has been proven more recently!! If you have a preference and I start leaning towards the other it's fine bc I will inevitably give you a photo dump or have a sudden mood change.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 188. brb x oc
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a/n: i finished this chapter sooner because my connection is bad and oh my god please let me post please (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! they make my nights they really do<3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989
Bradley blinks his eyes open once the morning peeks through the curtains, his head slowly lifting from the pillow when he hears his phone vibrating repeatedly,over and over. He groans, rubbing his face with a hand before looking around “Babe?” she wasn’t in bed, was she checking on Nikki?
“Bathroom!” oh. “I’m over here,” she peeks her head over the threshold and smiles sweetly, “Morning,sunshine.”
Rooster chuckles, about to throw his phone out of the window, but deciding to just turn it to silent as he holds himself up on his elbows, the covers falling and pooling by his hip bones, exposing his toned stomach, “Morning,gorgeous, you look happy.”
“Oh I just slept really well.” she giggles, “Thanks for napping with me a bit yesterday…and for making dinner…and for washing Nikki.” she changed into a soft loose dress, standing in front of the mirror to fix the sleeves on her shoulder, tugging the elastic down to show more of her skin before grabbing her lip gloss, “I admit that,” she rubs the wand over her lips, smacking them together, “I had a bit of a hard time without you here.”
“Was it bad?”
“Well,not horrendous but I couldn’t sleep until I had your pillow close by.” she swipes the end of her pinky finger around her lips to clean off the excess before closing the tube with a satisfyin click, “Who’s calling you?”
“You won’t check?”
He hummed, following Beatrice with his eyes as she moved around, especially focusing on her ass when she leaned down just enough to grab something on the bathroom’s cabinet drawers, “Nope, I won’t answer anyone right now.” he says, “It’s six in the morning, no one calls at six in the morning.” he keeps his eyes on her, his lower lip slipping between his teeth as he admires his wife, “You look good.”
She looks up at him over her shoulder in surprise, smiling sweetly, “I do?”
“Do you ever look bad?” he questions while shrugging, “I mean…you can literally wear anything and you’ll be the sexiest woman ever.”
“Oh shush.”
“No. C’mere.” he smiles, falling back down on the bed and gesturing with his hands, patting his lap, “C’mere,c’mere. Nikki is still asleep.” she hums while checking something in the bathroom, much to his disappointment, “Baby…”
“Don’t you pout,Bradley Nicholas.” she chastises him, but at least she’s leaving the bedroom and already pulling the ends of her dress so it’s easier to settle on his lap. He smirks even more once she does sit on top of him, his hands immediately landing on her thighs, rubbing the expanse of rosy skin back and forth, “Because you already have such pouty lips, it’s hard to focus.” she whispers, nearing close to his mouth.
“We don’t want that.” he coos right back, dragging his fingers upwards until they reach the edge of her underwear, “We’d hate to lose focus.”
“We would.” and she kisses him sweetly, giggling against his lips when his hands cup her buttcheeks and push her forward just enough. It was still easy since her stomach wasn’t that big - it was a lot rounder than Nicole’s pregnancy was, but it wasn’t taking a lot of space yet. She holds herself up by placing her hands on his chest, pursing her lips a bit once they break apart, “I think they’ll just be as big as Nikki was.”
She scoffs softly, gesturing to her stomach as he still caresses her legs, “I mean, this is just…three months along, and they are already so big,Roos.’She shakes her head in disbelief, a mixture of awe and excitement in her voice.
Rooster's eyes widen in surprise, his hands stilled on her thighs. He gazes at her stomach, marveling at the changes that are already taking place. "Wow," he breathes, his voice filled with wonder. "They're growing so fast." he pauses, “I’ve really been gone that long,huh?
"Yeah,well, you are still here now…" Beatrice says softly, her hand gently resting on top of his. "It's incredible, isn't it? Our little ones are thriving inside me." A mix of emotions floods her, a deep sense of love and protectiveness for their unborn babies.
Rooster's thumb brushes over her hand, his touch gentle and soothing. "They're already so loved," he murmurs, his voice filled with tenderness. "And they're going to have the best mom in the world."
Beatrice smiles, her eyes shimmering with emotion. She leans in to kiss him again,. "And they're going to have the best dad too," she whispers against his lips, her voice filled with conviction.
He smirks against her mouth, deepening the kiss just enough to make her sigh, “We’ll stay like this for a while,huh?”
“Yep, unless you want to admit we’ll both do a good job.”
He chuckled, rubbing her lower back and she immediately relaxed, “We will…does it hurt?” she makes an affirmative sound, closing her eyes as he gently massages the end of her spine. She winces then eases out a breath, “Do you want to lie down?”
“No,no,” she leans forward a bit, choosing to be comfortable and either ignoring or playing dumb that her breasts were inches away from his face. Rooster’s irises flicked down to the globes of flesh then back up at her…and then back to her chest, that dress really made her bust look even better than normal.
And he wasn’t complaining if she got a little bit lower.
But he knew she couldn’t, because of the pregnancy. So he was alright with that. Beatrice squeaks in surprise at the double kisses on each globe followed by her husband’s absolutely adorable grin,”...Roos.” she laughs, “You are terrible.”
“Oh,I’m awful.” he growls, digging his hands on her ass and leaning up to gnaw at her neck, “I’m so bad,I’m so fuckin’ bad, gorgeous,” he licks his way up to her jawline just as Beatrice whimpered quietly, digging her nails on his chest and slowly dragging her hands downards to where the covers were. He was only wearing his briefs after all…
But alas, his phone buzzed again, completely breaking the atmosphere and making him groan heavily, “What the fuck.” he snatches the phone with so much anger he almost fears breaking it, “What?” he grounds out the words once he answers it, keeping Beatrice on his lap.
His wife bites her lower lip trying to stifle her laughing as Bradley looks ready to murder the person on the other end. “..Mav, what the fuck, it’s almost seven a.m.” he growls, falling back onto the pillow to glare at the ceiling, “What is it? Something happen or?” he blinks while listening to the response, “Yes,I’m home. Of course I’m home…I–what? What do you have to give me?”
Beatrice watches quietly, playing with the hairs on his arm as he pouts again while talking to Pete, “No…I mean, I guess? Where did you get this ‘gift’? Should I be worried? I can’t have weird stuff around Nikki and Bea, you know that.”
Rooster's frustration is evident as he listens to Pete on the other end of the line, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips forming a thin line. Beatrice watches him with amusement, her fingers gently caressing his arm in a soothing manner.
As the conversation continues, Rooster's expression shifts from annoyance to curiosity. He sits up, his attention fully focused on the call, his grip on Beatrice's waist tightening slightly, keeping her with him. "Wait, you're serious?" he asks, his voice laced with disbelief. "You're saying it's something important? How important?"
Beatrice leans in closer, her eyes curious. "What's going on, Roos?" she whispers, her voice filled with intrigue.
Rooster holds up a hand to signal for her to wait a moment as he continues his conversation. "Alright, fine," he finally concedes, his voice a mixture of resignation and curiosity. "I'll come and get it. But it better not be anything weird, Maverick. Seriously." he pauses, “You did, more than once, don’t start.”
He ends the call and tosses his phone onto the nightstand before turning his attention back to Beatrice. His expression is a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "Well," he says, his voice filled with anticipation. "That was Maverick. He claims to have something important to give me."
Beatrice's eyes widen, a mixture of curiosity and concern on her face. "At…seven in the morning? What is it?" she asks, her voice filled with anticipation.
Rooster shrugs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "He didn't say. But knowing Maverick, it could be anything. He loves surprises." He grins, his fingers gently tracing circles on her lower back. "I guess we'll find out soon enough."
Beatrice's curiosity gets the better of her, and she leans in closer to Rooster, furrowing her brows, “Did he say when to get it?”
“As soon as possible.” he shrugs, “I’ll get it after breakfast,I don’t really feel like leaving yet.” he pauses, holding up a finger, “Speaking of which, hear that?” there’s a soft ‘mama’ coming from the nursery, “Someone is awake. I think she heard us.”
Beatrice's eyes light up at the sound of their daughter's voice, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Our little Nikki is calling for us," she says, her voice filled with affection. "Let's go and see our little angel." she climb off his lap, which he complains a bit, but not before giving her ass a love tap - just enough to smack it but not enough to sting- and she swatted his hand away, “Stop it.”
Rooster just chuckles, his smile mirroring hers. “Just let me put some pants on.” and that was going to be his attire for the rest of the day until he had to see Mav. Once he was done, he takes Beatrice's hand in his and gently guides her out of their bedroom and towards Nikki's nursery. As they enter the room, they see Nikki standing up in her crib, her tiny hands gripping the edge of the railings, the dogs already awake and sitting on each side of the crib.
"Mama," Nikki says again, her voice filled with excitement. She reaches out towards Beatrice, her eyes sparkling with joy,bouncing on her mattress.
Beatrice's heart melts at the sight of their daughter, and she quickly walks over to the crib, scooping Nikki up into her arms. "Good morning, my sweet girl," she coos, pressing a gentle kiss to Nikki's forehead. "Did you have a good sleep? Oh God, I feel like you won’t stop moving now that you learned how to walk.” especially because Nicole pushed herself from the crib with her feet and latched onto Beatrice like a spider monkey.
Rooster stands beside them, his eyes filled with adoration as he watches the interaction between his wife and their daughter. "Hey there, birdie," he says, his voice soft. "Do you have to wake up so early? Are you going to be like this your whole life?"
Nikki giggles, reaching out towards Rooster with her chubby little hands. "Dada!" she exclaims, her smile wide and infectious.
Rooster chuckles, leaning in to plant a kiss on Nikki's cheek. "Yep, that’s me, now," he says, his voice filled with affection. "Can I get her from you a little bit?" he picks Nicole up from Beatrice’s hold, kissing her soft cheek over and over, earning a loud giggle from Nikki who just hugged his neck tighter, “Let’s have some breakfast- I cook.” Beatrice rolled her eyes at him before looking down at his hand.
He had his back to her and one of his hands behind him, wriggling his fingers for her to take it. She blushed, thinking that there was no way her husband could surprise her…and yet, he always did, no matter what. She grabs his hand, interlacing their fingers together so they walk out of the nursery at the same time, kissing his shoulder once they reach the stairs, “You stop being so cute.”
“I will only if you do.” she huffs a laugh, carefully following him down the stairs with Nicole babbling alongside them, “So I guess that’s going to be a bit hard,no?” he winks at her after saying it, only earning an eyeroll from his wife, “Also, do you wanna come with me?”
“To check…whatever it is Mav got?”
“Oh!Sure!I don’t mind it,I don’t have anything planned either.” she shrugged with a grin, kissing his cheek as they got to the first floor, “You can count on me.”
“I swear,” he mutters as he turns the Bronco on the street, craning his head upwards in hopes to see his uncle’s garage, “He can stay with Penny,I don’t know why he chooses to stay in here so often.”
Beatrice was, however, having a great time! She rarely came to these parts unless it was to talk to Maverick, she knew he preferred to stay away from the bustling city because of his collection of…vehicles. She didn’t know how he got an old fighter jet plane in there but she knew that instead of asking him about it, she should just accept it in silence, “I mean it has a lovely view.” the sky was so bright and clean here, “I don’t mind it one bit.”
Rooster nods in agreement after a few seconds,parking the Bronco outside Maverick's garage. He steps out of the vehicle and opens the door for Beatrice, offering her a hand to help her down. "Well," he says, his voice filled with amusement. "The view is pretty spectacular. Mav got the good view yeah. Do you want me to get her?"
Nicole was happily wriggling on her seat, he wondered if she remembered this place - she was so young when she came the very first time- “Please.” Beatrice smiles, stepping aside to let him open the passenger door and unlatch Nicole from the booster seat, “You know, this area is…very nice.” she looks around, seeing barely nothing, “I love the silence.”
“You do?”
“Well,” she shrugs, ‘It’s different, but I don’t have it.” Beatrice takes his hand with a smile once he has Nicole on his opposite arm, her eyes scanning the surroundings. It's a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city, it was very quiet. 
Eerily so, she had to admit; Maybe she was okay to the noise around their house. It showed that people lived there.
As they approach the entrance to Maverick's garage, Rooster reaches out to open the door, holding it for Beatrice and Nicole to enter. The scent of grease and gasoline fills the air, mingling with the familiar scent of Maverick's workshop.
Inside, the space is filled with various vehicles and machinery, tools and parts are scattered across workbenches, and the sound of soft music plays from a nearby radio. “You have horrible taste in music.” not even a hello towards his uncle, but neither of them worry too much
“What’s wrong with my songs?” his uncle ask, “I have to remind you that me and your father shared the same taste in music, so what you grew up listening to is what I like.”Maverick himself stands by his new motorcycle, wiping his hands clean with a wide smile on his face. "Isn’t she gorgeous?” he gestures to the bike, “It’s a 1957 BMW R50. I got it from a guy that used to work at the base.”
His nephew purses his lips, “Is this what you wanted to show me?”
“No, not really, hi Bea,” the brunette waves shyly, “Hi my little princess! You look so pretty today!” Nicole gurgles happily in her mother’s arms and Maverick only looks away when he meets Bradley’s eyes one more time, “It’s something I forgot that even existed, back when me and your dad met.”
Rooster's curiosity is piqued as he listens to Maverick's words. He looks back at Beatrice who just smiles brightly- anything that is somehow connected to his parents, she was always excited to hear about-,nodding her head while keeping a watchful eye on Nicole. Rooster walks over to Maverick, his eyes fixed on the vintage motorcycle.
"You forgot something that even existed?" Rooster asks, "What is it, Mav? What did you find?"
Maverick's smile widens, ‘Now,listen,” he gestures to Rooster to follow him deep in the garage,”Took me some time, it really did, but when I figured out what it was, I had to give it to you.” there was a small box nestled on the corner of the garage, hidden by more parts and tools, the type of organized disorganization that only Mav knew how to trek with, “Here,” he offers him the small box but the other pilot looks suspicious, “Oh, come on, what do you think it is?”
“I don’t know, you are giving me a strange box. What am I to think?”
“Just take it,Rooster, damn it.”
Rooster grabs the box after a few seconds, checking it’s weight, turning a bit in his hands, giving Maverick one suspicious look before finally opening it. He blinks for a few seconds, furrowing his brows, “...these…are my dad’s sunglasses.” he mutters, looking down at the dark lenses that reflected his shocked face, “...I…I thought that mom lost these.”
Maverick watches Rooster's reaction with satisfaction. Seeing Rooster's shock and disbelief confirms that he made the right decision in returning them.
"I stumbled upon them by chance. They were tucked away in an old storage box that I had forgotten about. It's like they were waiting for the right moment to be found."
Rooster lifts the sunglasses out of the box, carefully examining them. The worn frame, the familiar shape—everything about them brings back memories of his father, brief and almost transparent. The little he remembered, he recalled these. His voice is filled with a mix of gratitude and emotion as he speaks, "Thank you, Mav…I–."
Maverick claps Rooster on the back, his voice filled with warmth. "You're welcome, kid," he says. "Your dad was a great pilot, a great friend.But that wasn’t the only reason I called you here.” he checks behind Rooster to see if Beatrice was away, “I heard you talked to Cyclone about McAllister…and the others.”
“I did.”
Maverick smiles, crossing his arms, “Cyclone told me that…apparently you share the same hard head moments I do.” he pauses, “You know he was testing you, right? About everything.”
“I know.” Rooster rubs the sunglasses’ handled with his fingers, “I was already up to it as soon as he started questioning me. He wanted to know what I was going to say…and as much as I was angry at the two, and I was, I couldn’t just let the anger answer instead of myself…they have a chance, now it’s out of my hands.”
Maverick looks so proud when Rooster finishes, he’s shaking his head quietly as he looks at him, “They’d be so proud of you.” he whispers, “I hope you know that,Rooster. You conquered so much and in such a short time too…thanks for letting me make part of it.” Rooster chuckles softly, stepping closer to hug his uncle tight. He closes his eyes just like Maverick did, both of them trying their hardest not to cry, with Pete gently tapping his back.
“You are welcome,Mav.” he whispers, “You really are.”
“Anyway,” Pete clears his throat,”I’m going to get you guys some water, is that alright?”
“Yeah,yeah sure,” Rooster grins, still messing with the sunglasses, “Go on ahead…do tell Bea I’m here.” his uncle nods, tapping his shoulder and finally walking out of the little room both once stood. Bradley stands there for a few seconds, rubbing the sunglasses in his hands while looking down at it.
He sniffles, furrowing his brows as he stares at his reflection, hell he could even see the parts where the metal was chipped. He pauses, licks his lips then slowly brings it to his eyes, should he?
He hesitates, he doesn’t know if it was right for him to do that..maybe later…yeah,later. He places it inside the box it was and walked out of the room, meeting a smiling Beatrice and a wobbling Nicole on the way out.
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