#my bonus question is: what’s your favorite drink
dualcordie · 10 months
15 people, 15 questions
thanks to @myguiltyartpleasure for tagging me! <3
1.) Are you named after anyone?
I wasn’t really named after anyone, but I used to be obsessed with my grandpa’s guitars when I was little and he called me Chords/Chordie, but my grandma always spelled it Cord/Cordie, so that’s what I go by :)
2.) When was the last time you cried?
Ok so… I cry A LOT… like I literally cried last night over a tiktok I saw (it was a SatoSugu edit)
3.) Do you have kids?
Nope! They scare me tbh
4.) What sports do you play/have played?
I played soccer pretty much my whole life. In between soccer I did cheer, volleyball, baseball, and track. I’m not as active as I used to be, but I do still try to run when I can just because I like the structure lol
5.) Do you use sarcasm?
Like I breathe. A lot of people hate it, but I can’t help it.
6.) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Typically their vibe, but physical trait? Hair. I feel like you can tell a lot about a person from their hair (or maybe that’s just my weird ass idk)
7.) What’s your eye color?
I’d say brown, but my friends argue that my eyes are more green now
8.) Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. Scary movies make me anxious.
9.) Any talents?
I’m a really good cook! I’m everyone’s go-to when we have get togethers or even when they’re just hungry. A lot of people ask me for food when I want to gift them something. I’ve even held some cooking classes for close friends and family.
10.) Where were you born?
On a German-American military base (I know, gross x2)
11.) What are your hobbies?
I love reading, traveling, cooking, and baking. I’m new to baking, but so far I love it a lot!
12.) Do you have any pets?
I have a dog!
13.) How tall are you?
5’4 (I actually measured myself specifically for this and imagine my shock when I realized I’ve grown 2 inches despite being an adult).
14.) Favorite subject in school?
History and foreign languages. I pick up on languages really easy and always found history interesting, so that’s what I excelled at and they obvs became favorites of mine.
15.) Dream job?
I’ll be honest… I don’t dream of working. I guess I’d be content doing anything creative or educational as long as I made enough to live comfortably.
The thought of tagging 15 people makes me anxious, so I’m just gonna tag some mutuals <3
@zukkas @leafsfromthevine @zukkaturtleduck
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junkissed · 3 months
ocean view
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member — junhui x f reader genre — romance, smut, strangers to lovers, soulmate au word count — 8.8k synopsis — an all expenses paid trip to greece for your friend's wedding seems too good to be true, but it gets even better when you meet a handsome stranger on the beach. with the help of a mysterious old lady, her magic deck of tarot cards, and one too many coincidences, you're starting to believe things really do happen for a reason. warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, unprotected sex, fingering, marking, an oddly romantic one night stand, mentions of past hookups, reader wears dresses, way too much yearning, happy ending ! notes — my part for the @svthub world tour collab; check out the masterlist here! thanks to @multi-kpop-fanfics for answering all my questions and the biggest thanks ever to @onlymingyus for proofreading & helping me brainstorm throughout !! inspired mostly by the spell mv but also a little bit from nana tour and in the soop bc of the vacation vibes. disclaimer i know nothing about tarot but i did a ton of research so i hope that part makes sense anyway :) this fic was a huge challenge to write so please please reblog if you enjoyed reading, the feedback is super appreciated and it helps me keep writing!! read bonus material here!
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they say time flies when you’re having fun.
it felt like just days ago when your best friend had announced she was flying everyone to athens for her destination wedding. between helping prepare for the wedding and getting yourself packed for the trip of a lifetime, a weekend on the beach sounded like exactly what you needed to unwind.
but now that you’re here, you’ve quickly realized that your dreams of lazy spa days, massages, and lounging on chairs in the sand with cocktails aren’t on your friend’s itinerary.
what is on her itinerary, however? clubs. lots of clubs, and bars, and raves.
the night before the wedding, you’d showed up at the place you had all planned to meet at for her bachelorette party, a popular bar right on the beach in the center of everything. you hadn’t been sure what to expect, so you’d worn your swimsuit underneath your sundress just in case. between wedding plans and jet lag, you hadn’t yet had the chance to explore the beaches, and you weren’t about to let your favorite white strappy one-piece go to waste without wearing it the whole trip; especially not when you’re surrounded by gorgeous clear waters you don’t get to see while you’re at home.
you tug at your dress a little awkwardly, a simple off-white piece with buttons all down the front. cute and casual, the perfect thing for an evening on the beach. except an evening on the beach is not what you’re getting.
“next round is on me!”
all the girls let out a cheer, clapping and whooping as they raise their glasses. you’re still not even halfway through your first drink; the night is young, but your friends are more enthusiastic partygoers than you are.
you lean away to check the time on your phone, trying not to feel defeated when you see how early it still is. you’ve been trying to hype yourself up for tonight all weekend, but it doesn’t help that your friends are bigger partiers than you. that isn’t to say that you dislike parties, or that you never go out; but parties like this, huge events with hundreds of people packed into a small space with loud music and flashing lights, aren’t really your ideal way to spend a saturday night. even for such a special, rare occasion like a bachelorette party in another country, you can’t bring yourself to get lost in the scene. you should’ve known how this would go, and yet here you are, standing at a cocktail table by yourself surrounded by drunk women.
you turn back around and suddenly the bar is a sea of unfamiliar faces, everyone around you lost in their own worlds jumping and dancing to the music that booms from the speakers. you stand up on your tiptoes to see above the crowd, trying to push your way through in search of someone you recognize, but it seems like they’ve all vanished.
the pounding of the music is starting to give you a headache, so you down the last of your drink and head away from the bar, pushing past people until the crowd eventually starts to thin and you break out into the open air.
it’s still light outside, but the contrast from the darkened bar makes it feel like stepping into another world. the noise gets quieter the farther away you move, and you find your feet carrying themselves down the beach. you walk backwards, turning to look over your shoulder one more time to see if you can spot your friends, but all you see is a crowd full of strangers.
it’s easier to breathe out here, feeling the freshness of the ocean breeze and the salty air in your lungs as you get further and further from the people and the businesses. you turn around again and almost run straight into a man walking from the opposite direction, and you stumble into his arms before you realize what’s happening. you let out a little squeak in surprise and jump backwards, almost tripping over your own feet but his hand instinctively shoots around your waist to help keep you upright.
your cheeks burn with embarrassment, an apology already ready on your lips, but he beats you to it. “sorry,” he says with a shy laugh, slowly letting go of you and offering his hand for balance as you slip your sandal back on that had come off. he steps back and gives you a polite smile, trying to move out of your way. “you look like you’ve got somewhere to be.”
“the opposite, actually. escaping my friend's bachelorette party," you explain. 
"we're in the same boat, then," he chuckles, tucking his hands into the pockets of his shorts. "trying to ditch the bachelor party. it’s a popular place for weddings, huh?”
“seems like it.” you hum, turning to look out over the water. the setting sun glints off the surface, a clear and bright sparkling blue, and you lift your hand to keep the glare out of your eyes. “i just didn’t think it’d be so…”
“…hectic?” he asks, and you laugh a little.
"yeah, you could say that.” a warm breeze ruffles through your sundress, and you cross your arms over your chest. “i guess all weddings are like that, though.”
he nods, following your gaze off into the horizon. you go quiet, listening to the music still loud in the distance and the sound of seagulls cawing above your heads. "i was hoping to get a chance to explore more of the beaches while i'm here. i don’t get to see it often."
"wanna go for a walk?” you ask suddenly, uncrossing your arms. maybe it’s the fresh air of a new place, maybe it’s the comfort of finding another person wanting to get away from it all, but some part of you wants to stay here and find out. you’d wanted to see more of the landscape anyway, and now seems like as good a time as any, especially now that you’ve got company.
he looks over at you, judging your expression before his face softens. “that sounds perfect.”
it’s still early enough that the beach is still mostly full of tourists, adults lounging on towels while reading books and kids splashing water at each other and playing in the sand. you walk further down the beach, passing in front of a grey haired old woman sitting cross-legged on a towel, shuffling a deck of cards in her wrinkled hands.
"always lovely to see couples enjoying the islands,” she calls out to you. there’s an almost rhythmic lilt to her voice, and it’s so sudden that it makes both of you pause and turn around, having paid her no mind as you walked past before. she gestures down at the deck and you finally notice that she’s holding a set of tarot cards, a deep matte black that seems to glitter and sparkle even while shadowed. “would you like a reading?”
your cheeks start to warm, and you push down the butterflies that flutter to life when she assumes you’re together. "oh, no, we're not—”
"sure," jun says over you, and you sneak a glance up at him when you think he's not looking. "how much?"
she clucks her teeth and shakes her head, staring directly at you although she’s answering his question. "no, no, no, my dear. just offering a bit of friendly advice. won’t cost you a thing."
jun nods, but she seems like she’s waiting for your answer so you quickly nod, too. “okay. what… do we have to do?”
she places her palms over the deck and closes her eyes, falling silent. you stand in front of her, feeling a little awkward to be hovering over her like this, but she it’s like she doesn’t even notice. you share a look with jun, but after a beat he grabs your hand and grins as if to say, just go along with it.
her eyes suddenly fly open and she seems pleased with whatever she was doing. “i knew i could feel it,” she says cryptically as she begins shuffling the cards. “but let’s just see what fate has to say about it.”
she stops and pulls the top two cards from the deck, placing them face down on the towel as she motions at them with her hand. at her signal, jun bends forward and turns over one of the cards, reading it aloud. “ace of cups.”
“ace of cups,” she repeats. “an invitation. the open, uninhibited flow of emotions, creativity, and love; the awakening of your spirit. this is a new beginning for you, the start of a new season. trust yourself and your feelings, and embrace the opportunity to grow with your emotions.”
jun nods seriously like he’s taking in her words, but you can see the hint of a smile at the corner of his lips that he’s trying to suppress.
she looks at you expectantly, and you hesitate before realizing she’s waiting for you to flip over the second card. you cheeks heat as you read it, but you try not to let it show. “the… lovers?”
she smiles, and although her face looks kind you have a sense that there’s something she’s not telling. “the lovers,” she says, almost solemnly. “many people think this card is strictly about romance. and in some ways it is, but what it really represents is a choice. two diverging paths, two responsibilities. will you choose with your head, or with your heart?”
she stares at you for another moment, then looks back at jun. you both stay quiet and still, subconsciously hanging on her every word as she pauses, clearly having more to say. “having these two cards come up together… now, that’s fascinating for you two, isn’t it?”
you find yourself nodding silently, although you have no idea why. you feel jun’s hand in yours, warm and soft and grounding, and the smallest shiver runs down your spine.
“the lovers and the ace of cups are the potential for new beginnings and the fulfillment that comes with following your heart,” she says, her eyes locked with yours. “this is a very powerful and meaningful connection, but only if you make the choice that is most heartfelt. you must be willing to be your most authentic self and hold nothing back. keep your eyes open, and you will be rewarded with profound joy and happiness.”
immediately you turn to look at jun to see his reaction. he looks just as confused—but is that a hint of excitement in his eyes?—as you do. the woman’s words are… cryptic, to say the least, but it stirs up a feeling of excitement in the back of your mind that you’re trying to ignore. it probably doesn’t mean what you think it does, right?
"hey, wait, so what does—”
you turn back to look at the woman for another explanation, but there's no one there. the beach is empty except for you and jun and the slowly setting sun, a few boats tied up at the dock. you’ve walked so far down the beach that even the distant music has faded into obscurity and you’re left standing alone together, surrounded by nothing but the sounds of the waves. even the wind has died down, and it feels eerily quiet but in an almost comforting sort of way, to be alone together in a place like this.
"you believe in that kind of stuff?" you ask curiously as jun starts to walk away.
"mm… not really. but she seemed like a lonely old lady. i thought it'd make her day." he looks down at your entwined hands and squeezes lightly, almost teasing as you look up and see the grin on his face. "why, do you?"
you can't help the butterflies that instantly flutter to life in your stomach when you feel his warm hand in yours, but you shrug. "why not?"
jun doesn't reply, just nodding thoughtfully as you continue to walk hand in hand. 
with the way the atmosphere has suddenly changed, it feels like time has stopped as you meander your way along the edge of the water. you chat off and on with jun, but there’s a hefty amount of silence that neither one of you feels obligated to fill. talking to jun feels like talking to an old friend, and maybe it’s the beautiful scenery or maybe it’s the way both of you had found yourselves here looking for company.
after a while you come to a stop just below the rocks where you’d started. your footprints from where you’d run into each other are still visible, little indents in the damp sand, and it reminds you of what you were running away from in the first place. maybe you don’t want to run anymore. 
"well…”  jun says, inhaling slowly. "we should get you back to your friends. i'm sure they're looking for you."
"would it be so bad if i said i didn't want to find them?"
he pauses to gauge your reaction, and you don’t miss the flicker in his eyes as he looks at you. after a moment nods and points up the shallow cliffs, towards a little stone staircase worn down from years of being travelled on. "my hotel is just up there. if… if you wanted to stay a little longer? with me?"
you pull your lip between your teeth, looking up at him and the way the fading sunlight shines through his soft brown waves, and it only takes a second to make your decision. “i’d really like that.” 
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it turns out that missing out on your friend’s party for a few more hours is an easy price to pay for more time with jun.
the door of his hotel room barely has time to shut before your hands are on each other. you tug him closer by shirt with an eagerness you rarely allow yourself and he immediately reciprocates, pulling you by the waist until you’re pressed chest to chest.
his hand skims over your collarbone towards your neck, and you shiver at the warmth of his fingers caressing the side of your jaw. he angles your chin upwards and leans in as you meet him halfway and your lips finally touch, a low sound escaping from your throat as his nose brushes your cheek.
he makes a soft noise as he inhales, deepening the kiss until you feel your knees go weak. his hand cups your jaw harder, trying to draw you further into him, unwilling to break apart. he kisses you so softly yet you can still feel the intensity behind every movement of his lips, exploring your mouth with a gentleness that feels more natural than anyone you’ve ever kissed before.
jun curls his arm around you tighter, and you’re sure he can hear how fast your heart is beating as he kisses you again and again until you’re breathless. you slide your hands away from his chest and start to undo the buttons at the front of your dress, but he stops you. you look up and meet his gaze as his hand on your cheek moves to wrap around your waist, carefully walking you backwards until the backs of your knees hit the bed and you let yourself fall back onto it.
he lets out a quiet groan as you pull him down with you, landing on top of you and catching himself on his forearms beside your head. his face is inches away from yours, staring into your eyes for a beat before he presses down to capture your lips again.
his kisses feel like magic, and you almost forget exactly what you’re here to do. you’d be content to spend hours with his lips on yours and nothing else, but you’re quickly pulled away from it when he sits back and starts to slide his hands down your body, his nimble fingers skillfully undoing the buttons of your dress one by one.
he pulls the fabric away and lets it fall to the floor before leaning to kiss you again, and a grateful sigh slips from your lips at his touch. your fingers tug at his shirt and he breaks away once more to quickly pull it off over his head, tossing it behind him without a second thought.
your hands slide earnestly across his body, your fingertips trailing down his torso and the deep lines of his abs. his fingers brush over your swimsuit in tandem, tracing the cutouts of the fabric where your skin is visible and making you prickle with goosebumps at his touch.
he seems equally as content to just continue doing this, but eventually his hands make their way upwards and gently slip the straps off your shoulders. he doesn't move any further than that, waiting for you to move instead, his fingers resting at the base of your neck just beneath your chin. 
you follow his actions and shimmy the suit down, letting it bunch up at your hips. only then does he finally break apart from you, moving his mouth down to your exposed breast and letting his tongue glide over your peaked nipple. your skin tastes like salt and sweat, like sunny days and warm breezy nights, and he can't get enough of you.
the first moan you let out is like music to his ears, and immediately he craves more of them. he wraps his mouth around your other nipple while keeping his hands attached to your body like magnets, desperate to be the one to draw more of those pretty noises from your lips.
you lift your hips just a little and he quickly gets the hint, wordlessly pushing his fingers between your skin and the fabric of your swimsuit before tugging it all the way off. he pulls it down your legs and you help him kick it away, leaving you completely bare beneath him.
your hands slide across his shoulders and up the back of his neck, tangling in his hair with another moan that sends a shiver down his spine. you can’t help but roll your hips upwards against his body, squirming for more friction as your nails scratch at his scalp.
his face stays buried in your chest for a long time, moving between your breasts and planting wet kisses all along your skin. your head is spinning at the sight of this gorgeous man working his magic on your body, his hands wandering up and down with a tender purpose. you don't even know his name but you already know you're gonna be thinking about this night for months, probably even years. you're shocked at how good he is at this; there's a melancholy feeling looming in the back of your mind, knowing that this is probably the first and only night you’ll get to spend with him, but you don't have time to focus on that when you have the tingly feeling in your stomach to focus on instead.
despite not saying anything aloud you can tell exactly what he wants from you, and something about how easy this is sends a feeling of relief through you. all of the mistakes of your past hookups feel like a distant memory. there’s none of the empty conversations meant to do nothing more than fill the silence and the awkward, tentative movements that you’ve become accustomed to from strangers who aren’t familiar with your body. 
but something about the way jun touches you does feel familiar, like you’ve been waiting all your life for it, for him. his silence, something that most of your partners in the past had fought so hard to avoid, now only leaves more room for you to enjoy the sounds that often go overlooked: the wet hum as his lips connect with your skin, the distant crash of waves outside the window, the quiet whir of the ceiling fan.
jun leans down and kisses you again, shifting on top of you as his hand wanders down your hips. you pull him closer and let your hand travel a similar path, and you bite your lip in excitement when your fingers skim over the bulge straining against his shorts.
he lets out a strangled noise almost like a whimper at the contact but the sound only encourages you to add more pressure, soaking in his reactions. he whines again, pushing his hips into your hand and exhaling a shaky breath as you continue to palm him, feeling the hard outline of his cock as he struggles to keep his composure.
his knee is against your thigh and he repositions himself to press it higher between your legs, returning the favor and giving you something to grind on. instinctively your legs widen a little to give him easier access, and he rewards you with another hot, messy kiss.
you groan at the feeling, pushing your hips down towards him and rubbing yourself on him. it’s a little rough at first, but you’re already so wet that it doesn’t take long before his knee is coated in your arousal and you slide along him easily. 
after a minute he pulls back just an inch, giving you room to breathe, but one hand is still on your hip and the other curled behind you to support your neck. “good?” he asks breathlessly, and even though it’s clear as day that you’re enjoying this as much as he is, you still nod and give him an encouraging smile, and he returns it with a smile of his own. “just let me know,” he says, and the sultry yet sweet tone of his voice makes your heart skip a beat.
at your approval his hand begins to wander again, trailing over the top of your thigh. his finger slowly make their way down and you shiver, your hand stilled against his abdomen as you anticipate his next move.
you take this moment to get a good look at him; you’d been too shy to stare earlier on the beach, unsure how things were going to go. but now that he’s on top of you, shirtless and obviously just as eager as you are, you let your gaze roam unabashedly across his body. your eyes glide over his torso, the hollow slope of his collarbones and his hardened nipples, the deep-set grooves of his abs and the faint lines of his ribs beneath his skin. you want to reach out to touch him and run your hands over every inch of him, but you’re trying to be patient. and although you know your time here is limited, it seems like jun is only just getting started.
his fingers finally make it to your inner thighs, tracing the area around your pussy, but it’s still not close enough for your liking. you wiggle a little to try and encourage him, whining softly and letting out a little plea. his lips quirk up and he nods, his grip on the back of your neck tensing and tangling in your hair. 
his fingers finally brush against your entrance and you gasp, writhing at how gentle his touch is. he dips his middle finger into your heat before pulling it back out, trailing upwards to your clit to circle it for a moment before heading back down and repeating the process. it’s barely enough, yet it leaves you breathless almost instantly.
he’s staring down between your legs with an intense focus, spreading your arousal around before sinking back into you for more. and just when you think you can’t take it anymore, he pushes his finger in deeper, holding it still for a second even though you’ve already adjusted to it. he waits until you start moving, arching your back and trying to get him to go further, before he adds his ring finger and begins slowly thrusting both fingers in and out together.
you whimper and curse under your breath, trying to roll your hips to match his rhythm. he starts to curl his knuckles and you swear you see stars, despite the fact that he’s barely moving at all.
after a moment when you’ve regained the ability to breathe normally again you start to move your hand back against his bulge, shaky fingers dipping beneath the waistband of his shorts. you wrap your hand around him and your eyes widen at the thickness, the heavy weight of him in your hand and how you’re sure he must be aching by now. you feel the way his cock jerks when you squeeze ever so slightly, his fingers inside you freezing for a split second as his brain tries to process before he plunges them in even deeper, curling into you with even more fervor than before.
you hold him tighter and run your thumb over his tip, swollen and leaking with precum. he gets a little noisier with every move you make, unable to contain the pleasure he gets even from this. even the smallest touches from each other have both of you on edge in a way you’ve never felt before, drawn to each other like no one you’ve ever had before.
his clothes in the way are starting to frustrate you, so after another second you release his cock and move your hand up to the waistband of his shorts instead, trying to tug them down but it’s difficult from the position you’re both laying in.
“please,” you pant out desperately after having little success, and he obliges, pushing his shorts away as fast as possible before resuming his motions. he’s still almost completely ignoring himself as he continues to focus on you and only you, and his complete devotion gives you another boost of confidence.
now freed, his hard cock slaps against your thigh and you moan happily at finally being able to see all of him. it looks even better than it felt, thick veins bulging out across his length and his tip flushed a deep red. you wrap your hand around him once more, flicking your wrist as you start to jerk up and down.
his fingers curl upwards to massage the spot that makes your eyes roll back, and if you had any functioning thoughts left you would’ve marvelled at the fact that he was able to find it so easily, but you’re too busy arching your back against his pillow to think about that.
he can feel you starting to clench harder around him, making his fingers stutter inside you, so he pushes his other hand down on your hip to stop you from moving so much. he pulls his fingers out and your eyes dart back up to his face for an explanation, unable to stop the whimper that escapes from you at the loss, but the look in his eyes instantly puts you at ease. you can already tell he knows what he’s doing, and somehow he seems to know exactly what you need, so for once you don’t mind sitting back and letting someone else call the shots.
“can i fuck you now?” he murmurs, and it takes you a second to even hear what he said because you’re shocked at how low and rough his tone is since the last time you heard him speak. he wipes his fingers against the inside of your thigh as he waits for your reply, and you shiver at the cool wetness on your skin.
the best you can manage is a stuttered “yes”, and without a word of acknowledgement he pulls you off the bed, guiding you off your back and onto your hands and knees.
you let out a squeak at the sudden change but you let it happen, and a second later you hear his voice beside you, his breath warm against your ear. “still okay?” he asks, and despite the gruffness in his voice you can still hear the soft edge to his words.
“yeah,” you repeat, suddenly losing the ability to say anything else to express your pleasure, but somehow you know he understands. your stomach flutters at the low tone of his voice, steady and calm but so full of warmth and lust.
you feel the heat from his face move away from your skin, and you know he’s sitting up on his knees behind you. his hands slide down your sides, reaching under you to cup your boobs with both hands as he groans at the feeling. you let out a matching whine, pushing your hips back against him to feel his hard length against the soft flesh of your ass.
his hands still holding your breasts, he leans down over you to keep you flush to his body, your back pressed against his chest. he presses a kiss in between your shoulder blades, letting his tongue trace lightly over the ridges of your spine.
you grind backwards against him harder, your body on fire from his kisses as he starts to suck gently at the back of your shoulder. you’re not sure if it’s hard enough to leave marks, but you kind of hope they do, because then you’d be sure this encounter wasn’t a dream. what other explanation is there for the fact that you’ve not only met the most handsome man you’ve ever seen in your life, but that you’re currently on your hands and knees in his bed as he runs his lips over every single inch of you, waiting for him to fuck you? it’s too good to be true.
but it is true, and you know it when he pulls away to brush your hair to the side and expose more of your back for him. his fingers are still so gentle against your skin, his touch heavy but soft, and it makes you even more desperate for him.
after a while he lets go of you and leans back, taking his cock in his hand and gently tapping it against your ass. you groan and fall forward, pressing your face into the pillows and arching your hips up into the air. his hands slide down your sides, gripping your waist with a low groan as he leans forward to kiss the side of your neck again.
he finally pushes all the way into you, and it feels so good it takes your breath away for a second. you can feel your walls throbbing around him, struggling to adjust to the feeling of being so full in the best way, a way you haven’t felt this strongly in so long. it’s a feeling like no other, and it makes you wonder why you ever settled for anything else before this.
his hands are all over you like he can’t decide what to do first, but after a while they settle at your hips and give them an encouraging squeeze, waiting patiently for you to set the pace. finally you bring yourself to move, tipping forward to let him slide out of you just a bit before you lean back into him.
he adapts quickly to your rhythm, thrusting in and out and matching your pace, using his grip on your waist for leverage to push himself deep inside with every stroke.
“fuck,” he moans under his breath, finally breaking the silence, and with just that one sound you feel yourself starting to let go.
the words tumble out of your mouth and you ball your fists into his sheets, clinging to the bed to keep you grounded while your head is spinning. “please, please, yes—”
everything finally hits you all at once, like a tidal wave pouring over you as you fall forward and bury your face into the pillow with a broken whimper.
“don’t stop, please,” you whine breathlessly. your words are muffled by the pillow, but you can tell he’s heard them because his grip on your hips tightens even more, slamming into you with just as much force as before and carrying you through your orgasm.
jun has to bite his lip not to sail right over the edge with you, focusing all his energy on holding himself back until he feels your body go limp all at once, the waves finally subsiding and you let out a deep, pleasured exhale. he’s so close he can practically taste it, his skin flushed and damp with sweat and his abs burning with exertion. only once he’s absolutely sure that you’ve finished cumming does he let himself break, pulling out as fast as he can and wrapping his fist around his length with all the energy he has left.
he moans weakly at the loss of your tight, warm walls hugging him so perfectly, but the view as he jerks himself over you all but makes up for it. the sight of your ass pressed flush against his thighs, your lower back arched and on display like a gorgeous blank canvas, and it gives him such a rush until he can’t hold on anymore.
the warm, sticky liquid hits your back and you whimper into the pillow, instinctively lifting your hips even more towards him. his cum spurts out in thick ropes, painting your skin and pooling in the little divot at the base of your spine, running down your ass until it feels like you’re soaked in it.
he finally pulls back and lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding in, groaning as he sees you sitting still on the bed with your hips in the air. you feel the bed shift with his weight as he gets up, but you don’t pay any attention to it as you focus on trying to steady your breathing instead. something in your gut tells you to stay put, and sure enough, a minute later you hear the sink running and then feel the cool fabric of a damp washcloth brushing over your back.
he lays his hand on your ass and gently gives it a little squeeze to signal that he’s finished, and you finally fall over onto your side. you’re coasting on cloud nine, and everything feels both dulled and hypersensitive at the same time. the whir of the overhead fan is a little more prominent now, and the quiet drone echoes around in your brain.
“do you need water? or do you want a snack, or something?” jun asks, and while his voice still has a touch of shakiness as he’s recovering himself, you can tell his tone is back to the gentle and polite sound you’ve become used to hearing from him.
you shake your head, and he hums softly in acknowledgement as he points to the nightstand on the side of the bed closest to you. “there’s an extra water bottle there, if you need it. i haven’t opened it.”
you nod against the sheets, suddenly too tired to even think about forming words. jun climbs back onto the bed next to you, stretching out his long limbs and leaning against the headboard with a satisfied sigh. 
you surprise yourself when your body automatically reaches out for him, curling into his body and laying your hand across his forearm like a weight keeping him close. but what surprises you even more is when he mirrors the action, scooting closer to you and letting your head rest against his stomach. your first thought is that he makes a very comfortable pillow, and you let your eyes fall shut for a moment as your breathing returns to normal, wanting to savor this moment as you collect yourself and prepare to leave.
you open your eyes what feels like minutes later, but when you reach over to check your phone you realize you’ve been asleep for more than an hour. you inhale slowly and swallow, blinking a few times as the sore feeling in your hips reminds you of where you are.
instinctively, you start to panic a little. your friends are probably looking for you. you disappeared without telling anyone, and now you have to get back to your hotel and make sure you have enough time to sleep properly and get ready for the wedding in the morning. never mind that it was probably the best night you’ve ever spent with another person, and never mind that your friends are probably still out partying and haven’t even noticed you missing yet.
you slide off of the bed as quietly as you can, stumbling a little when your feet hit the floor. you crouch down to pick up your swimsuit off the floor and put it on, hopping on one foot as you slip each leg through the holes. it's darker outside now, but the street lamps and the moonlight shining through the sliding glass door that leads to the balcony of his hotel room are bright enough that it still feels like day. you're so focused on getting dressed and mentally running over your to-do list that you completely forget there's another person in the room until you hear his voice cutting through the silence.
“you don’t have to do that, y’know.”
you freeze and look up, your half-buttoned dress hanging loosely from your shoulders, your cheeks burning at the realization you’ve been caught.
jun swings his legs off the bed, crossing the room in a couple of strides before he’s standing in front of you. he’s wearing nothing except for the boxer shorts he threw on right before you fell asleep, and your cheeks flush even harder at the sight, despite the fact that you’ve already seen much more of him than this.
it takes every ounce of restraint you have to keep your eyes from straying, locked on his face before your gaze falls quickly to the floor where your sandals are left in a heap.
you didn’t mean to sneak off. but what else were you supposed to do? you hadn’t meant to fall asleep and stay as long as you did, either, and now you were stuck with the awkward conversation that always comes afterwards. the inevitable hurried goodbyes and uncomfortable tension as you try to put yourself back together and leave as fast as possible.
jun takes a small step closer to you, and despite all the confidence you know he has, it feels almost… tentative. as if you’re meeting for the first time and he isn’t sure whether or not he’s allowed to touch you yet.
there's a lingering feeling that you can't quite put your finger on yet. it's conflicting, because you know you can't stay but everything in you is screaming not to leave. maybe there's something you can do, anything you can do. is it all worth it? to turn your life around in a complete 180 for someone you barely even know— and yet, the last few hours that you’ve spent with him have been incomparably the best of your life.
after a moment he reaches out and starts to finish buttoning your dress for you, his fingers working them back through the loops with just as much care as he did when he was taking them off earlier.
“sorry,” you manage quietly, though you’re not even really sure what you’re apologizing for. a lot of things: sorry for running away, sorry for having feelings you probably shouldn’t be feeling, sorry for knowing this won’t work out despite the way you really, really wish it could.
but he just shakes his head as he finishes buttoning the last button. “i took it off. i can help you put it back on, too.” you can tell he knows what you had actually meant, but he’s ignoring it either for your sake or his. something about his words feels so easy, like all the problems in your head don’t mean anything anymore. here you are, an anxious and awkward and confused mess, and there he is, smoothing out the wrinkles in your dress like it’s something he’s been doing all his life.
he adjusts the strap on your shoulder with a gentle pat, but his hands linger for a few seconds longer than they should, and you lift your eyes to meet his. “can i kiss you again?” he asks quietly, and for some reason his choice of words sticks with you. not one final kiss, not a goodbye kiss, just again. like he’s refusing to admit this will probably be the last time you’ll ever see each other.
and you nod, and his hands slide up to cup your cheeks and pull you back into his lips, just as warm and just as soft and just as familiar as the first time. there’s something so innocent about kissing him, even in the midst of a complicated and confusing mess of emotions that makes you second guess everything. somewhere in the back of your mind you vaguely register that this is the last time you’ll ever kiss him, but as long as his lips are on yours it doesn’t matter. you’ll figure out how to deal with all that later; for now, the only thing you’re concerned about is the way he grips your chin and pulls you even closer.
it feels like hours later when you finally pull away, letting out a slow exhale as you try to blink yourself back to reality, and you know what has to happen now. “can you find your hotel on your own? do you want me to walk back with you?” jun asks, and you can feel the hesitancy in his voice.
“it’s not far,” you sigh quietly, turning away to slip your feet into your sandals that wait by the bed where you’d taken them off earlier. you should’ve said yes. “but… thank you.” your words hold a sincere weight to them, and it’s silent for a few seconds as you cross the room quicker than you want to.
“you could stay,” he says finally, but his hand is already on the doorknob and you both already know the answer. you hate that you have to be the one to tell him no, even though it’s been clear from the start what the outcome would be. you give him a small shake of your head, and he pulls on the knob. 
he stands and stares for a minute, watching you walk down the hallway and praying you’ll turn around. and then you do, glancing back at him over your shoulder, and he almost allows himself to have a little bit of hope that you might come back, even though you both know you can’t. when you find him still standing in the doorway your eyes light up just the slightest bit, and finally you disappear with a tiny little wave.
the door clicks shut again, and the silence that follows is louder than anything he’s heard all day.
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“and you didn’t even get this guy’s number?!”
you wince at the tone in jeonghan’s voice, rubbing the back of your shoulder guiltily. “his name, either.”
“even after the magic old lady said all that shit about soulmates?”
“she didn’t say that!” you huff. your tone rises almost defensively, although it probably has no reason to. she didn’t say anything about being soulmates… right? “she said something like, ‘keep your eyes open for stuff around you’. but he said he didn’t even believe in it, anyway.”
a waiter carrying a tray of champagne glasses walks past, and he snags a couple of them, holding one out to you. “well, it doesn’t sound like you’re keeping your eyes open. it sounds more like your eyes are closed, actually. are you blind?”
you scowl and take the glass from him. “my flight home is tonight, hannie. i’m not gonna see him again.” you take a sip, letting it sit in your mouth for a second before you swallow. “and besides, he said he was here for a wedding, too. he could be from anywhere in the world. it would be impossible to find him.”
“doesn’t hurt to at least try.” you both stop in front of a circular table covered in flowers, with a little placard next to one of the plates with jeonghan’s name on it. “i guess this is my table. you want me to help you look for yours?”
you shake your head, pointing to a table a little ways away. “i saw mine on the way in, it’s over there.”
“whatever,” he hums at you, but you know he’s just teasing. “i still wouldn’t blame you if you ditched and ran off to try and find him.”
“not happening!” you call over your shoulder as you walk away, matching his playful tone. but you can’t help but feel like maybe he’s right.
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jun taps his fingers against the table, staring mindlessly at the bubbles floating in his glass of champagne. he’s stuck in his head— no, that’s not right. that’s not the problem. you’re stuck in his head. it’s nearly a full day later and he hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you, the taste of your lips, the feel of your breasts in his hands, the scent of the shampoo in your hair. if that wasn’t the most perfect hookup in the history of hookups, then he doesn’t wanna know what is.
he still feels bad for not even paying attention during the ceremony, because he was too busy imagining you and him up there on the altar kissing instead. god, what he wouldn’t give for another kiss like that. but just like you, he knows it never would’ve worked out, and despite the what-ifs that are chewing him up inside and the fact that he definitely, absolutely, totally would’ve tried to make it work however large the distance was, he knows it’s probably for the better. even if it means he’s gonna spend the rest of his life pining after a girl he met on vacation for less than a single day, and he’ll never even know your name.
he takes a swig of his champagne and tries to put on a cheery face. this is a wedding, after all, and he can’t afford to spend all his time pouting when he’s in a beautiful city by the seaside enjoying delicious food and near perfect weather.
and then he sees you.
not really, of course, because it’s probably the champagne going to his head after chugging the majority of his glass like a frat boy at a college party. but then he blinks, and it really is you, wandering around for a second before you sit down at a table on the other side of the venue, wearing a soft blue dress that’s even prettier than the one he saw you in yesterday.
he blinks again, not fully believing that it’s you and not just the combined effect of the alcohol and his daydreams, but you’re still there when he opens his eyes again. and he knows it’s you, because he can see the faint hickies on your back and shoulders that you clearly tried to hide with makeup but couldn’t fully reach.
the chances that he’d see you again—not even that, but the chances that you’d be attending the very same wedding he was—must be one in a billion. maybe even more. yet there you are, picking at your nail and staring wistfully at your empty plate as you wait for the reception to start.
he stares for another minute, just to make sure you’re actually real, before he stands up and makes his way to the terrace at the back of the venue where the groom is standing next to a tower of cupcakes.
“gyu,” he greets him, “hey. are we allowed to switch tables?”
“i… don’t think so?” mingyu hums, a little off guard by the sudden question. “i made sure we put you next to hao, but—”
“if i give you twenty bucks, can you put me at table 8 instead?” jun’s eyes flicker with desperation, and he has to force himself not to look back over at you.
mingyu whines apologetically and hesitates, glancing at his bride a little ways away as she talks to a table full of guests. “she did all this planning, jun, i can’t just change everything now…”
“it’s not changing everything.” jun pulls his wallet out of his pants pocket, already rifling through the bills. “i’ll make it a hundred. mingyu, please, just switch me,” he says.
the whine in jun’s voice makes him pause, and he bites his lip as he considers it. on one hand, he could have his brand new wife a little bit mad at him for a while (who’ll probably forgive him the second she gets in bed with him tonight), plus get to help his friend and get an easy hundred dollars out of it. or, on the other hand… he could not help him, and his wife would never know, and jun would probably hate him for some unknown reason even though he doesn’t think jun has a single bone in his body capable of hating anybody. the decision is easy.
mingyu takes the bills from jun’s hand and stuffs them in his pocket before anyone can notice. “go ahead,” he says, tossing his head in the direction of the table. “i don’t know what it is you want, but don’t let anybody see you.”
“thanks! i owe you!” jun grins and hugs him, letting out a noise almost like a squeal before he turns and dashes away.
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you’re barely paying attention to the reception anymore as you sit with your chin in your hands, again mentally running over all the things you need to pack and how on earth you’re going to be able to board your flight tonight and leave everything behind. the beaches, the city… and him. how are you supposed to just get on a plane and get on with your life, knowing that he’s out there somewhere in the world, and you’re never going to see him again. 
you’re trying not to sulk, but you can’t help the way your mood has been sour all morning, already filled with regrets and you haven’t even left yet. maybe you should’ve skipped the wedding altogether and spent another day in his bed, wrapped up between his sheets and lying in his arms. but then the rational part of your brain reminds you that he was also in town for a wedding, so even if he’d wanted to or even been okay with doing that, he probably had other plans anyway.
you’re still trying to figure out what to do about your hopeless situation when you hear a sound close behind you. it startles you into putting a smile on your face, preparing yourself to socialize although you really aren’t in the mood to.
“is this seat taken?” jun asks as he pulls out the chair to your left and sits down.
your brows furrow in confusion, trying to place the familiar voice, until you turn around and your jaw drops when you see who it belongs to.
you stare at him in shock, your eyes darting back and forth between his trying to figure out what to say. “you’re not joshua,” is the best you can come up with as your mouth hangs open and you whip your head around to check the list of names assigned to this table. you recognize them all, yet here he is: the nameless stranger you’ve fallen so helplessly in love with in so short an amount of time.
he smiles at your reaction, and it’s such a genuine smile that you know he’s feeling exactly the way you do right now. “i guess you’re right. i’m not.” he brushes the name card in front of him to the side and sets his own down in its place instead before he holds out his hand to shake. “it’s nice to meet you. i’m jun.”
you pause for a minute, staring at his hand. you can’t believe this is real, you can’t believe he’s real; you’d almost been able to convince yourself that the whole encounter last night was a fever dream, if you hadn’t woken up in the morning with a soreness between your legs that screamed that it definitely was not a dream.
finally you reach out and take his hand, and even in that little touch you can tell it really is him, from the way your heart picks up when you feel the familiar softness of his skin and the gentle squeeze that sends goosebumps down your arm.
“it’s nice to meet you, too.”
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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taintedtort · 5 months
Hihii...!!! i really love ur HCs and i wanted to ask if you're comfortable with these types of character writing, what r ur headcanons on kenma, kuro, tsuki n maybe suna would act when they're drunk ? like would they be a bit different than their usual self ? sorry to ask a lot but im more curious on ur thoughts on kenma ;; .. write whatever u can, idm ! thank u ehehe have a good one ! >_< <3
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summary. they’re drunk lolz
characters. kenma, kuroo, tsukishima
warnings. afab!reader, drinking/alcohol, post timeskip!!!^^
a/n. yesss i love kenma, many thoughts on him!! he’s my favorite!!! didn’t add suna because i don’t really know his character that well :( added a kenma bonus to make up for it tho!
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☆ i think he’d be a sleepy drunk. he's out as soon as his head hits any soft surface— maybe even before! i feel like he also acts grumpier, mumbling complaints when you wake him up and try to move him (he was passed out on your shoulder in the car, you have to get him to bed!)
☆ his face gets kinda pink, like he’s blushing. he’s pale, so it’s more noticeable than it would be on someone else. his eyes get droopy and his face sort of relaxes, so he looks mean and tired.
☆ he stubbles slightly, but he surprisingly manages to maneuver himself pretty well for a drunk person. just don’t ask him to do a cartwheel or anything… he couldn’t even do one of those while sober.
☆ he doesn’t drink often, so he’s a light weight… plus he’s skinny and on the smaller side, so he doesn’t have to drink much to get a buzz. he’s usually responsible though, but sometimes he celebrates too hard (with a bit of a push from kuroo)
☆ he doesn’t get any more talkative, but he’s less filtered that normal. i don’t think he’d be too flirty or mean, but if he got drunk enough he may compliment you a couple times.
☆ the type to get so drunk he forgets who you are. you come find him to pick him up after someone called you, and he’s face down on the table. you nudge him, trying to gently guide him to stand, but he’s immediately swatting you away, grumbling about how he has a girlfriend.
"leave m' alone— got a girlfriend already," he slurs, raising his head to drunkenly glare at you. his eyes narrow further when you laugh.
"kenma… i’m you’re girlfriend," you tell him, always finding it a bit amusing when he gets this drunk. he’s not too much of a hassle though, since he usually knocks right out when you get home and tuck him in.
he's silent for a moment, just staring at you up and down. he wears the same expression he has whenever he buys a new video game, excited and in awe.
"really…?" he asks, a hopeful tone in his voice. now that he’s looking at you… you are really pretty. he really hopes you're his girlfriend.
"yes, really. i’m gonna take you home, okay? cmon," you urge, gently grabbing his arm and helping him stand. he complies this time, his eyebrows raising.
"we live together?" he questions, the situation just getting better and better to him.
"we do," you confirm, another giggle leaving you. it doesn’t really hurt your feelings that he doesn’t remember, you find it more amusing and entertaining than anything.
"… im so lucky," you hear him whisper under his breath, looking at you as you guide him to the car.
☆ he'd be a funny drunk i think… a bit of a handful, and is entertaining at first, but eventually gets annoying. his emotions kind of double when he’s intoxicated, and he’s also kind of erratic. really energetic after his first few drinks, but if he’s extra drunk, he’s more emotional.
☆ his eyes get a little watery, but that’s about it. he actually looks more lively while he’s drunk, because he makes more facial expressions.
☆ he can’t stand straight at all, especially if he’s had more than a couple drinks. needs support to walk, otherwise he'll fall. he’s heavy though, and puts majority of his weight on you, so sometimes you end up falling anyway.
☆ he can handle his alcohol pretty well. takes him a few drinks to get a buzz, but he doesn’t usually stop there. mostly drinks to celebrate things, or at parties. never drinks alone, that’s just boring and sad to him.
☆ probably asks you random stupid questions like "what number am i?" or "what animal would i be?" (follows up that second question with "would you still love me if i was that animal?")
☆ i think he’s more talkative, but he speaks faster and his words are kinda jumbled, so it’s hard to understand him sometimes. he gets a lot more sappy, constantly complimenting you and telling you that he loves you (he does that all the time already)
"y're sooo pretty, love you s' much."
☆ not that much different than when he’s sober, honestly. he gets more mellow, surprisingly, though it might be because alcohol makes him a little sleepy, similar to kenma. he isn’t quick to fall asleep, but he’s not energetic and jumping around.
☆ his face is more relaxed, which makes him look even more intimidating and mean. his eyes get a little red around the edges, but that’s mostly it.
☆ stubbles quite a bit and holds things for support. if you try to help him, he’ll snip and you and complain that he doesn’t need your help to walk. (he does, and eventually gives in and leans on you a bit when he almost falls on his face)
☆ also a lightweight. doesn’t go drinking unless he’s invited, and even then he’s usually the designated driver. on top of that, he hates being hung over, and he hates throwing up, so he rarely gets super drunk. kuroo tries to persuade him sometimes, but the most he gets his a little tipsy.
☆ probably gets into debates with people about certain topics that he likes, arguing with them about facts and opinions. he usually wins. even when he’s drunk, he’s still quick witted.
☆ he fights you on everything, insisting he’s fine and "not drunk" whenever you try to help him. you end up ignoring his complaints and just assist him with changing and getting into bed anyway. he’s asleep pretty quickly, especially if you run his back/scalp.
"i don’t need help— i'm not even that drunk!"
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plutolovesyou · 2 months
omg I know I’m a bit of a yapper with all these ideas don’t mind me, but what d’you think Ellie would be like during aftercare?
sorry about me yapping, my brain is rotted with so many ideas smh
no pls i always need more ideas!! i love these little bite-sized things where i can just yap for a bit instead of being insanely extra like with reqs and other things...VERY CHEESY, TOOTH-ACHINGLY FLUFFY RAMBLE AHEAD:
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she'd be real sweet with it, of course. making sure you're okay, cuddling until the sun comes up, she'd run you two a sweet-smelling bath and make your favorite meal, she's just an angel!
right after the heat of the moment was over, the two of you would tangle up in the sheets, warm, still-trembling limbs strewn to all sides, cuddled up as close as humanly possible. chests up against each other, it was like your hearts were holding hands, the way they were beating in synch. she would just melt into you, hold you close to her, your face buried in her neck or chest so tightly, she'd stroke your head and make drawings on your back lightly with her nails. not enough to hurt but gentle as a feather, to calm and establish even more closeness, she loved tracing your smooth skin with her fingers.
after more cuddling, some conversations, checking in with one another and mumbling "i love you"s , she would get up very gingerly, and get both of you a drink of water, then return to bed to sit next to you. ensue more deep talks, pouring your hearts out to each other, telling each other everything. and we can't forget the jokes she cracks, as if its her life's mission to make you sick of her. during all of this though, she wouldn't be able to tear her eyes off of you, she would look at you with such adoration, the visible sparkle in her eyes almost made you shy. "stop looking at me..." you whisper, your face heating up under her stare. she grins from ear to ear and reassures you, "you're just so beautiful, i can't help it!" and you did look beautiful, she was right. it was her favorite thing in the world to care for and admire you. the satisfied post-sex glow looked good on everyone, her as well. pink blush on her features, auburn strands disheveled in just the right way.
then she'd run a bath and get in with you, still holding you close to her. she would wash your hair for you too, and you two would split a face mask for some extra pampering. you felt so loved, and questioned daily if your heart could handle this, because she proved to you endlessly what love really is and how much you deserved.
she would also make your favorite meal, whatever in the world you requested, you could request even something like unicorn steak, and she would immediately be up on her feet in the kitchen, delicious simmering sounds and aromas floating around her. humming take on me under her breath, naturally. bonus points if she wears an apron with nothing under it, lol.
you watch her while you sit at the table, mesmerized by her skillful movements and clear enthusiasm she had for caring for her love. when it was all done, she'd serve it to you with a flourish, "tadaaa, only the best for my everything." she was so smooth with it, always seeking to impress you, and when you tasted it, she watched your reaction with a toothy grin on her face, eager to know what you think. then later on you two would return to the cozy bed, tangling up together once more, but this time to finally fall into a restful and healing sleep, where you would meet in your dreams too. frolicking around hand in hand, you never imagined a better life with her, and were grateful for every day you got to spend by her side. <3
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redcrescentmoons · 3 months
Only You In The Room
Daniel Ricciardo x male!rockstar! reader
Summary: Everyone knows Daniel loves music. What they don’t know is his (slight) crush on the bassist from one of his favorite bands.
AN: Happy Daniel birthday gang! Legit celebrating this harder than my own birthday. Sorry for the lack of posts, I’ve been fighting some hardcore writers block and don’t have any original ideas, but i wanted to do smth for Daniels bday anyway. Hope you like it!
AN2: This is purely self indulgent im sorry
AN3: (after completion) lowkey thinking of turning this into a series, what do you think?
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It was a well-known fact around the paddock that Daniel loved music. Scratch that; not just the paddock knew, anyone that knew anything about the driver knew about his passion.
While Daniel often put forward his love of country music, another genre he strongly appreciated, although not quite as much as country, was rock.
So when he found a small pop-punk band through social media, he immediately followed them, hooked from the first note.
Soon, he had every song committed to memory, and started mentioning them more around his friends.
Max quickly caught on to Daniel’s new find, and as he always did when the Aussie got excited about a new artist, he asked the older man to tell him about the band.
As Daniel spoke, Max quickly caught on to the fact one was being mentioned slightly more than his band mates.
"And what’s so great about that bassist, huh mate?" the Dutch questioned "What do you mean?" replied Daniel, a slightly confused look on his face. "C’mon man, you keep on talking about him. So why?"
Daniel’s face immediately grew red as he denied the accusation, and changed the subject quickly, which didn’t go unnoticed by Max.
Daniel had only known the band for a few months, but had the pleasure to have seen them grow considerably. He followed them throughout their first out-of-city gig, to their first show in another country, to their first tour. And in a weird way, he couldn’t have felt prouder of the group of boys.
As the london-based band announced their first european tour, Daniel felt overjoyed once he came upon the realization that with his race calendar, he would be in Europe at the same time as the band would.
He bought himself a ticket for their first show of the tour, in London, the very moment he realized it was a mere 2 days after Silverstone.
The Aussie couldn’t wait for Silverstone; despite passing it off as excitement for the race, it was clearly more.
By the time the race arrived, it had completely fled his mind, leaving him to focus solely on the concert.
His outfit was planned out, his ticket was ready, including the bonus one he bought for Max, and the anticipation was coursing through his veins.
He didn’t even take the time to properly enjoy Silverstone, just counting down the time until he saw the band he had loved since he first heard them.
When the day finally arrived, he felt so excited but there was just a little bit of nervousness mixed in there. He told himself it was nothing, but the Dutchman beside him had already figured out the cause of his anxiety.
The show was being held inside a small venue, also containing a bar. Daniel immediately downed an alcoholic drink in the hopes of calming himself down. Feeling it’s effect on his body already, he dragged his friend up to the front, where they managed to get to the edge of the stage.
As the opening band went on, Daniel found himself to quite enjoy them, but grew impatient by the end of their set.
When the lights came back on and the opener left, a couple stage hands walked out to switch out the stage. Daniel found himself blushing as he stared at the man setting up the bass; it was you.
As the people around him went to get drinks between the bands, the Aussie went in a trance watching you set up your bass pedals, chatting with the stagehands, oblivious to his watchful gaze.
As Daniel’s admiration for you grew at the way you refused to let someone else set your things up for you, he suddenly snapped out of it as Max waved his hand in front of his face, a small smirk hiding at the corner of the Dutchman’s lips.
Before Daniel had the time to question it, the lights dimmed once again and the band members walked out on the stage under colored lights.
As the applause roared surprisingly loud for the small crowd, Daniel found himself cheering particularly loud, and a large smile grew on his face as he made eye contact with you, noticing the slight blush that developed on your face.
You winked at him and looked away, turning to your band mate to get the show started. You leant into the singer’s microphone, yelling "Hello everybody! We’re Nervous Breakdown! This one’s called ‘Insomnia’ and we hope you love it!" You finished your tirade with your signature smile, a contagious cross between a grin and a smirk.
Daniel screamed some more, belting out the lyrics as they came.
As the night went on, Daniel found himself having the absolute time of his life. Even Max noticed how his smiley friend was even happier than usual.
In between songs, you would use your band mates microphone to joke around and speak to the audience, your high energy and excitement contagious, spreading around the crowd like wildfire. Not that Daniel needed it.
When you announced your last song of the night, Daniel found his happiness met with a sudden wave of sadness.
That sadness was, however, diminished when your lead guitarist announced you all would be outside after the show, if anyone wanted to stick around. Of course, everyone cheered, and you went on with your final song of the night.
Once you all had bowed, and waved, and walked off the stage, people started flooding out of the room, a certain amount waiting outside until you all came out.
Despite not seeing the band exit the venue, he could tell exactly when you and the boys walked out, as a loud wave of cheers erupted from the group of people.
Daniel sat patiently at the back, waiting to meet you, his ticket and a sharpie in hand, already rehearsing what he would say to you.
When the crowd started thinning, and you were finally visible, hair disheveled from jumping around, bass on your back, tired smile on your face, Daniel’s breath was taken away.
Max, feeling his companions nervousness, planted a comforting hand the on the Aussie’s shoulder, pulling him slightly closer.
"It feels weird when it’s the other way around don’t you think? Us waiting to get something signed?" Daniel chuckled at his remark, the Dutchman having succeeded in keeping his anxiety at bay.
When he finally got to you, he was the last one there. He had to admit, he admired you for staying throughout the whole group of people, knowing firsthand what that felt like, especially after a tiring concert.
When his eyes landed on you, the whole script he had prepared in his head disappeared completely.
As much as Daniel wanted to greet the band as a whole, he just couldn’t take his eyes off the young man in front of him, extending a slightly shaky arm towards you.
"Hi, I’m Daniel. Huge fan"
Part 2?
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 4 months
Hi! I just scrolled through your blog and loved your writing, so I decided to make a request! I was wondering if you could write fem!reader x Lucifer where they're kind of just hanging out but R is kind of grumpy and Luci is subtly (but not subtly cause lord knows he's too awkward to be good at hiding things) trying to figure out what it is. R kind of just dismisses him while scrolling on their phone and Lucifer's like "let me try something..." and just slides a snack to R to which she nibbles on and then becomes normal again. Bonus points if she apologizes when she realizes she was being mean without meaning to. Anyway, this got long. If you decide not to write this, I understand. If you do, you are required to drink water and eat a snack too at some point. Love you and your writing! <3
A/N — OOOOOHHHHHHH anon I love you for requesting this 😭💖 thank you so much! It's just a little short, but I wasn't sure what else to add lol
Hangry | Lucifer x Fem!Reader
Warnings: reader being a little mean, Lucifer being loving and understanding
Word Count: 489
Summary: Luci forces you to eat something after you unintentionally snap at him.
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On a couch, in a palace, in hell, there was you. Glorious you. The very one who kept Lucifer sane — his Heavenly best friend turned perfect stepmother to his beloved daughter, which was a more recent (and super awesome) development. 
He could tell just by looking at you that you weren't exactly feeling the best — it was clear by the present frown and the way your brows furrowed every once in a while, as if you were fighting something. 
For a split second, he thought you were sick. But as he placed his hands all over your face, forcing you to look away from your phone screen, he soon realized that you weren't sick.
“Sorry. . .” He mumbled when you set your darkened glare on him.
You rolled your eyes, looking back to your phone. There was important stuff going on. Meetings to be scheduled. You didn't have time for anything else. 
“Did you sleep?” Lucifer questioned not even five minutes later. 
You sighed, irritated, practically growling out your answer. “Yes.” 
“Okay. . . Well how long did you —”
“GOD! Can you give me five fucking minutes to do my job, Lucifer!?”
He was momentarily taken aback by your harsh tone,  but then it was as if a light bulb went off in his head and he stood from where he had previously planted himself in front of you. 
Guilt began to settle in your being as you nestled yourself further in the couch to continue working. You hadn't expected him to leave — just maybe stop hovering like you were going to spontaneously combust and disappear.
You knew he meant well, but you just weren't feeling it. Any of it.
Five minutes later he returned with a plate that had your favorite sandwich and bag of chips on top, snatching your phone out of your hand and replacing it with the plate and a bottle of your favorite drink. 
You growled. “Luci—” 
“Eat.” He demanded, holding your phone out of your reach. 
And you did. That first bite of the sandwich made you realize that you hadn't eaten breakfast. . . Or lunch. . . You felt better immediately, which showed him instantly what the problem had been. 
Once you finished, you sat in silence, trying to figure our what to say. . . It ended up being a ‘thank you’ that was said so low it was almost missed in the quiet room.
“You feel better?” He asked.
“Yeah. . . I'm sorry I snapped at you — I didn't mean to. . .” You trailed off when he grabbed your face in his hands and forced you to look at him. 
“I forgave you the moment you started eating. Before anything, you're my best friend, and we don't need you being hangry.” 
“Wife.” You corrected with a slight smile.
“Even better.” He grinned, placing sweet kisses all over your face — even the tip of your nose. Yeah. . . You were definitely forgiven. 
So long as you remembered to eat and stay hydrated.
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magics-neptunes-things · 11 months
Fire and Ice
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Hi guys!
Yes I know it's me again! I got a request for a story with Leah, so here is a story with Leah.
I'm open to request btw :)
I hope this story will please you, I tried to stick as much as possible to the way I imagine Leah’s dynamique.
Part 2 is HERE :) and the chapter bonus HERE.
Thanks everyone ♥
New to Arsenal, you’ve only been part of this team since this summer. You left Bayern Munich at the end of you contract and after some hesitation between different clubs, you finally chose Arsenal. Lyon would have loved to hire you too, but you felt that English football was probably better if you wanted to continue to evolve in your career. You're only 21 and hopefully, many years ahead of you.
You were scared at first to be honest, you know the team had a lot of players who already know themselves. But Lia was particularly welcoming to you, playing the role of a little mother. Frida, who is also your teammate in the Norway team, decided to show you her favorite places in London and Alessia who arrived at the same time as you quickly offered to do the exercises in training together.
In reality, your arrival at Arsenal was very smooth even if some personalities continue to impress you a little. For example Leah, Beth or Katie. As a result, you have very little interactions with them, as Leah’s injury has not helped to create a special bond with her. Even if she was present on the day of your presentation to the rest of the group, wanted to welcome you like the others.
You do, however, enjoy evenings organized by your teammates and you go regularly. Far from your family, you don’t know anyone here and it makes you feel less alone.
So here you are, in Leah's appartment with some of the Arsenal girls. You hesitated to come since Frida wasn't here, but Alessia is and hasn’t given you much choice to do otherwise. Leah was in charge of the cocktails and only gave Lia a smirk when she asked her what she put in it. You took the time to discreetly sniff the mixture before bringing it to your lips, pleasantly surprised by the sweetness of the drink. A little misleading though, because after two or three drinks, getting up to go to the toilet took a little longer than usual.
When you came back, you drop on the couch next to Alessia, trying to get back into the conversation. You became bit uncomfortable when you realize that the discussion has turned on the girls being in couple or those who are not. You are single obviously, finding it particularly difficult to have a long-distance relationship, or with one of your teammates. In the case of a breakup, you were always afraid that it would be too complicated for you to handle.
So you say nothing, hoping that hiding behind your glass will save you from possible questions. You are very naive.
"And you, Y/N? You never mention anyone, I guess you're single?"
Beth’s question makes you grimace and you find yourself nervously biting the edge of your plastic glass before answering a simple "Yes".
"Why that?" asks Beth and you just shrugs.
"We should make her up with someone" Katie decide and you can't help but laugh a little.
"I’m a little demanding about my partner"
"Not a problem"
You roll your eyes before taking a new sip of your drink, crossing Leah’s gaze. She seems lost in her thoughts, twirling her glass in her hand. Your eyes cross a split second and you hurry to report it to Katie when she speaks again.
"We should make you profil though. Like in a dating app"
"OMG yes, I going to take something to write!"
Alessia chuckles next to you and you can't help but smile too. You don’t really take this seriously, given everyone’s blood alcohol levels, you’re sure that half of this evening will be forgotten by tomorrow morning. So you decide to play the game with a smile.
"Ok, first question" Beth begin with a notepad and a pen. "What is your house in Hogwarts?"
"How is that even a question?" Katie answers with a disgusting face.
"It's not because you don't like Harry Potter than it's the same for everyone, McCabe"
You let the two girls ask you questions for twenty minutes, ignoring the departure of several of your teammates. Now it’s just you, Katie, Lotte, Beth, Leah and Alessia.
"Are you a good kisser?" Beth asked, looking over her sheet.
"How am I even supposed to know that?" you ask, giggling.
"I don't know, it's your kissing skills, not mine."
You roll your eyes before answering.
"I've never received any complaints"
"Does it count?" Katie asked while looking at Beth.
"Not really. Is there anyone in this room who can testify to that?"
"What? No!" you laugh softly.
You, in reality, only have two relationship in your life and both didn't end really well. Football keeping you very busy, you maybe weren't a great girlfriend. But that doesn’t mean your first girlfriend’s infidelity should be excused, in your opinion. Anyway, the next sentence coming from Beth's mouth take you back in the reality.
"Maybe we need a sincere testimony from someone we trust…" Katie said thoughtfully.
"Maybe we can make her kiss someone here, now?" Beth answers with the same tone.
"Excuse me?" you ask with a certain concern.
But the two women didn't seem to give it the slightest care, continuing in their dialogue which makes you slightly think of Dupont and Dupond in Tintin.
"Leah is definitely the most experienced of us, she has a hunt board longer than the number of goals scored by Alexia Putellas at FC Barcelona."
"What the fuck?"
This is the first time of the evening that you hear Leah's voice, who had been content until then to make cocktails and dance in the kitchen with Lia and Caitlin. Both of Beth and Katie laugh at her offended face, finally out of their common monologue.
"Come on Leah, you have to kiss Y/N to help her finding love"
"Don't I have any say in this?" you say softly.
Beth’s gaze makes you realize that you don’t really have much of a say, but it’s especially Leah’s piercing gaze that you feel on you that electrifies you. Leah is a very beautiful woman and you must admit that if you hadn't been teammates, maybe you would have thought of her differently. But there is also her assertive and confident personality that can sometimes confuse you, you who is rather quiet and discreet, you are a bit like fire and ice.
But tonight, your eyes meet a few seconds and for once you don't look away. It's even finally Leah who looks away to look at Beth.
"Ok" Leah answers before getting up "But I'm not doing it in front of everyone. Close all your damn pretty eyes"
They all agreed without saying any word, Alessia swaping place with Leah on the couches. The captain waits patiently for everyone to close their eyes, before looking at you.
"You know you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, right? You're sure you want to?" she asks softly.
So softly that it surprises you at first. And you almost immediately feel overwhelmed by a wave of guilt, after all you are very well placed to know that Leah knows how to take care of the people around her. She showed it to you several times as captain of her team.
"I am" you simply answer, before adding "And you?"
"Hey don't worry about me. Go on" she gives you a smirk of her own and you smile back.
You feel particularly nervous though, becoming a little aware of the situation you’re in. Leah doesn’t seem particularly drunk, but you’re hoping she won’t be mad at you tomorrow when she realizes things. You wait a few more seconds, detailing her face and eyes looking for a trace of hesitation. But you find nothing and you finally decide to break the physical distance between you two.
Your eyes left hers and you look at her lips for a few moments, certainly looking at them for the first time. It doesn't last long however. Like a second after that, you close your eyes, your lips gently touching hers. At this distance, you can smell her perfume and shampoo. Her lips are soft and have the flavor of the cocktail she has prepared for you all evening.
But that’s not what’s calling you.
What's calling you is the way your whole body seems to react to a simple peck with Leah Williamson.
You feel like every part of your body is burning up and asking for more of Leah’s. And that's scared the shit out of you. That’s why you step back after a few seconds, wide-eyed, looking for an explanation on Leah’s face. But you can’t find anything and you can’t even determine the emotion in her eyes.
"Tell us when you're finished" Katie points.
Of course, you forgot about them. Everything that didn’t concern Leah directly had been completely zapped by your brain.
"Shut up. We haven’t even started"
Leah answers for both of you and you hardly swallow, not at all recovering from the emotions you felt. That you still feel. A second later, Leah grabs your face with both hands before kissing you. You don't lose a second before responding to her kiss, your lips moving together with an ease you have never felt before.
It's easy for you to get lost in this kiss, the sensations mixing so much that you completely lose the notion of things. Your hands slide over Leah’s hips and you find yourself sitting on her, your legs on either side of hers.
That doesn’t seem to bother her though, her tong easily finding access to yours. Your lips only separate for a few seconds, until you get enough air to start your dance again. And again.
You could have sincerely spent the rest of the evening - the night - kissing her, but one of them had to realize that you were going to get the attention of your teammates. It was Leah who put an end to the kiss first, snatching from your embrace as breathless as you. You don’t look away this time either when she looks at you, before gently pushing you away so that you find your original place on the couch.
You could have taken this as a gesture of reject, but the smile and wink she offers you when she gets up seems to be there only to reassure you that it’s not. You follow her with your eyes as she discreetly go behind the couch, leaning on her backrest, above where she was sitting until now.
"How is it possible that it lasts so long?" Alessia wines and you smile when you hear Leah's laugh.
The other girls open their eyes and the surprise appears on almost every face by discovering your positioning.
"Did you really think I was going to kiss someone to please you? Well everyone out now, I need my beauty sleep."
Rolling their eyes or grumbling, your teammates obeyed quickly. After exchanging greetings, you follow Alessia who promised to take you home. Still disturbed by these kisses, you can’t help but turn around while closing the front door hoping to meet Leah’s gaze.
You succeed, while she leaned against the central island of her kitchen. The same look as the one she used to look at you earlier appears on her face, but you can’t study it as long as you would like since you feel Alessia’s hand grab your arm, suddenly eager to find her bed.
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
The Obey me brothers in: "The morning after"
Obey me brothers X gender neutral reader
Warnings: Suggestive, swearing
Started and finished on: the 8th of april 2023
Note: Happy early birthday to my favorite snek boi Leviathan! <3 I love this little shit to bits. Tell me if you want the side characters too! As always reblogs and constructive critism is always appreciated!
word count:489
-Will already be fully dressed by the time you wake up
-That is if you don't wake up by this old ass man's alarm clock
-On the rare occasion that that isn't the case, he'll drink coffee while waiting for you to wake up
-He loves sharing coffee with you in the morning 
-Don't even dare to eat in his bed 
-Will treat you like royalty the morning after, since he can be quite rough during sex
-Will reward you for being his "stress reliever"
-"I was great wasn't i?"
-Needs cuddles
-This man is clingy as fuck
-Morning kisses on your body
-Will make up tons of excuses as to why you two are late to school
-He can't convince anyone cuz he is loud as fuck
-As soon as he wakes up he will try to hide his face in your back when spooning
-I like to imagine that he kinda loses himself when he is having sex. So morning clarity hits this man hard
-He is very insecure, so please assure him that he did well
-Please for the love of god please don't mention what happened the night before during breakfast. He will just shut down
-"Please restart Levi.exe"
-Will read to you in the morning if you like!
-Cuddles with you him and his sneaked in cats in the morning
-While reading the devildom news paper, he'll ask questions on what you did and didn't like from last night
-Will ask you what you would want to try next
-Will carry you to breakfast
-He has this love struck look in his eyes as soon as you wake up
-"Good Morning beautiful"
-Wants to get ready with you
-Shared morning shower is a must
-Shower sex?
-He puts you in front of his vanity mirror and starts brushing and doing your hair
-The amount of crumbs in his bed 
-Will lovingly greet you when you wake up
-Breakfast in bed is guaranteed
-I headcanon him as a service top, just ask and he'll do it!
-Will spoon feed you breakfast if you'll let him
-If you are okay with it. Beel will invite Belphie to enjoy breakfast in bed together
-No doubt about it, you always wake up first
-He will cuddle you to prevent you from leaving
-You have to help him get dressed 
-He will tease you the entire morning during breakfast if you will actually make it
-"Now what did you call me last night? I can't seem to remember"
-Will look around the room to see how many people he can piss off in the shortest amount of time
-"Sorry dear, duty calls"
-He will leave breakfast for you though!
-He uses magic to keep it fresh and warm
-If he actually has the time for once in his goddamn life he will massage you
-He will literally stop in the middle of sex if Diavolo needed him
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viiiiiiiiiin · 7 months
Okay so can I request zero overhearing that his crushes favorite color is green (bonus it if they describe a shade that’s close to his hair )
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50 Shades of Green: Zoro x Reader
Includes: Roronoa Zoro , GN Reader
A / N: I assumed you meant Zoro lol. This is such a cute idea for a scenario ! I Hope you enjoy <3. I hope this is up to your standards !! Feel free to tell me in my AMA if you want me to redo this <33
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It was a bright day , a day of relaxation. Everyone on the Sunny took this opportunity to take a break and enjoy themselves. Rather it be playing tag on the deck , listening to Brook play some beautiful tunes , or even just reading / tending to the garden. Everyone was being themselves and having fun. It was quite the break from the massive battles they've had recently.
You sat next to Nami , who was tending to her tangerines. Behind you , Robin sat reading her book. You and Nami had been chatting happily for what felt like hours. Robin , though she was reading , listened and observed everything to two of you were saying. She was ever observant , even if she was on break.
"Hey , I'll be back. I'm gonna go see if Sanji would mind making me something to drink." You said , excusing yourself from the 2 women. They nodded and waved to you as your form retreated from their vision.
As you jumped down to the kitchen , you noticed the two who normally fight . . . Well , fighting. The blonde haired cook seemed to be enraged about something while the moss headed swordsman just sarcastically commented back and basically brushed off the cook's complaints.
That swordsman. The very one that lacks a sense of direction in a literal and figurative sense. You felt your heart flutter as your eyes trailed to him. You shook your head and brushed pass them to get into the kitchen.
Though you didn't know it , Zoro's eyes followed you as the door shut behind your body. You walked over to the fridge and stared at all of your selections. As you sighed and closed the fridge , the door to the kitchen reopened. You glanced over to see who was coming in and noticed the cook. Sanji had apparently stopped arguing with Zoro and came to attend to your needs.
"What would you like , Reader ?" He asked with a smile on his face. Even if it was near dinner time , it was clear he didn't mind tending to his crewmates' needs. You smiled back at him and leaned against the counter.
"Are you able to make a drink for me ? I'm not sure exactly what I want yet. Or maybe a snack , if that's not too much to ask for." You trailed off as your mind trailed back to its thoughts.
"Of course. How about a vol - au - vent ?" He asked as he he began to take out the pastry from a sealed container. "I made some earlier for Nami and Robin , but they told me they weren't hungry." He shrugged and placed it on the counter for you.
"Thank you , Sanji." You bowed your head lightly and took one of the treats from the tray. You resealed the container and walked out of the kitchen.
Somewhere in the time that you had been inside , your ship had landed on an island. You looked at the gorgeous tree filled island in awe. It was lush with fresh vegetation and had many beautiful flowers. You've seen many different islands in the New World , but this had to be one of the nicer ones.
"Alright. I want Chopper , Usopp , and . . sadly . . . Luffy . . To go into town. Robin , I'd like you to go with them. We need you 4 to pick up some herbs for me and Chopper. Sanji , I want you and Brook to go stock up on food supplies. And Franky , you go get materials to repair the ship and for whatever else." Nami directed , pointing those people in the directions they were supposed to go. As she spoke , the groups filed out so they could get their job done as quickly as possible. It was hard to tell if it was because they wanted to go back to the sea or if they didn't wanna see Nami angry. Most likely the latter , you thought.
"What about me and Zoro ?" You questioned as you took a final bite of the tasty hollow treat Sanji had made. "I want you 2 to watch the ship. I'm going onto the island to chart it." She responded , picking up some paper and pens. Before either of you could say anything , she walked off of the ship.
You stood there , staring at the place the ginger once was. You blinked and turned your attention to Zoro , who seemed to be in the same boat as you. You wouldn't admit it , but you were happy to be alone with him.
You stood there , collecting your thoughts. While you stood like a statue , the Swordsman went off to work out. You shook your head violently and whipped your head around to find him. There he was , in all his muscular glory , at the end of the ship with a comically large weight in his hands. He had his coat discarded and he was thrusting the weight forwards and back onto his shoulder in a slicing like motion.
You couldn't help but stare. Everything about how he just so calmly lifted what you assumed to be over 400ibs surprised you. Instead of staring , you decided to go into the crows nest to keep a lookout for any enemies or your crewmates.
A few hours had passed by without either of you speaking to one another. The ship was in a comfortable silence , engulfing the both of you as you did separate things. You were bored sitting by yourself , if you were being honest. You were often fidgety and lost in thought instead of looking out. Of course , observation haki helped out with sensing living things but you didn't use it often.
Just as you were about to take a nap , you noticed a bag bobbing around the Sunny. You narrowed your eyes to see who it was and didn't see anyone. That was until you saw Luffy and Robin. You assumed it was either Chopper or Usopp. You smiled softly and walked down from your previous place.
You watched as the lump ran up to you. "Reader ! I got you something ! I thought it was your favorite color." The little reindeer doctor said excitedly as he ran up to you. He handed you a bag that was pink. Not your favorite color , but you liked his thought.
"I appreciate your gesture , Chopper. My favorite color isn't pink , though." You responded , putting the bag on your right side. You could definitely put your weapons and stuff in it. "Oh ! What's your favorite color then ?" He tilted his head with an adorable look on his face.
"Green , actually. I'd say a minty - moss green ? It's just really nice , in my opinion." You explained with a smile on your [shape] face. You heard a noise of surprise behind you and you turned. You didn't expect to have your [color] colored eyes meet with one brown one. Your face lit up.
"Greenisaprettycolorididntmeanitlikethat !" You sputtered out , hiding your face from his confusing stare. You couldn't tell if he was mad at you , if you were being honest.
"Green is a nice color , isn't it ?" Zoro mocked , laughing heartily. You were EXTREMELY embarrassed. Though , you didn't notice the red on his cheeks as well.
Chopper and Usopp laughed at your misery. They were even on the floor , about dying at that point. "I just didn't expect you to be into that color of green." He shrugged and smiled smugly at you. He turned and walked away from the 3 of you , cheeks reddening further.
Though you didn't know it , your words stuck in his head. It repeated like a broken record. He didn't understand why , but he liked the thought of it. Maybe his feelings for you grew , but he didn't know that. Maybe he should talk to Robin or Chopper about it. For now , he would sit and think about you. Even at night.
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lunamania2024 · 3 months
I love you and Nothing can change that
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Togame Jo x Tomiyama's older sister!Fem!reader
Summary: Togame Writes you a letter, apologising for not protecting you.
WANING: ANGST with Fluff
Dear Y/n,
Hello, my love. How are you? I hope you are doing well where you are. Well... I know I don't have a proper place to write you a letter, but I just want you to know that I have changed after our conflict with the Furin. And that's not all; Choji, your younger brother whom you always spoiled, is now grown up and embarking on his chosen path. He is also taller than before. Additionally, I met a Furin boy who is just like you - a perfect copy of you. He's strong, brave, and even tsundere, just like you.
Love, I know it's too late, but I'm sorry. I remember the time when you asked if I would cry if you were gone, and you probably heard me that time. But I want to reiterate to you, to tell you a million times, that every time I think of you, tears always spill from my eyes. I am truly sorry, my love, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I believe that when we reunite, wherever you may be, because death cannot separate us, not even god. Once again, I love you.
Togame Jo, your charming husband  
"Jo," you quietly called, your eyes half closed, lips turning pale, and hands trembling. "Would... you cry... or miss me... if I died?" you asked between coughs, smiling softly at him, masking the pain in your chest and body, which made moving unbearable. Togame began to answer but was interrupted by the monitor beeping, and he watched as the green line turned straight.
Tears streamed down his face, answering the question he knew you wouldn't hear but one that would bring you comfort. "Yes, I would because it's you," he muttered with a tightened grip on your hand, pressing your cold, pale hand to his forehead, pleading for you to wake up and silently begging the gods to bring you back. "And I love you," he murmured, tears uncontrollably falling from his eyes.
"Kame-chan," Choji called, looking at the Furin leaving the base. "You know, that it's been 2 years since I saw that smile."
"Yeah, since Sis died you never smiled so sweetly before, so beautiful." Choji smiled, remembering her older sister playing with him.
"Your right, it's been two years but I still can't forget her beautiful smile, the image of her still stuck on my brain." he laugh, and glancing over his short friend "Wanna visit her? It's been a while after all."
"Hm." Choji agreed, "Let's also bring her a [Favourite Food/drinks]!" he exclaimed.
"Good morning, Sis! Look what we bought!" he happily said, placing your favorite food and drinks on your grave stone.
"We came to visit you, Love," Togame smiled, as the wind grew stronger but warmer, providing comfort. Togame and Choji's eyes widened as they heard a faint, sweet, and comforting voice carried on the wind.
"Thank you."
Both of them smiled and replied,
"You're welcome."
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rayssyscourse · 4 months
very important syscourse question
what's you guys' favorite kind of tea?? personally I recently got this vanilla tea that I've been mixing with mint leaves from my garden and it tastes amazing (with the added bonus of making me feel very fancy and aesthetic).
if you don't like tea, just tell me your favorite drink or what color the sky is for you right now or something in your head that you haven't gotten the chance to scream into the void about yet
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statelysapphic · 11 months
Bonus Mom
Alex Blake x Fem!Reader
Summary: As your relationship with Alex Blake progressed, you knew you would have to win over her son Ethan. Your efforts prove successful in ways you didn't imagine.
Warnings: Brief mention of divorce. Canon Divergence. Let me know if I missed any<3
A/N: Hi all! Hope everyone is doing well! Here's a little Alex Blake fic for you. I was recently inspired by @prentiss-theorem's fic Persuasion and also wanted to give Alex Blake the happiness she deserves. That being said, Ethan is alive in this. I'd love to know what you think! Thank you! <3
Ao3 Link
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“And here you are, Ethan,” you said, placing his plate on the table in front of him, “two super fluffy chocolate chip pancakes and some bacon, just for you.” He smiled widely at the feast before him, licking his lips in anticipation. They’re his favorite, and he won’t let you forget it. Although you don’t like to brag, you know you make a damn good pancake, having Ethan’s seal of approval was an ego boost. Smiling, you ruffled the boy’s hair and turned around to check on Alex, who sat beside her son. “More coffee, love?” You asked.
“No thank you, sweetheart,” she smiled, “Sit and drink yours before it gets cold.” You placed a kiss on her forehead and made your way around the table to sit across from Alex. You loved the mornings when the three of you could eat breakfast together, especially when Alex didn’t have any work to attend to, like this morning. You picked up your warm mug and moved it up to your face, inhaling deeply, before sipping on the light roast. 
Ethan signed dramatically at the first bite of his breakfast. “Your pancakes are my favorite!” He exclaimed, “Thanks, mom!” the boy beamed at you. 
You paused, noticing Alex had done the same. The muscles in your face relaxed for a moment before you felt tears collect in the corners of your eyes, blinking away unshed tears. “Of course, buddy,” you replied quickly, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. Perhaps it was a mistake, and the last thing you wanted to do was embarrass him by commenting on it. Though, you would be lying if you said you didn’t melt a bit at the title. You didn’t think you would ever be a mother, knowing you didn’t want to give birth to a child. But when you met Ethan close to a year into your relationship with Alex, you knew you wanted to be a motherly figure for him. But you never expected him to want to call you mom. It was something you could get used to. 
You looked at Alex, who was wiping away tears before her son could see. You knew this was a big step within your relationship. Early on, she expressed concern over how Ethan would react to the relationship. Though her divorce from James was amicable, and the two got along post-divorce, she knew it affected her son emotionally, so the fact that you and Ethan got along meant the world to her. 
“Is it okay that I called you mom?” The boy asked, nerves present in his voice. 
“Of course it is, Ethan.” You smiled, “You can call me whatever you feel most comfortable with.”
“That’s what Dad said too,” he replied. 
“You asked your dad about it?” Alex asked. Ethan simply nodded in reply, taking another bite of his breakfast. “And he said you should call her whatever you feel most comfortable with?” She questioned the boy once again, receiving another nod from him.
“He said if she treats me and loves me like her own son, then it wouldn’t be a problem to call her mom. After all, it is pretty cool to have a bonus mom.” 
“Well he’s right,” Alex said, without hesitation, “Bonus moms are pretty cool.”
The tears that you had held back began to flow freely. Wanting to hide them from Ethan, you stood to make your way to the kitchen, but not before planting a kiss on top of the boy's head and whispering, “You are the best son I could have asked for, Ethan. Just bring your plate to the kitchen when you’re done. I’m going to start the dishes.”
You padded through the kitchen to the sink and started washing the breakfast mess, still reeling from the events that just transpired. As a child of divorce yourself, you knew how difficult it could be to accept a parent’s new partner. You never wanted to overstep or push any boundaries with Ethan, always allowing his mother to be the parent. You didn’t want the boy to feel forced into having a relationship with you, so you let him set the pace. Thankfully, your anxieties were squandered shortly after meeting him.
It had been almost a year since Alex introduced you to her son. The first few times the three of you spent time together had been spent outside of their home: the movie theatre, a restaurant, and even mini-golfing, per Ethan’s request. Public dates turned into private evenings at home, just the three of you, after just two months because Ethan wanted to show you his Lego collection. Dinner and movie nights turned into weekend sleepovers, which turned into some weekday sleepovers. Now, you only spend one or two nights a week at your place. And you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You were so lost in your thoughts that you failed to hear Alex walk into the kitchen, only becoming aware of her presence when she wrapped her arms tightly around your waist. “You okay?” She asked, pressing a kiss into the side of your neck, letting her soft, velvety lips linger. You tilted your head to give her more access and hummed in response. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been better,” you said, realizing at that moment just how perfect everything was. That you were living a life you’ve always dreamt of. 
“Good. Me too,” she whispered, “But you can make things even better by moving in with us.” You dropped the half-washed bowl in the sink with a clatter and spun around in the woman’s arms.
“Really?” You asked excitement in your voice.
“Of course,” she replied, leaning into you to rest her forehead on yours, “You’re here most of the time anyway, and the little man of this house specifically requested it.” You both chuckled. 
“How can I say no to that?”
“I don’t think you can,” she said, capturing your lips with hers. You could feel the love she was pouring into the kiss as she held you tighter. She pulled away first, releasing her grip on your waist as well, before turning around and yelling, “She’s moving in, Ethan!”
“WOO!” You heard the boy yell from the dining room, causing you and Alex to laugh at his excitement. 
“Thank you for loving him,” Alex said as her face softened and eyes burned with unshed tears. 
“Loving you means loving him, and he made it easy,” you replied. “You don’t have anything to thank me for. He’s an amazing kid, Alex, and I’m thankful to be a part of his life.” She cupped your cheeks and kissed you again, just as deep and loving as before. You pulled away first this time and whispered, “Go, I’ll finish the dishes.” She kissed the tip of your nose before returning to the dining room. 
You smiled to yourself, knowing this was something you would cherish forever. 
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husbandhoshi · 7 months
[5:00 PM]
lee chan never misses a beat.
one of your favorite things to do is watch him. the cocktail shaker turns to liquid gold in his hands, and no matter what terrible remix the dj decides to play for the night, you can never miss the hum of one of his perfect pours.
if you weren't competing for tips, you might say you had a bit of a thing for him.
but who doesn't? on weekends, the music is loud, and you think the easiest place to fall in love is here, at a college bar where vodka runs like water and you can't hear the sound of your own better judgment. truly, it's just a bonus that its star bartender wears the hell out of a button-up.
it's the slow hour, or, as mingyu likes to call it, free money, since all he does in the kitchen is throw shots while frying off the leftover mozzarella sticks before the friday night rush. the bar is empty, and the minutes pass like honey. usually, you prep your station and punt half-baked insults at chan, who isn't above returning the favor.
but today seems different. you watch him fumble with the strainer as he finishes up a mojito, seemingly in slow motion. he's already had to do a few remakes, and you can't remember the last time that's happened.
"think fast."
you toss chan an empty glass, which he nearly drops.
"sheesh," he grumbles. "trying to take my head off and it's not even 7 yet."
"sorry." you grin, and you watch him fight down his dimples as they fold up in return. "you were in a staring match with that poor girl's margarita."
"horrible week." he runs a hand through his hair. "i think i need a drink more than anyone else."
"boo hoo. wipe your tears with your tip money."
chan rolls his eyes at you, and you prepare to double down before it occurs to you that you couldn't keep teasing him even if you wanted to.
the only thing you know about him is, one, that he's old enough for this job, and, two, that he goes to your university. you've tried to guess what he's studying before, but nothing seems quite right—he's too practical for the humanities and not quite miserable enough to be in the sciences. last week, you saw him count a handful of change at least four times, so math was off the table.
regardless, it feels wrong to see chan, seemingly impenetrable to the perils of academia, winded by a bad week at school.
before you can say anything, the lone couple on chan's end of the bar flags him down and orders two off-menu cocktails with a million modifications. you watch the defeat write itself all over his face as he trudges over to you, and you decide it's time for an intervention.
"you," you say, pressing a finger to his chest. "sit. no questions."
chan frowns but acquiesces—he's learned the hard way not to cross you. instead, he takes a seat on the other side of the bartop and watches you make the drinks instead. you've run through these steps too many times to count; everything from the waxy twist of the orange peel to the bell-toll of the stirring spoon is second nature, except now it's also decidedly not. chan's gaze is surprisingly warm and it bothers you.
you slide the two drinks down and put a third in front of your weary coworker, who looks more and more confused by the second.
"drink," you tell him. it's a pint of beer, namely his favorite brand, although you'd rather die than reveal that it is not, in fact, a coincidence that you know this.
he first looks confused, then relieved. then he has the gall to smile at you, and you almost choke on your own heartbeat.
"are you trying to get me too drunk for my shift so you can poach my tips?" he raises an eyebrow before his expression disappears under the lip of the glass. "or is this a set-up? so you can report me for drinking on the job?"
"no and no, although those are good ideas." you bite the inside of your cheek as you piece together what you want to say—honestly, you didn't think you'd get this far. "what class?"
you busy yourself with washing the two and a half glasses in the sink so that you don't have to maintain eye contact with him.
"you heard me."
"education studies," he sighs. "we had a three part midterm this week."
"education studies? you want to be a teacher?"
"is that a bad thing?"
no, it isn't. actually, it's the furthest thing from being bad—you picture chan in a too-big cardigan reading the very hungry caterpillar to a room of small children, and it genuinely makes you feel a little bit hungover.
"no, i just..." you search for your next jab at him, but it escapes you. "i didn't expect it, that's all. it...suits you."
"you're an art major, right?"
he says this as you're in the middle of rinsing the same glass for the third time, and you almost break it. "—how'd you know?"
"you always leave your sketchbook in the break room. you're really good, you know." then he holds up his hands like he's being mugged. "n-not that i snooped or anything. you just forget it sometimes, so i try to put it back in your bag after shift if i see it out."
suddenly things make a lot more sense. you've lost track of the times you've walked back to the bar after work thinking you forgot it, only to find it neatly tucked away in your backpack. the mental image of chan agonizing over whether or not to touch your stuff would make you laugh if it wasn't so endearing.
it makes you think about all the other small kindnesses you've allowed each other—the nights where he'd lend you his jacket if the air was cranked too high, or the times you'd cover for him when he'd show up late. or now, with this stupid pint glass you keep refilling and the floaty feeling in your head.
you look up from your nonexistent task to look at him, only to find that he's also looking at you, that he's been looking at you. something in your chest feels like it's being steamrolled, and if you weren't so concerned with swallowing down the heat in your cheeks, you'd notice that he was doing the same.
thankfully, mingyu emerges from the kitchen to ruin the moment. he has nachos in one hand and curly fries in the other, which is, in your opinion, the only acceptable way to do so.
"finally," he says, clapping chan on the back. "you guys have stopped ogling each other and started actually talking!"
your stomach drops, and you think you and chan actually gasp in unison, like you're in a cartoon. mingyu cackles. this is going to be a long night.
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merakiui · 5 months
MERA Your brain is magnificent
Just finished reading Angels in Tibet 😵‍💫 its so good and honestly one of my favorite fics of yours! .... Sugar daddy Azul is just so perfect, he would never spend his money on frivolous things. Its all investments and the money he spends on his love is just the way to secure the future he has in mind.
I have to ask how they met! God i need to know what made Azul 's head turn!!!! I need to know what the tweels think, AHHHHH I have so many questions!!!!!!!!!!
(つ≧▽≦)つ omg omg thank you!!!!!! I'm flattered it's good enough to become one of your favorites!! <3 hehe yes!!! Sugar daddy Azul is very smart with his money! Every purchase is intentional, and as you noted it's all an investment in what will be a wonderful future with his beloved. He is spoiling you while also thinking about what lies ahead!!!
As for how they met, I imagine it was on a sugaring site!!! :D Azul's really picky when it comes to these things and I think he'd have high standards for his ideal sugar baby (after all, as much as he wants a genuine connection to break his cycle of loneliness, he doesn't want to get into something that will risk losing money. He looks at it from a business viewpoint, as expected of our intelligent businesstako!). But the two of you match and agree to meet up, and ohhhh you're just the cutest thing! He's captivated with how awkwardly sweet you are. Calling him "sir" and being so polite, nervously fidgeting and saying "thank you" profusely when he covers the lunch bill..... insisting that you can't just let him pay for your portion, too, but he laughs and assures you it's fine. This is nothing (it's really nothing; he has lots of money). And you promise him you'll pay for the next meal! Oh, you're just so endearing!
You probably go on a few more trial dates before the both of you realize it's going to work, and from there you establish necessary rules and boundaries. Azul probably fell for your kindness and authenticity and all of the other charming bits in between. Also,, the sex is good. That's a lovely bonus. Pleasant emotional connections in and out of the bedroom!!!! >w<
And the tweels......... ojiisan eels,,,,,,, ITALIAN OJIISAN EELS!!!!!! I think they still tease Azul. >:D that time he got you a celebratory bouquet of flowers when you scored a job interview and you were so excited....... oh, they clowned on him HARD lol. Poking fun about how he's old-fashioned, about how he's like a schoolboy with his first crush..... and Azul just scoffs and rolls his eyes at them. But then the tweels completely understand why he is the way he is. You're just so adorable. They have a soft spot for you, too! Floyd told you that if anyone gives you any trouble, be it at school or work, you let him know and he'll handle it. You think he's joking, but the twins have lots of connections (some more dangerous than others). ;;;
Omg and maybe Azul takes you on a trip to his hometown (for the sake of the fic's setting we'll pretend it's like our world instead of twst world,,,, so Italy hehe). orz romantic sunset dinners, holding hands as you stroll barefoot by the shore, afternoon picnics, getting drinks in the evening, café dates in the morning......... maybe even visiting his mother's restaurant even though Azul just knows she's going to be all over you and him, asking when the wedding is, treating the both of you to your own private space for dinner, offering a complimentary lover's dessert. And you get to see the normally suave Azul being flustered AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
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es-draws · 9 months
Do you have any advice for someone new coming into this? I have no idea how to start after being skinny for so long. It’s hard to try to push the other way without feeling sick or not seeing results
My biggest recommendation is to find what helps you enjoy gaining weight. If you can find happiness with the process, you won't worry so much about the results. And it makes the results so much better.
Yeah, I know, easier said than done, right? Here are some other things that might help:
Don't Force Food Down. Don't start by trying to stuff yourself, especially when you're not used to eating much. You probably want to make a big difference right away, so you try to eat whatever food is most fattening, and eat as much possible. But that often makes you feel nauseous and uncomfortable, or even sick to your stomach. On top of that, you're not even enjoying the food. It's not a fun experience, and if it's not fun, you won't want to do it again.
Instead, Make Eating a Hobby and Habit. Find foods you enjoy. Find foods that make you excited to eat. And simply enjoy them. Keep tasty foods around you, allow yourself to indulge in them whenever you like. You don't have to stuff yourself with them. Eat your fill, and then come back later for more. Let eating become a pleasure that you can fill your day with. I promise that snacking and grazing on foods you actually want to eat will help you gain. And you'll love doing it so much more.
The First Hurdle is the Toughest. It always takes time to see results, especially when you're first starting, and especially when you've always been thin. It really sucks when you've been eating for days or weeks and you don't notice any difference. That's why enjoying the process is so important. If eating becomes a pleasure rather than a chore, then suddenly the results won't matter so much. But results will come. And once you notice those first changes, it gets exponentially better from there. You'll feel the difference. You'll notice your new softness. You'll measure the changes. And suddenly the hurdle will be gone. You'll notice how you've grown even as you help yourself grow more. And all it takes is reaching that first, blissful moment.
And finally, here are some small tips to get you there:
Just a Bit Extra. You don't need to eat a days worth of food at once. Aim for 300-500 calories extra a day on top of what you normally eat. Those calories are easy when you spread them out. And believe me, they will add up.
Drink your calories. Replace water with tasty drinks! Sodas, juices, coffees, and energy drinks are all great ways to gain without needing to eat more.
Find High Calorie Snacks. You don't need to eat much. Things like nuts, peanut butter, pastries and avocadoes have a lot of calories. Just a little per day will go a long way.
A Little Cream. Of course, every gainer's favorite. Keep some heavy cream on hand and sip it when you're in the mood. You don't need to chug the whole thing. A little goes a long, long way. Have a few sips throughout the day, or mix it into drinks like coffee or chocolate milk. And extra bonus points for this one, because it feels fattening.
Love questions like these! Hope this helps and good luck friend 😄
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Did you try your best, Kawi?
So . . . next week's previews weren't narrated by Kawi.
This is the first time Kawi hasn't told us to tune in next week to observe how he changes his future. This is the first time he hasn't pondered what will happen to him in the future.
Possibly because Kawi finally understands the time-travel assignment:
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Remember when My School President told us that even when we try our best, we can still fail?
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And remember when My School President pulled a Miley Cyrus and told us it wasn't about the destination but the climb?
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Oh, and remember when My School President told us that we are stronger together?
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Or do you remember when My School President told us we can't give up even when the goal seems impossible?
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Well, in case you forgot the numerous lessons that My School President taught us in order to complete this assignment, Be My Favorite is here to reinforce them with some extra bonus lessons:
Lesson #1 - Be present.
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Kawi is finally getting it. He needs to be patient. He needs to sit tight. He needs to put in the effort in the present, regardless of where that present exists, without trying to throw himself years into the future or constantly being stuck in the past.
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He needs to live the life he has NOW, and not the one he wanted. He must be present, which is probably why he didn't narrate next week's episode previews.
Lesson #2 - We can't run away from our problems.
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Pisaeng's mom is right. Life would be better for a gay man in a country with marriage equality, same-sex parenting recognition, LGBTQIA rights, and anti-discrimination policies. But that's not why she wants him to leave the country. Pisaeng's mom has 99 problems, and currently Pisaeng being gay is all of them. But what she doesn't realize is our issues won't go away if we hide (from) them. They will get bigger, and instead of just hurting ourselves, they will begin to hurt others.
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Pisaeng tried to bury his feelings, and ended up assaulting Kawi while he was drunk on his wedding day after leaving Pear at the altar. Kawi is an alcoholic in the future who broke Pear and Pisaeng's hearts. Pear is unsatisfied with her life even though she keeps pushing to be the best and hurts her best friend by settling for a man unworthy of both of them. Problems are like bacteria; they can be good or bad for us, but either way, left alone, they'll quickly multiple until we can't ignore them.
Lesson #3 - Be honest with yourself.
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The second lesson leads into the third because in order to stop running from our problems, we have to be willing to recognize we have a problem. Kawi didn't want to admit he had problems even before the drinking began. When Kawi asked Pisaeng if he should go to rehab, Pisaeng told him that only he knew the answer. Pisaeng learned this from Max who told Pisaeng that the answer to his queerness was within himself. Kawi doesn't want to answer any of these questions because that would mean he has to be honest about his issues. He doesn't owe any of those reporters the truth, but partly why Kawi hesitates is because he, himself, doesn't know what the truth is. Well, not until he is forced to.
Lesson #4 - Learn from your mistakes.
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When the show started, Kawi believed his whole life was one big mistake after another. He went back to the past to correct those mistakes, yet his biggest mistake has always been pushing people away.
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He stopped talking to Max. He didn't pursue Pear. He rejected Pisaeng. Max has called him out on this behavior, and Max told Kawi he was an alcoholic as well. Pisaeng didn't want to believe Max until Pisaeng subtly confirmed these issues. Then, Pisaeng left Kawi. Alone. Kawi doesn't have his dad there to guide him, but as much as Kawi pushed his dad to TRY to do better for himself, Kawi hasn't given himself that same treatment. Which is why being alone forces him to learn from his mistakes, and we see him stop drinking, even in the future. We see him accepting Pear's dinner invitation, going to Max's rally, and telling Pisaeng he likes him. We see him trying to be better.
Lesson #5 - Have confidence in yourself.
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Pisaeng is Linda Evangelista. Kawi has confirmed this every chance he can. But Kawi sucks. Kawi thinks he sucks because he needs help, all the time, while Pisaeng never needs any help. Yet, episode eight explicitly told Kawi that he was The Brave Little Toaster of his friends. Max mentioned that Kawi positively impacted Max by telling Max to stay. Pear's perfect demeanor seems to be morphing as she realizes the dream life she had envisioned as the perfect girl isn't all it's cracked up to be. And Pisaeng told Kawi before that Kawi has changed his life because although Kawi needs his friends, his friends need him just as much.
The Assignment - Try Your Best
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Doing everything right doesn't mean you'll win. Giving your all doesn't guarantee the prize. Trying your best doesn't equal success. Sometimes you lose no matter how much effort you put in.
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But the lesson here is even if you fail, you won't have regrets.
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To generalize my idol Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation, you can't half-ass the shit you care about. You gotta put your whole-ass in it. You have to be present. You can't run away from your issues. You need to be honest with yourself. You must learn from your mistakes. And you gotta have confidence in yourself. Because only then will you know you tried your best.
And even if you get to the end of the road empty-handed,
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You'll have the friends you made along the way there to help you find your way back to the start.
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No more half-assing, Kawi!
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We deserve your best whole-ass effort.
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