#my cat is going ballistic in the other room
prunpplee · 7 months
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a lil guy has appeared!
made with @purplebehittindifferent (you never posted your finished one!)
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obae-me · 4 months
Dumb Injuries- Pt 2
This may or may not be based off of real events that may or may not have happened a few days ago... Only I was on my own with no sweet demons, just my panic, a bloody sock, and a bunch of tissues. I bet it's going to leave a scar...
Warning: Blood, glass, injury. Note: I am not a medical professional, so do not use this as advice on what to do in a situation like this.
A gleeful little hum came from your mouth as you walked about in the kitchen. Today was your day to make dinner. And while sometimes you loathed these days, expecting nothing but needy demons practically clinging to you as you cooked and begging for a taste as if they were all Gluttony, today was different. Today everyone was giving you the proper space to work on your own. The peace was much needed. You’d felt like you’d been running around non-stop going from room to room, reading message after message, fulfilling your duties with hardly a chance to rest.
You loved these people, but boy did they run you dry sometimes.
However, despite your exhaustion and perhaps slight irritation, dinner was still being made with much love. You figured, perhaps, if the meal was fulfilling, they’d all be calm the rest of the evening.
Even from here you could hear them bickering.
Something had been up with all of them all week. They were picking fights with each other constantly. Or, should you say, more than usual. If that was somehow even remotely possible. In fact, they very nearly destroyed the kitchen a handful of days ago. Someone had eaten Satan’s special cat-shaped cake he was saving for himself after a day of testing. So, naturally, he went ballistic. He assumed it was Beel, but Gluttony- for once- swore it wasn’t him. After being blamed too many times, he got frustrated. Lucifer of course had to get involved. And let’s just say he wasn’t in a very good mood that day. Luckily, no appliances were harmed, but you recall how long it had taken them all to clean it up. And now they were all still on edge as the culprit had still yet to come out with their crimes.
With an audible sigh, you shook your head. Demons will be demons as some of them so often liked to say. Moving away from the stove and towards the table in the middle of the room, you reached out for the cutting board of vegetables you’d prepped earlier.
Pain. You gasped loudly, hurting your throat in the process. You stumbled, completely dropping the items that had been in your hand. They struck the ground with several noisy clangs. As you grasped for balance with support from the table, you clenched your teeth. The nerves in your body sparked, starting from the bottom of one of your feet and all the way up your back. Even if you wanted to swear, you were so stunned, you couldn’t. You leaned harder against the furniture, curling your leg up and raising your foot to spot an inch long piece of glass sticking out of your heel. While the adrenaline was still pumping through your body, you reached forward and plucked it out. It didn’t seem to have much blood on it. Shaking hands wrapped the little shard in a small wad of paper towels before it was chucked in the garbage.
Apparently, whoever had been in charge of cleaning the mess after the fight from a few days ago missed a spot… Of course you had to be the one to find it… Limping, keeping your injured foot on the tip of your toes, you headed towards the door to the kitchen. Thank Diavolo that your room was nearby. Hopefully you could make it there and patch yourself up before—
The door swung inwards, just a few inches away from smacking you in the face. You staggered back a bit. Mammon nearly barreled into you, grasping at your shoulder’s and steadying you to keep you from falling over. “You alright?! I mean… what did ya do this time, huh?” He blushed a little at his worried blurt before glancing by you and seeing the mess of scattered vegetables on the floor.
A heavy sigh from a second voice rang out behind Mammon. Your heart nearly stopped for a moment. Lucifer glared at you with narrowed eyes. “You couldn’t have waited another few weeks before making another mess of the kitchen?”
Well, at least so far, neither of them had noticed… You lowered your hurt foot a little flatter, keeping your heel just barely hovering over the ground. “I-I’m sorry,” you muttered. “I’ll get it cleaned up, don’t worry about it.”
The eldest, while usually appreciating those who fixed their own messes, was not satisfied with that answer. Exhaustion filled his eyes as he brushed past you and further into the room. “You can work on cleaning up your mess while I finish dinner. If we are even a few minutes late serving the food, Beel might go on another rampage.”
You nodded, gulping down a painful lump in your throat as your heel began to sting and throb. “Okay. I just have to grab something from my room real quick.” Lucifer just hummed at you, already pulling out replacements for everything you’d dropped. You looked up at Mammon, who was staring at you suspiciously, remaining unusually quiet. Walking as steady as you could, you squeaked past him and out into the hallway. Your hand pressed against the wall for support, fingernails almost digging into the wallpaper as you worked hard to remain quiet and upright.
Thank goodness your room was right next door…
All the sudden, the hallway flipped. Your head felt light and your chest squeezed as the floor was no longer right under you. You slipped, completely thrown off balance. You held our your arms, ready to catch the floor, but instead caught someone’s shoulders.
“I got ya…” Mammon sighed as he seemed to reach you just in time.
You leaned into him for a moment, trying to calm your wild heart. Then you straightened yourself, pulling away and looking down to see what you had slipped on.
A bloody streak covered the hard ground. Wide eyes looked down in shock, both Mammon’s and yours. You turned to look over your shoulder. Drops of blood made a pretty dotted trail all the way down the hall, stretching from your feet to—
“Lucifer…” You spoke as your gaze met his own. He no longer seemed exhausted, but now stunned, standing just outside the kitchen door.
“What the hell happened?!” Mammon shouted, his voice projecting far down the hall.
Oh great...
Like curious little mice, the Dining Hall opened as several demon heads poked out of the doorway, eager to see who was getting in trouble. You noticed Beel sniff the air and turn pale, muttering a single word to the rest of them that had all of them scurrying down the hall.
Either panicked or jealous, you were suddenly swept up into Mammon’s arms and absconded away. The House was a series of blurred colors before a door slammed open, nearly breaking in half. Mammon used one arm to sweep several items on the bathroom counter onto the floor before setting you on the empty space by the sink. You curled your leg and raised your foot again. Blood coated nearly your entire foot, steadily gushing and dripping onto the floor.
A hand ran through his own white hair as he nearly looked ready to pass out on your behalf. “L-Let’s wash it off…” Mammon whispered, his voice shaking as he turned on the sink and held his hand underneath the stream till it felt warm.
The other brothers were starting to flood into the room now, varying levels of shock, awe, and worry coating their faces. However, they were starting to learn about proper care, and how to not have a complete meltdown anytime you got hurt. But there was still a bit of a scene, the demons pushing each other aside and crawling over the others to get closer to you, reeling at the sight and smell of your blood.
Mammon cleaned your foot off, but frowned as it crimson continued to spread across your skin. Levi rushed over and placed a little Ruri-Chan bandaid across the injured spot. It bled through the bandage and started dripping again within a few seconds…
Now they were all starting to panic.
“We need to stop the bleeding!” Asmo shouted!
“Oh, do we?!” Belphie huffed sarcastically.
Satan pushed his way forward. “We need to add some pressure to stem it.”
Lucifer pulled out a first aid kit from… somewhere. You were starting to swear they had one in every room now… The eldest handed out specific items from the kit. Mammon continued to clean off the dripping blood. Asmo pressed a small folded cloth over your heel. Belphie started wrapping a cloth bandage around the injured spot. Beel gently pressed his hand down over the bottom of your foot to add some pressure.
“A-Are you okay? Does it…hurt?” Levi stammered from behind his other brothers.
You responded a little sheepishly. “It stings a bit, but… I didn’t think it was that bad.”
“Probably the adrenaline,” Satan sighed, bending down to pick up the items off the floor that Mammon had thrown down in a frenzy.
“What in the world happened, hon?” Asmo wondered, coming over to pet your head in a bit of comfort.
Biting your lip a bit, you took a breath. “Stepped on glass…”
A very gentle flick struck the back of your head. “Do you remember that little conversation we had where I told you to be wary of the kitchen floors?” Lucifer shook his head at you, his furrowed brows laced with worry, and perhaps a bit of guilt if you were reading his expression properly.
“I… thought it was fine.”
Pride opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Mammon instead. “You gotta be more careful!”
Beel rubbed his thumb over your foot before removing his hand. “I don’t think it’s bleeding through anymore.” Taking a peek, he appeared right. You didn’t see anymore blood seeping through the bandages.
His twin looked over at you. “So, you’re okay now, right?”
“I think so.” A little squeak came out of your mouth as you were suddenly picked up again. Satan hardly said a word as he took you out of the bathroom.
“Hey! No fair!”
Wrath ignored them all as he walked on. “Don’t worry about dinner tonight. We’ll take care of it. You stay off your feet.”
It didn’t quite sound like a suggestion…more like a command.
Well…it sounded quite like you wouldn’t be walking anywhere on your own this week…
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d6volution · 7 months
im a need a cain x reader smut, but like the reader can get in heat since there a type of animal i dont know what animal you can choose one. so like the reader chooses caine to release their thung idk i was thinkinh about it and now im trhiving to jhave it written so ofcourse i came to my fav writers inbox
i get it! im not the best at writing heat fics (i dont think??) but i tried 🤧
Caine/Cat Hybrid!Reader
(afab parts)
tags: bondage, reader in heat, man handling
minors dni | nsfw below the cut.
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It had been years in this digital world, and with every new person to enter Jax was  always the only anthropomorphic animal to be in the circus. Until you came along, cat like ears sprouted from your head and tail protruding from where your tailbone should be.
Of course the other members either reacted in awe, or just didn't really care. Or some in between like Jax who loved pulling at your ears and tail as it usually made you squeak like a toy.
Even Caine wasnt immune to your cuteness it seemed, he'd make the odd comment about your apperance here and there but it was always positive. Maybe that's why you chose him..? Or maybe it was because he was the showrunner, he had power and could protect you and ... your young. That's usually the things mates would looked for..? Right? Damn it you didn't know. You were human before all this was completely new to you. But your body didn't care, this.. heat cycle hit you like a sack of bricks. You'd been holed up in your room for a few days now, ignoring the knocks at your door.
Lest you jump on the person on the other side of the door and beg them to fuck you until you can't remember your name.
You thought maybe after taking care of yourself this .. feeling would go away but no, you came on your fingers several times but it wasn't close to being enough. It was like you were losing yourself to this feeling, all you could think about was being filled..
In the haze of your thoughts Caine came to mind again, you knew his opinion on things like this but you had to try. Something.. anything, and pray that in the process to getting to his room you wouldn't run into anyone else..
A few moments later when you got the resolve to finally peek out of your room you moved as quickly as you could in your state, luckily remembering the path to the ringmasters quarters. A big grand red door was at the end of the hall and you tugged at the door but it didn't budge.
"C.. Caine.. ? You there..?" Your voice sounded pathetic, dripping with need. A soft mewl even escaped your lips in frustration.
It felt like a century until you felt eyes on you, but.. from behind you. It was Caine just floating there, in the same confusion as yourself. "C.. Caine? Why aren't you in your room?" Your senses were going ballistic now, it cried for you to present yourself to him. Beg for him to take you right here and now.
"Simple, my dear! I don't sleep! This room is merely a prop of sorts!" He retorted, "Are.. you alright, y/n? You're looking a little, under the weather." He seemed to actually be concerned, and you started squirming.
"N.. No I need.." Your ears flattened out of embarrassment, tail wrapping around your leg for self comfort. "need.." Your voice trailed off, "... s'your fault Caine.. you made me like this..!"
"Now, now, calm down y/n I don't necessarily get to choose your new bodies—!" You cut him off by pawing at his leg, clinging to it to keep him in place. He tried to keep his balance.
"Please Caine.. need you.." You nuzzled at his leg, then moved up his thigh trying to nuzzle at his crotch as the smell of him was inviting you. "T.. This is hardly appropriate, let's *ahem* get you inside." Caine looked both ways to assure no one had saw you two. He then scooped you up by the waist, holding you like luggage and carrying you inside his room.
As soon as you two were in the room he dropped you onto the bed unceremoniously.
Caine tugged at his tie and allowed it to loosen up, "Well, now. What to do with you." He snapped his fingers and you were bound to the bed in a very lewd manner, knees bent and pressed at your chest being held by red ropes that seemed to match his suit. "C... Caine wha.." You whimpered, tears forming in your eyes as he seemed to just be toying with you.
"Tsk, tsk this won't do at all! You're making a mess of your clothes!" And now they were gone too, you instinctively pulled your binds helplessly. "Please.." You whined, not knowing exactly what you were pleading for.
"Yes, yes.. I think I know what's happening to you, now be patient dear! I'm breaking many a rule for you, y'know!" He said, now appearing suddenly in between your legs , two gloved fingers delving into your cunt suddenly. "Hhck..!" Your ears pointed straight up out of shock and your body moved against the binds again, "Come now you can handle this!"
"N.. Not that.. need.. you inside.. please.." Your cunt was senstive sure, but it was more frustrating that he was using his fingers, "Please Caine.. breed me.." Your words made him swallow and he had to compose himself. He was only doing this because he had to, he couldn't have to wandering off and trying to pounce on anyone else!
He pulled himself from his pants, he didn't realize until now that his cock was straining against them a few moments ago. You desperately wanted to present yourself to him, spread your cunt and open your legs but he had you tied up like some kind of animal.
His tip nudged at your cunt, the slick causing him to slip past your hole a few times. You mewled and bucked your hips a little as if to encourage him.
Another thrust and he buried himself completely inside of you, your cunt swallowing him up immediately, it was like he was made for you. You were made for each other. "Ngh.. there we go, stubborn little thing.." He said with a grunt, hovering over your body. 
He was finally inside of you and your body begged you not to let him go, not until he came inside of you at least three or four times at least! "Caine.. more .. mn.." He felt like you were calm enough to get rid of the bindings so he did, snaping his fingers and they seemed to fade away into the air.
Your legs immediately wrapped around him, tugging him closer.
"How impatient, very well then. Hold tight my dear," He said, hands planted on the sides of your head as he started to move his hips, rocking into your cunt. Your eyes fluttered shut, ear twitching a little as a soft purring sound rumbled in your chest.
His thrusts picked up speed quickly, you were responding so well to them that he was slowly beginning to loose himself as well. Family friendly? Behind the doors of his room that would have to disappear from now on. "Nh.. thats right.. to keep everyone.. in check!" His words matched the rhythm of his heavy thrusts.
"Hha.. Caine, caine..!" You cried out, legs tugging him closer, "N.. Need your cum.. make me pregnant p-please..!"
His hips stuttered a little, your words seemed to be getting to him whether he liked it or not. He shoved two fingers into your mouth to keep you quiet so he could focus. How distracting your dirty mouth could be was impressive. Your moans and cries were muffled, saliva dirtying his gloves.
Caine put his full weight behind his thrusts , your smaller form quite literally being fucked into the mattress. "Nnhg, almost there, y/n..! Be a dear and a cum with me." He said in a mocking voice, his hand removing itself from your mouth and instead pushing your lower stomach. Adding more pressure to your already stuffed cunt.
"Gh..hhaa.. Caine, cu.. cumming.. cumming..!" You yelped and clung to him, legs keeping him locked in so he couldn't pull away from you. He'd be force to fill your cunt to the brim. "Inside.. fill me up..!" Your tongue lulled past your lips , cunt clamping down on his dick as you hand a nearly blinding orgasm.
Caine couldn't help it, your cunt was practically milking him and he spilled into your cunt without a second thought. Though he didn't seem at all out of breath.
"Well that sure was.. something.." Caine noted, his dick still twitching inside of you as the last few spurts of cum filled your stuffed cunt.
You panted, looking up at him with half lidded eyes, a lewd smile painting your lips. "Caine.. m'not done.. need more.."
Did he really think one round would be enough?
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captain-mj · 1 year
I have an idea.
Werewolf 141, except Soap who is a Wulver. This does not get discovered until Soap starts leaving fish on Ghosts desk.
Listen... Listen... Wulvers are one of my favorite creatures (ignore that I have a ridiculous amount) and I fucking love this. Also wrote this super sleep deprived and I did not edit so good luck y'all
Ghost stared at the fish on his desk for a stupid amount of time.
Was this a prank? It was a weird prank. Maybe if he was a cat shifter, it would make sense, but this was... odd. He didn't even get the joke.
Slowly, he knocked the fish into the trashcan.
Alright, just gonna... ignore that.
He grabbed the paperwork and went back to work as normal.
The next time, Price was with him. They both just stared at the fish.
"Why is there a fresh caught carp on your desk?"
"I don't know." Ghost was now angry. It was annoying, gross and made the room smell awful. He didn't fucking like fish normally, why the fuck would he want it RAW and WET on his desk. "Do you want it?"
Price grabbed it immediately. "Yeah. I'll give it to the cooks or something... Who did you piss off?"
"A dead man." Ghost growled. Whoever was doing this was going to keep a chunk taken out of them. Maybe lose a leg too. He staked out in his office for a while but caught nothing.
Ghost didn't bring it up to anyone else just yet. The culprit might get skittish and stop.
Instead, Ghost shifted and sat under his desk one day. He was a large wolf, but he had made sure he could fit under his desk when he got it. At the time, it had been for if he wanted to take a break from paperwork, not hide out in an attempt to catch a criminal. His insomnia would keep him up forever anyway.
When he woke up to a fish, now placed right in front of his nose, he almost went ballistic.
The nerve.
The audacity.
How had they managed to not wake him up? He woke up at everything! A FNG sneezed on the other side of the base and he woke up!!
Soap noticed something was wrong. "You alright, Lt?"
"I'm fucking fine." He snapped, narrowing his eyes at Soap.
Soap winced. "Aye..." Ghost shoved down the feeling he got from that. He didn't have time to feel bad!
"Have you seen anyone acting weird lately?"
"How so sir?"
"Coming in with wet hands. Going near where my office is. Lingering."
Soap looked confused. "No. I can't say I have. What's going on?"
"Nothing." Ghost grabbed his tea and escaped into his new room. Luckily, there's no fish to deal with. His room is clear. Thank goodness.
His office... His safe space... No longer safe...
Okay, a touch dramatic there. Ghost drank his tea and told himself that he needed to focus on work, not his tiny mystery.
He woke up again. Head down on his desk. Tea cold. Was there a fucking gas leak? Since when did he sleep so much?
Soap was there.
With a trout.
"You motherfucker." Ghost threw himself over the desk, watching Soap jump back and start sprinting down the halls. He chased after him. Soap tried to shift to get away, but that was ineffective. Ghost slammed into him, sending them both tumbling to the ground before he got his arm around his throat.
"I don't care if you look like a mutt, I'll still kick your ass. Now shift back and explain yourself."
Soap did not shift back, instead wiggling to try to get away. Ghost tightened his grip until Soap stopped fighting him. He slowly shifted back, clearly embarrased.
"Hey, Lt. Fancy seeing you here."
"Why? Just why?"
"So... ya see... I am not a werewolf."
"You turned into a wolf, did you fucking not?"
"Actually.... I am a wulver."
"A wulver?"
"I uh... bring people fish."
"Why me?? Why did you bring me fish??" Ghost sounded accusatory.
Soap stuttered.
"Don't wulvers do that for people who are poor? Or can't feed themselves?"
Soap looked panicked.
"Fuck you."
"I'm sorry!" Soap yelped. "I don't know. i just wanted to... do something for you."
Ghost glared but dropped him. "Don't do it again."
Soap shakily gave him a thumbs up.
"I like mugs. Give me those next time."
"Yes, sir."
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soap143 · 5 months
Hey, so I decided to make a series out of it. Before reading this fic and future ones, I recomend to read Challenge, because then you’ll know why he wants revenge so bad. Happy reading!(I think these fics will be shorter then usual)
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Eye for an eye
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Ever since the event that had happened on the last movie night, Minho had been more cautious than ever. Chan said that they wouldn’t get away with this, and Lee Know definetly believed him. All they could do was wait while Channie got his sweet revenge…
The cat lover was enjoying his peaceful evening, chilling in his room, when he got a sudden call “Hello?” said Minho, as he picked up his phone “Hey, Minnie. Could you come to my dorm? It’s pretty urgent.” the older’s statement made the bunny concerned. It must be important if Chan couldn’t adress it over call.
As soon as Lee Know stepped foot into the 3racha+Hyunjin dorm, he was slung over someone’s shoulder “Who is this?! Let me go!” the future lee(hint hint) whined, slapping and punching the attacker’s back “Eye for an eye, Minho…” the cat mom immediately recognised his only hyungs voice. Once the realization hit him, he started squirming around like a madman.
“CHANNIE-HYUNG PLEASE! YOU REALLY DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!” the second oldest groaned in Chan’s grasp to no avail “You have nowhere to go. Now, tell me, was it your idea?” the leader nonchalantly questioned “Would it change something if I said no?” “Answer my question with an answer, not a another question! If you want this to last longer, then say no.”
“No, it wasn’t my idea.” Minho cockily uttered “Then whose was it?” Chan was met with silence “I knew it! Now prepare yourself, mister Lee…” the older mischeviously murmured.
In just a few moments, Lee Know was completely pinned and immobilized under the vengeful man “I think we can sort this out. How about we forget this? Life goes on, you know…” the victim tried to drag himself out of the vulnerable situation. Chan, on the other hand, was fondly smiling the whole time.
“I forgive you… not” the merciless attacker snickered, digging into Minnie’s side “YOUREHEHEHEHEHE CRAHAHAHZY! LEHEHET MEHEHEHE GOHOHOHOHO!” Minho squeeked, thrashing around.
“You have nowhere to run, Minho~ Just like me!” the older teased, only pushing his fingers deeper into the ticklish flesh “PLEHEHEHEHEHASE DOHOHOHOHON’T! MEHEHEHEHEECYYYY…” Les Know whined even louder when his only hyung shoved and wiggled his fingers into the cat lover’s insanely sensitive armpit.
Chan tenderly looked down at the cackling bunny “Aww, you’re blushing. I just know you love this~” the aussie pointed out, making the second oldest howl even louder “NOHOHOHO I DOHOHOHOHOHON’T! JUHUHUHUHST STOHOHOHOHOHOP!” poor Lee Know denied with all the strengh he had “Stop? You think I don’t remember the photo booth incident? I’m never stopping now.”
Minho turned a whole new shade of red when the embarassing memory was brought up. Maybe he didn’t want this to stop after all?
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEASE!” the mischevious bunny begged when the merciless attacker dug into his arguably worst spot: his thigh “Aww, it’s bad, isn’t it? I know it is, that is exactly what I felt like when the kids were absolutely wrecking me, thanks to YOU!” Chan roared, pushing his fingers into Minho’s inner thigh. Long story short, Lee Know went ballistic.
“YAHAHAHAHHA NOHOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEASE DOHOHOHOHOHON’T IHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHHAHAHAN’T!” the brattiest member wailed, twisting in every possible direction “I didn’t know you were so ticklish here, Minnie~” the way that the kangaroo stayed in the same spot drove Minho up a wall.
Once the dancer went silent and limp, the leader decided to attack another spot “Your knees look delicious! Do you think I can have a bite?” the older commented, slowly lowering his face, inching closer to the dreaded spot “Nohohohoho dohoho nohohot, we cahahan tahahalk thihihihs out!” poor Lee Know was doing anything in his power to get Channie as far away from his kneecaps as possible. The rabbit cursed himself for wearing shorts.
“Remeber those raspberries that you gave me? I think I’m going to give every. single. one right back to you. How does that sound?” the wolf questioned. Minho hated the fact that the sugestion sounded quite appealing “Pretty nice…” a shy whisper sneaked its away out of Lee Know’s mouth.
“Oh my gosh, you’re so adorable. Enjoy your fruit bowl!” unfortunately, the rabbit didn’t quite catch his hyungs joke due to the unbearably ticklish air being blown right onto his sensitive knees “CHAHAHAHAHAN IHIHIHI’M BEHEHEHEHEGGING YOUHUHUH! PLEHEEHEHHEASE, MEHEHEHEHERCY!”
“Nu-uh, you agreed to this.” Stray Kid’s leader mumbled into said spot, making him giggle.
Hearing Minnie’s sweet snickers made his only hyung hungry for more, as he started switching between nibbling and blowing raspberries into the deathly ticklish spot “PLEHEHEHEHEASE IHIHIHIH’M DYIHIHIHNG! LEHEHEHET MEHHEHEHEHEH GOHOHOHOHOHO!” to Minho’s disadvantage, the kangaroo’s ears fell deaf to his pleads.
“You know I know you love this, this isn’t stopping any time soon.” Chan stated, as his fingers joined the tickle party by squeezing whatever they could reach “SLOHOHOHOW DOHOHOHOHOHOHOWN PLEHEHEHEASE!” the younger managed to request through the incoherent laughter.
No matter how much both of them wanted this to continue, Lee Know had started to run out of breath and strengh, making his body go limp and laughter to die down.
“Woah, this migh’ve gone too far… You good?” the aussie asked with a worried expression “I-Ihihi’m fihihihine…” the taller reassured him, falling asleep in Channie’s arms. How adorable…
However, the leader wasn’t done here. He’d be seeking revenge for the rest of the week. Only when every single one of his children expierience his “pain”, he’ll live greatly again. 6 out of 7 kids left…
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Hope you enjoyed! As mentioned, it was shorter. I plan on making a part for each one of the members. I have quite a few requests which I’ll try to complete soon as well. Have a good day/night 🙂❤️
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canonically47 · 5 months
You head canon, give it to me!
i remember this was right after my post about my hitman hcs, so here are some of them:
lucas’ birthday is september 3rd, 1964, just two days before 47’s.
lucas had multiple choices for his name, among which cassius and brutus. he uses ‘lucas’ now, feeling it is less conspicuous, but he prefers to spell it as ‘loukas’, as inspired by the greek version of the name, in informal settings. he also sometimes uses the names he ended up dismissing when he needs another alibi... which is more often than not.
speaking of alibis, 47 came up with ‘tobias rieper’ by himself, which earned a lot of laughs from those at the ICA. diana sometimes calls him toby because of it, just to get on his nerves. it works every time.
47 also was indecisive when it came to his alibi, almost landing on first names such as aeneas, ballister, cain or amos. much like lucas, he chose tobias because it is more common, and still uses some of these names when in need of another alias.
diana and 47’s relationship is not quite platonic, but not quite romantic either. as of now - when 47 is free of the ICA and doing his own gigs - he and diana live together in the hitmansion, but they each have their own rooms, and rarely sleep together. on rare occasions that they go out, they pretend to be a married couple, making it easier to blend in. however, neither of them actually have feelings for each other, and both of them are arospec & acespec - 47 is aroace, and diana, a demisexual aromantic lesbian.
47 and diana own three cats and one snake: amadeus (brown british shorthair, 2 y/o), sappho (white and grey maine coon, 4 y/o), ramses (black bombay, 1 y/o) and jörmungandr (AKA jörg) (corn snake, 1 y/o).
the reason 47 was locked in the basement for a bit was because diana wanted to be a bit silly. that’s all. let girls have fun!
diana always has to convince 47 to let loose and/or have fun, and that can range from going out to just... taking a break and laying back a bit. 47 is seriously a workaholic.
buuut when diana does convince him to go out, he always ends up going to some furniture or clothes stores, hence his immense wardrobe and so many decorations. diana almost regrets her choices... almost.
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stucknthemiddleff · 22 days
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Safe P1. 1.15
Spotless Mind - Jhene Aiko
Mask Off (Remix) - Future
Loyalty - Kendrick Lamar Ft. Rihanna
Love Gon Go - Chris Brown
Stuck N The Middle
Double checking that I had all my toiletries in my all black leather pull string book bag, I walked out of the bathroom in the hall. Going back into my room, my eyes interlocked with Cari's light grayish and green colored ones. Sadness in her pout at me, I couldn't help but to make my way over and sit next to her on my bed.
Wrapping my arms around her I kissed the side of her head. She smelled like her favorite bath and body works fragrance as usual. Burnt vanilla caramel, which means she was probably going to see Bryson later. She only wore it for him and had different smells for when she was hanging out with me or going to work. It also let me know she wasn't taking me leaving all too well, although she tried masking it.
Doing a small snort she did a big sigh, "You're really leaving me, I thought we were going on vacation together?"
"We still can, I just need to see different sights for a while babe." I told her, with all honesty. Never would I tell her or Cooper, but their faces reminded me of Calen since I knew that he was their brother. Every smile, frown, all of it reminded me of him and I just needed to get away. I didn't want Cari to take it the wrong way, so I didn't tell her. But I held off on the drinking a bit, just to give her a peace of mind.
"You called your job already?" She asked.
"Yeah." I nodded at her. In all honesty I had quit my job. It was a last minute decision, and maybe it was unprofessional for me to just tell my boss I was ready to resign, but it needed to be done. I had saved up enough money to maybe find something else by the end of the summer.
Knowing Erin I wouldn't have to worry about money all while with her, she could be controlling when it came to me trying to purchase stuff on my own in the past.
I was miserable and would wait until I came back to Atlanta to tell Cari, knowing she would go ballistic if I told her now. I just hoped this trip with Erin would help my mind, and I would still try go see my mom. I already knew that was going to be a whole different battle, especially if I showed up with Erin.
"You want me to take you to the airport?" She asked me snuggling my side. Feeling myself tighten my arms around her, I hoped she didn't feel it in an alarming way.
"Uh, nah I'm having a taxi come pick me up in like thirty minutes." I told her, not really knowing how my transportation was really set up. I hadn't even called Erin yet, here I am packing.
"Oh, okay." She blinked a few times at me, before looking down at her hands playing with her fingers.
"I love you." I spoke sincerely making her eyes connect with mine. Cari smiled, showing a little of her and Calen. They had to all have their fathers smile, I was sure of it.
"I love you too." She replied pulling me into a hug, "I'm gonna go see Bryson, tonight isn't gonna feel right being here alone."
"Yeah sucks you're allergic to dogs and cats huh, at least to have a pal here while I'm gone." I told her and she laughed at me.
"Bryson has wanted to get me a dog so many times," She shook her head with a playful scowling expression, "Mostly just to keep it at his condo."
"There are other animals to adore Car." I told her and she just shook her head again.
"I'll let Bryson figure that out, for now he's my only baby." She shrugged at me.
"Yeah." I nodded, looking down at my lap. The fact that I was confused on who was and who I wanted to be my baby pained me. So badly I wish I could tell Cari about it, but eventually she would know. For now I wasn't going to tell her that I was contemplating on taking Erin back. But it was easier than being depressed about someone who I thought really loved me, who up and left without any explanation.
At least Erin came back and explained herself, but I wasn't waiting around for Calen to do that shit. He was a chapter in my life for only a week and a half to help me get my girlfriend back. Even with his abrupt departure painfully cutting me, I was still grateful to him. Was that sick?
"Dana, are you crying?" Cari asked knocking me out of my zoned state, I looked over at her shaking my head while lifting my right hand. My fingertips making contact with my lower right eyelid, indeed it was wet.
"Oh shit, look Car your sadness starting to rub off on me." I joked, but Cari just stared at me sadly.
"I'm going to do a double check on everything I have and meet you downstairs okay?" I quickly cut off anything she was about to say. I was done crying completely. It was time for me to go and I needed to make that phone call.
"Yeah, sure." Cari did a small smile standing slowly to her feet from my bed. Walking to my doorway she gave me one last look before exiting out into the hall. Once I was sure she was far away from hearing me, I dialed Erin.
After two rings someone picked up, "Hello?"
"If your offer is still on the table, I'm-"
"Say no more love, I'll send a car right away to take you to the airstrip." She spoke happily in my ear. Whenever Erin got what she wanted, you could tell it through her tone. Yeah I was spending time with her to get my mind off of Calen, but that was it.
The sun shined bright through one of the jets left side windows, clouds looking like cotton we passed by. Even with being over twenty thousand feet in the air, I still felt tugging on my body. At least by now I would have thought that my mind would start to clear.
Erin cleared her throat softly throwing me out my thoughts, "What you thinking about over there?"
Locking my eyes with her grey pupils I saw curiousity in them, "Nothing."
I smiled at her small looking back out the window.
"Does Cari know you're with me?" She asked lowly, taking a sip out of her champagne flute.
"No, she wouldn't understand." I responded looking back over at her lifting an eyebrow by my response.
"That she wouldn't." Erin nodded in agreement, turning to her left she picked up another glass off the side table of her seat, handing it to me. Taking the glass I stared down at it, suddenly remembering the last time I drunk alcohol.
"I'm just glad you decided to come." Erin spoke making me raise my eyes to the soft grin on her face.
"Yeah," I nodded, "Me too."
Standing up out her seat, she came and sat in my chair, moving her free left hand up my bare right thigh that my light grey dress didn't cover. Moving it away with my right hand I looked into her eyes, hers got a confused look in them.
"I can't touch you?" She asked in offense.
"I'm just not ready for that again yet Erin." I told her. Turning her head to the side a little she licked over her bottom lip looking away.
"I bet you let him touch you, huh?" She asked with grit, shocking me. I looked over at the side of her face in disgust.
"Why would you ask that?" I asked in disbelief making her scoff before taking another sip of her glass.
"So its true, wow," She shook her head with a smile looking over at me, "You let him fuck too?"
"Erin, do not push me, I'm warning you. I came with you because you asked, not to get asked a million questions about something that's over." I warned her in a stern tone, she stood up out my seat fixing her lips about to say something. One of the pilots entered into the pit from the sliding door to the front of the jet.
"We will be arriving in ten minutes." He informed us before closing the door back, after getting a nod from Erin. She put her sights back on me finishing the rest of the glass.
"So I guess that mean you did have sex with him," She continued and I shook my head.
"You know I have only went that far with you, because I trusted you." I replied taking a sip of my glass. Even though I had let Erin use the sex strap on me in the past it never really felt like I had lost my virginity. It had been so long ago too, thinking about us being that close right now was too much. Especially with my heart cut in half. Something about being with Calen made me feel more like I was doing stuff for the first time. Erin and I really didn't do much stuff sexual, and this conversation just made me think of Calen and how he handled me so different.
"Hmm, so what you let him do?" She asked making me take a deep sigh. These questions weren't fucking helping either.
"It doesn't matter, he and I are over and I'm here with you." I spoke matter of factly, "Can we act like it?"
"Well I don't know, you won't even let me touch you Dana." She replied back at me crossing her arms over her chest slowly.
"I say again, that I'm just not ready okay?" I told her and she squinted her eyes, shrugging her shoulders.
"Fine. It's time to get ready to land though." She told me as I nodded downing the rest of my champagne that didn't taste anything in comparable to the last I had enjoyed more.
I missed him so much, and so far this trip was not helping me forget about him. If this didn't work, I didn't know what would.
Taking a strong pull from the fat blunt in between my fingers, my vision before me of the sunny New York skyline afternoon put me at ease. Just a little bit, I fixed the glasses on my face. My eyes had been to irritated lately for me to wear my contacts. My nigga Lupe and I discussed the plans for tonight's convention while catching up on the patio of his top floor studio hideout. Used only for going over plans and entertaining women. It was a nice spot I had to admit, the view of the city couldn't be any better.
"You know you owe me right?" Lupe spoke breaking me out my thoughts, he took the blunt back from me as we sat side by side in his long beach chairs. He took advantage of the soft sun on his uncovered upper body, while I decided not to. Didn't need the women here getting the wrong fuckin' idea.
"I know I do, whatever you need in the future I got you." I told him, and it was nothing but sincerity. This job we were pulling out tonight would put a lot of his people at risk. They were ready only by loyalty, the same that matched for me with anything he needed.
"Well something's already came up Cal. There's this crew, new shit trying take over a block of mine. I mean I got rookies set up to show what they are worth, but they need someone real from the ropes to teach them what we do to niggas that don't realize what block they fuckin' with." He told me, puffing on the L.
"I gotchu." I nodded at him looking over at the view of the city again.
"Think you could handle that for me?" He asked and I nodded.
He smiled sitting up in his chair, "Good shit."
Holding out his fist, I dapped mine with his as we heard footsteps that sounded like high heels clacking coming our way.
"Damelo papi chulo." A Latina female looking like a china doll with a curvy body spoke leaning on the back of Lupe's back kissing his neck. With only a black lace bra on, one of her breast slid out the cup barely showing a nipple.
"Ay, don't you see two men here talking business woman?" He told her taking a puff of the blunt before handing it back to me, "Go on I'll be there in a minute."
Sucking her teeth with a grimace at the back of his head, she leaned up off of him fixing her bra, looking my way quickly she winked at me showing pretty teeth as I blew the smoke out my lungs. I smiled quickly looking away, already knowing what that look meant. Then she walked away slowly, the sound of her footsteps departing.
"I'm about to go blow off some steam before we do this shit tonight, you should do the same with Tabitha and not go back to that fuckin' hotel room." Lupe advised me, standing to his feet.
"I'm chillin man." I shrugged taking another hit.
Lupe laughed, "Why I got a feeling this shit over a female man."
"I told Zeus the same thing. It's bigger than that." I replied, Lupe chuckled again standing up out his chair.
"It's over a female, because the womanizing Calen Rodriguez I know....nigga." Lupe joked, I laughed at his silly ass.
"I'm cool man." I told him and he shook his head.
"Well, mi casa is tu casa." He spread his arms before departing leaving me, "As long as you invite me to the wedding mothafucka."
"Ha," I cracked up at his stupid ass, "Thanks man." I yelled, taking another hit, thinking about how I would be glad when everything was over. My mind always fantasizes about fast forwarding time when you finally get to the moment where you ready to be.
That's all I wanted, and just had to be patient for it. For now I would just smoke and get ready for tonight. Standing up out my chair, I went and leaned against the balcony hearing foot steps approach behind me.
"Hey Tabitha." I spoke not turning around already knowing it was her. Eventually she came and stood about two or three feet beside me.
"Calen, its good to see you again." She spoke with her deep latin accent. Her and I had some fun in the past but that was then and this is now.
"Yeah you too, still beautiful." I complimented looking over at her, in only a see through bath robe.
"Aye, careful with the compliments." She warned me looking in my eyes with lust in them. Being three years older than me, when I was seventeen, Tabitha took my virginity on a visit I took to visit Lupe for business years ago, and every once in a while when I came to New York she didn't let me down. But my heart was locked and sealed making me not want that anymore.
"Yeah yeah." I breathed throwing the roach in my hand now over the balcony. She came closer to me looking down at my neck.
"Whose Dana?" She asked and I hadn't realized my necklace had came from underneath my shirt. Backing away from her I smiled taking one of her hands. While my other hand put my gold chain back under my front shirt collar.
"No one." I kissed her hand softly before letting it go, "Tell Lupe not to tire himself out too much for our event tonight."
Tabitha looked over my face and had a big smile come across hers, "You're in love Calenito."
"I don't know what you talking about." I breathed giving her a serious look. She crossed her arms over her chest looking me up and down.
"Denial." She called after me. Ignoring her I took a deep breath making sure I had my phone on me still.
Exiting out the studio I decided to call my mother knowing I couldn't put off not talking to her about what was going on. But I knew I couldn't right now especially with being high as fuck. My phone rung in my pocket, I took it out showing that Cari was calling me. With it being months since I talked to her I knew she was about to cuss me out and blow my high.
"Yes Cari." I answered getting into my all black Benz I only drove around in for my business in NYC.
"I just want to say thank you Calen, "She started with a sniffle, "Thanks for driving my best friend away."
"Cari what are you talking about?" I asked her in alarm closing my car door once inside. What she mean drove Dana away?
"Oh now you want to act like you care huh? She hadn't heard from you in two months Calen!" She screamed in the phone at me, my high gone after all that smoking with Lupe.
"Cari! Tell me what the fuck you mean, is Dana there with you?" I asked in seriousness looking at the constant traffic going past me on the street.
"Don't worry about where she is just know it's all your fucking fault!" She screeched, making me worried now.
"Cari, is she in Atlanta!" I yelled and before I could say anything else, she hung up in my face. What the fuck?
"You know where she went Coop?" I asked him while I paced back and forth in my hotel room.
"Nah, Cari won't tell me nothing." He told me.
"Fuck, you were supposed to keep your eye on both of them!" I yelled at him. My whole calm composure was non existent, Dana was out somewhere with who knows who, and could've lied to Cari about where she was.
"Calen, listen to me take a deep breath. What's going on in New York man, is more important right now. I'll try and get something out of Cari, just focus on what you gotta do and bring that bitch down bro." Cooper advised me. But all I kept thinking about was Dana being alone somewhere.
"Find her Cooper." I ordered to him before hanging up. Sitting on my bed I rubbed the sides of my head, trying not to over think. Where was she?
"You look beautiful." Erin commented behind me as I looked in the full body mirror at myself, and all I wanted was a drink of something strong. We were staying at the Continental and it looked more like a townhouse in my opinion.
"Thanks." I breathed looking into her eyes, analyzing her tuxedo she wore with ease.
"Hey I was thinking, that maybe while I'm here. Maybe take some time to go see my mother." I told her and Erin's eyes lit up, "And I want you to come with me."
"Of course." She shook her head coming towards me she kissed my lips softly, placing her right hand to to the left of my waist. Breaking out of kiss she smiled, with a big grin.
"Great." I smiled at her, "Is it time to go?"
"Yes, come on babe." She replied taking my hand leading me out our hotel room. Riding in the limo briefly we made our way through the early night of New York. The sooner I had a glass in my hand, the sooner I knew I didn't have to worry about all the pain I had went through the past two months. Mingling with rich folks, that seemed like the perfect distraction right? Lights flashed left and right as I gripped Erin's hand a little tighter. This was a very huge newsworthy a consummation between four different big multimillion dollar companies, that all wanted to make more money by working together. Erin briefly told me about it on the jet, that I honestly wondered who was the mastermind behind it all. That and the fact that it was a mask convention, but that was good for me. I didn't none of there photographers taking my picture anyways. That and the fact that it might be on TV and my mom would see me. Once inside the ballroom it was elegance in every corner of the huge building. You could almost compare it to an adult cotillion. My mask made it slightly harder to breathe fully but, my surroundings seriously made me not want to take it off. There was a grand table with silver silverware probably more than expensive than this all black gucci dress that Erin had me in. Sitting down with Erin, there was a caucasian man speaking in a very nice tuxedo while people quietly mingled amongst themselves. People at the bar all in masks, it kind of freaked me out.
"Are you alright baby, want a drink?" Erin asked beside me.
"Yes, please." I spoke to her, she nodded standing up out of her seat leaving me alone at the table with people I didn't know. A few minutes passed as I just looked around and some bodies in the area just didn't look right or maybe I was tripping. Coming back with my drink Erin sat next to me and the next thing I heard was a loud boom.
"What the?-" Erin yelled before masked men grabbed her knocking her upside the head and another guy almost tried to grab me also but I ran in my heels. Everyone else in the building in a flurry back and forth, dazed by the confusion someone knocked into me, my mask falling to the floor.
Looking around through all the bodies as gunfire continued I saw only one thing that kept me still. In an all black tuxedo and a gun in his black glove covered hand a glistening bracelet on his wrist, he looked like he saw death looking at me through his matching mask.
Before I could have thought of a next move someone knocked me to the floor. Thinking I was about to die, a strong hand grabbed my left arm pulling me from the floor. I was being pulled through to a back room, and out the back of the building.
I was pushed into a car in the backseat and the car suddenly drove off. I was being kidnapped and no one would even know where I was. The only thing Cari had was that I was coming to New York to visit my mom, but that was only half truth. Was this my end? The masked guy didn't look my way, or say a single word. Scared to fight that he might shoot me, I remained silent.
We came up to a hotel building as I stayed staring down at my lap. Knowing yelling wouldn't help, I just decided to listen to anything my kidnappers said. It was like every decision I had ever made led me to this point. Why didn't I just stay in Atlanta with Cari? The masked man gripped me tight as we exited the lobby to the elevator and I felt uneasy. I didn't know if I wanted to throw up or pass out. My feet hurt now from running in my heels, to now standing for more than I intended in these shoes.
"Cooper, get Cari now and y'all get on the jet to the airstrip now." The familiar voice demanded, making me raise my head to look at the mysterious figure in front of me. Raising his hand the guy took his mask off, eyes blazing with what looked like anger. Still handsome and the look of dominance in his expression Calen stared with confusion at me.
"Dana, what the fuck are you doing here?" He yelled at me while the elevator dinged letting us know we were at the appropriate floor.
I could ask him the same thing.
Thanks For Reading!😍
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risingmoonyue · 2 years
Idea: Aloy turned into tiny baby child at memorial Grove. (Hephestus with failed zenith tech specs????? Maybe acts like a *really* long status condition????? May or may not address) She doesnt know how to call peeps so she has to stay there until someone can find one of the GAIA gang and figure out wth is going on. She only remembers up to how old she is (probs after the rock incident, maybe 13 at the very latest???? I'm thinking 10-12)
Information about this incident get locked tighter than a gene locked door and faster than an Oseram filing a complaint. They can't avoid people at the Grove knowing, but they can make people's lives Incredibly Difficult (or just plain gone) if they spill
Aloy is absolutely not happy about Rost not being there, and it took very fast talking for her to not go absolutely ballistic
Aloy is super bewildered at this weird place with these weird people in weird clothes who are not Rost or the nice boy she saved or the mean boy that threw a rock at her but are still being very nice to her and trying to talk to her and feed her and aren't afraid of the metal ruins and what is going on??????????
Calling back to one of my hcs, she doesn't talk much. Like at all. Barely ever. This gets better with people she warms up to and as she gets used to being around actual human beings that aren't Rost, but never like. Canon Aloy or with Rost levels. You can tell who her favorite people are because she will follow them around and talk to them a bit (when not surrounded by other people)
Her favorite subjects to talk about are the Old Ones, Rost, training, Rost, hunting, and Rost. Rost is probably the first word she says to anyone (to ask where he is, of course. Whether she gets that much out is debatable, but it's the thought that counts.)
Expanding on the last points, she and Rost set up a rudimentary communication system when he realized the not talking thing was going to be an extended issue (think like. Homemade sign language with a very limited vocabulary). Signs include "food", "water", "training", "tired", "hurt", "help", and "question" (which doubles as "curious"). This makes people confused for a while until someone puts two and two together and realizes she's trying to talk to them.
She freaks out going out of whatever room she's been staying in because it's so loud (the kid's been raised in a cabin in the woods with only a silent mountain of a man to talk to, cut her some slack)
Aloy didn't actually realize how hard it would be to talk to other people until she ended up in the Grove, and she has absolutely no clue what to do. It frustrates her, because she was just fine with just Rost, but add more people and it's like her mouth stops working. She gets mad about her own behavior, because she knows she can talk, she knows she can be brave and strong, but people are hard and weird and loud she has no idea how to deal with them
She gets kinda overwhelmed even with just Dekka and Hekarro talking to her, having the rest of the Grove raring to look at her and talk with her freaks her out because why are they all talking to her and why is it so loud—
Eventually she warms up to the Grove Tenakth and becomes like that feral cat you can't help but feed and try to pet despite the fact you're pretty sure it would claw your hand off at first opportunity. She has many questions for Dekka, and other people she's comfortable talking to. She bites many a people who make her annoyed. By Tenakth standards, she's probably one of the cutest children ever lol. She certainly has a never ending rotation of babysitters (of course the number of them she's actually comfortable with is not nearly as much, but semantics)
Luckily for baby Aloy and her training obsessed self, there are many a Tenakth who are great warriors who all want to gain bragging rights over being able to train the Tiny Feral Champion. This may or may not be a significant influence on the number of volunteers for babysitting.
At some point Aloy causes some heart attacks (either of shock or pride or both lmao) by scrambling up some walls that people didn't realize were climbable. Apparently adult Aloy just didn't climb them out of courtesy or out of lack of time to do so. It's very unclear when they can't ask her.
Basically I wanted someone to interact with baby Aloy and decided clearly the best choice for this was the Tenakth
Bonus snippet below I randomly wrote:
Dekka paused. "Aloy? What's wrong?" She asked, looking down at the girl. She noticed Aloy's eyes had gone wide, and her hand was trembling and white where it was grabbing her armor.
Aloy opened and closed her mouth several times, before finally choking out a frustrated whine. "Loud."
Dekka looked at Hekarro, eyebrows furrowed. He looked back, confusion subtly evident on his face as well. While it certainly wasn't quiet, it wasn't particularly loud either. One could hear the chatter and laughter of clansmen off in the market, and the distant roar of cheering from the arena, all at a distance.
A thought struck her.
"Aloy," She asked slowly, kneeling down to look at her in the eyes. Aloy didn't meet them easily, flickering up and down and side to side as she attempted to keep eye contact. "How many people do you live with?"
Aloy chewed her lip. "Rost."
"How many people do you know?"
She started fiddling with her hands, letting go of Dekka's armor to do so.
"How many people do you see every day?"
"... Rost."
"Do you live near anyone? Your tribe, outlanders, anyone else?"
Aloy muttered something, frantically rocking on her feet and chewing her lip.
"I couldn't hear you, Aloy. Could you that again?"
Aloy puffed out her cheeks, glaring off to the side of Dekka's face at her ear. "Rost."
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rinbowaman · 10 months
mtl SE7EN brothers to cry watching a sad movie???
lol omg this is going to be fun.....ummmm...so the movie.....i'm not sure, it would really depend on the movie. i wouldn't say they would cry though, the brothers...they all...i mean...htey're the princes of hell......the fact that its a movie, it doesnt help bc they all be like "its just a movie" but....lets say there is a historical retelling of something that went down, something that was tragic, i could see them...not crying (the princes never cry) but when it comes to feeling a slight bit of heartache....and again it depends. but i could foresee it going down this way.
Niki, Sunoo - they would probably be the first to be feeling some type of way bc they spend the most time going out and about and enjoying the mortal realm. With Niki's love for music and the cultural evolution of dance and music, and Sunoo's love for the culinary variety, they would be having a moment like...."Oh damn.....what?" again, no crying but just.....somewhat in a sour mood.
Jungwon - ....if it has anything to do with cats, i am like 1000000% sure the man would get so angry (like sad angry) he'd go ballistic. JW loves his cats, so he'd be deeply affected by it and would get like....just in a very sour mood. like nobody better talk to him for a whole week. I'd imagine like...if he heard about a story where a hunter killed a beautiful and magnificent lion all for the sake of having it as a trophy (to my memory...i think something like that actually happened where a dentist or a doctor went on a hunting trip and killed a village lion that was very much loved by the villagers) yoo.....JW would absolutely be enraged with heartache. He'd be sad and sitting there with his arms crossed, making it very obvious and eventually would leave the room......and news will come about days later of the dissapearance of said man who killed the village lion. that's kind of how i foresee that happening.
Jay, Sunghoon - these guys are pretty....yeah, they do go to the mortal realm but not as often as Niki and Sunoo, but they do like certain things, like Jay loves the study of flies and Sunghoon's interest in the evolution and study of people, i can foresee them getting like mad/hurt if they saw/heard of something that affected their interests.
Jake - anything to do with marine wildlife and the water, he'd be more so on the angry side. less hurt. like i wanna say niki and sunoo would be half and half (half sad and half mad) and from there the mad part just escalates and by the time you reach jake, he's going to be revengeful.
Heelel-..........heelel don't care about anything or anyone other than realena. he knows his brothers can take care of themselves, and if they ever were in trouble he'll come save them. but when it comes to the mortal realm or anything sad, or just.....anythng.....there is nothing that's going to make the man's breath hitch even the slightest....unless its his one weakness which is realena. anything that happens to you.......the slightest thing.....he wont be sad....the man just resorts to downright fury. Lets say a mosquito bites you and it hurt, the area swells up and is painfully itchy.....well....goodbye mosquitos. they all would suddenly become extinct. you watched a shark kill a swimmer and it made you upset or sad, well....say no more....goodbye sharks. lol. the man would straight up eliminate anything that makes you sad, bc a sad you is the only thing that will affect heelel, and again....he never gets sad, just mad. the only time he was hurt was when he felt betrayed by his former master.
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technically-uh · 2 years
..to one fine day.
-a BTS fanfic <3
Summary: Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok (Hobi), Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung(V) and Jungkook, former best friends, reuinte after over a decade and reignite their friendships, and rediscover what it is to be happy (and other life secrets).
Word Count: 2000 (aPPROx, i do not know the precise word count lol)
Triggers: Mentions of drinking, mild depressive thoughts.
Genre: Fluff (for now).
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So, here it goes.
I have several memories of our little reunion. All the pictures we took; some of them hanging on the wall of Jin's local favorite bar as we got drunk and killed at their karaoke. I've got videos of it stored in my phone, and in my camera. I've got polaroid shots. I've got Jimin's shoes and V's cute little cat doll he gave me as a souvenir. I've got Yoongi's wine bottle kept safely in the fridge, untouched for a long time. I have Hoseok's umbrella that I took while leaving because it was raining cats and dogs. Speaking of cats and dogs, I still have Jungkook's pink cat ears he wore when he was drunk. I have a video and all of Jungkook grinning like mad and purring softly and us going ballistic at his sheer cuteness. I have my memory of the night safely stored in a slot in my brain where it can never be erased.
But I wanted to preserve this memory somewhere special. Somewhere intimate. I wanted that day (and night) to be kept safe, untainted by anything I'm going through or will ever go through. I wanted to freeze that day and keep it that way for thousands and thousands of years. And what better way is there to do this than to write it all down in my beloved diary, which I haven't touched since I bought it?
October 24, 20xx
We all met at V's house. V and Jimin lived together. The twins always did everything together, even though they didn't always want to. Jimin apparently couldn't afford an apartment and Taehyung could afford a two storey house, so I guess it made sense.
I was the third or fourth one who arrived there. It was raining already; little showers pouring here and there. I ran to the house covering my head with my hand and didn't notice Jin when he smacked me on my back as I ran in. "Namjoon has forgotten us!" exclaimed Jin dramatically, holding his hand to his chest. "I did not expect this from you." he said, pretending to be hurt.
"Everyone forgets you," deadpanned Yoongi as he stood at the entrance, hands in his pockets. Min Yoongi was the sarcastic one. The cold one. His heart was softer than those cheesecakes he made but he pretended otherwise.
Jin rolled his eyes at Yoongi as he held my back and pulled me into a hug. He then dragged me through the entrance lobby, bright yellow with golden lights and floor covered with a deep, red rug. It also had a solitary stool with a black, old-fashioned telephone on it that Jimin couldn't have bothered to own.
I have to admit, I was nervous to go there. To meet all of them again, after all these years. We were incredibly close at one point in school, but we all were of different ages and branched off in different paths at one point. We gradually lost touch and haven't seen each other in almost ten years. I was nervous about meeting them all over again. Life when they were around was so good. So pristine. I didn't want to ruin its pure goodness, in case something went wrong.
Halfway through the lobby on the right was the living room. And my jaw dropped.
It was a large, circular room with pretty, pastel-pink wallpapers with white stripes and a high ceiling. It was as large as my apartment. The hall had a big window on the left and cupboards, bookshelves and a T.V. on the right, and little tables with flower vases and vintage cassete players on them. There were two huge grey and white couches sticking to each other and facing the opposite sides, forming a T-shape. Sprawled on one of them was Jungkook. He beamed and grinned at me as I entered. There was also a huge, wooden staircase directly opposite to me which led to the upper floor.
I have to say, when i first saw Jungkook hugging Hobi's legs, shy and fearfully looking at us for the first time, I did not expect him to become the jacked, tatted, aesthetic man with a lip ring who was sitting in front of me that day.
Yoongi sat next to him and ruffled his hair. They both were wearing the same black T-Shirt with the grey sweatpants. They'd probably co-ordinated their outfits for the day.
Down came V, running, as he looked exactly opposite to what his house looked like. He was wearing a oversized caramel hoodie with black pants. He hopped down the creaky stairs straight into my arms.
I sat next to Jungkook and grinned as I looked around the house. "Wow," I said, raising one eyebrow.
"This is literally my job," said V, flailing his arms around.
"I didn't say anything," I said, still grinning.
We were all talking and catching up, V and Jin now sitting on the floor (with a circular green rug, I have no idea how they clean all of these things) when the door bell rang. Bright, white sunlight was streaming in through the window when Jimin entered, grinning. With his rainbow-coloured hair, circular specs and tie-die shirt, Jimin looked like the antithesis of V. He had a rings on almost every finger and wore Nike Air Jordans (knock-offs). He was wearing a pair of circular white Ray-Bans, and also had a mullet and a dazzling smile as he squeezed me into a hug. "I thought unicorns didn't exist," I said, as I hugged him back. "Apparently they do," he replied, grinning and bowing down, doing a flourish with his hands.
"Nah, you're not a unicorn," I replied. "Unicorns are definitely taller."
He widened his eyes in surprise but quickly recovered and smacked me as he said, "Not everyone can grow as tall as the Namsan towers like you." Then he elegantly flew in the air and ruffled Jungkook's hair, patted Yoongi's head ("Atleast you're still shorter than me," said Jimin) and started smacking Jin. Jimin was still a kid. He was somehow definitely the most grown-up yet the most childish person in our group. Maturity was completely out of the question.
Then came the second unicorn of our group. He didn't have to look like a unicorn to be one. Smiling and hopping, Hobi waltzed into the hall, screaming, as he attacked his nearest target (Yoongi) with a hug and moved on to everyone else. He was almost in tears when he said, "It's so good to meet you guys. It's been so long!"
We all practically shoved Yoongi, the Michelin-star chef, andJin into the kitchen. Jungkook went along with them because he was 'interested in cooking'. Jungkook was multi-talented; he basically aced everything he did. We were all very proud of him. V would show them around the kitchen and stand guard incase me, Jimin and/or Hobi decided to enter (he didn't want his kitchen on fire.)
Jimin, Hobi and I stayed outside. Hobi had just come from a major shooting and wanted to rest for awhile. He's a celebrity choreographer who works in.. any form of media that involves dancing. He is a big shot in the K-pop and K-drama industries, and is frequently called by Hollywood to do dance sequences. You get it, he is terribly famous. Everyone may not know him, but they know his name. And what he does.
He'd always been busy, and had to travel across the city to meet us, so lunch was a bit late; approximately by.. 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We'd all arrived at 11, and Hobi had arrived at 11. 30. Jungkook's stomach then growled, and we all remembered the existence of something called lunch. The four of them set off to making it straight away.
Jimin smiled at me as he led us away from the kitchen. He'd taken off his glasses, and without them he looked.. soft. Familiar. His eyes were dreamy and bright. Calm. J-Hope walked behind us as we approached the living room when Jimin stopped. "Wait, did Taehyung show you guys around the house?" he asked. "Come on then!" he chittered to our response. He led us further down the entrance lobby, away from the kitchen, to two rooms: one an office room ("We don't even work at home") and one full of artworks made by V. It contained stuff from the little doodles he made to the intricate paintings and wood carvings. From the clay worms to the deeply contemplative statues of his. It was his work alone.
He then took us to the upper levels with more rooms. One of them was a mini library, a big circular room with shelves of books on the walls and long reading tables. A low, handless couch dominated the centre of the room. There were big floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides of the wall, letting in bright light. There was also a play station, because of course there was.
Jimin then took us to the other rooms. They were all very large. V's room was very modern and elegant with a giant, white bed and a huge closet that looked like it was from a 1950's movie with nothing but black and white outfits, with the occasional color thrown in. The bathroom itself was almost as large as my master bedroom.
Me and Hobi jumped on the white, king-sized bed (in our socks) after Jimin regretfully declined to join us because "Taehyung will kill me." We all then flopped onto the bed for a while and engaged in some pillow-fighting. Jimin, the martial artist and law enforcer won in every single fight.
Jimin then showed us around his room. It had a cupboard, a water bed, a bean bag and a nightstand beside the bed. It was as large as V's closet. We again flopped on the water bed and rolled around, pushing each other off the bed and messing around with Jimin's voice assistant devices.
Overall, we were having a pretty good time when they called us for lunch.
part 1/?
~Written as Namjoon.
Thank you for reading this! Hope you liked it :D
[and this is definitely NOT my attempt to wiggle out of actually studying for my math exam TOMORROW lol]
please give credits if you'd like to use/ reblog/repost both the fic and the pic! [aah i can't believe i made the edit asjkdksfkj it looks so aesthetic!!]
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strykingshot · 2 months
Just another day at the office
“Kat, you have a department meeting today.”
“Damn it Jenkins, there went my excuse of plausible deniability for skipping,” Kat grumbled as she pushed herself away from the blueprint she was going over to head over to the locker room to change out of her usual work overalls and into a clean pressed dress shirt and slacks. As she attempted to brush away the knots in her ponytail she mentally prepared herself for the next hour and a half of nothing but sitting and listening to the other department’s pitches on new tech or automation that'll fall to her to assist in developing. The only one she really paid attention to was Reeve since he was the only one who seemed to appreciate the work the teams she would assign to him did.
By the time she stepped into the meeting room she was the last to arrive with only 3 minutes before the meeting started. She ignored the judging stare of the president as she gave a polite nod to Reeve as she took her usual seat between him and Hojo. As soon as the meeting began Kat took out her pocket notebook and began writing any ideas or prototypes the other departments were working on and was already planning ahead for when the requests for assistance came in.
Heidegger implementing new face tracking cameras through the building? She'll assign Jeralt and his team to assist in installation and program upgrades. Hojo is beginning a project that requires vehicles to transport animal subjects? Cortez and his team specialize in metalwork and could easily make cages strong enough to keep in whatever Hojo is bringing in.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the grating sound of manicured nails tapping on the polished wood table. Kat looked up to see Scarlet smirking at her like a cat that got the cream. Knowing her, she probably asked Kat a question knowing she tuned out everyone in these meetings unless the president says her name.
“I'm sorry, could you repeat that?” She asked, holding back from rolling her eyes when Scarlet’s smirk just widened.
“I said I was just approved to begin testing a new weapon modification for our troops. I'm requesting you personally oversee the development of training bots that'll withstand the damage of my prototypes.”
Of course she would request her personally, she'd take any chance to remind her that while she was officially a department head, she wasn't a director like the others and was basically their personal errand girl.
“Unfortunately Scarlet, I am already in the middle of working with Reeve on his restoration project. I can assign a team that specializes in ballistics to work on the development of your request until I am finished.”
“Oh please,” Scarlet said, physically waving away Kat’s statement with a wave of her hand. “A few rickety buildings can wait a few months to be taken care of. We have more important matters to attend to.”
Kat couldn't keep the glare she shot Scarlet hidden as she was ready to stand up and tell Scarlet where she could stick her weapon prototype but was stopped by Reeve placing a hand on her shoulder. She could see in his eyes that while he wanted to protest Scarlet as well, he knew both of them would be outvoted when the President gave his approval of Scarlet's request for Kat's aid. As the meeting came to a close, Kat quickly put away her notebook and made her way to the elevator to return to her department. Unfortunately it seemed fate wanted to twist the knife as Scarlet joined her in the elevator.
“That was a cute attempt to bite the hand that feeds, little puppy. Unfortunately, you seem to forget little puppies don't get more than the table scraps.” She smirked, waiting for Kat to take her bait. Unfortunately Kat was silent through the whole trip until the elevator reached Scarlet’s floor. Before the door could open, Kat reached out and held down the button to keep the doors closed.
“It's cute that you think I'm one of your flunkies that'll crumple with just a few insults. It really shows you've never tried this with someone from the slums.” Scarlet raised an eyebrow as Kat smirked, leaning against the elevator wall and tapping her blunted and dirt encrusted fingernails against the metal wall in a parody of her tapping earlier.
“And that's another thing. You see, I worked hard to get where I am now. I may not be a director like you but I sure had hell have more influence than you with the staff around here. Which is why I know you can't do shit when I tell you that the difference between you and me is while I'm on my knees fixing the shit everyone in this company likes to break, you're on your knees making sure you keep your position in this company.”
Kat grinned as she watched Scarlet’s face turn as red as her name as she let the doors open and watched the furious woman storm out of the elevator.
“Mark my words Stryker, I’ll have your job for this insolence.” Scarlet growled as the elevator doors closed, leaving the last image she saw of Kat was her flipping the woman off. As the elevator continued its descent to her floor she took out her phone and made a call.
“Hey Terry, how's watching everyone like a creep?” She teasingly joked with the security guard that was working in the security office today. “Listen, Scarlet had a dress malfunction in executive elevator car C and I'd hate for the video to be leaked online. Can you do me a favor and clear the tape of the last five minutes?”
She smirked when she heard the sound of a keyboard typing and a confirmation from Terry the footage had been cleared. “You're the best, I'll be sure to stop by later with lunch for you guys, just message me what you guys want and I'll get it.”
Kat chuckled to herself as she stepped out of the elevator and headed to the locker room to change. Of course Scarlet would bring up what she said to the president and he would investigate her claim but without evidence all they would see is Kat making a call to keep the decency of a fellow coworker. With how much her department had improved under her supervision, the president would see the cost of replacing her not worth the effort and dismiss the claim. When Jenkins saw Kat grinning after coming back from a department meeting he let out a sigh, mentally preparing for another visit from internal affairs about another false claim of insubordination.
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elkenbulwark · 7 months
❝i understand when i’m being condescended to! even when i’m drunk!❞
Maybe he wasn't as far along into a tank as Az was, but that didn't stop him from actually stampeding into and knocking down the door to the room he'd attempted to leave the other in for the rest of the night once the warlock had gotten a smidge too rowdy in the tavern for their own good. In fact, if it wasn't for the swash of blood still on the floor from said rowdy moment, Birvor would have likely just shoved the door open rather than break it down, but his heel caught on the edge of the crimson puddle and he'd slid a bit too hard for the door's liking for it to stay on its hinges.
Standing in the frame, his shoulders heaving in preparation to go ballistic on whatever was causing the tiefling in time out his furious and slurring distress, Birvor made a quick scan of the dark room as he stepped through the threshold, the light from the hall guiding his way and highlighting the bloody bootprints' he brought in with him.
Pausing once he caught sight of Az, he squinted after a moment's assessment and then pinched the bridge of his nose when he noticed just what the other had started up an argument with.
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"What's all this then? Thassa cat." And indeed, a hairless cat in the window was regarding Az with the most condescending expression known to a feline. Still, Birvor didn't have the most scrunch-free face either and he wasn't always pissed off on account of it. Moving in, he clapped a hand on Az's shoulder and leaned down to get a better look at the beast that seemed much more intent on giving him a hiss than it was the tiefling. "You even got a spell up to hear what he 'as to say? Hold up. I'll shake'im down and prove you're just off the wagon 'bout all this. Amicas animales-" He grumbled before addressing the cat. "Hey, what'd you say to get this one twisted up?"
The hairless cat merely squinted at the half-orc briefly before drawing a paw in to give it a proper lick and then a rub behind the ears. [Nothing but my best wishes he may soon recover from whatever hit him in the face for it to be shaped so unevenly. Though I suppose standing next to you helps him a vast degree ~ ]
It was always the fucking animals what wanted a go at him, wasn't it? With an irate snort, he glanced at Az and gestured to the cat like 'see'? "He said 'meow', ok? Now how'sabout we skedaddle?" Back to some tents preferably so he wouldn't have to meet the tavern owner and get roped into reattaching the door.
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aviviri · 2 years
ive literally had the most stressful/anxiety ridden week of like the year. my roommate went absolutely ballistic when i was moving out, even though I paid rent for July and was simply vacating the room early because she was completely fucking unbearable. she claimed i was trans misogynistic because i called her out for punching a mirror and bleeding on the floor, saying i was calling her "violent". i had planned on an organized and graceful move out, and of course planned to leave the room clean for the next person, all while my roommate threatened to take me to court for money she wasn't legally owed at all. this bitch slashed big Xs into my coffee table and dining room table and slashed my bag of cat litter (making a huge mess which of course i left?). i literally had to pull a "Jew running away from their home moment" and had to throw the last of my things haphazardly and my cat into my friends minivan and leave. i am incredibly lucky to have friends who supported me greatly and am currently staying at a friend's apt with a vacant room. i talked to my other former roommate bc i forgot something i actually cared about and he said that she has been drunk the entire time since we left. Baruch Hashem it's finally over and it's shabbos and i can finally relax and take a break from moving out while some cunt stands in the way and talks on the phone to literally nobody about how she's going to ruin our lives.
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sweeterthansammy · 3 years
If you need help knowing why you should write for billy this is why (if you mean stranger things) Y/n and max can be besties (ofc💅) He is hot (sorry not sorry) IT WILL BE A GOOD RELATION SHIP The smut would be Chefs kiss if (you did smut) And yes that’s all bestie 👄
A/N: AH FUCK OKAY I screamed when I saw this
For the sake of the scenario, I’m gonna age up Max and the reader so that they’re near the same age group; Billy’s a high school graduate - 18 going on 19 - and the reader has already turned 18. It's also on the lengthy side. It's a bit fluffy. Billy and the reader have somewhat of a FWB relationship but it doesn't go into much depth. There's no smut, sorry to disappoint 😔 not BETA'd so all mistakes are mine!
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"Max, Lucas has been going ballistic. I hang out with the guys every day and he doesn't shut up about you! Would you just date him already!?"
"No, it's unfair! Besides, Billy would kill me if he knew that I was dating Lucas."
"Damn right I would," Billy chimed in, popping a cigarette into his mouth. "Nice panties, Y/L/N."
Y/N shot him a sly wink, slumping both legs over the edge of Max's bed as she attempted to pull her restricting skirt further down her thighs. The deep rumble of a chuckle from Billy's chest filled her ears, creating that familiar stammer in her chest.
"Get out of my room, Billy," Max huffed, soon copying Y/N's actions before getting up to force her stepbrother out of the room.
"Actually, it's near curfew. I should take her home now."
It seemed as if he were challenging Maxine, hands tucked into his fitted jeans as he blew the smoke from his cigarette off to the side.
"It's 8-" Max looked over at the little clock on her nightstand, eyebrows furrowing as she whined aloud. "...45. Shit!"
Max looked over at Billy, a knowing smile on her face.
"C'mon, I'll...do your chores for a week. Anything. Whatever you want."
"It's a school night, you know she can't stay over."
"Max, I have to."
He'd finally removed his cigarette from in between his lips, his eyes leaving Max's momentarily as Y/N slung her bookbag over her shoulder. There was an undeniable spark between the pair the night Max had first introduced them to one another. They were still new to the town and Max was dying to introduce Billy to her newly found friend.
It was the summer of '84, teens flooded every crevice of Hawkins' community pool.
"Billy, I've been meaning to introduce y-"
"Max, I thought I told you that you can't be here."
"I'm here with my friend, relax," she sassed, stepping aside.
And that's when he saw her right behind Max. She was seventeen at the time and Billy was ready to pounce on her then.
"This is Y/N. Y/N, that's Billy."
Billy felt as if his eyes were bulging out of their sockets, however, only his eyebrow shot up, his whistle hardly tucked between his lips.
Holy shit. That's Y/N?
"Hi," she spoke up, eyes narrowing to block out the sunlight as she looked up at Billy.
He simply nodded his head, his infamous smirk tweaking at the corners of his mouth. Though she was able to mask the fact that she wasn't like every other girl in Hawkins that just fell at his feet, she could slowly feel herself melting inside.
Oh god...what the hell did I just get myself into?
And after that, it was a long, long period of torturing for the pair until they were caught alone at a New Year's party. Y/N didn't want to be that friend that ended up with her best friend's brother, but things were set up that way after they both gave in to their urges. He was just a year older than them but she fought every tempting urge to kiss the Apollo-like man in front of Maxine.
She had grown a particular hatred for spending summers with Max, though it had only been two summers so far. It wasn't that she disliked the company, she just hated the fact that she had to be around her best friend's shirtless stepbrother almost every day. She wanted to scream into a pillow especially when they went to the pool and he sat above everyone, sweat-slicked chest glowing, little red bottoms that seemed way too little to suppress his bulge.
His flirtatious persona died down a bit. The older girls grew jealous at how much attention Billy paid to Y/N at the pool when she came around. They'd tried their best to outdo one another, putting their hair up so it wouldn't get wet, legs gleaming under loads of sunblock, and a bathing suit too expensive to swim in, but none could beat Y/N.
She was surprised that no one caught onto the fact that they were sneaking around. She made up any excuse to leave Max for just fifteen, saying that she left something at the pool or she just remembered she had to pick up something from the store for her mom.
"Bye, Mrs. Hargrove," Y/N spoke quickly, hugging Max's mom.
"Oh, you're leaving so-"
"It's a school night, Susan. Max wanted her to stay the night but I didn't want to frighten her mother with how long she'd been gone for."
The sudden preppiness in his tone made Y/N looked back, eyebrows scrunched as she took in his posture - shoulders squared with a polite smile and his hands clasped behind his back.
"Wow, that's very sweet of you, Billy. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
Even Max's mother couldn't process the random posh outburst.
She followed Billy out to his Camaro, Susan watching from the doorway as they disappeared in the distance.
Wait, it's only 7:30...
She looked up from her watch, Billy gently bopping his head to the music on the radio.
"Billy, it's 7:30. I don't have to be home for another half an hour."
She could feel a sudden barrage of panic rising within her.
"Heard you the first time, sweetheart."
There it was. That way he nonchalantly gave her a fucking nickname. He knew damn well what it did to her and he did it audaciously.
"Where are we going?" she asked, watching as his foot pressed down onto the gas pedal even more as they drove past her home street.
"I'm taking you on a date," he said casually, shrugging his shoulders.
She scoffed as if it were no big deal.
"You're fucking with me, right?"
"I've done that plenty of times, and I'd love to fuck you after, but I'm pretty sure you'll miss curfew so unfortunately, we'll have to save that for next time."
Next time!?
He chuckled at the way her eyes widened, her teeth nipping at her bottom lip.
"Yes, next time, Y/N."
She suddenly felt bold, invisible strings tugging at the corners of her lips.
"What makes you so sure that there'll be a second time?"
He chuckled again, sounding more like a groan. God that sound was music to her ears.
"I'm tired of playing this cat and mouse game. I know you want me as much as I want you so cut the crap and just confirm that you want to be my girlfriend."
She shook her head, not being able to resist the toothy smile that broke onto her face.
"But Max-"
"I don't care. I'm giving her a chance to call you her sister-in-law."
She was going crazy inside, her stomach doing summersaults as she looked at him.
"I thought you don't chase women, Hargrove."
"Doesn't count. The cat and the mouse are making an alliance right now."
She giggled, allowing her head to fall back onto the headrest.
"'Fine' what?"
"I'll be your girlfriend, Billy."
He'd been dying to hear those words fall from her lips and finally, finally, it was happening.
Taglist: @ronbrokemyheart @quxxnxfhxll @eunoia-kth @siriuslyslyslytherin @dracomalfoys-wh0re @rudypankowisdaddy @tenaciousperfectionunknown @i-love-scott-mccall // let me know if you'd like to be removed - join here!
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austarus · 3 years
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) x Reader Ballistic Confrontations (2/3)
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to its rightful owner.
Word Count: 4578
Part 1   Part 3
Oliver’s eyes narrowed at the doppelganger he had struck down. What a fool. Oliver-X nudged the body with his foot before giving the unconscious Thawne doppelganger a rough kick to the chest. The impact of the sound was drowned out by the alarm. The body had lurched to the side and the man’s glasses flew off his face, yet still no response. A cruel smirk crossed the Dark Arrow’s features, secretly feeling satisfied on taking out his pent-up rage towards Thawne against a weak mirror image. A damned fool to not be prepared for a secondary attack. He should have known better. Oliver hummed to his thoughts, his eyes showing nothing but utter coldness. Ruthlessness. This was his path after all. Weak, just like the rest of this world. It’s so-called ‘heroes’. Pathetic. Oliver looked on with no remorse as he walked through the halls, boots.
“Such a shame.”
This is what needs to be done. An image of his Kara drifted to his mind, the way her body convulsed. The blood that lingered. Her smile fading. But Oliver-X shook it away. She would be fine with their forces at the warehouse, there was enough action going on in order to legitimize the scope of their distraction while he infiltrated his doppelgangers base of operation. Thawne’s labs- or as Oliver thought of it, Thawne’s Castle of Cards. He is the only one among them that knows it tech and secrets inside-out. The Queen doppelganger cracked his neck, readjusting the bow in his hand as he braced himself to face-off with the lackeys that were left over in this forsaken excuse for a laboratory. Everything is going according to plan.
Mick and Frost had already left, planning to intercept the Earth-Xers in the Speed Lab. Meanwhile you were to stay with the ladies as backup. Electricity hummed through your veins as adrenaline pumped. Multiple camera feeds showed your friends either fighting or getting dragged to the Pipeline. Still radio silence from the others. You gritted your teeth as your eyes focused on the screen where the fiends threw Harry into a cell like ragdoll. Their first victim. One thing was for sure, Oliver-X was here directing the grunts while his cohorts were distracting the dispatched heroes. Felicity had her tablet handy in case she needed to work her tech magic, shutting down the Cortex mainframe from being accessed by Oliver-X and his cronies. Iris had quickly suggested the vents were the best place to hide until they can determine what necessary steps you three would need to take to get to the others. The three of you would not succumb to the position of sitting ducks. Unfortunately, Iris didn’t have enough time to grab a laser rifle from the closet.
You climbed into the vents first with quiet movements, Felicity following and Iris behind her to seal the vent. Closing your eyes for a moment, you focused- tuning out Iris and Felicity’s hushed words of worry for their men and your friends. You tuned out the dull thrum of electricity that emitted from the labs’ computer system, focusing on one type. Cellular electricity. Human generated electricity. Snapping your eyes open, you lead them down a few routes. The two women chalked it up to your knowledge of the ventilation system as you’d hid here multiple times to escape the tension in the Cortex, but really it had been the intensity of electricity that steered you. The multiple electrical signals that spiked made you keen on navigating away from those corridors and rooms. More Nazi’s would be on guard there. One little scuffle with the wrong group could alert Oliver-X. You breathed a sigh of relief as the neural electricity passed by, unaware of what lies just above.
Iris didn’t know, neither did Felicity. No, they would never know. No one would. No one would ever know that you could shatter a person’s nervous system with a flick of the wrist. Never know that you can put the one of the most vital organs into cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest usually resulted from an electrical disturbance in the heart. It's not the same as a heart attack. Shutting down cells, yet overstimulating neurons. How would the human body fare? They were… morbid curiosities that haunted you. But rather giving into those conjectures you settled for a milder solution, immersing yourself into the field of electrical neurophysiology rather than contemplating how a person can expire by your will. Eobard had been intrigued with your desire to understand the physiological field that your powers can be derived from. He helped you, of course, entertaining the electricity that sparked in your eyes with understanding. You breezed through medical articles and journals, understanding the neural circuitry and it’s outlets. Yet, your intent wasn’t to kill (not to his surprise), just to render an adversary unconscious for a period of time. Or in a speedster’s case, the ability to jumpstart their heart and motor functions. Stimulating a failing organ, should the situation arise. Even in a way to hypothetically understand how a speedster’s body can siphon off your generated electricity without harming their natural laws of the Speedforce.
But like any meta, there were hypothetical limits and lines drawn, even to a possible conclusion of short-circuiting your own body without careful proctoring. You’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t wanted to push your abilities further than that, but you hesitated. The desire was strong, but the darkness was too powerful. Could you afford the hypothetical blood on your hands? Would you be able to sleep at night, knowing that you’d be just another monster? Questions like that swirled in your head, but it’s the remembrance of your friends that you didn’t give into that… dark instinct.
You’d done it before. Once. On accident of course, but you were overwhelmed with anger and terror and fear that night. Trudging on, that moment resurfaced to the front of your mind. Your skin prickled as you remembered the sensation. Feeling the meta’s heart stop and mind short-circuit with neural electricity. The body shut down. The electricity out as if you’d turn off the lights inside the intruder’s body. You didn’t mean to. You were just scared. There was just… so much blood. Blood on the ground. Blood on Harry. Harry’s blood. Your breath hitched for a moment, but the two ladies behind you were none-the-wiser. Swallowing harshly, you pushed the image of the dead meta and Harry’s half-terrified/half-surprised face. You both never talked about that incident, nor did he ever bring it up to the others. It wasn’t his right to, after all. Two years had past, but that incident remained with you. You’d sworn that a moment like that wouldn’t occur. The guilt was too great on your conscious even if it was for self-defense. But…
Looking down from the vent opening, you realized your electrical instincts had brought you close to the entrance of the Time Vault. It was the one place Felicity and Iris can at least hold off in. You just needed to buy them some time. Felicity is more than capable of utilizing Gideon into locking the Time Vault, especially without Eobard around. After a few minutes had passed, you deemed that it was safe enough to drop down. You found the panel entrance, unlocking the pebbled room with your handprint to the side of the panel. Felicity and Iris jumped down, your plan dawning on them. You eased them in with a push. The fake panel wall reintegrated shut. You didn’t have much time.
“Find a way to get in contact with the Legends,” You spoke as the door had shut. “Smalls and Tinman should be aboard with Amaya.”
“What are you going to do?” Iris frowned as Felicity got to work.
“Buy you some time,” you breathed, pulling out your gloves. “It’s all that we can work with at the moment before the Dark Archer decides to play Cat and Mouse with us. If anything goes south, don’t look for me.” You needed to make sure.
“Iris, please.” Your eyes trained on her, reluctance present in her demeanor. “Trust me.” She nodded. You left.
Now, who would be the cat and who would be the mouse, I wonder? You mused, climbing into the nearest low vent.
“Excellent, I will rendezvous at the warehouse,” Oliver-X nodded, his hand on his comm system. The heroes have been detained, her doppelganger seized. His own doppelganger caught. No more tricks. The labs were secure, remnants of the Earth-1 fighters detained. All is going according to plan. His lips twitched up.
“Did you know that the human body can only generate between 10 and 100 millivolts?”
You jumped down from the vent, landing perfectly on stable footing. The Dark Archer had his arrow and bow drawn in an instant, readily aimed at you. He watched you with careful, stormy eyes. You both stood in silence. One move and he could off me, but so could I. Your gloved fingers fidgeted; a subtle flicker of electricity honed there. “Such a fickle thing, really, when there’s an electrical imbalance within the body. Various things can go wrong.”
The Dark Archer’s eyes narrowed, noting the underlying threat in your words. “You’d be smarter to run. Wouldn’t want to end up like the others.”
“I don’t run from danger.” You smiled wickedly.
“Such naïve words from a hero.”
The dead meta flashed through you mind again. The blood on your hands. Would you do it again? For your friends? Your family? “I’m no hero.” Yes.
You two had circled each other in the dimly light room, tension thick in the air. Dust collected here and there, white sheets covered table and monitors. Oliver-X was amused, to say the least, his eyes locked on you with every intent to-
“-To my knowledge you have a speedster in your arsenal.”
He didn’t blink. “What of it?”
You rolled your eyes. Really, such a man with little words. “Take me to him.” Your hand balled into a fist The bulb behind Oliver-X shattered instantly, yet he did not flinch or look back.
As fun as this could be, I’m not here to play games.
“You are in no place to make such demands.”
Neither is he.
“It’s not a demand, just an innocent request. Indulge me, breacher.” You held your head higher, “You’re not the only one with a love.” You sensed his hesitation as he understood. So, you pushed. “The radiation is killing her, isn’t it? Flew too close to the sun, like poor Icarus.” You couldn’t help but taunt him. Oh, it felt good. Felicity had given you the run down, reiterating Alex’s hypothesis in regarding what she found in Kara-X’s blood cells. It didn’t take a genius to understand why they came here. Why they’d come now. With Eobard in tow. “Too much is too much, in the end. But… that’s why you’re here, right? To fix your love before- well, before the radiation eats at her.” You huffed a laugh and paused. Another lightbulb burst. Each out releasing electrical energy. “Right?”
An arrow whizzed past your head, hitting the wall behind you. The Dark Archer’s patience was running thin. You swallowed thickly but didn’t cower. Fear tickled the back of your mind, but you pushed it away. You needed emotions to overwhelm him into slipping. It clouded rational thinking in even the most skilled assailants. Eobard had drilled that into you.
Breep, breep, breep.
The SS alarm rang against his person. You tilted your head at him, curiously watching what he’d do next. If he chose to fight, then so would you with every ounce of energy in your system and that surrounding you. That comm, you could use that. That’s assuming it didn’t self-destruct when out of his reach.
Oliver-X grunted. His time was running, he needed to get to the rendezvous point. “Fortunately for you, I’m in a good mood. However, one foot out of line and you’ll be joining your friends on this earth’s makeshift cells.” He grabbed you by the upper arm and dragged you to walk with him. “That or an arrow to the heart.” Blunt just like Ollie. Well, this is better than being dead. Yay for progress.
Yawning, you shifted a bit in your seat. Your hands were bound behind you and there were two Nazi soldier guards to each side. In a sense, you were absolutely bored. Neither soldier paid you any mind and your hands were getting kind of numb from how long it’s been held back there. Basically Oliver-X dumped you onto them and gave them permission to kill should you escape your babysitters. Great. How long has it been? An hour? Two hours? Where were the others?
“So,” You broke the set silence. “Does this job give you guys any benefits, or do you guys have to like… find your own medical insurer? Does your Earth even do that?”
“Silence, we do not acknowledge such petty talk from someone of your caliber.” Soldier 1 had his finger on the trigger as he turned to you.
Someone’s crabby today. “Well, that was rude. I was just asking a question. Are you guys always this ill-mannered?”
“No, Ian just didn’t have his coffee today and he’s pulling some overtime.” Soldier 2 spoke up from polishing his weapon. Interesting, meaning that it’d be easier to take him out since he’s running on lack of sleep and is exhausted. This guy, though, seems more alert so I’ll maybe have to take his buddy hostage before whacking him.
“Devon! You’re not supposed to be fraternizing with the enemy?”
“How is it fraternizing if it has nothing to do with the General’s heart?”
I think he’s talking about Kara-X. “Devon does have a point,” you piped up. “Honestly, just-”
You blinked and Eobard had sped into the room, wind blowing as he had entered. Negative electricity deliciously licked in the air. Your heart skipped a bit as his red eyes met yours, but your mind anchored you. “Get out,” his distorted voice had hissed at the guards, both who had which shuffled out like ants. You weren’t going to miss them, though their bickering did entertain you. In an instant you were free from the power dampening cuffs and Eobard had drawn his cowl down from over his head along with his techy face shield-mask thing. Just seemed excessive. He took a step towards you with a hand outstretched, but you leaped from your chair and stepped back with a hardened look.
“Don’t touch me.”
A flicker of pain resonated in his eyes, something hollow hit your own heart, but this needed to be done. You needed answers from him, so you kept your distance. “This… isn’t the welcome back reunion I was expecting.”
“Screw whatever it was you were expecting,” You spat, eyeing the SS on his chest in lightning bolt form with disgust. It replaced his Reverse Flash insignia. “Nazi’s, Eobard? Really? What the hell are you doing?”
“You’re angry. Understandable.”
“Of course, I’m angry! You were gone. All of a sudden, three years ago. Erased from existence. And now you’re just… here. With Nazi’s no less. You hate them!”
He licked his lips, frustration present in his tone. He did hate them, every last one of them. “I was just trying to survive.”
“Really? Really? Like this?”
“I had no choice. I just needed some time. Time that-”
You shook your head at him, anger sparking within you. “-No, do not give me the whole ‘time’ bullshit. You can save that for Barry. You owe me an explanation before I decide to over-write every one of your friends’ brains here.”
“They are not my friends,” Eobard retaliated fiercely, he took a breath to calm down. “Did Barry not tell you?”
“Tell me what?” You questioned through gritted teeth.
“You want an explanation,” Eobard had spoken before he whisked you away to the top of one of the Central City towers. The air was crisp, drizzle cascading onto the city. You regained your footing; Eobard gripped your upper arms to steady you before letting go. Message received that you didn’t want him to touch you. “Fine, I’ll give you an explanation. When Barry saved his mother and changed the timeline, he had pulled me from that night and caged me. Like an animal. But,” The yellow speedster started chuckling to himself, doing the little pace he did when he did his monologues. Yes, he does it frequently. “He needed me. He needed me to fix his mistakes. He was losing his speed, his memories of the previous life he had. And oh, did I relish in making him say what he needed me to do the most.” You just rolled your eyes, arms crossing.
“Get to the point, Thawne.”
“One thing led to another and certain… things happened with the Legends and I ended up in the Speedforce after the Black Flash got me, after being erased again. Or so I thought. I… The Speedforce works in mysterious ways, you see. It punished me in for my deeds by sending me to the most miserable place in the multiverse.”
“Precisely. You’ve seen just how ruthless they are, anyone with powers that had opposed them were decimated. I couldn’t die. Not again. I wouldn’t allow it to happen again. Not like that and certainly not at their hands.”
“But others can?”
That stung him. Eobard paused for a moment before his eyes reconnected with yours. “No matter what I could do, they would have found me out. To the expense of those lives, they were already targeted for death regardless of how they can plea or be helped. There’s a resistance group, it’s only a gamble of fate if they’re snuffed out or snuff out the Reich. I was confined to their labs because of my intellect and speed. My task was simple. Find a solution to Overgirl. Fast.”
“And that was to come here. To cut open Kara for her.”
“Here’s the tricky part that they don’t know,” Eobard grinned wickedly, giving you that little look that says he’s got a wildcard up his sleeve, “a heart that they’re so desperately chasing after won’t save Kara-X.”
Enlightenment flared up in your mind. Eobard took a step towards you, this time you didn’t back away. He recognized that look. “A heart won’t stop the cells in her body from replicating and contaminating the heart cells once more. You threw them a bone to get here.”
Eobard nodded, “I studied her anatomy, I’ve made the calculations. Even with a new heart she’d just revert back to her previous radioactive state. The heart would be a temporary fix, but her internal organs are all infected. Festering.” The man in the yellow suit rubbed his lips with two fingers, a move he does when his nerves were getting out of his control. When things were going south, and he needed to recalculate and try a different approach. “I manipulated the calculations in order to seem like the heart would be a reasonable solution along with pumping Kara-X with new blood. Didn’t take long, of course. But I made sure I was the only scientist working on this project. I couldn’t have a liability if others were involved, else they would have made sure I would never run again.” The speedster had marked those words grimly.
Your throat went dry. Death had been haunting Eobard since he had gotten stuck in your time, it even followed him to Earth-X, the place of his punishment. You could have lost him without knowing. You did. Back when he get involved with the Legends, apparently. The speedster stepped closer, the back of his gloved hand brushing against your cheek. You flinched back to reality at the situation, back to the reality of him. Eobard’s heart tugged at the idea that you were seeing him as the rest of those monsters. While he was one, he wasn’t like the ones from Earth-X.
“And Oliver-X is too blinded by his love for her that he’d go to any extent to get her back to 100%.” You summed up. Like how Eobard had done anything to come back here. You gingerly took his hand. What a mess.
“There wasn’t a moment when I hadn’t thought of you while there. But I needed a way back, I needed to get back here. Back to you. I wanted to come back, needed to or else I was going to go insane without you. I was going to lose my sanity and myself there. But the thought of you kept me together. And I would do anything. Even if it did mean ‘allying’ myself with them,” he had done air quotes around that word, “in order to get back here. To my Earth. To you.”
His words echoed in your mind. Anything could be anything. “That won’t excuse what you’ve done. What… what you’d been doing.” I can’t fathom the thought of him… carrying out those heinous crimes and missions. Yes, Eobard is no stranger to committing a felony or five. But to the degree of these Earth-Xers?
“No, it doesn’t.” He wanted to ask. Eobard so desperately wanted to ask for forgiveness, but he stopped himself. “But I hadn’t participated in anything regarding their goals. Just the Overgirl project. Oliver-X wouldn’t have allowed me to anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
“You already understand the type of radioactive issue Kara-X is experiencing, provided by Oliver’s Kryptonite arrow.”
“Yeah, Felicity gave me the run down. Her cells have too much solar radiation. Cells subjected to such energy can be fatal to her system. The cells are essentially overwhelmed and overworked that they’re misfunctioning. There’s no regulation in her system or that regulation is waning.”
“The project was the cause… of her imminent downfall. She wanted to be stronger, fly higher, hit harder, so she ordered I subject her to solar rays.”
“Eo, did you-”
“Yes, I did.” He had said it without hesitation. The most logical thing he could have done. Oliver-X, he could handle in a fight. Only a bow and arrow with some fists being thrown, no problem. But Overgirl… “Solar radiation exposure in concentrated time increments were implicated to avoid suspicion on my part. And like I had predicted she demanded a higher dosage when given smaller amounts. Kara-X isn’t a patient person, when she demanded results, she demanded them now. I delivered. She is her own double-edged sword.”
“She was your death sentence,” You deadpanned, you squeezed his hand and he winced. She had broken his wrist earlier when he and Oliver-X were at it. She was not pleased with her threat. “Should you have slipped up.”
“When things don’t go her way she’d take it out on me,” Eobard mused, pulling his hand back to take off his gloves. Recovering bruises and dark spots were on his wrist. Your heart sunk further. “Blamed me for her sickness when even Queen understands it was her lust for power that drove her to this extent.” The genius saw hate flash in your eyes as he felt the electricity spark in the air. “It was either I take her out or the Flash and his friends given her remaining time.”
“Either one would have driven her to her death.”
“Quite frankly, it’d be better for the latter, but since Barry and his entourage were sent away.”
“What do you mean they were sent away?”
“I think it’s best if I don’t tell you, or else they’ll think something’s up if your reaction isn’t sincere.”
You pursed your lips and deeply frowned. You had gotten your answers, more than that, but then that led to ‘Where the hell did they get taken to?’ And then it hit you like how Weather Wizard hit Barry with an ice ball. Eobard raised an eyebrow at you, knowing you’d figure it out on your own.
“I’m afraid so, t-” Breep, breep, breep. Eobard cursed, shutting off the alarm on his person. “We need to go back. Now.” Eobard swooped you up, your arms interlocked around his neck before he sped you back to the labs. Chit-chat over. Back to facing the real problem. Overgirl.
What awaited you was a scene you were not prepared for. Kara strapped down to a gurney under red light, one you can assume is dampening her Kryptonian strength to a mere human. She squirmed and grunted, but to no avail. She could not break free. Overgirl was smirking over her, such cruelty and intense demeanor a strange contrast to the kind and soft-hearted Kara you knew. Oliver-X watched with indifferent eyes as guards were stationed outside the med bay.
“I would stop squirming if I were you,” Kara-X mused. “Wouldn’t want your heart to give out already?”
“At least I have a heart.” Kara retorted.
Upon your entrance with Eobard, Oliver-X’s eyes narrowed slightly while Kara-X crinkled her nose. Kara’s eyes went wide but blinked her surprise away as she glared at the speedster beside you. She hadn’t forgotten how he said he’d carve her open from earlier.
“Kara,” you whispered, her eyes were brought back to you and you shook your head subtly.
“Well, well. I didn’t know you liked to play with the rats, Eobard.” Overgirl sneered at you and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes at her. Eobard gritted his teeth but remained silent. You’ve had worse scathing comments thrown your way since being with Eobard before the accelerator explosion. Being called a rat wasn’t anything. Kara-X frowned at your lack of response. “Now, who’s this little… rodent?”
“That’s none of your-“
“-His love.” Oliver-X cut Eobard off. Kara’s eyebrows went up from where she laid.
Kara-X drawled in morbid amusement with a clap of her hands, “How touching.” A twisted smile ran across her lips as her eyes scanned you and Eobard carefully. Eobard had placed restraints on you once more but had whispered to you that they were loose enough for you to slip out should hostilities arise. “Who knew that the bastard speedster had a heart. Such emotions. A person that actually ate up his lies and loved him. Just another monster. Interesting, interesting. Makes this all the easier to-”
“You lay one hand on her, and I’ll personally see to it that you never get your new heart and he dies an excruciating painful and slow death.” Eobard didn’t smirk at the Kryptonian-X. His words were slow and they were lethal. Rather his signature smirk appeared, “After all, I’m the only one fully equipped and to successfully perform your surgery before your time runs out.” He glanced at the wall clock, the second hand moving along with each tick. “Tick tock, time is ticking. For you.” Kara glanced between you and Eobard then to Oliver-X and her doppelganger.
“You insolent-”
“Kara,” The Dark Archer stopped her, a hand gripping her upper arm harshly. She looked him dead in the eye, so much hate, so much anger. Clouded emotions. Oliver-X’s own eyes challenged her in a silent match, “Enough. Let’s go.”
The pair left you and Eobard with Kara, but not before throwing disgusted looks your way. You turned back to Eobard, who had changed back into his normal choice of all-black clothing. You gave him a pointed look, which he understood perfectly.
Now what do we do?
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panda-noosh · 4 years
unlike me {fred weasley x reader}
  Words: 8k
Summary: You, a shy Hufflepuff, have caught the eye of Fred Weasley.
Genre: fluff
Notes: support my writing or ask me about commissions! - did i just write pure fluff? wow. i’m learning.
  Fred Weasley doesn’t do things to impress others. He never has. Trying to please others is so far from his mind when playing one of his pranks that it’s almost laughable to think he and his twin brother do anything for the sake of attention. They live to amuse themselves, and nobody else.
    But sometimes the reactions of others do catch his eye. It happens rarely, but there have been the odd times when Fred and George are fleeing from the scene of one of their usual messy pranks, and Fred will look over to see someone standing there, staring open mouthed and wide eyed at the scene in front of them, and he will turn back to the path and smile because - yet again - he has left somebody speechless.
   More often than not these days, that person is you.
  Fred doesn’t know much about you; you’re clearly very shy, hardly ever being spotted in the hallways unless you’re making your way to your next class, and even then you’re prone to keeping your head down, refusing to talk to anybody who wants to talk to you. Fred doesn’t know if you have any friends, if you want friends, if you’ve ever looked at him and wondered what it would be like to talk to him…
   “So, Harry, tell me a bit about that one over there.”
   Harry looks up from his breakfast plate, eyes still fogged from a night of no-doubt restless sleep. Beside him, Ron is still trying to wake himself up and Hermione is hastily flipping through a gargantuan textbook. It seems to Fred like the Chosen One may be the only one at this moment in time in a fit enough state to answer his pressing questions.
   “Huh?” he replies.
  Fred leans forward a little more, so close that his mouth is very nearly touching Harry’s ear. “That one over there.” He nods over to the Hufflepuff table. “The one sitting on their own.”
 Harry narrows his eyes. “Y/N L/N? What about them?”
  “They’re in your year, aren’t they?”
  “I think so. I don’t really know too much about them; they’re quite quiet, really.”
  “Yeah,” Fred and George say together. “We know.”
  Harry raises a brow, flicking his gaze to the twins standing on either side of him. “Why? Are you both interested?”
  “Just ol’ Freddy Boy here.”
  Ron scoffs. “You? Getting in with Y/N L/N? Mate, that’s about as likely as Percy showing up for Christmas this year.”
  Fred slaps Ron on the back of the head. “Shut your mouth, you git.”
  “So, what? You really think you have a chance with them?” Harry asks.
  Fred shifts uncomfortably; he hadn’t meant for the conversation to get this far. All he wanted was for Harry to tell him a bit about you and that be it - he was fairly confident he could handle the rest on his own using his incredible charm and humour.
   But now these snotty little fifth years are making him second-guess his own abilities, which has never happened before in his seventeen years of life.
    “I think so,” he replies, trying to keep his voice as confident as possible. “Why wouldn’t I have a chance? I’m charming, and witty, and-”
  “And loud, and annoying, and centre of attention literally all the time,” Ginny finishes, waltzing into the conversation. She sits down next to Hermione, pinching a hash brown off Harry’s plate. “Y/N is the complete opposite of that. You’ll scare them away before you even get a chance to ask them out.”
   Fred frowns. George says something in his twins defence, but Fred has stopped listening, instead choosing to glance over to where you’re still sitting, smiling shyly at the Hufflepuff boy who has just taken a seat next to you. It’s clear - and always has been clear - that you get plenty of attention - you just don’t want it. Fred has watched you get shy and awkward, shuffling away from people who so much as grin in your direction. Fred has even watched you scurry away when he walks past, and at this point, he isn’t even surprised; the scenes Fred finds him in are far from the types of scenes you’ll want to be caught in.
   You really are very different people, and Fred isn’t stupid enough to deny that. Nonetheless, there’s something about you that has always caught his eye, from the day he was a puny little second year, watching you scramble up to the Sorting Hat. Even then he found himself staring at you, fingers crossed in the hopes you would get sorted into Gryffindor, that he could find an excuse to lead you to the Common Room himself - not Perfect Percy - but then you were being sorted into Hufflepuff and an awful long time went by in which Fred did nothing to pursue you.
   But now he’s in his sixth year. If not now, then when?
  “Have you ever tried speaking to them?”
   Ron’s voice snaps Fred from his daze. He looks down and shrugs.
  “Not really.”
  “That's not like you,” says Ginny. “Have we actually found someone who makes you shy?”
 Fred scowls. “I’m not shy. Y/N’s shy - I’m just respecting that and keeping my distance.”
  “Good on you, mate,” says George, before he ducks his head down and whispers loudly in Harry’s ear, “Every time he sees them, he wets himself a little.”
  Fred kicks his twin. “Would you lot give it a rest? I’ll talk to them today, alright? You’ll all see.”
  “Oh, don’t wind him up,” Hermione tuts, slapping Ron on the arm when the group of youngsters start laughing.
  “Oooh,” George says. “You’ve got Granger sticking up for you, Fred - who would have thought that would ever happen to us?”
   “I think it’s cute that Fred likes Y/N,” says Hermione, sitting up a little straighter. “I don’t know much about them, but I think someone bringing them out of their shell could do them a world of good.”
   Fred can’t help but grin; the thought of it, of you actually giving him a chance - it makes him unnervingly happy. “Cheers, Hermione.”
   Fred takes that tiny bit of assurance and carries it with him throughout the entire day - he doesn’t really know when he’s going to make his move, just that he is.
   At some point.
  He has no classes with you. He barely sees you in the hallways. He doesn’t share a common room with you - the situation is really not working in his favour, but Fred Weasley will not let such a drawback ruin his plans. He’ll find ways around it, just as he finds ways around everything.
   The solution finally comes to him at 11:00pm.
  He should be in bed. He knows he should be in bed, that if Filch were to see him right now, the old man would be going absolutely ballistic, overjoyed with the idea of giving another student a detention. Fred has the advantage of the Marauders Map, plus a lifetimes worth of sneaking around, but that doesn’t make him feel any less nervous.
  He’s been out of bed after curfew plenty of times before, but never has he crept into another common room whilst doing it.
   He heads towards the basement, checking the Marauders Map every few seconds to ensure Filch and his filthy cat are as far away as possible. His mind is working at a million miles per hour, because for the first time in his life, Fred is convinced he’s being stupid. The amount of protective charms that must be on the doors of these openings would be insane, and Fred is insane to think he could ever try and get past them, but god, he can’t go down to breakfast tomorrow without making some attempt to talk to you, just like he said he would, just like Hermione-
  Fred spins on his heel, nearly falling over a body of armour stood in the corner. Multiple paintings rouse from their sleep, and the ones that were already awake break into fits of giggles. Fred doesn’t even acknowledge the tiny noise that made him jump in the first place, instead choosing to desperately hush the paintings around him.
   “Shut up. Sh! Filch will hear and then we’re all in trouble!”
   “Speak for yourself, Weasley,” says Doogle Doolaly through a mouthful of giggles. Fred shoots the painting a glare before abruptly remembering what had caused him to stumble in the first place.
   He spins around. To his surprise, you’re still there.
  You, standing right in front of him with both hands clapped over your mouth, eyes wide. You’re wearing a pair of yellow bed robes, hair a mess. Fred has to take a minute to just stare.
   And then, “What on Earth are you doing out of bed?”
  Slowly you lower your hands, biting your lower lip as you stare right back at him; Fred, though pleased, finds this quite odd considering he’s so used to watching you avoid eye contact as much as possible. “I was walking.”
   Your voice is quiet, timid.
   Fred tilts his head. “Walking? At eleven at night?”
   “I couldn’t sleep.”
  “Me neither.”
   You nod. Fred nods back. The two of you stand a good five feet apart, unsure of what to say or do to make the silence go away - of course, there’s so many things Fred wants to ask, considering he was previously convinced you would never step out of line, but none of those questions are appearing right now.
    Fred, however, knows this silence can’t last forever, so he’s the one to make the first move in breaking it.
   “You alright?”
  You look up, startled. “I’m fine. Why?”
 “I was just wondering. You look like you’ve seen someone use an illegal curse or something.”
 Fred’s stomach flips. “Not that you don’t look really pretty, because you do, but I’m just saying-”
   “Why were you heading towards the Hufflepuff common room?”
  Fred pauses. Have you just caught him out?
  “How did you know that’s where I was going?”
 “Because nobody else comes down here this late at night unless they’re a Hufflepuff coming back from detention.”
  “You’re good at this, you know. Right little detective, you are.”
   You shrug.
  Fred sighs, rubs the back of his neck before saying, “I was just having an innocent little dander about. Those Gryffindor sixth years can be a rowdy bunch - it’s hard to get to sleep.”
   “Oh. Okay.” You trace your eyes along his towering form, and for a moment, Fred is almost convinced you’re genuinely checking him out. It boosts his confidence a little. “Well, I’m sorry you couldn’t sleep. I’m also sorry for making so much noise - you startled me.”
   “Yeah, well, I’m a pretty scary person I’ve been told.”
  Your lips twitch. “Who told you that?”
   He shrugs. “It’s not so much a verbal thing. Sometimes sweet little Hufflepuff’s run away when they make eye contact with me.” He raises a brow, smirks when he sees your own smile fade, replaced by a mild look of embarrassment because you both know exactly who Fred is talking about.
   You cough and awkwardly kick at the floor. “Sometimes sweet little Hufflepuff’s get a little shy.”
   Fred’s confidence is really flooding back into his system now, and he doesn’t know why it feels different. This isn’t the confidence he carries around with him on a day-to-day basis, the confidence that allows him to play these big pranks without a care in the world. This is a type of confidence he has never felt before, makes him feel elated, like he can do anything.
   He smirks, folding his arms across his chest. “I’m Fred Weasley, by the way.”
  “I know.” Your eyes pop open for a brief second. “I mean - uh - Ron. Ron is your brother, right?”
  “He is.”
 “I know your brother. He’s in my year. Goalkeeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, right?”
 You nod, biting your lower lip in that way Fred has learned you do quite often when you’re flustered. “I heard of you - uh - from him. Yeah.”
  Fred nods. He stares at your flustered form, finding amusement in the way you quickly look to the floor, trying desperately to avoid his gaze which has apparently now become too much for you.
  He chuckles and pushes himself away from the wall he found himself leaning upon. “It was lovely talking to you, Hufflepuff. Try not to run away next time and maybe we can talk again.”
   You look up and nod, lips twitching. Fred grins right back, bows his head to you before he walks off down the corridor, pretty darn pleased with himself.
   “So how did it go?”
  “I don’t kiss and tell.”
  Ginny gasps, slapping Fred on the arm when her, Fred and George sit down to breakfast the next morning. “You kissed?”
   Fred snickers. “No. But we spoke, and it was great. Y/N L/N is actually a bit of a rule breaker.”
 Ginny raises a brow, reaching across George for a slice of toast. “Shut up.”
  “He’s telling the truth,” says George, at the same time Fred says, “I’m telling the truth.”
   “Wow. What were they doing to break the rules?”
 “Walking about after curfew. Lucky I was there, or else Filch would have had them.”
   Ginny scoffs. “Because god forbid anyone be as sneaky as you two.”
  “Exactly,” the twins reply.
   “So what was the conversation like?” Ginny prods. She wears a distracted gaze in the hopes that Fred won’t see just how curious she really is, but Fred sees right through her.
   “It wasn’t bad,” he replies. “A bit short, but that’s easily fixed.”
  “So you want to keep talking to them?”
  Fred raises a brow. “Of course I do.”
  Ginny hums around the slice of toast in her mouth. “Cute, Fred. Cute.”
  Fred opens his mouth to give a sarcastic retort, but gets abruptly distracted by the sight of you rising from the Hufflepuff table. He sits bolt upright, craning his neck to see over the heads of everybody else; you don’t spare him a glance, apparently retreating back to your usual, shy self. With your head ducked down and your books piled in your arms, you hastily make your way towards the exit.
    Fred is standing up before he can even process he’s moved. Ginny and George watch him, both smiling maniacally as Fred utters a half-hearted goodbye and follows after you. He really has no plans for what he could possibly say when he finally catches up, but he’s decided to take every opportunity he possibly can.
   He bustles out of the Great Hall, finding you only a few seconds after as you head back towards the Hufflepuff common room.
  You freeze, spinning around as Fred jumps onto the step just below the one you’re currently standing on. He pants dramatically, clutching his chest.
   “You move quick.”
 You glance over his shoulder, hugging your books a little tighter. “Hi, Fred. How was breakfast?”
  “Oh, good. Great, actually. I - uh - had toast.”
  “Sounds nice.”
  “Yeah.” He straightens up, rubbing the back of his neck; why is he suddenly nervous? “Where are you off to?”
  “I have to go grab some books for my first few classes,” you reply, and Fred can’t help but note the slight tinge of amusement in your voice. “Where are you off to?”
  Fred pauses; again, this was not something he necessarily thought through when he first decided to follow you out here. He really just wanted a chat, to hear your voice one more time before he was forced to go to classes.
   He folds his arms over his chest as nonchalantly as he can manage, leaning against the banister. “I don’t think it’s right for a lovely wizard like yourself to be walking to class on your own; I thought I’d offer my services.”
    You raise a brow, once again taking a cautious glance over Fred’s shoulder to ensure nobody is around to hear his flirtations; nonetheless, you make no attempt to stop him, which he takes as a relatively good sign. “Well, you can walk me to class if you like. I have to get my books first, though.”
 Fred gestures up the stairs. “Lead the way.”
  And so you do. Fred follows you all the way to the Hufflepuff common room, where he is forced to wait outside whilst you gather your belongings. His stomach grumbles, evidence of his uneaten breakfast, but he doesn’t even care right now. Not when you walk out of the common room, all smiles and nervous glances. Fred offers you his arm, and it’s with only the slightest bit of hesitation that you take it and allow Fred to lead you back through the school hallways.
   “What is it like in there?” he asks.
   “In where?”
  “The Hufflepuff common room. Surely you can hear all the house elves rattling about in the kitchens at night.”
   You shake your head. “The walls are soundproof; did you know Muggles have soundproof things as well?”
  Fred raises a brow. “You’re not obsessed with Muggle stuff, are you? My dad’s into all that stuff - I’ve heard enough of it for a lifetime.”
   You giggle, and Fred is fairly certain his hand starts trembling.
   “No, I’m not obsessed,” you say. “I do find some of it interesting, though. The similarities between our world and theirs.”
  “Are there many? Similarities, I mean.”
  You shrug. Looking to the side, Fred can see your face suddenly change; what once was an expression of nerves and uncertainty is now one of interest and intrigue as Fred asks you questions on a topic you are clearly very invested in. It makes his heart lift, and he has to bite his lower lip to stop the smile from spreading and making it too obvious.
   “A few I’ve picked up on,” you reply. “They still - like - wear clothes and stuff. Just different styles. And they live in houses, and go to school-”
  “School? Don’t insult Hogwarts like that. Muggle school and wizard school aren’t even comparable.”
   You furrow your brows, glancing up at Fred. “But they still learn.”
   “Not the important stuff. Not like we do.”
  “And what would you consider important?”
  Fred hums, gazing wistfully into the distance. You giggle again. Finally, he says “aha!” and clicks, whirling on you. “Right, tell me this - do Muggles learn Defense Against the Dark Arts?”
  You frown, grip tightening on his arm. “I don’t think so. They don’t have magic, so it would be a bit pointless, wouldn’t it?”
  “Ah, but it’s important. What are they gonna do if a Dementor comes knocking on their front door?”
  “There’s nothing they can do, even if they knew the basic stuff we know. They don’t have magic, Fred.”
  Fred grunts. “Must be a hard life having to do everything by hand.”
   “I agree.”
  Fred chuckles, glancing down at you. Your eyes meet his for a fraction of a second before you bite your bottom lip and avert your gaze.
   “Go on then,” Fred continues. “Tell me some more similarities. You’ve got me interested now.”
  You tilt your head in thought. “Well. . . I suppose the way their government system works is quite similar to ours.”
  “They have people in power. A system of higher-up’s, if you will, who control everything.”
  “Is theirs as corrupt as ours?”
  “Oh, definitely. Sometimes I’d even argue they’re even more corrupt than ours.”
  Fred’s eyes pop open. “Blimey. How has the Muggle world not completely broken down?”
   You laugh. Full-on laugh, eyes squinting closed and head thrown back. Fred can’t even bring himself to laugh alongside you, suddenly too engrossed in your enjoyment to indulge in his own.
   You hiccough yourself back to reality before looking up and saying, “Surely your dad could teach you all this stuff if he’s so interested in Muggle affairs?”
   “He’s interested, but he’s also a bit oblivious. Doesn’t matter how many times Harry tells him what a telephone is, he still has no idea how it all works.” Fred shrugs. “Plus, I enjoy my lessons much more when you’re teaching them.”
   You stiffen, lower lip hiding - yet again - behind your teeth. You swallow thickly, and before Fred can do anything, you’re unwinding your arm from his and picking up your pace, calling a quick, “I’m gonna be late!” over your shoulder. Fred falters mid-way, staring after you with his mouth dropped open and confusion making his stomach churn.
   Someone crashes into his shoulder as you round the corner. “Nice one, mate.”
  “Shut up, George.”
   “It doesn’t look like it’s going too well.”
 “It’s - it’s going fine.” Fred curses under his breath - now you’ve got him stuttering? “They’re just a little shy. But I think they like me.”
    “Oh yes, the most obvious sign of attraction - running away.”
   Fred is beginning to get very tired of his classes.
  He’s only here for the sake of his mothers sanity; god only knows how Molly Weasley would react if he showed up at the Burrow six months early, claiming he was finished with school before he’d even managed to bag an acceptable amount of N.E.W.T’s.
   But he doesn’t want to be here any more. He’s getting tired of forcing himself to listen to things he only half cares about, getting tired of being told off for things that - honestly - the teachers should just be used to by now. It’s not like they haven’t seen it for the past six years.
   He grunts to himself as he and George walk out of History of Magic. Yet another boring lesson that seemed to drag on much longer than necessary; all Fred has to prove he was there at all is the doodle of a cat in the top hand corner of his notebook.
   “I need a sleep,” George says. “His bloody voice exhausts me.”
  Fred opens his mouth to respond, but his twin brother cuts him off by slapping a hand to his arm and pointing straight ahead.
  Startled, Fred looks up. Standing by the gargoyle just outside History of Magic is you, hugging your books whilst awkwardly looking back and forth, as if afraid one of the passing students is going to stop and harass you.
  George snickers. “Go on, mate. I think they’re looking for you.”
  Before Fred can object, get himself together, George shoves him forward hard enough to make him stumble. Your head snaps up at the sound of Fred saying “You git!” and Fred is quick to lean against the wall, look at you and say, coolly, “Y/N. What a pleasant surprise.”
   You stand up a little straighter, lips twitching. “Hi. How was class?”
  “Boring.” He smirks. “Much better now that you’re here, though.”
  The unmistakable sound of George snorting as he passes by floats between you. You smile, giving Fred’s brother a nod before you turn back to Fred and say, “Do you fancy taking a little walk before break ends?”
   Of all the things Fred expected to happen today, you asking him on a walk was certainly not one of them. It takes him a second to reply, and it’s only the realisation that you’re probably just as nervous as he is that he snaps out of it and nods.
   You wind your arm through his without him having to offer; his cheeks are burning.
  Together, you set off down the hall. It’s quiet for a little bit, Fred still trying to figure out what’s happening, and you inspecting each and every one of the sculptures you pass, as if too afraid to look over at Fred.
    Finally, however, you break the silence. “I’m sorry about earlier.”
   Fred’s stomach jolts. “What are you sorry for?”
  “For how I reacted. You were just being nice and I - uh - I don’t really know how to handle that kind of thing.”
  Fred perks an eyebrow, glancing down at you with genuine curiosity. “I find that very hard to believe.” Because he does. He finds it downright unbelievable that compliments are not something you have grown used to across the five years spent in Hogwarts.
   You shrug. “Well, believe it. I really appreciated what you said, but I just. . . I don’t know how to respond, or if you’re telling the truth-”
 “I was definitely telling the truth.”
   You bite your lip. “I shouldn’t have ran off like that. It must have made you feel awful.”
 Classic Hufflepuff behaviour - thinking more about other people’s feelings than their own.
  “You know,” Fred drawls, “if my flirting makes you uncomfortable, just tell me and I’ll stop.”
  Fred’s eyes snap down. You look back up at him, eyes wide before you realise the abruptness of your protestation and hastily avert your gaze to the floor.
  “No,” you say, softer now. “I - uh - I don't think you should stop. I quite like it, actually.”
  Fred smirks, keeping his eyes trained on you even as you fight desperately to look anywhere but him. “Do you fancy me, Y/N L/N?”
  “Oh, give me a break, Fred.”
   “I think you do.” He rubs his cheek against your own. “Just a little bit.”
  You jerk away, slapping his arm. “Well, it’s not bloody difficult, is it?”
  Fred falters, though his smile only widens. “What does that mean?”
  You groan, pulling your arm from his yet again. Fred stumbles back, unable to help the laugh that bursts from his throat at the sight of your flustered state.
   “I’m going to class,” you announce.
  “You didn’t answer my question!”
   “I don’t have an answer to your question.” You stand there a little longer. With a smile still beaming, Fred watches as you take a single step forward, a step back, another step forward-
  And then, as if telling yourself to just get it over with, you jump forward and press your lips to Fred’s cheek. His jaw drops open, but he doesn’t get the chance to say anything before you’re spinning on your heel and rushing away, rounding the corner without so much as a wave in his direction.
   Fred swallows thickly, reaching up to brush his fingers against the area you have just kissed, just like they do in those cheesy Muggle movies his mum is so fond of. He can’t believe the feeling that comes with it - his heart is going to explode.
    Oh, no…
   The Hufflepuff table is boring compared to the Gryffindor table. That’s the first thing Fred notices.
  Maybe it’s because his friends aren’t with him. Maybe it’s because George flat-out refused to accompany him. Maybe it’s because Fred is nervous, and he’s angry about it, because since when has Fred Weasley ever been nervous about anything?
   This morning, however, he is pushed on by the memory of your lips against his cheek. That is his only source of motivation, the only reason he doesn’t flick Ernie MacMillan on the back of the head when the Hufflepuff boy turns and scowls at the Gryffindor student currently making his way towards you, sat at the very end.
  You have yet to look up from your textbook. Fred takes great pleasure in wrapping his arms around your shoulders, your body jumping back against his in your shock. He leans down and chuckles in your ear, moving his head so you can see his clearly amused features.
   Immediately your eyes widen. “Fred! What are you doing here?”
 “I thought I’d come have breakfast with you.” He waves his wand; a sausage springs up from Ernie’s plate, which he catches before biting into. “Like a date.”
    You bite your lip. “Do you want to sit down?”
 “Uh, Y/N?” Ernie calls over as Fred takes the empty seat next to you; he doesn’t miss the way you barely look up when you hum in response to Ernie’s - quite frankly - rude call of your name. “You know the houses have to eat together. He’s breaking the rules.”
   You shyly look up. “Oh, Ernie, let him sit down…”
 “Yeah Ernie,” Fred jeers. “Let me sit down, you nosy little git.”
   You choke on the pumpkin juice you just lifted to your mouth, spinning in your seat to hide the amused smile growing uncontrollably upon your face. Fred grins, placing his hands on your shoulders.
  “Did you like that?”
 “You’re impossible,” you hiss, slapping his arm. “Just ignore him. He’s got a grudge against anyone who plays for Gryffindor.”
 “Yeah, I know.” Fred narrows his eyes, craning his neck a little to see over your shoulder, where Ernie sits with a scowl on his face. “He better not give you a hard time for hanging out with me, you know. You’d tell me if he was?”
    You shift so you’re covering Ernie’s face and are now the centre of Fred’s attention. “Of course I would. Plus, Ernie doesn’t scare me.”
   “I’ll certainly scare him if he so much as-”
 “Fred,” you laugh, nudging his knee beneath the table. His eyes drift back to you, his body immediately relaxing at the sight of your glowing smile. “Calm down, okay? He’s got nothing against me - it’s you and the Gryffindor team he’s got a problem with.”
   “Is that supposed to make me hate him any less?”
  You shrug, plucking Fred’s hands from your shoulders and placing a hash brown between his fingertips. “He’s got a point, you know. You are breaking the rules by sitting here.”
   Fred raises a brow. “Right, I’ll leave if you-”
  “No!” You latch onto his arm, pulling him back to the bench as Fred bursts into yet another round of raucous laughter at how easily flustered you become. “No, you should stay. Dumbledore isn’t even looking.”
   “If I was any less wise, L/N, I’d think you want me to have breakfast with you.”
   “I just don’t get to see that much of you,” you mumble.
  Fred coos; he’s trying so hard to keep up the fun-guy persona, putting on a mask of confidence despite the speed at which his heart is hammering in his chest at the moment. You make it so easy for him to feel this way, too easy, because sure, Fred has had crushes on people before, but never has he put himself out like this. Never has he wanted to make someone laugh so much. Never has he been so proud of being the reason for someone else’s smile.
    Fred leans forward, lowering his voice. “That’s very cute.”
  “Yeah, well…”
   He chuckles, flicking your heated cheek before he takes a bite from the slice of toast you’re holding. You jolt upright immediately, swatting him away with a glare. “Hey!”
   He licks the butter noisily from his fingers. “Yummy.”
  You roll your eyes. “Get your own breakfast.”
  “But yours is so much tastier.”
   You grab another slice of toast from your plate and push it against Fred’s lips. He opens his mouth, takes a bite and hums appreciatively.    
   And then the world stops.
   It really is like those scenes in those cheesy movies his mum watches all the time, where the room seems to go still and it’s like nobody else exists. Your fingers hover inches away from his face, your eyes cast to his lips where the slice of toast has just disappeared. Fred swallows, his own eyes drawn to your lips, slightly parted, so soft looking-
    “Weasley! What do you think you’re doing sitting at the Hufflepuff table! Get back to where you belong right this instant!”
   McGonagall grabs a fistful of his robes, pulling him up from the bench. Fred gasps, stumbling up with his eyes still locked on you. You hastily look back down at the table, pushing hair out of your eyes, trying to avoid being told off by the Deputy Head.
   “Awk, lay off, Professor!” Fred exclaims. “I was having fun!”
  “You were breaking the rules, Mr Weasley. You can integrate with your pals whenever breakfast has finished, but until then-”
   “Yeah, yeah,” Fred grumbles, giving you one last glance. It’s to his utter relief that he sees you looking back at him, a tiny smile on your face. Fred winks before McGonagall shoves him forward, back into his seat at the Gryffindor table.
   When Fred receives your note, he is sat in the Gryffindor common room with George.
  Homework litters the table in front of them, unfinished and not understood by either of them. Hermione had long since gone to bed, insisting she wasn’t going to help people who didn’t want to help themselves. And so, the twins sat up until the late hours of the night, staring at their homework with a sense of frustration building between them.
   Fred feels certain he’s going to snap at any given moment; this whole school thing really isn’t working out for him nor George, and the two of them have such prestigious dreams that sitting in a classroom all day just feels like a waste of time. Maybe that’s why he can’t bring himself to properly concentrate on his lessons. Maybe that’s why neither he nor George care as much about grades as all his other siblings.
   “Right, so clearly Flitwick was on something when he wrote this,” says George, scowling at his charms homework. “He didn’t even mention flying charms last lesson, so why has he-”
   The fireplace suddenly erupts.
  Both Fred and George jump at the sudden interruption, swivelling round in their chairs to catch a glimpse of what has happened; they both know full well the kinds of things these fireplaces can permit, and neither of them want to deal with anything too dangerous at this time of night.
    In the fire, however, is not the face of a Death Eater, or anything close to such - instead, a single piece of paper sits in the ashes, Fred’s name printed in bold across the top.
   The twins frown at each other. George makes a suggestive gesture, all but shoving Fred closer for inspection.
  Fred stumbles, sends George a glare before he bends down and picks the piece of paper up. Immediately the handwriting is recognisable by the lazy flick of the letters, how effortlessly neat it looks. It would take Fred hours to write a note that looks like this, and yet he’s watched you scribbling notes down; this is undoubtedly your doing.
   Suddenly he’s smiling.
  “Oh, here we go,” George groans, noticing his twins expression. “You’re sending love notes to each other now?”
   “Shut up.” Fred sinks down into one of the armchairs, reading your note thoroughly. “Y/N wants to meet up.”
  “Right now?”
  George raises a brow. “Have you two even kissed yet?”
 Fred’s eyes snap up, cheeks heating before he can stop them. He never ever gets flustered around George, but the mention of such a thing has his stomach flipping. “Why do you care?”
   George raises his hands in mock surrender. “Never said I did, mate, but the smile on your face right now would suggest at least a peck on the cheek or something.”
   Fred scowls. “No, we haven’t kissed. We’re not even properly together, so drop it.”
   “How does that make sense? You both fancy each other-”
   “Yeah, but it’s nothing official.” Fred lazily flicks his hand, clicking his fingers so the note folds itself into a perfect square and zips into his robe pocket. “You wouldn’t understand these things, Georgie Boy. You’ve got to take it slow.”
   Goerge scoffs, throwing a pencil at Fred. “Very bloody slow apparently. But I forgot, it’s a Hufflepuff you’ve got your eye on. They tend to be a bit hard-to-get, don’t they?”
   Fred opens his mouth to protest, to stick up for you, but he can’t even deny the truth in George’s words; a fair amount of time has passed since the two of you first started talking, and all you’ve done is say you enjoy his company. There’s been no kissing, no hand-holding, nothing even close to being considered romantic.
   Fred is okay with this, of course. He’s in that very weird head space where even just being in your presence is enough to satisfy him; he catches glimpses of you as you parade from one class to another, and that is enough until he sees you again at lunch, or dinner, or during breaks.
   He sighs, pushing himself up from the armchair. “Don’t wanna leave them waiting, do I?”
  George scowls. “What about our homework?”
  “We’ll be fine.”
  “I’m not covering for you if Flitwick asks what you were up to that’s more important than his homework assignments.”
 Fred grins, not even giving a response as he clambers out of the common room and ducks into the hallways.
  He knows exactly where to go, even though he’s never met up with you after hours before - not since the first time, which he doesn’t even count considering it was entirely an accident. To this day, he still isn’t convinced that wasn’t some type of dream - a Hufflepuff, out of bed after hours? Not a single soul would believe him if he told them.
   Fred makes his way down the corridor and grins when he sees you standing there; you’re much braver than him. Fred, personally, feels much safer when he’s wading through the halls - it makes it more difficult for Filch to catch him if he’s not stationary. You, however, seem to have no issue with standing behind a suit of armour, waiting patiently for Fred to round the corner.
   “Hola. Bonjour. Hello. Hi.”
   You look round, face immediately lighting up. “Fred! Hi!”
  He’ll never get used to that greeting.
   “Y/N! Hi!” he mimics. “I got your note.”
  “Good. Great. I was worried I did it wrong.”
   “You? Do something wrong?” Fred screws his face up in an expression of mock confusion, which prompts you to roll your eyes and nudge him. He grins, stuffs his hands in his pockets and says, “Out after curfew again, eh? Have I finally corrupted you?”
   “You must have,” you reply.
   Fred tilts his head. “What’s the actual reason you invited me out?”
   And that’s when your expression shifts.
   You bite your lower lip in that way you always do, eyes darting to the ground awkwardly. Fred raises a brow, leaning forward a bit in his attempt to get you to look at him again, but you suddenly seem much too embarrassed to even be giving Fred the time of day. His stomach flips with uncharacteristic anxiety, and he can’t stop himself when he steps forward and places a gentle hand on your elbow.
   “Hey. Did something happen?”
  The words burst out of you in one breath. “I left my book in the bathing room and I’m too scared to get it myself but I really need it to help me sleep, so I was wondering if you could help me get through the hallways without Filch knowing and then I promise you can go back to bed and never speak to me again.”
   You take a sharp breath before looking away again, apparently too embarrassed by your request to even look at him.
   Fred takes a moment to reply. He has to untangle your words first, and then he has to bask in his amusement at how embarrassed you were by asking it; personally, he doesn’t see the problem. He’s happy to help. In fact, he’d be pretty annoyed if it wasn’t him you were asking.
  Your eyes snap up. “Really? I mean, you don’t have to, I just thought - well, you know your way around, and you’ve dealt with Filch-”
  “You don’t need to explain.” He offers his arm, just as he always does. “What book is it?”
 And it’s with only the tiniest bit of hesitance that you take his offered arm and allow him to guide you through the corridors he apparently knows so well; in truth, he doesn’t tend to go out after curfew all that often, because he gets all of his mischief done in the day time now. But you were indeed correct in saying he knows this place better than anyone else. He and George spent the majority of their school careers finding secret passageways and little hiding spots they could use at any given time. As he listens to you talk about the book he’s about to try and save, he recalls each and every one of these hiding places whilst keeping a sharp ear out for Filch.
   The two of you arrive at the bathing rooms and Fred pushes open the door. It squeaks, and you wince, glancing at Fred anxiously; he merely places a hand on the small of your back, pushing you further into the room.
   He follows, closes the door and exhales heavily. “Made it. Now where’s that book you’ve lost?”
   You skitter around the edge of the massive bathing pool; it’s still filled to the brim with forever hot water, always clean despite the amount of people washing themselves within it on a daily basis. Fred stands on the edge, hands stuffed in his pockets as he watches you rush to the far side of the room, rummage around in a basket of towels before pulling a particularly thick book out from beneath them.
   You look over, smiling broadly with the book pressed against your chest.
  Fred raises a brow. “Happy now?”
 You skip back over to him, pulling open the front cover to look inside. Fred leans forward, reading the confusing inside blurb over your shoulder.
   “And you use this for a bit of light reading in the bath?” he asks.
  Startled, you slam the book closed. “It’s good, honestly.”
  “I’ll take your-”
   Fred’s sentence is cut off by the sound of Filch yelling.
  And it’s unmistakably Filch yelling, because Fred has heard it many, many times before. It always comes with that initial rush of panic, the realisation he’s been caught, and if he was with anybody else, that initial panic wouldn’t have even lasted. Now, however, he takes one look at your slack face, the horror swimming in your eyes, and he realises this is the first time you’ll have ever gotten in trouble with the caretaker.
   A traumatic experience for anyone.
  “Oh, god,” you whisper, dropping the book with a SLAM. You jump, scrambling to pick it up, but the noise only seems to draw Filch closer to the door. Fred has to think now.
   He groans low under his breath, fumbling beneath his robes for his wand - a wand that has been left on the table back in the Gryffindor common room.
  You jolt back up straight, hugging the book to your chest, and that’s when Fred does the one thing he can think to do right now - he grabs your arms and pushes you back, jumping into the deep end of the bath with you alongside him.
    He holds you close, opening his eyes as much as he possibly can. He can hear Filch’s yelling from above, aggravated screams of “I know you’re in here! I know you’re in here! I heard you!” Fred simply pulls you closer, urging you to hold your breath for as long as possible.
   But he can see you panicking, the air leaving you. He can see your lips threatening to split open so you can scream or cry or breathe, Fred doesn’t know, but he can’t let you do it. Not right now.
   Without magic, there’s only one thing he can think to do.
  He presses his lips to your own and pries your mouth open. He doesn’t know how this works. He read about it once in a Muggle Studies book, but he never thought he would ever actually need to pay attention to the details. He takes your relaxing body as a good sign, tightening his hold on your shoulders as he continues to breathe as much air into your mouth as he can possibly muster.
    And then the door is slamming, and Filch’s screams are muted behind the gold plating, and Fred immediately lets go of you and bursts to the surface.
   You follow, gasping for air, wiping water out of your eyes along with fat strands of wet hair. Fred pants, wiping his eyes roughly, trying so hard to find words for an apology but unable to gather enough breath to even think proper thoughts at the moment.
   His heartbeat soars. He looks over at you; you’re already looking at him, and the entire room is silent besides your synchronised panting breaths.
   You shove past the water, into his arms, and kiss him.
   Fred’s eyes pop open wide, but his arms wind around your waist almost instinctively. His lips mould against yours, and once the initial shock has passed, his eyes are slipping closed and he’s falling, falling, drowning, never wanting to resurface ever again.
   You pull away first. Water drips from your bottom lip, your eyelashes, your chin, and Fred has never seen a sight so beautiful. He reaches forward, swiping his thumb along your lower lip before he leans forward and gives you a final peck.
    “Always full of surprises, you are,” he whispers.
   Fred watches you. Leaning against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest, he watches as you run the towel down your face, grumbling beneath your breath about how impossible it will be to explain your soaked robes to Professor Sprout.
   Fred hasn’t even stopped to properly think about how the two of you are meant to get back to your respective common rooms without someone noticing; you’ll surely leave a trail of water in your wake, and Filch is already on high alert. Despite this, Fred can only focus on the kiss the two of you have just shared, and what it means for the future.
    You sigh, slamming the towel down and turning. There’s an adorable pout on your face, eyebrows furrowed, hair still soaked and clinging to your skin.
   “That really was a shock,” you say.
  Fred chuckles. “Just the bit where we took a swim?”
   “And the bit where you saved me from drowning.”
  “And the bit when we resurfaced and you-”  
   You groan, waving your hands in front of you as if swatting a fly. “Awk, don’t. I never do anything like that. I probably did it all wrong-”
  “You didn’t.”
  “Kissing is just something I never got the hang of. I’ve only done it a few times, because I don’t really tend to like people that way, but-”
  “But I’m a special case?”
  You scowl, deflating. “You know you are.”
  Fred grins that cheeky grin of his, pushing away from the door. He wades towards you and stops only when he’s close enough that you have to crane your neck to look into his eyes. “I think you got the hang of kissing perfectly fine. You’re a bloody natural.”
   You blink. “Yeah?”
  “Yes.” With that, Fred leans down and presses his lips to your own. It’s only slow, slow enough that Fred can feel you melt into him, your rib cage suddenly coming against his own, your fingertips brushing delicately against his waist. It’s adorable, feeling you lose yourself like this, barely registering what is actually happening.
   He pulls away just as slow, so you can feel everything when he does so. Your eyes stay closed for a second before opening, lower lip retreating between your teeth, face hot when Fred brings his hands up to your jaw.
   “Does - Okay, well, stupid question, but does this make us a couple?” you ask.
  Fred laughs. “If you want, yeah.”
  “Do you -”
  “Oh, Y/N, don’t even ask that; you know full well I want to be your boyfriend. Full. Well.”
   A grin splits your face. “Okay.”
  You nod, wrapping your arms around his middle and placing your chin in the centre of his chest. “Yeah.”
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