#my dad goes to work and he comes back but as soon as shit doesnt go right for him hes just looking for an excuse to yell at someone.
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sebbianas · 1 year
fuck it parent trap jegulus au
jegulus having twin girls named aurora jamie and selene leona their nicknames are rory and sel
after the divorce regulus and rory went to france and james and sel stayed in london
sirius, the annoying uncle he is, decided he wants to be in both the girls life and he doesnt care about jegulus’ drama so every summer he gets to have the twins but during separate days
how it works is rory is with sirius the week when summer starts and sel the week before summer ends
(rory goes to beauxbatons and sel goes to hogwarts she’s a slytherin lol)
one summer when sirius was busy both at the start and end of summer (he’s a freelance artist his sched is hectic) he ends up planning the twin’s visit at the same time (he refuses to have to give up one or the other he wants to see them both because he’s loves them)
when the twins met they immediately clicked and pestered sirius for all the details about their family and sirius, the weakman he is when it comes to his nieces, told them everything
sirius never really understood jegulus’ reason for divorce has always wanted to fix their shit for them or at least get them to see each other again because he knows they still love each other
taking advantage of the situation he with the twins planned to get them back together
the plan involves getting james and regulus into his house (he usually travel with the twins to bring them home to their parent)
he started with regulus and he threatened to keep rory in his house forever if regulus doesnt come and pick is daughter up (and regulus promptly replied “sirius we dont need another black kidnapping drama just give me back my daughter you mother—” eventually he let up and said he’ll arrange for an international floo
james was relatively easier all sirius had to do was pout and beg him to come pick his daughter up and that he misses him dearly and james was already packing his back
james arrived before regulus and they didnt need any dramatics and sirius just let the twins greet him and when james saw rory he immediately pulled her into his arms and cried goes on and on about how beautiful she is and he cant believe she has a french accent and is fluent in french (then he hugged sel and proceeded to tell her how proud he is of her scheming)
regulus they decided needed to be prepared so when he flood into sirius house the person that greeted him was just rory
as soon as he settled in rory told him she made a friend and regulus just smiled and said thats wonderful mon cheri and rory just smiled and goes do you want to meet her and regulus nodded of course and almost had a heart attack when his daughter’s new friend looks exactly like her
he freezes and then let out a soft “sel, my darling, my baby” and then he pulls her into his arms and holds her and he pulled rory into the hug as well and he cries because its his girls and he never thought he’ll see them together and he loves them so much and the memory of buying two of everything he buys for rory because he wanted to buy things for sel even if he knew she’ll never get it
and then as he holds him he tells them he’ll do everything to make sure they’ll see each other again and make arrangements with james so he could get to know sel and make sure he’s part of her life again
and rory goes “thats good dad’s here”
and he looks up and there leaning on the doorframe is james potter looking as handsome as ever and all the walls he had built around his heart just breaks he knows he was still hopelessly in love with james
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kylejsugarman · 11 months
syd you are destroying me over here. what the fuck. what would “down” look like in au squared? would jesse’s parents take baby when they kicked him out, or would he just be left to navigate his. Unstable housing situation with an infant daughter and no support? im like i dont even know which one i would prefer you to say… down in au squared universe just Does Not feel good thank you for bringing it to our attention :-(
(frolics around cutely while i make everything worse for everyone) "down" never feels good ever tbh, between walt hitting his ableism victory royale and jesse getting his shit absolutely rocked by fate, its a miracle any of us survive that episode. au squared jesse of course fights his parents tooth and nail about kicking him out since ginny left him the house, but as soon as his mom says that they'll be taking baby too since he's not responsible enough, he backs down and is like "fine take the house, take whatever u want, but baby's coming with me". he obviously doesnt want to be homeless, but being homeless and not having baby is more than he can bear. she tries to reason with him, then threatens to get the law involved (i imagine saul helps jesse secure full custody of baby in addition to helping him buy his parents' house in season 3 :) besties), but jesse doesnt budge and takes off with her and their essentials, only for his ride to get stolen while he's in the drug store buying formula. they'd probably end up spending the night in the impounded rv (no blue tho. if i can spare my guy one suffering, it'll be the blue) with him genuinely not knowing if its Worth It anymore because hes literally laying in a mobile meth lab next to his crying baby who's too upset for her nighttime feeding, unable to provide for her but also unable to let her go. it feels so awful and selfish: she deserves better but he doesnt trust anyone to give her that. he breaks the rv out of the impound the next day the second clovis threatens them and drives straight to walt's place to get his money, riled up from walt ignoring his calls and clovis fucking threatening him in front of his infant daughter. "down" of course is a parade of walt being a dickhead because skyler has totally stopped buying his shit, so when jesse pulls up in person to beg for the money, walt snaps at him and tells him that jesse wouldn't even be in this situation if he were more responsible and that a real father would have found a way to provide for his child, which is not only vile but the fucking Wrong Thing to say to jesse after the last 24 hours. this is what provokes their fist fight and walt finally hands over the money, then tries to make some "look. we're both in this for family. we have to work together" comment to amend things as if he wasnt just yelling at his own son for using the car pedals wrong. having the money and getting out some of his rage and misery by pounding walt makes jesse feel better, but more than that, it gives him this adrenaline rush in terms of being a dad. sure it was a fucking nightmare, but he did all of that for his baby and he won. he fought to provide for her and he did. he didn't give in and just hand her over to his parents like she was some stranger that just happened to live in his house: he kept baby, he protected her through a disaster, and now he's never going to let her go. as he gets them a motel room for temporary housing with his cash and goes buck wild in the infant section at walmart and ends the day watching a happy, fed, clean baby play with her new stacking rings, jesse thinks about what walt said and feels a bitter kind of pride. "a real father would've found a way to provide for his child." well he did. he's baby's father and he's going to provide for her.
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rippeds0cks · 7 months
I have been weird lately. Some days ill be doing great then other days ill be as worse as ive ever been. These last couple days have been bad. Ive been so bad mentally that ive had to stop whatever im doing (eating, watching a movie, working out, playing elden ring) and just sit there and stare off into nothing. I zoned out entirely when i was driving yesterday. Ended up going 75 in a 45 and had to rush a break when i zoned back in so i didnt slam into the back of the car in front of me. Cant have that become a habit since im gonna be driving a lot soon. Buying a gun soon. Not for suicide or anything i need it for bears n such since im gonna be camping in the middle of national parks a lot. I havent slept well in weeks. Every night for the last couple nights ive been as close to tears as ive been in recent memory. I get really emotional laying here n my right eye will be teary but my left eye will not. I wonder if my tear duct is damaged in any kinda way since thats the side closest to my head injury. It shouldnt be since thats my better eye. Back when i got a cut on my left eyelid i was essentially blind for those couple days it took for the swelling to go down since my right eye is essentially useless. That reminds me, my dad is slowly catching onto how bad my health is. He made the observation “you might have something wrong with your depth perception cause you get really close to the cars in front of you when you drive” and i just went “haha yeah” when in reality my depth perception mostly went when i was like a very early 19 and i just got used to it. Fighting made me able to “feel” the distance between me and everything around me but that goes out the window when im operating a machine like a car. Ill get used to it i guess. Maybe start wearing my glasses.
I think that on this trip ill make the decision about reaching out to my ex. I think that if i get all the way to vegas and still think about her ill reach out for closure. Thatll be a while tho. Maybe well over a year. I dont know. Ive just completely given up any delusion of her contacting me. If contact is to be made itll be made by me. I just cant stop thinking about her and its already ridiculous so if it continues for so long that by the time i get to vegas i might as well reach out. Worst comes to worst and she loses her mind/gets a restraining order n i cant firefight anymore i can just kill myself its not a big deal. I just cant keep harboring these emotions forever. I already dont wanna harbor em im just too scared to reach out. It doesnt help that me n benj (mostly benj) bring up our exes a lot so i have to think about her. He says shit sometimes that unlocks memories i didnt know i had and it will make my ass catatonic for the day.
Like once i had a ptsd attack while asleep and i jolted awake and we were napping together and i woke up to her laying on me pulling me as close as possible and it brought my heart rate down and mental state down entirely, i was able to relax and calm down just cause she was there. She probably doesnt remember it since when i jolted awake she was mostly still asleep, just doing a slurred half awake “do u have to pee” to which i just said no n we both went back to bed.
I waa gonna type out another memory thats been replaying in my head where she lays with me as i was having full body convulsions and i was in some of the most pain i have ever been in. Rubbing my back and holding my hand. I was gonna type it all out in detail but im already shaking and crying out of one eye lol. No snot or anything tho so i dont know if this qualifies as crying.
Anyways i would give anything to be able to experience that again. The first and only person to ever love me and things went so horribly wrong. Both of our faults. I take the vast majority of the blame though. She takes the blame towards the end but the rest of it is my fault.
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I bet she was told by doctors monthsssss agoooo , but knowing now , it was only in her mind that she felt burdened by telling the whole world . And not just that but her whole family . She was ousted by her sister when looking after her mum but the sister only did that because 2 weeks before she was made redundant from her job . Her whole life has been looking after her mum . Thats the samoan way…the youngest is supposed too do that . And too have it taken away like that , and not only that she passed away many months later . But it was strange it was happening because EVERYONE knew that she got high but she did what her mother wanted , and she knew what her mum liked and what not …..not her sister . But the other siblings didnt really mind it was just her older gossiping sister . The Samoan or Fa’aSamoa way is too serve.But…. its like once her mum passed like…nothing mattered too her . And eventually her body caught up too her . It took a fuckin WEEK . In the hospital on a Thursday and passed the next week on the same day…it was fucking strange too…..we came too see her that day for a visit…we got flowers too for her thinking she would be finally awake so we could tell her she the s gonna be better , mum was gonna give a whole Jesus speech and looking too the lord , all that christian stuff .We got too the hospital , went up the elevator , went the same direction…but knowing mum walked slowly and her friend that she brought over with me and my brother , went too the same room we went two days ago and her nametag wasnt in the room . A lady runs past and asks for a name and comes back but they give us a unnerving look…” ward 4” .i actually pay it no mind cause I dont wanna muck around and walk faster….. I am the first one too walk too the door . My brother and mum and her friend were walking too slow…I walked too the door and look through the window , and my cousin is balling his eyes out with arms on the end of the hospital bed. I open the door slowly….he looks at me crying and he says…Aunty just passed . But…as soon as i turn too see her , my auntys sister who wanted there mum was closing her eyes…and the colour of her skin was what threw me.It was really yellow and ive never seen her like that before…i looked into her eyes and…i dont think i will ever unsee that look again in my life. I look out and already see my mum doesnt walk through the door…but shes already crying. You see…my mum and her were best friends before my mum met my dad . But as life goes on and things change they didnt see each other as much but once together they were a duo of misfits as i see it now . As friends should be .I do eventually walk out the room cause after seeing that made me sad . I talk too my cousin later on in the other room and lays out what happened too her….she was healthy before xmas but noticed she kept going toilet…then had a really sore stomach that put her off work…she went too the hospital for sore bowels months before this week but tells the family she just got sore bowels and thats it , no one pays it no mind untill last week where they find out she has stage 4cancer . But that was soo fuckin fast i didnt even get too talk too her on her last days only the last time was a whole different time and she only missed the good times with all my cousins together mocking each other over shit that made my childhood soo fun being around that side of the family .My cousins theory is that she got told aggggesss ago and didnt wanna tell anyone . And that shit hurt because i felt like that once , “it would be better if i wasnt here”kinda talk or even not burdening anyone with my problems .But you mean too tell me , that i just missed her passing in seconds .Just as I walked through the door? There were soo many roadblocks and humps of interaction that couldve been avoided so i could see her alive ONE more time .How the fuck did it go stage 4 in one week . This maybe playing into my mind too much but its 4 fours were going on throughout that day . Ward 4 , stage 4 , and shes the fourth sister . Also 4 is a badluck number .
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zoebeeeeeeeee · 3 years
Whoa, first time posting this literally half of it didnt post?????? Anyway.
Ok, i gotta spill about this idea Ive had: Trans!Jaskier being Ciri’s  bio father and Geralt also... the bio... father... Ok yeah whatever but like, heres the low down of what ive thought.  
((and no i dont care that witchers are sterile its my AU i can to what i want))
Jask and Geralt are like, established and fuckin all the time and its great
Eventually Jaskier learns hes pregnant becasue it was bound to happen and Jaskier doesnt know Witchers are supposed to be sterile so he was kinda like, counting down the days basically lmao
Jaskier is about to tell Geralt but then the mountain break up happens and he leaves because if Geralt wants him gone so bad then he wont want a baby either
so fuck Geralt he can raise this baby on his own
also the road is no place for a baby
He has Ciri at his  sister’s home (i mentioned her earlier in a little ficlet but basically shes his younger sister and people like Jaskier who arent afraid of witchers dont come out of happy homes) and he stays for like 6 months before something like, the  abusive father inserts himself into the picture and Jaskier peaces out
So Jaskier does a sort of Academy tour teaching thing where he teaches at one school for a year and goes to another school after  
Jaskier is pretty well established at this point but after this he gets even more established.
Its steady work and Ciri enjoys hanging out in his classes
They  never stay in one city for more then a year because like, Jaskier craves movement at now and he wants to show Ciri the world
Like  they have “their songs” and Jaskier does that thing dads do where they  sing over the song their kid plays on repeat really bad on purpose
Jaskier does do Sandpiper work at the same time as his teaching and uses the schools hes at to move elves and be very low key about everything
But things are still dangerous and Ciri being well known to be Jaskier’s daughter makes her a target and so Jaskier has to tell her “If things sever get bad and you need to leave you need to leave me and find a white hared witcher named Geralt”
They use  songs to queue when its safe for Ciri to come out becasue her dad’s back  and a song to queue when it’s dangerous and she needs to get the fuck  out of there.  
I  imagine Nilfguaard finds Jaskier in one of his classes and they make him go to his and Ciri’s apartment and like, thats when he sings and Ciri runs off and the Nilfguaard and fire fuck ransack the place looking  for her.
Sometimes i imagine that Ciri didnt actually run and this is where she discovers her magic and saves Jaskier form Nilfgaard and theres this whole big thing of her being scared of herself but Jaskeir isnt scared of her becasue hes her dad and its very sweet
sometimes i imagine it where Ciri does run off and she finds Geralt and as soon as they meet she like “we gotta save my dad” and Geralt is like “whoes your dad and why should i care” “My dad’s Jaskier” “oh shit we gotta save your dad”
Geralt doesnt know Ciri is his daughter, Ciri doesnt know Geralt is her dad
something something meeting with Yen something something yen mentions the baby need magic something something Jaskier doesnt tell her about ciri because no way in hell is it going to be his baby something something Geralt goes and rescues Jaskeir from captivity and Yen gets Ciri
Jaskier: “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!” i just really like that line because Yen still needs to get her groove back and we love a protective father who steals a sword form his ex boyfriend just to threaten his ex boyfriends ex girlfriend
Can you imagine how goddamned jealous Yen would be?????
Like, fucking Jaskier, who is supposed to be presenting as a man, has a fucking baby with a witcher, who is supposed to be sterile
and she gets nothing????????
Jealousy overload  and the feeling that Jaskeir and Geralt dont deserve a daughter if they arent even going to take care of her
but the whole thing of Jaskier prepared to take Yens head off on sight thing really makes her think that maybe Jaskeir cares more for Ciri then she thinks
Also,  while Geralt and Jaskier are traveling back to Ciri (or looking for her  or whatever) Jaskier spills that she’s Geralt’s daughter and he  obviously doesn't believe Jaskier and Jaskier is more pissed that Geralt  thought Jaskier would have someone else's baby and push it on Geralt  then anything.
Geralt does the math and gets pissed Jaskier didn’t tell him he was pregnant when the broke up.
This  is a whole big argument that leads to the “GET AWAY FORM MY DAUGHTER” and Geralt looking at her and going “Aw fuck thats my  fuckin kid ain’t it.”  
Geralt sends the two things he loves most in this world to the place he knows the most safty Kaer Morhen and they are greeted and its like nice and all
Vesemir: “Geralt my son i need to talk to you. hey how the fuck did you make that??” “I have no idea i blame the bard”
Jaskier told  Ciri the first night after all three of them were together that Geralt was her dad and said it was up to her  if she wanted to peruse a relationship with Geralt becasue he already  knows and like, “Dad is a title you have to earn, not one you can  demand.”
Ciri does want to see Geralt as a father and  Geralt wants to be a father too but hes also so scared because hes a  witcher and children are supposed to be scared of him
Like father like daughter tho and Ciri isnt scared and Jaskier says it’s ok for her to learn to fight
That’s, like, all i got right now. I think
I  think of this a lot while im driving to and from work. I may add on if i  have anything else but ive tried writing this two or three times and  its just never worked. Feel free to write it if you can becasue i apparently cant.
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oriigirii · 3 years
Streamer MC headcannons with the brothers 💞
"You were quite a known face on social media back in the human realm, playing games, doing unboxings, just vibin in general, fans around the globe looked forward to your streams a lot! However, considering the sudden (unannounced) invitation to the exchange program, you had to leave all of that behind out of the blue. It wasn't as bad at first, but you have to admit you do miss the feeling of being able to do goofy shit online. Luckily for you, with the advance technology of Devildom and some spicy magic, the internet had synced with the human realm, and thats when you decided to finally re-enter the streaming scene. How will the brothers react upon seeing your peculiar past time?"
Head empty, No thoughts aside from the brothers just bothering the MC while they stream so here you go haha
Warnings: None, just crackhead energy and a lotta mispellings
Gender: Neutral!
Hotel: Trivago
* [ ಠ╭╮ಠ ] Lucifer *
{How did he know about your career?}
I honestly don't see him as someone who goes on the internet a lot
(He screams boomer to me, change my mind)
He doesn't have the time either, he's too focused on work!
So him finding out is gonna take a while
But! He did find out the hard way when shrilled screaming was heard from your room when he was passing by with some paper stacks in his arms (courtesy of Diavolo)
This man felt his instincts kick in, he ran as fast as he could, papers forgotten, and he immediately slammed your door open. Splinters scattering around, your door definitely damaged, as his eyes held a glare and his demon form was out, wings spread in a threatening display.
He was ready to beat someone's ass as he had thought someone had hurt you in here.
But all hes met with is you, infront of your chair and PC, and a game over on the screen...
To say he was unamused was an understatement cause you just lost your internet priviliges for giving him a heart attack (He said it was because you were being rowdy and noisy but with what you saw you knew that wasn't the case)
Good luck tryna puppy-eye your way to his heart to let you continue streaming lol.
If by some miracle you managed to wriggle your rights back from his hands, he'd warn you not to be so loud next time.
You already learnt your lesson though~ (Hopefully)
{How does he feel about your streams?}
Not everyone's the same, so if you were the shy soft streamer who does more art streams or something akin to a podcast, you can bet that Lucifer will be putting you on while he works, he kinda knows your streaming schedule at this point and if you were running late, he'd force one of his brothers to take over your dish washing duties or any chores you were stuck with
If you were the loud obnoxious meme type, hed still try to watch out of curiosity, and as much as he appreciates that you were getting comfortable here in Devildom with how you laugh and joke around, he still can't approve of it. Its too loud, its much like his brothers energy and he has enough of that already, so he probably doesn't watch as much.
He has countlessly came to your room to shush you and at this point your fans had made a compilation of each time Lucifer had barged in to tell you off
Look he likes it when you scream, but not when hes in the middle of work okay--
At this point, chat has deemed Lucifer as dad and you as their mom/dad.
If he ever catches wind of this he'd definitely be teasing you in private for centuries to come.
Overall fine with it, as long as don't do something stupid on stream.
* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mammon*
{How did he know about your career?}
I would say he found out by him crashing into your streams midway but that's too predictable, hence why you've Mammon-proofed your bedroom during streaming hours!
Thanks to our wizard daddy, you have managed to cast a simple lock spell on your door and as well as a sound proofing
You love your broke idiot, but you did wanna keep the tone of your stream today a bit more chill, you wanted to have a proper Q&A with your fans to hopefully clear any bad vibes around your 3 month disappearance.
When Mammon has learnt your door was locked he definitely was a bit pissy, he knocked on your door loudly even and was calling out for you to let him in, but to no avail.
Bro he's scared.
He usually was allowed to enter, and you usually answered if you did need to be left alone for a bit, so just leaving him hanging got his mind racing and he had to press up his ear on the wooden door to try and hear if you were okay
When this continues on he finally resorts to getting help, but the only one in the house ws Levi, so he kicks down HIS door.
Levi boutta summon Lotan for interrupting him honestly
But as Mammon exclaim you weren't answering and he worried for your wellbeing, Levi rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Idiot Mammon, they're streaming don't bother them…"
Streaming? why didn't you tell him???
Rude much.
He did huff and now was forcing his way to use Levi's PC for a moment
Can Levi stop him?
He was busy on his console, and if he stood up now hed be breaking his world record so he was at a terrible state so he just resorts to threats of him drowning the Avatar of Greed if he does anything stupid on his PC.
He immediately logs in to your streaming platform and he watches for a bit,
You were more dolled up now just to look decent on stream, and he felt this jealousy rise as you interact with your chat, especially to those saying I love you's and stuff, and you even said it back? the audacity! You were his werent you? Were you replacing him with these nobodies?
He huffs as he realized that those who paid got their message highlighted, and thus, he starts donating. (Mind you this was Levi's account...)
"Mcccccc Open the dooorrr"
"Ill behave i promiseeeee"
"Cmon pleaseeee?"
Chat is c o n f u s i o n
NGL, they thought Mammon was a creepy stalker and red flags were being waved everywhere
but as chat was pondering who the hell he was, you can only sigh and look at the camera with that unamused expression, but ugh! you just KNOW hes doing that kicked puppy expression of his, and maybe it really wont be so bad
So you snap your fingers and say, "Okay MonMon, its open, Im giving you 3 seconds"
Mammon wasnt deemed to be the fastest out of his brothers for nothing
As soon as you got to '2', you were already tackled by the white haired male and chat went wild.
Now that you've shown your life in Devildom, maybe its time to introduce chat to your boyfriend no?
{How does he feel about your streams?}
You get paid to sit infront of a camera, do I have to say anything else?
But really though, as much as he enjoys the thought of getting so much cash from something so simple, he prefers the joy of being able to proudly exclaim that he was your first man!
ohhhh he thrives on the salt of your overly attached stans
but for those who fully support you, he always feels so mushy and shy when they say the ship you guys so hard
The fanarts has him WEAK (he may or may not have saved a few)
You usually do streams alone, but now you've allowed the door to be left open to let Mammon join whenever
Chat pogs when he enters with so much confidence, only for it to crumble when you kiss his cheek on stream.
Overall finds it fun to spend time with you, but just dont play scary games cause Lucifer might hang him upside down on stream.
* ▘▂▝ Leviathan*
{How did he know about your career?}
He is honestly the most attached to his D.D.D and he catches wind of almost anything going down in the internet, so your 'revival' being hyped up was something he definitely saw and he was just s wo o o ned
His Henry 2.0? a famous streamer?
Were you truly a blessing gifted upon him or was he dreaming?
He definitely didn't bring it up at first as he didn't wanna make it a big deal, but you notice hes been more in his head lately, and you have tried asking him what it was but to no avail.
You have to corner this little snake if you want answers and he eventually admits that he knew of your persona online and was incredibly shy to ask you to stream with him
He's a streamer himself afterall but maybe he doesnt stream as much as you do nor does he have as large of a following, so his intrusive thoughts attacked him and made him think that maybe since he wasnt as famous he didnt deserve to be in the same stream as you
Please tell him to join you and gib him kiss U3U
He'll absolutely m e l t
But now, as you make the announcement to your viewers and Levi to his, the internet explodes as a special collab stream was hapening between the expert gamer and avatar of envy of Devildom along with the beloved exchange student and streamer of the human realm
Your usual viewers reach between 10-15k, but as you start stream, that number boosts higher and beyond
Before streaming though, Levi was incredibly nervous, he'd picked the games for you to play that he knew you would enjoy with him, but his mind kept racing about whatthe fans thought, he didnt wanna disappoint them
But you had to remind him that whatever they say will not matter in the end as this was merely for fun, this was YOUR stream and you guys were gonna do what you want and nobody can have a say on it. (Maybe except Lucifer)
You usually talk for him with your bubbly personality, and to calm his nerves, he hs your pinky wraped around his where the camera can't see it.
Regardless, his thoughts subsided as you two delve into your stream that lasted a solid 7 hours, you definitely promised your chat that you and Levi will be doing more streams together from now on.
Once the cameras cut and yall are left alone, Both of you collapse on bed, and despite you being asleep already, Levi was just far too giddy as everything dwells on him.
Having a player 2 by his side now had never felt so intoxicating and he as just so lucky to have you.
{How does he feel about your streams?}
He obviously adores it, although some streams he wouldnt join just so he can play games on his own
He's still an introvert afterall, he needs his alone time
But he prefers that alone time with you, his Henry.
So when youre about to go stream, he kinda becomes a bit pouty, but with a simple promise of kisses (and maybe even more if youd like) he would let you go, but his attention would disappear from his game altogether.
He might just end up watching you instead
May or may not, at some point, just chat you and ask if its too late to join you
You do allow him to join you and play from the comforts of his room as both of you can simply play via internet, you give him the comfort to not turn on his mic or webcam either and you have no idea how he appreciates that.
Will definitely fight someone online when they start claiming you as theirs (-cough- stans) Please make sure it doesnt escalate to him summoning Lotan
Although the comments would often get to him, and as much as he can fight them online, he still does find himself pondering if they were true, so you need to give him a lotta lovin and reminder that he is your player 1 and no one else can ever fill that place.
Wow 3 brothers this time, what an improvement, anyways hope yall enjoy! I think its pretty clear who I simp for depending o nthe length of each lol, but do let me know if you guys want a part 2 for the rest of the brothers, or even the undateables!
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hobilluvvr · 3 years
lost ocean troubles | 2
Tumblr media
college au! sub!armin x dom!reader
words - 2.7k
warnings - vomit, blood, mentions of abuse , injuries
parts - |
so incredibly sorry for this late update but testing season is approaching and I need to study sadly :/ this part is very rough with spelling errors and grammar but will be revised later !
please enjoy this update and constructive criticism is always welcomed :D . If you want to be added to the tag list please don’t hesitate to ask !
taglist - @haikyoonn @kenmas-nintendoswitch
The flowers had this magnificent pale blue color to them, the sun hitting them just at the right angle and the sage leaves accented the stem, the weight of the beautiful petals making the stem slightly wilt downwards .
this piqued armins interest, so much so that he walked towards them , feet trudding against the soft sand. As he comes close the overwhelming smell of coconut with a hint of sea saltseasalt overwhelmes his senses, his nose srunching up in question, the scent resembling of clean linen,a quite odd observation , even more so for a flower .
Just as he reaches to pick the flower up, the sun all of the sudden blazes furiously, the rays bouncing everywhere and blinding armin, now groaning as he squirms in abrupt discomfort. His feet dig at the sand … or what was the sand… the feeling of plush fabric instead meeting his skin, surrounding his body in comfort and warmth.
Snuggling further into this random source of heat, the sudden realization hits him. His eyes open the tiniest bit and he stops for a moment … this isnt the beach… in fact he’s laying on a bed… an unknown bed
At this his body jolts upward and armin frantically looks around his surroundings, the white pillows and the grey blanket not correlating in his mind as his. ‘This isnt my room’ the panic quickly sets in, quickly throwing the blanket aside and standing up abruptly which proves to be a grave mistake as a headache and the urge to vomit surges up his throat.
He clutches his stomach as he runs to the bathroom ,quickly kneeling over the toilet, emptying the contents of his stomach, the acidity already making his throat burn angrily. The sound of quick footsteps echo the walls and he goes to turn his head towards the door when the second round of bile threatens to escape his throat.
His ingers clutch the toilet ,violently puking when a second presence is felt . armin feels someone kneel next to him and gently rub at his back
“Its okay , its okay ,let it all out “ you push his bangs away from his face while the other hand rubs at his back . armin lifts his head up ,groaning as he moves away from the toilet feeling his head throb way too violently.
You hand him the cup of water and pain killer you set down when you entered the bathroom
“Here take this, dont move too much . your head is most likely killing you” he takes the items and pops the pill in his mouth quickly downing it with the water. When he sets the cup down he looks at you ,eyes squinting, clearly confused
“Where am i ?”
You chuckle lightly, standing up and lean against the counter “you dont remember anything do you huh?” the boy sitting on the floor thinking ...
Suddenly armin visibly stiffens, his cheeks flushing “uh w-ww di-idnt do i-it ,rig-ght?” his eyes all of the sudden finding great interest on the floor tiles .
You give him a light smile and laugh even louder this time “no, no we didnt ,dont worry about that. Here cmon” you reach out a hand to lift him up off the floor
He takes your hand sheepishly ,shoulders relaxing in relief, his red cheeks calming down “ then what happened? Why am i here ?” he asks following you out of the bathroom and into the room.
You cringe at the events that happened the previous night and you wonder if you should tell him everything. You head over to your drawers and open them, turning your back to the stumbling boy “well you got extremely wasted and this creep saw that you were alone and he tried messing with you but i took care of it”
your hands clench harshly at the shirt you were holding thinking about the old fuck. God humans can be pieces of shit
“Oh.” armins bit his lip and he desperately tried to remember exactly what happened , your answer being quite vague , but this did nothing but make his head throb once again . wincing in pain he goes to lifts his hand up to hold his head when he notices the bandages around his wrists ‘what happened ?did i get injured ?’
After picking out what you needed , you turned to face him and you catch his line of sight , looking at his wrists . as if you heard what his thoughts you say “ the perv was being really aggressive towards you and he injured you quite badly but i brought you up to my apartment and fixed you up a bit “giving him a warm smile you hold out the clothes you had previously searched for
“ here , take this and clean your self up a bit then i can take you home, yeah ? you got a little bit of a stain forming on you “ you chuckle, head nodding towards the vomit on the shirt before walking out ,leaving him in the room alone
His eyes widen at your comment immediately rushing to the bathroom and sure enough his vomit is all over the shirt , the mirror reminding him of his earlier commotion . armin sighs in embarrassment ,blue eyes scanning his appearance, finally now knowing how much of a hot mess he looks like . he notices another bandage on his face, his cheek specifically , a bit of blood staining the white bandage along with another few scratches all over his face.
His finger traces around his facial injuries ‘wow, what exaclty happened last night ?’
He shakes his head , not wanting his head to pound again, instead just focusing his attention on the shirt you gave him noticing that it looks similar to the dirty one he is wearing currently.
‘Oh god …..dont tell me …. Im wearing her clothes ‘ the realization hits him and his ears turn an angry shade of red. ‘God how much more of a burden can he be to you ?’ he groans before closing the bathroom door
As soon as you close the door , your eyes land on a very dishevled eren leaving his room , hand shielding his squinting eyes away from the harsh sunlight “what happened ? i heard what sounded like someone vomiting” his morning voice rasping out, following you to the kitchen and sitting down on the kitchen bar stool
“Oh he woke up and well... , you know how hangovers are like “ you open the fridge , scanning the interior “wait why is the fridge empty ? i thought i told you it was your turn to go grocery shopping this time ? what happened ? “ you frown turning towards him, crossing your arms
Eren only yawns and stretches his body, not seeming to mind that you were glaring holes at him “dont you remember ? i couldnt go so you said we’d go together after we ate something yesterday but then you got too caught up fighting someone if i recall correctly ” he confidently said, fingers tapping at his chin , eyes meeting yours, glaring back.
You sigh giving up “ ahh yeah i remember now….” you take a quick glance around the kitchen and see nothing of nutritional value “ the hell are we going to eat then ? and why didnt you clean up the medical supplies from last night ?” you badger him looking at the medical supplies messily strewn all over the counter
Eren scrunches his face , hand running through his bedhair, still groggy from just waking up a few minutes ago “ we can always just doordash something” he picks up the bottle of rubbing alcohol remebering how you carried armin into the apartment when he passed out and set him on the couch leaving eren to tend to his wounds.
Just as armin was falling , passing out after just vomiting all over you , you quickly grab at his waist and preventing him from hitting his head on the floor . the stench of the vomit was awfully intense and you scrunch your nose trying to stop the smell from affecting you “ can you be any faster over there ? you tease seeing him struggle with the keys , his fumbling being weirdly endearing somehow
“Im trying , im trying. I swear this cold is messing me up or something “ he puffs out now fumbling with inserting the key right . you roll your eyes upon seeing this , giving a light chuckle before reaching a hand underneath the blonde boys legs and bringing them towards your chest, effectively lifting him up bridal style.
You walk into the apartment and set the boy softly onto the couch before looking down to the mess that your clothes are in , heading towards the bathroom “ hey eren could you patch him up for me ? i have to clean myself up before he’s not the only one with body fluids all over the floor.” you smirk
Eren scoffs “dont you go throwing up on me , you hear ? i just mopped the floors yesterday and im sure as hell not letting you mess my hard work up “ he hears your distant laugh down the hallway , before the sound of boots fade, leaving him alone with the boy
Eren looks at the boy slowly sliding down on the couch and ultimately sighs before going to the cabinet where all the medical supplies are stored. He opens it while lowly muttering “just cause my dad was a doctor and he taught me a few things doesnt mean i have to tend to everyones wounds “
Grabbing a few bandages and bandaids, and rubbing alcohol, he grabs a stool and places it in front of the boy. ‘Your injuries shouldnt be that bad ‘ he thinks before he lifts the boy and positions him upright. Immediately the sight of scarce blood and vomit greets erens eyes . eren winces in slight sympathy and disgust before he wipes armins face clean with the cloth he has in hand and disinfecting the wounds next
The rubbing alcohol stirred a reaction out of the blonde boy seeing as he squirmed in discomfort , the position he was put in faltering, falling into the nearest thing, which so happened to be erens chest, more specifically his neck
Eren was flustered ,not knowing what to do he freezes , his ears turning red upon feeling the shallow breath of the boy on, his sensitive neck . Eren looks down and he admires the peaceful features on the petite boy .’he looks so peaceful, pretty even ‘ eren stares for a bit before he snaps out of it and pushes the boy off his chest , tending to his wounds , doing what he first came to do.
“ i left the supplies out because i knew i would have to tend to your wounds too “ he gets up , walking to the other side of the bar, heading where you are
You squint your eyes in visible confusion “ my wounds ? what are you talking about ?” he scoffs rolling his eyes, “dont play dumb with me , you beat up someone to a bloody pulp and dont expect any damage to your hands, more specifically your damn knuckles ? “
He reaches down, grabbing your hand and lifting them up as to make a point “look at this “ you look down towards your hand and the sight of multi colored bruises,blood and even some open skin greets you.
“ you didnt let me tend to them yesterday so let me do it now “ you meet eyes and his are practically pleading you, but before you get to open your mouth to say anything, you hear rustling and you look behind eren to see what it is .
Armin is awkwardly standing there in the living room, the clean shirt you gave him reaching his knees , and the sweatpants a bit too baggy . you have to physically stop yourself from cooing , the sight being way too adorable for you to handle this early in the morning
Eren senses his presence as well , turning around , both of you guys forgetting about your previous conversation . you clear your throat, sensing some sort of tension in the room “ hey youre finally out ! i was going to make you something to eat but turns out the fridge is empty “ you rub your neck sheepishly , making a mental note to go grocery shopping asap .
Armins eyes widen at this , his hands extending and quickly shaking “ oh no no , please you dont have to, i dont want to be more of a bother than i already am ,” he shyly looks down at the floor , swinging his body , slightly nervous
You smile seeing his cute habit of not making eye contact, fetching your car keys off the wall “ well i bet youre missing your home right ? i can drive you home now if you want “ you also grab the plastic bag off the floor by the corridor
Armin seems to stiffen again , eren now chuckling , his hands stuffed in his sweatpants , noticing how the blonde boy seems way to nervous around you guys . armin looks at eren momentarily before he looks at the floor again ‘ how the hell do you guys look so good this early in the morning ‘ he thinks ‘ meanwhile here he is looking all messed up ‘
“I actually dont live too far away, i can walk home by myself “ armin lies straight out of his teeth , clearly not doing it well judging by the look of your face . youre not convinced seeing as the whole reason why he’s here in the first place was because he was wandering alone.
“ id feel much better knowing that someone is walking you home , i dont want a repeat of what happened yesterday .” you bite your lip, now staring more intensely at the boy in front of you
Armin mentally groans ‘ damn you and your kindness, why cant you get the hint that he doesnt want to hassle you any longer ?’
“Well um … “ he pauses, intensely thinking of a solution that doesnt involve him burdening you guys any further when he hears some shuffling and then someone handing a phone to him. Armin looks up and green eyes stare back at him
“Do you have anyone you can call ? a friend maybe to come pick you up ? “ eren suggests , reading right through the boy
“ o-oh y-yes i do umm thank you , for your phone i mean “ armin scrambles to take the phone and calls his roommate , knowing for sure she is freaking out about his whereabouts
He hands the phone back to eren and shuffles his feet “ luckily she is around the area and can pick me up in 5 minutes , i can wait outside …” you ponder for a second at this suggestions , before ultimately nodding
“Yeah sounds like a solid plan , okay , here take this bag before you head out “ you hand it over and armin looks at you and tilts his head slightly “ its your clothes from last night , i washed them and folded them , oh and your bag is also inside “ you explain while he peeks at the contents inside grief striking his face
‘How much exaclty did you do for him , he’s the worst guest ever in history , throwing up all over your bathroom ‘ he cringes at the thought. He's definitely gonna think about this experience at night,when he reminisces about all the embarrassing moments he's had in his lifetime
“Thank you guys so much for all youve done , i really do appreciate it “ armin rubs at his nape laughing out softly “ well i should get going “ he goes to the entrance, hand on the knob
“Yeah absolutely no problem , take care pretty boy ! “ you say waving , smiling brightly when you see his cheeks flush once more , eren just nodding goodbye . he waves a small goodbye before leaving , closing the door gently . sighing in relief when he got out.
Armin walks out into the street and sure enough there is his roommate , waiting and the look on her face looks not so pleasantly happy .he knows what is going to happen. he opens the car door ready to hear her badgering soon enough
“Look , mikasa , i can ex-” not so shortly as he begins his sentence, she yells out
“WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOUVE BEEN ? DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED SICK I WAS WHEN YOU DIDNT PICK UP MY MANY PHONE CALLS ? ARE THOSE BANDAGES IM SEEING? “ armin winced at her reprimations, slowly sinking further into the passenger seat as she kept rambling, knowing that he has to face her wrath for the whole drive home .
he still has no clue as to what exactly happened last night, the only thing he can do is hope his memories would come back soon and clear up his many questions
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader
felix x reader | part six of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff
↬ warnings; pregnancy, slight relation to sex, birth
↬ notes; this took so long lmfao i just had it sitting but i’m finishing up seungmin rnnn 🤓 i’ve been doing requests whew i just have EVERYTHING coming at once
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u guys r really surprised 
u two had been in a relationship for four years now so this was inevitable as u two were putting off the pressure of marriage for awhile now
“woah, i’m gonna be a dad!! does this mean u have to call me daddy now?”
u r s e n s i t i v e
felix first notices this when he gives u a kiss in the morning n ur crying like two seconds after
“why are you crying??!”
“you just leave so early and i miss you!!”
felix skips the day, not rly caring he just wants to cuddle u 🥺
speaking of cuddling u two r so cuddly together now
u guys just cant get enough of each other
ur at practice less often just bc of media and he thinks the house is safer for u
so the boys come over a ton more to the dorm just bc they wanna see u and spend time with u
he is so cute, whenever he sees you he’ll instantly be on his knees to kiss your baby bump and leave u with a light kiss on ur lips
u guys go to ur scan at the beginning of the second trimester
its hush hush and ofc felix has u with the best doctor hes heard of 
his hands are clammy asf, hes smiling and so dazed while he stares at the ultrasound
“look at that!! baby a and baby b!!”
felix is like, 
“oh im gonna pass out”
now he gets these corny ass JOKES like
“wow lix has really GOOD swimmers!!!”
“felix knows his way around the bedroom!!!!!!!!”
poor baby jeongin :( they are POLLUTING HIS MIND
he doesnt but this boy is scared shitless now, two babies?? thats a lot to handle
he likes to shop, a lot. 
for some reason everything is dog themed, puppies on everything and he’ll come home with bags of baby stuff everyday
lix is just so in love with your body
sweaters, t-shirts, hoodies, anything he owns, he 100% wants you to wear it
he might be a little excited at the thought of u in his clothes, it was usual but now u pregnant, he was a little MORE excited
abnormally this guy worships your body 100% 
he loves how easily you can just unravel, to the point of tears and have u begging for him to stop
ok lemme not ill start writing shit type smut anyways chile yes lix loves u A LOT in and out of the bedroom
mmm he’ll always be brainstorming names
aeygo for the babies 🥺
tons of kisses he has plenty to go around
he acquires a new skill called cooking 😣
ur his new favorite taste tester
he’ll read books for them both
tons of research on expecting twins and what to do
“hey, okay.. so i bought a pregnancy pillow, and like, i wanna use it?”
felix has this smirk, holding the huge pillow that is supposed to be a maternity one, but he much prefers himself using it as a regular pillow
he actually goes public with this, knowing that the fans adored u after being his girlfriend for so long nd u soon became a favorite for them
some shit like ‘stays meet your new members’ 😣
this guy has a knack for painting, his newest canvas is your large baby bump, doodling little flowers n hearts or animals on it, sometimes painting characters on it or whatever it may be
u two have this rly cute vlive together which consists of him painting ur baby bump, plenty of fun while he asked stays to tell him what to draw on ur bump :v
“ooh!! a ladybug!!”
he posts the finished project in nice high quality on their official instagram, showing off the many things he had painted
the dreaded bed rest comes into play
u are now nearing seven months, which meant that u should be experiencing labor or maybe labor pains soon
he takes his paternal leave, now indulging in ice-cream and gummy bears with u, rather than working out and drinking nasty smoothies
guess who has that sympathy weight 
(jk he just uses it as an excuse so he can just give up on his diet)
sleep all day
sleep all night
u two are honestly so tired for WHATEVER reason
lix is there to be a cuddle bug, pulling ur back close to his body, ur legs entwined and his hand on top of ur own that was on ur bump
its rly cute just try and picture it for a moment
u guys r trying everything to hurry and get to the end of this seemingly forever pregnancy
he’ll def buy two yoga balls instead of just one for u and he’ll bounce on them with u
who cares ab trying to hurry up y’all are having so much fun regardless of the fact u have to pee every ten minutes
u both forget the thought of it and just go with the flow
making a deal to go with the names for whomever u claimed aka baby a or baby b
i see ur guys timing to be during the summer so its miserable in ur house
its hot n stuffy
u two r just lounging n u both have popsicles, then ur just like
“oh! oh.”
it was a steady gush of fluid between ur legs and that was when the nervousness set in
u two just look at each-other in shock
“oh! we’re having a baby- um.. wow!”
he is abnormally good at keeping calm, helping u keep ur breathing steady and getting everything together 
felix is a pro.
u guys r kinda chilling in the parking lot just quiet and sort of nervous that the next time ur walking out of there you both will have not one, but two babies
“i don’t know if i’m ready yet.”
felix groans, grabbing ur hand
“ur right, ur more than ready. look at us!! parents of two in at least the next twenty-four hours!!” 
his hands r around u in a second to help u up and there to help u walk in
u two honestly decide to play games on ur phone to kill time
felix crawls into ur bed, seeing as how u looked extremely lonely, letting his arms and legs wrap around u n he’s just playing with ur hair
its honestly adorable
u two are really tired for whatever reason, falling asleep like this before u would be consumed in the late nights of being parents
these nurses wake u both up and are just like
“let’s see if we’re ready to meet ur babies!!”
felix is kinda scared but nonetheless he’ll grab ur hand and hold onto it with a smile
10cm woo!
if he wasn’t hyping u up before he is hyping u up right now
ur somewhat laughing and crying while in pain
yall r so weird
felix is there to wipe ur face with the wet cloth, or to give u a sip of water, rly whatever u need he is on it
poor baby just wants to be of help
“here’s baby a! it’s a girl!”
u two have at least a moment with her, taking in her small appearance, felix holding her out for u to see
abruptly cut off by baby b needing to make an appearance
“i don’t wanna do this again.”
“it’s alright, shh. we’re going to have two babies, two perfect ones. we have one little girl, let’s get ready for the next one, yeah? our two babies, you’re doing so good.”
they take away ur little girl while felix does what he already did beforehand
“here’s your second one!! we have a pair of sisters!”
u and felix are so overjoyed at this news, literally sobbing, u two r a mess
both r brought over to u, felix taking in the fact he’s a father of two girls, such small girls
ur both smiley while u kiss them n cuddle them, getting the nurse to take a picture of u two
ur obviously tired, felix emotionally worn out but having the brightest smiles on ur faces while u hold onto ur pair of newborn girls
he’s so proud, he’s the definition of a proud father
lix is holding onto one and he comes over to you, the other one cooing
“that’s it, my three girls.”
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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Daminette Rough Layout AU #1
Warning- This is a Salt AU, it contains Lila salt, Adrien Salt, Alya Salt and Class Salt. Some of the Salt is dramatized, pkease read at your own digression.
Note- Changing things up a bit-they are in high school now-Damian 16 and Marinette 15 and juniors, obviously things are different from canon. Gabriel gave up both miraculous after Adrien dies in one of the akuma fights, he has Nooroo and Duusu bring them to the guardian. Marinette helps heal Duusu so that if he is ever used again the holder will not start to die. Soon after Master Fu takes back Adrien's miraculous and names Marinette the guardian.
He doesnt lose his memories but he does pass away a week later. Marinette also deletes her original website and makes and entire new one under MDC designs after Lila threatens to leave bad reviews.(This happens before she meets Damian, right when they are entering high school.)
They met online after Damian got tired of his brothers making fun of him for talking like an old man. He found Marinette on Twitter, (She has a very popular Twitter blog where she Tweets in English and is considered a meme god.) and after reading her tweets decided that she'd be a good teacher.
After reaching out they agreed on how much she'll be paid and a time that works best for both of them. Every Monday & Wednesday the video chat when Damian has his lunch and study period. For Damian it is 12 to 1 pm, and for Marinette it is 7 to 8 pm. After two months Marinette has successfully made Damian her friend, and he has began opening up to her more. Meanwhile Damian begins to mess with his brothers using memes.
Tim to Jason- I will die if I don't get coffee soon.
Damian passing by the kitchen on his phone- Then perish.
Jason-...Did he just?
Tim- Impossible.
Dick over the coms while on patrol-I really want candy right now.
Damian drops down next to him and pulls a tidepod of of his belt giving it to Dick before continuing on.
Dick-What the fuck...
Tim having seen from a distance-What did Damian give you candy?
Dick- He gave me a tidepod.
Jason-Your shitting me Goldie.
Jason-What are you eating Damian?
Damian taking a bite of a pop tart- Ravioli...
Jason-Im going fucking crazy.
Alfred-Language Master Jason.
They now text each other durning their free time, Marinette loves receiving pictures of Damian's pets and silly pictures of Damian's friend Jon. Damian loves seeing pictures of her newest designs and Paris at night.
Jon is the only person who knows about Marinette and thats because he crashed one of Damian's classes. He gushes over the fact that Damian is talking to his favorite person on Twitter, then full on fanboys a second later when she follows him back on Twitter. Soon after she becomes friends with Jon too, Lila comes back. After two weeks of fighting her she stops after both Damian and Jon point out that if her classmates were really her friends they wouldnt believe someone they just met over her. Marinette stops doing extra things for the class no more free pastries, banners, clothes or anything. She spends majority of her time on school work, her comissions and talking with Damian and Jon.
Madame Bustier at one point asks her to stay after class. She tells her she is disappointed that Marinette is distancing herself form the class so much. Marinette just tells her that she is done, that if she wants a perfect role model then she should use Lila instead and leaves. The next day she tells Madame Bustier she is stepping down as class president, everyone in the class except for Chloe and Marinette vote for Lila. Marinette has had more free time then she has had in a while and is thriving. She is able to take more and more commissions and even allows Jagged and Clara to give other celebrities access to her website. With a push from Jon she also sets up a Twitter and Instagram account under MDC Designs. With in no time everyone is trying to get an MDC original.
At one point she gets a call from Jon asking her how much it would cost for a MDC original for his mom. Marinette smiles softly telling him to just get his moms measurements for her. When he argues she finally agrees to accept payment but gives him a family discount. Jon agrees with a huff, a month later Jon sends her a video of his mom opening his gift.
Lois-Oh Jon love you know you didnt have to get me anything.
Jon-And let Connor out do me this year? No way.
Connor laughing-Oh shut it Jon!
Jon-cone on open it already mom!
Lois lauging before unwrapping the box- Is this? Jon is this a MDC box?
Connor looking at him with wide eyes.
Jon-open it and see!
Clark-So thats why you asked me for her measurements.
Lois pulls a beautiful knee length navy blue pencil dress. It had a classy V neck and flounce bell sleeves Jon is this and MDC original?
Jon-weeell if you look at the inside of the right sleeve your see her signature marking. Thats not all though mom theres another box!
Lois grabs the other box and unwraps it opening it quickly to find a pair of white lace up Oxford pumps with matching navy laces, MDC hand stitched on the back in navy.
Lois-How did you-how did you get MDC originals?
Jon laughing-I'll never tell!
Marinette saves the video on her phone and tells him he wants a photo of her in it for her website. A week later he send her pictures of his mom in the outfit posing with his dad and the next day he send pictures of her posing with Bruce Wayne on the red carpet. She quickly posts them on Instagram and Twitter tagging Lois, Clark, Bruce and Daily Planet.
'I knew Mrs. Lane would make this one of a kind outfit look beautiful! I was happy to make the dress and shoes as a surprise from her son! Mrs. Lane your son has my number, if you ever want another original talk to him! 💋'
Lois immediately responds to her tweet thank her for the amazing gift, while also asking how her son got in contact with MDC.
Marinette- ' 🤫🤫😘😘💋'
Jon-'You'll never know!!'
Lois, with her bosses approval, writes an article joking about the mystery that is MDC at also an interview where she grills her son on how he knows MDC.
Its a blows up and part of Jon's interview becomes a meme. This part;
Jon-Superman, please come save me from my mom!
Marinette being the meme godess she is decides to quote it on Twitter, but she messes up and posts it on MDC desgins.
MDC-Superman, please come save me from these deadlines!
Half an hour later
MDC-That was meant for my personal Twitter...
Now everyone is also talking about MDC memeing.
After talking with the Kwami Marinette decides to tell Damian and Jon about her time as Ladybug, and how she still goes out and patrols to stop muggers. In return one day Damian and Jon flies him and Damian to paris and they finally meet in person and they tell her their own identities. They leave Gotham at 7 am in Gotham and make it to Paris at 3 pm and wait for her outside of her parents bakery. Marinette flips out and practically tackles the both if them in a hug. She pulls them inside happily introducing her parents to her American friends. After they tell her they decide to spend the rest of the day together. Marinette also takes their measurements telling them its for a surprise. Damian tells her that his brothers are obsessed with MDC and how the wouldnt stop hounding Jon when they found out he had gotten in contact with her.
They go out and Marinette shows them Paris while Jon is slowly pushing them together. He is ecstatic when Marinette wraps one of her fingers around Damien's finger and he respond by grabbing and holding her hand. They are all immensly happy until they are passing by a park and notices her class having a party. At first she doesnt care and just shrugs it off, until the class notices them. Alya accuses Marinette of trying to start drama, she rolls her eyes telling Alya she didnt even know about the party and was just showing her friends around. Damian frowns glaring at the class when he feels Marinette hand start to shake and releases her hand wrapping an arm around her waist in support. Jon is also frowning but simply reminds Marinette that they were going out to eat. Marinette nods and begins telling them about the restaurant they were going to while leaning into Damian's side.
They turn leaving the class behind only for Adrien to hurry after them. Adrien tries to convince Marinette to return and spend time with the class saying he missed his friend. Marinette tells him that they arent friends anymore, that friends dont allow lies to be spread about their friends. She takes the boys and they finally make it to the restaurant.
Damian pays refusing to let Marinette or Jon touch the check. They spend the rest of their time at Marinette's house watching movies until they leave at 9pm wishing Marinette goodnight and making it back to Gotham at 3 pm. When they get back to the manor Bruce confronts Damian asking why he got notified that Damian's card had been used in Paris. Thats how Bruce finds out about Marinette.
Bruce- shes been teaching you memes?
Bruce-...well at least your making friends.
Damian-dont tell the others, they'll want to meet her and Id rather not be embarrassed
Bruce-I wont say anything until they catch you then.
Around the end of Marinette's junior year Lila accuses Marinette of theft and she is once again expelled. Only this time Marinette gets the school board involved and she is quickly cleared of charges. once again. However she decides not to return to the school tired of their treatment. Instead with the help of Jagged and her parents permission she enrolls at Gotham Academy and doesnt tell Damian to surprise him. Jon does know that way he could help her.
Within the week Marinette is in Gotham in her new penthouse apartment with her new gaurdian, a maid/nanny that Penny had recommended. Her name is Margaery she is in her 60s. The next day Marinette is dropped of at school by Margaery, Jon is already there early and helps her get his schedule and everything. Then they wait for Damian to arrive hiding until the see him open his locker Jon distracts him while Marinette hides behind the locker door. The school is very surprised whe. Damian smiles brightly at seeing her. Within the day she is known around the school as both Sunshine and Gotham's new Goddess.
Soon enough Damian Marinette and Jon are never seen withiut tge other except in classes. Many teachers see Marinette as a blessing classes have been calmer shes always willing to volunteer and shes even started tutoring some of the students. Even though she entered late in the year she starts to help the student council and things were more organized and running smoother. What everyone is really happy about is how she seems to bring out the teen in Damian and encourage him to act his age. The only reason they havent posted about her and Damian's relationship is because Damian made it clear he didnt want his family to know.
He starts calling her Angel and Red Bird. Marinette starts calling him Dove and Birdie. They slowly start going on dates while also making sure to hang out with Jon so he didnt feel left behind. Its the beginning of summer when Marinette gets invited to a Wayne gala by Bruce himself with a little note.
'Miss Dupain-Cheng, I would like to meet the girl that has stolen my youngest's attention. Please do not inform him I invited you, I think it will be quite the surprise for him. -Bruce Wayne
She tells Damian to wear a seafoam green tie because it will bring out his eyes, in a sly way so that they will be matching. She then makes a seafoam green Asymmetrical A-line off the shoulders dress adding layers of tulle that forms teirs and finishes with horsehair hemlines. The MDC signature is stictched on to the second layer of tulle.
The night of the Gala she is dropped off by Margaery and Jon leaves his parents to meet her. She tells him that Damian didnt know either and Bruce wanted to surprise him. Jon starts laughing causing Marinette to dissolve into giggles. This catches Jon's parents eyes and they walk over. Jon wuickly introduces her as one of his best friends. Lois and Marinette quickly hit it off and enter the gala together with Jon and Clark following behind them. After 5 minutes Damian spots them, and discreetly hurries over to them.
Lois and Clark are surprised at the nickname and that Damian is smiling even more surprised when he hugs her and holds her hand gently. They stare into each others eyes for a moment until Lois coughs catching boths attention. Damian greets them as he lets go of Marinette's hand wrapping an arm around her waist as she does the same. They stand talking with each other until Lois spots someone she wants to interview and hurries off with Clark. The three of them share a look before all saying food at once. Jon walks ahead of them as Marinette and Damian follow talking to themselves.
M-'Your father wanted to meet me so Im afraid I will no longer be a secret.'
D-'Of course he did, I was hoping to keep those embarrassments known as my brothers away.'
This causes Marinette to laugh leaning her head on his shoulder.
M-'I am sure they arent that bad.'
They spend a good half hour talking with Jon and eating before Bruce finds them and introduces himself to Marinette. Five minutes later she notices Damian's brothers starring at them in shock. She starts giggling and points it out to Damian who groans. Soon after the boys rush over to interrogate their brother dragging him away from Marinette Jon and Bruce.
While Damian is dealing with them Jagged and Penny both find Marinette. Eventually the boys force Damian to introduce them to Marinette. She hits it off with all of them promising to visit the mansion. Jon convinces Damian to ask Marinette to be his girlfriend. He asks her to dance with him and asks while they are dancing. That night Marinette Damian and Jon leave together for an impromptu sleepover at Marinette's. Margaery picks them up greeting both parents and assuring them that there kids will be safe, and they will be camping out in the living room.
Marinette surprises the boys with handmade pjs once they get to her house and Margaery surprises them with cookies. The next day she goes to the mansion with Damian and gets to know his brothers more piecing together who is who of the Batfamily. At one point Jason insinuates that Marinette couldnt fight so she challenges his to a spar. Jason being cocky holds back and gets his butt kicked, he asks for a rematch and doesnt hold back this time, still gets his butt kicked.
While Damian and Marinette are saying goodbye she jokes about how long its going to take his siblings to realize shes a hero not a civilian. Damian finds it hilarious. When Marinette gets home she tells Margaery that she was going up to the roof to look at the stars for inspiration. Margaery allows her making her take a blanket, hor chocolate and some cookies with her. That night Nightwing lands on her roof and 'startles' causing her to throw her cup at him hitting him in the gut
Robin chuckling-That bitch empty,
Mari and Robin together-Yeet!
Marinette laughs offering him a cookie as Nightwing gets up
Nightwing-Nice throw.
Marinette laughs harder her eyes twinkling.
Mari-Sorry you startled me I must have lost track of time I should head back home now. Have a safe patrol Birdies!
She says before passing other of them leaving the plate of cookies behind for them. Over the summer Marinette and Damian visit her parents for two weeks before returning to Gotham. The rest of the summer is filled with dates between her and Damian the Gotham Gazette is having a field day with them.
They're referred to as the Goddess and the Prince and every date is talked about the next day. When summer is over Marinette Damian and Jon are back for their senior year. Marinette decides to run for student body president and Jon runs as her vice president, they both tease Damian about being the trophy boyfriend and he responds that he is fine with it as long as hes the trophy boyfriend to Marinette. Marinette and Jon win with an almost unanimous vote. It is half way through their senior year when Damian's brothers realize she knows. Bruce and Babs already know. Jason teasingly jokes about Damian outing them to a civilian and Marinette jist goes
Marinette-Jayby(This is her nickname for him), I have beaten you in spars 9 out of 10 times and you still think Im a civilian.
Marinette sighs before calling Tiki out and transforming. (She has a different outfit. Period. Her hair is pulled into a high ponytail, held by a red ribbon. It has a completely black mask, her top was sleeveless and was a deep red. She had gloves that stopped at her elbows the same deep red but with black poka-dots. Her pants were completely black with a red belt holding her yoyo. Her outfit was finished with red combat boots with black soles.) Everyone is silent as they taken in her outfit.
Damian-God your so beautiful.
Marinette-Aw Dove
Que a sweet kiss where Jason gags jokingly before Tim flips out about her being Ladybug. Marinette jokingly says that he didnt react that way to her being MDC.
Dick-This time your oulling my leg.
Marinette-You didnt know? I was always giving you guys family discounts.
Tim-Your MDC...my favorite fashion designer is my future sister-in-law. Thats why your commissions always seemed cheaper than others. Im chalant right now.
This causes Dick to burst out laughing.
Dick-Really becuase Im whelmed!
Bruce smiles slightly remembering when his eldest would use to his 'Unwords' all the time.
That night Marinette patrols with them and Gotham gains a new hero LadyBird. With a little shove from Damian and begging from Tim, Marinette begins to grow MDC even more by partnering with Wayne Enterprises. Marinette and Damian are the power couple of the school, they have majority of their classes together both being in AP and Honors classes. As the school president Marinette is notified that during the last quarter of second semester a French class is doing an exchange program at Gotham Academy.
Her and Jon have to escort them around the school the first week. Marinette argues a bit at first.
Mari-I understand that it is important but Jon and I are still heavily working on Prom, Senior's Last Peprally, Senior Awards, Senior vs Freshman Football, Prom King and Queen vote and The Senior trip.
Jon-Mari is right is there anyway we could pick someone else to show them around. There are a few other people in student council that speak French.
They both convince the Principal to allow the Secretary of the Student Council, Candy St.Cloud, to show them around. Marinette, Jon and Damian avoid them, none of Marinette's old class knows Marinette is there until votes for Prom King and Queen pops up and Marinette's name is on the ballet.
Lila bursts into tears claiming her Dami promised her she'd be on the ballet since he goes to that school. They all try to hunt her down and give her shit for booting Lila off. However majority of Gotham academy has noticed their attitude towards Gotham's Goddess and everyone makes sure Marinette is unreachable.
They pretty much only see glimpses of her until Senior's Last Peprally when she and Damian are announced Prom King and Queen. Their boos are covered up by the school's cheers. Marinette and Damian share a quick kiss which causes more cheers as the teachers roll their eyes calling out Pda. Then both her and Jon announce whats going to be happening at the peprally.
At the end of it all the seniors get together for one last class photo in the front is Jon Marinette and Damian. Damian and Marinette are wearing the sashes and crowns and Marinette is in the middle of them. Bustier's class is upset they cant be a part of the picture because they arent actually seniors at the school. The next night is Senior awards the class doesnt go but the trio does.
Marinette and Damian get best couple.
Damian gets the award for best grades.
Jon gets the award for most likely to secede in life.
That night all three are on the news and trending on Twitter when they go out to celebrate at Bat Burger, videos and pictures are posted off Marinette and Jon dying of laughter as Damian cuts his burger with a knife and fork. At the hotel Lila is crying claiming that Damian is cheating in her with Marinette. The class continuously message Marinette even when they get a response saying that the person is not Marinette amd that they've had the number for two months.
The next day at lunch they confront Marinette, they followed Jon to the room the Student council eat lunch in. Que them berating Marinette infront of everyone including the teachers. Marinette just rolls her eyes not wanting to give them the time of day.
Alya-I cant believe you tricked Lila's boyfriend into dating a bully like you!
This causes Jon to launch to her defense, he steps in front of Marinette glaring at the class.
Jon-Lila's boyfriend?? You mean Damian, so Lila was dating Damian first?
Lila-Yes! And Marinette purposely seduced him!
Jon-Really tell me when did you firat meet Damian?
Lila-oh he was so sweet! It was when we were 6 and we met at a gala here in Gotham! A older women was being incredibly mean to me and he stood up for me telling me that he'd have his dad kick her out. We were always meeting up over the summer and started dating at the beginning of senior year!
Jon-Oh so you know Arabic?
Jon smirking-Well Damian didnt learn English until he was 8, his first language is English. Also you couldn't possibly have met Damian here when he was 6 because Damian didn't come to Gotham until he was 10. When his dad was informed that he had a son. On top of that Damian spends every summer with his family and closest friends. Actually he usually spends a few weeks on my family's farm, this summer he didnt because he went to Paris with Marinette. Also at the beginning of senior year? St. Cloud, when did Damian ask Marinette out.
St. Cloud- Beginning of the summer at Mr. Wayne's first charity gala of the summer, he asked her while they were dancing. It was really cute and Marinette looked amazing in her MDC dress!
Mari-Thank you St. Cloud, I could give you her number if you'd like a dress
Lila runs away embarrassed the class starring at Jon and Marinette in shock.
Alya-who-who do you think you are?!
Mari-Alya do you really not recognize your idols son?
Marinette is disappointed as she introduces them to Jon Kent, after that the teacher finally forces the French class out, while also telling them how kuch trouble they'll be in.
The class starts trying to get on Marinette's good side for the rest of the year but she ignores them. Prom comes and goes and when its finally time for graduation Damian is valedictorian. He gives a fairly inspirational speech and at the end he smirks finishing it with.
Dami-And lastly I would like to thank my eldest brother, without him Id never be able to give this sappy inspirational speech, he is really good at them.
When they throw their caps in the air Damian finds Marinette and dips her pulling her into a deep kiss.
That night while they are all celebrating at the Wayne Mansion Marinette finally lets go of Paris, she decides that her place is in Gotham with Damian.
Lets do a time skip!
Marinette is the top name in Fashion, Damian is Co-Ceo of Wayne enterprises with Tim. They are both married and living in Marinette's penthouse together with Margaery, I am to emotionally invested to kill off her or Alfred even if it is do to age. They visit the mansion almost every day, and family dinners are common.
Jon started going out with St. Cloud and are engaged, he has also taken up the mantle of Superman.
Damian has taken up the mantle of Batman with his Robin, Johnn'i Thomas Grayson-Wayne, Richard and Koriand'r's second child that did not inherit his mothers powers, and his partner Ladybird. That is until Marinette discovers she is pregnant. She surprises the family while they are getting their family portrait redone, with only Kori and the photographer knowing.
All the girls are in chairs with the boys behind them. Seating goes.
Babs, Kate, Selina, Marinette, Kori, Stephanie, and Cass. For a few of the pictures Marinette holds up a sign saying, "Another Wayne is on the way!" Then they hide the sign so they have a regular family portrait.
A few days later when the entire family is gathered to see the photos they are surprised when Bruce stars at them in shock. Alfred and Margaery merly smile offering congratulations, everyone is confused until Bruce turns the picture around.
Damian is looking at the pictures in shock until he jumps up and picks up Marinette spinning her around. Soon everyone is screaming and cheering offering congratulations. While Damian and Marinette hold each other close crying softly.
Mari-Your gonna be a Daddy Dove.
Damian-I love you so much Marinette. So much.
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crossovereddie · 4 years
Thoughts on 11x06
I had to come back to type this after the episode. I was gonna wait to post until more people are active but everyone’s safety is more important than notes. This was really hard for me to watch. It took me two hours because I kept needing a break. It’s a tough one yall. It’s heartbreaking and really brought out issues I didn’t know I was still dealing with until I reacted so badly to some stuff. Take care of yourselves and I’m here if you need to talk. I’ll have timestamps for major tws in another post coming right after this. I just gotta go back and get the end of those scenes. I only go the time they started.
Okay. So. There’s some trigger warnings that I’ve reblogged earlier. This recap WILL have thoughts about those triggers. If you think you’ll be triggered just message me or send me an ask and I’ll give you the non triggering recap. Stay safe please.
Kev and v intro. They’re having sex behind the bar
I’m extremely nervous for some reason I might not be able to get through this
Bike heist!!
Mickey is unimpressed
Lip telling Mickey what to do yes please
Fucking Mickey omg
Again Mickey is unimpressed
Lip :(
Frank is falling the chick he’s boning Monica
Not sure that’s her real name
Wait yeah it is
Frank??? Has to get to work???
Wait her name isn’t Monica
Oh shut now I get what’s happening
“Can I speak to Pope Francis please” LIAM 😭
Poor baby
Lip cooking breakfast. Hot.
I forgot about camis baby
I actually beep bad for lip and Tami
We already heard this argument with Mickey and Ian get new material writers
Yeah don’t tell Carl that traitor
HIS SMILE!!!!!!!!
Poor Liam he’s terrified
“I was hoping the fucker would just die” :(
Shut up Debbie
Mickey is beautiful
Leave Mickey out of it debbie goddamn
I cant fucking stand her
Frank just observing his kids and smiling
Same frank
“And the smartest” lol
Someone save Liam
“I want Sandy”
We all do kid
Fucking manipulative little I CANT STAND DEBBIE
Sandy deserves better
I hate the Milkovichs!!!!
How did smart sensitive sweet beautiful loving Mickey come from this disgusting family????
My heart hurts so him
“Homo sexy” dear god
Mickey is too good he deserves so much better
I love him so much
Let him be happy
Mickey has the biggest heart
They’re actually talking and not fighting
You’re so funny and smart and beautiful don’t forget that baby
And no one is fazed lmao
“He’s actually my uncle and my dad” I fucking hate this show
I forgot Carl makes legit money now
Wtf kinda school is this
This is so fucked up
The twins are so adorable
“You guys” I hate that but also she’s acknowledging Mickey as “hers” and he’s family :(
Okay this horrifying comment
I hate that it’s just nonchalant
Debbie just keeps talking.
Let’s move on
Mickeys face when she says “butt naked”lmao
“Talk to you for a minute?”
“Yes. Please”
Mickey is unimpressed by lip once again and I’m smiling
They love each other they’re secretly best friends ITS A FACT
“Blue like my balls” fucking frank lol
They’re going in on Frank’s storyline now
Boss Mickey at it again
Terry’s home
The way his face falls im sick
My heart is racing
Mickeys face is breaking my heart
Great now I’m crying
Mickey got emotional
Ian sensed it and touched his neck all fucking sweet
Okay I had to take a little break because I started crying
I love him too much
Fucking Noel is so damn good
My heart is fucking breaking
“Frank’s not a homophobic psychopath who tortured you for years”
Please Mickey deserves better
I don’t wanna hear any Ian slander either.
In this house we protect my son and my son in law I will fight you
“Let’s get the fuck outta here. Lip you coming?” 😭
That was so hard to watch yall. I’m not gonna lie to you. My parents weren’t half as shitty as terry but growing up feeling unloved your whole life fucks you up anyway and that brought out some emotions and feelings I didn’t realize I still dealt with. I had to pause for a good while and cry.
Leave Sandy alone debbie
Terry is disgusting
Okay the homophobic language he uses is definitely triggering so I’ll time stamp that too
Debbie you selfish bitch
Everyone leaving terry outside it’s a yes from me
I honestly can’t concentrate on the other scenes now I’m sorry y’all
I try to cover everyone’s scenes but it’s hard for me today
I’m not okay
Liam is too innocent poor kid
We need more scenes
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They’re besties
Mickey is beautiful
he really hasn’t called him Philip the entire episode wtf
Ignoring Debbie
Now I want fries
Carl is cringy
Mickey drove them home and pulled a gun
Honestly again another heartbreaking scene
Ian’s trying to make him stop
Terry is disgusting and also a coward but we’ve been knew
Noel is the most amazing
Mickey gets teary but doesn’t cry bc I cried enough for the both of us
He’s the strongest bravest ever and I’m so proud of him
I need a hug
My heart hurts so much y’all
I just want him to be happy
I’m a fucking mess
I can’t handle Lip being emotional too
Oh I thought lip wanted to sell the house for himself only but at least they all get their share
Horrible music choice
I wanna tuck Mickey in with his favorite tv show on(911) make him his favorite food to eat in bed and not let anyone but Ian around him for a good 72 hours
The way Ian is looking at him
“Would you take care of me if I was paralyzed?”
“....yeah. Yeah”
“Top you whenever I wanted” “asshole”
His smile is back that’s all I need in life
“That was big of you” “he’s an asshole...I wanna be better than that”
Ian’s like “back of the head? Gotta grab and hold my boy”
V spitting truth
I want terry to fucking suffer
Don’t do it frank
“Nah” LMAO
Frank loves his son in law
Sandy I love you
I need to hold her
No debbie I LOVE HER
Carl scene was so awful I feel so bad for him this girl is a fucking psycho
That was an actual rape scene what the fuck
Mickey making frank laugh
Debbie explaining? Really?
I hate her
“How long is this gonna take? I’m fucking starving Lip” WHY WONT YOU CALL HIM PHILIP
“We could get on with our lives” well that hurt more than it should’ve
It’s really the end soon huh? 😢
According to captions Ian says “we’re in”
Frank reads his diagnosis
Carl goes to report his rape
That took me nearly two hours to watch. Yeah I usually pause to type but I had to take long breaks after the hard scenes. It was a really hard episode to watch. A lot darker than it has been. I’m not really okay right now. It was emotional but a really good episode overall.
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yes-feratu · 3 years
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maple said to post it, so here. fuck it.
so ive loved alan since i was like. 12 lol but my only ship for him was really only ever vb, but last yr maple and i made an au that has past! alan x matt and...now...i cant stop thinking about them....
so heres a little backstory for them ig?
- Alan's full name is Alan Jimenez, and hes Mexican American
- Hes like 5'5" (short king)
- Matt's full name is Mathieu Williams, and hes French Canadian
- Hes like 6'3" (tall king)
- In this au we made, Alan lost his mom and his dad was a real machismo (mexican brand™️ toxic masculinity) piece of shit, and Matt lost his dad and his mom wasnt mean but she was just....neglectful and overworked to try and support her and Matt, and bc of that they both ended up becoming naughty hooligan children and thats how they met
- Alan fell in love with Matt really early on in their friendship but hes always been really good at pushing his true feelings down
- They fuck regularly as a fwb situation and Alans okay w it because well. Matt fucks a lot but Alan is the only person that Matt goes back to and as long as hes that person in Matts life then hes fine and hes secure
- Alans actually only ever fucked Matt in his life but he acts like hes a super slut bc he doesnt wanna seem clingy and like their fwb situation means more to him than it should
- Alfred and Alan are frat bro homies basically and they met cause Alfred got a part time job working at the mechanic shop that Alan works at
- Then...one day Alfred's brother Matthew transfers to the uni that hr and Matt go to and Alfred's like hey! I actually know this guy that I can set u up w bro! And he sets up a date bw Matthew and Matt
- Alan's shit is rocked and he is extremely jealous because Matthew made Matt smile the first day they met and it literally took Alan 3 yrs in their friendship to get Matt to smile at him and HES GRRR HE HATES HATES HATES KILL KILL MATTHEW
- Basically he can tell that Matt really likes him and he starts getting really obnoxious trying to get Matt to pay attention to him and spend all his time saving his ass after he picked wreckless fights and not be with Matthew, but eventually Matt starta seeing that Alans being even morr obnoxious and twerpish more than usual and he tells him to cut his shit out
- Alan gets really hurt and hes kinda alienated himself from everyone in his jealousy and no one wants to hang w him cause hes being even more unpleasant to be around than he normally is, but when Matt tells him to cut his shit out hes finally like. Well I see I'm not wanted here, fuck it I'm just gonna run away
- Alans always felt like disaplearing one day and he always used to tell Matt about it but Matt always blew it off as stupid shit hed say when they were high
- Then one day Matt gets a call from Alfred and hes super frantic cause Alan told him he was skipping town and as soon as Alfred says that Alans gone Matt just hangs up cause HE KNOWS ALAN WOULD BE THE IDIOT DIP SHIT TO JUST FUCKING LEAVE
- He goes to the apartment they shared and he sees basically everythings intact except a few clothes of Alans are gone and hes obviously not there and he starts freaking out and looking around the city for him
- Matts panicking looking for him till the last bus has left and hes lost all hope of finding him but he tries going to one more skate park in the city just to see if maaaaybe hes there, ajd in the distance he can see a silhouette sitting near the wall and his heart leaps out of his chest
- He goes towards the figure and its Alan sitting looking at the floor and messing with his board and he looks sad and upset. he hears footstels coming towards him and he can see its matts workboots and hes starts talking mad shit like pfft what arr you doing here shouldnt you be worshipping your fuckimg boyfriend? and hes trying to cover it up but its obvious hes sniffling
- finally matt stands in front of him and alan looks up and matt looks LIVID. hes PISSED. he looks like someones abt to die. hes so upset his hands are shaking. and alan gulps cause hes guilty as shit as matt pulls him up and hes preparing to get punched in the face or something but then...he looks matt in the eyes when hes finally pulled to stand up and matts eyes are watering, and matt realizes how terrified hes been feeling and this whole time hes been thinking abt how much he needs alan and he realizes how much he loves him fkr him to be reacting this way
- then matt kisses the life out of him and then pulls away to whisper "dont go." into his ear
- then they go back to the apartment and they have fuckies
- the next day alan shows up to alfreds place and hes like. we worked it out. and hes covered in hickies
- he specifically wears a low cut v neck around matthew the next day so matthew can see with his stupid eyes that HE WON YOU LOSE IDIOT
anyways sorry if this was long i have brainworms 💗
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gloriafc · 4 years
Amazing Wife
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Jack never expected to let anyone close to his heart, until he met you. You had it the instant he laid his eyes on you.
You're a surgeon, a prodigy attending. You're friends with Miranda and Ben, when she was grumbling under her breath you asked her what was wrong, "Ben forgot to grab his lunch, so now I have to cancel my meeting to take it to him." "I can take it. My shift is almost over. I'm just finishing my paperwork."
You walked into the firehouse and Jack instantly walked over towards you with his charm on. "Can I help you with something?" "I'm just looking for Ben. He forgot his lunch." As soon as you finish your sentence Ben rounds the corner, "Prodigy! What brings you here?" You quickly toss the lunch box to him, "You stressing your wife out." Jack watches the two of you interact a little jealous of Ben for the moment. He instantly perks up when he hears Ben offer you a tour of the place, "Alright. I'll bite, only if theres coffee involved."
When you get to the end of the tour Ben shows you the kitchen where almost everyone is waiting for the girl they noticed instantly caught Jack's attention. They attempt to get to know you, not expecting you to be a super human. "Why does Ben call you prodigy?" "I sort of am. I specialize in multiple areas of surgery. Fetal, peds, gynecology, neuro, and plastics."
It takes Jack a few weeks of begging to get Ben to invite to one of their outings after work. Ben gets Miranda to agree to bring you drinking with everyone.
That night Jack manages to get your number, Ben eventually telling him he couldve just asked him for her number, "But what's the fun in that without the chase."
After a few months you begin dating. And Jack doesnt know how to explain it, but dating you is different than all the other woman hes dated before you. Eventually he figures it's because you're way out of his league, but soon realizes it's because you are different from ever single woman hes dated.
He can see how other men look at you, you're young and successful, and you're hot, what couldn't they want? And normally he'd get jealous but he trusts you with his life. The times he does get jealous or you look like you're getting uncomfortable he'll grab you by your hip and pull you close and he'll refuse to let you go for the rest of the night.
After a few years you get married and he finally knows what it's like to have a family of his own, even if it's just the two of you. You manage to talk him into considering getting a cat. And as much as he hates the idea, and hates how much the cat takes up all of your attention he'd get you another one if you asked.
After being married for two years you find out you're pregnant and at first Jack doesnt know how to feel, he doesnt want to end up like the parents hes never met. But you eventually ease him into the idea and then he couldn't be happier especially when you start to show. He's slightly upset he can't lay his head on your stomach as you watch tv anymore, but he's settled for drawing random shapes on your belly and watching the random movements from your child.
Jack is amazed when hes able to feel the baby kick. He goes as far as feeling it at least once a day minimum, if his hands could permanently stayon your stomach they would.
One day the two of you go separate ways, he heads off to work as you take advantage of your day off and decide to run some errands.
When he gets a call hes talking to Dean about random things like always. When they show up at the scene they get the rundown about the scene. "Three car accident, the last cars brakes failed as they were going down the hill. It rammed into the back of a parked car, that pushed it forward. There was a person walking between the second car and the one in front of it, squishing them." Jack looks at the scene and instantly recognizes your car as the one squished in the middle. Dean does as well and instantly tries to hold Jack back, "Jack you need to calm down." "CALM DOWN! THAT'S MY WIFE AND MY CHILD!" "Hey I get that. But the call says only one person was injured besides the driver." Jack freezes seeing you pop up on the side and start looking at the person stuck between the cars.
Before you realize what's happening you're trapped in two arms, and after a few seconds you realize its Jack from his cologne. You understand immediately what he was thinking and instantly start soothing him, "We're okay. I was inside using the bathroom when it happened okay?" After a few moments Jack's back in action. You get told to stay off to the side because of any fumes that may have been released from the cars. You watch everything happen until the person starts to seize.
You quickly grab a mask and a pair of gloves before climbing over your car and climbing behind the patient. "Y/N get down." "You're pregnant." "That's not safe." "Are any of you a neuro surgeon? This person will continue to seize unless you relieve the pressure in his head, can any of you do burr holes?" When no one answers you continue, "Then I suggest you listen to the pregnant person and get me a drill."
Ben assists you, being the only person with surgical experience, as you do the burr holes. Everyone watches you in amazement as the patient slowly stops to seize as the blood build up is released. You stay behind the person, using your lap as a head rest as they start to move the car off of him. Jack makes you take his jacket when they have to bring out the saw, which gets him scolded at but he could care less, as long as he's keeping you safe. Everyone listens as you talk to the person, keeping him calm. "You two must be married." "What makes you say that?" You laugh when Ben jokes, "Their playful banter?" The guy chuckles as he mindlessly stares at the trees around him, "That's how I was when my wife was pregnant with our first child." You keep the man talking when he sucks in a breath, "How many kids do you have?" "Four. How'd you learn to do that?"
You smile at the man who's referencing to the burr holes you did. "I'm a surgeon at Grey Sloan. Neuro is one of my practices. One of the first things I learned as an intern actually." "Just one of your practices?" You let out a chuckle, "I like working with kids, so I took up pediatrics, then came fetal because why wouldn't a pediatric surgeon know how to fix a baby while it's still in the womb. Then gynecology because I might as well know how to deliver a baby. And finally plastics. Youd be surprised how many kids go through plastic surgery, especially disabled kids." The guy looks at you surprised, the fact that hes literally in a sandwich completely forgotten, "What made you decide to do all that? How'd you manage that?" You chuckle, "Grey Sloan has an amazing program and I jumped at the opportunity. It's sort of what happens when you get told you'd never be able to do something amazing. You prove people wrong and you go above and beyond." "Who told you that?" You let out a chuckle, "An ex actually. My dad wasn't too happy about that one." "What'd he do?" "My mom had to pick him up from jail for smashing every single window on the guys car."
Jack jumps in, "Her moms the one to be scared of though." You let out a laugh as the guy says, "Its always the mom. My wife would murder for our kids." You let out a laugh making the guy smile.
You ride in the ambulance, being one of the only people who'd be able to stabilize the man if he were to start seizing again, and your ride home completely totaled now. When the guy is taken away for surgery Jack bugs Miranda until she agrees to look you over, "Jack I wasnt even in the accident." "You were near it, the fumes and stress cant be good for the baby." Bailey smiles as the two of you go back and forth, "Y/N just lay on the table. You're both stubborn and we'll be here all day if no one stops you two." You give in and lay on the table as she does an ultrasound, the rest of the firehouse watch from the window in amazement as they see the baby on the small screen and they all couldn't be happier that Jack finally got his own family while they also get a niece or nephew, neither of you telling them what you're having just yet.
When the fire station has to leave Miranda is the one who offers to take you home if you're willing to wait for thirty minutes. You make dinner, Jack getting home right on time then you both continue your nights like you usually do. When it's starting to get late you find Jack looking at his laptop, eyebrows furrowed. "What's got you thinking so hard over here?" You come up behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and resting your chin on his right shoulder. "Cars? Really?" "We're going to have to replace the one that got totaled today." "Not one with... Military grade metal? Why dont you just look for tanks on sale?" "You think they have room for carseats?" You hit his arm at his joke making him laugh.
You end up going past your due date, so now it's just a waiting game for you both. As Jack is getting ready to go into work, knowing he can't sit still at all, especiallywhen hes so anxious to meet his kid, he finds you in the kitchen hunched over with your eyes closed and face twisted in pain. He immediately starts to rush over but almost slips, he sees the puddle of water on the ground and looks around confused. When he sees the wet spot on your pants it hits him. "When did your water break? We need to get you to the hospital now." You let out a groan when he tries to help you stand up straight, "When you started coming down the stairs."
Jack helps you to the car, before starting to speed his way to the hospital. He calls Sullivan on the way there, "I wont be there today. Y/Ns water broke.... shit. I forgot the hospital bag." You smile in your seat and between breaths say, "It's fine. There's. One in. My locker. Bailey has one. In her. Office. Too."
Jo and Meredith are the ones to see you enter the hospital, both immediately knowing what's happening, "Jo page Carina and get the hospital bag from her locker. I'll take her to the delivery floor."
You're in labor for most of the day, your friends stop by through the day to check on you and give their congratulations. Jack is by your side the whole time, he's a nervous wreck honestly but hes managed to stay calm until you have to start pushing. By dinner time you've welcomed a baby boy, who has very healthy lungs. Your room is filled with balloons from your friends, as you both sit watching the sleeping boy.
Before the night can end you look at the doorway where the firehouse is standing with even more balloons, along with flowers and what smells like stew. "Hey." Dean is the first to push into the room, he quickly hands you the tupperware of stew before turning to his best friend, "Where is my nephew?"
Everyone gives their congratulations as your son is passed around, "What's his name?" Jack immediately says, "Jack jr." You simply roll your eyes and shake your head before looking at the boy who's now in your arms, "Its Jaxon. With an x. Cant let Jack's ego get too big now."
When everyone is gone and it's just your small family in the room you happily lay next to Jack, now able to press your face into his neck without a giant belly in the way. As you're falling asleep you hear Jack say, "Did we really have a baby today?" You smile and kiss his neck, "We became parents today. You became a dad." You chuckle when you hear Jack huff, "That's going to take some time to get used to." "You'll be fine. We have eighteen years to get it right."
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wakanawill · 4 years
Based on this post from @fangirl-616 I end up starting working on a AU it looks like.
No prophecy AU.
As stated in the post there is no green ninja prophecy. Which leads to Misako not abounding Lloyd. Misako is actually a decent enaght mom here. A very busy one cuz she has to feed her and Lloyd and as an archeologist they move around ninjago a lot but at least the is there.
Lloyd still is a little lonely shit at the begening tho. He really doesnt likes Wu for sending his dad away. He just wants to have a full family. And like in canon his stupid little brain thought that being evil and going on his dad footsteps will somehow help.
He opens serpentine thumbs. He gets tricked by Pythor. But when Pythor ditches him (which would go a bit difrently then in canon cuz school but am not sure how yet) instead to go with Wu he goes back to Misako.
Not sure how stuff would go then cuz Damn is Lloyd such a big part of those seasons and Garmadon motivations. I was considering ditching those season all together but I want for Lloyd to hate snakes in this AU and I have a decent reasoning right here so.
Garmadon after Serpentines get rid of him doesnt end up on the dark island or however it called. Generally let's throw throw the window the whole overlord thing.
After Lloyd and Misako find Garmadon, Lloyd is really excited and he wants his dad back. But both Garmadon and Misako agree that it will be best if Garm doesnt stay. Which is really heartbreaking for Lloyd and he did cry a ton.
Lloyd just lost his dad once again. He decided that maybe if he will be evil and stronger then dad will come back. That maybe they could become a whole family again! Dad never had a problem with Misako being the way she is so it must be that Lloyd is not evil enaght! So he will change it!
He run away from home on his quest to get more evil. He goes to Chen. His dad did study at Chen so it was only logical. And he knew from his moms stories about his dad that Chen wasn't a good guy either.
Chen welcomes him with open arms when Lloyd asks him to teach him how to be evil and how to fight. Tbh Chen practically adopts him 'cuz why not. And Skylor becomes his big sis (similar how Kai become his big bro in canon).
With some time they discover (it was probably Skylor tbh) that Lloyd is also an elemental master. Which wasn't really that surprising taking his heritage. He does his best to master those skills too. (also his weapon of choice is a staff cuz it is super cool, Garmadon uses it sometimes and I was watching Monkie kid recently)
So when after many years Tournament of Elements happens Lloyd is trully an evil warrior. He goes to Tutnament some as Skylor. And he really wants to kick ninjas buts. And Wus. That's what they deserve right?
I havent thought out how ToE would go exacly. Which Lloyd really hating snakes he really woudnt want to become a Serpentine, Anacondrite at that! So he probably got manipulated by Chen in some way or another to help him with his plan. Maybe Chen promised to help somehow with Garmadon. But after the shit goes down Lloyd agrees for a short lived alliance with Ninja cuz he really doesnt want for his dad and his sis to become snakes (and possibly him if he did get the tattoo).
After defeating Chen Lloyd decides to go on his own but he still keeps in touch with Skylor. Her noodles are the best on his opinion. He probably should also go visit his mom cuz she havent seen him in a while. Wait. What if in the mean time Wu and Misako got a thing going? That would piss Lloyd so much XD
Also I can see a one sided greenflame potential? Like Lloyd getting a small crash on Kai and Kai getting a crush on Skylor. Lloyd is a little shit to Kai cuz "How you dare flirt with my sis" but Skylor is aware that Lloyd has a crush on Kai and she doesnt want to hurt her baby bro feeling. So yea. It's a mess. About ages I thought something along 15/16 and 19/20 while the ToE. Not much really happens at that point in time tho but it could have potential for later. Also flustered no-prophecy Lloyd is cute XD Maybe with time passing Lloyd could warm up to ninja and Kai and stuff. Or maybe he won't! Who knows.
So... yea. That's my rant. Hope it was entertaining XD. If you have any questions or anything. My inbox is always open. I'll post a doodle of this Lloyd soon.
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kelieah · 4 years
my neighborhood (peter parker x vigilante!reader) [1]
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request: @annamckayla : HELLO! Omg i love ur writing so much ahhhh! I was hoping I could request for a peter x reader, where they are both heroes (or reader is bad idm up to you) and they are fighting ppl / each other but they are super flirty! AHH OK ILY BYEEE ;)))))))))
warnings: sarcasm, insulting, flirting, fighting. reader is a vigilante, goes to midtown high and is semi close friends with peter. kinda like a hate love relationship. alsooo reader’s powers is speed and eletricity so basically the flash idkdkdk sorry
edited: i’m working on a new series based off of this request! masterlist for it is here
a/n: my first request! so happy hehe ilyt!! also im so sorry if this doesnt make sense, im not great with super powers lol
pov: first, y/n
I have to admit. He’s cute, but he’s so irritating. Is it the fact that he’s so undeniably cute? Yes. No, yes but Peter is such a know it all, or at least I think so.
For some reason, it didn’t stop me from hanging out with him and his friends for the past couple of months. After picking up some school lunch, I grab a seat in front of Peter and Ned.
“Hey Y/n,” Ned smiles. “Hi Ned! Hi Peter,” I greet back, looking over at Peter. He didn’t seem to notice, his eyes too focused on Liz. 
“Why do you even hang out with them Y/n, they’re losers,” I hear MJ pipe up. Ned, Peter and I all turn our heads to her.
“True-” I stifle a laugh.
“Then why are you sitting here with us?” Peter retorts.
“Because she’s cool, and doesn’t drool over seniors like, someone,” I cough, smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and glares at me.
“She’s not wrong,” Ned murmurs.
“Dude!” Peter huffs, making me giggle. He smiles slightly and slumps on the palm of his hand, looking away.
“Pete, could you come over after school? I need help with chem, and I know you need help with English,” I poke him with a fork causing him to swat me away.
“Yeah whatever, I think that’s just an excuse to get me to come over,” he teases.
“Shut up!” I groan. Ned and MJ share a suspicious glance. “What?” I ask cluelessly.
“Nothing,” they both say quietly.
After a long dreadful day of school, Peter and I met up at the front of the school, by the gates.
“Hey Penis Parker,” I smirk, holding onto my backpack straps.
He lets out a long sigh, “Not you too, Y/n. C’mon,” he huffs.
“I’m just messing with you Pete,” I bump into him, beginning to walk ahead.
He follows, catching up easily, “Right. Anyways, have you heard about the new vigilante in town?”
I tense at the subject, “Uhm yeah, that speedy girl?”
“Yup. What do you think about her?”
“Uh, I don’t know. All I know is that she’s probably better than Spider-Man.”
He looks at me offended, “Who’s to say? Spider-Man is like, super-human, he has a bunch of powers-”
“Don’t get your panties all in a twist, I’m just saying,” I laugh, “Sheesh didn’t think you were such a big fan of Spider-Man.”
“U-uh why wouldn’t I be, he’s s-super cool.” “Said every teenager ever, I like this new girl. She’s kind of refreshing y’know?”
“Meh,” Peter shrugs, and I scoff shoving him aside.
We eventually head to my apartment and study together. I messed around while Peter tried to help me with homework, but he ended up getting distracted anyways.
I let out a long groan, “Shut up! You’ve been talking about chemistry for the past 30 minutes and I didn’t understand one thing that came out of your mouth.”
Peter’s mouth drops. He throws one of my pillows at me, “You asked me to come over!”
“I know, because I’m lonely.”
“You’re right, I just needed you to do my homework.”
“I hate you.”
“I love you too,” I flash him a cheeky smile, causing him to roll his eyes. I glance over at the clock, “Hey uh, I think you should head out soon. My dad’s coming back from work soon and you know how he is with boys.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t miss me too much,” he gets up, gathering his things.
“Reverse card!” “See you,” he chuckles and walks off.
“Bye Penis Parker!” I yell, making sure he left. As soon as he closed the front door, I rush into my closet to get out my suit.
After putting it on and tidying up room, I head out my window and jump out to the fire escape.
I decide to scan the city, running and jumping from building to building. It seemed quiet so I sat down on the ledge of some random building.
I hear a quiet thud next to me. I glance over at the figure, who I made out to be Spider-Man. “Ah, well if it isn’t the infamous Spider-Man.”
“Thought I’d check out who the new girl in town is,” he chuckles. His voice seemed higher than I expected it to be, it almost sounds familiar. Weird. Could it be? No way, that’s impossible.
“You care about me? I’m touched,” I place a hand on my heart. I hear him stifle a laugh and shake his head.
He went quiet for a second and stood up from his crouching position, “There’s something going on by 5th street in some warehouse,” he says.
“Guess we should head over-”
“We? I don’t know about that new girl, this is my neighborhood,” he jumps off the ledge, swinging from building to building.
The fuck, who does this guy think he is!?
I rush downstairs and speed off to 5th street, managing to get there before he did. “Yes, we,” I cross my arms looking up at Spider-Man who arrived shortly after me.
He scoffs, “So you’re fast. Hopefully you can catch up, sweetheart,” he swings up to the roof of a warehouse.
I quickly follow, managing to find a way inside and on to the rooftop. I run over to where Spider-Man is crouched down behind a large air vent. I poke my head out to see a poor lady tied to a chair, with a bunch of men surronding her.
“Some kind of intense hostage situation,” he whispers.
“You’re an intense hostage situation,” I murmur.
“What? Shut up!” he whispers. “Oh my god, I think that’s the mayor.”
He jumps up from the vent, placing his hands on his hips. “Hey uh, guys I don’t think you should be treating a lady- especially our mayor like that,” he says, changing the pitch of his voice. I scrunch up my nose at his awkwardness.
“What the fuck, who called him-!” I hear a rough voice yell out, followed by a series of gunshots and screaming.
Spider-Man yelps and manages to fling some guns aside, causing two men to gang up on him, “Hey, new girl a little help!” he yells out. There another two men next to the mayor, with large guns in their hands.
“On it!” I call back, rushing over to the two men circling them. “Hi there,” I grin, place my hands on their guns surging a large amount of eletricity to them, knocking them out.
I help the mayor out, making sure she wasn’t injured or anything. “Karen, call the police and give them our location,” I hear Spider-Man mumble quickly, grunting as he knocks out the two men he was dealing with.
The mayor who was still in complete shock began to ramble, “T-thank you Spider-Man. T-thank you?” she looks over at me.
“Uhm, Velocity?” I rub my arm as Spider-Man watches in amusement.
“Thank you both really-” she sniffs. Suddenly, the roof top door slams open and a bunch of big bulky men come out with these weird looking weapons.
“Heads up, Spidey!” I yell, as one of the men shoot their weird looking gun that emitted some type of green energy.
I grab the Mayor and speed down to the front of the building, where a bunch of police cars pulled up.
Shocked from the momentum, she falls to her knees. “I’m so sorry, but I had to get you out of there. Stay safe!” I rush back to the rooftop.
I notice Spider-Man struggling to get this one guy off of him, “Pretty boy, to your right!” I yell. I run over to one of the weapons and toss it to him.
He quickly webs it and slings it against the guy, knocking him out, “Pretty boy?” he scoffs.
“Yeah, that’s what you sound like!” I grunt, punching a guy who was coming to my left with a surge of electricity.
“So you’d be an annoying girl?” he smirks, also fighting off someone who rushed towards him.
“I’d be honored,” I scoff. “Holy shit!” I let out a yelp as I felt myself being lifted in the air by one of the weapons.
I hear a quick thwip and suddenly I was back on my feet, with Spider-Man’s arm around my waist, “My hero-” I gasp dramatically.
“Cute,” he rolls his eyes. He pushes me towards another guy who was trying to get their weird gun to work.
I frown instantly, and circle around him grabbing the gun before he could do anything. I fling it against him, and press my hand harshly on the gun, causing eletricity to rush all over him.
He knocks out, and I turn around, seeing Spider-Man fling against the air vent. I inhale sharply and rush towards the guy, knocking him off his feet causing him to let go of the weapon.
I kick it away, the guy gets back up and attempts to punch at me. I easily dodge his attacks and punch him with eletricity.
“Oh my god, I did it- I mean we did it! We-” I look over at Spidey who was slump on the ground. “Shit,” I speed over to his side, propping his head up onto my lap. “Pretty boy, you still there?”
I notice his mask was slightly cut open, blood seeping out from the side of his head. I knew that he had the mask on for a reason, but he could be dying. It’s not like I would out him to anyone. I understand why he would keep his identity a secret, it’s what I do as well.
I inhale deeply, pulling off his mask. I let out a gasp, “Peter!?” 
part two
@rcmxnoff​ @annamckayla​ @elsie512​ @bubblesbts
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
AU: Gateway Drug | "Forty-Something" [PT. 1]
[Pt. 2 HERE]
**This was not my idea, the credit goes fully to an anon that suggested it!!
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"Shh!" I try not to laugh at Izzy as he nearly trips coming around the corner, bracing himself against the wall as I'm tucked under his arm to help him keep his balance. 
"When the hell did this get here?" He asks in reference to the wall, fumbling for his key when we get to his room. 
"You gotta slow down some, Izzy." I tell him softly as he struggles to get the door open but he eventually does. 
"I know, I know, I hear Axl bitch at me about it constantly, trust me I know." He rolls his eyes, careful not to drop his cigarette as he reaches for a lighter. 
He can't steady his thumb enough to light it, though, and I sigh and snatch the lighter from him, lighting the cigarette before he can complain. 
"Thanks." He falls back on the bed, chuckling a little as I stand at the foot of the bed, my arms crossed. "Don't take this the wrong way but you look hot even when you're knocked up." 
"And you're high." I roll my eyes. "And drunk." I add. "And I'm leaving you to it because I'm tired." 
I go to leave but he sits up. 
"You can crash here." He offers and I raise my brows. 
"Izzy, if this is a part of some grand scheme to be the next in line to have sex with me--"
"--You're pregnant. I don't fuck pregnant chicks." He wrinkles his nose, laying back down. 
"Gee, thanks." I mumble, crawling onto the bed and laying on my back beside him. 
In a moment of quiet I glance over at him smiling smugly. 
"What?" He questions, taking notice. 
"You love me so much you don't even know how to handle it." I tell him. 
"Like hell I do." He denies it in a sharp scoff. 
"You don't want me to leave you."
"That doesn't mean anything." 
"We're friends." I say next. 
"No, we're not." 
"You love me." 
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." 
I keep my smile for a few more moments, before I close my eyes. 
I feel him scoot the tiniest bit closer to me before settling down, too.
"Psst," he says in a few minutes and I open an eye and look at him. 
"What is it?" 
"You wanna get married?" 
I furrow my brows and turn to face him fully. 
"How the hell do you go from denying we're even friends to wanting to marry me?" 
"I'm high and drunk, like you said." He admits and I sigh, shaking my head a little as he clears his throat. "You and Nikki are getting divorced, you and Duff aren't together, either...everybody I know is getting hitched. I'm left out." He shrugs. 
"Be thanking God." I tell him and he chuckles. 
"Oh, c'mon. It wouldn't be that bad." He argues. "It would work out because Duff's in the band so he'd get to see the baby all the time so you wouldn't have to worry much with working in visiting and stuff. My mom would fucking love you, your dad already likes me...we've already seen each other naked so we know what to expect." He adds.
I hit his arm and glare at him. 
"Well, we're together a lot so we know each other's habits and stuff...I think it could work." 
"You're high. And drunk." I reiterate, getting back on my back. "And full of shit." 
"Okay, what about that old pact that desperate lonely people make? Like, 'if we're forty something and neither of us are married, we'll get married to each other'?" 
Knowing that by the time we're in our forties we most definitely won't be single, I humor him. 
"Izzy, if we even make it to forty-something, and you're sober and have your shit together, I'll marry you." I agree. 
"Deal," he holds his hand out for me to shake, and I do.
"Now go to sleep." I urge, turning over to face away from him. 
"The cold sex shoulder is already starting to settle in and we aren't even together yet." He aggravates and I reach my hand back and swat at him, making him laugh. 
"Izzy, stop touching it!" I bark, hitting at his hand.
"Viv, I'm good, that fucking pixie stick didn't do shit." He bites back, his fingers on his nose as I'm holding ice to it. 
"Jeffrey Dean Isbell." I snap. 
"Vivian Estine Kinston." He says right back. 
"Fine!" I shove at his nose and he winces. 
"Jesus fuck, Vivian, I said it doesnt hurt to touch it, not fucking reset the bone, damnit!" He gripes in pain. 
"Oh, no, that fucking pixie stick didn't do shit." I remind him. "And you deserved it, by the way." 
"Here we go," he grumbles, leaning his head back in the car. 
"No, I mean seriously, Izzy. Drunk or not you can't go one night without being a complete asshole to a woman? Especially if they're your friends' wife, you're supposed to have extra respect for them, jesus." 
"I'm not friends with that little squealy bitch." He declares. 
"You still respect his wife. You don't pull her dress up and then hit her when she raises hell at you for doing it." 
"I didn't hit her, I karate chopped her. There's a fucking difference." He informs. 
"Either way, you're a moron." 
"And you're a bitch." 
"I don't take anything seriously from someone who snorts so much coke he only has one nostril because the size of the hole burnt into his septum." I hiss. 
"That's perfectly fine because I never took anything you've said seriously just because." He doesn't miss a beat before he drops the ice for a moment to light a cigarette.
"You're such a jackass."
"Are we saying vows right now?" He asks in reference to our insults. 
"I said when you're sober and forty-something, although right now I don't see you making it to forty-something."
"We should probably go ahead and consummate it, then." 
"Oh, gee, how tempting, I don't know how I'd possibly ever resist such an idea." I sarcastically let out and roll my eyes. 
"Vegas is only a few hours away," he points out. 
"The loss of blood from your nasal cavity is definitely getting to you." I scoff. 
"Viv, what could possibly be so bad about marrying me?" He blows smoke put of his mouth. 
"Well, for one, when you want a girl to marry you, you don't ask her while you're strung out or on a coke binge or drunk. You don't ask her while blowing cigarette smoke in her face, and you certainly don't ask her after getting your face beat in for sexually harassing and physically assaulting your acquaintance's wife." 
"I was fucked up, and that doesn't make it alright or whatever but I really do feel like shit about it, you know."
"Then you need to call Vince as soon as you can and explain that to him and apologize to him and Sharise. Because it really embarrassed her and hurt her feelings." I tell him. 
"Then will you marry me?" 
"I'm not talking about this anymore, Izzy, drop it." 
"Fine." He doesn't argue...but I do see him glance at me from the corner of my eye, a smirk on his lips. 
"Tommy, I can't just up and fly out to Toronto tomorrow because me and Duff are going up to visit his family for a few days with Monroe." I explain, putting mascara on. 
"Well, think about it alright?" 
"Tommy, I'm not thinking about it, there's no way for me to go to Seattle and Toronto at the same time." 
"--I'll see you guys in a couple weeks, anyway, so what's the deal?" 
"The 'deal' is that you act like you don't want anything to do with us now that you and Nikki aren't togther anymore." He accuses. 
"That's not true." 
"Anytime you come out to a show is if Sharise or Heather are out on the road, too, and you just hangout with them the whole time and avoid us." 
"Gee, Tommy, could that possibly be because you idiots wore me down so much over the course of six years that I just don't have the energy to even be around you too much even when you're sober?" 
There's silence on the other line. 
"Not trying to be an ass, Tommy, but it's the truth. I love you, but I can't make it to Toronto. I'm sorry." 
More silence. 
I just sigh and hang up, finishing my makeup before I hear a horn honking out front.
"Monroe," I peek my head into his nursery, seeing his butt up in the air, thumb in mouth, tiny snores coming from him. 
I gently shake him awake, picking him up when all else fails, heading to the car. 
As soon as I get out there, I hand Monroe to Izzy, who's behind the wheel, as I get Monroe's carseat in his car. 
Once the toddler is locked in, I get in the passenger side and let out a breath. 
"You alright?" He asks me. 
"Yeah, just...a lot...I told Tommy I didn't want to go see them because I don't have the energy to be around them now that they're sober due to how they acted for so long when Nikki and I were together." 
"So...you don't want to be around them, but you'll come be around all of us." He points out. 
"I'd rather be in a room full of messed up Guns N' Roses than sober Mötley Crüe." 
"Ouch." He mumbles. 
"So, where we going?" I ask him. 
"The courthouse." He explains. 
"For what?" 
"To get married." He answers casually. 
"Ha, ha, funny...seriously where are we going?" 
"To the courthouse to get married." He says, again. 
"Izzy. That's not funny." I state. 
"I'm glad it isn't because I'm being serious, Viv." 
"Izzy, no you're not." 
"Yeah, I am."
"Stop the car." I order and he sighs, slowing down. 
"Damnit, Viv." He says as I open the door and get out, feeling too trapped in the car. "Now, you know I've been asking you for the past two years, Viv, I'm tired of hearing, 'no'. You think I'm kidding when I ask you but I'm being serious." 
"You can't be serious, Izzy, because it literally came out of nowhere the first time you even suggested it! 'Everybody else is doing it and I'm left out' is a shitty reason to want to marry someone--and you're not even four months sober! The last time a high idiot told me he wanted to marry me, I said, 'yes,' and I was in hell for it for years! So, yes, Izzy, I apologize if I wasn't taking you seriously all the times you've asked me about it because the idea in itself is just so freaking ridiculously stupid, I thought surely you'd have more sense than to think we could!" 
"Good! We aren't even friends anyway so screw you!" He throws at me. 
"wE aReN't EvEn FrIeNdS aNyWaY sO sCrEw YoU." I mimic his voice, walking around to get Monroe, who's still sleeping, out of the back. 
"Viv, get back in the car." 
"Vivian, get back in the damn car." 
"Why do you have to be so fucking stubborn?!" 
"The same reason you have to be so full of shit!" 
"Monroe don't run!" I chase after the three year old backstage, grabbing his sides before he can get away from me. 
"Where's daddy?" He asks me with a chuckle, fingers in his mouth, his eyes switching over people passing by. 
"I don't know, baby, but we can go find him." I suggest. 
"Yeah!" He excitedly exclaims. 
"Yeah!" I reply, laughing…
"I said 'this' much cranberry and 'this' much Vodka, man!" I hear Duff complain, followed by the splattering of liquid hitting the floor. 
I turn the corner to see Duff face to face with their manager.
"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Monroe kicks his legs, wrestling to get down. 
Duff looks at us, this look coming to his face. 
"H-Hey, man." He walks over to us, smiling at me. "When'd you get here?" He asks me, going to kiss my check but I lean back, wincing. 
"You smell like b-o-o-z-e, Duff." I scold him as he takes our son from me. 
"Yeah, don't worry about it." He assures me easy-goingly as Monroe hugs him tightly, grinning and laughing. 
His girlfriend...more so drug buddy, Linda, walks by and he glances at her. 
"Babe, you coming?" She asks him, raising her brows. 
He looks at Monroe, then me, then her again, before frowning slightly. 
"Go, we'll be okay for a few minutes." I insist. 
"Are you sure?" He questions.
"Duff, we just got here. You don't have to spend every second with us right away. You've got stuff to do." 
He sighs, looking at me, then Monroe again. 
"C'mon, baby, daddy's gotta get back to work." I tell Monroe and he reaches for me again. 
I take him and Duff kisses his head, and mine. 
"See ya before the show." He tells us, waving bye to Monroe. "See ya in just a few minutes, Roe." He assures him as Monroe waves back. 
I sigh, Monroe looking around again. 
"When's daddy coming back?" He asks me. 
"In just a few minutes." I assure him.
He's soon looking over my shoulder, his eyes wide and bright, a wide smile on his face as he brings his finger to his lips and goes "shh." 
Before I can turn to see who he's looking at, a sharp pinch on my ass has me snapping around, ready to throw a punch, only to be met with Izzy. 
He and Monroe laugh together at my expense and I hit Izzy in the arm. 
"Tailhole." I hiss out, watching my language and he chuckles some more. 
He looks so much healthier than he used to. 
He used to be scraggly and high looking all the time...now he's filled out a little more and his skins glowing. 
Of course that also probably has to do with him finding a girl he's full blown in love with.
"Duff leave you out here?" He asks and I shrug. 
"We just got here, he's with Linda." 
Izzy wrinkles his nose the slightest. 
"Duff's to Linda like Nikki was to Vanity." He mumbles. 
"Don't I know it." I state, knowing a crackhead girlfriend/boyfriend when I see one now that I've had experience with Nikki and Vanity, and Tansy and Sparkie. "Where is she at?" I ask once we get to his dressing room and see a picture of the Aneka girl he'd been telling me about in bits and pieces the past couple months. 
"Visiting her family." He tells me as there's a small knock at the door. 
"Yeah?!" Izzy calls and the door opens. 
"There he is!" Tansy says excitedly, Monroe laughing and showing a mouthful of teeth, getting down from me and running to her. 
"Tans!" He replies to her, just as happy to see her. 
"Oh, my goodness, you have gotten so tall since I last saw you." She tells him and he puts his bicep up and she grins, squeezing him to her. "You wanna go see uncle Axl?" 
"Is that okay? Just for a little bit." Tansy asks me and I nod.
"Yeah, that's fine." I say and she picks him up. 
"Alright, c'mon." She giggles and he waves at me. 
"See you in just a little bit." I tell him, waving. 
When she shuts the door, I fall back on the couch and groan, making Izzy raise his brows. "When we first got here, all I could hear was, 'daddy, daddy, daddy!'" I refer to Monroe and Izzy takes the cheap shot. 
"Sounds like you on a good night." He says before I can finish and I glare at him, making him laugh. 
"Sorry." He shrugs. 
"Anyway...we finally get here and all he sees is his dad throw a fit because he didn't have the perfectly formulated ratio of Vodka and cranberry juice." I state and he lets out a soft breath. "And then Nikki's drinking again, and I know he's drinking again because he calls me in the middle of the night, drunk, to complain about his wife--which I told him not to marry her because he barely had time to really get to know her but nope. Nobody ever listens to Viv. And Tansy said that tweedle-Duff and tweedle-Slash wake up and start their morning with alcohol, which is comforting...I've been talking to Steven's mom a lot and she said he's been going down hill again after he tried to sober up some…"
"Yeah, I heard." He rubs the back of his neck. 
"Axl's keeping Tansy from seeing anybody, he won't even let her call to check up on Steven right now. He thinks it'll trigger her to go off the deep end and get back on smack." I add. "Everything is just a shitshow at this point." 
"Yeah…" he mumbles, before a long pause sits between us, and he finally clears his throat and sighs. "Um, I need to tell you something that I haven't told any of the guys yet, and I don't know how you'll feel but just know I've thought about it a lot and think I should do it." 
"Izzy, I don't care if you're gay." I tell him and he sighs, giving a little smile…
"This is pretty serious." He says and I furrow my brows a little. "I want outta the band, Viv." 
I feel a punch in my stomach. 
First Steven, now Izzy...this is not how this was supposed to go…
"Izzy, c'mon!" Their manager calls. "You're on soon!" 
"We'll talk about it later, alright?" He says and I'm at a loss for words.
"It'll be alright, we'll talk about it." He assures me before stepping out.
Later that night, after Axl finally got on stage and the show was barely completed, Izzy and I split a room, Monroe and I taking a bed while Izzy takes the other. 
Once Monroe is tucked into bed after passing out on the way to the hotel, I sit and wait for Izzy to get out of the shower and end up dozing next to Monroe.
I slowly blink awake when I feel fingertips tapping at my forehead, and Izzy's crouched down by the bed beside me...a little smile on his lips. 
"Hey," he chuckles. 
"Hey." I say back, blinking once more…
"It's not about the music anymore, Viv. The egos and drugs and booze and pussy--it's all coming first. I'm tired of having a show at 8:00pm and not getting onstage 'til 11:45pm, and only staying on stage until 12:30am before Axl gets breathed on the wrong way and storms off." He says softly not to wake Monroe up. "And it didn't help when my royalties were in talks of getting cut...and then when Ax is constantly coming up with lawsuits or contracts or NDA's, it's bullshit. It started out as five of us against them. Now Steven's gone, Axl's God and Slash, Matt and Duff are killing themselves. I just want out." 
"You're breaking my heart, Izzy, you know that?"  I sniffle tiredly, trying not to cry. 
"I promise I'll be okay. This isn't gonna spring me into a relapse or anything." He assures me.
"I'm sorry for all of this happening." I admit and he shakes his head. 
"Nah...it doesn't have anything to do with you. Me and the guys just have our own things going and it's just time for me to go my own way." 
I just sniffle again, wiping a stray tear, and nod. 
"And we'll still stay in touch and stuff." He adds. "You'll still see me around."
"Promise?" I ask. 
"How else are we gonna keep tabs on each other to see if we gotta go through with our plan at forty-something." He shrugs. 
"Oh, please, you'll still be with Aneka and won't even be bothered with me." I tell him and he shakes his head a little. 
"Viv, I harassed you for nearly three years to marry me--even thought I didn't even fucking like the idea of marriage. If I went through that much trouble, I'm not gonna up and leave and only talk to you every blue moon." 
I smile a little, rubbing my lips together before saying, "does this mean you're finally acknowledging that we are, indeed, friends?"
He rolls his eyes and stands back up. 
"I didn't say that." He tells me and I chuckle. "G'night, Viv." 
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