#my dumb romcom idea
yikes-00 · 2 years
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Sneak peak at the new mood board for my WIP👀
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homerjacksons · 5 months
I’m currently working (very very slowly because brain power is in limited supply) on my first ever novel and like…god writing is so fun but also so fucking hard.
I knew this. I’ve been writing fanfiction for the past 15 or so years.
But this is so much harder 😂
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The Prequel to the "It's a Match!" series.
[ The Teaser! ] || [ Chapter 1 ]
Pairing: 141 x gn!Reader Words: 600~ Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you?
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You’ve always found the concept of rebounds hilariously dumb. Every time that trope came up on a romcom or sitcom you were watching, you found yourself rolling your eyes at it.
Then again, everything about how Hollywood portrays break-ups is ridiculous. Sobbing on the couch while eating a pint of ice cream? Putting on your ‘revenge dress’ and showing your ex what they’re missing? All BS… but you guess both of those have a time and a place… But rebounds? 
How can someone think the remedy to a broken heart or a bad break-up is… getting involved with someone else? How can that be healthy at all? You’re at your lowest and most vulnerable and you decide to let someone else in to do more damage? Ridiculous.
That’s why you scoffed and rolled your eyes when your friend Leah suggested it during film night at your flat. “C’mon, you need to get laid!” She said as she bit down on her slice of pizza.
“Oh, please-” You grumbled, slinking down on the couch. “I’m alright by myself, thanks.”
“Pfft, c’mon!” Mia, your other friend, quipped while sitting on a pillow on the floor. “You seriously need to get out of the house and find someone else!”
"No, serious, you do." Leah agreed and nodded. "What happened with that tosser Ethan should not have you isolating youself like this."
“No, thank you. I’m quite alright by myself. Don’t need that extra stress.” You retorted as you reached for another slice of pizza from the coffee table.
“What extra stress?” Leah asked. “There's nothing stressful about it! It’s sex.” She said simply, Mia quickly nodding in agreement.
“The extra stress of going out and talking to people and getting to know them…” You list it off while halfway through chewing your bite of food.
“Oh, sod off! We’re not talking about a date!” Mia quickly said as she pushed your knee lightly with her bottle of Coke.
“Yeah, it’s a shag. You don’t have to meet or talk to a bloke! You just create an account on Tinder or Bumble or something.” Leah added.
You shoot them a look of disbelief. “Oh, I’m not doing that! Are you mental? Those apps are a cesspool! There’s nothing but creeps and losers on there…” You complained.
“See, that’s the mentality of someone who wants a boyfriend out of those apps!” Mia scolded you and nudged your knee again. “If you use it with that intention of course you’ll think every bloke there is a creep. But you’re not going to use it to look for a date! You’ll use it for the same as them: a shag.” She added.
“C’mon! Hand over your phone, let’s create a profile for you!” Leah insisted and stole your phone from your hoodie’s pocket before you even had time to argue, unlocking it and getting to work downloading Tinder.
“I don’t know…” You said, uncertain, as you nibbled on your pizza slice again. “I feel like I’ll get picky and reject all of them once their profile pops on my screen.” You add.
“Then don’t.” Mia said with a shrug while she pushed up onto her knees to peek at your phone screen in Leah’s hand.
“Yeah! Just Swipe Right on all of them! You’re bound to find one that’s worth it that way.” Leah added as she began creating an account for you.
“I don’t know-” You tried saying again, not just uncertain but downright disliking the idea.
“We promise it’ll be fun!” Mia interrupted you. “Just do what we tell you! Swipe right on everyone!” Mia added. “What’s the worst that’s going to happen?”
“Worst-case scenario, you don’t like any of them enough to meet for a shag. So what? Will make no difference on your life as it currently is.” Leah added and leaned herself lightly against you, nudging you with her shoulder.
Thinking for a moment, you end up sighing and smiling. “Fine!” You said, amused. “I guess if nothing else, it’ll give me a confidence boost to have ‘em all dming me.” You joked.
“That’s the spirit!” Mia cheered and wrapped her arms around you. “Now, let’s find some pictures of you looking fit to add to your profile.” She said, causing you all to giggle.
taglist: @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthoney , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
Karaoke Cacophony
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: This song is legitimately the reason why I ended up posting the poll that I did lmao- but if you check the lyric translations- it oddly fits the vibe for both Vox and Reader. Though it's only going to embarrass our resident TV man since our dear (Y/N) has absolutely no idea what the song actually means. Just that it sounds nice and it's something they heard over the radio back then when growing up. Vox has a built-in google translate thing so he can understand others better no matter what language, it just so happens that this hits him like a double-edged sword where he has no idea if he would've been better off not understanding the song and just appreciating the melody of your voice. BTW this interlude features an HC I have for Vox where he cooks sometimes because the systematic way it's done helps calm him down, it's inspired by something I read before but yeah- ALSO ALSO- some part kind of features reader being cracked out of their minds with pickup lines I pulled from one of @voxsremotec0ck's posts LMAO.
A/N: Also my cousin has had a HEAVY hand to play in this song choice, though her reasoning was mostly because of Angel's initial comment that watching Vox and Reader's interactions were like seeing a romcom plot unfold live. So why not go a little bit off tangent and relate them to a romantic fairytale? I also may have sorta kinda written a lot of this chapter while I myself was on a hyperactive streak because of some caffeine- Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this interlude and as always- Happy Reading!
After a while and back and forth of those games, you and Vox eventually stopped joining in despite the others still continuing to play.
You and your partner in crime had become preoccupied with laughing at memes or poking fun at whatever stupid trend was currently a fad online.
You were currently leaning against the technology overlord while he had one arm around you, the other using to poke at your phone every now and again.
The two of you were practically cuddling at this point from how close you both were but neither noticed nor even seem to care.
"They have the tidepod challenge too? Geez, people are kind of-"
"Idiotic? Stupid? Batshit crazy?"
"Pretty much."
"This is hell dollface, I'm not sure why you expected any different."
You just casually shrugged in reply, soon laughing at a dumb video you found whilst scrolling.
Vox couldn't help but subtly stare at you, especially when you seemed to be so cheerful just messing around or doing whatever.
Seeing your smile always made his day just a little bit brighter.
"Hey Vox! Stop being absolutely whipped for a second and help me out over here!"
The overlord in question just sputtered in confusion at Lucifer's words.
He wasn't whipped!
He just- admired you a lot.
Even you had raised eyebrows at the odd word choice, whipped- wasn't exactly what you would use to describe your flatscreen companion.
Not when you kind of had an inkling to what it meant.
"What are you even doing??"
Vox called back, finally taking his eyes off you and your phone to just look over in the kitchen's general direction.
Lucifer did mention about making a snack earlier, but why would the king of hell need his help of all people??
What was he planning this time???
"Something! Just get over here!!"
You just gave your companion a shrug when he looked back to you, encouraging him to just go and get it over with.
Besides, you guys could always just continue doing this and messing around when he was finished with... whatever Lucifer needed him for.
Well, that was until your brain immediately stomped on the brakes when you looked at Vox again.
He'd undone his cuffs to roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt to his elbows, revealing some... bare forearms.
Before he just nonchalantly stood up and walked off towards the kitchen when the king of hell called for him again.
He didn't seem to have noticed your shattered mental-
You had dropped your phone at that point, just blinking and spacing out like an idiot before Angel noticed.
"Woaaah, what happened to (Y/N)?"
"Huh, I didn't think we'd ever see them actually speechless."
"Oooh oooh! Does that mean (Y/N) likes bad boys?!"
You shook your head in an attempt to snap out of it but couldn't stop the blush from creeping up your neck.
Oh. My. God.
You were completely in the gutter now-
Similarly to Alastor, you noticed Vox was always wearing long-sleeves or an outfit that concealed any skin at all.
And while it left you wondering what he had to hide, that consequently would lead you to imagine how he'd look like without a shirt on.
Was he just a mess of wires or something?
Did he conceal so much because he was robotic to a degree?
You had no clue how Vox's biology even worked and you didn't know how to ask without sounding weird.
Not to mention how he's able to wear some kinds of shirts given his obnoxiously sized head-
It's just curiosity is all!
You could only slap Angel's hands away when he started cautiously poking you, and you were practically steaming out of your ears from embarrassment.
It wasn't the fact that your flatscreened friend seemed to show some skin that set you off-
It was the fact your brain somehow went autopilot and registered it as HOT.
You were sure Velvette had fashioned him the outfit so it didn't surprise you that Vox looked all dapper and smart.
Dare you even say the fucking TV looked handsome-
You just didn't think he could look any better.
Until he did that.
And consequently nuked the rest of your sanity with it.
"Yep, they're totally broken-"
"Angel shut up before I beat you to death with a pillow I swear to god-"
"Oh good, you're finally reacting toots."
You merely flipped him the bird and just hid your face in your other hand, why was everything in your body trying to go on overdrive?!
"What's got you all blushy anyway? It's like you've just watched a racy porno."
"What?! No! I just- you- I don't even fucking know-"
Angel was about to continue poking at you before Lucifer and Vox finally returned.
Both chatting amiably while holding what seems to be a plate or two of treats and snacks.
So that's where they both went-
And that was when the spider noticed your gaze practically zero in on your techno-centric friend.
Ha, friend-
Yeah nobody in the hotel with half a brain believed that for even a second-
Though there didn't seem to be any differences with Vox-
His outfit was still the same, just his sleeves were...
You just shrieked incoherently at Angel and started whacking him with a couch cushion while everyone else kind of just watched you both confused.
Not to mention that you were pretty much a tomato from how red you've become.
The arachnid couldn't stop himself from just devolving into a loud laughing fit.
You had completely lost it because of some forearms, he could only imagine what your reaction would be if a certain technology overlord decided to undo some shirt buttons.
You'd probably just die on the spot!
"Uh... what happened?"
"No idea, but it sure as hell is entertaining."
By the time you were able to relatively calm down, you were still red when Vox just sat down next to you again.
"Soooo, any reason for trying to murder Angel with a pillow?"
"None that concerns you."
"Oh come on, it's gotta be something crazy if you don't tell even me."
You just adamantly shake your head and refuse to say anything no matter what Vox tried.
It was kind of cute seeing you try so hard, despite the fact the overlord knew he could always just ask the others about it later.
He didn't think it was anything too big, after all you would embarrassed by a lot of random things.
So he didn't even bother guessing at this point.
"What did you and Lucifer make anyway?"
"Hm? Chocolate strawberries, do you want some?"
"Seriously? That's what he needed help with?"
"I'm just as confused as you are doll, anyway- open your mouth."
Vox just chuckles when you shyly follow his instructions, forcing himself to look away before grabbing one of the strawberries and placing it into your mouth.
He'd be lying if he said the way you looked didn't give him other ideas.
You seeming insanely kissable being just one of them.
While the overlord knew making the treat consumed more time than just going out and probably buying it-
Seeing your eyes sparkle when you bit down made him consider that it was a little more worth it to put in that extra homemade touch.
"Didn't pin you for a guy that could cook."
You remarked, taking the plate from him and just eagerly chowing down.
Vox just chuckled, watching you so happily munch away.
You were just really cute in your own little way, not that he would ever say so.
Especially when you seemed so pleased at just such a simple snack.
"I'm not surprised, I don't exactly... have that vibe? I can cook though, it's something I do on the off chance to calm down."
"And still you eat that McDonald's garbage-"
"It's not garbage! I'm just too busy to actually cook sometimes! Running a media empire isn't easy dollface."
"The next time you do cook, I wanna try your food."
"Hm? What makes you say that?"
"Dunno, just wanna try it."
The overlord simply raised an eyebrow at you, though he didn't seem to mind your words much.
And as you scarfed down on the strawberries, he noticed a smear of chocolate streaking across your cheek.
How it got there- Vox wasn't entirely sure.
Possibly from your enthusiastic eating but he didn't really care enough at the moment to find out.
"Wait, you've got some chocolate on your face."
You looked at your companion with wide eyes when he gingerly raised a hand to wipe at your face.
The way his gaze was both calm and focused at you made your heart skip a beat.
The plate of treats in front of you now mostly forgotten.
"There. Didn't think you'd be such a messy eater doll."
He didn't seem to notice your mind kind of stall, picking up a chocolate strawberry himself to eat it.
It was a little too sweet for his taste, which was odd considering his already innate knack for deserts.
You seemed to like it though, so he didn't say anything.
And that was when Vox also noticed your more than obvious staring.
You weren't even trying to hide it were you?
Admittedly, the overlord got a little embarrassed because of it.
"Take a picture darling, it'll last longer."
"Nah, I think I would much rather look at the real thing. A picture can only do so much."
You smirked when you saw his screen proceed to tinge pink, especially when you heard his fans kick to life.
He never could get the upper hand with you, which was hilariously cute in it's own way.
It didn't take long for you to eventually get used to Vox's charm over the while you've known him.
Even if at times it would strike you when you least expected it.
You simply went back to snacking contentedly.
After a short while, all the treats were gone and you were practically bouncing off the walls with energy.
So what did you do with that sugar rush?
Absolutely torment and flirt the life out of Vox.
Slamming pickup line after pickup line into his already preoccupied mind space.
Well it was preoccupied with you to begin with but let's not mention that-
"Hey Vox- Hey Vox- Hey Vox-"
"What is it dollface?"
"Do you have a bandaid?"
"No...? Why?"
"Because I think I scraped my knee falling for you!"
He buffered a little bit but just played off being flustered with a scoff.
The rest of the hotel crew were not so subtly watching all of this go down just waiting for your overlord friend to crack.
Angel and Husker already made bets on how fast he would go down glitching -
"That was horrible."
"Nah nah nah wait I got another one-"
The overlord didn't really mind it at first, aside from the fact he was a little surprised.
Until the point it got so stupidly suggestive and then he actually had trouble dealing with the provocative ideas he got from you.
"You know, I'm just gonna start calling you my big toe."
"Your... what??"
"My big toe, so I can bang you all over the place."
The overlord had to actually ignore the snickering and hushed laughter from your spectators, why were you doing this to him of all people?!
Though as horrible as the pickup lines were, Vox would be lying if he said they weren't hitting their mark.
He was just... a little better at hiding it.
And that wasn't even the end of your tomfoolery-
Actually far from it.
Vox made a mental note to watch out for your sugar rush episodes from this point onwards.
You weren't ever this bad from what he could remember either-
Well, you would just blitz through nearly everything during a hyperactive episode before the impending sugar crash.
But never tried to flirt the socks off him!
"Are you a fitted sheet?"
"A fitted sheet? What's that got to do with-"
"Cuz you're complicated as fuck but I still need you spread across my bed."
Vox stared at you wide-eyed for a whole ass second-
Before his screen predictably started showing errors and he glitched uncontrollably.
Angel just keeled over from laughter at that point when the overlord's face went absolutely haywire.
He didn't quite bluescreen, but his screen did buffer and spazz a whole lot for a minute or so.
To which you just celebrated and cheered.
That just made your arachnid friend laugh even harder.
You were an unbridled chaotic ball of energy hyped up on sugar-
But Charlie- being Charlie-
Felt a little bad for Vox being the target of your madness- and stepped in and try to direct your hyperactivity elsewhere.
However, because she had done it on a whim- she actually had no ideas what to do with you.
So she just randomly suggested karaoke.
Which seemed to get your attention anyway.
When Vox finally came crashing back into reality, he was surprised to see both you and Lucifer just tormenting a very staticky and clearly very irritated Alastor.
What even was that song?
"Huh, you were out for a while."
"What- did I miss something?? What happened?"
"Your hyperactive lover just being a menace to Alastor, other than that nothing much."
"They're not my-"
"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that."
Vox doesn't even have the opportunity to fully retort before you suddenly ran over to him with a grin.
Apparently you noticed he was fine again-
This time he was just the slightest bit worried.
You were literally shaking from the sugar rush- oh goodness-
"Oh good you're awake! I wanted to show you something!"
Vox didn't have the option to refuse when you just dragged him over to the couch and plopped him down next to everyone else.
"Okay okay! There's this song I used to listen to because I loved the melody and how nice it sounded but I actually have no idea what it means because it's not in English and-"
Safe to say the overlord spaced out during your rambling, only picking up the important bits of your spiel.
Which TL;DR, was just that you had a song you wanted to sing but didn't actually understand.
He only snapped out of his trance when he finally heard your voice slow down to the soft piano melody.
Well, the words you were saying definitely weren't in English-
So Vox secretly decided to translate what you were saying.
Having the internet being an extension of his conscious mind was a little bit of advantage here.
Then he figured out what the lyrics were.
And almost crashed again.
"I've forgotten how long it's been since I heard you telling me, your favorite story~"
He didn't really know whether his curiosity was a good or bad thing here.
Especially when it hit him that this was a love song.
The overlord was absolutely not prepared for this at all.
"I have been thinking for a long time, I started to panic."
Sure, the lyrics weren't exactly a fit to you-
But for him?
Especially when you had still been alive?
A 100% coincidental match.
Or he thinks it's mere coincidence.
"Have I done something wrong~?"
Oh god no do not look at him like that-
Nope nope nope nope-
It took every ounce of control for Vox to just not crash again right then and there.
"You said to me full of tears: 'Fairy tales are all lies.'"
You'd memorized the song, so it made sense that you didn't need to look at the lyrics to sing.
But could you seriously stop looking at him so fondly?
You didn't even know the words you were saying, this was so unfair.
"I couldn't possibly be your prince."
That just made him think back on all the past times he was trying to be... "friendly".
Well, almost borderline romantic even when he was willing to throw down nearly everything for your sake if you so much as asked.
Not that you noticed, Vox doubted you ever would even if it slapped you in the face.
"Perhaps you won't understand- ever since you said you loved me!"
Angel just smirked when he heard the signature whirring of computer fans.
Though he wasn't sure if it was because the overlord got flustered from your singing or because he understood.
Well, it wasn't his problem-
Because it was downright hilarious how insanely oblivious you were.
"The stars in my sky shine brightly!"
Where you were concerned, that was always the case.
Not at the start of course-
But it became adamantly clear when Vox found himself eager to see what kind of chaos you would stir up next.
"I'm willing to become the angel of the fairytale that you love-"
You extended your hand out to him, a silent invite to the tech overlord asking to dance.
He chuckled and smiled at you.
Of course he'd take up that offer.
"Spread up my hands that become wings to protect you~"
The two of you just swayed and danced around to the melody, becoming engrossed once more in your own little world.
You didn't even know what you were singing, but judging by the fond look Vox had directed at you-
It seemed he was enjoying it.
So you continued to indulge him.
"You have to believe, believe that we can be like in the fairy tale!"
You blushed a little bit when he'd twirled you around, after all-
You'd never really danced like this before.
It was like a... different kind of waltz.
Still, it made you feel so dainty.
His gaze just made you feel like the most beautiful thing in the world.
"Happy and joyful in the ending~"
The rest of your friends were amused seeing the two of you pretty much being the plot to a convoluted romcom.
Especially when they realized you and Vox kind of forgot they were actually there.
Charlie thought your relationship was endearingly cute-
Vaggie just reacted like her theory had been entirely confirmed.
Alastor felt like it was kinda disgusting-
And Lucifer nearly decked him for trying to ruin your moment.
Angel, Husker and Nifty were busy placing bets on who between the either of you would confess to the other first.
Though by the time the song ended, everyone couldn't help but groan or facepalm.
"Soooo- how'd I do?"
"It's okay, I'd say there's still room for lots of improvement."
"Oh fuck you Vox-"
"Like you'd ever actually go through with that."
"HA- don't try me you slutty-waisted lanky TV-"
"I've been called worse by better, get creative!"
You were both fucking idiots.
And at this point-
It was like your romantic dance hadn't even happened at all.
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intothedysphoria · 3 months
Steve managed to accidentally crush his headphones over the weekend, so he reluctantly turned to Billy Hargrove for help.
Steve and Billy hadn’t exactly gotten off to the best of starts, considering they beat the crap out of each other within the week. Billy has mellowed out significantly since Neil had left though, so Steve told himself to grow some balls and walked into the general repair shop Billy worked at.
The death metal blasting from the speakers was obnoxious but there was basically nobody there so Steve was able to swallow down the rising panic creeping up his throat. Billy was just some guy. He’d move back to California come the new year and Steve’s life would be exactly the same as it had always been. At least that’s what he told himself.
Billy raised an unimpressed eyebrow at Steve tripping over the step on his way up then stammering his way through an apology. His headphones lay sadly tucked under arm, limp and lifeless.
Actually getting the word autism out was harder than Steve anticipated. Maybe it was because he wasn’t used to telling other people or maybe it was because he found Billy very attractive and he knew what happened whenever anyone he liked found out.
The curl of the lip. The sneer. The asking if he was like mentally five or something.
He managed to stumble his way through explaining that they were his sensory aides and they really helped him not get overwhelmed in public and please don’t punch me again Hargrove.
Billy didn’t punch him, much to Steve’s great surprise. Instead he mumbled something about be right back Harrington and disappeared into the staff only area, only to return with a brand new pair which he thrust into Steve’s hands.
“I get it Harrington. Just take these, you busted yours pretty badly. On the house.”
Steve was pretty sure his brain malfunctioned briefly and then attempted to exit the shop after pushing on a pull door.
Billy had been pretty civil with him. So either it was all some great prank that was about to fall on his head or Steve may have misjudged him just a little.
He didn’t risk reaching out again until a month later when he’d really managed to fuck his oven up and gave himself a five minute mantra about being confident before dming Billy on Instagram asking for help.
A message came back in a minute asking what the fuck he’d managed to do. Steve insisted he had no idea then he just got a short, blunt “on my way princess.”
Billy’s tool box was extensive. As much as Steve would have wished, that wasn’t an innuendo. He just had a lot of kit, probably more than was needed for the actual state of the oven.
They hung out a bit while Billy tinkered, threw out jargon that Steve didn’t understand, then declared it was fixed. Steve resolutely tried not to stare at a peach ass in very tight denim. He may have failed.
A comfortable silence fell afterwards until Steve panicked and asked if he wanted a coffee. It only seemed polite. Billy had been working all afternoon pretty much.
How that ended in them snuggled onto the sofa, Steve couldn’t exactly remember. All he could really register was that Billy’s arms were warm and strong and Steve wished he could just stay there.
Then he snuggled in further and Billy stiffened up. Crap. He’d fucked up somehow.
Steve pulled himself back up into a sitting position, self consciously checking his hair. Billy looked slightly bewildered but more at himself than Steve.
“You…………you alright man? I didn’t push you too far right?”
He got a slow blink in response and being pulled back into a muscular chest. Steve just hoped he wasn’t doing his “simp face”, as Robin had named it.
Ok first name was not a good sign. Prepare for a fist.
“I fucking like you ok? Don’t laugh. I’ve liked you ever since I first set eyes on you, you beautiful oblivious bastard.”
And Steve. Steve had always kind of hated romcoms. They were dumb and clishe and the couples who got together by the end never really made sense.
But looking at Billy’s slightly flushed face and after hearing his confession, Steve thought the romcom route might be the best way to go.
Billy really was a very good kisser.
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thelightsandtheroses · 11 months
sing fever to the form | frankie morales x female reader
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Summary: Fake dating Frankie Morales seemed the obvious solution to both of your problems, until you caught feelings and now everything is a mess. Pairing: Frankie Morales x female reader Warnings: language and explicit content, 18+ blog - minors do not interact, a little angst with a happy ending romcom style,no physical descriptors, no use of Y/N or specific age mentions for the reader. Word Count: 6.3k Notes: the fic title is from one of my absolute favourite songs which features on every single playlist i ever compile (fever to the form by nick mulvey). I also owe a huge thank you to the lovely @mvtthewmurdvck for her support on this one 💕 i think without her, this would have probably languished in my drafts.
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In the cold light of Benny Miller’s bathroom, you come to the conclusion that you’ve made several mistakes. The worst one of these, the one that set the rest in motion like dominoes, had honestly seemed like such a good idea at the time. It appeared such an obvious solution to the numerous questions, interrogations and unspoken pity that you were encountering. You could never have expected this.
You’d moved to Florida for work some time ago and while you had friends and a great career, your love life was definitely lacking. People picked up on it and while no one directly said it, you felt you were continually judged.  Sure, it was all well and good that you had a nice job, but if no one’s dating you -  well, what’s your red flag?
Between that and the fact your parents kept asking about whether or not you were dating, or if you’d met anyone nice at work, it started to weigh on you. Was there a problem with the way you were living - was it you? Your loved ones seemed so disappointed that you weren’t dating and putting yourself ‘out there in the world’. You tried to tell them the dating pool was not great, that the apps were awful and the only guys you ever seemed to attract came with so many of their own red flags that they could have lined the whole of your street. You’d dated enough bad guys already, you didn’t want to date any more.
You just needed some space.
Frankie was your friend and he was experiencing similar pressures. His friends were asking him when he’d start dating again and he was grappling with a new status as a single father. So, he also needed a break, needed to remove some of the noise from those around him.
Fake dating might belong in the movies, but it seemed an obvious solution to both of your predicaments. For a while, it was perfect. 
Frankie is the ideal fake boyfriend, he’s better than any you could have ever imagined. In fact, he is probably the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, which is part of the problem. Most of your previous boyfriends hadn’t been the best, and suddenly here’s Frankie, acting like the perfect man for you?
Of course, you ended up falling for him.
It might have seemed a good idea back then, only now you’re hiding in a bathroom, fighting back tears and berating yourself as the BBQ you’d been looking forward to carries on outside. You’re so stupid. This is a dumb game. It isn’t real.
You’re not supposed to catch feelings.
But you have.
“So, how did we get together?” Frankie asks, leaning his head back against the sofa so you can see all the freckles on his neck above his hoodie.
“Um…” you chew your lip, take a gulp of your drink, “I have no idea.”
Frankie’s house is the sort of home that has comforting chaos and mess to it. His daughter’s things are strewn around the living room, an aviation manual rests on open pages on the coffee table next to you and a pile of battered paperbacks are stacked next to the sofa. The walls are a warm yellow; surprisingly comforting and bright. It’s a stark contrast to how Frankie presents himself outside of his home - cool, collected, a little quiet.
His home feels lived in. You always feel comfortable here.
“We could say that we just realised one day, hanging out, I mean crazier things have happened. A big story would stand out. KISS principles an’ all.”
“What did you just say?’” you ask. “Did you just say kissing principles?”
“Kiss?” He shakes his head. “Keep it simple, stupid! The way I see it, the only way for us to get away with this is to keep it realistic, boring almost so people don’t ask more,” Frankie says thoughtfully. 
“Ah, so hooking up with you would be boring? That’s good to know.”
“Oh, carinô, if I kissed you for real that is not the word you’d use …”Frankie trails off, mischievously raises an eyebrow.
“Ergh, you can be so arrogant,” you tease, “Okay, fine. We had a sudden movie like realisation and what - we just got together and then what did we do?”
“Well then, y’know, by that point, you couldn’t exactly walk away.” Frankie smirks salaciously.
You throw a sofa cushion at him.“I think I hate you, Frankie Morales..”
“No, no that’s definitely not what you said.” 
“So,” Frankie pauses, runs a hand through his hair. “We should agree what the boundaries are, when we’re with others.”
“Yes, when we’re with our friends. It needs to be believable, right? And I’m sorry, but if we stay like we are now, around my friends, then they’ll know it’s fake in five minutes.”
“I did an online quiz with my ex and um, physical touch is my love language,” Frankie says sheepishly. 
“You do know that whole love language thing is bullshit, right?”
“No, it’s not. Jessie said -”
“She’s wrong.”
“Regardless, the quiz said that - ergh, fine, whatever. So, what’s the plan there? I don’t want either us to feel uncomfortable though, okay.”
“We’ve been friends a long time,” you say lightly, “This won’t change that. We can figure this out.” It’s not like you’ve never hugged Frankie or he hasn’t put an arm around you before. How hard can it be - you need people to believe you?
“Also, I am not lying to my kid, or getting her to lie for me. We need to keep her out of it, tell everyone else we’re taking it slow with her until we know it’s serious, okay?” Frankie looks at you with a suddenly serious expression. Oh god, he’s a dad and this is stupid and complicated and you can’t involve her in this and you’ve just been discussing the physical boundaries in this stupid game and this is ridiculous. 
It was a pathetic idea of yours.
“Maybe we shouldn’t -”
“It’s fine. We just keep her out of this.”
“Okay, that sounds sensible.”
“So we’re really doing this then?” he asks with a shy smile.
“Yeah, I think we are.”
It’s Frankie. What other choice was there when it came down to it? It’s Frankie with his deep brown eyes that have mastered the puppy dog expression and his shy smiles. You care about him and all of his insecurities, doubts and vulnerabilities you’ve learned over the years. They make him tangible, real, and truer. Perhaps you always liked him and you didn’t know. Maybe you did and subconsciously thought this was the only way you’d have him which is why you’d pursued such a ridiculous idea. Perhaps you had thought this would be like the movies, that he’d confess his love for you and you’d drive off into the sunset.
You’re now accustomed to the way his hands skim your back or waist when you’re with friends, the way he leans closer to you and you can feel his breath against your ear when he whispers sweet nothings in his low voice, smell the laundry detergent on his clothes.
He’s so convincing.
No one has ever questioned whether it’s real with the two of you. You don’t think it would ever cross their mind that the two of you are fake dating. 
Your body and mind certainly doesn’t think it’s fake anymore.
You sit on the edge of the bath and try and try and pinpoint when you realised you felt this way. You’ve both been flirting with danger for weeks; the way you’ve let him trace shapes on your side when he pulls you close, how you lean into the crook of his neck, play with the ends of his curls when you’re out with friends. You tell yourself it’s just to make it look real, to make this situation look authentic.
You’ve certainly fooled yourself.
You’re not even sure when you realised this. One moment everything was like normal and then it wasn’t. Perhaps it’s your fault, you have always been a dreamer. You’ve always walked through life fantasising that this will be the moment when everything changes, when you suddenly fit in and someone will like you or fall in love with you. Given the way your mind works, it was inevitably a stupid idea to even try this with Frankie.
It’s been overwhelming at the BBQ today; the gentle touches, the way he looks at you and you almost believe it’s genuine.  It wouldn’t normally bother you so much, but now you’re aching for it to be something it can’t be and it’s all too much.
You couldn’t help looking at Frankie throughout the BBQ; wanting to count the freckles on his neck, to run your hands through the curls hidden by his hat as you notice the ends peeking out at the nape of his neck. You’re always taken with the broadness of his shoulders too, his hands. 
You’re completely doomed. 
You can’t do this anymore. It’s not fair, it’s a betrayal of your friendship with him. It’s a betrayal of his trust because agreeing to do this fake dating was an exercise in trust, one you are failing.
You’ve been thinking about it for days. The reason you feel so safe with Frankie is because it’s not real, because you weren’t supposed to have to give your heart away. It was just meant to distract people so you could breathe again. You’ve seen too many romcoms and movies, you’re too much of a dreamer to have ever let this work without getting messy. You thought you could be detached and objective, but you can’t.
It’s you, you’re the one who has screwed up.
So you go downstairs, make your excuses and leave.
You’ve been fake dating for two weeks and this just might be your best relationship ever.  You can’t decide if that’s sweet or perhaps the most depressing thing you’ve ever admitted.
You’re in Frankie’s car on the way to Tom’s birthday, playing with the handle of the gift bag you’re holding. The sun is out, Frankie’s playlist is setting the scene and you feel so happy in this moment.
“Don’t be surprised if they say something about us,” Frankie says casually as he changes gear, “The guys have been giving me grief since I told them about us. Well, since I told them about what we’re saying about us, anyway.”
“I thought the idea was it would stop them giving you grief?”
“Oh, this is much better than it was, trust me,” he says, laughing as he looks at the road ahead. With his sunglasses on, no hat and a loose t-shirt he looks more relaxed than you’ve ever seen him. Frankie strikes you as a tightly wound coil, he’s just got that energy. He’s calm, not something or someone you are afraid of, but you recognise the way he thinks, see the nervous anticipation in his eyes before he smiles at one of his friends on a night out.
You see the same thing in yourself.
“You know, I can’t believe this is working,” you say cheerfully to Frankie, “My mom has even stopped sending me those news articles about people who meet their soulmates later in your life.”
“Your mom was sending you those?” Frankie asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“She means well,” you say placidly. “My parents have always had a lot of expectations for me.”
“Shit.” He reaches over and squeezes your hand. “Well, I can promise you that you’re the best fake girlfriend I’ve ever had.”
“Likewise, Frankie, likewise.”
You don’t mean to ghost Frankie after the BBQ. It’s just you’re not sure what to say to him. I’m sorry, but I think this fake dating is getting a little too authentic because I might be falling for you?
You can’t do that to him, can’t embarrass yourself with your stupid crush either. It’s better to just ignore the messages, pretend it’s not happening and bury your head in the sand.
Of course, Frankie knows where you live, so you shouldn’t be as surprised as you are when he turns up at your home.
“So what’s going on? I texted you,” he says with a forced casual voice as he leans against your kitchen counter. He’s wearing a loose t-shirt and jeans, his usual hat discarded next to him. He runs a hand through his hair and looks over at you.
You don’t want to look at him properly, so you focus your attention on your kitchen tiles instead . You really need to mop the kitchen floor later. 
“I think, I think this thing has run its course.”
“Oh, really?” Frankie looks surprised, almost sad, when you dare to look at him, “I thought this was working well for us both.”
“A little too well,” you mumble under your breath.
“What was that?”
You sigh.
“Hey, cariño, talk to me.”
“It’s just us, Frankie, you don’t have to call me that right now.”
“Why, do you not like it?”
You exhale again with exasperation and shake your head. Just make this easier on me, you think, stop muddying the water. When you meet Frankie’s eyes he looks perplexed though, concerned and his brow is furrowed.
“What’s going on?” he asks, arms folded as he looks over at you. “Talk to me.”
“I think we should stop with this fake dating arrangement. I mean, the idea was just to do it until my friends and my parents were off my back and until your friends were off yours, and they are. So, let’s call it a win and move on.”
“Did something happen?” Frankie asks. “You meet someone?” There’s a strange tone to his voice, almost wistful.
“No, no. I just - I don’t think we should keep doing this. I mean that girl asked you out last week at the bar and because Will and I were with you, you said no.” 
“She wasn’t my type anyway and that’s what this is about? Come on!”
“I’m - I’m clearly holding you back and that’s not what this was supposed to be.”
“Is this what you really want?”
“Absolutely,” you lie brightly, smiling as widely as you can. “We’re friends and we’ve helped each other out so let’s bow out of this gracefully. We can say to the others - we can tell them we realised that we’re better off as friends.”
“Right. Okay.”
“Okay?” you repeat, disappointed that he’s just giving up, that this really is it. 
A small part of you was holding out hope for Frankie fighting back, for him to declare his love for you, take you into his arms and then for the two of you to have the most passionate, intense sex of your life right there in the kitchen. That’s what happens in the movies and books. It’s all meant to end with a kiss.
Only he doesn’t do that.
He just quietly acquiesces to your demand that this ends now and when he smiles, as though his acceptance will make you happy, he shatters your heart into a million pieces.
You have no idea how your friendship will recover from this. You have no idea how to watch someone else love Frankie in the future, to watch him put his hands on someone else or look at them like he looked at you and know it’s real for them but wasn’t for you.
“I should probably go,” Frankie says, his gaze fixated on the floor.
“Oh, right. Well, I’ll see you around.”
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The story of your breakup spreads quickly. Your friends are disappointed, they tell you it’s obvious you both liked each other, they ask if you’re sure you can’t work it out? Your parents are clearly disappointed, but at the same time you catch a glance of relief on your mother’s face when you tell her.
“He’s complicated,” she says, taking a sip from her cup of tea.  It’s your mom’s first visit in months, a visit you had originally planned during the fake dating misadventure.  
“He’s a single father and the job he has? Being a pilot isn’t like a regular 9-5.” 
“He makes his hours work for his kid, and none of those things were the reason we broke up”you say defensively. “And at my age, most people have previous relationships and baggage so I don’t think that makes him any more complicated than anyone else I could meet.”
“You don’t, darling, you don’t have any baggage.”
“That in itself is clearly a complication,” you say, rolling your eyes like a petulant teenager. “I mean, you and Dad hated it when I was single. You were always asking if I’d met someone, or if I was looking and -“ you trail off and stare at your hands on the table. Your nail varnish is chipped. Rouge Noir, the classic vampy red you always put on when you’re feeling blue, when you need a confidence boost. It’s not working for you right now though.
“We just want you to be happy,” your mom says, gently taking her hands in yours. “Whatever that looks like.”
“I am happy.” It’s meant to sound assertive but it comes out more like a question as you speak. You’re happy, dammit. Or you were before everything went wrong.
“No, honey, you’re in the middle of a break up and it’s obvious you still feel something for him. Are you sure - are you sure it’s over? You told me you were the one who ended things.”
“Yeah, I did. I don’t think - I don’t think it’s a good idea, mom. I’ll get over it. I have this big work project and then that trip and the apartment move soon, so I’ll be fine.”
You’re not sure of anything now. You thought stopping the arrangement with Frankie would save your friendship, but it didn’t. Now you don’t have him at all and it fucking hurts.
You are so angry and sad and confused. This is all your fault for getting feelings that you’d laughed at the possibility of months ago. You’ve lost him anyway and it’s caused a great  chasm in your heart.
 How can you be mourning something that wasn’t even real in the first place?
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When you became friends with Frankie, he introduced you to some of his friends from his military days. While you didn’t exactly get on with all of them, Tom is aloof at best, Benny and you had become friends over time. In the wake of your fictionalised break-up, you’ve lost those people too. You’ve avoided Benny’s fights, wanted Frankie to have his friends without the bother of you. Besides, you’ve been focused on work. You had a trip away for a few days and then you had a big project, presentations. Work has been something to throw yourself into.
It’s a good plan, but Benny keeps texting you and personally invites you to his next fight.
You and Frankie have both said you’re still friends so what’s the problem?
I don’t know if it’s a good idea.
Just come to the damn fight, would you? Liv keeps asking after you.
You decide you should go at least once to show your face. You can do this, you can handle one night. You like Liv, Benny’s girlfriend, and you can say hello and then vanish quickly after the fight ends. If you’re careful with the seating set up, you might not even see Frankie or have to talk to him at all.
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The bar is crowded and while Will, Santiago, Tom and Frankie all greeted you when you arrive, it feels different. Stilted somehow.
 It’s almost how it would feel if this was a genuine break up, if this was real. You suppose it is to Santiago, Tom and Will.
You sat with Benny’s girlfriend, Liv, for the fight. She squeezed your hand sympathetically when she catches you looking over at Frankie.
Frankie still looks the same as ever, you think as you cast your eyes over to where he is in the crowd. He’s wearing his usual hat, the one you’ve teased him about for years but can’t picture him ever giving up, with well fitting jeans and a jacket. He looks infuriatingly good.
Before the fight Frankie had moved so he was next to you and he looked like he wanted to say something to you before the fight began. Panicked, you quickly moved next to Liv instead and so you were sitting on the other side of the group to him as you took your seats.
Crisis averted, you thought. Only now, you can’t stop wondering what he might have said to you.
“I can’t see why you can’t get it together,” Benny says, taking a sip from his bottle of beer. The two of you are standing together by the bar, waiting for the rest of the group’s drinks. Benny’s mostly fixed up from his fight, with just a small red stain on his forehead between the steri-strips and bruises. You think the other guy must look a lot worse. 
“Wait, what did you say?” you ask.
“I don’t see why you and Frankie can’t work it out. I mean, look at him,” Benny points his bottle towards your friends, to where your attention had just been. Frankie’s standing on the edge of the group, arms folded, hat rigid. He looks uncomfortable.
You shouldn’t have come here tonight.
“We tried and it wasn’t a good fit. It wasn’t going to work out,,” you say flatly, repeating the line you and Frankie had agreed on.
“Look, you might have fooled the others, but you can’t fool me.”
Your stomach sinks. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I know you guys were fake dating at first.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You could barely keep your stories straight about how you got together when I asked,” Benny says softly. “You kept adding details and I noticed Frankie shake his head whenever you did that.”
“Why didn’t you say anything? Does Frankie know?” You’re mortified for him, you know how embarrassed he would feel if he found out that Benny had guessed all along it was fake.
This really can’t get any worse.
“‘Cause you two obviously liked each other. I assumed that you’d figure it out along the way. I thought you had, but then -” Benny trails off.
“You know when you assume, you make an ass -”
‘Oh sweetheart, don’t even finish that sentence.“ Benny exhales. “How are you holding up?”
“It’s what you said, it was fake and we ended it and it’s all fine now.”
“Bullshit,” Benny exclaims, his southern drawl even more pronounced.
“It’s not.”
“It is.”
The bartender interrupts by finally handing you the rest of your drinks and between you and Benny, you take them and rejoin your friends.
‘Cause you two obviously liked each other.
Benny’s words echo in your mind. He didn’t say because you liked Frankie, but because you both did.
Frankie doesn’t like you like that though, you know this. He’s clearly just a very good actor.
You end up the one handing Frankie his drink, no doubt due to Benny’s meddling. Your hands brush against his as he takes the bottle and you can’t help looking up at him, noticing the unreadable expression on his face.
Will coughs loudly and you quickly take a step back.
“It was a good fight, Benny,” you say awkwardly, hoping he’ll take the change of subject.
“I need a smoke,” Frankie says, hunching his shoulders as he walks away from the group.
The room instantly turns cold. 
You awkwardly pull the edge of your jacket down, wishing the ground would swallow you up. Santi, Tom and Will are staring at you and you can’t be here. They hate you, they’re judging you.
This is so fucked up.
“I’m uh, going to go.”
Liv makes a motion as if to stop you, but she doesn’t, and Benny’s looking at you with real disappointment but that doesn’t stop you either. You’re getting good at running away now.
You’re too afraid to look behind you and see whether they’re looking at you as you walk away.
Frankie’s standing by the parking lot when you finally weave your way past the crowds and bloody fighters to reach the exit.
He looks surprised to see you. Just seeing his face makes your heart ache because you’ve lost him, you’ve lost him and you didn’t want to.
“I’m leaving now, so you can go back in” you say flatly.
“I was just having a smoke,” he says defensively. It’s an obvious lie, you both know it.
“Sure, Frankie. Look, you can’t just stomp off like that. You can’t leave me in that position with everyone. It’s not fair.”
“Yeah, well, there’s a lot of things we don’t discuss, lot of things that aren’t fair,” Frankie says bitterly, tossing his cigarette to the floor and stamping on it a little too vigorously.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What’s going on with you? This wasn’t meant to affect our friendship. I never, ever would have agreed if I’d known,” Frankie says firmly. “You were my friend and I still wanted you to be but you ghosted me and ended our deal. That’s fine, but we didn’t go back to normal after. We just - it’s like you hate me now.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Just would you tell me what I did wrong?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then why -”
“It was too real,” you whisper, folding your arms around yourself and leaning against the brick wall.
“What? What did you say?” Frankie asks, moving closer.
“You know, the faking it thing. It was too real, it was confusing me. And I - I didn’t want to ruin everything but I still ruined it all. Story of my life.”
“Don’t say that. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” You think, somehow he’s going to break your heart even more tonight and you didn’t think that was possible..
“I just - I got confused.”
“How did you get confused?” he asks in a low voice, taking another step closer to you.
“Don’t, Frankie, don’t make me say it.”
“Say what?” he asks, dramatically throwing his hands in the air, “I can’t understand you. I mean, this was your idea and then you ended it and now you don’t even want to be friends? I don’t know what I did but -”
“You did nothing, Frankie. It’s me, not you.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Clearly something happened. Can’t you just talk to me? I’m fucking miserable here. You were supposed to be my friend and I miss you.” You hadn’t thought that your actions could have hurt Frankie, you thought you were protecting him by doing what you did.
You feel even worse, a sick feeling rising in your stomach. 
“It got muddled in my head, okay, it felt like it was real and I couldn’t do that to you, so that’s why - that’s why.” You falter at the end of your sentence as all of the adrenaline and energy from your body fades away..
“It got too real for you? What are you saying?”
“That I like you. That I ended up liking you more than I should, you obtuse jerk!”
Frankie pauses then takes another step closer. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks, a slight smile on his face that you can’t make any sense of.
“It’s embarrassing, Frankie. We made an arrangement and I caught feelings like an idiotic teenager. I’m just daydreaming my life away again.”
Frankie is so close to you right now, he braces his hands against the wall as he stands right in front of you.
“You caught feelings, huh?”
You notice a familiar smirk on his face and then he’s kissing you.
Frankie’s kissed you before; it’s been part of the facade after all, but not like this.
This kiss is everything. It sends molten heat down your core, renders your mind completely blank. All the anxiety, all the internal dialogue is gone for once. The silence is blissful as you can feel your heart pounding, take in the soft texture of Frankie’s shirt as you fist it to pull him closer because now he’s with you like this, you can’t let him go.
It’s not an aggressive kiss, it’s not teeth clashing or fury. It’s not exactly gentle either.  Frankie kisses you with care; like he’s trying to take you apart right here and now with just a kiss.
In just one minute, he’s ruined you for other people. No one else could kiss you like Frankie does.
“I told you, if I kissed you for real it wouldn’t be boring,” Frankie mumbles, moving his attention down your jaw and neck to your collarbone. You can feel the velvet softness of his lips, the heat of his breath.
“Oh fuck you,” you joke.
”Well, baby, I think I’m trying. Not here though, we can do better than that.”
You both laugh. The tension breaks for just a second as you wrap your arms around his shoulders, laugh into his neck, breathe him in.
“C’mon, you had to know I liked you. I just, I  just thought you deserved someone better than me -” Frankie starts.
“That’s bullshit,” you argue. Frankie is kind, thoughtful and funny. He’s also so competent, multi-skilled and as you’ve just learned, an excellent kisser. Frankie has that quiet and collected energy you’ve noticed in a lot of ex-military people too. He flies planes and helicopters for a living. He’s your friend. How could you deserve any better than him?
“Can we get out of here?” Frankie asks, “Talk, not talk, I don’t mind. I just - I want to be with you right now. God, I missed you.”
“Okay. I really fucking missed you too,” you say, kissing his shoulder lightly before leaning back against the wall.
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He doesn’t stop touching you the whole way to your apartment. He’s either holding your hand or touching your leg. If he has to temporarily remove himself to make a turn or change gear, he’s immediately back with you as soon as possible. You wonder if he’s worried you’ll leave or vanish if he’s not actually touching you, if he’s also wondering if this is really happening..
His car stereo blares uncharacteristically cheerful music by the latest pop sensation and you raise your eyebrows when he looks over at you.
“It’s her favourite album by her favourite singer and school’s been rough for her the last few weeks so this cheers her up,” he says defensively, flexing his fingers on the steering wheel, “I think I can probably hear it even when it’s not playing now.”
“Sure, but your daughter’s not in the car with us. Is she, Frankie? You could have switched it over.”
“I keep forgetting to change the CD,” he whines unconvincingly. “This car’s old.”
You make your way to your apartment, his arm around you, fingers entwined with yours the whole time.
As soon as you close the front door, he’s pushing your back against the wall, cupping his hands around your face to kiss you deeply.
You move your hands up to meet his and then move one of your hands down his chest.
“Your heart’s racing like crazy,” you mumble as he kisses a particular spot on your neck.
There’s always a moment of fear at a junction like this. What if the sex is bad - what if you’re just not compatible this way? But you need him, you need him with you, in you and the two of you are both too far gone to focus on that now.
Your friendship is changed anyway. There’s nothing more to lose.
He places his hands on your hips, pulls you away towards your bedroom.
“I want you so much,” he says.
“I want you too,” you reply, dazed between kisses as he navigates you to the edge of your bed.
He ghosts his hands down to the edge of your top and you move to desperately pull it off you.
You watch him take in the sight of you in your bra, take in the smile on his face. He looks at you with something like reverence; as if he can’t quite take it in that you’re real and you’re with him. Part of you wants to glow under his gaze and the rest of you fights panic, because this feels different, it feels real. You’ve never been looked at like this before.
You’ll do anything to keep this moment.
He gently unhooks your bra, moves his kisses down from your lips to your neck to your collarbone to the curve of your breasts and then down again.
His hands fumble with the button of your jeans and you’re desperate for him.
“What do you want, baby?”
You, you think, I just want you.
”C’mon, tell me,” he coaxes.
“I just need you. I want you to - ”
“I’ve got you,” he says, calmly lifting your hips to remove your jeans, to touch the hem of your underwear - and could you have not put better underwear on this morning?
You open your mouth to say something but then he comes back to meet your lips as he moves his hand inside your underwear. You’re already slick with wanting him, he slides a finger inside before tracing circles over your bundle of nerves to make you gasp.
 “You’re so fucking pretty,” he whispers as he continues taking you apart.
“Frankie -”
“I’ve liked you for so long, I just thought you didn’t want me that way. I’d take anything you give me - friendship, I mean fake dating. I thought it was as close as I’d get.”
“Frankie, how could I not want you that way? You’re - you’re Frankie.”
“I’m going to show you.”
You feel your orgasm building and clasp your hands over his shoulders, into his hair. You shut your eyes and then it’s gone.
You open your eyes to see him take his finger into his mouth then mischievously smiles as he moves back and off the bed. He moves you so your legs are over the edge of the bed and then. He gets on his knees.
You take a deep breath He kisses the inside of your knee, traces kiss up your thigh until he meets you. You sit up slightly on your elbows as he looks up to meet your gaze with a dazed smile before he turns his attention to you.
Frankie Morales knows exactly what he’s doing between your legs but in case, you tell him how good he is anyway. He takes you apart with expert precision, gets you back to the precipice of pleasure all too quickly and guides you over the line.
“Do you want to -” he asks breathlessly as he comes back to you afterwards and kisses you. You can taste yourself on his lips, can feel his hardness pressing into you.
“Yeah, I do. I have uh - condoms in the bathroom cabinet.”
“Give me a second.” He kisses you briefly and you shut your eyes again as he goes to the bathroom. You try and catch your breath back and get your legs to stop trembling.
Why are the condoms so fucking far away? You still desperately need him, still need to feel him.
When Frankie comes back, he kisses you hungrily before he slides the condom over his length.
“Fuck, to think we could have been doing this the whole time,” he says before he’s sliding inside you.
There’s nothing else at this moment. It’s just you and him and the way you dig your fingers into his back with your free hand and the way your other hands is entwined in his as he moves inside you, the two of you desperately exchanging  sweet nothings to each other, groaning each other’s names.
Your heart is racing and the blood is pumping in your ears. You watch the expression on his face just before he buries his face in your neck, sure he can feel the way you’re tightening around him, can surely feel how close you are too and then just as he takes you to that place one more time, you hear the way he moans as he joins you.
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The next morning you watch Frankie pacing your balcony as speaks on the phone to his daughter. His hair is still damp from the shower, curling at the ends, and he has a mug of coffee in his other hand. He turns and smiles at you.
Just twenty four hours ago, you never thought Frankie could feel that way about you. You were resigned to your mistakes and your losses.
You were wrong.
He hangs up the phone and you walk over to join him on the balcony, your mug of coffee tightly clasped between your hands.
“Hey,” he says, putting his phone in his pocket and wrapping his now free arm around you as he takes a gulp of coffee.
You take a sip of your own coffee.
“I was just thinking,” Frankie says, “so, I guess the story we came up with before was true, right? We just realised how we felt about each other one day - and okay, it might have taken some fake dating to get us both there - but no one else needs to know that.”
“No one else needs to know that.”
You definitely need to tell Frankie at some point that Benny has figured everything out, that Benny clearly pushed you two together last night. You probably owe him a thank you, but you’ll never tell Benny that.
“So, what do we do now?” There’s a lot you need to discuss, figure out, but you just want to be with him. Surely that’s enough for now.
Frankie grins. “Well, I don’t need to be home until the afternoon so I’ve got some time right now.”
“I’m sure we can think of some things to fill that time.”
Frankie laughs. “Definitely.”
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lemotmo · 2 months
Where is the promised romcom?
So I’ve been mulling something over in my head for days now. In one of his cameos/interview Lou said that Tim called him up to play Tommy again and that he would eventually get involved with Buck. He said that Tim wanted to create some kind of a romcom situation for Buck. (Did Tim mention the same thing in an interview somewhere? Or did I just make that up in my head? I’m not sure. I thought he said something in the same vein, but I might be wrong. Not that it’s relevant to this post.)
Well, where is the romcom?
Buck and Tommy basically met in 7x03, exchanged one simple look and then nothing until 7x04 where he spent all of this time obsessing over Eddie having a new friend, only to reveal in the end that he liked Tommy. (Which… really? Even Tommy was all ‘My attention?’ Are you sure about that?) Cue Buck and Tommy kiss. Then in 7x05 they go on a very awkward date. Buck ends up saying something very dumb, so Tommy leaves. In the end he asks him to meet for coffee and they reconcile. (Then Buck proceeds to be dumb again as he asks Tommy to be his date to his sister’s wedding. Which is sooo not a good idea for a second date. But whatever.) I’m sure we’ll see them being cute together at the wedding and there might even be a dance and/or kiss. But it’s all so bland and uninteresting. Where's the chemistry? Where’s the tension?
So again, where is the romcom in this scenario?
Compare it to this:
Buck and Eddie meet in season 2. When Buck sees Eddie for the first time ‘Whatta man’ is playing as introduction music. There is some hostility at first, but they get over it pretty quickly. They become fast best friends that help each other through hardships. They support each other through the lawsuit (which hurts their friendship, but only briefly), the tsunami, the firetruck falling on top of Buck’s leg, the shooting, the Eddie breakdown, different relationships… They are there for each other, through everything. Buck also forms a very tight bond with Eddie’s son: Christopher.
Next to that, they are there for each other on an emotional level. They understand each other better than anyone else. They’re like two peas in a pod.
So basically, they are a unit at this point. Sure, they still see each other as best friends, but that isn’t a problem, because best friends realise they’re in love with each other all the time in romcoms.
This is such a great set up for a romcom. They love each other through and through, but never considered there might be more to it. (Although I still headcanon that Eddie knows exactly how he feels about Buck. He has known since the shooting. But that’s neither here nor there.) Now one of them comes out as bisexual (which again YAY!) and the other will be forced to rethink their relationship. Eddie will see Buck and Tommy together and he will be confronted with them at the wedding. Romcom-wise this could be an excellent opportunity to introduce some feelings of discomfort in Eddie, when he sees them together. Or they could go with the romcom trope of the current ‘boyfriend’ (Even though Tommy isn’t his boyfriend yet. They haven’t even gone out on a second date.) realising that his love interest is completely gone over his best friend and gently remind him of that or make him realise that’s what it is. Or maybe they will reveal to us that Eddie has been aware of his feelings all this time, he just didn’t think he ever stood a chance with Buck.
There are so many ways to go with this scenario. If it’s just bucktommy, there is no real romcom scenario to explore. But if you add Buddie to that story, it just becomes so much more interesting and potentially romcommy (Is that even a word?).
This isn’t saying that Eddie (nor Buck for that matter) doesn’t still have a lot to unpack in his personal life and that everything will be peachy with Buck as soon as they realise they are into each other, but it will set up a great narrative for them to try to ‘hide’ their feelings from each other, telling other people while trying to act ‘normal’ when they’re spending time together. Eddie still thinking bucktommy are together, when in reality they have become just friends. Buck thinking that Eddie would never be interested in him because he is ‘straight’. Endless romcom scenarios to choose from right there.
Finally, I know there has been a rumour going around that Buck won’t be able to afford his loft anymore and he’ll move in with Eddie. It’s just speculation based on a few random facts and observations, but I swear, if we get this scenario? I will ascend! It would be the peak romcom scenario: Two friends moving in together while one of them (or maybe both?) is still possibly in a relationship? I have seen this movie before, many times. And let me tell you… the people forced to co-habit because of outside circumstances? They always end up together.
TLDR, in the end, in a romcom you want the audience to cheer on the couple with the deepest connection and chemistry. The superficial love interest (Which fits Tommy to a T. I mean, what do we even know about the guy? Nothing, only that he is brought in to help Buck out of the closet. What does Buck know about him? Not a lot. He hardly spends time with him before he gets kissed by him.) never turns out to be ‘the one’.
I don’t know guys. All of this just makes so much sense to me. Only time will tell if I’m right (or wrong).
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yakuzacanons · 4 months
valentine’s day coming up!!
what do they boys do to celebrate w their s/o?
Anon how did u read my brain to find out I have been cookin this post for the last few days lol. Happy Valentine's to all of you, my lovelies.
Mild NSFW below. Also this is a long one, sorry in advance.
Kazuma Kiryu
Simple but classy. As it stands, he can't really do anything big or fancy and the Daidoji sure as hell won't let him do many dinner dates if any at all but he makes the most of it. Probably gives you a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a heartfelt letter.
Majima Goro
A chocolate thief is on the loose in Sotenbori and his name is Majima Goro. If a giant heart-shaped red velvet size box appears on your doorstep, it's from him. He might even be in it. Open it and find out.
Saejima Taiga
A mix of getting you some gifts and making you something handmade. He's typically torn between two strategies: making you a handmade gift and taking you out to dinner or buying you a gift and making you dinner. Heads up, he will at some point make a handcarved wooden figurine or statue for you one of these years.
Akiyama Shun
You'd think it would be beyond human capabilities for this man to get any sappier than he is but somehow he does it every time. A class act with just the right amount of cheese. Dinner, flowers, the works. You can't tell if you're just that starry eyed over this man or if he actually just fucking sparkles.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Can't afford too much on his salary, but he'll make you an adorable custom basket of all your favorite snacks. Will totally pull some strings at Homeland to get the restaurant open to just you two.
Ryuji Goda
Can afford whatever the hell you want and has no reservations about doing so. However, he DOES have reservations at your favorite restaurant with a bottle of your favorite wine, alongside one of every single favorite item of yours on the planet. Always gets you a piece of customized jewelry.
Nishikiyama Akira
Always gets you a customized bouquet of flowers. Actually pretty into the arrangement and colors and is particular about getting yours just right. Might just even make one himself one of these days. Also gets one of those customizable chocolate boxes or a luxury bag.
Daigo Dojima
Are roses and candles cheesy? Yes. Cheesy is also Daigo's middle name when it comes to Valentine's Day. Man's straight out of a 90's romcom. Probably got the idea from a 90's romcom, actually. Will also be down to watch a 90's romcom with you. Seriously, he prefers a cozy night in anyways.
Mine Yoshitaka
Same vibe as Daigo but sluttier. Seriously. He's a champagne and bubble bath type of hoe, followed by what can only be described as mind blowing sex. Out of all the boys, he's the one who's most likely to have sex on Valentine's Day.
Tatsuo Shinada
He will try his hand at baking you some homemade goodies. Be warned, the first few attempts will be a little wonky. He's doing his best though! He can't afford much so he likes to do homemade things. Would also be down to bake or cook something with you if you're into that.
Ichiban Kasuga
He'd take you on a date that includes all of your favorite activites and your favorite places. As long as he's spending time with you, that's what counts. Will totally end the day by just blurting out something sappy and romantic but would he be Ichiban if he didn't?
Yu Nanba
Likes to do something relaxing, particularly if it takes you two away from the city. Nothing like the peace and quiet of the countryside so you two can be as close as possible. Probably would take a weekend to go to a hot spring with you.
Adachi Koichi
Will actually ask you to be his Valentine. Total cheesefest with this guy. Type of fella to hold a rose between his teeth and say something dumb like "Hey babe, come here often?". In terms of activites, he doesn't have much beyond a nice dinner planned but his personality just oozes goofy, silly love.
Tianyou Zhao
If you thought he'd be doing anything other than cooking you an overly extravagant dinner all by himself, then you'd be dead wrong. Man's out here cooking all your favorite foods, baking your favorite desserts, and making them unbelievably pretty and fancy. He's out here making roses out of the freakin' dumpling pastry, for cryin' out loud!
Joon-Gi Han (Y7)
Sweetie boy is doing his best. Gets a nice cake with a custom message on it, or takes you to an adorable cafe and eats a bunch of sweets with you. Also, yes he's dressing in matching outfits, duh!
Joon-Gi Han (Y6)
This boytoy is taking you to the biggest, fanciest club in town and ordering the biggest, fanciest bottle of champagne they have. Also one of the boys who is likely to get down and dirty on Valentine's Day.
Osamu Kashiwagi
Total class. Years have given him enough knowledge and expertise to pull off a classic Valentine's Day without a hitch. Thinks of everything, from the flowers and dinner all the way down to what color tie goes best with what color suit that would match best with your outfits. Lots of kisses on the back of your hand.
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eerna · 1 month
Omg the way Eloise is written as a feminist character BOTHERS me. I can’t always put my finger on why, but a thing that sticks out to me the most is how she just says the most blatantly basic (for us 21st century viewers) things and idk it’s supposed to seem revolutionary… but it’s never clever. And it is never deep.
Anyways I saw your tag on the Eloise/Cressida post and I was curious to hear any elaboration of your thoughts on her feminist portrayal? (But no pressure!)
YEEAAAH EXACTLY! I have the same issue, Eloise just says 21st century equality stuff without ever having read a single feminist pamphlet (this is canon, she doesn't start reading them or attending discussions until she's 18). Somehow she developed a perfectly uniform idea of modern womanhood when she was isolated and raised to be a traditional lady. Her opinions should be WAY more half baked and full of holes because this life is the only one she'd ever known. That's not even mentioning the inability to discuss feminism without discussing class, something Eloise has No Idea About.
Then comes the issue of writing. This is a stupid show. No one looks smart on this show. So when Eloise drops a "smart comment", it is cringe and dumb. She is supposed to be eloquent and witty, but most of the time she looks like a mean snob belittling everyone around her.
Another issue is that everyone else around her is a horrible sexist caricature. Yes, she is snobby, but my god every other woman only cares about men and marriage and gossip so I can't even blame her all that much for it. Her friends don't really care about what she has to say and will always leave her to go chase a man. And even SHE starts fitting the description the moment she falls for a guy - she lies to her friend and puts everyone in danger, and 90% of the reason is a man with only 10% being her self actualization. You can't write a proper feminist if everyone in your story has the same goal, which is to find a husband. It doesn't help that we know Eloise is headed for marriage and babies because every time a character expresses they don't want one or both of those things, they are proven wrong by the narrative.
And finally, my last thing making Eloise a bad feminist character, is that she is SO PASSIVE. Sure, it might be the point of the show as Pen calls her out for it, but we still don't know if they are gonna fix it so I am putting it here anyway. She only talks and complains about her lot in life, but never acts against society. I was happy when she started sneaking out and hang out with The Working Class Feminists TM, but that turned out to be a short failed romance subplot instead of a character moment and she gave up on it almost right away, so it doesn't count. And now in s3 she decided to embrace society and its expectations, so I am not sure we will ever get to see that kind of rebellion again - I sure hope so! But idk.
As a "well written Eloise" character, I'd like to suggest Felicity Montague. She is a character from a 18th century romcom, a noble lady, aroace and trying to go to med school when her gender prevents her from getting an education. She doesn't use her screentime for long-winded monologues about the unfairness of the world, she ACTS on her thoughts and opinions so we know what they are. She switches covers of romance books and textbooks so she can study without being bothered, she runs away from home to try make her dreams come true, she finds alternative solutions. Her thoughts are never lauded as One Truth, in fact she is often called out for the blind spots in her opinions since she too grew up a sheltered noble and can't account for all experiences. She is surrounded by women who challenge her ideas and make her into a better friend and person. AND she is funny and reading her is just plain fun. You CAN do a feminist who doesn't belong in her era, you just have to be careful to also make her a good character.
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justalilguyoops · 3 months
God I think it would be really fucking funny to see Felix's obsession grow so exponentially that he'd inevitably descend into madness and for Oliver (who may or may not have been a scheming gremlin from the start, either way it'd be great tbh lmao bc actually completly naive and innocent Oliver? That'd be a VISION) to be TOTALLY into it lmao. Also to witness Felix being an airhead in the beginning and then morph into something else entirely as the story goes on? Dhishdisjsks like it seems me that he initially acted with only good intentions and then sort of let things get out of hand but he immediately downplayed them like nothing. Like stealing boxers??? Inhaling pillows? Like what else is he gonna allow himself to do, stalk Oliver? Threat people? Like there's literally no internal fight about his actions at all lmao he just tells himself that nope, it's okay, it's perfectly normal, his conscience is totally fine with what he's doing and that's IT. LMAOOO!!! So I wouldn't be surprised at all (actually it would be downright funny and satisfactory after WIPIP tbh) if he became obsessive to the point of insanity.
Like sorta mirroring Oliver in canon but through his eyes you sorta narrate it as a sweet pink rom-com. I absolutely adore iiiitt!!!! And I adore you for writing these 5 chapters, I've been literally rereading them again and again before going to bed! Muah Muah *hugs*
(Btw I'm @mylovelookup but it's my sideblog so tumblr doesn't let me send asks through that 😭)
HAHAHAHAHA the idea of Saltburn but it being treated as like a romcom fucking takes me out because!!! genuinely I think it's what Oliver wanted in the beginning! Popping Felix's tire is real romcom first meeting type of shit!
hehehe I am so excited for LAWS and what Felix is going to become (our sweet down bad freak boy) <333 part 1 is going to cover oxford days AND saltburn summer trip and I have so many chaotic ass things planned
of course I won't spoil anything but,,,, is it really a justalilguyoops fic if it doesn't get at least a BIT unhinged crazy obsessive???
Felix sniffing a man's pillow trying to play it off that he just really wants to be friends with him LOL
so so so excited to feed you more fr fr I'm LOVING LAWS it's like my therapy after the intensity that was WIPIP I love my dumb little university boys <3333
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wongyuuu · 8 months
seventeen as romcoms
a/n: this idea came to me and i just had to write. i don't think i'll be writing most of these i just did this for fun. everyday i realize i'm getting old because these movies are old old
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• Seungcheol ➝ How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days ↳ I mean, I can just see it. Seungcheol would certainly be the kind of guy who would make a bet with his work friends. Everyone is like, oh bad boy Cheol, but to me, he is just the kind of guy who falls first and falls hard and the next thing you know he’s taking you home to meet his family.
• Jeonghan ➝ Love & Other Drugs ↳ Kind of a player who gets attached and freaks out when he sees trouble? Do I need to say more.
• Joshua ➝ 27 Dresses ↳ He didn’t mean to but he fell in love with the girl he was writing an article about it just sort of happened.
• Jun ➝ About Time ↳ I just love time traveling and this movie is perfect. Jun is the kind of guy who is kind of awkward and would make a lot of “mistakes” in his relationship and would go back on time to fix it constantly, making changes that he didn’t want to.
• Soonyoung ➝ Just Like Heaven ↳ I can just see Soonyoung freaking out because there’s a ghost in his apartment but also being dumb enough to fall for said ghost.
• Wonwoo ➝ Notting Hill ↳ This is one my favorite movies of all time, I’ll watch it whenever it’s on. Now tell me, doesn’t bookshop owner Wonwoo, with his quirky friends, falling for a super actress make perfect sense? It does, don’t argue with me.
• Jihoon ➝ 50 First Dates ↳ I kind of already wrote, made it super angsty. Reason number two why this list exists. ↣ read here
• Seokmin ➝ 13 Going On 30 ↳ If this movie isn’t Seokmin coded I don’t know what is.
• Mingyu ➝ Life As We Know It ↳ The entire reason why this list even started. Mingyu just screams this movie and maybe the fact that I got a request asking him to write him as a dad, a girl dad, helped so much. In my mind, Mingyu is Eric.
• Minghao ➝ Set It Up ↳ This dude would do anything to get his boss off his back by getting him a girlfriend but also would fall in love in the process of doing so.
• Seungkwan ➝ The Proposal ↳ I can picture Seungkwan going off as his crazy boss once the hierarchy thing is off and going like “i might be falling for her crazy ass”
• Vernon ➝ The Holiday ↳ He is so unlucky that he has to travel across to world to meet the love of his life.
• Chan ➝ 10 Things I Hate About You ↳ Listen, not high school but like college? Might have one written already… but super angsty just for the fuck of it.
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mermaidsirennikita · 15 days
ARC Review: The Next Best Fling by Gabriella Gamez
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4.25/5. 7/9/24.
Vibes: hooking up on the low, getting over the Worst, big guy/plus size heroine, librarian joy!!!
Heat Index: 6/10
The Basics:
Marcela has been in love with her best friend Ben ever since he decided they were better as friends after a few dates in college. Now he's engaged to his longtime girlfriend, and she's struggling. Until, that is, she realizes Ben's older brother, erstwhile ex-NFL player Theo, is in even worse shape when she overhears him practicing a speech... Confessing his love for Ben's fiancee. Marcela prevents a disaster--and everyone now believes she's in a hookup situationship with Theo. Hmm... while they're there and they both need to get over people... might as well, right?
The Review:
Aaaah, this was such a good debut! Gabriella Gamez has a real touch for a romcom--and she knows how to bring the heat too. Like, this is an actual romcom; it's funny and it centers the romance. And there's an edge of the illicit to it as well. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, but what if that someone is the first person's brother...? It's kind of delicious.
There's a lot of heart here, and the dynamics of longing for someone you've built up in your head versus the real opportunity right in front of you. And like, of course, the idea of being with a person who actually values you for who you are and puts you first. There's a real sense of "so that's what it's supposed to be like" in this book that I think a lot of people can relate to.
Also--the writing is snappy and I swept through this super fast. I'm so excited to read more from Gabriella!
Diving Deeper:
--I'm actually a big fan of a "girl has been longing after dumb man for far too long and then Good Man comes along" moment. I think we have way too many stories in which it's like... oh, he's finally noticed you (or run out of other options) hooray, the boy is yours! And I don't know. To each their own, but I always feel like the heroine is settling for someone who never actually valued her. I don't want the heroine to finally get the attention of someone who should've seen her early on; I want her to get someone who doesn't need to be convinced to want her.
And Ben is just such a tool in the best kind of way. I loved watching him lose. Frankly, I also loved that Theo was this BIG STRONG HOT MAN and Marcela basically went from wasting away over the nebbish brother (largely because she didn't get closure and always wondered about what would've been) to this giant dude who is SOOOO physically about her, and then gets to know her and is also mentally tapped in.
Because I also like a story in which the couple is initially all physicality and catches feelings more gradually. And you definitely get that here. In a lot of ways, Theo awakens Marcela; she's not a virgin heroine by any means, but she hasn't really had someone... light her fire, as it were. There's this vicarious quality to it all. You really feel like you're reading about someone who's finally getting the opportunity to be THAT GIRL. And it's so great to see that happen not through Ben finally Seeing Her, but through another man having his moment with her and going "all I CAN see is her".
--I've talked about how I find the way heroines' insecurities regarding their weight is portrayed in romance often really doesn't work for me. As such, when I read that this book gets into Marcela's insecurities, I was... worried. However, this was one of my favorite portrayals of a plus size heroine. Marcela is hot, and she does know it; but she doesn't always know it. I found this deeply real, and I so appreciated the honesty in this narrative. Additionally, there's a moment in her past with Ben that reads as something that could happen, and that would also be one of my own personal worst fears.
It's like... not even that Theo is this hot guy, right? (Though he is.) It's that he can pick Marcela up like she's nothing. It's that being with him makes her feel... delicate, in a way that she hasn't always with past people. That's so real, dude. I got it.
--This is a first person book from Marcela's POV. Sometimes, first person single POV romance novels bug me because I feel like I'm not getting into both sides. However, the way that Gamez writes Theo is so clear. He's a good dude, but he's not a flawless dude. He can be a little prone to fuckups in the beginning (I mean: see premise of the book). He's a little messy.
But all of this reads as so, so endearing in this particular hero, and he's like... a good guy without being a boring guy. I mean, the premise of the novel in itself keeps him from being boring, right? He was thisclose to blowing up his brother's relationship.
--I think that if I was going to critique something about this book, it would be that Gamez could've gotten Theo and Marcela fully in the bedroom a little earlier. I mean, don't get me wrong, it doesn't by any means start late in the book. But when a book is pitched as center on a hookup, I do think you want to move that along a little faster. We had a couple of random interruptions, and I don't think we super needed that. But that's just a note; it doesn't take away from the story.
--There's so much love for librarians and libraries here. As there should be, as the series is indeed called "Librarians in Love". I so appreciated that. We need books about happy librarians and the happiness librarians help create--now more than ever.
The Sex:
While the sex here could've been a tad more explicit, is still is very much on the page, and quite hot. You get a few different scenes, and I loved details like Marcela being a little insecure about being on top (and Theo very much enjoying her being on top), fooling around as a totally valid substitute when condoms are forgotten... And dude, something you hardly ever seen in m/f romance! Theo doesn't come PREMATURELY, but he does come before Marcela couple times (well--before her last orgasm... she typically gets a few, yay for discovering multiples) and there's no weirdness or embarrassment. He just takes care of it. I found that realness super hot, personally.
I'm excited to read a new, fresh author in the contemporary romance space. It's a very crowded one right now, and I feel that there's a lot of repetition. Here, I feel like we got such a good combination of romance, character, and heat. It made me feel warm.
Thanks to NetGalley and Forever for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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bro-atz · 5 months
ateez watching indian movies with you
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author's note: i'm a brown atiny who majored in film aka bollywood/indian movies are a huge part of my identity— i was watching kal ho naa ho the other night nd was thinking abt whether or not atz would watch indian movies w me and what their reactions would be. also, i def missed a huge chunk of movies so pls excuse me ehe
taglist: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis @sinnarols @aaasia111 @sunshineangel-reads apply for the permanent taglist here!
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hongjoong: this poor baby he's so dedicated to his work but would do his best to make time for the two of you to watch a three hour long indian movie with you, only to fall asleep part way through. he'd last the first 10-15 minutes then pass out, and if you're watching a south indian film, he'll immediately wake tf up when a gun goes off or during the first fight scene. he'd really want to watch rrr with you but fully fall asleep, only to be scared awake during the scene with ntr jr (bheem) wrestling the tiger and be scared shitless from there. however, if you're watching a romcom? gl bc the man is definitely fully asleep and will wake up at the end and say, "that was good i enjoyed it!" you want to be mad at him, but he looks so well rested that you're glad he enjoyed the movie in some way, shape, or crazy form. but fr he'd love the movies that are super detailed and conceptual like if he watched pushpa: the rise, he's definitely highly anticipating pushpa: the rule. he's a 2 part film kinda guy imo he loves the long development and the intensive research and the dedication a director puts into his work. i think he's a rajamouli guy for sure. maybe even like sholay, lagaan, english vinglish— you get the idea.
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seonghwa: seonghwa's a super emotional audience member— everything affects him so deeply, especially scenes with heartbreak or little kids. like, the scene in kuch kuch hota hai where kajol (anjali) finds out that srk (rahul) is in love with rani mukherji (tina) and she's just sobbing and then the song plays? hwa is fully sobbing. he's like clinging to you and drying his eyes and you're patting his back while whispering "it's just a movie it's okay" but it's not okay because unrequited love HURTS. he's definitely more of a bollywood romcom person and probably will want to binge all of srk's movies with you one night, and during the most romantic songs, he'll stand up and copy the iconic srk stance (you know the one with his arms stretched out and then the female lead runs into his arms) and he'll 100% expect you to run into his arms. he's a karan johar bitch fr... either karan johar or yrf. i feel like he wouldn't really vibe with south indian films and end up preferring the sappy, bollywood romcom. but, he's totally an indian serial slut and would binge everything like there's no tomorrow (yeh rishta, iss pyaar ko kya naam doon?, bade achhe lagte hain, and so on) but in terms of movies, he'd love kabhi alvida naa kehna, kabhi kushi khabi gham, kal ho naa ho, dostana, kuch kuch hota hai, chalte chalte (just call him an srk stan and move on).
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yunho: one word: golmaal. he would love the shit outta rohit shetty i'm telling you. like, yes, he appreciates the fine cinema that comes from india, but rohit shetty's got him rolling on the floor in fits. yunho gives such bakwas indian movie vibes but we're here for it— like, the dumbassary in golmaal 2 is everything to him, and chennai express would send him into fits (especially the drunk srk scene). he'd also 100% get up on his feet and start dancing to the upbeat songs in the films more than anything, though, he would fully make fun of the super dramatic scenes with the bawling and sobbing— and i'm not talking about truly tragic scenes but like when the sadness is overdramatic and it suddenly starts raining while the main character is crying (specifically the song tujhe yaad na meri aayee from kuch kuch hota hai) so it's safer to stick to the dumb funny movies... maybe give good newwz a whirl
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yeosang: yeosangie is happy to do anything and everything with you even if he knows the movie will confuse the shit outta him. you'd probably start the guy off on the sequel to a movie (my brain immediately went don 2 or dhoom 2) and he'll be so mad confused the whole time, so he'll keep asking you questions during the movie because he wants to be just as invested in it as you are. more than anything, though, he's more invested in you explaining the movie because of how passionately you talk about the plot and the characters and the dialogue— you might as well forego the movie and just describe the movie to him while spooning in bed. that being said, he'd probably also rewatch the movie a couple of times to fully wrap his head around the film now that he's acquired your commentary and can pair it with the visuals in the film. either that or the poor thing would fall asleep... but he'd fall asleep on your shoulder and just sink into your embrace so fuck the movie just cuddle and take a nap while armaan malik sings in the background
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san: san is such a wild card imo but let's be real i feel like he'd be such a horndog while watching movies so it doesn't even matter what movie you put on he'll only be half present, especially if the don series or race series or lust stories is playing oh dear god don't show this man cocktail if you want to actually watch a movie with you... or pathaan dear lord help BUT i feel like he'd be more interested in the family related movies— like where family is everything so k3g, ala vaikunthapurramuloo, bomarillu, chillar party, main hoon na, tararumpum, etc. also maybe even the ones about friendship, so zindagi naa milegi dobara, 3 idiots, dil chahta hai, jaane tu ya jaane na, rang de basanti, kai po che— again, the wildest of cards. he'd be down to see anything honestly. anything for his love wink wonk
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mingi: god this boy i feel like he would ask all the questions in the world like every other dialogue it's just another question (but they're all related to the movie so it's... okay?) but he just won't have the patience to wait for the next scene to answer his question. no, he wants to know from you so movies like 83, chak de india, dil bole hadippa, paan singh tomar, jersey (BUT THE TELUGU ONE JFC NOT THE HINDI ONE I CANNOT EMPHASIZE ENOUGH), dangal, basically any sports movie would be best for him because most of his questions would be about the sport so there's no chance of you spoiling the movie for him but i feel like he'd also be a huge priyanka chopra fan but some of her filmography is........ traumatizing? confusing? i'm thinking fashion specifically for trauma while what's your raashee? is just so unbelievably confusing. he'd also like deepika padukone, alia bhaat, samantha, rashmika— as long as she's pretty and a talented actress, mingi's gonna vibe
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wooyoung: indian movies are his jam imo he'd get up on his feet every single song and dance his heart out even if the song is super duper sad (man's is fully dancing to naatu naatu but then also sadly jamming to komuram bheemudo two seconds later the duality is insane). his favorite actors are definitely allu arjun, vijay, hrithik roshan, varun dhawan, tamannaah— and he would rewatch the shit outta abcd and dhoom 2 because the dance numbers are truly impeccable. movies like abcd, rab ne bana di jodi, chance pe dance are right up his alley but i also feel like he'd have fun watching bunty aur babli, jhoom barabar jhoom, race gurram, etc. he's a happy-go-lucky kinda movie guy, imo
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jongho: jongho's the type to be super judgmental but like in the best way possible. he sits and watches the movie quietly with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows furrowed. super quiet and super serious. you sneak glances at him every so often but you seriously can't tell what's going on in his head until he debriefs you after the movie is done, which could go one of two ways: he spares your feelings and tells you he likes the movie (if you tell him that this movie is your most favorite movie in the world) or be completely straightforward with you and dive into an in-depth film analysis. i feel like he'd prefer the movies with gorgeous soundtracks though and want to learn to sing some of the songs (we hate kabir singh in this house but bekhayali would shake his world, and fanaa oh lord he would love that ost with all of his heart... maybe even the main hoon na ost) but lordy any ost with sid sriram is his JAM
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teecupangel · 7 months
Reread the Desmond reborn as al mualim's daughter posts and all I can think of now is Altair saving someone from the guards but when they go up to thank him he's just muttering under his breath about his father in law getting to retire and spend time with his wife and child but every time he asks to retire Desmond says no
Also I think it'd be funny if their first child was a girl (whether a genderswapped darim or an oc older sister to Altaïr's Canon kids) so that Altair can have the realization that he now understands al Mualim's overprotectiveness and despair over having things in common with his father in law
The Desmond is reborn as Al Mualim’s daughter post for those curious.
Altaïr doesn’t know the full story.
The supposed wife Al Mualim has? That’s Desmond’s mother. And they’re not romantically involved. It’s more of a case of “you knocked up my mother, you give her what she wants” and what she wanted was to get the title of Al Mualim’s wife without the ‘duties’ that come with being said wife.
So yeah, they’re not together but they are married. Most of the time, she just visits Desmond and have tea with her, talking about nothing at all.
Al Mualim dotes on Desmond but Desmond’s favorite parent is her mother even though her mother can be quite a cunning bitch.
Desmond wouldn’t let Altaïr retire because she needs someone on the field she can trust. Also, they’re not retiring until she’s sure that Abbas wouldn’t do anything stupid (Abbas will do something stupid but the kind of ‘dumb love rival that shouldn’t be a rival’ kind of stupid, not the ‘we moving this romcom to tragic drama’ stupid. He’s too head over heel at Desmond to do anything else)
I mean, it’s Desmond. We can even have it be a genderswapped version of Elijah called Eli or Ellie. This would give Eli a happier childhood and a father absolutely wrapped around her little hands without even trying.
(Also, the idea of Eli being the cool older sister who is soooo done with her ‘easily panicked because of Sef’ younger brother Darim and her mischievous ‘as long as we don’t kill anyone we don’t be punished too much’ younger brother Sef is too funny for me. It might be a more peaceful alternate life for her but she still has to suffer because of her family XD)
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likesunsetorange · 4 months
“mikasa and eren are antisocial af so they probably end up talking bc they’re little losers lol, and eren probably can tell mikasa is bored and here’s this gorgeous model, so he’s gonna whisk her away and they go to his ranch they have a romantic night under the stars and all that but he’s dumb and doesn’t get her number and she goes back home to ny without it”
them slipping out of the room all giddy!!!!!!!!!! him not getting her number is sooodooooso my doodoo head…….. he’s already resigned himself to being a notch on her post, a lover if one may (can he call himself that? he will in his head anyways!)
like a global model would’ve never taken a relationship with him seriously so he’s should just treasure the moment then boom she shows up! and if we’re really leaning into the romcom of it all it’s during like crazy rain, her car gets stuck, she trucks herself to his doorstep by foot, and he stares slack jawed when he opens the door to se her <3
cowboy x model au drabble # 1
omg anon i was using your ask to draft a drabble and then this little incident of mikasa showing up to eren’s house has since spiraled further so we will be compiling all the ideas into one and since i had already been writing on this one we’re still gonna use yours lol!
also very much enjoying the dramatics and hallmark vibes here like is that just the energy i exude? extreme unseriousness and hallmark level corniness lol??
but fuck it drabble let’s go 🦅🦅🦅
(this actually ended up being so long lol 1.6k so enjoy!)
The rain only started falling harder every minute longer Mikasa continued to drive down the gravel road, the pitch black of the country sky only adding to the lack of visibility. She gripped the steering wheel hard, trying to focus on what little bit of the road she could see. The high beams of the rental car were doing little to nothing to help her see, only adding to her anxiety.
Her only saving grace was the fact that the GPS was telling her she was only five minutes away from Eren’s house—the last place she should be on a Wednesday night in the middle of April—not to mention she was halfway across the country, in the middle of nowhere, driving down a country road to see a man who’d she had only seen once. 
Had it been her best idea? No. Was she still doing it? Absolutely.
There had been few times in her life when she had run off pure spontaneity, and she would allow herself this one instance of a lack of sensibility. It certainly wasn’t wise to book a flight in the act of impulse after finding out said man would be free all week, a pause in his hectic schedule, a schedule she had acquired by coercing her assistant to do some potentially not-so-legal things. 
But the ticket had been bought. The rental car reservation had been made. So there was no turning back. (There certainly was opportunity to turn around, but Mikasa didn’t want to give herself any potential out or else she wouldn’t ever commit to doing so.)
So here she was, 0.75 miles from his house, running off pure adrenaline, rehearsing the speech she and Sasha had prepared.
“Hi, Eren. I know this is sudden, but I probably should’ve asked you for your number before leaving. I had to come back to Texas for another shoot, so I thought I would stop by.”
Maybe it was partially based on a lie, but tomato, tomato. It would be fine, she would be fine, and she told herself that all of this certainly wouldn’t blow up in her face.
Until that was precisely what happened.
She had been driving down the curve that led up to Eren’s ranch house when she felt the car jerk, suddenly drifting off the road, before halting to a stop, the Low-Pressure light immediately flashing on. As soon as she saw the lights flash on, she immediately knew one of the tires had blown out, leaving her stranded in the pouring rain just outside of Eren’s house.
“Fuck,” she muttered under her breath. Mikasa leaned her head against the steering wheel, her stomach beginning to pool with regret.
“Do you think it would be weird if I just showed up at his house?”
Yes, Mikasa. It would be weird—it’s fucking insane of you, she thought to herself. And you certainly wouldn’t be in the fucking predicament you are in now if you just called him like any sane other sane person.
Mikasa glanced at her phone, the GPS alerting her she was only 0.25 miles from his house, and the weather app telling her the rain wouldn’t stop for at least the next four hours. 
She sat there weighing her options. 
Call a tow truck, and stick out the wait in her car
Walk to Eren’s house 
Mikasa could see the lights of his house shining through the rain like a lighthouse in a stormy sea, signaling a potential safe return. At this point, she had already risked so much—her pride, her sanity, and almost her life had the tire incident gone any worse—what more did she have to lose?
She shut off the car, grabbed the keys and her phone—leaving her other belongings so if she needed to do a walk of shame back to her car, at least she’d be traveling light—and shoved on a jacket, thankful to whatever higher power she decided to bring one with her on the plane that day. 
Mikasa told herself that if she ran as fast as she could, she would be there quickly, but she didn’t anticipate having to trek through mud, puddles, and essentially pitch black to make it to his front porch. By the time she made it up the steps, her white shoes were ruined, her white tank top was practically see-through, showing every lace detail of her black bra, and her bangs were plastered to her face. (Suddenly, there didn’t seem to be any point in asking how she should do her hair.)
There wasn’t much left to do but ring the doorbell, and at this point, she didn’t have anything left to lose, so she jammed her finger against it, giving herself no opportunity to back out. She heard the chime echo through his house while she stood there fiddling with her thumbs, trying to ring out as much water as she could from her hair, trying to make herself look the least bit presentable.
She heard the low timbre of a man from the other side of the door before the fumbling of the lock and doorknob snapped her attention forward. Mikasa felt her heart get stuck in her stomach as she saw the door pull back, Eren’s tall frame coming into view.
Mikasa had to stop herself from letting her jaw drop when she saw him; the first time she saw him practically paling in comparison to how he looked right now. From the fact that he had no shirt on, allowing her to see just how much muscle he had from all those days he spent working hard, to the sweats that hung low on his hips, leaving little to her imagination. He even looked prettier when he was home, as if the sense of comfort it brought him added an extra glow to his face. 
His hand was clenched around his phone, holding it to his ear when he finally spoke, breaking Mikasa out of her ogling.
“Hey mom, I’m gonna have to call you back later… No ma’am… Yes ma’am, I will. I promise… I love you too… Okay, bye. Talk to you tomorrow.” His voice was velvety when he spoke, something about the way he spoke sweet and rich, a sound Mikasa didn’t think she’d ever get tired of.
Eren stared at her blankly once he hung up the phone, dumbfounded that she was standing on his front porch, not to mention that she was muddy and drenched from the rain. 
The two of them were stuck in a staring contest, neither of them able to formulate words—all of Mikasa’s confidence had suddenly flown out the window, leaving her at a loss for words, because as soon as she opened her mouth, she knew she would be babbling like an idiot.
“Umm… Hi?” Eren said, his greeting coming out more like a question than anything.
“Hi,” Mikasa somehow managed to squeak out. 
“Umm…” He repeated, still at a loss for words.
Mikasa’s mind, a jumbled mess, opted to go for it, knowing her babbling would be better than whatever awkward mess this was. 
“You forgot something,” she said blankly.
Eren looked at her confused, his brows furrowing, “What?”
“You didn’t ask for my number the last time we saw each other. You forgot to ask me for it when I left here,” she said, stepping closer to where he stood in the doorway.
“You wanted me to ask you for your number?” Eren stared at her in disbelief, whether it was because he was shocked at her words or that she dared to show up and say them; Mikasa didn’t know.
“You brought me to your ranch, took me on a ride on horseback underneath the stars, called me beautiful, and then still didn’t ask me for my number. You didn’t even try to kiss me.”
“Did you want me to?” Eren said as his eyes flickered to her lips.
“Do you really think I would fly across the country on a whim and walk a quarter mile in the rain if I didn’t want you to ask me for my number or kiss me, Eren?” Mikasa asked. 
She stood before him, glancing up at him, her face merely inches away from his. She could see how long his lashes looked beneath the porch light, the strands of gold and bronze within his hair, and the plush pink of his lips—right where she could kiss him.
“Mikasa, you walked a quarter mile in the pouring—” 
He didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence before Mikasa pushed herself upward, so her lips met his, her hand steadying itself on his broad chest. He tasted like sweet tea and a touch of Chapstick, his lips as soft as she could have imagined. His hands steadied on her waist, bringing her closer to him. She relished in the way he felt before the reality of the situation began to plague her mind—clarity being her cruelest enemy.
Maybe it was the second-guessing running through her head, but the sudden urge to pull away instantly flooded through her mind before she jerked herself back.
“Hey, don’t do that,” Eren’s voice immediately rang through her ears as she pulled away. “Who said I wanted you to stop?”
“Oh, did you not?”
“You show up on my doorstep with all these questions, then kiss me, and now you’re surprised I wanted to kiss you back?”
“Umm… maybe?”
Eren didn’t give her much time to think before he picked her up and walked her into his house. “How about I let you into my house so you don’t end up sick from being drenched in the rain, get you some dry clothes, and you can ask me all the questions you want?”
“Okay,” she responded shyly, her face flushing red at his directness.
“Never met a girl so pretty and bold before, surely I have to keep you around.”
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intothedysphoria · 3 months
I just wanted to do a full recommendation/review/whatever you’d call this of a fic I absolutely ADORE for one of my friends who deserves to hear how good of a writer she is.
Lust For Life by @oopsiedaisiesbaby is an incredible piece of writing, even if you read it having no idea who Billy or Steve are. Tonally, it is a modern romcom with an adorable ending that made me cry more than once (I will try to keep spoilers to the very minimum)
Steve has a heart of gold, he is so incredibly precious while still being immediately recognisable as himself from the show. His disability and his experiences as a sex worker are discussed honestly and compassionately and the way he works to be a better person than he was in high school is incredibly heartwarming.
Billy is a scene stealer in every chapter he’s in. He’s both so unmistakably Billy in his temperament and mannerisms while clearly having been able to heal from both the Mindflayer and Neil. The way his character progresses and grows, with both heart and humour makes you unable to stop reading. It’s a smaller detail but I also adore how intelligent, both academically and emotionally Billy is in this fic, it really adds an extra layer of depth to the piece.
Harringrove’s relationship is truly the soul of the fic. Without giving too much away, the way they become so entangled in each other’s life, from the very first meeting to the very end could easily match up to the standard of published romance books, while still showing their dumb mistakes that are typical of their early twenties.
The supporting cast include Robin, who is a delight as always as Steve’s best friend, Heather who I personally think is one of the most interesting characters in this fic, Jason who is a “vicious murder twink” and also effortlessly one of the funniest characters and Eddie, who couldn’t be any more Eddie if he tried. Despite not having as large of a role, Jonathan, Argyle and the party all make cameos too and are extremely fun.
Overall I’d say if you like Harringrove, munver, Buckleway, friends to friends with benefits to lovers and a very oblivious “straight” Steve, I’d immediately recommend this fic, it’s so worth it.
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