#my first thought was uh-oh-84
echo-does-art · 2 years
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Inktober Day 29: Uh-Oh
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lucky-clover-gazette · 8 months
Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
2.5K-word Buffy AU Vidow One-Shot, written for @fsfrightfight
“I’m sorry I haven’t brought it up sooner,” Shadow says, insecure in a way Vio rarely sees him. “I thought you, uh, didn’t like me anymore. Since I’m all vampy now.”
Vio’s jaw drops.
“You thought I would like you LESS because you’re a vampire?”
read the rest on ao3 or under the cut:
It’s Vio’s night to patrol the cemetery, fair and square.
Yes, it had been insulting when the others gave him Friday night because they knew he’d have no plans. But it’s not like they’d been wrong—he would have ended up reading no matter what. He might as well do it here, alone, propped up against a headstone and tapping a pencil steadily against the ground.
Someone seems to have missed the memo on the ‘alone’ part, though.
“Oh my god, what?”
Vio’s head swivels to see a familiar figure lounging theatrically against a headstone. Shadow grins, clearly pleased to have his undivided attention.
“Hi, Vio,” Shadow greets with a lazy wave.
Vio blinks slowly, his eyes adjusting to the distant darkness. “Hi, Shadow.”
“What are you doing out here at this time of night, handsome?”
Vio absolutely does not blush. Not perceptibly, at least, in the semi-light-polluted suburban darkness.
“Annotating,” he says, raising his pencil. “And hunting vampires.”
“At least the second part is cool,” says Shadow. “Seen any yet?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
The vampire gasps in fake-offense as Vio removes another heavy tome from his purple backpack. Shadow eyes it curiously, joining Vio where he sits.
“Ancient texts?” Shadow asks, eyes narrowed in the dark. Vio switches his book light from the novel he’s been marking up for fun to the ‘ancient text’ in question.
“Not quite,” he says with a smirk, revealing the cover to Shadow. “The Once and Future King, chapters fourteen through eighteen.”
Shadow’s nose wrinkles. “Oh, fuck that.”
“If you’re going to loiter here, I might as well help you pass AP Lit.”
“I’m doing just fine on my own, Vio,” Shadow says, rolling his eyes. “I have, like, an 84 overall. That’s almost a B+.”
“You never do the readings.”
“Yet I manage to get good grades anyway. ‘Cuz I’m a fucking genius.”
“You don’t even use SparkNotes!”
“SparkNotes are for cowards. I raw-dog my essays like god intended.”
Vio pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. “If I read it out loud,” he groans, “will you listen?”
Shadow immediately pulls out his earbuds, but Vio rips them away. “These are so tangled,” he observes, already working through the knots with nimble fingers. “You’re going to, like, electrocute yourself.”
“Y’know, I think you’re pretty electrocute yourself.”
Vio scowls. Shadow plops down next to him.
“I won’t listen,” he says, oh-so-casually leaning against Vio, “but you can still read.”
Vio nods and begins. And while his mouth says the words on the page, his mind quickly wanders, not not distracted by the feeling of Shadow’s body beside his own.
Did Shadow just call him cute? And handsome? It’s not unusual behavior per se, but it’s still baffling as hell. Shadow can’t possibly want him, not after all the misfortune Vio’s mere existence has brought him.
It had all just happened so fast: their first kiss after the fall formal, the surprise vampire attack, Shadow taking a bite to save Vio, and Vio using his connections as Slayer to leave his newly-undead friend(?)’s soul intact. They’d stepped away from the dance for less thann ten minutes, and as a result Shadow’s life had been changed forever.
They still haven’t really discussed it, beyond the necessary information about Shadow’s new form. As a vampire with a soul, he gets along just fine with the other slayers and the Watcher they all share. He’s a willing ally to their team whenever the Hellmouth sends a monster of the week their way. He’s confided in Vio about the highs and lows of his new existence, and Vio has supported him unflinchingly the entire time.
But there is no way Shadow still has any intimate interest in Vio, beyond the powerful Slayer’s blood he willingly supplies. And while Shadow only drinks from Vio (“You got him turned,” Blue had said, “so it’s your responsibility to keep him alive.”), they have no such bitey plans tonight.
But despite his huffiness, despite the impossibility of the dynamic they’d shared before, Vio is glad that Shadow came to keep him company. Things are calm, things are good, there’s a routine in place and everyone’s on the same page. Vio could almost call it settled completely.
But they still haven’t addressed that goddamn kiss.
“We can talk about it,” Shadow offers, and Vio’s heart stops.
Shadow’s amused smile speaks for itself.
“Oh my god,” Vio says, placing the book on the ground. “I didn’t.”
He puts his head in his hands. What kind of absolute moron confuses the words he’s reading with the words he’s saying? That’s the kind of bullshit that happens on TV, and he cringes at it every time!
“Hey, no, listen,” Shadow says, losing his previous smugness. He gently grabs Vio’s wrists and lowers them back down to his lap. “Vio, look at me.”
He does. Shadow’s eyes have the same unnatural glow present with every vampire he slays, which for the record is a lot of vampires.
“I’m sorry I haven’t brought it up sooner,” Shadow says, insecure in a way Vio rarely sees him. “I thought you, uh, didn’t like me anymore. Since I’m all vampy now.”
Vio’s jaw drops.
“You thought I would like you less because you’re a vampire?”
Shadow throws up both hands, annoyed but relieved. “Forgive me for assuming that you, Vio the Vampire Slayer, would perhaps have some reservations about kissing a vampire.”
“Shadow, roughly sixty percent of my self-indulgent fantasies involve a handsome vampire kissing me.”
“Really?” Shadow asks, perking up. “Any vampire in particular?”
Vio blushes, rubbing the back of his neck. “Only one in recent history,” he admits. “Ever since you turned, that is.”
Shadow appears to be thinking something through. “Holy shit,” he finally says, a grin spreading onto his face. “You must have been so psyched when I turned into a vamp.”
“Of course not, that would be awful!”
“Oh, come on,” Shadow teases, poking Vio’s arm, “I know your main priority was saving my soul or whatever, but there had to be some part of you that was also just like, ‘hell fucking yeah, vampire boyfriend.’”
Vio shakes his head, stopping their banter in its tracks. “I shouldn’t have been out there with you in the first place,” he says. “Even just outside the gym, I should have expected to attract monsters. Meanwhile, you had no idea about the Slayer stuff or the Hellmouth or vampires even existing at all, and I put you directly in harm’s way. There’s a reason the others don’t date, Shadow, it’s dangerous to be close to a Slayer.”
“Vio, no,” Shadow replies, his voice suddenly gentle. “I don’t blame you for what happened. At all.”
“You should,” mutters Vio, folding in on himself. He brings his knees up to his chest and hugs them, his back pressing uncomfortably against the headstone.
“I also don’t think you take pleasure in my misfortune,” Shadow adds. He lightens his tone slightly, cautiously, and eyes Vio to see if it’s the right move. “Honestly, you’re probably worse off than I am.”
“How so?” Vio asks, trading self-loathing for reluctant curiosity.
“Uh, you’re a vampire Slayer dating a vampire,” says Shadow. “I’m just some guy with fangs.”
Vio raises an eyebrow. “I wasn’t aware we were dating.”
“Everyone else is.”
“No they’re not!”
“What the hell else would they assume, when we excuse ourselves to a dark corner of the library at least three times a week?”
“We do that so you can suck my blood!” Vio exclaims, “Not so we can—”
Shadow scoffs. “Oh yes, because me nearly sucking you dry to sustain my lifeforce is the less weird option of the two.” He makes a face and lifts a finger. “Don’t say it, I know that came out wrong.”
Despite himself, Vio smiles. Relaxes. Leans closer. “Well, if we are dating,” he says, intertwining Shadow’s fingers with his own, “is this, right now, a date?”
Shadow looks at their hands and then back at Vio. “If you want it to be.”
Of course Vio wants. He’s always wanted, why else would he have taken Shadow outside the dance in the first place?
With the softest tone he can muster, he begins to speak. “Shadow, I—”
A monster roars, and it’s not Vio’s boyfriend.
He jumps to his feet and assumes a fighting stance, his Slayer senses kicking in immediately. Swiveling his head, Vio sees a very unfriendly vampire headed straight in their direction, newly risen from a nearby grave.
How the fuck hadn’t he noticed sooner? He’s supposed to sense when there are vampires around!
“Not again,” groans Shadow, cowering behind Vio like the human he so recently used to be. But Shadow isn’t human, he’s a vampire with a soul, whose presence must have masked the appearance of the true enemy.
They were going to have to figure that out in the future, if patrol dates become a normal thing.
But Vio shouldn’t get ahead of himself.
“I was busy,” he growls, kicking the vampire square in the chest. The vamp looks to be in his mid-forties, still all dolled up in his funeral suit. Very much soulless, with a fucked-up transformed face and absolutely nothing to lose.
Vio’s supernatural strength sends his opponent backwards, his back slamming against a particularly tall headstone. Vio reaches inside his jacket pocket while the vampire recovers, horrified to realize that he left his favorite stake at home.
“Shit,” he mutters, using a precious second to glance behind his back. Shadow half-hides behind a gravestone, clearly experiencing some kind of flashback to the last fight he experienced. Vio wants so badly to comfort his friend—but then again, there would probably be nothing more comforting in this moment than Vio kicking ass.
Without a stake or a stake-adjacent object, though, Vio’s options for vamp obliteration are limited. Beheading seems unlikely. Sunrise is hours away. He’ll definitely get arrested if he tries to set a fire. And while he does have supernatural proficiency with hand-to-hand combat, so do the vampires he fights—plus they’re speedy, too.
Capitalizing on Vio’s hesitation, the vamp clasps cold hands around his neck. He’s so strong, and squeezing with such force, that he’s able to fully lift the teenager’s body off the ground.
Placed in such a predicament without his trusty stake, Vio feels a combination of fear, panic, and embarrassment. Green, Red, and Blue would never make such a stupid mistake.
Mistake… missed stake.
Vio would laugh, if he could breathe.
“Hey, asshole!” a familiar voice shouts. “Get your dead hands off my boyfriend!”
Vio opens eyes he hadn’t even noticed himself closing. Is that… a cord around the vampire’s neck?
Shadow yanks backwards by both earbuds, releasing Vio from the vampire’s grasp. Shadow himself seems surprised by the strength he now possesses, on par with both his ally and opponent. He wears the gruesome face of a fully-transformed vampire, and while Vio rather likes Shadow’s normal face, he’s glad to see a monster now.
Of course, Vio thinks, his eyes full of wonder. Last time, it had been a human and a Slayer against one nasty vampire. This time there are two nasty vampires, one of whom Vio has apparently been dating for the past several months. At the risk of overconfidence, Vio much prefers these odds.
Snap! The cord quickly loses its effectiveness, breaking in half against the vampire’s neck. Still, the diversion has given Vio enough time to retrieve the most stake-like resource available.
He lifts the pointed object and locks onto the vampire, who now wrestles with Shadow against a headstone. One particularly brutal knock of Shadow’s head against the stone humbles the teenage vampire, and the resulting whiplash allows his opponent to swipe a claw across his face.
Shadow cries out in pain, losing his hold on the enemy. This time, Vio is ready.
“Get lead poisoning, idiot,” he quips, and then plunges his #2 pencil into the vampire’s heart. The monster turns to dust, suit and all.
“Fuuuuuuck,” groans Shadow, still bracing himself against a tombstone. Vio frowns and runs to his side, cupping his soft humanlike face. There’s still a cut, but it should heal just fine, especially since he was transformed when he took the hit.
“Are you all right?” Vio asks anyway, searching Shadow’s eyes. “You didn’t have to—”
Shadow just smiles. “Yeah, but I wanted to. I’m not just some lame-ass human anymore, I can hold my own.”
He’d tried to protect Vio the last time, too. The irony of that still stings—a completely average person, risking his life in defense of someone Chosen to smite evil. Vio still feels guilty about Shadow’s misfortune, but at least now they’re on even footing.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Shadow continues, taking both of Vio’s hands. He looks concerned too, and Vio realizes that Shadow is still not quite used to the sight of him in moral peril. He’s not sure how to explain to Shadow that to him, Red, Blue, Green, and Zelda, mortal peril is just another Tuesday.
Vio squeezes Shadow’s hands. “I’m okay, I promise. I know that must have been scary to see.”
“Yeah, a little bit. You were, like, off the ground.”
“I get into tight spots pretty often,” Vio admits, “especially while patrolling. I understand if you’d prefer to keep our dates out of the cemetery in the future.”
Shadow shakes his head. “Nah, I’m no coward. And besides, I’d feel better knowing that someone has your back.”
“I… am not opposed to your company,” Vio mutters, and Shadow takes it for the grand declaration it is.
“Besides,” Shadow says, sitting back down against their original headstone of choice, “we definitely need to workshop your punning.”
“What’s wrong with lead poisoning?” Vio demands, offended.
“Pencils haven’t had lead in them since, like, 18-whatever-the-fuck.”
Vio allows Shadow to drag him to the ground. They settle against each other, just as they’d been before—but somehow, everything feels a little bit different. “Well,” Vio asks, “what else could I have said?”
He knows Shadow is pleased to have a say, even if he’s acting nonchalant. “I dunno. You could have killed him with the book and told him to read it and weep.”
Vio rolls his eyes. “I can’t stab anyone with a book, Shadow.”
“Not with that attitude, you can’t!”
Oh my god, Vio thinks, he is so annoying. So annoying, and so persistent, and so, so, so perfect.
“Hey Shadow… can we kiss again?”
Shadow grins, his fangs glinting in the moonlight. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Vio is admittedly psyched as their lips finally meet.
Hell fucking yeah, vampire boyfriend.
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First thoughts on Trimax volume 1
I appreciate eriks. Just like, generally. I love how scruffy he is lol.
I do wonder if he’d let his hair grow out like that if he wasn’t in hiding??? He’s had the same haircut since he was a kid though so idk. He’s very attached to his whole look, it seems.
When and how did he replace his prosthetic? What was that like?
YES INDEED, THAT WAS “FUCKIN STUPID” (Wolfwood says fuck guys omg good for him he deserves it)
I laughed out loud for real though I definitely woke up my roommate on accident oops
Oh god the hair. It’s fuckinh coming. The gut punch. (<- does not know the specifics)
Seeing him with the stubble AND the normal hair is doing something bad to my brain. Fix it. It doesn’t compute.
Her hair is. Not exactly bad but that’s not my Meryl.
New Miami, huh? I’m so excited to get absolutely no elaboration on this ever.
Shoutout to the little dude on page 84 who looks like fuckin Wallace
Oh. My god. How many times did he just get shot
OH MY GOD GOOD FOR THEM. God I love milly
Wolfwood is such a chickenshit.
I wonder if Vash has conceptualized himself as human up to this point, and where he’s at with that now?
DAMN I wish I was that balanced
I uh. Man. Wow. I kind of want to make fun of him for doing the most Anime Shit Ever
Babygirl i promise you he knows how plants work lmao
Y’all really weren’t joking about the panty shots
Brad is ALSO a shit. We can’t win here.
Oh. My question is being answered. I don’t like it very much.
On the face of it, I'm pretty solidly in Nico's corner here.
I love how clearly i can hear his little song in my head.
He’s full in monke mode. Just an absolute ape.
love that nightow definitely just got sick of drawing the bullet holes in the coat
Actually looking at this a little harder he did simplify a lot of details. Good refinement, though i do miss the belts.
Vash who the fuck are you calling old. Is the old man in the room with us right now? (Yes)
Oh fucking hell.
I wonder how vash looks at humanity specifically . Is it really something familial? Or is that changing as we progress? I do see how he could be operating from that angle.
My other real question is just how old is he, like, mentally? He really does seem to have the mindset of somebody in his 20s. Knives too? Maybe that’s a thing with them, but i’ll hold off on saying anything conclusive until later. Maybe i’m too quick to say they’re both immature.
I’m sorry it genuinely makes me happy to see characters swear like real people. Wolfwood is so much more fun here.
I hate that I'm going to get through these so much quicker now, especially now that i’m especially hooked. I’m genuinely considering reading ahead but i think i’ll explode if i do. Time will tell.
I may not get around to coloring pages in the next two weeks and just go absolutely hog wild once my class is over. I have to make my own damn comic for once lmao. Ofc i have 0 impulse control so who knows.
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bloodynereid · 1 year
i know a lot of ppl ship show eddie & camila (including myself) but lowkey when the show first came out, i thought eddie and warren would’ve made a cute pairing. like i know they’re prob very straight but in another queer world they would be best friends/band mates to lovers… do u think u could write a little ficlet about them? thanks <3
pairing: warren rhodes/rojas x eddie roundtree
a/n: so... my first time writing a character x character fic and it will probably be my last cause I kind of hate how this turned out but hopefully u still like it anon cause i love this pairing. anyways i kind of went with the concept of warren and eddie getting reunited after the whole argument during the finale. enjoy + let me know ur thoughts :)
tw: coffee spilling, mentions of weed, cursing, mentions of drinking
description: old friends reconcile but will they become something more?
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Warren: So it was actually a few years ago when I finally saw Eddie again. We didn’t leave our, I guess, you could call it friendship at the best of terms.
Eddie: I was an asshole, plain and simple. I regretted that conversation with Warren for my entire life. I kind of still do. I always felt a deeper connection with him and then I just went and squandered it over a stupid little rivalry I had with Billy.
Warren: I divorced Lisa back in ‘84. We didn’t fit well together… I mean we did at the beginning. But she wasn’t what I wanted and she made it abundantly clear I wasn’t what she needed. We’re still friends though. That never changed.
Eddie: So did Warren tell you how we reconnected?
Warren: Oh you want the full story well it all started on the day I was helping a band record some tracks at this fancy new record label…
When the producer finally gave him the greenlight to get out of the recording booth, Warren was beyond exhausted. It had been a rather grueling session, it was a quite literal miracle that he had lasted this long.
Before leaving he gave his customary goodbyes and grabbed a coffee from the break room, but just as he was about to leave the room to head home he ran smack dab into someone.
Coffee went everywhere. The scalding hot liquid burned through the flesh of his open shirt. Expletives flew every which way and those were quickly replaced by apologies from both parties.
“Fuck I’m so sorry man, that’s totally my fault.” Then Warren realized he recognized that voice. The deep baritone of the man he totally didn’t have a crush on for basically his entire life.
“Eddie Roundtree?!” Eddie’s eyes met his and the familiar sparks flew again. They might look over a decade older but those same butterflies still settled in his stomach at the blonde’s handsome face.
“No fucking way Warren. It’s good to see you man.” Eddie went to hug him but then they both realized that they were still covered in coffee. Rapidly cooling coffee that was sticking everywhere due to the insane amount of sugar he still demanded to put in it.
“Uh I’ve got some extra shirts and towels in my office. If you need any-”
“Yeah that’d be great.”
The walk over to his office was awkward but it was starting to fall into the realm of awkwardly comfortable. When Eddie finished unlocking the door and shepherding him into the space (which had abnormally large floor length mirrors), Warren finally realized that the glinting off the walls was due to all the producing awards.
Warren hadn’t realized how incredibly famous Eddie had gotten in the music industry. Of course, he had looked him up a few years ago but he seemed to have just been playing at random bars. It was insane how quickly he turned that around and he hadn’t heard or read about it.
“Hey, here's the only thing I had sorry. It might be a bit small on you… and not exactly your style.” Eddie’s face hid a slightly sheepish smile as he tossed me an ugly Christmas sweater that exactly matched the one he had on. Warren let out a loud laugh before stripping out the soaked button down shirt and tossing the replacement on.
“Okay from a scale from 1-10 how ridiculous do I look?” He asked as he did a small twirl.
“Definitely not as ridiculous as I do.” Eddie said as he let out a strained laugh.
“Okay spit it out, cupcake. You look constipated.” Warren said as he finally took a seat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. Eddie reluctantly followed him and twisted his hands together.
“Fuck I guess I just wanted to apologize for all the shit I said all those years ago. I really am sorry, Warren.” Eddie looked up at him and Warren gave him a reassuring smile.
“Hey it’s fine, already forgotten about. I’m just glad to see you again Eddie. Would you believe it if I said I missed you?”
“I probably would say you are severely sleep deprived.” They let out a laugh at that one.
“It’s only 3 a.m. Remember when we used to party until sunrise?”
“Oh god those were the days… but just so you know I’ve missed you too.”
“Well good. I’m sure you did cause I’m Warren fucking Rojas.”
“That you certainly are.”
Eddie: That night I got to reconnect with the one person who was always with me through thick and thin. And… the one who always chose me first.
The camera comes out for a wider shot as Warren walks in trying to balance 3 glasses of whisky.
Warren: I obviously made the first move, let’s keep the record clear with that one. It was about a year after that fateful night.
Warren was feeling those sparks again… it was probably from the weed that they were smoking but it was mainly because of those stupidly beautiful brown eyes. The eyes that belonged to the man he somehow became friends with again. The man who he had a crush on since middle school.
“Hey Eddie?”
“What would you do if I kissed you right now?” A brief expression of shock flew over Eddie’s face and Warren suddenly worried that he completely misjudged the situation.
“Probably kiss you back.”
Eddie: Okay fine yeah Warren made the first move, happy sweetheart?
Warren: Definitely.
They both shared a kiss as the video slowly faded out.
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requests and asks are open as always <3
taglist: @yesshewrites1
(lmk if you want to be added to any specific taglists)
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bluebellthesponge · 7 months
Hey friend! I am Rae and I followed you because this stupid troll movie resurrected my ancient NSYNC obsession and you post about them some. But, I know a lot of younger people aren't comfortable palling around with much older people, and I am literally 20 years your senior, lol. So I just wanted to reach out and say hi, but also let you know if you'd rather I not follow/interact that's totally fine too, I won't be hurt or anything.
In payment for this awkward af message, I offer you "Songbird" by Fleetwood Mac and invite you to imagine Chris singing it. :)
hey there!!! welcome to my blog, glad you followed me because of my nsync posting teheheh! and you're good! feel free to stay following my blog i am totally fine with really any people older than me following me :)) i am glad you find enjoyment with what i post! :D
happy to hear your nsync interest was reignited with the trolls movie, makes me wonder if the movie will bring back old fans and bring in new ones! which i mean i am sure it will, it does feature nsync songs (i think? i don't know how many actually, all i know is better place and i want you back for trailers lmao) so it's cool and exciting to probably see some new people around considering at least nsync tumblr is pretty much dead lol
but it's cool to probably have a movie introduce people to nsync considering i say after nsync broke up??? (question marks because the breakup date confuses me so much) i say jt's songs have been more of the standard/what people are use to rather than nsync songs which is natural lol, music moves on and nsync obvs hasn't made a new album since 2001
because personally for me, i was literally born after nsync technically died, i was more used to it just being justin and that nsync was more of a fun fact on his behalf lmao. i only knew bye bye bye, it's gonna be me and merry christmas, happy holidays and probably pop because of jimmy neutron but that was it
it wasn't until the beginning of this year that my sisters and i started watching boyband music videos on youtube because when my one older sister was younger, radio disney i guess played pop and she hated that song when she was younger, so when she saw the music video we watched it,,,and kept on watching it the next couple of weeks and then their other music videos and at first, like i am with a lot of things i realize i might start getting interested in, i was in denial being like "oh i am NOT catching myself getting into some dead 1990s/2000s boyband with fucking justin timberlake in it like nuh uh" but then oh no!!! i realize i started watching their performances by myself and by spring/summer i already am familiar with all their names and searching for "nsync as vines" videos that i know i am already too deep in
and also on the last day of school back in june, to celebrate i guess, my sisters ordered pizza for us since our mom was out of the house and we watched the lou boyband con documentary and soon we want to watch the lance and joey movie together lol
ok sorry for explaining my nsync interest origin story i just felt like it hahah. i just have a lot of thoughts on nsync in general that i can make a whole ass video essay series about them but that's a later idea to execute
personally with me on any fandoms i usually am more shy i guess lol. i am just scared to interact with others in general because i am a socially anxious guy idk dsfjlkdslkf, that's why i follow like 84 blogs dfsljdsfkdsf and from what i seen a lot of the nsync fandom are people in their 30s which is fine! that's cool considering they did grow up in that era to experience the boyband phenomena like glad they are still enjoying something they liked 20+ years ago unlike me who never grew up with that and yeah boybands like one direction and big time rush existed, but a boyband craze like nsync i never was there to experience hahaha
considering the one direction fandom still seems to be going strong in some sense, i am not surprised nsync has been as well (at least on other platforms but i don't fuck with instagram/tiktok fandoms). but anyways personally for me i feel awkward for the most part being in the nsync fandom, the fans i have met are generally very nice (like you!) but i still feel a bit odd for not being a millennial who grew up with them but instead a chronically online gen z teen who found them really because my older sister in the late '00s hated a song of theirs lol
but anyways once again i am saur sorry for that long ass answer i just have a lot of thoughts about this stupid ass band, but once again feel free to stay! you're welcomed here :D thank you so much!
and ooooh i will listen to the song soon and see hehehe! after school or so i'll do it ljdsflkdsf thanks :)
*edit: how i also knew of the other members at first was also probably silly. i probably heard of chris because he voiced chip skylark on the fairly odd parents, lance was several timez on gravity falls, and joey and jc i was not 100% of them at first/didn't have other media i could attach them to at first when i wasn't sure of their names lolll. i knew joey was on hannah montana but i never watched that show and he was on big fat greek wedding which my mom liked, but with jc literally that man fell off the face of the earth after nsync (i know that's not 100% true, but you get what i mean dsflkjdslk)
also another unnecessary thought but i kind of lowkey feel well not weird but interesting that nsync are technically around my parents' ages (at least more so around chris, jc, and joey's considering chris is only a couple months older than my mom) and it's like "huh these guys could technically be my parents...and i am just giggling and kicking my feet watching these fucking losers dance for my entertainment"
once again thank you and have a nice day!
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Against All Odds
Part 83
“Are you alright?” Christine asked in the lounge after dinner. She had just sat down close to McCoy and he had jumped at her touch.
“Yeah,” he said looking over at her. He blew out a breath. “I think it’s all starting to work.” He quickly told her about the afternoon in the pool.
“That’s great,” she grinned.
McCoy nodded. He’d left out the tension and the want in the air of the change room.
And dinner had felt less constrained by Archer for once as McCoy had sat across from Scotty and they had easily and openly spoken to each other.
“Chris…,” McCoy started slowly, “have you and… I mean, how often… I… nevermind.” He just didn’t know what it was he wanted to ask. His mind was twisting and turning.
“What is it?” Christine asked quietly.
“Nevermind,” he mumbled out, shaking his head.
Christine watched him for a moment.
“Oh,” she finally said. “Sexual tension?” she asked in a quiet voice.
“Chris!” McCoy hissed out as his face warmed.
“Oh, it is. Oh!” She began to laugh. “You guys were naked together after his lesson weren't you?”
She grinned as he turned redder.
“Look,” she started matter of factly, “don’t you think that’s normal? You’re early on in this, everything is new. Of course your emotions, your hormones,” she winked, “are going to be all over until you guys get settled. I don’t know what it’s like for a boy obviously, but there was always a thrill, an excitement in the beginning every time we could see each other. Just to be as close as we could.” Christine sighed then.
“Have you two…” McCoy coughed. “You know…?”
Christine nodded. “It was there from the beginning, that feeling and want. But we took our time. We had to, sneaking around like you two. It wasn’t until after we were really in love.”
McCoy nodded as he listened. He wasn’t… he wasn’t in love with Scotty yet. It was much too soon. But he definitely felt something deeper for the other boy. Was it love? It was more than just a want or a lust.
“Thanks Chris,” McCoy said softly.
“No problem.” She squeezed his arm. “Look, there he is coming in. Hey Scotty!” she called and waved him over.
“Hello Chris,” Scotty said when he was in front of them.
“Can you help me with some math?” Christine leaned forward to reach for a PADD on the table in front of them.
“Uh sure,” Scotty said, looking over at McCoy.
McCoy smiled at him. Christine was such a sneak.
McCoy lay awake in bed long after curfew. Christine’s words rolled through his brain. She was right, it was sexual tension between himself and Scotty. But it was more than that too. He wanted Scotty, wanted his body, to know him intimately, but he wanted more than that too. He wanted Scotty’s heart. To know he was the only one for Scotty. It couldn’t possibly be love if they’d only known each other barely two weeks, right? Or could it? Could it happen that fast? He wished there was someone he could ask.
He tossed in bed. Every time he closed his eyes there was Scotty. His eyes trusting McCoy in the pool. His peaceful face turned up to the shower. His cheeks bright red at being caught looking at McCoy.
Sleep finally came, but not easily.
Part 84
It had been nice to spend some time with Christine and Leonard after dinner. They had talked about math first, but later on had changed the topic to their weekend plans.
Christine would go home for the weekend. She didn’t look forward to it, but it was her mum‘s birthday so she had to be there.
Leonard wanted to see more of the town. There had been a shop he had seen when they had visited the movie theater and he really wanted to go there.
‘Maybe you can be my tour guide,’ he had said to Scotty and of course the boy had agreed. He would love to show Leonard around. It was a good alibi to spend more time together.
When he lay in bed later that night, Scotty couldn’t stop his running thoughts. Too many pictures filled his mind. Pictures of Leonard, standing in front of him, stripped off. The muscular chest, still wet from the shower.
How would it feel to press kisses onto Leonard’s neck? His shoulders? His torso?
He blushed at the thought. Why in the name of god was he wondering about things like that?
More importantly, how did Leonard feel about all this? Was he having the same thoughts? Or was it just Scotty being crazy?
It took him some time to fall asleep but when he finally did, he dreamt of things he wouldn’t tell anyone about. Ever.
“Have ye seen Jim, laddie?”
At breakfast Scotty was sitting with Keenser and Robbie. But Jim wasn’t there.
Scotty had meant to apologize once again for the last evening, but now he was getting kinda worried.
It wasn’t like Jim to skip breakfast.
Keenser shook his head. So did Robbie.
That was strange. Maybe he was sick? But then he would have written a message to Scotty. He always did, saying that the Scotsman should keep his ears open for gossip.
Scotty looked over at Leonard. He was chatting with Spock and Sulu. Maybe Spock knew something. He’d ask him after breakfast.
But he didn’t get that far for Archer already caught him before he could reach the Vulcan.
“Mr. Scott, a word please.”
What did the head of the house want? Was this about the swimming lessons? Oh gosh, had he noticed something?
Scotty tried to read the teacher’s face but it was impossible. All he could tell was that the man looked serious.
“Aye, of course, sir.”
He quickly followed Archer, but not before glancing at Leonard one last time. The prince had noticed them leaving. He looked… scared? Worried? Scott wasn’t too sure.
Scotty was surprised when they entered Archer’s office. Pike was there too.
He felt his heart racing, blood rushing through his ears. Something was definitely wrong. But what?
“Scotty, hello,” the headmaster greeted him and offered him a place to sit.
Scotty nodded and sat down.
“H-hello, Mr. Pike. Is… something wrong?”
There was a sad look on Pike’s face as he sighed. Archer sat down beside him.
“Actually yes. There is.”
Scotty’s eyes widened in shock. He tried to calm his breathing.
“Am… I in trouble, sir? Because I-“
Pike already shook his head.
“No, Scotty. You did nothing wrong. It’s… about Jim.”
Jim? What did he do? Was this the reason why he didn’t show up for breakfast?
Scotty looked from Pike to Archer.
“Mr. Scott. Are you aware of Mr. Kirk taking any substances?”
Scotty’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“S-substances? Ye mean like… drugs?”
Pike seemed to wince slightly at hearing that word but he nodded.
“What? No! Jim would never-“ Scotty stopped himself. This was just crazy! “Why would ye think that?”
Pike swallowed hard before he answered.
“The cleaning personal found a small bag hidden in his room filled with a strange substance.”
Scotty’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“No… that’s… that’s impossible. Jim wouldn’t take drugs.”
He may have had a secret drink or two, but… he would never take drugs!
His mind was racing.
How? How did the small bag end up in Jim’s room?
And suddenly a horrifying thought crossed his mind.
That secret hole in the cabin in the woods. What if… there had been drugs hidden there?!
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fire-fira · 1 year
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I posted 3,721 times in 2022
That's 695 more posts than 2021!
39 posts created (1%)
3,682 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,721 of my posts in 2022
#lol - 663 posts
#beautiful - 308 posts
#vid rec - 234 posts
#tbl - 228 posts
#cats - 207 posts
#i love cats - 202 posts
#my life - 182 posts
#for anyone who needs this - 181 posts
#queer - 145 posts
#lgbtq - 141 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#but in lakota i have zero difficulty differentiating between 'this' 'that' and 'that over there' or 'these' 'those' or 'those over there'
My Top Posts in 2022:
Just out of curiosity I decided to check the possible ship names that are floating around for La’gaan/Coral/Rodunn, and it’s resulted in:
Ngl, I lean toward either Lacoro or Polyamorsea-- both because they each put all three on equal standing (Lacoro has the first two letters of each of their names and Polyamorsea doesn’t foreground any of the three of them ahead of the other two) and because they’re easily searchable and unlikely to be buried (unlike Trident).
Idk, I guess I’m just throwing this out there to see if we can reach any sort of fandom consensus over what their ship should be called.
62 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Now that La’gaan’s Aquaman that brings up the question of if he’d change his outfit at all.
La’gaan not changing anything about his outfit other than adding a clip-on Aquaman emblem to the waistline of his shorts because he gives no shits.
68 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Everyone who talked shit about La’gaan since 2016 owes me $50.
I freaking called it on the fact that
He’s queer.
He’s somewhere under the bi umbrella.
He’s great with kids.
He’s got a lot of love to give.
He’s a good character with a lot of complexity and depth to him.
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnddd by the way--
His name is La’gaan. L A ‘ G A A N.
(If you tag his name as anything else it’s not going to show up where it should.)
Oh, and uh, final note?
84 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
“La’gaan’s improving.”
“La’gaan’s getting better.”
“Maybe now La’gaan will apologize.”
“La’gaan’s getting a redemption arc.”
Tumblr media
170 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Okay, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but kept getting derailed. Thankfully I’m fully caught up on Rise (though it took me forever) and I was able to mostly sort out the in-universe order for the episodes.
Because fun fact-- something I noticed way back in season 1-- is that the episodes weren’t released in in-universe order. This was true on cable, this has held true on netflix and hbo-max paramount+ (I goofed, oops), and while [turtlepedia] does have them listed in tv broadcast order and has the episode production codes listed, neither of those entirely match up with the various in-episode context clues for what order things happen in.
And believe me, some of those context clues, those in-episode “signposts” are subtle enough to be blink-and-you’ll-miss-it details (like the fact that the background video for Donnie and Mikey in Hypno! Part Deux! implies that it’s happening at the same time as Repomantis). Needless to say it’s taken a lot of work and a lot of paying attention. And thankfully season 2 wasn’t as all over the place (mainly due to more of the episodes not having any distinct signposts beyond things that made it obvious they took place after season 1).
(I’ve done my best to get it as nailed down as possible. Episodes that occur at the same time are listed on the same bulletpoint in recommended watching order.)
So good news if you’re like me and you’d like to watch the episodes in in-universe order, because this is that list!
Without further ado, I give you:
The In-Universe Rise Episode Timeline
Season 1:
Mystic Mayhem
Origami Tsunami
Donnie’s Gifts
Smart Lair
War And Pizza
Repomantis & Hypno! Part Deux!
Down With The Sickness (Due to not really having any more than one possible signpost, this one could take place either before or after the previous point or The Purple Jacket. I don’t think it’s any later than that, but it’s debatable.)
The Purple Jacket
Minotaur Maze
The Longest Fight
The Fast And The Furriest
Stuck On You
Hot Soup: The Game
Mascot Melee
The Gumbus
Shell In A Cell
Pizza Pit
Bug Busters
Mrs. Cuddles (Like Down With The Sickness this one has very few signposts, only two that I spotted and one of those is debatable, but it does take place sometime after The Fast And The Furriest.)
Al Be Back
The Evil League of Mutants
See the full post
457 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kittystargen3 · 2 years
Summary: Alternate Universe- What if Anakin's mother survived and Anakin never went dark side. Padme has the twins on Tatooine and survives. Anakin tries to help the surviving Jedi, while still keeping his family secret. Meanwhile Darth Sidious has been crowned emperor and is going after the remaining Jedi. Rumors have it he's looking for a new apprentice. Anakin gets to be a daddy.
I've posted a new chapter of Return of the Survivors today. Below is a small selection. Please click on the links above to read more.
Chapter 84 - Ghost
Ahsoka ran to her room and slammed the door.  Tears streamed down her face faster than she could wipe them away.  She fell to the floor, crying open, fat, and ugly tears.  It was a shame, she knew, to get so emotional.  She had been trained since she was a youngling to release her emotions to the Force and not to dwell on them.  But now, with the words of Sidious plotting her pain like deeds he was proud of, it was hard.  Harder than it had been in a long time.  
As the Midi-chlorians in Ahsoka’s blood were feeling her pain, they remembered another time when the same girl was crying.  At the time, all the Midi-chlorians had to do was to send off an impulse, and another Force-Sensitive was able to sense the girl and her emotions.  Though they did the same now, no one nearby was sensitive enough to feel their vibrations.   In the past however… 
“Little Soka, is that you?”  The cumbersome adult had made the best attempt to crawl into Ahsoka’s hiding space that he could.  
“Mmm-hmm,” she uttered, then pulled her arms around her to hide her head.  
"Do you need help releasing your emotions?" He asked.
She shook her head.  "No, I r'member your lessons." As she said this, new tears appeared in the corners of her eyes.
“Red Turu-grass and blue trees make the Thimiar feel at home...”  Plo started to recite a story he’d heard Togruttan mothers tell their younglings.
“Why are you here?” Ahsoka interrupted him. 
“I-I want to help,” Plo answered honestly.  
“But what do you want from me?”  
Plo looked down at her seriously.  He realized where these questions were coming from.  “I don’t want anything from you.”  The scarred child didn’t buy it.  When he found her, after that con-artist tried to take her, he knew she’d need to deal with the trauma.  “If you were me,” he tried.  “If you were passing along, and you saw one of your young friends was sad, would you not try to cheer her up?”  
“Yeah, of course,” she answered.  
“And you wouldn’t, because you wanted something from them.  You’d just help them, because that’s what a Jedi does.”  She nodded.  “You’ll make a very good Jedi, little ‘Soka,” he continued.  “That’s what I want.  I want to help you, because you’re my friend, and you’re sad.”
“Oh,” she hummed.
"Now, does your Creche Master know where you are?" He asked.
"Nuh-uh," she denied.
"Then do you want to go find…"
"No!" Ahsoka refused with as much gusto as a three year old can muster.
"Hmm," the man hummed.  "Perhaps you should tell me what happened, then."
Ahsoka looked down, embarrassed.  "I didn't know you weren't supposed to climb the trees.  When Barris threw her disc up there, I go to climb ‘n get it.  Then the ‘unteers yell at me, and I get in trouble.  They hate me now."
"Little 'Soka, a good Jedi doesn't hate.  I’m sure the volunteers just didn’t know how new you are.  Once we explain it to them…  Can you be brave enough to come out with me, and we’ll go find your Creche Master, together?" 
Ahsoka thought about it for a second, then she nodded and tried to squeeze past the Jedi.
"Hold on, let me go first." He said as he pulled himself out of the girl's hiding place.
As the Midi-chlorians remembered this, they settled on a plan to help the older Ahsoka...
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passerine-writes · 4 months
Silent Sparks - Volt 85
Warnings: Some emotions but mostly fluff, and Mic finally getting to do a cliche parent-child embarrass stunt Word count: 4054
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 84 | Volt 86
Dad and I walked into his and Pops' apartment a few hours later, Spots and Mittens ran up to us and rubbed against our legs. The two of us were wiped after the mission, physically and mentally. Thankfully, when Pops came to the hospital earlier, he brought me a spare change of clothes, so I wouldn't have to sit around in my hero costume that needed repair, again. But also, the baggy t-shirt and sweats were significantly more comfortable than my hero costume.
I plopped myself on the couch and took my ears out, letting myself relax a little bit even though I couldn't fully do that. Dad flicking the lights to the living room caught my attention, I turned around and smiled when I saw Denki standing there awkwardly with my brother. I stood up and walked over to him, pulling him into a tight hug. His arms cradled around me, holding me securely to his chest until I pulled away. I popped my hearing aids in and turned back to my boyfriend.
"I asked him to come." Hitoshi chimed in and I looked at him curiously. "I knew you wouldn't want to talk about it multiple times and figured bringing him, it would cut back on how much you talked about it." I pulled him into a hug and smiled widely.
"That's why you're my favorite brother." He shot me a look and I simply smiled wider.
"I'm your only brother, doofus." He let out a breath and walked to the kitchen, presumably to make a cup of coffee.
"Kaminari." Dad said, making both of us freeze. "Are you allergic to cats?" He asked tiredly.
"Uh, no sir." He stammered out and I gently grabbed his hand, playfully leading him to the living room.
"This is Spots, and that was Mittens." I said, picking up Spots while gesturing to Mittens who ran and hid somewhere.
"She's so cute." He cooed, scooping Spots out of my arms. I heard the door open and saw Pops walk in exhausted. He gave Dad a kiss on the cheek and slowly started taking off his hero gear.
"Hey, little listener. Oh, hi Kaminari, I wasn't expecting to see you here." Pops said cheerfully, walking over and giving me a side hug.
"Toshi brought him over for the family talk, is that okay?" I asked softly, not even knowing if this was okay with our parents.
"Yeah, of course. I've been waiting for you to bring him over!" He cheered as he walked to the master bedroom. I blushed furiously and ducked my head, I should've expected Pops to say something like that.
"I have to go get reinforcements, do you want to come with?" He looked at me confused, probably not understanding what I meant.
"Sure?" He slowly agreed, setting Spots on the couch and following me. He took half the blankets I grabbed from the closet and we got them on the couch before joining Hitoshi in the kitchen, who was pouring three mugs of coffee.
"Alright, so, you have a few choices, ice cream, hot chocolate and or coffee." He smiled softly and suppressed a laugh but eventually said ice cream. "Good choice." I told him, moving to the cabinet and scaling the counter to grab four bowls. I could hear him stifling his laughter. "Hey, don't laugh! This is normal!" I said through my own laughter, setting the bowls down on the counter top. Denki came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, swaying us back and forth as I scooped ice cream.
"So, why ice cream?" He asked softly, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.
"When I got adopted, my Dad found me muzzled. My first night home, my Pops looked at me and asked if I wanted ice cream because he said it would help with the pain. I was eight and more excited about having ice cream rather than making the pain stop, but it helped a lot. A few months later, Hitoshi came home and we went through the same thing. After that, it became more of a comfort thing. If someone had a bad day or there was stressful stuff going on, ice cream became a comfort snack and eventually integrated into most of our talks. It makes the stress of all of it seem... calmer, I guess. As we got older, we added in coffee for our Dad, and then Toshi and I. Figured I'd just offer hot chocolate for you cause I know you don't really drink coffee that much." I explained delicately, still mindlessly swaying with him.
"That's actually kinda wholesome." He commented.
"Kaminari, don't make me say this again, watch your hands." Dad said. Denki quickly lifted his hands in a mock surrender and took a step back.
"Dad, he was just hugging me." I said in a dragged out breath to over exaggerate it while I placed spoons in each bowl. He huffed and walked over, grabbing a bowl of ice cream and his mug of black coffee before walking out to the living room.
"He still scares me." Denki mumbled to me. I laughed a little and placed a quick kiss on his cheek.
"Could you grab two bowls for me? One's for you and one's for Hitoshi." I told him while I grabbed my bowl and my coffee. He nodded and grabbed the two bowls, following me out to the living room. I set my stuff down and sat on the floor, grabbing a blanket for Denki and I. He cheekily wrapped it around our shoulders and passed me my bowl of ice cream.
"So, who's starting?" Hitoshi asked.
"Well, clearly, today was the raid, hence why I've been so out of it and why I got trapped in the rubble." I said, starting off the conversation. Dad sighed and started explaining why we were there and what the mission was.
"Sorry, I'm a little lost on something." Denki hesitantly added.
"What's up, Kaminari?" Pops asked, throwing in a finger gun.
"How does the raid tie back to 'Ryo getting trapped in the building?" He asked slowly, trying not to beat around the bush.
"Uh, the whole Reservoir Dogs thing was the cover story. Fat Gum, Kirishima and I were on a stakeout for the raid on the yakuza, so I went in. I was the only one who could fit in the vents properly, plus with him as my Dad, I have some stealth under my belt. Something didn't feel right, so after getting confirmation from Nighteye, I went in. It was a set up, they set bombs in the basement and trapped me in before I could leave. The walls were too thick to break safely. We found out why during the raid." Hitoshi and Pops practically flung forward at the news. My fingers nervously tapped against the bowl and I took a steadying breath. "Chisaki wanted me. Probably because of Shigaraki. He wanted me to die down there so he could come down and refigure my body so he could take me." I licked my lips and ducked my head down, not wanting to see the horror on their faces.
Denki grabbed my fidgeting hand and gently held it, rubbing his thumb back and forth over my marred skin.
"Onryo and I also need to have another lesson on impulsive decisions." Dad commented and I groaned.
"Woah, what'd you do to deserve a lesson?" Hitoshi commented.
"He jumped in front of a gun." He said and the room fell silent before erupting in chaos. Everything I was expecting thrown at me and I sat there, I was expecting this.
"Onryo, you never do that." Pops said sternly, but I could hear how scared he was.
"I made a calculated risk." I said weakly. "His finger wasn't even on the trigger yet, he was originally pointing the gun at Dad. I knew I had back up and I exploded it." I told them.
"This is why you and Izuku earned the nickname 'problem child'." Hitoshi said sarcastically.
"Yeah, I know." I sighed out, rubbing a hand down my face. "Dad? Was he right?" I asked weakly, the words still spinning in my head.
"Was who right?" Denki asked.
"One of the gang members, uh, Setsuno, he said I would've fit right in because I was crazy." I mumbled.
"You're not crazy." Hitoshi said firmly and I licked my lips hesitantly.
"He said I looked insane and that I had to be crazy to jump in front of a gun like that." I told them duly.
"You're not crazy. You reacted. Was it in the best way you could've, no. But also, you've always been fond of adding a subtle dramatic flare." Dad reasoned and I sadly laughed. He went on to explain the rest of the raid, up until he got stuck with the rewind guy. Then I explained the rest, Pops, Toshi and Denki took a moment to let everything sink in.
"He forgot to tell you the best part." I said sarcastically. "He couldn't figure out how to use my glasses." I told them, watching Dad roll his eyes but Hitoshi started chuckling a little.
"Next time we have training, I'm trying them on." He said through his chuckles.
"Pops designed them, so good luck." I told him before taking a sip from my mug.
"Little listener, you know I have to ask. How are you holding up mentally after the League showing up?" Pops asked softly, piquing everyone's attention.
"I'm fine." I said softly.
"Nobody is expecting you to be. Especially after everything that's happened." He told me gently and I nodded once.
"Look, I- I'm fine. Might just have a few more nightmares, nothing new." I said dismissively, hoping that would be the end of the conversation.
"Does Kami-" Pops started but I shook my head.
"I don't like talking about Kamino. The only thing I've talked to him about from it was Toga taking me to the other room and cutting me up." I said emotionlessly. "I had to explain how she got so much of my blood. Aside from that, I don't talk about it. Not even with Chiyo."
"Kaminari? Have you asked him about it?" Pops asked, holding up a finger when I gave him a bewildered look.
"Yeah. But I don't push him to talk about it." He said calmly.
"And why's that?" Pops followed up and I saw where he was going with it. Him and Dad were testing him.
"I don't want to make him uncomfortable, he already lives through it every time he has a nightmare and I don't want to be the reason he has to live through it even more. I've told him if he wants to talk to me about it then he can, but if he's not ready to, it's not my place to push." He elaborated and I tucked my chin down to hide my smile.
"Good answer." Dad said. "We have something else to talk about though." I looked at him confused, not knowing where this was going, until it hit me and I groaned.
"You're evil. Talking about this in front of Denki so he knows when it is." Dad gave me a maniacal grin and chuckled.
"B- Onryo? Why is your Dad smiling like that?" Denki asked fearfully, careful not to call me a pet name in front of my parents.
"My birthday is next Friday, the 18th." I grumbled, throwing my head back dramatically.
"What? And you didn't tell me?" He asked, completely baffled.
"I'm weird about my birthday." I mumbled out.
"You two can talk more about that later. But, Kaminari," Pops started, grabbing both of our attentions, "we wanted to invite you to his family birthday dinner on the 19th."
"Yeah, I'd love to." He said happily.
"Great! I'll make sure to have a plate for you. Do you have any food allergies?" Pops asked him and Denki shook his head. "Okay. Also, Onryo, Fumikoto has still been reaching out." I groaned loudly and slouched.
"Joy. Is it about Sota's party?" Pops nodded and I sighed.
"Yeah, his party is the 20th and the smaller party is the 25th. Fumikoto's wondering if you want to go to both or either, she said you told her it would depend on work studies and stuff."
"Who's Fumikoto? It sounds familiar." Denki said.
"Remember after camp how Hitoshi texted the group chat code yellow because of a social worker at our house?" I asked him, watching as he slowly nodded his head. "Yeah, well, found out the social worker was Shiroka's sister and Shiroka called in a favor. Her son, Sota, is turning a year old." He looked at me with wide eyes, clearly processing it.
"That's fucked." He mumbled before completely freezing, realizing he just swore in front of two of his teachers. "Sorry." He awkwardly apologized.
"I don't think we can actually scold you for your language." Dad said lackadaisically.
"If you go, do you want one of us to go with you?" Denki asked softly. I looked at him with wide eyes, my heart melting at the fact he would offer that.
"If Kaminari can go with you, I'm okay with not going to a toddler's birthday party." Hitoshi commented.
"Really?" I asked him quietly and he nodded.
"Of course." He mumbled and I smiled widely, tackling him into a hug.
"Okay, so should I tell her you're going to the big party and maybe the small one depending on classes?" I nodded happily and sat back up. "Okay, I'm glad we got that sorted out. Little listeners, Kaminari? Do you three want to stay for dinner?" I looked between the two, not wanting to overstep on Denki's behalf. Hitoshi nodded and I turned to Denki, watching him nod as well, so I joined them in the action. "Then I'm going to get started on dinner, Sho, do you wanna help me?" Dad begrudgingly agreed and followed Pops to the kitchen.
"Y'know, I bet Kaminari would love to see you play the drums." My brother slyly commented, making Denki pipe up with excitement.
"Wait, can you? Please?" My boyfriend asked happily.
"Make sure to get it on video!" Pops called out from the kitchen. I dramatically sighed and stood up, watching stars form in Denki's eyes.
"Okay, let's just rinse our dishes and put them in the sink first." I said while grabbing my bowl and mug, my brother and boyfriend each doing the same.
Once in the music room, I took my hearing aids out since they were going to die soon anyways, and put them in their case. Denki happily sat on one of the stools and watched as I slowly found my beat. I already knew Hitoshi was recording it to send to our family group chat and our friends, but I paid no attention to the electronic device pointed in my direction.
I let the vibrations run through my body and my bones, feeling the percussion echo in my chest with every hit of the drum sticks. I guess Hitoshi knew I needed a release after today, and this would be the best kind. I glanced up through my eyelashes and saw Denki sitting there in awe. I smirked at him before picking up the beat, letting out my stress about everything with every single hit on the instrument.
Once I slowed down, I felt my chest lock up and I curled into a coughing fit.
Toshi. Inhaler.
My brother stuck his head out the door and yelled something, I tried gasping for a solid breath between every hacking cough. Denki moved to stand beside me, rubbing my back lightly until Pops came rushing in with my spare inhaler we agreed to keep here. I quickly took a puff and counted to three before exhaling, coughing a bit more as I got my breathing back.
"I had to use it once, during the raid, after running so much. But drumming, for ten minutes? Really? That's bullshit." I said between clustered breaths. Pops sadly laughed and held one of my hands firmly. "I'm okay." I whispered, leaning back into Denki's chest a little for extra support. "I'm okay."
"You scared us, Hitoshi yelled to us that you couldn't breathe, and to grab your inhaler. I'm just glad we decided to keep a spare here in case of emergencies." He said with worried eyes, taking a deep breath of his own.
"I know, I'm sorry, I'm okay." I whispered, finally getting a majority of my breathing back in order.
"Since yours is broken, you might just wanna hang onto that one." Pops suggested, to which I nodded. "How about you boys hang out in the living room until dinner's ready, okay?"
"Okay." I mumbled, waiting for Pops to stand before I did, Denki slowly dropping his hand to my waist. We made our way out to the living room and sat on the couch, we talked for a few minutes until Pops came out again with Dad in tow, mischevious grins on their faces. "Oh gods. This can't be good."
"Oh, this is gonna be great, I have dinner in the slow cooker so we have time to kill. And we'll do the same with Hitoshi when he has his first partner over here." Pops said coyly. I groaned and leaned my head on Denki's shoulder while Pops sat on the other side of him with the photo album. Hitoshi sat on the arm of the couch by Pops to interpret for me and Dad leaned over the back of it. "This is the picture I showed you in the hospital, his third night home." Denki placed one of his hands on mine and I saw a small smile on his face. After that, the pictures showed less smiles for a few pages, all of my firsts with them. A picture of when I learned how to ride a bike. My ninth birthday. My adoption day. Christmas. New Years.
"You were so tiny!" Denki exclaimed, tapping my hand so I would look up and read his lips.
"Gods, how did you let my hair look like that?" I asked, feeling embarrassed already and we were only three pages in.
"You hated having your hair brushed and you never wanted it cut, what were we supposed to do?" Pops asked sarcastically and I sighed, knowing he had a point.
Then he showed pictures of me at the park, Hitoshi and I goofing off together. A picture Dad grabbed when I was learning how to braid hair on Pops. Mittens and Spots making quite a few appearances.
"Woah, is that the sensory room?" Denki asked, pointing to the picture in the top right corner.
"Yeah, Onryo was 11 or so, that's when Nedzu asked him for his help and he wanted to organize all of it." Pops chuckled. Pops flipped the page and I broke out laughing.
"What?" Denki asked, not able to get any other words out through his own laughter.
"I didn't know you guys put that in there! Oh my gods, I look so bad." I said through my giggles. "Okay so, that was a part of doctor week when I was a kid. I had to go to the cardiologist and I knew I had to get an EKG done and I hate the feeling of hospital gowns. So our Dad asked if I brought a button up shirt, if I could change into that and they agreed to it. He gave me one of his old ones that he never wore, clearly it was drowning me." I managed to get out.
"You said you looked more ridiculous than you felt with all the wires and sensors on, so I took a picture so you could see what you looked like." Dad finished, all of us laughing. In the picture, I had a miserable look on my face with two thumbs sticking up out of the sleeves. Electrodes and wires going all across my chest and bunched to the side and secured at my waist with some velcro. The next one being me passed out on the couch with Spots and Mittens, the words next to it saying 'Doctor Week: Success'. Multiple birthdays and celebrations thrown in the mix throughout everything, and we still were only three quarters of the way done. A few more goofy pictures in, there was a picture of Toshi and I in our Aldera Junior High uniforms.
'First day at a new school!!' I read next to it, not surprised that there was a large gap between a few pictures. That's when things started getting bad. The next picture was one Izuku's mom took and sent to our Dad of me, Hitoshi and Izuku all laughing on the couch over something.
"Woah, Midoriya hasn't changed at all!" Denki laughed.
A few other pictures were thrown in before a picture of me sitting in the car with Pops pointing at me with comically wide eyes. 'First fight!' I snorted out a laugh reading that and Denki joined in.
"That's the day I gave Bakugou a black eye and told off the principal." I explained, making him laugh harder.
Pops flipped to the next page, showing a picture that Inko took again, one that she sent to our Dad one of the days we went to clean up the beach. Midoriya smiled widely, Hitoshi giving a thumbs up next to him, I stood behind the two with a smile and flexing my biceps in a tank top.
"'Community service?' From punching Kacchan?" Denki asked, confused, making me snort out a small laugh.
"One of these days he's going to send an explosion when I'm not around if you keep calling him that. But no, it was Izuku's idea, something about working out and cleaning up the beach." My boyfriend hummed but nodded, a few more pictures thrown in before we got to our entrance exams. A picture of me, Hitoshi and Izuku, all standing nervously next to each other. Anxious, tense smiles on our faces, but Izuku looked utterly terrified.
"Hey, that's the day we met." Denki commented, sending me a cheeky smile.
"I quite literally bumped into you." I laughed, blushing a faint pink. "Woah, I didn't know you guys got pictures of the exam." I said as Pops flipped to the next page, showing a few highlight moments of the exam. Including a picture of the girl I saved, the two of us on the robot as I was making a plan to get her off. "Her! She was my gay awakening!" I exclaimed, all of us erupting in laughter.
The next page was my acceptance letter, followed by a picture of Hitoshi and I sitting in the classroom near the windows and I looked at Pops, confused.
"You two wouldn't let me get a first day photo, I had to improvise!" He defended himself. I simply laughed and fully lifted my head off of Denki's shoulder. Pops went to put the album away, Dad walked away to check on the food in the kitchen and Hitoshi just scrolled on his phone. Denki poked me and sent me a large smile. I gave him one back, only to start laughing loudly when his fingers started tickling my sides. He eventually stopped and I opened my eyes again, a genuine smile still etched on my face, mirroring his own, but then I saw movement in the corner of my eyes. Pops was taking a picture. "What? It has to go in the album!" He exclaimed. I leaned forward and rested my head back on Denki's shoulder.
"I can't wait to go through your album again, Toshi." I said to my brother and watched him cringe.
"Some of my pictures are so bad." He grumbled and turned the television on, flicking through channels until we settled on something.
The rest of the night went by smoothly and surprisingly, Dad didn't bite Denki's head off.
So all in all, I'd call it a success.
0 notes
eelsza-blog · 5 months
Watching Ttanic for the first time folks wish me luck
beautiful intro music
what are those is it the right titanic ? (submarines) the first thing they show us is the wreck okay nice. Is it the 90's ? I had no idea there was a scene like that. I hope there's no corpse on screen. Dude, are these guys buccaneers ?
Oh fuck, the first scene with Rose. They just brought back the drawings made by the man she loved. Everything she buried all those years, the passion and the guilt, all bottled up and buried deep. And the drawing makes it come back to life.
This was 84 years ago - yeah but just try-I SAID, this was 84 years ago, mister. Rose, you bad bitch.
He cannot be sinked, huh
Wait, is Jack really winning the tickets at poker ? At a fucking cards game ? how could you be so lucky for something so tragic ? Look at him smiling and running around. He could have LIVED, if he just lost one fucking game.
Rose decorating her cabin with paintings from "some Picasso guy" is iconic honestly
Jack, you are DOOMED by the narrative and i hate to know you will not live to see the end of the journey each time you enter the screen. There is something absolutely tragic about seeing him so full of life, and knowing his fate. To think "it started all so well".
Rose smokes ? she really is the tenage rebellion uh.
OOOOH the burn, she just told him he has a small dick, but in a classy cultured way, love her.
You know if she had actually drowned that time, he would probably have survived. But because he saved her, she lived, and he ended up sacrificing his life for her, dayum Rose.
Almost got arrested here Jack, right. Also, I can see why Rose hates her fiance, the man is a douche.
Melancholic ? Dude she is suicidal. And you thought the best way to help her was to give her a huge fucking diamond.
I love the sass, both of them.
Her MOM just arrived right when he was teaching her to SPIT omg
Oh, i love this old lady who helps Jack actually look like a gentleman. Oh no, he's observing the other men to try to imitate them what a darling. He's so proud of himself and his lady.
If they had lived, would she have ran away with him ? Would they part ways and forget each other like summer lovers ?
The Actual Party tm omg HE CAN TAP DANCE WHAT
SHE CAN TAP DANCE TOO ? They are SO cute together
OH, so her familiy is broke too actually, well, that's one thing they have in common
Awwww he's so good like "i only god ten pounds in my pockets, I have nothing to offer, but i love you so much i will help you even if it costs me my life"
0 notes
sejanusbaby · 2 years
send me numbers!
i have an 8 hour drive tomorrow and want to give you guys some kind of content in the meantime. you can send any numbers for any of the batman characters, twilight, or spider-man. (i only write x reader stuff, for now!)
1. “Quit stealing all the pillows!”
2. “You want a bite?”
3. “Give me a second and I’ll show you.”
4. “What should we name him/her?”
5. “Is it hot in here or is that just you?”
6. “Why are your feet so cold?”
7. “There’s room for two/three!”
8. “Stop that, I’m ticklish!”
9. “Put your finger here while I go get the tape.”
10. “You want chocolate or vanilla?”
11. “Your hands are so warm!
12. “You smell really nice.”
13. “Your hair’s so soft…”
14. “You’re my new pillow.”
15. “Turn around, I’m giving you a massage.”
16. “I think I love you.”
17. “Can I kiss you?”
18. “Hold my hand.”
19. “It’s not morning yet.”
20. “Stay for a little longer…”
21. “You’re so beautiful.”
22. “I’ll always be here for you.”
23. “You are my love.”
24. “You were right here all along.”
25. “Do you want my coat? It’s really cold out here.”
26. “You’ve got flour on your cheek.”
27. “Sorry… your hair was in your face… thought I should move it so I could see you better.”
28. “You don’t have to leave so soon.”
29. “You could put your feet in my lap, you know.”
30. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
31. “Shut up and kiss me.”
32. “We could try cuddling.”
33. “Stop being so cute.”
34. “Are you okay?”
35. “Our relationship is the most important thing in my life.”
36. “You can sleep, I’ll keep you safe.”
37. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”
38. “It wasn’t your fault.”
39. “What’s wrong?”
40 “Don’t apologize; I know you didn’t mean it.”
41. “Get back in bead, you’re not healed yet!”
42. “I’m not leaving your side.”
43. “I’m not going anywhere.”
44. “Just breathe. Breathe with me.”
45. “You should probably eat something.”
46. “Please don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.”
47. “When was the last time you slept?”
48. “OH, you’re jealous!”
49. “Can we stay like this forever?”
50. “Please just kiss me already.”
51. “I think I’m in love with you.”
52. “I missed you so much.”
53. “Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
54. “Give me attention.”
55. “When I’m with you, I’m home.”
56. “That was kind of hot.”
57. “Is that my shirt?”
58. “This is new.”
59. “Would you just hold still?”
60. “I’ve never felt stronger than when you’re with me.”
61. “You’re family.”
62. “They didn’t deserve you.”
63. “Regardless of what people say, I know you’re an amazing person.”
64. “Rumor has it, I make you nervous.”
65. “Are you flirting with me?”
66. “You act all tough, but I know it’s just an act. You’re really a softie.”
67. “I love it when you moan my name.”
68. “Just a little harder…”
69. “Let me give you a reason to stay in bed.”
70. “No panties?”
71. “I want you now.”
72. “Use your tongue.”
73. “Please don’t stop.”
74. “Do you like that?”
75. “You can get louder, can’t you?”
76. “Look what you do to me.”
77. “I want to taste you.”
78. “That feels so good.”
79. “Don’t cum yet…”
80. “Take off your clothes.”
81. “Can you feel what you’re doing to me?”
82. “Shhhh…”
83. “Don’t apologize about your morning wood.”
84. “Tell me how you like it.”
85. “I just want to please you.”
86. “Each of my thoughts about you are improper.”
87. “I love it when you kiss my neck.”
88. “Don’t be gentle.”
89. “I’ve never wanted anyone this badly before.”
90. “You’re not going out dressed like that.”
91. “Make me.”
92. “All mine.”
93. “I love it when you talk dirty.”
94. “I’ll let you do anything if you’ll just touch me now.”
95. “This is new.”
96. “Don’t give me that look.”
97. “Like what you see?”
98. “Try to stay quiet.”
99. “We’re in public!”
100. “Don’t be so rough, there can’t be any marks.”
101. “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop.”
102. “Stop teasing me so much.”
103. “First one to make noise, loses.”
104. “You’re n-not, uh, w-wearing anything under that, are you…?”
105. “Uh… you’re naked. Is that intentional, or?”
106. “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”
107. “You’re hot when you’re mad.”
108. “I’m not jealous! It’s just, you’re mine!”
109. “If we get caught I’ll kill you.”
110. “Tell me again.”
111. “If you don’t like my teasing then why are you moaning?”
112. “Wow, I didn’t realize you were that, uh, flexible.”
113. “Don’t fucking touch what’s not yours.”
114. “Stop distracting me.”
115. “I don’t even know who you are anymore!”
116. “Why can’t you look at me?”
117. “I’m sick of trying.”
118. “You can’t keep this up forever.”
119. “Talk to me, please.”
120. “Don’t push me away.”
121. “The baby… It’s yours.”
122. “Please stay.”
123. “I came as soon as I heard!”
124. “Hey, hey… it’s just me.”
125. “I can’t do anything right.”
126. “Please don’t cry.”
127. “Wake up! Please wake up!”
128. “Forget it, you’re a fucking asshole.”
129. “Don’t you ever do that again!”
130. “Do you even love me anymore?”
131. “Can you shut up and listen to someone other than yourself for once in your life?”
132. “If you don’t hold me right now I think I might fall apart.”
133. “Leave! Me! Alone!”
134. “It’s not your fault.”
135. “I know it hurts.”
136. “No one is going to hurt you.”
137. “I made a mistake.”
138. “Don’t try to fix me. I’m not broken.”
139. “I’m not okay.”
140. “You’re the only thing that’s keeping me sane right now.”
141. “It’s okay to cry.”
142. “Can I kiss you?”
143. “I’m just tired.”
144. “I never meant to hurt you.”
145. “I told you not to fall in love with me.”
146. “If you don’t want to talk about it then say so. Don’t lie and pretend to be fine when you clearly aren’t.”
147. “You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
148. “Get out. Now.”
149. “You can’t die on me. Please.”
150. “Surprise, I have feelings and you just hurt them.”
151. “The worst thing is, that even after all of that, I’m still in love with you.”
152. “You’re right, I did love you. I just can’t say the same now.”
153. “I’m not going to sit by and watch you destroy yourself like this.”
229 notes · View notes
butwhyduh · 3 years
Dead Clown 🤡
Jason todd x reader
Warning: smut, murder but it’s okay.
Jason pulled his helmet off and ignored the rain that poured down his face. He had to see this without a filter. He even considered taking off the domino mask but he was out in the open. The pouring freezing rain had him shivering but Jason was unaware. He literally couldn’t believe the sight before him.
The joker was laying in his back, the pasty skin on his forehead was marred by 2 small holes. The back of his stupid green hair looked almost black when mixed with blood. Blood and water mixed in a pink puddle around his head. Jason forced himself to check for a pulse before hitting his comms.
“Bats, you need to get down here,” he said in a shocked voice. “The joker is dead.”
“..... are you okay,” Bruce said in a measured voice.
“I’m fine. He was dead when I got here,” Jason added knowing he was number one suspect.
“On the way.”
Batman and Red Robin showed up shortly with Robin not far behind. It didn’t take long for the detectives to believe Jason’s innocence. The evidence didn’t match him.
Jason sat on a piece of concrete near the scene as they worked. He had hoped to see this for years now. But it wasn’t the same. Maybe it was because Jason didn’t get his revenge or because it looked too neat. Two quick shots to the brain. Probably didn’t even see it coming before he was lights out.
Bruce walked over to him as the other two took photos and bagged evidence. A little blood here. Some fabric fibers there. No fingerprints because of the heavy rain but a bullet casing.
“Did you see who shot him?”
“No B. I literally got here and he was already out. He was supposed to have a drug drop but I guess that didn’t happen,” Jason said with a shrug.
“You were going to fight him alone,”Bruce said with a raised brow.
“No. Just reconnaissance. I would have called it in,” Jason defended himself. Bruce gave him a side look before moving on to the case.
“Commissioner Gordon is on the way,” Tim said. He held bags of evidence carefully in his lanky fingers. “We’re finish collecting-“
“Can we go home, father? It’s freezing cold,” Damian interrupted. Bruce sighed before looking at him.
“Red Robin was talking but yes, you both should back to the cave to process everything. Red Hood, you too. The commissioner knows you have a history with the joker so it’s best you leave too. I’ll take care of this,” Bruce said carefully. Any wrong word might set Jason off with his trauma over the death of his murderer.
“Uh yeah, sure man,” Jason said clearly distracted. He would usually argue with everything Bruce said and this made Bruce even more worried for the young man. He sent a quick message to Dick before the commission met got there.
“We’re running the tests right now and there really isn’t much else to do. Robin already went to bed. Go home Hood and get some sleep,” Tim said by the computers. Jason hadn’t bothered to get out of his suit or shower.
“How long? How long until you get results?”
“Oh, uhhh maybe 12 hours? A while. Sorry DNA testing isn’t like in the movies. The meta or clone tests are even longer. It probably won’t be until tomorrow night that we know anything,” Tim said turning in his chair. “Get some sleep.”
Jason considered giving him a nasty comment but held it. He certainly felt dead on his feet and had a nice warm woman waiting at home for him.
“Call when you know anything,” he said with a growl.
“Yeesh, yeah. I will,” Tim said backing away. “Say it. Don’t spray it,” he muttered as Jason walked away.
Jason trudged into the apartment leaving wet clothing in his wake until he stumbled to bed in nothing but his boxer briefs. You were going to be mad at him for the mess in the morning but that could wait. He looked at you asleep on the bed. You looked so sweet and innocent. Like an angel compared to his dirty hands that practically dripped blood every night.
He slid under the blanket and pressed close to your warm form. You gasped awake before relaxing when you realized it was just Jason. Did you not realize he could kill you 84 different ways in your sleep? It didn’t really matter as you snuggled your head into the crook of his neck and slid your legs to entangle with his. Jason’s arms automatically wrapped around you and rubbed your back until your breathing was even in sleep. He stared at the ceiling until the hint of dusk could be seen outside.
Jason woke with a gasp followed by a moan as he felt perfect wet heat encompass his dick. He looked down to see the blankets move rhythmically as you slid your mouth along his dick. He blinked himself more awake to truly enjoy it.
It wasn’t the first time you had woken him as such but it was certainly a rare occurrence. Reserved for birthdays and Christmas, he couldn’t imagine what he did to deserve such a wonderful wake up.
“Fuck! Princess,” he groaned as you swirled before taking him deep. You hummed questionably.
“What did I, mmmm, do to deserve such a fuck! Perfect mouth. Perfect wake up,” he said pushing covers down to show you between his legs. You looked up at him with big innocent eyes as you licked long hot strips up his cock. You took him deep in your mouth before sliding off with a pop.
“I can’t spoil you?” You purred and he twitched. How did he get so lucky? “Do you want to finish in my mouth or can I ride you first?” You asked and he god honest choked on his spit.
“Baby, *cough* whatever you want, what. Ever. you want,” he said and you grinned before climbing up his body to straddle him. His hands ran along the side of your body before gripping your hips. You sunk down on him with a little mewl.
“Fuck Princess, you’re so wet. Do you like... do you like sucking my cock?” He asked breathlessly.
“Of course, Jaybird. Sometimes I touch myself when I blow you, like today,” you admitted with a sweet little giggle. He almost came right them. How could you say the dirtiest things while being the sweetest person he’d ever known?
Jason reached his thumb down to rub your clit as you moved. You whined before nodding at him. Your mouth fell open and your hips sped up. He knew that you weren’t going to last long. You really did get hot and bothered blowing him. You made little whined and whimpers before moaning his name loudly as you came. Your body clenching on him was enough and he thrust up into you as he came as well. You bent down and kissed him deeply. Jason was panting by the time you pulled back.
“Loved that for sure, but what the hell was that, Princess,” Jason asked breathlessly as you climbed off and threw on some clothing. You chuckled a little before tossing him his boxers.
“Just wanted to wake you up this morning. Do you want some pancakes, Jay,” you asked. He sat up and pulled them on.
“You certainly did. And I never say no to food. Especially my favorite food,” Jason said with a grin. “Is it secretly my birthday? Am I dying and you’re prepping me beforehand?”
You laughed. “You already did that, baby.”
Jason gasped a little before laughing.
“I just wanted to treat you like you deserve. Pick a movie. There’s a new slasher out that you can tear apart,” you said walking in the kitchen and grinned at Jason’s heart eye look he gave you.
He looked through the movies without paying them much mind. He’d seen the joker dead the day before and now his girlfriend was spoiling him. He didn’t know what to think about. He’d think about the joker finally being dead. He couldn’t hurt Jason or those near him any more. You’d been kidnapped 6 months earlier and it had almost ripped Jason apart when he found you bloody and beaten. Luckily alive though.
Then he thought about how sweet you were. A perfect angel who had nothing to do with that life. You couldn’t kill someone if you tried. He just wanted to keep you in an innocent bubble, especially after being kidnapped.
“Jay? Jason?” You said near him and he jumped. He had been so lost in thought that he didn’t notice you coming over to him with a plate of food. Heart shaped pancakes covered in whipped cream stared up at him and Jason had a little grin on his face.
“Sorry, thanks. This looks good,” he said and you grinned before sitting with your own. Jason turned on a movie and sat next to you to eat.
Jason’s phone rang.
He gave you an apologetic look before answering.
“Yeah,” he answered before quickly standing up to talk in another room. Definitely bat business, it sounded like. He came back in a few minutes putting on his suit. He bent and shoved most of a pancake in his mouth. Jason pulled you to your feet and swirled you around before holding you by the waist. You giggled.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“I’ve got to work. But when I get back, I’m making up for this morning, okay? Breakfast was amazing,” he said before pulling you into a dizzying kiss. You nodded before he left.
Jason arrived at the cave and realized something was instantly wrong. Tim, Dick, Damian, Bruce, and even Alfred were waiting for him around the computers. He slowly walked up. They didn’t think he did it, did they? Jason looked around in case of a fight.
“I have some bad news,” Dick said. Jason just stared at him. Dick sighed. “We know who killed the joker. You won’t like it. You- you might want to sit down.”
Jason frowned at his tone. It was the tone you used when telling a kid their parents died. He looked at the computer to see surveillance footage of the roof where he found the joker. He clenched his fist as the mad man walked in the screen.
“You know, this is the worst meeting place in the world,” joker said with a laugh. Jason’s eyebrows rose. He hasn’t expected audio. “So what do you have that I might want on the birds?”
A female voice off camera could be heard saying, “peace of mind.”
“Doubt you could give me that Princess,” he said in a mocking tone. His posture was casual even though the lower half of a woman’s body had walked into the screen and she held a gun in hand pointed at him. She froze at his words.
Jason couldn’t look away if he wanted to.
“Yeah, I know,” joker said. “I forget faces. Too many changing and quite a few people are a little two faced,” he said with a laugh. “But I never forget a voice. You sounded so much more sweet when you were crying tied to a chair. And the way you sobbed when I brought out the crowbar.... music to my ears. I bet it just reminded you of a certain bird that just didn’t quite make it the first time.”
“Shut up. I- I don’t care,” she said. Jason’s heart was in his throat. He knew exactly who that was before Tim’s DNA tests were complete. She moved around a little nervously.
“Honey, Princess,” he said drawn out in a mock of Jason’s voice. “Unless you plan on using that gun, put it down and we can play a game. You like games? You play one with the red bat all the time. Does he know? Does he know that you’ve been hunting me for.... geez, since you were kidnapped I’d bet.”
“Now drop that gun and I show you what pain really feels like,” he growled and she shot him in the forehead before he moved. He made a disconnected sound before falling to his knee, perfect height to be seen in the camera. She shot him again between the eyes and he fell back silently. His body splashed on the rainy roof before blood began to pool behind his head. The woman looked for a second, her body language painfully stiff, before running out the way she came.
The cave was silent as Jason realized what he just saw. He blinked a few times before clearing his throat. Has she- did she-??
“I assume the DNA matches?” He asked and Tim nodded before sliding him a paper copy. 98% match. Only chance it wasn’t you was an evil twin or clone but no, he noticed the clothing and mannerisms. It was you.
“Are you going to bring her in?” Bruce asked quietly and Jason gaped.
“I sure as shit ain’t. She killed the man who kidnapped her and abused her. That sounds like self defense to me,” he defended. Dick looked at him in pity and Jason quickly looked away.
“It was premeditated, Jason,” Bruce reminded him.
“I know. I’ll take care of it. She’s not going to prison. I’ll talk to her,” he said. Bruce gave him a hard look. “You come near her- I swear to god, Bruce. I’ll shoot you myself.”
Jason got up to leave. Dick moved out of his way. He wasn’t getting in this.
“Jason,” Bruce said but Jason was already gone.
Jason was a pretty smart guy but he was completely shocked at this moment. What possessed you to kill the joker? To seek him out? A man that tried to kill you and you were willing to meet him alone? Not even Jason wanted to do that. And that morning you were treating Jason special. He thought for a second that you killed the joker for him. It chilled him to the bone but he put that thought out of his head. No, you had your own reasons to do it.
Jason walked in the apartment cautiously. Who knows how you would be acting, the perfect girlfriend or finally breaking down when you realized you killed a man. He found you in the bedroom asleep. You didn’t look like you had just killed someone and for a second Jason had doubt but the video and DNA didn’t lie.
He crawled in bed with you. You pulled him close and laid your head on his chest and Jason’s heart hurt. You looked fine but killing people left scars and your first time killing someone was not something you forget.
You woke with a gasp and cry hours later. You trembled and grasped at Jason tightly. He woke up confused before pulling you closer.
“Hey, Princess, I’m right here. You’re okay,” he said rubbing your back and holding you close. “What’s going on?”
“I see him. When I sleep. Every time,” you breathed almost in tears. Jason kissed your cheek and he felt wetness on your skin. You had been crying. He didn’t want to ask but now was as good a time as any.
“Princess, what did you do last night?” Jason asked so quietly. You looked up at him quickly and it confirmed everything he needed to know.
“Nothing. I was here. All night. Wh-why?” You asked, lying terribly. Jason sighed. He closed his eyes before willing himself to speak.
“You know I’m a detective. I can tell that you’re lying,” Jason started gently.
“What does that mean,” you said a little too quickly. Your breathing started to speed up again and Jason hated the look of fear on your face.
“I’m not mad. I won’t turn you in. Just tell me what happened,” he said softly, watching you intently. You wanted to shrink away a little.
“I can’t,” you whispered. Your eyes started to water and you blinked them away.
“Did you do it? Did you kill him? I can help you,” Jason said and you froze. “Talk to me.”
“I-I did,” you said looking at him in terror. Your eyes were red rimmed. “I did.”
“I’m sorry,” he said pulling you tight to his body. You broke down in little sobs and clung to him. “I’m so sorry that you thought you had to. I should have. I’m sorry.” He wrapped you up and made little shhh noises and you cried until you fell back asleep.
You woke up later with a pounding headache wrapped up tightly against Jason. He was on his phone but sat it down when he saw you were up.
“Hey,You don’t have to worry about it. I’ve taken care of everything,” he said ever so gently. You nodded.
“What does that mean?” You asked slowly.
“Red Hood took the wrap on it. No great loss with one less psycho in Gotham. Harley Quinn had an impromptu parade with hyenas and jugglers and everything. Nightwing made an appearance. Dick said Barbie slept through the night for the first time in months and she said she’d help you with anything you need,” Jason said trying to be positive. You gave him a dry smile.
“That’s nice. What about- what about Batman?” You asked.
“He’s Batman. But he’ll get over it. And the next time you kill a murderous clown, let me help. He could have killed you. And if anyone knows how to hide a body, it’s me,” Jason said giving you a squeezing hug. You smiled despite yourself.
“I’ll remember that. I’m a little sad I missed the hyena parade,” you admitted.
“Oh she’s having a parade every day this week. An anonymous donor gave her a ton of fireworks. Fairly certain it was Tim,” Jason said.
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dahbeez · 3 years
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1. "You're such a dork."
2. "Get over here, you doof."
3. "Cheeky."
4. "You're so needy."
5. "Kiss me again."
6. "You're so adorable!"
7. "Look at you... goodness, you're so cute!"
8. "I'm just so happy!"
9. "I can't stop smiling."
10. "I like that you make me laugh so much that my cheeks hurt."
11. "You are being extra sweet today."
12. "Oh, look at you!"
13. "Your eyes are so pretty."
14. "I'm really happy that you're here with me."
15. "Thank you for staying with me."
16. "I don't think I've ever loved someone this much before."
17. "I feel like I'm in the clouds when I'm with you."
18. "You're like my hero/heroine."
19. "I'm gonna tickle you if you don't come over here."
20. "My, oh my. You are such a beautiful creature."
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21. "Go with me?" "As long as you hold my hand."
22. "Is there a reason you're blushing like that?"
23. "Have you seen my hoodie?" "Nooooo..." "You're wearing it, aren't you?"
24. "OH you're jealous!"
25. "Can we stay like this forever?"
26. "Please just kiss me already."
27. "I think you might be my soulmate."
28. "Sleep over? Please?"
29. "Are we on a date right now?"
30. "I think I'm in love with you."
31. "Are you flirting with me?" "You finally noticed?"
32. "Am I your lockscreen?" "You weren't supposed to see that."
33. "I wish we could live together already."
34. "They're so cute when they're asleep."
35. "I just wanted to let you know that I think you're beautiful."
36. "Quit touching me, your feet are cold!"
37. "Sharing is caring, now give me the hoodie!"
38. "Give me attention."
39. "You met me yesterday." "Yes, and I would die for you. Next question."
40. "She's hiding behind the sofa."
41. "Did you just hiss at me?"
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42. "Have you kissed anyone before?"
43. "Can I kiss you?"
44. "You're not hurting me, you're not heavy. I've got you, love.” 
45. "I look at them and I just... it's like when the Grinch's heart grows three sizes."
46. "I don't... I've never... been in a relationship before and I'm going to make mistakes... I just need you to tell me. I need you to talk to me."
47. "You didn't tell me your friend was cute! Now what am I going to do?"
48. "You give me a reason to be better, to do better."
49. "God, you are so fucking cute."
50. "I love you, but I need you to go away because you're really bloody distracting and I have to pass this test tomorrow."
51. "Oh no... they're cute."
52. "I can't talk to cute people, okay? I don't know how to flirt!"
53. "God, I love your face."
54. "Don't look at me, I'm a mess!" "I love it when you're a mess!"
55. "Please do your homework for me...? Just one time." ... "I said one time, y'know... you didn't have to start studying. Not that I'm not proud or anything."
56. "I'm already home."
57. "Your comfort and happiness is more important to me than some stupid dinner."
58. "Stop moving! I'm going to have to start counting all over again!"
59. "I just thought that since you weren't feeling too good, this would help."
60. "I'm not kissing you in the rain! We'll catch our death!"
61. "Would it help if I stayed?"
62. "I apologise sincerely if my beautiful/handsome face has kept you up all night."
63. "God, you're pretty."
64. "Calm down, it's just a chocolate bar!"
65. "Please, tell me you brought a toothbrush?"
66. "You take the bed, you need it more than me."
67. "You're so warm!"
68. "You're freezing, Jesus!"
69. "You always look beautiful."
70. "Your hands are so small!"
71. "Sometimes I just want to cuddle, okay? Is that so bad?"
72. "Now I know where half my wardrobe went."
73. "Here, let me just–" 
74. "You're really special to me."
75. "That tickles!"
76. "We only have one room left for the night..."
77. "Naps are life, okay?"
78. "I don't think I could love you anymore than I already do."
79. "I had the weirdest dream..."
80. "I got you a trophy, it's only plastic, but it's for being the best human I know."
81. "Someone keeps leaving love notes in my locker and I don't know if I should find it endearing or creepy..."
82. "I love your voice."
83. "Put me down! I can walk!"
84. "Can... can you come over?"
85. "You're the best."
86. "Can you please stop biting your lip, it's distracting."
87. "I thought you liked love songs!"
88. "I know you're not a fan of Valentine's day... I just thought that maybe I could change your mind..."
89. "You're my favourite know-it-all."
90. "That was the least romantic proposal in the entire history of proposals."
91. "I never knew you were a romantic at heart."
92. "I made it. For you. I know it's not the best, but..."
93. "Let me carry that."
94. "How do you know my favourite drink?" "I'm observant."
95. "We've known each other's for years and I don't think we've ever had a proper conversation."
96. "You're the clumsiest person I know, how did you survive past childhood?"
97. "It's always time for a milkshake."
98. "You know, humming the James Bond theme tune defeats the point of sneaking."
99. "I think your cat wants to kill me."
100. "Where have all my jumpers gone?"
101. "I don't get paid enough for this shit."
102. "Oh my God, I love you."
103. "I told you to bring a jacket."
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104. "Is that my shirt?" "You mean our shirt?"
105. "It's you, it always has been."
106. "You're everything I could've wanted and more."
107. "Kiss me."
108. "Home stopped being a place when you entered my life."
109. "You should probably go home." "But I'm already home."
110. "You're an idiot." "But you love me."
111. "I'd do anything for you."
112. "You took all the pillows so I'm using you as one."
113. "Stop moving and let me braid your hair."
114. "I'm so proud of you."
115. "You are my family."
116. "I'm right here."
117. "Can you just please hold me?"
118. "I'm pretty sure they're my soulmate."
119. "This reminded me of you."
120. "Your hair is really soft."
121. "Are you blushing?"
122. "Can I stay here tonight?"
123. "Because I love you."
124. "Make a wish!"
125. "I love seeing you smile."
126. "You're just a softie."
127. "You are crushing me right now."
128. "Darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen."
129. "Take my hand. Just trust me."
130. "You're the only thing that matters."
131. "Did you know that you talk in your sleep?"
132. "Hey, look at me. Focus on me, alright?"
133. "Why can't I get you out of my head?"
134. "Don't let go."
135. "Stay."
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136. "You smell really nice."
137. "If you steal the blanket, I'm going to put my cold feet on you."
138. "You're comfy."
139. "But I want to hear you sing."
140. "Don't get up – I'll do it."
141. "Care to give me a back scratch?"
142. "Your bed head is really cute."
143. "How about a kiss?"
144. "Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?"
145. "Are you really flirting with me right now?"
146. "I like the way your hand fits in mine."
147. "You have something in your hair, umm... do you want me to get it out?"
148. "It's nice that your voice is the first thing I heard today."
149. "This movie is really scary, but you're into it so I'm trying not to cover my face the whole time but– WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?"
150. "Wait, don't pull away... not yet."
151. "Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything."
152. "No, it's fine. I can wait until you're done talking to them."
153. "No, like... it's just, I can't believe you're actually wearing my clothes."
154. "I've been trying to get ready for like an hour and an half because I know you're going to look so good and I need to try and match up."
155. "I wanted to say 'I love you' for the first time without stuttering, but that failed."
156. "We could order pizza and just stay like this all day."
157. "It's not a double date. We're just third and fourth wheeling."
158. "I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..."
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159. "It's not funny!"
160. "That wasn't suppose to happen."
161. "Hurry back."
162. "I can't take you seriously."
163. "Problem solved."
164. "That was embarrassing."
165. "It's freezing in here."
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166. "I love you, baby."
167. "Hey, cutie."
168. "I promise to love you for the rest of my life."
169. "You're my world."
170. "I don't care if you're sick, catching a cold from kissing you is worth it."
171. "You are so perfect."
172. "Marry me?"
173. "You're the best part of me."
174. "Stay here with me. For the rest of our lives."
175. "I'm speechless, you're so beautiful!"
176. "Come here, I need to hug you."
177. "When everything's wrong, it's you that makes it right."
178. "You're the one."
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179. "Well, it's the thought that counts." "Wait, no, don't take my kisses away from me!"
180. "Oh, you've started stealing my socks now?"
181. "You owe me a kiss."
182. "How did you get in here?"
183. "That's not even fair."
184. "You promised me a cookie!"
185. "Ew, that is so sappy, I might vomit."
186. "You're not very intimidating."
187. "That was, by far, the stupidest thing you've ever done."
188. "Why don't you take a picture? It'll last longer."
189. "Why the hell is there glitter everywhere?"
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190. "I'll feel much better if you let me walk you home."
191. "Apparently, all our friends have a bet going that we end up together."
192. "You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe."
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193. "It's two in the morning and you want to cuddle?"
194. "You shine so bright it's intimidating. I love it."
195. "I'm here."
196. "What's your name again? Sorry, I just got that super weird feeling that we only see in movies, you know? Like, the whole world stopped turning and all I could see was you."
197. "I was born to be yours."
198. "Isn't it a bit too cliché?"
199. "So, you're just kissing strangers for no apparent reasons?"
200. "You'll always be my favourite person."
201. "You're making it weird, stop making it weird."
202. "There's nothing I love more than running back into your arms."
203. "I'm yours. Forever."
204. "You always know how to cheer me up."
205. "I... I lost the ring."
206. "Will you be mine?"
207. "Darling, you look perfect tonight."
208. "You saved my life."
209. "Don't give me that look. No... NO! I said no puppy dog eyes! You know I can't resist them! Argh, fine!"
210. "I missed you and your bad puns and even your horrible cooking and the way you fit perfectly against my body when we cuddle. I just really missed you."
211. "We're a team, remember?"
212. "There's no place I'd rather be than by your side."
213. "Your smile brightens the whole room."
214. "I kinda adopted a puppy behind your back... don't be mad! Look at those cute fluffy paws!"
215. "You're burning up. Guess I need to activate my nurse mode."
216. "I love you. As in more than friends, more than best friends and more than super extra best friends."
217. "I love you just the way you are."
218. "We need to kick his ass, no questions asked. You in?"
219. "Hot chocolate and cuddles? Kisses?"
220. "You make me feel pretty."
221. "You'll always be my best girl."
222. "Never hide yourself from me."
223. "Babe! There's no toilet paper!"
224. "I'll never give up on you."
225. "Do you feel that shirt? That's boyfriend material."
226. "That prank went so wrong."
227. "Care to dance, my love?"
228. "AH! You're stuck with me!"
229. "You're too good to me."
230. "Is it that time of the month?"
231. "Can I braid your hair?"
232. "It's okay to have doubts, as long as you don't let them overwhelm you."
233. "Come here! I can't stand to be so far away from you!"
234. "I got you."
235. "I wanna fall asleep next to you every night and wake up every morning with you by my side."
236. "Stop, I need to finish this!"
237. "I just wanna binge watch The Office, but it's not the same without you."
238. "Because I care about you!"
239. "I just wanted to impress you."
240. "I love you even though your breath stinks right now."
241. "Did you just puke on me?"
242. "We should get drunk and do stupid things."
243. "I always know what you're thinking about, babe. You're like an open book!"
244. "Could you sing to me?"
245. "I, uh, could you... could you play with my hair, please?"
246. "Nooooo, don't leave! I'm cold!"
247. "I think you're suffering from a lack of vitamin me."
248. "A mistletoe? Really?"
249. "Will you join me, love?"
250. "I have feelings for you."
251. "You are the reason."
252. "Take my hand, I wanna show you something..."
253. "You have a lovely name."
254. "You're my everything."
255. "You do know a lot about my blushing schedule."
859 notes · View notes
lovelybishop · 2 years
Fluff Dialogue Prompts
Send in a number and a character! all writings will be ‘x reader’s
1. “You made this for me?”
2. “Aw, you’re blushing.”
3. “Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?”
4. “Let me help you with that.”
5. “I don’t want to forget this moment.”
6. “Dance with me.”
7. “Are you really flirting with me right now?”
8. “Remind me to kill you later.”
9. “Get down from there!”
10. “I’ll race you”
11. “I didn’t know you could do that!”
12. “When I die I’m gonna haunt the fuck out of you.”
13. “Am I dreaming?”
14. “You’re warm”
15. “In my defense, it seemed like a good idea at the time.”
16. “Ugh, don’t remind me.”
17. “Did you just throw a tree branch at me?”
18. “I won!”
19. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
20. “Is that my shirt?”
21. “What did you think of me when we first met?”
22. “I’m not eating that.”
23. “Don’t ask questions, just follow me.”
24. “Since when do you know how to knit?”
25. “Aw, you missed me.”
26. “Oooo, you’re in trouble.”
27. “Did you know aliens can hear your every thought?”
28. “Do you know how to curse a Nerf sword?”
29. “Let’s go home. You’re freezing and I don’t want you catching a cold.”
30. “Your cuteness is making everyone stare. Stop it.”
31. “You make me so proud, you know that right?”
32. “Did you just say I love you?”
33. “Let me kiss it better.”
34. “I’m tired, just cuddle me.”
35. “My heart feels so full with you.”
36. “Would it be alright if I borrowed your hoodie? It smells like you.”
37. “You are my new pillow.”
38. “It’s always been you.”
39. “You smell nice.”
40. “Quit stealing all the pillows!”
41. “What should we name him/her/them?”
42. “Have you ever played in the rain?”
43. “Is it hot in here or is that just you?”
44. “Why are your feet so cold?”
45. “Ride the Ferris wheel with me?”
46. “Stop that, I’m ticklish!”
47. “Are you sure you’re not tired? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.”
48. “Can I kiss you?”
49. “Hold my hand.”
50. “Stay for a little longer…”
51. “Of course I’m happy! How far along are you?”
52. “I’ll always be here for you.”
53. “You are my love.”
54. “You were right here all along.”
55. “You’ve got flour on your cheek.”
56. “Sorry… your hair was in your face… thought I should move it so I could see you better.”
57. “You could put your feet in my lap, you know.”
58. “I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
59. “Shut up and kiss me.”
60. “We’re pregnant!”
61. “We could try cuddling.”
62. “Stop being so cute.”
63. “Our relationship is the most important thing in my life.”
64. “You can sleep, I’ll keep you safe.”
65. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”
66. “Believe me, I will never be tired of you.”
67. “I love how you look in my shirt.”
68. “How come you always end up under my blanket?”
69. “There is no better way to start the day than seeing your face.”
70. “You’re unbelievably cute when you’re tired.”
71. “I love to hear your voice, even if you’re so far away.”
72. “did you read my letter?”
73. “Morning cuddles are the best part of the day.”
74. “Have I told you I love you today?”
75. “I would like my good morning kiss now.”
76. “Let’s go, I’ll buy you dinner. And maybe breakfast.”
77. “You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
78. “I think I know what that smile means.”
79. “You give the best hugs.”
80. “How would you feel about spending the day in bed?”
81. “What if I kissed you right now?”
82. “What did you break this time?”
83. “Well, this is awkward.”
84. “Cute, but still fucked up.”
85. “Why are we whispering?”
86. “Sleep is for the weak!”
87. “I’m not going to leave you.”
88. “Here, take my jacket.”
89. “Are you seriously still listening to this song? I was gone for four hours!”
90. “Ohmygod, stop! You’re going to make me pee myself!”
91. “I’m sorry I annoy you . . . but at least I’m cute, right?”
92. “That’s it–no more Netflix for you.”
93. “But it’s so cute! … So what if I’m allergic–what does that have to do with anything?”
94. “Ack! Dude–your feet are freezing, keep them away from me!”
95. “Why are you mad at me? You’re the one who almost stabbed me! I don’t care that I snuck up on you; I almost died!”
96. “I will murder you… . Softly. With lots of kisses.”
97. “This reminded me of you”
98. “Can you sing to me again?”
99. “I can’t believe I never heard you sing before.”
100. “Let’s go and look at the stars.”
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Prompt List #2
Welcome to my biggest prompt list ever
if you wanna request something from this list, just use the character and ‘ prompt 34 from prompt list #2′ thank u!
Theres like 200 so be wary
“I love you ! Is that what you wanted to hear ?”
“I love him/her, and I know that I shouldn’t.”
“Can you just shut your mouth ?”
“We both know that I should walk away, but I can’t.”
“Wait, he/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend ?"
“I lo—-” “No, please… Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me.”
"Could you just take this pain away ? It hurts, so much… Help me.”
“You’re safe here, I got you.”
“Don’t ask her out again, please… You’re killing me, every single time you ask that.”
“Look, he/she wants you, just make him/her happy.”
“If you go, I’ll know that you never loved me.”
“We never were just friends, and you know it.” “I know it, but you deserve someone better than me.”
“You love me like I’m the person who actually deserves your love.” “But you are the only one who deserves it.”
“I know for a fact that you’re not “fine”.”
“You’re looking at me like.. you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!”
“What happened between us?”
“Nothing has changed!” “Yes it has, and you know it.”
“Love isn’t supposed to hurt this badly.”
“You said you needed space. You were 5,000 miles away for a year, and you’re still unsure. I’m starting to think that an entire universe apart wouldn’t be enough space for you.”
“I remember when he/she/they used to look at me that way”
“I want you to list every lie you ever told me. Then I’ll forgive you.”
“I don’t hate you. I hate that after all of this, you’re still trying to lie to me”
“I can’t keep this secret for you anymore.”
“I’m sorry I’m not what you signed up for.”
“Why she/her/them? It could have been anybody, and you chose to betray me with her/him/them.”
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
“We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
“Your mind must be a horrible place.”
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
“And I thought you loved me."
" And I thought I loved you."
" Aren't you even going to cry?"
“I didn’t expect you to wait forever. I just hoped…”
“Did you always know that you were going to leave?”
“If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
“I’m addicted and at this point I don’t think anything could make me stop.”
”If you wanna know, then ask.”
“You never asked because you knew I wouldn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.”
“We grew apart, and at this point I’m glad.”
“Find somebody else to kiss your ass.”
“When are you going to stop clawing for something that’s never going to happen?”
“What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.”
“It was easier to believe that the you I knew was dead than deal with the fact that I still have to see you every day.”
“What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.”
51. “You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
52. “Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
53. “You smell really nice.”
54. “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
55. “I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.”
56. “If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
57. “Here, let’s share the blanket.”
58. “You’re comfy.”
59.“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
60.“But I want to hear you sing.”
61.“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
62.“Care to give me a back scratch?”
63.“I think I love you.”
64.“Your bed head is really cute.”
65.“How about a kiss?”
66.“You made this for me?”
67.Aw, you’re blushing.”
68. Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?”
69. “Let me help you with that.”
70. “I don’t want to forget this moment.”
71.“Are you really flirting with me right now?”
72.“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
73.“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?”
74.“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
75.“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?”
76.“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.”
77.“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything”
78.“No, it’s fine.  I can wait until you’re done talking to them.”
79.“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
80.“You’re a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
81.“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
82.“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
83.“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about how sometimes.”
84.“No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”
85.“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
86.“ You are so beautiful — So fucking beautiful. “
87.“And just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hands?”
88.“Wow, you look even better in the daylight.”
89.“I don’t remember ever having this many hickeys. But I don’t mind.”
90.“We could order pizza and just stay like this all day.”
91.“It was always you.”
92.I love you in every possible way.”
93.“I didn’t mean to love you so much.”
94.“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.”
95.“Duck, you idiot!”
96.“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a wand and I’m not afraid to use it.”
97.“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.”
98.“It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
99.“Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.”
100.“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..”
101.“Define normal.” 
102.“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?” 
103.“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.” 
104.“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.” 
105.“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.”
106.“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.” 
107.“And you wonder why you’re still single.”
108.“Remind me to kill you. Please.” 
109.“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
110.“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.” 
111.“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.”
112.“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.” 
113.“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.” 
114.“My middle finger salutes you.” 
115.“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.” 
116.Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.” 
117.“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.” 
118.“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” 
119.“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.” 
120.“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
121.“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.” 
122.“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?” 
123.“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!” 
124.“I need therapy after this.” 
125.“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.” 
126.“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.” 
127.“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.” 
128.“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.”
129.“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.” 
130.“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.” 
131.“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” 
132.“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!” 
133.“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.” 
134.“She’s hot, but she’s evil.” 
135.“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.” 
136.“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.” 
137.“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
138.“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.” 
139.“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.” 
140.“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
141.“Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.” 
142.“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.” 
143.“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.” 
144.“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.” 
145.“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
146.“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.” 
147.“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
148.“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.” 
149.“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.” 
150.“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.” 
151.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?”
152.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
153.“Don’t think I forgot about what you did last time.”
154.“I know you lied to me.”
155.“I’m not even sorry.”
156.“You backstabber!” 157.“I never want to see you again.” 158.“You never mattered to me.”
159.“I knew this was a bad idea.”
160.“Rot in hell.”
161.“It was supposed to be a secret!”
162.“No one loves me.” 163.“He/she/they is/are so petty…” 164.“You made me cry.” 165.“I don’t know who you are anymore.” 166.“How DARE you?!” 167.“I know you’re not talking to me…” 168.“I SAW you with him/her/them!”
169.“Just leave me alone.”
170.“What did you do?!” 171.“I told everyone that I didn’t want to talk but I’m actually dying for attention.”
172. “Just admit that was extra…”
173.“I forgive, but I don’t forget.” 174.“Did you see what he/she/they was/were wearing?” 175.“So what if I had sex with your ex?” 176.“There’s something I have to tell you…” 177.“I can’t do this anymore.” 178.“You weren’t there for me when I needed you the most.” 179.“I never loved you.” 180.“It’s too late.”
181.“Quit ignoring me.”
182. “Don’t you get it? It’s because I love you!”
183.“I love you. I’m sorry.”
184.“I don’t want to be friends.”
185.“Can we please pretend I never said that?”
186.“Friendzoned again.”
187.“You should’ve loved me when you had the chance.”
188.“Fuck you for toying with my emotions like that.”
189.“I was there for you when no one else was!”
190.“Alright – I can tell a ‘no’ when I hear it.”
191.“I’m sorry I acted so creepy.”
192.“Fuck. It’s like what they say – nice guys finish last…”
193.“I’m tired of keeping this secret. Even if you don’t love me back.”
194. “I knew that’d be your answer. That’s why I never told you before.”
195.“When I said I loved you, I meant it.”
196.“Is there any part of you, deep down, that might love me back?”
197.“You were the one that left all those notes for me?”
198.“You’re in a relationship with another person – you know this can’t end well.”
199.“We agreed this was just physical!”
200.“I love you. I know you don’t love me, so don’t say it back.”
Ahhh im sorry that was so long, but if you read all the way to here, your a real one.
Again i write for all Hp characters! Feel free to use these prompts as ur own
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countessren · 3 years
The Bad Batch || Writing Prompts
1. If we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.
2. How is it that when something happens it’s always you guys?
3. I...I didn’t think we would get this far.
4. Please put that down, that’s not for playing.
5. If I had a credit for every time we get in trouble I would be the richest person in existence.
6. Don’t tell me...you broke the hyperdrive.
7. You can’t say that! At least not in front of the child!
8. What does this do?/If you want to find out, you’ll have to close that door.
9. You know I didn’t mean that/Well it sure sounded like you did.
10. If I wanted to waste my time, I would have asked for your opinion.
11. Don’t put me on the spot, I wasn’t listening.
12. Don’t look at me, he did it.
13. I can’t help it, you’re too important to me.
14. If you’re aiming to piss me off, we’re well past that point right now.
15. If one more person damages this ship, I’m taking Lula.
16. I’m sorry...but I can’t do this anymore.
17. Don’t accuse me of being the jerk, I’m not the one who needs to develop a personality.
18. Give me one good reason as to why I shouldn’t punch you in your perfect face.
19. So, what’s the plan?/ You’re telling me that you didn’t come up with one?!
20. Awwww, you’re so adorable when you blush.
21. Get away from me, you’ve annoyed me now.
22. When this is all over, I’m going to take you somewhere far away from all this mess/ I’d like that.
23. If you touch my stuff without asking one more time, I swear.../ You’ll what? Pummel me to death?/ If that’s what it takes, then yes. I will.
24. I don’t think I can do that. I just...I don’t know.
25. Did you...did you just compliment me?
26. The systems are fried because someone didn’t fix the wiring issue!
27. Stop blaming me for your mistakes!
28. I’m tired of trying to fight so hard for someone who doesn’t even want me.
29. Prove it hotshot.
30. You should be more careful, you don’t want anything drastic to happen now do you?
31. You’ve got to be kidding me, I’m not wearing that thing.
32. You know you can tell me anything, right?
33. I’m a little busy right now, but sure, what can I do for you?
34. I’m fine, honestly it’s just a scratch/ That is not a scratch, what are you talking about?
35. Stay awake for me, please!
36. I can’t lose you, please just...just come back to me.
37. Could you stay? Just for a little while, please?
38. You really think I’m a valuable part of this team? Even after that?
39. Please don’t ask me to do that, I can’t.
40. You have to be more careful, one day you’ll come back to me in pieces.
41. I’m sorry, forget I said anything.
42. If I may/ No!/ ...Apologies.
43. Can I interest anyone in a vacation?
44. You can’t keep going around and destroying things/ Oh yeah, watch me!
45. This is never going to work/ You look beautiful darling, stop worrying.
46. Can’t we just relax for the day? I’m tired after yesterday.
47. The stars...can’t do it...not today.
48. I’d laugh but I would prefer to keep my life.
49. Don’t test me.
50. Oh please, I would rather die than be partnered up with him for this mission.
51. Wait, remind me again why we are doing this.
52. I love you so much, I want you to know that in case-/ In case nothing. Nothing will happen. Don’t ever say that again.
53. You’re heavy, get off me.
54. For the love of god, please just be nice to each other.
55. I care too much, so sue me.
56. How dare you, you will treat me with respect.
57. Can I...can I give you a hug?
58. I uh...I don’t know how we managed to get out of that alive/ Well, now that we have, you owe me.
59. Just keep your eyes on me, don’t turn around.
60. Is this...reg...bothering you?
61. I wouldn’t shoot the messenger if I were you/ But it sends a message/ Yeah, the wrong type of message!
62. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to fix this ship, but I’m so over having to stop every five minutes.
63. Honestly, you’re the only person that keeps me calm.
64. Well maybe if you listened to me instead of that damn holopad we wouldn’t be in this situation.
65. I’m really sorry/ Go away, I’m not talking to you.
66. It hurst...it hurst so much/ Just stay with me, don’t you dare close your eyes.
67. If we could stay here all day, you know I would hold on to you and never let go right?
68. Cuddles?/ ...Fine.
69. I’m innocent I swear/ I know you, you are far from innocent.
70. Uh oh/ What? / Nothing...nothing at all.
71. Tech said I was bleeding internally, that’s where all the blood is supposed to be!/ Wrecker...no.
72. I can help, just let me-/ No, you’ve done enough.
73. I...I’m cold/ Well that’s unfortunate, I can’t do anything about the weather.
74. You inconsiderate, lying, two-faced prick!
75. If you don’t remove your hand from my shoulder, you won’t have hands at all.
76. Kill me, but don’t hurt them. Please...
77. Is anyone else having trouble figuring out how we are all still alive?
78. I could seriously just-/ Just what sweetheart?
79. I want you know that I’m sorry if things weren’t easy for you, but it wasn’t easy for me too. I had to be strong for everyone else when you fell apart...and it broke me too.
80. You’re not the only one who’s having second thoughts.
81. Please just...just leave me alone. I don’t want to talk about it.
82. I could honestly just sleep forever right now/ Come here...
83. I love you, but it’s okay if you don’t feel the same.
84. This isn’t you, you have to fight it.
85. Give me a chance, I’ll prove to you that I care/ You have one more chance, otherwise I’m gone.
86. Shoot me once, shame on you. Shoot me twice...yeah that’s my mistake.
87. Ow!/ You deserved that/ What did you do that for!?/ You know exactly what for!
88. It’s so cold in here/ Here, have my blanket.
89. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something so mesmerising in all my life/ I have.
90. The first words you say to your soulmate are tattooed on your arm.
91. You don’t see colour until you meet your soulmate.
92. You can hear your soulmates thoughts.
93. When you touch your soulmate, you see glimpses of what your future will be like together.
94. You can feel your soulmates pain.
95. You can feel intense pain whenever your soulmate is in danger.
96. You have random visions of what your soulmate sees, but neither of you know it until you meet.
97. You have a clock that counts down to when you will meet your soulmate.
98. You have the same tattoo/scars as your soulmate.
99. One of your eyes is the same colour of your soulmates.
100. The name of your soulmate is tattooed somewhere on your person.
PLEASE GIVE CREDIT IF YOU USE ANY! WHETHER IT BE A LIKE, REBLOG OR @MENTION! Requests will be open as of 8th of June, so feel free to flood my inbox until then! You can also comment below should you wish to request anything.
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