#my issues before was i was using bad editing software
neonpigeons · 2 years
god I wish I had the patience for video editing
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spockandawe · 9 months
Awkward gap until next meeting. So. Things i COULD make on short notice
Software manual book(s): Easy. Mindless. Boring, but useful. I have at least two more targets in my sights, but i also have three half-finished books just waiting for cricut titles.
Long transformers essay: the formatting from pdf...... all the images........... but WHAT IF
Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo: Needs learning time in Affinity, unsure how long formatting will take. Possible, also something likely to tank my sleep schedule.
Thousand Autumns: current doc has long stretches of half-edited mtl. That's. That would be a big compromise. I don't like it, I think I'd rather wait
Coming Up With A Villain Reformation Strategy: No proofread? It'd be fast. Unsure what commitment proofreading would be.
Peerless Immortal Surrounded By Demonic Disciples: Same issue.
Single-volume mxtx: Maybe. If I'm repeating myself i want something novel tho
Yuwu: Maybe? Same proofreading question, but this was a really good translation
Raksura fic: mmmmmmmmmmaybeeeeee. It's still actively updating though, it feels a little silly to commit a second time knowing it'll immediately be dated 🤣
PoF: maybe! Wouldn't be bad to at least format some pages for illumination practice even if I can't do much there yet.
New box????? Mysterious and vague, brut boxes make me happy
Raksura fic: I could :X Okay but this depends on me chipping at some short vignettes and either getting a full set done or being confident i have momentum to continue as i post chapters. Momentum is a gamble, especially since this is a destination wedding with vacation activities.
Bwx/xl: old wip, unsure how satisfied i am. But there was PROGRESS. I might be able to slam it out
Return to tlj shipping? No wips in progress, but he usually comes easily to me.
Brand new raksura fic: i have kink brainstorming i could try to leverage, but I really, really can't tell how well writing will go right now
Cronch fic: Oh.... That might work, ill have to look at that.
Ye olde svsss aus: restore diet bingge to second person, see if more scenes shake out. This is close to being something I'm willing to just post, but it's not QUITE got enough connective tissue. Finishing is probably outside the scope of "short notice" tho
Transcription. Also not short notice, but pleasing bite-sized chunks.
Other baby blanket: I'm.... Unmotivated. Crochet make hand hurty
Tardigrade: hand hurty is acceptable if the result is stuffed tardigrade. I need to find my safety eyes, though
Starscream cross-stitch: DEFINITELY not short notice, but very satisfying
Embroidery embroidery: Probably want to wait for better health, so I don't get frustrated.
Steering wheel cover: yes, probably, but that's a kit and won't scratch the sammmmme creative urges
Spinning: god, probably wait for better health and new house
Long furby: maybe do this BEFORE the move, tbh. But mystery time investment.
New applique quilt: also not short notice. Need a subject too. I feel like I'd had something in mind, but I'm drawing a blank.
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graceshouldwrite · 10 months
How to Edit Your Novel (Pt. 1)
If you haven't finished writing your first draft yet, feel free to save this for future use :) If you HAVE finished first drafting (BIG CONGRATS! That's a massive accomplishment, and I hope you're super proud of yourself ❤️ ), I really hope this helps you!
There's a lot to get into regarding editing, so this post will focus on more macro edits while part 2 will focus on micro edits.
In my opinion, one of the MOST IMPORTANT parts of editing is rereading your own book.
I highly recommend printing out your book into a physical copy. Generally, you can print out hundreds of pages at the copy or stationery shop (e.g. Staples), and then put them in a 3-ring binder.
For presets, I highly recommend at least 12 pt. font and DOUBLE-SPACED!!! This is so you can annotate easily DIRECTLY between lines on the paper while you're rereading. For me, I annotate with a red pen. The biggest things to focus on for a first reread are:
Plot + subplots! Example questions:
What things don't make sense?
What things don't you like?
(Spec fiction specific, mostly) Any worldbuilding issues, like no introduction to the cool fantasy gadgets, lore not matching up, or no logistical possibilities (e.g. how do gladiators in your book use modern flush toilets when the world is based on Ancient Rome?)?
Is anything too confusing?
Unnecessary scenes?
Issues with important plot beats (e.g. inciting incident too late, climax too early, etc. depending on how you want your story to flow)?
Characters! Example questions:
Is the development clear?
Are their personalities, motivations, and backstories fleshed out?
Do they have distinct voices that can be relatively easily distinguished in dialogue?
Are their names/appearances/personalities too similar, causing confusion?
Do you have too many or too few characters?
Are the character/group dynamics organic, significant to the plot, and enjoyable to read?
Other things to get picky with include:
tone, mood, voices, general atmosphere
prose issues like dialogue, description, etc.
plot discontinuities (e.g. John has blue eyes in Chapter 4, but in Chapter 6, he has green eyes)
Go in with your red pen and do whatever you want, as long as you can clearly read what you scribble. Let yourself go wild with *circle* "GRAMMAR ERROR!" or *underline* "STRANGE CHARACTER INTERACTION" or *large bracket spanning paragraph* "BAD SCENE!" Don't worry about making it look "aesthetic," just go for it in whichever way is most efficient for you.
However, for your first reread, or just an earlier one, focusing on the big picture things should be your first priority! Imagine tweaking the prose in one chapter for it to read like the love child of Victor Hugo and Charles Dickens, but then you realize the chapter doesn't serve the plot at all and needs to be cut...
After rereading, it's time to revise. Revision is the BIG PICTURE, GENERAL edit! Remember those issues that you found? Now, you're actively brainstorming how to fix them. This is not the REWRITING stage yet—that comes after!
Refer back to the list of questions above, and find solutions. I like to do this in a systematic method where I make a table (in this case, using Notion):
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You can make this in any spreadsheet software, or even just create columns in a doc or on paper. I sort it by the ISSUE, SOLUTION IDEAS, TYPE OF ISSUE (e.g. character development, worldbuilding), and STATUS (done?).
Of course, doing this in a linear fashion is also fine, where you directly go down the chronological plot order. However, I would suggest separately brainstorming for each issue before you begin this step.
For example:
ISSUE: Heist is too easy and underwhelming
Increased number of trained security personnel + improved tech (e.g. city hired guards who were former thieves themselves, security cameras, classic laser beams protruding from walls, a door with more locks and a very hard constitution)
In the thief group, more tension between each other -> harder for them to all cooperate and coordinate, leading to some things going wrong
Decreased competence of certain thieves, or just careless mistakes (e.g. tripping, coughing because of dust and attracting attention, not scaling a wall properly, etc.)
After you comb through all the issues like this (or however much effort each issue warrants), you'll find yourself at the REWRITING step! We'll cover that next time :)
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instagram: @ grace_should_write
I used to dread revising, especially after I'd finished the first draft of my first novel, but now, I quite like the process :) Yesterday, I just finished re-plotting an improved version of my story after LOTS of revising through 4 drafts! I can 100% say that no matter how difficult it is, a thorough revision is totally worth it!!!
OH! Also, goes without saying, but that spreadsheet revision example is NOT a real project hahaha
Hope this was helpful, and let me know if you have any questions by commenting, re-blogging, or DMing me on IG. Any and all engagement is appreciated :)
Happy writing, and have a great day!
- grace <3
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justsome-di · 10 months
How have you managed to update neud every week?
It's a combination of a lot of things!
How To Manage Schedules for Long Project
Advice by me, someone who has done this once and is totally an expert (/sarcasm)
Write in advance
Get a lot of the writing done before you start posting anything. For NEUD, I wrote the whole of draft one, then edited it to get to draft two which meant filling out every section that was incomplete, adding/removing chapters to make the plot move fairly well. Draft three is what's available now. I spent a week working on a chapter and then it gets posted on Friday (I worked ahead to get all of draft three up on Patreon early, so I'm not in this editing process anymore, but this is what it was like for a while). It's not impossible to write a chapter from scratch before each upload if you're on a weekly schedule, but you'll probably be battling burnout and you won't be giving yourself much of a safety net for any issues with the plot/writer's block/etc. This advice might seem kinda obvious, but I did try writing as I was uploading on a now-abandoned project, and it wasn't great! This also helps you stay motivated even if you're not getting notes/comments at first (and you may not). You'll have it all written out and all you have to do is press post.
Be okay with it not being perfect
There are a lot of parts of NEUD that I'm not happy with. But if I had waited for NEUD to be up to a grand, golden standard--it would have never made it online. Publishing a web novel, imo, allows for more amateur mistakes. You don't have an editing team like you would at a publishing house. Especially with a project like NEUD--a romance novel--I felt a little less pressure. I wasn't writing War and Peace. I want it to be good, but I tried not to be too much of a perfectionist. And the thing is, you're going to be unhappy with parts that other people really like. You're seeing your work in a different way than your readers. There are parts of NEUD that I honestly don't like, but it's one of those things that it just has to be done. A bad chapter doesn't make a bad book. Just try making sure there are as few grammatical errors or spelling mistakes as possible. You can use software like Grammarly to help catch mistakes you're inevitably going to miss.
Plan ahead and pace yourself
Make out your schedule before you start posting. Think about what days work best for you. Write down what dates you'll post on a little in advance and don't try tackling your schedule in one night. It'll take time to plan how you want to execute everything. I made a mistake here! I wish I hadn't chosen Fridays to post! I work every other Friday, and my homework is always due on Fridays. There would be other days that worked better for me, and in the future, I'm going to consider that for upcoming projects. You can also use queues or scheduled posts to ease the workload if you have chapters ready in advance.
Take breaks
Go on hiatus every now and again. Take time to relax and work on other hobbies. This is important especially if you have other commitments like school or a job that gets busy at certain times of the year. If you're using Patreon, you can suspend payments a month at a time.
Don't get discouraged
Disclaimer: not that many people have read NEUD. But I really am appreciative of every single person who has let me know they read it because I really wasn't expecting anyone to look at it at all! Projects posted online are often overlooked and get buried under the mountain of WIPs everyone is working on. Having someone read your project is a big honor because they're volunteering their time and attention! And everyone is busy, so really even if one person is leaving a like--that's a huge accomplishment! I don't buy into the "likes don't do anything" mantra that started being spread on this site. Likes are important! They're cool! Enjoy your likes! Reblogs don't guarantee that more people are going to look at your thing, honestly. Of course, reblogs are neat because they do raise the chances of your project being seen, but I also don't think anyone is entitled to having their project reblogged. People can post whatever they want on their blogs. If they don't want my amateur project there, that's fine! But I also understand when you've poured hours into something and you get about three notes. It feels bad. But don't let it get you down. Sometimes it just takes a while for people to find your project or find the time to read it. You never know if someone has the link open in a new tab on their laptop or is following your blog, waiting for more chapters to be uploaded so they can read a substantial chunk later. Just because something didn't get notes in the first hour that you posted doesn't mean it'll never be seen by anyone ever again. I know a lot of times that's how social media is made out to be, but you should never feel like you've lost an audience because you posted when people are sleeping/working/just not on their phones.
That's all I can really say :) Just stay positive and think ahead. It's not an easy thing to do but if you just set aside time once you're done writing and get your ducks in a row, you should be able to manage it bit-by-bit.
And mini self-promo, you can check out Nobody Ends Up Dead in a Bathtub, Everyone Keeps Their Organs every Friday on this blog, on Wattpad, AO3, or my Patreon (where chapters are made public every week).
Check it out if you'd be interested in a romance about a sex worker and a client who met through a prank, now fake-dating as revenge against the men who set them up.
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Had a conversation with someone today about browsers, and it made me decide to write a post about a thing many people have written posts about before, and I saw those posts for a long time and largely ignored them, but then one day I decided to follow their advice, and it was so much quicker and easier than I’d expected. It turns out everyone’s right: it really is a good idea! Really! So here is my post to be that person telling everyone to: switch to Firefox!
Most of the posts I’d seen about it before focused on the way it’s the only browser that doesn’t mine and sell your data, which is of course important. Dating mining by giant corporations is evil for many reasons, I understand that as a broader issue. But to be really honest, on an individual level, I don’t care all that much whether Google knows what I’m doing on the internet. For quite some time, I never cared enough to bother switching browsers.
But then I did, and learned there are a lot of advantages besides the data privacy. Mainly, Firefox is so much faster. All else equal, on the same machine with the same capabilities, Firefox will open things quicker and more cleanly and easily than Chrome. “Cleanly” is the best word I can think of for the interface – it doesn’t bombard you with ads and widgets the way Chrome does. It’s not constantly pushing stuff at you.
In terms of extensions and stuff, it can do everything Chrome can do and some things Chrome can’t. It can import your bookmarks, browsing history, and saved passwords so quickly and easily. I’d seen before that it could do that, but had assumed it would be a whole process, hadn’t realized it would take literally thirty seconds.
So that is my PSA to say don’t stick with inferior browsers for too long like I did, just due to being used to it. You can import all your stuff into Firefox and it’ll be just like what you’re used to but better. While I’m at it, here are some other applications on my laptop that I recommend:
For the video and audio player: MPC-BE. It’s open source (open source means “free, but in a really good way of community and collaboration”, so you get the free stuff and don’t even have to feel bad for benefiting from the labour of the people who created it without compensating them, though it’s nice to donate if you can), and it’s so, so much better than the default Windows video player. You can customize everything in it to work with your keyboard. I have it set up so I can play/pause, go in or out of fullscreen, go to the previous or next file, and go forward or back by 5, 10, or 30 seconds with one key each. You can set it up to not have the bar at the bottom appear on the screen when you pause it, which makes taking screenshots so much easier.
It can open almost any video or audio file type, including plenty that the default player won’t play. It’s good to have VLC downloaded as a backup, because I’ve come across a couple of file types that MPC won’t play, and I had to use VLC to play those ones, VLC will play anything at all.
Also, you can have more than one video/audio file open at a time. The default Windows player doesn’t even let you do that, which is absolutely ridiculous. Download MPC-BE and change your default video and audio players to that, it’ll make your life better.
Audio editing: Audacity, obviously. Well, it should be obvious, though I actually didn’t start using that until somewhat recently. I found it a bit difficult to work out the controls in it, so instead of taking ten minutes to learn it, I was cutting up audio in my video player. Last year I finally took the time to learn to work Audacity, and it was so worth it. It’s not complicated, it only took about ten minutes to figure out. And now that I’m comfortable with it, it’s so much easier than anything else.
Video editing: NCH VideoPad. This the only software on my computer that I’ve paid for (besides Microsoft Office, I guess), and usually I try to find open source versions of stuff I want. But I’ve tried a bunch of different video editors, and just haven’t found any free ones that work nearly as well as VideoPad. I found myself editing a video in one program, exporting it, then importing it into a different program that has features the first program didn’t have, so I could use those too. VideoPad eliminated the need for that, it’s one program that does everything I want it to.
VideoPad isn’t expensive, and what I really like is it’s a one-time fee. Fuck the software subscription system, if I’m going to pay for something like that, I want to actually own it and get to keep it forever. I think VideoPad does have a subscription system, but it also has an option to pay a one-time fee to buy it outright, and that’s what I did. I paid for it once quite a few years ago now, and that was a very good purchase, I’ve gotten great use out of it.
For downloading: Jdownloader is an excellent way to get video and audio files off the internet. Doesn’t work every single time, but it works for a lot. I have used it so much in the last few years. The “allow right click” browser extension can be pretty useful too.
For screen recording: ShareX. Lightweight, fast and simple program that does everything I need it to, for free. Sometimes, if Jdownloader fails me so I try a whole bunch of other options and still can’t work out how to download a file, I find it can be easier to just play the whole thing while recording my screen.
For conversions: Media Mobile Converter. There are plenty of internet programs that do this, but I found it was really worth downloading a program that will let me do this right from my computer, so I can convert multiple files at a time. I use it most often to convert video files to mp3, like if I download a song off YouTube and just want the audio. But it’s also nice for taking video or audio files that are in weird formats, and converting them all to mp3 or mp4. Occasionally I’ll get an mp3 that’s too old for Audacity to read, so I use this convert it to wav and then it works no problem. It’s a useful tool to have on hand, and again, open source.
This has been a PSA about the pieces of software that make my life better.
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antmimicry · 10 months
ughh I just really wish i could test software that i want to use Before i update my os to see if its actually worth using! because if it's not then I dont want to update! but of course it doesnt. work that way. mainly i want to know if certain software for dictation (there are a couple of live dictation-ish things built with whisper ai) are More Accurate (dont care as much abt speed) than either mac voice control or talon (which I like talon but it isnt that great for like text dictation lol). i dont use mac dictation for ~privacy~ concerns
They are probably over blown but I still have them. Voice controls dictation isn't actually that bad (I switch to using it just now actually because typing it became too painful LOL) so maybe I should just suck it up and use that and not really bother with the other options. It's sort of sucks that it just straight up does not work on firefox(part of the reason I need to reinstall talon, because voice control he doesn't work for actually controlling the computer in fire fox) but then again I think the whisper dictation apps I'm looking at might not work that way either and have their own separate interface, so it's not like they'd be much better. I still have to dictate text in a separate application and then paste it wherever I want it.
I know there are some options for whisper real time dictation that I could use with my current OS and potentially even with firefox(although it's just dictation and not Computer control) but they involve having an API key and therefore paying for it and it's not very expensive but I am not doing that. I am not opposed to paying a bit for a software but only a one time payment. I am not doing a subscription thing or pay as you go!
It's probably a fools errand to expect to find something with better accuracy anyways. Plus at least with voice control I have some level of text editing/ being able to insert punctuation as I choose, although I find it often has issues with doing that. One thing I have found with if you really basic tests of whisper is that it seems to be a bit better at inserting punctuation naturally but that also means I need a more natural dictation style which I don't really have. Then again maybe I don't have that so because I'm used to using voice control which doesn't really work with that certain style. So maybe I can develop it and it will be a lot more convenient for actually dictating lots of text. Then again I don't even write all that much? I don't know. Lots of things to consider.
At any rate I am keeping a close eye on Talon and waiting for the updates to the community hub for the new talon version. So much more convenient for the actual controlling of the computer even if it's not as good for dictation. Maybe I'll stop waiting and just go for it anyways. I could join the slack to make sure I'm not missing anything Super important that's different about the new version. I really do wish it had better and more updated documentation. Maybe I could even help with that.
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bookofchaos · 2 years
Week 1 Evaluation of working on Sacred Liminality the comic
This week I overwhelmed myself.
First it started off with excitement!
That snowballed into anxiety.
I let myself get ahead of myself.
I have a lot to learn when it comes to using a digital canvas as a medium. There's even more to learn when it comes to creating comics.
I attempted my first colored piece via cell shading. It's so cool, y'all. But I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo bad at it.
I forgot I needed to use different layers and ended up messing up the piece.
I am still proud of it. It's more than I've ever done! And I definitely learned that I *need* to remember layers are a thing.
I also have so much to remember when it comes to social media.
I have a software I'm using to help me try to keep all of my organization in order... but even so, I'm still having a hell of a time.
Part of this is due to my failing to acknowledge that I require time to set all of this up.
I got plenty done. Two character sketches, one kinda rendered, and a comic strip with 5 panels. Plus, add on setting up and editing multiple different social media platforms to look kinda similar. (Koji, Tumblr, Twitter, Reddit, Imgur, and ComicFury). I even attempted to set up a website. By then, I was way to overwhelmed to get past setting up a basic domain name.
What I've learned is I need to scale back, and I think I'm going to push back the release date. I can put out bad art. That's fine with me. Actually that's one of my goals. Put out bad art. Just put out, honestly. Haha (I'm a sex novel character *wink wink*).
As I revaluate, I think I want to set it up so I have a month to get pages started and inked. This will give me time to also actually practice and learn how to cell shade properly. I also want to do a bit more re-working on the comic page I have. I may post it with this just as a reference for myself of where I started.
I also want time to work on other pieces so I can give my brain a break from working on the comic page. I want to be able to look at it with some freshness before posting. This distance will - hopefully - allow me to critique my art, make changes, and ultimately make it better in the end.
Other things that came up - I'm an anxious bean. I'm horribly scared of what other will think of my work. Like on one hand, I want important people I look up to see it and be like 'Hey, you're a badass,' but I don't want to put out my art because jeezus christ some asshole is gonna say something mean and I'm going to be a bawling sack of tears. (And my run on sentences are strong with this one).
Then there's the lingering issue of feeling like a failure because I am not keeping to my initial time tables I set for myself. Even now I want to cry because it's like 'Fuck, I use to be able to do this.'
Mind you, for reference since many of you know nothing about my life, I am currently thirty. I haven't produced art at a regular rate since high school back in 2008-2011. Because of life, I let my art go. My art is kinda like a time capsule in that way. It still reflects the knowledge my brain and body has of drawing and coloring of a high school student.
While that doesn't bother me because art is just something I can get better at, it does suck when I remember creating as if it was breathing. I would walk into a class, sit down, and doodle or sketch or continue on a project. And it wasn't like I didn't have worries back then. I just could push them to the side. Art would take over, and I'd create.
Now I have to shovel through more of my brain shit before I can start. the process is a bit more stiff. I have to work at doing art... and I know that will change as I progress... but damn man, I'm shaming myself for not having the skills and progress of my 17 year old self.
I've been through worst. This won't stop me of course. I am just in the midst of finding that internal kindness that will help me.
Journaling has always helped. That is part of why I built it into my process. First views and ya know interacting with a creator... All that marketing jazz. But also, like, I kind hope it humanizes me. Maybe someone else will see it and say they've experienced similar. It's always nice to not feel alone.
Creating can be lonely, especially people just starting out on their own. I know I feel alone sometimes. Thankfully, I am strong enough to lean on myself. Haha
I don't really have any special way of ending this other than simple promo stoofs.
Promo Stoofs Ahead
Hey, I'm writing/drawing/promoting a comic.  This will be my personal little experiment using my newest deck of cards. Being a bit high, I was illuminated with such a fantastical idea which I am now bestowing (or cursing) upon the internet. I have no idea at the time of writing this what the plot will be, who will be the main characters, nor what words shall be spoken. Accompanying each tarot inspired panel shall also be optional written pieces connecting each panel via delicately chosen (or incredibly rushed) words for thine eyes to feast upon. Come along and enjoy the chaos as we both discover the next panel together.
As of now the comic won't be dropping until Dec 21st, 2022 or in pagan terms - Yule! I'm hoping to gift - possibly curse - the world with my art (and myself with a well created comic). Anything I release before then will be of course promotional in nature.
(Wheel of the year reference below for anyone new to pagan holidays. Stevie Storck Artist.)
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I do have other social media. Check my link tree out as I also will be posting on YouTube concerning connecting spirituality and art.

I really do appreciate you stopping by!
Have a lovely day.
Keep creatin'!
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nakamuso · 3 months
Produced "KOMATSU Monthly" - Final Edition
Previously, the following is a synopsis of the previous issue The cover is not done. But I don't have time. I don't know how to use the software.
I decided to use a drawing application called ibisPaint to draw the cover of KOMATSU Monthly. I still didn't know how to use it, but I tried to draw using various tools, such as pens and other tools.
I made a lot of mistakes here, such as using the wrong layers, and it ended up taking about three hours, but I am quite confident that I did a good job. I think it looks very similar to my own work.
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The cover is now complete. All the materials are now in place. Now all I have to do is submit the data to the vendor and wait for the actual product to arrive. Since we ordered a week in advance, we only received it the day before the ceremony, which was quite last minute. I thought the finished product I received was a good one.
If it had been a publication, it would have been minus about a million points, and it looked pretty bad in many ways, but as a celebratory gift, made with the help of everyone, I gave it a perfect score of 200 points. The finished product was handed out at the after-party of Komatsu's wedding. In addition, we made an A1 size poster of the cover and put it up in the venue.
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I placed it gently next to the welcome board, and the store owner provided a small easel. It turned out to be a nice decorative piece.
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Komatsu was very happy with it, and I am very glad I made it.
As for the picture on the cover, I was like, "What? Is this me? but it definitely looks like me. There were many difficult moments, but I had a lot of fun, including during the production process. I thought it was fun to be able to write only what I like.
Now I will be able to do it again next year.
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cypher-ghost · 1 year
General FAQ
These are various general questions about my stream! These will be updated or more q&a will be added in the future <3 (last edited January 2024)
Q: Why did you choose the name CypherGhost?
A: I chose Cypher because it is the name of some of my favourite song(s) by BTS’ rap line. I know that it means to put a message into secret writing or to encode it or it can also reference a gathering of beatboxers, rappers and/or breakers in a circle which then extemporaneously make music together but my main reason is for the BTS songs, especially Cypher pt4. As for ghosts, it's in reference to my nickname Kasper and the fact I like ghosts! I may not be a ghost vtuber but it just held a place in my heart which is why I kept it!
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Q: What pronouns do you prefer? A: I prefer he/him/his but I do not mind they/them/theirs, just no feminine pronouns please :) 
Q: How does dyslexia affect you?
A: I have issues with spelling with no aid but I also have issues with pronouncing and reading some things too out loud. I always try to read all the dialogue and messages out loud for those who cannot watch or can't read well but sometimes I do mess up but I try my best 🙂 I may need to ask you guys to tell me how you pronounce your name or what name you prefer, but always correct me if I am wrong! I always want to make sure everyone feels welcomed <3
Q: Why did you start streaming?
A: At first it was a way to try to get better with my confidence while doing something I liked, which was art and games. I have really bad anxiety which means that every time I actually get nervous to press the go live button. But as time went on, I really enjoyed keeping good vibes, the amazing people who join my streams and wanting to make a safe space for people to vibe in and have a laugh no matter what <3
Q: Why did you choose to be a Vtuber over cam or no cam?
A: Looks are something I am not the best in the confidence area with, so I decided to not become a cam streamer. Although in the past and on rare occasions I do cosplay streams, cosplay isn’t me on my own. I also tried being a constant cosplay streamer and I burned out so fast!... I could have gone no cam, I used to do that before cosplay and had a small picture in the corner but it didn’t really work out. I wanted something to be interactive with my community visually so Vtuber was the way! 
Q: Why do you not allow back-seating?
A: I find back-seating embarrassing to me, I feel like I am not playing the game right and start to feel self-conscious which brings my mood down a lot. If I do tell you to not tell me things about the game, I know you might be doing it out of a good heart but I will ask if I need help and it will be greatly appreciated!
Q: Do you make your emotes, panels & layouts? If so, what do you use?
A: Yes I make nearly everything myself! I draw all my emotes (unless credited otherwise such as the tail wag emote) and my PFP!
For emotes and art I use Clip Studio Paint which is the main software I use for drawing. I tend to draw traditionally first then draw them up digitally
My new overlays and backgrounds on stream are by creators on Etsy which I have fully credited in my Twitch bio!
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Q: What software do you use to stream?
A: OBS! I have previously used twitch studios when I used to stream on my gaming laptop and also have used streamlabs obs but OBS has been the best so far!
Q: When is your stream anniversary?
A: September 7th but May 12th is my affiliate anniversary!
Q: What do you use to draw on art streams?
A: I use my Waccom One tablet with screen to draw with and clip studio paint to draw! If I am doing animation, it is with photoshop or toon boom harmony!
Want to catch one of my streams? Here are the links to my twitch & other socials for updates on when I am live!
Twitch: CypherGhost_
Twitter: @ CypherGhost_
Instagram: @ cypherghost_
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vykko · 1 year
Animation using industry software is never glitchy ever + funny poses by accident
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Blue’s hand disappeared, how sad now you can see her fingers joints/rotation thingys
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blue now has 2 hands again because sometimes the reference editor glitched and made double of something or everything. And at least 1 per 4hrs of animation the controls doubled (easy fix)
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Fun tip don’t try and see if your tree is scaled well by using your model that is not parented and has no controls, by selecting all the parts and moving it
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At the very start of me animating, I couldn’t fix this one I had to make another reference in the editor because it would not fix it self when I closed and opened.
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Did you finish all the controls for pink, well that’s too bad buddy file it’s now only showing up in the reference editor, and after crying once as it was the day of your second assignment needing your model to have controls. You get the teacher to help you and it took like 10 minutes to be able to get the model file being referenced to be apart of a new file threw seer will and I forgot the how he did it but it was hard. T-T
other glitches that happened that I don’t have photos of include that I remember + other annoying things
The camera: you’d think that 360is the max number for the camera to rotate in the info bit thingy, NOPE!!. After I could set Poe’s my way out of it I went and tried to find the issue, quick context setting keys is how 3D animation is done so it goes from pose A to pose B, SOME HOW THE POSE A WAS AT 2647 Y ROTATION, HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HAPPEN AND WHY WAS IT ONLY AT THE NEAR THE END OF WGAT I NEEDED TO DO 😭
the basket glitching
Not a glitch but, you can’t see it but blue has a single green face in her torso (green happens when it’s basically say “there are no colours or textures here, even tho I had just coloured her because fuck me I guess)
They can’t bend with out clipping through them selves because I didn’t model my robots well enough for them to have bending privileges
You can’t see in my animation as I edited it out but the camera freaks out between shots
also not seeable due to editing, pinks arm freaks out for a 2 frames because again fuck me
funny poses
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right: me setting all the controls to 0 and moving blue into position to be animated, but it looks like that one meme
left:setting keys between 2 keys (basically the model will move point a to point b in the (only in the computer’s mind, it’s why my camera freaks out between secnes) most straightforward way and and I have to do the middle part as no other moves going forward but it accidentally collided with pink
I stopped unfortunately taking pics whenever funny stuff happened because i was stressed and had a deadline but I’m doing another cert in February
so except more
if people like this I can talk about annoying things that happened during animating that took either a little or a lot of time to fix etc where one I almost missed and it would of just been in the video
Also the animation if you would like to watch it, I’d really appreciate if you do so :D
also please ignore the name in the video it’s not important as I just realised ITS IN THERE IM NOT PANICING AT ALL BECAUSE I SHOWED IT TO PEOPLE BEFORE OHHHHH GOD OH FUCK
also I have done google searches Theres a lot of people with my deadname and last name so I’m in the clear, it’s fine I just need to not accidentally show my face till I’m 18 then I don’t need to care much anymore it’s ok
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emborgfraser84 · 1 year
crash bandicoot games
So imagine on a DIY iPod wedding. It is a great method to save money and have complete control of your event. Now you get to acquire total treating the music and add your personal touch onto your big day with a music player or your maybe your computer" Maybe you might desire to use the worlds largest iPod docking station which I'll discuss later. Imagine no more Cheesy DJ or Bad music decisions. If you want to stream videos from YouTube, this powerhouse of a handset along with high-speed internet capabilities that go far after dark norm. On a 3G network or Wi-Fi, it can download at 21 mb per second. Compared to other flagships just as the HTC Sensation's 14.4 mbps, you can watch that Samsung's flagship will make you enjoy more from lightning-fast internet. bandicut Crack Full Version translates that streaming videos will be smooth and seamless. You can also stream HD videos without any problems in. If your online business product based, consider creating a video demonstrating how your product or service are in use. Think of it as an infomercial of choices. When people see how a set up is used, usually are much quite likely going to purchase this task. It also gives you a great forum talk about the great things about your product. The following exercise truly identify the skills you currently use (or maybe not use) physical exercise set happens to see if they're transferable to another industry. One of my frustrations with the satellite service I used to be using over ten years was the same one many complain . I would sit down to relax in front of television after a long day of work, cash back guarantee over 150 channels available would find nothing I need to watch! With the introduction of the DVR this improved but only by a little. To me, watching pre-recorded programming was still not relaxing because I still to be able to "fast forward" through generally. It always struck me as wrong that i would be repaying over $100.00 per month for television service but need being subjected to commercials. I wanted an automatic way around this issue. Modern editing software including Photoshop and Final Cut Pro, and the ability to mix audio and video bandicut and also images and documents - not to note text elements and music - radically, and a truly compelling tribute video presentation for your event is well accessible. And here are many ideas for only a tribute video to die for. When it boils down to videos, this handset is all you will ever need. Aside from video streaming from YouTube, the phone's 8 megapixel camera will let you record videos in 1080p-quality. With the smartphone's 2.3 inch SUPER AMOLED Plus display, you will automatically enjoy your HD video recordings anywhere you may be. The Samsung Galaxy S2 will also allow anyone to share your videos on a larger tv. Through DNLA, you can wirelessly stream your HD video recordings on compatible Hd tvs. This does not end with compatible tv sets. bandicut Activation Code can also stream your media for one's laptop. It is also possible to stream your tracks to compatible audio systems. Remember ask your self what definitely plan on doing with a computer precisely how much you want to spend. Take it from me finding out that you wish to render HD video using a 300 dollar laptop from 5 in the past just won't cut it. Be patient and smart before indulging yourself in the virtual regarding computing.
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taylormcnally89 · 1 year
autodesk wi folder
I thought I would submit this to BlackBerry success adventure. While I was away travelling previously Black Sea last month I received an unexpected email from Spark Awards that I'm now a finalist to acquire a custom joint of furniture- the "Beach End Table," I had designed for every client. autodesk Registration Key in the email is August 24th and I my interior design table end up being in San francisco by Sept 5th! Applied in Bulgaria when I received the e-mail! I immediately texted my assistant in San diego and said we needed the size of the table and the so stick to if it will be sent Ups, Fed Ex another means. Well, I've to will with your business. You can not create all the 3D animations/modeling in Avatar by your lifestyle! It took a large professional group several years to complete those amazing landscape/characters you saw involving movie. autodesk has said that their future is with Revit. Vision they created a new edition. It always has some awesome new features. It is the most exciting day of the year for my website. The moment I can get my hands on it, I upgrade. In addition like the subscription system, it works well for Revit. You cannot find any reason for you to stay when you strike it and ride the sweet wave newest technology. The way to fix result is to first reinstall any programs causing one on your pc. Your computer will likely be showing your errors mainly will a few sort of issue this software that come with your Notebook computer. To ensure the software you have is working fine, you should re-install everything to help it to run as smoothly as possible. After doing that, you also need to correct any "PATH" statements on your pc. These are what Windows uses to help your computer load the files it requires to run, and is often corrupted or chipped. Although photo-realistic rendering is awesome, to the next stage is simulator. If your interior rendering looks bad, you can adjust the rendering lighting in an artistic way for it to beautiful. In case you're using Revit's photometric lights and you rendering looks bad, don't fix the rendering, fix the lighting design and glad you caught it before they built it. Our drawings had typical problems as a result of usual pressures of a lively architectural work environment; missing information, conflicts, coordination issues, CAD anomalies, etc. An indie programmer does not need a regarding tools. A high IDE will suffice the programmers requirements. For instance, I use Blitz3D but to be honest default IDE su**s. So I've downloaded IDEal named free IDE which great. So, it is easy to view that Marin County isn't a cheap place for everyone. Yet, once you consider what the communities in the area have to offer, might be equally clear to see that incomes are high, the quality lifestyle is good, and the environment pleasant and cozy to living now in.
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sushimmorg · 2 years
Best voice recognition software for writing a book
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Best voice recognition software for writing a book how to#
Best voice recognition software for writing a book plus#
You can send them to a transcription service like or you can upload them into Dragon Transcription or another program. Use a recording device to record your words now and later have them transcribed. (2) Dictate now, transcribe later Dictating while I walk open email program, send messages and more. You may also be using voice commands to do other tasks e.g. Use a microphone to dictate straight into a text program, and adjust the words on the screen as you go. There are two main methods of dictation: (1) Voice to text in real time For the Indian character names, I am just using an easy placeholder word that I will go back and fix later.” Different methods of dictation It also gives you a pause between each speaker to consider what they might say next, so perhaps it is a blessing in disguise. There are only a few commands that you use regularly, and dialog is the worst but you get into a rhythm with that. I did think I would find the punctuation difficult, but that has also been easier than I thought. I definitely need to plan the scene more before I speak it, which will save time overall in both dictation and editing. I need to ignore this when I'm dictating. But actually, when the transcription was done and I edited it, it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. “It felt like the words were really bad and the story clunky and poor. Here are thoughts from my journal after the first session: I want to write stories faster as I have so many in my mind that I want to get into the world.” This should make me a healthier author, and also someone who writes faster.Īuthors who use dictation are writing incredibly fast. Something will shift in my mind at some point, and it will just work. I'm so used to typing and creating through my fingers that doing it with my voice feels strange.īut I learned to type with my fingers, so why can't I learn to type with my words? I just have to practice. I'm worried that I won't be able to find the words. Here's what I wrote in my journal on the first day I tried dictation before I'd actually even started.
Best voice recognition software for writing a book how to#
“I can't spare the time to learn how to dictate.”.“I don't know how to set it up technically.”.“I write fantasy books with weird names which won't work.”.“I have a difficult accent which will make it impossible.”.“I write in public so I can't dictate.”.“I don't want to say the punctuation out loud.I don't have the right kind of brain for dictation.” I know them all because I've been through this journey several times! There are a number of reasons why people resist dictation. If you dictate, you can bypass this critical voice, get the first draft done and then edit it later. They struggle to finish a book because they are constantly editing what they have written. Some writers have a problem with perfectionism and the critical voice in a first draft. There is a trade-off with ‘finished' words as you will have to at least lightly edit to correct transcription issues, but if you want to get that first draft done faster, then dictation can be the most effective way. I've made it up to around 5000 words per hour with dictation, while I only manage around 1500 words per hour typing. (2) Writing speed and staminaĭictation is faster at getting words on the page than typing, especially if you are not self-censoring. Walking along the tow path, occasionally dictating!ĭictation can help alleviate or prevent pain right now, but learning how to write with dictation can also future-proof your living as a writer in case of problems later.
Best voice recognition software for writing a book plus#
I started using dictation when I had RSI and used it to write the first drafts of Destroyer of Worlds and also Map of Shadows, plus some chapters for this book, which I dictated while walking along the canal towpath. You can dictate standing up or while walking, or lying in bed with injuries, or if pain stops you typing.
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trendstrust · 2 years
Reviews of topaz jpeg to raw ai
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The Topaz versions are trials, that's a watermark on them that looks weird.
I find it amazing how it works and works fast on my MacBook Pro Max machine. Now they kinda look like I knew what I was doing at the time. The Utility Bundle is currently on discount, and great value for money for photographers wishing to save time fixing and enhancing their images.
I was able to go back into my photo archive and fix some of my not so good shots. Topaz offer a range of photo editing tools which can be bought separately, or as part of a Utility bundle, which includes Sharpen AI, as well as DeNoise AI, Gigapixel AI and JPEG to RAW AI. I probably should have, but I ran out of steam.įor what its worth, the Topaz version of the original jpg image looks best to me, the purple added by the enhance process ruins those versions. Topaz Sharpen AI I recently purchased Topaz Sharpen AI and I love it. I did not include the image using LR noise reduction. Third is the original image treated with Topaz.įorth is the enhanced image treated with Topaz. I guess they were always there, but not so noticeable. BTW, Enhance really hosed the image with CA's. Second is a jpeg created using Adobe Enhance. Pretty convoluted.įirst is the original jpg made from the original CR3. That was the only way I saw to get 1024 X 1024 comparisons. The clarity and detail at 200 in the eye and the fur around the eye of my Chocolate Labrador Shelby is significantly enhanced. Prevent banding, remove compression artifacts, recover detail, and enhance dynamic. I also exported the DNG file created by enhance to jpg and ran topaz on that. Based on the resulting images it certainly appears that the Topaz Labs claim of expanding dynamic range, bit depth and removing JPEG artifacts has been delivered. Use machine learning to convert JPEG to high-quality RAW for better editing. Prevent banding, remove compression artifacts, recover detail, and enhance dynamic range. Use machine learning to convert JPEG to high-quality RAW for better editing. Then, I exported a 1024 X 1024 jpeg and used that for topaz. Topaz JPEG to RAW AI 2.1.3t (圆4)Edit JPEG as if you shot it in RAW. I first created the cropped image as a CR3, then used it to run enhance. Since its a very large file, I am showing crops that are the same size. Is it really possible to get the benefits of a RAW image from a JP.
The 24-240 lens did not help the issue, it isn't sharp enough to get full detail, but this is a extreme case. In this video, we will take a look at Topaz JPEG to RAW AI software and see how it works. It makes use of Machine Learning algorithms to not only get rid of artifacts but also recover the lost color details from the image. Otherwise, you can also try out its free trial before going ahead with a purchase. It actually looks very good as a small image, but at 1:1, the detail is very bad. Topaz JPEG to Raw AI Review Topaz Labs offers its JPEG to AI converter application at the price of 99.99. As another extreme test, I took a R5 image that was ISO 51200.
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dodsonblack76 · 2 years
Easy Updating Of Computer Drivers
Do you too many passwords? I feel the same manner. Should you write down passwords? Upon the no side, if somebody got their hands on the password list, then all security would quickly fade. Using a yes side, you will have too many passwords to consider. I used to maintain web site accounts and passwords from a three-page Ms word document. This included my professional accounts at Constant Contact, Google, and Microsoft, as well as personal accounts at Amazon, PG&E, and Yahoo. Am I relying on memory to remember more than 141 web sites, usernames, and security passwords? I don't think so. There is one way to find their way this issue, use extended characters. A person hold across the alt key, then press one a lot more numerals an individual one your weird characters with double dots leading or an emblem. But the keylogger still shows the character, but achieve this around can to use Alt 0160. This extended character is really a space and hides the fact that you used the Alt method to create thought. So they won't be able to scan it even when they find it. Now the Win 7 password cracker, namely, Windows Login Recovery have successfully reset Win 7 password for clients. What's more, as long as acquire this tool around you, you won't need to concern yourself how to break into Win 7 password any kind of in upcoming as long as you follow the instructions. I have a crackerpro creative sound blaster live sound card, it has support for satellites personal want to buy jetway artis speakers (with 4 satellite and sub-woofer included).will the satellite create Dolby surround sound or will they just sound as four speakers placed at the vertices of this room? winrar is you options, however the bad news is they require buying software. Unfortunately avast antivirus does take sophisticated software to get rid of a password on Document. But before we get into the software options, offered to you . for some time about PDF files. There is probably rule of thumb if you follow you can't go not right. airdroid is when ever you see anything the actual too good to be true, avoid temptation, as it would be too good to be true. Occasionally, your WordPress permalinks get smudged by the cloning process, and you end up opening a page on your site template. Gets hotter happens, simply change your permalink settings to a standard setting, and next change it away to a custom configuration. If this doesn't resolve the problem, you probably messed increase edit in step 5 above, so you will should try to work out what understand wrong, and then suddenly repeat steps 5 to 7.
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Based on the responses to my post yesterday wanting to know more, here's my guide to
🧑‍💻Code in Hermitcraft (and other SMP) Fanfic🧑‍💻
Note: This is just the interpretation of one Jr Software Engineer. If other developers have a different interpretation, I'd love to hear it in the comments or reblogs!
It's super common in Hermitcraft (and I'm assuming other SMP) fanfiction for the plot to revolve around errors in the game itself and how they affect players. The problem is, as a software engineer, this almost always immediately pulls me out of the story as the ways the game errors are described frequently don't make sense.
This is not a condemnation of writers who use game bugs as parts of their stories, as nobody expects all SMP fanfic writers to have a CS degree. Some even do it well and I adore those stories when I find them! But here are some high-level suggestions to have your glitchy plot points make a little more sense. Usually, it's just a slight change in wording that's required.
Code vs Data
"His code is glitched! He's evil now!"
"They carefully pulled at the strands of her player code, trying to find the bug that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your code is so ancient! You're from Alpha, right?"
These sorts of phrases are probably the most common ones I see that yank me right out if a story. Why? Because they're confusing data and code!
So, what is the difference?
Think of code in this scenario like the laws of physics. It's the rules that guide what can and can't happen in the world. It's what says "if you walk, you move forwards", "if you eat, you'll be less hungry", "if you use a shovel on a dirt block, it will end up in your inventory".
Data is the actual "stuff" in the world that the code changes via its rules. Data is the specific blocks in that building, that item hovering above the ground, the mobs staring at you from under the trees, the player character, the player's health, the player's inventory, the player's skin, and, in the fanfic context, the player's personality and memories.
In other words, if it's an action that can happen, it's probably code. If it's a specific thing, it and everything that makes that particular thing unique is data.
Of course, there can be bugs or glitches in the code which means that data does something it shouldn't, such as "if you put some TNT, some dead coral, and a minecart in this very specific configuration, you can duplicate the TNT." In this case, the act of duplication (ie the rules that let duplication occur) is a glitch in the code (the rules allow something they shouldn't), but the duplicated TNT itself isn't code; it's data. Data that shouldn't exist but does anyway because of that glitch in the code.
So, how could you rework the sample phrases above to make more sense?
"He got too close to a glitch, and his personality data got corrupted. He's evil now!"
"They carefully prodded at her player data, trying to find the broken property that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your data structures are so ancient! You're from Alpha, right? I can't believe you've survived so many updates without compatibility issues!"
Code vs Logs
"Xisuma looked through the code to find the source of the glitch."
This one's a little less clear cut, as there are circumstances where players could look at a version of the code. Some of the Minecraft code is Open Source (ie free to look at), and the rest can be decompiled from the Minecraft .jar (ie turned from machine-readable ones-and-zeroes back into words and stuff, although much less human-readable than what the original code would have been). The super-technical players such as the SciCrafters and I think Doc too will look at the code, which is how they make their super efficient farms and find and exploit glitches to, say, put 8 spawners in one chunk.
But generally, the code is not the first place you go when encountering a glitch. I mean, if it were that obvious from the code alone, it probably would have been caught before being shipped!
When something goes wrong, the first place to look is the logs. The logs of what the players have been doing, the logs of previous commands that have been run, the update changelogs for the game, the version history of the (admin-editable) config files, any warnings or error logs from the server itself. For example, if you have a malicious user such as, say, a Helsmit in your story, the logs would show when they entered the world and where, unless they also did something hacky to cover their tracks.
Personally, I also wouldn't say you'd have to stick to exactly what a server would realistically log if it makes your story more interesting. It's easy enough to hand wave that an admin has a mod in place that surfaces more information if it'd make the story better!
In a multi-server setting, this is also the point where the admin of your world could also reach out to the admins of other worlds and discuss if they've seen the issue before and how they solved it. The in-universe equivalent of looking it up on Stack Overflow or Reddit if you will!
Once the admin has looked at the logs and maybe chatted to others, if they still can't fix the issue via commands or config file changes, then it might make sense for them to try looking into the code if they can. Note that not all server admins are necessarily confident at programming as it's not a core part of their job.
But at the very least, at this point the admin should have a better idea of what part of the code could be bugged. This will make it easier to either a) make a patch for the bug or, more likely, b) understand what circumstances trigger the glitch and avoid those circumstances.
TL;DR: The code is not the first place admins will go when glitches cause issues; the logs are!
And as before, example sentence:
"Xisuma trawled through the logs, trying to find any indication of the source of the problem."
To Conclude
Code is the rules that govern what stuff can do and how stuff interacts. The stuff itself is data. When something goes wrong, that typically results in the data being in a state it shouldn't be in, wether that be because that thing's velocity is much higher than it should be after taking advantage of the ravager flight glitch, or because a player and a mob's data structures got combined on accident to leave them a player-mob hybrid.
Of course, this broken data is likely caused by a bug/glitch in the code. It could also be caused by somebody malicious who's purposefully trying to break things by messing with the memory in another way. It could also be because a cosmic ray hit a piece of RAM and flipped a single bit (this is an actual thing that happens believe it or not).
Either way, when something goes wrong, the admin's first point of exploration is the logs, not the code. The logs will give the admin a better idea of what the cause of the issue is, and talking with other admins could give them a solution without ever touching the codebase. But worst-case scenario, it is indeed possible for an admin to go spelunking through the codebase to find the cause of an issue and create a patch for it.
This just covers the most common code-related plot points that I personally see in Hermitcraft/other SMP fanfiction. If you have any further questions about writing code-related plot points, feel free to ask! And also, just to reiterate, this is all just my interpretation. Others may interpret differently, and if you do, I'd love to hear what your alternative interpretations are!
PS: I was also planning a section on hacking here, but this post is already getting long and that's complicated, and also I'm bad at hacking. But let me know if you have any questions related to that that you'd like to see in a follow-up post!
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