#my parents divorced when i was like a baby bro
picnicbitchsokka · 6 months
does one ever individual that parents separated when you were young think about how when you were younger, if you looked more like the parent that was absent, the parent that you were left with would target you more than your other siblings?? like you’d get in trouble more and the consequences would just be more intense. and then when you got older, if you’d started looking less like the absent parent and more like the present parent, the consequences would get less and less frequent or intense???
so does one ever think about how zuko probably looked more like ursa when he was younger?? causing another reason why ozai burned half of his sons face off because not only did you speak out of turn at a war meeting but you also look like my wife that i hate deeply. let’s get rid of that pls. a lot of people say zuko looks like ozai (which is true) but what if ozai himself doesn’t see that and he only sees ursa when he looks at zuko because of the hatred he has for her. (not to mention ursa is a non-bender and zuko wasn’t very skilled in his firebending when he was younger) and vice versa for azula. ozai sees himself when he looks at azula. that’s another reason why azula (looking like ozai) is favored more than zuko (looking like ursa) in ozais eyes.
but plot twist! in reality zuko actually looks like ozai and azula looks like ursa. but again, ozai doesn’t see that nor wanna believe that zuko looks like him or resembles him in any way because he is not the strongest compared to azula. and for azula, because she is a prodigy and very very skilled, ozai wants to ignore the fact she looks like his ex, soo he gaslights himself to believe azula looks like him and zuko looks like ursa.
and in the end….zuko never stopped looking like ursa even with the scar in ozais perspective. when ozai first saw zuko when he returned back, he still saw ursa.
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coralinnii · 7 months
Congratulations for 2.7k followers!!! For my request, I would like if you could write some sibling scenarios for the octatrio with a younger sibling who absolutely adores and looks up to them. They manage to visit NRC for some kind of event and the younger sibling just follows them around like a little puppy. Copying some of their mannerisms since they want to be just like their cool older brother. I just want to see some silly and fluffy platonic family moments with them, please. 〔´∇`〕
❋ Big Brother! ❋
↳ Younger sibling!reader visiting him (+ extra Leech brothers birthday special)
feat: Azul ⭑ Floyd ⭑ Jade
genre: platonic fluff, humour
note: no pronouns used with the reader, younger sibling!reader but age is unspecified, established filial relationships, reader is heavily implied to be merfolk, nicknames are used (little octopus, little one, little eel, kiddo)
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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Since Azul’s mother divorced fairly early in Azul’s life, I would imagine that you would be Azul’s half-sibling born from his mother and stepfather. That doesn’t mean that Azul loves you any less.
He worked hard not only for himself, but for his younger sibling. Azul wanted to be someone who you can look up to. Someone strong, smart, successful, and most of all, admirable.
And he did a great job, because you can’t imagine anyone more amazing than your big brother Zuzu.
You managed to convince your parents to let you join their visit to NRC during their VDC festival. Even if Azul wasn’t involved with the competition itself, you always wanted to visit your big brother’s restaurant.
Imagine the merman’s surprise when he felt a pair of small hands pull on the edges of his coat. Your bright smile was brimming with joy seeing your brother get frazzled over your visit.
As much Azul wanted to entertain you, this time of year was an opportune time for business. He offered to let you stay in his big comfy office until he could find time for you.
However you refused, choosing to follow him around. Something you learned from Azul was unrelenting stubbornness, after all. You were content with grabbing hold of Azul's large coat as he walked suspiciously slower than usual. Another thing you learned from your dear brother? An itching desire for a good deal.
Your lovable charm was a hit with the customers who watched as you waddled after Azul, not quite used to feet yet. Nearby customers held in squeals as you wrapped yourself in your brother’s coat, watching Azul and mimicking the smiles and hand gestures that your brother was fond of, even pushing up the glasses you begged your parents to buy you, regardless if you needed them or not.
Enchanted, some of the customers requested a commemorative picture with you, which is where you took Azul’s skills for your practice.
“Hmm…if you buy Zuzu’s yummy drink, then I’ll take a picture. With a contract!”
With a poorly-made contract with messy ink splotches, you wore the biggest smile you could muster as you sent a thumbs-up to your brother, who couldn’t figure out if he should be absolutely flabbergasted or immensely proud.
“Naturally, I knew how adorable my baby octopus is. What kind of blind fool do you take me for?”
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Floyd is the kind of brother where he loves you and protective of you but he’s still his mischievous self. Rather than being careful or responsible, Floyd is always happy to bring you to every shenanigan and adventure if you ask him nice enough. This made for some unforgettable memories (for better or for worse)
You learn so much from the spontaneous eel. For example, you learned that sharks can swim really fast when angry, but your big bro Floyd is faster, even when carrying you in his arms.
As teasing as he can be, you admired how strong and cool Floyd was, and was excited to hear stories about his life on land with Jade, especially about the stories of his new friends. You even have a notebook with pictures of specific sea creatures to keep track of the friends he made, because if your brother doesn’t bother with names, why should you? (terrible influence, he is)
Imagine your excitement when you had the chance to visit Floyd during one of his basketball games. You practiced all week walking with feet just so you could run like Floyd does across the court.
Unfortunately, the tall merman was in his less-cheerful moods during this particular game. Boredom quickly struck him mid-way into the game which caused confusion for the opposing team and great distress amongst the NRC Basketball players. Jamil was quick to call for a timeout as soon as he could as the team whispered and panicked over this predicament.
But the timeout gave you a perfect chance get your brother’s attention, waving your hands as you called out to the tall merman as Jade stood by you with a genuine smile. Your other brother was quite aware of the bond his two siblings have so he took the liberty of escorting you as you were sure to get lost on Sage’s Island.
“Floyd! Over here!” You yelled out in joy, wearing a jersey similar to your brother to show off your clear bias. But that wasn’t the only similarity you shared with the teal-haired menace.
Shimmering under the gymnasium’s lights, your earring clipped onto your right ear caught Floyd’s eyes immediately.
The day Floyd and Jade made their earrings from the scales of the sturgeon they fought, you cried when there wasn’t enough to make one for you to wear as well. You pouted and glared every time Floyd flaunted his accessory to you, but when you stopped reacting, he assumed that you'd gotten over it.
But holding onto your ear, the sturgeon scales of your earring was as dazzling as your proud grin.
“Look, Floyd! We all match!” Your smile rejuvenated Floyd’s mood, making the once-moody eel grin back. When did you get that? And how did you get it? Floyd’s mind was flooded with curious questions so he soon turned to his teammates with a sadistic smile.
“I’m gonna crush the competition today. I wanna wrap this up quick, so let’s get serious~”
And Floyd started to have fun again, at the expense of the poor visiting team. How unfortunate for them, but Floyd needed to finish the game so he could hang out with his precious family after all.
“Little eel, come with me. Your big bro is gonna show you something fun!”
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As seen with his approach with Floyd, Jade is type to spoil his siblings. No matter how tall you get or how old you are, you are Jade’s precious little one, and Jade loves nothing more than to watch his cherished family have fun, regardless if nobody else is having fun in the process.
Jade is the cool older brother, someone who is calm and dependable. You always admired the way he could charm the masses with his suave words and gestures. In the sea or on land, no one is better than your brother (tied with Floyd)
No matter what anyone says, Jade is the kindest eel in the entire world. To the dismay of others, you started picking up little habits and hobbies of your idol. Your classmates were baffled by the odd terrarium filled with odd marine fungi and rocks you stole from the shores of the beach.
When the NRC’s annual Halloween event opened to the public, you were all too excited to see your brothers, especially Jade, to show off your small terrarium bowl. Once you and your family made it to the last day of the Halloween festival, you rushed to the room that your brothers were managing to greet them.
Unfortunately, you were unaware of the concerning issue of Magicam monsters the students were facing.
These rambunctious visitors, who cared little for anything, accidentally knocked you to the ground with your terrarium along with it. The glass bowl was broken into pieces, your hardwork spilling onto the once clean floor. The Magicam monsters offered nothing more than an insincere apology before immediately walking away, adding it wasn’t their fault they didn’t notice you.
Jade was passing by as he immediately recognized you at first glance. He was quick to scoop you up into his arms, a rare look of distress on his face as he tried to dry your teary face. “Little one, what’s the matter?”
You sniffled as you tried to explain what transpired, how you excitedly rushed to find him to show him your terrarium you worked hard on, which was currently a mess on the alchemy room floor.
Oh my, the merman thought. This won’t do. As an older brother, Jade felt a responsibility to teach you a very important lesson. One’s deeds does not go unrepaid in turn
Floyd and Azul had to shush you as you, a true Leech, giggled watching the looks of fear painted on the poor unfortunate souls as they ran for their lives out from the alchemy room, away from Jade’s especially frightening surprise appearance.
All for the fun of Halloween, of course. Not because they dared to do wrong to Jade’s dear little eel.
“You would like to play with me today? Of course, I cannot think of a better way to spend the day.”
BONUS Floyd and Jade’s Birthday Special
“Happy birthday, big brothers!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, throwing handfuls of confetti as high as you could to cover the pillars you call your siblings. The twins chuckled over your silliness, respectively giving their thanks.
“Thanks, kiddo!”
“Thank you, little one”
Smiling, you brought out another surprise. In your hidden hands, you held two small boxes, wrapped in ribbons matching the colors of your brothers’ dorm.
“Open them, quick!” Handing it over, your brothers obeyed your wishes. Afterall, you were the few in the world that the eels would willingly listen to.
Cradled carefully in cushioned cloth, a small keychain sat comfortably in the box. One for each brother, there was a glass sculpture of a moray eel attached to the keychain, one with a basketball by its side and the other with a cute mushroom.
Floyd and Jade stood in silence as they admired the gift, clearly made with them in mind. For the final surprise, you took out your phone where a matching keychain dangled from its case. However, your moray eel sculpture was decorated with two hearts, representing your brothers, next to it.
“I made it near the lava flows on the sea floors” you smiled brightly, hoping your brothers liked them. It was hard enough to try glass blowing but you had to find glass materials that work well underwater. But it was worth it. “I wanted to give you something to remind you of home. Where I’ll always be waiting for you two”
Needless to say, Floyd and Jade were satisfied with your gift. Even after you went home, Floyd was bragging about how adorable you were as he showed it off to everybody while Jade was suddenly pulling out his phone more than usual throughout the day, just to see your present every single time.
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foxglovepng · 22 days
Random Head cannons 2 🌼🥀
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Characters: Savanaclaw + Octavinelle
CW: Mentions of first years, Leona accidentally commits arson, Ruggie is a klepto, platonic bromances with first years, little bit of violence in ruggie's, mentions of ED and body hcs in Azuls, mentions of slight nudity in Floyd's.
A/N: These two dorms are relatively small so I combined both into one post. Scarabia and Pomefiore will be condensed into one post as well.
Likes and reblogs are deeply appreciated <3 hope you enjoy!
MY MAN <3 me and Leona are married Crewel officiated our marriage. (I literally don't know what headcannons to give this man HELP)
I like to think because he is a prince all the staff did everything for him so him changing to NRC and not having any retainers I can imagine he tried cooking once and almost set the dorm on fire.
He had to adjust to doing normal things himself since they were always done for him so I can imagine he STRUGGLED when Ruggie wasn't there (Unless he paid someone to do laundry for him before Ruggie than idk)
Off topic but I saw this one post and it was like "It's okay to commit murder but never okay to hit your wife." yeah that's Leona.
He'd hype his wife up in a fight and when asked he'd be like "I was taking a nap"
(How do you fall asleep in 3 seconds sir teach me your ways it takes me hours to fall asleep)
He can also get high on catnip btw
My favorite klepto freeloader
I can imagine first year Ruggie stealing from a particularly rich person and he goofed up badly Leona stepped in and beat them up and was like Bruh how do you fuck that up I am not helping you the next time you fail.
So *sips tea* even Ruggie has said himself his jaw is strong enough to where he can bite through bone and he can eat the bones too. Ruggie is a little terrifying because is Jaw is insanely strong (Stronger than jack and Leona's combined) so Ruggie could bite someone out of defense to break their arm and his jaw would survive. I think he figured this out once because he had to defend himself either because he got into a fight or someone attacked him and he bite them breaking their bone nearly ripping their arm off.
Between Floyd and Ruggie I'd rather not get bit by either :skull:
I can imagine first years as a bonding activity go to the gym together from an admiration point Jacks body build is really nice he's a buff guy and he's proud of it so I can imagine he gives tips to the others especially Epel and Deuce.
I also can imagine Ace trying to do a push up or a rep competition (He's not winning). Jack and Sebek end up winning.
Weird head cannon but I can imagine locker room talk between the first years is them admiring Jacks body build in a platonic bro way if anyone else does it Ace is running his mouth on them :skull: "Damn jack you seem to be getter buffer every day" Jack shows no emotion on his face but he's secretly happy to be receiving the compliments
I like to think he still has a bit of a tummy. It is implied that he has have an ED due to being bullied and an ED is something really sad to think about as much as I don't want to admit it I believe he may have one :(
His parents are divorced and I think he considers his step dad his "real dad". Now I don't know if he gets visitation, but basically in his mind he already replaced his deadbeat dad (I named him Liam because of a tik tok)
Ursula Canonically has a younger sister named Morgana so with this logic I want to say Azul as a half-brother who is an Affair baby. (I say half because biologically if you share a same mother you are technically full, but because Liam is his bio dad and he had another son it's half) and because of Morgana's character I think Azul wants to get to know his brother however I think his brother despises him and refuses too. New oc coming up.
Moray Eels have shitty vision so Jade wears glasses at night but contacts in the day. Floyd has glasses but chooses not to wear them Jade most likely tries to convince him to wear contacts 50% of the time he doesn't.
My favorite head cannon about Pookie Jade is he grows poisonous flowers and Poisonous flowers are one of my favorite interests. He likes to grow Oleander, Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade), and Azaelea. I feel like if he had a better greenhouse he can grow poisonous shrooms as well. (NOW I'm not saying he kills people, but Mafia theory people)
Whenever Octo trio go swimming in a public place or at a beach, lake, etc. Floyd accidentally flashes people and almosst got charged with Public indecency many times so he's been banned from swimming in public.
Shrimps and Moray's have symbiotic relationship so I can imagine if he takes a liking to someone and names them his Shrimpy I bet he'd get real happy if they groomed him via brushing his hair, cleaning him up, etc. He'd give them food and would be their protecter by default in short he'd be down bad.
I wouldn't be surprised if he has ended up in Juvie before and probably has but got bailed out.
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penaltyboxboxbox · 1 month
i love ur charlos parents au sm!! im not requesting art or anything if u dont feel like drawing (tho youre a phenomenal artist!!), but i was wondering if you wanted to share any more details abt the au? i thinks its so cute haha and would love to know more. also hope ur having a great day!
I LOVE THIS AU TOO i do want to draw more i always have ideas for it.... but i will gladly ramble about my lore ive developed
1. is this an mpreg au even i do not know or care to know. yes these are their biological children who look like them and share their genes but how did we get here ill leave that to you to assume. either way both of them definitely wanted big families and even tho i draw them with 2 kids i think they want at least 4..... charles wants a daughter and carlos says the same but secretly he only wants sons. hes picturing a future football team and also doesn't understand women conceptually
2. i actually think carlos3 was an accident child and charlos get shotgun married over it. its part of the reason why theres a bit of a gap between their first and second child. they had to like reassess and settle stuff after kind of having to get their shit together and make honest men of each other.
3. they get divorced at some point during all this mainly due to SAINZ SENIOR PRESSURE. probably while carlos3 is like highschool age. charles talks so much shit and then proceeds to get emotional like I SHOULDNT TALK ABOUT YOUR FATHER THIS WAY vs carlos like. bro tries to just act like they are normal regular friends now like man thats not how this works....charles always plays cool irl but is annoyed as hell underneath. very good coparents though....always at all the events together. when the kids stay at sainz family evil mansion for the summer they come back to charles so villainous and feral. he has to go supernanny on them...
4. charlos DO get back together after like 10 years of being separated lol. and yeah there were lots of messy nights out and not quite reconciliations throughout that time. very confusing family dynamic but theyre happy at the end
5. carlos3 grows up to be a guy who just kind of piggybacks onto whatever business endeavors his dads are doing. ultimate nepotism hire. hes not bad at what hes doing he just never really found that passion. his passion is like.....posting peaky blinders quotes on instagram. hes kind of a failson but hes also the perpetual baby for charlos so they just...coddled him too much his whole life djhdksndksbs.... younger son herve becomes a FASHION MODEL!!!! hes beautiful gorgeous and also a perfect nepo child so he's ripe for this career....he walks runways in paris
thats all i can think of for now thankssssss ily
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shurislover · 1 year
Baby Mama Drama
Letitia Wright x Y/N ( Black Fem Reader )
Summary :
Imagine being in a relationship with the one and only Letitia Wright… Being married for 5 years and having a child together. Sounds like a dream right ? Wrong ! Cheating , Lying , Arguing was all that could happen in this relationship, so you took it upon yourself to file for divorce and joint custody of your now 5 yr old daughter.
Warnings : Angst ? Cursing
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“ Do I have to go ?” - your daughter asked
“ Yes Aria , you know it’s what the court ordered , and plus she wants to see you today “- you sighed as you tied her shoes
Aria rarely liked going to her “ Mother’s“ house, it was never fun. Letitia would always shit talk you , talk about how the girl she’s with now is much better etc. You never understood why she did what she did when shes the reason you both spilt up.
She’s cheated on you countless times, you’d ask her about it and it would lead to arguing or sex. Don’t get me wrong the sex was phenomenal you honestly still think about it till this day, but besides that… this was something you couldn’t handle. The cheating….. the lying…., the arguing was doing nothing but destroying you
“ Why does she want to see me, she didn’t care about me before ?” Aria tilted her head
Letitia didn’t put very much effort into caring about Aria until the media was on her ass.
“ Where’s your daughter “
“ We always see Y/N with your baby “
“ Are you even in your child’s life “
“ Bro can you let the media know i’m good to my child ?” Letitia sighed on the phone
“ Why would I lie for you ? You rarely take time out your day to see her. At this point i could’ve filed for sole custody “ I snapped back
“ Why didn’t you ? Media out here thinking i’m some shit parent when i’m not. I send you money to get her whatever she wants. I speak to her on the phone. I always get my baby anything she asks for. She wants it I give it her.
“ see that’s the problem, all this I buy her this I buy her that is bullshit Letitia. You need to spend time with your child. When Aria asks for you how the fuck am i supposed to tell my child “ oh baby i’m sorry your mother is too busy at clubs and kissing other women “ You snapped back
Don’t play with me Y/N , I take care of Aria. These interviewers on my ass about you and Aria, fans are on my ass about Aria. I love Aria so I suggest you let them know I care about her
YOU can tell them. You know what is insane your cast mates and your little girlfriend Eva care more about Aria than you do. I think that’s a damn shame Letitia.
flashback over
You hear your doorbell ring and sighed as you walked toward the door
“ baby your mother is here grab your bag” - you opened the door and met with your ex lover
“ is she ready ?” Letitia questioned as she walked inside
You followed her back into your kitchen
“ she’s getting her things “
“ Why you are you acting so cold to me , you really think this is a good look with Aria here “ - Letitia questioned
“ Don’t start this shit I know you talk shit about me at your home. Aria hears and sees everything and comes home and tells me. Maybe be more cautious of what you say about me“ - You answered back
Letitia rolled her eyes
She knew you were not dealing with her crap today.
“ Be glad i’m here to get my child “ - Letitia groaned
“ Glad ?? Nah she’s your responsibility too “ Letitia “ it takes two to make a baby. I didn’t do this shit by myself. You want the media off your ass so act like a good mother. Aria is 5 years old always worrying if she’s a mistake or if she’s the reason we don’t love each other anymore, and as her Mom i have to sit and reassure her that none of this is her fault meanwhile I’m here on the verge of another mental breakdown. This shit is hard and you don’t make it easy for me. You make it so hard for me Letitia you really do. During this whole fucking break up there’s been times I asked myself if i wanted to be here anymore but I stayed strong for that little girl because she atleast deserves someone who cares about her “
You felt hot tears run down your face, you haven’t been able to express your feelings to anyone because you’ve been in hiding and pushed everyone away.
You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t even realize Letitia pulled you into a hug
“ I’m sorry “
Those were two words you’ve been waiting years to hear
“ Im sorry. I’ve been a shit wife & ex wife. I’ve been a shit mother. You nor Aria deserve this. I’ve treated you wrong and I know you didn’t deserve any of that. You’ve always shown me what love is , you’ve opened my eyes to so many new things. Aria does deserve loving parents and I’m glad she has you. Y/N you’re the most amazing mother Aria could have. I was so caught up with myself and trying to satisfy my needs I didn’t think about you or how this might affect you. I’m sorry Y/N . I’m so sorry. “- Letitia spoke as she rubbed your back and held you tightly
“ I’ve started up therapy to work on my self, I want to become a more active parent in Arias life. I want to become active in your life again only if you let me, whether we stay friends or whatever. You both deserve the world and I want to give it to you both”
“ therapy “ you whispered
Letitia smiled a little
“ Yes , therapy. I know you’ve been trying to get me to go for months and I finally started going. I’ve given up drinking. 2 weeks sober. I’m learning to control my anger. I’ve blocked nearly every person I’ve had one night stands with, cheated with. I even broke it off with Eva”
“ You broke up with Eva ? Why “ - You asked
“ I only got with her to make you upset. It’s better for us to stay good friends that’s all “ - Letitia pulled back
You sighed and stared at her
“ I want you in Arias life I really do, but you have to be there for her. Not just showering her with gifts. I mean being there for her. Mentally , Emotionally, Physically. She needs to know you truly love her and will always be there for her. If she calls you one day crying cause she’s upset you need to comfort her not just buy her something. Me ? it’s gonna take a while but i wouldn’t mind you in my life again. I think it would be good not only for us but for Aria.“ - You spoke
“ I will do anything it takes to keep you guys with me forever and always. “
Letitia kissed your forehead and smiled
“ Ready Princess ?“
“ Yes mom “ - Aria smiled
Aria ran up to you and gave you the tightest hug
“ I love you baby and be good for your mother okay? Remember i’m only a call away if anything “
“ I love you too “ - Aria whispered
You watched as they both left hand in hand
Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad letting Letitia back into your life……
this is my first story on here so please bare with me. i used to write on wattpad but stopped lol. i hope you guys liked this one and if you have any tips to become better PLEASE let me know.
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU
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Liked by yourusername, yourbestiename, selenosunni, cozane, jackharlow, and 6,387,356 others
urbanwyatt Baby mama did the damn thang 🇲🇽 so proud of you wifey💖
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yourusername Thank you baby 🥺 thank you for being here tonight!
urbanwyatt Wouldn’t be anywhere else 🤞🏼
cozane baddie 🫡
selenosunni 🔥
user Not them saying wifey and baby! Did we miss something???
user Divorce but still loving each other 🥺
user This is part of their pr stunt.
urbanwyatt What PR stunt? Broo lmao 💀 that’s my girl, divorced or not!!
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Liked by yourusername, yourbestiename, jackharlow, cozane, claybornharlow, and 7,345,876 others
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yourusername LMAOO
yourbestiename Y’all are horn dogs brooo
jackharlow Can you blame us??? Like holy fuck
yourusername It wasn’t even anything HUGE to get horny about. Just two pretty best friends sharing a 💋
claybornharlow 👀
neelamthadhani lmao my favorite part 💋
user Urban and Jack fighting for their lives
user Jack you’re gonna let y/n take your wife?
yourusername I SAW HER FIRST, SO SHE’S MINE!!!!!!!!
jackharlow 🙄
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Liked by urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, chatoomp, pesopluma, jesusortizpazfr, and 6,776,345 others
yourusername 🇲🇽 LOCKED IN 🔐 thank you to my bros for joining me tonight!!!!
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yourbestiename Doble P & Chato 🫡 I’m mad at JOP!!!!!
jesusortizpazfr Sorry 😣
urbanwyatt Next time don’t get too drunk and actually show up to rehearsal. Don’t be coming out here making my girl look bad!!!!
user 😳 😬
cozane 🤣🤣🤣🤣
user You should’ve knocked his ass out when he asked her where his mother in law at!!!!
urbanwyatt 🙄
urbanwyatt We might be divorced but I’m still 🌰 in her 💦 so I win, not that it’s a game but I win 🤷🏼‍♂️
yourusername 🙈
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Liked by urbanwyatt, jackharlow, yourbestiename, druski, neelamthadhani, and 7,766,345 others
yourusername My girl for life 🥵🤞🏼🤭
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yourbestiename TE AMO 💕
druski AY YOOOO I KNEW IT ✂️
yourusername LMAAAOOO
jackharlow NOOO SHE MINE
jackharlow 🙄 only sharing her with you!!!
yourusername Boy I wasn’t even waiting for approval.
urbanwyatt 🥵 🥵 🥵 I’ll let this slide
yourusername Of course you would 😇
claybornharlow Ummm 👀 can I watch?
jackharlow GO AWAY
Liked by ynupdates, and 7,355,986 others
keepingupwithynwyatt Not JOP being too lit and forgetting the lyrics. Good thing Y/N called his ass out for it. Also not him calling her mom suegra and saying he was gonna get a kiss from YN 🙄 URBAN BETTER CHECK HIS ASS!!
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yourusername Yoo why y’all trying to get baby daddy heated?
user Lmao
user so did he get the kiss?
user jop is a mood lol love him
user Peso Pluma was my favorite
urbanwyatt You know damn well I checked his ass after this.
jackharlow I can confirm
cozane Yuppp
yourcousinname Good thing y’all held Urban back I for sure thought he was gonna deck dude.
jesusortizpazfr It was a joke bro 😎
urbanwyatt Go joke with someone else’s girl, not mine.
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, yourbestiename, selenosunni, yourusername and 7,876,986 others
cozane MY PARENTS 🥺
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yourbestiename WDYM?!!??? THEY’RE MY PARENTS!!!!!
selenosunni Yesssss 🔥
cozane Wait actually? Because baby daddy said it was fine!
urbanwyatt It is.
jackharlow 🙌🏼 love to see it
user OH MY GOD
urbanwyatt 😏😏
druski I KNEW IT
druski YALL FUCKING STILL!!!!!!!!
jackharlow This doesn’t prove that.
druski Boyyyyy this is literally a picture of them kissing. What more proof do you need?
jackharlow For it to come out of their mouths
urbanwyatt We fucking and have been for months. K bye now!!!!
yourusername URBAN!!!!!!
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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poppybros-jr · 23 days
Dazor:Hey, Cosmo. I was wondering how you feel about your siblings? Uh- Good luck in the tournament.
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…I mean, sure. I’m more than happy to talk about my siblings. I’m not sure why I started talking like that, to be honest. I’m very sorry, it won’t happen again. Just… get comfy, ‘cause I’m the fourth of five siblings so this might take a while!
WARNING! This ask is a very long one, and it also delves into more serious territory than usual, so it goes under a cut. Content warning for mentions of divorce, parental emotional abuse/estrangement and childhood trauma resulting from the disappearance of a sibling.
Also tagging this as propaganda because we’re getting into backstory. @kirbyoctournament
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Firstly, Stella! My twin sister! She hatched half an hour before I did, and we joke that it’s so she could be there to help me out of my shell. Because that’s what she still does even to this day!
We used to perform together under Stella’s name, using our identical looks to pull off a ‘teleportation’ trick. We were only kids at the time, so that was the only trick we did in the whole show. It got boring pretty quick, and I didn’t like that I didn’t get to have my name on the posters, but I was scared to say anything. Stella wasn’t, though! A couple of years ago she said she wanted us to be a proper double act, and that if I didn’t get recognition for my skills she simply wouldn’t perform. It worked! I actually figured out I was a boy not long after that, so I’m really glad we don’t have to be perfectly identical anymore. She’s trying to encourage me to perform solo, too, but I don’t have the same charisma she does, so I don’t know if I can do it as well as she does.
I’m really glad she’s my big sister. She’s the most supportive, kindest sister ever. And the most fun! She can be a little annoying sometimes with how excitable and silly she is, and sometimes her energy wears me out, but I’d never want her to change. She’s the best. Like a ray of sunshine!
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Celeste is the baby of the family. She’s very shy.
She was only little when Marx ran away, and our parents apparently decided to use her as a… do-over, I guess? Our mum especially wanted her to be everything Marx wasn’t and put a lot of pressure on her to fit her expectations. But Celeste really didn’t like performing, so she got more and more quiet… We’re staying with our aunts at the moment because of our parents divorcing, though, and she’s starting to feel much better. She’s trying out different things to find something she likes. She seems very interested in the production side of the circus, like music and lighting. I think that no matter what she does when she grows up, she’ll do amazing. She’s really smart! Much smarter than I was at her age!
She hardly ever talks, but she’s an absolute sweetheart, and if anyone tries to hurt her I will DESTROY THEIR LIFE. :)
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Since we live with our aunts now, our cousins the Poppy Bros are like our honorary siblings!
Poppy Bros Sr (Pop for short) and Poppy Bros Jr (Poppy for short) are the owners of the circus! Well, Pop is. Poppy will co-own it when they’re an adult. Poppy is also part of the Star Allies and helped out with that whole mess with the weird shadowy heart things a few years back! I want to join someday too so I can help protect Popstar!
Pop is a great boss. When I was a little kid I thought he was intimidating, but he’s really just a big softy! He’s always asking me how I’m doing and listens to all my ideas. He’s very understanding if I’m not feeling well enough to perform or get stage fright, and he never pressures me. I don’t know him that well, though, since he’s a lot older than me.
As for Poppy? I like them! After Marx ran away, they stepped in to be our older sibling since he couldn’t do it anymore. They still look out for us even now! They stand up for us whenever we need backup and they always have time to hang out with us. They were best friends with Marx before he left, so it must have been very hard on them at the time, but they always put on a brave face. I respect them a lot! They’re still a massive nerd who’s obsessed with bombs, though. They specialise in confetti firework bombs that look really pretty! If I count Pop and Poppy as my siblings too, that makes me sixth out of seven instead of fourth out of five.
Did I remember everyone? I feel like I’m forgetting someone… Oh, right! This jerk.
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I’m gonna put this out here right now, okay? I do NOT condone the crimes Marx committed. He did some really bad things! That is not okay. That said, I’m talking specifically about my own relationship with my big brother, okay? Okay. Here we go.
I think Marx is a great brother. He’s not much older than me and Stella, so we were very close growing up and we still are even now. Some people are surprised to hear that I’m close to Marx, ‘cause most of the time we spend together, we’re either insulting each other or daring each other to do gross or dangerous things. I think those people have never had brothers.
It hurt a lot when he ran away. Stella and I both knew he wasn’t happy. He got into fights with our parents a lot and was always causing trouble. But we tried very hard to help him feel better. We played with him all the time. After he left, we thought it was our fault for not trying hard enough, but after he came back to Popstar he told us it wasn’t. I still feel bad about it sometimes, though. He doesn’t live with us anymore because he doesn’t want to be around our parents, but our aunts take us to visit him as much as possible.
Sometimes I still have bad dreams that he ran away again and died, or turned into a monster, or other bad stuff. It’s scary. I usually call him when that happens so I can talk to him. He doesn’t care if I call him in the middle of the night. He doesn’t sleep much anyway. And then the next time I visit he gets me donuts. The kind with the blueberry jam filling that I like.
He’s definitely not perfect. Not even close. Sometimes his insults get too mean. Or he’ll play a prank on me that upsets me. But he always says sorry and tries to make it up to me once he realises he hurt me. That’s more than what some people will do. I’m scared of a lot of people, but I’m never scared of him.
I do think he’s a stinky loser with a face like a Scarfy that got stuck halfway, though. :)
… Okay, that was definitely everyone! All of us are accounted for! Thanks for the question, Dazor, and I’m sorry I kept you so long. Here, take an ice lolly with you! You get first choice!
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ale-cart · 4 months
Here's more of my gleestuck au but the ✨stri-londe's✨
They all live in the same town but different parts (I haven't decided on where I want this to take place). Their parents (bro and mom) are divorced and boy do they make a show of it.
Dave and rose are twins, having only lived together for a few months before their parents split. Dirk is the oldest although hes only a year older, Roxy is the youngest being only around 6 years old in this.
Dave and dirk live with bro, while rose and Roxy live with mom. They're not entirely sure how they got split like that, except for Roxy seeing as she has a different dad than rose and Dave. Luckily because they live in the same town, visits are always welcomed. It also helps that the older three go to the same school.
Now for the school stuff.
• he's pretty alright with his grades, averaging C's and B's
• his Adderall is a big help (poor boy CANNOT focus without it)
• he thought glee club was dumb at first (he still says it is but for irony purposes.)
• his "tryout" for glee was 'rap god'
• he's a little tone deaf here but it's fine because his skills with drums make up for it
• he only joins glee after a heated argument with karkat
• very above average grades, usually all A's (her attitude gets her in trouble)
• she's always watching out for Dave even when he tells her to fuck off
• her parental instincts just happen to go off near her twin
• she joins glee after seeing karkat and kanaya make a show of it in the cafeteria
• she *really* enjoys the hot emo lesbian in the club
• she surprises herself when she finds she actually enjoys singing
•her favorite part is the harmonizing which she then gets put as a vocal lead.
• he tends to skip classes although he keeps barely passing grades
• hes usually pretty quiet unless you get him talking about his interests
• he only sticks to hanging out with his siblings and their friends
• he only joins glee because John asks him to (he's been crushing on the guy since he and Dave became friends in middle school)
• he winds up enjoying it far more than he would've thought
• him and Dave team up quite a bit for warm ups and duos (Dave playing the instrument)
•shes the baby strilonde!
• everyone loves her, she's just got such a bright personality
• Dave and dirk spoil her way too much
• she loves going to her siblings concerts and gets excited seeing Dave play the drums
• he's the football captain (no explanation needed)
• he wasn't too thrilled seeing his sons joining glee, especially seeing as the guy he has the biggest beef with teaches that class (its Jake English)
• he tries pursuing the two to leave but other than that leaves it alone.
• he's a good dad here, just stubborn with a sarcastic personality
• Dave and dirk call him bro except for when there's a serious situation, then they call him dad.
• rose and Roxy call him dad (rose goes for father and Roxy, daddy)
• he loves his girls as much as he loves Dave and dirk and gets them on the weekends
• him and mom don't hate eachother but they do like making it a competition to one up eachother
• she works at home
• was pretty happy to find out her kids were in glee, only because she knew how much her ex husband would dislike it
•she makes sure to go to every concert, Roxy wouldn't let her forget anyways
• she loves when all of her kids are at the house
• she is definitely a little overbearing but she does it with love
•she also loves teasing her kids with anything she finds out whether it be clubs or crushes
I love this au sooooo much pleaseeeee talk to me about gleestuck.
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bluestarjay · 1 month
Ahhh to piggyback off my last post a bit, I want to talk about Hinata family dynamics and angst hcs I have!! I've seen a lot of stuff about his dad, like he's dead, or they're divorced, but I've never seen anything where he's in jail or smth (just an idea), and supposedly there's a light novel in which Hinats mentions his dad works really late, but idk if that's true, I couldn't find anything online about it. My personal hc is that his mom works from home, so she can take care of Natsu, but from really early to really late. Shoyo is the one who cooks dinner for all of them, and overall, his parents are pretty absent. Not that his mom is evil imo or anything cause we've never really even met her, but I think in a way it'd make sense why we never see her, because all she has time for is work. I think realistically itd be something kind of like Young Sheldon in which Shoyo is Missy, fighting for attention and love, and Natsu is sheldon, the baby of the family who always needs something. His mom probably begged him not to Karasuno because it's so far, and since she works sm she never goes to his games, but assumes he lost bc they're the "Wingless Crows". It's not that she doesn't try to be in their lives,, it's just that she isn't trying hard enough. When Shoyo brings her her dinner, she'll probably ask him how his day was, but since he's such a people pleaser, he'll just say "fine" and leave it at that. He doesn't want to be a burden on his hard-working mother, and even though he's /clearly/ holding something back, she doesn't push for anything more. And the reason he acts so childish at school? He's treated like an adult at home. I think the hc that he can't cook is a little silly bc, realistically, he probably can. Even though it's not technically canon, it's sooo popular that hinata is fatherless and his mom works a lot, so of course, he'd have to be able to cook. His mom might even use him as a scapegoat a lot because he's in high school now, and he has responsibilities to fulfill, even if there was nothing he could've done. Orrrr, maybe it's more of a Cinderella situation then? Regardless, ik for a FACT that he is listening to Mitski when he's having mental breakdowns bc he is, in fact, a tall child who was so young when he behaved 25 😔😔 I think his dad probably was in his life back and forth, but his parents actually divorced after Natsu. Idrk what to make of him other than that bc he's either a piece of shit or a wonderful man who's dead tbh- ohhh, yeah, his mom takes him and Natsu out for ice cream when she has the time (which is rare), and while Natsu recounts all her fun little memories of 1st or 2nd grade, Shoyo kind of stares off and when his mom asks him about school, he just says the bare minimum, bc bro does NOT like talking about himself,, which I think he canonically does tell people a lot about himself when he's ranting, but I feel like irl he'd kind of try to derail the conversation and take it off from himself,, saying like, "Well enough about me, what about you?" Because he feels like they'd just be disinterested in him because if his mom didn't care, would they? And he's pretending that he doesn't mind not being able to hang out with friends or have a social life sometimes because he has to babysit Natsu since they can't afford a babysitter. Because he can't /stand/ being a burden on someone; so he's reallyyyy bad at saying no.
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amethyst-geek · 7 months
Total Drama family headcanons (and my urban AU editions)- Screaming Gophers
Beth- Her Island Bio said that she's an only child, and that works for me. However, Totaldramarama (which is a separate continuity) gave her a baby brother, I may or may not do the same in my urban fantasy AU.
Cody- Same as Beth- only child in main continuty according to his bio, but his urban fantasy counterpart may or may not have a little brother like his Totaldramarama counterpart
Gwen- she canonically has a younger brother.
Heather- her online bio says she has a younger brother named Damien, and in medical challenge in TDA, it's revealed that she apparently has several siblings as she uses the plural form for both brother and sister when writing her will. I think that she is the youngest of her sisters and is the 2nd youngest sibling overall.
Izzy- she mentioned having a brother in "That's off the Chain."
Justin- only child. His bio mentioned that he was a test tube baby, and his bio only mentions his mom paying for said tube, so I'm gonna say Justin's mom is a choice parent who went to a sperm bank; either that or his dad was a house husband, or at least didn't make as much as his wife. Either way, I get the impression that Justin's mom is a girlboss.
Leshawna- I don't really have any headcanons regarding any siblings she might have and canon doesn't give any info on the matter either. However, since Totaldramarama decided to re-use B's character model for Leshawna's dad, I decided that B is Leshawna's paternal cousin.
Lindsay- she has canonically mentioned having sisters, one of whom is named Paula. Lindsay is probably the youngest or the middle child.
Noah- His bio said he's the youngest of 9. I hc that the eldest of his brothers is Dave's father and that age gap between Noah and this oldest bro is 23 years. Noah was born when his mom was about 46. It took her a while to realize she was pregnant for the 9th time as she initially mistook the lack of periods for menopause. As I've mentioned before in a previous post, my urban fantasy AU would Raj one of Noah's older brothers, and Ellody might also be one of Noah's sisters in this AU. And yes, Dave would still be Noah's nephew is this AU.
Owen- He canonically has 2 brothers. Even though his bio said he was the youngest, his flashback in one of the aftermaths suggest he's the oldest. In my AU Spud would one of the younger brothers in question (even though I don't think that's the case in canon).
Trent- In the canon universe, I'm just gonna assume he's an only child and that his parents may be divorced, with his mom having remarried. As for my urban fantasy AU, he will be part of a blended family with Emma, Kitty, and Devin. In this AU, Trent's parents got divorced when he was young (or they were never married in the first place), and Trent's mom got remarried to Emma and Kitty's father. Devin would be their half-brother, and he (along with Carrie) would be a decade or so younger than the Island cast.
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callmecallmecrazy · 2 years
An Old Fashioned
New stuff!  And a big thanks to @aardvarkia and @dumb-and-jocked for their feedback.  
“I hate these things,” Marcus muttered to himself as he adjusted his too-tight sport coat and surveyed the scene.  He liked the symphony, no he really loved it, but he hated these fundraisers and charity events because it brought out the very worst kind of society patron.  All slick, moneyed, wanna-be Rockefellers in expensive outfits purchased just for the occasion that were somehow both underdressed and overstyled.  In truth, he usually wouldn’t bother coming, but one of his old buddies had really pressed for him to come only to text once he was inside saying that he had to bail.  With an over dramatic sigh to himself, Marcus ambled towards the bar.
He pushed past two frat bros merrily reliving their youthful debauchery in too loud voices designed to make sure others heard.  What was the point of talking about your congressman fraternity brother or who invested in what hot start-up if others couldn’t overhear and admire and feel envious?  Maybe make connections with others who value the same things you do.  Marcus did not have time for that.  He wasn’t some socioeconomic outcast, Marcus had grown up “summering” and attended elitist schools up until middle school when his parents had divorced and his mom had decided that his father’s lifestyle was an impediment to the real world.  Dad didn’t make much effort to stay in touch, so Marcus had adopted his mother’s defiant attitude despite child support payments keeping them very comfortable.
Marcus stepped up to the bar beside two blonde women squealing and hugging and talking about families and babies and what wait lists the kids were on.  His overt eye roll was an external contrast to the squirming he felt in his stomach.  Preppy women had never been his type anyway.
He stood waiting for the bartender, leaning on one foot and then another.  A snotty, blonde man across the bar snapped just before Marcus could order and the bartender whisked off to serve the demanding man.  Marcus sighed again and continued waiting to be helped.
“Rough night?” Another bartender had appeared, wearing the same black bowtie and vest as the first. He looked a bit older than most of the staff.
“Not my scene,” he shrugged.  The bartender looked at him curiously and then smiled.
“I think I’ve got something for that,” he said slyly.
“Yeah, I’ll just have a…”
“No, I’ve got something,” he said as he grabbed a glass bottle filled with amber liquid and began assembling a complex cocktail before his eyes.  Marcus eyed the glass curiously as the bartender handed it to him
“What’s this?”
“An Old Fashioned.” Marcus smirked.
“Seems appropriate.  I’ve never had one before.  The orange rind threw me off.” “They’re very strong. Sip slowly.”  Marcus put the glass to his lips and immediately his nose was flooded with sweet orange and harsh alcohol.  It was honestly rather tempting.  He took a sip and immediately puckered.  
“Oh damn, you weren’t kidding.”
“It’s basically just whiskey.  Got a kick.  Enjoy!”  He turned away, leaving Marcus to take another sip from his robust cocktail and check his phone.  After a few seconds of scrolling, he shoved the phone back in his pocket.  He’d already paid for the ticket, might as well try to entertain himself.  He surveyed the scene, eyeing the various attendees.
The impromptu bar was set up in the atrium just outside the ballroom of the country club.  Marcus had initially been impressed with the subdued class that emanated from the place, but he’d been here enough times now to barely process it.  There were high top tables in their area, whereas seating filled most of the ballroom.  Families tended to stay there, while the singles- and those pretending to be single- mingled out here.  He laughed as a definitely married man attempted to flirt with the two gals from the bar earlier.  They seemed interested, at least in the value of his watch.  Marcus was interrupted by a man his age approaching.
“Hello chap,” his voice was smooth and perhaps a little high or maybe he was just drunk.  “Chesterfield Winslow Devers IV, call me Ches.  What’s your business?”  He cracked a pearly white smile as he offered his hand.
“Marcus Bouvier,” he offered his hand, which the man proceeded to strangle like an unruly chicken.
“Frenchman? Not a lot of us here.  Tends to be English and German stock.” “Uh, I guess so.  I think I’m English on the other side.  My family emigrated a long time ago.” “So,what’s your business?”
“Grad school?  Is that a business?” “I mean, why are you here?  My girlfriend drags me to these.  Not that I mind the booze and the company.”
“Oh, I try to stay involved with the arts community.  I know fundraising can be hard for them.”
“How very civic of you.  My fraternity does a fundraiser for St. Bart’s children’s hospital each year.” “That’s a good cause.” “It’s an excuse to drink heavily and write it off as a donation.  Was your fraternity more civically oriented?  Mine made a show of volunteerism, but we were definitely more focused on the beer.”
“I wasn’t in a fraternity.”  Ches looked shocked.
“And you still ended up among the fine company of Rolling Acres? Quite good luck.”
“Something like that,” Marcus said as he took a deep swig of his drink. The stingy burn stuck in his mouth, seemingly clawing at his tongue and throat. He ended up letting out a deep cough.
“You alright chap?” Ches inquired. 
“Strong,” Marcus coughed out.  The room spun around him for a moment, everything looked sharper but somehow confusing.  “Sorry, what were you saying?”
“I believe we were comparing your philanthropic collegiate years to mine as a drunken lout.”
“I, didn’t mean…” Marcus trailed off as Ches smacked him on the shoulder.
“I’m having a jest,” he laughed, an overly boisterous laugh that echoed through the hall.  Marcus thought people might turn to look, but no one did.
“I just mean, I liked a good party, too. Nothing wrong with throwing back a few with the dudes.”  Marcus’ memories of his intellectual pursuits at university mingled with a thought of slinging back brewskis with a pack of over privileged rich kids.  Colleges certainly were filled with them, and his had been no different.  Surely, he’d had at least a few good nights of keg stands and stumbling across campus drunk with his pals?  He could swear he remembered it.
“Very true,” Ches replied, offering his own drink for a small toast. Marcus smiled and obliged, taking the opportunity to down the remains of his cocktail. A sort of dopey smile crossed Marcus’ face as the pair said their goodbyes and returned to mingling.  Eyeing his empty glass curiously, Marcus slipped back towards the bar.
Leaning against the cold slab countertop, Marcus admitted to himself it was a pretty swanky venue.  Sure, pretentious and outdated, but it had a giant bar and a lot of space.  Definitely the kind of place you could throw all kinds of parties.  He sipped the dreg remains of his cocktail slyly remembering some of the bigger parties from his undergrad days.  A pair of frat-tastic bros in khakis and polos requested cheap beers, as though their appearance didn’t belie their youth enough.  The bartender shrugged and rolled his eyes after turning around.
“Get you another?” he asked Marcus as he cracked the cap off of two chilled bottles.  Marcus nodded in assent and the bartender quickly began assembling the cocktail while handing off the beers.
The aromatic cocktail passed into Marcus’ hands as the two frat bros from the bar sauntered by.  Up close, Marcus could admire how the banded sleeves of their polos were pressed high on their arms from the exaggerated biceps the pair sported.  Clearly, they were frequent patrons of the bicep curl.  The studs ribbed each other, not noticing Marcus, until a playful shove pushed one muscled body against Marcus.  Halfway through a sip, Marcus ended up with his drink in his throat and coughing loudly.
“Oh, damn bro,” the one who didn’t hit Marcus said.  “Sorry man, you alright?”  The guy offered a few rough pats on the back that didn’t help with the coughing.
“S’okay,” Marcus slurred out.  Up close, the pair were even more impressive.  Big-bodied and broad shouldered with belts pulled taut around youthful waistlines.
“Hey bro, I’m Bryce.  The troll that tagged you is Cash,” he jerked his hand towards the more lithe one.
“Marcus,” he offered a hand to the calloused mitt Bryce offered.  “You guys here for the fundraiser?”  
“I guess?  Got an invite from Parker Parkins, the real estate dude.  Wants to give us jobs.” “Oh, are you in real estate?” “No, I guess not yet,” Cash jumped in.  “We graduate in the fall.  Parkins is tight on our connections.  Wants to have a couple of Jags on the billboards I think.” “Jags?” “We played football for the Hillberg Jags.  D2 but big locally.”
“He’s a local legend,” Cash said with a smack on Bryce’s back.  “Figure real estate might be real easy, too.  You from around here?”
“Yes, I went to Darrish for school, though.” “Oh, big time guy, eh?  Not much of a football school.” “Pretty sure we lost every game,” Marcus said.
“Did they have one of those super fancy gyms? I figure all those elite schools are stacked.” “Umm, I guess so?”
“Big guy like you probably hitting the weights all the time.”  Marcus shook his head and laughed, feeling his thick neck muscles pull just a bit.  It wasn’t like he’d ignored physical fitness, but he’d never really been… athletic.  But when he thought of the guys he’d partied with in college, the preppy sort of men who came to socialize and maybe get a degree, there certainly were muscles to pass around.  Pecs, biceps, glutes, and thighs in pastel polo shirts and a rainbow of khaki.  And you didn’t hang with dudes like that without getting into a bit yourself.  Marcus certainly had made the weights a habit, at least by Junior year.  Maybe?  It sounded correct in his head, maybe not guys the size of Bryce and Cash, but certainly fit and toned.  Yeah, yeah that was right.
“I… well, I don’t mind a good bench!” Marcus lifted his drink and clinked with the beers in salute to the frat boy favorite.  Marcus flashed back to events in college, keg stands with a pack of meaty bros cheering him on.  Yeah, he’d definitely given it his all.  He flexed his pecs and felt them straining against this dress shirt, the collar of tie suddenly uncomfortably snug.
The college boys said their goodbye and went off to chase contacts or tail, either being an acceptable end to the night.  But between the generous cheer and the spill, his cup had already runneth empty.
Venturing back to the bar, Marcus found himself approaching two middle aged couples.  Both men were stiff-backed in black tuxedos while the women wore gowns.  Their rapturous laughter and excited demeanor suggested a type Marcus did not enjoy, drunk socialites.  The louder pair introduced themselves without hesitation.
“Colin Templeton,” he offered a solid mitt and shook firmly.  “And this is my lovely wife, Beverly.”  Beverly replied with an overly large swanning of her arms before offering a hand for a delicate greeting.  
“Your glass is empty son,” said the jovial drunk man.  “What are you having?”
“Old fashioned,” Marcus slurred a touch, his rounds catching up to him.
“Classic, classic choice,” the man replied and quickly snapped to get the bartender's attention.  “Two old fashioneds, and a glass of merlot for the young lady,” Colin cheesed, causing the not-young Beverly to slap her husband playfully.  The bartender began assembling cocktails, leaving Marcus as the fifth wheel in the couples’ conversation.
“Marcus Bouvier,” he introduced himself, nodding to Colin and Beverly.  He turned to the other couple that hadn’t spoken.  The man stood upright and chest out, his square face stony and impersonal.  His wife on the other hand smiled without teeth and nodded back.
“Ah,” Colin suddenly snapped into form, his body shifting a touch to mimic the other man.  “This is my boss, Bob Barlow, of Barlow, Bannock, and Holmes. And his wife Betty.”  After a dainty wrist offering from Betty, Marcus and the man shook hands, Bob’s iron grip caused veins to bulge on Marcus’ wrist.  Betty and Beverly decided they were needed elsewhere and quickly vanished.
“I don’t think I’ve heard of your firm.  Not running TV ads for worker’s comp?”  Bob scowled at the suggestion.
“No, our firm specializes in mineral and land rights.” His even toned voice boasted a surprisingly deep bass that reverberated into Marcus’ ears  It almost hurt to hear.
“That seems more like a mountain west kind of speciality.”
“Our international clientele has needs around the world and we strive to provide a concierge quality to their interests.”  The man’s stoic face adopted a very subtle smirk as he explained exactly how exclusive and prestigious their clientele was.  Marcus wished he’d just stayed quiet as the conversation continued.  Colin eagerly nodded and occasionally interjected.  Fortunately, the next drink had entered his hands and he took a careful sip everytime Bob “accidentally” name-dropped an important client.
“So, young man,” Bob focused intently on Marcus.  “What do you do?”
“Oh, I'm in graduate school.”
“The firm is always looking for young lawyers with the drive and motivation to move up in the world.”
“Not law, I’m afraid.  I’m ….”  Colin and Bob both looked aghast and cut him off.
“I must admit, that is shocking.  I’d expected a young man of your caliber to be concerned with his financial future.”  Marcus had definitely met these people before.  He took another sip of his harsh cocktail and forced a smile onto his face.  Sure, half of his fraternity brothers majored in business and the more aggressively ambitious certainly turned to law, but that had never held any sway for him.
“I’m afraid if I turned to law, I’d find myself drawn straight into politics, Bob.  And I can’t have that!”  Bob let out a rather obnoxious barking laugh that quickly ended.  Colin tried to join in, but found himself chortling into silence as his boss had already stopped.
“Good man,” Bob slapped Marcus on the shoulder.  “I can always tell when a man was raised right.  Not an ounce of real money in politics.  And those sorts, you know.  I miss the days when the club had a refined membership.  They’ve become far too lax in their standards.  I can tell a boy like you kept good company.”  Marcus forced his eyes wide to prevent them rolling inside his skull.  Bob continued into a well worn speech that bemoaned class and race without saying either, instead focusing on things like standards and manners.  Stepford smile plastered on his face, Marcus nodded and said nothing, having learned that interrupting or worse, disagreeing, only prolonged an uncomfortable encounter.  Once or twice, Colin attempted to get a word in, but Bob never acknowledged the meager attempts.
Except, Bob was right about some things.  Marcus had certainly grown up in a world where old men valued things being a certain way.  And it’s not that Bob was ill-intentioned, he just liked things a certain way and got upset when they weren’t like that.  There existed a simplicity in just going along with the flow, nodding and smiling to everything Bob said.  After all, he had grown up around these people, prep school boys and fraternity brothers and families generations deep in inherited social status.  Unconsciously, Marcus started to mimic Bob’s posture, his spine extending up, shoulders rolling back as his chest jutted forward.
“At the last board meeting, they discussed lowering the application.  Which, I have to tell you, is quite absurd.  The dining room is full every weekend, tennis courts still have to be reserved in advance.  And the younger generation doesn't play nearly as often as mine.”
Marcus thought about cutting him off, but something about Bob’s words struck him.  Everything had rules.  Classrooms, cinemas, every single sports team or club he’d ever been a part of.  Some rules, like traffic signs or helmets, were for your own safety.  And some, well, everybody has traditions.  His high school football team bleached their hair when they made the playoffs.  His fraternity required brothers to wear a suit and tie every Monday.  Those standards built camaraderie and helped create social divisions, who to mingle and who to manage.
“I'll tell you what Bob,” Marcus said.  “ I remember at university, the National of my fraternity made a big push about modernizing recruitment and rush procedures.  And we were not having any of that.”
New memories formed in Marcus’ head.  Fraternal requirements and standards.  He’d been held to such exacting measures his entire life, it was only natural to continue in college.  A stickler for rules, it was only natural he’d be keen on enforcing them.  Ensuring pledges were following their initiation rites, shirts tucked in, hair parted, fulfilling gym time, and housing duties.  Some of the new ones were wont to complain, but eventually they fell in line, happy even that such a prestigious organization admitted and molded them into upstanding gentlemen.  And Marcus had overseen it with aplomb.
“Exactly, son! These things have existed for a long time for a reason!  Some things just work.”  Bob, Marcus, and Colin did a small toast to that.
“What fraternity were you in, Marcus?” Colin suddenly asked.  The question stunned and confused him.  Initially, he wanted to protest that he certainly wasn’t a frat boy.  But, he was?  He’d just told a story that he remembered clear as day from his fraternal past.  And he could picture in his mind the cohort of clean cut, preppy boys drinking and going to football games and causing a ruckus.  But, when he tried to picture the house or the letters, his brain turned to static.
“I, uh, I was… drunk? Marcus finally spat out slowly.   After a moment’s hesitation, Colin and Bob burst into laughter.
“That’s how I spent my college years!” Colin replied jovially.  Bob just smiled and confirmed that he too spent copious time consuming alcohol.  The question about fraternal organizations soon turned towards college sports, and Marcus felt the gnawing questions in his brain diminishing.  After all, he wasn’t a stranger to football or baseball or basketball or wrestling, not even mentioning the prep school sports.  He’d always liked sports, so the conversation carried easily, between the hazy frat-boy fog of almost real memories and the actual experiences of his life.  Several minutes later, the wives returned, noses powdered and wine glasses precariously filled.
“What did you boys talk about while we were away?” Beverly inquired curiously.
“Manly things!” Colin joked.  “Isn’t that right, Bob?”  Bob feigned a smile that more resembled an animal showing off its fangs.  Clearly, this firm was a good place to work.
“Sports, fraternities, the club,” Marcus attempted to smooth the conversation along.
“Yes, all the changes,” Bob sighed and started up again.
“Oh, I know!” Bev agreed.  “You know, my great grandfather was a member when the club opened in 1923.  Obviously, you know, things were different back then.  And I’m okay with that, but some level of decorum should be maintained.”  Apparently, Bev and Bob shared the sentiment.  She swished her arms as she spoke, causing red waves to tumble about her glass.    Colin started to grind his jaw while attempting to derail Bev’s chatter.  Unlike Colin, Beverly had no issue talking over Bob and dragging the conversation around.  A fact which clearly annoyed Bob and drove Colin into poorly controlled conniptions.
“But dear,” Colin assuaged.  “You love the new wallpapers in the bathroom!”
“Oh God, yes.  Look, Colin, you know he can be a bit sensitive about this stuff.  I’m friends with the Hoffman’s and my father voted to allow blacks into the club as members.  I have no problem with those changes, you know?  It’s just, all those little things we seem to lose along the way.”  Her gesticulations grew grander, wine splashing just above the cup before dripping back in slowly.
“The tennis courts are practically unused,” Bob lamented.
“We used to host tournaments!  I have a photo of my Aunt Gloria with Jimmy Connors right here at the club.  The galas are all toned down and the balls!  We used to throw big lavish balls.”  The increasingly erratic hand gestures corresponded with wine flying even higher, though somehow still returning to the cup.
“There’s just a right way of doing some things,” Bob said.
“You know, Bob, when you’re right, you’re right.  And I never think you’re right!”  Beverly laughed in delight at her impertinence while Colin practically seized and Bob was clearly unamused.  As she threw her head back and roared, her hands splayed forward sending the tumultuous wine sailing out of the glass and splashing across Marcus’s white shirt and trousers.  For a moment, there was nothing but silence among the five.
“Goddammit Bev,” Colin burst out before blushing deeply.  “I mean, honestly.”  Embarrassed, he turned his attention to Bob.  “Sorry about this.”  The ladies scurried away to refresh faces and glasses before anyone could respond.
“Outbursts like that are unbecoming, Colin,” Bob spoke again in that molasses slow and awkwardly deep voice.  It felt like someone screwed around on a synthesizer.  But it was imminently commanding and Colin seemed to immediately retreat into himself at the critique.  Marcus couldn’t help but notice that his predicament went uncommented on.
“I’m, uh, I guess I’ll find a bathroom.”  Colin and Bob both offered a curt nod.  He could tell Colin dreaded being alone with his boss after the fuss, but Marcus could feel the wine seeping through his shirt.  He followed a sign for toilets away from the main area and into a side hallway.
Marcus pushed too hard on the bathroom door, causing it to swing wildly open.  He giggled to himself as he saddled up to a urinal and let go.  He needed to pee so bad, and it felt so good.  Letting out a deep sigh as he released, Marcus focused intently on the black and white tiles of the wall to steady himself.  A part of him was kind of embarrassed, he was way too drunk for a fundraiser, but it was all in good fun.  Besides, he hadn’t paid for a drink yet!
He was knocked out his mental stupor by the door banging open and another guy rushing to the urinal.  He leaned against the wall with one hand as he pissed, waving slightly from side to side.
“You alright, bud?” Marcus asked.  The man was his age, maybe a touch younger with longish sandy blonde hair brushed up from his face and lacquered back.  The man’s face was flush and he responded with a boozy smile.
“Totally, bro,” he had one of those deep, dumb voices- practically cartoony.  “Just, gotta, let, it, ugh,” he squirmed as he let out a fart and kept pissing.  “Shit, gotta get that out before I tap the ladies, right bro?”  He attempted a fist bump, but almost stumbled releasing the wall.  Marcus ended up helping him to the sink to wash his hands.
“Trip Treadwell,” he offered a calloused mitt and shook aggressively.  Marcus offered his own name while meeting his handshake with impressive strength, veins bulging over wide forearms as he shook.  Trip reached down to yank off the leather beatle boot from his foot.  “Goddam trash.  There’s a reason I only buy Allen Edmonds,” he held up the seemingly pristine boot to Marcus’ eyes.  The fine leather and simple design were refined and elegant.  Then he noticed the heel had completely separated from the shoe.
“Oh, is that why you were tripping?”
“I’m drunk, too,” Trip laughed.  “But yeah, got these as a gift and damned things fell apart.  Fortunately, I keep some back ups in the lockers.  Looks like you need a change,” he pointed at the wine stains that covered Marcus’ shirt and the crotch of his pants, having faded from a wet red to dried violet mess.
“Yeah, someone spilled on me.”
“You got clothes here?”
“I, umm, I’m not a member.”
“Oh, well, you look pretty close to my size.  I’ve always got some backup clothes stored away.  You aren’t the only man whose white shirt has been ruined by Beverly Templeton’s gesticulations.” Marcus could only laugh as Trip patted his shoulder and led him through some hallways and into the men’s area.  The whole time, Trip sang the praises of the club.  How it had the right members, the right environment, the right perks for guys like them.  Marcus didn’t bother to really correct him, the club was growing on him after all.  There was something to the grandiose monstrosity that inspired a certain envy.
“This locker room leads to the gym, sauna, and Men’s Grill.”  Trip gestured around casually.
“Men’s Grill?” “Men’s only restaurant.  Business lunches.  Red meat, you know, manly stuff.”  He let out a deep laugh and guided Marcus through the brightly lit and well designed lockers to a spacious floor length locker in an area with a dressing room mirror and vanity.
“Now then,” Trip typed in a code.  Marcus practically jumped from the loud click of the electric lock in the nearly silent room.  Trip pulled out a set of white leather wingtips and sat down at a bench.  He ungraciously yanked the boots off his feet and tossed them mindlessly towards a trash can, then he laced up the shoes and admired himself in the mirror.
“Normally, I think these would be better for a garden party or afternoon event, right bro?  But you know what?  I’m feeling this tonight.” “You look good,” Marcus surveyed honestly.  Trip was bulky, the masculine musculature stretching the thin fabric of his seersucker suit to its limit.  His searingly white shirt matched his teeth.  The look was capped off with a blue and red bowtie.  He looked like he walked out of a magazine ad.  Marcus stayed silent as Trip examined himself thoroughly, making sure everything was just so before he returned to the party.
“Why are you still dressed?  We need to get your new clothes.” “Oh, Trip, that’s okay, really, it’s just a stain…” “It’s a stain on your pedigree!  Come on, shirt and pants, off now.”  Marcus tried to dodge out, but Trip was firm and insistent.  He’s controlling glare did not take ‘no’ for an answer.  Resolutely, Marcus unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his bare chest to the air.  He bashfully turned away from Trip as he stripped off his khakis and exposed his black boxer briefs to the world.  Trip, meanwhile, had been diligently collecting items out of the locker and hanging them on a clothes rod by the mirror.  Upon seeing the practically naked Marcus, Trip shook his head.
“Oh no, those will never do,” he said as he returned to the locker.
“What ‘will never do’?” “Your shorts.  It’s summer, man.  All I’ve got is seersucker and white.  Bad breeding to show up showing off your britches.”  Marcus was about to ask what he meant when a white garment was handed to him.  It was a white, cotton undershirt, completely plain and simple.  Slightly longer than usual, but that probably made it easier to tuck in.  He slipped it on with ease, noticing how weirdly thick but also breathable the fabric seemed to be.  Marcus turned back to see Trip smiling broadly and holding up a large pair of white briefs.
“I’m not wearing your fucking underwear, bro!”
“Come on, dude.  They’re clean, hell, they’re ironed!”  He snapped the pair tauntingly.
“You iron your tighties?”
“Briefs, dude.  And fuck no, I pay people to do that shit.” “No way, sorry.  I’ll just have to be in bad taste or whatever.”  As Marcus babbled, Trip took a step forward and positioned himself uncomfortably close to Marcus.  WIthout saying a word he smiled bigger, menacingly, and reached around and grabbed the seat of Marcus’ underwear and ripped the fabric apart.
“What the fuck?” Marcus said, stunned, as the destroyed cotton drooped off his body.
“Problem solved.  Solution,” he handed the briefs to Marcus without another word.  Enraged, Marcus planned to just grab his clothes and leave, only to find that Trip had moved them.
“Fuck dude, is this a joke?” “Christ bro, it’s fuckin’ underwear.  Put ‘em on.  I wanna get another drink.” “You’re fucking drunk.” “Not as drunk as I wanna be.”  They both laughed as the joke cut the tension.  Finally, Marcus shrugged and began pulling on the briefs.  Surprisingly stretchy, the cotton seemed to grow in length as it climbed his legs, the waistband sat below his hip bones while the crotch bagged much lower.  He pulled the bottom up tighter, causing billows of fabric to rest about his privates.
“I think you’re a bit… bigger than me?  Honestly, these are huge!”  Marcus laughed as Trip rolled his eyes and marched over.
“Stand still,” he commanded and Marcus obliged.  Trip grabbed the fabric and pulled it tighter around the crotch and then pulled upwards, ensuring the waistband encompassed the hem of the undershirt, before letting it come to rest just above Marcus’ bellybutton.
Marcus felt embarrassed, standing with some other dude’s underwear on, hiked up like an old man, when he felt something akin to suction around the bands of the briefs.  Then, a sensation of tightening, filling, and something pressed against his butt, his dick, and his brain.  A warm, empty smile drifted over his face.  Trip smirked back knowingly.
“I bet you feel a lot better now.  Right, Marcus?” Marcus smiled and nodded.  “You feel better in your white briefs.  You only wear full-cut, white briefs.”
“I only wear full-cut, white briefs,” Marcus droned back.  Trip smiled bigger.
“And I’m your best bro.” “You’re my best bro.”  The sound of a door slamming caused Trip and Marcus to jump a little and stare.  Two buff men in cutoff shirts, one in shorts, the other in leggings, horsed around as they came into the locker room.  Both looked startled when they saw Trip.
“Oh, hey, bro,” they said in unison. Trip glared at the duo.  The disparate clothing was the only obvious difference between the pair.  Sweat matted sandy blonde hair to their big foreheads, they were both smooth-faced behemoths with protruding jaws and a casual arrogance.
“Where the fuck have you two been?”  The pair kind of shrugged and looked at each other.
“Gym.” “You just fucking disappeared from the party.”
“Yeah, bro, it was boring.  Plus, Rip said he could bench more than me.” “And I can!”  The one called Rip performed a side chest pose which caused the other to mimic him.  Trip rolled his eyes.
“Rip, Skip, get cleaned up.  I want to take our new boy out drinking.”  As the pair headed towards the showers, Trip called out.  “Who benched the most?”  Both of the lugs claimed to, which caused Trip to sneer in disgust.
“Morons,” Trip said, returning his attention to Marcus.  Then he smiled.  “Kind of like you, bro.”  Marcus’s smile flickered.
“Hey, Marcus,” Trip ignored Marcus’s question. “What is your full legal name?”
“Current or former?”  Trip looked shocked.
“Did you change your name?”
“I took my mom’s maiden name after the divorce.” “Woah, bro, so, current name?”
“Marcus Dayton Bouvier.”
“Former?” “Marcus Dayton Chisholm the Third.”
“That is a much better name.  Another Trip, huh? Too bad I’m already Trip, can’t have duplicate nicknames among bros. No, I think from now on you’ll go by “Chip.”  Like, Chip off the old block.  Right, Chip Chisholm?”  Trip gave Marcus a devilish glare as Marcus stood, unnaturally straight, unmoving.  Ever since putting on the briefs, he’d felt compelled to hold this militaristically erect position, shoulder back and chest pushed out, his stomach tightly held in, eyes forward.  He felt like a soldier taking orders and Trip’s direct commands seeped into his psyche with little resistance.
“Sure, Trip,” Marcus nodded back, causing Trip to rip into a brilliant smile.
“Perfect, Chip,” the harsh enunciation when he said Chip caused Marcus to chub up in his briefs.  “Fortunately, we look about the same size.  Bet you were into sport at prep school, huh?  Big ole meathead like you.  Don’t worry, Rip and Skip have shit for brains, you’ll fit right in.”
Marcus swayed back and forth uncomfortably, this new information conflicted directly with his own version of himself.  Trip noticed the discomfort.  He rolled his eyes.
“What’s the problem, Chip?” he again over emphasized the name.
“I’m not stupid.”
“Bro, chill, it’s not a big deal.  You were just another one of the sports obsessed dudes who got mediocre grades.  No one gives a shit when you're handsome and rich.”
“I’m in grad school.” “No shit, bruh?  MBA?”
“No, I’m….” “Well, that’s not gonna do,” Trip cut him off.  “You’ll need to drop out.  That shit bores the crap of you, Chip.  You can get an MBA if you really want, but you can get a fine job in finance with connections alone.  I don’t know why anyone would work so hard when you don’t have to.  Especially you, Chip,” again with the harsh emphasis on Chip.  “You’re the kind of guy who works for the social aspect, the connections.  Bet you still ask your Father for money so you won’t have to dip into your trust fund.  Am I right?”
Was Trip right?  None of this sounded correct, not to Marcus at least.  But Trip was his best bro.  That was definitely true.  He felt that strange sense of compression around his crotch and head again.  Pushing… something out.  A little bit of resistance, a little snag of confusion.  Wouldn’t it be easier to trust Trip?  Why make things harder for himself?  That did...n’t sound like him.  He wanted things to be easy, simple, fun.  Fun, wouldn’t it be nice to just relax and have some fun?  Let someone, Trip, take the lead, and just go with the flow?
Trip sensed the hesitation and sighed.  “Damn dude, I thought this would be easier.  Okay, you know what?  Chip, I want you to imagine everything that makes you you.  Like all the interests, hobbies, thoughts, whatever and put them into a big hole.  The deeper stuff goes at the bottom, and the top is surface-oriented, shallow stuff.  You know how it is.  All that “you” stuff right at the bottom, the base of you.  Got it?” 
Marcus nodded slowly, thinking of his identity as a pit.  It filled quickly with memories and quirks, strange habits and tics.  His frequent involvement in community arts and disillusionment with other people's money sank the bottom.  He had to admit that his dubious consumption of alcohol was definitely a shallow trait.  New memories also filtered in, his desire to get great chest cleavage seemed pretty shallow and floated to the top.  His time in the club, hell, his brand new “best bro” Trip floated up there too, since the only thing they seemed to share was a narrow waist, broad chest, and a tendency to get over inebriated at social gatherings.  Which to be fair, reminded him a lot of his college buddies.  The guys he kind of remembered being buddies with, partying with.
“Got that sorted?” Trip's question smacked Marcus back to reality. He stood ever rigid and unmoving, his mind feeling mushy and slow.  “Great, now, we’re gonna take that hole and fit it in.  Like sand, but with money, money pouring into that pit of yourself and filling it in, covering all that sweet deep empathic stuff and drowning it in cold hard cash.  Cause that’s what you care about.  And that cash is gonna fill up the deep parts of your personality until there’s just a nice shallow, surface oriented stuff left.  Cause that’s who you are Chip.  Shallow, vain, and just a little bit stupid.”
Marcus felt his brain being pummeled, crushed, under a relentless assault. His head felt so heavy, hard to think or hold on.  Feeling this rush of cash just flush inside him, drowning out old traits and interests.  His needs and desires filtered upwards, simpler, shallower, surface oriented.  He wanted to be hot, to have fun, to party with his bros, to be rich.  Dad… no, Father, would make him work a job.  Riding yachts and gambling obscene amounts of cash on the daily sounded more fun, but a token career, enough to pad the bank and continue the ever important social connections wouldn’t be so bad.  Something to make sure you Summered with Senators and attended bachelor parties in Tulum and Ibiza and islands common people never even heard of.
His scrunched in face in confusion as years of personality were wiped away under a staunch onslaught of mental capitalism.  The hard facial flex bore into his skull, causing the edges of his face to sharpen, the jaw and chin become squarer and more prominent, while his furrowed brow stayed low and got a touch thicker.  He moved down the evolutionary ladder a half step while taking a solidly cute face into outright handsome territory.  His lips seemed to pull back and thin out, giving his white teeth a larger and almost carnivorous appearance.
Trip stood silently by, watching his soon to be bro’s face scrunch in confusion even as the body remained rigid.  The former Marcus trembled slightly and took a long breath in before simultaneously ripping a fart and releasing an echoey belch.  Trip snorted.
The heavy body that was formerly Marcus took a few seconds to process things after the release.  Everything seemed simpler, his wheeling thoughts pleasantly slow and delightfully inebriated.  He cautiously scratched his head and bounced his pecs.
“You alright, bro,” Trip asked.  The meathead in front of him jumped.
“Holy shit, bro,” a bassy, vapid voice escaped the maw of the muscular man.  “Trip, bro, fuckin’ scared me.”  Trip laughed in delight at the man.  “What’s so fuckin’ funny, bro?”
“Chip,” Trip said, oddly over enunciating, causing the beast to recoil slightly.  “Get dressed.  I want another drink.”  The confused man looked down at his massive body covered in white fabric and jumped again.
“Bro,” he said absentmindedly and walked in front of the mirror.  He smiled lecherously at his gargantuan form and flexed his biceps proudly.  He turned around, showing off the oversized haunches and playfully flexed his glutes in the mirror, eliciting a simple giggle.  The manly reflection was obviously excited too, given how the cotton pouch of his briefs filled up with virile masculinity.
Trip passed him an overly starched, searingly white dress shirt which he began pulling on.  His overworked biceps and triceps filled the sleeves completely, nary an extra millimeter around.  The chest buttoned perfectly, not a trace of pulling around the buttons, and not an speck of extra fabric, respectfully highlighting the well chiseled mass of muscle gracing his chest, while the trim waist scooped in around the hardened abs of his midsection.  He flexed again for good measure, delighting in how the veins of his biceps strained the sleeves even further.
“Bro,” the newly christened Chip spat mid flex.  “I look swole as hell.”
“All that time playing sports and building biceps instead of brains,” Trip taunted.
“Can’t deny the results,” Chip said as he flexed his thighs to the mirror, deep striations seeping across the legs as the muscles presented themselves proudly.  Trip tossed him a pair of seersucker trousers with matching braces buttoned in.  Chip pulled them on, his legs a bit too large for the cut. But the real trouble began at his butt.  The rotund rump outmatched the trousers in size, forcing a bit of shimmy and shake to cross over.  Once on, he finished pulling the seersucker high on his waist, letting them sit just below the tops of his underwear.  The braces slipped on tightly, the broad expanse of his backside forced the braces to pull the trousers too high, resulting in uncomfortable pressure on the crotch and schoolyard style wedgie in the back..
“Bro,” Chip muttered as he attempted to pull at his crotch to no avail.  “I think I’m bigger than you.”
“Well yeah, you got that fat ass,” Trip smacked the other man’s behind firmly as he walked over to help adjust the braces.
“You’re just jealous cause I’m bigger than you.” “You’ve always been bigger than me, Chip.”  Chip nodded in affirmation as the trousers slacked a bit, releasing his crotch from the fabric crush.  He turned to face the mirror again and sneered narcissistically.
“I’m so swole, bro.” “Yeah, Chip, we covered that.”  Trip rolled his eyes but the wide smile on his face showed his true feelings.  Chip patted his crotch, the fabric looser but still tight around his glorious package.  He turned around, admiring his luscious rump with the pride of a man who just increased his max deadlift.  Between the massive ass and the thin seersucker fabric, three lines clearly framed his buttocks.  Anyone who admired for a moment could tell the style and color of his underwear.
“Think fast!” Trip suddenly yelled and shot Chip three items, a pair of socks came via a weak underhand throw which was followed by a shoe tossed above his head. The other shoe sailed towards his shoulder, thrown like a football.  Half of Chip’s brain short circuited at the athletic demonstration.  The other half snagged the socks with nary a worry, caught the first shoe without pause, before taking a step back and catching the football shoe against his chest and cradling it.  He playfully juked back and forth, dodging imaginary tackles as he bounced from side to side.  Chip’s body moved with a shocking agility for a man of his size.  A section of his brain felt trapped in a dreamlike state, seeing itself reflected in a funhouse mirror.  But a much larger and louder part enjoyed the display of gamesmanship.
Plunking his ass down on a bench, Chip hiked up his pant legs and unfurled the socks.  They were baby blue with little white anchors embroidered on them.  They were abnormally large and Chip tried to make up some joke, but as the fabric expanded over his inflated calves, they actually looked like normal socks.  The shoes were a leather soled cap-toe oxford in walnut, the leather felt smooth and buttery on his hands as he slipped them on.  As his hands laced the tawny strings tightly, Chip couldn’t help but notice his bulge.  The ice blue stripes were distorted by the distinct curve of masculinity.  It was so prominent, so forward.  It practically forced his legs wider as he sat, carved out its own space on the bench.  And it made him so very happy.  And that made it happy too, since a gentle plumbing became apparent and the trousers filled out even more.  He gave it a comfortable pat as he stood back up.
“Pocket,” Trip said while handing Chip a massive suit jacket in matching ice blue seersucker.  A silk bow tie dangled out of the front pocket carelessly.  At first, Chip thought it was just red, but as he pulled it out the fabric changed into a sterling white before swapping to a navy blue at the other end.  Years of good grooming had taught him how to tie one.  Facing the mirror again, he had time to admire the strong form of his face.  The superhero jaw and chin were just like Father’s.  A shadow of a beard had begun creeping across his face, which helped highlight the jaw even more.  Thankfully Trip had the same overlarge neck as Chip, the bowtie might be a belt on a smaller man.  But fortunately, it could wrap around his gargantuan neck just fine.  The entwined fabric created a blue bow on the left and a red on the right, joined together by a shiny white knot.  Perfectly styled but muted Americana, just how he liked it.
Slinging the jacket over one shoulder, Chip admired himself in the mirror - again.  All the frippery of good grooming couldn’t hide the beast of a man underneath.  Those well used muscles stretched and pulled at the fabric in the subtlest of ways, flashy but refined.  He’d always been a sucker for a pattern on a suit.  He could remember windowpanes at church and plaids on holidays.  Nothing made him prouder than distorting a straight line with his gigantic pecs or thick moose knuckle.  
Trip walked up behind him, his face failing to suppress a cocky grin.  Chip hadn’t really noticed Trip’s clothing earlier, a light suit, white shirt, and around his neck a bowtie that was the mirror image of Chip’s.  Trip always liked having all the boys matching, he’d implemented all sorts of crazy dress codes at the fraternity as he took over leadership roles.  Serving as Trip’s Standards Chair, Chip became his diligent enforcer.  Chip didn’t mind, Father had always drilled into him how every social event had a uniform, just like sports.  And like sports, social events had winners and losers.  And Chip was a winner.
As a newfound spirit of team based camaraderie flowed through Chip’s mind, Trip gave his rotund derriere a firm slap.  The rippling muscle caused Chips' already prominent bulge to grow ever so slightly more.
“Good game” Trip teased and let out a low steady laugh.  Chip’s mouth opened a new, deep chuckle burst further than matched Trips in tone and meter.  Peas in a pod, bros in a fraternity, the two could pass for brothers.
“Now, where the hell are they?” Trip mused to himself.  A thundering sound followed and Rip and Skip, freshly showered and shaved and covered in the same oversized briefs and undershirt as Chip, came marching into the lockers.
“Rip, Skip,” Trip paid no mind to which one he addressed as he spoke, “this is our bro, Chip.  Four musketeers or some bullshit.  He was at Prep with me.  We all pledged Kappa Sig together, got it?”  The two grunted in affirmation, their natural tendency to follow Trip overriding any doubt they had.  Because that’s who they were, each of them, all of them, just good looking athletic boys of good breeding and good manners.  “Alright, get dressed,” Trip directed Skip and Rip.  “And you,” he pointed to Chip,” we need to fix your hair.”
“What’s wrong with my hair?”  Chip patted the fluffed part with apprehension.
“Just a touch up,” Trip dug a small jar of pomade from his own locker and rubbed some between his hands.  Chip stared down at his bro, Trip’s eyes even with his chin.  He barked for Chip to sit.
“Ha, I’m taller than you,” Chip said as Trip massaged the paste in, causing the hair to stiffen and tighten.  The gloss made it look darker than before.  Trip ran a comb over it, creating small lines through the sheen.
“Yes, you’re taller and buffer.  Made you a good tight end.  That and your empty head,” he gave the back of Chip’s head a swat and the pair laughed.  “You know, you’d look good blond.  Not like bleach, but just some highlights.”
“You think?”  Chip eyed the crisp part and imagined if it were more like Trip’s, blond and tight.  He’d look good.  Definitely had the face for it, years of sports had left him with a brown tint of honest work, not uv light vanity.
“I’ll make an appointment with my stylist”
“Thanks bro!” “Course, bro!”  The pair of handshake-hugged it out as the now dressed Skip and Rip returned.
“Alright boys,” Trip declared.  “I’m sobering up and that blows.  Let’s hit the bar.”  A chorus of grunts assented and the herd of meatheads went searching for booze.
The quartet of bros swaggered back to the gala with entitled bravado and bodies to back it up.  Chip loved how he felt, shoulder to shoulder with his best bros, feeling the strong heft of his legs carry him, the prominent bulge in his trousers brushing back and forth against the fabric of his pants.  He was a stud.  And he knew it.  The pristine hallways of the club, lined with old photos of sporting events and members, felt like heaven.  He couldn’t imagine a better way to spend a night than hanging with the boys in a place worthy of them.  And what could be more worthy than a society building that had seen generations of power and business develop in its hallowed halls.  The subtle style of classic class mixed with the prominent display of status, just how Chip liked it.
Rip and Skip were immediately distracted by pretty girls.  Trip and Chip strolled to the bar, a few handshakes and pats on the shoulder offering minor delays.  Leaning on the edge, Chip angled towards the bartender.  He wasn’t immediately served and that annoyed him.  Instinctively, he reached his right arm forward and snapped at the staff, the sound loud and prominent.  The bartender turned to him and then smiled.
“Another Old Fashioned?”  The man smiled serenely.  “Or are we old fashioned enough?”  Chip blinked a few times.  His slow mind attempted to make sense of the words but found none.
“Four White Claws,” Trip interjected.  Chip’s mouth hung open slightly before slamming shut and nodding in assent.  The bartender suppressed a snicker and fetched four from the ice.  Chip grabbed them, two in each hand and went chasing after Trip who had meandered into company.
“Parkins!” Trip shook hands with a man in a flashy, sharkskin suit with California white teeth.  His longish hair was slicked back across his head and the pomade he used gave it a plastic sheen.  “How’s business?” “Booming!  As always,” the man looked like a cross between a sleazy preacher and a desperate C-lister trying to get noticed.  Up close, Chip could tell that the man’s front teeth were veneers, expensive but a bit oversized.  And his lips had obviously had some filler.  He certainly wasn’t opposed to an anti-aging regime, but the boldness of his look repelled the more traditional Chip.  “Pretty sure I’ve convinced these boys that they can turn their following into cold, hard cash!”  He gestured to Cash and Bryce, the two football players Chip encountered earlier in the evening.  They flanked Parker Parkins, dopey grins on their primal faces.
“Always love to meet some Jags,” Trip smiled happily while shaking their hands.  “And this is my fraternity brother, Chip.” Trip introduced Chip to Parkins and the boys.  Not a speck of recognition flickered in Bryce or Cash’s dim eyes.  Chip passed Trip his drink before stashing the other two in his coat pockets and offering Parkins his hand.  Parkins shook aggressively and openly sized him up.
“In the market for a house?  Got some great ones out in Chester.  You know the McMannerlys?  Moving across the country, got that classic on the market for a steal if you get it now.”  
“Chip’s not in the market right now,” Trip cut him off before he could continue, which caused Parkins to lose interest immediately.  He passed Chip a card, the man’s plastic face smiling brightly on it.  Chip read the card graciously and stuffed it in his coat pocket.  Parkins offered handshakes again before veering off towards another mark, leaving the fraternity brothers with the football players.
“So, Bryce Matthews, I recognize you, Mr. Defensive player of the year.  Not often you see a defensive end return an interception for a touchdown!  Looking like a young JJ Watt out there.  And you bro, sorry don’t recognize you without the helmet.”  Trip knocked around introductions with ease.
“I was a free safety,” Cash replied.  “You’re some swole bros.  Either of you play?”  Trip thumped his chest proudly in response.
“QB,” the other two feigned reverence for a moment.  “And Chip was my tight end.”  He slapped the others ass to emphasize.  Chip straightened up his posture but stuck his butt out just a bit to emphasize his end.  He admired the pair with newfound appreciation.  Their bodies were pillars of dedication to sport, the kind of hard body that was made from real work.  Chip’s body had been like that when he was on the team, bulky and sturdy for pushing other guys around.  Nowadays he could focus on the aesthetics of it all.  Bryce had the thick waist of a guy who was taking hits, but Chip’s had slimmed down remarkably with diet and focus.  He puffed out his chest and twisted slightly, casually highlighting the improbable shape of his body.  The kind of body lazy men swore came only with steroids and liposuction.  They’d never know the pain of choking down vomit on a bulking cycle and then starving at ounces of plain chicken.
“Nice dude,” Cash nodded.  “You ever try for college ball?”
“Got some offers, but you know, Father insisted on Darrish and I couldn’t drag that team to a win if I tried.”  All the boys laughed.  Cash and Bryce turned to Chip, the same question hanging in the air.
“Yeah bros, loved football!  But this dude couldn’t live without me,” he ribbed Trip playfully.  “Did a lot of intramurals in college.  Kept that Panhellenic cup at Kappa Sig five years straight!  Champs in football, wrestling, basketball, volleyball-”
“-we were real bad at soccer though,” Trip injected with a sigh.
“Bro, I’m built for contact sports.”
“Volleyball isn’t a contact sport!”
“Depends how hard you spike it,” Chip shrugged with a laugh.
“Shit, I forgot you gave that TKE guy a concussion.” “He didn’t get a concussion.  I don’t think,” Chip trailed off. “No, you’re not a thinker,” Trip joked.  Bryce, Cash, and Chip cheered to that and finished their drinks.  Bryce and Cash excused themselves and headed to the bar.  The frat boys searched around for their bros, spotting the two brutes chatting up a pair of college aged girls who giggled dramatically at everything the boys said.
“Mandy Garden,” he pointed to the one feeling up Rip’s bicep aggressively.  “Her father, Daniel Garden, owns a few shopping centers around town.  Lazy money.  Not sure who her friend is, probably from college.”
“We gonna talk to ‘em?” Chip asked while sipping his beverage.
“Nah, let them get tail.  We can do better anyway,” the two chortled a bit, reminiscing about various hookups and failures from the great fraternity days.  Any story Trip told sept into Chip’s psyche and settled as a core memory, a bit foggy, but easily attributed to too much partying.  But he never regretted a good party.
“Speaking of,” Trip trailed off as he tilted his head towards a pair of young women in summer dresses, one blonde, the other brunette, giggling amongst themselves as they headed towards the men.  Chip felt a bit of a rise in himself, he loved a preppy girl.  “I think that would be a great end to the evening,” he winked lecherously and guided the pair in front of the ladies.
“Evening,” Trip addressed them and made quick introductions.  The blonde smiled at the pair while the brunette rolled her eyes so hard she could probably diagnosed CTE.
“We’re leaving,” she said in a huff. 
“Oh come on, the night is still young,” Trip smiled.
“I’m Daphne,” the blonde said, clearly enamored by Trip’s looks.  “And this is Rebecca.”  Though she pointed to her friend, Rebecca did not acknowledge the exchange.
“Would you ladies care for a drink?” “A free drink?” Rebecca snarked.
“Becky, be nice.  They’re just chatting.”
“Yeah Becky, be nice,” Trip goaded with glee.  Chip remained silent, pursing his lips and pretending to admire the architecture.  He felt a pressure building up inside him.  Different than before.  For a moment he was worried his cock was going to explode.  Then he realized he had to pee.  Damn alcohol.
“Hey bro,” Chip whispered into Trip’s ear.  “Gotta piss.”  Trip gave him a slight chin up while still maintaining eye contact with Daphne.  After a brief survey of the area, Chip hustled back to the restroom.  He felt light as he walked, despite the mounds of muscle which flexed and pulsed with every movement.  That was just the alcohol he thought to himself while letting out a deep giggle.
He anchored right up to a urinal, unzipped, pulled out his dick, and relaxed as a stream of liquid spurt forth.  Clearly, he’d had far too much to drink.  Honestly, even with his collegiate fraternity years barely behind him, he was still shocked at just how much he’d drunk tonight.  At least he held himself together.  Composure, while often taught, takes years to master.  The perks of the right upbringing, he praised himself silently while finishing up.  As he strutted to the sink to wash, Chip stopped to admire himself.
The alcohol left his face flushed, but the square jaw and steely eyes were still the most prominent features.  Years- a lifetime- of being a straight up stud resulted in an air of refined arrogance he paraded around in, an invisible but ever present aura that established his status with nary a word.
Before leaving, he took a moment to survey himself.  He brushed a stray bit of hair back onto his head.  The trousers and braces were tugged and tested, ensuring he walked the tightest line between obscenity and ostentatious.  Although he played second fiddle to Trip’s leading man, he still needed to be admired, noticed, and praised.  After all, he deserved it.  Deciding that his appearance pleased, he flashed himself a cocky smile while shooting finger guns at his reflection before leaving to find Trip.  As he walked up, he could tell Trip was flailing.
“Tell you friend to leave us alone,” Rebecca snapped at Chip.  He blinked rapidly but did not move.  “Don’t you frat dudes have somewhere else to be?  A hazing or something?”
“We didn’t have hazings,” both Chip and Trip lied effortlessly.  The first rule of hell week, you never tell others about hell week.
“What fraternity were you in?” Daphne cooed.  Trip’s face burst into a charming smile.
“We are proud Brothers of Kappa Sigma-” Rebecca cut him off.
“That’s super interesting, but like I said, we’re leaving.  Now.  Come on Daphne,” she grabbed her friend by the arm and dragged her away.
“Nice meeting you Trip!”  The two girls walked away, leaving a sulkingTrip twisting his cufflink aggressively.
“Can’t win ‘em all” Chip shrugged.  Trip huffed in response.
“Why bother anyway?  I’m wearing a watch worth more than their dresses.  I can do better.”  Chip said nothing as his Kappa Sig Brother puffed himself up with righteous indignation. He’d seen this side of Trip before.  A bit too much too drink combined with being denied something he felt he was due, led to a very angry and emotional Trip.  Chip could remember one night in Tulum where cocaine blasted the whole thing up to eleven and he’d had to physically hold Trip in a cold shower to cool him down.
“Hey bro, let’s bounce.  Party’s winding down anyway,” redirection and returning some measure of control to Trip usually righted things.  The man’s hand wringing cooled immediately.
“Yeah… yeah.  I’m over this.  Fundraisers always have that problem.”  Chip grabbed his buddy by the shoulder and directed him back to the bar.  Aside from a few barfly’s scarfing down the vestiges of their drinks, it was practically empty.
“Sorry, gentleman,” the man said.  “Unfortunately, I’m not able to pour more per the manager.”
“Nah, we’re good.  Just wanting to check tabs for the night,” Chip took the lead while Trip remained the quiet one.
“Drinks are complementary, sirs,” the bartender said with a smile.  “However, tips are greatly appreciated.”  He gestured towards a glass filled with cash.
“How much?” Trip pulled out a tiny wallet and produced a collection of bills.
“Normal percents, pretend you had paid.  How much would you tip?”
“I don’t know,” Trip got heated again.  “I didn’t come here to do math.”
“Bro, chill,” Chip interjected.  “I had like four old fashioneds?  Fifteen bucks maybe? Then four seltzers.  Surely you drank a bit before we met up?  Twenty percent on a hundred is twenty, but we aren’t fucking poor are we?”
“Hell no!” Trip cheered up as they fist bumped.  Chip reached into his coat pocket, pulled out a wallet, and handed the bartender a crisp hundred dollar bill.
“Have a good night,” Chip nodded to his bartender who pocketed the money with a big smile.  The muscle men swaggered drunkenly out of the building, giving a few goodbyes and salutations as they went.  Out front, in a reserved spot, Trip’s shiny Jaguar sat waiting.  The pair swung open the doors and sat down.  Trip inserted the key, causing cool air to blow on them both for a second.  They sat in the car quietly for a few moments.
“I think we should call a car,” Trip said with a quiet burp.
“Yup,” Chip nodded in agreement as he stepped back out of the vehicle.
“Another round?” Trip said jokingly.
“Tomorrow night?” Chip laughed.  “Actually, aww, yeah.  Here we go!”  he slipped the two cans originally destined for Rip and Skip out of his pocket.  Passing one to Trip, the drink clinked their cans and cracked open the seltzer.
“You’re my best bro,” Trip said happily.
“You too, bro,” Chip felt it with all his being.  “But seriously, we down for bars tomorrow?”
“Sunday?  Sunday funday!  Hell yeah!”  They fist bumped again, planning a good night on the town as they waited for their ride.  They may grow up, but they didn’t plan on growing older any time soon.
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datomis · 1 year
ok im just gonna post some stuff from my notebook sketchbook because i never post them
most of this is gonna be yagyu au because i love it dearly (idk if ive said the name here before but i mentioned an au a while ago this is the same thing)
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iris az the face of this post :3
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hitomi and hayato from the yagyu au !!!! hitomi is a teacher at bibis school (not her teacher, but shes in the same class as iris and they became friends and then bibi met hitomi through iris and then hayato met her through that but then they PROPERLY meet similarly to the game and become friends (or more 😆))
also mentioning bibi when i introduced the yagyu au a while ago there was some funny stuff abt mizuki and bibis names and i wanted to come up with a good solution so i couldnt so bibi is just like. its just her name now 😭 but jsyk
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baby mibuki!!!! in this world where she doesnt get punished for being the cutest thing ever, shes a lot happier and smilier and shes very attached to hayato. she always wants to be held. always!!!!!!
also the bottom right um.. i asked my twin what to draw and he just said her playing dead. i dont remember if theres context
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soo basically bibi and kizuna meet in highschool and shes really scared of her and starts lying that her and iris are sisters and their parents are divorced and blah blah blah. bibi wants to sound the least adopted as possible so kizuna doesnt suspect that shes one of the kids who went missing from aioen, as she doesnt want hayato to get in any trouble and doesnt want her and mizuki to be separated from him
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small break from yagyu au, i like to imagine a world in which saito cares about his baby sister. he absolutely does not in canon but that will not stop me!!
so just little hair and clothes swap. and a little bset teehee
and right back to the au, with bibi and boss :D boss is the girls' cool auntie who sometimes babysits them and always brings them presents and stuff. she also cannot say something normal when hayato calls to check in. i just remembered that one steven universe scene where dr maheshwaren calls garnet and garnets like. theyre playing with swords. oh no theyre dead. (i dont remember exactly how it goes but if u watched su you know LMAO)
ANDYWAYS im done i hope you enoured oh wait before i go i wanna mention that yesterday i did a minecraft danganronpa roleplay and i was iris bc my skin is iris and bro they thought she was my oc but i couldnt tell them i just stole her from another spike chunsoft game anyways and then she died. so yeah ok now bye
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1-up-chump · 1 year
Just to let everyone know my mortal kombat characterizations are a mix of the arcade games, mk1995, mk defenders of the realm, and my imagination. Rarely will i maybe pick and choose the rare good things they did in the newer stuff. Just so we're clear:
Raiden and fujin are GODS not demigod as that means one of their parents would had to have been mortal. They are GODS
Liu kang is humble but not infallible, he hates the idea of being a god and tricked himself into thinking he wants to be a chosen one when deep down he just wanted a normal fucking life. He can and will crack under pressure and just bc it takes a lot doesn't mean he'll last forever as a "hero". There are no heroes in Mortal kombat.
Kung lao is prideful in his HONOR of his ANCESTOR and the SECRET WHITE LOTUS SOCIETY. He is not anymore arrogant in his capabilities as a warrior as literally anyone else. He works hard, fights hard, for his friends and earthrealm.
Johnny cage has no fuckin deep lore ancestry to explain his powers he just has chi energy like everyone else he's just rare bc he managed to bring it out so quickly naturally no special bloodline or whatever the fuck percentage this white man has, its all him all his own soul all his own talent.
Sindel LOVES kitana and will never not love her. No matter how much dark magic corrupts her soul and mind, her heart is strong and true and Although it might be twisted she will love her daughter and sacrifice everything for her. Including herself.
Shang tsung is a baddie and he doesn't need big muscles or fancy artifacts to do so. His danger is in his smarts, even if he's not top dog he'll never be out of the game for long nor at the bottom. He will always be persistent and always there in mortal kombat, after all. He is THE tournament master of mortal kombat.
Shao kahn aint no whimp and he isn't a meat head either. He's a cunning tyrant, bold but not so brash he can't be smart enough to know what fights to pick to give him an advantage. Conquered realms with the oldest trick in the book, divide and conquer. Makes his enemies fight his other enemies, plays both sides to gain allies to his power. He's deadly because he is smart AND strong.
Kuai Liang LOVES his brother and never ever in all the lifespan of the universe and several others will he abandon or denounce bi-han. If he has to pluck bi-han's soul out of the layers of void and dark magiks that quan chi put in place then so be it. Kuai knows his brother is in there and if not, he'll find a way to give him peace one way or another.
Speaking of jacqui, she is awesome and doing fine as takada's wife and is researching some cool magiks on the side to better help earthrealm (always leaving shang tsung on read since he wants an apprentice)
Sonya is doing her own thing. Ideally she would never had married a man she has 0 chemistry with, but if it has to happen she is divorced and fine with it and never gets back with Johnny. They're still friends tho! Best friends that just don't work as lovers.
Cassie is doing her own thing like Johnny does and has a personality that isnt "nerd dude bro wank bait" and is a warrior who goes through her own journey.
And scorpion is practically retired he's doing fine he's ok he's rebuilt the shirai ryu and everything is prosperous with the ninjas.
Reptile is actually not the last of his species and is getting some damn respect for once. Kotal Kahn is trying to better himself not only as a warrior but a leader bc he realized he has a long way to go actually. Goro is back and vibing. Sheeva is vibing too. Baraka is vibing.
Kitana is not some stuck up dipshit haughty princess she actually remembers what being under shao Kahn's oppressive regime, but also starts to realize despite that she had more privilege than others and starts to actually help all of her people and learn that edenia was never a utopia and such a thing doesn't exist, but regardless she will try to actually unite ALL of her people regardless of social status (might even abolish it)
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ericbttle · 8 days
one funny thing about the whole ‘a straight man having woman friends is an automatic green flag, that means he’s normal!!’ is how actually that means nothing whatsoever lol. do you know how many women I’ve known who make insane excuses for the men they’re friends with?? true they don’t see him in a romantic light and it’s bc they see him as a sweet little baby bro. he totally didn’t mean it like that when he used those slurs, okay? his parents are literally divorced.
finding out a man I’m interested in has woman friends has net zero influence on my feelings until I can confirm that his friends are normal.
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loisinherlane · 1 year
gimme the kon and the lois B)
as you wish <3
Headcanon A:  realistic
Kon runs a fan blog. I will forever push this narrative. Kon is that guy, drunk at the club, showing off his tumblr and talking about his OTP. Yes, he is still into Wendy like 10 years after it ends. But actually, he's really passionate, and I think it's admirable. And we're all just like him, so we LOVE this.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
It's been a hell of a long time since I've plugged my dumbass kazoo fic, but he's annoyed by the sound of kazoos.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
OKAY so everything we were saying today about Conner Luthor. Kon being raised by Lex would be key for mixed kid raised by a racist parent, "I love you, but I don't love that side of you," "I'm going to make snide comments about your heritage and anything you do that isn't the 'right' way," "You owe me for taking care of you and giving you life" kind of dynamic. Also, this isn't really a headcanon, but imagine an AU where Kon has to watch Jon die. I just thought about this. I think we should make Kon suffer a little more for funsies. Dance, clownboy, dance.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Jon is Kon's baby bro. :) I hate this is unrealistic because I wanted it so bad. Literally, I dreamed about a comic with TimKon + Damian and Jon teamup. I even have a whole mental image of variant covers: One where Tim and Kon are holding Damian and Jon back from fighting, and another where Damian and Jon are holding Tim and Kon back from fighting. It would have been so good.
Now Lois <3
Headcanon A:  realistic
Lois never wanted kids. She has too many problems with her parents to have ever imagined she could have a normal family life, and this is (part) of why she threw herself so hard into her professional life. Now, Lois could have been completely fulfilled with a single life as a journalist, but Clark (and later Jon and somewhat Kon and Chris) changed her mind.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
I think Lois and Talia should get brunch. Honestly, I think the only possibilities are that they'd love or hate each other, but I think it'd just be funny to watch them interact. OOH, I WANT TO SEE THEM TEAM UP TO TAKE DOWN THE PTA. Meanwhile, Clark is like, "Can I please bring my brownies to the bake sale? They have Ma's secret ingredient."
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Clark fell in love with Lois at first sight (more or less) and pined after her for a long time, but he did accept that she didn't like him like that and moved on. At this point, Lois fell, and when she confessed, he rejected her because he was with someone. They worked it out eventually, but it was really hard for Lois because she has a hard time letting people in.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
I think Lois's parents should be divorced. Look, she's just got divorced kid energy.
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☾ & ❤️ for coyote or payback
I will literally do this for both. I’m a slut for Coyote and I was thinking about Payback when doing my Fanboy one🖤 Thank you so much for the ask!
☾Sleep Headcanon
~We’ll do Coyote first.
~He is a boxer briefs only kinda guy.
~Bro will knock out in about 5 seconds after his head hits his pillow.
~He snores lightly but not to loud.
~He prefers to have a fan on but it’s not required.
~Snoozes like 2 alarms but then he’s up and getting ready.
~Has a firm pillow that is basically like a brick.
~Top sheet only most nights because the man overheats while he sleeps.
~Normally sleeps on his back.
~If he has a significant other he would have like a single hand on them or a single foot because like I said earlier he overhears when he sleeps.
~He is a super deep sleeper and could sleep through a world ending apocalypse.
~Now onto Payback.
~Sleeps in pajama sets with long socks on.
~Is always freezing in the middle of the night.
~Has a top sheet and big warm comforter.
~Also an extra blanket at the foot of the bed in case he needs it.
~2 Soft pillows. One of them is like a specially made pillow.
~No fan on because he doesn’t want to freeze to death.
~Does need a sleep mask and black out curtains.
~Will have his alarm set for ass crack of dawn and get up as soon as it goes off.
~In bed at like 9:30.
~Man’s is a light sleeper.
~Occasionally likes to play white noise or rain sounds to help him sleep and to drown out outside noises.
~Completely wrapped around his significant other like a koala bear.
~Never snores, never mumbles or toss and then or anything.
♥️Family Headcanon
~We’ll do Coyote first again.
~Coyote is a mommas boy and you will never change my mind.
~His parents got divorced when he was young and his dad moved up north far away from New Orleans.
~He’s also the baby of the family.
~Grew up with 2 older sisters.
~His momma would smack him upside the head if she heard he was disrespectful towards a women.
~He has a picture of him and his mom and sisters having brunch as his lock screen on his phone.
~His significant other will have to be okay with not being the women in his life.
~But he wouldn’t put his mother above his significant other they would be equals.
~Super awkward around the one niece he has from his eldest sister.
~Babies freak him out.
~Does not want kids.
~Now onto Payback.
~His mother died when he was really young.
~Grew up with his father and younger brother.
~Calls his dad and brother pretty frequently.
~Even though he didn’t grow up with a motherly figure his dad made sure to teach him about women.
~How to romance them, respect them, treat them right etc.
~Has always wanted to be a dad.
~The man’s was made to be a father okay?
~Best dad ever award goes to Payback.
~Would be super attentive to his significant other.
~Best listener to his kids and tries to be at every sports event, science fair, art gallery, band concert etc.
~Picture of him, his significant other, and their kids in matching Christmas pajamas as his Lock Screen on his phone.
Tags:(open) @wkndwlff @sylviebell @theeleggymeggy @angelbabyange
Headcanon Ask Game
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