#my personal head cannons
foxyafroninja · 2 years
~More thoughts from inside my head~
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*<*The 141 boys are taking their turn in the kitchen…what could possibly go wrong!*<*
Our first sacrifice chief *>*<*>*
💀 Simon “Ghost” Riley
This man is a surprisingly good cook.
You weren’t sure exactly WHAT you were expecting. Just looking at him you wouldn’t think he knows his way around a kitchen but you’d be wrong.
Nothing crazy fancy- Quick, Practical and Tasty… so lots of pastas.(but who doesn’t like spaghetti 🍝)
Next to grace the kitchen *<*>*<*>*
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿John “Soap” McTavish
Oh boy 🤦🏼‍♀️, nobody puts in the most effort.
How he’s made it this long is a mystery. He could catch water on fire. In fact he HAS caught water on fire! He was trying to make pasta and the oil caught and poof.
But hey it’s the thought that counts, just please don’t let him be unsupervised and besides cooking together is way more fun. ❤️
Drum roll for our next chief<*><*>*<
💃🏻 Alejandro Vargas
There are 2 things that are mandatory for those of Latin blood to know how to do..1- is dancing and 2- is cooking 🥘
Man has a recipe book with things from his great grandmother that he guards with his life
Sit back with a glass of wine and watch this man turn into a whirlwind of pots and pans, all as he dances to music.
Oh Captain my Captain it’s your turn<*<*
🧔🏻‍♂️Captain Price
Price has been all around the world many times and has definitely learned a thing or two
This man is another one who is completely at home in the kitchen, however, he hates cooking lol
He is completely capable of making something fancy but let’s be honest. It’s not his style, but if you ask him nicely he will show off some culinary skills for you.
Lastly everyone’s favorite good ole boy*<*<
Philip Graves🤠
Graves doesn’t cook.. no no no. “Cooking is for sissies “ this man GRILLS. Just like a proper southern boy should.
Graves takes his grilling very seriously and will argue with you for hours about how dry rub seasoning is better then wet.( pleas don’t get him started you will be there for hours)
Definitely owns one of those novelty aprons that says something like “ I like my racks big, my butt rubbed and my pork pulled” and wears it every time he grills.
Yes, yes I know I left out Rodolfo. That’s only because him and Alejandro’s would have been like exactly the same. Hispanic and Latino men all, at least in my experience, know how to cook and they are damn good at it too.
I wonder what my brain will think up next to share with you all. Maybe something a little more…. Personal who knows! But it’s late and I work in the morning so I’ll see you all later!
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I present to you the work of another painter of fish plates. Y’know how you use ‘scare quotes’ for various purposes, including indicating that you’re not actually sure about The Thing?
Well, this guy was so bad at whatever he was painting that we call him…
The ‘tadpole’ painter:
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Here’s another example:
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This one was sold as part of the Graham Geddes collection at Bonham’s auction house in 2008 for £2,040.
They describe it as ‘three fish including a wrasse with dorsal spines, an angler-fish, the rounded body with multiple black dots, two large round eyes with pupils, an open mouth with teeth bared, and a ray with pointed face, the body with multiple black dots’.
Which like… bold fucking move missing out the fact that they have legs. Though I can’t say I envy whoever had to write the description.
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fluffywing-e-tarot · 11 months
The God that Marks Garps Student
Koby was marked. Garp knew the scrawny brat was marked the moment he laid eyes on him.
Koby had a strong sense of Justice and a Protector of the weak.
So, Tsuisu mark wouldn't be surprising. However, by his Background report and his own personal testimony. Koby arrived on Shells with Luffy. And punched Koby declaring him not a member of the now named Strawhat Pirates
Nika's markings wouldn't be out of place either. 
The Cadet was kind too. There was a partnership blooming with the blond twigs. He has seen Astrus mark a Dog for its Loyalty.
Astrus' mark might be a stretch. As by some of the Reports he's snooped off of Senny's desk Ace has been making a mess in the New World.
So when he took them onto his ship. He was fully prepared for one of his three Godly Grandsons to show up.
He set about the offerings on the shrines. In his quarters. Knowing none of them could resist a snack after using their abilities to hop to a shrine.
Garp snapped awake when he heard shuffling in his room. He spotted the tails of a coat exiting his room.
It could only be Sabo that came to check on his student.
He bolted towards his Wayward grandson.
"You Get black here you brat." Garp said, running out onto the deck only to see Sabo leep off the ship like an escaping boy after hours.
The half-shaded face looked at him with the usual terror. As he disembarked from the ship. 
"Sabo, at least have the decency of a man to say hello to your grandpa!" he shouted after the boy. Sabo would be fine In the water. He could walk on moonlight. But his grandson didn't say anything as he swam away.
" Sir should we go after the stowaway?" One of the twigs on night watch asked.
"No. We'll just lose him in the moonlight. Return to your watch." Garp growled "I'm going back to bed."
" Yes sir." The twig said.
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noe-clara69 · 5 months
If tsc has made me realize anything, it is that we need to portray Neil way more feral and cutthroat in fan media
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rt-nique · 9 months
Ok so you guys know that one quote about wanting to be the poem instead of the poet / be the muse instead of always being the artist.
am thinking about Tim Drake wanting to be seen, appreciated. Adored. Like how he captured pictures of Batman and the previous Robins. He has a desire to be loved. To be looked up to and admired for himself instead of being compared to other robins. To have someone love him like how much he loved Batman and Robin.
To be the subject instead of the photographer.
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cygnus-is-tired · 7 months
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Hair Dye Head Cannons!
Richie, regularly dyes his hair, but is there about re-bleaching his roots. Changes the color every three months or so, depends on whatever anime character he’s obsessed with at the time.
Ruth, got talked into dying he hair one and was going to let it grow back out until a lady gave her a compliment on it in a grocery store. It was a religious experience.
Peter, also got talked into dying his hair once but, but he hated how it looked. He tried to fix it by dying over it with his “natural” color. Which ended up being two shades too light. Giving him bad green-brown highlights instead.
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Based off amazing art by @al8estos
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Og art:
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dougielombax · 10 months
We keep the orchestra motivated and awake by firing a cannon into the audience at random intervals.
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yorshie · 11 months
So.... remember how I said I took that sketch yesterday not turning out well a little too personally?
Yeah..... Might have went just a wittle bit overboard.
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Also come get ya new profile pic (pspspspsps Angelo fans)
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
Um hi I was wondering if you could maybe explain Sky's background a little bit for me? I'm wondering if there's any information about his family situation and why he lives at the school. Do all the students live at the school, or only some of them? I also read your post about the beds and it said Pipit has his own house but it's dusty so does he just work all the time?
Sorry if this is a lot, I just wanted to ask what you think since not everything is in the fandom wikis and game guides.
Hi there!
So officially we dont know too much about these questions but I'll try my best to summarise what we know for you.
Links parents are not in the picture, assumed to be dead because they are never mentioned in the game or otherwise. We also know that Link is a childhood friend of Zelda and her family, (The headmaster Gaepora who is her father). He along with other students lives at the Knight Academy and from what I can find that is a choice for the other students. Link lives there because well he's got nowhere else to go.
It's possible he's lived there for most of his life like Zelda is assumed to have done, you can see he's a little more settled than the other students are which would indicate that he's more permanent than the others are.
When it comes to Pipit, he lives at home with his mother, pipit is the main breadwinner of the house which is why if you look around the knight academy at night time you can find him on patrol. (you find this out after helping his mother with cleaning the house after obtaining the gust bellows) it's understood that his mother is lazy and just doesn't like cleaning so will just live in a mess and then use's the money that Pipit earns for food and other household items to give to people to get them to do the cleaning. (The first time you do this for her she gives you a gratitude crystal)
I hope this helps!
I've got so many headcannons for Sky's backstory which I'll go into if people want me to. (As my fave I will ramble on all day)
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cthulhusstepmom · 1 year
Price is so right for chucking soaps freezer meal those things are crimes against humanity also love that gaz is an accessory to the crime 😂
BUT IMMA BE HONEST REPTILE GUY SOAP IS OCCUPYING A NOT INSIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF MY BRAIN!! Do you think hes a snake guy? A lizard guy? Turtle dude maybe? Dude is 1000% in love w crocs and gators tho. Probably what sparked his love of all things scaly when he was younger. What do you wanna bet he was one of the kids chasing frogs and looking for tadpoles throughout childhood? Probably stumbled over a common lizard basking in the sun while glomping thru a park or something and spent the afternoon falling more and more in love.
Consumed any and every morsel of age appropriate reptile info, eventually became a dinosaur kid etc. but also carried that love of them into adulthood. Imma bet he always wanted one as a pet, but bc he enlisted so young he never got the chance. Maybe he gets inspired by the communal tank to start looking into it 👀👀
Anyways i love ur fish lore so much ❤️❤️❤️
You are(as always) right on my wavelength!!
In my head Soap's dad is a reptile person and his mom is an animal person so he definitely gets it from somewhere. When he was young, Soap's parents kept all the herps locked up, both for his safety and the reptiles' God knows Soap was an exuberant and curious kiddo. It's only after they find him in the backyard flat out on his stomach at 4 years old, hand outstretched and a wild little lizard sitting in his palm that they realize just how empathetic he is. After that he gets to play with the reptiles more, always supervised of course. But he grows up surrounded by scaly critters, the equivalent of his childhood dog is a black and white Argentine tegu named Buddy who's turning 23 this year. He spends his days running around and getting into everything, carefully bringing back his catches to take pictures of before running them back to put exactly where he found them.
One day he comes home from primary school with a bloody nose and a black eye, discipline slip clutched in his hand. At recess some of his classmates had been throwing rocks at a little frog that had wandered into the playground and, when Soap had told them to stop, threw a book and ended up killing the little amphibian and little Soap beat the shit out of them with limited success(it was four against one you gotta give the little man credit). Soap's parents show up to the meeting with the headmaster and the parents of the other students with Primrose: a 17 1/2 foot reticulated python. After that meeting they go to the zoo and little Soap declares that one day he's going to have a crocodile that he can feed bullies to.
Having enlisted at such a young a young age Soap doesn't have many animals to his name, just two. A 14 year old ball python he rescued named Martha and a 3 year old bearded dragon named Bowser, both left in the capable care of his parents.
While he doesn't have the facilities to have a reptile on base and, despite popular belief, he does have impulse control....sometimes, he somehow ends up with quite the collection. The thing about soldiers, especially stupid ass new recruits, is that they make a lot of bad decisions (I mean they are soldiers so their track record is already in the negative). And Soap can't bear to see any animal suffer from improper care so he ends up operating a rescue out of his quarters. He's taken in everything from corn snakes to baby asian water monitors and on one very memorable occasion a surprisingly chill sidewinder.
He keeps it all very top secret, the only one he trusts is Laswell she takes care of feeding everybody when he's gone. It's not that he doesn't trust his team but it wouldn't be the first time he'd had a usually rational CO go ballistic. One time when he'd first enlisted and he was missing home, he'd found a little garden snake and was playing with it when his lieutenant at the time had seen, ordered him to attention and shot the poor snake in the head laughing as he did. He's learned the hard way that machismo doesn't mix well with his hobby.
Right now he's lined up a home for a little leopard gecko and a bearded dragon both with pretty bad mbd. A little more difficult to find a place for is the lavender false water cobra he's named Hugo and the 7 foot albino labyrinth burmese python he's calling Wee Man.
With the fish tank he's starting to get comfortable with the idea of bringing the team in on his escapades. But then Ghost shares his trauma with him and it terrifies him. He cannot let Ghost see his snakes, not because he's worried his Lt will hurt them, but because they'll hurt Ghost.
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loveeari · 8 months
my one main hc abt tim drake is that everyone think's he's hot and cute and his shit together because he's super rich and everyone wants him. but like all connor or kon his boyfriends see's is tim in peak rat form. like bro will not sleep or consume anything that is not energy drinks or coffee and wears clothes that are like 4 days old. kon loves him for it anyways even if the little shit keeps stealing his sweaters <3
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jackalspine · 8 months
Consuming LU fics that use mipha’s grace like a ravenous cow in an infinite field
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underlordmenace · 2 years
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These guys live in my brain rent free, and they refuse to leave!
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anyone else ever think about weird quirks or stereotypes behind each sub-class?
like for example, when an arc user is excited they start sparking HJSDHFK. or arc users are typically associated with acting more on the erratic, chaotic side.
or solar peeps being more passionate and emotional in general, and whenever they do get like that, they start heating up and possibly become a fire hazard. 💀
Void seems a little tricky, but I'd like to imagine them being more of a detached, "empty" and kind of edgy. If they were in a bad mood, you'd feel a chill up your spine, but if they were comfortable with you, maybe you'd feel a "still" in a peaceful sort of way. I don't know how to word it lol
Stasis would be a bit like solar and void. They're literally icy, sharp, snappy, perhaps a little slow but always on point. They're probably constantly radiating just...coldness haha.
Strand confuses me. It'd be like arc in a sense, because it could be erratic, but then it's more....intentional. Woven. They are free flowing, exuberant, but perhaps a bit overwhelming. Tangling. Not really sure how to sum it up hahah
anyway um yeah ramble over. if yah have any thoughts to add on or object to, let me know :D :D
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maybe i’m just surrounded by autistic male family members, but i find it soooo much better socially to hang out and chat with boys. i’m gonna sound like such a pick me, but i get mega autism tired after chatting/gossiping/fangirling/etc with a girl because i feel like there’s a certain way to respond to things. on the contrast, my deepest connections and best conversations have been with women, but generally, i feel like i can just do and say whatever with male friends but i have to adhere to certain social rules with female friends. is this the same for other afab autistics?
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