#my sister traveled with her boyfriend family so I had the room for myself for a few days
sometimesanalice · 2 years
Oh Christmas Tree
Summary: Bradley’s never been one to look forward to the holidays, that is until he met you. He’s excited to do everything, including getting his very first real Christmas tree.
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, allusions to smut. Minors DNI.
Length: 7.2K 
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw X Female Reader
(What was supposed to be a quick fluffy Christmas fic, somehow turned into this, enjoy!)
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The atmosphere at the Hard Deck was livelier than usual, the music seemed more upbeat and the voices a little louder. It was the first time in a while that the entire Dagger Squad was together in one place. News of the success of the Uranium Mission traveled fast and had been keeping them busy in the months that had followed.
Things seemed to settle down a bit as the holidays rolled around, some has dispersed home for Thanksgiving while a few others had been given last minute orders to ship out for a short mission. You’d been dying to take Bradley Bradshaw home to meet your parents in person, but he had been one of the few sent away only set to return the day after Thanksgiving.
You’re sitting across from Natasha at a high top near the pool tables in the back of the bar listening to Jake talk about his visit home, while your boyfriend next to you talks animatedly about something related to his latest mission with Bob.
“I shaved off an extra 5 minutes from the last Trot. Turns out I’m in even better shape than I was the last time I was home for Thanksgiving,” Jake brags smugly taking a swig of his beer from his nearly empty bottle.
“Wait, you come from a Turkey Trot family? That explains so much. Please tell me, you guys wear matching Seresin family shirts for it too,” you tease without remorse. “Oh! Or maybe those turkey leg bobble headbands?” 
You hear Bradley snort into his beer as he drops a well-defined arm across your shoulders. He’s wearing one of your favorite Hawaiian shirts from his collection, and you’ve been having a hard time keeping your eyes and hands to yourself.
“Bradshaw! Are you going to let your girl trash talk me like that?” You turn to Bradley to see him smirk with a shrug at Jake’s indignation.
“I mean, if the headband fits,” he replies lifting his bottle up in cheers.
“Darlin’, you wound me. And for the record they don’t match, since we all get to decorate our own with those paints in the little squeeze bottles,” he says pointing his empty bottle at you before turning to Bradley, “And see if I ever save your smug ass again.” He walks away making his way to the bar for another beer.
“Formal petition to change his callsign to Turkey now. Him and Rooster could be the Bird Bros,” Natasha jokes after he’s out of earshot. “What about you, how was your trip home?”
“It was pretty good,” you feel Bradley start playing with the ends of your hair, while he picks his conversation with Bob back up. “Since my sister had the baby, my parents have been leaning into the new grandparent thing pretty hard. So I set to establishing myself as the fun wine aunt, and basically drank cranberry mimosas all day.” You pause to take a sip of your drink, “Which I regretted immediately the next day when my parents decided it was imperative that we all go to their favorite Christmas tree farm as soon as it opened to cut one down together. Baby’s first Christmas all.” You unlock your phone to pull up the folder you made of pictures from the visit, handing over your phone to let her scroll.
“Since they’re flying out to spend Christmas with my sister and her in-laws in Philly, I tried to talk them into an artificial tree. Which is blasphemy where I’m from, I’m pretty sure the state tree is the Douglas Fir. My family takes the tree hunt very seriously, there’s a science to it and everything,” you lean over to swipe past some of the selfies you took to show her the completed tree in your parents sitting room. 
“However, as you can see, my attempt to talk them into the lower maintenance, yet slightly ostentatious, fluffy pink tree of my dreams was met with a hard pass,” you say laughing to yourself.
She swipes backwards a couple times on the pictures. “This one is cute, why didn’t you post this photo?” she asks holding your phone up showing a selfie of you at the tree farm.
“Which one? Let me see,” Bradley requests, his conversation with Bob now abandoned. He’s already leaning into you and reaching across the high top with his large hands to take the phone from Nat.
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It was a photo of you that Bradley hadn’t seen before. You were pink nosed wrapped up in cozy looking scarf, surrounded by pine trees and grinning into the camera. And his heart swells at the sight of the image before him. It’s just so you.
“You really look pretty,” he states sincerely. He glances at you briefly to see a hint of a blush spread across your cheeks before turning his gaze back to the picture of you.
He’d known you had been just as eager as he was for to him come home with you to meet your parents in person. You had even concocted a plan that involved him to try and help you get your hands on your Aunt Christine’s corn soufflé recipe.
“My mom has tried to get it for years, and she refuses to share it with anyone!” you’d lamented to him one evening after a couple large glasses of wine. “She always says she’ll email it, but she never does!” You gesture wildly. He loved getting to know all sides of you, but two-drink you was a particular favorite of his.
“Mmm. Girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep,” he nodded along in solidarity.
“Exactly, Bradley! You get it!” You take another long, deep sip of your Merlot, your feet tucked under you on his couch. “Me with my wiles and you with your Rooster charisma, I think this might be the year! I’ll set the groundwork and you can lay the ruggedly-handsome-impossibly-sexy-American-hero-thing on thick,” he loved how animated you were getting and he was having a hard time keeping the indulgent smile off of his face. “And she’ll fall right into our trap and release the goods all while thinking she’s staring in her own Hallmark movie.” He knew he would do anything for you, what his girl wants she gets. If that involves some light to heavy flirting with your aunt, so be it. He was getting soufflé recipe for you one way or another.
However, those plans were quickly dashed when he got the mission orders at the last minute. His stomach was in knots when it came time to tell you, but you were quick to put him at ease by reminding him there was always next year. “Plus” you’d said, “it gives us a whole year to craft our Stealthy Soufflé Scheme. Although, maybe we can pop up in May or June? I want to show you all the sights, we can even go hiking! And I’m definitely planning on taking you on a beer tour.”
“That sounds like the perfect trip, Sweetheart. I’d love that. I’ll see about getting a request submitted first thing in the morning,” he was already setting a reminder in his phone so he wouldn’t get too distracted at work and forget. He wasn’t going to let you down again.
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“Oh. That’s probably one I snapped really quick and forgot to send to Bradley. I was probably already spamming him too much as it was,” you answer in response to Natasha’s question. Even though you knew exactly why that one never made it his inbox.
Since you’d be spending the holiday apart, Bradley had requested that you send him pictures throughout your visit so that he didn’t feel like he was missing anything. You had sent him ones of you at the grocery store with your mom, of you holding your niece, a few silly ones fueled by too many champagne heavy mimosas, and some less family friendly shots of you in bed wearing the deep wine-colored lacy lingerie set you had planned to surprise him with. And then a few without the lingerie set too.
You had known he wouldn’t have the best reception, so you sent them as things happened knowing that he’d respond whenever he could. You just wanted them there waiting for him. However, a few days in was getting hard to know what was too much when all you could see were all your outgoing messages to him.
You had felt yourself getting a little self-conscious and started second guessing the things you sent, like the picture from the tree farm. You didn’t want to go overboard and scare him off or make it seem like you were rubbing his face in all the things he was missing while he was on assignment. You had just wanted him to know that you were thinking about him- which was pretty much all the time.
Turning your head to take him in next to you. He’s sitting there with a soft smile on his face while he is tapping away on your phone. When his phone lights up mere moments later, you realize he’d just sent the image to himself and was now paging through the folder looking for others.
“For being a Communications Specialist, you’re really bad about updating your own social media. That one was definitely worthy of making it to the grid,” Nat announces as she slides off the barstool taking Bob with her to go dominate on one of the pool tables.
Bradley hands you your phone back. “You know, I’ve never been to a Christmas tree farm. Or even had a real tree for that matter,” he murmurs a bit ruefully when it’s just the two of you, picking at the label of the bottle Natasha had left behind.
“When I was younger we only ever had a fake tree. And then after my mom passed, everything with Mav, and moving around so much I just kind of didn’t ever want to think about it. I never thought to get anything for myself.” He lets out a breath, shaking his head slightly. “I’m really happy you’re sticking around to show me the ropes this year,” he says earnestly, sounding much lighter than before.
The thought of him fending for himself for so long makes your heart hurt. You lean into him pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek. “I’m happy you want to spend the day with me,” you tell him brushing your nose against his as you pull away. 
“I did my good daughter duties, but flying home during the one of busiest days of the year was enough for me. And I wouldn’t want to subject you to the Richardson’s by going to Philly, my parents call them the Dickardson’s for a reason,” making a face that causes him to laugh.
“We’re going to have the best Christmas together, I wouldn’t want to spend the day with anyone else.” This time when you pull him in for another kiss your lips are eager to meet his. The slide of his mouth against yours never fails to make your heart beat wildly in your chest.
You could spend days kissing Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw and never want to break for air. It’s only at the sound of someone’s loud wolf whistle that you break apart as you’re brought back the moment.
“You know, I’m still not over the fact that my girlfriend withheld such ‘compelling content’ from me,” he teases, using air quotes the buzzwords he’s heard you say from listening to one too many of your late night zoom meetings.
“It was the last day! You were getting in before me, and I thought you’d want the real deal instead. And to tell the truth, I didn’t know if I was overdoing it. I didn’t want to make you feel left out,” you explain honestly. You’ve always been the type to keep those insecurities to yourself, but you’ve been trying to do better. He makes you feel safe enough to open up without holding back.
“Sweetheart.” He picks up your hand his mustache brushing the back of it as he places a kiss there. “You could never overdo it. Spam away, send me everything. I love getting those pictures, it makes me feel closer to you. But, I do know how you could make it up to me.” As he sends a mischievous wink your way.
You’re hit with a brief vision of you on your knees before him in that wine-colored set he still has yet to see in person. 
“Oh, do you?” You ease off your stool to stand in front of him, his legs automatically widening for you to step in between them.
“Wanna come help me pick out a tree this weekend?” he asks, slipping his hands into the back pockets of your jeans to tug you in even closer. “I hear you know a thing or two about picking out the best one,” his eyes crinkle around the edges as he smiles broadly at you.
You don’t bother fighting back the grin that takes over your face. “Stick with me, kid,” you say taking his sunglasses from where they rest against his chest and sliding them on, “I won’t lead you astray.” 
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Bradley had the best afternoon learning the ins and outs of selecting the perfect tree at the tree lot with you. 
He had found a tree place with a festive name that was about 30 minutes away, it was probably a bit different than what you were used to, but he hoped you’d be happy with the options there. He had even called in advance to make sure they had the specific variety your parents usually got after texting with your dad to find out what he should be looking for.
He had wanted to pick you up from your apartment, but you had insisted on meeting him at his place since you had an early work meeting scheduled in the morning. And had greeted you with a coffee in hand from your favorite shop when you arrived.
He’d even worn the plaid flannel shirt you had bought for him when you were visiting home for the occasion. When he parked the Bronco in the lot, you had giddily exclaimed, “Bradley, look at all the trees! There’s way more than I thought there’d be. It smells like home!” 
Once you were both out of the car you had grabbed his hand threading your fingers between his, and set off like a woman on a mission. He’d felt rather pleased with himself. 
The outdoor speakers were playing the local Christmas radio station and there were rows and rows of trees under a few large white topped tents. He loved how seriously you were taking this, and if he wasn’t already totally enamored with you this would have sealed the deal.
You’d taught him how to determine its freshness, “You have to pull a needle off and see if it bends or snaps. If it snaps then it’s already way too dried out and you’re just purchasing a giant match stick.” 
From there the came the scent test, “Now sniff the tree, you have to get your face in there. The stronger the tree scent the longer it will last.” 
And finally, the aesthetics. 
“I like mine a little girthy and on the fuller side, but that’s all a matter of personal preference. You want some gaps, so that the heavier ornaments can hang better, but not too many. And the top has to be straight, no one wants a lopsided tree topper.”
“That’s not the only thing you like full and girthy,” he couldn’t help but let slip out.
“Bradley, there are children here!” you admonished while looking around wide eyed, but that didn’t stop you from grazing the front of his jeans every chance you got.
So, when he managed to find what you excitedly deemed to be the “absolute most perfect tree!”, he couldn’t help but preen his face feeling a bit warm from the attention and praise you showered him with.
He’d hauled the tree up to the check out where it was bundled while he paid, and then carried it over his shoulder out to the Bronco. You’d trailed behind him carrying the wreath you’d picked out humming along with the music.
“Is there such a thing as a competence kink? Because this,” you had mused gesturing to him tying the tree down in the back, his hands tingling, “is definitely doing it for me.” He had just grinned and shaken his head at you, his face heating up a bit. However, he couldn’t help but flex a bit more for your benefit as he finished up.
And when you made him pull off the road less than 10 minutes later, to indulge in that new self-discovery with your mouth around his cock, well that was very much for his benefit.
Now you’re with him at his place.  You guys had wrangled the perfect tree into the house and had gotten it set up in front of his windows in the living room near the upright piano he had tucked in the corner. He loved the smell that was filling the room and the way you’d lit up once it was in place. If he had his way, you’d be around all the time.
Bradley could hear you singing along to the Christmas album he had picked up that was playing on his Dad’s old record player as you worked on putting together some hot toddies in the kitchen. You had put him on light duty, and he was determined to make it the best-looking thing you’ve ever seen.
He worked going round and round the Christmas tree, the lights all shining merrily. He took his time making sure to wrap and tuck the lights around the branches, the cozy glow filling his chest with warmth.
But the longer he worked the more he was starting to get worried that he was coming down with a bug or something, his face starting to feel slightly feverish. His throat getting thick and uncomfortable.
He’d noticed it earlier at the tree lot, but didn’t want to give it too much thought. The Navy had ruined his Thanksgiving plans with you and he didn’t want to let you down again. He worked to string lights on a few more branches adamant to push through for you. 
“Sweetheart,” he reluctantly called out to you, “I think I might be coming down with something. I’m not feeling too hot, and my throat is kinda scratchy.” The guilt was starting to settle in the pit of his stomach, maybe if he rested now he could keep it from getting too bad.
He turns to see you coming out of the kitchen with two steaming mugs in your hand, your eyes going wide.
He turns back to the tree looking to see if he accidentally fucked something up. It was his first time with a real tree, maybe the lights needed to be strung differently.
“Bradley. Oh my god.”
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You had just put the finishing touches on the hot toddies and were already walking out of the kitchen when Bradley had called out to you. Those beverages were quickly abandoned on his coffee table as you propelled yourself towards him.
His face was brightly flushed and his eyes were shade of red that made your own itch in sympathy. You reach up to tug at the collar of the flannel he was wearing to get a better look at the skin of his neck and chest. The scars on his neck were standing out in contrast to his reddened skin.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing?” Even his voice was sounding a bit scratchy. You ignore him in favor for undoing the buttons at the cuff and rolling up the sleeve of his shirt, trying to not let yourself get too anxious. “You tryin’ to get me to put these lights up topless like some kind of sexy Santa?”
You shush him as you finally get the sleeve rolled up when your suspicions are confirmed, his thick forearm is absolutely covered in angry looking raised red welts. 
“Oh no. Roos, baby. You’re breaking out.” Already pulling him away from the 7-foot issue occupying the living room and heading towards the kitchen, “I think you have pine tree allergy.” 
He finally looks away from your face and down to his arm, a deep furrow settling over his features, “Oh fuck.” You get him seated at his oval oak dining table grabbing your phone to figure out what to do next.
“Yeah, ‘Oh fuck’,” you repeat back to him eyes skimming the information on the page you clicked into.  You’ve always been the type to take charge in a crisis, this would be no different. You’d make sure he’s taken care of the way he needs to be. The way he deserves to be.
“How’s your breathing feel? Is your throat feeling tight or like it’s closing up?” you ask looking up at him.
His red-rimmed honey eyes seem to shift focus like he’s lost in thought for a brief moment.
He shakes his head. “Sorry, baby,” he says a bit bashfully. “I’m used to being the one levelheaded in stressful situations, but you should see the intensity on your face. I think you coulda been a pilot.”
“Bradley, I’m flattered. Truly,” you’ve learned that he isn’t the type to say things he doesn’t mean and you respect the hell out of what he does. “Although I’m sure there are a few more qualifications I’d have to pass than that,” you reply lightly, petting the back of his hand resting on the table. “But I need you stick with me here. I just need to figure out if we need to get you to the ER or not.”
He nods. “It’s a little thick, but not like it’s going to close up. And really scratchy, ‘s all.”
“Ok, that’s good. That’s good,” you repeat again more to yourself than him. 
You love this man so much, and he deserves the world. This is the last thing you would have wanted for him and his very first, and last, real tree.
You can still hear the record playing in the background as you try not to gnaw on the inside of your cheek working to put your game plan together.
After firing off a quick text to Jake, you quickly pop upstairs to Bradley’s medicine cupboard, hoping that he has some antihistamines tucked away in there. You breathe a sigh of relief when you see the pink box, grabbing it you tear off a couple squares from the silver lined sheet to bring back to him.
He’s still sitting where you left him at the dining table. He’s slumped down in the chair his mouth pulled down at the corners, and you think it’s probably because he’s not feeling the greatest right now. You hand him the meds and a fetch him a glass of water, watching as the tendons of his throat flex as they work to swallow the pills down. The red welts have finally made an appearance there too, and are an angry contrast to his usually golden skin.
“Let’s get you out of these clothes, hmm?” You bend down to catch his eyes with your and holding out our hands to him. He nods once taking your smaller hands in his as he lets you pull him up. 
You help him to unbutton and remove the flannel shirt trying to avoid further contact with the hives on his body, not wanting to cause him anymore discomfort. Once his wide chest and arms are uncovered, you work his jeans down his thick thighs leaving him in his tight black boxer briefs. There’s nothing more than you love than being up close with Rooster’s body, but right now you’re on a mission and can’t be distracted by all the skin before you.
While you’re still feeling concerned for him, you can feel your anxiety starting to settle a bit from where it was at earlier. You’ve got a plan, you’ve already checked off a few things, and you’ll be able to take a breath once Bradley is taken care of.
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He’s ruining everything with you. First Thanksgiving and now Christmas. 
How the fuck did he not know he was allergic to pine trees? He’s 35, he should known those kinds of things by now. Shouldn’t he?
He is frustrated as fuck laying on top of the king-sized bed in his darkened bedroom, the stinging of the hives on his arms and upper body were driving him crazy. God, his eyes itched and burned. Although, he couldn’t tell if it as from the reaction to the tree or from fighting the sudden urge to cry for the first time in a very long time.
The afternoon was not going as he had envisioned it. He wanted to sing some carols loudly while getting tipsy off hot toddies with you. Dance with you in between hanging ornaments on the tree. Maybe fuck you under the tree if he played his cards right, he wanted to be the one to get your tinsel in a tangle. 
All he had wanted was to make you happy. You weren’t spending Christmas with your family, and he didn’t want you to miss out on anything being in California with him instead. He was really excited about the holiday for the first time in what felt like forever, and it had everything to do with you.
“Do you have any oatmeal here?” You had asked him not too long ago, and it was all he could do to point you in the right direction as the guilt was eating away at him. Once you had found it, you had sent him away to go upstairs to get him further away from the tree. His strong, capable, and pretty girlfriend was left to deal with the mess downstairs without him. 
He could hear the whir of the blender and wondered what you were up to. Sulking at the fact that all he could do is wait for the antihistamines to kick in, and hope that he’d be feeling better soon so that he could help you take care of things.
“Bradley? Baby, are you awake?” You entered the dimly lit room cautiously, approaching him gingerly on the bed and holding a large bowl with something fluffy and powdery looking in it. He hadn’t heard you come up the stairs.
He loved the sound of your voice. He loved it in the morning when it was thick with sleep, how excited you got when you were talking about something you were passionate about, and he especially loved the breathy whispers and words of encouragement from you in his ear late at night when he was moving so deep within you. What he didn’t love was being the reason you were so anxious, that he was at fault for why your tone was so laced with concerned. 
“Yeah,” although he was starting to feel sluggish, “’m still awake.” He felt your cool hands on his face and leaned into your soothing touch, pressing a kiss to your palm.
“I’m going to make you an oatmeal bath,” you informed him gesturing to the bowl in your hand. “From what I’ve been reading online that should help calm down the hives, hopefully stop them from spreading anymore.’
“Okay, Sweetheart,” he sighed. He can hear how pitiful he sounds, but right now his girl is the only thing that is making him feel good, and he will do anything you ask of him.
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You set about turning the taps on for the large tub in the bathroom, twisting the handles to get the water to come out at the right temperature. Once you were satisfied, you swirled in the oat powder you had made watching as the water turned cloudy, then headed back into the bedroom to get Bradley.
“Let’s get you in the tub so you can soak for a bit, yeah?” He looks so miserable alone stretched out on the bed. “It’s not too hot, and it should help you feel better,” you help him to sit up placing a kiss to the lines of the scars on his cheek trying to comfort him.
Ever the soldier, he dutifully follows you into the bathroom. Once he is stripped of his briefs and comfortably situated in the milky mixture, his eyes flutter closed as he reclines back, leaning his head against the ledge of the tub. You move kneel on the floor next to him running your fingers through his sun-streaked waves.
Your little pocket of peace is disturbed a few minutes later by the ding of your phone.
“Jake just got here,” you announce filling him in on the next part of your plan, “He’s going to help me with the tree.” 
“’posed to be my job,” Bradley sulks making a petulant sound in his throat. You can’t help but let out a gentle tsk while fighting back a small smile at his response.  
“I just want you to relax here and let the oatmeal do its thing. I’m going to get things wrapped up downstairs it shouldn’t take too long, and then I’ll come back to check on you.”
“Mmhm, fine,” he sighs as you press a kiss to his forehead.
You let Jake in and he is quick to jump in taking over by unwinding the lights off from the partially lit tree. He’s even quicker to haul the massive thing out of the house and into the back of his truck, as the new owner of the 7-foot Noble Fir. After the tree is deposited, he heads back in and helps you coil the lights back up so they’re not in a tangled mess on the floor making some light small talk because he can tell your mind is elsewhere. 
On his way out the door he shoots you a cocky salute, a shit-eating grin already plastered on his face.  “You can thank my new Trot PR for how quickly I was able to run back to my place after I got your SOS text to get here as quickly as I did, Darlin’,” he drawls. 
You flip him off, but tell him to text you what meals he’d like you to make and bring over later in the week as thanks for his help. And with a quick kiss to his cheek, you shoo him out the door wanting to get back to your boyfriend.
After he leaves, you break out the vacuum and work on getting the needles off the ground before moving on to the laundry. You grab the pile of Bradley’s clothes from the floor in the kitchen where you had left them before stripping down to your underwear, throwing everything in the washer and turning it on to get rid of any potential lingering irritants.
You make you way back upstairs, stopping to slip on one of Bradley’s old UVA t-shirts and grabbing him a loose pair of navy sweatpants, before going in to check on him. He is still there soaking his head tilted back and eyes closed, just as you had left him. Thankfully the hives have seemed to stop their spread leaving his face untouched. His neck, chest, and arms still bearing the brunt of his allergic reaction.
You gently knock on the door to announce your presence, not wanting to startle him. “You ready to come out now, baby?” Before him you had never been a pet name person, but now all you wanted to be a source of comfort in his life. A soft place for him to land.
“Yeah,” he turns his head towards the sound of your voice, “I think I might be getting a bit prune-y, but that felt really good. Thank you, Sweetheart.” He has finally opened his eyes and looking right at you, with a smile small and soft, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. 
You’re trying not to read into it too much, not wanting to let your anxiety get the best of you. You help him up from bath and use the handheld to first shower him off, grabbing a fluffy towel to help gingerly pat him dry. As he bends to pull on the sweatpants you had brought in you turn to rinse out the remaining oatmeal residue from the tub. He presses a kiss to the back of your head as he passes by you to make his way back to the bedroom.
By the time you’re done he has already climbed into bed, the comforter on your side already pulled back as he reaches out for you to get in with him. The white percale sheets you had helped him pick out were cool and luxuriously soft to the touch, and you feel yourself release the breath it felt like you’d been holding since you entered the living room holding those long forgotten hot toddies.
Bradley is quick to lace your fingers together and tuck his face into the space between your neck and shoulder, his mustache ticking the soft skin of your throat there. For all of his golden retriever energy, he is soaking up your affection and attention like a lap cat as you slowly rub your free hand up and down his broad back.
However, he’s still entirely too quiet. Your lips press tightly together on their own accord as you begin to think that there’s something more on his mind that he’s not sharing with you than just the effects of the hives and double dose of Benadryl.
You’re about to speak up when he beats you to it, “I’m so sorry, Sweetheart. I just wanted you to feel at home and now I’ve ruined Christmas.” You’ve never heard his voice sound so small.
Oh. Oh no.
“Bradley, please look at me.” 
You lean back a bit as he removes his face from the spot it was tucked into and study his beautiful yet troubled looking eyes. “Is this why you’ve been so quiet? Please tell me you haven’t been spiraling thinking you’ve ruined anything.” He looks away, and you feel your brows scrunch together.
You cup his cheek in your hand, running your thumb down the cleft of his chin, “I love you so much and we’re going to have such a wonderful Christmas together, a tree is a nonissue here, baby. You matter more to me. I hope you know that.” His gaze finally meets yours and you continue on, “I need you to hear me. You’ve got absolutely nothing to apologize for. Nothing is ruined and nothing that happened today is your fault. Ok?” Nodding your head, needing for him to understand and let go of his misplaced guilt. 
You see the exact moment he absorbs and believes everything you’re saying to him, his shoulders releasing the tension that had gathered there. “Ok, I hear you.” You lean into him to place a tender kiss on his lips. “I love you so much,” he breaths against your mouth.
“I love you too,” you say pressing one more lingering kiss to his lips before encouraging him to settle his head back down again. He reaches for your hand, guiding it to his hair, prompting you to comb your fingers through his curls. 
“Now that we’ve settled that, how are you feeling? What else can I do to help?” 
“You’ve done so much for me,” he murmurs kissing your neck gently. “’M just tired now and want to hold you for a bit. The Benadryl is starting to kick my ass.” He pauses for a moment, “But maybe we can order some pizza, Sweetheart? And put on one of those Christmas movies you like? Y’know the ones where the people live in a town is named something like Tinselville and their dogs fall in love?” He asks his voice sounding a bit boyish and hopeful. 
You can’t help but let out a giggle because, really, his description is not too far off. You can feel his smile against the side of your neck as you turn the tv on.
“You can have whatever you like, handsome boy. Pizza and Oscar quality Christmas content, it is.” You grab your phone unlocking it and opening up to the delivery app, when Bradley plucks it from your hand tossing it to the side and placing his in yours instead.
“Order from mine instead, it’s my turn to take care of you,” he states slinging his arm low over your hip.
You click the button on the side to wake his phone up only to see your face smiling back at you on his lockscreen. Nose bright from the cold, surrounded by trees, and wrapped up in a scarf your mom had loaned to you since you hadn’t brought any practical winter-wear home with you.
It’s the picture that Bradley has sent himself the other night at the bar, and you’re flooded with a rush of affection for the man nestled against you. You notice his wallpaper is still the picture of you and him from this Halloween when you’d surprised everyone by dressing up as him, he’s kissing you squarely on the mouth while grabbing a handful of your ass. It was one of your favorites too.
You’d just finished submitting the order, when a text from Jake comes through, and you roll your eyes.
Those 5th Gens didn’t get you, but you’re taken out by a fucking a Christmas Tree. Would hate to see what one of those tree shaped car fresheners would do to you.
You’re not going to let him come for your boyfriend, even in playful roasting, when you just managed to picked his spirits up. Not tonight, Hangman. And you set to typing your response with your one free hand, the other still carding through Bradley’s curls. 
Listen up, Lieutenant Turkey Trot. I was planning on surprising you with a bottle of that Texas bourbon you like when I swing by with the food later this week, but now that’s up to you. Do with that what you will... xx
Not bothering to wait for a response you hand Bradley back his phone only to see it light up again. “Lieutenant Turkey Trot,” he snorts, “Damn. Hangman apologized. And he says he wants a lasagna and your chicken and dumpling casserole.”
Southern men are too easy. Nothing is as important to them as food and their mamas. You smile smugly to yourself, making a mental note to go to remember to stop by that speciality liquor store by your place.
The food is delivered not too much later, you and Bradley eat in bed the box sitting between you while making fun of the plot of the movie you had turned on. You can tell the Benadryl is staring to win when Bradley’s running commentary tapers and his breathing begins to even out.
“It’s ok to go to sleep, baby.”
“Just resting my eyes, wanna see if they figure out why the poinsettias aren’t blooming.”  
“You should get your rest,” you gently press, “I’ll set record it and you can find out tomorrow.”
“You’re gonna stay the night, right?” He asks sleepily as he concedes and begins to burrow down into his bed.
“Of course. If you want me here, I’ll stay.” Truth be told, you liked his bed better than yours. You’d even went back to the shop where you’d helped Bradley pick out his sheets from and bought the same percale set for your place in an attempt to help you sleep better.
You set an alarm for earlier than you’d like, remembering you have a meeting first thing in the morning. “I might have to leave a bit earlier than usual though,” you mention softly, “Since I’ll need to go to my place before I have to head in to the office.” You hadn’t originally planned on staying over due to your early morning and now you were kicking yourself for not grabbing a few things to keep in your car just in case.
“Yes. Stay,” he murmurs and reaches out to you, wrapping his arm around your midsection and pulling you to his chest. You let your fingers trace lightly down his forearm, feeling the hills and valleys caused by the welts that litter his arm. He lets out a hum of contentment in response, you’re pressed so close to him you can feel the vibrations of the sound from his chest against your back.
You think you’ve finally lost him to sleep when he mumbles already half gone, “Why don’t you keep more things here?” You can feel his warm breath against the back of your neck.
“How much were you thinking? You saying you want to share a drawer with me?” you lightly tease.
“Bring it all,” he sighs, “Want you here.”
The sound of his soft snores filling your ear only a couple minutes later.
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You don’t bring up Bradley’s half-asleep musings, you won’t hold him to anything said under the influence of the antihistamines. While the thoughts of moving in and living with Bradley made your heart beat a bit faster, you kept those hopes tucked away just for yourself.
It was now a week after the pine tree debacle, Bradley’s hives were quick to clear up after a couple days and a few oatmeal baths later. Your skin was still reaping the benefits of the oatmeal too after he managed to coax you in with him one evening. 
He had texted you earlier in the day asking for you to swing by his place after work. You knew the door would be unlocked for you, and you let yourself in.
“That you, Sweetheart?” He called out from nearby, you can hear the sounds of some crooner singing in the background.
“Yeah, it’s me." You set your purse and work tote down before bending to undo your heels at the door. “Hey, I was thinking on my way over here, I bet lots of places still have artificial trees left in stock that we could get. I feel like we need a Christmas redo.” You get one off and begin working on the other, “I was planning on getting one to liven up my place too, maybe I can find one of those ostentatious pink ones I tried to talk my parents into getting and fulfill a lifelong dream.” You say that last part with a little laugh.
You finally win the battle against the top buckle of your cute shoe finally kicking it off and wiggling your toes out, “Ooh! Maybe we can go to that cute cocktail bar off 17th afterwards? One of my coworkers was talking about their new seasonal drinks today and it seems festive.”
You fish your phone out of your purse and make your way to the living room, “That is if you didn’t have anything planned.”
Your voice trails off at the end because when you round the corner you find Bradley in his living room looking very proud with a self-satisfied smile on his face already standing next to a Christmas tree.
A very large, very fluffy, pink Christmas tree.
You stand there entirely stunned. The juxtaposition of your tall, handsome naval aviator next to this truly over the top frosted tree has your brain working overtime. The entire room is cast in a dreamy glow from many strands of white lights he had already spun around it.
“I still feel bad that about what happened the other weekend, and I wanted to make it up to you. At the bar, I heard you telling Phoenix that you always wanted a pink tree, so I hope this is similar to what you hand in mind.” He seems to be getting a bit nervous now, since all it seems you can do is just blink at him. He reaches around into his back pocket pulling out a small tube, “I even got some of those scent stick things to tuck in if you-” 
He doesn’t get to finish since you’ve launch yourself at him.
“Bradley!” He catches you easily with one arm as you begin peppering his face with kisses.
His laugher fills the room and his grin lights up his face at your reaction, “Are you happy, Sweetheart?”  
“I’m the happiest! Oh my god! Are you for real?” you exclaim in between kisses. You stop the assault on his face to take it in your hands, “Seriously though, there is nothing to feel bad about. You’re what matters most to me. I mean, yes, I absolutely love this. But you should have what you like too.”
He takes a step back, with you still in his arms and propped up on his hip. He thoughtfully studies the tree in front of you both. “Yep. This is definitely the perfect tree,” he declares proudly, “It’s full and girthy. Has some good gaps, and look at that top. Straight as an arrow. Although we might need to get some more decorations for it, but I got it started.”
You look from him back to the tree puzzled, since you don’t see anything on it aside from the lights. He walks you both closer, and pulls off what looks to be a strand of curling ribbon with a shiny silver object dangling from it from a branch on the tree. 
A key.
He sets you down back on your own two feet, holding you close against his body bringing his forehead to yours. “I meant it, Sweetheart. Bring it all. There’s nothing I want more than for you to be here. All the time. With me. You’re the only thing on my list this year, you’re all I want. Will you let me give you more than a drawer?” His honey brown eyes gazing at you hopefully.
You already knew what your response would be even before he pulled that key from off the tree, and the answer must be all over your face because Bradley’s face breaks into a beam as he picks you up and spins you around.
The choice has always been easy with him, it’ll always be a yes.
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Happy Holidays, everyone!
Causally hyper-fixating over all things TGM at bradshawburner
You can find the prequel to this story here!
Find out what happens during their second Christmas together here!
You can read more of my stories here!
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raya-hunter01 · 9 months
One Shot
Carmelo Hayes x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut
Summary: Carmelo is nervous about returning to his college alma mater FAMU for its homecoming. An alumni ball between his fellow brother Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and sister sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha is taking place.
Why is he nervous, you ask? A special someone he took for granted is going and he has no idea how to make things right. Follow Carmelo down memory lane as he tries to figure out how to fix the mess he made. Will Kayla forgive him or will this end in disaster as Trick travels with Carmelo to be his wingman for homecoming weekend.
This was a story request from royalkay23 who gave me the music and ideas that we put together. I hope you enjoy it!
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NXT Show
Carmelo POV
“Damn, another night, another show,” I sighed sitting down trying to unwind a bit before I showered and got on the road. Pulling out my phone I checked my messages.
“Damn, I already told Darnell, I was comin’ so what the hell he keep calling for?” I hissed putting in my code to listen to his voicemail.
“Man, I forgot you had a show, I talked to Angela, and she convinced Kayla to come this weekend. You better get ready to do some groveling to get yo’ woman man. I’ll see you down there, later bro,” his voice making my stress levels rise.
What does he mean she’s coming down? Fuck, should I even go? Will she even wanna talk to my ass?
“How did shit get so complicated,” I whispered pinched my nose truly frustrated.
Things used to be so easy; then we made it complicated by giving in to our desires. If only we never crossed that line, we would still be close.
I missed her, I knew the first day I met her that I wanted her to be apart of my life forever.
FAMU Move in day 2019
“Remember we’re gentleman, carry their bags to their rooms. Be welcoming and act like ya’ll got some sense. Give them a couple weeks to get used to campus life before ya’ll start aggravating them,” our oldest fraternity brother Scott said as we all snickered.
“We got you, boss,” I said trying not to laugh as Darnell hit my shoulder trying to hold it together himself.
“No funny business Carmelo, this ain’t an opportunity for you to schedule your next hookup,” Greg hissed as I nodded scoping the parking lot not listening.
“Damn, I got her,” I said pointing to a beautiful young lady standing with her parents about to start pulling luggage outta their trunk. Oh, she bad….Legs and ass for days.
“You ain’t slick, you tryin' to holla at her,” Darnell whispered as I grinned. “I don’t know what you talkin’ about. If ya’ll will excuse me, I’m going to see if they need some help,” I said quickly making myself scarce before anybody could get a word in.
Making my way over to the family I couldn’t help but hear her mom fussing over leaving her daughter here. Smiling, I listened quietly trying to give them a minute before I interrupted.
“Mama, I will be fine,” she said reassuring her mother as they had her surrounded in a group hug.  “You go to your classes and back to your dorm, these folks are a little too wild,” her mom said looking at a couple making out not far from us as I snickered.
 Sorry mama, that’s something I wouldn’t mind doin’ to your daughter…Damn, Melo play it cool…
“Mama, I can handle it, I’m not going to be out here actin’ a fool but I will have fun sometime,” the Carmel beauty said being honest with her parents as her dad smiled.
“As you should, all work and no play sucks, babe give her a break. We raised her right,” her dad said as her mom took a deep breath.
“Yes, ya’ll did, now trust me,” she pleaded with a beautiful smile. Damn, a smile that could start a full-blown war….
 “I do trust you, baby, it’s just it’s your first time away from home, and I’m worried,” her mom said looking around at their surroundings.
“Have you talked to your little boyfriend who couldn’t bother to be here,” her dad said with disgust.
“Daddy, Justin is getting ready to go to college too. It’s ok, he’s going to come up soon,” she said her tone trying to keep the conversation light and positive.
Well, let me introduce myself, maybe that can change the subject, it seemed the mysterious beauty didn’t want to talk about it.
“Excuse me, do you guys need some help?” I asked said as she turned around and instantly blushed when we made eye contact.  
Damn she fine, fine, ok act like a gentleman and don’t embarrass yourself.
“Hi! Um, I guess we do,” she said looking around at all her things on the ground and in the trunk.
“What’s your name son?” her dad asked, as I grinned.
“I’m Carmelo, and I’m from the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, sir. I’m apart of the fraternity welcoming committee. We help students move in on campus,” I said shaking her dad’s hand as he smiled at him.
“An Alpha man! I like that, I pledged to that fraternity when I was in college, my daughter here is a junior transfer and is pledging to your sister sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha,” he said proudly as my ears perked up at the new information.
“You don’t have to tell everybody, Daddy, I might not even make it. Hi, I’m Kayla,” she said shaking my hand as I felt myself falling into those beautiful brown eyes.
“It’s always nice to meet a fellow sister, welcome to the family,” I said gently kissing her hand. Her mother scoffed, clearing her throat and interrupting our moment as I reluctantly let go of her hand as her dad laughed.
 “It’s nice to meet you as well ma’am,” I said taking her mother's hand in mine, kissing it as her smirk grew by the second.
 “Oh, you charming, stay away from this one Kayla,” her mom said as I smiled nervously at her…Alright, don’t let her see you sweat.
“Uh, let’s get you moved in Kayla,” I said trying to change the subject, helping her dad pick up some of her bags. “I would love that,” she said smiling brightly at me.
 For the next hour, I tried to learn all I could about her as we moved her into her dorm.
Her phone also had been ringing nonstop, but she ignored it. “He knows I’m movin’ so why blow me up like this. I’ll call him back in a minute,” she said as we carried up the last of her things.
 “When you do….Tell him he should have brought his ass here to help us move you in if he wanted to know what you are doing every fuckin’ second of the day,” her mom said as Kayla rolled her eyes behind her back.
Poor thing was getting it from all ends, I could see she needed a break from her mother, and it seemed her boyfriend.
Her parents walking ahead of us into her dorm gave me a chance to be nosey.
“Is that you and your man?” I asked, pointing at the wallpaper on her phone. Looking at the photo seemed to have her conflicted, almost nervous.
“Uh, yeah he is, we’ve been together for two years,” Kayla said as I observed her uneasiness.
“Ok, well maybe when he comes to visit, ya’ll can come check out one of our parties. We throw the best ones on campus,” I said trying to make conversation not wanting it to end as I sat her bags down inside.
“That would be cool, thank you for helping us, maybe I’ll see you around,” Kayla said as I felt the excitement dancing in my chest.
“Yeah, you definitely will, might as well call me your new best friend,” I said turning on the charm as she laughed.
“Well, maybe I’ll see you around best friend,” Kayla joked as I walked out of her dorm with a pep definitely in my step.
Senior year was definitely shaping up.
“Aye, you planning to shower or what?” Trick asked bringing me out of my thoughts. “Yeah, I am, just was thinking about Kayla and if I want to go to the Alumni ball,” I said as Trick sat down in front of me and stared intently.
“Well, you deserve to have fun too, maybe ya’ll can talk and work this shit out. I mean it’s been four years, she can’t still be mad,” he said as I sighed.
“I said some fucked up shit that I can’t take back, I don’t even know how to approach her,” I said feeling helpless.
“You go up to her, apologize, and try to make it right. That’s all you can do,” Trick said as I stood up shuffling around the room gathering my things.
“Thanks, man maybe it’ll all work out and I’ll have fun this weekend,” I said as Trick smiled.
“Now that’s it, be positive and have fun this weekend. I’ll even go with you and be your wingman.  I can tell you when to talk and when to shut the hell up, 'cause you talk too much sometimes,” Trick said as I laughed truly thankful for him and our friendship.
“Well, I might take you up on that, let me shower so we can hit the road,” I said heading to the showers.
“Aye, you gon’ get her back, you just gotta shoot your shot!” I heard Trick yell as I started my shower.
I truly hoped so but for now, I had to be realistic, I had a lot of groveling to do, and I was prepared to do it if it meant Kayla could be in my life again.
Delata Flight 193
Kayla’s POV
“Angela, I’m going to have fun and stroll with my sorors. I’m not going to resurrect issues from four years ago,” I said as she rolled her eyes at me.
“Ya’ll two need to talk and squash this shit, you know he didn’t mean it. He was jealous because he was in love with you…Still in love with you might I add,” she said as I scoffed.
“In love…..Carmelo…… Girl bye!” I exclaimed rolling my eyes. “Even if he was in love with me, it don’t make it right what he did.  Have a conversation like an adult and not say spiteful shit. And can we just drop this conversation, you are ruining my buzz,” I said finishing my glass of champagne as Angela sighed grabbing her phone.
Damn, I guess she was going to be team Carmelo all weekend. Love my ass.
“So, he wrestles, that’s cool,” Angela said as I looked over and saw her scrolling through Carmelo’s Instagram as I smiled.
Many of our late-night talks about our dreams began to invade my mind. He was always passionate about wrestling so it didn’t shock me that he made it to the WWE.
Leaning back in my seat I sighed trying to get in the right head space for this weekend. I wanted to have a good time, it would even be better if I could avoid him.
“Girl, he got to work with the undertaker, look!” Angela exclaimed as I leaned back over and looked at his latest Instagram post on her phone.
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“That’s awesome,” I whispered happy him. He looked so happy. As she scrolled to the next picture My focus went to the tattoo of an eye on his upper arm, it seemed to stir something in me, but I didn’t know what.  
I felt like I knew the meaning of it but I couldn’t piece it together as I looked at the beautiful tattoo of a woman’s eye with makeup smudged. Angela quickly swiped to the next post before I could truly process it.
“So, are you going to talk to him this weekend? Angela asked as I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes trying to tune her out.
“No, I have no desire to talk to him, I’m over it,” I said as she laughed. 
“Bullshit, you were in love with Carmelo, and you still are,” she countered as I snapped my head back looking at her wearing a frown.
“Don’t look at me like that, you gon’ put your big girl panties on this weekend, and get yo' man back,” Angela said with determination as I shook my head.
“He was never my man Angela; we just were two friends who had sex one night and it ruined our friendship. Worse mistake ever, I should have taken my ass home that night,” I said smartly as Angela sucked on her teeth.
“Nah, I don’t agree with that. Ya’ll were two friends who loved each other and were scared. He self-destructed jumping to conclusions and you were hurt by his assumptions,” Angela said as I got my air pods out of my purse.
“I’m done talkin’ about Carmelo, I’m takin’ a nap now,” I said putting my air pods in, turning my music on low.
“I know you can hear me so I’ma say this. I know he was wrong, but I think you are takin’ the one bad thing he did and erasing all the good. It wasn’t always bad Kayla and one mistake shouldn’t define him or his love for you, or your love for him,” Angela said as I continued to tune her out.
Yes, he did a lot of great things for me, I couldn’t deny it. Did the good truly outweigh the bad?
Crossing Day 2019
Kayla’s POV
This is supposed to be an amazing night for me, but I feel shitty. It’s nothing but chaos all around me as I see Carmelo and some of his fraternity brothers helping set up the stage for our ceremony that starts in an hour. I hate we got a late start.
My phone ringing for damn near the tenth time within the last thirty minutes is pissing me off as I see Justin’s number.
“What do you want Justin?” I asked, truly fed up, especially after the bomb he dropped this morning.
“I just wanted to make sure you were good,” he said as I pulled the phone away from my ear in disbelief.
“Justin, how am I good? You called me this morning to tell me you’re not coming. You knew how important this was to me,” I said trying to keep my emotions in check not wanting to mess up my makeup.
“It’s not that big a deal, it’s just a sorority thing,” he said as I felt the tears coming. “Really, so something I want to do isn’t important to you. Even though everything you do, I come and support you,” I said raising my voice as Carmelo made his way towards me.
“You ok Kayla?” he asked as shook my head, sighing as he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Who is that? Is that your so-called homeboy, I shoulda known his ass was there. I ain’t blind I know ya’ll like each other,” Justin hissed.  
“Look, I got to get ready, I need to get my mind together,” I said trying to end the call.
“Well, that’s cold, you don’t even wanna talk about it. You must be spreadin’ your legs for his ass. Maybe we just need to call this shit off,” he said as I scoffed knowing where this was going.
Gaslighting 101, chapter five, Hide Your Guilt and Accuse Her of What You Are Actually Doing.
This bastard was cheating, and I knew exactly who it was with.
“You know I’m not cheating on you. Just grow a set and tell me you want to break up instead of playing games Justin. I know you sleeping with Regina, the jig is up, ok,” I said as the line got quiet.  
“Look, it ain’t about her, I’m just sayin’ maybe we just need to end this. Experience new people and just have fun, I don’t want to be tied down right now Kayla,” he said as I took a deep breath and looked at Carmelo, who gave me a nod of encouragement.
"I'm here Kay," he whispered as I fought back tears. He was always there to pick up the pieces and wipe my tears.
“Justin, why did you have to do this today? It could have been any other day but today. Look, just lose my number because you’re officially blocked, it's over,” I said hanging up and blocking his number as Carmelo took me in his arms and I broke down.
 “Hey, I got you,” he whispered as I cried. “I don’t think I can do this today,” I cried as his strong arms pulled me closer.
“Oh, yes you can and will because you have worked hard for this. Today is your day, don’t let him take that away from you,” Carmelo said as I nodded slightly pulling away a sad smile adorning my face as he carefully wiped my tears.
“No more tears, go get ready. I’m excited to hear your Crossing Introduction tonight. I know it’s gon' be fire, just like you, and make sure to shake that beautiful hair for me,” he said gently playing with my freshly silked-out hair.
“Ok, I’ll make sure to remember that,” I said reluctantly stepping back as Angela came running up.
“Girl, ya’ll can flirt later, we need to finish getting ready. See you in a few Melo,” she said pulling me away as I laughed.
“Never change Angela, and congrats!” he yelled as she waved back at him.
These two are a mess but it was time. It was time to step into my sorority destiny.
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Everything seemed like such a blur as we waited in line with our heads down. I was getting more nervous as each new soror went before the crowd introducing themselves.
Focus Kayla you did well on the march, now it’s time to let them know who you are.
“Alright Kayla let’em know,” my new fellow Soror whispered as I smiled, tossing my head back and whipping my hair back and forth as the crowd screamed. Here goes nothing…
Stepping out of line and going to the front of the stage I felt nervous till I looked out and saw Carmelo about three rows back smiling at me.
“My…… Name….. is!” I shouted, loud and clear pausing between each word.
“What’s your name?!” the crowd asked as I smiled and began moving my body and hands in sync with my words.
“Yea!” (crowd)
The crowd participating as I said my name had my heart racing. Pausing, taking in the moment, I saw Carmelo wink at me.
Giving him a sexy smirk, I tossed my head back and began shaking my hair again just for him.
 Slowly lowering my head, I paused, building excitement as they waited to hear what my last name was.
“And I am from the Peach State, the one and only Atlanta, GA! And this Georgia Peach has joined this great sorority and I’m this line’s number 17! I shouted with pride bending down into our stroll stance with a bright smile.
Finally releasing the breath I was holding, my eyes found Carmelo again as he licked his lips. His gaze grew more intense as Darnell whispered something to him.
Were they talking about me? I saw Carmelo dap him up sharing a mutual nod before he turned his attention back to me and winked.
"A'ight Peaches, I see you Ms. AKA!" he shouted as I smiled getting back in line.
Yes, it was over! I had done it!… I was an AKA….
Later that night
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House
Carmelo’s Room
“You sure you good?” Carmelo asked as I sat my drink down and curled up next to him on the couch. “I’m fine, thanks for being there tonight,” I said glancing up at him as he seemed to be in deep thought.
“It’s no problem, it was no other place I’d rather be,” he whispered caressing my face as I felt myself melting under his gaze.
“What are we doing?” I whispered as his lips slowly descended towards mine.  “What we've always wanted to do,” he whispered gently taking my lips in a kiss as I moaned in pleasure.
“We can’t, I don’t want to ruin our friendship,” I whimpered against his lips as his arms encircled my waist pulling me onto his lap.
Feeling his hardness underneath me had me shook. He was hard from just a simple kiss.
 “Mmhm, you feel that Kay? That's what you do to me," Carmelo whispered as I shivered. "Melo we can't," I pleaded as he silenced me with another kiss.
"We both want this, stop fighting it, baby. It won’t change anything, we'll still be us,” Carmelo whispered, his sexy voice casting a powerful spell over me.
 Looking into his beautiful brown eyes I saw nothing but the truth in his words. Kayla just let go and give in to what you want.
"Tonight...Just for tonight," I whispered as Carmelo's grip on me tightened. "I got you," he whispered slowly undressing me.
I felt shy, as he tossed my dress, anxiously over his shoulder before caressing my breasts. “You are so beautiful, just everything I imagined you’d be and more,” Carmelo whispered kissing my neck as I moaned in pleasure, his masterful hands making quick work of my bra.
 His words eased my nervousness and awakened the boldness in me.
Playing with the waistband of his sweats, Carmelo bit back a moan in anticipation. “Go ahead baby, you can touch it. I want you too,” Carmelo moaned as I purred at his words.
Nervously stroking him, his moans urged me on as his mouth feasted upon my neck. “Mmm, yes,” I moaned continuing to stoke him as he slid my thong to the side.
“You got a condom?” I whispered into the air as he nodded, reaching over, fiddling around in the drawer of the small lamp table beside us, as I claimed his lips in a powerful kiss.
His moan of triumph as he retrieved the condom and ripped it open made me tremble against him.
 “Let me,” I whispered against his lips, climbing off his lap, slowly sinking to my knees, holding his gaze I slowly placed the condom over the tip of his length.
Damn he was way bigger than Justin, it caused me to pause in my actions and stare.  
“Don't be scared, I'ma make you feel real good baby. I promise, now gon’ put it on and come take a ride,” Carmelo groaned, picking up on my nervousness as continued to stroke him.
My pussy quivered at his words; it excited me. Using my mouth, I slide the condom down over his hardened length as he bit back a growl, entangling his fingers in my hair.
“Shit! It’s like that baby?” Carmelo moaned, looking at me in amazement.  “Uh huh,” I moaned looking at him, while taking him deeper into my mouth
“Got dammmn Kay,” Carmelo hissed as his head fell back against the couch in pleasure. “You like that,” I whispered as he looked at me through hooded eyes. “Hell yea, I love it but if you don’t stop, this gon’ be over before it starts,” Carmelo panted as I smirked releasing him.
“Mmm, I wouldn't want that, ” I whispered climbing back on his lap nibbing on his neck as he growled grasping my hips, slowly inch by inch filling my wet center with his hardened length until he was to the hilt.  Our moans of satisfaction filled the tiny room.
“Fuck, you feel better than I ever dreamed,” Carmelo groaned against my neck as I began to ride him.  “Mm, you too,” I confessed wrapping my arms around his neck as he began meeting my thrusts in desperate need.
“Yea, ride… Mmhm ride dat shit……Just like that Kayla,” Carmelo moaned encouraging me as we chased our end. “Promise me nothing changes….Mmm,Melo!” I exclaimed as he began gently massaging my clit with his thumb as I used his shoulders to steady myself bouncing with a purpose.
 “Mmhm, nothin’ gon’ change, I promise Kay. Now let’s get this nut together baby,” he whispered as he took me higher and higher. “Yes! Melo, Mmhm I’m ready!” I cried as I rotated my hips against him hearing a low growl escape his lips that began to grow in volume as we shared each other’s love.
That’s what it was, love and it was scaring the hell outta me and by the look on Carmelo’s face I could tell it was scaring him too.
“Kay…Kay..Fuck!” Carmelo moaned, finally finding words as we were reaching our end.  “I know, God I know," I moaned shuttering against him as our lips met in desperation.
“I’m cummin!” I whined against his lips as he caressed his tongue with mine, deepening our kiss.
“I’m right there with you,” he moaned as we exploded together. Collapsing against his shoulder I struggled to catch my breath as he held me tight.
For awhile, nothing was said as I relaxed in Carmelo's arms. I felt overwhelmed, I knew I had messed up…I had fallen hard for him.  I felt my tears coming as Carmelo caressed my back.
“Don’t cry Kay, we good. See you doin' all this cryin' lately, I'ma have to get a tattoo of a tear on this shoulder. Better yet, ima put your whole eye up there with the makeup smudges and all," Carmelo said kissing my shoulder.
“See why you gotta tease me,” I said caressing his arms as he sighed.
“Look at me Kay,” Carmelo said lifting my head off his shoulder wiping my tears.
I would never tease you. I’m just glad you trusted me and allowed me to be there to catch your tears,” Carmelo whispered caressing my face, placing a gentle kiss on my lips.
Yep….We fucked up….Big time.
“We're about to land Kayla,” I heard Angela say as I opened my eyes taking in my surroundings.
“I’m sorry I just meant to catch a small nap, not sleep the whole flight,” I said taking my air pods out and putting my seatbelt back. on.
“You good girl, it ain’t nothing like listening to music and letting it take you away,” she said smiling at me.
“Yeah, I guess so,” I said trying to shake the memories that were clouding my mind, and the other pieces of the puzzle coming together had me feeling overwhelmed.
Pulling my phone back out I went to WWE.com, turning slightly in my seat so Angela couldn't see. I would never hear the end of this if she knew I was looking at Carmelo's photos but I needed to see the picture again.
In my search, I found an article with the picture in question attached with several other backstage shots. I began skimming through the article and a question threw me for a loop.
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WWE.com Exclusive
"So, what is the significance behind this tattoo of the eye with what seems to be makeup smudged?"
"I got it about three years ago, I got it to remind me of a special someone I knew in college. She was my best friend and my number one supporter. She encouraged me to chase my dreams, and I never forgot that."
"Well, are you two still in touch?"
"Uh, no we aren't, but who knows what the future holds."
“I can't believe he really got that tattoo,” I muttered to myself in disbelief. “Who got what tattoo?” Angela asked leaning over, trying to look at my phone as I quickly opened another tab.
“Uh, nobody I know, I was just thinking about the dream I just had,” I said which technically I wasn't stretching the truth very much. My memories with Carmelo were creeping into my brain and it scared me.
“I hope it was a good dream to start your weekend because we gon’ have fun these next few days,” she said as I sighed.
Girl, if you only knew I would rather be anywhere than Florida this weekend. This was dangerous, I had to keep my guard up.
Maybe I should have just stayed home.
The Next Day
Carmelo’s POV
“Damn, it’s thick out here,” Trick said as I grabbed us a beer. “Yea, they partyin’ hard, half of them probably ain’t making it to the ball,” I laughed looking around trying to find Kayla. 
“Aye, didn’t her homegirl tell you they’d be here?  I’ma need you to chill man,” Trick said as I tried to shake my nerves still looking around.
“I know I’m jus…just,” I said stuttered as I spotted her. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Trick asked turning around to see what had me shook.
“Damn, is that her?” he asked smiling as I nodded still unable to speak.  “You stupid as fuck if I may say so myself,” Trick whispered shaking his head as I growled.
“Look you ain’t gotta rub it in, you supposed to be helping me, and stop looking at her like that,” I hissed as Trick shrugged his shoulders.
“I am here to help you but I ain’t dead. Is that her friend?” Trick asked pointing at Angela. “Yea, that’s her, a straight pain in the ass but I adore her,” I said as Darnell came running up.
“Ooou! I know you see yo’ girl, she out here serving body for days!” Darnell exclaimed as Trick smirked.
“Man shut the fuck up,” I said seething as he laughed. “Now is that how you talk to your frat brother who just talked to the DJ and he’s about to play our favorite stroll with the AKAs,” he said as my eyes widened in shock.
“I know you didn’t,” I whispered as he smiled. “Yep, so get ready,” he said taking off towards the crowd.
"This idiot here is just fuckin’ stupid,” I said as Trick seemed confused. “What’s the issue, I mean a dance can’t hurt nobody,” he said as I sighed.
“In the stroll, I lead the Alphas and Kayla leads the AKAs,” I said as Trick's eyes lit up. “Oh, shit that’s perfect, maybe it will break the ice with Kayla,” he said as I drank the rest of my beer.
“If anything it may entice her to choke my ass out for being so close to her, but I guess I ain’t gotta choice,” I said as I heard the opening cords of Knuck if you buck by Crime Mob
“Class of 2020 and 2021 I need you on the floor it’s your time to shine,” the MC said as I saw the girls already dancing falling in line behind Kayla as she smiled brightly swinging her hips and arms.
“Aye, you betta get yo’ ass over there,” Trick said as Darnell was waving me over as I went to join my frat brothers.
“Taking my place in line across from Kayla felt weird as she seemed to not pay me any attention as she strolled with her line sisters.
“Let’s get it fellas!” I shouted blowing my whistle as we began steppin’ in sync with the girls doing our own stroll.
I saw Kayla look over at me in shock for a second before she recovered and continued leading her line sisters.
“Knuck if you buck!” Angela screamed as the AKAs kneeled deeper in their stance, killin’ it.
“I see ya’ll!” I heard someone yell as I cracked a smile.  It felt good to stroll with my frat brothers and most of all Kay.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as she danced, whipping her hair back and forth almost teasing me. She knows what that shit does to me.  Trying to refocus I cut my eyes towards Angela as she smirked at me.
“Yeah, act like you know! Stop playin’ wit her, take us on out Peaches!" she yelled, swinging her arms as Kayla smiled, walking as only she could pretending one of her hands was a mirror as she fluffed her beautiful hair with the other.
The crowd parted, cheering them on while allowing them to pass as we followed closely behind them.
Damn, Kayla still could command a room like no other. “Uh, you can thank me now,” Darnell said as I looked back at him and rolled my eyes getting out of the line, trying to find Kayla again.
Kayla’s POV “We still got it, that was fun,” Angela said as I laughed. “Girl, AKAs gon’ always bring that heat,” I said smiling at her. “I know you saw him, so when ya’ll gon’ talk,” Angela said as I sighed.  
Jeez can I have a moments piece without somebody telling me to talk to Carmelo.
“I didn’t see Carmelo, what are you talking about?” I said playing dumb.
“Oh, so you don’t know me now,” Carmelo said as I sighed looking at the amusement dancing in Angela’s eyes as I slowly turned to face him.
"I’ll let ya’ll two talk," Angela said practically running away as I scoffed. “I hate you!” I hissed as she laughed.
“Look can go talk, I think we both can agree it’s overdue and we don’t want to make a scene here,” Carmelo said as I looked around at everyone having a good time.
“Fine, but I’m not going far,” I said following him through the crowd as he led me to the side of the building.
The silence was defining as we both were trying to think of words to say to each other. It had been three years since we last saw each other after all.
I don’t know what came over me but I slapped him as hard as I could the sound echoing around us as Carmello stumbled rubbing the side of his face.
“A’ight I deserved that,” he said as I took a deep breath trying to not make a fool outta myself. I couldn’t let him know how he truly broke me.
“Yes, you did and more. You’re lucky that’s all you got from me,” I said as Carmelo raised his hands in surrender.  “Kay, I know I hurt you and I’m sorry,” he said as I looked at him my expression unreadable.
“It's Kayla to you, only my friends call me Kay. Look, can you make this quick, I got something to do,” I said folding my arms over my chest.
“So is this how it’s gon’ be the whole weekend, you just ignoring me. I’m trying to apologize, Kayla,” Carmelo said as I tried to wrangle in my feelings.
“Why are you apologizing to a whore. I mean that’s what you said I was right?” I said as a look of defeat and horror crossed his face.
“I didn’t mean it if you would just let me talk,” he started as I cut him off.
“I’m just a needy whore that will ride any dick right,” I said slightly raising my voice as he cringed at my words.
“Look, I was drunk, and I said some shit I didn’t mean alright. You know I lo—,” Carmelo's voice trailed off as he looked down unable to look at me. What was he going to say?
“Carmelo, being drunk ain’t no excuse, I thought you were my best friend!” I exclaimed frustrated that I was letting him get to me.
I am your best friend! Regardless of how you feel about me, you are my best friend Kayla and I miss you. Can you please just forgive me? he pleaded as I tried to walk away. "Carmelo, please stop," I begged trying to walk away as he blocked my path. "Say you can forgive me, please," Carmelo pleaded, his eyes drawing me in as they stared into my soul. I couldn't look away if I wanted.
“Kay, you know I didn’t mean it, can we just agree to talk sometime before we both leave Sunday,” he pleaded as I finally nodded, not trusting my words as I saw Angela walking over.
“Hey, ya’ll good, Kay?" she asked rubbing my shoulder as I held back tears.
“Uh, yeah we were just talking about not letting the drama of the past ruin the weekend," I said wiping a few stray tears that had fallen as Carmelo sighed in relief.
“Well thank God, we all deserve a good weekend of fun,” she said my eyes still focused on Carmelo as he glanced quickly at the tattoo on his shoulder before looking back at me.
I felt a shiver run down my spine, as I tried to shake it off.
“Well, uh, I’ll let ya’ll get back to the party and I will see ya’ll tonight hopefully,” he said giving me a hug, catching me off guard.
Carmelo’s POV
I knew I was pushing it but I couldn't help it. I had to hold her in my arms. Come on beautiful hug me back.
I couldn’t let her go until she hugged me back.
I felt her trembling hands touch my back as I sighed in relief pulling her closer. “I’ma make it right, just let me please. I’m sorry Kay,” I whispered in her ear as I felt her relax against me. Angela smiled at me before leaving us alone.
"You hurt me, Mel," Kayla whispered as I felt my heart sink. “I wish I could take it back, baby,” I whispered honestly.
I didn’t know what else to say, I had played the scenario over and over in my head a thousand times. How different everything could have been if I had just told her how I felt that night. If I did, we wouldn’t be in this shit now.
“I need to go," Kayla whispered pulling away as I felt empty again.
"Yeah, me too, I hope I see you tonight," I said as she flashed a half smile.
"Maybe, I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get there," she said not looking me in the eye slowly walking back back to the party.
Don't give up on me yet beautiful I whispered watching her walk away from me and carrying my heart right along with her.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity House
End-of-Year Party
Carmelo’s POV
It was the last party of the year, graduation was near but Kayla was occupying my mind.
We kept our word, after our night nothing changed. We woke up that next morning and went back into our regular routine. Two best friends who adored each other.
 I had gone out with a few girls since then and Kayla was into her sorority life and wasn’t dating.
She had told me how she wanted to heal from the breakup with Justin before she dated anybody. I can’t help but admit I wanted more, and no girl could compare to her but I didn’t even know how to tell her.
"Let me get this straight 'cause you are confusing the fuck outta me. You like Kayla, but instead of telling her you bring Robin to this party. The girl who has made her life hell since she joined the AKAs. You stupid as fuck,” Darnell scoffed hitting me on the back of the head.
"Shit, you didn’t have to hit me, I know I’m wrong,” I said rubbing my head as I saw Kayla on the dancing floor dancing with Angela as I saw Anthony approach them.
"What the fuck is he doin'?" I hissed seeing my frat brother whisper in Kayla’s ear as she blushed, nodding as he pulled her away from Angela and they began dancing.
“Looks like he knows a beautiful woman when he sees one and he asked her to dance,” Darnell said as I growled.
“Fuckin’ freshman thinking he can come in here and do what he wants. Let me set his ass straight,” I hissed finishing my beer.
“Um, why can’t he ask her to dance? She’s single and so is he," Darnell said as I stormed past him not wanting to talk to his ass anymore.
Soon as I got closer Robin slid in front of me catching me off guard. "Hey, I have been looking for you, let’s dance," she said throwing her arms around me as I reluctantly danced with her.
I didn't know how to feel as Kayla looked at me in shock and uncertainty as Robin and I danced. I knew by her eyes she was hurt by my dating choice of the night.
Sighing I tried to play it cool as our eyes seemed to fall deeper into each other before she laid her head on Anthony’s shoulder avoiding my gaze as he seemed to be enjoying it a little too much for my liking.
"Motherfucka," I whispered as Robin pulled back looking at me. "What’s wrong babe?" She asked as I played it off. " Uh, nothin’ let’s go upstairs after this song. I know better things we could be doin', " I said as her eyes lit up.
Yea, I was wrong but I didn’t care at the moment.
"Hands up here now," I heard Kayla say as she moved Anthony's hands back to her waist. He had been trying to caress her ass.
"I'm sorry beautiful," he said as I saw red, I don’t even know what came over me as I stepped away from Robin and went towards them.
"What are you doing!? I know you ain't going over there, she don't need you to save her!" Robin hissed following me. Hell I don’t even know what I’m doing, but I know he ain’t gon’ be touchin’ on her like that.
"Aye, you need to keep your hands to yourself," I said interrupting their dance gently grabbing her arm and moving her behind me as I stepped in Anthony’s face.
"What is your problem, Melo?! We were just dancing," Kayla said as Anthony smirked.
"Ain’t it obvious, he can’t take somebody else takin’ an interest in you Kay, he just wants you to be his little plaything," Anthony said as I grabbed him by the collar snatching his ass up.
"My problem is every time I turn around yo’ bitch ass tryin’ to take something that belongs to me,” I hissed dangerously low as he laughed. "Oh, so she's yours huh," Anthony taunted as the music stopped and people began to stare.
"Let me talk to you for a minute," Kayla whispered grabbing my hand, as I let go of Anthony. I was getting more pissed by the second looking at his cocky ass.
"I know you new freshman, so you don't know me. Keep smirking, I'll knock all your fuckin' teeth out," I hissed, his smirk dropping instantly.
"No your not, let's go," Kayla said steering me towards the stairs as the music started back up.
"Don’t you go up there with her Carmelo! If you do I’m going home!" Robin yelled following us upstairs as Kayla rolled her eyes.
"Just go home, I'll call you later Robin," I said trying to not cause a scene seeing a few people were still looking at us.
"I’m serious, you go in there don't ever call me again," she said as Kayla opened my door pushing me inside before turning to face her.
"Good! It'll save him a trip to the free clinic! Anybody fucking you ends up with something bleach can't wash off and a ten day perscription of penicillin, Bye, irrelevant!" Kayla yelled slamming the door in Robins's face as I heard her scream on the other side of the door before walking away.  
"Aye, you didn’t have to be so rude," I said as Kayla laughed sarcastically.
" Really, you wanna talk about rude. All I was doing was dancing with him and you come over acting like an asshole," she said as I invaded her space pushing her up against my door towering over her.
"I’m sorry ok, I just saw him touchin’ you and I wasn’t thinking," I said honestly caressing her face as she nervously bit her lip before my lips gently grazed hers.
"We need to talk Mel," she whispered as I groaned reluctantly stepping away from her. She was right we needed to talk badly but I didn't want to do it now.
"Ok, what are we talking about?" I asked frustrated the moment was ruined as she looked at me in disbelief.
"Are you serious?  Well, let’s talk about why all of a sudden you actin’ like you my man," Kaylas said as I sighed feeling the anger in me boiling. She couldn’t see that I liked her.
 "We’re friends Carmelo, remember that night wasn’t supposed to change us," she rambled running her hands through her hair, pacing.
"I know what we agreed on, I ain’t dumb!" I yelled as a knock on the door interrupted us.
"I heard yelling….Are you ok in there, Kayla?" Angela asked as she tried to calm her breathing before she responded.
The last thing I needed was Angela bustin’ up in here making matters worse.
"Yeah, I’m good I’ll be down in a minute so we can go," Kayla said as Angela tried to open the door.  
"She’s fine Angela, damn!" I hissed as Kayla sighed. "Don’t get no attitude with me 'cause you fucking stupid. Jealous ass, I’ll be downstairs Kayla,” Angela said as quietness filled the room.
"What are we doin'? This isn’t us, why are we arguing with each other Carmelo. What’s really wrong?” Kayla asked.
Ok, tell her how you feel…This may be your last chance.
" I’m cool, we’re cool. I’m just trying to say before you put yourself back out there, just know women can’t do what men do," I said as Kayla frowned at me.
"What are you tryin' to say?" she asked as I tried to choose my words wisely. "I don’t want a bad reputation following you, I mean all it takes is you opening your legs to one of these idiots and then you are labeled as a whore," I said as I saw the flash of anger cross her beautiful face.
Fuck, I opened the gates of hell.
"Are you saying I’m a whore!?" Kayla exclaimed as I growled. "No! I ain’t sayin’ you’re a whore! I’m sayin’ don’t be out here in these streets grinding up on these clowns like a needy whore that will ride anybody’s dick," I said as Kayla reached up and slapped the fuck outta me.
How dare you? I wasn't grinding on no motherfuckin' body, we were just dancing. Meanwhile, you fuck anything with a gash and me simply just dancing with someone leads to a conversation as to how you don’t want me to be a whore..You're unbelievable," Kayla said throwing her hands up in frustration as I rubbed my face.
"Look, I ain’t gon’ argue with you. I said what I said and if you don’t like it, you can leave. I’m sure Anthony is ready to make you his new little plaything anyway. I’m sure he’ll love that lil trick you do with your mouth,” I said not believing the words coming out of my mouth.
I was supposed to be telling her I loved her, but here I was spewing venom towards her because another man was interested in her.
"I tell you what, I’d rather be his plaything than your so-called best friend?  Hell, maybe he can actually satisfy me better than you did, so fuck you! she yelled storming out of my room, slamming the door behind her.
"DAMN ITTTT!!" I yelled sinking into the couch as I realized the finality of my words.
I had lost my best friend and the woman I loved.
"Aye, earth to Melo! I heard Darnell yell as I cringed. "Stop yelling, I heard you," I said trying to get myself together. " I saw ya'll talking is everything good now? he asked as I smiled.
" We're gonna get together before the weekend is over," I said honestly feeling a little about the weekend. "That’s good to hear, hopefully, ya’ll move past this,” he said as we went back to join the party.
I hoped so, I knew one thing was for certain tonight was the time to shoot my shot and I planned on making my intentions loud and clear.
I wanted Kayla and nothing was going to stop me from telling her this time, not even myself.
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liked by darnellAlpha, AKAangelaLove, @Carmelo_wwe, and 1,000 others
KaylaAKA4Life: Enjoying this weekend and living life to the fullest with my Sorority sisters and fellow Alpha brothers. Let's Party Ya'll! #AKAsDoItBetter #FAMUHomecoming2023 #FAMUAlumni
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Kayla's POV
“Angela thank you so much for helping me find a dress,” I said looking myself over in the mirror as she touched up her makeup.
The Emerald gold hue colored dress looked good on me. The dress being off the shoulder with the built in bra enhanced the beauty of it. Also, who could go wrong with showin' a little leg. Yea, I’m wearing the hell outta this dress right now if I may say so.
“Yea, I was gonna comment on your Instagram post, but you disabled your comments bitch,” she said as I shrugged my shoulders.
“Yes, I did because when Carmelo liked it I kind of panicked. I knew he was going to comment next, then his fans would see it and I ain’t with all that attention,”  I said as Angela nodded in agreement.
“Ah, I get it, I actually don’t blame you on that one,” she said as we made our way back into the dining hall. The night had been going well but I was getting ready to soon leave.
Two hours was enough for me and I hadn’t seen Carmelo yet so my nerves were a little on edge. I can’t believe how just a hug from him was breaking down the walls I had built up. But for now, I’m going to enjoy the rest of my weekend.
“Heeeyyy, the party jumpin’ now,” I said looking at the crowded dance floor. “Gril, here come Anthony, don’t look,” Angela said as I sighed truly not in the mood.
“Damn,I was hoping he wouldn’t see me,” I whispered. I knew he was going to ask me to dance. Now don’t get me wrong, “I’ll give all my love to you” by Keith Sweat is one of my favorite songs but I ain’t dancing with his ass.
After the blow up with Carmelo I pretty much stayed away from his frat house all together. That didn’t stop Anthony from spreading rumors that he and I had slept together. So, yea I had to rock his shit one good time too.
“You ladies look amazing,” he said sizing us up as Angela cleared her throat. “Thanks, Anthony” I said as he smiled brightly at me.
“Kayla, may I have this dance?” he asked as I felt someone grab my hand gently bringing it to their lips. I actually sighed in relief seeing it was Carmelo as he smiled at me.
“She’s with me Anthony, ain't nothin' changed Bruh. Let's go Kay, I owe you a dance,” Carmelo said smoothly steering me away as Angela smiled.
“Well ok then Melo, come through boo,” Angela said as I blushed. She always hyping him up in his bullshit.
“Thank you, I was about to have a flashback and was probably gon’ rock his ass again like I did you earlier,” I said as he laughed pulling me close on the dance floor as we danced.
Carmelo’s POV
Step one complete I had her in my arms again our foreheads touching as I caressed her waist swaying to the music. She felt so good, this was a dream it had to be.
I love you in the night
I wanna take it real real slow, my baby
I understand what you told me
And if I, I didn't know
I always wanted someone just like you
“Thank you for dancing with me,” I whispered as she pulled back slightly, those beautiful eyes stirring something deep in my soul.
“Thanks for saving the day like you always use to do,” she smiled as I felt all my troubles melt away. She just didn’t know but I would always protect her.
I really need to hold on, hold you
I'd give the world to you, oh my darlin'
You know I will
Yeah yeah you know i will
I surely will
“You are so beautiful; you know that right?” I asked, caressing her face as she looked away.
“Carmelo,” she started as I cut her off gently grasping her face making her look at me. The more I stared into her beautiful eyes, it seemed the more I got lost.
 “Just be in the moment with me,” I pleaded, gently kissed her forehead, as she relaxed in my arms.
I will never do anything to hurt you
I'll give all my love to you
(I'm gonna give you every bit of my love, my love)
And if you need me, baby, I'll come runnin' (yes I will)
Only to you (yes my baby yes I will)
I looked over and saw Trick dancing with Angela as he smiled at me giving me a thumbs up. Smiling, I closed my eyes just enjoying Kayla being in my arms again as she laid her head on my chest.
One of her hands resting on my back as the other caressed my arm and not just any arm but the one that contained the tattoo I had joked about getting four years earlier.
“You remember, don’t you? You know it’s your tattoo,” I whispered in her ear,unafraid of the answer as she nodded against me.
I no longer had anything to hide from her.
Girl I've been longing for you baby for a long long time
Let's make love tonight
I can make me feel real good baby
I can make feel real good baby
Sometimes, sometimes I get a little lonely, baby (so lonely baby)
“Why,” she whispered as I leaned down and gently placed a kiss on her bare shoulder. “Why wouldn’t I? I wanted to carry you with me always, you’re my best friend and I love you,” I whispered as I felt her still in my arms.
And I need a little love that I can call all mine (I need some lovin')
Girl, you are the one for me, babe
I know that you are the world for me, babe
“I can’t do this, I’m sorry,” Kayla whispered pulling away, walking off the dance floor.
Defeated, my eyes met Trick’s who pointed, silently telling me to go after her.
He was right, I couldn’t let the chance pass me by again. I rushed off the dance floor determined to catch her before she left.
Kayla’s POV
“Don't fall for it... He didn’t mean it Kayla, stop being weak,” I muttered to myself pacing. I felt in flight or fight mode as I saw Carmelo rushing towards me. “Look, I forgave you ok, so you don’t have to do this,” I cried trying to put some space between us as I tried to leave again.
“Kayla we can’t keep running from this baby,” Carmelo said blocking my path as I felt my anxiety rising.
This couldn’t be happening right now, he didn’t love me, he couldn’t.
“Why are you doin’ this!?” I cried as he caressed my face. “I’m doin’ It because I should have told you that night. I should have told you that I loved you,” Carmelo confessed as I felt the room closing in.
“No, no, you couldn’t have,” I whispered as I felt the air rushing out of my lungs.
“I’m sorry to just spring all this on you but, I don’t wanna make the same mistake twice. I can’t let you walk away from me again without telling you. I still love you Kayla and I know you love me too,” Carmelo declared without fear, claiming my lips in an eager kiss.
I will never do anything to hurt you
(I would never, never do one little thing to hurt you)
I'll give all my love to you
My mind was fuzzy as our kisses became more passionate, was this really happening right now.
“I’ma leave, and give you some time,” Carmelo whispered against my lips as I whimpered at the loss.
“I want you to come to me when you’re ready to admit you love me just as much as I love you, he said gently brushing his lips against mine before rushing off towards the elevators.
And if you need me, baby, I'll come runnin'
Only to you
Running towards the bathroom I locked myself in a stall trying to process what had happened. All this time he loved me, all this time lost.
Did I love him? Who am I kidding, I’ve always loved him and I thought I was over it until I saw him today, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.
His words continuing to echo in my head as I got myself together.  Finally building up the courage to come out of the bathroom I ran into what felt like a brick wall as a strong set of arms steadied me.
"Hey, I'm Carmelo's friend Trick. I was looking for him, have you seen him,” the gentleman said as I looked at Angela,who stood behind him.
“He left and went upstairs,” I said as Trick frowned. “So did ya’ll talk?” Angela asked as I nodded.  
“Kayla, did he tell you how he felt?” Trick asked as I nodded again.
"Uh, can you give us an answers and stop all that damn nodding," Angela said I sighed.
“He told me he loved me and that he always had,” I said overwhelmed as Angela squealed in delight. “I knew it! My eyes don’t fool me," she said as I wiped my tears.
“How do you feel about what Melo said?” Trick asked as I contemplated his words.
“I love him too;” I said feeling relieved to say it out loud as Angela hugged me.
 “Then go to him,” she whispered as I nodded in understanding. I guess this is what she mean the other day about me putting my big girl panties on.
I had to tell him he wasn’t wrong, I did love him.
 “Trick, Do you know what room he’s in?' I asked as he smiled. “Room 984,” he said without hesitation as I gave him a hug.
 "Thank you and it was nice meeting you," I whispered as he laughed returning my embrace.
“Nice metting you too Kayla, and I’m sure we will be hanging out soon. Especially if your friend Angela here gives me her number,” he said as I smiled at him before I took off towards the elevator.
“Get ya’ man and have some mind-blowing sex you deserve it!” Angela yelled as Trick laughed. "Trick you better keep your eyes on that one," I said getting on the elevator anxiously waiting for the doors to close.
I felt nervous, the elevator seemed to be going so slow. I almost changed my mind, but the loud dinging noise let me knew I had reached my destination as I walked in a daze to room 984.
Taking a deep breath, I lightly knocked hoping he wouldn’t hear me, and I could leave.
“Damn no such luck,” I muttered as I heard him fumbling around the room. Just do what you feel Kayla, you already know he feels the same. Speak your peace and leave it at that.
Last night I thought to back to when we made good love
Listenin' to some Marvin Gaye all night long
Now I want that old thing back
 It was like time stood still as he opened the door clad in only a towel and a surprised look on his face. Wasting no time and closing the distance between us, I leaped into his arms, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.
 It’s power startling us both as we moaned in pleasure as our ever-present need for each other continued to grow more intense by the second as we got lost in each other.
 Reluctantly parting to catch our breath, Carmelo looked at me in wonder, caressing my hips.
Make these moments once again a fact
So won't ya, won't ya, uhhh, do it for us, babe
“So, you do love me?” he whispered in disbelief as I caressed his face his piercing gaze had me under his spell.
“I love you, Carmelo,” I whispered against his lips as he groaned reclaiming my lips, pulling me against his bare chest and into his room, slamming the door.
“I love you too, baby,” he moaned as his hands masterfully unzipped my dress causing it to fall at my feet as I shivered feeling exposed under his intense gaze.
“Are we really doin’ this?” I panted as his eyes continued to roam my body. “Yes, and your even more beautiful than I remembered,” he moaned, his breath now hot on my neck as he slowly grazed his lips across my neck, helping me out of my underwear.  
I couldn’t contain my moans of pleasure as Carmelo entangled his fingers in my hair, kissing and nibbling on my neck.
 Purring against him I felt myself losing control as his towel fell, a barrier no longer between us.
Good lovin, body rockin' knockin' boots all night long yeah
Makin' love until we tire to the break of dawn
But oh, come on, a-come on
“Melo, baby,” I moaned as he growled, his hands caressing my breasts as he teasingly sucked and nipped at them as my grip on his head tightened.
“I need to taste you, Peaches, I bet you taste so sweet,” he groaned using his tongue, licking a path from my stomach to my pelvis as he kneeled before me.
And turn the lights down, and let me get on it, yeah
‘Cause when I do, just me and you, it'll be so right
“Can I taste you, Peaches?” he moaned caressing my thighs wrapping them around his shoulders as I trembled with anticipation as he kissed my inner thigh trailing his tongue over my wet center.
Carmelo’s POV
“Yes! Please baby,” Kayla gasped, arching her hips against my tongue as I tasted her. Her hands gripping my face as I licked and sucked on her clit. “Mmm, you taste so sweet peaches. I knew you would baby,” I praised, her eyes rolling back in her head as I pleased her. 
Her moans urging me on as I swirled my flattened tongue around her swollen sensitive clit over and over as she whimpered underneath me.
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots) Somebody rockin', baby, ooh
“Carmelo! Oh, fuck!” Kayla moaned as I groaned savoring her taste. Gripping her ass and standing up while still lapping up her juices, I lifted her higher into the air.
 “What are you doing!” she gasped in shock and pleasure as my hungry eyes met hers. Her back planted firmly against the wall as she shivered against my mouth.
“I'm eating my dessert baby,” I moaned devouring her sweet wet center as her legs trembled around my neck.
I feel so good when I'm near you
That's why I always wanna be close to you
“Give me what I want Peaches,” I moaned against her as her gasps were coming in short spurts, I knew she was close.
 “I want it now Kayla,” I moaned swirling my tongue one last time around her clit before taking it in my mouth sucking it gently as she rode my face, her head thrown back in pleasure.
"Oh God! Melo, I...." She trailed off as her whole body began to shake as her orgasm hit her strong as I slid my tongue inside her making her scream and writhe against my mouth as her orgasm continued to overtake her.
I moaned loudly as her essence drenched my mouth as I welcomed it.
Enjoying watching the pleasure on her face, I gently unwrapping her thighs from around my neck.  Maintaining my grip, I slowly slid her down my body as she leaned forward kissing me with urgency.
“I need you,” I panted against her lips as she arched her back against the wall as I entered her swiftly, as a strangled moan escaped her beautiful lips.
I'm so addicted, I'm so addicted
To makin' love to you, baby
All night long, baby, all night long, long, long, long
Her moans mixed with the feel of her pulsing around me had me reelin’. “Fuck! Shit, I missed this Kay,” I confessed reclaiming her as she clawed at my back.
“I missed you too Carmelo,” she moaned as I bounced her with ease on my dick. Her arms around my neck and her knees locked on top of my arms as we rocked against each other.
“Yea, bounce on this dick… Bounce on it like a good girl. You like how this dick feels in this pussy don’t you?” I moaned.
“Carmelo, yes! Fuck me! Umph,” She groaned sucking on my neck, her wetness soaking my dick as it got louder with each thrust.
Kayla’s POV
“Yea, this that grown man shit, you like it don’t you? That pussy so wet for me Peaches, you takin’ it so good baby,” Carmelo praised as I whimpered against him. “Yes! I love it!” I screamed holding on for dear life.
He was right, we weren’t shy college kids anymore.  This truly was real grown folks shit and I loved it.  Clawing at his shoulders in disbelief and pleasure, I felt that familiar tingling starting to surge downward. Good lovin', body rockin' all night long, oh, oh
Makin' love until we tire to the break of dawn
“I feel you baby, don’t fight that shit,” Carmelo panted as I whined not wanting to cum just yet. “I got you, I’ma make you cum,” he groaned as I gasped, his thrusts becoming more powerful as he revealed his plan for the night.
“Tonight, you gon’ cum again…and again…and again…and again,” he groaned as I fell apart in his arms, his mouth swallowing my cries as he held me tight.
“Yea, that’s it, you so fuckin’ beautiful,” he whispered against my lips.
But oh, come on, come on and turn the lights down, and let me get on it, uh
‘Cause when I do, just me and you, it'll be so right, so right, so right
Each stroke masterfully takin’ my breath away. “I want you to cum baby,” I whispered wanting him to let himself go.
I wanted to see his face as he found his sweet release as he eased us onto the bed towering over me. “Spread them legs wide for me Peaches, we gon’ get this one together, baby,” he groaned, his mouth once again overpowering mine as his strokes became deeper and harder.
“Yes! Carmelo! Cum with me,” I gasped as the new position allowed him deeper inside me.
“Mmhm, I’m real deep in this pussy, it feels so good too baby,” he praised. Moving in sync with him I knew he was close. His muscles began to twitch under my touch.  
A-give me some good love
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
“Your mine,” I moaned as a low growl fell from his lips as I traced my tongue against his lips as he caught it between his lips gently sucking on it.
“You mine too, you always been mine,” he moaned as my pussy pulsed tightly around him again. Smirking, he placed two of his fingers inside my mouth as I gently sucked on them.
“Fuck yea, good girl Peaches,” he whispered taking his fingers and begins rubbing against my clit matching in tune with his strokes.
“Ahh! Baby I’m cumin!!” I exclaimed, his growls becoming louder as his body shook in ecstasy exploding inside me.
‘Cause I'm ready
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots) I'm so ready
I'm so ready, baby
“You felt so fuckin’ good. Shit, that was amazin’” he moaned gently kissing me as we came down from our trip of ecstasy.
 “You ain’t never lied. Can’t wait until we do it again,” I whispered as he groaned against my lips.
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
To give you everything that we've been waitin' on
(Somebody rockin' knockin' da boots)
“Best homecoming ever,” he panted collapsing beside me as I laughed.
“I have to agree, it’s definitely one for the books,” I said smiling.
“So does this mean you gon’ be my girl,” he whispered running his fingers through my hair as I laughed.
“Uh, I would hope so, you done gave me head in the air…The damn air Carmelo, that definitely was a first for me and the rest I can’t even talk about right now because the feeling in my legs ain’t back yet,” I said as he laughed.
“That was hot as fuck wasn’t it. It’s you, I ain’t never done no shit like that, you make me this way,” he whispered pulling me close as I kissed his tattoo.
“Well, tonight was definitely happy tears,” I said caressing his tattoo as he smiled.
“I promise as long as you my girl, it’s always going to be is happy tears, I promise you baby,” he declared as I snuggled further into his arms.
 “I love you,” I whispered as I felt his heart beating faster.
“I love you too Kayla,” he replied dropping a tender kiss on my forehead.
Where do we go from here, I didn’t know but I knew he was my man and it was going to stay that way.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
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rottenroyalebooks · 9 months
Love Drunk - 0.1
Pairing: Eddie Munson x older sister!Harrington reader
Also includes: Steve Harrington x sister!reader (siblings)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: Y/N Harrington left Hawkins as soon as she turned eighteen with her boyfriend to follow her dreams of being a Rockstar. Three years later, she returns to Hawkins alone and scarred. Now, she has to repair her broken relationship with her younger brother, all while trying to prevent herself from falling for a cute metal head who plays at the Hideout, where she works.
Warnings: None.
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Driving back to Hawkins, Indiana, was the last thing I thought I would do.
I wouldn't say I liked this hellhole and got away as soon as possible. I never wanted to see the all-too-familiar roads and trees filled with bad memories.
Why did I come back here if I hated this place so much? My life fell apart underneath my feet, and I had no choice.
The drive was long and taxing, but I had a caravan from the 60s that still worked beautifully, so I didn't have to stay in any motels. I left California with a few boxes of my possessions and my black and white Saint Bernard Baxter, and we hit the open road together. It was a long trip, but eventually, I pulled into the driveway of my family home, which was pitch black.
Being late into the night, I was not surprised that the house was dark. I pulled my van into the backyard so it wouldn't be seen by anyone who drove by. I turned my van off and climbed into the back of my caravan, grabbing my travel bag and waking Baxter up so he wouldn't be sleeping outside in the cold.
I tried the back door, but it was locked, so I had to grab the spare key that was always kept underneath my mother's favorite garden gnome. I scoffed, showing the key to Baxter, who tilted his head. "See? They're predictable."
Once I unlocked the door and returned the key to its hiding place, I crept into the kitchen slowly, with Baxter trailing behind me and lazily trudging around. I poked my head into the garage, seeing it bare of any cars, and scoffed, "Nobody's home? They're probably away on business again." I pulled myself back into the house and closed the door.
I started thinking about my little brother Steve. He must have been nineteen, probably off at some fancy university far away from this town. Good for him.
I found my way to my old bedroom, letting Baxter in with promises of bedtime, and closed the door behind me. The room had barely been touched, though my parents were never home enough to care about what had happened. My bed was a mess, my posters were still on the walls, my desk was nearly covered in junk, my old makeup lay on the dresser, and my records were still in a box I had put together.
Sighing happily, I put my backpack on a chair and watched as Baxter jumped onto my bed, making himself as comfortable as possible. I sat on the bed next to my nightstand, which held the phone I had begged my parents to put in for me. I picked it up, hearing the dial tone and beeping as I pressed one of the few numbers I had memorized.
I pressed the phone to my ear, listening to the ringing. Finally, after a few rings, there's a male voice coming from the receiver, "I swear to god, somebody better be dead if you have the bright idea of calling me at three in the fucking morning."
I held back a laugh, "Jim! Hey, it's Y/N,"
I could almost feel his mood lighten, "Y/N? I never thought I'd hear your voice again! How've you been, kid?"
"Could be better. it could be worse. I'm back in town wondering if the pub needs a bartender."
He hummed lightly, "Luckily for you, Paul retired two weeks ago, and I've been having trouble finding decent help. You got any experience bartending?"
I smiled, thankful that he didn't push my return further, "I was a bartender for three years. I kept my nights busy."
"Perfect, you're hired. Can I go back to bed now?"
Giggling, I nodded, knowing he couldn't see me, "Yes, yes, sorry for calling so late. Goodnight, Jim." I placed the phone in the receiver and began stretching, getting myself ready to sleep.
My peace didn't last very long as my door swung open, revealing none other than my little brother, who wasn't so little anymore, welding a baseball bat in his hands. I jumped slightly and held my hands up in surrender, "Whoa, whoa! Steve?"
He stared at me, his features melting into a look of surprise, "Y/N?" He kept the bat high up in the air.
The two of us spoke in unison, "What are you doing here?"
"I asked you first, twerp."
He looked at me with an exasperated expression, "I'm literally the one with the bat."
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as the adrenaline died down, "I have an attack dog. Don't make me sick him on you."
He glanced behind me, looking at Baxter; smirking, he just looked back at me as he lowered the bat, "Oh yeah, he's an attack dog alright."
I looked over my shoulder and turned to look at Baxter, who laid there unbothered; passed out nearly dead to the world. If it weren't for the slow rise and fall of his upper body, I would have thought he was dead.
"I could be facing an actual murder right now, and you would just be blissfully aware until you woke up to see my dead body."
Steve sighed, "N/N, what happened?"
I turned back to him, "I'm back in Hawkins. Mom and Dad don't need to know. Hopefully, I'll find a place of my own soon. Trust me, you'll barely know I'm here."
He just stared at me, his expression unreadable as he contiplated my words. He grew a lot since I last saw him. His hair was shorter back then. He was shorter. He's no longer the scrawney kid I had to protect in my senior year, when he was merely a freshman.
I probably looked different, too, but in other ways.
"I should probably get some rest, I have an early shift." He awkwardly ran a hand through his hair. I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, kid. We'll talk later,  I want to know everything I've missed." I smirked, grabbing the covers and pulling them over my legs, "Hit the lights on the way out?"
He chuckled lightly, nodding, "Yeah, goodnight, Melody." He baked out of the doorframe, flipping the lights off for me before closing the door, leaving me to stare up at the ceiling; which still had the glow in the dark stars on it.
Baxter rolled over a bit, cuddling into my side as we got comfortable in my bed.
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lizzie-is-here · 1 year
lonely is a man without love
part viii- home
“love you to the moon and to saturn” - taylor swift
summary: after magic cults, a talking skeleton bird, and meeting a mercenary/gift-shoppist that’s now your boyfriend, you finally get to go home
wordcount: 1k
warnings: none really, my irresponsible time management
a/n: 🧍‍♀️ i have nothing to say for myself. that’s a lie i am so sorry y’all 😭. my only excuse that i switched my major and have been being eaten alive by school also my sister had her baby today so i’m tryna figure out how to get home to see him and also some other stuff. i’m so sorry this is so late and also kind of bad but i hope y’all enjoy 😭 i love y’all and thanks for your patience 🫶
taglist: @thefictionalgemini @ravenz-hope @undiscl0sed-d3sir3s @iateall-your-cookies @disregardedplant @sunflowers-4 @yellowumbrelllaaaa @bagsy-not-it @local-mr-frog @thescarletredwitch @jupitersmoon167 @creamecafe @stevenknightmarc @theluciansystem @kingtwhiddleston @spider-biter @mxltifxnd0m @sgt-morgan @no-dont-be-suspicious @onzayhe @namorslit @i-cant-write-for-shit @vainillasmil157 @doublevirgogirl @boofy1998 @seninjakitey @khaleesihavilliard @gaypoetsblog @letmehavemyfictionalmen @bitchotine @emily-roberts @andrewgarfldsgf @larkkyoris
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“What if they kill me for getting you killed?”
Standing outside the entrance to the Avenger’s compound, travel bags in hand, you slap Marc’s arm.
“Oh, shut up! They won’t kill you, I promise.”
“That’s a hefty promise when there are several assassins on the other side of those doors.”
“Милый [Dear], I’m an assassin.”
You that it’s not that Marc doesn’t want to meet the people you call family, it’s that he’s rather concerned they’re going to throttle him for getting you hurt.
After a few minutes of preparation, you finally coax him through the lobby and into an elevator, heading up to the main floor where the team is waiting.
The ride goes by much too quickly, and the door dings open sooner than Marc would like.
You slip through before the doors even open all the way, squealing as you run into the waiting arms of Natasha and Yelena, who happily lift you up as they coo praises in your native tongue.
The rest of the team is equally excited, welcoming you back. They congratulate you on a successful mission and on controlling the situation even as it escalated.
It’s a bit before you remember Marc standing in the doorway, and you gesture to him.
“Everyone, this is Marc,” you begin. “Be nice.”
Everyone greets him, except for one.
Natasha is far more intimidating than any man in the room as she stalks closer to him. She circles like a hawk, and your poor boyfriend has no choice but to stay still and hope she doesn’t filet him right there.
She circles back in front of him. Despite the difference in height, she may as well be as tall as Stark Tower with the way she’s glowering at the man.
Finally, a smirk spreads across Nat’s face.
“Nice to meet you, Spector.”
She takes his hand in a firm grip, analyzing his every move.
“Good job getting my sister killed.”
“Nat!” you gasp, the both of you chuckling.
She turns back to him, shaking her head. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Kind of. You got her home safe, so thank you.” Her tone is genuine, even if she does intend to beat him into the training ring later. For good measure.
As you prance around the room greeting everyone, Marc tries his best to not be intimidated.
Your other sister, Yelena, appears next to him silently. He flinches and she rolls her eyes with a smile.
“No one’s gonna hurt you. Unless you hurt her, that is.” She nods to you. “Lighten up, relax, have fun.” Playfully shoving him, she bounds back to her seat, a bowl of macaroni in her hands.
Her words bounce around his head.
Easier said than done.
The room is full of living legends. All of which could kill him in various nasty ways where he would never be found.
And they’re treating you like their baby sister.
Hell, the Scarlet Witch is wrapping her blanket around you like she’s swaddling a baby and the ex-Winter Soldier is passing you a cup of tea.
“Steven,” Marc hisses under his breath. “A little help, buddy?”
‘If you want me to take over, I think I’m a bit better in the conversation department,’ Steven offers, chuckling slightly. It’s only a moment before Marc takes him up on that.
Bundled in the fluffy cloth, you turn back to Marc, smile beaming. In an instant, you spot the change.
“Oh, hi Steven!” No one blinks twice, simply greeting the man as he waves.
He laughs, a bit awkwardly and waves back, answering a few questions.
What was his job? He worked in a museum, and was definitely not a gift-shoppist.
Have any close family? No.
It’s okay. No one really else does either, save a few exceptions. Like you. (Tony gets a well-deserved pillow to the face for that one.)
What does he want for dinner? Anything is okay with him as long as it’s vegan.
“Sorry,” he whispers to you. “Marc got a bit skittish.”
You smile, shaking your head at their antics.
“Don’t apologize, I know it’s a lot. I promise it’s okay.” You gesture to the elevator. “ Now come on, I have to show you around, yes?”
Marc and Steven take turns fronting as you show them around the compound, happily explaining anything and everything as you bounded along.
You spend a solid twenty minutes raving about the training room, and another fifteen getting distracted and helping some newly recruited agents with target practice.
Your energy is infectious, and by the time you turn in for the night after pizza and planning a party for your return, you’re both worn out.
“Was today too much?” you ask, watching Marc emerge from your bathroom, brushing his teeth.
He shakes his head. “No, of course not,” he manages around the brush. “It’s nice seeing you so excited about being home.”
“But what about your home? What about London?” You wouldn’t say it, but you were beyond worried about how this would work. The compound was your first home. But you didn’t want to take Steven and Marc away from their home.
Clearly, neither of them shared your concerns. Marc shrugs nonchalantly, briefly retreating into the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste and rinse.
“We’ll take it a day at a time, okay?” he whispers as you turn off the lamp and crawl under your blankets. He joins you, laying on his back so you can use him as a pillow. You claim it’s comfy.
You nod as you rest your head on his chest, relaxing as you breathe in time with him.
“Like a big adventure,” Steven cuts in, gently rubbing your shoulder.
“I don’t know if we can get a bigger adventure than dying and coming back,” you laugh.
“Well, you never know,” he says, glancing down at you. He loves you so much. They both do. In all honesty, they don’t care where you want to go. They’d live in Antarctica if you so much as asked, as long as you were there with them.
“Can we save the adventure for tomorrow?”
Everything is an adventure with you, they think. But Steven nods anyway.
“Yeah, of course, love.”
They’d wait for you forever.
“Ok. Goodnight, Steven, Goodnight, Marc.”
And you get two “goodnights” in response.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for basically calling my bfs genderbent dad a MILF?
My (17nb, gay) boyfriend (17m, bi) of 13 months is a scientist who is currently working on inter-dimensional travel.
We (me, him, his three brothers, and two family friends) have successfully travelled to diffferent universes before, travelling twice to universes that were fundamentally different (in my universe x kills y but in these new universes y kills x, ect ect).
Im not the best at explaining it :P.
But yesterday, we travelled to a universe very similar to ours. The only change was to our genders, me becoming transfeminine, my boyfriend and his brothers becoming women ect.
We explained what was happening, who we were, and our alternative selves understood quickly. We chatted for a while in their living room before their mom came out.
Our alternative selves explained the situation, and she was pretty intrigued. Apparently, they hadn't even thought of the idea of alternative universes.
When me and my bf were less involved in the conversation, i leaned over to him and whispered, "Would it be rude to call S___ a MILF?"
He didn't reply right away, just opening his eyes wide in shock and staring at me blankly. His younger brother, apparently right behind us, pipped up and said, loudly, "Whats a MILF?"
All conversation stopped. Most of our alternative selves stared at me and the younger brother. The oldest sister cocked a brow and said "..Why?"
"Oh, these two were talking about this S___ being a MILF." He said and pointed at me and my bf. At this point, i was practically sweating. i looked over at the mom, and she didn't seem to have any idea what was going on, thank god.
Everyone but the youngest siblings looked at me in shock, however. they knew what MILF ment. they knew i thought their mom was cute as hell. i couldn't defend myself.
Thankfully, my bf started talking with his alternate self about getting a teleportor working to send us home. We only stayed there for another 2 hours before they got a working teleportor.
We said our goodbyes (S_____ went back into her room) and went into the portal.
When we got back, one of the brothers and one of the family friends started laughing their asses off. They thought this was hilarious. The oldest bro and my bf were both stuck on how i don't even like women or feminine people like that, but for different reasons.
My bf was simply confused, but didn't think it was weird. The oldest brother thought it was gross that i thought his dads alternative self cute.
The youngest brother thought it was rude that i thought she was cute but not the male version of her. He claimed it was inequality.
The other family friend had no thoughts on the matter which im thankful for.
Anyway, that was yesterday. I've been somewhat avoiding the oldest brother, but he isn't the type to hold a grudge for more than an hour, so im not worried.
I expressed my concern to my bf and he suggested asking the internet what they thought. this is where you come in!
So, Tumblr! AITA for calling my boyfriends genderbent dad a MILF?
Edit: For those asking, their dad is 45, and the female version is one year younger, 44. they're both widowed, but that doesn't matter, i am already in a committed relationship, and even if I wasn't, i wouldn't hook up with either of them for any reason.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can you write something about when Harry and Y/N broke up but fans speculate that they got back together and they did get back together. They broke over something stupid, please. You don’t have to do this exactly it can be something like that.
let’s see how this turns out! hope it’s what you wished for?!
The last few months had been rough.
What had started as rumours of a breakup between everyones favourite couple, you and Harry, had turned into an actual breakup.
It had started by Harry spending more time with Olivia, due to press for Don’t Worry Darling. They were always hanging out with each other, even when there was no publicity stunt telling them to. You found it appropriate at first, wanting the movie to gain some form of reputation, but after a while you believed it turned South. It was becoming a definite friendship and not just because they had to. It was the way that Harry would bring Olivia over for dinner without checking with you first, or taking the dog for a walk with her not you, or even staying longer out on stunts than they needed to just because they wanted to.
So you challenged Harry on it. Hell, even the tabloids were challenging you both - claiming Harry had split from you for Olivia. You made him question whether he thought his actions were irresponsible and appropriate or not, to which he thought there was nothing wrong and thought you were being irrational. You didn’t speak to him for the rest of the day, only to find him later on the phone speaking to Olivia about how crazy you’d been acting about it all. So you showed him crazy and walked out.
Until today.
For over a half a year your sister had her wedding planned and Harry was supposed to be your guest. You were nervous about turning up without him, because your family were very judgy. Your sister couldnt help being the smarter and the prettier one, but she also didn’t have to parade it around so everyone knew of it. Your mum and dad thought you a disappointment for the longest time, but once you’d gotten a job and had moved out they were a bit more loving over you. Still didn’t hide the fact they desperately hoped for you to have a relationship. It wasn’t that you were bringing Harry along to prove that someone loved you, but more to prove that they would never fully be satisfied whether you had a boyfriend or not. There would always be a podium stand slightly lower for you to stand on.
However, they didn’t know about the breakup.
“Y/N, nice to see you. Where’s Harry?” Another guest asked you, relatives of your mum. It was the same question over and over again, no one really caring about how you are but instead whether you’re in a positive relationship.
“Oh um I think he’s just running a bit late.” Was your chosen answer to respond to said question. It was repetitive, but it kept people off your back.
The wedding was completely beautiful. It was in a beautiful church and was decorated to perfection. The theme was white and royal blue, something your sister had always dreamed of. Children played amongst the pews and family relatives mumbled to each other about gossip. There was still a heavy sadness to the event. Maybe it was because your sister hadn’t asked you to be a bridesmaid - instead, choosing her best friends instead - or maybe it was because you missed Harry so much.
He’d fucked up. He really had, but it didn’t take away that burning passion for him that spread like a wildfire in your belly. You missed him. You still loved him. Worst of all, you had to pretend everything was all alright in front of your family when actually you were breaking apart inside.
Harry hadn’t messaged saying that he was or wasn’t coming, but after everything that had happened you were confident he was going to be a no show, and you would be the embarrassment of the family once again. Your relationship had been very private and exclusive, but Harry’s fans were so investigative you wouldn’t be surprised if they knew that you’d broken up and were aware that you were at a wedding today without him. Neither of you had made a public statement about your breakup, but neither of your wanted to damage each other even more. Fans suspected though and rumours travel fast.
“Y/N how are you doing? How’s Harry?” Another aunt came and asked you, this time with your mother in tow.
“Oh he’s great, yes.” You smiled forcefully, not actually having a clue how your ex-boyfriend was doing. You didn’t keep up with his social media because you were afraid of what you might find.
“Where is he? Is he here?” Your aunt asked.
“He’s late, apparently.” Your mother answered for you, sneeringly. “You’ll be made a fool of if he’s a no show Y/N.”
“I know.”
“I hope everything goes well for you both.” Your aunt kindly said, before waiting for your mum to say something nice too. That was a mistake though.
“Well it’s unlikely she’ll find someone again!” Your mother laughed and pulled your aunt away from you. You furrowed your eyebrows and let your heart sink low.
What were you thinking, letting Harry go like that? Your mum was right, you were never going to find anyone else again. You were so lucky with Harry. He was so kind and so patient with you, but obviously he’d run out of steam towards the end. It doesn’t surprise you. You’ve always been told you’re a mighty handful and you need a lot of work put into looking after you, so you understand why you were probably too much for Harry. The showbiz life had never really been something you’d completely submerged yourself into, whereas you guess for Olivia it was rooted in her from birth. She understood Harry’s world the same way he did hers. They would match perfectly for each other, if that’s what they wanted.
You watched the room continue as usual, but you couldn’t keep yourself here. There was too much sadness welling deep within you that you wanted to just run and then keep running. So you did, only to get as far as the bench in the front courtyard. The outside felt calmer and more freeing than inside, you sat and absorbed it for a while, not realising that you were crying until your pretty multicoloured dress had grown darker with a pool of your tears.
“Shit.” You tried rubbing the tears out, but only made you cry a little harder. You thought about your makeup running and tried to compose yourself, fanning your face to calm it down from the heat now.
“And here I was thinking weddings were supposed to be happy.”
You stopped fanning your face to look at him. You couldn’t believe he was standing there, dressed in a beautiful white suit and salmon pink shirt underneath to compliment the colours of your dress - the outfit that you’d helped him pick out over a year ago. He’d remembered. He trusted that you’d still be wearing this dress. He was a sight alright. A vision of beauty and love.
“Harry?” You questioned, wiping your under eyes to clear away any running mascara, not quite believing he was standing there.
“So what was it? Bad music playing? No vodka? Or maybe there’s nowhere for you to escape to go read the book I know you have stuffed away in your clutch bag.” He stood at a distance from you, hands in his trouser pockets, to make sure you were comfortable.
“I brought vodka instead of the book.” You chuckled, reaching into your clutch to prove it to him.
“Lucky for you, i’ve come to save the day.” Harry reached to the inside of his blazer pocket and pulled out a Kindle. You’d always been debating whether or not to buy one, because the feeling of having a book to turn its’ physical pages is a feeling second to none. “Take it, it’s yours.”
Harry handed it out to you and you stood up to reach for it hesitantly. Harry assured you that it was okay and that you’d been reading too many books if you thought it was a trap of some sort.
“Thank you, Harry.” You spoke sincerely. You stroked your thumb over the cover and turned the case lid over to start up the screen. The screen lit up and it was set to a picture of your favourite quote, annotated just as you would have in your own book. You chuckled and let a few tears drop from the kindness of all of this.
“And then…” Harry unlocked the Kindle with your birthday as the password, before clicking on the library so you could discover what was waiting for you on your virtual shelves. Harry had downloaded all your most favourite books, whilst also downloading the ones he knew had been on your to-be-read list. He’d even added a few of his favourite books too, just because you liked reading his recommendations.
You smiled, but felt so lost.
“W-why are you here, H?” You asked, closing the lid and bravely looking up into his enchanting eyes. You had to control yourself not to comment on how wondrous they looked.
“To save the day.” He chuckled in repeat, until he knew you weren’t taking that for an answer. “Because I fucked up. Big league time.”
“Yeah.” You whispered, looking down at your shoes to see that they weren’t that far apart at all. He was so close to you, yet he wasn’t yours to catch.
“And i’ll never forgive myself for letting you walk out of that door. The promotion shit with Olivia? Done. I’ve finished. I explained that the movie isn’t as important to me as you. You,” Harry paused to breathe out, and took the risk of guiding your jaw up to meet your gaze with his soft hand, “you are real Y/N. You’re so important and key to my life and it bloody terrified me, still does actually, to think that you make me feel this way. I want everything with you. Marriage, kids, a home. A life. I was so worried I would screw it all up, though, to the point where I did screw it all up. I lost you and so I lost me. It’s selfish of me to ask whether any part of your heart still wants me, but—”
“Yes.” You quickly interjected before he could say something he’d later regret. “There is, yes.”
“R-really?” He stumbled over his response, not expecting you to react so soon but his words had got to you. His feelings were vulnerable and raw and it reminded you of how much you love him and feel safe with him.
“Why? Would you like me to say different.” You teased.
“No,” Harry rushed, stepping closer towards you, “God now. Stay, please. Forever, if you’ll have me?”
“I can deal with forever.” You leaned up to where his lips were, craving the taste of them against yours so badly. “Can I?” You looked between his lips and his eyes, watching his eyes coo in admiration of you. His arms snaked around your neck and cupped the back of your head, resting his ringed fingers against your skin delicately.
“You don’t have to ask, angel.” And with that you didn’t hesitate to reclaim your clips on his. He tasted as sweet and as soft as you could remember. The hint of mint sweets he kept in his car could be tasted all over his mouth, and he could no doubt taste the vodka on yours. He took no time in rushing to have his tongue exploring your mouth once mouth, biting on your lip when he got the chance to. He wanted you to remember this moment and how much love he has for you, and always will. Just as you do for him.
Hesitantly pulling away you smiled at him cheekily, feeling so much lighter and happier to have him here. With you in his arms so expertly.
“What?” He asked, leaving a quick kiss to your nose, inhaling his scent as he did.
“Just can’t believe you’re here.” You stroked his cheek with your thumb, and he leaned into your touch so comfortably. He had missed you so damn much, and it showed.
“Let you down once before and I wasn’t going to do it again.”
“So you’d have shown up even if I hadn’t?”
“Not happily, but yes.” He laughed thinking about it.
“Why?” You laughed with him.
“I’ve got to make my impression on your family somehow. Need to remind some of them how amazing and beautiful their special Y/N L/N is.”
“Some are going to need a lot more persuading than others.” You sighed, side-frowning over your words.
“No offence, but anyone who doesn’t treat you as a fucking diamond doesn’t deserve you and should watch out for kick up their backside from me.” You laughed over his empty threat and buried your head against his chest, listening to the heartbeat and rumble of laughter that came from within. This moment alone felt like home. Safe and warm.
“I love you, H.”
“Bloody love you too.”
Harry ended up returning to the wedding with you, much to your mothers surprise, and you both enjoyed the celebrations together. You shut yourselves out from everybody and just danced, talked and drank the night away.
You were so in love.
Later, photos got leaked of the wedding and it showed you and Harry dancing away in one of the backgrounds of the photos. It was supposed to be a shot of just the bride and groom, but you two have managed to get caught in it. You looked so caught up in each other that you still weren’t even aware the photo had been taken. You and Harry had determinedly avoided the camera all night, exactly for this reason, but a part of you was kind of happy that this one photo got leaked, because it showed the world that Harry was yours and you were his. It showed that you were together, or back-together as addressed by some FBI fans, and that you were stronger for it.
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furiousmooncupcake · 2 years
Survivor | Sidney X Gender Neutral Reader (Parts 1-3)
***parts 4-end available on my page!***
You move in with your uncle Stu, who is -unbeknownst to you- one half of the ghost face killer.
What will you do when you find out? Join him? or borrow some of Sidney's courage and fight?
***This story and it's characters are based loosely on the first scream movie.***
***TW: this story contains graphic depictions of violence, gore and mild sexual content and is not suitable for young readers.***
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Part 1
I rummage through my things, scrambling to get everything ready.
Today was my first day at Woodsboro highschool. I've never went to a new school before- and I'm not doing it now by choice.
My families house burned down recently... I lost everything, I basically have to start all over- like my last life didn't exist... it's a hard feeling to describe.
The only belongings I have left are what I had kept at my grandparents house, which is where I am staying until my parents are able to find another home in Woodsboro.
I hear a rhythmic rap at my room door.
"All ready?" I hear the familiar voice of Stu on the other side of the door.
I am the child of Stu's older sister Leslie- making Stu my uncle although we are the same age. I've always seen him as more of a brother than anything, but he loves to tease me about it.
"One minute!" I toss my supplies into my backpack and throw it over my shoulder.
I give myself one last looking over in the mirror. My hair was curly and a dirty blonde color. I kept it out of my face with a colorful bandana to match my tie-died crop top. I paired it with a pair of low rise bell bottoms and some white tennis shoes.
I swing open the door and as I go to walk out Stu leans on the door frame infront of me, blocking my path.
"You're really going out dressed like that?" His eyes travel down to my stomach that peeked out of my top.
"Yes. I'm in highschool Stu, I'm aloud to show my belly button." I roll my eyes and duck under his arm. He shakes his head in disapproval as he follows me out the door.
When we arrive at school we are met by Tatum, she is Stu's girlfriend. I've met her quite a few times already as she comes over to the house often. It's nice to say I atleast I know one other person besides Stu.
"So are you excited?" Tatum asks me as Stu wraps an arm around her shoulders.
"About what?" I ask.
"You know, about starting at a new school!" She smiles.
"Ah, not really." I shrug. "School is not really my forte. Plus the thought of having to catch up with everybody makes me sick."
"I don't mean like that." She giggles. " arnt you excited to make new friends? Maybe meet somebody? Huh?"
"They'll make friends in no time." Stu grins. "Their just like me. Fun, loveable, attractive..."
"Careful, I can see your ego growing." I poke him in his side.
When we get inside I immediatly head to the office to grab my schedule and make my way to my classroom.
Stu and Tatum meet up with me after classes. Together we go to the fountain.
On its ledge sat a small group. A beautiful girl, leaning on her a scrawny guy with dark greasy hair and next to them-but also at a distance- another guy with lighter brown hair and very pretty blue eyes.
"Hey guys! This is my little nibling I was telling you about." Stu pats me on the head and I cross my arms.
"Little? Your literally a month older then me."
I introduce myself and the others do the same back. Sidney, her boyfriend Billy and Randy.
They take a seat and I plank myself down between Stu and Sidney.
"So, Liking Woodsboro so far?" Randy makes conversation with me, he was very sweet and gave off a very comforting vibe.
"I don't know, it seems nice on the surface but there is something about this place that feels a little off. I don't know why." I pride myself on being a good judge of character and I am usually right... I guess you could say I've got a strong intuition?
"Perhaps it's because everybody's feeling on edge about the murder."
"Murder?" I blink.
"Leslie didn't tell you?" Stu laughs. "Typical."
"So what happened?" They've peaked my curiosity.
"Last night somebody murdered a girl- Casey Becker- and her boyfriend-Steve Orth." Randy explains. "The police have no clue who could have done it, so everybody is on edge not knowing who it could be... it could really be anybody."
"Even you." He jokes, smirking and raising his brows.
"Why would it be me?" I question.
"Well, Stu said that you came to town yesterday... that same night they were murdered. Coincidence?"
"It's impossible for it to be her" Stu chimes in. "They were comepletely gutted amd hollowed out. Only a real man could do something like that."
"A woman could kill somebody!" Tatum retorts and the three of them argue.
I rub my forehead in disgust as Stu explains how to gut somebody in graphic detail, this isn't really the topic of conversation I had expected.
"Don't mind them, their horror movie nerds." Billy speaks up,  noticing my discomfort.
"You don't have to tell me. I know how tasteless Stu can be." I shake my head and he grins.
"If your not into scary movies, what do you like?" Billy continues the conversation.
"I'm more of a dirty dancing-ghost type of person."
"A Patrick Swayze fan?" He chuckles.
"Fan is an understatement." I laugh. "Romance movies in general are more up my alley."
I look at Sidney, she's stares blankly at the ground as if she is absorbing everything that is being said.
"What about you?" I ask her, trying to insert her into the conversation. I wouldn't want her to think I was making a move on her boyfriend.
"Oh yeah, i like those too." She replies as I snap her out of her trance.
Suddenly a voice bellows over the speakers, it's the principal. He gives a warning about arriving home safely.
Stu jumps up from the fountain, grabbing me by my wrist.
As I stand up I notice Billy give me a looking over, unbeknownst to Sidney. It sort of makes me uncomfortable and I duck slightly behind Stu.
"Come on, let's go home." He grins. "If any killer tries to come at you he'll have to get through me!"
"I'll go-" Stu pretends to punch and kick, making funny sound effects as he does so. "Your guts are safe with me!"
He pokes me in my stomach and I shoot him a dissatisfied glare.
I wave goodbye to the others as we walk off of school grounds.
That evening my grandparents announced that they would be going out of town. My parents had plans to go as well, in their words they needed a 'break from all of the stress.' But actively chose to leave me in it.
I didn't fussy the idea of me and Stu being left alone with a killer on the loose, but Stu was absolutely ecstatic. He was already making plans to hold a house party.
"I don't think thats a great idea." I explain my concern but he seems unphased.
"We can drink beer and watch horror movies!" He rubs his hands together in excitement.
"We don't know who the killer is, you could literally be inviting them into our home." I shudder at the thought.
"What if we already have?" He chuckles and my eyes widen.
"Just screwin with ya." He pats me on the back and lets out a hearty laugh.
I punch him in his arm. He really is simple minded.
He gets up from the couch, grabbing his backpack and heading toward the door.
"Where are you going all of a sudden?" I ask.
"I forgot that I promised Billy we'd hang out today. I'll be back in a few."
"Alright." I nod. Slumping down into the cushions and flicking through the channels on the television.
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Part 2
At school the next day the whole atmosphere felt different... lighter.
People were gathered in small cliques, laughing, gossiping...
One of them grabs me by my shoulder, pulling me aside.
"Have you heard?" She squeaks excitedly. "They caught the killer!"
"What, really?" I feel a weight lift off of my shoulders, perhaps being home alone won't be so bad after all.
"Yeah." Another girl chimes in, eager to spread the rumor. "and you won't guess who it is!"
"Billy Loomis!" She whispers.
"What!?" I'm taken aback. He did seem sort of off, but I still didn't imagine it.
"Sidney was threatened by the killer last night...moments after Billy climbs through her window with a burner phone. Pretty creepy huh." She wraps her arms around herself, shivering slightly. "The police took him in."
That's odd... i scratch my head as I recall Stu saying he was supposed to hang out with Billy last night. Billy wasn't with him- but with Sidney... yet Stu was gone for hours. My thoughts race. I'll have to question him about it when we get home.
Something catches the girls' attention and I quickly follow their gaze. Sidney walks down the hall, her head down. People whisper and call cruel words in her direction as she passes. She must feel awful.
"Hey, i bet Sidney is a killer too!" A boy speaks loudly. "It would only make sense to throw your accomplice under the bus to protect yourself."
I see a pained expression cross her face and I instinctively run toward the guy, giving him a powerful whack across the face with my math textbook.
"What the fuck was that for?" He cries as his nose begins to bleed.
"Mind your own damn business." I hiss.
"And if anybody else wants to open their stupid mouths they can feel my wrath too. I used to take karate back in my home town." I shout through the hall threateningly.
The subject of conversation quickly shifts from Sidney to the fact that I am a total lunatic, which wouldn't be completely false.
"You didn't have to do that." Sidney speaks softly, finally looking up from the floor.
"But I appreciate it nonetheless." She smiles slightly.
"Anytime." I smirk. "So... how are you feeling, like really?"
I wrap an arm around her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"It really took me off guard." She sighs. "When you think you know somebody... you don't."
"I can only imagine the feeling." I bite my lip. "But you really did a good thing by turning Billy in. Most people wouldn't have the courage to betray their loved one like that."
"Youre a good person that cares about the wellbeing of others. I've only just met you but I can see that." I speak from the heart and she smiles warmly.
She really is beautiful. Her dark hair and striking brown eyes contrast perfectly with her clear, pale skin. I smack myself on my cheeks, desperate to rid myself of my intrusive thoughts... now really isn't the time.
A teacher approaches us, an angry kick in her step. Following behind her like a stray dog was the boy I had hit earlier, a wad of bloody tissue up his nose.
"This school does not tolerate violence amongst its students." She lectures me. "Go to the principals office. Now."
I groan. Snitches get stitches.
"I'll see you later Sid." I give her one last pat on the back before heading toward the principals office.
The secretary sits at her desk, flipping through a large stack of duotangs.
"I-" I try to speak but the secretary interrupts me abruptly.
"The teacher already called ahead. Follow me." She stands, motioning me ahead with her hand.
She tries to open the door but it is locked.
"That's strange... he never locks his door." She mumbles.
"Excuse me sir, I have a student that needs to see you." She knocks on the frosted glass and waits a moment, but recieves no response.
"Sir?" He still doesn't answer.
She pulls a set of keys out of the pocket of her blazer, unlocking the door and cautiously pushing it open.
The moment the door cracks I am hit in the face by a pungent metallic scent. The secretary notices it too and wrinkles her nose.
We step inside, the principal has his head cradled in his arms as if he were taking a nap on his desk.
"Sir, are you alright?" The secretary pushes him up by his shoulder and suddenly his body falls limply back into the office chair. His face was pale and lifeless.
We are both mortified as we notice his white button up had been stained red from the multiple stab wounds in his chest. Upon further inspection we also notice that his stomach had be sliced open and his organs pooled out into his lap and onto the floor by his feet.
The last thing I can remeber after that moment is the secretary's blood curdling scream for help as the world closes in on me.
When I come to I am laying in a doctors office, surround by police officers. My heart races as the morbid scene repeats itself in my mind.
I begin to feel even more Ill as I relay my experience to the police. They had officer Dewy do the questioning, since he was Tatum's brother they thought it would make me feel a little more at ease. It didn't.
"How are you doing?" Sidney sits down on the bed beside me, taking my hand in hers.
"Just peachy." I smile sarcastically.
"I'm sorry." She furrows her brows in frustration.
"What for?"
"It's my fault you got into trouble... if you didn't have to go to the office you-"
"Stop right there." I interject. "I chose to bash that guys nose in and I'm dealing with the consequences."
"But there is one thing that really has me stumped..." I quickly put the pieces together.
"What is it?"
"I thought they caught the killer... so how was he able to hurt anybody else?"
"We're not exactly sure..." Dewy exhales. "Not only was Billy in jail when the attack happened, but we checked all of his call records and he has been cleared and released."
Then the killer is still out there? I swallow the lump that had formed in my throat.
"I want to go home." I whine.
"Are you sure you're alright to leave?" Sidney asks, concern in her eyes. "The doctor said they would hold you until tomorrow morning."
"No... I'm fine, just a little shaken up. I'd rather lay in my own bed."
"Alright." Dewy smiles. "I'll let the doctor know."
He gets up, making his way out into the hallway.
It was just me and Sidney left in the room. As her hands cupped mine I could feel a comforting warmth travel though my body. It was an indescribable feeling of safety and reassurance that I didn't want to let go of.
"Dont worry, whoever this killer is... he'll pay for what hes done." Her dark eyes were full of strength and determination I couldn't help but believe every word that she said.
"you can go." The doctor speaks as head Dewy enter the room.
"but take these, they will calm your nerves and hopefully help you sleep through the night." He passes me a small orange bottle. "Dissolve them under your tongue."
"thank you." I nod.
"ill give you a ride home." Dewy offers.
"Where's Stu?" I ask.
"He went on ahead, something about catching up on an assignment." Sidney sighs.  
"Alright." I get up, finally releasing Sidney's grip on my fingers.
"You know, if you need to talk I'm only a phone call away." She smiles.
My heart flutters in my chest. Her genuine concern is touching, a feeling I was not used to. Although I love my family they could always be somewhat cold... even Stu, who I was the closest with usually lent a blind eye to my feelings.
"Thanks Sid, I feel a lot better now."
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Part 3
I step out of the police car into an empty driveway. My family had already left town. They probably hadn't even heard about what had happened to me that day.
I go inside and quietly shut the door behind me. It was getting late and I didn't want to interrupt Stu's studies...
I go into the kitchen and make my way to the phone. I should really call my parents and tell them what happened. If they find out from somebody else they are sure to be pissed.
When I pick up the receiver I can hear Stu's voice on the other end. Assignment my ass. I hold my breath as I bring the phone up to my ear. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop but curiosity has always been a weakness of mine.
"Are you sure it's safe to talk on this phone?" I hear Billy's voice.
"Yes dude, the fam's out of town. Nibling's at the hospital for the night. Were good." Stu replies.
"why didn't you just call me on your burner phone?"
Why would they need a burner phone to speak? what do they plan on talking about? now I definitely have to listen.
"Cuz... I may or may not have lost it, okay?" Stu groans.
"you're lucky I'm still talking to you after you almost got my ass locked up." Billy spat. "You're lucky I didn't rat you out."
Rat him out...? for what?
"And I'll be forever grateful." Stu chuckles. "But get this, I got a plan for our next hit."
"I don't feel comfortable talking about this over the phone. Let's meet up at our usual spot. "
"okie doke. Be there in a minute." Stu hangs up the phone.
I hear his door open upstairs and I quickly duck behind the counter as I hear Stu sprint down the stairs and out the door.
I wait a few moments to ensure that he is actually gone and slowly make my way up the stairs. Stu's behaviour has been strange since I moved in with him... and Billy, although proven innocent, gives me a strange feeling in my stomach.
Against my better judgement I decide to sneak into Stu's room, I need to know what he could be hiding. I start to sift through his belongings, desperate to find something that doesn't belong.
I pull open his drawers. All of his clothing was thrown haphazardly into it. I resist the urge to fold it neatly, I can't let him know I'm doing this.
While I was sat on the floor I notice a box underneath his bed. I lay onto my stomach and use my arms to slide myself underneath. I sneeze with the embarrassing amount of dust under his mattress and pull a dirty sock out of my hair. Nasty.
I grab onto the box and scoot myself back out. I brush myself clean and kneel beside the box.
As I lift the lid I am not surprised to see that it is full of photos of topless women. Ugh, how tasteless. I rub my forehead. I could really just stop here and let it go... but that wasn't me. I couldn't possibly let my questions go unanswered.
I pick out all of the explicit photos and lay them to the side. Underneath them all laid a gray backpack, the same one I saw Stu wearing that night he was going to 'hang with Billy'. Why would he hide it like this?
Inside was a mass of  black fabric. I reach in to pull it out and something sharp slices my hand across my palm.
"Ow! what the heck was that?" I shout audibly.
I flip the backpack upside down onto the floor and out falls a black robe. I unfold it to reveal a white halloween mask, a pair of gloves and a hunting knife that had been wrapped inside.
"what...? why...?" I murmur as I unzip the front pocket with my bloodied hand, I hadn't realized how much I had been bleeding.
Inside the pocket was some type of device. I hold down the button on its side.
"What is this?" As I speak the machine repeats my voice back to me in a deep, raspy tone. It's a voice changer.
My hands start to shake as I quickly come to the realization.
A disguise... a weapon... an alibi... Stu couldn't really be... the killer? and Billy his accomplice?
My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the front door slamming.
I panic and quickly stuff everything back into the box and slide it underneath his bed once again.
I can hear a couple of sets of footsteps walking up the stairs toward me and I run into the closet, softly sliding the doors closed behind me.
"Since it's going to be my party ill have to make an appearance." Stu speaks as he and Billy enter the room. I watch them through the small gaps in the closet door.
"So I'll move in first while you distract the guests." Billy adds.
"Exactly." Stu grins. "Then, part way through the party we switch. That way you'll make an appearance as well and I can have a bit of fun."
"But how are we going to frame Sidney's father for this. That is the main point."
"I haven't thought that far yet." Stu scratches his head.
"We'll have to kidnap him beforehand. He needs to be at the scene of the crime when everything goes down." Billy adds.
"I got a closet downstairs we can shove him in."
"Perfect. Nobody will believe his word against ours, the only survivors." Billy smiles genuinely and it sends a shiver down my spine.
My heart feels as if it is going to burst out of my chest as I watch Stu reach underneath his bed and pull out the box.
I hold my breath as Billy slowly approaches the closet, his head hanging down toward the floor.
"My stuff!" Stu shouts. " It's not how I left it!"
"I know why..." Billy grins as he glares through the hair in his face.
"Why?" Stu asks in shock.
Billy looks toward me as he points to a trail of blood splatter that lead into the closet.
My hand... it dripped...
"You have a rat." He hisses.      
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
"Victory" (Spencer Reid/ Reader)
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Requested: Yes
Summary: Spencer's daughter hates her father's girlfriend. But when he is in prison, life pushes them to finally get along.
Warning: Cursing, a little angst, a mean teenager, and fluff.
Word count: 5,4K
A/N: Hello, pretty people! How are you? I've missed you! Life has been a little messy and filled with angst, so writing hasn't come easy in the lastest weeks. Hope you like this story, and I hope I can bring you a new one soon 😉
»»————-  ————-««
Spencer's daughter hated her dad's new girlfriend. And she wasn't subtle about it. She hated that her father was now dating, 'cos she didn't want to share his love. So now she didn't even want to be around him anymore 'cos he was so happy, it was annoying.
It wasn't that she hated her father, 'cos she loved him. But she was never going to face the fact she was jealous. She didn't want to share Spencer with anyone because he was all the family she knew, and they were a team.
Victoria Reid was twelve years old. She had grown up alone with her dad 'cos her mother had ditched the two of them soon after she was born. Spencer had tried to explain to his daughter her mom had left 'cos she wasn't ready to deal with the responsibility of being a mother, which was true. He, on the other hand, was happy to know he was going to be a father, and he repeated over and over again she was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
That was true.
When Spencer and his ex found out they were going to be parents, he was ecstatic. He couldn't wait to hold his baby in his arms and watch them grow. He didn't know his girlfriend had other plans, though, and soon after Victoria was born, she had left the two of them and never looked back.
Spencer wasn't going to lose the chance of being a dad. Even when he knew he was too young, Reid was ready to raise that baby on his own and give her all the love he had.
That's why he and Victoria were so close. Spencer was the only parent she had ever had. He was her world. And though Spencer was only 24 when Tori was born, he had given her his best.
Tori was the BAU's baby girl. Everybody in the team was a part of her life because she had grown up with them. Penelope was her best friend and godmother. Victoria would spend a lot of time with her while her dad was away on a case. Derek was her cool uncle. He helped her train to get into the basketball team and taught her how to dance. JJ was the closest to a mother figure in her life. Tori would spend time with her after school, playing with Henry. Spencer always said JJ was like a sister for him, and that's why they were all like family. Tori actually called Henry and Michel her cousins.
Emily was like her best friend. They could talk about anything, and at least twice a month, they would go out together shopping, just the two of them. Spencer always respected his daughter's relationship with his friend 'cos they were their little extended family. Tori called Rossi "Nono." He had taught her himself, and she loved going to his mansion, 'cos he always had new video games to play with her.
But then came (Y/N). She had joined the team when Victoria was only six years old, and for the first five years, they got along just fine. (Y/N) would come along shopping with her and Emily, sometimes she took Tori out for some pastries, and talked about bands, boys. Victoria loved her.
That until the incident.
She hated (Y/N) after the incident.
Victoria refused to talk to her after THE INCIDENT.
It was a warm spring afternoon, Spencer and (Y/N) had the afternoon off, and they were at his apartment... heavily making out on the couch. That's why they lost track of time.
(Y/N) and Spencer had started dating a few months before. They had been in love with each other for years. Still, neither of them had acted on it until Rossi's birthday party, when they had a little too many drinks and finally confessed their feelings. They wanted to take things slow, but when you make out in front of the whole team, it might be a little harder imagined.
But they had decided to wait for the right time to tell Victoria. But, unfortunately, the right time didn't come soon enough.
- "Dad!! I'm home!!"- Victoria opened the front door and froze in shock at the scene going on in front of her. The twelve-year-old had asked her best friend's mother to drop her home earlier when Penelope told her Spencer had already gone home. In Garcia's defense, she had no idea what was going on in Reid's residence, and if she had known, she would have never let Victoria know her dad was home.
(Y/N) widened her eyes and quickly grabbed a pillow to cover herself. She was shirtless, sitting on Spencer's lap. She still had her bra on (thank god), but anyone could tell that scene was leading to the bedroom in a few seconds.
- "Shit!"- Spencer whispered and closed his eyes as he realized what was going on. (Y/N) held her breath as she stared into the young teen's eyes. Victoria didn't know what to do or what to say, so she simply ran to her room and slammed the door.
- "Ok... so I think Tori knows about us"- (Y/N) tried to ease the mood and smiled at her boyfriend as she put on her shirt. But Spencer sighed and covered his face with both hands- "Oh, come on. It doesn't have to be a bad thing. Let me talk to her."
- "No, (Y/N), let me talk to her first."- Spencer stood up and kissed (Y/N) 's nose- "I know she is mad, and I should be the one dealing with her anger."
Reid knew his daughter well enough to anticipate her behavior. People had often told him he could be a little passive-aggressive when he was upset. And his daughter was just like him.
- "Victoria, open the door!"- he said and waited a few seconds after knocking.
- "Go away!"- the teenager yelled, laying on her bed. She felt betrayed and confused. But most of all, she felt angry that her father had decided to have a girlfriend. He had no right to do such a thing. He had to take care of her and her grandma. No one else.
- "Victoria, we need to talk about this!"
- "You seemed too busy with your girlfriend to talk to me, dad. So go away!"
- "Victoria Marie!"- Spencer knocked on the door but got no answer from his daughter. (Y/N) heard it all from the couch and tried to think of a way to fix things with the young girl.
Sadly, it wasn't going to be easy, and in the months that followed, everything was far from being normal again.
- "I hate her!"- Victoria huffed and left her book aside. Spencer was trying to explain to her why (Y/N) would stay with her and Diana while he took a short work trip for the weekend. But the girl didn't want to hear a word about it.
- "You used to get along with her just fine until we started dating."- Spencer tried to dialogue with his daughter. Still, it was honestly getting harder and harder each time they touched the subject.
- "Used to. You just said it. I have the right to change my mind about people. Why can't I stay with auntie Penelope for the weekend?"
- "Because I want you to make an effort and try to get along with (Y/N) again. Victoria, we've been through this before. I love you, and that's not going to change just because I am dating (Y/N)."
- "This is so unfair! I hate you!!"
Spence tried to stay calm, but after over four-month having the same argument almost every day, he was losing it. Victoria stormed out and slammed her bedroom door behind her back. Maybe it was better not to push it, Spencer thought, defeated, and called Penelope to ask her if his daughter could spend the weekend with her, 'cos he had to travel. Maybe Victoria and (Y/N) weren't going to get along if he forced them to spend time together.
Everyone had already tried to talk to her about what was going on: JJ, Emily, Penelope. But Victoria wasn't ready to give in. She wanted to hate (Y/N), and nothing was going to change that. Or so she thought.
The day Penelope showed up in Victoria's school and announced her something had happened to her dad was engraved in the girl's memory forever as the worst day of her life. Her father had been arrested in Mexico, but Garcia had assured her, the whole team was working to bring him home safe. Meanwhile, she would stay with her in her apartment (she was already there anyway), and Diana would stay home with her nurse.
Victoria's heart was broken. She was basically alone in the whole world. Her father was her anchor. Her protector. Her superhero. Her best friend. And now, all of a sudden, he was gone, and though everybody told her it was going to be ok, she knew it wasn't.
- "Hey,"- (Y/N) walked into Penelope's office and found Victoria doing her homework- "Pen told me you were here, and I thought maybe you'd like one of these."
The young SSA said and handed the girl a box of fresh chocolate frosted with sprinkled donuts and a strawberry milkshake. Her favorites.
But Victoria didn't reply. Instead, she looked at (Y/N) right in the eyes, not moving a muscle, and then returned to her homework.
It had been two weeks since Spencer had been accused of murder, and he had been transferred to Virginia. But the team was far from solving the case.
- "Ok, Tori, please stop this. I know you don't like me dating your dad, but this is not the right time to fight. I know..."- (Y/N) made a short pause and took a deep breath before resuming her idea- "I know how you feel."
- "No. You don't."- Victoria Reid's voice was loud and clear, like thunder, hitting earth with anger. So clear, in fact, (Y/N) widened her eyes when she heard her.
- "You have no idea how I feel. Your dad ain't in jail accused of killing some woman in Mexico. You have no right to tell me that!"
- "My boyfriend and best friend in the whole world is in jail right now, and it doesn't matter if I work myself to death 18 hours every single fucking day; I still can't find the way to help him. I feel lost and alone, and most of all, scared, 'cos I've come to realize I have no idea how to live without him anymore. I'm guessing that's very close to what you feel."
(Y/N) poured her heart with complete honesty to her boyfriend's daughter, fighting the tears back, though you could feel the desperation in her voice. She didn't know if it would be of any use, but she had to take that from her chest. She missed Spencer so much she felt she was going insane. She had no idea what to do.
Victoria stared at her, furrowing her eyes and pouting. She didn't want to cry in front of (Y/N) 'cos she didn't want her trying to console her.
- "Just because you are dating him doesn't mean you have to take care of me. I can take care of myself."- Tori said and looked at the donut. She was hungry, they looked delicious, but the teenager didn't want to accept any gift coming from (Y/N).
- "I am not here because you are my boyfriend's daughter. I thought you were a cool kid way before I fell in love with him."- (Y/N) tried to calm herself down and sat across the table from Victoria- "And I am not trying to steal him from you. I just wanna... make him happy."
- "We were happy,"- the teenager's comeback was like a slap on (Y/N) 's face, but she did her best not to take it personally. She knew it was useless fighting with a teenager.
- "I have a visit scheduled for tomorrow. If you'd like, we could go together."
Tori held her breath. She hadn't seen her father since he left for Mexico. Of course, Victoria wanted to see him and hug him. It was all she wanted in the whole world. But... she didn't want to be friendly with (Y/N).
- "If I go... it doesn't mean I like you."- the young girl whispered.
- "I know"- (Y/N) nodded, feeling already triumphant.
- "And it doesn't mean I'm ok with you dating him."
- "I understand. I just know you miss him, Tori. I really know how you feel, and I'm gonna help you whenever I get a chance."- Victoria didn't answer; she just sighed and grabbed a donut. (Y/N) tried not to smile, feeling she had a small victory.
Spencer couldn't believe it when he saw his little girl waiting for him sitting next to (Y/N) instead of his lawyer in the small grey room. Victoria stood up and ran to him the second the door opened and wrapped her arms around her father as tight as possible.
(Y/N) looked at the guards, thankful neither of them had tried to stop the teenager.
Spencer kissed his daughter's cheek a few times and whispered how sorry he was to put her under those circumstances. He didn't know what to do or what to say. He was speechless. A part of him hated the idea of his daughter visiting him in jail, but he also missed her too much to argue with (Y/N) for bringing her over.
- "I'll go fill a few forms. Be right back"- (Y/N) whispered and saw Spencer's warm smile as he mouthed "Thank you," still hugging his daughter. She whispered, "I love you," and walked outside the room. She knew Victoria would appreciate a few minutes alone with her father, and she didn't want to take that away from them. She really wanted to make Spencer and Tori happy, and spending time together was what they needed.
- "I know this is hard, peanut, but we'll get through it. I'll be out in a few weeks. I promise"- Spencer held his daughter's hands as they sat across the table.
- "I miss you"- her voice was a soft whisper, as she kept trying not to cry anymore. She didn't want to make him feel guilty, sad, or anxious.
- "Me too. How are you? How is living with aunt Penelope going?"
- "Ok... we watch a lot of movies."
- "And school?"- Tori shrugged.
- "Ok, I guess."
- "Victoria..."
- "I got a C on my history paper."
- "Baby..."
- "I know, I know, I should have tried harder, but I really didn't want to do it."
Spencer was torn between lecturing his daughter for getting a bad grade and actually telling her it was ok, 'cos they were going through a rough patch. It was obvious she might get bad grades, all things considered.
- "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you"- it was all Spencer managed to whisper.
- "Don't say that, dad. I'm sorry I slacked off."
- "You know, you could ask (Y/N) for help,"- Spencer suggested, but Tori just rolled her eyes, annoyed- "She has a master in the subject..."
- "Dad, please don't force me to talk to her."
- "I'm just saying... you don't have to be her best friend, just ask for help when needed, especially when it comes to school. Besides, it's clear she isn't a bad person if she brought you here today."
- "She just wants to win me over."- Tori mumbled and crossed her arms on her chest. But she knew her dad was right in one thing: (Y/N) had done a pretty good thing taking her to see her dad and letting them spend time together on their own.
Victoria thought she was losing her mind after three months had passed and her father was still in jail. It didn't matter that (Y/N) took her every Saturday morning to visit, played her favorite music, and bought her all the pastries she loved. She needed to live with her father again and do all the small things they loved: making breakfast together, playing scrabble, taking long walks in the park, eating ice cream. Tori even missed her father's annoying habits. She missed his rambling and how he always had an answer for everything, even for the things she didn't want to talk about with him.
Spencer was an amazing father, no questions asked, and Victoria Reid knew she couldn't ask for a better dad than him. She just wanted him back.
But things weren't going to improve soon.
When the team found out Diana Reid had been kidnapped, (Y/N) had to take a minute and lock herself in the bathroom to cry her heart out. She felt bad things were never going to cease, and she didn't want to tell Victoria. The girl had already been through so much, adding the abduction of her grandmother wasn't fair. Tori was just twelve. She shouldn't be going through all that.
- "Victoria?"
Prentiss decided she was going to be the one to tell the girl what was going on, and (Y/N) offered herself to look for her. She was in Rossi's office, reading a book curled on his comfy couch. That poor kid almost lived at the BAU by then.
- "My homework is done."- she replied, not taking her eyes from the page she was reading.
- "That's good. And what are you reading?"- Tori sighed and showed her the cover- "Something Wicked this way comes," I love that book"- (Y/N) smiled and took a look around.
- "Figured my father forced you to read it."
- "Actually, I read it when I was ten, and it's one of my favorite books."- (Y/N) looked at Victoria, but the teenager kept pretending to read, ignoring her- "Emily needs to talk to you."
- "And why are you here? Why didn't aunt Emily come? Are you her secretary?"- there was something about Victoria's attitude that reminded (Y/N) of Reid.
- "I wanted to see you, see how you were doing, and take you to the conference room"- Tori sighed and stood up. She hoped Emily had good news about her father, 'cos she was honestly going insane.
But of course, Prentiss didn't have any good news.
- "I'm sorry, Tori, but... you are going to have to stay here tonight"- the girl frowned, confused, and looked at the whole team around her. Everybody looked like they hadn't slept in days. Which, by the way, was very accurate.
- "Why?"
- "'Cos we are going to have to..."- Emily paused and held her breath, staring at her niece's eyes.- "I'm sorry, Tori, but this is the truth: the woman who framed your father has kidnapped Diana, and I'm scared she might try to get you too. So until we catch her, the safest place to be is here, at the BAU. With us."
Tori gasped and covered her mouth with both hands as tears filled her eyes in a second.
- "Nana? Is she ok?"
- "We don't know yet, but we are working to bring her home safe as soon as possible"- JJ caressed Tori's arm and tried to hold her, but she pushed her away mad frowned.
- "You keep saying that, you keep telling me you are working to bring my family home safe, but so far, you haven't done anything!! I am still alone! Dad is in jail, and everybody knows he is innocent! And now nana is gone too!!"
- "Baby, we know it is hard, but..."- Emily wanted to explain to Victoria everything was more complex than they had expected, but the girl covered her ears and shook her head, yelling as she stormed out of the room
- "I don't wanna hear you!! I want my dad!!"
It was painful to hear those things, 'cos the team was doing the best they could for Reid and his family, but they could understand the frustration and, most of all, the fear that little girl felt.
- "I'll talk to her,"- (Y/N) said and turned to Emily- "You guys continue what you were doing. I'll try to calm her down."
- "Are you sure you wanna go?"- Emily asked and cut (Y/N) a short smile.
- "Yeah, for once, she is mad at all of us, not just me."
The young SSA walked to Garcias's office, where Tori was hidden underneath a desk, crying.
- "Hey."
- "Leave me alone."
- "I know I'm the last person you wanna be with right now, and I am sorry I can't do anything to make you feel better. I can only promise you this: we are doing all we can to bring your dad and your grandmother back home safe." - (Y/N) whispered as she walked slowly towards the girl, who sobbed, whipping off the tears from her eyes.
- "Just leave me alone. I want to be alone,"- Tori mumbled and wrapped her arms around herself, sobbing.
- "I'm not gonna leave you alone, Tori. You are not alone here with us."
- "I am alone!! I want my daddy!! I need my daddy!!"- the girl continued crying her eyes out, hidden underneath the desk. (Y/N) kneeled next to her and sat on the floor.
- "Come here"- it was a bold move, 'cos (Y/N) knew the girl was going to reject her, but she didn't care. She couldn't deal with her sadness, and it scared her to think how bad the child was feeling. So, (Y/N) opened her arms and moved the teen closer to her.
Surprisingly, the girl didn't reject her. Instead, she cried against the fabric of (Y/N) 's sweater and sobbed, shaking, as (Y/N) caressed her hair carefully.
- "I swear, we are not gonna rest until he is free and until Diana is home."
- "I want my family back,"- Victoria mumbled and sighed.
- "You'll get it. I swear, I'll do everything I can to bring them back to you."
That was the first time since (Y/N) started dating Spencer that Victoria let her close. In the middle of the mess they were all lost into, it felt like a little break of peace. Another small victory for the young woman.
(Y/N) didn't mind spending the whole night awake going through an endless pile of files if it meant there was a chance to bring Spencer back home. Tori stayed in Rossi's office, where she made something that looked pretty much like a fort on the couch, with blankets and pillows, to hide from the rest of the world.
It was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time, looking at the girl hidden there, trying to read, trying to draw, trying to do anything to take her mind from reality. Penelope brought her something to eat, but she rejected it, saying she wasn't hungry. Emily and JJ had tried to talk to her, but Tori kindly said she wanted to be alone. Even Morgan had called her and announced to her he was taking a plane from Chicago to help the team looking for Diana.
None of that cheered Victoria up.
- "I bought you this,"
Around ten, (Y/N) opened Rossi's door and walked in, holding a box of frosted chocolate donuts with sprinkles.
- "They always cheer your dad up, so I'm counting they will do the trick with you too"- the young woman tried to joke but found Victoria crying quietly insider her fort.
- "Please, just leave me alone,"- she whispered and hid her face with both her hands. (Y/N) didn't pay attention and sat with her inside the fort.
- "Not a chance."
- "I really don't wanna do this now, just leave me alone,"- the girl sighed, defeated, and continued crying.
- "Come here, I told you, you are not alone."
- "I am alone, (Y/N)! My dad is in jail, my grandma is kidnapped, and my mother left me 'cos she didn't love me!"
- "No, baby, don't say that"- (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Tori and kissed the top of her head.
- "I know my mom didn't want to have me, and maybe she was right... maybe I am cursed, and all this is my fault."
- "Victoria Marie Reid, you are talking senseless" (Y/N) held the girl's shoulder and looked into her eyes.
- "You are an adorable young girl who deserves the best in the world. Why did this happen? I don't know, bad shit happens in life, and we must try to learn something from it. That's it. There's no reason or cause. Shit happens, baby, but we must raise stronger than before. You are an incredible young girl, and I know your dad is proud of you. I am proud of you, 'cos you've been so courageous and brave."
- "You are just saying that 'cos you are with my dad."
- "No. I would say that even if I hated your dad. You know why? 'Cos I am not lying, you are awesome, and I love you, get that into your head. And you are not alone, 'cos I am here, see?"- (Y/N) ran her thumb on Tori's cheek, whipping off a few of her tears- "I'm here even when you don't want me to be, so I don't know if you can tell, but you are doomed, you can't get rid of me now. I'm like a disease, but a good one... I don' know if there's a good disease. I'm sure your dad would have the answer for my random comment right now."
Both Victoria and (Y/N) chuckled at the same time, and the girl nodded.
- "He definitely would..."
- "He would also lecture me why I shouldn't give you sugar after dinner, but he is not here, and I am not telling him, so please don't tell him 'cos he is going to be mad at me... and at you."- (Y/N) handed Tori the box of donuts, and the girl smiled.
- "I won't tell him."
- "Great, we have our own little sugary secret. Eat all the donuts you want; I'm going to be with the team in the conference room. Emily has a meeting early morning with the judge."- (Y/N) kissed the top of Vitoria's head and stood up.
- "If you need anything, I'm across the hall."- the SSA said, and the girl nodded, chewing a donut.
- "Thank you, (Y/N)"
By the next day, the miracle had happened. Victoria couldn't stop crying when (Y/N) announced she was taking Spencer back home. Tori stood in front of his father's girlfriend and felt how the tears filled her eyes in less than a minute. Happy tears, for once.
(Y/N) smiled at her, glad to know the young girl was going to have her life back. It surprised her when Tori hugged her, wrapping her arms around her tight. (Y/N) stayed still for an instant, trying to understand what was happening. She hugged Victoria and kissed the top of her head. The child was crying, and suddenly, so was she. The nightmare was over. At least a part of it. They still needed to find Diana. But the fact they were going to have Reid back was already giving everybody the peace of mind they needed to finish the task.
(Y/N) held Spencer's hand tight all the way from the prison to the BAU. He kept his eyes locked on their hands, fingers tangled together. He couldn't believe it was actually happening. He couldn't believe he was a free man.
- "How's Tori?"- he whispered and turned to his girlfriend. Penelope and Luke were in the car with them, but somehow, Spencer could only register the presence of his girlfriend. Not because he didn't care about his friends, but because he could only take just a small amount of information at the time. It was all too much for him at that moment.
- "Good. She has been incredibly strong."
- "Did you tell her about mom?"- Spencer was afraid to ask but needed to know what was going on with his daughter. (Y/N) nodded and sighed.
- "We decided it was better if she knew what was happening, we had to keep her at the BAU, and she was going to get suspicious she couldn't go to Penelope's... sorry."
- "Don't be. You did what was best for her."- Spencer turned to his girlfriend and smiled at her for a second. It was a short, sweet smile. Almost shy. But it was enough to warm her heart and wake the butterflies in her stomach. She was so in love with Spencer Reid, everything he did fluster her.
Victoria thought her heart was about to burst as he waited for her father to arrive. Spencer looked at (Y/N) one last time, and she squeezed his hand kindly, smiling when the elevator door opened, and all he heard was:
- "Daddy!!"- Tori yelled and ran to hug Spencer as soon as she saw him. He couldn't even step out of the elevator when his daughter nearly tackled him, wrapping her arms around him tight.
- "My baby!"- he whispered and spun her in the air a few times- "Are you ok?"- he held her face with both hands and took a good look at her. She was crying but smiling as she nodded.
- "I'm so happy to see you, dad."
- "I missed you so, so much"- Spencer kissed the top of her head and sighed. (Y/N) smiled, and whipped off the tears from her eyes as she stared at the scene. Garcia and Luke stood next to her, enjoying a brief moment of happiness and peace.
- "Me more,"- Victoria whispered and hugged Spencer again- "I swear I'm never going to fight with you again."
- "I'm taking a mental note of that,"- he answered and felt her body shaking as she giggled. Spencer hadn't heard his daughter laugh, giggle, or even watched her smile in the three months he had spent away from her. And that sound was sweet and warm, like a balm to his soul.
- "I'm sorry, Spencer... but, we have to..."- Emily interrupted the moment and smiled at her friend. They all knew they still had to do one more thing before celebrating. They had to take Diana Reid back home safe and sound. Victoria let her father go and smiled at him.
- "I love you, dad."
- "I love you too, princess."
And as the team walked to the conference room to brief Spencer about the case and update him with the latest information, (Y/N) felt someone hold her hand.
- "Thank you,"- Victoria whispered and cut her a smile that warmed her heart.
- "Come here,"- she answered and turned around to wrap her arms around her for a second. Spencer looked at them, and for once, he didn't know what to say. Victoria and (Y/N) just stood in the middle of the hall, hugged for a few minutes, and Reid couldn't believe it. It was so heartwarming and emotional; he really didn't know how to react.
- "Come on, dad!! You are going to miss the movie!"- Victoria yelled and set the popcorn on the coffee table.
- "You can pause it!"- Spencer yelled from his desk, where he was finishing writing a letter for his mother.
- "Or you can hurry!"- Tori answered and sat on the couch.
- "Here's your tea, your highness"- (Y/N) walked to the girl holding a tray filled with cups and more snacks- "Come on, honey! We are not waiting for you!"
Three months after prison and life had never been so good for Spencer, Victoria, and (Y/N).
- "I had never seen you so eager to watch a Marvel movie, since when are you two fans of Thor?"- Spencer walked to the living room, hearing his girlfriend and daughter laugh.
- "Always, huge fan."- (Y/N) smiled and tapped on the couch. Reid sat between his two women and sighed.
- "I can smell the sarcasm in the air."
- "No, honey. We love Thor, right Tori?"
- "Yes! Big fans, huge, the biggest fans"- Spencer looked at his daughter and raised an eyebrow.
- "Ok, I'll buy it. Let's watch the movie."
(Y/N) and Tori giggled at the very same moments like they were sharing a secret joke Spencer couldn't understand, but he didn't really matter. He was happy, his heart was content, and there was nothing more perfect that minute, 'cos his family was all on the same couch, watching a movie, enjoying an afternoon together. Like he had always dreamt of.
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babbling-idiot · 3 years
Aro Volturi x reader
A New Family
Requested: “Can i request an Aro Volturi fuc where Bella's younger sister goes to italy with her and he is fascinated with the younger sister that he flirts with her but she acts shy?” -By Anon
Warning: Fluff
(Hi! I hope you like this. I know it took me a little bit but I finally got done. I hope you like it!) (Edit: The bolded and italicized words are translation to the Italian.)
When you had been told by Alice that Bella was going to Italy. The first thing that popped into your mind, was Edward. Only he would go all the way over there for a dumb reason. Especially to get himself killed. So, when Bella came to you before going to the airport, asking you to go as well. You were very hesitant. She knew you were the shy type. And traveling was not one of your favorite things to do. You only said yes, because the sheer worry that you could see in her eyes made you give in. You were only younger then her by a year, but that didn't change the fact that she was your sister and you were always there for her. You always stuck with her, even when you found out her boyfriend was a damn vampire. It shocked you and yet, you bonded quickly with some of them.
The plane ride to Italy was relatively smooth. Despite the sound of crying children and that one kid that likes to kick the back of your seat. It was nice. When you landed Alice was off to find a rental car. When she came back and picked you both up you were all off. It felt like it didn't take any time to get to your destination. When you came across all the roads being blocked due to the festivity of a celebration. You all jumped out. Bella was the only thing you were focused on and all the people you were practically pushing out of your way were the least of your worries. You saw her run toward a fountain. And quite literally jump inside. You looked past her and saw Edward, about to reveal himself to humans. You had known them long enough to know that you knew that showing themselves was against the rules in the vampire world. Your eyes widened when you saw Bella almost tackle him to the ground. When you and Alice both saw this you all moved inside.
Not long after, this girl that looked no older than eighteen, came in. She told you and the others to follow her. Edward looked back at you and the the look in his eyes made you nervous. He looked like a child that had just got caught doing something they shouldn't. As you all follow, you couldn't shake this feeling. The dreadful feeling that something bad was about to happen. It didn't help knowing that two other vampires were right behind you. Just then you all come up to these two large doors. Jane just simply opens them and steps inside. When you all got inside and the doors closed behind you the first thing you laid your eyes on were the three men sitting in the three large chairs in the middle of the room. Jane did mention how they were expecting us. Then one stepped forward. He looked to be the leader amongst the three men. He was very intimidating. You kept your eyes on him almost the entire time. Time past relatively fast. Before you could make out what they were talking about he looked at you. His red eyes pierced yours and almost immediately you felt like you should cave in on yourself. You wanted to disappear from his gaze. But God, you'd be lying if you didn't think he was attractive. He made your stomach flip. You wanted to talk to him, to say anything to him, but you didn't. He tilted his head at you and walked over slowly. He gets close and you feel a cold wave hit you. A chill went up your spine and you averted your gaze. "Look at me, mortale." (Mortal) He says watching as you slowly look up to him. When you do he flashes you a smile. For some reason this makes you weak at the knees. But you stand tall. He tilts his head at you and holds out his hand. He nods his head at you and you look over at Alice. She nods her head as well and you slowly and hesitantly put your hand in his. He seems to look into nothingness as he closes both hands over your small one. He looks as if he's looking for something. He then stops and looks at you, smiling. "The younger sister of Bella. Much more smart and less stubbornness. But yet, you fear me. What is your name?" You swallow down your nervousness and lift your head up. "Y/n." He mouths and 'Ahh' and looks to Alice. "I thank you for bringing yet another snack. We'll enjoy them." Alice says nothing and Aro finally moves back to his chair. When he does that's when things go wrong. Someone grabbed Alice as well as you and held you in place while another vampire fought Edward. You see Bella freaking out. Then suddenly she stops them "Kill me! Kill me. Not him." She says shaking her head frantically. Aro walks over looking at her curiously. "How extraordinary. You'd give up your life, for someone like us, a vampire. A soulless monster." You knew where this was going. Bella loves Edward so much that even you knew this would happen. You watched and tried to get out of the man's hold. Knowing full well, you wouldn't be able to watch this man kill your sister. He goes forward quickly. About to bite her until Alice interrupts. You sigh out in relief. "Wait. Bella will be one of us. I've seen it. I'll change her myself." She's then let go and as she walks forward she takes her glove off. Giving aro her hand. He takes it and looks into her thoughts. As he's looking he seems to see something that astonished him. He lets go of her hand and looks to you for a moment. He looks back "I see. Very well. Go now to make preparations. And if the other things you showed me is true." He then smiles and claps his hands in excitement "L'amore è davvero una cosa meravigliosa, non è vero?" (Love is really a wonderful thing, isn't it?) He then looks to you and walks closer. When he's only a foot away he reaches a hand out and cups your cheek with his cold hand. "Spero che diventi realtà, mia cara." (I hope it becomes reality, my dear.) You looked into his eyes and saw something. He looked like he was in love. The thought of this man in front you falling for you. Made your heart beat ten times faster. He looked into your eyes with pure adoration. He leaned closer and right before he could do what you hoped he would Bella interrupted "We can leave now?" He didn't pull away when she said this but merely smiled. He leaned closer to the right side of you head and whisper so only you could hear "Torna presto da me, amore mio." (Come back to me soon, my love.) You didn't understand his words, but somehow they made you shiver. And as he was pulling away he left a kiss on your cheek. Making you blush madly. He smiled when he saw this and began to walk back to his chair. Both Alice, Edward, and Bella looked at you signaling that it was time to go. You looked at him as you were beginning to walk away and saw him smiling at you. You turned around and walked out with your hand touching your cheek. You could still feel the kiss on your cheek when you were in the car ride to the airport.
(Hello, so I hope you liked this fic, if you did any kind of feedback would be appreciated. I hope you have an amazing day/night and stay safe out there in the world!)
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crackheadgeminibby · 3 years
Would you write something about x reader wanting to Chris do his tap dance and refuse to but gets convinced by his girlfriend? ☺️
wrapped around her finger
pairing: chris evans x female!black!reader
warnings: age gap, language, fluff, mentions of alcohol i guess
word count: 1.4k
a/n: hey! thanks for this request, it’s something i didn’t know i needed in my life😂i hope you like it!!
i do not consent to my work being copied in any way, shape or form or reposted on any other platform
gif from TMZ
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In the two years that you had been in a relationship with Chris, you had never seen him dance. Like an actual dance. Obviously, you had both attended numerous parties together and he always did stupid dance moves to make his friends, but mostly you, laugh.
You would think that with you being a dancer, Chris wouldn’t mind busting out some of the dance moves he learned when he was younger, but he never did. You asked all the time, mostly when he wasn't 100% sober and, thus, less self-conscious, but he always said that he didn’t remember.
It was the holiday season and this year, Chris and you had decided to spend it in Boston with his family. You both had a lot of things to take care of and you couldn’t afford to abandon them to travel halfway across the world to be with your family.
It was your first holiday season spent at the Evans’, which meant that you were about to witness a lot of their family traditions for the first time.
The first tradition that had been explained to you was that on December 23rd, the men went to get a tree while the women decorated the living room, followed by everyone decorating the tree when the men came back.
The next tradition was that, after Christmas Eve dinner, everyone had to open one present: matching pyjamas for the whole family.
The third tradition was the Christmas Day breakfast in the pyjamas from the previous night followed by games and a talent show.
You were currently seated in one of the chairs in the living room, watching as Scott and Chris were failing spectacularly at Pictionary.
“Time’s up!”, Shanna signals.
Scott groans, throwing his head back, “It was 'twist', Chris! Come on!”
Chris frowns at his brother, looking at the drawing, “How the hell was I supposed to guess that?”
“I drew a game of Twister!”
Chris crosses his arms, “It looks nothing like Twister, Scott.”
You snort before laughing at their bickering. You get up, leaving your glass on top of the fireplace, “Come on, Steve, it’s our turn!”
Scott groans, handing you the Sharpie as you get a piece of paper from the box. You open it, seeing 'gold medal' scribbled on it.
You smirk and turn back towards the family, nodding at Shanna so she can start the timer.
“Okay… GO!”, she announces.
You turn towards the paper, drawing a gold bar. Steve looks at you, inquisitively, before saying, “Umm, chocolate!” You shake your head, adding other gold bars to create a pyramid.
Steve looks at you, trying to figure out what you’re drawing, before screaming, “Oh! Gold bars!” You make a wavy sign with your hand, indicating that he’s almost there.
“Bar?” You shake your head again.
“Oh, okay, gold!”
You nod excitedly, moving on to the next part of the drawing. You draw a circle, writing 1 in it, and add a lanyard on top.
“1st place!” You shake your head at Steve, encircling the entire drawing, indicating that the answer is the whole thing.
“Umm, medal?” You frantically nod your head.
“Gold medal!”
“Yes!”, you scream in response. Steve gets up and hugs you excitedly before you both start doing your winner dance.
Scott and Chris both look at you, mouths agape, while a look of fake offense draws itself on Scott’s face, “How in the hell do you have a better connection with my boyfriend than I do with my brother?”
You chuckle, before shrugging your shoulders and replying, “Don’t worry, Scott. That was the last round so we're done winning everything…”
Scott and Chris both look at you with pouts on their faces as you laugh loudly, throwing your head back. You raise your hands in surrender and back away before plopping down in your seat, taking a sip of your drink.
“So, I believe I was told a talent show would be happening?”, you ask, wiggling your eyebrows.
Lisa smiles widely before nodding, “Indeed. Chris and Scott, do you want to start us off?”
Chris and Scott turn on the TV, playing their music. You didn’t know what they had planned because as Chris had said: “you have to wait for the surprise”.
You immediately burst out in laughter as the melody of “A Whole New World” from Aladdin starts.
Chris had made you watch Aladdin at least three times in the past couple of weeks (you had stopped counting) and you were confused, but you didn’t particularly mind since you loved the movie.
You smile throughout their excellent rendition of the song, clapping and cheering when they’re finished. Chris smiles, sitting down next to you before Lisa announces that Shanna and Carly were next with a scene from Lilo & Stitch.
As his sisters are playing Lilo & Stitch hilariously well, Chris turns towards you, smiling, before taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles, whispering “I love you”. You feel heat rising to your face, smiling back at him and kissing his cheek before laying your head on his shoulder.
As Shanna and Carly are bowing after their performance, you see Lisa turning to you.
“Okay, Y/N, your turn.”
Your eyes widen as you stare at her, “Wait, what? I didn’t know I was supposed to prepare something.” Lisa raises an eyebrow before looking over at Chris who was getting redder by the second.
You look at him intently before he stutters, “I… um… forgot to tell you?”
You groan at him, throwing your head back. Lisa chuckles silently before saying, “Well, then, since you forgot to say anything, maybe you should join her.”
Chris’ head snaps up towards his mom, “What? Ma, no. I already went.”
Lisa looks at Chris before shrugging her shoulders.
“Well, then. You heard your mom. Up.”, you tell Chris while standing up.
Chris looks up at you, raising an eyebrow. He clearly had no intention of getting up.
“What are we even going to do?”
You smirk at Chris.
“Well, I intend on singing ‘I Just Can’t Wait To Be King’, now what you do next to me is... Dealer's choice.”, you say, shrugging your shoulders.
Scott’s face lights up, “Oh my God, Chris, why don’t you tap dance while she sings?”
Chris shakes his head rapidly, crossing his arms over his chest, “No. Absolutely not.”
Chris’ family members all start to plead, saying that they haven’t seen him tap dance in so long. He doesn’t budge, continuing to shake his head. As his family abandon their mission, falling silent, Chris looks up at you.
You give him a pleading look, mouthing "please" before biting your bottom lip. He uncrosses his arms, maintaining eye contact with you, before sighing loudly, “Fine…”
You smile at him, leaving a kiss on his cheek, before asking, “Okay, well, where are your shoes?”
He sighs again, starting to get up, “They’re in my closet, I’ll get them.”
You hold up your hand, replying, “I’ll get them. I wanted to get myself some water anyways.”
He nods before settling back down in his seat.
You climb up the stairs, entering Chris’ room before heading to the closet. As you’re looking for his shoes, you can hear that the family has started to talk, rather loudly.
As you’re getting a glass of water from the kitchen, you hear Chris’ mom.
“She really just has you wrapped around her finger, doesn’t she?”
“Yeah, yeah, she does.”, you hear Chris reply, love evident in his voice.
You enter the living room, a large smile plastered on your face, dangling Chris' tap shoes with one hand, “Well, then, Mr. Dancer, let’s do it.”
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oitommothetease · 3 years
Invisible String (7/?)
Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Female reader (Modern AU)
Description: James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
Word Count: 1.4k words
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Bucky had seen a lot in his life, he wasn't the kind of person that was easily shocked by things, but the way he turned his head towards you was enough to prove him otherwise. Your sister and her husband were looking at him, whereas his eyes were focused on you. You looked at him and pleaded through your gaze for him to go along with your charade, and he did. 
“Um, yes. I'm James,” Bucky stretched his other hand that was free from your grip towards your sister. “Her boyfriend.”
Your sister took his hand excitedly, “I'm Carol, her big sister. I'm so glad she finally has a boyfriend. Most of them don't last a month.”
 “That's not true,” you murmured, hoping no one heard that but, of course, your sister did.
 “Oh yeah, Y/N? What was your longest relationship?”
 “It was more than a month, okay?” you answered, taking a stand for yourself and Carol arched her brow, folding her hands around her chest for you to explain further. 
“41 days,” you stated honestly, your voice dropping an octave with every word you said around your sister. Bucky hated that. He hated that your sister made you feel less about yourself, he hated that this Carol was making the woman he admired feel like shit. He wanted to say something, but your sister started chuckling and your brother-in-law chimed in too. Carol’s husband’s laugh was more out of awkwardness, whereas your sister found amusement in your embarrassed state. 
Bucky tightened his palm around yours, lacing your fingers with his, and turned to look at you. “41 days is more than a month,” he asserted in the most monotonous tone, and all the heads turned towards him. You hated his ‘I don't care’ tone, but the way he was addressing your sister with the same tone made you feel like a teenager crushing on a guy who was out of her league. Because that was the truth, if somehow you ignored the whole boss-employee thing and went out with him, sooner or later, he would have realized he's hotter than you, and he could get someone way better than you. Maybe that's why you said no to him. You'll never know the actual reason. But hey, now he's your pretend boyfriend. Surely, that would not end up in a disaster. 
Your eyes that were hung low, staring at the floor sparkled with glee, and you raised your head to face Bucky. “I know!” you exclaimed, and Bucky couldn't stop the smile that reflected on his face after seeing you grin giddily.
Carol frowned, and your brother-in-law spoke over, sensing the rising tension in the environment. “Honey, I think we should head over to the hotel.”
Your sister didn't say anything further, she glanced at you and then at Bucky before telling you about their schedule and informing you about yours. 
Once your sister left, you dragged Bucky inside your apartment and started pacing around the living room. 
“We have to think of something,” you announced, “You could say you have a work thing and skip going with us.”
 “That's only going to raise suspicion in your sister's eyes.”
“So what do you want me to do, James? Just pretend that we are together?” You raised your voice in frustration, waving your hands dramatically for extra emphasis. 
“Yes,” he answered honestly. Besides the raging crush he had on you, Bucky didn't want you to face your family alone. From what you've told him about them, and now he has seen your sister firsthand, he prefers not to imagine how difficult it must get for you when all of them team up against you. 
You looked at your boss for a second before shaking your head. “I can't ask you to do this for me. You've already done a lot.”
“Well, good because I'm not asking either. It's only one weekend, Y/N. I don't mind it,” he assured you, ”Also, your sister is somewhat entertaining.”
You laughed and at that moment Bucky decided that your laugh is the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. Nobody and nothing compared to the way your eyes sparkled with delight, the way your nose scrunches a little, the way your lips extend and almost reach your ears, the way your hand reaches to cover up your cute snort, and the way your chest rumbles with mirth. You had to be the most beautiful sight ever, Bucky thought. 
“I'm going to pretend that you did not say the last part because then I would have to hate you.”
“Oh, can't have you hating me,” Bucky mocked, pretending to be scared by wrapping his hands around himself and feigning a shiver. You shook your head in amusement, and Bucky relaxed a bit. He was actually petrified. He genuinely can't have you hating him. It would crush him and his little heart. “I think I should go now, I've got to pack for the weekend.”
“Ugh, this is the worst,” you groaned, “I'm going to throw myself out of the window.”
“Wow, my fake girlfriend has a morbid sense of humor,” Bucky teased, making you smile and you waved your hands in dismissal.
“You have a long weekend ahead of you, Mr. Barnes. If I were you, I'd enjoy my sleep while I still can,” you warned, and he snickered before leaving your apartment.  
You exhaled, a smile still lingering on your lips, and you started preparing for the next few days. 
You insisted on taking your car, but your sister forced you to travel with them, so now it was you and James seated in the backseat of your sister’s car while she listened to some classical music that you had no knowledge of, and her husband kept his focus on the road. 
“Y/N, last month me and Nick went to this Opera show and it was mind-blowing.”
You were about to say something like ‘cool’ or ‘nice’ with a fake smile, and end the conversation, but she turned to James and pointed her thumb at you. “Can you believe that this one does not enjoy classical music? When we were kids our parents always listened to some good ol' music, but she would come and play some break-up song by a teenager,” she huffed, “Who even listens to Taylor Swift?”
“I do,” you stated, taking offense that your sister was trash-talking about your favorite artist. It was fine when she said shit about you, but you drew a line when she came for Taylor. 
“Of course, you do,” Carol scoffed, shaking her head and looking at your boss/fake boyfriend for assistance in her stance.
 “I agree,” James started, making you frown and close your eyes in exhaustion. Your lips turned downwards while your sister smirked in victory. “I mean, Taylor Swift is not just an artist, she is the music industry. Reputation has to be the best album out there.”
 “Hey, you were singing a Taylor Swift song that day,” he informed you, and you merely nodded, that night was still a blur in your head.
Carol’s smile faltered, realizing she won't get your partner's support, and you looked at James only to find him already looking at you with pure adoration in his eyes. Your breath hitched and involuntarily your hand went to his, and he quickly held on to it tightly but gently, raising your hand to drop a feather-like kiss on your knuckles. 
This, with him, didn't feel like pretending. Everything with James felt so real that you had to remind yourself that you barely knew the man, and he is actually not your boyfriend. That didn't stop your mind from making up scenes and imagining what if this was real. This felt normal, usual but this also made you feel this weird sensation in your chest and caused a flush in your eyes and it was just the start of the weekend. 
You didn't realize it at the moment but you were up for the most amazing and devastating weekend of your life. 
A/N- This is more of a filler chapter. Also, Bucky is a swiftie and you can't tell me otherwise haha. I hope you enjoyed it. Take care!!
TAGS: @bananapipedreams @akkinda10 @rivers-rambles21 @emmabarnes @goodcleanfunsis @valsworldofcreativity @boofy1998 @marvel-3407​
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enduracarrotchips · 3 years
YouTuber AU
Hello welcome to Dating Scandal but with Twitter Involved (nightmare)
A little exposition here: 
Link, Zelda, Sidon, Revali, and Riju are the most popular group of youtubers on the internet and have a huge fanbase that likes to theorize, draw fanart, and write fanfiction about them. Disclaimer, I don’t actually interact with real-person fandoms myself lol there’s just too much potential for drama and misunderstandings & they’re always bound to end in a dumpster fire but that is sort of what this au is about so.
Impa, Mipha, Daruk, and Urbosa are family friends that appear in a lot of their videos/streams. 
(This is an art blog I swear)
enter vidcon 20XX
blows stuff up/sets stuff on fire with a side of cooking vids and gaming
most are filmed outside, he does those challenges where you try to cook stuff with limited ingredients/materials
has the largest fanbase of all of them, but not the most…intimidating.
does a lot of collab videos, mostly with Impa, Daruk, and Riju because they have similar interests/channels, but Zelda appears in his videos and is seen filming and the stans read too far into it
simps. i’m pointing at you.
Most popular videos are “shield surfing on rock!—how I broke my leg” “can Daruk eat Impa’s motorcycle?” and “how to inhale ranch dressing.”
Twitter handle is @ arsonistslullabye because he’s a hozier fan
45m subs
theories, analyses, conspiracies, and the occasional e x p e r i m e n t
she once got link to eat a frog for 50 bucks.
most people argue that she’s better than more popular YouTubers because she actually has quality content to give to the world and she has a lot of defensive supporters
She used to get a lot of hate before Urbosa spoke up about it and scared the bejeezus out of everyone
has an actual posting schedule
“Happy Sunday everyone, it’s Zelda Hyrule and today we will be talking about cryptozoology and why blupees exist, you cowards.”
Twitter handle is @ zeldaofhyrule and she is pan. just so you know. One of those calm extroverts that mystify me to this day.
18m subs
fashion/life hacks. Like gourmet troom troom but if they were real people.
Has the 2nd largest fanbase
most of them are girls
Sidon has a boyfriend though, which he told everyone at VidCon a few years ago
cue the drama and shipping and the entire fandom trying to figure out who the boyfriend is. A well known reddit thread emerged that presented the common guesses being Link, Sidon, and Zelda.
“But it can’t be Zelda, Sidon’s gay.”
“I’m not in the fandom but I thought Zelda was a boy??”
“Did you just say Sidon? Is that a typo? Are you saying that Sidon’s dating himself?”
Sidon x Sidon became a fandom joke.
Don’t look at me I’m just setting up all the worldbuilding. every fandom has their weird dark sides and Sidon x Sidon is the Linkcest of the Sidon YT fandom.
Mystery BF is actually Bazz, a pretty inconspicuous guy who appeared in a few of his videos. This was confirmed a year ago, but everyone still ships him with other YouTubers because they’re convinced he was lying to throw them off his scent. He really can’t catch a break and this is why you should not ship real people.
Twitter handle is @ officialprincesidon
says “beguiling” a lot
21m subs ᕙ( ͡❛ ▿ ͡❛)ᕗ
Sidon’s sister, hasn’t posted a single video but just has the channel for show because she appears in so many of Sidon’s videos as a model for his makeup tutorials and whatnot
has 328k for that. Everyone loves her, she’s great. @ mimipha
Link’s sworn rival
Link thinks they’re friends
He kept popping up in link’s Twitter threads and making snarky comments until zelda called him out for not even following link (so why was he stalking his acc) which kept the Twitter drama to a minimum
Revali was the catalyst of a few popular memes and that’s where most of his subs come from.
drags link into a few challenges that always get a ton of views because of how competitive they get
“ITS JUST ASININE” is a running joke that everyone tries to get him to say. His @ is itsjustasinine as well
Urbosa is the only person who can win an argument with him
5m subs and growing rapidly. newer to youtube than everyone else.
Doesn’t have a channel she’s just a mutual friend of Mipha, Zelda, and Link
Rides a motorcycle, so she is used in a few of Link’s videos.
@ ihaveamotorcycle because she thinks having a motorcycle is a personality trait. the most unruly on Twitter when it comes to replying to fan’s stuff, leaking upcoming videos and generally causing chaos.
Mipha’s girlfriend. That’s how she met Zelda and Link.
Is actually a model, but she has a ton of YouTuber friends because she’s known Zelda since birth.
when she entered the youtube community she didn’t realize she would be adopting like 15 children
5m subs. her videos are professional & related to her modelling career. @ urbosasfury
I feel like she would do unboxing vids. I’m not sure what she’s unboxing.
Just a friend of Link’s, fun guy. yells a lot. once ate a rock and had no reaction.
people are scared of him for that reason
yoga & gymnastics & “ha look at how flexible I am its eAsY” videos
you know the type
she also does reactions and is sponsored by save the sand seals charities which she is very enthusiastic about. She’s also Urbosa’s niece and the only minor in the gang (15). I like to think that the champions YT community is actually not creepy so everyone respects her a ton
doesn’t post frequently, she mostly appears in Link’s videos to jump out of airplanes or whatever. And sometimes Zelda’s if she’s interested in the topic. 500k subs, but she’s always really popular when she appears in Link’s videos.
In the months leading up to VidCon, some fans on the internet made a few discoveries: first of all, that the inside of Link’s house is painted green. This is a big deal because all of his videos are filmed outside either in his backyard or on trips that he and the brosquad go on to do…whatever bros do. explosions. idk. The point is he had some announcement about VidCon and filmed it inside. Only the wall and a potted plant were shown.
However, the colour was similar to the the shade of Zelda’s living room. Fans dug through years and years of old videos and found a clip of Zelda walking through a hallway, where there was an open door and a glimpse of a houseplant.
There were 2 types of responses to the theory:
“They could just be roommates guys calm down”
“and they were ROOMMATES?”
others pointed out that Link could just not have a house and had to crash in Zelda’s
Some guy on reddit claimed he had a botany degree and declared that the houseplants in the clips were not of the same genus. Normal people pointed out that the plant would have grown 4 years between the clips and would look considerably different.
#Zelink trended on twitter for a while and people posted other old clips from both of their channels and the frog video blew up again
Impa retweeted a post tagged as #zelink with “rofl” and later publicly apologized for causing confusion.
Fans noticed that in the “can a motorcycle drive over my arm” (it was clickbait he’s fine) episode 2 years ago, Link was eating out of a paper lunch bag with his name written on it in handwriting that a few people claimed to look like Zelda’s, leading people to believe that she had packed him a lunch.
However, this theory was shot down with the counterargument that Zelda can’t cook. although. i mean how much skill do you need to make a sandwich.
No one knows what tumblr is doing at this time
Zelda wore a scarf in her “Save the Sand Seals” video that matched identically to the scarf Link wore when he travelled to Hebra to film a shield surfing video, but it’s been debated wether it’s actually the same scarf or not.
Neither Zelda nor Link has spoken up about the theories, and besides Impa’s one slip on twitter, neither has any of their friends. Zelda received a lot of backlash for the assumption that she was dating Link because he has a lot of delusional fans that didn’t want her to “steal their man” or whatever the hell that type of fan would get mad about
Oh yea and bolson & karson run a zelink fanpage on twitter sorry I forgot about that
after that whole mess, everyone was even more anticipant of VidCon in the hopes that some of their questions would be answered.
The whole batch went to VidCon this year: Link, Impa, Daruk, and Riju are a gang while Sidon and Mipha go together and Zelda & Revali each go separately. Urbosa is there for supervision moral support
Zelda has always been much better at dodging questions that she doesn’t want to answer than anyone else, so her Q&A went without a hitch. When asked to confirm the rumours she said “which one?” and then moved on to the next question (without actually confirming any rumours).
Link is generally a more awkward person but eventually said that he had filmed the video in Zelda’s house because it was nicer and didn’t realize it would cause such an uproar. Fans were disappointed, but Bolson claimed he saw Link and Zelda exiting the hotel elevator on the same floor after Link’s Q&A session. No one believed him.
Fans went back to theorizing over who Link, Zelda, and Sidon were all dating, because apparently they can’t just be dating unknown people and have to be with other YouTubers
Sidon and Bazz got engaged about a week after VidCon, making at least 4 preteen girls cry
actually try 4 million
Sidon x Sidon made a brief comeback but Sidon spoke up about his fandom for the first time ever on twitter and told everyone that no, he was not dating himself. eventually, everyone settled down and accepted that none of them were in a relationship save for a few loud fans.
Link and Zelda still got the occasional “when will you tell us who you’re dating?” comment but most of them were joking and the people who still hardcore shipped them were generally frowned upon. Zelda’s popularity went up after VidCon and she regained the 200k subscribers she’d lost after the first theory dropped.
Two months after VidCon, Link posted a video titled “Zelda and I’s House Tour!” and gave around 45 million people a heart attack
as revealed in the video, they had actually been dating since they were 16 and everyone’s just a fool.
the potted plant is named Hestu.
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mskimkaty · 4 years
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angst, slight fluff, smut
synopsis:Johnny Suh, the most popular boy in college, tried to take his life? what could possibly go wrong with his wealthy background, popularity, and basically having everything in the palm of his hands?
expected word count: 12,692
release date: 01/18/21 (somehow, got deleted. so Im reposting)
details: college!au, strangers to friends to lovers!au.
JohnnySuh x reader.
Johnny Suh walked the hallways in his college ground and not one passerby gives him the freedom to do his business. Students give him a look of pity, as acquaintances try to give him fake words of comfort that disgustingly crawls at the back of his skin.
They were just into the gossip, but they never really care. It was obvious from how they whisper behind his back for looking out of place and out of character, he could see their mocking gazes every time he walks past them.
he pulled his hood up and covered his old blonde hair now dyed into jet black, the usual smile plastered on his lips was now in a tight line and was placed the usually friendly demeanor with a scowl on his face.
people are staring, not in a good way, but because he looks ridiculous in their minds.
"Youngho, if you need anything, I'd gladly do it for you." Johnny heard his Korean name roll of someone's lips and now he feels disgusted with himself for the 9th time that day, he was back to zero and the acid rushes past his throat and he might vomit with the anxiety building up in the pit of his stomach upon hearing his birth name. He halts his movements and turns around to face Kim Jennie.
How does she have the nerve to say that when she cheated on him with Jongin? He treated him like a brother. Her hands travel on his biceps, the usual warmth he felt in the past now buried at the back of his memories, and now, he's just disgusted with her. He ignored her and continued walking past her, Jennie's peers were instantly beside her to console her with words of comfort because her ex-lover practically brushes her off like she was nothing.
You didn't expect a drama unfolding in front of you while standing in your locker area, Christmas break was finally over, and now students are back putting their noses in other people's business. Especially, Johnny Suh's business.
You shrugged your shoulders and walks back to your class, this is definitely a way to start your first day at this University.
Johnny sat at the far back of the room, sporting unusual dark clothing rather than the usual light colors of his wardrobe, the professor walks in, shaking his head upon seeing him at the back completely not understanding how Johnny's mind works.
Johnny knows, just by the look his professor is giving at him, he knew and have seen that twice already — he couldn't control the urge to stand up harshly making the chair he was using falls down to the ground as he walks to the door not bothering to look back, stunning everybody in the room.
When Johnny came back to school after his attempt, he felt more pulled down in the darkest pit inside him, he was unhappy more than he did when he was attempting. The funny part? when people knew about his attempt, people started flocking around him as they cared, but it was obvious. They just wanted to be with him because of his surname and money.
Even Jennie did not differ from the other students trying to impress him. The sad part about it is that he genuinely liked her, but she was just up for it because of the money and fame, and maybe the good fuck. His friends were no different, people might think that he's happy being the captain of the football team, but his life was toxic with every moment. He was in more pain than ever, his friends who were his teammates low-key discarded him thinking he's a freak saying he needed to seek attention.
Johnny knew that they weren't practically saying that to his face, but they were showing it.
They weren't wrong, he knew that, but it was different. They were all trying to impress him, worshiping the ground he walks on and now he's on the rocky side of the road, they drop him? because their parents told them to?
Johnny empties his locker, blindly shoving everything in his duffle bag when his best friend, Kim Jongin, walks inside. He hardly shoved everything inside his bag and harshly closed his locker's door, scowling at the older boy.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" he heard him. "This isn't you at all, why are you suddenly changing? Johnny, I already said I'm sorry." that's the ugly fact. People around him are blind enough not to notice the slight changes in him and the little signs that he wasn't mentally stable.
"This isn't an apology. You're asking me to suck it up. It's Different."
Lunch came and Johnny has nowhere to go, not with all the pity looks the student body is giving him, he had a take-out for his meal and had his lunch alone in an empty room. deciding he has no appetite to eat something, he walked out of the building and drove out to Nakamoto Yuta's basement. He's supposed to be dead two weeks before this day, but here he was, seeking for Yuta's dirty business.
"Johnny Suh." Nakamoto Yuta was known for his dirty business around campus, selling overpriced illegal transactions under the table, tattoos, and piercing. "Stop talking like I'm some god. No god would try to kill himself."
"I don't understand, how are you still in the university and not behind bars?" Johnny asks after taking a long drag on his blunt.
"This is the only way to have food on the table, and I need to graduate. I rather do these than sell my body."
Sadly enough when Johnny checked his phone, no calls or messages from his parents. As cliche as it sounds, he wants his father to check on him but after seeing him in his room bathed in his blood on the ground, his father drifted more away from him.
When he got home that night, his family was having dinner without him, his younger sister, Yerim, ran up to him and hugged him. "Oppa, where have you been? I've been calling you." his sister was the only purest being for him, and he distances himself around her, he doesn't want him to expose her to things that only he knew.
"Yerim, go to your room." the impersonal voice of their father surrounds the dining area and Yerim flinch. looking up to his eyes before walking away.
Kim Ji hoon walks up to him and looks at him with disdain. "Stop being a disgrace, If you can't act like your invisible. I don't need a disgrace in this house." It wasn't new to Johnny anymore.
His father may not be vocal about it in the past but he knew that his father doesn't want him to breathe the same air he does, if God may allow it, he knows that his father wanted him dead, he wanted his father to acknowledged him, and he did everything, that was when Johnny was kissing up to his reputation of being the good son, ace-ing all his grades, being the captain of the football team, doing unnecessary extracurricular activities for extra points, being the good boyfriend, good friend, good son, and a good brother, but it was all too much for him, he felt that he was borrowing someone's life to the point that he doesn't recognize him anymore.
His father hated him so much that he didn't even give him his last name, and the ugly part about it is that Johnny understood his father because he was the reason his mother died. "You can't even do one thing properly, and now everyone living in this town knows about you killing yourself."
"Are you saying that I didn't properly kill myself?" he wanted to vomit. He chuckled as he ran his hands down his locks. "Go fuck yourself," he murmured and walk down to the guest room where he was temporarily sleeping, his step-mother hasn't asked the helpers to clean his room's carpet that is still bathed in his blood, he looked at his wrist that is covered in a bandage, the ugly reminder that he was unhappy and that there is no saving from this anymore. Finding the reason to wake up was hard enough and going to school was another thing, but he did anyway.
People still gossip behind his back, ugly as it sounds, people are disgustingly twisted. He smirked upon hearing he still looked hot as fuck with black hair, one student saying she would gladly do him, blonde or black.
"Jennie must have cheated knowing that he's a freak."
"hey, he might hear you, lower your voice."
"He needs to seek professional help."
"I don't understand him at all. His popular, his ex-girlfriend was fucking hot, he's rich, has great looks, and has a hella hot of a sister." something snapped inside him when he heard some asshole talked disgustingly about his sister.
Before he could even think properly, Johnny repulsively pushed the guy up to the wall. "The hell!" the stranger shouted as the other students stop to stare.
"Did you fucking talked about my sister like that?"
People are staring not because of an aggressive man pushing a full-grown body against the wall like it's nothing. it's not uncommon to see a fistfight for the entire student body to see, people are staring because, Johnny Suh, for once stunned everybody with his demeanor that is completely out of his character. Yes, he is a big guy, but he was kind, sweet, and friendly, so Johnny using force for the first time against someone was a sight to see, added to the fact that this is the first time people heard him cursing, and If eyes could kill already, the guy who talked shit about his sister is practically dead right now, he would brush it off in the past, blindly ignoring gossip about him but this is the first time that someone disrespects his sister right in front of his face and definitely, it is the first time that he gave less fuck about his reputation.
Johnny stared at the man that lacks the urge to answer him, him sending shivers down the stranger's spine. He manhandled the guy and throw him down the floor. "You had the nerve to run that filthy mouth against my sister but doesn't have the balls to answer when I'm confronting you?" he smirked and walked away.
Johnny spent the whole week going to the university but doesn't bother attending his classes, he doesn't want to be left alone at home but doesn't want to go to his classes. He just lost every motivation to do something productive.
Johnny walked his usual path these past few days, going to an empty room on the 4th floor of the Marketing's building to kill time, he gently pushed open the door and saw you changing your clothes. You were almost done, putting your white dress shirt over your shoulder without noticing that you're giving a stranger a free show.
Johnny freezes up, staring and lingering more than usual. He was mesmerized by how your skin glistens under the light slipping through the windows, but what made him stop on his track is the lack of hair you have in your body. It's just smooth skin all over your body.
When you felt someone behind you, you turn your body around to look at the intruder, you saw someone and instantly locked eyes with him. At first, you were scared of seeing Suh Johnny behind you, Johnny got a full view of your unbuttoned shirt and your chest clad in your undergarments. it's not like you saw a ghost, he didn't die per se, but then it has drawn to you, that Johnny, in the flesh, saw you changing clothes. Your reflex acts up and you turn yourself away from him, pulling your clothes to hug yourself, you fix your buttons as you run out to get out of the embarrassment.
The next day, you went to your usual spot in the library to eat your lunch when you saw somebody sitting on your chair. You shrug your shoulders and sit across the stranger who had his head tucked in his arms on the table. You were excited to eat your favorite sandwich because your mother specially made it for you, it was a rare moment given your mother raised you and your sibling alone, having to work two jobs at a time just to put food on the table and to send you to a good school. You appreciate her and love her with all your heart, she was the only one you had next to your older brother, you were good at being invisible, it was your last semester at the university. Trying to finish one subject and your practicum silently like you didn't exist at all. You laughed at the fact that you had no one in this damn hell, but you didn't care.
You started eating your sandwich in silence while opening a good book to read, you were happy in your bubble. Johnny must have heard you as you flip pages after pages. His stomach growling after registering the wonderful smell coming from his surroundings. When he lifts his head, his eyes flicked to your form, silently eating while reading a book, you were so happy in your little bubble, giggling while reading. He straightens his back and you notice the guy across you, putting a face in the stranger who sleeps across you.
A blush crept up on your face when you realize it was Johnny again, you remembered the recent events that happened between the both of you, and your embarrassed ass started coughing hard, you hold your neck rather than reaching for the bottled water in front of you as you choke none stop in front of him. He was left dumbfounded for a couple of seconds but reach for the bottle and unclasp it before handing it to you, you chugged half the contents down your throat and he watched you with fascination.
"Thank you." You said in a small voice.
You put the bottle back in its place as silence hangs in the air, it wasn't a bad kind of silence, but it was awkward. You offer him the other half of your sandwich as you watch him look at you questioningly. "Your hungry." It wasn't a question. You knew he was hungry given you kept hearing his stomach growling a while ago. "You know a little food won't hurt you right?"
Johnny laughs at your ironic statement but accepts your offer anyway, "Don't get your hopes up, I'm not up for a casual relationship." he says as you thought that he wouldn't accept your offer, given that he's rich and can buy a much better lunch than what you're currently having, but then again, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.
"I was just offering you food."
"Thanks." When he finished your sandwich rather quickly, he went back to sleeping in front of you. He liked hearing the sound of you flipping pages after pages as you read your book silently in front of him and the occasional giggle you let out when read something funny. When he woke up to go home, you were gone, but you left your coat as you hung it around his shoulders to keep him warm.
When he came back the day after, in the library, you didn't come back.
The next morning, Johnny awoke earlier than usual, heading to his car without giving a glance at his family, Yerim saw him and was rather puzzled at the baby pink coat he was holding delicately in his arms. He drove fast to get to the university, walking inside the library to wait for you if ever you were going to be there again.
Lunch came, and your guess was right, you see the same blacked haired boy taking a nap in your usual spot with your coat right beside him. You sat across him again and started minding your business, but this time, you had another bag of sandwiches repaired for him. You weren't ignorant about Johnny's attempt, but you choose to respect his space, you knew that he wasn't mentally stable yet. He might look fine outside and you might not know what goes inside his head, but you knew that he isn't fine. No one's mentally stable, everybody has their hardships in their private lives going on right now, but the important thing is that people shouldn't use it against someone, and as long as they don't step on other people to feel better for themselves then it's good.
You might not understand what he's going through right now, you weren't friends, to begin with, but you feel for him. Sincerely.
Johnny felt peaceful for once after many years, it was an odd feeling, but it wasn't bad. You were browsing your phone, checking your emails and your mother's, clearing and archiving unimportant ones. You look at the time and it was already half past lunchtime. Wednesday is a pain in the ass for you, you have to wait for 5 hours until your next class in the afternoon. You didn't notice Johnny waking from his nap, seeing as you still haven't touched the sandwich bags in front of you, he's guessing you still haven't eaten.
"I'm Johnny."
You look at the man in front of you, his usual strawberry locks are now turned into black, sporting a gray hoodie over his black shirt and matching gray track pants. You study his expression, his not extending his hands for a handshake nor his face valid of any emotion, yet you smile and said "What happened to not being in a casual relationship?"
Johnny was taken back, you give him the sweetest smile you could offer and handed him the extra sandwich you had, "You know, some people would reply with their names." he said as he accepts the food that you offered, you look at him as if contemplating before speaking.
"I'm not sure, but what department are you from?" he asked after taking a bite of his food. "This is good, by the way. Who made this?"
"What question do you want me to answer first?" you asked laughing. "My mom made it, and I'm from the same department as you, Though, I just transferred to this school after the Holidays,
If he was shocked he didn't show it, Johnny nods his head as if acknowledging you, "I just want time to pass by quickly and silently, that's why no one knows I exist here. I'm just trying to live another day until I graduate." You said making Johnny fall silent.
"Good for you," he replied after a good minute with the both of you munching on your foods. "Was it hard?" he asked.
"What is?"
"You don't seem to have anyone, do you even have friends?" you laughed at his statement because it was the truth. "Yeah, something like that. It wasn't that bad I might have no friends because I choose not to have any relationships with anybody in here."
"That sucks, I'm not going to ask the reason why you transferred in the middle of the semester because that's your business, not mine," he says, you study his face and you weren't sure whether to run your mouth over his business or not, deciding against it you stood up and take your things with you. "Let me show you something."
Walking down the stairs while both of you kept a little distance, you lead him to the visual room, pulling the keys in your backpack and unlocking it. "Why do you have a key to the AVR?" he asks bewildered.
"Perks of being the teacher's pet," you replied as you pulled him inside, turning the computer and projector on, you played a video about constellations and aimed the projector above.
Stars hover above the two of you and you urge him to lay down beside you, looking up and taking a moment of peace to embrace both of you.
"When things get hard and I tend to be alone; let's be honest, no one wants to feel lonely, especially at the hardest times of our lives. But then, you can't force someone to be there with you physically and emotionally and it sucks to have yourself suck it up for being alone. So, I do this, I take my time staring at these constellations. You see, they're really beautiful to me. I find them fascinating, they have this beautiful meaning behind them, it was always fun finding their patterns, connecting them until they're complete, you just have to look closely, in that way, you'll appreciate them more." you smile while pointing above you, he might not look at you but your presence beside him does him wonders, it was so powerful that even if he closes his eyes, he still feels you beside him. The warmth he was feeling coming from you, your steady breathing, and your sweet scent.
You spent your Mondays and Wednesdays with Johnny, eating lunch together, or spending time as you watch different constellations every week.
Friday morning, you made a quick detour to your department before clocking in for your practicum, before leaving the premises a professor asked you for a favor and you agreed to make a copy of the files she was asking for. When you came back from the printing room, you saw a commotion ahead. It wasn't you to pry on other people's business, but your legs must have their mind when you saw a familiar tall build that is clad in a black hoodie.
Johnny Suh stands in the middle with Kim Jongin and Kim Jennie on the other side. He was hyperventilating.
"Just leave, please." Kim Jongin shouted at him, you can see the obvious horror written on everyone's faces. Kim Jennie was stuck beside Jongin as she shed tears silently, disbelief written in Johnny's face.
"Do you know what went wrong? it's because you were never enough." Jennie drops the bomb for everyone to hear, Johnny was livid. If he could crush everything that he could see he would take the chance and do it. If he could take his life again, he wouldn't give a single fuck and he'll gladly do it.
"I can't believe you both. I wasn't the one who cheated with my best friend, why the fuck do you act like it's my fault?" you heard Johnny said and for the first time your heart broke for him.
You found him in your usual spot in the library, his head hanging low and his body shaking as he tries to catch his breath. You drop your coat over his head and give him the bottle of water you were holding, instead of sitting across him, you sat next to him without overstepping and respecting his space to cool down.
When he started to calm down, he handed your coat back to you, stood up, and left the library. Saying you were dumbfounded was an understatement but you choose to understand him.
Days passed by and Johnny was still a no show. When a week has already passed without seeing Johnny, you started to get worried. You wished you asked for his number, but then again, you weren't even that close, to begin with. You decide to spend your long-vacant in the visual room, playing random constellations as you think about a certain boy.
When that certain boy suddenly appeared right in front of you. "I'm sorry." He had his hands inside his grey sweatpants.
"What matters is that you came."
Johnny joined you on the floor, staring up at the ceiling, after a moment of silence, he spoke up. "Why did you help me? why do you even care about me at all? I'm a mess."
"Aren't we friends?" You asked even though it was clear that he turned your offer of friendship down a while ago.
"What you said about the constellations earlier made me realize how I took myself for granted and at the same time how ungrateful I am."
You look at him and give him the chance to speak up. "I didn't have the will to live, do you know that you are annoyingly optimistic about everything?" He jokingly asked, and you laughed with him.
"Is that a compliment or what?"
"I still don't have a reason to be here." He suddenly says. Johnny looks at your face as if reading you, he was prepared to see you pitying him but there was none.
"You don't have to look for it. You have yourself because, at the end of the day, you only got your own back," you turn to him as you give him a look. Johnny envied you, it was obvious, and you can read him like an open book. "Don't, don't look at me like that, Johnny Suh." the way his name rolled down your tongue felt flawless, as if you were born to say his name out loud.
"We all have our shortcomings, I'm not perfect nor are people around me, no one is, and we have to accept that fact, give less care about people who can't accept that."
"It's not as easy as it seems," Johnny says, your hand brushing back the stray hair that falls on his forehead as if your hand has a mind of its own. "Sorry-"
"It's fine. I like it." Both of you turn towards the ceiling as you continue to watch the stars, keeping the comfortable silence and just hang around each other.
For weeks, spending time in the library and the visual room to watch the stars has been your thing with Johnny Suh, you couldn't even imagine being friends with the likes of him, you view him as a constellation star, he's mysterious behind his disguise as he tends to fool everyone with, he was hard to reach and was always up above you, he brightens the surroundings like how the stars brighten the night sky, for you, he was more than the famous campus boy that everybody likes, even if he can't realize that.
Weeks passed by and you look forward to your Mondays and Wednesdays than the fact that you are graduating.
You were busy transferring your books to your backpack as you stand in front of your locker when Johnny came to you. "I didn't know we have the same classes."
You were stunned when you saw him talking to you in the open, students started looking in your way as if seeing a history. The most known guy in the University is with a nobody, but you shrugged it anyway as you closed your locker's door. You bite back at your tongue with all the attention you were getting, anxiety creeping out to you but you choose to ignore it.
"You weren't even attending your classes," you told him as you fix your backpack, the both of you started walking, keeping the same slow pace and taking your time.
"Well, I now have a reason, at least," he says as he grabs the strap of your bag and slings it in his shoulder. You ignore the bubbly feeling inside you and continued walking. Smiling at yourself as you forget about the stares around you.
"You're so cheesy, Suh Johnny." You giggled at him and for the first time, you saw a genuine smile creeping on his face.
When Lunch came, both of you sat outside to enjoy the sunny weather. "I'm going to start my Practicum next week," Johnny told you suddenly, and you stood up so fast to walk around the table to hug him.
"I'm so glad!" the sincere happiness is written on your face that even Johnny laughs with you.
"Thanks to you, I feel like, there's more to it than ending my life at the age of 21," he says and you shake your head at him.
"No, I didn't do anything. It's mostly you. I'm just here beside you to guide you, but it's your own will."
"I'll be honest with you, hurting myself still runs on my head but the difference this time is, I'm scared to do it." you didn't know what to reply to that so you just extend your hands towards his and hold it firmly in your grasp.
The rest of your day went ahead without you noticing, time flies by rather quickly when you are with Johnny. You stood waiting for your bus to arrive when a black Audi stops in front of you. Its windows rolling down and you see Johnny peeking through the window to smile at you.
"You want to wait for your bus or be logical and save time?" you laugh at his way of asking you for a ride but walk towards the passenger to join him in his car otherwise. The car ride was rather chaotic, you were debating about what to put first, milk or cereal, and you felt the horrors when Johnny says he puts milk in first. He was laughing like a child at how horrified you look.
"Anything's fine with me. I put whatever in first," he says after a long minute of arguing.
"I'm telling you, not to live like that!" you argue back. "Cereal comes first and then milk goes in, just imagine, do you pour the soap first before the water? it's water before the soap!" you explained and he laughs at how rilled up you get.
The argument was cut off when you arrived at your house. Johnny parked his car in front of your house and for some reason, your mother came in wearing an apron over her clothes. She raises an eyebrow at the unknown car blocking her driveway and you look at Johnny who looks back at you.
"Your mother is intimidating." He says.
"Want to come over for dinner?" you ask, and It took him a second before responding, " You think that's a good idea?"
"Come on, Mr. Suh, grow some balls, it's just my mom." Johnny looks offended at your statement.
"I have balls that girls flock around with," he retorted. You sigh and open the passenger seat greeting your mom with a smile as you ran to hug her.
"Can my friend stay for dinner?" you asked after hugging her. Johnny is behind you as he introduced himself as your friend and your mother shocked him by giving him a warm hug.
"There's still room for another boy in my house, I believe, it's no problem." Your mother stated as Johnny gives you a confused glance. Your mother invited him in and you welcomed him.
Inside, your older brother, Taeil is strumming his guitar with three other guys in the living room. "Oh, This is my Brother, Taeil." you casually said at him as you hung both of your jackets.
"You didn't tell me you have a brother." He whispered at you, standing awkwardly beside you. Taeil waved at him and you push him to sit beside Jaehyun.
"This is Jaehyun, Doyoung, and Ten. They're all bandmates during high school so they're always here for my brother," you explained. "And your mother's cooking." Ten added.
"Well, now you know," You said as you turn to him. "Let me just go to my room and freshen up real quick, just make yourself feel at home," you say as you back up on your track. "Cool."
Johnny didn't feel out of place for some reason, he was really happy that he got to meet your brother and his bandmates, they were cool to be around. They entertained him and ask what were his hobbies are and for the first time, he took his time to think about what he likes to do. He likes to draw.
When dinner was served, all the boys helped your mother to set up the table, Johnny was persistent in helping even after telling him to sit and wait because he was a guest. You let him help otherwise.
Dinner was well spent, he enjoyed talking with everyone and your mother even asks him to visit anytime he wants. Taeil takes a liking to him, asking him to hang out whenever he's free. Johnny presented to do the dishes and you helped him when he was done his shirt was a total mess because of the water splashing through the faucet, a good thing is that your brother has some clothes that are way oversized for him, and he lets Johnny use them.
You handed him the shirt, accidentally seeing a huge bruise on his chest and stomach, before you knew it, you stop him as he was about to put his shirt on. "What happened?"
His bruises must have slipped his mind and he mentally cursed himself at it. You were horrified. "Johnny, are you getting beat up?"
"I don't want to talk about this," he pulled his shirt down "Y/n, It's getting late. I should head home now. Thank you for dinner, I enjoyed it." and before you know it, Suh Johnny was gone.
Weeks passed by and Johnny was a complete no show. Faint rays of the sun trickled down through your curtains and fell on your room's marbled floor, you look up at your window and were blinded by the light, sitting up, you let your feet hovered on your marbled floors and mentally prepare yourself for the day.
In the office, your instructor asked you to copy some files and you gladly agreed to do it as you don't have much going on for the time being. You thought that it was hard doing your practicum, but all you did at the office was run errands evolving the x-ray machine. Your mind drifted back to Johnny, you'll have to talk to him. Being worried about him is already killing you and the last time you saw him was three weeks ago.
Wednesday came and you sat at your usual spot in the library, studying for the upcoming exams as you patiently wait for the tall black-haired guy. You forced yourself to do some actual studying but for some reason, all you can think about was Suh Johnny who didn't even show up.
The week passed by in a blur and on Thursday you went to your University to take the exam, you were scheduled for the second batch, and instead of your usual schedule of Wednesday, your professor divided your class into two batches.
You weren't even aware that your exams already finished as you were walking to your locker to put away some books.
You understood that Johnny had issues and you hated that you can't do anything to help him. You would do anything for him if that means for the comfort inside him and his peace of mind. You might not know the reason for his depression but everyone has a reason and you know that everybody around you has some issues going on in their private lives. You look around, seeing other students do their thing, minding their own business, some are even bored and waiting for their exams, You saw Jennie and Jongin together looking at you with disgusted faces that you shrugged off.
Johnny saw you as you mindlessly walk your way to the visual room, and he followed behind you silently, as he looks over his ex-girlfriend and ex-best friend. He realized he never really had a connection with Jennie before, they were both just into the sex, and then it gets awkward when they started to talk.
You were already done setting the projector up, walking in the center to lay down when you heard someone entered, and when you saw Johnny at the entrance of the room, his hands on his sweatpants pocket as he gives you a look, you stood up and ran to give him a big hug. You shed tears for him, as you give him a tight hug.
"Why are you crying?" he asked.
"Aren't we friends?" You asked him as you hold him in your arms. "Friends share their pains. So, I'll be here. I just want you to know that I'll be here when you needed someone to be there with you." Johnny fought his tears but who was he kidding? He yearns for someone's affection and not because of who he was but because it was him. And this time, he finally had someone to share his pains with. People already viewed him as someone going on a phase, probably someone rebelling against his parents but Johnny was more than that. He didn't care about it, though. He learned to give less fuck about insignificant people around him.
"My father used to beat me up, Football was just an excuse to cover up these bruises." He admitted. He was disgusted and embarrassed about it. But it was you, and he knows that you're not one to judge someone based off on their appearances.
You shed more tears for him. "Johnny, You don't deserve that, no one deserves that," you say caressing his cheeks. You hated the cheesy statement but you ignore it anyway, what you were feeling at the moment isn't important. Johnny was opening up to you.
The two of you manage to have time off from the university and Practicum. (Johnny started his practicum last, last week, that's why he was MIA most of the time, that time.) Johnny was hanging out at your house, the problem was, your mother and brother are both at work, so you take it to yourself that being alone with him, at your house, is inappropriate. You drag him outside, leading the way to one of your favorite diners.
"I am telling you, you're going to regret that," you said.
"What's wrong with what I ordered?" Johnny did this little thing in his nose, and you take a moment to look at him as you smile at him. You ignore the stares around you, feeling like a sore thumb sticking and obviously, out of place. Johnny scowl at the man who was drunk out of his wits, shamelessly checking you out. This wasn't the first time, this always happened, but not to you though. You told him to ignore it, that man was probably in here to order a cup of coffee.
"Their chicken and waffles here are the best! I'm telling you, I'm not going to share with you."
One pout of his lips towards you and you were switching your plates towards Johnny. You told him, only because this was the first time that he got to try out your favorite dish, and there won't be a second chance in the future. Johnny was kind enough to share a piece of waffle with you. But not the chicken, though. He fell head over heels for it.
Bit by bit, Johnny's walls crumbled down around you, and before you knew it, both of you are inseparable. Johnny dating you spread like wildfire around campus, but there wasn't any truth behind that gossip, you were just a friend. Simple as that.
He was hanging more lately with your brother than you expected. Both of them have the same interest, so it wasn't a surprise when Johnny befriended most of your brother's friends.
Johnny was going on about how Jaehyun's a chill guy, Mark, and Donghyuck introducing him to play games, even Yuta, the University's drug dealer, as they brand him, was included in Taeil's group of friends.
"You didn't tell me that you knew Nakamoto Yuta," Johnny whispered behind you.
"Yeah, For some reason, I didn't want to get involved with most of them. Some girls are crazy about them and I just want peacefulness as I end my college years." You answered. Yuta was from the same department, Jaehyun was from the same university but was taking a different course, as well as Doyounga and Taeyong. Mark and Haechan still need a year before attending college. Ten was studying arts and your brother was a college dropout.
You were having pizza night at your house, your mother was kind enough to accommodate a bunch of men in her tiny house, seemingly impossible to fit 13 men inside, but it did. Instead of the usual party that frat houses and rich kids throw around, Taeil and the others like to keep it to themselves. Sharing one shot glass and downing a cheap rum as everybody waits for their turn. Most of them didn't think that Johnny would be fine with this kind of setup. Besides, he was branded as the campus king and a rich heir at that. He could spend Friday nights at some high-end bar and drink expensive alcohol. But no, instead, here he was, sitting on the cheap carpet your mother owns with a bunch of drunk men but you were glad that your brother is such a nice guy and so are his peers.
Johnny was glad, that he found true people, who accepts him for who he is and not because of who he was.
Doyoung placed you on the empty sofa, you have a low tolerance for alcohol, and you can't keep up with them anymore. The cheapest drink Taeyong bought isn't of cheap quality, you knew better than to judge a bottle chosen by him. You watch them with heavy eyelids, smiling at yourself, Mark and Donghyuck made fun of you by putting thick blankets around you and this was the first time Johnny saw you annoyed by the younger boys.
When Morning came, you were already on your bed as your head pounds. When you came downstairs to leave for school you look around and saw that last night's trace was gone as if 13 grown men didn't make a mess out of your mother's living room.
You wished you had gotten a coffee first when you entered your room way too early and saw that most of the students are yet to arrive, even water would be good, anything liquid down your throat would be good.
You saw Jaehyun and Johnny bidding farewells at the front of the room, students who were present to see the two interacting were shocked, for them, It was rare to see Johnny without his usual crew. But, who are they to decide that for Johnny? It was a rare sight to see, A popular music major and the famous ex-football captain, together?
When Johnny approached his spot beside you, he gives you the cold Iced latte he was holding fresh from Starbucks, completely ignoring unwanted stares behind his back.
"Good Morning," there was a warm aura surrounding him as he settled down beside you, and you look at him in awe. "What?" he asks.
You watched him for a moment, smiling at him as he looks at you questionably. "You're happy," you stated making Johnny pause for a second to think, he was sporting a baby pink hoodie and grey Nike pants, holding his Earpods and Macbook at the other hand. "I think I might be getting there."
Your heart swells up for him and as you fought back the tears that wanted to fall. Johnny reached out to you, wiping the strands of hair that keep falling on your face. "Sorry," you said. People might think that yesterday, Johnny was trying to end his life, and then suddenly, he was okay, because he never was, and you continuously walk on a thin thread around him, Johnny is like a ticking bomb and porcelain that needs to be handled with the utmost care. Five months ago, Johnny doesn't have the motivation to continue living his life, but here he was thriving to know what tomorrow can offer him.
For Johnny, meeting you was his saving grace, problems might fill up in his life, there is this constant reminder that society will always judge him the minute he does something wrong, there is his father, his stepmother who doesn't really pay attention to him, his old life and old self constantly reminding him the pain of the past.
"What happened to your eyes?" there were dark circles under his eyes and for a moment you thought that he has a lot in his mind to think about for the lack of sleep.
"I stayed up till dawn playing overwatch with Donghyuck and Mark last night." He says smiling.
"I'm glad your settling with the boys all right." Johnny watched you, how your long hair flow past your shoulders through your back, he loves the little freckles dancing all over your cheeks naturally and how a touch of pink creeps in your cheeks naturally because of the humid air.
You were really glad. "Do you want to go with me and Ten?" He asks you when your classes ended for the morning, both of you walked to the library to hide from prying and malicious eyes. "He wants to hang out in the nearest coffee shop." he continued and you agreed to go with him, making a turn for the exit.
Johnny ordered an Americano for him and a latte for you, eating the packed lunch your mother made for you and Johnny as you wait for Ten.
Ten arrived with Jaehyun in tow, placing their bags down Jaehyun took the seat beside you while Ten walked to the counter to order their drinks. Johnny looked at you and Jaehyun but ignore the malice running in his head.
"Kim Yerim!" the three of you looked at the entrance to see Johnny's sister entering the cafe, Yerim waved at someone across their table and saw his sister's friend Park Sooyoung waving frantically. Johnny turned to look at you and Jaehyun ignoring his sister who started walking inside, "What happened to you?" he asks Jaehyun,
"You're turning really red." Johnny pointed out and you snickered at Jaehyun who turns to look at Johnny's sister absentmindedly. "Man, That's my sister!" Johnny whispered-shout at him as he fought the urge to laugh at Jaehyun. Someone definitely has a crush on his little sister.
You and Johnny eyed each other, laughing as you both understood telepathically. "What's so funny?" Ten asks when he arrived and the both of you laughed loudly this time.
"Hyung!" Jaehyun shouted at him his ears turning red.
When Johnny got home, he locked himself up in his room that his step-mother finally asked to clean. He was busy waiting for Donghyuck and Mark to play when he heard a knock on his door.
"Can I come in?" His step-mother asked. Yerim's mother is a great person, but that doesn't really mean that she's a good mother to both him and Yerim, he can't really judge her though, she's still young and living her dreams but then his father got her pregnant with Yerim and then here she is stuck at this hell of a household, all three of them under the strings of his father.
"Yes." He says.
Kim Ah-Jong walked inside, placing a warm cup of milk beside him for the first time, "Johnny," She started as he settled at the edge of Johnny's bed facing him. Johnny turns his chair to face her too, holding the warm mug in his hand to seek comfort in this awkward setting.
"I don't know how to start, but I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry," she paused for a second, ignoring the lump in her throat, "I hope you forgive me for replacing your mother's position, and that I'm really grateful because you love your sister more than anything even though you didn't have the same mother."
"It's the least that I could do." He says.
"Yes, I know, and I'm sorry if I failed you as a mother, I was busy finding myself to the point you and Yerim grow up without the right amount of affection from us. We're such horrible parents and I wanted to say sorry on behalf of your father. You don't deserve this, no one else did."
That night, Johnny slept soundly in his own home for the first time in a while.
Yerim was shocked to see her mom attending to his brother, it's as if she suddenly had a change of heart and finally started to be a mother to his brother. Her father was another problem, he still hasn't moved on from his son's attempt. Spitting atrocious words early in the morning making Johnny regret even joining the breakfast.
Kim Ah-jong had enough of his husband's wrath, it was still morning and his husband is starting to get on her nerves. She stabs her bread knife on their table as she turns her head towards him, "Is still early in the morning for the love of God, Kim Ji Hoon. Must you really ruin our morning?" she says.
Both Yerim and Johnny were stunned at her, their father shutting up in instant at the fear her wife would stab her.
Johnny and Yerim drive to the University that day together, "Oh, do you mind if we stop by at my friend's house? I promise to pick him up." Johnny asks and Yerim nodded.
Johnny smirked, he was excited to see Jaehyun's reaction.
Johnny pulled up in front of Jaehyun's apartment, sending him a message the was up in front of his building, after a minute, Jaehyun emerges from the entrance of the building running to get to his car with a tumbler in his other hand.
Johnny pulled the window down and Jaehyun saw Yerim first, he stopped midway, flustered that a girl was with his young, and It was no other than his sister. he played it cool and sat at the back.
"Oh, Yerim-ah, this is Jaehyun. He's my friend."
Jaehyun didn't expect her to turn around and bow her head down. "Thank you so much for taking good care of my brother."
Johnny became flustered with Yerim but laughed it off instead. Jaehyun bowed his head towards her saying it was nothing. Yerim was unaware of the looks she was getting from the older boy sitting at the back seat of his brother's car as Johnny keeps throwing playful glances at the back while he drove them to the school.
Graduation was already nearing, both you and Johnny were already finished with your practicum, Johnny was moving boxes towards his car, for some reason, his father allowed him to have his own flat, his step-mother saying that it would be the best for him and his mental health to have some space between them and that they should give him some time and space. His father was adamant at first but has nothing to do in the end.
"Just let him do what he wants, He's already graduating, with honors! He already did everything you wanted it's the least you could do for him." he heard his step-mother argue a while ago with his father. Johnny still had to go home every Sunday at the main house, though.
You and Taeil volunteered to help him with his moving and he was glad, to say the least. Yerim contacted you to do his groceries for him and the two of you left the older boys as you went to the market with Yerim.
Yerim was a cool young woman, she was matured for her own age, you learned that she was very frank at what she wants and that she loves her brother so much.
"I'm really glad my brother meet you," she says as she links her right arms with you, you were both walking to the parking lot, and you smiled at her blushing.
"Honestly, I never really liked his old friends. Jongin? Nope. Chanyeol? He's an asshole. Everyone in that damn team is an ass except for Sehun," she says as both of you entered the market, pulling a big cart in the process, and continued walking ahead. "You and your brother are surrounded by good people. Do you know that? And I'm kind of jealous of you, not that I don't have good friends, I do."
"Well, consider me someone you can be with so those good people will surround you too," you said smiling, Yerim giggled at you.
It took Johnny a week before really settling down in his apartment, he invited the guys over to have a small welcoming party, drinking and playing till the sun rises.
Johnny was busy typing at his laptop as you were both doing your last requirement for college, papers, and documents were all scattered around his living room when he turns his head to look at you. "Are you comfortable with those jeans?" He asks.
You look at your pants, it is uncomfortable.
"I don't have extra clothes," Johnny poked at his cheeks with his tongue, he stood up and went inside his room, when he came back he was holding clean boxer shorts. "You can use this if you want," he says as he extends his arms to you. You gladly took it and went to his bathroom to change.
Johnny thinks this was more dangerous than when he had blood oozing out of his wrist, you had your toned legs on display for him, and only him. It wasn't helping at all. Without knowing, he stared at your legs for a good minute, the urge of having his hands run along the lines of your thighs was becoming unbearable. He was amazed by the lack of hair you had around your arms and legs, was it liked that too with the parts your clothes have covered? He can't help the wild imaginations running around his head with the things he wants to do to you.
Johnny focused his attention back on the screen of his laptop. What the fuck is he even thinking? It's you, his fucking angel. How dare he have dirty thoughts about you. He mentally slaps himself and went back to typing.
You noticed Johnny having a mental crisis because of you and you silently laugh at him, extending your legs further to have your skin touch his thighs.
after hours of being productive with your work, You and Johnny decided to call it a night.
After a week of preparations for the upcoming finals, you and Johnny decided to meet up, the waiter placed both of your orders in front of you and Johnny, who give the waiter a small smile while uttering a quick "Thank you." You eyed Jhonny's food who looks somewhat more delicious than your Pesto Pasta. You don't even know why you ordered it, you never even tasted it before, you just want to— maybe, impress the guy in front of your table who were giving you obvious looks about the taste pallet you had which is definitely of a 13 Years old.
Johnny gives you a look while shaking his head, knowing all too well that you wanted a bite of it. Looking at you who's eyeing his barbeque bacon burger with fries on the side— It's usually what the two of you order and he was shocked that you ordered something out of the ordinary. He knew that you weren't the type of girl to go out of your comfort zone. You like what you usually eat, what you usually drink, and what type of clothing you usually wear. You are a very simple, young woman. You don't usually try things out of the blue, especially, when the two of you are both hungry.
Instantly, Johnny switched both plates. Giving you his food whilst saying a silent goodbye to the famous BBQ burger that he craves so much after winning a football game, which, he deserves. "What are you doing?" you asked shocked. You already saw him digging in and wincing at the taste. "Why the fuck would you even order this thing?" he asked.
You looked at the guy at the other table. You both were giving silent glances, he's good-looking and obviously from another school but you don't do other schools, that is the thing, you'd rather date someone from the same school, same department or same village. You don't like the hassle. People can go ahead and say your such a basic bitch, which in fact, you are. You finally give your full attention to Johnny who looks at his back to find some guy obviously ogling your face. That was the scariest thing in the world for him, guys ogling your face rather than your body, honestly, it was obvious from guys falling for your body— they just want to get in your pants, but guys who fall for your beauty is different.
You start digging in with your food. "This is the reason why I love you so much." You stated giving your burger a bite.
"Why would you even want to eat this." He says. You give him a chuckle as you extend your right arm towards him, offering him a bite of your burger, which he gladly took. "I'm sorry, I'm such a pain in the ass." You said.
"I kidnapped you in your after party and I'm so sorry, I didn't know Jennie's going to be there, and now you're eating something you don't even like. Man, you don't deserve this." You continued. Sincerely saying sorry towards him— picking a fry and dipping it on the ketchup provided at the side of your plate.
For some reason, Things work out for him and the team, It was going to be his last year playing, and the higher-ups decided for him to lead the team again, making Jongin lose face around the campus. It wasn't like before, It was expected, Johnny was just professional around them, leading them at the court and out of sight, after.
"What? No way. This is what I deserve. A peaceful dinner and finally having time with you." He says after biting at the toasted bread the pasta has. It was true though, Johnny was talking with Jennie again, well, but not exactly dating her, as students would say around campus. They dated, but that was that, he can't even imagine being good friends with someone who cheated on him, he was just being civil with her, ending things with a good note and leaving the better past behind him, and you haven't really had the chance to hang out together since their coach intensified their training hours and days, and right after that Johnny would hang out with your brother and the other guys.
"What did my brother say, though? with you being with me tonight? You guys are basically dating each other by now," you joked.
"Yeah, he's cool with it. Don't worry, I told him about our meeting before you actually kidnapped me." He gives you a smirk and you give him a confused look. "I was actually going to ask you for a dinner with me after the game." You rolled your eyes at him.
"Wow." You commented. You were practically like a twin at this rate. "Can I ask you something, though?" Johnny didn't know whether to ask because he was curious or just wait for you to open up to him, for some reason, Johnny felt naked around you. You knew everything about him, you have him wrapped around your pretty little fingers "What if I don't want to?" You countered and he scoffed.
"What was the reason you transferred? you only had a year to finish before graduating," Your face fell and he instantly saw how your face contorted into a frown. "Why are you making that face?" he asked.
"I had a bad break up to the point that I was destroying myself." You finally said like it was nothing. Johnny stopped everything that he's doing, giving you a look as if asking why. He felt like an idiot. How can he? at your worst time? "I'm such a horrible friend." He says.
"It's not your fault, and I'm even sorry that I didn't tell you sooner." You said quietly. Suddenly your favorite dish from the dinner doesn't look appealing anymore. "And I wanted time for myself, you know, he cheated on me."
the clicking of utensils can be heard throughout the diner when he dropped them to the table. He was fuming mad.
"It wasn't anyone's fault, though. if anything. It was mine. I lost interest in our relationship, didn't have time for him, and just lost everything along the way." You said while moving your plate towards him which he gladly took, abandoning the pasta you ordered and eating the half of the burger you had. But the real reason was, you can't stop comparing your ex-boyfriend to him.
"Still isn't a reason to cheat on you." He says after taking a bite. You move your lemonade in front of you and lazily sip on it. He drops the topic knowing all too well that you don't want to talk about it. Still, he felt guilty for some reason, What could go wrong?
Right, Johnny Suh is starting to have feelings for you, and definitely not in a platonic way.
And you don't have any idea about it.
He opened your bag that was beside him and fetch the wet wipes that were inside. He opened it and out of habit cleaned your fingers with it. And you let him, smiling. "I wished I meet you sooner," He looked at you and smiled. "I'm really sorry I haven't been with you for the last 21 years." you joked as you let him dry your fingers with a dry napkin that the diner provides.
You were about to head out— fetching the car keys that you placed on the bowl beside the main door when you hear a familiar honk outside your house. Your hands slip past your keys and you walk the small distance to your door, opening it the cold air of December heats your face and Johnny greeted you with his usual beam on his face, his left hand stretched up outside his window, giving you a wave.
You smiled to yourself, biding your mom a quick goodbye and you were off to school with your best friend.
"Good Morning." He greeted you when you opened the door of his black Audi.
"Good Morning, indeed." You said facing him after securing yourself with the seat belt. There was a tint of pink in Johnny's checks that you choose to ignore.
Pulling up at the parking lot in front of the university's main building where a lot of students lingered chatting with their circle of friends— Johnny smoothly maneuvered and parked at his usual spot.
You both get out of his car and started to walk to the building.
"See you at lunch?" he asked when you neared your classroom— you were slightly shocked. "Won't you be eating with Yerim today?" you asked as you stopped in your tracks facing him. "Doesn't have to." He simply replied and you nod your head. "She'll be mad, John." You said as a matter of fact— facing him while slowly backing away as he marly give you a shrug. "She doesn't have the right, though." you rolled your eyes at him "Just ask her to eat with us!"
Graduation was nearing and you've been offered a job at one of the top companies in the city, you didn't have the reason to turn them down so you accept and were set to sign the contract right after having your diploma.
This calls for a celebration, though.
When Johnny heard that he was the first one to know about something significant in his life, he was delighted.
You found yourself getting tipsy with the cheap booze in front of you and Johnny. You were laughing at something he said about his sister, holding the cheap beer in your hand as you chug the contents down your through. "Okay, That's enough," Johnny said whilst grabbing the cans of beer and putting them back at his refrigerator. You pout back at him but don't argue, you still have to attend your classes tomorrow morning and you don't want to miss anything for the last weeks you have for being a college student.
Johnny tucked you in his bed and you bid the sweetest goodnight on him, he leaves a sweet kiss on your forehead before heading for the couch in the living room to sleep on, since he had no energy to actually drive you home.
You woke up that night, feeling rather hot, unconsciously stripping out of your pants and bra out of habit, you walked to the kitchen for some water.
Walking with blurred vision, you find your way into the kitchen. The lights were dim as you passed by the living room completely ignoring the fact that Johnny could definitely walk on you wearing only your white tee and undies.
You helped yourself around the kitchen, rummaging in the refrigerator for a jar of water, your hands felt the cold lid of the jar, popping it open and chugging the contents down. You giggled after realizing that you should probably use glass and act like a lady for once since you're not in your own place.
You hissed as you struggle, reaching for a glass in the cupboard. "Just why is it placed so fucking high?" you asked yourself. A hand reached for the glass and you turned around, shocked and ready to pounce the person behind you.
you came face to face with Johnny. His face, only inches away from you. His hands find their way to your waist as he looked at you and the glass in his hands, he purred his self some water in the glass and chugged the whole content down.
"I got thirsty," he said. You moved beside so you don't disturb him, stepping at least five steps away.
He looked you up and down, the smell of booze around, is strong, it almost made you gag. Feeling the cold air between your legs, you looked at yourself. "Fuck." realizing that you were only wearing your white t-shirt; that you probably owned since 7th grade— Your breast was obvious that even your nipples were prominent, your shirt just hanging before your hip bone and then your undies.
You mentally slap yourself. He put the glass down and you put your hair in front to at least cover your hardening nipples away from him. Chills run down your spine as he took another step forward, clearing the distance between you.
"Hey-" he cut you off.
"Johnny," he says.
"What?" you asked, barely whispering. Your eyes moved down on their own, from his eyes down to his upper body, he was shirtless, giving you free access to his perfectly sculpted body, his pelvis, so sharp even a God couldn't compare. Again, you felt the burning sensation coming back in your throat. You touched your neck instantly as you tried to swallow.
"My name, say it," he whispered, you looked up only to be met by his eyes, dark with unknown lust as if burning you within. He keeps staring at you, keeping you captive with his eyes that you somehow felt naked.
"Johnny," you whispered trying not to sound like your practically moaning his name. He took a step forward, leaving no space between you and him. "Again." He commands you. You sucked a deep breath as you avoid eye contact.
He used his index finger to lift your head as his thumb drew circles just below your chin to the base of your neck. blood rushed to your face as you suddenly felt hot on your cheeks as he put his hands on your waist again. He tilts his head, the smell of alcohol mixed with his aftershave and mint filled your senses, suddenly it wasn't too dark anymore.
He brushes his lower lip against yours that you barely felt it. He licked his lower lip as you bite yours. He stares intently at you. "You know, I would appreciate it if you don't walk around the house in these." his hands hot on your skin.
all rationality seems to fly out of the window, both of you staring at each other gazes, Johnny pulling you in for a much deeper kiss. "Didn't know you were this naughty with alcohol in your system," he murmured, Johnny's soft languid kisses were driving you wild, he moves at the base of your neck and sucked at the soft skin before pressing light kisses.
"Do you have any idea how much I want you?" he says softly, your breath hitches without knowing and you deliciously clenched around nothing upon hearing his statement, you were hypnotized by his eyes. Leaning down, he kisses you again.
You put your hands around his chest to push him slightly, gazing up toward him, "I want this," you whispered. "No. Not in the morning when you're sober enough to regret this," Johnny says, you ignore him and pulled him down to kiss him again, and Johnny lost all his logic with how delicious you tasted, you guide his hands on the hem of your shirt and slowly he peels it off for you and lets it fall down the floor.
Johnny put his arms around you and hauls you against his body, squeezing you tightly, his hands traveled down your waist and down to your behind, he holds you against his hips, and you feel his erection, which he gladly pushes into you, easily lifting you from the floor after, you moan once more in his mouth, He eases you towards the bed and you feel your back against the soft cushion once more.
Tentatively, you move your hands up to his face and his hair, tugging at it lightly as if implying for him to take you fully. But Johnny has other plans in his mind. He grabs your hips with both his hands and runs his tongue around your navel, gently nipping his way to your hipbone and across your belly to the other.  "Ah," You groan.
Seeing him on top of you, between your legs as you feel his hot breath against your skin, Is unexpected, but you wanted this as much as he wants it. Your hand on his hair, pulling gently as you try to quiet your loud breathing. He gazes up at you through impossibly long-lashed, and chocolate-colored eyes. His hand reaches the hem of your black underwear, leisurely pulling it down without taking his eyes off you, he stops and licks his lips, never breaking eye contact. Johnny leans forward, running his nose up the apex between your thighs, and you feel him.
"You smell so fucking good," he murmurs and closes his eyes. a look of pure pleasure on his face and you practically convulse.
You raise yourself on your elbows to see what he's doing, you were panting, you wanted him right there. shit
Moaning, you felt him run his tongue on the sleek of your heat, "Keep still," he murmurs and then leans down again to kiss down your clit. "How can I not move? you're making me feel this good." you felt him smirk against your skin. "Then, we'll have to work on keeping you still." there was a dangerous tone laced in his voice and you find it impossibly hot and twisted. You're flushed, skin burning, too hot, too cold, and you're craving more as you clawed at the sheets beneath you.
Johnny moves forward and you protested but the pleasure came back once more when he blows very gently on one of yours mound, his hands moving to the other breast, and his thumb slowly rolls the end of your nipple, elongating it. You moan, feeling the sweet sensation all the way to your groin.
"Johnny," you were wet, "Please," you beg silently as your fingers clasp the sheet tighter. His lips close around your nipple and he tugs, making you convulse. He doesn't stop.
Johnny moves his fingers around your clit, drawing circles as he laps on your mound,  you let yourself go from his touch. His thumb and finger continue doing you deliciously and you fall apart on his hands.
"Oh," you won't lie, that felt extraordinary, and now, you know the fuss around him is about. He gazes down at you, a satisfied smirk on his face and you're still in owe from your high.
Johnny was amazed at how responsive you are, he laced his fingers around you, drawing slow and lazy circles around your clit again, bringing another set of heat in your core. He closes his eyes briefly, his breathing hitches. You're deliciously wet and Johnny doesn't want to fuck you with a condom on, and neither did you.
He reaches over the bedside table, anyway, grabbing a foil packet, and then moving out of the bed to discard the rest of his clothes. You saw him, and your mouth watered at how long and thick he is. He kneels on the bed and pulls the condom onto his length. "I really don't want to use one."
"Is that going to fit in?"
"Don't worry," He breathes,  "You're wet enough, Angel. I know you can make me well," He murmurs as he positions the head of his erection at the entrance of your sex and pushing hard.
"Aargh!" You cry as you felt him sliding in, there was a weird sensation pinching deep inside you as he rips through you without warning. Johnny stills, his eyes bright with ecstatic triumph. His mouth opened slightly, his breathing harsh. He groans wanting to move.
"Fuck, baby, so tight."
"Johnny, Wait."
He stills for a moment, "Why?" You held onto his forearms, fucking him with a condom doesn't feel right, you wanted every little part of him, you wanted to feel him. Raw. "I- Can we remove the condom?" Johnny asks as if reading your mind.
You nod at him, You felt him slide out of you, removing the condom and throwing it at the trash bin beside his bed. Johnny positions his self once more, easing on to you, groaning. He loved every bit of it, this was the first time that you had sex without using protection, and the same thing goes for Johnny. Moving your hips up to him, as a sign that you wanted him to move already. He groans. You felt so full, as he let you acclimatize at the overwhelming feeling of him inside you. Naked, and Raw.
He eases back with exquisite slowness. Closing his eyes, Johnny controlled himself not on to fuck you hard, He thrust into you again, and you cry out in pleasure. He shifts into his elbow, and you feel his weight on you, holding you down. He moves painfully slow at first, easing himself in and out of you. You grew impatient and you can't help but move your hips up tentatively to meet his. He speeds up. Pounding on you, picking up speed by the second, merciless and in a relentless rhythm.
you can't help yourself to meet his thrust, making Johnny lose his mind because of you. Your body quivers. a sheen of sweat gathers over you. Your thoughts are scattered. There's only the feeling of him, of you, and him, and you stiffen.
"Come for me, baby," he whispers breathlessly, and you unravel at his words, exploding around him as you climax and shard into pieces with every being you had underneath him. And as he comes inside you, calling your name, thrusting hard, the stalling as he empties himself into you.
Johnny's breathing was ragged as you try to slow your breathing, your heart thumping hard and your thoughts in a disarray, you opened your eyes. His eyes flickered open and gaze down at you, dark but soft. He's still inside you, leaning down, he gently presses a kiss against your forehead then slowly pulls out of you.
Johnny cleaned you up and spoon you to sleep, he hoped that in the morning you won't regret what happened. Because he loved every moment of it.
Part 2? I didn't put the taglist because this is already reposted. so, yeah, hope u guys enjoyed! let me know what you think, I feel like i sucked making this.
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y/n slaps yandere!Ateez during an argument
Warnings: this kind of behaviour is sick and you shouldn't take inspiration from it. I do not support it, none of us support it or should support it. It is wrong in every way.
Mentions of blood, rage, extreme violence, gore, brutality
Requested by @btsxgx
He has one rule you must remember all the time, you are not allowed to touch him without his permission, he hates being touched
You want to hold his hand? Ask him. You want to wake him up from a nap? Call his name. But you do not touch him without his permission or else he will punish you and he's a masochistic psycho so you better keep your hands to yourself
Today was a bad day for him and he was taking it out on you. He was humiliating you for no good reason even though you were on your best behaviour for him. His words were getting unbearable and then you snapped and argued back
He was stunned because you never raise your voice at him so he got physical and started pushing you harshly
In an attempt to stop him your palm landed across his jaw and suddenly everything was quite, all you could hear was your heart thumping because you had just touched him
He grabbed you by your neck and shoved you to the ground on your back and stepped on you with one foot on your ribcage
He was putting too much pressure
Hongjoong made you look at him and "you want to hurt me? That's why you hit me? Your weak hands won't do it, let me do it for you" and he started hitting his face
You tried stopping him and apologized but he wasn't having it
You had touched him and now this was your punishment, he'd hurt himself and blame it on you
He's a possessive yandere so don't even think about meeting your friends
But you still kinda wanted to meet your friends so you did that, without him knowing because he was busy at work
y/n's luck really ran out today huh? Because you just came back home after having the time of your life catching up with friends and umm... is that Seonghwa in the kitchen? yes honey and I'm so sorry
"you're home early" you started the conversation and back hugged him
"yeah my students finished with their vocal lessons early so I decided to come home to spend some time with you but I guess you were out whoring around with those pathetic sluts you call friends" he said in a sweet voice but you were taken aback by his words
You let him go and tried distancing yourself from him but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to his chest and kissed you
You resisted and accidentally hit his face and you could feel him staring to breathe heavily
He stopped kissing you and pushed you towards the counter and grabbed your hand and smashed it on it several times
You were screaming your head off so he chocked you with his other hand
By the time he was done, your hand was purple, yellow and blue and two of your fingers were bent the other way, the joints completely broken. You felt dizzy and threw up
"oh no sweetheart are you okay? you should go sit on the couch I'll make some soup for you maybe you'll feel better" he cooed as if he didn't just violently break your hand
You screamed and begged for him to take you to a hospital and he took your hand in his and squeezed it while staring at you lovingly and said "of course sweetheart, afterall your stupid friends hurt your beautiful hand and I'll tell the doctor about that, maybe he'll tell you not to see them again. And then I'll report them to the police, look at how brutal those bitches are, did they really have to break your hand?" he said and took you to the hospital (yikes)
Remember that episode of powerpuff girls in which the girls time travel to the future and the whole town is ruined because they weren't there to save them and everyone's old and keeps saying "it's your fault". That's Yunho. Everything is your fault and he'll cry over it and if you deny or leave, he'll end up in the ER.
Please explain to him why you were excitedly thanking the cashier for the store restocking your favorite moisturiser because girl you were obviously cheating on him like that *rolls eyes*
You guys got in the car and drive off and suddenly Yunho inquires about the incident with tears in his eyes "you're going to leave me for him aren't you"
He starts whining and crying and you're scared because he's almost overspending so you slap him to bring him to his senses and ge stops the car
"y-you hit me? It's because you hate me now isn't it? You love that man and now you're going to hit me to make me feel worthless" he says but you answer with a wth because you're fed up of his jealousy and he presses the gas pedal and starts driving recklessly
You start apologizing and reassuring him that you aren't going to leave him and that you love him too much to do so, even though the relationship was exhausting but you had to say this to save your life right now
Yunho stopped the car again and hugged you and smirked to himself
"haha works every time" he thought to himself
His silence speaks volumes
He's the unpredictable kind
So when you slapped him for constantly scolding you for saying no to his stupid plan of going to Jongho's house to watch movies he left you alone and went on his own
But he didn't come back home for the next couple of days
You were ecstatic because "yes finally now I can have some time to myself" but days turned into weeks and now he hadn't contacted you or come home for a month and as much as you hate to admit it, you were worried so you called Jongho and asked him about your boyfriend but Jongho said he hasn't spoken to Yeosang for over a month and revealed that he didn't come to his home to watch movies the day you had the argument with him
You called all his friends but they all said they didn't know where he was
You were scared and guilty and cried
You went to the police station to file a missing report and a search for Kang Yeosang began
The police searched everywhere for him for a few weeks but there was no sign of him
Until one day, a month after the search began and you were starting to lose hope, he came back home
You asked him where he was and he told you he was home
You told him to stop playing with you and demanded to know where he went and why he left you alone
"I just told you I was home, I saw how worried you got and how you cried for me. I saw you sleeping on the couch and in our bed, waiting for any lead for me"
You were terrified of what he said because all of that was true but you knew for a fact that he wasn't home so how did he know all this
"what's going on Yeosang?" you ask him in fear
He just smiled and sat on the couch and turned the TV on
You came to sit next to him and there was silence for some time until he said "y/n? Next time try to hit me, there will be a search party for you"
The brutal sadist
You knew better than to get on his nerves because he switches from his usual sweet doting personality to a violent mad man
But you were on your period and everything was making you angry
San was feeling horny and wanted you but you didn't want him to come near you
You were beyond angry when he didn't stop and kept kissing you and trying to undress you, so you slapped him
San caressed his cheek and laughed a little and you knew you've done fucked up
You instantly start apologizing but San kept laughing with his hand still on his cheek
"kinky. do that again" he said
But you didn't want to do that again so you kept telling him how sorry you were and that you wanted him
He looked at you and smiled and said "I said, do. that. again." you were crying at this point
The next thing you knew, San was dragging you out the room by your arm and took you to the basement where he kept his tools. You were still apologizing in hopes of him going easy on you
He fixed your arm in one of the machines (the one which Ester uses to break her arm in the movie Orphan) and kept going until you heard the sound of your broken bones
San started slapping you and you were begging for mercy at this point
He was completely out of it and looked like he would kill you right then and there
You woke up in a hospital bed and heard the doctor telling San that "your girlfriend needs to see a psychiatrist because if she has hurt herself like that now, who knows what she would do to herself in the future"
The doctor came to check you and San held your hand "honey I was so scared! why did you hurt yourself like that. You didn't even think what I would go through, you know I can't see you in pain"
You felt tears escaping
Mingi had just insulted your sister for visiting you and kicked her out of the house
You were furious and argued with him about it and he just said "I hate her, so she shouldn't come here where I can see her"
You said "well I hate your bitchass friends and family too, they shouldn't come here either where I can see them"
He started using slurs against your family and you slapped him out of anger
He quickly pushed you towards the wall and punched you
Your lips were bleeding but he wasn't done
He said he'd do the same to your sister she ever comes here again
You protested and called him out but he punched you again, this time drawing blood from your nose
You really didn't think Mingi would ever hit you like this but he just did and you wanted to run out of the house, away from him
But he grabbed your leg as soon as you tried to get out of the room and got on top of you
"you're really getting on my nerves today bitch"
He punched you one more time and you fainted
Wooyoung is the brat tamer kind and that's what you were being right now, a brat
You wanted to leave the house and go shopping but he wasn't in the mood to go out and you weren't allowed to go without him
So you started whining
He was getting annoyed and warned you
But you had a death wish of some sort and kept whining
He had had enough and started being rough with you to stop you
You protested and accidentally slapped him
You really outdid yourself and now you were in for it
He dragged you to his room, tied your limbs and ripped your clothes off
"now I'm going to punish you for what you've done baby girl and you're going to count for me"
You tried to keep yourself composed
The whip stung your back and you screamed
"that isn't a number I hear, let's start again"
Jongho didn't like to use his strength against you under any circumstances
He loved you too much and felt that he needed to protect you
You were happy with him but sometimes he was too much
He just told you that you are forbidden from seeing your male friend again because Jongho got the vibe that he was interested in you
You told him he was thinking too much and that your friend didn't really like you like that
But he said "no means no, you're not going to meet him again"
You were angry at him because you had to meet that friend in less than an hour "how am I going to explain this to him"?
"tell him you don't want to see him, if he's smart he'll get the message" Jongho replied
"Jongho you're being unreasonable and stupid" you said and he came to stand in front of you with his arms folded on his chest
You hated that he was challenging you right now so you slapped him
He didn't even budge because your slap was nothing compared to what he could do and he didn't want to slap you
But as payback, he forcefully took your phone and called your friend
"you make my girlfriend uncomfortable, don't ever try contacting her or meeting her again if you know what's good for you" he said on the phone
You were embarrassed and annoyed
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Forgive me Father for I have sinned
Summary: Sienna Glass was a Black Widow who had been kidnapped from an orphanage when she was seventeen. Leaving behind her boyfriend and best friend Matt Murdock. Eight years later Sienna has been freed from the widows by Yelena Belova and has returned to Hell’s Kitchen to reunite with Matt and to potentially help him in his quest for a safer city.
Part three
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Not one word was said between the two on the way to Matt's apartment. Both knew that no reacquainting could happen until they had cleared the air and completely understood what had happened all those years ago, and so they continued in silence until they found themselves say opposite each other in the living room of Matt Murdock apartment. Yet again, silence filled the space between them.
"You told Father Paul that you went travelling."  Stated Matt.
"Yes" She replied.
"You lied."
Sienna had promised herself a long time ago that she would never lie to Matt Murdock. When she had told him this fact all those years ago he had thought it was sweet but also futile. He would know if she ever did lie. But still he was surprised when she didn't put up a fight this time, something changed in the air around them, a feeling of openness and fear. The same air you breathe in right before you confess in a church.
"Why did you leave" Matt said slowly.  Trepidation dripping in his voice.
"I didn't leave" Sienna replied quietly. To which Matt scoffed harshly. Siennas eyes remained fixed on the floor.
"I didn't leave." She said more confidently this time. "I was taken"
Suddenly the world stopped spinning. As if the entire universe was leaning in to here what Sienna Glass was about to say next. She very slowly looked up at the man standing above her, a look of fear on his face, afraid of what he would hear next.
" There was a man. His name was Dreykov and he had this organisation. He'd kidnap young girls who didn't have any family and wouldn't be looked for. And he'd train them. Teach them. Experiment on them. Turn them into machines. Assassins."
Matt Murdock slumped down into a chair opposite Sienna.
" We we're called Black Widows, and we were murderers for hire. Sent all around the world on the orders of rich maniacs to kill anyone and everyone they needed. But then one of us got out. Natasha Romanov. She got out and put her skills to use, saved the world a couple times. And then her sister got out as well, and they saved us, they saved me. Dreykov was killed and we were free. Free to do what I'm not quite sure; our lives had been taken from us. And so I was in this world that I barely knew, trying to figure everything out for myself, I travelled with sienna other widows for a bit. Then I went on my own. Through country after country. Just getting myself reacquainted with the world. And then I was in America. And then I was standing in front of our church. And then you were there."
Their good friend silence covered the room in a blanket once more. The words she has just uttered settling into the world for the first time. Matt repeated what she had said in his mind. Evaluating carefully what to say next. Sienna watched him intensely. Finally, three words were spoken. Cutting the silence like a bullet.
"You've killed people"
Not a question. But a statement. A sentence for Sienna to confirm so that he could feel the sour reality of her life.
Time passed by quietly. Suddenly Matt stood up, and went to stand by the window, as if trying to escape the depth of what had just been revealed to him.  Sienna stood up too, watching him worriedly. Waiting for a reaction.
"Sienna Glass come inside right now! You have classes this afternoon and after yesterdays shenanigans you are officially grounded for a week!" Shouted Mrs Smith, the lead teacher at the orphanage both Matt Murdock and Sienna Glass lived at.
The two teenagers laughed as Sienna pulled herself away from the boy sitting on the wall.
"I have to go Mathew. She'll kill me if I skip these classes as well!" She laughed as she tried to get out of his playful grip. He jumped off the wall and followed her until they were walking down a long corridor leading to the classrooms. Suddenly Sienna found herself quickly pulled round a corner and up against the cold wall with Mathew Murdock whispering in her ear with a mischievous smile on his face.
"Fine! Fine, Fine, Fine. But meet me tonight, come on, please it'll be fun. Meet me on the roof at nine o'clock on the dot. I'll make it nice I promise"
"Alright I'll see you there!" Cried Sienna tugging herself away from Matt.
"Promise?"  Came the small voice from behind her. She sighed and placed a tender kiss on his smiling lips.
Matt Murdock slowly turned his next words in his mind until he said them out loud.
"You didn't leave"
A wave of emotion flooded Sienna's senses as she gasped out her next words.
"No. No! No I didn't leave. Matt I didn't leave you. I'm so sorry. I didn't leave you. They took me. They took me Matt. It was nine o'clock and I was running late for you and so I was sprinting up to the roof but there was someone there. There was someone in the stairwell and he took me. And I could see the door to the roof and I screamed for you but he stopped me and you didn't hear me and I never got to even tell you goodbye." Tears began to trail down Sienna's bright cheeks. As Matt listened.
"I never got to say goodbye."
Sienna Glass moved towards Matt Murdock to touch him for the first time in eight years. To hug him and feel that he was finally real.
Sienna Glass reached out to touch Matt Murdock.
Matt Murdock flinched away.
Masterlist is here xx
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Travel to Fate - Felix Volturi
As I reached 100 notes on my Paul Lahote x reader, I decided to post another fic! So here it is, with one of my favorite vampire. In this OS, the reader is Bella's sibling, tagging along with her and Alice as they go to Italy to save Edward. But maybe [Y/N] will find more than an annoying vampire ?
Travel to Fate - Felix Volturi x gender neutral! swan! reader
Being in Volterra, Italy was definitly not on my plans, but here I am, thanks to my sister.
When Edward Cullen left her and his family disapeared, I thought that they would never show up again. But the emo gods must have another plan for us because I am sitting in the back of a car Alice stole, on our way to save Edward from his stupid suicide attempt, while my earphones are blasting Jimmy Eat World's Bleeding American, trying to not think of the fact that we are running toward the vampire royal family , to whom the fact that I was human could get me killed.
Soon Bella has to go racing to her stupid ex-boyfriend that she is still in love with, while Alice and I take care of the car. At first, Alice did not wanted me to go with her, but damned for damned I would not let myself get left behind alone in a place where I cannot speak the language. So here we are, looking at Bella's reunion with Edward. But the thing is... They are not alone. Two tall men are here too. Holy smoke, one of them is 2m tall! Feeling intimidated with my 1.55 m, I look down at my scribbled converse. It doesn't supress the pull I feel toward him, so when he asks me who I am I dare to meet his eyes, and surprisingly see his look soften.
"I'm [Y/N], Bella's sibling." Now I knew why I needed to go with Bella: it was him, his soul was calling for me. I knew I would spend eternity loving him, I was his.
A young and pretty girl walked toward us, distracting me from my thoughts. That's how I learnt that his name was Felix... Uneased to the whole situation, I walked close to him, as his presence reassured me, to follow the blond girl.
Everything in the throne room went throught a blur, all I could really think about was him. When I picked my thoughts together, I ended up following Demetri to the place where we should wait for the sun to settle down. With a pat on the head and a smile, Demetri left me with my sister and the Cullens.
After one look at Bella and Edward, I sat on the floor, and taking my mp3 player out of my pocket, I put on my earphones and looked for Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge . I closed my eyes, and got lost in the music.
I was humming along The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill Us , when I felt someone starring at me. Opening my eyes, I noticed Felix, looking at me softly. It should be illegal to be this beautiful.
I adressed him a timid smile before taking off my earphones, and accepting the help he offered me to get up. I could feel my sister tensing up bahind me but Alice reassured her. "They're his mate, no one will harm them."
Understanding that she had no saying in it, my sister did not say anything, but her eyes did not left me until I left the room, following Felix.
Surprisingly, he took me to an amazing garden, filled with my favorite flowers, their sweet smell in the air. He lead me to a bench, and we sat down. We were covered by shadows, which prevented his skin to glimmer like jewel stones. I felt so small close to him, yet I've never felt safer in my whole life. If that's what Bella could feel with Edward, I started to understand her better.
He then proceed to explain me the mate bond, how our souls were bound together, and the futur waiting for me. I would come back to Forks to graduate along my sister, and instead of going to college I would go to Volterra and move in with him. Honestly, it was way better than being killed for knowing the existence of vampires, and I liked the idea of a vampire lover. In that supernatural mess i got thrown in because of my sister, I had won a soulmate and eternity to read as much as I want. And for that, blood is a reasonable price to pay.
We spent the rest of the day together, and as he left me with a kiss, I caught myself hoping that graduation would come soon, so I could get my happy ever after and the love I've longed for. Felix and I will have eternity together...
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