#my turn ons include one item only: castiel’s hands
cringemesstickles · 1 year
Research Rest
(TickleTober Day 2: Accidental)
Summary: Sam is stubborn and won’t rest
Pairing: None
Word Count: 990
A/N I had lots of fun writing this one. I hope you enjoy!! :D
I swear not all the days are gonna be lee!sam
Sam, Dean, and Castiel, stood by the Bunkers entrance, Dean nearly packed and ready to leave the two alone for a couple of days.
“You guys sure you’re alright with me taking this case? I don’t wanna leave you guys in the dust.” Dean said, packing a couple of small items into his duffel bag as if stalling for time.
“Dean, I assure you, Sam and I will be quite alright.”
“Yeah, it’s not like you’re abandoning us. It’s only a couple of days.” Sam chimed in from where he was leaning against a table, rolling his eyes at his brother’s incessant worrying.
Dean paused his packing to look at Sam.
“You sure you’ll be okay, Sammy? What if you need me for something, or-”
Sam laughed
“Dean, I’m a grown man. I’m not gonna fall over and die without your supervision.” He deadpanned. Sam thought it was a little ridiculous how paranoid Dean could get about his little brother’s wellbeing in his absence, though at the same time, he had to admit that it felt nice to be looked out for.
“You sure about that? Because I remember when a certain someone overworked and got so sleep deprived that he slammed face into an open lore book.” Dean jabbed, a smug grin on his face.
Sam’s face reddened at the embarrassing memory. “Oh, shut up. That was one time!”
“Three actually. Not including that time when-”
“Okay, I get it! Just get outta here, jerk!”
He waved Dean off in a playful manner, turning to walk towards the library.
“Bitch.” Dean shot back, zipping up his duffel.
With Sam out of earshot, the elder Winchester turned toward Castiel, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Cas, I need you to keep an eye on Sammy for me. You know how he can get…”
The angel gave a reassuring smile.
“You have my word, Dean. There is no need to worry.”
Dean gave him a pat on the back before turning to leave.
And just like that, Dean was off.
Over the next few hours, Sam’s well-being was questionable. He’d been poring over mountains of research with no breaks whatsoever. He didn’t stop to rest, eat, or even drink.
To say Cas was worried would be an understatement.
By nightfall, the angel finally decided that enough was enough.
“Sam, don’t you think it’s time you rest? You’ve been engulfed in research all day.”
Sam, not even looking up from his notes, gave an impatient sigh.
“Cas, this is important. What if I find something Dean could use?”
Castiel sighed.
The Winchesters truly were the best at worrying about each other.
“Sam, he said it’s just a vengeful spirit. Dean could probably finish one of these hunts with his eyes closed. You need to rest.”
Sam knew the angel wouldn’t leave him alone; so he turned back to his research and simply ignored him.
Castiel was getting frustrated. He felt like he was dealing with a stubborn toddler.
Stepping forward, he put a firm hand on Sam’s shoulder, squeezing to get his attention and emphasize a point.
“Sam, listen to me-”
His sentence was interrupted by a jump and a yelp.
Perplexed, he repeated the gesture. This time, Sam giggled.
Castiel knew the younger Winchester was ticklish; terribly so. He’d seen Dean tickle his little brother countless times, and had even done it himself a few times. But he wasn’t familiar with all of his tickle spots, like Dean was; and this was certainly a new discovery, as well as a helpful piece of information that could maybe- just maybe - get Sam to take a rest.
“Sam, I will ask you once more to eat something and go to bed. If you do not comply, I will have to take drastic measures.” He warned, a smug smirk on his usually stoic face.
Sam’s heart dropped and his cheeks reddened, but he tried to stand his ground.
“Cas, I told you. I-I need to finish- EEK”
He was cut off by his own squeak as Cas spidered his fingers along his collarbone and up to his neck.
“cahahas!! Stop ihihihit!”
This reaction merely encouraged the angel to continue.
“I cannot do that, Sam. However, if you agree to rest, I just might consider relenting.”
Cas teased, adding his other hand to the mix and attacking the other side of Sam’s neck.
Sam was squealing and squirming in his seat, shaking his head to try and dislodge the offending fingers, but no matter where he went, the angels hands seemed to follow.
“I neheheed to finish my EEP- CAHAHAHAS!!”
Castiel’s tactile fingers wandered up to flutter against Sam’s ears, which proved to be quite effective, to say the least.
Sam was overcome by joyous laughter, head thrown back against the chair, showcasing his rosy cheeks and dimpled smile to the angel, who was completely endeared.
“Well, what will it be, Winchester? Will you finally take a rest, or do I need to give this delicate spot some more attention?” He teased, completely breaking his typical stoic demeanor.
Sam shook his head more.
As fun as it was, he wasn’t sure how much more he could take, given he was already fried from all the research.
Cas huffed and shook his head, not relenting.
“Not a break. You will take a full rest.”
Sam only grew more frantic, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.
At last, the angel relented, leaving a panting blushing Sam in his wake.
“Very well. Now come eat something before you go to sleep. You haven’t eaten all day.”
Sam weakly nodded, still smiling brightly.
“Thanks, Cahahas…”
Castiel smiled.
“You’re very welcome, Sam.”
Though he was stubborn, Sam felt comforted knowing that he had people looking out for his wellness, even when he couldn’t do so himself.
As for Castiel, he felt accomplished knowing that he fulfilled his promise.
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spookyseraphs · 4 years
Again idk what’s up with the name title cards but I’m here for it
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spnsisterimagines · 3 years
Mario Kart
Summary - Y/N decides to engage her brothers and Castiel into Mario Kart, not realizing what she was getting herself into.
Pairings - Dean Winchester x Sister!Reader, Sam Winchester x Sister!Reader, Jack Kline x Platonic!Winchester!Reader, Castiel x Winchester!Reader
Word Count - 1,911 words
"Let's get it!" Y/N squeals, claiming her spot on the middle of the couch. She was practically bouncing up and down, waiting impatiently for everyone to join her. The Dean Cave had brightened considerably since she had added a few redecorations. While Dean initially denied her, she had forced him to allow her to put up LED lights, several polaroids from her camera(they were mostly of herself smiling widely at the camera while Sam and Dean looked mildly annoyed with fake smiles. There was also a real funny one where Sam was unconscious on a hunt and Y/N decided to pose beside him), as well as posters from their favorite bands. Not to mention the added dock to the TV stand to hold her Nintendo Switch that Sam had bought her for her previous birthday. 
She supposed he regretted it now, since she was forcing him to play a game he'd never even heard of.
He entered the room first, holding a big bowl of popcorn and a soda. Dean followed close behind, Little Debbie packages hanging from his mouth since his arms were occupied with pillows from their bedrooms and a pack of beers for himself. Jack was the only one to come empty handed. He happily took the spot beside Y/N, waving merrily as Castiel also appeared with two sodas(both of them for Beth because he was just so considerate), taking the spot on her other side.
"I'll give this an hour before we switch to movie night, Y/N," Dean warned as he occupied his armchair, which was to the left of the couch. She had discovered this old thing at a garage sale. It had been a rather stressful day because Dean had refused to strap it to Baby and they had to hound what little friends they had for a truck. Since most of their friends were dead, Y/N had hot wired one outside of a bar and returned it before the drunk redneck inside could notice it had even left. She was sure the dent in the bed was there before they put the couch on it. Sam had not been happy about that.
Sam took his own armchair, which was to the right of the couch. 
"What is it, again?" he asked curiously. 
"Is the only thing in the media you've ever heard Facebook? You've seriously never heard of Mario Kart?" Y/N asked, happily accepting one of the sodas from Castiel. "Dad really did a number on us. I was introduced to this through Charlie." She got up to grab the number of controllers necessary for four. Jack was eager to try the game, but he was always open to trying new things, something Y/N could appreciate.
After connecting them to the Switch, she handed them out to her brothers along with Jack before returning to her spot on the couch between the angel and nephilim. 
"If I remember correctly from what you've told me, it's a racing game, right?" Castiel asked.
"Exactly, except with a few quirks to make it interesting. Like, um...I could throw a shell and hit one of them and vice versa. Or a banana peel. I'll give them a trial run before we actually get into it. Are you sure you don't want to try it, Cas?"
Castiel shook his head. "I have seen how you play with Charlie, and I don't want to be on the receiving end of your anger. And I rather like watching you in your element."
Y/N smiled, blushing, before playfully pushing him. 
"I need to get drunk to stomach this," Dean said, offended as he popped one of the beers open and took a gulp. "Keep the PDA to a minimum guys, you've got a kid next to you. Alright, what buttons do I push to hit Sam?"
"What the hell?" Sam scoffed. 
"We haven't even started and you're gunnin' for me?"
"Uh, yeah!" 
"Alright, alright! First we gotta pick our player," Y/N mediated, pressing the buttons to get them to the screen full of Mario players. "I already got mine." She moved her icon until it landed on Wendy, before selecting her. "Obviously the best character, hands down."
The three boys maneuvered their icons over different characters, for some reason taking it a little too seriously on who they would choose. Sam selected his first. 
"Luigi?" Dean scoffed.
"You got a problem?" Sam asked. 
"No, but...why Luigi?"
"Who cares, I just chose him."
"You have to have a reason, man." Dean shook his head, before selecting his own. 
"Why'd you choose Bowser, then?"
"Because he's a badass. And he'd beat the holy hell out of Luigi if the games lost their PG rating," Dean shrugged.
Jack hummed thoughtfully, still scrolling. "I choose him!" 
He selected Toad. 
"Why him, Jack?" she asked. 
"I like his hat."
Y/N snorted, but it was a valid enough answer. Once everyone was ready, she selected the settings for the game and then decided to use the time to explain to them how the controls worked and anything else they were curious about. After a few trial races, they were ready for the real thing. Castiel was sitting patiently, his hands on his lap. 
"You assholes are going down," Dean declared, bringing his remote closer to him. 
"So much for being appropriate in front of the kid," Y/N sneered, but she was just as ready.
She set the game to go through ten races with a random select for the roads. 
And with that, they were off.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Dean yelled, nearly jumping to his feet. His first empty beer bottle slide across the floor from his rapid movement. "I DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH IT! I DIDN'T GO NEAR THE GODDAMN PEEL!"
"That might've been mine," Sam stated, smugly. "But Bowser also takes up half the road, so avoiding it was probably impossible anyway."
Dean squinted. "You callin' me fat, Sammy?"
Sam shrugged. "Luigi's doing just fine."
Y/N hid her smile as she hit her own item, snatching that smile right from Sam's face.
"Why did you do that?" he asked, incredulous, the red shell sending Luigi off the edge of the map. 
"You got in my way!" Y/N sang. 
It only seemed to get worse from there. What was supposed to be an hour of playing turned into four with the bowl of popcorn thrown across the room at Dean when he had decided to hit Sam three times with three separate shells before snagging first place and doing a lewd dance as a way to declare his victory. Y/N's hair had bristled up, becoming bushier almost as though it were alive. Her right eye was twitching, and her hands were cramping by now. 
Jack, however, was having a good time. He has gotten last place the entire time, but he was still having fun, and that's what truly mattered.
Castiel, on the other hand, seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack, not knowing whose side he should take because all three Winchester siblings were completely out of their minds, including Y/N.
Finally, it was the last race. Everyone's nerves were shot. Sam's hair seemed even more raggedy than Y/N's, and his shirt was stained with soda because Dean decided to take vengeance by chucking his pillow at him when Sam was taking a big gulp. They had to pause the game for several minutes while Sam fought for his life coughing and wheezing because the soda went down the wrong pipe.
"I'm afraid I must at least attempt to deter you guys from participating in another race. There aren't any weapons in the Dean Cave, but I'm sure you three will find a way to kill each other," Castiel said, worried. "Jack, are you okay?"
Jack nodded enthusiastically. "I'm having fun!"
"I will let it be known if I lose, someone is dying tonight. I will call Billie to fix it, but someone has to die tonight if I lose," Y/N threatened. 
"Good luck with that, I'm kicking all of your asses, and you can kiss mine when it crosses the finish line," Dean said.
"I don't even care if I win, as long as you guys lose. And I'll make sure it happens." Sam jeered. 
With that, the race began. Aside from Jack and Castiel, everyone was bloodthirsty. Surely no matter who won, someone was gonna be pissed off. Castiel was making a mental note to grab Jack as soon as possible and escort him out of the room while the siblings brawled. 
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Y/N shouted, jumping to her feet. "WHO DID IT! WHO DID IT?"
"I did!" Sam happily announced, moving to and fro with the turn of his controller, as though he were in the game himself. 
"I'm gonna get you, Sam," Y/N snarled, pressing hard on the buttons, trying her best to catch up to her brother, collecting any items she came across, but none of them were good enough, so she kept using them without thinking until she heard Dean curse and also jump to his feet. 
"THAT WAS ME, JACKASS!" he yelled, completely distraught. "I didn't even do anything this time!"
"You probably deserved it anyway!" Sam shrugged, continuing to maneuver through the AIs to get to the front. 
By that time, Dean and Y/N had caught up, and with all they had, they used their items to completely screw each other over up until every kart had passed them. In the end, they were the bottom three with Sam first, Y/N second, and Dean in dead last. And for a moment there after, nobody said anything. They were completely beside themselves in utter shock at what just occurred. 
"What just happened?" Y/N asked, deflating considerably. 
"We lost..." Sam mumbled. 
"Screw you guys, I lost overall!" Dean scoffed.
"I won!" Jack suddenly cheered, leaping to his feet and jumping up and down. "I won!"
"You what?" Y/N asked, shocked as her eyes trailed to the top. Sure enough, Toad was in first place. "You're kidding!"
"I can't believe I won!" Jack said, smiling as he high-fived a proud Castiel.
"I want a rematch," Dean commanded, sitting back down and retrieving his controller. 
"Yeah, me, too!" Sam agreed. 
"I'm down!" Y/N eagerly agreed, about to grab hers when Castiel snatched it. He went around the room, taking up all the controllers.
"Given that it's five in the morning, and just a couple moments ago you three were ready to quite literally rip each other's throats out, I'm going to recommend everyone get up and get to bed instead," he instructed curtly. "I think we should postpone a future night of games indefinitely, at least for a little while until you three can learn to control yourselves."
"What-but-you can't-" Y/N sputtered.
"Quite literally, I can shut off whatever is necessary so you can never play the game again with just a snap of my fingers," Castiel warned. "Shower and get some sleep. Jody already told us she needed to discuss something at noon tomorrow, and it would be rude if we were tardy. C'mon, let's go!"
With a grumble, everyone got up and cleaned their mess, ignoring each other vehemently as they walked out. Except for Jack; he was practically skipping. 
There was another good thing about tonight that he knew about. He was the one that triggered the lightning item that really stumped the three siblings and put them at the bottom three.
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Congratulations 🥳 Can you please write 14 from the fluffy prompts with Loki ❤️
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A/N: Thank you lovely. We love a fluffy domestic Loki!
Not my gif! Credits to the owner.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: none. Tons of fluff.
Word count: 900ish
Requests & Challenges
Loki/Tom. H Taglist: @delightfulheartdream @what-a-flammable-heart @castiels-majestic-wings @lokis-leah
Everything Taglist: @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @suchababie @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry
Tags are open! Send me an ask or DM if you wish to be included in any of these lists :))
He had done it again. The ever so charming God of Mischief had left a bouquet of daisies with his signature green ribbon by your apartment door yet again.
It had been a week of him dropping bouquets of a variety of flowers each day by your doorstep without actually facing you in person to apologise for his mistake.
“What the hell is this?”
Loki shut the book he’d been reading out in the living room and got up, avoiding your eyes as he began pacing around the room perhaps trying to come up with a good enough lie. Finding none, he went for honesty.
“It was an accident, love. It wasn’t my intention to shatter your beloved jar of cookies.”
He raised his hands to pacify you but decided against it seeing your nostrils flared and hands balled up into fists by your side.
“But you still did it, didn’t you? It was a gift from my mother. You knew how much that meant to me Loki.”
“In my defence, the rat was to blame for it.”
“He’s a raccoon, Loki. And his name is Rocket. You were running from a fucking raccoon?”
Loki winced at your words, eyes flashing guilt.
“I wasn’t in this form.” He mumbled quietly.
You inhaled a deep breath as Rocket’s words replayed in your mind. He’d seen a snake in your window and simply went to get rid of it, that resulted in a broken window and your favourite jar of cookies smashed to pieces.
“Why were you even—you know what? I don’t need to know.” You stopped yourself, taking a moment to calm down before turning on your heel and storming out of the bedroom, leaving Loki alone to think about what he’d done.
The relationship you and Loki shared was a complicated one to say the least. It wasn’t a romantic one, not yet, even though you spent ninety percent of your spare time with the Asgardian prince.
He had found you to be the most interesting and ‘tolerable’ one amongst the team. Months of bonding over your shared love for books over endless cups of tea, everyone in the team was confident you two were an item, but as much as you’d like it to be, it wasn’t the case.
And now you were mad at him.
Saturday rolled by and you were returning to your apartment after a gruelling workout session when you stopped right outside your door.
No flowers.
It was almost a habit at this point to find a beautiful bouquet sitting by your door but today there was nothing.
Maybe there was something else waiting inside? Maybe he had given up?
The latter stung to even think about, even though it was something Loki was most likely to do.
After spending the day moping around, you made some tea for yourself and brought it out to the balcony to have whilst enjoying the beautiful sunset. Normally, Loki would join you and entertain you with tales from Asgard - which mostly consisted of tricking his ‘witless oaf’ of a brother and him getting away with it.
Sighing, you took a sip from your cup when the balcony door slid open.
“No tea for me today?”
You didn’t need to turn to see who it was, the velvety smooth voice only belonged to one particular man.
“No flowers for me today?”
“I guessed my attempts to apologise went unappreciated.”
Loki stepped up next to you and placed one hand next to yours on the railing, his eyes staring straight ahead.
“And you didn’t see the ten thousand vases I have lying around here that contain those apologies you sent?”
Turning on your spot, smirking as you leaned against the railing while Loki glanced around your living area to find the flower vases you mentioned.
“Oh? Have I managed to stump the great Loki of Asgard?” You teased, laughing as he scoffed, glad you weren’t livid anymore.
A few moments of silence passed as neither of you spoke, the sun rapidly descending down the horizon changing the colours in the sky from vibrant orange reds to velvety purple hues.
“I am truly sorry for breaking the jar darling.” Loki admitted softly, revealing a bouquet of red roses he’d kept hidden in the other arm and holding them out for you.
“Roses. I was wondering when these would show up.” You smiled, accepting the bouquet before inhaling the sweet scent the flowers gave out.
Instead of answering, you leaned in and pressed a kiss against Loki’s cheek, whispering a ‘apology accepted’ before kissing him on his smooth cheek again. He tried his best to hide the grin that was forming on his features but failed.
“If you keep kissing my face like that, I’ll have to retaliate.”
“If that’s the case, I won’t stop you.”
Your eyes twinkled as you bit your bottom lip, face inches from the God as his expression mirrored yours, butterflies fluttering in your belly.
“Is that right?”
He took slow deliberate steps towards you, making you walk backwards into the apartment. The tea you had made for him sat in the pot, now completely cold while things heated up back in your bedroom.
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
The Raven Haired Rebel
Chapter 4
Pairing: Loki x reader Series Summary: After invading New York, it was decided that, as a punishment, Loki would work for SHIELD. Yeah, right. After escaping from their custody and stranded on Midgard, the God of Mischief decides to prove he’s the one thing no one ever thought he was: the good guy. Now a vigilante, Loki attempts to make amends for his past wrongdoings while also evading the Avengers, including their newest member. You. Brought in specially for the case, you notice more and more details about the prince’s story don’t add up. When you get the chance to turn him in, will you listen to your employers or your heart that believes Loki’s done nothing wrong? Chapter Summary: In which Loki and you make a breakthrough. Chapter Warnings: none I believe A/N: Happy reading folks :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedficrecs @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @lowkeyorlokificrecs @gaitwae @whatafuckingdumbass @castiels-majestic-wings @kozkaboi @cozy-the-overlord @birdgirl90​ @myraiswack​ @mythicalgarlicknot​ @what-a-flammable-heart @marvelouslovely​ @laurenandloki​ @fallinallinmendes​ @sophlubbwriting​ @mooncat163​ @lokislittlesigyn​
RHR Tag List: @happygalaxymilkshake​ @electroma89​ @stardust-walker​ @i-would-kneel-for-loki​ @fredweasleyandlokiaremylife​ @aestheticallyholland​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Loki had insisted on moving again before your team got to work. The team, of course, was really just you and him, but he liked the sound of it. Of having a whole little group to belong to. But, in reality, he didn’t. He had you, at least, and that was enough for now. Quite possibly for forever, if he were to be honest. After all, everyone always says it's better to have one true friend than a million who don’t care for you at all. Growing up, he’d had plenty of sycophants attach themselves to his hip, only to ignore him once they got close with Thor. That was before everyone decided Loki wasn’t even worth their time. The lonely, brooding sorcerer prince of Asgard deemed too unimportant to even use as a gateway to greater things.
You, however, were different; Loki could tell. Truly, you had nothing to gain and everything to lose by aligning yourself with him. Yet there you were, listening with rapt attention and big eyes, clinging to his every word. That was why his latest choice of motel was nicer than the previous one. He felt like you deserved it. The fact that there was only one bed was not his doing, he swore on his life. Alas, that was all that was available. He’d offered to take the floor so you could have it to yourself, but you insisted on sharing. And with all your stubbornness, who was he to resist?
Now, that’s not to say there weren’t problems with the set-up because there most certainly were. Like the fact that on the first night, despite falling asleep with his back toward you, he woke up facing you, an arm lazily wrapped around your waist. He could tell your sleep was feigned, an act he assumed was out of consideration for him so he wouldn’t be embarrassed. He’d whipped his arm away as quick as he could, rolling onto his back, the act making you open your eyes and blink innocently at him.
“You know,” you’d said, sleep still in the edges of your voice. “I really didn’t mind.”
“Thank you,” he’d cleared his throat. “But you do not have to say that just for my sake.”
You’d splayed a hand on his chest and leaned your body over his, making his heart stutter in his chest. “I’m not. I mean it.”
Before he could think of some reply- which with the way things were going, honestly could have been kissing you—you moved away from him. He laid there for a bit longer as you fixed yourself a breakfast of cereal. You put together a bowl for him, too, leaving it on his nightstand. Even that he did not touch for a bit, too lost in thought. He hadn’t been in touch with his emotions for quite some time. Now when he needed to most, he hoped he could be again.
Whether he understood his feelings or not, he stopped pulling away in the mornings. Because, yes, without fail, every time he woke up his arm was around you. You kept snuggling closer every night too; just that day he’d woken up to your head resting on his shoulder. He’d adjusted his haphazard grip on your body to hold you closer, tighter. It was a secure little bubble for the two of you to relish in, away from all the troubles of the world. How Loki wished he never had to leave it. Sadly, there was work to be done.
Currently, you were trying to find AIM’s secret headquarters. Loki was flipping through the files of intel he’d compiled, and you were tapping away on that computer device you had. You’d tried to explain how to use it, but it was lost on Loki. He promised to try again once you had more time. Which was odd, he thought, that you’d want to stick around him even after all this was over.
He wasn’t even exactly sure what he was going to do once his name was cleared. He didn’t particularly want to join SHIELD, though he felt that’s what you had in mind. So even if he didn’t agree to becoming the other half to a top secret crime fighting duo with you, would you still want to stay with him? What if he wanted to keep up this rebel, vigilante lifestyle? Would you keep traveling with him? He was pretty sure he’d miss you if you didn’t.
One thing he wouldn’t miss, however, was the fact you decided to put the TV on. The incessant blathering coming from the screen was beginning to annoy him. He’d tolerated it the whole week you’d spent together, but it was really getting on his last nerve now.
“Darling? Would you mind turning that off?” he asked.
“Do I have to?” you pouted. “I think better with the background noise.”
He walked over to the counter you were sitting on, going to grab the remote. You picked it up before he could and held it above your head so he couldn’t reach it. Unfortunately, even with the boost your perch on the countertop provided, he was devastatingly tall. You tried moving it back behind you a bit, too, but after a quick struggle, he seized it from your grasp with a smirk, hitting the power button.
“So some music then?” you asked with a grin.
“How about some peace and quiet?” he chuckled.
You playfully sighed. “Only for you.”
He hadn’t realized it during your little game, but he was standing between your legs so that they were wrapped around him a little. He knew it should have been oh so easy just to move away, yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Your fingers began to run through his hair as he stood there, the tenderness startling him.
“What are you doing?” he puzzled when you stopped for a minute, only to start massaging his scalp.
“You seem stressed,” you shrugged, hesitating for a moment but ultimately deciding to continue. “Is this alright?”
“Yes,” he sighed in relief as he allowed tension to leave his body. “It is perfect.”
When you finished, ending by smoothing his mussed hair back down, he rested his head on your shoulder, eyes hidden in the crook of your neck. His arms wrapped around your waist and you held him back, contentedly humming your approval. It was dangerous that he felt so attached to you, he thought. He was also surprisingly worried for you, but he could write that off in his mind as he felt like he was in your debt, something he didn’t like being in to anyone. The only way he felt certain he could repay it was by keeping you safe.
“Are you certain they will not find us, darling?” he checked. “That we should not move again?”
“We’re practically hiding in plain sight, and we haven’t really been out of this room in a week. We’ll be alright,” you assured him.
“Ok,” he acquiesced, though he was ready to protect you at any cost. His clever little darling mortal. But before he could analyze what all that really meant, something else occurred to him. “Wait a minute, that is it! Hiding in plain sight.”
You cocked your head at him as he pulled away a bit so he could look at you. “You mean... AIM is hiding in plain sight. Of course! Why didn’t we think of that sooner?”
“Well, it is just an idea. After all, we have checked their active facilities and found no suspicious activity there.”
“Good point,” you mused, going back to your computer. “But what about a site that’s not up and running yet?”
Loki looked on at the screen as you ran a few algorithms. He must admit, he was rather impressed as you quickly narrowed the options down location by location until only one was left.
“Here,” you said, turning the device so he could see it easier. “A new facility they’ve been ‘remodeling’ to make it the latest branch. But look when they bought it and started renovations; just a little over three months ago.”
“Which corresponds with the spike in their activity,” Loki caught on to your point. He took your hand and led you over to the bed where his files were laid out. “Hold on, I know I have a history of their transactions somewhere... Aha! Here, look; they have not bought very many items with which to refurbish a new building. Plus, those are not any of their usual contractors.”
“So that’s it then. That’s their base,” you said with a bubbling excitement. “So now we just have to get in.”
“No offense, darling, but are you sure you are up for it?”
“Yes,” you glared. “Besides, look at this. They’re ‘hiring.’”
Well, you were determined and clever, Loki had to give you that. The only problem being AIM was too. They were pretty good at keeping up a front, and he somehow had a feeling something would go terribly wrong. Still, some kind of backup would be nice. He didn’t want to hurt your feelings either. Norns, he really was going soft for you.
“Alright. So we go in for an interview and then sneak off to where they conduct their more unsavory business. But if we are going to clear my name, we have to let SHIELD know too,” he thought out loud.
“Easy,” you replied. “I’ll ping them our location once we get there. They’ll ship out immediately.”
“True,” he said, though he wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of letting them know where he was, let alone where you were. However, he didn’t really see many other viable options. “Then I suppose we should set to work, darling.”
You were able to get interviews for that Wednesday, just a mere three days away. Loki had noticed a disclaimer at the bottom of the form that said you may be offered a job at a different location. How very clever of them, he thought, to multitask like that, keeping up a front and expanding their company at the same time. Then again, he felt like it wasn’t the smartest idea to let anyone into a place where you were cooking a nefarious plot. That’s what happened when people got secure in what they did, though. They got lazy.
Regardless, about twelve hours later, you were off to California for your appointments, hoping the cover of night would make it harder to track you. As the sun rose on your car driving along the interstate, Loki broke the comfortable silence that had settled between you, ready to say what had been on his mind for the past several miles.
“You know that if something goes awry, we will not be able to save the other, right?” he began. “It will jeopardize the mission.”
“I know,” you replied. “We have to focus on taking them down. It’s not like SHIELD will be particularly happy with me either if we fail.”
“Yes, well, I thought it was worth mentioning. I am glad we are in agreement.”
After a few more minutes of silence, you spoke again. “Hey, Loki?”
“Yes, darling?”
“I think I’m falling for you.”
“Then,” he answered, turning his head to look out the window in order to hide his blush. He wished he could say it as bluntly as you had, but his nerves made him settle for a slightly veiled confession. “I am glad we are in agreement about that too.”
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. CXI
It was a love story from the very beginning.
My Dearest Friend
Hi again! I'm bringing another meta to this collection, this time I will only talk about 14x04 because it was full of subtext we need to disect slowly.
Link to my metas from this episode X; X; X; X.
What if...?
This episode was written by Perez. This writer is always exploring the possibility of Dean coming out from the closet.
The dumb excuse given by Sam about why he hates Halloween, is a symbolic description of Dean's inner fears. Pay attention to it:
SAM: When I was in sixth grade we were living in Bismarck and I had a huge crush on her.
DEAN: Aw, that’s adorable. Continue.
SAM: So, she invited me to her Halloween party. I said yes and I went over and at first everything was great, um, and then we started to play games.
DEAN: Spin the bottle.
SAM: Bobbing for apples. Like I said, I had a crush so the entire night my stomach was in knots and when it was my turn I bent down and… (...) …hurled, everywhere. Lunch, dinner it all came up, on Andrea mostly. People ran and screamed and it was so bad.
DEAN: Ah that’s great.
SAM: I ended up hiding out in the woods till you finally came and got me.
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"If Dean would confess all that makes him sick inside, all the trauma, all his fears (and I'm gonna include here the "getting out the closet" bc it seems like Perez begins to explore this item in this chapter) if Dean would do that, barfing everything out, how would people react? How Sam would react? Would be disgusting? Scandalous? If he confess his fears, if he confess he is in love of Cas, an angel in a man vessel, would Sam be ok with that?"
I wrote all of this about that symbolism, and this is also connected to some episode at the second half of the season 15 in which we will see Dean gagging and characters vomiting. I remember back then I was sure it had to do with Dean confessing his feelings to Castiel. I must say it was related to Dean trying to do it but writers and CW silencing him.
After that we had Dean naming queer couples to his brother Sam, this scene had the same target that Sam's excuse about Halloween. Dean was tasting waters with his brother if he would decide to come out from the closet.
Gif credit @itsokaysammy
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Now, let's explore why Dean was missing his angel in this episode.
So Handsome, So Angry
This entire episode was a reflection of Dean's mind and it brought an important foreshadow: SAM AND CAS GETTING INSIDE DEAN'S HEAD HELPING HIM TO RELASE HIMSELF FROM AU! MICHAEL.
That's why the whole episode was color coded and full of symbolism.
If you don't know about my color coded meta, please check at the beginning of this analysis, where I put all the links. Blue represents Castiel, Green and Red represents Dean (healing!Dean and toxic!Dean) and yellow is Sam. The colors had their meaning, like blue is related to protection and wisdom, green is new life and red anger, yellow is knowledge and insightful mind.
Now, let's check Stewart first apparition in the episode. He has a Panthro in his hands...
STUART: Whoa, 15 inch megascale Panthro. So handsome, so angry.
This is screaming CASTIEL. Foreshadowing their break up and how angry will be Castiel with Dean.
Because we are inside Dean's mind, we have STEWART (Toxic!Dean) DIRK (Healing!Dean) and Sam is Sam, Dean's reason.
Now... Keep in mind Pantro sending Stewart to the hospital (a fight between Toxic!Dean and Castiel coming up) and also this entire scene at the beginning of the episode...
Dean had been in his room for two weeks, Sam goes to see him, worried. Dean is depressed after the Possession, but he will name a couple of things that are bothering him...
DEAN: Well, since when is okay part of this job, huh? Yeah, Cas is you know, showing Jack the ropes and Dark Kaia and her spear are in the wind and we have no clue where Michael is or what he’s up to. And not that I’m complaining, but the house is full of strangers, so.
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These insights are from my metas. As I put above, Mint Condition had a lot of what I like to call Indirect Castiel representation.
Mostly because Dean mentioned him at the beginning letting us know he is horribly missing his angel.
So, the whole episode will bi him Castiel as memories.
Including the colors. When Dirk is talking about Stuart, how they eat pizza and watch movies and how special their friendship is, Dean has this fond expression on his face and the whole scene is showered in blue color.
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Guess in who's Dean thinking about?
Inside of Dean's mind
Always based on the colors, is very important to understand all the monsters that will appear throughout the season are representing Dean's toxicity and AUMichael (which is the symbolic icon of Dean's fears and toxicity).
Remember episode 13x05 in which i pointed at a picture in the kid's room (Advanced Thanatology) well, that pic was foreshadowing this season, and mostly, this monster:
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Of course is in red because red is Dean's toxic behavior.
We also had Stuart dressed with a red t-shirt with a Godzilla Squirrel. Because is Toxic Dean, who sees himself as a monster.
Also, the morgue scene...
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We can see in the first picture, the fear in Dirk when this "world" starts to tremble, at the inevitable arriving from the "monster". This is Dean's mind, he has so much fear of his own thoughts, guilty and negative feelings, and he doesn't feel secure in his own raped mind.
The second one is more about it... We see corpses, representing two things: beloveds who died, trauma (I'm including the resent Castiel's death) and the second is all the death he thinks he provoked when he was possessed by Michael.
Then we have color yellow, representing wisdom , honesty and Sam too. Then the horror... The "monster" is still in there. He must to win this battle.
All of this represents Dean's emotional prison, his inner fight to break free from AUMichael, and we will see it in 14x10.
So the war Dean fights inside of him is between his inner fears and toxicity. Also, Sam and Sam, Dean's reason, will be locked by the monster. (The fears caging Dean's ability to think) but they will be break free successfully thanks to a mix of colored liquids (yellow, green, red an blue) TFW working together to help Dean to release himself. And also using this...
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Scooby Doo box is representing Dean's innocence, healing!Dean.
Miscellaneous: A very colorful visual elements was the figures of Superman and Lois Lane in the background in the comic store protected by a glass. When the monster arrived the glass began to freeze. This was a foreshadow of the Destiel fight and break up.
To Conclude:
This episode had a lot of elements that talked about Castiel, because it was a symbolic representation of Dean's mind. And Castiel is centric in Dean's life.
Also, this episode it's connected to 14x10 and Dean's emotional prison.
Hope you liked this meta, see you in the next one.
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @dizzypinwheel @horsez2002 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @belacoded @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @deancasgirl777
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season here you have the links:
Vol. CIX and CX
Buenos Aires, May 2nd 2021, 3:13 PM
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expectingtofly · 4 years
Proposal in the Produce Aisle
dean/cas fic
also posted on ao3
It all started when Dean and Cas were on a case. The woman they were questioning seemed more interested in Cas than in talking about her dead cousin, and Dean was growing increasingly more annoyed (and a little bit jealous).
He was one second away from grabbing Cas and kissing him in front of the lady, when Cas took his hand and told the woman, “Oh, by the way, this is my husband.” Which threw Dean for a loop. Because he and Cas were only dating, definitely not married. But he brushed it aside because Cas didn’t really mean it; he was only saying it to make this woman back off.
Then, the following week, Jack asked Dean, "When did you and Castiel get married?" and Dean stared at him for a solid ten seconds, waiting for the punchline. But Jack only looked back at him, perfectly serious.
“We’re not married,” Dean finally answered, slowly.
Jack frowned. “Oh. Are you going to get married?”
“I don’t—I... um...” Dean floundered, eventually settling on, “that’s none of your business!” It came out a lot more harshly than he meant it to, but Jack didn’t look offended, only confused.
He seemed about to ask another personal question, so Dean fled the room with a rambling excuse about needing to go on a milk run, they had run out of beer, he hadn’t driven Baby in a while… Married? What the hell?
“Settle something for me,” Dean said, barging into the kitchen where Sam sat.
“Fuck me,” Sam muttered into his coffee cup. He looked up at Dean. “What is it now?”
“Jack thought Cas and I were married.”
Sam stared at him blankly. “Okay.” 
“We’re not.”
“Okay,” Sam said again.
Dean threw up his hands. “Isn’t that weird? Does everyone think we’re married?”
“You do act like an old married couple.” Sam set down his coffee cup. “What’s the big deal, though?”
Dean sat across from him and buried his face in his hands. “Cas called me his husband the other day. Is this an angel thing? Maybe they don’t understand what marriage means.” He lifted his head from his hands. “Right, that’s probably it. I’ll sit them down and explain.”
“Or,” Sam suggested, “You and Cas can just get married already.”
“Not helpful.”
“Well, why not? You’ve been together for forever.”
“Why not? Because…” Dean racked his brain. “Because I don’t want to get married. I’m not going to be some old married sonuva—”
“Does Cas want to get married?”
“I don’t know! We don’t talk about this shit.”
“Well, there’s your first problem.” Sam stood and clapped Dean on the shoulder. “Looks like you and Cas need to talk.”
Again, Dean thought, not helpful. 
But Sam’s words rolled around in his head all day, and Dean couldn’t help watching Cas, trying to remember if Cas had ever shown an interest in getting married, if he’d ever dropped a hint that he wanted Dean to propose. He was pretty sure Cas had done none of those things, which should’ve been reassuring. But now there was another question gnawing at Dean: Did he want to marry Cas?
They had been together for several years; maybe marriage was the next step. And Dean couldn’t deny he’d felt a secret satisfaction hearing Cas call him his husband and having Jack assume they were married. Despite what he’d told Sam, he wasn’t that opposed to getting married. Not to the right person. And he was pretty certain he’d never find anyone more right for him than Cas.
He had to find a way to broach the subject, but he couldn’t just ask out of the blue, hey, Cas, wanna get married? He had to first determine whether marriage was even something that had ever crossed Cas’ mind. Which meant strategic, vague questioning.
He put his plan into action one night while he and Cas sat in the Dean Cave, watching Dr. Sexy, M.D. Well, he was watching Dr. Sexy. Cas was engrossed in a book about… Dean glanced at the title. Growing and Propagating Wild Flowers. Never in a million years would he have ever thought his life would come to this—dating not only an angel, but an angel interested in gardening. Even stranger, the way both of those features were now incredibly sexy to him since they made up Cas. 
Sliding closer to his angel boyfriend, he bumped their shoulders together, and, absentmindedly, Cas pulled a hand from his book and placed it on Dean’s thigh. Much as Dean now wanted to interlace their fingers, lean over and kiss the soft, warm skin under Cas’ ear, it was time to bring up the topic pinging around in his brain.
He cleared his throat, “Um, funny how the characters in this show never get married.” He glanced sideways at Cas. 
Cas shrugged, turning a page before answering. “Funny.”
Looks like he was going to have to be a little more straightforward. “You ever think Sam will get married?”
Cas looked up at him. “To Eileen?” Tilting his head, he stared off into the distance thoughtfully, then nodded. “I hope so. I think that would be good for him.”
Dean nodded and Cas looked back down at his book, conversation over. For fuck’s sake, Dean thought.
Edging closer to the truth, he said, “I always told Sam I didn’t see much point in being married. Ya know, being a hunter and all. Never saw myself settling down.” That wasn’t quite what he wanted to say. What he meant was that he’d never thought he could get married, not with the life he lived. He’d never dreamed he could be this happy. Now he’d found someone who made both of those things possible.
“I never thought much about marriage when I was in Heaven.” Cas didn’t look up from his book. “Angels don’t get married to each other.”
“Oh.” Dean looked back at the TV. Well, fuck. That said it all, didn’t it? Cas was an angel; he didn’t understand human practices like marriage. It didn’t mean anything to him. Dean didn’t know why he felt disappointed—he had his answer, and now he didn’t have to worry that Cas was secretly waiting for a proposal.
“Why all this talk about marriage?”
Dean startled. “What?” He realized Cas was studying him. “Uh, I don’t know. No reason, it was just a random thought. I hope Sam gets married too.”
“Oh,” Cas said. “Alright.” Was that disappointment in his tone? But Cas didn’t say anything else and Dean dismissed the idea.
There, he thought, we did the talking, Sam. Got everything sorted out.
A week later, he was pushing a cart through the grocery store, following Cas who was scanning the produce aisle for the obscure vegetables Sam had requested. 
“I think it would be much more sustainable if we grew our own produce,” Cas said, pausing to grab a head of lettuce. He scanned the row of vegetables. “Where are the rutabagas?”
“I have no idea. I don’t even know what that is.” 
“Oh, well,” Continuing down the aisle, Cas launched into an explanation of rutabagas—how they’re grown, methods of cooking—all incredibly in-depth considering he couldn’t even taste food, and Dean pushed the cart after him, finding himself paying attention even though he had never once been interested in vegetables. 
While grocery shopping was Cas’ weekly chore, Dean had taken to accompanying him, telling Sam that someone needed to keep Cas in check—the angel could spend hours at the grocery store, coming home with obscure items not on their list just because he thought they looked interesting. But, in truth, grocery shopping had become Dean’s favorite part of the week. Watching Cas compare prices, squint at the items Jack scrawled at the bottom of the list, choose between two oranges as if it was a life or death decision. He smiled now, watching Cas snatch up what Dean was assuming was a rutabaga, and triumphantly hold it in the air. 
Maybe because choosing vegetables was so decidedly banal and normal compared to their usual end-of-the-world lives, and he needed a break. Maybe because he just liked spending time with Cas outside of killing monsters and saving the world. Maybe because he just liked being with Cas.
Halting in front of a row of apples, Cas asked, “Why are there so many varieties? Do they really taste so different?”
“Um, maybe?” Dean picked up a bright red one, then dropped it back on top of the others. “To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever tried that many.” 
“Dean, if I could taste food, I would try everything.” Cas grabbed a produce bag. “We should get one of every kind and then you can decide which is your favorite.”
He began grabbing apples and stuffing them into the bag, continuing to talk about the garden they should plant—which would now include, apparently, an orchard of apple trees—and suddenly, it hit Dean just how in love he was with this earnest, dorky, little angel. And suddenly, I love you didn’t seem enough to express how much he wanted, needed, to have Cas by his side forever.
“Will you marry me?” Dean blurted out, interrupting Cas’ garden plans. 
Cas looked up at him, hand stretched out to grab a green apple, surprise on his face. Dean's face heated. He had never considered himself a romantic person by any means, but proposing in the produce aisle was a new low.
“You want to get married?” Cas asked slowly.
Dean nodded and realized it was true, he did very much want to marry Cas. He hadn’t been entirely sure before, but now he was completely certain. Which meant his heart was pounding as he worried Cas would say no.
“Dammit, Dean!” Cas dropped the bag of apples into the grocery cart with a bruising clang. Dean startled. Not the reaction he was expecting. “I wanted to propose to you!”
Not the answer he was expecting either.
“W-what?” he stammered.
“I didn’t think you’d want to get married, because when I called you my husband that one time you looked so shocked. And then I overheard you talking to Jack, but you were extremely cryptic about getting married one day, so I asked Sam, and he said you were wondering if I wanted to get married, so I thought maybe there was a chance, but you never brought it up. I thought I might just propose to you anyway, but now you’ve done it first!” He took a deep breath, his spiel ended, and Dean’s brain spun, trying to catch up. 
He moved aside to let someone grab a bunch of bananas. So Cas had wanted, but Dean had acted… “I thought you wouldn’t want to get married because you’re an angel.” Out of the corner of his eye he saw their fellow shopper give them an odd look.
“I live on Earth now,” Cas said. “I ride in cars and eat food. And I’m dating a human.” The shopper looked full on worried now, and she pushed her cart away hurriedly. “Why would you think marriage is where I draw the line to human practices?”
“Right,” Dean said, letting out a breath of laughter. He shook his head. “You were asking Sam? Why didn’t you just ask me if I wanted to get married?”
“Why didn’t you ask me?”
Fuck, Sam was right. “We’re shit at communicating.” 
“Yes,” Cas said, smiling. “But will you marry me?”
“You haven’t answered my proposal yet.”
“No, you first.”
“Yes,” Dean said without hesitation.
“Yes,” Cas said. Pushing the shopping cart aside, Dean grabbed him and kissed him. Absently, he thought he heard the cart bump into a display and knock something over, but he was more occupied with the way Cas was whispering “I love you” in between kisses.
“I love you too." On second thought, proposing and kissing in the produce aisle might be the most romantic thing he’d ever done.
Pulling away to look at Cas, he said, “I didn’t get you a ring, I wasn’t expecting to do this right now.”
“Me neither,” Cas said. 
“Sorry I ruined your proposal.”
“You didn’t ruin anything.” Cas wrapped his arms around Dean’s neck and smiled up at him. “This is perfect.”
Dean shook his head because somehow he’d ended up engaged to the easiest to please angel, but that thought made his chest warm. Engaged. 
He pulled Cas’ arms from around his neck, lacing their fingers together. “Come on, fiance. Let’s hurry up and get home so we can tell Sam and Jack.” Looking for their cart, he saw it had knocked down a display of salad dressings. “Oops.”
Cas snapped his fingers and, in a blink, the display was back to normal. “And so we can have engagement sex,” he clarified.
“Exactly.” Dean kissed Cas again. “And that is why I’m marrying you.”
“Because I know you too well?”
“Because you’re perfect.” 
Cas beamed at him. “You’re perfect too. Fiance,” he added.
Dean kissed Cas again, and then Cas was pushing the cart down the aisle, telling him they still had thirteen things on their list, so hurry up, and Dean couldn’t stop smiling because he was going to get married. 
“Let’s go, fiance,” Cas called.
Dean followed him. “I’ll never get tired of hearing you call me that.”
Tag List: @spnwaywardone @good-things-do-happen-dean @becky-srs @xojo @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @marvelnaturalock
Let me know (message, ask, comment) if you’d like to be added to or removed from my tag list for future destiel fics :)
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mishastoesies · 4 years
3, 20, 27 for the ask thingy :)
(questions from this list, feel free to send me some!)
3. What’s a scene that you think is underrated?
the scene in 5x14 My Bloody Valentine when they’re in the car and cas is eating all of those burgers and dean gives him that Look and whistles... yeah i bet he’s thinking about how much cas likes meat. 
20.  Favourite villain?
ROWENA MY FRIEND ROWENA!!! she’s an evil hag and i LOVE her!! powerful witch, hundreds of years old, milf queen of hell, icon status!!!
27.  Make up an episode of spn and give specifics
okay so we’re gonna take a dip into Jessica’s Mental Cas-Centric Spinoff of SPN That Spans Everything From Pre-Canon to Post-Canon 
post-canon, very “the man who would be king”-style episode (but like, happy) where cas recounts his experiences with The Michael Sword pre-this episode. 
starts with shots of heaven’s numerous corridors. we hear whispers of the Michael Sword from multiple angels, all bustling about; the date appears on screen: January 24th, 1979. the Michael Sword has been born
camera tracks one particular angel, whispers get louder. tense music. comes to a head when the angel who we’ve been tracking flings open a door, and asks: castiel, did you hear about the Michael Sword?
“yes, you’re only the thousandth angel to inform me of his existence” says a young, sexy cas. its important that he’s sexy. they are in heaven’s breakroom and castiel is going over some papers. 
“aren’t you EXCITED?? this is everything! we’re finally gonna beat lucifer! it’s gonna be so much fun!” says balthazar. he’s confused as to why cas isn’t excited
“not everything is about the michael sword, some things are about rivers. or mountains.” cas says, and he heads back to his office. we see cas walk outside and head to a room labelled Corporeal Architecture. this is his day job. (architect cas headcanons here)
balthazar follows him. “well yknow even if you aren’t excited you should STILL show up to the Human Arrangement Department’s afterparty, this vessel was a big project for them. and also since you’re head of your department, it’s on you to give him a blessing. we’re collecting them from everyone tonight”
cas rolls his eyes. “i know, i know, i’ll be there. and here i already have his blessing, courtesy of myself, raziel, adelphi, and the rest.” he hands balthazar a piece of paper and balthazar reads it. “ethereal beauty? really, castiel? you couldn’t give him something useful?”
“i’m an architect, we like beautiful things. now go away, i’m busy” balthazar goes away. this is the first time castiel hears about the Michael Sword
the second time is when we see castiel sparring with an unnamed training partner. zachariah calls castiel, balthazar, uriel, and hester to his office. “we have a rescue mission for you” and outlines the plan to save dean from hell. they accept because they have to, and they go down to hell. 
massive fight scene of them killing demons, like, so many demons. cas sees dean, who is like, covered in blood and half feral and holding a knife, does his little “Hello, Dean” and grabs his shoulder. dean fights back, but cas is stronger than him. he calls for zachariah, who angel-teleports them all up out of hell. 
they’re in the Beautiful Room; cas deposits dean’s unconscious body onto a couch, and turns to see his garrison.
everyone is covered in scrapes, starting-to-form bruises, and cuts. cas looks worse for wear, but he starts to laugh. and so does everyone else. cas heads to a door, yells “DEAN WINCHESTER IS SAVED” and laughs his head off. dean does not wake up. 
cut to cas shouting at zachariah in zachariah’s office. “i did what you asked! i saved him!” and zachariah going “yes, now restore him.” “or what? i have work to do!” “or do you need another trip to Internal Conflict Resolution with naomi?” and cas shudders a little bit. “no, sir. i’ll restore him” 
six-day montage of cas slowly rebuilding dean’s unconscious body. one day, he does dean’s organs, the next day, his shredded-up torso, the next, the puncture wounds in his shoulders. day six, we see balthazar come in and ask castiel if he’s going to go down to earth to perform some minor miracles, and cas says “can’t, i have work” and balthazar is like “ugh you ALWAYS have work” and leaves cas alone with dean
day six is the day that cas restores dean’s soul. again, this is part of my larger architect cas headcanon system, i can’t get into it here
day seven cas is finally done (haha get it on the seventh day god rested haha [gunshot]) and he sends dean back down to earth to claw his way out of his grave; this is immediately pre-Lazarus Rising. 
cas looks down from heaven and smiles all smitten at his creation. oh fuck he’s in love
next scene: cas’ bender pre-5x17; cas fights off a kill squad of angels that were sent after him, and they throw like, every homophobic microaggression they can at him. cas drags himself to a liquor store and drinks it; we hear sam praying to him, and him mocking sam. this turns into him mocking zachariah. “raise the michael sword, castiel; restore the michael sword, castiel” cas says in a high-pitched voice as he chugs his fifth bottle of everclear. then he hears what sam is actually saying and is like “oh fuck i gotta go, dean’s in trouble”
ten year timeskip to 15x18; all told through cas’ eyes. it’s literally just his POV for the episode, except it’s retconned to include an “i love you too, cas” before the “goodbye, dean”
cut to 3 hours before present day; we see cas standing in front of a mirror, wearing a suit we’ve never seen him in before. we cut to dean, also wearing a suit; noticeably nicer than what we’ve seen him in before. dean slips on one last item - a small, glowing white vial attached to a cord. oh fuck it’s their fucking WEDDING. 
cut to present day, in the middle of a park. turns out, cas has been saying his damn VOWS this whole time. we can assume it was all very “the first time i met you, i didn’t know what to think of you, then i touched your soul, and i knew... i would do anything for you. lie, rebel, sacrifice, anything. you’re the one work i ever took pride in creating. i love you, dean” levels of sappy
dean has a Single Man Tear sliding down his cheek. he moves in for a kiss, but cas moves back; the crowd laughs because they’re not supposed to kiss yet, and dean and cas laugh too. dean reads his vows, but we don’t hear them; they’re for cas’ ears only. music swells, and the episode ends with them finally getting their kiss. 
end credits, directed by Jensen Ackles
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
Regina Coeli, Regina Infernum
Pairing: Boyking!Sam Winchester x Reader x Knightofhell!Dean Winchester
Prompt: If you really wanna try it, experiment on me *Sense-Taste
Word Count: 3213
Warnings: 18+ cursing, dirty talk, flirting m/m f/m, kissing m/m m/f, oral m/f giving/receiving, p/v, p/a, dp m/f/m, grace/blood consumption, mentions of death/killing, wincest(kissing only)
**Blasphemy for content- if you are offended by religious tenets or altering of religious tenets please skip this story.
A/N: This is the original version I wrote for #bees5Ksenseschallange before realizing it was way over the max word limit. I’m linking the toned down other version too.
Edited version
Please drop me a comment, it’s appreciated.
A/N II: Latin terms: Puer Rex Infernum-boy king of hell. Regina Coeli- queen of heaven, Regina Infernum-queen of hell. Yeah, my Latin sucks
Divider: created by @writeyourmindaway​​ -I flipped original version for story.
*no beta, all mistakes are mine
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Sam entered the room without acknowledging his council walked straight to his throne throwing himself onto it.
“Get out.” He said flatly. They looked at each other confused. “Sir, you summoned us here...” The demon exploded in a cloud of fire and smoke before finishing.
“Do I have to repeat myself?” Sam kept his voice level as he raised his left hand and placed his thumb against his middle finger ready to snap the rest of these sycophants out of existence.
Bowing deeply his subordinates back out of the room as fast as possible.
“What crawled up your ass and died today Sammy?” A disembodied voice inquired from a dark corner.
“Watch your mouth or you can get the hell out too Dean.” Sam says abrasively, not in the mood for his brother.
“Hey, I’m just concerned about you. That’s the fourth time this week you’ve called in the council and blew someone up.”
Sam tipped his head back, closing his eyes against the throbbing pain he felt. He barely hears the soughing of Dean's jeans coming towards him.
When he was human, Dean generally was loud on a regular basis unless they were hunting. As a demon, his brother can move so silently even the hell hounds, with their superior auditory senses, can’t detect him.
Dean stops next to his beautiful brother studying him. The strain of ruling hell by himself was showing the longer he sat upon this throne alone.
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It had been over five decades since the Demon Curing Ritual had rendered Dean’s restraints useless allowing him to escape. After using a sigil to dispatch Castiel, he hunted Sam mercilessly throughout the bunker before knocking him out with that hammer.
Dean hauled his brother back to the dungeon and after securing him to the chair raided the infirmary searching for the blood transfusion equipment. He ignored a pleading Sam, finally begging to allow him finish the cure.
“Dean, I love you.”
He paused.
Dean’s green eyes shined with all the love he had always felt for his little brother, even before he was born saying, ”I love you too Sammy, but I like the disease,” proceeds to infuse him, pumping tainted blood until he couldn’t pass any more from his body, then sat back and waited.
The bunker's warding burned and its steel reinforced walls groaned from the pressure of an unseen power radiating outwards from the dungeon.
Receiving multiple calls of a strange glow the fire department arrived to find the multistory bunker reduced to nothing but smoldering rubble. When interviewed, the police chief decreed it to be a structure failure and the final resting place of its only known occupants, the eccentric Campbell brothers.
The inferno regions of the Underlands paled in comparison to the ferocity of the Winchester brothers as they stormed the Citadels hallowed halls.
Sam embraced his rightful place as the Puer Rex Infernum with his brother, The Knight of Hell, at his side for eternity.
Long live the Boy King of Hell.
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Dean had been standing in front of him staring for nearly an half hour when Sam's sarcasm surfaced, “Take a picture, it'll last longer,” finally opening his onyx eyes. Dean knew he was physically in pain, Sam never wore those eyes otherwise when they were alone.
“What you need..”
“You made it obvious what you think I need Dean, they didn’t help.”
“How many did you get through?” His curiosity peaked.
“All of them.” Sam's voice was strangely dissociated.
Dean blinked in surprise, “You fucked all of them?”
“Fuck and drained, including the guards watching them.”
“Damn Sammy, I’m proud of you!” Dean couldn’t contain his elation, even after all these years, of his brother embracing this life.
Before giving in to their dark sides, Sam was his complete opposite when it came to sex. His encounters were few and far between, preferring, unlike Dean, to have a connection, not just a roll in the hay.
Sam should have been flying high on demon blood topped off by all that pussy and cock, but it was having the opposite effect. He was utterly melancholy.
Dean reached out and gently cupped his cheek, running a calloused thumb over his surprisingly soft, pink lips. Sam’s eyes shifted back to their engaging multi colored hues, softening with the forbidden love for his brother he’s always felt as he gazed at Dean.
Giving into temptation Dean leaned down to taste those lips, whispering against them, “Don’t worry baby brother, I’ll find what you need to stop your pain.”
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Dean slammed the heavy ornate door of his private rooms having wasted his time on another fruitless, dead end pursuit. It had been nearly a year since he started his search with nothing to show for it but disappointment and a trail of corpses.
“You look like you need a drink.” A gruff voice called out from his bedroom.
Sam had negotiated a truce between Heaven and Hell shortly after taking over. Many of the stipulations we’re only known to the parties directly involved there was one specific item made public.
Someone was chosen to reside in the other's domain as a diplomatic hostage, anything happens to them, the truce was void and all out war would ensue on Earth.
Castiel was the obvious choice for Heaven, believing his close relationship with the brothers could be exploited. He was also granted the ability to freely go between Heaven, Hell and Earth.
What Heaven didn’t expect was his continued loyalty to the Winchesters after they became demons, informing his angelic brethren he refused to be a spy, saying he was neutral like Swedish fish.
Sam’s choice was controversial. He eventually convinced Heaven it was in their best interest for The Cage to be interred there. If it’s corrupted inhabitants were to escape, well, they’d be Heaven's problem to deal with.
Sam then eradicated all of Lucifer’s remaining followers, permitting Dean a public display of what would happen to those who challenged his reign.
Dean walked in to find the angel on his bed, casually reclining against the large headboard reading an ancient scroll.
“What are you doing in my bed Cas?”
“Waiting on you Dean.”
Dean’s talented tongue peaked out as he toed off his boots and climbed up onto the bed, crawling across to straddle the angels thighs leaning towards him, “Should've sent for me…” Castiel placed a firm hand in the middle of Dean’s chest halting him.
“I’m not here for that and have no intention of fornicating with you.”
“Come on, play with me Cas, you know you’re dying to know what it’s like to have a big cock deep down your throat,” Dean, using his whiskey roughened tone, blinks slowly as his sexy, makes women instantly wet smile graced his plush lips, “or would you prefer I slip it up that tight ass of yours, help you release those pent up frustrations? If you really wanna try it, experiment on me.”
“You're trying to provoke me only because you are frustrated,” Dean’s expression turned frosty, “but I have found information that will lead us to what you’ve been searching for,” Castiel holds up the scroll for him to read.
Dean takes the scroll from him frowning, “What language is this shit?” He asked, sliding off Cas onto the bed.
“An obscure form of an unpronounceable language. It has taken me the better part of the year and I called in several favors to gain access to Metatron. After persuading him to translate what he could of it, I have now obtained the location of the Regina Coeli.”
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“The Queen of Heaven? You want me to take the Virgin Mary as my consort!”
Incredulousness was written on Sam’s face as he looked between Dean and Cas as they sat across from him in his private receiving room.
“I can just see it Sammy, you and the blessed mother. Damn, if we weren’t already in hell.” Dean smarted off, earning “It’s Sam,” and bitchface #127 in response.
Castiel released a long-suffering sigh at his friend's inappropriateness.
“No Sam, I was not referring to her nor the ancient sky goddesses erroneously given the illustrious title,” Cas points to a nondescript illustration of a woman seated upon the throne of Heaven, “I am referring to the one true queen God himself chose to rule over all of his domains in his stead.”
“Chuck's firstborn was an Archangel girl? What’d she do to piss off dear old dad, take the family car without permission for a joyride?” Dean's joke falls flat.
“The translation was vague on the specifics but she is not an Archangel, more of a composite, created from the Light and the Darkness. The rumors indicate she took the Darkness’s side in a disagreement between them. God banished her here as punishment with the stipulation that only a descendant of the First Ones of Father can lay a claim for consort and make her their queen.”
“First Ones? I thought those were the Archangels,” Dean asked, giving Cas a confused look.
“According to the eldest demons Lucifer did try on more than one occasion. Obviously, he was not the one nor any of the other rulers that followed.”
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Traveling into the labyrinth beneath the Citadel, Castiel led them through an ancient part of the Underlands neither brother knew existed and stopped in front of a nondescript wall.
Dean cocked his head to the side scrutinizing it, “Fandamntastic wall Cas.”
“Yes, it is.” The Angel replied and walked through it.
Dean reached out his hand coming into contact with the solid surface, “The fuck?”
Castiel’s upper torso reappeared, “Coming Sam?”
Sam shrugs and stepping forward is pulled in. He finds himself in a large catacomb, torches placed statically around to illuminate it. He turns to ask Cas where they are and stops.
In the center sits a raised, polished, black marble obelisk.
Sam stands in front of it studying the carved inscriptions in the same language as the scroll. “It’s a nice piece of marble Cas.” He comments unimpressed.
Castiel did something strange. He smiled at Sam, a full on grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland smile.
Sam’s ingrained hunter’s instincts kick in before his eyes shift to their onyx color, using his demonic powers to scan the area around them searching for an immediate threat but encounters something unexpected.
“I have been waiting a long time for you.”
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Sam found himself standing in an expanse of pure white, it’s vastness of nothing surrounding him. There is the barest of sounds behind him and in what was empty space seconds ago now sits two high backed thrones. One is from illustration on the scroll, the other his. Sam wonders how he missed the fact they were matching except for color.
Drawing up to his imposing height ready to defend himself he walks towards them cautiously. Sensing no imminent danger Sam takes a seat upon his and waits for what is to happen next.
Sam's eyes snapped towards a subtle sound of feathers rustling beside him. On the throne sits a woman staring at him.
“Are you the Regina Coeli?” Sam inquires in awe that she isn’t anything like he imagined.
Slowly blinking Y/C/E, she nods once.
“Why did you bring me here?” Sam gestures to the empty space surrounding them.
“It was necessary, I have no other way of communicating otherwise.”
Sam cocked his head unable to figure out how she is projecting her thoughts to him.
Long ago he learned how to shield himself from others when one of the late Princes of Hell tried using a telepath to oust him from the throne. It had taken ages for the cleaners to remove all the bits left after Dean eviscerated them.
She dropped her chin given him a coy smile, “It is because you were made for me.”
“What do you mean made for you? I don’t understand.”
“The one who can claim me as consort is descended from the First Ones of Father and that is you.”
“The First Ones were the Archangels.”
“The Archangels were created from The Nothing. The First Ones of Father were created on Earth.”
“The First Ones...you mean Adam and Eve?”
“Adam and Lilith.”
“They didn’t have any children before God cast Lilith out as a demon.”
“Yes, they did. You and your brother are their descendants.”
“We’re descended from Cain and Abel...”
“Who were Lilith’s offspring, not Eve. It is why those directly descended from her were marked for the Apocalypse.”
Sam ponders this information a while, yet another piece of the puzzle that was their lives clicking into place.
“Lilith possessed free will, unlike Eve. It was passed on to her descendants as punishment.”
“And has led you here to me.”
“What's your name? I can’t just call you Regina Coeli.”
“Father gave me no name like his son’s, he only called me daughter.” She told him sounding sad, “what name do you like?”
“You want me to give you a name?” She nodded eagerly waiting for his answer. Sam looked at her contemplatively never having had a favorite female name, the only one that truly mattered in his life was Dean.
“I’ll call you Y/N.”
She stood up and moved to stand in front of Sam.
“Before you commit to this, know that this is a symbiotic relationship, you won’t need to feed on demon blood anymore, we’ll feed off each other.”
Y/N produces a knife more delicate than Ruby’s and runs it across her wrist leaking some of her grace, and offering it to Sam, he takes her arm and sucks on the wound briefly.
“But there’s one stipulation....”
“Whatever it is you can have it.” Sam breaths out, his body craving more than just a taste of her grace.
“All domains are mine, including the Underlands, as decreed by Father.”
Sam's eyes shifted onyx with displeasure, “Hell is my domain and I don’t play well with others who try to subvert me.”
Y/N smiled mischievously and climbed onto his lap, “I freely give it to you but remember, the others are mine and I don’t play well either. Do you agree to my terms?” she retorts in a dark, cheeky manner. Sam picks up her long braid, playing with the trailing silver ribbons tied around its end.
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Sam and Y/N stepped through the wall to find a relieved Dean and pissed off Castiel, who took his leave.
As they traveled back to the Citadel Dean couldn’t take his eyes off of Y/N. This would have normally angered Sam but she had informed him even though they were technically demons, Dean was still his soulmate so she could bond with him too if Sam wished.
After introducing her to the court, who insisted their bonding was completed in front of a witness, they retreated to Sam’s private chambers.
Dean moved in front of her, caressing her cheek and licked his plush lips, “She looks so sweet Sammy.”
Sam hums in agreement moving behind her drawing her flush against him and kissing along her neck asks, “You wanna taste Y/N Dean,” as he grips the material around her waist and lifts her dress upwards, slowly unveiling her body to his brother. Dean’s eyes dilate with hunger as it teasingly travels upward, revealing she is nude under it.
“Lift your arms,” Sam tells her and pulls it completely off, dropping it and resting his chin on Y/N’s shoulder and starts playing with her nipples as she wraps her arms behind his neck for balance, spreading her legs to give Dean access between them.
Dean dropped to his knees and looking to Sam for permission, runs his tongue over her outer lips, tasting that she’s already wet before parting them, making her quiver with pleasure.
“Dean loves the taste of pussy, he could eat you out for hours. Would you like that Y/N?” Sam moaned at her response, “He will later,” reaching down gripped his brother's short hair tugging him back roughly, “it’s my turn now.”
Sam laid back on his bed high on her grace as Y/N straddles him, pinning his arms down next to his head and leaned in brushing her lips across his in a tender kiss.
“Keep your hands to yourself till I’m done with you.”
She kissed down the long line of his neck pausing below his tattoo to tease his left nipple with her tongue before biting down making him shiver in pleasure. Sam’s cock hardened even more as her lips, light as the dusting of a feather, traversed downwards over his abs halting at the v of his hips and gripping his cock in her hand dipped the tip of her tongue into his slit, tasting precum pearling out before taking just the head into her mouth sucking on it, her tongue over moving in random patterns over the sensitive nerves underneath it.
Sam groaned in pleasure feeling the sweetest sting of the blade along the crease of his leg, his hot blood pulsating to the surface. He watched as she released his cock, lowering her head and, without breaking eye contact, licked along the flowing wound, tasting his deliciously tainted blood.
Y/N continuously moved her hands over every bit of his skin she could reach while nursing at the wound. Sam started feeling light headed from being drained but at the same time euphoric with desire as he unabatedly cums on his stomach.
Dean, writhing in his seat observing them, presses down on his cock to deny himself cumming watches Y/N using her tongue to clean Sam’s spending's as he’s still spurting.
Resting her head on his hip Y/N asks Sam something making him smile, “Y/N wants to know if I will allow you to join us now,” his eyes telling Dean to hurry the hell up and get naked.
He strips in record time, climbs on the enormous bed straddling him behind Y/N, teasingly rubbing his cock through her folds. “How do you want us sweetheart? You want Sammy’s unrelenting cock pounding this scrumptious pussy and me down your throat?” Dean strokes her throat, “How about both us in your tight cunt, ravaging it together?” He trailed his left hand down Y/N’s torso and inserted two of his thick fingers in her feeling her clenching.
“Or maybe prefer me here,” tapping his cock head against her tight little hole before slipping his dripping tip in past the tight ring of muscle making her jolt then quiver with pleasure as she pushes back till he’s fully seated in her.
“That’s it, get nice and stretched out on my cock,” Dean bit his lip moaning as she worked herself up and down on him, “ ‘cause once Sammy’s been in here, you’ll know it for a long time.
Sam, unwilling to wait any longer, grabs his self and pushes in next to Dean’s thick fingers, ramming his massive cock into her drenched cunt, forcing her to stretch around him and not stopping until he was balls deep in her. Y/N gasped silently, overwhelmed by the sensations she hadn’t felt in millennia.
“Easy there tiger, we have eternity to play with our new toy.”
Forever tags: @donnaintx
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deancas-fanfiction · 4 years
Hardest Part is Letting Go
Part 3/7
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Fic Summary: Upon his diagnosis of a terminal illness, Dean vows to spend the rest of his short life with Cas by his side, completing his bucket list while learning what it really means to live and love.
Chapter Summary: Dean and Cas cross another item off Dean's bucket list by embarking on a road trip for Sam's law school graduation.
Part 1 Part 2
available on ao3
“Can you believe it? Sam Winchester: attorney at law.” Dean mused.
“Or Sam Winchester, Esquire.” Cas offered.
Dean snorted and shook his head, throwing another flannel in his suitcase. “He’s a big fancy lawyer now. My baby brother is all grown up.”
“Well, he is twenty-seven. I imagine he’s been ‘all grown up’ for some time now,” Cas joked.
“Yeah, I suppose when he married Jess that ship kind of sailed, huh?”
“I suppose.” Cas agreed with a faint smile. He zipped his suitcase and sat on their bed, watching Dean throw another wrinkled shirt in his bag. “Are you really not going to fold that?”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Cas. It’s a t-shirt. I think it will be fine.”
“What about your nice shirt for his graduation?” He eyed Dean and took in the way he avoided meeting his eyes. “Please tell me you’re packing a nice shirt for his graduation.”
“It’s a graduation ceremony, Cas! I don’t need a suit. Remember his college graduation? Most people were dressed casually.”
“And remember when Jess booked us all a reservation at that French restaurant afterward? The host made you go home and change because you didn’t meet the dress code. Besides, I’m willing to bet Jess will make another fancy reservation for celebrations after the ceremony.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll bring a nice button-down. But I’m not wearing a suit,” He warned.
Cas held his hands up in mock surrender. “I would never dream of making you wear one.”
Dean threw the nearest button-down on the top of his suitcase and began zipping it up. He only paused when he heard Cas wince.
“It’s going to wrinkle, Dean!”
Dean stepped back and scratched his jaw, letting out a sigh. “Okay, new plan: I’ll leave the room and make us some dinner. This allows you to completely repack my suitcase the way you like, and I won’t even complain about it.” 
Cas grinned, happy with the outcome. “Deal!”
Dean kissed the top of his head and left the room, mumbling something about how a few wrinkles wouldn’t hurt anyone, which Cas pointedly chose to ignore. He then dumped out the contents of Dean’s suitcase and methodically began folding and repacking the luggage.
As predicted, autumn was fleeting and quickly turned into a cold and brutal winter. It was only early December, but the wind was biting and the snow ruthless. When Dean and Cas learned that Sam was graduating from law school a semester early, they were ecstatic. Mostly because Sam was the male equivalent of Elle Woods by graduating from law school top of his class, but also because they get to trade the incessant cold of Kansas for the sunny warmth of California.
The timing of his graduation was perfect, actually. Dean’s symptoms remained stagnant for the last two months and were completely manageable with the help of his medications. If Sam hadn’t taken those extra summer classes the last two years, he would actually be graduating in May and Cas wasn’t so sure if Dean could make that cross-country trek six months from now. But he pushed that thought from his mind and returned to the task at hand.
They originally planned on flying to California for the graduation, but then Cas had a stroke of genius. Remembering item six on Dean’s list, he suggested turning it into a road trip. For as long as Cas has known him, Dean dreamed of road tripping along the historic Route 66, which begins in Chicago and ends in Los Angeles; and suddenly all of the pieces fit into place. They would join Route 66 in Oklahoma, just four hours away from Lawrence. Then they’d follow the route all the way to L.A., arriving just in time for Sam’s graduation from UCLA. After he proposed the idea, Dean was completely on board and already mapping out the best stops for pie and burgers along the way. 
Cas finished with Dean’s suitcase and quickly returned his attention back to his own bag. He double-checked he had everything packed, including a small wooden box hidden at the bottom with a certain piece of jewelry inside. Satisfied with the completion of his mental checklist, Cas zipped the bags and followed the scent of dinner to the kitchen.
“Dean.” Cas groaned, his voice rough and gravelly from sleep. “Must we leave at such an obscene hour?”
Dean chuckled and shut his car door. “According to the schedule that you made, we need to drive about twelve hours today to make it on time. I’m just following your orders, babe.”
“The sun isn’t even up yet,” Cas whined, slumping in the seat.
“Here, this will help.” Dean handed him a large thermos with coffee and started the engine. The engine purred beneath him and Dean couldn’t help but let out a quiet sigh. It always felt so good to get behind the wheel of his baby. He put the car into gear and pulled out of their driveway, heading towards the open road.
He glanced over at Cas as he took a large gulp of coffee. His hair was sticking out in all directions, making it clear Cas didn’t even attempt to smooth it down today. He smiled at the grumpy expression on Cas’s face and turned his attention back to the road, drumming his fingers on the wheel.
The first hour of the drive was quiet. They headed south to hop onto Route 66 in Oklahoma. While they weren’t making the official Route 66 trek by beginning in Chicago, Dean was completely fine with that. He’d spent most of his life in the Midwest, he didn’t need to backtrack just to see the flat landscape he was already familiar with. The radio was playing softly as Dean and Cas both took the time to wake up for the day. As Cas pointed out, it was still dark so there were few cars on the road. It was actually a rather peaceful start to the day. 
As soft colors began to replace the dark sky, Cas’s mood began to turn around as the caffeine entered his system. He hummed along with the radio and watched the snow-covered trees quickly pass by. The pastel pinks and oranges from the rising sun reflected off the white snow, creating a warm glow. At that thought, he turned and leaned his back against the passenger door so he was facing Dean.
“You know, at first I was disappointed with the timing of the road trip. I didn’t think the drive would be very picturesque in December. I always thought fall or summer would be the opportune time to go.” He paused, looking back out the window. “But this is actually really nice. Everything is so still and quiet.”
“Well, by the time we get farther west it will feel like summer anyway. So, we’ll get a little bit of both.”
“That’s true,” Cas mused. “We should have done a road trip like this a long time ago.”
“We were always too busy with life. You had summers off, but that’s when the shop got the busiest for me. We just never made the time to slow down and experience things like this.” Dean observed. “Not that being so busy was a bad thing. We both loved our jobs, but we always said, ‘there will be a better time’ or ‘maybe next year.’ But now…well we don’t really have that privilege, do we?”
“I suppose not,” Cas sighed sadly.
“On a positive note, I’m glad that now we’re making the time for things like this.”
“Me, too.” He murmured, attempting a smile.
“Hey,” Dean said softly. “Stop that.”
“Sorry, I don’t like thinking about how we can no longer make long-term plans.”
“Then don’t think about it.”
“You know it’s not that easy.”
“Yeah, yeah I get it. But right now, I’m here, okay?” Dean tore a hand away from the steering wheel and intertwined it with Cas’s. “Focus on that. When your mind starts wandering to those thoughts, shut it down and focus on the now. Because these moments right here, these are the ones I want you to look back on and I only want you to remember how happy we are. I don’t want this last year tainted with sadness. Can you do that for me?”
Cas nodded and squeezed Dean’s hand. The gesture said more than he could vocalize at the moment. Cas had never cared for anyone as much he does for Dean. He always thought that finding Dean and experiencing that all-consuming, world-shattering love with him was like some kind of reward for surviving the first shitty eighteen years of his life. But now that Cas knows their time together is limited, he can’t help but feel like the punchline to some kind of cosmic joke.
He shook his head and slowly exhaled, turning his attention on Dean’s advice to focus on the positives. Dean is next to him right now and that’s all that matters. He has his left hand draped on the steering wheel with his right intertwined with Cas’s; and despite the heavy conversation, he still has a genuine smile on his face. It’s the kind of smile that lights up his whole face, giving him a youthful glow regardless of the crinkles at the corners of his eyes. Cas returned his smile with a genuine one this time.
“We’re doing this all wrong, you know.” Cas states, changing the subject.
“Doing what wrong?” Dan asks quizzically.
“Your bucket list item. It said, ‘road trip with a kickass playlist.’ We’re currently road-tripping listening to a subpar radio station. Not really the same thing.”
“No,” He agreed. “I suppose it isn’t the same thing. Grab a tape out of the glove box, will ya?”
“I know you have very strict rules which state that the driver picks the music, but you’ll have to make an exception for this one instance.” Cas held up a cassette tape he dug out of his own jacket pocket which read ‘Dean’s Top 13 Zepp Traxx.’
Dean grinned. “That is always an exception. Pop it in.”
He inserted the tape into the player and turned the volume up a little higher. The opening notes to Immigrant Song played out and Cas settled into his seat, letting the music wash over him.
“Remember when I gave this to you?” Dean baited.
“We were fighting,” Cas laughed.
“Over something stupid.”
“Big surprise there.”
“God, I don’t even remember what the fight was about anymore.”
“I do. You –” Cas caught himself off. “You know what, it doesn’t matter.”
“Good save, Cas.”
Cas smirked. “You hadn’t talked to me all day. I was reading in the living room and you stomped in, dropped it on my lap and just walked away.”
“This was early in our relationship. I was bad at communicating! This was the best way I could tell you I was an idiot and that I was sorry.”
“Well, it obviously worked. I went for a drive and listened to it. I forgave you by the time this first song was over.”
“It’s only a two-minute song, Cas.”
“Exactly my point. I never have much resolve when it comes to staying mad at you, do I?”
“I suppose not,” Dean acknowledged. “Besides, that was a pretty romantic move on my part.”
“Yes, it was. If I hadn’t already been so in love with you at that point, I’m sure the mixtape would have sealed that deal.”
“So, what you’re saying is I should have made you a mixtape right after I met you?”
“I’m pretty sure from the moment I met you, I knew you were someone special, Dean.”
Dean flushed at that statement and he felt the tips of his ears turn pink. At this point in their relationship, he’d grown accustomed to how forward Cas can be, but it still has quite an impact on him. “Yeah, I thought the same about you,” He murmured.
Cas beamed at him, showing the whites of his teeth and leaned over to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. At that exact moment, the song ended and switched into Good Times Bad Times. Dean cranked it up and sang loudly along with Cas.
I know what it means to be alone
I sure do wish I was at home
I don't care what the neighbors say
I'm gonna love you each and every day
You can feel the beat within my heart
Realize, sweet babe, we ain't ever gonna part
Yeah, this moment here is the exact reason he put this item on his bucket list.
In no time, they were cruising on Route 66 heading west towards New Mexico, their destination for the night. When they stopped to grab gas and snacks a few miles back, Cas grabbed a handful of Route 66 brochures and had been thoughtfully studying them ever since.
“Anything good?” Dean asked, rather amused at his boyfriend’s total infatuation with the tourist gimmick.
“Did you know that Route 66 was commissioned in 1926 but wasn’t fully paved until 1938? Then in 1985, it was decertified a U.S. highway. Originally it was 2,448 miles in 1926 but now it totals 2,278 miles from beginning to end.”
Dean hummed in response, not daring to interrupt Cas. He learned it’s best to let Cas get it out of his system.
“You know, there’s a place called ‘Cadillac Ranch’ in Texas. We could stop there! We’re pretty close.” He chirped, bringing Dean’s attention back to the conversation.
“A Cadillac ranch?” Dean grimaced. “What is that?”
“It’s a public art sculpture of ten Cadillac’s buried nose-first in the ground.” Cas paused for a moment. “Actually, that doesn’t sound very appealing at all.”
Dean chuckled. “Thank God. I was wondering how I was going to talk you out of it.”
“Are there any stops along the way you want to make?”
“Cas, I’m in this for the driving and for the company. I don’t need to stop at niche tourist stops unless it’s something you really want to do.”
“I just want to make sure you get the full road trip experience!”
“To me, the full road trip experience is exactly what we got going: good music, good conversation, and my car. I don’t need anything else; I promise.”
“If you say so,” Cas’s lips turned up at the corner, in a smile that Dean recognized as pure contentment.
The rest of their drive sped by as they joked, sang along to the music, and reminisced as songs played that reminded them of different points in their lives. Soon enough, they were pulling into Santa Rosa, New Mexico where they decided to call it for a night. They found a mediocre chain hotel with vacancy and pulled off the road. At that point they had been in the car for a little over twelve hours and were in desperate need of some space to stretch out. Driving long distances used to be much easier. Now Dean’s joints popped as he stepped out of the Impala and his legs felt uncomfortably stiff.
Dean checked them in as Cas went to grab dinner. The original plan was to grab food and drinks to celebrate a successful first day, but Dean could feel the exhaustion weighing him down. So, Cas volunteered to pick up takeout instead. After throwing his and Cas’s bags down on the floor, Dean collapsed on the bed. Instantly he longed for his memory foam as the springs of the cheap mattress poked against his back. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure it would be a big enough problem to keep him awake as he was so damn tired.
As he was beginning to nod off, he heard the door to the room click open and was met with the intoxicating smell of greasy takeout.  
“Honey, I’m home!” Cas greeted cheerfully. “And I brought pie.”
Dean shot up from his spot on the bed and kissed Cas in thanks. “God, I love you.”
“Are you talking to me or the food?”
“Why not both?” He asked, his mouth already full of fries.
“Touché.” Cas laughed and began digging in as well. He joined Dean on the bed, with their knees touching as he flipped on the television and found a movie for them to watch. They ate in a peaceful quiet, both engrossed in the movie.
Once the food was gone and the slices of pie were eaten, they both began tiredly stripping down to their boxers.
Dean watched with a different form of hunger in his eyes as Cas undressed.
“I can feel you watching me.” He chided, bending over to put his discarded clothes back in his bag.
“Of course, I am. I have a sexy boyfriend who is undressing right in front of me,” He murmured, wrapping his arms around Cas. Cas leaned back into the touch, letting out a soft sigh. Dean began peppering kisses along Cas’s jaw, pausing only to suck on the sensitive spot below his ear. Cas let out a quiet whimper at that and closed his eyes. Dean continued kissing down his neck to his shoulders when he paused to fight a yawn breaking to the surface.  
Cas laughed and the tension immediately lifted. “C’mon, let’s go to bed.”
“I don’t wanna,” Dean grumbled. Yet he allowed himself to be pulled to bed anyway.
“You can have your way with me tomorrow, I promise. But for now, sleep.”
Dean hummed and pulled Cas’s arm around his waist, so they were spooning. All previous annoyances about the crappy mattress were pushed from his head and quickly replaced with thoughts of Cas as he felt a soft kiss press to the back of his neck. With that, he allowed himself to lose consciousness and fall into a deep, happy sleep.
Author’s Note: Surprise, I decided to post the chapter two days early! Originally I planned on the whole road trip and Sam's graduation taking place in one chapter but it's turning out to be much longer than I anticipated. So I'll be breaking it up over the next chapter or two.
I also decided to change Sam's law school from Stanford to UCLA for the purpose of the road trip because Stanford would have been another 5 hours from L.A. and this just made it less complicated. Next chapter you can expect some smut, more road-tripping shenanigans and Sam! Please let me know what you think so far!
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Charlie ~ Dangerous Game
1,300 Followers Challenge!
Round 2
Requested by @emrfangirl
Words: 1,624
Warnings: Female Reader, D&D game (I am in no way an expert), some teasing, fluff
You were still a little surprised that you’d gotten Sam and Dean to agree to this, but you had to admit, it was proving to have some hilarious results, especially when, somehow, Dean managed to convince Castiel as well.
Sitting at the head of the table, you couldn’t help but grin as they discussed something over, and you caught Charlie’s eye, making her smile, before she turns back at the seriousness at hand.
“I don’t understand,” Castiel said.  “Is this really necessary?  Why can’t we just fight them off?”
“We’re out numbered,” Sam said.  “And injured. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think we’d survive this with a direct approach.  We either have to go around or find a way of taking out only a necessary few to get out of this.”
You smirked, and grabbed your dice, making a roll, getting the four of them to look at you. “Another three have turned up, making their way to where you’re hiding.”
“Great,” Dean huffed. “I told you that we had to hurry this along.”
“Well, I don’t see you making any suggestions.”  Sam said.
Charlie rolled her eyes. “I cast major image, a wall in front of us to blend us into the cavern.”
You smirked and rolled your dice again.  “Okay. You’re successful.  For now.”
Her eyes narrowed on you for a moment and then looked at the other three.  “We need to make a decision.  Now.  I do not know how long that illusion will hold.”
“I still think we should fight them off,” Castiel said, a little stubbornly.  “It’s what we’ve done so far.”
“And almost gotten ourselves killed doing it,” Dean frowned.  “I don’t know about you, but I want to live past today.  We need to try and sneak around.”
“What about these three now approaching?”  Sam asked. “We’re going to have to take them out somehow, as quietly as possible, because I’d imagine the others won’t take too kindly to the noise.”
You rolled your dice again, making them tense, but you just smile sweetly, and nodded for them to continue.
“Well, you and Cas need to handle them, Dean and I aren’t exactly cut out for taking out enemies quietly.”  Charlie said. “You need to do it quickly though.”
Sam looked at you.  “Okay, Cas and I are going to wait just behind the illusion.  When they get close enough, we’re going to step out an attack.  Sound good Cas?”
Castiel nods and they both look at you as you roll your dice again.
“You guys are lucky, despite their high perception, they don’t notice the illusion and you will both be able to get in a sneak attack.”  You rolled again.  “Yep, cool, move away.”
It surprised you that Sam and Castiel actually managed to pull it off without alerting all the other enemies around, especially considering how the game had gone so far.  Dean had already been on death’s door once, and Castiel had gained a cursed item, one that that had some…interesting results so far, including turning him into a blue sheep temporarily.
Charlie, the only experienced one out of them, and Sam, who seemed to have a natural knack for the game, had definitely been lucky, although, both of them had now used practically all their magic slots.
Now they were trying to sneak their way out of this cavern and they flinched whenever your dice rolled in front of you.
Then, they had to make a jump, the light of their escape just out of reach.  Sam and Dean made it easily, and managed to catch Charlie, just avoiding gaining the attention of the nearby enemies.
Then it was Castiel’s turn.
It wasn’t that Castiel didn’t understand how to play, in fact, he had made some good plays in the many hours you’d all spent around the table.  It was that he seemed to have notoriously bad luck.
His roll was short and all four of them groaned, looking to you.
You rolled a dice and couldn’t help but smirk.  “Well, the good news is, you make the jump.  The bad news…you take one hit damage.”
“Oh no.” Sam said quietly. “No, no, no, no, no.  We’re almost there.  Please roll good.  Please roll good.”
With a little trepidation, Castiel rolls his dice.  “Errr, eight.”
You snorted as you checked the spell page.  “You cast fireball as a third level spell centred on yourself.”
“Oh shit.”  Dean sighed heavily.  “Well, we’re doomed.”
“We’ll see,” You chuckled. “Alright everyone, make your dex saving throws.”
“This is going to hurt.” Charlie sighed.  “Whether we make it or not.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”  Dean grumbled as he rolled.  “Alright, I made it.”
“Me too.”  Sam said and they both looked at Charlie.
Charlie looked miserably at her dice before looking at you.  “Can I cast a last second spell?”
“Do you have a spell you can use?”
There was a long pause. “No.”
You shake your head.  “Sorry Charlie, no easy way out this time.  So, Sam and Dean, you take four dee six damage, and, sorry Charlie and Cas, you two take the main blow.  Eight dee six.”
“I’m going to make my way slowly into the abyss.”  Charlie sighed heavily.  “I’ve been supporting this lot through all of this and I get taken out by a random fireball.  I am dead. I am slowly burning to a crisp in front of their eyes.”
“I…have one health left.” Castiel said, a little stunned that he’d survived and he looked at the other guilty.  “Sorry.”
“I have four health.” Dean said, rubbing the bridge of his nose.  “Can we just call this now?”
“Not yet,” You said happily. “You’re not done yet, no matter how much attention you’ve just drawn to yourself.”
Sam sighed.  “I’ve got two health.  Alright Y/N, what’s coming our way?”
Charlie’s phone buzzed as you rolled a few dice and worked out what was going on, and she couldn’t help but raise her eyebrow, catching your eye.
Are you serious?  She messaged back.
I told you when you play with me to expect the unexpected.
I don’t suppose you’ll me the consequences of such a deal?
There’s no fun in that now, is there?  Although, I would’ve thought what Cas has been going through would be warning enough.
Charlie’s eyes narrowed on you as the others roll initiative, trying to decide what the best way forward was.
There are twelve enemies closing in on the four of them, Charlie would be making death rolls instead of helping, and they were all on minimal health.  Charlie was hating that you knew exactly what her character traits were.
She sighed and messaged you back.  Alright.  Save me and my friends and I will do whatever you want.
You smirked as you read the message and cut off Dean’s thoughts as he was trying to come up with some sort of strategy.  “Just as the enemies begin to close in around you, a strange smell surrounds the four of you, Charlie just managing to get to her feet.  Along with the smell, a light filled smoke begins to curl around you all, and just as an enemy comes in to attack, the four of you disappear.”
“What?”  Dean asked, frowning.  “What is happening?”
“As quickly as it came, the smoke and smell cleared and you found yourselves out in an open field, filled with grass and flowers and a couple of cows that just stare at you. For now, the four of you are safe, despite having no idea about where you are and or really what just happened.”
Dean stared at you.  “Did you really just save us from that?  After all that torture you put us through?”
“I didn’t do anything and I’ve hardly tortured you, I’ve simply played to the rules.”  You chuckled.  “You guys have to try and figure out what happened yourselves.”
Sam and Castiel looked at Charlie, who shrugged.  “Don’t look at me, I’m just as baffled as you guys are.”
Dean sighed and slid his chair out.  “Okay, break time.  I need a moment to process that.  Anyone else want a beer?”
You chuckled as Sam and Castiel followed after Dean, intending to find more snacks and drinks and bring them, while Charlie glared at you.  “Well, at least everyone is alive.”
“Yeah,” She said.  “But I’m now in service of some…all powerful being who will get me to do god knows what.  How long have you been sitting on that one for?”
“Since you got me into that demon deal in our other game,” You smirked.  “I told you revenge was coming Charlie.  It’s not my fault you didn’t take me seriously.”
Her eyes narrowed on you for a moment.  “You play a very dangerous game Y/N.”  Then it was her turn to smirk.  “We’ll see who comes out on top, although I’m sure I already know the answer.”
“Do we?”  You asked innocently.  “I don’t know, I think a change of pace would be nice.”
She held her semi-serious expression for a moment longer before the two of you broke into laughter, Charlie positively beaming at you.  “This has been good, I’ve been enjoying this immensely.  You’ve well and truly mastered keeping things interesting and your players on their toes.”
“I like to think so.” You said, chuckling.  “But that fireball was so perfect.”
The two of you cackled together as Sam, Dean and Castiel returned, getting easily into the snacks and starting to discuss the best way to go forward with the game.  The boys missed you sending Charlie a wink, and it wasn’t long at all before they were back into the thick of some sort of trouble.
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xwaywardhuntress · 5 years
Family Don’t End In Blood (Part Eight)
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Summary: What’s the damn plan Jack Belphegor?
Pairings: Dean x reader
Warnings: Season 15 spoilers, language
Word Count: 3900+
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural. This is fanfiction only. Please do not redistribute my writings on other sites, horrible or not. Thanks!
Author’s Note: This series is a season 15 rewrite with reader inserted.
Catch Up: Part One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
The plan to save Kevin seemed pretty simple. Dean and Sam would show up to meet Jack the Ripper and when the timing was right, Rowena would appear with the crystal with Cas and Y/N as back up and help. There was one problem. Rowena and Castiel were adamant that Y/N stay behind and that they could handle it without her. That argument did not go well with the huntress until Dean had agreed with them putting an end to that problem. 
As everyone prepared for the plan, Dean was the last to be ready as he took Y/N aside. “I’m not trying to be a protective asshole, just so you know. But while we’re going to save Kevin, you should watch the kid.” His eyes glanced over at Belphegor who had been standing at the doorframe of the room when the plan was being discussed. The demon had been clear that he shouldn’t join due to being recognizable to the spirits. He had been their torturer, according to him. “After what Ketch said and what you told me you heard from Jack, we need to make sure an eye is kept on him at all times.”
Y/N sighed, knowing that Dean was right. “Yeah, okay. I’ll watch him.” She whispered back.
The older Winchester pressed his lips to her forehead, lingering there for a moment. “Take this…” He gestured downward as he stuffed a pointed object into her jacket pocket. 
She pulled the item out slightly, recognizing the handle of the knife. It was Ruby’s knife. 
When Dean pulled away from her, he rubbed the side of her arms. “Take care and…call me if you need me. I’ll find a way to be there. ” He smiled at her.
She returned the smile. “Same goes for you.”
And then the older Winchester left with everyone else as Y/N was left in the room with Belphegor. 
The demon looked over at her, from what she could assume, as he grinned, “Well, I think I’ll just go find myself something fun to do in the meantime.” 
As the boy was about to leave the room, Y/N cleared her throat, walking over to Dean’s duffel bag as she grabbed a shotgun. “You’re with me. We’re going on a patrol run.”
Belphegor frowned, “If you were actually listening earlier, I’m pretty sure the angel and witch wanted you out of the action…”
“Yeah, well I will be as long as the spell holds. And that’s why you’re coming with me. If the barrier happens to break down for any reason, I expect you to help keep the spirits at bay. After all, you’d want to be proven useful still, right?” She eyed him, touching on the implication Dean shared earlier during the group discussion. The only reason the demon was still around was that the older Winchester found him useful for now. 
The demon wore a straight facial expression as he contemplated her words carefully.
With no snarky response back but agreeing to go with her, Y/N grinned as she cucked the shotgun. “Let’s roll.” 
“You’re definitely as stubborn as a Winchester. No wonder you and Dean pair up so well. I do have to admit that I’ve been shipping you too since the stories of you both first started to pour in into hell.” Belphegor complimented.
Y/N rolled her eyes, not enjoying this small talk that had been going on since they first stepped foot out of the school. Now she had wished she would’ve fought harder to join in Kevin’s rescue escapade.  She could tell the demon was trying to get on her good side, and she couldn’t help but think it was for another reason. 
As they turned a corner, Y/N spotted a body on the ground just a few steps past the barrier. Quickly, she ran to it, squatting down and turning the body over. It was Ketch. “Ketch?” She shoved him once before pressing her two fingers on his throat to feel for a pulse. 
There was definitely still a pulse as the man began waking up. He looked up to see the face of Y/N as he pushed himself to stand back up. 
Y/N assisted him by holding him by his arm, “What the hell happened Ketch?”
“I don't quite remember.” He answered a bit incoherently. “I believe I came across a soul but as I took it out, it seemed to have taken me out as well.” He added. 
“Wow, the great Ketch being taken out by a soul. Who knew that’s all it took?” She sarcastically commented. Despite Dean being able to get along with this man, Y/N still wasn’t a big fan.
Expecting a smart remark back, Y/N was met with silence. Instead, Ketch seemed to be checking himself out.
“Uh, are you okay?” She couldn’t help but ask.
“Ah, yes. Splendid.” Ketch smiled at her, a smile not expected. His expression quickly changed to surprise and almost terror when his eyes landed on Belphegor. 
Before Y/N could ask what his problem was, a series of gun shots were heard nearby. Quickly, Y/N ran to where the sounds of gun fire came from as Belphegor and Ketch followed. 
It was then that they ran into the Winchesters, Cas, and Rowena. Dean had been firing shots at what looked like nothing. There were energy bursts that appeared before the group in random spots.
“What the hell is going on?” Y/N yelled over Dean’s shots.
“Hm. It seems the souls are testing the barriers. This looks to be a weak point. Dean seems to be shooting some, but there’s still a lot.” The demon answered.
When Dean decided to stop shooting, he acknowledged the extra heads: Y/N, Belphegor, and Ketch. “How many is a lot?” He asked the demon boy. Belphegor answered that the older Winchester would run out of bullets before he could even get an eighth of the spirits currently present on the other side of the barrier.
Overhearing the demon’s comment, Y/N turned to Sam. “What happened with the crystal? Can we-?” She began to suggest, but Sam interrupted knowing what his friend was thinking. 
“Rowena!” The younger Winchester called out as he made eye contact with the red head, quickly glancing at the crystal in her hands.
Rowena understood what Sam was implying, but before she could react the crystal was stolen away from her by Ketch. Confused and surprised by Ketch’s sudden behavior, Dean was the first to scoff and tell the man to quit messing around. Ketch had replied with a smirk, slowly walking backwards past the magical barrier, as he began to mock the group. The boys questioned him as to why he would want to help the spirits, but it was Y/N who raised her shotgun back up and aimed it at the man with the crystal. She had an inkling feeling that the man speaking before them all was not exactly Ketch and she had that feeling since she first found him lying on the ground earlier.  His current actions were only feeding her suspicions even more. 
As Ketch continued with the unnecessary monologue of how powerful he would be, it was Rowena who figured him out. “Francis…”
The soul in Ketch’s body smiled at the witch. “Hello again, my little witch…” Francis began as other souls appeared beside him.
Y/N did not want to hear any more speeches and with Rowena confirming Ketch was being possessed by a man named Francis, the huntress shot first and asked questions later. Ketch’s body fell to the ground as another older man’s spirit appeared where the body once stood. 
The shot caused the group to look over at Y/N, who shrugged, “What? I’ve had enough bad guy monologue the past week to last me a lifetime and someone had to do it.” 
The crystal had fallen from the body’s hands as it rolled out towards Rowena. She immediately took it back in her possession as she began chanting the spell to absorb the souls. The first soul being captured was Francis as the remaining began scattering to escape from the absorption. 
 “They’re leaving.” Belphegor commented as the crystal’s spell began to stop. From what had just occurred, it was safe to assume that the crystal was not quite the solution they were hoping for. There were too many souls to capture from such a large area and it only increased as time went on. 
“So what now?” Dean turned to ask the group, realizing the soul catcher plan wasn’t that great of an idea either. It looked like it was back to the drawing board.
Back at the school, Castiel and Rowena informed Y/N on what had happened with Kevin and the souls. There had been souls that escaped when the Soul Catcher was first activated, including Jack the Ripper, whom Y/N found out was also Francis. Kevin had shared with them all that Francis had a plan B, which led to the encounter at the edge of the magic barrier. And she knew how that ended up. Ketch was sent to the nearest hospital after shooting him with salt ammo and the Winchesters were left with a personal side mission of trying to help Kevin with the help of Belphegor. 
Did Belphegor really know how to close hell? Y/N couldn’t help but think about. Right now, she was beginning to doubt Jack’s words as the demon boy had many opportunities to share how to close hell, especially with the last plan they had not going so well. 
The Soul Catcher wasn’t exactly a failed plan, but it also wasn’t an entirely successful one either. The real issue was the millions upon millions of souls that were escaping hell. Eventually, the crystal would hit its limit and they would still be stuck in the same current situation. They had to do something about hell being open if only Belphegor would share his damn plan already. 
“I have an idea.” The demon announced as all eyes but two landed on him. Y/N and Dean looked at one another first. Their eyes silently asking each other if this was finally the moment the demon would spill the beans on how to close hell, that Jack insisted the monster knew.
“Do you know another spell?” It was Sam who asked first.
Belphegor awkwardly grinned, “Not exactly. You all, uh, probably won’t like it, which is why I haven’t brought it up till now. But you all seem like you’re in a reeeal pickle.”
After Belphegor had helped release Kevin from the barrier with the Winchesters and returned to the school, everyone had been non-stop researching a way to close hell again. Rowena had found one spell that would strengthen the existing barrier spell…temporarily again. However, the group had had enough of temporary solutions. And so, they continued to research till they found something more permanent, which was not going well at all. That is until the demon decided to finally speak up.
Y/N crossed her arms while sitting as she stared at the demon boy. “Well spill.”
Dean had stood up from where he sat and walked over, standing behind Y/N’s chair. The others gathered closer as well, surrounding Belphegor.
Belphegor let out a breath of air before smiling, “So you all know Lilith, right? The first demon created by Lucifer, blah, blah, blah, the last seal of the Apocalypse…”
“Get to the point, kid.” Dean ordered, very aware of who Lilith was as Sam narrowed his eyes at the mention of the white-eyed demon.
“Right. Well, as the first demon created, she was given a special item. Let’s call it a crook. Yeah, you know, one of those, uh, curvy ended canes that Shepards use? Little Bo Peep? It doesn’t matter. It’s actually more of a horn. Anyways, when Lilith began sending demons off to Earth to do her bidding, there was a liiii-ttle…” He enunciated, continuing, “….problem. I mean, yeah, she commanded absolute loyalty in Hell, but there was no guarantee that once her minions were topside, that they wouldn’t just take advantage of the situation. She needed to control her flock. So, the Crook was forged. It could retrieve all of Hell’s lost creatures and bring them…” He snapped his fingers. “…straight back home.”
“And why haven’t we heard about this before?” The angel asked, very skeptical about this idea. He wasn’t alone in feeling that way as it sounded too good to be true. If it were real, it was an item that would’ve been super helpful from the very beginning. 
The demon shrugged nonchalantly. “She never needed to use it. When she ruled, it was enough for us that we knew she could. And then when Crowley took over, he had other forms of discipline: endless lines, endless paperwork, etc…He also didn’t spend a whole lot of time down there – with us anyways.”
Now came the real question. “And where is it exactly?” Y/N asked raising a brow. She had a feeling of where it could be, seeing as no one, including Cas had heard about it before. The lack of knowledge about it only meant that it was kept away and most likely in the one place that no one would want to go too. Hell. 
Belphegor turned to face Y/N as he grinned. “Last I heard, it was in Lilith’s chamber, which has been sealed for ages. Now that all the doors of Hell are open, it’s probably just sitting there, ripe for the taking.” He began moving his head as if looking around at each person present in the room. “So the plan would be, I get the Crook, sound the Crook, and we suck all of Hell’s ghosts back into Hell. Then if the witch is feeling up to it, I slam the door shut behind them.” He turned to look at Rowena, as other eyes followed. 
“What is he talking about?” Sam asked, confused with everyone else about the last bit of the demon’s plan. 
The witch’s eyes widened as the demon’s attention fell on her, but she knew what he had been referring too. She’d never admit it, but the fact that this supposedly lower level demon knew of a spell that she had devised on her own was a bit frightening. Just who was Belphegor exactly? As all eyes were on her, she smiled awkwardly, “Well…there’s a spell I know of. One of my own devising. The Sanetur Acre Vulnus. A healing spell of a kind. If this gateway to Hell isn’t a gate at all, but a wound…” A realization that had hit her earlier after the Francis fiasco. “…or a rupture, I can use the spell to undo the damage Chuck did. Ideally, the hole will heal and close itself up. We’d have to time it perfectly.” The redhead looked down for a moment after speaking as if pondering over additional information to share. 
Y/N noticed Rowena’s look but decided she would ask about it later, as well as why the witch had been treating her a bit differently since arriving. The witch had been against the huntress helping out in what seemed like any dangerous situation. A hunter’s life was dangerous 24/7 and usually before, Rowena was glad to have the help of a female hunter rather than male the majority of the time.
As the group contemplated about this plan, there was an issue and possible chance to resolve one additional problem the older Winchester worried about. “Alright, there’s one thing that bugs me with your plan. Let’s say you go to hell, find the crook. How will we know when to start Rowena’s spell?” The older Winchester asked. 
The demon replied with an answer that was not really an answer. “Trust me, you’ll know.”  
If this Crook was real, then it was probably the best plan they had and all of them knew that. As Sam began to inquire about the ingredients Rowena would need for the healing spell, Dean leaned over to Y/N’s ear level. “I think this is our chance, sweetheart.” He whispered, already putting together a plan to keep the demon in hell once the plan went into motion. 
She looked up at the green-eyed hunter as she got out of her chair.  “You’re not going with him.” Y/N all but ordered. She had known Dean long enough to know what he was thinking. 
Before the older hunter could respond, his name was called out by the witch. Y/N and Dean turned to face Rowena. 
“Dean, my dear boy, we will need you to be by the rupture. You will be near the edge to serve as a fulcrum, or carrier.” The witch explained, which caused the older Winchester’s thoughts to change to this new task handed to him. 
“Why me? And where will you be?” Dean asked, staring back at the witch with a questionable look. 
“I will be somewhere safe to do the spell, but near the rupture as well. Dibs on Samuel as my assistant.” She shared.
Dean looked at his brother to confirm if Rowena was serious. Sam smiled awkwardly at him confirming. The older Winchester rolled his eyes, “And what exactly am I a carrier for?”
“Well, to put it in, uh, American action movie terms, you’ll be carrying a bomb, I light the fuse, then you toss it in and boom, the rupture should heal itself.” Rowena brought her hands in a circulation motion to act out the boom as she continued. “You’ll be unprotected. No salt circles and all manner of angry spirits will be right up your grill. But we all know you are more than capable of handling that all.” She smiled at the end. 
“And the angel comes with me.” Belphegor requested, grinning at everyone.
Castiel was taken back by this request as he glared at the demon boy. “Why?”
“I want protection. I’m sorry, but I’m not going down to Hell and getting past all those pissed off ghosts and demons that are maybe loitering down there, and sounding the Crook all by myself.” The demon fussed as Castiel rolled his eyes. The angel did not want to work at all with the demon that much was clear. 
And here was Y/N’s chance. “I’ll go.” She volunteered.
Dean’s initial instincts wanted to stop her, but before he could say something, Castiel beat him to it.
“Absolutely not, Y/N. You are not going into hell.” The angel insisted very firmly.
The older Winchester was surprised by Cas’s sudden disagreement. He had taken notice of the angel’s a bit more protective actions towards Y/N lately, as witnessed earlier when Cas teamed up with Rowena for Y/N to stay behind, which was odd to him. However, Dean also knew Y/N very well and had an idea of what she had planned in mind. She had volunteered herself the same way he had planned too before she had shut him down. Their shared idea to make sure that the demon stayed in hell once it was closed. Just like Jack had stated to her. And so, despite every fiber of him wanting to go against her and agree with Cas, he knew that if it wasn’t him going down with the demon boy, she’d be the next best choice to make sure that happened. 
It was Y/N’s turn to roll her eyes as she looked over at Belphegor, “You said you need protection. I’m the next best fighting machine after the Winchesters. Human fighting machine, of course.  So will I do?” 
The demon stayed silent as he considered her offer. From watching the demon in thought, Y/N couldn’t help but think he would refuse, until he didn’t. “Okay, that works too.”
Cas opened his mouth, about to dispute, but was interrupted. 
“She’s right. She’s the next best hunter after me. ” Dean added, showing that he was okay with this plan, for once. He looked at his brother as he shrugged and smiled. “Sorry Sam.”
Sam glared at his brother’s comment but also knew that it might’ve been true. Y/N was just as reckless, stubborn, and self-sacrificing as Dean. She also did end up almost breaking Dean’s nose when they had first met her way back in the day.
Turning back to look over at Castiel, Y/N couldn’t understand why the angel seemed to be so against her joining again. “Cas, if you have a problem with me going then you’ll just have to come along too.”
The look on the angel’s face was a mixture of disgust, disappointment, and defeat. Again, just like when she had asked him to tag along and part with Jack’s dead body to head to Harlan in the first place, Cas agreed to join her. “Well, it sounds like I don’t have a choice.” The angel couldn’t help but sarcastically comment.
“Go team.” Dean cheered in a fake tone. 
With the Crook plan settled, the next step was to find a spot close enough to the rupture for Rowena to do her spell. As the group arrived back on the same grounds the majority of them once stood only a few days ago, it still surprised them to see the walking dead wandering around aimlessly. There had been some bodies that they had disassembled before that were now not moving. Of course, as the group got closer to the rupture, the amount of undead increased. Each of the wandering souls that had inhabited a dead body seemed to be in their own little world, which was good a thing in a way. The problem was that there were a lot of them and they didn’t want a repeat of last time. 
“So, see any spots to do this spell of yours?” Y/N asked walking beside the witch. They had managed to walk past the undead without creating another huge battle so far. There were some that brushed against them and then reacted by trying to attack them, to which they took out quickly. Instead of the dead body continuing to live, once it was disassembled the spirit seemed to have left and gone elsewhere leaving an empty dead corpse. 
Rowena stepped forward in front of the group as her eyes scanned the surroundings. It then landed on a crypt, very near the rupture. “Ah, that will do.” The witched pointed out. And of course, the crypt she pointed out was an area completely surrounded by the undead. 
“Great. Of course, it’s surrounded by them!” Dean complained.
Before another complaint could be thrown out, Belphegor made his way to the front of the group as he began mumbling words. It sounded like a spell. Within moments, there was a burst of energy that left the demon’s body as it enlarged and passed through all the undead. All the possessed dead corpse immediately fell to the ground. The demon brushed his hands together as if he had finished cleaning, which technically he kind of did. “That should take care of them for now. Let’s head to that crypt.” He pointed onward with a grin. 
Dean and Y/N looked over at each other as they mentally agreed that Belphegor had been holding back on them this whole time. 
Next: Part Nine coming soon!
If you want to be tagged in this series, please leave a comment or message me! Feedback welcome!
FDEIB Tag: (If I missed anyone, please let me know! I’ve been MIA for a while Dx)
@leahslovelylibrary // @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce // @polina-93 // @deanwinchestersmydaddy // @witch-of-letters​ // @rainflowermoon // @rainflowermoonlibrary​ // @carryon-doctor-lock​ // @jxackles​ // @livelovelaug-h​
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julesthequirky · 5 years
Suptober:Motels and Love
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A/N: I know October was months ago, but I’ve been a little busy. 
This is way longer than a drabble, but it does encompass two items from the list. 
No smut, no angst (well maybe just a little) just the reader and Castiel in a will they, won’t they relationship. 
Y/N pulled up outside the motel, Castiel was waiting for her already. He hadn’t been waiting long. She gave him a small wave to him before cutting the engine and stepping out of the vehicle. He watched as she grabbed her bag from the trunk before meeting up with Cas.
“How was your drive?” Cas asked extending an arm out and grabbing the duffel from her.
“It was fine, now Cas, what have you got me out here for? Something out unruly vampires?”
Cas nodded.
“However, that’s not entirely true.”
“It’s not?”
He hesitated.
“I lied,” he turned, looking her in the eye. “Angels are after you.”
She snorted. He took hold of her upper arms.
“I’m telling you the truth, Y/N, angels are after you. I need to keep you safe.”
He moved both of them into the reception of the motel. Y/N went to speak but he beat her to it.  
“Two rooms, please, just or tonight.”
The motel receptionist gave him an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry, sir, there only seems to be one vacant room, with one queen bed.”
Cas sighed and spoke without processing the vital information the receptionist had given him and before Y/N could get a word in.
“We’ll take it.”
“Great,” she smiled and made a few clicks of the mouse and ran his credit card and then handed it back once it had cleared the system. “That’s all done. Checkout is 11am. Here’s your room key.”
She handed the room key to Cas and together, he and Y/N walked out. He walked fast, making Y/N jog in order to keep up with him.
“Cas, wait, what’s your plan?”
He stopped at their motel room and quickly unlocked the room, ushering her in and taking one last check before shutting, locking and bolting the door.
“I was going to have you use sigils to keep out the angels, of course that would have included myself, but I guess I’ll have to settle for moving around.”
“That’s your big plan? Castiel, do you not hear how absurd that is? You can’t kidnap me!”
“I didn’t kidnap you, you came willingly.”
“Well, you led me into a false sense of security.”
“All that matters is that you’re safe, for now.”
He looked around the room and immediately noted the single queen size bed in the room.
“I did not think this through.”
“so, what do Sam and Dean think about this?”
Castiel didn’t answer her.
“You didn’t tell them, did you?”
He shook his head.
“No, and I don’t want them to know either. They don’t need to be collateral damage for the angels.”
Y/N sat on the bed.
“it doesn’t make sense. Why are they after me?”
Castiel didn’t answer her straightaway.  
“I mean, Sam, Dean, I can understand that, but me, that’s where I’m lost.”
“It’s because of me.”
Y/N gave him an odd look.
“they know that we’re uh, what’s the term ‘best buds’ and they want to get to me by hurting you.”
It was technically the truth and it would suffice for now.
He sat beside her and took hold of her hand, resting them upon his lap. It was a lot smaller and softer and his own dwarfed hers. She looked at the gesture.
“I won’t let them hurt you, Y/N.”
Her face turned to look at him and taking his breath away.
“I promise.” He barely managed to get the words out.
His fingers interlocked with hers feeling his heart expand from adoration. Slowly he released the breath he had been holding. Her own heartbeat had quickened as had her breathing. Maybe she felt the same way he did. He couldn’t know for sure., not without invading her mind and casting a hand over her.
He wondered what he should do. Dean would have already made his move by now, mentally kicking himself for comparing, Cas went to make his move but a loud gurgle from Y/N stomach prevented him from doing so.
“Have you eaten?”
She shook her head.
“I didn’t have time to.”
Her needs were greater than his. Regretfully he let go of her hand and stood up.
“You stay here, and I’ll get you something to eat.”
“I can’t leave because you have the keys, remember?” She said deadpan.
“Right, good. I’ll be back,” he strode over to the door, feeling his heart ache at leaving her. He unlocked it and turned around to her. “Don’t let anyone in.”
She sighed and laid back on the bed.
“Got it, Cas.”
He exited the room.
He knew he hadn’t taken too long, however it was much longer than he would have liked. He grabbed the duffel from the passenger side then slammed the door shut. Juggling the bags and keys he managed to open the door.
Y/N was reclining on the bed, watching television. Instantly he relaxed and closed the door with his foot, then set the food down upon he table and dropped the duffel on the chair. He went back to lock and bolt the door, noting that Y/N hadn’t even acknowledged him.
“I have your favourite.”
At his words she turned from away from the source of entertainment and moved to the table.
“You’re too good to me.”
Castiel felt his cheeks tan and his lips tug at a smile. He had never gotten used to her compliments.
She dug into the bag of savoury deliciousness grabbing a container and immediately regretting it, evident by the loud cuss. She dropped the container and looked at the inflicted digit.
“Let me.”
She shook her head.
“I’m fine, Cas. I didn’t burn myself, it was just hot, that’s all.”
Nevertheless, he was instantly by her side, hand in his, taking a look for himself.
“Hmm, you just need to be more careful.”
“Thank you, Doctor Novak.” She said pulling snatching her hand back.
He could hear from the tone of her voice and from her prickly attitude that she was annoyed with him.
“You’re annoyed with me?”
That was the last thing he wanted. She whirled round to him.
“Yes, Castiel, I am. Just…why do you do that? I tell I’ll be fine, yet you choose to ignore that, so you can play the hero!”
No, she had it all wrong.
“I care about you, Y/N. Should I not?”
If that was what she wanted he would have to distance himself from her. There was no way he could be around her without caring for her.
She sighed, then cussed. Castiel was beginning to panic, yet his outer projection remained calm.
“That’s not what I’m saying, you treat me as though I’m about to break at any minute. You’re my best friend, Cas, treat me with the same amount of respect as you would with the Winchesters.”
“I treat you with more respect than I do with anyone else.”
This shouldn’t be happening. They shouldn’t be fighting, and it was getting harder to keep it quiet. She walked around the room as she spoke.
“You treat me like I’m a porcelain doll, Cas. I get injured and it’s miraculously healed by morning. I get sick and its gone the next day. I know what youre doing, I’m not an idiot. I tell you I don’t want healing because I can cope, and I can’t be one of those who uses you for insignificant things.”
You’re not insignificant he thought. But he wasn’t going to tell her that, and forming other words were difficult.
She was looking at him expecting an answer and all he could think about was going over and kissing her. It required an extraordinary amount of determination not to.
“But I want to. For you. For me.”
He prayed that she didn’t give him one of her sassy retorts. He didn’t know how much he longer he could hold it in.
“You have to stop.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
It was happening. Everything he had held in was about to burst and couldn’t fight it anymore. He strode over to her, taking her by surprise when he cupped her face.
“Because I love you.”
She didn’t have the chance to reply as his lips captured hers. They were soft and pliable under his. She resisted initially, and he began to question what he had just done. He shouldn’t have kissed her, he shouldn’t have reacted on instinct and he was beginning to question everything. He was about to pull away when something wonderful happened; she relaxed and sunk into him with an audible little sigh, her hands gripping onto the sides of his trench coat. She wanted him as much as he wanted her.
It had been described to him as fireworks, but nothing had prepared him to what it really was; pure electricity. Flowing straight through his entirety and giving his grace a buzz.
Lips caressed and melded together tenderly. Warmth blossomed from the centre of his chest and spread all over, from the tips of his fingers all the way down to his toes, euphoria replacing the buzz. This was his heaven.
Y/N pulled away, hands still gripping onto his coat.
“I…wow.” Y/N tried to cover her face, but he wouldn’t let her.
“Because I love you so much, I can’t bear to see you sick or injured and it kills me to see you refuse my help.”
“I refused because I love you. I didn’t want to use you. I love you, angel.”
He wanted to sob out of happiness. He was overwhelmed with joy.
“Kiss me, Cas. Again. Please.”
He didn’t need to be told twice.
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morganas-pendragons · 5 years
Saudade (Longing For The Lost) | R.M.
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This fic might be the hardest thing I’ve ever written. Rowena was a character who stuck with me pretty much from the moment she was introduced, and after watching her die in All Along The Watchtower, this one was absolutely traumatizing enough to the point where it’d been 6 days and I’m still crying when I see gifs. 
SO FOREWARNING, THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR 15x03 AND IS NOT A HAPPY FIC. IT IS SAD. IT IS DEPRESSING. It is also told from the perspective of Rowena’s female best friend, and the prompt I was given by @victoriasagittariablack​ was Rejection. 
Prompts for Rowena and Castiel are OPEN. Tagging @marril96​ @royalrowena​ @rowenaswife​ and please tag anyone else who would read this. I’m rather proud of it. 
In loving memory of Rowena Macleod, who is currently sitting on Hell’s Throne because I am in that much denial and I really don't believe this is the end of her. She’s too important. 
There are some words that are untranslatable in other languages. One of those words felt appropriate for the title of this story I’m about to tell you. In Portuguese, it is called Saudade - or, simply put, longing for the lost. 
When the world keeps taking what you have to give, it’s normal to want what you no longer have anymore. And for you, that thing you no longer had was a person, and her name was Rowena Macleod. 
Rowena came crashing into your lives about five years previously as a threat to the Winchester brothers - Sam and Dean - and the angel, Castiel. She’d gone on a killing spree that ultimately had ended up with her in Hell where her long forgotten son Crowley had been King for what felt like an eternity at that point. Cue familial conflict, right? 
You were a powerful hunter. A good one, at that. When a powerful hunter meets an equally powerful witch, one of them should be afraid of the other, right? You could speak Latin incantations as well as she could, even with the centuries of age difference, but your aptitude for magic was nothing compared to hers. But out of all the qualities to compare the two of you, there was one you had that she didn’t. 
An ability to see people for who they were. 
When you looked at Rowena, you didn’t see a witch on a path of revenge. You saw a woman abandoned by the one who claimed to love her, left to die on her birthing bed, cast out by her peers for accusations of performing witchcraft, and a mother who had abandoned her son to die at the mere age of 8. You saw years worth of rage and guilt and shame. You saw what the Winchester brothers didn’t, and that was why they let her live. 
They captured you in Hell, left you in a cell so you couldn’t tell the brothers that Lucifer was inhabiting Castiel. That was the first time you saw her die. Crowley never forgot the sound of such a piercing scream echoing within the depths of his palace. Sure, hell had enough tormented souls, but no soul knows torment like a soul who knows loss as an old friend. 
  “You are literally the only person on this planet who makes my mother act like a decent human being.” Crowley muttered as he fumbled with the key he’d snatched from Lucifer that unlocked your cell door. “And Lucifer only kept you down here so you don’t rat him out to the Winchesters.” Your eyes widened as the King of Hell stepped away only to gesture to the front doors of the throne room. “Do me a favor, and kick him hard where the sun doesn’t shine.”   
“For Rowena?” 
He nodded solemnly. “For Mother.” 
You and Crowley had an understanding from that point forward when it came to the topic of Rowena. She should’ve been afraid of you because you were a hunter, you should’ve loathed her because she defied every instinct your upbringing had given you. She should’ve been dead the moment you met. It’s what Dean would’ve done. 
But your heart often ruled over your head when it came to your best friend, and so the two of you began seeing each other as the other wanted to be seen. Human. Broken. The one’s who lost and lost and lost some more.. but gained something when they found each other. 
Which was how you found yourself screaming at the top of your lungs from inside a little crypt in a cemetery during the end of the world. 
This plan was supposed to be easy. Castiel and Belphegor would go to Hell for Lilith’s Crook, Dean would stay outside to throw Rowena’s hex bag into the rupture, Sam and Rowena would remain within the crypt to perform the spell while you guarded it in case something caught the rest of you off guard. 
  “What about me?” 
She smiled at you from across the crypt while rifling through her bag for the ingredients. “I need my best protector on the outside of the Crypt in case anything catches us off guard outside.” Rowena replied. “Doing what you do best, Y/N. Protecting the ones you love.” 
Did she not realize that also included her? 
You had just barely managed to open the doors to the crypt when Rowena caught sight of you in the midst of tearing into her shoulder with one of the knives that had been laying around. Sam whipped around at the sound of the doors opening, brow furrowed when he realized that something stood between you and him. 
  “Sam! Sam, you have to-” You slammed your hands against what you’d both thought was thin air but instead happened to be some type of magical barrier. Your heart dropped. She was trying to keep you out. 
No no no. 
  “Rowena?” Sam questioned as Rowena dug through her shoulder and removed what looked to be a miniaturized hex bag. “What is this barrier between Y/N and us? And why is it up?” 
Green eyes slowly lifted until they caught sight of you. Your jacket discarded, hair wildly framing your face as it had been pulled out with the wind outside, eyes wide and desperate as you kept trying to get her attention but to no avail. Nothing was gonna stop her now. Not even you. 
  “There’s only one way this ends now.” She held the item between her fingers. “My last resurrection satchel. I won’t need this where I’m going.” 
At that point, you were panicking. Dean was still outside probably wondering what had happened in Hell, Castiel and Belphegor were still gone, and now here you stood facing your worst fear, again. She’d already been taken from you twice. Sam wasn’t going to kill her, he couldn’t, he wouldn’t do that to her, to you. Not with all you’d lost. 
  “What do you mean where you’re going?!” Sam exclaimed. 
  “Hell is closing, the walls are falling-” 
He shook his head vigorously. No. It wasn’t going to come to that. He wouldn’t let it. Not after the way she’d made him feel, not after he’d finally found that one person who understood the darker part of himself he never let anyone else saw. She was the only one who could empathize with that besides you. His best girl behind that barrier, and the woman he’d come to care deeply for mere feet in front of him. 
  “There has to be another way.” 
Her hands gripped the knife tighter and drew it closer to her abdomen. She was testing him, goading him into driving that vile thing into her so they’d fulfill the prophecy Billie had spoken so long ago. 
  “I put that barrier up because I knew once Y/N figured out what I was intending to do that she would fight like hell to stop me. That’s always been my favorite quality about her.” Both of them looked to the barrier where you had yet to move away from, hands pressed against it and eyes wide with a fear Sam knew all too well. “Her loyalty. Now, though, she can’t hear us Sam. We can’t hear her. It has to be this way.” 
  “If you’re going to.. to do this.. shouldn’t you let her say goodbye?” He kept trying to ignore the tears blurring his vision and his sight of her. “After all the two of you have done for each other, Rowena.. this isn’t how she should remember your last day together. Split apart like this. It’s not... it’s not right.” 
While Sam had a point, Rowena believed that distancing herself from you even in a physical sense would make this final death so much easier. She didn’t want you to mourn her, to spend your nights trembling in fear of remembering the day she’d died before your eyes again when you slept, she didn’t want you to grieve. She wanted you to live, to move on, to find someone better then her. 
  “I can’t.” 
That was her rejection. The first time she’d ever rejected you would also be the last time. Rejecting your closure, rejecting your goodbye, rejecting you no matter how much her heart told her otherwise. 
Sam couldn’t look at you then. After all you’d been through and all you’d done to help Rowena become a person that she could be proud of, the last thing you deserved was to watch one of your best friends kill the other. It would either make you or break you. 
He imagined the latter. 
 “I don’t care about anything enough to take my own life. Not you, not Y/N, not your brother, not even the world.” You liar. You care more about her then anyone else. You taught her how to protect herself when conventional weapons wouldn’t work, you taught her how to trust people and how to learn to love people again. She taught you the very same things. You made each other better. “I believe in prophecy, I believe in magic. I’m here and you’re here and everything we need to end this right now is in our hands!” 
She was mere feet in front of you. You were on the upper portion of the stair case, and Rowena was only four steps in front of you. If the magical barrier intending to keep you out hadn’t been in your way, you would’ve very easily been able to reach out, grab her dress, and pull her right into your arms. But when your best friend was a centuries old witch, nothing was ever that easy. 
  “You turned this ancient, angry witch into someone worthy of redemption, Y/N.” She took your hands in her own and smiled that very, very rare smile that you committed to memory because it was beautiful. She always was beautiful. Beautiful in the way that stars are when they fall. “I’ll never be able to thank you for that.” 
Your heart lurched as she and Sam fought over the knife poised over her abdomen. You knew it then in your heart of hearts that this was the last time you’d see your best friend, your girl, the one person who you’d sacrificed everything for.. and she was about to die without letting you tell her goodbye. 
  “I know this in my bones. It has to be this way.” 
Sam cannot do this. Not with you right behind her, on your knees, eyes screwed tightly shut and tears falling down your cheeks and into the dirt on the staircase. 
  “Do it! Kill me Samuel!” 
He hesitated. Rowena saw his eyes flicker from the knife back to behind her where you knelt, practically screaming at the top of your lungs that one of them would hear you and that this would all stop. 
  “I know we’ve gotten quite fond of each other, haven’t we?” Her grip on his shoulder tightened as she feigned a smile. Sam resisted the urge to spew the bile rising in his throat because how could she smile when he was forcing himself to kill her? How could she smile when she was leaving you behind? “Y/N saw it too. She always did have an eye to see the things about me I couldn’t see myself. But will you let the world die, let your brother die, let Y/N die.. just so I can live?” 
You’re both crying at that point. You just want to wake up, wake up, wake up-
Before he can shove that knife into Rowena, she stood on her tiptoes and whispered something in his ear as Sam wrapped his arm around her waist and slid the blade into the soft flesh of your abdomen. Rowena was thankful that barrier was sound proof on both ends, because if she’d had to hear your scream she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to go through with this. 
Your throat was hoarse. Your fingers were trembling, and you wanted to punch something, anything, until you bled as much as she was in that moment she drove the knife deeper to ensure it had worked. 
  “If you ever need me, Rowena.. If you ever need me, I’ll come running. Say the word and I’ll be there.” 
She can’t need you. Not right now, and not ever again. She can’t need you because she’s about to throw herself into the deepest pit of Hell, she’s about to make your greatest fear come alive and lose you forever. She can’t need you. She can’t. 
Everything goes in slow motion after that. Rowena whispered a Latin incantation to release the barrier and Sam surged forward to wrap you tightly enough in his embrace that you couldn’t go after her, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t stop trying. You had to fight for her. Why was nobody fighting for her?!
Castiel saw you first, then Dean did. Both men watched as you went limp in Sams embrace and turned yourself away from Rowena so you didn’t have to watch her kill herself. 
Rowena looked back over her shoulder to gaze at the tiny family she’d been brought into when the two of you had met. She took one last look at Sam, then at you, and said, “Goodbye boys. Goodbye Y/N.” 
When you opened your eyes again, she and the rupture were gone. Defeat sank into your bones like an overwhelming weight, and you turned far enough into Sam’s chest that you could cry without being seen. He sat himself down on the grass and buried his face in your hair, and the two of you mourned together. 
Rowena and her damned sacrificial side, Rowena and her stupidly large heart, Rowena and her want to save everyone.. All of it. You were so angry that she’d just gone and done the one thing you’d never anticipated she’d do and wouldn’t allow you a goodbye. 
  “Castiel,” You called out to the angel who drew nearer at the sound of your voice. “Knock me out.” 
All three men winced at the ferocity of your scream, “DO IT! Knock me out! Anything is better then this!” Your body went limp as you tilted your head up to gaze at the angel. “I just want it to be over.”
  “Want what to be over?” 
  “This nightmare.” 
When the angel’s fingers touched your forehead, you thought you’d see darkness. You didn’t. You saw Rowena. You wanted to tell her everything was going to be okay. To assure her that she deserved a good ending, a happy ending, but you can’t. 
Because she’s gone, and you were still here. 
A tragedy really. 
The nightmare you wanted to be over wasn’t over. It was real. 
Two weeks passed. Two very bleak, angry, sad weeks passed before you forced the boys to let you make an empty grave outside the Bunker. You’d called someone in Lebanon who made stones and had a very simple one delivered right to the door which you put in front of the neat grave that took you three hours to dig. 
Rowena Macleod. 
Selfless. Beloved. Redeemed. 
Castiel had left the same day that Rowena had died. You hadn’t heard from the angel since, but you hoped he was getting the care he deserved. You weren’t entirely sure what was going on between the two of them, but you knew enough to know that Cas did not deserve what Dean had been putting him through since Jack had killed Mary. You’d spent so much of your time grieving with Sam in the safety of his bedroom that you hadn’t paid much attention to the older Winchester. He hadn’t loved Rowena like you and Sam had. 
  “I know you have a lot to say.” Sam turned away from the grave and wiped beneath his eyes. It was the most defeated you’d seen him look probably the entire time you’d known him, and your heart broke that he’d had to endure this to begin with when he’d just realized he loved her. “I’ve said what I need. I’ll leave you to yours.” 
You were alone. 
Everything felt colder now. Rowena was dead, Ketch was dead, Jack was dead. Castiel was gone, of where you had no idea. Dean was about ready to drink himself into an alcoholic coma and if it wasn’t for you, you’d imagined Sam would be in a similar situation. Your precious little family was destroyed, and you didn’t even have the closure you needed to mourn Rowena properly. You hated her for that. 
But your relationship with her was why you now stood over this grave. 
  “I’m not entirely sure what to say here, Ro. I know I watched you throw yourself into that pit, and really.. now that I’ve had time to think about it, it’s the one death you had that was on your own terms. You did what you did to save the world, and for that I am beyond proud of you.” You buried yourself deeper into your coat and tucked your hands into the pockets. “But I’m so angry at you for rejecting the one thing I needed to be able to mourn you properly. I know our time together was short, but you were the best friend I’ve never had because we both knew loss as an old friend. I clung to you just a little too much, and that’s why this is so much harder because you were all I had besides the boys. And now I’m alone.” Bitter laughter broke past your lips. “Sam and Dean are alone. We’re all alone. Some part of me doesn’t quite feel like you’re actually gone. Maybe it’s my rational side, maybe it's the fact that I’m in denial. I don’t know.” 
You reached into your coat and pulled out two thin silver frames. The one in your left hand was one of Fergus she’d kept with her for years. The one in your right hand was the last picture you’d taken on a random day after her altercation with Death, when you’d driven her and yourself god knew how many miles away from the Bunker for a girl’s day. Of all things. Best part of that was how much you’d both loved it. 
  “It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s okay. You fought the good fight. You did your part. I think my life was better honestly because you were such a crucial part of it. You learned how to open up to people again, how to love again, and it made you a better person. You’re a hero to me, to Sam, to Castiel. We love you.” You laid both photos down on either side of the gravestone. “If it’s time for you to go, it’s okay. Be peaceful.” 
There stands four graves in a little clearing outside a bunker in Lebanon, Kansas. Three of them are full, and one of them is empty. Castiel and Jack Kline stand vigil over their fallen, rulers of Heaven, the last of the Heavenly Host. 
  “Cas, do you know what that saying is on Y/N’s stone?” He pointed to the stone directly beside Rowenas. Castiel paused and allowed his eyes to read the world several times. He’d heard you say it a lot after she’d died. After losing almost everyone and everything that mattered to you, you’d been resigned to death when it’d finally come for you. Dean and Sam had tried to get through to you, but when you’re going up against God.. no one comes through that alive. Not even the Winchesters. You’d accepted death with open arms. You’d surrendered to it. “Saudade-” 
  “I think she said it meant longing for the lost.” He replied. Jack watched his father’s eyes soften as they read Dean’s gravestone. It was a daily ritual for him almost a year after three hunters, a fallen angel, a witch and a nephilim had saved the world. “Y/N spent a lot of time doing that.” 
On a throne made of gilded gold in Hell, Rowena Macleod ruled. She kept a picture of a girl’s day so long ago tucked away in her gown, and a tattoo of a word she’d never learned the meaning of etched into the skin on the inside of her forearm. 
Saudade: Longing for the Lost. 
She’d just never imagined that you would be the one who was lost. 
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cluz1babe · 4 years
*** Strong Tongue and Slender Fingers ***Episode 1 Chapter 3: *** A Hidden Power ***
Summary: You share some flashes of your past with one of the boys.
Notes: I'm sorry it took so long. There has been marriage, illnesses, and death in my family the past month.
I have been trying the story format. I hope it is good. If not, I will go back to "script" format. (I know it's not proper script.)
With the exception of characters who are "dead" on the show, it's as canon as possible (I try to fact-check as much as possible). Taking place after season 14 (up to a few years after). I wrote it kind of like a script because that's just how I am. Reading this version, you will miss some information, but check my "Works" for the others. I also have alt scenes ready to go when the series gets to that point.
      Inside the motel room, Castiel walked around the bed you were lying on, carrying a mirror. Sam and Dean talked near the sink. Sam sighed. “She could just be immune to that stuff. For all we know, she’s human.” “Maybe.”      Castiel appeared next to Dean. “We don’t need to worry. I’m not detecting anything unusual, other than the voices.”      Sam went to the table, now displaying various items from your bag. “So, she’s really hearing voices.” “It’s more troublesome than that, and I made it worse.”        “How?”      “When I touched her earlier-”        Castiel was cut short by Dean. “You mean when you attacked her?”        “I didn’t attack her.”        Sam shifted. “You kinda did.”        “Anyway, she understood Enochian.”      “Is that how she picks up the languages?”        “I don’t think so. However, I may have unintentionally given her access to Angel Radio. There’s something unusual under it all. She’s not only hearing Angel Radio. She’s hearing a few languages that I don’t recognize.”      You stirred on the bed. Glancing at you for a moment, Castiel changed his tune. “We should figure out what’s going on with her.”
     “We came here to deal with weird crap happening at some old park, not to decode crazy chick radio.”      You groaned and pushed yourself up.      “Hey,” Sam walked over and sat down on the opposite bed. “Are you okay?”      “I’m great.”        Dean grabbed a glass of water and brought it to you. “There are still a few details we need before we can help you.”        You took a drink of the water. “Did you call any of them?”      “Yeah. I’m sorry about all of that.” Sam motion to Castiel. “It’s just… We’re very protective of our people.”      “Understandable.” You grinned at him, weakly.      Dean crossed his arms. “Are you an angel?”        For a moment, you were puzzled but abruptly started laughing. Everyone else in the room just stared at you.        “What’s so funny?”        “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever been asked.”        Sam frowned. “Why?”        “Come on, angels aren’t real.”        Dean and Sam looked at Castiel, then Sam turned back to you.        “You believe that?”        You leaned back. “Of course. I mean, none of that God or Angel crap is real. If it were, I’m sure at least one of them would’ve listened to me at some point.”        “What do you believe in?”        “Demons, gods, various monsters, spirits, elementals… But the God? Angels? No.”        Sam lifted his head to Dean. You followed his gaze. “What?”        Dean nodded to Castiel. “There’s one standing right over there.”        “One what?”        Sam rose and walked over to your things, now displayed on the table.        “Angel,” Dean said.        You looked at Castiel and scoffed. He looked offended.        “Yeah, okay.”        You took another sip as Sam picked up a vial of clear fluid sitting on the table. Castiel grabbed a book and flipped through it.        “Cass?” Dean tried to talk him into showing off.        “No.” Castiel leaned back, trying to appear uninterested.        “Come on, man. No epic wings or glowing eyes?”        “Technically, I’m no longer affiliated. Remember?” Castiel sighed, “She won’t believe anything she sees or hears right now, anyway.”        “I guess we don’t have a way to prove he’s really an angel.”        Castiel rolled his eyes, tossed the book he was peeking through on the table, and spun toward you. Disgruntled, he walked to the bed and stood next to you. He reached out his hand. You flinched, so he changed his tone, slightly.        “I’m not going to hurt you.”        He bent his knees and sank next to the bed.        “My name is Castiel. I’m an angel.”      “Castiel?”        “Yes.”        “I see.” You studied him. “The angel Castiel?”        Cass nodded.        “Uh-huh. As in Wings of Desire?” You teased.        “What is that?”      “Is that a porn?” Dean’s grin was unmistakable. “What have you been up to, Cass?”      “It’s a depressing movie about bored angels who are obsessed with humans. They sulk around in trench-coats, being creepy, and wishing they were mortal. But you got the name wrong.”        “Excuse me?” Castiel was vexed.        “His name is Cassiel.”        He stood up, looking like he was about to pull out his hair. “We need answers. Now.”        “You want to know what I know about myself?”        “That’d be nice.” Dean included.        After trying to avoid the interaction, you finally decided that divulging this particular secret wasn’t dangerous.      “I need saltwater and someone to connect with. One of you.”        “For what?” Sam inquired.        “Telling you will be more difficult than showing you.”        Dean smirked, “Lucky for you, we always carry salt.”        “No. I need natural saltwater.”        You pointed to the vial of fluid in Sam’s hand. “I need that.”        Sam passed you the vial. Castiel was about to sit on the bed, but you stopped him, turning your face toward your knees. “Not you.” He tried to give you an apologetic smile and stood.        Dean stepped forward. “Alright. I guess I’ll volunteer.” He sat on the bed in front of you and smiled flirtatiously. “Hi.”        You glared at him for a second but still winked. You opened the vial and put some water on your hands.        “What is this, like dream walking?”        “Absolutely not.”        You realized your chest still had a puncture wound and wiped it with the water. It healed, which surprised everyone else. You drank the remaining liquid.        “If you see them… Just pretend that you don’t.”        “Who?”        You grabbed his hands and held on tight.
       There was a sudden swirl of images being shared between them: Someone running through a swamp. Demons being exercised. Puppies. Vampires. The Mark. You looking in a mirror. Dean meeting Castiel.        Before either of them realized it, they were being forced out of the trance. Out of instinct to defend yourself, you grabbed on to the hand touching your shoulder. As if a jolt of electricity hit, you jumped off of the bed. “Shit!”        Dean fell to the floor. In a daze, he laughed, “You gotta be kiddin’ me.”        You squeezed your eyes shut and pressed your back against the wall. When you opened your eyes, Castiel was standing right in front of you. You reached out and sort of poked him with your fingers. He leaned back when your fingers made contact due to the little bit of force you put behind your hand. “Fuck. So… So you’re real, and you really are a—” You wobbled to the side.        Cass tried to steady you, but you avoided him, swatting his hand away. “Stop. I know why they don’t want me interacting with you.”        Sam stood over his brother. “Dean?”        He smiled up at him. “That’s one of the weirdest things I’ve ever done.”        Sam’s head whipped around. “What did you do to him?”        “That can happen sometimes. He’ll be better in an hour. Maybe.” You turned your attention back to Cass. “Why would you do that?”        “You were both out of it for nearly two hours.”        Dean sat up. “Really? It seemed like we barely started.” There was a hint of slurring in his speech.        “It works like sleeping patterns on some people. Only instead of having a dream that seems like hours when it was only five minutes, it can seem like only five seconds over a long period of actual time.”        Dean dragged himself onto one of the beds and lied down.        Sam looked miffed. “I thought you said it would be easier.”        “It usually is. I’m not exactly an expert on any of my abilities!” Your hands started shaking. You made your way to your bag and took some money out of a hidden pouch. Dean began snoring. “Maybe he was just tired.” Looking at your cash, you sighed. “Is there a soda machine somewhere?”        “This place doesn’t even have an ice machine, but it’s just a few hours until morning.”        You sat down and cupped your forehead. “Great.”        “What’s wrong with you?”        “Lately, if I use my powers, I sort of crash.”        Castiel looked out of the window. “I think there was a diner a few blocks away.”        Sam shrugged. “You like pancakes?”        Dean suddenly stopped snoring and sleepily looked up. “Pancakes?”
PLAYLIST  (music for this episode)
Please Buy Me a Beer!
Tip Me on Ko-Fi
~ Klee PG Version ~ (Currently only on AO3)
*** Strong Tongue and Slender Fingers *** (Here and AO3)
KLEE (Original Version) (Currently only on AO3)
Alt KLEE Smut (Currently only on AO3)
*** Alt Strong Tongue and Slender Fingers Smut Scenes *** (Currently only on AO3)
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castielslostwings · 5 years
All I Want For Christmas (Are Earplugs)
Ficlet: 3k of fluffy, explicit (at the end) Christmas-y DeanCas. 
The challenge: "Write something about Cas being stuck in the gas n sip where "All I Want For Christmas is You" plays on an endless loop for 3 months until he's nearly homicidal 😂 ...and then dean shows up and they bang in the storeroom while it's playing and the song is still awful and plays every 45 minutes but at least Cas has a positive memory to associate with it now!"
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21656614
Or check out this excerpt (cut because Tumblr will eat my smut):
Corporate doesn’t even hold off until Thanksgiving is over to move onto Christmas, not anymore. In the age of instant gratification and having everything a person could possibly want only a finger swipe away, waiting until after Thanksgiving to break out the Christmas theming would render it all relatively pointless. Thus, the day after Halloween, that’s when it starts these days. Castiel doesn’t get it, not really, especially considering the Gas’n’Sip is, well, a gas station. No one is looking to their shelves for holiday sales and the opportunity to grab this season’s hottest items before they sell out. Not unless one considers snack cakes and travel-sized tubes of toothpaste to be the perfect holiday gifts. Not that Castiel’s judging.
It’s just that those realities make the auditory horror Castiel’s subjected to for nearly three months straight all the more baffling. Why he has to suffer so the Gas’n’Sip can claw uselessly at retail relevance is beyond his understanding. It’s not as if they’re succeeding. That little “Last Minute Gifts!” display doesn’t get any sort of play at all until the twenty-third, and even then people have to grimace their way through choosing between cheap shower product sets and crappy mugs with teddy bears holding chocolates stuffed inside them. By November first, Castiel’s already practicing the most tactful ways to interrupt those poor procrastinating saps and suggest simply buying lottery scratch-off tickets.
The thing is, the decorations aren’t so bad. A little tinsel here, a few red glittery signs there, couple of candy-filled endcaps with Santa theming, whatever. Even the little Christmas tree that sits next to the register and Castiel can’t stop knocking into with his elbow every time he goes to make change is more festive than frustrating. None of those things are particularly bothersome at all. In fact, Castiel barely even notices them (aside from diving to catch the tree and keep it from crashing to the ground every ten minutes). And the twinkling, color-changing string lights that Castiel spent the better part of a day stapling around the top of the store, along the windows, and over the register are actually fairly enjoyable to look at. So much so that he strung a set around the shelves of the storeroom for when he’s stuck back there organizing or doing inventory. Very cheery.
But the songs. The songs are the worst. Well, no, that’s not exactly it either. The holiday songs on the corporate-provided CD that loops endlessly on a forty-five minute spiral in the background definitely still play in Castiel’s head long after he’s dumped the coffee, turned out the lights, and locked the gas station doors. They infiltrate his quiet moments in the evening after he’s returned home, dance across his mind obnoxiously when he should be enjoying his free time away. It’s only the beginning of December and already Castiel’s starting to lose his mind. Last night, full of a spectacular dinner and tucked warm and snug in bed with Dean squirming underneath him, Castiel was screwed out of an actual orgasm by the painfully catchy crooning of Mariah Carey relentlessly belting out those high notes in his head.
Because really, at the end of the day, it’s not all the holiday songs, it’s that holiday song. The bane of retail workers everywhere, Castiel’s sure of it, “All I Want For Christmas Is You” is single-handedly making his holiday season as un-merry as it could possibly get. A grating earworm that’s starting to feel more “nails on a chalkboard” than singing at all, Castiel’s forced to enjoy it on a repeat cycle every forty-two-point-five minutes of every single workday. And now, it’s messing with his off-time, his intimate evenings with Dean, those relax and reset moments that Castiel counts on to get him through the next day and the one after that. Retail is hard enough on a regular old Tuesday, never mind during the holiday season when everyone’s so desperate to squeeze in as much merriment as possible that they’re willing to steamroll right over people like Castiel to do it.
Most of the time, Castiel doesn’t mind being a faceless cog in the machine, hell, he enjoys it some days. There’s a quiet dignity in his job, in providing food and fuel for weary travelers just trying to get from Point A to Point B. Keeping the coffee pot full, the hot dogs warm, the cigarette cartons stacked. Perhaps other people might look down on him for being satisfied with that type of work, that type of life, but Castiel has no interest in what other people think of him. Well, anyone besides Dean, of course. And Dean loves him, is proud of him, and that’s more than enough to make his days, every single one of them, merry and bright.
So it would be Castiel’s preference that he subsists through the rest of the Christmas season without murdering the one man who makes his existence tolerable, and that fucking song is beginning to threaten that theoretically simple wish.
Today, for instance, it’s four in the afternoon and Castiel is working a double. Which means that since the Gas’n’Sip opened its doors at six AM, Mariah Carey’s syrupy-sweet caroling has set his teeth on edge going on fourteen times. Fourteen. Chinese water torture would be kinder. Two hours and two more rounds of the nightmare in G Major later, Castiel texts Nora, his manager, and begs her to let him change the music. “ Just for the today, just for the rest of my shift”, he pleads, even going so far as to say he’ll tune the radio to their local Christmas music station.
Nora sends back, “ LOL, Castiel you’re so funny”, and Castiel dies a little bit inside. Business is slow and the lackluster trickle of customers comes to a stop completely around ten PM, leaving an entire hour for Castiel to count down the minutes to the next time that awful song is going to play without any kind of distraction. When the bells tied to the doors finally jingle signaling a customer around ten forty-five, relief doesn’t even come close to what Castiel feels. That doubles when the face that appears across his countertop is Dean’s.
“Hello, Dean,” Castiel says warmly, and he’s not exaggerating when he thinks he may never have been happier to see the man. Although, it’s never unpleasant to see Dean.
“I'll have some beef jerky and a pack of menthols,” Dean replies cheekily, leaning across the counter for a kiss which Castiel gladly provides. Not the menthols, though.
“Funny,” he murmurs and then sighs heavily. “Dean, I’m going to lose my mind if I have to put up with this—” Castiel jams his finger in the direction of the ceiling speaker above his head, “ Horror show for another three weeks.”
Dean looks up from where he’s fingering the different flavors of Bubble Yum and slides a pack across the smooth surface, reaching for his wallet to pay. Castiel waves him off, grabs a couple of singles from his own pocket and runs the transaction absently. “It can’t be that bad,” Dean says and Castiel’s fingers halt mid-button-push.
“My ears feel like they’re bleeding, Dean,” he protests with a glare. “Every forty-two-point-five minutes exactly it comes on and I’m in hell.” Clocking Dean’s badly-suppressed smirk, Castiel works his jaw and folds his arms across his chest. “Perhaps I’ll call Bobby and offer him a free month of advertising in the Gas’n’Sip window. All he’ll have to do is play a particular CD on repeat in the auto-repair bay from tomorrow until Christmas.” Satisfied with the way Dean’s face pales and the smirk disappears, Castiel feels absolutely no need to remind him that approving free advertising isn’t remotely in his job description. Honestly, if Dean can’t figure that out from the knowledge that he isn’t so much as allowed to change the store’s chosen music, that’s on him.
“Don’t mess with my classic rock, Cas,” Dean warns him. “Some shit is sacred, you know.” Annoyed again, Castiel raises his hands and gestures around him emphatically. “Alright, alright,” Dean relents. “I see your point, it sucks.” Sucking his lip distractedly in between his teeth, Dean glances around the store. “So, where are your security cameras at?”
Rolling his eyes, Castiel points to several different corners and just above his head behind the register. “There, there, there, and there. Don’t you think if I could have moved them, I would have? Changing their direction sends a notification straight to Nora’s phone.”
“That’s not what I—what about the storeroom? There any cameras there?”
Castiel narrows his eyes and regards Dean curiously. “No… There was one, but it broke weeks ago and Corporate hasn’t yet responded to Nora’s service request.” With a mild hum and another glance around that includes a sweep of the deserted parking lot outside, Dean wanders over to the doors and locks them. “Dean?” Castiel doesn’t protest, just watches as Dean flips the sign that says, “Back in 5 minutes!” Castiel rarely uses it himself, but every so often nature calls and the store has to be locked in the meantime. It’s interesting that Dean remembers that.
“C’mon,” is all Dean says on his pass back through the store, reaching out to grab Castiel’s arm and tug him out from his little alcove and across the floor to the storeroom.
“Dean, what—”
“How long until that song plays again?” Dean asks as he pulls Castiel inside and shuts the door behind them.
Checking his watch, Castiel does some quick mental math as well as cocks his head to listen for whatever song is playing now. “It’s next,” he groans, but Dean just grins.
“Awesome timing,” he replies, grabbing Castiel’s waist and manhandling him around until his back is up against some stable-looking shelving. “We’re gonna play a game, alright?” Dean’s bright green eyes are sparkling and shining and Castiel definitely knows that face. He also knows he should stop him, should tell Dean no to whatever mischievous thing he’s plotting, but it is only minutes to closing time and hell, Castiel’s day has been pure, undiluted shit.
“What sort of game?” Castiel asks, unable to keep the note of amusement out of his voice as he watches Dean’s eyes dart down to his own lips. Without answering, Dean leans in, kisses Castiel’s bottom lip and then his top, pulls back just far enough to look down and slot their groins together in a way that won’t have anyone’s belts causing unwanted, painful havoc. Then he’s back, tongue poking at the seam of Castiel’s mouth, and despite everything, Castiel recognizes that this is Dean asking for permission. If he really doesn’t want to do this, in his store or at all, he need only close his mouth.
As much as he appreciates the asking, though, Castiel knew what he was getting into when he stepped inside the storeroom. Dean has a bit of an exhibitionist side, and this isn’t their first rodeo in a semi-public space. Though the likelihood of being walked in on is extremely low, there’s still a bit of a thrill Castiel gets over doing something naughty, and maybe he’s more into it than he lets on. The whole concept has him hardening up nicely and Dean’s grinding isn’t hurting either, but just as they’re setting a pretty nice pace, the first notes of The Song come on.
Growling into Dean’s mouth, Castiel reluctantly pushes him back. “I can’t,” he says, frustrated. “I don’t want to associate having sex with you with this demonic lullaby.”
Read the rest on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21656614
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