#n e ways. that scene fits them i think
lunisoular · 1 year
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and he was like “i think u look good, i like ur hair”
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murdrdocs · 1 year
ok so BIMBO READER!! x ethan landry
ethan is a bit of a natural soft dom to her. her being airy in the head she never knows what to do!! so say someone in the group (or core fucking 4) asks her a question she looks over to ethan and is like uhhhh?? and he swoops in for her. or if theyre in big crowd (like in the train station scene) hes always behind her with his hands on her hips leading the way because shes in her own little world.
and she knows that if she tried just a little bit harder, if she allowed herself to think for just a second or two more, she could figure out what chad meant by his simple question. but the thing is, she doesn't have to think for herself. not when she has ethan. it's a little concerning and borderline annoying to the others that she has to rely on ethan like a translator, but like :((( if he's there for her and willing to do anything (literally anything) for her, then it would be rude to count him out and do things herself, would it not?
and he's always keeping a hand on her waist and stuff not just because she doesn't watch where she's going and she gets lost easily, but also because of those tiny little skirts she wears. especially when they're on the subway, and it's so crowded and all ethan's possessive little mind can conjure up is ways that someone could attempt to touch what's his so he's standing behind her, keeping his hands on her waist. which not only keeps her steady, but it also gives him the chance to keep her protected, the two standing flushed together.
she's none the wiser to the reasons behind his protection in a moment like this. instead, she's complimenting people's outfits. "oh, e, look! it's the pretty flower dress from that one movie," she's turning around to face him, just her head because the rest of her body fits so snug and comfortable pressed against ethan like this. ethan can't help but watch her pretty glossed lips when she says, "what movie is it from again? something with an 'n', about a season, maybe?"
and ethan simply says, "midsummer. remember?" and her lips make an 'o', her head nodding and she grins.
"yeah, i remember!" she goes to turn around, but not before ethan presses his lips to hers once, and then presses his lips to her neck twice. she giggles, leaning back into his touch even more, and ethan casts an angry glare to the guy to the left of them who's been staring a little too hard.
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pxgeturner · 6 months
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Miguel O'Hara is a world-renowned professional boxer, and Hobie's other best friend. One night he finally makes the two worlds collide and sparks immediately fly between the two of you. But will he distract you from meeting your publisher's deadline? And will you distract him from getting World Champ?
before you follow. m.list. Iron Fist gfx library. series m.list. tag list.
Prologue. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Epilogue.
wc. 1.5k
an. hi. its me! Giselle, or gi, or gigi to few (not to be confused w gg, that is one of my moots. she makes really cool art.) n e ways here is the awaited Prologue for Iron Fist. Oh goodness I'm so nervous. I just want to make a few things clear. the reader is an author (obvs). She's recently graduated uni and is Latina! I write with a woc!r in mind always. I try to be as inclusive as possible, pero porque soy Mexicana, r might lean towards being more Mexican but I'll try to keep her Spanish standard and not be too specific to my family's culture. much love! hope you enjoy <3
please don't forget to reblog! likes do nothing to boost engagement.
Your foot taps against the floor. The damn blank document stares back at you. Mocking you is what it’s really doing. Fuck you, you think, I achieved my goal. I published a book and it is a damn bestseller! Only problem is that the readers want more. It’s been… some time since your first book. And sure, Jess said you can take a break before starting a new project. But you also know that it’s good to ride on existing publicity. At least be able to make an announcement that you’re writing something while all this excitement lasts. Maybe you should write something about vampires. You love vampires and how they fit into romance and how them drinking blood is a euphemism just a bit away from, the whole cannibalism-equals-all-consuming-love trope and how when a vampire attacks it’s often an allegory for rape and— but you have nothing to add to the conversation. You have nothing new to say, no new perspective or hot take, or twist. You have nothing. No ideas.
Not a single word on the page.
You have an idea, leaning forward to peck the keyboard. “F-u-c-k. T-h-i-s!” You highlight the text and italicize it.
Fuck this. At least it’s words on the page.
You reach for your cup and take a sip. “If all else fails I can ride on the rest of the signing bonus and royalties for a bit since the book is doing good, and once that dries up, I can apply to be circulation assistant at a library or something.” You sigh and take another sip. “But nobody has to know for now.” You get up, searching for your phone. You find it resting on the arm of the couch, you grab it, sliding onto the cushions, resting your head where your phone just was. “God, don’t make me a one hit wonder, I wanna be a star. I wanna be the one to push that bitch Colleen Hoover into obsoletion. Please God. Please.”
You open your phone and look for your mother on speed dial.
“Hola, nena!” Your mama’s voice is happy, she must be having a good day. You move into the kitchen. You need a snack.
“Hey, mama, how are you?” You hold the cell with your shoulder as you look through your pantry.
“Good, good,” you find a pack of roasted seaweed snacks and grab it.
“I went on a date anoche.” Your shoulder drops and the pack of seaweed slips out of your grasp.
Mi mami fue a una cita. Con un man! You stand there, trying to process that she is actually back on the dating scene.
“How did it—” you aren’t holding your phone anymore. You use the wall as support to lower yourself to pick up your phone and snack.
“—ay, mami, lo siento, mi cellular se cayo de mi mano.”
“Todo bien, hija! I’m glad you’re ok.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m ok, I’m ok. Anyways— how was the date? What’s he like? Am I going to have a stepfather soon?” you joke.
“My time for marriage is gone, muñeca, I’m just looking for companionship, pero, tu lo sabes.” You hear some subtle clinking in the background of the call, she must be stirring her coffee. You open your snack and park yourself on the couch. “Are you writing?” Ugh. Not you, too.
“I was, just finished for a bit before I called you.”
“You called me to procrastinate.” You choke on your seaweed from the accusation.
You clear your throat, “I called to check in with you. I call you practically every day.”
“But right now you called me to check up on me as an excuse to not write. Nena, I know you.”
“Okay, fine. I might be having some writer’s block,” you admit, sighing.
“And that’s okay, nena, but then you need to get out, get some inspiration. Allow the world to give you a story.” There’s mama, with her easier-said-than-done advice. But, maybe you should get out of the house.
“Alright, I’ll go out soon.”
“—I will go out to the Chinese place across the street and nothing more. I’ll talk with Hobie when he gets back to see if he has any ideas.” You hear your mama make a noise in her throat.
“You still live with that boy?” Here it comes. You’ve lived with Hobie Brown for three years and have known him for five. She’s always been apprehensive of him, since he’s radical and looks like he’s been in jail, with all the metal in his face, and why does his hair look like that? But Hobie is the one who’s kept you sane all these years. He’s held you while you cried and pushed out of your comfort zone when you were getting too stuck into your routines, most likely by dragging you to a concert or a protest. You help him thrift and flip clothes and ever since that one time his stylist had an emergency and canceled, you now help him tighten his wicks every so often. On days like that the two of you stay in, watching nostalgic movies and listening to any demos he’s recorded recently. He’s like a brother to you at this point.
“Yes, mama, I still live with Hobie. Nothing’s changed.” You move the phone down to your chest and take a deep breath.
“I didn’t like him when I first met him,” you clench your jaw as she continues— “…and although he’s one of those kids, I can tell he is a good boy. I’m glad he takes care of you.” You relax. “But it wouldn’t hurt to have someone you could kiss.” “It would be nice, but right now it’s not happening.” “Alright, muñeca. I’ll leave you alone for now, but keep your eyes open for a nice man.”
“I will, con cuidado, mami, besitos.” You make a kissing noise into the phone, and she responds with a goodbye of her own, and you wait for her to hang up the call.
You sigh, and look at the coffee table. Hobie left his song book at home, weird. It’s open to the song he was working on the other day. It’s a slower song, you can still hear the melody. You drum your fingers to the tune. He’s on an unfinished verse. You pick up a pen from the little catch-all dish and scribble down a line or two.
Hobie weaves through the roar of chattering, anticipating fans and into the tunnel, and walks past employees and into Miguel's prep room to see him tying his shoes. “Hey,” Miguel looks up. “Hey.”
“Are you excited?” He moves to sit by the boxer, shimmying up against his shoulder.
“Haven’t really been excited for one of these in a while.” Miguel breathes.
“Well, one step closer to retirement!” Hobie bounces out of his seat. He turns to face his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You’re gonna do great, you big fuckin’ bear of a man.” He ruffle’s Miguel’s hair.
Miguel gives a half-ass hum in response.
“Well then, I’ll be out there, mate, cheerin’ you on.” He puts his hands in his vest pockets and walks out the room.
As he reaches the empty doorframe, Miguel speaks up. “Thank you, Hobie.”
“Anything for you, mate.” Hobie nods and goes to join the audience. Miguel fastens his gloves and puts on his robe. He warms up waiting for his coach.
“Ready, O’Hara?”
Miguel turns around. “Always ready for a fight.” He clenches his jaw. Walking down that hallway, the festive colors lighting up his path and the music blaring, he does his little bit, the movements molded into muscle memory.
This is it. This is his last year fighting. If he gets world champ again, he’s free.
Soon, he gets to fight his last fight. And dammit, the world championship will be his last match. Then, he’s never gonna have to come back.
He weaves under the ropes, entering the ring. Sitting on the stool, he shrugs off the robe and lets Carlos put the mouthguard in.
“You are going to show this guy exactly why people call you el oso!” Miguel beats his gloves together and nods. He might not like his job right now, but he really wants to hit something and goddammit if his opponent doesn’t look so beatable right now.
Coach Carlos steps out of the way, and Miguel stands to walk to the ref as he calls for him to center.
“We went over the rules in the dressing room.” Right before Hobie got here. “I want to remind you to protect yourself at all times, and obey my commands.” Ring the damn bell already. “God bless you both,” I don’t need it but this kid might. “Touch up,” here we go. He touches gloves with his newbie opponent and each goes back to their respective corners.
Miguel takes an orthodox stance.
The bell rings.
Miguel lands the first punch. He also lands the last.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
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GENERAL CW/TW: Spoilers for Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. Typical Yandere themes of stalking, violence, and whatnot.
PART SPECIFIC CW/TW: Soft, awfully wholesome scene with your father. Like seriously it’s like the third time I watched the whole movie but this particular scene still breaks me
current status: unedited
summary: you get replaced by peter last minute as the one that plugs in the goober. but you won’t let that happen. not when he still has a whole life to get back to.
Reply if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
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“Aye, Getting old they doubted us, makes it that more marvelous. Sign ‘em up cause I’m on this vibes and I get synonymous.
What’s up, danger?
Aye, don’t be a stranger!”
Look, because of the Spiderman: Miles Morales game I’m a bit biased.
I don’t want uncle Aaron to die damn it. But yeah the Prowler does exist and you have been keeping contact with him.
But for the sake of keeping the dude alive though he’ll only physically come in act 2 of this series, we gucci?
Although this means you lose a lot of the development Miles gets from his death. I’ll try my best to make the events as natural as possible
Anyways, you come back to the spider gang hanging out at Jason and Roy’s apartment.
The gang essentially jumpscares you (thank god for spider sense) with a suit of your own.
Except it was one size too big.
And there were holes at the eye sockets for you to actually see through.
“Ehrm . . . Thanks ?”
“You don’t gotta pretend you like it, kid.”
“It’ll fit eventually.”
You begin sweating quite a bit. Something felt so off here.
You notice that Jason was looking straight at you.
Which I mean, anyone would be m e l t i n g if someone like Red Hood was staring right at them so it’s a miracle you aren’t a puddle at the moment.
Perhaps it’s cause you spent so much time with your crush, Gwen, that you’ve pretty much gotten used to hot people looking at you directly.
Still, you turn away and hide your face. Utterly clueless as to how react in this type of situation.
The relatively peaceful circumstance doesn’t last long as everyone’s spider sense is alerted and the door bell rings. A mechanical tentacle shoots through the lock, completely shattering it.
“Cute place. Real homey.”
Oh great, it’s Liv.
“Get out of here, kid.”
“For the last time I’m a legal adult—“
“Mira todas estas arañitas. (Well, look at these little spiders.)”
Two more of Kingpin’s men show up, Tombstone and Scorpion.
God, fucking damn it—
Olivia spots the new flashdrive Peni made around Peter’s neck and grins.
“Oh, I think I’ll be taking that.”
You hold in your attraction to the woman and duck as a fight ensues.
Scorpion takes notice of you.
“Niñito dale. (Go ahead, little one.)”
“Prepárate a morir (Prepare to die) — Ah, man stupid pillows!”
Before you could get your body bashed in by the cyborg, Red Hood takes a shot his tail just in time.
“You good?”
Your spider senses were all over the place just like with Damian. What is it with black haired hot guys and their danger levels-
You manage to slip away, flashdrive in hand, courtesy of invisibility finally working in your favor.
“All vehicles in the area we have a disturbance involving multiple spider . . . people ?”
“On my way.”
Dick wasn’t the type to spend Christmas in Gotham.
But the tone of his brother’s voice — how broken and desperate it was — alarmed him.
It seemed that his baby brother finally fell in love.
It was about time really.
Although he was terribly curious as to who the person the Damian Wayne had fallen for.
You couldn’t just be a normal student from school right?
He finds around the scene looking terrified and scared.
A perfect opportunity to get to know you a little better.
“You alright there citizen?”
“Huh? Yeah I’m fine.”
“You seem pretty calm despite being in a police car and all.”
“My dad’s a cop. He gives me rides in one plenty of times.”
“Jefferson Davis, right?”
“You know him?”
“Well, it’s hard not knowing the guy who’s been looking all over for you. He spread the news to several police departments.”
“That . . . sounds a lot like him . . . “
“You don’t have to worry. I won’t tell him where you are. You need some space, right?”
Nothing outstanding so far. You were cute albeit awkward. But he could see that you were going through things at the moment. Early adulthood is a bitch after all.
You kept quiet most of the ride.
You were so distracted that you didn’t even question how he knew what school you went to and the location of your dorms.
“Hey, I’m a little curious, why don’t you have his last name? Family problems?”
“No, it’s something with my grandfather. I don’t think it’s within my place to share.”
“Well alright.”
You two arrive at your dormitory and you make sure to give the place a good old scan just in case you were getting followed.
“I’ll see ya when I see ya, [Y/N]. Give me a call if you ever need help.”
“Got ya.”
You realize that you don’t even know the man’s name much less a way to contact him.
But as you look back, the car he was in had already driven away.
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Time wasn’t going to wait for you.
You knew that. You were trying your darn hardest to chase after it.
But you weren’t fast enough.
“[Y/N]. We came to say goodbye.”
“Goodbye? We can say goodbye at the collider.”
“You’re not getting it. You’re staying here.”
“I need to be there, so you can all go home.”
“They are going home [Y/N]. I’m the only one staying.”
“You’re taking my place.”
Your voice trembled as you say those words. And unbeknownst to you, Jason (and to be fair the rest of the spider-people are out there eavesdropping too) shivered as he heard your words.
“If you stay here you’ll die.”
“I’m doing what needs to be done. I just wanted you to hear it from me.”
“What about MJ?”
“Not everything works out, kid. I need the goober.”
“That’s not fair! You gotta tell them I can do this.”
It took Jason all his might to not reach out and embrace you.
He knew how it felt to be replaced. Circumstances differ but still, a connection was made.
Although he couldn’t be there for you now as you had to grow into the Spiderman you had to be, he promised to himself that he will in the future.
After all, if you two were partners in another universe, what stops it from happening in this one as well?
“It wasn’t their decision.”
“I’m ready, I promise— ah—!”
Peter knocks you down, jumping to the ceiling and dangling you by a web.
Jason clenched his teeth. As much as this man knew so much about him and his vulnerabilities, and how he knew this was completely necessary it still ached to see his destined partner getting thrown around.
“Then venom strike me right now or turn invisible on command so you can get past me.”
Peter webs your entire body and sticks you to the chair your roommate always used.
“Look I know how much you want this kid. But you don’t have it yet. I’m sorry.”
“When will I know I’m ready?!”
He then webs your mouth and takes the goober from your hands.
“You won’t. It’s a leap of faith. That’s all it is [Y/N]. A leap of faith.”
And you’re left alone, stuck with webs all over your body. Unable to move or talk.
You hear a knock to your door.
“[Y/N]. . . ! Uh . . . [Y/N] it’s your dad. Please open the door.”
Unfortunately you couldn’t so you just use thrust your body closer to him.
“[Y/N] I can see your shadow moving around.”
“Yeah okay I get it. I get it yes… still ignoring me. Look can we talk for a minute?”
You nod. Internally facepalming after realizing he can’t see you doing so.
“Look sometimes people drift apart [Y/N] and I don’t want that to happen to us, okay? I know I don’t always do what you need me to do or say what you need me to say but I’m…”
“But I see this - this — spark in you, it’s - it’s amazing. It’s why I push you but . . . it’s yours and whatever you choose to do with it you’d be great.”
You feel tears falling from your face as your father spoke.
All those days feeling the pressure of everyone’s expectations on you
As [Y/N], as the Spiderman of this universe.
You were an adult in age, yes. But in the face of all these events your youth and inexperience slapped you in your face.
You wanted to run away. You wanted everything to be over and done with.
But you realize, you were the only one who could do this. For the sake of the spider-gang. For Gotham.
You didn’t know if you were going to succeed but wasn’t that what life was?
A leap of faith.
“Look, call me when you can.”
“I love you. You don’t have to say it back though.”
And your father leaves.
You close your eyes. Thinking back to all the moments you’ve failed, all the times you’ve broken a bone or two trying to learn.
Time wasn’t going to wait for you. But why run after it when you can web-sling it up?
You use your venom powers to get rid of the webs and do you best to get to Jason’s place. He had to have an extra, better suit lying around right? Anything was better than what the gang gave you.
You ring the bell to his house completely expecting him to not be there and potentially having to break in.
But you stand corrected.
“Took you long enough.”
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taglist: @vanessa-boo @w31rdg1rl @zlatolait-writes @ice-cream-writes-stuff @hakudaru @violet2507 @sleepy-maenad @yell0wdreams @humanoid606 @holybatflapexpert
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zaacoy · 2 years
Lego monkie kid season 4 spoilers ‼️
(heyyyyy note from after finishing writing all this out: this first one is just me going crazy over debatable freenoodles content in s4, you have been warned. Everything in here is /pos!! teehee)
WOW. OKAY. WHAHSJJSJnsjabsjanJSdWHHWJH????? The effect this show has on me is almost beyond my comprehension, not even really sure how to put this into words
iiiiiiiiiiii'll figure that stuff out when it isn't 3 am, it'll be a little rb thread whatever that's called on Tumblr
For rn can we please talk about how stRONGLY FREENOODLES WON WITH THIS SEASON????? WHAGAHT??????? ISHDKSJBSKX!!!!!!!!
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The FACT that tang KNOWS EXACTLY how Pigsy makes his noodles from memory if not by HEART??? He has no recipe on him and pigsy can't help he just????? KNOWS pigsy's noodles recipe. Something that is VERY important to him and is unique to his family??? And to which the ONLY other person we know of that also knows pigsy's recipe is mk. His adopted son???? The only people pigsy has EVER told his recipe to is his basically son mk and TANG. OR, POTENTIALLY, Tang has spent so much time sitting right by pigsy's side as he works, watching him indulge in his passion day in and day out to the point where he's just picked it up on his own?? EITHER WAY. HUSBAND BEHAVIOR.
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"I'm your tangy!" he. he did not just say that. "I'm YOUR TANGY"????? 'YOUR' POSSESIVE. BASICALLY "IM YOURS". AND NOT YOUR Tang, TANGY. A PETNAME/NICKNAME. WITH THAT EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE????????? H. HWHWJGSJ???? HOW did they get away with this I genuinely wanna know. That is SO GAY. CATASTROPHICALLY GAY. "YOUR TANGY". I am dead on the floor.
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"I have devoted my life to this man" elaborate on that. nonono keep going, what did you mean by that. How do you platonically devOTE YOUR LIFE TO ANOTHER MAN????? THAT IS THE MOST OBVIOUS INDIRECT WAY YOU CAN SAY YOU'RE MARRIED. THIS E N T I R E SCENE HOW DID THEY GET AWAY WITH THIS???? HOW do you a man devote your life to another man in a nongay way, Tang. Asking for a friend I just wanna know
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The look of awe. He is literally stunned. No fear no nothing just. woww what is my husband doing. Gay gay homosexual.
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In. In what UNIVERSE is leaping into someone's arm, NUZZLING AGAINST THEM BECAUSE YOU'RE SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM AGAIN, AND THEN STAYING CURLED UP IN THEIR ARMS ,BOTH OF YOU BEAMING AT ONE ANOTHER, NOT GAY. I. That's. I'm. HfhdhsggdwghwWHAWT???? They are so married. They are so gay for each other. I. I cannot even fathom. Not even going to get INTO THAT GIGGLE WHAT WAS THAAAAAAT.
Slight side note, glad to see a head canon validated! The little nuzzle thing was a cute little gesture that I've always hc'ed onto Tang pretty much from the beginning of my freenoodlesshipping journey. Watching it HAPPEN in canon??? Feels good >:3 He's a snuggler fr
almost got a 2 for one, I hc tang to be the kind of person that doesn't really stutter or close off when he gets flustered he just starts laughing. It'll start out as soft chuckles and giggling but it just grows deeper and louder the more flustered he gets. Pigsy, being completely enamored with his man, tends to fall into a laughing fit with him and then they just become a flustered happy giggling heep in each other's arms. Sooo close, I won't stretch Tang's little giggle so far as to say that that hc is also basically canon, WILL use this scene to justify it tho :3c
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Some quick fire more general freenoodles moments:
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"Oh, Pigsy where are you?" The first person he thinks to look for is Pigsy? Pigsy specifically? Not sandy or monkie king, pigsy. mmmmhm.
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Talking back to a demon that is cooking you as we speak by praising your definitely not husband the entire time? Very straight. That's a very straight look they're giving each other too. Yes, very (/sar)
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Just. How happy and excited he looks watching pigsy cook and get back into his thing? They're so wholesome. Old supportive married couple
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"Doesn't that moron know we're his family?" Dadsszszs
the look of support and encouragement. They're so soft they make my heart hurt
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Trying to support each other, quite literally having each other's backs when in danger
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Holding onto your husband and trying to protect your husband by extending an arm out in front of him respectively
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Pigsy doing his thing and Tang being COMPLETELY there for it. Look at him. That content prideful expression on his face. Pride in his husband. Two kick ass husbands and their two unimpressed, frustrated children. Also find it cute how Pigsy made a bunch of food and then actively weaponized it but still went out of his way to make Tang in specific a nice bowl. Not the other two, just Tang.
It is 4 aaaaaammmmmmm, goodnightttt prepare for more delusional ramblings later in the week I have so many tang thought jfjfn
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S E 7 E N : L U C I F E R
P A R T T H R 3 E
Warnings: One image of a demon in this one, nothing related to smut or anything like the last chapter, just forewarning in case you dont like to look at scary stuff, it's CG developed image that fit the scene i placed it in (AGAIN, NO DEMON RELATED SMUT LIKE LAST TIME) however, you are going to have Heelel with antlers, just saying. if that bothers you, just skip over it. (He is the devil after all) there is smut, not too descriptive but it's in there. There are some dark altered pics of Heelel when he's mad (not like his scary smiling pic of sadistic love) literally just images i adjusted the brightness and contrast to display what I imagined he would look like when angry. Abuse of power, abuse of authority, imbalance of power in a relationship, obsession, possessiveness, aggressive and unhealthy obsession, treating a person like they're a doll or putting them on display (literally), ....curse words...mention of people burning, mentions of children dying (from bad guys). I think that's it. and this is NOT AT ALL PROOFREAD. sorry, not the tiniest bit, as i'm still trying to recover from jetlag and it's been a busy couple of days from the family event. so ignore the mistakes.
Images i found on googled and altered. One image is from account ljungwon. Please support their work.
“Will he receive us?” The master elder asks as he faces Jake.
Looking up at towards the peak view of the mountainous throne from the base, with crossed arms, he sighs out as he issues his response.
“Not sure….he hasn’t really detached himself from up there ever since he took out Jol…and brought her back with him.”
“You mean…..the Mortal Daughter? She’s here?” The elder gasped out.
“I knew that she what the purpose of her existence was…yet I wasn’t at all prepared to find out that he finally got her….after all this time…he never lost interest…he waited.”
The elder remarks his mental note as he once again, shifts his gaze and looks at the younger brother, Leviathan.
“Will you take us to him? We wish to see him.”
Shrugging as he scratches the back of his head, Jake steps aside and extends his arm, gesturing towards the three muses.
“You can go on right ahead. I’ll let him know that you’re making your way up.”
Flaring his dark gray-shadowed wings, the former archangel takes flight and heads to the peak of the tall mountain, leaving the three muses of Heaven to face the stairway extending miles long.
“We best be on our way. Should we stop for breaks, ensure that we keep a look out for the demons that may roam.” The elder bids as he leads the two younger muses along.
The stairway roughly extended passed three miles ahead before they would reach the tip, where Heeseung’s throne was stationed, overlooking the vast fields of the red poppies he planted so long ago….all for you.
A flashback from the time of your arrival in Hell, his voice and the image of his face was permanently ingrained in your mind as you set your gaze upon the red poppy floral ground that surrounded you…you couldn’t escape from them.
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“Do you like them?”  You recalled as he spoke out chuckling, all with a lip bitten grin.
“ I planted grew them hoping that they would match the color of your lips, but they don’t even come close…as red as they are…..your red lips is the prettiest….you’re just so beyond remarkable….arent you?”
With a dark giggle, you nearly blacked out upon the last bit of his words as he cradled his fingers around your chin, staring into your eyes with a deathly and terrifying smile of joy….and love….a sinister love.
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You sat atop and slightly sank into the tufted cushion of the large platform he had created right in front of his throne.
Despite having your own throne seat next to his, he expressed that he wanted you in front of him…in front of his eyes….where he could see you…stare at you…watch you…he didn’t want to miss a single sense of movement or expression.
The velvet red pillow top sat atop an enormous golden framed platform case, resembling a lavishly large box frame, where the pillow top was extremely soft, filled with angel feathers and adorned with a myriad of satin pillows.
A dainty, single, and delicate ankle chain was connected to the base of his chair. It had enough slack for you to move around freely, in great length, yet should the moment occur that you take flight or walk past the first three steps of the stairway, the slack ended, restricting you from leaving the tight perimeter of his reigning foyer.
Surrounding the platform, were four large golden pillars that extended high on each corner, hovering a sheer translucent red fabric to canvas over your frame as you remained atop the cushion.
Since your body was still developing to it’s immortal form, your strength hadn’t fully regained itself from the performance he displayed in turning you.
“It will take some time.”
His words echoed throughout your brain as he gently stroke your cheek.
Regardless of you changing, going from a mortality state to an immortal one, he had side tables on each corner of the platform, with platters of all the fruits you could imagine. There were also a wide display of nuts, cheeses, jams, and even assorted chocolate candies with pitchers of various wines.
Even noting that after you were fully changed, he expressed how much he knew you would miss the joys of tasting food, so he made a promise to have everything at your displeasure, and when the time is right, when you are trustworthy to not stray, he would take you on regular visits to the world you were born in.
But not now…not for a long time. He sensed that you were not yet fully acclimated to the adjustment, and that you missed home…you missed your family….you missed the setting of the place you initially belonged to.
From the platform, you sat kneeling and chained. Your body lacked any cover as he kept you naked with only subtle body jewelry and chains to adorn your figure.
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“I want to see you….all of you.”
“Stop covering up, don’t be shy. Leave yourself open…..I love looking at you.”
“Look at me…..pretty……smile for me…..”
“Cry as much as you like, you’re still beautiful as ever.”
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He’d have you adorn anywhere from pure gold beads with white diamonds, or black pearl strings, delicately decorating your waist, ankles, wrists, neck, and over your breasts, which he had pierced, delighting the look of the jeweled pieces that adorned each nipple.
Surprisingly, perhaps it was due to your body changing, you didn’t feel a thing when he had Sunoo come over to do the deed of puncturing a hole through each nip.
“This shouldn’t hurt…but if you feel anything, let me know.”
Sunoo gently remarks as he takes hold of you and with a golden needle, one of ancient age, he pierces through, while feeding through the selected jewels that Heeseung picked out.
The Prince of Lust was quite crafty and quick, but it shouldn’t surprise you since that was right up his alley. In fact, just before you received your piercings, Sunoo had showed you his own.
“See? Aren’t they nice?”
Removing his shirt, he shows off the dainty piercings that lay on his chest, and it was subtle, but there were also….
“I got these while I was visiting Earth, it fascinated me. They speak of lust and desire, that’s also the same time I learned about the alterations of the body such as puncturing skin and adorning jewelry. It’s very enticing…isnt’ it?” he remarked as he took notice of you viewing the faint bit of tattoos that designed his pectoral muscles.
“Now, hold still, we’re going to make this quick and you’ll be right back with Heeseung.” He softly smiles as he cups your cheek.
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Viewing the world from afar, it looked so large and graceful as it floats in the middle of the pitch black sky, all decorated by the galaxies and stars that gave it a subtle bit of illumination, yet the biggest source of light, was the massive moon over the horizon that appeared to be rising, yet was stationed in mid levitation as it gazes over the wide field of the red flowers.
It was massive, it looked as if you could walk right up to it. It shone brightly and paved the entire region with it’s light. You couldn’t deny it, the region of Hell that Heeseung had formatted, all for your arrival, was breathtaking.
It was hard though, and extremely mundane to not be able to tell how much time has passed. With the sun farther off on the opposite side of the earth, you couldn’t tell if each day had gone by, not until you noticed as the earth took movement and shifted around, the continents were the key in telling you that a full day had passed.
You constantly watched it, displaying a look of yearning as you wondered how everyone back at home were doing. Especially since the former archangel, Jol, being defeated and brutally slain by Heeseung, the world was now back to normal, no longer living in the dark ages of authoritative abuse and corruption. It was back to a time that you had longed for, yet you’re not able to enjoy even though you are the reason for it’s return.
Sitting across the platform, in close distance, he sat still and wouldn’t move….he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
He adorned a full black, princely attire with knee high boots and form fitting trousers, along with a satin black shirt with a kneel length coat. His legs crossed, elbow propped on the arm to extend the reach of his hand to his chin, which he stroked delicately as he admires the nude form of your body, the soft skin that glowed against the moonlight in the background, and the dainty pieces of jewelry, along with your wings…
“Leave your wings out, pretty. I fucking love your wings.”
Your wings on full display, he admired the white base of the coloration, protruding a silver Nacre hue that was exactly like the Mother of Pearl.
“So pretty…..”
On the left wing, a small group lying beneath the undercarriage of the structure, partially hidden underneath the white Nacre coloration, was the pungent black group of feathers that represented the darkened ingredients to your soul.
Though he was born with dark shadowed gray wings, the same as all angels in Heaven, his had slowly turned black, eluding a dark purple and red hue as he resided in his own kingdom of Hell, the moment he expelled himself from Heaven’s gates. How lovely of a feature was it, to see his darkness reflected in the lightness of your soul….of his soul.
“Heeseung!” Jakes voice comes from above as he swoops in and lands effortlessly to the side of Heeseung’s throne.
Without taking his gaze off you, Heeseung doesn’t move an inch, he merely issues a “Mmhmm..” towards his younger brother.
“The muses are on their way up.” Jake alerts.
Not at all responding, he takes notice of how Heeseung remains staring at you, with a slight smirk on his face.
Chuckling to himself, Jake shakes his head with a smile on his face.
“Do you want me to tell them to leave?” he asks.
Maintaining his gaze on the love of his life, Heeseung softly shakes his head and raises a brow as he watches you swoop your hair over your shoulder, keeping it at bay from having it draping all over your body as you continued to admire the Earth from where you knelt.
Jake chuckles once more. Stepping aside, he looks at you with a tilted head and a soft smile.
“Hi y/n. Feeling better?” he asks.
You merely look at him with a seldom expression and gave just a slight, gentle nod.
“That’s good. Get lots of rest, it’s going to be a while before your body full adjusts. Keep big brother happy, okay?” he chuckles teasingly.
Turning his head back to Heeseung, he speaks out before departing.
“Send for me if you change your mind about the muses.” With his last note, he propels himself off the peak and into the air as he takes flight.
You hardly got to see them, as they relished in their own regions, yet when you did, you at least appreciated and felt comforted by Heeseung’s siblings as they all issued a warm greeting and asked if you had needed anything. Though, regardless of your history with them before you were brought to Hell, they never dared take things any further than that, because now, you belong to Heeseung…..Heeseung only.
Watching Jake’s form disappearing as he flies off, you shift your gaze back to the rotating Earth. Heeseung continued to stare at you, as you both remained silent. It wasn’t anything new.
You couldn’t be sure exactly how long it had been since you arrived in Hell, yet you assumed it had been roughly about three weeks, and each day that passed, it was always the same. You were propped as if you were high valued art, and he sat on his throne, continuously appreciating you as he stared.
The muses arrived sometime after Jake issued his note of their arrival. Staring at you, the elder of the three muses gasped as he placed a hand over his chest at the sight of you.
The other two muses, the younger ones, followed suit as they looked at you with a wide eyed stare, as if you were some kind of miracle.
But that was because…you were….you were his miracle….
“…Heeseung…is she?....”
Heeseung doesn’t budge, he merely stays in his seat and continues to stare at you. A faint smile of satisfaction permanently stationed on his face the longer he looked at you.
“He sent us here….he wanted to express the meaning of his love for you….and for what you did….to save humanity.” The elder notes as Heeseung still remained unresponsive and maintained his gaze on you.
“The arch angel Jol, upon realizing that his only chance to erase humanity was to use the aid of humans, he made a deal, after narrowing down the weakest and most corrupt of souls.”
The elder muse studies Heeseung for a moment, looks back at you, and then shifts his gaze back at the Devil before him. Taking note of how the Prince of Darkness was entirely too enamored by you, the elder saw no point in furthering the conversation.
Turning back and dismissing himself as well as the younger two muses, he pauses his steps as he looks at you for the last time, knowing that his meeting with you would not happen for a second time.
Looking up to return the gaze, you looked slightly confused as you wondered why the elder man was just looking at you. It wasn’t until he spoke out softly, with the utmost pity you had ever received.
“My heart be still…..for I nor any muse, angel, or demon will ever witness something so miraculous….the flesh and blood of God. Be brave and strong….it is not your fault…nor was it his…..you are destined to teach and tame…..so please….do your best….o’ mortal child of my master.”
Your face trails behind them as they took their leave. Tilting your head as you watched them walk down the stairs, you were processing the man’s words, not even hearing Heeseung scoffing a smirk as he removes his hand from his chin, gets up from his throne, and walks over to you as you remained focus on the three muses, your head turned away in the opposite direction from where he stood aside from you.
Grabbing onto your wing, he gently pulls you to face him, delicately pushing you down on your back as he began to cover your entire body with ravishing kisses. He took aim at your womanhood like a spotlight and displayed sensual love as his tongue made love to your clit, punctured through your slit, and massaged the inside of your walls.
He fondled with your breasts, dragged his tongue from left to right and in circles over the regions of your stomach, your chest, and your thighs.
He displayed such brute strength, always taking you in various positions, to include suspending you in the air and supporting your entire weight as he cradled you with his arms. His hands remained firmly latched on your derriere as he gripped on each cheek and bounced you vigorously on his length. Succumbing to the highest essence of pleasure, your hands grips his shoulders, or his chest, yet you felt the need to grab on to something else…something that you could wrap your fingers around as you found yourself curling them from the intense pleasure. That and your toes.
Noting the gasping state of your orgasms, yet always wanting to keep going, he issued you ‘some’ relief as he would extend his antlers from his head, while still remaining in his mortal form.
“You can grab on to them….pretty.” he told you as he kept fucking you.
Reaching up as his hands tightened their grip around your waist, you found some of the pressure taken away from the intense pain and pleasure of his member thrusting inside you, rendering you to cum multiple times. Coiling your fingers around the magnificent display of the rack that sat atop his thatch of black hair, holding on for dear life, he’d find the basis of a new momentum as you latch on, furthering stabling yourself to him. Taking advantage, he’d increase the pace, the ferocity, and the rhythm as he would thrust harder, deeper, and faster.
He appeared as a hybrid of some sort, with his antlers out yet looking like the dashing mortal man that he appeared to be. His eyes lacked all luster as they became matte black.
As the muses finally reached the base of the mountain, your screams filled the air, coating the entire regions of Hell with lusts of pain, pleasure, and euphoria in your tone.
Noting that your tone, through all the pleasurable moans that were encased with each scream, there was a cry for help within your voice as you echoed out his name and your pleas.
The elder knew, though he felt nothing but sympathy for the one that was destined to live this life…with the Devil.
In the sporadic of the time that would pass, there were also times that he would approach you, and display his physical affection in various manners, not just through intercourse, though it happened nearly all the time, as he caved into engage in the heat of passion since he couldn’t take any more of the aching that punched inside him. Could anyone blame him? The Devil? You were too glorious for him not to touch you….the fact that you were all his…that you belonged to him…made it even harder for him to restrain himself.
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“Come here….come to me.”
“Yeah? You fucking like that?”
“You feel so good….fuck I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re mine.”
“Now repeat after me, ‘Daddy I want your seed.’ Just like that, okay pretty?”
“Scream out my name with that sweet voice of yours.”
“Open your mouth and moan for me. Just like that…..fucking say my name, pretty.”
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You’re not sure of how many times he’s already lost control and submitted you to his raging passion and love, but it had to have been in the high numbers already, despite it being only a few weeks since you’ve been here with him.
At first, you found yourself afraid and disgusted with the way he had issued you those pet names, coated your body with his lips, devoured you, pelted you, and thrusted every inch of his love in you. Yet….
It was strange and frustrating, the feeling of pleasure overrides your better judgement and you mentally caught yourself wanting more, though you tried to remain strong in avoiding speaking it out. But you felt yourself breaking, inch by inch, as you not only craved it, but you stopped putting up a fight. You started to accept it begrudgingly, though it would transition to you embracing his touch….returning his kisses…..moaning out the pleasures as he licked you down from head to toe.
He was brutal, you knew of that, you’ve seen it.
For even though his region was nothing but blissful beauty, a sight to behold, the vast regions of Hell is so large, it was entirely a different world of its own. Frightening demons roamed the lands, aimlessly wandering. You had learned through Niki, that the demons were born out of the souls of the dead, of those who committed high, atrocious crimes against humanity. Rapists, murderers, criminals of all serious types that committed the harshest of offenses towards mankind, all fall into the abyss of the River Styx, where they are forever tormented. On occasion, however, when the soul yearns for more damage, craving for the pain and screams of others, they ravage the lands seeking out one another, only to fight to their deaths.
“It helps cleanse the lands if we let them roam and kill each other off.” Niki stated.
Yet, the moment you stepped foot in Heeseung’s region, you as well as the siblings, and the Prince of Darkness himself, all learned that due to the essence that you were made of, out of God himself, you drew the attention of these ravaging demons as they yearned to tear you apart, ravaging your body and splitting you open.
The first you witnessed it, was shortly, nearly a day after you were brought ‘home’. Everything had been just as it was now, with you on the platform, adjusting to the new sights as you lay naked on the bedding, where Heeseung had a full view as he sat on his throne just as he is doing right now.
It was distant, yet it grew nearer as you heard the clamping sound of something harshly approaching up the stairway. With a loud and beastly growl, he ran with a murderous eye as it extended its hand, reaching upwards in your direction. You shook at the sight of the massive demon, who looked as if it stood eight or nine feet in height, with a large and muscular form as it rushes up with the intent in tear you to pieces.
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You froze as the thing was nine or ten steps away from making it’s way over to you, when suddenly Heeseung, in a flash, migrated from the seat of his throne and appeared before you, standing in the way of the flesh craved demon, never allowing the creature to get passed the last step of the stairway.
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His transition was so quick, it was as if he teleported, just as his brothers had done. Snapping his hand out, harshly grabbing the demon by the neck, his fingers pinch in and digs into the skin, puncturing into dark flesh.
The demon growled and roared in pain as it attempts to reach for Heeseung, yet the Devil remained untouchable. Raising his arm, Heeseung’s eyes grew murderous, dark, and sadistically twisted with a rage like you had never seen as he aimed his sights directly to the demon’s face. Without saying a word, Heeseung reaches up with his other hand, and while maintain the hold he had, he tears off each limb, before tossing aside off the mountain top that you both were perched on.
Limb by limb, the dying cries of the monster before him, you shunned your sight away from the gruesome display as your ‘husband’ took out the demon and finished him off by slowly tearing his neck from its body. The ripping of flesh and the gurgitation of the demon choking on its blood before the finishing move sent waves of panic, fear, and anxiety throughout your body.
Tossing what was left, Heeseung turns to find you in a kneeling state, slight hunched as you cradled your breasts, trying to cover as much of your nudity as you possibly could.
You may have been fearful and going through some sort of psychological trauma at that very moment, but to him, you were mesmerizing. The way your hair draped over your shoulder, with the few slick pieces that remained on your cheek, your soft skin, your womanly frame, your wings, and the dainty jewelry pieces that complimented your complexion. All of it. Everything was putting him in a trance.
With his sinister glare all but disappeared, it remained faintly as he smirks at the sight of you. Walking up to the platform that you were perched on, he grabs a small brunch of grapes from one of the platters on the side tables from the nearby bed corner, swinging around the pillar and plopping himself on the bed, he lies on his back right next to your kneeling frame. With one hand resting behind his head, his ankles crossed, he was in a relaxed state as he starts to bite off from the cluster he had in his hand, munching on the dark purple grapes.
Extending his hand with the cluster of the sparkling purple fruit, he presents it next to your face, to which you shook your head and faced away.
But that didn’t sit well with him. You needed to eat, your body hasn’t fully transitioned, not to mention he prefers that you be obedient, since everything he outlined and had you do was all for your own sake and health.
He doesn’t say anything, instead, he shifts to lay on his side, reaching over with this other hand, he gently places it on the back of your head, and pulls you in towards his face where he had the clustered fruit next to his lips.
The moment he brought your face inches away, all he stated was, “eat.”
Opening your mouth, he brings the grapes closer, the moment your lips touched one, you bite it off ever so gently and chew on it. He smirks before moving his hand away from your head and leans back down in his relaxed position, munching on the fruit as he watches you.
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Days and weeks have gone by. The routines of Heeseung watching you, admiring you, and taking you was like clockwork, it happened every single waking second, which was nearly all the time for him since he didn’t require sleep. Since you were still adjusting, you found yourself dozing off here and there, yet initially the feeling of tiredness was a lot stronger. As time went on, you found yourself not feeling the need to sleep, hunger was beginning to be a thing of the past as you were starting to rarely find yourself hungry, at this point, eating food just became a thing to do all for the sake of taste, not so much for sustenance.
There were other things, such as your vision. You developed a magnified sense as you would gaze at the stars, with the speckles appearing as sprinkles against the matte black canvas of the sky, you surprised yourself the moment you were able to zoom in and gaze on the fine details of every star and planet in the sky.
Unless prescribed by him, you hardly felt any pain. You couldn’t confirm…not yet at least, but you felt your strength coming back, yet it felt as if you had the strength that of an entire army as you tested the waters and grabbed the nearby fruit bowl made of pure gold. It was large, and heavy as you remembered, yet you now can balance the bowl in full just with the tip of your pinky.
Your senses have become more acute and enhanced, you started to gain the powers of telekinesis. Everything about you was changing…
To include your feelings and emotions about being in Hell and being with him….
At first you were scared, you had regretted your decision, though you were convinced that you never had one to begin with, you were doomed for Hell. You found out, that it was what you were created and destined for.
Yet as time went by, despite his cruel and terrifying, sadistic nature, with you, he was always soft and gentle. Other than the manner of how he expressed his performance sexually, when he wasn’t engaged in intercourse, he was delicate in handling you.
Throughout the days, as he watches you from his relaxed seated position, he would get up and walk over, just to brush his fingertips along your arms, your hair, or against your cheek, normally startling you while you gazed at the Earth.
He would come up and sit you on his lap, gaze at the world of humans with you, interlocking your fingers together where he would tell you of the ancient worlds, and how humanity developed from the history of culture, mythology, religion, and evolution. You never would have realized how wrong historians and experts were as he corrected the details of timelines, events, and the truths of how humans gained independence and a means for survival.
He would raise your hand along with his own, cupping yours, he’d physically show you all the hidden celestial spheres of each planetary moon as he moved your hand to point in the correct direction of each notable star and planet.
He made stars, created new ones and formed them into new constellations, which he dedicated to you. One was of your favorite flower, another was of your favorite animal, while the other were the initials of your name.
He’d stroke his fingertips and graze them over your nude body as you slept, not yet fully transitioned. He would whisper the sweetest words in your ears as he cuddled you against his frame. He never left your side, never leaving you alone. Wherever he would go, you were taken with him.
Noticing that you were starting to feel a bit bored as you gained immortality, and that time had no meaning, you found yourself constantly laying on your stomach, with your knees bent as you swung your feet high and gazed at the earth in a mundane state. He had both Sunghoon and Jake watch over you as he disappeared for just a moment, returning with a pair of fortune spheres from the ancient world. Plopping them gently in front of you, he smiled each time he watched you play with them as he sat on his throne.
Eventually, as more time had passed, you felt more comfortable around him. You knew of the lines and boundaries that you could not cross, and never thought about doing so, all the ensure that you didn’t bring out the anger or dark side of his endearing nature that he displayed towards you. He would never do anything that would threaten your life, but you just knew that the punishment he would have in store for you in the case you broke any of the rules he set forth, would have been just as harsh.
But despite all that, he would still love you….he loves you to the ends of every planet, star, and galactic cluster in the sky.
So why not let him keep loving you? Why not accept him? Why not serve him, since he’s willing to serve you?
You felt entirely comfortable being in the nude in front of him, it didn’t bug you any longer, yet the moment you asked for something as you didn’t like it when others would see you on display bare naked, he not only honored your request, but he also got you the finest silk, jewels, and thread you could imagine. He had lascivious dresses made, yet no matter how much skin showed, the format of each attire was beautiful. He expressed how much you resembled the Greek goddesses, so he made you look the part by fashioning you with wreaths of gold, risqué togas, and dangling jewels. He even gathered jeweled chains that he had adorned your wings with.
“There…pretty….you’re so perfect….you could never know just how much I adore you.”
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“Here they are.” Niki and the other brothers all brought forth the faces of those you thought you’d never see again.
Chained up and dragged like cattle, was the prior Senator, Forras, and his wide group of cult posse, some of which you had crossed paths before with each brother as they regulated the streets for the established curfew.
“Fucking kneel down.” Jungwon issued harshly as he lightly kicked the Senator and his group all into a kneeled state.
There they were….kneeling in a row before you as you sat atop your glorious platformed bedding. Your wings shined against the moonlight, and your jewels glistened like dew drops in the morning sun.
Standing from his throne, Heeseung walks over and sits next to you on the bedding, his feet lifted from the ground as the platformed stood at least four feet off the ground. Shifting over with his arms crossed, he leans in towards you as he grabs hold of your neck, gently, and pulls you in.
He lays you in a cradling manner in his arm, similar to that of a mother and a newborn. Licking the pad of his thumb, he reaches over and brushes it against your lips, coating it with his saliva to make the cherry stain color shine.
Rocking you as he cradled you in his arm, he takes his free hand and interlocks his fingers with your own.
“Tell me…..pretty….what do you want me to do with them? Hmm? I’ll end them in any way you want, just tell me. I can rip their heads off? Or I can torture them slowly until they beg for death. Just tell me. What do you wanna see?”
You look him in the eyes as he continues to rock your frame gently, moving the pieces of your hair from your face as he tucks them behind each ear.
Shifting your gaze momentarily towards the row of offenders who not only attempted to do harm to you, but had indeed taken the lives of others….women, children, and men who were all serving a purpose in life as mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons.
You’ll never forget, before you found out the truth on how the corrupt figures kneeling before you had coordinated and gained influence by making a deal with the archangel Jol, not even knowing that he had his own hidden agenda, by erasing mankind clean off the earth.
The image of the children that were torched alive, ripped open, cut into dozens of pieces as their time of execution arrived….the screams of each one, varied in age, yet desired the nurture and comfort of their mothers as they died brutally from the angels that were sent forth.
“…..this man….and his people…..they did that…they are responsible.”
For a moment, as you mentally remarked your voice in your head, a sprout of anger grew within you. You’ll never forget those screams…the bloodshed and the pain they had to endure….even though the angels were the ones committing the deed, it was this man who allowed corrupt heart to cause it all to happen. Not only that, but he had no sympathy in his eyes…just fear of losing his life. All of them did. There was not a single ounce of repentance for the lives lost, they were responsible for.
“What do you want me to do?” Heeseung whispers, taking notice of the inflamed spark in your eye as you glared over to the grown men and women that looked back at you, some were with pleading looks for you to spare them, others were with discontent as they burned with a hatred for you, like the one that Michael Forras was giving you right now.
“…..I’m not sure….I just….what I do know is that….” You stuttered out softly.
“What is it pretty? Do you want them to burn? I can do that….you them to burn?” He asks you, placing your hand over his heart as he cups it with his own.
Looking back up at him, you slightly nod as you issued your words.
“For the others…I don’t have a preference….but him….” You glared over to Forras, who returns it right back. “He……needs to get it the worst out of all of them…..whatever you can think of….just make him pay…..” you shift your eyes on the ground as you erase the image of the children that died, all the while Micahel Forras would sit atop his lavish building, located at the top floor, partaking in his fine dining and adorning himself with such expensive clothing.
Snarling a wide grin, Heeseung chuckles out aloud as he grabs your chin, and kisses you with such harsh passion.
“Oh my fucking girl! I’d do anything for you…you know that?”
Standing up from the bedding, he issues the command to his brothers for them to take the cult members and do away with them, to which they found their pleasures in doing so.
Leaving Forras behind, Heeseung walks up and using his own telekinetic powers, he levitates Forras’s body over towards his intolerable grip.
Grabbing the man by his hair, he drags him effortlessly over towards you.
“Stick out your feet, pretty.”
Throwing the man at your feet as you leave them dangling off the edge of the platform, Heeseung sits next to you once more. Shifting a thigh with a bent knee to lay flat on the bedding, he leaves one leg hanging off as he sits with crossed arms.
Glaring down at the man, he speaks firmly as he admires his fingertips, before taking your hand in his and admiring yours.
“Kiss her feet….it will be the last thing you’re going to taste before I kill you.”
Forras’s body shook from immense fear, all from the look in Heeseung’s eye. Doing as he bids, Forras begins to kiss each foot.
While admiring your fingertips, Heeseung speaks without even so much as glancing over to the grown man.
“….Now tell me….is it true?....from what I heard….you tried to force your filthy body on to my wife…..is that right?” Heeseung issues, all the while taking note of some fuzz underneat the very tip of your fingernail. Examining it closely, he reaches over and digs it out.
“I also heard that….when she fought you off….you had that piece of shit, Jol, assign those useless things to kill her off….riiiiiight?” Heeseung continued. You felt Forras gasping into sobs as he continued to kiss your feet.
“So?...” Heeseung re-crosses his arms, raising a brow as he glares down at the pitiful man. “Apologize.”
Forras looks up with wide eyes and a slightly confused look.
“I didn’t say stop either….kiss her feet and apologize to my fucking queen.”
Forras continues as Heeseung commanded, all the while he apologizes relentlessy, completely ridden with fear and panic.
“good….” Heeseung states calmly as he gets off the platform, and picks Forras back up by the hair once more.
“Now…..for all the things you did to her….and for pissing her off….BURN for it.”  With his grasp held tightly on Forras’s grape, the man’s body slowly engulfed in flames as Heeseung continued to hold him in mid air, not at all bothered by the flames that coated his arm and hand, having absolutely no effect on him.
Despite feeling that he deserved it, you still couldn’t find it in your heart to watch as you shunned your face away and winced your eyes shut, covering your hears to filter out the screams.
Turning back around, Heeseung looks over at you with the most sadistically loving smile, it was so dark and twisted, it would have been more than enough to make a serial killer’s skin crawl off their own body.
Walking over to you, looping his hands underneath your kneecaps as they remained hanging off the platform, he spreads them open as he situates himself in between your thighs. Grabbing hold of your neck, he lowers his body as he lays you down, hovering over you.
Placing his lips on your forehead, he takes a deep inhale before he pulls slightly back and gazes into your eyes. Taking your hand in his own, he places it on the back of his head, and curls your fingers inward, gesturing for you to grab onto his hair.
“Its okay if you want to pull…its not going to hurt me…..with what I’m about to do to you, you’re going to need some leverage…..” he smirks as his eyes grew wide upon staring deep into your peepers.
Sighing out a long and deep exhale through an open mouth, he speaks out once more.
“Oh…..my wife…..tell me....what is the name I blessed you with? I want to hear you say it.....tell me.....recite it, just like I showed you......"
The name....the name and title that he gave to you......
“You watch as the birds soar through the open skies. 
Only to fall in mid-flight, should they look into my my eyes. 
Observe the koi, as they grace the water with their beauty, and their color.
Watch them drown to the depths below, when they witness the glory of my wonder. 
Take pity on the moon, as it peers in the night with its glow, luster, and essence.
For it hides in shame once it notes my enchanting presence. 
At long last after its winter slumber, the flower takes full bloom, gleaming in pride.
Shutting away, noting thy face and heart, it propels to hide. 
Gaze upon my wings of black and white, 
Reflecting the darkness in my eyes, yet my heart remains light. 
I am as soft as the feather of an angels wing, yet sharp as the demon’s horn. 
I am the cause and reason, that our two worlds are left un-torn.
You stand happy and free, saved from the Devils wrath, hold those tears of relief from your cries. 
For it was I, who was left without a choice, devoured by his love, I paid the ultimate sacrifice. 
For the moment he knew I would eventually wake, 
My body and soul, was claimed and all for him to take. 
I am his love, his reason, and his obsession, 
All of which saved you, from the angels possession. 
Call me what the scriptures entail, as Lucina, the Queen of Hell, or Y/N, the mortal bride of the first archangel. 
No matter the title, I will forever be wrapped by the chains of his love, for which I am entangled. 
His gaze allows my soul to remain pure, but his touch devours my beauty, and leaves me tainted. 
He corrupts me with his kisses, a poison that I am eternally to receive as fated. 
I am both, the pitch darkness and the fair light of bliss. 
Beg of me, Helena, Wife of Helel, the Two-Toned Winged Goddess, will make you immortal with a kiss.”
Authors note: On to the next chapter! A F T E R M A T H It's in the works, stay tuned!
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii; @vampiregirl215; @nshmrarki; @enhypen14; @iamliacamila; @lisaaannna; @nikstrange; @jaehaki; @luv-enhy-skz33; @silcry @honeysjae; @crackedcameraa; @stinkmonkey ; @baekxo07 @raishaii @@yangjungwon33 @lhspeachie ; @differentchildwombat ; @prettykia ; @kimsseonu ; @stvrryhee ; @en-thralled ; @hoonzdzbl ; @yuppppp ; @jinniespuppy ; @browsehnnie @prettykia @lprww @they2luv1naia @ellixqz
153 notes · View notes
eeunoia · 1 year
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N in an Apocalypse
part one
pairings: nishimura riki x reader
summary: you are in your school when the outbreak happened. lucky for you, your bestfriend ni-ki was there to protect and take care of you.
short background: before the outbreak happened, the spread of the infection happened when one of the student went to the science laboratory and got bitten by an infected animal.
warnings: blood, violence, mention of abuse and everything about a zombie apocalypse. not proof read. (let me know if i forgot something)
word count: 10k
important note📎: sorry if the style of updates changed. i will fix it once i get a chance.
note📎: Hi I just want to give you heads up that some scenes may be similar from the series. I give full credits to them! I hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list: @rubyanne @studioreader @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @kako-chan @classicroyalty @angel-hyuckie @jun-malone @ncityy04 @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @fearlesskz @abdiitcryy @hime98 @moonsclover @hoonstrology @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @notmyselfbuttrying @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @rcveribin @yizhoutv @person-standing @black-bread1230 @one16core @soobin-chois @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @star-rie @niinjo @ssomsworld @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @edensgardenn @nikililmj @ayayiiie @moonlightisland @simpforniki
tag-list: @luvvdsttfaye @nikililmj @psh-pjh @rylexe @095won @belle643 @luvrjn @jangwonie @softb-tterfly @3chae @jovibaes
© 2023 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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"That's Ni-ki! Bye, Dad!" you stood up right away from your seat while trying to fit as much food that you can take inside your mouth.
"W-Wait. Aren't you going to finish your breakfast first?" your father followed and watched your every move.
With mouth full of food, you quickly went around gathering your things and fixing yourself. You're in the middle of eating your breakfast with your Dad when you heard the doorbell rang. You are very much sure that its your best-friend, Ni-ki.
"Slow down, y/n!" you even heard your father reminded you while you stumble your way over to the your door.
You glanced at him smiling so wide before you waved as good-bye then pushed the door open using your body.
Ni-ki, whose leaning by the balcony of your apartment building glanced at you and smirked seeing your cheeks stuffed with food. He turned his back at the balcony to face you while grinning, ready to tease you already.
"Hurry up, slow poke." he teased that made you turn your head at his direction.
"You're so annoying!" your words came out as a mumble because your mouth is still full of food.
Ni-ki laughs at you before walking closer, smoothly pulling out his tumbler out from his bag to hand it over to you. With confused eyes you glanced at it then back at him. He rolled his eyes and opened it for you.
"Drink. I can't understand anything you're saying."
You were glaring at him but accepted his offer. He just scoffed because of your attitude and watched carefully as you take a sip from his tumbler. He sighed and you blushed a bit when he noticed how his stares remained at you.
While you're still at it, Ni-ki gently grabs your things to carry them himself.
You two grew up together and so you basically know him his whole life. He's your best friend but you secretly have feelings for him. Sometimes, you give hints to him but you don't know if he's ignoring it or he's just really dense. You also doubt if he likes you because he often tease you and treat you like you're not a girl.
"Yah, I told you to wake up early last night, didn't I?" he said and was looking at you with squinted eyes.
You flashed him a sweet smile, guilty that you did stayed up late, the main reason why you couldn't wake up early to prepare for school. After successfully swallowing the food inside your mouth, you asked Ni-ki to turn around so you can put his tumbler back inside. He obliged and he started discussing something about this new game he's obsessing about.
Your mornings with Ni-ki starts with him picking you up here at your home then the two of you will walk your way to school. Its been your routine ever since and honestly you cherish this moments with him.
"By the way, you're coming later right?" he asked you suddenly and even stopped from walking that made you bumped into him.
You grunted and massaged your forehead. Ni-ki chuckled at your clumsiness and so you shoot him glares. "You're so stupid. Come here." he was still chuckling while he gently grabs your arm to put you ahead of him where he can perfectly see you.
"How many times would I tell you to always walk ahead of me?"
You rolled your eyes, "Where are you going later?" you divert the topic right away because its too early for his scolding.
Ni-ki raised a brow at you before smoothly throwing his arm around your shoulder, "You mean 'where are we going later, right?" he emphasized the word 'we' for you to get the idea that he'll bring you with him no matter what.
You gave him this displeased look before crossing your arm, "Why bother asking if you already made your decision for me?"
He glanced at you with a smirk before shrugging his shoulders once.
"To piss you off."
You showed a blank face before hitting him by your elbow. He lets out a grunt but didn't let go from you, instead he leaned closer and even gave you his weight. Now, Ni-ki is very tall and so it wasn't a surprise that it gave you a hard time.
"Yah! You're heavy!" you scold him and even swat his chest. He grunted once again and even before you can say something, he leaned to your arm then slightly bite it making you yelp in surprise.
"Nishimura Riki!" you shouted his name while staring at his tall figure running away from you. He was giggling and even showing you these mischievous facial expressions to piss you even more.
He always resort to biting you whenever you two get into your playful fights.
As you arrived inside your building, you saw a familiar built and quickly approached it with a big wide smile. You held them in a headlock position that made him surprised.
"Good morning, Sunoo!" you greeted happily.
You felt him grab your arm and using his other free hand, he gently held your waist for support.
"Yah, let go of me." he said with a threatening voice. You laughed at it, not taking it seriously.
You've known him ever since first grade because he's good friends with Ni-ki. Even if he looks kind of intimidating when he's serious, that didn't stop you from teasing him. Out of all their group of friends, Sunoo is the one closest to you after Ni-ki.
You obliged after he started tickling you. While laughing and avoiding him, you accidentally bumped towards someone. When you checked who it was, a smirk made its way on your lips and got him on headlock instead.
"Who said you can leave me back there after biting me, huh?" you asked right away.
You felt Ni-ki's hand holding your waist and unlike when Sunoo did it, you felt something inside your stomach went crazy after his affection. You gulped and tried your best not to look obvious.
Ni-ki on the other hand wasn't as playful as before you guys arrived at the school. His eyes were looking at his Sunoo hyung like as if he did something terrible. You didn't make a big deal out of it.
"Are you even a girl?" Sunoo teased you that made you glare at him. He smirked and your hold over Ni-ki loosen because you started approaching Sunoo to attack him.
Sunoo laughed and was so ready to shield himself from your wrath when you're held back by an arm around your shoulder. It was Ni-ki's.
"Let's go before the bell ring at us." he said and started pulling you in the direction of your classroom. Sunoo followed behind because he's in the same class. You two continued arguing and Ni-ki was just there trying to stood between you two. He sometimes covers your mouth using his big hands that annoy you at some point.
You greeted your classmates inside like as if you didn't just argued with Sunoo and Ni-ki along the way. Some of them smiled. You walked towards your seat which is beside Ni-ki's. He put your things at the top of your table and sat down at his place.
You pouted when you saw him leaning over his table, in a sleeping position. You dragged your chair closer to him, "Hey." you poked him lightly and you pursed your lips even more when you didn't get any response from him.
"Are you sleepy?"
"Then why are you like that?" you asked and leaned closer to him so you can hear if ever he says something.
He didn't respond right away. Thinking that maybe he's slowly drifting to dreamland, you leaned your face closer.
"Riki?" you called him gently just in case he already fell asleep.
You raised your hand and pushed it near his head, but then the young boy suddenly turned and faced you. He caught you off-guard as you just suddenly found yourself face to face with him. Very close, like your nose touching his nose kind of close.
Unlike you, he doesn't seem fazed about your closure. With enlarged eyes, you were about to move your face away when he reached over your nape and stopped you. He gently pulled you, making your foreheads touch.
"You're so loud." he said using his low voice.
Your mouth gapped and unable to find words to say. You can feel your heart beating so fast and your cheeks blushing so hard. The thing inside your stomach were going mad crazy, like something wants to come out from it.
His eyes were staring at yours deeply and for some reasons, you do it as well. You've always admired Ni-ki's eyes. How they became a thin line whenever he's laughing genuinely or even when they're cold and blank while he's bored or sleepy. Regardless of his emotions, they seem to be very attractive for you.
Finally snapping back to your senses, you used your hand to cover his face and slowly release yourself from his hold. Like a speed of lightning, you quickly moved your chair away from him. Once you let go of his face, his eyes never left you. A smirk plays through his thick lips while still keeping his position. He stared and watch how you looked so flustered because of his actions. He enjoyed it.
He enjoyed it so much and the fact that only him can make you like that makes it even more amazing.
The day went on like normal day. Teachers discussing their lessons, your small petty arguments with Ni-ki althrough out of it and some bonding with your classmates and friends. It was pretty much how you spent your school days.
When lunch came, you, together with some of Ni-ki's friends went to the cafeteria. Eyes follows your group as you made your way over to an empty table. You ignored them and tried to convince yourself that its just normal for them to stare, specially if this group is composed with almost the school's/campus' crush/es.
Yes, your best friend is one of them. You always playfully gags whenever he's being smug about it, but at the back of your mind, you couldn't actually blame them for liking him.
He's very attractive. He have good body proportions, good-looking, from a wealthy family, tall and sporty. He just lacks a bit more from academics side since he's very lazy, but he makes up for it. The girls in your school clearly digs his bad boy and misterious aura.
You pulled a chair and was about to sit on it when Ni-ki beats you into it. You glared at him that he only returned with a sly smile and followed it with a, "Oh how thoughtful of you, y/n. You're really the bestest friend in the world."
You didn't waste any time and hit him at the back of his head then cursed at him. He was just laughing with it, enjoying that he once again accomplished his mission and that is to piss you off.
Sunoo arrived next to you and pulled a chair for you, "Here, sit down." he said with a smile before settling down at the next chair.
You pouted at his kind gesture and was about to oblig when Ni-ki suddenly pulled you away from it. With a confused and still annoyed face, you glared at him. He sat down at the chair Sunoo pulled for you then made you sit down at the chair next to it. (which is the one you pulled a while ago)
You had no choice but to sat down at that chair. Ni-ki have this victory smirk while you look sulky because of him. Now he's sitting between you and Sunoo.
"You two are so childish." you even heard Sunoo commented.
"Shut up hyung." Ni-ki replied before asking you what you want for lunch and volunteered to buy food for the two of you.
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The next day, you surprisingly prepared ahead and managed to wait for him right outside your apartment door. To say that he looked amused for you being early was an understatement. He put his hand over his lips and slowly walked closer to you.
You smiled proudly at him and even jokingly looked at your watch, "Tsk. Hurry up slow poke."
Ni-ki laughed at your remark and was quick to put you in a headlock.
"Did you even sleep? You are too early, y/n. I almost thought you aren't my best friend."
You glared at him and elbowed him. He grunted jokingly. When you arrived outside the apartment building, Ni-ki pushed his fist out indicating another war to start between the two of you. With a smirk, you prepared yourself for the battle.
"Rock, paper, scissors!" you both yelled. It was a tradition between you to do this and the loser will be the one to carry your bags up until the school.
Your smiling lips slowly grew into a pout when you saw Ni-ki showing his fist at you meaning you once again lost to him. He gave you his bag as he smirked annoyingly at you. While gritting your teeth, you kicked him causing for him to let out a groan. You ignored it and walked pass at him.
When you arrived inside the school, Ni-ki run away from you when he saw some friends that greeted him from afar. You think they're the ones who plays videogames with him.
Since you aren't pretty familiar to them, you decided you'll walk ahead and won't wait for Ni-ki anymore.
Even before you can start to walk the stairs to the second floor, someone stood in front of you.
"Hi," the guy greeted.
You looked at him with a furrowed brows. He's the guy from yesterday. The one in Nicholas' team. He kept his smile despite of your unfriendly expression.
"Sorry if I made you uncomfy yesterday." he started again.
The crease over your forehead slowly disappeared when you slowly felt like he meant no harm.
"It's okay." you answered back.
He looked excited after getting a response from you. He kept his smile and extended his hand towards you.
"I'm (random name) btw." he introduced.
You looked at his hand first before you gazing back at him. After letting out a sigh, you were about to accept it when a hand swat it away from you. Even before you knew it, Ni-ki's familiar wide back was now your view.
"Didn't I told you to fuck off yesterday?" he seriously said.
The guy didn't seem to be fazed about him and retrieved his hand to put it inside his pocket. He smirked at Ni-ki.
"I was just introducing myself to y/n." there's a hint of teasing on his tone. Ni-ki advances and was about to talk again but you beat him to it.
You held over his arm, "Ni-ki." you called him using your warning tone.
It isn't really good to let him be since obviously, he's pissed and he won't hesitate to throw punch anytime now. That would be a big mess and he will be in great trouble so as his bestfriend, you are keeping him from getting involve.
They both looked at your direction. You stared at Ni-ki for a while before you darted your piercing gaze at the guy in front. He looked curious as he smiled at you.
You stepped forward and sighed, "Stop pissing him off. It would be better for you to avoid me. It would spare you two from getting in trouble."
You didn't wait for him to talk anymore and just pulled Ni-ki towards your classroom. It was his turn to smirk at the guy that clearly pissed him off.
After walking away, he gently pulled away from hold then get both of your things from you so he can carry it himself. When you looked over your shoulder, you saw this smile at his face.
"Why are you smiling?" you asked, curious.
He shrugged his shoulders, "Do you want some banana milk? I'll treat you." he suddenly offered that quickly brighten your mood.
"Sure!" he chuckled and pinched your nose before you two head over your room to put your bag down first.
You two were teasing each other after he treats you and now on your way back to the class. He hissed after you hit his back because he just messed your hair. It was a normal scene between the two of you.
When you arrived the room, your homeroom teacher appeared and entered the class. She asked everyone to take their sit to their respective places. Ni-ki was still teasing you that you only returned with a scoff.
She called everyone one by one to check the attendance and announced that one of your classmates didn't go home yesterday. You pouted and looked at Ni-ki. He was drinking his banana milk while listening to the teacher.
"Ni-ki." you tried calling him.
When he didn't look at you, you kicked his table causing him to finally spare you a glance.
"Didn't we saw Hana yesterday at the science lab?" you whispered at him.
He pursed his lips and furrowed his brows, like as if trying to recall his memories. He nodded his head after remembering that you guys saw her coming back to the science lab to take a nap. It was after you checked the lab to help Heeseung.
You all thought it was nothing. That Hana just went somewhere without telling her parents or maybe she's probably on her way home now. But all that changed when you saw how she slowly walked inside the room, covered in her own blood. Bruises all over her body.
You blinked continuously, couldn't really believe what you're seeing at the moment. You can see most of your classmates standing up to get a better view, some to avoid seeing it at a near position. Panic, worry and confusion filled the whole class. You saw how your homeroom teacher was completely caught off guard as well.
Ni-ki stood up and went closer to you. He held your arm and slightly blocked the view of Hana from you. You didn't even realized that you are standing as well. Hana collapsed after saying that the one responsible to what happened to her was your science teacher.
"Hey," Ni-ki turned and face you. He saw that you are still eyeing Hana's direction.
He cursed lightly and cupped your face to make you look at him in the eyes. Ni-ki doesn't know what exactly to feel after seeing how terrified you look. This was the first time he saw you like this.
"Don't look, okay?" he tried to divert your attention as everybody else panics because of what’s happening to Hana.
The boys quickly offered to help and take her to the clinic together with your teacher. She then left and asked everyone to calm down and to not say a word about it.
"Yah! Did you see her face?!" your eyes gazed at your classmates when she talked to her friend, a few tables away from where you are sitted.
"She said it was our science teacher!"
Your mind started to be occupied about the bothering things about your science teacher that your friends were talking about just last night.
"Y/n." Ni-ki lightly taps your face to catch your attention. He's starting to get really worried of you.
You glanced at him, still shock from what you just witnessed.
"Hana... she said it was the science t-teacher." you managed to say.
Ni-ki pursed his lips, starting to get frustrated how these things are affecting you. He glanced at his side when his Sunoo hyung handed him a bottled water.
"Make her drink some and calm her down. I will go and check what's going on through Jungwon." he said and Ni-ki nodded his head.
"Here," Ni-ki made you sit down to his chair before opening the water for you.
He grabbed your chair and dragged it closer to you. He made you take a sip and you are too occupied to even say no. After taking a sip and finally calming down a bit, Ni-ki assured you that it must have been just a misunderstanding so you don't have to be really worried.
Soon after, your advicer, Jungwon and Sunghoon returned. They said that Hana was taken to the hospital to get treated. Somehow, it made you felt relief. But the unsettled thing about your science teacher still lingers at the back of your mind. Is he really the one behind what happened to Hana?
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“Just try and confess to him, y/n.” your eyes darted over to Kim Sunoo as you stood in front of him.
If there's somebody else who knows about your feelings for your best friend, its him.
"And then what? Lose my friendship with him? No thanks!" you said.
He chuckled, "Or he can return your feelings." he said that made you pout even more.
"Yah Kim Sunoo don't raise my hopes up." you said that made him chuckle and mess your hair up.
"You look cute when you're pissed like that." he said and you were about to swat his hand away but someone did it for you. Ni-ki have this serious face as he wrap his arm around your shoulder while eyeing his friend.
Sunoo can't help but to smirk at the reaction of his friend. How come you never notice this possessive actions of him whenever another guy lurks around you. He then flashed Ni-ki his sweet innocent smile that the younger one ignored.
"Uhh, do you guys want ice cream?" you interrupted when you felt this sudden awkward atmosphere surrounding the three of you.
Sunoo was the first one to respond to you, he flashed this sweet smile and was about to throw his arm over your shoulder but Ni-ki beats him to it.
"Let's go. Your treat." he said that made you frown and complain.
Sunoo's arm was still hanging at thin air, but he lets out a chuckle before following the two of you. Eventually, it went back to normal and you two were back to bickering nonstop. The three of you decided that it would be best to enjoy your ice cream by the benches beside the school field.
You were busy bickering with Ni-ki when you noticed one student running like a wild animal. It's not just that, he have these weird red stains all over his white uniform. Another one suddenly jumped over him and soon a lot more followed behind. All of them were acting strange.
"What are they doing?" you suddenly asked.
Ni-ki's smirk fell and followed where you're looking at. His brows slowly furrowed at the sight of students running around, attacking someone. His moved even before his brain can command it. He took a step closer to you as he hold your arm, pulling them to gently place you behind him.
"What the.." Ni-ki uttered under his breath as he watch how one student hovered another and attacked them.
Confusion and fear can be seen through his face. He can't understand what he's seeing right now. All he knows is that its dangerous and that he needs to protect you. You look beyond terrified at the scene in front of you. Its like from a popular movie.
Ni-ki's eyes diverted to a flock of students running towards the field. He gulped and nervously stared at them.
"Hyung..." he called the attention of the older one who seemed to be as confused and as scared at him.
"We need to go." he stated and just in time, they saw one running towards them.
Ni-ki cursed as you scream in fear. The student no longer look like one. Its eyes were all white, the black part almost nowhere to be seen. He have this bite marks all over his body and his uniform covered in fresh blood.
"Stay close to me." Ni-ki whispered and the three of you started running off towards your building.
Along the way, you saw a lot of other students running around and attacking each other. It was chaotic and you don't know what's happening anymore. You're a mess too.
The entrance to your building was a bit packed with students as well. Just by the looks of it, it was obvious that you will have a hard time getting inside and going to your classroom. You got more teary as you watch students falling out from the windows of your building. Ni-ki tried to ask you not to look at them.
You then let out a scream when one tried to attack you. Ni-ki held your waist and pulled you beside him then kicked that student off. He cupped your face, catching your gaze.
"You all right?" he asked that you answered with a quick nod of your head.
The three of you headed towards the stairs and Sunoo was behind making sure none of them follows behind to sneak up on you. Before you can arrive at the next floor, a couple of infected students run down to meet you. They were pretty aggressive so they're hard to hold off.
Sunoo was down over the stairs but Ni-ki was quick to help him. He pulled that infected away from his hyung and pushed him off the stairs. After he helped his hyung to get up, another set of students arrived causing for you two to be left with no choice but to go downstairs and run back outside the building.
Ni-ki was holding your hand tightly, continuously muttered comforting words, assuring you that he's right there and that he won't leave you alone. You're mind is slowly going blank out of fear, but you do trust him with all your life.
As you arrived outside, it was very chaotic. Students, teachers and even workers of the school scattered around chasing each other. Ni-ki and you walked around the building trying to find a way through.
"Watch out!" you screamed when you suddenly saw a truck going your way.
Ni-ki moved back to ditch it and you saw how it suddenly hit the side wall of the building. He glanced at you and asked if you were okay and you nodded again. You scanned him, trying to make sure he's okay as well.
He glanced back at the truck and his eyes then saw that there's a way you can go if you climb over it. He quickly pulled you towards it, avoiding some of the infected trying to go after you two.
You have no clue what his plan is, all you know is that you trust Ni-ki. You know he will protect you no matter what.
He helped you climb up to the back of the truck and you two head towards the front to use it as your step to climb at the small terrace of the second floor.
"Slowly." he whispered as he leaned over the wall and gave you his knee to step on.
He lets go of your hand and held your waist as support. After you make it, you quickly glanced at Ni-ki to check if he's coming. You panicked a bit seeing some of the infected students running his way.
Smoothly, he climbed up and you hugged him tightly. He taps your head gently trying to catch his breath after the stunt he just pulled. Both of you head inside and made sure to lock the door.
"Hyung!" your head turned after Ni-ki said that and you can't explain how happy you felt seeing Sunoo again.
You hugged him and he smiled a little.
"Let's head to our classroom. I'm sure they're inside." and the three of you hurry.
Just like how Sunoo said it, your classmates were inside. They're as terrified as you.
"Its one of those..." Ni-ki said that caught everyone's attention. "...zombies." your eyes remained at him. You heard one of your classmates lets out a scoff like what he just said is the most funny thing he heard today.
"You watched too many movies, Nishimura."
Ni-ki's jaw clenches and you know he's pissed off. He was about to say something but you held his arm to catch his attention. You shook your head side to side, telling him to just let it slide.
Even before he can speak, one of your classmates talked.
"Ni-ki's right. Come to think of it! They bite other people and then they become aggressive as well." the whole class fell silent after the smartest guy in the room said that.
Mixed of reactions can be heard. Some still don't believe it and some were starting to be even more scared. Who won't be? These things are only seen in the movies. They're not beaten and mostly ended with no definite solution. The things and actions you've seen in movies may be only possible in front of a camera and in films.
Nobody knows what will happen next.
Ni-ki moved closer to you and held both of your arm, catching your attention. His eyes were scanning you before they looked at yours.
"Are you okay?" his eyes looked so worried.
You nodded and brushed his hair, fixing it a bit. "Yeah. You?" you asked gently.
He nodded his head.
"Thank you for looking out on me."
He smiled a little, "Of course. I will always protect you.” he said and caressed your hair softly.
The whole class was as confused as you. Despite the theory the smartest guy said a while ago, some refused to believe it. You couldn’t really blame them as those scenes only happens in movie. For all of you, that is very impossible to happen.
“Everyone,” your head snaps at Jungwon, the class president, when he raised his hand as he catch the attention of your classmates. “we need to search every bag to find a phone.” he added.
You were ready to do as he say, but you heard (sh’s y/n) going against him that caused yet another argument. It was nothing new to you. She’s always been like that. Maybe because she’s wealthy and she gets everything she wants made her like this. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the bag near you to start searching.
Ni-ki followed after you, watching you from time to time. Some of your classmates are still arguing, but joined the search later on. After searching carefully, your heads snapped at the side when one announced that they found one.
A small hope errupts from your chest as relief slowly crept over your system. Just by knowing you succeeded on finding one to contact help from outside already gave you hope.
Now they all panics on how to open it. Stress were slowly emerging at the thought that you won’t be able to open it because it needs a password. And to your bad luck, the owner of the phone is not with you guys.
“There she is. Give me the phone.” Ni-ki said and grabbed the phone to give it a try.
He approached closer the door and placed it in front to access the face i.d lock. He is struggling so much.
“You need to move closer.” Sunghoon told Ni-ki that be quickly obliged. He tried moving closer but it’s still not working.
You sighed and slowly approached him. “You don’t need to unlock when calling an emergency number.” you informed him that made him pull away from where he is then started dialling number.
You watch him while he talked and informed the authorities about the situation. Not long after, you got surprised when you heard him cursing beside you.
“What did they said?” Jungwon asked.
You held over his arm and looked at him worried. He seemed so pissed about what’s happening.
“They didn’t believe me. They said if I’m pulling a prank on them, they’ll know who am I and I’ll get to serious trouble.” he said.
He clenched his jaw as he puts his hand down, the one holding the phone. You sighed and gently grabbed it from him.
“Let me try and call Dad.” you said and he nodded before standing behind you while he watch silently.
“The number you have dialed...” you bit your lower lip before cursing lightly at what you heard.
You tried dialling again and Ni-ki left because Jungwon calls for him to talk about something. You tried again and again, but its still the same. You cannot contact your father. Your heart sank as your mind slowly went blank. Fear is slowly consuming you, the fact that your father is not answering his phone which is rarely happens while all of this is happening is bothering.
“Hey,” your head snapped at your side when you felt his hand gently held your elbow to make you face him.
“You all right?” his brows twisted in a worried expression as he slowly roam his eyes over your face.
“I c-can’t contact my Dad.” you sound so worried.
Ni-ki pursed his lips before gently placing what he was holding over the table beside him. He sighed and gently cupped your face then stared you straight at your eyes.
“I’m sure he’s fine. Don’t worry too much, okay?” he tried comforting you.
Slowly you started to calm down then he asked you to keep the phone so you put it inside one of the pockets of your jacket. Ni-ki really know how to take care of you and how to calm you down at these type of situation.
You nodded. He gave you a small smile before caressing your cheeks using his thumb, then lets go to go get the one he put the table beside you.
“Here, wear this.” your eyes dropped at the p.e pants that he was handing you.
“Is this yours?” you asked him.
“Yeah. It’s clean so don’t worry.” he said with a smirk.
You furrowed your brows, “I d-didn’t said anything!” you defended and he just chuckled before trying to put it on.
“Wear it so it won’t be hard to move around.” he explains and you can’t help but to feel more worried.
You lift your gaze from the pants to his eyes that were already darted at you. “You think help won’t come soon?” your tone sounded hopeless, like you’ve already read what’s inside Ni-ki's mind.
He pursed his lips and tried to smile, “I’m sure help will come. Just wear that so you won’t be uncomfy.” he said and you’re left with no choice but to do as he say.
Your attention then darted over to the infected students outside the room when they started running towards somewhere. Some of your curious boy classmates walked towards the door and windows to get a clearer view.
“Where are they going?” you muttered curiously as your feet moved before your brain could even process it. After three steps, you were stopped by a hand holding your arm.
It was Ni-ki. “Don’t go near the door and windows.” he said with a creased forehead.
You pouted then nodded. He asked you to sit down and he went towards the door where some of his friends are. It seems like they’re checking what’s going on as well.
“They’re running off the hallway!” one announced.
It made you stand up having a little hope that you’ll be safer without any of them near your classroom. But then some of your classmates started to argue once again due to disagreement. One was asking Jungwon to take action while one defended him that its too dangerous and him being the president is not an enough reason for him to risk his life.
You silently agreed with (jw’s y/n). Ni-ki sighed and clicked his tongue at the side of his cheeks while watching the scene from beside you.
“Look at her running her mouth once again.” he commented before putting his hand inside his pocket.
You looked at him and swat him over his chest. “She's just scared.”
Yes, you don’t agree at what she’s saying and how she’s acting right now, but you also understand that she’s just scared. You can see how anxious, worried and scared she is. She’s covering all that up by this brat girl facade of her.
“Aren’t we all?” he fired back at you and then he lets out another sigh before glancing back at the commotion. “Just admit it. She’s just spoiled rotten.” he added.
You stood closer to him and even covered his sight from the scene. Now his bored looking eyes darted at you and suddenly they seemed more attentive.
“Stop it. She’s just scared, Ni-ki.”
It seemed like you’ve almost convinced him that you were right until he blinked and glanced away. He scoffed, “I-I’m just being honest. I don’t even know why hyung liked her.” he mumbled, now a little lower to avoid being scolded by you.
You rolled your eyes at him and looked back at them. Now, Sunghoon’s holding off one of your classmate from advancing towards (sh’s y/n). She said something offensive towards him that quickly pissed him off. Everyone’s a mess right now. A lot is going on and that’s why probably most of you are sensitive at the moments. Arguing should be the least you guys should be doing.
While they’re busy arguing, the door was left unattended that result from someone freely entering your classroom. It was your p.e teacher. At first, the sight of him gave you relief that finally there’s an adult that can help and supervise, but you started getting this uneasy feeling about him.
He broke the silence and avoided the questions of your classmates by telling everyone to help him make barricades over the doors of the room. Most of them followed him right away while you stood there, staring at him with suspicious eyes.
You tried to shrug it off and convince yourself that you’re probably just overthinking things due to all these chaos around you. So you forced yourself to move and help. Before you can even lift one of the chairs, a hand stopped you from doing so.
“Why?” you asked Ni-ki whose busy looking at the teacher.
He glanced at you then smiled a little, tho you noticed how he’s hiding something. ‘Does he find the teacher suspicious too?’
He grabbed the chair, “Go stand beside (sn's y/n). We’ll take care of this.” he said and didn’t even wait for what you’re going to say.
You were left with no choice but to stand close to (sn's y/n) while watching your p.e teacher.
“H-Hey.” she called you softly. You turned your head even tho you’re still bothered and gave her your attention. Its not always she makes a first move to interact with someone, you have to assure her that she’s doing well.
“Are you okay?” she asked. She maybe noticed how you seemed so bothered over your teacher.
You answered a short ‘Yeah.’ because you’re contemplating whether to tell her about your thoughts or nah. You don’t want her to panic or to be scared, but at the end you wanted her to know. After-all, you have a feeling that she will be close to you from now on.
“Don’t you think he’s a little suspicious?” and even glanced back at your teacher.
“I d-don’t know. Aren't you happy that we finally have an adult with us?” seh continuously stated.
You pursed your lips and realized she’s right. Maybe you’re really just overthinking or maybe she’s just too naive and nice to notice? You sighed and tried to smile a little just for her to feel better.
“You’re right.”
But right after those words left your lips, you heard one of your classmates screamed.
“Sir, your arm!” she shouted that made you snap your head to the direction of your teacher, your eyes quickly scanned his arms.
Your heart fell at the sight of a fresh wound. It was obvious that it came from a bite. Everyone panicked as they all started screaming towards your teacher. They all pressured him to leave the room. He’s obviously still at the right state of his mind unlike the other bitten people around you, but you know its just a matter of time before he turned like them.
You stepped closer towards (sn’s y/n) holding her by her arm while still watching your teacher. Ni-ki slowly walks his way closer to where you are. He cursed while staring at your p.e teacher. He knew something was off with him the moment he set foot here in the classroom.
His eyes quickly looked at the two doors that will serve your only escape the moment he went crazy. The door to the left was completely blocked by chairs already. Thankfully, the other one have only a few stacks of chairs over it. He’s sure the boys can easily knock over it in case you guys need to leave this place.
His eyes looked at you, making sure you’re beyond his reach if ever it started to become chaotic. His heart was racing crazy because of fear and worry.
“You should leave, sir.” (jw's y/n) insisted and you can’t help but to admire her bravery. Jungwon was quick to stand beside her, making sure she’s near him.
“What did you say?” he looked offended at what she just said. That didn’t stopped her from backing down, instead she took a nother step towards him.
“I said you should leave this room, Sir!” she shouted. Jungwon grabbed her and placed her behind him right away as the teacher started to shout curses towards her in anger.
“How dare you talk to your teacher like that?!” he asked aggressively as he approached closer, but stopped when his nose started bleed.
Your mouth gapped at the sight of it. He blinked, completely flushed at what's currently happening to him. You can feel your heart beating so fast in fear. It was too late before you can process what you’re about to do.
You let go from holding (sn’s y/n)’s arms and stepped closer to your teacher hitting him at the back of his head. Ni-ki was still surprised at the terrifying scene of your teacher’s nose bleeding out that he failed to stop you from doing that.
Once he saw you hitting him, he quickly grabbed and put you behind him not minding that he will put himself in danger in exchange of you.
“You bitch!” your teacher screamed in anger but even before he can step closer he collapsed over the floor.
Everybody fell silent. None of your were able to say anything. Moments later, he started moving in a very odd way. It was the same movements those students make whenever they’re bitten by the infected ones.
“Quick, open the door!” Jungwon shouted and the boys took action right away while the girls screamed and cries.
One even pushed you out of fear causing you to fall over the floor. Even before you knew it, a pair of strong arms helped you to get back on your feet, cupping your face to look at him instead of the chaotic scene.
“Hey, snap out of it. I need you to be aware of your surroundings.” he said calmly despite the worry and fear over his eyes.
You blinked, tears starting to form at the corner of your eyes. “I m-made him like that...”
He pursed his lips and quickly shakes his head side to side, “No, baby. You didn’t.” he said using his softest tone. He sighed and leaned closer, making sure you two are eye to eye.
“Please stay alert for me, okay? I’ll be just here to protect you.” he mumbled that slowly calmed you down.
“Ni-ki!” both of your heads snapped over to the side when you heard his friend calls for him to help.
You grabbed over (sn’s y/n) and run outside the room while the boys tries to hold your teacher back. (jw's y/n), her friend and (sh’s y/n) were the one in front together with Heeseung and Jay.
A group of biters suddenly appeared in front and the girls ahead of you fell out of surprise causing a domino effect together with you. You grunted in pain.
Ni-ki looked over his shoulder when he heard the screams and cursed when he saw you down on the floor. He kicked your teacher hard back inside the room and closed it before jogging his way at your direction.
“You good?” he asked worried. You nodded and silently scanned him as well.
“Yes, you?”
He licked his lower lip, “I'm good. Don’t worry about me.”
You didn’t answer that because you know you’ll always worry for him. Your head snapped over to the side when you heard Sunoo calling your name.
“Y/n, please stick with (sn’s y/n).” he asked and you nodded your head holding her arm.
You were asked to go at the next floor towards the science lab. It was a total chaos on the way since you were surrounded by infected students. The boys even split up having some up front while some stayed behind, making sure none will attack from behind. Ni-ki’s one of them.
You’ll be honest, you wanted to ask him to just stay behind you but you know he’ll refuse to do that. And besides, he will surely be a big help since he’s very athletic and strong. Him and Jungwon were the ones at the end.
The only help you can do is to not be weakling and do things as told as possible. So when the boys asked the girls to stay between them and help push the biters off, you focused and tried so hard to help. You’re too confident that Ni-ki were there in your circle since you saw Jungwon joining a while ago. The two of them were together by the stairs.
The science lab was locked and you almost lose hope, but thankfully one of you find a solution and cracked it open just in time before those infected happen to attack you.
Once inside, all of you checked and made sure you can be safe in that place in the mean time. While everyone were busy catching their breaths and calming themselves down, your mind were slowly going blank of thoughts. You can feel your body aching due to countless bumping and falling down everywhere. Your knees were even shaking.
“Give me the phone, I’ll call someone.” your head snaps over to (sh’s y/n) when she approached and laid her hands in front of you.
You stood straightly and started going through your pockets searching for the phone Ni-ki handed you a while ago. Your heart fell and your brows hardly furrowed when you couldn’t find it anywhere.
Suddenly, a faint memory of something hitting your feet a while ago while you fight with the infected flashes back to your mind. You’re not that sure, but you think it was the phone that hit your feet. You were just too busy that time to even care.
Your eyes lift towards (sh’s y/n) whose now looking at you dangerously. It seems like she already have a clue of what happened, but still waits for you to tell her yourself.
“I l-lost it. I must have dropped it—” she didn’t even let you finish your sentence as she quickly attacked you with her wrath.
“You lost it?! How could you!” she shouted right at you and you couldn’t do anything, but to lower your head feeling really sorry.
You felt someone stood in front of you and you are sure it was Sunoo. Sunghoon went close to (sh’s y/n) as well to try and hold her back from coming at you.
You stayed silent despite of her talking bad about you. She has the right to. You are stupid and careless for losing the only thing you can use to get some help. Ni-ki entrusted that phone to you— Ni-ki...
Your head quickly scanned the whole room and your heart fell when you couldn’t see any sign of him.
“W-Wait, where is Ni-ki?!” you shouted, the question directed to no one. You didn’t care if your voice sounded too loud or if it startled anyone, you are starting to lose your sane.
Your heart ached and tears started to form your eyes at the thought of losing him. With heavy steps you approached Jungwon, Sunoo following you behind holding you by your arm to support you.
“Where is he, Jungwon? You two were together, right? He was with you.” your eyes looked at him with hopes of hearing something good from him.
You saw something flashes through his eyes that you quickly dismissed as you watch him approach closer.
“He asked me to go first and promised that he will follow.” he answered that made your shoulder fell.
Tears streamed down your eyes as you felt your knees losing its strength. Sunoo and Jungwon attended to you right away, holding you. Sunoo asked Jungwon to rest and he assured that he will take care of you. He hesitated to leave you, but obliged as he realized you need space and time to process everything.
Everyone fell silent and you continued crying. You couldn’t think of anything else but Ni-ki. You tried hard to convince yourself that he is alright, that he’s somewhere safe, but you couldn’t help but worry for him. You don’t know what to feel at the moment. You knew you couldn’t lose him. Not him, you love him so much.
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part two › here
main master-list
apocalypse master-list
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live-laugh-lenney · 10 months
arthur having y/n as a guest on his channel and he's crushing on her the whole time!!
i figured this one worked out being a head-cannon more than a fic but i really love that this could be the potential origin story of arthur and yn, leading on to what happened in 'housewarming makeout'...
let me know what you think though!
thank you for reading my stuff so far - it means a whole lot to me and i'm thankful for all the messages i've been receiving about my writing and such. love to you all! x
C H A N N E L G U E S T H E A D C A N N O N | a r t h u r t v |
-> commentary youtube was something yn loved doing.
-> her channel was different to what arthur would do on his channel. she would go about commenting on whatever seemed to be trending in the world that week; whatever was being spoken about on twitter or whatever seemed to be in the news or a celebrity who seemed to be a topic of conversations.
-> yn and arthur collaborating on either one's channel was something a lot of people wanted. something people manifested. twitter was full of tweets begging them to collaborate on a video.
-> it's arthur's goal to have her on his channel - he loves watching her videos and he's forever indulged in the way she speaks so soft and shares the occasional joke and laughs at herself and never shies away from how she may have different opinions... yet she always does it in such a respectful way. he thinks she'd be a great guest to have, a great first guest to have on his channel, and he was thrilled when she agreed to it.
-> and he'd be called a fool if he denied his feelings for her; how he found her really quite beautiful, how he felt intimidated when she arrived on the youtube scene because he felt she had such a way with words and with people that he'd be thrown to the side, how he loved her sense of fashion and how she always presented herself to perfectly... and when they first met, he found she had such an inviting personality that he just wanted to know more and more and more about her on a level where they could tell each other everything and anything.
-> and she felt the same.
-> she really quite liked him as a person, found his rather handsome, and she felt butterflies in her belly when he dm'd her and asked her whether she was interested in filming with him on the biggest series of his youtube channel.
-> so when she posts a selfie on her instagram story of her sat at the desk in arthur's bedroom, twitter goes into meltdown.
-> 'is it me or is yn in arthurtv's bedroom? either we're getting a vid or they've got some explaining to do...'
-> 'arthurtv and yn hanging out? do i smell a video coming?'
-> 'arthur has a girl in his room!!!'
-> and they find it funny to have a look at their mentions on twitter to see how excited people are - they weren't stupid when it came to the fans and what people were saying about the two of them.
-> he has her on his channel to discuss big ed from 90 day fiance; he's always trending, someone that people talk about and it fits in with what his channel is all about so it was a perfect opportunity to get her in a video to collaborate on.
-> there's no awkwardness between the two of them.
-> they've hung out before, they've been seen out and both together, they wouldn't class themselves as best friends but they're friendly with one another and they're both used to being on camera so there was nothing that kept them from not being themselves.
-> when the video does come out, both of them promote it and post about it on their socials and they reply back to those who responded about how happy they were to see the two of them together, telling them their favourite parts and how they want it to become a regular thing on arthur's channel, or how they want arthur to do a video on yn's channel about the current trends of the world.
-> people pick out bits of the video and edits are made - edits of yn and arthur together.
-> 'the way arthur kept looking at yn!!! it has me dying'
-> 'he's such a sweetheart. he never interrupted her. never spoke over her. never spoke down. he's adorable.'
-> 'a man written by women, for women, i'm telling you. he's every girls dream. the way he looks at yn is adorable.'
-> 'no one can tell me there aren't feelings there. yn and arthur are my endgame <333'
-> it's the start of something between them... something good... something special... something secret...
115 notes · View notes
lightininglydia · 1 year
The Interview - Drew Starkey
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Summary: As the newest member of OBX S4, You have your first interview with the cast
Relationships: Drew Starkey X Fem!Reader, Platonic! Austin North X Reader, Platonic! Obx cast X Reader 
Warnings: Mentions of drinking but besides that just friends! To lovers, mutual pining and fluff <3 also not proof read mb it’s almost 3am 🤩
A/N: I am so in love with Drew Starkey like ONE chance sir please 🧎‍♀️ n e ways I hope y’all enjoy this :)
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You shuffled your chair slightly to the right before sitting down, squinting your eyes due to the bright beams from the ring lights.
Leaning over slightly you looked at Drew “ What’s this one for again? “ you questioned, nerves building up in the pit of your stomach
This was your first cast interview
Drew leaned into your side “ It’s the question bowl thingy for Variety… we pick questions from the bowl, read them out loud and then answer them… there’s no actual interviewer so you’ll be fine “ he reassured
You offered him a soft smile, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach whenever he so much as breathed near you.
“ Alrighty guys I’m going to press start on the camera- Y/N if you could do the introduction and start us off that would be great “
You gave a small nod, taking the bowl from the camera man and leaning back in your seat
He waited a few seconds before giving you the 5-1 count down with his fingers
On one you beamed at the camera “ Hi- I’m Y/N Y/L/N “ you let everyone else introduce themselves “ And we’re the cast of outer banks! Today we’re going to be answering some questions we pick out of this bowl! “
You raised the bowl to show it off to the camera before reaching in and picking out a question, carefully placing the bowl on your lap before unrolling the question “ Who was your favourite cast member to work with this season and why “
Carlacia squealed “ Oooooh this one’s good- I think we’re all very curious to know the answer to this one especially considering you’re our newest addition “
A small laugh fell from your lips as you leaned forward slightly “ I think my answer is going to surprise you all… my favourite cast member to work with this season was Austin- it’s no secret that I am constantly rooting for Topper so getting to work with Austin and sort of soften Topper’s hatred for Pogues really made all of my scenes with him my favourite “
Austin beamed “ Me? Really? I definitely thought you were gonna say Drew or JD for that one- I’m actually so honoured right now “
A wide grin spread across your face “ Aww- Drew and JD are a close second but I honestly loved all of our scenes together… some of them are super emotional and deep and it was really fun to dive into those and give Topper some more depth “
Austin laughed “ Yeah because he definitely needed it after the stunt he pulled last season… gaslighter by The Chicks was definitely on my Topper playlist for season three- used it to channel Topper’s inner rage for John B and Sarah “
The entire cast burst out into a fit of laughter, including yourself as you felt your body finally ease and become comfortable within the environment
Drew reached towards you once the laughter finally died down, taking the bowl from your lap and carefully picking out a question “ What was your favourite episode to film? “
He pondered for a moment, his eyes trailing over to yours “ Episode 6… I think that’s when our characters finally meet and everything leading up to it is just so chaotic- Rafe is definitely going at it this season and I think six is probably the worst he’s ever been “
You turned to the camera, an amused look on your face “ Yeah episode six sure is something- also that’s your favourite!? If what I wanted to say wasn’t a spoiler I’d be going on a rant “
Rudy hummed “ Yeah episode six is insane especially for Rafe and Lily- is it your favourite because you got to spend so much time with Y/N- be honest! “ he teased
Drew’s face turned a soft shade of red as he rolled his eyes and turned his head away from the camera
Chase gasped “ It is! It sooooo is! “
A string of giggles fell from you lips as you leaned into him, resting your elbow on his shoulder “ Aww come on guys be nice! It’s not Drew’s fault I’m so pretty “ you beamed
Madison smiled at you, happy you seemed to become more comfortable as every minute passed.
Eventually the laughter and teasing died down, the bowl being passed around until it reached you again- eager to pull another question “ Who are you closest with from the cast? “
JD was the first to answer the question for you “ Drew hands down! “ he practically shouted as the rest of the cast jumped to agree
You playfully rolled your eyes at their antics “ I’m pretty close with EVERYONE “
A few of your cast members side eyed you for your answer before Madison spoke out “ That wasn’t the question! It says CLOSEST “
You huffed out a breath of air “ We all spend a lot of time together but I will say Drew and I have this like “ old people “ thing going on where we’ll sit at each other’s apartments and read all night… like we don’t really talk to each other we just bring a book, some wine and one of us puts on a really good playlist… we just sit there for hours and I think that’s bonded us in a really interesting way to where it’s more than just getting to know each other but more so solidified how comfortable we are with one another- so yeah I guess I’ll say Drew “
Madison cheered as Madelyn let out a soft laugh “ It’s such a weird thing to walk into… like I’ll just burst into one of their apartments and see them sitting there with a book in one hand and a glass of wine in the other completely silent besides the music and they won’t even notice me until I either turn the music off or take a book from one of them “
Drew smiled “ It was really nice to have Y/n join the cast… I love going out and doing things but I’m definitely more of a homebody and to have someone who not only understands that but actively participates in things like that has been great- she’s really amazing “
A soft blush formed on your cheeks at his words “ You’re the sweetest… I’m not really the going out kind of person like I’ll do it but it’s never really been my thing so to come into a cast like this and to immediately have someone that understood that was really comforting… I didn’t want to feel like I was a buzzkill or dragging the mood down so having Drew really was a lifeline in both senses- I literally cling to him when we go out “
The cast laughed at this “ Get a couple of drinks in her and she becomes a koala with Drew- there’s a really funny video of him carrying her coming to you guys the second season 4 drops “ Chase explained
A bout of laughter spilled from you “ HEY! I did NOT consent to my drunken escapades being posted as a tomfoolery! “ you protested
Drew began laughing, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side “ Oh trust me we have LOADS of those “
A gasp fell from your lips as you pulled away from him, playfully swatting at him “ No you do not! I’m not showing up to this weeks book night if you keep it up Mr. Starkey! And I’ll lock my door so you can’t get in! “
He scoffed, placing his hand on his chest “ Ouch Y/N but I think you forget I have a key to your apartment… couldn’t keep me away even if you tried which we both know you won’t “ his voice was soft, a hint of teasing in his tone as he looked at you with such adoration that your heart felt as if it would combust at any moment
What you didn’t realize was that you were looking at him the same “ No… I won’t “ voice barely audible but you knew he heard you when his eyes seemed to soften even more than they already had
Warmth filled your entire body, wishing he could look at you like this forever
JD cleared his throat “ Hey guys hate to kill the moment but Drew for the love of god pick a question out of the bowl “
Simultaneously Carlacia and Madison reached out and smacked him on either side as you and Drew tore your gazes away from each other, Drew’s going to the bowl in your hands and yours going to Austin who was giving you a very pointed look
One that read- Remember you’re on camera
Drew pulled out the question, muttering something under his breath before reading it aloud “ Have you ever had a crush on any of your cast mates? If so who? And why? “
You covered your mouth to hide the small grin that was forming on your face as Chase let out a loud “ oooooh you’re in trouble now “
Drew scoffed, throwing up the finger directed at Chase “ This is such an unfair question “
Madelyn and Rudy booed him “ Answer the question!” They shouted at him, Madison turning her face away from the camera in attempt to hide the large grin she had on her face while the rest of the cast turned to him expecting an answer
He sighed, blowing out a deep breath “ I mean- I- “ he tried but the words just weren’t making their way out of his mouth
You softly nudged him, placing your hand over his in a comforting manner “ Hey it’s okay you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to- just pick again! “ your voice was void of any judgment or teasing, almost encouraging him to do whatever made him comfortable
His heart clenched in his chest, the feeling of your hand on his had his thoughts racing- his mind constantly on you.
The way your hair smelled of vanilla coconut because of that stupid shampoo you’d left at his house one too many times, how you had the most obvious tell whenever you were lying, The way he’d never seen you get mad at anyone ever- not even when they deserved it because your heart was too kind to ever make anyone feel anything less than cared for.
And how you beamed in such a specific way whenever you saw him- it felt ridiculous to say you were his crush when he was so sure he was in love with you… so in love with you that it hurt
His face softened and all nervousness slipped away when his eyes finally locked with yours “ I mean I definitely don’t have a crush… it’s pretty obvious that I’m like- stupidly in love with you because you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met and I think you’re absolutely perfect- On your own and for me “
A ridiculously large grin spread across your face at his words “ Yeah… I think I’m pretty perfect for you too and happen to think you’re perfect for me- If it hasn’t been obvious I’m stupidly in love with you too”
The cast burst into a scarily loud amount of cheers- all having been rooting for the two of you.
You leaned back from Drew, eyes flying to the camera “ Wow- guess Variety is really getting the scoop today… Netflix slash OBX PR team please don’t kill us!!“ you jokingly pleaded, leaning into Drew’s side as his one arm wrapped around you as the other pulled your hand into his own
Madelyn laughed, grabbing the bowl from Drew “ Hey- they pre-approved all these questions so it’s on them “
The rest of the interview flew by, your hand interlocked with Drew’s as the two of you listened to your friends answer questions- laughing and interacting as much as possible before it came to a close
You gave one final look to the camera “ This was the cast of Outer Banks answering all these burning questions! Catch season four of our wonderful show streaming only on Netflix, May 16th “
Guess this wasn’t too bad for your first interview.
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frogspond200 · 1 year
𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝
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𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: 𝚕𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚏𝚏
𝙰𝚜𝚔: 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚠𝚎 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚊 𝚢𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎? 𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚎𝚞𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎
A - Affection: Steven showers you with affection, constantly seeking your attention and love, Whether you want it or not.
C - Cherish: he cherishes every moment you spend together, treasuring you above all else.
D-Delusionly: his perception of reality is distorted by my obsession, blurring the lines between fantasy and truth...
E - Enough: No amount of your hate towards him or attention will make him hate you back, he's a very delusional person…He just thinks you're having a bad day.
F - Fragile: his delusion is delicate, like a fragile gemstone that could shatter at any moment...
G - Gore: he revels in the grotesque, finding twisted satisfaction in scenes of violence and bloodshed to those who hurt or even THINK. Of loving you.
H - Harmony: In his twisted harmony, he finds solace in your presence and the sound of your voice, touch, smell...Everything.
I - Intrusion: he invades your personal space, driven by an overwhelming desire to be close to you at all times.
J - Jealousy: Jealousy consumes him, fueling his rage at the mere thought of someone else capturing your attention.
K - Key: You hold the key to his heart, his life, and his very existence revolves around you and your affections.
L - Love: his love for you is obsessive and possessive, bordering on madness.
M - Manipulation: he skillfully manipulation situations and people, molding them to fit his desires and keep you close.
N - Nagging: he nags and criticism, convinced that it’s “for your own good” and to improve our relationship...
O - Obsession: My mind is consumed by thoughts of you, every waking moment dedicated to our twisted love.
P - Possession: You are his possession, a cherished object that he guards fiercely from anyone who might threaten you...
Q - Quandary: he is torn between his desire to protect you and his desire to keep you all to himself.
R - Rage: A burning rage resides within him, ready to erupt at any moment to defend our love from anyone who might think it's dangerous.
S - Secrets: He keeps every one of your secrets close, using them as tools to deepen his connection and maintain control.
T - Twisted: Your love is twisted and distorted, deviating from societal norms and descending into darkness.
U - Unhinged: his mind is unhinged, teetering on the edge of sanity as he clings to his poisonous love.
V - Violent: He is prone to outbursts of violence, lashing out at anyone who threatens your bond. Sometimes has outbursts on you whenever you look the other way
W - Worship: You are his divine deity, worthy of worship and sacrifice, the center of my existence. The sheet thought of not being with him rips him apart inside and out.
X - Xenophilic: he is captivated by your uniqueness, drawn to every aspect of your being...the way you walk, talk, move, and try to fight back, astonished him.
Y - Yearning: his yearning for you is insatiable, an all-consuming desire that drives him to extreme measures.
Z - Zealous: he is consumed by a zealous devotion to you, willing to do whatever it takes to possess you completely...
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simp2537 · 4 months
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John Wick x child!fem! Reader.
Series Trigger Warnings: Child abuse, abandonment issues, self harm, self hatred, depression, religious trauma, murder, gore,
Chapter One
The scent of iron and copper stained the area around him as he lay in the ground. His dark irises looked up at the barrel of the gun in front of his head. Corpses laid around his as he breathed softly. 
With every dawn a pupillus is brought home
The girl that stood before him was dressed in an all black suit, perfectly tailored to her. Her hair sleeked back in a ponytail and braided. Her eyes cold and hard, like a killers should be. She couldn’t have been older than ten.
Her face still held that childlike glow that most kids her age had. Her Glock was firmly between his eyes. The man she’d shot before, laid dead at her feet. 
“Ты Баба Яга?” The girl asked, her voice that of a pure innocent child. (Are you Baba Yaga?)
With every dusk a pupillus is dead. 
John stared at her and he slowly stood up. Her gun trailed him as he towered over her. 
“Yeah.” The girl hummed softly. In a swift movement her gun was in a holster at her side. She let out a small sigh.
“Good, I’m your pupillus.” John froze. A pupillus? A child bought, taken, given and molded into a killer. Only the High Table could grant a person an pupillus. Never in all his life would he think that the High Table would gift him one. 
With every star a pupillus conquerors
John nodded softly as he moved a corpse out of her way. She moved next to him in a flash, almost inhumanly fast. 
“You got a name kid?” John pondered softly as he began to walk away from the bloody scene. The girl trailed behind him, he couldn’t even hear her steps.
John rubbed his face as he opened the door to his car for her. She slide into the car quickly and sat quietly. As John shut the car door he groaned softly. He didn’t ask for this, he didn’t want to have to take care of a kid. But the High Table saw him fit he supposed.
“I like Y/n, think it’s pretty.” John mumbled as they drove towards the Continental. The girl didn’t answer, only furrowed her brow. 
“Yes it is pretty.” The girl agreed monotoned. As John drove he would glance at her. She stared out at the city with a small spark in her eyes, liked she’d never seen so many lights before. The girl didn’t speak, she didn’t move, to John it didn’t even look like she was breathing.
She looked almost alien to him. Not that she looked strange but she acted strange. She wasn’t like any child John had ever know, and he supposed she wasn’t. Pupillus were meant to hide in plain sight, she certainly looked like a child….. just not her eyes. 
With every comet a pupillus falls
John didn’t know it then but this girl would change his entire life. He would name her, he would love her, he would care for her, and she in turn…. Would destroy for him.
The wind howled as rain poured down onto Helen’s coffin. Many red roses fell on top of the lowered coffin. Held in a delicate hand was a white rose. 
The white rose fell on top of the coffin. Y/n’s e/c eyes were glassed over but no tears fell. Her eyes red and her cheeks flushed. Her body was drown in rain, she hoped that the rain would wash her sorrow away.
Never had she felt like this, this loss, this pain. She didn’t like it. She’d lost many people, many of her fellow pupillus, she mourned, she pleaded with god to send them back. 
But this pain was different, this pain grew and grew, not into hatred like it normally would, it just grew more painful. Her black dress was soaked, clinging to her like a second skin. 
A large hand landed on her shoulder, gently guiding her away from the coffin. A shadow fell over her, he held his umbrella over her. His dark eyes full of sadness as he looked all away. 
“Y/n?” John whispered, his forming towering over the seventeen year old. 
“Все хорошее умрет.” Y/n mumbled hopelessly (All good things will die). John froze as he lead her away. Her face was masked by with a blank look. The rain poured down into the pair as they walked together in sync. 
Y/n’s irises were planted on the ground as John walked her over to their car. John looked up and saw and old friend of his. He bent down planting kiss her cheek. Y/n didn’t react, she didn’t move, hell John couldn’t even tell if she was breathing. 
John signed softly as he closed her door and walked over to Marcus. He didn’t know how to help her, she’d never been so closed off with him. As a pupillus emotions other than rage weren’t allowed.
Their pain was molded to hate, their love turned to despair, their happiness vanished and they became pupillus. A child made to kill and only to kill. John could remember all the times that Y/n held not mercy for her opponents. Her ruthlessness knew no bounds, her mind didn’t know what to do now.
John hit the ground with a thud. He coughed up blood as he pushed himself up. He looked back at the man he was trying to kill. 
His eyes were wide, his body covered in his own and others blood. This job would pay a million so John was determined to kill him. 
The man charged at him, John slammed into the wall, it cracked under him. The man’s hand went around his throat lifting him off his feet.
“Not so dangerous now are you. Baba Yaga?” He taunted. John couldn’t move, he was pinned. The air began to leave his lungs, he didn’t stop trying to get the man off himself. 
Suddenly he was ripped away, John fell right to the ground. The man staggered to his feet from the ground. His eyes stared right into the cold ones of Y/n as she stood in front of John. 
“I told you to stay in the car.” John rasped. Y/n shrugged annoyed as she charged at him. The man was fast enough to catch her. Her legs wrapped around his, pulling the larger man to the ground.
“Вам нужна была помощь.” Y/n voiced getting in the man’s chest. (You needed help.)
Y/n’s smaller first pummeled into the man face over and over. John looked away coughing softly. 
“English, Y/n.” He muttered as he stood. The man struggled under Y/n, but her fist kept going. Her knuckles began to bleed and bruise. John walked over to her with a limp. 
“Enough Y/n.” She didn’t stop. “Y/n enough.” 
By the time John caught her fist the man was dead. John sighed uneasily as he pulled Y/n away. Blood was splattered over her face, hair, clothes and her hands. The man’s face was punched in, it looked unnatural. 
“I told you to wait in the car.” She didn’t answer. She wouldn’t look at him, he could tell she was upset. 
“Y/n? Won’t you look at me?” John asked gently. He knelt down to her height, for a ten year old she was rather short. He took the side of her bloody face and guided her to look at him. Her eyes didn’t move from the floor.
It had been months of back and forth with Y/n. She didn’t have any moral compass. She didn’t know what to do in any situation that wasn’t murder.
“Умная девушка? Please look at me.” John smile softly as she brought her e/c eyes to his. (Smart girl.)
“I don’t understand why you’re always so upset when I help you.” She mumbled bitterly. John sighed softly, truthfully he didn’t either. In the Ruska Roma he would do the same. Watching Y/n kill didn’t seem right to John. 
In the few months that Y/n was under his care he’d grown to love her. The way her eyes would light up when she’d see something new. Slowly he guided her away from the blood scene, her head was cast down. 
By the time they entered the car Y/n hadn’t looked at him once. As they left John glanced over at her, she was curled up into herself. A permanent glare plastered on her innocent face. Her eyes held anything but innocence.
Y/n grabbed the rager that John held out to her with a small sigh. She wiped the blood from her hands before throwing the rag in the glove box. John roll his eyes and  pull the rag back out, wiping her face.
“You’re driving!” Y/n protested. John rolled his eyes as he finished.
“You’re covered in blood.” He mumbled as they continued to sit in silence. She turned from him, not caring for all the blood. As they pulled up to the Continental, Y/n hopped out before John even cut the gas. 
“Shit! Y/n!” John yelled but Y/n just pulled her back out for the trunk and walked into the building. She wouldn’t go much further than the front entrance, still believing she’d be punished. No matter how much John would try and convince Y/n she wouldn’t be punished for simply needed space.
As John handed his keys to the man standing there, grabbed his bag and followed after her. Y/n stood near the entrance to the pupils training arena. A boy around her age with tanned skin, black curls, and brown eyes talked softly to her.
Her eyes shoot in to John’s and sighed softly as she made her way back over to him. The boy she was with glared sharply at him. 
“Am I permitted to go to the training arena?” John nodded his head softly as he checked the pair in. John took her bag and pulled out her training clothes out.
“Here.” Y/n knew that meant her wanted her to change. She nodded softly as left to changed. The boy with her watched every move like a hawk, John didn’t like that. 
Y/n was by his side before he could blink, she was changed, hair pulled out of her face and still covered in blood. John sighed taking her dirty clothes and cleaned the side of her face.
Y/n jerked away slightly, not used to such dangerous hands being so kind to her. The boy shot off the wall, hatred in his eyes. John wanted to laugh at him. 
“Here it’s your room key. When will you be back?” Y/n shrugged.
“Eat someone before you get back please.” She nodded at his request and turned away. The boy pulled her close the second her got and pull her into the training arena.
“How goes re-raising a child?” John sent a glare to Winston as he approached him.
“I’m not re-raising her.” Winston raised his brow. 
“So you’re not trying to pull her away from her nature?”
“Being a killing machine is not her nature.” Winston smirked softly as he nodded his head. John glared and turned away. 
Y/n stared out the window as people avoided her like a plague. Maybe she was a plague, maybe she this was all her fault. Maybe if she hadn’t stayed Helen  would still be here. Maybe this was gods way of punishing her for disobeying her life’s purpose.
Thinking she could have a mundane life after all the bloodshed she’d caused. The pain, the heartache she must have caused her people. A hand on her shoulder pulled her away. John stood over her holding her shoulder.
“He’s here to see you.” Y/n’s blank eyes held his gaze for a while before pulling away. He stood away from very one and sent her a small smile.
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He smirked softly at her. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close.
“You’re my Ares.”
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
The First Week
Agent Rossi-Reid
Anthology Masterlist
David Rossi x daughter!reader,  Spencer Reid x reader, Criminal minds x BAU!reader
Summary: There are lots of old friends and new feelings during (Y/N) Rossi's first week at the BAU.
A/N: I don't know what to think of this. Some parts I love and some parts are eh. I do feel like this piece is necessary to set the scene for future prequel works though, so hopefully it will be worth it.
CW: sub-par writing
You looked yourself up and down in the mirror for about the fifth time that morning. It wasn’t like you to check your appearance over and over again. Usually one good look from head to toe told you everything you needed to know, but you guessed that first day nerves would make anyone question something as simple as how they looked.
When you were pleased that your hair was in place and your suit was neatly pressed, you grabbed the black leather tote and checked, once again, that you had everything you needed- wallet, credentials, pens, and lip gloss. No girl should ever go anywhere without back-up lip gloss. The bag itself felt rather empty, but you knew that by the end of the day it never would again. By the end of the day, it would be filled with manila folder over manila folder- each containing evidence from some of the most strange or brutal serial crimes in the United States.
That was, if everything went okay today.
You shook the thought out of your mind that everything might not go okay, that you would arrive at work and they’d tell you there was some massive mistake- you were supposed to have been assigned to a different department, or they changed their mind about having you in the unit and you’d have to make the walk of shame back to your car.
Maybe that’s why you didn’t tell you dad about it… because if you showed up and it was all some massive mistake-
“What floor?”
You’d been so lost in thought that you’d made it all the way to Quantico and into the elevator without thinking about it.
“The base-” you stopped yourself. It didn’t matter that you hadn’t been there in nearly six years- old habits die hard. “Six, please.”
The man stepped back without pressing another button, revealing that he too, was on his way to the sixth floor. Man was an… exaggerated way of describing him though. He looked more like a boy than a man. The only evidence that he was a man at all was his height. His shirt hung off him, something he had obviously tried to fix by tucking it in. His pants were less baggy than the shirt, but still large while being a bit short in the ankles, fitting as though he had bought them to his waist size only to find that they were children’s length. But his youth was shown in the characteristics of his face- the softness of his eyes and the curve of his lips overrode the sharpness of his jaw, giving him a boyish look. His hair, too, a similar honey brown was medium length and had been slicked to his head rather tight. If he let it grow just a little and styled it differently he might-
“Uh, after you?” he said, and gestured to the open elevator doors.
You really hoped you hadn’t been staring, considering that you probably had to work with this boy-man.
You smiled at him just a bit. “Thank you,” you said and you stepped off the elevator.
There, waiting for you by the glass doors, was a face that you’d been missing for a long time- one that had driven you to school, and cheered at your championship soccer game; one that picked you up from a party the first time you got wasted and had no one else to call. One that reminded you that the old Italian saying il sangue non e acqua simply wasn't true.
“(Y/N),” Aaron smiled at you, his arms open for a hug. You couldn’t help yourself- you threw yourself into his embrace, squeezing your arms around his shoulders. He hugged you back just as tight, if not tighter. “Or should I say Agent Rossi.”
“Gross,” you replied and pulled away, allowing yourself a few seconds to be the BAU’s resident teenage pest again. “Seriously, just call me (Y/N). But…” you smiled ominously. “I did hear you can’t be annoyed at me anymore for calling you Hotch anymore. Sounds like you’re actually rather fond of your nickname now.”
He chuckled and you knew that the both of you were remembering the first time you had shortened his last name, his insistence that you didn’t call him that and your determination to annoy him by continuously ignoring his request. “It’s more convenient,” he admitted. “Anyway, let me give you the tour.”
You followed Hotch through the hall, saying he’d show you the bullpen last. You forced yourself to be polite to Section Chief Strauss, but when the director saw you he gave you a hug and told you how much you’d grown. The older agents that had their own offices and worked mainly on cold cases all knew you as well- each of them commenting on how things came full circle. There were a few agents you didn’t know, of course, but all of them recognized your last name:
“Rossi? Like David Rossi?”
“So I guess profiling is a family affair?”
“You’ve got big shoes to fill, kid.”
You knew when you got picked for the BAU this would happen- no one would be able to look at you without remembering what you were like as a child or saying something about your dad.
But you didn’t think it would bother you so much.
“I have to admit that this is much more impressive than the basement,” you said to Hotch. The two of you were walking back towards the bullpen area.
“You haven’t even seen the best part yet,” he said. He opened up the glass doors and gestured for you to enter the bullpen area. There were agents working in their own desk spaces, an organized system for the phones, doors to offices and conference rooms, even a small kitchen. It may have just been an office, but the energy of the space was still the same as it had been while you were growing up. The people working, consulting, talking, bringing one another coffee- it felt like coming home.
But when you opened your mouth to speak all that came out was, “There’s so many windows.”
“Jason got them to move us up here about three years ago. The windows were my favorite part as well,” Hotch said. “Let me show you to your desk.” He led you to a desk. At the moment it was bare except for a computer and a nameplate with the BAU logo and your name: Special Agent (Y/N) Rossi. You smiled just a little.
“So it isn’t a huge mistake and everyone just thought my dad was coming back to work,” you whispered.
Hotch looked at you surprised, or as surprised as Hotch could look. “You really thought that?”
You shrugged. “It crossed my mind.” It ate me alive for a few days, but I’ll never let you know.
“(Y/N),” someone called from the upper level of the bullpen. You and Hotch both turned to see who had called you, but you already knew who it was from their voice.
You smiled a bit. “Hi, Uncle Jason.”
He walked down into the bullpen to hug you. You’d grown taller and he’d gotten older but the comfort you felt wrapped in his embrace was still the same. He let you go and placed his hands on your shoulders, his kind eyes and gentle smile looking just a bit nostalgic. “You’ve grown up.”
“And you’ve gotten old,” you said without any hesitation.
His smile didn’t falter- if anything it widened. “We are always the same age inside,” he quoted.
“Gertrude Stein,” you finished. “Thank you for this opportunity, Uncle Jason.”
He shook his head. “It’s Gideon from now on,” he said. “And you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t earn it.”
You had grown up around profilers; you learned to spot tells before you learned to ride a bike. There was nothing about your Uncle’s body language or tone or expression to indicate that he was lying, but somehow you doubted that you had earned a spot at the BAU entirely on your own. People didn’t just get picked for one of the most elite units in the country at your age fresh out of the academy… not unless some serious strings were pulled.
Still, you smiled.
“I’m going to grab coffee. Get yourself situated and meet me in the conference room. We’ve got no time to waste on your training,” Gideon said.
“Yes, sir,” you replied, straight forward.
You, Hotch, and Gideon all went your separate ways. You set up your desk, making mental note things you had to buy, before taking out your phone and sending your dad a quick text:
Hey Papa. I almost forgot to tell you… I’m at my first day of work at the BAU.
David Rossi looked down at the text message you’d sent him. He read it over once, twice, five times before it really sank in. Next thing he knew he was picking up his phone, scrolling to find a contact he hadn’t called in years.
Without a second thought, Gideon picked up his office phone. He had a cell phone, but he only ever used it on cases. Otherwise, anyone who actually needed to reach him knew that his office phone was by far the best way to get ahold of him. And boy did this person know how to get ahold of him.
“Gideon,” he answered without a second thought.
“Jason,” the voice was one he knew all too well. “It’s Dave Rossi. How have you been?”
Gideon couldn’t help but smile a bit. “Busy. How about you? I saw your fourth book is about to be published. Congratulations.”
“Thanks,” Dave said. He paused, just as he had been doing since they were no older than Dave’s own daughter. “I heard you added another Rossi to your team.”
“Yeah,” Gideon tried to sound as nonchalant as possible. He knew he wasn’t an easy person to profile, but if anyone could do it, Rossi could. “Her academy scores were impressive- physically and academically. If I’m being entirely honest I hardly noticed her name.”
Gideon could practically hear Dave’s eyes rolling. Gideon didn’t miss anything. “I highly doubt that you’d forgotten the name Rossi means a little more to you than any other name.”
Gideon smiled just a bit. “I went through the files blind, Dave.” He was telling the truth. “She’s smart, she’s young, she’s talented. There’s no reason she shouldn’t be working at the BAU.”
“She didn’t tell me until five minutes ago,” Rossi retorted.
There was no hiding the shocked pause that Gideon took.
“Jason,” Dave sighed. “Just promise me you won’t let her get hurt.”
“We work in the field,” Gideon said. He could no longer hide the emotion in his voice. “That’s a promise I can’t make.”
“You know what I mean,” Rossi said sympathetically.
“Yeah,” Gideon replied. It was barely a whisper.
The next thing he heard was the tone dial.
Gideon put the phone back on the switch and looked out his door at the bullpen. You put a pen in your pocket and strided confidently toward the conference room, but Gideon still struggled to get the picture out of his mind of you taking your first steps across the floor of the BSU over twenty years ago- Dave’s face lit up in joy as you toddled the three feet of space from Gideon’s desk to his.
These were first steps too, and something about having been witness to all your first steps lit something inside Gideon. This was the kind of job that could tear someone apart, slowly and painfully, stripping them of their skin first before pulling them apart limb from limb until they were nothing more than a bag of skin and bones trained to understand the impossible.
What Gideon had told Rossi was true- when he looked through the academy scores, the tests, the records he didn’t look at names. But when you had somehow anonymously become his top pick to add to the team, he had to admit that it was his push to continue doing this heart wrenching job for just a little bit longer.
Whether it was for him or for you, though, he would never really know.
You walked into the conference room and were immediately drawn to the evidence board. You’d heard that profilers got tunnel vision when it came to cases- they could hone in on every detail, every possibility in order to put behavior together. Now that you were a profiler, you’d acquired tunnel vision too. You walked up to the board and skimmed over the evidence. Three victims in three months, each crime scene with the same M.O., each dump site looking similar.
“What do you see?” Gideon’s voice came from behind you, but you didn’t turn to look at him.
“Male between the ages of 45 and 55, no previous criminal record, probably felt close to the victims but didn’t know them.” The words flowed from your mouth like water. You were unable to stop yourself. “He stabbed them but there’s no sexual component.”
You turned to look at him. “Is this one solved or active?”
Gideon sat down in a chair and leaned back. “Active,” he replied. “Solved cases are for studying. It’s about time you take on the real thing.”
You were about to turn back to the board to get a more thorough look at everything when someone rushed into the room. “Sorry I’m late,” he said.
You immediately recognized him as the boy-man from earlier. His hair was slightly more disheveled and he was out of breath, but his character was still the same- young, awkward, timid. You wondered if he would recognize you.
“It’s fine, Reid,” Gideon reassured him. “I’d like you to meet someone.” He stood up from his seat and came to stand by you. The boy-man put his leather satchel down on the table and joined you and Gideon. “Reid, this is Special Agent (Y/N) Rossi. (Y/N), this is Doctor Spencer Reid.”
You politely offered your hand to him and put on a gentle smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”
The doctor looked down at your hand and shied away. “Oh, um, I don’t shake hands. By the estimated number of pathogens passed between hand-to-hand contact it’s actually considered safer to kiss.”
You weren’t taken aback. You’d grown up around enough weirdness that Doctor Reid’s comment only intrigued you. “In my family the common greeting is il bacetto,” you said. “Good to know we’ve been being hygienic all these years.”
“Oh, you’re Italian,” Reid said, then he paused. “Rossi… like David Rossi? The profiler?”
You smirked. “He’s actually my dad,” you said.
“Oh,” Reid responded. “Cool.”
“Reid,” Gideon called. He was looking at the evidence board now. “What’s the population of Rochester?”
“205,704,” he said. “The male population is actually lower than the female population at approximately 49.2%. And if we assume the unsub is middle class that leaves us without about 75,000 potential suspects.”
“Well that can definitely be narrowed down,” you replied. You turned to the files on the table and began to look through them. You started with victimology first, comparing the three women that had fallen victim to the killer. “Why do you say he’s middle class?”
“Reid,” Gideon said, encouraging him to go on.
“Oh, well the victims have all been middle-class. In addition to that he’s been dumping them in middle class neighborhoods and his behavior overall indicates that he isn’t all that intelligent, leading us to believe that he wouldn’t stray too far from home,” Reid rattled off.
You turned back to the board and squinted at it, as if it would help you see better, because what you were seeing and what Reid was seeing were very different. “Have you considered that he’s upper class?” you asked.
“N-no, why?” Reid fumbled over his words.
“They were all trophy girlfriends,” you pointed out.
Reid blinked. “Trophy girlfriends?”
“She means they were all dating men above their own social status and age,” Gideon explained. “But.” he threw down a file. “We already looked into the boyfriends. There’s nothing linking them.”
“How far do you think the government goes to cover up insider trading?” You didn’t look up from the file as you said it.
“There’s no actual numbers…” Reid started quietly and trailed off.
“I’ll have our analyst look into it,” Gideon said. “Let’s put this aside for now and start on a different case.” He put the files on the table away, only to pull out three new ones.
You took a seat at the conference table and opened it, eager to get to work.
Just as you had expected, your first week at the BAU was a whirlwind. You hadn’t even gotten time to return your dad’s phone call. Your diet quickly became over 50% coffee (something Reid was keeping track of), and from the time you awoke in the morning to when you fell asleep at night you were working on, or thinking about cases.
Gideon was taking his time to show you and Spencer all the ins and outs of profiling- the small discrepancies, how things didn’t always add up even if you wanted them too, how the base profiles were only a starting point that could branch off in a million other directions. You were used to how Gideon taught (he had helped you earn an A on your 7th grade ecology final). It was constantly asking you to question what you knew, think outside the box, fill in the gaps that you didn’t even notice were there at first, make decisions that could go one way or another. Your brain felt like it was on overload and your determination to prove that you were there because you were actually good and not just because of your name made you want to explode.
After reaching over thirty comments about it on your first day- some from older agents you just knew were proud of you, others from trainees who where jealous you had made it onto the unit team right away, some from regular younger agents who were just enthralled that you were your father’s daughter- you had stopped counting.
“Something’s bothering you,” Reid said. It was nearly midnight, Gideon had gone home, and the two of you were still in the conference room, studying old cases in an effort to compare them with new ones. The file that was currently in your lap was the reason your dad had missed your thirteenth birthday.
You shook your head. “It’s nothing, Reid.” You went back to the file.
“I think it’s something,” Reid said quietly.
It startled you. He was rarely assertive. You’d learned a lot about the doctor during your first week- he had graduated with the academy class just before yours, so he had been on the team for about four months and had already worked two active cases in the field. Speaking of the field, Gideon had to wave just about every fit test for him to be on the team in the first place. Of course, Spencer’s 187 IQ points and eidetic memory made up for it. He was a genius. He was the kind of person who had earned his way to the BAU- the kind of person who deserved to be at the BAU.
Not you.
“Just starting to feel the adrenaline wear off. That’s all,” you said.
“You let that trainee take your coffee today,” he responded.
You blinked and looked up from your file. “What?”
“That guy who is new to the cold case unit. You gave him your coffee.”
“Maybe I think he’s cute.”
“On Monday you told him to get off his lazy ass and make himself some coffee after he flirted with you,” Reid stated matter-of-factly. “And you did seven files yesterday, even though Gideon told us we only had to do five. Hotch offered for you to come over for dinner tomorrow night and you declined, even though we don’t have to work on Saturday nights.”
“I’m just trying to pull my weight around here,” you told him. “I’ve learned that being a woman in a male-dominated field means you have to run twice as fast and carry double what the men do just to earn half the respect.”
“Women like you don’t need a man’s respect,” Reid said, a bit more timid this time. You stopped and looked over at him. The look he was giving you reminded you of when your dad’s hunting dog was just a puppy- all wide brown eyes and hair to match.
That look made you want to be soft and gentle with him, and you tried, you really did, but when you said “I thought there was a rule against profiling your team members,” it came out with more venom than you intended.
Feeling bad about yourself, but not bad enough to apologize, you looked back down at the file. Still, you couldn’t get what Reid had said out of your head. Enough time had passed and enough tension had diffused that you began to speak again. “Women like me?”
Both you and Reid raised your eyes to look at one another. He caught your glance and looked back down quickly. You smirked at how he tried to cover it up by contorting one corner of his mouth. You looked back down at your files, but didn’t read them.
“Can I ask what you mean?” You weren’t sure that you wanted to hear what he had to say, but you sure were curious. And even though your curiosity often got you in trouble, it was hard to resist, especially when it was intrigued by someone like Spencer Reid.
“Oh- um-” he cleared his throat. “I just mean that you’ll do your job, n-no matter what someone says. You always get your job done.”
You nodded. “Very observant.”
There was more silence.
“But getting your job done isn’t overworking yourself,” Reid said. There was a certainess to his tone that you hadn’t heard before. It made you freeze. It was so subtle that if you hadn’t spent the last week with him more than asleep you wouldn’t even have caught it, but you noticed that small changes on most people were big changes on Spencer. “You don’t have to be him, you know.”
“I know,” you said without thinking.
“Then what is it?” Spencer asked.
You’d always been unbreakable, bold, and unapologetic. And for times when you couldn’t be unbreakable or bold or unapologetic you had designed a mask- carefully crafted through years of experience, watching how people reacted to different facades you put on until you’d perfected the was to present yourself so that nobody would question that you were anything other than perfectly fine.
But somehow Reid had seen through it.
“Spencer,” you started. Something about the way his first name slipped past your tongue felt better than when you called him by his last name. “You have three PhDs, can remember everything you read, and a higher IQ than Albert Einstein.”
“Actually,” Reid said with a small bout of confidence. “Einstein’s IQ is just an estimate. During the period that he lived in there wasn’t a proper IQ test, so while people speculate that he had an IQ of around 160 there’s no way to know for sure.”
You couldn’t help it- for the first time in days you smiled a real smile. There was no point in putting the mask on if Reid could see through it.
“What?” he asked when he saw how you were looking at him.
You shook your head a bit. “You,” you said simply. “When you talk about things like that you’re so… confident. Confidence looks good on you.”
“Oh,” he flushed. “Uh, thanks.” You thought that would be the end of the conversation, but it wasn’t. “I think it would look good on you too.”
“Are you suggesting that I’m not confident in myself, Doctor Reid?” You couldn’t help but hope that adding a bit of a flirty tone to your voice would embarrass him enough that he would stop pressing the issue.
It didn’t work.
“(Y/N),” he said. Hearing your name in his voice sent shivers down your spine. “You- you don’t have to tell me, but I want you to know that you can. If you want to.”
You looked over at his puppy-dog face, taking in the softness- the gentleness of his gaze and the true sincerity of his expression. You wanted to tell him so badly- that you felt like you were only there because of your name. That even though you knew they viewed the academy files blind, you were sure that someone had pulled strings to get you into the unit. You didn’t have to work twice as hard because you were a woman- you had to work twice as hard to prove that you belonged at the BAU; if not for the people around you, then for yourself.
“I will,” you told him. “Someday I will.”
@doctorsteeb @saturnluvvr @padsfirewhisky @staygoldsquatchling02
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beaker1636 · 1 year
E is For Exhibitionism - Chris
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A/N: so this one I got a bit into so it has a bonus scene and also I’ve noticed face sitting is clearly winning for F so that’s what y’all are gonna get for F 😳😳
“Looks like you two had fun last night,” Chris teases Ricky and Naomi when they both walked into his house to help set everything up for the dinner the entire band decided to have together, all of them and their girlfriends are close so they thought it would be nice to have a gathering where everyone could just relax and hang out.. And Chris being the one with the pool and big backyard agreed, figuring that everyone could just swim and hang out for awhile, maybe have a bonfire when it got dark.
“Yeah we gave up and decided to make the most out of it because we’d be stuck without for a week,” Rick says, Naomi blushing red next to him.  She may be open with her boyfriend but she still gets embarrassed talking to others about their personal activities.
“Yeah, hey speaking of I have yours for the night, I will be nice and give it to you before everyone arrives.  So yeah, E is for Exhibitionism… to pass I have to be aware of it to know you two are actually doing it,” Ricky says, giving Chris a look saying that he knows something that Mia and Naomi are not aware of.
“Easy enough, so we can fuck with eachother under a blanket or something as long as one of us gets off? Not that different than fucking around on the bus,” Chris shrugs with a laugh, if Rick was trying to fluster him then he would have to try a lot harder than that.
“Wait, you have broken the bus rule?” Vinny asks as he walks up with Carlotta, catching the tail end of the conversation. “Please tell me that it wasn’t on the couch.” He says with a shudder.
“Where the fuck else would it have been as lanky as Chris is they wouldn’t fit on the bus,” Naomi said, giving Vinny side eye from his clearly stupid comment.
“Like that day I walked in on you two,” Rick teased, making you and Chris blush lightly at how the guitarist didn’t even bat an eye at the fact that he had walked in on it before.
Everyone had shown up finally so you led all the girls upstairs so that you could change into your bathing suits, ready to relax in the pool together… and also just so you can talk away from the boys.
“So are any of you as uncomfortable with this game thing as I am?” Lottie asks, glancing around the room. “I mean I should assume they all talk about shit together but it’s weird knowing they are.”
“Ehh, doesn’t bother me much honestly but Chris and I are pretty open about things and have tried way more than we probably should have,” you answer, turning your back so you could slip your top off and slide your bathing suit top on. “But I can understand why it would make you a bit uncomfortable, you’re easily the shy one out of all of us.”
“I’m not shy, I just don’t like sharing things like that, I never have been.  I mean it is kind of fun because it’ll make us change things up,” Lottie responds.
“I agree though that it is a little weird, like I can understand why it would make you uncomfortable.  I think all of us would have felt the same way when we were still new to our relationships with the guys.  Unfortunately when you are with a guy who spends 75 percent of his time living on a bus you just have to accept that they’re going to all know more than you’d probably like,” Ariana says. “But I’ve been with Ryan so long that it doesn’t weird me out that much that he talks to them about these things.” 
“No it weirds me out a little bit too,” Vanessa adds. “I’m still so weirded out that Chris walked in the other day.”
By this point all of you had changed and were now just finding different spots to sit around in the bedroom that you led them to while you talk.
“Lottie gets lucky and Vin is just as quiet about those things so other than him telling Rick it was great he didn’t share anything… but ya’ll can’t tell me that none of you have some hopes of things that you will get from your letters.  That you don’t have shit you want to try but are scared to actually try,” Naomi says, sending Lottie a shy smirk.
“First of all my name is Carlotta to all of you, Vin is the only one I am fine with calling me that.  And second, just because you know that I appreciate when he is rough despite the fact he rarely is doesn’t mean you need to bring it up,” Carlotta says, embarrassed and trying to hide her red face in her hands.
“Dude we land on T and I won’t lie I am hoping we get a threesome because it would be fun to try once,” you admit, shrugging your shoulders when they all glance at you.
“I mean there are some things that could be fun but I didn’t look when all our letters would fall,” Ariana says, sending you a look.
“Are you all ready or are you going to keep talking about awful things,” Ryan yells through the closed door with a laugh, knowing that you all are likely talking about the game as well.
Ariana opens the door rolling her eyes and gives him a quick kiss before going down the stairs to head out back, everyone following.  You notice Carlotta stayed back and slipped a shirt on over her swimsuit, it might not mean much to many people but you know how easy it is to be uncomfortable in your skin and decide to hang back by her so that you could talk to her quickly.
“Hey, you know that none of us are judging you right? Like we genuinely don’t think you need to hide your body or anything just because you aren’t as slim as the rest of us right?” You ask her, wanting to help her feel a bit more comfortable. “Honestly I’m jealous, you have curves to die for and you are hiding them.”
“I just… I don’t like showing myself is all.  I still get shy with Vinny about it and we’ve been together awhile now,” Carlotta answers glancing down, avoiding your eyes as the two of you slowly join everyone else.
“Well just so you know, you have no reason to hide it because you are hot.  If I were you I’d want to show it off,” you respond back, smiling at her when she blushes at your words.
Honestly, you feel like you are the “mom” of this friend group, like you have to be there for everyone, but you love being that way.  You love being able to help your friends with things and that all of them are comfortable coming to you about things.  Carlotta is the newest addition to the group and you know that she struggles to feel like she fits in with everyone at times so you try to make sure that she gets included in things.
You smile to yourself when you see Vinny walks up and wraps his hands around her waist, saying something in her ear that makes her smile.
Eventually everyone is in the pool except for Ryan and Chris who are currently grilling dinner while the rest of you are lounging around and talking, you happy to see that people are also making sure that Carlotta is a part of everything right now.  
When dinner gets done you all find spots around outside to eat before getting back in the pool, now everyone is swimming around a bit more and enjoying themselves now that they have a full stomach from the food.
Chris sneaks up behind you, resting his hands on your waist as he bends around to kiss your cheek.  You lean back into his touch, you love that he is always really close to you when possible, even if it is just little touches like these. 
“What are you thinking Mia?” he asks you softly as you both stand there in the pool, watching everyone messing around with each other, laughing and having fun. 
“How nice this is, that I love our fucked up little family that we have made over the years.  It makes me happy seeing everyone happy,” you say softly, turning to face him with a smile.
“This is nice, I’m glad we are one of those groups that enjoy being around each other, that I know we will always be around to help when it is needed.” he responds, bending down and giving you a quick kiss. 
Without warning it suddenly started to downpour on all of you, Chris laughing when everyone hurried to get out, grab their towels and head inside.  All of you caught off guard at the sudden change in weather.
“Why don’t we switch gears, I can put a movie on in the living room if any of you still wanted to hang out for awhile,” Chris suggests when you all are gathered in the kitchen after changing out of your clothing.
Everyone agreed except for Carlotta and Vin, they were going to head out because she has to work early in the morning.  You make sure to pull her into a hug before they leave to thank her for coming.
When you sit down on one of your couches next to Chris he pulls a blanket around the two of you as the movie starts, you moving to lean your head on his shoulder while one of his hands rests on your thigh.
Maybe twenty minutes later you notice that his hand is beginning to move upwards, slowly leaving teasing touches along your bare thigh, easily slipping his hand in the waistband of your lounge shorts that you have on so he could rub your bareskin. 
When you look up at him questioning silently what he was doing he turns his head, moving to whisper in your ear.
“Our letter from Rick was Exhibinationism, he is the only one who has a clue what we are doing. Make sure you don’t clue anyone in to what I am doing to you,” he whispers softly before turning to watch the movie again, acting like everything was completely normal right now but knowing that it is not.  
You shift slightly when you feel him begin to rub you slightly through your panties, you would be lying if you said that this wasn’t turning you on, trying to not get caught while he messes with you… but fuck it would be so awkward  if you did get caught right now. 
Slipping your panties to the side he trails two fingers from your opening to your clit, circling it slowly and smirking slightly when he can feel how wet you are, getting slightly turned on himself at the fact that you are currently a mess.  Sliding two fingers in you he moves them slightly, trying not to move enough that anyone can tell what he is currently doing to you under the blanket.
You hear him say something but your brain doesn’t register what is being said exactly as you are focused on not showing how turned on you are right now, focused on not letting any sounds out as he continues to move lightly, teasing you and not giving you enough of what you need.
Shifting again to try and give him a little more room to work with gets you the reward of him moving a little faster, his thumb starting to toy with your clit as he continues to finger you under the blanket, you moving to cover your mouth when a quiet moan slips out of your lips, you letting out a sigh after you look around and realize that nobody has noticed.
“Good girl, if you keep quiet I’ll let you finish,” Chris whispers in your ear, you know that his words have you blushing, you can feel the heat in your face and thank god that everyone is focused on the movie.
He shifts again, this time curling his fingers in a way that he knows allows him to hit your g-spot, smirking when he sees the look on  your face change as you try so hard to hold it back, he is loving the fact that only he and Rick knows what is going on, knowing his friend is aware of what he is doing and that with only his hand he can get you this needy.
One last thrust of his fingers is all it takes before you finish on his hand, covering your face with one of yours as you try so hard not to clue anyone in on what is going on as you come down from the high that Chris just gave you, that only Chris is capable of giving you… and the fact that nobody is aware turns you on even more.
When you come back to your senses you realize the movie is almost over, so you decide to turn towards Chris and this time it is your turn to tease him as you whisper in his ear, “You are so going to get it when everyone leaves.” 
When the movie is over and the rest of your friends leave you giggle when Chris wraps his arms around you the second the door is shut and begins carrying you up towards your shared bedroom knowing a long night is ahead of you.
Bonus Scene
You giggle when Chris throws you on your shared bed, quickly settling over the top of you with a hand on your throat while the other holds him over the top of you.
“You 're feeling bold saying I am going to get it when everyone leaves… we both know who is in charge here.  I think I may need to remind you,” he says lowly, his hand now applying some pressure to your throat as you begin to shift underneath him.
“Then do it,” you challenge when he lets go, knowing if you egg him on that it really will get him going, get the aggressive side out that you love the most.  When he moves and grabs your hand to make you stand up you get a little excited, knowing that he's either going to bend you over or he is going to force you to your knees to suck his cock and you are perfectly fine with either option.
“Should I be nice and fuck you like I know you want? Or should I be mean and make you suck me, you did already get to finish once so maybe it should be my turn?” He taunts, watching your face as you process his words.
You just get down on your knees, moving to slide his zipper down so you can remove his pants and boxers before you pull him out and being to stroke his hard length while you wait for him to decide what he wants.
“Fuck, such an eager whore tonight are we? Did getting off knowing you could get caught turn you on?” He asks you as he gathers your hair into one hand into a makeshift ponytail while he moves you so that you are face to face with his cock.
You open your mouth, tongue out, just like you know he likes you to be before you get to suck him.  When he gives you the nod, that it is okay for you to take him in your mouth you do, bobbing your head as you take more and more of him until you take all of him.  He holds you down for a moment, enjoying the tears that start to stream down your face as your throat constricts around him.
“You always look so pretty when your makeup runs down your face,” he groans, letting you finally move back before he begins rocking his hips, starting to build up some momentum before he full on begins to fuck your throat. Loving the pretty sounds that you make while you take him so good, doing your best to please him as he takes what he needs from you without restraint.
He pulls your hair, forcing you off of him with a pop while he lets out a groan, clearly close to his end at this point.
“Hands and knees for me, you did so good with my cock in your mouth I think you earned a reward, such a good girl,” he groans as he helps you up and pushes you down on the bed, sliding your panties off and sliding into you without warning as he pushes your face into the bed.
“Fuck, this is how you like me right? You like it when I treat you like a whore?” He grunts out as he begins slamming his hips into your ass as he takes you, hard and fast, knowing that both of you will fall over the edge quickly.
“Yes, god yes,” you groan out at his words, feeling that familiar knot forming in your stomach as you get close.
“Play with yourself baby, I need you to cum for me before I do, please?” He begs, grabbing one of your hands and leading it between your thighs, urging you to rub your own clit while he pounds into you.
You do as he asked, gasping when you are almost there, one particular hard thrust throwing you over the edge as you let go, clenching around Chris, him letting out a groan as he cums inside of you, slowing down before finally pulling out.
“I love watching my cum come back out of you after, I don’t know why but it’s hot,” he admits with a chuckle before he moves, grabbing one of the random towels left on your floor from earlier when you and the girls came inside and changed so he could help clean you up.
“You did really good baby, you took me so well and kept yourself together so good downstairs,” he praised, pulling you into his chest when you stood up to get your pajamas back on. 
“Maybe next time we will do something more risky,” he teases before he lays in bed, grabbing your arm to pull you into bed with him.  
“Yeah no, but I have an idea for the next letter, I feel like Carlotta needs a confidence boost and it is something that I don’t think she would ever go for if we don’t basically make them,” you say softly, both of you discussing that and then switching the tv on to one of your shows as you lay there together.
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
Suppose that Eren and Mikasa can fuck only once in canon. Where would you put it?
Please don't judge me, but I feel like it would be really hot after the table scene. Like, they're just both so upset and emotions are running high and then they f*** and they are physically having a great time but emotionally just dying inside. However, I know that kind of messed up, so my second choice would be jail sex. I love that that's a pretty popular genre of sick for this fandom. And, if I was trying to fit it into Cannon where I actually thought they would do it though? Because realistically I don't think e r e n would want to have his only time with Mikasa be after he's told her he hates her. I think he would want it to be special and memorable in a good way. I also don't think mikasa would let him anywhere near her coochie after that kind of abuse. So, I think realistically it would make sense for them to do it in Marley during the party. It also kind of makes sense for hobo Eren to be so stuck on her feelings for him because, well, "I don't get it, Zeke. She told me we're family but then she rode me so hard behind the party tent that I think I died and came back to life."
As is often the case, I wrote most of this talk to text while getting ready and will not be proofreading for typos.
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sapphire-weapon · 9 months
haiii it's the anon that wrote the orange light analysis again😭😭all ur aeon posts recently have got something on my chest
despite my video I don't actually ship aeon... like they're a good duo and I like them together but in the remakes there aren't any romantic moments between them and I feel like aeon shippers deliberately misinterpret scenes to fit their narratives and their beliefs
Like the kiss scene in 2 HOW was that romantic... re2r was my second re game and even I realised the first time I played it that he was annoyed and didn't kiss her back. But aeon stans never mention that they're just like 'oh they kissed so they're in love' nooo... SHE kissed HIM. and not for any romantical reason either. And then when Annette tells him Ada isn't FBI he doesn't question it he just seems dissapointed because he KNEW she wasn't. But aeon fans get so mad when u say that they act like it's real life like it's not that deep....
And also the shippers who act like their head over heels for eachother. They're not like they do not know eachother. They r practically strangers (talking ab the remakes.) And it's very clear with the remakes Leon has more of a spine and isn't allowing himself to be pushed around by her. Ppl infantilise him and make him seem stupid but it's like../. In re2r he is. A 21-year-old GROWN MAN. maybe a bit naïve but not some stupid little baby who can't tell Ada is fucking with him which is the way a lot of people paint him.
N e wayz this is long as hell u don't even have to respond😭just wanted this off my chest I love talking about their relationship.
anon, if we were together in person, i'd offer to take you out for a drink.
believe it or not, it even took me a long time to break away from that "aeon as default" mindset. it's only been since... may of this year that i've felt comfortable/confident enough to say that aeon has been de-canonized and eagleone is far closer to a canon romance than they are in the remake-verse.
RE6 has been out for 10 years, and the post i just made the other day where i first mentioned that RE6 ends with leon rejecting ada is the first time i've said that out loud/in public. because that "aeon as default" discourse is so prevalent and oppressive.
but we need to be willing to talk about these things openly and with our names attached if anything in the fandom is going to change. and it can't just be me, either. like i've said, my reach is very limited. but the fact of the matter is that aeon fandom has had a chokehold on the conversation surrounding this series for 25 fucking years, and their interpretation of the story is wrong.
it's just wrong.
it's incorrect.
it's not what the story actually is.
and it's being pitched to new fans without giving said new fans a chance to think or speak on their own. and the perpetuation of misinformation throughout this fandom continues.
people are finally starting the first rumblings of pushing back against the "leon's background is in the italian mafia" bullshit. we can push back on the aeon narrative, too.
because we should.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
twst characters as things from my class gc!
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UM. HELLO THERE. so, i wish i could say that YAY HIATUS IS OVER I'M BACK, but.. nope, it's not over yet. i think these first months of uni will be very busy for me and when i finally manage to get some free time, my energy levels are just too low for writing, haha.. so yeah, i'm not sure when i'll be able to go back to writing imagines.
but i didn't want this blog to be totally dead, so i decided to do this fun little thing! i saw a lot of people doing posts like this and my class gc is. well. a whole circus, so i thought i should try this too. idk if these are going to be "in character" but i hope they sound like something twst characters would actually say.
this is going to be mostly heartslabyul, because i feel like our class really has heartslabyul energy jnmfdkdldf.
riddle: *a voice message* "trey, tell them that if they don't come to this event, they WILL regret it and the headmaster will kick their asses. no, actually, i'd be okay with doing it myself. you can just send this message to them. i wish everyone a good day, a good life.. and i wish for those who won't come to at least have pretty tombstones when i'm done with them."
ace: oh well, looks like i'm gonna get my ass kicked.
cater: i'd rather get my ass kicked than go to that event and die of cringe.
deuce: i'm sorry, i don't really get this, can someone send me their notes?
riddle: here *sends a pic of his notes*
ace: oh, of course you're the type to have ✨a e t h e t i c ✨ notes.
cater: you forgot the 's'
ace: oh, of course you're the type to have ✨a e s t h e t i c ✨ notes. (edited)
(for context: one of my classmates mentioned that he's really into cooking and he's been trying to learn how to bake, but my prof said that there is no need for a man to learn how to bake unless he wants to impress a woman and even if he does it to impress her, she's gonna start using him, because now she knows he can bake. yes. he was very serious about it)
trey: the fun thing is that i'm actually bi and i already have a boyfriend, so hearing that i'm allowed to bake only to impress women is.. an interesting experience.
fem!yuu: i don't care that you already have a bf, i'm still gonna make you bake for me.
cater: so i tried to take a pic of professor trein for fun, but i couldn't take a normal pic from this angle, so it looks like he's on top of the world and he's looking down on all of us
cater: this is so deep, i know
(these are other messages after that one baking incident)
jamil: what's the deal with him saying that cooking for women is not masculine enough?
lilia: i got it, boys, we're only gonna cook for other men from now on
epel: the things that we have to do to keep our masculinity..
cater: marrying a man that you cooked for is the next step
(again, for context: we have to make a short video introduction for all of us and we're planning to make it look like a tv show opening, but we don't know what song to use)
ace: seriously, y'all are acting like that one shrek scene
ace: idia goes "ANIME OP", cater goes "POPULAR SONG", idia is still sending anime ops and cater is still suggesting popular songs meanwhile lilia suddenly goes "A RANDOM SONG FROM THE 80'S"
trey, saying this to ace and deuce: i don't know how to stop you two from fighting all the time, so i'm just gonna send random recipes every time you two start arguing.
trey: and it looks like i already have to send the first recipe.
yuu, showing a drawing they made for a class event: i wasn't able to fit in all the letters, so i had to do it in a more.. creative way.
ace: ah yes, happy inter
translation day everyone
azul: *a voice message* you got it all wrong. we, dorm leaders, have other things to do and you all still have to do these tasks. so have fun with all of these assignments, hehe~
yuu: *also a voice message* hehe.. hehe.. hehe.. *STARTS CRYING*
vil, sending a picture of his tired face: can you see how tired i am of reading all this nonsense now
deuce: i'm gonna be honest, i wish i could put more effort into this, but i can't
ace: dude, no one here has put any fucking effort into this
kalim, trying to do his dorm leader duties and write a class schedule + add professors' names: um. guys. i just realized that i don't know any of our professors' names
kalim: also, what is even the headmaster's first name
yuu, who's too tired of crowley's behavior: crowley. it's just crowley. write it like that
bonus: twst characters as songs that were sent for that one video introduction thing. i am only gonna do some characters, because some songs are too "local" and obscure for everyone's understanding hdfkdmfk
ace: all star by smash mouth
cater: not exactly a song, but someone sent a tiktok that looked like this very ~aesthetic~ and pretty sitcom intro.. but with bts members. it just feels like cater to me
trey: friends opening theme
ruggie: never gonna give you up. i just feel like he would send it. or ace.
floyd: you spin me round (like a record) by dead or alive
kalim: parappa the rapper ost. or azumanga daioh opening
vil: listen, if i had to assign both by todrick hall to anyone in twst that would be him or cater
idia: *SIGHS* someone decided to send bnha openings. yeah
lilia: anything from maneskin's discography
silver: wake me up before you go go by wham! get it. get it, it's because silver is always sleepy and-
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