#naga killer au
weirdenbyferret · 5 months
All of the fanart for @naffeclipse's The serpent den au boys put together!!!
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naffeclipse · 8 months
Since we're going down the list of every Eclipse you've made…what about Devil Eyes Naga?? How would he act? Would he silently stalk them and creepily appear in their photos?
He would be a bête noire in the jungle; a living nightmare for Y/N. He absolutely would stalk and appear in photographs, and Y/N only notices after the fact when they're editing their shots. Y/N not actually encountering or speaking with him further fuels the cold chills they get every time they find him in another image.
His sharp grin shines in the reflection of the flash, especially in the evening and early morning, right before true light or darkness. With every photo, he's just a little closer, draping out of a tree, slithering along the ground through the shrubs, peering out of the water with those piercing eyes. Y/N isn't sure what he even looks like except for the shadowy, vague shots of deep sanguine scales and black and blood-colored frills around his head. He's more a ghost than a monster, but Y/N wonders how easily he could snatch them up once he's done taunting them with his appearance in photos. The apprehension and mind-numbing terror of never knowing where he could be lurking or what he wants leaves Y/N gasping for air.
When Y/N has nightmares, it's of him.
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veryangryhorse · 2 years
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A kofi for @nyktoon !! Thank you for helping me pay for my toof!!😭💕
Sometimes, you just gotta have a good, peaceful soak while your sneaky skele-boyfriend keeps a watchful eye socket on you!
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rainforestakiie · 23 days
hi! i am back with part 03 of Promised Soul! so happy i got it posted! i will be writing your ask next @lilacwriter07 i do hope you've enjoyed this AU so far! everyone has been so nice!
this is an adamapple fic placed in the omegaverse. there is so much lucifer in this chapter, finally! lucifer was inspired by @inubaki's Naga lucifer!
Promised Soul (Omegaverse Mythology AU) = Part 01. Part 02. Part 03. Part 04.
The massive head of Quetzalcoatl loomed over the stairs; its stone visage larger than Adam’s entire body. It jutted out from the smooth side of the temple, surrounded by intricate feather-like carvings that framed the god's crocodilian face. Adam paused beside it, captivated by the beauty and craftsmanship. The details were far more exquisite than those he had seen on the walls below; each feather and scale was etched into the golden stone with a precision that seemed almost divine.
As Adam’s eyes drifted upward, he marvelled at the sudden surge of energy coursing through him. The moment he stepped onto the first stair, it was as if an unseen force was propelling him forward, allowing him to ascend each step effortlessly. It was maddening how he could keep going without breaking a sweat. Now, so high up that the entire layout of Pentagram City unfolded beneath him, Adam understood for the first time why the city bore its name—the streets and buildings formed a perfect pentagram.
He squinted towards the point that contained Eden and his family, spotting the eternal flames of the Phoenixs even from this great height. A pang of doubt gnawed at him as he wondered what his family would say if they knew what he was doing, defying the sacred temple in such a blasphemous way. If the Jorōgumo caught him, his life would be torn away in the most horrific manner. Would his clan even mourn his loss?
Shaking off the melancholy thoughts, Adam turned his gaze back to the carved face of Quetzalcoatl, releasing a soft sigh. The sides of the stairs were lined with emerald stones, reminiscent of the emerald bones Quetzalcoatl had used to create the first humans, animals, and gods according to their ancient lore. Adam reached out, brushing his fingers over the smooth surface of the emeralds. The story in their textbooks told of Quetzalcoatl’s journey to the underworld, where he gathered the emerald bones of men, women, and animals, but in his haste to return to the middle realm, he accidentally mixed them up, giving birth to their current world.
Tilting his head back, Adam stared up at the remaining steps. He still had a long way to go, and time was running out. He needed to reach the top before sunrise, or risk being spotted by the ever-watchful Jorōgumo. The thought of what might happen if he were caught flitted through his mind—would they devour him on the spot or hand him over to the Red Caps? The Red Caps were a gruesome breed, notorious for spilling blood just to keep their hats crimson. They were relentless killers, driven by the belief that the blood on their caps had to remain fresh at all costs. Lilith had once mentioned that if the Jorōgumo didn’t want to feast on a captured traitor, they would throw them to the Red Caps.
But the strange ache within him, the one that had been urging him onward, was growing stronger, pulling him up the steps with an almost magnetic force. His fragile body should have been aching, but he felt nothing but the burning need to reach the temple’s peak. He didn’t fully understand what he was feeling or why this overwhelming compulsion was driving him to such reckless heights, but he couldn’t stop himself. The closer he got to the sacred structure at the top, the more determined he became.
As the sky began to lighten and the first rays of the sun crept up behind him, Adam found himself nearing the summit. Pride swelled in his chest as he realized how far he had come. He pulled himself up what he thought was another step, only to find that he had reached the top.
Panting softly, Adam flipped himself over and let his legs dangle over the edge of the platform. He wiggled his feet, feeling an exhilarating mix of exhaustion and triumph. As the sun rose, casting a golden glow across Pentagram City, Adam’s breath caught in his throat. He had never seen anything so beautiful, so full of life. The city below, bathed in the light of dawn, seemed almost magical, as if the world had come alive just for him.
Adam lingered for a few moments, savouring the view despite the danger that might lurk below. He knew that staying in one place could make him an easy target for the Jorōgumo, but he hoped his altitude would keep him out of sight. Yet, the gnawing sensation deep in his chest returned, this time with a force that nearly took his breath away. A shiver ran through him, compelling him to sit up straight as an inexplicable urge drew him toward the temple.
It was as if the very force beckoning him knew he was idling just outside the door...
Adam wiped the back of his hand across his nose and forced himself to his feet, casting a final, wistful glance over Pentagram City before turning toward the temple's grand archway. The structure before him was breathtaking, a marvel of gold, red, and green. Emerald stones embedded in the temple walls glistened even more brilliantly as the sun crept higher in the sky. From this height, the temple's box-like structure appeared far more massive than it had from below, looming above him with an archway that resembled a gaping, cavernous mouth.
Adam trembled, his fingers knotting together in nervous anticipation. He had ventured farther than any creature from Pentagram City had dared. Slowly, he inched forward, the warmth of the temple’s stones seeping through his boots. He squinted against the sunlight as he approached the golden-framed archway, tentatively raising his hands to touch the gilded stones. Peering inside, he saw the sunlight flooding the temple, illuminating its exquisite murals—depictions of Quetzalcoatl himself. With nothing but the sparkling ruby pillars supporting the ceiling, Adam hesitated before stepping inside.
His gaze was immediately drawn to the paintings of Quetzalcoatl. His breath caught in his throat as he studied the mural, which dominated the main wall of the temple, a testament to the deity’s grandeur. Quetzalcoatl’s serpentine form was resplendent, his body adorned with emerald and gold scales, a stripe of lime green feathers running down his back like a soft plume. His underbelly shimmered with warmer hues of gold, orange, and red. The deity’s face, a blend of dragon and bird, was framed by a magnificent mane of rainbow feathers—blue, red, green, yellow, pink—every colour Adam had ever known. But what truly captivated him were the six glorious wings that stretched out from Quetzalcoatl’s long body, surrounding it in a halo of divine power.
And beneath Quetzalcoatl's body...were seven egg-like objects?
Adam tilted his head in curiosity, unconsciously stepping backward. Eggs? Why would Quetzalcoatl have eggs? Had the god consumed eggs during his time in the mortal realm? Just as the thought crossed his mind, Adam’s back brushed against something that was most certainly not stone.
It was warm. Very warm, but not unpleasant—quite the opposite, in fact. The warmth was comforting, inviting even, and Adam felt an almost irresistible urge to curl into it. As his back pressed against the solid form, his hands flew out to touch it, encountering softness and a series of feathery ridges beneath his fingers. But he resisted the urge to snuggle in, because whatever he was touching...was moving. The body beneath his hands was slowly breathing, its breaths shallow and rhythmic.
Adam’s eyes widened, his face draining of colour as fear wrapped its icy tendrils around his heart. He took a step forward, balancing on the balls of his feet, and slowly turned around. His body shuddered with dread, his eyes growing even wider, his jaw clenching in terror.
It wasn’t a wall at all. No, it was a massive, coiled body, its full-length filling nearly the entire temple chamber. Adam couldn’t see the creature’s head or tail, but the sheer size of the body made him feel as insignificant as an ant. What he had assumed to be wings were folded tightly against the creature’s serpentine form, draped over it like a protective blanket. Soft blue and white scales lined the top of the body, while crimson feathers adorned its back.
Adam swallowed hard, his body trembling as he tried to retreat without making a sound. But in his panic, he backed into a row of waist-high ruby pillars, each topped with an emerald stone. One of the stones toppled to the ground with a resounding clank. Breath hitching, Adam scrambled to retrieve the emerald, running his hands over it to check for damage before hurriedly placing it back.
The shallow breathing had ceased. Adam’s heart plummeted as he turned to face the once-slumbering serpent. The massive body twitched, then slowly began to unfurl. Huge wings stretched out wide, and a monstrous, dragon-like head rose from the coils of its own body. Glittering gold and red eyes narrowed down at Adam, the creature’s wings spreading with a deep, rumbling sound that sent shivers down his spine.
It was...it was...
“Q-Quetzalcoatl?” Adam stammered, trembling.
A deep, resonant voice rumbled from the serpent as Adam’s voice echoed through the temple, causing him to flinch.
“Not quite,” the serpent replied. “That’s my father.”
“F-Father?” Adam stuttered in disbelief. “Quetzalcoatl has children?”
The serpent let out a snort of amusement before twisting its massive body. It dove back into the nest of its own coils, but as it did so, the enormous form began to shrink. Adam watched in awe as the snake god’s body diminished in size until it was nearly as small as Adam himself. The creature’s form coiled tightly before a humanoid figure emerged in its place, pale arms crossing over its snake-like tail, chin propped on top.
"I believe I've mentioned that before, Adam," the man murmured, his voice laced with smug satisfaction, a sly grin curling on his cherry-red lips as he regarded the failed Phoenix Omega with an amused glint in his eyes.
Adam could only stare in disbelief, his mouth opening and closing like a fish pulled from the depths. The man before him bore familiar golden curls, crowned like a twisted halo atop his head, with two prominent tufts reminiscent of horns. His lips, lush and stained a deep, sultry red, contrasted strikingly against his mismatched eyes—one a molten gold, the other a burning crimson. From his wrists, black and green claws, framed by a cascade of crimson feathers. Further down, emerald and ruby feathers peeked seductively from his hips, forming a long, sinuous tail where his legs should have been. The tail was a mesmerizing tapestry of blue, red, and white scales, blending seamlessly into his serpentine form.
“You're real?!” Adam choked out, his voice a strained screech as he pointed a trembling finger at the ethereal being before him. “You weren’t just a figment of my imagination?!”
The man threw his head back, a rich, melodious laugh echoing through the chamber, deepening the flush of the crimson circles on his cheeks. “Sorry to shatter your illusions, but I am very much real.”
“You are?” Adam's voice wavered, barely more than a whisper. “You’re real, and...and you’re here? Here? You’re the—the what?”
The man tilted his head, an endearing gesture as he nestled deeper into the plush embrace of his tail. “Son of Quetzalcoatl. The youngest child, to be precise.”
“Y-Youngest child of…” Adam faltered, raising a hand to his temple as confusion swirled within him. “This can’t be real... Did I hit my head? Did the Jorōgumo catch me? Did Lilith kill me and I’m—I'm dead?”
A soft hum fluttered from the man's cherry-red lips as he tilted his head skyward, parting those tempting lips to release a sound so mesmerizing it could make the Sirens of the Black Lake envious. The man's eyes fluttered shut as an enchanting melody danced off his tongue, wrapping itself around Adam, binding him in its spell. The song was sweet and beguiling, twirling through the temple and causing the emerald stones to glow with an otherworldly light. The soft green and red feathers adorning the man's body shuddered, standing on end as he sang.
Adam found himself irresistibly drawn closer, his heart skipping a beat. As the man’s lullaby ended, Adam’s gaze was caught in the deep, entrancing pools of the man’s golden and crimson eyes.
"You sang that to me before..." Adam whispered, the memory stirring in his heart. "When I was a child."
"Indeed," the man replied tenderly. "You were crying. Do you remember me now?"
Adam nodded slowly, his legs giving way beneath him as he sank to his knees before the feathered serpent's beauty. "I thought you were a dream... Everyone told me there was no such thing as a feathered Naga. I searched for you, I never stopped looking, but..."
"I told you then, I had to return home," the man said softly, his long serpentine form beginning to unfurl from its nest-like coil. He raised himself, towering above Adam, and slithered closer, lowering his face to Adam's. "It seems you don't remember everything after all."
"I..." Adam bit his lip, uncertainty clouding his thoughts. "I was young and emotional. I convinced myself you were nothing more than a comforting dream."
A disappointed click of the man’s tongue cut through the air, though a fleeting look of regret passed through his pretty eyes. But it was quickly replaced by a determined gaze. He raised his black and green clawed hands, lightly cupping Adam’s cheeks, forcing the trembling Omega to meet his gaze once more.
"I wasn’t allowed to linger in the mortal realm for long. I could only stay until I had chosen my intended mate. Then I had to return to the higher realm, where I slumbered for five years, before descending to the underworld for the final years of my journey."
Adam swallowed thickly, feeling the heat of the man's touch seeping into his skin, his heart pounding in his chest. Mate... The word echoed in his mind, sparking a memory long buried.
"Now, tell me, Adam," the man’s voice slithered into his ears, sweet as honey yet tinged with a serpentine hiss. Adam’s eyes were drawn to the man’s forked tongue as it flickered out, teasing his cherry-red lips. "Do you remember my name? Even after I warned you never to forget?"
He couldn’t look away, the man’s face inching closer, his golden and ruby eyes hooded, pupils dilated, trapping Adam in a gaze that left him paralyzed.
"Say my name, Adam," the man whispered, his forked tongue brushing against Adam's lips, sending a shiver down his spine.
"...Lucifer..." Adam breathed out, his voice barely audible.
A sharp, wicked grin spread across Lucifer’s lips, his eyes crinkling at the corners in delight. The end of his feathered, rattling tail quivered with pleasure, his sharp clawed fingers stroking the soft curve of Adam's cheeks.
"Good boy," Lucifer cooed, nuzzling his face against Adam's. His hands held Adam's face still as he brought his lips dangerously close. "Now for your reward~"
"My reward?" Adam whimpered, his breath hitching.
Without another moment’s hesitation, Lucifer claimed Adam’s lips in a kiss. The soft, plumpness of those cherry-red lips sent a tingling sensation washing over Adam, making him quiver. Lucifer’s kiss was gentle at first, a sweet caress of lips, as he began to coil his serpentine body around Adam, not quite touching him but forming a coiling nest around him, leaving no escape should Adam try to flee.
Lucifer’s sharp fangs grazed Adam’s bottom lip, capturing it between his own lips and sucking softly, before slipping back to deepen the kiss. His forked tongue flickered against Adam's lips, a teasing request for entry, as the serpent's embrace tightened, holding Adam close within his seductive grasp.
Cradling Adam's flushed cheeks, Lucifer’s sinuous tongue persisted in its quest, licking insistently for entry until the tip of his tail slithered with serpentine grace behind Adam. It trailed along the nape of his neck, purposely brushing Adam’s Omega glands and sending a shiver racing down Adam’s spine. In that moment of unexpected contact, Adam jerked with a startled squeal. The sound was swiftly silenced as Lucifer’s tongue took advantage of the parted lips, slipping into the now open haven of Adam's mouth.
Adam shuddered violently, his back arching at the unfamiliar sensation of Lucifer’s forked tongue exploring him. The tongue traced the contours of Adam’s own, a possessive dance that claimed every inch of his mouth as its territory. Finally, Lucifer withdrew, pulling back just enough to leave a thick, glistening bridge of saliva connecting their rosy lips, a testament to the intimate invasion.
"You... y-you kissed me..." Adam panted, his voice trembling, his face an uncharacteristic shade of red.
Lucifer's grin widened with delight as he leaned in to steal another quick, playful kiss. "Mates kiss, Adam. They kiss all the time."
"Well, um, y-yeah, but I'm—not—why would you want to kiss me?" Adam stammered, his words stumbling over each other as an unexpected bashfulness crept over him. His mind was a whirl of confusion, and though he couldn’t see it, an instinctive sense of danger began to close in around him, tightening like a noose.
Lucifer's hands continued to cradle Adam’s cheeks, a soft rattle-purr emanating from his feathered tail. "Because you are my mate, Adam. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten that, too? You’ve been mine for ten years now, Addie~"
A shaky gasp escaped Adam's lips as Lucifer’s rattling tail continued its teasingly caress, sliding up and down his spine, brushing repeatedly against the Omega glands at the back of his neck—glands that had remained untouched for years, now throbbing with a newfound sensitivity.
Lucifer tugged Adam closer, pulling him into an embrace that forced the Phoenix Omega to rise onto the tips of his toes. Adam's hands instinctively shot up, grasping onto Lucifer’s wrists for balance, especially as Lucifer pressed their lips together once more, sealing their connection with another deep, intoxicating kiss.
It was nice. Maybe too good. Adam found himself melting into the kiss, sighing pleasantly and even beginning to try and kiss back. He stretched himself onto the tip of his toes further and push his lips back against Lucifer’s.
The sense of being wanted. The feeling that somebody out there wanted to mate with him, wanted Adam to be their Omega, had him warming up. A wetness formed between his thighs, making him rub them together.
Breaking the kiss, Adam was dazed and needy. He’s eyes were dilated and glassy, large and reflective. Lucifer purred, brushing his fingers over Adam’s cheeks with an even wider smirk. His long serpent body rattled, and he swiftly swirled himself around Adam’s body, caging the failed Omega against him. Lucifer’s clawed hands crossed over Adam’s chest, rubbing the hidden flesh through his sweater. His sharp claws pinching at the cotton fabric, slicing the threads little by little.
“Addie~” he sang teasingly, nuzzling his face into the Omega’s neck. His lips ghosted along the warm skin and soon his tongue licked across the exposed mating glands, making Adam gasp. “I can smell your slick~”
“My – my what?” Adam squawked, blinking his eyes furiously. His heart skipped a beat as he shakingly took in the sight of the feather and scaly snake body had coiled itself around him.
A hungry giggle escaped the feathered serpent Nephilim. Lucifer tilted his head, allowing his long fork-tongue to slither out. He ran it down Adam’s throat, tracing the macules and flickering at the collar of Adam’s sweater.
“Your slick. It’s strong.” Lucifer cooed, his right clawed hand crawling down Adam’s front and stroking his stomach. “It smells divine, it’s making my mouth water~”
Adam squirmed immediately as the wetness between his legs intensified. So that must be ‘slick’ and gosh, his face warmed up at the words. He quivered as Lucifer’s other hand continued to caress his chest through the fabrics, Adam’s eyes falling to watch the two hands anxiously. A knot began to form within his gut and his breath hitched further as Lucifer’s right hand sunk further down, sliding over his stomach fully and rest just above the area that contained Adam’s Omega-hood.
Releasing a range of rattle purrs, Lucifer continued to lick at Adam’s neck. His lips brushing repeatedly against the untouched Omega glands, enjoying the way his mate gasped and trembled from the actions. The clawed hand that was sneaking down Adam’s body finally reached the flimsy waistband of his mate’s black pyjama pants but instead of using inside like Lucifer originally aimed for, he immediately cupped Adam through his trousers.
A startled yelp escaped Adam, and he squirmed even more within the snake coiled grip, but Lucifer held tightly and secured. A wave of something new washed over Adam’s body as Lucifer abruptly began to rub his hand firmly between his legs, giggling as Adam reacted to the actions with delight.
Taking advantage of Adam’s reaction, Lucifer’s other hand slipped underneath Adam’s sweater. All the hairs upon Adam’s body stood up on end as Lucifer’s hand touched his chest somewhat aggressively.
“You’re so cute, Addie~” Lucifer hummed, resting his chin on Adam’s shoulder. “I’ve been dreaming of the day I get my hands on you~”
Adam’s breath hitched, making his throat burn and his eyes grow so wide that he feared they would pop out. His hips arched as Lucifer continued to caress him between his thighs, his legs trembled and the tingling knot deep inside his gut increased, growing tighter and tighter.
“You have? But why?” Adam gasped, his own mouth beginning to water with too much saliva. Where did it all come from?
A laugh bubbled from Lucifer, the pretty feathers of his body fluttering and scales glittering. Lucifer nuzzled his face into Adam’s throat again, pressing butterfly kisses along the soft flesh. “I don’t know what it is for you mortals, but for ones like myself, we mate for life. We can only court once in our lives. The moment I scented you, I committed my full soul, heart and body to you and you alone~”
“Oh…” Adam began quietly.
Smirking widely, Lucifer’s long fangs peeking out from his cherry-red lips, his hands continued to fondle his adorable mate. He pulled Adam’s sweater up, forcing his chest to be exposed and immediately grabbed the right breast. While his long-wet tongue extended over his shoulder and began to lick at the left breast. His eyes crinkled at the corners and became hooded with desire, the taste of Adam’s flesh was delicious. So much better than he could ever have imagined.
Licking his lips with a hiss, Lucifer twisted himself around Adam’s left side, slithering himself underneath Adam’s arm. His lips contacted the exposed skin and Adam released an embarrassing cry. He kissed softly the tender skin, rolling his tongue across the skin and even sucking a little.
Adam wheezed and clenched his teeth together, unsure of what to do. It felt good but it was all so overwhelming and making Adam feel rather lightheaded. It was just yesterday morning that Adam was depressed and heartbroken, thinking the only person who he could ever be with didn’t want him at all but now, hours later, he was tangled up and being touched by his apparent mate.
Lucifer gazed up at Adam’s face as he sucked upon the exposed flesh. A dark glint appeared within his gold and ruby eyes; the hand nested between Adam’s legs slid upward. He dipped his hand down his trousers and touching him again. Lucifer purred when Adam jumped in surprise and released a rather loud moan.
“You sound so pretty~” Lucifer purred, working Adam over tenderly and delicately. “You sound so nice, Addie. You really do.”
With another cry, Adam’s hips arched and everything inside him jolted. The tight knot unravelled vastly, leaving Adam out of breath and shaking. His vision blurred, stars shimmering across his sight.
With a devilish grin, Lucifer pressed closer to Adam's neck, his lips grazing the delicate Omega glands, sending shivers down Adam's spine. His grip softened, transforming into a tender embrace as he cradled the fallen Phoenix Omega in his arms. The serpent godling's sinuous form coiled around Adam, caressing his neck with gentle nuzzles that trailed upward, their cheeks brushing in an intimate dance. Lucifer’s intoxicating pheromones enveloped Adam, marking him as his own, a possessive and primal act of claim.
Adam’s vision blurred, his body a blend of numbness and warmth. As Lucifer captured his lips in a kiss, it was sweet, tender, and brimming with a gentleness that contrasted his usual cruel demeanour. When their lips parted, the sharp, predatory smirk that usually adorned Lucifer’s face melted into something softer, more affectionate—a loving smile that radiated from his captivating eyes. A low, purring rattle emanated from Lucifer, a sound akin to a contented serpent, as his golden curls shimmered with vibrant, iridescent feathers that fanned out like a hummingbird’s wings. Adam’s breath caught in his throat, utterly entranced by the ethereal beauty of the feathered serpent godling before him.
But then, a sudden gust of fresh air swept through the temple, dispelling the stifling heat and Lucifer's enchanting pheromones. Adam blinked, his senses slowly returning as the sacred stones were cleansed by the breeze. He squinted, glancing around in confusion as clarity and fear crept back into his mind.
Oh Quetzalcoatl... What had he done? What had he allowed himself to be swept into?
He had broken the sacred laws of Pentagram City, trespassed onto sacrificial grounds, and ascended the temple of Quetzalcoatl. He had committed treason, and the consequences would be severe—he would be torn apart if he descended. The Jorogumo warriors were likely already lying in wait, ready to capture him and exact their cruel retribution.
Worse still, he had desecrated the temple of Quetzalcoatl. He had allowed himself to indulge in something forbidden, something sacred. Lucifer could very well be the divine offspring of Quetzalcoatl himself, a holy being sent to deliver the next stage of destiny to Pentagram City. If Quetzalcoatl had not returned in his own form but sent his Nephilim son instead, it meant Lucifer was to fulfil this year's covenant with the people. And Adam... Adam had touched him, kissed him, allowed himself to be marked by him.
Holy gods. He was doomed. He had practically defiled Lucifer in the eyes of the elders! The punishment would be swift and merciless. They would deem him unworthy, a failed Phoenix, an unfit Omega, and he would be executed so Lucifer could find a more suitable mate.
Lucifer, who had been nuzzling into Adam with blissful contentment, barely had time to register Adam’s sudden panic. His golden and ruby eyes widened in surprise, round as an owl’s, as he tumbled to the temple floor in a dishevelled heap of serpentine coils and puffed-out feathers.
"Adam?" he called out, confusion lacing his voice as he pushed himself up from the stones, his sharp fangs glinting as they protruded from his lips. "Adam?"
The failed Phoenix stumbled to a halt in the archway, his gaze lingering on Lucifer as he bit his bottom lip. This was everything he had ever dreamed of— the boy who had promised to be his mate returning to fulfill that promise, a chosen mate who was more than he could have ever hoped for, a god himself. He yearned to return to Lucifer's warm embrace, but fear gripped him—fear of what Pentagram City would do to him once they discovered his transgression with Lucifer.
With a thick swallow, Adam turned and ran through the archway, his heart pounding with anxiety. The burning light of the sun blinded him, but he refused to look down at the walls, terrified of seeing the Jorōgumo warriors readying themselves to capture him. All he could think of was getting home, back to his flat where he could hide away, lick his wounds, and nurse his second broken heart. He would dream of the mate and the love he could have had if only he had been worthying.
Lucifer watched Adam flee, a disappointed growl rumbling deep in his throat. It took only moments for him to untangle his serpentine body, his clawed hands smoothing down his feathers as he straightened. His eyes narrowed as he caught sight of his right claw—the one he had used to caress Adam—and he brought his finger to his lips, licking it thoughtfully.
Adam had rejected him? Adam had run away from him? No. Absolutely not. That wasn’t allowed. Adam was his. Adam was his mate. He wasn’t allowed to change his mind. Lucifer’s blood and soul screamed for only one mate, and he had chosen Adam.
With a determined huff, Lucifer licked his fingers clean and slithered toward the archway, the bright sunlight barely fazing him as he poked his head out, gazing over the city his father had created.
“So, this is Pentagram City?” he clicked his tongue in distaste. “I expected something bigger.”
Lucifer's skin crackled and snapped, a sinister symphony echoing down the winding staircase as his eyes narrowed, sharp and unforgiving. His fork-tipped tongue slipped out like a serpent’s kiss, tasting the air, while the tip of his tail rattled with anticipation. Through the dim light, he glimpsed the silhouette of Adam, hastily descending the golden steps, his every movement betraying his desperation.
With a sudden, violent twitch, Lucifer's body surged, and from his back erupted six magnificent wings, their beauty both terrifying and divine. They stretched out along his spine, extending all the way to the base of his rattle-tailed form, a display of dark splendor. A low, rumbling purr escaped his lips as his clawed hands curled around the edge of the top step. Leaning forward, his shoulders rose, framing his face as his blood-red eyes flared with predatory hunger. The spider-like women clinging to the walls of his father’s domain caught his gaze, their presence only deepening his hunger.
"Ah," he murmured, arching his wings wide, feeling the power ripple through them as he tested their strength. It had been far too long since he had flown in this form, a form both glorious and deadly. "Adam’s about to stumble into a web of trouble, and I haven’t feasted in such a long time..."
With a graceful, effortless motion, Lucifer launched himself into the sky. His wings beat with a speed that outpaced a bullet, carrying him swiftly through the air, unseen and unstoppable. For whom could ever hope to spot the Nephilim coming? After all, Lucifer was the very child of the winds, an omen of doom that none could escape.
It was a strange sensation, one that Adam couldn’t quite explain. An inexplicable surge of energy pulsed through him, propelling his legs faster than they’d ever moved before. He leaped down the temple steps, his skin tingling with a sense of foreboding, as if unseen eyes were watching him from above. Yet, every time he glanced upward, he found nothing but darkness.
The failed Phoenix dashed across the sacrificial grounds, his heart pounding in his chest. He sprinted straight through the night sky's twinkling pathway, eyes fixed on the ancient wall of Quetzalcoatl. His throat burned, his nostrils flaring as if inhaling fire. Suddenly, a chill sliced through him when he glimpsed the silhouette of a Jorōgumo warrior near the wall. But as he drew closer, the shadowy figure vanished as though it had never been there. Had he looked more closely, he might have noticed the fresh blood staining the ground beneath his feet, but fear blinded him to the signs.
His heart raced, pounding a relentless rhythm in his chest, urging him not to stop. And so he didn’t. He skidded forward, dropping to his knees, scrambling across the cold stone. Unaware, he crawled beneath the statue of Quetzalcoatl, his hands outstretched, reaching for safety. Just as he pulled himself through, the waiting Jorōgumo warrior, hidden in the shadows, barely had time to scream before being snatched away by a blur in the sky. Adam blinked in confusion; his breath ragged as he glanced around.
"Where did all the Jorōgumo go?" he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck, wincing as his fingers brushed over his sensitive Omega glands. Startled, he jerked his hand away, stumbling to his feet, and began to speed walk toward the border of Pentagram City.
"Maybe they didn’t notice me," he whispered to himself, picking up his pace.
 His eyes brightened as he spotted other creatures of the city going about their daily business. It seemed no one had noticed him sneaking past the walls. Maybe he really was lucky! Perhaps Lilith herself had taken pity on him, distracting her clan just long enough for him to slip by unnoticed.
Unbeknownst to Adam, the Jorōgumo warriors were being silently picked off behind him, one by one, by a shadowy figure darting through the sky. Oblivious to the chaos, he zigzagged through Pentagram City, his legs burning as he jogged past the crowds. His ears rang with the echo of his own heartbeat, so heavy and fast that it made him dizzy. But still, Adam didn’t pause, driven by a desperate need to return to the safety of his rundown flat.
When his apartment building finally came into view, Adam nearly wept with relief. His eyes glistened with tears as he slowed to a walk, sweat trickling down his clammy skin. He leaned over, hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath. But his relief was short-lived. A cold dread washed over him as he felt a hand on his backside.
Adam's eyes widened in horror as he shot upright and spun around, only to find himself face-to-face with the seedy Alpha Minotaur. The very same Alpha who delighted in stalking him, his eyes gleaming with sinister intent.
"Not today," Adam choked out, his chest still heaving as he tried to push past the brute. "I'm in no mood for your bullshit."
"That's a bit harsh," the Minotaur growled, his voice a smoky rumble that sent a shiver through Adam's spine. His massive, calloused hand clamped around Adam's arm, effortlessly pulling him closer. "Considering I'm your last shot at any kind of courtship, don’t you think you should be a little sweeter to me?"
Adam stared; disbelief plastered across his face. The audacity of this asshole. He struggled in vain to break free from the Minotaur’s iron grip. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I heard all about the Jorōgumo turning you down. I tried to warn you," the Alpha murmured with a smug smile, leaning in close to exhale a cloud of musky breath across Adam’s face. "A Jorōgumo would never go for something as weak and delicate as you."
Ignoring the sting of the insult, Adam glared at the Alpha Minotaur, his eyes dark with anger. "Let. Go. Of. Me."
"I’m offering you a chance—what every Omega dreams of. I’m a strong Alpha, I could take real good care of you!" The Minotaur’s grip tightened around Adam’s slender arm. "Better than that spider freak, anyway."
Adam swallowed the growl rising in his throat, still struggling to wrench his arm free. "Fuck off!"
"Oh, you’ve got spirit!" the Minotaur bellowed with laughter, finally releasing Adam and sending the Phoenix Omega stumbling backward. "You’ll come around eventually. They always do."
Disgust twisted Adam's features as he sneered. "I might be unwanted by nearly everyone in Pentagram City, but even I have standards. Even I, a failed Phoenix, deserve better than a fuckhead like you!"
Without giving the Minotaur a chance to respond, Adam spun on his heel and stormed away. His eyes began to sting with unshed tears, but he refused to cry in front of that asshole Alpha. His arm throbbed from the Minotaur’s grip, but Adam was damned if he’d let that assclown know he’d hurt him. No fucking way.
As he approached his apartment building, something slithered down from above, and in an instant, the Minotaur was yanked into the air by his horns. His startled scream was cut off before it could even begin.
Adam all but collapsed against the door, his chest heaving as he stared blankly at his dimly lit flat. The tension in his body began to unravel, and he slowly slid down the door until his backside hit the floor, his head resting heavily against the wood behind him. Safe at last, surrounded by the familiar shadows of his home, Adam found himself drawn irresistibly to his comfort nest.
He crawled across the floor, each movement more desperate than the last, until he reached the nest of tangled sheets and blankets. With a swift, almost frantic motion, he threw himself into it, cocooning his trembling body within the soft layers.
As he lay there, the tension slowly drained from his stiff muscles, and the whirlwind of emotions he'd been holding at bay finally surged forward. The memories of the past few hours crashed down on him, leaving him breathless. A childish squeal of disbelief escaped his lips as he covered his face with both hands, rolling onto his side and curling into a tight ball.
"Holy shit," he whispered, peeking through his fingers as if the darkness might somehow confirm the impossible. "Did that really happen?"
Had he truly ventured all the way to the temple? Had he really committed treason, defying every law he knew, and scaled the temple’s sacred crown? And more unbelievable still—had he stood before the Godling of Quetzalcoatl, the Nephilim himself? Was any of it real?
Had he really met Lucifer? And had Lucifer truly touched him like that?
Adam's breath hitched, his disbelief mounting with every question. Could the kind boy he’d met all those years ago have been the Nephilim of Quetzalcoatl?
His breath shook, a tremor of doubt seeping into his thoughts. There was no way it had all happened... right? It had to be in his head. Maybe he’d never left his nest, and all of it had just been some vivid, twisted dream. That seemed more likely, but then…there was wetness still between his legs. The evidence was still inside his pyjamas.
Adam groaned, squeezing his eyes shut, desperate to believe it had all been a dream. His heart pounded with worry because if it wasn’t… he had pushed Lucifer away and fled like a coward. Who knew what the Nephilim would do now?
As he nestled deeper into the comforting embrace of his nest, the exhaustion of being up all night finally caught up with him. His thoughts began to blur, his breathing gradually slowing as sleep claimed him. How long he slept, he couldn’t say, but when he awoke, the light outside his grimy windows was already fading into twilight.
Whining softly, Adam rubbed his tired eyes and sat up, his hair a tousled mess. Even after sleeping, he still felt drained, as if he could easily slip back into slumber. But something wasn’t right. What had woken him up? The flat looked as it always did, nothing out of place.
Shrugging off the unease, Adam lay back down, burrowing into his blankets once more. Just as he was about to drift off again, a faint tapping reached the edge of his consciousness. At first, he ignored it, thinking it was just the rain. But the sound persisted, almost rhythmic in nature.
His eyes snapped open, annoyance bubbling up as he sat up and listened more intently. The tapping was coming from his window? But even with the shoddy glass, Adam could tell there was nothing on the other side—not even a drop of rain. His brows furrowed in confusion as he crawled toward the wall, yawning and accidentally bumping his forehead against the cold surface.
Groaning, Adam rubbed his forehead before pulling himself to his feet. He grumbled under his breath as he repeated his usual morning ritual, tugging at the stiff, worn-out latch. The hinges creaked loudly in protest as he forced the window open.
He peered out into the darkening city, stretching out a hand to feel for rain, but there was nothing. His head lolled against the window frame, his eyelids growing heavy again. There was nothing out there, and he was so tired—he could just doze off like this and—
"Hi, Adam!"
Adam’s eyes flew open in shock, freezing in place as a face suddenly appeared inches from his own. Black and green claws gripped the top of the window, and a familiar, mischievous head hung upside down, grinning at him.
Adam stared into Lucifer’s ruby and golden eyes, his groggy mind struggling to catch up. Lucifer? It was Lucifer! The Nephilim of Quetzalcoatl! His supposed mate—the one Adam had shoved away and abandoned at the temple. A startled yelp escaped his throat as he stumbled backward, landing on his backside. Meanwhile, Lucifer, with impressive agility, wiggled through the small window, his grin never faltering. The Nephilim slipped inside, his long tail snaking in after him, rattling as it stretched all the way across the room, revealing just how unnervingly long it was.
"You have wings?!" Adam squawked in surprise, his voice breaking.
Lucifer hummed contentedly, his twinkling eyes surveying the room until they settled on Adam's nest. A wide grin spread across his face as he immediately slithered toward it, nuzzling himself into the makeshift walls of pillows, cushions, and sheets.
"Hmm?" Lucifer murmured, patting down the pillows as his six wings fluttered on either side of him. "Of course I do~ All my brothers and sisters have Father's wings~"
Adam crawled backward until his back hit the wall, his eyes wide with shock. "You… You didn’t have them before."
"I can retract them!" Lucifer replied cheerfully, his wings suddenly straightening before folding back into his body, disappearing seamlessly into the feathers and scales. "See~"
Adam opened his mouth to respond but clamped it shut, his gaze shifting awkwardly—until he noticed something alarming. Red liquid. Everywhere. His eyes widened as he followed the trail of crimson from the floor to the walls, and finally, to his nest.
"You’re covered in blood!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with panic.
Cuddling an emerald, green pillow close to his chest, Lucifer buried his face in it, inhaling deeply. He snuggled the pillow and peered at Adam with half-lidded eyes. "Don’t worry. It’s not my blood."
Resisting the urge to snatch back his favourite pillow, Adam frowned deeply. "Whose blood, is it?"
"Ah, those Jorōgumo. They were planning to ambush you, but don’t worry! I dealt with them!" Lucifer chirped, his feathers fluffing up and the tip of his tail rattling with satisfaction. "Oh, and that annoying Alpha Minotaur. He touched what’s mine, and I don’t like sharing. So, I dealt with him too!"
It was as if Adam’s brain short-circuited at Lucifer’s unnervingly gleeful response. He blinked a few times, his mouth opening to speak but then clamping shut again. His gaze remained locked on Lucifer, who stared back at him while clutching Adam's favorite green pillow. Did Lucifer know it was Adam's favorite? Was that why the Nephilim held it so tightly, pressing his cheek against it and—was he sniffing it repeatedly?
"When you say you dealt with them…" Adam’s voice wavered as he asked.
Lucifer’s smirk widened, almost unnervingly, until he seemed like an entirely different creature. His rattlesnake tail swayed lazily behind him. "I ate them. Yes."
"You—you ate them?!" Adam gasped. In hindsight, it shouldn’t have been such a revelation. Quetzalcoatl was a god of blood sacrifices and devouring flesh, so it made sense that his children would share the same… tastes.
"I was hungry," Lucifer shrugged, entirely unconcerned. "And they were there, so I figured why not? Killed two birds with one stone~"
Adam nodded slowly, trying to process the twisted logic. It made sense, he supposed, but still, a shudder of revulsion crept up his spine. "How did you find me?"
"It wasn’t hard~" Lucifer snorted, his eyes narrowing at Adam with a hint of judgment. "You’re my mate. I’ll always be able to sniff you out. No matter how far you run, I can pick up your scent anywhere. I just followed it to this building after I had my fill."
"Oh," Adam mumbled, glancing away, feeling weak. "Are you mad at me?"
"Absolutely!" Lucifer chirped, his smile unnervingly wide and cheerful. He didn’t look angry at all. "I’m fuming! I’m so upset with you! You ran away from me! And pushed me off! That hurt so much, you know!"
Adam flinched at the overly cheerful tone, his stomach knotting with anxiety. Lucifer’s voice was light, but when Adam finally met his eyes, he saw it—the pure, simmering anger lurking behind that deceptively happy expression.
"I’m sorry," Adam said, leaning forward without actually approaching the feathered serpent. "I’m sorry. I just panicked."
Lucifer grunted, tilting his head curiously. "Why would you panic? You’re my mate; I’d never hurt you."
"Okay, I—I know that. And I’d never hurt you either." Adam’s cheeks warmed as he spoke, feeling a bit bashful. He doubted he could ever actually harm Lucifer, but saying it seemed to make Lucifer relax slightly. "But you have to understand, you’re a Nephilim, the son of my god. How did you expect me to react? I’m nothing special. I’m not even a fully reformed Phoenix, and you’re telling me my mate is a Godling? It was just… too much."
Lucifer’s expression softened, his head tilting further as he seemed to digest Adam’s words. He hummed thoughtfully and let out a soft sigh. "Okay. I can understand that, so I’ll let it slide this time. But don’t ever do that to me again—I won’t be so forgiving."
"Right…" Adam nodded sheepishly. "I really am sorry."
"Hmm?" Lucifer purred, leaning forward with a playful glint in his eye, one clawed finger beckoning Adam closer. "If you’re really sorry and want to make it up to me, you’ll come over and snuggle with me~ I’ve always wanted to see your nest, Addie~"
Without thinking, Adam climbed to his feet, drawn to Lucifer like a moth to a flame. He found himself standing at the edge of his nest, staring down at Lucifer. But as he looked into those mischievous eyes, he narrowed his own and frowned.
Lucifer immediately pouted, raising both arms to Adam like a child wanting to be picked up. "Come on, Addie~ Let’s cuddle. I wanna snuggle you~"
"No," Adam said firmly, planting his hands on his hips. "Not when you’re covered in blood."
A sharp smirk returned to Lucifer’s lips, and his long, serpentine tongue flicked out playfully. "Well, then you better come clean me~"
"C-Clean you?" Adam stammered, his eyes widening. "You don’t mean…"
Lucifer’s grin widened, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he stretched out luxuriously in the nest, his voice dripping with suggestive mischief. "Oh, but I do~"
“…I’ll find a sponge or a flannel.” Adam muttered, beginning to turn his head away.  
“Why would you need those?” Lucifer questioned, catching Adam’s wrist with his snake-tail.
Adam blinked down at him. “To…clean you?”
“Oh no~” with one tug, Lucifer pulled Adam on top of him. “We don’t clean ourselves like that, Addie~”
“…and…how do you want me to clean you?”
Lucifer purred, sliding his arms around Adam’s middle. He rubbed them purposely up and down Adam’s back. His long tongue licked at Adam’s lips.
“You need to use your tongue~”
Lilith – Jorōgumo - Alpha
  Origin: Japan
  Description: A spider that can transform into a beautiful woman to lure and devour men. Jorōgumo is a blend of beauty and danger, often featured in ghost stories.
Lucifer – Quetzalcoatl's younglin – Omega
  Origin: Mesoamerica
  Description: A feathered serpent god associated with wind, air, and learning. Quetzalcoatl is one of the most important deities in Aztec culture.
Adam – Phoenix – Omega
  Origin: Ancient Greece, Egypt, and Persia
  Description: A magnificent bird that is cyclically reborn from its ashes, symbolizing immortality, renewal, and the sun.
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yandereaffections · 2 years
Marvel Masterlist
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looking for spiderman/peter parker? He has his own Masterlist ❤
Steve Rogers
Delusional Steve
Pregnant S/o
Single Parent S/o
Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes vs Steve Rogers
Touchy with friends S/o
How Steve spoils S/o
Amnesiac S/o
Nuclear Apocalypse
Killer Steve
Werewolf Steve
Avenger S/o
Rebellious S/o
Steve finding S/o after running away with another man
Hearing S/o sing
S/os friend helping them Escape
Trying to break up with him
S/o goes missing
Steve protecting Villain S/o
Famous S/o
Delusional 50s Fantasy
Clinging onto S/o who doesn’t like being touched
Hospitalized S/o
S/o Framed into Execution
Living in the 40s with S/o
S/o who can die from pregnancy
Bucky/Steve sharing S/o
S/o who is already dating
Insecure S/o
Professor Steve dating College student S/o
necromancer S/o
Haunted House w/ Steve and Bucky
Werewolf Vampire Hybrid Steve
Alien S/o hiding parts of themselves
Ghost Steve communicating through Ouija Board
Figuring out S/os a Lizard human hybrid
S/o suffering from constant headaches
Someone attempting to drug S/o
Model S/o
At a BLM Protest
House spouse S/o
Easily scared S/o who loves horror movies
Doing his makeup when hes asleep
Platonic relationship with his daughter
S/o spending more time with bucky and sam
Magical girl hero S/o
S/o being on team Iron man during civil war
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Bucky Barnes
Winning you over
Bucky Barnes vs Natasha Romanoff
S/o that loves their Stalker
Bucky Barnes vs Steve Rogers
Winter Solider Falling for a Civilian
Gore + Torture TW
Hunted Down
Trick or Treating w/ Bucky
Perusing Dating after Hydra
S/o who is affectionate towards friends
Bucky as a Parent
Prioritizing your child over him
Bucky being in college while S/os still in HS
Bucky w/ Daughter, platonic
S/o w/ cystic fibrosis
S/o who is scared of Bucky
Shoving Buckys head into your chest when angry
King Bucky
Soulmate AU
Crush with a shit boyfriend
S/o that loves pampering Bucky
Running away cause Someone broke in
Running away to the Police
Steve/Bucky sharing S/o
Recently freed Bucky taking refuge with you
Cuddlebug S/o
Pro baker S/o
kpop fan Dancer S/o
Halloween Date
Yandere Letter
Haunted House w/ Steve and Bucky
Shy S/o
Werewolf S/o
Witch S/o accidentally turning herself into a cat
Oblivious S/o
Darlings scared of bugs
Petite S/o
Artistic s/o
Getting a handmade blanket from S/o
S/o insecure about their high pitched voice
S/o whos always tired
Treating his wounds
Touch starved S/o that doesnt know how to show affection
S/o drools in their sleep
Air head S/o
Darling who enjoys being taken care of
S/o whos kidnapped by random people
Fluff Headcannons
“it feels like home when im with you”
S/o who was verbally abused as a kid, made to believe youll never be loved
Darling who has shit friends
Hydra S/o who tries to brainwash him again
S/o who jokes around when nervous
S/o that likes to be carried by his metal arm
S/o with a regular prosthetic arm
S/o got injured trying to escape
General protective HC
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Stephen Strange
Using his powers to get his S/o
Chasing S/o down
Insecure S/o  
Single Parent S/o
Apprentice S/o
Jealous of his Cloak
Using his powers on his Dead S/o
Kidnapping S/o
Yandere Cloak
“Be good for me this time. I don’t want to see you cry again.”
Patient S/o
Tony Stark vs Stephen Strange
Taking their S/o away from their abusive family
S/o with a flat chest
Red string of fate AU
S/o with PTSD
Oblivious S/o
Apprentice S/o getting hurt
Poly Naga Stephen + Tony
Cannibal S/o
Accident Prone S/o
Comforting Anxious S/o
Watching S/o sleep
S/o getting hurt during a city attack
Healer S/o distrusting him cause they think hes using them
S/o favoring his cape as a coping mechanism
Asexual S/o
Darling with narcolepsy and chronic pain
S/o is as good and talented as him
Sneaking out only to come back with puppies
S/o who has bad anxiety attacks
Using his cape to find S/o who sleeps in odd places
Chaotic s/o
Quiet s/o playing ACNH
S/os first time seeing snow
S/o whose ok with being kidnapped as long as they can go to amusement parks
Kidnapped S/o keeps passing out due to fear
S/o wanting to dance in the rain
S/o has the power to teleport
Demon S/o
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Thor Odison
NS FW headcannons
Loki vs Thor
Loki vs Thor Preference
Stronger than Thor thinks S/o
Teaching Thor about Halloween
Finding Puppies
Tumblr media
Loki Odison
Loki vs Thor
Loki vs Thor Preference
S/o in arranged marriage
Using a Love Potion on his S/o
Naga Loki
Affectionate S/o
Teasing his S/o
Valentines Day
S/o who can sing
Insecure S/o who keeps rejecting him
S/os Suicide TW
Brutally taking his Soul mate
Supportive S/o
Harassed S/o
Possessive S/o
Liking his Hair touched by S/o
Halloween Date
Someone cat calling his Darling
Drunk S/o
Asexual s/o
S/o whos best friends with Tony
Depressed S/o
Magica girl S/o
Vampire loki hunting down a s/o whos having fun with it
Platonic yandere  HC
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T’challa Vs Erik
S/o getting Married to someone else after he gets Snapped
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Tony Stark
“I sent you more gifts! do you like them?!
NS FW headcannons
Sugar Daddy
S/o getting attention to the constant attention he attracts
Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
Cold in Public yet Cuddly in Private
Pushover S/o
Tsundere S/o
Jealous of the amount of attention Steves giving S/o
The Purge
Plus size Lingerie model S/o
“How else would they know you belonged to me?”
“its like you were made for me”
S/o who doesnt mind his Yandere tendencies
Jealous Tony
Finding a kitten
Shy/Book-wormy S/o
Valentines Day
Stephen Strange vs Tony Stark
S/os first relationship
Nerdy S/o
Poor yet incredibly Sweet S/o
S/o not wanting anything to do with Tony
Touchy S/o Hiding behind him
Zombie Apocalypse
Sugar Daddy to a Male College student S/o
Single Parent S/o
Learning S/o has Terminal Heart Cancer
S/o with a Prosthetic Leg
Cute S/o that listens to Death Metal
Drawing Tony in a maid outfit
Blind S/o
Vampire S/o
S/o who shuts down after kidnapping
Yandere S/o protecting their Love interest
Punishing S/o who tried to escape
Artist S/o
S/o who can see ghosts
Suicidal S/o TW
“Hey demons its ya boy”
Making Halloween costumes
Poly Naga Stephen+Tony
Tonys Type
Hunted Down
S/o having a delayed reaction to being Kidnapped
Injured S/o
S/o being hit on by Quentin Beck
Cyber stalking
S/os in the military
Crush thinking his Flirts are only jokes
Losing S/o to the Snap
Comforting S/o after a bad day
Strong Kick ass S/o
Not knowing S/o immortal, watching them get stabbed
S/o loving DIY stuff
Finding out S/o been begging to Jarvis to help them escape
S/o secretly making robo stuff
S/o having inhuman strength
terrorist S/o
S/o calling ptsd “spicy nostalgia”
Tonys s/o phasing through security after being kidnapped
Life Threatening Situation
Male S/o is a single parent
Modest S/o wont let him spoil them
S/o in a depressive episode
What kind of gifts does he buy his darling
How he shows affection
dealing with competing suitors
Proposal HC
Vampire Tony Hunted down
Incubus Tony
Assassin S/o
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Natasha Romanoff
Dealing with competition
Wanda vs Natasha
Bucky vs Natasha
S/o whos not into girls
Hunted Down
S/o Disobeying
Avenger S/o
Choosing S/os Clothes
Shy s/o
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Wanda Maximoff
Wanda vs Natasha
Bisexual S/o
Vampire Wanda
ADHD & Autistic S/o
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S/o who runs away
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Nick Fury
Shy and Quiet S/o
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Bruce Banner
Being able to control his emotions
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Hela Odison
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Carol Danvers-
Powerful S/o
Single parent s/o
Oblivious S/o
Oblivious S/o is getting flirted with
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Hunted down
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Doc Oc
Parental/Platonic HC
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Steve Rodgers 
Vocal Steve 
Turned on during a mission 
College Virgin S/o slightly 
Breeding HC 
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Bucky Barnes
Stealing S/os underwear 
Another Underwear Stealing 
NS FW alphabet
NS FW Headcannons
Sexually frustrated Bucky 
Getting Caught 
Dominate Bucky 
Sitting on his face 
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Stephen Strange
NS FW headcannons
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Werewolf Thors Heat 
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NS FW headcannons
NS FW alphabet
Orgasm denial + Aphrodisiac
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Tony Stark
NS FW Alphabet
S/o has a high Sex Drive 
S/os First Time 
Submissive tony 
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“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that” 
NS FW headcannons
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NS FW headcannons
862 notes · View notes
honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
for a naga au, have you considered having the reader be a human, that the x-men thing is a baby who was born deformed so they got abandoned? So they’re like “poor little dude, abandoned. But I can help!”
and reader just here panicking
Oh h*ck yeah! And worry not, they have excellent healers and their own venom, which helps speed along growth of naga traits- Oh, Reader will be in for it, won't they? That being said, let's see:
You weren't sure how this happened.
You didn't think snake people existed. Yet here you were, in a large, hidden nest, full of smaller snake people, and being watched over by larger ones.
The largest of them are giant compared to you, their tails long and winding, splayed over the cavern hidden behind a waterfall you'd lived near. They keep making concerned noises, poking at your legs and making small hisses each time they bent or jerked. The smaller ones would have likely been your age if human, but their tails, while smaller than their elders', were still long, as thick as a small tree in some places. The colors among their scales ranged from lilacs and pinks to oranges and blacks, grays and browns to blues and golds. Every color you could think of was there, with some of them being iridescent or pearlescent.
Why were you there?
You made the mistake of rescuing one of the smaller ones. It had been caught in a trap, a large net that kept its form suspended and away from the ground or trees, tight enough in some places to cut through their scales. You'd found them, writhing in pain and hissing desperately, and while you knew it was likely deadly and might have venom... It was part human, it was a living being, sentient. It deserved to be free, to not be hurt or displayed as a trophy. And with that, you loosened the ropes from where they were tied, soon releasing the creature with a loud THUMP. For a moment it looked at you, eyes wide and curious, before it slithered off, back to wherever it came from.
The people who had set the trap found you, your hands stained with a bit of the blood that had been on the ropes, and had immediately chased you. It didn't matter how far you ran or where you tried to hide, they hunted you until you had nowhere left to run and nowhere left to hide. Just as you thought you were to be killed, tossed off the waterfall into a rocky pool below-
Giant versions of the creature you saved came hurtling from the water, fangs flashing down as they tore into your would-be killers. You managed to hide in a tangled bush during the bloody fray, hunching yourself down and into a ball and staying as quiet and still as possible. The noises of the fight drifted over the rush of water, until it finally died out with a loud CRACK. Shivering, you buried yourself deeper in the dirt and leaves, praying to be left alone...
Only for large, clawed hands to snag you up from your hiding spot, a surprised hiss coming from a large snake thing. It had dark eyes, and orange and black scales dotting its face and shoulders. It's tongue flicked out, almost as though scenting you, only to immediately feel at your legs.
You kicked out at it, reflex more than anything.
It froze, eyes wide, and with the loudest cry, it called the other snakes over. Whatever the problem was... it had something to do with your... legs?
They just kept, poking at them, making sad and scared noises, while looking between each other and back at the waterfall. Eventually they seemed to reach an agreement, and forcibly brought you with them, kicking and crying out the whole way.
Which led to now, being tucked into their nest, alongside the smaller snake creature you saved and its companions, who were watching you carefully, all while hissing between each other and one of the adult creatures watching over you.
You'd lasted for two whole days without sleep before you were squeezed between the coils of the adult who first found you. It was trying to make gentle hisses, tapping lightly at your neck, then your knees. You weren't sure what it was trying to say, until one hand was holding your head still, the other holding your wrists together.
"No, nonononono," you mutter, trying to pull back, yet the creature just tightened both its tail and claws, and just as quick-
It bit you.
A pained yelp escaped you as you felt the rush of venom enter your veins, and tears entered your eyes as you struggled. All the creature did was press a kiss to the wound, using the hand previously steadying you to stroke your hair, making soft hisses and rubbing its cheek against yours. It was getting harder and harder to stay focused, the heat from its scales and the steady rhythm of its caresses and nuzzles soothing a part of you, while the other part felt hazier and hazier. Soon, your head felt stuffed, as though full of cotton, causing you to slump into the grip around you. A pleased noise comes from the bundle around you, further putting you at ease. Everything feels so warm... So calm... All sleepy and soft like a small bunny in its burrow. A relaxed sigh leaves your lips, being met with a rumbling purr from around you. And just as soon as your eyes slip closed, youre met by a soft, gentle darkness, sweeping you into quiet slumber...
(Can y'all guess which X-Teen they saved?)
(To answer which X-Teen they saved... it was Scott. And he was the first to think, "oh, wow, they're a deformed naga, poor little guy.. Aaaaaw, they saved me! So cute💕 Wait, I need to tell the Professor and Logan and Storm and-")
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bittyfromquotev · 1 year
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More shit, except this was drawn today.
I got lazy at the end there because I wanna draw some Naga DCA because yes
SK! Moon is a tiny bit OOC at the end I think but I’m dying mentally-
Poor veteran Moon doesn’t like to talk about…that day.
DCA! Serial Killer AU belongs to @ayyy-imma-ninja
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zorosdimples · 9 months
thank you to my beloved @fushigurro and @tetzoro and @vampgloss for tagging me in the wip game! these are my wips in no particular order; the font is tiny because the list is so long and heinous and i probably shouldn’t tag anyone :-)
zoro smut
zoro hybrid
zoro divinity au
zoro wano
yandere childe
lexi’s yandere childe
naga madara
mada x obi x reader
toji (redacted) kink
werewolf toji
royal assassin toji
nanami harness
killer kento
lucifer inspection
yandere diavolo heir
yandere beel (and belphie)
astarion suggestive fluff
kar’niss x he who was x reader
ace angst
yandere zhongli
kage gang bang
mammon smut
hidan crimes against humanity
uchiha au
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
The Stone Multiverse
I know everyone's been asking me for a masterlist on the Stone variants, but unfortunately there is just way too much content to sift through (especially for Criminal!Stone, y'all love Criminal!Stone) and Tumblr search feature is just... it's not good, so this is not a masterlist.
However, this is a list of all of the Stone variants that I currently have. Because I myself need this list. And there's just so many of them and there'll probably be more of them.
(EDIT: I have decided that I will not only list them, but I will give some ((I say some because only some of them are giving me ideas)) of the Stone variants story posts of moments that I believe are important to their life/AUs. This is also for anyone who's new, so they know something important about the Stone variants.)
Stone variants:
Canon!Stone (technically not a Stone variant, but I do reference Stone as Canon!Stone to differentiate him from actual Stone variants. So, we're putting him on the list.)
Girl Dad!Stone
Grim Reaper!Stone
Serial Killer!Stone
Ox Hybrid!Stone
This is most likely not a complete list because Stone variants always pop up randomly, so this will be updated when a new one is made!
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apollo41writes · 1 year
Elisa's 2023 Reclist
Since this year I'm not participating in any reading challenges, I decided to at least pick my favorite fics to shout-out. Here's what I have in my list so far.
Naga gonna give you up by Definitively_Different_Drivel (Teen Wolf - Sterek - 17.146 words) It's just a very lovely read with the right mix between Humor and H/C. Loved the characterization and I just love Stiles being some kind of weird werecreatere.
Star Eater by Ki_Ken_Tai_Ichi (Star Wars Sequels - Kylux - 54.388 words) I must say, the thing that made me love this one is the way the Knights of Ren are basically pushing these two assholes together. And Force-Sensitive Armitage is an absolute wonder; the flashbacks of his childhood abuse are heartbreaking in the best way.
The Ride by QueenOfCarrotFlowers (@flowerofcarrots on twitter) (Star Wars Sequels - Reylo - 55.878 words) This is a dark one, what with both of the characters being serial killers. But I just love these kind of twisted fanfics. Definitely a Dead Dove, but if you like the genre, a must read.
she's not going to die today by zerospoons_onlyknives (oprime) (Marvel Comics - Spideypool - 97.359 words) Despite being very twisted and Dead Dove, there are some moments of sweetness in the middle of these two being 50 shades of wrong. Might be because it is a soulmates AU... Again, a must read.
Cut it out and then Restart by onborrowedwings (@weshallflyaway) (Game of Thrones - Sansan - 105.775 words) I was kind of missing reading Sansan, but I also wanted my happily ever after. And this fic was absolute perfection. The right amount of angst, action, fluff. The relationship between the Starks is also so nice in this one! To put it simply: one of those fic you'll struggle to stop reading.
The Long Road by Chifuyu (@StaticRaining on twitter) (Star Wars Sequels - Kylux - 148.104 words) The slowburn is strong with this one, but I can easily say that this is one of my absolute faves of this year. It's kind of a fix-it, but not one of those where they become both good people and stuff like that. Both Armitage and Ren are just problematic pieces of shit that have no idea of what to do with themselves. Which is exactly what made it impossible for me to stop reading. We see both good and bad with them, but it's their imperfection that make them so lovely.
That's it for now. I'll be back if and when I feel like I have enough for another post.
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possumplagues · 2 years
Current Fanfics In Progress
The Biting Incident; silly 5+1 vampire!eddie x werewolf!steve au
You’re Coming Home With Me Now; also on the silly side. more cryptid-like vampire Eddie who kidnaps and hides Steve in the boathouse for safekeeping. he’s somewhat feral and catlike.
We Bleed In Perfect Harmony; Au where both Steve and Eddie get turned into Upside Down creatures. So far undecided as to if they are partially under Vecna’s control. Probably gonna be a little more serious, but not incredibly so
My Baby’s Got A Gun, I Better Run; Serial killer Steve au!!!! More angsty, not super healthy relationships, but so, so much vengeance on those who have hurt Eddie!!
Snake Charmer; silly naga!eddie au! Dustin’s keeping pets he shouldn’t again, and Steve finds out
Just One Bite; Were-demogorgon Steve!! Retelling of the entire show with Steve trying to hide that his first encounter with a demogorgon left him… changed.
You’re A Monster (So Am I); Another werewolf!steve x vampire!eddie au, this time much more angsty and includes Steve being bitten!
Into The Upside Down; Steve, Dustin, and Robin traverse into the Upside Down in search of Eddie (or his corpse)
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beansthough · 1 year
{snake charmer au} so we know that XD is showing up next chapter (at least I'm guessing thats who was in the snippet you shared-) but will any of the other giants of Tommys past be appearing also?
also is it common for giants to eat tinys? as food and not protection or is that just something tinys are (reasonably) concerned/scared of?
I’m so sorry I forgot about this ask</3
SO YEP XD did make an appearance. I do have plans for some other Giant hybrids to show up/ maybe a couple side stories…👀
Sam is who I really wanna focus on in a side story, love that awesome dude hehehe.
But to answer your next question… Just like there are bad humans there are bad hybrids. Some of the more monstrous hybrids, like nagas, driders, wardens, etc. Have quite the reputation for eating humans, not just tiny hybrids. Though it is mostly a reputation, but as you can see with Phil it was not.
But the giant hybrids that aren’t bloodthirsty killers, highly outnumber the ones who are. But many monster hybrids aren’t treated with respect and their instincts can only take so much before they snap when under extreme pressure. So humans aren’t the best at treating these hybrids like they’re people…
So yes some some giants and even humans will see tiny hybrids as food, but definitely not the majority. Many people don’t even know that the Tinies exist, but yes this definitely is a thing that tinies are reasonably scared of.
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adminbryantsaki · 25 days
Chapter 18: Intern Week and Hosu Incident.
(This Au will follow the main events of the canon. In this AU, the tropes of fantasy and Omegaverse apply. The dynamics that can apply to people are Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Omega. The main ship is Erasermic x oc. I do not own the characters of My Hero Academia. Horikoshi Kōhei does. I also don’t own any of the fast-food franchises or any of the other references to other super hero movies or groups.  I own Bryant Saki. Here is her info Please do not steal.)
(These are the Headcanons. Please read these before the fic.
Wc: 9,052 Tw: Omegaverse Shenanigans, polygamy, PTSD, Breeding kink, Breeding, trauma, fear, ED (eating disorder). (this chapter has a birthing scene, body positivity, and bullying)
Prologue Chapter Seventeen ~ Chapter Nineteen
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I woke up a couple hours later and nuzzled into Hizashi’s shoulder. The naga woke up, kissed my forehead, and shifting to wake up Shouta. Shouta woke up and got out of the nest to grab some clothes and head to the shower. “I’ll get it warmed up. Make sure Bryant gets in with me, okay?” He told Hizashi after he kissed him. Shouta went into their connected bathroom and closed the door. I heard the shower turn on and felt Hizashi nudge me since I had closed my eyes again since I was cozy and didn’t want to get out just yet. “C’mon, honey. Shouta wants to help you shower.” He spoke and helped me sit up since I was still a bit shaky from all the love-making earlier. He held me with his arms and had me wrap my legs around his waist as he slithered out of the nest carefully and carried me into the bathroom.
“What would you like to eat?” He asked. “Scrambled eggs with cheese and toast with butter on it please.” I asked as Hizashi passed me off to Shouta and kissed my head as Shouta helped me get clean from the intercourse, ease my aches and pains from accepting Hizashi’s clutch, and help me relax. “Did you sleep well?” Shouta asked as he massaged my head as he washed my hair. “I did. Did you sleep well too? I noticed that you and Hizashi passed out as well.” I spoke and relaxed into his touch. “I slept very well, thank you for asking.” He spoke as he washed my back and helped me rinse out my hair. We finished showering me and he helped me out of the shower and into a thick, fluffy towel. Shouta went out into my room and grabbed me a larger t-shirt and looser pants as I was still swollen from the eggs. He then walked with me out to the kitchen where Hizashi was frozen staring at the radio. “Hizashi? What’s wrong, honey?” He asked as he got me to a chair before going to his husband. “Shh, just listen.” Hizashi said and held Shouta’s hand. “Coming live from Hosu, reports are flooding in about sights of the Hero Killer: Stain having recently taken down the Pro Hero: Ingenium who is in the hospital and in critical condition. We are advising that everyone keeps an eye out for any suspicious activity regarding the villain and are advised to report anything they see immediately to the police. We will send out a report on how Stain kills Pro Heroes. Stay tuned for any updates we might get.” The news reporter said through the radio. I stared at the radio and pulled out my tablet, searching up anything regarding Stain and Hosu. My eyes widened and I enlarged an article about Stain, learning that he had a motive to remove the world of any Pro that he deemed a ‘fake hero’ and claimed that the only hero worthy to be spared of his purging was All Might. Reading more of the profile that was constantly being updated as other Admins were adding information about Stain to the document and I read as quickly as I could.
“It says here that Stain is a dangerous person, that his quirk, Blood curdle allows him to temporarily paralyze his victims upon getting a sample of their blood. The time he can control his victims varies on the victim’s blood type , and he… kills the Pro Heroes he calls ‘Fakes’. He has murdered seventeen heroes and injuring twenty-three beyond recovery. He believes that the fake pros are those that seek the fame or money and are unworthy of the name ‘Pro Hero.’ He is classified as a villain with a serial murdering pattern. I will probably observe these variables from the safety of our home. There is an event that crosses over with the student’s interning week. It looks like the variable depends on if Tenya Iida picks Manual’s agency to spend his Intern week with. Have you gotten any of the student’s choices? I know that several Pro Heroes requested for them specifically because of what they saw at the Sports fest.” I spoke. “I don’t know that yet. I need to check in tomorrow and get that information. I’ll keep an eye out for what Iida picks. Will anything bad happen at this event?” Shouta asked. I hesitated before speaking.
“Yes… three of your students will take down Stain… but Endeavor takes the credit. That’s all I’m allowed to say.” I spoke as Hizashi slid a plate with the food I requested in front of me. I shifted in my seat, since the weight of the eggs was making me uncomfortable.
“Your eggs are heavy, Hizashi. How do you manage to hold them when they’re full sized?” I asked. “I’ve gotten used to them as they grow. I usually take time off when they get too big for me to easily move around and a couple days off to recover from laying the clutch.” He told me. “I’ll just have to get used to them as well since I plan to take more than just this clutch in the future.” I spoke and ate my food. Hizashi and Shouta sat across from me with food of their own and ate with me. I managed to eat half of my food before pushing it back. “Do you want to save the food for later?” Shouta asked when he noticed my plate. “No… I’ll eat more in a moment. I’m just confused about my fullness feeling because of the eggs.” I told him and felt my stomach growl. Shouta looked over the table at my rounded stomach and frowned.
“You need to eat more, you’re still hungry.” He told me and pushed my plate back towards me. I ate the rest of my food, watching Shouta stood up and walked around the table to sit next to me. “Turn to face me please.” He told me and I shifted carefully to face him. he placed his hands on my stomach and rubbed gently, pulling me closer to hold me in his lap. “What are you doing? I need to finish my meal as we need to head into the school.” I told him. “Your stomach feels tight and heavy, yes?” He asked as he rubbed my stomach and slid his hand under my shirt. “Yes, its also big and round. It sticks out of my shirt like a sore thumb. I feel like this is wrong. Everyone is going to make fun of me.” I told him. “What do you think is wrong with it?” He responded. “Its huge. I feel like it should be smaller… or not showing at all.” I told him and looked down. “You know, princess, I look even bigger than that when I keep a clutch and don’t transfer them at all. I look like a shoved a very large watermelon under my shirt and strapped it in place.” Hizashi told me and that helped to ease my nervousness a little. “How do you hide it before its time to lay them?” I asked as I tried to slide off Shouta’s lap but was stopped and he pulled me back into his lap.
“I normally don’t hide my stomach at all since everyone knows that I’m a naga and I produce clutches every month. It is easier to move around in my human form than my naga form when I’m all big and bloated like that.” Hizashi told me between bites as he finished his breakfast. I nodded in agreement and hid my face in Shouta’s neck, wanting to calm myself with his scent. Shouta rubbed my back and kissed my head. “Baby? What’s wrong?” He asked. I was fighting off bad memories of the bad people who would shame me and hurt me for showing any kind of a bump, no matter if it was a baby bump, an egg bump, or even a food bump, I would be punished for growing larger. I pulled away from his neck and looked at him. “I’m remembering what happened to me before I came here when I did show any kind of bump or swollen stomach.” I told him and looked back at my food. Shouta turned my head to look at him and he pressed small kisses to my lips. “You’re beautiful, no matter what.” He told me and looked me in the eyes.
“Thank you.” I told him and looked away from him again. “I don’t take up too much space, do I?” I asked him. Shouta looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Not at all, why would you think that, honey?” He asked and kissed my cheek.
“It was something that had been beaten into me when I got too big by their standards. They were the person that also took my food from me and told me that I had enough and would starve me out to make sure I stayed thin enough for them.” I told him and leaned into his chest, rubbing my stomach gently. Hizashi took his plate and placed it in the dishwasher before he came back and sat behind me, hugging me from behind and rubbing my belly too. “You don’t take up too much space, you take up the perfect amount of space for us to hold you like this.” Hizashi told me. I leaned into him and blushed a bright shade of red. “After we’re done eating breakfast, you and Hizashi can stay here while I run in and talk to my students about work studies, alright?” Shouta told us as we cuddled on the bench. Soon, Shouta shifted to move me onto Hizashi’s lap before he finished eating and got up to get changed into his hero uniform.  I pulled my plate closer and finished eating as Hizashi held me in his lap.
“I hate it when my mind goes to that place.” I spoke. “That’s alright. We will always be here to tell you how beautiful you are and help you through your rough spots.” Hizashi told me as he watched me finish my breakfast and lean into him, resting my hands on my stomach.
“Thank you. I’m glad that you and Shouta are here for me as I am here for you. I also love knowing that you trust me to keep your eggs safe even though this clutch isn’t fully developed.” I told him and he rubbed my stomach. “Taking them helped you considerably with your heat, didn’t they?” He asked. “The eggs did help. Thank you.” I told him and felt my stomach rumble. “Do you ever get super hungry when you carry the eggs? I could use more food.” I spoke. “Yes, I do. I’ll make you more food. Does eggs with spam sound good?” He asked, setting me on the bench and taking my plate and his back into the kitchen. Shouta came out in his hero uniform and kissed the both of us goodbye and left the cabin to do the little bit of work that he had to do that day. Hizashi handed me a plate loaded with scrambled eggs that had cheese and spam mixed into it. I thanked him and ate the eggs, soon leaning against the back of the chair and rubbing my stuffed stomach.
“Full already? How does it feel?” He asked as he ate his food slowly, enjoying watching me consume the food he made for me. “I feel content, happy, full, and very heavy. Like I can barely move.” I told him. He smiled and finished his food, taking his plate and mine to wash them. He then walked over to assist me to the couch to relax and digest the food. He sat next to me, rubbing circles on my stomach, and pressing gently to try and feel the eggs under my skin. “They feel heavy and almost like they’re… growing? It feels nice and my stomach is all tingly. Are you enjoying yourself by rubbing my stomach?” I asked him and he nodded. “I am enjoying myself.” He spoke and kissed my head. “Let me know if you ever get more eggs. I’ll take them for you. I also feel achy and sore, especially in my feet and lower back, is that normal?” I asked him.
“It is. You know, you don’t have to keep my eggs inside of you forever. You will need to lay them eventually.” He told me.
“I know that… this clutch doesn’t feel ready to be laid yet. Do you know what I’m trying to say?” I asked. Hizashi chuckled and nodded. “I do know what you’re saying, honey. I don’t want you getting sick because of my clutch, alright?” He told me.
“I won’t get sick, don’t worry. Why don’t we look at ideas for house add-ons while Shouta is out? Maybe some interior designs too.” I spoke and pulled away so he could get up. Hizashi got up and retrieved his laptop and pulled up a website where we could look up how much it would cost to add as many rooms as we needed without disturbing Shouta’s paths he took when running about during the full moon. I leaned against him and he put his arm around my shoulders.
“I’m guessing on adding two more rooms. One for an at home office so we can do work on our heat and rut cycles but not need to go into the office. I have a feeling that its going to be a good idea for the future.” I told him. “Alright, what about the last room you’re thinking of?” He asked. “That would be the baby’s room if we ever have one together. I’d still want a room to myself until we’re mated, then I’ll move my stuff either into my locker or into your room. Then my room will be turned back into the guest room.” I told him. “That sounds like a good plan. I forgot that I’m working my Friday show tonight. Do you want to come with me or stay here?” He asked. “Could I come with? I don’t know where I’d hang out other than my desk.” I told him. “You can hang out in the window seat I have in the recording room. It’s nice and spacious. You can nest there if you’d like.” Hizashi offered. “I’d love that. I am a little sleepy. Can I take a nap first before we head out to the station?” I asked. “Sure. I might take a nap too so I can stay awake for the show.” He spoke and stretched out before cuddling up to me and laying himself out to sleep.
A few hours passed and I woke up in his arms. Hizashi was watching me sleep with a smile on his face.
“How did you sleep?” He asked. “I feel a bit better than earlier. I am worried about the eggs though.” I spoke as I looked down and saw that I was still as swollen as I was before. He ran his hand over the curve of my stomach and kissed my cheek. “They will be fine, my love.” He spoke. “I know, but people are going to notice because of how big I am. I look like I swallowed a medium watermelon whole. This will also be our first time going to the station as bond-mates. I’m nervous, are you?” I asked as I held his hand. “I am a little nervous. But I won’t let anyone hurt you or the eggs. Trust me on that. I’ll keep you safe from any mean people.” Hizashi told me and kissed my head. I sat up and went to get changed into appropriate clothing to leave the house in. I thankfully found a long shirt that went down to my mid-thigh and still covered my large bump and a fresh pair of leggings that looked to have come from a maternity company. I frowned and pulled them on, noticing how well they felt over my stomach. I picked out a pair of socks and looked down to my feet. There was no way whatsoever that I was going to get the socks on my feet without assistance. Hizashi walked into the bedroom to get changed, saw my predicament, and chuckled to himself.
“Sit down, honey. I’ll help you.” He spoke and I sat down at the foot of the bed to let Hizashi put my socks on. “Is it alright if we get food on the way to the station? I’m hungry.” I asked. “Of course. We need to practice keeping you fed when we have a bigger, more fertile clutch in you.” He spoke and helped me stand up off the bed and walk to the front hall where he had me lean against the wall and help me get my shoes on. I stayed there for a moment as it relieved some pressure off my lower back from having such a large stomach. I panted a little bit and rubbed my belly as it was just as heavy as a real watermelon. “Lean on me for a moment. I want to do something that Shouta and I discovered the last time I was carrying a clutch to term.” Hizashi spoke and I hesitated before pushing myself off the wall. Hizashi snuck in behind me, pulling me into his chest as he leaned against the wall and slid his hands under my stomach and lifted my stomach up. I let out a moan of relief and he pressed a kiss to my neck.
“I know they’re heavy. This is the lease I can do. We can get you a support belt or you can use one of mine from when I was pregnant before.” He told me. “I will be okay; I just need to adjust to the new weight. That band might help for now.” I spoke and whimpered when he let go of my belly to go retrieve the band. He came back a few minutes later and helped put the band on around my stomach. I let out a sigh of relief when the band was in place and I let myself exhale. “Can we still get food on the way to the station?” I asked. “Yes, honey. What would you like even though I know what you’d usually go for.” He asked as he pulled his hero boots on and walked with me right behind him out of the cabin. I smiled and told him what I wanted “I figured you’d go for that. Chicken tenders, mac and cheese, and some kind of vegetable or fruit. I think we can do that.” He spoke and led me to the car, allowing me to get in first before he got in on the driver’s side. I rested my hand on my bump as I let myself relax. Hizashi started up the car and drove out of the campus to the station. He did stop by a restaurant to get us some food and handed the bag to me. “You can either wait to eat at the station or eat in the car on the way there, what would you like to do?” He asked. “We can eat when we get there. I thought food wasn’t allowed in the recording booth though.” I spoke as he put our drinks into the cupholder in the console between the seats. “Not near the equipment. I’ve eaten on that bench near the back wall before during long commercial breaks or between shows. Your window seat area would be a good place to eat too. You can also work there too whenever you’d want. Think of it as an unofficial promotion. With you being my Admin and all, wouldn’t it be better if you were in the room with me incase of a villain attack while I was on the air?” He asked.
“You have a good point. I’ll say something like that to whoever tries to make a fuss about us being alone in the room together.” I spoke, deciding to wait and eat my food once we got to the station. The drive wasn’t very long to the station and I felt a pit of nervousness grow in my stomach when Hizashi parked the car and looked to me. “Hey, don’t get nervous. You’ll be with me the entire time.” He reassured me, got out of the car, walked around to my side, and opened the door for me. He helped me out of the car before reaching in and carrying my bag, his bag, and the food all into the station. “Are you sure I can’t carry my own stuff?” I asked. “No. You’re carrying enough right now. This is the least I can do.” He spoke and kissed my head. I zipped up my puffy jacket to try and hide my bump as we got closer to the main entrance of the radio station. Hizashi wrapped his free arm around my waist and discreetly held my stomach. “I’m only hiding my stomach until we get into the recording room. I don’t want any bad rumors to start up because of how we look. Its already going to be bad for you since we are walking in together and the media knows you’re married to Shouta.” I told him telepathically.
“I know, but we’re a team and I don’t care what the media says about my appearance with you.Like I said, I’ll keep you safe while we’re here.” “Hey, that’s my job.” I responded and pulled away from him as we got into the building and we punched in for that night’s radio show. I began to remove my jacket but I stopped myself. “Go ahead and take your jacket off, Admin. If anyone has anything to say about it, they will answer to me.” Mic told me as he set our things in the recording room and began starting up the equipment to record some sets before going live that evening. I took a deep breath, slowly unzipped my jacket, taking it off, and folding it over my arm. The thing I feared the most happened next when I heard one of the women working at the station audibly gasped and ran over to me.
“Oh, so you’re the Admin that’s been working with us! You’ve been here with us for a little over a year, haven’t you? Are you our star’s little girlfriend? Well, not that little. You know he’s married, right? Are you pregnant with his secret love child or just an incubator for his clutches so he can focus on the show and not be distracted by whatever heat or rut he’s having? Its so confusing about his cycle, how could you keep track of something like that? Wouldn’t it be easier to just settle with an Alpha?” The woman bombarded me in a disgustingly sweet tone with awkward chuckled between her questions. I felt my mind glaze over and my emotion turn from being a nervous wreck to highly annoyed. I began to pull my jacket on to wrap it tightly around my body and search for Hizashi in the small crowd of people forming around me to get answers to their questions. Hizashi made his way through the small crowd and stood protectively between me and the nosy co-workers.
“How about you all mind your damn business. She’s my bond-mate and if some of you remember, Eraser and I are looking for mates to form a pack. Admin Bryant just so happens to be one of the first people to join our pack. Yes, she is holding my clutch because she wanted to. She is not a hired incubator. Finally, I can focus when I am growing a clutch and I have alternating heats and ruts as a Luna. I’m sorry that’s too complicated for someone like you to track. I’m sure the apex Alpha you’re mated to would love it if you kept track of the days his rut occurred. Then you’d have a better chance of producing a litter and less drama in the office. I’ll be damned if any of you speak to Bryant this way again. All of you are out of line by overwhelming her when she was already nervous coming here. You need to get back in line and back to your jobs because we have a show tonight. Our private life is none of your business. Keep your noses out of it. Bryant, honey, keep the jacket off, its alright. You’re coming with me.” Hizashi said, defending me, and guiding me down the hall and into the recording room.
I hugged my jacket tightly and held his hand just as tight. A couple of the ladies backed off from Hizashi and I but they whispered to themselves. I tugged on Hizashi’s hand as I could hear them and he had me go inside the recording room to check it out as he whirled around to take care of the gossiping matter. I looked around the room and my eyes zeroed in on the window seat where Hizashi set my bag and the food before he found me. I quickly walked over and climbed into the window seat, getting cozy and laying on my back. Hizashi walked over to the gossips and smiled brightly at them. “Do you need to be told twice? Get back to work and make sure we go live on time. Keep her name out of your mouth, got it?” He spoke before coming back to the recording room, locking the door behind him, and pulling the window blinds down so no one could see inside. He smiled when he saw me trying to find spare blankets so I could nest in the window seat.
“Need help, sweetheart?” He asked. I looked up at him and nodded. “I like the window seat. I want to nest here.” I told him. “Aright. I always keep spare blankets and pillows in here for different reasons; Like if Shouta wanted to nap here, I needed to nap here, it gets cold in the winter. Stuff like that.” He told me as he pulled up the seat of the bend to reveal hidden storage that was full of nesting fodder. I squealed in delight and pulled out a very large blanket to form the walls of the nest first.  Hizashi pulled out the rest of the pillows and blankets before he sat on the bench to watch me nest. I opened small portals to pull some blankets from my locker to add into the nest for ultimate comfort. Once I was done nesting, I pulled my bag into a safe corner of the nest and opened up the food bag so I could eat my food. Hizashi approached the nest and I handed his food to him.
“May I come into the nest?” He asked. “Yes. I need to be held after all that drama.” I told him. He climbed in and sat behind me to eat his food before he held me. “After we’re done eating, is it okay if I nap while you do your sets before the live show tonight? Or do I need to be awake during them?” I asked since I had never been a part of his show before. “It’s alright if you nap while I record the sets. I’ve got this. You’ll be safe in here and away from those nosy people outside, alright?” He spoke as he ate his fried chicken. I finished my salad and put all the empty containers into the takeout bag to be thrown away later. I laid out in the nest and rested my head in his lap, letting him pull a blanket over us and letting me fall asleep against him.
I was out like a light. I did wake up later right in the middle of Hizashi’s jam session. I nuzzled one of the blankets and yawned. I didn’t see any camera set ups or his laptop that he played games on and livestreamed during the session around so I slid out of the nest and sat next to him, resting my head against his arm as he talked, waiting for him to go to commercial break.
When he went to commercial break, he pulled me into his lap and held me close, pushing the microphone on his headset to the side so he could talk with me. “Hey sweetie, are you okay?” He asked. I stared up at him with a sleepy look in my eyes. “Yeah, I’m okay. I just woke up from my nap. I wanted to be held by you but you were in the middle of your show.” I told him. “Well, I can hold you during my show anytime. Do you need me over in your nest?” He asked. “Will it disrupt the quality of your show?” I asked. “Nope, its perfectly fine. I have this high-quality headset so I can be in any part of the room and my listeners can hear me loud and clear.” Hizashi reassured me. I nodded and he carried me over to my nest and laid with me in my nest. I played with his fingers as I thought of something to talk to him about. “Have you ever shown up to the station in your naga form?” I asked as I got comfortable in a curled up position against his side.
“I’ve never shown up at the station, but I’ve transformed plenty of times once I’ve gotten into this room so I can be comfortable while I work. Do you need me to wrap my coils around you?” He asked. I shook my head in response. “No, I’m okay like this. You should show up someday in your naga form. I think it would shock some of the employees.” I told him. “Maybe next time I come into the station, I’ll do just that. I’d want you with me since it was your idea. I’m sure you’d want to see it through.” He spoke. He was given the go ahead from the producer to start back up again and he flipped the microphone back in place so he could begin talking again. I rested my head in his lap listening to him play out his show. He would idly rub my back with his hand as he worked, letting me know that he was still aware of me.
About part way through the set, I hear an annoying tapping noise coming from the glass on the door to the recording studio. I look up at Hizashi who frowns and ignores the noise as he would need to wait until the next commercial break since it was interfering with his job. At the next break, he gets up and sets me in my nest before he walked over to the door and sees the same woman who pestered me before.
“Can I help you? Or do you insist on continuing to invade my privacy, you know I always keep the blinds down no matter what circumstance that I’m on air. Your tapping on the glass is annoying and interfering with the recording session. Tell me what you want before the commercial is over.” Hizashi said in an annoyed tone as he folded his arms across his chest.
“You know the policy. Keep the blinds open while you are on air, no matter what. As your media manager, I need to make sure you aren’t doing anything that will affect your image to the media.” She spoke in a sweet tone and swayed back and forth on her heels. I heard her and groaned. I pushed myself out of the nest and walked over to stand by Hizashi.
“Listen lady, I’m the one that will make sure that he doesn’t do anything bad here, got it? You’re the type of person to fish for any tidbits of gossip for the media to blow up for their next cover page. Also if you want to add this to your notes, I am bond-mates to both Present Mic and Eraserhead, all legal and consenting. I’m not an incubator, I agreed to hold Hizashi’s clutch even when it wasn’t fully grown yet. Next time, make sure to do all your research before making accusations. For now, leave us alone.” I spoke before closing the blinds again and walking back to the nest. Hizashi caught up with me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting them on my stomach. “Thank you, princess. You didn’t have to do that.” He spoke and kissed my head. I turned around and reached up to kiss him when a bright idea struck in my mind. “Hold on, one last thing.” I spoke and pulled him over to the door, drew up the blinds for a moment, pulled Hizashi into a full kiss on the mouth in front of the annoying lady which made her audibly gasp before I let the blinds down again and laughed afterwards. I walked back to my nest with Hizashi right behind me. My lower back began to hurt so I sat down on the edge of my nest. I looked over in slight horror as there was a red blinking dot by the base of the microphone on his headset and I was embarrassed. “We were live for all of that, weren’t we?” I asked.
“Yes, honey, but that’s okay. Everyone knows the truth and hopefully we will get support from my fans.” He said as he climbed into the nest behind me. I leaned back into him and took some deep breaths as I felt the skin over my stomach itch. I scratched where it itched and watched as it grew a little bit. I whimpered as it hurt a bit and didn’t feel good at all as I was growing uncomfortable. At the next commercial break, Hizashi muted his mic and placed his hand on mine. “What’s wrong? Wait, oh snap, is the clutch growing inside of you?” He asked as he placed a hand gently on my stomach. “Yeah, its been making my skin itchy since you were talking about the incident that happened last night in Hosu with Stain, at least four Nomu, and how Endeavor stopped them.” I told him. He looked at his phone then back to me. “That’s been almost fifteen minutes now, why didn’t you say anything?” He asked. “The Hosu incident is important, believe it or not, its good that you’re telling your listeners about it. I didn’t want to interrupt that.” I responded.
“I understand, but your health is important now. They will grow a bit more before its time to lay them. Just rest and breathe through it. Do you want anything?” He asked. “I am craving oranges. Probably something to do with the calcium content and forming sturdy eggshells.” I requested. Hizashi had me get off him for a moment so he could go retrieve something from the closet he had behind the main door to the room and came back with a bag of orange slices and another bag of some kind of dried fruit. He handed me both bags and I immediately went for an orange slice. “The other fruit is dried figs, come to find out, they have a high calcium content, eat those too, but not too much, alright, I got to get back to the show.” He spoke and went over to the desk to let me chow down on the fruit.
After the show was over, Hizashi came to find me passed out in my nest with both bags surprisingly still having some fruit leftover. He nudged me awake and I looked up at him with a frumpy look on my face. “It’s time to go home, honey. How do you feel?” He asked. I took a moment to wake up and rub my eyes. I felt very heavy and cumbersome and I looked down to see that my stomach looked to be nine months pregnant with more than quads. It felt heavier than a pumpkin and I could barely move. “Heavy. I am huge. I don’t think I can move from here… I’ll just knock everything over. I don’t think it will be safe for me to be walking.” I told him. “You will need to lay them soon. Do you want to lay them here or at home?” He asked.
“I want to lay them at home.” I spoke, not wanting that lady all up in my business when I was in labor. “Alright. Then to get home, you need to leave the nest, okay?” He told me and I nodded, beginning to inch my way to the edge of the nest, swinging my legs over the side and with Hizashi’s help, I was able to stand. “Stay there, let me grab our things and we can leave. I’ll help you out to the car.” He spoke and grabbed our things as I adjusted to my new weight. He held my waist and guided me out of the room. I barely cleared the main door to the recording room before we crossed the office area slowly and at our own pace. It was weird to see the office empty at this hour and to see the sunrise peering through the windows.
“Will you and Shouta be there to help me lay them? I don’t want to birth them alone.” I spoke nervously and held his hand that was around my waist.  All I could think about in that moment was the last time I had been left alone the last time I was close to giving birth. “Of course I’ll help you. What kind of mates would we be if we weren’t there for you when you were vulnerable?” He spoke when we got to the front door. He checked to see if the coast was clear before he went back inside and helped me out to his car. He kissed my hand gently before helping me into the passenger seat of his car and buckling me in since I couldn’t reach. He noticed the thousand-yard-stare in my eyes and he waved his hand in front of my face and called my out my name. “Bryant, talk to me, honey. What’s wrong?” He asked. I snapped out of my stare and looked at him. “You seemed lost there. Are you okay? What was going on in the beautiful mind of yours?” He asked. I looked to him and held his hand tightly. “I was remembering the last time I was pregnant. I was left alone in a room when I was close to my due date, having to care for everything for myself, not being allowed to rely on anyone for anything and being scolded if I requested for assistance with something. I remember having only a couple of nurses do the bare minimum to help me push the clutch out and quickly cart them off before I could even clean them off and have them incubate in the nest that I had made for them. I’m scared.” I told him and looked away from him as I didn’t want to keep eye contact with him in that moment. Hizashi looked at me with a mix of shock and disbelief on his face.
“I am sorry that happened to you. It won’t happen anymore. Those people that did those things to you are lucky they don’t exist in this universe. Neither of us will do that to you. You will be safe and we will help you with anything you need, alright?” He said in a reassuring tone and kissed my forehead before he left me temporarily to climb into the driver’s side of the car. I closed my eyes and pulled the jacket tight around my bump, not wanting to draw any attention to myself even though we were the only ones in the parking lot until a smaller car showed up in the spot next to Hizashi’s car. I held my breath, hoping it wasn’t the annoying lady from last night and someone else that had shown up early at the station for the morning news. I looked out my window to see the cheesy grin of the lady staring right at me. “You’ve gotten so much bigger now, haven’t you Admin?” She asked. “You really have grown so much since last night. Are you sure you’re not pregnant? You look very fat and you should eat healthier foods and lay off the junk, don’t you think?” She added. Bryant felt her heart sink before Hizashi revved the engine of his car and the lady let out a shriek. He leaned over to look out the window and rolled it down. “Don’t you think you should mind your own business, now, if you don’t mine, politely screw off and leave us alone.” He spoke, pulling back into the car, rolling the window up, and pulling out of the parking spot to leave. The lady wasn’t happy and she began to follow after us.
“I’ll deal with her. Can you contact Shouta and tell him what’s going on?” He asked. I nodded and pulled my phone out as Hizashi pulled out of the parking spot and turned his car so the lady would deal with him. He rolled down his window and frowned. “What do you think you’re doing? This is beyond harassment. I’m off duty now and I don’t need to deal with your drama and neither does my girlfriend. I’ll be calling our boss and reporting you to them. For now, you should stick to your job and keep Bryant’s name out of your damn mouth.” He spoke. I heard him as I scrolled through my phone to find Shouta’s number to call him. Hizashi hand managed to block the lady’s view of me as he was still conversing with her about how the way she was acting with me. “I don’t care. I don’t want to see that fat ass around here. She doesn’t fit your brand, Mic. Good night.” She said in a huff and spun on her heel to go into the station. “The nerve of that woman. I’ll make sure she’s fucking fired.” Hizashi grumbled as he looked over at me. I was on the phone with Shouta as he was trying to help me calm down from hearing the lady call me a mean name and my fear of birthing alone. I also told him about my condition, how big I was, and that we were on the way home.
Hizashi hissed at the fact that the lady had made me cry. He put his car in a park, put the hazard lights on and pulled me into a hug. “Don’t worry, we got you. Do you want to get some food on the way home for after the birth?” He asked. I could hear the anger towards the lady who was mean to me in his voice. Shouta sighed out loud through the phone call and Hizashi pulled away. “Hizashi, who was that? Why were they making such a fuss over Bryant’s appearance?” He asked. “It was someone who will soon be formerly working at the station. She was a media manager at the station who saw Bryant’s stomach being swollen from the clutch. She wanted to know who Bryant was and how she was associated with you and I, why she was so big, and called her an incubator of all things. Then when we told her she wasn’t pregnant or an incubator, the person just now had the audacity to call her fat. Ugh, we’re both upset and I’m going to get us some food for after Bryant lays the clutch.” Hizashi explained as I was still processing everything. “Hand the phone back to Bryant, I want to talk to her.” Shouta requested and Hizashi set my phone on top of my belly.  “Bryant, are you there?” Shouta asked. “I’m here.”
“I want to tell you that Hizashi and I will be with you through every step of the labor and delivery process, even though this isn’t a viable clutch. Do you want to tell me how you’re doing after what happened at the station?” He asked.
“I don’t know… I’m believing the lady who was mean to me. I am way bigger than I was before we left last night.” I told him as Hizashi drove to a restaurant to get food. “I might want food after I birth the clutch, but not right now. The lady was right I am massive.” I told him as Hizashi pulled into a parking space. “Don’t believe her. You’re only that big because the eggs are growing and there is nothing to be ashamed of. You can have whatever you want. I don’t care about appearances despite what that lady said. I care about what’s on the inside and that’s what matters.” Hizashi told me. “I agree. I like who you are on the inside, love.” Shouta spoke over the phone. “Thank you. Your words mean a lot to me.” I told them. “I’m glad, honey. I will meet the two of you at home. Just remember that you’re beautiful and your size doesn’t matter. We still love you no matter what.” Shouta spoke before hanging up. Hizashi looked to me. “What do you want? I’ll get you whatever you’re hungry for.” He told me and watched as I rubbed my stomach.
“Could I get a twenty-piece family bucket with the sides?” I asked. “Of course. You’re going to need to replenish your strength after birthing the clutch.” He spoke and kissed my head. “Right. I hope I don’t get stuck in here. I’m already so big and I don’t want to birth in here.” I told him. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you out when we get home. Shouta can help too if we need the assistance.” Hizashi told me before leaving the car and letting me stay in the car. I closed my eyes to rest for a moment before Hizashi came back with two bags of food and placing them in the backseat. He got back into the car and drove home.
Hizashi pulled into the spot in front of their cabin and got out to help me out of the vehicle as Shouta arrived moments after we did. “It’s heavy, Hizashi. How can you walk when you get this big?” I asked as he was trying to help me out of his car. Shouta walked over to see if he could help and his eyes widened when he saw me. “You weren’t kidding when you said you got bigger since you left. How about once we get you standing, we can help support you inside and to your nest.” Shouta spoke and let Hizashi help me to stand up. Letting me arch my back and adjust to the weight as they helped me inside and to my nest in the nick of time. I let out a groan of relief as I laid in my nest and immediately took my pants off and chuckled them out of my nest. I kept shifting around in my nest, not quite comfortable enough in any angle to let myself relax so I could give birth. I also was nervous about birthing too. Hizashi and Shouta kept their distance but I could feel Hizashi’s anxiousness too and his want to come and help me get comfortable. “Darling, what do you want us to do?” He asked from his position in the doorway. I looked over to them as I sat down on my butt to face them.
“I want one of you behind me so I can lean into you as I push and another in front to catch the eggs. I don’t care which, I just want someone to lean into and someone to catch them.” I requested. They entered the nest and Hizashi sat behind me, letting me get comfortable as Shouta went to grab some towels to put under me for when my waters broke and to clean off the eggs. He came back and laid out a towel under me and stayed in front of me like I had requested. I leaned into Hizashi and groaned. “I can feel them moving down. It hurts.” I whimpered and gripped his hands. He reached over to feel where they are moving to and kissed my cheek. “I know it hurts, honey.” He told me. I whimpered and tried to close my legs as they were getting tired. Shouta kept them open. “It’s alright, we got you. Nothing is going to get through us and hurt you. Just relax and let everything happen.” Shouta spoke as he rubbed the outside of my left thigh gently. I took some deep breaths and soon a felt a pop and a gush of fluid that made me feel like I had peed myself.
“There you go. Your water has broken. Just stay calm and push whenever you need to.” Shouta coached. I nodded and groaned as I felt the first of what felt to be four massive eggs slid into my hips and the urge to push was strong. I leaned forward and pushed hard while gripping Hizashi’s hands tightly while yelling out in pain as the egg stretched me out. I pushed hard with the need to push and soon the first egg was out and into Shouta’s arms. I leaned back into Hizashi as Shouta set the egg to the side. “I know what you’re going through. It’s alright. Is there anything you need from me?” He asked. I thought for a moment then an idea struck. “This might be a crazy idea, but give me some of your aphrodisiac. It will be like an epidural.” I spoke and looked up to Hizashi. “Make it quick, I can feel the next egg coming down into my hips.” I told him. He looked down to Shouta who was making sure I didn’t hit the eggs but I could still see the one that I had pushed out. I rolled my head to the side and Hizashi bit down on my neck, letting his aphrodisiac flow through my veins. He gave me just enough to ease the pain I was having and it worked. “That feels much better. Thank you.” I told him as I began to push the rest of the clutch out. Each egg slid out with one or two pushes, helping to speed up the process. Once all the eggs were out of me, I leaned into Hizashi to catch my breath as I watched Shouta move the eggs onto a towel and push them closer to me so I can clean them if I want to. Hizashi kissed me and held me. “That’s a lot of work, even for an unfertilized clutch. Did I do okay?” I asked as I looked over to the dull-colored eggs. “You did such a good job, sweetheart. I’m sorry that it hurt you so much. A normal clutch wouldn’t grow so big… at least I hope it won’t.” He spoke.
“We will cross that bridge in the future. But for now, I’ll be walking for a while though. I think a normal clutch would grow bigger because they would be babies growing inside of them.” I told him and moved slowly to follow my instincts to begin cleaning the eggs by licking them clean of the fluids they had clinging to them. Hizashi placed a hand on by belly as he watched me clean the eggs in the manner that I saw fit. I felt a bit uncomfortable by doing this and I paused by pulling away. “I’m sorry, I’m doing something weird.” I spoke as I felt awkward. “What you’re doing isn’t weird at all. It’s what you feel is right. Don’t stop on account of us.” Hizashi told me and I went back to cleaning the eggs. Shouta was watching too, smiling at how attentive I was to the eggs even though they were all unfertilized and treating them like they were. I paused cleaning the eggs to look at Shouta. “I’m hungry… can you bring me the food we brought home?” I asked. “Of course.” He spoke and left the nest to get the food. I looked over to Hizashi. “I read something a while ago that some mothers take the placenta that they birth, dry it, and grind it into a powder to regain strength after the birth. Have you done that with any of your clutches like this?” I asked.
“Yes, I have. Especially with multiple eggs that are off-white like this. I either have Shouta crush them or we freeze them until they are brittle then we crush them. Then I store the powder in jars and use them during postpartum while the viable eggs incubate.” He told me.
“I’d like to do that with these. Does the powder have any gaining qualities to it?” I asked as I moved back into his arms. “They do have a high protein content. Not a lot of fat though. But enough to help you with your gaining progress.” He told me and kissed me gently as he wrapped his arms around me. Shouta came back with the bag of food and set in the nest next to Hizashi and I. He looked to the clutch then back to us. “Is she going to save them?” He asked Hizashi since I was partially asleep. “Yes. Put them in the freezer for now so the cats don’t get to them. We can grind them up later. Right now, the two of us need some sleep. We have had a long night.” Hizashi told him and rubbed my back to try and get me to wake up so I could eat. I opened my eyes and ate a couple of bites of chicken and mac and cheese before I fell asleep on Hizashi’s chest. “Alright. Get some rest. I will be in shortly.” Shouta spoke and took the eggs to the freezer, spending some time working grading papers before coming to bed.
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immortalverse-arts · 2 years
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Dreamy naga Killer watching the sunset 🌅
Hehe, yeah I tried. Still not used to draw digital and I definitely want to practice more (especially background and colouring…I want to shade my artworks like my traditional ones one day…current shading looks so simple and unusual to me 😅). But it looks ok for a practice piece and I’m happy of the result, given I’m still struggling with brushes and co.
Hope you like this simple drawn sweet noodle man ✌️😅
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sleepyge · 6 years
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Lamia Nightkiller X)
Nightmare by @jokublog
Killer by @rahafwabas
Lamia Killer by @lunnar-chan
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seirindono · 2 years
Mermaid/sirens and monster. Please
Also I don’t come empty handed. Prepare for a dozen fic recommendations (all of which I’m in love with) and a brief description. All of these are on Ao3
Roadside attraction by popatochisp. Dinner on the road where a scertain skeleton comes to visit. An underfell Papyrus fic that’s really good.
Your Friendly-Neighborhood Witch by earthvibes. Readers a witch, chaotic and doing work with Greek gods and also came across a skeleton who, upon their meeting, punched her in the face. It was Stretch
Skull Joke by Gotcha. This fic is purely just humor. Not much plot just the lazy brothers doing stand up comedy mentioning reader every once in a while. Had me laughing a lot and is really good.
Poor Little Meow Meow by Mystique. This- THIS! I’ve never liked killer before but hood damnit this does things to me. Killer interacts with a veterinarian MC who is clueless to the danger she’s in. They have kittens. Kittens. Adorable.
The Fulfilling Ordeal of Being Known by nighttimelights . It’s a one shot smut but, ah, Horrortale sans is a girl and I’m questioning me sexuality. It’s damn good and a spin off of a harem series by the same author.
Skeleton Sisters and the Architect. Whooooooooo damn this is good. Fluffy, humorous, probably never going to be updated but for what’s there it’s so good!!
Skeletons Sisters Meet the Landlady by her as well. It’s them again, shot but finished and great.
A Sea of Hope by Aylish91. Pirates and skelly reader. Axe is a simp, they’re out at sea, everything’s great except when it’s not and readers just trying to understand what the hell her body’s about.
To pray on the hunters by periodically_annoying. Pretty good haven’t read it in a while but nice.
Stolen Souls by RubyPasha. It’s a twist on the “reader gets transported to the dating sun with the skelly bros” trope. Except she’s not supposed to be there and it’s a real slow burn. She’s kinda just living her life and trying not to die but also becoming friends and she needs hugs. Lots of hugs.
A spider in a graveyard by the same author. Readers Spider-Man’s student, her versions of the brothers and villains. She fights them, gets sucked into another universe by the machine and stuff happens. What’s nice is it’s a harem but with versions I’ve never read about. Outerfell, farmswap, Lustfell and such.
Hey anon, good timing because I found some naga fics after the post from last time. I Was Going For A Walk One Day by YinYinChan (the Swapfell one, glad I didn't make it up haha). Also, Bear Traps and Snakes by A_Gorgeous_Hobgoblin. I haven't read it yet, though.
As for the mermaid/siren goods, I'll throw in a few names but I'm very much disappointed that you didn't choose my mafia selection sob. Er, some might be spicy… Haven't read them in a while and some I wasn't subscribed to. So, um, read the tags carefully, ok?
.The Mirror Bay Depths by lieleycat, ranger reader meets big scary sea monster husband(s) -I'm… quoting the tags- and fluff ensues
.Flotsam & Jetsam by potatochisp, drabble series, I recall it's pretty cute
.The Danger that Lurks Underwater, A Series of Sinister Drabbles, Cliffside (I made a fanart of it!) by AKA_Indulgence, no summary, just go read it and enjoy the ride
.Shells and Pearls by syst3m_of_3rr0rs and Cold Currents by JacketBones Oof, I… acutally don't remember much of these? But Reader is the siren here, so it's always good for a change.
.Sleepin' with the Fishes by Catsitta, because I'm not the only one willing to mix mobtale with absolutely any other AU.
Now, thanks for your selection, anon hehe. They sound like fun, and I actually recognize a few titles (Poor Little Meow Meow, A spider in a graveyard, A Sea of Hope) and names, like potatochisp and... um? @aylish91 ? ∑(°∀°) *slowly connecting the dots* Wait, we were mutuals all this time...??
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