ruutuli · 8 months
Ninji - A Naruto OC community! - Now with critiques
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Ninji is a small but growing tight knit community dedicated to naruto ocs of all kinds. We just opened critiques! Need some help developing your oc? We can help! All critiques are done within the discord server, to have your oc reviewed you must join! https://discord.com/invite/ppgKzPA4UE
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plznomonkeys · 3 days
Wtf is up with reviewing on fanfiction these past years?
Mini-rant incoming
Y'all, idk what happened to these sites, but over the last couple years there has been huge changes on FF.net and AO3.
When I first started out in like, ~2011 ish, I was 16, young, dumb, wrote pretty cringe fanfics. MF's, I got a review on the first chapter of fics within 24 hours that I posted. They were honestly dogshit and I didn't have ANY concept of characterization. They just... did what I wanted them to.
One of my fanfics got over 400 reviews IN 3 MONTHS.
But now? I'm lucky to get a single review with a thumbs up emoji. And I get it, some people have nothing to say, but even little, "hey this is great, I like this, don't like this bit, but I'm still reading" is totally fine! I even rather have people give a review when they stop reading and tell me why. Because how the frickity frackity am I ever going to improve as a writer if nobody stops me?????
And I get it, maybe my writing just isn't good enough. That's entirely possible.
If that was the case, why is my view count on FF over 500 reads per chapter? How about my AO3 being at over 5000 hits? If they were so shitty, why are people reading them?
And then I see these fucking posts online about people saying "oh yes, this fanfic was amazing, it means a lot to me, I love this author, they're amazing" but have they ever told the author that? No? Then they're shocked when the story gets abandoned.
I'm sorry, but reviews and commentary seriously matter for us authors. Seriously, they do. When I post a chapter that finally lore drops some seriously important notes to a story and nobody gives feedback, I start questioning myself. Did I do it right? Was it poorly written? Am I just fucking with myself and an idiot? I don't know, can't tell.
Tell your authors that their book is good. Once is not enough. Seriously, even just every few chapters tell them!
I've written two fics that are approximately 200,000 words deep, but they have very few reviews. And do you know what that looks like to a viewership? There is a massive amount of people who will read a review on the story before they pick it up. If there's a 1% ratio of reviews/comments to hits, it looks really really bad. It makes the story look like nobody is actually reading it through. This is why stories get abandoned. They live in the author's head, rent free.
I don't have to write it out honestly, I can keep it to myself if people don't want to review it. My Naruto fic is complete inside my head, the ending is set, I don't need to do anything more. So if people don't tell me they want to read it, then I'm not gunna write it. Like it's a pretty straight forward concept people seem to misunderstand.
And I get it, writing is supposed to be fun and stuff, but there's time and effort put in to making it work and keeping characters in character, in editing, in making the story read more enjoyable. Why would anyone put themselves into free labour for nothing in return?
It's just shitty, if I'm being honest, that people don't realize their stories are more likely to get put to the side if they don't show interest. Me personally, I comment and review everything I read, even if it isn't great, because I understand how important that fucking is.
Well, rant over, I guess, but I'm just super fucking salty.
And to those that do review, you're amazing. I have 3 loyal readers that I'm genuinely writing just for them, that's it. I hope they have warm sunshine and cool pillows.
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owlsbride · 1 year
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The City That Never Sleeps.
Kakashi knew this was a lost battle. He only needed to earn some time to find a way to get out of it with dignity and safe and sound. Once again, he coursed Lord Third from sending him and his rookie team on a mission that was too much for them.
Of course, everything started with a low-rank mission in which Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke would have to move some files from Konoha to the Sound Village, no more, no less, and deep inside him, Kakashi knew that that would only mean trouble. As if Hiruzen didn't know the situation well. With Orochimaru following Sasuke's steps, the seal on the kid's shoulder getting weaker every day, and Sakura and Naruto not training as he would like to, this stupid mission would only be a disaster at any moment. And Kakashi once more was no wrong.
Ten rogue ninjas circled them. Kakashi knew them well. They were all in the Bingo Book; they were strong, and something about them made them no ordinary. He wondered if this was just a random attack or a planned one. Even if they were rogue shinobis from the Sound Village, he had already identified them, and it seemed like a very well-planned attack. Organized, practical and clean. Were they after the files or after Sasuke? Or, even worst, would they be after the Kyubi?
Time... Kakashi needed time. It didn't sound logical to go after some old files. Even if he didn't know what they had inside, he knew enough to understand that the ten ninjas were too many assets for some papers. If Orochimaru was directly behind the attack and he wanted Sasuke, then he wouldn't have allowed his minions to hurt the boy; quite the contrary, so they must have been targeting Naruto, right?
Time... Why? Why couldn't he think clearly and come up with a saviour idea? Maybe because he was too preoccupied with the kid's safe, who were already exhausted and hurt for trying to fight back, perhaps because he was too angry, again, with the Sandaime for the decisions he made in which Kakashi felt like constantly losing, or maybe it was just the Sharingan draining what was left of his chakra fighting these idiots.
He didn't have the time to keep on wondering things. He had to act. He would end with the ten ninjas on his own if it was necessary, no matter how. It was awful, even for him, but he would if he had to use it. One more shot and It could be done: Kakashi would use the Mangekyō, and it would be all.
Fog, red, grey and black were all that surrounded Kakashi. His left eye hurting like hell and the torturous screams from the ninjas sounded in his ears. It worked. He finally defeated the rogue ninjas, and Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto would be okay eventually. He had to let the Mangekyō go, or he would lose consciousness. However, something caught his attention: behind the fog, the leftovers of the fight, the shinobis still trapped in the jutsu, the red and black, and the dizziness, there was a man, and Kakashi knew that something worst than all his speculations was about to happen.
Danzō was there in front of him, undaunted. Looking at him with pettiness and hunger at the same time. Kakashi heard his voice. He said something about his stolen Sharingan, that bastard. He also said something about Minato Sensei, but Kakashi was too weak to react.
"It's time Kakashi." Danzō said, "It's over, and you are not going to be capable of doing anything this time." And just like that, the maniac man in front of him pulled out an old scroll, and when he started unrolling it, the world around Kakashi began to turn, and everything around him started to shake and tremble below his feet.
Kakashi had time for only one movement, he could have killed Danzō right there once and for all, but he wasn't going to leave unprotected his children, so with the only strength left that he had, he jumped over the three boys letting the darkness embraced him and with some luck his dead father, Obito, Minato and Rin too.
"Kakashi Sensei...Sensei." Sakura said, shaking Kakashi's arm a little.
"Is he...? Is he..." Sasuke's voice sounded stressed for the first time in what seemed a lifetime.
"You have to do it louder Sakura-Chan!!" Naruto said in his always too cheery voice, "Like this: Sensei!!!! Kakashi Sensei!!!"
"Stop it, you idiot. What if you hurt him more? Move," Sasuke said, moving Naruto away. "Sakura, we need to get to Konoha General, what do we do?"
"I don't think we are in Konoha anymore, kids..." Kakashi said, looking around a hating every minute of his life since he left his bed early that morning.
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20dollarlolita · 7 months
Describing some wigs
Many years ago there was as site called Amphigory.com, and while it's still up, the Amphigory that 16-year-old me spent days browsing is not the Amphigory that still remains. They're still cool, but they'd really scaled back the scope of what they sell. There used to be cosmetics, jewelry, hair dye, a few more things, and wigs.
One of the things that they did about their wig sales that really set them apart was the level of description that they gave every wig. This wasn't just a single stock picture and a name. They took their own pictures of each wig, inside and out, and described each one's strengths and flaws. They weren't like Arda, who designs their own wigs from scratch. They were more like a normal costume reseller, who had a collection of vendors that they'd order stock from. But, unlike most costume wig sellers, they had multiple pictures and a detailed analysis of each wig. You knew what you were getting, which was really important for cosplayers who might need to restyle a wig. If you've never restyled a wig before, you might not be aware, but the wig can make it very easy, or the wig can make it impossible.
Amphigory's wig section is long gone, but I do still buy wigs from a similar company, one that has a collection of wig vendors whose products they sell. This is a shop that I go to is in person, and I love that. I know that I can find some wigs cheaper elsewhere, but I absolutely love that I can go to a small business, roll up to a counter, and physically touch the wigs before I buy them. I can look at them, turn them inside-out, and touch them. I also get to take the wig home that day, instead of waiting for shipping.
But not everyone has this opportunity, and on the offchance that people are considering buying a wig online and google the wig to see worn photos or reviews, here's me making a compilation of wigs I've recently bought and what they actually look like in person. Even with wigs from the same seller, some might be garbage, but some might be hidden gems. So, in the interest of making more information about which wigs are like what, here we go:
California Costumes Pink/Gray Ombre with Star Clips:
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First of all, California Costumes gets 0/10 for creativity with names. I love me a good little nickname for a wig. The Costume Mansion, where I bought this, called it "Harmony," and I think that's a better name.
Yes, my wig head is cosplaying its Naruto OC. Let it do its thing.
This is a textured, ombre wig. The actual fiber is ombre, so an individual strand will go from gray color to pink, and the gray is a little bit softer than the pink. Some wigs that are tipped with another color accomplish this by having the color on the ends be longer hair than the top color, but this is a true ombre. I have not tested this for colorfastness, but it's possible that the pink tips won't age super well. The skin top is about 3" wide and does not go all the way to the front of the wig. This means that you can change the part a little bit, but it will always have bangs.
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The whole thing is sewn onto a continuous cap, which isn't as forgiving of larger head sizes than one that's just wefts and elastic. It has the built-in net that you sometimes see with cheaper wigs, which is where your hair would go if you want to wear this wig without a wig cap. You, however, don't want to wear this wig without a wig cap. You know better. There's hooks in the back for resizing.
Wefts in the back are about an inch apart, but when I was shaking it around and trying to make it show the mesh, I couldn't actually make it show the mesh without physically parting it. Depending on how you put your hair up under the wig, you might have problems with the mesh showing in the back (lumpy hair will show mesh, hair that's smoothly under a wig cap won't). This is probably a wig you want a matching or light colored wig cap for if you have a larger head.
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Overall, cute wig, stock pictures don't do it justice. Available for $20 on Amazon, in case you don't have a local costume shop to support. This item tag reads "ITEM # 7022-068 FTY # 346 HK2203" and I don't know what that means but if someone's googling the tag to look up the wig then hopefully that'll lead them here.
Yuki by Characters:
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At least this one has a wig name. And boy howdy is that some big hair. The place I bought this from called it "Cupcake."
I tried on this wig because I really wanted to see how it was constructed, and I bought it because, when I tried it on, it was way cuter than I thought it'd be. It's a rougher fiber, which makes the curls hold their shape really well, but you're going to be fighting to keep the bangs and long forelocks looking smooth. There's no skin top, and the hair radiates from a sort of u-shaped blob at the top. There's so much going on in this wig that it's not particularly obvious, and also you will convince absolutely no one that it's not a wig, so that's not as much a priority to me on this style.
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As for how it's actually constructed, there's no teasing in the wig to keep it that big. Instead, the actual cap of the wig is sewn into the shape of the big faux twintails, and then the hair is attached to that structure. Wigs are not hair. Anyway, that means there's pretty much no major restyling that can be done. It's just curly hair about 5" long on a funky structure to make funky big hair. Anyway, because thew cap of this wig is so oversized, it's really comfortable to wear, and it's really accommodating of large head sizes or a lot of hair.
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Also because of the cap size, if you don't pin the temples on, it can slide back and make your bangs shorter. You can see that in my picture there. Mine did not come with the little rose clips, but it is supposed to come with the rose clips. It's much curlier than the stock images imply it will be.
This wig would be great for embellishing, since you can sew things directly to the funky shaped cap and not worry about where to support it. It also can handle a full sized BTSSB headbow, if that's a concern.
Someone's selling it on Amazon for $60 and you absolutely should not spend that much for this wig. I see other wig shops selling it for about $30, which is the upper limit on its real fair price, unless you really need the specific shape for it. I'm not going to link any specific shop since I don't have experience buying from them. "Yuki wig" and "Characters Yuki wig" are good search terms.
Characters Peggy Sue wig:
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Okay so please be forgiving that my detail pictures are going to be of this wig already styled, because I didn't know I was going to do this post when I started working with it. I'll make a point to spell out what's stock and what's been done. Top pictures here are the most un-styled that I have.
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This wig's got a coin-shaped skin top that all the hair radiates from. It comes with long, blunt bangs. The fiber is really shiny and is very easily reshaped by low hair dryer heat. High heat on my hair dryer, too close to the scalp, was how I made the frizzy spot in the back. The cap is a closed mesh cap, but it's nice and stretchy.
The weird boogers on the top of my wig are the orange hilights that I put in (they were just chopped from another wig), but that picture's there to show the size of the skin top. You can also see where I sewed some orange wefts into the wig for all-over recoloring. I re-parted the skin coin so that the hair has a linear part instead of radiating from the center, and then painted it with liquid foundation to make the parted area larger. Mine also has a LOT of baby powder dispersed through it to combat the shine. I spent like four days to try to make this $20 wig look like it's maybe a $35 wig. (The process was: "oh hey I'll be taking my wheelchair to the comic convention. I should cosplay Barbara Gordon because that will be fun. This will be easy and I don't need to put a lot of money or time into it." and then four days passed and I'd spent hours manually highlighting a cheap wig).
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And it really needs a bit of love to get it to be less frizzy. Right out of the bag, my wig did not have that outward flip. Unlike the other two, I don't see this being a really usable wig for lolita fashion in pretty much any context, but hey, I'm on a roll with this post.
This wig is listing online for like $30, and that's a bit much IMO. If you have a local shop selling it for $20, well, that's a different matter.
If you want a wig just to change your hair color so that your bright pink hair doesn't clash with your coord, I once bought this wig (according to Amazon in 2015 so it's been...almost a decade...nice to know they're tracking that) and was pretty impressed with the quality for a $17 wig. So, you know, buy that instead of this Peggy Sue wig.
I do own the Lacey Costume Little Women II Wig (Amphigory's "Innocent?" wig) but it's late and I want to go to bed, and all you really need to know about it is that the fiber texture of the ash blond color is really dicey, so that's probably a case where if you need a pigtail wig you need to just get an Arda Chibi. I can still do details if anyone wants. It's just 9:30 and I have to put all these damn wigs away, so good night, everyone.
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synergysilhouette · 8 months
Guide to my Rewrites (and other content)
I post a lot of things, and some of those things are rewrites. As such, I thought this would be a nice guide for fans of my rewrites in particular. I'm still adding new things! Lemme know what you think.
Alternate Takes (Disney)
These are projects that have the same characters and settings (for the most part), but different plot points. These particular alternate takes suggest ideas that would've made me enjoy the movie more (or at all) and aren't a fanfic so much as bullet points with pictures.
The Princess and the Frog
Big Hero 6
Frozen 2
Raya and the Last Dragon
Strange World
Wish (Note: working on a full-length rewrite unrelated to the ideas used here)
I also did rewrites for two Dreamworks movies:
The Road to El Dorado
Reimagining Disney Movies
These are projects that take Disney's framework (ie a fairy tale) and create my own characters, plot, setting, and song titles for it.
The Snow Queen
Kingdom of the Sun
Reimagining Disney eras
These posts are designed based on what if Disney eras made different decisions (either based on my own ideas or rejected concepts) for their films. Note: I made the revival post before the renaissance and post-renaissance posts, so they kind of flow in different continuities. I also wanted to include future ideas for Disney's next era. These posts also work independent of my "Alternate Take" posts.
Reimagining the Renaissance
Reimagining the Post-renaissance
Reimagining the Revival era
Plotting out the Reinvention era
Not quite as detailed as my other rewrites, but I thought I'd include them.
Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness
Thor: Love and Thunder
X-Men (Because they have more content than my other Marvel things)
This pretty much just includes my rewrites.
X-Men: Evolution--New roster, Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Roster (Timeskip), Season 4, and Season 5 (I did a poll months ago, and maybe I'll do a post brainstorming a Marauders spinoff).
Wolverine & the X-Men--New Roster, Season 1
Fox's X-Men films (I may remake this)--Part I (First 3 films) and Part II (Phoenix, NM, and Dark Phoenix)
Extensive rewrites
TV shows that I've remade episode-for--episode, perhaps removing and adding some as I see fit.
Miraculous Ladybug--Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4 (currently working on Season 5; been dragging my feet with that!)
Anime as comic books
Yes, this is a topic. I remember when I was in this headspace, and it was really fun. I basically reimagined what if popular anime had been created as superhero comic books that golden or silver age.
Dragon Ball
Anime rewrites
Black Butler
Naruto: Part I
High Card: Season 1
Video Game Rewrites
These aren't quite as detailed as my usual rewrites.
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Fates
Fire Emblem: 3 Houses
Kingdom Hearts
Hogwarts Mystery (MAYBE; ongoing internal discussion)
My OCs
This section covers my original characters for a few fandoms.
The Arcana
Hogwarts Legacy
Baldur's Gate 3
Mood Boards
Just something I've made for fun to inspire others! Not an expert on making them, but it was still something I wanted to do.
My Wish rewrite (temporary)
Disney's Swan Lake
Disney's Hansel & Gretel
Disney's Rumpelstiltskin
Disney's Red Riding Hood
Sub-Saharan Disney musical
Disney Superhero Film
Japanese Disney musical
Actors who could play Disney villains
Choices: Stories You Play
REALLY into this game for a period--but it started to get awful when "Witness" came into play. Here's a list of reviews (which I've stopped doing) as well as concepts for new books (originally on Reddit before I got banned).
"Before I Say I Do"
"Celebrity Status"
"Summoned to Court"
"Fairy Godparent"
"Hierarchy: Scheming University"
"Willow Falls"
"Late at Night"
"America's Most Eligible" (Review)
"Desire & Decorum" (Review)
"High School Story" (Review)
"Rules of Engagement" (Review)
"The Freshman" (Review)
"Queen B" (Review)
Winx Club Content
Rewriting the Winx
Rewriting the Specialists
Rewriting the Villains
Monster High Content
Plotting out Gen 4
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thelandofninji · 3 months
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Dedicated to the creation of original characters, Ninji is a discord server that is LGBTQ+ friendly community where Naruto appreciators, artists, writers and roleplayers alike can convene.
LGBT-friendly atmosphere 16+ Regular server events Naruto OC reviews OC x Canon interactions welcome
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itashiro-hitsuchiha · 3 months
I've been diving back into the world of Naruto through some reviews and rewrites on YouTube lately and it has my brain turning lmfor the series and it's characters. It makes me want to dive back with my own characters and work with them more. So for my Naruto muses go ahead and pester them! (Don't have pics of all of them.) So we have OCs Kagehana Uchiha, Shira Yuki, Yoshibara, and canon muses Konan and Kushina.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Reading your KHR reactions was the highlight of my day, thank you ❤️
Do you still take fic recs, cuz I have a few (mostly SI/OC fic, regular OC fic) to recommend
Kyoko by Discoabc. Slight AU, SI/OC Kyoko. The fact that the author was able to balance a ridiculous amount of OC AND the KHR cast is insane. Most of their interpretations of the main cast was quite original at the time of reading. ( My fav was Bel’s for spoilers reasons). The plot twists were phenomenal.
My heavenly judgement by Colbub. I have seen this recommendation in another’s so I won’t repeat this, but I seconded the recs. Kyoya x Alice gang rised up 😭😭😭
When Pigs fly by Nerro. It has been sometimes since I read this one, so the finer details have escaped me. But I remember having a really good time reading this lmao. Dino x OC, AU (?), completed, mostly romcom shenanigans.
Confession of A Teenage Hitman by Fish and Chipz. Same as above, finer details have escaped me but I had fun reading. Hibari x Hitman!OC, also w romcom(?) shenanigans, but the a reviewer did said they bailed their eyes out reading so take that as you will
Parallel Fate by Stop’nGo Girl. Dino x Isekai!OC, quite wholesome and healing. OC got switched with their parallel self in the KHR universe and must adapt to their life, despite being total opposite.
Prince Belphegor’s Guide to Parenting by AllThingsVaria. KHR x HP crossover with FEHarry (adopted by Bel and made royalty). This was as adorable as a Varia-adopts-child fic can be, with a lot of insanity sprinkle in. The sequel, Princess Hel’s guide to School, promised to fuck the Wizarding World up and I’m all here for that.
Is it considered cheating in life? by GuessWhoIAm27. You gotta read the version posted on FFN, it’s longer. A slightly delulu OC got dropped into KHRverse by a God’s mistake and proceed to ignore reality and focus on making her OTP canon (spoilers alert: no one in universe understands what she’s doing either). I came for the mindless fun and stayed for the feels. Endgame pairing is intended to be Hibari x OC.
Fortune Favours by AlligatorEyes. I think I see Sass and Win being rec to you in a different ask so, if you read SnW then you should be familiar with the author’s writing style. This one is different tho, a rather interesting interpretations of Dino’s youth that I have not read anywhere else. Remind me of reading the Dino’s side-story in the KHR novels actually
Novaturient by woofio. Reincarnated OC into, like, Hibari’s parents timeline. So OCs, side characters in KHR got a lot of time to shine here. Many things, mostly bad things,happened to the OC but we do have quite a few fluff to balance it out. Come read this and cry with meeee
If you Can’t beat them by metisket. Hana is that that one ride or die friend to Kyoko, literally. One shot, completed. Really good character interactions.
Copy & Paste by LadyHallen. One shot completed. A unique take on Twins fic
your love is a crime by blackkat. KHR x Captain America. Oneshot completed. The pairing is Steve x Xanxus. Yes, you read that right. I found this in a sleepless night. Technically a 2 shots since there is a sequel???
With all due respect, sir (meaning none) by Nobodystormcrow. OC, who was reincarnated in Naruto, died and reincarnated again in KHR. As Basil. This, as usual, changes things exponentially. Pairing is Bel x Basil.
I have been in and out of the fandom for the last few years so I am playing catch-up with many fics. The sheer amount of creativity still blows me away.
Have fun readinggg
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kataraseye · 2 years
Writing contest: Stars in your mind
(The application is at the bottom)
So I've decided to make a small writing contest, where you'll have to complete an application (ofc everyone is welcomed). I'm not sure yet of the prize, so if you have any suggestions, leave them down bellow.
Basically, this is a contest where you can let your creativity flow and have fun, there is no pressure. There is no commitment, if you just one to use the themes, you're more than welcomed.
There will be 5 themes and you can participate in at least 3 of them to win the contest (if you participate in all of them, even if you don't win, you’ll get a bonus prize).
You can join anytime you want, the contest will last until June. For example, if you want to participate in May, you will complete the application then and if you do 3 of the 5 themes, you can still win.
If anybody wants to be a judge with me, you can text me in private or in the comments. BUT, we won't give much negative feedback nor will we stress out the participants because the whole point of this writing contest is to help people get out of their writers' block and/or have fun.
You don't have to write only romance!!!
Romance is just one of my preferences, but any genre is welcomed.
You can participate in the contest with:
your own OCs (own characters)
it can be OC × any character from a show
Characters from any animated show (animes or cartoons)
I'd rather have you all chose between these shows, to make the grading objective:
Avatar Korra
Fullmetal Alchemist
Demon slayer
Attack on Titan
But you can choose from any show you want.
Other things:
(be aware of the trigger warning that will be at the end)
You can add explicit content in your fiction
You can add gore elements or violence of any way
If you have any questions, you can text me anytime
There will be a time limit, but if you're late, it's OK, you'll get 5 points off. If you're on time all of the contest, you'll get another special prize.
English is not my first language, so I will not take off points for grammatical mistakes or stuff like that.
Post it on AO3 or Wattpad with the title of the book: The Writing Contest: Stars in your mind. Each chapter should be a theme. For example, instead of chapter one, you will name it the theme name: (then you can add anything you want for a title) .
NO!!!: pedophilia, SA, CSA, anorexia, bulimia, incest or zoophilia
(I'll only do one of the options):
1st place
I'll read and promote all of your books. I'll also leave a comment on all of them.
In case you have only one book and you think it's unfair, but you plan on writing more, you can always @ me and I'll read it and give you comments related to the content of your book.
If you don't plan on publishing any books, I'll give you reviews and comments + repost any 8 pieces of writing you'll make (outside of the contest, of course).
2nd place
I'll do the same, but for half of your books
or if you only have one, for the next two books you'll write, I'll comment on them, just @ me.
And for the third option, I'll give you reviews and comments + I'll repost any 4 pieces of writing you’ll make (outside of the contest, of course).
3rd place
I'll read one of your books (you can choose which one) and I'll give you a comment on your website of choice. I'll promote it on my Tumblr account.
If you don't have any published books, I'll give you reviews and comments + I'll repost any 2 pieces of writing you’ll make (outside of the contest, of course).
Bonus prizes:
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Thank you
@fragrant-stars and @coconutsaiyan for your reply to the original post💕
The application:
Please repost and tag people 🙏
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asirensrage · 9 months
20 Questions for Writers
I was tagged by @chickensarentcheap!!! Thank you!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh god. Divergent. Stranger Things. Supernatural. Shadow and Bone. MCU. I have written for HP but not in a long while. Spartacus. Leverage. Jack Reacher. John Wick. Teen Wolf. Criminal Minds. Walking Dead. Lord of the Rings. Star Trek (2013). Beauty and the Beast (2017). Lost Boys. Sons of Anarchy. Knives Out. Naruto. Jujutsu Kaisen. Demon Slayer. My Hero Academia. Blade. Tokyo Revengers. True Blood. Whar Wars. From Dusk Til Dawn (TV series). Special mentions for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and others that I used in my SPN crossover fic.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
On Ao3?
Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down (Stranger Things) Kudos: 1,226
The Art of Seclusion (Divergent) Kudos: 829
there's a heaven above you (don't you cry) (The Lost Boys) Kudos: 534
Barred (Shadow and Bone) Kudos: 415
It's Always Darkest Before the (Second) Dawn (HP/Shadow and Bone Crossover) Kudos: 357
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Eventually I respond to all. It just takes me awhile before I do it in large batches lol
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh god. For ones that are completed and posted, it's The Art of Seclusion. I have others that...will not have "happy" endings but they aren't finished or shared yet.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have no clue. I haven't finished many outside of oneshots or series. It might depend on the reader. We'll see ;)
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not usually but it has happened. I had one person leave a review on AoS being very angry about my lack of warnings and promoting toxic relationships. They had a legit point about the warnings as I hadn't updated them in years despite the fic getting worse lol. I thanked them for pointing it out, updated my warnings and on my next chapter made a point of reminding my readers that the relationship wasn't healthy and not something to aim for. Never heard back lol.
9. Do you write smut?
Do I? 😃 You know it.
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10. Do you write crossovers?
Not often, but yes. Caught in the Crossfire is a crossover with characters from multiple worlds coming into the SPN universe. It's Always Darkest Before the (Second) Dawn is on hiatus but it's a crossover between HP and Shadow and Bone.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. Someone took Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down and posted it as their own...only changing the name Tammy to Sammy 😂😂 I've also had fics being posted under my name on sites I didn't approve of. I had to contact the site directly to make them remove it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. Someone translated Famous Last Words into...Russian? It's on Ao3 too.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! I love working with ppl to write. I consider myself basically cowriting a bunch of fics with @vixenofcourse (even if sometimes she doesn't agree) because she gives me ideas for it. I cowrote Caught in the Crossfire with friends of mine, mainly the one who wrote all of Kelly's povs. (fun fact, she doesn't write fanfic on her own but she wrote that lol)
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Me with everyone I love 😂 No, i have no idea. My ocs and their pairings.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
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16. What’s your writing strengths?
No idea. Dialogue? Not sure what else... lol
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
DESCRIPTIONS. I find them the hardest....and don't ask me about describing my characters...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't speak any other language well enough for that. I don't mind it, but usually I just write in English and show they're speaking another language somehow. If I do write in another language, I try to have the translations clearly understood.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Digimon lollll
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
ALL OF THEM! And all the ones I haven't posted! There are so many i could show you but they're not done and I agreed not to post new long fics if they're incomplete.
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tagging: @ninjasawakenedmystar @nejires-hado @arrthurpendragon @elmunson @mabonetsamhain @kingsmakers @sxrvivc and anyone else interested.
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okamirayne · 2 months
Hello lovely author, I have a question if you don't mind me asking (if you do mind then feel free to ignore this) from what I recall we only ever read the scene where Naoki and Genma were captured by Shuken from Genma's POV, so I've been wondering how did Shikamaru get from where Genma hid him to where Naoki and Genma were in that scene? Like did Shikamaru just wonder on by, was Kurayami looking for Shuken to finish the game or was he found by those chimaera/hybrid people.
Now onto my rave review.
I have no words to express how much I love your work. I have sentences and scenes that are carved into my brain. Naruto has alot of dark themes but ultimately has a hopeful tone so I really like the darker tone you've created for this universe and how you don't shy away the darker topics. But what I love most is how distinct and real ALL the characters feel (I don't normally like OC in fanfics but I got invested in all of yours), they feel so lived in and how you write the relationships between the characters is just👨‍🍳💋(I absolutely adore Neji and Kiba's dynamic and lack of chemistry).
I found it interesting that Shikamaru is kinda like a bridge between Naruto and Sasuke's traumas (Neji's pointed out similarities in HHU, the whole Orochimaru/Shuken thing and they've have all been hurt in some way by Konoha, Uchiha Massacre; System of lies -despite the good intentions- etc).
Chapter 10 was wild. The mental link reveal had me reeling for all the angst potential it holds. I wonder if that is how Naruto will find out about NejiShika🤔(if he does). None of the rookie13 are aware of their relationship, right? Wouldn't that be a fun reaction. I'm really loving the flashback scenes and Naruto's POV. I'm rooting for him to get his validation about the Kusa mission especially after he got dismissed by the other rookie12 in UTS (I find it funny how Sakura uses medical jargon to keep Naruto from suspecting anything but thats an instant tell).
Thank you for all the hard work you've put in to bring us readers this amazing story💕
Hello my dear Rave Review Anon, 💕
Firstly, I welcome your question, so thanks for taking the time! I'll do my best to answer. I appreciate your patience with me getting round to responding to you. 🙏🏼
[...] from what I recall we only ever read the scene where Naoki and Genma were captured by Shuken from Genma's POV, so I've been wondering how did Shikamaru get from where Genma hid him to where Naoki and Genma were in that scene? Like did Shikamaru just wonder on by, was Kurayami looking for Shuken to finish the game or was he found by those chimaera/hybrid people.
This is an excellent question which addresses a decision I regret making when it came to editing UtS. I chopped a whole heck of a lot of stuff out. I can add clarity here, in lieu of writing a chapter (maybe slipping it into a flashback might work better). You are correct in that Kurayami did his whole hostile takeover at that point and was the one who led Shikamaru back to where Shuken was holding Genma and Naoki. It would've been a semi fugue state in which Shikamaru operated, which is why he holds no memory of it. This is why it was told from Genma's limited POV. In order to fully write it, it would need to be told from Kurayami's perspective, and his full-on emergence came towards the latter end of UtS, where he was focused on annihilating Shuken, rather than reliving his memories. Shikamaru's flashbacks often came with big ass blanks in his head, due to the alter switch.
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Simply put: Shikamaru woke up in a fugue state, was directed by Kurayami, ended up locating Genma and Naoki and losing his shit when seeing Shuken. Kurayami semi-disabled Shuken, at which point Naoki moved to shut Kurayami down and seal up Shikamaru's mind, getting a knife in the back (courtesey of batshit still-live-and-stabbing Shuken) for his efforts. Genma picked up Shikamaru and he and Naoki had to hightail it the hell outta there - which sadly resulted in Naoki succumbing to his injuries (as far as Genma knew) and telling Genma to go on without him. Shikamaru's little wander into the lion's den was experienced through Genma's POV, which is why there were blanks. It would need to be Shuken or Kurayami's POV to get the full picture and I regret not adding a different POV lens to that scene; though there's always room for flashbacks from Kurayami's perspective (or possibly Shikamaru's given that he'd integrated Kurayami by the end of UtS). I hope this answers your question, luv? Forgive the confusion, I appreciate it would've left question marks hanging. God knows Genma was WTF'ing his way through that experience.
I have no words to express how much I love your work.
And I fail royally when it comes to expressing how much I love that you love my insanity, you glorious reviewer.💜🫶🏼💜
Naruto has alot of dark themes but ultimately has a hopeful tone so I really like the darker tone you've created for this universe and how you don't shy away the darker topics.
Thank you, my luv, I am dastardly like that and I appreciate that the darker themes and tone don't make you go running for the hills. I have big love for you being in the trenches with these characters. Everyone has their comfort zones, and I am distinctively shit at giving much warning other than the bare-minimum kind of tags (habit of being an ffnet creature rather than an AO3 one). My human wiring is tangled up in the veins of these issues, and while that's sometimes gotten me flak, I will always tell the story that wants to be told and hope I do it justice.
But what I love most is how distinct and real ALL the characters feel (I don't normally like OC in fanfics but I got invested in all of yours), they feel so lived in and how you write the relationships between the characters is just👨‍🍳💋(I absolutely adore Neji and Kiba's dynamic and lack of chemistry).
Ah, damn. 🥹💖 I am so, so touched, chuffed, and ridiculously thrilled that you felt invested in my OCs. Though I've joked about interpretive dance being my only way to express my gratitude, I have no moves which wouldn't result in dislocation and hospitalisation. So please just know the feels are doing insane little flips and fancy twirls inside my writer's heart. 💖
Ha! Neji and Kiba.
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Yes, well...chalk and cheese, oil and water...the list goes on...so does Kiba's insufferable ribbing. 😅
I found it interesting that Shikamaru is kinda like a bridge between Naruto and Sasuke's traumas (Neji's pointed out similarities in HHU, the whole Orochimaru/Shuken thing and they've have all been hurt in some way by Konoha, Uchiha Massacre; System of lies -despite the good intentions- etc).
Very true, luv. Those parallels are spot on.
Chapter 10 was wild. The mental link reveal had me reeling for all the angst potential it holds. I wonder if that is how Naruto will find out about NejiShika🤔(if he does). None of the rookie13 are aware of their relationship, right? Wouldn't that be a fun reaction.
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*grins* Yes indeed. Sometimes I'm surprised by how much a character does or doesn't know and sometimes it only ever comes as I write. *waggles eyebrows*
I'm really loving the flashback scenes and Naruto's POV. I'm rooting for him to get his validation about the Kusa mission especially after he got dismissed by the other rookie12 in UTS (I find it funny how Sakura uses medical jargon to keep Naruto from suspecting anything but thats an instant tell).
Aw! I'm glad you're enjoying them. It's a whole new experience being in Naruto's POV. Especially when he's hurting.
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I'm so glad I watched Shippuden from start to finish...that was a marathon worth investing in. And yes, precisely. He's more clued in than he lets on...or realises on a conscious level. It feels very reactive, visceral, and instinctive with Naruto. So different to writing Shikamaru, Neji, and other cerebral or controlled characters.
Thank you for all the hard work you've put in to bring us readers this amazing story💕
And thank you in return for being so kind and supportive as to give me this beautiful exchange via your feedback. It's the payoff that keeps me persisting when I'm getting hamstringed by burnout or low motivation. I appreciate it so damn much. You reviewers are precious. I salute you, dear Rave Review Anon, and I thank you again for making the time to reach out in solidarity and support - it matters in ways I can't express❤️💜❤️
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sunnydaleherald · 10 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, November 22
GILES: I was a librarian for years. This is exactly the same, except people pay for the things they don't return. It'll give me focus. Increase my resources. And it'll prevent you lot from trampling all over my flat at all hours. There may even be some space for you to train in the back. BUFFY: Boy, you've really thought this through. How bored were you last year? GILES: I watched "Passions" with Spike. Let us never speak of it.
~~BtVS 5x02 “Real Me”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Invasion Of Privacy (Buffy, Ted, Joyce, Angel, PG) by badly_knitted
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make me hazy (Giles/Jenny, M) by CallMeVampy
Fledgeling Take Flight (Jenny Calendar, Phantom xover, T) by arcanedreamer
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Not a Dark Prince (Angel, Spike, G) by Stand with Ward and Queen
[French language] Vampire hollywoodienne (Buffy/Faith, T) by Friday Queen
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Breathe Again, Chapter 12/17 (Angel/Cordelia, M) by Califi62
New Blood, Chapter 7 (Xander, Naruto crossover, T) by danu40k
With Arms Wide Open, Chapters 13-14 (Buffy/Giles, E) by jaybird023
Days of Future Past, Chapter 31/34 (Buffy/OC, Angel/OC, Buffy/Angel, M) by a2zmom
New York, Chapter 19 (Giles/Xander, M) by drsquidlove
"The Sky's Gonna Open", Chapter 6 (Lindsey/OC, T) by lindseymcdonaldseyelashes
A Call From Beyond, Chapter 3/7 (Ensemble, G) by CoffeeMilkLuvr
I'm Only Your Darkness, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Faith, E) by Karnstein99
Moments that Make You: The Hero and The Princess, Chapter 93 (Cordelia/Doyle, T) by myheadsgonenumb
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Between The Shadow & The Soul, Chapter 3 (Angel/OC, T) by dreamingshores
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Spiderwebs, Chapter 43 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Willow25
The Transfer, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Blackmysteria
Fates Intertwined: A Second Chance, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Spikelover4ever
The Vision Quest, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by acb6293
Encased by Sunshine, Chapter 29 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by acb6293
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Buffy’s Spooky Birthday, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
What the Drabble?, Chapter 44 (Buffy/Spike, R) by VeroNyxK84
Encased in Sunshine, Chapter 30 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Acb6293
Twice Broken, Thrice Burnt, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by ClowniestLivEver
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Here’s a fun old one of the Master!! (drawing, worksafe) by foul-sorcery
Tattoo: [Tattoo design with BtVS quote from "The Gift"] (worksafe) by tattoos4mnd via tattoos4mnd
Gifset: PASSION is the source of our finest moments. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear (Wesley/Lilah, slightly NSFW) by gothamstreetcat
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Video: D&D | Podcast | Q&A | Buffy the Vampire Slayer by It's A Mimic!
[Reviews & Recaps]
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*SHOULD I BE LAUGHING!?* Buffy the Vampire Slayer S5 Ep 11 "Triangle" Reaction: FIRST TIME WATCHING by Nick Reacts
EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Reaction - 3X8 - "Lovers Walk" ( Buffy Reaction ) by Java Java Reactions
Zombies and Reunions! | Buffy The Vampire Slayer 3x2 'Dead Man's Party' | Blind Reaction by Vic
Season 3 Begins! // Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode 3x01 Reaction // Buffy is My Hero! by Brooke Whipple
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PODCAST: Buffy Season 8: Part 3 by Buffy the Gilmore Slayer: A Buffy and Gilmore Girls Podcast
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spuffy fic rec, pt.2 recced by louisandjade
[Fandom Discussions]
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buffy season four will give you whiplash any time they cut from one romantic subplot to another by idkaguyorsomething
With all my Bangel VS Cangel talk recently it probably does come across like I hate Bangel. This isn’t true by girl4music
And I don’t hate Angel. Not anymore. I never really did actually by girl4music
Do any of yall think about how in Something Blue, Buffy tells Riley shes getting married to a guy named Spike and plays it off as ‘a joke.’ by spikes-left-eyebrow
Rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and today’s new issue with the show is how Buffy is the “chosen” one who has no say in the matter by jenny-from-the-box
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Would you like a SMG celebrity memoir? by Taake
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The Nature of Willow's "Dark Magic" in Season Six by American Aurora, multiple posters
What Would a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Revival Look Like? - A MLC Retrospective by MyLoveableCrayon
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Yet another “Dead Man’s Party” thread: how would you have fixed it? by squidwardsaclarinet
Am I the only one that wishes they kept the more “case of the week” noir style of season 1 and 2 by SignificantBerry3837
Wrong answers only: What did Spike whisper in April the Robot's ear that she threw him out a window? by jdpm1991
Watching Buffy again- changed my opinion on Riley by EyCeeDedPpl
Xander as a character has not aged well or society has just evolved by Jockwarrior
Tired of the fandom? by Upbeat_Tone_2710
Would a high caliber bullet to the heart kill a vamp? by TheEbolaArrow
Everyone talks about the best and the worst… by duvet-cover
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kiryoutann · 2 years
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DISCLAIMER: you must be 18+ to commission any NSFW.
I AM BEST AT: angst, socmed au, reader-insert fics, third-person POV stories, character x character fics, original stories, series.
Currently, for fanfictions, the characters that I wrote as follows:
Genshin Impact: Childe/Tartaglia, Alhaitham, Diluc Ragnvindr, Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Zhongli.
Naruto/Boruto: Naruto x Hinata.
Chainsaw Man: Aki Hayakawa.
Resident Evil: Leon S. Kennedy.
Kuroko no Basuke: Kise Ryota.
However, I’m open to writing for other fandoms (again, discuss this with me first).
WILL WRITE: x reader, OCs, fluff, angst, SFW and NSFW, gore, yandere elements, alternate universe, romance, pregnancy, injuries, horror, kinks, mental illness, original fiction, oneshot, drabbles, series, song-fic, divorce.
WILL NOT WRITE: any COD characters, pedophilia, incest, rape, furries, mpreg, work based on irl people, eating disorders, alpha-omega, polyamory, something I lack knowledge in(we will be discussing this furthermore in dms).
I can write in English and Bahasa Indonesia, whichever you like.
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Narratives package
≤ 500 words: 5 USD
1K - 2K words: 10 USD
2K - 3K words: 15 USD
4K - 5K words: 20 USD
For each additional 1k words, $10 will be charged. ABLE TO WRITE UP TO 35k words, with special price @ 300 USD.
Series package
[TBA . . .]
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Please read my “will write and will not write” section. I have the right to refuse commissions that make me uncomfortable or beyond my skills and knowledge.
Don't trade my work or make a profit from it.
You are welcome to publish it on your page as long as you give me credit.
I will start writing after receiving the payment.
Don’t send me a fee before I have approved your commission.
No refund.
I will not publish your commission unless I have your approval.
I will discuss the estimated completion of the work via personal chat.
After I finish the work, I will send a PDF to your active email for one revision. Once it's revised or the buyer says it's the final file, I'll send you both the PDF and DOCX files.
Major changes to the characters and storyline in the middle of the work process will be charged $10 per change. So, make sure you are absolutely sure of what you want me to write about.
Know that I am not a native. I'll try my best to minimize grammatical errors however, having you commission me means you're fine with it.
Payments are made via Ko-fi.
If you’re interested, dm me through Tumblr or Twitter or send me an email to [email protected]!
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Due to my schedule, I will currently take:
2 slot for narratives package.
For a preview of my works, please visit my masterlist.
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rerairude567 · 7 months
Fanfic Request Rules:
Thank you for considering requesting fanfiction from me! Before submitting your request, please read the following guidelines:
Fanfic Rules:
Fanfic Request Rules:
Welcome to my fanfiction request guidelines! Please review the following rules before submitting your request:
Genders I Write For:
- I write for characters of any gender identity, including male, female, non-binary, and gender-fluid.
Content Guidelines:
- I'm open to writing spicy (NSFW) fanfiction, but it must include a substantial plot before or after any explicit scenes.
- Spicy content should be tastefully integrated into the storyline and serve a purpose beyond gratuitous scenes.
- I reserve the right to decline requests for spicy content if they do not align with my comfort level or personal values.
Fandoms and Characters:
- Please specify the fandom and characters you would like the fanfiction to focus on.
- I write for a variety of fandoms, including but not limited to Final Fantasy, Naruto, Demon Slayer, Legend of Zelda, and more. Feel free to inquire about specific fandoms not listed here.
Request Process:
- Submit your request via the Ask or Messaging feature on Tumblr.
- Clearly outline your desired storyline, characters, and any specific plot points or scenarios you have in mind.
- Be patient! I will do my best to fulfill requests in a timely manner, but please understand that it may take some time depending on workload and complexity.
Additional Information:
- While I'm open to exploring various themes and genres, please ensure that your request adheres to the guidelines of the respective fandoms and maintains the characters' personalities and traits.
- If you have any questions or concerns about your request, feel free to reach out to me for clarification.
1. Fandoms I Write For as well as my best characters I can write for(🩷means favs, 🩵means not as knowledgeable but can still write for):
- Final Fantasy 7:
Reader🩷, Tifa Lockhart🩷, Aerith Gainsborough🩷, Sephiroth🩵, Reno🩷, Rude🩷, and OC Raine Hanover🩷(don’t hesitate tot ask for her she’s awesome🥰).
- Final Fantasy 14:
Warrior of Light🩷, Haurcefant Greystone🩵, Aymeric de Borel🩷, Estinien Varlineau💕, Y’shtola Rhul🩷, Thancred Waters🩷, Urianger August🩵, Alphinaud🩷, Alisaie🩷, G’raha Tia🩵, Azem🩷, and Emet-Selch🩷.
- Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki🩷(SasuNaru and NaruHina available!), Sakura Haruno🩵, Ino Yamanaka🩵, Hinata Hyuga🩵, Rock Lee🩷, Tenten🩷, Shikamaru Nara🩷, Gaara No Sabaku🩷, Temari No Sabaku🩵, and OC Izumi Suoh🩷.
- Demon Slayer: Nezuko Kamado🩷, Zenitsu Agatsuma🩷, Inosuke Hashibira🩵, Mitsuri Kanroji🩷, Shinobu Kocho🩷, Kanae Kocho🩵, Kyojuro Rengoku🩵, Hinasuru🩷, Makio🩵, Suma🩷, Daki🩷, OC Kijo(Demon)🩷, and OC Emito Sakuyomi.
- Pokemon Legends Arceus: Reader(mostly fem)🩷, Adaman🩷, and Irida🩵.
- Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Link🩷, Zelda🩷, Urbosa🩵, Revali🩷, Mipha🩵, OC Faeyth(Twin sister of Zelda).
- Five Nights At Freddy’s: Freddy Fazbear🩵, Bonnie the Bunny🩷, Chica the Chicken🩷, Foxy the Fox🩷, Mangle🩷, Toy Chica🩷, Withered Chica🩵, Withered Foxy🩵, Sun🩷, Moon🩵, and OC Poppy the Puppy🩷.
2. Request Limitations:
- I reserve the right to decline requests that involve sensitive topics or go against my personal values.
- Requests should adhere to the guidelines of the respective fandoms and maintain the characters' personalities and traits.
3. How to Request:
- Submit your request via the Ask or Messaging feature on Tumblr.
- Clearly state the fandom, characters, and any specific plot points or scenarios you have in mind.
- Be patient! I will try my best to fulfill requests in a timely manner, but please understand that it may take some time depending on workload and complexity.
4. Additional Information:
- I primarily write gen and ship-friendly fanfiction. However, I'm open to exploring different genres and pairings within the fandom guidelines.
- If you have any questions or concerns about your request, feel free to reach out to me for clarification.
Thank you for your interest in my fanfiction writing services! I look forward to bringing your ideas to life within the worlds of your favorite fandoms.
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
here are all my fic recs from...
aftg - all for the game atla - avatar: the last airbender aot - attack on titan | shingeki no kyojin bsd - bungou stray dogs bnha - boku no hero academia | my hero academia dbh - detroit: become human dc descendants disney - walt disney dn - death note dr stone fma - fullmetal alchemist (brotherhood) genshin - genshin impact ghibli - studio ghibli hannibal hp - harry potter + fantastic beasts and where to find them hq - haikyuu jjk - jujutsu kaisen knb - kuroko no basket | kuroko's basketball mcu - marvel cinematic universe mdzs - mo dao zu shi + chen qing ling | the untamed merlin mp100 - mob psycho 100 naruto orv - omniscient reader's viewpoint pjo - percy jackson and the olympians + related fandoms sherlock solo leveling svsss - scum villain's self-saving system sxf - spy x family tgcf - tian guan ci fu | heaven official's blessing tmnt - teenage mutant ninja turtles tua - the umbrella academy tw - teen wolf yoi - yuri!!! on ice
i regularly alternate between prompt and non-prompt posts
all prompt posts here
all non-prompt posts here
list of all prompt posts:
amnesia animal bureaucracy/office dimension travel (no crossover) eating disorder/food problems empathy/telepathy escort/sex work fae fairy tale elements harry potter fusion/crossover murder mythical creatures naruto crossover possession/body sharing recovery resurrection sixth sense au/ghosts self-harm self-insert/oc-insert sleep social media suicide attempt/suicidal thoughts time loop time travel terminal/chronic vehicle
find me on ao3 at heartofsilverseas
i will mention if a fic is mature/explicit and all its archive warnings except for 'creator chose not to use archive warnings'
if i miss any warnings please let me know! same as if i recommend a fic more than once, because i accidentally do that sometimes
fandom (especially anime) and fic recommendations, reviews, and prompts are always welcome!
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kumakuramata · 1 year
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This blog is made for Mature Audiences (18+) only viewer discretion is advised.
Hello! My name is Kuramata Kuma and I am a wannabe Vtuber, Editor, and Writer! This blog is full of all things writing, bulky men, and creative announcements! See below for my writings, tags, Ko-Fi, and other recommendations!
*note that many content that is provided here may look familiar as Maribelle C. That is also me and that blog is now inactive.
Archive of Our Own | Asian Fanfics
Chanyeol x Mirai { Tiny & Gigantor } FxM
Infatuation (BandMember!Chanyeol, Neighbor!Mirai)
Morning (18+ Only)
Cute Guy Alert
Love in Aquaria: The Bodyguard and the Hermit Witch (18+ Only, BodyGuard!Chanyeol, Witch!Mirai)
Long Enough (College!Youjin/Brother’sLittleSister!OC)
Heat (18+ Only, Youjin/WerewolfFilipina!OC)
Prenuptial Agreement (Prince!Youjin/PrincessFilipina!OC)
Beauty and the Fool (Highschooler!Heejun/BlackF!OC)
In San Francisco (PersonalAssistant!Youjin/BossF!OC)
Sleep Train (Youjin/F!OC)
Don't Take Overly Friendly Dogs Home (18+ Only, Yongguk/WerewolfF!OC)
I Forgot Something (18+ Only, PersonalAssistant!Hoseok/BossF!OC)
When the Worlds Collide (18+ Only, Kakashi/F!OC, SERIES)
Jujutsu Kaisen
Under (18+ Only, DILF!Toji/F!OC)
Sucker (18+ Only, Nanami/F!OC)
It’s All For You (18+ Only, BusinessMan!Nanami/RoommateF!OC)
Finally Mine (18+ Only, BusinessMan!Nanami/SuccubusRoommateF!OC)
Record of Ragnarok
No Gods (18+ Only, Qin Shi Huang/FBunnyHybrid!OC)
Perfect for Me (18+ Only, Yakuza!Kakashi/OC)
Video Games
Dynasty Warriors
Resident Evil
After Hours (18+ Only, Semi-Canon, Carlos Oliveira/Filipina!OC)
Alpha/Beta Requests
I am currently open for both Alpha reading and Beta reading on my Ko-Fi. Please note the difference--Alpha Reading is where I approach your work as a writer, while Beta Reading is where I approach your work as a reader. If you would like me for either, I am currently open for reviewing! Please send a message on my Ko-Fi account
Author/Mangaka Recs
Original authors:
Mariana Zapata (Slow Burn & Age Gap)
Tessa Bailey (Contemporary and Nasty)
Sylvia Day (Nasty)
Eve Dangerfield (Nasty, smut)
Raven Kennedy (Funny, nasty, adult fantasy)
Tomomitsu Yamamoto
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