#natacha oceane youtube
kkoehn17 · 7 months
January & February Favorites
The first favorites post of 2024, cute! I’m really trying to focus in on who I am at this very moment because every December I forget who January/February Kim was and feel like she surely existed years earlier. But alas, here I am, here we are, the January/February versions of ourselves, guiding us through the beginning of the year, doing our very best. Let’s get into it. . Books I heard so…
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femmefatalevibe · 2 months
Hello, Femme!
I would like your advice on a couple of things, if that's okay. This is a lot, so I apologize.
I am young and nearing my 20's, and I am only recently trying to learn how to invest in myself, my self-care/wellbeing, and my future.
I've grown up in poverty, in a male-dominant household, and my mother (the only other woman in the house) was emotionally and physically absent for most of my childhood so I was never taught proper hygiene, self-care and in general really crucial things that a woman should know. I think also because of these factors (as well as sexual assault history and being afraid of predators), I've never learned how to be in tune with my body and its needs and how to be feminine, and how to embrace it.
I've been trying to find female role models on Youtube, but the sheer amount of channels and content has me overwhelmed. In other aspects of my life aside from physical care, I have no clue what I'm doing and what I should do.
I'm making almost $900 a month thanks to my dad's SS benefits because he's retired, and I want to get the things that I need/want (physical self-care, exercise equipment, room decorations/furniture, clothing, etc.) as well as investing in the future (car, apartment, etc.). Do you have some ideas as to what I should get or recommended channels on women's health and self-care?
Lastly, what does femininity mean to you? What does it mean to be feminine or a woman? I understand that it's a very subjective question, but I would really appreciate your outlook on it. :)
I hope this explains my circumstances well and I hope I wrote my questions well enough for you to understand.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi love,
I'm so glad you're here <3 Proud of the headspace you've managed to acquire at such a young age.
I would say the most important self-care and women's health things you can do is to get the basics down in a way that realistic and sustainable for you. These healthy habits include:
Eating healthy meals (more than once!) per day and healthy snacks as necessary and getting any necessary vitamin supplements you need (like b12 or additional vitamin d)
Drink plenty of water
Limit/eliminate highly processed foods or drinks (calories are just a form of energy, so be more mindful of where they come from on a daily basis–– don't be afraid of them but don't neglect laws of thermodynamics lol)
Get plenty of sleep (7-9 hours every/most nights)
5-7x week/movement (walking/a simple exercise routine or sport you love)
Hygiene (skincare, shower, haircare, nailcare, laundry, house cleaning)
For health/workout-related ideas based on your question, I would recommend the following YouTubers:
Natacha Oceane
Caroline Girvan
Lilly Sabri
Pamela Reif
As for what feminity means to me, it's a tough answer to articulate, so I hope this covers it:
Unlearning patriarchial ideas to discover, validate, and act on your own needs, desires, goals, and pursuits of pleasure without shame and/or allowing it to in any way dictate how you perceive your social currency (especially in relation to the patriarchy).
Hope this helps xx
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woman-for-women · 1 year
Hello ! I was wondering if you had any YouTube creators you would recommend? I have really woken up and gotten into radical feminism recently and am finding it hard to find good trans critical videos that aren’t from right wing nuts 🙄 thank you for the help and your blog is amazing 💕
Hi, and thank you (sometimes I forget to say thank you when people tell me they love my blog).
Unfortunately, I do not really follow many YouTubers who are explicitly radical feminists/gender critical. My best suggestions is:
Sapphic Underground is a lesbian who reviews f/f media. She has a side podcast called Sapphic Talks that is explicity gender critical, but her main channel is fairly light-hearted.
Other than that, I don't have any recommendations. I'm of the same opinion that the YouTube radical feminist content is overrun with conservatives who believe there are two genders because God said so and also women should stay in the kitchen, left-wing YouTubers who read off tweets and Reddit posts to dunk on "TERFs", and self-styled political commentators like Shaun, Contrapoints, and Jesse Gender.
If you've just discovered radical feminism, it's a good chance to also center women and women's art, voices, and perspectives in your life. So apologies to soapbox for a minute and recommend some of my favorite female YouTubers (who are not radical feminists, I just like them and want to share them. I also got too lazy to link everyone, so sorry about that!):
Laura Kampf is a German lesbian who does all kinds of house renovation and building projects. Her 120-year old house restoration series is my reality television.
Nicole Rafiee for funny rants and more informal, chatty social commentary
Kasey Golden for wholesome and cute art.
Vewn for her unique and interesting animation style
cari can read because she summarizes Sarah J. Maas books in an entertaining way so I never have to pick one up (sorry to all my Sarah J. Maas enthusiasts, I still love you guys)
Kennie J. D. has a series called Bad Movies and a Beat where she makes fun of bad movies while doing her makeup. She's so funny and she just covered The Ultimatum: Queer Love
Natacha Oceane for fitness inspo.
withWendy does all kinds of cool sewing projects. I'd also recommend coorlipa and JENerationDIY.
Mina Le for fashion history and commentary
AmandaRachLee if you like bullet journaling
Kel Lauren does design! She takes popular brand logos and merchandise and redesigns them to make them look better.
Jenny Nicholson does fandom and media deep dives. She's a big theme park and Disney person. She has a great sense of dry humor and her 'The Last Bronycon: a Fandom Autopsy' is one of my favorite videos
Micarah Tewers for sewing videos, but also whatever the hell else she feels like, including a funeral for her pet rodent L'Trexa
ANJA for cool paintings and art
Sorry this list got so long, but I love to give a good shout out. If anyone has any good recommendations for anon, don't be shy! Reblog and drop some suggestions.
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fitgirledit · 2 years
Hey there, my fit ladies!
As promised in yesterday's post, I put together a list of YouTube fitness trainers with the best free home workouts. So what are you waiting for? Get ready to work up a sweat and let's get started on your journey towards better health! 😅💦 Happy exercising!
1. Caroline Girvan
Caroline Girvan is one of the top fitness experts on YouTube, with her videos providing a great way to stay in shape from home. With workouts ranging from high intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength-building exercises (dumbbells, kettlebell, no equipment/bodyweight/calisthenics), Caroline has something for everyone.
Her no-nonsense approach makes it easy to follow along as she guides viewers through each exercise with detailed demonstrations, helpful cues - and no talking! I've been using her workouts for two years and have completely transformed my body from flabby (skinny fat) to fit and muscular.
2. Sydney Cummings
Sydney Cummings is another popular fitness expert on YouTube, offering a wide range of workouts to keep you feeling fit and energized. You can choose between her HIIT and strength training videos. She also provides modifications for each exercise so that you can customize the workout according to your own needs.
3. Yoga with Adriene
Yoga with Adriene is an inspiring online yoga practice created by renowned yogi Adriene Mishler. With a mission to make yoga accessible for everyone, her free videos on YouTube have reached millions of people around the globe. From beginner to advanced practices, each video offers mindful guidance and creative sequencing designed to help you connect more deeply with your body and breath.
Adriene's workouts are designed to be both challenging and enjoyable—a perfect balance between building strength while calming the mind.
4. Move with Nicole
At Move with Nicole, you can join fitness instructor and personal trainer Nicole as she takes you through a range of fun and challenging workouts, focused on pilates and yoga. Whether you’re looking for an intense workout or just want to stretch your body out after a long day, Nicole's workouts are a great choice.
5. Natacha Oceane
Natacha Oceane has become an international sensation thanks to her unique and innovative workouts, which combine elements of yoga, pilates and HIIT. Her goal is to help people stay fit and healthy while having fun. Natacha's workouts are designed for all levels of fitness - from beginners who want to start their journey towards better health, to advanced athletes looking for a challenge.
6. Olivia Lawson
Olivia Lawson is known for her combination of strength training exercises, cardio workouts, core work, stretching techniques, and nutrition advice. Whether you're looking to lose weight or build muscle mass; improve your flexibility or endurance; gain confidence or simply feel better about yourself - Olivia can help you get there!
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Never though my comfort youtube Chanel would be that of a fitness influencer but let me tell you, Natacha Oceane videos have me in a chokehold! I love her energy and the fact that she’s an EXTREMELY impressive person (Not just her athleticism and fitness prowess, she’s also very well educated + her personal life (from what we’ve seen) is incredible! She has a great boyfriend. She also has a great relationship with food which is rare with influencer types *cough* juice and toya *cough*) but somehow makes you not feel shitty about yourself even though its obvious she’s better than most of us! I’ve rewatched her ‘I tried my old ironman workouts’ video like 10 times now.
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muji-milk · 2 years
Hey, how did you start working out? Do you have any exercise tips? Ideally without equipment/gym because I do not want to Be Seen. Thank you!!
urm depends what your goals are and what kind of exercise you'd like! Honestly unless you like jogging and doing some crunches in your bedroom, you need the gym equipment .... ive been going to the gym for like 4 years, I just started one day! No strength, skinny, hated sports, didnt know what to do. But no ones looking at you! Watch technique videos before using equipment and practice new moves with no added weights at first. And weightlifting is so fun and mood boosting, helps your sleep quality and your appetite and your bones. Always eat enough before working out.
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why-the-heck-not · 3 years
february productivity challenge- day 14
what's a youtube channel you really like?
here's a few:
- Natacha Oceane (fitness & food stuff, but doesn't make me feel bad abt myself like lots of fitness channels do lol)
- Kurtis Conner (fun guy)
- Garret Watts (chaotic)
- oh no nina (vlogs but cozy & calming & still productive)
i'm kinda behind on watching youtube, there's over 300 videos on my watch later list rn and yeah, haven't rly been watching it lately (i'm getting increasingly more annoyed about the unskippable 30 second ads)
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einstetic · 4 years
just did the new 30-minute workout Natacha Oceane posted on youtube
i'm dripping in sweat
got even sweat in my eyes
love her
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recommendedtoelle · 3 years
Back Stretching
Fitness Youtubers
Chloe Ting
Holly Dokle
*Pamela Reif
Alexis Ren
Daisy Keech
*Lilly Sabri
Natacha Oceane
Sarah’s Day
Whitney Simmons
Alexis Claire Fit
Sample Schedule
2 days chest/triceps
2 days deadlift/back/biceps
1 day shoulders
2 leg days
Monday: glutes, hamstrings, core
Tuesday: shoulders, chest, triceps (push)
Wednesday: quads/calves and core
Thurs: back and biceps (pull) and cardio
Friday: core and cardio
Sat: full body
Incline 13, speed 3.5 for an hour 4x/week
Dance Warmup/Stretching
Foam roll everything: legs, back, feet
Forward fold, head thru legs, flatten back
Plies with variations
Forward and back kicks
Hip and hamstring stretches: happy baby, lunges, bicycles with straight legs and stretch leg as close to head as possible
Pick a show or podcast to only watch/listen to when working out
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studylustre · 4 years
being sore actually isnt always a sign that you've had a good workout!!!! it can also be that you're not properly doing a warming up and cooling down or other things like that! i highly recommend you to watch the "how to know you've had a good workout" video of Natacha Oceane on youtube!!!
ooo good to know, thank u!! in general i think some level of soreness is to be expected but ofc u never want to be sore to the point where ur in pain!!
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domjaehyun · 4 years
tw weight tw food tw ed calories + long ask hi i'd just like to say to the anon and everybody out there!! pls dont eat anything below 1200 calories or try the kpop idols' diets ok? those are extremly dangerous and they might help you lose weight quickly but after a few days - a week your body starts losing the nutrients which isn't good for u... also eating lesser might help u lose weight in the first few days but as ur intake drops ur metabolism drops as well so it isn't efficient! whats the best way would to (sorry theres no quick way to lose fat...) go on a slight caloric deficit (a deficit wld be abt 100-200 cal drop consistently over a long period of time. normal ppl need abt 1600 calories? u can eat around there but pls dont dip below 1400!!!! 1200 cal is abt the same amt a growing toddler needs just for reference...) pls dont starve yourself! u need to eat.... also u should work in some exercise 🙌🙌 if u dont exercise u should start of w some light cardio... maybe just a walk for abour 30 min each day (and stretch! it helps u immensely... relaxes u and relieves tension as well!) and u can slowly pick up pace + walk longer + move to running ! u can try to work in a bit of weight training if u can... which helps to build muscle! more muscle = more cal burned at rest. but please i really just don't want to hear anyone talking about trying an iu/ baesuzy diet it's insane, unhealthy and not sustainable at all sorry for the long ask i'm just really worried + if u want better info u should check out natacha oceane on youtube if ur vvv new to this type of things! she has scientific-based videos to explain why u need to eat n how to "lose weight" !!!! love u and hope that u guys still stay healthy ok?? ❤️❤️
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quinnfebrey · 4 years
do you have any resources for working out? like how did you get into it? i can’t go to the gym because of covid but id like to get back into fitness without injuring myself.
omg we were actually talking abt this on twitter last night. honestly most of what i know is from past coaches of mine but i really like the youtube channels natacha oceane and obi vincent
mostly what’s going to be important is identifying your goals. build muscle? build strength? lose fat? increase cardiovascular health? without clear goals, you won’t be able to make consistent progress
i started playing soccer and running track and cross country, so my goals were cardio and calisthenics based with a bit of weight training. then my goals became more hypertrophy based with very little cardio, and now i’m more evenly split between strength and hypertrophy and cardio
feel free to send another ask!
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lovlae · 4 years
Maya, how do you have such a healthy/normal relationship with your body and food?
it takes a lot of time! I just know that if I want to hike, climb, travel, ski, run, I need to provide my body with lots of food and nutrients. under-eating/dieting hurts your body overall and can make you feel tired with no energy, your body doesn’t deserve that! I do try to eat healthy because it makes me feel better mentally and physically, but I don’t guilt myself over eating “junk” food. your body is so so smart and it’s job is to keep you alive and well in a consistent state, eating desserts and big meals (like when you’re at a restaurant) doesn’t disrupt your body’s natural state or completely ruin any progress you have made. I tell myself that bloating is normal and water retention is normal! your body can physically change between just a few days. I don’t recommend weighing yourself a lot (unless you have to for medical reasons!!) but out of curiosity I’ve weighed myself (when I felt confident and knew that the number wouldn’t make me feel anything, if that makes sense) and my body weight fluctuated like 5 pounds between a few days, but I looked the exact same! that just shows how flexible your body is when dealing with food, fitness, etc. I’m trying to explain a lot, but I HIGHLY recommend watching Natacha Oceane on youtube, she’s a health and fitness youtuber who makes really amazing, informative videos about nutrition, fitness, and how it effects your body! she really helps put into perspective how adaptable bodies are. 💖
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31.03 Update
Still alive and kicking!! Celebrated my birthday at the weekend (23, y’all!) and it was surprisingly fun despite the lockdown. My family were very creative and sweet and I had constant video chats from people which made me feel very loved. 💕
I still can’t run for another week but I’ve been kind of crushing indoor workouts recently? I’ve been using Chloe Ting and Natacha Oceane’s Youtube channels relentlessly and for the first time in my life I’m actually getting some serious arm and ab muscles (pictures to come soon!!). The rest of my energy has been channelled into long walks when the weather’s decent, and putting my design degree towards remodelling the house one room at a time. 
Hope you’re all feeling sane and happy!! We can do this 💪
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dreaminterlude · 4 years
not feeling like yourself/feeling estranged from yourself is honestly such a terrible feeling and i think maybe a lot of people having been feeling like this especially this year and it can be really challenging to remind yourself who you are, what you’re capable of, and also why you matter (to your own self in particular). i know for me personally things have been off for at least a year and a half but even now most people in my real life seem to be operating perfectly normally sans minor gripes about the current global situation so it’s been hard feeling seen or understood. but i watched one of my fav youtuber natacha oceane’s recent video about how she hasn’t been feeling like herself, where she seems really normal and fine and her funny self for most of the video and then in the middle you can see her emotions kind of manifesting outward and the mask (?) completely dissipating and it was honestly so eye opening to see that and feel like, yeah that’s me too that’s exactly how i’ve been operating/coping (not coping) with myself where i’ll disassociate from myself and enjoy living (on here/at home) and then there will be brief moments where suddenly things will focus in and i’ll realize that yeah i actually feel really terrible and small and insecure about my entire existence which in turn makes me want to isolate myself deeper to the point where i just want to disappear. i think it’s so jarring how quickly it’ll fade in and out and i think as someone who really likes her [self], it’s really been hurtful and sad seeing how small i’ve become because i haven’t felt like that since i was a child. anyways what im saying is i want me back
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wonkyfitness · 4 years
Pre Pre
Found Natacha’s channel thanks to another Youtube channel (someone was reviewing Natacha’s yum yum habits) a few months ago. I have liked her vibe and decided to subscribe especially since she didn’t seem to be recommending any of the usual ‘clean’ eating mindset that most of fitness gurus do. Yes, it was important to me and still is and my relationship with food is really too complicated so the fact that I found someone who just makes things easy and non toxic in any  way is amazing.
Day 0 (aka Tuesday)
 I have bought Natacha Oceane’s HOME RELOAD (yes, you are reading right) and I have figured while indulging myself in eating in the .... well basically everything I could get my hands on (because reading all these COVID news are not really inviting healthy coping mechanics); that I am not sure why I am waiting till Monday to get started with HOME ZERO (yes, bought second program before even starting first one, I must be a genius)... and while looking around the AFLETE app I felt excitement and I am the type to just ‘go for it’ if I really wanna do it.
My mindset and surrounding stuff
Current Relationship with food: It is still super complicated (I am clearly on binge side). I have read the nourishing ebook Natacha attached to the app and used the calculator thingie (with a bit of fear as I tend to get obsessive) and it said I am supposed to be eating 2020 kcal (34 y o; 165 cm, +-58kg). That has mentally stopped me as - well; according to it I must be undereating. I have decided to give it a chance (even if I am terrified of gaining further weight) and actually track my food throughout. LET’S MAKE IT SCIENCE. As of wednesday I live in tier 3 (means I am out of job until Tier 2 comes back, if you are confused check out UK’s COVID rules) I have nothing better to do.
Body health: So far HEALTHY. The only things is that 6 months earlier I got a mysterious kneecap injury and while it is nowwhere near as bad as originally,  SOMETIMES - SOMETIMES. SO yeah, Natacha’s plyo jumpin stuff makes me feel very tentative.
Fitness level: During Lockdown 1 - I lost 16 kgs, started practicing yoga (YES! ADRIENE) plus do another normal exercise regime, I got so into it that during lockdown 2 I started using DownDog app (check it out they have the whole range and I LOVE THEM). I was so fit that yesterday I felt super confident with Natacha’s ZERO program and started worrying about it being to easy and me being bored. I also missed saying during last 3 months I have personal trainer with physio background whom I decided to see because of my knee issues.
I have woken up and measured myself from all sides
(all in cm: upper arm 24; shoulders 96; chest 83; Tummy 79; Hips 84; Thigh 49; Weight: 59; Body Fat% 23.2) I will just keep track of it weekly. No photos because... I am self conscious :)
Then went to work (relevant smh) and I yeah, didn’t think much of the fact that today would be quite fitness relevant. Anyways everyone at work were quite surprised by how strong I am (I mean I realized I moved stuff with ease, that stuff being the one I had issues with beforehand if we are honest)... so yeah, I really thought the program will be super easy especially since I was checking out the exercises and they seemed like a no-brainer.
I came back and then... well, I underestimated the power of Natacha ;).
First of all I had to outsource warm up exercises (she doesn’t provide them, and her ebook recommends so...) - youtube was a go, I went for stuff that doesn’t include jumping and off we gooo...
OKAY. Honestly, I knew my hands are weak. Like I am pretty wide in the shoulders for a girl (I am aware of that lol) so I have always thought something comes with it but naaa. Also. Exercises themselves are a no-brainer ...if you take only one rep and go to next one. If you do as she asks you to - you are stuck doing 12 reps and do it 3/4 times. Honestly 30s to 60s breaks became a blessing after 3rd exercise and my lord and SAVIOUR after 4th. Only one exercise I had to stop every 6 reps and give myself a breath because I just couldn’t and it was not even the one I have thought I would have issues with (spoiler alert: it was plank shoulder tap to sit up). Overall only once in the whole set I thought of stopping and it was then after I was done with it it became easier. Just my arms. UGH. Stretching after also was outsourced (AND VERY NECESSARY).
That being said. I have logged it on my iwatch as functional strength training, it took me an hour and 10 mins roughly t complete and it says I have burnt 210 kcal during that time. During the whole exercise regime my heart rate was anywhere above 100 BPM to 140 BPM in extreme cases. As expected my shoulders are a bit stiff but tomorrow is a Leg Day so that should not really concern me anyways.
As we are super late in the evening now. I have eaten 1800 kcal today and first time in 3 days I cant say I have binged.
Way to prove me that I am not as fit as I thought I am and I am so excited to see where this leads me!
See ya tomorrow, Torpedoes (and if you are on HOME ZERO as well, let me know how you guys are surviving; absolutely no reviews online, I JUST WANNA KNOW WHAT OTHERS THINK).
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