#natual hair
melaninmoney · 2 years
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corvusclearing · 4 months
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I miss the days when I had time to just go sit in a library and deep dive into my special interests. 📚📖
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will41n · 4 months
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made myself a little PNGtuber for streams! would you like me to stream sometime? my english sounds a bit wonky and i forget and make up words from time to time, but it sounds like a fun idea! youtube, english + russian, i also can read ukrainian but can't speak it myself, sorry for that, i'm still learning it :P also this is my new selfsona, North, they/them, a little fox! They're .. basically me!
a little video of me saying random stuff about tits in russian below. wanted to record something in english too but got tiredd
have to say smart things with a moustache like that. tits.
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fineapplebreexo · 10 months
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Always working n out the way 🙂
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gensou-rakuen · 1 month
Can someone please tell me how Che'nya gets away with this???
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He is not in uniform AT ALL 😭 The only thing he's wearing that could be considered part of the uniform is his button up and it's only half tucked in.
I go to a catholic private school and if a kid showed up like this they would've been dragged back before they could even make it in the door 😭
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albonium · 2 years
everytime i hear or read about people's pregnancies it makes me want to get my tubes tied immediately
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melaninmoney · 2 years
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emilehorizon · 1 year
helena par Lydia Trappenberg Via Flickr : more on www.wildflowerbloom.com
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Looking for curly hair cuts inspo 😩😩
Someone help me (i have 2b type hair apparently?)
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Imagine this, when the Isle was created and Wonderland was closed up, colourful hair became a rare and hated thing, associated with villains. The Charming and Rose mothers decided to dye their hair (Ella dyed her hair black from blue, Aurora dyed her hair blonde from pink) together, deciding to do it during play dates between Chad and Audrey when they had the kids.
And as Chad and Audrey, as they grew older, they noticed what their moms were doing.
Chad didn't really like his hair all that much, it made him feel weird, and Audrey was basically the only kid who didn't bully him for it.
So the two of them went to their moms, and there was still some blonde left, so they dyed Chad and Audrey's hair blonde.
Chad loved it, and soon everyone had forgotten about his hair. Hell, he only remembered because of the photos his parents kept in their room.
So this kept going, Chad joined in on the sessions while Audrey would occasionally pop in when she felt like having fun.
It was great, until Chad and Audrey were ten, and Chloe was born, with the softest baby blue curls following later.
And Chad HATED IT... at first.
As Chloe grew, and refused to colour her hair, he kinda started to like it. He'd help her match her clothes to her hair, and he played with it, and he would tell her she was pretty.
The VKs had just come to Auradon by the time Chloe was also starting school, and the younger kids who heard of the VKs thought it was cool. And it was cool, and Chad was kinda jealous that Chloe had a better relationship with her hair than he did.
After a while, Ella and Aurora stopped dyeing their hair as well, and Audrey dyed her hair to match her mom, and Christopher dyed streaks in his hair like he did when he was younger to match Ella.
And Chad HATED IT AGAIN and stayed blonde. This boy has been hiding every part of his life up to this point, his hair colour, his sexuality, his love for arts and NOW EVERYONE WAS COOL WITH IT WHEN THEY WEREN'T BEFORE AND IT HURTS.
But one day he was sitting at college with Doug in his room. Doug was drawing up a budget for Chad (because it was an extra project for him, Chad couldn't care less about the money he a was spending), and the hair dye gets brought up, and Cahd pauses.
He looks to Doug, who had dyed his hair blue at some point for Evie and still had a few stray blue patches at his tips, and he sighs, looking into the mirror where a few baby blue curls are pushing past his roots.
And he tells Doug to leave it, he wants to try something new.
It'd make Chloe and his mom happy to see it at least once, and the worst that could happen is he looks ugly.
So why not try his natual hair again.
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halloweenreaper · 4 months
Anytime I see the bsd beach art my first thought is RIP to the redheads. Chuuya and Jun’ichirou would be sooo burnt (I give Atsushi a 50/50 chance on burning or actually tanning considering white hair generally means less melanin but not always). I don't care how much sunscreen is used, I've never met a natual redhead that didn't burn after 5 minutes in direct sunlight regardless of precautions. And we fully know Dazai would use that fact against Chuuya for shenanigans. 🤣🤣🤣
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sameschmidtdiffname · 6 months
I love how after the first Hunger Games movie they just stopped bleaching Josh Hutcherson's brows. It's so stupid, but it's one of those little things that just tickle the fuck out of me, like it changed his look so much I feel. I just- I wanna know who was the leading force behind that. Like was Josh himself just like "I look like an actual blonde, this is a hate crime." Or was the hair department like "okay, we went the monstrous One Singular Hair Color™️ (No Depth) route, can we please make him look human this time?" Or did the director just decide Peeta needed a Me Moment after finding out Katniss wasn't into him like that so he got his brows done and had his roots dyed for depth?? Is this a hint that man saw Coriolanus 'Purple Shampoo' Snow and said "not me, y'all stay safe tho." ??
(No because you can tell they really were bickering over what the fuck to do with his hair. He goes from straight 16 year old box bleaching for the first time with no toner in the first movie to his hair being different levels of bleached on a scene to scene basis in Catching Fire until they finally figure out what the fuck they're doing in Mockingjay and find a balance with the brown-blonde ratio, and even then he still doesn't really have the right skin tone to pull off natual blond. No wonder he says he hated the hair process. Say less my guy)
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willsolace-loml · 21 days
hi! i saw ur post about headcanons and if u dont mind sharing, can you tell us some of yours for evan? :)
-hes natually blond and every so often hell take a section of hair and dye it fun colors, like purole or green
-he got his ears pierced the same time as pandora cuz she was scared to get them, he ended up liking them so much he got more
-he wasnt friends with barty anf reg till the end of first year cuz barty put him off a lot (and he was worried abt barty being friends with pandora) and he didnt inow wut to think of reg
-dorcas was the first person he came out to, she was a year older and already out so he trusted her, and she caught him looking at a hot gryffindor guy while she was looking at marlene
-hes rlly good and socializing with everybody, like hes super good at hiding his freak for formal situations, by the second hang out tho hes absolutely craxy,
-he asked barty out first anf they went to the three broomsticks, it went terribly until barty spilled his drink all over himself so they had to go to the bathroom to change, evan took of his shirt to give it to barty and was js gonna keep his hoodie on. they ended up hooking up in the bathroom
-him and panda have a secret handshake they made on their 5th birthday, every yesr they add smth new to it, its abt 4 minutes long and theyve nvr forgotten it even once
-he absolutely loves mexican food, js everything abt it he thinks is delicious
-he always has a pack of stickers in his bag
-the entire 3rd year he was majorly emo, like full force emo, he still is emo, js extremely dialed back
-he loves legos, he has a ton in his room at his parents house, theyre all people in handmade tortue devices made with spare legos
-he has "bcj" tattooed on his v line, he also has his and pandora's first words tattooed, pandas in his handwriting anf his in pandoras
i accidentally deleted this and had to rewrite the whole thing wnf im still missing one i cant remember
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
Need frat!peter to brush my hair and kiss my Forehead rn fr-🦦
'come sit?' peter pats the edge of the bed, you look over from the bathroom doorway, a brush in the middle of your hair. it's still damp from your shower.
you sit where he asked and your hairbrush was picked from your grasp, 'hey! i was- oh.' a delicate touch, your scalp has never been so thankful for the patience.
peter combs the brush through over and over, he's moving slow, he wants to take his time doting on you.
'does it hurt?'
you shake your head, 'no, you're a natual.'
'i've always wanted to do this,' you snort, tilting back while the fixes the crown of your head. 'what, brush a girls hair?'
'no, brush your hair.'
you hum, your eyes shutting and a warmth of comfort cover you. it's barely there, but you feel a kiss on your forehead, blinking open to catch peter smiling down at you.
'careful, petey. i might think you're in love with me," peter doesn't push you away in fear, this time he gives you another kiss. 'might?'
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disabledcelestia · 7 months
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mlp species headcannons pegasi are arabian shaped and hollow boned
unicorns are marwari shaped with cloven hooves, goatees and lion tails
earth ponies are dutch draft shaped and heavily furred.
alicorns are huge, have long lion tails, slight feathering and have 4 wings. their builds are similar to friesians.
earth/pega are fjord/welsh cob shaped with tiny wings unicorn/pega are thoroughbred shaped unicorn/earth are irish draught shaped with cloven hooves, donkey like tails and short facial hair.
twilight is an uni/earth which is why celestia took interest in their magical prowess and how they acclimated to becoming an alicorn so easily as their build is most similar to natual alicorns.
rarity is a kirin unicorn cross and trims her goatee and paints her hooves. She has a pearl like gene so her coat shines.
rainbowdash is pure pegasus and struggles with on ground tasks as pegasus legs are very fragile. she has rainbow markings up her legs after her rainboom.
applejack is a pure earthpony along with most of her family, she braids her mane and tail to keep them out of the way and wears protective joint braces.
pinkiepie is a unicorn/pegasus mix with a mutation which led her to inherit neither horn or wings but all the magic became her famous pinkie sense/ 4th wall magic
fluttershy is a pegasus/earthpony and can only glide and tread clouds. she was outcasted and doesnt like to hang out with other pegasi. she has bat pony features such as semi webbed wings, fangs and fluffy ears.
cadence was born a pure unicorn and took a while to aclimate with becoming an alicorn.
maybe soon ill draw references of all the mane 6
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i think alex kralie would have made shitty music and posted it on myspace in like. high school
but like imagine if one day he saw tim. and he was like GODDDDD DAAAAMNN HE'S HOT??? and he literally made a cheesy ass song about him and posted it (obviously not saying who it was about)
and maybe jay saw it and bothered him by asking who is it :3c who is it :3c who is it :3c wh
or maybe brian saw it. and he was like. is. is this about tim. and he went to alex like "did you just write a song about a guy you saw once. that just so happens to be my best friend." and alex was all uuhhhhh what are you talking about. idk what youre talking about actually i don't even know you who are you
(btw everytime i talk about highschool timlex assume that it's scene alex x emo tim unless stated otherwise :3c)
natually hs timlex will always be scene x emo. thats just who they are. god but the hijinx of this.... that is hilarious. alex would go to hell and back denying that his dorky stupid little song about 'the raven haired boy with soft brown eyes / emo edgy clothes just give me a sign~' is actually about tim. i mean, its not like theres THAT many alternative kids at their high school. its not hard to deduce who his muse was.
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