#need some coffee to debug
termy · 1 year
This how you know I play too many games:
I woke up this morning and thought I couldn't get out of bed until I completed an achievement 😭
I kept checking my phone like ok surely I got it by now lmao
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purinfelix · 12 days
special treatment ⊹₊⟡⋆
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pairing: reader x compsci!daniel summary: to others, there might be absolutely no reason for you to be spending the night at your nerdy classmate's dorm room, but you know that he's the only one who you trust to check over your code - and look good while doing it w/k: 1k a/n: the brainchild of this late night blurb, the idea was too good not to turn into a fic so enjoy - i love writing my boys being nerdy <333 I LOVE NERDS
"We can't keep doing this. It's late."
"I know."
"Yet you're here again."
"I know."
You pause before continuing your pleading, "I need you, Daniel, you're the only one who can-"
"Get in," his voice comes curt, an attempt to hide the nervous unease he feels as he opens the door to his dorm a little wider for you. You shuffle into the cool darkness of his room - trying not to think of how suggestive this conversation might've sounded to anyone passing by.
If this had been any other day you might've taken a minute to pause and look around his dorm room, satisfying your morbid curiosity to know everything about the mystery you found this boy to be. But it wasn't the time for that, and you had little else on your mind when you threw your bag onto the floor and slumped onto his bed.
"I doubt our head of academic integrity would look very fondly upon one of their top students doing something like this," he mutters, sitting across from you on his desk chair.
"Probably not any better than they would on the top student for helping them get away with it," you challenge back, getting a kick out of the way he seems to squirm under your gaze, eyes darting between you and the floor.
It must've started around the end of last semester if you recall correctly. A couple final assignments, way too many cans of energy drink and a fated late-night library encounter had thrown you into a 'relationship' some might've seen as strange, but you thought more of as resourceful. Before that night, the thought of even approaching the guy you'd only seen leaving lectures early because he understood everything before the professor had the chance to explain it, seemed out of the question - equal parts daunting and embarrassing.
He was a cocky nerd, and there was little more you hated than someone who not only had an ego, but the means to back it up. You'd be lying if you said you didn't resent him a little every time you saw his name on top of yours when the class rank lists came out, but something about the stress of finals week had lowered your guard and forced you to swallow your pride.
"Fine, show it to me." He's so easy to break, you think to yourself as you fling open your bag to grab your laptop. Navigating quickly to the page of code you'd spent the last four hours unsuccessfully debugging, you set it down in front of him.
"Danny, I don't know what's wrong with it, and it's due tonight!" You watch as his eyes scanned the code, fingers moving masterfully as he fixed a line here, edited a call there. After a ridiculously impressive short amount of time, he clicks the program and to your delight, your code runs with no bugs. You're tired enough not to be embarrassed by your squeal of joy, but also awake enough to resist the urge to throw yourself at the man in front of you.
"You're my saviour, you know that?" You resign yourself to this, and it seems to do the trick as you watch him break into a shy smile - which, even in the low light, you can tell is accompanied by flushed cheeks.
"It's nothing," he laughs softly, pushing the laptop back towards you.
You're not sure why he keeps giving in to your begs for help, especially when - to you - you're not giving him anything in return. You've brought it up before, amidst offers for free dinner or coffee or lecture notes, things you'd think no other university student could give up. Yet every time he waves you off with the same content smile. Smart, cocky, as if he couldn't get any more annoying the asshole just had to be generous as well.
"Thank you, I'll get out of your hair now," you say hurriedly, shoving your laptop back into your bag and slinging it over your shoulder - eager to let him get back to whatever it is he was doing before you barged in.
"Wait," he says, and your hand pauses around the handle of the door.
It's silent for a bit, as you turn back to him and watch in fascination as his usually unbothered expression transforms into something you can't quite put your finger on - a strange mix of pain and confusion.
"Are you free tomorrow night?" he finally manages to blurt out.
"No, sorry I think I've got plans with a friend," you laugh awkwardly, still confused as to why this seems like such a big deal to him.
"Oh, alright," you watch his face fall and something in your heart twists.
"I should be free the night after though, what did you have in mind?"
His eyes shoot up to meet yours as he regains a little bit of the confidence you're so used to seeing him sport. "I was thinking I might take you up on your offer, for dinner?"
"Oh, of course, I mean I do owe you for all you've done for me."
"But I want to pay."
"Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of my paying you back?"
"Think of it less like you paying me back and more like..." he trails off towards the end of his sentence, and when you look into his eyes, eyebrows raised, you're quick to catch on.
"A date?"
He gives you half a nod, shy and a little unsure.
"Danny, are you asking me out on a date?"
"If it's alright with you, yes."
You let out a half-hearted laugh of surprise, letting out a breathy "of course."
Relief washes over your classmate's face as he sits back in his desk chair with a sigh and a grateful smile. "See you then."
You nod, a sudden shyness washing over you as you finally make it to the door and return to the harsh white light of the hallway - though now the code you came to ask him about is the last thing on your mind.
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jinxxsims · 2 years
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*Deep Breath*
Okay, so I started work on this download back when it was 100, but life got busy and when I was able to resume working on it, there were 150. Life got busy again before I was finished, and now there are 250 of you amazing people... but I’m actually getting this thing out there, so yay for that.
There are 61 meshes in this download, and hundreds of recolors. A quick rundown of what’s included:
Some of @aroundthesims 4t2 tattoo parlor set. The chair is cloned from pikkon’s tattoo chair, so it’s a double for the makeover chair. The single rolling drawer is an end table that is slaved to the double sideboard, so you need the double for the single to show up. 
High School Years’ Starry Eyed prom/dance set, which contains the balloon arch (sculpture), backdrop (sculpture), dining table, dining chair, and banquet table, cloned from a very similar table by @veranka-downloads
And finally, I converted at least one thing from every expansion pack and game pack from Sims 4 currently released that hadn’t been converted before, plus a few deco things from Sandy @ ATS that I really wanted in my game.
From top left to bottom right...
Girl Scout cookies (ATS, sculpture) • Pepperidge Farm cookies (ATS, sculpture) • Royal Dansk cookie tin (ATS, sculpture) • Teddy Grams (ATS, sculpture) • Arrrmed Dining Chair (Base Game) • Captain Rodrigo Dining Chair (Base Game) • Salyut Aeronaut Chair (Base Game) • Booping Shnoops (Cats & Dogs, sculpture) • Crate End Table (Cats & Dogs) • Town Statue 4 (Cats & Dogs Debug) • Town Statue 5 (Cats & Dogs Debug) • Fuzzread Article (City Living) • M.A.P. Most Amazing Player (City Living) • Chicken Competition Prize Ribbon (Cottage Living Debug, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and participation ribbon recolors included) • Food Platter (Dine Out Debug) • Party’s Over Chair (Discover University) • Polymer Chameleon Barstool (Discover University) • Very Impressive Lawyery Desk Chair (Discovery University) • Very Impressive Lawyery Desk (Discover University) • Fabric Sampe Book (Dream Home Decorator Debug) • Bougie Burlap Sofa (Eco Lifestyle) • Biochemical Medical (sculpture, Get Famous) • The Queen’s Gossip Chair (Get Famous) • Seat of the House barstool (Get Together) • Doctor of Medicine Diploma & My First Simolean (Get to Work) • Ever-So-Versatile Chillbox End Table (Get to Work) • Modern Metallic Illuminated Display Case (not illuminated, but functional table, Get to Work) • Stainless Steel Fab Slab (Get to Work) • Bubbly Barstool (High School Years) • Cheer Megaphone (sculpture, High School Years) • Clear as Crystal Coffee Table (High School Years) • High School Event Banner (High School Years) • Modest Marcel Dining Chair (High School Years) • Call Me Ottoman (functional living chair, Island Living) • Bug Bite Cure (Journey to Batuu) • Supply Crate (functional end table, Journey to Batuu) • Stool de Selvadorada (Jungle Adventures) • Fenwick the V Banquet Table (3-tiled table, My Wedding Stories) • Not Your Average Firewood Loveseat (Outdoor Retreat) • Timber Log Chair (Outdoor Retreat) • Brohill Barstool (Parenthood) • Magical Crystal Cluster 2, 3, and 4 (Realm of Magic Debug) • Violets are Blue Flower Arranging Station (functional table, Seasons) • Spirit Doll (Snowy Escape) • Pillow for Deep Thoughts (was a throw pillow, but I turned it into a functional bean bag chair, Spa Day) • The Sign Saw You (Strangerville Debug) • You Saw the Sign (Strangerville Debug) • Dead Hawthorn Tree (sculpture, Vampires) • Fenry Chompsalot Jr. (sculpture, Werewolves)
When it comes to the downloads, there are two options for you to choose from. One offers each of the meshes in a separate folder with its recolors and the textures for each so you can pick and choose what you want to keep. The second zip is all the recolors merged with their respective meshes, so there are 61 total files. You only need to download one.
I hope everyone finds at least a few things they can use. Enjoy! And thank you for following! 
Download Individual Files
Download Merged Files
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theragnarokd · 4 months
Bullshit from yesterday is still bad. Have talked about it exhaustively with a number of people and i dont feel any wiser. I am feeling pretty down on myself.
[emotional debugging]
Writing might help, but theres a chance of me then getting hung up on feedback to an unhealthy degree for me.
Theres some work stuff i should probably do sometimes today. I should have done it on Friday but since I have no time machine, today it is.
There are so many things that need doing and I have so little energy right now. Would pushing through and doing stuff anyway help? Idk.
Maybe i could try a small thing?
(its interesting to feel how the anger and grief just. Get sucked up into the ever-present black hole in my chest, tamped down and compacted to add to the impacted misery sitting there. i guess thats where that bullshit comes from: all the pain i force myself to ignore to keep going.)
(sheesh that sounds dramatic. But i think its still true)
Showering later would probably help.
Ill make myself coffee, have some cookies, and put a timer for 20min. If i manage to write and it helps i can keep going.
Or should i try working first? Hm. Maybe put a max time limit on it as well. I might flip a coin.
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weaselle · 11 months
bigger better Neighborhood for sims
so i took my small neighborhood i made a while back, and i put it on a much bigger lot and improved it and filled it out bigger and better and oh my gods i am pretty pleased with it if i do say so myself
It should be useable as a multi-family apartment lot when the new For Rent pack comes out
Actually, it should be usable as almost any kind of lot -- retail, cafe, residential, park, gym... would need a tiny bit of work to run as a restaurant but you could do it -- i even left a small city block with a debug shell to delete on it ready for you to build your own little something there
It has an insane amount of detail and things for your sim to do. the park in the middle has a community theater with a karaoke set up on the stage so people will actually watch performances. There's an apartment building with 2 two bedroom apartments, a studio apartment over the bookstore/cafe, and a small house with a garage. And a run down block with a small homeless encampment.
all the buildings are built out with details down to a plunger and a non-functional garbage can in every bathroom. I even made a little crosswalk signal for the two busiest crosswalks
I particularly like the little block i built my corner store on -- the convenience store has a bunch of vending machines, and a coffee pot behind the counter, so sims will go in and get a cup of coffee and buy things from the vending machines. There's a laundromat next to it with a bus stop out front and above that there's a little clothing boutique and a photography studio
On the bad end of town there's an unbuilt block with some construction stuff and everything a homeless sim needs to live outdoors. And then across the street from that there's a seedy warehouse/tenant house building with a cool little food-truck bar situation and a chain-link fence basketball court area
here look at some pics (helix369 on the gallery for this and other builds)
[like ten more pics below the cut]
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i didn't even get to the house or the cafe or the gym or anything, but this is so long already :P
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starvin-darlin · 1 year
Parallel Play
in which Anton and his love spend some time together
cw : a little nsfw!
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“What are you doing?” They giggled as they were pulled to the other end of the couch, Anton’s hands gently guiding them back into his lap. His face tucked into the side of their neck so that his breath tickled them as he spoke.
“Oh nothing, just want you closer.” He mumbled before kissing that spot behind their jaw, he knew that was their favourite.
“You finally finished your work?” They asked, gesturing to his laptop that had been shut and discarded to the coffee table. He made an affirmative noise before shifting to lay back against the corner of the couch, bringing his partner back with him. They were used to his silence, the way he sometimes spoke through gestures and noises, and they knew he was asking them to rest with him.
“Hey, no way! I wanna get this square done!” They sat back up, though his arms did not let them get far, lingering on their waist as they continued the crocheting they had been fiddling with while he worked. It was a hobby they always enjoyed, but hadn’t had much time to indulge in until recently.
Anton loved his job, a freelance engineer hired by companies every couple of months to help with their projects. He loved his job, apart from the tight deadlines of the current project he was working on. It had been weeks of constantly bringing work home with him, spending hours each night debugging lines of code or adjusting blueprints for designs he was working on.
Hence, his partner’s decision to return to their love of crocheting. It gave the couple a nice way to spend time together; the gentle taps of Anton’s keyboard mixing with the clicking of their crochet hook. Sometimes the two watched TV or played music in the background, sometimes they just enjoyed the peaceful silence being broken by taps and clicks and quiet breathing. Both often found their gazes wandering, staring at their partner in admiration, enjoying their furrowed brows as they focused on their individual work. Occasionally a hand would find the others’, a gentle kiss on their knuckles before returning it to its task.
It made Anton’s heart ache. The simple domesticity. The enjoyment of just the other’s company with no pressure on what form that needed to take. The support he had from his partner, despite how busy he always was. The exhaustion from weeks of work was wearing at him. And all he wanted to do after finishing tonight’s allotted coding was to relax in the arms of the person he loved most.
However, the crocheting they took up as a counterpoint to his keyboard clicking had enamoured them too much. He loved how obsessively they strived to create, how happy they were after finishing a new plant pot cosy or mug coaster, filling the house with their labours of love. He loved this quality about them until it denied him them in his arms. Their newest creation - a large intricate granny square blanket, a beast of a project in hues of oranges and yellows and greens and purples - had captured their attention too wholly.
He sat back up, draping his body over their frame as the clicking of their hook started again. His record player was still playing one of his favourite albums, the sound blending with their quick rhythm in an odd but pleasant melody. They noticed the slight pout on his lips as his face entered their peripheral vision.
“How much longer my love?”
“Only a few more rows, then we should get started on dinner, yeah?”
A sigh escaped his lips. Yet another obstacle in the way of resting with his love in his arms.
They laughed at his childish exasperation, “I know! I know. But then we get to curl up and relax the entire rest of the evening.”
He knew they were right. But they didn’t know how much the time away from them the past few weeks had eaten at his patience. He yearned for more of them, them closer to him, their hair running through his fingers, their body pressed into his. He said words he didn’t fully mean. “I don’t mean to pull you away from your crochet my love, take as long as you need.” He didn’t want to deny them their simple pleasures, however to keep with their usual time together, he needed something to do with his hands too.
His lips traced their hairline with kisses, a small smirk growing on their face. He wrapped his arms around their waist, getting as close to them as possible until their back was pressed to his chest. A contented sigh left them as his kisses continued down their neck.
He paused to watch their deft hands at work. Looping yarn and twisting and slipping it off their hook to create a gorgeous pattern, shades of orange blending into the green they were introducing to the current square they were working on. Anton thought it would be a beautiful addition to their couch, realising they had matched the colours to the couch cushions. He loved their eye for detail in aesthetics, something he neglected as his work focused only on functionality and use. They slowed him down, made him appreciate beauty around him. The evidence was shown in the traces of them around his space, now overcome with plants and pillows and blankets. His previous apartment had been practical, as simple as possible to avoid it getting messy as he didn’t have time to clean. The only area with character was his work desk, bustling with paper and tools and half finished mechanisms.
The house they had bought together was completely different. He finally lived in a space he could call a home. They had forced him to let them fill every inch of it with colour and life and he was grateful he did every day he lived there. A constant visual reminder of how they improved his life.
He loved watching their fingers. Beautiful fingers, he thought, wanting to kiss each one. He resorted to kissing down their back instead, slipping their shirt down one shoulder to access more of their skin. Dipping his hands under their shirt to dance across their stomach, to massage their sides and up their chest while he sucked and nibbled and licked. Their breaths were growing louder now, but the clicking of their hook remained constant. He chuckled at their muscle memory not failing them, even while he tried to distract their mind.
A single finger dipped below the waistband of their shorts, causing a sharp intake of breath and their hips to jump slightly. He chuckled again. They finally realised what he was doing.
“You’re mean.” They mumbled, turning to face him. He thought this meant he had won their full attention, however the clicking remained, and they returned their gaze to their project after one chaste kiss.
“I’m not trying to make you stop your crocheting. You continue your hobby and I’ll continue mine.” He smiled, dipping his fingers once again under their shorts. He meant it. Anton wasn’t trying to make them choose him over finishing their craft, he just needed to hear the sounds of their pleasure, he needed to feel them writhe against him. He wasn’t a man of many words, he preferred to show his love and it had been so long since he showed them how much he craved them.
One of his arms stayed wrapped around their waist, holding them back against him while the other teased between their legs. He was slow, he liked to take his time, no need to rush their pleasure. They hummed in quiet satisfaction, crochet hook still clicking, as their man toyed with them exactly how he knew they liked. They lay back against him, positioning their hands higher up so they could continue working in their new position. This drove Anton wild. Feeling their body resting on him, opening their legs wider in silent plea of more. It was exactly what he craved, the simple bliss of knowing he made them feel good, that their body yearned for him the same way his did for them.
He kept his hand moving slow and gentle. His other explored their chest, kneading and massaging any tension away until they were a puddle in his arms. A puddle who still didn’t miss a beat with their crochet hook. His mouth on their neck caused the first moan to escape their lips, breathy and cut off like they surprised themselves with it. Anton loved that sound, and planned to do everything he could to make them do it again. Soon moans left them freely, and their head threatened to tip back in pleasure. Finally their dedication to their crochet was being tested. A single finger slipping inside of them was the tipping point.
They cast their work to the side and reached behind them to tug on their lover’s hair. He laughed at the reaction before their lips found him. They kissed him greedily, hungrily, like he was the last oxygen left on earth. His hand on them remained slow and determined, finally encouraging them over the edge gently. Ecstasy washed over them in waves that he stroked them through, adoring the way their body writhed and tensed in his arms.
When they finally stopped twitching in pleasure he kissed their temple, their breath returning to an even rate and their body once again going slack in his touch. They turned to straddle him, resting their head on his shoulder while he drew shapes on their back. The vinyl record reached the end of its last song.
“I know, I know, dinner before relaxing, right?” He teased.
“You’re too good to me.” They whispered.
“Never. You deserve so much more.”
They kissed his forehead. Then the corner of his eye. Then his nose.
“But I want you.”
And how could Anton deny them anything they wanted.
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elegance-and-grit · 1 year
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3/100 days of productivity
🚶 1 hour of movement (45 minutes of biking and 15-minute walk, counts. Let's see how I'll approach this once I am living closer to uni and don't have to bike that much anymore. 0.0)
🏊‍♀️ 30 mins of sports (Went for a short 20-minute run, but I am letting this count. I trained for a Tough Mudder 10k at the end of august; it was a great success and fun. However, after 7k my knee started hurting so bad, that I had to stop or risk again not being able to even walk without pain for a few weeks (been there, done that). Was quite frustrating, because I had the condition, I just didn't have the properly trained knees. So the plan now is to run a lot but short intervals and increase them slooooowly. The method for now is: September 20mins, October 25 mins, November 30 mins and so on. Let's see if it will help!)
🧘 Yoga (any duration)
🥗 Somewhat healthy food (well, i am giving myself half a point here. Managed three and a half proper and healthy meals, but drank far to sweet coffees and ate two slices of cake, which might be a lot of sugar.)
Study & Work
📚 Read 30 minutes (Nope :/)
✍️ Wrote 30 minutes (Nope :/)
💭 Thought 30 minutes (Nope :/)
💻 Concentrated work for 6 hours (I tried really hard, but yesterday wasn't a good day. Got close to 6 hours but can't really say that it was concentrated.)
I also got far too stuck on some setup issues to debug my patch. Not really sure what the hell I spent my time on there. Feels not well invested. (And that happens to me sometimes, I think I need to start be more pragmatic about what is actually the goal/measure of success and how to reach it). But the setup is now running, so today I can actually tackle the challenge!
I am sitting in a coffee shop writing this, but it's really not romantic, man. The music is far too loud and the customers are somehow really impolite and that makes me very uncomfortable. But hey, got a good coffee first thing in the morning! And now my headphones stopped working.
Fixed the headphones thing with a small power charge, I am a certified engineer after all! But noise-cancelling headphones are sometimes really a life-changer!
The 3-small tasks a day thing is working great for me! Would be funny if this simple approach finally solves my continuous problems with my doom pile. But I am ready for funny.
(My doom pile issues are really not so good, I keep delaying a few tasks one really should not delay, and feel really blocked on tackling them. Not sure why. But I feel good about this three tasks a-day thing. 3 tasks fit nicely on a post-it and the "doom" feeling that happens when I look at my list, doesn't set in.) Even today I realized when I looked at my three points of today, that I was daunted by two of them, but like it was manageable? Maybe my brain was just disillusioned before, always convincing myself that I would get this mountain down in one very productive day. Again, funny.
Had a really nice lunch with a good friend (and a coffee and a walk). If I sometimes ask myself why I don't manage 8 productive hours a day, maybe it's mainly because of 2 1/2 hours lunch breaks or other breaks like this. But not decided on what to do - I like those breaks. Anyone having any suggestions? How do you manage to get your number of productive hours in?
Had a really nice evening with my boyfriend, too. I think we're both becoming more relaxed and it's great. I think this type of evening (with the same kinda setup) would have perhaps been stressful before, but now we managed to make it really nice. Proud of myself here!
Feeling really good and I am grateful for that. Also - I am really happy about every like and follow and more blogs to discover and follow myself. Thank you all lovely studyblr people! So far studyblr really is having a positive impact. <3
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devleader · 1 day
Hot take: There's nothing inherently wrong with testing implementation details I'm sorry if you spit out your coffee when you read that, but hear me out before you smash a novel out on your mechanical keyboard to fight me on this. My approach to testing software boils down to one fundamental: Building confidence in the changes we're delivering So if you're preparing your debate points, just know that this is the perspective I'm grounded in. How we build confidence can and will look different from situation to situation. When I build parsers, I almost always go straight to TDD. I don't even love TDD, but I treat my system like a blackbox and test inputs and outputs. I am constantly rearranging the guts of my parsing logic and I just want to make sure I get the right stuff out based on what I put in. When I build bigger or more complex systems, this story changes. Quite a bit. Just because there are different scenarios I need to consider. "But you must test against the API, not the implementation details!" When I'm writing code, there are some things that aren't known on the API but they're behaviors I expect. And if I need confidence on those things, you can bet your butt that I'm going to write tests to give me that confidence. Some things that I can't just "test against the API" of the method I'm calling: - Does my call to an external service handle exceptions properly? - If necessary, does that call handle retries accordingly? - Before we go roll out a deployment worldwide to hundreds of thousands of servers, are we sending the right telemetry? - Do we have the right logging in place for helpful debug information? ... There are countless scenarios I've encountered where it's been helpful to test implementation details. "But then your tests become brittle! You can never change the code now!!!" Look, you're changing the code without the coverage and breaking all sorts of expected behavior because it wasn't "against the API" so there were no tests. Now if you made it this far before you rushed to the comments to rage: - No, I don't think this is the only way to test - Yes, I would (generally) prefer system/integration tests since they've become very cheap/fast to run - No, I don't think any one type of test is superior to all of them - Yes, I do mix all sorts of testing into my codebase - Yes, I refactor code non-stop - Yes, there are absolutely times I have to blow away tests when I rewrite the guts of something But along the way I'm deciding where I need to build confidence with all of the tools at my disposal. ---- 📨 Sign up for my email newsletter! 🗣️ Share with your network! #Coding #Programming #SoftwareEngineering #Testing
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iamwesselart · 2 years
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Good morning and happy Friday :)
Yesterday I decided to take off, like flat on my back sleep most of the day away because I’m too tired to really stand or do anything. Been grinding so hard lately that I forgot to take care of myself. Being in endless survival mode, varying degrees of nightmare, for over a decade, stuff like that is easy to fall into. Nose down, eyes forward, must survive, must do something to survive, must create to survive…so yesterday and the rest was super needed. And this morning, at least a bit better..until I read the news about Twitter, lol. One smack after another.
Anyways, in happy news…
Super excited to announce the drop of the 60th Stoner Stick People and 3rd open edition of the series. Been loving the Manifold custom contracts that give me control over my work and how easy they are to deploy and use.
This open edition I’m not giving away though. The first one to welcome eth collectors, the second to spread a good vibe after the FTX crash last week but, this week, papa’s gotta put some food on the table. We shall see who enjoys this piece and the series enough to collect. Price is cheap, .01eth, like a lot of open editions my friends and I are doing as we try and figure out how to adapt to the current…I’d guess you’d call it a market, lol.
I also dropped a new glitch…but that’ll be a different post. The whole Debug series is slowly shaping up…interesting the guidelines I put on myself for it, or at least the first bit. Dealing with information/decision overload, mental health issues, technology…expressing it out the best I can.
As I look at the clock I see it’s time to head out for coffee. I try and do that a couple times a week, a special moment to enjoy some damn fine brew. Shop opens soon and after the last hour or so of writing, it’s time to wake up.
Here’s a link to the SSP open edition claim page if you wanna support the vibe and the artist :)💚😶‍🌫️🌻
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transduin-is-cringe · 2 years
Coffee Break (Tony x OC)
This is a short drabble fic based off a prompt that got slightly out of hand.
Prompt: handing the other one a hot cup of tea coffee, their hands touching for a moment Rating: Fluff (All ages) Pairing: Tony x OC (Buzz, they/them) Word count: 1157 Summary: Buzz brings some coffee for the insomniac engineer, only to find the lab empty- until they find Tony taking a snooze.
Tony didn’t sleep very often. It wasn’t a mystery to anyone in the tower that he still struggled with nightmares and tremors after New York and the Mandarin. He could put on a brave face most days, but he was only brave because he was avoiding the one thing he needed- sleep.
Buzz knew there was no convincing him to go to bed. Tony’s bad habit, however, did allow Buzz to bond a bit more with Tony versus the other residents of Stark Tower. The Gods and Heroes of the Avengers frequently come and go as a revolving door. Pepper still had a business to maintain, and otherwise kept a steady schedule when she was back at the tower.
Tony in his lab was a constant- which made it all the more surprising when Buzz slid open the door and found the lab empty. Lights started up as the door opened, meaning it had been unoccupied for a while now. Perhaps Tony finally gave up the ghost and went to bed. There was a pang of disappointment as Buzz slid the cardboard carrier holding two hot lattes onto an empty counter space. They had looked forward to spending time with Tony- silent bonding as they each fulfilled their own tasks, tinkered with their own programs, basking in each other’s company. There was relief, though, that Tony was finally getting a bit of rest. 
“Good morning, JARVIS,” Buzz called out. The program whirred to life.
“Good morning, Buzz,” the electronic voice responded. “It is currently 2:14 AM.” 
So Tony had gone to bed, and at a time where most normal people would be in bed. Buzz wasn’t sure if they should be concerned or proud.
“Still technically morning,” Buzz countered. “Can you show me the Moth Suit program? Got some debugging to do.”
“Of course,” JARVIS replied, opening a diagram of a suit, similar in style to the famous Iron Man suit, in a hologram on Buzz’s own work table. “I would like to remind you that I am capable of running debugging diagnostics passively- you do not have to debug manually.”
“Call me old fashioned,” Buzz said sarcastically. They liked getting into the nitty gritty, fine tuning everything within a millimeter of perfection. What they could do, actually entering the program through their mutation, felt even more personal than plugging away lines of code on the computer. They were the program. 
“Of course, sir. Shall I start up your Tinker Time playlist?”
Buzz rounded their table, looking at the display of their suit- and came to a stop when he saw a figure at the corner of their gaze. Tony had gone to bed, but done so on a lightly padded bench. Buzz wouldn’t say he looked elegant in his sleep- not in this moment. Tony was laying on his back, his head propped up by a rolled up towel. His chin was buried in his chest with a permanent scowl on his face. His arms crossed over the glowing reactor in his chest, both hands tucked into his underarms. Buzz couldn’t help but let out a quiet laugh at the sight.
“Hold off on that, JARVIS,” Buzz replied off handedly. Tony had kept a few blankets in the lab in the event of a power nap, but evidently decided against them this time around. Buzz touched the back of their hand to Tony’s bare arm and felt how cold it was. The pang in their chest returned, but a pang of adoration rather than one of regret. Tony flinched at the contact, but otherwise did not stir.
Buzz grabbed a throw blanket from a built-in shelving unit, shook and unfurled it, and laid it carefully over Tony. As Buzz leaned over the sleeping man to tuck him in, there was a groan. 
“Just resting my eyes,” Tony stirred, moving to sit up. Buzz stood back as the man awoke, stretching and shivering and wiping the sleep away from his eyes. “Five minute micro-nap-- just resting my eyes.” 
Buzz couldn’t help but smile. “Just five minutes? When was that?”
“Doesn’t matter, I guess,” Tony was now sitting straight up and was mostly awake, if his diversion was anything to go by. He hated being proven wrong, even for the smallest things. “JARVIS, put on my Work playlist.” Tony stood and walked around Buzz’s station, trailing his hand over Buzz’s back as he passed them. 
“Of course, sir.” As JARVIS’s voice faded, the distinctive guitars of AC/DC started playing. 
Buzz followed after Tony, placing their own hand on Tony’s back. “Why don’t you go to bed, Tony. You’re clearly tired.” 
Tony shook his head, unsure if he was trying to convince himself he wasn’t tired or shaking the sleep off. “Not tired, not anymore. Jarv, open up Mark 78- I have some ideas for improvements.” 
Buzz knew better than to argue with Tony when it came to sleep. They didn’t have much of a leg to stand on, either. Their mutation came with free insomnia- with so much electricity coursing through their veins constantly, they could never turn their brain off. Tony and Buzz would frequently find themselves timing their streaks- Buzz got up to 43 hours before Bruce had to actually carry them to bed. So no, Buzz was no better than Tony when it came to sleep, which is why they settled for the next best thing. Buzz slid their hand off of Tony’s back and walked to the table where they had set the carrier down. 
“I got you a coffee,” Buzz offered, bringing the two cups over to Tony’s station, sliding along the table beside him. Tony looked at the cup with a brief suspicion before grabbing it from Buzz’s hand. His fingers hovered over the other’s for a fraction of a second, a feather light brush. Buzz could feel the callouses that had formed over years of working with his hands. 
“Thanks, Sparky,” Tony replied before taking a large swig. It had cooled down enough since Buzz had ordered it, it seemed. 
“So, how long have you been going this time,” Buzz asked, not moving from their spot, surely in Tony’s way.
“Lost track,” Tony replied quickly, but softly. It was clear he was still tired. 
Buzz just watched him, adoration and sympathy made them ache. Tony eventually met their gaze, taking in a deep breath as they both watched each other. Buzz broke the contact first. 
“Don’t work too hard,” Buzz finally said after a few moments of silence between the two. They shifted out of Tony’s way, resting their free hand over Tony’s shoulder, grazing fingers over his shoulder blades as they made their way to their projection. 
And the two worked in silence. Tony’s classic rock playlist continued so it wasn’t a strained silence. It was always comfortable. Two engineers engaging with their craft together, the two of them knowing better than to fight the other’s bad habits.
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nauuur · 1 year
Chat GPT Fanfiction
My favourite part of FanFiction is seeing the author’s thoughts and feelings shine through the writing, and that can never be replicated. That being said Ai made some half decent fanfic here...
Ian Wright stepped into the cozy confines of Pretty Little Lattes café, their mind already whirring with the endless possibilities and algorithms that filled their days. As they waited for their coffee, they took a moment to glance around the room and their eyes fell on the barista behind the counter. 
"Hey, how's it going?" the barista, Riley, said with a bright smile as they handed Ian their usual cup of coffee. 
"Good, thanks," Ian replied, taking a sip. "This is perfect, as always." 
Riley's eyes crinkled in delight. "I'm glad to hear that. So, what brings you in today?" 
"Just needed a caffeine fix," Ian said, their voice clipped and professional. "I have a lot of work to do." 
"I know the feeling," Riley said with a laugh. "What kind of work do you do?" 
"I'm the chief architect of QL's AI program," Ian said, their eyes lighting up with the thrill of their passion. "Lots of coding and debugging."
Riley's eyes widened in admiration. "That sounds really interesting. I'm into technology and programming too." 
Ian raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's rare to find outside of my team. What kind of projects do you work on?" 
They chatted for a few more minutes, discussing programming languages and software development. Ian found themselves enjoying the conversation, feeling a sense of connection with someone who shared their interests. 
As they were leaving the café, Ian paused for a moment before turning back to Riley. "Hey, do you have a phone number or something?" they asked, their heart racing with anticipation. "I'd like to keep in touch." 
Riley's face broke into a radiant smile as they scribbled their number on a napkin. "Sure thing. Text me sometime." 
Ian walked out of the café with a smile on their face, feeling grateful for the unexpected connection they had made. Maybe, just maybe, they were capable of building more than just machines.
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arithecreatorsstuff · 2 years
Things Hal Jordan is Forbidden To Do, Unless He Likes Having 'The World's Spookiest Babysitter' On Him 24/7 a Month Straight
By order of the Guardians of Oa, the Justice League of America, the Batman, all of his exes, coworkers, friends, relatives, all of Atlantis and Themyskera, the remaining Lantern Corps, half of Heaven, all of Hell, and general common sense, Green Lanterns, specifically Hal Jordan, are now forbidden from doing the following activities. When a violation of any item on this list occurs, the Guardians have authorized Batman to supervise the offender for a 30 day period. Should a second violation occur, appropriate punishment will follow.
Not allowed to follow Kryptonians around with 'kryptonite' crystal formations or objects. It wasn't funny the first time, now it's just cruel.
Not allowed to consume any illicit or intoxicating substance prior or while on duty. We know about the emergency flask, it has been... removed. And your vodka choice was really terrible anyway.
Not allowed to use any sort of converted siege crossbow in populated areas. Yes, it did indeed 'take care of the door'. However, it took out the door behind the door, the walls behind that, two cars parked on opposite sides of the street, five fireworks factories, a tank (we're honestly kind of impressed the tank didn't stop it), the cassocks of three priests it barely missed, and finally, a 95 year old oak tree in a shower of wood and splinters. The offender is responsible for ALL damages.
Males are banned from Amazon territory. No, cross dressing just to 'see if you like the lifestyle' will not give you a pass, and will most likely result in sandal prints all over your backside.
Not allowed to follow Aquaman around playing sea shanties, nor talk like a pirate around the King of Atlantis. Asking him if he knows SpongeBob will just result in the offender becoming a tasty kebab for the crabs. While alive.
Not allowed to ask Poison Ivy or Swamp Thing if they play music for their plants. There's no electricity in Swamp Thing's bog. And it is known Dr. Isley cannot sing.
Not allowed to dangle junior heroes over ledges as 'a disciplinary measure'. We get it, certain personnel are... young and kind of dumb. That being said, we need to set better examples. And spanking them with their own swords, while a truly memorable flex, is also not a good example. It was funny, just never do it again.
Not allowed to follow Batman around blasting ANY music. Especially not 'Momma Said Knock You Out', 'Run Like Hell', 'Gangster's Paradise', and especially not during stealth missions.
The 'Cardboard Box' trick never works in real life. Stop. Trying. It.
Not allowed to use time travel to win bets. That's cheating if we ever saw it, plus... dick move, spoiling Shazam's favorite book series before the last book came out. He's a literal twelve year old in an adult man's body.
Stop asking Cyborg to clear your browser history. One, those adult only sites are not permitted on JLA hardware/cell phones/etc. Two, because of those damned sites and the pornbots, Cyborg had to debug himself. Three times. And he still gets pop-ups, a year later. Buy some toys, or try the dating apps.
Not allowed to weaponize fruit. How did you even manage to make literal combustible lemons? John Stewart is genuinely curious.
No attempting to bathe villains. We get it, some villains are dirty and not just figuratively. But turning a fire hose on Digger Harkness was extreme, even if he had 'major funk in his trunk'. He was just thankful it was at least warmish water.
SEP fields (Someone Else's Problem) do not, in fact, hide anything long term. Stop trying to use them, they're not even supposed to exist.
Do not enrage the SCP Foundation. It will not go well.
Stop mailing gummy boobs to Power Girl, or she's going to throw you a party, with plenty of punch and everything.
No. More. Prank. Offs. Seriously unprofessional behavior.
Any coffee cups left sitting on a desk for longer than a 24 hour period will be washed and placed in the Mug Orphanage in the break room. Any mug found more than three times unattended on the desk will be publicly destroyed. Seriously, the fuzz growing in that mug was an inch think, stunk worse than skunk spray, Joker toxin, fear gas, cabbage farts, and a factory's worth of patchouli combined. It was a clear biohazard.
Not allowed to use hostile combatants as melee weapons. Yes, that one time was awesome, on a highly disturbing level. It was also technically at least one war crime. We fight crime, not add to it!
Not allowed to touch Batman's coffee. Unless refilling it.
No antagonizing ethereal or demonic entities. Lucifer had to take out a restraining order, which he didn't do for Constantine, and John Constantine is an equal opportunity annoyance.
No. More. Pies. To. The. Face. No, not even Joker's ugly greasepainted mug.
No 'pantsing' hostiles. It's juvenile.
Stop stealing Alfred's cookies. It's not funny.
Stop sending 'naughty' photos to Killer Frost. The Ice Queen is not into you! It's creepy, gross, and sure to end in lawyers. Plus... heard she said your... equipment is inadequate. In fact, just never do that again.
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dyed-red · 2 years
23 and 65!
23. how do you deal with writers block?
just starting right out the gate with the hardest question on the list, huh 😂 the honest answer is "a lot of ways" and "it depends on where i'm at in the story".
but some of those ways are:
finding a song that fits the vibe and listening to it on repeat for hours while trying to write
going back and reading what i've already written. this one works best if i start from like... the beginning, or very early in the story. i'll pick back up all the story beats and threads i was laying down and going back over them will help me untangle whatever mess i've made and figure out where i need to go next to make it build right.
writing down scene titles / story events on physical flash cards and rearranging them in different orders in front of me (sitting on the floor and shoo'ing away my cat) to find if i'm missing pieces or what order makes the most sense
stepping away from it for a while so it can percolate in the back of my brain
forcing myself to sit in front of it and get words out
the rubber duck debugging system (talk to someone about it, ideally someone not even in the fandom, and in the process figure out what the issue is or what i need to write next, typically before they even have a chance to chime in)
read something with a somewhat related trope that either inspires me or leaves me so pissed off that i just have to go and continue my story
one piece of advice i've never seen elsewhere: be clear / have solid lines between stories you have no intention to finish vs. ones that are still breathing, even if you're not making much progress on them or doing it quickly. give your mental energy, even if it's just percolation in the back of your mind (yes, percolate like a coffee maker), to the stories you are committed to completing
65. what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve written?
ooh okay so i'm both pretentious af and lazy af about titles. i sort of get stuck on the first one that comes to mind or gels with the story and then don't overthink it.
my runner up would be Architecture of Choice. it's only an honorable mention because, outside the fic itself, it makes me think of where it came from, which is choice architecture within behavioral decision theory, and that's way more technical and related to my day job than i want to be thinking about when writing fic.
so my actual favourite fic title i've written for spn is this pretentious monstrosity: Rusted H(u)e(w)
Like... who the fuck writes a title like that? I do, apparently. because the words came to me somewhat spontaneously like they always do for a title, but then when i went to write them i had "error 404 file not found" for if my brain was supplying "rusted hew" or "rusted hue". so i had to make it both. which fits the the story - not just each of the two readings but also the choppy, inelegant way in which they're spliced together. so i'm pleased with it anyway.
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Over the river and through the woods to the volcano we go!
Week 4
I normally take the time on Sundays to find a comfy spot somewhere in my hotel to write these weekly blog posts. However, due to a weekend excursion and the very long trip back, I’m on the bus with a few more hours to go and a lot of boredom to kill. Based on the title alone, I’m sure you’re the tiniest bit curious to want to know what in the world I’m talking about. If I guessed right, it’s your lucky day! You now owe me your undivided attention and $5 (I take any form of delivery: carrier pigeon, hot air balloon, the pony express, you name it).
Into the swing of things
Now with two weeks of doing research work under my belt, I’ve been getting into more of an established routine. My group partners Jayashree, Ricardo, and Diego are super great and we’ve been making so much progress with our projects. We have a little system going of how we divide up our work but usually end up collaborating together which I think is more fun. Our PIs, Jacobo Paredes and Javier Díaz have been keeping us on our toes with things to do, in particular learning about how the 3D resin printer works! During the day, we meetup with all our other friends in the program for (rather long) coffee breaks, lunch, and to just visit each other. I find it really interesting to hear about what they’re working on, like when Deidra Preuss (I know you read these Deidra! :) ) talks about her optimized electric motor or when Izzy figures out some insane code she’s debugging. All of us have been hanging out more together not only at work but outside of it too. We’ll grab a bite to eat, go to the movies, or obnoxiously knock on each other’s doors and walls just for funsies. We’ve even taken a trip to the hospital together for an almost bad allergic reaction from a chocolate croissant (see Mateo’s week 4 post to hear all about that). I can’t wait to see what more shenanigans (hopefully not health related) we’ll get into together. Recently, I’ve made it my mission to try as many different cheeses as I can and review them. As a woman of science I think this information is rather useful. I personally aspire to be like Remy from Ratatouille when he experiences the delight of pairing the cheese and strawberry together like a true master of culinary arts. I’ve been doing a fair amount of exploring around the city, trying new food places and not getting as lost in old town anymore. But there’s still so much more of San Sebastian I have yet to see and more areas of the map to unlock with my friends!
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L’amour de ma vie: Clermont-Ferrand
And just like that, we’re back in France!
Why? It’s been a big dream of mine to visit a volcano, but need to start small first you know? Before the study abroad program began, Jayashree and I found a dormant lava dome called Puy de Dôme, which is part of a volcanic mountain range filled with other lava domes and cinder cones called Chaîne des Puys. These are all located very close to the city, Clermont-Ferrand, which features several buildings made of volcanic stone. Pretty neat, huh? Sooo, naturally we had to go because who could turn down the chance to see volcanos?
On our first day, we got there bright and early by bus at 8 am and just walked around the city to hit some of the places we wanted to see. Our first stop was the Notre Dame of Assumption Cathedral, the most iconic symbol of the city with its Gothic structure and stunning stained glass. The whole thing is composed of black volcanic stone from the region, and words can’t even describe just how amazing it looked both inside and out. From there, we visited more cathedrals, checked out the mall, ate at Five Guys because I was really craving a classic burger, and chilled in the main square before we could check-in at our airbnb. Our host, Loïc, was actually not even in France but having a blast at Réunion Island off the coast of Africa (good for him!) but made sure we got there okay and even left candies for us in the apartment. We capped off the night by watching How to Get Away With Murder and collapsed in bed with high hopes for our ascent to the top of Puy de Dôme in the morning…
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A modern day story of Sisyphus
I love going on a good walk. Long walks, short walks, anything of the sort is my forte. Now, do I hike? This was my first ever real hike but pshhh I wasn’t going to back down from the challenge. We took a bus early in the morning (more like a series of buses and a tram due to some language barriers) and arrived at the base to start our journey. Accidentally started hiking on the wrong side of the trail and had to hop the fence, but besides that, we took off. The weather honestly couldn't have been any better, it was a light mist and a slight chill which felt really great when walking. For a good 89% of the trek I was doing just fine, having the time of my life and saying an occasional Bonjour! to a passing traveler. My fate was met when we reached the stairs. Up until this point, it had just been trails leading the way up. Closer to the summit though, there were several long series of stairs built in since I'm assuming a trail would've been inefficient. I started off as the engine that could, but quickly turned into the engine that couldn't. At an outlook point, I stopped to take a break and let my limbs regain a sense of consciousness before trudging along. I wouldn't let this break my resolve. The 10 hour bus ride it took to get here couldn't end with me ALMOST reaching the top. And so, we continued onward and cleared the stairs to find ourselves at the peak of Puy de Dôme! The view was nothing short of incredible, at a height of 4,806 ft the entire city of Clermont-Ferrand and beyond could be seen. Unlike Sisyphus, I completed my trials and tribulations with just a few bumps along the way...and almost losing my hat forever.
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Dungeons and Dragons, or Caves and Slugs?
We took a well-deserved rest for lunch and then began our next endeavor, which was to see the Puy Pariou. This volcano featured a large crater at its center and at the summit a TON of wind. Unfortunately, the path to the bottom of the crater was blocked off since erosion had caused mini ravines to form and make it unsafe for travelers. Still, the top of Puy Pariou showed a beautiful view of the rest of the volcanic mountain chain, as well as another look at the city of Clermont-Ferrand. From there, we found that there was a cave system nearby called Grottes de Cliersou and couldn't miss the opportunity to do a bit of spelunking. At this point, the rain picked up and started making the trails kinda slippery, but it wasn't enough to cause us to feel unsteady (keep this in mind for later). The walk itself to the caves was sketch, the trail took many twists and turns, as well as got very narrow at times, but when we eventually got there it was so worth it. The formations of the rock created small pockets that we could go underneath, and when we shined our flashlights those weren't even bright enough to illuminate the cave :0. On the outside, there was a random group of teens listening to american pop music which added to the overall vibe (I guess ariana grande's voice echoing off the rock walls wasn't something I thought I would experience but I'll give it an 8/10). On the way back, I have two things to say. First, I saw the most ginormous slug I've ever seen in my entire life. To be fair, the only wild slugs I've witnessed were only during this hike BUT STILL! Now the second thing circles back around to the wet trails from the rain. It was a lot more slippery on the way down, and I was also wearing vans which are not in any way a hiking boot. Not my proudest moment, but I fell (3 times) with mud alllllll over my pants. Couldn't do much but just own it and keep trekking.
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Would I come back again? Definitely. Hands down. There's still so many trails that we didn't get to go on and more sights to see in that mountain range and also back in the city. On that note,
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Emily Dobao
Biomedical Engineering
IPE San Sebastian, Spain
June 17th, 2024
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mmmobiles · 3 months
Expert OnePlus Screen Replacement and More Services-MM Mobile
Do you require prompt and trustworthy mobile phone repair services in Hyderabad? There's nowhere else to look! Our mobile repair business is easily accessible in [Metro Pillar No. C, 1450 7-1-613/12/6, opposite Cothas coffee shop, beside RK Boys Hostel, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, Telangana 500016] and provides professional assistance for any issues you may be having with your smartphone. We provide excellent repair services straight to your door, whether you're dealing with an urgently shattered screen or your OnePlus smartphone needs some TLC. 
Professional Replacement Screen for OnePlus 
Does the screen on your OnePlus phone have a fracture or damage? Don't let a broken display ruin your day. Using authentic components and cutting-edge methods, our qualified specialists specialize in OnePlus screen replacements and can bring your smartphone back to its former splendor. Bid farewell to ugly cracks and welcome to a spotless screen that seems new! 
Reliable mobile phone repair in Hyderabad 
Trust is essential when it comes to mobile phone repair. With years of expertise and a dedication to client satisfaction, our repair business has established itself as Hyderabad's go-to source for trustworthy smartphone repairs. You can rely on our professionals to offer effective solutions at reasonable costs, regardless of the issue you're having—a damaged screen, battery problems, water damage, or anything else. Repair shop for phone near me. 
Convenient Location for Mobile Phone Repair Near You
 Our repair shop is conveniently located in the center of Hyderabad and is easily accessible from [opposite Cothas coffee shop, beside RK Boys hostel, Ameerpet], making our services available to consumers from all over the city. Whether you would rather make an appointment for on-site help or drop off your gadget for repair, our 
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To solve a variety of problems affecting your device, we provide a comprehensive range of mobile phone repair services at our repair shop. Our skilled experts can handle everything from screen replacements and battery repairs to hardware diagnostics and software debugging. We aim to deliver quick and dependable solutions since we recognize how important your smartphone is to your everyday life and want to help you get back up and running as soon as possible in the mobile repair shop Hyderabad. 
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 Don't allow a broken smartphone to impede your progress. Make an appointment with us to receive professional mobile phone repair services in Hyderabad by coming into our repair shop or contacting us. Our staff is here to assist you with any smartphone repair needs, including OnePlus screen replacements. Get in touch with us at [contact details] so we can retrieve your device. 
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robgaudet · 9 months
Coding Chronicles: A Day in the Life of a Programmer
In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, the role of a programmer has never been more critical. Whether you are working on building a new software application, maintaining existing systems, or solving complex problems with code, the life of a programmer is filled with challenges and excitement. In this article, we will take you on a journey through a typical day in the life of a programmer, shedding light on the tasks, routines, and experiences that make this profession both demanding and rewarding.
Morning Routine
For many programmers, the day begins early. They may start by brewing a cup of coffee or tea to help kickstart their brain before diving into the world of code. Some prefer to work from the comfort of their homes, while others commute to their offices or co-working spaces. Regardless of the location, the morning routine often includes checking emails and catching up on industry news and updates.
One of the day's first tasks is to review the progress made the previous day. Programmers often work in teams, so communication and collaboration are essential. They might participate in daily stand-up meetings, discussing their goals for the day and any roadblocks they've encountered. These meetings are a way to keep everyone on the same page and ensure the project stays on track.
Writing Code
The heart of a programmer's day is, of course, writing code. Whether they are developing a new feature, fixing bugs, or optimizing existing code, this is where their expertise truly shines. Programmers typically work with various programming languages and tools, depending on the project and their area of specialization.
Writing code is only sometimes a straightforward process. Programmers often spend considerable time planning and designing their solutions before they start coding. This involves breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable pieces and creating a clear roadmap for implementation. Once the plan is in place, they can begin writing the code.
Coding can be an intense and focused activity. Programmers need to pay attention to every detail, as a single mistake in their code can lead to errors and unexpected behavior in the software. They often use integrated development environments (IDEs) and version control systems to streamline workflow and ensure code quality.
Programmers are problem solvers at their core. They encounter various challenges that require creative thinking and analytical skills throughout the day. Whether it's finding a more efficient algorithm, identifying the root cause of a bug, or brainstorming solutions to a complex technical issue, problem-solving is a constant part of their job.
Collaboration plays a significant role in problem-solving. Programmers frequently collaborate with colleagues, share ideas, and seek advice when facing complex problems. This collaborative approach not only helps find better solutions but also fosters a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among team members.
Testing and Debugging
Writing code is just one aspect of a programmer's job. Equally important is testing and debugging. Once the code is written, it must be thoroughly tested to ensure it works as expected and meets the project's requirements. Programmers use various testing techniques, from unit tests that check individual components to integration tests that verify the interactions between different software parts.
Debugging, identifying, and fixing errors or "bugs" in the code can be time-consuming and frustrating. Programmers often use debugging tools and techniques to trace the flow of their code and pinpoint the source of issues. Attention to detail and patience are crucial when debugging, as even small mistakes can have significant consequences.
Continuous Learning
The tech industry constantly evolves, and programmers must keep up with the latest trends and technologies. This means that a significant part of a programmer's day is dedicated to continuous learning. They may read documentation, watch tutorials, or take online courses to improve their skills and stay current with industry developments.
Programmers also engage in knowledge sharing within their teams and communities. They attend conferences, participate in forums and discussion groups, and contribute to open-source projects. This not only helps them learn from others but also allows them to give back to the programming community.
Lunch Break and Mental Breaks
Like anyone else, programmers need breaks to recharge and refocus. Lunchtime is an opportunity to step away from the computer, stretch their legs, and enjoy a meal. Some programmers prefer socializing with colleagues during this time, while others use it as a moment of solitude to relax.
In addition to a lunch break, programmers often take short mental breaks throughout the day. These breaks can involve a walk, a quick chat with a colleague, or simply gazing out the window. Such breaks can help prevent burnout and improve overall productivity.
Code Reviews and Collaboration
Collaboration is a central aspect of a programmer's work. In addition to daily stand-up meetings, they conduct code reviews, where team members inspect each other's code for quality, consistency, and potential issues. Code reviews provide valuable feedback and help maintain a high code standard within the project.
Collaboration also extends to discussions and brainstorming sessions. Programmers work together to find the best solutions to problems and decide the project's direction. Effective communication and teamwork are essential for a successful outcome.
Evening Wind-Down
As the day ends, programmers often wind down their work. They may finish any remaining tasks, document progress, and update project boards or lists. It's essential to leave the job in a state that allows for a smooth transition when they return the next day.
Many programmers are passionate about their craft and continue to work on personal projects or explore new technologies in their free time. However, balancing work and personal life is equally essential to prevent burnout.
A combination of creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, and continuous learning marks a day in the life of a programmer. Programmers are not just individuals who write lines of code; they are the architects of our digital world. Their dedication and expertise drive innovation and shape the future of technology.
Whether you are a seasoned programmer or someone aspiring to enter this field, understanding programmers' daily routines and challenges can provide valuable insights. It's a profession that demands perseverance, adaptability, and a genuine love for solving complex puzzles through code. So, the next time you encounter a piece of software that makes your life easier or a digital solution that impresses you, remember the dedicated programmers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make it happen.
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