#nemesis: rogues' gallery
smashpages · 2 months
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Mark Millar’s first release as part of his Millarworld line at Dark Horse will be Nemesis: Rogues’ Gallery, featuring artwork by Valerio Giangiordano and Lee Loughridge. The five-issue series includes cover art from Giangiordano.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Okay hear me out: new goon/right hand interview, with AK Scarecrow. I read your chapter two of "Your One True Nemesis" (a superb story btw) and couldn't help but get curious about how you would portray the interview process with Crane instead of Edward (he's living in my head rent free, I'm so sorry ;_;)
But please don't feel pressured - if you don't feel like it, you absolutely don't have to write it. Your well-being comes first! ^///^🧡🧡
Competency Based
Arkham!Scarecrow x GN!Reader, word count: 2.1k losing my mind a little bit over this 💀 i'm so sorry this is longer than expected lmao but i just... where i knew i would be angry at eddie and his fast-paced bullshit, i knew it'd be a slow, psychological torture with a calm and collected jonathan. also i named it after my nightmare, competency based interviews, because they are what i fear the most. seemed appropriate 🧡🎃 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: interrogation vibes, threats, weird flirting from an old man, discussion of phobias/fears, smoking, sorry there's no smut but i find this intensely fucking erotic so warning for that i guess
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A bare bulb hanging from the ceiling flooded the beige room with a dim and sickening yellow light. It would have perhaps felt sterile, clinical, at one point, before the pervading scent of black mould, the source of which outlined the cracked tiles on the floor. Walls which were stained with almost artistic formations of dripping, torn wallpaper so precisely reminiscent of some forgotten, horror B-movie that it might well have been staged. The desk, chipped on the edges, the plastic veneer giving way to the rotting chipboard underneath, scratched and etched on top, sticky underneath. One chair, empty. Metal, rusted at the joints, the screws threatening to turn to dust with a single touch, the other chair, in a similar condition of disrepair and notably uneven on the floor, occupied by you.
And there you sat, nervously twiddling your thumbs, sweat forming on your palms, a metallic taste plaguing your tongue as your heart refused to calm down, to stop thumping in your ears to allow you at least the safety of being able to hear him coming. You were nervous though, and noticeably so. Despite the week you had spent preparing, staring at images of Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow, from newspaper clippings, screenshots from the news, on the websites, pro and against his particular brand of psychology based morals and ethics. Yet you knew, deep down, nothing could prepare you for sitting across from him, staring at him.
There was nowhere else to turn. Bridges were burned. Doors were closed. And Scarecrow’s power, his gauntlet encased grip on Gotham growing tighter every day. You needed this job. Better the devil you know, and everyone knew Scarecrow.
So deep in thought were you, that you hadn’t heard the door open, and you’d mistaken the subtle creak of the leg brace he wore for the movements of your own chair under your uneasy jittering. The buzzing of the light covered his breath, the drip, unplaceable, covered his steps, and not until he was passing your peripheral vision like a nightmare on the edges of your reality were you fully able to comprehend that he existed, in reality, your reality, in an enclosed and possibly inescapable room.
Without speaking to you, Jonathan sat in the chair opposite, the legs scraping along the tiles, your blood chilling in your veins at the sound. Clearly, and without even realising it, you had made a face, disgust or distaste, perhaps discomfort, at the noise. When you opened your eyes, having plunged yourself into darkness to satisfy the need to expunge the curdling sensation from your body, you caught Jonathan’s eyes. As you opened your mouth, willing an apology out, he spoke first.
“My apologies.”
You inhaled deeply through your nose, trying to suppress the shuddering exhale.
Impress him. Without letting him know how much you need this, how much it means to you. You are strong-willed. Brave. Stoic in the face of stress and even fear. You are perfect for him.
Your affirmations calmed you down, but only slightly, and only for a few moments before Crane spoke again.
“Thank you for attending. Your interest in the position, in any position, is greatly valued. I’m familiar with your previous work. It’s… a pleasure… to have you here.”
Admittedly, it wasn’t necessarily surprising that he would be aware of you, of your notoriety. You’d worked for them all, a valuable asset, trustworthy and skilled at what you did. Realistically, it was only a matter of time until your paths crossed. And still, you felt a flutter in your stomach, recognition from Jonathan Crane himself flushing your cheeks a, hopefully, dull pink.
Reaching across the table to initiate the introductions formally, you offered your hand. Your right hand. Only noticing this first mistake, likely to be the first of many, as he flexed his own right hand, the needles on the edge of the gauntlet twitching as the almost luminous orange liquid was jostled around in the vials.
“Perhaps we can leave the formalities for now.”
Offering a weak, polite smile, you put your hands in your lap under the table, nervously wringing them, hoping the motion wasn’t visible in your upper arms. You paused to wonder why he had chosen to wear the gauntlet to the interview, but he interrupted your internal panic.
“Why are you scared?”
“W-why am I… now?”
He nodded, silently, drumming his fingers on the table, the threat of the unholy screech of metal against metal as the needles, rusted and overused, traced over it, light enough that they remained as silent as Jonathan did.
“I’m… b-be… it’s…”
Raising his left hand, holding his palm flat to you, he mercifully let you stop stammering for the right words.
“Please. I only ask because in your time, you’ve come across larger men. Stronger men. Men with tempers far less balanced as mine. Sionis, Dent, Nigma. Each of them with something more dangerous than I have. But…”
He spread his hands apart, displaying himself, open to you.
“…here we are. Shall we get to know each other better?”
“I already know you pretty well.”
“Quite. And while I know of you, I don’t know what’s inside. What lies within you. What could be stirring within the mind of someone so strong, strong enough to associate with men like me, but not strong enough to answer a simple question.”
As you looked at him, eyebrow raising as though pulled by a string attached to his own sense of curiosity, he asked you again.
“Why are you scared?”
Swallowing your fear, suppressing it, the need for protection and stability in employment usurping it’s position at the forefront of your mind, you took a breath and licked at your lips, noticing that Crane leaned in lightly as your tongue flitted out and quickly back in.
“That’s what you want, isn’t it?”
“I suppose. But that doesn’t answer the question.”
“Maybe you exude fear. Maybe you’re surrounded by a cloud of toxin, enough to have anyone in a state of lingering, but barely effective, terror.”
“An interesting theory, but not the right answer.”
“You can’t know that.”
You jumped at the sound of his leg brace creaking, a squeak and a loud crack from the hinge.
“Not if you don’t tell me the truth. I can’t really know anything in that event.”
“I need this. Fear born of necessity. Dread that I might make a mistake.”
The corners of his mouth, albeit stitched together and crooked, turned up into a slight smile.
“I like that answer.”
“I’m glad.”
“It serves its purpose, to an extent. Feeds the ego. Unfortunately for you, it is the id that I am intent on reaching, of digging my fingers into. Should you let me, of course.”
“And if I don’t?”
Jonathan’s clouded eyes focused on yours, his dulled pupils seeming to sharpen as he honed in on you, a glint of something beyond them that you couldn’t quite place, or didn’t have the confidence to admit to.
“What else frightens you?”
“Like… in general?”
He nodded slowly, leaning back in his chair and crossing his legs, boot clad foot tapping in the air.
“Heights, failure, the dark. Nothing… nothing abnormal.”
He shook his head and you laughed a little at the way he seemed to disapprove of your answer.
“Honestly! Nothing really scares me all that much.”
“Excuse me?”
“Do you mind if I smoke?”
“I… what? No, of course not. But… around the toxin… it’s ok?”
He struck a match, holding it against the slightly crushed cigarette he now held to his mangled lips.
“Maybe… it’s more exciting that way though, don’t you think?”
“And you need my permission?”
He leaned into the table, elbows hard against the surface, and exhaled, a plume of acrid smoke floating towards you, clouding your own vision as you imagined his was.
“It’s only polite.”
You watched him, the way he held the cigarette between his slender fingers, chipped nails stained yellow, knuckles darker, calloused. You studied them so thoroughly you could almost feel them on you. Grazing over your neck, romantic, dangerous. Implied eroticism through the sheer terror of him. Clearing your throat, you refocused just as he resumed his questioning.
“Have you ever felt the effects of my toxin?”
“Would you like to?”
“Out of curiosity… probably yes.”
Crane smiled, blowing the remaining smoke upwards, his cigarette all but a stub.
“Your preferred method?”
“There’s choices?”
Jonathan stood up, suddenly but not quickly, a small movement of his knee to loosen it before he walked to the wall, putting the cigarette out against it and letting it fall to the floor, beginning to walk towards you languidly, until he was behind you, pacing back and forth, a surround sound effect as the heavy steps of his boots echoed around you.
“There’s always a choice.”
He spoke from behind you, but you remained still in your seat, staring forward at the wall, focusing your attention on the burn mark on the wall, your eyes boring the hole further into the wood beyond the charred paper.
“What would yours be?”
You had no idea how to respond. There was every chance that your selection was going to lead to a violent nightmare within the four disgusting walls of the room you were in, those same walls seeming to get closer to you, creeping inwards, threatening to swallow you. But you couldn’t stay quiet.
“What would you recommend, Doctor Crane.”
“You’re asking for a prescription?”
“I’m asking for your valued opinion.”
He laughed, a sweet sound, almost. Higher in tone that his speaking voice, warm in a way that made you feel safer, reassured. An effective placating tool.
“Well, there’s the gas. A traditional method, if not slightly more ominous given the connotations. But that’s not always a bad thing.”
The boots, heavy on the ground, seemed to scuff more the longer he paced, only on his left leg though, as though it were growing more and more difficult to keep up with the movement. But you doubted he was the kind of man who would be willing to accept his constraints.
“Dust, pills, tabs, all previous transgressions I have experimented with, which I would be happy to synthesise again if you so choose.”
Considering the implications, you could feel the sweat forming on your palms again, your brow hot, cheeks flushed, chest heaving as your heart beat rapidly within the walls of your ribcage.
“But, for me, I’ve found the most effective method is my preferred in fact. The one I would recommend…”
Standing directly behind you, a position you could feel, instincts buried within your primordial brain causing the hairs on your neck and arms to rise, he leaned in, body against the chair you sat in. As the metal of his brace scraped against the leg of the chair, your breath hitched when you felt the almost imperceptible cold tingling of metal against your skin.
Out the corner of your eye, you could make out his arm, the gauntlet, orange, black, browns, flesh, the scent of oiled metal and leather, the pressure of the tips of the needles against you. Becoming still, solid, though your breath quivered as it escaped you in hushed, slow exhales.
“…it’ll always be the needles. Intravenous, muscular. My toxin coursing through your body, bringing forth what you’re truly afraid of.”
Leaning in further, the needles creating light scratches on your skin, but not far enough into the flesh to cause any immediate effects, he whispered into your ear.
“Why are you scared?”
As your eyes began to water from the stillness with which you held your body, you urged your mouth open, letting the words fall out clumsily, but honestly.
“I’m not.”
A soft, crackling laugh hit your ear along with the heat of his breath. As quick as he had appeared by your side, he was gone, the threat of the needles removed from your person, and you slouched in your chair momentarily before straightening up and clasping your hands on the table top.
Jonathan made his way back around the table, sitting back down in the chair, stretching his left hand out onto the table.
Smiling at the gesture, almost an inside joke between the two of you, you took it in yours. Warm, dry, his grip pleasant and civil until you felt his fingers tense around you.
“You will be though.”
Tighter, until you felt a dull pain begin to throb in your knuckles as they pressed into each other.
“After all, that’s the business I’m in. That we are in.”
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moss-on-trees · 11 months
Some time after Danny joins the Justice League, his Rogues find out and whine at him about how he's "hoarding all the good fights and we're all so boooored, don't be stingy!" so they come up with a summoning rotation where he calls on them to help deal with the kind of threats that requires backup. The JL is appreciative at first. They are less so once they realise how chaotic Danny's reformed Rogue Gallery can be.
(Batman especially wants them all gone, they're so unpredictable he can't plan a strategy around their madness. Robin hates Youngblood with the fire of a thousand suns and has declared him his nemesis. The Flash wants Clockwork to stop bullying him.)
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wufflesvetinari · 2 years
dick, early on in bludhaven: ugh, can’t believe BRUCE is coming around to try and show me up in my own city. he thinks I’m so incompetent but I can handle myself!! He better not make me look like a sidekick in front of my new rogues gallery or I swear to god—
*superman one-hit KOs dick’s nemesis for him as a treat, instantly solving many of dick’s problems for the day*
dick: hee :)
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Goonian Rep Danny AU
So, I think most of us have seen the AU where Danny joins the Goonion as a representative to get them their benefits
And I think we all gloss over the fact that there is another Union for Villains around. The Flash Rogues Gallery! They have Rules, Payouts, punishments, traditions, everything!
I can see a world where Danny joins the Flash Rouges Union as an enforcer of the Rules. Like he is there when they beat the shit out of Inertia for tricking them into killing Bart Allen, or he is the one who punishes Trickster when he breaks the “No unnecessary harming of civilians unless for revenge” Rule.
He is the one who keeps them in line, and he has a similar relationship like the Flash to them, except he is much more morally grey. He won’t care if you kill a civilian as long as the civilian met the “Revenge” criteria, but anything else and you can bet your Pay is docked for the next 3 months
He and Flash have an amicable relationship. He keeps the Rouges in line with the Rules they set up themselves, and Flash acts as the source of their source of entertainment and nemesis.
I like to imagine that one day a Rouge breaks a rule, like maybe that time the Trickster stuck those bombs on the civilians I mentioned before, and Flash just says “Not my problem anymore, you broke the rule”
And he just pulls out his phone and calls Danny to inform him of the violation before sitting back and watching the fireworks (he does save the civilians, no worries)
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capnko · 9 months
The rogues must be disappointed when Batman is out of town, fighting aliens and saving the world with his silly gang who wear their undergarments wrong.
The Riddler would just up and leave when Green Arrow shows up (per Batman's request since none of his kids were available at the moment). The archer would scratch the back of his head and give the wrong answer at least 38 times before the Riddler goes "yeah fuck this shit" and walks out, not bothering to actually blow up the hostages like he said he would - since it would've been unfair to those poor civilians, left to the mercy of a buffoon with a weird goatee (c'mon, seriously? Nygma had a spandex phase and even that wasn't as bad as this!)
Joker wouldn't even bother showing his face. Instead he would take a page out of the bat's book and brood in the darkness of his base, contemplating finding a way to send himself to space in order to see his beloved nemesis.
Ivy would go on a rampage because the Flash stomped all over the flowers she had planted in Gotham City Park. Batman was a man and a menace, sure, but at least he respected her creations and took care not to cause any damage to them when he's on patrol. He even found a lone lily growing between the cracks in the pavement on the sidewalk at some point, carefully put it in a pot and brought it to her. (it was very considerate, she even gave him a kiss - which didn't affect him negatively, thank you very much!)
Overall, the rogues gallery hate it when Batman isn't in Gotham. They especially hate his colleagues - how the bat can tolerate them is a mystery to them, especially regarding that Lantern guy (blegh).
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The bad guys have been my least favorite aspect of My Adventures with Superman up to now, but I gotta say I appreciate the positioning of Parasite as the forerunner of this Superman’s rogue’s gallery.
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For a B-tier villain, the selfish, myopic pathological taker is a no-brainer as the arch-nemesis of the guy who gives too much of himself.
There’s just something poetic about the human man who makes himself into a literal version of the monster he and others are convinced Superman is.
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nilotheberryboy · 1 year
having a lot of fun building Peni headcanon from a mix of the comics and my own brain; however I feel like we're very likely to get more info on what's been going on with her in Beyond so I'm trying not to set anything too much in stone. main point I'm really committed to for now is that the 14512 version of Doc Ock is the closest thing she has to a local nemesis, playing a far more central role in her rogues gallery than most versions of him do, and he's really cosmic-horror-y. ultimately defeated wildly anticlimactically after painful amounts of buildup and dread, though in a way that helps Peni shift her attention to more multiversal matters; bait-and-switch boss energy
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I know this is probably not what you said, but it was the first idea I got I wanted to make it more horror-inducing, but tbh I don't have the energy to do it today, I was thinking more of a vibe of the angels in EVA
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dragonomatopoeia · 11 months
scientific literacy will give you a fun little rogue's gallery if you're doing it right. a nemesis roster even. for instance i want to smash a chair over paul ekman's head.
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cosmosrebellion · 11 months
I love how none of the villains introduced so far have a motivation that's intrinsically connected to Superman.
Livewire is a weapons smuggler. Banshee and Inter Gang want to be big time criminals. Parasite is a billionaire.
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They're villainous motivations not being connected to Superman allows for smaller scale stories that serve to set up their personalities beyond "Hates Superman", and means that when we eventually get a villain whose motivation will be directly attacking Superman in a physical and emotional way - possibly Lex; possibly Zod - it's going to be even more impactful.
Also, one of my biggest pet peeves with a lot of current superhero material is a lack of smaller scale stories. Every supervillain is now fighting for the "Number One Nemesis" spot, meaning every story is a huge "The day has to be saved, or the World gets exploded". So My Adventures having more lower stakes villains that eventually build to something bigger help flesh out Metropolis as a setting, how it's people see it's hero and it's villains, and Clark's relationship with his rogues gallery.
I'm loving it 💜
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smashpages · 1 month
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This is Jae Lee's variant cover for Nemesis: Rogues' Gallery #1 (Dark Horse, July 2024).
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what if I made a ninjago x dc au where the ninja are vigilantes that protect ninjago city. and ninjago city is this really weird place known for being supernatural and magical in nature. and they are metas. and Wu is the weird uncle who trains them. and all the Big Bads of different seasons are their rogue galleries, with Garmadon being their nemesis. and they actually have secret identities
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memento-mori-twilight · 9 months
Looking at the villians they had for My Adventures with Superman,
They honestly picked the best choices they could for a Season 1 rogues gallery.
Think about it (way too much detail below):
They didn't want to dip too far into multiverse and multidimensional villians, outside of Mxyztplk to introduce the concept, so they couldn't pull out Ultraman or Superboy/man Prime (who needs a Crisis Event to even exist properly if they want to do him nicely and that's a whole other can of worms).
They couldn't introduce Kryptonite soon enough for Metallo or Conduit to be relevant, and Metallo also kinda needs Lexcorp to exist beforehand (unless they wanna go with the military origin version who doesn't need Lex).
Conduit also requires an intense murderous rivalry with Clark from Smallville, which how they have made Clark Kent in this iteration, wouldn't make sense. What would he be pissed over, Clark beating him at a chess tournament?!?
Bizarro also comes from Lex's machinations having been a failed clone he created.
Aliens are *not* a common thing known, so intergalactic villains like Darkseid, Lobo, Mongol, and Zod aren't ones to form as threats until Clark knows what Krypton even is, or at least has a vague kind of idea.
We also don't have STAR Labs (yet) and barely have an evil form of Cadmus Labs (sincw they kinds blend in with Task Force X)
Honestly on that front, they did great reworking to have Parasite and Intergang in here as threats, since their origins/threat levels are often tied to Darkseid. Pairing them with Silver Banshee and Ivo were smart in that regards.
And yeah, I can hear the complaints already about Banshee not being a Metahuman and Livewire not being a Shock Jock, but metahumans being a thing not originating from a hush hush experiment from the military (as Episode 9 suggests is happening with Leslie) wouldn't work with how they formed Jimmy's story arc.
On top of that, Silver Banshee was born of magic shenanigans, and introducing that weakness before his more famous one of glowy rock with no known helpful magical allies would have been a major misstep, because that would essentially leave Clark no way to counter and win. She could still mess around with magic angle later in, though, after getting a taste of the power via the tech. (And maybe her sparking a romance with Jimmy, eh?)
As for Livewire not being a Shock Jock, that requires the fact of Superman being previously established as a hero in Metropolis for a time for there to be news about him (and a prominent radio station in Metropolis for Leslie to get zappy-zapped by radio tower after getting fired), which wouldn't work since the show's story makes it clear that Lois and Jimmy are the first ones to encounter him. {Also going the influencer angle wouldn't make sense for her getting electric powers because how would she get zapped while uploading vids on YouTube? Wifi or 5G doesn't work like that.}
Therefore, blending them in with Waller's proto-Suicide Squad of criminals and Sam Lane's distrustful actions against Nemesis Omega all wrapped in a military/government jingoistic bow was a smart move to not make some major potholes for the purpose of story direction. And making them have powers from repurposed Kryptonian tech also equals the unspoken question of "how is Superman constantly getting his ass beat?"
The only other real "Superman" villians they would have room left to mess with would be Toyman, the Atomic Skull, Ultra-humanite, Titano, Chemo, Bloodsport, the Prankster, Volcana (who is barely a villian and is more a victim of circumstance), Mr. Zed, and Manchester Black (depending how they implement them). And we very well may see many of them in Season 2, along with some of the ones from above, now that Kryptonite and the Multiverse exists now and Brainiac and other Krypton survivors have been teased.
They did their best with what they had left to work with, if they wanted to give us the beautiful characterizations and story beats we got in the first place.
Anyway, that's my piece on the villians, why they chose the ones they did, and why they were tech based instead of their other origins, and what ones they could mess with in Season 2 maybe.
Thanks if you read this whole thing, you're a real one for hearing me out.
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wondyvillains · 8 months
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Wow, check out this AMAZING piece by artist Rich Bernatovech! What a great showcase of Wonder Woman's rogues gallery!
Here's a list of villains that I've managed to find among the over 100 villains:
• Adjudicator • Aegeus • Alkyone • Anann • Andres Cadulo • Angle Man • Anglette • Apollo • Ares • Armageddon • Astarte • Atomia • Badra • Baroness Von Gunther • Barremargox • Baundo • Bellona • Blue Snowman • Cassandra • Cassie Arnold • Cat Eye • Cheetah (Barbara Ann Minerva) • Cheetah (Debbi Domaine) • Cheetah (Priscilla Rich) • Circe • Crimson Centipede • Cronus • Cyborgirl • Dark Angel • Decay • Deimos • Devastation • Disdain • Doctor Cyber • Doctor Poison • Doctor Psycho • Drax • Dreadnought • Duke of Deception • Earl of Greed • Echidna • Egg Fu • Eris • Euryale • Eviless • Fausta Grables • Fireworks Man • First Born • Genocide • Giganta • Glop • God With No Name • Grail • Gundra • Hades • Harrier • Hecate • Hera • Hercules • Hypnota • Inventa • Janus • Julianna Sazia • Karnell • Liar Liar • Lord Conquest • Mask • Mayfly • Medusa • Minister Blizzard • Mob God • Mouse Man • Nemesis • Oblivion • Osira • Paper-Man • Phobos • Queen Clea • Queen of Fables • Red Panzer • Savage Fire • Sharkeeta • Silver Swan (Helen Alexandros) • Silver Swan (Valerie Beaudry) • Silver Swan (Vanessa Kapatelis) • Slaughter • Sontag Henya • Stheno • Superwoman • Tigra Tropica • Titan • Trinity • Veronica Cale • White Magician • Zara
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
*tosses a handful of ribs to the table*
Any fandom or combination thereof. Any character/characters. Three words: Emotional Support Nemesis.
*plays the ribs like a xylophone*
ok I gotchu.
Simply: The Flash.
Have you SEEN how he interacts with his villains?!
The man will just go to a bar with his rogues' gallery and just talk. There's an entire comic called Rogues Revenge?! These bitches are more family centered than all of the Fast and the Furious movies combined. All of them are emotional support nemesis (besides the evil speedsters. those aren't really rogues. They're just assholes.)
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cottonundiestf · 1 year
Transformed Heroines A to Z: Enemies to Lovers
Being a hero meant having a nemesis. Sure, anyone could have a rogues gallery, but to really be a big name in crime fighting, you had to have a proper archenemy.
As a former sidekick, Batbrat lacked a nemesis of her own. Everyone saw her enemies as The Bat's bad guys. That was, until she started responding to Jester's crimes.
It was strange; almost like the clown-themed villain was going out of her way to commit crimes when Batbrat was patrolling. She started making a name out of defeating the crime clown, and they always put on a show for onlookers. Flashy hand-to-hand fights with plenty of banter. None of Batbrat's other baddies bantered with her, so it was a refreshing change of pace!
The newspapers started calling them New York's favorite frenemies due to their playful cat-and-mouse antagonism. Jester's troublemaking mostly capped out at grand theft and causing mischief for big companies, so it was hard for Batbrat not to go easy on her.
At some point, the media questioned of Batbrat was even trying to stop Jester at all. They had a point; the last time Jester turned a real estate mogul's mansion into a nightclub, Batbrat did more dancing than fighting when she showed up on the scene.
The perpetual lowering of her guard culminated in an encounter where Batbrat arrived a warehouse overgrown with magical plants. She knew Jester had a relationship with Lady Ivy, but when Batbrat asked, "Are you trying to make me jealous?" she was surprised when Jester commanded the plants to wrap her up.
"Really? Is this necessary?"
"Is the fighting? Be real, Batbabe; you don't really want to fight me, do you?"
The vigilante blushed. "...Maybe not."
"Thought so. If you were taking this seriously, you wouldn't have gotten caught," she pointed out. "So now the big bad evil clown's got you in her clutches." Jester grinned mischievously.
Batbrat's chest fluttered. "I guess she does. I wonder what a totally evil bad girl would do to a captured hero like this?"
"I wonder," she mused, pulling a zipper on Batbrat's costume and turning her to smile for the camera. "New York's been shipping us for months now; maybe it's time I make a dishonest Bat gal outta you," she teased.
Their first "couple stream" had #Jestbrat trending for a week. Some people questioned how a hero could justify dating a villain, but most people gave Batbrat a pass; everyone loved a fun, messy enemies-to-lovers romance.
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Art Credit to MaHenBu. I acknowledge I'm a day behind, so thank you for your patience! This one was obviously a bit different (and maybe a little rushed) but I hope you enjoyed a little bit of fluff!
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